Fry Reglet Edition15

March 25, 2018 | Author: Daniel Barrenechea | Category: Drywall, Framing (Construction), Wall, Extrusion, Aluminium



ABOUT FRY REGLETFry Reglet Corporation has become a lot more than a company of parts and pieces. For many years we’ve helped designers realize their dreams by engineering the special joints, intersections and assemblies that simply can’t be done in the field and this has become the standard of practice at Fry Reglet. The support staff at Fry Reglet is the best in the business. We take customer service very seriously. We’re ready to help at every stage. • Concept Development: Working closely with the architect and design team, our engineering staff provides project guidance and product solutions to meet a variety of architectural requirements. • Custom Designs: Although we offer an extensive line of off-the-shelf reveals and moldings, we also have the capabilities of designing, detailing and supplying custom components to meet any design challenge. • Detailed Drawings: Our CAD department provides detailed drawings for specialty and custom components for approval prior to fabrication. • Budget Prices: Our customer service representatives are among the best in the business and assist architects, designers and contractors with the preparation of budget price estimates. • Installation Drawings: Project installation drawings, details and installation templates to assist the installer are all part of our ongoing customer service support. • Test Data: Fry Reglet is a technical leader in the industry providing complete product test data for all product lines. • Web Site: Complete CSI specifications and multiple format CAD details can be accessed through our website, WHERE FRY REGLET IS GOING Long known for quality manufacturing of the individual parts and pieces of the designer’s and builder’s palettes, Fry Reglet is proud of our track record for making products that make buildings really special. Over 55 years of the highest quality manufacturing and fabrication have earned us a place in great buildings around the world. FROM PARTS & PIECES TO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS Today, Fry is evolving to a lot more than a company of parts and pieces. For many years we’ve helped designers realize creative dreams by engineering the special joints, intersections and assemblies that simply can’t be done in the field. We’ve grown a solid Engineering and CAD department to support the vision of designers through project engineering, the best shop drawings in the industry, precise fabrication and near fool-proof instructions. And, of course, we deliver on time and within the budget. It’s the standard of practice at Fry Reglet. Fry Reglet has become a trusted source for interior and exterior products and systems that begin as innovations—for aesthetics, economy or resource efficiency—then migrate to become the industry standards of quality construction. We continue focusing on environmental responsibility at Fry Reglet. Nearly all of our products are made with recycled aluminum and we’re looking for ways to further reduce demands on the environment and eliminate waste. We’re also helping designers create buildings that are more responsible in resource consumption and are innovating new details with a clear focus on LEED™ certification. As always, we’re asking designers for their lastest challenges. Just call us at 1-800-237-9773. MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS Santa Fe Springs, CA Phoenix, AZ Alpharetta, GA FRY REGLET CORPORATION • 800.237.9773 • 800.200.4379 (fax) 12342 Hawkins Street Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 405 North 75th Avenue Building #2, Suite 134 Phoenix, AZ 85043 800.955.2343 1377 Stonefield Court Alpharetta, GA 30004 REVEALS CONTENTS REVEALS & MOLDINGS Drywall Moldings Reveals, Control Joints, Trims, Corners, Column Collars & Rings, Acoustical, Special Sections, Installation Glazing System, Integrated Functional System PLASTER & E.I.F.S MOLDINGS Reveals, Drip Screeds, Control Joints, Soffit Vents, Trims, Corners, E.I.F.S. Materials, Veneer Plaster, Installation FIBER CEMENT PANEL TRIMS FACTORY FABRICATION & FINISH Intersections, Decorative Elements, Curved Moldings, Molding Finishes ROOF FLASHING Springlok® Flashing System “SM” Surface Mounted Reglet “CO” Concrete Reglet “ST” Stucco Reglet “MA” Masonry Reglet “STX” Stucco Reglet Accessories Wind Load Test Data Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, -1- Design Guide Edition 15 www. beautiful and economical. .Over 55 years. Fry Reglet has become a trusted source for all the products. Design Guide Edition 15 Fry Reglet Corporation. details and support that make buildings more functional. But there is also a new Fry: systems-oriented and focused on service and innovative design. Nearly all of our products are made with recycled aluminum and we’re looking for ways to futher reduce demands on the environment and eliminate waste. As always. SmartColumns are the next step in column wraps—the active integration of building services and utilities. we're asking designers for their lastest challenges. economy or resourceefficiency—then migrate to become the industry standards of quality construction. Just call us at 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. Fry Reglet is proud of our track record for making products that make buildings really special.WHERE FRY REGLET IS GOING Long known for quality manufacturing of the individual parts and pieces of the designer's and builder's palettes. of course. Fry Reglet has introduced Graph. We’ve grown a solid Engineering and CAD department to support the vision of designers through project engineering. What makes a Column Smart? We continue our new way of looking at the pre-engineered column cover. Fry is evolving to a lot more than a company of parts and pieces. the best shop drawings in the industry. WHAT’S NEW? After years of R&D. We’re also helping designers create buildings that are more responsible in resource consumption and are innovating new details with a clear focus on LEED™ certification. Graph is a new way to think about interior wall finishes and offers significant advantages to the designer: fewer design and construction documents are needed to achieve a high quality -3- Design Guide Edition 15 . we deliver on time and within the budget. intersections and assemblies that simply can’t be done in the field. And. an interior surface system that offers designers a vast array of options for interior walls and surfaces. For many years we’ve helped designers realize creative dreams by engineering the special joints. We continue focusing on environmental responsibility at Fry Reglet. fabrication and installation know-how—will reach the job site ready to install and look smart. FROM PARTS & PIECES TO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS Today. It’s the standard of practice at Fry Reglet. 1-800-237-9773. Over 55 years of the highest quality manufacturing and fabrication have earned us a place in great buildings around the world. precise fabrication and near fool-proof instructions. Fry Reglet has become a trusted source for interior and exterior products and systems that begin as innovations—for aesthetics. www. Rest assured that your vision—and all the details. Kansas City* State Office Building. Las Vegas Denver Convention Center* George Bush Intercontinental Airport* H.Miami *2005 CISCA Award Winners Moldings Control Joints  Trims  Corners  Column Collars and Rings  Acoustical Moldings  Special Sections Design Guide Edition 15 -4- . and Alpharetta. California.THE PROPERTIES OF EXTRUDED ALUMINUM Fry Reglet Drywall Reveals. will not rust  Precise Details — extrusion produces clean. Arizona. Las Vegas Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Rose Planetarium Getty Museum INVESCO Field at Mile High Federal Triangle Philips Arena Bank One Ballpark Fort Lauderdale Airport Federal Courthouse . Moldings and the Graph Platform are extruded from aluminum alloy 6063-T5. yet tough on the job  Non-Ferrous — resistant to the environment.  Over 70% Recycled Content — we use all the recycled aluminum we can get  Dimensional Stability — negligible thermal shrinkage and expansion  Rigidity — products retain their shape and straightness  Strength-To-Weight Ratio — easy to handle. Roe Bartles Meeting Room. Phoenix. crisp lines  Anodized Finish — electro-chemical reaction for permanent coating  Paint Finishing — process allows paint to penetrate pores of the metal so it's more resistant to cracking and chipping PRODUCT ASSORTMENT Fry Reglet’s stocking warehouses in Santa Fe Springs. Georgia carry significant inventory to address a variety of job site conditions.Denver USA Today/Gannett Newark Airport Minneapolis Convention Center Universal Studios Islands of Adventure Ford Museum Philadelphia Airport O’Hare Airport Paul Brown Stadium American Airlines Arena . This is an extremely durable material that has numerous advantages when used as a building component.  Reveal  RECENT PROJECTS Rio. 6 DC.10 Corner Trim “L” Trim Molding Edge Trim Edge Trim Radius Corner Trim Pocket Trim “J” Molding Drywall Molding End Closure Top Track Ceiling Trim DI .5 DF.5 DC.13 DA.1 Reveal Rail Chartrail Insert Hook Insert DJ .1 DA.2 Installation Guide Venting Information DD .5 DD.fryreglet.6 DF.9 DA.6 Stepped Outside Corner Multiple Stepped Outside Corner Beveled Corner Curved Inside Corner Curved Outside Corner Bullnose Fry Reglet Corporation.10 DA.2 Glazing Track / Drywall Ceiling Track Acoustical Ceiling Tract / Drywall Acoustical Ceiling Track DC .3 DD.2 DA.11 DA.1 DF.16 Reveal Molding “F” Reveal Molding “Snap-In” Reveal “Z” Reveal Molding Reveal Base Drywall Corner Reveal Step Trim “V” Reveal Molding Reverse “V” Reveal Molding “W” Reveal Reveal/Picture Hanger Reveal Channel Screed “F” Reveal “T” Molding “X” Molding “W” Molding DE .1 DJ.14 DA.2 DH .CORNERS DD.1 DC.2 DC.TRIMS DC.INTEGRATED FUNCTION REVEAL DI.4 DD.5 DA.ACOUSTICAL DF.7 DA.7 DC.4 DF.15 DA. www.INSTALLATION DJ.3 DC.SPECIAL SECTIONS DG.REVEALS DA.4 DA.1 DD.1 Drywall Control Joint DG.3 DF.TABLE OF CONTENTS DRYWALL MOLDINGS DA .6 DA.1 DH.3 Column Collar Reveal Column Ring Wall Angle Column Ring DF .CONTROL JOINTS DB.2 DD.GLAZING TRACK DH.9 DC.COLUMN COLLARS AND RINGS DE.8 DA.2 DF.4 -5- Design Guide Edition 15 .7 “W” Reveal Molding Drywall/Acoustical Reveal Acoustical Ceiling Trim Acoustical Molding “W” Acoustical Reveal “F” Acoustical Reveal “J” Acoustical Trim DG .2 DE.3 DA.1 DE. 1-800-237-9773.12 DA.8 DC.1 Special Sections Contemporary Reveal Molding DB . 1 STEP TRIM DA.1 COLUMN COLLAR DD.6 ACOUSTICAL CEILING DE.10 DD.3 CONTEMPORARY REVEAL MOLDING GLAZING TRACK DF.1 DH.4 “W” REVEAL DA.6 MULTIPLE STEPPED OUTSIDE CORNER DC.9 CURVED OUTSIDE CORNER BULLNOSE DC.5 DRYWALL/ACOUSTICAL TRIM DD. Detailed information can be found on the page number shown next to the shape.6 INSTALLATION GUIDE DF.3 “F” ACOUSTICAL DF.5 ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRACK DF.4 CEILING TRIM DC. 1-800-237-9773.7 “F” REVEAL DA.3 WALL ANGLE COLUMN RING DD.2 “W” ACOUSTICAL REVEAL DE.6 REVEAL CHANNEL SCREED DA.12 CORNER TRIM “W” MOLDING DA. Find the shape you want.7 BEVELED CORNER DC.7 DG.2 DRYWALL MOLDING END CLOSURE TOP TRACK DC.fryreglet. REVEAL MOLDING “F” REVEAL MOLDING “SNAP-IN” REVEAL “Z” REVEAL REVEAL BASE DRYWALL CORNER REVEAL DA.1 “J” MOLDING DC.2 REVEAL COLUMN RING DD.11 DRYWALL CONTROL JOINT DA.5 REVEAL/PICTURE HANGER DA.2 SPECIAL SECTIONS DF.1 POCKET TRIM DC.4 DF. www.8 “T” MOLDING .1 “J” ACOUSTICAL TRIM DF.2 “V” REVEAL MOLDING DA.1 ACOUSTICAL MOLDING REVEAL DE.8 CURVED INSIDE CORNER DC.3 DC.5 STEPPED OUTSIDE CORNER DC.1 DG.4 “W” REVEAL MOLDING REVEAL DD.9 “X” MOLDING DA.SHAPE FINDER INDEX This chart is designed to help you locate a specific shape in the Fry Reglet Design Guide.14 EDGE TRIM DA.15 DA.3 REVERSE “V” REVEAL MOLDING DA.2 Design Guide Edition 15 -6- Fry Reglet Corporation.16 RADIUS CORNER TRIM DB.2 DH.10 DA.13 “L” TRIM MOLDING EDGE TRIM DA. 1-800-237-9773. A become a design element to enhance building interiors.1 . clear anodized or other specified finish. with chemical conversion coating. Drywall REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. Fry Reglet Reveal Molding. www.REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet Reveal Molding creates an attractive vertical or horizontal recessed reveal in drywall installations. shall be installed. B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View 1/4 " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/4 " 1/8 " 1/4 " 3 /8 " 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" DRM-25-25 DRM-50-125 DRM-50-25 DRM-50-375 DRM-50-50 DRM-50-625 DRM-50-75 DRM-50-100 DRM-50-150 DRM-50-200 DRM-50-250 DRM-50-300 DRM-50-400 DRM-625-25 DRM-625-375 DRM-625-50 DRM-625-625 DRM-625-75 DRM-625-100 DRM-625-1250 DRM-625-150 DRM-625-200 DRM-625-250 DRM-625-300 DRM-625-400 DRM-625-600 _ _ _ _ Metal Stud Framing DRM-50-V-50 DRM-50-V-625 DRM-50-V-75 DRM-50-V-100 DRM-50-V-150 DRM-50-V-200 DRM-50-V-250 DRM-50-V-300 DRM-50-V-400 _ _ Tape & Joint Compound 1" 11 / 2 " 2" 21 / 2 " 1/4 " 3 /8 " 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 3" 4" Reveal Molding DRM-625-V-50 DRM-625-V-625 DRM-625-V-75 DRM-625-V-100 DRM-625-V-1250 DRM-625-V-150 DRM-625-V-200 DRM-625-V-250 DRM-625-V-300 DRM-625-V-400 DRM-625-V-600 Drywall 1" 11 /4 " 11 / 2 " 2" 21 / 2 " 3" 4" 6" Fry Reglet Corporation. B GUIDE SPECIFICATION Tape & Joint Compound Reveal Molding Metal Framing Where indicated on drawings. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM.fryreglet. Refer to finish -7- Design Guide Edition 15 DA. Reveal widths from 1/8" to 6" for choice of design effects. DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. as manufactured by Fry 7/8" Reglet Corporation. Reveals can DIM. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION "F" Reveal Molding 7/8" DIM. “F” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be installed. A Where indicated on drawings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. B Ceiling other finish material in the same plane. B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1 /8 " 1/4 " 3 /8 " 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" DRMF-50-125 DRMF-50-25 DRMF-50-375 DRMF-50-50 DRMF-50-625 DRMF-50-75 DRMF-50-100 DRMF-625-375 DRMF-625-50 DRMF-625-625 DRMF-625-75 DRMF-625-100 DRMF-625-150 DRMF-625-200 DRMF-625-300 _ _ _ DRMF-50-V-50 DRMF-50-V-625 DRMF-50-V-75 DRMF-50-V-100 _ DRMF-625-V-50 DRMF-625-V-625 DRMF-625-V-75 DRMF-625-V-100 DRMF-625-V-150 DRMF-625-V-200 DRMF-625-V-300 Metal Stud Framing 1" 3/8" 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" "F" Reveal Molding Ceiling 1" 11 / 2" 2" 3" Drywall DA.2 Design Guide Edition 15 -8- Fry Reglet Corporation. clear anodized or other Drywall Tape & Joint Compound specified finish. ."F" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet “F” Reveal Molding is used to form wall trim reveal where drywall terminates against sill. Fry Reglet “F” Reveal Molding. with chemical conversion coating. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM.fryreglet. Supports ceiling material. www. ceiling or DIM. Refer to finish section. DRMF-625-75 Snap-in Reveal Molding Metal Stud Framing Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer “SNAP-IN” REVEAL SIZE DIM.3 . DRMF-50-75. A Drywall - REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 3 /8 "* 1 / 2 "** 5 /8 "*** DRM-SNAP-lN-375 DRM-SNAP-lN-50 DRM-SNAP-lN-625 *Snap-In fits following profiles: DRM-50-50. 1-800-237-9773. shall be -9- Design Guide Edition 15 DA. “Snap-In” reveal is designed for use on walls and should not be applied to ceilings. to finish section. with chemical conversion coating. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet “Snap-In” Reveal is used with moldings shown in chart below to provide a different finish detail. DRM-625-625. as shown. DRMF-50-625. DRMF-625-625 ***Snap-In fits following profiles: DRM-50-75. DRMF-625-50 **Snap-In fits following profiles: DRM-50-625. Do not wrap wall covering into opening of reveal molding. DRMF-50-50. Fry Reglet “Snap-In” Reveal. DRM-625-75. DRM-625-50.fryreglet. The lip on the “SnapIn” Reveal covers wall covering edges and prevents peeling. A Snap-in Reveal Molding USAGE INSTALLER NOTE: Trim edge of wall covering to opening of reveal molding. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Metal Stud Framing Tape & Joint Compound Where indicated on drawings. www. clear anodized or other specified finish."SNAP-IN" REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1/2" Drywall DIM. 1-800-237-9773. shall be installed."Z" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet “Z” Reveal Molding forms a trim reveal around doors and windows or DIM. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBERS NON-VENTED VENTED INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View 1/4 " 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/4 " 1 /8 " 1/4 " 3 /8 " 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" DRMZ-25-25 DRMZ-50-125 DRMZ-50-25 DRMZ-50-375 DRMZ-50-50 DRMZ-50-625 DRMZ-50-75 DRMZ-50-100 DRMZ-50-150 DRMZ-50-200 DRMZ-625-25 DRMZ-625-375 DRMZ-625-50 DRMZ-625-625 DRMZ-625-75 DRMZ-625-100 DRMZ-625-1250 DRMZ-625-200 DRMZ-100-100 _ _ _ _ DRMZ-50-V-50 DRMZ-50-V-625 DRMZ-50-V-75 DRMZ-50-V-100 ` DRMZ-50-V-150 DRMZ-50-V-200 _ _ DRMZ-625-V-50 DRMZ-625-V-625 DRMZ-625-V-75 DRMZ-625-V-100 DRMZ-625-V-1250 DRMZ-625-V-200 DRMZ-100-V-100 Drywall Metal Stud Framing Door Jamb 1" 11 / 2 " 2" 1/4 " 3 /8 " 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1" 11 /4 " 2" 1" 1" DA. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion . www. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. B Door Jamb between walls and floors.fryreglet. Fry Reglet 7/8" DIM.10 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. Drywall “Z” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.A "Z" Reveal Molding Metal Stud Framing Tape & Joint Compound “Z” Reveal Molding.4 Design Guide Edition 15 . with chemical conversion coating.11 - Design Guide Edition 15 DA.fryreglet. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.B Metal Stud Framing Floor USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Fry Reglet Reveal Base is used at bottom of wall to form an attractive.A INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" Drywall Tape & Joint Compound Reveal Base DIM. Refer to finish section. damage-resistant recessed base.REVEAL BASE PRODUCT DETAIL : DIM. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. www. Drywall REVEAL BASE SIZES . B REVEAL HEIGHT NUMBER 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 4" 21 / 2 " 3" 4" 6" DRMB-50-400 DRMB-625-250 DRMB-625-300 DRMB-625-400 DRMB-625-600 Metal Stud Framing Reveal Base Fry Reglet Corporation. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.5 . Fry Reglet Reveal Base Molding. A Drywall DIM. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating.12 - Fry Reglet Corporation.B Metal Stud Framing Tape & Joint Compound 7/8" USAGE Fry Reglet Drywall Corner Reveal is used to create a stepped pocket at drywall corners. shall be installed. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Corner Reveal Where indicated on . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM.6 Design Guide Edition 15 . Refer to finish section.DRYWALL CORNER REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM. Fry Reglet Drywall Corner Reveal. B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 1/2" DRMW-50-50 DRMW-50-150 DRMW-625-625 DRMW-150-150 Metal Stud Framing 11 / 2 " 5 /8 " 11 / 2 " 11 / 2 " Drywall Tape & Joint Compound Drywall Corner Reveal DA.fryreglet. www. 1-800-237-9773. DRYWALL CORNER REVEAL SIZES DIM. 13 - Design Guide Edition 15 .A Drywall USAGE Fry Reglet Step Trim creates a stepped reveal (either raised or recessed) for offset multiple layers of drywall. clear anodized or other specified finish.fryreglet. shall be installed.7 . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Tape & Joint Compound Drywall Step Trim Where indicated on drawings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Step Trim.STEP TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion coating. www.A 7/8" DIM. STEP TRIM SIZES DIM. 1-800-237-9773.A Metal Stud Framing DIM. A INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View NUMBER - STEP SIZE 1/2" x 1/2" 5 /8 " x 5 /8 " DMST-50-50 DMST-625-625 Metal Stud Framing Drywall Tape & Joint Compound Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. shall be installed. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Where indicated on drawings.A Tape & Joint Compound "V" Reveal Molding Metal Stud Framing USAGE Fry Reglet “V” Reveal Molding creates a V-shaped recessed reveal in gypsum board walls for a softer-appearing alternative to conventional rectangular reveals.fryreglet. B REVEAL DEPTH NUMBER 1/4 " 3/4" 1" 1/4 " 1/2" 1/2" DRMV-25 DRMV-75 DRMV-100 Metal Stud Framing "V" Reveal Molding Drywall DA. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View “V” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. www.B 7/8" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1/8" DIM. Refer to finish section. 1-800-237-9773.14 - Fry Reglet ."V" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : DIM. A REVEAL WIDTH DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion coating.8 Design Guide Edition 15 . clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet “V” Reveal Molding. com . clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet Reverse “V” Reveal Molding. Reverse “V” Reveal Molding can also be used as a chair rail and to protect wall surface. shall be installed. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View REVERSE “V” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1" DRMVR-100 Reverse "V" Reveal Molding Drywall Metal Stud Framing Fry Reglet Corporation. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Where indicated on drawings.9 . with chemical conversion coating.REVERSE "V" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : 1/2" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" Metal Stud Framing 1/8" 1" Tape & Joint Compound Reverse "V" Reveal Molding USAGE Fry Reglet Reverse “V” Reveal Molding protrudes from wall surface for a raised dimensional effect. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. www.fryreglet. 1-800-237-9773.15 - Design Guide Edition 15 DA. clear anodized or other specified finish.A Drywall "W" Reveal 7/8" Ceiling Tape & Joint Compound USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Fry Reglet “W” Reveal creates an attractive reveal at the intersection of drywall ceiling and wall.fryreglet. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. Tapeable flange avoids cracking at the joint. Supports the edge of the suspended drywall. shall be installed."W" REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1" Metal Stud Framing DIM. Refer to finish .B DIM.16 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet “W” Reveal. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM.10 Design Guide Edition 15 . 1-800-237-9773. www. B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER Metal Stud Framing Ceiling "W" Reveal 1/2" 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" DRWT-50-50 DRWT-75-75 DRWT-200-200 2" 2" Drywall DA. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. “W” REVEAL SIZES DIM. with chemical conversion coating. Fry Reglet Reveal/Picture Hanger. www. commercial interiors or residences. Snap-in picture hanger clip has a hole for picture wire to support artwork and to avoid damage to molding. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be installed. 1" wide clips can easily be moved or removed if artwork is rearranged or taken down.REVEAL/PICTURE HANGER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall 7/8" Reveal / Picture Hanger 3/4" Metal Stud Framing 1 3/4" 1/2" Tape & Joint Compound USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Fry Reglet Reveal/Picture Hanger creates a reveal in drywall which can be used as a heavy duty picture hanger track for galleries. Refer to finish section. Note: Maximum capacity per hanger clip is 75 pounds. 1-800-237-9773. with chemical conversion coating. as manufactured by Fry Reglet . DRMH-50 Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation.11 .fryreglet.17 - Design Guide Edition 15 DA. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Metal Stud Framing Where indicated on drawings. Reveal / Picture Hanger REVEAL/PICTURE HANGER SIZE REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 3/4" *Hanger clips (DRMH-50 insert) sold separately. clear anodized or other specified finish. A 3/16" 7/8" Reglet Reveal Channel Screed provides an attractive break when used horizontally in a straight or curved long run of . Refer to finish section. www. with chemical conversion coating. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View REVEAL CHANNEL SCREED SIZES DIM. 1-800-237-9773. Can be used vertically to add an attractive design DIM. B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER Metal Stud Framing Drywall 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/2" 3/4" DCS-50-50 DCS-50-75 DCS-50-100 DCS-50-150 DCS-50-200 DCS-50-300 DCS-50-400 DCS-625-50 DCS-625-75 DCS-625-100 DCS-625-150 DCS-625-200 DCS-625-250 DCS-625-300 DCS-625-400 DCS-625-600 DCS-50-V-50 DCS-50-V-75 DCS-50-V-100 DCS-50-V-150 DCS-50-V-200 DCS-50-V-300 DCS-50-V-400 DCS-625-V-50 DCS-625-V-75 DCS-625-V-100 DCS-625-V-150 DCS-625-V-200 DCS-625-V-250 DCS-625-V-300 DCS-625-V-400 DCS-625-V-600 Drywall Reveal Channel Screed 1" 11 / 2 " 2" 3" 4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 11 / 2 " 2" 21 / 2 " 3" 4" 6" DA. A wide range of reveal widths from 1/ 2" Reveal Channel Screed to 6" permits a Metal Stud Framing broad choice of design effects.fryreglet.REVEAL CHANNEL SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry DIM. shall be installed. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Available vented for use where soffit ventilation is required. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. clear anodized or other specified finish. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Where indicated on drawings. Fry Reglet Reveal Channel Screed.B Drywall element in straight or curved walls.18 - Fry Reglet Corporation.12 Design Guide Edition 15 . A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View “F” REVEAL SIZES .13 . B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER Ceiling 1/2" 3 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" FDM-50-75 FDM-375-50 FDM-625-50 FDM-625-75 FDM-625-100 FDM-625-150 FDM-625-250 FDM-625-300 FDM-50-V-75 FDM-375-V-50 FDM-625-V-50 FDM-625-V-75 FDM-625-V-100 FDM-625-V-150 FDM-625-V-250 FDM-625-V-300 "F" Reveal 1" 11 / 2 " 21 / 2 " 3" Metal Stud Framing Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. shall be installed."F" REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM.fryreglet. with chemical conversion coating. Refer to finish section. clear anodized or other specified finish. www. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Where indicated on drawings.19 - Design Guide Edition 15 DA. Available vented for use where soffit ventilation is required. A "F" Reveal USAGE Fry Reglet “F” Reveal creates a wall reveal transition between ceiling and wall or (used vertically) between a wall and other building material.B Ceiling Metal Stud Framing 3/16" DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Fry Reglet “F” Reveal. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. 1-800-237-9773. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. B Saw Cut Optional 3/16" Ceiling USAGE Drywall Fry Reglet “T” Molding creates a reveal at wall/ceiling intersection. “T” MOLDING SIZES DIM.A DIM. A REVEAL DEPTH . GUIDE SPECIFICATION "T" Molding INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings. shall be installed."T" MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing 7/8" DIM. Fry Reglet “T” Molding. clear anodized or other specified finish. B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER Metal Stud Framing 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/2" 3/4" TDM-50-50 TDM-50-75 TDM-50-1125 TDM-50-150 TDM-625-50 TDM-625-75 TDM-625-1125 TDM-50-V-50 TDM-50-V-75 TDM-50-V-1125 TDM-50-V-150 TDM-625-V-50 TDM-625-V-75 TDM-625-V-1125 Ceiling "T" Molding 11 /8 " 11 / 2 " 1/2" 3/4" 11 /8 " Drywall DA. Available vented where air flow into ceiling plenum is desired.14 Design Guide Edition 15 . www. with chemical conversion coating.20 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. provides a clean edge for ceiling and finishes ceiling edge with no need for taping and spackling. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. "X" MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall DIM. Fry Reglet “X” Molding. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. www. Refer to finish section.21 - Design Guide Edition 15 DA. A NUMBER 1/2" 5 /8 " XDM-50-50 XDM-625-625 Drywall "X" Molding Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating. 1-800-237-9773. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. A 3/16" 7/8" Metal Stud Framing DIM. No taping or spackling is needed since 3 /16 " flanges conceal and finish edges.15 . clear anodized or other specified finish. shall be . Metal Stud Framing “X” MOLDING SIZES DIM.fryreglet.A "X" Molding Drywall 3/16" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Fry Reglet “X” Molding serves as a corner molding to accentuate right angle termination of drywall. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. Refer to finish section.B DIM. with chemical conversion coating. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. clear anodized or other specified finish. Also provides support for many types of ceiling systems. www. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM.fryreglet. Available vented for air flow between room and plenum.22 - Fry Reglet Corporation. shall be installed. B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER Metal Stud Framing 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" WDM-50-50 WDM-50-75 WDM-625-75 WRM-75-75 WDM-50-V-50 WDM-50-V-75 WDM-625-V-75 WRM-75-V-75 "W" Molding Ceiling DA.A Drywall Ceiling 3/4" "W" Molding USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Fry Reglet “W” Molding provides a reveal at wall/ceiling terminations."W" MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 5/8" Metal Stud Framing DIM. 1-800-237-9773.16 Design Guide Edition 15 . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 . Drywall “W” MOLDING SIZES DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. Fry Reglet “W” Molding. A REVEAL WIDTH 2-PIECE 3-PIECE NUMBER 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4 " 1/2" 3/4" DRM-50-25 2-PC DRM-50-50 2-PC DRM-50-75 2-PC – DRM-50-150 2-PC – DRM-50-50 3-PC DRM-50-75 3-PC DRM-50-100 -PC DRM-50-150 3-PC 1" 11 / 2 " Fry Reglet Corporation. patent pending 1/2" 3-PIECE TWO COMPRESSION SEALS Tape & Joint Compound DIM. The Fry Reglet Control Joint allows for 3 /16 " of movement. Forms an attractive reveal consistent with detailing offered by other Fry Reglet moldings.DRYWALL CONTROL JOINT PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 2-PIECE ONE COMPRESSION SEAL Tape & Joint Compound 2-PIECE DIM.fryreglet.23 - Design Guide Edition 15 DB. patent pending 1/2" Drywall 1/2" + . CONTROL JOINT SIZES GROUND DIM.S. A Drywall Compression Seal 2-Peice Drywall Control Joint Metal Stud Framing DIM. 1-800-237-9773. A 7/8" Compression Seals U. Refer to finish section. with chemical conversion coating. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Control Joint.1 .A 3-PIECE Metal Stud Framing 7/8" Compression Seals U.S. www. Continuous compression seal prevents air and dirt infiltration through joint. shall be installed. clear anodized or other specified finish. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Compression Compression Seal Seal 3-Peice Drywall Control Joint Metal Stud Framing Drywall Metal Stud Framing Where indicated on drawings.A USAGE Fry Reglet Control Joint is used in long drywall runs to prevent cracking of drywall joints caused by minor settling in normal building conditions. A 1" + DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. fryreglet. www. Metal Stud Framing CORNER TRIM SIZES Drywall DIM.24 - Fry Reglet . 1-800-237-9773.A USAGE 7/8" Corner Trim Drywall Fry Reglet Corner Trim is a heavy duty corner trim used to finish and protect outside corners in high traffic areas or where walls are subject to more than normal abuse. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be installed.CORNER TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall Metal Stud Framing DIM. with chemical conversion coating. GUIDE SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION DETAIL : Iso View Where indicated on drawings.A DIM. A Drywall - EXPOSED CORNER NUMBER 3 /8 " DMCT-375 DMCT-1250 11 /4 " Corner Trim DC. Refer to finish section. clear anodized or other specified finish.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . Fry Reglet Corner Trim. Fry Reglet “L” Trim Molding. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.25 - Design Guide Edition 15 DC."L" TRIM MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM.fryreglet.A 7/8" Metal Stud Framing "L" Trim Molding USAGE Fry Reglet “L” Trim Molding is used as trim around raised or recessed wall panels. www. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Tape & Joint Compound Drywall Drywall Drywall Where indicated on drawings. A - TRIM DEPTH NUMBER 1 /2 " 5 /8 " 3/4" DRML-50 DRML-625 DRML-75 DRML-100 DRML-1250 DRML-150 DRML-1625 DRML-200 DRML-250 DRML-300 Metal Stud Framing "L" Trim Molding Drywall 1" 11 /4 " 11 / 2 " 15 /8 " 2" 21 / 2 " 3" Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. shall be installed. A variety of depths permits a wide choice of variations in offsets and drywall thicknesses. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.2 . INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View “L” TRIM MOLDING SIZES DIM. with chemical conversion . com . DMET-150 DMET-50 Drywall USAGE Fry Reglet Edge Trim is used with multiple layers of drywall to provide angled transition between finish layers. clear anodized or other specified finish. Tape & Joint Compound INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View EDGE TRIM SIZES DIM. Provides attractive trim for recessed or raised panels. www.3 Design Guide Edition 15 . Fry Reglet Edge Trim. 1-800-237-9773. A - TRIM DEPTH NUMBER 1/2"  DMET-50 DMET-100 DMET-150 Metal Stud Framing 1"  11 / 2 "  layer of 1 / 2 " drywall additional layers of 1 / 2 " drywall Three additional layers of 1 / 2 " drywall Additional Two Drywall Edge Trim Drywall DC.26 - Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.EDGE TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : 1 3 /16 " 7/8" DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Edge Trim Where indicated on drawings.A 1/2" 1/4" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing 7/8" DMET-100. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. shall be installed. Refer to finish section. fryreglet. Refer to finish section.EDGE TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing 7/8" . shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Tape & Joint GUIDE SPECIFICATION Compound Where indicated on drawings. clear anodized or other specified finish. with chemical conversion coating. www.27 - Design Guide Edition 15 DC.A Drywall 7/8" Drywall USAGE Edge Trim Fry Reglet Edge Trim finishes edges when multiple layers of drywall are used to create recessed or raised panels in a wall. A NUMBER Metal Stud Framing 1/2"  5 /8 "  11 /4 " Additional Two DRME-50 DRME-625 DRME-1250 Drywall layer of 1 / 2 " drywall additional layers of 5 /8 " drywall Edge Trim Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.4 . INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View EDGE TRIM SIZES DIM. Fry Reglet Edge Trim. com .fryreglet. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Radius Corner Trim Where indicated on drawings. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Metal Stud Framing RADIUS CORNER TRIM SIZE DIM. www. Metal Stud Framing USAGE Fry Reglet Radius Corner Trim is a heavy duty corner trim with a radius used to finish and protect outside corners in high traffic areas or where walls are subject to more than normal abuse. 1-800-237-9773. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.28 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Radius Corner Trim. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation shall be installed. with chemical conversion coating. A NUMBER 1/2" RCT-50 1/2" Drywall Radius Corner Trim 1/2" Drywall DC.RADIUS CORNER TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1/2" Drywall 7/ 8" DI M A.5 Design Guide Edition 15 . clear anodized or other specified finish. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Pocket Trim Tape & Joint Compound Where indicated on drawings. www. and supports acoustical ceiling system. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.29 - Design Guide Edition 15 DC. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View POCKET TRIM SIZE WIDTH OF TILE SUPPORT NUMBER 3/4" DMPT-75 Metal Stud Framing Drywall Ceiling Tile Pocket Trim Fry Reglet Corporation. in-plane transition between drywall ceiling and acoustical ceiling without creating a reveal. shall be installed. Refer to finish section.6 .POCKET TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 3/4" Metal Stud Framing 3/4" USAGE 7/8" Ceiling Tile Drywall Fry Reglet Pocket Trim provides a smooth. with chemical conversion . Fry Reglet Pocket Trim. clear anodized or other specified finish. attractive termination for drywall or wood paneling. www. “J” section receives wall finish and conceals edge with no taping required. A Metal Stud Framing - “J” DEPTH NUMBER 1/2" 5 /8 " JDM-50 JDM-625 Drywall "J" Molding DC. with chemical conversion coating. “J” MOLDING SIZES DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION "J" Molding INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings."J" MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1 . Refer to finish section. Fry Reglet “J” Molding.7 Design Guide Edition 15 .fryreglet. 3/16" Metal Stud Framing USAGE Fry Reglet “J” Molding provides a clean.1/16" Drywall DIM A. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be .30 - Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. Refer to finish section. Fry Reglet Drywall Molding End Closure. GUIDE SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. 1-800-237-9773. Metal Stud Framing DRYWALL MOLDING END CLOSURE SIZES DIM.31 - Design Guide Edition 15 DC. clear anodized or other specified finish. partition or cased opening. www.DRYWALL MOLDING END CLOSURE PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall Drywall Molding End Closure DIM A. Metal Stud Framing Drywall Tape & Joint 7/8" USAGE Compound Fry Reglet Drywall Molding End Closure terminates a . may be screwed into screw-slot grid to hold wall framing in place. shall be installed. with chemical conversion coating.fryreglet. At wall top. A* NUMBER 2" 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 4 5 /8 " 4 7 /8 " 7 1 /4 " *Outside wall dimension DMEC-200 DMEC-3500 DMEC-3750 DMEC-4625 DMEC-4875 DMEC-7250 Drywall Molding End Closure Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation.8 . 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Top Track.fryreglet. with chemical conversion coating. Screw Slot Grid TOP TRACK SIZES REVEAL DEPTH DIM.9 Design Guide Edition 15 . the top track can be screwed into the ceiling to fasten wall in place. shall be installed. Refer to finish section. as manufactured by Fry Reglet . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Drywall Tape & Joint Compound INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. A STUD WIDTH NUMBER Acoustical Ceiling (DRYWALL THICKNESS) 5 /8 " 3 5 /8 " DMTT-625-3750 Acoustical Ceiling Top Track Drywall DC.TOP TRACK PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Screw Slot Grid 5/8" DIM A. With a screwslot grid system.32 - Fry Reglet Corporation. www. 5/8" Acoustical Ceiling Top Track USAGE Fry Reglet Top Track finishes an intersection of a wall or partition containing a ceiling with a clean reveal appearance. clear anodized or other specified finish. B Drywall DIM A.CEILING TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing DIM. Ceiling Trim Tape & Joint Compound USAGE Metal Stud Framing Drywall Tape & Joint Compound Fry Reglet Ceiling Trim provides a reveal joint between walls and ceilings and provides perimeter support for drywall ceilings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.10 .com . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. shall be installed. Refer to finish section. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Metal Stud Framing CEILING TRIM SIZES DIM. B NUMBER 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/2" 3/4" DRMCT-50-50 DRMCT-625-75 DRMCT-625-100 Ceiling Trim Drywall 1" Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. A DIM.33 - Design Guide Edition 15 DC. with chemical conversion coating. Fry Reglet Ceiling Trim. www. clear anodized or other specified finish. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet. 1 Design Guide Edition 15 . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. clear anodized or other specified finish. with chemical conversion coating. Refer to finish section.34 - Fry Reglet Corporation. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773.STEPPED OUTSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Tape & Joint Compound DIM. www. A NOTCH WIDTH DIM. B NOTCH HEIGHT NUMBER Metal Stud Framing 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 1/2" DRMW 50-50 DRMW 50-150 DRMW 625-625 DRMW 150-150 Drywall Drywall 11 / 2 " 5 /8 " 11 / 2 " 11 / 2 " Stepped Outside Corner DD. shall be installed. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View STEPPED OUTSIDE CORNER SIZES DIM. Fry Reglet Stepped Outside Corner. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 .B Metal Stud Framing USAGE Drywall Fry Reglet Stepped Outside Corner forms an attractive stepped corner. Cleanly finishes outside juncture between walls allowing both walls to be taped and spackled.A Stepped Outside Corner Drywall DIM.fryreglet. shall be installed. clear anodized or other specified finish.A Metal Stud Framing USAGE Fry Reglet Multiple Stepped Outside Corner forms a multi-stepped outside corner in either vertical or horizontal intersection of a drywall plane. A NUMBER 5 /8 " DMOS-625 DMOS-150 11 / 2 " Drywall Multiple Stepped Outside Corner Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating.A . Refer to finish section.2 . as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.MULTIPLE STEPPED OUTSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View MULTIPLE STEPPED OUTSIDE CORNER SIZES Metal Stud Framing DIM.fryreglet.A Drywall DIM.35 - Design Guide Edition 15 DD. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Multiple Stepped Outside Corner Drywall Tape & Joint Compound Where indicated on drawings. 1-800-237-9773. www. Fry Reglet Multiple Stepped Outside Corner.A DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. BEVELED CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section " 3/4 Drywall Metal Stud Framing 7/8" Beveled Corner Drywall USAGE Tape & Joint Compound Fry Reglet Beveled Corner is a chamfered high-strength corner bead used to finish and protect outside corners of walls. Provides attractive beveled detail. Can be used with drywall of any thickness. GUIDE SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings, Fry Reglet Beveled Corner, as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation, shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5, with chemical conversion coating, clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. Metal Stud Framing BEVELED CORNER SIZE BEVEL WIDTH NUMBER 3/4" DMBC-75 Drywall Beveled Corner Drywall DD.3 Design Guide Edition 15 - 36 - Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, CURVED INSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : 7/8" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing Drywall R 90o Curved Inside Corner USAGE Drywall Fry Reglet Curved Inside Corner is a curved shape used to finish and strengthen inside corners. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings, Fry Reglet Curved Inside Corner, as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation, shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5, with chemical conversion coating, clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. CURVED INSIDE CORNER SIZES “R” INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View NUMBER - RADIUS 3/4" DRMC-IS-75 DRMC-IS-100 DRMC-IS-150 DRMC-IS-200 DRMC-IS-300 DRMC-IS-400 DRMC-IS-600 Metal Stud Framing Metal Stud Framing 1" 11 / 2 " 2" 3" 4" 6" Curved Inside Corner Drywall Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, - 37 - Design Guide Edition 15 DD.4 CURVED OUTSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" Curved Outside Corner Drywall R 90o Metal Stud Framing Drywall Tape & Joint Compound USAGE Fry Reglet Curved Outside Corner is a curved section used to protect, strengthen and finish an outside corner of a wall intersection. GUIDE SPECIFICATION *Contact Fry Reglet for installation recommendations INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings, Fry Reglet Curved Outside Corner, as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation, shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5, with chemical conversion coating, clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. Metal Stud Framing CURVED OUTSIDE CORNER SIZES “R” - RADIUS NUMBER 5 /8 " 3/4" DRMC-OS-625 DRMC-OS-75 DRMC-OS-100 DRMC-OS-150 DRMC-OS-200 DRMC-OS-250 DRMC-OS-300 DRMC-OS-400 Drywall Curved Outside Corner Drywall 1" 11 / 2 " 2" 21 / 2 " 3" 4" DD.5 Design Guide Edition 15 - 38 - Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, 1-800-237-9773. . Refer to finish section. with chemical conversion coating.6 .fryreglet. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Metal Stud Framing BULLNOSE SIZES DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. B STUD WDTH NUMBER Drywall 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 2 1/2" 3 5 /8 " DBN-625-250 DBN-625-3625 Bullnose Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Bullnose. clear anodized or other specified finish.39 - Design Guide Edition 15 DD. shall be installed.B Drywall Drywall USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Fry Reglet Bullnose is a strong custom aluminum shape used to form a smooth end cap with a radius to attractively terminate walls and to protect wall ends from impact damage.A Ra di us Metal Stud Framing Tape & Joint Compound 7/8" DIM.BULLNOSE PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Bullnose DIM. A DRYWALL THICKNESS DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. fryreglet. attractive trim creating a reveal at column/ceiling joint. Fry Reglet Column Collar. with chemical conversion coating. 1-800-237-9773. shall be installed. DE.COLUMN COLLAR PRODUCT DETAIL : DRYWALL INSTALLATION DETAIL DRYWALL ACOUSTICAL/DRYWALL 13 /16 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " PLASTER 7/8" ACOUSTICAL/DRYWALL 13 /16 " 1 1/2" 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 1/8" PLASTER COMPONENTS ADJUSTABLE BAND ALUMINUM MOLDING 7/8" 13 /16 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " PVC SPACER USAGE 3/16" Patented Fry Reglet Column Collar provides a . Refer to finish section. Where indicated on drawings. Finish is clear anodized. PVC spacer insures an attractive appearance and no light leaks. clear anodized or other specified finish.1 Design Guide Edition 15 .40 - Fry Reglet Corporation. www. Fabricated to fit specific column sizes. painted or finished with a chemical conversion coating for field painting. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Three simple components secured by an adjustable band. COLUMN COLLAR SIZES Column Collars are manufactured to fit specific columns from 10" to 48" in diameter. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Tightens in place with a turnbuckle and stainless steel metal band. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Available with white or dark bronze PVC spacer. B Column 7/8" 3/4" Reveal Column Ring Drywall USAGE Tape & Joint Compound ACOUSTICAL (WDM) Fry Reglet Reveal Column Ring is carefully curved to fit column to provide attractive. A REVEAL WIDTH DIM. Available as one full circle or two half circles. economical finish for juncture of round column and either drywall or acoustical ceiling.B DIM. clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet Reveal Column Ring. www. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. shall be installed.A Metal Stud Framing DIM. Available to form either a trim or reveal . B REVEAL DEPTH NUMBER 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" WDM-50-50 DRWT-50-50 WRM-75-75 DRWT-75-75 Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating.REVEAL COLUMN RING PRODUCT DETAIL : DRYWALL (DRWT) ACOUSTICAL (WDM)/(WRM) INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DRYWALL (DRWT) 1 1 /16 " DIM.2 . Reveal Column Ring Column Acoustical Ceiling REVEAL COLUMN RING SIZES COLUMN RING DETAIL COLUMN DIAMETERS 18" TO 48" DIM. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.A 1 1 /16 " DIM.41 - Design Guide Edition 15 DE. 1-800-237-9773. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Column WALL ANGLE COLUMN RING SIZES COLUMN DIAMETERS 10" TO 48" TYPE NUMBER Acoustical Ceiling Acoustical Drywall Wall Angle Wall Angle w/Taping Flange Wall Angle Column Ring DE. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. www.3 Design Guide Edition 15 . Available as one full circle or two half circles. Refer to finish section.fryreglet. economical finish for juncture of round column and either drywall or acoustical ceiling.WALL ANGLE COLUMN RING PRODUCT DETAIL : DRYWALL ACOUSTICAL/DRYWALL INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section CROSS SECTION - DRYWALL 1" 1" Column Metal Stud Framing 7/8" 3/4" Drywall USAGE Fry Reglet Wall Angle Column Ring is carefully curved to fit column to provide attractive. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION CROSS SECTION Wall Angle Column Ring Tape & Joint Compound - ACOUSTICAL/DRYWALL Where indicated on drawings. Fry Reglet Wall Angle Column Ring. with chemical conversion coating.42 - Fry Reglet Corporation. as manufactured by Fry Reglet . clear anodized or other specified finish. com . Metal Stud Framing Drywall “W” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.43 - Design Guide Edition 15 DF.B 3/4" Acoustical Ceiling USAGE Fry Reglet “W” Reveal Molding is used to form a reveal between wall and suspended ceiling. with chemical conversion coating. creating a crisp transition."W" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 5/8" Metal Stud Framing DIM. B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER NON-VENTED VENTED Acoustical Ceiling 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" WDM-50-50 WDM-50-75 WDM-625-75 WRM-75-75 WDM-50-V-50 WDM-50-V-75 WDM-625-V-75 WRM-75-V-75 "W" Reveal Molding Fry Reglet Corporation. clear anodized or other specified finish. GUIDE SPECIFICATION "W" Reveal Molding INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings.1 . Applications include terminating a soffit from a vertical wall. shall be installed. Fry Reglet “W” Reveal Molding. www. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. adding shadow highlights to ceiling/wall interface. Available vented for room/plenum air flow.A Drywall DIM. Refer to finish section. 1-800-237-9773. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. creating a crisp reveal termination at top of a square column and providing support for ceiling systems. shall be installed. A NUMBER 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" DRMAD-50-50 DRMAD-50-50-916 DRMAD-50-75 Drywall Acoustical Ceiling DF. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. Metal Stud Framing Drywall / Acoustical Reveal DRYWALL/ACOUSTICAL REVEAL SIZES REVEAL DEPTH DIM. www.DRYWALL /ACOUSTICAL REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing 1/2" DIM A.2 Design Guide Edition 15 . with chemical conversion . Fry Reglet Drywall/Acoustical Reveal. USAGE 1" Drywall Acoustical Ceiling Fry Reglet Drywall/Acoustical Reveal is used where an acoustical ceiling meets a drywall ceiling. Provides a 1 / 2 " or 3 / 4 " wide reveal separating the two dissimilar materials. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall / Acoustical Reveal INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings.44 - Fry Reglet Corporation. a support for acoustical material and a taping flange for finishing drywall. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Tape & Joint Compound Where indicated on drawings. Fry Reglet Acoustical Ceiling Trim.3 . as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating.fryreglet. A NUMBER Metal Stud Framing 3/4" DRAT-75 DRAT-100 Acoustical Ceiling 1" Acoustical Ceiling Trim Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. www. USAGE Acoustical Ceiling Trim Fry Reglet Acoustical Ceiling Trim provides a crisp finish between walls and ceilings and provides perimeter support for acoustical ceilings.45 - Design Guide Edition 15 DF. 1-800-237-9773.ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall 7/8" Metal Stud Framing Acoustical Ceiling DIM A. Refer to finish section. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRIM SIZES DIM. clear anodized or other specified finish. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be . A STEP WIDTH . 3/4" USAGE Acoustical Molding Acoustical Ceiling Fry Reglet Acoustical Molding creates an attractive step or offset between vertical drywall fascia and acoustical ceiling. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating.4 Design Guide Edition 15 .ACOUSTICAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall DIM A.46 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. ACOUSTICAL MOLDING SIZES Drywall DIM. Fry Reglet Acoustical Molding. www. shall be installed. B STEP DEPTH USAGE NUMBER 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1 / 2 " Drywall 5 /8 " Drywall 3 / 4 " Plaster FDA-50 FDA-625 FDA-75 Metal Stud Framing Acoustical Molding Acoustical Ceiling DF. GUIDE SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings. Metal Stud Framing DIM B. Provides support for acoustical material. Refer to finish section. clear anodized or other specified finish. 1-800-237-9773.5 . www. Trim is installed with appropriate fasteners at ceiling/ wall joint. shall be installed. Can also be used at soffit/ceiling joint to create a step and provide a 1" lip for receiving a suspended ceiling grid system and a glued-in fascia . with chemical conversion coating."W" ACOUSTICAL REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Stud Framing Drywall 1" 2 1/4" 3/4" 7/8" 7/8" Acoustical Tile Drywall 1/2" "W" Acoustical Reveal USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet “W” Acoustical Reveal provides a clean termination for installation of 7 /8 " acoustical tile for glued-in acoustic ceiling tile applications. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Metal Stud Framing “W” ACOUSTICAL REVEAL SIZE MATERIAL POCKET REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED NUMBER VENTED "W" Acoustical Reveal Lay-in Acoustical Tile 7 /8 " 3/4" WARM-875-75 WARM-875-V-75 Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Tile is then inserted into cavity and glued to ceiling substrate. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Glued-in Fascia Tile Where indicated on drawings. Fry Reglet “W” Acoustical Reveal.47 - Design Guide Edition 15 DF. with chemical conversion coating."F" ACOUSTICAL REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 2 1/4" Metal Stud Framing 15/16" 3/4" 7/8" Drywall Drywall 1/2" USAGE 7/8" Acoustical Tile Fry Reglet “F” Acoustical Reveal 7 /8 " provides a clean termination for installation of acoustical tile for glued-in "F" Acoustical Reveal acoustic ceiling applications and provides a crisp reveal in the ceiling at wall/ceiling joint. GUIDE SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.6 Design Guide Edition 15 . Tile is then inserted into cavity and glued to ceiling substrate. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.48 - Fry Reglet . Metal Stud Framing “F” ACOUSTICAL REVEAL SIZE REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED NUMBER VENTED Drywall Drywall 3/4" FARM-875-75 FARM-875-V-75 7/8" Acoustical Tile "F" Acoustical Reveal DF. Trim is installed with appropriate fasteners at wall/ceiling joint. www. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet “F” Acoustical Reveal.fryreglet. Refer to finish section. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. www. Fry Reglet “J” Acoustical Trim. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.49 - Design Guide Edition 15 DF. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View “J” ACOUSTICAL TRIM SIZE “J” DEPTH NUMBER Metal Stud Framing 7 /8 " JAM-875 Drywall Drywall 7/8" Acoustical Tile "J" Acoustical Reveal Fry Reglet Corporation. shall be .7 . Tile is then inserted into cavity and glued to ceiling substrate. Trim is installed with appropriate fasteners at ceiling/ wall joint. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings."J" ACOUSTICAL TRIM PRODUCT DETAIL : 1 1/4" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" Drywall Metal Stud Framing Drywall 1/2" USAGE Fry Reglet “J” Acoustical Trim provides a clean termination for installation of 7 /8 " 7/8" Acoustical Tile acoustical tile in glued-in acoustic ceiling "J" Acoustical Reveal applications. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. with chemical conversion coating. 1-800-237-9773. They are included here should similar needs occur in the future. Refer to finish . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion coating. Contact Fry Reglet for further information. www. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION PART NUMBER 1054 Where indicated on drawings.SPECIAL SECTIONS FRY REGLET SPECIAL SECTIONS USAGE SPECIAL REVEAL MOLDING Fry Reglet Special Sections have been developed to meet special condition needs. shall be installed. Fry Reglet Special Sections. 2 1/8" PRM MOLDING 3/16" PART NUMBER 5/8" 5/8" 1270 5/8" SPECIAL “J” MOLDINGS 1" PART NUMBER 2054 7/8" 3/4" 1 1/4" 1/2" 5/8" MODIFIED CHANNEL MOLDING 2 1/4" 1/2" 1" PART NUMBER 1858 7/64" 3/4" PART NUMBER 1360 3/16" 1 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" PART NUMBER 1262 3/16" DG.50 - Fry Reglet Corporation.1 Design Guide Edition 15 .fryreglet. Metal Stud Framing Contemporary Reveal Tape & Joint Compound USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Fry Reglet Contemporary Reveal Molding provides an attractive vertical or horizontal recess in drywall that creates the illusion the panels are “floating” in space. www.fryreglet. Refer to finish section.51 - Design Guide Edition 15 DG.2 . INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall 7/8 2 1/4" DIM B. with chemical conversion coating.CONTEMPORARY REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : DIM A. Metal Stud Framing CONTEMPORARY REVEAL TRIM SIZES DIM A REVEAL DEPTH DIM B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER Contemporary Reveal 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1" 1/2" 5 /8 " 3/4" 1" CDRM-50-50 CDRM-50-625 CDRM-50-75 CDRM-50-100 CDRM-625-50 CDRM-625-625 CDRM-625-75 CDRM-625-100 Drywall Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 . Fry Reglet Contemporary Reveal Molding as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 52 - Fry Reglet Corporation. A NUMBER 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 4 5/8" 4 7/8" DMGT 3500 DMGT 3750 DMGT 4625 DMGT 4875 Glazing Track Metal Stud Drywall PRODUCT DETAIL : USAGE Fry Reglet Glazing Ceiling Track creates a clean. www.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . sharp opening in drywall and acoustical ceilings for glass installation. Provides a straight. Fry Reglet Glazing Track. chair rail and clerestory glazing in drywall. shall be installed. Refer to finish section. clear anodized or other specified finish. even transition from drywall to glass and minimizes field labor.GLAZING TRACK PRODUCT DETAIL : 3/4" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Drywall Metal Stud 1 1/4" Fry Reglet Glazing Track creates an opening for full height. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall DIM A GLAZING TRACK Where indicated on drawings. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet Glazing Ceiling Track. Aluminum shall be 3/4" Drywall Drywall extruded alloy 6063 T5. DRYWALL CEILING TRACK (DRM-150-75) DRYWALL CEILING TRACK DH. with chemical conversion coating. shall be installed. as manufactured by Fry Reglet . with chemical conversion coating. 1 1/2" GUIDE SPECIFICATION Cross Section Metal Stud INSTALLATION DETAIL : Metal Stud Where indicated on drawings. Glazing Track GLAZING TRACK SIZES INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Glazing Track System includes slotted head & base sections and solid sections at sides of glazed openings. Refer to finish section.fryreglet. 1-800-237-9773. A NUMBER 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 4 5 /8 " 4 7 /8 " conversion coating. Standard finish ceiling white. shall be installed. with chemical INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View DIM. Fry Reglet ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRACK (ARM-150-75) 3/4" Glazing Ceiling Track. www. A Drywall Drywall creates a smooth. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section.2 . vertical surface at each side of glazed openings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Metal Stud Where indicated on drawings.GLAZING TRACK PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL :Cross Section USAGE Fry Reglet Glazing Ceiling Track creates a clean. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. sharp opening in drywall and 1 1/2" *STOCK IN WHITE acoustical ceilings for glass installation. shall be installed.fryreglet. Fry DMEC DRYWALL MOLDING END CLOSURE SIZES Reglet Drywall Molding End Closure. clear anodized or other specified finish. ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRACK 1 1/2" Ceiling Tile Drywall 3/4" DRYWALL/ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRACK (DRMAD-150-75) PRODUCT DETAIL : USAGE DRYWALL/ACOUSTICAL CEILING TRACK INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8 " Fry Reglet Drywall Molding End Closure DIM. Drywall DMEC 3500 DMEC 3750 DMEC 4625 DMEC 4875 Metal Stud DMEC Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 .53 - Design Guide Edition 15 DH. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Ceiling Tile Ceiling Tile Where indicated on drawings. 1" wide Hook Insert Rubber Gasket HOOK INSERT (IFRHOOKINSERT) Metal Framing .fryreglet. www. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Metal Framing 2" AND 3" CHARTRAIL INSERT (IFRCHARTRAIL) (IFR3CHARTRAIL) USAGE Fry Reglet Hook Insert is designed to be inserted into the Integrated Functional Reveal Rail. Standard finish clear anodized. Metal Framing INTEGRATED FUNCTIONAL REVEAL RAIL (IFRREVEAL) USAGE Fry Reglet 2" and 3" Chartrail Insert to be inserted into the Integrated Functional Reveal Rail. clear Rubber Gasket Chartrail Insert anodized or other specified finish. and repositioned for different sized objects like artwork.54 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 5/8" Drywall Integrated Functional Reveal 9/16" Where indicated on drawings. Provides an aesthetic reveal that is fully integrated into dry wall. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Hook Insert shall be installed. Refer to finish section. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . Chartrail can be used to hold markers or as a stand for presentations or artwork. Refer to finish section. Hooks can be placed anywhere on the reveal as needed.INTEGRATED FUNCTION REVEAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View 5/8" Drywall USAGE 3 3/4" 2" Fry Reglet Integrated Functional Reveal Rail creates a Horizontal reveal designed to accept a chartrail insert and hook insert. Fry Reglet Chartrail Insert shall be installed. photography or presentations. with chemical 5/8" conversion coating. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 5/8" Drywall Integrated Functional Reveal Where indicated on drawings. with chemical conversion coating. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Integrated Functional Reveal Where indicated on drawings. Fry Reglet "integrated Functional reveal Rail" shall be installed. clear anodized or other specified finish. However. Do not use an abrasive cut-off wheel. mild concentration of muriatic acid). and base molding with 5/8" ground when installing 5/8" drywall. the attachment flanges should be cleaned. self-adhesive drywall tape will cut taping time and help to avoid possible cracking. When veneer plaster is specified. Make sure the tape does not overlap the edge of the reveal and an 8" wide trowel is used to apply the final skim coat.fryreglet. (See “Wrong Way”) 2. 5. Use a primer recommended by the manufacturer of the paint to be used. rinse thoroughly and dry.g. Be sure to clean lubricant off trim. NON-TAPEABLE FLANGE SHAPES: 1.INSTALLATION ATTACHMENTS TAPEABLE FLANGE SHAPES: Factory fabricated intersections are available to connect horizontal and vertical joints of moldings of the same or different types. NEVER use 1/2" base with 5/8" drywall when adding Snap-In. When the reveal molding is used with the Snap-In.c. Wrong Way If field painting of clear anodized moldings is the only alternative. These types are installed prior to drywall installation and generally do not require taping or spackling. Fry Reglet Corporation. .55 - Design Guide Edition 15 DJ. use the base molding with 1/2" ground when installing 1/2" drywall. 2. Prior to taping. END CAPS ADDING SNAP-INS 1. 1. Materials can be cut with a chop saw.1 . The mitered joints are welded and the 6" legs are measured from the centerpoint of the reveal. please consult a customer service representative. Corner pieces can be manufactured for both inside and outside conditions. www. 4. using a 150 tooth blade for non-ferrous metal. The moldings are installed after the gypsum board is installed. The framer should provide backing so that moldings may be attached with #6 drywall screws 8" o. Fry Reglet cannot accept responsibility for performance of field applied coatings over anodized finishes. 3. the flanges must be treated with a bonding agent. and “+” shapes. Custom leg lengths are available. 1-800-237-9773. Use a lubricant (WD-40 or grease stick) on the blade prior to cutting. Make sure base is supported to ensure that the base does not become deformed when applying SnapIn. CUTTING AND FIELD PAINTING 1. (See “Right Way”) 2. Intersections are available in “T”. Apply coating following manufacturer’s specifications. the following steps must be taken to improve the bonding of the paint to the metal surface: • • • Clean and treat material with an acid etch solution (e. 3. Fiberglass. The installer can either provide space for the moldings at the time of installation or cut the board with a router. “L”. Right Way End Caps are not available for all products. inch 1 . USAGE Moldings requiring venting are provided with vents for air movement. spaced 11 /2 " on center lengthwise. 1 /2 " 3/4" 7 /8 " 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 8 1 sq.1% 11. Multiple rows are spaced laterally 1 /2 " on center. inch 3 sq.3% 14. VENTILATION INFORMATION VENT AREA PER REVEAL WIDTH VENT SLOT LINEAL FOOT APPROX.4% 8. inch 5 sq.5 sq. inch 3 sq. www. inch 1 sq. inch 8. GUIDE SPECIFICATION All vent slots are 1/8 " wide by 1" long. PERCENT OF AREA VENTED APPROX. inch 1 sq. inch 1 sq.5% 1" 1 1 /8 " 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 6" DJ.0% 12. inch 5 sq.4% 12. See specific profile page for sizes and venting options. Each row of vent slots lengthwise provides approximately one square inch of vented area per lineal foot. In size charts they are identified with a “V” in the center of the product number.fryreglet.5% 9.2 Design Guide Edition 15 .3% 10. inch 15. inch 2 sq.5% 14.VENTILATION INFORMATION PRODUCT DETAIL : Example of vented profile. 1-800-237-9773.5% 9.3% 12.56 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Corporation.F. MOLDINGS Fry Reglet offers a wide variety of moldings and trim for plaster. Fry Reglet’s extruded aluminum products are inherently strong and resistant to the elements. These moldings contribute to both the appearance and function of wall sections.I. stucco and E. applications. making them ideally suited for exterior use.I. Fry Reglet moldings offer solutions to design challenges that provide lasting beauty on completed projects.S.57 - Design Guide Edition 15 . providing design options as well as the means to assure levelness.PLASTER AND E.fryreglet. www.S.F. . 58 - Fry Reglet Corporation. for instance). www. By reducing the volume of plaster within a given span.FRY REGLET BENEFITS Plaster trims fulfill an important function in stucco applications. CA. or form. will not rust Sharp details — extrusion produces clean. They provide the frame. PRODUCT ASSORTMENT Fry Reglet’s stocking warehouses in Santa Fe Springs. Aluminum reveal moldings are an attractive way for the architect to build crack control into the design. which helps to produce a level wall. cracking is minimized. crisp lines Anodized finish — Electro-chemical reaction produces permanent coating Paint finishing — process allows paint to penetrate pores of metal. yet tough on the job Non-Ferrous — resistant to environmental elements. This is an extremely durable material that has numerous advantages when used as a building component. GA carry inventory of the following types of drywall moldings to address a variety of jobsite conditions. AZ. and Alpharetta. 1-800-237-9773. Phoenix.fryreglet.  Dimensional Stability — thermal shrinkage and expansion is negligible Rigidity — products retain their shape and straightness Strength-to-weight ratio — easy to . They define corners and transitions from one plane to another (wall to soffit.  Reveal Moldings Control Joints Trims Corners Column Collars and Rings Acoustical Moldings Special Sections The inherent rigidity of aluminum gives the installer a consistently straight screed point.       THE PROPERIES OF EXTRUDED ALUMINUM All Fry Reglet Drywall and Plaster Moldings (except FWS-75) are extruded from aluminum alloy 6063-T5. into which the wet plaster is placed. Reveal moldings and trims can also function as control joints by dividing large spans of plaster into manageable sections. resistant to cracking and chipping       Design Guide Edition 15 . 5 PG.2 PG.7 PA.F.8 Channel Screed 1/4" Channel Screed “V” Reveal Molding “F” Reveal Molding “T” Reveal Molding Plaster Key Reveal Molding Reveal Molding Column Collar PG.F.S.2 Fascia Corner Molding “J” Molding Fry Reglet Corporation. www. MOLDINGS PA .4 PG.CORNERS PF. Soffit Vent E.2 Vented Molding Ventilation Information Installation Guide PD .I.S. Drip Screed PF . PE .INSTALLATION PI.1 PA.5 PB.I.2 PD.6 PB.2 PA.I.F.1 PI.2 .F.7 Soffit Vent Soffit Vent 5/8" Soffit Vent Soffit Vent Soffit Vent Vented Soffit Molding Soffit Vented E.1 2-Piece Plaster Control Screed PI .S.I.2 “X” Corner Molding Corner Key PG .I.4 PB.8 Drip Screed Stucco Drip Screed Thin Stucco Drip Screed 5/8" Drip Screed Drip Screed Soffit Molding “F” Drip Cap Foundation Weep Screed E.S. Channel Screed E.F.7 PB.F.VENEER PLASTER PH.F.I.1 PF.S.3 PB.3 PA.4 Veneer Plaster Reveal Molding Veneer Plaster “F” Reveal Molding Veneer Plaster “Z” Reveal Molding Contemporary Reveal Molding PC .1 PG.1 PH.I.1 PB.I.TABLE OF CONTENTS PLASTER AND E.F.S.3 PG. MATERIALS PB .5 PD.S.S. Soffit Vent (Direct Applied) E.S.E.DRIP SCREEDS PH .5 PA.I.SOFFIT VENTS PD.6 PD.F.6 PA.TRIMS PE.3 PH. Soffit Vent Cleanfinish E.59 - Design Guide Edition 15 .2 PH.4 PA.6 PB.1 PE. 1-800-237-9773. Soffit Vent E.3 PD.REVEALS PA.fryreglet.4 PD.CONTROL JOINT PC.1 PD. 2 VENEER PLASTER “F” REVEAL MOLDING PG.3 VENEER PLASTER “Z” REVEAL MOLDING PG.4 “F” DRIP CAP PB.5 SOFFIT VENT PB.S.I.1 REVEAL MOLDING PA.3 PD.1 CLEANFINISH E.8 SOFFIT MOLDING PB.6 INSTALLATION GUIDE PH.2 E.3 2-PIECE PLASTER CONTROL SCREED SOFFIT VENT PB.60 - Fry Reglet Corporation.S.F.3 PH.2 E.F.4 CONTEMPORARY REVEAL MOLDING PG.I.1 VENEER PLASTER REVEAL MOLDING PG.7 E.3 PA.fryreglet.S.2 COLUMN COLLAR DRIP SCREED PA. DRIP SCREED PG.8 PC.1 PH. CHANNEL SCREED PD.F.4 PI.7 DRIP SCREED PA.S. SOFFIT VENT PE.I.I.7 SOFFIT VENT PB. SOFFIT VENT (DIRECT APPLIED) PF.F.S.1 SOFFIT VENTED E. CHANNEL SCREED 1/4 " CHANNEL SCREED “V” REVEAL MOLDING “F” REVEAL MOLDING “T” REVEAL MOLDING PLASTER KEY REVEAL MOLDING PA.4 PD.F.2 PH.I.I.2 FOUNDATION WEEP SCREED PB.1 PB.6 5/8 " SOFFIT VENT SOFFIT VENT PB. SOFFIT VENT “J” MOLDING “X” CORNER MOLDING PE. SOFFIT VENT PF.4 STUCCO DRIP SCREED THIN STUCCO DRIP SCREED PA.2 FASCIA CORNER MOLDING PD.6 5/ " DRIP SCREED 8 PA. Detailed information can be found on the page number shown next to the shape.1 VENTED SOFFIT MOLDING PD.6 E. www..1 PI.I.5 CORNER KEY PD.S.2 Design Guide Edition 15 . 1-800-237-9773.F. Find the shape you want.SHAPE FINDER INDEX This chart is designed to help you locate a specific shape in the Fry Reglet Design Guide.5 PA.5 VENTED MOLDING INSTALLATION INFORMATION PG.S.F. PD.1 . CHANNEL SCREED SIZES DIM.050" DIM A.1 . available in a wide selection of reveal dimensions.CHANNEL SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : DIM A. Fry Reglet Channel Screed. + . with chemical conversion coating. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773.61 - Design Guide Edition 15 . clear anodized or other specified finish. Can be fabricated into custom intersections to meet a variety of job conditions and curved to a wide range of custom radius requirements. 1" 11 /2 " 2" 21 /2 " 3" 4" 6" 3 /4 " INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1" Plaster Channel Screed Plaster Lathing Water Resistant Barrier 1" 1" 11 /2 " 1" 3" 11 /2 " Metal Stud Framing *For one-coat stucco systems Approved Sheathing Fry Reglet Corporation. 3 /8 "* 3 /8 "* 3/16" 3 /8 " 1 /2 " 1 /2 " 1 /2 " 1 /2 " USAGE 1 /2 " 3 /4 " PCS-375-50 PCS-375-75 PCS-375-100 PCS-375-150 PCS-375-300 DCS-50-50 DCS-50-75 DCS-50-100 DCS-50-150 DCS-50-200 DCS-50-300 DCS-50-400 DCS-625-50 DCS-625-75 DCS-625-100 DCS-625-150 DCS-625-200 DCS-625-250 DCS-625-300 DCS-625-400 DCS-625-600 PCS-75-50 PCS-75-75 PCS-75-100 PCS-75-150 PCS-75-200 PCS-75-250 PCS-75-300 PCS-75-400 PCS-75-600 PCS-100-75 PCS-100-100 PCS-100-300 PCS-150-150 PCS-375-V-50 PCS-375-V-75 PCS-375-V-100 PCS-375-V-150 PCS-375-V-300 DCS-50-V-50 DCS-50-V-75 DCS-50-V-100 DCS-50-V-150 DCS-50-V-200 DCS-50-V-300 DCS-50-V-400 DCS-625-V-50 DCS-625-V-75 DCS-625-V-100 DCS-625-V-150 DCS-625-V-200 DCS-625-V-250 DCS-625-V-300 DCS-625-V-400 DCS-625-V-600 PCS-75-V-50 PCS-75-V-75 PCS-75-V-100 PCS-75-V-150 PCS-75-V-200 PCS-75-V-250 PCS-75-V-300 PCS-75-V-400 PCS-75-V-600 PCS-100-V-75 PCS-100-V-100 PCS-100-V-300 PCS-150-V-150 1" 11 /2 " 3" 1 /2 " 3 /4 " 1" 11 /2 " 2" 3" 4" 1 /2 " 3 /4 " 1 /2 " 1 /2 " 1 /2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " Fry Reglet Channel Screed is a traditional molding that gives architectural accents to stucco walls and ceilings. Provides functional performance by establishing the proper thickness of stucco and plaster. www. channel screeds can be vented to provide soffit ventilation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 1" 11 /2 " 2" 21 /2 " 3" 4" 6" 1 /2 " 3 /4 " Where indicated on drawings.fryreglet. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Used in soffits. B REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER 7/8" 3 /8 "* 3 /8 "* DIM B. www. Approved Sheathing Water Resistant Barrier 1/4” CHANNEL SCREED SIZE REVEAL WIDTH AND DEPTH NUMBER 1/4 " PCS-75-25/25 PA. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Plaster or Stucco Lathing Where indicated on drawings. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Used also to introduce subtle trim in soffits and on fascia. It can be factory curved to specific radius dimensions and fabricated for a variety of conditions where horizontal and vertical runs intersect.62 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish .2 Design Guide Edition 15 . shall be installed.fryreglet. Fry Reglet 1/4 " Channel Screed.1/4" CHANNEL SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1/4" 3/16" 1 5 /8 " 1/4" 3/4" 1/4" Channel Screed Metal USAGE Framing Fry Reglet 1/4 " Channel Screed is a traditional molding that provides a sharply defined. with chemical conversion coating. attractive narrow reveal to break the monotony of large. plastered surfaces. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. This is a very versatile molding. 1-800-237-9773."V" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : 3/16" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1 1 /2 " 90 O Lathing Plaster or Stucco "V" Reveal Molding 3/4" Plaster or Stucco Approved 3 5 /8 " Water Resistant Barrier Sheathing 3/4" 3/16" 90 3/4" O 5/16" Lathing Plaster or Stucco Short "V" Reveal Molding Plaster or Stucco 2 7 /8 " Approved Sheathing USAGE Fry Reglet “V” Reveal Molding creates a “V” shaped reveal in conventional lath and plaster applications that emulates the appearance of the vertical joint in pre-cast or tilt-up panels. www. with chemical conversion coating. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Water Resistant Barrier Where indicated on drawings. Can be used vertically or horizontally and where new plaster construction is installed adjacent to tilt-up construction. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 . Fry Reglet “V” Reveal Molding. Refer to finish section. shall be installed.63 - Design Guide Edition 15 PA. “V” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES REVEAL DEPTH REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 3 /4 " 5 /16 " 11 /2 " 3 /4 " PCSV-75 PCSV-75-Short Fry Reglet Corporation.3 . clear anodized or other specified finish. Used to maintain panelized appearance throughout the project.fryreglet. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. B NON-VENTED NUMBER VENTED REVEAL DEPTH REVEAL WIDTH 3/8" 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 1/2" 3 /4 " 1 /2 " 3 /4 " FDM-375-50 FDM-50-75 FDM-625-50 FDM-625-75 FDM-625-100 FDM-625-150 FDM-625-250 FDM-625-300 FPM-75-50 FPM-75-75 FPM-75-100 FPM-75-150 FPM-75-200 FPM-75-300 FDM-375-V-50 FDM-50-V-75 FDM-625-V-50 FDM-625-V-75 FDM-625-V-100 FDM-625-V-150 FDM-625-V-250 FDM-625-V-300 FPM-75-V-50 FPM-75-V-75 FPM-75-V-100 FPM-75-V-150 FPM-75-V-200 FPM-75-V-300 1" 11 /2 " 21 /2 " 3" 1/2 " 3 /4 " 1" 11 /2 " 2" 3" PA. shall be installed.4 Design Guide Edition 15 . Can be curved and fabricated into intersections with many other. dissimilar Fry Reglet profiles. with chemical conversion coating. clear anodized or other specified finish. ceiling or other finish materials.fryreglet. “F” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. jamb. A Framing Ceiling "F" Reveal Molding USAGE Fry Reglet “F” Reveal Molding is used to form a reveal where plaster terminates against sill.64 - Fry Reglet . www. A DIM. Fry Reglet “F” Reveal Molding. soffit. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Available vented for air movement when used in soffit applications. Refer to finish section."F" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Plaster or Stucco Lathing Water Resistant Barrier Approved Sheathing Where indicated on drawings. 1-800-237-9773. B Metal 3/16" DIM. window. with chemical conversion coating. Neatly terminates junction of plaster and stucco materials and can be vented when air movement is required in soffits and ceilings. Fry Reglet “T” Reveal . B PLASTER THICKNESS REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " TRM-75-75 TRM-75-1125 TRM-75-150 TRM-75-V-75 TRM-75-V-1125 TRM-75-V-150 11 /8 " 11 /2 " Fry Reglet Corporation. “T” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. By making a saw cut on the vertical wall surface. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Water Resistant Barrier Lathing Where indicated on drawings.5 . Creates a decorative reveal while providing a screed for plaster or stucco. Refer to finish section. 1-800-237-9773. 3/4" Approved Sheathing Wall Saw Cut Optional 3/16" USAGE Plaster or Stucco "T" Reveal Molding Fry Reglet “T” Reveal Molding is a versatile interior or exterior molding which creates a reveal at junction of dissimilar materials. shall be installed."T" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing DIM B. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. clear anodized or other specified finish.65 - Design Guide Edition 15 PA. www. no saw cut is necessary.fryreglet. When walls are smooth. the molding can terminate a ceiling at irregular wall surfaces. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. PA. PLASTER KEY REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. with chemical conversion coating. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet Plaster Key Reveal Molding. Can be vented when air movement is required and custom curved to a wide range of radii. shall be installed. A Metal Framing Wall or Column Metal Framing Approved 3/4" Sheathing Plaster or Stucco 3/16" USAGE Fry Reglet Plaster Key Reveal Molding provides attractive termination and reveal at juncture of walls. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Plaster Key Reveal Molding Where indicated on drawings. curved sizes available to fit columns above 18" in diameter.6 Design Guide Edition 15 . www.fryreglet. Refer to finish section. as well as at the top of square or round columns.PLASTER KEY REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1" DIM. Available for round columns as one full circle or two half circles. 1-800-237-9773.66 - Fry Reglet Corporation. A REVEAL DEPTH REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED NUMBER 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " PRZ-75-75 PRZ-75-100 PRZ-75-V-75 PRZ-75-V-100 1" For use with . plaster ceilings and soffits. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Reveal Molding Plaster or Stucco Where indicated on drawings. For round columns. Can be vented when air movement is required and custom curved to a wide range of radii. as well as at the top of square or round columns. plaster ceilings and soffits. shall be installed. clear anodized or other specified . Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. www.67 - Design Guide Edition 15 PA.REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1" 3/4" Metal Framing Wall 3/4" or Column Approved Sheathing Metal Framing USAGE Fry Reglet Reveal Molding provides attractive termination and reveal at juncture of walls. REVEAL MOLDING SIZE REVEAL HEIGHT REVEAL DEPTH NON-VENTED NUMBER VENTED 3 /4 " 3 /4 " PRM-75-75 PRM-75-V-75 For use with columns. with chemical conversion coating. molding is available as one full circle or two half circles. curved sizes available to fit columns above 18" in diameter. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Fry Reglet Reveal Molding.fryreglet.7 . as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. shall be installed.8 Design Guide Edition 15 . painted or finished with a chemical conversion coating for field painting.COLUMN COLLAR PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section USAGE Patented Fry Reglet Column Collar provides a functional. Tightens in place with a turnbuckle and stainless steel metal band. PVC spacer insures an attractive appearance and no light leaks. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Column Collar. Finish is clear anodized. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. attractive trim creating a reveal at column/ceiling joint. Fabricated to fit specific column sizes.68 - Fry Reglet Corporation. with finish as specified. PA. COLUMN COLLAR SIZES Column Collars are manufactured to fit specific columns from 10" to 48" in . www. Available with white or dark bronze PVC spacer. Accommodates a 7/8" plaster fascia and soffit thickness of 7/8" or less (by trimming vertical leg on soffit side of molding). Can be vented if air movement is required. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Lathing Water Resistant Barrier Where indicated on drawings. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.DRIP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Plaster or Stucco Metal 2 3 /16 " Framing Approved Sheathing 7/8" 7/8" 7/8" 3/16" USAGE Stucco Soffit Drip Screed Fry Reglet Drip Screed neatly joins soffit and fascia while providing a drip joint to prevent water stains on soffit and vertical wall of building. www.1 . 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet.69 - Design Guide Edition 15 . DRIP SCREED SIZE NUMBER NON-VENTED VENTED DS-875-875 DS-875-V-875 Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. Fry Reglet Drip Screed. clear anodized or other specified finish. with chemical conversion coating. Fry Reglet Stucco Drip Screed.REVEAL WIDTH 11 /2 " 2" 3" NON-VENTED VENTED DS-875-150 DS-875-200 DS-875-300 DS-875-V-150 DS-875-V-200 DS-875-V-300 Stucco Drip Screed Stucco Soffit Lathing Water Resistant Barrier PB. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion coating.70 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Stucco Fascia Metal Framing STUCCO DRIP SCREED SIZES NUMBER DIM. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.STUCCO DRIP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : 2 3 /8 " 7/8" DIM.2 Design Guide Edition 15 .fryreglet. A 7/8" 3/16" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet Stucco Drip Screed neatly joins soffit and fascia while providing a drip joint to prevent water stains on soffit and wall of building. shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. Can be vented if air movement is . www. A Approved Sheathing . com . 1-800-237-9773. Provides an attractive reveal between fascia and soffit.THIN STUCCO DRIP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : DS-75-75 INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DS-75-75 Metal Framing 2" Stucco Fascia 3/4" 3/4" Approved Sheathing DS-75-200/300 (Not to scale) Thin Stucco Drip Screed Stucco Soffit Lathing 2 3/8" Water Resistant Barrier DIM A. www. shall be installed. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section.71 - Design Guide Edition 15 PB. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Fry Reglet Thin Stucco Drip Screed.3 .fryreglet. Available vented for ventilation of areas above soffit. A REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED NUMBER VENTED Thin Stucco Drip Screed Stucco Fascia 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " DS-75-75 DS-75-200 DS-75-300 DS-75-V-75 DS-75-V-200 DS-75-V-300 2" 3" Water Resistant Barrier Fry Reglet Corporation. 3/4" 3/16" USAGE 3/4" DS-75-200/300 Metal Framing Fry Reglet Thin Stucco Drip Screed prevents staining of 3/4" stucco soffit surfaces. clear anodized or other specified finish. Stucco Soffit Lathing THIN STUCCO DRIP SCREED SIZES STUCCO THICKNESS DIM. with chemical conversion coating. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. allows air movement above soffit. 1-800-237-9773.5/8" DRIP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : 2 3/16" 5/8" 3" 7/8" 3/8" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet 5 /8 " Drip Screed is a special drip screed with 5/8 " space dimension on soffit side to support 5 /8 " soffit material.fryreglet. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Metal Framing Where indicated on drawings. with chemical conversion coating. Refer to finish section.72 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Approved Sheathing 5/8” DRIP SCREED SIZE NUMBER REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED Stucco Fascia 5/8" Stucco Lathing Drip Screed 5 /8 " Soffit 3" DS-875-5/8-300 DS-875-5/8-V-300 Water Resistant Barrier PB. clear anodized or other specified finish. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be installed. finishes soffit/fascia intersection and. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Protects against soffit staining. with vents. www.4 Design Guide Edition 15 . Fry Reglet 5 /8 " Drip . clear anodized or other specified finish. DRIP SCREED SIZE NUMBER REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED 7 /8 " DS-375-875 DS-375-V-875 Fry Reglet Corporation.5 . 1-800-237-9773. Accommodates a 3 /8 " plaster fascia and soffit thickness of 7 /8 " or less (by trimming vertical leg on soffit side of molding).DRIP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing 2 3 /16 " Approved 7/8" Sheathing 7/8" 1/2" 3/8" USAGE 3/8" Lathing Drip Screed Fry Reglet Drip Screed neatly joins soffit and fascia while providing a drip joint to prevent water stains on soffit and vertical wall of building. Can be vented if air movement is required. shall be installed. with chemical conversion coating. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Drip Screed. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Plaster Soffit 7 /8 " or Less As Specified 3 /8 " Plaster Fascia Water Resistant Barrier Where indicated on drawings. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.fryreglet.73 - Design Guide Edition 15 PB. www. Refer to finish . Fascia Soffit Molding Lathing 3/16" USAGE Stucco Water Resistant Barrier Fry Reglet Soffit Molding provides a reveal joint and screed point in stucco soffits. DIM . shall be installed. B THICKNESS DIM. SOFFIT MOLDING SIZES NUMBER DIM.6 Design Guide Edition 15 .SOFFIT MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing 1" 7/8" Approved Sheathing DIM A. Fry Reglet Soffit Molding. With vents. it provides a venting capability for soffits. www. clear anodized or other specified finish. A REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED VENTED 1/2 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3" 2" 3" 4" WPM-50-300 1680 WPM-75-300 WPM-75-400 WPM-50-V-300 1680-V WPM-75-V-300 WPM-75-V-400 PB. 1-800-237-9773. Refer to finish section. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion coating.fryreglet. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.74 - Fry Reglet Corporation. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. com . with chemical conversion coating."F" DRIP CAP PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" 3/4" 3/16" Water Resistant Barrier Metal Framing Lathing 3/4" Stucco 1" 3/8" 3/16" Approved "F" Drip Cap USAGE 1/4" Sheathing Fry Reglet “F” Drip Cap creates a horizontal reveal and provides an exterior drip cap over top edges of doors and windows. A screed point is provided for neatly stopping stucco above reveal. 1-800-237-9773. www. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. “F” DRIP CAP SIZE STUCCO DEPTH REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 2221 Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Door or Window Header Where indicated on drawings.7 .75 - Design Guide Edition 15 PB.fryreglet. Fry Reglet “F” Drip Cap. clear anodized or other specified finish. shall be installed. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.FOUNDATION WEEP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Water Resistant Barrier 3 1 /2 " Lathing Stucco Foundation Foundation Weep Screed Spring-Tite Flange 3/4" USAGE Fry Reglet Foundation Weep Screed drains water from behind stucco panels at foundation level to prevent water damage to studs. FOUNDATION WEEP SCREED SIZE SCREED LENGTH FLANGE DEPTH NUMBER 31 /2 " 3 /4 " FWS-75 PB. Fry Reglet Foundation Weep Screed.8 Design Guide Edition 15 . Spring-tite flange assures positive contact with foundation. Light gray rigid vinyl will not stain. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Foundation Weep Screed shall be light gray rigid vinyl. shall be installed. www. is rustproof and is compatible with all metals.fryreglet.76 - Fry Reglet Corporation. sills or other parts of substructure. 2-PIECE PLASTER CONTROL SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal 1 1 /4 " Framing DIM B.fryreglet. Sealent (By Others) 2-Piece Control Joint 7/8" DIM A. clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet 2-Piece Plaster Control Screed. 2-PIECE PLASTER CONTROL SCREED SIZES DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. 1-800-237-9773.1 .com .6 lbs per square foot (equivalent to 130+ mph wind driven rain) with no water intrusion when tested in accordance with ASTM 331. Lathing USAGE Metal Framing Approved Sheathing Fry Reglet 2-Piece Plaster Control Screed is used inside (plaster) or outside (stucco) to prevent cracking. www.77 - Design Guide Edition 15 PC. with chemical conversion coating. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Water Resistant Barrier PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 2-Piece control joint shall withstand rainfall of 8” per hour with wind loads up to 41. Installed vertically or horizontally. Fry Reglet’s 2-Piece plaster control screed allows for 3/16” of movement. they provide an attractive reveal consistent with the appearance of other Fry Reglet moldings. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish section. Where indicated on drawings. B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1/2 " 1/2 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " 3/4 " DCS-50-75 2-PC DCS-50-150 2-PC PCS-75-25 2-PC PCS-75-50 2-PC PCS-75-75 2-PC PCS-75-100 2-PC PCS-75-150 2-PC PCS-75-200 2-PC 11/2 " 1/4 " 1/2 " 3/4 " 1" 11/2 " 2" Fry Reglet Corporation. Separates wall sections and allows minor independent movement of sections on either side. shall be installed. A DIM. Refer to finish . 7/8" 3/16" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet Soffit Vent functions as a drip screed and provides ventilation to areas above soffit. with chemical conversion coating.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . Stucco Fascia Soffit-Vent Approved Sheathing Stucco Soffit SOFFIT VENT SIZES* DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : 2 3 /8 " 7/8" DIM A.fryreglet. clear anodized or other specified finish. 1-800-237-9773. PD. ft. shall be installed. Separates soffit from fascia with a reveal and adds a sharp uniform edge to soffit/fascia joint. www. Fry Reglet Soffit Vent. A Lathing - REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER Water Resistant Barrier 1 1 /2 " 2" 3" DS-875-V-150 DS-875-V-200 DS-875-V-300 *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.78 - Fry Reglet Corporation. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Metal Framing Metal Framing Where indicated on drawings. SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : 2" 3/4" DIM A. with chemical conversion coating.fryreglet. Separates soffit from fascia with a reveal and adds a sharp uniform edge to soffit/fascia joint.2 . shall be installed. A Approved Sheathing SOFFIT VENT SIZES* REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER Soffit Water Resistant Barrier 3 /4 " DS-75-V-75 DS-75-V-200 DS-75-V-300 Metal Framing 2" 3" *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq. Stucco Fascia Stucco Soffit-Vent Lathing DIM. Fry Reglet Soffit Vent. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. www.79 - Design Guide Edition 15 PD. Approved Sheathing Stucco Fascia DS-75-V-75 Thin Stucco Drip Screed Stucco Soffit Water Resistant Barrier Lathing Fry Reglet Corporation. ft. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 3/4" 3/16" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing Fry Reglet Soffit Vent functions as a drip screed and provides ventilation to areas above soffit. . 3 Design Guide Edition 15 . PD. Approved Sheathing Stucco Fascia Soffit-Vent SOFFIT SUPPORT FLANGE REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 5/8" SOFFIT VENT SIZE* Stucco Soffit Lathing Water Resistant Barrier 5 /8 " 3" DS-875-5/8-V-300 *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. ft. Refer to finish section. shall be . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Metal Framing Where indicated on drawings.80 - Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Features a 3 /8 " long bottom leg to support 5 /8 " soffit material. with chemical conversion coating. clear anodized or other specified finish.5/8" SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : 2 3 /16 " 5/8" 3" 7/8" 3/8" USAGE INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fry Reglet 5 /8 " Soffit Vent functions as a drip screed and vent for areas above soffit. www. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet 5 /8 " Soffit Vent. fryreglet. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Soffit . Separates soffit from fascia with a reveal and adds a sharp uniform edge to soffit/fascia joint. Fascia GUIDE SPECIFICATION Soffit-Vent Where indicated on drawings. Water Resistant Barrier SOFFIT VENT SIZE* SOFFIT DEPTH NUMBER 7 /8 " DS-375-V-875 *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Corporation. with chemical conversion coating. ft. www. clear anodized or other specified finish.81 - Design Guide Edition 15 PD.4 . shall be installed.SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing 2 3 /16 " 7/8" 1/2" 7/8" 3/8" USAGE Approved Sheathing 3/8" Lathing Soffit Fry Reglet Soffit Vent functions as a drip screed and provides ventilation to areas above soffit. Refer to finish section. B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1/2 " DIM A.82 - Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. 1/2 " 1/2 " DIM B. 1-800-237-9773. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. clear anodized or other specified finish. INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1" 1 1 /2 " 3" 1/2 " 3 /4 " Metal Framing 1" 1 1 /2 " 2" 2 1 /2 " 3" 4" 6" 3 /4 " Plaster Lathing Soffit-Vent 1" 1" 1" 1 1 /2 " 1" 3" 1 1 /2 " *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented areas/sq. with chemical conversion coating. Refer to finish section. shall be installed.SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : 7/8" SOFFIT VENT SIZES* DIM. 3/16" USAGE 1/2 " 3 /4 " DCS-50-V-50 DCS-50-V-75 DCS-50-V-100 DCS-50-V-150 DCS-50-V-200 DCS-50-V-300 DCS-50-V-400 DCS-625-V-50 DCS-625-V-75 DCS-625-V-100 DCS-625-V-150 DCS-625-V-200 DCS-625-V-250 DCS-625-V-300 DCS-625-V-400 DCS-625-V-600 PCS-25-V-75 PCS-375-V-50 PCS-375-V-75 PCS-375-V-100 PCS-375-V-150 PCS-375-V-300 PCS-75-V-50 PCS-75-V-75 PCS-75-V-100 PCS-75-V-150 PCS-75-V-200 PCS-75-V-250 PCS-75-V-300 PCS-75-V-400 PCS-75-V-600 PCS-100-V-75 PCS-100-V-100 PCS-100-V-300 PCS-150-V-150 1" 1 1 /2 " 2" 3" 4" 1/2 " 3 /4 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/4 " 3 /8 " 3 /8 " 3 /8 " 3 /8 " 3 /8 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " Approved Sheathing Plaster 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " Water Resistant Barrier 3 /4 " 3 /4 " Fry Reglet Soffit Vent provides ventilation to areas above soffit.5 Design Guide Edition 15 . www. A PLASTER DEPTH DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 1" 1 1 /2 " 2" 2 1 /2 " 3" 4" 6" 3/4 " 1/2 " 3 /4 " Where indicated on drawings. ft. Fry Reglet Soffit . PD. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. forming an attractive reveal. fryreglet. A STUCCO DEPTH REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1 /2 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 3" 2" 3" 4" WPM-50-V-300 1680-V WPM-75-V-300 WPM-75-V-400 *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq.83 - Design Guide Edition 15 PD. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. ft. VENTED SOFFIT MOLDING SIZES* DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. www. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. Approved Sheathing Exterior Building Wall Stucco Vented Soffit Molding Lathing Water Resistant Barrier 3/16" USAGE Fry Reglet Vented Soffit Molding provides a reveal and venting capability for soffits and a screed point for applying stucco. Can be installed next to building exterior wall or against the inside of the fascia framing depending on choice of location of venting.6 . Refer to finish section. with chemical conversion coating.VENTED SOFFIT MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing 1" 7/8" DIM A. Fry Reglet Vented Soffit Molding. DIM B. shall be installed. Fry Reglet Corporation. S.S. Aluminum shall be alloy 3105 with gray polyester finish.F. PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 6" Soffit Soffit Stucco Vent E.84 - Fry Reglet Corporation.I. Soffit 1 1/2" 3/8" 1" 1/8" USAGE 6" VENTED FLAT STOCK VENT PATTERN* NUMBER Fry Reglet Soffit Vent E. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.I.F.F. PD.F. www. shall be installed. functions as a drip screed and provides ventilation to areas above soffit. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 5 Rows 8 Rows *Specify vent pattern when ordering. 1-800-237-9773.I.7 Design Guide Edition 15 .fryreglet..I. Vent Slots 1/8 " wide by 1" long spaced VFS-600 Epoxy Gray VFS-600 Epoxy Gray Where indicated on drawings. 1 1/2" 3/8" 1" 1/8" 6" Soffit Stucco Vent E.S. 11 /2 " on center lengthwise.SOFFIT VENT E.S.l. Fry Reglet Soffit Vent . as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. shall be installed. www. DIM B.1 .com . Fry Reglet Fascia Corner Molding. FASCIA CORNER MOLDING SIZES FACE WIDTH DIM.FASCIA CORNER MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Fascia Framing 2 3 /16 " Water Resistant Barrier DIM A. A DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.fryreglet. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Fascia Corner Molding Where indicated on drawings.85 - Design Guide Edition 15 PE. stucco or drywall/veneer plaster systems. clear anodized or other specified finish. B NUMBER APPLICATION 1 5 /8 " 1 5 /8 " 1 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " 3 /4 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " FCM-50 FCM-625 FCM-75 DRYWALL DRYWALL PLASTER Fry Reglet Corporation. Approved Sheathing 3/16" Lathing Acoustical Ceiling 1 5 /8 " USAGE Fry Reglet Fascia Corner Molding can be applied to fascia corner where an acoustical ceiling joins the vertical surface of plaster. with chemical conversion coating. Refer to finish section. 2 Design Guide Edition 15 . drywall or wood . 3/16" Water Resistant Barrier USAGE Lathing Fry Reglet “J” Molding is a basic interior or exterior trim used to terminate and finish plaster. clear anodized or other specified finish. with chemical conversion coating.fryreglet.86 - Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. stucco. Fry Reglet “J” Molding. Refer to finish section. "J" GUIDE SPECIFICATION Molding Where indicated on drawings. A NUMBER 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3/4" JDM-50 JDM-625 JPM-75 JPM-100 1" PE."J" MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Plaster Approved Sheathing Framing 1 1 /16 " DIM A. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. shall be installed. www. “J” MOLDING SIZES DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Fry Reglet “X” Corner Molding. www. 1-800-237-9773. "X" Corner Molding Plaster 3/16" USAGE Fry Reglet “X” Corner Molding creates a stepped edge at the right angle meeting of plaster walls. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.87 - Design Guide Edition 15 PF. Refer to finish section. GUIDE SPECIFICATION PXM-75-75 3/8" Where indicated on drawings.055" Fry Reglet Corporation. DIM A. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. clear anodized or other specified finish."X" CORNER MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : XCM-75-75 XDM-50-50 XDM-625-625 INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing Approved Sheathing Water Resistant Barrier Plaster DIM B. shall be installed.fryreglet. 3/8" 3/4" 3/4" “X” CORNER MOLDING SIZES DIM. 3/16" Lathing DIM A. A REVEAL WIDTH DIM. with chemical conversion . B REVEAL DEPTH NUMBER 3 /4 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " 7 /8 " 7 /8 " 7 /8 " 7 /8 " XCM-75-75 XDM-50-50 XDM-625-625 PXM-75-75 Thickness .1 . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Corner Key CORNER KEY Stucco NUMBER DIM. crisp. 1-800-237-9773. with chemical conversion coating. www. Refer to finish section.2 Design Guide Edition 15 .CORNER KEY PRODUCT DETAIL : PRODUCT DETAIL : 3/16" 3/4" 3/16" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 7/8" 3/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" USAGE Fry Reglet Corner Key is a barely visible corner plaster key that guarantees a clean. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Corner Key. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be installed. reinforced plaster . PCM-75-75 PCM-75-75-150 3 /4 " 1 1 /2 " Stucco Lathing Water Resistant Barrier Approved Sheathing Metal Framing PF.fryreglet.88 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet E. E. shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773.E. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. curved and fabricated into custom intersections. Channel Screed USAGE 1/4" Finish System Fry Reglet E.F.F. with chemical conversion coating. CHANNEL SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" 3/16" DIM A.S.89 - Design Guide Edition 15 PG.F.I.F.S. CHANNEL SCREED SIZES DIM. Refer to finish section.I. Sized for use with thin-coat stucco and synthetic E.F. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.F.1 .com . Can be vented for soffit ventilation.S.fryreglet.S. Metal Framing E.I. www.I.I.I. Channel Screed is a special 1/4" ground channel screed for creative reveal details on exterior walls and soffits. clear anodized or other specified finish. A REVEAL WIDTH NON-VENTED NUMBER VENTED 3 /4 " PCS-25-75 PCS-25-150 PCS-25-300 PCS-25-V-75 PCS-25-V-150 PCS-25-V-300 11 /2 " 3" Fry Reglet Corporation. Channel Screed.S. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Substrate Where indicated on drawings.S. finishes when applied over exterior hardboard materials. fryreglet. clear anodized or other specifed finish or other specified.I. Refer to finish section. ft.S.F. Soffit Vent is sized for use in soffits with an E. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.I. www. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet E.S. SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : 7/8" INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 3/4" DIM A. SOFFIT VENT SIZES DIM.S.F.F.I.F.I. Metal Framing 3/16" USAGE Fry Reglet E.F.I. Soffit Vent E.I.S.90 - Fry Reglet Corporation.S.F. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Mesh Finish Coat Gypsum Sheathing E. with chemical conversion coating. A - REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1 /2 " 3 /4 " PCS-75-V-50 PCS-75-V-75 PCS-75-V-100 PCS-75-V-150 PCS-75-V-200 PCS-75-V-250 PCS-75-V-300 PCS-75-V-400 PCS-75-V-600 1" 1 1 /2 " 2" 2 1 /2 " 3" 4" 6" *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq. Forms attractive reveal and provides air flow into spaces above soffit.E. shall be installed.2 Design Guide Edition 15 . .S. system. Board Base Coat Mesh Where indicated on drawings. Soffit Vent.F. PG. 1-800-237-9773. S. www.I.fryreglet.F. SOFFIT VENT SIZES* DIM A DIM B NUMBER 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 3 /4 " 2" 3" 4" 3" SV-50-V-200/EIFS SV-50-V-300/EIFS SV-50-V-400/EIFS SV-75-V-300/EIFS *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq.F.91 - Design Guide Edition 15 PG.I. and come in 2”.F. DIM B.  CleanFinish vented molding is inserted and held in place with appropriate fasteners that screw through to the concealed framing in the soffit. 3/4" USAGE  INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Specially designed to be installed after E.F. 3” and 4” widths.S.I. clear anodized or other specified finish. application is complete. Finish Coat E.F. Board Base Coat GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. CleanFinish soffit vents save time and money.I.I. Approved Sheathing Mesh  Extruded aluminum CleanFinish vents are available with clear anodized or paint finishes. Refer to finish .S.3 . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. ft. CLEANFINISH E. with chemical conversion coating.S.S. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Corporation. 1-800-237-9773. shall be installed.S.F. SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : DIM A. Fry Reglet CleanFinish E.CLEANFINISH E. Soffit Vent E. Fry Reglet’s CleanFinish soffit vent covers up any finish imperfections with one clean.  As a result. Soffit Vent. because there’s no masking or clean up required. and any surface imperfections are concealed behind the soffit trim. straight strip.I. S.S.S.F. 1-800-237-9773.I. substrated in soffits with an E.F.I. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Soffit Vent Direct Applied is sized for use with direct applied E.S. SOFFIT VENT (DIRECT APPLIED) SIZES DIM. with chemical conversion coating.F. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.I. www.I. shall be installed. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Direct Applied E. or other approved DEF substrate.F. PG. *Refer to EIFS manufacturer for installation requirements E.4 Design Guide Edition 15 . clear anodized or other specified finish.F.I.S. *Denglass Gold. SOFFIT VENT (DIRECT APPLIED) PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM A. B - REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1 /2" 5 /8" 3 /4" DRM-50-V-50 DRM-50-V-625 DRM-50-V-75 DRM-50-V-100 DRM-50-V-150 DRM-50-V-200 DRM-50-V-250 DRM-50-V-300 DRM-50-V-400 DRM-625-V-50 DRM-625-V-625 DRM-625-V-75 DRM-625-V-100 DRM-625-V-125 DRM-625-V-150 DRM-625-V-200 DRM-625-V-250 DRM-625-V-300 DRM-625-V-400 DRM-625-V-600 1" 1 1 /2 " 2" 2 1 /2 " 3" 4" 1 /2" 5 /8" 3 /4" 1" 11 /4 " 11 /2 " 2" 2 1 /2 " 3" 4" 6" *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq. Soffit Vent (Direct Applied).S. Refer to finish section.fryreglet. Forms attractive reveal and provides air flow into spaces above soffit.92 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Soffit Vent Where indicated on . ft.F. DIM B. A DIM.I.S. Durock.E. system. Fry Reglet E.I.F. 7/8" USAGE Fry Reglet E. 5 .I. Vent slots 1/8 " wide by 1" long spaced 1 1/2 " on center lengthwise. VENTED FLAT STOCK VENT PATTERN NUMBER 5 Rows 8 Rows VFS-600 (Gray Polyester) VFS-600 (Gray Polyester) Specify vent pattern when ordering. SOFFIT VENT PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Soffit E.S. shall be .I. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.S.F. www. Fry Reglet Corporation. Soffit Vent Soffit 6" USAGE Fry Reglet E.93 - Design Guide Edition 15 PG.fryreglet. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Soffit Vent functions as a drip screed and provides ventilation to areas above soffit.F. 1-800-237-9773. Aluminum shall be alloy 3105 with gray polyester coating.E.F. Fry Reglet Soffit Vent.S. ft. with chemical conversion coating.94 - Fry Reglet Corporation.I.S. Drip Screed neatly joins soffit and fascia while providing a drip joint to prevent water stains on soffit and vertical wall of building.F. DRIP SCREED SIZES* DIM. 1-800-237-9773. 3/4" USAGE 3/4" DS-75-200/300 3/16" Fry Reglet E.F.I.fryreglet. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. E.S. DRIP SCREED PRODUCT DETAIL : DS-75-75 INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DS-75-75 2" 3/4" 3/4" Mesh 3/4" 3/16" DS-75-200/300 E. clear anodized or other specified finish.S. Drip . Can be vented if air movement is required. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Fascia Finish Coat E.I. Drip Screed Fascia Finish Coat 2 3 /8 " Base Coat DIM A. A REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER NON-VENTED VENTED Base Coat 3/4" DS-75-75 DS-75-200 DS-75-300 DS-75-V-75 DS-75-V-200 DS-75-V-300 2" 3" *See page PI-1 for data on number of vents and amount of vented area/sq.S.I.F.F.F. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.I.6 Design Guide Edition 15 . PG. Accommodates a 3/4" plaster fascia and soffit thickness of 7/8" or less (by trimming vertical leg on soffit side of molding). www.S.E.S. Drip Screed Mesh E. Refer to finish section. Reveal edge that slopes away from the taping flange to prevent cracking at the joint. Ohio and the Federal Triangle Building in Washington. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Corporation. The success of these applications has created such demand that Fry Reglet has developed a family of parts for use specifically on Veneer Plaster applications. Sharper reveal edge so less metal is visible and the reveal is clean and . Several Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster parts have been successfully applied in high profile buildings such as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.1 .fryreglet.DESIGN BENEFITS OF VENEER PLASTER MOLDINGS DESIGNED FOR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Fry Reglet offers a selection of aluminum trim profiles which are specifically designed for use with veneer plaster systems. www.95 - Design Guide Edition 15 PDB. DC. DESIGN BENEFITS OF VENEER PLASTER MOLDINGS Taller reveal edge to provide for 1/16" to 3/32" veneer plaster thickness. Refer to finish section.VENEER PLASTER REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing Veneer Plaster DIM B.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . 7/8" Veneer Plaster Reveal Molding USAGE Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster Reveal Molding creates an attractive vertical or horizontal recessed reveal in veneer plaster. clear anodized or othe specified finish. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. 1-800-237-9773. Reveal widths from 3 /8 " to 3 /4 " for choice of design . A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster Reveal Molding. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. VENEER PLASTER REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM.96 - Fry Reglet Corporation.fryreglet. shall be installed. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Drywall Where indicated on drawings. with chemical conversion coating. B REVEAL WIDTH PRODUCT NUMBER 3 /8 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3 /8 " 1/2 " 3 /4 " VPR-375-375 VPR-50-50 VPR-50-75 VPR-50-150 VPR-625-375 VPR-625-50 VPR-625-625 VPR-625-75 11 /2 " 3/8 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " PH. www. DIM A. Reveals can become a design element to enhance building interiors. Metal Framing Drywall VENEER PLASTER “F” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. jamb. clear anodized or other specified finish. www. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. 7/8" Veneer Plaster "F" Reveal Molding USAGE Veneer Plaster Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster “F” Reveal Molding is used to form wall trim reveal where drywall terminates against sill. Ceiling DIM A. shall be installed.97 - Design Guide Edition 15 PH. with chemical conversion coating. Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster “F” Reveal Molding. ceiling or other finish material in the same place. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. B REVEAL WIDTH PRODUCT NUMBER 3 /8 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3 /8 " 1/2 " 3 /4 " 3/8 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " VPRF-375-375 VPRF-50-50 VPRF-50-75 VPRF-625-375 VPRF-625-50 VPRF-625-625 VPRF-625-75 Fry Reglet Corporation. Refer to finish . A REVEAL DEPTH DIM.2 .VENEER PLASTER "F" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM B. Supports ceiling material.fryreglet. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. com . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Veneer Plaster "Z" Reveal Molding Where indicated on drawings. Refer to finish section. Door Jamb. Drywall DIM B. clear anodized or other specified finish.98 - Fry Reglet Corporation. VENEER PLASTER “Z” REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM. Window Frame Sill Ect.fryreglet. with chemical conversion coating. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.3 Design Guide Edition 15 . Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster “Z” Reveal Molding. B REVEAL WIDTH PRODUCT NUMBER 3 /8 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 3 /8 " 1/2 " 3 /4 " 3 / 8" 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " VPRZ-375-375 VPRZ-50-50 VPRZ-50-75 VPRZ-625-375 VPRZ-625-50 VPRZ-625-625 VPRZ-625-75 PH. www. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. Veneer Plaster USAGE Metal Framing Fry Reglet Veneer Plaster “Z” Reveal Molding forms a trim reveal around doors and windows or between walls and floors. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. shall be installed.VENEER PLASTER "Z" REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 7/8" DIM A. 1-800-237-9773. GUIDE SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Where indicated on drawings. B Reveal Molding Veneer Plaster 7 /8 " U.fryreglet.1 (4 pages back) for design benefits of veneer plaster moldings. Refer to finish section. 452. clear anodized or other specified finish.016 Drywall USAGE Fry Reglet Contemporary Reveal Molding provides an attractive vertical or horizontal recess in veneer plaster that creates the illusion the panels are “floating” in space. Fry Reglet Contemporary Reveal Molding as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Patent No.99 - Design Guide Edition 15 PH.4 .S. Contemporary Reveal Molding Metal Framing CONTEMPORARY REVEAL MOLDING SIZES DIM A REVEAL DEPTH DIM B REVEAL WIDTH NUMBER 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 5 /8 " 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " CVPR-50-50 CVPR-50-625 CVPR-50-75 CVPR-50-100 CVPR-625-50 CVPR-625-625 CVPR-625-75 CVPR-625-100 Drywall 1" 1/2 " 5 /8 " 3 /4 " 1" Fry Reglet Corporation. www. Note: See page DB. shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773. with chemical conversion . INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing Contemporary 2 1 /4 " DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.CONTEMPORARY REVEAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : DIM A. inch 2 sq.1% 11.4% 8.3% 10.5% 1" 1 1 /8 " 1 1 /2 " 2" 2 1 /2 " 3" 4" 6" PI. In size charts they are identified with a “V” in the center of the product number.5% 9. inch 8. Each row of vent slots lengthwise provides approximately one square inch of vented area per lineal foot.5 sq.3% 14.5% 9. 1/2 " 3 /4 " 7 /8 " 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 8 1 sq. GUIDE SPECIFICATION All vent slots are 1/8 " wide by 1" long.VENTILATION INFORMATION PRODUCT DETAIL : Example of vented profile.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . inch 15. inch 1 sq. inch 5 sq.5% .fryreglet. inch 3 sq. inch 3 sq. inch 1 sq.4% 12.3% 12. USAGE Moldings requiring venting are provided with vents for air movement. 1-800-237-9773.0% 12. inch 5 sq. PERCENT OF AREA VENTED APPROX. inch 1 sq. inch 1 sq. VENTILATION INFORMATION VENT AREA PER REVEAL WIDTH VENT SLOT LINEAL FOOT APPROX.100 - Fry Reglet Corporation. www. spaced 11 /2 " on center lengthwise. Multiple rows are spaced laterally 1/2 " on center. See specific profile page for sizes and venting options. 2. use plastic tape. Secure moldings on 16"centers using fasteners as appropriate to substrate. Fry Reglet Corporation.101 - Design Guide Edition 15 PI. Place building paper behind all moldings and shiplap a minimum of 6". 3. www. 1-800-237-9773.INSTALLATION GUIDE LATHING – VERTICAL INSTALLATION 1. For painted .2 . Install wire lath over installation flange of moldings. Use vinyl or cloth tape specifically manufactured for masking anodized aluminum trim prior to plastering. 4. Install wire lath over bottom installation flange of moldings. 3. use plastic tape. INSTALLATION OF MOLDINGS AFTER BUILDING PAPER AND WIRE LATH HAVE BEEN INSTALLED Make sure that the 7/8" installation flanges are covered with wire lath. Use vinyl or cloth tape specifically manufactured for masking aluminum trim prior to plastering. PI. For painted surfaces.INSTALLATION GUIDE LATHING – HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION 1. Secure moldings on 16" centers using fasteners as appropriate to substrate.fryreglet. www.3 Design Guide Edition 15 . . 4.102 - Fry Reglet Corporation. 5. Note: Uniform Building Code requires two layers of grade “D” paper when applied over wood base sheathing. Place wire lath over upper installation flange on horizontal installation. This will prevent cracking. Place building paper behind all moldings and shiplap a minimum of 2". 2. 103 - Design Guide Edition 15 PI. Fry Reglet Corporation. 3.INSTALLATION GUIDE INSTALLING 2-PIECE PLASTER CONTROL SCREED 1. use plastic tape.fryreglet. www. The intersections are welded and sealed. 4. place movement flange on top and lap additional building paper over top flange. please consult a customer service representative. 5. Note: If installation is . Place building paper and wire lath over upper movement installation flange on horizontal installation. Apply sealant as indicated. 7. Custom leg lengths are available. Standard leg lengths are 6" from the centerpoint of the reveal. or transitioning from plane to plane. FRY REGLET FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTIONS Factory fabricated intersections and corner pieces of the same or different moldings are used to connect horizontal and vertical joints. Secure moldings on 16" centers using fasteners as appropriate to substrate. 2. (See Horizontal Installation) 6. SEALANT & CONNECTOR CLIPS 1. Place building paper behind all moldings and shiplap a minimum of 6". The use of sealant at all butt joints and Fry Reglet Connector Clips is required. 3. place sealant in the movement groove along the back of the molding. and shiplap a minimum of 2". Leave alignment clips in place while fastening moldings to framing or studs. For painted surfaces. Use Fry Reglet Connector Clips to align molding during installation.4 . 2. Install wire lath over bottom installation flange of moldings. 1-800-237-9773. Prior to attachment. Use vinyl or cloth tape specifically manufactured for masking anodized aluminum trim prior to plastering. End Caps are not available for all products. .104 - Fry Reglet Corporation. www.Design Guide Edition 15 .fryreglet. J-CHANNEL INSIDE CORNER OUTSIDE CORNER A.3 BULLNOSE OUTSIDE CORNER VERTICAL MOLDING VERTICAL RETAINER A. Detailed information can be found on the page number shown next to the shape. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet.1 A.2 A.10 A.11 Fry Reglet Corporation.7 A.6 VERTICAL INSERT VERTICAL OFFSET HORIZONTAL .8 A.9 BASE DRIP CAP A. www.105 - Design Guide Edition 15 .SHAPE FINDER INDEX FIBER CEMENT PANEL TRIMS This chart is designed to help you locate a specific shape in the Fry Reglet Design Guide.5 A.4 A. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. Foam Backing Rod INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Metal Framing Wall Sheathing Caulk Junction Water Resistive Barrier J . 1-800-237-9773. with chemical conversion . A NUMBER J Channel NOM.106 - Fry Reglet Corporation. A 3 /8 " Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel J Channel Caulk Junction USAGE Fry Reglet J Channel is a termination trim designed to cover the edge of the Fiber Cement Panel at intersections and at door and window openings.J CHANNEL A. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. shall be installed.J CHANNEL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 1 1/8 " Metal Framing DIM.fryreglet. www. 3 /8 " FCP . Fry Reglet J Channel. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section.CHANNEL SIZES 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.1 Design Guide Edition 15 . section. B REVEAL DEPTH NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel 1/2 " 1/2 " FCP . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet.107 - Design Guide Edition 15 A. A DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Water Resistive Barrier Wall Sheathing Where indicated on drawings.2 . www.INSIDE CNR Fry Reglet Corporation. B Inside Corner USAGE Fry Reglet Inside Corner creates a square and true termination point for the Fiber Cement Panel at an Inside Corner. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Fry Reglet Inside . Refer to finish INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Metal Framing Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier INSIDE CORNER SIZES Inside Corner DIM. shall be installed.INSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing DIM. A REVEAL DEPTH DIM. with chemical conversion coating. clear anodized or other specified finish. com . Fry Reglet Outside Corner.OUTSIDE CNR A. clear anodized or other specified finish. A DIM. 1-800-237-9773. shall be installed.OUTSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing 1 1/2 " 3 /8" DIM.fryreglet. A Wall Sheathing 1 1/2 " Water Resistive Barrier USAGE Fry Reglet Outside Corner creates a straight and true.108 - Fry Reglet Corporation. A REVEAL DEPTH NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Outside Corner NOM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Outside Corner 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Where indicated on drawings. www.3 Design Guide Edition 15 . with chemical conversion coating. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. Metal Framing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Refer to finish Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier OUTSIDE CORNER SIZES 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel DIM. section. 3 /8 " FCP . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. abuse resistant corner with exposed flanges that cover the vertical ends of the Fiber Cement Panels. clear anodized or other specified finish. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.BULLNOSE OUTSIDE CORNER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM.BULLNOSE Bullnose Outside Corner Fry Reglet Corporation. abuse resistant rounded corner with exposed flanges that cover the vertical ends of the Fiber Cement Panels. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5.4 . A Metal Framing 2 3 /4 " USAGE Fry Reglet Bullnose Outside Corner creates a straight and true. 3 /8 " FCP . shall be . A 2 3 /4 " Wall Sheathing DIM. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Water Resistive Barrier 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Bullnose Outside Corner Where indicated on drawings. section. www.fryreglet. with chemical conversion coating. A REVEAL DEPTH NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel NOM.109 - Design Guide Edition 15 A. Fry Reglet Outside Corner. 1-800-237-9773. Metal Framing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Refer to finish Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier BULLNOSE OUTSIDE CORNER SIZES DIM. fryreglet.110 - Fry Reglet Corporation.5 Design Guide Edition 15 .VERTICAL A. . Refer to finish Wall Sheathing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Metal Framing NOTE: Do not use the Vertical Molding at horizontal joints. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. section. clear anodized or other specified finish. The reveal becomes a design element to enhance building exteriors. Water Resistive Barrier Vertical Molding VERTICAL MOLDING SIZES 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel DIM.A 3 /8 " 1 /2 " 3 /8 " Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier USAGE Fry Reglet Vertical Molding creates an attractive vertical reveal between Fiber Cement Panels. 3 /8 " FCP . Fry Reglet Vertical Molding. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Vertical Molding Where indicated on drawings. with chemical conversion coating.VERTICAL MOLDING PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 2 1/16" Metal Framing DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. www.A NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel NOM. shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773.6 . section. www. Vertical Retainer VERTICAL RETAINER SIZES 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel DIM. Installs behind panels. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.A NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel NOM. A Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier USAGE 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Vertical Molding Fry Reglet Vertical Retainer acts as the receiver for vertical insert or for vertical offset. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.VERT RET Fry Reglet Corporation. clear anodized or other specified finish.fryreglet. Insert and offset trims cover vertical edges of panels. shall be installed.VERTICAL RETAINER PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section 2 3 /4" Metal Framing DI M .111 - Design Guide Edition 15 A. 3 /8 " FCP . with chemical conversion coating. Refer to finish Metal Framing Wall Sheathing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View NOTE: Use of the Vertical Retainer at horizontal joints is not Water Resistive Barrier . Fry Reglet Vertical Retainer. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. A NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel NOM.VERT INSERT A. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings.A 1 /2" 1 /2" 1 /2" Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier USAGE 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Vertical Retainer Vertical Insert Fry Reglet Vertical Insert fits into vertical retainer and covers the vertical edges of panels. Fry Reglet Vertical Insert. www. clear anodized or other specified .fryreglet. with chemical conversion coating.7 Design Guide Edition 15 . section.112 - Fry Reglet Corporation. 3 /8 " FCP . shall be installed. 1-800-237-9773. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.VERTICAL INSERT PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing DIM. Refer to finish Metal Framing Wall Sheathing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Water Resistive Barrier Vertical Retainer Vertical Insert VERTICAL RETAINER SIZES 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel DIM. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. com . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. www. Fry Reglet Vertical Offset. 3 /4 " NOM.VERT OFFSET Fry Reglet Corporation. Use at the transitions from single to double layer of panels.B NUMBER 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel NOM.113 - Design Guide Edition 15 A. 3 /8 " FCP . shall be installed. with chemical conversion coating.fryreglet.8 .A DIM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. clear anodized or other specified finish. section.B DIM. Refer to finish Metal Framing Wall Sheathing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Water Resistive Barrier Vertical Retainer Vertical Offset VERTICAL OFFSET SIZES 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel DIM.A Metal Framing 1 /2" 1 /2" 1 /2" Wall Sheathing Water Resistive Barrier USAGE Fry Reglet Vertical Offset fits into vertical retainer and covers the vertical edges of panels. GUIDE SPECIFICATION 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Vertical Offset Vertical Retainer Where indicated on drawings.VERTICAL OFFSET PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section DIM. 1-800-237-9773. clear anodized or other specified finish. Profile shape channels moisture out and away from sheathing and water resistance barrier. . Refer to finish section.fryreglet. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. Fry Reglet Horizontal.HORIZONTAL PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Metal Framing 1 7 /8 " Flashing Tape DIM. with chemical conversion coating. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Metal Framing Fiber Cement Panel Water Resistive Barrier 1/2" Reveal HORIZONTAL Flashing Tape Horizontal DIM. A 1/2" USAGE Fry Reglet Horizontal creates an attractive reveal between horizontal ends of the Fiber Cement Panels. shall be installed. A NUMBER Wall Sheathing 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel NOM. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. 3 /8 " FCP .HORIZONTAL A. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Wall Sheathing Horizontal 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Water Resistive Barrier Where indicated on drawings.114 - Fry Reglet Corporation.9 Design Guide Edition 15 . 1-800-237-9773. A 7° 1 /2 " Wall Sheathing Metal Framing 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel USAGE Fry Reglet Base creates a continous horizontal ledge at the bottom of the Fiber Cement Panels. shall be installed. Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. 3 /8 " FCP .115 - Design Guide Edition 15 A. with chemical conversion coating. clear anodized or other specified finish. Fry Reglet Base.BASE Fry Reglet Corporation. as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation. A NUMBER NOM. Refer to finish section. 1-800-237-9773. www. Wall Sheathing 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Metal Framing INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Water Resistive Barrier HORIZONTAL Base Trim .10 . GUIDE SPECIFICATION Base Trim Where indicated on drawings. Covers the horizontal edges at the bottom of the panel and is angled to allow for runoff.BASE PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Water Resistive Barrier 2" DIM.fryreglet. 1-800-237-9773. INSTALLATION DETAIL : ISO View Water Resistive Barrier 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel Flashing Tape Drip Cap DRIP CAP SIZES Window or Door Header DIM A. shall be installed.11 Design Guide Edition 15 . . Aluminum shall be extruded alloy 6063 T5. with chemical conversion coating.DRIP CAP PRODUCT DETAIL : INSTALLATION DETAIL : Cross Section Water Resistive Barrier 1 3 /4 " 5/16" Fiber Cement Panel 3 /8 " Flashing Tape DIM.116 - Fry Reglet Corporation. A 1 /2 " USAGE Drip Cap Fry Reglet "Drip Cap" creates an attractive reveal between horizontal ends of the Fiber Cement Panels and the tops of doors and windows. GUIDE SPECIFICATION Where indicated on drawings. Profile shape channels moisture out and away from sheathing and water resistance barrier. Fry Reglet "Drip Cap" as manufactured by Fry Reglet Corporation.DRIP CAP A. clear anodized or other specified finish. Refer to finish section. NUMBER 1 1/2 " FCP . com .117 - Design Guide Edition 15 . 1-800-237-9773. www.fryreglet.TYPICAL INTERSECTIONS CORNERS J CHANNEL J CHANNE L J CHANNEL J C HA N N EL INS IDE COR NE R OUT SIDE CORNER H O R I Z O N TAL HOR IZONTAL HORIZONTAL HO RIZ O N TA L OUTS IDE COR NE R OUT SIDE CORNER 3-WAY VE RTICAL J CHANNEL HORIZONTAL J C HA N N EL VERT ICAL DR IP CAP J CHANNEL 4-WAY H O R I Z O N TA L HOR IZONTAL VE RTICAL Fry Reglet Corporation. FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTIONS Vertical Molding Factory Cut, Notched and Welded Horizontal Trim Vertical Molding TYPICAL FOUR-WAY FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTION Factory Precision Cutting and Notching Upper Vertical Molding Factory Cut to Length Lower Vertical Molding Factory Cut to Length Horizontal Trim Factory Cut to Length TYPICAL FOUR-WAY FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTION - EXPLODED VIEW Design Guide Edition 15 - 118 - Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, FACTORY FABRICATION & FINISHES INTERSECTIONS Fry Reglet leads the industry in the production of factory fabricated intersections and corners. All Fry moldings and trims are welded for strength and come in a number of standard configurations. Prefabricated intersections reduce on-site hassles and save installation time on the job. Computer Aided Design (CAD) allows Fry to build custom parts to precise specifications. Odd angles, oversized parts, complex shapes and combination parts (comprised of two or more profiles) are all a part of our service – if you can imagine it, our shop drawings and instructions assure it’s built right. Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, - 119 - Design Guide Edition 15 INTERSECTIONS FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTIONS Presented as examples of ways Factory Fabricated Intersections can be used to speed installation and reduce costs PCS CHANNEL REVEAL “L” INTERSECTION PREFABRICATED AND PRE-ASSEMBLED JOINTS Factory fabricated intersections are available from Fry Reglet to speed installation and reduce labor cost. Intersections are available in the configurations shown below as well as custom configurations and may be made up of the same or different shapes. The joints are welded. NOTE: FACTORY - FABRICATED INSIDE CORNER MADE FROM FRY REGLET "PCS" TYPE MOLDING - MITERED, WELDED AND TAPED Water resistant tape is factory applied to the backs of all PCS and DCS factory fabricated intersections. Intersections are furnished with 6" legs to join with straight sections of moldings. Custom leg lengths are available. END CAPS End Caps are not available for all products; please consult a customer service representative. Design Guide Edition 15 - 120 - Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, INTERSECTIONS FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTIONS Presented as examples of ways Factory Fabricated Intersections can be used to speed installation and reduce costs PCS CHANNEL REVEAL INSIDE CORNER FACTORY - FABRICATED INSIDE CORNER MADE FROM FRY REGLET "PCS" TYPE MOLDING - MITERED, WELDED AND TAPED PCS CHANNEL REVEAL OUTSIDE CORNER FACTORY - FABRICATED INSIDE CORNER MADE FROM FRY REGLET "PCS" TYPE MOLDING - MITERED, WELDED AND TAPED PCS CHANNEL REVEAL “+” INTERSECTION FACTORY - FABRICATED "+" INTERSECTION MADE FROM FRY REGLET "PCS" TYPE MOLDING - MITERED, WELDED AND TAPED PCS CHANNEL REVEAL “T” INTERSECTION FACTORY - FABRICATED "T" INTERSECTION MADE FROM FRY REGLET "PCS" TYPE MOLDING - MITERED, WELDED AND TAPED Fry Reglet Corporation, 1-800-237-9773, - 121 - Design Guide Edition 15 fryreglet.MITERED.FABRICATED INTERSECTION AT SILL MADE FROM FRY REGLET "FPM" AND "PCS" TYPE MOLDING .INTERSECTIONS FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTIONS Presented as examples of ways Factory Fabricated Intersections can be used to speed installation and reduce costs DRM/DRMZ INTERSECTION AT DOORJAMB PCS/PCS 2-PC INTERSECTION FPM/PCS WINDOW SILL REVEAL FACTORY . WELDED AND TAPED Design Guide Edition 15 . 1-800-237-9773.122 - Fry Reglet Corporation. WELDED AND TAPED XCM/PCS CORNER/INTERSECTION FACTORY .FABRICATED CORNER / CHANNEL SCREED INTERSECTION MADE FROM FRY REGLET "XCM" (VERT) & PCS" (HORIZ) . www. fryreglet. quote a complete price and furnish a complete assembly. 1-800-237-9773. 11/2" and 2") are combined to produce this intricate pattern. permits the complete assembly of decorative elements ready for installation.FABRICATED DECORATIVE ELEMENTS FACTORY FABRICATED INTERSECTIONS Fry Reglet’s expertise at curving moldings combined with factory fabrication of intersections at virtually any angle. Designers may let their imaginations soar. Fry Reglet will design the decorative element.123 - Design Guide Edition 15 . Fry Reglet Plaster Channel Screeds with three reveal widths (3/4". All that is required is a sketch together with the parts to be used. ready to install. Fry Reglet Corporation. The first uses curved and straight sections of the same drywall part and the second combines three plaster parts for an intriguing effect. The center pattern is assembled from the narrowest moldings. The widest reveal frames the entire assembly while 11/2" width is curved into an attractive design element. Two examples are shown below. . EXAMPLE 1 A SINGLE MOLDING EXAMPLE 2 – FACTORY FABRICATED VARIOUS DISSIMILAR MOLDINGS – FACTORY FABRICATED PARTS USED: PCS-75-75 PLASTER CHANNEL SCREED PCS-75-150 PLASTER CHANNEL SCREED PART USED: DRM-50-50 DRYWALL REVEAL MOLDING PCS-75-200 PLASTER CHANNEL SCREED DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION A straight and curved assembly of reveal moldings serves as the base of this intricate fabrication combining corners and intersections at various angles with straight and curved sections of moldings. Design Guide Edition 15 .com .fryreglet. 1-800-237-9773.124 - Fry Reglet Corporation. www. CURVED MOLDINGS CURVED MOLDINGS Designers are using curved walls to escape the confines of the vertical plane and broaden the horizons of traditional space . www.fryreglet.125 - Design Guide Edition 15 . Fry Reglet has responded to this trend by providing the designer with factory-curved parts that are cost-effective to install. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Corporation. e. Fry Reglet is the leader in this technology. 1-800-237-9773. DRM 50-150 clear anodized). columns and curved ceilings. determine the minimum curve that can be achieved. In measuring curves. Whether conforming to conditions such as archways. Indicate the radius desired from measuring points on radius detail. INDICATE MOLDING AND FINISH DESIRED Indicate number of molding and finish desired ( . For additional specification and ordering information contact a customer service representative. ORDERING CURVED MOLDINGS To assist in ordering curved moldings. CURVING FRY REGLET MOLDINGS Fry Reglet is able to curve virtually any shape in our assortment of drywall and plaster moldings. and the direction of the curve. you are assured of obtaining the exact radius desired. measured in terms of the “radius”. Provision for this 10% spoilage should be made when ordering.fryreglet. Radius is the geometric term given to the distance from the center of a circle to its outside edge. The only limitation to this process is the size of the curve. Design Guide Edition 15 . INDICATE RADIUS Fry Reglet’s curving process yields 9 usable feet of material from each 10 foot part. Fry Reglet’s curving process is precise and our aluminum moldings hold their shape from the factory to the job site. The shape of the molding. Fry Reglet’s curving capability can add surprisingly dramatic effects to any project. By following the simple steps below. Fry Reglet requests specific detailed information. www. careful attention should be given to the point on the molding to which the radius is measured. CURVED TERMINOLOGY MEASURING RADIUS INDICATE QUANTITY Indicate total footage desired (add 10% for spoilage). or when using Fry Reglet moldings to create a pattern within the wall. Contact your local distributor or Fry Reglet’s Customer Service Department for price quotations and radius minimums for specific parts. INDICATE CURVE DESIRED Contact Fry Reglet Customer Service to obtain radius order sheets. Radius detail sheet indicates Point of Measurement. In most cases the radius measurement should be field checked.126 - Fry Reglet Corporation.CURVED MOLDINGS With over 20 years experience curving aluminum moldings. Color uniformity will meet or exceed the requirements of AAMA 2605 SEC 7. provides durability and beauty for most interior and exterior applications. Kynar® finishes are highly resistant to chemicals. Finish shall meet or exceed AAMA 2605 Specification “Voluntary Specification for High Performance Organic Coatings on Architectural Extrusion Panels. applied over chemical conversion coating and primer.2 mils as specified in AAMA 2605 SEC 4. Fry Reglet Kynar® coatings provide superior resistance to chalking and ultraviolet deterioration. Kynar is available by special order . Kynar® is a registered trademark of ALTOFINA. resin content (full strength) polyvinylidene flouride coating. salt spray and industrial pollutants. applied over chemical conversion coating and primer.” Nominal dry film thickness shall be .127 - Design Guide Edition 15 . on special order. in custom colors. This factory applied. This finish is provided as the standard Fry Reglet paint finish. This premium finish is recommended for moldings to be used on exteriors in harsh environments or in coastal areas where salt air is common. Contact Fry Reglet for color information.1 Finish shall be 70% min.fryreglet.DRYWALL/PLASTER MOLDING FINISHES POWDER PAINT Fry Reglet Powder paint. SPECIFICATION POWDER PAINT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: SPECIFICATION KYNAR® FINISH SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: All surfaces to receive a polyester powder coat will be pretreated in strict accordance with the powder coating manufacturer’s specification. Coatings shall receive a bake cycle of 17 minutes at 450°F.30 mil for primer and 1.0 mil for finish coat(s).3. KYNAR® PREMIUM FINISH The industry standard for over 25 years. baked-on finish is available at standard lead times in the colors shown and in custom colors to match swatches provided. 1-800-237-9773. Finish total dry film thickness should meet or exceed the dry film thickness of 30 microns/ 1. TAN MEDIUM BRONZE DARK BRONZE WHITE BLACK CREAM OYSTER HAZE WHITE BLACK ADOBE SILVER SATIN SILVER GRAY PLATINUM GUN METAL GRAY Fry Reglet Corporation. www. Available in the two standard colors shown below or. These specifications for color anodizing are for Class II architectural finishes with coating thicknesses up to 0.40-. Colors available are: •Gold Anodized •Medium Bronze •Light Bronze •Dark Bronze •Brushed Clear Anodized •Brushed Brite Dip Nickel •Brushed Brite Dip Black •Oil Rub Bronze These integral colors are in conformance with the Aluminum Association designation 3AA-M112C22A32. www. and acts as a protective coating until primer and paint can be applied. Also available on special order are other colors using various two-step processes in conformance with the Aluminum Association designation 3AA-12C22A34 for impregnated color. chemical conversion coating should be specified. Class II Architectural 204R1 medium etch .com . unfinished aluminum is exposed to air. Design Guide Edition 15 . SPECIFICATION PRIME PAINT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: SPECIFICATION CLEAR ANODIZED FINISH SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: STANDARD: Factory sprayed and baked-on to serve as a base for field painting Architectural 200R1 medium etch (AA-M32C10A21). harder and more durable. Due to the nature of the anodizing process.128 - Fry Reglet Corporation. SPECIFICATION CHEMICAL CONVERSION COAT FINISH SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: Treatment of aluminum moldings to conform with ASTM D 1730 Type B and MIL-C-5541A. This inherent characteristic of the finish need be no problem if properly anticipated in the design. GENERAL NOTE CONCERNING ANODIZED FINISHES: •Brushed Brite Dip •Brushed Brite Dip Brass •Brushed Satin Nickel •Pearl CHEMICAL CONVERSION COAT FINISHES Chemical conversion coating is a multi-step cleaning and metal preparation process. Other anodic coatings are available on special order to satisfy architectural requirements. PRIME PAINTING Fry Reglet Prime Paint is spray applied in the factory and baked-on so that it serves as an ideal base for finish painting in the field. producing the oxide film artificially creates a film that is thicker. When field painting is planned.70 mils (AA-M12C22A33) Thickness of anodic coating shall be tested in accordance with ASTM B244-68 and sealed to pass the modified dye stain test (ASTM B136-77).7 mils. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet. shade variations can be expected from one element to another. It cleans the aluminum. (AA-M12C22A31) Thickness of anodic coating shall be tested in accordance with ASTM B-244-68 and sealed to pass the modified dye stain test (ASTM B136-77). COLOR ANODIZED FINISH SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: Two-step impregnated color Class II Architectural .40 mils SPECIAL ORDER: min.DRYWALL/PLASTER MOLDING FINISHES ANODIZED FINISHES Anodizing is an electrochemical process in which the aluminum is immersed in an acid solution through which electric current is passed. Although a natural oxidation process commences when bare.  In nearly 50 years. our Springlok flashing and reglets have never failed! Can you say the same about your flashing projects? See separate sheets for product details.      FEATURES & BENEFITS Fry Reglet’s comprehensive selection of functional moisture prevention products offer the ultimate in protection from the elements. which means you can detach and reuse it when you need to . Type 304 (0.  We help you eliminate inventory storage and maintenance costs by delivering what you need. Springlok Flashing and STX 3.  MATERIALS & FINISHES   Galvanized steel (26 and 24 ga.129 - Design Guide Edition 15 . A 1" end lap on the reglet and a 3" end lap on the flashing eliminate leaky butt joints to ensure a watertight seal. Fry Reglet Corporation. MA-4 & SM. Order factory fabricated reglet and flashing corners and eliminate time-consuming site fabrication. and we pass the savings on to you.) with a standard uncoated finish Aluminum (0.5 Stainless steel. www.  Instead of using your workers to fabricate flashing. let Fry Reglet do it.) with a standard zinc finish Galvanized steel (24 ga. Springlok flashing snaps into reglets without screws or clips.025") with a gray polyester coating Aluminum (0. 1-800-237-9773.fryreglet. aluminum and stainless steel.Minimum order required.020") with a standard uncoated finish  EASY TO INSTALL  & USE Lightweight material is manufactured in 10' lengths for easy handling and installation on the job site.  * Colored Reglet & Flashing available .SPRINGLOCK© FLASHING SYSTEM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Fry Reglet offers five flashing systems. copper. SM – Surface mounted applications MA & MA-4 – Masonry reglet for 11 /2 " and 4" top flanges ST – Stucco over baseboard installations STX – Stucco over block conditions CO – Concrete for poured-in-place construction   Flashing snaps in under the reglet so water can’t get under the flashing. factory produced parts ensure a perfect fit on the job.) with factory applied Kynar 500/Hylar 500 finish      Copper (16 oz. each tailored for a particular type of substrate so you can get exactly what you need. End laps on reglet and flashing allow for proper alignment during installation for a waterproof seal. Springlok flashing systems have been tested and proven to resist high wind velocities up to 110 mph. when and where you need it. Flashing has a positive air break to prevent water from climbing under the flashing. Precision.   LESS EXPENSIVE THAN DIY  Buying in bulk allows us greater economies on materials including galvanized steel. You save time.040") with MA. labor and associated compensation costs. installation instructions and complete wind load test data. Aluminum – 0. 2 1 /2 " reglet is designed tilt-up for     Galvanized steel – 24 ga. at top and in recess. Design Guide Edition 15 . Type 304 – Standard uncoated finish Factory punched slots 16" o. INSTALLATION DETAIL SEALANT SM REGLET SEALANT NEOPRENE / SS WASHER 2 1 /2 " DRIVE PIN 1 /2 " FLASHING 5 1 /4 " 7 Min. 1-800-237-9773. System requires .020" installation on any type of parapet including panels. Drawings are not to scale.fryreglet. 1/2" FINISH      & COLOR Galvanized steel – Standard zinc finish Galvanized steel – Factory applied Kynar 500/Hylar 500 finish Copper – Standard uncoated finish Aluminum – Gray polyester coating Stainless steel."SM" SURFACE MOUNTED REGLET PRODUCT DETAIL Sealant USAGE MATERIALS & FINISHES MATERIAL & THICKNESS SM wall.040" Stainless steel. Special washers are supplied to aid installation. Type 304 – 0. Reglets are surface mounted with drive pins which are sealed with special washers (7 /8 " diameter stainless steel with neoprene facing). and precast masonry other smooth surfaces. *Actual dimension between wall and the inside flange of reglet is 3 /8 ". to seal against water penetration.025" & 0. panels.c. See separate sheet for product installation instructions. www.130 - Fry Reglet Corporation. polysulfide or silicone sealant at time of installation in two places. Copper – 16 oz. allow for expansions and eliminate buckling away from the building. Type 304 – . Aluminum – 0. This system is not recommended for tilt-up construction. See separate sheet for product installation instructions. Special staples are supplied to aid installation.131 - Design Guide Edition 15 .025" Stainless steel. Copper – 16 oz.    INSTALLATION DETAIL CO REGLET CONNECTOR CLIP FOAM BACKER ROD FLASHING 1 /2 " 1 1 /8 " 5 1 /4 " 7 Min. use SM surface mounted reglet instead.020" concrete construction. *Actual dimension between wall and the inside flange of reglet is 3 /8 ".fryreglet. Fry Reglet Corporation."CO" CONCRETE REGLET PRODUCT DETAIL USAGE MATERIALS & FINISHES MATERIAL & THICKNESS For 3/4" use with poured-in-place     Galvanized steel – 26 ga. this reglet is covered with a protective foam backer rod to prevent grout and 1/2" concrete from getting into the reglet opening. Drawings are not to scale. Type 304 – Standard uncoated finish Connector clips are supplied to provide positive alignment at joints and prevent concrete leakage during pouring. 1-800-237-9773. www. FINISH  & COLOR Galvanized steel – Standard zinc finish Copper – Standard uncoated finish Aluminum – Gray polyester coating Stainless steel. 132 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Copper – 16 oz. the reglet is put in place over 1" baseboard prior to lathing. www. 3/4" FINISH   & COLOR Galvanized steel – Standard zinc finish Galvanized steel – Factory applied Kynar 500/Hylar 500 finish Copper – Standard uncoated finish Aluminum – Gray polyester coating Stainless steel. 1-800-237-9773.020" applications. Then stucco is applied over the top. *Actual dimension between wall and the inside flange of reglet is 7/8". INSTALLATION DETAIL 1" 3/4" ST REGLET * FLASHING 5 1 /4 " 7 Min. Type 304 – Standard uncoated finish This system requires a backing (nailer) with sufficient depth to 1/2"    support the reglet and provide tension to create the proper fit.fryreglet. Drawings are not to scale."ST" STUCCO REGLET PRODUCT DETAIL 7/8" USAGE MATERIALS & FINISHES MATERIAL & THICKNESS Made especially 3 /4 " for stucco     Galvanized steel – 24 ga. Aluminum – 0.025" Stainless steel. Type 304 – 0. See separate sheet for product installation instructions. Design Guide Edition 15 .com . and the Springlok flashing is locked into place after the roofing paper is applied. Drawings are not to scale. 1-800-237-9773. *Actual dimension between wall and the inside flange of reglet is 7/8". this 11 /8 " reglet is laid into masonry joints and held in place as the mortar cures.fryreglet. Type MA-4 has a 4" top flange for concrete block.025" & 0.040" Stainless steel. Type 304 – Standard uncoated finish Type MA reglet has a 11 /2 " top flange for brick.020" FINISH   & COLOR penetration. See separate sheet for product installation instructions.133 - Design Guide Edition 15 .com ."MA" MASONRY REGLET PRODUCT DETAIL 11 /2 " USAGE MATERIALS & FINISHES MATERIAL     & THICKNESS Specially manufactured for masonry applications.    INSTALLATION DETAIL SEALANT MA REGLET 1 1 /2 " For Brick 4" For Concrete Block * FLASHING 5 1 /2 " 7 Min. As a result. Galvanized steel – Standard zinc finish Galvanized steel – Factory applied Kynar 500/Hylar 500 finish Copper – Standard uncoated finish Aluminum – Gray polyester coating Stainless steel. Fry Reglet Corporation. Type 304 – 0. there is no opening for water 1/2" Galvanized steel – 24 ga. Copper – 16 oz. www. Aluminum – 0. A “V” projection allows stucco to be applied directly over the reglet.134 - Fry Reglet Corporation. Design Guide Edition 15 .025" & 0. Type 304 – 0.020" 31 /2 " accept Springlok flashing and other flexible flashing. The efficient design of the STX FINISH     & COLOR Galvanized steel – Standard zinc finish Galvanized steel – Factory applied Kynar 500/Hylar 500 finish Aluminum – Gray polyester coating Stainless steel. . Copper – 16 oz. Type 304 – Standard uncoated finish 1" reglet eliminates the need for a backing (nailer). *Actual dimension between wall and the inside flange of reglet is 3/8 ". Aluminum – 0. 1-800-237-9773."STX" STUCCO REGLET PRODUCT DETAIL 7/8" MATERIALS & FINISHES USAGE STX reglet is specifically engineered for stucco over block conditions. See separate sheet for product installation instructions.fryreglet. Drawings are not to scale. and designed to MATERIAL     & THICKNESS Galvanized steel – 24 ga. 1/2" INSTALLATION DETAIL WATERPROOF PAPER STX REGLET 3 1 /2 " FLASHING * 5 1 /4 " 7 Min.040" Stainless steel. INSTALLATION STAPLES  Staples secure reglet to forms prior to pouring concrete. STX stucco.ACCESSORIES VINYLOK FLASHING RETAINER SURFACE MOUNTED REGLET VINYLOK PREFABRICATED REGLET CORNERS Sealant Drive Pin Neoprene Stainless Steel Washer Surface Mounted Reglet 11/8" Vinylok SURFACE MOUNTED REGLET TYPICAL INSIDE CORNER STUCCO REGLET TYPICAL OUTSIDE CORNER Flexible Flashing APPLICATION  MASONRY REGLET TYPICAL OUTSIDE CORNER Polyvinyl chloride Vinylok flashing retainer fills many “too small” spaces between parapet and cant strip where standard flashings do not fit. Vinylok retainer is pressed into area with “tail” TYPICAL FLASHING OUTSIDE CORNER TYPICAL FLASHING INSIDE CORNER flat against flashing. CONCRETE REGLET TYPICAL OUTSIDE CORNER  For use with ST stucco. 1-800-237-9773. Fry Reglet Corporation. . SPRINGLOK FLASHING END CAP APPLICATION  Factory manufactured mitered and sealed corners help reduce installation time.  INSTALLATION  See separate sheets with individual reglet installation instructions.fryreglet. Corners are available for reglet products shown as well as STX stucco. CONCRETE REGLET ACCESSORIES CONNECTOR CLIPS  Clips provide positive alignment at joints and prevent concrete leakage during pouring. MA masonry and SM surface mounted reglet. Not for CO concrete. INSTALLATION  Flexible flashing is installed to contact reglet (as shown in SM drawing above).135 - Design Guide Edition 15 .  TEST PARAMETERS  Tested materials included galvanized steel. Video camera with time and date stamp. 160-18). “Wind Resistance (Fan-Induced Method).fryreglet.  Design Guide Edition 15 . In nearly 50 years. 1-800-237-9773. aluminum and stainless steel surface mounted reglet and flashing.  EQUIPMENT  Wind generator capable of delivering a horizontal stream of air through a rectangular opening 22" wide and 7" wide at a velocity of 110 mph ±5% as measured at the orifice. FL. Test deck was a 50" x 66" plywood deck with 2" x 4" framing.  The Springlok system is the only flashing product in the industry to pass the two-hour 110 mph test. St. www.” Conducted by the Center for Applied Engineering Materials Testing Service at the Celotex Corporation Technical Center. tearing it off and exposing the building interior to rain and wind damage. aluminum and stainless steel reglet and flashing without wind clips.  Dwyer No. no.    No lift or movement of galvanized steel. To protect your roofs from blow-off. THE SOLUTION Fry Reglet Springlok flashing systems have been independently tested and certified to seal tightly against winds up to 110 mph (±5%) for a duration of at least two hours without any movement of the reglet or . All three metals were tested both with and without wind-lock clips (six tests total).136 - Fry Reglet Corporation. 1223-16) and Dwyer Pilot Tube (cat. Petersburg. 16 U tube manometer (cat. constructed with a 16” parapet wall and a 4" cant strip and covered with EPDM membrane. aluminum and stainless steel reglet and flashing with wind clips. METHODOLOGY  Test method ASTM D 3161.    Reglet and flashing were installed per manufacturer’s installation instruction. specify flashing systems certified by the manufacturer to resist 110 mph wind loads.WIND LOAD TEST DATA THE PROBLEM Blow-offs occur when winds lift the flashing and get under the roofing material. no. TEST RESULTS   Exposed to 110 mph (±5%) winds for a duration of two hours: No lift or movement of galvanized steel. Springlok flashing and reglet systems have never failed.
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