Fs2 Final Portfolio in Education

March 27, 2018 | Author: gelou | Category: Homework, Teachers, Metacognition, Classroom Management, Educational Assessment



St.Michael’s College College of Education Quezon Avenue, Iligan City Portfolio in Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process Second Semester 2012-2013 Macacuna, Sittie Aisah S. March 2013 St. Michaels College College of Education Quezon Avenue, Iligan City Portfolio in Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process Submitted By: Macacuna, Sittie Aisah S. Submitted To: Prof. Nieves A. Cutab March 2013 VISION We, the members of St. Michael’s College community, witness to the compassionate love of Jesus Christ. Inspired by the virtues of Mary and animated by the Ignacian spirituality, we empower and nurture individuals into becoming transformed citizens with courage and determination to make a difference and contribute to social transformation. MISSION We commit ourselves to: 1. Develop culture of appreciation, support and harmony and live with compassion and humility. 2. Grow in prayer and reflection, practice discernment and attain interior freedom. 3. Be open to global opportunities and trends to develop and maximize potentials and capabilities in order to become enterprising world class individuals who practice the values of Faith, excellence and service. 4. Advocate deep understanding of cultural diversity for peace and communion and promote environmental preservation. 5. Build up resources to sustain the ministry. 6. Consistently provide greater educational accessibility and opportunities to the poor. i. VISION We, the member of the College of Education of St. Michael’s College, guided by Jesus Christ, the model teacher and inspired by the Ignacian spirituality, facilitate in the life-long and transformative process of education for the actualization of the learners’ potentials and become catalysts of change in society MISSION We commit ourselves to: 1. Promote a culture of appreciation and support for communal regeneration; 2. Strengthen relationship with God through prayer and fellowship 3. Build up more linkages, innovative programs and productive pedagogies to develop human and material resources equitably; 4. Provide a variety of teaching venues incorporating the latest technologies to a range diverse student interests, backgrounds and aspirations; 5. Develop Christ centered learners who will integrate the core values of faith, excellence and service in the educational practices; 6. Intensify educational program for the poor. ii. I know words are not enough to thank you but I will do my best to finish these challenges. And thank you for the patience and understanding. Thank you also (to the highest level! Wapak!!! :D) Lastly. . Thank you very much Ma’am. for welcoming me in her class and for helping me to the task I brought with me. And most especially I thank my parents. without him this portfolio is impossible to make. I will thank our mentor Ma’am Nieves Cutab because of her I faced the reality and accept the truth that this is really the profession destined in me. adviser of Second Year St.W. TO ALL OF YOU I THANK YOU… <3 --sittieaisah iii. Thank you also to Ma’am Stephanie Mae Richa.W.First and for most I would like to thanks the Almighty ALLAH (S. Ali and Hadji Fahad H. And to Ma’am Loida Traya. Ignatius of Loyola. Thank you very much. Ali. Grade 1 Adviser.A knows how much I sacrifice on this and just for you I will endure this until I make you proud and happy. I send you my gratitude for allowing me to observe in your classes and for the patience you shown to me when I am late. Hadja Mahara H. for those inspirational words and reminders they always give almost every time I go home on weekends.A) for everything. Only ALLAH S. .Certificate of Completion iv. . Grade 2 and Grade Observation ……….2 Teacher’s Prayer……………………………………………………….7 a. Purpose of Portfolio…………………………………………………….. VIII.27 Description of the School Site…………………………………………28 Appendices……………………………………………………………….... II... Demonstration in Action Song …………………...4 III..iv I.3 Teacher’s Creed………………………………………………………….. Class List of Second Year…………………………………………10 d..Table of Contents Vision and Mission of the School…………………………………………….29 v.8 b.………………. Class List of Grade 1………………………………………………. IV. Reflective Narrative Report…………………………………………….11 e.6 Evidences………………………………………………………………. .………………………. VII.. Task……………………………………………………………………….1 Pre-service Teacher Prayer…………………………………………...i Vision and Mission of the College……………………………………………ii Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………iii Certificate of Completion……………………………………………………….13 Task 1………………………………………………………………………14-17 Task 2………………………………………………………………………18-19 Task 3………………………………………………………………………20-26 VI.9 c. Course Description………………………………………………………5 Resume…………………………………………………………………..12 V.. DTR ……………………………………………………………………. 1 . this portfolio will be part of me. The purpose of this portfolio is to see how far I have done one of the parts of my Prof Ed subjects. This is one of the things that I will value most because it contains my experiences on the said goals of this subject. So. This is served as evidence in fulfilling the tasks that the teacher given us. I have to give more sacrifice to aim the goal of life.Field Study 2 is the hardest among the FS I enrolled yet I was challenged to make it. This will serve as the evidence of my success in this subject though there is more that I will meet in the future. Fulfillment is one of my goals and I must work on it I hand. This portfolio will remind me of the memorable and a success from a headache moments in performing those contents of these. Please forgive us and. Please guide us everyday especially my family. I ask apologies to th sins that I commited and.YA ALLAH. 2 . I praise you YA ALLAH and Wassalam. Help me to finish my studies so that I can prove that The sacrifice of my parents will be worth it and. Please take good care of the health of my parents. Show me the path of success. I thank you for everything. please bless my students’ And help them as they grow. So they may face the future Knowing they’re prepared. And when they think of school days. 3 .Lord. May I teach them faithfully The things they need to know. May they know their teacher cared. I accept the responsibility to create a learning environment conducive to optimum achievement academically. socially. I affirm superlative expectations for my students and myself. and emotionally. 4 .I am a teacher. I accept the challenge to be Sagacious and tenacious in teaching every student. I provide a model of decorum and respect that guides my students as well as honors them. I actively pursue excellence for my students and myself. I change the world one student at a time. because I believe every student can learn. I cherish every student. I am a teacher. strategies. Course Objectives 1.Reflects on the importance of a well managed classroom in creating a conducive and healthy teaching-learning atmosphere. discipline. the physical features of the classroom and. This FS can be anchored on the following Professional Education subjects: Facilitating Learning. 5 . 2. . FS 2 is also concerned with the development of the pre-service teacher’s communication skills as he/she interacts with the buddy and cooperating teacher. learning activities and appropriate instructional materials used by teachers (mentors). 3. Provides Pre-service Students (PSTs) with opportunities to observe and examine the different classroom management techniques applicable in the learning environment. observing a child friendly school environment. Enriches PSTs knowledge of the teaching methods. It is focused primarily on observing the teacher’s application of the teaching theories and principles and his/her classroom management skills in the learning environment. It has special reference to aspects such as creating a conducive teaching-learning atmosphere. general housekeeping. 4. use and care of supplies and reference materials.Field Study 2 is the second in a series of six related field study courses. and Principle of Teaching 1 & 2. Develops PSTs communication skills as he/she interacts with the buddy and cooperating teacher. . Anne Hathaway SINGERS: Taylor Swift. trust-worthy and friendly person… DISLIKE: Gossip and Not real Person 6 . kind. Juris Fernandez COLOR: (Navy and Sky) Blue NUMBER: 06 and 66 SAYING(S): “Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date take a deep breath and try [email protected] BACKGROUND Name: Sittie Aisah Solaiman Macacuna Nickname: Aisah Birthdate: 25th of June 1993 Gender: Female Sign: Cancer Birthplace: Bayabao Street Reclamation Site Marawi City Parents Names: Hadja Mahara H. and Chocolates MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Acoustic Guitar and Piano SONG: Two is better than one DRAMA ARTISTS: Park Yoochun (KPOP). Ali and Hadji Fahad H. Sarah Geronimo.” LIKE AND DISLIKE LIKE: Honest. Ali Email Address: sittieaisah. Spaghetti.com FAVORITES BOOK: Novel and Story Books MOVIE: FOOD: Pizza. 7 . MICHAEL’S COLLEGE BASIC EDUCATION SOCCER FIELD GRADE 4 OBSERVATION 9 .DEMONSRATION OF ACTION SONG ST. 13 . 10 . 11 . . 8 . 13 . Lesson Development: Strategy /Technique Used: SESSION ACTIVITIES OBSERVED 14 . Date of the session: 4. Topic for the day: 3. Objectives of the lesson: a. Location of the session: 3.Task 1 ST. Cognitive: b. Ignatius of Loyola Observation Guide: OBSERVATION GUIDE 1 School: SMC BED Building/Room: #306 Time: 1:00-4:00pm Subject: Mathematics-Algebra This protocol is used to guide the observation of a Pre Service Teacher. SESSION BACKGROUND 1. The observation is ideally coupled with pre. Length of the session: 6. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE EDUCATION SEMESTER: 2nd Semester COLLEGE OF SCHOOLYEAR: 2012-2013 Teacher Observed: Ma’am Stephanie Mae Richa Date: Nov. Affective: c. Activities planned for the session: a) Drill/ Review b) Motivation: 3. 30-2012 Class Observed: 2nd Year St. Number of participants: 5. Psychomotor: 2.and post-session sharing with the cooperating teacher as well as the pre service teacher. 7. instructions. statement of objectives3 minutes Discussion of prior knowledge of participants. Engage in the small group discussions? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) 15 Not at All (1) Not Applic. a. or learning needs of participants 5 minutes 10 minutes Small group work Whole/large group work _____________minutes Exploration with materials ____________minutes Participant development of questions and/or hypotheses ____5____minutes Experimentation and data gathering/documentation ____________minutes Discussion/sharing of findings _____________minutes Discussion of Mathematics-Algebra (Subject) concepts in question ___2______minutes Identification of emerging questions _10______ minutes Discussion of how activities would work with teachers’ own students ___5_____minutes Other (Please specify. Major activities observed and amount of time for each: Check the box next to each activity observed during the session and fill in the total amount of time for that activity: Some Questions may not apply all the time Facilitator introduction. NA b. To what extent did most or all participants in the professional development session do the following? Please mark the box that best displays your response on a scale of (5=to a great extent. learning from previous session. Engage in hands-on / group activities? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) Not Applic. NA .) _____________________________ ___minutes ENGAGEMENT OF PARTICIPANTS 8. 1=not at all). NA d.c. To what extent did the professional development presenter/facilitator do the following? Please mark the box that best displays your response on a scale of (5=to a great extent. NA a. Interact with teachers from science disciplines different from their own? To a Great Extent (5) Interpretation The engagement of the participants is to the great extent PRESENTER/FACILITATOR 9. Achieve objectives as stated? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) c. Speak with members of all small groups? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) 16 Not at All (1) Not Applic. Conduct/facilitate activities as planned? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) b. Engage in the large group discussions? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) Not Applic. Treat each other respectfully? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) e. 1=not at all). NA . (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) Not Applic. Stay on task during the session? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) f. Ms. Ask effective. interactions. Make sure those participants stayed on task during the session? To a Great Extent Not at All (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) f. or activities apparent during the professional development session Cooperating Teacher. Other general observations about the design of the professional development session: 13. Other general observations of the group culture. attitudes. Sittie Aisah S.3 d. Examples of conversations/statements/questions of participants that indicate learning that meet the objectives of the session: 12. Treat participants respectfully? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) E. Signature: Signature: 17 . open-ended questions of participants? To a Great Extent (5) (4) (3) (2) Not at All (1) 10. Stephanie Mae Richa Name of Observer: _Macacuna. Examples of questions that the instructor asks of small and large groups: • • • Have you done your task? Did you get the instruction? How is your work? 11. The first person who will volunteer will get extra points. CUTAB Observational School: St. Giving of Quizzes The teacher give quiz directly as she enter the class to test them if they really understand their past lesson. 2. 4. The students are able to think ideas about their individual activity. Michael’s College. Assessment Tools a. Chalk and Board They already have an idea what to answer before their teacher finished her word. Iligan City Subject: Filipino FACTORS COGNITIVE ABILITY METACOGNITIVE ABILITY MOTIVATIONAL PROCESS FOCUS: Meaningful Learning Experience Observation Dates: January 14. The students are able to answer their individual activity on their notebook. She didn’t give assignment rather she gives an advance reading for oral recitation. 2013 1.Task 2 ST. 18 . Instructional Material a. Textbook They will able to study in advance. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE SEMESTER: 2nd COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SCHOOL YEAR: 2012-2013 FIELD STUDY 2: EXPERIENCING THE TEACHING LEARNIN PROCESS NAME of the Student Teacher: Macacuna. Discussion She give quiz directly as she enter the room. They will think critically in writing and making their own “Balita”. Methods/ Strategies a. Observe Teacher 1: Caroline Suan Mentor Teacher: Nieves A. The teacher challenge her students in writing their own “Balita” that is happening presently. 2013 Reflection Report Dates: January 14.BED. Sittie Aisah S. Tibanga. Varied Resources of Learning a. 3. Assessment Tools b. 8. 7. There is a misunderstanding exist between the students and the teacher. And the class becomes emotional and so I cannot understand what happened. Giving of Assignment Their task supposedly becomes their homework. NOTE: The teacher supposed to give an activity on that day but there’s something happen all of a sudden. They do not have a discussion because of it.FIELD STUDY 2: EXPERIENCING THE TEACHING LEARNIN PROCESS Observe Teacher 2: Farina Dungog Subject: MAPEH FACTORS COGNITIVE ABILITY METACOGNITIVE ABILITY MOTIVATIONAL PROCESS 5. Methods/ Strategies a. Instructional Material b. Textbook They will use their book to answer the assignment and think wise. Chalk and Board They used the board for writing the coverage for their exam. Varied Resources of Learning b. Inductive/ Deductive 6. 19 . Task 3 ILIGAN CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ARALIN PANLIPUNAN III LESSON PLAN/ LESSON LOG 20 . CHEMISTRY (BOYLE’S LAW) III first page 21 . Second page 22 . FILIPINO II 23 . ST. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE 1. MATHEMATICS I 24 . 2. MATHEMATICS I 25 . MATHEMATICS II 26 .3. Task 2 This task focuses on Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process. and the Motivational process. 27 . I decided to Iligan National High School and there I was blessed of 3 Learning Plan and to St. I am very thankful that I experience observing the Second year and Grade 1 because though I do not know/familiarized the names of each of them I feel that they really value me and treat me well and I enjoyed playing with the grade 1 everytime Ma’am Traya let me watched them after the rosary. Metacognitive ability. Task 3 The task this week is about collecting sample learning plan. Collecting those learning plan is not easy because you have to give all your patience because some are not giving their samples. Three from Private School and three from Public School. I can also reflect to the world of the 2nd year St. Ignatius of Loyola because when I was on that year level I was too curious and talkative when the teacher is not inside the classroom. Michael’s College Basic Education too. I just missed being a high school student. The student teacher must observe two to three subject teachers that enter to its assign year level. So what I did was I did my very good tricks to have them and trust me with it. I hope this experience will guide me for the next challenges that I will face. The student teacher should know the Cognitive ability. The school has a clean and neat Canteen. They have also a trustworthy Guards and Stuff. which is located at San Miguel Tibanga Iligan City. big Gymnasium. a Library and Faculty Room. air conditioned AVR. 28 . a wide soccer field. It has a complete year level from Nursery to 4th Year high school. a Religious School and the students there are very faithful and the teachers are competitive. It has four wide storeys. Michael’s College-Basic Education. There is a play ground for the kids. Speech Laboratory.St. The school also has a Home economic Room and Science Laboratory and school furniture making at the back of the school. And all in all the school is beautiful and comfortable. The Clinic of the school is open for everyone and the Guidance Office and Registrar Office is very approachable. Computer Laboratory which is found at the 4th floor. 29 .
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