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the MCT2Diagnose • Prescribe • Practice for the Mississippi Curriculum Test, Second Edition Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Includes: • Mississippi Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Mathematics Competencies and Objectives • Diagnostic Test • Practice by Competency • Practice Test • Countdown to MCT2 Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN: 978-0-07-878496-5 MHID: 0-07-878496-4 Mastering the MCT2, Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Printed in the United States of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 079 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 Contents Mississippi Mathematics Framework Revised, Competencies and Objectives, Pre-Algebra, (Grade 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Diagnostic Test–Student Recording Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Diagnostic Test–Student Answer Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Diagnostic Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Practice by Competency Competency 1 Number and Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Competency 2 Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Competency 3 Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Competency 4 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Competency 5 Data Analysis and Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Practice Test–Student Answer Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Practice Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Countdown to MCT2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Mastering the MCT2, Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) iii undefined.2.d Simplify and evaluate expressions using order of operations and use real number properties to justify solutions. Apply concepts and perform basic operations using real numbers in real-world contexts.2. (DOK1) 8.g Explain and use the inverse relationship between square roots and squares. multiplication. negative. (DOK2) Mastering the MCT2.e Graph linear equations and non-linear equations (y = x2) using multiple methods including t-tables and slope-intercept.a represents Pre-Algebra (Grade 8). and multiply monomials and binomials.2. (DOK1) 8.2.g Determine slope.1. (DOK2) 8. identify its slope as positive.1. (DOK2) 8.h Add.1.Mississippi Mathematics Framework Competencies and Objectives.e Explain the rules of exponents related to multiplication and division of terms with exponents. 8. (DOK1) 8. Competencies and Objectives Competency 1: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. and apply principles of graphing. subtraction.1. and order rational and irrational numbers and their subsets. or zero.2. solve linear equations and inequalities.2.d Model inequalities (and their solutions) on a number line.1.a Define. (DOK2) Competency 2: ALGEBRA Apply properties to simplify algebraic expressions. 8.c Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable.2.f Given a linear graph. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) v . x-intercept.b Formulate and solve standard and real-life problems involving addition. (DOK2) 8. classify. (DOK1) 8. Objective a.b Apply properties of real numbers with an emphasis on the distributive properties of multiplication over addition and subtraction. (DOK2) 8.2. and interpret slope as rate of change. (DOK2) 8. (DOK1) 8.2.a Simplify and evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions. and division of rational numbers.1. subtract.f Recognize and appropriately use exponential and scientific notation.i Predict characteristics of a graph given an equation or t-table. (DOK2) 8.1. Competency 1. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.1. (DOK1) 8. and y-intercept from a graph and/or equation in slope-intercept or standard form. (DOK1) 8. Inc. (DOK2) 8. The number 8.c Apply the concepts of Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) to monomials with variables. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) The objective numbers were devised by the publisher for easy reference in the book. e Use two-dimensional representations (nets) of three-dimensional objects to describe objects from various perspectives. volume.5. Solve real-world application problems that include length. 8.3. (DOK2) 8. Inc.5.b Develop. supplementary. angles. and circumference using standard measurements. (DOK2) Competency 4: MEASUREMENT Understand measurable attributes of objects and apply various formulas in problem solving situations.4. (DOK3) 8. mode. and explain methods for solving problems involving proportions.b Find missing angle measurements for parallel lines cut by a transversal(s) and for a vertex of a polygon.3. alternate interior.Mississippi Mathematics Framework Competencies and Objectives. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. complementary.d Construct and interpret scatter plots to generalize trends from given data sets.. and two.and three-dimensional figures. (DOK3) vi Mastering the MCT2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) (continued) Competencies and Objectives Competency 3: GEOMETRY Identify and apply geometric principles to polygons.4.g. perimeter. (DOK1) 8. and range to summarize and compare data sets including investigation of the different effects that change in data values have on these measures.3.a Locate and identify angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal(s) (e. analyze. and alternate exterior). (DOK2) 8. median. area. cones. such as scaling and finding equivalent ratios.c Use formulas and/or appropriate measuring tools to find length and angle measures (to appropriate levels of precision). (DOK1) Competency 5: DATA ANALYSIS & PROBABILITY Interpret. (DOK3) 8.3. and surface area of polygons.d Solve real-world and non-routine problems involving congruent and similar figures. and make predictions about a variety of data using concepts of probability.a Use a given mean. (DOK2) 8. area.5. adjacent. corresponding. vertical.a .b Select the appropriate measures of central tendency for a particular purpose. spheres. and composite or irregular figures.3. 8.c Make and list conjectures by calculating probability for experimental or simulated contexts.5. (DOK3) 8.4. (DOK1) 8. perimeter. (DOK3) 8. pyramids. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.c Explain the Pythagorean Theorem and apply it to solve routine and non-routine problems. circles. organize. 8. y1)2 circle A = πr2 Three-Dimensional Figures Surface Area cube S = 6s2 cylinder S = 2πr2 + 2πrh lateral area of a cylinder S = 2πrh ( ) Slope of a Line: y2 . Distance Formula d = rt.y1 m=_ x2 . a2 + b2 = c2. 1 2 2 trapezoid 1 (b + b )h A=_ 2 2 1 Distance Formula: d = √ (x2 . Pythagorean Theorem square A = s2 rectangle A = w or A = bh Coordinate Plane triangle bh A=_ 2 Midpoint Formula: x1 + x2 _ y + y2 M= _ . Two-Dimensional Figures Perimeter and Circumference square P = 4s rectangle P = 2( + w) circle C = 2πr or C = πd In a right triangle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c. 2a Mastering the MCT2. 2-4ac -b± √b x = __. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc.x1)2 + (y2 .x1) Algebraic Equations Volume rectangular prism V = wh cylinder V = πr2h cube V = s3 Standard Form of a Linear Equation: Ax + By = C Quadratic Formula: For ax2 + bx + c = 0.x1 Slope-Intercept Form of an Equation: y = mx + b Point-Slope Form of an Equation: y .y1 = m(x . If you become familiar with these formulas. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) vii . where r = rate and t = time Area Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Formulas This list contains formulas that are commonly used to solve problems in mathematics. you will save time when answering questions on your test. . d 25 43 8.a 36 42 8.2.a 36 18 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) ix .a 39 5 8.4.d 34 50 8.d 18 17 Date Diagnostic Test Student Recording Sheet Color in the bubble for each question that you answered correctly on the Diagnostic Test.b 37 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 20 15 8.1.3.f 27 31 28 16 8.5.c 38 9 8.2.2.d 42 35 8.1.a 22 25 8.c 24 27 8.1.i 30 44 8.5.d 34 39 8.1.c 38 29 26 38 8.c 33 22 8.2.c 41 20 8.b 37 24 8.d 42 4 8.c 24 2 8.3.c 17 23 8.2.4.d 25 33 8.c 33 6 8. Inc.1.h 29 40 8. For each question you did not answer correctly.a 15 45 8.5.b 32 36 8.2.c 38 37 8.a 39 19 8.b 37 7 8.g 28 3 8.b 23 26 8.3.3.b 23 11 8.a 39 32 8. Objective Assessed Practice Page Objective Assessed Practice Page 1 8.e 35 41 8. Question Question (continued on the next page) Mastering the MCT2.b 40 48 8.1.b 16 49 8.b 40 14 8.c 41 47 31 30 8.3.a 15 34 8.b 32 28 8.5.b 37 12 8.4.a 31 46 8. your teacher may ask you to do the exercises on the practice sheet prescribed.f 27 8 21 10 8. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.c 17 21 8.1.b 16 13 8. 1.e 19 Objective Assessed Practice Page 51 8.3. x Mastering the MCT2.a 22 54 8.2.e 26 58 8.3. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.a 31 40 57 8.b 32 52 8.2.2.b 53 Question Question How many questions did you answer correctly? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) .1.Name Date Diagnostic Test Student Recording Sheet (continued) Objective Assessed Practice Page 56 8.1.d 18 59 8.e 35 55 8.e 19 8.h 29 60 8.5. Inc.3. Record your answers by coloring in the appropriate bubble for the best answer to each question. 1 A B C D 21 A B C D 41 A B C D 2 A B C D 22 A B C D 42 A B C D 3 A B C D 23 A B C D 43 A B C D 4 A B C D 24 A B C D 44 A B C D 5 A B C D 25 A B C D 45 A B C D 6 A B C D 26 A B C D 46 A B C D 7 A B C D 27 A B C D 47 A B C D 8 A B C D 28 A B C D 48 A B C D 9 A B C D 29 A B C D 49 A B C D 10 A B C D 30 A B C D 50 A B C D 11 A B C D 31 A B C D 51 A B C D 12 A B C D 32 A B C D 52 A B C D 13 A B C D 33 A B C D 53 A B C D 14 A B C D 34 A B C D 54 A B C D 15 A B C D 35 A B C D 55 A B C D 16 A B C D 36 A B C D 56 A B C D 17 A B C D 37 A B C D 57 A B C D 18 A B C D 38 A B C D 58 A B C D 19 A B C D 39 A B C D 59 A B C D 20 A B C D 40 A B C D 60 A B C D Mastering the MCT2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 1 .Diagnostic Test Student Answer Sheet Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Inc. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. . Mason Street is parallel to Knolls Avenue.2(-x + 1) = 14? 8.14 for π. Angle 6 and which angle are vertical angles? 8.Name Date Diagnostic Test 1 What is the solution of -4x . Inc.3. 8.c x C 15 in.76 in2 In the figure.44 in2 4 C 12.3. 4 in. 6 7 C ∠7 D ∠8 Go on Mastering the MCT2. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.2.f A y 17 _ 2 x 0 2 What is the interior angle measure of a regular pentagon? 8.56 in2 D 9.b A 60° B 90° 3 C 108° D 120° B y 0 What is the area of the shaded region in the given figure? Use 3.4.2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 3 .a Ma 2 3 o lls et 8 Kn A ∠2 B ∠4 0 D x y 0 x e nu e Av 5 e Str s on y an 4 t ee Str 1 Ry Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.c A -8 C -4 B D -6 5 Which graph shows a line with a negative slope? 8. A 60 in2 B 47. 40°.5. 0. √ 121 .Name Date Diagnostic Test 6 7 (continued) Caleb has scored 14.1 31. Which statement is true? 8.01. Tanya’s race time increases. _ 21. Tanya’s race time decreases. 140°. 40°.d . How many points must he score to average 17 points over the five games? 8. 70° 65° 65° 60° 54° 54° Time 30. -0. line x is parallel to line y.5. Inc.d -5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 a > -3 a ≥ -3 a < -3 a ≤ -3 10 In the figure below. 140°.a 9 A B C D Temp.a 1 .21−− √3 . The table shows her times in seconds and the temperature on the track each time she ran the race. √ D -5.1.7 31 32. D There is no direct relationship between temperature and Tanya’s race time. ∠7. and ∠6 in the figure? 8. 10.9 85 64 21 16 A As the temperature drops. 40° 140°. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 40°. What are the measures of ∠1. 140° Go on 4 Mastering the MCT2. 140°.01 A B C D 3 y 4 2 7 6 5 z 140°. 140° 40°.2. B As the temperature drops. A B C D Tanya runs the 200-meter dash.3.01.1 32. -0. -5 2 B √3. and 22 points in the last four basketball games. π.b x 8 Which numbers in the following set are irrational? 8. ∠2. √ 121 . 40°. π 121 C -5. C Temperature did not affect Tanya’s race time. 18.21−− 21. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. 0. 140° 40°.1 33. -5 2 A 1 40° _1 . 40°. -0. Which inequality is graphed below? 8. 14 for π.c A B C D 452. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.36 m2 37.4.68 m2 graph of the ordered pairs in the table below are NOT linear? 8. Inc. 8. C The y-values do not decrease from left to right.4.902 miles. 6a4b2 + b 2a3 + 3ab3 6a4b2 + 3ab3 6a3b2 + 3ab2 15 Which 3-dimensional object does the net in the diagram below represent? 8. 8. What is the area of the reduced picture? 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 5 .451 mi Go on Mastering the MCT2. y -2 -4 3ab2(2a3 + b)? 8. D They are common factors. the circumference of the Earth is approximately 24.32 m2 75. To the nearest mile. B The rate of change in y with respect to x is not constant.2.Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 11 What is the area of a circle with a radius of 12 meters? Use 3. what is the radius of the earth? Use 3.14 for π.3.2.16 m2 118.d A B C D 80 in2 36 in2 9 in2 5 in2 16 At the equator.h A B C D 12 Which is the best explanation of why the x 14 Which expression is equivalent to -1 0 1 2 -1 0 -1 -4 A The y-values do not increase from left to right.a A B C D 2526 mi 3965 mi 7931 mi 12.3.e Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.e A B C D Square Pyramid Square Prism Cone Triangular Pyramid 13 You reduce a picture that measures 8 inches wide by 10 inches long so that the new width is 2 inches. 01. -0. √ 7 .d in order from least to greatest? 8.a _ 7 0.√ -4 ≤ -x A 19 Which list shows the following numbers 3 A 1 .√ 3 1 .01.3. -1. transversal. 1 .01. _ 7 B 7 . _ 3 C -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 If three parallel lines are cut by a 18 Which of the following is not true about the graph of the data in the table? 0. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) . √2.33. C The graph of the data is not linear.a Go on 6 Mastering the MCT2. . -1.2. -1. y decreases.02 . -0.02. -0.33. -0.2. . _ 2 . D The line containing these points has a y-intercept of -1. -1. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. how many pairs of vertical angles are formed? 8.i x -3 -1 0 1 3 y 5 1 -1 -3 -7 A B C D 12 8 6 4 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 17 Which graph represents the solution to the inequality? 8.33.√ 3 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 1 . √ 2 D 0.02. 0.√ √2 . A As x increases. B The points lie on a line with a slope of -2. 5 cm3 378 cm2 25 Which answer choice illustrates the distributive property being correctly applied when simplifying the expression -3(a .(-a + b)? 8. 5_ A 7_ 4 2 8 3 7 . What is the area of the smallest face of the prism? 8.2. 5 1 . what is the probability that it lands on a number divisible by 3? 8.b) (-3a + 6b) + (a .b) Go on Mastering the MCT2.5. Which pieces should you choose 15 4 13 3 5 11 9 A B Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Inc.b 7 1 .3. 6_ 1 . 6_ _ B 7 1 . 3x. What measure of central tendency was most likely used? 8.d A B C D 3 cm 27 cm2 364. 6 7 .b A B C D (-3a . and _ 4 2 8 6 3 feet.2b) + (a + b) (-3a + 6b) + (a + b) (-3a . 6_ C 7_ 4 2 4 3 7 .Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 21 If a dart hits the board shown below at random. 6_ 1 . 6_ D 5_ 2 8 4 24 A rectangular prism with edges x. You have four pieces _ _ _ of ribbon measuring 7 1 . 5_ 1 . the average family size in the state of Mississippi is 3.b A B C D Range Mode Median Mean as possible? 8.5. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 7 .2b) + (a .2b) .c _ 23 You need 19 18 feet of ribbon to finish your craft project.5 centimeters.5x centimeters long is congruent to a rectangular prism whose longest edge is 13.1. 6_ 4 8 4 3 1 . and 4. C so that you waste as little of the ribbon 1 7 _1 8 _3 8 _5 8 D 1 22 According to the 2005 American Community Survey.14 people. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. a 28 What is the y-intercept of the line with equation -4x + 2y = 24? 8. B The more sleep a person gets. D A runner maintains a steady pace as the marathon progresses.2. the better his or her performance. Currently Pedro has 30 hits with 6 games left to play. Inc.4. the gas mileage decreases.2 Set 1. 137. about how many miles are they apart? 8. 7 Set 2. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. how many hits must he average per game to reach his goal? 8. C As the weight of a car increases. 10.c exactly 3 less than 3 less than or equal to 3 more than 3 0 Domain A As a child grows.b A B C D the scatter plot represent? 8. 22.Name Date (continued) 26 The scale on a map of Mississippi indicates that 2 centimeters is equivalent to 30 miles. A B C D 29 Which of the following situations could Range Diagnostic Test . If he wants to break the record.5.5 centimeters. 31 Set 2. and what is that range? 8. 38. If the distance on the map from Tupelo to Hattiesburg is about 13.d 810 mi 405 mi 202. 135.5 mi 60 mi 27 The team record for hits in a season is 48.g Set 1: {14. 7} Set 2: {130. 141. 125. his or her weight increases. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 30 Go on 8 Mastering the MCT2.5. 30 Which of the two data sets has the greater range. 155} A B C D A B C D 24 12 2 -6 Set 1.2. 2.c 33 The graph below shows the distance Devon bicycles as a function of time.824 mi 32 Which equation is NOT equivalent to radius of 10 inches and a height of 15 inches? Use 3. the towns of Greenwood. which represents the change in his position with respect to time.b A xz = wy B C _y = _z x w x _ _y w= z D xw = yz Go on Mastering the MCT2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 9 . The slope of the line gives his speed. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc.14 for π.c A B C D 157 in3 1570 in3 2355 in3 4710 in3 _xy = _wz ? 8. Jackson A B C D 5 mi/hr 10 mi/hr 5 mi 8 mi 34 What is the volume of a cone with a A B C D 122 mi 172 mi 7380 mi 14.4. and the distance from Jackson to Meridian is approximately 90 miles.f Distance Biked (miles) Diagnostic Test MISSISSIPPI 40 30 20 10 Greenwood 2 4 6 8 Time (hours) Meridian Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.3. 8. how long is the hypotenuse to the nearest mile? 8. If the distance from Greenwood to Jackson is approximately 82 miles. What is his speed? 8. Jackson. and Meridian form a right triangle with the segment from Greenwood to Meridian being the hypotenuse.4.Name Date (continued) 31 On a map of Mississippi. 1. If 10x represents how much greater the population of the U.42 m 22.b 39 Which best describes the mode for a set of data? 8. 37 A house is 60 feet long and 40 feet wide. A B C D y .4. while the estimated population of the United States was 2.3456 m 36 Which expression represents the area of 3 A 11_ 5 _ B 12 3 5 _ C 17 1 5 _ D 34 2 5 the fenced in pens shown below? 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. A scale drawing of the house is 10 inches long. is than that of Mississippi.Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 35 The area of a square is 148. What is the length of the rectangle if it is _ 2 4 inches shorter than the width? 8.g _ 38 The width of a rectangle is 14 25 inches. Inc.99 × 108. What is the length of one side of the square? 8. 3 2 in. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.b A _2 in.1.b 5 A B C D 12. D The mode is the difference between the greatest and least values. B The mode is the value that appears most in the data set.1.9 × 106.5.2 m 37.153.2. B 1 in. What is the width of the house on the scale drawing? 8.84 square meters.S. D 6_ 3 40 In 2006 the estimated population of Mississippi was 2.b w x z 2w + 2x + 2y + 2z wx + wy + wz 4w + 2x + 2y + 2z wxyz A The mode is the average. C The mode is the middle number when the values are listed in order from least to greatest. what is the value of x? 8.21 m 74.f A B C D 100 14 10 2 Go on 10 Mastering the MCT2. 1_ 2 C 6 in. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 11 .6) __ ? 8. the five largest cities in Mississippi have the populations listed in the chart below. To the nearest whole number. Census Bureau.2.a y 0 (continued) City Population Jackson 177.5x4w D _ z2 Go on Mastering the MCT2.1.209 Hattiesburg 47. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.464 Biloxi 50.209 38.5.S. Inc.840 139.5. what is the probability that it will play your favorite song next? 8. what is mean of these populations? 8. What is the perimeter of the Pentagon? 8.d 2 2 -2 A B C D -16 -12 4 12 43 Each side of the Pentagon is about 921 feet long.Name Date Diagnostic Test 41 What is the slope of the line graphed below? 8.333 50.c A 6w2z B 60x4w3z3 C 360x4w5z4 2.c A 300 B 1 1 C _ 300 D 0 46 What is the LCM of 12w2z3 and 30x4w3z? 8.176 Southhaven 38.g x Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.a A B C D 2763 ft 3684 ft 4605 ft 5526 ft 44 According to the 2005 U.137 77.977 Gulfport 72.1. 8 A -_ 3 3 B -_ 8 3 _ C 8 8 D _ 3 A B C D 42 What is the value of the expression -4 + 2(4 .840 45 If your MP3 player contains 300 songs and plays them randomly.4. 9 -18x2 + 3x .4. 23. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) $1850.4 in.7 in. what is the measure of the fourth angle? 8. and 70°.3x) . 48 Which is the GCF of 36a2b and .6 18x2 + 3x + 9 18x2 + 3x .c # 50 Which expression is equivalent to the expression below? 8.a -(7 . 105°.c A B C D 1944a3b3c 54abc 18abc 18ab A 360° B 100° ? C 95° D 75° 52 During the previous five months a car salesman earned the following commissions.b A B C D Range Mode Mean Median Go on Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.1.3x . and $1900 Which measure of central tendency best describes these commissions? 8. 5. $2370.Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 47 Yi created the figure seen below using five rectangles each measuring 3 inches by 6 inches. To the nearest tenth of an inch.2[-(3x)2 + 1] A B C D 18x2 . Inc. If you build a scale model that stands 6 inches tall.2. 33 in. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.3.b A B C D 53 ft 106 ft 159 ft 1908 ft 12 Mastering the MCT2.b " A B C D 70° 270 in. how many feet does each inch represent in the scale model? 8.3. $2000. 85° 105° 54ab2c? 8. $300. what is the distance from A to B? 8.9 51 If the measures of three interior angles of a quadrilateral are 85°.5. 49 The AmSouth Plaza building located in Jackson is 318 feet tall. 1.d A B C D ∠1. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.2.y2 A B C D 30 26 -18 -22 Go on Mastering the MCT2.y)2? 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 13 .h A B C D x2 .a -x + x2 -3x3 55 Which expression is equivalent to (x .2. Which angles are supplementary to ∠4? 8. 16 in.2xy .2xy + y2 x 2 .2 A y=_ 3 1x .a c 1x .Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 53 What is the equation of a line parallel to -6x + 2y = 10 with a y-intercept of -2? 8.e 56 In the figure. 46 in. ∠8 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.b -a + 2b A B C D 7 in. ∠5. ∠3 ∠1. 112 in2 x7 _ x4 A Multiply the exponents B Divide the exponents C Subtract the exponents D Add the exponents 58 What is the value of the expression below when x = -2? 8. 57 What is the correct way to simplify this expression? 8. ∠7 ∠2 ∠2.2 B y = -_ 3 C 4 1 2 3 5 6 8 7 y = 3x . ∠6. Inc.2 a b D y = -2x + 3 54 What is the perimeter of the rectangle below if a = 13 inches and b = 10 inches? 8.1.y2 x 2 + y2 x2 . ∠3.e 2a .2.3. line a is parallel to line b. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) .3.Name Date Diagnostic Test (continued) 59 What view of Figure A does Figure B 60 Which expression is equivalent to 12y2 4x6 • _ _ ? represent? 8. Inc.1. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.e 48x6y2 _ 6x2y4 8x4 _ y2 8x6y2 _ x2y4 48x4 D _ 6y2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.e 3y4 A 'JHVSF" A B C D 'JHVSF# Back Side Top Front B C 2x2 8. 14 Mastering the MCT2. -0. . -0.021. -1. √2 . -1.746 -7.021.056363 −−− 2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 2 15 .0563 Which is the graph of the set of numbers listed below? {1. C The set {0. -0. -_ 2 3 4 .51. Which number is NOT rational? 6 2.√⎯ -2 -1.02 2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.51. _ b not zero.√ 2 3 A -_ .√ 4 . where b is quotient of two integers.7} A -2 .01. . 3. -_ .1 1.01 Mastering the MCT2. -R4 2 3 4 . and order rational and irrational numbers and their subsets.7 -1 0 1 √⎯ 2 1.a 1 4 24 A √ −− B 0.02. B They are numbers whose decimal form neither terminates nor repeats.02.1.1 2 1.1.√60 A B C D -7.√ 7 _ D 8 Which list shows the following numbers ordered from least to greatest? _ 3 4 .. -_ D -1. D They are the whole numbers and their opposites.021. . -0. 2. .056363…? A B C D Which statement best describes the set of integers? A Any number that can be written as the a .056363 −−−−− 2. -1.74? .744 -7. -0.√ .√ 2 3 .02 .69 C 0 -1 0 2 1 √⎯ 2 1.02 B .51.7 -2 . 2 5 Which answer choice is another way to write the repeating decimal 2. …}.1 -√⎯ 3 -2 -1. Inc.1 -1.0563 −− 2.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations Define.021.7 D -1 3 .01 16 C . 1.51 C -0. -0. (DOK1) 8.51. -0. 1. classify.√⎯ 3 B Which rational number lies between and -7.01 -1. -1.01 -1 0 1 √⎯ 2 1. -0.7 3 1.021.√3. -0. -1.752 -7.01 2 1.√⎯ 3 1 √⎯ 2 1. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. 5 oz D 9 oz 1 .m.143 Monday evening you studied math from 6 p. The table below shows the number of at bats and hits for three baseball players. How many ounces is the proper dosage for a child weighing 90 pounds? A 4 oz B 4. 68% 3 Last evening Maria ate _ of a pizza.m. you took a 15 minute break. What is Renee’s batting average? 2 At Bats Hits A’isha 210 70 Renee 180 35 Francisco 200 60 0. Did he pass? If he did pass. to 6:45 p.b Formulate and solve standard and real-life problems involving addition. The resulting decimal is then rounded to the nearest thousandth.− What is the sum of _ 3. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.m.5 oz 6 C C 7.m. Inc. 60% Yes. to 8:30 p. and 0. (DOK2) 1 A baseball player’s batting average is found by dividing the player’s total number of hits by the player’s total number of at bats.1. How long did you actually spend studying? 3 hr A 1_ 4 B 2 hr 1 hr 2_ 4 1 hr D 2_ 2 C 16 Mastering the MCT2.333 5. 0. multiplication. 58% Yes. 4 What part of the original pizza did Maria eat in the morning? 5 A 13 _ B _1 16 4 3 _ D 13 _ 16 64 The label on a medicine bottle lists the dosage as one-half ounce per 10 pounds of body weight.300 0. and social studies from 7:00 p.1? 2 5 1 A _ C _ 60 6 14 1 _ _ D B 16 15 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. subtraction. what was his score? A B C D 4 No Yes. and division of rational numbers. While you were studying social studies. In 16 1 _ the morning she ate of what remained. Passing is 55%.194 0. A B C D Player 3 .Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations (continued) 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Reed earned 52 out of 90 possible points on his math test. 1. and 9uv? A B C D The volumes of two cubes are w2x3y cubic units and 6wxy cubic units. Inc. 21mn3 21m2n3. What is the greatest common factor of these volumes? 6 What is the least common multiple of the areas of these rectangles? 2ab Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 17 . 3uv2. 2m 4a3b2 8a3b2 12a4b2 24a4b2 Which pair of monomials has a greatest common factor of 1? A 6uv.c 1 5 uv 162u2v6 18u2v3 3uv C 6w3x4y2 D 6w2x3y A 6wxy B wxy What is the greatest common factor of 6u2v3. and 2x3y? A B C D 8x3y 64x6y 4xy 2xy Which pair of monomials has a greatest common factor of 4a2? A B C D 4a 2b 7 8 4 Which pair of monomials has a least common multiple of 21m2n3? A B C D 3mn. 2ab 4a. 21a Which answer choice identifies the relationship the monomial ax3 has with the monomials 16a2x3 and 3ax3? A B C D Greatest common factor Least common multiple Product Quotient Mastering the MCT2.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations (continued) Apply the concepts of Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) to monomials with variables. 8a2c a2. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. (DOK2) 8. 9a2 12a3b2. 4xy. 7mn2 7mn. 8ab2 6a 3b 2 C 3xyz. 2mn2 B 11pq. 21m2n 7m2n2. 2 A B C D 3 2a What is the least common multiple of 8x2y. 7abc D 7cd2. p 4a2. Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations (continued) 8. (DOK2) 1 5 9 C + 32.23 + 4 ÷ 2 A 23 B 5·3 The formula to convert a temperature measured in degrees Celsius. what is F? F=_ 5 Which step is the first listed in the order of operations? A B C D A Multiply and divide from left to right. to one measured in degrees Fahrenheit. and z = -3? _ -x2y -2z A -3 B -2 A B C D C 2 D 3 18 Mastering the MCT2. At least one of the integers is negative. is . y = -2.1. What should be the third step in simplifying the expression? 125 ÷ 52 + 4 · 10 _ 28 . 6 2 Which operation is done first when simplifying this expression? What is the simplified value of the expression? 7 All three integers are negative. F. Inc. B Evaluate powers.23 4-6 A -6912 B -10 4 C -2 D 2 What is the value of the expression below when x = 3. 3 C 4÷2 D 3-2 113° 77° -49° -373° If the product of three integers is negative. All three integers are positive. If C = -45°. C Evaluate expressions inside grouping symbols. Two of the integers are negative. which of the following must be true? A B C D 5 · 3 . D Add and subtract from left to right.d Simplify and evaluate expressions using order of operations and use real number properties to justify solutions. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 8 4 · 10 52 125 ÷ 5 5 + 40 Which is the simplified product of xy · xy · xy · xy? A B C D 4xy x4y xy4 x4y4 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. C. e 1 _ bxy bx+y bx-y _x by 4096a24 4096a9 2a24 24a9 g _ ? 20 4 What is the correct way to simplify A B C D Aaron. Which of the answer choices is the simplified expression for ((2 a2)3)4? A B C D For all integers x and y and any nonzero bx number b. Inc.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations (continued) Explain the rules of exponents related to multiplication and division of terms with exponents. (DOK2) 8. Yuma.1. and Xia are ab(ab)2 as shown. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 19 . Who did simplifying _ a2b the problem correctly? Aaron 5 ab(ab)2 2a 2b 2 = 2 = 2b a 2b a b Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. what does y equal? b A B C D 2 3 ab(ab)2 a 3b 3 = 2 = ab 2 a 2b a b Yuma Add the exponents Subtract the exponents Multiply the exponents Divide the exponents If the area of a rectangle is 30w6x4 and the width is w2x. Shontal. what does bx · by equal? A b x-y B b x+y _x C by D b xy Mastering the MCT2. what is its length? A B C D Shontal g4 30w8x5 w 2x 30w4x3 30 ab(ab)2 a 4b 4 = 2 = a 2b 3 a 2b a b Xia 6 ab(ab)2 a 3b 3 = 2 = a 5b 4 a 2b a b A B C D What is the simplified expression for -x0? A B C D Aaron Shontal Yuma Xia 7 -1 0 1 undefined For all integers x and y and any number b. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Which expression approximates this height in scientific notation? A B C D 2. 3 80.13 × 1013 2 5 A B C D C 13 × 1011 D 1. If you stacked one day’s production. Inc.8 × 106 D 9 × 107 Mount Everest is 29. What is this number written in scientific notation? A 1300 × 109 B 0.000.000. how tall would that stack be? . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Approximately 51. Approximately how many beats per hour would this be? A 1 × 103 B 6.000 29 × 102 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.35 × 104 mm 1.35 millimeters thick.2 × 10-6 B -1.1.35 × 107 mm A 5.000.35 × 105 mm 1.512 × 1011 C 3.35 × 106 mm 1.000 flies by August.200.2 × 107) (8.000. Which answer choice represents this number written in scientific notation? C 19.9 × 104 2.2 × 108 It was once estimated that starting with 2 flies in April there would be approximately 191.12 × 1010 B 51.7 × 10-2) A -1.000. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.2 × 10-5 4 D 8 × 106 Which expression has the least value? A 191 × 1018 B 1.9 × 1020 20 Mastering the MCT2.046 times per second.04 × 105 1.9 × 103 29.3 × 104 8 C 512 × 108 D 0.004 × 10-13 C 8. What is this number written in scientific notation? A tiny biting fly known as the no-seeums beats its wings 1.035 feet tall.91 × 1020 7 C -1.000 dimes daily.000.2 × 109 A 8.000 cubic feet of water flows from the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico each day.f 1 It is estimated that Lake Michigan contains approximately 1.3 × 1012 What is the simplified product (in scientific notation) of the expression below? 6 (9.1 × 1019 D 1.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations (continued) Recognize and appropriately use exponential and scientific notation.000.300.2 × 107 D -1.000. (DOK1) 8.004 × 106 B Suppose the United States Treasury Department produces 1.000. Each dime is 1.000 gallons of water. Which answer choice represents this equation correctly solved for r in terms of A? A A r2 = _ π B r= A _ √ π Which best describes the square root of a number n? A B C D If a number is squared and the result is squared. 10 9.641 3660. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. A = πr2.g Explain and use the inverse relationship between square roots and squares. 10 10. A B C D 3 8. What is the length of one side of the garden? B A 450 ft B 300 ft C 225 ft D 30 ft C D 2 Between which two integers does √ 101 lie? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 21 .125 B 2025 4 6 a number m such that m2 = n a number m such that √m =n a number m such that m = n2 a number m such that m = n If you take the square root of a number and then take the square root of the result. What is the original number? A 10.25 1331 121 C r = πA D r= π √_ A Mastering the MCT2. where A is the area and r is the radius.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 1: Number and Operations (continued) 8. 102 C 225 D 15 7 The area of a circle can be found using the formula. (DOK2) 1 5 Which model represents the inverse of 32? A The area of a square garden is 900 square feet.1. Inc. the final number is 50. the final number is 11.625. 11 100. What is the original number? A B C D 14. 1 ? 2 The Biloxi Lighthouse was built in 1848. (DOK1) 8.059. Suppose you consider the shape of the lighthouse to approximate the shape of a right circular cylinder with a height of 61 feet and a diameter of 18 feet. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc.5 ft3 210.2(4)]2 A B C D 432 72 27 -27 What is the value of the expression? 4 -2•3 _ 2 2 -12 A B C D 126 2 -2 -126 22 Mastering the MCT2. _1 solution to 1 x + 1 = . 6 A B C D 4 .14 for π.b(ab + b) when a = 3 and b = -2? 5 24 21 9 -13 Which member of the set below is the _ _ _ 2 4 8 . 8 7 A -_ 8 3 _ B 4 3 15. -_3 .9 ft3 4 2 C _3 D _1 4 2 What is the value of the expression? 3[5 . V = πr2h.a 1 4 A B C D What is the value of the expression? 20 ÷ 5 + 3 · 8 + 2 A B C D 98 58 34 30 What is the value of a . Using the equation. what is the volume of the lighthouse to the nearest tenth? Use 3._7 .310. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 7 What is the value of the expression? [-(-4)]2(-1) A 16 B 4 C -4 D -16 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.155.2.7 ft3 62.514.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra Simplify and evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions. _3 .0 ft3 105. c)a = ba . 2 Which expression shows using the distributive property to simplify 1 12 · 7? 7 1 · 7 C 7 · 12_ 1 A 12 + _ 7 7 1 · 7 D 7 · 10 + 2_ 1 10 + 2_ B 7 7 ( _) ( ( 3 ( ) ) ( ) If the width of a rectangle is u and its length is 2u + 3.c) = ab .c -3(x . a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.x)(y) = y . (DOK1) 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 23 . what is its area? A 3u + 6 B 4u + 6 4 ) 6 A -2x3 + x B -x2 + 2x 7 C 2u2 + 3 D 2u2 + 3u 8 a(b + c) = ab + ac a(b .y .Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) Apply properties of real numbers with an emphasis on the distributive properties of multiplication over addition and subtraction.2 Which answer choice is equivalent to (2 . Inc.x)(-3)? A -6 + 3x B 6 + 3x C 2 + 3x D 6 . b and c? A B C D Which expression is equivalent to x(-2x2 + x)? a(b + 3) = ab + 3a (1 .ac (b + c)a = b + ca (b .ca C -2x3 + x2 D 2x2 + x Which of the following equations does NOT illustrate the use of the distributive property properly? A B C D Which equation does NOT illustrate the distributive property for all real numbers a.c) = ab .2) = -2x + 2y .xy -(q + p) = -q + -p -2(x .b 1 5 What is the area of the figure shown below? d Which of the following equations illustrates the distributive property properly? A B C D 2c a(b .(w .2 b a A ab + 2ac + ad C 2a + 2b + 4c + 2d B ab + ad D a2 + b2 + 4c2 + d2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.3x Mastering the MCT2.2) = 7 + -w .2) = -3x + 6 4(x + y + 2) = 4x + 4y + 2 7 .2. If M represents the length in miles of the Mississippi River in the equation 5(M + 5) = 11. A B C D 5n + 1 ≥ 36. n > 7 n + 5 ≥ 36. Inc.c Solve and check equations and inequalities using one variable.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) 8.33? 9 C x>4 D x > -4 What is the solution to the inequality -y > y? A B C D No solution All real numbers All positive numbers All negative numbers Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.3 D 205 6 ft A 3 ft B 4 ft 4 C 7 ft D 12 ft 8 A x < -4 B x<4 Which inequality and solution represent the following statement? One more that five times a number n is at least 36. What is the height of the triangle? What is the solution to the equation -2a + 2 = 4(a .4)? The Mississippi River is the second longest river in North America. n ≥ 7 5n + 1 > 36. n ≥ 31 n + 5 < 36. If the perimeter of the pentagon is 55 inches. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) What is the solution to the inequality -3x .575 mi D 11. (DOK2) 1 5 A -9 B -7 What is the solution to -2a .1 < 5x .1) ft C -3 D 3 . (2x .4 inches.5 = -21? A -13 B -8 C 8 D 13 6 2 Which is NOT a solution to the inequality 10 ≤ -2y + 4? A -5 B -4 3 C -3 D -2 The area of the triangle shown below is 21 square feet.625 what is the length of the river? A 2315 mi B 2320 mi 7 C 11.2. n < 31 24 Mastering the MCT2. what is the value of x? A 5 B 11 − C 13. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.600 mi Each side of a regular pentagon measures 3x . 9 a<0 0 0 1 2 3 y -2 0 4 5 $ Which inequality represents the graph shown below? -5 x B C 2 x 0 10 4 x -3 0 5 8 y -1 -2 -3 -4 x 5 7 9 11 y 4 1 -2 -3 x 0 3 7 9 y -5 -2 0 -3 Which inequality represents the graph shown below? Y -1 0 A B C D 3. Inc.5 x>4 Mastering the MCT2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 25 . (DOK1) 8. Which graph represents the possible values of C? A $ 0 B C D 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 A $ $ 10 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) Model inequalities (and their solutions) on a number line.d 1 3 Which table satisfies the following conditions? y The inequality 0 < C ≤ 7 represents the number of cities C in Mississippi with a population P that satisfies the inequality 34.000.000 ≤ P ≤ 185.5 5 10 x ≥ 3. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.2. D B A B C D a<1 a≤1 − a ≤ 0.5 x>3 x > 3. 2. (DOK2) 1 2 3 . y-intercept: 3 3 C x-intercept: -3. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. x 0 .e Graph linear equations and non-linear equations (y = x2) using multiple methods including t-tables and slope-intercept. y-intercept: 3 A x-intercept: _ 2 B x-intercept: -2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) x Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) 8. y-intercept: -2 Which graph is based on the following function table? x -3 -1 1 3 y 7 3 -1 -5 y A What are the x.and y-intercepts of the graph of -6x + 4y = 12? 3 Which is the graph of y = -2x2? A 0 y x 0 x y B y B y C y C 0 x 0 x 0 x y D y D 0 x 0 26 Mastering the MCT2. y-intercept: _ 2 D x-intercept: 3. 900.000 B 1. A 2. What was the rate of change in income from 2004 to 2005? A $326/yr B $163/yr Which answer choice describes the slope of the line graphed below? C 1 yr D 2005 y 8 0 Which answer choice describes the slope of the line graphed below? y x 0 A Undefined B Zero 4 C Positive D Negative Carlita grew 6 inches in the last two years.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) 8. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 27 . (DOK2) 1 C Negative D Zero The estimated population of Mississippi in 2000 was approximately 2. identify its slope as positive. from 2000 to 2005? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.000 3 If the graph of a line rises from left to right. Inc.f Given a linear graph. undefined. and interpret slope as rate of change. Mastering the MCT2.800.000 D 5 C Positive D Negative The per-capita income of the rural population in Mississippi increased from $22.657 in 2004 to $22./yr x A Undefined B Zero C Positive D Negative C 2 yr D 6 in.000. negative. in people per year. or zero.900.000 and in the year 2005 it was estimated to be 2.2./yr B 3 in. What was her growth rate? A 6 in.000. What is the rate of change in the population. which of the following answer choices describes the line’s slope? A Zero B Undefined How would you describe the slope of a vertical line? A Positive B Undefined 2 5 6 C Negative D Positive Which term describes the slope of a horizontal line? A Zero B Undefined 7 C 20. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.983 in 2005. y-intercept: 0 x-intercept: -3.4y = 1 d. Inc.2y = 10? B 2 5 .g 1 A -5 C _1 1 -_ D 5 2 y 2 A B C D C -2 D -18 6 What is the slope of the line graphed below? Which line does NOT have the same slope as the other three? c. y = -_ 2 x 0 x-intercept: none. y-intercept: none x-intercept: 0. -7x + 14y = -2 A a B b 4 2 A -_ 3 C -3 B D -6 6 C c D d What is the slope of the line graphed below? y What is the x-intercept of the line with equation y = 1 x . y-intercept: 0 a. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) A Undefined B 2 C 1 D 0 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.2. 2x .1? _ x 4 A -1 B _1 4 C 1 D 4 28 Mastering the MCT2. -x + 2y = -8 y -2 x 0 What is the slope of the line that is the graph of -18 = 2x . y-intercept: -3 x-intercept: -3.y? A 18 B 2 3 What are the x-intercept and y-intercept of the line graphed below? What is the y-intercept of the graph of 4x . 1x + 2 b. and y-intercept from a graph and/or equation in slope-intercept or standard form. (DOK1) 8. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) Determine slope. x-intercept. 4y A 9 + 4y2 2 B 9 .4u3w 4u2w .2 -7x2 + 4x + 1 C .1? 7x2 3x .2y)2? C 6 .u 4u2w3 + 4u3w -4u2w + w2 + u C 16x2 D 16x A 16x + 2 B 16x .1 from -4y3 + y? 5y3 3w + 2 -5y3 -y-1 C +y+1 A 3 6 B -3y + y + 1 D -3y + y + 1 5 What is an equivalent expression for (3 . and multiply monomials and binomials.(y .1 4x + 2 2x 4x .12y + 4y D 9 .1) . a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. (DOK1) 8.(1 .4 B x2 .3 C 1-y D y-1 Mastering the MCT2. Inc.y) .1 A B 3x2 .4x .4 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 3 C x2 + 4x + 4 D x2 + 4 The length of each edge of a cube is a2.4y2 9 A 4w2 + 4w C 2w2 + 2w B D 5w + 4 _1 w2 + w 2 What is the simplified expression for (y .4x .w2 .3x .2x2 . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 29 .2)(x + 2)? A x2 .1 D 3x4 .Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) Add.u? 7 What is the simplified expression for (x . What is the volume of the cube? A a2 B 3a2 C a5 D a6 8 What is the area of the trapezoid shown below? w+2 w 4 What is the difference when you subtract y3 .4 What is the product of 4u2w and -w2 .1)? A 0 B 3y .2.2x .2 2 A B C D -4u2w3 . subtract.h 1 6 What is the perimeter of the figure shown below? What is the sum of 5x2 + x and -2x2 . 202 2000 1. and crosses the y-axis at 1. The line has a y-intercept of -8. which of the following characteristics would describe the line graph? .i 1 4 Which of the following characteristics describes the graph of y = x2 + 1? A It rises from left to right. D It falls from left to right.871 1990 1. 30 Mastering the MCT2. 5 Which of the following characteristics describes the graph of the line passing through the points found in the table below? 6 A B C D 0 7 y -2 0 The slope of the line is positive. C It rises from left to right. Which of the following characteristics describes the graph of 3x + y = -6? x Population Which of the following characteristics describes the graph of y = 3. -8)? A B C D The line is vertical. The line has a x-intercept of -2. Inc. then falls. B It falls from left to right and crosses the y-axis at -6.5? A B C D The line is vertical. The x-intercept is 3. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. then falls.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 2: Algebra (continued) Predict characteristics of a graph given an equation or t-table. Which of the following characteristics describes the graph of the line passing through the points (2. The slope of the line is negative. 3 The table below shows the urban population in the state of Mississippi during several years. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. The line has a y-intercept of 7. -4) and (2. B The data points lie on a horizontal line. with year being the domain and population being the range. and crosses the x-axis at 1. The slope of the line is positive. then rises. 2 Year A It rises from left to right and crosses the x-axis at -6. D It falls from left to right and crosses the x-axis at 3.552 2006(est.5. and crosses the x-axis at 1.210 A The data points lie on a vertical line.) 1. B It falls from left to right. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 1980 949. The slope of the line is zero. The line has a y-intercept of - C It rises from left to right and crosses the y-axis at 1. (DOK2) 8.2. then rises. C The data points lie on a graph that falls from left to right. D The data points lie on a graph that rises from left to right. If you were to graph the data. and crosses the y-axis at 1. The y-intercept is 3.262. ∠1 and ∠2 are adjacent angles. supplementary.) (DOK1) 1 4 1 The side of a barn has vertical siding as shown in the figure below. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 31 . South Jackson street intersects both of them running north and south. D ∠EAG and ∠CGA are adjacent angles. C ∠1 and ∠2 are corresponding angles. ∠1 and ∠2 are alternate exterior angles. 1 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Which answer choice represents the relationship between ∠1 and ∠2? 5 −− AG is an interior diagonal of the cube shown below. corresponding. A Vertical C Interior B Complementary D Exterior Mastering the MCT2.a Locate and identify angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal(s) (e. adjacent. C ∠EAG and ∠CGA are alternate interior angles. which term describes the angles formed that lie outside of the interior of the parallel lines? " & $ % ' ( ) A ∠EAG and ∠CGA are corresponding angles.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 3: Geometry 8. vertical. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. East Broadway Avenue and East Simpson Avenue run east and west. B ∠1 and ∠2 are alternate exterior angles. How many pairs of vertical angles are formed by the three streets? A 5 B 4 3 C 3 D 2 If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal. Which answer choice represents the relationship between ∠EAG and ∠CGA? # 2 In Jackson. ∠1 and ∠2 are corresponding angles. The figure below is a rectangle with its diagonals drawn. and alternate exterior.3. Inc. 2 A B C D ∠1 and ∠2 are vertical angles.. alternate interior.g. Which statement describes the relationship between ∠1 and ∠2? 2 A ∠1 and ∠2 are vertical angles. B ∠EAG and ∠CGA are alternate exterior angles. D ∠1 and ∠2 are adjacent angles. complementary. what is the measure of ∠3? D They are exterior angles. What is the measure of each of the corresponding angles formed by the bridge and the two parallel banks? A 150° B 145° 2 If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal. lines m. The bridge appears perpendicular to both banks of the river. Inc. B They are supplementary. what is the measure of ∠1? A 120° C 60° B D 30° 90° A 25° B 115° What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the polygon shown below? # " p C 155° D 165° What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle? A 360° C 180° B D 90° 200° $ 8 & A 540° B 720° 2 3 7 4 m n % C 900° D 1080° 32 Mastering the MCT2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) What is the measure of an exterior angle of a regular hexagon? A 145° B 120° C 90° D 60° Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. C They are congruent. n. (DOK1) 1 5 What is the measure of an interior angle of a regular octagon? A 120° B 128. 1 If ∠1 and ∠2 are alternate interior angles formed by two parallel lines and the m∠2 = 60°. and p are parallel.6° C 135° D 140° The Old Vicksburg Bridge carries the Kansas City rail line across the Mississippi River in Vicksburg. If the measure of ∠2 is 65°.b Find missing angle measurements for parallel lines cut by a transversal(s) and for a vertex of a polygon. which answer choice is true for pairs of corresponding angles? 6 A They are interior angles. In the figure below.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 3: Geometry (continued) 8.3. 3 C 120° D 90° . b. and in what step did she first make her mistake? & 7 cm A a+b=c B 2a + 2b = 2c C a2 + b2 = c2 D √a + √ b = √c 2 In the figure below BC = 17 centimeters. To the nearest tenth of a centimeter. (DOK3) 1 4 " If the measures of the legs of a right triangle are a and b and the measure of the hypotenuse is c.9 cm 7.8 km 20 km 91 km Mastering the MCT2. 39 in. Step 4 If the legs of a right triangle are 20 meters and 48 meters long. 34 ≠ 16 Aponi. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 33 .Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 3: Geometry (continued) 8. Who is incorrect.5 km 14.2 in. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. 9 + 25 = 16 4. highway 90 on the south. −− what is the length of EC? 5 A rectangular picture frame measures 15 inches by 36 inches. 39. 32 + 52 = 42 3. and c? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. U. Step 2 Keisha. The width of the rectangle is 13 kilometers and the length is 7 kilometers.3. 9 + 16 = 25 4. 4 feet. a 2 + b 2 = c 2 2.c Explain the Pythagorean Theorem and apply it to solve routine and non-routine problems. state highway 605 on the west. Step 3 Aponi. Inc. A B C D 3 Keisha Aponi Step 1. 32 + 42 = 52 3. and interstate 110 on the east. and 5 feet. a 2 + b 2 = c 2 2. What is the length of the diagonal of the rectangle formed by these roads? A B C D 4. what is the length of the hypotenuse? A B C D 8.4 cm 14 cm 9. Much of Biloxi is located in a rectangular area bounded by interstate 10 on the north. which equation represents a true relationship for a.2 m 28 m 52 m 68 m ' # $ 7 cm % 24 cm A B C D Keisha and Aponi are trying to determine if a right triangle could have side measures of 3 feet. 25 = 25 Step 1.1 in. 51 in. Step 2 Keisha. What is the length of the diagonal of the frame? A B C D 6 25 cm 18.S. B The image is located entirely in the fourth quadrant. 8 in. C The image is congruent to the pre-image. by 4 in. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. D 63 in. The shape of Zachary’s garden is similar to the shape of Savanna’s garden. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. BC = 8 feet. what is the length of EF? . If the dimensions of one box are 10 inches by 14 inches by 6 inches. which of the following could be the dimensions of the other shoebox? A B C D 2 3 A 9 ft B 8 ft 4 5 in. If Box 2 is congruent to Box 1 and has a length of 9 inches and a width of 7 inches. D They are similar. (DOK3) 1 Acme Shoebox manufactures two shoeboxes that are similar. B Kevin’s garden is bigger than Savanna’s garden. how tall is it? A 8 in. C They are congruent. by 3 in. B 12 in. 10 in. Inc.3. D The area of the image is different from the area of the pre-image. by 12 in. y C 4 ft D 3 ft Which of these components of the American flag do NOT represent congruent figures? A B C D Suppose the triangle shown below is translated 3 units to the right and 2 units down? Which of the following answer choices is true? 0 If ABC is congruent to DEF and AB = 3 feet.d Solve real-world and non-routine problems involving congruent and similar figures. What is the relationship between Kevin’s and Savanna’s garden? A Kevin’s garden is smaller than Savanna’s garden. by 6 in.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 3: Geometry (continued) 8. x A The image is similar but not congruent to the pre-image. by 8 in. 50 stars Short stripes Long stripes Short and long stripes 6 The volume of Box 1 is 504 cubic inches. by 16 in. 34 Mastering the MCT2. 12 in. and CA = −− 9 feet. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) C 56 in. by 8 in. 5 The shape of Kevin’s garden is congruent to the shape of Zackary’s garden. by 7 in. Inc. triangle triangle.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 3: Geometry (continued) 8. 2 A B C D 4 6 7 Hexagonal pyramid Hexagonal prism Heptagonal pyramid Heptagonal prism C Front D Side C Trapezoidal prism D Trapezoidal pyramid What polygon is visible when looking at the side view of a triangular prism? A Triangle B Octagon 8 Figure 2 What solid does the net shown below represent? A Rectangular pyramid B Rectangular prism circle. rectangle What solid is described by a net that contains 6 rectangles and 2 regular hexagons? A B C D A Top B Back Triangular prism Triangular pyramid Cylinder Cone What are the shapes found in the net of a cylinder? Figure 2 is what view of Figure 1? Figure 1 C 5 D 6 What solid does the net shown below represent? A B C D 3 5 C Rectangle D Circle What figure is visible when looking at the top view of a sphere? A Square B Line C Point D Circle Mastering the MCT2. trapezoid circle. rectangle rectangle.3. (DOK2) 1 How many squares are in the net of a cube? A 3 B 4 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 35 .e Use two-dimensional representations (nets) of three-dimensional objects to describe objects from various perspectives. 003. Rounded to the tenths place.4 miles long.3 km 4 4 in. What is the area of the cross section created by this intersection? A triangular sail has a base of 15 feet and a height of 20 feet. and 79. 2 in. C 18. What is the area of the sail? A 300 ft2 B 150 ft2 C 70 ft2 D 35 ft2 20 in.6% of the distance in the race is a run. 4 in.8 ft2 D 3 ft2 Soccer is played on a rectangular field that is no more than 80 yards wide and no less than 65 yards wide.3 mi 7 A plane intersects a cylinder perpendicular to the cylinder’s base passing through the center of both bases as shown. C 32 in2 D 16 in2 In a triathlon. What is the least perimeter possible? What is the area of the garden shown below? 2 in. approximately how far do the participants run? A 21.1 mi B 26.3 km B 19.104.510. perimeter. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) C 112. 1.7% is a swim. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. 18. The length is no more than 120 yards and no less than 110 yards long.006.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 4: Measurement 8. and circumference using standard measurements.4 in2 B 78. The radius of the outer circle in the center of a basketball court is 6 feet.a Solve real-world application problems that include length.5 in2 36 Mastering the MCT2. A 31.7% is a bike ride. If the swim is 2. A 64 in2 B 48 in2 6 C 380 yd D 390 yd The radius of the planet Venus is approximately 6052 kilometers.4. 5 in.1 km 2 in. Inc. (DOK2) 1 3 A 12. area. What is its circumference? C 38. what is the area of the circle? A 113 ft2 B 37.7 ft2 2 5 .5 mi D 140.6 mi C 100 in2 D 200 in2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. A 350 yd B 370 yd 2 in.6 km D 42. Gannon is 6 feet 3 inches tall and his shadow is 2 feet 1 inch long. C 83 in. what is the length? A 42 in. B 50 in. D 72 in. by 10 in. the approximate length of Interstate 55 from where it enters Mississippi from the north to where it exits Mississippi on the south is 19 centimeters. What are the dimensions of a scale model if 0. Taisha is 40 inches tall and knows that the ratio of her height to her own sister’s height is the same as the ratio of Nichole’s height to her own sister’s height. by 25 in.b Develop. What is the relationship between feet in the real garden and inches in the scale model? A 9 in. (DOK3) 1 The scale on a map of Mississippi is 2 centimeters equals 30 miles. 2 5 C 570 mi D 1045 mi A 32 in. What is the length of Interstate 55 in miles? A 285 mi B 300 mi Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. and explain methods for solving problems involving proportions. D 112 in. C 36 in. is 175. flour and sugar are in a ratio of 3 to 4.4. On the map. = 1 ft The ratio of length to width in a picture frame is 3:4. analyze. How tall is Taisha’s sister? C 26 ft 2 in. D 45 in. D 42 ft 6 in. B 18 in. 6 The scale model of a house is a rectangle that measures 8 inches by 12 inches.5 inches = 5 feet? A circular flower bed has a radius of 14 feet. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 37 .Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 4: Measurement (continued) 8.3 c 8 C 4 in. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. in a scale model of the flower bed. If the width is 84 inches. = 1 ft B 1 in. B 63 in. What is the height of the C-130? A 17 ft B 39 ft 7 3 Nichole is 12 inches shorter than her sister who is 60 inches tall. what are the dimensions of the house? A 24 ft by 36 ft B 8 ft by 12 ft C 4 ft by 6 ft D 16 ft by 24 ft 4 C 52 in. Mastering the MCT2. A 2 in.25 c D 25.5 in. = 2 ft In a recipe. The circumference. = 3 ft D 0. such as scaling and finding equivalent ratios. by 5 in. Airman Gannon stands beside a C-130 on the runway at Keesler Air Force Base. Inc. The shadow of the plane is about 13 feet long.84 inches. If each inch represents 2 feet. How much flour is needed if there are 19 cups of sugar? A 7c B 12 c C 14. A professional basketball court is a rectangle measuring 90 feet by 50 feet. by 20 in. c Use formulas and/or appropriate measuring tools to find length and angle measures (to appropriate levels of precision). 4 in.4 cm3 2 in. and surface area of polygons.75 millimeters.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 4: Measurement (continued) 8.15 millimeters. circles. spheres. pyramids.9 in3 7 4 The radius of a quarter is 12.53 mm3 Which could be an angle measure in a right triangle? A B C D To the nearest tenth. and composite or irregular figures.1 in3 C 60.2 ft3 8 C 1869. area. 2 A 100 m2 B 125 m2 C 150 m2 D 175 m2 6 A 4. (DOK1) 1 5 The figure below consists of two different sets of congruent rectangles.19 mm3 B 4635.86 mm3 C 811. 3 A 22 in2 B 48 in2 What is the surface area of a cube with edges measuring 5 meters? .6 ft3 B 153.4 inches and a height of 10 inches? 75°F 95°F 105°F 135°F To the nearest tenth. what is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 24.35 mm3 D 463.3 in3 D 180. what would be the volume of the cylinder rounded to the nearest hundredth? A 8111.1 cm3 3 in. perimeter. volume. and its thickness is 1. cones.7 ft3 If the perimeter of the base of a prism is 42 inches and its height is 11 inches. Inc. what is the volume of a cone with a diameter of 2.1 cm3 D 3052.3 cm3 B 1017.4. 18 in. C 2010. What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 9 centimeters? A 254. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) C 128 in2 D 176 in2 C 53 in2 D 31 in2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. What is the area of the shaded figure? 4 in.5 in3 B 15.4 ft3 D 7477.4 feet? A 76. what is its lateral surface area? A 462 in2 B 121 in2 38 Mastering the MCT2. If 10 quarters are stacked in the shape of a cylinder. 8. 43. how many points does he need to score in his next game? A 28 B 22 The table below shows tips reported by three waiters at four different restaurants. If he would like his median score to remain the same. 22. 71 A Range B Mode C Median D Mean Mastering the MCT2. 40.434 A Arkansas B Louisiana Waiter #1 Waiter #2 Waiter #3 Rose’s Café $18 $22 $27 Trevor’s $9 $86 $7 Mohammed’s Crab Shack $21 $32 $22 Catori’s Dinner $25 $22 $23 A B C D 5 Rose’s Cafe Trevor’s Mohammed’s Crab Shack Catori’s Dinner Which data set has the greatest range? 268. 15.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 5: Data Analysis & Probability 8. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. 18. Which state. Which restaurant’s mean tip report is misleading in terms of what Sandy can expect to earn in tips? Restaurant Square Miles Arkansas Texas 3 4 C 20 D 18 A 15 B 113 88 101 96 C 55 44 61 53 D 2 13 19 12 A A B B 6 2 29 17 C C D D Which measure of central tendency changes when 29 is removed from the data list below? 7. Inc. mode. 19 42. 40. 65.483 Mississippi 48. and range to summarize and compare data sets including investigation of the different effects that change in data values have on these measures. 18 41.182 Louisiana 51. median. Sandy is considering working for one of them. will have the greatest affect on the mean size of the states? State 53. 2 12.a Use a given mean. and 26 points in each of the last four basketball games. 43. 11. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 39 . 11 22. 29. 7.601 C Mississippi D Texas Dylan has scored 14. 43. 42. 21.5. 41 The table below gives the area of four states. when removed from the list. (DOK2) 1 Which set would have a change in mode if 42 is added to each set? A B C D Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Williams. The highest point of elevation in Mississippi is Woodall Mountain with an elevation of 806 feet. which one would represent the mode? What measure of central tendency would you use to most accurately reflect your daily sales commissions.b Select the appropriate measures of central tendency for a particular purpose. 56. you found that 12 liked blue. $88. If you were trying to impress your friends. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Which color is the mode? A Orange B Yellow C Median D Mode Angelina’s eighth grade math class researched their local telephone book to determine which surnames were the most common. $120. and Davis. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) C Red D Blue Below is a list of your recent pre-algebra test scores. $712. during the past five days? $111. what measure of central tendency would you NOT use to best describe your scores? 63. 11 liked yellow. what measure of central tendency describes how much each of you paid? A Range B Mean 2 C Median D Mode A Davis B Johnson A Range B Mode 5 6 C Smith D Miller 40 Mastering the MCT2. The lowest point is the Gulf of Mexico. what measure of central tendency would you use to describe your scores? 63. 89. what measure of central tendency illustrates the spread of elevation? A Range B Mean 3 4 . They found that the name Smith was the most common followed by Johnson. and 6 liked orange. 89. $88 C Median D Mean Using your recent pre-algebra test scores shown below. 71. shown below. If the mean elevation throughout the state is 300 feet. Inc. Taking into consideration all of the surnames that might be found in her telephone book. or 0 feet.5. 94 A Range B Mode C Median D Mean Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 56.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 5: Data Analysis & Probability (continued) 8. 8 liked red. 89. (DOK2) 1 If you and five of your friends went out for pizza and split the bill evenly. 94 A Range B Mode 7 C Median D Mean After surveying your classmates about their favorite color. sea level. Brown. 89. 71. 15 and the probability of event B taking place is 7 .35 D 0.20 6 _ Bee 0. Out of the 200 people you randomly poll. If the probability of event A taking place is 0.25 D 0.76 B 0.30 D 0 Mastering the MCT2. Suppose the player currently has 15 hits in 40 times at bat. how many more hits would the player expect to get after 120 more times at bat? A 60 B 45 6 C 30 D 15 If the probability of rain tomorrow is 0. 6 green marbles. 20 third event taking place? 3 A 3 _ B 0. What is the probability your spin lands on Hen. 12 red marbles.45 C 0. and 3 yellow marbles. what is the probability that it will NOT rain? A 1 B 0.5.17 25 4 D _ 25 Cow 0. If the player continues to hit at the same rate.07 C 19 _ 25 The table below gives the probabilities of spinning each of 5 outcomes with a spinner. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. (DOK3) 1 A bag contains 4 blue marbles. or Ant? A 0.3 20 C 0. What is the probability of reaching into the bag and NOT drawing a green marble? A 1 B 2 4 Spinner Section Probability Hen 0.5 You conduct a telephone survey to see how many people will vote for a candidate in the upcoming election.70 C 0.c Make and list conjectures by calculating probability for experimental or simulated contexts.31 Pig 0. 110 indicate that the candidate will receive their support. how many votes would you expect the candidate to get? A 310 B 1600 C 1760 D 2200 A baseball batting average is found by dividing the player’s number of hits by the player’s number of times at bat.25 Ant 0.Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 5: Data Analysis & Probability (continued) 8.20 One of three events will take place. Pig. Inc. If 3200 people are expected to vote. what is the probability of the _ 5 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.70. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 41 . Name Date Practice by Competency Competency 5: Data Analysis & Probability (continued) 8.5.d Construct and interpret scatter plots to generalize trends from given data sets. (DOK3) 1 2 Which scatter plot would most likely reflect the sale of winter apparel? Sales of winter apparel ($) A Est. 2005 Population Number of Representatives California 33,900,000 50 Mississippi 2,900,000 4 Florida 16,000,000 25 Utah 2,200,000 3 $150 State $100 $50 0 The data in the table below shows the population of five states and the number of members of the U.S. House of Representatives they each have. Which statement best describes the correlation between population and representation? 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° Temperature Sales of winter apparel ($) B A B C D $150 $100 $50 0 There is no correlation. There is a positive correlation. There is a negative correlation. The correlation is random. 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 3 Sales of winter apparel ($) C $150 $100 $50 0 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° Temperature The data in the table shows Rico’s pre-algebra test scores and how much sleep he got the night before taking the test. Graph the data. Which generalization appears to be true? Hours of Sleep Test Score 8 7.5 5.5 96 90 72 7 81 Sales of winter apparel ($) D $150 $100 $50 0 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° Temperature 42 Mastering the MCT2, Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) A There is no correlation between sleep and test scores. B The more sleep Rico gets, the better his test scores. C Test scores decrease as sleep time increases. D There is a negative correlation between sleep and test scores. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Temperature Practice Test Student Answer Sheet Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Record your answers by coloring in the appropriate bubble for the best answer to each question. 1 A B C D 21 A B C D 41 A B C D 2 A B C D 22 A B C D 42 A B C D 3 A B C D 23 A B C D 43 A B C D 4 A B C D 24 A B C D 44 A B C D 5 A B C D 25 A B C D 45 A B C D 6 A B C D 26 A B C D 46 A B C D 7 A B C D 27 A B C D 47 A B C D 8 A B C D 28 A B C D 48 A B C D 9 A B C D 29 A B C D 49 A B C D 10 A B C D 30 A B C D 50 A B C D 11 A B C D 31 A B C D 51 A B C D 12 A B C D 32 A B C D 52 A B C D 13 A B C D 33 A B C D 53 A B C D 14 A B C D 34 A B C D 54 A B C D 15 A B C D 35 A B C D 55 A B C D 16 A B C D 36 A B C D 56 A B C D 17 A B C D 37 A B C D 57 A B C D 18 A B C D 38 A B C D 58 A B C D 19 A B C D 39 A B C D 59 A B C D 20 A B C D 40 A B C D 60 A B C D Mastering the MCT2, Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 43 Name Date Practice Test 1 Terrell is taking his sister back to college. The table below shows their distance from home after various amounts of time. What is the average rate of change per hour of their distance from home between 2 and 5 hours? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. A B C D 2 Time (h) Distance (mi) 1 60 2 120 3 180 4 240 5 300 3 300 mi 120 mi 60 mph 3h Which of these best describes the set of rational numbers? A rectangle about 170 miles wide and 340 miles long could enclose the state of Mississippi. What is the area of this rectangle? A B C D 4 A The set of natural numbers including 0. B The set of whole numbers and their opposites. C All numbers that can be expressed as ratios. D All numbers that can be expressed as a a , where b ≠ 0 and a and b are ratio _ b integers. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, what can always be said about alternate exterior angles? A B C D 5 380 mi2 1020 mi2 28,900 mi2 57,800 mi2 They are adjacent. They are complementary. They are supplementary. They are congruent. What is the value of the expression below when a = -1 and b = -2? -a2b3 A B C D 8 4 -4 -8 Go on Mastering the MCT2, Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 45 ∠5.560. Which of the statements is NOT true? State Population Alabama 4. 8 .000 Arkansas 2. ∠10 B ∠3 9 c d C ∠1. how tall is the tree? 0 y 1 2 3 4x -2 -3 -4 A -3 B 60 ft b _1 2 C 1 D 3 10 You have 40 country songs and 70 jazz 40 ft A B C D 45 ft 50 ft 65 ft 70 ft 46 Mastering the MCT2.000 Mississippi 2. A The population of Mississippi is less than the median population of the five states.000 Louisiana 4.180.000 7 Which angles in the figure are corresponding angles with ∠2? a 1 2 5 6 3 4 9 10 11 12 7 8 13 14 15 16 A ∠6.920. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.960. Inc. ∠4. You want to increase your jazz collection so that it represents 75% of your songs.Name Date Practice Test 6 (continued) The table below gives the approximate population in 2005 of Mississippi and the four states that border it.000 Tennessee 5.520. C The data does not have a mode. B The range of the data is 3. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) songs on your MP3 player.000.780. How many jazz songs do you need to add? A 30 B 40 C 50 D 60 Go on Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. D The population of Mississippi is greater than the mean population of the five states. ∠8 D ∠7 What is the x-intercept of the line graphed below? 4 3 2 1 -4-3-2 A tree casts a shadow on the ground as shown in the figure below. To the nearest foot. 1) = 6x . 15ab2.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 11 What is the least common multiple of 14 Which example correctly applies the 6 a2b. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 47 . Which measure of central tendency best describes the commission earnings? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. and $4500.x)(2x) = 1 . $1750.1) = -4x .4(2) 2 -3 A -12 B -10 C -6 D -4 Go on Mastering the MCT2. Inc. $1800. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.c) = ab + ac 15 What is the surface area of the figure? employees at a furniture store are $1100.1 (1 .4 -a(-b .2x2 -4(x . $1350.2 _ . A B C D 6 yd 5 yd Mean Mode Median Range 3 yd 13 What is the measure of ∠V in the figure? 8 A 126 yd2 B 90 yd2 C 63 yd2 D 45 yd2 140° 7 110° 9 16 How many polygons make up the net of a triangular pyramid? : 6 A B C D 90° 110° 140° 180° A 7 B 6 C 5 D 4 17 What is the value of the expression below? 10 . and 2ab? distributive property? A B C D A B C D ab 180a4b4 a2b2 30a2b2 12 The sales commissions earned by five 3(2x . How many field goals would you expect Eric to make tomorrow if he makes 99 attempts and succeeds at the same rate as today? A B C D 33 45 60 66 21 A diner near Natchez Trace Parkway usually has 9 employees on duty. one extra waitress joins the staff.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 18 While practicing kicking field goals today. On a quiet day. C All the points can be found in the first and second quadrants. Due to his success last year. Eric made 30 out of 45 attempts. Inc. On a busy day. he wants to multiply the area of his tomato garden. by 3. Fuentez raises tomatoes to sell at the local Farmers’ Market. A The data points fall from left to right. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. which measure should you choose? A B C D Mode Range Mean Median 20 ft A B C D 620 ft2 200 ft2 62 ft 31 ft Go on 48 Mastering the MCT2. shown in the figure. C 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. What will be the area of the new garden? 10 ft 20 If you want to know how spread out the data is in a set.1. D A line passing through the five points has a positive slope. B The data points rise from left to right. Which graph represents the possible number of employees on duty in the diner? A B 19 Which of the following statements is true about the graph of the ordered pairs in the table? x -5 -3 0 3 5 y 6 4 1 -2 -4 D 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 22 Mr. one cook stays home. which statement best describes the trend seen in the graph? Day Temperature Day Temperature 1 58 8 76 2 61 9 72 3 59 10 71 4 67 11 66 5 62 12 65 6 59 13 66 7 73 14 66 A The data points tend to be linear with zero slope. D In a right triangle. 26 A state park is 2. What is the area of the park? A B C D 1. D The temperatures tend to rise over time. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 49 . B The temperatures tend to fall over time. If these data were graphed. the sum of the squares of the lengths of two sides of a triangle is equal to the square of the length of the third side. the sum of the lengths of the legs of the triangle is equal to the length of the hypotenuse. B In a right triangle. Inc.5 miles long and 0. C The data points tend to be linear with undefined slope. 24 Which is the correct way to simplify this expression? -3y4 • -2y2 A B C D -6y6 6y8 6y6 -5y4 25 The table shows the daily low temperature for the first 14 days of June 2007 in Vicksburg.5 miles wide. the sum of the lengths of the legs of the triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 23 How should the following statement be rewritten to create a true statement? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. C In a right triangle. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs of the triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.5 mi2 3 mi2 6 mi2 Go on Mastering the MCT2.25 mi2 2. the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs of the triangle is equal to the length of the hypotenuse. A In a right triangle. In a triangle. what is the volume 0 4 3 2 1 25 36 y -2 -3 -4 C 16 x 1 2 3 4 0 -2 -3 -4 B 28 A perfect square is a number that has a whole number square root. What is the seventh perfect square? 1 y = x . a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.6 in3 904. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 27 Which is the graph of the equation _ A 4 3 2 1 -4-3-2 y 1 4 9 4 3 2 1 -4-3-2 45 49 55 64 of a sphere with a radius of 6 inches? 1 2 3 4x A B C D y 2713 in3 1808. -4-3-2 A B C D 29 To the nearest tenth.3 in3 113 in3 30 What is the slope of the line graphed 1 2 3 4x 0 below? y -2 -3 -4 D 4 3 2 1 -4-3-2 0 y 0 x 1 2 3 4x -2 -3 -4 A B C D Positive Undefined Negative Zero Go on 50 Mastering the MCT2. The table shows the first 6 perfect squares. Inc.2? 3 . 000.000 2006 23. 34 A rare stamp is 15 millimeters wide and 20 millimeters high. 28.26 in. what is the 33 The table shows the approximate number of milk cows in Mississippi during a five year span. what should be the second step when simplifying the expression below? A B C D 8÷4 4•5 5-8 20 . 6 in. B The number of milk cows is increasing.000 2003 31. 9 in.5 A B C D a>6 a<6 a>2 a < -2 Go on Mastering the MCT2. Which statement is true? value of z? z x Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.5 mm 200 mm 225 mm 35 What is the solution to the inequality shown below? -4a + 7 < -2a . A B C D 32 If you follow the order of operations correctly. the value of z can be found using the equation _xz = _yz . An enlarged photo of the stamp is 150 millimeters high. If the diameter of the circle is 20 inches and x = 18 inches. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 51 .000. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.000 2004 27.(22 • 5 . How wide is the photo of the stamp? A B C D 2 mm 112.000 2005 25. Inc. D The median of the data is 28. 7 .Name Date Practice Test (continued) 31 In the semicircle shown below.000. C The mode of the data is 23.000 y 2 in.8 ÷ 4) Year A The mean of the data is 28.8 Milk Cows 2002 34. A B C D A .000 meters. Which measure of central tendency should be used to determine the typical attendance for these five days? A B C D Range Mode Mean Median 39 The radius of the moon is approximately 1080 miles.10) < 24 37 The radius of the sun is approximately 697.000. 3100. 2750. and 1800. What is the approximate circumference of the moon? A B C D 13.5% 0% 180° 120° 90° 60° Go on 52 Mastering the MCT2.564 mi 6782 mi 2160 mi 1080 mi 40 Which graph is the solution of the inequality? -2(x .97 × 106 697 × 106 69.7 × 107 6. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 3300.97 × 108 B C 38 What is the probability of spinning a d D -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 on the spinner shown below? d b c A B C D 41 What is the measure of an interior angle a c d in an equilateral triangle? b A B C D d 37. How do you write this number in scientific notation? 6. Inc. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.5% 25% 12.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 36 Attendance for five consecutive days at The Tupelo Buffalo Park and Zoo was 2500. The data points are somewhat linear. 1. The data points fall from left to right. . Multiply 4 times 2.709 10. then add 4 and 6. _79 . 2 and 3. √_ . a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.127 people. 13 16 .01 . 92. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.23. . 88.8 B 10 _13 . 46 What operations are performed on the A B C D 95 90 85 80 exponents when simplifying the expression w4(w2)3? 44 What is the correct simplification of the A B C D Multiply 2 times 3. √7 D 1 .√ 0. Add the 4.01. _47 . Multiply the 4.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 42 Which set of numbers is irrational? −− − −− − A -1.√ 11 . -0. 65. following expression? -4a2b3c3(3a3b4c2) A B C D -12a6b12c6 -12a5b7c5 -a5b7c6 12a6b12c6 47 The population of Gulfport is approximately 71.9. then add 3. 2. The data points follow no particular pattern.483 23.√ 3 . Inc. how many books should the library have? A B C D 165.√ 4 45 Which answer best describes the data points graphed below? y 0 43 Sierra earned the following scores on her first four algebra tests. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 53 . and 3. If the city librarian wants to provide 3 books for every 7 citizens.161 Go on Mastering the MCT2. _ 11 C . 1.963 30. and 85 A B C D What will she have to earn on the fifth test if she wants her average to be at least 85? x The data points rise from left to right. π. .1) A 2y B 2y2 2x (x + 4) A B C D 51 What is the greatest common factor of 12x4 + 17x .2 12x2 + 17x C 3y D 6y3 52 What is the area of the figure shown below? 49 In the figure below.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 48 What is the perimeter of the triangle shown below? the monomials in this sequence? 3y. Inc. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. 80° 30° .2 8x2 + 9x . .2 8x2 + 17x . 12y5. . 6y3. what is the measure 7 cm of ∠DEC? # 3 cm 70° $ " A B C D % 2 cm 5 cm & A 210 cm2 B 35 cm2 180° 80° 70° 30° C 32 cm2 D 20 cm2 53 Which figure represents the net of a cylinder? 50 What is the slope of the line with this A C B D equation? -8x + 4y = 12 A -2 B _1 2 C 2 D 3 Go on 54 Mastering the MCT2. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 24y7. x (6x + 5) 2(2x . 4w .2 2 B 2w .2 #PBSE y C 5X 2 .2X ? #PBSE #PBSE 0 x 12w2 A + 4w . Which is the graph of the equation? # 1 2 x -2 -1 0 1 2 y -8 -2 0 -2 -8 y A 5 4 3 % Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Name Date Practice Test (continued) 54 Quadrilateral ABCD is a square. Which a angle is an alternate interior angle with ∠4? " 6 56 The function table below was created using an equation of the form y = ax2.2 D 2w2 .2 C 2w2 + 8w . Inc. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. How long is board 3? x 0 7X 2 + 6X .2 D 0 y x Go on Mastering the MCT2. A B C D 0 $ ∠6 ∠3 ∠2 ∠1 x y B 55 Board 1 is cut into two pieces to make boards 2 and 3. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 55 .8w . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) binomials? (4x . the result is 160. 82 56 Mastering the MCT2.8x .7 cm C 7.1 A B C D _ 5 60 If of a pizza remains and 4 people 8 want to share it equally. A B C D 59 What is the product of the two .5 centimeters. Inc.35 cm D 6 cm 58 If you double Tyrone’s age s in the year 2008 and add 2. with a height about 230 meters and a base edge of about 147 meters.1 16x2 . If a scale model of the pyramid has a height of 11. Which shows his age and the equation to find his age? 2(s + 2) = 160.1)(4x + 1) 16x2 . 78 2s + 2 = 160.2) = 160. 81 2(s . 79 2s + 2 = 160. how long is the base of the model? A 15 cm B 14. what part of the whole pizza will each person get? A _1 8 5 B _ 32 1 C _ 4 5 D _ 2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.1 16x2 + 1 16x2 + 8x .Name Date Practice Test (continued) 57 The Great Pyramid is a square pyramid. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.01 D -0.√ 0. 30 feet.01.5. -0. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 57 .5 ft Friday 5 Which of the following is NOT correct? A B C D an = an+m _ am (ab)n = anbn (an)m = anm an _a n = _ n (b) b Mastering the MCT2. 2 Mississippi’s worldwide merchandise exports reached a record high in 2005 totaling $4. .9 0.9. 3 feet. Suppose this number is rounded to the nearest billion.570.9.01 Tuesday Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.01 B -0. . -0. -0. -0.Countdown to MCT2 10 Weeks to the Test Monday 1 Which of the following lists the numbers graphed below from least to greatest? 0 -1 A -0.892. What is this number written in scientific notation? A B C D Wednesday 3 What is the third calculation in simplifying 8 + 16 ÷ 2 × 42? A B C D 4 × 106 4 × 109 40 × 108 5 × 109 16 ÷ 2 42 8 + 128 8 16 Thursday 4 You are putting up three lengths of 2 fence measuring 25 feet. -0.01 . -0.√ 0.5.√ 0.9 ft 90. What is the total length of your fence? _ A B C D 92 ft 91 ft 90.5.√ C -0. and 3 − 35. .5.007. -0.9.01 . 01 .01. -0. Inc. . √ 11 . .25 lb Tuesday 2 1 ft 4 .8. 2.5 3 36 58 Mastering the MCT2.3 × 107 miles Friday 5 Which set of numbers is all rational numbers? 2 4(-3)2 A B C D -2 -0. 0 − 77 C . a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. What is this distance written in scientific notation? 9. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.9 D 1. Once the wood is ready for building purposes. Inc.25 pounds of liquid remains in the wood per cubic foot of board. how many bacteria are there after 1 6 hours? 2 1 C 20 · 6_ A 20 · 213 2 1 6_ 1 D 20 + 6_ B 20 · 2 2 2 Wednesday _ 4 16 feet 1 ft 2 4 lb 2 lb 0. Suppose a certain strain of bacteria can double in population every half hour.07. -π.Countdown to MCT2 9 Weeks to the Test Monday 1 Pressure treated wood is soaked in a liquid substance and then dried to help prevent the wood from deteriorating. 99.5 lb 0. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) . √50 5 . 5. _ . If initially there were 20 bacteria. 14 13 −− √ 40 .3 × 105 miles 9.25 .3 × 106 miles 93 × 106 miles 9. How many pounds of liquid remain in the board shown in the figure to the right? A B C D 3 A B C D Thursday What is the simplified value of the expression? -18(2) _ The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 93 million miles.√ 121 . approximately 0. √20 A √ √ B -45. 2 What is the greatest common factor of 30u2vw3 and 35uw2? A B C D Wednesday 3 210u2vw3 1050u3v2w5 v 5uw2 Which of the following equations shows the distributive property being used correctly? A B C D Thursday 4 On a map. the towns of Winona.c + d) = -ab + ac . Inc.Countdown to MCT2 8 Weeks to the Test Monday 1 Which model represents A C B D 32? Tuesday Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Kosciusko.14 7(3y2 + 2y) = 21y2 + 2y -(-x .ad (-2x + 7)(-2) = -2x .0 mi D 60. The distances from Winona to Kosciusko and Kosciusko to Louisville are both approximately 30 miles. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. To the nearest tenth of a mile. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 59 .4 mi C 45. how far is from Winona to Louisville? A 7.7 m B 42. and Louisville form what appears to be a right triangle with the distance from Winona to Louisville being the hypotenuse of the triangle.0 mi -a(b .y) = -x + y Friday 5 What is the slope of the line graphed in the figure below? y 0 A B C D x 1 -1 0 Undefined Mastering the MCT2. Inc./yr Friday 5 What is the least common multiple of 12a2bc and 10abc? A B C D 2abc 120a3b2c2 60abc 60a2bc Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill./yr 2 in.2 in. how many pairs of vertical angles are formed? 2 3 4 5 60 Mastering the MCT2. 112 ft 116 ft 555 ft 5555 ft Thursday A B C D B 30 ft Wednesday A B C D 4 10 /$""'PPUCBMM'JFME A model of the Washington Monument uses a scale of 1:111. Based on the information in the table. To the nearest whole number.) When two lines intersect in a plane. what is the distance from point A to point B? 1 1 ./yr 2.Countdown to MCT2 7 Weeks to the Test Monday 0 1 A 0 240 ft 340 ft 367 ft 394 ft 3 Paula’s mom completed the following growth table. approximately how tall is the monument? A B C D 50 300 ft 30 ft Tuesday 2 0 160 ft 10 A B C D 5 The diagram at the right shows the dimensions of a typical NCAA football field. If the scale model is 5 feet tall./yr 2. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 3 4 5 6 35 37 39 42 46 5 in. what is Paula’s average growth rate from year 3 to year 5? Paula’s Growth Chart 2 Year Height (in.5 in. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. what is the circumference of the speedway? A B C D 630 ft 1978 ft 99. 5 Suppose the Magnolia Motor Speedway located in Columbus was circular rather than oval.225 ft 311. ∠6. ∠3. what is the area of the shaded region in the figure below? 8 in. b. ∠10.Countdown to MCT2 6 Weeks to the Test Monday 1 In the figure at the right. ∠8 7 8 9 10 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. ∠11 ∠5. ∠11 ∠1. ∠5. If the radius of the speedway is 315 feet. what is the width of the poster? If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal forming two pairs of vertical angles with angle measures of 40°. ∠6. A B C D in2 110 201 in2 402 in2 512 in2 140° 100° 60° 50° 8 in. and c are parallel. 1 You enlarged a 4 inch tall by _ c Wednesday foot wide 3 photo to make a poster for school. to the nearest whole number. lines a. ∠11 ∠2. Which list contains all the angles congruent to ∠7? A B C D d 1 2 3 4 5 6 ∠3. If the poster is 6 feet tall and is similar to the photo. what is the angle measure of the other two pairs of vertical angles formed? A B C D A B C D 2 4 ft 8 ft 9 ft 12 ft Thursday 4 b 11 12 Tuesday 2 a Friday To the nearest whole number. ∠9. ∠3. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 61 .567 ft Mastering the MCT2. 120°.8 × 107 km3 2.6 ft Thursday What three dimensional figure does the net shown below represent? Friday 5 Suppose you rolled a number cube 80 times with the number 5 appearing 30 times. what is the approximate volume of the moon? A B C D 1738 km 3. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.Countdown to MCT2 5 Weeks to the Test Monday 1 If you think about the moon as being a sphere with a diameter as shown. The Superdome appears circular when viewed from above. If you roll the cube 280 more times. what is its radius? A 680 ft B 1067. 110°.2 ft 80 105 120 150 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Inc. was completed in 1975. 160° What is the measure of the sixth angle? C 100° D 90° The Louisiana Superdome.4 feet. If the circumference of the Superdome is approximately 4270. how many more times would you expect to roll a 5? A B C D A B C D Triangular prism Triangular pyramid Rectangular prism Rectangular pyramid 62 Mastering the MCT2.2 × 1010 km3 6. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) C 1360 ft D 2135.6 × 1010 km3 Tuesday 2 The measures of five of the six interior angles of a convex hexagon are listed below. located in New Orleans. Wednesday 3 100°. A 120° B 110° 4 3476 km . 140°. how many of these seeds would he expect to sprout? A B C D Wednesday 3 13 7 3 2 A car dealer is showcasing the four cars in the table shown below.Countdown to MCT2 4 Weeks to the Test 1 The graph below shows the number of motorcycles Anita sold on seven consecutive days.540 Car 3 $28. José plants 70 daisy seeds and 10 of them sprout. The data points show a negative trend. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. which measure should you choose? A B C D Mean Median Mode Range Mastering the MCT2.455 Car 2 $24. In effort to promote his dealership he tells the local media that mean price of these cars is $36.2) + 2 = 46? A -3 B 23 -_ 6 13 C -_ 3 28 D -_ 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Days Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 Car 4 Thursday 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Tuesday 2 Motorcycles Sold Monday Car Price Car 1 $65.695 Car 4 $24. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.460. Which answer choice best describes Anita’s sales pattern? A B C D The data points show a positive trend. The data points are not correlated. Inc. The data points reflect no change.150 Friday 5 If you want to show what the middle value of a data set is. Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 63 . If he plants 21 more seeds. Which of the automobiles affects this mean the most? A B C D What is the solution to the equation -4(3x . 000) 1 It would have no affect on the mean. 6. 6.9. What affect would a dramatic drop in real estate prices in 2010 have on the mean? A B C D Mississippi Real Estate Prices ($1. Inc. 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year Tuesday 2 Which answer choice is the solution to the inequality -x + 3(-x + 1) ≤ 11? Wednesday 3 In a diving competition Lin Yao earned the following scores: 6. 7. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. It would lower the mean.4.Countdown to MCT2 3 Weeks to the Test Monday The graph to the right shows the history of real estate prices in the state of Mississippi over a 25 year period.3(2x + 1) A B C D -4x . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Mean Range Mode Median Friday 5 Which inequality is graphed below? -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 A B C D -3 < x ≤ 1 x ≥ -3 -3 ≤ x < 1 x<1 1 2 3 4 5 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. It would raise the mean.17 64 Mastering the MCT2. The mean would rise and then fall.6 4x .6.4.17 -4x . Which measure of central tendency best describes her scores? A B C D Thursday Which answer choice is the simplified form of the given expression? 2(x .6. A x ≤ -2 B x ≥ -2 5 C x ≤ -_ 2 5 D x ≥ -_ 2 4 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 .6.11 -4x . 7. and 9.7) . a = -4 and b = -1? A B C D Wednesday 3 2b Which inequality is graphed in the figure below? -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -10 -6 6 10 A B C D Thursday 4 What is the slope of the line with equation 4x .2a) .a .3a + 1 5a2 .a + 1 3a2 .a .(a2 . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) 65 .1 5a2 .ab Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.8y = -16? A -2 1 B -_ 2 1 C _ 2 D 2 1 2 3 4 5 x ≤ -3 x < -3 x ≥ -3 x > -3 Friday 5 What is the simplified form of the expression below? (4a2 . a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.1 Mastering the MCT2. Inc.1) + a A B C D 3a2 .Countdown to MCT2 2 Weeks to the Test Monday 1 Which is the graph of y = A 2 1 -x2? y 0 C 1 2 3x -2 -2 B 3 2 1 2 1 y D 1 2x 0 1 y 0 1 2x -2 01 x -3-2 y -2 -3 -2 Tuesday 2 What is the value of _ when a2 . 1 w2 + 1 w2 .1)(w + 1)? A B C D 1 2 3 4x w2 .1 -2 -3 -4 A B C D The data points show a positive trend.4 x + 7? 3 A -4 4 C -_ 3 B D 7 -3 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. It is vertical.1? A 2 1 y C 01 2 x -2 2 1 2 1 -2 y D 01 2 x -2 01 2 x -2-1 -2 B y 2 1 -2-1 -2 y 01 2 x -2 Tuesday 2 Which of the following best describes the data points in the graph below? -4-3-2 0 3 y What is the simplified form of the expression (w . 66 Mastering the MCT2. It falls then rises from left to right.1 w2 + 2w . 4 3 2 1 Wednesday . Pre-Algebra (Grade 8) Friday 5 What is the slope of the line with _ equation y = . Thursday 4 Which of the following best describes the graph of y = x2? A B C D It rises from left to right. The data points show a negative trend. It rises then falls from left to right. The data points are not correlated.2w . Inc.Countdown to MCT2 1 Week to the Test Monday 1 Which answer choice represents the graph of y = 2x . The data points reflect no change. a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. . . . glencoe.ISBN: 978-0-07-878496-5 MHID: 0-07-878496-4 glencoe.com .com www.
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