Functional Training Modified[1]

March 17, 2018 | Author: Paulo Muñoz Brauchi | Category: Force, Strength Training, Muscle, Motor Coordination, Tendon



Functional TrainingSteven Plisk, MS, CSCS*D This paper was presented as part of the NSCA Hot Topic Series. All information contained herein is copyright© of the NSCA. proprioceptively-enriched activity that involves deceleration (force reduction). rapid “spikes” in force www. performed with the feet on the ground and without . the more often it tends to be misinterpreted or misapplied. both types of activities tend to share some basic features: • • • They involve skillful application of ground reaction forces. coordination and/or energetics — to one’s activities of daily living (ADLs). This brings us to a key issue. “Non-Ath letes” There seems to be a common belief that sports activities differ enough from ADLs that athletes should train one way. these descriptions seem pretty sound. often with no machine to guide one’s movement (in biomechanics parlance. the range of “functional” activities may be broader than commonly thought. Following are some popular definitions of functional training: • An exercise continuum involving balance and proprioception. Consequently. the more popular a fitness issue becomes. I propose an alternate definition: Functional training involves movements that are specific — in terms of mechanics. and management of gravity. While this is typically true in terms of power output. “Ath letes” vs. direct and stabilize the mass of our own bodies as well as other objects. this is referred to as unlimited degrees of freedom).5 • Multi-joint. In fact. while often repetitive. controlled amounts of instability. ground reaction forces and momentum. acceleration (force production) and stabilization. functional training has evolved from novel buzzword to household term. such that strength is displayed in unstable conditions and body weight is managed in all movement planes. Unfortunately. we must control.Hot Topics: Functional Training 2 In the last decade. When considered in these terms. multi-planar. whereas non-athletes should train another. It’s a paradigm based on the common ground between sports rehabilitation and preparation. are usually brief in nature.20 Taken at face value. • Tasks.7-9 • A spectrum of activities that condition the body consistent with its integrated movement and/or use. Forces are transmitted through the body’s segments. Tasks are performed in multiple planes of motion.nsca-lift. most of our major muscles are “multiarticular”. Two features are particularly notable.nsca-lift. When viewing the human body as a designed system that adapts to the demands imposed on it. our joints must be stabilized as forces are transmitted through them. the role of functional training Bac k-Engineering the M ac h ine Architects have an axiom: Form follows functionA — i.22 Second. For these reasons. the more this reinforces corresponding motor programs and functional adaptations. decelerate and achieve high velocities.Hot Topics: Functional Training output are the rule rather than the exception. And the more habitually we do so. the design of a structure should be determined by its purpose. reducing energy requirements during locomotion. Indeed. This minimizes the mass of the lower leg. similar to the motor problems posed by many ADLs. many sport movements (e. When stretch-loaded.g. muscles in adjacent segments have complementary characteristics. becomes even more apparent for overall quality of life and injury prevention. running. we can learn a lot about how it works (and how to train it) by examining its anatomy. have shorter fascicles and a tendon that’s almost as long as the muscle belly. it’s helpful to rethink the traditional distinction between athletic and nonathletic activities. Functional training tasks should. therefore. gastrocnemius. emphasize multi-joint movements where muscles work in coordinated task groups. considering how recreationally active many “non-athletes” are. on the other hand. They should also be dynamic enough to activate the reflexes that enhance the system’s stability and efficiency. the Achilles tendon can lengthen up to 5% before shortening. In the lower .g. crossing more than one joint (Figure 1). www. the proximal extensors (e. • 3 In order to achieve the balance and leverage needed to perform these tasks. long fascicles.e. This enhances elastic energy utilization and mechanical efficiency — and the resulting ability to accelerate. soleus). And they should require skillful solutions. jumping) are simply high-powered ADLs where the issue is one of degree more so than fundamental difference. First. quadriceps femoris) have pennate fibers. The distal extensors (e. we regularly get into certain positions.g.30 To operate as an effective “kinetic chain”. This arrangement is ideal for force production and reduction more so than velocity. large crosssectional areas and a short tendon. Furthermore. They are designed to transmit and summate forces through the body. org . In order to be functional.4 second in duration. functional strength can be expressed in terms of execution time. Unfortunately. movement speed and acceleration. power production usually peaks at 30-50% of maximum force and/or velocity (Figure 3). Traditionally. whereas absolute maximum force development requires 0. however. the application of sound technique during impulsive. • Power = force · velocity. then. When choosing training tasks. and as brief as 0.3 – 0. The opposite is true as well.nsca-lift. powerful movements is a key determinant of performance in many tasks. but there are additional considerations. if force or coordination demands are sacrificed in an attempt to simulate a motion). This is the most deceptively simple of these laws. This doesn’t mean that heavy resistance training should be abandoned. An exercise may look like an ADL without being specific to it (e. Specificity actually exists on three fronts: mechanical. coordinative and energetic. but its implication is profound: Once the mass (resistance) is determined.2 These factors are very important. On the contrary. this is another concept that tends to get hackneyed or misconstrued.8 second (Figure 2).1 – 0. maximal force — relative to one’s strength — and neuromuscular activity are only achieved if it’s maximally accelerated. In terms of mechanics. It should also be a basic objective of training. Despite the importance of explosive forces. Perhaps most relevant are the basic laws of motion taught in high school science curricula: • Impulse = force · time. A critical power output is required to perform many tasks. Depending on the movement. brief. it should not be inferred from these laws that weights are to be yanked on and hurled around recklessly.g.B Execution of skillful tasks usually requires peak force application for a very short time. www. certain criteria must be met on each front. Mechanics.Hot Topics: Functional Training F unctionality & S peci ficity 4 Functional training methods are based on the principle of specificity. For example. the key is to not be fooled by outward appearances.2 second when running. the ground support phase when walking is about 0.6 – 0. the principle of mechanical specificity involves selecting exercises with regard to a target activity’s joint involvement and movement direction. • Force = mass · acceleration. explosive force production may be as important as brute strength. rather. So in terms of performance and injury prevention. the range of productive workloads extends beyond the “slow squeeze” zone. concentric. but we also need the right software (read: motor programs) to run it. Its center of mass is regularly outside its base of support when changing velocities. and repeatedly launches itself as a projectile (when running). Training tasks should be chosen according to their mechanical specificity to the demands of an ADL. functional training is analogous to upgrading a computer system. but not necessarily appearance. As mentioned earlier. their basic mechanics. The unique thing about our on-board computers is that movement is one of their essential tasks. Coordination. and rapidly recoiled in a reactive manner.19 This has two important implications with regard to training: • Neither our hardware nor software come “factory installed”.2.14. This is why developmental considerations are so important in training (these are addressed in the next section). It is another important determinant of performance that should also be addressed in training. running and jumping are universal ADLs involving brief ground reaction forces. But it’s equally important to have powerful software to drive the machine. It supports itself on a single limb (when walking). the stretch-shortening cycle enhances power and impulse production as well as mechanical efficiency and stability.31 By virtue of reflex activation and elastic energy recovery. In other words. This phenomenon is referred to as the “stretch-shortening cycle”. reflexes) that enable rapid adjustments. Both are a work in progress. Other considerations include amplitude and direction of movement.10. isometric. ballistic activities like running involve springlike actions where the prime movers are forcibly stretch-loaded. Consider the problems this presents: Our operating system must manage the momentum of a complex machine as it moves over various terrain.23. navigates through traffic.2.31 Because walking. and manipulates all sorts of objects. should correspond to one or more target activities.e.Hot Topics: Functional Training 5 Many ADLs involve a combination of lengthening (eccentric). as well as sensitive feedback mechanisms www. Indeed. eccentric). This presents a motor coordination challenge that has important implications for skill acquisition and transfer. remodeling themselves according to the ongoing demands imposed on them. the laws of motion described above are especially important criteria. In some ways. accentuated region of force application. shortening (concentric) and/or stabilizing (isometric) muscle actions. Robust hardware is an obvious advantage when solving these problems. External forces — especially gravity — constantly disturb its balance. Having the right hardware is important.23.nsca-lift. and regime of muscular work (i.e. ( . ADLs often involve movement in multiple planes with no external guidance. not muscles”. Tasks section.13.28. in the case of detraining or 6 debilitation). life tends to be a stop-and-go sport.Hot Topics: Functional Training • Our hardware is upgraded by the software (or downgraded. A simple means of achieving this is to structure training sessions around brief work bouts or clusters separated by frequent “rest pauses”.31 There’s a better way.15. can be problematic. it tends to interfere with them. For this reason. and (2) it’s tempting to use guided-resistance apparatus that imitates a target activity.31 Summary. coordination demands and energetics are specific to a target .15. where each set is completed in continuous fashion until failure.28. as well as any objects being manipulated. hardware upgrades will usually take care of themselves. it’s tempting to use “bodybuilding” methods. The traditional “repetition maximum” approach to strength training.2. In practical terms. however. upon closer inspection. Many ADLs are discrete in nature. here’s the take-home message: Challenge athletes with motor problems involving skillful solutions — specifically requiring them to control. it’s better to prioritize tasks in terms of transfer of training/learning effects than to simulate the outward appearance of an ADL. These should be used with discretion.23.21-24. When we hear axioms like “train movements. With few exceptions.29. Even some that appear to be prolonged or endurance-oriented. it’s helpful to consider each of them when choosing training tasks. in much the same way athletes and coaches conduct speed/technique training sessions in order to achieve learning and performance goals. A movement can be considered functional if its mechanics. direct and stabilize their bodies.nsca-lift. Although fatigue is a natural consequence of training stress. it is not the stimulus for strength gains or skill acquisition. with obvious ramifications for task performance. Simulation poses two problems: (1) movement mechanics are often compromised.1. Energetics. actually involve a series of brief spikes in power output. because their trade-offs may negate some of the benefits. In fact. This leads to an inclusive strategy where training goals can be achieved through a blend of traditional and non-traditional exercises. but may actually reduce Some practical considerations for designing one’s training menu are discussed below in the Selecting & Prioritizing www. When their software is tasked in this manner.21-24. The three faces of specificity are not mutually exclusive.2. When working with underpowered or undersized athletes. involving fatigue management tactics and a general emphasis on work quality (task execution). Both amplitude and rate of force development — as well as overall muscle activation — are depressed in such circumstances. 18. Motor skills are the language of movement. as well as basic fitness qualities (i. each involving pre-movement planning in certain brain centers. it means it’s time to introduce skill-based strength/power techniques. especially with regard to critical or sensitive periods. This is not an indictment of exercise machines in general.16. Once we reach our 50s.e. . be viewed as a long-term curriculum where acquisition of movement competencies precedes performance. This isn’t just a cute metaphor: Both speech and athleticism are skills.31 Developmental Issues Critical/Sensitive Periods. making them faster and more efficient. Preadolescence is the optimal window for enhancing basic movement competencies and coordination skills. This doesn’t mean we should abandon proprioceptively challenging tasks in adolescence or adulthood. Aging. and especially power diminish even faster than maximum strength.17.26 Movement mechanics and techniques.3. “general preparation” tasks) are priorities early on.6.e. Unguided.26 These are still trainable to an extent during and after adolescence.13. and (2) connections that are used regularly are reinforced. The intent is to progressively automate these so athletes can focus their attention capacity on tactics and strategies (i. as well as sportspecific skills. although emphasis should progressively shift toward developing strength and power.4. Training should. rate of force development.Hot Topics: Functional Training 7 the coordinative demands placed on the athlete.16. cable-pulley systems that redirect the load without restricting movement) are very functional when used with discretion. A remarkable pruning process occurs in the brain before and during adolescence. guidedresistance apparatus tends to transfer poorly to ADLs. We all realize how difficult it is to master a new language if we don’t start learning it early enough — before the adolescent pruning process begins.4. The relative emphasis on different training means and methods should be influenced by the athlete’s developmental status. “special preparation”) as they advance through the syllabus. movement curriculum.g.11. a steep decline in functional strength is underway. Some (e.12 In many ways.23.2. Movement speed.3. therefore. Fast-twitch muscle fibers disappear It’s also why aspiring young athletes must be taught a systematic www. The same holds true for coordination skills.25.6. 27 This may be the ultimate example of the use-it-or-lose-it principle. But despite any similarities in appearance.13.1. this process resembles advanced detraining. during which: (1) unused connections between neurons are eliminated.nsca-lift. free-weight equipment — starting with one’s own body mass — is usually a superior choice. g. and torso is flat or “double-arched” (inclined at an angle of about 45º). Functional strength training is advantageous because it helps preserve fast-twitch fibers. which can enhance power.g.g. lean body mass.g. involve guided-resistance apparatus. body weight only.11. climbing stairs. It’s no coincidence that the traditional exercises used in many training programs (e. shoulders are in front. core www. and being replaced by fatty/fibrous tissue. It should include modified explosive training. The ability to accommodate the specificity requirements of many ADLs from this position are its real virtues. it is used as a static “ready position”. Balance & Stabilization. this position should be used to perform skillful tasks that satisfy each of the specificity criteria described above. whereas in others. in part. the athlete moves through it dynamically (e. horizontal and/or vertical movement. The important features of this position are: • The athlete squats into a balanced position. On the contrary. and overall capacity to activate one’s muscles. The hips are behind the center of gravity. unstable surfaces) and creative exercises (e. For many ADLs. preventing falls). Just as importantly. Figure 4) is an appropriate starting point when selecting and prioritizing training tasks. medicine balls. when performing bilateral movements) or single-support stance (during unilateral movements).12 This has clear implications for quality of life (e. The UAP is almost ubiquitous in ADLs requiring athletes to get leverage and/or generate power. the “universal athletic position” (UAP.g.Hot Topics: Functional Training 8 more rapidly than slow-twitch. to inactivity as well as general deterioration of the nervous system.nsca-lift. This can be achieved in either a doublesupport stance (with the feet approximately . rate of force development and reactive ability in the elderly. It’s not the outward appearance of the UAP that makes it functional. nor the activities performed from it. • The athlete’s body weight is distributed on a full foot. These typically involve certain types of equipment (e. squats. the UAP can be used when performing nontraditional tasks involving diagonal/rotational. Olympic lifts. jumps) share these features. dumbbells. decreasing in size as well as number. Selecting & Prioritizing Tasks Universal Athletic Position. • Neither this position.or shoulder-width apart. In some cases. This is due. Various balance and stability techniques have been developed to enhance the proprioceptive demands of training. during a countermovement or wind-up) to exploit the stretch-shortening cycle. Hot Topics: Functional Training stability movements. If used appropriately. www. a principle-based approach is the key to avoiding dogmatic or exclusive thinking. We frequently get into the UAP in order to acquire the leverage and balance needed to perform such movements. and an objective needs analysis of the target activity. Juan Carlos Santana. The key is in their execution. Sound training strategies involve a rational combination of means and methods. requiring the athlete to control. diagonal/rotational movements. Collectively.13. AC KNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Mike Barnes. and seek opportunities to integrate each aspect of specificity into every task. both traditional and non-traditional tactics can be functional. skillful application of ground reaction forces. 2. It offers a novel way to address the classic problem of how to achieve optimal training specificity. Loren Seagrave and Mike Stone. As is the case with any school of thought.3 1 Functional training should not be viewed as a panacea. unilateral loading). however. rather than select tasks that integrate them. however. But it’s important to keep in mind that no training exercises or devices are inherently specific to an ADL. Moreover. or a separate method to be partitioned from the rest of one’s program. A more pragmatic approach is to choose a basic menu of movements that meet the criteria described above. and transmission of those forces through the body’s segments. offset loading. Effective training begins with a working understanding of all three aspects of specificity. and they are multi-planar and unguided in nature. It’s important not to deviate too far toward one specificity . Many ADLs share certain features: They involve brief.nsca-lift. Closing Comments Functional training is an intriguing paradigm that has challenged some conventional beliefs. it would be an inefficient strategy to address the aspects of specificity independently. direct and stabilize his/her own body (and possibly equipment). at the expense of another. these issues dictate the types of training tasks that tend to be most functional. 9 In the sense that they can augment the coordinative challenges of training — and expand one’s exercise repertoire — these techniques serve a very useful role. In: Komi P. (2003) Functional Training for Sports. & Baroga L. www. but architect Louis Sullivan adopted it and made it famous in his article “The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered” (Lippincott’s Magazine. Strength & Power in Sport (2nd Edition). 2. whereas momentum is measured as the product of mass and velocity.V. 4. (Editor). REFERENCES 1. Olympic Coach 16(1): 4-9. B. These qualities are directly related to one another. 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T. and force at 0.1. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning.2 second. Hakkinen and P. When performing functional movements. Originally adapted from K.. © 1985 Munksgaard International . Ltd. and is increased by improving RFD. measured as the product of force and time (represented by the area under each curve). ed. whereas absolute maximum force development requires 0. Force as a function of time. Copenhagen. Scandinanvian Journal of Sports Science 7(2): 55-76.nsca-lift. Earle. 1985. 2nd ed.6 – 0.W. force is typically applied very briefly (often 0. and explosive-ballistic trained [dotted line] subjects. Komi. Source: National Strength and Conditioning Association.V. Baechle and R. rate of force development [RFD]. heavy-resistance trained [dashed line]. Reprinted with permission from Human Kinetics (Champaign IL).Hot Topics: Functional Training 14 Figure 2: Impulse = force · time.2 sec for untrained [solid line]. Impulse is the change in momentum resulting from a force.8 second). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. McCarney and A. 2nd ed. 1986. Jones. Claflin and K. McComas (Champaign IL: Human Kinetics). and resulting power production/absorption [solid line]. 2000.K.L. page .W. Source: National Strength and Conditioning Association..J. Reprinted with permission from Human Kinetics (Champaign IL). Velocity as a function of force [dashed line].R.2. Baechle and R.R. which is why the range of productive training workloads extends beyond the “slow squeeze” zone. In Human Muscle Power edited by N. Earle. © 2000 by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. www. figure 20. A critical power output is required to execute any skill. Power output of fast and slow fibers from human skeletal muscles.Hot Topics: Functional Training 15 Figure 3: Power = force · velocity. 88. D. T. Depending on the movement.nsca-lift. McCully. peak power [Pm] is usually produced at 30-50% of maximum force [Fm] and velocity [Vm]. The greatest forces occur during explosive eccentric (lengthening) actions.A. Faulkner. N. ed. Originally adapted from J. in concentric and eccentric muscle actions. The athlete squats into a balanced position.Hot Topics: Functional Training 16 Figure 4: The universal athletic position (UAP). Pack Sports (a sports photography company based in www. body weight is distributed on a full foot. horizontal. The UAP can be used to perform a variety of traditional and non-traditional (diagonal/rotational. vertical) movements that satisfy the specificity requirements of many ADLs.W. Sources: Top left and bottom left: .nsca-lift. and neither this position nor the activities performed from it involve guided-resistance apparatus. Reprinted with permission from MILO: A Journal For Serious Strength . published by IronMind Enterprises Inc. Bottom right: internet www. Nevada City CA. Strossen PhD..Hot Topics: Functional Training Hawaii & Connecticut) 17 Top right: © Randall J.
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