Foundation Engineering By Chattopadhyay, Bikash Chandra, Maity, Joyanta
Foundation Engineering By Chattopadhyay, Bikash Chandra, Maity, Joyanta
March 22, 2018 | Author: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. | Category:
Deep Foundation
Civil Engineering
Doctor Of Philosophy
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FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, By CHATTOPADHYAY, BIKASH CHANDRA, MAITY, JOYANTA Price: Rs. 595.00 ISBN: 978‐81‐203‐5076‐2 Pages: 608 Binding: Paper Back Buy Now at www.phindia.com DESCRIPTION The book is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering. It is also useful for the students of AMIE and a diploma course in civil engineering. The book is planned as a text for the first course in founda on engineering and presents the principles and prac ces of selec on and design of founda on for structures in a simple and concise manner. Codal references have been given to acquaint the students with prevalent methodologies adopted in prac se in the country. The book provides topics of wide interest such as machine founda on, founda on on problema c soil and ground improvement techniques. A large number of solved examples and mul ple choice ques ons are included to help readers for easy understanding of the principle of design and memorising important details for prac cal applica on. The informa on contained in the book is also helpful for the scholars pursuing research study and prac cing engineers confronted in the field. Key Features • Simple and systema c presenta on of the subject ma er. • A large number of solved and unsolved problems for prac ce. • MCQs with answers to help students appearing in compe ve examina ons—GATE, IES, IAS etc. • Annexure for ready references in different allied engineering topics. CONTENTS Preface • Acknowledgements Conversion Factors of Units 1. Introduc on to Founda on Engineering 2. Soil Explora on 3. Earth Pressure 4. Earth Retaining Structure 5. Stability of Slopes 6. Bearing Capacity of Soils 7. Shallow Founda on 8. Pile Founda on 9. Pier and Caisson 10. Machine Founda ons 11. Founda on on Problema c Soil 12. Ground Improvement Techniques Appendix A: General Appendix B: Beams of Elas c Founda ons Index ABOUT THE AUTHOR(s) Bikash Chandra Cha opadhyay, Ph.D., is Professor of Civil Engineering at Meghnad Saha Ins tute of Technology, Kolkata. He has been Head of Civil Engineering Department, Dean of Research and Consultancy, and Coordinator of Quality Improvement Programme at Bengal Engineering and Science University [BESUS (presently IIEST)], Shibpur. Dr. Cha opadhyay has been engaged in teaching geotechnical engineering, research and consultancy over last 44 years and received Leonard’s award for best Ph.D. thesis from IGS in 1987 and has published several books in the areas of his specialisa on and more than 120 research papers in na onal and interna onal conferences and journals. Joyanta Maity, is Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department at Meghnad Saha Ins tute of Technology, Kolkata. He is ac vely engaged in teaching civil engineering students for about a decade. His research interests include alterna ve materials and use of natural geofibers in civil engineering. He has published more than 10 research papers in different na onal and interna onal conferences and journals. 2015 / 608pp. / 17.8 × 23.5 cm / ISBN‐978‐81‐203‐5076‐2 / Rs.595.00 PHI Learning Private Limited © 2011. Email:
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