


Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA SAP HANA Platform Software Target Audience ■ Consultants ■ Administrators ■ Others Public Document version 1.2 – 2016/09/23 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................... 5 1.1 About This Document ....................................................................... 5 1.2 SAP HANA Guides ............................................................................ 5 2 Filename: global.ini ........................................................................ 6 Section: auditing configuration ............................................................. 6 Section: authentication........................................................................... 8 Section: backup....................................................................................... 8 Section: communication ....................................................................... 12 Section: cross_database_access ........................................................ 20 Section: cryptography .......................................................................... 21 Section: customizable_functionalities ................................................ 22 Section: execution ................................................................................ 22 Section: expensive_statement ............................................................. 25 Section: ha_dr_provider_<classname>............................................... 31 Section: inifile_checker ........................................................................ 32 Section: internal_hostname_resolution .............................................. 34 Section: memorymanager .................................................................... 34 Section: memoryobjects ....................................................................... 37 Section: multidb .................................................................................... 38 Section: persistence ............................................................................. 40 Section: public_hostname_resolution ................................................ 46 Section: resource_tracking .................................................................. 47 Section: spark_configuration ............................................................... 50 Section: storage .................................................................................... 52 Section: system_information ............................................................... 54 Section: system_replication ................................................................. 54 Section: system_replication_communication .................................... 64 Section: system_replication_hostname_resolution........................... 66 Section: table_placement ..................................................................... 67 Section: threads .................................................................................... 68 Section: trace ........................................................................................ 68 Section: traceprofile% .......................................................................... 71 3 Filename: attributes.ini ................................................................ 73 Section: global ...................................................................................... 73 4 Filename: daemon.ini .................................................................. 74 Section: compileserver ......................................................................... 74 Section: indexserver ............................................................................. 74 Section: indexserver.c .......................................................................... 75 Section: indexserver.<tenandSID> ...................................................... 75 Section: nameserver ............................................................................. 75 Section: preprocessor .......................................................................... 75 Section: sapwebdisp / webdispatcher................................................. 76 SAP HANA Platform 2 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: scriptserver............................................................................. 76 Section: statisticsserver ....................................................................... 76 Section: xsengine.................................................................................. 76 5 Filename: esserver.ini ................................................................. 77 Section: row_engine ............................................................................. 77 6 Filename: executor.ini ................................................................. 79 Section: pythontrace............................................................................. 79 7 Filename: indexserver.ini ............................................................ 81 Section: authentication......................................................................... 81 Section: authorization........................................................................... 82 Section: cache ....................................................................................... 82 Section: calcengine............................................................................... 84 Section: distribution ............................................................................. 85 Section: execution ................................................................................ 86 Section: import_export ......................................................................... 87 Section: joins ......................................................................................... 88 Section: load_trace ............................................................................... 89 Section: mergedog ................................................................................ 90 Section: optimize_compression .......................................................... 93 Section: parallel .................................................................................... 94 Section: partitioning ............................................................................. 95 Section: password policy ..................................................................... 97 Section: pythontrace........................................................................... 103 Section: queueserver .......................................................................... 104 Section: repository.............................................................................. 104 Section: search ................................................................................... 105 Section: session .................................................................................. 106 Section: smart_data_access .............................................................. 110 Section: sql .......................................................................................... 112 Section: sql_client_network_io .......................................................... 116 Section: sqlscript ................................................................................ 116 Section: sqltrace ................................................................................. 117 Section: table_redist ........................................................................... 121 Section: trace ...................................................................................... 126 Section: traceprofile% ........................................................................ 126 Section: transaction ............................................................................ 126 Section: unload_trace ......................................................................... 128 Section: result_cache ......................................................................... 129 8 Filename: multidb.ini ................................................................. 130 Section: readonly_parameters ........................................................... 130 9 Filename: nameserver.ini .......................................................... 135 Section: auditing configuration ......................................................... 135 Section: password policy ................................................................... 135 Section: public_urls ............................................................................ 135 SAP HANA Platform 3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 153 13 Filename: wlreplayer........................................ 136 Section: statisticsserver ........ini............................................................................................................................................................Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: sld ............. 155 Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects.................. 148 Section: jsvm ................................................................................................................................................................................... 141 Section: profile ................ini ........... 139 Section: statisticsserver_view% ................ 139 Section: statisticsserver_general . 140 11 Filename: webdispatcher............................................................................... 151 Section: public_urls ................................................................................................................................................................... 141 12 Filename: xsengine........ 156 Accessibility ....................................... 151 Section: scheduler ............... 156 Internet Hyperlinks ............................................................ 157 SAP HANA Platform 4 ................................................ 156 Coding Samples .............................. 139 Section: statisticsserver_intervals ....................... 146 Section: customer_usage ..................... 145 Section: application_container ..................ini ........................................................................................................................................................... 139 Section: memorymanager ...................................... 156 Copyright ............................................................................................ 155 Section: communication .............................. 147 Section: debugger ................... 150 Section: odata ................................................................... 145 Section: communication .......................................................................... 147 Section: httpserver................................................... 138 Section: topology ........................................ini ...................... 138 10 Filename: statisticsserver......................................................... 156 Gender-Neutral Language .... 145 Section: authentication............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ini  indexserver.ini  multidb.ini  nameserver. It is assumed that all parameters are valid from release 60 and this is indicated as: 'All SAP HANA revisions'.com/hana_platform. For example: 'SAP HANA revisions >= 90'.1 About This Document This guide provides information about some of the main configurable parameters in SAP HANA.ini  daemon.ini  esserver. security.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 1 Introduction 1.ini  xsengine. For each parameter a validity value is shown indicating from which HANA revision the parameter is available. 1.ini  executor. installation and administration.ini.ini   wlreplayer. SAP HANA Platform 5 . Check SAP Note 2036111 for information on the latest version of this document. see the SAP HANA platform page of SAP Help Portal at http://help.ini  statisticsserver.ini  attributes.2 SAP HANA Guides For more information about SAP HANA landscape. Information is organized on the basis of the initialization files where the parameters occur:  global. the parameter is read-only by default. Values: CSTABLE CSVTEXTFILE SYSLOGPROTOCOL Default: default_audit_trail_type Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems (Admin Guide) System Properties for Configuring Auditing (Security Guide) Parameter: critical_audit_trail_type Description: Sets an audit trail target to which audit entries from audit policies with the audit level CRITICAL are written. Values: CSTABLE CSVTEXTFILE SYSLOGPROTOCOL Default: default_audit_trail_type Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems (Admin Guide) System Properties for Configuring Auditing (Security Guide) SAP HANA Platform 6 . Parameter: alert_audit_trail_type Description: Sets an audit trail target to which audit entries from audit policies with the audit level ALERT are written. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. The parameter can only be changed in the system database.ini This configuration file describes global parameters for each service in the landscape. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. Section: auditing configuration This section contains parameters that are related to auditing configuration.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 2 Filename: global. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. the parameter is read-only by default. the parameter is read-only by default. Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA Platform 7 . The parameter can only be changed in the system database. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. the parameter is read-only by default. Values: CSTABLE CSVTEXTFILE SYSLOGPROTOCOL Default: CSTABLE for SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems (Admin Guide) System Properties for Configuring Auditing (Security Guide) Parameter: emergency_audit_trail_type Description: Audit trail target to which audit entries from audit policies with the audit level EMERGENCY are written. The parameter can only be changed in the system database.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: default_audit_trail_type Description: Default audit trail target of the database. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. Values: CSTABLE CSVTEXTFILE SYSLOGPROTOCOL Default: default_audit_trail_type Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems (Admin Guide) System Properties for Configuring Auditing (Security Guide) Parameter: global_auditing_state Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) global auditing regardless of the enabled state of the audit policies. kerberos.saml. and for the tenant databases in the global. SAP HANA Platform 8 . MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems (Admin Guide) System Properties for Configuring Auditing (Security Guide) SAP Note1991634 Section: authentication This section contains parameters that are related to authentication configuration. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: When the database isolation level is LOW.sessioncookie Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 120 Related information: User Authentication Mechanisms (Security Guide) Section: backup This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of backup. Can include the variable $(SAPSYSTEMNAME).x509xs. Values: true.ini file. the global auditing state is set in the global. Parameter: authentication_methods Description: Sets one or more authentication methods.spnego. When database isolation level is HIGH.saplogon. the system database and the tenant databases have separate backup parameter files. Parameter: log_backup_parameter_file Description: Sets a file location of a parameter file for log backup operations when using a third-party tool through the backint interface. Values: Absolute file path.ini file. the global auditing state for the system database is set in the nameserver. Values: Comma-separated list of one or more authentication methods Default: password.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: global_auditing_state In a single-container system.ini file. the system database and tenant databases use the same backup parameter files. the system database and tenant databases use the same backup parameter files.utl $(TENANTNAME1) is not a predefined environment variable.utl MDC systems: /usr/sap/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/SYS/global/hdb/opt/config/DB_$(TENANTN AME1)/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)_$(TENANTNAME1)_data. Can include the variable $(SAPSYSTEMNAME). Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: When the database isolation level is LOW. Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Set the Isolation Level to High for Backups with an SAP HANA Multitenant Database Container and Third-Party Backup Tools (Admin Guide) Parameter: data_backup_parameter_file Description: Sets a file location of a parameter file for data backup operations when using a third-party tool through the backint interface.utl MDC systems: /usr/sap/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/SYS/global/hdb/opt/config/DB_$(TENANTN AME1)/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)_$(TENANTNAME1)_log. When database isolation level is HIGH. Values: Absolute file path. Recommended values: Non-MDC (single container) systems: /usr/sap/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/SYS/global/hdb/opt/config/$(SAPSYSTEMN AME)_data. Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 SAP HANA Platform 9 .utl $(TENANTNAME1) is not a predefined environment variable.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: log_backup_parameter_file Recommended values: Non-MDC (single container) systems: /usr/sap/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/SYS/global/hdb/opt/config/$(SAPSYSTEMN AME)_log. the system database and the tenant databases have separate backup parameter files. Values: true. the backup operation can wait an unlimited time to acquire a savepoint lock. false Default: true SAP HANA Platform 10 . Accumulated backup operations of the backup catalog are supported for both using a file system and a third-party backup tool. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 7200 (2 hours) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: enable_accumulated_catalog_backup Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) the accumulation of backup catalog changes by multiple log backups to one backup of the backup catalog. When set to zero. When set to false.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: data_backup_parameter_file Related information: Set the Isolation Level to High for Backups with an SAP HANA Multitenant Database Container and Third-Party Backup Tools (Admin Guide) Parameter: data_backup_max_chunk_size Description: Sets a maximum file size (0 = unlimited) in megabytes for file-based data backup. the file size is unlimited. When set to true. the HANA System splits a backup stream into multiple smaller files. When the size of backup data for a service exceeds the specified maximum value. The accumulation has the advantage that fewer backups of the backup catalog are created. the backup catalog is backed up once for multiple log backups. When set to zero. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 0 = unlimited Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Backup Console (Admin Guide) Parameter: data_backup_savepoint_lock_timeout Description: Sets a data backup savepoint lock timeout (0 = unlimited) in seconds. the backup catalog is backed up after each log backup operation. The data backup savepoint lock timeout specifies the maximum time period a data backup operation waits to acquire a lock for executing a savepoint. The accumulation of multiple log segments reduces the backups of the backup catalog and restarts of the backup agent. Values: Positive integer (1 … 255) Default: 8 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Log Backups and Third-Party Backup Tools (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 11 . Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 120 Related information: Resuming an Interrupted Recovery (Admin Guide) Parameter: max_log_backup_group_size Description: Sets a maximum number of log segments to be processed by a single backint request. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Configure a Third-Party Backup Tool (Admin Guide) Parameter: log_recovery_resume_point_interval Description: Specifies a minimum time interval in seconds between two savepoint operations during log recovery. Values: Positive integer or zero (disabled) Default: 1800 (seconds = 30 minutes) Restart required: Yes (System is down during log recovery). Values: true. The savepoint operations are triggered by savepoint log entries provided that the specified minimum time interval elapsed. When set to zero (disabled). no savepoint operations are performed during log recovery.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable_accumulated_catalog_backup Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Accumulated Backups of the Backup Catalog (Admin Guide) Parameter: log_backup_using_backint Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) log backup using a third-party tool through the backint interface. HANA services with less than 128 GB persisted data use only one channel. Parameter: encrypt Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) TSL/SSL encryption. Values: Positive integer ( 1 … 32 ) Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Related information: Multistreaming Data Backups with Third-Party Backup Tools (Admin Guide) Section: communication This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of communications. the HANA System uses a number of streams which is independent of the value of the parameter parallel_data_backup_backint_channels specified during the backup. The parameter parallel_data_backup_backint_channels applies only to HANA services (hdbindexserver. false Default: false Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 SAP HANA Platform 12 . hdbxsengine. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. The parameter can only be changed in the system database.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: max_recovery_backint_channels Description: Sets a maximum number of backup objects per backint request to read log backup data for each service in multiple streams when using a third-party tool through the backint interface.) that have more than 128 GB data persisted to disk. Values: true. Values: Positive integer (1 … 1024) Default: 64 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: parallel_data_backup_backint_channels Description: Sets a number of parallel channels per data backup to write backup data for each service in multiple streams when using a third-party tool through the backint interface. During recovery. etc. the parameter is read-only by default. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: listeninterface Description: Specifies the network interface that the processes listen Restart required: No. Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configuring the Network for Multiple Hosts (Admin Guide) Configuring SAP HANA Inter-Service Communication (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1999797 Parameter: sql_connect_hosts Description: Defines a list of (virtual) host names or IP addresses that client applications and components use to connect to the HANA System. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: SAP HANA Platform 13 .0.internal to select all network interfaces that are listed in [internal_hostname_resolution] . When set to off. When set to on. Changes take effect after the service has been reconfigured. 127. the HANA System automatically configures the secure internal communication.0. the user has to manually configure the public key infrastructure for secure internal communication. Values: One or more host names or IP addresses separated by commas Default: Empty string Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: ssl Description: Enables (on) / Disables (off) TSL/SSL / Enables system public key infrastructure (systempki or systemPKI) for secure internal communication between to select all available network interfaces . The parameter can only be changed in the system database. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. When set to systempki. for example. the parameter is read-only by default. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. secure internal communication is disabled.1 Default: . the parameter is read-only by default. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database.local to select only local network interfaces. Values: . see the documentation of the cryptographic library.e. i. Values: String Default: 1. off. Empty string if sslCryptoProvider is set to “mscrypto”. true Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: sslCipherSuites Description: Sets the encryption algorithms available for TSL/SSL connections. off. false Default: on. Restart required: Yes SAP HANA Platform 14 . The value “sapcrypto” is obsolete and “commoncrypto” should be used instead. Values: on. The value depends on the cryptographic service provider used.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: ssl In a tenant database. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. The secure localhost communication is only enabled when the secure internal communication between hosts has been enabled. the parameter is read-only by default. the parameter is read-only by default. true) / Disables (off. false) secure localhost communication between processes on the same host. ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!NULL: if sslCryptoProvider is set to “openssl” 3. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. 2. systempki (case-insensitve) Default: off Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Verify TLS/SSL Configuration of Internal Communication Channels (Admin Guide) Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: ssl_local Description: Enables (on. For more information. Values: on. true. the parameter is read-only by default. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. The value “mscrypto” is not supported on Linux. PFS:HIGH::EC_HIGH:+EC_OPT if sslCryptoProvider is set to “commoncrypto” or “sapcrypto”.. the parameter ssl has the value true or systempki. “commoncrypto” or “sapcrypto” (if installed) For SAP HANA revisions >= 90. you must also explicitly specify paths in both the sslKeyStore and sslTrustStore parameters to avoid configuration issues. sapcrypto.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslCipherSuites Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: sslCreateSelfSignedCertificate Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) the creation of a self-signed certificate if the key store for external communication cannot be found. “openssl” in other cases on Linux (if CommonCryptoLib or SAP Cryptographic Library are not installed) SAP HANA Platform 15 . Values: commoncrypto. mscrypto Default: 1. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. When one of the cryptographic library providers CommonCryptoLib (“commoncrypto”) or SAP Cryptographic Library (“sapcrypto”) are pre- installed. CommonCryptoLib must be downloaded from SAP Service Marketplace and installed manually. the parameter is read-only by default. the HANA System automatically sets it as default. Values: true. CommonCryptoLib is installed per default. 2. Note: If you specify a value for this parameter. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. the HANA System will opt for the OpenSSL library on Linux and set the value “openssl”. openssl. The “sapcrypto” option is obsolete and “commoncrypto” is recommended. For SAP HANA revisions < 90. false Default: false Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: SAP Note 1891055 Parameter: sslCryptoProvider Description: Sets the cryptographic library provider used for SSL communication. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. When not. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. the parameter is read-only by default. Default: 1.pem” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “openssl” When the default settings are unchanged. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. “$SECUDIR/sapsrv_internal. SAP HANA Platform 16 . Environment variables are not supported. Note: The HANA System refuses SQL connection attempts from clients that do not use SSL.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslCryptoProvider Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: sslEnforce Description: Enforces (true) / Does not enforce (false) external communication to use SSL. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. comprising communication between hosts in scale-out and replication scenarios and inter-process communication on the same host. Values: Absolute file path. the parameter is read-only by default. Values: true.pse” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “commoncrypto” 2. “$DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME/ssl/key. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. the environment variables variables $SECUDIR or $DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME are replaced with specific values at HANA System restart. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. false Default: false Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: sslInternalKeyStore Description: Sets the files system location of the key store file used for internal communication. the parameter is read-only by default. The certificate is validated for both secure internal inter-host communication and secure inter-process communication on the same host. the parameter is read-only by default. When an explicit values is set. SAP HANA Platform 17 . Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: sslInternalTrustStore Description: Sets the file system location of the trust store file used for internal communication. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. the absolute file path is needed. the environment variables variables $SECUDIR or $DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME are replaced with specific values at HANA System restart.pem” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “openssl” When the default settings are unchanged. Values: Absolute file path. comprising communication between hosts in scale-out and replication scenarios and inter-process communication on the same host. Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) Parameter: sslInternalValidateCertificate Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the validation of the certificate of the communication partner during secure internal communication. Default: 1.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslInternalKeyStore When an explicit values is set. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. the parameter is read-only by default. Environment variables are not supported. “$DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME/ssl/trust. The parameter can only be changed in the system database.pse” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “commoncrypto” 2. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. “$SECUDIR/sapsrv_internal. the absolute file path is needed. MAX Default: MAX Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 SAP HANA Platform 18 . Environment variables are not supported. false Default: true Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: sslKeyStore Description: Sets the file system location of the key store file that contains the server’s private key used for external communication. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. the absolute file path is needed.pse” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “commoncrypto” 2. When an explicit value is set. “$SECUDIR/sapsrv. TLS12. the parameter is read-only by default. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database.pem” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “openssl” When the default settings are unchanged.ssl/key. Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) SAP Note 1891055 Parameter: sslMaxProtocolVersion Description: Sets the maximum available SSL protocol version. Values: Absolute file path.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslInternalValidateCertificate Values: true. TLS11. the parameter is read-only by default. the environment variables $SECUDIR or $HOME are replaced with specific values at HANA System restart. Values: TLS10. “$HOME/. Default: 1. Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Securing Data Communication (Security Guide) SAP Note 1891055 SAP HANA Platform 19 . “$SECUDIR/sapsrv. Environment variables are not supported.pse” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “commoncrypto” 2. Values: SSL30. the parameter is read-only by default. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. the environment variables variables $SECUDIR or $HOME are replaced with specific values at HANA System restart. the absolute file path is needed. the parameter is read-only by default.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslMaxProtocolVersion MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: sslMinProtocolVersion Description: Sets the minimum available SSL protocol version Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. Values: Absolute file path. “$HOME/. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database.ssl/trust. TLS10 Default: TLS10 Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: sslTrustStore Description: Sets the file location to the trust store file that contains the server’s public certificate used for external communication.pem” if sslCryptoProvider is set to “openssl” When the default settings are unchanged. Default: 1. When an explicit value is set. the parameter is read-only by default. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. Examples: “targets_for_DB1=DB2. Parameter: enabled Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) cross database access in a HANA System. Values: true. Note: The parameter can only be configured in the system database.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslValidateCertificate Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the validation of communication partner’s certificate during external communication.DB3” defines cross-database access from DB1 to DB2 and from DB1 to DB3. the HANA System disables communication among tenant databases. false Default: false Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure SSL for SAP HANA Studio Connections (Admin Guide) Section: cross_database_access This section contains parameters that control communication among tenant databases in a multi-tenant database container system. Values: true. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Enable and Configure Cross-Database Access (Admin Guide) Parameter: targets_for_<source_db_name> Description: Defines one or more target database names for cross-database access from one source database name in multitenant database container systems. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. When set to false. When set to true. SAP HANA Platform 20 . Note: Each parameter entry configures cross-database access only in one direction. the HANA System enables communication from one tenant database to one or more other tenant databases. Caution: Check that this path is accessible by every server within your distributed environment. Default: $(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/security/ssfs The HANA internal variable $(DIR_GLOBAL) represents the path “/usr/sap/$SAPSYSTEMNAME/SYS/global”. When set to false. When set to true. Parameter: ccl_fips_enabled Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the FIPS mode of the cryptographic library CommonCryptoLib by loading additional kernel modules. Values: Absolute file path. Values: true.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: targets_for_<source_db_name> “targets_for_DB2=DB1” defines cross-database access from DB2 to DB1 Note: The parameter can only be configured in the system database. which is replaced with a specific value when … Restart required: Yes SAP HANA Platform 21 . Values: <target_db_name> or comma-separated thereof. false Default: false Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related SAP Note 2180024 information: SAP’s Crypto Kernel receives FIPS 140-2 certificate (SCN) Validated FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Modules (external) Parameter: ssfs_key_file_path Description: Sets a path to the key files used by SSFS (Secure Storage in File System) for Persistence Encryption and Application Encryption. The FIPS mode is only supported when the parameter sslCryptoProvider has been set to “commoncrypto”. the HANA System will use the internal cryptographic kernel. Environment variables are not supported. the HANA system will satisfy the Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules according to the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) 140-2. Default: Parameter not set Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Section: cryptography This section contains parameters that are related to cryptography. Values: true. this parameter sets a default value for the statement attribute 'STATEMENT THREAD LIMIT' when not explicitly specified. Parameter: default_statement_concurrency_limit Description: Restricts the actual degree of parallel job execution within a statement per connection. false Default: true Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Disable Features on a Tenant Database (Admin Guide) System Views: SYS. The parameter can only be changed in the system database.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: ssfs_key_file_path Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Change the SSFS Master Keys (Admin Guide) Encryption Key Management (Security Guide) Section: customizable_functionalities This section contains parameters that are related to restricted features of multitenant database containers. In the SQL statement 'CREATE WORKLOAD CLASS'. M_CUSTOMIZABLE_FUNCTIONALITIES Section: execution This section contains parameters that are related to parallel execution. The parameter settings on the database layer overwrite the settings on the system layer.M_CUSTOMIZABLE_FUNCTIONALITIES SYS_DATABASES. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: Not set SAP HANA Platform 22 . there is no limitation. When set to values greater than 0. reasonable values are between 1 and max_concurrency. the parameter is read-only by default. Parameter: <feature> Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) a restricted <feature> Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. When set to 0 or not set. the job worker threads will only use a part of the available logical CPU cores. Restart required: No. When the specified target value is too large. the target value for the average number of running worker threads will be equal to the number of available logical CPU cores for each (!) tenant database. savepoint operations. When the specified value is smaller than the default value. In the database layer. A reasonable value is the number of available logical CPU cores divided by the number of tenant databases. important system tasks may get stuck. Job worker threads process parallelized OLAP queries and perform system tasks such as table updates. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: Number of available logical cores. Parameter changes take effect not later than the currently running job worker threads have terminated. When set to 0. The parameter settings in the database layer overwrite the settings in the system layer. In that case. SAP HANA Platform 23 . the SAP HANA System may be overloaded due to a high degree of parallelization. In the database layer. the parameter cannot be set for the system database. The total number of job worker threads can be larger than the specified target value because some of the job worker threads are not in the state Running. do not set the parameter to 0. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. In the database layer.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: default_statement_concurrency_limit Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 102.03 Related information: Configuring Workload Management (Admin Guide) Controlling Parallel Execution of SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Parameters that Control CPU (Admin Guide) Parameter: max_concurrency Description: Sets a maximum target value for the average number of running job worker threads (0 = number of available logical cores). The current number of running job worker threads can exceed the specified target value. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. garbage collection. and recovery. the parameter max_concurrency controls an effective number of logical cores of a corresponding multi-tenant database container. the server has more logical cores than physical cores. When Hyperthreading is enabled. backup. the target value is the number of available logical CPU cores. the parameter is read-only by default. When the specified target value is too small. reasonable values are between 0 and max_concurrency.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: max_concurrency Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Controlling CPU Consumption (Admin Guide) Controlling Parallel Execution of SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Parameters that Control CPU (Admin Guide) Parameter: max_concurrency_hint Description: Limits the number of jobs to create in a parallelization step during statement execution. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 0 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 85 Related information: Configuring Workload Management (Admin Guide) Controlling Parallel Execution of SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Parameters that Control CPU (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 24 . consider setting [execution] max_concurrency_hint and [parallel] num_cores equal to the number of logical cores per socket. the effective limit is equal to the value of the parameter [execution] max_concurrency. When set to 0 or not specified. If this parameter is modified. Multiple parallelization steps may result in far more jobs being created for a statement (and hence higher concurrency) than this parameter. The actual number of jobs being executed in parallel is further limited by the parameters [execution] default_statement_concurrency limit and [execution] max_concurrency so that a parallelization step can create fewer jobs than specified by the parameter max_concurrency_hint. Note: SAP recommends to leave the default settings which allow the HANA System utilize most of the available CPU resources. but affect different places in the code. SAP recommends that the parameters max_concurrency_limit and [parallel] num_cores have equal values because the two values are used in the same logical function. In large systems with at least four sockets. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 25 . Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: application_user Description: Sets an application user filter condition to restrict traced SQL statements to those of the specified application user. Example: “ABAP:<SAPSID>” The filter is disabled when the value is an empty string. The filter is disabled when the value is an empty string.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: expensive_statement This section contains parameters that are related to the collection of expensive statement information. Parameter: application Description: Sets an application filter condition to restrict traced SQL statements to those of the specified application. Example: a user of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable Description: Enable (true) / Disable (false) the collection of expensive statement information. Values: true. The filter is disabled when the value is an empty string. The recorded expensive SQL statements and associated information can be queried using the monitoring view M_EXPENSIVE_STATEMENTS. When the parameter maxfiles is greater than 1 and the maximum number of trace files reached. SAP HANA Platform 26 . the file size is unlimited. Trace files have cyclic behavior. Be aware that longer SQL statements need more memory than shorter ones. the oldest trace file is deleted and a new one opened. the trace file rotation is disabled. Values: Positive integer Default: 30000 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: maxfiles Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace file rotation disabled) When set to 0. overwrites old records. When the parameter maxfiles is 1 and the maximum file size is reached. if full.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: in_memory_tracing_records Description: Sets a maximum number of traced SQL statements to be stored in a memory ring buffer per service. The ring buffer stores new records in a cyclic order and. but the real memory consumption depends on the size of the individual statements. a new trace file is opened. The minimum value is the default value of 10000000 bytes. the trace file is deleted and a new one opened. Values: Positive integer or zero (0 to 999) Default: 10 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Configure Trace File Rotation (Admin Guide) Parameter: maxfilesize Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in bytes (0 = unlimited) When set to 0. The size of the trace files depends on the parameter [expensive_statement] maxfilesize. Trace files have cyclic behavior. The default value of 30000 records corresponds to about 10 MB of data. The parameter in_memory_tracing_records only takes effect when the parameter use_in_memory_tracing was set to true. When the parameter maxfiles is greater than 1 and the maximum file size is reached. which are separated from the object name by a dot. Values: Positive integer ( 10000000 and higher ) and zero Default: 10000000 (bytes = 9. and the maximum file size is reached. views. <SCHEMA_1>. When set to medium. and the parameter maxfilesize is greater than zero.<PROCEDURE_1>. <SCHEMA_2>. <VIEW_1> The filter is disabled when the value is an empty string. Objects can be one or more the following: tables. Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: passport_tracelevel Description: Sets a passport trace level as an additional filter condition to restrict traced SQL statements to those that are marked with a passport of the specified level or a higher level. The maximum number of trace files depends on the parameter [expensive_statement] maxfiles. the trace file is deleted and a new one opened.5 megabytes) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Configure Trace File Rotation (Admin Guide) Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: object Description: Sets an object filter condition to restrict traced SQL statements to those referencing the specified one or more objects. SAP HANA Platform 27 . only statements are traced with level high. The object names can be preceded by corresponding schema qualifiers. Multiple objects are specified as comma-separated list. When set to high. The parameter passport_tracelevel is used when expensive statements trace is activated as part of an end-to-end trace scenario with Process Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI). and procedures. Example: <SCHEMA_1>.<TABLE_2>.<TABLE_1>.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maxfilesize When the parameter maxfiles is 1. statements are traced with levels medium and high. zero. Values: Positive integer. or -1. the filter is disabled. Values: high. When set to -1. When set to 0. When set to -1. all SQL statements are traced. zero. the filter is disabled. medium Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: threshold_cpu_time Description: Sets a lower threshold value for the CPU runtime of SQL statements in microseconds (-1 = disabled. Values: Positive integer. or -1. The filter is disabled when the value is an empty string. Default: -1 (disabled) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: threshold_duration Description: Sets a lower threshold value for the runtime of SQL statements in microseconds (-1 = filter disabled. all SQL statements are traced. Only SQL statements that have a longer CPU runtime than the specified threshold value are recorded in the expensive statement trace. 0 = all statements). When set to 0. 0 = all SQL statements). Default: 1000000 ( microseconds = 1 second ) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 28 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: passport_tracelevel Note: Process monitoring is only possible for components in the ABAP and Business Objects stacks. Only SQL statements that run longer than the specified threshold value are recorded in the expensive statement trace. When set to 0. The parameter trace_flush_interval only takes effect when the parameter use_in_memory_tracing was set to true. Values: Positive integer and zero Default: 10 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: trace_parameter_values Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the tracing of parameter values of SQL statements. The parameter values replace question marks (?) of the prepared SQL statements during execution. When the ring buffer is full. between 1 and 10. Default: -1 (disabled) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: trace_flush_interval Description: Defines a number of traced SQL statements that are copied at once from a memory ring buffer to a trace file. new trace records overwrite the oldest ones. Only SQL statements that use more memory than the specified threshold value are recorded in the expensive statement trace. When the number of records in the memory ring buffer exceeds the value N of this parameter. The memory threshold only takes effect when memory tracking has been enabled ([resource_tracking] enable_tracking = on and [resource_tracking] memory_tracking = on). or -1. Values: Positive integer. all SQL statements are traced.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: threshold_memory Description: Sets a lower threshold value for the memory usage of statement execution in bytes (-1 = filter disabled. The size of the ring buffer depends on the parameter [expensive_statement] in_memory_tracing_records. zero. the N oldest records of the memory ring buffer are copied to the trace file. SAP HANA Platform 29 . the filter is disabled. When set to 0 or 1. keep the value of the parameter small. When set to -1. To minimize data loss in the case of system failure. each trace records is copied to the trace file immediately. for example. 0 = all statements). expensive statements trace information is stored in a memory ring buffer. When set to false. the parameter values are displayed as a comma- separated list in the PARAMETERS column of the M_EXPENSIVE_STATEMENTS view. When the ring buffer is full or the maxium number of trace files reached. trace information is stored in trace files. Values: true. the size of the traced SQL statements is smaller. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: user Description: Sets a HANA user filter condition to restrict traced SQL statements to those of the specified HANA SQL user.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: trace_parameter_values When set to true. new expensive trace records overwrite the oldest ones. Values: true. When the tracing of parameter values is disabled. When set to true. Each service has a separate ring buffer. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: use_in_memory_tracing Description: Controls target location of expensive statements information. no parameter values are displayed. There is one expensive statements trace file for all servces. Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Expensive Statements Trace Options (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 30 . The filter is disabled when the value is an empty string. Memory ring buffers and trace files have cyclic behavior. When set to false. where 1 indicates highest and 99 lowest priority. Default: N/A Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Install and Configure a HA/DR Provider Script (Admin Guide) System view M_HA_DR_PROVIDERS SAP HANA Platform 31 . 99 ) Default: 50 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Install and Configure a HA/DR Provider Script (Admin Guide) System view M_HA_DR_PROVIDERS Parameter: path Description: Sets the file path for an HA/DR provider script. Parameter: <parameter_name> Description: Defines configuration parameters of HA/DR provider scripts as name- value-pairs. Note: All HA/DR provider scripts are loaded when the nameserver service is starting. Note: All HA/DR provider scripts are loaded when the nameserver service is starting. Values: Positive integer ( 1 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: ha_dr_provider_<classname> This section contains parameters of HA/DR provider scripts in HANA System replication scenarios. Note: All HA/DR provider scripts are loaded when the nameserver service is starting. Example: three HA/DR providers have execution_order values 20. 40.. Values: <parameter_value> Default: N/A Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Install and Configure a HA/DR Provider Script (Admin Guide) System view M_HA_DR_PROVIDERS Parameter: execution_order Description: Sets an execution order when having more than one HA/DR provider script. Values: Absolute file path. and 60 with decreasing priority. Environment variables are not supported. The pre-defined combinations are excluded from regular checks in HANA System replication scenarios. The LAYER name can be SYSTEM. The ini file name can be replaced with an asterisk.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: provider Description: Sets the class name defined in an HA/DR provider script. and the corresponding parameter values define one or more combinations of a section name and configuration parameter name. HOST or DATABASE. Values: true. false Default: True Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related Monitoring INI File Parameter Changes (Admin Guide) information: SAP Note 1984641 Parameter: exclusion_[<inifilename>|*][/<LAYER>] Description: All parameter names starting with exclusion_ in the section [inifile_checker] define an ini file name and LAYER name. Parameter: enable Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) the watchdog that checks differences of ini file parameters between primary and secondary systems in a system replication scenario.ini/SYSTEM = storage/*. system_replication/* SAP HANA Platform 32 . Multiple combinations are separated by commas. The section name and configuration parameter name can contain wildcards or be replaced with an asterisk each. Values: String Default: N/A Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Install and Configure a HA/DR Provider Script (Admin Guide) System view M_HA_DR_PROVIDERS Section: inifile_checker This section contains parameters that control the watchdog checking ini files in HANA System replication scenarios. persistence/*path*. *hostname_resolution*. Note: All HA/DR provider scripts are loaded when the nameserver service is starting. Values: [<section with wildcards>|*][/<configuration parameter with wildcards>|*] Default: exclusion_global. ini/SYSTEM = landscape/* exclusion_daemon. set the parameter [inifile_checker] enable. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 120 Related information: Monitoring INI File Parameter Changes (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 33 . Values: Positive integer Default: 3600 (seconds = 1 hour) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64 Related information: Monitoring INI File Parameter Changes (Admin Guide) Parameter: replicate Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the replication of ini file parameters from a primary site to secondary sites Values: true.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: exclusion_[<inifilename>|*][/<LAYER>] exclusion_nameserver.ini/HOST = */instances exclusion_* = traceprofile_* Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64 Related Monitoring INI File Parameter Changes (Admin Guide) information: SAP Note 2100052 Parameter: interval Description: Sets a time interval in seconds between two checks for differences of ini file parameters between primary and secondary systems in a system replication scenario. To disable/enable those checks. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Configuring the Network for Multiple Hosts (Admin Guide) Section: memorymanager This section contains parameters that are related to configuration of memory management. When set to 0 or missing.internal. Note: Set an explicit value to use only a portion of physical RAM. Changes take effect after one minute. Values: <internal_hostname> Default: N/A Restart required: No. Parameter: allocationlimit Description: Sets an upper limit of memory usable by individual processes in megabytes. the SAP HANA system implicitly calculates a default value based on the size of physical RAM. the internal IP addresses specified in the section [internal_hostname_resolution] will be used. the parameter is read-only by default. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 0 (implicit limit calculation) Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: global_allocation_limit Description: Sets an explicit usable memory for the entire SAP HANA system in megabytes. When the parameter listeninterface in the section [communication] has been set to . The parameter can only be changed in the system database. Parameter: <internal_ip_address> Description: Specifes internal IP addresses for the internal communication among multiple server hosts of a distributed SAP HANA System. the SAP HANA system implicitly calculates a default value based on global_allocation_limit. SAP HANA Platform 34 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: internal_hostname_resolution This section contains mappings of IP addresses to internal hostnames. When set to 0 or missing. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: global_allocation_limit Note: Do not select an explicit value less than 58982, which is 90% of 64 GB, or more than the calculated default value. For details, see Parameter Reference: Memory Consumption (Admin Guide). Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database, the parameter is read-only by default. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 0 (implicit limit calculation) Restart required: No, since HANA revision 70 Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: All SAP HANA revisions MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Parameter Reference: Memory Consumption (Admin Guide) Set a Statement Memory Limit (Admin Guide) Monitoring INI File Parameter Changes (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1984422 Parameter: oom_dump_time_delta Description: Sets a lower limit for the time between creating two dump files of the same type by the same service in seconds (0 = disabled). The following dump file types are supported:  compositelimit oom (statement-specific)  oom memory release (node-specific)  after oom cleanup (node-specific) Values: Positive integer Default: 86400 (1 day) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 54 Parameter: statement_memory_limit Description: Sets a statement memory limit in gigabytes. The limit defines the maximum memory that can be temporarily used for the execution of a statement on one node. Statements that exceed the limit will be aborted, but other processes of the SAP HANA system are not affected. Within the time period defined by the parameter oom_dump_time_delta, at most one dump file is created per service. The name of the dump file contains the string “compositelimit oom”. SAP HANA Platform 35 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: statement_memory_limit The statement memory limit only takes effect when memory tracking has been enabled ([resource_tracking] enable_tracking = on and [resource_tracking] memory_tracking = on). Caution: Do not set a limit that is too small. In the SQL statement 'CREATE WORKLOAD CLASS', this parameter sets a default value for the statement attribute 'STATEMENT MEMORY LIMIT' when not explicitly specified. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: SAP HANA revisions >= 80: Empty string SAP HANA revisions >= 85.03: 0 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 80 Related information: Parameter Reference: Memory Consumption (Admin Guide) Setting a Statement Memory Limit for SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Additional User Parameters (Admin Guide) SAP Note 2072856 SAP Note 1999997 Parameter: statement_memory_limit_threshold Description: Sets a memory usage threshold per cluster node as percentage of the global allocation limit (0% = disabled) so that the statement memory limit feature only takes effect when the used memory per node exceeds the specified memory usage threshold. Caution: Do not forget the percentage character %. When the used memory per node falls below the specified memory usage threshold, the statement memory limit has no effect. The statement memory limit only takes effect when memory tracking has been enabled ([resource_tracking] enable_tracking = on and [resource_tracking] memory_tracking = on). When set to 0%, the statement memory limit does not depend on the used memory per node. Values: Positive integer between 0% and 100%. Default: 0% Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Parameter Reference: Memory Consumption (Admin Guide) Setting a Statement Memory Limit for SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Additional User Parameters (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1999997 SAP HANA Platform 36 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: memoryobjects This section contains parameters that are related to the configuration of memory objects. Parameter: page_loadable_columns_limit Description: Sets an upper threshold memory size of page loadable column pages per service in megabytes. When the total size of page loadable column pages per service exceeds the specifield threshold size, the HANA System automatically starts unloading pages from memory until the memory size specified by the parameter page_loadable_columns_min_size is reached. When set to 0 or unspecified, the threshold is disabled. Values: Positive integer (zero = disabled) Default: 1047527424 (=999 Terabytes) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Managing cold data in SAP HANA database memory (SCN) SAP Note 2111649 Parameter: page_loadable_columns_min_size Description: Sets a lower threshold memory size of page loadable column pages per service in megabytes. When the total size of page loadable column pages per service falls below the specified threshold size, the HANA System automatically stops unloading pages from memory. When set to 0 or unspecified, the threshold is disabled. Values: Positive integer (zero = disabled) Default: 1047527424 (=999 Terabytes) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Managing cold data in SAP HANA database memory (SCN) SAP Note 2111649 Parameter: unload_lower_bound Description: Sets a threshold for a table size in bytes. When a columnstore table exceeds this threshold, it is unloaded from memory. When set to 0, the SAP HANA system automatically controls the unloading of columnstore tables. Values: Positive integer or zero Example: 1.649.267.441.664 (1.5 TB) Default: 0 Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 37 Memory objects that have not been used for the specified period of time will be unloaded from memory. Caution: Do not set an explicit value less than 3600 (one hour). The directories data. who belongs to the system group <tenantgrp>. for example. for example. but not “sapsys”. log. “tenant2adm” for “TENANT2”. low Default: low Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: mode Description: Sets one of the modes (multidb. and config are owned by the operating system user “sidadm” who belongs to the system group <tenantgrp> with access permissions 0770.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: unload_lower_bound Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: SAP Note 1993128 Parameter: unused_retention_period Description: Sets a retention period for memory objects in seconds. 3600 and larger Default: 0 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Section: multidb This section contains parameters that are related to multi-tenant database containers. Values: high. all operating system processes of the HANA System run under the same operating system user “sidadm” and the same operating system group “sapsys”. etc. “tenants”. When set to high. singledb) SAP HANA Platform 38 . the operating system processes of each tenant run under a dedicated operating system user <tenantuser>. high).. When set to 0. When set to low. “tenant1adm” for “TENANT1”. Values: Positive integer or zero Recommended: 0. Parameter: database_isolation Description: Sets one of the following database isolation levels (low. the SAP HANA system automatically controls the unloading of memory objects. backup. The unloading of memory objects can take longer than the specified time. trace. and you will effectively use tenant ports ranging from 30200 to 30599. the port range is extended by three further instances <nn> = 03. 05. When the value of the parameter reserved_instance_numbers is set to 3. a port range from 30200 to 30299 can be used. When set to singledb. Values: Positive integer or zero. 04. The parameter reserved_instance_numbers defines the port range (3<nn>00 – 3<mm>99) that will be used for the creation of additional tenant database containers. Values: multidb. Default: 0 Restart required: Yes Validity: MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 120 Related information: Managing Resources in Multiple-Container Systems (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 39 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: mode When set to multidb. Values: Positive integer or zero. Default: 0 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Add a Service to a Tenant Database (Admin Guide) Parameter: systemdb_reserved_memory Description: Sets a minimum amount of memory for the system DB of a multitenant database container system in megabytes. singledb Default: singledb Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Increase the System Isolation Level (Admin Guide) Parameter: reserved_instance_numbers Description: Sets a number of additional reserved instances. the HANA System instance is a true multi-tenant database container system that comprises one system database and one or more tenant databases. When set to 0. This option is backwards compatible. Example: If thepre-defined instance number is <nn> = 02. no minimum amount of memory is reserved. The parameter only applies to multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems. the HANA instance comprises only one default system database. Parameter: basepath_databackup Description: Defines an absolute base file path for data backups.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: persistence This section contains parameters that are related to the configuration of data and log locations as well as data and log backup. Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of data. Make sure you create a full system backup first. not a shell environment variable Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Persistent Data Storage in the SAP HANA Database (Admin Guide) Create a Storage Snapshot (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1766708 SAP Note 1900728 Parameter: basepath_datavolumes_es Description: Defines the absolute base file path for data volumes of the extended storage database (SAP HANA dynamic tiering option). All data volumes will be stored under this file path. SAP HANA Platform 40 . Values: Absolute file path Default: $(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/data $(DIR_GLOBAL) is an HANA internal variable. Default: $(DIR_INSTANCE)/backup/data Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA DATABASE BACKUP AND RECOVERY (SCN) Parameter: basepath_datavolumes Description: Defines the absolute base file path for data volumes. Multi-tenant database container systems: In a tenant database. Values: Absolute file path. Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of data. Per default. During a backup operation. Environment variables are not supported. data backups will be stored under this file path. All data volumes will be stored under this file path. Make sure you create a full system backup first. an administrator can override the default value to write the data backup to a filesystem that is independent of the HANA instance. the parameter is read-only by default. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. log backups will be stored under this file path. not a shell environment variable Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Persistent Data Storage in the SAP HANA Database (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1766708 SAP Note 1900728 SAP HANA Platform 41 . Values: Absolute file path Default: ${DIR_GLOBAL}/hdb/log $(DIR_GLOBAL) is an HANA internal variable. Values: Absolute file path Default: $(DIR_INSTANCE)/backup/log Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: basepath_logvolumes Description: Defines the absolute base file path for log volumes. All log volumes will be stored under this file path. not a shell environment variable Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: SAP Note 1766708 SAP Note 1900728 Parameter: basepath_logbackup Description: Defines an absolute base file path for log backups. During a backup operation.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: basepath_datavolumes_es Values: Absolute file path Default: $(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/data_es $(DIR_GLOBAL) is an HANA internal variable. Per default. Make sure you create a full system backup first. an administrator can override the default value to write the data backup to a filesystem that is independent of the HANA instance. Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of data. Multi-tenant database container (MDC) systems: In a tenant database. The RPO is the maximum acceptable amount of data loss after an unplanned data-loss incident. Log segments can be closed before they are completely filled. no Default: yes Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Enable or Disable Automatic Log Backup (Admin Guide) SAP HANA DATABASE BACKUP AND RECOVERY (SCN) SAP Note 1645183 Parameter: log_backup_timeout_s Description: Sets a log backup timeout in seconds (0 = disabled). Make sure you create a full system backup first. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. When set to 0. SAP HANA Platform 42 . not a shell environment variable Restart required: Yes Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: enable_auto_log_backup Description: Enables (yes) /disables (no) automatic log backup of closed log segments. The log backup timeout specifies the maximum time period between a COMMIT operation and the time when a log segment containing the COMMIT operation is closed and put into the log segment backup queue. All log volumes will be stored under this file path. Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of data. Values: Absolute file path Default: $(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/log_es $(DIR_GLOBAL) is an HANA internal variable. the parameter is read-only by default. log segments are only put into the log segment backup queue when they are full or explicitly closed. expressed as an amount of time. The log backup timeout depends on the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) defined by the customer. Values: yes.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: basepath_logvolumes_es Description: Defines the absolute base file path for log volumes or the extended storage database (SAP HANA dynamic tiering option). Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: log_backup_timeout_s Values: Positive integer or zero Recommended: 300 to 3600.. 16 megabytes ) Default: 1024 ( kilobytes = 1 megabyte ) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 43 . If the I/O sub-system supports highly-parallel write operations.. Default: 900 Restart required: No. the increase of the log buffer count may provide a higher throughput for large transactions. the I/O throughput may grow at the cost of an increasing COMMIT latency because at most the specified amount of data must be flushed to the I/O sub-system during a COMMIT of a transaction. Changes take effect at the next log segment switch. the HANA System can buffer additional peak loads at the cost of a possibly increasing latency of parallel short transactions... 16384 ) ( 128 kilobytes . 128 ) Default: 8 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: log_buffer_size_kb Description: Sets a size of an in-memory log buffer in kilobytes. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Change the Log Backup Interval (Admin Guide) SAP HANA DATABASE BACKUP AND RECOVERY (SCN) SAP Note 1645183 Parameter: log_buffer_count Description: Sets a count of log buffers per physical partition When the log buffer count is raised. Values: Positive integer ( 128 .. Values: Positive integer ( 4 . When the log buffer size is raised. log segments are freed by the next savepoint. Values: normal overwrite legacy (deprecated as of SPS 03. the number of threads is limited by the number of available logical CPU cores.  In normal mode.. historical data may grow faster than garbage collection is able to clean up.  In overwrite mode.  In legacy mode. not supported since SPS 07) Default: normal Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Set up System Replication with hdbnsutil (Admin Guide) Configure the Primary System (Admin Guide) Enable Full Sync Option for System Replication (Admin Guide) Log Modes (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1645183 SAP Note 2357713 Parameter: max_gc_parallelity Description: Sets a maximum number of parallel garbage collection threads (0 = number of available logical CPU cores). The log area of the database is subdivided into logical log segments. Keep in mind that the number of available threads will be also limited by the configuration parameters of the job executor framework:  [execution] max_concurrency  [execution] max_concurrency_hint  [parallel] num_cores Values: Positive integer or zero ( 0 . 256 ) Default: 0 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 44 . log segments are released when they have been backed up and a savepoint has taken place. log segments are kept in the log area until a full backup has been executed. When set to 0. which may cause “database full” situations.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: log_mode Description: Sets the logging mode. Caution: Legacy mode is deprecated since SPS 03 and is not supported since SPS 07. When the specified value is too small. This parameter defines the time period at which table preload information is collected and written to disk. the table preload information determines the table columns that are loaded into memory. The savepoint interval controls the frequency at which savepoint operations are performed.In a system replication scenario. the table preload information is collected in the primary system and transferred to a secondary system.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: savepoint_interval_s Description: Sets the savepoint interval in seconds. The collected information is used as follows: .In a system replication scenario. . when the table preload option has been enabled in the primary system. when the table preload option has been enabled in the secondary system. . the table preload information determines the table columns that are loaded during SAP HANA system restart. Values: Positive integer or zero Recommended: 10 (seconds) to 7200 (2 hours) Default: 300 (5 minutes) Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1898505 Parameter: tablepreload_write_interval Description: Sets a table preload write interval in seconds (0 = disabled). Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 3600 (1h) for SAP HANA Revisions < 70 86400 (1 day) for SAP HANA Revisions >= 70 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 45 . The table preload information comprises all column-store table columns that are currently loaded into memory.When the table reload option is enabled. Caution: Changing this parameter can cause loss of data. The parameters refer to one or more internal hostnames. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 46 . Parameter: map_<internal_hostname> Description: Defines explicit addressing of database server hosts by external clients when the parameter use_default_route has been set to no. Changes take effect after one minute. hostnames or fully qualified domain names. or fully qualified host names. the parameter name must end with *. The values refer to one or more external/public names. where NNNNN represents a 5-digit number. false Default: True Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1809453 SAP Note 1820553 Section: public_hostname_resolution This section specifies how internal hostnames are resolved to external names. Values: <external_name-prefix> <external_name-prefix>* <external_name-prefix>*<external_name_suffix> Default: N/A Restart required: No. Make sure you create a full system backup first. hostnames. Caution: Do not change this parameter unless the reasons described in the SAP Notes below apply.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: use_mountpoints Description: Includes (true) / excludes (false) mountpoint directories in the file path of data and log volumes. External names could be IP addresses. Exact mapping: map_<internal_hostname> = <external_name> Pattern mapping: map_<internal_hostname_prefix>* = <external_name-prefix>* map_<internal_hostname_prefix>* = <external_name- prefix>*<external_name_suffix> In the case of pattern mapping. The mountpoint directories are an intermediate layer between the base file paths and the volume directories hdbNNNNN. The external names can be IP addresses. the parameter value can have the * in the middle or in the end. which are mapped to the corresponding external/public names. The mountpoint directories have the format mntNNNNN. Values: true. name. fqdn. Parameter: cpu_time_measurement_mode Description: Enables (on) / Disables (off) CPU time tracking / measurements for threads. Values: on. SAP HANA Platform 47 . The values “fast” and “detailed” are deprecated and have been mapped to “on”. no Default: ip Restart required: No. off Default: off Restart required: No Validity: on. the system resource tracking is disabled by default. For performance reasons.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: map_<internal_hostname> Related information: Mapping Host Names for Database Client Access (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1906381 Parameter: use_default_route Description: Defines one or more ways of addressing database server hosts by external clients: ip = through external IP addresses name = through external hostnames fqdn = through external fully qualified domain names no = through internal hostnames Values: ip. or any combinations thereof. SAP HANA revisions >= 90 fast (deprecated). or sessions. Changes take effect after one minute. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Mapping Host Names for Database Client Access (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1906381 Section: resource_tracking This section contains parameters that are related to the tracking of system resources. detailed (deprecated): SAP HANA revisions < 90 Parameter: enable_tracking Description: Enables (on) / disables (off) tracking of system resources. Note: Avoid large values to save memory. 60000) Default: 10000 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: System View: M_LOAD_HISTORY_INFO Parameter: load_monitor_max_samples Description: Defines a maximum number of samples of load monitoring data. set the parameter enable_tracking to true. Note: Avoid small sampling intervals.. Values: on. the HANA System can collect load monitoring data for about 11 days. For the default settings. Values: Positive integer (greater than 10) Default: 100000 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Related information: System View: M_LOAD_HISTORY_INFO SAP HANA Platform 48 . which cause a measurable increase of the system load. When set to values between 100 milliseconds and 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds). the HANA System samples the load monitoring data every 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds) and calculates average values to save memory. will be measured periodically and the values can be displayed in corresponding system views and/or trace files. Values: Positive integer (100 . all resources for which tracking has been enabled. load_monitor_max_samples = 100000 and load_monitor_granularity = 10000 milliseconds.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable_tracking If enabled. the HANA System samples the load monitoing data with the specified period of time. When set to values between 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds) and 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds). off Default: off Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Set a Statement Memory Limit (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1999997 Parameter: load_monitor_granularity Description: Defines a sampling interval in milliseconds for load monitoring data. To enable statement memory tracking and/or to use statement memory limits. set the parameter memory_tracking to on. Values: Positive integer or zero. Default: 1500000 SAP HANA Platform 49 . but does not save the information. If enabled together with system resource tracking (enable_tracking = on). When set to 0. the oldest samples are removed from memory.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: memory_tracking Description: Enables (on) / disables (off) statement memory tracking. true off. Values: on. but does not save the information. the monitor continues sampling. the statement memory tracking is disabled by default. Values: Positive integer or zero. When the number of samples in memory reaches the specified limit. the monitor continues sampling. The samples are removed from memory even if the memory lifetime is less than the maximum value specified by the parameter service_thread_sampling_monitor_max_sample_lifetime. the memory usage for statement execution will be measured periodically and the values can be displayed in corresponding system views and/or trace files. false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Set a Statement Memory Limit (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1999997 Parameter: service_thread_sampling_monitor_max_sample_lifetime Description: Sets a memory lifetime of samples collected by the service thread monitor in seconds. Default: 7200 (seconds = 2 hours) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: service_thread_sampling_monitor_max_samples Description: Sets a maximum number of samples that the service thread monitor can keep in memory. To use statement memory limit. When set to 0. For performance reasons. false Default: off. the environment variable $SECUDIR is replaced with a specific value at HANA System restart. Values: true. Values: Absolute file path.pse When the default settings are unchanged. providing access to Spark/Hadoop data. which holds a single key and certificate chain for SAP HANA to communicate with all Spark controllers.. The HANA System acts as a client side communication component and connects to the Spark controller.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: service_thread_sampling_monitor_max_samples Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: service_thread_sampling_monitor_sample_interval Description: Sets a sampling interval for the service thread monitor in seconds. the absolute file path is needed. Environment variables are not supported. Default: $SECUDIR/sparksql_ks. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: SAP Note 1999997 System monitoring view M_SERVICE_THREAD_SAMPLES Section: spark_configuration This section contains parameters that are related to configuring HANA for mutual SSL authentication with a Spark controller. The Spark controller is a server side communication component deployed in a Hadoop cluster. Values: Positive integer ( 1 . Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure SSL Mode (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 50 . 100 ) Default: 1 (second) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: service_thread_sampling_monitor_thread_detail_enabled Description: Enables (on) / disables (off) the collection of thread detail information in the service thread monitor. Parameter: sslKeyStore Description: Sets the file system location of the key store file in PSE format. When an explicit values is set. false Default: true or false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure SSL Mode (Admin Guide) Parameter: sslValidateHostNameInCertificate Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) validation of the hostname in the certificate from the Spark Controller during communication. Environment variables are not supported. When an explicit value is set.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sslTrustStore Description: Sets the file system location of the trust store file in PSE format. the absolute file path is needed. false Default: True Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure SSL Mode (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 51 . Default: $SECUDIR/sparksql_ts. which holds certificates for all Spark controllers that it connects to. Values: true. The validation takes only effect when the parameter sslValidateCertificate has been set to true. Values: Absolute file path. Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure SSL Mode (Admin Guide) Parameter: sslValidateCertificate Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) validation of the certificate from the Spark Controller during communication. the environment variable $SECUDIR is replaced with a specific value at HANA System restart.pse When the default settings are unchanged. Values: true. false Default: true Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Parameter: enable_extended_storage Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the storage connector API for Dynamic Tiering / Extended Storage data. When set to true. When set to false. Values: Name of python script (*. SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE data resides on an NFS share. Values: true. false Default: true Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: ha_provider Description: Sets a name of an HA (High Availability) provider script.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: storage This section contains parameters that are related to SAN Default: Empty string Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: ha_provider_path Description: Sets a path of an HA (High Availability) provider script. See also SAP HANA Fiber Channel Storage Connector Admin Guide Parameter: enable_ets Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the storage connector API for SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE (ETS). SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE resides on SAN using the storage connector API. When set to false. Values: true. Values: Absolute file path Default: Empty string Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 52 . dynamic tiering data resides on an NFS share. dynamic tiering data resides on SAN using the storage connector API. When set to true. “log”. The fcClient supports the parameters:  wwid (world wide identifier) or alias  prType  mountOptions. or asterisk “*”. but allows read.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: partition_<partition number>_<usage type>__<param name> Description: The partition number (PN) is a positive integer that refers to a HANA partition or an asterisk “*”. 6 denies external read/write access). for example. The fcClientLVM supports the parameters:  lvmname  prType  mountOptions Note: Use a double underscore (__) between <usage type> and <param name> Values: The values are parameter-specific:  partition_[<PN>|*]_[data|log]__wwid=<name of LUN>  partition_[<PN>|*]_[data|log]__alias = <user friendly alias of LUN>  partition_[<PN>|*]_[data|log]__lvmname = <device name <volumegroup_name>-<logical volume> under /dev/mapper>  partition_*_*__prType = [5|6] controls how persistent reservations influence accessibility of devices to other hosts (5=denies only external write access. The usage type can be “data”. <mount options> = “-t xfs” Default: Not set Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA Fiber Channel Storage Connector Admin Guide (SCN) SAP HANA Platform 53 .  partition_[*]_[data|log]__mountOptions = <mount options> is mapped to the command “mount <mount options> <device> <path>”. which the secondary system sends to the primary system. scenario: Values: Positive integer and zero Default: 5368709120 = 5*1024*1024*1024 (5 GB) Restart required: No restart or re-connect is necessary. When the time interval datashipping_min_time_interval has passed first. Log buffers are memory areas that store information about changes made to the database. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the secondary system. the data shipping request is sent even before the threshold size datashipping_logsize_threshold has been reached. Values: production test development custom Default: custom Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71 Related information: Configure System Usage Type (Admin Guide) Section: system_replication This section contains parameters that are related to system replication.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: system_information This section contains parameters that are related to system information. the primary system invokes a transfer of delta data pages that have changed after the last data shipping. the secondary system sends a new data shipping request. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 54 . When set to 0. When the total size of received log buffers exceeds the specified threshold size. the next data shipping starts immediately after the last has finished. The log information is necessary for database recovery. In response to receiving a data shipping request. Parameter: datashipping_logsize_threshold Description: Sets a minimum total size of log buffers in bytes that the secondary system expects to receive from the primary system between two datashipping requests. Parameter: usage Description: Defines a database usage type. Log buffers are written to log segment files on disks after a commit operation occurs. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: datashipping_min_time_interval Description: Sets a minimum time interval that the secondary system waits between two data shipping requests, which the secondary system sends to the primary system. In response to receiving a data shipping request, the primary system invokes a transfer of delta data pages that have changed after the last data shipping. When the specified time interval elapsed after the last data shipping request, the secondary system sends the next data shipping request., When the threshold size datashipping_logsize_threshold has been reached first, the data shipping request is sent before the time interval datashipping_min_time_interval elapsed. When set to 0, the next data shipping starts immediately after the last has finished. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the secondary system. scenario: Values: Positive integer and zero Default: 600 (10 minutes) Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: datashipping_snapshot_max_retention_time Description: Sets a maximum retention time of the active snapshot in the primary system in minutes after the snapshot information has been successfully shipped to the secondary system. Inactive snapshots, which are currently used in data shipping, are not dropped even when data shipping takes longer than the specified retention time. Inactive snapshots are marked as active after the snapshot information has been successfully shipped. Active snapshots that are older than the specified retention time are automatically dropped in the primary system. When set to 0, active snapshots are immediately dropped after data shipping completed. The retention of the last snapshot may reduce the time of failback operations in the primary system because full data shipping is not necessary and only delta data shipping is required. A drawback to snapshot retention is a higher consumption of memory and disk space. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system. scenario: Values: Positive integer and zero Default: 120 SAP HANA Platform 55 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: datashipping_snapshot_max_retention_time Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable_data_compression Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) compression of data pages in the primary system before sending them over the network to the secondary system, which decompresses the data pages it receives. A drawback to sending compressed data pages is that it requires additional time and processing power for compression and decompression. This can result in worse data shipping performance, in particular in environments with a fast network. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the secondary system. scenario: Values: true, false Default: false Restart required: No, but the secondary system has to re-connect to the primary system in order to activate the parameter change. A re-connect can be forced by restarting the secondary system. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Data and Log Compression (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable_full_sync Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) the full synchronization (sync) option in synchronous system replication mode. When set to true, the system replication operates in synchronous mode with full sync option. In that case, a log write operation is successful, when the log buffer has been written to the log segment files on disks of the primary and secondary system. When the secondary system is disconnected, the primary system suspends processing write transactions until the connection to the secondary system is re-established. When set to false, the system replication operates in synchronous mode. The log write operation succeeds when the log buffer has been written to the log segment files on disks of the primary and secondary system. When the connection to the secondary system is lost, the primary system continues processing write transactions and writes changes only to the local log segment file. The connection to the secondary system is re-established when the secondary system is restarted. To enable synchronous system replication, the system replication is invoked with the option “—mode=sync” of the command “hdbnsutil”. SAP HANA Platform 56 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable_full_sync System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system. scenario: Values: true, false Default: false Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 80 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) System Replication Details (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable_log_compression Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) compression of log buffer pages on the primary system before sending them over the network to the secondary system, which decompresses the received log buffer pages. The drawback to sending compressed log buffer pages is that it requires additional time and processing power for compression and decompression. This can result in worse log buffer shipping performance, in particular in environments with a fast network. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the secondary system. scenario: Values: true, false Default: false Restart required: No, but the secondary system has to re-connect to the primary system in order to activate the parameter change. A re-connect can be forced by restarting the secondary system. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Data and Log Compression (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable_log_retention Description: Enables (on) / Disables (off) log retention / Sets automatic log retention (auto). Log retention is only relevant when the operation mode of the secondary system was set to “log replay”. See the description of parameter “operation_mode”. Note: For an optimized failback from the old secondary (new primary) system to the old primary (new secondary) system, explicitly enable (on) log retention in both the primary and secondary systems. When log retention is enabled (on) in the primary system and the secondary system is disconnected from the primary system, the primary system will protect free log segments against re-use until they are shipped SAP HANA Platform 57 it gets the status “Free” or “RetainedFree”. When the automatic mode (auto) is set in the primary system. there are two cases: When the secondary system has operation_mode=”logreplay”. When a log segment was closed before the last savepoint operation and not yet backed up. but when the operation_mode=”delta_datashipping”. log buffer shipping continues to transfer log buffers missing in the secondary system When a log segment was completely shipped from the primary system to the secondary system. and the status “RetainedFree”. the log retention is disabled. Log retention helps to avoid a re-initialization with expensive full data shipping since the primary system can transfer protected log segments that are missing in the secondary system. and a failover swaps the roles of primary and secondary systems. when not. it has the status “Truncated”. Protected log segments get the status “RetainedFree”. Values: on: primary and secondary system off: primary and secondary system auto: only primary system Default: Auto Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 SAP HANA Platform 58 . Log retention in the secondary system optimizes failback from the old secondary (new primary) system to the old primary (new secondary) system. System in replication The parameter can be set in the primary system and in the secondary scenario: system. free log segments of the old secondary (new primary) system can be overwritten.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable_log_retention to the secondary system. When log retention is disabled (off) in the primary system and when the secondary system is disconnected. When log retention is enabled (on) in the secondary system. its status changes to “Free”. it has the status “BackedUp”. log retention will protect free log segments in the old secondary (new primary) system as described above. When a log segment was closed before the last savepoint operation and backed up. the primary system can overwrite free log segments. a re-initialization with expensive full data shipping is necessary because some log segments are missing in both the secondary and primary systems. When a log segment was closed after the last saveopoint operation and already backed up. The status “Free” is assigned when the secondary system is connected. When log retention is disabled (off) in the secondary system and a failover takes place. In this case. when the secondary system re-connects to the primary system. After a re-connect. the log retention is enabled. When the asynchronous log shipping buffer is full. scenario: Values: true. The asynchronous log shipping buffer is a transient memory buffer. A log writer process copies closed log buffers to the asynchronous log shipping buffer. which temporarily stores copies of log buffers before sending them to the secondary system. When set to true. The asynchronous log shipping buffer is useful to handle peak load situations when log information is generated faster in the primary system than sent to the secondary system. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system. separate alerts are raised for each of both events. the statisticsserver alert 21 is raised when closed system replication connections and configuration parameter mismatches occur. false Default: True Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. See the output of the command “hdbnsutil”. An asynchronous sender process reads the log buffers from the asynchronous log shipping buffer to send them to the secondary system over a network. the system replication is invoked with the option “—mode=async”. To select asynchronous system replication. When set to false. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) System Replication Alerts (Admin Guide) Parameter: logshipping_async_buffer_size Description: Sets a maximum size of the asynchronous log shipping buffer in bytes in asynchronous system replication mode. scenario: Values: Positive integer Default: 67108864 = 64*1024*1024 (64 MB) SAP HANA Platform 59 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable_log_retention Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: keep_old_style_alert Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) alerting that is backwards compatible with HANA Revisions before SPS 09. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system. the parameter logshipping_async_wait_on_buffer_full controls the behaviour of the primary system. When more log information is generated than can be sent over the network. waiting for free memory space can slow down the primary system. the system replication connection to the secondary system will be closed temporarily to avoid a performance impact on the primary system. The parameter logshipping_max_retention_size only takes effect when log retention is enabled (on. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: logshipping_async_wait_on_buffer_full Description: Controls the behavior of the primary system in asynchronous system replication mode when the asynchronous log shipping buffer is full. The asynchronous log shipping buffer temporarily stores log buffers before sending them to the secondary system. When set to true and when the asynchronous log shipping buffer is full. the secondary system tries to re-connect and synchronize with the primary system. auto) in the primary system. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: logshipping_max_retention_size Description: Sets a maximum size of free log segments in megabytes that log retention protects against re-use in the primary system when the secondary system disconnects. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system. To select asynchronous system replication. See the description of the parameter “enable_log_retention”. Protected log segments have the status “RetainedFree”. After the time interval defined by the parameter reconnect_time_interval has elapsed. SAP HANA Platform 60 . but the secondary system has to re-connect to the primary system in order to activate the parameter change.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: logshipping_async_buffer_size Restart required: No. false Default: true Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. A re-connect can be forced by restarting the secondary system. When set to false and when the asynchronous log shipping buffer is full. See the output of the command “hdbnsutil”. the primary system waits until enough memory space has been freed from the asynchronous log shipping buffer so that new log buffers can be copied into it. the system replication is invoked with the option “—mode=async”. scenario: Values: true. the size of protected log segments can grow until the specified maximum size is reached or the HANA System runs into a log full situation. the parameter logshipping_max_retention_size can control the size of protected log segments when log retention is enabled (on) in the secondary system and a failover swaps the roles of primary and secondary systems. The parameter applies to all system replication modes: synchronous. the primary system closes the system replication session/connection with the secondary system. After a re- connect. transaction processing can continue. and asynchronous. The log information is necessary for database recovery. System in replication The parameter can be set in the primary system and in the secondary scenario: system. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 1048576 ( = 1 terabyte ) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Log Retention (Admin Guide) Parameter: logshipping_timeout Description: Sets a maximum wait time for sending a log buffer from the primary to the secondary system. After a re-connect. the secondary system must start a full datashipping to synchronize up with the primary system.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: logshipping_max_retention_size When set to a positive value greather than 0 in the primary system and the secondary system is disconnected. can synchronize (up) with the primary system much faster. the secondary system sends a confirmation back to the primary system after receiving the log buffer. however. In the synchronous and synchronous in memory system replication modes. In the asynchronous system replication mode. When the reason for the log full situation has been resolved. the secondary system. Log buffers are written to log segment files on disks after a commit operation occurs. After the secondary system has disconnected from the primary system in the synchronous system replication mode. In the secondary system. When the specified wait time elapsed after sending a log buffer without receiving a confirmation. log segments are not re-used until a log full situation results in a standstill of the primary system. Log buffers are memory areas that store information about changes made to the database. synchronous in memory. the behaviour depends on the parameter enable_full_sync: SAP HANA Platform 61 . When set to 0 in the primary system and the secondary system is disconnected. the operating system layer of the primary system confirms that the log buffer has been sent. the protected log segments can be overwritten so that the primary system does not stand still. In this case. scenario: Values: Positive integer Default: 30 (seconds) Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. the log segment in the secondary system gets the status “BackedUp”. When a log segment in the secondary system was closed before the last savepoint operation and not yet backed up. and periodically triggered delta data shipping. After a delta data shipping completes. To select a system replication mode. When the command “hdbnsutil –sr_register” does not specify the “— operationMode”. When a log segment was closed before the last savepoint operation in the secondary system and receives the corresponding log backup notification SAP HANA Platform 62 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: logshipping_timeout When the parameter enable_full_sync is set to false. the system replication uses both data and log shipping. When a log segment in the secondary system was closed after the last savepoint operation and the secondary system received a notification that the corresponding log segment was backed up in the primary system. the primary system suspends processing write transactions until the connection to the secondary system has been re-established. a savepoint is executed in the secondary system. Note: The operation mode can only be changed in the secondary system by submitting the command “hdbnsutil -sr_register --operationMode=”. Log shipping transfers log buffers from the primary to the secondary system. Data shipping comprises initial data shipping when system replication starts. When the parameter enable_full_sync is set to true. write transactions are only processed in the primary system until the secondary system re- connects and initiates new data shipping. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system. See the output of the command “hdbnsutil”. the system replication is invoked with the corresponding option “—mode=sync|syncmem|async”. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: operation_mode Description: Sets a default operation mode of the secondary system during system replication. See also the parameter reconnect_time_interval. The secondary system receives notifications about log backup operations from the primary system to control corresponding operations in the secondary system. where they are saved to disk. the value of the parameter operation_mode takes effect. When set to “delta_datashipping”. it has the status “Truncated”. but no delta data shipping.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: operation_mode from the primary system. But delta data shipping transfers merged column store tables from the primary to the secondary system. which replays the received log buffers and saves them to disk. The table preload information describes which columnstore table columns are loaded into memory. Values: true. When set on the secondary system. false Default: true SAP HANA Platform 63 . the parameter enables (true) / disables (false) receiving of the table preload information from the primary system and loading of the corresponding columnstore tables in the secondary system System in replication The parameter can be set on the primary system and on the secondary scenario: system. system replication uses an initial data shipping and continues only log buffer shipping. but restart of the secondary system with the following command sequence: 1) Stop secondary system 2) hdbnsutil –sr_unregister 3) hdbnsutil –sr_disable 4) hdbnsutil –sr_enable 5) hdbnsutil –sr_register 6) Start secondary system Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Parameter: preload_column_tables Description: When set on the primary system. The operation mode “delta_datashipping” is available since SPS 05. the parameter enables (true) / disables (false) collecting table preload information. When set to “logreplay”. The secondary system does not execute delta merge operations on columnstore tables. The primary system sends log buffers to the secondary system. scenario: Values:  delta_datashipping  logreplay Default: delta_datashipping Restart required: No restart of the primary system. The secondary system receives notifications about savepoint. the log segment in the secondary system gets the status gets the status “Free”. and delta merge operations from the primary system to control corresponding operations in the secondary system. System in replication The parameter has to be set on the secondary system. The operation mode “logreplay” is available since SPS 11. The table preload information is included in the snapshot that is shipped to the secondary system. log backup. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions. Default: 30 (seconds) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Section: system_replication_communication This section contains parameters that are related to communication properties of system replication. the secondary system tries to re- connect to the primary system. Related information: System Replication Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: reconnect_time_interval Description: Sets a time interval in seconds at which the secondary system periodically tests if the system replication connections to the primary system are alive. When a receiving system gets a communication request from a system that is not in the pre-defined list of sending systems. Validity: HANA Revisions >= 70 SAP HANA Platform 64 . System in replication The parameter has to be set on the secondary system. When the trace component allowed_sender is set to info in the receiving system. takes effect after the next re-connect of the secondary system. Parameter: allowed_sender Description: Defines one or more allowed sending systems in system replication communication. the receiving system returns a response that the connection is not allowed. a trace entry about the unsuccessful communication attempt is recorded.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: preload_column_tables Restart required: No restart or re-connect is required. scenario: Values: Positive integer. System in replication The parameter has to be set in the primary system. scenario: Values: A list of one or more IP addresses and/or CIDR notations separated by commas Default: Empty string Restart required: No. When the connections have been closed. SSL communication must be enabled for both communication partners. target Default: off Restart required: No restart of the primary system. An SSL communication between a source and target system requires corresponding source and target replication channels. SSL communication is only enabled for the source replication channels. SSL communication is enabled for both source and target replication to select all available network interfaces . Values: . System in replication The parameter has to be set on the primary system and on the secondary scenario: system.internal to select all network interfaces that are listed in [system_replication_hostname_resolution] Default: . there is one source system and one target system.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable_ssl Description: Enables / Disables SSL communication for source and/or target replication channels in a system replication scenario. otherwise the SSL communication will fail. but restart of the secondary system with the following command sequence: SAP HANA Platform 65 . In a two-tier configuration. on. SSL communication is only enabled for target replication channels. SSL communication is disabled for both source and target replication channels. and one target system. but restart of the secondary system with the following command sequence: 1) Stop secondary system 2) hdbnsutil –sr_unregister 3) hdbnsutil –sr_disable 4) hdbnsutil –sr_enable 5) hdbnsutil –sr_register 6) Start secondary system Validity: HANA Revisions >= 70 Parameter: listeninterface Description: Specifies the network interface that the processes listen on. but not for the source replication channels. System in replication The parameter has to be set on both the primary and secondary systems scenario: of each replication channel. When set to “off”. but not for the target replication channels. source. there is one source Restart required: No restart of the primary system. When set to “source”. In a three-tier configuration. When set to “target”. one target and source system. When set to “on”. Values: off. specify virtual hostnames of the secondary system scenario: and corresponding IP addresses of the system replication network On the secondary the internal IP addresses specified in the section [system_replication_hostname_resolution] will be used. Values: <virtual_hostname> Default: N/A Restart required: No restart of the primary system. specify virtual hostnames of the primary system and corresponding IP addresses of the system replication network. When the parameter listeninterface in the section [system_replication_communication] has been set to .internal. … Note: The mapping must be defined before the secondary system is registered with the primary system using hdbnsutils –sr_register. Parameter: <system_replication_ip_address> Maps IP addresses of the system replication network to virtual hostnames of the other system in a system replication scenario to enable communications between hosts of the primary system and hosts of the secondary system. When the parameter listeninterface in the section [system_replication_communication] has been set to .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: listeninterface 1) Stop secondary system 2) hdbnsutil –sr_unregister 3) hdbnsutil –sr_disable 4) hdbnsutil –sr_enable 5) hdbnsutil –sr_register 6) Start secondary system Validity: HANA Revisions >= 70 Section: system_replication_hostname_resolution This section contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames in a system replication scenario. System in replication On the primary system. but restart of the secondary system with the following command sequence: 1) Stop secondary system 2) hdbnsutil –sr_unregister 3) hdbnsutil –sr_disable 4) hdbnsutil –sr_enable 5) hdbnsutil –sr_register 6) Start secondary system Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Configuring Hostname Resolution for SAP HANA System Replication (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 66 . As of Revision 80. the number of level 1 partitions is independent of other tables with the same group name. Column store tables are created on or moved to the master node only when the table name starts with the prefix ‘/’ and continues with the database schema name as defined by the parameter bw_schema. which are stored in the table _SYS_RT. All other column store tables are created on or moved to slave nodes. Until SPS 09. row store tables are created on or moved to the master node during table redistribution. There is an entry in this table for all tables for which a group type. The rules are stored in the table _SYS_RT. row store and column store tables can be created on any node or moved to any node When set to 2. and when the table is not partitioned. when the rules are not defined in the table _SYS_RT. Values: 0 and 2 Default: 0 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions < 100 Obsolete as of SPS 10. Values: true. When set to false. Parameter: method Description: Controls the default behavior of table placement and redistribution.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: table_placement This section contains parameters that are related to table placement.TABLE_GROUPS. Related information: Table Placement (Admin Guide) Table Distribution in SAP HANA (Admin Guide) Parameter: same_num_partitions Description: Controls the behavior of table placement and redistribution in relation to table classifications. or group name is specified. The number of partitions is determined by the table with the largest number of records within the group. all tables with the same group name have the same number of level 1 partitions. When set to true. the SAP HANA system can use configurable rules for the placement and redistribution of column store tables.TABLE_PLACEMENT. the SAP HANA System applies the default behavior based on the specified parameter method.TABLE_PLACEMENT. false Default: True Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Table Placement (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 67 . When set to 0. subtype. Trace messages of the specified trace level and higher are duplicated into the alert trace. when set to warning. the alert trace contains messages at the trace levels Fatal. 16 MB) Default: Linux on Power. 1152 kB (SAP HANA revisions >= 91) Linux on Intel: 1024 kB (All SAP HANA revisions) Restart required: No (Applies to newly created worker threads. indexserver_alert SAP HANA Platform 68 . Parameter: alert Description: Sets the trace level of the alert trace. Values: Positive integer ( 128 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: threads This section contains parameters that are related to threads.. 16384 = 128 kB .) Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: worker_stack_size_kb Description: Sets a default stack size for worker threads in kilobytes. For example.. and Warning Values: error. Error. debug Default: error Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: alertfilename Description: Sets a name prefix of the corresponding alert trace file Note: Do not change the parameter Values: String Default: <service_name>_alert. warning. for example. Parameter: default_stack_size_kb Description: Sets a default stack size for threads in kilobytes.) Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: trace This section contains parameters that are related to tracing. info. (Applies to newly created worker threads. 1152 kB (SAP HANA revisions >= 91) Linux on Intel: 1024 kB (All SAP HANA revisions) Restart required: No. 16384 = 128 kB . Values: Positive integer ( 128 ... 16 MB) Default: Linux on Power. debug Default: error Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: filename Description: Sets a name prefix of the corresponding trace file Note: Do not change the parameter Values: String Default: <service_name>. The trace compression thread scans the trace directory at regular intervals of time to find trace files that need compression. but directly written to disk.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: alertfilename Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: compressioninterval Description: Sets the scan interval of time for the trace compression thread in seconds (0 = disabled). the trace compression thread is disabled. Trace messages of the specified trace level are written to the trace file. info. when set to Warning. the trace information is not cached in memory. Error. When set to 0. For example. When set to 0. for example. and Warning Values: error. indexserver Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: flushinterval Description: Sets the time interval at which memory buffers for trace information are flushed to disk in seconds (0 = disabled). SAP HANA Platform 69 . Values: Positive integer or zero. the trace contains messages at the trace levels Fatal. warning. Default: 10 (seconds) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: default Description: Sets the default trace level for all trace components. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: flushinterval Values: Positive integer or zero. Default: 5 (seconds) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: formatter Description: Sets the type of formatter to print the trace header information. Values: updatetid, statementtid, connection Default: updatetid Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: maxalertfilesize Description: Sets the size of the alert file in bytes (0 = unlimited). When set to 0, the file size is unlimited. Values: Positive integer or zero. Default: 10000000 (approximately 10 megabytes) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: maxfiles Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace file rotation disabled). When the specified maximum number of files is reached, the next time a new file is created, the first file is deleted, and so on (trace file rotation). When set to 0, the trace file rotation is disabled. Values: Positive integer or zero (0 to 999) Default: 10 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information Configure Trace File Rotation (Admin Guide) Parameter: maxfilesize Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in bytes (0 = unlimited). When a trace file reaches the specified maximum file size, it is closed, and a new file created. SAP HANA Platform 70 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maxfilesize When set to 0, the file size is unlimited. Values: Positive integer or zero. Default: 1000000000 (approximately 1 GB) 1073741824 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (1 GB) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information Configure Trace File Rotation (Admin Guide) Parameter: python_output Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) the redirection of the output of embedded python scripts from stdout and stderr to a trace file <service>.python.log. Values: true, false Default: false Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information SAP Note 1888573 Parameter: saptracelevel Description: Sets a trace level for SAP Netweaver kernel components that are integrated in the HANA System kernel. The lowest trace level is 0 and the highest trace level is 3. Values: 0 (lowest), 1, 2, 3 (highest) Default: 0 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Section: traceprofile% This section contains parameters that are related to tracing using a specific profile. Parameter: application_user Description: Sets an application user to filter trace messages for a specific profile. Specific profiles are used for user-specific and end-to-end traces. Values: String Default: N/A Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 71 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maxfiles Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files for a specific trace profile (0 = trace file rotation disabled). Specific profiles are used for user-specific and end-to-end traces. When the specified maximum number of files is reached, the next time a new file is created, the first file is deleted, and so on (trace file rotation). When set to 0, the trace file rotation is disabled. Values: Positive integer (0 to 999) or zero Default: 10 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information Configure Trace File Rotation (Admin Guide) Parameter: maxfilesize Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file for a specific profile in bytes (0 = unlimited). Specific profiles are used for user-specific and end-to-end traces. When a trace file reaches the specified maximum file size, it is closed, and a new file created. When set to 0, the file size is unlimited. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 1000000000 (approximately 1 GB) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information Configure Trace File Rotation (Admin Guide) Parameter: sql_user Description: Sets a HANA SQL user to filter trace messages for a specific profile. Specific profiles are used for user-specific and end-to-end traces. Values: String Default: N/A Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 72 Section: global This section contains parameters that are related to each service of the landscape Parameter: inverted_index_verification_after_load Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) verification of index information associated with uncompressed columns of columnstore tables. When set to false. The inverted index verification is only effective when the parameter [global] runtime_structure_persistence has been set to true. The verification is performed after loading the corresponding columns into memory.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the Attribute Engine. When set to true. Values: true. The parameter only applies to non-paged columns which are loaded as one entity into memory. The runtime structure information comprises index information and SQL optimizer statistics. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64 Parameter: runtime_structure_persistence Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) loading of runtime structure information of columnstore tables from persistence into memory.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 3 Filename: attributes. the runtime structure information is read from persistence rather than being generated at a column load so that the system startup time is reduced at the expense of increased disk space consumption. Values: true. the runtime structure information is generated after each column load. which are associated with corresponding columns. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: SAP Note 1976994 (Revision 70) SAP HANA Platform 73 . hyphen. use the command “numactl – hardware” or check contents of the directories /sys/devices/system/cpu and /proc/cpuinfo. For example. the ranges having a start index. Section: compileserver This section contains parameters that are related to the compileserver service. 17-23' assigns logical cores with indexes 1 to 7 and 17 to 23 to the hdbindexserver process. Parameter: affinity Description: Selects a subset of available logical core indexes to define an affinity of the hdbindexserver process to the selected logical cores (0 = ignored). The subset can comprise comma-separated single indexes and index ranges. When set to 0. Values: Subset of positive integers between 1 and the maximum number of available logical cores where multiple integers are separated by commas and hyphens. in a system with 32 logical cores. The distribution of logical cores to physical sockets and cores depends on the hardware system and architecture.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the daemon service. the affinity value '1-7. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. When set to 0.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 4 Filename: daemon. there is no affinity for the hdbindexserver process. no affinity is set for the indexserver process. and an end index. To retrieve the hardware topology on Linux. Default: 0 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Controlling CPU Consumption (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 74 . Section: indexserver This section contains parameters that are related to the indexserver service. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: indexserver. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. the highest identifier is less than 60. and 30244. three indexserver services are added. The list of instance identifiers starts with a value greater than or equal to 40. The identifiers determine the last two digits of the port number. 30242.c This section contains parameters that are related to the additional indexserver services.44”. each subsequent instance identifier is separated by a comma and incremented by 2. SAP HANA Platform 75 . Example: When the HANA instance identifier is 02 and the parameter instanceids have the value “40. Section: nameserver This section contains parameters that are related to the nameserver service. Parameter: instanceids Description: Specifies a list of identifiers for additional indexserver services in a single database container at HOST level. Values: Comma-separated list of one or more instance identifiers (40 … 58) Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Add a Service Before Database Copy (Admin Guide) Section: indexserver.<tenandSID> This section contains parameters that are related to the additional indexserver services of tenant database containers.42. Section: preprocessor This section contains parameters that are related to the preprocessor service. which have the corresponding port numbers 30240. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: sapwebdisp / webdispatcher This section contains parameters that are related to the webdispatcher service. Section: xsengine This section contains parameters that are related to the xsengine service. Section: scriptserver This section contains parameters that are related to the scriptserver service. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. Section: statisticsserver This section contains parameters that are related to the statisticsserver service. SAP HANA Platform 76 . Parameter: affinity Description: See the section [indexserver]. which processes the complete query “auto”: a cost-based optimizer decides between “local” and “remote”. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: bulk_load_as_binary Description: Controls whether the data file for the LOAD TABLE statement/command is a text file or a binary file. When set to false. use LOAD TABLE statement/command. use INSERT statement/command. When set to true. Default: auto Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 SAP HANA Platform 77 . When set to true. Parameter: bulk_inserts_as_load Description: Controls whether data insert into extended storage tables uses LOAD TABLE or INSERT statements/commands.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 5 Filename: esserver. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Parameter: execution_strategies Description: Controls the location of query processing Values: “local”: Dynamic Tiering processes a first part of the query and HANA a second part “remote”: HANA sends table contents to Dynamic Tiering. When set to false. Section: row_engine This section contains parameters that are related to the rowstore engine configuration. the data file ist text. Values: true. Values: true.ini This configuration file describes parameters for extended storage. the data file is binary. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: keep_shared_memory_over_restart Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) keeping rowstore data in memory after a shutdown of the HANA System to accelerate a subsequent restart. When set to true. all rowstore data have be loaded from the persistent storage. all rowstore data have to be reloaded from the persistent storage during the restart. the shared memory will be released. Values: true. Values: Positive integer Default: 3600 (seconds = 1 hour) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 SAP HANA Platform 78 . When the specified time interval elapsed after a shutdown. the HANA System will keep the rowstore data in shared memory provided that certain technical preconditions are fulfilled. When set to false. and at the next restart. false Default: True Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: keep_shared_memory_over_restart_timeout Description: Defines a time interval in seconds to keep rowstore data in memory after a shutdown provided that the parameter keep_shared_memory_over_restart is set to true. they are separated by commas. “datamining”. “xse_web Default: all Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: trace Description: Enables (on. Section: pythontrace This section contains parameters that are related to pythontrace configuration. no.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 6 Filename: executor. “searching”. yes. Specific trace groups are “admin”. false Default: off. false) error tracing of Python API calls. Values: on. false Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 79 . no. true)/disables (off. The plans are represented as python program code. yes.searching Values: When set to “all”. yes. false) tracing of Python API calls. no. false Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: trace_errors Description: Enables (on. “trexviadbsl”. “planningengine”. independent of filters specified by the parameters level and trace_indexes. which writes executed plans into a dedicated trace file. Parameter: level Description: Sets for the tracing of Python API calls a filter on trace groups and functions. “indexing”. no. true off. no. “python”. Values: on. true off. true)/disables (off. which can be used for analysis and debugging.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the columnstore plan executor. yes. If many. all trace groups are included. no.indexing. Example of a comma-separated list of trace groups: admin. false Default: off. If many tables. Example: MYSCHEMA:MYTABLE Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: trace_user Description: Sets for the tracing of Python API calls a user name filter. if many. Values: One or more table names in TREX notation. the names are separated by (for SAP HANA Revisions >= 94) trace/extrace. Values: Application user name or HANA SQL user name Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: tracefile Description: Specifies the name of the trace file of Python API calls. The trace file is written to the trace directory $DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME/trace Values: File name (for SAP HANA Revisions >= 94) Prefix “trace/” and file name (for SAP HANA Revisions < 94) Environment variables are not supported except for $HOST. and $COUNT.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: trace_indexes Description: Sets for the tracing of Python API calls a table name filter in TREX notation. which can be an application user or a HANA SQL user. $PID. separated by commas. Only Python API calls from system threads that are associated with the specified user name are written to the trace file. $PORT. as shown by the HANA Administration tools and System (for SAP HANA Revisions < 94) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 80 . Default: extrace. pem and the trust store file must be encoded in PEM format. Environment variables are not supported. the parameter is read-only by default. Default: The SAP HANA system sequentially tests which cryptographic service providers have been installed. Section: authentication This section contains parameters that are related to authentication configuration.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the indexserver service. which must contain exactly one certificate. Multi-tenant database container systems: In a tenant database. Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Configure Outbound SSO with Assertion Tickets (Admin Guide) Configure the Trust Store for SAP Logon Tickets and Assertions (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1927949 SAP HANA Platform 81 .ssl/saplogon. Caution: Do not use environment variables in the file path. 2) If the SAP Cryptographic library has been detected. the default value of this parameter is $SECUDIR/saplogon.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 7 Filename: indexserver. 3) If OpenSSL is used as cryptographic service provider. The SAP Cryptographic Library is obsolete and the CommonCryptoLib is recommended. Values: Absolute file path. 1) If the cryptographic library CommonCryptoLib has been found. Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Configure Outbound SSO with Assertion Tickets (Admin Guide) Parameter: SapLogonTicketTrustStore Description: Sets an absolute file path to the SAPLogon Ticket trust store file.pse and the trust store file must be encoded in PSE format. The parameter can only be changed in the system database. Values: Absolute file path. Environment variables are not supported. the default value is the same as in 1). Parameter: saml_service_provider_name Description: Defines the name under which the HANA server instance will act as SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) service provider. the default value of this parameter is $HOME/. Parameter: internal_support_user_limit Description: Sets a maximum number of users whom the internal support role (SAP_INTERNAL_HANA_SUPPORT) can be granted at the same time.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: session_cookie_for_kerberos Description: Enables (yes) / Disables (no) a session cookie mechanism for Kerberos Single Sign-On (SSO). Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 80 Section: cache This section contains parameters that are related to cache configuration. the original Kerberos SSO mechanism is used. a session cookie mechanism allows the HANA System to control the lifetime of a session cookie. When set to yes. Values: yes. the lifetime of the original TGT may not be long enough and applications can be disrupted. no Default: no Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: resultcache_enabled Description: Enables (yes)/disables (no) the query result cache. Values: yes SAP HANA Platform 82 . no user is allowed to get the internal support role. When set to 0. which replaces the function of the original Kerberos ticket granting ticket (TGT). no Default: yes Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Section: authorization This section contains parameters that are related to authorization configuration. Parameter: resultcache_clear_reconfig Description: Enables (yes) / Disables (no) clearing the query result cache on configuration changes. Values: yes. For a long running connection in a distributed system. When set to no. the execution time takes no effect on caching. Default: 1048576 (bytes = 1 megabyte). Values: Positive integer and zero. the result data will not be cached. Values: Positive integer and zero. When set to 0.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: resultcache_enabled no Default: no Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1980765 Parameter: resultcache_maximum_value_size_in_bytes Description: Sets a maximum size of a result in bytes to be written to the query result cache (0 = disabled). When the execution time is shorter than the specified minimum value. Values: Positive integer and zero SAP HANA Platform 83 . Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: resultcache_minimum_query_execution_time_in_milliseconds Description: Sets a minimum query execution time in milliseconds to write a result to the query result cache (0 = disabled). When set to 0. When the result size is larger than the specified maximum value. the result data will not be cached. When set to 0. the first query result cache sends request only to second query result caches on the same node (local lookups). the specified timeout value defines the maximum time the first query result cache waits for the response from the second query result cache. Default: 100 (ms) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: resultcache_request_timeout_in_milliseconds Description: Sets a timeout for requests between query result caches on separate nodes in milliseconds in a distributed environment (0 = only requests on the same node) When a first query result cache sends a request to a second query result cache on another node. the result size takes no effect on caching. VIEW Values: One or more strings separated by commas. Each of the schema name and table/view name can be embraced with double quotes or not. Examples: “MYSCHEMA”. Do not set a value less than the default. Values: Positive integer Recommended: 1048576 = 1024 * 1024 (1 GB). the strings representing table or view names Default: N/A Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: calcengine This section contains parameters that are related to calcengine configuration.MYVIEW.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: resultcache_request_timeout_in_milliseconds Default: 0 (ms) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: resultcache_white_list Description: Defines a comma-separated list of one or more table or view names.”MYTABLE”. When the parameter is omitted or its value is an empty string. SYSTEM. “MYSCHEMA”. apply: SAP Note 1856131 SAP Note 1942407 SAP Note 1988050 SAP HANA Platform 84 . for which query results can be written to the query result cache. Parameter: max_cache_size_kb Description: Sets a maximum memory cache size for calculation engine operations in kilobytes. 4194304 = 4 * 1024 * 1024 (4 GB) Default: 1048576(1 GB) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: For SAP BW systems. query results of all tables and views can be cached. The table or view names must be preceded by the schema name. all: all distribution features are enabled. Default: statement Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 2079372 SAP Note 1743225 SAP Note 1745057 SAP Note 1774187 SAP Note 1785171 SAP HANA SQL and System Views Reference (M_CONNECTIONS) SAP HANA Platform 85 . statement: statement routing is enabled. Values: off: all distribution features are disabled. connection: client side load balancing is enabled. Parameter: client_distribution_mode Description: Sets the client distribution mode. See SAP Note 2079372.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: distribution This section contains parameters that are related to client distribution configuration. For the optimal connection performance. the client property DISTRIBUTION must be set appropriately. ini. Example: Available logical CPU cores: 32 Number of tenants: 4 Tenant database max_concurrency: 8 Do not specify a value of 0 to avoid that each tenant database takes all available logical CPU cores. Parameter changes take effect not later than the currently running job worker threads have terminated. The total number of job worker threads can be larger than the specified target value because some of the job worker threads are not in the state Running. and recovery. the server has more logical cores than physical cores. The value of [execution] max_concurrency in the file indexserver. Restart required: No. the target value is the number of available logical CPU cores. When Hyperthreading is enabled. When the specified value is smaller than the default value. When the specified target value is too small. savepoint operations.ini overrides the value of [execution] max_concurrency in the file global. important system tasks may get stuck. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: Number of available logical cores. backup. A reasonable value is the number of available logical CPU cores divided by the number of tenant databases. Multi-tenant database container system: The parameter max_concurrency controls an effective number of logical cores of a multi-tenant database container. The current number of running job worker threads can exceed the specified target value. the SAP HANA System may be overloaded due to a high degree of parallelization. the job worker threads will only use a part of the available logical CPU cores. Validity: Single-container systems: All SAP HANA revisions Multiple-container systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 SAP HANA Platform 86 . Parameter: max_concurrency Description: Sets a maximum target value for the average number of running job worker threads (0 = number of available logical CPU cores). When set to 0. When the specified target value is too large. garbage collection. Job worker threads process parallelized OLAP queries and perform system tasks such as table updates.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: execution This section contains parameters that are related to parallel execution. . CSV files can be ready from any file system path. the path filtering restricts read access to CSV files located under the file system paths specified by the parameter csv_import_path_filter. and EXPORT).e. separated by a semicolon delimiter (. When set to true. Parameter: csv_import_path_filter Description: Sets one or more file system paths for the path filter on CSV file locations when executing an IMPORT FROM SQL statement. Multiple file system paths are separated by a semicolon delimiter (.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: import_export This section contains parameters that are related to Import/Export SQL statements (i. The path filter restricts read access to CSV files located under the specified file system paths. IMPORT SCAN. IMPORT. Additionally. Values: true. IMPORT FROM. false Default: false (HANA Revision 85) true (HANA Revisions >= 90) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 85 Related information: SAP Note 2119087 SAP HANA Platform 87 . the following file system paths are implicitly set and cannot be excluded from the path filter: •$DIR_INSTANCE/work •$DIR_INSTANCE/backup •$SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH/trace Values: One or more absolute file system paths.) Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP Note 2109565 Parameter: enable_csv_import_path_filter Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the path filtering for CSV file locations when executing an IMPORT FROM SQL statement. When set to false.). the HANA System used the vector-based implementation of translation tables. the HANA System also estimates the the size of the translation table using the vector-based implementation and selects the implementation with the smaller table size. Otherwise. Translation tables are created for caching mapping information required by join engine queries. The HANA System rebuilds translation tables at the first join query after a delta merge operation of either of the two tables involved in the join operation. Values: Positive integer Default: 2000 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: SAP Note 1840954 SAP Note 1998599 Parameter: translator_hashmap_max_size Description: Sets an upper threshold for using the hash-based implementation of translation tables in bytes.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: joins This section contains parameters that are related to Join Engine configuration. When the estimated size is smaller than the specified threshold value. Before the rebuild the HANA System determines the implementation type. the HANA System uses the vector-based implementation for all translation tables. The mapping information correlates values of joined table columns. When the HANA System builds a translation table. it estimates the table size using the vector-based implementation. the HANA System always uses the hash-based implementation. Parameter: translator_cache_size Description: Defines the maximum number of tables in the JoinEngine translation table cache. When set to zero. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 50000 (HANA Revisions >= 90) 0 (HANA Revisions < 90) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 80 SAP HANA Platform 88 . When neither the parameter translator_hashmap_max_size nor the parameter translator_hashmap_min_size are defined. Translation tables are created for caching join column entries of join engine queries. Translation tables are created for caching mapping information required by join engine queries. Before the rebuild the HANA System determines the implementation type. the HANA System used the vector-based implementation of translation tables. When the HANA System builds a translation table. When the estimated table size is smaller than the specified lower threshold value. it estimates the table size using the vector-based implementation.automatic delta merge operations globally for all columnstore tables. Otherwise. the HANA System always uses the vector-based implementation. Values: true. false Default: true SAP HANA Platform 89 . Parameter: enable Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) collecting load event information when columnstore tables are loaded into memory. the HANA System uses the vector-based implementation for all translation tables. The HANA System rebuilds translation tables at the first join query after a delta merge operation of either of the two tables involved in the join operation. the HANA System evaluates the upper threshold value defined by the parameter translator_hashmap_max_size.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: translator_hashmap_max_size Related information: SAP Note 1998599 SAP Note 2036494 Parameter: translator_hashmap_min_size Description: Sets a lower threshold value for using the hash-based implementation of translation tables in bytes. When set to zero. The mapping information correlates values of joined table columns. When neither the parameter translator_hashmap_max_size nor the parameter translator_hashmap_min_size are defined. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 50000 (HANA Revisions >= 90) 0 (HANA Revisions < 90) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP Note 1998599 SAP Note 2036494 Section: load_trace This section contains parameters that are related to collecting load event information. For an individual columnstore table. When set to 0. respectively. Parameter: active Description: Enables (yes) / disables (no) automatic delta merge operations globally for all columnstore tables. the file size is unlimited. Values: Positive integer Default: 10000000 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP Note 2119087 Section: mergedog This section contains parameters that are related to mergedog configuration. the trace file rotation is disabled. Values: yes. no Default: yes Restart required: no Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 90 . automatic delta merge operations can be activated and deactivated in the system view SYS. Values: Positive integer (0 to 999) or zero Default: 10 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP Note 2119087 Parameter: maxfilesize Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in bytes (0 = unlimited) When set to 0.TABLES by changing the value in the column AUTO_MERGE_ON to TRUE and FALSE.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP Note 2119087 Parameter: maxfiles Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace file rotation disabled). Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Parameter: hard_merge_priority_func Description: Defines a hard merge priority cost function that determines the priority that is assigned to a hard delta merge request. Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 91 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: auto_merge_decision_func Description: Defines an automatic merge decision cost function that determines whether or not a requested automatic delta merge operation is executed. Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Parameter: auto_merge_priority_func Description: Defines an auto merge priority cost function that determines the priority that is assigned to an automatic delta merge request. Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Parameter: critical_merge_decision_func Description: Defines a critical merge cost function that determines whether or not a critical delta merge operation is executed to avoid out of memory or system crash situations even if other cost functions have been turned off or failed to run. Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: no Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Parameter: smart_merge_enabled Description: Enables (yes) / disables (no) delta merge operations triggered by smart merge hints. Values: yes.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: load_balancing_func Description: Defines a load balancing cost function that determines the allocation of system resources to delta merge operations. Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 92 . Caution: The parameter is deprecated. Values: Logical string expression Default: See Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Restart required: no Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Parameter: smart_merge_decision_func Description: Defines a smart merge decision cost function that determines whether or not a requested delta merge operation triggered by a smart merge hint is executed. no Default: yes Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Merge Motivations (Admin Guide) Parameter: smart_merge_priority_func Description: Defines a smart merge priority cost function that determines the priority that is assigned to a delta merge request triggered by a smart merge hint. Values: yes. The delta merge operation automatically determines if data compression is required. The merge monitor can determine a non-default number of threads depending on the available system resources (CPU. Values: Logical string expression Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost Functions) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Data Compression in the Column Store (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 93 . Values: Positive integer Default: 2 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Merge Tokens (Admin Guide) Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Section: optimize_compression This section contains parameters that are related to optimized compression. Parameter: active Description: Switches automatic data compression optimization on (yes)/off (no). including delta merge and optimized compression.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: smart_merge_priority_func Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Cost Functions (Admin Guide) Parameter: token_per_table Description: Sets a default number of merge tokens to control parallel thread executions of operations under the merge monitor. memory). no Default: yes Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Data Compression in the Column Store (Admin Guide) Parameter: auto_decision_func Description: Defines a cost function that determines whether or not a data compression optimization is executed when requested by an automatic delta merge operation. but affect different places in the code. Multiple parallelization steps may result in far more jobs being created for a statement (and hence higher concurrency) than this parameter. Note: SAP recommends that the parameters num_cores and [execution] max_concurrency_limit have equal values because the two values are used in the same logical function. The actual number of jobs being executed in parallel is further limited by the parameters [execution] default_statement_concurrency limit and [execution] max_concurrency and by the available CPU resources so that a parallelization step can create fewer jobs than specified by the parameter num_cores. Values: Logical string expression Default: See SAP HANA Administration Guide (Cost Functions) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Data Compression in the Column Store (Admin Guide) Section: parallel This section contains parameters that are related to the configuration of parallel algorithms. Parameter: mode Description: Sets the mode for parallel processing by multiple logical CPU cores in some system functions that use this parameter: Values: One of the following string values (case-insensitive):  off: turns off parallel processing  auto: lets the system functions decide to use parallel processing or not  force: turns on parallel processing Default: Auto Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Parameter: num_cores Description: Limits the number of jobs to create in a parallelization step during statement execution. SAP HANA Platform 94 . the effective limit is equal to the value of the parameter [execution] max_concurrency_hint.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: smart_decision_func Description: Defines a cost function that determines whether or not a data compression optimization is executed when requested by a smart delta merge operation. The value zero is not supported. When not set. Parameter: dynamic_range_check_time_interval_sec Description: Sets a default time interval in seconds for the Dynamic Range Partitioning background job to check the row count of dynamic range partitions periodically. Values: Positive integer Default: 5 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA Revisions >= 50 Related information: Restart Sequence (Admin Guide) Section: partitioning This section contains parameters that are related to the partitioning of columstore tables. When set to 0. When the background job detects dynamic range partitions where the row count is greater than a pre-defined threshold. Values: Positive integer and zero Default: 900 (seconds = 15 minutes) SAP HANA Platform 95 . reasonable values are between 0 and max_concurrency. consider setting [execution] max_concurrency_hint and [parallel] num_cores equal to the number of logical cores per socket. Values: Positive integer. In large systems with at least four sockets. a new dynamic range partition will be created. A dynamic range partition is a rest partition represented by the PARTITION OTHERS DYNAMIC clause in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements. the Dynamic Range Partitioning background job will be disabled. Default: Not set. See also the configuration parameter [sql] reload_tables. If this parameter is modified.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: num_cores SAP recommends to leave the default settings which allow the HANA System utilize most of the available CPU resources. Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA Revisions >= 80 Related information: Parameters that Control CPU (Admin Guide) Parameter: tables_preloaded_in_parallel Description: Sets the maximum number of tables that are reloaded in parallel during system restart. the empty partition will be dropped. When the background job detects an empty dynamic range partition. SAP HANA Platform 96 . To change the value. 2) a PARTITIONING_THRESHOLD value in the system view M_EFFECTIVE_TABLE_PLACEMENT for the specific table. Caution: A high number of threads may overload the system.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: dynamic_range_check_time_interval_sec Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA Revisions >= 110 Parameter: dynamic_range_default_threshold Description: Sets a default row count threshold for splitting a dynamic range partition of a specific table partitioned by range. no Default: no Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Related information: Partitioning Operations (Admin Guide) Parameter: split_threads Description: Sets a maxium number of threads per host to perform parallel partitioning operations. A Dynamic Range Partitioning background job determines the row count threshold by checking in the following order: 1) a pre-defined threshold value in the PARTITION OTHERS DYNAMIC clause of the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement of the specific table. Values: yes. Each partitioning operation takes at least one thread. Values: Positive integer and zero Default: 10 000 000 (10 million rows) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA Revisions >= 110 Parameter: split_history_parallel Description: When columnstore tables have history indexes. the parameter enables (yes) / disables (no) parallel partitioning of the main and history indexes. 3) the parameter dynamic_range_default_threshold When set to 0. the maximum size of the dynamic range partition is not limited by the background job. A dynamic range partition is a rest partition represented by the PARTITION OTHERS DYNAMIC clause in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. use the REPARTITIONING_THRESHOLD clause of the SQL statement ALTER SYSTEM ALTER TABLE PLACEMENT. ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. When set to true. SAP HANA Platform 97 .ini files. Values: true. the specific reason for the failed logon is returned:  “Invalid user password”  “User is locked”  “Connect try is outside validity period”  “User is deactivated” Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 97. When set to false.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver.03 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 102 Parameter: force_first_password_change Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) enforced password change after first logon. When set to true. the message “authentication failed” is returned. a user can continue to use the initial password. a user is forced to change his/her password after logon with an initial password given by a system administrator. When set to false.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: split_threads Values: Positive integer (1 to 128) Default: 16 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Related information: Partitioning Operations (Admin Guide) Section: password policy This section contains parameters that are related to password policies for a single-container system or for the tenant databases of a multiple-container system. the parameter "detailed_error_on_connect" for the system database is set in the nameserver. the parameter "detailed_error_on_connect" is set in the indexserver. Parameter: detailed_error_on_connect Description: Sets the detail level or error information returned when a logon attempt fails. ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 5 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: maximum_invalid_connect_attempts Description: Sets a maximum number of failed logon attempts until a user is locked. Values: true. the parameter " force_first_password_change " is set in the indexserver. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: last_used_passwords Description: Sets a number of last used passwords (0 = disabled) that a user is not allowed to reuse. a user can reuse all old passwords. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. the parameter "maximum_invalid_connect_attempts" is set in the indexserver.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system.ini files. When set to 0. the parameter "last_used_passwords" is set in the indexserver. the parameter "last_used_passwords" for the system database is set in the nameserver.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: force_first_password_change Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. the parameter "force_first_password_change" for the system database is set in the nameserver. the parameter "maximum_invalid_connect_attempts" for the system database is set in SAP HANA Platform 98 .ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver.ini files.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. ini files.ini files.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. the given initial password becomes invalid and the user administrator has to reset the password.ini file. the parameter "maximum_password_lifetime" is set in the indexserver.ini files. the parameter "maximum_unused_inital_password_lifetime" for the system database is set in the nameserver. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. SAP HANA Platform 99 .ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maximum_invalid_connect_attempts the nameserver. Values: Positiver integer Default: 182 (days) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: maximum_unused_inital_password_lifetime Description: Sets a maximum lifetime of an initial password given by a system administrator in number of days. MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. the parameter "maximum_unused_inital_password_lifetime" is set in the indexserver. Values: Positive integer Default: 6 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: maximum_password_lifetime Description: Sets a maximum number of days after which a user’s password expires.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. When a user gets an initial password from the system administrator and does not log in within the specified number of days.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. the parameter "maximum_password_lifetime" for the system database is set in the nameserver. the parameter "minimal_password_length" for the system database is set in the nameserver.. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. the parameter "minimal_password_length" is set in the indexserver. It contains the word “inital” where “initial” is expected.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. the password becomes invalid and the user administrator has to reset the password.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. When the parameter minimal_password_length is increased.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. SAP HANA Platform 100 .ini files.ini files. 65536) Default: 7 (days) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: maximum_unused_productive_password_lifetime Description: Sets a maximum number of days after which a user’s password expires if the user has not logged on. the parameter "maximum_unused_productive_password_lifetime" is set in the indexserver. Values: Positive integer (1 . Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. Values: Positive integer Default: 365 (days) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: minimal_password_length Description: Sets a minimum number of characters a password has to consist of.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maximum_unused_inital_password_lifetime Note: The parameter is mis-spelled in the HANA configuration files. existing passwords with a smaller number of characters remain valid. the parameter "maximum_unused_productive_password_lifetime" for the system database is set in the nameserver. After the lifetime elapsed.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. .ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. the parameter "minimum_password_lifetime" for the system database is set in the nameserver. a password has no minimum lifetime.ini files. 64) Default: 8 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: minimum_password_lifetime Description: Sets a minimum number of days to elapse before a user can change his/her password. When set to 0.. Values: Positve integer or zero Default: 1 (day) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: password_expire_warning_time Description: Sets a number of days before a password is due to expire that a user receives notification When set to 0.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: minimal_password_length Values: Positive integer (6 .ini files. the parameter "minimum_password_lifetime" is set in the indexserver. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 14 Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 101 . the parameter "password_expire_warning_time" for the system database is set in the nameserver. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. a user does not receive a notification that his/her password is due to expire.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. the parameter "password_expire_warning_time" is set in the indexserver. The SAP HANA Studio supports passwords enclosed in double quotes whereas the SAP HANA HDSQL command line tool does not. Default: Aa1 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: password_lock_for_system_user Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) locking the user SYSTEM for the specified password lock time after the maximum number of failed logon attempts.ini files. and at least one number. the parameter "password_lock_for_system_user" is set in the indexserver. The password requires at least one character of each character type. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. question mark (?). Note: Passwords containing special characters other than underscore must be enclosed in double quotes (“). the parameter "password_layout" for the system database is set in the nameserver.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: password_expire_warning_time Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: password_layout Description: Sets the character types that the password must contain.ini file SAP HANA Platform 102 . Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. and so on) Examples:  Aa1 is equivalent to Bb2 The password must contain at least one uppercase character. Values: String of characters comprising none or one of each of the following character types:  Lowercase letter (a-z)  Uppercase letter (A-Z)  Numerical digits (0-9)  Special characters (underscore (_). at least one lowercase character. hyphen (-).  A_ is equivalent to B? The password must contain at least one uppercase character and at least one special character. the parameter "password_layout" is set in the indexserver.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: password_lock_for_system_user MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. the parameter "password_lock_time" is set in the indexserver.ini file MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. Non-MDC (single container) systems: In a single-container system. SAP HANA Platform 103 . For other parameters.ini. zero. a user is not locked after the maximum number of failed logon attempts. and -1 Default: 1440 (24 hours) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Section: pythontrace This section contains parameters that are related to the tracing of the Python API.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver.ini files.ini files. a user is locked for an infinite period. false Default: True Restart required: No Validity: Non-MDC (single container) systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 97. When set to 0. Values: true.ini file and for the tenant databases in the corresponding indexserver. The user can only be unlocked by a user administrator. Values: Positive integer. the parameter "password_lock_for_system_user" for the system database is set in the nameserver. the parameter "password_lock_time" for the system database is set in the nameserver.03 MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 102 Related information: Password Policy Configuration Options (Admin Guide) Parameter: password_lock_time Description: Sets a time period in minutes for which a user is locked after the maximum number of failed logon attempts. Parameter: tracefile Description: Specifies the name of the trace file of Python API calls. When set to -1. see executor. and $COUNT. Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: queueserver This section contains parameters that are related to queueserver configuration. Values: String Default: UNDEFINED Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 104 . Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 84 Related information: SAP Note 2140653 Section: repository This section contains parameters that are related to repository configuration. $PORT. $PID. Default: servertrace_$HOST_${PORT}_${COUNT:3}. Each delivery unit has a vendor (for SAP HANA Revisions < 94) When the default settings are unchanged. Parameter: inactive_at_service_start Description: Enables (false) / Disables (true) automatic loading of asynchronous fulltext indexes at HANA System startup. Parameter: content_vendor Description: Defines the vendor attribute for delivery units created on this server. Individual indexes can be set to active by executing ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX <indexName> ACTIVATE QUEUE Values: (for SAP HANA Revisions >= 94) trace/servertrace_${HOST}_${PORT}_${COUNT:3}. the variables $HOST and ${PORT} are replaced with the host name and port number associated with the HANA service. ${COUNT:3} is a three-digit file counter that is cyclically incremented. false Default: false Restart required: With restart.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: tracefile The trace file is written to the trace directory $DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME/trace Values: File name (for SAP HANA Revisions >= 94) Prefix “trace/” and file name (for SAP HANA Revisions < 94) Environment variables are not supported except for $HOST. only fulltext indexes created after the parameter change are affected. Without restart. the parameter change takes effect for all fulltext indexes. This processing mode is called late materialization and significantly reduces the memory consumption for processing large result queries with the tradeoff of slightly decreased query performance. Parameter: late_materialization_threshold Description: Sets the lowest number of rows for compressed materialization of large result sets from column store tables. Values: Positive integer Default: 20000 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1975448 Parameter: late_materialization_threshold_for_insert Description: Sets the lowest number of rows for compressed materialization of large result sets during “insert as select” operations from column store tables.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: content_vendor Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 2140653 Section: search This section contains parameters that are related to search configuration. Values: Positive integer Default: 2000000 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1975448 SAP HANA Platform 105 . This processing mode is called late materialization and significantly reduces the memory consumption for processing large result queries with the tradeoff of slightly decreased query performance. information about connections/sessions will be stored until the maximum number of entries has been reached. no information about connections/sessions will be stored in the above system views. Information about connections/sessions can be displayed in the system views M_CONNECTIONS and M_CONNECTION_STATISTICS. When set to 0. idle connections/sessions will be disconnected and associated resources released after the specified timeout interval has elapsed. idle connections/sessions will not be disconnected. When set to 0. Parameter: connection_history_lifetime Description: Sets a maximum lifetime of historical information about connections/session in minutes (0 = disabled). Values: Positive integer or zero: 0 . Information about connections/sessions can be displayed in the system views M_CONNECTIONS and M_CONNECTION_STATISTICS. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 100000 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: idle_connection_timeout Description: Sets a timeout interval in minutes for the maximum duration of idle connections/sessions (0 = disabled).. When set to a positive value.. 10080 (7days) Default: 60 (1 hour) Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: connection_history_maximum_size Description: Sets a maximum number of historical information entries about connections/sessions (0 = disabled). Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 1440 (1 day) Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 106 . When set to 0. When set to a positive value.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: session This section contains parameters that are related to sessions / connections. there is no upper limit on the number of historical information entries. information about connections/sessions will be stored for the specified lifetime. When set to a positive value. the value of the parameter idle_connection_timeout takes effect. When set to a positive value. When set to 0. Values: Positive or negative integer or zero Default: -1 (idle_connection_timeout) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64 Parameter: idle_connection_timeout_application_hdbstudio Description: Sets a maximum timeout interval for the maximum duration of idle connections/sessions that were established by the HDBStudio application in minutes (0 = disabled). idle connections/sessions that were established by the specific application will be disconnected and associated resources released after the specified timeout interval has elapsed. the value of idle_connection_timeout takes effect. idle connections/sessions that were established by the HDBStudio application will be disconnected and associated resources released after the specified timeout interval has elapsed. the parameter reads idle_connection_timeout_application_statisticsserver. When the <application_name> is. for example. idle connections/sessions that were established by the specific application will not be disconnected. Values: Positive or negative integer or zero Default: 60 (1 hour) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 64 SAP HANA Platform 107 . “statisticsserver”. When set to a positive value. When set to a negative value or when the parameter is not specified. In this case. When set to 0. the parameter applies to idle connections/sessions established by the statisticsserver process.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: idle_connection_timeout Related information: SAP Note 1836774 SAP Note 2035443 Parameter: idle_connection_timeout_application_<application_name> Description: Sets a maximum timeout interval for the maximum duration of idle connections/sessions that were established by a specific application <application_name> in minutes (0 = disabled). idle connections/sessions that were established by the HDBStudio application will not be disconnected. When set to a negative value or when the parameter is not specified. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maximum_connections Description: Sets a maximum number of connections. off Default: on Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71 SAP HANA Platform 108 . only an administrator with the system privilege SESSION ADMIN can log on to the system. to resolve blocking situations by canceling sessions. The monitoring may help to detect network errors. Values: Positive integer. Values: Positive integer Default: 65536 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: maximum_external_connections Description: Sets a maximum number of connections that are created by user sessions. Values: on. for example. Values: Positive integer Default: 65536 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: reserved_connections Description: Sets a number of reserved connections for administrative access only. Default: 10 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information Reserve Connections for Administrators (Admin Guide) Parameter: socket_keepalive Description: Enables (on)/disables (off) monitoring of active connections/sessions by means of keep-alive probes. Information about connections/sessions can be displayed in the system views M_CONNECTIONS and M_CONNECTION_STATISTICS. When the maximum number of connections defined by the parameter maximum_connections minus the specified number of reserved connections is reached. Values: Positive integer Default: 5 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71 Related information SAP Note 1836774 Parameter: tcp_keepalive_time Description: Sets a time interval between the last packet sent and the first keep-alive probe in seconds.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: socket_keepalive Related information SAP Note 1836774 Parameter: tcp_keepalive_intvl Description: Sets a time interval between subsequent keep-alive probes in seconds. Values: Positive integer Default: 600 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions > 71 Related information SAP Note 1836774 SAP HANA Platform 109 . If no acknowledgement has been received to a previous keep-alive probe. a subsequent keep-alive probe is sent after the specified time interval. Values: Positive integer Default: 10 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 71 Related information SAP Note 1836774 Parameter: tcp_keepalive_probes Description: Sets a number of unacknowledged keep-alive probes to send before notifying the application layer that the connection/session is not available any more. but cannot exceed the number specified in default_connections_pool_max_size. aggregation etc) are sent to the remote source for execution. only queries that perform full table scans are sent to the remote source. When set to false.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: smart_data_access This section contains parameters that are related to remote caching. the USE_REMOTE_CACHE hint will be ignored. Parameter: default_connections_pool_max_size Description: Sets a maximum number of connections allowed in one pool. join. false Default: False Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: enable_remote_source_capability Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) sending complex queries to a remote source. Each HANA front-end session has one corresponding connection pool per HANA cluster node for a remote source.. queries that depend on the remote source capabilities (filter. the result set of virtual table’s queries is materialized in Hive. false Default: True Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Smart Data Access System Parameters (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 110 . When set to false. Values: Positive integer ( 1 . Currently. Subsequent queries are served from the materialized view. 50 ) Default: 3 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Remote Connection Pooling (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable_remote_cache Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) remote caching for federated queries. only Hive sources are supported. Values: true. The number of connections depends on the degree of multi-threading of the executed statements. When set to true and the USE_REMOTE_CACHE hint is used. Values: true. When set to true. no IN-clause is generated. I. To take effect. TI. the object is automatically removed from the remote cache. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 3600 (1 hour) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: semi_join_execution_strategies Description: Specifies a preferred order of semi-join execution strategies (T.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: remote_cache_validity Description: Sets a lifetime of the remote cache in seconds ( 0 = disabled) When the lifetime of an object elapses. Subsequent queries create new objects in the remote cache. the parameter semi_join_execution_strategies must contain an in-clause strategy. followed by temporary table strategy Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 60 Related information: Smart Data Access System Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: semi_join_max_in_elements Description: Specifies a maximum number of values in the IN-clause that is generated in the SQL statement when performing an IN-clause strategy (0 = disabled). When set to zero. the remote cache is disabled. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 1024 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Smart Data Access System Parameters (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 111 . IT) or disables them (N) Values: IT = in-clause strategy. When set to 0. followed by temporary table strategy TI = temporay table strategy. followed by in-clause strategy T = temporary table strategy I = in-clause strategy N = disables the semi-join execution strategies Default: IT = in-clause strategy. the parameter semi_join_execution_strategies must contain a temporary table strategy. Parameter: calculation_view_unfolding Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) unfolding of calculation views. When set to 0. which are considered by the SQL optimizer if the table statistics has not been calculated. Values: Positive integer Default: 1 000 000 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: virtual_table_format Description: Specifies the mode of temporary tables to store data retrieved from virtual tables. no temporary table is created. Values: true.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: semi_join_max_temp_table_cardinality Description: Sets a maximum number of rows in a temporary table that is created when performing a temporary table strategy (0 = disabled). Values: ROW: row-based COLUMN: column-based AUTO: an optimizer selects ROW or COLUMN Default: ROW Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Smart Data Access System Parameters (Admin Guide) Section: sql This section contains parameters that are related to sql query processing. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 16384 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Smart Data Access System Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: virtual_table_default_cardinality Description: Sets a default number of rows for virtual tables. false Default: true SAP HANA Platform 112 . To take effect. parameter (bind) information of the SQL statement is captured. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 0 (unlimited) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=70 Related information: Controlling Parallel Execution of SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Parameters that Control CPU (Admin Guide) Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_enabled Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) capturing of parameter (bind) values of an SQL statement when the sum of execution times of the SQL statement is greater than the lower time limit defined by the parameters plan_cache_parameter_sum_threshold and plan_cache_parameter_threshold Captured parameter values can be displayed in the system view M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE_PARAMETERS. SQL executor threads are processing SQL statement requests.) (0 = unlimited). The captured parameter (bind) information can be displayed in the system view M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE_PARAMETERS. Semaphore Wait. When set to 0. etc. the number of SQL executor threads is not limited. When the sum of execution times exceeds the specified time threshold. Values: Positive integer SAP HANA Platform 113 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: calculation_view_unfolding Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: max_sql_executors Description: Sets a maximum total number of SQL executor threads including all thread states (Running. Values: true. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information SAP Note 1969700 Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_sum_threshold Description: Sets a time threshold for the sum of execution times of an SQL statement in milliseconds. The capturing of parameter (bind) information is disabled when the parameter plan_cache_parameter_enabled is set to false. Inactive. Values: true. false SAP HANA Platform 114 . the parameter reload_tables enables (true)/disables (false) automatic reload of tables that were loaded before shutdown. Default: 100 (milliseconds) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information SAP Note 1969700 Parameter: plan_cache_size Description: Sets a maximum size of the SQL plan cache in bytes.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_sum_threshold Default: 100000 (100 seconds) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information SAP Note 1969700 Parameter: plan_cache_parameter_threshold Description: Sets a time threshold for the single execution time of an SQL statement in milliseconds When the last single execution time exceeds both the specified time threshold and previously recorded single execution times of the SQL statement. parameter (bind) information of the SQL statement is captured. The capturing of parameter (bind) information is disabled when the parameter plan_cache_parameter_enabled is set to false. Values: Positive integer. The captured parameter (bind) information can be displayed in the system view M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE_PARAMETERS. Values: Positive integer Default: 2147483648 = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (bytes = 2 Gigabytes) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1889081 SAP Note 1763592 System views: M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE_OVERVIEW Parameter: reload_tables Description: On system startup. The actual number of SQL executor threads can exceed the specified value when some of the threads are not running. Default: 10 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: sql_executors Description: Sets a target value for the maximum number of SQL executor threads in the thread state “Running” (0 = number of available logical CPU cores). Values: Positive integer. Note: A reduction of sql_executors value can help to avoid memory footprint.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: reload_tables Default: true Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Restart Sequence (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1889081 Parameter: reserved_connections Description: Sets a number of reserved connections for administrative access only. When set to 0. SQL executor threads are processing SQL statement requests. Values: Positive integer and zero Default: Number of available logical CPU cores. for example. only an administrator with the system privilege SESSION ADMIN can log on to the system. to resolve blocking situations by canceling sessions. When the maximum number of connections defined by the parameter maximum_connections minus the specified number of reserved connections is reached. Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Controlling Parallel Execution of SQL Statements (Admin Guide) Parameters that Control CPU (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1763592 SAP Note 1844237 SAP HANA Platform 115 . the target value is the number of available logical CPU cores. the SQLScript procedure aborts with an error. Values: Positive integer Default: 1000000 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Parameter: enabled Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) SQL client network IO tracing. for example. length of string values. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Section: sqlscript This section contains parameters that are related to sqlscript query processing Parameter: typecheck_procedure_input_param Description: Defines how SQLScript procedures handle type checks on input parameters. The trace information is stored in the system view M_SQL_CLIENT_NETWORK_IO Values: true. the default value (1000000) is used. SAP HANA Platform 116 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: subplan_sharing Description: Sets a mode for sharing subplans Values:  Force: prefer shared subplan  Auto: select best cost plan  Off: avoid shared subplan Default: Auto Restart required: No. Changes only affect new SQL plans in the plan cache. the SQLScript procedure prints a warning in the indexserver trace. Parameter: buffer_size Description: Sets a maximum number of entries that are stored in the system view M_SQL_CLIENT_NETWORK_IO When set to less than or equal 0. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: SAP Note 2002208 Section: sql_client_network_io This section contains parameters that are related to client network communication. When set to true and type checks fail. When set to false and type checks fail. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >=90 Section: sqltrace This section contains parameters that are related to tracing SQL statements. When the parameter is an empty string. Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: application_user Description: Specifies an application user to filter SQL statements. Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: details Description: Specifies which detail information of the SQL statement is written to the trace file when the parameter details is set to one of the following string values:  basic: connection information and statement information  passport: decoded passport contents  session_variables: system-defined variables in the session context  user_variables: user-defined variables in the session context  connection: connection information such as session ID. transaction ID. schema name. client PID. no filter is applied on the application user. user name.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: typecheck_procedure_input_param Values: true.  statement: statement information. thread ID. and statement ID.  all: filter in all comments of connection and statement  empty string: no detail information SAP HANA Platform 117 . Parameter: application Description: Specifies an application name to filter SQL statements. When the parameter is an empty string. connection ID. such as executed timestamp. client IP. no filter is applied on the application name. and session variable- value pairs. Values: Positive integer or zero. it is closed. union of error. passport. and normal. session_variables. all Or empty string To leave the trace without these comments. just set the value of the field to empty.5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (bytes = 1. connection.5 GB) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: flush_interval Description: Specifies the maximum number of SQL trace statements that are written to the trace file at once. Default: 1610612736 = 1. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 16 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: level Description: Specifies a trace level to filter SQL statements Values: String values error: Only SQL statemets that returned an error rollback: Only SQL statements that are rolled back normal: Only SQL statements that finished without error or rollback all: All SQL statements. including result sets. When a trace file reaches the specified maximum file size. SAP HANA Platform 118 . When set to 0. rollback. every SQL trace statement is immediately written to the trace file. excluding result sets. all_with_results: All SQL statements. When set to 0. statement.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: details Values: One of the string values: basic. Default: basic Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: filesize_limit Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in bytes (0 = unlimited). user_variables. the file size is unlimited. and a new file created. or procedure.<view_1>. Values: Comma-separated list of one or more objects in the format <schema_name>. <schema_3>. the trace file rotation is disabled. no filter is applied on the object name. When set to 0.<object_name>. Values: on. When the parameter is an empty string.<table_3> Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: query_plan_trace Description: Includes (on) / Excludes (off) query plan information into / from the SQL trace. An object can be a table. off Default: off Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: statement_type Description: Specifies one or more of the following statement types to filter corresponding SQL statements: SAP HANA Platform 119 .<procedure_2>. <schema_1>.<schema_2>. view.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: level Default: all Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: max_files Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace file rotation disabled). For example. Values: Positive integer (0 to 999) and zero Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: object Description: Specifies one or more object names to filter SQL statements. The query plan information is the the output of the EXPLAIN PLAN operation. CREATE PROCEDURE. Environment variables are not supported except for $HOST. ALTER TABLE. COMMIT. …  system. no filter is applied on statement type. and $COUNT. Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 120 . Values: on. SELECT. off Default: off Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisisions Parameter: tracefile Description: Specifies the name of the SQL trace file. for example. for example. the variables $HOST and ${PORT} are replaced with the host name and port number associated with the HANA service. ALTER SYSTEM  transaction. The traced information is written to an SQL trace file. for example. Default: sqltrace_$HOST_${PORT}_${COUNT:3}. When the parameter is an empty string. for example. for example. The trace file is written to the trace directory $DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME/trace Values: Filename. SET SESSION. INSERT INTO TABLE. Values: Comma-separated list of one or more string values:  ddl  dml  procedure  session  system  transaction or empty string Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: trace Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) SQL trace. $PORT. ROLLBACK. $ When the default settings are unchanged. ${COUNT:3}.is a three-digit file counter that is cyclically incremented. CALL. …  dml. CONNECT. …  procedure.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: statement_type  ddl. for example. …  session. the persistence storage is moved immediately to the target host (physical table move). TABLE_GROUPS). A table group comprises one or more table partitions that must be placed on the same node. Parameter: all_moves_physical Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) immediate physical table moves during table redistribution If set to true. When the parameter is an empty string. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_execution_count Description: Includes (true) / Excludes (false) the accumulated execution counts for all SQL plans (M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE) referencing a specific table group to calculate a score list for placing the specific table group on multiple nodes allowed by table placement rules (TABLE_PLACEMENT. the table move operation will create a link inside the target host persistence pointing to the source host persistence (logical table move).Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: tracefile Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: user Description: Specifies a HANA SQL user to filter SQL statements. SAP HANA Platform 121 . in response to a table move operation of a column store table. Values: true. Values: String Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: table_redist This section contains parameters that are related to table redistribution. The link will be removed on the next table merge operation of that table or upon execution of the next table move operation of that table without target host. Caution: Physical table moves can significantly extend the runtime of the table redistribution. If set to false. no filter is applied on the HANA SQL user. Logical table moves can have negative impact on later query executions. determines optimal locations. calculates corresponding score lists. The weight factor takes only effect when the value of the parameter balance_by_execution_time is true. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_execution_count_weight Description: Sets a weight factor for the scores calculated from the accumulated execution counts. See description of the parameter balance_by_execution_count. Values: Positive integer Default: 1 SAP HANA Platform 122 . false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_execution_time_weight Description: Sets a weight factor for the scores calculated from the accumulated execution times. resulting in a total score. The weight factor takes only effect when the value of the parameter balance_by_execution_count is true. the simulation run is repeated for different sequences of table group.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: balance_by_execution_count A simulation run determines a sequence of table groups. Values: true. TABLE_GROUPS). and accumulates the scores of the optimal locations. Values: Positive integer Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_execution_time Description: Includes (true) / Excludes (false) the accumulated execution times for all SQL plans (M_SQL_PLAN_CACHE) referencing a specific table group to calculate a score list for placing the specific table group on multiple nodes allowed by table placement rules (TABLE_PLACEMENT. Values: true. To determine an optimal distribution of all table groups based on the total score. Values: true. See description of the parameter balance_by_execution_count. Values: true. See description of the parameter balance_by_execution_count. The weight factor takes only effect when the value of the parameter balance_by_memuse is true. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_memuse_weight Description: Sets a weight factor for the scores calculated from the acculated memory size. The weight factor takes only effect when the value of the parameter balance_by_partnum_weight is true. Values: Positive integer Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_partnum Description: Includes (true) / Excludes (false) the accumulated numbers of partitions (M_CS_TABLES) of a specific table group to calculate a score list for placing the specific table group on multiple nodes allowed by table placement rules. SAP HANA Platform 123 . false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_partnum_weight Description: Sets a weight factor for the scores calculated from the accumulated numbers of partitions.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: balance_by_execution_time_weight Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_memuse Description: Includes (true) / Excludes (false) the accumulated memory size (M_CS_TABLES) of a specific table group to calculate a score list for placing the specific table group on multiple nodes allowed by table placement rules. A table group comprises one or more table partitions that must be placed on the same node. Values: true. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_rows_weight Description: Sets a weight factor for the scores calculated from the accumulated record counts. See description of the parameter balance_by_execution_count. See description of the parameter balance_by_execution_count. Values: true. The weight factor takes only effect when the value of the parameter balance_by_rows is true. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 74 SAP HANA Platform 124 .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: balance_by_partnum_weight Values: Positive integer Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_rows Description: Includes (true) / Excludes (false) the accumulated number of record counts (M_CS_TABLES) of a specific table group to calculate a score list for placing the specific table group on multiple nodes allowed by table placement rules. Values: Positive integer Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: balance_by_table_classification Description: Includes (true) / Excludes (false) the accumulated table classification counts of a specific table group to calculate a score list for placing the specific table group on multiple nodes allowed by table placement rules. from 2 to 4. Values: Positive integer Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 74 Parameter: debug_export_detail Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) writing debug information of table reorganizations (move. merge) to session temporary tables: #REORG_LOCATIONS #REORG_TABLEINFO #REORG_PARTINFO Values: true. the table redistribution process only supports the following changes of the number of level 1 partitions:  in table split operations. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: enable_merge Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) table merge operations during table redistribution. split. from 1 to 3. Enables (true) / disables (false) execution of operations that change the number of level 1 partitions according to the customizing settings. The weight factor takes only effect when the value of the parameter balance_by_table_classification is true.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: balance_by_table_classification_weight Description: Sets a weight factor for the scores calculated from the table classification counts. from 4 to 8. an increase of the partition number from 1 to 2. Values: true. SAP HANA Platform 125 . When set to false. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Parameter: force_partnum_to_splitrule Description: Controls the behavior of table redistribution in relation to customizing settings. and from 6 to 12. from 3 to 6. ini. the table redistribution process adjusts the number of level 1 partitions from 2 to 3. For the parameter descriptions. the table redistribution process allows all changes of the number of level 1 partitions. the number of level 1 partitions cannot be increased from 2 to 3. from 4 to 2. from 3 to 1.ini. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Related information: Table Placement (Admin Guide) Parameter: num_exec_threads Description: Sets a maximum number of parallel execution threads for table reorganization operations (move.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: force_partnum_to_splitrule  in table merge operations. Parameter: idle_cursor_alert_timeout Description: Sets a threshold time period in minutes for raising an alert about long running cursors. When set to false. Values: Positive integer Default: SAP HANA revisions < 110: 10 SAP HANA revisions >= 110: 20 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 63 Section: trace This section contains parameters that are related to tracing. For the parameter descriptions. see global. from 6 to 3. When set to true. SAP HANA Platform 126 . Section: transaction This section contains parameters that are related to transactions. a table has two level 1 partitions but should have three level 1 partitions according to the customizing settings. split. from 8 to 4. Section: traceprofile% This section contains parameters that are related to tracing using a specific profile. a decrease of the partition number from 12 to 6. For example. which could block garbage collection. merge). and from 2 to 1 When set to true. see global. Values: true. 25days) Default: 1800000 (30 minutes) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Parameter: transaction_history_record_limit Description: Sets a maximum row number of the system table SYS. transactions will not wait. When set to 0. the HANA System closes the corresponding connection. When set to zero.483.147. SAP HANA Platform 127 .TRANS_TOKEN_HISTORY. Values: Positive integer or zero Maximum 2. A transaction waits to acquire a lock held by another transaction until the specified timeout period elapses.. When a cursors runs longer than the time period specified by this parameter. the HANA System will not close connections of long running cursors. the HANA System raises an alert and writes a message into the alert trace file. (0 =unlimited) When set to zero.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: idle_cursor_alert_timeout When a cursors runs longer than the time period specified by this parameter. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 60 (minutes) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Parameter: idle_cursor_lifetime Description: Sets a threshold time period in minutes for closing connections of long running cursors. the number of rows of the table is unlimited.647 = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 (approx. When set to zero. which could block garbage collection. Then. the HANA System returns an error and the transaction is rolled back. the alert is raised for every active cursor. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 720 (minutes = 12 hours) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA Revisions Parameter: lock_wait_timeout Description: Sets a lock wait timeout threshold in milliseconds (0 = nowait). . Values: Positive integer and zero. an alert is raised for each write transaction. Values: true.TRANS_TOKEN_HISTORY contains information for time-travel queries. Parameter: enable Description: Enables (true) / disables (false) collecting unload event information when columnstore tables are unloaded from memory.TRANS_TOKEN_HISTORY in megabytes.TRANS_TOKEN_HISTORY contains information for time- travel queries.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: transaction_history_record_limit The table SYS. When the alert is raised. Default: 1000000 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1910610 Parameter: transaction_history_size_limit Description: Sets a maximum size of the system table SYS. Default: 10240 (10 gigabytes) Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1910610 Parameter: uncommitted_write_transaction_alert_timeout Description: Sets a threshold time period in minutes for raising an alert when a write transaction has not been committed for the specified period of time. false Default: true Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 128 . Values: Positive integer and zero. Default: 60 (minutes = 1 hour) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: unload_trace This section contains parameters that are related to collecting unload event information. the number of rows of the table is unlimited. Values: Positive integer and zero. a message is written into the alert trace file. The table SYS. When set to 0. (0 = unlimited) When set to zero. When set to 0. 10 GB) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 SAP HANA Platform 129 . Values: Positive integer (1 to 999) or zero Default: 10 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 2119087 Parameter: maxfilesize Description: Sets a maximum size of an individual trace file in bytes (0 = unlimited). the trace file rotation is disabled.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enable Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 2119087 Parameter: maxfiles Description: Sets a maximum number of trace files (0 = trace file rotation disabled). Values: Positive integer Default: 10000 (megabytes approx. the file size is unlimited. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 10000000 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 2119087 Section: result_cache This section contains parameters that are related to the configuration of the result cache. Parameter: total_size Description: Sets a maximum memory size of the result cache in megabytes.. When set to 0. ini This configuration file describes parameters for multitenant database containers. Blacklist parameters can be configured on all layers of the HANA System (SYSTEM. critical_audit_trail_type Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: communication Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [communication] When set to asterisk. alert_audit_trail_type.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 8 Filename: multidb. all parameters of the section [communication] are read-only. emergency_audit_trail_type. critical_audit_trail_type Default: default_audit_trail_type. all parameters of the section [auditing configuration] are read-only. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [communication] Default: Asterisk (*) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 92 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 130 . emergency_audit_trail_type. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more of the following value: default_audit_trail_type. alert_audit_trail_type. DATABASE). A default configuration blacklist comprises the following file/section/parameter combinations: Parameter: auditing configuration Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [auditing configuration] When set to asterisk. HOST. Section: readonly_parameters This section contains a blacklist of parameters to prevent configuration changes. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: execution Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [execution] When set to asterisk.ini are read-only.ini are read-only.ini/persistence Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [persistence] in the file global. When set to asterisk. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [execution] Default: max_concurrency Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: global. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [extended_storage] in the file global.ini/extended_storage Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [extended_storage] in the file global. When set to asterisk. SAP HANA Platform 131 . Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [customizable_funcationalities] in the file global.ini Default: Asterisk (*) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: global. all parameters of the section [extended_storage] in the file global. all parameters of the section [execution] are read- only.ini.ini/customizable_funcationalities Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [customizable_functionalities] in the file global.ini. all parameters of the section [customizable_funcationalities] in the file global.ini.ini Default: Asterisk (*) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: global. ini are read-only.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: global.ini/persistence When set to asterisk. When set to asterisk. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [persistence] in the file global.ini are read-only. all parameters of the section [persistence] in the file global.ini. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [authentication] in the file indexserver. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [xb_messaging] in the file global.ini/xb_messaging Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [xb_messaging] in the file global.ini.ini/authentication Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [authentication] in the file indexserver. all parameters of the section [xb_messaging] in the file global. all parameters of the section [authentication] in the file indexserver.ini Default: SapLogonTicketTrustStore Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 92 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 132 .ini Default: Asterisk (*) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: indexserver. When set to asterisk.ini are read-only.ini Default: basepath_datavolumes_es basepath_logvolumes_es basepath_databackup_es basepath_logbackup_es Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: global. ini are read-only. all parameters of the section [readonly_parameters] in the file multidb. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [session] Default: maximum_connections. async_free_target Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: multidb. all parameters of the section [memorymanager] are read-only.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: memorymanager Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [memorymanager]. minallocationlimit. When set to asterisk. When set to asterisk.ini/readonly_parameters Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [readonly_parameters] in the file multidb. maximum_external_connections Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 133 . global_allocation_limit. When set to asterisk. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [memorymanager] Default: allocationlimit. async_free_threshold. all parameters of the section [session] are read-only.ini. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [readonly_parameters] in the file multidb.ini Default: Asterisk (*) Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Parameter: session Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [session]. When set to asterisk.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sql Description: Prevents configuration of the specified parameters of the section [sql]. all parameters of the section [sql] are read-only. Values: Asterisk or comma-separated list of one or more parameters of the section [sql] Default: sql_executors Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Prevent Changes to System Properties in Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 134 . Values: http://<virtual_hostname>:80<instance> Default: http://$(SAPLOCALHOST):80$(SAPSYSTEM) Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 135 . See the descriptions in indexserver.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the nameserver service. MDC systems: In a multi-tenant database container system. Parameter: http_url Description: Defines a public URL for HTTP access to a SYSTEM database when the parameter is set in the SYSTEM layer of a multi-tenant database container system.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 9 Filename: nameserver.ini file. The parameters are configured in the SYSTEM layer for the system database of a multiple- container system.ini file.ini. Values: true. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: MDC systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Auditing Activity in SAP HANA Systems (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1991634 Section: password policy This section contains parameters that are related to password policies. Section: public_urls This section contains parameters that are related to public URLs. The parameters are configured in the SYSTEM layer for the system database of a multiple- container system. The parameters are configured in the SYSTEM layer for the system database of a multiple- container system. the global auditing state for the system database is set in the nameserver. and for the tenant databases in the global. Section: auditing configuration This section contains parameters that are related to auditing configuration. Parameter: global_auditing_state Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) global auditing regardless of the enabled state of the audit policies. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: http_url Validity: MDC systems only: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Parameter: https_url Description: Defines a public URL for HTTPS access to a SYSTEM database when the parameter is set in the SYSTEM layer of a multi-tenant database container system. Environment variables are note supported. Parameter: configpath Description: Defines the path to the file slddest. This file is a parameter for the call to sldreg. Values: Absolute file path.cfg. Values: https://<virtual_hostname>:43<instance> Default: https://$(SAPLOCALHOST):43$(SAPSYSTEM) Restart required: No Validity: MDC systems only: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Section: sld This section contains parameters that are related to System Landscape Directory. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Change the Default SLD Data Supplier Configuration (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 136 . Default: /usr/sap/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/SYS/global Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Change the Default SLD Data Supplier Configuration (Admin Guide) Parameter: enable Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the System Landscape Directory data supplier Values: true. xml and sldreg. Values: Integer Default: 43200 (12 hours) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: interval Description: Specifies the time interval in seconds at which the sldreg. Environment variables are not supported. If set to zero or a negative value. If a newly-generated document is the same as the previous one. documents are sent to the SLD only once.xml file is generated. Values: Integer Default: 300 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Change the Default SLD Data Supplier Configuration (Admin Guide) Parameter: lmstructurepath Description: Defines the path of the directory lm_structure. Default: $DIR_INSTANCE/$VTHOSTNAME/trace Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Change the Default SLD Data Supplier Configuration (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 137 . Environment variables are not supported. If set to zero or a negative value.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: force_interval Description: Specifies the time interval in seconds at which the sldreg. documents are sent to the SLD only once.xml file is sent to the SLD even if the file has not changed. it is not sent to the SLD. which is used by SAP HANA Lifecycle Management tools.log Values: Absolute file path. The tool hdblcm sets the parameter to /hana/shared/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/lm_structure Values: Absolute file path. Default: /usr/sap/$(SAPSYSTEMNAME)/SYS/lm_structure Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: xmlpath Description: Defines the path to the files sldreg. The maximum value is 2147483648 (2 GB). Values: true. false Default: false (< SAP HANA Rev. 80) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: The Statistics Service (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1925684 Section: topology This section contains parameters that are related to topology. Parameter: active Description: Enables (true)/disables (false) the new embedded statistics server. Values: Positive integer Default: 268435456 = 256 * 1024 * 1024 (256 MB) Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP Note 1977101 SAP HANA Platform 138 . Parameter: size Description: Sets an upper limit of the operating system shared memory that is allocated for topology information in bytes. The default value of 268435456 Bytes (256 MB) is sufficient for roughly 1 million tables.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: statisticsserver This section contains parameters that are related to the statistics server. the collected information will be deleted after the specified lifetime elapsed. Parameter: active Description: Turns on (true)/off (false) the collection of monitoring data by the statistics server. When set to 0. the collected information will never be deleted. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 86400 (seconds = 1 day) SAP HANA Platform 139 . Caution: Do not forget the percentage character %. 25%. Section: memorymanager This section contains parameters that are related to the memory manager of the “old” stand- alone statistics server.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the “old” stand-alone statisticsserver service. The value depends on the size of the database (number of tables/views and size of data) and on the size of the main memory. Values: true. Values: 0% to 100% (in theory) Recommended: 5% to 20%. In large systems even higher.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 10 Filename: statisticsserver. false Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 70 Related information: The Statistics Service (Admin Guide) Section: statisticsserver_intervals This section contains parameters that are related to the “old” stand-alone statistics server. Parameter: allocationlimit Description: Sets an upper limit of memory usable by the statistics server as a percentage of the global allocation limit. Parameter: Interval_purgehistory Description: Sets a lifetime of collected statistical information in seconds. When set to a positive value. Default: 5% Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: statisticsserver_general This section contains parameters that are related to the “old” stand-alone statistics server. for example. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: Interval_purgehistory Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: statisticsserver_view% This section contains parameters that are related to the “old” stand-alone statistics server. Values: String Default: Not set Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions SAP HANA Platform 140 . Parameter: query Description: Defines a query string to collect statistical information which is stored in system views. for example.. Default: Empty string Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Modification of HTTP Requests (ICM Netweaver Guide) SAP HANA Platform 141 . Values: See the SAP Web Dispatcher Help Portal. month. 1. and day (%y-%m-%d) MAXSIZEKB = the maximum allowed size of the trace file in kilobytes SWITCHTF = the time of the day when the new log file is created (DAY/NIGHT) LOGFORMAT = the format of the trace file content. Default: Empty string Restart required: No for SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Traces and Trace Configuration for Internal Web Dispatcher (Admin Guide) Enable HTTP Tracing for an SAP HANA XS Application (Admin Guide) Setting Up Logging for Inbound Requests (Web Dispatcher Guide) Parameter: icm/http/mod_n Description: Defines HTTP request and response header modification rules where n is a unique integer number. etc. Parameter: icm/http/logging_n Description: Defines properties of an HTTP access log. where n is a unique integer number. 1. . for example. CLFMOD (modified CLF). Values: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following key-value-pairs: PREFIX = the fully qualified path to (and the name of) the application to be traced. Section: profile This section contains parameters that are related to the profile of the webdispatcher service. 2. etc. the location includes a variable for the application's name (access_log_app- ) and the year. 0. for example: CLF (common log format). SAP (SAP log file format). sap. FLUSH = enable (1) or disable (0) the log flush mechanism See the SAP Web Dispatcher Help Portal. for example.xs.admin LOGFILE = the location of the log file used to store the trace information..hana.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the webdispatcher service.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 11 Filename: webdispatcher. SAPSMD. 0. 2. Default: icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP. 0. 2. false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: icm/server_port_n Description: Defines properties HTTP and HTTPS server ports. 1. where n is a unique integer number. where n is a unique integer number. Values: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following key-value-pairs: ID=ssl_config_main CRED=SAPSSLS. etc. 0. for example. the corresponding HTTP(S) connection will be closed after the specified processing timeout elapsed. 1.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: icm/http/trace_info Description: Enable (true) / Disable (false) simple HTTP request and response tracing for debugging purposes. for example.') separated list of database PSE files> Default: Empty string Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 142 .PROCTIMEOUT=600 Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Parameter: icm/ssl_config_n Description: Defines properties of the SSL connection.pse SNI_CREDS=<semicolon ('.PORT=43$(SAPSYSTEM). Trace entries will be written into webdispatcher_<…>_dev_webdisp Values: true. 2. etc.PORT=80$(SAPSYSTEM). Values: Comma-separated list of one or more of the following key-value-pairs: PORT: Port number PROT: Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) PROCTIMEOUT: Processing timeout in seconds When no response has been sent or received after a request.PROCTIMEOUT=600 icm/server_port_1 = PROT=HTTPS. for example. or 3 Default: 1 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Traces and Trace Configuration for Internal Web Dispatcher (Admin Guide) Parameter: wdisp/filter_xs_internal_uri Description: Denies (true) / Accepts (false) HTTP(S) access to internal URL prefixes /sap/hana/xs/internal/… This parameter is important when an external SAP Web Dispatcher is used as reverse proxy or HTTP load balancer in front of the system. false Default: true Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: Using SAP Web Dispatcher for Load Balancing with Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1855097 SAP Note 2146931 Parameter: wdisp/sytem_n Description: Defines properties of a backend system representing the XS Engine.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: rdisp/trace Description: Defines the level of the webdispatcher trace. Note: The parameters are automatically generated during HANA installation and must not be changed. 2. etc. 2. the trace level is high (much debug information) Values: 1. Default: Automatically generated Restart required: No. where n is a unique integer number. 1. Values: true. The parameters are automatically generated during startup and after a parameter in the section [public_urls] has changed. Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 SAP HANA Platform 143 . For multitenant database container systems (MDC). one wdisp/system_n parameter is defined per tenant database. Values: Automatically generated. The suffix integer number must be unique. the trace level is low (few debug information) When set to 3. Trace entries will be written into the file webdispatcher_<…>_dev_webdisp When set to 1. See the SAP Web Dispatcher Help Portal. 0. empty string.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: wdisp/sytem_n Related information: Configuring an External SAP Web Dispatcher for Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1855097 Parameter: wdisp/system_auto_configuration Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false. parameter not available for SAP HANA revisions < 100 Default: true Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 144 . empty string. false for SAP HANA revisions >= 100. not available) the automatic configuration of the web dispatcher Values: true. Section: application_container This section contains parameters for the application container component of the XS engine. These libraries may contain the implementations of xscfuncs. Parameter: application_list Description: Specifies the list of applications that are trusted by the XS. libtrustmanager.ini This configuration file describes parameters for the XS engine service. this function is disabled Values: URL string Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Configure SSO with SAP Logon Tickets for SAP HANA XS Applications (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 145 . Parameter: logonticket_redirect_url Description: Specifies the URL that is used to redirect a request from a client to a web server that provides SAP logon tickets for SSO authentication. When set to an empty string. Values: Comma-separated list of shared libraries Default: libxsdxc. which includes not only the XS application container. libxsbase Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Section: authentication This section contains application-related authentication settings.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 12 Filename: xsengine. InformationAccess. libxsauthenticator. but also containers for C++ and JavaScript applications. including fully qualified domain name and port.mycompany. for example. Default: 3$(SAPSYSTEM)07 Restart required: Yes Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: enforced_http_proxy Description: Sets a URL of a proxy for outgoing HTTP connections. Overrides the outgoing proxy settings used for the HTTPS client.request(). including fully qualified domain name and port. and the proxy specified by the parameter enforced_outbound_proxy Values: URL string. including fully qualified domain name and port. for example. defined in an HTTPS/SMTP destination configuration or in an httpclient. for example. for example. myhost.mycompany. Parameter: listenport Description: Sets the port number on which the XS web server listens for requests. including fully qualified domain name and port. separated by colon delimiter (:). defined in an HTTP/SMTP destination configuration or in an httpclient. where <NN> is the instance number of the HANA System.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Section: communication This section contains parameters for application-related communication settings. myhost. separated by colon delimiter (:).request().com:myport Default: Not set or Empty String Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: enforced_https_proxy Description: Sets a URL of a proxy for outgoing HTTPS connections. Values: 5-digit integer with format 3<NN> Default: Not set or Empty String Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 146 . Overrides the outgoing proxy settings used for the HTTP client. and the proxy specified by the parameter enforced_outbound_proxy Values: URL string. The parameter value is a relative path of the HTTP tracing tool. including slash (/) delimiters Example: icm/HTTP/logging_<n> where <n> is a unique number Default: Not applicable. n must be a unique number. Default: Not set or empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Edit an HTTP Destination Runtime Configuration (Admin Guide) Section: customer_usage This section contains parameters for HANA application services that are used by the HANA Web Dispatcher HTTP Tracing tool. SOCKS Values: URL string. Values: Relative path of the tracing tool. The parameter <path_to_the_XS_application> is set (or removed) automatically when an administrator uses the XS Admin Tools to enable (or disable) HTTP Tracing on the SAP Web Dispatcher for an application. false Default: false SAP HANA Platform 147 . STMP. Protocols can be HTTP. Values: true. Parameter: <path_to_the_XS_application> Description: The parameter name is a fully qualified path including the name of the XS application to be traced. for example.mycompany. including fully qualified domain name and port.ini/profile section of the configuration parameters. separated by colon delimiter (:). myhost.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enforced_outbound_proxy Description: Sets a URL of a proxy for outgoing connections with all protocols. Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 110 Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Enable HTTP Tracing for an SAP HANA XS Application (Admin Guide) Section: debugger This section contains parameters for XS JavaScript debugging tools. including fully qualified domain name and port. Note: The parameter value icm/HTTP/logging_n is the same as the key defined in the webdispatcher. Parameter: enabled Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the XS JavaScript debugging functionality. Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: Converting an SAP HANA System to Support Multienant Database Containers (Admin Guide) SAP Note 1849775 Parameter: login_screen_background_image Description: Sets an URL path to an image file displayed as background in the logon screen. rather than a separate xsengine process. Values: true.ini and restart both services indexserver and xsengine.ini. Adapt daemon. edit daemon. and restart both services indexserver and xsengine. To enable the embedded mode. false Default: false Restart required: Yes. which avoids trace analysis. Parameter: developer_mode Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) debug information in HTTP(S) responses.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: enabled Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Section: httpserver This section contains parameters for the XS Web server. set the parameter [xsengine] instances to 0. false Default: False Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: embedded Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the execution of XS engine functions in an embedded mode in the HANA indexserver process. The parameters are configured at the DATABASE level for a tenant database. Values: true. SAP HANA Platform 148 . xs. y technical use has to be assigned to the artifact /sap/hana/xs/selfService/user/selfService. for example. Values: URL path.jpg Default: Empty string Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: User Self-Service Initialization Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: max_message_size_mb Description: Sets a maximum message body size of an HTTP(S) request or response in megabytes (0 = unlimited When the message body is compressed. When set to 0.user.roles. The technical user must be assigned to the role sap. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 100 (megabytes) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: max_request_runtime Description: Sets a maximum runtime of an HTTP request targeting an XSJS application in seconds (0 = unlimited) When set to 0.sxxqlcc.hana.selfService. which is a slash-separated list of directory names beginning with a slash and ending with a file name. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 300 (seconds) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Activate and Execute a Replication Task (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 149 . the uncompressed size is compared with the parameter max_message_size_mb. the message size is not limited. To query details from the server.USSExecutor. /sap/hana/xs/ui/Image.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: login_screen_background_image The image file must be publicly available. The recommende minimum resolution of the image is 1600 x 1200 pixels. without the need of authentication and authorization. the runtime is not limited. no registered / authenticated sessions are available. Parameter: max_runtime_bytes Description: Sets the maximum memory available for an XSJS request in bytes Values: Positive integer Default: 256 * 1024 * 1024 (bytes = 256 megabytes) SAP HANA Platform 150 . When set to 0.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: maxsessions Description: Sets a maximum number of authenticated sessions. When not specified. When the XS engine receives a request with an associated cookie string. the built-in root page is displayed (“XS Engine up and running”) Values: URL path including HTML file Default: Not specified Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Parameter: sessiontimeout Description: Sets a session timeout for XS HTTP sessions in seconds Values: Positive integer Default: 900 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Section: jsvm This section contains parameters that are related to JavaScript virtual machine configuration. the request can be assigned to the authenticated session. The XS engine issues cookie strings for authenticated sessions to clients and saves the cookie string at the server side. where unauthenticated sessions are not included. Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 50000 Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: root_page Description: Sets a path to a configurable HTML file to redirect HTTP(S) requests to root “/” to the specified path. SAP HANA Platform 151 . false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Section: public_urls This section contains parameters that are related to the public URLs. The parameters are configured in the DATABASE layer for each tenant database.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: max_runtime_bytes Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Parameter: max_runtime_bytes_follow_up Description: Sets the maximum memory available for a follow-up XS jobs Values: Positive integer Default: 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ( bytes = 1 gigabyte) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: max_runtime_follow_up Description: Sets the maximum runtime in seconds for a follow-up XS job Values: Positive integer Default: 2 * 60 * 60 (seconds = 2 hours) Restart required: No Validity: All SAP HANA revisions Section: odata This section contains parameters that are related to OData requests. This URL will be used for the automatic configuration of the web dispatcher service. Values: true. Parameter: http_url Description: Defines a public URL for HTTP access to a specific tenant database of a multitenant database container (MDC) system. Parameter: trace_values Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) writing of values from the database into the trace file. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: http_url If more than one public URL for HTTP access is required for a tenant, further parameters http_<other>_url can be added to the section public_urls, where <other> is an arbitrary name. Values: http://<virtual_hostname>:80<instance> Default: http://$(SAPLOCALHOST):80$(SAPSYSTEM) Restart required: No Validity: MDC systems only: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Configuring an External SAP Web Dispatcher for Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Converting an SAP HANA System to Support Multienant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Parameter: https_url Description: Defines a public URL for HTTPS access to a specific tenant database of a multitenant database container (MDC) system. This URL will be used for the automatic configuration of the web dispatcher service. If more than one public URL for HTTPS access is required for a tenant, further parameters http_<other>_url can be added to the section public_urls, where <other> is an arbitrary name. Values: https://<virtual_hostname>:43<instance> Default: https://$(SAPLOCALHOST):43$(SAPSYSTEM) Restart required: No Validity: MDC systems only: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Configuring an External SAP Web Dispatcher for Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Converting an SAP HANA System to Support Multienant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Parameter: http_<other>_url Description: Defines a public URL for HTTP access to a specific tenant database using a further virtual hostname. The name <other> is arbitrary, for example, webdispatcher. Values: http://<further_virtual_hostname>:80<instance> Default: Not set Restart required: No SAP HANA Platform 152 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: http_<other>_url Validity: MDC Systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Configuring an External SAP Web Dispatcher for Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Converting an SAP HANA System to Support Multienant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Parameter: https_<other>_url Description: Defines a public URL for HTTPS access to a specific tenant database using a further virtual hostname. The name <other> is arbitrary, for example, webdispatcher. Values: http://<further_virtual_hostname>:43<instance> Default: Not set Restart required: No Validity: MDC Systems: SAP HANA revisions >= 100 Related information: Configure HTTP(S) Access to Multitenant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Configuring an External SAP Web Dispatcher for Tenant Databases (Admin Guide) Converting an SAP HANA System to Support Multienant Database Containers (Admin Guide) Section: scheduler This section contains parameters that are related to XS job scheduler, which can run XS javascript or SQLScript background task at regular intervals. Parameter: enabled Description: Enables (true) / Disables (false) the XS scheduler Values: true, false Default: false Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Related information: SAP HANA XS Configuration Parameters (Admin Guide) Maintain XS Job Details (Admin Guide) Parameter: sessiontimeout Description: Sets a default timeout in seconds for XS jobs that do not have a specified timeout Values: Positive integer SAP HANA Platform 153 Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Parameter: sessiontimeout Default: 900 (seconds = 15 minutes) Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 Parameter: disable_jobs_after_restarts Description: Sets a maximum number of XS job runs during restarts. After the specified number of restarts, the XS jobs will not run any more. When set to 0, the number of XS job runs is unlimited Values: Positive integer or zero Default: 5 Restart required: No Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 90 SAP HANA Platform 154 ini This configuration file describes parameters for the Replayer service.0. Values: . to select all available network interfaces .global Restart required: Yes Validity: SAP HANA revisions >= 120 Related information: Start the Replayer Service (Admin Guide) SAP HANA Platform 155 . Parameter: listeninterface Description: Specifies the network interface that the processes listen on.1 Default: .Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA 13 Filename: wlreplayer.local to select only local network interfaces.0. for example. Section: communication This section contains parameters that are related to the profile of the Replayer service. Accessibility The information contained in the SAP documentation represents SAP's current view of accessibility criteria as of the date of publication. SAP does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the Code given herein. it is in no way intended to be a binding guideline on how to ensure accessibility of software products. SAP reserves the right to use the masculine form of the noun and pronoun. Coding Samples Any software coding and/or code lines / strings ("Code") included in this documentation are only examples and are not intended to be used in a productive system environment. or a gender-neutral noun (such as "sales person" or "working days") is used. This is to ensure that the documentation remains comprehensible. Regarding link classification. SAP documentation is gender neutral. SAP specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations or commitments are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. SAP does not warrant the availability and correctness of this related information or the ability of this information to serve a particular purpose. the reader is addressed directly with "you". OR OF MERCHANTABILITY. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Internet Hyperlinks The SAP documentation may contain hyperlinks to the Internet. and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the usage of the and SAP does not warrant that it is error-free. however. SAP shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of related information unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct. unless damages were caused by SAP intentionally or by SAP's gross negligence. Depending on the context. Gender-Neutral Language As far as possible. OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules of certain coding. the third- person singular cannot be avoided or a gender-neutral noun does not exist. SAP HANA Platform 156 . If when referring to members of both Its content is subject to change without notice. see: http://help. These hyperlinks are intended to serve as a hint about where to find related information. SAP MAKES NO WARRANTIES.Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects This document is for informational purposes only. Frequently Used Configuration Parameters in SAP HANA Copyright © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Please see http://www. SAP HANA Platform 157 . if any. without representation or warranty of any kind. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only. National product specifications may for additional trademark information and notices.
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