Fuji Film Dry Pix 5000 Di Com



DICOM Conformance StatementFuji Medical Dry Imager DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 October 2009 4th Edition Copyright FUJIFILM Corporation, Japan 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Revision History Revision Date 1st Edition November, 2002 2nd Edition March, 2004 3rd Edition October, 2006 4th Edition October, 2009 Revision Description Corrections were made on the following pages. p.i, p.10-12, p.14-15, p.29, p.41-54 Page 58 was added. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement CONTENTS 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Implementation Model................................................................................................................................... 1 Data Flow Diagram........................................................................................................................................... 1 Functional Definitions of Application Entities.................................................................................................. 1 Sequencing of Real World Activities ................................................................................................................ 1 Application Entity Specification.................................................................................................................... 2 4.1 4.2 4.3 Association .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Association Establishment Policies................................................................................................................... 3 Association Initiation ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Association Acceptance Policy ......................................................................................................................... 3 Verification SOP Class (1.2.840.10008.1.1) .................................................................................................. 5 3 4 5 6 Basic Film Session SOP Class (1.2.840.10008. ................................................................................ 6 N-CREATE ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 N-SET ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 N-DELETE ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 N-ACTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 7 Basic Film Box (1.2.840.10008. 9 7.1 N-CREATE ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 7.2 N-SET ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 7.3 N-DELETE ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.4 N-ACTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 8 Basic Grayscale Image Box (1.2.840.10008. .................................................................................. 14 8.1 N-SET ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 9 Print JOB SOP Class (1.2.840.10008. ........................................................................................... 17 9.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................... 17 9.2 N-EVENT-REPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 17 9.3 N-GET............................................................................................................................................................. 18 10 Printer SOP Class (1.2.840.10008. ................................................................................................ 19 10.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................... 19 10.2 N-EVENT-REPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 19 10.3 N-GET............................................................................................................................................................. 19 11 Presentation LUT (1.2.840.10008. ................................................................................................ 21 11.1 N-CREATE ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 11.2 N-DELETE ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 12 Basic Annotation Box SOP Class (1.2.840.10008. 23 12.1 N-NET............................................................................................................................................................. 23 13 Print Queue Management SOP Class (1.2.840.10008. .................................................................. 25 13.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................... 25 13.2 N-EVENT-REPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 25 13.3 N-GET............................................................................................................................................................. 25 13.4 N-ACTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 14 Communication Profiles .............................................................................................................................. 28 14.1 Supported Communication Stacks .................................................................................................................. 28 15 Extensions / Specializations / Privatizations................................................................................................ 28 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 16 Configuration............................................................................................................................................... 28 17 Support of Extended Character Sets ............................................................................................................ 29 Appendix A ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Appendix B ......................................................................................................................................................... 55 Appendix C ......................................................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix D ......................................................................................................................................................... 57 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 i ...................................................................................................................58 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009....................DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Appendix E .................10 .... 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. 2. Film Boxes and Image Boxes • Print Job Status Tracking • Image Buffering • Printing • Printer Status Tracking 2.10 1 . and prints them. DICOM Interface Fuji Film DRYPIX 7000/ DRYPIX 5000 2.2 SCU Functional Definitions of Application Entities The FUJIFILM DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 provides the DICOM Print Management Service Class support required to print images from one or more SCUs. 2 Implementation Model The FUJIFILM DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 is an Application Entity which provides the services of a DICOM Print Management Service Class.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 1 Introduction This document provides the DICOM conformance statement for the FUJIFILM DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 product.1 Data Flow Diagram The FUJIFILM DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 receives images from a DICOM Print Management Service Class User.3 Sequencing of Real World Activities Not applicable for Real World Activities. The following functionality is supported: • DICOM Association Management • Management of DICOM Film Sessions. 35.2.840.5.1. 49. 94. 20. 1 SOP Class Name SOP Class UID Verification SOP Class 1. 108.840.23 Print Queue Management SOP Class (Supplement 13) 1.840.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 3 Application Entity Specification 1 As the SCP.1. 55.1 Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class Print Job SOP Class 1. 80.26 The following Correction Proposals are applied: CP16.1.5. the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 conforms to the following DICOM SOP Classes .1.14 Basic Annotation Box SOP Class 81.15 Presentation LUT SOP Class (Supplement 22) 1.840.10008.10008. 19.10008.840.1. 173 2 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.2.2. 56.10 .840.2.10008. 85. 3) The SCU sends a verification request.1 (For both DRYPIX 7000 and DRYPIX 5000. 4. Further associations will be rejected with the reason ‘busy’.2.392.2 The following presentation contexts are acceptable.840. The SCP will respond it.2 Association Initiation This application does not initiate any DICOM associations. 4.10 3 .5. ♦ Number of Associations • Maximum 10 associations at a time. • Only the SCU AE shall release an Association.1 Table-1 SCP None 2 Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class 1. ♦ Asynchronous Nature • Not support negotiation of multiple outstanding transactions.1. The SCP will respond it. ♦ Implementation ID information • Implementation Class UID is 1.1. ♦ Associated Real-World Activity When an association is established.10008.2.200036.2.10008.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 4 Association 4. • The Association may be aborted by the SCU or the SCP.3 Association Acceptance Policy This application accepts an association.16 Table-1 SCP None 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. Name Role Extended Negotiation UID 1 Verification SOP Class 1. 2) The SCU requires the status of print job or the printer.10008.5396.840. 1) The SCU instructs the printing of a set of images. • The Maximum PDU Size for the PDUs offered by the SCP equals 32Kbytes.1.2. Table-1 Name UID DICOM Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840. Transfer syntax Abstract Syntax No.840.9 Table-1 SCP None 3 Print Job SOP Class 1. ♦ Proposed Presentation Contexts The following transfer syntax is acceptable.1 Association Establishment Policies ♦ General • The SCU AE attempts to initiate a new Association for each print session. one of the following activities may occur.1.1. The SCP prints the set of images.9125.14 Table-1 SCP None 4 Printer SOP Class 1.840. 1.0902) will be returned.1005) will not be returned. • When the same Image Position (2020.840.840. 0116H and B604H Warning Status. it is possible to disregard them and individually specify so that they are processed same as the “Success: (0000H). not resulting in C604H error (CP-80).0900) = 0107H (Attribute list error). See Appendix D.10008.23 Table-1 SCP None 6 Print Queue Management SOP Class 1. the Image Position specified the last will be effective. N-ACTION for Basic Film Session or Basic Film Box will quit normally.10008. The 3rd and 4th SOP Classes may inhibit SCP’s resource consumption rather than when negotiated being combined with the 2nd SOP Class.1.g.” • It is possible to specify so that the N-EVENT-REPORT message is not issued.840.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 5 Presentation LUT SOP Class 1. • When Status (0000.10008.0010) has been specified one or more times by N-SET in Basic Grayscale Image BOX.5.” However.” • In Success/Warning status when in N-CREATE.1. Code Status Meaning 0122H Failure SOP class not supported 0211H Failure Unrecognized operation : the command is not supported for the SOP class (e.2.1. • In Failure status.15 Table-1 SCP None The 3rd and 4th SOP Classes that have been negotiated so far only by combined with the 2nd SOP Class are now permitted to be negotiated with no combination.2.1.1. the Error Comment (0000. The 6th SOP Class can be negotiated solely with no combination or being combined with any other. items that have been properly updated in the items specified by the SCU will be returned as the “Attribute List. all supported attributes included in the instance that has been created as the “Attribute List” will be returned.5.5. • In certain Failure/Warning status. • In Success/Warning when in N-SET. 4 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. resulting in improving SCP’s processing speed (CP-81). Preformatted grayscale image sequence in the Basic Grayscale Image Box will not be returned.26 Table-1 SCP None 7 Basic Annotation Box SOP Class 1.2. ♦ SOP Specific Conformance • The DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 may return the following error codes in response to any message received. no message will be returned by “Attribute List. the Attribute Identifier List (0000. N_CREATE for Image Box SOP class) • For 0107H.10 . the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 will issue a confirmation. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.1.10008.840. Upon receipt from an SCU of a verification of communication request.1) The DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 provides standard conformance to the DICOM Verification Service Class as an SCP.2.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 5 Verification SOP Class (1.10 5 . • An Association may have only one Basic Film Session SOP instance at a time.2. • Basic Film Session SOP instance will not be created in Failure status.1000) or it has been sent in length 0.0040 Film Destination U/M PROCESSOR BIN_i PROCESSOR 2000. • Creating instance of this SOP is required before creating the Basic Film Box SOP instance.0060) is used for reserving Disk space in KByte.1. “i” is the pin number. ♦ Status • Use defaults and return “Success:0000H” if no element values have been specified.5. To use several Basic Film Session SOP instances. use defaults and return “Warning:0116H.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 6 Basic Film Session SOP Class (1.10008.” • “Warning:0116H” will be returned if a film type that is not loaded in the Laser Imager for output has been specified using Medium Type (2000.1 N-CREATE ♦ Description • Creates a Basic Film Session SOP instance and initializes it using the value sent from the SCU (default if no value is sent from the SCU).840.0050 Film Session Lable U/U Up to 64 characters Null string 2000. ♦ Attribute Information Tag Name Usage Supported Default 2000.0060 Memory Allocation U/U 1-131072 None 2100. BLUE FILM Config 2000.0040) “BIN_i” specifies sorter bins on the printer provided with sorter.0010 Number of Copies U/M 1-99 Config 2000. * (2000. If the printer is not provided with sorter.10 .1) The following DIMSE services are supported. 6 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. MED LOW LOW 2000. • If element values exceed specified ranges.1.0160 Owner ID U/U None * (2000.0030).0020 Print Priority U/M HIGH. “BIN_i” is not effective and is substituted by PROCESSOR. • Basic Film Session SOP instance is created even with Warning and processing is possible continuously. delete older ones and create new ones. • N-CREATE • N-SET • N-DELETE • N-ACTION 6.0030 Medium Type U/M CLEAR FILM. ranging from 1 to the number of bins (max. • Create a UID using SCP and return “Success:0000H” if there is no Affected SOP Instance UID (0000.10). 0213H Failure Resource Limitation. Processing can be continued.0500 Referenced Film Box Sequence 0008. Attributes that cannot be applied to the Basic Film Session SOP Instance have been specified. Meaning 0107H Warning Attribute list error. Tag 6. 0213H Failure Resource Limitation.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Code Status 0000H Success Film session successfully created. • For a Failure status. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. Processing can be continued. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. ♦ Remarks • The following attributes of Basic Film Session IOD are not open to an SCU. ♦ Status • For a Warning status. The requested allocation can temporarily not be provided. These attributes are set up within an SCP when a Basic Film Box SOP instance is created. Attribute Value Out of Range. remaining in previous values. attributes will not be updated. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. remaining in previous values.1155 > Referenced SOP Instance UID N-SET ♦ Description • Update attributes of the Basic Film Session SOP instance. An attempt was made to create the 2nd Basic Film Session SOP instance. The requested allocation can temporarily not be provided. Attributes not applicable to the Basic Film Session SOP instance have been specified. The actual values assigned to attributes are returned. attributes will not be updated.10 Meaning 7 . Processing failure. 0116H Warning Attribute Value out of Range. 0110H Failure 0116H Warning 0117H Failure Invalid Object Instance.2 Name 2000. 0107H Warning Attribute list emrror. Code Status 0000H Success Specified attributes of the SOP instance have been updated. The actual values assigned to attributes are returned.1150 > Referenced SOP Class UID 0008. Returned if a given instance UID has violated the UID construction rules. It is possible to change all attributes that can be specified using N-CREATE. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. which will not affect print operation as instructed by N-ACTION. If different IDs are included. 0008.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 6. C601H Failure Unable to create Print Job SOP Instance. If one or more Film Boxes are included. 0008. Action Type ID = 1 Tag Attribute Usage Comment 2100. Releases assigned resources. N-ACTION ♦ Description • After copying all information hierarchies rooted in the Basic Film Session SOP Instance. • The SCU will continuously be able to update and/or operate all information hierarchies rooted in the Basic Film Session SOP Instance. Class-Instance Conflict. Empty page will not be printed. 1-1-2-2-3-3 • Film Size IDs (2010. Basic Film Box SOP Instance of different film sizes are present.0500 Referenced Print Job Sequence -/MC If Print Job SOP Class or Print Queue Management SOP Class is negotiated. 2100. ♦ Status 6. if agreed according to Association setup.10 . Films in the film session have been queued for printing. 8 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.0010 >Print Job ID -/MC If Print Queue Management SOP Class is negotiated.4 Code Status 0000H Success 0119H Failure Meaning The specified SOP Instance hierarchy has been deleted. N-ACTION should be issued to each Basic Film Box SOP Instance. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. for example.1150 >Referenced SOP Class UID -/MC If Print Job SOP Class is negotiated. 0115H Failure Invalid Argument Value. • Creates the Print Job SOP Instance and returns its UID. ♦ Parameters Action Type Name = PRINT. Printing order will.3 N-DELETE ♦ Description • Deletes all information hierarchies rooted in the Basic Film Session SOP Instance. Print queue if full.0050) of all Basic Film Box SOP Instances related with the Basic Film Session SOP Instance should be the same. Returned if the Action Type provided by the SCU is not recognized. C600H Failure Film Session SOP Instance hierachy does not contain Film Box SOP Instances.1155 >Referenced SOP Instance UID -/MC If Print Job SOP Class is negotiated. returns “Failure:0110H” and prints no films. In such a case. B602H Warning Film Session SOP instance hierachy does not contain Image Box SOP Instance. be as follows. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. prints all relevant films. ♦ Status Code Status Meaning 0000H Success 0110H Failure Processing failure. 0050 Film Size ID U/M 14INX17IN 14INX14IN 10INX14IN 8INX10IN 10INX12IN Config 2010.0060 Magnification Type U/M CUBIC NONE (No magnification/reduction) CUBIC 2010. Returns these values to the SCU as a Response.2) The following DIMSE services are supported. and specifies (2010.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 7 Basic Film Box (1. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. If the use of a Basic Annotation Box SOP Class in not agreed upon.0030 Annotation Display Format ID U/U FORMAT1 FORMAT1 2010.0010 Image Display Format M/M See Appendix A. annotation Text for which Configuration setup is completed will be recorded onto film. • Creates Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Instances as many as necessary in accordance with (2010.10008.0510) (Referenced Image Box Sequence) of the Basic Film Box SOP Instance. 2 ♦ Attribute Information (Basic Film Box Presentation Module) Tag 2 Name Usage Supported Default 2010. • Creates Basic Annotation Box SOP Instances as many as necessary in accordance with (2010. • Initialization is effected so as to link “2000.0500” (Referenced Film Box Sequence) of Basic Film Session SOP instance to the created Basic Film Box SOP instance. no Basic Annotation Box SOP instance is created.0080 Smoothing type U/U SHARP SMOOTH MEDIUM Config 2010.0100 Border Density U/U BLACK WHITE 0-300 Config No matter whether this situation arises.0040 Film Orientation U/M PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE Config 2010.1.10 9 .2.5.1 N-CREATE ♦ Description • Creates a Basic Film Box SOP instance and initializes it using the value sent from the SCU (default if no value is sent from the SCU). and specifies them to (2010.1.840.0010) (Image Display Format). 2010. • N-CREATE • N-SET • N-DELETE • N-ACTION 7.0520) (Referenced Basic Annotation Box Sequence).0030) (Annotation Display Format ID). Returns these values to the SCU as a Response. ” • Returns “Success:0000H” with the UID generated using the SCP.1150 >SOP Class UID U/MC 0008. Config 2010.0110 Empty Image Density U/U (Not supported) 2010. * Specifying low densities in (2010.1150 >Referenced SOP Class UID M/M 0008.0150 Configuration Information U/M See Appendix B.015E Illumination U/MC 2000 cd/m2 2010. 10 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.0520 Referenced Basic Annotation Box Sequence -/MC 0008.1150 >Referenced SOP Class UID -/M 0008. double-density image recording (20 lines/mm) will be performed.1155 >Referenced SOP instance UID M/M 2010.1155 >Referenced SOP instance UID -/MC 2050.0130) will affect film base densities.0500 Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence U/MC 0008. • Returns "Success:0000H" using the defaults.10 . if values of “Usage SCU=U” elements exceed the range. it will be handled as a 26×36cm film.0100).1155 >Referenced SOP instance UID -/M 2010.0130) only when the DI-ML type film is used.1150 >Referenced SOP Class UID -/MC 0008. * If “HIGH” is specified for (2020.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 2010.0500 Name Referenced Film Session Sequence Usage Supported Default M/M 0008. returns “Warning:0107H.0120 Min Density U/U 0-300 Config 2010.0050 Requested Resolution ID U/U STANDARD HIGH (Basic Film Box Relationship Module) Tag 2010.0140 Trim U/U YES NO Config 2010. but not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/ DRYPIX 5000.0160 Reflective Ambient Light U/MC 10 cd/m2 2020. same as 10INX14IN.0050) Requested Resolution ID. * A value larger than 361 can be specified for Max Density (2010.0130 Max Density U/M 0-400 Config 2010. (2010.0120) or (2010.1155 >SOP Instance UID U/MC * If 11INX14IN is specified for (2010. ♦ Status • If an attribute specified for the Basic Film Box SOP. if values of "Usage SCU=U" elements have not been specified. if no Affected SOP Instance UID (0000.0050) Film Size ID.0510 Referenced Image Box Sequence -/M 0008. • Returns “Warning:0116H” using the defaults.1000) is available or it has been sent in length 0. 0130) in spite of a setting made according to the Configuration so as not to accept a value less than 360 for Max Density (2010. Requested Min Density or Max Density outside of printer’s operating range. 7. • Even for the Warning status.0080 Smootihg type U/U SHARP SMOOTH MEDIUM 2010. 0116H Warning 0117H Failure Invalid Object Instance.0060 Magnification Type U/M CUBIC NONE (No magnification /reduction) 2010. Returned if a given instance UID has violated the UID construction rules. This also applies for when no values have been sent as the DataSet.0130). N-SET ♦ Description • Updates Basic Film Box SOP Instance attributes created the last.0100 Border Density U/U BLACK WHITE 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. no Basic Film Box SOP instance will be created. • Returns “Failure:0116H” if values of “Usage SCU=M” elements exceed the range.1000) will not be returned. An attribute not applicable to the Basic Film Box SOP instance has been specified. At this time. An attribute not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 has been specified.2 Code Status 0000H Success Meaning 0106H Failure Invalid Attribute Value. 0111H Failure Duplicate SOP instance. B605H Warning Film Box is successfully created. Returned if a mandatory attribute is missing. The printer will use its respective minimum or maximum density value instead. Mandatory attribute had illegal value. 0120H Failure Missing attribute. the Affected SOP Instance UID (0000.10 11 . Attribute Value Out of Range. 0107H Waring Attribute list error.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement • When a size that has not been loaded was specified for Film Size ID (2010. Instance UID given is already in use. 0110H Failure Processing failure. The actual values assigned to attributes are returned. • For the Failure status. “Warning: 0166H” or “Failure (an error code can be set up)” will be returned accordingly • Returns “Failure:0102H” if values of “Usage SCU=M” elements have not been specified. • Returns "Failure:0106H" if a value less than 360 was specified for Max Density (2010.0050). Returned if the number of film boxes exceeds 32. when the DI-ML type film is used. enabling to continue with processing. ♦ Attributes that can be updated Tag Name Usage Supported 2010. a Basic Film Box SOP instance will be created. 0130) only when the DI-ML type film is used.0110 Empty Image Density U/U 2010. Processing can be continued.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 0-300 2010. B605H Warning Requested Min Density or Max Density outside of printer’s operating range. Mandatory attribute had illegal value. 0106H Failure Invalid Attribute Value. 0116H Warning Attribute Value Out of Range. • Deletes the relevant part of (2000. An attribute not applicable to the Basic Film Box SOP instance has been specified. with values remaining unchanged.0130 Max Density U/M 0-400 2010.0140 Trim U/U YES NO See Appendix B. Returend if no DataSet is provided by the SCU. The instance created the last was not specified. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. Processing can be continued. with values remaining unchanged.10 .0120 Min Density U/U 0-300 2010. 2010. ♦ Status • Returns “Failure:0120H” if no values have been sent as a DataSet. The printer will use its respective minimum or maximum density value instead. 7. Code Status Meaning 0000H Success Specified attributes of the SOP instance have been updated. 0120H Failure Missing attribute. 0107H Waring Attribute list error. • For the Warning status. 0110H Failure Processing failure. attributes will not be updated.0160 Reflective Ambient Light U/MC 2050.0500) (Referenced Film Box Sequence) of the Basic Film Session SOP Instance. The actual values assigned to attributes are returned. ♦ Status Code Status Meaning 12 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. attributes will not be updated. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict.0150 Configuration Information U/M 2010.3 N-DELETE ♦ Description • Deletes the Basic Film Box SOP instance hierarchy created the last.015E Illumination U/MC 2010. An attribute not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 has been specified.1150 >SOP Class UID U/MC 0008.0500 Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence U/MC 0008.1155 >SOP Instance UID U/MC (Not supported) * A value larger than 361 can be specified for Max Density (2010. • For the Failure status. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict.1150 >Referenced SOP Class UID -/MC If Print Job SOP Class is negotiated. Action Type ID = 1 Tag 2100. 13 . Print queue if full.0500 Attribute Usage Comment Referenced Print Job Sequence -/MC If Print Job SOP Class or Print Queue Management SOP Class is negotiated. 0008. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. Empty page will not be printed. Film Box SOP Instance hierarchy does not contain Image Box SOP Instances (empty page). Processing failure. Returned if the Action Type provided by the SCU is not recognized. ♦ Status Code Status 0000H Success 0115H Failure Invalid Argument Value. 2100. 0008. prints all relevant films.10 Meaning Success is normally returned. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict.4 0000H Success 0110H Failure The specified SOP Instance hierarchy has been deleted. ♦ Parameters Action Type Name = PRINT.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 7. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. • Creates the Print Job SOP Instance and returns its UID. B603H Warning C602H Failure 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. if agreed according to Association setup. • The SCU will continuously be able to update and/or operate all information hierarchies rooted in the Basic Film Box SOP Instance. The instance created the last was not specified. Unable to create Print Job SOP Instance. which will not affect print operation as instructed by N-ACTION.1155 >Referenced SOP Instance UID -/MC If Print Job SOP Class is negotiated. N-ACTION ♦ Description • After copying all information hierarchies rooted in the specified Basic Film Box SOP Instance.0010 >Print Job ID -/MC If Print Queue Management SOP Class is negotiated. ♦ Attributes that can be Specified (Basic Image Box Presentation Module) Tag Name Usage Supported Default 2020. None 2020.0120 Min Density U/U 0-300 Basic Film box Value 2010.0002 >samples per pixel M/M 1 None 0028. • N-SET 8. 16 None 14 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.0110 preformatted grayscale image sequence M/M 0028.CROP.0011 >columns M/M 1-8800 None 0028. • It is possible to erase image by sending (2020.0080 smoothing type U/U SHARP SMOOTH MEDIUM Basic Film box Value 2010.0150) (Configuration Information) will prevail over values specified for the Film Box SOP instance.0030” (requested image size) is specified.840.0150 Configuration Information U/U See Appendix B. • When “2020.10 .5.C=1-65535 1\1 0028.0080) (Smoothing Type) and (2010.0020 polarity U/M NORMAL REVERSE Config 2010.1.0060) (Magnification Type). • When two or more images are set in the same Image position (2020.2.FAIL Config 2020.1 N-SET ♦ Description • Updates attribute information of the Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP instance belonging to the Film Box SOP instance created the last.0130 Max Density U/U 0-400 Basic Film box Value 2010.0100 >bits allocated M/M 8.0010).0110) (Preformatted Grayscale Sequence) in length 0. (2010. Basic Film box Value 2020.10008.4) The following DIMSE service is supported.1.0010 >rows M/M 1-8800 None 0028.0060” (magnification type) is unconditionally processed as CUBIC.0010 Image position M/M 1-x (See Appendix A. • (2010. “2010.0040 Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior U/U DECIMATE. the last one takes effect.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 8 Basic Grayscale Image Box (1.0030 requested image size U/U See Appendix A.) None 2020.0060 magnification type U/U CUBIC NONE (No magnification/reduction) Basic Film box Value 2010.0004 >photometric interpretation M/M MONOCHROME1 MONOCHROME2 None 0028.0034 >pixel aspect ratio MC/M R\C (Vertical\Horizontal) R. ♦ Status • Returns “Success:0000H” using the defaults.0040) (Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior). 9. Processing can be continued.0010) (pixel data). • If “CROP” is specified for (2020. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. U/MC (Not supported) 0008. 10. “Warning: B609H” will be returned. (2010. if (2020.0100) (bits allocated) does not agree with that of (7fe0.1155 >referenced sop instance uid MC/M 2050. the maximum size will be used to return “Warning: 0116H”. 12 None 0028.0050) (Film Size ID) and (2020. This also applies for when no values have been sent as the DataSet.0010) (Image Display Format).0500 Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence U/U 0008. • For the Warning status.0103 >pixel representation M/M 0 None 7fe0.0101 >bits stored M/M 8. if values of “Usage SCU=U” elements exceed the range. (0028.1150 >SOP Class UID U/U 0008.0102 >high bit M/M 7.10 15 . When “FAIL” is specified. • Returns “Failure:0106H” if values of “Usage SCU=M” elements exceed the range. does not update attributes.0010) (rows).0010) (pixel data).0010 >pixel data M/M (any) None (Basic Image Box Relationship Module) Tag Name Usage 2020.0130 referenced image overlay box sequence (note) . • Returns “Failure:0106H” with regard to (7fe0. Processing can be continued.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 0028.0011) (columns) and (0028. • Returns “Failure:0102H” if values of “Usage SCU=M” elements have not been specified.1155 >SOP Instance UID U/U Supported Default * A value larger than 361 can be specified for Max Density (2010. if the data length calculated from (0028. • When no value or “DECIMATE” is specified for (2020. updates attributes. When “CROP” is specified for that tag.0010) (Image position).1150 >referenced sop class uid MC/M (Not supported) (Not supported) 0008. • Returns “Warning:0116H” using the defaults. 11 None 0028. remaining the same. fit centers of the image and the frame with each other and then cut away the exceeding portion.0040) (Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior) so as to reduce the image size that is larger than the frame.0130) only when the DI-ML type film is used.0030) (requested image size) exceeds the maximum size to be determined by (2010. and the relevant image is magnified/reduced to a value specified by Requested Image Size and then the exceeding portion is cut away by fitting centers of the images that exceeded the maximum size with each other. “Failure: C603H” is returned and image reception is rejected consequently. if values of “Usage SCU=U” elements have not been Specified. • For the Failure status. C605H Failure Insufficient memory in printer to store images. provided by the SCU AE.0011) (Columns) exceed the maximum size determined by (2010.0060) (Magnification Type) from “NONE” to “CUBIC” and returns “Warning:B604H” if (0028. 0116H Warning 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. (2020. When no value is specified for (2020. The Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP instance not belonging to the Film Box SOP instance created the last has been specified. changes (2010. Code Status 0000H Success Meaning 0106H Failure 0107H Waring Attribute list error. respectively. 0120H Failure Missing attribute Returned if a mandatory attribute of the Data Set. “Warning: B604H” will be returned. Attribute Value Out of Range. The Image has been cropped to fit.0040) (Film Orientation).0010) (Image Position) and (2010. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. B609H Warning Image size is larger than the Image Box size. B60AH Warning Image size or Combined Print Image size is larger than the Image Box size.0040) (Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior). B604H Warning Image size is larger than image box size. 0110H Failure Processing failure. B605H Warning Requested Min Density or Max Density outside of printer’s operating range. Image instance has been updated successfully.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement • When “NONE” has been specified for (2010. Mandatory attribute has illegal value.0060) (Magnification Type). the image has been demagnified. and “Failure: C603H” for “FAIL”. The printer will use its respective minimum or maximum density value instead. (2010.0010) (Rows) and (0028. C603H Failure Image size is larger than image box size. Invalid attribute value. and “Warning: B60AH” for “DECIMATE”. Image or Combined Print Image has been decimated to fit. 16 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 .0050) (Film Size ID). “Warning: B609H” for “CROP”. is missing. 0010) (Image Display Format). • The Print Job SOP Class instance will be deleted at the completion of the printing job or when Failure status results.5.14) The following DIMSE services are supported.0030 U/M Print Job ID 2100.0030 U/U Film Session Label 2000.0030 U/M * The Print Job ID (2100.0010 U/MC Printer Name 2110.0030 U/M Print Job ID 2100.2 N-EVENT-REPORT ♦ Description • As the status changes.840.10008. 9. ♦ Event Types and Attributes Event type name Event type ID PENDING PRINTING DONE FAILURE 1 2 3 4 Attribute Tag Usage Print Job ID 2100. deletes the instance if the relevant confirmation has been received from the SCU. • The Print Job SOP Class instance will be created as requested by N-ACTION for Film Session SOP Class or Film Box SOP Class. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. • N-EVENT-REPORT • N-GET 9.0010 U/MC Printer Name 2110.1.10 17 .0050 U/U Excution Status Info 2100.) • After FAILURE or DONE status results.0030 U/M Print Job ID 2100.1.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 9 Print JOB SOP Class (1.0050 U/U Excution Status Info 2100.0010 U/MC Printer Name 2110. N-EVENT-REPORT will be issued to the SCU of the Association that created the relevant instance.0030 U/U Film Session Label 2000.2.0010 U/MC Printer Name 2110.0050 U/U Excution Status Info 2100.1 Overview • One Print Job SOP Class instance represents one or more film print jobs belonging to the same film session and is possible to monitor execution of the job.0030 U/U Film Session Label 2000.0030 U/U Film Session Label 2000. (No notice will be issued if the Association has been released.0050 U/U Excution Status Info 2100.0010) will be returned only when the Print Queue Management SOP Class is negotiated. 0070 Originator U/U Up to 16 characters (set at installation) ♦ Status • Returns “Warning:0107H” if an attribute defined as an attribute of the Basic Film Box SOP instance. 18 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. Code Status 0000H Success Print Job information is returned. ♦ Attributes that can be Obtained Tag Name Usage Supported 2100. Returns all attribute information if the DataSet has not come. with the assigned UID. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. MED. but not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000.0020 Execution Status U/M PENDING PRINTING DONE FAILURE 2100.0030 Execution Status Info U/M Execution Status is DONE NORMAL Execution Status is PRINTING NORMAL Execution Status is FAILURE UNKNOWN Execution Status is PENDING See Appendix C. LOW 2100. has been specified.0050 Creation Time U/U 2110.0020 Print Priority U/M HIGH.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 9.10 .3 N-GET ♦ Description • Returns instance-specified attribute information.0030 Printer Name U/U 2100. An attribute not applicable to the Print Job SOP instance has been specified. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. Meaning 0107H Warning Attribute list error. 2000.0040 Creation Date U/U 2100. printer name U/U Up to 16 characters (set at installation) 0008.17.2.0020 U/M 10.1090 manufacture model name U/U DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.. Returns all attribute information if the DataSet has not come. • N-EVENT-REPORT • N-GET 10.840.” 10. N-EVENT-REPORT will be issued to all associated SCUs for using the relevant printer.10 19 .” The value will be “1. • At time of printer startup.10008.1 Overview • Used to represent the printer and to obtain printer status.0010 printer status U/M NORMAL WARNING FAILURE 2110. the SCP automatically creates instance and awaits the “well known SOP instance UID.3 N-GET ♦ Description • Returns printer-instance-specified attribute information.0030 U/U Printer Status Info 2110.1.5.840. ♦ Attributes that can be Obtained Tag Name Usage Supported 2110.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 10 Printer SOP Class (1. LTD 0008.0020 printer status info U/M Printer Status is NORMAL NORMAL Printer Status is WARNING See Appendix C. Printer Status is FAILURE UNKNOWN 2110.0030 U/U Printer Status Info 2110.16) The following DIMSE services are supported.2 N-EVENT-REPORT ♦ Description • As the printer status changes.0070 manufacture U/U FUJIFILM CO.5. ♦ Events Types and Attributes Event type name Event type ID Normal 1 Warning 2 Failure 3 Attribute Tag Usage Printer Name 2110.0020 U/M Printer Name 2110. Code Status Meaning 0000H Success Printer information is returned.1200 date of last calibration U/U Not supported 0018. An attribute not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 has been specified. The “major” represents an alphabet from A to Z and the “minor. 20 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.1000 device serial number U/U 0018. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. has been specified. 0107H Warning Attribute list error.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 0018. but not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000.1201 time of last calibration U/U Not supported * (0018.1020) are represented by the “major. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict.minor” format.1020 software versions U/U Not supported 0018.” a two-digit decimal number from 00 to 99. An attribute not applicable to the Print Job SOP instance has been specified.10 . ♦ Status • Returns “Warning:0107H” if an attribute defined as an attribute of the Basic Film Box SOP instance. make sure to use (2050.0020 Presentation LUT Shape MC/M Default None None None None IDENTITY LIN OD None * (2050. • For a Failure case. ♦ Attribute Information Tag Name Usage Supported 2050.0010). When both have been specified.3002 >LUT Descriptor MC/M The first value represents the number of elements that (0028.3003) length must be twice as large as the first value of the LUT Descriptor (0028.3002).3006). ♦ Status • If values of each element of “Usage SCU=U” have not been specified. • If values of each element of “Usage SCU=M” exceed the range.3002). • N-CREATE • N-DELETE 11.1000) will not be returned.840. the Presentation LUT SOP instance will not be created and the Affected SOP Instance UID (0000. The second value represents the value of pixels to be mapped to the first element of (0028.3006) includes. 0150).” • The LUT Data (0028.2.3006 >LUT Data MC/M 2050. it is necessary to set the UID of this instance for each instance using the N-CREATE or N-SET function. Any value is OK. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.3006) includes.1.23) The following DIMSE services are supported.5.1 N-CREATE ♦ Description • Creates the Presentation LUT SOP instance and initializes it according to values sent by the SCU.10 21 . The third value represents the valid bit numbers of the elements that (0028. For other than this.” This applies also when no DataSet has come.0010 Presentation LUT Sequence MC/M 0028.” • If values of each element of “Usage SCU=MC” have not been specified although needed. 0028. • Settings using the Presentation LUT prevail those using the Configuration Information (2010. Ignore this value. returns “Failure:0106H” to the LUT Descriptor (0028. Basic Film Box SOP instance or Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP instance.3003 >LUT Explanation U/U 0028. Ignore this value. uses the default values and returns “Success:0000H.1. • To combine the instance thus created to the Basic Film Session SOP instance. returns “Failure:0106H.0020) is valid only when (2050.0010) has not been specified.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 11 Presentation LUT (1.10008. returns “Failure:0120H. cannot be deleted when it is referenced by the Basic Film Session SOP instance. 0120H Failure Missing attribute. which.10 .3003) a character string that exceeds 64 characters. however. Basic Film Box SOP instance or Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP instance. is missing. ♦ Status Code Status Meaning 0000H Success 0110H Failure Processing failure. provided by the SCU AE. An attempt was made to delete an instance that has been referenced to. 11. Invalid attribute LUT value. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. 22 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement • Returns “Warning:0116H” when an attempt was made to specify to the LUT Explanation (0028. Presentation LUT is successfully created. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. Code Status Meaning 0000H Success 0106H Failure 0107H Warning 0111H Failure 0116H Warning 0117H Failure Invalid Object Instance. Instance UID given is already in use.2 N-DELETE ♦ Description • Deletes the Presentation LUT SOP instance. Duplicate SOP instance. Attribute Value Out of Range. Returned if a mandatory attribute of the Data Set. Returned if a given instance UID has violated the UID construction rules. Mandatory attribute has illegal value. Attribute list error. The specified SOP Instance has been deleted. and not included in the Conformance Statement that will be on public view. 3 There are six Annotation Boxes as follows.0010 >Pixel Data M/M (any) None 2031. 2: Top center.10 23 .12 None 0028.16 None 0028.0002 >Samples Per Pixel M/M 1 None 0028.0100 >Bits Allocated M/M 8. ISO 2022 IR 13\ ISO 2022 IR 87 None (ISO_IR 6) 2030.0034 >Pixel Aspect Ratio MC/M R\C(Vertical\Horizontal) R.1020 Annotation Image Sequence U/U 0028. * “2031.11 None 0028.0103 >Pixel Representation M/M 0 None 7fe0.0010)(Annotation position).DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 12 Basic Annotation Box SOP Class (1. ISO_IR 100.9.0020 and 2031. ♦ Attribute Information (Basic Annotation Presentation Module) Tag Name Usage Supported Default 0008.1021 Annotation Image Polality U/U NORMAL REVERSE None None NULL When both 2030. those made the last will be taken valid. ISO_IR 13. 3: Top right. 4: Bottom left.0010 Annotation position M/M 1-6 3 2030.0004 >Photometric Interpretation M/M MONOCHROME1 MONOCHROME2 None 0028.0102 >High Bit M/M 7.1 N-NET ♦ Description • Updates the Attribute Information of the Basic Annotation Box SOP instance belonging to the Film Box SOP instance that was created the last.840.5. Character fonts will depend on the configuration settings. • N-SET 12.0020)(Text String) is specified with the length set to 0. 2031.0020 Text String U/M 2031. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. Cut the end of a line if it is too long for printing. • The Annotation already specified can be deleted if (2030.10.2.10008. 6: Bottom right.1020 will be used.15) The following DIMSE service is supported. 5: Bottom center.0010 >Rows M/M 1-8800 None 0028.0011 >Columns M/M 1-8800 None 0028.1020 Annotation Image Sequence” is a Private tag to be used between Fuji equipment units.C=1-65535 1\1 0028.1020 are specified.1. • When a multiple number of settings have been made to the same (2030.0005 Specific Character Set U/U ISO_IR 6. 1: Top left.0101 >Bits Stored M/M 8. The description above is presented for the purpose of releasing necessary specifications to equipment units for connection to Fuji equipment.1. ” uses the defaults and returns “Success:0000H. Attribute list error. Code Status Meaning 0000H Success 0106H Failure 0107H Warning 0111H Failure 0116H Warning 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class.” returns “Failure:0120H. attributes will not be updated. Processing can be continued. • If values of each element of “Usage SCU=M” exceed the range.” • For a Failure case. 24 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. 0120H Failure Missing attribute.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ Status • When no values have been specified for each element of “Usage SCU=U.” This applies also when no DataSet has come. Mandatory attribute has illegal value. Attribute Value Out of Range. Annotation Box instance has been updated successfully. Processing failure. returns “Failure:0106H. is missing. with the values remaining the same as before. Returned if a mandatory attribute of the Data Set. The Basic Annotation Box SOP instance not belonging to the Film Box SOP instance that was created the last has been specified. provided by the SCU AE.10 . Invalid attribute value.” • When no values have been specified for each element of “Usage SCU=M. 26) The following DIMSE services are supported. Information on a job that has been deleted from the Print Queue because the job processing was completed will not be returned.0010 >Print Job ID U/MC 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. issuing the N-EVENT-REPORT.5.840.1.1.2. — — U/M 13.” • Jobs remaining in the Print Queue when the printer was shut down the last time will be restored automatically.0010 Queue Status U/M 2120. when status actually changes.840.1 Overview • Used for monitoring the Print Queue and the print job.10008. Also used for deleting the print job and changing the order of job priority. As the “well known SOP Instance UID. 13. to all SCUs that have agreed on with regard to the Print Queue Management SOP Class.2. ♦ Event Type Event type name Event type ID HALTED 1 Description Queue operation is halted. the SCP automatically creates the Print Queue.5. • When the printer is started up. • N-EVENT-REPORT • N-GET • N-ACTION 13.3 N-GET ♦ Description • Acquires information on all print jobs included in the Print Queue.10 25 Supported NORMAL FULL HALTED . ♦ Attributes that can be Obtained Tag Name Usage 2120.1. — — U/M NORMAL 3 Queue is operational. Attribute — Tag — Usage U/M FULL 2 Queue is full.0050 Print Job Description Sequence U/MC 2100.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 13 Print Queue Management SOP Class ( N-EVENT-REPORT ♦ Description • Notifies status changes in the print queue.” this queue will be provided with the value of “1. 0020 >Print Priority U/MC 2100. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class.0050 >Film Session Label U/U 2000.0030 >Medium Type U/U 2100. An attribute that is not applied to the Print Queue Management SOP instance has been specified.10 . NORMAL Execution Status is PRINTING.1155 >>Referenced SOP Instance UID U/MC CLEAR FILM BLUE FILM ♦ Status • Returns “Warning:0107H” if an attribute not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 has been specified.0050 >Creation Time U/U 2000. See Appendix C. 0107H Warning Attribute list error. Code Status Meaning 0000H Success Print Queue information is returned.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 2100.0170 >Number Of Films U/U 2120. even though it is specified as the attribute of the Print Queue Management SOP instance.0070 >Origin AE U/U 2100.0040 >Creation Date U/U 2100.0030 >Execution Status Info U/MC Execution Status is DONE.1150 >>Referenced SOP Class UID U/MC 0008.0140 >Destination AE U/U HIGH MED LOW 2110.0030 >Printer Name U/MC Up to 16 characters (set at installation) 2000. NORMAL Execution Status is PENDING. 26 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.0040 >Film Destination U/U Not supported 2000. 2100.0020 >Execution Status U/MC PENDING PRINTING DONE FAILURE 2100. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict.0070 >Referenced Print Job Sequence U/MC 0008. Meaning 0106H Failure Invalid Attribute Value.4 N-ACTION ♦ Description • Changes the order of priority for print jobs specified.0020 M/M Owner ID 2100. Returned if a mandatory attribute of the Data Set. provided by the SCU AE. 0120H Failure Missing Attribute. ♦ Parameters Action type name Action type ID PRIORITIZE 1 DELETE 2 Description Change priority of queue entry Delete queue entry Attribute Tag Usage Print Job ID 2100.0160 M/M Print Job ID 2100.0010 M/M Print Priority 2000. • Deletes print jobs specified.0010 M/M Owner ID 2100. An attribute not supported by the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 has been specified. Returned if illegal print job ID is set. C652H Failure Mismatch of owner ID. Attribute list error.0160 M/M ♦ Status Code Status 0000H Success Operation successfully completed.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 13.10 27 . 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. Returned if the Action type provided by the SCU is not recognized. 0119H Failure Class-Instance Conflict. C651H Failure Print queue is halted. is missing. 0107H Warning 0115H Failure Invalid argument value. C653H Failure Action failed because the job was in process. Returned if the SOP class Instance UID is not defined for the given SOP Class. DICOM only specifies 8 and 12 for number of bits stored. DICOM specifies 7th or 11th bit. The session closes when a data transfer timeout occurs. ♦ Attribute: magnification type (2010.0060) If Requested Image Size (2020.10 . initiates monitoring “time for data transmission timeout” set in Configuration.0 TCP/IP Network Communication support as defined in Part 8 of the DICOM Standard. this SOP Class will be processed unconditionally as a CUBIC. • (2031. General After the session has been established. 15 Extensions / Specializations / Privatizations SOP Class : Basic Grayscale Image Box ♦ Attribute : bits stored (0028. The timeout monitoring will be reset every time a piece of data is received from the SCU.1020) • (2031. ♦ Attribute : high bit (0028.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 14 Communication Profiles 14.) • Data transmission timeout • Annotation Text & Font ♦ Specifying for each SCU AE title (defaults are used for unregistered AEs) • Whether 0107H status is effective or not • Whether 0116H status is effective or not • Whether B604H status is effective or not 28 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.1021) 16 Configuration ♦ Specifying the entire DRYPIX 7000/ DRYPIX 5000 • Host Name • IP Address • Subnet Mask • TCP Port Number used y SCP • AE title (the two types for standard density and double density can be handled. Reserves the following attributes using the Basic Annotation Box SOP class function.0102) High bit position 9th is supported.1 Supported Communication Stacks The DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 Print Server provides DICOM V3.0030) is specified.0101) 10 bits stored is supported. ISO_IR 13.10 29 .0150) • Polarity (2020.0010) • Medium Type (2000. A supported range of extended characters includes the following. ISO_IR 6.0020) • Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior (2020.0140) • Configuration Information (2010.0030) • Film orientation (2010.0040) • Film Size ID (2010.0120) • Max Density (2010.0100) • Min Density (2010. ISO 2022 IR 13\ISO 2022 IR 87 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.0005). there are cases where extended characters are used by specifying a range for extended characters to Specific Character Set (0008.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement • Whether N-EVENT-REPORT is effective or not • Film substitution • Whether data transmission timeout is applied or not • Whether Presentation LUT is applied or not • Whether precede picking up is applied or not • Whether density (Max/Min Density) is specified or not • Number of Copies (2000. PN. ISO_IR 100. LO. ST.0050) • Smoothing type (2010.0040) • Annotation Text & Font 17 Support of Extended Character Sets For elements whose VR is SH.0080) • Border Density (2010.0130) • Trim (2010. LT or UT. 3 STANDARD\2.10 .4 STANDARD\3.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 8 9 11 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HP08 3 5 10 2 8 HP06 7 1 6 7 4 STANDARD\3.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Appendix A  Image Display Format (2010.0010) 1.3 1 1 HP03 STANDARD\2.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 HP20 STANDARD\5.5 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 STANDARD\4.6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 26 27 18 19 30 HP24 30 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.2 STANDARD\2. 14"× 17" (35cm × 43cm) PORTRAIT STANDARD\1.4 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 5 HP04 STANDARD\3.1 STANDARD\1.6 STANDARD\4.0010) Image Position (2010.1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 HP01 HP02 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1.3 12 14 15 HP12 HP15 HP16 HP09 STANDARD\4. 2 1 1 1 2 2 HL01 HL02 STANDARD\3.2 HL06 STANDARD\3.3 STANDARD\4.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 2.10 31 HL20 .1 1 2 STANDARD\2.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 4 7 8 HL08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HL09 STANDARD\5. 14" × 17" (35cm × 43cm) LANDSCAPE STANDARD\1.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STANDARD\5.5 STANDARD\6.1 STANDARD\1.4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 HL15 HL16 STANDARD\6.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 HL24 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.2 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 3 HL03 HL04 STANDARD\4.3 HL12 STANDARD\4.2 1 2 5 3 6 STANDARD\3.1 STANDARD\2. 4 2 2 3 3 5 6 DP04 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 13 8 11 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DP09 STANDARD\4. 14" × 14" (35cm × 35cm) STANDARD\1.3 DP16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DP20 STANDARD\5.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 12 15 DP15 DP12 1 DP08 STANDARD\3.3 1 1 DP03 STANDARD\2.4 STANDARD\4.6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 DP24 32 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.2 STANDARD\1.1 STANDARD\1.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 3.10 .5 7 10 3 DP06 STANDARD\3.2 STANDARD\2.6 STANDARD\4.4 2 2 4 4 1 1 STANDARD\3.1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 DP02 DP01 STANDARD\2.3 STANDARD\2. 10" × 14" (26cm × 36cm) PORTRAIT STANDARD\1.3 2 5 8 11 14 BP08 STANDARD\4.3 STANDARD\2.5 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 13 BP12 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 4.10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 BP06 7 1 6 7 4 STANDARD\3.3 1 1 BP03 STANDARD\2.4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 9 12 15 BP15 BP16 33 BP09 STANDARD\4.4 STANDARD\3.1 STANDARD\1.1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 BP02 BP01 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .2 STANDARD\2.4 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 5 BP04 STANDARD\3. 3 BL08 11 STANDARD\3.2 15 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 BL15 BL16 34 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.1 STANDARD\2.2 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 3 BL03 BL04 STANDARD\4.4 1 13 STANDARD\4.1 1 2 STANDARD\2. 10" × 14" (26cm × 36cm) LANDSCAPE STANDARD\1.2 STANDARD\1.10 .2 1 2 5 3 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 8 BL09 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 BL12 STANDARD\5.1 1 1 1 2 2 BL01 BL02 STANDARD\3.3 4 STANDARD\5.4 STANDARD\4.3 12 BL06 STANDARD\3.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 5. 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 7 10 5 8 11 6 BP08 STANDARD\4.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 8" × 10" (20cm × 25cm) PORTRAIT 6.1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 BP02 BP01 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1.4 9 12 BP12 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.3 1 1 BP03 STANDARD\2.4 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 3 3 1 4 4 5 BP04 STANDARD\3. STANDARD\1.2 STANDARD\2.3 BP15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BP16 35 BP09 .4 3 1 6 7 2 STANDARD\3.10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 BP06 STANDARD\3.3 STANDARD\2.1 STANDARD\1. 1 1 1 1 2 2 BL01 BL02 STANDARD\3.3 4 STANDARD\5.2 1 2 5 3 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 8 BL09 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 BL12 STANDARD\4.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 7.10 .4 1 13 STANDARD\4.3 12 BL06 STANDARD\3.2 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 3 BL03 BL04 STANDARD\4.2 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BL15 BL16 36 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. 8" × 10" (20cm × 25cm) LANDSCAPE STANDARD\1.1 1 2 STANDARD\2.3 BL08 11 STANDARD\3.1 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1. 2 3 7 11 4 8 12 HPS1 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. 14 15 9 10 11 12 16 7 17 18 HPM5 HPM6 Portrait Slide Format SLIDE 2 6 10 2 3 HPM1 1 5 9 1 1 1 2 ROW\3.3. 14" × 17" (35cm × 43cm) PORTRAIT MIXED FORMAT ROW\1.3 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 5 ROW\ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 11 HPM4 ROW\4.2 ROW\1.4.10 37 HPM7 .2 2 4 10 HPM2 ROW\3.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 8.2.4. 2 10 DPM3 ROW\1.10 . 1 ROW\3.2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 7 9 8 DPM1 DPM2 ROW\4. 14" × 14" (35cm × 35cm) MIXED FORMAT ROW\3.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 9.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 14 1 3 4 5 6 7 DPM4 DPM5 Portrait Slide Format SLIDE 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 DPS1 38 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.3.2 2 ROW\4. 10 39 . 10" × 14" (26cm × 36cm) PORTRAIT MIXED FORMAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BPM1 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 10. 4.4 2 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 BLM1 BLM2 BLM3 ROW\4.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BLM4 Portrait Slide Format SLIDE 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 BLS1 40 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. 10" × 14" (26cm × 36cm) PORTRAIT MIXED FORMAT ROW\2.2 1 1 2 3 4 5 ROW\2.3 ROW\3.10 .4.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 11. 10 41 . 8" × 10" (20cm × 25cm) PORTRAIT MIXED FORMAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BPM1 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 12. 3 ROW\3.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MLM4 42 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.4 3 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MLM2 MLM1 ROW\4.2 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 ROW\2. 8" × 10" (20cm × 25cm) LANDSCAPE MIXED FORMAT ROW\2.10 .2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MLM4 ROW\2.4.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 13.3 ROW\3.2 1 1 2 2 4 3 4 ROW\ 1 5 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MLM2 MLM1 ROW\4.4. 10" × 12" (25cm × 30cm) PORTRAIT MIXED FORMAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 YPM1 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 43 .DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 14. DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement 15. 10" × 12" (25cm × 30cm) LANDSCAPE MIXED FORMAT ROW\2.3 ROW\3.2 1 1 2 2 4 3 4 ROW\2.4.4 3 5 5 YLM2 YLM1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 YLM3 ROW\4.4.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 YLM4 44 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Requested Image Size (2020,0030) • Requested Image Size The tables presented herein show the maximum number of pixels that can be recorded without reducing the 4 image size. Calculate the maximum value of the requested image size based on values shown in the Column of those tables. Image recording in standard density pixel size ...... A value divided by 10 (the printer’s image recording density is 10 lines/mm.) Image recording in double density pixel size......... A value divided by 20 (the printer’s image recording density is 20 lines/mm.) The above values are given on the assumption that the frame width to be 0 and interval between each image data to be 20 for the configuration settings with the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000. Increasing the frame width by 1 will reduce the size by 2. If interval between each image data is changed, such a change will be reflected or assigned equally to each image data. Note that values shown in “Column” are applicable to the X dimension (horizontal) and “Row”, the Y dimension (vertical). 4 It used to be specified “Length in mm that Image rows of the Image are to be printed”. But, it has been changed to “Width (X-dimension) in mm of the image to be printed” according to CP108. Thus, calculate it based on the values shown in Column. 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 45 DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 14"×17" Portrait Format STANDARD\1,1 STANDARD\1,2 STANDARD\1,3 STANDARD\2,1 STANDARD\2,2 STANDARD\2,3 STANDARD\2,4 STANDARD\3,3 STANDARD\3,4 STANDARD\3,5 STANDARD\3,6 STANDARD\4,4 STANDARD\4,5 STANDARD\4,6 STANDARD\4,7 STANDARD\4,8 STANDARD\5,5 STANDARD\5,6 STANDARD\5,7 STANDARD\5,8 STANDARD\6,6 STANDARD\6,7 STANDARD\6,8 STANDARD\6,9 STANDARD\6,10 STANDARD\7,7 STANDARD\7,8 STANDARD\7,9 STANDARD\7,10 STANDARD\8,8 STANDARD\8,9 STANDARD\8,10 ROW\1,2 1 2-3 ROW\1,3,3 1 2-7 ROW\3,3,3,2 1-9 10-11 ROW\3,2,2 1-3 4-7 ROW\4,4,4,4,2 1-16 17-18 ROW\4,4,2,2 1-8 9-12 Standard Density Recording Column Row 3500 4170 3500 2075 3500 1376 1740 4170 1740 2075 1740 1376 1740 1027 1153 1376 1153 1027 1153 818 1153 678 860 1027 860 818 860 678 860 578 860 503 684 818 684 678 684 578 684 503 566 678 566 578 566 503 566 445 566 399 482 578 482 503 482 445 482 399 420 503 420 445 420 399 3500 2076 1740 2074 3500 2066 1153 1032 1153 948 1740 1266 1153 1204 1740 1463 860 682 1740 1362 860 685 1740 1370 46 Double Density Recording Column Row 6999 8339 6999 4159 6999 2766 3489 8339 3489 4159 3489 2766 3489 2069 2319 2766 2319 2069 2319 1651 2319 1373 1734 2069 1734 1651 1734 1373 1734 1174 1734 1024 1383 1651 1383 1373 1383 1174 1383 1024 1149 1373 1149 1174 1149 1024 1149 908 1149 815 982 1174 982 1024 982 908 982 815 857 1024 857 908 857 815 6999 4151 3489 4147 6999 4131 2319 2073 2319 1909 3489 2531 2319 2407 3489 2985 1734 1378 3489 2723 1734 1379 3489 2749 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 7 STANDARD\10.4 STANDARD\8.6 STANDARD\8.4 STANDARD\5.3 STANDARD\4.4 STANDARD\7.2 STANDARD\4.6 STANDARD\9.7 STANDARD\9.2 STANDARD\2.3 STANDARD\6.1 STANDARD\3.10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 4240 3442 2110 3442 1400 3442 4240 1711 2110 1711 1400 1711 1045 1711 1400 1134 1045 1134 832 1134 690 1134 1045 845 832 845 690 845 588 845 512 845 832 672 690 672 588 672 512 672 690 557 588 557 512 557 453 557 406 557 588 474 512 474 453 474 406 474 512 412 453 412 406 412 47 Double Density Recording Column Row 8479 6883 4229 6883 2813 6883 8479 3431 4229 3431 2813 3431 2104 3431 2813 2281 2104 2281 1679 2281 1396 2281 2104 1705 1679 1705 1396 1705 1194 1705 1042 1705 1679 1360 1396 1360 1194 1360 1042 1360 1396 1130 1194 1130 1042 1130 924 1130 829 1130 1194 966 1042 966 924 966 829 966 1042 842 924 842 829 842 .3 STANDARD\5.5 STANDARD\8.8 STANDARD\9.6 STANDARD\10.6 STANDARD\7.4 STANDARD\6.8 STANDARD\10.5 STANDARD\7.2 STANDARD\3.2 STANDARD\3.7 STANDARD\8.6 STANDARD\7.3 STANDARD\4.8 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 14"×17" Landscape Format STANDARD\1.4 STANDARD\5.1 STANDARD\1.1 STANDARD\2.5 STANDARD\6.7 STANDARD\8.5 STANDARD\6. 3 1 2-7 Standard Density Recording Column Row 3500 3410 3500 1695 3500 1123 1740 3410 1740 1695 1740 1123 1740 837 1153 1123 1153 837 1153 666 1153 551 860 837 860 666 860 551 860 470 860 408 684 666 684 551 684 470 684 408 566 551 566 470 566 408 566 361 566 323 482 470 482 408 482 361 482 323 420 408 420 361 420 323 1153 1412 1740 1978 1153 842 1740 1686 860 842 1740 1686 860 609 1740 1523 3500 1392 1153 989 48 Double Density Recording Column Row 6999 6819 6999 3399 6999 2259 3489 6819 3489 3399 3489 2259 3489 1689 2319 2259 2319 1689 2319 1347 2319 1119 1734 1689 1734 1347 1734 1119 1734 957 1734 834 1383 1347 1383 1119 1383 957 1383 834 1149 1119 1149 957 1149 834 1149 739 1149 663 982 957 982 834 982 739 982 663 857 834 857 739 857 663 2319 2823 3489 3955 2319 1693 3489 3371 1734 1693 3489 3371 1734 1231 3489 3045 6999 2783 2319 1988 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.2 1-3 4-5 ROW\3.4 STANDARD\4.9 STANDARD\8.4.9 STANDARD\7.4.7 STANDARD\7.4 STANDARD\3.8 STANDARD\7.9 STANDARD\6.3 STANDARD\2.6 STANDARD\6.3 STANDARD\2.1 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1.4 STANDARD\3.5 STANDARD\3.10 STANDARD\8.5 STANDARD\5.3.6 STANDARD\5.7 STANDARD\6.2 1-8 9-10 ROW\4.8 STANDARD\6.10 ROW\3.2 1-6 7-8 ROW\4.2 STANDARD\2.6 STANDARD\4.10 .7 STANDARD\5.3 STANDARD\3.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 14"×14" Format STANDARD\1.8 STANDARD\ STANDARD\4.7 STANDARD\4.2 1-12 13-14 ROW\1.1 STANDARD\1.6 STANDARD\4.8 STANDARD\6.8 STANDARD\8.10 STANDARD\7. 1 STANDARD\2.5 STANDARD\4.10 STANDARD\7.6 STANDARD\4.3 1 2-7 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.6 STANDARD\5.7 STANDARD\5.10 ROW\1.6 STANDARD\6.9 STANDARD\7.8 STANDARD\5.4 STANDARD\3.9 STANDARD\8.8 STANDARD\6.6 STANDARD\4.8 STANDARD\8.3 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1.4 STANDARD\4.5 STANDARD\5.8 STANDARD\6.3.10 STANDARD\8.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 26×36cm Portrait Format STANDARD\1.5 STANDARD\3.8 STANDARD\7.2 STANDARD\2.1 STANDARD\1.3 STANDARD\2.7 STANDARD\6.3 STANDARD\3.4 STANDARD\3.7 STANDARD\7.9 STANDARD\6.7 STANDARD\4.10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 2538 3522 2538 1751 2538 1160 1259 3522 1259 1751 1259 1160 1259 865 832 1160 832 865 832 688 832 570 619 865 619 688 619 570 619 486 619 422 491 688 491 570 491 486 491 422 406 570 406 486 406 422 406 373 406 334 345 486 345 422 345 373 345 334 299 422 299 373 299 334 2538 1722 832 885 49 Double Density Recording Column Row 5075 7043 5075 3511 5075 2334 2527 7043 2527 3511 2527 2334 2527 1745 1678 2334 1678 1745 1678 1392 1678 1157 1253 1745 1253 1392 1253 1157 1253 989 1253 862 999 1392 999 1157 999 989 999 862 829 1157 829 989 829 862 829 764 829 686 707 989 707 862 707 764 707 686 616 862 616 764 616 686 5075 3443 1678 1780 . 4 1-2 3-10 ROW\4.3 STANDARD\5.7 STANDARD\10.6 STANDARD\7.4 STANDARD\8.5 STANDARD\8.4 STANDARD\5.3 STANDARD\6.6 STANDARD\10.4 STANDARD\5.4 STANDARD\7.5 STANDARD\7.4 STANDARD\6.6 STANDARD\9.4.1 STANDARD\1.8 STANDARD\9.2 1-8 9-10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 3600 2460 1790 2460 1186 2460 3600 1220 1790 1220 1186 1220 885 1220 1186 806 885 806 704 806 583 806 885 600 704 600 583 600 497 600 432 600 704 476 583 476 497 476 432 476 583 393 497 393 432 393 382 393 342 393 497 334 432 334 382 334 342 334 432 290 382 290 342 290 1790 1424 1186 1016 1186 1016 1790 1424 1790 1210 885 605 885 605 1790 1210 50 Double Density Recording Column Row 7199 4919 3589 4919 2386 4919 7199 2449 3589 2449 2386 2449 1784 2449 2386 1626 1784 1626 1423 1626 1183 1626 1784 1214 1423 1214 1183 1214 1011 1214 882 1214 1423 967 1183 967 1011 967 882 967 1183 803 1011 803 882 803 782 803 701 803 1011 685 882 685 782 685 701 685 882 597 782 597 701 597 3589 2847 2386 2031 2386 2031 3589 2847 3589 2419 1784 1219 1784 1219 3589 2419 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.1 STANDARD\2.5 STANDARD\6.6 STANDARD\8.4.3 STANDARD\4.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 26×36cm Landscape Format STANDARD\1.2 STANDARD\2.8 STANDARD\10.3 1-2 3-5 ROW\3.2 STANDARD\4.7 STANDARD\8.7 STANDARD\8.3 STANDARD\4.6 STANDARD\7.2 STANDARD\3.2 1-3 4-5 ROW\2.8 ROW\2.10 .5 STANDARD\6.1 STANDARD\3.2 STANDARD\3.7 STANDARD\9. 2 STANDARD\2.5 STANDARD\4.7 STANDARD\7.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 8"×10" Portrait Format STANDARD\1.6 STANDARD\4.5 STANDARD\3.2 STANDARD\1.4 STANDARD\3.9 STANDARD\6.1 STANDARD\1.8 STANDARD\6.4 STANDARD\4.8 STANDARD\8.4 STANDARD\3.10 STANDARD\7.7 STANDARD\6.3 STANDARD\3.3.9 STANDARD\7.9 STANDARD\8.3 STANDARD\2.10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 1954 2410 1954 1195 1954 790 967 2410 967 1195 967 790 967 587 638 790 638 587 638 466 638 385 473 587 473 466 473 385 473 327 473 283 374 466 374 385 374 327 374 283 309 385 309 327 309 283 309 250 309 223 262 327 262 283 262 250 262 223 226 283 226 250 226 223 1954 1155 638 608 51 Double Density Recording Column Row 3907 4819 3907 2399 3907 1593 1943 4819 1943 2399 1943 1593 1943 1189 1289 1593 1289 1189 1289 947 1289 786 961 1189 961 947 961 786 961 671 961 584 765 947 765 786 765 671 765 584 634 786 634 671 634 584 634 517 634 463 541 671 541 584 541 517 541 463 470 584 470 517 470 463 3907 2309 1289 1225 .3 1 2-7 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.6 STANDARD\6.10 STANDARD\8.6 STANDARD\5.7 STANDARD\5.1 STANDARD\2.8 STANDARD\6.7 STANDARD\4.5 STANDARD\5.3 STANDARD\2.8 STANDARD\5.8 STANDARD\7.6 STANDARD\4.10 ROW\1. 1 STANDARD\1.2 STANDARD\4.2 STANDARD\2.3 STANDARD\5.4 STANDARD\8.6 STANDARD\9.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 8"×10" Landscape Format STANDARD\1.2 1-3 4-5 ROW\2.5 STANDARD\6.4.4 STANDARD\5.3 1-2 3-5 ROW\3.6 STANDARD\7.7 STANDARD\8.7 STANDARD\9.5 STANDARD\7.2 STANDARD\3.6 STANDARD\7.5 STANDARD\8.6 STANDARD\10.4 STANDARD\7.4 STANDARD\6.1 STANDARD\3.5 STANDARD\6.2 STANDARD\3.2 1-8 9-10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 2466 1898 1223 1898 808 1898 2466 939 1223 939 808 939 601 939 808 619 601 619 477 619 394 619 601 459 477 459 394 459 335 459 290 459 477 363 394 363 335 363 290 363 394 299 335 299 290 299 256 299 228 299 335 254 290 254 256 254 228 254 290 219 256 219 228 219 1223 1082 808 797 808 761 1223 1118 1223 914 601 472 601 454 1223 950 52 Double Density Recording Column Row 4931 3795 2455 3795 1630 3795 4931 1887 2455 1887 1630 1887 1217 1887 1630 1251 1217 1251 970 1251 805 1251 1217 933 970 933 805 933 687 933 598 933 970 743 805 743 687 743 598 743 805 615 687 615 598 615 530 615 475 615 687 525 598 525 530 525 475 525 598 456 530 456 475 456 2455 2163 1630 1593 1630 1521 2455 2235 2455 1827 1217 954 1217 918 2455 1899 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.10 .8 ROW\2.4 1-2 3-10 ROW\4.7 STANDARD\10.7 STANDARD\8.8 STANDARD\9.4.8 STANDARD\10.4 STANDARD\5.3 STANDARD\6.3 STANDARD\4.3 STANDARD\4.1 STANDARD\2.6 STANDARD\8. 10 STANDARD\8.5 STANDARD\4.8 STANDARD\6.8 STANDARD\8.8 STANDARD\7.3 1 2-7 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.7 STANDARD\4.6 STANDARD\5.10 ROW\1.9 STANDARD\7.3.4 STANDARD\3.10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 2460 2916 2460 1448 2460 958 1220 2916 1220 1448 1220 958 1220 714 806 958 806 714 806 567 806 469 600 714 600 567 600 469 600 399 600 347 476 567 476 469 476 399 476 347 393 469 393 399 393 347 393 306 393 273 334 399 334 347 334 306 334 273 290 347 290 306 290 273 2460 1420 806 728 53 Double Density Recording Column Row 4919 5831 4919 2905 4919 1930 2449 5831 2449 2905 2449 1930 2449 1442 1626 1930 1626 1442 1626 1150 1626 955 1214 1442 1214 1150 1214 955 1214 815 1214 711 967 1150 967 955 967 815 967 711 803 955 803 815 803 711 803 630 803 565 685 815 685 711 685 630 685 565 597 711 597 630 597 565 4919 2839 1626 1466 .4 STANDARD\4.2 STANDARD\2.6 STANDARD\6.7 STANDARD\7.7 STANDARD\5.7 STANDARD\6.9 STANDARD\8.1 STANDARD\2.3 STANDARD\2.2 STANDARD\1.6 STANDARD\4.4 STANDARD\3.3 STANDARD\3.3 STANDARD\2.8 STANDARD\6.9 STANDARD\6.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 10"×12" Portrait Format STANDARD\1.8 STANDARD\5.6 STANDARD\4.10 STANDARD\7.5 STANDARD\3.1 STANDARD\1.5 STANDARD\5. 6 STANDARD\7.8 STANDARD\10.2 STANDARD\3.3 STANDARD\5.4 STANDARD\8.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement ♦ 10"×12" Landscape Format STANDARD\1.10 .4.4 STANDARD\5.7 STANDARD\10.6 STANDARD\10.7 STANDARD\9.5 STANDARD\7.2 1-3 4-5 ROW\2.1 STANDARD\3.6 STANDARD\7.7 STANDARD\8.5 STANDARD\6.8 ROW\2.4 STANDARD\5.1 STANDARD\1.7 STANDARD\8.6 STANDARD\8.2 STANDARD\2.8 STANDARD\9.4 STANDARD\7.3 STANDARD\4.4 STANDARD\6.5 STANDARD\6.3 STANDARD\6.4.2 1-8 9-10 Standard Density Recording Column Row 2972 2404 1476 2404 977 2404 2972 1192 1476 1192 977 1192 728 1192 977 788 728 788 578 788 478 788 728 586 578 586 478 586 407 586 354 586 587 464 478 464 407 464 354 464 478 384 407 384 354 384 312 384 279 384 407 326 354 326 312 326 279 326 354 283 312 283 279 283 1476 1392 977 993 977 993 1476 1392 1476 1183 728 771 728 591 1476 1183 54 Double Density Recording Column Row 5943 4807 2961 4807 1967 4807 5943 2393 2961 2393 1967 2393 1470 2393 1967 1589 1470 1589 1172 1589 973 1589 1470 1186 1172 1186 973 1186 831 1186 725 1186 1172 945 973 945 831 945 725 945 973 784 831 784 725 784 642 784 576 784 831 669 725 669 642 669 576 669 725 583 642 583 576 583 2961 2783 1967 1985 1967 1985 2961 2783 2961 2365 1470 1191 1470 1191 2961 2365 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.2 STANDARD\4.5 STANDARD\8.4 1-2 3-10 ROW\4.3 STANDARD\4.2 STANDARD\3.1 STANDARD\2.3 1-2 3-5 ROW\3.6 STANDARD\9. Specified Value Used LUT CS000–CS199 1 CS200–CS299 2 CS300–CS399 3 CS400–CS499 4 CS500–CS599 5 CS600–CS699 6 CS700–CS799 7 CS800–CS999 8 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.” For the latter. Eight types of gradation tables can be registered for each SCU AE. used LUTs are as follows. which will be specified by “1” to “8” or “CS000” to “CS999.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Appendix B  Configuration Information (2010.0150) Specifies gradation tables in the DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000.10 55 . Films from the printer cannot be transported into the magazine.0030) and (2110. BAD RECEIVE MGZ There is a problem with the film receive magazine. PRINTER OFFLINE The printer has been disabled by an operator or service person. BAD SUPPLY MGZ There is a problem with a film supply magazine. drawers. doors are open. Films from this magazine cannot be transported into the printer.0020 Values Applicable to (2100. QUEUED Print job in Queue SUPPLY EMPTY The printer is out of film UNKNOWN There is an unspecified problem. 56 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009.0010)=WARNING/FAILURE. COVER OPEN One or more printer or processor covers.0020) when (2100.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Appendix C  2100. FILM JAM A film transport error has occurred and a film is jammed in the printer or processor.0020)=PENDING and (2110.10 .0030/2110. N-ACTION) 0110H No films of specified size are loaded. Unable to store image data : Resource limitation (BIB. C600H There were no Film Boxes while executing BFS N-ACTION. Image size is larger than image box demagnified (BIB. N-SET) 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. The instance doesn’t belong to the last created FB (BIB. Unable to handle multiple film session (BFS. jobs could not be created while executing BFS N-ACTION. N-ACTION) C605H No image storage areas were available while executing BIB N-SET. Unable to create Print Job: Resource limitation (BFB. N-DELETE) 0110H BFBs of different film sizes were present in BFS N-ACTION. Unable to handle a instance not created lastly (BFB. N-SET) B605H Maximum and minimum densities exceeded the specified ranges. No Image Box SOP instance (BFS. Can’t delete a instance which is referred to (LUT. jobs could not be created while executing BFB N-ACTION. N-ACTION) C601H Because the print queue was full. No Film Box SOP instance (BFS. N-CREATE) 0110H The number of instances exceeded 32 in BFB N-CREATE. N-ACTION) C602H Because the print queue was full. Unable to handle a instance not created lastly (BFB. N-CREATE) 0122H A SOP class that is not supported has been specified. SOP class not supported. N-SET) 0110H The instance that should be referred to by Presentation LUT N-DELETE has been specified. N-SET) 0110H The instance created the last using BFB N-DELETE has not been specified. Requested Min Density or Max Density outside of printer’s range. it should be reduced while executing BIB N-SET. N-DELETE) 0110H The instance not belonging to the BFB created the last using the BIB N-SET has been specified. N-CREATE) 0110H The instance created the last using BFB N-SET has not been specified. Unable to print mixed film size Basic Film Boxes (BFS. No Image Box SOP instance (BFB. (Maximum 64 characters) Code 0110H Description Error Comment (0000.0902) An attempt was made to create 2nd Basic Film Session SOP instance.0902) when returning the following Status. N-ACTION) B604H As the image is larger than the image size box. B602H There were no Image Boxes while executing BFS N-ACTION. Requested film size does not exist on printer (BFB. N-ACTION) B603H There were no Image Boxes while executing BFB N-ACTION.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Appendix D  Error Comment Specify Error Comment (0000. Number of film boxes exceeds 32 (BFB. Unable to create Print Job: Resource limitation (BFS.10 57 . CUBIC interpolation is applied CUBIC interpolation is applied Image edges are cut off by by (2010. 2 Returns (B609H)(W). by (2010. When the specified size Returns (0116H)(W).* Returns (C603H)(F). Returns (B604H)(W).0030) is disregarded.* Returns (B609H)(W). DECIMATE CROP FAIL Returns (0000H)(S). No interpolation processing is applied.0030). is larger than the image (2020. CUBIC interpolation is applied.* Returns (B60AH)(W). *2) (0000H)(S) is returned when both (B60AH)(W) and (B609H)(W) disregard (B604H)(W).0040) (Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior) (2020. *1) (0000H)(S) is returned when the (B604H)(W) notification of reducing an image that cannot be accommodated within the image frame is disregarded. frame.0060)=NONE Size specified by (2020. An image is created based on the No images are received.DRYPIX 7000/DRYPIX 5000 DICOM Conformance Statement Appendix E  Behaviors as Specified by (2020.* Returns (C603H)(F). matching the specified image with the image frame at their centers. 58 897N0540C (006-303-20) 2009. frame.10 .0060)=CUBIC. Returns (0000H)(S). No images are received. 1 2 2 When the image size is larger than the image frame. When the image size is smaller than the image frame.0060)=CUBIC (2010. is smaller that the image CUBIC interpolation is applied. as determined by Config settings. specified image size.0060)=CUBIC.0040) specified Parameters Not specified particularly (2010. and the edges are cut off by matching the two images at their centers. When the specified size Returns (0000H)(S). applying CUBIC interpolation. FUJI FILM CO. JAPAN . NISHIAZABU 2-CHOME. MINATO-KU. 26-30. LTD.. TOKYO 106-8620.
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