Forms Personalizations.docx

March 22, 2018 | Author: Peter Makram | Category: Pl/Sql, Sql, Variable (Computer Science), Parameter (Computer Programming), Java Server Pages



Forms PersonalizationsSaturday, 21 April 2007 04:06 Anil Passi E-mail | Print | PDF In this article, I would like to explain different possibilities of Forms Personalizations. Surely before explaining what can be done, first we will touch base upon what exactly it is. Why was forms personalization introduced by Oracle in 11.5.10? 1. CUSTOM.pll is a programmatic methodology for extending Oracle Forms, even for trivial tasks. 2. Multiple developers working on same CUSTOM.pll could cause version related headaches Does Forms Personalization replace CUSTOM.pll? Not really, however it does provide an alternative to most common activities for which earlier one would use CUSTOM.pll Forms personalization is driven by the same set of events as that for CUSTOM.pll. Keep in mind that Oracle Forms Libraries first invoke the Forms Personalization, and then the CUSTOM.pll too for the same set of events. How do I enable Forms Personalizations? Enable the personalizations using the Help/Diagnostics menu. What are the various components of Forms Personalizations? Different components of Oracle Forms Personalizations are listed below. You begin with recognizing which Triggers/Events that you wish to trap and under what conditions. The condition can be entered using the syntax as defined in the picture below. What does the Action Tab do? Here you will either change form property, or display messages or enable menu etc. . In the below example I am restricting the LOV to less than 3records by introducing where rownum <3 in record group query.Can I modify SQL Query behind the LOV using Forms Personalizations? Of course you can. Create a new record group Step 2. Step 1. Attach the newly created record group to existing LOV in EBS Form. . using the syntax below.Can I call a PL/SQL Stored procedure passing it form field variables? Yes. Note: You can also invoke FORMS_DDL built-in to perform DDL. you can pick from all the form built-in's as below. You can also call a form function and pass it parameters using Forms Personalizations .Can I call BuiltIn's? Indeed. as shown below. set_property. . Please do not use Global Variables if your logic is restricted to a Single form itself. I am displaying the Required property below. however you can use this option for all supportable properties of app_item_property You can initialize a global variable. Initialization code is executed if and only if the global variable does not already exist. Use global variables for passing variables back and forth between two forms.Processing can be aborted if validation were to fail You can invoke equivalent to app_item_property. You can assign values to form fields using global variable. . Ditto for Order by Clause on block. . This will facilitate the form to run in standalone mode too. Note: Don't forget to reset this clause after your desired operation has been finished. you can set the Default where clause of the BLOCK too.Using forms personalizations. . just for demo.For displaying messages. or your message can be displayed from the result of a SQL Statement. Below. Use global variables if you wish to share the variable between multiple forms. Local variables can be defined and they will be active for throughout the session of the current form. I am setting the local variable to 0. you can either enter a plain text. You can enable SPECIAL1-15 or MENU1-15.In the below picture. I am checking if local variable is 0 then display a message. . to create new menu entries under the Tool menu. the above two setups have instantiated the new Menu Items SPECIAL16-30 will create entries under Reports menu SPECIAL31-45 will create entries under Actions menu You can capture the click on those newly created menu items by trapping event MENU1 or SPECIAL1 [or whatever you defined] .As seen below. . 2007 Hi Mr.could you help me how to get the return value of an Stored procedure or Function . thanks. April 21. written by gurumurthy . report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 . written by Omkareswar Masala ...Anil. I am thankful to you. 2007 hi anil. Thanks & Regds Omkar report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .Set as favorite Bookmark Email This Hits: 39938 Comments (122) Subscribe to this comment's feed .. Very useful to me this article. April 21. This Forms Personalization Presentation is really helpful .You are giving the lot of information regarding Oracle Apps in your site. ... I tried to put a personalization using WNRI on the quantity field and yes it worked. Try to re-enable this in WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE of the QUANTITY field itself and also in WNRI Also. written by Anil Passi . written by Rakshit . 2007 thanq u very much this article is very good. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . April 23. April 22. 2007 Hi Rakshit It appears that your personalizations are being over-ridden either by standard Oracle code or something in CUSTOM. 2007 Hi Anil.pll As you mentioned.. the field gets disabled after you move to quantity field of the next record. April 23.sridhar .. See if any condition is built around and if that can be bypassed my means of FP.. .. Now the question is that i tried the same last friday and it did not work for some mysterious reason. Is it True? Thanks a lot for the quick reply. April 22. try to open the form and find the code that disables that field. Apart from the questions mentioned in ur list... I have heard that forms personalization done through this screen in front end is not always stable and may sometimes behave weirdly. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 . 2007 Hi Anil. where can I find some more material on HRMS Interview questions? Thanks in Advance Rajiv report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . Thank you so much for your contribution. written by m. written by Rajiv . . April 23. because internally FP gets translated into a program itself.. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 2007 Hi Niraj Please use the steps listed in URL below http://docs. Really appreciate it. written by Anil Passi .. anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 2007 Hi Rakshit Forms personalization[FP] is as consistent as any other form of April 23. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 .thanks a lot Anil for the initcap solution.. Thanks. Niraj report abuse vote down . April 23.. written by Anil Passi Thanks. Glad to hear that it is working now. written by Niraj .. 2007 Amazing. written by Joel .. the ITEM_DESCRIPTION_MIR value of the SO line would populate automatically to the USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION field if NULL.kudos!!! Prabhakar report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . written by anil passi up Votes: +0 . the ITEM_DESCRIPTION_MIR field value to USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION field thru Forms Personalization. 2007 Hi Anil.USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION PROPERTY NAME: VALUE VALUE: =$ {item.. written by Prabhakar .. Regards. May 04.the way things have been explained. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . I too have an Oracle Apps blog and I was wondering if you can help me with a requirement from one of the readers on my blog. Thanks again. 2007 Anil.value} (This works but it requires the user to click on the USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION field of each line for the value to populate automatically. What is he missing in order for all lines to populate the value from ITEM_DESCRIPTION_MIR to USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION)? The requirement is : When querying a Sale Order. and this needs to be done for all lines. 2007 . Here what he has done so far: CONDITION: Trigger Event: When-New-Item-instance Trigger Object: LINE. if there are many lines on the SO.USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION CONDITION: :LINE. April 25.USER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION is NULL ACTIONS TAB: Seq 10 Property Object Type: Item Target Object: LINE. Any help would be appreciated. click on the Line tab. 2007 Anil... His requirement is that he wishes that when querying a SO in the Sales Order form... You are just awesome. The information you have on your site is awsome. for all lines. Joel Asselin report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 .. April 25. April 26.just unprecedented.. Thank you for your prompt and clear response. written by Joel .. they want the system to automatically populate...line... .fieldname. for iproc. May 16.for the record history. in your block add a column named current_record_indicator with appropriate subclass property. 2007 Hi Anil.. 2007 Thank u So much Anil for very very quick reply.. May 09.. Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . May 08.pll Regards. written by BasavanaGowda . written by BasavanaGowda ... then add form functions via sub menus thanks.Gowda report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 ...Gowda . Thanks in Advance B. if you wish to add further sub-tabs.fieldname Thanks.value} instead of :blockname.. I would like know how to Add the LOV to text field through Forms Personalization. B. 2007 Greetings Gowda For the error on Execute stored procedure use syntax ${item. written by Anil Passi . please provide me the steps for attaching new LOV(Customized)/Value Set to a text field through custom.blockname. My error message always displays when the combination of the 3 fields are not legitimate. My function finds the changed data not abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 3. A seeded message asks if user wants to save the changes. The person screen is displayed and Oracle asks the user to save the changes. to see the trigger name that gets transmitted to FP/CUSTOM. written by Robert . The personalization displays a message. I believe that will guarantee you to display the message. However WVR is the ideal candidate for this requirement.. 8. The assignment screen closes anyway. 2007 Hi Robert Please perform this validation in WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD. 6. May 30. You can also enable Show Custom Events using Help menu. 2007 Hi Anil. The user responds. 2. 5. I would like to clarify my issue..pll when the window is getting closed. Thanks. Yes. The user changes data on the assigment screen. 4. The FORMS_TRIGGER_FAILURE does not prevent the screen from closing... Thanks for your help Bob report abuse vote down . Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . My problem is that the assignment screen closes even after throwing the FORMS_TRIGGER_FAILURE. Specifically: 1. written by Anil Passi . May 27. The personalization throws FORMS_TRIGGER_FAILURE. How can I prevent the assignment screen from closing if there is an error. 7. The user closes the assignment screen. google. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up . May 31.. They prefer to be presented with the error message only when inserting or updating the assignment record. written by Anil PAssi .com] can you please tell the next step how to do and what builtin to use to move the cursor to the first record. I am currently using POST_UPDATE and POST_INSERT but I run into the problem I described in my earlier post. I tried using WHEN_VALIDATE_RECORD but there are many existing records that produce the personalized error message. Thanks Puja report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 2007 Hi Anil. Thanks for your help.. May 31. Please try to fix the source of the problem. The users many times want to just browse the records in production and the error message popup slows them down. Robert report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 .vote up Votes: +0 ... Is there a way to use WHEN_VALIDATE_RECORD but not produce the message unless the user has inserted or updated the record.. 2007 Hi Robert WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD must not fire if no changes were done to the record. Thanks. written by Robert . then WVR will not fire unless and until record gets modified. 2007 Anil In the above URL [docs. May 31.. Hence this causes WVR to fire while scrolling through the records. written by Puja . Is there anything in POST-QUERY of that block? It is possible that in WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE or WHEN-NEW-ITEM or POST-QUERY value in one of the database based fields is being altered. .. May 31. June 05. However. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 .pll for this requirement Thanks. written by Anil Passi . 2007 Hi Anil Thank you very Much for a such quick Reply God Bless you But. you will also need to find a way to reset the Visual Attribute after the cursor moves away from current record. then you could have changed the property depending upon the value of attribute column. 2007 Hi Priya Unfortunately currently FP does not permit changing block property for Current Record Visual Attribute.. as you said above i have changed the visual attribute. written by Puja .against each and every item in the record. June 05. But now the problem is the cursor is not going back to the first record. God Bless You . anil i oath i am confused can u send me a screen shot if possible Thanks report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . you might try changing Visual Attribute for item instance.. the best bet is to use CUSTOM. I guess. As a workaround. written by Priya Viswantha . If that were to be allowed... 2007 Hi Anil Thanks for the reply Well. given the constraints. I am able to change the background colour of an item in a record.Votes: +0 . .. 2007 my client want to hide the TaxPayerID (SSN) no. written by Srinivas . so i started creating the new recordgroups for the LOV those displaying the SSN info like supplier name. supplier Number columns on Find purchase order form . which are having Transactions functions... report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . there are about 8 segments in the DFF structure which is referenced to $PROFILE$. AP. payments... I am working on Receivables . For those record groups which dont have bind variables i am able to hide the ssn info in the LOV but on the find payments form when i tried to create the record group with the same standard record group that was taken from the form which contains bind variables is not working. 2007 Hi Anil. for the suppliers accross all modules PO. 2007 Hi Anil. written by Avinash .. June 06. Out of the 8 segments I want to disable 2 segments to specific responsibilities. How can I achieve this through form personalization? I .ORG_ID (context sensitive). Any help will be appreciated.. written by Priya Viswantha . Thanks in advance Srini report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 . Thanks for all your help God Bless You I did it. June 14. June 15. Once agian thanks for your time..Thanks Priya Viswantha report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .Transaction Information DFF.. As well there are about 8-10 Receivables responsibilities. e.... Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. 2007 . written by Vamsi .execute [i... report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. written by Anil Passi . 2007 Hi Vamsi I think the call to fnd_function. 2007 Hi Sudhir Please see my article on FNDLOAD Thanks. Launch a Function] should wor for OA Page too provided you have registered your OAF Page as a Function. Thanks. written by Anil Passi on it on ARXTWMAI form...tried different ways but not able to catch the DFF form and specific segment Item. June 19. June 18. June 22. June 19. Thanks Avinash report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. 2007 I have to call a OA page from form. Can you please provide the steps.. written by Manoj . Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . Please i will be very thankfull. First of all.. June 27. i have gone thru your documents on FP. but something is missing about creating RECORD Groups since the whole process is explaing in short screens in one page. 2007 Dear Anil. written by Ravi Thota . Regards.Hi Anil. Is this possible using Forms Personilization.. In that Value Set of type Table.. have a OR condition or a UNion to make its SQL sensitive to the desired field. Alternately. 2007 Hi Manoj Create a value set dedicated for that DFF Segment. consider using that that field as the context for DFF.. Thanks in advance Ravi kumar thota report abuse vote down . Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. Manoj report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . to restrict the results.. June 22. Thanks. thank you very much for knowledge input. written by Anil Passi . I have a requirement where based on the value selected for a item numeber in the Purchase Order Screen the DFF value set value must change. Can u explain more on creating RECORD GROUPS and attaching to LOV. if u can explain more on it. June 27.. . the changes will go off if we apply a patch that has newer version of the form. Can we do it using CUSTOM. We have a requirement to create a new LOV based on a Record group. 2007 Hi Anil. 2. You explained in the earlier threads that it is not possible through Forms Personalizations. we have Rec and Rev Accounting for Deposits. 1. Mohan. Now I have to Duplicate the Value in this DFF into the Segment4 of Accounting FF. Thanks a lot for your great explanation. written by kiran . As soon as the user selects a value in the LOV. which will display 10 fields. -kiran report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .PLL?? Or is it possible to modify an existing Record group to add couple of additional columns and allow the user to search based on the new columns? How do we add***s these kind of requirements? If we open up the form and create a new LOV. Can this be achived using FP or any other alternative is there? Appreciate your help. we should default few other fields. Thanks in advance. 2007 Hi up Votes: +0 .. I have got a unique kind of requirement on the ARXTWMAI ( AR -> TRansactions Screen). We have a DFF on TRansaction Headers (Transaction Information) where we capture the Company segment of Acct FF for Deposit Class.. June 27. written by Mohan .. Tell users that its going to work via tools menu if they wish to see 10 fields in LOV 3. on selection initialize global variables. call that form function via tools abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. Can you tell me how to pass parameters ? I have given paramters like this "InvoiceNumber = :TGW_HEADER... In this case. July 10. in the custom form. back in main form. program this custom form to navigate back to main form after global variables have been set 4.ATTRIBUTE4" but when am opening the page it is giving error as "Illegal String passed need to encode it" Appreciate your help. provide a button to select one of the records. Create a Custom form that lets you search on your data and it presents results[10 fields] in Multi Record block 2. written by Anil Passi .. 2007 Hi Mohan Structure of the Record Group must not change. June 28. My requirement is to call OA page from form with 2 paramters. 2007 Anil.. do the below steps:1....TRX_NUMBER&InvoiceSeqNumber = :TGW_HEADER. using FP Thanks Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . because you can not define the mappings to LOV columns using FP.. assign the values from global variable into main screen. report abuse vote down . As you mentioned above I have created Menu Items and attached function to call OA page.. written by Vamsi . using FP in main screen... . You will find your pl/sql there. Thanks Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 2007 Hi Anil I would like to know what queries are used by a perticular form (for ex: PO creation form) when i perform save opertation. Veera report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. 2007 Hi Anil.. August 15. July 12. 2007 Hi Marcus Have a look at the fndload lct file that creates up Votes: +0 .. do you know of a way to create new menu items in the tools menu with PL/SQL? Thanks Marcus report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . written by Anil Passi . written by veera ... update etc queries? Rgds. written by Marcus . July 12. Is there any consolidated help page from oracle where it displays all the operations like search. .TAX_CODE Property Name->VALUE Value->nvl(:addr_su. Thanx report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. 2007 Anil.. August 28.'Exempt') But would like to know how to handle this from within 'execute procedure' builtin...I need to set the invoice match option to PO when the match approval level is set to 2-way and when it is 3-way i need to set it to receipt. Using the 'Execute Procedure' builtin. I need to read and assign values from form fields. I need some help.. Question to you now regarding one area of personalization which I am getting confused and not able to get the syntax right...Really useful site... In the PO form.. for eg: There is a block 'ADDR_SU' with a field name 'TAX_CODE' I need to write a condition in the procedure that if TAX_CODE is null then set TAX_CODE to be 'Exempt' I am able to do this using Object_type->Item Target object->ADDR_SU.Good source of contributions from yourself and others. August 18. 2007 Hi.How do i acheive this using forms persnalization? Thanks ashwathy report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 ..tax_code. written by mv .. I have been reading the SPEL and the R12 doco but I should admit I am just going bonkers getting the syntax right. written by Ashwathy . This site is really good. .Employee Number: 1123 b.Document Date: 12/11/2006 The button should call the custom integration page..html The jsp page can be registered as . September 01. Of course you are implementing Oracle HRMS here in Middle east . with the syntax detailed in link http://oracle. Register this JSP page as a FUNCTION This jsp page will reside in OA_HTML Next.. written by Sridhar A R S . September 01...My question is can we launcgh a URL with parameters at run time through Form personalisation./IntegrationPage. simply use fnd_function.. written by Anil Passi .Document Sub Type: Annual d.Document Type: Leaves c..... The following HTTP Request will summarize the above: http://. 2007 Hi Anil The articles on your site are simply Awesome . the parameters to be sent to url are: a.for example An ORACLE user is navigating an ORACLE form that is displaying the “annual leave” information of an employee dated 12/11/2006.jsp?EmpNo=1123&DocType=Leaves&DocSubType=Annual&DocDate=20061112 Thanks in advance Rgds Sridhar report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 2007 Hi Sridhar... . written by Sridhar A R S . Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . Thanks.Do let me know if the jsp page in question is hosted outside of eBusiness Suite environment.. September 03. 2007 Hi Anil You guessed it right this JSP page is a third party page and resides outside the EBS Thanks a ton for the above suggestions Rgds Sridhar report abuse vote down . In which case I can suggest you a separate approach. in intmed_ship_to column has lov up Votes: +0 .pll block='line' and event='when-new-item-instance'. I already enter this queries ib ur portal Please help me for this issue Thanks in advance. i'm selecting intmed_ship_to loke(10072DE). Regards Pawan .Please suggest how to call that web url by passing the parameters at runtime like employee number etc .Now i'm using custom. when i select value for intmed_ship_to and click on that item. intmed _ship_to_location is not store in database. Please also let me know can i do this by form personalization.. I have one issue in sales order form in lines block(other tab). when i again query the same order what i see the same value is appering in intmed_ship_to_location like intmed_ship_to(10072DE). September 05.then location name come. thanks a ton for the help Rgds Sridhar report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. September 04. written by Sridhar A R S . 2007 Hi. I added column intmed_ship_to_location..on the basis in another field means intmed_ship_to_locationshould be apeear like as name. written by Paw . 2007 Hi The JSP resides outside the E Business Suite (a third party page) . 2007 Hi Anil. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong. When running this SQL outside the application. Appreciate your any suggestion Thanks Deepak report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .. .Description. The LOV returns no list of values.Lookup_Code from Fnd_Lookup_Values v Where lookup_Type = 'PQP_US_COUNTRY_TRANSLATE' And Language = fnd_global.. 2007 Hi Anil. September 17... I follwed the directions you gave in "Can I modify SQL Query behind the LOV using Forms Personalizations?" to overwrite country of birth LOV on the PERWSHRG form with the following SQL: select v. v. written by Andrew .BASE_LANGUAGE And Enabled_Flag = 'Y' Order by 1 When applying and navigation back to the person form. September 07. 2007 Dear Anil.. September 11. written by Suree .report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . Thank You for some great documentation report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . written by Deepak Prabhakar .. it returns 238 rows. Thanks a lot of such a great article. Can you please suggest how to disable delete button on Oracle standard Toolbar for any oracle form. I have a requirement to calculate Collectable Amount (Amount_due_remaining . There are way of doing it like assigning this to package variable and then assigning the package variable back to the form item. Thanks. In Action: Building and Builtin Type: Execute a Procedure. I need to assign l_chr_out_value that I got from the procedure call to a form item. written by Mohan1 .. Mohan. Can I use FP to calculate the Collectable Amount at run-time and display it on the screen using one of the DFF attributes??? If yes. l_chr_errbuf Varchar2(1000).amount_in_dispute) in Collections Screen (Advanced Collections).I have a question here. End' Now. But is there any way that I can direcly assign it to form item? Warm Regards.xxx_proc(out_chr_errbuf => l_chr_errbuf. report abuse . Also.. out_chr_out_val => l_chr_out_value). l_chr_out_value Varchar2(1000). I am calling a procedure as below: ='Declare l_chr_retcode Varchar2(1000). Suree report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . Begin xxx_pkg. September 26. 2007 Hi Anil. It's a weird looking form and its not like other forms. where should I write my logic?? Which event should i use to reflect this change on each and every record in Transactions Tab of Collections Form? I'm not able to capute the when-new-record-instance trigger on the "Transactions" Tab. out_chr_retcode => l_chr_retcode. in this procedure. I'm not able to get the values of Amount_due_remaining and Amount_in_dispute fields for a particular Transaction on Transactions Tab. Please advise. 2007 Hi Anil. October 25.||”’. I am writing an action on When-Validate-Record on Item Cross References form. written by Anil Passi .vote down vote up Votes: +0 IT consultant written by anjali . END' i dnt know if the code is ok but im getting error from executing this statement in fact i want to call the procedure and retrieve a value from the procedure and use it back in the form how can i do that? ive tried several ways but could not find any report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 When-Validate-Record getting called multiple times written by Harshad Poogalia .desc_flex.value& #125.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢||$ {global. that is if you raise an form trigger failure.. October 04. But When I click on save button the When-Validate-Record is getting triggered multiple times. October 25.g_null. I am calling a procedure as below: ='begin genPKG. thereby casuing the action (Message in this case) to occur multiple times.COUNT_ALL(”’||${item.po_lines. 2007 hi Anil I want to retrieve a value from a stored procedure during Forms Personalization In Action: Building and Builtin Type: Execute a Procedure. . Is there any way to specify that the action be performed only once ? report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 . That can be done using the action described below... 2007 Indeed there is.value}”’). Once again thanks for putting such a wonderfull efforts on documents all are almost near to perfection. It's basically sequence should be in the range of 1100 but we can repeat the sequence number and I guess personalization can also by this can be more than 100.Thanks. 2007 Hi Anil. As you have shown in 2nd screen shot that we can enter upto 100 personalization.!!!! . 2007 Is it possible makeing the DFF as read only? How can we do it.. October 26.. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Changing the DFF(Attribute16) read only in Sales Order Line using Form Personalization written by Prashanth . Happy Diwali to you in Advance. Thanks Again. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 2nd Screen Shot written by Sachin Ahuja . October 26. Please correct me if I am wrong. Regards Sachin report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Forms Personalization:: Builtin Type = "Create Record Group from Query" written by Vinay . October 29. How to do that. 2007 Hi Anil. 2007 Hi Mani. October 29. Mani report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Adding LOV in Satndard Form written by Sachin Ahuja . October 31. 2007 Hi Anil.I got a request to personalize the form and I want to use the Type = "Builtin" and Builtin Type = "Create Record Group from Query" for that form personalization which you have given as an . Regards.Regards Sachin Ahuja report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Adding LOV in Satndard Form written by Mani . I have gone thru the examples you have given on forms personalization. I want to add a new lov for an Item in satndard form. I think Anil has already covered the point under section below on this page only Can I modify SQL Query behind the LOV using Forms Personalizations? Check if this is what you are looking for... Thanks Vinay report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Entering Multiple Records( Lines) Through form personalization written by Vivek Jain . October 31. 2007 Hi Anil. 2007 Hi Anil. The problem is that there can be multiple lot/sublot for the item being received. October 31. written by Anil Passi .5. 2007 Hi Vinay It certainly works on CU4.html".Appreciate your reply. We normally scan the . I am using 11.8 also. I want to enter Lot/Sublot/Qty through FP while receiving goods. November version of Oracle Apps. May I know by using which version you have given that example and in which versions it is available? Thanks Vinay report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 .5.But I could not find Bultin Type = "Create Record Group from Query".I checked in earlier version 11. CU4 is not available to download in metalink. So may I know what is the appropriate patch # to apply. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 CU4 not available to download written by Vinay .10.5. This feature was added in a later release of 11. which explains why this option isn't available for CU2 Thanks.2. I have been through all your threads on form personalization but couldn't find solution to my problem.. I will be thankful if you can provide the exact info that we needed. I am planning to personalize the "Reason" field (which is LOV) in the form INVTTMTX.But I could not find.fmb in Inventory module of R11.example in the link "http://oracle.10.10.anilpassi..5. You make an exit from the recursive loop when all the cursor records have been looped through Thanks Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 Dev written by Ron . See my response to the query raised by Joel on April 25. written by Vivek Jain . the idea behind this approach is to force a recursive loop. This hidden value is derived from a standard plsql function. November 09. 2007 Hi Vivek You can loop through the records in the table and create multiple records. 2007 I would like to replace a user entered value during a query function. 2007 [in above thread] You need to implement something similar to what is described below Say the form has a varchar field and the user enters 'ABC' and when the execute query (Ctl/F11).. I hope entering multiple records can be done through form personalization. written by Anil Passi .com/Doc?id=dcfd8fsc_62fdfvz9 Basically. 2007 Thanks a lot ANIL. the actual value is 'XYZ'. Your solution worked.lot/sublot info from the item barcode and store it in a custom table. Any idea? report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . TIA Vivek report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 . Now i want is that when i click on lot entry form it should automatically fill the lot/sublot/qty for that item in the form.. . November 05... November 12. If i click back in Promised date then the default value is getting populated.The problem is After entering the value in Promised date the curosr is automatically moving to Need By Date and the default value is not getting populated. I want all this to happen before line is saved. So I am using FP and trigger When-Validate-Record with Action = Property Object Type= Item Target Object=LINE.Today I tried to practice some of them.I am facing some Problem. I have a doubt in performing abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Form Personalization written by S. Thanks Skumar report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Assiging Value to field written by Sachin Ahuja . Based on the return value I want to set one attribute on line to this Y or N.Please suggest. I am a new learner of Form Personalization. 2007 Hi Anil. 2007 Hi Anil. November 19.I tried to get the field values in Purchasing form and assign it as default value for another field in the form at header level. For example Agent Name in Po Headers as Po Header Description.ATTRIBUTE16 Property Name=Value Value = ************* Here I am confused how to return the value and assign it to line so that it gets saved when i save my record. November 19. .Thanks for the Help. It worked fine. I have entered the Order line.Now I am trying to put the Promised Date in Line Level as deafult for Need By date.Kumar . Thanks in advance for your kind help. Now I'll be calling some procedure which will either return Y or N. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Add Button in Supplier Item Catalog is Disabled if Called From PO Form written by vardhan , December 04, 2007 Anil, When I open a catalog form from PO form, Add and Remove buttons are grayed out in the order pad. Is there any way to enable these buttons. But these buttons are enabled when I open the catalog window from Requesition form. Please help me in this regard. Thanks. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Calling in-built program unit of the form using Forms Personalization..... written by sayeed , December 04, 2007 Hi Anil, Is there any way we can call the inbuilt program unit(package.procedure) of a standard oracle form using forms personalization? I tried the below code for FORMS_DDL and "Execute a Sotred Procedure" builtins but went invain. ='declare v_event VARCHAR2(50) := 'WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM'; begin prof_local.class_profile(v_event); end' Do you think it could be made to work. Any help is highly appreciated. Sayeed report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 Form Personalization - can you change the font color of a field? written by Lucie , December 05, 2007 Anil, I am a big fan of your website. Thank you so much for all of your documentation and examples. Question... I'm trying to change the visual attribute of a field, the font color using form personalization and have not been successful... Have you tried or know how or is it even possible? Hope you can help. Thanks report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 ... written by Krishna reddy81 , December 10, 2007 Not able to see the images of the personalizations. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Forms Personalization - FRM-40502: ORACLE error: unable to read list of values written by AN , December 14, 2007 Hi Anil, Your website helped me a lot in creating an LOV using Forms Personalization. I am struck up with a problem and I need your advice on this if I am missing some thing. I am using Forms Personalization to create an LOV using builtin. In the Builtin, I have put the sql query under create record group from query. In the query, when I hardcode a value, in a where condition, the LOV works fine but when I replace the hardcoded value with :block.field value, it gives the error, FRM-40502: ORACLE error: unable to read list of values. Below is the part of the sql query where I am facing this issue. "WHERE related_customer_id = :ORDER.INVOICE_TO_CUSTOMER_ID" Please get back to me if you have faced with this kind of problem. Thanks all in advance, Regards, AN report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Boolean expression in Personalization Condition written by Wolfie , December 17, 2007 Hi, How can i use a procedure, that returns boolean value, in persinalization condition field? Thanks. -- Wolfie report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Form Personalization - Order By written by Gord , December 21, 2007 Hello; I'm trying to order contact names (vendor site form; contact tab) so that inactive contacts are listed at the bottom and active contacts are at the top. Using the Target Object: CONTACTS I used the Property Name: ORDER_BY and Value: INACTIVE_DATE DESC but this didn't work. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Gord report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Defaulting a value in the Confirm Delivery Screen of Shipping Transactions written by Aravind Gorthy , December 28, 2007 Hi Anil, I have a requirement in Order Management - Shipping Transactions - in which I need to default the Ship Confirm Rule with a new value based on the responsibility the user gets into. But the Document Set is also attached with this rule and based on this rule the document set should change. When I am trying to do it I dont any errors but dont get even the value populated. I tried using the When new item instance and when new block instance by trying to put forth all the possible conditions in defaulting it to some value. I logged in relogged in and tried several times but no value is appearing. If I try to restrict it with some particular value for the DLVY_SHIP_CONFIRM_RULE_NAME then I find the app hangs out with some wierd errors. Could you please help me out in putting this straight. Thanks Aravind report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 validate record based on other records written by Vivek Jain , December 28, 2007 Hi anil, In purchase order lines, i have a DFF with value set as yes/no. What i want is that if there are n lines(records) then only one of them has DFF value as yes and rest of the lines should have value no. I tried using when-validate-record instance but it validates only for the I dont want the users to save the record after entering restricted account codes report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . and now when the user selects a code combination in the account field it is verified from the account code segment (as to whether it is not a liability account). 2007 Thanks Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . 2008 Hi Anil.. But the distributions window has many lines.. January 05. written by Anil Passi . that is if i .. written by V V Bhargav . I am trying to do a forms personalization.. January 05. Please see a comment above posted on October 25.Distributions) The personalization is done for the activity when the user enters invoice through invoice batches. But ironically if the user just presses the OK button of the message box. 2008 Hi Anil. he can still save the record. and enters distribution info for each invoice line. how to stop the user from saving. 2008 Hi VV Bharghav You need to raise form trigger failure. and have also shown him an error message through personalization. for AP (Invoice Batches . Is there any way we can do it through form personalization Regards.. Vivek report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 Disable Save Button / Disallow saving a form written by V V Bhargav . I agree for raising the form trigger failure. Now i have restricted the user to move ahead or back in the form.current record and does not compare t with other records. so suppose if didnt have that personalization and the user had entered some few correct lines and some few wrong codes in some lines. January 05. . then the dff which was disabled in the previous line(s) gets enabled again how to beat that.. Hence when you raise exception. and if the user again selects a valid item in the next line. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 ..... it worked.. i had different ideas about when-validate-record. 2008 Hi Bhargav WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD will fire for each record that gets modified...... like i have done one more personalization in Order management (Sales Orders) form. And by the way i have the same kind of issue but its a bit varied. When you enter the line items for a sales order. the requirement was that we need to disable the DFF when the user selects an item of the same company but different organization ID. Thanks and regards. V... will the trigger get fired for all lines in the block. user will not be allowed to proceed to next record Thanks Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 THanks written by V V Bhargav . Thanks once again. Bhargav report abuse . January 05. written by Anil Passi . V.!!! Thanks and regards. 2008 Thanks a ton dude. January 05. the trigger will only verify the latest record.. Please help. so when i disable the DFF for the first line with personalization.put the code in when-validate-record. EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN return (9). Here TRIDENT_UNIQUE_POSITION is a function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TRIDENT_UNIQUE_POSITION(p_pos_id in NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS l_count NUMBER:= 0.Message Message Type . IF l_count >0 THEN RETURN( 1). I have a basic doubt in Form Personalization.Not in Enter-Query Mode Level .POSITION_ID) Processing Mode.You have entered a Position Flexfield combination which is already assigned to an employee.1=TRIDENT_UNIQUE_POSITION(:ASSIGNMENT. BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_count FROM per_all_assignments_f WHERE position_id = p_pos_id. 2008 Dear down vote up Votes: +0 WHEN_VALIDATE_RECORD written by Santhosh ND .WHEN_VALIDATE_RECORD Trigger Object . END IF. ELSE RETURN(0).Error Message .Site in Action Type . Please choose an unassigned Position Flexfield combination. END. / . Level . January 05.Function Trigger Event .ASSIGNMENT condition . please check carton location. raise form_trigger_failure. . The procedure is validating and when failed raising an exception which is gettign captured as folows. Thanks Santhosh report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Tech written by Madhubala . Could u pls suggest one solution to prevent the error message whenever the record is querying.. 2008 Dear Anil. begin if then EXCEPTION WHEN error_location THEN message('Invalid carton for this transaction. I'm a beginer in Oracle froms. How to do this? report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 When-validate-Item trigger is getting fired multiple times written by Maneesha M .Also 1 DFF with the same name in PO at header level.Here the error message is coming always ie. this is the proc which is gettign called in when-validate-item trigger as begin . .My requirement is when going thru Autocreate . 2008 Hi Anil. I have enable a DFF in Purchase Requisition form at header level. Exception WHEN error_pick_released THEN message('Order is already Pick Released').'). It woud be great if you can help me with this. I've used when-validate-item trigger to validate the item field there by calling a procedure in it. I have 1 requirement in FP. whenever the record is querying from db also. January 18. the value entered in the requisition form should come default in the PO form when using Autocreate. end if. January 13. raise form_trigger_failure. in the form when the validation fails I do see the error message 'Order is already Pick Released' thrice. Can you tell me how this can be done? or do we have to use custom. Joel Asselin report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Call procedure with out parameter using forms personalizations written by silpa . February 05.pll only?? . Would you be able to show me how to disable the attachment icon in the Supplier form using form Personalization?. I need to make unavailable for a group of users. 2008 Good morning Anil. The trigger is getting fired thrice. --Proc given above end if. When the validation fails the control it movign back tot eh same field and it gets fired again i guess. February 07. 2008 Hi Anil I need to call a pocedure with out parameter using forms personalization and based on the value of the out parameter need to do some more validations..How can I overcome this. thanks MAnu report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Disable the attachment in Supplier form written by Joel .if then validate_cc. end. Best regards. exception when others then raise form_trigger_failure. Thanks Sanjay report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 Requires to fire a triggen when standard menu item is clicked written by Ravi Nuka .UPDATE_DEFINITION( BLOCK => 'BLOCK_NAME'. WHERE_CLAUSE => '1=1' .pll)? I would only need to update the where_clause: FND_KEY_FLEX. For eg under Tools if I have Menu 1. can I have Sub Menu 1. 2008 Hi. Sub Menu 2 etc under Menu1. I am able to add a new menu item which is custom menu item and fire the trigger when the new custom menu item is clicked but im unable to fire the trigger when it is for standard menu item ( for me its "Actions" menu item in the form). February 15. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 Flexfield definition update written by kris . How can I handle this through personalization. February 28. 2008 Hi Anil. FIELD => 'FIELD_NAME'. Is it possible to add Sub Menu's under the Tools Menu using Forms Personalization. I want to fire a form block level trigger when the user clicks on one of the menu item which is a standard menu item but not custom menu item. ENABLED => 'N'. February 13.Thanks & Regards Silpa report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 Adding Sub Menus in Forms Personalization written by Sanjay Bhatia . Is it possible to update a key flexfield definition through personalization (like with custom. 2008 Hi Anil. March 05... you need to use OA Framework personalizations. Kristjan report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 oracle Internet expenses written by aaron . March 05. but found nothing i could use. written by Anil Passi . Keep the good work. Forms Personalization is not applicable in this case Thanks Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . I searched. Is it possible to achieve it using forms personalization? i hope you will help me Thanks for your help.). one of my requirement is to hide the location field in the oracle internet expenses page(the screen user uses to enter their expenses). 2008 Jason For Internet Expenses. Regards Jason report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . Kind Regards. 2008 Hi Anil. you will define a function in package that returns the value of package variable. in FP. and on the basis of return value i want to perfom certain action like prompting a message report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . But surely. Next. you can set a pl/sql package session variable. The area.. which has a where clause depending upon that pl/sql package session variable.could you help me how to get the return value of an Stored procedure or Function. Can I put the condition as location not null and in the action Value 'select district from *** where location=location_value?. Needless to say.. April 26. 2008 Hi Anil. I have a customization to do in Oracle Projects and I am not sure if I can go with forms personalization. hence package variable values will be retained between different trigger calls Cheers Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 inserting data into fields written by Sharmila . written by Premal Mehta . 2008 Hi Premal I haven't really tried that. While creating projects the users are now entering all the attributes of location (like area. This Forms Personalization Presentation is really helpful . in that pl/sql procedure/function.. you can create another personalization. district etc) should be sent to projects instead of them entering the data. to enter a location and the information related to location(area. I am new to oracle apps and would appreciate any response from you. district are the fields in the same form. April 14. Forms uses one single session. May 08. what they want to do is. Would appreciate your help report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . district etc). written by Anil Passi. 2008 hi anil.... the default price should be populate with the minimum price that I bought that item or 0. I am new in FP and I have a questions regarding FP. June 25. I have a sales order but i need validate an item when user press the book-order button. any suggestion? tkns report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . June 02. written by Anil Passi. THere is example to achieve the same in this article. 2008 Hi Sharmila You can achieve that by altering the query of the record group. just seafrch on record group on thihs page Thanks Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 default value written by adi . when I enter an item.. I want to do this: in a Purchase Order.. May 08. Can i do that using Form Personalization? Thanks Adi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 OM Personalization written by Melchor .. i need make a personalization to Sales order form. 2008 hi i need help.. 2008 Hi. . 2008 If that trigger is not being passed to FP or CUSTOM. Anil report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . and when press the button validate the Thanks. June 25... Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 OM Personalization written by Melchor . written by Anil Passi . written by Anil Passi .. then find out the trigger that fires using show custom event in help diagnostics menu. June Thanks. then your options are limited. Have a look at this article http://apps2fusion. but the user want save order sales without validate this item. 2008 Hi Anil Passi. June 25.. I try WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD. 2008 Hi Melchor I suggest you use WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD If that is not suitable. sorry i no speak and write english good report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . I suggest you read this link fully to get insight http://apps2fusion.pll. . it takes the exact shape of the custom form (i. 2008 Hi Anil. Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 strange behavior tied to custom forms in apps written by Richard D. The syntax is exactly the same as that of SQL used in displaying message text. its height and width). October 03. When the properties window Thanks. to default value into a field from result of a SQL Statement.. 2008 Hi Sharmila Sure you can use syntax as shown below. August 11. so of course I turn to you By the way. Can we use SQL to give value to an item.SQL for item value written by Sharmila .. Chisnick . August 11. When I have a custom form open. none of my teammates have had any ideas. Sharmila report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 . This can become a . just like using SQL for message text? Thanks. 2008 Hello Anil. written by Anil Passi . I may want to look at some properties of the form. So far. = select fnd_global.user_name from dual Will be great if you post future queries on http://apps2fusion. So I go to Help -> Diagnostics -> Properties -> Item. Something strange is happening in apps when I work with a custom form.I just wasn't sure where else I could post this. this is not directly related to personalizations .e. hassle for the user. and it is getting reflected in it. it would be great if you could help me in finding a solution for this issue Many thanks Ashish report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 . 2008 hi Anil Passi. But since I am not aware of SPEL I am finding it difficult to retrieve this profile value. Rick report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 How to retrive Profile values in form personalization. written by Ashish . For this I have setup a Profile option called. since parts of the properties form can be cut off by the dimensions of the custom form (for example.TEST_CAPS} but it is giving me an error. October 08. But when I am trying to compare it to profile value somehow I am not able to get the profile value to compare. as I have used it in defining a VALUE SET. 'TEST_CAPS' and attached it to a responsibility. I tried: =${$PROFILES$. Invoices Form should only display few invoices.. the display criteria is Context (ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY) field which is configured for DFF. say 'CAPS' then only display those invoices. For few days I am experimenting on Forms Personalization. I am not sure on how to extract data from profile in the SPEL (for form personalization) I have confirmed that value is coming in the profile value. items below the Object 1 and Object 2 drop downs may not be visible). written by Anil Passi . October 08. My requirement is in AP.TEST_CAPS) to attribute_category. I am trying to compare this in the form personalization. 2008 Hi Ashish . If this field contains some specific char. If you have encountered this issue. Things I am doing are: In Action tab Object Type: Block Target Object: INV_SUM_FOLDER Property Name: Default_WHERE In Values I want to compare the above mentioned profile ($PROFILES$. For testing I have directly compared VENDOR_NAME to a existing VENDOR and form is displaying only that vendors invoices. Some kind of inheritance is occurring and I'm hoping to stop it from happening. for a particular Responsibility. could you tell me how I can stop it from happening? Regards.. I am new to personalization so I am not sure if this can be done. 2008 Hi Anil Passi. written by Ashish . 2008 . Ashish report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 Can I use personalization to validate a value? written by Vishal_h . Vishal report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Passing a literal argument to FND_REQUEST. the value should get changed to 10. If possible. Please let me know how this is possible. Hence you do not need a profile option in the first place Thanks Anil Passi report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 How to retrive Profile values in form personalization. For this reason I have used profile and used DECODE statement to verify the profile value. It will help me in future!!!! Thanks for your prompt response. 2008 Hi Anil.You can simply make your personalizations applicable to a specific set of Responsibilities. Thanks. November 12. My requirement is that every time a value is entered in ordered_quantity column in Order lines. October 10. More over it will be great if you could tell me how to retrieve Profile value using SPEL in Personalization. December 01. please mention steps for the same in personalization as I am new to it. Thanks for the response. i am sorry that i missed one more point that. whereas the minimum quantity defined in MIN_MINMAX_QUANTITY column for the item is 10. those invoices should not be visible for other Responsibilities. If the user enters line quantity as 5. it will be great help if you could help me on this.SUBMIT_REQUEST written by ZIA . it should get validated against MIN_MINMAX_QUANTITY column from mtl_system_items_b table for that item. begin XX_SUBMIT_JOURNAL_REPORT('''||${item.BATCH_NAME.submit_request(application => 'SQLGL' . argument5 => 1 .USER_ID. argument3 => 'U' . argument6 => NULL . argument1 => 1061 .SUBMIT_REQUEST as follows: request_id := fnd_request.SUBMIT_REQUEST as $PROFILES$. end' My database procedure XX_SUBMIT_JOURNAL_REPORT calls FND_REQUEST. I have written another procedure an called FND_REQUEST.HEADER.value but it didn't work. Now I am going for a different approach.SUBMIT_REQUEST in it and call that procedure from Form Personalization and hardcoded the user id.Dear Anil. argument7 => NULL . argument8 => NULL .SUBMIT_REQUEST. How can I achive this objective? report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +1 . argument2 => 'L' .sub_request => FALSE .start_time => NULL . I tried what you suggested in the previous posting like I want to pass user_id to FND_REQUEST. argument4 => 'USD' .value}||'''). description => NULL . program => 'GLGENJRN2' . argument10 => B_NAME . argument11 => 180 ). I am calling the procedure in Form personalization as follows: = 'declare v_field_value NUMBER. The question is how can I pass a literal argument to my proceudre in form personalization which in turn calls FND_REQUEST. argument9 => NULL . I have to do form personalization in iprocure modules. In the MO form I need to pop up the DFF screen as soon as the MO form in opened. Søren Moss report abuse vote down vote up Votes: -1 Pop up DFF field on WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE written by NM . However . I tried using Go-Item.XXPA_USED_BY_MSG. Regards Lakshmi report abuse vote down . February 09.XXPA_USED_BY_MSG} and many other combinations. 2009 Hi. 2008 Hi. without any luck. If it was a global variable I could use =:GLOBAL. I have defined a local variable called XXPA_USED_BY_MSG I populate it and later I want to show it in a message.XXPA_USED_BY_MSG as well as =${VAR. So how do i achieve this Thanks in Advance report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 form personalization for iprocurement modules written by lakshminath . 2009 Hi Anil. which works.I cannot figure out how to reference it. I have a requirement.How to reference a local variable written by Søren Moss . while creating requisition in iprocure modules. but it does not work for DFF fields. December 09. January 04. if user did not change account from ZZZZ when he is going to approve or save this requisition we need display a pop up message as "please enter account number " could you please help me to complete this task. I tried =:LOCAL. Any ideas? Best regards. . 2009 Anil...i need to run a custom report thru FP and store its output in document of records. July 29. 2009 Hi. May 15. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with others thru your columns.. I thougt i could modify the sql query behind the LOV.. May 18.thnx in advance report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Customize LOV thru personalization written by Ellen . Ninan report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Maknig PNTLEASE form read only written by pooja . report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Personalization written by Ninan Issac .cn some1 plz help me. April 22.but m absolutely clueless as to how to store its output automatically in the document of records using up Votes: +0 running a report using FP written by Manisha .. I'm trying to customize a LOV (when searching voor vendors while creating an invoice)...well i cud solve the part of running the report. Can you please tell me whether we can change the Window Title in APPS Form thru Forms personalization. 2009 . 2009 hi. I want to add a item in displayed field. How can i do that?? Thanks....plz help... Phani Reddy report abuse vote down vote up .D value in First Form Field it should Display 4 Segments call A. Appreciate your early response.C. If i have A.Hi Anil.C". I have one field on First Form in that we are having the value in Tree Structure. I'm need the entire PNTLEASE form as read only except for the notes block. For Example. Now if i press Button it should open Second Form and we have one field in the Second form call Category Code if i click on that field LOV it should display only 3 segments call A. I'm tried creating a new function for the same form with parameter as QUERY_ONLY ="YES". Can you please help me resolve this. Thanks and Regards. My custom module is going UAT within 2 days.B. I need to display and change Keyflexfield Segments value Dynamically. report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 To add a new column to an existing form written by PhaniReddy chittiolu . Please give me some idea to work on this field. 2009 hi. 2009 Hi. Can you please guide me how we can add a new column to the existing form and want to show DFF attrubute in that column.D in second Form.B. But still some of the blocks in the form is updatabe.C. After Saving the Data the value is showing in this field is like "A.C.B. written by Syed.B. Hope every thing is good at ur end. November 10. November 11. I have one requirement pending.l . Thanks Pooja report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Need to change the keyflexfield segments dynamically in custom form. Its urgent. thanks. 2009 Hi I want to submit a concurrent request in my personalization form and it has to view or print directly from there. January 19. 2011 Hi Anil. I tried on the following things. thank you.5. system allow me to save and Approve the PO without providing . November 27. Property : Item-->PO_DISTRIBUTIONS.2.DESTINATION_SUBINVENTORY-->REQUIRED (APPLICATIONS COVER) The fields seems to be made mandatory(colour turned YELLOW). I need a solution to get grouping to automatically be requisition.Votes: +0 forms personalisation to change default requisition group to 'Requisition' in Autocreate form written by Fiona Gallagher .DESTINATION_SUBINVENTORY) mandatory on PO form Distribution block (PO_DISTRIBUTIONS). December 15.DESTINATION_SUBINVENTORY-->REQUIRED 2. 2009 Hi this is a superb site. Do you know if its possible to use personalisation to set the LOV for grouping in autocreate form to 'Requisition' instead of Default. I know there is a profie option but it won't be working until release 12 and we're on 11. Property : Item-->PO_DISTRIBUTIONS.10. thanks Fiona report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Need Clarification about Concurrent request written by wasim . But. I need a solution Thanks Wasim report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 To make the “Destination subinventory” field on PO form Distribution block a required field written by CGS . 1. To make the “Destination subinventory” field on PO form Distribution block a required field I want to make the “Destination subinventory” field (PO_DISTRIBUTIONS. . if length ( rder. Now I need to get rid of this error. I want to know if there is any way where we can restrict the values seen in the LOV of additional lines DFF based on order status. we have this error pop up "Flexfield Event doesnt exit in the value set. This comes from a value set based on table and where condition as event status = ACTIVE." This is so becaue we are pulling in the ACTIVE events only. Can I have a way to hide these closed events in LOV or can i personalise the form to be able to show only ACTIVE for new record entry and all events for closed orders. I am quite new to forms personalization so any assistance is greatly appreciated. But I do not want to show up closed events when a new SO is entered. Could you please help me to make me fix this so that the system will not allow the user to save and Approve the PO without providing a value to this field? Thank you very much in advance. April 07.cust_po_number ) > 5 then raise_application_error (20101. 2011 Hi Anil. .. If I click on the “Destination subinventory” field at PO form Distribution and then try to save the PO without providing a value. Thanks Shankar report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Sales Order Character Restriction written by Ericqo . We will end date ( status = CLOSED) for the events whose order status = closed So the issue is when we try to query the closed orders. 2011 I am working on restricting the number of characters on the sales order form and placed the condition below but I am getting the error "invalid relational operator". report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +0 Help in Restricting LOV in sales order lines DFF written by Manisha . 'Exceeded length of column') end if. March 15.a value to this field. For example what I am trying to acheive is: In DFF we have a column Event Name. system is displaying a message that the field is mandatory. Please suggest on this. . 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