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PPS 1786/04/2013(022947) MCI (P) 007/11/2014 Jul-Aug 2015 | volume 43 The Biophilic Space Inside: Biophilic Design; what it is and why it matters to the way we understand Green | Liak Teng Lit; Singapore’s pioneer of the healing environment | Workspace Wellness; Biophilic offices in the Asia-Pacific region With projects from Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR STUDENTS—SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS! Hong Kong HKD72 Indonesia IDR83,000 Malaysia MYR39 Philippines PHP500 Singapore SGD15 Thailand THB290 Vietnam 190,000 000 future projects reported by BCI Asia and BCI Australia researchers. Download a free e-copy of technologies@15 at www. BCI researchers interview half a million architects. architecture@15 features projects located in modern cities in various parts of Asia—Bangladesh. architecture@15 also reviews building technologies in a dedicated section called technologies@15 that enable architecture to evolve rapidly.bciasia. Each profile includes project description. Each review is presented in an easy-to-read format describing the products and/or services of a single leading manufacturer in each field.com/yearbook. BUY A COPY HERE! www. engineers and contractors. Indonesia. Hong Kong. East Timor.com/product-category/architecture/ Retail price: S$38. Malaysia. China. In compiling information on these projects. Singapore.This year. they will help define the modern city of Asia in the near future. UAE and Vietnam. Thailand. providing a reference guide of innovative and intelligent solutions for architects. . Myanmar. Besides projects. India.bciasia. images and summary information. These projects are selected each year from more than 100. engineers and developers. Philippines. developers. Set to start construction in 2015. gbcindonesia.sgbc. recording.php) Singapore Green Building Council (www.wmam. blogspot.mun-delsalle@futurarc. All rights reserved.hk) Waste Management Association of Malaysia (www.com) Europe Y-Jean Mun-Delsalle (y. which may be claimed arising out of reliance upon the information presented in this publication.gov.com Malaysia [email protected]) Architects Association of Macau (www.com Singapore [email protected]) Philippine Green Building Council (http://philgbc.net) To find out how your organisation can be a FuturArc Collaborator.in) Green Building Council of Indonesia (www. India by RMA Architects (Photo courtesy of Tina Nandi) American Institute of Architects Hong Kong (www.ethosindia.macaoarchitects.cidb.com) Philippines Harry Serrano (harry.beamsociety. 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The publisher is not responsible for statements or opinions expressed by the writers nor do such statements necessarily represent the views of the publisher unless stated otherwise. or otherwise without the publisher’s prior written permission.com) Business Environment Council. Hong Kong (www. mechanical.org) Professional Green Building Council.org.hkia. No part of this publication may be reproduced.hk) Ethos India ([email protected]) publisher Robert Krups editor-in-chief Dr Nirmal Kishnani managing editor Candice Lim senior editor Sarah Abdul Karim assistant editor Karen Baja Dungalen graphic designer Nie O One Design correspondents US Jalel Sager (j.org) Green Architecture Advocacy Philippine supported by: While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate.my) Green Pages Malaysia (http://www.tgbi.vn) Logo 100/60/20/20 100/30/30/20 55/0/100/0 Logotype 100/30/30/20/322U 60/0/100/0 Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (www. 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Greenbuildingindex Sdn Bhd (www.futurarc.org) Philippines Institute of Architects (http://philippineinstituteofarchitects.id) Singapore Environment Council (www.th/intro.vgbc.sg/p/about.com Vietnam [email protected]) .greenpagesmalaysia.org.mgbc.hkiud.com e (advertising) [email protected]) The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (www.worldgbc.org) Vietnam Green Building Council (www.php) China Green Building Council .com Philippines [email protected]) Hong Kong Green Building Council (www. photocopying.com FuturArc collaborators: World Green Building Council Asia Pacific Network (www. certainly. in a nutshell.com . The question. but one that suggests that something was done right at the drawing board. That potted plant sitting on your desk says something of what you need. In each write-up. In this issue we showcase the office building. most likely costs more than a conventional design. Writer Miriel Ko looks at what is meant by a biophilic workplace. Liak Teng Lit—the subject of The FuturArc Interview this issue (page 32)—recounts how the idea came about and how it was translated from drawing board to construction site to operations.kishnani@futurarc. sights. We want access to water and plants. We ask that you be the judge of projects in the pages ahead. which—through an unusual floor plate—brings the window and a view next to each patient’s bed. Oddly these are not much better than other hospitals in Singapore. that you brought it in. NTFGH is yet to be commissioned. when these are made available to us indoors. Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH). It’s not hard to agree on this: as a matter of principle. says Liak. At KTPH. Discharge rates—how long a patient stays in hospital—are known. These regulate our biorhythms. Tell us if there are others in your city that deserve to be acknowledged. Biophilic design is a list of strategies and features that. CEO. what it means to the occupant (page 24). Where is this more needed than places where people are sick or recovering? Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) in Singapore (see FuturArc Green Issue 2011) pioneered the notion of a healing environment through biophilic design. Will there be payback on this? There is evidence in scientific literature that patients recover faster when they have access to view and natural light. which zigzags to reach each patient’s bed. This too is cost to the system. many patients simply do not want to leave even when they feel better. they make us feel better. may also allude to a failure of the building where you are. That it’s there. time will tell how indicators of cost play out. which has been operational several years now. into an otherwise unyielding matrix of steel and concrete. sounds and smells. as always. Biophilia is our innate desire for proximity to nature or all things natural. Dr Nirmal Kishnani Editor-in-Chief n. Dr Zalina Shari introduces us to two in Malaysia (page 90).Letter from the editor Dear FuturArc Readers. NTFGH’s building envelope. A peculiar problem. there is a discussion of what the project team did and why. everyone will say this is a good thing. there will be problems. And when we totally disconnect from nature for long periods. We know this intuitively but research tells us how much healthier and productive we become. there is no data on medical recovery rates. There’s even a name for it: nature deficit disorder. Arguably the most justifiable application of biophilic design must be healthcare. seeks to integrate natural elements and materials. In the sidebar we see the next generation of biophilic hospitals. This is clearly an important trend. is how much it costs. and it reaches beyond the hospital typology. This is because. Y-Jean Mun-Delsalle takes us on a tour of a couple of projects in Australia (page 40). to feel sunlight and wind on our skin. National Environment Agency.contents main feature 24 The Biophilic Office | Reconnecting Nature to the Workforce the futurarc interview 32 Liak Teng Lit Group Chief Executive Officer. Singapore projects 40 50 56 64 70 80 84 90 Workplace Wellness Glumac Shanghai Sandcrawler Aoyama 346 Same but Different Office @ Alexandra Hospital Ventus Malaysia’s Green Offices happenings 96 Milestones & Events 102 product advertorials . Board of Directors. Alexandra Health System Chairman. project news main feature futurarc interview 1 Views of nature that are both direct and reflected (giving the effect of water) 24 FUTURARC futurarc showcase projects people commentary happenings books product advertorials . the biophilic office | reconnecting nature to the workforce By Miriel Ko Photo courtesy of Interface FUTURARC 25 . 32 FUTURARC . The FuturArc Interview Liak Teng Lit Group Chief Executive Officer. Board of Directors. Alexandra Health System Chairman. National Environment Agency. Singapore By Dr Nirmal Kishnani FUTURARC 33 . project news main feature futurarc interview futurarc showcase projects people commentary happenings books product advertorials AUSTRALIA Photo by Earl Carter 40 FUTURARC 1 . is there natural lighting or ventilation and how conducive is the environment to social interaction? Two Australian office projects. The first is a new building. for example a building system using cleaner air. insulating against noise pollution and zero VOCs. the concept of wellness also refers to a broader notion of how occupants feel. Medibank Place in Melbourne and Boomworks in Sydney. Both advocate Green design with metrics of certified performance. while the second is a fit-out and refurbishment. which addresses questions like do they have views of the external natural landscape. it only makes sense that where we work should not have a negative impact on our health. While the aspect of health is often addressed by means of technology.WORKPLACE WELLNESS by Y-Jean Mun-Delsalle A s we spend most of our waking hours at the office. 1 Sinuous staircases and a central atrium break up the floorplates and create visual connections to each floor FUTURARC 41 . critically they also strive to define workplaces that actually make employees feel better. are they comfortable with the lighting and temperature. for healthy employees make for happy employees. but instead display a positive influence. focus on health and wellness for employees beyond Green rating certifications. the Sandcrawler sits wedged between blocks that make it difficult to stand back and enjoy its architectural prowess. this mammoth edifice has been designed to comply with the strict master planning guidelines imposed on the site at one-north. an enclave set aside to house Singapore’s R&D. looks like a fortress indeed. which has been christened with the same namesake. Most buildings do not actively engage the street nor does the street seem to particularly care.project news main feature futurarc interview futurarc showcase projects people commentary happenings books product advertorials SINGAPORE Sandcrawler by Candice Lim I n George Lucas’ legendary Star Wars films. Only this one is made of glass and steel with a lush courtyard in its belly. 1 Courtyard view Photo by Paul Warchol 56 FUTURARC 1 . In Singapore. Sandcrawlers were large mobile fortresses. The streets around this building seem devoid of human traffic. In the midst of the gated corporate landscape. information communication and media industries. It should be said that there is clearly a problem with the master plan of this area. the regional headquarters housing Lucasfilm. with empty pedestrian pathways and unclear directions for vehicular traffic. The only George Lucas property in Asia to date. hightechnology activities in biosciences. FUTURARC 57 . typically account for about 90 percent of a business’ operating costs. It follows that the productivity of staff. 1 Up-down suspended light fixtures to ensure uniform illumination across ceiling and working desks 1 90 FUTURARC . or anything that impacts their ability to be productive should be a major concern for any organisation.project news main feature futurarc interview futurarc showcase projects people commentary happenings books product advertorials MALAYSIA Malaysia’s Green Offices by Dr Zalina Shari S taff costs. businesses can experience greater financial benefits than they would from more efficient resource use in building operations. Research suggests that by making even small improvements to factors such as productivity. health and well-being. including salaries and benefits. FUTURARC 91 . c om .Turn over to sign up! Special Student Discount! 60% off on FuturArc subscription. f u t u ra rc . 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