Future Horizons - Wishing Machine Plans
Future Horizons - Wishing Machine Plans
March 26, 2018 | Author: 99ivan99 | Category:
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Future Horizons Advanced Technology Presents: (#WISH) Wishing Machine PlansFuture Horizons, Inc. PO Box 125 Marquette, MI 49855 USA www.futurehorizons.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons • • • • • Psionic, Radionic machine can electronically manipulate Pscyhic energy Believed to work on a newly discovered principle of Quantum Mechanics Can be used to amplify thought and affect physical organisms Includes New scientific explanation and experiments Learn how to build one for yourself The Wishing Machine is based on an amazing technology discovered back in the 1950’s called Radionics. It is basically a type of electronic voodoo machine that can be used to effect living things such as plants animals and simple organisms. Although it is most effective against simple organisms, it is also able to affect animals and humans as well although it requires a much longer exposure time of at least several weeks depending on what type of influence is being attempted. It was even reportedly used for healing and mind control within the last 50 years. www.futurehorizons.net Copyright 2002 Future Horizons Inc. 1 futurehorizons. Then you need a sample of your desired target. effecting someone’s will such as mind control. It is basically a type of electronic voodoo machine that can be used to effect living things such as plants animals and simple organisms. You first need to determine what it is you’re trying to achieve such as healing someone. insects etc. Let’s say for example you want to win the lottery. The longer you can do this the faster your results will occur. it was also able to affect animals and humans as well although it required a much longer exposure time of at least several weeks depending on what type of influence they were attempting. Its best to do this at least once or twice a day until you see results. A good way to do this is to set the Wishing Machine up in a place where you will see it very often during the day such as in your workplace or your living room. This is due to the operators mind not being used to this type of work. The antenna is then installed by screwing it into the top of the machine. Just remember that simpler wishes can occur fairly soon while others take much longer to achieve. a strand of their hair. Inc. If your attempting to heal yourself or someone else you simply acquire a sample of the target and then just write on a piece of paper your desired outcome. fungus. 2 . If your trying to effect a person then any photograph of them is sufficient. Leave the machine on as long as possible until your goal is reached. a drop of their blood or anything that can be used to represent that person.Wishing Machine The wishing Machine is based on an amazing technology discovered back in the 1950’s called Radionics. germs. PO Box 125 Marquette. It was discovered by some researchers that it was highly effective against simple organisms such as all types of bacteria. The sample you are using is then inserted under the hinged copper plate on top of the machine. You can simply take a $100 bill or any other large bill and write on it in as few words as possible exactly what you want such as “Win Lottery”. It was used to essentially wipe out these organisms in many experiments. MI 49855 USA www. It was even used for healing and mind control within the last 50 years. Somewhere that you will see it often and be reminded to think about your desired wish. Now close your eyes and relax and focus on your wish and hold that image in your mind with absolute belief that it will come true. or actually effecting your own reality. One important step in the process is to think of your goal as much as possible throughout your day.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons How it works The concept is very simple. The researchers did extensive tests to attempt to determine just what was happening and how the machine worked. Always try to be specific but keep in mind that the results might not be as specific as you imagined. An important tip to remember is to keep your desires simple and short and very specific. Now you see why it’s referred to as electronic voodoo. Then simply plug the power plug into the wall socket. They realized that although it was most effective against simple organisms. Future Horizons. Once you have a sample of your target all you need to do is write on a small piece of paper or on the sample itself the outcome that you desire! If you’re trying to affect something about your own reality then it’s a little different. It is in effect a Radionic type machine for those of you who may be familiar with the term. A thought experiment invented by Albert Einstein. MI 49855 USA www. You can also use plants or seedlings and the experiment will work the same. Some researchers now believe that it’s a Quantum Mechanics effect that allows the machine to work. You will be surprised to find that it has worked and “dish A” has grown much more than “dish B”. The machine is simply a tool and the real power actually comes from the person using it so the more focussed your mind and willpower is the better your results will be.Scientific Validation If all this sounds too good to be true then I can tell you that there is some real science to back it up. which was published in 1964 by J. PO Box 125 Marquette. such as two electrons. Insert a photo of “dish A” into the Wishing Machine and make a wish about it thriving and growing. one spinning one way and the other spinning in exactly the opposite way so that the spin of each of the electrons cancels the other out. This means that you have two particles. Many people thought it was complete nonsense but now conventional science is finally catching up. And that information about any part of the whole is instantly available to any single part! This strange connectedness proven by the EPR effect has a mathematical proof known as Bell's theorem.S. Run the experiment for at least a week and then check on the mold spores. This experiment tends to confirm that there is a universal connectedness with all things within our world. This technology has been around for many years and was successfully tested many times even in laboratory conditions. In the experiment the two particles are separated electrically so that their spins should not have an effect on one another. This amazing machine is actually just a type of Psionic amplifier that works using a direct link to your own mind. One spins right while the other spins left or one spins up while the other spins down.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons . Bell.futurehorizons. a physicist at the European organization for 3 Future Horizons. It is a sort of bizarre loophole in quantum physics known as the EPR (EinsteinPodolsky-Rosen) effect that seems to tell us that our world is put together in such a way that an event going on in a distant galaxy or in the mind of a friend across town is also going on in some analogous way in our own mind simultaneously. One interesting experiment is to use the machine to effect the growth of a simple organism such as mold spores. Now comes the strange part. You then put them away somewhere safe where they will not be disturbed. and Nathan Rosen back in the late 1930's has now begun to scientifically substantiate much of the psychic and Psionic phenomenon. These Wishing Machine Plans (which are included with the purchase of the machine) include some experiments that you can do to prove to yourself that the machine really works. Physicists were able to affect the spin of one of the electrons randomly using a magnetic field and found that the other electron seemed to know instantly that this occurred and it reverses its own spin to maintain equilibrium of spin cancellation. You start off by cultivating 2 samples of mold in a small dish and then label one as “dish A” and the other as “dish B”. It essentially amplifies your intent or wish and can help to materialize it into your reality. The experiment is a bit complex and rather difficult to explain but here it is: The experiment involves what physicists call a two particle system of zero spin. Inc. Boris Podolsky. One of the early pioneers of this technology was a man named Dr. His invention called the Hieronymous machine is a device that he claimed was used to detect and analyze various minerals and materials electronically. Some of these Psionic machines can be used to mentally affect your own reality around you. Even after 50 years of study. many researchers believe we are only scratching the surface of this technology 4 . In one of Hieronymous's experiments he describes a bizarre method of feeding plants.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons nuclear research (CERN) in Switzerland. many people have never even heard of it before. The same apparently goes for all physical matter. Some other scientific discoveries have proven that psychic force energy can actually be amplified and manipulated by the use of specialized electronic machines. Hieronymous was the first person to be granted a U. Some incredible discoveries have been made in this field in the last 50 years. One of the groups was used as a control group and was left alone completely without sunlight. And so even though there is over 50 years of research into this field. Each group was watered regularly.Future Horizons. he didn’t reveal all of its details in the patent. The field I speak of is known as Psychotronics. he used two groups of seeds. the plants that were wired to the plates grew as if they were receiving sunlight while the other group hardly grew at all. Another amazing part of this is the fact that this type of informational transfer if you will takes place instantaneously everywhere in the universe. This has some incredible and far reaching implications in the way our reality actually works. These devices can literally make you into a modern day Merlin the magician. Inc. PO Box 125 Marquette. He planted each group into a separate box in a dark room without any natural sunlight. patent on a Psionic type device back in 1949. To keep it believable and to not sabotage his efforts to obtain the patent. Several wires were attached to this group and fed through the wall to the outside and connected to metal foil plates exposed to sunlight. The other group was treated exactly the same except for one major difference. Amazingly. Sadly this technology has been strongly suppressed. Back in the 1940's an incredible new field of science was created based on the amazing discoveries of a few pioneering scientists. The experiment gives confirmation to the belief that all matter in the known universe exhibits a universal connectedness and that information is available and accessible to anything or anyone who knows the secret of accessing it. Psychotronics is a technology that utilizes special electronic equipment to amplify and manipulate psychic energy in various ways! Psychic + Electronics = Psychotronics or Psionics for short. Some of which may shock and surprise you. MI 49855 USA www. especially within the United States.S. This basic experiment confirmed that the psychic force energy can be manipulated electrically. Thomas Galen Hieronymous. also known as Psionics or Radionics. But it was actually much much more. This is like a universal collective unconscious. Bells theorem implies that at a fundamental level the "separate parts" of the universe are connected in an intimate and immediate way.futurehorizons. This also means that the subconscious minds of all people are also collectively linked on some level together and to the rest of the universe. including those that were beginning to grow inside her nostrils. insects. As time passes the desired wishes of the operator begin to manifest in the target! A similar device has apparently achieved a 90% plus kill ratio for Japanese Beetles in 90 different tests conducted in the 1950's by the Pennsylvania State Department of Agriculture. turned on the power.futurehorizons. One at ground potential and the other connected to the high-impedance input of the amp. PO Box 125 Marquette. The child was less than 3 years old and suffering badly from warts. tree. or some wish concerning the object symbolized in the sample placed between the plates. The wishing machine was kept operating constantly and from time to time during the following days he kept thinking about her and those warts. MI 49855 USA www. or person. field. capable of bringing about to physical reality. 5 Future Horizons. the experimenter then conscientiously thinks of some change he desires to occur. the thoughts or wishes of the operator. When a symbolic sample such as a photograph of a plant. bacteria. This device under the proper conditions and a powerful operator could become a very dangerous toy. Use it wisely and remember it is not a toy! The device is simply a standard op-amp audio frequency amplifier with 2 flat metal plates on the input. There is the incredible case of a man with a young child. and their location and extent of growth had become serious. fungi. The result was frightening. it has also been seen to have eliminated acne from the skin of an adolescent girl and eliminated a large number of severe warts on another infant girl. It also achieved a 70% kill ratio against corn borers in another test conducted by the same agency. Another words the more serious and intense the input thought patterns become. Within 4 weeks. the greater the desired results will be! This is a very strange device but many individuals have had extraordinary results with it. The man decided he had nothing to loose and so placed a photograph of his daughter between the input plates of the wishing machine. It also amazingly destroyed tent caterpillars in a tree 1200 miles from the site of the device. Medical treatments were extensive but seemed to have very little effect.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons . The output consists of a simple vertical rod dipole antenna. Fig 1 represents a block diagram of the wishing machine. The amplifier is powered by a 12volt power supply which plugs into the wall. plants. is placed between the 2 plates and the amplifier is turned on. and about his daughter without them. Within 3 days. she was completely free of any warts and has not to this day had anymore. which of course can be caused by a number of different viruses. about killing the virus that was causing the warts.The Wishing Machine This device stands in a class of devices that are very special in that they appear to break many laws in the scientific community and they cannot be explained away by conventional means. and conscientiously thought about the warts going away. Inc. She must have been especially susceptible because she had warts everywhere. the young girls’ warts had decreased remarkably. The device is highly effective in accelerating growth or decay of reasonably simple life forms such as viruses. The wishing machine is actually an electronic brainwave amplifier. and lower animals. It has the ability to produce results directly from the input thought patterns of its operator. The input thoughts being in direct relation to the significance of the achieved results. The man disassembled the wishing machine because he was afraid of what he might do with it. However this varies from person to person and some people are much more sensitive than others to psychic attacks. The only factor affecting the operation of the machine appears to be the direct psychic connection between the symbol inserted in the plates and the subject you are trying to effect.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons The device appears as sheer outright magic whose consequences go far beyond those of other strange and unusual machines such as the dowsing rod or the Hieronymous machine. MI 49855 USA www. Operation To be effective. Inc. These individuals understood the effect that these symbolic rituals and spells could have on their intended targets. PO Box 125 Marquette.futurehorizons. distance seems to have no effect upon its operation. shamans and spell casters of modern and ancient times. 6 . Place the photograph or sample between the 2 input plates. a photograph of the insect infested field can be used. which operate mostly on instincts. which by comparison seem like toys. The wishing machine is the modern equivalent. which seems to exist in most people. For example. Interestingly this is the same methodology used in voodoo. the device must use some input sample that is directly connected symbolically to the object the experimenter wishes to be changed. The amount of personal power that such a device bestows upon an individual is incredible and the responsibility of such power is equally incredible and not meant for the irresponsible or emotionally unstable. Turn on the amplifier and make your wish! Leave the amplifier turned on. From time to time. think about your wish or desired action. As is typical of Psionic machines. There appears to be a built in safety feature in the wishing machine which makes it useful (in destructive mode) only against fairly simple organisms. Nor does the distance between the machine and the operator. witchcraft. Future Horizons. Something from the target organism can be used such as a leaf from a plant or a piece of paper containing a drop of blood from an individual. The machine does not seem to work destructively against human beings probably due to the higher thought processes and a type of psychic defense shield. Resistors R1 and R2 provide correct biasing and capacitor C3 provides coupling from the base of Q1 to the input signal. Inc. A photograph of that plate should be placed under the copper plate. The General Purpose Amp uses a 1 transistor pre-amp and an IC audio amplifier chip (LM386) to amplify weak signals. The power amp contains many internal transistors and is used to provide a high level amplified signal to the output through coupling capacitor C5. The amplifier can be built on an ordinary circuit board and enclosed. The 2 copper input plates can be obtained at most craft and hobby stores. Most of the parts can be purchased at Radio Shack.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons Construction As discussed earlier. The operator can then just wish that the object whose photograph is at the input be changed. The machine may be located anywhere during the experiment but the paper plates should all be kept together in the same environmental conditions. any electrically conductive plate should be just as effective. The pre-amp consists of NPN transistor Q1. the experimenter should concentrate on reducing the growth rate of one of the specimens. The antenna is a simple dipole rod antenna. This control applies only the amount of amplified signal you wish to the input of the IC power amp and serves as a volume control. insects and plants. the experiment should be repeated with the machine located at a remote location to test the apparent fact that distance has no bearing on the experiments results. Capacitor C2 is used for filtering and capacitor C1 couples the amplified signal to the gain control potentiometer P1. MI 49855 USA www. this device is a straightforward op-amp audio amplifier. Or you could just buy any type of basic audio amp instead of building your own. Future Horizons. along with a battery or a wall plug and the antenna mount in an electronic project box.futurehorizons. and capacitor C4 is used to prevent "motor-boating" or low frequency oscillation. These can be carried out simply and easily by any amateur high school level scientists. The growth of the bread mold in the 2 plates can be visually determined and a record should be kept. 7 . Another experiment with bread mold can be conducted where the operator is not the experimenter and does not know which plate’s photo is being used in the experiment. The easiest would be to use numbered paper plates containing bread mold from a common source. Although copper was used in the original device. PO Box 125 Marquette. If positive results are obtained. Experimental organisms could also include bacteria. The values of the components are also called out. which is shown below.Experiments A number of verifying experiments suggest themselves. Capacitor C6 sets the internal gain of IC1. Concentrate intensely on your wish and hold the thought for a few minutes or longer if possible. Then insert your sample under the plate and plug it in. Remember to try to think about your wish as much as possible throughout the next few days. Then just walk away from the machine and leave it on for a while. Inc. This helps to amplify the effect. PO Box 125 Marquette. MI 49855 USA www. Operation: When testing the wishing machine.Operating Instructions The LED (light emitting diode) on the top of the wishing machine should light to indicate power when the machine is plugged into the wall. Future Horizons. you must first install the antenna which simply screws into the hole on top of the unit.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 8 .futurehorizons. net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 9 . MI 49855 USA www.Future Horizons. Inc. PO Box 125 Marquette.futurehorizons. futurehorizons. PO Box 125 Marquette. Inc. MI 49855 USA www.Future Horizons.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 10 . Inc. PO Box 125 Marquette.Future Horizons. MI 49855 USA www.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 11 .futurehorizons. Inc. MI 49855 USA www.Future Horizons. PO Box 125 Marquette.futurehorizons.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 12 . Future Horizons. MI 49855 USA www. PO Box 125 Marquette.futurehorizons. Inc.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 13 . MI 49855 USA www.Future Horizons. PO Box 125 Marquette.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 14 . Inc.futurehorizons. MI 49855 USA www. Inc.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 15 .Future Horizons.futurehorizons. PO Box 125 Marquette. futurehorizons. Inc. MI 49855 USA www. PO Box 125 Marquette.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons 16 .Future Horizons. Miami Lakes. Phone: 1-800-524-6464 website: N/A Address: 2700 Sunset Blvd. Steubenville.Parts Source Electronic Jameco: Electronic Components and Computer Products Phone: 1-800-831-4242 website: www.com Address: 701 Brooks Ave.goldmine-elec. P.O. Main.: World's Largest Assortment of Plastics Phone: 1-800-537-9724 website: www.mouser.Jameco.allcorp.com Address: 905 S.com Address: 1355 Shoreway Rd.com Address: P.com Address: 958 N.. TX 76063-4827 Digi-Key: Your ultimate destination Phone: 1-800-344-4539 website: www. Lima OH 45801 17 .usplastic. 58th Court. PO Box 125 Marquette. AZ 85261 Parts Small Parts Inc. Belmont CA 94002-4100 Future Horizons. CA 90006 Hosfelt: Electronics inc. Box 5408. Thief River Falls..: Engineering Findings Quality Components. Box 4650. MN 56701-0677 Electronic Goldmine: Catalog of high tech electronics and components Phone: 1-800-445-0697 website: www. Los Angeles. Materials.futurehorizons. Inc. FL 33014-0650 United States Plastic Corp.smallparts. Scottsdale.O..com Address: 13980 N. MI 49855 USA www.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons All Electronics Corporation: New and surplus electronic parts and supplies Phone: 1-800-826-5432 website: www.digikey. OH 43952-1158 Mouser Electronics Phone: 1-800-346-6873 website: www. and Tools Phone:1-800-220-4242 website: www..W.com Address: 1390 Neubrecht Rd. Mansfield. South. Vermont Ave. We will help move mankind into the 24th century and beyond.futurehorizons. suppressed and controversial information accessible to interested individuals. Most of the various items we deal with are considered fringe or even a bit crazy by the masses. About Future Horizons Advanced Technology We are a small research and development group dedicated to making secret. Box 125
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More Information Contact Future Horizons. 24-hour order line (888) 449-5197 Fax (906) 249-1525 Email -. and validate technology that has been suppressed over the past 70 years by big business.A. Inc. Our goal is to develop new advanced technologies and concepts to reveal.net Future Horizons. PO Box 125 Marquette. MI 49855 U. Our goal is to attempt to validate those items. MI 49855 USA www.futurehorizons.http:/www.O. and big government.S.net Copyright© 1998 Future Horizons P. Inc.net Website -. and produce working models in order to prove their validity. Some of the various technologies we currently deal with include Free-Energy Antigravity Psionics Alternative Fuels Space-Age Weapons Time Travel UFO’s New Age Medicine Strange Science Hoverboards Jetpacks Flying Saucers Ultrasonics Lasers Bionics High Voltage Surveillance Pyrotechnics Plasma sabers Ion-Propulsion Psychic Energy And more 18 .
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