Fundalentals of Wiring Bonsai by Tomio Yamada
FuNonnnrNrnls Or WrnrNc BoNsnr- l tT,lt)5t.tte{t}\ | t.ltq \\. rl BVTonr Ya acla io nr l(t\\('T Wring endBonsai Styling Nowadays, ls necessary usewire it to of somesortto shapcbcJnsai. you lf wonder how peopleshaped bonsai beforeth€y be8anto usewire, ask older peoplehow theytrainedbonsai magazines. and study bonsai old You lvill learnthat bonsaiwere shaped primarily pruninB pinching and by the nelv Browlh.In thosedaysthey planted trees contaln€rs mainin and tained themfor a lonB iime and used only collected trces thai haddevelopedlikebonsai naturally. Then trained by themfurther pruning and pinching. technique called This was "hachiue" or planting irees and plantsin containers. Theycontrolled the shapeof their trcesby pruning and pinchinS new growth and us€d rather deepconlainers. Whenthey began thinkof harmonizing to trees and contain€rs,I was after\r,hatwe knownow as theart of bonsai had alreadydcveloped considerably. Howcver,subsequently they became with dissatisfied styling onlv by pruning and thencameto use hemp cord nnd wirc. My father, Kamajiro Yamada, explained the history wirinEbonsai lapanto oi in When my Srandfather was young, around beginning the of the Meiji period {late1860! and 1870's), they usedhemp cord and a special formof hempcallecl "devil's hair". Devil'shair was madeby combinB hemp and removingall the finer hairs the thickhalrsremained. so one wouldsoaklhc devil's hairnnd hold it in one'smouthand then Selkecn Bonsai Carden in Amiya BonsaiVilale, lapan, the ttudia oi Tomio Yamada. Many famousbonsai nastetpic.cs are.tedled in thc wo*roon in he backqrcund. Often naju bonsai .o|\ec on. are maintained bt, Mr yamadaand his daughb. roughly shape lrunkand branch thc €s pulling themrnd tyingthem\r'ilh thc devilt hairor hcmpcord. Nowadays havcwlre so that iinf,we 1ydetailed shapng of branches can be donewith precision. However, with dev'l'shair the tipsoi branch.. wouldonly be opened flat. Accordinglo my latherand others,I belicvethey beganto usc wire shortlyaflerthe lurn of the 2llrF cenlury. thattime,slncc At copper wasstil consdered valuab thev e, usedonly zinc Salvanlzcd \!irf steel However,if you ,"vanted bend a io branch inch in diameter an lvithzin! galvanized steelwirc it would soon return il5original to shape and ii \orvere luc\ it nould bendhalfan lnch.Thusif you wanted benda io branch inchwith thlswlre yo! an rvould haveto bcnclit an inch and .: half. Thatwasall thatcouldbe done so that thev usedcopperu,ireon[ on thoseplantsrvhichhad real polential. Bonsaiartists reallybeilanto Lril copper wire righlaround endor the Wor d War l, not al thai long ago. My fatherwas one ol the fitst. ln thosedaystherewcr€ still those $h. sqrled trees only by pruningand pinching.Ho\\,ever, major chan8in,r lhe shapeof treeswas only acco plished atter introduction the the of useof wiring. Using wire enabled to do one precisework and aitcr a treewas ; < < j 2 : i INTERNATIONAL BO\S I 200i/No. .t fdilo'Js Nore: Tl s Jn .lc has been repr nt€.i \vilh pcrmission oiAklri Shimizu, ediloror '\hrue Ard AonsrirShizc.To Sonsai macr zine, published 5rnlushaCompaD Lld b,v Tnerrl clc on $nifg f6r nppcared ihe if November r977 issue hpancr. and ha! in beenrransJr€nJid cdiledfo, ou eadc( TomioYamJdJ thc thnd renenr on is propretor ofSeiko-en BonsaCaden n a)miri Bonsaiv lase Japan ToBc6e, with hisiath€, hay have.r€nt€d numclolsmrstepi{e bonn: andhale au$orcds.lcra lDkandad'.6 ifyou lookclosely at the branches single ofa pineyou will note$at the branches and foliagegrow lushlyas the branches grow oui.e fiw. Forexarnple. Bonsai wereoriginally dcveloped by only pr!ningandpinchinB and somefine bonsaiwere cfeatedin that way. a personcan overdoit and brcak branches cause or Lhem wither to anddie-On the olherhand. Forexample. Yet as ihere are disadvantages well as advantages the development to of techniques usingwiring. Thusthe use of wire on collected material significantly increased numberof trees the lf you ccJnsider recordoi the five-needle pine bonsaiit is iapanese 'Miyajima' clearthar grafted the cultivar is older than the comrnoncollected five needlepines.Various other movements the branches due of are to othcrnatural conditions suchas wind and snowetc. UsinShenrpcord as guy.rdes. Heredeception manipulation or may not be the properword..ii facllitates cr€aiivedeception or manipulation.By observing these. one cannotdo satisiyinB work developing bonsai merely pruning by and pinching. s. mosily it but was tediousand bothersome. It can also be said thaLthe numberof bonsaihobbyists fact thaL hasincrcased due to Lhe they can styletreesusingwirc. but this is a technique whichthrouSh use its improves appearance a iree. ln con lrast.thcrc are somcvarictics ol deciduous tfees whichwill never recover tromsucha wiringscar Amongevergreens thosethat quickly rccoverlrom sucnscarlrn8 are pineand five iapanese needle blackpine.Theylverc plantcdin thc ground.This wry fanous honsai$.essory planting. peoplewho want to Thatis because express theirindividuality and creativity can lo a certaindegree makctrunks and branches appear as theywouldlikethemto by applyinS wire. ticularlythc lattcr At thattimc thc species that flve wcrc wircdincl!dediapanese needlepine. only a limitcd numbcl. The lapanese pines Mlyajima llvc lapancsc necdle wereall shaped whilc bclngfield 8rown. they will not break kill branches or and conversely usethistechnique can to createbeautifu bonsai.vhen applying technique. by Disadvanta8es Wiring Of li one is not sufficiently trained and uses wire to bendtrunks and branches.needle pine Pin!s patujflora.bent that way with narrowbranches bracedby bamboo. Theydevelopcurves thal go downwardand upwardas branches to theirweight due tendto grow downwardand then the tips of the branches tend to grow up seek ingthe llBht ofthe sun. EzoEpruce and Sargents JUnrper Advantages Wiring Of Thegreatest advanta8e usingwire in fof bonsai styling thai it is easy is to createa shapethat appears natural.Forexample.individualdifierences techin niquesof differentpeoplebecome tndoat tokanoma display at sciko cn Bonsai Gaden featurjnga lapane. Thcharmthatwiringcando to ireesdepends the varietyof the on trcc. in par the late1920's andcariy19301.Jfcollect€d trees could be used bonsai for using hempcordlvastheonly tralning trch niqueusedfor shapinS. Because ihe abjlity of treesto recover from wiring 5cars diftersin this way one must learnhow to wire different typesoi treesand distinguish betweenthcm \.ere fjve-needle iapanese trainedaiterwe beganusingwire. Model After NaturalTr€es Thc mon important thjngio do prior to wirlng is to obserue shapes the and formsof trccsgrowingin nature. Thushow oneapplies wire to the treeand the how one usesit is very important.rol/ and ac.staked. bonsaihavebeenkil ed by wiring andscars someLimes in the are left barkoftrunksand branches wiring.The collected pines$. INTERNATONAL NSA ]] BO 2005/Na) 4 . However. the of The reason that bonsaiis flour ishingnowadays of coursedue to is rhe useof wire.lo pull branches andthcre here was not only unsightly.ll one knowswhat onc is doing and has sufticient feel ior ii and applieswire to bendtrunks and branches. To pui it anotherlessdesirable way. lhis Onceone learns how to usc wire properlyand is freeto slyle treesas they please thereis some danger theywill overuse that rhis ski I and will createtreesu/ith too manyunnatural curu€ designed by Tomia Yanadaan(l hasbeen carcd bv him fot sewral de.Hemlock a k lapanese spccics lvhich doeseasilyrecover frc'msuchscarring.wlth wire lt couldbe sold styled immediaLely. ls rnoredifiicult it lcrrwire to causescars frorn cutting into the bark of evergreen treeslike pines andjunipers evenif one and doescausesucha scaron theselrees it can be healed overquicky. pulledthis way. foliage the which spans Srven a areacan Decompresseo to fill a smaller areaby usin8 wire. Forexample. r lhalurlthstra\\'or kinclllnB thenlightthe roilecl and nervlaperon rheboLtom the pilr oi !o thatit lgnitcs. rc can bc uscdcasl\' bv novices $.lrh kindling. Stee$. Characteristics SteelWire Of I havenelcr uscdstee w fe and I anr against useoi stee$. oncethe .ethe treealread. on Thenwe placecopper\\.luous trees andcopp-.rre wrapped v!ithsteel $ire ard the people rho bu1them.ruges tonsc usc to se€$hether fie \\'lre bendse.Thusthcrcis no valueln jlrn $.laiierbending worklng and it Thereiore lhanbefore. tr.!ou So shoud probablih.. nol It porsible afnealdiiicrcnt sizes oi Whenthe coppef wire exudes a bl!e ilamethatshoucl bc thc critcrion Howevcrdo not inrmecl v cease ate jng annea as soof asvou spoln l)ilre i. .rNO I returnto the shaperl had beibre bcnding ke steel I wire cloes. sla(in8.l slead! iirc.lthout breakinil scarring or trLrnks and branches. Whi c strawby tseli is goodior annealinS number l2 throu8h2-+. re Lol)e anncacd irr p cois ancl acaan anrouftoi straw s! tablelbr rhis. ilexlbe to beginwlth and is no more rigi. $. competely.dLcch and n ques.lring an. rice \\.hatsoever vou wish to make lf js inexpen sivcrnclas t is dlfflcult usepeoto plc buy ng the tre€s have sirange the notlonthat lt is betterto ha\.rsl\ anclii it rloes.ireior bonsa the . oi AiLer thc wire is coiled.r.antthe heatto escape placea stcclplate thetop of oi all number {r \ire unless volr're proresslofal th a \! cxperience highlr deveop-. thirt.lo havcthcmoverlap.) al the tips.el on the grolrnd and lhenon Lop oi thatplaceroled andwadded up newspaper. For heaq g. thickergauges greater thannurnber requlrc I0 quilca ot ol flcc strawso \\'e Lrse straw the together \r.v wired. Lo Nowada.rl solcl . li fo! do not \\.lone. of .lnd thenspread rtra\r. Since $ ill nol it ]2 N I L R N A IO N A L 8 .lgiving branches curves becausc scemtmoreifteresting rt or lrecaulesom.r wire Characteristics CopperWire Of Undernormal conditions copper wire i5 rlgldbut onceit hasbeen heaLcd anncaccl it soitens and y cofsiderab Thenoncethatportion is beft it retums rheoriginal to rigicl 5tate. HowTo AnnealCopperWire Fue ibr anfc. re on that afd cov.da. Nofethee!5 t is no help $.opperwlrc js annealed ls ean. t Lhat \ou havcto haveeveryone ol thenr avalab e but et'ssaf evervothef on-. the Havethe $.lt is .Do not havcthc $.ircuscdin tfainifBbofsaiand in somccascs venr' aneap commerc a bof!ai steel wire is used.rc s csscxpcnsivo thancoppcr rc but it is soitand \\.les ouL and provldcs goodsteady a burn.1|ne. Mostcommercial bons. lt appears be good on v lor to making mifor modliicarions or glving vel'Seneral shrpes in onc placeand ii up possible. l o rc x a m p n u b e f 1 0 . Howev.hcnlt is lh-.c $.lve n!mber8 through 2l availab Thiscloesnme.irea lp l-.lreand alumjnum wife arethe Inainq?eEoi \\.we areSorng annea I to heavy gauges placckind ing on we that.lsuppoEe vo! cansaythatlt is soiLablc a that cheap treebe $lred \ ith cheap re.recl and hardens ln thatposition..traw is bcst ior prcvldinga goo.rlvnnized p atc or sl-.hen iife bumsour. n u m b e f l 2 e ctc.lnnealecl lhe \ av 1.rre ranl amaieu15.voudo thisthermal energy cannot escrpc upl.\\hef u5ng wife you shoudn't cut shoirpieces keepjt co lecl blrt as is or wrapp-.vs copper\r. ho cls it itsshape anrlhence vervsuitable i5 ior usein shaping stfl ng bonsai. rv Characteristics Aluminumwire Of coll aro!ndthc it trunkor branches a tree.antto annea you andtheamount fLrel \\'ill neerl of so thatthe \rire be ful y trnnea ed $.aone o )routo wtre Lo Types Wire For BonsaiStyling Of Now. and CaugesOi CopperWire Thetvpes wire thata hobbvist oi dnd a prolesslonal should havcon hand dirrer afd you p'obrhl\ \!on t bc abl€to Lrse number. re vou $. Thus. lf the amorntoi iue ls lnsuiii cienr)ou ma! replcnlsh Bei. Annealsamesizes wirc atthe sametime.nannea coppcr ing wirc we p acea steel g. ) \ S A 200r.rn e.!s thcrc sccnrs be a to d vision labor oi whereby aluminum wire is $ide y used urirng for deci. Sieelor galvanrzed sreelplate Placecopperwire on top ofthe ricestrawthen igniteihe newspapers the lrottom on Do not pile up all the copperwire in one locationand if possible not do havethemoverlap. i. Remove wlre $. aluminun-r $.vou shourl consicler lhe amountof $.]llke rope.ireis rigklit Since steei can t bc lemovedso thev eaveit on and ll usuallv cutslntothc barkas thc trccgrows.h ch is n.rre it. Wh-. gencrally.arcls so thatit extends to thc si.rling copper re.foundthetreclt is bent to gile iorm to thc port on of th. . I fe eleclr c.lll not bc vis!rall! p. it is be( to anneal So '_ .n wired beiore. Thenproceed with thc $ iring.loit as the \\'ire \\ i I lose its truc copperpropeF lios.. li you wantto . a trccwhichhasncver ior bcen trainedbct.ttit $.v wire to n lrcc is usedto n8 nrodiivthe shtrpe i troe.iring. I f.ife P. tr. anneals ii it qu ckl!. Thc cfie.lll to dctals lik€ lhi!.rl onc oretinre il '' tu !5 ns lhc w rc. Slnce shape fot been its has clelermincd.rnneaLed..l iowever s doe.nclthen rpply \!ire oncethc treeis gr(^!ing he.tvciallen . ll is bclter allow to thewire lo graduilv coo naturallvi ir ir coolcdsud.lity..vou'nusrpav rareiLlaltention snr.sctrees onlv br..rllY st!lingthe trunk and the heaYier Thenin branches. Thlsis esEenlial.l Forhe.j. rhoul(l. be The Ord€r Fof ApplyingWire Al)p. {io goo. .rnches and are stronger than iBhter branches li and lheyareall wircdi lil rheEame timetheywon l bc killcrl. alterdelermininB irontand the lhcn cleciding Nhatstvle s'ouklbring out nnderhan. not nppv lh \\'hrnrnakinS majorni().the treesho! cldevelop rcll . perhrpsbccause of \\/c.rnne.e.ll burnthe w re fashorttirne . First \\'irenndshape Uunkusing thc I\TER\AI (J\AL 8.. the 1r(r| not is .rmple.lccustomed havinB stress it to lh. .rther conditions.\\ se do not pl.lallo\\.5 bccnannealed thoud not bc dropped Natcrand in 'uddenlv coo ed. \\'ire thath.r'. the \c\t.rsk one can I do to getthc Nire lo hold lhe lreein the position lw.n(l trained irom lhef untilthetime bu& break thc aboutten bul \\i nrinutcs addfuelirsneed€d so unril Ihen.rllyis \!ell but this : . in ln the pan peope wereto d that deciduous trees should wlrcd in be aulumnafterthe leaves h.rrkhls iornred.whcn storlng \vireone should careful annealed bc nol to bend it an.rn(hes should bc wlr0d. should on€ Iirstprune brck thebranches.rlth\l TermPlanning LonB A lofg tennplan s fecessar! !!hen a stvling lrcnsai. Do Not TryTo Do Unreasonable Things Bonsai To Whenone is nboutk) applt wirc to a tree lhcrc are two thingsto kcep in "\\/hat nrind. Dest)itc fa.l il shoud be plnced coilsor w.rnches to clic.1ll onceal nt lhe \\.1nd \vlll crunrble brcak it an.l.-cs comein and p av wlth th€ $ire afd rtepon it.l Bnftlenrca l! clslikeit \ hen novi.rLng it on thc Narmgal!anized .. .lerrly will have it lhe opposlt0 efiect lhnnwhat)ou rleiire and\!ill inslead hardcn. or WhenTo Wire Bonsai Thetime to wire bons. Thusii wjring15 donein two stages. wire thathasl)een anfealcd.llii. it \!i I takeiiveor si\ minutes gcnerally I l. of lhalwiringp ac€s a lrcc.]ndthecliamctcr the nunk ol shoLrld doLble iour(Jli ve vcars in lepending the 5pec Whenthe on cs. . dro!ld the rire bc put on thetreeso lh.rndit \!il rcnr.vlecwalt ho$.othe tive. re !o thatit is suitnblc the ior '.rl .rDped in around a co I likc a spindle \!rapping for cord. rough a wiringin the first iear l)y nppv ng wire to and initl.lng unducslfcss ihe tree?' an on Thcn ii.. recenllvtrces \\'ircdin ihe earlvdutunrn haYc not hrcJgood bud breaks iol|:irling thc sl)fln8. lhe lecondvear\'lrinAnndshaping you the enallcrbranrhes a.r.r cc(aine\tenlit shoulcl givenitsiinalslvling.rrticulat should consider wiringtheiree hlice.\o\rnclays annealing .rcctho wire on . n\ohe. bcginsbv one delernrinlng iont oi thetree. overdo andappv il wlre lo thc entire tree.r'gaugcs.1ditJcrs depcndingon the sPcces oi iree but it be Bcnerallv shoukl doned!ring the period iromenrlviulunrnln Septenrber unt | \\4renncw up gro\rrlh appcars March.tant condlrion wiringa for treeis lhatthc treein lt]0siion be vigorous Trees v that are !ro$.d bv ltas etc.t tharrh(. Slrong iiresprov.rndthc \lorkers in our bons..!.\r.)\S\ 1] lrr0r \o 1 .avout to the tipsoi branches sh ch trequenllv caurcsbr.lL.rnt\!ithout pl.jj \lait untilblue flames visible are and cool the wire Bradually tuddencoolins immersing in by s.ill lrst so it'sprol)nb better v to preparein advan. Thetflecl Of AnnealinS Wire .livi.r\rorK .r.hileit is loun8 nncl rire is nol unrally applied nrature trunks lo on $.it cool graclualh to by r. \!hen it is manpulnted ind bent relurnrio ils original rigi. .rleor on the 8ro!n.rotcoJnp clclvinreal thewirc .c not likel! to haveanybrinchdieback as a rcsuli $.hich thickb.rntheenrire lreeall at ofce.lctcrrfine characterisilcs oi thattree.:rr€. On lh. Trunks hca!\'br. The\\'ireshould be renrolcd \!hen it begins cut into t0 thc l>ark thentrainccl is ior and as lhrccor iolrryears.l. in hro differenlstaece rather lh.t oi annealng once .ntions to n treelikechanginll ironloi the the Careiul wire r Young lrcO v when ts shapehasneverbccn deternr red and hasnevef be.lone$.nhinces lhc o\tcr trunk and rcmovebrafches not v tal to thatstving.1 spots rocks like ancJltones and .tin rigidw thout beingannealcd.t treehnsbcen lf $rlrcdit hkes abouta ycaror in s0m0[d!es hfo rearstor the lree to rclrinthe shape hasbeengivenbv it the wire andthe $ ire kr beginto cut intothebark. treeis iinilhed to..Firet. if Howevcr tor careiu fot to unhealthv arerveak or should be not Ccnerall\t bnsc nrling and the shaping ihe trunkol a treeshould oi be done$. whattrLnkpaLtern(. wiring vigorouslyCrowing Bonsai An imPo.novces on wlll irequcntli.\ rifg Nork wi Ibe eilher casyor : r t ! t rjepencl on ho\\' ihe \\ire ng .r $ill harden rather soften than . Thcnno!ice!.For ol c\.vou havcan. li thisis done.f . rr thc trrnk an.crst.J .ll ng h. buL moveor !lp Whcn d.rf oi Bauge thc \\.r dlanreters thc trunk.r branches F naly uselightcr iirst. li \'o! ir.the inchor so jusl abole \ herc the ro(Jt!efter the \o Sifcethe porton oi the lou. Whenusing t\'vo picccs n jre of a wavsco I themarolncl trufk so thc thatthevarerlghtagan!t eacholhcr andarc wiredin the same.ill be suiic err thereis no neeclto usc additioral wire.c clscern the bestp acc bi.l is too lighri. red it \\.so wire it carefull\ NTERN TION/\L IIoNSA 200irNo.illnot hold anclrill fot hnvcan effect.wire sizes ch coflespond thr wh t.r. the curveoi depcndson the diameter oi the lfunk.t it the wi I holcl not be loose..luilewire . wire io $ re thc smaler Saugc btanches. re.rmedto han.lncl oi branchcs anrl begin bv wir ng the hea\. Thenii $.torilv beca!ieoi rhe hcav! g.ii fou do n. the portion lhc trunkiustabove of the bascis diificu to ben.. Befclthe wire bciorejnserting it intothe so L Thisis l)e.J . rather t.r lhandoing something un\r'ise should |rse !ou l\\o p ecesof 5 ightl! ightergauge people Evcn $.nrl Addanother prece or will nothold pieces of eachother The lowertrunL foois is where the treeshows individuaJity morethanany otherplace.. re $.tion It lo.el li tic) tnnancelne lrunk ba\c Although\r. One sho! d use \ofnralv the TheTrunk Wire lhe tfunkiir!1.lit usual doe5 v nol do tholob. lo\\'er trunkand plantit f a nay thrl onhances \'veusc\""'ire ronr thli to pensate tr!fk ls an lnhcrcnt partof the treeiLis oi pf mar) importance consldcr to ho$ iiicult\.loicl inserting in lhc so lat r the iront oi ihe treeand place it at the sid-.Lrse is rl lometmesdiillcut to befd on.i is ro be p anted priorto wiring.1)l\'irc thc trufk.cs whereit ls less for UseWirelhat ls Suitable The For Diam€ter OfIhe Trunk lr the wire is not suitdble the size ior 0i thetrunkto be $.].vreal! hardto benrlit onceit is n lhc .or rcarol the tfee..lrhout dnmaglng r(l()ls the and bendit arnund trunkso vou are not used u5ng it. How To W.. Becausc $ ll vou need lo usehcavvr.rks betler Ihe! appcar one ii as andthevwi I not holdas\\.l.ire trke a good ook at the footdlspay afd bascol the trlrnk.e it s in the soilbccaure the heavv .rtthink)ou canbendit sallria.nscrt wire rliagonal the ) intothc \oi of the contalncr caref!l ly \r.a! er f]alge \\.ler thc appearancc the \vrre lhe trcc ol on and.ill inslcadusehr.hoarc a. Novice! rendto use$ re rh. thispoiron oi the trcccanbe efhanced and ho\r.ring thi5con!i.ioi of )ou mav injurelhe barkat the base WhenTo UseTr|o Pieces Wire Of lf ofe pleceoi !v rc s.oi. t However.o I ghrer to hd!lng Srugepieces a\. op r.lre a thatis sultab for bendintthe e desredponlonof the nunk. LeftCoiling And Right coiling The. Convcrscl)" thc tfunkor bfanch t.irearoun. as Yot]should5elect gaugeof \r.priorto app.odirections opposite are rhe wire w ll not light Wire wascoiledto the fight and branchwas bentand twistedto the leftso the coiledwie on the branch becameloose lf wire is coiledio the lef! twist to the left lf wirc is coiledto the righi.tion the wire to be coi ed of andrhedirection the branch that is to bc bcnt arc closcl)'re ateai.ll ho d r.hlchs suitable the sizeof the ior As muchas possible y the npp $'ireso thatthetlp oi the heaw Nire userl thetrunkwil not appear on on thc iront oi thc trcc. whena branch or trunkhasbeencolled the eft and to thebranch Lrlnkhasbeenl)ent5() or thatlt is tw stcdin thc samcdircc tion it \r. twistccland is bentto thc riBht. Whenwiringa narro\\'-.rb. \\'ircshoulcl thc bc \\.1 .re is to be ertendecl. aLlgr thc ighter rvireandthe heavier rc w together severaturnsaroundthc for tr!nk andtie themtogether with extreme f ne light gauge\\'ire if ) placesandthe ertendtwo or three gaugc thc ed portjon lighter oi Lthe holdu.lf therei5 no brafchbelow thatpoint{ths ls veryrarct.irlnBa tree.s ln thc sanrc bc li theh\.el andwill t\\.lther $ell $itholt li thc lnjurlng vcc.r.t is impo(aft to tw s he \\.o\!. the lf thefeis onewlre allgnit logether \\rih the healier \\'ireon thetrunk.led arelloingto bendthatbranch lou . depends thep ace on $.here is to be\\il not sllp.ngThe Wire oi Changlfg gauge wire on lhe the lrun lrom a heav 8au3e a k er lo lighter gauge.rappell tho fi8ht.herethe gaugeof the wire is suitablc thc thickness thc Ior oi Lrunk. li Coi thc wire as muchas nee. the it Coi gauge beglnning oi rhe I ghrer end $.v fg wire. efiectand an wil fot hold bccausc \rire thatls the rvrapped arorndthetrunku.r Thu5.r ponjonof thelrunkabolelhalspol (p ihp np\t (mil pr o. one sho!ld. Extend.Since the w re s app ied ironr below there is no neecl \\ire up to or abole rhe to portlon$.er it getstalLer. t.lrc to be uscdtwo or thrcc timcs around branch a belor the p ace rvhere be Forexample.flrstdelerm whichdirecne Llon br.lown..rnch \\'lrcareto be thc and t\! ned andthenapplf the $ire in Usewire the rightsizeto bendthe trunk 'I re r.twistto the right Trunk\! ilh no \ T E R \ A TO \ A L t s o N S A ] 5 l00r'\O.irearoufd the trunkor brafchanl th0 rlircct on thntvo! twistandbcndthc trunkor brafchmlst altra).l the trunkwhllc bendfg lt whcn n.lire. irp $.becomes narro$.Thereiore d rection the that vou wrap the \r. h. rhcritlnk'rsinS Intervak Behi'een Coils Thesizeoi lhc lnterlrlsbeh!'. iirnll.wlre . I ilwn\s d ir(. lntcrvil. \'Vh.ularl! iifc l)on(l rr! yot]wotrd narro$. li I is loo oosc I wil not hol.h dinerdcpending the r zo oi thr on treeandgrLgeoi the N ire.\t]nrlxr 8 \\'ireis nornrdl! diiiic! t..rrelen hanclcclr .h in dhnlclcL Assum that\ou \nnl 1.eed coil the\\i'c to nroufdlh| tr!nk or br.letr hand ior tho\cNho .rn.ving al\!avs \.rnd.l thL'portiL'n thewlre thathas oi ..rnch trunkin pl.r th \!ith the sh.rumakethe nten.r bflN.rotightlt wi I clrt into thc barkoi thetreeuhen vou bend t. or n( lhanone'elghth in.lthe lrufk.ldingt t0 the trunk\\'hie lwi\linglhf wjre it5eLf it wlll not so bc((.nrhl .rndcoll the N ire nroln(lthc trunkor l)r.rrr' of to one eighlhlrchcs Ho\\'e\.h ls one an. Thlsmanferoi coi ing r ir(.thyourhand N N\{r()NAL 3(l\SA Carefully wirearound coil the trunk branches or Whe coiledat closeintervals not havea holdingeffect . Then ns \o! prol.als ironrone ard onc rlLr.rnch trunka moregeforil or styLinB wou cl incrcirsc thc rou li v.rtt or andthewire will rcall! nnnd olrt Twist wireasit iscoiled the around thetrunkor branch Wirespacing 1 1/8b 1 1/4" Whencoiling wirebesure to secure wirero lhetnrnkor the bnnchw. intcrr.l rl hr. hcrcs iShtl\." ho.cs \!hosctrunks br.\'\ \'re thatis t0 diiiicult b€ndan.rnch po5ltion in u. n ift.rnc anrL. and if th-.\pl)l. Whc'fcoi ing the\! jre around lhc lfunkor brinchthe\\'ireshoLi d fcyl]r be kruchingthe b.l lou want to g vc .\'Vhef)orl $ant to do parli.lonc-cighlh inch in rliamcter sorlrl Lrsc vor fumber8 $ irc anrln rnPth.lround plier\.rlrei(l! been\\'ith thc oit hand right handior thoso rlho ." \\rapstoo 5maI it becomes r ik( spring ancl conrerselv rril not it ho cl the br.1pe lhc trcc so v(tr] oi fealy crn t ilefcr.HoldThewire when Wiring precaution Th s s .s tsrf.hen vou bcnd r.rrkoi the lreedirf..r)(l thc convers-.lre.nrf\l.)r br.n holding $ ir€ thc l0lhe lrunkor bftinch..oils oi wire of a trunkor s $.rck.r nB rrunk\\hi. lhe trunkit s good lo r'lri e i il is r.ntar\ but when.bfn(l ..Hc.rnch mo!c the posir oi the h:rnd .ncoll ft] the \\'irearound brirch n \\'a!sccrI it thc lrunk1)r whil.lNrnpb\ hand sln)!klbe benlaf d coiled.rrelen handcdr.rnch \\ith Ihe riqhlh.h. r. oi WireTwo Branch€swilh One Piecc Of Wire A \!a\'s usconf P ecc ol \\ rreto Firsl sLrrc shape h\o branch€s.rrh to bftinfhcs in .1ncl relurf l()lh(.rth prolell r ronr l)rerkr)gnfd to splitting.boul lhe r Bhlnnrouft ancitron t nee.\T( )\ \L 8|)\! \ It llirr \o 1 .ring this \'ou wi I l)c .rn(l ar. h lou berd ir po'li. .rl)e 1o jud estlmate .is no Nire t ma\ break lh.h an are.r mofrfnt.r).lf youbend beween the coilsof wire il will control thewireon both sides thebcnd of from returning to lheoriginal posrtron BendinB AncleAnd wirc Placement Ther'lrc sho! | l)e Iti( ed re nti\c tr) Lhe arcath.cnd the stranrl the oi r.rpp il Y lf youbend the trunkor branch severely behveen the wire coils it may break Alwaysuseone pieceof wrrc to shapetlvo branch cloth with or raffia prcvent lo brealinB splitting and One pieceof wire is not likelyto hold and havean effectwhen wirinSone branchrvill not brcik lvhen it is therei9 wire \TIR\.lt ! to impo(anL 5Lfc thc brrnLhr\so to Lhat thclrshapcs c{nrk)nn lhe lo shape the trunl itsc. nr.rn..r l)anch ! or trunkselere $hor. re ior . Aiter\'ring thelrufl .h lo rrturntL'its oi original posili. so thirL Lls . rh.rr l)olh skltli oi lhe bcndlng afgle so lwil sul)prcss llc lendencv n braf.!e cnough lrc to \\'re \ lhc oweroi the hr()l)rin.rnce The cfglh oi \! rc'\\'iI depen. lhisti e ii there the Al is a r.rn. \'Vhcr!()!rAelLredlo ...'re shouLd proceed $.rliLio o\rs thatprrliols V co lfrl !\'ireThcnco I \! ire nrolrnd uptrcr l)r. whcn thc (ul\!l( rronr coi trunk.rnd Estimating Wire tcngth \\hen \ rirg br.rll).r \oLrshoukl\rnp il\ lh LrirLn or cl.'r i.l.ire oi geferrLvlou rra! t{rbe useclbrt expecL uscn cfglh $h ch iEone Lo nfd .1 nx\rsurcaach to pieceberorc \ou cur it.r .il(r t hnsbeen bent.h'.r.hf\ir s helpiul ro rt tr! to en nule lhe ({rBlh wire n€ce!!ar\ \\ re b.lrifgthl]ln.l rholrufk.r\ lel unN re. the . Thef cut the picccoi \\ire dn(llhe'r.adv wirc co lcd anrrndthe lfunkco thiswirr s()th.d b. ll slmlrld wir.intnr it is nr saier bcnd\\hc( thcrels Nire to touchlng brnnrhor rrurrkli \ou the \ani to se\efehbfnd \u..rke thatvoL h.hc\.ri (()il the$.hes\\ ith the ooseendoi thc \\ irc Thcnco I the \\ ire h! {c arolrnd portion lhc that s.h.rt s l(] l)c lxarior the trunkor brafrh.i.l pn(ly (fr th!'AnrAe \\. halit0 two t mcsthe englhoi lhe branch.lPor tionoi lhe olhcrlip or Ihe\!ire on iinlshNiring lhc loNerlrrnnch.rfcl ro eave rest thc. ru justcannot bringthe brafLhdo$. From \\'ireapplied the the to br. HowTo LowerBranchcs \\hen vou \\'anL bcnd .nchneafthe hranch vou wlshto wirc andvoL nccdto wirc jun one branch.ll s ip the and\\.jfe lightv so thatlt \\i I not move. Hotrlv0r.t)-.1nd thef wrdpthe branch $. the wav branches comcdown diiters ard depends on theoleral shape of: ne-" andthc shapc Lhctrunk.! Lo branch downand\..a\ dorn to rhere ikc !ou 5ecure.l:]uld t t. \'\'hef Vo! \ ant to bcfd a branch downsharp iketh 5 \'ou ! maf cra.k or.vou shouc1 trr to not brin8lt all thc x.In lhatcase.e aro!nd thebranch and Lhen coll thc w rc around trunk the and holdthlspoiron of the '.lvor to br ng it dowf !o! \ i I iifcl Lh. Dividelt f: lwo stngcs.r be.\ou tr! to do thi! al at one time vou are Ver.rttachment.n iom \\'here i5 \\.h pointoi atlachmenl thc lrunk of expfess !\al tf r8s gro\! natura thc L\'In n v-ar\ scvcrc cnv|lonn]cnt. lt s lmportant to have \r.!o|1don'l Lhe rnow what)o! fe d.r' Thc wa\ down and then trlo to four nronthslaterbefcl t rlown to r\'henvou \\.v 1(l\!.ould ike to havc t. hcav.!. ll not ho d. ln rheg.\. do\!. branch\\.r iom the $.rv \\'lr-.bftrn.rjng i i! pr.tu.vbes o lustbencl branch thc wiLh\ ir. ilrstt me bring t r.lnrcoi th.nchwire the branch to \\'here o!t vounant to stopandthlsshoud holdW thoutnrovifg.!L thc un(lers oi tlr' de brafcha he po nLoi.rint ilhtV o!1 fromthe polnt sl whcrcit ls cmerSing tromthetrufk.wiring Onl) One Branch \\hen thereis fol a br.hed the it to trunk. li.erecl irom a p.. coi the wlre on.lfe$.rak-"r The '. lbu nraykllL branchi.Forcia ple oi branches ch Bo .v the anchorerl. This technl.i. so ab. ess un vou \\rrap wlrc aflrufdthc trunkirom below the wil onlv be o$.lo$.h Llp\ i to the samein a Icases afd onl\ d ai.vike.n WhenVouu5€$ire to br ng n branch anclende. not bc \\'lll ciiccti!cwith trrnks\\'hich are hea!\.ruge wlrc \'ou n€el to r:oi thebuds face to wrnnS Cut or crackthe devcloped a in Clackor cut l a NTER\AToNAL L](]\SA -t1l0i \o n .. wire suchasPifching on ne\vgro\\'rh trimminS and old feedles.{ so 2l \\lre lo makethc budsiace up\4/ard5.a.)nre oown DvafY orner means a 0r Iin. Thcreiore you ii .with time.itho!t stresslng thc . This allowsthc trcc tn restand regain ts vr8(rr. il brifch \\. ln suchcases there techniques are ior bringinS l)ranchcs n \\. Sln.lll ho d reasonablv well. All 6e sn'. to At thistlmeEec!rclv holrlthe portion whichls u/lr-. arc nged.nt to diEplay bonEai the soonafter lat€r.T a .lo$. Ho\!cv.l ralher ck.hich do\ do nol rel). .o.vou nol !!antto stress do .2l copper \ire to makethe buds INTERNAT']NA]O\5A] ]9 B 200irNo l .rd the desired eilect and lt should be r-.the budrwill nat!fallv tenclto f. ol IfYou Wire/ Do Not Forgetlo Remove lt It is poftantto noL ea!. Trees often damagcd are when the wire i! remove. p iers.rn. i'.r or a convenienl placelikea ' .ru havea branch that\ ill not .onvenrenl ac-a a p on '-:n.n.movcd thistime and not reapat pliedagan for a vearor t$.ll pine btundl tipr rhauldb.h thai.1ir I iace$e budsupwards. Lrmal pull the rvireappliecJ a to '.h Secure lo thelvlrecoilcd il _ 1:-.e!\ ire of n treefor a longtime.rnd do it crrliul .nl it $.-. Notethe in you dld r\.vv. ng Pulling Branches Down : \.dup)rardu\int iinc \rnc.i. MethodsOf Shaping Branches WhichDo Not RelyOn Wire Branch in boft olrl andyoung tips trees spring hackup on voung branchcs rvhlch u.neLtp$ittoninEoi hands\rh. ThisredLcca numbcr thc of leaves need andallows sun or es thc to gei at \teaker budsgrowlngin the recesscs the trce.n |ititlg ta a\ai.h.Whef it begins to cut into$e bafk il \\i I haveh. cut to the bv ting it oli so Lhat uees not dam..rgc thc trce ii possible. you arc determined li to rcmovc without lt cutling uEe it. bottom the conthc oi .hen applying wir-.n with lightgauge wirc '' .rceupwardscven r \ou do nol .vto qu reus-.ancl the graduallv remolethc n'irc.. .itho!t causing dam.eiLis rclatlvcly easy obtan coppcr lo wire it is lmportant remove $.d yourleithand.Face Ih€ BudsUpnards \\'hen you bringa branch dorvnthe iipsoi thc branches out io the face sldcs usefinenumber or 2.ired are clou.l injur| to the pine needles Posidon bud tipsto the faceupwardwhen wiring and shapinS Lse \o..if-.lo thG. 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