G33 ROBOdoff.PDF

March 17, 2018 | Author: Nguyen Minh Tuan | Category: Screw, Electrical Connector, Gear, Bearing (Mechanical), Switch



Instruction G3310e1Ring spinning frame G 33 ROBOdoff 07.2001 - en G3310e1 1 2 G3310e1 07.2001 - en ROBOdoff Index to contents 1. ROBOdoff function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2. Description of the sequence of movements of the ROBOdoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. 3.1 3.2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Doffer beam neutral position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Corrective action on ROBOdoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Mechanical adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic settings for the threaded spindle in bottom position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic setting of articulated links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic setting of the switching rail (Limit switches S124 and S123, proximity switches B107, B106, B105, B103, B104) Relieving springs / Doffer beam holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic setting of proximity switch carrier (B100...B102) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doffer beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doffer beam end piece at headstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laying the cable on doffer beam end piece at headstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doffer beam end at tailstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feeding cable at final termination of doffer beam foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjusting the position of the doffer beam along the length of the machine . . . . . Adjusting terminal strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic setting for doffer beam height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjusting the doffer beam height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limit switch S124 «doffer beam position overshot at bottom» . . . . . . . . . . . . Limit switch S123 «doffer beam position overshot at top» . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjusting the doffer beam swung-in position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjusting the doffer beam swung-out position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 27 27 28 28 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Proximity switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proximity switch B100 «neutral position» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proximity switch B101 «doffer beam position: grip spinning tubes / cops» . . . . Proximity switch B102 «doffer beam position: deposit spinning tubes / cops» . . Proximity switch B103 «doffer beam position: 1st switch-over fast/slow at top» . . Proximity switch B104 «doffer beam in top position» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proximity switch B105 «Doffer beam in 2nd switch-over pos. fast / slow spindle» Proximity switch B106 «doffer beam position: load spinning tubes» . . . . . . . . Proximity switch B107 «Doffer beam in 3rd switch-over pos. fast slow at bottom» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 6. Gripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Replacing the threaded spindle and the lifting rod nut . . . . . . . . . . . Dismantling when the doffer beam is below the level of the spindle cradle Dismantling when the doffer beam is above the level of the spindle cradle Fitting a new threaded spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubrication of threaded spindle (after replacement) . . . . . . . . . . . . 07.2001 - en G3310e1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 34 35 37 39 3 en .2001 .4 G3310e1 07. The cops are transported on the peg trays to the ROBOload or the bobbin-winder.ROBOdoff 1. (S22 is active) Key: 1 = Thread guides 2 = Spindles with spinning tubes or cops 3 = Ring rails 4 = Gripper 5 = Doffer beam 6 = Holder with clamps 7 = Spring unit 8 = SERVOdisc 9 = ROBOdoff with swing lever 07. – The thread guides (1) are raised. The doffer beam collects the spinning tubes from the tops of the peg tray and loads them onto the spindles. – The SERVOdisc is in «automatic mode». ROBOdoff function With the ROBodoff the spinning tubes are transferred from the peg trays to the spinning tube pegs on the tops of the peg tray.2001 . – The ROBOdoff in in «automatic mode». 2. At the same time. The SERVOdisc traction strip starts up as soon as the doffer beam has pressed the spinning tubes onto the spindles. Description of the sequence of movements of the ROBOdoff – The doffer beam (5) is in neutral position (B100 is active). The SERVOdisc traction strip is offset by half a division. – The SERVOdisc traction strip (8) is in doffing position.en G3310e1 5 . The cops are removed from the spindles and deposited on the peg trays. the empty spinning tubes are transported on the peg trays from the ROBOload or the bobbin-winder to the ring spinning frame. the ring rails (3) are in cops changing position (B39 is active). – The peg trays are loaded with spinning tubes. – The ROBOload or the bobbin-winder is switched on. – The ring spinning frame is in «automatic mode». en . – The doffer beam (5) moves down into the «deposit spinning tubes position» (B102).ROBOdoff Transferring spinning tubes: – The doffer beam (5) moves down to the «Grip spinning tubes position» (B101). – The grippers (4) inflate and grip the spinning tubes. – The doffer beam (5) moves back up into «neutral position» (B100).2001 . 6 G3310e1 07. – The SERVOdisc traction strip moves forwards from the «doffing position» B150 to the «intermediate position» (B151). – The SERVOdisc traction strip moves backwards past the doffing position (B150) and then forwards into the exact doffing position (B150). Doffing cops: – The doffer beam (5) moves right up to the top into the «swing in/out position» (B104).ROBOdoff – The grippers (4) deflate.2001 . The spinning tubes (11) drop onto the pegs on the tops of the peg tray (12).en G3310e1 7 . 07. 8 G3310e1 07. – The doffer beam (5) is lowered to the position «spinning tubes / cops on spindle» (B106) – The grippers (4) inflate. – The doffer beam (5) is raised into the «swing in / out position» (B104). The limit switch (S120 doffer beam swung in) is tripped. The limit switch (S121 doffer beam swung out) is tripped.2001 . – The doffer beam (5) swings in.en .ROBOdoff – The doffer beam (5) is in the «swing in / out position» (B104). – The doffer beam (5) swings out. – The grippers (4) deflate and the cops (13) drop down onto the pegs of the peg trays.ROBOdoff – The doffer beam (5) is lowered into the «deposit spinning tubes / cops position» (B102).en G3310e1 9 . The tips of the peg trays are inserted into the spinning tubes of the cops (13). – The doffer beam (5) is raised to the «neutral position» (B100).2001 . 07. – The grippers (4) inflate. thus gripping the spinning tubes (11).ROBOdoff – The SERVOdisc traction strip moves forward half a division into «intermediate position» as far as the proximity switch (B151). 10 G3310e1 07. – The doffer beam (5) moves down into «deposit spinning tubes / cops position» (B101).en .2001 . – The ring spinning frame starts up by running the spinning start-up program. – The doffer beam (5) is lowered to proximity switch (B100) «neutral position». At the same time the peg trays are loaded with spinning tubes. 07. The limit switch (S121 doffer beam swung out) is tripped. – The doffer beam (5) swings in.en G3310e1 11 . – The doffer beam (5) swings out. The limit switch (S120 doffer beam swung in) is tripped. – The grippers (4) deflate. – The doffer beam (5) is raised to «swing in / out position» (B104).2001 .ROBOdoff – The doffer beam (5) is raised to «swing in / out position» (B104). – The SERVOdisc traction strip starts and carries the cops to the ROBOload or to the transfer station. The SERVOdisc traction strip runs until it reaches «doffing position» (B151). – The doffer beam (5) is lowered to «spinning tubes / cops on spindles position» (B106). 1 Doffer beam neutral position The doffer beam is positioned in such a way that the proximity switch (B100) «neutral position» is activated (approach from above).en . To enable the «ROBOdoff» to start after the ring spinning frame has finished underwinding. Operation 3. the «SERVOdisc» must be in doffing position (B150).ROBOdoff 3. Key: 4 5 11 12 S121 S120 = = = = = = Gripper Doffer beam Spinning tube Top part of peg tray of SERVOdisc Limit switch «doffer beam swung out» Limit switch «doffer beam swung in» Key: 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 B100 B101 Sleeve Tube Pressure spring Proximity switch cover Proximity switch holder Trip ring on tube (33) Guide pin Bearing bush Seeger ring Cross member Drag bearing Doffer beam Neutral position Doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position» B102 = Doffer beam in «deposit spinning tubes / cops position» 12 G3310e1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 07.2001 . – The message «235 Gripper disengaged F112. Put the gripper (4) together with the spinning tube (11) into the doffer beam (5). F113» is displayed. (Loss of pressure = F112. The ROBOdoff starts up.en G3310e1 13 . – Remove the obstructing cop (13).2 Corrective action on ROBOdoff – If a gripper (4) disengages while loading the spinning tubes (11). Key: 4 5 11 13 S121 S120 = = = = = = Gripper Doffer beam Spinning tube Cops Limit switch «doffer beam swung out» Limit switch «doffer beam swung in» 07. Put the spinning tube in the gripper and hold it tight. The top edge of the gripper is 7 mm from the spinning tube.ROBOdoff 3.2001 . the doffer beam (5) stops immediately. Align the tube with the spindle. – On the control panel of the ring spinning frame. actuate the two START buttons (51) together. F113) – The doffer beam (5) moves back into «swing in / out position» (B104). 1 Basic settings for the threaded spindle in bottom position Assembly – The threaded spindle (9/13) is inserted in the lifting rod nut. 913 mm T75) together with the threaded spindle (9/13) and tighten. To protect the bearing film.en . – Put the two shock absorbers (7) onto the threaded spindle (headstock side). – Adjust the mounting distance M = (15+60) 75 mm on both sides of the machine by turning the threaded spindle. Key: 1 = Cross member for swing motion 2 = Seeger circlip 3 = Lifting rod 1423 mm long (1473 mm T75) 4 = Protective rail 5 = Bearing film 6 = Centring ring 7 = Shock absorber 40/57x15 8 = Coupling lining ring 9 = Threaded spindle G = Basic setting for all tube lengths = 15 mm M = Mounting distance for all tube lengths 15+60 =75mm 14 For the basic setting of the doffer beam height. The caps of the threaded spindle are fastened with hose clips.2001 .ROBOdoff 4. adjust the basic setting of the threaded spindle so that the distance G = 15 mm. G3310e1 07. insert the assembly mandrel (83). – Turn the rear lifting rod (813 mm long. Mechanical adjustments 4. – Push the front lifting rod (3) through the drag bearing of the cross member (1). en G3310e1 15 . – Put the snap rings onto the lifting rods (none at the end of the machine). Then switch off again. Key: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = – Insert the pre-adjusted assembly gauge (8) at the swing lever in front of the threaded spindle. Key: 8 = Assembly setting gauge B = Setting distance per spinning tube length 07.2001 . – Switch off the solenoid Y120 using the screw driver and switch on the solenoid Y121 until the doffer beam is swung out. Lifting rod bearing Clamping point stop Lifting rod Washer Long swing lever Short swing lever (straight outside edge) Inscription on inside Assembly setting gauge Drag bearing Lifting rod coupling – At the swing lever in front of the threaded spindle. – Screw the long lifting rod coupling on loosely behind the doffer drive section (DAS).ROBOdoff 4. Tighten the 4 screws on this lifting rod coupling (10) evenly.2 Basic setting of articulated links Adjust the assembly setting gauge (8) according to the tube length. Tighten the remaining screws on this lifting rod coupling (10) in such a way that you can remove the Allen key. This swings in all the swing levers. The lifting rod can now no longer rotate. remove the washer (4) from the clamping point stop (2) and moderately tighten the two screws of the clamping point stop. – Adjust the other lifting rod couplings (10) in horizontal position. proceeding in the direction of the headstock and then from the «DAS» towards the tailstock. – Screw all the other lifting rod couplings (10) on loosely. – Insert the assembly gauge (8) at each articulated link. The jobs described below must be carried out on both sides of the machine. – Tighten all the screws on the lifting rod couplings (10) to 70 Nm. remove the washer on the clamping point stop (2) and moderately tighten the two screws on the clamping point stop. – Switch on the electrovalve Y120 using the screwdriver. – Make sure that the threaded spindle is set to the assembly distance «75 mm». – On the previous lifting rod coupling (10) gently wedge a 3 mm Allen key (X) horizontally. 2001 . B105. Now the trip ring can be moved on the lifting rod. B106.0 -1.en .2 mm) from the proximity switch as follows: – In «Maintenance mode» move the lifting rod and the trip ring towards the appropriate proximity switch (never loosen the trip ring).0 .1. – Turn off the main switch. Any greater torque will destroy the proximity switch. – Set the distance between the switching surface for the proximity switch (4) and the proximity switch to 1. overshot top = Doffer beam position. swing in / out = Spindle switch-over position fast/slow = Doffer beam position. proximity switches B107.2 mm. – Turn on the main switch. spinning tubes / cops spindle = Bottom switch-over fast/slow = Doffer beam position. overshot bottom HL b c d 180 63 365 549 190 63 365 568 200 63 353 566 210 63 352 587 220 63 324 549 230 63 324 547 240 63 314 588 250 63 324 610 HL = Spinning tube length During assembly the distance between the switching surface for the proximity switch (4) and each proximity switch is set to 1.0 . B104) Key: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = B103 B104 B105 B106 B107 S123 S124 Assembly position of proximity switches: Cover proximity switches Lifting rod Trip ring Switching surface for the proximity switches Setting screws in the trip ring Never loosen these after assembly! Proximity switch support Cable holder Cables to terminal box Cross member Switching rail SMI Limit switch rail Protection rail = Top switch-over position fast/slow = Doffer beam position. After assembly adjust the distance (1. Any greater torque will destroy the proximity switch. 16 G3310e1 07. B103. Adjust the position of the connector and tighten the two nuts on the proximity switch to 12 Nm.3 Basic setting of the switching rail (Limit switches S124 and S123.2 mm.ROBOdoff 4.1. Adjust the position of the connector and tighten the two nuts on the proximity switch to 12 Nm. Key: 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 B100 B102 The holders (47) vary depending on the length of the spinning tubes.4 Relieving springs / Doffer beam holders Relieving springs are fitted on every cross member with a swing motion. On the right-hand side of the machine. – Screw the fastening plate (48) tight with PosiDriv mushroom-head screws M6x12. G3310e1 17 .ROBOdoff 4. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Tube Hose Pressure spring Proximity switch cover Proximity switch holder Trip ring on tube 833) Guide pin Bearing bush Holder Cross member Drag bearing Doffer beam Holder Fastening plate Neutral position Doffer beam in «deposit spinning tubes / cops position» B101 = Doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position» 07.2001 . On the last cross member at the tailstock there are no reliving springs because of the spiral hose – Insert the tube (33) into the hose (36). – Insert the fastening plate (48) from above. – Insert the pressure spring and the guide pin from beneath.en – The holders (47) are fastened with the shafts on the articulated link. after the doffer drive section (towards the tailstock) the tube (33) is inserted with the metal ring and the hose (36) with the oblong slot is used when the swing motion occurs. 18 G3310e1 07.ROBOdoff 4. – Adjust the proximity switches (B100 – B102) so that they rest against the tube (36) and fasten with the nuts.2001 . Errors may cause damage to the machine! Instructions G3302. – Loosen the 4 screws of the proximity switch brakket (39). Moderately tighten the 4 screws of the proximity switch bracket (39). Proximity switch B101 Doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position». Adjust the height of the proximity switch holder (39) to set the «grip spinning tubes position» of the doffer beam (B101). G3303. raise the doffer beam higher than the relief springs. – Give each proximity switch (B100 – B102) 1. – Turn off the main switch and secure it with a padlock. Turn the proximity switch bracket so that the proximity switches (B100 – B102) are in the topmost position on the slot of the tube (36). After adjusting the doffer beam height the proximity switch holder needs to be re-adjusted.5 Basic setting of proximity switch carrier (B100..0 turn inwards. – Remove the proximity switch cover (38). Tighten the nuts on the proximity switches (B100 – B102) to 12 Nm. G3305 + – In Maintenance mode. Slightly tighten the 4 screws of the proximity switch bracket (39)..B102) The jobs described here may only be carried out by trained and qualified personnel.en . Turn the proximity switch bracket (39) so that the proximity switches (B100 – B 102) are next to the slot on the tube (36). + – Tighten the proximity switch cover (38). Key: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 B100 B101 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Clamp Holder (3 models) Sleeve Sliding element Clamp with groove Tube Pressure spring Proximity switch cover Proximity switch holder Trip ring on tube (33) Guide pin Bearing bush Seeger ring Cross member Doffer beam in neutral position Doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position» B102 = Doffer beam in «deposit spinning tubes / cops position» – Loosen the 4 screws of the proximity switch brakket (39). Do not tighten any more than that otherwise the proximity switches (B100 – B102) may be damaged. – Loosen the screws of the proximity switches (B100 – B102). en G3310e1 19 . The impact seals are used to connect the air supply lines in the doffer beam. – The precise longitudinal position of the doffer beam (46) will be set later.5 Nm Pointed stud bolt M6 x10 Plastic terminal strip Gripper Steel terminal strip Doffer beam Holder 07. – Insert all the grippers (5) Key: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 46 = 47 = Movable bearing of doffer beam 1 . The first and last doffer beams have a thread for the air supply connection.2001 . They are greased and then inserted into the boreholes. 4 mm. Always begin assembling the doffer beams at the headstock.2 Nm Fixed bearing of doffer beam 4 . – Insert the impact seals. The first and last doffer beams have a thread for the air supply connection.6 Doffer beam On even-numbered sections all the doffer beams are the same length.ROBOdoff 4. On odd-numbered sections the first doffer beam at the headstock is longer. The clearance between doffer beams (46) is approx. – Push the terminal strip (6 or 4) in flush and slightly tighten one gudgeon (3). – Screw the two reducing nipples (9) and (10) into the top borehole with Omnifit. Insert the plug (11) of the cable and set the position of the pressure switch. the loop (B) of the insulating tube (16) is 10 . left-hand side 4. the loop (A) of the insulating tube is 5 -10 mm away from the clip. left-hand side F112 = (2. – Screw the hose bracket (15) tight onto the short swing lever and the long swing lever. In the bottom doffer beam position.0 bar) Gripper pressure.0 bar) Gripper pressure. Laying the cable on doffer beam end piece at headstock The circlips (15) for the insulating tube are screwed on tight at the bottom on the doffer beam and on the articulated links. – Screw the pressure switch (1.2001 . – Screw the pressure switch (2. Key: 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = Elbow joint Reducing nipple Reducing pipe nipple Plug 12 = Screws 13 = Cable 14 = Protective hose 15 = Hose bracket F110 = (1.15 mm away from the articulated link. Make sure that there is enough play at the articulation in the bottom doffer beam position.7 Doffer beam end piece at headstock – Screw the elbow joint (8) into the bottom borehole of the doffer beam with Omnifit and align it perpendicularly downwards.8 – Draw the cable (13) into the protective hose. Key: 15 = 16 = A = B = 20 Hose bracket Protective hose Loop of insulating tube Distance in bottom doffer beam position G3310e1 07. In the bottom doffer beam position. Press the insulating tube (16) with its cables into the circlip at the bottom of the doffer beam.0 bar) in with Omnifit. right-hand side F113 = (2.ROBOdoff 4.0 bar) Gripper pressure. – Push the end piece onto the doffer beam as far as the 80 mm mark and tighten the screws (12) – Draw the cable (13) into the protective hose (14) and push the protective hose (14) into the hose bracket (15). right-hand side F111 = (1. Insert the plug (11) of the cable (13) and adjust the position of the pressure switch.en .0 bar) in with Omnifit. Put the protective hose (16) in the hose bracket (15). Screw in the elbow joint (8) with Omnifit and align it perpendicularly downwards.0 bar) Gripper pressure. – Connect the cables in the terminal box. – Screw in the hose nozzle (1) and the straight plug-in connection (2) on the doffer beam. Key: 1 = Hose nozzle 2 = Straight plug-in connection 3 = Spiral hose 4 = Air supply line to Y124 5 = Emergency shut-down switch S20/S21 6 = Notch S = Insulating tube 4.en G3310e1 21 . Connect the cord to the emergency shut-down cable and fasten the end of the cord to the end piece at the headstock.2001 . Adjust the length of the cord so that when it is activated for an emergency shut-down the notch (6) is visible. – Attach the spiral hose with the hose clamp. 07.10 Cord Draw in the cord. – Screw the emergency shut-down cable (5) in the end piece. Cap screw M6x16 – Push the end piece onto the doffer beam as far as the 78 mm mark and tighten the screws. – Plug in the air supply line (4) from electrovalve Y124.ROBOdoff 4.9 Doffer beam end at tailstock – Mark off 78 mm on the doffer beam end piece at the tailstock. – Remove 2 grippers per doffer beam. – Lower the doffer beam until the tips of the spindles are level with the holes in the doffer beam. – Insert the cable (5) and the air supply line (4) into the insulating tube (S). Draw in the cable (8) of the emergency shut-down and connect. Fasten the spiral tube (S) to the circlips (16) of the long leg of the articulated link using cable clips.12 Adjusting the position of the doffer beam along the length of the machine – In «Maintenance mode» raise the doffer beam to position B104. – Insert the insulating tube (S) into the clips (16) of the long leg of the articulated link and put the cap on. – Put the insulating tube (S) and the spiral tube (3) into the tube guide (19) and screw the tube guide (19) onto the protective rail. Key: 3 = 4 = 5 = 7 = 8 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = S = Spiral tube Air supply line to Y124 Emergency shut-down buttons S20/S21 Cord Cable for emergency shut-down Position of circlips Distance 40 .ROBOdoff 4. 22 G3310e1 07. 4. – Insert the air supply line at the T. – Fasten the insulating tube (S) at the top with a cable clip to the spiral tube (3).11 Feeding cable at final termination of doffer beam foot – Screw the circlips (16) tight onto the short and long legs of the articulated link. as the grippers have play in the holes. – Screw the spiral tube (3) to the T on the base plate of the foot with a hose clamp.2001 .15 mm Tube guide Insulating tube – Insert the spiral tube (3) into the bottom circlips (16) and make sure that in the bottom doffer beam position the distances are at least 40 mm and 10 mm. – Swing in the doffer beam. Put the caps on the circlips (16) and fasten the spiral tube (3) with cable clips.45 mm Distance 10 . – Adjust each doffer beam along the length of the machine so that the holes are opposite the spindle tips (±1 mm). (Use a mirror.en .) The grippers can only be positioned approximately level with the centres of the spindles. Tighten the stud bolts (3) at (2) to 4 .5 Nm Terminal strips (6 or 4) on the other holders: (except the last holder) – Insert the stud bolts (3) with Loctite 542.2 Nm Adjust the length of the cord so that the notch is visible when the emergency shut-down is activated.5 Nm Terminal strips (4) on last holder: (tailstock) – Insert the stud bolts (3) with Loctite 542. Key: 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 46 = 47 = Movable bearing of doffer beam 1 . Tighten the stud bolts (3) at (2) to 4 . G3310e1 23 .5 Nm Pointed stud bolt M6 x10 Terminal strip plastic Gripper Terminal strip steel Doffer beam Holder 07.13 Adjusting terminal strips The doffer beam must be correctly positioned along the length of the machine.en Take great care when tightening the stud bolts (3). Tighten the stud bolts (3) at (1) to 1 . Terminal strips (6) on 1st holder: (headstock) – Insert the stud bolts (3) with Loctite 542.2 Nm Fixed bearing of doffer beam 4 .2001 .2 Nm – Insert the stud bolts (3) with Loctite 542. Tighten the stud bolts (3) at (1) to 1 .ROBOdoff 4. Incorrect torque will result in vibrations and damage to the machine. – Move the doffer beam down (button T11) until the proximity switch (B101) shuts down the motor.2001 . Move the proximity switch holder (39) 6 mm higher up and tighten. Errors may cause damage to the machine! Instructions G3302. Caution: Adjust the basic setting in small steps and make sure that nothing sticks or catches! – Loosen the two screws of the proximity switch holder (39) and push the proximity switch holder (39) up from below until the LED on the proximity switch (B101) lights up. – Raise the doffer beam (T10) until the proximity switch (B100) shuts down the motor. With the doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position» (B101) the following jobs are carried out: – Setting doffer beam height – Safety limit switch «doffer beam position overshot at bottom» (S124) 24 G3310e1 07. – Turn the key (60) to «Maintenance» (T22).ROBOdoff 4. Key: 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 B100 B101 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Tube Hose Pressure spring Proximity switch cover Proximity switch holder Trip ring on tube (33) Guide pin Bearing bush Seeger snap ring Cross member Doffer beam Holder «Doffer beam in neutral position» «Doffer beam in grip spinning tubes position» B102 = «Doffer beam in deposit spinning tubes / cops position» – Using the buttons (T10 or T11) adjust the threaded spindle precisely to the basic setting (15 mm). – The SERVOdisc traction strip must be in doffing position (B150). – If the basic setting (G) is not absolutely 15 mm readjust the proximity switch holder (39) and repeat the doffer movement with buttons (T10 and T11). G3305 + The spring unit with the proximity switch holder (39) is situated at the swing lever in front of the gear section on the right-hand side of the machine. G3303.en .14 Basic setting for doffer beam height The jobs described here may only be carried out by trained and qualified personnel. – Actuate the yellow button (T9) until the LED (L27) for the ROBOdoff lights up. (Measured from top edge of lifting rod to top edge of doffer beam) Key: 9 C P B101 = = = = Doffer beam setting gauge Setting distance Force 40 . Basic setting doffer beam height.en Spinning tube length Spindle pitch 70 mm Distance «C» Spindle pitch 75 mm Distance «C» 180 mm 287 mm 287 mm 190 mm 297 mm 297 mm 200 mm 307 mm 307 mm 210 mm 317 mm 317 mm 220 mm 327 mm 327 mm 230 mm 337 mm 337 mm 240 mm — 347 mm 250 mm — 357 mm G3310e1 25 . G3305 + – Move the doffer beam down from the top (button T11) until the proximity switch (B101) shuts down the motor.2001 .60 N Doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position» 07.15 Adjusting the doffer beam height The jobs described here may only be carried out by trained and qualified personnel. Errors may cause damage to the machine! Instructions G3302. – The setting distance C should now measure exactly 15 mm. Setting distance «C» for doffer beam height. G3303.ROBOdoff 4. + – Turn off the main switch and secure it with a padlock. – Adjust from the gear section towards the headstock and from the gear section towards the tailstock – Position the doffer beam setting gauge (9) at the holder (between the grippers).60 N by hand to the holder (47) to counteract the play in the bearing.60 N Doffer beam in «grip spinning tubes position» G3310e1 07.en . – Tighten the screws on the clamping point stop (2) to 70 Nm. While adjusting apply a load of 40 . – Loosen the screws of the clamping point stop (2) slightly and move the clamping point stop (2) by tapping with a hammer until the remaining distance is 2 . + Key: 9 C P B101 26 = = = = Now adjust the limit switch for «doffer beam position overshot at bottom» (S124).1 mm. Doffer beam setting gauge Setting distance Force 40 .2001 . If the doffer beam is too low loosen the screws on the clamping point stop (2) and adjust the doffer beam to 1 cm above the setting distance (2 persons).ROBOdoff Setting – The doffer beam height must always be set from above (moving from top to bottom). Push the limit switch S124 towards the headstock and tighten the screws. – Loosen the limit switch S124.2001 . – Slowly push the trip ring (3) from right to left until the contact on the limit switch S124 opens (if necessary. The limit switch (S123) «doffer beam position overrun at top» prevents damage to the machine when the proximity switch (B104) «Swing doffer beam in/out» is overrun (fault). Disconnect the proximity switch (B104). – Check whether the contact of the limit switch (S123) «doffer beam position overrun at top» opens at the latest after 2 mm or is already open. – In maintenance mode. G3310e1 27 . On continuing the motor stops when leaving the proximity switch (B104.16 Limit switch S124 «doffer beam position overshot at bottom» Setting The setting of the limit switch (S124) «doffer beam position overshot at bottom» (S124) is identical for all lengths of spinning tube. The control system prevents it from continuing as far as (S123). Key: 2 3 4 5 = = = = 6 10 S124 B107 = = = = 4. raise the doffer beam as far as the proximity switch (B1093) «switch over doffer beam fast/slow». – Make sure that the basic setting of the threaded spindle is set exactly to distance G = 15 mm. continue raising the doffer beam until the coupling lining ring (8) is still 1 mm away from the two shock absorbers (10) (touching the gears).ROBOdoff 4.en Function. When the doffer beam is being raised the motor stops at the proximity switch (B104. – Turn on the main switch and check the operation of the limit switch (S123) in MAINTENANCE mode. signal up). – Push the trip ring (3) 0. Setting: (after S124 has been set) – The roller lever is firmly screwed onto the limit switch (S123) at an angle of 90°. The setting screws (5) must not be undone again! Limit switch S123 «doffer beam position overshot at top» = = = = = = = = = Coupling lining ring Trip ring Switching surface for proximity switches Setting screw in trip ring Coupling lining Cross member Shock absorber 37x57x15 Protective rail Doffer beam position overshot at top The setting of the limit switch (S123) «doffer beam position overshot at top» is identical for all lengths of spinning tube. – Still in maintenance mode. – Turn off the main switch and secure with a padlock. Once (S 124) is set.3 mm to the right and tighten the setting screws (5) well. signal down). 07. never loosen! Proximity switch holder Protective rail «Doffer beam position overshot at bottom» «Bottom switch-over fast/slow» – Turn off the main switch and secure with a padlock. use multimeter).17 Key: A 3 4 5 8 9 10 12 S123 Lifting rod Trip ring Switching surface for proximity switches Setting screw in trip ring. – Push the limit switch rail towards the headstock and tighten the screws. 28 G3310e1 07. – Check that limit switch S121 is set correctly. Adjusting the doffer beam swung-out position No adjustment is needed.ROBOdoff – Screw the connector of the proximity switch (B104) tight. – Switch off the electrovalve (Y120) «swing in doffer beam» using a screwdriver. – Check the setting of the limit switch «doffer beam swung in» (S120). Caution! The eccentric with slotted surfaces always points to the left-hand side of the machine. doffer beam swung out – Swing doffer beam out. 4.2001 . – First set the distance from the outside edge of the doffer beam to the cylinder rail to 162 mm (±1 mm) on the right-hand side of the machine with the length of the piston rod (measure horizontally). move the doffer beam into «swing in / out position» (B104). Fix by a locknut. – Then on the left-hand side of the machine set the distance to 162 mm (±1 mm) using the eccentric pin (5).en . – Turn on the main switch. – Switch on the electrovalve (Y120) «swing in doffer beam» using a screwdriver.18 Adjusting the doffer beam swung-in position – In «Maintenance» mode. doffer beam swung in Limit switch. – Turn off the main switch and secure it with a padlock. – Swing the doffer beam in.19 = = = = = = = = Swing lever LH Swing lever RH Transmission lever Holder Eccentric pin Piston rod. Fasten the eccentric pin with the gudgeon. – In «Maintenance» mode raise the doffer beam as far as «swing in/out» position (B104) Key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 S120 S121 4. doffer beam swung in Limit switch. On the pneumatic cylinders for the doffer swing movement. – Lower the doffer beam until the top edge is level with the cylinder rail. close all throttles and then give one turn back. – Check the safety limit switch S124 «doffer beam position overshot at bottom». B100. No adjustment is possible. + – Put the key-operated switch (60) into «Maintenance» position (T22). «Adjusting the doffer beam height» + – The distance from the top edge of the gripper to the spinning tube is 7 mm.2 mm the safety limit switch must respond. The basic setting must now be 15 mm. – If the proximity switch B101 is set correctly the safety limit switch S124 will not respond. Actuate the yellow button (T9) until the LED (L27) for the ROBOdoff goes on.2 Proximity switch B101 «doffer beam position: grip spinning tubes / cops» – The SERVOdisc must be in doffing position (B150 active). – Move the doffer beam down from top to bottom using button (T11).ROBOdoff 5. Key: 4 = 5 = 6 = 11 = – Check the setting «C».1 Proximity switch B100 «neutral position» The proximity switch (B100) is set using the «neutral position of the proximity switch holder».2001 . – The proximity switch (B101) is set using the «neutral position of the proximity switch holder». B101) the doffer beam stops. Move SERVOdisc into doffing position. Proceed as described above in case of corrections. release the button (T11). + «Setting doffer beam» Gripper Doffer beam Holder Spinning tube – If there is a discrepancy to the setting «C». turn off the main switch and secure it! Adjust the proximity switch carrier accordingly. 07. B102. If the roller on the limit switch (S124) is lifted 0. When it reaches a proximity switch (eg. «Neutral position of the proximity switch holder» + – The setting distance «C» (top edge of lifting rod to top edge of doffer beam) is set according to the length of the spinning tube. G3310e1 29 . – Check the distance set at «C».en – Raise the doffer beam by pressing the key (T10) and then press T11 to lower it as far as proximity switch B101. 5. Press the button (T11) and hold it down to make the doffer beam move on to the next proximity switch. – When the proximity switch (B101) «doffer beam position: grip spinning tubes» is reached. Proximity switches 5. Spinning tube length Spindle pitch 70 mm Spindle pitch 75 mm 180 mm 993 mm 993 mm 190 mm 1003 mm 1003 mm 200 mm 1003 mm 1003 mm 210 mm 1013 mm 1013 mm 220 mm 1033 mm 1033 mm 230 mm 1033 mm 1033 mm 240 mm — 1071 mm 250 mm — 1081 mm The «setting distance D» varies depending on the length of the spindle tubes. The proximity switch (B103) is set together with proximity switch (B104). – Measure the «setting distance D» and correct the proximity switch holder (6) (B104) if necessary.5 Proximity switch B104 «doffer beam in top position» – In «Maintenance» mode and with the button (T10) held down. Measure the «setting distance D» from the top edge of the lifting rod to the top edge of the doffer beam. 5.4 Proximity switch B103 «doffer beam position: 1st switch-over fast/slow at top» No adjustment in height is possible. – Always check the «setting distance D» after every correction. 30 G3310e1 07.3 Proximity switch B102 «doffer beam position: deposit spinning tubes / cops» No adjustment in height is possible.en .2001 .ROBOdoff 5. The proximity switch (B102) is set together with proximity switch (B101). 5. move the doffer beam up towards proximity switch (B104) until the motor cuts out of its own accord. 6 Proximity switch B105 «Doffer beam in 2nd switch-over pos. Gripper Doffer beam Holder Spinning tube – Always check the setting of the proximity switch (B106) «doffer beam position: load spinning tubes» after every correction. fast / slow spindle» No adjustment in height is possible. The proximity switch (B103) is set together with proximity switch (B104). The proximity switch (B106) determines the doffer beam position for «load spinning tubes».en G3310e1 31 . lower the doffer beam (5) as far as the proximity switch (B106) until the motor cuts out of its own accord.7 Proximity switch B106 «doffer beam position: load spinning tubes» Setting: – Adjust the proximity switch (B106) «doffer beam position: load spinning tubes» in such a way that the spinning tubes are pressed right onto the spindles at the clamps of the doffer beam (5). Owing to the curve of the doffer beam (5) it is possible that the spinning tubes are not completely pressed on between the clamps (up to 1 mm). 5. Spinning tubes (11) subject to applied pressure 15 N and loaded with too much pressure cause excess wear on various parts of the doffer.2001 . First adjust «doffer beam position: grip spinning tubes» (B101). Key: 4 = 5 = 6 = 11 = – In servicing mode and holding down button (54).ROBOdoff 5. + 07. The setting of the proximity switch (B101) «doffer beam position: grip spinning tubes» also affects the «doffer beam position: load spinning tubes» (B106). the proximity switch (B107) is deliberately set too far to the right.8 Proximity switch B107 «Doffer beam in 3rd switch-over pos. Key.en . – When setting up for the first time.ROBOdoff 5. 2 3 4 5 Lifting rod Trip ring Switching surface for the proximity switches Setting screws in the trip ring Never loosen these after assembly! 6 = Proximity switch support 10 = Protective rail B107 = Bottom switch-over fast/slow 32 = = = = G3310e1 07.2001 . Only after commissioning the ring spinning frame should the position of the proximity switch (B107) be optimised. fast slow at bottom» Setting – Adjust the proximity switch (B107) «switch-over position fast/slow at bottom» in such a way that the doffer beam moves down 1 .2 seconds after the switch-over at minimal speed to the proximity switch (B100) «doffer beam in neutral position». insert one spinning tube (11) into the gripper (4) from above.).en G3310e1 33 .) longitudinally with the hole in the doffer beam (5). Replacing gripper diaphragm: Instruction R202 + 07.) – Align the peg of the gripper (4) at (3.2001 .). – If it is necessary in this position.ROBOdoff 6. the distance from the top edge of the spinning tube to the top edge of the gripper (4) is 7 mm. At the same time swing out the gripper (4) at (2.) and press the gripper (4) onto the doffer beam (5) at (4.) facing up. – If necessary adjust the position of the spinning tube (11) on the spindle.) and remove. – Put the gripper (4) into the bottom groove at (2. Gripper Dismantling: – Push down the otp clamp of the gripper (4) at (1. Key: 4 = Gripper 5 = Doffer beam 6 = Clamp Reassambly: – Take the gripper in your hand holding it with the inscription «RIETER» (1. – Push down the top clamp of the gripper (4) at (1. – Disconnect the cord at the end of the machine on the faulty side. 7. 34 G3310e1 07.ROBOdoff 7. greased threaded spindle.1 Dismantling when the doffer beam is below the level of the spindle cradle Turn off the main switch and secure it with a padlock. – Remove the doffer beam (5) at the gear section (4). Before mounting. – Looking from the head on the faulty side of the machine. push the doffer beam (5) about 5 cm towards the head as far as the gear section and secure it with a clamp. Only carry out these jobs on the faulty side of the machine.en . Replacing the threaded spindle and the lifting rod nut Always replace the threaded rod (12) and the lifting rod nut (27) together (cold welds). The remaining jobs are described in the next section. check: Turn the new lifting rod nut so that it runs the full length of the new. – Mark the longitudinal position of the clamps (9) on the doffer beam (5).2001 . If this is not possible: – Loosen the clamping point stop (6) in front of the threaded spindle (13) and wedge slightly open using a washer. support the doffer beam with wooden laths at least in 8 places. towards tailstock 3 = Cross member with swing motion in front of gear section 5 = Cross member with swing motion to rear of gear section 6 = Clamping point stop 7 = Long swing lever 8 = Short swing lever 9 = Cross member without swing motion 11 = Cross support for gear 12 = Cap piece of the bearing 13 = Threaded spindle 14 = Lifting rod long 15 = Lifting rod 1423 mm long (1473 mm T75) 16 = Lifting rod 813 mm long (913 mm T75) 17 = Lifting rod 1605 mm long (1685 mm T75) 18 = Lifting rod coupling 19 = Lifting rod coupling (as 18) 20 = Lifting rod coupling long 21 = Shock absorber 22 = Lifting rod nut 23 = Coupling liner ring The jobs described in the previous section are unnecessary. This prevents the lifting rod from moving towards the head (1). – Turn off the main switch and secure it with a padlock. 07. – Turn the sprocket wheel of the motor shaft until the chain joint is accessible. – Carry out the following jobs by the long lifting rod in front of and behind the gear section (4): ê ê ê Put a lifting rod coupling (19) (taken from the spare-parts reserve of the machine) between each cross member (9 and 5) and lifting rod coupling (18).2001 . – Now turn the sprocket wheel until the chain joint is accessible. (Only carry out these jobs on the faulty side of the machine. Push the lifting rod coupling (6) forwards to the cross member (17) and tighten the 4 screws to 70 Nm. – Remove the cover plate at the chain drive (middle of the machine).en G3310e1 35 .) – Remove the four covers on the threaded spindle. For safety.ROBOdoff 7. (The threaded spindle (13) and the lifting rods (15 and 16) rotate as well).2 Dismantling when the doffer beam is above the level of the spindle cradle Key: 1 = Right-hand side of the machine. – Loosen the screws of the lifting rod coupling (18) in front of the threaded spindle (13) and the long lifting rod coupling (19) by giving each a ¼ turn. towards headstock 2 = Right-hand side of the machine. towards tailstock 3 = Cross member with swing motion in front of gear section 5 = Cross member with swing motion to rear of gear section 6 = Clamping point stop 7 = Long swing lever 8 = Short swing lever 9 = Cross member without swing motion 11 = Cross support for gear 12 = Cap piece of the bearing 13 = Threaded spindle 14 = Lifting rod long 15 = Lifting rod 1423 mm long (1473 mm T75) 16 = Lifting rod 813 mm long (913 mm T75) 17 = Lifting rod 1605 mm long (1685 mm T75) 18 = Lifting rod coupling 19 = Lifting rod coupling (as 18) 20 = Lifting rod coupling long 21 = Shock absorber 22 = Lifting rod nut 23 = Coupling liner ring – Dismantle the chain tensioner. – Undo the chain joint and tie a string 1 m long to each end of the chain.en . 36 G3310e1 07. towards headstock 2 = Right-hand side of the machine. – Clean all parts and empty the oil tank.ROBOdoff Key: 1 = Right-hand side of the machine. – Replace the brush (28) underneath the lifting rod nut (22). – Unscrew the short lifting rod (16) (813 mm. – Remove the two grease nipples on the cap piece of the bearing (12) – Unscrew the cap piece of the bearing (11A) on the gear cross support (11) (Caution: there may be spacers) – If it is not possible to remove the threaded spindle (12): move the lifting rod nut (27) and cut through the threaded spindle (12) with a saw. 913 mm T75) and push to the rear. – Remove the long lifting rod coupling (20) behind the threaded spindle (13). Do not use any detergent. – Fit the inner raceways of the needle bearing on the new lifting rod nut (22).2001 . en Assembly – Insert the lifting rod nut (22) together with the threaded spindle (13) from the rear into the cross support for the gear (11). – Tighten the two grease nipples of the cap piece of the bearing (12). The lifting rod nut (22) must not have any axial play. – Mount the chain tensioning roller with the covering disk underneath the nut. – Fill up the oil tank Instruction G3304 + – Measure the oil level. The covering disk must cover the slot. towards headstock 2 = Right-hand side of the machine. – Put the chain on and attach the chain joint.ROBOdoff 7.2001 . Are the sealing rings and the sealing lip facing inwards? – Mount the cap piece of the bearing (12) with the spacers and screw tight. G3310e1 37 . towards tailstock 3 = Cross member with swing motion in front of gear section 5 = Cross member with swing motion to rear of gear section 6 = Clamping point stop 7 = Long swing lever 8 = Short swing lever 9 = Cross member without swing motion 11 = Cross support for gear 12 = Cap piece of the bearing 13 = Threaded spindle 14 = Lifting rod long 15 = Lifting rod 1423 mm long (1473 mm T75) 16 = Lifting rod 813 mm long (913 mm T75) 17 = Lifting rod 1605 mm long (1685 mm T75) 18 = Lifting rod coupling 19 = Lifting rod coupling (as 18) 20 = Lifting rod coupling long 21 = Shock absorber 22 = Lifting rod nut 23 = Coupling liner ring 07.3 Fitting a new threaded spindle Key: 1 = Right-hand side of the machine. Adjust the chain tensioning roller so that the chain is free of play but not taut. After the machine is completely assembled. Turn on the main switch. – Swing in the doffer beam. Turn the threaded spindle (13) until the longitudinal position of the snap ring fits. – Adjust the threaded spindle (13) on this side of the machine so that the distance between the cross member and the coupling lining ring (8/23) is identical to that on the other side. S123. – Mount the doffer beam. – Remove the couplings (19) and wooden laths inserted for safety reasons. Pay attention to the markings and the torque.ROBOdoff – Screw the cover plate tight at the chain drive (middle of machine) (hexagon head screw M6x12+U). – Ensure that the two shock absorbers (21) (40x57x15) are on the lifting rod in front of the gear cross support (11). – Position the long lifting rod coupling (20) loosely. – In servicing mode. – Remove the wedge at the clamping point stop (6) behind the cross support for the gear (11) and slightly tighten the screws. S121. – Adjust the angle on the lifting rod couplings (18 and 20) to 11° and tighten the screws to 70 Nm. – Ensure that the two shock absorbers (21) (37x57x15) are on the threaded spindle in front of the gear cross support (11). – Place the coupling lining ring (23) on the front side of the threaded spindle (13). – Swing out the doffer beam (Y121).en . S124) Set the proximity switches (B100 .B107) 07. 913 T75) with the threaded spindle (13) and tighten. Perform the following sequence of operations: Basic adjustment of bottom threaded spindle setting + + + + + + + 38 G3310e1 Basic adjustment of doffer beam height Swing doffer beam in Doffer beam in longitudinal direction of the machine Cord Set the limit switches (S120. – Fit the cord and adjust. – Insert the lifting rod coupling (18) in front of the threaded spindle (13). all the couplings of the lifting rods must be horizontal when the doffer beam is swung in. – Screw together the lifting rod (16) behind the cross support for the gear (813 mm.2001 . Insert the threaded spindle (13) in the lifting rod (15) and screw up tight. – Stop the doffer beam at proximity switch (B104). raise the doffer beam and at the same time lubricate the outer grease nipples well (for the threaded rod (12). 4 Lubrication of threaded spindle (after replacement) During the first week: – Lubricate all the grease nipples on the lifting rod nut (27) every day (2 strokes of the grease gun) After one week: – Remove the cover over the threaded spindle (12).ROBOdoff 7.2001/05/25/44 07. – Check the oil level – Screw the cover on tight.2001/07.2001 . – Remove all superfluous grease. – Lubricate all the grease nipples of the lifting rod nut (27).en G3310e1 39 . 07.
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