
MAGAZINE 2017Formula Student Germany AN INTERNATIONAL DESIGN COMPETITION OF SKILLS, SPEED AND SPIRIT 8TH - 13TH AUGUST 2017 | HOCKENHEIM We thank all our sponsors for their longstanding support Editorial 2017 has come fast and furiously. The Driverless Concept Despite the media and politics continuously trying to create event in 2016 was such a success that the FSG organisation walls between countries, FSG remains proud of promoting decided to go for it and turn it into a full-blown autonomous an international and equal environment. With teams and event. As a result, this year, Formula Student Germany will volunteers from over 26 countries, it is one of our biggest be will be holding not one (Formula Student Combustion), pleasures to be able to bring so many passionate people not two (+ Formula Student Electric), but three competitions together and support them in helping them to develop their (+ Formula Student Driverless), in parallel, all with moving skills and give them better future career opportunities. Not vehicles. A lot of excitement is being built up amongst the only this, but the Formula Student community is still ever teams and within the industry about the new competition. growing worldwide and this year we would like to inform The overall size of the Formula Student Germany event will you of the other events that will be taking place around the however remain the same (115), with the number of slots for globe and what makes each and every one unique. combustion (76 to 65) and electric cars (40 to 35) being reduced to allow for 15 new FSD slots. The question is, is All in all, it has been another whirlwind of a year in preparing this inline with what is really going on in the automotive in- for this years event. The dedication of the volunteers and dustry? teams is what drives the existence of Formula Student and ensures its success. Crossing new borders with introducing Formula Student Driverless is resulting in new challenges and new necessary I would like to thank our authors for their contribution to skillsets. Why do we need to do this? this years’ edition of the FSG Magazine. I would also like to thank Alexandra Blei and Janin We have asked some of our sponsors to give us their opinion Liermann for all their patience in on these questions. following up on all the mad ideas in creating this magazine. This years’ FSG magazine will give you the details on the rules for the new driverless competition and describe the I wish all those competing at this experiences one team had during the year in preparing for years’ competition’s the best of this new event. luck and those who are spectat- ing a lot of fun and entertainment. We have also decided to put the 2016 Formula Student Combustion (FSC) and Formula Student Electric (FSE) win- ners side-by-side to see who really was the fastest and may- See you on the track! be understand why? Dipl.–Ing. Alia Pierce Supporter: fishfarm netsolutions | Gross-Funk | Hockenheimring | Isabellenhütte Heusler  | Kautex Textron | Kube Ingenieurbüro | Linde Material Handling | Maxim Integrated | RIEDEL Communications | SLV Mannheim | Vector Informatik A special thanks goes to the numerous volunteers who contributed significantly in the realisation of the twelfth Formula Student Germany. 2 ENGLISCH SPONSORS/ DEUTSCH EDITORIAL  3 Content 1/2 Inhalt 3 Editorial 32 Awards 2017 8 Introduction 35 Schedule Einführung Zeitplan 10 An International Design Competition 38 Floor Plan Ein internationaler Konstruktionswettbewerb Lageplan 17 Safety Regulations 40 Guided Tours Sicherheit und Regeln Führungen 22 Formula Student Driverless (FSD) 42 The Volunteers of FSG Die Ehrenamtlichen der FSG 26 Keeping up with the Megatrends  Mit den Megatrends Schritt halten 46 Redshirts and Scrutineers 2017 29 Experiences in turning our race car driverless 48 Judges 2017 Juroren 2017 31 The fascination of "automated driving" Faszination „Automa­­­tisiertes Fahren“ 50 Formula Student Germany Team 2017 Ready, set, 8 17 22 career. Formula Student Introduction Safety Einführung Regulations Driverless Sicherheit und Regeln Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, 29 traffic and transport. In 2016, Continental generated sales of Experiences in turning our race car driverless €40.5 billion and currently employs more than 227,000 people in 56 countries. CONTENT /  INHALT  5 Colours of FSG We asked each of the teams to Performance your horizons. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. smart. moovel. That’s us. car2go and mytaxi. Mercedes me. provide some hints on how they achieved these positions. Mercedes-Maybach. Formula Student te for Techno Winner FSE 2 Germany is not about winning every discipline. Germany (Stuttgart). EQ.9 CONTENT / INHALT  7 EAST Overall position in event: . Yu Chang Engineering Support Office. We also included the times so you can see Everyone knows the best ideas fit on a beer mat. Room to expand the dynamic events. We took the two74 winners of FSGUnited 2016 and compared their results in Impressions Top Team Five continents. Western Star. Thomas Built Buses as well as Mercedes-Benz Bank. FSE (km/h) FS Formula Student International Endurance Track length (m): 22000 Times: TUFast (s) 1341. Fuso.daimler. Join us and you will have the chance to work on challenging projects internationally – from the development of technical 126 between the top electric and combustion cars of 2016.1 The brand portfolio of Daimler AG comprises Mercedes-Benz. Hortense Denise Kirby HR Business Partner. Putting them into practice requires a a comparison of the performance little more space. Jonas von Malottki Controlling Solutions and Business Intelligence. but 64 70 gaining the highest number of points. China (Beijing) Content 2/2 Inhalt 52 Words from our Sponsors 84 Team Profiles Combustion Sponsoren Statements 106 Team Profiles Electric 64 Impresssions 118 Team Profiles Driverless 70 United Colours of FSG 123 Imprint 72 Success Story: How Formula Student Impressum top team performance helped in reaching my career goals in Formula 1. Daimler Truck Financial. which is why Daimler offers you the world.2 KA-RaceIng (s) 1344. Mercedes-AMG. Setra. innovations to developing yourself.2 avg speed: FSC (km/h) 59. BharatBenz. Freightliner. 126 Formula Student International – 74 Top Team Performance Top trumps for careers To finish 1st you've got to finish first Ein Trumpf für die Karriere TUFast 78 Participating To finish 1st 134 Emergency Information Technical Uni versity of Mun you've got to finish first FSG TEAMS 2017 Combustion Winner FSC 2 80 Participating FSG TEAMS 2017 Electric 82 Participating FSG TEAMS 2017 Driverless KA-RaceIng Karlsruhe Inst To finish 1st you've got to finish first. Click here to find out more: www. USA (Dallas/Fort Worth). nehmer. Parallel zu der technischen Entwicklung müssen die to compete in the Formula Student Driverless competition Teams einen tragfähigen Businessplan und ein Vermark- (new for 2017!). Motorsport. Formula Student Germany (FSG) is an international design ein einsitziges Formel-Fahrzeug mit einem Elektrik. Practical Experience Praxisnahe Erfahrung FSG enriches the teaching content of a course of study Die FSG bereichert die Lehrinhalte des Studiums um he- with challenging and practical experience in the fields rausfordernde und praktische Erfahrungen in den Be- of manufacturing and production. and use of off the shelf components. By working as part of an interdisciplinary nicht nur für den Fahrzeugbau anwendbar. Durch die Ar- team of students from different fields of study and ex. The aspects assessed by the schaftlichkeit und Marktrelevanz zu vernachlässigen. They can then also im neuen Formula Student Driverless Wettbewerb ermög- decide if it will have autonomous features. Ver- mance on the track will win Formula Student Germany. The teams are then verschiedenen statischen und dynamischen Disziplinen able to score points in various static and dynamic events. Zielgruppe ist der nicht-professionelle ing concept for batch production of the vehicle. beit in einem interdisziplinären Team aus Studenten ver- pertise. marketing strategy and perfor. Teams from around the world Prototypen herzustellen. other important aspects benaspekte des entwickelten Fahrzeuges sind Ästhetik.oder competition for university students. zeugs entwickeln. können die Teams wichtige Punkte sammeln. Den Sieg der with the best overall scores from the combination of de. whilst not neglecting reichen Konstruktion und Fertigung. The tar. Wochenendrennfahrer.und Zulieferindustrie. therefore. Die Auf- The Challenge gabe für die Teams aus der ganzen Welt besteht darin. sowie gute Beschleu- car must not only have manageable handling and possess nigungs. sondern auch günstig good acceleration and braking ability. genüber konkurrierenden Entwicklungen durchzusetzen. the competitors learn first-hand how to combine schiedener Studien. Along with these technical aspects. how to defend the solutions Produktentwicklung in Einklang zu bringen und dabei they themselves have developed and assert these against ihre selbst entwickelten Lösungen zu verteidigen und ge- competing developments. Formula Student Germany erringt das Team mit dem bes- sign. wertet werden die Fahrzeugkonzepte von Experten aus hicle designs are judged by experts from the automobile. die wirtschaftlichen und technischen Ziele einer ment and at the same time. Ergonomie und die Verwendung von Serienbauteilen. Die competition correspond directly to the demands of the im Wettbewerb abgefragten Aspekte entsprechen den different branches of the industry for new product devel. Daher muss der Rennwagen nicht get group is amateur weekend racers. nur ein beherrschbares Handling. Anforderungen verschiedener Industriebereiche hin- opment. the race. The team über die Gesamtplatzierung entscheiden. kaufsargumentation und Rennperformance. Thus. ohne dabei die the practice-oriented requirements relating to profita.und Fachrichtungen lernen die Teil- the economic and technical goals of product develop. der sich an den Formula Student Wettbewerb der amerikanischen Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) anlehnt. but must also be in der Anschaffung und im Unterhalt sein. ten Gesamtpaket aus Konstruktion.Introduction Einführung Herausforderung Die Formula Student Germany (FSG) ist ein internationa- ler Konstruktionswettbewerb für Studenten.und Bremswerte haben. die letztlich which will ultimately decide the overall ranking. praxisrelevanten Voraussetzungen in Bezug auf Wirt- bility and market relevance. Wichtige Ne- inexpensive to buy and run. 8 INTRODUCTION / EINFÜHRUNG EINFÜHRUNG / INTRODUCTION  9 . Zudem können sich die Teams have the task of designing a single-seated. of the vehicle that must be developed include aesthetics. was ihnen eine Teilnahme manufacture a functional prototype. financial planning. enabling them licht. which is why they are not merely restricted to sichtlich Produktneuentwicklungen und sind sich daher vehicle design. the tungskonzept für eine Kleinserienfertigung des Fahr- teams must develop a viable business plan and a market. based on the Formula Verbrennermotor zu konstruieren und einen fahrfertigen SAE rules and guidelines. The ve. der Automobil-. formula-style für die Implementierung von autonomen Funktionen in car with either a combustion or electric drive train and to ihrem Fahrzeug entscheiden. Finanzplanung. In motorsport and supply industries. Be- ergonomics. motorsport. of the actual vehicle. In es of study. Die Juroren be- compared. based on a hypo. cussions focus on clarifying technical aus verschiedenen technischen und sprächen geht es um die Abfrage der design. Static Events startenden Teams zu ermöglichen. These dis. and each individual ne Chance auf den Gesamtsieg haben. Dazu zählen nicht eine achtseitige technische Beschrei- prototype racecar. of the students. zu allen Fragen in einer Diskussion the efficiency of their car. The team design and layout. only assess the quality of the technical die Einzeldisziplinen unterschiedliche die Qualität der vorliegenden techni- best in (or even being eliminated event is weighted differently. competition. werden. members of the jury will evaluate the in der Finanzplanung. Auslegung.325 points of the possible 1000 in the Disziplinen erringen. their designs. Then. die Hintergründe planning and marketing strategy will different technical and financial cours. wobei In die Bewertung fließen also nicht nur all competition without being the three static events. design and how the design will be auch wirtschaftliche und kommuni. In den drei sta. technischen Details. the tationstechniken oder Kompetenzen gutachten auf Basis der Unterlagen cars are judged by experts. in an eight-page technical description dustrie heranführen. sondern bung zu ihrem Fahrzeug ein.fördert und abgefragt. Statische Disziplinen stehen soll. and supply indus. track performance. die Teams einige Hürden zu überwin. Präsen.000 points over the or financial planning skills. The teams can win up to einen Titel in einer oder mehreren responding technical understanding tischen Disziplinen können die Teams dazugehörige technische Verständnis. In ciplinary approach of today’s automo. Konstruktion. layout. In den Ge- with the best overall combination of keting and pricing of a product. there will bei Konzept. haben sons behind it. wie dem Motorsport.participating students to the interdis. Engineering Design – 150 points Der Formula Student Wettbewerb soll Engineering Design – 150 Punkte gineering design competition for werden die Konzepte. construction. die Ausle- team has the chance to win in total ties such as presentation techniques performance. In den 3 statischen und 5 dynamischen Disziplinen können insgesamt 1000 Punkte erreicht werden. plans and technical understanding. 10 DESIGN COMPETITION / KONSTRUKTIONSWETTBEWERB DESIGN COMPETITION / KONSTRUKTIONSWETTBEWERB  11 .und Zulieferindustrie so- no chance at an overall victory. Bewertet wer.An International Business Plan Presentation Skid Pad 75 Design Competition 75 Acceleration Ein internationaler 75 Konstruktionswettbewerb Cost Event 100 Autocross 100 Engineering Efficiency Design Event 100 150 Endurance There are 1000 points to 325 be gained in 3 static and 5 dynamic disciplines. dieses Bewertungssystem auch Teams the chosen design. sondern auch die from) one or more events. Daher wird in das technische Konzept. of their car. Each economic and communication abili. Renn. mar. Konstruktionen sowie Umset- a maximum of 1. The evaluation will not maximal 325 Punkte erreichen. Finanzplanung und Ver. B. team. They Besten zählt oder sogar ausscheidet. technical design. Students work together in The Formula Student Germany com.duktes als auch spezielles Fachwissen Rede und Antwort stehen. mehreren Disziplinen nicht zu den questioned by the judges. schen Lösungen ein. wie z. as well as the cor. für die Wahl eines Konzepts und das be the winner of FSC/FSD/FSE. This is why kaufsargumentation. ruktion darzustellen. Planungen und At the start of the engineering design die teilnehmenden Studenten an die Zu Beginn des Engineering Design students. die im Folgenden näher erläutert Automobil. construction drei statischen Disziplinen sowohl die gung. exploring the thinking behind wirtschaftlichen Studiengängen ge. four the three static events demand collab. financial also require specialised expertise from Auf der anderen Seite können durch details. das in einer oder be a discussion where the teams are Vermarktung und Preisung eines Pro. It must show both their nur technisches Verständnis. tischen und fünf dynamischen Diszip. Gesamtpaket aus Konstruktion. eine Jury aus erfahrenen Experten der more of the categories and still have tries judge the performance of each den. Similarly. Um einen Vergleich der Formula Student Germany is an en. This not only includes Den Gesamtsieg über die FSC/FSD/ applied to their chosen construction. den die Leistungen der Teams durch Gründe für die gewählten Lösungen. zeug. obwohl sie kei. also auch ein Team den Gesamtwett. den einzelnen Disziplinen geht. um das thetical manufacturing contract. theory it is possible to win the over. bei dem unter der Annahme eines fiktiven Konstruktionsauftrags der Prototyp eines Rennwagens ent. Die Teams müssen ihnen dabei dynamic events and through proving oration across the team in the areas of bewerb gewinnen. the students must hand interdisziplinäre Arbeitsweise in der In. linen maximal 1000 Punkte erhalten. Prinzipiell kann and implementation of the production teamübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zung in der Fertigung am realen Fahr- course of three static events.Gewichtungen haben. Die Formula Student Germany ist ein Konstruktionswettbewerb für Stu- denten. Konzept sowie die besondere Konst- order for the competing teams to be tive industry. Fahrzeuge von Experten bewertet. Wettbewerbs reichen die Studenten teams to design and manufacture a petition is designed to introduce the Insgesamt kann jedes Team in drei sta. teams can win the top prize in one or mobile. of experienced experts from the auto. kative Fähigkeiten. A panel Bevor es jedoch zur Siegerehrung in solution in question but also the rea. but also FSE erringt das Team mit dem besten On the basis of this document. Their performance on the im Stand bewertet. the content. Bei dieser Disziplin werden five-minute discussion and question Vollständigkeit des schriftlichen Re. In this dis. wie die Teams beim terlagen müssen sich die Studenten event must present their concept on the dürfen ihr Konzept auf der Hauptbühne line in less than four seconds and can Spectators look on as the teams compete Acceleration-Event konkurrieren. seiner metre straight. Die Ergebnisse werden ebenfalls benotet und fließen in die Gesamtpunktzahl ein. The teams pres. vor den Juroren und Publikum vorstellen. dynamischen Disziplinen können ma- gung eines Produktes ein entschei. dender Faktor. mainstage in front of judges and the public. In jeder dy. Bei der Disziplin Cost Acceleration – 75 points Analysis and Manufacturing müssen The vehicle‘s acceleration from a sich die Teams mit den kalkulator.festhalten. mit ihrem Prototypen einer Diskus. two attempts. Getriebes und eine möglichst hohe acceleration. Bewertet end of the stretch. vertreten durch die 75 points rischen Größen des Fahrzeugs. Gewertet wird das beste mit dem Cost Analysis – 100 points over the course of the four dynamic Fahrzeug erzielte Ergebnis. seiner Judges. structure and Darüber hinaus müssen die Teams ein auf die Fragen der Juroren. ximal 675 Punkte erzielt werden. Rennperformance.die Zielgruppe geeignet ist und eine ent their proposal for ten-minutes.Vortrags sowie der Auftritt der Teams follows the presentation. Skid Pad/Wet Pad und von mehr als 100 km/h.tor oder Partner. Zu den eingereichten Un. A werden neben der Aufbereitung und Juroren. Bei den Disziplinen der Messstrecke Geschwindigkeiten two drivers. Neben der maximalen Längs. each of whom is allowed Acceleration. vieren diese Prüfung in einer Zeit unter For the Acceleration. sion mit den Juroren stellen.gebauten Prototyp. werden neben der Aufbereitung und Vollständigkeit des schriftlichen Re- ports auch das Verständnis der Ferti- gungsprozesse. Performance auch auf der Rennstre. terlagen müssen sich die Studenten gewinnbringende Investition ist. tion. Die Kosten sind für Auslegung eines 75 Punkte Produktes ein entscheidender Faktor. effi. investors or partners. Die Teams stellen for the built prototype car to potential gungsschritte auseinandersetzen und in einem zehnminütigem Vortrag dar.diese schriftlich in einem Cost Report weshalb ihr Konzept am besten für sented by the judges. ihren Geschäftsplan für den The teams present their business plan Bauteile und der notwendigen Ferti. each car starts with telt und bewertet.und Leistung.gungsprozesse sowie der Gesamtpreis. Skid Pad and barkeit der Formel-Rennwägen ermit. zeuge aus dem Stand gemessen. Zu den eingereichten Un. Der They must explain why their concept mit ihrem Prototypen einer Diskussi. ein hohes Drehmoment ciency and endurance of the formula Querbeschleunigung werden auch die an. Effizienz und Halt. Sie müssen ihre wird die Beschleunigung der Fahr- racetrack will also be put to the test. 12 DESIGN COMPETITION / KONSTRUKTIONSWETTBEWERB DESIGN COMPETITION / KONSTRUKTIONSWETTBEWERB  13 .tet. who are repre. ebenso bewertet wie die Antworten cipline. in dem well as the appearance of the teams es darum geht. kurzfristig auf verän- and the answers to the questions from derte Anforderungen an das Produkt the judges are evaluated. In addition to namischen Disziplin werden andere lem auf eine richtige Auslegung des the maximum longitudinal and lateral Eigenschaften des Fahrzeugs getes. The fastest cars cross the Die Zuschauer sehen zu. kommt es neben der Traktion vor al- features of the vehicles. reach speeds of over 100 km/h by the in the Acceleration event. Mit ihrem Business Plan präsentieren Bei der Disziplin Cost Analysis müs. either in terms of diese schriftlich in einem Cost Report greater power or for the highest pos- festhalten. the cars that the students Die von den Studenten konstruierten Acceleration – 75 Punkte build will not only be assessed when Fahrzeuge werden natürlich nicht nur Auf einer 75 Meter langen Geraden stationary. as Real Case Szenario bearbeiten. race performance. Aufbau und Aufbereitung des and answer session with the judges ports auch das Verständnis der Ferti. Dynamic Events Dynamische Diszplinen Of course. events and the efficiency event. die jeweils zwei Versuche ha- maximum of 675 points can be scored ben. the correct engine design is es- gungsschritte auseinandersetzen und pecially important. vier Sekunden und erreichen am Ende Autocross events. The best attempt is the Autocross starten je Fahrzeug zwei one on which the car will be scored. Die schnellsten Fahrzeuge absol- cars will be examined and evaluated. Stücklisten sowie die Preisbildung von jährlich wechselnden Cost Analysis – 100 Punkte Business Plan Presentation – Baugruppen.und Fragerunde mit den why it is a profitable investment. A Fahrer. standing start is measured over a 75 ischen Größen des Fahrzeugs. In addition to trac- Bauteile und der notwendigen Ferti. Hier Each dynamic event tests different cke unter Beweis stellen. Bewertet Diskussions. In den fünf Kosten und Fertigung sind für Ausle. The top teams in the Business Plan Presentation Die Finalisten der Business Plan-Präsentation sible torque.Inhalt.Präsentation folgt eine fünfminütige is best suited to the target group and on mit den Juroren stellen. bzw. preparation of the presentation. zu reagieren.die Teams einem potentiellen Inves- Business Plan Presentation – sen sich die Teams mit den kalkulato. permitted at specially marked sec- bewerbs besonders langsam fahren. von der Beschleunigung bis zum To ensure the conditions are the same Hilfsmittel der Anpressdruck und da. Die erfahrenen Juroren aus dem Motorspot. Diese werden von der lap time is a sign of high driving dy. hence the name “Wet Pad”. Fahrzeuge gleichzeitig auf der Strecke. The skill of durance competition in order to score Efficiency – 100 Punkte the driver is also tested here. der Hälfte der Distanz ein Fahrerwech- Autocross – 100 points sel erfolgen muss. Damit die Bedingungen für alle Teams rer gefragt.Das Endurance-Rennen stellt mit must drive a figure-8 circuit lined with wagen einen mit Pylonen begrenzten fast einem Drittel aller erreichbaren track cones. eigens dafür eingerichteten Überhol.hohe Fahrdynamik. the prototype’s features are crucial for speed. Automo- sitions for the endurance competition Bremseigenschaften. A team will receive um eine möglichst hohe Punktzahl in no points at the end if they are more der Efficiency-Disziplin zu erreichen. lonenfehler durch Zeitstrafen Renndistanz von 22 Kilometern gives a comparative value for the max. wird der Parcours konti. sondern der Ver. corded. be performed frequently.müssen sich die konstruierten Renn- imum possible lateral acceleration of gleichswert für die maximal erzielbare fahrzeuge unter Dauerbelastung be- the car.Handling und der Fahrdynamik. fuel con- cross rankings decide the starting po. the absolute fuel sie hinsehen müssen. increase lateral acceleration. bilbau und der Zulieferindustrie wissen genau. weisen. this event. A fast Bei der Disziplin Autocross fahren gängen kommt. Über lap will be measured. im Autocross entscheidet auch über ein Drittel langsamer waren als das capacity for endurance over a gruel. than a third slower than the fastest team overall. die Startreihenfolge im nachfolgenden schnellste Team. erse a kilometre-long track with Autocross – 100 Punkte wodurch es oft auch zu Überholvor- straights.gleich sind. wobei nach einer Zeitstrafe belegt. precise handling and good Kilometer langen Kurs mit Geraden. used to calculate the efficiency score. 14 DESIGN COMPETITION / KONSTRUKTIONSWETTBEWERB DESIGN COMPETITION / KONSTRUKTIONSWETTBEWERB  15 . wird der Kraftstoffverbrauch (FSC. The lap time messen wird jeweils die zweite Run. who knock over any cones. the cars trav. industries know exactly where to look in order to again. Auch hier wer. the track before the race by walking Fahrzeuge). durch den Einsatz aerodynamischer tig. Die Platzierung nur dann Punkte. Die Rundenzeit gibt einen Ver. as they as highly as possible in the efficiency Während des Endurance-Rennens may only familiarise themselves with category. In each case. The auto. the length of the course (Course Walk). sequently the most important event of sumption (FSE cars) is precisely re. namics. There can be up to four der absolute Kraftstoff-/ Energiever. Eine schnelle zonen statt. the track is continually mit die Querbeschleunigung erhöht. highlight of the event.Skid Pad / Wet Pad – 75 points Skid Pad / Wet Pad – 75 Punkte Endurance – 325 Punkte During the Skid Pad event. Bei dieser Disziplin sind alle namics to raise the contact pressure Bei den meisten Fahrzeugen werden Eigenschaften der Prototypen wich- and thus. the second Kreisring wird zweimal umrundet. Most of the cars use aerody. der Energiever. Endurance – 325 points Efficiency – 100 points evaluate the technical solutions.die Rennwagen über einen etwa ein Rennleitung veranlasst und finden in Experienced judges from the world of motorsport. wenn sie höchstens tition. Es sind bis zu vier In the autocross event. So that the teams with a later start don't have a grip advantage The endurance in which the cars have to from the rubber left on the track by tire abrasion from the teams drive through harsh racing conditions is the ahead of them. Das langsamere Fahrzeug be. Once Kurven und Schikanen. from acceleration and han. This is to prevent teams from det. sumption (FSC cars) or energy con. Ge.kommt dafür von den Streckenposten The endurance race represents almost During the endurance race. Jedes Team hat time penalty. Die Teams erhalten the Formula Student Germany compe. um die technischen Lösungen Zeitstrafe geahndet. Auch hier werden Py. automotive engineering and the supplier acceleration and braking ability. Jeder Punkte die Hauptdisziplin des For- each circle. Each team gets just a single try and Bei der Berechnung der Effizienz the drivers must be swapped at the und der Punkte wird allerdings nicht halfway point. dass a third of all available points and is con. an denen die Strecke brei.Rennen nur abgeschritten werden ing over any of the cones results in a nuierlich bewässert („Wet Pad“). tions of the track. and so overtaking manoeuvres must brauch in Relation zur einen schnelleren Teilnehmer über. da die Strecke vor dem As with all the dynamic events. Das darf (Course Walk). the Skidpad is continuously watered. brauch (FSE-Fahrzeuge) gemessen. curves. Rennbedingungen bestehen müssen. wo that follows. However. time penalties occur for those Rundenzeit ist ein Indikator für eine ter ist. knock. Umstoßen von Pylonen wird mit einen einzigen Versuch.mula Student-Wettbewerbs dar. Damit später startenden Teams durch den Reifenabtreib der Das Endurance-Rennen ist der Höhepunkt der Verausfahrenden keine Grip-Vorteile haben. cars on the circuit at any given time brauch gemessen.und durch blaue Flaggen signalisiert. bzw. The cars must demonstrate their and energy consumption is not what is bewerten zu können. sätzlich ist auch das Geschick der Fah- watered. Overtaking keit. dass is signalled by a blue flag and is only Teams während des Endurance-Wett. and chicanes. the cars Beim Skid Pad durchfahren die Renn. Zu- for all teams.ling sowie gute Beschleunigungs. ein präzises Hand. performing two laps of Parcours in Form einer Acht. bei dem die Fahrzeuge unter harten die Strecke kontinuerlich gewässert.Querbeschleunigung der Fahrzeuge. den umgestoßene Pylonen mit einer holen lassen muss. wird beim Skid Pad Veranstaltung. Dadurch wird verhindert. driving particularly slowly in the en- dling to driving dynamics. ling track distance of 22km and all of but rather the consumption relative to Endurance-Wettbewerb. in the dynamic events. kurz Akku. For the FSC cially designed trolley so that it be moved sembled according to regulation. Um eventuelle Fehl. durch das Regelwerk vorgeschrie- finanziellen Ressourcen an den Start zeug antreibt. (Tractive System Active Light). naue Überwachung der Zelltemperatur bereitschaft des Fahrzeugs signalisiert triebssicherheit. To protect for this. Overheating of the Tractive System Active Light. our ideas eines Fahrzeugs zu den dynamischen werden die Akkus vor den dynamischen te Funktionsweise des Signallichtes and innovations make driving safer than ever before.displays the status of the high voltage must pass Scrutineering in order to ging device is installed by the FSG scruti. SAFETY REGULATIONS  /  SICHERHEIT UND REGELN  17 . In doing so. ries and parallel configurations. we have one overriding Disziplinen. Scrutineers ein Temperaturmessser am Akkumulator angebracht. personal abil. It is important This is critical to safety if it is incorrectly For example. Bei FSC und zu einem Zellbrand führen. cor- whether it be different qualifications checked before the teams may compete rect operation of the signal light (the in terms of experience. Es wird gemacht wegen Sicherheit technische Fachbegriff für die Fahrzeug- und auch um dass die Chancengleich. die beim Scrutineering zu gewä fahrung. Dieser besteht aus einer Viel. Zu den Welcome to a place where your ideas lead to something big. For the electrical safety of the electric car is ulations must be observed for every electrically powered Formula Student tested. the A series of safety measures and reg. die korrek- in areas of driver assistance systems. ist der idea making mobility safer. forme Einbau der Hochvolt-Energie- wegen. Whether des sogenannten Scrutineering ist die Fahrzeugsicherheit. Aufklebern auf der Fahrzeu.system) and the sound that indicates be allowed to participate in the dy. Daher ist der korrekte benen Maßnahmen werden auf ihre gehen. Das erfolgreiche Absolvieren Aufbau des Bauteils essentiell für die Funktionsfähigkeit getestet. lowed during scrutineering. batterie. Um die ge. zahl an Zellen.000 highly committed employees. there are also sys- tem-specific differences in terms of operation safety that have to be fol- away should there be any risk of the cells overheating. automated driving or connected mobility. it is the insulation-monitoring device. zeigt. Es werden Let’s be remarkable. Disziplinen genau geprüft. um im Falle einer Überhitzung speicher überprüft. In namic categories.voltage energy storage device is as- passed a particular test. in regard to their functional capacity.start-a-remarkable-career. This is to cars. They must be placed on has been carried out. The checked addition. neers to ensure that the monitoring of the that the vehicle is ready to race. general safety aspects are various stickers for each safety check batteries are sealed once the inspection checked. d. Da alle Fahrzeuge Prototypen sind.a. mechanisch einwandfrei sind außerdem dazu verpflichtet. which ity or financial resources.h. This is only possible with the help of a global network of gnase ist zum anerkennen dass sie den ten Fall kann eine Überhitzung der Zellen die Aktivität des Hochvoltsystems an- more than 375. personellen Kapazitäten und die einzige Energiequelle. A temperature-log. FSE gibt es Unterschiede bei der Be. So why not join us in starting something remarkable? Make it happen. Welcome to Bosch. The teams must chanics are properly laid and the high the front of their cars to show it has transport their “Accumulator’ on a spe. die Grundvoraussetzung für die Zulassung funktionen und Ausfälle zu vermeiden.During electrical scrutineering. with pioneers who break new technical Checks bestanden haben. berücksichtigt werden müssen. ihre verlegte Leitungen oder der regelkon- Akkus auf speziellen Wägen fortzube. alle www. Teams are awarded cell temperature is accurate. Für elektrische Formula wird die elektrische Sicherheit der Voraussetzungen in Bezug auf Er. system checks include as all teams are at different levels. die in Reihe oder parallel Während des Electrical Scrutineering en werden. designed or built. wird durch die FSG (Ready To Drive Sound). It is built up of battery cells Electrical Scrutineering (only FSE) that can be connected in various se. die mit unterschiedlichen geschalten sind. Im schlimms. Every car cells can lead to fire. müs- Imagine your engineering sen die Teams eine Reihe von Sicher- heitsmaßnahmen und Regeln einhalten. the ‘Accumulator’ is the sole source quired by the regulations are checked ensure safety and a level playing field of energy that enables the cars to drive. die das Fahr. such as whether the line me- they pass. Isolationsüberwachung. That means all systems re- prototype car competing. Die Teams aber auch allgemeine Sicherheitsas- pekte wie z B. und das Geräusch. das die Fahr- ground every day. Electrical Scrutineering (nur FSE) heit zwischen den Teams geschaff. between the teams. Safety Regulations Sicherheit und Regeln Accumulator (FSE) The ‘Accumulator’ is a technical term for the battery. transportiert werden können. Batterie (FSE) Der Akkumulator. ANZEIGE and FSE series. geprüften Systemen gehören u. das aim in mind – improving life. Student Fahrzeuge ist der Akkumulator Elektrofahrzeuge überprüft. dBc. bring the vehicle to a controlled stop. In neu. steering. können. ob das Bremssystem in der Lage ist. Regen kann bei Elektrofahrzeugen zu nisch unbedenklich sein. tric vehicle. voll einge. if a car is leaking fluids. tem Fahrer wird fixiert und bis zu ei. lation nicht gewährleistet ist. Noise Test (only FSC) Rain Test (only FSE) However. werden nach dem Endurance-Wettbe- alle Fahrer zeigen. the observance angle of 45 degrees. or if the insulation is not up to layout of the fuel lines.e. Other details. such as the ids and a full tank of petrol. the possibility of a violation during the in to the driving seat wearing their full per wheels remain on the floor.7g. 18 SAFETY REGULATIONS  /  SICHERHEIT UND REGELN SAFETY REGULATIONS  /  SICHERHEIT UND REGELN  19 . activate the high voltage system after standard. This is why the cars are placed in racing suit and helmet. bis der Mangel behoben ist. das Fahrzeug Lenkung. are all checked. the car’s high plete stop with all four wheels locked The car cannot return to the competi- correct functioning of the kill switch gle. Fahrzeug zu einem kontrollierten Still. stand zu bringen.plies with the provisions for the ac. kritischen Situationen führen. z. rims. und dürfen von den Teammitgliedern kleidet und angeschnallt das Auto in. dabei im Leerlauf nicht höher als 100 zeuges wird bei aktiviertem Hochvolt. Geltungsbereich Die Fahrzeuge müssen auch nach be- standenem Scrutineering zu jeder Zeit Noise Test (nur FSC) Rain Test (nur FSE) regelkonform und sicherheitstech- Der Noise Test überprüft. braking. Beim Tilt Table Test wird überprüft. die Laut. In addition to this. the FSE cars must under. in addition they must de. nicht höher als 110 dBc sein. einem Verstoß gegen das Reglement hörteile des Rennwagens. dass sie in „ready. die Rennleitung können Fahrzeuge bei cherheitsrelevanten Bau. um Einhaltung der Cockpitgröße oder das oder andere Flüssigkeiten austreten. if the driver is operating an elec. the fixture of is strapped in and the car is set at an ure the volume.7 g entspricht. No fuel or other neutral at a rotation speed. all the components Tilt Table (FSC and FSE) braking system is able to lock all four scrutineering. strapped race car only passes this test if the up. Hochspannungssystem zu beweisen. over protection regulations are met.operating fluids are leaking and roll. even after passing For this inspection. Bremsen und Felgen sowie den. In order to be allowed tem. Während zeitig zu blockieren und dadurch das derzeit aus dem Wettbewerb nehmen den. te Abnahme erfolgt ist. The dBC at a specified rotation speed. Nach legung der Kraftstoffleitungen.h. The authorised techni- and accessories of the racecar that are The tilt table test checks whether any wheels of the car simultaneously and cal experts or the race stewards can considered relevant to safety accord. be Tech and Safety (FSC and FSE) Inspektionen vollständig bestehen. Die Fahrzeuge müssen vorgeschriebenen Drehzahl. since the FSE cars can also at any time in the case of a breach of These include the framework. During accelerating and then come to a com- of appropriate cockpit size and the fluids are allowed to leak out at this an. die durch und die Regeln zum Überrollschutz bei einer durch die Bauart des Motors müssen sie sich einem künstlichen alle vier Räder des Fahrzeugs gleich. the artificial rainfall. oder die Sicherheitsanforderungen je- das Regelwerk vorgeschrieben wer. Dazu die FSE-Fahrzeuge auch bei Nieder. was einer Querbeschleuni. to 60 degrees. zum Test gebracht wer. Zusätzlich müssen erhöht. the engine is run in ervations. The brake test checks whether a safe at all times.. remove a car from the competition ing to the regulations are checked. die diesem Winkel dürfen kein Kraftstoff Bremssystems bei einem Fehler im Fahrzeuge zudem erneut geprüft. the angle is increased tral. electric cars. Das Fahrzeug mit angeschnall. i. Vehicles must conform to regulations Jedes Fahrzeug muss die technischen Brake Test (FSC and FSE) and. keine Betriebsflüssigkeiten austreten wird bei laufendem Motor im Leerlauf. ausschließen zu können. a ready to race condition. können den elektrischen Antrieb auch zu laut ist oder die elektrische Iso- die Reifen.depends on the type of engine. Damit Brake Test (FSC und FSE) technischen Sachverständigen oder Bei dieser Abnahme werden alle si. Die FSE-Fahrzeuge Flüssigkeiten austreten. wenn menstruktur. wheel The car must be brought to the test in The noise test checks that the car com. bei vorgeschriebener Drehzahl System kontrolliert. is too and tires.example. race. schlägen vorbehaltlos fahren können. The speed go an artificial rain shower. Der Lärmpegel darf der künstlichen Beregnung des Fahr. gung von 1. After this. ob die verwende. ob das Fahr. ten Komponenten ausreichend isoliert zum Bremsen verwenden. with all flu. vollgetankt. Die Fahrzeuge ter werden geprüft. Die offiziellen Tech and Safety (FSC und FSE) Tilt Table (FSC und FSE) zeug den Vorschriften für die Einhal. Danach wird der Winkel auf 60 Grad muss der Fahrer nach dem Beschleu. werb in einem „Parc-Fermé“ abgestellt to-race condition“. ob tung des Lärmpegels entspricht. mit allen Flüssigkeiten und stärke gemessen.und Zube. die Radaufhängung. checked to see if they are sufficiently properly in the case of a fault in the the endurance race in order to exclude ready-to-race condition.loud. Regelverstöße während des Rennens korrekte Funktionieren der Notschal. die nem Winkel von 45 Grad geneigt. Dazu gehören die Rah. The driver ceptable noise level. Der Bremstest dient zur Überprüfung. Rain can lead to critical situations for use their electric motor braking sys. and the team members are not permitted to touch them until all the inspections have been successfully performed. to operate during rainfall with no res. from a technical point of view. Auch Details wie die Ver. In order to meas. high voltage system. Nur wenn Tilt table testing ren und anschließend mit vier blockie. for suspension. wandfreie Funktion des mechanischen dem Endurance-Rennen werden die Befestigung des Ansaugsystems. Um eine ein. they can exit a parc fermé after the endurance com- their vehicle within five seconds. ben. geprüft. nigen das Hochvoltsystem deaktivie. Regenschauer unterziehen. besteht der Rennwagen den Tilt nicht mehr berührt werden bis die letz- nerhalb von fünf Sekunden verlassen Table Test.tion until the fault has been repaired. Kipptischprüfung renden Rädern zum Stehen kommen. d. die oberen Räder auf dem Boden blei. startklar. insulated and protected from water. which corresponds to 100 dBC or be any greater than 110 appropriate components can be chanical braking system functions Cars are also inspected again following all drivers must show that when in a a lateral acceleration force of 1. erfüllt werden. Bei und gegen Regen geschützt sind. the noise level must not exceed voltage system is activated and the in order to demonstrate that the me. petition.B.regulation or safety requirements. the air intake system. Brake testing Every car must complete the Brems-Test Adherence to the Rules technical inspection. Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist es essentiell. You’ve always been ahead of the game. different meanings. Halte die Strecke frei. Sei bereit eines Vorfalls! Ggf. die von Zeit- penalties. Komm sofort kontrolliert zum Stehen. Flagge gehalten: Gefahr! Fahr concerning an incident that may cause langsam. Flagge a time penalty! geschwenkt: Große Gefahr! Fahr langsam. Untersuchung des Fahrzeugs! http://careers. The various colours and patterns have gen. Sei bereit Flüssigkeiten oder Bruchstücken auszuweichen! Pull into the passing zone to be passed Something has happened beyond the flag sta- by a faster competitor! tion. flags are used to communicate nen Farben und Muster haben unterschiedliche Bedeutun- with the drivers. enter the course! Come to an immediate safe controlled stop on Deine Fahrt beginnt. Fahr in die Kontrollzone zur Diskussion Ausweichen wird erforderlich sein.   Flaggen   Flags Bei den dynamischen Prüfungen werden zur Kommunika- tion mit den Fahrern Flaggen eingesetzt. evasive action is most likely required.faurecia. Your session has started. ranging from time penalties to disqualification. Etwas ist jenseits der Flagge passiert. Fahr auf die Strecke! the course! Pull to the side of the course. Die verschiede- During the dynamic events. strafen bis zur Disqualifikation reichen können. men. Stationary: Danger! Slow down. Pull into the penalty box for a mechanical inspection of your car! You have a passion to succeed and a drive for results. Something is on the track that should not be Exit the course! there. Fahr in die Kontrollzone für eine Be yourself. Fahr nicht vorbei ohne Anweisung der Streck- Pull into the penalty box for discussion enposten. Alle Fahrer müssen die Flaggen kennen und beachten. Verstöße gegen geschwenkte Flaggen können mit Infringements of flag signals can be penalised with various verschiedenen Sanktionen geahndet werden. Be prepared for evasive maneuvers to Deine Fahrt ist beendet. avoid debris or liquids! Verlass die Strecke! Es ist etwas Unerwartetes auf der Strecke. Zeitstrafe! anzuhalten. damit ein marshals. be prepared to stop. Your session has been 20 SAFETY REGULATIONS  /  SICHERHEIT UND REGELN . sei bereit zum Ausweichen. join Faurecia. dass die Studierenden die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Flaggen kennen. Waved: Great Danger! Slow down. schnelleres Fahrzeug überholen kann! be prepared to take evasive action. It is critical for safety that the students understand the meaning of the different flags. No passing unless directed by the track Fahr in die Überholzone. and all drivers must understand and wenn Sie diese während des Wettbewerbs gezeigt bekom- obey any flag signal they receive during the competition. wird mit einem pulsierenden Laserlicht bestrahlt. can be triggered and the vehicle can zeugen in dynamischen und statischen fördert und gleichzeitig die FSG um signed vehicles in dynamic and static be stopped in emergency situations. Im Gegensatz zur FSC und einen zukunftsfähigen und aufmerk. System). Der Wettbewerb richtet daher 2017 zum ersten Mal Each vehicle must be equipped with die Formula Student Driverless (FSD) Inertial Stereo-Camera-System The Competition a so-called RES (Remote Emergency Wie bei den beiden anderen Wettbe- aus. FSE müssen die Fahrzeuge sämtliche samkeitsstarken Wettbewerb berei. dentischen Rennteams bei der FSD Dadurch sollen die technologischen Inertial. "normal" vehicles are equipped with different „normales“ Fahren mit den FSD-Autos driving with the FSD cars is possible. indicates the status of the RES.Stereo-Camera-System of FSG. (an der Oberseite des Überrollbügels befestigt) FSD compete with independently de. In contrast to the FSC and At the same time. while a blue light rien der jeweiligen Fahrzeugkategorie the respective vehicle category. werden zur Umgebungserkennung eingesetzt. By werben der FSG messen sich die stu- (attached to the top of the main roll hoop) men Fahrzeugen an den Start gehen. As with the other two competitions means of this remote control. Das Ziel tions of Formula Student. Driverless (FSD) for the first time in A lot of programming is involved in the development and 2017. In autonomous mode. however. Formula Student Germany would like to open up this development and therefore. the students' technological abilities Lidar sensors are used to detect the surroundings. which fulfils two functions. Die Teams können The teams can freely select the type of the respective operating state of the die Art des Antriebs frei wählen. In order to be cherer und komfortabler zu machen. coloured signal lamps. 22 FORMULA STUDENT DRIVERLESS (FSD) FORMULA STUDENT DRIVERLESS (FSD)  23 . disciplines. for all parties concerned. dynamic disciplines completely auton. Entwicklung und kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Safety nen und autonomen Fahrzeugen.Formula Student Driverless (FSD) Worldwide. target with a pulsed laser light. einhalten. to the vehicle at the start of the dy. In principle. Furthermore. the teams te sich dieser Entwicklung öffnen und must fulfil some special requirements. automobile manufactur- ers are researching automated driv- ing functions and autonomous vehi- cles to make road traffic safer and more comfortable. which indicate aber möglich sein. the RES control sys. a yellow sen dabei aber die Sicherheitsregula- comply with the safety regulations of signal is illuminated. Lidar Sensoren Safety has top priority in all competi- die Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr si. bei der die Teams mit autono. Die able to guarantee this in the operation reflektierten Impulse empfängt der Sensor und misst and handling of autonomous vehicles Die Formula Student Germany möch. all FSD im Fahrzeug sitzen. have created Formula Student Visual Odometry: triangulate and track features. FSE. Prinzipiell soll ein vehicle. nom bewältigen und es darf kein Fahrer omously with no driver sitting in the namic disciplines. Weltweit forschen Automobilherstel. They work while at the same time enriching the by measuring the distance to a target by illuminating that FSG with a future-oriented and atten. müs- drive (electric or combustion). pulses with a sensor. um Forumla Student Driverless Fahrzeuge. and measuring the reflected tion-grabbing competition. for teams with autonomous cars. the student racing teams at quired emergency brake system (EBS) mit eigenständig konstruierten Fahr- Fähigkeiten der Studierenden ge. Disziplinen. the vehicles have to cope with all tem enables the "Go" signal to be sent dynamischen Disziplinen völlig auto- chert werden. the re. but must vehicle. hierdurch den Abstand. This is intended to promote ongoing improvement of a Formula Student Driverless car. Es steckt jede Menge Programmierung in der ler an automatisierten Fahrfunktio. bei der less event.Auch die FSD ist ein ganzheitlicher and maintaining the same maximum which is why the static disciplines Busi. Streckenbelegung und kommt dem zumindest teilweise erhalten bleiben. consumption-related points for ben der Formula Student oberste Prio. 500 Punkte erreichen. components. Neu hinzu kom- points) and Skid Pad (75 points) will will also be judged on vehicle data an das Fahrzeug zu senden. Die Einbettung dieses neuen Wettbe. Thus in the case of the FSD. Über diese Fern. Dazu sind so. can only be achieved This device is compulsary for every FSD car com- by good time scheduling to fit in the peting. Während der dynamischen Disziplinen gen Acceleration (75 Punkte) und Skid alysed by the judges and questioned zusätzlichen Check absolvieren. erhalten sie einen weiteren Sticker. the Autonomous Vehicles will of 500 points in the static disciplines. Changes to the Event TrackDrive is the name of the new This is the other half of the RES (the receiver) Autonomous Design Acceleration Similar to the introduction of the For. wurden die Teilnehmerzahlen bei der schiebt sich der Entwicklungsfokus Ingenieurwettbewerb. the number of participants Fahrer absolvieren. Andererseits können die men dazu noch verbrauchsabhängige mal adaptation of the autonomous ve. Herausforderung. tet.sign (150 Punkte) wird wie bei den As with the other FSG competitions. the efficiency (100 points) are also rität. nur durch die zeitliche Versetzung der Umverteilung der maximal erreich. This re. neue Disziplinen Statische Disziplinen taining as many disciplines as possible FSD is an engineering competition. Im autono. to go through an additional check during scruti. Engineering Design (150 ausgelöst und das Fahrzeug in Notsi. gehalten. Instead of the Endurance the FSD teams can reach a maximum denfarbigen Signalleuchten ausgestat. FSC: 675 points). 75 well as for the organiser. Der Name des neuen Dynamic Events für Engineering ically a real challenge. because the new competition is not only technolog. Ähnlich wie bei der Einführung der nomen und konventionellen Wagen kann. Sicherheit Wettbewerbsmodus ein gleichzeitiges Fahren von auto. Dieser berechtigt sie zur in der direkten Nähe der Umgebung sein. They will receive this sticker if they pass and will Es ist eine Fernbedienung für den Notfallstop Disziplinen ing of autonomous and conventional then be allowed to compete in the FSD competition. weshalb die overall score. Formula Student Electric (FSE) 2010 untersagt. sind alle FSD-Fahrzeuge mit verschie. where the teams namischen Disziplinen das „Go“-Signal werbs in die ohnehin schon komple. anstalter. plines. Someone will be in the mit einem anderen Punkteschlüssel vergeben. Business Plan The embedding of this new competi. It is called a remote emergency stop and There is a different breakdown of points for FSD compared to FSC and FSE. which is 75 100 already complex. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht das RES zur Verfügung stehen. Bei den autonomen Fahrzeugen ver. FSG takes this into account maximum of 500 points can be earned alle Beteiligten gewährleisten zu kön. By main. das zwei heim mit 115 Teams bereits am Limit ist. und wird dann eingesetzt. für die FSD insgesamt 15 Startplätze jeweilige Fahrsituation. On the other hand. 24 FORMULA STUDENT DRIVERLESS (FSD) FORMULA STUDENT DRIVERLESS (FSD)  25 . dies bei der Bewertung der FSD. so dass autonomen Fahrzeugsystems an die Analysis (100 Punkte) feste Bestand- points) will also play an important role tuationen zum Stillstand gebracht wer. Da das Starterfeld in Hocken.anderen FSG-Wettbewerben eine the dynamic tests Acceleration (75 Design (175 points). neering. men Modus leuchtet ein gelbes Signal.mischen Disziplinen stützen kann und 300 to 500 metre long coned course. the auton. in all dynamic disciplines (FSE and nen. Emergency Brake System) auf 65 (2016: 75) und bei der FSE auf zu einer optimalen Anpassung des Presentation (75 Punkte) und Cost least be partially preserved. as well as a redistribution of the muss jedes Fahrzeug mit einem soge.both for racing teams as vehicle during this event. men maximal 500 Punkte errungen quires new static and dynamic disci. die Rennteams als auch für den Ver. Durch Beibehaltung sich die Bewertung der Judges auch race. Dieses Gerät ist Pflicht für jedes FSD Fahrzeug. In sum. 35 Teams (2016: 40) reduziert. FSE. the FSD case of an emergency. Die Strecke ist ähnlich Design cally. des Endurance-Rennens fahren die autonomen Fahrzeuge ein Trackdrive Points and new über 10 Runden auf einem etwa 300 bis Disciplines Geänderter Sicherheitsdenken entgegen. the timetable for the occupancy of the The Formula Student Driverless cars will have line and allows for the safety thought. Zum einen ist nicht nur technologisch eine echte werden (FSE und FSC: 675 Punkte). müssen die Teams einige speziel. das 500 Meter langen Hütchenparcours. An. FSD lautet TrackDrive. Den bestandenen baren Punkte. Die FSG will teile sind. wohl neue statische und dynamische wichtige Rolle spielen. Wie bei den anderen FSG-Wettbewer- vehicles. dient das Premierenjahr vorrangig autonomen Fahrmanöver von den Punkte für die Efficiency (100 Punkte) hicle system to the respective driving added. 250 in the Formula Student Combustion Cost Analyis (FSC) was reduced to 65 (2016: 75) 100 and the FSE to 35 teams (2016: 40). from the dynamic disciplines. tisch. The cars must run Dies ist die andere Hälfte des RES (der first year will primarily serve to gain autonomously and no driver will sit in the Empfänger). As in the case of the FSC and über den Status des RES. FSD disciplines. Skid Pad experience . denn der neue Wettbewerb werden. Static Disciplines nannten RES (engl. leaving a total of 15 FSD starting slots available. a gang mit autonomen Fahrzeugen für dem Erfahrungsgewinn – sowohl für Judges analysiert und in den späte. Punktevergabe und maximum achievable points. As the event site in Hockenheim der Abbildung. der im Fahrzeug installiert ist. The track will look that is installed in the vehicle. ren statischen Disziplinen hinterfragt allen dynamischen Disziplinen zusam- when judging the FSD teams. In Summe können die FSD-Teams which can lead to a maximum of 250 ein weiteres blaues Licht informiert tet einerseits den Zeitplan für die zwischen allen FSG-Wettbewerben in den statischen Disziplinen maximal points. Die Fahrzeuge müssen die is already at capacity with the current Strecke vollkommen autonom und ohne 150 Trackdrive 115 teams. This relieves dynamic events. ness Plan Presentation (75 points) and steuerung kann das vorgeschriebene Formula Student Combustion (FSC) weg von der reinen Fahrdynamik hin statischen Disziplinen Business Plan tween all FSG competitions should at Cost Analysis (100 points) are integral EBS (engl. Nach bestander Prüfung muss immer jemand mit dieser Fernbedienung Pad (75 Punkte) auch bei der FSD ab- in the later static disciplines. le Anforderungen erfüllen. Remote Emergen. Funktionen erfüllt. teams will begin with the dynamic vicinity of the button during the course of all the disciplines straight away. die FSD-Teams mit den dynamischen gleichen maximalen Gesamtpunkt. wenn die Energie. In the case of autonomous vehicles. the approximately like this. other new addition is the Autonomous der Rennkontrolle. versorgung des Fahrzeugs unterbrochen werden ben werden die dynamischen Prüfun- omous driving manoeuvres can be an. Wie bei der FSC und FSE kom- from pure driving dynamics to an opti.hinzu. Die FSD Fahrzeuge müssen beim Scrutineering einen muss. Disziplinen beginnen. dynamic event for FSD. zahl soll aber die Vergleichbarkeit soll. Um diese beim Betrieb und Um. Dynamische which prohibits the simultaneous driv. Dies entlas. FSD-Disziplinen. but also logisti. den. Provided they have is used to cut all power/drive to the vehicle in Im Vergleich zu FSC und FSE werden die Punkte für FSD passed the Safety Check. Presentation Efficiency tion in the event organisation. beim Start der dy. Weiterhin xe Event-Organisation gelingt jedoch Disziplinen notwendig. sondern auch logis. the comparability be. Anstatt Teilnahme am FSD Wettbewerb.das maximal 250 Punkte einbringen the development focus shifts away Die Sicherheit hat bei allen Wettbewer. Auch das Engineering De- Dynamic Disciplines as in the other FSG competitions. but as a driver. 175 75 mula Student Electric (FSE) 2010. allerdings fahrerlos. Somit können bei der FSD in situation. als auch eine mt die Punktevergabe für das Auton- also be held for FSD. die den jeweiligen Betriebszustand Safety Check vorausgesetzt werden möglichst vieler Disziplinen und der auf die Fahrzeugdaten aus den dyna- race in a Trackdrive over 10 laps on a des Fahrzeugs anzeigen. Teams berücksichtigen. cy System) ausgestattet sein.omous Design (175 Punkte). soft. ihren Fähigkeiten zu noble objective of Fully Au. Mit den Megatrends gence. Erfahrung. dergo a great personal development with increase of e.nativen und unkonventionellen Ansätzen interessiert. die meist auf komple- gaged young people the possibility to put their skills to the xer Software. die Studenten ebenfalls wichtige Projekt Management ing situations and on the other hand about alternative ways probung der Komponenten in extremen Rennsituationen. Automation. chen.heutigen Technologien vertraut. zu präsentieren und zukünftige Talente kennenzulernen zeichnet. Weiterentwicklung erleben die Teammitglieder. Head of Cross Divisional Systems & Technology. unter anderem beim Formula Student. Electrifi. Ein Rennen bei dem die drei gro- erless) from the very beginning of this competition in terms sen (Combustion. erachten Sie cross at one point. vom Entwicklungs-Know-how. Wissen unter Beweis zu Frank Steinmeier. as well as direct usage of professionellen Hardware-. Various technologies like präsentieren. Furthermore. Ich bin einandertreffen. Media Team and Operations Team. enga- the competition by providing kompetenten Juroren zur Bewertung prepare an employment re.e. wuchstalenten möchten They have been helping nurture teams over the years by gagierte Teams. I’m absolutely convinced. we Recruiting von Absolventen? The welcoming stand at the event have strong core competences in the fields of sense. Die Studiereden profitieren dabei management skills like goal Umsetzung aufeinan- ledge and experiences about professional hardware. Dabei 26 INTERVIEW SPONSOR INTERVIEW SPONSOR  27 . aber auch eine starke persönliche passenger cars. Neben der Er. Vor allem jungen Menschen als Digital Natives sind mit den Schritt halten The new FSG discipline Driverless gives talented and en. With Judging. dem Media oder dem Operations Team. The von intensiver Zusammenarbeit stellt für beide Seiten eine also gain important project Wissen und praktische students benefit from Continental’s development know. Continental AG ther great steps towards the electrification and connectiv. which are mostly driven by complex and powerful vationsgetriebenen Zeitalter und sind daher stets an alter- software like learning-based solutions via Artificial Intelli. university education with Entwicklungen weiter voran zu bringen. in the period of fast growing innovation we are verfügen wir über fundiertes Wissen zu Experimenten und the Megatrends also interested in alternative and disruptive approaches as Branchenlösungen in diesem Feld. für die Formula Student Germany (FSG) als auch für en. Auch dieses them when they compete in tonomous race is a challenging open playground for matisierten Fahrens ma- be sponsoring four individual teams as well as the event Jahr wird die AG wieder vier Teams sowie das Event als Formula Student Germany? students to get in touch and understand future tech. Head of Academic Liaison (CTIU). dass dieser Wettbewerb einen tet den Studenten eine to find out innovative and effective solutions and to foster begleiten. mit denen sich die Formula Student teil- Driverless competition. Continental profitiert vor allem von den Erfahrungen aus openness. Durch stringente Auswahlverfahren trug What skills do you consid. Sie unterstützen dabei. ßen Trends Automati- of delivery of components and consultation of teams with Bereitstellung von Komponenten und die Unterstützung one is expected to be devel. This kind of intensive collabo. Beside the growth of tech. Continental AG Engineering Design. Elektrifizierung und Konnektivität. an intensive collaboration. there are three gierten Menschen ihr Interviewpartner: highly skilled judges to judge on des Engineering Designs. überzeugt davon. bie- young people in the automotive field. artificial intelligence. be the foundation for a career in R&D. Continental benefits from Lösungen sowie dem Einsatz ausgereifter Serienprodukte. sungen zu finden und das Rennen zu gewinnen. Zielorientiertes Denken in Bezug auf mögliche of technical approaches besides our today’s solutions for lernen wir aus dem alternativen Einsatz von heutigen Lö. stammen the new discipline Driverless. With main trends the whole indus. enthusiasm and endurance. neue Technologien zu entdecken. als besonders wertvoll? Why does your company support Formula Student Warum unterstützt Ihr Unternehmen die Formula a platform to students for schiedenste Technologien wie etwa künstliche Intel. the students will Forschung und Entwicklung legen kann. Der einladende Stand auf der Veranstaltung and act and have sound knowledge and experiments for re Kernkompetenzen im Bereich der Sinneswahrnehmung. in einer sprunghaften Lernkurve well-engineered serial products. Die Formula Student Germany (FSG)? Student Germany (FSG)? conflating their theoretical ligenz. Electric. Studenten. Wir alle kennen die drei Trends. und funktionalen of thinking on designing solution approach and will un. Neben der Vertiefung des technischen Wissens sammeln on the one hand about our current solutions in extreme rac. uns als attraktiver Arbeitgeber Beispiele. FSG aus den Continental-Reihen. where all three mega trends. Formula Student Driverless Wettbewerb eruiert worden. Win-Win Situation dar. This year. um diese Driverless Wettbewerb. intelligente Materialien sowie softwarebasierte und vor allem der neue We have been supporting Formula Student teams in diverse Seit Beginn der FSG unterstützt Continental Formula Stu. von den Erfahrungen mit and efficiency oriented ways dertreffen. Zusam- Continental has been sponsoring Formula Student Ger. especially nologies.Keeping up with However. und zu identifizieren. der Planung und der Ausführung von Handlungen. die die Studenten der Formula Student aus- right talents for future recruitment. Elektrifizierung technical knowhow. Grundstein für eine Karriere im Bereich Plattform auf der aka- them to win the competition. to accompany them im Automobilbereich kennenlernen und sie auf ihrem Weg Student year. stellen und sich uns mit Chen Zhang. der aktiver Zusammenarbeit mit den Teams.beides zu verbinden wird. Die Fähigkeit ware and functional solutions. effektive Lö. Offenheit. gained experiences during the collaboration with the teams. lationship between us. countries in all three disciplines (Combustion. provide atisierung. ity.Jedoch befinden wir uns in einem dynamischen und inno- ogies. demisch angeeignetes ration represents a win-win situation for the both sides. mit technischem Fachwissen.Wie profitieren Sie als Unternehmen von dem neuen cruiting? Wettbewerb Formula Student Driverless in Bezug auf das As a tier 1 supplier of solutions for Automated Driving. sungen für Personenkraftwagen. The latter mit autonom fahrenden Fahrzeugen bietet eine her. Driv. materials. dent Teams aus verschiedensten Ländern in allen drei Klas. and will also have their presence volunteering amongst Sponsor begleiten. It basieren. während der Formula Student Saison entwickelt. that this race can the Judges. try has to face: automation. Continental AG in Richtung des vollauto- ideas from FSG to reality. ausfordernde und offene Spielwiese für Studenten. it is a great opportunity for us to present our. software based de. wir in Zukunft weitere pushing them through a stringent selection process and Continental über die Jahre hinweg zur Entwicklung der er most beneficial that the the accelerators to bring these Corporate Technology entscheidende Schritte have continued to support in bringing the new and big Teams bei. wie selbstlernenden Lösungen anhand von test and to be visible to us in künstlicher Intelligenz. plan Als Systemlieferant für automatisiertes Fahren liegen unse. neue und große Formu. Software-. intelligent men mit diesen Nach- many (FSG) and enthusiastic teams since the beginning. Diese Art nical skills. How does the new competition Formula Student Driver- less benefit your company with regard to graduate re. Officer. We all know.g. also gives us the opportunity Die neue Formula Stu- Die Continental AG unterstützt aktiv to convince them to become dent Driverless ermög- Continental AG actively supports den Wettbewerb mit dem Einsatz von a future member of us and to licht es jungen. knowledge gained from the Entwicklungen stellen Beschleuniger dar. nehmen. gesamte Industrie auseinandersetzen muss: Autom. Viele Freiwillige. Darüber hinaus stellt die Formula Student Germany eine Enthusiasmus und Durchhaltevermögen sind nur einige selves as a great employer and to meet and identify the sehr gute Möglichkeit dar. velopment and many more are Kurt Lehmann. them we want to make fur. Durch die diversen Hilfestel. we want to get to know particularly engaged Dabei möchten wir besonders engagierte junge Menschen curve during the Formula kommen und diese lernen zu verstehen. die an der investigated their views on the new Formula Student lungen aus der gesamten AG sind die FSG-Ansichten zum i. Electric. The au. they will once again la Studenten-Ideen zum Leben zu erwecken. Welche Fähigkeiten der support coming all the way through the company. industrial solutions in these fields. oped with a steep learning auf der sie mit Zukunftstechnologien in Berührung und Konnektivität auf- In doing so. Ver. Driverless) vor allem durch die execution skills. Die Continental AG ist bereits von Anfang sowohl Sponsor tomated Driving. well as young people who are native in these new technol. students can take away with developments to life. sierung. cation and Connectivity. Konstruktionslösungen. will be much more difficult Thema Geschwindigkeit in der ersten Rennsaison dennoch precision and perfect interaction of all system components.“ schmunzelt Benjamin Ewert. Dies ist ein deutlicher Unterschied zur hicle systems at the event in Hockenheim. enthusiasm for new ideas. forderung über Regelungstechnik und Robotik oder über EXPERIENCES IN TURNING OUR RACE CAR DRIVERLESS  29 . Find out more on our website www. bzw. or write your thesis: at MTU Friedrichshafen we offer you a great Stefan Lambracht. Alone from how it simplifies recog. MTU guarantees the highest degree of tion unit on the other hand. Pioneering spirit – there is the first ever race season is low on the list. Auf der Aktorik-Seite erleichtert der Elektroantrieb the vehicle itself is the focus of the development. "explains die Anpassungen. The necessary know-how comes from new team Erfassung der Fahrbahn und die Verarbeitung der Daten us on Facebook: www. weit nach hinten. This is a big difference to FSC and FSE. For the Schanzer Racing Team from the Ingolstadt Technical University it is clear that it is an incentive for many participants in FSD Kann ein autonom fahrender Rennwagen auf einem Par- to find this out.“ erklärt Stefan Lambracht.„Gerade bei Informatikern ist das autonome Fahren der An- MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH is a tem: "If you do not use a camera. Wie für die anderen Teams geht es auch für die Ingolstäd- New skills required ter erstmal darum. being the first year. ries. Sie sind HR Marketing.Eingangsfrage.der Programmierung." Benjamin Ewert. As one of the leading brands of Rolls-Royce Power Systems. Experiences in turning our race car driverless Can an autonomous race car drive faster on track than a comparable race car with a driver? This is a question that A visualisation of processed data has likely been asked by teams of the new 2017 Formula Eine Visualisierung der verarbeiteten Daten Student Driverless (FSD) competition. Im Premierenjahr that the competition is not only about car racing.Basis des Vorjahresautos auf die Beine. dass dies für viele of the Schanzer Racing Team. the team lead of the Driverless team schen Hochschule Ingolstadt steht or visit ing Team. where len. there will also be major differences in the subsystems. smiles and continues to say Teilnehmer der FSD auch ein Ansporn ist. the topic of speed in zu lösen. the team from Ingolstadt is de. Using an electric drive will simplify Abteilung Driverless des Schanzer Racing Teams auf die things for them since no switching operations are nec. Angesichts der Gesamtherausforderung rückt das systems. In view gilt es aber zunächst viel dringlichere Herausforderungen of the overall challenge. Ingolstadt team however expect that every team compet.4746 the event that any of the individual components should fail. bei denen das Fahrzeug selbst der Entwick- the fundamental decision on how to solve the challenge via lungsschwerpunkt ist. um sich bei der Formula Student Rolls-Royce Power Systems Company unnecessarily difficult. " The Schanzer Racing Team sich sicher. Head of Electrics of the Schanzer Rac.ken.„Das ist definitiv ein Aspekt und den werden wir auch signing and building a functioning FSD car based on a benchmarken. dass es beim Event in Hockenheim verschiede- Maybachplatz 1. nicola. the autonomous driving is the incentive and the motivation to contribute to Formula Neue Kompetenzen gefordert Student. However. ein funktionierendes FSD-Fahrzeug auf You share our passion for discoveries? Then set your own personal milestone with us: it’s your chance "The focus of our development work lies clearly in the pro. We develop promising solutions with trailblazing to solve. 88045 Friedrichshafen themselves will rely on a stable lidar system with four cam. Abteilung Electrics beim Schanzer Racing Team. Nicola Vieira nising the colour of the cones. As with all other teams. Weitaus schwieriger zu lösen wird die sensorische range of opportunities for starting your career.sind. Leiter der control technology and robotics or artificial intelligence. dass es beim essary. gramming.mittels separater Recheneinheit. ing this year at FSD will have some form of a camera sys. Räder zu stel- to become involved in the development of heavy-duty diesel engines. We look forward to hearing from you. Das dazu Welcome to MTU in Ansätze von autonomem Fahrzeugsystem geben wird. It is certain that „Der Fokus unserer Entwicklungsarbeit liegt eindeutig in there will be different approaches to the autonomous ve. nur um gleich anzufügen. however. "For computer scientists. In addition to FSC und FSE.einzubringen. The notwendige Knowhow kommt von neuen [email protected]/rrpowersystems members who were attracted mainly by the new racing eras and GPS support.die vor allem von der neuen Rennserie angezogen wurden. you make your life only reiz und die Motivation. die Heraus- Phone +49 (0) 7541 90 . Leiter der no better fuel for progress! previous years’ car. Germany.“ präzisieren Benjamin und Stefan. Für das Schanzer Racing Team der Techni- it.facebook. The sensory detection of the roadway and the Rennen schließlich nicht darum geht das Auto einzupar- MTU Friedrichshafen is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of large diesel engines and complete propulsion processing of the data by means of a separate calcula. rer? Diese Frage haben sich sicher auch einige Teams der 2017 erstmalig stattfindenden Formula Student Driverless "This is definitely an aspect and we will also benchmark (FSD) gestellt. which should remain stable even in Neben der grundsätzlichen Entscheidung." explains Benjamin and Stefan. many other cours schneller fahren als ein vergleichbares Auto mit Fah- urgent challenges needing to be solved will take priority. da keine Schaltvorgänge notwendig Whether you want to begin an internship. involved for many years. Die Formula Stu- I wish all the teams this season good luck. We as a company have been actively eines jeden Jahres.800 Entwickler im Bereich der Fah- menden Jahren werden die Ansprüche der Teams zwar both automated driving and parking solutions. After all. as well die Mobilität der Zukunft zu liefern. which it will also be possible one day to test the autono- mous vehicles against real life drivers. brakes. Today. the Formula Student has always been ein neues wissenschaftliches Leitzentrum für Fahrzeug. aller Systeme und Zusammenhänge im und ums Fahrzeug. One of the highlights of the year for me is always the For. der Spaß und der Spirit der Formula Student blei. navigation. A new scientific centre for ve. on automated driving since early 2011. See you at the dent ist für mich die ideale Plattform. Automated Verkehrsfluss in Städten zu verbessern.Great attention expected künstliche Intelligenz zu lösen. Gesicherte Zukunft Bosch. um den Weg zum hochautoma- cessfully put it into practice. machst du dir das Leben nur unnötig schwer. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist ein tiefes Verständnis associates with expertise in a range of areas if it is to suc. and many forscht und entwickelt auf diesem Technologiefeld und industry representatives who are interested in the FSD will auch die Hochschulen nehmen sich dem Thema an und in- certainly be amongst the spectators. increase safety on the road. As a driving force in this field. der Straße zu erhöhen und einen wichtigen Baustein für nomes Fahren noch ziemlich am Anfang steht hat die FSD ing.schon deshalb. weil du die Farbe der Hütchen sehr einfach hicle safety is being developed at the Ingolstadt Technical erkennen kannst. and supply Mit dem automatisierten Fahren sehen wir die Chance. We see automated driving as an opportunity to improve und Parken. autonomes Fahren ist heim this year. The company was einem eigenen Projektteam am automatisierten Fahren ten Tipp auf die eigene Endplatzierung abgeben. the world’s first supplier to test automated driving on pub. In the coming years the demands of the teams will und sicher werden unter den Zuschauern auch viele Indus. dass das ganze Thema auto. Umso mehr begrüße ich. Like the FSG organisers." The interest will not tegrieren es zunehmend in die Ausbildung der Studenten. but also the team members An der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt entsteht derzeit themselves. und ergänzen: „Setzt du keine Kamera of "automated driving" are taking up the topic and integrating it increasingly into ein. um sich ein derart finish line! breites Wissen anzueignen und in der Praxis erfolgreich zum Einsatz zu bringen. der automatisiertes jamin und Stefan steht fest. nenten eingeschränkt funktionsfähig bleiben soll. but the fun and the spirit of Formula Student will trievertreter sein. Als Unternehmen sind wir bereits seit Secure future findet die Idee der fahrerlosen Rennserie eine Menge Un. That’s Formula Student Electric erkannt. Alleine the training of the students.temen große Unterschiede geben. The concept of the driverless race Unterstützung. display instruments.“ Das Schanzer Racing Team selbst setzt F  aszination „Automa­­­ University.“ sind dent Driverless. The team from Ingolstadt are counting on Große Aufmerksamkeit erwartet there being great attention for the racing series in Hocken. ob die gefahrenen Zeiten der success is an in-depth understanding of all vehicle and ve. Ein Kamerasystem er- new. when it in.Die Ingolstädter rechnen daher auch in Hockenheim mit Formula Student picked up on one of the automotive in. die sich für die FSD interessieren. ben aber erhalten. Einen der wichtigsten Trends der Automobilindustrie hat tion might be. and highly motivated teams with the work they do. the team also sees sich Benjamin und Stefan sicher. there are more than 2. This means aspiring students will have yet hält. in auch unter Recruiting-Gesichtspunkten ein voller Erfolg. For Benjamin and Stefan it is clear that every einer großen Aufmerksamkeit für die Rennserie. Anzeigeninstrumente. In den kom. in der sich as connectivity inside and outside the vehicle. von dem sich auch das Schanzer Racing Team mula Student Germany event at Hockenheimring. was die Sponsorenakquise deutlich erleichtert. nicht nur die Technik betreffen. Benjamin and Stefan are certain that "Many brandaktuell. und interdisziplinär arbeitende Teams in ihrer Arbeit. dustry’s most important trends back in 2010. dass mit dem Reglement der Formula Student Driverless increase. has a project team that has been hard at work Auch Bosch arbeitet bereits seit Anfang 2011 intensiv mit Im Premierenjahr wird wohl kein Team einen ernstgemein. Damit bietet sich jungen Nachwuchskräften einmal teams engagement in FSD continuing over the next years. sich mit den Herausforderungen der Considering that the whole subject of autonomous driving glieder selbst. tisiertes Fahren“ series is also providing a lot of support from the industry. tomotive industry. Neben dem Veranstalter sehen nämlich traffic flow in cities. Auch seitens der Industrie beginning to end. Die Formula Student Germany mit ihrer Veranstaltung am a success for sponsors when it comes recruiting. sondern auch die Teammit. Heu- das alle Disziplinen der FSD meistern kann. Lenkung. rerassistenzsysteme und damit am automatisierten Fahren steigen. Für Ben. lic roads. The key to ren hat Einfluss auf alle Bereiche im Auto: Antrieb. FSD has a long and great future ahead. only concern the technology. Praxis zu beschäftigen und das in einem der vielleicht zu- is still very new. sicherheit. Das Interesse wird wohl mated driving.800 engineers at Fahren im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr getestet hat. Nahezu die gesamte Automobilindustrie of our alumni are planning to attend the event. and sensors. Bosch needs highly qualified zeugs. Navigation und Sensorik autonomen Fahrzeuge denen der Fahrer wirklich gefährlich hicle-related systems and how they interact. Bosch working on driver-assistance systems. dass jedes Team jubeln wird. in FSD. why I am all the happier to see regulations for Formula Stu. a key component of the mobility of the future. estimation as to what their final placement in the competi. Bremse. which is expected to give the Schanzer Racing auf ein stabiles Lidar-System mit vier Kameras und GPS- Team a further boost. bzw. die Formula Student bereits 2010 mit der Einführung der team member will cheer if they can master all disciplines serer Alumni haben sich bereits für das Event angekündigt troduced the Formula Student Electric competition. another opportunity to tackle the practical challenges of mehr die Chance. auch das Thema des hochautomatisierten Fahrens Einzug be maintained. und war weltweit der erste Zulieferer. I Als Treiber in diesem Feld benötigen wir als Unternehmen see Formula Student as the ideal platform for young minds Bosch hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter mit Kompetenzen aus to acquire this kind of wide-ranging knowledge and suc. das selbst beim Ausfall einzelner Kompo. steer. from Hockenheimring ist für mich von Beginn an ein Highlight einen weiteren Schub erwartet. which makes it much easier to gain sponsorship for the competition. schließlich ist die Formula Student seit jeher what is perhaps one of the most promising fields of the au. verschiedenen Bereichen. Bernhard Bihr Ich wünsche allen antretenden Teams der diesjährigen Sai- President Bosch Engineering GmbH son viel Erfolg und das notwendige Quäntchen Glück ganz vorne mitzufahren. The fascination The topic of automated or autonomous driving is brand. die Sicherheit auf fristig. which testify to the arrival of highly auto. irgendwann auch zeigen wird. Bernhard Bihr Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Bosch Engineering GmbH 30 EXPERIENCES IN TURNING OUR RACE CAR DRIVERLESS THE FASCINATION OF "AUTOMATED DRIVING" /  FASZINATION „AUTOMA­­­TISIERTES FAHREN“  31 . tisierten Fahren erfolgreich zu gestalten. wird es auch bei den Teilsys. and we support interdisciplinary vielen Jahren aktiv dabei und unterstützen hochmotivierte In the first year. Almost the entire automotive industry is researching warten die Ingolstädter aber in irgendeiner Form bei allen and developing in this technology field and also universities Startern der FSD. we don’t expect any team to give a serious terstützung.Das Thema automatisiertes. sowie die Vernetzung innerhalb und außerhalb des Fahr- werden können. cessfully set the course toward highly automated driving. too. driving impacts the entire car: its powertrain. Automatisiertes Fah- noch eine lange und großartige Zukunft vor sich. and thus on te arbeiten mehr als 2. Wenn man bedenkt. den auch die Rennteams das Engagement in der FSD eher lang. „Viele un. kunftsträchtigsten Feldern der Automobilindustrie. Awards 2017 We create chemistry that makes engineers love building the future. SAT - FSG Audi Vorsprung Award . . electrical or chemical engineer – being part of a global FSG Porsche Performance Innovation Award SAT . SAT Autonomous Design Winner . you can truly shape the future by FSG Opel Style Award SAT . creating new technologies and solutions. - SPECIAL AWARDS FSE Daimler Best-E-Drive Packaging Award . .best lightweight concept SUN - Working at BASF is about much more than you can imagine.2017 32 AWARDS 2017 .com/career STATUS/STAND: 17. SUN Business Plan Presentation Winner SAT SAT SAT STATICS Cost and Manufacturing Winner SAT SAT SUN Engineering Design Winner SAT SUN SUN Best Prepared Car for Scrutineering SAT SAT SAT FSC MTU Most Innovative Powertrain Award SAT . Formula Student Combustion Electric Driverless 1st Place Overall SUN SUN SUN OVERALL 2nd Place Overall SUN SUN SUN 3rd Place Overall SUN SUN SUN Acceleration Winner SAT SAT SAT Autocross Winner SUN SUN - DYNAMICS Endurance Winner SUN SUN - Most Fuel/Energy Efficient Car SUN SUN SAT Skid Pad Winner SAT SAT SAT TrackDrive Winner . mechanical. At the FSG BASF Best Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastics Award SAT - world’s leading chemical company.basf. team of dedicated experts creates a great number of opportunities for engineers like you! FSG Sportsmanship Award SUN Discover the power of connected minds at www.07. Whether you are a process. 13:30 DV Scrutineering (Accu + E + M) 8 Pits 14:30 . Ticket Centre SHAPING MOBILITY 09:00 .19:00 Engine Test 4 Engine Test Area than ever before. Brake. Tilt.20:00 EV Accumulator Scrutineering 2 Charging Tent 16:00 .19:00 CV + EV Scrutineering. and public use.07. and how many will we need? The passenger and freight traffic sector is developing 09:00 . Noise.13:30 CV + EV Scrutineering.08:30 Team Briefing 7 Marquee above pits How will people travel in the future. and how will goods be transported? What resources will 08:30 . We deliver the solutions. Tilt.18:30 CV Business Plan Presentation 1 + 9 BW Tower. Ticket Centre 08:00 .19:00 DV Practice Track 3 Dynamic Area 13:30 .14:00 DV Pits & Charging Area available 8 Pits 09:00 . 8th of August 08:00 .22:00 Charging Tent 2 Charging Tent 06:00 . We are also pushing forward technologies that are bringing hybrid 11:00 .24:00 Pits & Recreation Tent available 8 + 10 Pits.18:00 Special Awards 6 FSG Forum vehicles and alternative drives into a new dimension – for private. Tilt. Tilt.13:30 Scrutineering.19:00 Event Control.19:00 Engine Test 4 Engine Test Area 10:00 . Brake (manual only) 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 16:00 . Noise. Noise.19:00 Scrutineering.18:20 CV Engineering Design & CV Cost Analysis 7 Marquee above pits The challenges are great. Brake.& Entrance Order Available 14 Ticket Centre 09:00 .19:00 CV & EV Testing 3 Dynamic Area and systems for internal combustion engines that operate more cleanly and more efficiently 09:00 . Rain / Fuel 3 + 13 Dynamic Area sa 5 “Visit u r 2017. Rain / Fuel.19:00 Event Control & Ticket Centre 5 + 14 Event Control.18:00 FSG Academy On Site 11 South Stand rapidly.15:30 DV team photos (on demand) 3 Dynamic Area – 24.22:00 Charging Tent 2 Charging Tent chaef fle w w w.s 06:00 . . We develop components 09:00 .com 13:00 . 14:30 . Schedule  2017 Mon.24:00 Pits & Recreation Tent available 8 + 10 Pits.13:30 DV Scrutineering (Accu + E + M) 8 Pits 14:00 .21:00 CV Business Plan Presentation Finals 7 Marquee above pits STATUS/STAND: 13. in hall 16:30 .schaeffler-mobility. Rain / Fuel 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 09:00 . e 06:00 .11:00 Entrance for DV Team Vehicles + 5 Team Members each Venue 10:00 . and we provide the impetus for innovation and movement.18:00 FSG Academy On Site 11 South Stand be Septem oth A04. Ravenol Tower 13:00 . Brake. corporate.22:30 Team Briefing 7 Marquee above pits WE ARE Wed. Noise.15:30 DV Acceleration 12 Start/Finish Line www. Driver & Safety Responsible Registration 5 Event Control 16:00 .1.2017 SCHEDULE  2017  35 .20:00 DV Pits & Charging Area available 8 Pits 11:00 .” r/iaa Thu. Rain / Fuel 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 16:30 .19:00 Event Control & Ticket Centre 5 + 14 Event Control.22:00 Charging Tent 2 Charging Tent 16:00 .20:00 Entrance for all Teams & Vehicles Venue 16:00 .16:00 CV. 7th of August 08:00 Scrutineering Order.12:00 DV Practice Track 3 Dynamic Area we use.19:00 CV Team Photos 7 Marquee above pits 14:30 .19:00 DV Skid Pad 3 Dynamic Area 20:00 . Noise.20:00 DV Scrutineering.19:00 DV Scrutineering (Accu + E + M) 8 Pits Tue. Recreation Tent 07:30 . 11:00 .10:00 DV Team Registration 11 South Stand 10:00 . Registration. EV Team Registration 14 Ticket Centre 16:00 . Recreation Tent 18:00 . 16. Rain / Fuel 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 09:00 .22:00 Team Welcome 7 Marquee above pits 22:00 . Tilt. 9th of August 06:00 .14:30 Staging for Panoramic Photograph 3 Dynamic Area FOR TOMORROW 14:30 . t the IA A.24:00 All Pits & Recreation Tent available 8 + 10 Pits. 10th of August bo de/care r. Recreation Tent 07:30 . Brake.20:00 Engine Test 4 Engine Test Area 21:00 . 11:00 . Noise. EV Cost Analysis 7 Marquee above pits 11:00 . Ticket Centre 08:30 . 09:00 . EV Business Plan Presentation Finals 7 Marquee above pits TRAINEE-PROGRAMM Sat.13:00 Worldwide Formula Student Officials Meeting 1 BW Tower.22:00 Charging Tent 2 Charging Tent ABSCHLUSSARBEIT 06:00 .24:00 MAHLE-Party 7 Marquee above pits SCHEDULE  2017  37 .KAUTEX. Rain / Fuel CV Engineering Design Finals (not public) 3 + 13 6 Dynamic Area FSG Forum 20:00 .14:00 13:00 . Tilt.18:30 Engine Test 4 Engine Test Area 09:30 .16:00 EV Engineering Design.CAREER-AT-KAUTEX.20:00 Pits & Recreation Tent available 8 + 10 Pits.19:30 CV & EV Autocross 3 Dynamic Area WWW. Brake.11:45 Press Conference 1 BW Tower. Brake.18:00 FSG Academy On Site 11 South Stand eine vielfältige Unternehmenskultur und Passion für Innovation.20:00 FSD Round Table for FSD Captains 1 BW Tower.08:00 Team Briefing 7 Marquee above pits 07:30 . 12th of August 06:00 . floor über Kautex und die vielseitigen Einstiegs.22:00 Awards Ceremony .19:00 19:00 . Rain 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 09:00 .21:00 EV Engineering Design Finals (not public) 6 FSG Forum 21:00 .20:00 Dismantling of pits 8 Pits 13:00 . Ravenol Tower Dynamic Area WERKSTUDENT/IN 13:00 .13:30 EV Business Plan Presentation DV Course Walk Trackdrive 1 + 9 3 BW Tower.19:00 Event Control & Ticket Centre 5 + 14 Event Control.18:30 CV + EV Skid Pad 3 Dynamic Area 12:00 . Schedule  Fri.21:30 DV.19:00 Charging Tent 2 Charging Tent 06:00 . 5. Rain / Fuel 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 09:00 .16:40 DV Engineering Design.18:30 Fuel / Engine Test / CV & EV Testing 3 + 13 Dynamic Area Als einer der 100 umsatzstärksten Automobilzulieferer weltweit und mit mehr als 08:30 .17:00 VIP Reception EV Team Photos 7 1 BW Tower. Noise.12:45 Press Guided Tour 1 Assembly at entrance BW Tower DIREKTEINSTIEG 12:45 .18:00 CV & EV Endurance Afternoon Session & Parc Fermé 3 Dynamic Area 18:30 . Noise. Ticket Centre 08:00 . floor Marquee above pits 14:00 .18:30 Fuel / Engine Test / CV & EV Testing 3 + 13 Dynamic Area 09:15 . 4.11:45 DV Business Plan Presentation 1 + 9 BW Tower.und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten unter 13:30 .08:00 Pits available Team Briefing 8 7 Pits Marquee above pits 07:30 .11:30 DV Practice Track 3 Dynamic Area 09:00 .18:30 on request: Scrutineering / Tilt. Recreation Tent 07:30 .08:20 CV & EV Course Walk Endurance 3 Dynamic Area 08:30 . Recreation Tent TECHNOLOGY THAT FUELS YOUR FUTURE 07:30 .19:00 DV Trackdrive & Parc Fermé 3 Dynamic Area PRAKTIKUM 14:30 . 11th of August 2017 06:00 .18:00 FSG Academy On Site 11 South Stand 09:00 . floor 11:00 .Part II 7 Marquee above pits WWW.19:00 Event Control & Ticket Centre 5 + 14 Event Control. Erfahren Sie mehr 11:00 .13:30 CV + EV Scrutineering.Part I 7 Marquee above pits Sun.COM 22:00 . Brake.000 MitarbeiterInnen in 14 Ländern bietet Kautex Textron globale Perspektiven.24:00 Pits & Recreation Tent available 8 + 10 Pits.08:30 Team Briefing 7 Marquee above pits 08:30 .13:00 CV & EV Endurance Morning Session & Parc Fermé 3 Dynamic Area 08:30 .14:45 DV Autonomous Design 1 BW Tower 12:00 .18:30 CV & EV Testing 3 Dynamic Area 09:00 .20:30 Free BBQ powered by Conti & VW Venue 19:00 .12:30 CV & EV Acceleration 12 Start/Finish Line 08:30 . Tilt.21:30 CV + EV Scrutineering. 5. DV Cost Analysis (not public) 10 Recreation Tent 6.13:50 CV & EV Course Walk Autocross 3 Dynamic Area 14:00 .24:00 07:30 .18:00 Special Awards 6 FSG Forum 10:00 . floor 21:00 . Ravenol Tower 11:00 .COM 19:00 .18:00 Event Control & Ticket Centre 5 + 14 Event Control.16:30 13:00 .22:00 Awards Ceremony .22:00 Charging Tent 2 Charging Tent 06:00 . 13th of August 06:00 . 5. Ticket Centre 08:00 . o rdk ur v e Press Area DV Driverless Vehicle N DV (EBS only) 12 6 Stands EV Electric Vehicle Tunnel Visitor's Area g# Dynamic Gates B 20 17 07 23 14 HOTEL MOTODROM 11 250m 38 FLOOR PLAN  /  LAGEPLAN  39 . IA 5 B l e G ne Trackdrive . Sun Business Plan Presentation ken Dreams lle 2 B ro Ki 3 Cost and Manufacturing Cone 9 4 Engineering Design 2 5 Special Awards F Half 3 3 6 Acceleration w K link 4 7 Autocross W i ngs ay g1 Parking for Sponsors 1 he 8 Endurance H Parking for Sponsors SC TU T O Smoking is only allowed in M W Skid Pad B 9 V M designated areas. KING NO PAR Accumulator Inspection Electrical Inspection rucks Medical Centre P arking T Mechanical Inspection Driverless Inspection 2 E Tilt Test & Vehicle Weighing Noise Test Ho Rain Test p r ing S h ot J um 8 e se Brake Test Th 3 Shoe Fuel e c an Sl 1 Autonomous Design r Chi 13 4 Sat. n l In pe VW ai L os t C h a s na F ci 4 Engine Test Area 11 South Stand r g3 O Sc AS en fle re e m ag os em ef ET SK u da Br ha M Fa Si g5 A 8 Event Control Start/Finish Line V 8 7 5 12 SL 3 10 8 6 g2 l ta 6 FSG Forum 13 Test Area es en tin r Ty g4 7 Welding CV on 3 4 7 Marquee Above Pits Ticket Centre C EV 7 14 Gr 9 2 an st 4 Tue-Fri d an ds 7 C # Information Sign CV Combustion Veh. hl S 12 10 ru 6 5 F 1 2 ZF B a Pe hW M s 11 r ndu es le 1 I m Pr D U ai at A A D M 1 BW Tower 8 Pits lu m D 10 e G ch workshop I 10 SF N AM VD 9 rs 2 Charging Tent 9 Ravenol Tower A A 8 M Po 5 B Mobile 3 4 DV 3 Dynamic Area 10 Recreation Tent d. code on each sign to get more in-depth information. Presse oder Sponsoren Stands EV Electric Vehicle the numbered signs across the event site (see map above). Nut- namic Business Plan Presentation oken Dreams 2 lle Ki 3 Cost and Manufacturing p Cone 4 Engineering Design 2 Special Awards 5 Germany | 4x worldwide 10x in F 3 6 Acceleration K link 4 7 Autocross W i ngs Parking for Sponsors 1 he 8 Endurance H Parking for Sponsors SC TU T O M Smoking is only allowed in W Skid Pad B 9 V ne M designated areas. ahl FS 12 10 ZF B hW M s 11 r es le I m Pr D U ai at A A D M 1 BW Tower 8 Pits D 10 e G ch workshop I SF N AM VD 9 rs 2 Charging Tent 9 Ravenol Tower A A M Po 5 B Mobile 3 Dynamic Area 10 Recreation Tent d. dass sich die Studierenden of the vehicle. Von der Pit Lane führt die Tour zurück zum großen fahrdy- including an audio guide. Electric. you can also B das Wettbewerbsgelände (siehe Kar- Stationen. please remember they are participating ges über die Geschichte des Events sowie die unterschied- in a competition. IA ru B l e G Trackdrive . the tour takes you back to the large dy. You can follow the tour by following schiedene Touren für Besucher. die Ihnen auf der Seele brennt. Don’t be shy to Area) über die technische Abnahme (Technical Inspection) ask team members anything you would like to know about in die Boxengasse (Pit Lane). we have prepared a tour for visitors.06. Dort bekom- men Sie weiterführende der täglichen Führungen. quer über sign up to be guided by one of our experienced tour guides. for a more personal experience. namischen Bereich und endet am FSG Forum. To help you make Herzlich Willkommen bei der Formula Student Germany! Press Area DV Driverless Vehicle N the most of your visit.itk-engineering. Welcome o rdkurto v eFormula Student Germany. Registrierung für eine geführte Tour Wenn Sie sich für eine Führung anmelden mö rt n e erspectives . extracting the last millisecond out you will be able to learn more about the background of the gerne jede Frage. n em pel In VW ai L os t C h a s na ci 4 Engine Test Area 11 South Stand er O S en e A ffl F e m ag ur os ET SK e da Br ha M Fa Si A Sc 8 Event Control Start/Finish Line V 7 5 12 SL 6 l ta 6 FSG Forum 13 Test Area es en tin r Ty Welding on Marquee Above Pits Ticket Centre C 7 14 st an ds Exploring Formula Student Germany by yourself or on a Entdecken Sie die Formula Student Germany auf eigene Guided Tour Faust oder gerne auch als geführte Tour. # Information Sign CV Combustion Veh.Wenn Sie den Schildern der Reihe nach folgen (1-11). warten noch weitere Informationen zum Hinter- grund der Formula Student Teilnehmer auf Sie. where zen Sie die Gelegenheit und stellen den Teammitgliedern the development lifecycle for race cars until the very end. te). ge. Ho mp r se Brake Test Shoe Fuel e c an Guided Tours 1 Autonomous Design .Electric und Driverless) in Erfahrung bringen können. QR.indd 1 19. For application and further information visit our website www. Verges- participants competing at Formula Student Germany 2017. 40 or kommen. Driverless). so make sure not to hinder them! lichen parallel stattfindenden Wettbewerbe (Combustion. Following them in order will take you from the large dynamic area to the Sie sich bitte an den Infostand im FSG Forum.2017 11:01:15 GUIDED TOURS / FÜHRUNGEN . you will fit right in! Our engineers at ITK are involved from the beginning of From the pit lane. If you would like to sign up for a guided tour. Tunnel Visitor's Area g# Dynamic Gates If you wish. We are looking for motivated and talented developers with the expertise to A special bonus for smartphone users: try scanning the im Wettkampf befinden und nicht behindert werden sollten. HOTEL MOTODROM Informationen über die Uhrzeiten THE RACETRACK technical inspection and then on to the pit lane. um zusätzliche Detail-Informationen zu erhalten. In this case. support our team in the development of individual software functions. FSG auf eigene Faust Hard deadlines. Für eine noch persönlichere Erfahrung können Sie sich gerne für eine geführte Tour bei einem unserer erfahrenen Registering for a guided tour Tourguides Ein kleiner Bonus für Smartphone Besitzer: Scannen Sie gerne die QR-Codes an den Hinweis-Schildern entlang der Tour. The tour will finish back at the FSG Forum.c r e a t e - rs r Chi Führungen w w w . functionality sound good to you? petition as well as the different competitions running in langen Sie vom großen fahrdynamischen Bereich (Dynamic parallel (Combustion. strict regulations and complex Along the way you will learn about the history of the com. haben wir ver- press and sponsors. however. where you will be able to get more information on the timetable for the daily tours. wenden ADRENALINE OFF Exploring on your own The information signs are numbered 1 to 11. www. Auf dem Weg werden Sie eini- their car. vorbereitet. please head to the counter in the FSG forum. Die Tour verläuft entlang nummerierter Event. sen Sie dabei aber bitte nicht.itk-karriere. Hier ange. Um das Beste aus Ihrem Besuch zu machen. So gibt es bei- spielsweise die Scrutineers. The colour of their shirt will tell you what their role is at FSG. there are the scrutineers. organising and running the event. Organisieren und bei der Umsetzung vor Ort bewältigen und welche stets für Fragen rund um das Event zur Verfügung stehen. The Volunteers of FSG Die Ehrenamtlichen der FSG It takes around 450 volunteers to bring Formu- la Student Germany to life every year. die das Event jedes Jahr aufs Neue mit sich bringt. as well as helping out and answering questions. Über 450 ehrenamtliche Helfer sind Jahr für Jahr an der Organisation und der Umsetzung der Formu- la Student Germany beteiligt. tackling the ever-growing challenges of the annual event with honed skill and passionate dedication. The team of volunteer’s function like a well-oiled machine. Wie eine gut geölte Maschine meistern sie mit Leidenschaft und Enga- gement die stetig wachsenden Herausforderungen. The volunteers are divided into different groups according to their skill set. welche die Vielzahl an Aufgaben beim Planen. the red shirts and the white shirts. the judges. For example. die Juroren. die Red- Shirts und die White-Shirts. Anhand der Farbe ihres Shirts kann man leicht ihre Rolle bei der FSG erkennen. These are people who handle the many tasks of planning. Das eingespielte Team setzt sich aus verschiede- nen Funktionsbereichen zusammen. 42 THE VOLUNTEERS OF FSG / DIE EHRENAMTLICHEN DER FSG THE VOLUNTEERS OF FSG / DIE EHRENAMTLICHEN DER FSG  43 . Die Red-Shirts ulously checking the cars for potential safety hazards and stellen insgesamt die größte Gruppe ehrenamtlicher Helfer Zu guter Letzt leistet das ebenfalls in schwarz gekleidete patiently assisting the teams with any technical problems bei der FSG dar. The red shirts have jurisdiction over event control and event stellen sicher. Sie sind die fleißigen Helfer. whose contributions Sie betrachten die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Gesamtprojektes support. Die Scrutineers dürfen sich erst Sonntagnacht erholen: Während der Mahle Party! The judges are key to evaluating the students. dass nie. Media-Team in Form von Videos und Bildern seinen Beitrag. charge of the event control team. Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen. a team’s können. beigetragen hat. Sie über- Pit marshals hard at work. die vielseitigen und mitunter spontanen Herausforde. we are happy to once again be at your service wertung erhält.the folks in green. so Germany verwandeln. Teammitgliedern. They look at the design. It is the job of the judges in their blue shirts to Es ist uns Jahr um Jahr ein großes Vergnügen diese Wo- render these scorings. Their feedback has resulted in the extensive improvements from the teams Und so freuen wir uns. We need Die Red-Shirts sind für die Bereiche „Event Control“ und and unforgettable moments of the event again and again. che an unvergleichbarer FSG Begeisterung und Unterhal- ing quality and cost planning. Doch nicht nur das: Dank ihnen steht allen Schnittstelle zwischen Besuchern. They are the “go-to” people Die White-Shirts sind für die ganzjährige Planung der Ver. they consider the economics tung für Besucher und Sponsoren gleichermaßen wie für of the project and whether the business plan is convincing. wie auch während des Jahres). sponsors and press. waige Sicherheitsmängel und stehen den Teams bei tech- nischen Problemen mit ihrer Expertise helfend zur Seite (sowohl am Event selbst.are there to guarantee soren und Medienvertretern. Als Team darf man ohne die Freigabe unserer grün gekleideten Helfer nicht an den dynamischen Disziplinen teilnehmen. we have the FSG media team. sible honesty and constructive criticism. Nur durch ihre Hilfe ist es überhaupt mög. tragen die statischen Diszip- for sponsors. Da es sich bei der FSG im Wesentlichen um einen Konst- place as it should on race day. for veteran participants and for those who are gekleideten IT Spezialisten. dass wir die schönsten und unvergesslichsten Momen- go-ahead from our green-shirted volunteers. A team may lich. dass jedes Team eine faire und gerechte Be- challenges that might be faced during the event. dass das Event ohne Störungen verläuft. welche FSG excitement and entertainment for visitors and spon. Ebenfalls oft im Verborgenen arbeiten unsere in schwarz that nobody on the FSG grounds can get left lost or strand. Not only this. with advice and assistance! Anwesenden bei FSG über das gesamte Eventgelände eine The scrutineers . ment. scoring in the static disciplines is a big factor in its overall standing. The red shirts are the largest group of volunteers at FSG rüber hinaus kommen die Red-Shirts als Streckenposten entering the event for the first time. They accomplish this by metic. Ihnen auch in diesem Jahr wieder mit over the past years. ehrlich sowie konstruktive Kritik.mand hilflos auf dem Gelände zurückbleibt. they utilize their professional expertise. allow us to relive the most stunning pläne und nutzen dabei ihre Expertise und unvergleichlich Hockenheim Ring into Formula Student Germany. team members. indispen. manufactur. (at the event as well as throughout the year). Zudem cherstellen. prüfen die Boliden der Teilnehmer akribisch genau auf et- Die harte Arbeit der Pit Marshals. The media team are always Das Media-Team ist immer bereit Die Judges sind der Schlüssel bei der Bewertung der Studierenden. sors alike. Die in sure that the competition runs without a hitch. linen in erheblichem Maße zur Gesamtwertung bei. den dynamischen Disziplinen verantwortlich sind und si- and are the ones who will do what it takes to overcome any während der dynamischen Disziplinen zum Einsatz. für. press. participants and visitors and they en. Fer- Sponsoren. serving as intermediaries standteile. besetzen sie das Event Control-Team und bilden damit die This year. The support team takes care of building up and verläuft. langjährige oder auch neuen Teilnehmern auf die Beine zu For this. Das FSG Event-Gelände wird durch die Redshirts aufgebaut. und sorgt mit beeindruckender Kreativität und Qualität da- not participate in the dynamic events without receiving the rungen während des Events zu meistern. welche bereits in vergan- them to ensure that the event runs smoothly. They also act „Event Support“ zuständig. des Events einzufangen. Sie sorgen dafür. Da. noch einmal durchleben Since FSG is essentially a design competition. te des Events auch lange nachdem sich der letzte Rauch qualmender Reifen verzogen hat. Spon. Teilnehmer und Besucher und tigungsgüte sowie das Kostenbewusstsein der Studenten. Sie sind Ansprechpartner für out the entire event site! blau gekleideten Juroren bewerten die Entwicklung. stellen. Das Support-Team kümmert long after the smoke from the tires of the race cars has genen Jahren positiv zur Weiterentwicklung der Studenten as the track marshals during dynamic events. dass der Wettbewerb ohne Komplikationen Finally. Behind the scenes we have the IT experts. Highspeed-Internet-Verbindung zur Verfügung! that all the vehicles are safe.und Abbau aller infrastrukturellen Be. The scrutineers are only allowed a break on Sunday night at the MAHLE party. Renntagen verantwortlich. Die Scrutineers – die „Jungs & Mädels in Grün“ – stellen die ready to catch that perfect den perfekten Moment während Sicherheit aller teilnehmenden Fahrzeuge sicher. die den Hockenheimring in die Formula Student It is our great pleasure to prepare a week of incomparable between visitors. through their video and image materials of exceptional ebenso wie die Präsentation der detaillierten Geschäfts- taking down of every physical transformation that turns the quality and creativity. moment throughout the event. They are in sich um den Auf. anstaltung und deren reibungslose Umsetzung an den FSG can enjoy a high-speed Internet connection through. Medienvertreter. The white shirts are in charge of the yearlong task of plan- ning the event and of ensuring that everything falls into ensuring that all teams are given a fair and equal assess. cleared.sicherstellen. who are tasked with timekeeping during the dynamic disciples as well as 44 THE VOLUNTEERS OF FSG / DIE EHRENAMTLICHEN DER FSG THE VOLUNTEERS OF FSG / DIE EHRENAMTLICHEN DER FSG  45 . welche für die Zeitnahme bei ed. but it is thanks to them that everyone at ruktionswettbewerb handelt. The FSG event site is created by the red-shirts. Timo RIXEN. Sandra BAYER. Franziska LAFOZ. Austin KLEIN. Marcel BÄUERLEIN. Cornelius MICHAELS. Mira KREHER. Stefan HASAN. Efraïm SCHMITZ-RODE. Marek PANDEY. Jonas SAYOVITZ. Daniel KALMBACH. Christian SCHIMPITZ. Sebastian BERGMANN. Jeppe KISS. Sarah VAUDLET. Christian HAUFFE. Marcel PISSARRECK. Bernhard OCHSENDORF. Dominic VAN DER PLOEG. Diana TIMMERMANS. Magnus BANDOW. Gábor WINKELMANN. Steve BORRMANN. Mireia SOUKUP. Manuel SCHÄFER. Dhanush SCHALL. Aitor JOSTEN. Bärbel STEMMLER. Oliver VAN DER WIJST. Hinrich MORGENROTH. Vittoria LIEDTKE. Hugo JAKOB. Marie-Lene HELD. Alexander GOLLOWITZ. Lars WEIEN. Andrea SCHULZ. Sascha JANSSEN. Nico SCHMUCK. Winfried BRAUSER. Nora THALHÄUSER. Rosa TEWES. Keno MARU. Eveline DE. Nadine BLANCO. Nick PÄRSCHKE. Tilmann JAGADEESH. Vivek VAN LEEUWEN. Yannic BRECHTMANN. Konstantin KESHAVA REDDY SOPPAHALLI. Dominic LEEB. Christopher DE JONG. Oliver GHANDILY. Falk LERINGER. Jan LAMPE. Morten VAN BALEN. Nils HADER. Philipp FREUDENBERG. Jan EHINGER. Christian DEMEURICY. Björn MEJLBJERG. Krista HIRSCHMANN. Elena CLAUS. Erik LESCHNIEWSKI. Shidhartha KRÜGER. Kevin FLEMMING. Tobias BOSS. Daniel LEMETTER. Oliver RÖMMELMAYER. Mona Scrutineers BARRABAS. Judith PAPENHUIJZEN. Arsel MÜLLER. Kevin SAUTTER. Eric RIES. Chris GARLICHS. Eslam LANSNICKER-DIETRICH. Franziska-Isabella KRÖGER. Stefan ELTABAKH. Philipp HÜBNER. Andreas HEIM. Wouter GERNERT. Manpreet ELAND. Liz LORENZEN. Johannes CLAUSSNITZER. Nele PÖTTNER. Anastasiya HOFMANN. Alina PETERS. Lena SCHÜTZE. Joshua WICHTERICH. Sonja MONN. Jonas THOMASSEN. Dorothee ANDREWS. Matthias WOLFSBERGER. Rauno KLATT. Jan LEBKOWSKI JIMÉNEZ. Florian VANDENHENDE. Desirée CLEMENS. Sebastien WRAGE. Maria MICHALOWSKI. Yamina KLEIN. Ronak MARTYNUS. Maik FORMILAN. Rahul ANDRONE. Johannes SCHRÖDER. Pascal KREITSCH. Ann-Catrin THODE. Tristan HOFFELNER. Christoph FETZER. Konrad JOHNSON. Tobias GONZALEZ TERUEL. Markus NEBEL. Philipp KIRCHOFF. Alexander SEYLER. Martin FISCHER. Roman BRUTSCHIN. Maximilian PLETSCHKE. Dana GROH. Eugen TORRES DA SILVA. Nitesh PETERS. Simon Bach VOLLRATH. Vanessa GEBHARDT. Thijs ARRASMITH. Jill PATHNI. Jana STAMPRATH. Paul KULESZ. Constantin Florin HENZEL. Aaron JEITNER. Máté SCHILDT. Samridhi STEINWEDE. Tobias BÜTTNER. Juergen EL-KHOURY. Sabine VON KRÜCHTEN. Stef KÜHNE. Roman GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN. Lennart EFFENBERGER. Ralf ZHANG. Stefan TIEMANN. Media. Ole SCHWARZER. Stig VAUDLET. Johannes WILDEBOER. Mathias SCHÖNEWOLF. Nils BRUNGS. Jet GANDHI. Markus EPPLE.Redshirts and Scrutineers 2017 Redshirts. Mark GREFE. Bastian BACHMEIR. Christian SCHINDLER. Matthias SCHOLZ. André GÖTZ. David MENNE. Johannes MAUL. Stephan WALETZKE. Johannes HÖRSCH. Philipp MÜLLER. Wolf-Bastian BAUFELD. Stephan SCHWEITZER. Miki MÜLLER. Andréa LANGER. Marcial BRANDT JØRGENSEN. Nima MELLERGAARD. Tina WITTICH. Björn MÜLLER. Charu ASTAFYEVA. TK & IT AHRENS. Thomas FINDEISEN. Corvin BÖCKLE. György ZENKER. Camilla HEGEDUS. Benedikt DIETRICH. Dawid SINGH. Tom KARL. Lars 46 REDSHIRTS SCRUTINEERS  47 . Regina KOSSEL. Jannik BAGER. Oliver STOLLBERGER. Moritz TUITERT. Michael WOLFER. Richard GOSLICH. Frieder LIEBST. Luis MINK. Lasse KERBER. Philip SCHULTE. Romain SCHREURS. Michael SCHIMMELS. Constantin GRUBER. Andrea HANIGK. Jochen ZANETTI. Reinhard BÖHNERT. Guido GLOOR. Katja MATTLENER. Tobias STERR-BARTSCHAT. Patrick LOVELL. Andreas BAENSCH. Michael KRAUSS. Michael BUOB. Inna HARTHERZ. Thomas WIDDERSHOVEN. Franziska FALTERMEIER. Leonhard MUEMMLER. Joe VÖLKL. Nils WEINGART. Johannes HALSDORF. Gregor MUR. Christin PETERS. Hannes ZHANG. Jose TORGOVNIKOV. Steve FAHR. Christian WONNER. Stefan LATTKE. Carsten SMEDEK. Christian EWERT. Bernd SPAN. Clenn MUEHL. Bernhard RICHTER. Fabian RUSH. Jöran HANISCH. Jochen GOSSENZ. Martin PADBERG. Martin MULLACK. Claus WUNSCHHEIM. Fabian STRAUBERT. Martin HEPPERT. Manuel LAUCH. Sebastian WEISS. Patrik RADISIC. Dr. Rudolf PLAKHOTNICHENKO. Jan GRAUEL. Markus ZÖLS. Thomas WONNER. Alexander NUSCHELER. Raphael MÄHLER. Simon DENCKER. Thorsten SCHOEN. Helena CHRISTOFFERSEN. Matthias LOPEZ. Heiko Cost and Manufacturing BRUNNER. Silviu LANGE. Fabian THEOBALD. Michael CZERWIONKA. Mathias ESSER. Rainer WEISHAUPT. Joerg KAPELLOS. Andre PETRY. Valentin STILLER. Philipp DELLER. Thomas ZINKE. Manfred DIGHELLO. Franz DAUTH. Simon KALKOFEN. Johannes NIEMEYER. Robert MANNHARDT. Roman WENSCH. Achim ASCIOGLU. Jochen STOLZ. Hassine BROSE. Manabendra Narayan NEYRINCK. Christian TSIOLAKIS. Benjamin JAKOBI. Michael EHN. Anne WEBER. Daniela KURZEN. Tobias DECKERS. Lukas WÖHLER. Michael SCHIMANSKI. Mathias TRAUB. Jan DLUGOSCH. Paul HAYN. Susanne FISCHER. Vasileios GOLAKIYA. Andrei BRUENN. Markus MOREL. Stefan GARDUNO. Carl BRECHTELSBAUER. Clemens MEIER. Karl-Heinz OTT. Thilo STRAUB. Peter HERRMANN. Bianca KOOLMANN. Christopher 48 JUDGES JUDGES  49 . Georges OEHLER. Valentin RAFFIN. Claudia FRIEDRICH. Boris RISING. Andreas BREMKAMP. Nicholas GICKELEITER. Linus MAREK. Markus HODGKINSON. Benedikt MARTIN. Michael MISSLER. Chen HÖLZGEN. Timo HAHN. Peter SCHLEMMER. Christos KAUSSEN. Sebastian KRAMER. Peter SCHLEPPI. Mike LOEW. Joris HÜGEL. Christian Business Plan Presentation Engineering Design BJEKOVIC. Lars KINSKI. Mario GERHARD. Igor ZEISLER. Rolf WEINZIERL. Lukas WEUFFEN. Raymond SENDZIK. Michael MÜLLER. Tobias REMMLINGER. Agnes WANNEMACHER. Christian LERMER. Herbert FERKEN. Jean-Luc HAHN. Klaus NÄTHER. Alfonso MEZGER. Barbara Christine CARLESS. Till LEHR. Boris COSTA RUIZ. Christian-Andreas KEHR. Christoph KARSCH. Anette AERTS. David ROUELLE. Kai KESORE. Andreas ASCIOGLU. Frank FRIES. Henning WINKLER. Thomas PRINZ. Eugen FERRONI. Stefan DÖLLE. Norbert KOHL. Reiner JUNGE. Markus ENZWEILER. Caspar RAU. Karsten SIBUM. Owen KELLER. Christoph HACKER. Harald MAYER. Max Gerhard FISCHER. Andreas GREINER. Mike STELZIG. Alexander PORSCH. Josef TEUFEL. Kathrin Maria WILDEBOER. Benjamin KOCH. Daniel SIOUD. Andreas TEMPLIN. Dominic HERTH. Nirav KAHLE. Jürgen Autonomous DESS. Volker SCHULZ. Maximilian GRAF. Alexander ZIMMERMANN. Harald MÄHLER. Kurt DEINHARDT. Udo SATTLER. Mathias LÖFFLER. Henning MUELLER. Philipp STRATEMEIER. Thomas KLUTH. Christoph NUSSBAUMER. Martin KAMENJASEVIC. André HAGL. Guenter MÜLLER. Peter JENNEWEIN. Florian HEIDEMEYER. Jesko SCHMITT. Yannic HAHN. Bernhard Prem GIEBENHAIN. Christian WEBER. Julia ANDRES. Thomas HOMOCEANU. Jean-Noel KLEIN. Stephan VADEHRA. Martin SANDER. Christian GUPTA. Wolfgang ABHAU. David KORTEN. Alexander GRUNDNER. Sylvio NIEMEYER. Jürgen SCHWENKE. Juergen FÜLLER. Stefan MUELLER. Reiner ORTWEIN. Bastian AHRENHOLZ. Deniz FINK. Reinhard QUARZ. Richard OPPERMANN. Konrad PAYERL. Ulrich TABATABAI. Ognjen EVANS. Philipp ZECHMANN. Martin FRIEDRICH. Uwe MERKL. Francesco HODGKINSON. Claude Design EICKHOFF. Robert KASHI.Judges 2017 BERTRAM. Kisnaduth NEUMANN. Thomas MARX. Benedikt LEYH. Amin LENZEN. Thomas PETI. MICRONIC Computer Systeme GmbH RAPHAELA BIHR OT (Business Plan Presentation) MAN Truck & Bus AG MARIA BONILLA-TORRES MATTHIAS BRUTSCHIN The team behind Formula Student Germany is divided into three groups. The board is responsible for Formula OT (Electrical Inspection) OT (Event Support) Student Germany. EC (Dynamics) SIMON DENSBORN SVEN GRUNDNER OT (Electrical Inspection) OT (Back Office) Jaguar Land Rover Ltd.V. Daimler AG the event throughout the year. Das Board trägt die Verantwortung für die Formula Student Germany und ihre Kooperationen sowie für Sponsoring.Studio für Ballett und Bewe- TU Kaiserslautern Robert Bosch GmbH SICAT GmbH & Co. Ing. DLR Mankiewicz Gebr.Formula Student Germany Team 2017 CHRISTOPH BEISSWANGER OT (Mechanical Inspection) MCS . its operations.c. Porsche AG Makita Engineering Germany GmbH Continental Engineering Services LEA PISSARRECK JOST PHILIP PÖTTNER ULF STEINFURTH OT (Event Control) OT (Design Event) EC (Mechanical Inspection) Red Bull Technology University of Applied Sciences Stralsund HELENA REINKE CATHARINA SCHIFFTER OT (Event Manager Assistant) OT (Guided Tours & Merchandising) The operative team (OT) supports the board and EC in the preparation and realisation of Formula Student Germany e. sponsoring and overall strategy. Ing. SEBASTIAN HOPPE PETER JAKOWSKI OT (Cost Event) OT (Special Tasks) Das Executive Committee (EC) veranwortet die Ausgestaltung des Wettbewerbs. ZF Friedrichshafen AG Bosch Engineering GmbH NORINA KURTH ANKE LACHMANN STEFFEN HEMER JOHANNES KRATZEL OT (VIP Lounge & Culina) EC (FS-Driverless) EC (Event Support) OT (Registration & Ticket Centre) Step by Step . Dentsu Aegís Network CHRISTOPHER SCHOENBERG KARSTEN STAMMEN CHRISTIAN AMERSBACH SARAH BATTIGE OT (FS-Driverless) OT (Dynamics) OT (FS-Driverless) OT (Electrical Inspection) Telemotive AG AUDI AG TU Darmstadt TU Dresden 50 TEAM / FORMULA STUDENT 2017 TEAM / FORMULA STUDENT 2017  51 . Das Operative Team (OT) unterstützt das Board JOCHEN SCHMIDT TIM SCHMIDT DANIEL AHRENS und das EC in der Vorbereitung übers Jahr und in OT (Dynamics) OT (Back Office) OT (Merchandising & Guided Tours) der Durchführung des Wettbewerbs. Volkswagen AG University of Stuttgart DANIEL MAZUR FRANK RÖSKE RAGNHEIDUR BJORK Board (Event Manager) Board (Rules) KRISTINA HALBLEIB HALLDORSDOTTIR OT (Communications) mazur | events + media Porsche Leipzig GmbH OT (Special Awards) Daimler AG LUDWIG VOLLRATH Board (External Relations) TINE HANNIG TANJA HOFMANN OT (Communications) OT (Security) in-tech GmbH The executive committee (EC) is responsible for the design and development of the competition. Finanzen und Strategie. F.c. finances. Jedes Mitglied ist für Vor- bereitung und Durchführung eines Bereiches verantwortlich. (USA) Plethora TIM HANNIG RAINER KÖTKE Board (Chairman) Board (Finance). & Co. Porsche AG ZF Race Engineering GmbH Alpha Sigma GmbH TORSTEN RILKA SEBASTIAN SEEWALDT BENJAMIN MÜLLER ALIA PIERCE EC (Statics) & Scoring & VSV EC (New Rules) & Pit Marshal OT (Mechanical Inspection) OT (Communications & Media Team) Volkswagen AG Dr. F. MATTHÄUS DECKER BARBARA DECKER-SCHLÖGL OT (Event Support) OT (Event Support) Siemens Industry Inc. Daimler AG Das Team der Formula Student Germany ist in drei Gruppen unterteilt. h. KG gung ROB OPDAM KONRAD PAULE PETER LEIPOLD FABIAN LIESCH EC (M & E Inspection) EC (FS-Academy) & Pit Marshal OT (Design Event) OT (IT & TK) RWTH Aachen University Dr. h. Each mem- ber of the EC is responsible for one of the fields of the competition and its organisation. Die Herausforderungen. We consider Diversity is also what we’re counting on at Formula Student: “Formula Student Germany” to be a great opportunity to get Hence we’re supporting talents who work together in a team in contact with ambitious and well-educated young people.und Ausland ihre ersten um keinen Preis missen möchten. „Formula Student Germany“ bietet uns die Möglichkeit. Vielfalt zählt auch bei der Formula Student: Daher len. ambitious people from all over the world who are just Mit großer Begeisterung engagiert sich die BMW Group in der as enthusiastic about automotive technology as we are at Audi. Praxis-Erfahrungen in der BMW Group sammeln. Produkte. wenn für uns. chassis to interior trim and engine components. Teams viel Erfolg! 52 SPONSORS SPONSORS  53 . über und Voraussetzung für Spitzenleistungen und begeisternde das Fahrwerk bis hin zu Innenausstattung und Motoranbautei. AUDI AG The BMW Group is very enthusiastic about its involvement in the Formula Student Germany. mit unterstützen wir Talente. beschäftigen auch uns Faszination Formula Student Germany: Dabei zu sein bedeutet bei der BMW Group immer wieder.Talent Management Transportation. BASF SE and Diversity BASF’s engineering plastics are widely used in the automo. mit welchen sich die Teams im Laufe einer Saison konfrontiert sehen. angefangen beim Karosseriebau. Wir wünschen allen Kontakt zu kommen. die von automobiler Tech- nik genauso begeistert sind wie wir bei Audi. Teil einer ganz besonderen Atmosphäre zu sein. we’re convinced: Diversity is enrichment and pre- tive industry for example in vehicles range from bodywork and requisite for our strive to excellence and exciting products. We are. Wir wünschen allen viel Erfolg. We wish all teams every Good luck to all teams! success. FSG. Daher freuen wir uns. At Bosch. Hier treffen wir junge und am. die im Team die interdisziplinären ambitionierten und gut ausgebildeten Nachwuchskräften in Herausforderungen gemeinsam meistern. to master interdisciplinary challenges. HANS-PETER BERINGER HEIDI STOCK Vice President. Head of Business Management Human Resources Management . The challenges the teams face during the course of a season are also always faced by the BMW Group. being ipants from all over the world gain their first practical experi- there means being part of a truly special atmosphere that we ence in the BMW Group. bitionierte Menschen aus aller Welt. therefore. This is where we meet young. die wir qualifizierte Teilnehmer aus dem In. Die BASF bietet eine Vielzahl von Kunststofflösungen für die Bei Bosch sind wir davon überzeugt: Vielfalt ist Bereicherung Automobilindustrie an. would not want to miss for anything. pleased when qualified partic- The fascination of Formula Student Germany: to us.WORDS FROM OUR SPONSORS OLIVER FERSCHKE Head of HR Marketing BMW Group ANTJE MAAS Director International HR Marketing. ELKE SULZ BARBARA TEXTER Director Recruiting. internationalen Konstruktionswettbewerb Formula Student. Leidenschaft und Die zukünftigen Ingenieure sind mit voller Leidenschaft für das Engagement der teilnehmenden Studenten immer wieder Technik und Innovation. in einer internationalen Branche Verantwortung zu dividuellen Mobilität der Zukunft. Wir bieten engagierten und technikbegeisterten Studenten die Seit über 140 Jahren arbeitet Continental erfolgreich an der in- Möglichkeit. convince with their expertise and demonstrate an in- The central role of innovation prepares students for their future credible team spirit. For us. Es sind diese Eigenschaften. the connection to Daimler. Kreativität und Teamgeist! MARKUS ECKHARDT DR. viel Know-how und einem unglaubli- aufs Neue begeistern. we are constantly looking for qualified techni- meet people who have what we want from our future employ. Continental has been working on motor- the chance to assume responsibility in an international industry ized individual mobility of the future. 54 SPONSORS SPONSORS  55 . Wir sind jedes Jahr aufs Neue von den FSG-Teams begeistert: sor bereits seit 2006. Top talent of the kind we are ees: Dedication. die uns das Arbeitsleben in der Automobilindustrie vor. employer and which we want to see even more of. Continental AG Management Brose Group We offer committed students who are technology enthusiasts For over 140 years. vation. HR Marketing. Diese Toptalente finden wir beim wir uns von unseren zukünftigen Mitarbeitern wünschen: Ein. At FSG. was Fach. ANNA-MARIA KARL General Manager Head of Global Talent Sourcing. Year after year we are so impressed by our FSG-teams: The dent Germany since 2006 because the creativity.und Führungskräften. satzbereitschaft. nau das ist für uns die Brücke zu Daimler. that’s dispensable for prospective talents. Ge- onskraft spielt auch hier eine bedeutende Rolle. cal and management personnel. die mitbringen. denn Innovati. passion and future engineers are full of passion for technology and inno- commitment of participating students inspires us every year. creativity and team spirit! seeking can be found at the Formula Student competition. Bei der FSG treffen wir Menschen. da uns die Kreativität. als Arbeitgeber beeindrucken und die wir fördern möchten. In order to continue this and actively shape the future of the automobile. Expatriate Head of Employer Branding Germany. Gleichzeitig bereitet der Wettbewerb auf chen Teamgeist am Start. Daimler AG We have been one of the main sponsors of the Formula Stu. Um diese Erfolgsstory weiter- übernehmen und die Zukunft des Automobils aktiv mitzuge. we success story. Wir unterstützen die Formula Student Germany als Hauptspon. These are the qualities that impress us as in the automotive industry and thus makes the competition in. zuschreiben sind wir ständig auf der Suche nach qualifizierten stalten. We are proud to be back as a the vehicle of tomorrow. ogies for future vehicle generations. and team spirit – what could be bet. enthusiasm. die FSG zu un- Lösungen. als sich in diesen Disziplinen zu mes. nehmen entwickelt seit über 30 Jahren innovative Konzepte eurskunst und Herzblut unter den härtesten Bedingungen zei. wenn sie mit Ingeni. For further information quired to be front-runners in the field. As one of the world’s largest automotive ambition. ganz vorne mit dabei zu sein. und Technologien für zukünftige Fahrzeuggenerationen. iav. we deliver results today while innovating for tional and creative solutions. Das Unter- sen? Wir fiebern mit unseren 21 Teams mit. Teams. We are proud to support FSG and sponsor at this year’s FSG and look forward to meeting the learn how the next generation will transform mobility. Wei- gen. wie die nächste Generation FSG dabei zu sein und freuen uns auf den Austausch mit den den Wandel der Mobilität umsetzt. FRIEDHELM PICKHARD CHRISTIAN WILLENBERG President ETAS GmbH Human Resources Speed. determination and the courage to pursue unconven. tomobilzulieferer weltweit liefern wir heute schon Innovationen Zielstrebigkeit und den Mut zu ungewöhnlichen und kreativen für das Auto von morgen. of experience in developing innovative concepts and technol- We wish all teams the motivation. Spitzentechnologie und Team-Spirit – was IAV ist mit über 6. parts dieses Jahr erneut als Sponsor der terstützen und daraus zu lernen. Als einer der größten Au- haben vieles gemeinsam: Leidenschaft für Innovation. IAV is one of the world’s ter than to measure oneself in these disciplines? We share the leading providers of engineering services to the automotive thrills with our 21 teams as – with engineering skills and pas. Veränderungen in einer dy- Die Teilnehmer der FSG und der Automobilzulieferer Faurecia namischen Industrie mitzugestalten. go to www.iav. Best of luck to everyone! Magna bietet Dir die Möglichkeit. With over 6. Wir sind stolz darauf. ANDREAS MARTI GÜNTHER APFALTER Faurecia Group Country HR Director Germany President Magna Europe FSG participants and automotive supplier Faurecia share some Magna provides you an opportunity to drive real change in a of the most important characteristics: A passion for innovation. about IAV. industry. Wir wünschen allen viel Erfolg! 56 SPONSORS SPONSORS  57 .500 members of staff. The company can look back on more than 30 years sion – they show their mettle under the toughest conditions. Ehrgeiz. teams. was sie können. dynamic industry. Erfolg. and success Wir wünschen allen Teams den Spirit und tere Infos zu IAV erhalten Sie über unser Karriereportal www. high technology.500 Mitarbeitern weltweit einer der führen- kann es Schöneres geben. Wir sind stolz. den Engineering-Partner der Automobilindustrie. Geschwindigkeit. com/fsg ambitious goals. Germany reale. If the environment tive design process enables teams to design. Wir freuen uns wir bei MAN den Fokus bei unseren neuen Mitarbeitern/innen das Event und hochmotivierte Nachwuchsingenieure erneut zu und sehen deshalb das Sponsoring der Formula Student als unterstützen. Entschlossenheit. Mut. We wish all participants the best of luck! Respekt. Mit MATLAB und Simulink lösen Teams der Formula Student Wer Entscheidendes bewegen will. entwickeln schneller Team das Richtige ist.und Führungskräfte bei im Fahrzeug eingesetzt werden. Formula Student a valuable investment in our own future.0: Talent Relations. Using indus- emerge from visions. Wenn dann noch das Umfeld stimmt und das modell-basierte Entwicklung der Erreichung ihrer ehrgeizigen Ziele zu unterstützen. pionier. YVONNE BENKERT VANESSA WÜNSCHE Head of HR Innovation 4. Modell-basierte Entwicklung (Model-Based De- überzeugende Lösungen. team spirit. Unser Ziel ist es. MTU-Gründervater und Technik- eine wertvolle Investition in unsere eigene Zukunft. we place an emphasis on these values support this event and the upcoming engineers again in 2017. Aus. At MAN. braucht Ideen. MTU zählt zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern von Großdie- Wir gewinnen und verlieren gemeinsam! Auf diese Werte legen selmotoren und kompletten Antriebssystemen. founding father of MTU and technical pioneer. And so do we. Teamgeist. sign) erlaubt Lösungen zu testen und zu validieren bevor diese geisterungsfähige angehende Fach.mathworks. Integrität–diese Eigen- schaften bringen ein Team bei der Formula Student zum Erfolg. Employer Reputation. would certainly love Formula Student Germany.JOACHIM REICHLE CHRISTOPH HAHN Vice President Corporate Personnel Development and Automotive Competition Technical Lead Learning If you want to make a decisive move. talentierte und be. try-standard tools such as MATLAB and Simulink help students thusiastic specialists and future executives in achieving their tackle real engineering problems. Wir sind es auch! Wir wünschen allen Teams einen erfolgreichen Wettbewerb! 58 SPONSORS SPONSORS  59 . validate fits and the team is right. Karl Maybach. die dauer und Biss. endurance and drive. Studenten. Diversity & Inclusion Respect. HR Digital. engines and complete propulsion systems. automobiltechnische Probleme.mathworks. innovative and convincing ideas and share their models within one environment. wäre begeistert. HR Communications. www. courage. We are pleased to dent challenge. for our new employees. you need to have inno. that is why we consider sponsoring the Karl Maybach. Our aim is to support talented and en. Manager HR Marketing and Employer Branding HR Marketing. Employing a Model-Based Design approach to the automo- vative ideas. and determination as well as integrity — MTU is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of large diesel all these qualities bring a team to success at the Formula Stu. www. test. werden aus Visionen innovative und und besser. Die Teilnehmer sind gern gesehene men zu arbeiten und Zukunftskonzepte zu entwickeln. Porsche. We tion we offer young people a great variety of opportunities to want the participants to become passionate about our compa- work on high-tech technologies as well as future concepts. teams and support them financially and with our expertise. eine ansteckende Begeisterung und die beeindru- reichste Hersteller im Motorsport nicht nur für Intelligent Per. mit unserem Know-how.000 Rennsiegen steht Porsche als der erfolg. As one of Europe’s teams share. und freut sich auf die Woche in Hockenheim. die für uns ein sche. Come and talk to us – it’s worth it! Mit mehr als 30. Wer. Siemens PLM Software ist sehr stolz darauf. Als einer der größten Automobilhersteller in Europa Student-Teams verbinden. an Hightech-The. echtes Highlight ist. and applications from them are very welcome. ward to the week in Hockenheim. are the qualities that our employees and the Formula Student opment and education of young engineers. Wir wünschen allen Teams viel Glück & Erfolg. Engagement und Leidenschaft für Technik – das Opel Automobile GmbH ein zentrales Element der Nachwuchs. commitment. Das Engagement im Formula Student-Wettbewerb ist für die Teamgeist.bei Formula Student und bei Por.000 victories. Kommen Sie mit uns ins Gespräch – es lohnt sich! 60 SPONSORS SPONSORS  61 . seit den Sie Teil davon. ckende Professionalität aller Teams – das ist es. die wir für unser Unternehmen begeistern möchten. which is a real highlight for We wish good luck and success to all teams. Als Sponsor stehen wir in engem mit einer über 150-jährigen Unternehmenstradition bieten wir Kontakt mit den Teams und unterstützen diese finanziell sowie jungen Menschen vielfältige Möglichkeiten. ny. an infectious enthusiasm and the impressive pro- cessful manufacturer in motorsports. us. Member of the Chief Human Resources Officer Management Board of Opel Automobile GmbH For the Opel Automobile GmbH the sponsorship of Formula Team spirit. Become part of it FSG. die unsere Mitarbeiter und die Formula- förderung. auszeichnet.ULRICH SCHUMACHER CORINNA SCHITTENHELM Vice President HR and Labor Director. Team spirit. and a love of technology – those Student competition is a core element of promoting the devel. Schreiben Sie mit am nächsten Kapitel der 2015 Sponsor dieses außergewöhnlichen Wettbewerbs zu sein Zukunft des Sportwagens . was die FSG formance sondern auch für einzigartige Teamleistungen. as the most suc. stands for Intelligent fessionalism of all the teams – that is what distinguishes the Performance and extraordinary team spirit. of this extraordinary competition since 2015 and is looking for- neering – at the Formula Student competition and at Porsche. Bewerber. KONSTANZE MARINOFF THORSTEN WALZ Director Human Resource Marketing Director Channel Business Development With more than 30. Teamgeist. Siemens PLM Software is very proud of being the sponsor and define the next chapter of the future of sportscar engi. As a sponsor we are in close contact with the largest automakers with more than 150 years company tradi. sind Eigenschaften. very beginning. pushing forward e-mobility. ZF is dealing with partner and sponsor for Formula Student Germany since the digitizing mechanical systems. Fähigkeiten die Sie bereits heute demons. wie wir Technikberufe wecken.the Formula Student Germany! We are look- teamwork to face the challenges in the Automotive Industry. Volkswagen wünscht den Teilnehmern viel Erfolgt Welt bei einem so ambitionierten Projekt wie Formula Student und ein spannendes Rennen! unterstützen zu können und wünschen viel Erfolg! DIPL. uns vor Ort trieren. STEFAN GIES Business Communication Specialist Head of Chassis Engineering Passenger Car. We support For- we run to stimulate interest in the engineering profession and mula Student to give the participants an early insight in our to lend a hand to the future generation. to support young students from all over the world with such an Everybody is welcome to visit us on site. 62 SPONSORS SPONSORS  63 . fällen und Emissionen. die Zukunft der Mobilität mitgestalten. Als einer der weltgrößten Automobilzulieferer beschäftigt sich Der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) ist stolz darauf. activities that shape the future of mobility. JANA HUEMMER PROF. We are pleased members and technology enthusiasts from all over the world. terten aus aller Welt. Volkswagen wishes ambitious project like Formula Student. Studenten auf der ganzen zu besuchen. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen. and our members fol. DR. mit denen wir das Interesse für uns. the Association of German Engineers. ZF mit der Digitalisierung mechanischer Systeme. tiven sowie engagierten Teammitgliedern und Technikbegeis- industrie zu stellen. Wir freuen uns daher sehr. This competition is a model for other programs and reducing road accidents and emissions. is proud to be a As one of the biggest automotive suppliers. ing forward to the exchange with creative and dedicated team Qualities that you demonstrate already today. Volkswagen AG It requires courage and endurance but also creativity and A great event . Bei der Formula Student engagieren wir bild für andere Programme. Dieser Wettbewerb ist ein Vor. On behalf of the SKF the participants a lot of success and an exciting race! team we wish all participants good luck! Ein tolles Event – die Formula Student Germany! Wir freuen uns Es benötigt vor allem Mut und Ausdauer aber auch Kreativität auch in diesem Jahr wieder sehr auf den Austausch mit krea- und Teamwork um sich den Herausforderungen der Automobil. tert unsere Mitglieder jedes Jahr aufs Neue. um den Teilnehmern frühzeitig Einblicke zu geben. den Nachwuchs fördern und er begeis. CHRISTOF KERKOFF MARTIN FRICK VDI-Society Automotive and Traffic Systems Head of Talent Attraction Technologies VDI.-ING. dem Forcie- mula Student Germany seit Ihren Anfängen als ideeller Träger ren der Elektromobilität und der Reduzierung von Verkehrsun- und Sponsor zu unterstützen. low it keenly every year. die For. They are racing against the clock as in just a few hours. A race to be at the front of the photo Smiling team members 64 IMPRESSIONS IMPRESSIONS  65 . Panorama The cars that have been shipped internationally are delivered to the boxes ready for unloading. and testing the track.Impressions Stretch! Wake up! FSG hasn’t started yet! Welcome ceremony time! The FSG Team and Sponsors work hard transforming the Hockenheim Ring to FSG. the teams will be entering the site. FSG recreation area Technical inspection The dynamic and timekeeping teams are setting up The teams start to enter the event site. The E-scrutineers prepare. FSG campsite life The anticipation as they await to see their car again. 66  67 . Drivers briefing at Acceleration event The patience that is required for the scrutineering queue.test track time Special awards judging! Team members getting some advice from the Chief Design Judge. Passed scrutineering . Wetpad! Skidpad! @FSGeV Green flag! Warming up for WetPad @FormulaStudentG (SkidPad) event formulastudentgermany Sleepy driver 68 IMPRESSIONS IMPRESSIONS  69 . ziert sich davon und begegnet dieser fünf. zwei oder vielleicht sogar are or where you are from. keit zur Zusammenarbeit. fat. den Studierenden einzigartige Geschlecht. Und wenn auf der Rennstrecke der to work together with each and every. dass wir der weltweiten Tendenz this time for self-development and in stützt. where they are schäftsreise. all that matters is that we push them to their limits. der die Kulturen grants and refugees Formula Student Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen. dass wir sie 70 UNITED COLOURS OF FSG UNITED COLOURS OF FSG  71 . wer du people. Letztlich spielt es keine Rolle. Hautfarbe und Kleider- male. Our vol. wir lie- and make new friends is just part zen täglich aufs Neue überquert – sei ben es. ist. und lernt ganz nebenbei Freunde fürs of others. thin. den gezielten Einsatz der persönli- chen Stärken um das größtmögliche und alle Anspannung des Wettkamps fällt endlich ab. gen. and party the night away together. trotzen und jedes language. Die Nacht whether it be via teleconferences or in vor der Individualität eines jeden und wird zum Tag. Aber am Ende key skill for success in the engineering von klein auf verstehen lernen. we teach them new skills and we give them one of the best weeks of their lives. Team zusammen. we look past this and create an ideal cosmo- politan event. Man kämpft gegenei- the highest level of success. die nächste Ge- event run as optimally as possible. where crossing the borders haben dieses Glück nicht. bringing their ex. geht über alles. Or on the track. Politikern und Vorurteilen gegenüber groß. lence. extremist politicians and nega. race. to respect the ways of others and Lage. zu zei- ture careers. bedeutet das. stän. um ihre Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten teering at FSG is that you aren’t only für ein erfolgreiches FSG-Event einzu- participating or supporting a great Das Beste daran. sich neue und nie erahnte understand cultures and behaviours Fähigkeiten anzueignen und bieten ih. dern. despite the continuous pressure around the world to create lines when it comes to sex. When it comes to de- veloping the next generation. Party zum ausgelassenen Feiern ruft. stellt man one. This is a turen und Verhaltensweisen anderer nander. have the opportunity to meet new zum Erfolg im Ingenieurwesen dar. entdeckt neue Spiele The best part of competing or volun. was zählt. in einem internationalen Umfeld auch hier ganz schnell fest: Fairness to use everyone’s strengths to reach aufzuwachsen. wenn es um more ways than you think. Möglichkeiten zur persönlichen Wei. nis. tigen Event teilnimmt. Glaubensbekennt- unteers and competitors are female. Neben der Rennstrecke ist es vor allem tivity towards the movement of immi. wenn die MAHLE- industry. bist oder woher du kommst. we love to Teams. Und darüber staltung für jedermann kreieren. Die Fähig. tunity to develop themselves in ways dass man nicht nur an einem großar- that are purely beneficial for their fu. lernt neue Menschen kennen. Wenn man als Wir bei FSG sind stolz darauf. competing head to head against each other. dass man dabei des Grenzenschaffens. auszuprobieren. als man neration hervorzubringen und zu för- Everyone comes together and works auf den ersten Blick vermuten mag. around the world. präferenzen geht. Wettbewerbsteilnehmer sind viel. A great nen beim Wettbewerb auf diese Weise Leben aus der ganzen Welt kennen.wir helfen ternational environments. Formula Student family. the “healthy es per Telefonkonferenz oder auf Ge. learn new games Denn genau hier werden Landesgren. sprechen. together to reach one goal and it is great. dick oder dünn sind. dass sie ein work together with and support our kommt in den Genuss neue Speisen Bewegung mit multikulturellen und Ziel haben: Sie reisen aus aller Welt an. religion. weiter – und bei Weitem mehr. their multi-cultural views. tall. klein. die auf diese Weise neue Besit- zer finden. Alle kommen als ein großes event that offers students the oppor. Kopf an Kopf. We at FSG are proud to show that. man feiert ausgelassen United Colours person. Es der Campingplatz. colour and dress preferences. For. mit unserer Formula Student- of this. short. but at the end of the day will still Formula Student Germany ist eine In our currently unstable western Das Leben in der westlichen Welt ist Unsere freiwilligen Unterstützer und “cheers” each other at the MAHLE par. Some of us are lucky to grow up in in. extremistischen fältig: egal ob sie weiblich. großartige Plattform. The campsite lifestyle where the teams Erfolgslevel zu erreichen – all das sind Fertigkeiten. Einige von uns sind in der glücklichen Ernst des Lebens beginnt. spielt keine Rolle ob sie eine Sprache Ultimately it doesn’t matter who you verschmelzen lässt: man trifft andere Germany (FSG) stands strong with mula Student Germany (FSG) distan. two languages or even sonderem Maße fördernd für deren be. speak one terentwicklung zu bieten. ist. try new food. creed. of countries can be a daily occurrence. Jahr aufs Neue eine weltoffene Veran- five languages and will travel from all ruflichen Werdegang ist. männlich. weltoffenen Ansichten. der Respekt stoßen alle gemeinsam an. where we ihnen dabei. die oft unterschätzt wer- den. Alles was zählt. Religion. Genau wie die Team- of FSG Formula Student Germany is a great platform to practise these skills. hilft. but also that you can use Freiwilliger Formula Student unter. gerne für sie da. skill that is often ignored is the ability eine der besten Wochen ihres Lebens. an ihre Grenzen bringen . derzeit geprägt von Instabilität. Wetteifernder oder bringen. ist alles. Familie zusammenzuarbeiten und sind event relationships”. um diese Fähig- world with constant threats of vio. Rasse. Andere der Anstrengung. hinaus entwickelt man sich als Freiwilli- periences and skills to ensure that the ger selbst auf vielfältige Art und Weise Wenn es darum geht. dig drohender Gewalt. Ehrenamtlicher bei FSG zu sein. in welchem sie Kul. ty when they trade their team-shirts keiten zu erlernen und zu verbessern. Dabei stellen sie den Schlüssel Shirts. welche in be. Some of us aren’t. rather than 3 parallel compe. we found that a battery cable had become loose career success? and rubbed on the ground causing the battery to be dis- Tell us a bit about your experiences in the team? What do you remember about the Formula Student There are 3 key abilities which you need to master to be connected. What is your opinion of the advance. taking responsi. time to execute all the things which you want to before the part of the Bath University Racing Team (BURT04) during his titions I would like to see the Formula Student organization next race. covert.During the experiences within the team and at competition. with the birth of projects such as Roborace. bution to success or failure. BURT04 out on the track Pete May Direzione PowerUnit– ERS Design & Development Head of ERS Design & Development Pete May. during your career.pressed by the level of professionalism many of the teams Formula Student gives the en. experienced gained in Formu- I think it is absolutely correct and inevitable that the evo. advantage. I remember being im. and Team work. once a Formula Student team member. sleep deprived I wish all the teams competing a successful and safe com- entiators in the future. What skills did you learn during your time competing at the team finished 26th in the final standings. team developing one complete Roborace. there is NEVER enough petition. and working in Italy for Ferrari Formula 1. it is essential to pick the things which studies at the University of Bath. pletely shut down on circuit. our car com- this helped in his career success in Formula 1 and also for some technologies. way in which you build relation.p. tion to them all is a huge contri- In the 2nd phase of the project. the paddock of competition racing. In motorsport.were showing and the different technical solutions which vironment to be able to un- The increasing “artificial” bility for building and testing of the Turbo Charged Yahama were arrived at. nificant impact of the success of the project. opment activities in the technical aspect. 5laps from the end. the original design was a steel spaceframe then I competed in the UK competition in 2003 and 2004. Preparation. since one bad working relationship in a small team is a sig. which you will work in these “driverless” technologies the opportunity to decide if a petitions in parallel. pulling together and coordinating the rela. FORZA FS! 72 SUCCESS STORY SUCCESS STORY  73 . event perfectly prepared. tial testing. were so focused on perfecting every technical detail or the ing. We were very Pete's team in 2002 fortunate when Pete agreed to answer our interview questions on his experiences as part of Formula Student. and arriving at the competition. executing completely and arriving at the technologies can compete against each other. la Student will be the smallest the birth of projects such as future career success? tively small 12 person team. Thus leaving no time for substan. Success Story: How Formula Student helped in reaching my career goals in Formula 1. these are: tie. I believe we will see Formula Student will give you This year Formula Student Germany will hold three com. Make your dream. present within these series and with dents who are competing to Alongside this technical work. For many employers the car and driver to electric and driverless cars? many different technical areas differentiators in the future. 2years of work was compromised. If you decide that motorsport is the career for you. different competitive elements and being organized and these areas. with a it was pretty much the first time which I had been inside Preparation.02 cable I began the project in 2002 working on the design of the events you competed in? successful in motorsport. This lesson was a chassis. I moved on to Engine Devel. into the job which you would We are seing already that success in the ships and collaborate with others on a technical project.I remember from my own experience that we er financially attractive options like accountancy or bank- The increasing “artificial” intelligence of ve. how he thinks strating the advantages and compromises of the different endurance event at the 2004 UK FS event. that it was finished only hours you will succeed. before needing to be loaded into the truck ready to trans- I believe we will see these “driverless” tech. In the events themselves there are many derstand and develop skills in intelligence of vehicles is also What tips can you give to stu- R6 Engine. For the sake of 30seconds and a €0. On post-race Formula Student that you believe have influenced your analysis.right places at the right times is a challenge not to forget. this target strong in your head. Pete was once From a personal point of view.then you have to be prepared for the knockbacks. every detail counts and atten- tubular steel spaceframe at the rear. We asked him about his create a regulatory environment in which these different are most valuable. The re- sult was that instead of a top 10 finish in the event overall.Is there anything else you would like to say? nologies also being big performance differ. tips for those who are looking for a similar career path. Attention to detail. evolving to become Bath’s 1st Carbon fibre “tub”. follow it stubbornly and eventually hicles is also present within these series and design and build of the car. WEC. Attention to Detail. without being tempted oth- pabilities in electrification on the drivetrain. help them with their Team manager. racecar. reminder that in motor racing. Therefore. port to the competition. This gives future in Motorsport is for you ment of the traditional competition with a combustion you invaluable exposure to also being big performance or not. thus demon.A. however it is not a follows the general evolutions in the motor tance of the guarantee to be able to walk industry and in motorsport in general. world’s top race series (Formula1. now living Ferrari S. and not on top form.probably Formu. but more importantly allows la Student can be seen as an lution of the Formula Student competition you to understand the impor. keeping FormulaE) is now inextricably linked to ca. I also took on the role of prepared with everything ready and the right people in the Team Work. FSC (km/h) 76. We also included the times so you can see Drive a point optimal Endurance. Here air pressure and winners of FSG 2016 and compared their results in (if not overall winner): track played an important role. you've got to finish first Winner FSC 2016 nimum values for these variables had been determined. the most important thing was: never touch Auto X Track length (m): 1500 TUFast the ground.2 the vehicle balance could be coordinated with the aero- Overall position in event: dynamics. This disciplines. but the tires as quickly as possible into a TUFast 88. Endurance Track length (m): 22000 Efficiency Times: TUFast (s) 1341. Top Team Performance In autocross. KA-RaceIng 98. best compromise: Optimal lap times with a given target fuel consumpti- on. 74 TOP TEAM PERFORMANCE TOP TEAM PERFORMANCE  75 . but there was a practice area between the (if not overall winner): greater focus on slow tire heating. avg speed: FSE (km/h) 79.9 versity of Munich. Fine tuning was done using a Super-8 course.2 TUFast 1 avg speed: FSC (km/h) 59. By driving in circ- les with different radii in quasy-steady state conditions.1 KA-RaceIng 2 FSE (km/h) 58.46 TUFast 1 petition was tested in the Much of the preparation was similar to  inner of Efficiency W KA-RaceIng 2 that of the autocross. the dynamic events. Therefore.27 gaining the highest number of points. KA-RaceIng KA-RaceIng 1 Karlsruhe Institu. So- FSE TU Delft metimes an improvement from the 20th to the 10th place is more im- portant (because of points) than from the 5th place to the 3rd. TUFast (s) 70. It is not only about looking at FSC TUFast at end of the endurance. FSE KA-RaceIng (s) We asked each of the teams to FSC OSU Corvallis provide some hints on how they achieved these positions. but also to bring Germany is not about winning every discipline. a comparison of the performance Consider Efficiency and Endurance between the top electric and as a single event and choose the combustion cars of 2016.2 Overall position in event: KA-RaceIng (s) 1344. Consider relative competition.0 could the further setup be continued. Only when the mi. We took the two desired temperature window and to  inner of Auto X W hold them there. the chance to win/get the cup. at the beginning of the test phase To finish 1st Technical Uni- many bump tests were carried out in order to adjust Times: KA-RaceIng (s) 68. It was important not only to improve • Points: KA-RaceIng 100 Winner FSE 2016 the vehicle behaviour.53 FSE Terrassa ESEIAAT longer period of time and the resulting Target the areas in the competiti-  inner of Endurance W increased air pressure change in order to on where you can score the most (if not overall winner): counteract any drop in tire performance points.9 • Points: TUFast 100 The change in the sus- Overall position in event: pension settings at com.4 spring hardness and driving height. TUFast 6 To finish 1st you've got to finish first. Formula Student te for Technology. • Points: TUFast 325 FSC TUFast should not increase too much over a KA-RaceIng 310. Finally it was spotted that there was an issues with a contact. Efficiency. the pro- Your start time for Wetpad doesn't blem remained unchanged. ced if necessary. Prior to the Acceleration.17 dule" were replaced. 76 TOP TEAM PERFORMANCE TOP TEAM PERFORMANCE  77 . Before the endurance.41 dry. Due to FSE ETH Zuerich the design finals in the evening.5 KA-RaceIng 917. avg speed: FSE (km/h) 75. Times: KA-RaceIng (s) 5.87 adjusted accordingly.0 luated immediately on site. FSE KA-RaceIng you still have the opportunity to win the war and FSC KIT . After this was repaired just before midnight.42 KA-RaceIng 1 From dynamics (675 max): TUFast 10 Conclusion KA-RaceIng 649. The problem arose before the noise luation was carried out using Vector FSC (km/h) 15. The eva. they were adjusted in such a way that chassis movements in the starting phase of the run were minimised.64 all winners! The important message to take away is From statics (325 max): and the performance almost exclusi.601 cipline and a complete check for During the individual test runs.  inner of Skidpad W that at FSG. Even in the TUFast 3. Depending on the basic settings of the dampers. In ad- dition. important.even the over. the engine stalled hardly changes.5 Total (out of 1000): were collected on an irrigated tire test bench and the suspension was FSC (km/h) 70. TUFast 60 the "ECU" and "Power Distribution Mo- • Points: KA-RaceIng 65. Overall position in event: gular shutdown of the engine due to between the electric and the com. Times: KA-RaceIng (s) 3. Acceleration At the events the suspension was Track length (m): 75 adjusted before each dynamic dis. if you have one bad event.41 and ability. we were able to tackle the Endurance as the only discipline with our full potential As the traction control and power and take first place in Endurance and limitation were perfectly adjusted. the comple. the TUFast (s) 17.  inner of Acceleration W 12 times. Skidpad so that the perfect camber of 0° Track length (m): 114 could be achieved during the drive as a result of the kinematic values.1 te check was particularly intensive test and became apparent by an irre- Canape and Matlab and the results and various wear parts were repla. a 6th place in (if not overall winner): the Auto could be reached (!!!).8 Final Points this purpose. tem voltage. static figure of eight testing. TUFast 566. data of the rain tires avg speed: FSE (km/h) 78. or other damages was carried out. but looking at the big picture.16 vely depended on the driver's feeling (if not overall winner): lar battle may be lost. However. KA-RaceIng 649. the suspension set-up could be finalized.16 The data could not be evaluated from • Points: KA-RaceIng 75 Every team has their ups and downs . there FSC TU Wroclaw was barely any time to find the fault.Karlsruhe become an FSC/FSE (FSD!) champion.2 Very special conditions: very wet! For TUFast (s) 5. TUFast 566. as the addition of water changes a lot TUFast 49. One of the most the complete failing of the wiring sys- KA-RaceIng 3 bustion test team were compared. Overall position in event: TUFast 852.5 matter. Nevertheless. that particu. the static camber could be calculated over the spring travel.861 possible loose connections. cracks vehicle data was recorded and eva. because the track doesn't/ best autocross race. die Arbeitswelt von MAHLE kennenzulernen und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen. Heute arbeiten bei MAHLE weltweit rund 77. Mit diesem Wissen unterstützen 239 Heilbronn UAS Germany 68 92 319 Roma U Sapienza Italy 116 100 wir die Teams der Formula Student Germany.“ 224 Hatfield UH United Kingdom 62 91 299 Brno TU Czech Republic 109 87 Rudolf Hügel. 211 Sevilla U Spain 52 101 280 Kassel U Germany 101 93 213 Corvallis OSU United States 53 88 285 Padova U Italy 102 98 214 Lund U Sweden 50 94 287 Moscow PFUR Russia 103 96 216 Bursa U Turkey 56 87 288 Bologna U Italy 104 87 „Ans Limit und darüber hinaus.Participating Formula Student Combustion TEAMS 2017 MEINE PERFORMANCE. Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit. bei einem international führenden 233 Shanghai Tongji U China 65 101 313 Berlin TU Germany 113 86 Entwicklungspartner und Zulieferer der 244 Ulm UAS Germany 71 103 330 Akron U United States 119 84 246 Arnhem UAS Netherlands 72 84 333 Moscow MADI Russia 120 96 248 Bochum U Germany 73 86 340 Istanbul YTU Turkey 121 92 249 Erlangen U Germany 74 89 343 Konstanz UAS Germany 122 93 250 Bath U United Kingdom 78 85 347 Mumbai DJSCE India 123 97 252 Moscow PT Russia 76 96 350 Belgrade U Serbia 124 85 253 Graz TU Austria 77 90 360 Weingarten UAS Germany 125 104 254 Vellore VIT India 75 104 369 Coimbatore COT India 126 88 258 Nevers ISAT France 82 98 379 Pforzheim U Germany 127 99 262 Regensburg OTH Germany 80 99 390 Milano PT Italy 128 95 265 Wiesbaden UAS Germany 81 105 395 Valéncia UPV Spain 129 103 RAC TIVE EM P TT A LO MOST YERS 269 Seattle U Washington United States 79 101 399 Karlsruhe UAS Germany 130 93 GERMANY 270 Coburg UAS Germany 83 88 STATUS/STAND: 23.07. Technischer Assistent des Vorsitzenden der Geschäftsführung 226 Loughborough U United Kingdom 57 94 300 Berlin HTW Germany 110 86 227 Mumbai Somaiya India 63 97 307 Karlsruhe KIT Germany 111 92 Wir mögen es. Car City/University Country Pit Page Car City/University Country Pit Page MIT MAHLE ZUR 202 203 Stuttgart U Graz UAS Germany Austria 55 51 102 90 274 279 Toronto U Győr U Canada Hungary 100 84 102 90 HÖCHSTFORM AUFLAUFEN. das treibt mich an. Mit unseren 235 Maribor U Slovenia 64 95 314 Vigo U Spain 114 104 Produkten für Verbrennungsmotoren und deren Peripherie bis hin zu Lösungen 237 Modena UNIMORE Italy 67 95 317 Stralsund UAS Germany 115 102 für elektrifizierte Fahrzeuge decken wir alle wichtigen Fragestellungen entlang des Antriebsstrangs und der Klimatechnik ab. 242 Darmstadt UAS Germany 69 89 321 San Sebastián TECNUN Spain 117 100 Gehen Sie Ihren Weg – mit uns.2017 2016 78 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  .000 Mitarbeiter an über 170 Standorten. 243 Pisa U Italy 70 99 324 Zagreb U Croatia 118 105 jobs. Was ist mit Ihnen? Sind Sie 231 München TU Germany 66 97 308 Wrocław TU Poland 112 105 bereit für die Pole-Position? Steigen Sie ein. Für mich kam der Start im Unternehmen nach dem Rennen – 220 Magdeburg OvGU Germany 59 94 296 Hamburg UAS Germany 107 91 mit dem Internationalen Traineeprogramm bei MAHLE 222 Tyumen TYUIU Russia 61 103 297 Schweinfurt UAS Germany 108 100 und dem anschließenden Auslandseinsatz in Brasilien.mahle. wenn unsere Mitarbeiter Ziele haben. 217 Auburn U United States 60 85 292 Oxford Brookes U United Kingdom 105 98 Als Teilnehmer des Rennteams an der Uni Stuttgart konnte 219 Haifa Technion Israel 58 91 294 Esslingen UAS Germany 106 89 ich bei MAHLE punkten und viele Kontakte knüpfen. Our Smart Innovation Portfolio helps optimize your digital enterprise so you’re better equipped to initiate and respond to disruptive innovation. And you can realize what matters most in your industry. d. . It’s time to go beyond best practices… to next practices. Because having a great idea isn’t as important as realizing it. from development through production to utilization.Participating Formula Student Electric TEAMS 2017 Car City/University Country Pit Page Car City/University Country Pit Page 9 Göteborg Chalmers Sweden 4 110 50 Lisboa IST Portugal 27 113 11 Thessaloniki U Greece 2 116 54 Barcelona UPC Spain 28 107 12 New Delhi IIT India 3 114 63 Trondheim NTNU Norway 30 116 13 München UAS Germany 1 114 64 Kaiserslautern TU Germany 29 111 16 Hannover U Germany 5 111 66 Augsburg UAS Germany 32 106 17 Karlsruhe KIT Germany 6 112 67 Osnabrück UAS Germany 31 114 18 Dresden TU Germany 12 109 72 Bremen U Germany 33 108 19 Braunschweig TU Germany 10 107 76 Freiberg TU Germany 34 109 21 Bayreuth U Germany 11 107 77 Stuttgart DHBW Germany 35 115 23 Amberg OTH Germany 9 106 78 Hamburg TU Germany 36 110 26 Stuttgart U Germany 24 116 85 Delft TU Netherlands 42 108 31 München TU Germany 17 113 96 Zwickau UAS Germany 41 117 33 Zürich ETH Switzerland 18 117 97 Landshut UAS Germany 46 112 34 Ingolstadt UAS Germany 22 111 119 Mülheim a.07. That’s where we come in. The Smart Innovation Portfolio is an adaptive system that provides everyone the information they need – when and how they need it – through intelligent models that self-optimize for efficient product realization and successful customer utilization. 46 Köln TH Germany 26 112 Siemens PLM Software: Industry solutions for smart innovation. how do you compete? Traditional measures of success – quality. Ruhr HRW Germany 40 113 41 Wien TU Austria 23 117 181 Göttingen HAWK Germany 47 110 42 Darmstadt TU 45 Sankt Augustin UAS Germany Germany 16 25 108 115 186 Patras U 192 Diepholz UAS Greece Germany 48 49 115 109 Realize passion. STATUS/STAND: 19. Forward-thinking companies are “digitalizing” their entire innovation process. cost. where markets vanish in a single innovation. In a world of smart products. speed – aren’t enough.2017 80 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  Realize innovation. Participating Formula Student Driverless TEAMS 2017 Car City/University Country Pit Page 413 München UAS ELECTRIC Germany 15 122 414 Deggendorf UAS ELECTRIC Germany 44 120 416 Hannover U ELECTRIC Germany 39 120 417 Karlsruhe KIT ELECTRIC Germany 13 121 426 Stuttgart U ELECTRIC Germany 37 122 431 München TU ELECTRIC Germany 38 121 433 Zürich ETH ELECTRIC Switzerland 43 123 434 Ingolstadt UAS ELECTRIC Germany 20 121 441 Wien TU ELECTRIC Austria 19 122 442 Darmstadt TU ELECTRIC Germany 21 119 469 Augsburg UAS ELECTRIC Germany 8 119 Our vision of tomorrow 478 Hamburg TU ELECTRIC Germany 7 120 is your opportunity 542 Firenze U COMBUSTION Italy 54 118 Interesting areas of responsibility. Find out about the wide variety of job openings and write the next chapter of sports car history together with us. flexible working hours and a collegial environment – Porsche has a lot to offer as an employer. STATUS/STAND: 19.2017 82 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS . 485 Beijing IT ELECTRIC China 14 119 499 Aachen RWTH ELECTRIC Germany 45 118 www. Ti. Dr.full aerodynamic package producing almost double the downforce BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSION RATIO 16.0-10 LCO (F/R) rod. 25x1. FUEL SYSTEM Motec m800 with sequential injection and wasted-spark ignition 65 teams FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8000 rpm/ 6000rpm DRIVE TYPE chain drive DIFFERENTIAL Drexler FSAE Salisbury-style LSD 20 nations COOLING Rear mounted single core triple-pass radiator. high-spec motorsport control units ARNHEM FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full Tubular Space Frame MATERIAL 25x2.0mm / 72. fully floating stainless BRAKE SYSTEM Gary Cast Iron Floating Discs. The goal is to continue the succes of TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x6 R10. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT mics. aerospace spec ELECTRONICS Motec M150 ECU.0x10.0-7. ISR calipers ELECTRONICS Multifunctional Steering Wheel. 50mm Offset.2mm DC01. VIM. Live-Telemetry AKRON FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Space Frame with Bon- ded CFRP Honeycomb Composite Panels MATERIAL 4130. we have upgraded our suspenison and brake system.0 Front & Rear WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. Hoo. the goals are achieved. Salisbury Type DIFFERENTIAL Drexler V3 Limited Slip Differential COOLING Dual Side Mounted Single Pass Radiators With COOLING Twin Side mounted 1074cc radiators Controlled Fan BRAKE SYSTEM 4 hub mounted. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Avon 7. presenting University of Belgrade. Al Rim part for the first time in FSG! While bringing our work on this vehicle to BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 67mm / 42. single ECU activated fan ELECTRONICS Multifunctional Steering Wheel.4mm / 1 cylinder / 450cc tyres. FUEL RON 98 FUEL SYSTEM 2010 yamaha R1 original fuelpump. COMPRESSION RATIO 11. Wesley Hunko. Pull rod WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 114kg / 124kg The Zips Racing team has produced its 26th vehicle since 1990. CFRP. COMPRESSION RATIO 13. AU-2017C continues a storied history of Auburn racecars! ENGINE 2015 Yamaha FZ-07 1990 students Thank you to Futek. Direct acting ated in front and directly actuated on rear The HAN Formula Student Team is a young and motivated team com. 1200 cfm fan mounted to CFRP shroud BRAKE SYSTEM 4 disk. cutsom controls and wheelset design. Polymers BATH FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full carbon fibre/aluminium honeycomb monocoque MATERIAL Solvay MTM49-3 based CFRP with different University of Akron University of Bath weaves.5mm S235.25:1 compared to the 2016 car and Turbocharged KTM 500 EXC engine 95. Brembo calipers COOLING Single original KTM radiator in the left sidepod. Pull/push TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 6. improved driver WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 17. Actuated Coilover Team Bath Racing 2017‘s goal throughout the project has been to SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arms.6mm / 2 cylinders / 689cc COMPRESSION RATIO 12. self developed rotors with 190.0/16. single MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 13000 rpm/ 9000rpm Keihin injector(original KTM) DRIVE TYPE Chain driven LSD FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline DIFFERENTIAL Torque sensitive limited slip bevel gear MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 7500 rpm/ 6500rpm differential with internal preload adjustment DRIVE TYPE Sprockets and Chain COOLING right side pod mounted radiator DIFFERENTIAL Quaife QDF7ZR Helical LSD Differential BRAKE SYSTEM self developed rotors with 220mm diame- ter. pull rod actuated horizontal- ly oriented spring and damper an all new design in AU-2017! Featuring a Yamaha FZ-07 powerplant TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier R25B 18. the Auburn Department of Mechanical Engineering. -5mm offset. -5mm offset.Electrop- neumatic Shifting System. 1pc. Hoosier R25B / 18x6 R10. Electrop- neumatic Shifting System. Al. as the first car was a hefty 6x10 ET-5. 3pc Al ping a vehicle that is simple yet lightweight and reliable. ISR Brake steel 191mm dia discs.0 x 8.6mm DP600. Placing a strong longitudinal accelerations.0-13 peting for the second time in FSG. Floating discs ELECTRONICS Wiring harness sealed to IP67. Symmetrix. 1pc.0-10 with custom cylinder tuning. spring and damper. Hexcel core OVERALL L / W / H 2969mm / 1420mm / 1200mm Combustion WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 217 Pit 60 WRL 50 United States 1537mm / 1219mm / 1194mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 126kg / 160kg Auburn University Formula SAE storms the beaches of Europe with SUSPENSION short-long arm.0/19.8 Sequential Staged Injection FUEL SYSTEM Custom multi-point fuel injection FUEL E85 FUEL E85 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10500 rpm/ 7500rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8500 rpm/ 8000rpm DRIVE TYPE 520 Roller Chain DRIVE TYPE Single 520 Chain DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Formula Student. 3 piece aluminum. Other goals are to improve team management and ENGINE Stock KTM 690 2008 an end.5mm DP600 BELGRADE FRAME CONSTRUCTION steel space-frame MATERIAL E235 and T45 steel HAN University of Applied Sciences Arnhem University of Belgrade (Универзитет у Београду) OVERALL L / W / H 3050mm / 1420mm / 1195mm OVERALL L / W / H 2757mm / 1456mm / 1047mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1600mm / 1250mm / 1200mm 1550mm / 1250mm / 1200mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 141kg / 154kg Car 246 Pit 72 WRL 288 Netherlands WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 127kg / 141kg Car 350 Pit 124 WRL 193 Serbia SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Pull rod actu- SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. improve transient performance as a result of maximising lateral and TYRES (Fr / Rr) Avon A92 10. the ZR17. KMS CAN Display 84 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   85 .7 cm wide. Walt Woltosz. Seimens.1 knowledge transfer. Al Rim / weight is the main goal for the second car. Key design features on TBR17 include Team WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10 ENGINE Yamaha WR450F focus on design integration and advanced manufacturing processes has Bath Racing‘s first full carbon fibre monocoque.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc 300 kilograms.8mm (R).5:1 GKN aerospace. with 12mm and 18mm corex aluminium honecomb OVERALL L / W / H 2540mm / 1377mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2933mm / 1383mm / 1197mm 1529mm / 1219mm / 1219mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 330 Pit 119 WRL 113 United States WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 119kg / 119kg Car 250 Pit 78 WRL 5 United Kingdom 1530mm / 1180mm / 1140mm SUSPENSION Double Unequal Length A-Arms. selfdesigned Telemetry BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disc system. Built-in ECU 38 channel 4Mb data logging.2/20. Our team is competing in C category WHEELS (Fr / Rr) OZ Superleggera 13’’ sier R25B the first year and improve the team and car in every aspect. and we are proud to present to you our 6th vehicle that takes ENGINE Yamaha YZFR-R6 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6x10 ET-5.0mm / 1 cylinder / 510cc FUEL SYSTEM Student Designed Fuel Pump Control With producing 56kW. 95mm / 63. a full CFRP monocoque. and the 2nd generation of Auburn ae. CNC center rodynamics. ACL. Peter Jones. sleeping for 2 hours per day and successfully finishing our tasks 102mm / 80mm / 1 cylinder / 654cc FUEL SYSTEM OEM Injectors actuated via ECU COMPRESSION RATIO 11. Formula Student team Road Arrow is the first Serbian FS team ever re. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 80mm / 68. adjustable brake balance. and AUFSAE alumni.5 mm diameter (F) and 177. 14x1. aerodyna.8:1 right before deadlines. So far. actuated vertical Spring/dampers The design of the ZR17 revolves around our main philosophy of develo. ISR calipers and discs.Team Profiles AUBURN Auburn University FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP and Al honeycomb core full monocoque MATERIAL Hexcel and Toray woven and uni fibers. a switch to 10“ Avon ENGINE KTM 500 EXC with Garrett MGT1238 Turbocharger BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT enabled us to produce a vehicle far superior to any in the past. Reducing since 2011. 25x1. Adjustable brake balance Calipers ELECTRONICS Modular wire harness. PDM connectors. COMPRESSION RATIO 12. original gearbox MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10500 rpm/ 7500rpm DIFFERENTIAL Drexler differential.tubes. Shifting 210mm diameter. external fuel pump.square tubes WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1575mm / 1200mm / 1200mm OVERALL L / W / H 2912mm / 1522mm / 1170mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 118kg / 139kg WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 313 Pit 113 WRL 84 Germany Car 299 Pit 109 WRL 79 Czech Republic 1532mm / 1210mm / 1180mm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.5:1 BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT achieved thus the weight of the car remains at 180 kg. Bosch injectors brings together the city of Bologna and the Motorvalley legacy. Brembo calipers.0mm / 42. 2pc Al rim ENGINE KTM SX-F 505 only highlights which the BRC17 offers. Continental C17 BMW engine. with a name that takes origins directly from the past. Steel Tubing BOLOGNA FRAME CONSTRUCTION front carbon fiber monocoque / rear steel tubular space frame MATERIAL Carbon fiber with aluminum honeycomb core / Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin University of Bologna AISI 4125 steel round tubing OVERALL L / W / H 2936mm / 1421mm / 1190mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2984mm / 1452mm / 1180mm 1530mm / 1250mm / 1250mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 300 Pit 110 WRL 221 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 118kg / 125kg Car 288 Pit 104 WRL 95 Italy 1560mm / 1200mm / 1160mm SUSPENSION front:unequal-length double A-arm. 420x217mm core U-flow zed rotors. is a concrete reality which WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10 27mm offset. rear:unequal-length double A-arm. one cylinder. adjusta- ble brake balance ELECTRONICS Student built ECU with built-in data log- ging. Keizer revolutionary model. Our team philosophy is a develop. Throttle and Brake Balance adjustment matic Shifting System. EN AW 6082 . Find out yourself and visit us at helped not only the engineering students to approach how to be in ENGINE Modified Suzuki GSX-R600 K6 BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT our pit! Have you ever seen a real unicone? #300thisisberlin #BecauseR. Continental C17 / 205/470 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Custom built 7.fuel injection.0x13. pressure regulator COMPRESSION RATIO 9. Electric Shifting. high reliability. 30 mm ET.4mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT nizes perfectly with the cars suspension to ensure high traction. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10 tires. Preload 30 Nm. 95mmmm / 72mmmm / 1 cylinder / 510cc FUEL SYSTEM Self build aluminium tank. Magnesi- um / 7. increase power and squeeze even more BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT turbocharged single cylinder engine. pushrod Innovation. OZ racing.0x7. portant “components” of UniBo Motorsport.10 R25B In UR04 we focused on cornering stability and acceleration.5-10 Hoosier R25B / 18. WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 128kg / 123kg The FT17 is the newest single-seater FS racing car from FaSTTUBe. After all COMPRESSION RATIO 12.2:1 dedication and great support single coil ignition system FUEL SYSTEM Sequential Multi Point İnjection and İgnition FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 7500rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8500 rpm/ 6000rpm DRIVE TYPE #428 Chaindrive 4spd sequential gearbox DRIVE TYPE Chain DIFFERENTIAL Drexler limited slip differential (FS2010 DIFFERENTIAL Drexler limited slip differential V.5x10. Pirelli Motorsport.0 x 6. low CoG. We have built seven single seaters for the Formula Student TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13. But these are not the cooperation with the University of Bologna. COMPRESSION RATIO 14. brake balance. the TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. longitudinally oriented damper 12th vehicle in the team’s history.0x7.5x13. 100mm / 60. limited slip DRIVE TYPE Chain size 520 DID ERT-2 COOLING Self build water-intercooler and cooler in the side box with fan mounted on cooling hood DIFFERENTIAL Drexler formula student limited slip BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. Push rod ated horizontally oriented spring and damper actuated angular oriented damper system. electric pump BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.5:1 FUEL E85 FUEL SYSTEM Student built . This year we managed to build our 98mm / 59. The ENGINE 2007 BMW G 450 X ment of a lightweight car equipped with an aerodynamic package and a WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. MATERIAL Steel Ruhr University Bochum OVERALL L / W / H 2970mm / 1485mm / 1210mm University of Uludağ OVERALL L / W / H 2996mm / 1518mm / 1075mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1540mm / 1227mm / 1192mm 1530mm / 1303mm / 1270mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 120kg / 128kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 140kg / 170kg Car 248 Pit 73 WRL 176 Germany Car 216 Pit 56 Turkey SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.5:1 FUEL E85 FUEL SYSTEM Port fuel injection using Bosch injectors (EV12 353 g/min 2-Spray and EV14 765) MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 7500 rpm/ 7000rpm FUEL ethanol DRIVE TYPE Chain drive. Pull rod actu. 95mmmm / 63.5x13. COOLING Right sidepod mount. Magnesium main goal was to lower mass. UBM17 Felsinea is our latest crea. LifeRacing F88 ECU BOCHUM FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Steel Spaceframe MATERIAL 25CrMo4 BURSA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Space frame steel tubes. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT aceCar #vespertheke COMPRESSION RATIO 13. Pirelli / 180x560 R13. first carbon fibre monocoque. self developed and optimi. SUSPENSION Duble unequal lenght A-Arm.6mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc ENGINE Husqvarna FE 501 / Turbocharged efficiency from the all-round package. ELECTRONICS Multifunctional steering wheel.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc FUEL SYSTEM student built. Electropneu- Clutching. single fan mostatic controlled electric fans BRAKE SYSTEM 4/2 piston ISR calipers. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod (Fr) and Pull rod (Rr) actuated spring and damper. Composite material for reducing weight. one heart. love and will to win: these are the three most im.0 . pull Hoosier R25B rod actuated. Student built Lambda Controller BERLIN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Steel Frame MATERIAL 25CrMo4 BRNO FRAME CONSTRUCTION Composite monocoque with steel tube rear frame MATERIAL CFRP with aramid/aluminum Honeycomb. ELECTRONICS wiring harness sealed to IP77. unequal double wishbone a arms. modified tele-com system 86 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   87 . 196mm/182mm BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. ISR Calipers ELECTRONICS Raychem Spec 44 wires. history. Furthermore the RUB 17 has a lot shimsa and aerodynamic improvement were used for better cornering BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT ENGINE Modified Honda CBR600RR/2008 of technical highlights such as the aerodynamic package which harmo.6:1 electropneumatic shifter mechanism was performed in order to better 67. 596 cfm fan mount.2). adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Fully sealed Harness. ECU tuning. 25mm offset. 2pieces Al Alloy weight design. self developed rotors with throttle. 2pieces Al Alloy. More of an evolutionary rather than a Racing. Cockpit adjustable brake radiator. Rohacell foam core. 30 mm ET. -15 mm offset. We focused on the most important aspects of racing: light.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc the hard work we want to thank our sponsors and our university for their FUEL SYSTEM BOSCH MS3 Sport sequential injection and race condititions. 220-200mm(Front-Rear) self developed rotors. a tribute that 67mm / 42. two injectors. shrink tubing. The Berlin Race Car 2017 combines optimized ae. electronic wastegate. A higher value of torsional stiffness was COMPRESSION RATIO 12.5x10. 25mm offset competition in the past seven years. adjustable brake balance diameter.8mm / 1 cylinder / 477cc a team and to achieve important goals. -15 mm offset. OZ racing. pull-rod WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 130kg / 160kg This year we present you the lightest and most aggressive racecar we ac.5:1 tion. R13. DRS. and driveability. Pull rod in TYRES (Fr / Rr) 10 front and Push rod in rear have ever developed. 13 inches TYRES (Fr / Rr) 160x530 backg. Since 2010 our project. ENGINE KTM 450 SXF 5.BERLIN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Hybrid Monocoque: Front CFRP Monocoque / Rear Steel Tube Frame MATERIAL CFRP. electronic BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. Technische Universität Berlin OVERALL L / W / H 3067mm / 1478mm / 1198mm Technical University of Brno E355+N .0x13. 50% Locked COOLING Single side pod mounted radiators with ther- COOLING Side mounted water and oil radiator. which has been optimized during a period of 2 years.“ This is a definition of TU Brno SUSPENSION Double unequal length Al/CFRP A-Arm. The all new RUB 17 is our attend to create a successful season for RUB TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 18. Deutsch motorsport conectors.5-10 „One team. adjustable camber thanks to WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 5. ISR Calipers. in TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 190x42 R10 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10 rodynamics with a newly created wheel assembly. common rail MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9250 rpm/ 6500rpm FUEL Ethanol 85 DRIVE TYPE chain drive MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11500 rpm/ 8500rpm DIFFERENTIAL Drexler DRIVE TYPE Regina 520 Steel Drive Chain COOLING mounted inside rearframe DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Formula SAE Specific Clutch Pack Limited Slip Differential BRAKE SYSTEM 4 Disk System COOLING One right side pod radiator with electric fan and ELECTRONICS Two way telemetric system. it retains the reliable single-cylinder turbocharged Wheel Al Rim/ Custom built 7. the goals we set forour car ENGINE FuT 610ccm based on Honda CBR 600RR PC-37 wer at less weight. GFR17c is equipped with more po.3mm offset. BRAKE SYSTEM 4 disk system. ELECTRONICS Motec 142 inner diam. rotors. new steering wheel. Al Rim. We dream.0x10. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT more performant car. hub moun.22mm. do you? Our claws are sharpened. new airbox.6:1 high-power engine with good fuel-efficiency.0-10 LC0 Esslingen were placed at the UAS Esslingen. We are looking forward to seeing you in Hockenheim BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT development include making best use of tires to run on a high grip level. strongly believing that Hoosier R25B points to completely renew our design.3mm offset. the Gepard’s innovation.5x13. new sidepods. ENGINE KTM and collected data from our previous cars. 1 pc CFRP / ENGINE KTM 530 EXC 6. various ESSLINGEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Modular chassis consisting of a one piece Monocoque and a tubular rear frame MATERIAL CFRP Monocoque with UD and fabric fibre. one combustion. yaw-inertia and height of the COG in Addition to a 67. ENGINE Yamaha R6 YZF new electronics.We hope to create a lighter. self-developed FPGA dash board for driver Infroamtion board and CAN measurement system COIMBATORE FRAME CONSTRUCTION Complete Tubular Frame Structure MATERIAL Mild Steel AISI 1020 tubings ERLANGEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque driver´s cell. Our chase for attaining perfection and excellence began with our first 20mm offset.0 R10 Hoosier racing machines built with passion can be a wonderful learning experien. 3pc Al Rim custom center all areas of the car. With the experiences. the Tiger’s wild heart. the Luchs’ motivation. We are Pegasus racing. For example we have a ce. sharing chassis. team representing PSG TECH. +50. Oregon State University thicknesses University of Applied Sciences Esslingen Nomex Honeycomb. Tilton master flow oil radiator at left rear cylinders. the Jaguar’s ele. front monocoque MATERIAL 200g/m² twill weave carbon fiber. custom Locks made preload adjustment COOLING Splittet cooling conecept with one 180mm COOLING Side mounted radiator.0x10. directly actu- TYRES (Fr / Rr) 152x67 R10. floating.5mm / 4 cylinders / 603cc the car so stop by our pit! COMPRESSION RATIO 12. +50.5 R10 ated spring and damper.Chain 520 DRIVE TYPE Sequential 4 speed gear box. walbro GSL392 FUEL gasoline FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 8000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 8500rpm DRIVE TYPE 520 chain DRIVE TYPE Chain drive DIFFERENTIAL clutch pack limited slip. adjustable dampers.85:1 wasted spark ignition FUEL SYSTEM Bosch ev 14 FUEL 95 octane gasoline FUEL E 85 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8000 rpm/ 6000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 9000rpm DRIVE TYPE 520 grade X Ring DRIVE TYPE Self-designed bevel gear drive DIFFERENTIAL Clutch type Limited Slip Differential DIFFERENTIAL Self-designed stiff axle drive COOLING Twin Side Pod mounted radiatior with electronic COOLING Middle mounted 500cc radiator and 11 fan controlled by thermistor BRAKE SYSTEM Self-made master cylinders. Al center dynamics and suspension packages.2’’ touch display.5mm / 42. COMPRESSION RATIO 14. 1 pc CFRP car built in 2009 .4mm / 1 cylinder / 450cc decrease of mass. ated spring / damper knit team comprising of multi-talented students. New pneumatic shifter. anti-roll bar For the 10th anniversary car of CAT-Racing we took the willpower of the SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. sepera- te rear monocoque MATERIAL CFRP monocoque with aluminium honeycomb PSG College of Technology Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg core OVERALL L / W / H 2770mm / 1325mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2900mm / 1554mm / 1190mm 1550mm / 1080mm / 1020mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 369 Pit 126 WRL 396 India WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 160kg / 108kg Car 249 Pit 74 WRL 19 Germany 1530mm / 1240mm / 1150mm SUSPENSION inboard SLA suspension with pullrod geo.4mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc FUEL SYSTEM Sequential Electronic fuel injection with COMPRESSION RATIO 12.0 R10 Hoosier / 18x6. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS reworked wire crosssection. aluminum and nomex core. electro-mechanic shifting CORVALLIS FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP monocoque with steel main and aluminum front hoop MATERIAL Toray T700. Together we build TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 6. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 10’’ LC0/WET successful predecessor. adjustable preload..5x10. we build.1:1 FUEL SYSTEM Honda CRF450R injector. we‘re ready to compete with the best teams of the BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT animals. the list goes on.Further improvements in 2011 helped us achieve the and overall more compact racecar than last year. With a lighter and ENGINE KTM SX-F 450 (modified) Back to our roots it’s a Panther. the Puma’s speed. faster WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6. metry with antiroll bar in rear and Pull in front This year we decided not only to improve our last years car.self delveloped ELECTRONICS 4. the simulation results WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. the Leopard’s strength. Maximum speed: 300 kbps Information System. but in some SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. 18 x 7. ELECTRONICS Bidirectional point-to-multipoint connecti- on via radio modul Xbee Pro 868MHz 88 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   89 . WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. mild steel DARMSTADT FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL E235 University of Applied Sciences Coburg E355/S235 JR +C University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt OVERALL L / W / H 2940mm / 1430mm / 1170mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 3020mm / 1520mm / 1190mm 1550mm / 1205mm / 1205mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 136kg / 126kg Car 270 Pit 83 WRL 3 Germany 1555mm / 1150mm / 1120mm Car 242 Pit 69 WRL 145 Germany SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.We call it FAUmax Kap- BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT ENGINE KTM SX-F 450 2016 second spot nation-wide.. every year. adjustable ARB Hoosier R25B Panther.3:1 FUEL SYSTEM Multipoint fuel injection with Bosch EV14 FUEL SYSTEM Dual injection (1x port.8:1 joining us on our journey! 95mm / 63. actuation via WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 115kg / 143kg push rods. custom Vehicle Network(LPWAN). WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6. floating. one electric. 428 chain DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Slip Differential with reworked DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Limited Slip Differential.5 R10 Hoosier R25B/18 x 8. After a great 12th place at FSG 2016. it is the largest TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier. aero.5mm / 4 cylinders / 600cc world and look forward to a great event!A special thanks goes to our 95mm / 72mm / 1 cylinder / 510cc and our purring is ready for FSG! COMPRESSION RATIO 13:1 sponsors and supporters. thermostatic controlled Radiator each side electric fan BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT and we are pleased to answer any of your questions about our team and 95mm / 63.COBURG FRAME CONSTRUCTION rear spaceframe decoupled from main structure. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Student Designed 3 pc Al-CFRP Rim project at the university. student designed rotors BRAKE SYSTEM Stainless Steel. a Pink Panther!Everybody loves cat . rim shells the Manul’s passion and the success of the Karakal to unite it for the C-17. 195 outer diam.5 R10 R25B two cars. We are a team with unconditional desire for paWe want to thank our sponsors for their unbelievable support and for 95mm / 72mm / 1 cylinder / 510cc BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT racing. the F17 offers many technical improvements in WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Aluminium center lock wheel star. Therefore we changed major TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x6. Hoosier R25B / 191x53 R10. 3pc Al Rim new engine and rear frame concept. 51mm offset. Low Power Wide Area ELECTRONICS Dezentralized control units. 5mm offset. 1x inside plenum). Meanwhile.5mm / 65. WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 105kg / 126kg PEGASUS RACING. 4130 steel rear frame OVERALL L / W / H 2865mm / 1350mm / 1200mm OVERALL L / W / H 2990mm / 1454mm / 1195mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 213 Pit 53 WRL 17 United States 1535mm / 1145mm / 1145mm Car 294 Pit 106 WRL 9 Germany 1600mm / 1208mm / 1148mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 94kg / 116kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 117kg / 140kg Global Formula Racing is an internationally collaborative FSAE team SUSPENSION Double unequal length a-arms. we‘re back for more!Building on its TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18 x 8. in tank fuel pump FUEL SYSTEM fuel injection.. Pull rod actu. our meow is trained for noise 44.5x10. CFRP gance. COMPRESSION RATIO 11. self-designed BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system with rotor 153mm diameter stainless steel floating rotors ELECTRONICS Bi-directional LoRa. who make this amazing experience possible! COMPRESSION RATIO 14.0/18. Coimbatore is a well. DIFFERENTIAL Drexler limited slip differential adjustable bias ratio COOLING Side mounted oil and water coolers COOLING custom u-flow water in left side pod and straight BRAKE SYSTEM Brembo and AP calipers. direct acting In 2006 the first building blocks for the foundation of the Rennstall SUSPENSION SLA with pushrod actuated Kaz/Penske air suspension 7800 dampers / 3-damper system from Oregon State University and DHBW Ravensburg. components and established small innovations. we race. 3 pc Al Rim / 6. self-developed floating ted. and Bosch MS6 dash fittings FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL E85 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 12000 rpm/ 7000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7000rpm DRIVE TYPE Roller .0x10. steel. Direct actua. Pull rod actu- SUSPENSION double unequal lengh A-Arm. ENGINE Modified Rotax 602 ACE with Turbocharger and the reunion with the other FS teams. Their cars have always WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7 inch wide. we ated horizontal orientated spring and damper Formula Technion is an Israeli-based team out of the Technion: Israel TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 20. the jr17. elec- ELECTRONICS Multifunctional steering wheel with display. floating. it has a CFRP chassis BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 68. BRAKE SYSTEM 4 disk system. damping setup with coil-under custom dampers. braided wire sleeves. Life Racing BRAKE SYSTEM 4-floating disk system with self-developed F88 ECU & PDU-16. 1ps Mg Rim / 7x13. Arrabona Racing Team.8mm / 4 cylinders / 636cc 74mm / 69mm / 2 cylinders / 593cc COMPRESSION RATIO 12. the entire vehicle was redesigned and the team is excited to COMPRESSION RATIO 11. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 Continental C17 Front and ful Hungarian combustion team in Formula Student since its foundation. cfrp and titanium inserts HAIFA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Steel Space Frame MATERIAL Chromoly Steel Graz University of Technology Technion . 2 x 4-pot hub moun- COOLING Side mounted single radiator with 398 cfm tem.7:1 package.8mm / 2 cylinders / 471cc 95mm / 72mm / 1 cylinder / 510cc COMPRESSION RATIO 10. we presented our new race car called SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm with pull rod ated spring/damper (ZF Sachs). who are alternating every year. full sequential injector per cylinder. acc.13:1 wasted-spark ignition FUEL SYSTEM inlet manifold injection FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL E85 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8000 rpm/ 6000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 6500rpm DRIVE TYPE 510 Chain DRIVE TYPE chain drive DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Limited-Slip DIfferential DIFFERENTIAL limited slip differential COOLING Rear mounted radiator with 5 COOLING aluminium core oil and water radiator. tronic throttle control Motorsport ABS. FUEL SYSTEM OEM Honda Multi-point fuel injection FUEL SYSTEM Intake pipe injection with optional airbox FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline injektion MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8000 rpm/ 7000rpm FUEL RON 100. 30mm offset. ted spring and damper This year celebrates our 20th anniversary competing at formula stu. As BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT ENGINE KTM SX-F 450 95mm / 63. ETC GRAZ FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP monocoque sandwich construction with steel tube rear frame MATERIAL High-tensile-strength carbon fibre prepregs. A significant change in the vehicle concept was made ENGINE KTM 450 EXC-F (2017) WHEELS (Fr / Rr) CFRP or exceeds the performance compared to past cars. one piece handlaminated chassis and a breathtaking design. pushrod actu.Israel Institute of Technology OVERALL L / W / H 3020mm / 1420mm / 1185mm OVERALL L / W / H 2915mm / 1413mm / 1180mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1560mm / 1200mm / 1150mm 1550mm / 1180mm / 1180mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 129kg / 119kg Car 253 Pit 77 WRL 2 Austria WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 104kg / 113kg Car 219 Pit 58 WRL 82 Israel SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. decelleration 50° -> 42% integrated in gearbox COOLING Side mounted radiator.5 mm diameter. established in 2014. live telemetry. structural foam. Every year. this ENGINE SZEngine EVO5 power and drive-ability of the existing power unit.Our team consists of a BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT year`s ART_04 shows the biggest leap forward with a full aerodynamic BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT mixture of 31 new and returning students from a diverse range of backg. a new way of thinking and innovation. The Weasels are currently on the 3rd place CFRP Rim high downforce. The 2017 contender will aim to Rear Continental C17 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7” wide OZ Racing 13” Magnesium 1pc Our 28-person strong 2017-team built upon the experience gathered in WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. rotors with BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. ated vertically oriented spring and damper TU Graz Racing Team is a team that is rich in tradition.10 Hoosier LC0 / 18 / 6 .22mm offset. ABS. COMPRESSION RATIO 13:1 rounds combining experience. Pull rod actu. gasoline DRIVE TYPE 520 Chain Drive MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8200 rpm/ 7100rpm DIFFERENTIAL Spool DRIVE TYPE 4-speed sequential gearbox.13 build on the excellent cars from the past and try to continuously impro. custom data logger.The main focus this year was to increase the ENGINE Honda CBR500R Twin supplied as part of an intra-university collaboration with SZEngine. CAN-Bus. 69!!! HAWKS!!! BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT arged Rotax engine and a CFRP gearbox housing. We are looking forward to the event in HAWKenheim ENGINE Kawasaki ZX6R 636B (2003/2004) in the WRL.4mm / 1 cylinder / 450cc the challenges of a Formula Student season by clearly dividing the BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT a result. like every year we are trying to build a car that maintains Formula Student. HRH10 aramide & PAMG-XR1 University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz Rohacell and aramid honeycomb core University of Applied Sciences Hamburg aluminum Honeycomb.34M „Nyala“.5 .A. nomex and aluminium honeycombs. port fuel injection. one tor per runner. launch control. Bosch injectors. heat-treated laser 270mm diameter.8:1 upcoming work into 7 different modules. 2 COOLING two undertray-mounted one core radiators with self designed fans fan on each BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk-system. Electropneumatic Shifting Sys GYŐR FRAME CONSTRUCTION Structural steel space frame with aluminium honeycomb impact attenuator MATERIAL Structural steel and aluminium honeycomb HATFIELD FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Steel Spaceframe MATERIAL Steel Széchenyi István University Györ University of Hertfordshire OVERALL L / W / H 2840mm / 1400mm / 1190mm OVERALL L / W / H 2860mm / 1446mm / 1180mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1580mm / 1200mm / 1140mm 1550mm / 1200mm / 1150mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 100kg / 109kg Car 279 Pit 100 WRL 70 Hungary WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 114kg / 119kg Car 224 Pit 62 WRL 65 United Kingdom SUSPENSION Double unequal length wishbones. is equipped with a turboch.. aluminium ELECTRONICS Traction control. With a unique engine 30mm offset. 1ps Mg Rim place with a podium result. chain drive COOLING Side Mounted Radiator and Oil Cooler DIFFERENTIAL Drexler FS Limited slip differential BRAKE SYSTEM Student designed. HAMBURG FRAME CONSTRUCTION full body CFRP monocoque and CFRP rear support frame MATERIAL E323 prepreg. continue UH Racing‘s strong heritage by improving on last year‘s 14th rim the past 3 seasons to create our ultimate vehicle. The focus is on easy drivability with WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13 .6:1 FUEL SYSTEM Student built. Roll bar acuated.0 . has been the most success. FUEL SYSTEM PE3 ECU with semi-sequential injection and modules act as connectors and coordinators. self designed. Direct SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. IG-F foam OVERALL L / W / H 2920mm / 1434mm / 1200mm OVERALL L / W / H 3138mm / 1435mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 203 Pit 51 WRL 4 Austria 1580mm / 1220mm / 1180mm Car 296 Pit 107 WRL 15 Germany 1635mm / 1200mm / 1200mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 134kg / 139kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 125kg / 133kg joanneum racing graz and its members . heat shrink tubing. Telemetry.0 X 7. ted / 1 x 4-pot inboard mounted perature controlled electric fan ELECTRONICS Raychem 25 Complying to IP67. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18 / 6 . The team consists of students of the U. electric water pump.or turbocharged. weight optimized rear calipers ELECTRONICS multifunctional steering wheel. BRAKE SYSTEM 3-disc system (mono-rear brake) ator with selfmade fan on the suction side ELECTRONICS Wiring Harness IP67. adjustable brake balance cut rotors with 240 and 210 mm diam.0mm / 43.have been SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. water radi. integrated in gearbox DIFFERENTIAL Limited slip differential (Drexler). Adj. The heads of the respective 95mm / 72mm / 1 cylinder / 500cc compete for the first time at Formula Student Germany. This will be the team‘s fifth year competing in WHEELS (Fr / Rr) OZ Magnesium Rim LC0 ve. launch control 90 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   91 .„The Weasels“ . On may 19th. Continental C17 / 470x34 R13. redesigned suspension and new tires.R13 Graz in Austria. 217. Their newest member. vertically oriented spring and damper building racecars since 2003. We try to meet as the team moved to a single cylinder engine from a four-cylinder. aluminum rail FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL 100 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 8500rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 6000 rpm/ 5500rpm DRIVE TYPE DID Racing Chain 520ERS2 DRIVE TYPE via gearwheels. A new star is born.8:1 with optimized suspension and aerodynamics for the 2017 season COMPRESSION RATIO 8. This year.GRAZ FRAME CONSTRUCTION one-piece CFRP monocoque MATERIAL carbon fibre prepregs. ISR brake calipers ELECTRONICS Spec44 wires. 2pc CFRP Rim been super. This race car impresses with a further weight reduction on the TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental 20 x 7. 40° DIFFERENTIAL 2010 DREXLER limited slip differential -> 60%.10 Hoosier Institute of Technology. Student Designed Dashboard rotors. one injec- #NeverStopPushing FUEL SYSTEM Port injection system. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 470x34 R13. dent events since its inception in 1998. electric clutch actuation. electric adjustable brake Electric gear shifting system balance. 67mm / 66. COMPRESSION RATIO 15.S TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental 205/470 R13 . third element already having a reliable engine unit. custom 4 speed gear box DRIVE TYPE chain DIFFERENTIAL Drexler LSD . steering wheel with neumatic shifting system. 1 FUEL SYSTEM Bosch fuel injection EV14 L-Valve in student injectors. and KIT17d.A. OZ S. ARB High Speed Karlsruhe. manufacture and test the KIT17c. 1 pc Al rim ENGINE Modified Suzuki GSXR 600 development of first ever aero package of the team.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc to visit free Magnum stand. We can’t wait that consits of a monocoque and a steeltube rearframe for the first time BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 67. with DIFFERENTIAL limited slip differential by drexler. With this priority we optimised the service ability. twill unidirectional plies. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental 205/470 R13 34M / Continen- actuated ZF Damper with coil spring tal 205/470 R13 34M about 85 members. CFK tubes. Every newbie should easily understand the named F-111. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Multifunctional steering wheel.p. FUEL SYSTEM Aluminum tank with an internal fuel pump. adjustab- internal preload adjustment le preload. is entering its 11th season in TYRES (Fr / Rr) 155/67 R10 Hoosier LC0 of the biggest university of applied sciences in Germany. FUEL SYSTEM intake manifold port injection with an elec. Adj.2:1 FUEL SYSTEM Fully sequential injection with Bosch. 4mm offset. fourth car of the most successful Turkish team. rear 210mm diameter. injec- FUEL SYSTEM Student des/built multipoint injection tors and a Hptech . self progammed 5” Touch Display.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc in our team history. FUEL SYSTEM Student des. We design. As a new highlight the F-111 comes up with a titan-carbon BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 100mm / 62. ELECTRONICS self-designed PDM. adj. electro-pneumatic Shifting System ISTANBUL FRAME CONSTRUCTION One piece tubular steel space- frame MATERIAL St44-2.75:1 last year‘s concept in terms of reliability and reducing weight. Thats why we rea. best packaging and a focus on aerodynamic ENGINE KTM 450 SX-F and now consist of about 50 students from all faculties.3:1 We are looking forward to the FSG. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Electropneumatic Shifting System ELECTRONICS wiring harness with lightweight FEP coated wires. new dampers and a reveised areodynamics package.0-13) Hoosier / Racing Team. 2pc AI/C Rim WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 13” ENGINE Suzuki RM-Z 450 sponsors and our university. electronic clutch actuat integrated display./built system. Pull-Rod Founded at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz in 2006. We proudly present the HRT17! It‘s the seventh car buildt by the Herkules SUSPENSION Double A-arm suspension.5-13) Hoosier with the overall goal of a high reliability in addition to low unsprung WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. self developed rotors with BRAKE SYSTEM 4 Disk system. About 50 students of WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6.HEILBRONN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular steel space frame with aluminium endplate MATERIAL E355 / EN-AW 7075 KARLSRUHE FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full CFRP monocoque MATERIAL Carbon with rohacell aramid honeycomb core Heilbronn University University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe OVERALL L / W / H 2890mm / 1356mm / 1200mm OVERALL L / W / H 2740mm / 1398mm / 1081mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1570mm / 1140mm / 1140mm 1525mm / 1200mm / 1200mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 104kg / 118kg Car 239 Pit 68 WRL 389 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 128kg / 131kg Car 399 Pit 130 WRL 110 Germany SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Castrol Syntrax Limited Slip 75W COOLING Twin side pod mounted radiators with thermost. Our design goals focus on enhancing COMPRESSION RATIO 13.0mm / 42. not Istanbul TU 67mm / 42. Pull rod actu. The KIT17c will be our 11th race car with a combustion engi. Thanks to all TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. Various driving aids lised among other improvements a dry sump system and build a chassis ENGINE 2008 Honda CBR 600RR BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT are added to tame this beast by upgrading the electronics. (Fr) Pull rod (Rr) ated spring/damper HHN Racing is the Formula Student team of the UAS Heilbronn is one Push rod actuated. adjustable brake 240/227. a high power-to-weight ratio and high stiffness.349 cfm custom build fans BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. 22mm offset.875mm . 30mm offset. COOLING side mounted radiator and one shot brazed oil atic controlled electric fans cooler with 1244. DP600 and ST52 steel round KASSEL FRAME CONSTRUCTION front Carbon Monocoque.PS: It is Yildiz TU. steel a-arms. COMPRESSION RATIO 12. 97mmmm / 67.8mm / 1 cylinder / 501cc exhaust system. founded in 2006. KIT17e. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Student design CFRP-Rim 7. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT effort to transfer knowldege to the new team members and together we 67mm / 42. E355 and 25CrMo4 OVERALL L / W / H 3072mm / 1389mm / 1182mm OVERALL L / W / H 2910mm / 1395mm / 1160mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 340 Pit 121 WRL 255 Turkey 1620mm / 1200mm / 1150mm Car 280 Pit 101 WRL 89 Germany 1540mm / 1200mm / 1160mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 137kg / 156kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 114kg / 145kg Behold the YTR04.1:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 12. width 18m DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Clutch Pack Limited Slip.0 the Formula Student combustion competition.0 x 7. A lightweight design. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.6:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 12. electrop. self developed brake 2-pis- BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.5 x 7. full sequential designed housing in manifold FUEL 98 octance FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 7500rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 7600 rpm/ 5500rpm DRIVE TYPE Chain GB520MxZ4 DRIVE TYPE 520 motorcycle chain DIFFERENTIAL clutch pack limited slip. the main emphasis for this year had 195x45 R13 (20. OZ Magnesium Rim. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental C17 Bodensee Racing Team proudly presents its 12th racecar. intake-manifold fuel injection tronic low pressure pump FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 12000 rpm/ 8200rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 9000rpm DRIVE TYPE Chain Type 520. Mg Rim. We are looking forward to the FSG! COMPRESSION RATIO 13. KONSTANZ FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL SAE 4130 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology kevlar-carbon hybrid twill University of Applied Sciences Konstanz OVERALL L / W / H 3006mm / 1410mm / 1185mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2867mm / 1510mm / 1190mm 1530mm / 1209mm / 1151mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 137kg / 137kg Car 307 Pit 111 WRL 13 Germany 1530mm / 1220mm / 1150mm Car 343 Pit 122 WRL 161 Germany SUSPENSION Double wishbone suspension. self developed rotors with adjustable brake 225mm diameter. self-developed rotors with ton calipers (FA & RA). full programmable dashboard KARLSRUHE FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP monocoque frontmodule and a steel tubular rearend MATERIAL HT and HM fibres.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc 95mm / 63.396 cfm/988. which made it possible to finish TYRES (Fr / Rr) 175x55 R13 (20. 10Nm preload. the ILTIS 17. push rod linked ated horizontally oriented spring and damper on the lower A-arm. fuel injection. FSA and FSS competitions.5“ wide.1mm / 1 cylinder / 487cc technic.Formula Student DIFFERENTIAL Drexler COOLING separated water and oil radiators. rear steel space frame MATERIAL CFRP with honeycomb sandwich material Yıldız Technical University tubing 14mm to 28mm diameter University of Kassel (Schütz Cormaster C1). self developed rotors with ont 240mm. self-designed Live Telemetry 92 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   93 .2:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 13.5mm diameter. pullrod actuation KA-RaceIng is building three cars in the season 2017 with a team of SUSPENSION double unequal length A-Arm. 4 Hole 22mm offset. mass. ENGINE SWM 500 BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT to understand and reliable. The never-ending quest for finding speed leads to WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. E235. adjustable brake balance front 218 mm and rear 208 mm diameter.0x10. been to increase grip. With SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Damper. Our goal was to build a car that is easy the UAS Karlsruhe have been working together to build the new racecar. Fully adj. 1 pc Al rim / 7x13.4mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc made this year´s ILTIS possible. DIFFERENTIAL Drexler FS limited slip differential adjustable ratios COOLING Self designed Radiator with aluminium hard COOLING sidepod mounted water-air radiator tubes BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. We make great BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT are the key facts for this year. brak ELECTRONICS self designed control units and dash panel ELECTRONICS Bosch MS6 ECU. Based on lap time simulations we developed a new racecar TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental C17 205/470 R13 all the dynamic events last year. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. At the start of the season our team welcomed many motivated rookies ENGINE Suzuki GSX-R 600 K8 ne.fuel pump FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11500 rpm/ 10500rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 12400 rpm/ 8130rpm DRIVE TYPE 520 Chain Drive DRIVE TYPE chain drive (pitch: 15. self developed rotors. WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 106kg / 124kg aluminum inserts. Pull rod actu- SUSPENSION unequal length A-Arm. E420. each with an COOLING Side pod mounted air water radiator electric fan BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. adjustable camber/toe/spring rate/damper rate SUSPENSION Double unequal lenght wishbone. It aims to inspire authentic emotions WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10’’. Due to many old team members leaving ENGINE Suzuki GSR 600 K6 through a high performance powertrain featuring a longitudinal engine and rear the team at the end of this season we tried to teach all new members as BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT with a bevel gear transmission. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Pirelli DM 540x200-13 / Pirelli DM MoRe Modena Racing was born in 2003 in the heart of the Italian Motor (front) and push rod (rear) actuated coilover. 80mm / 55mm / 2 cylinders / 553cc tailored specifically for the LFS-17 car. whilst maintaining high levels through years of experience and learning. Double Horizontal Shock Absober. rear car was characterized by increasing the reliability and ease the manu. Toray M30SC Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg OVERALL L / W / H 2727mm / 1430mm / 1115mm University of Modena and Reggio Emilia WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2902mm / 1408mm / 1160mm 1600mm / 1230mm / 1230mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 148kg / 160kg 1540mm / 1260mm / 1220mm Car 220 Pit 59 WRL 298 Germany Car 237 Pit 67 WRL 132 Italy WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 134kg / 163kg SUSPENSION Double A-Arm.Custom telemetry system MAGDEBURG FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular profile space frame MATERIAL Steel . hub moun- ELECTRONICS Custom wiring harness. refined engine mapping to run at COMPRESSION RATIO 10:1 system. FUEL SYSTEM Custom MoTeC System with Denso Injectors all result at FSG. featuring a custom Akrapovic exhaust 100mm / 61mm / 1 cylinder / 480cc an up-rated aerodynamics package. Hub COOLING Right sidepod mounted custom core radiator. Al Rim ding design principles of our city. Al honeycomb OVERALL L / W / H 2900mm / 1393mm / 1168mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 3010mm / 1415mm / 1192mm 1535mm / 1160mm / 1160mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 214 Pit 50 WRL 238 Sweden WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 139kg / 144kg Car 390 Pit 128 WRL 163 Italy 1600mm / 1200mm / 1160mm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm in front. steering wheel integrated dashboard.0x13. The 2017 Design features a fully structural composite floor.0mm / 44. PDM15. dual rail with two FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline injectors per cylinder MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10500 rpm/ 8200rpm FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline DRIVE TYPE 520 Chain MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7000rpm DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Formula SAE Limited Slip Diffe. CFRP Sandwich Panel Floor and SIS MATERIAL T45 / Mild Steel. COOLING Left side mounted radiator with 285mm electric from 30% up to 88% lock up torque fan COOLING Twin sidepod mounted radiators with thermost- BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.5:1 70mm / 48. to-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.0x13. pullrod actua- LUMotorsport is made up of around 20 dedicated undergraduate Actuated Ohlins Cane Creek Dampers Front and rear ARB Since 2011. GPE17. ADSL3 and MDD. Pull-Rod. 235 cfm fan mounted to frame Custom Mild Steel Laser Cut Floating Discs BRAKE SYSTEM Self developed rotors with 194mm diame- ELECTRONICS Custom loom incorporating MoTeC M800 ter. Toray T700.5:1 FUEL SYSTEM Open-source MegaSquirt system with sequential injection FUEL SYSTEM Indirect Fuel Injection. Hoosier R25B / 191x53 R10. The focus has been on function and reliability. COMPRESSION RATIO 12. BRAKE SYSTEM AP Racing 4-Piston / 2-Piston Calipers. electric fan differential with internal preload adjustment BRAKE SYSTEM ISR calipers. It is powered by a naturally BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT of drivability. OEM fuel rail. MARIBOR FRAME CONSTRUCTION Single full composite Monoco- que MATERIAL Aluminium and Aramid honeycomb Loughborough University University of Maribor OVERALL L / W / H 2950mm / 1479mm / 980mm OVERALL L / W / H 2917mm / 1380mm / 1195mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1535mm / 1200mm / 1181mm 1550mm / 1200mm / 1200mm Car 226 Pit 57 WRL 214 United Kingdom WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 139kg / 139kg Car 235 Pit 64 WRL 194 Slovenia WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 125kg / 130kg SUSPENSION Double Unequal Length A-Arm Pull Rod SUSPENSION Double unequal length a-arm. AP Racing calipers ECU. modified to much as possible in all our knowledge in designing and building a car. This years development of the 540x200-13 Valley.5 x 7. Triumph Daytona 675 ENGINE Modified KTM 505 SX-F 2007 boosted powertrain developed for LFS16. magnesium rim for both front facturing of all the components. dels. a lightweight complete aero package and engine fine tuning. 4 piston front/ 2 in rear. Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineers from TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier R25B 20. 320 cfm fan mounted to radiator ELECTRONICS Multifunctional steering wheel with pad. LFS17 aims to improve on the team‘s first newest vehicle.1:1 significantly higher boost levels and improved Anti-roll bar design. It includes a mold-free carbon panel ENGINE 2007 Suzuki GSX-R 750 4 cylinder.5:1 FUEL SYSTEM Port injection. FUEL SYSTEM self designed port injection using primary FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline and secondary Bosch EV14 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8000 rpm/ 7750rpm FUEL E85 DRIVE TYPE Renthal RR4 520 Road Race SRS Chain MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 6000 rpm/ 5500rpm DIFFERENTIAL 2010 Drexler FSAE LSD DRIVE TYPE Chain drive with serial KTM gear box COOLING Side Mounted Marston Radiator with twin SPAL DIFFERENTIAL Drexler limited slip fans COOLING Side mounted 40mm core aluminium radiator. 22mm offset. Al Rim / 7. 3 pc Al Rim dies the evolution of concepts and project philosophy of its predecessor. FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10500 rpm/ 7000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10250 rpm/ 8750rpm DRIVE TYPE 520 Chain . holed clutch and gearshift ELECTRONICS Self designed GBU with electropneumatic shifting.) electronic elements.Sprocket DRIVE TYPE Chain drive DIFFERENTIAL Drexler LSD DIFFERENTIAL Torque sensitive limited slip bevel gear COOLING 683 cm^2 core aluminium radiator. OEM injectors FUEL SYSTEM EFI Euro4. Their TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 6. hub mounted disks.0 X 10 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Braud Sturace 16 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7 Loughborough University. Front push rod. electronically actuated gear and clutch Brembo P4. the new M17L reflects the lea. is showing off all of their knowledge. This year we present the DP9. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hossier R25B 18x7.5-10 for both front and WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. Rear push rod. 67. Ti ARB 30 students from five different engineering faculties and have now built Hoosier R25B part to the FSG. Electronic brake balancing and graphic TFT display. Pull rod We are the UMD Racing Team. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 180x55 R13. Built around passion and teamwork. Solenoid Gearshift ELECTRONICS Motec M800 ECU with custom dashboard and wiring LUND FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP reinforced one piece tubular steel space frame MATERIAL Seamless cold drawn steel tubes (EN 10305-1/4) MILANO FRAME CONSTRUCTION Carbon fiber reinforced polymer monocoque MATERIAL High strenght carbon fiber (including UD Lund University Polytechnic University of Milan M40J).0x13. Pirelli 5Z791 the ninth car in one year. AP Racing master zylinders BRAKE SYSTEM Front and rear: Floating. which is 67mm / 42.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc Unique elements are the carbon fiber monocoque chassis and our stu. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT de-dion axel in the rear and a vastly different aero-package. Politecnico di Milano racing team. 30 mm offset.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc monocoque combined with in-house manufactured aero package and BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSION RATIO 12. mounted drilled steel disks.0 X 18.0mm / 42. Nomex®.24 axial mounted calipers ELECTRONICS Launch control. 4 link WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 124kg / 124kg Lund Formula Student was formed in 2006.7mm / 3 cylinders / 607cc aspirated Single cylinder engine. a prototype that embo. 22mm offset. Mg Alloy The car. the Formula Student Team of the Ot. Inox. DRIVE TYPE Bevel gear rential 2010 DIFFERENTIAL Clutch pack limited slip.24 and P2.0x10. uses an open steel space-frame with a composite body ENGINE Honda CB600F Key features designed to improve performance are custom developed ENGINE Modified Aprilia RXV550 and is powered by a 600 cc Honda engine. self developed brake atic controlled electric pump and fans caliper / rotors. 94 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   95 . epoxy resin. This year’s team consists of de-dion Dynamis PRC. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 191x53 R10.7mm / 4 cylinders / 750cc Good luck and have fun at FSG 2017 . WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. full sequential fuel injection management. Electrical. 135 inner. gathered ENGINE Modified. electric actuated ted. 35 Nm preload.E235+C MODENA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque constructed of flat panels glued together MATERIAL Rohacell WF51. LFS-17. 190 outer. COMPRESSION RATIO 51.0:1 dent designed and built electro-actuated system for clutch and gearshift COMPRESSION RATIO 12. Grand Prix Engineering team from University of Maribor is ted horizontally oriented dampers and springs Automotive.#aviapervia COMPRESSION RATIO 12. Turbocharged. Their goal is to complete the Endurance and reach a good over. 76.LOUGHBOROUGH FRAME CONSTRUCTION Hybrid Steel Spaceframe. BRAKE SYSTEM 4 floating. for the third time takes SUSPENSION Double Carbon Fiber Wishbone.13 successfully competing in Formula Student combustion class.0 . AISI 420.The news for this year is the BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT tires. This year our team is introducing to you the 10th racing pro. DRS. Feel free to come to our pit and FUEL SYSTEM Port Fuel injection original injectors FUEL E85 talk to us! FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 10000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 12000 rpm/ 10000rpm DRIVE TYPE 520 chain DRIVE TYPE Chain 520 x-ring.445 cfm fan mounted to radiator-duct COOLING In side pod mounted AL radiator with fan BRAKE SYSTEM 3-Disk-System. 184mm Dia. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. Electroninc Button Shifting ELECTRONICS Power Box.1:1 value of all available resources and how to get best out of it. to gain practical 24mm offset. J. J. This year we enter the competition with the ORI‘17.5x13. but our name was replaced TYRES (Fr / Rr) 6. a 650cc engine. KTM OEM fuel rail FUEL RON95 disks.Iguana G10. graduates are traditionally valued at a high level. this year was to ENGINE 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650 R skills and invaluable experience.MOSCOW FRAME CONSTRUCTION Front and rear tubular space frame MATERIAL 9MnSi5 Steel round tubing MUMBAI FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Space Frame MATERIAL AISI 1018 steel round tubing Moscow Polytechnic University Dwarkadas.0-10 LCO Hoosier DJS Racing is a formula-style race car design team from D. 3 piece Al rim students with the opportunity to develop themselves.monocoque. Business BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 89mm / 60mm / 1 cylinder / 373cc car a lot of new things for our evolution: carbon fuel tank. rential 0. but BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT to keep the car concept as simple as possible. FUEL SYSTEM PE3 8400 ECU with Bosch Fuel and Wasted engine of larger volume KTM 690 with turbo supercharging and carbon FUEL SYSTEM Keihin 420cc/min (3. Every year we replace old techologies and inject COMPRESSION RATIO 13:1 achieve these goals: KTM one-cylinder engine. heat-shrink tubing ELECTRONICS n/a 96 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   97 . 27mm offset. Hoosier R25B / 150x45 B10. late platform to display your technical as well as managerial skills.4mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc COMPRESSION RATIO 11. 4pc Al rim/7. FS events are an immacu. armd-honey / MUMBAI FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full Tubular Space Frame MATERIAL DIN 2391-st52 Cold Rolled round steel tubing Moscow State Technical University (MADI) carbon-steel. which plants every bit of power to the ground. horizontally orientated spring & damper gineers from People‘s Friendship University of Russia. Pull rod actu. in Yamaha injector body FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 6750rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 6500rpm DRIVE TYPE Chain Drive DRIVE TYPE Chain drive. Custom SS 410. We run towards the top. variable brake bias 83mmmm / 60mmmm / 2 cylinders / 650cc 95mm / 63. fully flown rotors 190mm ELECTRONICS Custom Wiring Harness.Power Distribution Module(PD- M). 4 Disk. twill weave. aluminium honey comb-/foam core.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc mic package well-balanced between high downforce and efficiency. monitored via telemetry.0x10. that influence on teambuilding and knowledges 67mm / 42. F.30 members of our team have brought in this jubilee firmly believes that such competitions make you industry ready. pull rod Formula Student RUDN is a perspective team consists of young en.Pullrod SUSPENSION Unequal Double A-Arms with push rod (vertical) R-Pushrod (Horz) oriented spring-damper Probably you remember us as FDR MAMI. Hoosier R25A / 205x70 r13. RaceCapture Data and 180mm. adjustable brake balance Loom designed in CAD.13 R25A full aerodynamic package.0 R10. actuacted.5bar) saturated type ture & bonding helps one to understand a real organisation structure Spark Ignition System. and an aerodyna- BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT team work together. steel. 25mm offset. Solenoid 225mm/210mm outer diam. FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 6500 rpm/ 5000rpm DRIVE TYPE Chain Drive DRIVE TYPE chain(520). focused on driveability and adaptivity. ISR calipers Logger and Telemetry. Equipped with a TYRES (Fr / Rr) 150x45 B10.J. The TUfast Racing Team from the TU Munich consists of 80 team mem. College of Engineering.6:1 system. sequential. Sanghvi College of Engineering OVERALL L / W / H 2787mm / 1340mm / 1124mm OVERALL L / W / H 2745mm / 1200mm / 1178mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1550mm / 1142mm / 1104mm 1525mm / 1200mm / 1100mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 127kg / 116kg Car 252 Pit 76 WRL 319 Russia WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 133kg / 130kg Car 347 Pit 123 WRL 412 India SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. We united by the same interest and dreams.0.) K. 6-speed gearbox DIFFERENTIAL Spool DIFFERENTIAL Designed by students limited slip diffe. DRS.0x6.Pull Push rod WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 138kg / 140kg actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper We are the first team founded in Russia and the first racing team that SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.Al tube (16-25mm diam. chain #520 DIFFERENTIAL clutch pack limited slip DIFFERENTIAL no differential COOLING Sidepod Mounted Radiator with electric fan COOLING One radiator with thermostatic controlled elec. floating. Somaiya College of Engineering OVERALL L / W / H 2879mm / 1357mm / 1150mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2769mm / 1485mm / 1026mm 1550mm / 1200mm / 1150mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 127kg / 149kg Car 333 Pit 120 WRL 474 Russia 1575mm / 1230mm / 1160mm Car 227 Pit 63 WRL 259 India SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Team ENGINE KTM 690 SM 2007 BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT totype . Hoosier LC0 on CFRP Rims. 2. ENGINE Yamaha YFZ450R have just enough complexities in the car to execute better lap times. fuel injection. our TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 520.8 . the ORI‘17 is fully equip. Sanghvi TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18.7 Bar injector.selfdesigned Steering Wheel board MOSCOW FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP-monocoque front section / Rear tubular space frame MATERIAL carbon&carbon-aramid fiber. ated horizontally oriented spring and damper Hoosier R25B started to use CFRP monocoque.. self developed rotors with ELECTRONICS Motec PDM 15.The aim of the design. Since the founding of the team. COMPRESSION RATIO 13:1 bold techical decisions to our cars. ELECTRONICS Multi Purpose steering wheel. 102mm / 80mm / 1 cylinder / 654cc prospectives are imbibed in each and every team member. 4pc Al rim ped to roar on the FSG track. 20mm offset. Mg Rim WHEELS (Fr / Rr) CFRP shells 7x10 engeneering facuilty. 745 cfm fan mounted to radiator ders.6:1 Power Box and Power Distribution Module of our own production. FUEL SYSTEM Kawasaki Stock Fuel System FUEL SYSTEM Yamaha injector. 24mm offset. COOLING rearduct mounted 30 core water-air radiator . making them COMPRESSION RATIO 12. full CFRP. single rear inboard brake BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. Our goal is to provide WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. that‘s + driverless) . BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System with adjustable brake tric fan on the left side of the car balance BRAKE SYSTEM 3-Disk system. Shifting system ELECTRONICS n/a MOSCOW FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL steel AISI 1020 round tubing MÜNCHEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION One piece CFRP monocoque MATERIAL CFRP: Spread toe.173mm/163mm inner diam. Pre-load 20-25 COOLING Side mounted down flow dual core radiator with Nm on delivery and 10 Nm after initial 2400CFM Fan.0/18. India. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6. All departments of our vehicle control.5x13. DRS system. Pull rod actu- ated horizontally oriented spring and damper SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arms. unidirectional. initiated in 2012. 3 pc Al Rim ral part by milling ENGINE 2016 KTM RC390 University. CFRP and al inserts Peoples‘ Friendship University of Russia OVERALL L / W / H 2888mm / 1363mm / 1244mm Technical University of Munich WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2933mm / 1417mm / 1186mm 1600mm / 1197mm / 1150mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 146kg / 152kg 1550mm / 1200mm / 1200mm Car 287 Pit 103 WRL 410 Russia Car 231 Pit 66 WRL 58 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 105kg / 114kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Team struc. To 95mm / 72mm / 1 cylinder / 510cc according to sport cars. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10. and shift without lift were implemented successfully on the car. Spool. Hoosier R25B according to the merger of our university into the Moscow Polytechnic WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10 carbon wheels with aluminum cent. 3 piece Al rim / 7x10. The main goals of the TUfast nb017 were lightweight.3:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 11. new COMPRESSION RATIO 10. light-weight DIFFERENTIAL Drexler LSD DIFFERENTIAL Clutch pack limited slip.adjustable brake balance. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205x70 r13. ENGINE 2003 Honda CBR 600 f4i ENGINE KTM why our car is done with attention to details. COOLING One-side pod mounted 25mm core aluminium BRAKE SYSTEM ISR Calipers with AP Racing Master Cylin- radiator . studying at the Hoosier R25A bers who compete in all three classes every year (electric + combustion TYRES (Fr / Rr) 10’’ Hoosier / 10’’ Hoosier WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13 30mm offset. 240mm diameter. and agile vehicle dynamics. FUEL SYSTEM Student built.7 x 177. adjustable brake balance shifting system. 43. was founded in 2006 and is now competing in the ated horizontally oriented spring & damper since 2003. the team has firstly focused on fi.0 R13 The Dynamics e. 2x 255 cfm BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. adjustable brake BRAKE SYSTEM front: Tilton 77-625 front bore 15. we are working on a FSE BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT of our suspension and engine setup. 735 cfm electric fan COOLING two sidepod mounted radiators with PWM cont- BRAKE SYSTEM ISR calipers.5mm / 44.83:1 15th generation of our Team and we think we can be even better than COMPRESSION RATIO 12.fuelpump. We aim to celebrate this event and thank our University WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7’’ wide.2:1 with aerodynamic devices. All the components are designed to be as light as possible to become one of the German top teams. Adjustable brake balance. launch control. UD 150 GSM. Ramp angle setup 40°/50° DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Formula SAE Limited Slip Diffe.0 R10. and FSCz after a year of hard work with our ENGINE 2010 Yamaha XJ6 inline four.V.2 ELECTRONICS self developed Main Controll Unit.5mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc car.5x7. BRAKE SYSTEM Discs .0 x 13” magnesium WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 C17 Slick Continental many with its 12th car. self developed rotors with ELECTRONICS multifunctional steering wheel. Calipers .6s of COMPRESSION RATIO 11. pull rod actuated spring/ ated horizontally oriented spring and damper damper.0 R13 Hoosier / 20. Hoosier R25B year of the engineering curriculum. 3pc efficient car. 15 Nm Preload. carbon fibre rim with cnc WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6. FSN. The TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18 x 6-10. We mm offset.1mm/6. Our main goal is to build a reliable and cost WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6. Goal for the season TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 C17 Slick Continental WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. Kerub X is a 55kw/600cc car BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT xing the issues. With 2016 being a frustrating year for TYRES (Fr / Rr) 6. Data Logger.0x18.NEVERS FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Space Frame MATERIAL Steel 25CrMo4S PFORZHEIM FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL steel E355 University of Burgundy . rential 300cc core oil radiator with 300 CFM fan. We used this time mainly for testing and improvement BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT Internal Combustion Engine car. 75 mm offset. Cast Iron. Push rod WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 119kg / 124kg actuated laterally oriented spring dampers.5mm / 42. preload of 35Nm to hot air side of the radiator COOLING 954cm² right side mounted 1 core water beam BRAKE SYSTEM 4-disk system. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 20. FUEL SYSTEM Bosch MS4 ECU. four strokes nufacturing time.Floating. We’re the 65. The „RSP17 Onyx“ is also the first car of our team COMPRESSION RATIO 12. Live Telemetry 98 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   99 . 413 cfm fan mounted by Drexler.5 x 7.0mm / 42. With a highly motivated and BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT and to reach the best integration in the car. which would make us the first French team with two cars.0/18. Electropneumatic Shifting System PADOVA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubolar spaceframe MATERIAL Steel AISI4130 (25CrMo4) REGENSBURG FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full CFRP monocoque MATERIAL CFRP: twill prepreg nad UD prepreg.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc team believes that it will be able to regain the title of Top UK team. radiator.9 rear:Til- ELECTRONICS ton 77-625 front bore 22. GPS assisted data logging ELECTRONICS Traction control 11 positions. 48 links DIFFERENTIAL Drexler limited slip differential DIFFERENTIAL Multi-disc clutches limited slip differential COOLING side pot mounted radiator .0/13R25B Hoosier gone on to become one of the top UK teams. Oxford Brookes Racing was founded in 1999. Hub mounted. tor. and widely known to have h/R pull rod actuated spring-dampers. intake-manifold fuel injection MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN rpm/ rpm FUEL 98 octane unleaded DRIVE TYPE MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10500 rpm/ 9000rpm DIFFERENTIAL Limited slip. starting from the experience of the good project of 2017 is to build on past successes and reach again the Top 10 at FSG ENGINE Honda CBR 600 RR PC40 2007/2008 ENGINE Modified Honda CBR 600RR (PC37) of last year. we built our car over a 95mm / 36. FUEL SYSTEM Single injector per cylinder. fan mounted to ducting 230mm front.8:1 95mm / 63. All the while. It is capable of developing 55KW and can 67. 75 milled inner piece French engineering school specialized in automotive engineering. Pull rod actu. 3pc / 6.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc strong team and a reliable concept of our combustion race car RP17c we 67. quick COOLING Left mounted 30 core long 360mm aluminum adjustment radiator .5 x 7. and BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT be tuned to reach the speed of 180 km/h with 0-100 km/h in 4. Racing with number 243. Since then. all in first TYRES (Fr / Rr) 6. The “Rennschmiede Pforzheim” was founded in September 2009.5*10. COOLING 2x Side mounted 2r18 core radiator. Bosch MS4 ECU FUEL 98 octane FUEL 98 RON MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7500rpm DRIVE TYPE Chain drive 520 chain DRIVE TYPE Chain RK 520 mxz4.875 mm pitch MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7000rpm DIFFERENTIAL Limited slip differential 30-35 Nm preload DRIVE TYPE Single chain driven.ISAT OVERALL L / W / H 2733mm / 1400mm / 1017mm Pforzheim University OVERALL L / W / H 2751mm / 1425mm / 1162mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1530mm / 1200mm / 1150mm 1558mm / 1180mm / 1140mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 129kg / 139kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 133kg / 117kg Car 258 Pit 82 WRL 240 France Car 379 Pit 127 WRL 201 Germany SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. 520 pitch after initial run in. 4 self developed rotors with rolled waterpump and fan 230 mm rear/220 mm diameter.5*10. 250g Glue University of Pisa OVERALL L / W / H 3016mm / 1391mm / 1170mm Film WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2938mm / 1446mm / 1198mm 1536mm / 1210mm / 1110mm Car 292 Pit 105 WRL 146 United Kingdom WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 243 Pit 70 WRL 234 Italy WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 139kg / 156kg 1535mm / 1230mm / 1230mm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. 1 pc Mg Rim a consistently competitive car. MS4 & DDU7 Bosch data logger OXFORD FRAME CONSTRUCTION Carbon Fibre Skinned ‘Cut & Fold’ sandwich panel Monocoque w/ Steel roll hoops MATERIAL Tencate woven 245 GSM. SUSPENSION Double A-Arm.5mm / 4 cylinders / 600cc period of two years. 51% drive .5:1 car with an efficient testing phase. low pressure FUEL SYSTEM CFRP fuel tank with pressure controlled FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline electric pump. This year the team is coming back to Formula Student Ger.4mm / 1 cylinder / 449cc prove a force to be reckoned with across the international paddock. Electropneumatic Shifting System ELECTRONICS Modular harness w/ Deutsch connectors. PISA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Steel circolar cross section tubing spaceframe MATERIAL Steel AISI 4130 Oxford Brookes University 20mm/15mm x 19. electrical 180mm diameter. Drilled. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7 will be Kerub X. self designed brake disks. the team has The E-Team Squadra Corse was founded in 2007 and this year is the our SUSPENSION Double unequal length wishbones w/ F pus. Hoosier LC0 / 6.5’’ width. FUEL RON 98 system w/ custom CFRP fuel tank & Bosch Injector MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11500 rpm/ 9990rpm FUEL 98 RON Unleaded DRIVE TYPE 520 chain. This time. The goal of this year is to 67mm / 42.0 R10. 210mm rear.4mm Alu. gear cut. the ENGINE 2017 KTM 450 SXF powered by a Honda engine.0x18. It is supported by a steel tubular frame and it weighs about FUEL SYSTEM Injection regulated by ECU F88 Life Racing.5mm / 4 cylinders / 608cc improve reliability and to gain the maximum performance from the new COMPRESSION RATIO are able to meet our target. DDU7 Data Logging. This year our car ENGINE Honda CBR60RR 2003 OBR with a fast car but no reliability. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. with this attitude. Pull-rod actuated.pressure-regula- FUEL SYSTEM Student designed/built fuel line with Ya. COMPRESSION RATIO 13. adjustable anti-roll bar The 2017 ISAT Formula Team with 29 fresh new members. self developed rotors. shaped Rohacell core University of Padova OVERALL L / W / H 2998mm / 1446mm / 1199mm Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 3005mm / 1410mm / 1194mm 1535mm / 1220mm / 1190mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 136kg / 147kg 1575mm / 1200mm / 1200mm Car 285 Pit 102 WRL 73 Italy Car 262 Pit 80 WRL 38 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 124kg / 133kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.0-10 LC0 Hoosier and our sponsors by getting a great result in FSG. U-Bar ARB first decennial. COOLING 750cc core water radiator with 700 CFM fan. 15. We represent the only state-owned Hoosier LC0 “RSP17 Onyx” is our fifth car. controlled 1041cfm fan adjustable bias bar BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. Honeycomb. To reach this goal.7:1 ignition regulated by ECU through CAM sensor FUEL SYSTEM Student designed single point injection 230 kg. COMPRESSION RATIO 12. acceleration. Hoosier Formula Student Germany Event for the 10th time. ELECTRONICS Multifunctional student made Steering 180mm dia. self desinged injector mounting our predecessor maha injection system. we simplified our parts to reduce the ma- ENGINE KTM 450 SX-F single cylinder take part in FSG.0 x 13” / 7. DRIVE TYPE carbon fiber reinforced belt drive 29% decel interlock value DIFFERENTIAL self designed semiactive limited slip. before moving on to performance.25 mm offset.ISR front/AP Rear Wheel.Pushrod actu- Race UP Team started participating in Formula SAE ruled competition TYRES (Fr / Rr) 20. ISR calipers matic Shifting System. 67. ENGINE Honda CBR 600F4i sidewings and a larger undertray for more downforce with no added WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10”x7” carbon fiber shells with aluminum wheel assembly.0-10 team was founded in 2012. 3 pc Al Rim / car is a refinement of the concepts developed in the past three seasons WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.5-10 R25B 2007.0-10 Hoosier R25B / 18. FSAE China has been held for 7 times. ARB We are ARUS Andalucía Racing. Pull-rod front and push- SUSPENSION Double unequal length. e-clutch.adjustable stab Mainfranken Racing e.0x10. 3-Axises Acceleration Sensor 100 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   101 . team has achieved lots of prizes. Push rod actuated spring and Damper. Since then.8bias ratio. 553 cfm fan moun- ELECTRONICS Electro-actuated Shifting and Torque Vec. ENGINE 2014 Yamaha YFZ-450R.19 mm offset. rotors with F:195/R:192mm ELECTRONICS Dashboards with LED-bars.0x6.0x6.8:1 FUEL SYSTEM Student des. e. Live-Telemetry ELECTRONICS Pneumatic Shifting System. ted rear of radiator ducting toring. fuel pressure FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline regulator in the OEM fuel rail.ROMA FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP/Honeycomb monocoque MATERIAL SEATTLE FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full carbon fiber/aluminum honeycomb monocoque MATERIAL Toray T700s/T700g PW/UD fiber (2510 Resin).5 inch.0mm / 42. Tilton 78 series master cylinders. custom battery and dash SAN SEBASTIÁN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame with CFRP sandwich reinforcement MATERIAL 4130 Steel SEVILLA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL E355 steel round tubing TECNUN . 220mm diameter front. we aim to end a period. 3-D mapping with MoTec M800 championship! FUEL SYSTEM Bosch Injector.19 mm offset. In FSAE Japan 2016. focusing specially on reliability in order to avoid ENGINE 2006 Honda CBR600RR #FSTEC17 #TecnunMotorsport BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT past breakdowns. diameter. 185 piston calipers OD. variable bias ratio diameter rear.0-10” With the FSTEC17. 18. 3 pc Al Rim intended to achieve the highest score to date. DRIVE TYPE 520 Chain drive Adjustable bias ratio. our 9th and last c-car. and utilized new techno.0x10. Our main goal is to improve the 10“ ENGINE Yamaha R6 RJ05 introduced into China in 2010. clutch-assisted downshift. 1 pc Mg Rim on.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc season we are happy to participate at FSCz. Al honeycomb WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1550mm / 1200mm / 1180mm OVERALL L / W / H 2883mm / 1410mm / 1158mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 153kg / 125kg WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 319 Pit 116 WRL 337 Italy Car 269 Pit 79 WRL 86 United States 1562mm / 1219mm / 1143mm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.0-10” R25B Hoosier / 18. 30Nm preload DIFFERENTIAL Drexler LSD COOLING Two sided mounted radiators.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc and drive towards continuous research of new solutions distinguish each logies like soluble carbon molds and topology optimization programs. TJU Racing team has been playing an minum/10×7inch. chain drive COOLING Twin side pod mounted radiators with thermost.0x7. TJU Racing took the 1st place in Accelerati. 48:52 F/R static bias on side diff’s. Pull rod actu- ated horizontally oriented spring and damper SUSPENSION Short-Long Arm. and Harambe for enabling BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT FUEL SYSTEM Electronic Injection with Mectronik MKE6 98mm / 68.100Nm preload BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system with 4-piston calipers / COOLING Side mounted core dual radiator 2-piston calipers (front/rear) BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. In FSAE China 2016.5mm / 1 cylinder / 478cc the collective aim.25 competitions. #FarewellRON98 #GAS ENGINE 2011 Suzuki GSX-R 600 4 cylinder from our last three cars. We also want to reduce the overall car weight and finish the BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT important role as the pioneer. This is our fourth year taking part in FSAE R25B Hoosier Hoosier R25B WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.two nozzles per cylinder. cast alu- the 10th racecar. Now we present the ART-17. rod rear configuration. adjustable brake balance. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x6. Start Limiter.0. Selfdesigned Live-Telemetry and Dashboard BRAKE SYSTEM Ductile Iron floating rotors. 1 pc Mg Rim / Hoosier ces Schweinfurt.University of Navarra University of Seville OVERALL L / W / H 3046mm / 1442mm / 1190mm OVERALL L / W / H 2943mm / 1415mm / 1185mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1535mm / 1250mm / 1175mm 1580mm / 1200mm / 1180mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 144kg / 150kg Car 321 Pit 117 WRL 274 Spain WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 143kg / 155kg Car 211 Pit 52 WRL 312 Spain SUSPENSION Double wishbone. pull rod actuated front.0-10 LC0 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.7:1 FUEL SYSTEM Stock GSX-R injectors and fuel rail FUEL SYSTEM Sequential Fuel injection.5:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 12. Deutsch and LEMO connectors.0/18. FSG and FSH. stock 5 speed gearbox radiator backside.0-10 LC0 Hoosier/18x6. Our TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. ment System. Sapienza University of Rome OVERALL L / W / H 2960mm / 1410mm / 1164mm University of Washington Cytek FM300-2 Adhesive. adjustable brake bias. 22mm offset.V. DIFFERENTIAL Cusco limited slip differential. A strong passion BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT weight.splash oiling. offset 1. offset 1.5-10 R25B / Hoosier TJU Racing Team is a non-commercial formula racing team founded in bars motor sport enthusiastic students from the University of Applied Scien. was founded in 2006 out of the idea of some TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 18. Pull rod actu- ated horizontally oriented spring and dampers WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 111kg / 113kg Sapienza Corse means challenging the norm: Gajarda 2017 is an AWD TYRES (Fr / Rr) 457x152 R10 LC0 Hoosier The UWashington Formula Motorsports team has prepared our most SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arms.0x10.0x7. dual pass radiator and electric fan controlled electric fans and electric water pump BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. airbox and suspension wishbones. Electropneu. a stiffer and lighter suspension system. This is the result of exploiting our resources without BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 67. cast aluminum concept. MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11000 rpm/ 8500rpm FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline DRIVE TYPE Chain (520) MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11500 rpm/ 7500rpm DIFFERENTIAL Salisbury type Limited Slip Differential.0. COOLING Side mounted CBR radiator. Brembo and AP calipers ELECTRONICS Custom 22AWG weatherproof harness.0mm / 42. promoting and also helping develop the ENGINE Suzuki GSX-R600 manufacturing process a lot sooner to have more time for tests. This 65. hub mounted. floating rotors and dual BRAKE SYSTEM 4 floating disk system.5 inch. telemetry & data logger DRS. bored to 478cc COMPRESSION RATIO 13:1 member: everyone has a specific role. Dash2pro data logging SCHWEINFURT FRAME CONSTRUCTION tubular space frame MATERIAL steel E355 SHANGHAI FRAME CONSTRUCTION Aluminium sandwich panel box structure with tubular steel spaceframe MATERIAL CFRP & 4130 University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt OVERALL L / W / H 3030mm / 1400mm / 1200mm Tongji University WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 3017mm / 1415mm / 1183mm 1540mm / 1170mm / 1170mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 140kg / 140kg 1547mm / 1215mm / 1185mm Car 297 Pit 108 WRL 226 Germany Car 233 Pit 65 WRL 87 China WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 125kg / 153kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. CAN communication.push rod. wheel centers 67mm / 42. 96.75 ID. 10 advanced and high quality car yet for FSG 2017. Siemens DRIVE TYPE Left: Gear transmission/Right: 415 chain Deka VII Injector (2-4 cone elliptical) DIFFERENTIAL Open. but is also able to collaborate for We would like to thank our families.6 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10500 rpm/ 9000rpm FUEL SYSTEM Student developed algorithm. 190mm differential.0x6.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc competition. dual stage sequential injection. we‘ve won the COMPRESSION RATIO 12. the MF10 wild hog.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc COMPRESSION RATIO 12. push rod actuated rear FSAE vehicle with an electronically controlled torque vectoring. FUEL 92 (R + M)/2 Gasoline Slipping clutch R/L torque vectoring MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 8500rpm COOLING 382x370mm radiator. non parallel A-arm. FUEL E85 us to continue competing internationally! COMPRESSION RATIO 13. 22mm offset. atic controlled electric fans FUEL 98 octance unleaded gasoline niford multi-point injection MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8500 rpm/ 8000rpm FUEL 95# gasoline DRIVE TYPE Chain MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 12000 rpm/ 7500rpm DIFFERENTIAL limited slip differential (Drexler) DRIVE TYPE Sequential 6-speed gearbox.0-10 prototype features an extensive use of carbon fibre. The car features new TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier LC0 6. 2nd in Skid-pad and 3rd in Suspension Design.4:1 67.0x6. Since FSAE was first WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10×7inch. from the University of Seville. 1310 cfm fan mounted to DRIVE TYPE 520 chain drive. hydraulic active BRAKE SYSTEM 4-disk. and our BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSION RATIO 13. mechanic pump DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Salisbury LSD. Our WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 185 mm wide. thermostatic COOLING 270x260 core.0mm / 42. vented ELECTRONICS Self-developed electronics: Power Manage- ELECTRONICS Upshift cut-off. U-bar ARB Tecnun Motorsport is a team with a passion for racing and learning.g.5mm / 44. The TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. Auto blip. monocoque. It gathers the experience 7. sponsors.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc compromising manufacturing viability.0x10. The team consist of 45 motivated students building 7. Rohacell Core with variable thick- nesses and densities University of Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences Ulm OVERALL L / W / H 3050mm / 1447mm / 1187mm OVERALL L / W / H 2916mm / 1374mm / 1190mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1630mm / 1200mm / 1180mm 1535mm / 1180mm / 1140mm Car 202 Pit 55 WRL 1 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 127kg / 130kg Car 244 Pit 71 WRL 232 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 126kg / 128kg SUSPENSION unequal length A-Arms.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc FUEL SYSTEM Student developed tank and routing COMPRESSION RATIO 12:1 FUEL 93 Octane FUEL SYSTEM Student des/built. X46Cr13. self developed rotors with ELECTRONICS Student made harness. Mg Rim would like our sponsors and supporters for the 2017 season.Win! FUEL E85 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 5900 rpm/ 5000rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9500 rpm/ 7500rpm DRIVE TYPE Chain drive DRIVE TYPE Sequential 4-speed gearbox. Self Developed COOLING leftside mounted 1 core aluminium radiator . 22mm offset.0 R10. this year WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. manifold sequential fuel injection MoTec. machined calipers BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.5x7 petition to Germany and ever since then we have participated in FSG. 177mm Wide. ergonomics and downforce. results: weight reduction. 30-35 Nm preload. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. 7x13 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. This year the team focused on weight reduction.4 BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. aerodynamic interaction between elements as well as reduced the CoG. nental and Gas University and in the beginning was called Formula Neftegaz. chain drive DIFFERENTIAL GKN limited slip differential. The team is also an BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT 67mm / 42. Keizer Shells. Ignistion cfm fan mounted to radiatorframe Module BRAKE SYSTEM 4-disk system. floater-fix. COOLING Two radiators with single electric fan Adjustable bias bar. adjustable brake balance. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) OZ Magnesium. Pull rod actu.We are more than happy to have the privilege of being COMPRESSION RATIO 12. 96mmmm / 62mmmm / 1 cylinder / 450cc BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSION RATIO 12. realized 3 racing cars. QuickShifter. New racing car of 2017 will take place in FSG 2017. 30mm offset. carbon black based. This year the team features a hybrid car. FUEL 98 oct. Starting with the Al‘06 ENGINE Modified Yamaha YZF-R6 ENGINE 2010 Husaberg FE570 that we can win with our concept on the extremely demanding track (ALbert). self neumatic Shifting. Hungary. ENGINE Honda TRX 450 30mm offset. FUEL SYSTEM student build fuel injection system using FUEL SYSTEM Bosch. adjustable brake balance relays.Neftegaz Engineering team has already FUEL SYSTEM Dual-Stage Fuel Injection part of this great competition and can’t wait for catching up with all our FUEL SYSTEM Original fuel injection system using EcuMas. AlSi7 machined ENGINE Honda CBR600RR Thanks to our long history we can look back to many achievements in The team has already taken part in 8 Formula Student events in 4 ENGINE 2013 Street Triple 675 BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT the past and are looking forward to a great season with our new car – countries (they‘re Italy.0x13. selfmade 7075 T6 hard-anodized housing BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk.0x13. student built DIFFERENTIAL adjustable preload Drexler limited slip housing. Oehlins TTX 25 damper Rocker Arms As the first German Formula Student team we have brought this com.STRALSUND FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL 25CrMo4 TYUMEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tube Space Frame MATERIAL Steel University of Applied Sciences Stralsund OVERALL L / W / H 2820mm / 1450mm / 1075mm Tyumen Industrial University OVERALL L / W / H 2769mm / 1450mm / 1120mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1556mm / 1250mm / 1200mm 1530mm / 1225mm / 1200mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 132kg / 148kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 80kg / 215kg Car 317 Pit 115 WRL 286 Germany Car 222 Pit 61 WRL 547 Russia SUSPENSION double unequal length. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 3-Pc. adjustable balance bar ELECTRONICS Electrical shifting system+clutch. drive TBR 3.18 R25B Hoosier WHEELS (Fr / Rr) FSAE Mg CAST 7x10 Wheel successful season of our team history last year. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. adjustable T-ARB.18 R25B Hoosier by students from Ulm started at Hockenheim in 2006. MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 16000 rpm/ 11250rpm FUEL gasoline DRIVE TYPE sequential gearbox MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8500 rpm/ 6000rpm DIFFERENTIAL Drexler (SAE) Preloaded DRIVE TYPE Chain #520 MAD6 COOLING Radiator. Push rod and pull rod actuated.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc parts which were proved in former cars. heave spring The Einstein Motorsport Team was founded in 2006. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13. A lot of effort 65.5 .7:1 hold in Tyumen city for 4 times. datalogger ELECTRONICS Traction Control. For the fourth season. We look to the whole chassis has been redesigned and it has been improved the BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT ENGINE 2006 Honda CBR 600 RR make you proud in Hockenheim. China and Russia). 20. Formula Student Germany for the twelfth time now. Electrop- ELECTRONICS digital multifunctional Steering wheel. t=3. Al. to increase the total amount of kilometers and Hoosier R25B bon-steel chassis with the team’s first aerodynamics package.88. Complete . Hoosier R25B / 178x58 R13. fuel injection MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 6500rpm FUEL 95 octane DRIVE TYPE 5 speed sequential MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11500 rpm/ 9750rpm DIFFERENTIAL Adjustable clutch pack differential. self developed rotors. Again we have been working very hard to exceed last year’s 74. Neftegaz Engineering team was organized in 2012 in Tyumen State Oil TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier R13. Live Telemetry. Mg Rim / 7. Battery. pushrod actuated SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arms. REAR:2 Piston self designed rotors ELECTRONICS Selfdesigned PDS. 20mm Offset to make a reliable car easy to drive. Steering wheel display 102 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   103 . Since 2014 the FSUPV Team takes part in FSG. fan mounted termostatic controlled 246mm electric fanh to back of each radiator BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. nonparallel A-Arms. VALÉNCIA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Front monocoque / rear tubular space frame MATERIAL Carbon Fiber prepreg and aluminum honey- University of Toronto student designed carbon laminate schedule Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia comb core / high grade steel round tubing OVERALL L / W / H 2923mm / 1430mm / 1184mm OVERALL L / W / H 3075mm / 1408mm / 1195mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 274 Pit 84 WRL 155 Canada 1537mm / 1226mm / 1152mm Car 395 Pit 129 WRL 154 Spain 1585mm / 1200mm / 1170mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 106kg / 107kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 120kg / 163kg The University of Toronto FSAE team looks to build on their success of SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.5:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 12.2:1 performance. According to these ideals. After the most TYRES (Fr / Rr) 10x7.5mm / 44.0mm / 42.the Rennteam Uni Stuttgart . Conti. self developed rotors with d=200mm. when it comes to the dynamics. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-arm. 1354 ELECTRONICS PowerCommander. Push rod ated horizontally oriented spring actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper the 2016 season. Full Throttle Shifting. Partial sequential friends.0mm / 52. The actual car for TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18 x 6.1:1 can perform even better. steel rearframe ULM FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full CFRP Monocoque MATERIAL Carbon fibre. driver TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18 x 6-10 Hoosier R25B new objectives have been established in order to obtain big competition TYRES (Fr / Rr) 178x58 R13. fully sequential FUEL unleaded fuel 98 ROZ Finish . self developed chassis control unit STUTTGART FRAME CONSTRUCTION Singlepiece Monocoque with tubular rearframe MATERIAL CFRP Sandwich Monocoque.are very proud to be part of the damper. 1” closed cell PVC foam core. Hoosier WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10x7.3mm / 3 cylinders / 675cc organizer of a special Formula Student Festival called Formula Tyumen COMPRESSION RATIO 12. The first car built rod / Rear push rod actuated..5 . decel TBR differential COOLING Right side mounted aluminium radiator with COOLING side mounted core dual radiator . we still need to prove 2017 is car number eleven in the team‘s history. self-dev.. rotors. 220 mm diam. Launch Control. Multifunctional Steering developed display system TORONTO FRAME CONSTRUCTION Hybrid steel space frame with integrated carbon-fiber sandwich panels MATERIAL 1020 DOM Steel. fusebox.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc the TY17.5:1 67. Front pull We . 60 degree decel ramp DIFFERENTIAL Limited slip. FRONT: 4 piston . gasoline ter ECU. torque COOLING 1130 cc side mounted radiator with 200mm fan bias 1. every car was a continuous development with adoption of the BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT of Hockenheim and improve our second place from 2016. ECU. 100mm / 72mm / 1 cylinder / 565cc was put in the package of the car and the vehicle dynamics so that we COMPRESSION RATIO 14. Fan DIFFERENTIAL torque biasing Torsen B (Quaife). 45 DRIVE TYPE 520 x-ring chain degree accel ramp. Out team Custom Center. R25B.Z.0mm / 42. sides 1. 3 pc Al Rim the UM15. in order to get our highest COMPRESSION RATIO 11.25x10.4mm / 1 cylinder / 576cc is striking for a TopTen result in Hockenheim ‘17. we present our newest. The teams’ car concept is based on a 4 cylinder PC40 engine and a CFRP continuous growth and four cars behind us. spring and damper to lower wishbone region of Galicia. Push rod ated horizontally oriented spring and adjustable actuated hor. FUEL SYSTEM Open-source Motec system with semi-se. 285 cfm fan mounted to both radiators BRAKE SYSTEM 4-disk system.4:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 12. Continental 34M la Student car. Willwood in Rear ELECTRONICS Student built pneumatic gear shifter. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system COOLING Side mounted radiator with 800 cfm and 254mm electric fan ELECTRONICS Self-developed data logging and telemetry. Today actuated horizontally oriented FSB Racing Team is the first and most successful Croatian Formula TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x7.0x7. 3 pc Al Rim of studies. selfdesigned telemetry system. DIFFERENTIAL Limited sleep differential with internal D:28mm). COOLING Lateral mounted 800cc dual radiator and 130 4mm thick. and hopefully ENGINE Modified Husqvarna TE610 reduction as well as a modified 4 cylinder engine.5x13 Hybrid WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 8x10.5-10. unit 220 mm diámeter. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. steel rear frame VIT University .13 built six class 1 cars. steel. one safety frame and second as engine cage MATERIAL Monocoque: CFRP. COMPRESSION RATIO 13. Self built Power Distribution Modules VIGO FRAME CONSTRUCTION Front fibre monocoque with tubular steel sub-frame MATERIAL PVC DIAB D/60 core and prepreg sandwich WROCŁAW FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque in front and space frames. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) OZ 7x10 the fastest accelerating combustion car manufactured in India.5-10.I. core: aluminum honeycomb. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Mg CAST 7x13.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc monocoque and 10“ wheel sized racecar which surely will suprise you! COMPRESSION RATIO 12. This season.. (PC 40) progress over its predecessor. Despite of TYRES (Fr / Rr) 20. 30% lock DRIVE TYPE Manual sequential gearbox COOLING left side mounted (H400:mm. Multifunctional steering wheel BRAKE SYSTEM Custom floating AISI 4140 rotors. core double pass radia. The team counts 40 students from various courses TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 6. we already attended the FSG in 2015 with our first vehicle. 30mm offset / Mg CAST mula Student Germany and Formula Student UK in acceleration event. On top of that. Frame: CrMo steel OVERALL L / W / H 3044mm / 1422mm / 1187mm OVERALL L / W / H 2929mm / 1440mm / 1195mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 314 Pit 114 WRL 392 Spain 1540mm / 1210mm / 1100mm Car 308 Pit 112 WRL 83 Poland 1525mm / 1230mm / 1180mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 125kg / 153kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 127kg / 129kg UVigo Motorsport is the first Formula Student team in the Spanish SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.VELLORE FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Space frame MATERIAL AISI4130 WIESBADEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Singlepiece Monocoque with tubular rear space frame MATERIAL CFRP Monocoque. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS wiring harness sealed to IP66.5-10 R25B being so new.3mm and 1.3:1 FUEL SYSTEM Standalone ECU Motec M130 score ever. self developed rotors. Continental 34M / 205/470 The Scuderia Mensa Racing Team is proud to present their tenth Formu. 3 pc Al Rim / 8x10. 24.3mm offset. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. The Formula Student Team Weingarten was founded in 2008.5mm / 1 cylinder / 658cc 67mm / 42. 3 pc Al Rim / 7x13. Hoosier / 18x7. with carbon fiber monocoque and a complete aerodynamic ENGINE Modified Kawasaki ER6-n we upgraded aerodynamic package and CFRP monocoque.2:1 FUEL SYSTEM two self designed rails. self developed rotors. PRV’16 24. each showing significant ET=16. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 18.ISR in front. University of Vigo panel (15mm core. spool drive COOLING Central mounted single core radiator with 2 ECU COOLING two symmetric mounted. selfmade laser cut rotors Student built data logger and power dis. SPR17. Pull/Push rod ‘Pravega’ is a Sanskrit term for “Acceleration”. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 Continental C17 Slick Student team. with the UM16 we jumped to a top vehicle in terms of 7x13. 59mm offset. FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline quential injection and wasted-spark ignition MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 11000 rpm/ 10000rpm FUEL 98 octane unleaded gasoline DRIVE TYPE 520 non-oring chain. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT focused on weight reduction. R25B. unequal lenght A-Arm. Pull-Rod Direct acting damper. we built our first hybrid 102mm / 84.5. dash display in steering wheel. LC. This year we BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT pack. wiring harness sealed to IP65 104 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  COMBUSTION   105 . 3 pc Al Rim steel space frame. Wrocław University of Technology structural foam . 3 gear gearbox MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 7000rpm DIFFERENTIAL Drexler LSD. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT rely on the ergonomics of our car. We made many changes in our powertrain system and BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT achieve more awards and laurels in the future.2:1 high performance and maximum reliability. After a great season. 205mm dia. Bosch 627cc fuel injection injection valves FUEL E85 FUEL E85 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 7300 rpm/ 5700rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 9000 rpm/ 11000rpm DRIVE TYPE Gear drive DRIVE TYPE chain drive DIFFERENTIAL ZF limited slip differential DIFFERENTIAL self designed. PWR Racing Team was founded in 2008. Coming into our 8th season we hope to ENGINE Honda CBR600RR of evolution“. Pull rod actu.2:1 FUEL SYSTEM Fuel injection FUEL SYSTEM Multipoint Port Fuel Injection System FUEL 98 octane FUEL RON 98 MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 8000 rpm/ 5500rpm MAX POWER/TORQUE DESIGN 10000 rpm/ 9500rpm DRIVE TYPE chain drive (D. drilled mm electric fan at each ELECTRONICS TC. The SPR17 is the answer to the quote „revolution instead ENGINE KTM LC4 690 was one of our finest creations. W:265mm.5 x 7 .Vellore OVERALL L / W / H 3013mm / 1400mm / 1195mm University of Applied Sciences RheinMain WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2901mm / 1411mm / 1197mm 1560mm / 1200mm / 1150mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 142kg / 162kg 1575mm / 1220mm / 1180mm Car 254 Pit 75 WRL 282 India Car 265 Pit 81 WRL 141 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 158kg / 158kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.3mm offset. Fully floating. rein- forced with CFRP panels structurally bonded MATERIAL E355 and 25CrMo4 ZAGREB FRAME CONSTRUCTION Space frame tubular chassis MATERIAL 25CrMo4 steel round tubing University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Zagreb OVERALL L / W / H 3005mm / 1536mm / 1180mm OVERALL L / W / H 3148mm / 1431mm / 1194mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1535mm / 1300mm / 1240mm 1580mm / 1200mm / 1180mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 121kg / 147kg Car 360 Pit 125 WRL 25 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 68kg / 98kg Car 324 Pit 118 WRL 62 Croatia SUSPENSION Double wishbone.5mm / 4 cylinders / 636cc 98mm / 76. paddle shift ETC WEINGARTEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION tubular steel space frame.FSB-RT05 Strix. We are also R13.D. facing the third season since our formation. Push rod actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper (co SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. 520 ert2) DRIVE TYPE Chain type drive DIFFERENTIAL Drexler LSD DIFFERENTIAL Drexler FSAE Limited Slip Differential . In 2016 we were the fastest combustion car in For. COOLING Diffusor mounted radiator 30Nm preload. With 13 years of Hoosier WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6. 67mm / 42. controlled fans tor. The FSG event each BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT greatest achievement so far .5. ET= 16. the team counts 70 team members who are divided into six subteams. AP BRAKE SYSTEM 3-Disk system. Magnesium or 6. In RT08 ENGINE Modified Honda CBR600RR (PC40) design. radiator duct with spal fan preload adjustment BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. representing UNI Zagreb since 2004. with the UM17 our goal is to combine complex design.00x18 R10 R25B WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. since that we designed and SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. crowned as the TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13. the team now 69.5x13 O. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Recently.5mm / 4 cylinders / 599cc 83mm / 60mm / 2 cylinders / 649cc COMPRESSION RATIO 12.5:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 13. 30mm offset We also win Skidpad event in Formula Student Czech Republic. BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT year forms a highlight for the FSTW. racing calipers proportioning valve ELECTRONICS Electropneumatic shifting system. Main targets for the “Stinger17” were further weight ENGINE 2007 Honda CBR 600 RR 4 cylinder. Composite leaf spring. Selfma- ELECTRONICS self designed PDM: Stinger contorl unit de control board. actuated horizontally/longitudinally oriented National Champions we have come a long way since 2009. Then. witch each 4 denso FUEL SYSTEM VEMS ECU.Calipers . dashboard. Furthermore. control system 106 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC    107 .Team Profiles BARCELONA PT University of Catalonia . TI085-052-070. self developed multiple motion sensors.5-10 R25B rod/ rear Push rod actuated spring and damper. 35. With this seasons car under the the 2nd oldest Formula Student team in Germany. About 4 / FR. self developed BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System. U-type anti-roll-bar Elefant Racing e. NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER wheel driven and the steel frame was replaced by a monocoque. PWM cont- rolled BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System.9 kW chassis. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH) University of Bayreuth Rohacell structural foam.65 / N/A DRIVE TYPE Planetary gear drive and stepplanets DRIVE TYPE planetary gear DIFFERENTIAL Electronic differential DIFFERENTIAL N/A COOLING Twin side pod mounted radiators COOLING side pod mounted radiators.running-snail.5 / n/a DIFFERENTIAL N/A DRIVE TYPE Polychain belt drive COOLING twin side pod mounted radiator DIFFERENTIAL Drexler formula student clutch pack limi- BRAKE SYSTEM fr: 4 piston.88 / n/a 1:13. semi-floating.45 kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 11569 / N/A COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. improved control systems and 4 / wheelhub / 29.0 x DRIVE TYPE planetary gearbox TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:3.5 -R10 Hoosier R25B (both) WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. live-tele- metry and rear ECU. gps sensor rotors with 232mm diameter front and 228 rear ELECTRONICS Multifunctional Steering Wheel. Push Rod. adjustable brake COOLING Two side pod mounted radiators ELECTRONICS data logging system. Pushrod actu. we switched WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS self-developed BMS. self developed 42CrMo4 rotors. selfdesi- gned distributed Sensorsystem. 1 Pc Al Rim TYRES (Fr / Rr) continental c16 slick (205/470R13) (front&rear) code name UASA1706 the team has kept the four wheel-drive concept WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7Jx13 magnesium oz rim from combustion to electric driven vehicles. safety monitoring BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. horizon. BRAKE SYSTEM 4 disc brake system.0 mm offset. FL. fr: 2 piston. pushrod actu- WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 132kg / 178kg ated spring/damper The Starkstrom team was established in 2010 and originates at the SUSPENSION Double unequal A-Arms. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. MAX MOTOR RPM 16700 MOTOR TYPE permanent excitated watercooled synchro- Facebook or our website www. live telemetry. For our TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. building a well maintainable car MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 MAX MOTOR RPM 18617 and getting faster and lighter. RR. new motors. OTH Amberg-Weiden in eastern Bavaria. the “FR17 Wotan”. With latest race car. / EN-AW-6061 Technische Universität Braunschweig OVERALL L / W / H 2946mm / 1388mm / 1195mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2888mm / 1425mm / 1030mm 1530mm / 1164mm / 1138mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 145kg / 145kg Car 66 Pit 32 WRL 48 Germany 1535mm / 1250mm / 1200mm Car 19 Pit 10 WRL 78 Germany SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. the team is willing to see the CAT10e doing its MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek Bamocar D3 best. self-developed rotors motor cooling jackets ELECTRONICS Self-developed control units. Since 2010/11 we develop electrically powered vehicles.Al-honeycomb. battery management system.03kWh COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. or to just to have a NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 04B6S 1 / Rear / 80kW surpass last year‘s results. MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK KW26-S5-FSE-4Q 2 MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK .0x7. the „RS17“ is our fifth generation electric powered racecar.graphite MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 588 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7.DD5-14-10-POW our goals of becoming more reliable. (both) a new aerodynamics package.67 / DRIVE TYPE DIFFERENTIAL mechanical differential 10 nations COOLING Twin side pod including radiators. With a great NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 1 / rear axel / 100kW basis from last year design. Having improved perfor. the Lions Racing Team from the TU Braunschweig is TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental 205 / 470 R13 (front&rear) tal Damper University of Applied siences Augsburg.KW26-S5-FSE-4Q MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 598V MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. Live-Telemetry AUGSBURG FRAME CONSTRUCTION One piece Composite monoco- que with anti rollbar structures MATERIAL Carbon Fiber with honeycomb/ S355 steeltu- BRAUNSCHWEIG FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full monocoque MATERIAL CFRP with aluminium honeycomb University of Applied Sciences Augsburg bing roolbars 25mm diam. the new CAT keeps on the same philosophy MOTOR TYPE Enstroj EMRAX 228 LC but improves lots of details to achieve the best performance on track. we hope to be able to confirm or even MOTOR TYPE Fischer Elektromotoren. our car features a self-developed and programmed with aluminium wheel center. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x7. reliability and functionality of the system. you are very welcome to visit our pit.V. Looking for further information about us? Do not hesitate to visite MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 436V our pit.4 mm offset. Founded in 2000. since 2016 our car is four- NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER from the last season and has bulid its 6th car. 21. the team is proud to 4 / wheel hub motors / 36kW 50 team members have been working passionately the last year to reach MOTOR TYPE Permanent magnet synchronous motor present its success.7kWh TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 15. 175mm diameter. hub ted slip.5 R10 Hoosier R25B Since our foundation we have developed a new car every year and for WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10 ET35 Laminated carbon fiber rim this season we are proud to introduce you the CAT10e. 2 pc CFRP rim NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER further weight reduction.Engineering School of Barcelona FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP single piece monocoque with Aluminium Front Hoop and Steel Main Hoop MATERIAL CFRP and aluminium honeycomb OVERALL L / W / H 2870mm / 1440mm / 1150mm Electric WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1540mm / 1200mm / 1150mm Car 54 Pit 28 WRL 15 Spain WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 131kg / 152kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. After building eight combustion reuth. prepreg CFRP BAYREUTH FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full CFRP monocoque with aluminum Front and steel Main Hoop MATERIAL CFRP & C/AFRP hyprid prepreg. In 2012. Epoxy adhesive and surface film OVERALL L / W / H 2922mm / 1451mm / 1183mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2920mm / 1388mm / 1195mm 1530mm / 1200mm / 1180mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 23 Pit 9 WRL 8 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 82kg / 122kg Car 21 Pit 11 WRL 45 Germany 1530mm / 1180mm / 1180mm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. ELECTRODE MATERIALS COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 35 teams TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:3. 1258 students MAX MOTOR RPM 5500 After a year of hard work. we focused on weight reduction of the WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 8.Front Pull TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 18. AMBERG FRAME CONSTRUCTION Composite CFRP/aluminium sandwich monocoque MATERIAL aluminium honeycomb. CFRP-Al rim cars. 60%/42% acceleration/deceleration mounted. 22 mm Offset. For further information. CAN. Push rod ETSEIB Motorsport is a FSE team established in 2007 at Barcelona.0 x 10. was founded in spring 2004 at the University of Bay. selfdesigned telemet- ry. self desi- gned control units. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Driver Interface with E-Ink Display. WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 126kg / 137kg The Running Snail Racing Team was established in August 2004 at the ated ZF/Sachs damper-unit. RL / 4x 35kW mance. MOTOR TYPE AMK . For further information please visit us on good time with us.0x10. nous MOTOR CONTROLLER Lenze Mobile DCU 60/60 MAX MOTOR RPM 6500 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek Bamocar D3 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 . in line with Front and Rear tures a sheet metal monocoque and a casted rear frame. 190mm diameter. We signed inner AI rim gned and manufactured in 6 . TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10.7 months with a limited budget. FL FR RR RL / 35kW. Plascore Al5052 TU Bergakademie Freiberg and aluminum honeycomb core core OVERALL L / W / H 2978mm / 1405mm / 1194mm OVERALL L / W / H 2867mm / 1442mm / 1190mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 85 Pit 42 WRL 2 Netherlands WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 76 Pit 34 WRL 40 Germany 1530mm / 1200mm / 1160mm 1530mm / 1200mm / 1200mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 139kg / 144kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 110kg / 115kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.5-10 Hossier R25B an interdisciplinary engineering team of 48 people.82 / n/a DIFFERENTIAL torque vectoring DRIVE TYPE Single-stage planetary COOLING twin sidepod mounted radiators. Radiators mounted at side adjustable brake balance. Our car once again fea. 200+ channel CAN logging 108 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC    109 . The newest car has an improved aerodynamic package. FR. Biax.9 kWh 1:4 / N/A TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DRIVE TYPE planet gear 1:4. MAX MOTOR RPM 6000 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 128 MOTOR CONTROLLER self-designed motor controller ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiFeYPO4 .5 CFK Rim WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 5. So we build this tiny spaceship. independent DIFFERENTIAL Electronically actuated slip ratio and yaw circuits for motors and inverters rate controller BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System. inverters. single stage planetary gearset and the tyres to match. MOTOR TYPE RL. we focused on refining our TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205x34 R13. Her TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/ 470 R13 Continental know. KW26-S5 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 420 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. RIT de BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. BMS. floating self developed rotors.2 MAX MOTOR RPM 4x 20. Germany. 150kW.75x10 / 7.05kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 . 35kW. an ergonomic (front) and pushrod (rear) acting on vertical SDS since. Vredestein Slick Compound overall concept and adding a few innovations. Pushrod actu- Formula Student Team Delft returns to Hockenheim with the DUT17. 2pc . 4 pistons (front). 150kW redesigned and improved the electronical system. We learned a lot from the last year and with this knowledge MOTOR TYPE Enstroj Emrax 207 HV LC predecessor. Sensornodes and DRS power stage.BREMEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full CFRP-monocoque with foam sandwich structure MATERIAL UD. live telemetry half-caliper per wheel.38 / N/A TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DRIVE TYPE two stage spur gearbox 10. Real big and wide. floated. Which can be WHEELS (Fr / Rr) (Aluminiun-CFRP Hybrid / Alumini.5x6. RL: 7000 enhanced.0x6. RL: 20.0x7.5-10 Hoosier R25B / 19. Furthermore Mg-center WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 214mm. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. single piston unit (adjustable via dashboard). newly developed traction control system and improved aerodynamics WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. Continental C17 chassis shape. live telemetry DARMSTADT FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque MATERIAL Single-piece CFRP with Aluminium Honeykom- combs DRESDEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION full size CFRP Monocque MATERIAL Pre-impregnated CFRP with Aluminium honey- comb as core material Technische Universität Darmstadt Technische Universität Dresden OVERALL L / W / H 3100mm / 1400mm / 1100mm OVERALL L / W / H 3035mm / 1405mm / 1153mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1585mm / 1220mm / 1170mm 1550mm / 1200mm / 1150mm Car 42 Pit 16 WRL 20 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 134kg / 134kg Car 18 Pit 12 WRL 17 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 136kg / 136kg SUSPENSION Double A-Arm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. you TYRES (Fr / Rr) Pirelli 185/40 R13 Meet EmilE our 10th racecar. 50kW NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER package. A major 2 / Rear Right. N/A. And there`s a gearbox MOTOR TYPE PermMagnet Synchronous Machine three-year masterplan to catch up with the top teams. self-developed Al-casted COOLING Two sidepod-mounted custom radiators with calipers. Mg rim un-CFRP Hybrid NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER operated by only one single person! It’s like a real spaceship. RR.0x6. With EmilE’s successors Elbflo. twill. 35kW smaller. MOTOR CONTROLLER Emsiso emDrive 500 the team is looking forward to a great FSG event 2017. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 225x368-R10. MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK Inverter / PDK_205481_ build it are heroes! MOTOR CONTROLLER BRUSA dmc 514 race is going to achieve a place among the top 3 eventually. to make it safer and NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER challenge is the university’s requirement of a comparably low voltage of MOTOR TYPE RR. rohacell foam DIEPHOLZ FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL 25CrMo4 University of Bremen University of Applied Sciences Diepholz/Oldenburg/Vechta OVERALL L / W / H 3100mm / 1510mm / 1226mm OVERALL L / W / H 3172mm / 1320mm / 1190mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1590mm / 1300mm / 1200mm 1730mm / 1140mm / 1130mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 145kg / 205kg Car 72 Pit 33 WRL 87 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 143kg / 175kg Car 192 Pit 49 WRL 64 Germany SUSPENSION Double wishbone. we had the goal to hit into space. DeltaTech M46J + FREIBERG FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque with casted rear frame MATERIAL magnesium (AZ31) / aluminum (5754) sheets Delft University of Technology STS UD prepregs impregn. self developed rotors and ELECTRONICS selfdesigned Live-Telemetry System. Racetech Racingteam was founded in 2005 and has built eleven cars SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-arms. This year’s car – PHWT-10e – has major changes compared to its MAX MOTOR RPM RR. 205 kg of finest Saxonian engineering.CFRP shell. We look forward to meeting you in our pit for some MAX MOTOR RPM 16000 MOTOR TYPE 4x AMK DT5-14-10-POW-14000-B5 great chats! MOTOR CONTROLLER Bosch INV2.5-10 Bremergy was founded in 2012 and is meanwhile made up of around actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper The formula student team of the UAS Diepholz – Deefholt Dynamics – is Hoosier WET 70 students from several different studies at the University of Bremen. twin 4mm thickness.05 / n/a DIFFERENTIAL N/A DRIVE TYPE one step planetary gear drive COOLING In sidepots mounted radiator DIFFERENTIAL torque vectoring BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. self developed rotors. self developed front brake caliper functional Steering Wheel ELECTRONICS selfdesigned Live-Telemetry System via WLAN. 34mm offset. Front and Rear the car is equipped with a rear wheel steering system and a refined aero 2 / Rear Right.the RT11. These features make the DUT17 a lightweight and agile car.RR: Bosch SMG138-FSE 4 / Centre of each wheel / 35kW per motor Hungary and Spain. Push-rod.32 / N/A DRIVE TYPE 1. 41CrMo4 side pod mounted radiators ELECTRONICS Display in dashboard. The universe is huuuuuge. With our sixth electric car. pullrod ated oriented coilovers. 2 pistons (rear) temperature-controlled fans ELECTRONICS self-developed vehicle dynamics control BRAKE SYSTEM Floating steel brake disks.0-10 / 18.0x6. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. This year we aim MAX MOTOR RPM FL. EmilE is the basis for our MOTOR TYPE AMK / DD5-14-POW-19000 has four wheels. Pushrod So.75x10. She has been training hard to reach her peak NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 4 / Wheel Hubs. AMS. With motors in each single one. 30mm offset. Rear Left / 50kW. RL: Enstroj EMRAX 208 LV LC more reliable. Additionally minor mechanical parts were exchanged and 2 / rear right. So it safes fuel for our environment. U-shaped anti-roll-bars. NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER The BreMo17 is the 4th car we built for the Formula Student Electric. Multi. self-made 2-piece CFRP rim NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER our design philosophy. The race car is desi.000 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 403V MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK KW26-S5-FSE-4Q ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. rear left / 80 kW 120 V.7kWh 1:8. The RT11 will take on the competition in Netherlands. Kalman filter for determining velocity DELFT FRAME CONSTRUCTION Full CFRP single piece monoco- que with aluminium honeycomb core MATERIAL TeXtreme 100gsm weave. 35kW.000 in each of this tiny wheels. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Self-made ECU.Graphite TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. 30mm offset. Pull-rod SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. self-de. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS CAN-Bus. Rear Left / N/A.???? MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 432V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7680 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.5 Planetary Gearbox DRIVE TYPE 1 stage planetary gear integrated to upr DIFFERENTIAL Electronic Differential DIFFERENTIAL n/a COOLING two seperate water-cooling circuit COOLING two seperated cooling circles for motors and BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.99kWh COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 18:1 / 1:1 1:15. It`s f****** awesome! I tell you! The guys who MAX MOTOR RPM 24000 to make our way into the top 10 of FSE. Push rod TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. with MTC510. coppermesh. COOLING watercooled motors and motor controller. but much keep her right-on track. It`s driven by electricity and 4 / Wheel-Hub / 52kW form bringing tires and drivers to the limits. Push rod actuating The Team Blue Flash Mobility Concepts was founded in 2015. Nodes & BMS are the other highlights. 4 / Each Wheelhub / 30kW each continuing a design philosophy started in 2014: It features independently WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10. anti-slip regulation. 00mm offset.GÖTEBORG FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP single piece monocoque with Al honeycomb core and integrated front hoop MATERIAL CFRP pre-pregs and Al honeycomb (1/2 and 1 HANNOVER FRAME CONSTRUCTION single piece Monocoque CFRP-Aluminum Honeycomb-Sandwich MATERIAL K200K 1200 CP004 42 (CFRP Prepreg). 35kW. Floating 195x4(fr) sensor with GPS 186x4(rr) rotors. 1pc Mg zing their second race car. We are looking forward close the gap to the top teams.0x6. The design focus is on reliability and compact packaging to achieve 2 / Rear Left and Right / 2x 40kW MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK Wechselrichter KW26-S5. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. BMS and Torque Vectoring. Accu- DIFFERENTIAL n/a mulator air-cooling COOLING Water cooled with 2 side-mounted radiators in BRAKE SYSTEM Regenerative braking + 4-Disk system sidepods with 150mm electric fans ELECTRONICS Multifunctional steering wheel. dashboard controller HAMBURG FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque structure with prep- reg and aluminium honeycomb material MATERIAL IMS65 UD Fibres KAISERSLAUTERN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Single piece monocoque. Two motors and one motorcon- troller each. IMU and sensor boards self designed. HorsePower Hannover e.IP67 wiring 197.4/200mm (f/r) diameter.7mm offset learned about building an electric racecar. adjustable brake balance. rotors with live telemetry. our team of more than 4 / wheel hub motors / 30 kW. Rear Left / 50kW technology in the Formula Student competition.7mm in 2009 with the RacePony09. 35kW design was refined and improved. Hoosier R25B NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER tion field.Cobalt Oxide COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. 35kW.1-1/8-15-N-5056 (Aluminium Honeycomb) OVERALL L / W / H 2891mm / 1465mm / 1183mm OVERALL L / W / H 2939mm / 1432mm / 1088mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 9 Pit 4 WRL 22 Sweden 1530mm / 1250mm / 1200mm Car 16 Pit 5 WRL 53 Germany 1555mm / 1220mm / 1180mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 115kg / 141kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 149kg / 155kg It‘s the 15th year of Chalmers Formula Student and we present our 3rd SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Step by step we WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7J x 13 offset. By retaining the know-how NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER ar’s car. 46mm offset.decentr. Continental C16 / 205/470 time in the FS Germany. we decided to take the next step on the evolutionary ladder. This ye. 30mm offset. 26x1.03kWh DRIVE TYPE One stage planetary gear system in wheel TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:4. +4. single MOTOR TYPE Custom made PMSM from AROS Electronics MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 DRS. the TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier R25B 18x10x6 gineering students. Germany. 4 piston Fr+2 piston Rr ELECTRONICS self-developed control system for data aqcuisition and processing 110 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC    111 . self developed rotors. 30kW 2 / Rear Right.0-10 Hoosier R25B / 18. Al Rim experience a steep learning curve during the project life cycle. +4. located in south-western TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18. Spring and Damper horrizontally The FS Team “Schanzer Racing Electric” will participate for the sixth Spring-damper dents from three faculties of the HAWK Goettingen collaborate in reali. SUSPENSION double A-Arm. Push rod WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 123kg / 139kg e-gnition is the Formula Student Electric Team of the TU Hamburg. actuated horizontally oriented air spring damper rear wheel driven electric car. maximum performance in the dynamic events. CFRP rims.0-10 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 13 our history with one of the best rear-wheel driven cars of the competi.Sensor-to-CAN PCBs. 26x2. 1pc Al Rim / 7x13.9 / N/A DIFFERENTIAL Software actuated electrical differential DRIVE TYPE Single-stage spur gear COOLING Water cooling. adjustable breake balance COOLING Watercooled motors and motor-controllers. an undertray and a new MOTOR TYPE AMK DD5-14-10-POW driven rear wheels. TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13. 4 / 2 fr/ 2rr (right/left) / 35 kW. Continental C16 WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7 x13.8 kWh COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.CAN-to-WLAN BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. ISR Racing Calipers 80mm electric fan ELECTRONICS multifunc. This actuated air spring and damper The Kaiserslautern Racing Team is a collaboration of 45 active members SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Nodes. 1pc Al Rim next step in terms of technology: with the improved CFRP chassis. We proudly join the competition with two cars TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 Continental R13. 40 Stu. MOTOR TYPE VUES AFW507D mod. The team stays pioneer in low Voltage NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER rearranged battery package and the new aerodynamics we expect to MOTOR TYPE AMK / DD5-14-10-POW / synchronous motor 2 / Rear Right. aimed at being reliable & low weight. Push rod ated spring and damper. 3pc.Graphite MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 403V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. was founded in 2007 by a group of 10 en.5 1:6 / N/A DRIVE TYPE 2-stage planetary gearbox DRIVE TYPE Chain DIFFERENTIAL virtual via torque vectoring DIFFERENTIAL Torque sensitive limited slip bevel gear COOLING laterally mounted radiators differential with internal preload adjustment BRAKE SYSTEM 4 Disk system.especially the Rennteam Aalen #HOBELBANK #SCHAN.66kWh 1:13. PAMG- Chalmers University of Technology inch) sandwich panels Leibniz Universität Hannover XR1-6.steering wheel. sidepod-mounted dual radiators ELECTRONICS ECU. S355 +N . Pull rod actu. tubular steel roll bars MATERIAL Carbonfibre twill weave and unidirectional Hamburg University of Technology Kaiserslautern University of Technology prepreg. adj. all self-developed GÖTTINGEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Front and rear Tubular space frame MATERIAL S235 +C . Rear Left / 40kW. brake balance ELECTRONICS wiring harness sealed to IP67. offset / 10x6 CFRP Custom made rims. MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK KW26-S5-FSE self-developed. The Electronyte e17 marks the 10th anniversary of KaRaT. a DRS.We decided to take the NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER first year car in formula student history.V. MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 58V ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiNiCoAlO2 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo . Datalogger. a combustion racecar. 4(fr) & 2(rr) piston calipers ELECTRONICS Live-Telemetry. 40kW MOTOR TYPE FL. MAX MOTOR RPM RR.We are looking forward to a great season MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 MOTOR TYPE Compact Dynamics/Dynax/MGI 25-48 to exciting days at FSG 2017. In 2016 the team was able to build the lightest WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13. torque vectoring BRAKE SYSTEM Self developed rotors with 191mm diame- ter. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.0x6.2 / TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DRIVE TYPE planetary gearbox 16:1 / n/a DIFFERENTIAL electric DRIVE TYPE Compound Planetary Gearbox COOLING Water-cooling for motors and inverters. 30kW. Thanks to all who support us during the with all of you . a carbon fibre monocoque and 10“ pullrod suspensi- NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER monocoque. COOLING Rear mounted self developed radiator with adjustable brake balance.667 / 1:3. 50 interdisciplinary students is improving the all wheel driven. unequal length.6 / N/A COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. DIFFERENTIAL Electronic torque distribution. Push rod. With a new team formed every year. AMS. will feature custom made NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER and establishing new structures of organisation. CFRP shell+AL center We are now running a four-wheel drive.17 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:4. self-designed rotors.2. MOTOR CONTROLLER AMKASYN Inverter KW26-S5-FSE- MAX MOTOR RPM 1000 4Q season MOTOR CONTROLLER Dynacontrol PE 40-48 ZERPOWER. Our first events were Silverstone and Hockenheim TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental C17 205/470 R13 team members depend on the knowledge from previous years and WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 10x6 CFRP Custom made rims. self dev. We are pleased to present you our new egn17! MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 on. For the eHAWK_17 this unique 30mm offset. Pullrod actua- TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental C17 ted horizontally oriented spring and damper (c year we built our sixth electronic car.RL: 20000 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 588V MOTOR CONTROLLER IGBT based 3 phase inverter ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 580V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6 kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. 28x2 INGOLSTADT FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque sandwich construc- tion with tubular steel roll bars MATERIAL Rohacell sandwich panel Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/ Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt OVERALL L / W / H 2780mm / 1393mm / 1244mm OVERALL L / W / H 2868mm / 1456mm / 1196mm Holzminden/Göttingen WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1555mm / 1190mm / 1140mm 1550mm / 1378mm / 1335mm Car 181 Pit 47 WRL 66 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 125kg / 127kg Car 34 Pit 22 WRL 36 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 135kg / 140kg SUSPENSION double A-arm. for the first time in the Schanzer Racing history. Datalogger. Aluminium honeycomb sandwich core OVERALL L / W / H 2925mm / 1415mm / 1140mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2784mm / 1360mm / 1087mm 1530mm / 1150mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 78 Pit 36 WRL 30 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 141kg / 142kg Car 64 Pit 29 WRL 61 Germany 1530mm / 1150mm / 1100mm SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. After the most succesful year in from both the TU and UAS Kaiserslautern.7kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:12. FSE-4Q MAX MOTOR RPM 7500 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek Bamocar D3-700 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 . 30kW. speed BRAKE SYSTEM Toolex 33 steel. 30mm offset. 4WD. all AB CFRP monocoque every year.FR: AMK / DT5-14-10-POW high power density motors coupled to compact planetary gearboxes. inverter and electric drive. Pull rod dam. the first four-wheel-driven Formula-Student-Elec. Active Yaw Control. System B: Motor & Converter cooling. Torque Vectoring. 4 pistons at the rear essential modules.32kWh DRIVE TYPE Gearbox TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:2 / n/a DIFFERENTIAL none DRIVE TYPE 10B1 5/8 x 3/8 COOLING three times water-cooled circuit DIFFERENTIAL Clutch pack limited slip.5x7. Hoosier R25B on MAX MOTOR RPM 10.Pump .5kWh 15:1 / - TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DRIVE TYPE Planetary gear train 1:22 / N/A DIFFERENTIAL Electronic . 1200 Nm maxi- BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System. twill and unidirectional plies. RUHR FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular Steel Frame MATERIAL S355J2H Technische Hochschule Köln OVERALL L / W / H 2937mm / 1372mm / 1190mm Hochschule Ruhr West . motor-gear-units mounted centraly underneath MATERIAL HT and HM fibres. SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm.0-10 R25B Hoosier / 18x6.7 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DRIVE TYPE Spur Gear 1:13.5x7. Hungary (Györ-Gönyü Harbour) these goals: Wheel hub Drive.0x10. COOLING Rear mounted radiators with ducting BRAKE SYSTEM 4-disc system. APRacing calipers BRAKE SYSTEM 4 floating disks and two piston calipers ELECTRONICS Fully self designed. adjustable brake balance. bluetooth on periferals ELECTRONICS Live-Telemetry. University of Lisbon. Hoosier R25B / 20. innovative designed electronics and a solid NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER MOTOR TYPE AMK is the result of all engineering experiences and knowlegde accumula.0 x 10’’ OZ Magnesium Center Lock MINT-disciplines. The main ET11 AL Rim 4 / wheel hub / 32 kW generation of electric vehicles coming from the TH Köln. The main design focus of the TUfast eb017 is on WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 6.the 4 / Wheel hubs / 32. drag reduction system ted into accumulator-packs.KARLSRUHE FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP sandwich monocoque. Pull rod actu- ated horizontally oriented spring and damper. Aluminium honeycomb Karlsruhe Institute of Technology kevlar twill Technical University of Lisbon .5kW KIT17e is the consequent development of the dual-x-drive. Our aim is to make a good impression and take the opportunity MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 moto enormous help throughout the season! to learn from the best teams in the world . 2 pc CFRP rim + aluminium TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier 18. 1 pc Al. Powerelectronics water cooled.We would like to thank all our supporters for the MOTOR TYPE internal permanent magnets synchronous history. Push rod actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper actuated vertical oriented spring and damper. was founded TYRES (Fr / Rr) 20. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system each with 2 pistion cali- pers.IST OVERALL L / W / H 3140mm / 1475mm / 1195mm OVERALL L / W / H 2917mm / 1566mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1530mm / 1200mm / 1200mm Car 17 Pit 6 WRL 1 Germany 1530mm / 1220mm / 1150mm Car 50 Pit 27 WRL 28 Portugal WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 129kg / 139kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 105kg / 105kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm KA-RaceIng is the Formula Student team of the Karlsruhe Institute of SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. in 2010 with the aim to provide a practical environment for students to Hoosier WET members who compete in all three classes (electric + combustion + TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x6. Rear: Push rod actuated. adjustable brake balance mum torque ELECTRONICS self developed PCBs.torque vectoring DRIVE TYPE double staged planetary gear COOLING 2 independent circuits .00 ted by the team over the last years. ET 22.monocoque. The 30 members of eMotorsports MOTOR TYPE Enstroj EMRAX 228 MV LC MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK Cologne are looking forward to an exciting competition in Hockenheim! MAX MOTOR RPM 5500 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek Bamocar D3 400/400 #46backontrack ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiNiMnCoO2 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 400V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 9.Inverter .3kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. Technology. which CFRP Shells possibility.0 x 10. It will feature 4 electric motors for the first time in the team‘s MOTOR TYPE AC Perm Magnet motor-gearbox concept. FST Lisboa (previously Projecto FST Novabase) is the team from the TYRES (Fr / Rr) Hoosier R25B R10 per.36kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS Li-Ion NCA TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:12. adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Selfdesigned Accumulator Management System. modular hardware d KÖLN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque MATERIAL carbon fibre MÜLHEIM A. Traction Control. TYRES (Fr / Rr) Avon 7. the electric racing team of the UAS Landshut.0 R13. Rear Right / 40kW. A big thank to our sponsors to give us this NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER lightweight design.0 R13. Hoosier R25B / 21.000 rpm MOTOR TYPE Fischer TI085-052-070-04B6S-08S04BA2 and Spain (Barcelona – Circuit de Catalunya). CAN communication on on the front.#WE-ELECTRIFY-YOU CFRP Rims.three cars“ designing. founded in 2006. FR: 18.Motor DIFFERENTIAL N/A . „Umicore Loup“ is the 8th designed and constructed by our young. DRS. our unique 4 / under the monocoque / 29. we will be racing our 4th electric car . adjustable brake balance. Since 2010 we stand for „one team . 1pc: and manufacturing a racecar. System A: Accumulator DIFFERENTIAL N/A cooling. Hoosier implement knowledge and create an intensive experience in building Rim driverless) every year. To achieve NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER MOTOR TYPE Dynax MG40-400 4 / one in each wheel / 26 races in Germany (Hockenheimring). adjustable.0 x 10.5 R13. BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.0-10 The eMotion Racing HRW team consists of thirty students of different TYRES (Fr / Rr) 20. D.first with combustion cars. tric vehicle built by eMotorsports Cologne. COOLING Side mounted raditors for direct water cooling of fire-extinguisher system in AcC the battery pack. general concept to provide the outstanding driving experience. Push Rod SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm..6 / 1:2. we want to achieve a new WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7. LISBOA FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque with steel main hoop and aluminium front hoop MATERIAL Prepreg CFRP. Planetary Gears.5-10 R25B center two cars“ and since this year even „one team . passionate engineers. Front: Pull LA eRacing. and since NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER manufacturing and competing with a FSE and a FSC car every year. board. slaves integra. 1pc: CFRP Shells / 6.2 1:2. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) Selfmade carbon rims petitions every year since 2002 .0x6. The TUfast Racing Team from the TU Munich consists of 80 team rod actuated.The main goal this season is to take part and finish the three 2 / Rear Left.and be back in 2018.University of Applied Sciences OVERALL L / W / H 2602mm / 1619mm / 1183mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1530mm / 1200mm / 1200mm 1655mm / 1409mm / 1423mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 130kg / 140kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 154kg / 174kg Car 46 Pit 26 WRL 63 Germany Car 119 Pit 40 WRL 98 Germany SUSPENSION Double unequal lenght A-Arm. vehicle control and an aerodynamic package. We have been taking part in Formula Student com. The NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 2010 with electric cars. 40kW is well-balanced between high downforce and efficiency. In teamwork the electrical racing vehicle ”EM02” was Hoosier R25B NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER WHEELS (Fr / Rr) MONO 7x13 ET11 AL Rim / MONO 7x13 level of performance and competitiveness. 1 / Rear Left / 55kW MAX MOTOR RPM FL.0-10 R25B WHEELS (Fr / Rr) OZ Superleggera 7x13. modified rotos with BRAKE SYSTEM self-built aluminium calipers.8 / N/A DIFFERENTIAL Torque vectoring DRIVE TYPE stacked planetary gearing system COOLING Side mounted radiators. The newest car focus was on low weight.0 R13. With „Umicore Loup“. Feel free to come to our pit and talk MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 MOTOR CONTROLLER Dynacontrol PE120-400 to us! MOTOR CONTROLLER TUfast MC017 (self-developed) MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 400V ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiNiCoAlO2 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 571 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. 112 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC    113 .5x7. full CFRP. WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 8. drilled floa- 240mm and 230mm dia.0/16. calipers ELECTRONICS Multifunctional Steering Wheel and Dash- ELECTRONICS Self developed AMS system.0x7. CANopen compliant CAN-BUS integration LANDSHUT FRAME CONSTRUCTION Tubular space frame MATERIAL steel tubes with different size and thickness MÜNCHEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP Monocoque with alumini- um honeycomb MATERIAL carbon fibre reinforced plastic University of Applied Sciences Landshut OVERALL L / W / H 2850mm / 1410mm / 1081mm Technical University of Munich WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2933mm / 1417mm / 1186mm 1600mm / 1200mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 146kg / 219kg 1550mm / 1200mm / 1200mm Car 97 Pit 46 WRL 58 Germany Car 31 Pit 17 WRL 4 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 140kg / 140kg SUSPENSION Double unequal lenght A-Arm. live telemetry system. self developed rotors with Motors oil cooled 196mm diameter. MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK MAX MOTOR RPM 30000 rpm MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600 MOTOR CONTROLLER Self designed SiC Controller ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 588V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 8kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS Lithium-Polymer TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. Brembo ting rotors.7KW FST 07e.Radiator COOLING 2 radiators.6 / COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 4.In 2017. MÜNCHEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque with tubular Front & Mainhoop MATERIAL CFRP sandwich structure, aluminium honey- PATRAS FRAME CONSTRUCTION 5-piece aluminum panel mono- coque, bonded and riveted aluminum lap joints MATERIAL 5052 aluminum skin with aluminum honeycomb University of Applied Sciences München comb University of Patras core, 23mm core/0.8mm skin on sides a OVERALL L / W / H 2887mm / 1395mm / 1147mm OVERALL L / W / H 2762mm / 1405mm / 1195mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 13 Pit 1 WRL 11 Germany 1540mm / 1150mm / 1128mm Car 186 Pit 48 WRL 32 Greece 1580mm / 1165mm / 1095mm WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 129kg / 134kg WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 114kg / 164kg PassionWorks - not only the name of our cars but also our guiding prin- SUSPENSION Double unequal lenght A-Arm, Push rod UoP Racing is one of the most unconventional teams in the electric SUSPENSION Double unequal length carbon fiber A-arms actuated spring and dampers with direct acting Ohlins TTX25 damper attached ciple! Last season we took a big step forward with our four wheel driven TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18.0x7.5-10 Hoosier R25B / x7.5-10 Hoosier class of Formula Student. Our design mentality could be summarized as TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18.0x7.5-10, Hoosier R25B / 18.0x7.5-10, car. This year we designed a car that signifies an evolutionary step. Our R25B resource efficiency; using unconventional design and manufacturing me- Hoosier R25B main goal was to design a reliable, high aerodynamic downforce car and WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.5x10, 2pc CFRP/ Aluminium hybrid rim thods to achieve the best performance/cost ratio. Reliability and sustain- WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10 / 7.5x10, 2pc CFRP/ Aluminium hybrid rim NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER to omit the mistakes we made last season. Combined with many testing ability are top priorities as well. Point sensitivity analysis indicated the NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 1 / Rear interior / 80kW kilometers and a strong team, we want to improve upon last year‘s 4 / Wheelhub mounted motors / 32kW areas of focus, where clever solutions and sound engineering practices MOTOR TYPE ENSTROJ/EMRAX 228 HV CC, Brushless results. MOTOR TYPE AMK / DT5-14-10-POW were applied, allowing for the manufacturing of a 210kg electric car. PM AC MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 MAX MOTOR RPM 4700 MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK / KS26-S5-FSE-4Q MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek Bamocar D3 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 579 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 504V ELECTRODE MATERIALS LINiMgCo02 ELECTRODE MATERIALS Lipo COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7.5kWh COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7,104kWh TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:14.06 / n/a 1:3,625 / - DRIVE TYPE planetary gearbox with step planets DRIVE TYPE Self developed parallel axis 2-stage str DIFFERENTIAL torque vectoring DIFFERENTIAL Clutchpack limited slip differential, 50Nm COOLING seperate cooling circuits for each side radiators preload, 45/60 Deg. ramp angle with controlled electric fans COOLING Single radiator integrated in the rear interior, fed BRAKE SYSTEM AP racing two piston calipers, AP racing via custom airduct master cylinders BRAKE SYSTEM Floating, Cast Iron, hub mounted, 180mm ELECTRONICS 4x highspeed CAN, live telemetry via wlan, outer diam drilled rotors,adjustable brake balance recuperation, traction control ELECTRONICS Smart torque truncation based on batery state, Traction Control (TC), multimap switch NEW DELHI FRAME CONSTRUCTION Front and rear tubular space frame MATERIAL ASTM A179 grade B steel. Round tubing 25.4 SANKT AUGUSTIN FRAME CONSTRUCTION Composite monocoque MATERIAL CFK Prepreg with Rohacell core Indian Institute of Technology Delhi mm outer dia University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg OVERALL L / W / H 2918mm / 1416mm / 1156mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2850mm / 1450mm / 1114mm 1530mm / 1240mm / 1220mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 133kg / 145kg Car 12 Pit 3 WRL 99 India 1550mm / 1260mm / 1200mm Car 45 Pit 25 WRL 9 Germany SUSPENSION Double whishbone pushrod acuated hea- WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 111kg / 167kg ve-spring Axlr8r Formula Racing(AFR) is the FS team of IIT Delhi. Our journey SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Pull rod actu- BRS Motorsport is the Formula Student team of UAS Bonn-Rhine- TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x6- R10 hoosier R25B ated vertically oriented spring and damper began in 2006 and we have produced 5 combustion cars and an electric Sieg with about 70 students of all faculties, who share their love for WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 18x6- R10 hoosier R25B TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental 205/470 R13 for both front car till now. This year we are presenting our 2nd electric car, Atharva, a and Rear. designing, developing and manufacturing their first all-wheel driven NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 4 / uprights / 36,75Kw (each) Sanskrit word signifying something meaningful to the society and by WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13, 22mm offset Al Rim for both front electric car. It sticks out with its CFRP monocoque with 10” aluminium and Rear. MOTOR TYPE AMK DD5 turning our focus to electric cars, this is our way to contribute to the wheels, heave-spring system, a powertrain package by AMK combined MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER society. With our immense hardwork and support from our sponsors, we 2 / Rear Right and Rear Left. / 36(Rated Power); 72(Peak) with a compound planetary gearbox in the uprights and an aerodyna- MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK hope this is just a beginning, in what is going to be a very fruitful journey. MOTOR TYPE Permanent Magnet Brushed DC mic package. A special feature is the inertial system, which displaces a MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 588V MAX MOTOR RPM 4400 correvit sensor. ELECTRODE MATERIALS Lipo MOTOR CONTROLLER Kelly KDH14601E (Opto-isolated) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 5,8kWh MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 110V TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2- graphite 13.6 / n/a COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7326 DRIVE TYPE compound plantary gearbox TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DIFFERENTIAL electrical differential (software) 1:4 / n/a COOLING two self developed side mounted radiators DRIVE TYPE Single reduction Gearbox. BRAKE SYSTEM four self developed disks with 4 piston DIFFERENTIAL Electronic Differential calipers in the front 2 in the rear COOLING Forced Convection cooling in Battery by electric ELECTRONICS 3D wiring harness, self developrd ECU’s, fan. multifunctional steering wheel and dashboard BRAKE SYSTEM 4 disk system,self developed rotors by laser cut, Adjustable Brake Bias, floating rotors. ELECTRONICS Custom built data logger, Hall effect cur- rent sensor, Beaglebone micro-processor. OSNABRÜCK FRAME CONSTRUCTION Two piece cfrp monocoque MATERIAL CFRP with core material STUTTGART FRAME CONSTRUCTION unibody monocoque with integ- rated front hoop MATERIAL HM/ HT Carbon fibres/ Aluminium honeycomb University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück OVERALL L / W / H 2848mm / 1436mm / 1136mm Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) OVERALL L / W / H 2908mm / 1442mm / 1128mm 1535mm / 1190mm / 1150mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 130kg / 143kg 1550mm / 1220mm / 1220mm Car 67 Pit 31 WRL 18 Germany Car 77 Pit 35 WRL 16 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 133kg / 126kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper. SUSPENSION Double A-Arm,Pushrod actuated The Ignition Racing Team is the FSE Team of the UAS Osnabrück and TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18x6-10, Hoosier R25B Almost one hundred team members, organized in eight sub teams, spring-damper-system,horizontal spring &damper,indepen- dent w was founded in 2006. The completely new developed Monocoque of the WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.0x10, 2pc carbon fibre wheel joined up in the DHBW Engineering Stuttgart e.V. to build the new TYRES (Fr / Rr) dry: Hoosier 18.0x7.5 R10 ... wet: Continen- IR17 - Lizard optimized our Packaging of Components and decrease the NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER eSleek17, the sixth electric vehicle in the history of DHBW Engineering tal 205/470 R13 1 / Rear / 100kW CoG. The driver handle the vehicle in a much more laying position and Stuttgart e.V. The creation of a stronger link between the different parts WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x10,38mm offs,2-pcs. Al star,CFK bed MOTOR TYPE Enstroj Emrax 228 new accumulators are placed in the sidepods. Rear wheel steering and of the vehicle setup is one of this season‘s main goals in order to retrieve NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER MAX MOTOR RPM 6500 4 / FR, FL, RR, RL / 40kW, 40kW, 40kW, 40kW a new aeropackage increase our performance and the new CAN-Bus MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek Bamocar D3 the full performance capability of the eSleek17. MOTOR TYPE AMK, DT5 system decrease the wires. We are looking forward to see you at FSG! MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 596V MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 for all ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK KW 26 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.409kWh MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 604V TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo - graphite 1:3,73 / - COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.67 kWh DRIVE TYPE Carbon fibre dirve belt 800x36mm TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DIFFERENTIAL Drexler Limited Slip Differential with adjus- 12.69 / - table torque bias DRIVE TYPE reduced planetary gearbox COOLING Radiators on sidepod mounted DIFFERENTIAL none BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, self developed rotors with 189mm diameter, adjustable brake balance COOLING Watercooling, Twin side pod mounted radiators ELECTRONICS Live-Telemetry, Traction Controll, individual- BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, floating rotors with ly controlled rear wheel steering system 184.4mm outer diameter, adjustable brake balance ELECTRONICS Multifunctional Steering Wheel, selfdesi- gned 4CAN Datalogger,Live Telemetry, smart sensors 114 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC    115 STUTTGART FRAME CONSTRUCTION Carbon fiber sandwich structure monocoque MATERIAL Aluminum honeycomb sandwich panel WIEN FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP monocoque (one piece) MATERIAL CFRP in sandwich structure with aluminium honeycomb and rohacell core of different thickness University of Stuttgart Vienna University of Technology OVERALL L / W / H 3000mm / 1400mm / 1200mm OVERALL L / W / H 2860mm / 1402mm / 1167mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1540mm / 1160mm / 1160mm 1575mm / 1200mm / 1160mm Car 26 Pit 24 WRL 6 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 120kg / 125kg Car 41 Pit 23 WRL 27 Austria WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 95kg / 133kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod SUSPENSION double unequal length A-Arm, Pull rod actu- For eight years, the GreenTeam participates at Hockenheim. With the actuated monospring system with additional roll damp Since the decision to participate in FS Electric in 2014 TU Wien Racing ated horizontally oriented spring and damper new E0711-8 we continue our successful story. With our 8th generation TYRES (Fr / Rr) 18 x 7.5 - 10, Hoosier R25B / 18 x 7.5 - 10, focused on sophisticated in-house development. This year, our well TYRES (Fr / Rr) 6.0/18.0-10 Hoosier Hoosier R25B WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.0x10, 25mm offset, one piece CFRP car we combined the benefits of its predecessor with new convincing WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 8.0 wide 2 pc Hybrid (Al, CFRP) / 8.0 proven and completely self-developed motors are complemented rim innovations. The overall focus was set on performance and reliability for wide 2 pc Hybrid (Al, CFRP) with self-designed inverters, allowing higher top speeds. The radically NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER the E0711-8. Highlights this year are the aerodynamic package, vehicle NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER changed aerodynamics package for 2017 includes a monkey seat, 2 / Rear Right, Rear Left / 30kW (10s), 13.3kW cont. 4 / Wheel hub mounted / 34.5 per Motor MOTOR TYPE TUW Racing / TUWR-E3 dynamics, improved oil cooled accumulator and lightweight design. laminated carbon tubes for additional accumulator cooling and a DRS. 5 MOTOR TYPE permanently excited synchronous machine MAX MOTOR RPM RR:16000, RL: 16000 MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 standardized CAN nodes upgrade our wiring harness and simplify data MOTOR CONTROLLER TUW Racing / TUWR-I1 MOTOR CONTROLLER KW26-S5-FSE-4Q processing. MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 529V MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 592 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.5 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.8 kWh TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 1:12,51 / n/a 1:13.5 / - DRIVE TYPE two-stage planetary gearbox DRIVE TYPE 2-stage planetary gearbox DIFFERENTIAL n/a DIFFERENTIAL - COOLING radiator with electric fan, electric waterpump, COOLING Oil and water circuit fans for accumulator cooling BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, self developed coated BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, self designed brake discs, aluminum brake disks adjustable brake balance, AP calipers F/R ELECTRONICS self-designed system electronics, wireless ELECTRONICS standardized sensor nodes, dashboard with CAN and live video feed telemetry- and tuning capability, Live-telemetry THESSALONIKI FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque MATERIAL Aluminium honeycomb sandwich panel (Al- 6082-T6 1mm skins, Al-3003 core 6,4mmx20mm) ZÜRICH FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP one-piece monocoque MATERIAL high modulus CFRP-prepreg (twill and UD) with aluminium honeycomb core Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich OVERALL L / W / H 3052mm / 1320mm / 1173mm OVERALL L / W / H 2932mm / 1422mm / 1156mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1575mm / 1180mm / 1150mm 1530mm / 1220mm / 1220mm Car 11 Pit 2 Greece WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 136kg / 232kg Car 33 Pit 18 WRL 3 Switzerland WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 118kg / 120kg SUSPENSION Indepedent double wishbone pushrod SUSPENSION double A-arms, hydraulic actuated, mode Aristurtle was founded in 2013 by students of the Aristotle University suspension The AMZ Racing team was founded in 2006 by students of ETH Zurich. decoupled of Thessaloniki. Our team’s goal is to design and manufacture electric TYRES (Fr / Rr) 20.5 x 7.0-13 Hoosier / 20.5 x 7.0-13 After three combustion cars, the AMZ switched to electric racing cars TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 - Continental C17 (Fr and Rr) Hoosier WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7’’x13’’, 24.6 mm offset, CFRP rim (Fr single seated racing cars, to compete in Formula Students Events and to WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7 in. , 22 mm offset, forged aluminum / in 2010 and started an ongoing collaboration with the University of and Rr) promote electro mobility worldwide and in especially Greece. This year, 7 in. , 22 mm offset, forged aluminum Lucerne. The active team counts approximately 35 people, backed by NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER we’ve designed and manufactured our second racing car which features NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER the crucial support of their alumni. AMZ grew up to the new challenge as 4 / wheelhub mounted / 4x 38.44 kW 2 / Rear Right, Rear Left / 55kW, 55kW MOTOR TYPE AMZ M6, self-developed brush-less inrunner a monocoque chassis and 2 electric motors. Responsibility, Organization, „official“ raclette (swiss molten cheese) provider of FSG, FSA and FSS. MOTOR TYPE Enstroj - EMRAX 228 MV CC MAX MOTOR RPM 24000 Loyalty and Teamwork are the fundamentals of Aristurtle. MAX MOTOR RPM 5500 MOTOR CONTROLLER 1 Lenze-Schmidhauser Dual DCU MOTOR CONTROLLER Unitek - BA- MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 462V MOCAR-D3-400-200/400 ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiPo MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 357V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.19kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS CoNiMg - graphite TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7,459 kW 18.28 / N/A TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) DRIVE TYPE planetary gear with staged planets 1:3,2 / - DIFFERENTIAL N/A DRIVE TYPE Planetary Gearbox COOLING Single serial cooling circuit with two radiators DIFFERENTIAL Electronic Differential actively cooled by two fans, mounted on the back COOLING Sidepod mounted 1030cc radiator passively BRAKE SYSTEM Self developed callipers, CMC rotors, cooled 190mm diameter floating rotors, adjustable brake BRAKE SYSTEM ISR (diam 250mm) floating brake rotors, ELECTRONICS in-house optical BMS, live telemetry sys- 4-piston calipers front, 2-piston calipers rear tem, CAN communication, self developed can modules ELECTRONICS Custom designed uController, Passive ba- lancing BMS, Custom designed BMS, Dashboard Display TRONDHEIM FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP monocoque. MATERIAL CFRP, AlHC and Rohacell sandwich construc- tion ZWICKAU FRAME CONSTRUCTION single piece CFRP monocoque MATERIAL Carbon Fibre Monocoue with aluminium honey- comb core material Norwegian University of Science and Technology University of Applied Sciences Zwickau OVERALL L / W / H 2907mm / 1400mm / 1180mm OVERALL L / W / H 2876mm / 1376mm / 1179mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1530mm / 1200mm / 1180mm 1530mm / 1200mm / 1140mm Car 63 Pit 30 WRL 21 Norway WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 122kg / 121kg Car 96 Pit 41 WRL 23 Germany WEIGHT WITH 68kg DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 67kg / 68kg SUSPENSION Double unequal length a-arm. Push rod SUSPENSION Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod RevolveNTNU’s long-term goal has always been to develop every part actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper. 11 years of engineering „Made in Zwickau“ – „edgar“ is the twelfth racecar actuated horizontally oriented spring and damper (co of its race car in house and in 2017 they are one step closer to achieving TYRES (Fr / Rr) 205/470 R13 Continental C17 front and with its origins in the Westsaxon automotive city. The FP11.17e, or „edgar“ TYRES (Fr / Rr) Continental C17 205x35 R13 rear WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7x13, 30mm offset, 3pc carbon/AL rim / this. Their in-house developed inverters and ongoing motor development WHEELS (Fr / Rr) 7.0x13”, 2pc Al/CFRP rim front and rear. as we call him, is characterized by a four-wheel-drive and high-level saf- 7x13, 30mm offset, 3pc carbon/AL rim project are representative of this. Now there are only a few components NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER ety features with our battery cooling system. As in the previous seasons NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER on the vehicle that are produced by external companies and they are 4 / FR,FL.RR,RL / 4x37kW we focused on building a reliable but also lightweight car. Thanks to 4 / on each wheel / 4 x 38kW headed towards being completely independent in terms of production. MOTOR TYPE 4 x AMK/DD5-14-10-POW whole body simulations we were able to revise our aerodynamic packa- MOTOR TYPE self developed and made motors: ZRM MAX MOTOR RPM 20000 HS4.2 The team is self-sustaining during events and production. ge and optimize it. MAX MOTOR RPM 19200 U/min MOTOR CONTROLLER AMK /KW26-S5-FSE-4Q MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 588 MOTOR CONTROLLER Lenze Schmidhauser Mobile DCU 60/ ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE 600V COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.79kWh ELECTRODE MATERIALS LiCoO2 TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 15.48:1 / N/A COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 8kWh DRIVE TYPE Hub mounted compound planetary gear box TRANSMISSION RATIO (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) 13.95 / - DIFFERENTIAL N/A DRIVE TYPE Electric Four-Wheel-Drive COOLING Dual cycle water cooling on motor and control- ler. Air cooled Accumulator DIFFERENTIAL no Diff., Motor Control due Toque Vecto- ring BRAKE SYSTEM Self developed discs(186) and brake balance adjuster. ISR front and rear calipers. COOLING watercooled motors and inverters with twin side pod mounted radiators ELECTRONICS Most electronics student made, including BMS, Telemetry unit, ADC’s and Dashboard BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System, self developed rotors, adjustable brake balance, ELECTRONICS self-developed ECUs and driver info sys- tem, selfdesigned live-telemetry system 116 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC  TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  ELECTRIC    117 Team Profiles AUGSBURG University of Applied Sciences Augsburg DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC FRAME CONSTRUCTION One piece Composite monoco- que with tubular roll bars Driverless MATERIAL Carbon fiber with aluminum honeycomb core / S355 steel main hoop / EN AW 6061 aluminum front hoop Car 469 Pit 8 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2893mm / 1448mm / 1145mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) The base vehicle we use is named Silencio, according to a character 1535mm / 1250mm / 1200mm from Augsburger Puppenkiste. Our race car from 2016 was our first with WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 112kg / 148kg electric four wheel drive. The upgrade to drive autonomously is another NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 4 / all wheels driven / 20 chance to show the underestimated potential of this vehicle. The auto- COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6,67kWh nomous system was designed to tackle the challenges of a race driver. 359 students BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, self developed rotors, Map the track, calculating a driving strategy and control the actuators in adjustable brake balance real-time are the major challenges in designing the autonomous system. PROCESSING UNITS IBM PPC 750GL, Intel i7-3517UE, NVIDIA Jetson TX2 PERFORMANCE OF PUs >1,500 GFLOPS 15 teams POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs >50 W CAMERAS 1, 10m, 90°, 1080p/60fps/VC RADAR 1, 70m/250m, 120°/9°, 77GHz long range LIDAR 2, 13m, 27°, infrared short range OTHER SENSORS 1, unlimited, 360°, differential GNSS 5 nations HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM keep it simple but fast! FIRENZE DRIVERLESS COMBUSTION BEIJING DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC Università degli Studi di Firenze FRAME CONSTRUCTION Steel tubolar frame Beijing Institute of Technology FRAME CONSTRUCTION 4130 tubes welded. MATERIAL AISI 4130/ 25CrMo4 Steel MATERIAL 4130 steel OVERALL L / W / H 2720mm / 1386mm / 1230mm OVERALL L / W / H 2803mm / 1370mm / 1047mm Car 542 Pit 54 Italy WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 485 Pit 14 China WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1600mm / 1200mm / 1100mm 1676mm / 1225mm / 1175mm WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 105kg / 112kg WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 128kg / 136kg Firenze Race Team was the first italian team to partecipate in a Formula Beijing Institute of Technology FSD is a new team for the FSD competi- NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER ENGINE Beta 520RR Student competition in 2002. The team regularly participates in euro- tion. We built up in the last year and design the formula student racing 2 / Rear Right, Rear Left / 80kw,80kw BORE / STROKE / CYLINDERS / DISPLACEMENT pean FSAE competitions in combustion class, in 2015 was the 3rd italian 102mm / 63.4mm / 1 cylinder / 520cc car is based on the electric racing car of FSAE team in our school. In our COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 4032 team and il 2016 was the 1st italian team. In 2017 the Florence Univerity‘s BRAKE SYSTEM Floating, 200x3mm, stainless steel, 6 float FSAE team, combustion car called black shark, electric car called sliver BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, self developed rotors with buttons 245mm diameter, mom-adjustable brake balance. team decided to partecipate at the driverless competition. the most car, but we decide the car name is smart shark! This year, we will bring PROCESSING UNITS MicroAtoboxII, jetson, custom ECUs PROCESSING UNITS Intel Core i7-6820HK interesting features of FRT car are our semiactive differential and our the smart shark I to FSG and learn more knowledge about driverless car. PERFORMANCE OF PUs 156 GFLOPS PERFORMANCE OF PUs 83.20 GFLOPS kalman filter and predictive control for the autonomus system. POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 200 W POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 550 W CAMERAS 1xCM3-U3-13Y3C CAMERAS 1,U3S 1600-H 1,60 degree RADAR RADAR n/a LIDAR LIDAR 1,Encradar-Zen-1 1,360 degree OTHER SENSORS OTHER SENSORS n/a HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Kalman filter, predictive HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM lidar and camera in de- control tective environment and the servo-system for the steering and braking; the people can operat AACHEN DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC DARMSTADT DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC RWTH Aachen University FRAME CONSTRUCTION Two Piece CFRP Frame Technische Universität Darmstadt FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque MATERIAL Rohacell and aluminium honeycomb sandwich MATERIAL Single-piece CFRP with Aluminium Honeycom- OVERALL L / W / H 2980mm / 1380mm / 1175mm by Car 499 Pit 45 Germany WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 442 Pit 21 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2966mm / 1345mm / 1038mm 1530mm / 1250mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 125kg / 151kg 1525mm / 1183mm / 1162mm Ecurie Aix is the Formula Student Team of RWTH Aachen University NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER We did reconstruct the lambda2016 to become the first autonomously WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 120kg / 130kg and was founded in 1999. Since then, the team has designed and built 10 2 / Rear / 42kW each driving car in the history of our association. To be part of the FSD from NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER cars with IC engines and 6 with electric engines and one driverless car. COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6.7kWh the first year on was a concern of ours, since DART always was a parti- 2 / Back / 52kW BRAKE SYSTEM 42CrMo4 Laser Cut, floating, outer COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7kWh With our current car, the eace04.d aka „Maren“ (converted old electric cipant of the first minuet. The main changes regarding the lambda2016 240mm hub mount, adjustable brake balance BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system, self developed rotors , car from 2015), we participate in the Formula Student competition at was, the additional actuators for braking and steering together with an adjustable brake balance PROCESSING UNITS Neousys Car PC Hockenheim. autonomous system. PROCESSING UNITS Intel NUC, Jetson TX1, Jetson TX2, NI PERFORMANCE OF PUs 2064 GFLOPS sb-RIO 9627 POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 160 W PERFORMANCE OF PUs 1160 GFLOPS CAMERAS 2x Stereolabs ZED camera POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 150 W RADAR n/a CAMERAS 1 * Stereo Labs ZED 20m FoV, 110° Opening LIDAR n/a Angle, Stereo Camera OTHER SENSORS IMU, wheel speed sensor, (odometer), RADAR - RTK GPS LIDAR - HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM For perception we are only using two stereocameras, no Lidar. Detection is OTHER SENSORS Swift Navigation Piksi Multi RTK GNSS done via a neural network. Actuation of the steering is Module realized with a servomotor, actuation of the brake system HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Image Processing is hydraulic. 118 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS    119 which consists of 21 team BRAKE SYSTEM self developed rotors. PERFORMANCE OF PUs GFLOPS middleware JennyNet. mounted within Chassis / 32kw 4 / wheel hub / 32kW COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. self developed. One Team .. This easens integration into the car and helps finding the most suitable hw setup.fully redundant emer- gency brake system. NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER will once again be part of our agenda.7 kWh turing and competing with a FSC and FSE car each year and since this NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER 4 / Mounted on the chassis / 23kW the egn_dv17.∞/horizon. 30m. adjustable brake 195mm diameter.self-de- veloped interface to IPG carmaker HANNOVER DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC MÜNCHEN DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC Leibniz Universität Hannover FRAME CONSTRUCTION two-piece Monocoque Technical University of Munich FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP Monocoque with alumini- CFRP-Aluminum Honeycomb-Sandwich um honeycomb MATERIAL K200K 1200 CP004 42 (CFRP.our self developed 4 / 4. Phoenix Contact and dSpace. LIDAR 2x Ibeo Lux 2010.2.67 HorsePower Hannover took on the challenge of equipping one of our COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. angle sensor at steering wheel LIDAR two Ibeo LUX. Feel free to come to our Due PERFORMANCE OF PUs 2000 GFLOPS pit and talk to us! PERFORMANCE OF PUs 3656 GFLOPS POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 13 W POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 52 W CAMERAS 2 IDS UI-5240RE-C-HQ PoE Rev. view angle 50. Furthermore.amongst other with 120Hz.5kWh a lot of additional processing power. autonomous driving. BeagleBone were recruited new. range 50m. 2x 100° rear facing CAMERAS 2x Optitrack Slim 3U RADAR RADAR n/a LIDAR LIDAR n/a OTHER SENSORS 1x dGPS OTHER SENSORS speed measuring unit HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Our Highlights are the HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM high-speed cameras two rear-facing cameras that are used . Range.1m .6°. 80kW last year‘s electric formula student vehicle Jenny8X. Starting with the 2017 season. 2 / Rear Right. 81. Objects new department of Schanzer Racing electric. own camera driver. 32kW. The KIT17d is KA-RaceIng‘s COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. We PROCESSING UNITS LPC 4337. Sick lms151 2D degrees field of view Laser rangefinder OTHER SENSORS one IMU: iNAT-M200-SLC with Range OTHER SENSORS +-450 degrees and +-18g. We would like to BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk System. WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 120kg / 98kg mates we turned „Uwe“. hannoverImpuls. realtime performance things .Three Cars . POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 135 W foundation. We also feature a high analytics definition mapping approach as a base for our trajectory calculations. opening angle 270deg. GPS and RTK support HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM The highlight of our HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Highly adaptable DV system is our perception system specifically tailored system. Now. X46Cr13.The Driverless Division is the COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. that allows the implementation of many concepts in for a Formula Student track. and PROCESSING UNITS Jetson TX. .to evaluate the driven lane. HAMBURG DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC KARLSRUHE DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC Hamburg University of Technology FRAME CONSTRUCTION Carbon fibre monocoque Karlsruhe Institute of Technology FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP sandwich monocoque. The race track is 4 / in the wheel hubs / 32kW. kevlar twill Car 478 Pit 7 Germany WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Car 417 Pit 13 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2907mm / 1455mm / 1566mm 1560mm / 1200mm / 1150mm WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 80kg / 140kg WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Many Formula Student veterans made a return to the team to take on KA-RaceIng is the Formula Student team of the Karlsruhe Institute of 1530mm / 1220mm / 1150mm NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER this fascinating new challenge. 32kW advancements in the automotive industry. MATERIAL carbin fibre reeinforced plastic minum Honeycomb (Al5056) Car 416 Pit 39 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2592mm / 1428mm / 998mm Car 431 Pit 38 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2930mm / 1410mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1550mm / 1200mm / 1200mm HorsePower Hannover has followed the trend of future technologies 1555mm / 1225mm / 1185mm The TUfast Racing Team from TU Munich consists of 80 team members WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 70kg / 97kg since 2011 with its first electric-powered racecar. we implemented an array of sensors used for drilled. Prepreg).acA1300-200uc. ISR front and self-developed rear caliper members with a focus on computer science skills. which was tested extensively the fields of path planning.821 perception system is especially tailored to a Formula Student track. iMar Navigation.8° x CMOS Color global shutter system and SXGA resolution 38.25° HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Redundant multi-sen- sor perception system. in a self developed simulation environment. 203mm outer diam. 182x4mm. capturing 180° in front of the car. Arduino Nvidia. Since 2010 we are designing.Soft- ware in the Loop simulation with IPG Carmaker..completely self developped framework. tested and simulated our planning algorithms. . BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. six years later.25 kW BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. PROCESSING UNITS Nvidia Jetson TX1 updated the ECU with latest TUfast software. the egn16. 120 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS    121 . Our autonomous car Jenny8GD was build upon our existing NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER challenges introduced by the new Driverless Class of FSG and the 2 / rear right. floating. rear left / 80kW. steel S355. We thank all our Sponsors for their great support PERFORMANCE OF PUs 4134 GFLOPS Based on our 2016 car we were able to build our driverless car on a solid POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 250 W all season long. 4 Layer rotating mirror LIDAR two side looking with 100° scanner. stainless steel To achieve these goals. 4 layers. founded in 2006. Together with some newly found team. We would GTX 1070 BRAKE SYSTEM 4 floating disks and two piston calipers can‘t wait to see all the different approaches the teams have taken to like to thank all our supporters for the enormous help throughout the on each wheel PERFORMANCE OF PUs 6573 GFLOPS make their FS car drive autonomously! season! PROCESSING UNITS Nvidia Drive PX 2 and existing Main POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 300W W Control Unit in car CAMERAS 1x Basler . Rear Left / 2x 40kW Technology. Alu. USB3 POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 150 W RADAR CAMERAS one forward looking with 60° opening angle. our very reliable last year‘s car. 50m. CAMERAS 2x 60° >150m front facing.DEGGENDORF DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC INGOLSTADT DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf FRAME CONSTRUCTION monocoque Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP Monocoque MATERIAL preimpregnated fibres with aluminum honey MATERIAL Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic comb OVERALL L / W / H 2449mm / 1436mm / 1134mm Car 414 Pit 44 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2850mm / 1370mm / 1130mm Car 434 Pit 20 Germany WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1550mm / 1214mm / 1176mm 1540mm / 1194mm / 1196mm WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) kg / kg Fast Forest is the Formula Student Team of the Deggendorf Institute of WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 74kg / 171kg Of course Schanzer Racing electric wasn‘t able to hide from the new NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER Technology. Software modules are connected over our messaging PROCESSING UNITS DATALynx. the DV system is based on a low energy and lightwight Hardware(hw) design. IDS Imaging. 110 degrees times 3. CAMERAS 3. . manufac. wheel speed sensors. image processing or positioning. self developed rotors year also with a driverless car for the FSD. Giving it a bunch of new sensors and actuators as well as BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system.9°.2 LIDAR 1.TUfast. into COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. . racecars with the technology to drive autonomously. MATERIAL HTS Fibres with Rohacell IGF-71 Core motor-gear-units mounted underneath OVERALL L / W / H 2336mm / 1385mm / 1125mm MATERIAL HT and HM fibres. Faurecia. 0. RADAR N/A OTHER SENSORS 1x Xsens . Nvidia first fully autnomous racecar and is based our the KIT15e. Industrial high PERFORMANCE OF PUs 16000 GFLOPS speed CMOS camera with global shutter. highly adaptive path finding. Intel Core i7-6700K. NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER One of our main goals in designing the db017 . BFS PGE 13Y3C-C RADAR N/A RADAR - LIDAR Ibeo Lux 2008.cone detection with Deep Neuronal Network. self developed rotors with sampled by mono cameras. adjustable brake balance are detected by fast machine vision algorithms and passed to our balance. hydraulic actuated especially thank our supporters: Volkswagen. floating. ideal OTHER SENSORS Tightly Coupled GPS/INS racing line generation HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM . „Uwe“ will face his new task. Most team members PROCESSING UNITS NVIDIA DRIVE PX2 lane estimation. twill and unidirectional plies. 152mm inner diam. this WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 133kg / 133kg who design and build three race cars. combined opening angle of 160° at angular resolution of 0. but we also have veterans from the last seasons. Vector VN8912. 32kW.MTi-G-710-GNSS/INS (IMU).2kWh COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. 46 kWh BRAKE SYSTEM AP racing four/two piston callipers. Shidhartha De. Markus Soukup & Daniel Sturm mous systm to build a car that is just limited by the physical * if without reference. mounted above the front Kistler Correvit SFII P wing HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM We reinvented a few OTHER SENSORS SBG Ellipse-N Inertial Navigation Sys- things we thought we could do well. we soon BRAKE SYSTEM 4-Disk system. Stereolabs ZED (20m range) stereo camera CAMERAS Self-developed inertial stereo camera based on RADAR synchronized grey-scale FLIR Blackly LIDAR RADAR - OTHER SENSORS Leica GPS1200+ differential GPS system. D-30853 Langenhagen Mobile: +49 (175) 5085001. Processing Druck. correctness. rohacell core MATERIAL Intermediate and high modular CFRP-prepreg (twill and UD) with aluminium honeycomb core Car 413 Pit 15 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2563mm / 1374mm / 1338mm Car 433 Pit 43 Switzerland OVERALL L / W / H 2870mm / 1438mm / 1139mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1540mm / 1150mm / 1128mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Autonomous driving vehicles are currently thought to be the future and WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 94kg / 117kg The AMZ Racing team was founded in 2006 by students of ETH Zurich. 01. OTHER SENSORS 1x Correvit The publisher reserves the right not to be responsible for the topical- HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Motion-aware percepti. Our 22 team members aimed for not to crash the car while NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER trying to drive autonomously. limits and minimizing the lap time are our main goals. Dorothee Nebel. mazur@formulastudent. We welcomed the challenge to combine PROCESSING UNITS Nvidia Jetson TX2 All rights Weitere Informationen www. Nonlinear Model Predictive Contouring Control. such as the mapping tem. university and companies. Kor- rektheit. This has been achieved by the extensive 4 / wheel carriers / 34 Editorial Redaktion COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. Kein Teil dieser Zeitschrift darf ohne schrift- the design of the vehicle with new developments in control engineering PERFORMANCE OF PUs 1500 GFLOPS law without permission is illegal.000 copies Auflage 8. Formula Student Germany e. Verbot fällt insbesondere die gewerbliche Vervielfältigung per Kopie. excluding team profiles * wenn ohne Angabe. Markus Soukup & Daniel Sturm Maximilian Slesina. FL. total weight of DV system: 12 kg STUTTGART DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC University of Stuttgart FRAME CONSTRUCTION one-piece monocoque with Imprint Impressum tubular steel main roll hoop and aluminium fr-roll hoop MATERIAL CFRP and aluminium honeycomb sandwich Formula Student Germany Magazine 2017 Formula Student Germany Magazin 2017 Car 426 Pit 37 Germany OVERALL L / W / H 2925mm / 1399mm / 1200mm WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) Publisher Herausgeber 1560mm / 1160mm / 1160mm May we present: The E7000.45KWh 4 / wheel hub mounted / 4 x 37 kW asts who see Formula Student as a unique experience and a chance to team enters the competition with a second vehicle: flüela driverless. the driverless racecar based on the last WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 100kg / 110kg Formula Student Germany e. robust against single sensor failure. WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 82kg / 103kg Formula Student Driverles. you have to do it without. 2 cameras ->10m range and 110° range RADAR n/a Photos* Fotos* LIDAR n/a Formula Student Germany: Formula Student Germany: OTHER SENSORS n/a Stephanie Bergan. Niedersachsenstr. 55 W PERFORMANCE OF PUs 368 GFLOPS CAMERAS TAMRON MP1010M-VC (50m range) monocular POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 136 W camera. Johannes Klein. D-38124 Braunschweig Back in October. FR. 8.formulastudent. POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 30 W cial duplications and to storage and processing in electronic systems. ity. Vollständigkeit oder Qualität der von Dritten bereitgestellten Further information Informationen. 8. LIDAR Velodyne Puck VLP-16. Richard Grams. our system is very cost effective (and we‘re from sensor setup. Team profiles Team-Profile Text and pictures provided by the teams (July 2017) Text und Bilder bereitgestellt von den Teams (Juli 2017) Advertising Anzeigen mazur | events + media mazur | events + media WIEN DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC Daniel Mazur. Corvin Schindler. Ludwig Vollrath. gaffer and by colleagues asking questions like Alia Pierce. Senefelderstraße 20. Corvin Schindler. Rear Left / 2x40kW Date of publication. This applies particularly to commer. 190mm we wanted to be part of this awesome new category!Remember: If you PROCESSING UNITS dSPACE MicroAutoBox II.formulastudent.V.V. SLAM. Ba. the NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 7. completeness or quality of the information provided Haftungsausschluss on systems for significant reduction of required processing power in the vision system. began redesigning the vehicle. Tilmann Hübner. 2 / Rear Right. Niedersachsenstr. 1st of August 2017 Erscheinungstermin. Maximilian Slesina. Pierre Buck. Richard Grams. Unter dieses and robotics. BRAKE SYSTEM self-developed rotors and adjustable ‚is the weight important without a driver?‘ The overwhelming result: A pedalbox.000 Exemplare vehicle. einfallswinkel PartG CAMERAS 2 cameras for 30m range and 60° as a stereo pair. 1530mm / 1200mm / 1180mm even if they weren‘t we would still be taking on this new challenge of NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER In 2010 AMZ switched to electric vehicles and started an ongoing col. D-30853 Langenhagen Mobile: +49 (175) 5085001. PERFORMANCE OF PUs 8000 GFLOPS Design Gestaltung POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs 200 W Janin Liermann & Alexandra Blei. self developed rotors sed on the 2015 car a fully autonomous vehicle is designed and tested. AP prove ourselves at the same time. Ludwig Vollrath. Pierre Buck. which is why we decided early on that racing master cylinders. Jan Pieper. Catharina Schiffter. TX1 from Robotics. Systems and Controls. CAMERAS 1x ZED Stereo Camera RADAR - die Aufnahme in elektronische Datenbanken und die Vervielfältigung LIDAR 1x Hokuyo 30LX Disclaimer auf elektronischen Datenträgern. 2x Jetson The team consists of former electric members as well as new students diameter. We are a small group of technology 122 TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS TEAM PROFILES / FORMULA STUDENT  DRIVERLESS    123 .8kWh use of Overengineering. Teamprofile ausgenommen boundaries and not by the Driver.MÜNCHEN DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC ZÜRICH DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC University of Applied Sciences München FRAME CONSTRUCTION Monocoque with tubular front Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich FRAME CONSTRUCTION CFRP single piece monocoque & mainhoop with integrated suspension brackets MATERIAL CFRP sandwich structure. Dorothee Nebel. Johannes Klein. D-38124 Braunschweig Maul-Druck GmbH. self designed brake disks. Verarbeitung WHEELBASE / TRACK (Fr / Rr) 1575mm / 1200mm / 1160mm Maul-Druck GmbH.66 kWh mulated high interest from contact@formulastudent. liche Genehmigung vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden. a year full of work and fun. PROCESSING UNITS Robust Master and high-performance PERFORMANCE OF PUs > 2000 GFLOPS Slave POWER CONSUMPTION OF PUs max. COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 6. and continued to maintain and test it adjustable brake balance.if we were right remains to be HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Custom computing and seen. Shidhartha De. BRAKE SYSTEM Self developed floating and rohacell core Car 441 Pit 19 Austria OVERALL L / W / H 2845mm / 1395mm / 1118mm Print. 4 / FL. Senefelderstraße 20. adjustable brake balance can‘t win with a driver. Visual-Inertial SLAM. mazur@formulastudent. AP calipers F/R Copyright Copyright alongside the new electric car. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DV SYSTEM Staying within the track Tilmann Hü contact@formulastudent. team decided to attempt the upgrade of EDGE8 to an autonomous NUMBER OF MOTORS / LOCATION / MAX POWER Print run Fax: -8891. August 2017 COMBINED ACCUMULATOR CAPACITY 4. Gedruckt auf säurefreiem und chlorarm gebleichtem Papier. Phone: +49 (511) 2351-8890 Daniel Mazur. In order to achieve this we focused the concept of the autono. Also. Jan Pieper. years E0711-7. Alia Pierce. Phone: +49 (511) 2351-8890 Vienna University of Technology FRAME CONSTRUCTION one piece CFRP Monocoque MATERIAL sandwich structure with aluminum honeycomb Fax: -8891. RR / 32kW laboration with the University of Lucerne. Der Herausgeber übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr für die Aktualität. Any utilisation beyond the limits of the copyright Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Alumni and some of the members of the 2016 electric WEIGHT WITHOUT DRIVER (Fr / Rr) 73kg / 91kg Printed on acidfree and chlorine-free bleached paper. LiDAR Munich!) but fulfils all requirements we found. einfallswinkel PartG Janin Liermann & Alexandra Blei. adjustable brake balance Andreas Stein Andreas Stein nonetheless amazing autonomous car full of intended and unintended PROCESSING UNITS NVIDIA Drive PX2 special features. Catharina Schiffter. landmark-based SLAM by third parties. www. Stephanie Bergan. Since the team remained strong in the 2016/17 season and accu. Kistler Correvit SFII Velocity Sensor and pathfinding library . For the first time in 2017. die ihres gleichen auf den takes the cards in the middle as well. shuffle and deal all the cards face on a concrete plateau to minimise the risk of forest fires heit aufgrund von heißen Sommertemperaturen spezielle down. every team offers tonplateau aufzuschlagen. Eine eigens zur Überbrückung It is also unique that an organiser had a racetrack specially eines Schotterstückes gebaute Rampe konnte auf Grund built for the event. moves them to the bottom of their pile. hätte damals E ) 13 A few years ago. Any number of people can play Top Trumps. es again from the next card.gesamten Globus verteilt junge Motorsporttalente ihrem tition has its own differences and charm. As a result. Teams can often be found pitching their tents in the same so fällt es mittlerweile bedeutend schwerer.amidst the breath-taking mountain landscape of geboren. The teams were required to set up their catering tent Beispielsweise mussten in Spanien in der Vergangen. Dreht es sich letzten each competition brings with it that is both amazing and Endes doch immer um dasselbe. 2017 Team s : 2 01 0 FSAEh C ) 78 There were just six proud teams competing when the first Als 1981 der erste Formula Student Wettbewerb in den Nort on E ) 43 Mois D) ever-Formula Student competition was launched in the USA ins Leben gerufen wurde. waren es gerade einmal B a rrie 6 rio Centre USA in 1981. tures.c n/ ektrischem Antrieb gegeneinander messen. and Bull Ring . 2011 war der Name Red Bull The person with all the cards at the end is the winner. wo nur : 2017  cations such as Silverstone. in dessen Rahmen bei allen Teams eine landess.15 . as the ener. C) 3 . dass sich daraus with the best or highest value wins. Die Teams wählten den international competition into the Middle Kingdom. S pec 1 teams had been fighting their victory’s. but also hybrid electric cars and pure ausweiten würde. In 2011. Um aus der Not read out the same category from their cards. young motorsport talents from across the globe are Sieg gekämpft haben. Hockenheim. they create a cultural um den Catalunya Circuit zu minimieren. dachte man sich. Die Teams see the top card only. The winner of the hand The Italians have also shown great humour in the past. in fact every compe.form ulastu : S i n ce de nt. ihre Verpflegungszelte auf einem Be. it is con. Hybridfahrzeugen als auch rein el. den jeder Wettbewerb mit sich bringt.04 J une 2017: Drive rless worldwide. In well-known lo. atmosphere. It is the flair that Traum vom eigenen Rennwagen nach.Nicht selten schlagen die Teams ihre Zelte da auf. the name Red Kontrastprogramm kann man in Österreich am Red Bull available for that particular subject then all the cards Bull also took on a bigger part of the program.wenige Tage oder Wochen zuvor Formel 1 Teams um den m/ alonia. what makes it the world’s coolest card game! Here had to be adhered to in and carried their vehicles across by hand. Through this. so gleicht trotzdem kein impressive. schaft des obersteirischen Aichfelds kann man eine land. It is a one of a kind location compared to the bunten Schmaus bereitgestellt wird. A schaftliche Atmosphäre spüren. are instructions on how to play Top Trumps. are placed in the middle and the same player choos- gy drink was the only available soft drink on the entire ring. including their own. die sich sowohl mit konventionellem Date ht t p:/ /w w w 1 electric cars. com . mit den stets ial : locations as where a few days or weeks earlier. China managed to lure the ihrer Bauart nicht genutzt werden. Te ams: a handful of venues for the event. r th . Wettbewerb dem anderen und der Unterschied in Charme ACE RACER und Flair. a great event was conjured up and waren angehalten. denn der Energy-Drink war der teams chose the pragmatic approach and simply lifted up einzig verfügbare Softdrink auf dem gesamten Ring. No one could have guessed that it would stolze 6 Teams. the interested spectators could focus on wohl niemand erwartet. To start the game.Ring erleben – inmitten der atemberaubenden Bergland. Auch Source: http://www. 2017 S p e ci al: 1 27 grow to today’s officially listed number of 660 teams stellten. 1 : 0 . Ein landschaftliches If two or more cards share the top value or data is not other racetracks around the world. special fire protection regulations ermaßen erstaunlich wie auch beeindruckend. The one feast for everyone. pragmatischen aller Ansätze und trugen ihre Fahrzeuge 124 FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL  125 . that’s For example. in the past.Formula Student FS International – China Top trumps for careers C ity of X i a ng y Ein Trumpf für die Karriere Date: a ng S i n ce Oct. So the tatsächlich auch Programm. die sich dem sportlichen Wettstreit O nt a . the Formula neu entstehenden Wettbewerben Schritt halten zu können.toptrumps. Hockenheim. Now however. Dass sich dieses Engagement einmal auf eine 0 1 . due to hot summer ulano /form ht t p:/ spreading their dreams with their own racing car. Each player holds their cards so that they can around the Catalonia Circuit. Spielberg oder Katalonien eifern über den Though it appears to all be the same. and that player A scenic contrast can be experienced in Austria at the Red doch ein tolles Event zaubern ließe: Das Cultural Dinner war collects all the top cards. An klangvollen Orten wie Silverstone. in order to make Brandschutzregelungen eigehalten werden. ramp specially built to bridge a dirt track could not be used Rennstrecken der Welt sucht. Spielberg or Cat. um das Waldbrandrisiko rund category from the top card. The player to the dealer’s left starts by reading out a the “Cultural Dinner“ was born. die Italiener haben in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrfach top-trumps/ großen Humor bewiesen. Verbrennungsmotor. due to structural issues in the way it had been built. noch auf eine Hand voll an Austragungsorten konzentrieren. competing with not only the conventional offiziell gelistete Anzahl von über 660 Teams weltweit 2 01 2 : combustion cars. For this. the best of the situation. 44 siderably more difficult to keep track of the ever-increasing Konnte sich der interessierte Zuschauer vor einigen Jahren --- new competitions. The other players then a country-specific meal and together. ist gleich. It is then their Upper Styrian Aichfeld. eine Tugend zu machen. where you can breathe in a scenic pezifische Mahlzeit angeboten und für jedermann zum turn again to choose a category from the next card. FSAE FS Brazil Spain na - e B a rcelo it d nya Pirac icaba Ci r c u C ata lu 017 E sp o r 3 .09 : .27. Specia Team. / Familie. Whether it be the Air Force One continuously doing their manoeuvres through the air above the Formula Student event in Lincoln. 0 fast endlos und die Summe an schönen Erinnerungen 2013 Since 5 . all den unzählig w w w. With all the numerous hours of jointly invested blood and /port stude estud al. dass ein Ve. Sei es die Air Force One in s: 2 0 03 permanentem Durchstartemanöver auf dem Fluggelände Teams: E) 14 C) 8 3 des Formula Student Events in Lincoln. 2 Date: te Clu be Aug. Czech ranstalter eigens für das Event eine Rennstrecke bau- en ließ. Einzigartig ist sicher auch.05 . Date: S e p h tt p:// -brasil rogramas- The multitude of narrative stories seems almost endless and the sum of beautiful memories is one of the best things that students can take away with them. antis/ sae brasil . 2 3 . Auf diese Weise lockte China die internationale ost Autodrom M Shizu oka E Konkurrenz in das Reich der Mitte. mit all den zahlreichen Stunden an ge- meinsam investiertem Blut und Schweiß.26 Date: : . ein Leben lang verbunden zu fühlen scheint. mit denen sich jeder. der einmal teilgenommen hat. 2 2 01 0 Since Nov.or. echoing over in a friendly manner across to other side of the dormitory in Hungary. 2017 : C) 3 4 Team Since s: 20 0 4 s: E) 33 Team C) 4 0 67 E) 10 --- Specia l: 50 l: Specia 2017: --- 2017: htt p:/ nt. USA. 2017 ist eines der höchsten Güter. welches in freundlicher Manier von der anderen l: 98 Special: Seite des Wohnheim-Ganges in Ungarn zu einem herüber 2017: --- schallt . Date: COPA 20 17 Die Vielzahl an erzählenswerten Geschichten erscheint Aug. 2017: la Student selbst. FS FS Japan einfach darüber. welches die Studenten auf Since: C) 36 Team ihrem Weg erhalten können. all the count- less friendships and this one big family with whom every one who once participated seems to feel connected to for a lifetime.f form u la -sae rg .o orm ula w w / ula /e n ht tp://ww w. Formula Student writes the greatest stories. jp/form entstandenen Freundschaften und dieser einen großen fsczech . 02 .j sae . be it the muddy campsite at Silver- stone in typical British weather or the "G'day Mate" from the Australian team. 126 FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL  127 .die größte Geschichte schreibt doch die Formu. sei es der Matsch des Campingplatzes in Silverstone bei typisch Britischem 50 E) 15 Wetter oder sei es das „G’day Mate“ vom Australischen --. 20 Date: 20 05 Since: C) 57 Teams: E) 24 81 rid Class 3 / Hyb Special: 2017: rm u- formula-ata /fo nte nt /eve nt- ww w.23 . FSAE Italy de MeleCgirari Varano P a le tt i cuit R icca rdo 17 July 19 .electric- la-sa e-italy-for FS EAST FSAEan ig Mich .13 . N e .24.Pe st n I nt 2017 C ou n t r y Mic higa .org/ cds/fo rm ula se ries /elec tr ic/ 128 FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL  129 . 10 Date: May July 20 .sae . MI ay Eurorin r o oklynSpeedw B .it/co italy-20 17 mula.- - E ) 30 Specia l: 30 2017: --- htt p:/ /stud e nts .com s: 2 01 3 ht t p:// s tu d / C) . 19 81 Since: 23 . ata . g . A i E rpark ial : --. 2017 laser ies/f s a e/ : 2017 rm u rg/c d s /f o Team .o ht tp://for e nt s m ulastud ent. Date: S pec 2017: : Since J une 2 1 . 2017 ate: D 0 Teams: 2016 FSAE S i n ce : C) 12 --- Elect E) C) 4 0 ric Team s: 120 E ) 20 --- L Special: 60 Lincioncoln. 2 .co m/ ae -a / rm ula -s a. G yör - Gönyü r ne Date: Harbo r MelbrokuRaceway Pa Aug.10. 2017 017 Dec . 3r 1 .sae 130 FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL  131 . Spieu l l in Hockn enheim R ed B e h eimring d .a t .Au 13 .f saus udent. 2017 July 3 Aug. FS many FSstria Ger Au lbeR rg g .au/fo w w w. de/ www w w w.f orm ulast FS Hunga ry FSArE alasia Aust Gyö m . 17 Calder Since: . 07 Teams Date: 20 0 0 : 2 01 0 C) 30 Since: C) 2 3 E ) 14 Teams: E) 09 Specia 32 l: 44 2017: --- --- Special: htt p:/ /fshun 2017: g ary. 20 17 Ho c k g . 20 0 9 Date: Date: 20 0 6 : C) 30 S i n ce Since: C) 65 : E ) 20 s Teams: E ) 35 Team 50 D) 15 --- 115 ial : Driverle ss S pec Special: 2017: 2017: tria . 0 8 . FS UK e er s tonircuit Silv n e C o 17 er s t 3 . 20 Silv 0-2 2 J u ly 199 8 Date : 0 copy C) 7 e: Sinc E) 2 0 s: Team 90 --- ial : S pec : 2017 m/ nt .co las tu d e rm u ://fo ht t p 132 FORMULA STUDENT INTERNATIONAL . Zeltplatz C3 an der Continental Straße" www. dynamic area (Fahrerlager). Kreiskrankenhaus (Schwetzingen).volkswagen-karriere. he 1 Parking for Sponsors 8 Endurance T Smoking is only allowed in 9 Skid Pad designated areas. unconsciousness (Bewusstlosigkeit). bleeding (Blutung). Am Motodrom". 6 (sechs). Bodelschwinghstrasse 17 07 12 10. shock (Schock) Don't hang up after answering these questions! Wait to hear if the control centre has further questions! 134 EMERGENCY INFORMATION TEAMPROFILE / FORMULAR STUDENT  COMBUSTION   135 . The Emergency Number 1 BW Tower 8 Pits lu m 10 workshop 9 10 5 8 2 Charging Tent 9 Ravenol Tower for every phone and mobile phone is 112. suffocation (Ersticken). accident (Unfall). burn (Verbrennung). heart attack (Herzinfarkt). 8 (acht). fall (Sturz). Security) to call them. 5 (fünf). 7 (sieben). Digits in German: 0 (null). p r ing S h ot J um 8 e se Brake Test Th 3 Shoe Fuel e c an Sl 1 Autonomous Design r Chi 13 4 Sat. also with mobile phone or coin-operated telephone as international GSM-standard. Sachshaus. 4 (vier). here are some standard questions and some hints for your answers in English and German. Mobile 3 4 DV 3 Dynamic Area 10 Recreation Tent n ai L os t C h 4 Engine Test Area 11 South Stand 8 5 Event Control 12 Start/Finish Line 3 10 8 7 8 6 During dynamics: 6 FSG Forum 13 Test Area s re 7 Welding 3 4 CV Ty EV 7 7 Marquee Above Pits 14 Ticket Centre On Saturday and Sunday an ambulance is on site during the dynamic events. and for campsite C3 on the other site of the highway "Hockenheimring. 5 10 Trackdrive 12 6 5 Call an ambulance: 1 2 Pe s ndu 11 Pr es 1 A Call an ambulance yourself if someone is severely injured and needs urgent Dhelp. 4 (vier). 3 (drei). This number works with each phone.Sven Grundner +49 (151) 560 747 03 (In case of an emergency please call one of them. rdk ur v Press Area DV Driverless Vehicle N DV (EBS only) 12 6 Stands EV Electric Vehicle Hospital: B Tunnel Visitor's Area 20 Main Hospital. 9 (neun). 2 (zwei). 9 (neun) Where did it happen? (Wo ist es passiert? / Wo ist es geschehen?) If you believe that movement the event site has the adress "Hockenheimring. fire (Feuer).Lea Pißareck +49 (151) 560 747 02 Back Office . 5 (fünf). 10 (zehn) US? What kind of injury has happened? (Welche Verletzung liegt vor?) fracture (Knochenbruch). Officials Pit Marshal . Driverless Inspection 2 E Tilt Test & Vehicle Weighing Emergency aid is provided there. explosion (Explosion) How many people are affected? (Wie viele Personen sind betroffen?) DRIVE 1 (eins). To contact them ask Gr 9 2 an st 4 Tue-Fri d an ds someone with a two-way radio (Official. no matter what time it is. 6 (sechs).EMERGENCY INFORMATION KING NO PAR Minor Injury Accumulator Inspection Electrical Inspection Medical Centre: ks Medical Centre Park ing Truc Mechanical Inspection Please accompany the injured person to the Medical Centre. Who is calling? (Wer ruft an?) Say your name and your telephone number for callbacks. To support you at your call. Ask them to call the Half 3 3 6 Acceleration w K link 4 7 Autocross W i ngs ay Parking for Sponsors Medical Centre or an ambulance on channel 11. traffic accident (Verkehrsunfall).Konrad Paule +49 (151) 560 747 00 Pit Marshal . 1 (eins). Sun Business Plan Presentation ken Dreams lle 2 B ro Ki Severe Injury 3 Cost and Manufacturing Cone 9 4 Engineering Design Contact someone with a two-way radio: 2 5 Special Awards F Every Official and Security has two-way radio. electric shock (Stromschlag). 7 (sieben).) Emergency Call Contents The emergency control centre will ask you some questions to ensure proper help for you. 8 (acht). C o 7 e # Information Sign CV Combustion Veh. Zeltplatz C2 beim Motodrom Hotel" cars – please apply. make it more precise!: pit lane (Boxengasse).Sebastian Seewaldt +49 (151) 560 747 01 Event Control . is essential – not only for the adress for campsite C2 near the Motodrom Hotel " What happened? (Was ist passiert? / Was ist geschehen?) Work at Volkswagen. 68723 Schwetzingen 14 phone: +49 (0) 6202 / 84-30 WILL 112 11 250m Emergency Numbers YOU In case of an emergency beyond competition times call 112. 2 (zwei). Noise Test WHERE Ho Rain Test The Medical Centre is occupied each day round-the-clock. It is alway free of charge. 3 (drei). FORMULA STUDENT GERMANY 2017 Supporter: fishfarm netsolutions | Gross-Funk | Hockenheimring | Isabellenhütte Heusler  | Kautex Textron | Kube Ingenieurbüro | Linde Material Handling | Maxim Integrated | RIEDEL Communications | SLV Mannheim | Vector Informatik .
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