Frequently Asked Questions KSOP MSc Program



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Contents Required Application Documents ............................................................................... 3 What are the Admission requirements? .................................................................. 3 Do I need a motivation letter? ................................................................................. 3 Do I need a recommendation letter and what should it look like? ........................ 3 Where should I send my application documents? .................................................. 3 Is it mandatory to accomplish a TOEFL or IELTS test? ......................................... 4 Application Process .................................................................................................... 4 What is meant by "Certified copy of qualification for university entrance"? ........ 4 Can I send my documents now without the APS certificate and provide it later if I am admitted? .......................................................................................................... 4 Is there any chance of transferring or considering my previous admission for KSOP to the upcoming semester? .......................................................................... 4 I want to apply for the winter term but in the online application is only an option for the summer term. ............................................................................................... 4 When does the program start and is there an application deadline? .................... 4 When does the winter term usually start?.............................................................. 5 Will I be guided and offered help when I arrive in Karlsruhe?................................. 5 Are German language skills mandatory? ................................................................ 5 Where can I check my application status? ........................................................... 5 How do I apply for the KSOP scholarship? ........................................................... 5 What can I do to strengthen my profile before applying for the course? .............. 6 Accommodation in Karlsruhe ...................................................................................... 6 Could you provide me any information on the general cost of living in Germany? 6 What sort of accommodation is available in Karlsruhe and what would be the likely cost? .............................................................................................................. 6 Accommodation in and around Karlsruhe ............................................................. 7 Financial Issues and working objectives ..................................................................... 8 What is the cost of the program per year? Would a scholarship offer any financial support towards this on top of the 800 € per month? .............................................. 8 Are there opportunities to work at the KSOP institutes to earn some money? ...... 8 Might there be opportunities to work outside of the semester dates assuming an internship or thesis project is not scheduled? ......................................................... 9 Which scholarships could I apply for? ..................................................................... 9 How do I apply for the KSOP scholarship? ........................................................... 9 1 ............................................................KSOP Inscription .................................. 10 How do I get to the International Department when I first arrive at Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof (Central Station)? .. 13 2 ........................................ 12 Living in Karlsruhe ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Where should I go to register myself as a foreigner to the new city and for Visa extension?................................................. 12 Is it necessary to learn the German language before or with the program? .............................................................................. 11 Which documents do I need for the enrollment at the KIT University?............................ 12 What are common supermarkets.................................. 10 Which are the most important documents I should bring with me to Karlsruhe? .................................................g.................................................................................................................... e.................................... 10 What happens if I am late to attend the program....................................................... 10 It’s the first time I leave my country to Europe................................................... 12 Is the student card working as a tram ticket? ................................. Is there anyone from my country who may help me? .............................................................. 11 Is it necessary to have a health insurance? .................. 9 When do we receive an answer about the scholarship? ...... bars and shopping malls in Karlsruhe? ...................................... 10 What transportation should I use when I arrive at Frankfurt/Munich airport and how do I get to Karlsruhe? ............ 10 Preparation of arrival . if I have trouble with my visa application? .................................................................................................. 11 What are the first necessary steps I have to do by the time I arrive at Karlsruhe? ............................................................................. 12 Important Links ..................................................................... 9 What is your last deadline for handing in the TOEFL or IELTS examination score? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Enrollment at the KIT .................................. 12 Where can I buy a second hand bicycle? ............ points or better. Evidence of adequate knowledge of the English language is required: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) 570 p.Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics Schlossplatz 19 D-76131 Karlsruhe Germany 3 . please state your reasons and motivation to apply for the M. It is possible to replace the TOEFL or IELTS test by a certificate of your university stating that you have completed your studies in English.Required Application Documents What are the Admission requirements?  Appropriate qualification for university entrance on a Masters level: Above Bachelor degree or an equivalent degree in the field of science or engineering. / 88 i. or IELTS band 6. candidates can apply with a preliminary transcript of records.5 or better.b. in Optics & Photonics.b. Do I need a recommendation letter and what should it look like? You should include at least two letters of recommendation of professors from your current university.Sc. German language skills are no precondition for the program. The letter should not be longer than one page. If the Bachelor degree is not yet available at the closing date for applications but will be completed before the registration.b. Chinese applicants: please insert an APS certificate    Do I need a motivation letter? Yes. Where should I send my application documents? Non-EU applicants: Akad. Auslandsamt Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) D-76128 Karlsruhe Germany EU applicants: KSOP . The letters must be attached in a sealed envelope or sent to the KSOP Office by the authors directly via email./ 260 c. As soon as you receive the APS certificate you can send it to us. The application deadline is July. 15th each year. Also please add on the printed application form that you are applying for the winter term 2013/14. If required information is missing in the drop down list of the online application form. you can send your documents now together with a letter stating that you will send the APS certificate later. Afterwards please add the right information handwritten on the printout of the form. 4 . Is there any chance of transferring or considering my previous admission for KSOP to the upcoming semester? Unfortunately there is no possibility to defer your admission to the next term. Can I send my documents now without the APS certificate and provide it later if I am admitted? Yes. e.Is it mandatory to accomplish a TOEFL or IELTS test? It is possible to replace the TOEFL or IELTS test by a certificate of your university stating that you have completed your studies in English. a high school diploma. You need to apply again as the letter of acceptance is only valid for one intake. I want to apply for the winter term but in the online application is only an option for the summer term. When does the program start and is there an application deadline? The program starts only in the winter term. Application Process What is meant by "Certified copy of qualification for university entrance"? In every country you need to fulfill requirements so that you can study at a university. please leave the field blank or choose the most appropriate option.g. In some countries pupils need to complete high school and take an extra test which qualifies them to study at a university. you can apply for financial support at the same time. Only complete scholarship applications will be further processed. It is organized by the KSOP Office and several student representatives in order to ease the administrative steps. For more information please see: http://www. the city and the campus. Letters of recommendation can be sent separately by the authors to Where can I check my application status? You can check your application status on the website where you filled out the online application form:      5 .moveonnet.kit. Miriam Sonnenbichler: sonnenbichler@ksop. you can also mention those in your CV or letter of motivation. Single scholarship applications without related application for the Master program are not accepted. Please attach a scholarship-related letter of recommendation Extra-curricular activities must not be proofed in form of a certificate. Are German language skills mandatory? German language skills are no precondition for the master program. The application for the KSOP scholarship should be sent together with the complete application. schedule your time table as well as to get to know your study How do I apply for the KSOP scholarship?  After submitting your Master application online and via postal mail.php Will I be guided and offered help when I arrive in Karlsruhe? There will be an orientation week for 1st semester students.When does the winter term usually start? The winter term starts at the beginning of October. 6 . Please be aware that very good grades and a profound knowledge in mathematics is mandatory for all applicants. eg. Therefore we suggest you to register there early and to look for a flat on the private market in addition. Please check the following link list to get an overview of the accommodation offers in and around Karlsruhe. We do not expect that you fulfill the GRE PHYSICS as an entry criteria. depending on your accommodation and life You can find a list of necessary application documents and selection criteria on the KSOP homepage: http://ksop.What can I do to strengthen my profile before applying for the course? To strengthen you application you can get more background knowledge in optics & photonics. What sort of accommodation is available in Karlsruhe and what would be the likely cost? Student housing and private living are available. In the city of Karlsruhe you should calculate around  200 – 250 Euro for a single room in student residences  250 – 350 Euro for a room in a shared flat  300 – 400 Euros for a one-person appartment  500 – 600 Euros for a flat for two persons Outside of Karlsruhe it could be cheaper.idschools. The student residences have long waiting lists.kit.php Accommodation in Karlsruhe Could you provide me any information on the general cost of living in Germany? You should calculate from 500 to 800 Euros. by doing an internship in a related company or participate in a related research project or workshop. Also it is important to have good recommendation letters from your professors and to show your motivation related to Optics & Photonics in your motivation letter. (for English.oder Samtagsausgabe / Wednesday or Saturday edition) Agencies 7 .de/stadt/tourismus/tourismusservice/uebernachtung Other possibilities: Bulletin boards .Karlsruhe Anzeiger (Mittwochs und Freitags / Wednesdays and Fridays) . we recommend you to apply for several housing options as soon as possible. click the British flag in the menu bar just under the picture of the palace)  Gästehaus am Karlstor: http://www.Sperrmüll (immer Freitags / every Friday) .hotel-gottesau.  Hotels: http://www.BNN (  Bed & breakfast rooms: der Mensa / in the student cafeteria  Hotel am Gottesauer Schloss: http://www. please contact the OSKar students as they are members of the German Youth Hostels.Accommodation in and around Karlsruhe Since the accommodation situation in Karlsruhe is quite tense. For groups of at least 4 people there are special einzelnen Instituten / in some of the institutes Newspapers .karlsruhe. University of Karlsruhe residences and private student residences:          Studentenwerk International Department (long waiting list!) Hans-Dickmann-Kolleg (HaDiKo) Hans-Freudenberg-Kolleg Insterburg ABH & RSH Hermann-Ehlers-Kolleg YOUNIQ residence list of further student residences (Adressen und Verzeichnisse) Online ads:    Studenten AG Studenten Wohnungsmarkt WG-Gesucht Hostels / hotels in Karlsruhe:  Youth hostels : If you need to stay at the Youth hostel for some time until you have found another accommodation. Are there opportunities to work at the KSOP institutes to earn some money? Yes. 8 . companies also offer these work options. You can also send an email to this list if you need something (bike. You just have to pay a semester fee of 100 Euros. However. you can apply directly at the institutes.lists. Financial Issues and working objectives What is the cost of the program per year? Would a scholarship offer any financial support towards this on top of the 800 € per month? There are no program EUR 50-60 pro Monat (zusätzlich zur Miete) / per month (in addition to the rent) Your can find further information on housing and rentals on http://www.951 3704 Zimmer@fair-schlafen. you will receive quite a lot of emails by other students.Fair-Schlafen Zimmervermittlung Förlenweg 6 76287 Rheinstetten 0721 . this is up to the institutes how much they can offer to you. If you inscribe. The scholarship of 800 Euros is enough to cover your living costs. KSOP institutes offer jobs as student Erasmus Mailing List Karlsruhe You can subscribe to the Erasmus Mailing List Karlsruhe: https://www. Also your work there will give you an insight into the KSOP research activities.uni-karlsruhe. room…).de -> Mailinglisten -> Subscribe Erasmus-In). As soon as you started your studies in Karlsruhe. Sometimes they just invite to parties or they want to sell something (anything from cooking pot till bikes are available) and sometimes also rooms for rent are sent around this list. Usually you can earn up to 400 Euros for 40 hours per This list is organized by the student group “AK Erasmus” (www. As Karlsruhe is a real “student city”. It is for undergraduate and Master students. Another option is to find a working student job in a company in Karlsruhe.ak-erasmus. 9 . Which scholarships could I apply for? Have a look at the general scholarships available on: http://ksop. Single scholarship applications without related application for the Master program are not accepted.php Funding of the DAAD: The application for the KSOP scholarship should be sent together with the complete application.idschools. you can apply for financial support at the same With explanation of the application process: https://www. Miriam Sonnenbichler: sonnenbichler@ksop. But in Germany internships are paid from 500 to 700 Euros      KSOP Inscription When do we receive an answer about the scholarship? The decisions will be made by the middle of August. Letters of recommendation can be sent separately by the authors to Ms.studyin.kit.Might there be opportunities to work outside of the semester dates assuming an internship or thesis project is not scheduled? During the semester break exams and the internship are scheduled. this will be on top.daad. you can also mention those in your CV or letter of motivation. Only complete scholarship applications will be further How do I apply for the KSOP scholarship?  After submitting your Master application online and via postal mail. And if you receive the scholarship. Please attach a scholarship-related letter of recommendation Extra-curricular activities must not be proofed in form of a certificate. S11 (direction Hochstetten). You should avoid using a Taxi since they might be much more expensive than you are used to. What transportation should I use when I arrive at Frankfurt/Munich airport and how do I get to Karlsruhe? The easiest way to travel in Germany is by train. tram line S1. There they will help you to find a train connection to Karlsruhe and you can buy the It’s the first time I leave my country to You can also search for a train connection in advance on: http://www. On every airport you may find an information desk of the German train system called “Deutsche Bahn”. but we prefer to receive the English certificate together with your application for the KSOP program. tram line or tram line S4 (direction Bretten or Heilbronn). but the latest arrival might be 2-3 weeks after the lectures have started and only if there is a certain problem. with the visa process.g.shtml.What is your last deadline for handing in the TOEFL or IELTS examination score? The latest deadline is the end of the first semester. These trams leave the station about every 10 minutes.php Please take: Tram line 6 (direction Daxlanden).de/i/view/GBR/en/index.bahn.g. The exact times of departure are available on the website of the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund: http://www. Is there anyone from my country who may help me? As soon as you have accepted the study place. e.justlanded. who will guide you and answer your questions. How do I get to the International Department when I first arrive at Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof (Central Station)? Below you find various ways to get there by tram from Karlsruhe central train station. e. you will receive contact details of a senior student from your country or region (“KSOP buddy”). What happens if I am late to attend the program. You must get off the tram at “Marktplatz” 10 . if I have trouble with my visa application? In some cases the KSOP office can decide to extend the arrival date for the incoming students. Preparation of arrival General information on your stay in Germany: http://www. Sc. degree or university diploma  2 passport pictures Non-EU Students  official admission letter  VISA. contact a health insurance. as seen on the map: Google Maps Please make sure to buy a ticket for the tram (EUR 2. in case that you have a health insurance plan with a private company or if your insurance at home can be applied in Germany (this can also be checked with a local health insurance company as soon as you arrive in Karlsruhe) 11 . degree or university diploma  2 passport pictures  Chinese. and buy a mobile phone. Which are the most important documents I should bring with me to Karlsruhe? EU Students  official admission letter  passport  Original certificates of B. available from ticket machines at stops or from the driver).and then walk about 2 minutes to the International Department.Sc. you can sign a contract with a health insurance company as soon as you arrive in Karlsruhe) Or: Certificate of waiver from a German recognized health insurance company. Enrollment at the KIT Which documents do I need for the enrollment at the KIT University? Please take with you: (but don’t worry you will be informed about all necessary steps in advance)  Admission Letter from KIT  1 passport-size photograph  Originals of your application certificates with original translations (please bring also your transcript of your degree)  If available: certification of sufficient health insurance with a recognized German insurance company (if not available.20 per ride. open a bank account. However the main basics will be: apply at the city-and foreigner office. Vietnamese and Mongolian students also need an APS certificate of their graduation degrees from the German embassy in Beijing. Hanoi or Ulan Bator What are the first necessary steps I have to do by the time I arrive at Karlsruhe? We will inform you about all necessary steps at the orientation week together with the help of KSOP senior students. passport  Original certificates of B. we’ll assist you with that during the introduction week. Edeka. Where should I go to register myself as a foreigner to the new city and for Visa extension? The closest city office from KSOP is the city center one: http://www. What are common Living in Karlsruhe Is it necessary to learn the German language before or with the program? No. However for your daily life and your job perspectives in Germany it is very helpful to take the German language courses as a key competence during the 2 years of study. You can find their locations on their websites or just ask a senior KSOP student. during the weekends and after 6 pm from Monday to Friday but you need to print out your matriculation certificate from the KIT student portal and have it with you. Rewe.  Certificate of de-registration (Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung) if you already have been registered with another German university Non-EU students: Passport with Student Visa Is it necessary to have a health insurance? Yes. 9 Mike’s Bike Station: Sophienstr. which is available after the semester has started. Is the student card working as a tram ticket? and the Foreigner office is: http://www. bars and shopping malls in Karlsruhe? The most known supermarkets in Germany are: Aldi. In fact it is a prerequisite for the enrollment in KIT but you will have the possibility to contract one directly during the introduction week. 180 12 .karlsruhe. Where can I buy a second hand bicycle?   Fahrradhaus Kramer: Hardtstr. The biggest shopping mall in Karlsruhe is the “Ettlinger Tor”. you do not need any German knowledge to study in KSOP. But don’t worry about the registration. de/en/chat/ Studying in Germany: http://www. 58 Schäfer: Gritznerstr. 1 Strebel & Information about studying and working in Germany: http://www.quoka. 4-12 Newspapers Quoka: Working in Germany: 13 .justlanded.        Rad & Tat: Chat-Series: Ask our Experts! http://www.: Zirkel 23 Südstern: Eukalyptus Ebay Important Links Blogs from international students in Germany: http://www.
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