


Forms Wrapper for Oracle Data Visualization Components (Graphs) The FormsGraph bean is a wrapper for BIGraphBean. Original code was developed by Frank Nimphius and later extended by Holmen Paper IT. The FormsGraph package now includes the FormsGauge bean to display data as gauges. Contents Forms Wrapper for Oracle Data Visualization Components (Graphs) ......................................................... 1 About ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 How to install .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Known issue with Oracle 9i Forms .......................................................................................................... 5 Examples ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Description .............................................................................................................................................. 7 How does the bean work ........................................................................................................................ 7 Building a simple graph ....................................................................................................................... 9 HowTo master-detail ........................................................................................................................... 9 Forms implementation ...................................................................................................................... 10 Deployment ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Properties registered in the FormsGraph wrapper ............................................................................... 11 Named colors ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Known issues ......................................................................................................................................... 11 FormsGraph Properties ......................................................................................................................... 12 ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH..................................................................................................................... 12 ADD_ROWDATA ................................................................................................................................ 12 ADD_INDEX_LINE (Deprecated) ........................................................................................................ 13 ADD_REFERENCE_OBJECT ................................................................................................................. 14 ALIGN_TITLE_TEXT ............................................................................................................................ 15 CLEAR_GRAPH ................................................................................................................................... 15 COLUMNCOUNT ................................................................................................................................ 15 DEBUG ............................................................................................................................................... 16 DISPLAY_INDEX_LINE (Deprecated) .................................................................................................. 16 ENABLE_TOOLTIPS ............................................................................................................................ 16 EXPLODE_PIESLICE ............................................................................................................................ 17 ENABLE_MARKERTEXT ...................................................................................................................... 18 ENABLE_GRADIENT ........................................................................................................................... 18 EXPORT_CLIPBOARD ......................................................................................................................... 18 FRAME_POS ...................................................................................................................................... 18 GET_DELIMITER ................................................................................................................................. 19 GRAPHTYPE ....................................................................................................................................... 19 HIDE_AXIS ......................................................................................................................................... 19 HIDE_TITLE ........................................................................................................................................ 20 HIDE_SUBTITLE .................................................................................................................................. 20 HIDE_FOOTER.................................................................................................................................... 20 HIDE_X_TITLE .................................................................................................................................... 20 HIDE_Y_TITLE .................................................................................................................................... 20 HIDE_FRAME ..................................................................................................................................... 20 HIDE_GRAPH ..................................................................................................................................... 21 MAX_SCALE_Y_AXIS .......................................................................................................................... 21 MIN_SCALE_Y_AXIS ........................................................................................................................... 21 MAX_SCALE_Y2_AXIS ........................................................................................................................ 21 MIN_SCALE_Y2_AXIS ......................................................................................................................... 22 MOUSE_ACTIVE ................................................................................................................................. 22 MOUSEACTION .................................................................................................................................. 22 MODIFY_ROW_DATA ........................................................................................................................ 22 POSITION_LEGEND ............................................................................................................................ 23 ROTATE_X_LABEL .............................................................................................................................. 23 REMOVE_DATA ................................................................................................................................. 23 RETURN_VALUES_ON_CLICK ............................................................................................................. 23 RESET_GRAPH ................................................................................................................................... 24 SCROLLBAR ........................................................................................................................................ 24 SET_BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 24 SET_DEPTH ........................................................................................................................................ 25 SET_DEBUG_PREFIX .......................................................................................................................... 25 SET_DELIMITER ................................................................................................................................. 25 SET_FRAME_HEIGHT_WIDTH ............................................................................................................ 26 SET_FOOTER ...................................................................................................................................... 26 SET_FOOTER_BACKGROUND............................................................................................................. 26 SET_GRAPHIC_ANTIALIASING............................................................................................................ 27 SET_GRAPH_BASELINE ...................................................................................................................... 27 SET_LEGEND_BORDER ...................................................................................................................... 27 SET_LINEGRAPH_MARKERS ............................................................................................................... 28 SET_NO_DATA_FOUND ..................................................................................................................... 28 SET_PLOT_AREA_COLOR ................................................................................................................... 28 SET_SCALED_LOGARITHMIC .............................................................................................................. 28 SET_SUBTITLE .................................................................................................................................... 29 SET_SUBTITLE_BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 29 SET_SERIES_MARKER_TYPE............................................................................................................... 29 SET_SERIES_WIDTH ........................................................................................................................... 30 SET_SERIES_COLOR ........................................................................................................................... 30 SET_SERIES_Y_AXIS ........................................................................................................................... 30 SET_STYLE ......................................................................................................................................... 31 SET_XML_STYLE ................................................................................................................................ 31 SET_TITLE .......................................................................................................................................... 32 SET_TITLE_BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 32 SET_X_LABEL ..................................................................................................................................... 32 SET_X_VALUE_FONT ......................................................................................................................... 32 SET_Y_LABEL ..................................................................................................................................... 33 SET_Y2_LABEL ................................................................................................................................... 33 SET_Y1_NUMBER_TYPE .................................................................................................................... 33 SET_Y1_SCALE_DOWN ...................................................................................................................... 33 SET_Y_DECIMAL_DIGITS.................................................................................................................... 33 SET_Y2_DECIMAL_DIGITS.................................................................................................................. 34 SHOW_COLUMNS_AS_ROWS ........................................................................................................... 34 SHOW_FRAME .................................................................................................................................. 34 SHOW_GRAPH_IN_FRAME ................................................................................................................ 34 SHOW_GRAPH ................................................................................................................................... 34 SHOW_GRID ...................................................................................................................................... 35 SHOW_LABELS................................................................................................................................... 35 SHOW_LEGEND ................................................................................................................................. 35 SHOW_PIE_LABELS ............................................................................................................................ 35 Custom item events .............................................................................................................................. 35 RETURNED_COLUMN_NUMBER........................................................................................................ 35 GRAPH_ACTION................................................................................................................................. 35 GRAPH_INFO ..................................................................................................................................... 35 CURRENT_DELIMITER ........................................................................................................................ 35 DELIMITER_INFO ............................................................................................................................... 35 Graph types ........................................................................................................................................... 36 otherwise the images don't show on the buttons in the demo form.jar file contains all the files required to run the new version of the Forms BI Graph bean integration.About The BI Graph integration for Forms was developed in 2002 for the Oracle9i Forms demo package and since then upgraded to Oracle Forms 10g.fmx/fmb must be changed to "images/<name of image>".jar. . the BI Graph bean demo is available on your computer with the FormsGraph.jar file of this patch is backwards compatible and no functionality has been removed. Backup and replace the FormsGraph. The images are stored in the "images" subdirectory of the FormsGraph.jar file located in the <Oracle Developer Suite Home>\ forms90\ demos\ jars directory.jar. Known issue with Oracle 9i Forms The graph images that used in the Oracle Forms demo module are contained in the FormsGraph. How to install The FormsGraph.jar file in this directory with the jar file contained in this patch. All existing references in the Oracle9i Forms demo module graph90. The FormsGraph. If you have installed the Oracle Forms 10g demos. Examples . Using this wrapper allows customers to use the BI Bean Graph within their own applications.'<column_label.'<new_char>') column label row label value The name of the data group. This sample works with Oracle Forms and was not tested with Forms6i. The data is passed in a character delimited string. be changed by a call to: SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BeanContainer'. OracleAS Discoverer Oracle JDeveloper and OracleAS Portal use the BI Bean Graph for their users to create graphical displays. The demo application to this help file contains an example implementation of the generic BI Bean Graph wrapper.1. 'SET_DELIMITER'. So far Oracle Graphics has been used and still can be used to render interactive graphs in Oracle Forms applications. For each Forms user process. With the BI Bean Graph Oracle also provides a powerful set of Java classes that can be used to render many types of charts when run in a Java environment. The FormsGraph component is a generic wrapper built in Java that exposes a set of functionality and properties provided within the BI Bean Graph to Forms. . Data is added to the graph by Forms calls to: SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BeanContainer'. sales or home runs hit. like salary. not requiring any additional line of Java code. Oracle Forms Services provide a runtime environment for Java beans that allows Forms developers to add missing or extra functionality built in Java to their Web applications. For the salary column this can be employee names and for the sales column the name of departments. Many customers regard a separate process for embedded charts too much an overhead and look for an alternative solution to Oracle Graphics. The row label.value>').00.ADD_ROWDATA. where the default value defined as a delimiter is the comma. The value is defined as double 00. The delimiter can. Oracle Graphics runs in its own separate process on the middle tier server. To make the BI Bean Graph work in OracleAS Forms Services applications all that is required is a Bean wrapper to work within the Forms Bean Container. Because the BI Bean became a strategic product at Oracle. Oracle products like OracleAS Reports.1. and sometimes must. The wrapper can be built dynamically using the Forms Bean Manager or manually coded using Java.Description Many Oracle Forms applications require a graphical representation of data stored in a Forms table or the database. in combination with the column label.row_label. The column label by default shows in the graph's legend. How does the bean work The FormsGraph class instantiates the BI Bean Graph when added to the implementation class property of a Bean Container in Forms. defines the the cell for the data value. Though the value is passed as a string it gets converted to double within the FormsGraph wrapper. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. The graph is shown in Forms after a call to: SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BeanContainer'. nTotalValue.vData). while (PopulateGraphWithData%FOUND) LOOP vData :='Sales Total '||vDelimiter||vDate||vDelimiter||nTotalValue. The following code uses a cursor to create rows in the graph for two columns.1. END LOOP.BeanArea1'.. nOrder.ADD_ROWDATA is a registered property in the FormsGraph wrapper class that creates one relational row with each calls.BeanArea1'. ..'ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH'.1.BeanArea1'.vData). 'CLEAR_GRAPH'. OPEN PopulateGraphWithData.''). nTaxValue. nTotalValue. FETCH PopulateGraphWithData INTO vName. nTaxValue. vDate. CLOSE PopulateGraphWithData. .'') Note that even if no argument is required when setting a property it still needs to be passed in Forms.'ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH'. vData :='Sales Tax '||vDelimiter||vDate||vDelimiter||nTaxValue. This ensures that the control over the operation is left to the Forms application developer. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.'') The FormsGraph bean can be used for static charts and for drill down charts alike. nOrder. Drill actions are handled by the same bean but in another Forms Bean Container.'ADD_ROWDATA'.1. 'Sales Total' and 'Sales Tax'. This property can be called many times and the data is stored within the FormsGraph instance until it is explicitly deleted by a call to: SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BeanContainer'. The call to ADD_DATAROW can optionally have a forth argument.'ADD_ROWDATA'. . vDate. FETCH PopulateGraphWithData INTO vName. representing the primary key used for the drill down or drill across operation.1. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1...1. 'MOUSEACTION'. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.1. The block1. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. Open the bean container's property palette and edit the value of the 'Implementation class' property to oracle. this is all that needs to be done to create a simply bar graph based on custom data in Forms.masterBeanCon'.25000'). This instantiates the FormsGraph bean.demos.BeanArea1'. Calling this property before adding data to the graph internal data store leaves the graph empty. which means that the Forms developer always in control. Assume two Bean Conatiners created on one Forms canvas. To create a new graph. Further assuming the block1.'PRIMARY_KEY').Sales. Without expecting too much. For the bean to return the primary key for a graph component that the user clicked on. FormsGraph. .masterBeanCon component has an attached WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEMEVENT trigger listening to events raised by the graph bean.masterBeanCon" and "block1.'ADD_ROWDATA'.detailBeanCon". Use the ADD_ROWDATA property to pass data to the graph bean.Building a simple graph A simple graph is a graph that does not have any drill down or drill across actions.masterBeanCon'. again using the SET_CUSTOM_ PROPERTY() built-in.'ADD_ROWDATA'. where Forms acts like a controller accessed from the master-bean by the WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger attached to the bean container of the master graph in Forms. The ADD_ROWDATA property can be called as many times as needed. To create a graph in Forms. The master-detail behavior is controlled by Forms. The graph is not shown until the registered property ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH is called using the Forms SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() built-in.Sales. All other bean properties exposed through the FormsGraph wrapper class can be used for additional graph modification.forms.'Europe. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.bigraph. each running an instance of oracle. even after calling the ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH property.bigraph.1.'Europe.BeanArea1'.FormsGraph .1. the CLEAR_GRAPH needs to be called before adding new data with additional calls to ADD_ROWDATA.true). renders a row that does not have a primary key. Simply add the primary key as a fourth argument to be used in master-detail behaviors.'RETURN_VALUES_ON_CLICK'. you first need to place a Bean Container to the Forms canvas hosting the graph. HowTo master-detail A master-detail behavior in the graph is made of two bean containers.demos.25000. a fourth argument must be passed when calling the ADD_ROWDATA property. exposing new data.12'). The data rendered in the BI Bean graph is queried by and passed from Forms. the following calls to SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() must be performed to have the bean returning a value to the Bean container: SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY(' block1.forms.masterBeanCon to be that simple graph explained above. "block1.1. eventValueType number. E.detailBeanCon FORMSGRAPHSAMPLE.g. tempString varchar2(100). to have all messages of the master bean pre-fixed with "block1.'GRAPH_INFO'.forms.'). -. raising a WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger attached to the bean container.master bean:" set_custom_property('block1. get_parameter_attr(eventValues.masterBeanCon'.eventValueType.clear data stored and shown in block1.1. Open the Bean container property palette and add oracle. ELSE null.FormsGraph to the implementation class property field 3. then the bean returns the primary key 12.'. This creates a simple master-detail behavior controlled by Forms.populateDetailGraphData('block1.master bean:'). END. -. by repeated calls to a procedure that populates the detail graph.'SET_DEBUG_PREFIX'. You can debug the graph bean independently for both bean containers.clearData('block1.ADD_ROWDATA and one to ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH FORMSGRAPHSAMPLE.'block1. tempString).demos.tempString. BEGIN IF (eventName='GRAPH_ACTION') THEN eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system.custom_item_event.detailBeanCon'. You can provide a debugging prefix to distinguish the messages written to the Java panel. eventValues ParamList. Forms implementation 1. Open a Forms canvas and add a Forms Bean container to it 2. END IF.detailBeanCon').custom_item_event_parameters).bigraph. Set the bean properties exposed by the FormsGraph wrapper using the SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() built-in . The code in the WHEN-CUSTOM-ITEM-EVENT trigger looks like: DECLARE eventName varchar2(30) := :system.If a user clicks onto the bar that represents the sales value 25000 for Europe. /formsdemo/jars/demo90.Deployment 1. This is required for retrieving the primary key stored within a different Java object.cfg file. archive_jini=f90all_jinit. For interactive graphs to work.6 MB and is permanently stored on the client after a first time download. yellow Known issues This implementation is treated as a reusable component and Java code is shipped with the Forms demo./formsdemo/jars/FormsGraph. Properties are called by the SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() built-in and may or may not require additional arguments to be passed.jar . within your application Example formsweb.jar file into the forms90/java directory of the Forms Services installation 3.. Properties registered in the FormsGraph wrapper Properties are named identifiers that map to a specific functionality in the BI Bean Graph component. The file size is 1. but no promises are made to this time.jar file to the application definition in the formsweb. magenta. Copy the FormsGraph. blue.. imagebase=codebase . 2. white. Add the FormsGraph. red.jar. This may get addressed in the future. green.. lightGray. Named colors The following colors can be used by their name and do not require RGB encoding: black. The FormsGraph.. This has been fixed by using the MOUSE_ACTIVE property. gray.jar file contains all BI Bean Graph classes and the FormsGraph wrapper class used. cyan. orange.. provided in the FormsGraph. row label and value must be unique. Set imagebase=codebase if you want to use graph icons. .jar. The following is a list of known issues The Forms Graph overlaps Alerts and lists in Forms. darkGray.. This behavior is caused by heavy weight components (awt classes) in a lightweight interface (Oracle ewt). pink.cfg entry: [BIGraph] . The source code can be edited within all projects in JDeveloper that have the BI Bean Graph added. the combination of column label.jar file. 'Europe.25000.Sales.BeanArea1'.'Europe. is 'Sales'.Sales. If the Graph is to be used as a master in a master/detail relation. Call this property to update the graphical representation whenever changes have been made to the represented data stored in the bean data store.'ADD_ROWDATA'.1.'ADD_ROWDATA'.BeanArea1'. ADD_ROWDATA Data rows can be added to the FormsGraph internal data store before and after calling ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH. or row label.1.Taxes. is 'Europe'.Savings.2500').'USA. then no graph will show. while the data.FormsGraph Properties ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH The ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH property applies the data stored in the FormsGraph internal datastore to the actual BI Graph instance managed by a BeanContainer in Forms.'').1.BeanArea1'.Savings.BeanArea1'. However. The comma is the default delimiter for the number of arguments passed.2500').BeanArea1'. labels contain commas.1.'ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH'.BeanArea1'.BeanArea1'. then optional a forth argument can be passed representing the primary key.1. while the second example contains the primary key.USA) and to show them in the graph.12').Sales. .Taxes.'Europe.1. or column name.67500').1. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.1. which you may find helpful in situations where e.70000').1. in Forms you call SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.'ADD_ROWDATA'. Forms Example: SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.'USA.25000'). In both cases the Series. To create three rows (Sales.BeanArea1'.BeanArea1'. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. or SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.25000'). SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.'ADD_ROWDATA'. The Column labels show in the graph legend. The row labels show on the X-axis for vertically presented graphs and on the Y-axis for horizontal graph types.'ADD_ROWDATA'.'Europe. The delimiter can be changed using the SET_DELIMITER property.'ADD_ROWDATA'.''). if no data is available when the ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH property is set.'USA.'Europe. The ADD_ROWDATA property appends a new row to the datastore.1. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.Sales. The first example shows a row with no primary key added.'ADD_ROWDATA'.'ADD_ROWDATA'.22500').'ADD_DATA_TO_GRAPH'.BeanArea1'. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. the row label as a second and the cell value as a third.g. The syntax of the argument passed with ADD_ROWDATA is determined by the BI Bean Graph relational API and expects the column label to be passed as a first argument.Taxes.Savings) with 2 columns (Europe. red. indicated by the second argument 'true'.ADD_INDEX_LINE (Deprecated) Property registered to show an index line in the graph. pink. The index line can be used to show boundary conditions like min-revenue. which means they can be omitted: line width [default = 1]. The label "Min Revenue" is shown in the graph's legend. a value > 0 to determine the width of the index line Note that following arguments have default values. magenta. 4. valid values are y-axis and x-axis int = each axis can have max 3 index lines. The counting of the lines is from 0 to 2 double = the value of the index line the color of the index line: Accepted colors: black. gray.and its displayed in the hight of the y-axis value 1000. int index line width.indicated by the argument 0 . cyan.true. as indicated by the third argument 'y-axis'. 6. String = the text that is associated with the index line boolean = show/hide index label in graph legend. Valid values are true or false String = the axis. 3. lightGray.1.'Min Revenue. green. white 7. color of index line [default = red] Forms Example: The following example sets an index line with the label "Min Revenue". The index line is set for the Y axis. The index line color is specified as green and its thickness as 2.y-axis.1000.00. orange.2'). 2. The following arguments are expected in this order: 1. Its the first index line .'ADD_INDEX_LINE'. set_custom_property('BeanArea'. . blue.0. 5. SOLID.200 0'). 10. DASH. 7.BACK. 9.SOLID.Reference2.'LINE.Reference1.Graph there is support for an unlimited number of index lines. 2.true. line value for LINE) Value as double (High value for AREA.1.true. Type (AREA or LINE) Text Association axis Color Show in legend as boolean Line width as integer Line style (SOLID. maps to X1AXIS) ADD_REFERENCE_OBJECT Adds a reference value to the graph like an index line or area. Values are expected in the following order: 1.1.1000'). optional for LINE) set_custom_property('block1. Valid Association axis values Y1AXIS (Default) Y2AXIS X1AXIS SERIES x-axis (Kept for backwards compatibility. 8. set_custom_property('block1. 4. 6.Y1AXIS. Valid Association axis values Y1AXIS (Default) Y2AXIS X1AXIS SERIES .1000.graph.Updated info In newer versions of oracle.'AREA.BeanArea1'.1. 3.dss.FRONT.BeanArea1'.2. DASH_DOT or DOTTED) Location (FRONT or BACK) Value as double (Low value for AREA. To use this updated functionality. use ADD_REFERENCE_OBJECT.Y1AXIS. Salary.'CLEAR_GRAPH'.eventValueType.custom_item_event_parameters).'').'title=CENTER. Values can be omitted from right to left.footnote=CENTER'. The column count is returned in a when-custom-event trigger. which means that the footnote attribute can be omitted when setting the title and subtitle alignment.BeanArea1'. This must be done before adding new data to the datastore. then the new row is appended to the list of existing rows.'GRAPH_INFO'.1.g. In a drilldown scenario CLEAR_GRAPH makes sure that the detail graph shows the right data. COLUMNCOUNT Property registered to retrieve the number of groups shown in the graph.'COLUMNCOUNT'.*/ END..BeanArea1'. Forms Example: set_custom_property('block1. The example above aligns the title to the center of the graph and the subtitle to the left. set_custom_property('block1..custom_item_event.subtitle=LEFT. set_custom_property('block1..1. get_parameter_attr(eventValues.. CLEAR_GRAPH does not require an additional argument to be passed. If using ADD_ROWDATA without before calling CLEAR_DATA. One property call can be used to set multiple title alignments. the subtitle or the footer. the subtitle and finally the footer: 'title=CENTER. The default delimiter is a comma ('. .ALIGN_TITLE_TEXT The ALIGN_TITLE_TEXT property is used to align the text of either the title. do something with the value stored in tempString . The following argument syntax sets the alignment of the title. BEGIN IF (eventName='RETURNED_COLUMN_NUMBER') THEN eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system.1.') if not set other using the SET_DELIMITER property. A group in the relational world is a column in a row (e. Allowed alignment attributes are "LEFT". Commission).subtitle=LEFT'). The subtitle attribute can be omitted if the footnote as well is omitted.''). "RIGHT" and "CENTER". CLEAR_GRAPH Clears the graph data store. tempString varchar2(100).'ALIGN_TITLE_TEXT'. In a when-custom-item-event trigger DECLARE eventName varchar2(30) := :system. tempString).BeanArea1'. /*. thus allowing a close look to the problem area.'ENABLE_TOOLTIPS'.BeanArea1'. set_custom_property('block1. DEBUG The debug property turns a verbose debugging on or off.'ENABLE_TOOLTIPS'.'ALL'). The debug information is written to the Java console of the Jinitiator panel. By default no debug message is written to the panel.BeanArea1'.BeanArea1'. ENABLE_TOOLTIPS Hovering the mouse over a graph component like a bar in a bar graph.Column count can also be called using the Forms get_custom_property() built-in. set_custom_property('block1.'VALUES').show no tooltips Examples set_custom_property('block1.1. .show dat avalues only "NONE" .show detail information (default) "LABELS" . DISPLAY_INDEX_LINE (Deprecated) Show or hide a specific index line. to turn debugging on. Tooltips are not shown by default.1. set_custom_property('block1.1.BeanArea1'. Debugging can be enabled and disabled to any time.'COLUMNCOUNT').labels only "VALUES" .'DEBUG'. Allowed arguments when calling ENABLE_TOOLTIPS from a Forms SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY() built-in are "ALL" . to turn it off.1. or 'FALSE'.'ENABLE_TOOLTIPS'.'TRUE'). shows a configurable set of information in form of tooltips. Forms Example: set_custom_property(). eliminating the need for a custom event to be raised Forms Example: count := get_custom_property('block1.1.'NONE'). Arguments used with the DEBUG property are either 'TRUE'.BeanArea1'. '2. rg := Create_Group('ColumnCount'). . The current number of slices shown in a graph can be retrieved by a call to the COLUMN_COUNT registered property.col LOOP Add_Group_Row(rg. -.eventValueType..1. 'slice_no'. This returns the number of slices in a pie within a WHEN-CUSTOM-EVENT trigger attached to the Bean area. The following WHEN-CUSTOM-EVENT code retrives the number of columns shown and populates a list in Forms for the user to select a slice number from. set_custom_property('block1. END LOOP.30). i. The slices of a pie are numbered starting with 0.i). -. CHAR_COLUMN. /** * populate list CONTROL. . i..set initial value :CONTROL.'GRAPH_INFO'.SLICE_NUMBER:=0.. /* Add two number columns to the record group */ gc1 := Add_Group_Column(rg. By this it is possible to explode more than one slice in a graph.BeanArea1'.to_char(i)). get_parameter_attr(eventValues.EXPLODE_PIESLICE This property is registered to be used with pie graphs.SLICE_NUMBER */ col:=to_number(tempString).'COLUMNCOUNT'. ELSIF . populate_list('bloxk1.custom_item_event_parameters). gc2 := Add_Group_Column(rg. so the first slice is 0 (i-1) Set_Group_Char_Cell(gc2. delete_group(rg). IF (eventName='RETURNED_COLUMN_NUMBER') THEN eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system..60'). the slice gets exploded from the rest of the pie. 'slice'.'').BeanArea1'. FOR i IN 1. Set_Group_Char_Cell(gc1.list1'. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.1.rg).to_char(i-1)). By specifying a slice in a pie by its number and an integer value for the distance.30). Note that the slice is not returned automatically but must be returned manually..columns in the pie Graph start counting by 0. CHAR_COLUMN. tempString).'EXPLODE_PIESLICE'. Forms Example: set_custom_porperty('BeanArea'.'FRAME_POS'.'100.ENABLE_MARKERTEXT Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property(). set_custom_property('block1.1. EXPORT_CLIPBOARD Exports the currently displayed graph into the system clipboard. 1.''). . ENABLE_GRADIENT Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().200').BeanArea1'. The default position is 0:0. FRAME_POS Property registered to determine the xy position of the external graph window on the screen. 'EXPORT_CLIPBOARD' . 1. call the set_custom_property() built-in with XY1 in the argument.BeanArea1'. .custom_item_event_parameters). XY2. tempString).'GRAPHTYPE'.. MULTI_PIE_GRAPH ==> set_custom_property('block1.BeanArea1'. The WHEN-CUSTOM-EVENT trigger code would look like . Y1. XY1. where the name in uppercase is supplied as an argument with the call to GRAPHTYPE.'DELIMITER_INFO'.'GRAPHTYPE'. XY1Y2.1. GRAPHTYPE The GRAPHTYPE property is registered to set the type of the graph from Forms.GET_DELIMITER Property registered to retrieve the current delimiter string returned in a WHEN-CUSTOM-EVENT trigger attached to the Bean area.'Y1Y2').BeanArea1'.. PIE_BAR ==> set_custom_property('block1..''). Note that some of th esupported graph types show the values in percent. showing Y2 axis if used set_custom_property('BeanArea'. ELSIF .'PIE_BAR_GRAPH'). y1 and y2 axis.1. //handle delimiter stored in tempString ..'MULTI_PIE_GRAPH'). IF (eventName='CURRENT_DELIMITER') THEN eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system.1. The following graph types are supported.'GET_DELIMITER'.BeanArea1'. Allowed values are X. Examples: RING_BAR ==> set_custom_property('block1. Y2.'HIDE_AXIS'. the tooltips always show the value in absolute numbers. Hiding the Y1 and Y2 axis.1. HIDE_AXIS Forms property registered to hide the graph's x.. However. Y1Y2.'RING_BAR_GRAPH').1.'XY1').eventValueType. Forms Example: Hiding the X and Y1 axis.'GRAPHTYPE'.'HIDE_AXIS'.. To hide the X andY1 axis but show the Y2 axis. get_parameter_attr(eventValues. set_custom_property('block1. showing the X axis set_custom_property('BeanArea'. 1.'HIDE_FOOTER'. HIDE_X_TITLE Property that hides the graph title text defines for the x-axis if displayed set_custom_property(' reset set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'').BeanArea1'.'').1.1.'HIDE_X_TITLE'. HIDE_FOOTER Property that hides the graph footer text if displayed set_custom_property('block1.'HIDE_SUBTITLE'.''). HIDE_SUBTITLE Property that hides the graph subtitle text if displayed set_custom_property('block1.1.'').1.1. HIDE_FRAME Property called to hide the external graph frame.BeanArea1'.'HIDE_AXIS'.'').'HIDE_Y_TITLE'.''). . set_custom_property('BeanArea'.BeanArea1'. HIDE_TITLE Property that hides the graph title text if displayed set_custom_property('block1.'').BeanArea1'.1.BeanArea1'.'HIDE_TITLE'.'HIDE_FRAME'. HIDE_Y_TITLE Property that hides the graph title text defines for the x-axis if displayed set_custom_property('block1. To reset back to default: set_custom_property('BeanArea'. To reset to automatic scaling. pass an integer value as a string argument in the call to set_custom_property(). Alternatively to hiding the graph when no data is shown. MAX_SCALE_Y2_AXIS Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property(). not showing in the Bean area container.1. useful to hide the graph when no data was provided or as a result of a user action.BeanArea1'.'MAX_SCALE_Y_AXIS'.g. use 'AUTO' as an argument Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'.HIDE_GRAPH Property called to hide the graph.1.'MIN_SCALE_Y_AXIS'. To use this functionality.1. The string arguments represent the min Y value shown in the graph.'100'). To reset to automatic scaling.'HIDE_GRAPH'.1. a customizable text string can be shown.'MIN_SCALE_Y_AXIS'.'MAX_SCALE_Y_AXIS'. To use this functionality. to reset set_custom_property('BeanArea'.1. This functionality is e. set_custom_property('block1. MAX_SCALE_Y_AXIS Property registered to define the scale of the y-axis to a fixed maximum value. MIN_SCALE_Y_AXIS Property registered to define the scale of the y-axis to a fixed minimum value. in a master/detail scenario where not all master records have details. Showing a string is useful e.''). use 'AUTO' as an argument Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'. .'150').g. The string arguments represents the max Y value shown in the graph.'AUTO'). pass an integer value as a string argument in the call to set_custom_property().'AUTO'). RowName. . where true is used to enable mouse actions while false disables it. When the form gains focus.'ColumnName. This property has been implemented to fix the heavy / lightweight component bug in Java.1. as shown in this example.N ewValue'). This property should be called to switch off mouse interactivity whenever no values shall be returned from the Graph to Forms (static graphs). set this property back to true. When not using this property the graph will be placed over all other Forms components when the graph gets mouse input events. The row that needs an update is identified by its current column label. Forms Example: set_custom_property().1. is a comma.'MOUSEACTION'.OldValue. MOUSEACTION Property registered to enable or disable mouse interactivity requiring Forms Server interaction. set_custom_property('block1. row label and value.'false'). The new value is passed as a forth argument set_custom_property('block1. An example of when to use this property is when a form looses its focus.MIN_SCALE_Y2_AXIS Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().BeanArea1'. The default delimiter. Allowed arguments passed with the call to MOUSEACTION property are 'true' or 'false'.'MODIFY_ROW_DATA'. When the active form looses its focus. MOUSE_ACTIVE Use to enable or disable mouse interaction with the graph.BeanArea1'. MODIFY_ROW_DATA Property registered to change one column in a bar graph or one slice in a pie graph for a partial graph update. but can be chosen different calling the SET_DELIMITER property. set this property to false so the graph won't get any mouse events. BeanArea1'. ROTATE_X_LABEL Property registered to rotate the x-Label by 0.'90').'SALARY. REMOVE_DATA Property registered to remove a data row from the graph without refreshing the whole graph data storage. The row to delete is identified by the column label. the row label and the current value.'RETURN_VALUES_ON_CLICK'.BeanArea'.'LEFT'). Allowed arguments are ALL ROWLABEL COLUMNLABEL VALUE PRIMARY_KEY The primary is returned only if it was passed using the ADD_ROW_DATA property. set_custom_property('block1.1700'). . Forms Example: Forms example for a master/detail Graph. The default setting is to auto layout the legend.MASTERGRAPH set_custom_property('block1.SMITH.'POSITION_LEGEND'. Use TOP.1.'ALL'). If the data row has an associated primary key.1. RIGHT. Code added to the WHEN-CUSTOM-EVENT Trigger on the PJC. The limitation is that the combination of these three values must be unique within the graph for this feature to work.BeanArea1'.'ROTATE_X_LABEL'. 90 or 270 degrees Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'. BOTTOM or AUTO as an argument when calling set_custom_property() set_custom_property('block1. LEFT. RETURN_VALUES_ON_CLICK Property registered to determine the type of data returned by the bean as a result of a user mouse click.POSITION_LEGEND Property registered to manually set the position of the legend shown in the graph.1.1.'REMOVE_DATA'. then this gets deleted as well. cyan. orange. Basic colors: black..'SET_BACKGROUND'.. magenta. */ ELSE . green. red.'true').BeanArea1'. and blue values in the range (0 . pink.BeanArea1'.255).255' for white. SET_BACKGROUND Property registered to set the graph's background color. green. /* .g. tempString).1.'GRAPH_INFO'. eventValueType number. eventValues ParamList.255. RESET_GRAPH Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property(). get_parameter_attr(eventValues.custom_item_event_parameters). set_custom_property('block1.234. retrieve the returned data value in Forms: DECLARE eventName varchar2(30) := :system. gray.'SCROLLBAR'.custom_item_event.. '255.'120.. The background color excludes the plot area which can be set by another property. BEGIN IF (eventName='GRAPH_ACTION') THEN eventValues := get_parameter_list(:system. The default is false as this feature is only required if too many data columns are shown that do not fit into the graph set_custom_property('block1.eventValueType. blue.1. white can be passed in clear text. .. tempString varchar2(100). Set value to true for enablig the scrollbar (default) or false to disable the scrollbar.123'). SCROLLBAR Property registered to display a scrollbar on the Graph if needed. with the specified red.. e. lightGray.The color must be passed as sRGB color in a comma separated string. do something with value in tempString . . To distinguish bean messages the SET_DEBUG_PREFIX property can be set to identify the output of a bean container..255.255. The following examples will make this clearer. This is required. to COLUMNLABEL SET_DELIMITER Property registered to change the default string delimiter. set the attribute value of this Forms property to '20. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.. . The depth is provided in pixel for the width and a degree between 0 and 180 for the orientation.BeanArea1 ==> RETURN VALUES: .'SET_TITLE'.BeanArea1 ==> RETURN VALUES: trying to set return value . To se a depth of 20 pixel and a radius of 10 degrees. to another string.'30.g. In this example the delimiter is set to '#' before the graph title is set to "Hello World".'SET_DELIMITER'. The RGB encoded color requires a comma as the delimiter so tha this character cannot be used with the rest of the string.1.BeanArea1'). each in its own Forms Bean Container.75').. e.'SET_DEPTH'. The delimiter is the actual delimiter defined or '.SET_DEPTH SET_DEPTH is a property to create a 3D appearance of a graph by creating it's shadow.'SET_DEBUG_PREFIX'.').'SET_DELIMITER'. a comma.BeanArea1 ==> ENABLE_TOOLTIPS: setting label tooltips block1. Specify both values in one call. If debugging is activated for all graphs then the debug information written to the Java console (the Jinitiator panel) does not tell which bean is writing it.BeanArea1'. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.120 (a light green) using a comma as a delimiter. The debug output generated by this bean now looks like block1.120#bi#12').10' (if the default delimiter id used). block1. The color for this string is encoded by 120.1.'Hello World#120..BeanArea1'. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1.BeanArea1'.' if choosing the default.'.'block1.1. Finally the delimiter is set back to the default value.BeanArea1'. when setting a title string including a RGB encoded font color.'#').BeanArea1'.1. set_custom_property('block1.1. SET_DEBUG_PREFIX The BI Bean Graph can have multiple instances in one Forms application. set_custom_property('block1. where the fist value determines the depth and the second the angle. BeanArea1'. e. white can be passed in clear text. lightGray.'SET_FOOTER'.color.TimesNewRoman').1.BeanArea1'.10.120').300 and if set only has an effect on graphs running in a separate frame.1.120#bi#10#TimesNewRoman').234. red.TimesNewRoman' The color can be specified as color name or as a sRGB value in a range from (0. cyan. green. gray.'SET_FOOTER_BACKGROUND'. SET_FOOTER property registered to set the graph Footer'Hello World#120. blue. Basic colors: black. or set_custom_property('BeanArea'. set_custom_property('block1.'SET_DELIMITER'.255).300'). and blue values in the range (0 .font" For example to set a Subtitle to "Hello World". This property is defaulted to 200. magenta. The color must be passed as RGB color in a comma separated string.'200.255.'#'). pink.'120.').1. darkGray. font size and color.255. the font style to bold [b] and italic [i] and the color to red the string shows: 'Hello World. set_custom_property('BeanArea'. SET_FOOTER_BACKGROUND Property registered to set the background color of the graph footer text field.g. Values can be omitted from right to Normally the color is set to the same value then the background.font style. font style.255' for '255.'SET_DELIMITER'.SET_FRAME_HEIGHT_WIDTH Property registered to set the width and hight for the Graph external frame. The following string format is expected "title string.'SET_FOOTER'.font size. Passing color values as RGB values may require switching the default delimiter as the comma must be used to set RGB values Forms Example: set_custom_property('block1.. with the specified red. but sometimes having this appear in a different color may make sense.'.1. font.255).'SET_FRAME_HEIGHT_WIDTH'.1. orange. set_custom_property('BeanArea'. the Font to TimesNewRoman.'Hello World.1. . The syntax is height <delimiter>width. set_custom_property('block1.10. The size is passed as a string representing two integer values.BeanArea1'. 'blue.' as a delimiter Forms Example: set_custom_property('block1.SET_GRAPHIC_ANTIALIASING Graphic antialiasing. set_custom_property('block1.120.BeanArea1'.'SET_LEGEND_BORDER'.BeanArea1'.334.'SET_DELIMITER'.100' If one or both setting should be transparent.120'. Note that in this case the default delimiter must be changed since the color coding requires '.'#').BeanArea1'. The first value passed is for the border.'TRANSPARENT#220. SET_LEGEND_BORDER Property registered to set the border and background color of the legend shown in a graph. then pass 'TRANSPARENT' as a color name. the second for the background. SET_GRAPH_BASELINE Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().23. 120. set_custom_property('block1.23.BeanArea1'.220 or as a named color e. red.g.BeanArea1'. Allowed values are true and false Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'.BeanArea1'.'SET_LEGEND_BORDER'.1.'SET_DELIMITER'.1. set_custom_property('block1. 'Transparent|123. or set_custom_property('block1.120'). set_custom_property('block1.200. if set to "true" smoothes the representation of line graphs and shows curves instead of steps from one value to the next.'true').1.220|').'). or set_custom_property('block1.g.'SET_DELIMITER'.'.234.g.1. orange or green. E.'SET_DELIMITER'. . The color can be provided as a RGB encoded value e.120#220.1.1.'GRAPH_ANTIALIASING'. '120.120').BeanArea1'.'120.'SET_LEGEND_BORDER'.yellow').'#').'. 1. The delimiter used must match the currently defined delimiter. blue.we are out of data today').: The axis identifier .BeanArea1'. The base is provided as a double value. and blue values in a range of (0 .'SET_SCALED_LOGARITHMIC'.'SET_PLOT_AREA_COLOR'.BeanArea1'. SET_SCALED_LOGARITHMIC Property registered to logarithmic scale the Y and X Axis.true'). '255.1.'X.255). which is by default '. The color must be passed as RGB color in a comma separated string.'120. Basic colors: black.SET_LINEGRAPH_MARKERS Property registered to enable / disable symbolic data value markers shown in line graphs. lightGray. set_custom_property('block1. orange.BeanArea1'.1. green. Use 'false' to switch it off (default) set_custom_property('block1. gray.2'). This is the case whenever a master-detail relationship does not have detail data. darkGray.'Y.'X' or 'Y' 'true' or 'false' to symbolize whether logarithmic scale is enabled The value for the logarithmic base.'Sorry . SET_PLOT_AREA_COLOR Property registered to set the color of the Plot Area. This creates a graphs with a logarithmic scaled Y axis with a base of 2.true.'true'). magenta. Note that the default delimiter needs to be changed if the message contains a comma. Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'.255. white can be passed in clear text. e. . red. set_custom_property('block1.'SET_LINEGRAPH_MARKER'. To enable this feature pass 'true' as an argument with the set_custom_property() call.1.120').'SET_SCALED_LOGARITHMIC'. pink. If not set then the area is chosen to be white.BeanArea1'. with the specified red. SET_NO_DATA_FOUND Property registered to set the message shown when no data is available for the graph to render.255' for white.1. The following information must be passed as an argument when calling SET_SCALED_LOGARITHMIC.255. set_custom_property('block1.'.'SET_NO_DATA_FOUND'. Normally you want that color be set to the same value as the background. font.BeanArea1'.Note that there is always only one axis that shows the value of the graph. green.220'). with the specified red.10.color.1.255.255' for white.BeanArea1'. Note that the graph type must be set to one of the graph series types for this feature to work. set_custom_property('block1.').255).'SET_SUBTITLE'. The default value is MT_DEFAULT. font style.1. red.1.1. call SET_SERIES_MARKER_TYPE for the series name that should be rendered as a bar graph.BeanArea1'.'SET_DELIMITER'. Values can be omitted from right to left. pink. To show a line graph in front of a bar graph. This may change in a future version based on customer feedback.TimesNewRoman' The color can be specified as color name or as a sRGB value in a range from (0.10. The following string format is expected: "title string. The color must be passed as RGB color in a comma separated'#').1.255. Passing color values as RGB values may require switching the default delimiter as the comma must be used to set RGB values set_custom_property('block1. '255. but sometimes having this appear in a different color makes sense. The ability to set the X axis to scale logarithmic in this bean is not used because the row label is of type String. For example to set a Subtitle to "Hello World".120#bi#10#TimesNewRoman'). green. Other values are MT_AREA and MT_BAR.'. Forms Example: set_custom_property('".234.'120. or set_custom_property('block1. set_custom_property('block1.'SET_SUBTITLE_BACKGROUND'. font size and color. lightGray. magenta. SET_SUBTITLE_BACKGROUND Property registered to set the background color of the subtitle title text field.g..255).font size. the Font to TimesNewRoman.TimesNewRoman').'SET_DELIMITER'. SET_SUBTITLE Property registered to set the graph Sub title. and blue values in the range (0 .red.'Hello World. the font style to bold [b] and italic [i] and the color to red the string shows: 'Hello World. e. Basic colors: black. darkGray.font style. Forms Example: . SET_SERIES_MARKER_TYPE Property registered to set the marker type of a series identified by its name. cyan. blue. white can be passed in clear text. orange.'SET_SUBTITLE'.'Hello World#120.BeanArea1'.BeanArea1'. blue.255. cyan. Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'SET_SERIES_WIDTH'.<width in pixel>').MT_AREA').red'). magenta. and blue values in the range (0 . To show a specific series as a bar graph within a line chart set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'Salary.'SET_SERIES_COLOR'.'<series name>.10').MT_BAR'). '255.255' for white. SET_SERIES_Y_AXIS Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().<marker type>').1.1. To show a specific series as an area graph within a line chart set_custom_property('BeanArea'. Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'. The color must be passed as RGB color in a comma separated string. green. white can be passed in plain text.set_custom_property('BeanArea'. SET_SERIES_WIDTH Property registered to set the width of a series identified by its name. The default width size is 3. with the specified red. orange. set_custom_property('BeanArea'. SET_SERIES_COLOR Property registered to set the color of a named series.255.255').'SET_SERIES_COLOR'.'SET_SERIES_WIDTH'.g. gray.'<series name>.255). green. red. set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'SET_SERIES_MARKER_TYPE'. set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'SET_SERIES_COLOR'.1. Basic colors: black.'Salary.'SET_SERIES_MARKER_TYPE'.1.'Salary. pink.255.'Salary.1.1. . e. lightGray.1.'Salary.'<Series name>.'SET_SERIES_MARKER_TYPE'.1. darkGray.<color>'). . SET_XML_STYLE Sets the graph style like colors and effects using an XML string.jar there is an oracle/dss/graph/Graph. Valid style names are: April Autumn_simple Blackwhite Comet Confetti Earth Executive Financial Glass Gradient Nautical Projection Regatta_simple Southwest Transparent Forms Example: set_custom_property(). Forms Example: set_custom_property().SET_STYLE Description: Sets the graph style using predefined styles.dtd which hints about the structure of the style XML. In the JAR archive named dvt-jclient. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. title font. the Font to TimesNewRoman. Normally you want that color be set to the same value as the background.font size. magenta..'SET_X_VALUE_FONT'.bi'). .1.fontname.BeanArea1'. size and color of the O1 tick label. red.g. The color must be passed as RGB color in a comma separated string. Expects the following parameters: color.255). The default delimiter -.').'SET_X_LABEL'. title font size and title color.1.TimeNewRoman.'Hello World X. expecting the following string format title string.255'). white can be passed in clear text.10. darkGray. For example to set a Subtitle to "Hello World". blue. END. title font style.'SET_DELIMITER'.the color is defined with comma separated rgb'. SET_X_LABEL Property registered to set the x-Axis label.120#bi#12'). and blue values in the range (0 .'SET_DELIMITER'.must be changed temporarily. gray.font face For blue bold + italic Arial of size 12: set_custom_property('block1. set_custom_property('block1.'Hello World#120.1.'#'). pink. lightGray.1. BEGIN -. but sometimes having this appear in a different color may make sense.fontstyle.255.size. Values can be omitted from right to left.255.TimesNewRoman' The color can be specified as color name or as a sRGB value in a range from (0. '255.234. SET_X_VALUE_FONT Set font face. Property registered to set the graph'.color. SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. Basic colors: black.12.1.'SET_TITLE'. the font style to bold [b] and italic [i] and the color to red the string shows: 'Hello set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'255.Arial'). or set_custom_property('block1. e.'SET_TITLE_BACKGROUND'.BeanArea1'.255' for white. style. with the specified red.BeanArea1'.BeanArea1'.'SET_X_LABEL'.BeanArea1'.255).1.'blue. green.'Hello World X'). SET_TITLE_BACKGROUND Property registered to set the background color of the title text field. orange. green. Alos set the font type to bold and italic (bi) SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('block1. 'SET_Y_LABEL'. SET_Y1_SCALE_DOWN Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().BeanArea1'.'SET_Y1_NUMBER_TYPE'.'SET_Y1_NUMBER_TYPE'.SET_Y_LABEL Property registered to set the y-Axis title set_custom_property('block1.'$').'EURO').'GENERAL'). SET_Y1_NUMBER_TYPE Property registered to set the y-Axis number type to a custom string. Forms Example: --Setting a currency value for Euro set_custom_property('BeanArea'.1.'SET_Y1_NUMBER_TYPE'. -Setting back to normal set_custom_property('BeanArea'. --Setting value to $ set_custom_property('BeanArea'. SET_Y_DECIMAL_DIGITS Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().1.'Hello World Y'). SET_Y2_LABEL Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property(). .1. The number type is shown as a prefix in front of the number value.1. SET_Y2_DECIMAL_DIGITS Description: Forms Example: set_custom_property().1. set_custom_property('block1.BeanArea1'. The other option is to display the Graph in an external frame. SHOW_COLUMNS_AS_ROWS Forms property registered to show columns as rows and rows as columns in the Graph. .1. set_custom_property('block1. set_custom_property('BeanArea'.'').BeanArea1'.'SHOW_FRAME'.1. SHOW_GRAPH_IN_FRAME Calling this property from Forms will show the graph in a separate frame. To switch this presentation back to normal mode. If specifying the argument passed as "true" then the columns will show as series data and the rows as group data. using the property palette of the Bean Area.'SHOW_GRAPH_IN_FRAME'. SHOW_GRAPH This property shows the BI Bean Graph inside of the Bean container specified.'true').1. set_custom_property('block1. You can hide this widget by setting its border to 'None' and the background color to the color of the canvas.BeanArea1'. For the BI Bean Graph to initialize it is important that the Forms Bean Container used is visible on the Canvas and at least has a size of 1x1 pixel.'').''). This feature is used when running the Graph in an external frame to the Forms window. This command actually renders the graph in the Forms application. SHOW_FRAME Forms property registered to show the external graph frame.'SHOW_GRAPH'. It is to unhide a frame that previously was hidden.'SHOW_COLUMNS_AS_ROWS'. call the same property again and pass "false" as an argument. 'SHOW_LABELS'.g.'VALUE'. You can omit the outer right value if no change is needed e.y1=true' to show labels for the y1 axis but to hide labels for the x axis.y=true'). SHOW_LEGEND Forms property registered to show/hide the graph legend. Takes 'TEXT'. use false to hide the grid in the graph set_custom_property('block1.1.'x=false. SHOW_PIE_LABELS Shows the legend text within a pie graph.'false'). set_custom_property('block1.1. SHOW_LABELS Forms property registered to show/hide the labels shown on the x and y axis.'PERCENT' or TEXT_PERCENT' as an argument. Custom item events RETURNED_COLUMN_NUMBER GRAPH_ACTION GRAPH_INFO CURRENT_DELIMITER DELIMITER_INFO .BeanArea1'.'VALUE').'SHOW_PIE_LABELS'. The default value is set to true. Use the following syntax: 'x=false. Argument value are 'true' to show the legend (default) and 'false' to hide the legend set_custom_property('block1.'SHOW_LEGEND'. Labels are shown by default. The default setting is 'PERCENT'.1. 'x=true'.SHOW_GRID Property registered to show/hide the grid in a graph.BeanArea1'. to hide labels pass a value of false as an argument for the Forms property.BeanArea1'.1.'true').'SHOW_GRID'. Forms Example: set_custom_property('BeanArea'. The columns are shown as stacked values showing their value in percent BAR_HORIZ_CLUST_2Y BAR_HORIZ_CLUST_SPLIT2Y BAR_HORIZ_PERCENT Example .Graph types This bean is able to render a number of different graph types listed in this table. New name AREA_HORIZ_ABS AREA_HORIZ_ABS_SPLIT2Y AREA_HORIZ_PERCENT AREA_HORIZ_STACK AREA_HORIZ_STACK_SPLIT2Y AREA_VERT_ABS Old name Description VERTICAL_AREA_GRAPH area graph with vertical value axis AREA_VERT_PERCENT VERTICAL_PERCENT_AREA_GRAP H AREA_VERT_STACK VERTICAL_STACKED_AREA_GRAP H area graph with vertical value axis and column values shown in percent area graph with vertical value axis and column values shown absolute AREA_VERT_ABS_SPLIT2Y AREA_VERT_STACK_SPLIT2Y BAR_HORIZ_CLUST HORIZONTAL_BAR bar graph with horizontal value axis HORIZONTAL_PERCENT_BAR bar graph with horizontal value axis. Old names are kept for backwards compatibility. bar graph with two vertical value axis BAR_HORIZ_STACK_2Y BAR_HORIZ_STACK_SPLIT2Y BAR_VERT_CLUST2Y BAR_VERT_PERCENT VERTICAL_PERCENT_BAR BAR_VERT_STACK VERTICAL_STACKED_BAR BAR_VERT_STACK_SPLIT2Y BAR_VERT_STACK2Y BUBBLE bar graph with vertical value axis. The columns are shown stacked . This is defined as the default graph type. The columns are shown as stacked values showing their value in percent bar graph with vertical value axis.BAR_HORIZ_STACK HORIZONTAL_STACKED_BAR bar graph with a horizontal value axis. The columns are shown stacked BAR_VERT_CLUST VERTICAL_BAR BAR_VERT_CLUST_SPLIT2Y VERTICAL_BAR_2Y bar graph with vertical value axis. A line is based on top of the values of its predecessor VERTICAL_LINE_GRAPH line graph with a vertical value axis VERTICAL_STACKED_LINE_GRAPH line graph with a vertical value axis.BUBBLE_2Y BUBBLE_LABELS BUBBLE_LABELS_2Y COMBINATION_VERT_ABS COMBINATION_VERT_ABS_2 Y HIST_HORIZ HIST_VERT LINE_HORIZ_ABS LINE_HORIZ_ABS_2Y LINE_HORIZ_ABS_SPLIT2Y LINE_HORIZ_PERCENT LINE_HORIZ_STACK LINE_HORIZ_STACK_2Y LINE_HORIZ_STACK_SPLIT2Y LINE_VERT_ABS HORIZONTAL_LINE_GRAPH line graph with a horizontal value axis HORIZONTAL_STACKED_LINE_GR APH line graph with a horizontal value axis. A line is based on LINE_VERT_ABS_2Y LINE_VERT_ABS_SPLIT2Y LINE_VERT_PERCENT LINE_VERT_STACK . Clicking on a graph slice changes the details shown showing one pie graph per row label. four groups are shown.g... If e. E.g. then 1. same as MULTI_PIE_GRAP H but showing the size of the graph proportional to its total value compared to the LINE_SELECT_POINT PARETO . salary and bonus for JONES of the values of its predecessor LINE_VERT_STACK_2Y LINE_VERT_STACK_SPLIT2Y VERTICAL_LINE_SPLIT_GRAPH line graph showing the second group )column) in its own diagram.4 display in the first diagram and 2 in its own diagram below PIE PIE_GRAPH pie graph with values shown in percent PIE_BAR PIE_BAR_GRAPH PIE_MULTI MULTI_PIE_GRAPH PIE_MULTI_PROP MULTI_PIE_PROPORTIONAL_GRA PH pie graph with a separate graph showing the detail values building the graph total. show salary and bonus for SMITH. other POLAR POLAR_2Y RADAR_AREA RADAR_LINE RADAR shows graph as a radar line. Column values are shown in percent RING_MULTI MULTI_RING_GRAPH RING_MULTI_PROP MULTI_RING_PROPORTIONAL_GR APH showing one ring graph per row label. same as MULTI_RING_GRA PH but showing the size of the graph proportional to its total value compared to the other SCATTER SCATTER_GRAPH RADAR_LINE_2Y RING . This graph does not make sense with only one or two groups (columns) displayed per each row RING_BAR RING_BAR_GRAPH Also known as the 'donough' graph. E.. show salary and bonus for SMITH. salary and bonus for JONES ..g. SCATTER_2Y SCATTER_LABELS SCATTER_LABELS_2Y SPECTRAL STOCK_2Y STOCK_CANDLE STOCK_CANDLE_VOLUME STOCK_HILO STOCK_HILO_2Y STOCK_HILO_CLOSE STOCK_HILO_CLOSE2Y STOCK_HILO_CLOSE_SPLIT2Y STOCK_HILO_CLOSE_VOLUM E STOCK_HILO_SPLIT2Y STOCK_HILO_VOLUME STOCK_OPEN_HILO_CLOSE STOCK_OHLC_CANDLE STOCK_OHLC_CANDLE_VOLU ME STOCK_SPLIT_2Y STOCK_HIGHLOW_GRAPH shows the high and low values of each group (column) grouped by low values and high values . STOCK_VOLUME THREED_AREA_GROUP 3D_AREA_GROUP_GRAPH THREED_AREA_SERIES 3D_AREA_GRAPH THREED_BAR 3D_BAR_GRAPH THREED_CUBE 3D_CUBE_GRAPH THREED_DIAMOND THREED_OCTAGON THREED_PYRAMID THREED_RIBBON_GROUP THREED_RIBBON_SERIES THREED_START THREED_SURFACE THREED_SURFACE_HONEYCO MB THREED_SURFACE_SIDES THREED_END FUNNEL area graph with vertical value axis and strong 3D appearance group orientation area graph with vertical value axis and strong 3D appearance series orientation bar graph with vertical value axis and strong 3D appearance vertical axis graph showing cubes representing group/series value data .
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