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With our portfolio of unique granulated media, innovative immunoassays (Lateral Flow Tests) and Real-Time PCR Kits*, you’ll not only get rapid and reliable results, but also benefit from superior product quality, in-depth know-how and excellent service. Test for the best at EMD Millipore is a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany * Purchase of these products includes an immunity from suit under patents specified in the product insert to use only the amount purchased solely in Food Testing Applications and Industrial Microbiology Applications and also for the purchaser’s own internal research. No other patent rights areconveyed expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA. August/September 2012 Vol. 18, No. 4 FEATURES 52 Cover Story COLUMNS 12 Focus: Allergens Training Is a Key Component in Serving Patrons with Food Allergies By Betsy Craig The State of Food Safety: Regulation, Collaboration and the Advancement of a Globally Safe Food Supply By Jorge A. Hernandez 16 62 Category: Eggs Focus: Allergens Allergen- and Gluten-Sensitive Consumers: What Manufacturers Should Know Making the Case for Caging: Improvements in Egg Safety and Animal Welfare By Patricia A. Curtis, Ph.D., and Jacqueline Kochak By Julie Trone 20 International Food Safety Planet versus Profit By Hein Timmerman, M.Sc., M.B.A. 70 ReformulatiON The Pitfalls of Product Reformulation and How to Avoid Them By Evangelia Komitopoulou, Ph.D., and Paul A. Gibbs, Ph.D. 24 Regulatory Report CORE: FDA Foodborne Illness Response Network By Douglas Karas 28 Meat and Poultry 76 Spotlight: Sanitation Pests: Everyday Threats to the Human Food Supply By Jim Fredericks, Ph.D. and Missy Henriksen Building a Solid Foundation in Meat Processing and Preparation By Anne Rogan, Ph.D., R.D., C.D.N., and Eric Shelley 30 Process Control Supplier Management: Six Steps to Selecting the Right Supplier By Bradd Eldridge DEPARTMENTS 6 Editor’s Letter 8 News Bites Editorial Advisory Board Daniel W. Bena PepsiCo Beverages International Reginald W. Bennett CFSAN, U.S. FDA Robert E. Brackett, Ph.D. National Center for Food Safety and Technology John N. Butts, Ph.D. Land O’Frost Brian Campbell Kroger Manufacturing Larry Cohen Saputo Cheese U.S.A. Michael M. Cramer Windsor Foods 4 32 79 Product Showcase 83 Advertisers Index Beth Ann Crozier-Dodson, Ph.D. Chestnut Labs Jonathan W. DeVries, Ph.D. General Mills/Medallion Labs William Fisher Institute of Food Technologists Russell Flowers, Ph.D. Silliker, Inc. Veny Gapud Fieldale Farms Kathy Gombas CFSAN, U.S. FDA Jim Gorny, Ph.D. CFSAN, U.S. FDA Donald J. Graham Graham Sanitary Design Consulting Packaging Trends in Food Packaging: Borrowed Expertise By Julie Ackerman Robert Powitz, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.S. R.W. Powitz & Associates Scott M. Russell, Ph.D. University of Georgia Thomas M. Sauer Wells Enterprises Richard F. Stier Consulting Food Scientist Darryl Sullivan Covance Laboratories John G. Surak, Ph.D. Surak and Associates Alexandra Veiga, Ph.D. ITQB-UNL and EFFoST Don L. Zink, Ph.D. CFSAN, U.S. FDA Food Safety Magazine Paul A. Hall, Ph.D. Flying Food Group Margaret Hardin, Ph.D. IEH Laboratories & Consulting Group Larry Keener International Product Safety Consultants Huub L.M. Lelieveld Global Harmonization Initiative Ann Marie McNamara, Ph.D. Jack in the Box, Inc. Martin Mitchell Certified Laboratories/ Refrigerated Foods Association Doug Peariso Contemporary Process Solutions LLC .. Hazard .Select the Enterprise Food Safety Management Software Solution. IFS. without programming Integration: Integrates with 3rd party business systems HACCP Module: Manages and tracks Prerequisite Programs. www.. and Critical Control Points Compliance Management: Maintains compliance to regulatory initiatives: FSMA. SQF..and more! Preventive Controls: Provides monitoring and tracking for hazard prevention. environmental monitoring and food allergen control Risk Management: Identifies.. HACCP FSMS BRC SQF ISO FDA RFR IFS FSMS Software SQF BRC GFSI Food Safety Supply Chain Software SQF Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points ISO 22000 Food Safety SQF GFSI Food FSMS GFSI BRC Management ISO 22000SQF ISO FDA International Food Standard Food Quality Software Global Food Safety Initiative HACCP Plan RFR International Food Management ISO 22000 Food Safety Food Standard Hazard Analysis FDA Compliance Supplier Rating Food Quality HACCP Software Food Management Analysis Critical Control Points IFS RFR Hazard Food Quality FSMS Software ISO 22000 Reportable HACCP Compliance FSMS Supplier Rating Food Registry Food Safety Management HACCP Food & Beverage GFSI RFR FSMS British Retail Consortium BRC FDA RFR Supplier Food Management BRC Supplier Supply Chain Rating IFS Management ISO Compliance Food & Beverage HACCP IFS HACCP Compliance ISO ISO Safe Quality Food FDA ISO Food & Beverage Supply Chain Food Safety International Food Standard ISO 22000 GFSI Food Safety Management Software Safe Quality Food Food & Beverage ISO Compliance Critical Control Points Supplier Rating HACCP Software Food Safety Management FDA Compliance Food Quality ISO 22000 Food Safety Safe Quality Food HACCP Best Practices: Integrated modules for Food Quality and Safety Management: Document Control • CAPA • HACCP • Employee Training • Audits Nonconformance • Reporting • Project Control • Change Management Supplier Management • Risk Assessment .with the most VALUE 800-354-4476 • info@ etq. sanitation and hygiene documentation and training.etq. and prevents high-risk events in the Food Safety System Flexible: Leading edge flexible workflow adapts to all business processes. BRC. mitigates. and ISO 22000 . nor do they so warrant any views or opinions offered by the authors of said articles and descriptions. however. we have the U. The Target Group Inc. and additional mailing offices.. CA 91201. CA. Mountain which gives farmers new ways to protect themselves from bad weather and poor prices. either expressly or by implication. Led by California’s Proposition 2. the proposed law would codify an agreement between the United Egg Producers and the Humane Society on how egg-laying hens should be treated and how eggs should be labeled. which would allow production lines to move faster. However. Ph. Then we have proposed egg-production legislation.D. Mountain St. Food Safety Magazine . there was an identified need for fundamental changes in how poultry inspections are performed. Periodicals Postage Rate paid at Glendale. Postmaster: Send address changes to Food Safety Barbara VanRenterghem. CO 80524 Phone (970) 484-4488 craig@foodsafetymagazine. CA 91201 Main (818) 842-4777 Fax (818) 955-9504 customerservice@foodsafetymagazine. prepaid. Mountain St.” that was published in the Federal Register on January 27. Collins. CEO. E-mail info@foodsafetymagazine. particularly with regard to a more thorough adoption of scientifically based inspections. Let’s all hope that best practices and the desire for overall food safety drive food-related legislation in the weeks and months ahead. CA 91201. Mountain St. Editorial Contributions: Unsolicited manuscripts should be submitted to: Food Safety Magazine. “Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection. and slices about 2 percent off the $80 billion the government spends every year on food stamps.S. the publishers cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of the information supplied or advertised or for any opinion expressed herein.Editor’s Letter F ood agencies and Congress have been busy these days. ensuring that egg producers are not blocked from selling across state lines due to differing state Advertising Sales Bobby Meeker (818) 842-2829 bobby@foodsafetymagazine. $85.. Glendale. Editorial Director 6 Food Safety Magazine (ISSN 1084-5984) is published bimonthly by The Target Group Inc.. passed in 2008. just approved by the House Committee on Editorial Office 1945 W. Subscriptions: Free to qualified subscribers as defined on the subscription card.. Glendale. As early as the late Production Office 1113 Ellis Street Ft. 2012. (818) 842-4777.D. which requires chicken farmers to give their egg-laying birds enough room to stand and spread their wings.S. Fax (818) 769-2939. especially here in Massachusetts. Clarification. food industry experts have serious concerns about the lack of detail in the proposed legislation. representative was scrambling to avoid these cuts in food Adam Haas (321) 804-4319 adam@foodsafetymagazine. USDA is asked to adhere strictly to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points principles and enable industry establishments to make their own processing and implementation decisions to guarantee that food safety is best ensured in each individual situation. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service’s proposed rule. is needed before its successful adoption. All rights reserved. The publishers do not warrant. the factual accuracy of the articles or descriptions herein.00 per year for nonqualified subscribers. while the government would cut the number of line inspectors eyeing chicken bodies for defects before the carcasses are packaged for consumption. provide old mailing label as well as new address. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Glendale. Art Director/Production Craig Van Wechel Circulation Manager Andrea Karges Administrative Manager Allison Demmert-Poland The Incredible Shrinking Woman Bobby Meeker Publishing Office 1945 W. training. Back Issues: $10. Talk about a political hot potato. Ph. especially on topics of implementation costs. CA 91201. Glendale. 1945 W. Change of Address: Notices should be sent promptly. Allow two months for change. which seeks to set a uniform national standard for the treatment of egg-laying hens. Best Regards. CA 91201 Phone (508) 210-3149 Fax (508) 210-3139 barbara@foodsafetymagazine. Notice— Every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy of content. First we have the Farm Bill. Glendale.00 per copy. This legislation now shifts the focus to the full House as Congress seeks to come up with a consensus bill before the current farm bill expires at the end of September. ©2012 by The Target Group Inc. 1945 W. Mountain St. where my U. 1945 W. record-keeping requirements and facility retrofitting issues. Finally. Don Meeker Publisher Stacy Atchison Editorial Director Barbara VanRenterghem. custom-built conversion truck – featuring a demonstration room with the Atlas System as well as a private presentation and meeting room. Why a tour – Your time is valuable. so we’re bringing the Atlas™ System to for more details. Roka Bioscience is taking to the road. We’re The Atlas™ System is manufactured by Gen-Probe Incorporated.atlasontour. Who should attend – Anyone involved in food pathogen testing. . The journey starts now! Visit www.Bringing Roka to your backyard. showcasing the most advanced food safety testing technology at locations across the country.ROKABIO | www.rokabio. Inc. What drives us – Our new 40-foot. MAOTPUB0712 1.855. What the tour offers – A hands-on Atlas System demonstration plus an interactive education on the advantages of Roka’s unique molecular technology. Roka molecular technology is licensed from Gen-Probe Incorporated. And we’ll help you get there. © 2012 Roka Bioscience. the AFNOR certification confirmed that the microbiological analysis of 3M’s indicator technology performs as well as or better than conventional and more time-consuming reference methods. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s Egg Safety Rule.eiu. The campaign. The diluted extract is applied to each test strip. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has collaborated with JWT New York and the Ad Council to develop Food Safe Families. It is a dynamic quantitative and qualitative scoring model. will also have an integrated social media program and television. FDA has published Guidance for Industry regarding implementation of the Egg Safety Rule. radio and online advertising in English and Spanish. bus shelters and other out-of-home locations nationwide.S. The pro bono campaign consists of public service announcements on billboards. is pleased to announce that the ROSA® FAST Aflatoxin Quantitative Test Kit. finalized in 2009 and designed to prevent thousands of illnesses and dozens of deaths each year from consumption of eggs contaminated with Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). availability. The Egg Safety Rule. 2012. offering bottled water processors a microbial testing tool that delivers simplicity. as well as draft guidance (which FDA intends to finalize) that addresses questions the agency has received about the final rule since its publication. The kit provides test results in 3 minutes and is approved for over 20 commodities. shell-egg producers with at least 3. The requirements for industry compliance with the regulations were phased in over a 3-year period based on the number of laying hens in each operation. consistent performance. access and quality across a set of 105 countries. Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) for the detection of aflatoxin in feed and grain. Food Safety Magazine . has received approval from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Grain Inspection. countries and industries to make connections that will deliver science-powered innovations to address the challenge of feeding and nourishing an ever-growing population. print. as well as video spots running on Walmart’s Checkout TV Network. there has been a steady buzz of conversation around food security globally. which measures these drivers of food security across both developing and developed countries. disposable filter funnels and agar petri dishes. an outdoor public service announcement (PSA) advertising initiative that will highlight safe food preparation and handling techniques. Charm Sciences Inc. Validated against ISO 9308-1. The 3M Petrifilm Aqua Plate technology was introduced globally in March 2011. It is an immunoreceptor assay utilizing ROSA (rapid one-step assay) lateral flow technology. The index is accessible at foodsecurityindex. requires that shell-egg producers put measures in place to prevent SE from contaminating shell eggs during their production.000 but fewer than 50. a quantitative lateral flow test. The index considers the core issues of food affordability. DuPont Chair and Chief Executive Officer Ellen Kullman and Executive Vice President Jim Borel each announced the launch of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Global Food Security Index. incubated and read on the ROSA-M Reader for quantitative results. minimal storage and enhanced productivity compared with reference methods that use bulkier media pads.S. as well as foodborne-disease risks. Created in collaboration with the EIU. 3M Obtains AFNOR Approval for Petrifilm Aqua Coliform Count Plate 3M Food Safety has announced that its 3M™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Coliform Count Plate has received NF validation from France-based Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) for its ability to detect and enumerate colonies of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria in bottled water samples. Work is underway to align the right people across organizations. which aims to fight food poisoning. this interactive. FDA also intends to publish draft guidance for producers who provide their laying hens with outdoor access.000 laying hens must comply with the U. DuPont is the exclusive sponsor of the index.News Bites Egg Producers Subject to FDA’s Egg DuPont Sponsors Global Food Security Index Developed by EIU Safety Rule Must Now Comply As of July 9. 8 USDA/GIPSA Approves Charm Sciences’ ROSA FAST Aflatoxin Test USDA and Ad Council Plan Food Safety PSAs The Since DuPont announced its food security goals in February. constructed from 25 unique indicators. first-of-its-kind tool brings critical information to the public discussion on food security. storage and transport. com . and retailers are requiring evidence of your food safety programs.covance. Something TRUE. Call today to see how we can help you keep your brand protected and your products safe. Choose proven expertise to back your food safety program. consumer condence is on the decline. In addition to our highthroughput microbiology testing services. we now offer you: • • • • GFSI Pre-Audit Consultations Third-party audits Expert witness services 24/7 harborage point investigations Regulatory notice response assistance HACCP training Something NEW! • • New legislation is being implemented. Covance is committed to helping you deliver safe products. training and crisis response.Something FAST. This is why we are delivering new programs to help meet your challenging food safety needs. Gain new 24/7 availability to protect your brand. Covance has expanded our laboratory services to include microbiology consulting. Something MICRO. Call (855) 83MICRO www.nutri. the TAFS forum focuses on risk assessment and risk communication in the field of livestock diseases that are transmissible to humans through food and other pathways. has named Reggie Griffin to its advisory board. food scientist consultant. The nutritional line includes Kjeldahl digestion unit organic nitrogen determination. received the Food Marketing Institute Donald H. Doherty.V. Linda M. USA Inc. NSF International has appointed Tom Chestnut as vice president of the company’s global food safety and quality division. provider of the HarvestMark fresh food traceability and supply chain insights platform. to the executive board as secretary. P. has joined Chestnut Labs as the director of Crozier-Dodson technical services. to the science and technical team.. D. focusing on food safety. YottaMark Inc.. Stephanie Lopez has been named vice president of food safety education at AIB Lopez International. J. Sundlof. developer of printed electronics.M. complementing each other’s activities. Whereas GFSI acts mostly in the domain of risk management by benchmarking and recognizing existing food safety management strategies.. EAS Consulting Group has announced that Stephen F. Ph. DDW has announced that Daniel Castillo has joined the company as sales Castillo director. Food Safety Net Services has announced the addition of Amit Morey. Ph. Ph. Ph. Eriez® has appointed John Blicha to the newly created position of marketing commuBlicha nications manager.D. Selecta line of high-end nutritional and water analysis scientific equipment is now available in North America through a partnership with Globe Scientific Inc. have announced an agreement to develop a flexible sensing platform for the packaging market. Dietmar Eiden has been named the new head of division in trade fair management Eiden at Koelnmesse... The result will be a new category of packaging that can collect and wirelessly communicate sensor information for use by leading food. has named Larry Cohen the company’s new food safety director. The TAFS forum and GFSI will work together along with other stakeholders to identify key areas for future collaboration. Further projects of mutual interest will be defined to develop better interaction between risk assessment and risk management within existing food safety management systems. president and CEO of the New Jersey Food Council. La Terra Fina has announced John Harrington as the new director of marketing and Harrington Cindy Hess and Steve Ihme as new directors of sales. has joined the Flying Food Group as vice president of food Hall safety & quality assurance. a Fortune 500 supplier of flexible packaging and pressure-sensitive materials. Both organizations strongly believe that coordinated efforts and greater collaboration will contribute to achieving their common goal of improved consumer trust in food safety. BizTracks Bemis Selects Thin Film Electronics to Develop Intelligent Packaging Platform Thin Film Electronics ASA.D.. as their senior scientific advisor. Selecta Forms Partnership with Globe Scientific The J. quality and sanitation. A complete line of routine laboratory equipment is also available. Millennium LifeSciences Inc. Beth Ann Crozier-Dodson. Stier. Paul A. Redd Remedies has recently brought on Rose Cloud as their national sales manager. consumer products and healthcare companies worldwide. MacManus Association Executive Award in recognition of her outstanding leadership and accomplishments in the food distribution industry.D. has received the 2012 Bor S. has joined the company as an expert consultant.. Americas. Luh Award Stier for his international contributions in food science. Members of the International Association for Food Protection recently elected Alejandro Mazzotta. The TAFS forum and GFSI recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to support their joint efforts for the continuous improvement of food safety throughout the global food supply chain. P. Culture Media Concepts® has announced Jingkun Li Li..News Bites GFSI and TAFS Forum Join Forces for Collaboration People & Places Richard F. cold extraction units and wine (alcohol) distillation units. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and the Switzerlandbased TAFS (Trust in Animals & Food Safety) forum have announced their future collaboration on animal health and food safety issues. Both the TAFS forum and GFSI consider animal health a prerequisite for food safety and will team up to address these issues together. 10 Food Safety Magazine . Ph.D. steam distillation of protein. Hall. Ph..D. Saputo Cheese. and Bemis Company Inc. extraction for determination of cellulose and fiber.D. com approved D WINN AR AW G IN LAB 800-328-8378 • weberscientific. TO RY SUP PL Legendary for great prices since 1959 RA IER O .Colilert® and Colisure® Because your product is only as pure as your source water Be certain your water is coliform free � Results for total coliform and E coli as fast as 18 hours � AOAC. PMO Request your FREE copy today of our 265-page buyer’s guide! Call 800-328-8378 or visit weberscientific. EPA. They want to know more. 14). The most common food allergens are milk. 12 W . Cross-contamination of dishes prepared without offending ingredients can occur anywhere in the production process. That’s why any kitchen that offers special dishes to sensitive diners must develop specific protocols to keep the meal away from triggering ingredients all the way from cooler to table (see “Tips for Foodservice: Setting Up a GlutenFree Kitchen. and they have more access to information. from owner to bussers. At least the stores now post a disclaimer to the effect that its “gluten-free” pizza is not suitable Food Safety Magazine hen most people think of food safety.” From Knowledge to Action Knowledge may be power. there’s another dimension to serving customers meals that won’t send them to the emergency room (ER) for dessert. not just as featured items but also in condiments or the like. While these practices protect against foodborne pathogens. “We are definitely getting more questions than we did 5 or 6 years ago. through shared cutting boards or utensils or grease particles flying from grills. Reactions to triggering foods can be severe—the CDC reported that food allergies account for nearly a quartermillion ER visits every year and are the most common causes of anaphylaxis outside the hospital setting. Commercial foodservice operations increasingly need to be aware of patrons with food allergies and intolerances. soy. While the chain spent lots of money developing—and marketing—a crust made without wheat flour.” p. they think of keeping the mayonnaise cool or using proper handwashing techniques.S. fish.Focus on ALLERGENS By Betsy Craig Training Is a Key Component in Serving Patrons with Food Allergies Allergen control in foodservice is essential Armed with that knowledge. Approximately 9 million American adults (4% of the population over 18) and 6 million children (8% of those under 18) are allergic to one or more foods. the most recent year for which figures are available from the U. which serves pizzas. In fact. servers or managers can confidently respond when diners ask if a dish contains a specific ingredient. The numbers rose about 18% between 1997 and 2007. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). tree nuts and eggs. The recent dust-up over Domino’s pizza it calls gluten-free illustrates the problem. Domino’s more or less guaranteed that what started out as gluten-free would reach the carryout box as only gluten-not-so-much. shellfish. the second involves the entire operation. it did nothing to ensure the non-wheat crust would not pick up gluten from the other pies in the kitchen. by sharing baking benches and ovens with wheat crusts and not following proper food allergen protocols. The first affects the back of the house. wheat. peanuts. but there are two more steps beyond menu analysis an operator must take to safely accommodate diners with food sensitivities. “People are more aware.” says Mark Herman. Was that salad dressing finished with eggs for a better consistency? Or maybe a dash of soy sauce makes the beef gravy more flavorful? It takes a complete breakdown of every ingredient in every dish to know exactly what a kitchen is serving its customers. salads and sandwiches in 17 quick-serve locations in New Mexico and Texas. Think about all the places on any menu these items could lurk. CEO of Dion’s. Food Allergen Testing Almond · Brazil Nut · beta-Lactoglobulin · Cashew Casein · Crustacea · Egg · Gluten · Hazelnut Histamine · Lupin · Macadamia · Mustard Pistachio · Peanut · Sesame · Soy · Walnut Gluten Testing with gy G12 Technolo tion Next Genera AgraStrip® Lateral Flow Tests AgraQuant® ELISA Tests Full Service Analytical Lab Call (800) 769 1380 E-Mail [email protected]/allergens .com www. When purchasing gluten-free ingredients. all staff must be thoroughly trained. Turnover of personnel. gluten-free cake is served in rounds while regular cake is served in squares) Some institutions serve the occasional gluten-free guest by purchasing ready-made foods or baked goods from approved gluten-free suppliers. Whatever the type or size of your foodservice establishment. including bulgur. Your particular organization and the needs of your guests will determine which method you choose. a common facility or foodservice operation should use the following: • Separate food preparation zones and storage areas • Accurately labeled containers that are tightly sealed • Separate utensils for food preparation and serving • Clean hands.” This is the second step to keeping your patrons out of the ER. durum. rye. OR 14 Food Safety Magazine . rice. “I’d rather not have it on the menu than to make someone sick. Milwaukie. fresh gloves and clothing • Controlled airflow that minimizes airborne particles landing on glutenfree food • Thorough cleaning between runs or sessions with wet-cleaning systems • An allotment of at least 24 hours between regular and gluten-free food preparation to allow flour particles to settle and then be cleaned away As cross-contamination of gluten-free foods can cause severe reactions in those with celiac disease. bread baskets with gluten-free bread have a differentcolored napkin than baskets containing regular bread) • Gluten-free food is shaped differently (e. As a result. Finally. When choosing glutenfree products. he sent about 40 managers and staff through our Kitchens with Confidence AllerTrain™ training.g.” In a perfect world. different manufacturers use different symbols. If possible.” Herman says. barley or untested oat flour • Incomplete cleaning of utensils. ingredient/supplier changes and differences in labeling necessitate ongoing and continual training. menu revisions. all foodservice institutions can successfully serve their gluten-free customers safe food. Keep in mind that the following grains are safe for a gluten-free diet: amaranth. quinoa. Since that’s not always possible. separate areas for gluten-free food • Each food has a separate serving bowl with a clearly marked serving utensil • Dishes are arranged so that regular food doesn’t spill. semolina and spelt. The words you use to describe your gluten-free offerings to customers must also be reviewed for any legal implications. making sure containers of regular food are not adjacent to gluten-free food) • Gluten-free food is served on plates. “Because of how we produce food in our kitchens. oats (tested gluten-free). the kitchen would be happy to use them on a pie or in a sub.. but if diners want to bring in special ingredients. in addition to barley. splatter or fall onto gluten-free food (e. gluten-free food production has a dedicated facility. All wheat products. Servers should always listen to and respect the diner’s request and answer truthfully about what’s in a dish—even if they’re otherwise upselling the special macadamia-crusted prawns in creamy ponzu (continued on page 82) Tips for Foodservice: Setting Up a Gluten-Free Kitchen Just because a label says “wheat-free. To ensure gluten-free food safety. wheat-and gluten-free symbols can look similar. millet.Focus on ALLERGENS for those who need to follow a glutenfree diet for health reasons. appliances or baking equipment • Airborne particles from wheat. farro.” Herman says. Now he plans to add the food allergy training to the other educational pieces for everyone from order takers to managers. Additionally.g. should be avoided. In April. Since there are no uniform labeling standards. it is of the utmost importance to read the label carefully for the words “gluten-free. “What we learned was that we need to have clear processes in place that are followed at every step.g.or barley-based ingredients that are not gluten-free. then let the guest make an informed decision Armed with accurate information and the proper training. Establishments serving larger groups of guests requiring gluten-free foods on a regular basis may bake from scratch using gluten-free bulk ingredients and their own in-house recipes or recipes adapted from gluten-free cookbooks. make sure they are tightly sealed and clearly labeled in containers. equipment or surfaces between runs • Contaminated gloves or clothing in gluten-free preparation areas • Unsafe or careless food handling by employees or diners To avoid such cross-contact. rye. Clear guidelines and expectations and regular updates are essential. it’s important to note the most common sources of cross-contact: • Shared use of utensils. sorghum and teff. bowls or napkins of different colors (e. Herman sends all his managers to ServSafe® training and all staff to basic food-handling classes. buckwheat. manager or designated individual • Review the food allergy concern or special request with the guest and check ingredient labels • Remember to check the preparation method procedures for potential cross-contamination • Respond to the guest and communicate your findings. products labeled wheat-free may still contain rye. Kamut® grain. it is critical for foodservice personnel to ensure that: • Buffet tables have clearly marked. the host should make a note of it when a reservation is made and/or flag the party when they are seated. “The webinar was the kickoff to see where we have to get better at what we do.” it doesn’t mean it’s gluten-free. triticale and untested oats. Everyone on staff should be aware of any diner with an allergy or intolerance to any food.. containers.” Dion’s also doesn’t offer options such as dairy-free cheese because of limited demand. corn. Others keep small-scale gluten-free mixes on hand to bake as needed. use the “4 R’s” to make sure the gluten-free meal is as safe as it is enjoyable: • Refer the food allergy concern or special request to the chef. emmer.. —Bob’s Red Mill. it’s impossible to offer a 100 percent gluten-free product. it is critical that one person be designated to lead the gluten-free effort. r-biopharm.2012 11:35:44 . Inc.Gluten_US.03.R-Biopharm AG Gluten analysis in food with the R5 antibody… RIDASCREEN® Gliadin New!• AOAC-Official Method of Analysis (2012. MO 63090 USA Phone: (877) 789-3033 Fax: (866) 922-5856 www.quantitative measurement of celiac relevant structures from wheat.indd 1 15.. starch) . 2012-02 Anzeige Food Lab .01) • AOAC-RI certified (120601) • Codex Alimentarius Method (Type I) RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin • fast quantitative gluten determination RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive • quantitative gluten determination in hydrolyzed products (beer. and barley according to the official Codex Alimentarius method in raw and processed food R-Biopharm. 870 Vossbrink Drive Washington. rye. S. The offending brand becomes a villain that is ostracized from an entire community.S.000 per year in 2008. the news often spreads like a virus.and GlutenSensitive Consumers: What Manufacturers Should Know Controlling allergens and gluten is a key consumer demand A similar dietary needs regarding the safety of a food product. This is a population of parby allergens or gluten is their foremost ents. They are a vast group who support. teamwork and incredible the U.500 hospital discharges per year with a diagnosis related to golf instructor once told me that to play confood allergy among children under sistent golf. Absolutely no contamination very informed shoppers. The that “it is estimated that the number process of raising him with dietary restrictions involves of cases of anaphylaxis from foods in diligence. The following statistics illustrate how prevalently these diseases affect the U. speaking with customer service representatives The increase in food-related disease about shared lines. have already reached $2. awareness. It is also representative of my life as Asthma and Immunology reports a parent of a son with severe. increased from 21. does not make them sick or die when Consumers who must avoid specific foods become ingested. this was the perfect time to hear this tidbit of • The American Academy of Allergy. population: • From 2004 to 2006. commiserate with and follow each other. teens and children who learn to be allergen. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I needed to focus on the process age 18. research.2 The population. wisdom. according to roughly 10 percent of the general a report released by Global Industry Analysts Inc. multiple food allergies.3 first.Focus on ALLERGENS By Julie Trone Allergen. according to a survey by Packaged Facts.S. Their shopping behavior includes reading labels each and every time before purAccommodating Food Sensitivities chase. these statistics suggest a conproviding quality safe food products to consumers with sumer market that requires food that food allergies or intolerances. there were approximately 9. According to the U. For a novice golfer. The result is a healthier life.5 The global food allergy and intolerance products market • Gluten-reactive patients account for is expected to surpass $26. the number of Americans with food allergies.5 billion by 2017. • More than 2 million people in the the gluten-free market “will exceed $5 billion by 2015.000 per trust in the food industry. celiac disease and other food-related intolerances has steadily risen over a short period of time. or food enzyme detectives. processing schedules and crossis widely responsible for the rise in concontamination and enlisting help from others who have sumer demand for safer food products Food Safety Magazine 16 . based on long-term population Understanding Consumers with Allergies studies of anaphylaxis from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.6 growth projections underscore the need for attention to Clearly.6 billion and. This global community of consumers is well connected to each other through social media.”1 United States have celiac disease.”4 Gluten-free food sales in the U. gluten criteria for safe consumption.S. When an allergic reaction or illness occurs due to undeclared allergens or gluten. not the result. year in 1999 to 51. indd 1 please call for a complete listing Bia Diagnostics.Bia Diagnostics Leader in Food Allergen Analysis Officially Releasing: Gluten Rapid LFD Kit More Gluten Testing than Any Other Laboratory in North America Same Day Analysis! Testing All Major Food Allergens: Gluten Peanut Soy Egg Total Milk RAPID LFD Kits Available Great for HACCP & QC/QA Coconut Soy Total Milk Egg Almond Tree Nuts ELISA Kits Also Available coming soon: Peanut RESULTS IN 10 MINUTES! 802•540•0148 FSM.biadiagnostics. LLC 06/21/2012 11:30 AM . What is not on par with this hefty legislation is the quality assurance that food is not contaminated by allergens or gluten along the entire supply chain. the community of those with food allergies and gluten intolerances chat about it on social media engines worldwide. The group had a large following throughout the U.”7 As a result. Today. stating.Focus on ALLERGENS in the U. Even with a disclaimer.D. Recall events due to undeclared allergens have multiplied since FALCPA went into effect. how the manufacturer corrects the problem remains a mystery to the public. 55% of the facilities that used allergenic food as ingredients identified ingredients as allergens or segregated these ingredients. harvesting. at the University of Nebraska Food Allergy Research and Resource Program. identifying and segregating allergens and gluten at every level of food production and distribution.”8 Evolving from FSMA is a requirement for manufacturers to have an allergen-control plan. in part. many large manufacturers have been leading the pack in quality control of allergen and gluten contamination. This assurance is especially inconsistent at the growing.”9 This report continues. the food industry is receiving rapt attention by. it is difficult for a manufacturer to improve the integrity of the brand and climb out of debt. excludes raw agricultural commodities (FALCPA section 203). 5 or 6 years ago.the number of Americans with food allergies. celiac disease and other food-related intolerances has steadily risen over a short period of time. The framework of this plan supports the development of an internal process for detecting and preventing cross-contamination by allergens or gluten. storing and transport stages with various allergens.” The use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay testing for detection of allergens and gluten is also part of this framework.” A continued increase in the number of allergen-related recalls may intensify pressure on the industry to make disclaimers mandatory. Ph. As a case in point.S. the consumer oftentimes is unsure about the safety of the product.7 In recent findings during a case study of the cookie industry. soy and corn. consumers who rely on accurate labeling and product disclaimers to make informed decisions about the safety of a product are driven to lobby for new regulations that require better standards for reporting. The pretzel apparently had peanut contamination. “poor training accounts for the most frequent human error with adding wrong ingredients. According to Steven Taylor. Smaller facilities were less likely than larger facilities to identify or segregate allergenic ingredients.” The Use of Disclaimers: Why Is It Voluntary? The use of disclaimers on packaging is voluntary. In addition. With the enactment of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). after FALCPA went into effect. The consequence is that brand integrity declines. A recent report by Stericycle found “undeclared allergens or other allergen concerns remained the primary cause of recalls during the fourth quarter. as is the need for manufacturers to know whether an ingredient or raw material has been contaminated so labeling can be accurate.. 18 Reporting of Allergen and Gluten Contamination: The Reality The story here begins at the production site where food is harvested and continues with storage. food recalls initiated in the quarter. there is heightened awareness and improved sanitization control during manufacturing through Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points systems that are implemented properly. bad information spreads quickly and has a long residual effect. accounting for more than one third of . With the use of social media. the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). particularly at the food processing stage.S. Steven Atkins and Marcia Hagen reported. Information about recalls remains constant on a variety of websites.. and the many parents who heard this story avoided the entire product line. This is a valid concern. Midsize and smaller manufacturers have not been found to be consistent in reducing exposure to allergens and gluten in a variety of ways. validating this concern.. surpassing levels recorded in at least five quarters.. The law that requires labeling of the top eight most common allergens. implementing more stringent regulations and more thorough inspections. In 2006. according to the U. This story has continued to affect the purchasing behavior Food Safety Magazine “. “Recalls due to undeclared allergens reached a new high in the fourth quarter. Department of Health and Human Services in their report on labeling practices. Recalls Damage Brand Integrity Recalls are an expensive testament to the need for better control of allergen and gluten exposure as well as for better reporting of contamination. transportation and processing. carrying with it decreased loyalty and less demand. yet. or both. Once a recall is publicized. the use of the allergencontrol plan developed at the university in larger manufacturing companies is a “mainstream practice. such as grains. a story about an allergic reaction after someone ate a Snyder’s pretzel was told via an online food allergy support group. a report was released by the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services that indicated “when receiving raw materials for products. The fear of illness or death from potential consumption and lack of information about correcting the problem degrades the reputation of the brand. Under these circumstances.S. Du ng N mas .NIR . Kje l Falli dahl. umb er Sample Preparation of Food and Feed Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200 Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 200 Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 300 Cyclone Mill TWISTER . The same is true for the determination of falling numbers. NEW Cyclone Mill TWISTER .5 mm and 0. ease of use.For optimum quality control Application examples Raw material Wheat Corn Hay/straw Feeds Pig food pellets Pet food pellets Fish food pellets Dry food Rice Cereals Peanuts Almonds Soy beans Sunflower seed Cookies Moist food Tomatoes Cheese Sausages Cooked pasta + highly suitable 0 suitable TWISTER ZM 200 GM 200 / GM 300 + o + + + + + + – – + o – – – – – + + + + + + + + o o + + – – – – – o + – o o o o o + + o o + + + + + Within the RETSCH range of mills and grinders there is a specialist for every application. Achievable grind sizes of approximately 500 microns are ideal for protein analysis according to Kjeldahl and Dumas. of inorganic contaminants through – not suitable WET CHEMICAL AND ELEMENT ANALYSES RETSCH laboratory mills are suitable for sample preparation not only to NIR analysis but a variety of analytical methods. feeds and grains CYCLONE MILL TWISTER ■ Rotor mill with sieve insert (1 mm or 2 mm) and grinding ring ■ Sieve inserts 0. unaltered and uncontaminated sample so that the subsequent analysis is always trustworthy and meaningful. then RETSCH’s equipment is your only choice! Ideal for forage. The grind size is also suitable for the determination of fat and organic contaminants through extraction. resp.8 mm (option) ■ 3 controlled rotor speeds ■ Cyclone separator with 250 ml collecting bottle for quick extraction of sample ■ Connection for vacuum cleaner ■ No cross contamination thanks to easy cleaning ■ Professional industrial design with long lifetime ■ Convenient operating panel www. a maximum of operational safety and a long lifetime. But what they have in common is that they produce a perfectly homogeneous. If you require professional solutions that combine high performance.retsch. Moreover.000 rpm to 18. animal feed KNIFE MILL GRINDOMIX GM 200 ■ For up to 700 ml of sample material ■ Variable speed from 2. fat and ash in feeds and forage. Optional dust extraction for optimum material discharge ■ Heavy-duty “Powerdrive” ■ Speed range 6.000 to 10. corn. MOISTURE FIBERS FAT PROTEIN Ideal for samples high in water and oil content Fine grinding of grains.5 l sample material.SAMPLE PREPARATION TO NIR ANALYSIS Near Infrared Spectroscopy is the most important analysis method for the determination of protein ULTRA CENTRIFUGAL MILL ZM 200 High-throughput processing of samples for NIR and ICP Large ring sieve allows for quick sample processing Option for load-controlled automatic feeder Cyclone separator for 230 ml to 4. a sample which is too coarse causes statistical errors (see example on next page). Users often face the problem of having to decide whether sample preparation is required or not. spices. it is mainly about size reduction of the sample material.5 liters sample material Variable speed from 500 – 4.retsch. NIR spectroscopy is a quick method which neither requires consumables nor Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 300 Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 200 .retsch. dried pasta and plants.000 rpm Autoclavable grinding tools Patented gravity lids ensure homogenization of the ENTIRE sample ■ Mode for preliminary and fine grinding ■ Sturdy industrial motor ■ Comprehensive range of accessories ■ ■ ■ ■ www.000 rpm ■ Wide selection of accessories ■ ■ ■ ■ www. Homogenizing the sample 2. This involves two aspects: ASH 1. cocoa and raw coffee KNIFE MILL GRINDOMIX GM 300 Homogenization of up to 4. A much discussed issue related to NIR analysis is the necessity of sample preparation. Achieving the required grind size Whereas an inhomogeneous sample leads to systematic errors in the subsequent analysis. tea. moisture. Therefore it is used whenever high sample throughput and great flexibility are required. The advantage over classical methods such as Kjeldahl is the simultaneous determination of several parameters. The identification and qualification of raw materials as well as the quantitative analysis of convenience products can be carried out within seconds to guarantee highest product quality and safety.000 rpm www.retsch. oilseeds. Sample preparation to NIR does not require digestion or extraction. particularly with regards to ash and fiber content. THE MANUFACTURER’S DIRECT CONTACT IN NORTH AMERICA Subject to technical modification and errors · 99.16 8.10 9.1065/US-06-2012 win with retsch .100.17 0. 74 Walker Lane Newtown.68 0.03 9. The analysis of the unground sample clearly shows a systematic as well as a considerable statistic error.10 0.Improved results thanks to correct sample preparation EXAMPLE: ANALYSIS OF WHEAT The different properties of ground and unground samples when analyzed with NIR are demonstrated exemplarily with grains of wheat.38 0. Go on a 6-day space tour and experience zero gravity on board the US American Zero G Boeing at the Kennedy Space Center.10 0. PA 18940 1-866-4-RETSCH info@retsch-us. The prevalent opinion is that sample preparation is not required for NIR analysis.03 9. Parameter Ash Moisture Fiber content Fat Protein unground wheat average standard deviation 0.45 ground wheat average standard deviation *Legal action excluded.07 Fiber content fiber content unground wheat ground wheat sample no.25 6.62 1. the results presented here clearly indicate that it is beneficial to pulverize the samples with a suitable laboratory mill before analyzing it. Inc.80 0. Florida! Or win one of 3 iPads!* Deadline for entries is 12/12/2012 www.retsch. This is due to the fact that only the surface of the unground wheat grains is analyzed resulting in an over representation of the kernel shell. That is the only way to guarantee meaningful and reliable analysis results.05 1.09 1. The samples were analyzed 10 times. particularly if the material is inhomogeneous.90 0. The table shows a considerable difference between ground and unground sample. the spectrometer was refilled for every measurement. Retsch. The wheat grains were previously ground in RETSCH’s cyclone mill TWISTER.46 0. NIR spectroscopy allows to determine a series of relevant parameters in feeds and grains without great effort.02 0.80 0. A survey by Allergy Free Passport.nih.. family support and promoting wellness. 2. Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004. “. An integrated approach to food quality and safety: A case study in the cookie industry. good health. The result is favorable word of mouth and wordon-the-web advertising with a projected reach of millions of people.expertrecall. It is completely appropriate to require suppliers of raw ingredients to disclose allergen and gluten exposure. a large miller in the U. and M. accurate labeling and improved taste are ever present in this emergent market. consider the allergenic and gluten properties of the brand’s product line and assess whether Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and an allergen-control plan have been implemented correctly. Canyon Bakehouse (Loveland. n Julie Trone is founder and CEO of Allergy Free Table LLC. ConAgra Mills. Department of Health and Human Services.aaaai. This company uses a dedicated facility and provides the consumer with necessary information about allergen and gluten exposure on both the label and the website. 7. education. the consumer can make a conscious decision whether a particular food is safe for consumption. Lobbying for additional regulations for strict allergen and gluten reporting 2. advocacy. S. What Do Consumers Want? Consumers want to be safe from exposure to any food that may cause illness or death. 3.many large manufacturers have been leading the pack in quality control of allergen and gluten contamination.asp. Manufacturers have the opportunity to voluntarily monitor and improve their method of detecting and reporting allergens and gluten prior to any newly introduced legislation. United States House of Representatives. 5. quality assurance.cdc.biomedcentral. of consumer trends in the gluten. Over the last decade. The good news is that the packaging now states the possibility of cross-contamination with peanuts. www. Report to the Committee on Health.asp. her philanthropic work has spanned food allergy safety. please visit www. contracts with a dedicated facility to mill gluten-free flour.pdf. and Pensions.niddk. they look at the reputation of the safety of a product. provide accurate disclosure on food labels and regularly train their employees to uphold GMPs.and allergen-free breads and muffins.packagedfacts. With these communication tools in place. This sole statement may prevent another child or adult from possible peanut exposure. Labor. www. 2. 6. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. The technology is available for these processes to be better than the current standard. celiac/ allergy-statistics. Companies using this process can benefit from the resulting increased demand. confer with other consumers like themselves. www. She is currently working on two pocket guides: Food Allergies & Grandchildren: Pocket Guide for Grandparents and Food Allergies & Camps: Pocket Guide for Camp Leaders. Quarter-Four-ExpertRECALL-Index. www. Typical media advertisements do not persuade this unique customer population to purchase products.10 Here are two examples of successful product development with allergen and gluten controls in place: 1.” References 1.strategyr. The consumer also wants knowledge about how a problem was solved and whether management is following an allergencontrol Intolerance_Products_Market_Report.S. July 2006. that is. www. www. the next steps by the consumer may be the following: 1. Lobbying to ensure appropriate allergen-control plans are in place throughout the supply chain This unique consumer base requires these changes for their end result.pdf. implement an allergen- 19 . Food Safety Magazine 2:46– signature. www. control plan. digestive. 4.slideshare. CO) has grown exponentially with sales of gluten. Public law 108-282. They want to be assured that the manufacturing facility has employed these practices and that any possibility of crosscontamination at every stage has been disclosed. How Can Food Manufacturers Benefit from Consistent Reporting and Allergen Control? Food manufacturers want to maintain the quality and integrity of their brand.foodsafetymagazine.. For more information on the control of gluten contamination. Education.Focus on ALLERGENS of many families.and allergen-free marketplace suggests the need for expanded training. Scout Leaders. instead. educators and caregivers who manage food allergies. and Staff. 10. 8. What Are the Trends in this Emergent Market? The demand for variety. Food and Drug Administration. August n September 2012 What Are the Next Steps? Due to the voluntary nature of disclosure. consumer loyalty and long-term growth. United States Senate and The Committee on Energy and Commerce. better taste and a wider selection of products. Communication is a less costly method of informing the consumer of inherent risk. a global health-consulting firm.. a company that provides both free and affordable resources for therefore. Gro Harlem Brundtland. but the most widely cited and accepted definition comes from the so-called Brundtland Report. green cleaning has gone through several developments.” “green” or “environmental” interchangeably. roduction hygiene and cleaning are unavoidably linked.. Evaluation. “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. At its outset. innovative projects are required that will also drive continuous improvement in operational profiles and profits. The triple bottom line of before defining green cleaning. social and environmental benefits of green cleaning and as competition pressures impact cleaning service providers. green cleaning is a fad inasmuch as it . All articles in the series address the challenges of producing nutritious and affordable food in a profitable way without damaging our planet or exploiting our fellow humans. any competitive advantage and differentiation will diminish. However. as organizations see the economic. Exactly the same is true for green cleaning. Defining Green Cleaning Green cleaning is an integral element of sustainability and. Prosperity and the Food Chain (P3FC) articles. There are many definitions and interpretations of what sustainability entails. such as REACH in Europe (the European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use: Registration.Sc. requiring businesses to differentiate themselves in other ways. profit. 20 P is not endemic across all or even most organizations or countries.” The Brundtland Commission. It is true that sustainability has developed from its original “green” concept and continues to go through further iterations and definitions. Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances) or a globally harmonized system (GHS).1 The Brundtland definition has been further refined to become the “triple bottom line. has published in the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development.A. M. becomes more prevalent. green cleaning will become more widespread and. we first need to define sustainability. planet. essays and comments from assorted authors. In order to make a public commitment to challenging and measurable reductions in environmental impact. and known by the name of its chair. equipment and paper goods. environmental and economic factors. coming from diverse employment sectors and from around the globe. Although an acceptable “first rung on the ladder” approach. the environmental impact of traditional cleaning is in contradiction to a globally sustainable strategy.B. green cleaning essentially involved the use of environmentally preferable chemicals. However. All participants are volunteers and food professionals.” sometimes referred to as “3BL” or “TBL. M. Moreover. including the incorporation of environmentally preferable tools. If you are interested in contributing an article to the P3FC series. Creating a cleaner. much of it confusing and even contradictory. At one level. Sustainability is also about social responsibility and the global community. Many use “sustainability. the norm. Some even suggest that sustainability is the latest business fad and will soon be replaced by the next vogue. as regional legislation. please send an e-mail to the lead editor: katherine. ultimately.” and is currently the most common concept used by large national and international organizations. formally the World Commission on Environment and Development. Planet versus Profit Sustainable solutions for cleaning & disinfection This is one in a series of People. Planet. and benefit people and the environment. healthier future for all begins at the doorstep of every producer.flynn@ safeconsortium.International Food Safety By Hein Timmerman. as more organizations adopt sustainability practices and offer more sustainable products and services. also known as “people.” uses an expanded scale of values and Food Safety Magazine Background A great deal has been written about sustainability. We have launched a year-long initiative to provide you with the right training. for example.indd 1 Food Safety Regulation Compliance Resources METTLER TOLEDO has long been the product inspection industry leader in food safety education with our Safeline metal detection and x-ray inspection brand. including water. Inorganic substances that do not contain carbon.International Food Safety criteria for measuring an organization’s success. and Green Seal and Environmental Choice in North to learn more! Contact us for more information at 800-221-2624 or visit www. eco-labels have specific criteria for products that have a disinfection or sanitization function.” 21 11/25/2011 10:50:29 AM . it would be inaccurate to claim that a cleaning product is “100% Defining Green Chemicals There are many valid. are not by definition biodegradable. However. these conditions also raise issues. merely that there are differences and. educational materials and product solutions that will enable you to navigate the food safety regulatory environment with confidence. if any. 2. Many definitions/interpretations go beyond what the product should and should not contain. Therefore. sodium hydroxide. Apart from Given that the vast majority of cleaning products are a mixture of a number of organic and inorganic substances. are two important points to note on biodegradability: 1. there August n September 2012 FSM11_MT_1111_HP.” ronmentally friendly” chemical is denoted by a valid eco-accreditation such as the EU Eco-Label (“EU Flower”) and the Nordic Eco-Label (“Nordic Swan”) in Europe. as such. those substances that contain carbon.” In Europe. That is not to say that one accreditation is better or worse than any other. eco-labels are not an ultimate definition of “green. Biodegradable: Many cleaning products claim to be “100% biodegradable. Biodegradability is only defined for organic substances. few. Figure 1 illustrates how sustainability is at the crossroads of these three ideas. but also social and economic considerations. Visit www. Technically. biodegradability is defined for substances (essentially single raw materials) and not for mixtures. it is reasonable to expect that a comprehensive green cleaning program should encompass not only environmental considerations. and arguably as many invalid. other definitions of “green” require that the product be biodegradable and/or “natural. there is a common notion that a “green” or “enviSAFELINE Checkweighing Metal Detection & X-ray Inspection HI-SPEED CI-VISION Vision Inspection “…the environmental impact of traditional cleaning is in contradiction to a globally sustainable strategy. that is.” Moreover. interpretations or definitions of a green cleaning element. is reusing. “Recycling” is about taking a waste product. Thus. the environmental marketing firm TerraChoice released a study called “The Six Sins of Greenwashing. Indeed. there is the very common misconception that being “natural” is somehow better for human and/or environmental health. Industrial and Institutional Hardsurface Cleaners. “energy-efficient” electronics that contain hazardous materials • Sin of No Proof: For example. there are many things that are harmful—asbestos. In nature. This report noted the emergence of a seventh Sin—the “Sin of Worshiping False Labels” committed when a product. it has been the law in the European Community since 1978 for surfactants to be biodegradable.”3 which found more than 99 percent of 1. In December 2007. Releases & Spills Biodiversity Health & Safety Environmental Regulations Global Climate Change Access to Potable Water Crisis Management Environmental Justice Environmental Stewardship SocioEnvironmental Sustainability EcoEfficiency Resource Efficiency Product Stewardship Life-Cycle Management Products to Services Diversity Human Rights Indigenous Communities Labor Relations Social Progress SocioEconomic Economic Growth Job Creation Skills Enhancement Local Economic Impacts Social Investments Business Ethics Security Innovation Capital Efficiency Risk Management Margin Improvement Growth Enhancement Total Shareholder Return Figure 1: People. Of course. points out that the separation of things “natural” from things “chemical” is irrelevant and essentially meaning22 less. through either words or images. Recycle. in that order. which should be identified by the manufacturer. natural or any other environmental claim. such as packaging. Planet. Reuse.International Food Safety Clean Air. 2. mercury. HIV—to name but a few. The ecological mantra is Reduce. in other words. the cleaning industry needs to reduce its reliance on petroleum. unless there was something unique or specific about the biodegradability of the surfactants used. Refilling empty containers following minimal processing. cleaning products should be: 1. and through a relatively complex process. shampoos claiming to be “certified organic” but with no verifiable certification • Sin of Vagueness: For example.018 common consumer products in North America randomly selected for the survey were guilty of greenwashing. taking waste plastic packaging and turning it into a garden bench or a signpost is recycling. Profit biodegradable. there is considerable risk of greenwashing. CCD-146 March 2007. and some are even banned under the Environmental Choice Program Standard for Household.” published by the UK Cleaning Products Industry Association. obviously. such as rinsing. it is worth clarifying what “recycling” means. the six sins of greenwashing are: • Sin of the Hidden Trade-Off: For example. as. cyanide. Therefore. even though CFCs were banned 20 years ago • Sin of Fibbing: For example. Due to human health concerns over some fragrance ingredients. as it is a finite resource. turning it into something else that is useful. gives the impression of third-party endorsement where no such endorsement actually exists—fake labels. TerraChoice published a second report on the subject. products claiming to be CFC-free. Natural: An ever-growing number of products claim to be “natural. very large containers create issues such as Food Safety Magazine . a user cannot claim and should not infer that one product is superior to another solely by a biodegradability claim. whether it is an eco-label.” Regarding surfactants. but “natural” cleaning products are not necessarily the answer. plastic waste than to be primarily concerned about recycling that waste. like arsenic and formaldehyde • Sin of Irrelevance: For example. It is much better to reduce the amount of.2 However. as this reduces the amount of manufacturing energy and transportation waste in moving to and from the manufacturer/customer and waste packaging. The discussion document “Meeting Natural Expectations. organic cigarettes or “environmentally friendly” pesticides In April 2009. arguably. products claiming to be 100 percent natural.” However. products falsely claiming to be certified by an internationally recognized environmental standard like “EU Flower” • Sin of Lesser of Two Evils: For example. In the largest container as possible/practicable. when many naturally occurring substances are hazardous. Water & Land Emissions Reductions Zero Waste. With that in mind. According to the study. biodegradable. the greatest uses of natural materials in the majority of cleaning products are fragrances. say. At this point. eco-labels tend to control/limit their use. As concentrated as possible/practicable. United Nations. pan-regional or global level. 2007.” nonclassified low-price product the most sustainable? In reality. M. 2. and in having a consistent or at least mutually acceptable eco-label system for both products and services. and business administration from the Economical High School in Brussels. our A2LA-accredited proficiency testing program was developed to meet the needs of laboratories seeking to achieve or maintain ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.333. Conclusions Green cleaning should be and is based on sound sustainability principles. He has 27 years of experience in the food processing industry. [email protected]. budgetary constraints. Don’t wait for today’s special to be tomorrow’s news. Find it before someone else does. etc. Belgium. While the concept may go through further iterations and • foodtest@api-pt. Products with integral dilution control measures.Sc. ENN. He is a member of the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group and can be contacted at hein. economic and legislative factors alone mean that green cleaning will become more prevalent on more sites and in more countries. Innovations should focus on validating these sustainability claims. 3. shelf life. a leader in proficiency testing for labs. Accurate lab results are the most important item on the menu.A. foodpt. has developed a proficiency testing program that meets the unique needs of the food industry. leadership in water management and partnerships to protect the earth are essential elements for environmental stewardship and industry leadership. n References 1. 2007. but they reduce production of and waste resulting from packaging. storage. Environmental choice program standard for household. The six sins of greenwashing — Misleading claims found in many products. General Assembly Resolution 42/187. Canadian Environmental Protection Agency.  Schaefer. but at what final cost? Is an eco-labeled. mental stewardship. US.International Food Safety manual handling. most of the time.941. Report of the world commission on environment and development: Our common future. There are issues (and opportunities) in defining what is “green” on a personal. transportation. Commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. has master’s degrees in food technology from the Technical University in Ghent. “natural.B.. That’s why API. M. from engineering and project management to sales and business development.5887 NOW A2LA ACCREDITED TO ISO/IEC 17043 August n September 2012 23 . addressing the needs of environ- Hein U.. 1987. It may always be possible to find a “greener” or a more socially acceptable and/or a lower-priced product.. social progress and economic growth. industrial and institutional hardsurface cleaners. Developed with food industry leaders. and the impact of using too many chemicals.S. & Canada 800. the most sustainable/“greenest” product is the one that satisfies most of the sustainability criteria. as this reduces not only the amount of waste chemical due to overdosing but also the resultant waste packaging.231. P. 3. CCD-146.0958 International 1. therefore. nobody in FDA doubted the concept. upon learning of an outbreak. but certainly nobody could have predicted it would be tested and proven to work the very next Food Safety Magazine ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ARE NEEDED CORE TRANSFER FROM RESPONSE TO POST-RESPONSE POST-RESPONSE Post-response activities are conducted CLOSE INCIDENT Figure 1: CORE Work Flow 24 . therefore ensuring that hard-won experience was the very foundation of the new system. we create a consistent. when the pieces were put in place to create the Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) Network. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) set about creating an organization that would accelerate and streamline the agency’s foodborne illness response.ReguLATORY REPORT By Douglas Karas CORE: FDA Foodborne Illness Response Network FDA’s new concept completes successful first year E very second counts. CORE divides outbreak response activities into three phases: • Phase One: Find the outbreak • Phase Two: Stop the outbreak • Phase Three: Prevent the next outbreak By assigning teams of experts to each of these phases. FDA made a commitment of full-time staff dedicated not just to coordinating the response to an outbreak that was underway. It expected to respond with increased consistency. veterinarians. and a year ago this month. FDA would form a team. manages and shares information received In the past.S. consumer safety officers. and it expected to incorporate lessons learned from each response into future responses and into policies and other actions aimed at preventing future foodborne illnesses. With CORE. FDA expected to accomplish three goals. environmental health specialists. “By dedicating experienced staff from a range of pertinent fields to each phase. From the beginning. FDA expected to respond with increased speed. I think this has been key to the efficiency and success of this three-pronged effort to fight foodborne illness. With that in mind. chief medical officer and director of CORE.” Experience—a CORE Competency In staffing CORE. SIGNALS Receive data from internal and external sources CORE TRANSFER FROM SIGNALS TO RESPONSE Sources are found RESPONSE Plan. continuous operation. and developing plans and policies that might prevent outbreaks in the future. drawing staff from across the agency to respond. it was ready to test this new concept (Figure 1). microbiologists. “Our teams include epidemiologists. FDA recruited from its pool of experts who had previously responded to outbreaks. strategy and objectives to include assignments and activities Assignments and activities are completed CORE analyzes. the U. Never is that more true than when dealing with illness outbreaks.” explains Dr. but also to more rapidly identifying new outbreaks. Kathleen Gensheimer. and policy analysts. A faster disease outbreak response can mean fewer illnesses. cost effective analysis of Top STEC without the need for sequential testing with additional test kits. This technique reduces the potential for false | info@biocontrolsys. given the complexities of testing for the multiple virulence targets which define these organisms. Find out what makes Assurance GDS the first choice for food manufacturers committed to quality.Food Safety Accuracy Speed At BioControl we make accuracy our first priority. This is more important than ever when considering a testing strategy for non-O157 . and allows for rapid. www. Assurance GDS® for Top STEC relies on an innovative Immuno-magnetic separation technique in sample preparation to isolate the cells containing the top 7 O-groups of interest and introducing these to the PCR analysis for eae and shiga toxin genes.biocontrolsys. The assessment team had expertise in produce safety. and local officials conducted the environmental assessment at Jensen Farms in late September. • A truck used to haul culled cantaloupe to a cattle operation was parked adjacent to the packing facility and could have introduced contamination into the facility.. such as past inspections or sampling results. whole cantaloupe from Jensen Farms in Colorado. we continue coordinating efforts with those of other FDA offices to monitor the outbreak. linked to listeriosis in fresh. the agency was issuing another news release warning consumers of what would become the deadliest outbreak of foodborne illness in decades. sharing information about food products. A month after it began.S. the Signals Team was able to provide information garnered from Internet 26 . through news stories. “This was the first time we had seen listeriosis in whole cantaloupe. Yet on the very day in 2011 that FDA officially announced in a press release that CORE was operational. who. During that outbreak. The team members are looking for signals or “red flags” that could be an early warning of an emerging outbreak. Jensen Farms had initiated a recall of their entire 2011 production line that spanned at least 24 states. “so it was very important that we be able to assess the processes and conditions on the farm and determine what lessons we could take away from this tragedy. As the cantaloupes cooled. “The response doesn’t end with a press release announcing the recall. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). and sanitation. the CORE Response Team took over in pursuit of their singleminded goal—stop the outbreak. CORE’s prevention manager.. and through information shared by FDA field offices.” CORE at Work: Trial by Fire During last year’s listeriosis outbreak. environmental health. In addition. though. all in an effort to “connect the dots. agriculture.” says Roberta Hammond. through those processes. spread. and ensure the effectiveness of the company’s recall. along with key partners like CDC and Colorado state officials. While the Response Team was still actively involved with the outbreak.” With the cooperation of Jensen Farms. there may have been condensation that promoted the growth of L. the Post-Response Team coordinated a vitally important task: an environmental assessment of Jensen Farms to determine what factors might have contributed to the outbreak. CORE would save lives. monocytogenes. • The packing facility floor was constructed in a manner that made it difficult to clean. head of CORE’s Signals and Surveillance Team. washing and drying equipment used for cantaloupe packing was designed for and previously used for postharvest handling of another raw agricultural commodity.” In monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.” says Don Kautter. They are in frequent contact with the U. which could have been introduced into the packing facility. This team identified the following factors as those that most likely contributed to the introduction. From there. which made 146 people ill and killed 30. inspected Jensen Farms and were able to collect samples confirming the farm as the source of the listeriosis outbreak. and growth of Listeria monocytogenes in the cantaloupes: • There could have been low-level sporadic L. FDA. FDA deemed the recall complete. “It all starts with signals. the Signals Team searches FDA data for historical information on firms. “A major goal of the Post-Response Team is to provide information to update and improve agency policy or Food Safety Magazine “FDA regularly partners on outbreak response with federal agencies like the U. “Once the recall starts. Department of Agriculture and CDC. disease surveillance trends. The information passed on from the Signals Team to the Response Team allowed quick mobilization of FDA investigators. monocytogenes in the field where the cantaloupes were grown. CORE’s response manager. But more importantly.ReguLATORY REPORT month.” says Jeffrey Brown. • There was no precooling step to remove field heat from the cantaloupes before cold storage. The purpose of this type of assessment is to determine how the environment might have contributed to the introduction and transmission of pathogens that have caused illness. epidemiology. research showing that Jensen Farms had not yet completed harvesting cantaloupe in the region of the country where many illnesses were being reported. inform the public. • The packing facility’s design allowed water to pool on the floor near equipment and employee walkways.S. CORE would test its processes under fire and validate the underlying concept of its creation. veterinary medicine. • The packing equipment was not easily cleaned and sanitized. The findings of the environmental assessment have subsequently been used for educational outreach and guidance to the cantaloupe industry. FDA audited nearly 100 percent of the first-tier customers receiving Jensen Farms cantaloupe and many additional secondary receivers of the product. state.” The team compiles this information into a concise package that will allow the assigned CORE Response Team to hit the ground running. and cases of illness occurring in various parts of the country. Brown’s team searches through information on FDAregulated products that is reported into various databases by local and state health agencies. By September 14. the regional emergency response coordinators that work with state partners.” INT RODUCIN G ™ New EpowerTM Certified Reference Material (CRM) is a quantitative microorganism preparation.S.” says Dr. The Post-Response Team makes sure that we take what we have learned and apply it to future incidents. “Once one outbreak is winding down. but we take each incident as far as we can. as a press officer for FDA. the Office of Crisis Management at FDA. “Sometimes there is not enough information to determine the cause.” n Douglas Karas is a communications specialist with the CORE Network. He has 17 years of experience in public affairs. Gensheimer. it is important to understand the pieces that make up the CORE Network.” says Brett Podoski. Air Force and. and a major challenge with some outbreaks is the scarcity of information. To me. most recently. head of CORE’s Post-Response Team. Since that first test of its capability.” says Dr.wherepossible.CORE has An Extensive Response Network The CORE Network includes all the key strategic FDA resources in place in the field—the district offices and regional specialists.02 7/2/12 4:47 PM 27 . having worked for the U.microbiologics. However.” Includes Certificate of Analysis! www.ortoCERTIFIED REFERENCE MATERIALS. Gensheimer. CORE has responded to more than 40 outbreaks of varying degrees over the past year. flexible capacity to more rapidly respond to. there’s usually no time before the next one.ReguLATORY REPORT industry guidance that can help prevent future outbreaks. “When thinking about CORE.” says Hammond. Section 5.indd 1 Reference Material Producer CERT # 2655. that’s a recipe for providing the nation with a nimble. as well as with state departments of health and agriculture and with local health and safety agencies.S. FDA’s Offices of Public Affairs and External Relations. For Testing Laboratories.6. it is crucial to remember that CORE extends beyond FDA. the CORE Network is far more than that. Medicine. “Outbreaks can vary in size and in the severity of the illness..2 of ISO 17025:2005 states:  “Referencematerialsshall.” “Our Signals and Response Teams are typically working on several outbreaks at any moment. CORE will only get better in each coming year. and prevent foodborne outbreaks.” FDA regularly partners on outbreak response with federal agencies like the U. and the subject-matter experts at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and the Center for Veterinary responded to more than 40 outbreaks of varying degrees over the past year. “. investigate. Department of Agriculture and CDC.betraceabletoSIunits ofmeasurements..3. “The CORE response teams are coordinating FDA resources with the resources and efforts of agencies at every level of government. In revisiting CORE’s first outbreak August n September 2012 29128_5_EPowerCRM_HalfPage. resulting in nine deaths. Rodents Rodents. Ph.SANITATION By Jim Fredericks. headquartered in Lynchburg. including mice. PCA’s actions led to a major national Salmonella outbreak that ultimately caused more than 700 cases of Salmonella poisoning in 46 states. As this nightmare unfolded. deaths and recalls. when officials from the U.D. Plant inspections revealed mold growing on ceilings.S. illnesses. about 48 million people get sick. large gaps providing easy access for rodents and the presence of dead cockroaches throughout the plant. Since these pests tend to be the primary culprits behind the adulteration of the food supply.000 are hospitalized and more than 3. 28 .S. facility.000 die each year from food poisoning in the United These actions represented a clear and significant violation of food processing standards. What made the case even worse is that federal investigators discovered e-mails between company executives that revealed their knowledge of these conditions and the positive tests for Salmonella within products over a 2-year period. Pest Threats in Food Processing and Storage Environments Managers of food and beverage processing facilities and warehouses are required to adhere to a number of health codes. 128. offering rodents. and Missy Henriksen Pests: Everyday Threats to the Human Food Supply The consequences of lax pest management can be devastating A ccording to 2010 estimates from the U. are all too familiar with the recent spate of food contamination events. States.. These types of facilities provide the perfect conditions for a variety of pests. VA. but pest management is among the most important and most challenging. Food and Drug Administration learned that Peanut Corporation of America (PCA). One of the largest and most expensive food recalls in the history of the United States occurred in January 2009. PCA filed for bankruptcy amid a series of lawsuits. warehouses and the like. easily contaminating areas around them. GA. Pest management can be challenging even on a small scale and may seem overwhelming in larger instances such as in food processing facilities. had shipped peanutbased products contaminated with Salmonella bacteria 12 times in 2007 and 2008 from its Blakely. present the biggest problem Food Safety Magazine Negligence and Consequences Many people inside the food manufacturing and safety industry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. cockroaches and stored product pests such as beetles and Indian meal moths plenty of food. the consequences of lax pest management can be devastating. rainwater leaking into the production areas. Although food can become contaminated at any point during production. unsanitary conditions coupled with disease-carrying pests in food facilities can cause widespread outbreaks. Both cockroaches and rodents are known vectors of Salmonella. flies. which can be found in rodent droppings and on the legs and bodies of cockroaches. the managers of food processing and storage facilities must be fully aware of the hazards posed by each pest. Norway and roof rats. water and hiding spots for nesting. Regardless of operation size. as well as the average consumer. cardboard. Each year.. rats contaminate and destroy enough food worldwide to feed 200 million people.. restaurants and eventually homes. which can infest plant equipment and contaminate food by leaving body parts and cast skins inside. aptly named the filth fly. By moving from garbage and excrement to fresh food. These rodent droppings are known to transmit pathogens that cause diseases including hantavirus and salmonellosis. which can be transferred to food. rodents can chew through wallboard. causing expensive damage and posing a fire hazard. The house fly and its cousin. They are known to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria. grains and cereals that are then shipped to grocery stores.” Flies The common house fly has been found to carry more than 100 kinds of disease-causing germs. flies have ample opportunities to transmit diseasecausing bacteria and contaminate everything they contact. can also pick up germs and debris on their legs while crawling through sewage and debris. which easily spreads bacteria and contaminates food. flour beetles and weevils. breed in moist or decaying garbage or excrement. including Salmonella. The frequency with which mice and rats urinate and defecate allows for accumulation of excrement. (continued on page 81) “. including Salmonella and Listeria. Another concern is that these pests may accidentally be ground up into food products or infest flour. Stored Product Pests This category of pests includes Indian meal moths. Cockroaches Cockroaches are easily the most reviled pest and with good reason. 6 kinds of parasitic worms and at least 7 other kinds of human pathogens. food surfaces and processing equipment.unsanitary conditions coupled with disease-carrying pests in food facilities can cause widespread outbreaks. processing equipment and other surfaces. In addition to numerous health risks. wood and even electrical wiring.SANITATION in food processing and storage facilities. They August n September 2012 29 . Vibrio cholerae and Staphylococcus aureus. they would have likely said it was based on price. my finished product would have met my expectations. quality assurance and any other area of your organization that touches the supplier selection process. Similarly. Quality and safety of our ingredients. so choosing a good supplier is a critical business decision. Selecting the right supplier may seem like an onerous process for your supply chain. it’s possible that the produced food would look good when Before selecting your supplier. 31). it is important to identify a few suppliers to assess their capabilities and compare pricing. the project did not look as nice as it did at first. marketing. it is important to gather the opinions of stakeholders and define the criteria for the selection process. or in some cases. our supply chain team has identified six steps for choosing the right supplier. During this time. a more involved process of selecting the right suppliers can help many food and nutrition companies meet or exceed regulatory standards. they may no longer be in business. Your focus was probably to keep costs low. over time. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is a win-win situation for the supplier and manufacturer. as well as several best practices in the industry. but it may not meet shelf-life expectations.” p. This list of stakeholders may include members from research and development. 1. and upon completion. drive customer demand and build a strong brand reputation of quality products (see “Supplier Selection Process. cheaper material to save money. they should explain how the supplier’s materials would be used in your products and within the manufacturing process. open and transparent communication is extremely important. Unfortunately. flavor or the supplier location and preference. but it will pay off over time through consistent. you are probably thinking. they may not have the specific materials. if you needed to go back to the supplier for replacements. purchasing. the process to find the ideal supplier is often not easy and requires discipline and hard work. Identifying a Supplier f you asked a food manufacturer 20 years ago how they selected an ingredient supplier. Consequently. you should instead look at the total cost of ownership. Cost should not be the lone driver. A key criterion in selecting the right supplier is value. Reflect back to your last home project. evaluating and selecting the right supplier today has become much more critical and complex.PROCESS CONTROL By Bradd Eldridge Supplier Management: Six Steps to Selecting the Right Supplier Choosing the ideal supplier is often not easy and requires discipline and hard work I it was first manufactured. However. were satisfied with the result. which looks at the supplier’s: • Customer service • Delivery commitments Food Safety Magazine 30 . high-grade materials. “If I had used higher-quality materials from a reputable supplier. The supplier selection team should work with the potential suppliers to establish specifications. At this point. For example. You may have used a lower quality. as government and industry put a stronger emphasis on food safety and quality. While having a more simplistic supplier selection process may be helpful for some smaller supply chains. therefore. products and packaging are paramount to our success at Abbott Nutrition.” Selecting the suppliers who can meet your consumers’ demand for higherquality ingredients may bring some initial costs. In addition. if you used the same criteria when selecting ingredients for your manufactured food products. However. once you choose to build strong relationships with reliable suppliers. • Establish an effective certification program and utilize it when the supplier has met its standards. This type of relationship is your ultimate goal. • Require strong communication between the manufacturer and the supplier. • Assess performance through useful metrics and provide the necessary feedback to the supplier. In addition to audits and assessments. as well as improve performance toward the maximum finished product performance. and your satisfied end-users have confidence in the products you provide. The supplier self-assessment can be used to identify performance gaps. developing a supplier quality management program can be a complex and upfront investment. To determine the frequency. the manufacturer/supplier relationship is at its best when a strategic partnership is formed. August n September 2012 Supplier Selection Process 31 . Bradd Eldridge is the director of quality assurance at Abbott Nutrition. Even after the contract is signed. or a quality issue is identified. The benefits are realized when your supplier quality team is focused on issues other than material quality. When selecting the right supplier. and both entities must ensure no potential or real conflicts of interest occur. If the deficiencies are too great. Ensuring Quality for Consumers Depending on the number of materials and ingredients needed. there are risks associated with forging this kind of partnership. Another reason to conduct the audit beforehand is to understand the supplier’s strengths and weaknesses before the relationship becomes official. basing the frequency of the audits on the criticality of the supplier. However. perfect shipments and documentation errors. effort and energy early in the relationship to set up for success. Developing Partnerships Ultimately. This prioritization will help you be smarter and more effective with your resources and place a higher focus on your important. You should always conduct an audit before the contract is signed to confirm that the supplier does not have any significant compliance or quality system failures that could affect your ability to produce top-quality products. Beyond an established audit program. the supplier may be able to achieve a certified status. As the relationship continues to grow. The metrics selected should measure the total cost of ownership. Implement adequate monitoring to drive improvement in supplier performance. you will have peace of mind. 4. and work with them to address any deficiencies. Trust in both parties becomes paramount. move on to another supplier. • Notify the manufacturer if problems occur that limit production availability. you should continue auditing. Best-in-class supplier programs conduct audits throughout multiple stages of the manufacturer/supplier relationship. the supplier also will become more integrated into your manufacturing process. it also is beneficial to monitor informative metrics that direct value to the business. knowing you’re delivering high quality to your consumer. high-risk suppliers. you should continuously monitor and assess each supplier’s performance. With a stronger business partnership. This type of partnership allows for an increased understanding and mutual benefits for both parties. Gaining Supplier Feedback Another tool you can utilize with suppliers is a self-assessment questionnaire. all suppliers should be categorized into a level of risk or importance. • Communicate production delays when downtime or maintenance is required. as well as discover how the supplier understands their own operation. Achieving Certification As your supplier relationship grows stronger. 6.PROCESS CONTROL • Reliability and responsiveness • Resource savings (hard and soft) 3. Measuring Supply Performance Another important step of the supplier management process is developing an audit and assessment program. You should discuss and select the appropriate metrics with suppliers to receive their input and understanding of purposeful measurements. as well as negative trends. while continuing to monitor second-tier suppliers. if there is a breakdown on either side or the relationship dissolves. • Invest sufficient time. a supplier is more likely to: • Anticipate what is needed from the manufacturer and begin to take the leadership role in communication. This occurs when you establish a set of selected criteria to be met by your suppliers. but poor communication can almost guarantee a failed relationship. • Perform audits for the selected supplier. Good communication might not necessarily confirm a successful relationship. 5. and both parties feel they are receiving positive performances. Certification must be obtained with sustained successful performance and can be lost with poor performance or a negative compliance outcome from an audit. allowing full knowledge of the source of materials and ensuring high quality. When both parties become more reliant on each other. You can track positive or sustained strong performances. there is much more to lose. However. It cultivates stronger commitments and encourages a greater interest in success for the material and finished goods. Selecting the right supplier can help you meet the consumer demand for higher-quality ingredients—while also meeting high regulatory standards. • Motivate your suppliers to develop strategic partnerships to ensure the greatest opportunity for success for both parties. Examples of these metrics include rejected lots. 2. manufacturers should remember to: • Include all key internal stakeholders in the process to agree on important criteria that the supplier should meet. 5 Recently. validated and continuously monitored to confirm performance consistently meets expectations. “I’ve observed a continuing trend of food manufacturers coming closer and closer to the same kinds of practices—detailed documentation and record keeping. which was signed by President Barack Obama on January 4.1–3 Although regulations are in various stages.” Since food safety risks often involve the introduction of contaminants or the failure to remove or render them harmless.” Along with the shift to more proactive food safety strategies. pharmaceutical packagers must meet similar requirements. shifts the food industry to a risk identification and mitigation strategy to protect food safety. The law. including inspection systems. And experts speaking to Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) members at PMMI’s Executive Leadership Conference in April made it clear that food packaging equipment suppliers will need to make safety. Equipment Design To comply with FSMA. Validation and performance must be documented. In fact.. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) begins to be implemented. food packagers can no longer rely on business as usual. there’s no doubt FSMA will require changes on packaging lines. integrating additional inline quality monitoring equipment (e. Greenberg predicts. For food packagers complying with FSMA. These methods center on analyzing every step of a process to identify where hazards might occur.g. food packagers must draft riskassessment plans identifying potential hazards and develop and document a corrective plan of action. Provisions of the food safety law require enhanced product traceability. step-by-step manufacturing and monitoring. and many of the responses focused on designs not unlike those of packaging machinery on pharmaceutical lines:6 Food Safety Magazine 32 . give regulators greater access to production records and expand record-keeping requirements. inline cap sanitizing systems).” says Eric Greenberg. many CCPs involve packaging materials or packaging equipment. The food manufacturer is then expected to implement controls at those points and see to it the controls are practiced 100 percent of the time. under FSMA. In turn. FSMA will require food companies to adopt Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methods. packaging equipment.4 Under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) governing the industry. after decades of taking a reactive stance. 2011. we may see a transition to more sophisticated food processing and packaging equipment. a food and drug law attorney in private prac- tice in Chicago predicting. the adoption of HACCP practices by food packagers “will inspire packaging [material and machinery] manufacturers to undertake such controls voluntarily. PMMI asked food packagers about the changes needed to meet FSMA requirements.S. machine vision and/or X-ray inspectors and metal detectors) and installing risk-mitigation equipment (e. As a result.g.PACKAGING By Julie Ackerman Trends in Food Packaging: Borrowed Expertise Food packagers gain insight from the pharmaceutical industry A s the U. “FSMA will accelerate this trend. that will mean considering more stringent cleaning regimens.. quick sanitation and trace-and-recall capability top design priorities. will need to be installed. There’s an App for That Download the current issue of Food Safety Magazine from iTunes or Android Marketplace today. Food Safety Magazine is proud to have the support of Agilent Technologies as sponsor for the launch of our app PACKAGING Track and Trace Federal traceability requirements to help prevent counterfeiting and diversion of pharmaceutical products appear to be stalled for now. However, pedigree laws looming in California (and already in effect in countries like Turkey) have spawned hardware and software capable of providing the coding and database information needed to authenticate product from point of packaging to point of purchase. If a product quality problem is detected, pedigree information can also be used to quickly identify, locate and recall affected products. These hardware and software technologies could help food packagers meet FSMA’s traceability requirements. The evolving pharmaceutical traceability effort now often consists of an integrated system from a single vendor. Equipment typically involves coders/ printers capable of applying alphanumeric, one- and/or two-dimensional bar codes to containers, labels or packaging materials, plus inspection systems to verify code quality and capture code information along the packaging line. Hardware also includes code-capturing devices that supply chain partners, law enforcement personnel, regulators and consumers use to authenticate product. Although many proprietary code-scanning devices exist, increasingly, this function is often performed with a smartphone. (continued on page 51) Figure 1: Hygienic design of quick-change feeder for syringe filling line features stainless steel construction, smooth welds and an absence of visible fasteners. Image from Service Engineering Inc. • Eliminate equipment areas and surfaces that can trap and grow bacteria • More waterless and dry-process technology • Increased modularity and cleanability • Larger clearances under and above equipment for easier cleaning and maintenance • More stainless steel construction (Figure 1) • Design machinery to keep infrastructure changes at a minimum for installation • Physical barriers between high- and low-risk areas to prevent spread of contamination “Unquestionably, concepts are being borrowed from the pharmaceutical realm,” says Greenberg. “This has been particularly true of regulators, but there’s also been a trend of food companies voluntarily borrowing concepts.” Other hygienic design features include smooth welds, the elimination of exposed fasteners and crevices that collect dirt/debris and the use of angled surfaces to prevent pooling of water, cleaning agents or other liquids. Hygienic design also tends to be modular, either with downtime-reducing quick disconnect/connect hardware or clean/ sterilize-in-place functionality that eliminates, or at least minimizes, the need for disassembly/reassembly (Figure 2).7, 8 Record Keeping Record keeping ranks as a primary cGMP requirement for the pharmaceutical industry, and automated record keeping is replacing old paper-based systems. Regulations outlining the criteria for converting electronic records, electronic signatures and handwritten signatures to electronic records equivalent to paper records and handwritten signatures are defined in 21 CFR Part 11.9 As a result, depending on how final regulations are written, food packagers may be able to comply with FSMA record-keeping requirements by adopting technologies already validated in the pharmaceutical industry, including those offering Part 11 compliance. Figure 2: Inline equipment is available to sanitize caps and bottles. Image from Fogg Filler. 34 Food Safety Magazine I N S I D E R Innovation applied food quality and safety expertise delivered Scientists at the Thermo Fisher Scientific Food Safety Response Center AD63639_E 07/12M You might be surprised Editorial by Dom Testa, Vice President of Marketing – Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry An inside view of our portfolio and expertise Prior to joining Thermo Fisher Scientific, I was familiar with the company’s product portfolio in chromatography, mass spectrometry, atomic and molecular spectroscopy. But as a newcomer who just joined the company, I discovered that we provide much more to customers in the food industry. Not only do we have a comprehensive portfolio that is used throughout different segments of the food industry; we also offer a superior level of expertise applying our technologies and products to provide solutions for some of the industry’s biggest problems. The detection of pathogens is of great concern to the industry. Being able to detect pathogens in an accurate and timely manner is the goal of every microbiology lab, and we have a fantastic range of products that can help accomplish this goal. As an instrument supplier of both chemistry and biology products, we are seeing the lines between chemistry and biology testing blur. Mass spectrometry is being used to provide insight into the complex characteristics of pathogens to complement classic biological identification. Our capabilities in both disciplines, chemistry and biology, can provide customers new and exciting solutions to address identification problems in their labs. One of the most powerful tools revolutionizing the area of food safety is the Thermo Scientific Q Exactive benchtop mass spectrometer. Because the food supply is truly global, there are always new contaminants that need to be identified or lower levels of known contaminants that need to be quantified. The power of the Q Exactive™ lies within its ability to provide high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) data for all of the compounds analyzed. This enables users to perform true, targeted and non-targeted screening of contaminants with the same instrument. In last year’s Food Safety Insider, we shared how Dr. Jana Hajšlová from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague used HR/AM for the analysis of 32 mycotoxins in the complex matrix of beer. In this year’s Insider, we describe how we have taken this technology further through a multi-mycotoxin method that simultaneously targets well-known mycotoxins and screens for over 600 fungal metabolites in a single run. Our capabilities in handheld technologies, Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), and laboratory asset management were also surprises to me. The food industry wants to be able to get fast answers on incoming raw materials and our handheld FT-IR, NIR and Raman instrumentation can provide those answers. Data management and traceability are huge challenges for all laboratories and our LIMS help our customers manage these with ease. With our Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services brands, in many parts of the world we can outfit entire labs from bench to test tube, offer “just in time” delivery options, and provide asset management services to improve lab effectiveness and efficiency. If you’re in the food industry and involved with protecting public health or providing safe and nutritious food, you need to call us. Like me, you’ll be surprised with what we can offer and the answers we can provide. 2 Food Safety Insider competing organisms that are commonly present in the sample alongside the target. bottles and tubes. in recent years we’ve been able to take the selectivity of some of our culture media to a new level through the development of unique molecules called Inhibigens™. specific and easy to read. they’re just a hidden component of their culture medium which makes their laboratory work easier. We add Inhibigens to specially-designed culture media for inhibition of specific.thermoscientific. For more information about the Thermo Scientific microbiology products. This type of innovation. identification and confirmation components. real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). the format of culture media is an important area where we have innovated. we’ll build on our molecular technology capabilities to expand this product line. Most of our scientific expertise is focused on developing products that are easy to use and don’t necessarily require a background in microbiology. In coming months. as well as solutions like Dry-Bags™.” Q:  ow do you incorporate scientific H expertise in the products you develop? Q: Can you give an example of how you  help customers address challenges in their laboratories? In a microbiology lab. However. focused on workflow in the lab. This takes technicians away from their primary task of sample analysis. considerable labor and time can be spent preparing culture media. please visit the Microbiological Organisms product category at www. synthesized molecules combine a substrate component. Our Brilliance™ Salmonella medium combines both Inhibigen and chromogen technology to create a medium that is highly The food industry is under increasing financial and regulatory pressure and we recognize that customers are constantly looking at ways to improve and streamline their business. Results are available in around four hours. Designing and developing the Inhibigen molecules themselves is technically very challenging. This improves both the performance of the medium and the “readability” of the test. can provide significant time and money savings for our customers. We offer a wide range of ready-to-use media in a variety of formats such as plates. For example. enrichment. isolation. such as an amino acid or sugar. For example. a dramatic improvement over conventional culturing methods which routinely take several days. we developed a range of assays for accurate. detection. in terms of how the customer uses the product. with the aim of achieving a faster time to result in the Milk Quality laboratory. which become the total solutions for pathogen. “ The value that we deliver to customers is based on the fact that we are able to combine many different scientific disciplines to develop workflow solutions. Dry-Bags enable technicians to prepare large volumes of primary enrichment media very quickly and easily.In the microbiology lab with Ali Ball. Food Safety Insider 3 . Most assay developers don’t have access to such a broad range of technologies to deliver complete solutions. enumeration. same-day identification of mastitis-causing microorganisms from bovine milk using quantitative. So. with an inhibitor. including Oxoid and Remel specialty brands. indicator. Vice President of R&D and Business Development–Microbiology  Q:  hat types of products do you W offer for microbiology testing in food and agriculture? Our product range for quality control and food safety microbiology testing includes the dilution. These highly-specialized. probiotic and spoilage organism detection and enumeration. PathoProof ™ PCR assays are revolutionary tests for identifying all of the main mastitis-causing bacteria without culturing. We aim to bring customers those products and solutions that enable them to do this. . serotype O104:H4 does not normally harbour Shiga toxin but has the aggregative (adhesion) factors of enteroaggregative E. E. coli (EAEC). coli). occurred in Germany and spread to neighboring countries. coli. In mid-May 2011. Gharbia. over 4. Min Fang. Thermo Fisher Scientific Introduction Microbial laboratories perform analyses to accurately detect and identify pathogens. In addition. However. Jenny Ho. Shah. In the following weeks. Health Protection Agency Martin Hornshaw. Raju Misra. Tom Gaulton. Food Safety Insider 5 . the organism’s identity posed a puzzle for researchers. the strain lacked the enterocyte effacement pathogenicity island.000 cases were reported and approximately 50 people died. Ali Ball. Diarrhoea leading to HUS is traditionally associated with Shiga toxin production. which included diarrhoea and haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). a key characteristic of the outbreak was that the HUS manifestations were similar to those triggered by Shiga toxin-producing E. and the strains are referred to as EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic E. Renata Culak and Saheer E. coli are mainly commensal organisms.Using state-of-the-art nano-LC-MS/MS technology to investigate the toxicity of microorganisms Haroun N. Nadia Ahmod. However. The use of detective clinical microbiology soon led to the identification of the culprit as Escherichia coli serotype O104:H4. a serious outbreak of foodborne illness. making it even more difficult to achieve rapid and accurate characterization of the strain. but several pathotypes of diarrhoeagenic E. However. Sequencing the genome gave the researchers some insight into the unique combination of genes which had caused the organism to become so deadly. it was by mapping the proteins that were actually expressed by those genes that the mechanisms of disease became fully understood and the origins of the organism became clear. coli exist. 1 Developing an MS-based Approach HPA and Thermo Fisher Scientific scientists wanted to investigate how the genome sequencing findings could aid in the development of an MS-based approach to detect the outbreak strain and discover new strains in the future. in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific. has been primarily developed to enable scientists to identify the expressed protein complement of a cell or tissue sample (proteomics). stable protein signatures in pathogenic microorganisms to enable the rapid detection and identification of future pathogenic strains. and genetic transfer events will continue to lead to new pathogens. respectively. the exact protein structure cannot be inferred. Taking this into consideration. is exploring the use of proteomics to develop new approaches to characterize microorganisms. Protein Sequence Profiles A total of five E. but with EAEC and EHEC genetic composition. in concert with sophisticated software and bioinformatics tools.Using state-of-the-art nano-LC-MS/MS continued Proteomics for Microbiology Applications The Department for Bioanalysis and Horizon Technologies of the UK’s Health Protection Agency (HPA) has been actively engaged in searching for unique. These included three isolates from patients affected by the German outbreak (genome sequence of all three isolates confirmed that they were from the same strain) and two others that had previously been characterized as serotype O104. therefore. The genomic data revealed how gene transfers between pathotype and serotype of E. There are previous reports of O104 strains taking up Shiga toxin genes. These were then fed into the bioinformatics pipeline to acquire unique signatures at genus and species level. The team at the HPA. the data allowed scientists to re-examine previous isolates of serotype O104 and it became apparent that this was not a unique event. This has resulted in the establishment of a pipeline for biomarker discovery. but also markers of virulence within a species or pathotype to enable identification of emerging pathogens that cause such devastating outbreaks. However MALDI-TOF MS cannot identify the ions that characterize the mass spectrum of the pathogen and. integrating protein sequencing with mass spectrometry and bioinformatics technology. it was concluded that proteomics-based tests should incorporate not only signature markers of the genus and species. coli O104:H4 strain. The peptide MS/MS spectra were matched to both protein and in silico genome-translated databases to yield protein identification. Current MS-based methods used for microbial tests rely on matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) profiles.1 6 Food Safety Insider . In addition. coli strains belonging to serotype O104 were subjected to proteomic analysis using a Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer. Applying this technique to microbes enables analysis of their specific protein fingerprint. Advanced nano-LC-MS/MS technology is a form of mass spectrometry (MS) which. This collaboration was put to the test in a project that aimed to provide insight to the toxicity and pathology of the E. coli can lead to the emergence of a new pathogen. These were mapped into genus. Peptide signatures for adhesion and multidrug resistance (including β-lactamase. The aim was then to investigate whether peptides resulting from high abundance proteins have unique markers and signatures for genus and species or virulence detection. In addition. A total of 68 peptide signatures were identified which delineate the outbreak E. Furthermore. scientists are able to study microorganisms and determine how the genetic code is being translated into the protein building blocks that determine traits such as toxicity.500 proteins from the outbreak isolates were identified. species and strain-specific markers (not shared by other bacterial strain sequences in the protein database).β-lactamase enzymes) were observed. Food Safety Insider 7 . In total. thus reducing the complexity of the list. Coherent pipeline for biomarker discovery using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. Conclusion Nano-LC-MS/MS technology helps scientists to better understand the role of pathogenic microorganisms in causing illness and disease in humans. Search of the residual list for E. and exchanged chromosomal loci leading to the emergence of an aggressive strain with a distinctive profile. A total of 31 proteins were encoded by the two plasmids. A  l-Shahib et al. BMC Bioinformatics. The list of peptides was subsequently filtered to remove peptides derived from physiological and regulatory proteins.Proteomics Analysis Results An extensive list of protein signatures resulted. The results also support the view that the background genome (biome) came from an EAEC progenitor that acquired plasmids and prophages. separating them from other closely-related Enterobacteriaceae. Encouragingly. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. A total of approximately 2. often. Using this powerful technique. the Shiga toxins and Pic serine protease (autotransporter toxin) were detected. This reflects the sensitivity and reliability of the nano-LC-MS/MS method to identify specific protein structures. Experimental results demonstrate that nano-LC-MS/MS accelerates research to identify the sources of E. strain level. potentially enabling earlier detection of new pathogens and the development of treatments that are better adapted to evolving microorganisms. Proteomic analysis based on nano-LC MS/MS of microorganisms could provide definitive characterization at the genus. genetically detected in the outbreak strain. 11:437. coli isolates. coli O104 strain so devastating and how it may be controlled. 2010. CTX-M extended spectrum β-lactamase and Metallo. genomic features such as tellurium resistance. species and.. it will enable the detection of pathogenic determinants and antibiotic resistance mechanisms. For Research Use Only. The method has been implemented in this study to determine what makes the new E. 1. coli -related illnesses and diseases. All strains shared 89% of the expressed proteins. 3. coli pathotype virulence determinants and virulence factors resulted in a definitive list of expressed virulence determinants of the outbreak strain. were identified via proteomics.031 peptides were identified as unique to the outbreak strains when compared against control isolates. process and production our solutio laboratory From basic sample collection containers to sophisticated scientific instruments and software. • Lab Equipment. Columns and Consumables • Automated Sample Preparation • Microbiology Testing • Ion. discover how our comprehensive range of products for microbiology and chemistry laboratories can advance your food analysis. and Liquid Chromatography • Mass Spectrometry • Elemental Analysis • Molecular Spectroscopy • Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) • Material Characterization • Toxicity Analysis • Discrete Photometric Analysis . Gas. • Radiation Detection • Portable Material Identification . handheld technologies that allow you to perform your analysis wherever needed. and brand protection. • In-line Constituent Analysis • Physical Contaminant Inspection • Weight Verification • Quarantined product inspection for suspected physical contamination ions portfolio in the field Experience the convenience of portable.Improve upon your process measurements and finished-goods inspection with innovative equipment for HACCP compliance. quality control. when the group rapidly developed methods to address potential seafood contamination from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 10 Food Safety Insider . Scientists looking to partner on research projects. customers interested in the application of new technologies in their labs. and individuals from emerging markets seeking training are a few examples of groups who have approached the Center for collaboration and assistance. The first activation and response came just weeks after opening the Center. the Center has developed a global reputation for providing competent. located near Frankfurt. As the food supply becomes more global and new issues arise. the Center has continued to respond to contamination incidents. However. The Food Safety Response Center. Germany. Since then.The Food Safety Response Center Responding to the needs of the food safety community In 2010. Thermo Fisher Scientific established a new laboratory dedicated to rapid analytical method development during incidents of chemical contamination in food. is a fully-​ equipped sample preparation and instrumentation laboratory staffed with experts in analytical method development for complex food matrices. Through their engagement with a variety of professionals in the industry. there is greater demand for resources across the spectrum of food analysis. in the past few years. it has also evolved into a valuable resource for the food safety community. scientific expertise to address analytical challenges in food testing. If it could be done more effectively with liquid chromatography. For example. they quickly understand that we are focused on issues around food safety and how we can contribute to solutions. we are using the whole portfolio of Fisher Scientific and Thermo Scientific products. experts are forecasting an increased incidence of mycotoxins in areas where these compounds were not seen before. Due to climate change. If an application is best suited for gas chromatography. Therefore. we have access to many different technologies. our scientists are very enthusiastic to interact with the food safety community to learn from others as well as to share their ideas for new analytical approaches. Instead of having to deliver a solution based on an available instrument. there is a strong need for new methods to screen and to quantify many different mycotoxins. we deliver solutions by matching the best technology to the analytical requirements. In the complex world of food analysis. it is not tied to an outside institution nor was it established to focus on a limited area of research. Public health laboratory representatives from Thailand recently visited the Food Safety Response Center to learn about its unique capabilities. Together with European organizations. Q:  When visitors come to the Center. because Thermo Fisher Scientific has such a vast product portfolio. chromatography. chemicals. Manager of the Food Safety Response Center Q:  What makes the Food Safety Response Center a unique resource? First. and elemental analysis. So. they may think that we are going to spend all of our time walking around the lab and showing them specific features on all of the instruments. In addition. But once they are here. In terms of the projects that we undertake. the Center is unique because of its incredible flexibility.In the chemistry lab  with Klaus Mittendorf. we can establish our own agenda and determine how we can be most effective for those requesting our help. Because we are suppliers. We have a variety of instruments for automated sample preparation. And. having all of these options means that we aren’t compromising from the start when we begin working on a method. Q:  Are you currently collaborating with outside organizations? Oh yes. Food Safety Insider 11 . and consumables to balances and scientific instruments. we have that as well. From pipettes. we have that option. what are they most surprised to see or learn? Visitors are surprised about our strong scientific approach to analytical challenges as well as our deep understanding of method development in the area of food safety. there is a broad range of regulated and unregulated mycotoxins in the EU. we are working on new analytical methods for screening and quantification with our Orbitrap™ technology Q: W  hat are some of the products utilized in the Center? Nearly all of the products in the Center are from Thermo Fisher Scientific. mass spectrometry. which includes many of our customers. we are in discussions with food safety specialists around the world and collaborating with authorities and food industry partners to work on the development of new analytical methods. we are open to ideas generated within the food safety community. an innovative technology called turbulent flow chromatography is a more generic cleanup technique. The Thermo Scientific Transcend TLX system combines on-line sample prep (TurboFlow™ technology). are time-consuming because they require considerable manual manipulation. An advantage of TurboFlow methods is that frequently the same method can be used for the analysis of compounds found in different matrices. providing the opportunity to improve the efficiency and reliability of existing analytical approaches or even supplant them. and aminoglycosides. analytical HPLC and mass spectrometric detection. tetracyclines. The key to the success is the optimization of the TLX system to ensure maximum recovery of the target compounds while minimizing the co-elution of co-extractives. These procedures. while emerging contaminants like Sudan dyes and the issue of adulteration are relatively recent. Veterinary drugs fall into classes such as sulphonamides. but withdrawal periods are set to help ensure that residues in tissues are below the maximum residue limit (MRL). Levels can be as low as 0. Addressing the Challenges of Multi-class Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis The need to monitor milk. concerns such as mycotoxins and pesticides have histories dating back more than 50 years. It uses both the sizes of target compounds and their polarities to effect a purification of sample extracts. It fully automates turbulent flow chromatography and provides novel. technology is constantly improving.State-of-the-art technologies deliver better methods In food safety. versatile on-line sample preparation. quinolones. meat-based products and aquaculture products for veterinary drug residues brings analytical challenges. carried out on batches of samples. 12 Food Safety Insider . Traditionally. The detection of any residue above the minimum required performance limit (MRPL) can result in regulatory action. extraction and cleanup procedures have tended to be deliberately selective based on the chemistry of the targeted compound class.3 µg/kg: the MRPL for chloramphenicol. In many countries. Some recent projects at the Food Safety Response Center show how state-of-the-art technologies are being applied to develop better methods. certain drugs are banned for use in animal production. Even in areas long-established. In contrast. Other substances are permitted for use in animal husbandry. and close agreement of ion-ratios using selected reaction monitoring (SRM) of characteristic transition ions. macrolides. the trapped compounds were automatically transferred onto the analytical LC column and separated conventionally. The technology is especially useful for routine analysis involving large numbers of samples. A simple extraction of milk with acetonitrile was conducted. tetracyclines. This new method demonstrates how turbulent flow chromatography can improve efficiency and reliability by simplifying cleanup. After centrifugation. the extract was injected into the TLX-LC-MS/MS system. When identification was confirmed.5%). while target analytes were retained on the column. Food Safety Insider 13 . Mass spectrometric analysis was carried out using a Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum Access Max triple stage quadrupole system. quantification was undertaken using matrix-matched standards for one of the selected transitions. Identification of the antibiotics was based on coincidence of retention times with standards (±2.The global use of different classes of veterinary drugs drives the need for multi-class methods that address a wide a range of possible individual substances. incorporating the internal standard. based on different chemical interactions. sulfonamides. quinolones. A recent Food Safety Response Center project utilized this system to detect and quantify 36 individual veterinary drug residues from seven different classes of antibiotics (aminoglycosides. Macromolecules were removed from the sample extract with high efficiency. lincosamides and trimethoprim) in milk. methods should be automated since veterinary drug residue surveillance requires routine analysis of large numbers of samples. Ideally. Sulfaphenazole was used as the internal standard in the multi-class method. After application of an automated wash step. as well as enabling the user to detect multiple analytes in a single run. The oscillations of the ions induce currents that can be measured and. The data can be reanalyzed after acquisition as new questions arise. Orbitrap-based mass spectrometers have several significant advantages over most other mass spectrometers.000. This goal has been partly met using targeted LC-MS/MS analysis. A single extraction step for a number of mycotoxins with differing polarities. through the application of Fourier transforms.1%) and acetonitrile (43:57). was achieved using a mixture of aqueous formic acid (0. Orbitrap mass analyzers use their superior mass accuracy and mass resolution to provide specificity without complicated method development. This approach tackles two of the major challenges in mycotoxin analysis in a single method. Recent work at the Food Safety Response Center has sought to use a benchtop Orbitrap™ mass spectrometer with mass resolution of 100. developed exclusively by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Orbitrap mass spectrometers provide good dynamic range. First. Orbitrap mass analyzers can be used by themselves in mass spectrometers. which collect data only for selected ions. multi-toxin analysis with LC-MS/MS. fumonisin B1 Orbitr ap Technology for Superior Screening The Orbitrap mass analyzer. The use of the Exactive mass spectrometer at ultra-high resolving power allowed the unequivocal identification of these analytes. After filtration. whose mass resolution falls at lower m/z. Orbitrapbased mass spectrometers have numerous advantages. T-2 toxin. targeted Fusarium mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol. establishing the transition ions to be monitored by MS/MS can create difficulties as the required standards are not always easy to obtain. 14 Food Safety Insider . HT-2 toxin. Unlike time-of-flight technology. Orbitrap mass analyzers operate in “full-scan” mode. or combined with quadrupole or ion trap mass analyzers to create hybrid mass spectrometers with MS/MS or MS n capabilities.State-of-the-art technologies deliver better methods continued Improving Multi-mycotoxin Analysis The history of mycotoxin analysis can be followed from the days of thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) analysis of aflatoxins through novel developments in sample cleanup (immunoaffinity columns) and use of HPLC with fluorescence detection to more recent. For food screening applications. Unlike triple quadrupole instruments. which are present in cereals and animal feed. High mass accuracy and mass resolution give these instruments excellent specificity. However. zearalenone. very good mass accuracy (typically a few ppm or better) and mass resolution as high as 240. there is still a desire to fully automate the cleanup and to screen for a large number of toxins in a single chromatographic run.000 as a high-specificity screening tool for the detection and determination of mycotoxins in cereals and feed. adding a great deal of confidence to compound identifications. Both targeted and untargeted compounds can be identified from full-scan Orbitrap data. making Orbitrapbased instruments unrivalled for the analysis of small molecules. Orbitrap mass resolution is highest at lower m/z. which require time-consuming method development to find the best transitions to monitor and optimize conditions for those transitions. Nevertheless. There have been unquestionable advances in the ability to determine some of the more intractable mycotoxins as well as the improved accuracy of mycotoxin analysis. As they orbit the spindle. acquiring data from all ions. Also unlike triple quadrupoles. the extract was directly analyzed using the Transcend TLX system further coupled to an Exactive™ MS. the ions also oscillate back and forth along the length of the spindle at frequencies proportional to their mass-to-charge ratio. uses electrostatic fields to trap ions into orbit around a central spindle. converted to mass-to-charge measurements. Other contaminants in the samples can be screened against a database of accurate masses of fungal metabolites. please visit Food Safety Insider 15 . in most cases.thermoscientific. To download method and application notes for food and beverage analysis. a database of 660 metabolites.In many cases.000 means that. Conventional analyses typically use cleanup techniques focused on individual toxins. including all of the well-known mycotoxins. the number of theoretical possibilities of compounds having the same accurate mass as another is very small and. Method performance parameters were determined and demonstrated the method to be fit-for-purpose for food control. Second. High-resolution. Using a mass resolution of 100. The online turbulent flow cleanup was optimized to give good recoveries for this range of toxins. this approach is not unequivocal but it does provide information about the potential presence of otherwise undetected toxins in cereals and animal feed. there is only one possible fit. making it necessary to run a series of separate analyses to cover all toxins. within a 5 ppm window. there has been a longstanding suspicion that cereals and animal feed may contain mycotoxins and other metabolites in addition to the well-known and established toxins. and fumonisin B2 can be simultaneously detected and quantified in cereals and feeds. beyond that of the targeted analysis. targeted analysis has not revealed any problems with known mycotoxins. For mycotoxin screening. accurate-mass (HR/AM) technology now allows for non-targeted screening and analysis of lesser known fungal metabolites. was developed. Scanning with high-resolution LC-MS means that data is collected for all compounds eluted during the chromatographic run. For this project. The targeted Fusarium toxins can be readily identified from their molecular masses and correspondence with the retention times of standards. we’re focused on ensuring the safety of the world’s beverages. to our local expertise and support. From arsenic in apple juice to bromate in bottled water. raising the bar on processes and Ion Chromatography © 2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. From our Food Safety Response Center. and laboratory information management systems to ensure compliance and maintain the confidence of their customers. inside? • your global resource at thermoscientific.what’s hiding Contaminants emerge where they haven’t been seen before. the world’s leading beverage manufacturers and regulatory bodies trust us for the validated methods. ICP-MS LC/MS GC MS/MS . All rights reserved. Copyrights in and to the beverage safety image are owned by a third party and licensed for limited use only to Thermo Fisher Scientific by iStock. reliable instrumentation. to fungicides in orange juice. sensitive. New regulations are enacted. 2012.foodsafetymagazine. Packaging World April 23. 2004. 94cb24a741299e6a4578f40624721d. D. equipment and processing report. we’ve been tracking this market for more than 15 years. The Insights You Need to Succeed In The Food Microbiology Testing Market Now more than ever. Although printing ranks as the most common method to add traceability information to pharmaceutical packaging. McCormick Place. Forcinio. routine and pathogen testing by organism and methods. final rule [Docket No. public relations & communications. at PMMI. trends and technologies is critical to success. For more information on packaging.asp. Department of Health and Human Services. RFID tags can be scanned without being within the reader’s line of sight. H. regulatory experts and contract test labs. 9.(continued from page 34) PACKAGING Software captures and links code data to establish parent/child relationships from primary container to pallet. Sixth Edition: Food Microbiology Testing in Europe To order or request a prospectus. Food Industry • Food Micro. 2012. EVERY STRATEGIC CONSULTING REPORT CONTAINS Extensive Primary Research We conduct detailed interviews with foodprocessing plants. and more. P.S. U. Pharma-Bio Transport signature. RFID tags generally are viewed as too expensive to use on primary packaging. Spinner. Detailed Data Summarized in Clear Charts and Graphs Test volumes. PMMI leader shares perspective on global food supply chain. State-of-the-art packaging machines. electronic signatures. the concurrent Conference at PACK EXPO includes tracks devoted to food safety and track and trace on Monday and Tuesday. References 1. 2. Pharmaceutical Technology January:34. • Food Micro. Reynolds.S. October 29 and 30. Ohlsson. EAS News June. P. JUST PUBLISHED – NEW OVERVIEW ALL NEW EDITIONS • Food Micro. 6. The Information You Need to Make Sound Business Decisions Track key drivers and trends. some tags can be equipped to perform other functions.10 Food packagers searching for ways to comply with FSMA should attend PACK EXPO International 2012 (October 28–31. 2012. Electronic • (802) 457-9933 Follow Strategic Consulting’s President on Twitter @TomWeschler August n September 2012 51 . 2011. Fifth Edition: Microbiology Testing in the U. organizes that information in a database and controls access to it. Food & Beverage Packaging May 16. market values. fda. Brave new world indeed. Inspection: an inside look at package inspection in 2012. 8. Our market research reports can help. Cold-chain challenges heat up. tags for sensitive products could also monitor temperature and provide an alert if conditions exceed desired parameters during transport and storage of the product. and E. Conroy. Strategic Consulting. 2012. New training alliance targets food safety preventive controls. accurate and in-depth information about food micro testing methods. please visit www. 7.U. J. Food and Drug Administration. D. Pharmaceutical Technology December 21. where The Pharmaceutical Pavilion will serve as a source to evaluate and compare pharmaceutical equipment and practices and The Food Safety Summit Resource Center will offer food-specific references. key opinion leaders. On the other hand. • www. In addition. 10. R.yorkcast. radio frequency identification (RFID) tags can also serve as the code carrier. 92N–0251]. senior quality officers. and project future growth. 1997. At Strategic Consulting. Seventh Edition: Comparison of the Food Microbiology Testing Markets in the U. call (802) 457-9933 or visit us online at Strategic-Consult. EAS News January. Packaging Digest March 28. n Julie Ackerman is the senior director. 2008. In addition. Conroy. 3. Conroy. 5. Lingle. Inc.Strategic-Consult. 21 CFR Part 11. 2012. FSMA’s schedule and animal feed. Chi- cago). For example. J.S. However. Equipment design and appropriate procedures improve cleaning. Federal Register 62(54):13429–13466. 52 Food Safety Magazine . not whether it is safe. it also creates a myriad of problems for our industry. but “local” and “organic” are words that define where and how the food is produced. reducing the risk of contamination. Terms such as “local. distributed and served safely.By Jorge A. distributors.” As evidenced by Jensen Farms. Recent foodborne illness outbreaks have caused some consumers to question the food they are purchasing. including loss of consumer trust. and there are opportunities for improper handling to occur at every step. and 7 billion people across the globe. millions of cases of food products are produced.” “small farm” and “family-owned” are not synonymous with “safe. family-owned operations do not necessarily equal safety. distributors and sellers. sellers. Feeding 300 million Americans. unfortunately. And while media attention focused on recalls raises consumer awareness of food safety. the cantaloupe grower responsible for last year’s Listeria outbreak. Even with one of the most advanced and refined food safety infrastructures in the world. It requires a complex system of growers. remains inevitable. Some consumers perceive these types of products to be safer than others because they do not travel long distances. operators and consumers. unwarranted regulatory concerns and the rapid spread of misinformation. without incident or mention. contamination. essentially swearing off the major food industry altogether. local. One recent food trend is the demand for locally and organically produced foods. Many are condemning large-scale food producers. Hernandez Every day. is no easy task. August n September 2012 53 . I’m responsible beneficial. food processing facilities. it is just the right thing to do. Regulation will raise is ensuring that legislators and regulators have the proper tools to enforce food safety meathe floor for the entire industry. And ate policies and rules that are unrealistic. There should be no trade secrets when it comes to food safethe food industry that have yet to make ty. wholly on its leaders raising the ceiling to Then. out stepping foot on a farm. Those in food safety across the globe. dubbed “pink slime” by the media. It’s not only the best thing for your business. though the adoption of the Food Safety unnecessarily expensive and unmanageModernization Act (FSMA) is aimed at able. us in the food safety industry up at night. but also help regulators. Food Safety Magazine . Too everyone. President Barack Obama signed FSMA in an effort to shift the focus from responding to food contamination to preventing it. food companies need to take a larger role in the direction of food safety. but perhaps the most important aspect of food safety I have learned is that it requires a great deal of collaboration. Not because it’s in my job description. Nonetheless. but the key is more education is needed on the difference collaboration. Food and Drug as a whole. In addition to my day job. This misinformation is only one of the Enacting widespread regulations withchallenges for food safety professionals. The first step of our food supply. This benefits And.” below). a ment entities. in addition to being financially I’ve been working in the food industry for more than 20 years. work directly with the food industry. This paradigm change brings regulation in line with what many food companies have already implemented. it makes the food my family eats safer and it protects us from repeating critical errors. suppliers and distributors preventing foodborne illness. there is still room for more action. legislators. In all of my professional roles. consumers and even Administration (FDA) in shifting the parents who were worried about their chilfocus from contamination response to dren eating unsafe products. food safety have vast reservoirs of knowledge that success will take more than regulation. Safety needs to My Food Safety Philosophy: be addressed by those doing business in the It’s Just the Right Thing to Do industry. Regulation alone will not ensure the safety Here’s my proposed solution. commonly Analysis and Critical Control Points used in beef products and deemed safe by both industry professionals and govern(HACCP) and preventive controls.S. The only way to develop between legitimate food safety issues and attainable and realistic regulation is to media-generated ones. logistics unit and private label products. into a canProgress as a whole is unlikely until the ning facility.” The Role of Legislators and Regulators In January 2011. It’s imperative that we work together to ensure the safest food supply in the world. cornerstone of FSMA. but the sures and enact policies that are mutually beneficial. The meat additive. but it’s just the right thing to do. it’s very safe. In fact. the issue grabbed headlines and increased a negative perception of the food industry The role of the U. leaders in the food industry need to come together and set the standard for create a new standard of safety. tions are implemented. We need to be an integral part in the decision making. there has been plenty of overlap. both operationally and financially. food safety is seen as something mandated by governing bodies. has no real bearing on food safety. “Recent foodborne illness outbreaks have caused some consumers to question the food they are purchasing. One example is the recent consumer backlash over lean tion will require with regards to Hazard finely textured beef. At US Foods. It’s clear that prevention will be large. I deliver presentations at food safety conferences. quality and supplier sustainability vision and standards for the company’s distribution centers. Growers. sit on panels at industry meetings and have contributed to more boards than I can remember. Many in the industry 54 for setting the food safety. There are no trade secrets with food safety. Though many proactive companies and food safety professionals are far ahead of the new regulations. It is up to the biggest and the best to not only change the perception of the food food safety a business priority will be industry. Food safety professionals are the advancement of the industry depends experts. We took countless calls from concerned operators. onto a distribution truck or industry and its federal and state regulatory into a restaurant’s kitchen will only crecounterparts determine the real issues. more learning and more collaboration. can help the government establish safe So how do we make food safer? What processes and procedures without burconstitutes a safe food supply? And who is densome or unneeded regulations (see going to determine how successful we are? “My Food Safety Philosophy: It’s Just These are the questions that keep most of the Right Thing to Do. I have a responsibility to the industry to help raise the floor for food safety. often. consumers and other food companies required to comply as the new regulaunderstand the importance of safety. but because sharing best practices and promoting food safety makes all of us better at our jobs. Media-generated food safety and quality issues have recently drawn attention away are waiting to see what the new legislafrom the legitimate concerns. finally. . engaging in lab-bench to lab-bench scientific collaborations to attack many of the food supply chain’s biggest challenges. 2012 . consistent. Access the new Food Safety Applications Compendium at: www. Food Safety Summit: Scan with your smart phone to register now. and timely results. Inc.ELEVATE CONFIDENCE Agilent’s comprehensive product and service solutions address the discovery and measurement of both chemical and biological contaminant analysis in current and emerging applications across the food spectrum. © Agilent Technologies. We’re confident that Agilent is uniquely equipped to support food testing– now and in the future. both present and future. We listen carefully to customers’ IN FOOD SAFETY Confidence means knowing your lab is delivering accurate. FSMA works against food safety protocol by selectively excluding farms and small processors depending on their size. minimizing environmental impacts of farming operations and taking a responsible approach to worker health and safety. new Microwave PlasmaAtomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP-AES).” quality issues have from the legitimate For more information on the Agilent Atomic Spectroscopy Portfolio. Tom-ah-to: Sharing Differences for Global Safety. Unlike other areas of your business. and AA make food screening easy. 59). When FSMA was planned. It is those organizations that are too small to effectively manage their food safety systems that need the most help. GLOBALGAP.” p. It’s true that we may have one of the safest food infrastructures. Agilent’s leading portfolio of ICP-MS. ACCELERATE FOOD ANALYSIS “Media-generated food safety and recently drawn attention away concerns. ELEMENTAL Confidence means confirming your total toxic and essential element results are accurate when you use advanced atomic spectroscopy technology to accelerate food screening. That’s why it’s essential that food industry leaders work together (see “Tom-a-to. public interest groups and the media. Part of working toward a safer global food supply includes working closely with those in the international food industry.agilent. Nearly 15 percent of our food supply is imported. results accurate. and those in the food industry know that food safety does not stop at national borders. 2012 August n September 2012 57 . there should be no trade secrets in food safety. The first of these. from elements major to trace. What does not benefit everyone is the exemptions the legislation provides for smaller producers. Inc. but we also have more than 15 independent federal agencies enforcing food safety laws. that number had nearly doubled to $78 billion worth of food entering through over 300 ports. GFSI. ICP-OES. In 1998. and you end up with a lot of different organizations trying to achieve the same goal but in different ways. we imported $41 billion in food products. visit: www. Working with international partners to ensure a safe nondomestic food supply is just as important as ensuring the safety of domestically grown and manufactured foods. some of the most challenged facets of the food industry are being overlooked. The GLOBALGAP standard is designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm. sets voluntary standards for farm certification worldwide. cost efficiency in the supply chain and safe food for consumers worldwide. They work to scale existing food standards against food safety criteria and create mechanisms to exchange information in the supply chain. From labs large to small. An increasing amount of the food we package and sell to our customers comes from outside the United States. Congress worked hard to ensure that the new regulation did not come at the cost of burdening small farms with expensive food safety requirements. The second. and analyses robust. accounting for as much as 60 percent of fresh fruits and seafood. pursues constant improvement in food safety management systems. which can cause some problems. but in doing this. We need to create and enforce internationally recognized accreditation and certification programs to verify that suppliers around the world are using the latest food safety standards and best practices. ensuring food safety and animal welfare. Americans tend to think that food in the United States is safer than in the rest of the world. By 2007. increase consumer knowledge and review existing food retail practices. Role of Industry Leaders Effective collaboration between industry leaders and regulatory agents will increase the safety of our food supply. Combine that with state\chem\ accelerate-food © Agilent Technologies. Sharing best practices and technology is too important to the overall strength of the industry and safety of the public. Two great examples of collaborative organizations include Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and GLOBALGAP. and AA supplies—all engineered and manufactured to demanding specifications under strictest conditions. US Foods recently hosted FDA in our facilities to demonstrate our processes and illustrate how our industry segment executes food safety protocols.S. In addition to an audit. Figure 1. companies are working with regulators to collaborate on best practices.agilent. a third-party certification increases accountability and helps reassure consumers that food safety protocol is being followed. FOOD ANALYSIS Supplier Receives food safety and quality standards and guidelines on products and production from distributor. Meeting that standard is a key milestone because nothing is more important to us than the safety. We need to continue our commitment to educating our customers. Role of Food Companies © Agilent Technologies. These groups are creating and implementing the most advanced global food safety standards and practices available. Inc. we take it a step farther and educate them on how to prevent contamination in the kitchen. Food Safety Magazine 58 . government operations and educational institutions. Producer Receives food safety and quality standards and guidelines on products from supplier. Distributor Intermediary between supplier and operator.OPTIMIZE ELEMENTAL Confidence means increasing accuracy and productivity by optimizing food testing performance with the best supplies for your atomic spectroscopy instruments. Operator Sets food safety and quality expectations for distribution. healthcare and hospitality facilities. they create a dynamic system that can continuously monitor and confirm the safety of food from farm to fork. US Foods announced that it expects to be the first in its industry to be certified in food safety and quality to the International Features Standard (IFS). Efforts like this fill the gap created by constrained resources. Consumer Sets food safety and quality expectations for operator. Regulatory Collaboration Outside of the industry. Of course. quality and integrity of the food we deliver to customers. new Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP-AES). practices and certifications used to ensure the integrity of their products. we can help FDA and regulators identify the best ways to reduce contamination through the supply chain (Figure 1). which includes restaurants. As food safety experts. affecting their bandwidth to learn about discrete industry segments and effectively develop food safety regulations. on the best products. Roles of Food Supply Chain Members Download or request a printed copy of Atomic Spectroscopy Supplies Catalog for Agilent and Varian instruments at: www. a globally recognized yardstick for safety and quality. Maintain uptime for your lab with Agilent’s AtomicSupplies2 Another agenda item for food industry leaders must be increased certification in coordination with international standards. To do this. US Foods’ role is to demand the best products from suppliers and require that they utilize the best food safety practices. we ensure the integrity of the products while in our custody. The time and assets we invested in implementing and testing food safety protocols in our more than 60 locations have produced a streamlined process that can be replicated throughout the industry. but when we sell them to a customer. ICP-OES. This makes it even more important that those of us in the food industry step in to help educate and assist regulators. Tighter budgets have caused a reduction in FDA and U. 2012 As a food company. In February 2012. receives guidance on best practices in return. These tactics also utilize processes already established and administered by the International Organization for Standardization and are accredited in the United States by the American National Standards Institute. Department of Agriculture staffing. the system sends an initial communication to all affected customers via e-mail and voice message. it is removed promptly and effectively. multiple parties are to blame for ENSURE FOOD SAFETY DATA INTEGRITY Confidence means ensuring accuracy and integrity of your analytical data in heavily regulated environments. For more information about the meeting. In the rare instance that a food product needs to be recalled.agilent. Agilent OpenLAB Enterprise Content Manager (ECM) and Agilent OpenLAB Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) help ensure compliance. and share vital information–from any instrument. visit www. By reviewing previous recalls and defining a specific set of food safety protocols for the fresh-tomato industry. One of the crucial aspects of a food company’s job is to act as the gatekeeper between the producer and the plate. visit: www. it is also our role to investigate the problem afterward and work to ensure that it does not happen again. tracks their response time and provides the centers with a list of customers who purchased the product of concern. It’s important to ensure that when a recall occurs. Suppliers and distributors know the importance of implementing effective and preventative food safety protocols. Inc. As the gatekeeper of the products. we take the time to determine why it happened and how to prevent it from happening again. in any data format. the distributor’s role looks much like a pyramid. At the top. Oftentimes. FL. but without making constant implementation of those plans a business priority. we need to continually enhance recall technologies and ensure that if a bad product is delivered to a customer. Visually. At US © Agilent T echnologies. With Agilent’s open informatics suite you can capture. we’ll be more effective at reducing the risk of contamination in the future. We reviewed previous outbreaks and determined what went wrong before proposing targeted and effective solutions for prevention. they will fall short. Try OpenLAB ELN for free: www. The Florida Tomato Exchange’s “Tomato Metrics” meeting in Maitland. Every food facility must create a food safety culture. It also tracks customer response to the messages and provides our staff with a list of customers who have not responded. and this meeting focuses on providing the fresh-tomato industry with analysis of recent recalls and future prevention strategies.floridatomatoes. he or she must be properly trained. In this case. Just as our company is responsible for ensuring that a contaminated product is removed from the shelf. As an industry-leading food company. Creating a Food Safety Culture Companies can have thorough. it is our responsibility to make sure that integrity is being upheld throughout the entire supply chain. The system automates the initial communication of the recall and recovery action in our distribution centers. analyze. Tom-ah-to: Sharing Differences for Global Safety Whenever a contamination or product recall occurs. it throws a spotlight on the food industry. we demand accountability from suppliers who may have provided a bad product or the operator who may have mishandled it. written HACCP plans and protocols. We can then reach those customers directly by phone or in person. it is essential to have proven technology available to trace and remove the recalled Tom-a-to. earlier this year focused on how well food safety standards for the fresh-tomato supply chain have spurred effective food safety systems for tomato production and handling. US Foods invested in a new electronic recall management system called eRecall. When the recovery action is elevated to recall status. we have worked to make food safety the first priority of our employees. 2012 59 . August n September 2012 To learn about OpenLAB Informatics Suite in food safety. the distributor determines food quality requirements with their suppliers and receives similar requirements from their customers. Before an employee moves a single box of products. Discussions with food suppliers at the event provided context surrounding past recalls and what organizations in the fresh-tomato supply chain can do to streamline and improve their food safety programs. thus ensuring that all parties are properly informed. In 2010. both domestically and internationally. As food Food safety is a commitment. We also help our suppliers create a food safety culture. but were told by their company to keep the refrigerator off to reduce fuel expenses. it is our job to stay ahead of regulations and do what is necessary because it is the right thing to do. In the long term. and more importantly. Some admitted that they knew. many drivers claimed they were unaware that the temperatures were not at a safe level. He can be reached at 847.5959.We have expanded our training programs to focus on individual tasks each employee must perform as part of his or her job on a daily basis. For example. 60 Food Safety Magazine . Transporting food at incorrect temperatures is not only unsafe. weight and cut of the product. As a food company. we must create more awareness and engage in customer education campaigns about the importance of certification. By standardizing food safety. their customers. Leaders in the food industry must set the standard for food safety across the globe. Consider lending your expertise to any one of these groups. at risk (see “Hot Trucks Investigation: Maintaining the Cold Chain. through which we are able to identify training comprehension in key tasks areas by job or region. While you cannot regulate your way to food safety. the entire supply chain can confirm that a facility is up to par and will not put their business. We also have implemented a learning management system for the delivery of online training. at US Foods. The certification process requires facilities to provide proof of safe processes. an operator should be much more focused on inspecting products upon delivery. health department officials were able to partner with state police to ensure that any products not properly cooled would be destroyed. Companies should utilize thermometers and time-temperature recorders to gather data that can be merged with GPS and IT systems to not only regulate temperatures of products in transit. food safety & quality. It has to be sparked internally by food businesses. A number of organizations are working to increase the safety of our food supply. For this to work. when the training data are connected with the data from second. we must demand a safe food source. This allows us to better identify specific ways to improve food safety performance at the employee level.” below). What constitutes a safe food supply? And who is going to determine we are?” how successful Hot Trucks Investigation: Maintaining the Cold Chain A recent news investigation in Indianapolis followed police and local health department officials as they stopped a number of local and regional food distribution trucks. we have seen a significant increase in the quality of the products we receive from our suppliers. while a supplier would focus more on proper certifications and processes to ensure safe products. we saw a 50 percent reduction in product rejections. it’s an investment of time and money. By hosting this training. Everyone in the food chain needs to take a larger role in the direction of our food safety practices and help shape where we are headed. Consider regular training sessions and implementing a system to measure knowledge retention. Through this investigation.hernandez1@usfood. Your specific food safety culture needs to be clearly communicated to employees and customers. the recent investigation led to Indiana’s consideration of a new law that would create a state body to enforce food transportation law.and third-party audits. color. “So how do we make food safer? It is essential to note that a food safety culture for an operator is different than for a supplier. Identifiers include the look. certification equals standardization. we can measure the impact of training on actual food safety performance of the facility. Hernandez is the senior vice president. They found temperatures exceeding legal and safe limits for refrigerated and frozen food products. This can be done through collaboration. and in some instances. As food safety professionals. it’s also illegal. and that culture produces safe food for all. safe handling and preparation of food materials. but to also manage the cold chain during loading. n Jorge A. unloading and delivering. That creates a culture. Food safety cannot be something that’s regulated. not because we are told to do it. Putting the Pieces Together Food companies cannot wait for regulators to catch up with the industry and technology. We regularly invite them to our facilities and provide education on our quality standards. but a properly designed and executed food safety system will save you both in the long term. The best investment in food safety your company can make is in its people. The information we gather lets us modify the training to ensure better comprehension by job.232. During the investigation. The first step is enacting rules and laws that are attainable and realistic. specific distribution center or region of the country. taste. Operations like this illustrate how police and health officials are working close together to increase the viability of inspection programs. much of our work is focused on certifying facilities and demanding suppliers get certifications and adhere to strict standards. Food safety should be a top priority for every link in the food chain. you can train your team to put food safety before all decisions and actions. Further. jorge. In fact. 189 0.022 0. with some reports stating that the levels can exceed the USEPA limit for As in drinking water (10 ug/L or ppb). it is clear that all the samples contained some inorganic As.039 0. dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) were separated using an Agilent anion exchange column.587 1.883 0.208 0. The simple sample preparation. N/D: not detected Figure 2.95 1. For example.099 1. Overlaid chromatograms for four of the .043 Figure 1. but they are persistent and may still affect crops grown on contaminated land. The calibration range was from 10 to 500 ng/L (ppt) illustrating the good sensitivity and linearity at these sub-ppb levels.256 1. chromatographic separation of the different species followed by species-specific quantification using ICP-MS is now widely accepted as the preferred analytical approach. such as arsenic (As).709 0. In the case of some trace elements.209 0. As(V) and the organic forms arsenobetaine (AB).036 0. reliable chromatographic separation ensure that this method is suitable for routine monitoring of As species in beverages. the element’s chemical form (or species) has a dramatic influence on toxicity. Arsenic in apple juice may be derived from the historical use of the As-based pesticides lead hydrogen arsenate and calcium arsenate. Concentrations of five As species in six apple juice samples. The 8800 data is presented in Agilent Application Note 5991-0622EN. but the levels were low (less than half the USEPA limit for drinking water).068 Total Inorganic As 1. so simple quantification of the total amount of the element does not give sufficient information to assess food safety. Concentration (ug/L) Sample Name Dilution Apple Juice 1 Apple Juice 2 Apple Juice 3 Apple Juice 4 Apple Juice 5 Apple Juice 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 AB 0. The apple juice samples were prepared by simple filtration and a 2x dilution in deionized water. The species of interest.965 1. concern has been expressed over the levels of inorganic As in apple juice. The results are corrected for the 2x dilution factor applied during sample preparation.267 0.041 0. For more information on the 7700 Series visit the Agilent Technologies web site at: www.375 0.LOW-LEVEL ANALYSIS OF INORGANIC ARSENIC IN APPLE JUICE BY LC-ICP-MS Trace Elements in Foods and Beverages The presence of potentially toxic chemicals in foodstuffs is of intense public interest.agilent.758 1.036 DMA 0.058 0. From these results.026 0.724 0. As(III). ensuring that species inter-conversion was minimized and detection limits were maintained. Table 1. samples are shown in Figure 2. and food producers and regulators strive to ensure that such chemicals are monitored and controlled at levels above where they might be harmful.466 0. which provides higher sensitivity than the 7700 and therefore somewhat lower detection limits. and concentrations for each species in all six apple juice samples are shown in Table 1.02 0. low dilution and rapid.992 1.641 2. we used an Agilent 1200 Infinity LC coupled to an Agilent 7700x quadrupole ICP-MS to separate and measure the As species in six commercial apple juices purchased from a Japanese supermarket. Widespread use of these chemicals ceased in the 1970s. Calibrations for As(III) and As(V) from 10 to 500 ng/L (ppt) Calibrations for the toxic inorganic As species are shown in Figure 1.098 MMA N/D N/D 1. Overlaid chromatograms of As species in four apple juice samples Low-ppt Level Analysis of As Species The data presented here demonstrates that the Agilent 7700x ICP-MS is suitable for the analysis of As species at low 10s ppt levels in apple juice.166 Arsenic in Apple Juice Recently.235 As(III) 0.958 0. the inorganic forms of As — arsenite (As(III) and arsenate (As(V)) — are much more toxic than the common organic forms.785 N/D As(V) 0. The same apple juice samples were also measured using this LC method coupled to the Agilent 8800 ICP-QQQ. In this study. tin (Sn) and mercury (Hg).651 0. For these elements. the typical egg that looks clean at the farm actually has about 10. Salmonella is a risk in all eggs. Then in 2011. direct fecal contamination of eggshells was the most common source of Salmonella infection associated with eggs.2 After more than half a billion shell eggs were recalled nationwide in 2010 because of concerns about Salmonella contamination. and Jacqueline Kochak A 62 Making the Case for Caging: Improvements in Egg Safety and Animal Welfare Knowledge ensures that best possible results can be achieved nella also can be found inside eggs that appear perfectly normal.D.1 Salmo- How Salmonella Infects Eggs Salmonella lives in the intestinal tracts of animals and birds. and before the 1970s.Category: EGGS By Patricia Curtis. In fact. stringent procedures for cleaning and inspecting eggs were implemented. researchers discovered that Salmonella Enteritidis could infect the ovaries of Food Safety Magazine . Today. claiming sales increases. the U. some consumers embraced the idea that organic and free-range eggs must be safer. or whether they are nutritionally enhanced like omega-3 eggs. one out of every 20. grocery stores. Wisconsin and Michigan. Ph.. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported the recall of organic eggs produced by a Minnesota farm and distributed to restaurants. as salmonellosis began to emerge as a public health problem. and salmonellosis caused by external fecal contamination of eggshells is now extremely rare. A dozen large organic eggs cost almost twice as much as a regular carton of eggs. even at a well-managed facility. whether they are white or brown or blue. Press reports and organic enthusiasts started touting the safety of specialty eggs. food wholesalers and foodservice companies in Minnesota. on average. whether they are organic or free-range. In fact. which is why consumers are warned to never eat raw or undercooked eggs unless they are pasteurized.000 colony-forming units (CFU) of Salmonella on the shell before washing. In the late 1970s and early 1980s.000 chicken eggs—any kind of eggs—could contain a small amount of Salmonella deposited into the egg as it passes through the oviduct. but that didn’t stop shoppers. however. In the 1970s.S. 888. Customers who switch to Hygiena’s EnSURE from another system are able to improve the quality and consistency of a hygiene monitoring program while also cutting the company’s food safety testing budget up to 50%.Results in 7 hours or less • E.Can your ATP system do this? • Coliforms . 1. Contact Hygiena today to get started. coli Results in 7 hours or less • Total Viable Count .Results in 15 seconds • Alkaline Phosphatase .Results in 6 hours • ATP Monitoring .4362 [email protected] .Results in 5 minutes • Acid Phosphatase - Results in 5 minutes FREE TRADE-UP PROGRAM Trade up your non-Hygiena system for free.494. however. has gotten a bad name among animal-rights activists because hens are confined in close quarters. feed.” Salmonella also can be introduced through the shell. humidity. but professionals should not make that mistake. they were considered progressive and more humane than earlier methods because hen mortality dramatically decreased. when egg production was a backyard industry. disease. At the Iowa farms involved in the outbreak. flies and other birds if the producer is not diligent about sanitation. This is partly because of the hen behavior that gave rise to the term “pecking order. which is one of the reasons the cages became standard in the industry. After the egg is washed. some definitions: Cage-free: Hens living in indoor-floor facilities produce “cagefree” eggs. making it possible to dispose of droppings more easily. In fact. but the eggs taste the same. which first became prevalent in the 1970s. however. Confinement and caging of hens also keeps hens away from their droppings and “Chickens can pick up Salmonella from feed or from some other source in their environment. As a hen starts pecking and pulling at the feathers of 64 . with manure overflowing and bursting through doors. Many large farm operations are clean and well run. water. has thousands of Salmonella CFU on the shell before washing. They are always more expensive than eggs produced in the conventional manner. making it impossible to pinpoint which hens are infected. serious injuries and cannibalism sometimes result.Category: EGGS healthy hens and contaminate eggs before the shells formed. Eggs contaminated by fecal matter. Hens that live in these cages produce some 95 percent of the eggs consumed in the U. The former egg mogul whose farms produced the shell eggs implicated in the 2010 outbreak had already paid millions of dollars in fines for numerous violations. Many of the appalling conditions shown in animalrights videos are caused by human cruelty and management’s failure to follow existing regulations—not because of the housing system. the 2010 epidemic was due to intact and disinfected grade A eggs.” The birds are protected from the elements.000 microscopic pores where Salmonella can get in from a contaminated conveyor belt or even a vat of contaminated egg-cleaning liquid. As noted. Human working conditions are often better at farms that use cages. Salmonella doubles every 20 minutes. Escaped chickens scratched loose in the filth. aggressive hens peck at other hens and keep more timid hens from getting to the feed. but under ideal conditions. it usually contains only a very small number of Salmonella. Today. predators and accidents and provided with optimal temperature. These hens do not necessarily have access to the outdoors but may have access to a multitiered indoor environment Food Safety Magazine Egg Production Systems To understand why any kind of egg can be infected with Salmonella Enteritidis. because eggs are laid on the sloping floor of the cage.3 These cage systems reduce Salmonella infection through the shell. decreasing the possibility of bacterial contamination. however. Organic. Eggs that aren’t cooled quickly can harbor millions of bacteria in just 8 hours. which can be contaminated by rodents. and flies and maggots were everywhere.4 Because chickens pick up Salmonella from their environment. and turning back the clock to a time when hens were not confined will not solve the Salmonella problem. Consumers can probably be forgiven for mistakenly associating an increase in salmonellosis with the rise of large farms utilizing battery cages. filthy surroundings increase the risk that the bacterium will be introduced into a hen’s oviduct and infect the eggs. First. have far more CFU and could still have high CFU after washing. cage-free and free-range eggs are produced for a niche market of consumers concerned about animal welfare. flies and other birds if the producer is not diligent about sanitation. If a contaminated egg is laid. are the same quality and are no more assured of being free of Salmonella than traditional eggs. because there is usually less dust and ammonia and it is possible to automate egg collection.S. the pathogens in the droppings. there will be fewer than 20 CFU on the shell. other hens. Chickens can pick up Salmonella from feed or from some other source in their environment. with minimal contact between the egg and the hen. it is important to know something about how different kinds of eggs are produced. laying space and security. This traditional housing.” More dominant. the typical egg. Salmonella is also more likely to infiltrate the shell through the microscopic pores when overall conditions are unclean. the mortality rate for hens was about 40 percent annually back in the 1920s and 1930s. Unlike eggborne salmonellosis of past decades. Chickens harbor Salmonella without any sign of illness. When battery cages were first introduced in the 1930s. The combination of specially designed indoor housing and cage systems has reduced the annual mortality rate of hens to just 5 percent. the vast majority of hens are housed in large laying facilities using cage systems called “battery cages. Battery-caged hens peck and cannibalize less. which can be contaminated by rodents. inspectors found dung heaps eight feet deep in some barns. because an eggshell contains some 9. even at a well-managed facility. according to the FDA inspection report. It is also possible to control the hens’ diet. resulting in better-fed hens that produce higher-quality eggs. Full sample-to-result traceability Integrated process controls Single manual transfer Proven molecular technologies incorporate three levels of specificity Complete electronic audit trail K K K K Superpower your lab! We’re Roka.rokabio. And we’ll help you get there. . Roka molecular technology is licensed from Gen-Probe Incorporated. you have the power. Inc.ROKABIO | www. the fully automated molecular pathogen detection system for food safety testing. and Salmonella * *Additional assays in development. MSFPUB0712 1.855.Super Accurate Make food pathogen detection With Roka molecular technology. K AOAC-RI-certified assays: Listeria spp. Roka molecular technology powers the Atlas™ The Atlas™ System is manufactured by Gen-Probe Incorporated. © 2012 Roka Bioscience. The feed is vegetarian and must be certified “organic. Pasture rearing of chickens is a modification of the free-range system. causing injury. the most common cause of diarrhea in the U. because all eggs are natural. the elderly and pregnant women need to be especially careful that their eggs are cooked. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Organic Program.S. Campylobacteriosis is “There is actually greater potential for inadvertent contamination in cage-free and free-range production systems. They might be kept in a combination of a barn and outdoor pens called “verandas” or “porches. are bigger than birds that lay white eggs and require slightly more space.” Free-range: “Free-range” eggs are produced by hens with access to the outdoors. These hens do not receive growth hormones or antibiotics either. Campylobacter is naturally occurring and was detected in the environment. which are laid by cage-free hens in a barn setting. The National Organic Standards Board. the American Veterinary Management Association (AVMA) in 2010 released a report on the welfare implications of various kinds of housing. Healthy people may not get sick from eating eggs contaminated with Listeria. The hens remain on the pasture all the time. • Hens in conventional and furnished cages are exposed to fewer disease vectors. eggs. • There is less “hen hysteria” in conventional cages and small to medium furnished cages. “Piling on” and smothering of other hens is less likely to happen in a conventional cage system. there have been no documented outbreaks of listeriosis from consumption of eggs or egg products.S. but this does not mean they are always kept outdoors. smothering hens on the bottom. but people with weakened immune systems..” and there are no set standards for free-range eggs or mandated third-party auditing. Floor 66 .” As noted.6 The report concludes consumers need to balance the hen’s freedom against exposure to potential hazards such as disease vectors and the cannibalism caused by pecking. United Egg Producers guidelines for cage-free hens call for at least 1. mortality rates may be higher because the hens tend to peck at each other. and antibiotics are used only to treat sick birds. herbicides or commercial fertilizers. such as wild birds.” the panic behavior that causes them to pile on top of one another. They are also exposed to fewer internal parasites. again with no difference in prevalence between conventional cages and free-range environments. Hens laying cage-free eggs theoretically are able to walk. because Salmonella is found widely in nature—even in the soil. and the U. but studies have detected Listeria in raw egg samples. “All Natural” on a label is meaningless. Organic: Eggs labeled “organic” are produced by hens whose feed does not contain most conventional pesticides. There is no consensus on how much land per bird constitutes a “range. Some highlights of the AVMA report: • The overall mortality rate is better for hens in conventional cages and worse for cage-free and free-range hens.5 square feet of space per bird.S.000 are exempt from certification. and eggs laid on the range have a greater chance of coming in contact with Salmonella in the nest or soil and in fecal matter.S. for example.” Typically. because Salmonella is found widely in nature—even in the soil. Often. Fortunately. Agricultural Research Service food technologist Deana Jones and her team in the federal agency’s Egg Safety and Quality Research Unit compared environmental and egg microbiology for laying hens in conventional cages and freerange sister flocks.Category: EGGS called an “aviary. not in the eggs. Labels touting “no hormones” are misleading. although this can be lowered to 1 square foot depending on the kind of facility and hen.” Hens that lay eggs labeled “organic” also must be free to range outdoors. has established guidelines that must be met by producers who say their eggs are “organic. but it is illegal to use any kind of hormones in U. Cagefree hens also are subject to “hen hysteria.S. spread their wings and lay their eggs in nests.” Producers using the word “organic” earn certification from the U. appointed by the U. commercial egg production. Food Safety Magazine Safety Risks There is actually greater potential for inadvertent contamination in cage-free and free-range production systems. although producers with sales of less than $5. A Comparison Because of the controversies surrounding battery cages in egg production.5 The study actually found more Campylobacter in the free-range production environment than in conventional cage environments. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are more than 2 million cases of the illness from various sources each year. Birds that lay brown eggs. the names “pasture” and “range” are used interchangeably. Listeria also was detected in both environments. implying that other egg products may contain hormones. secretary of agriculture. and found no difference in the incidence of Salmonella in the two systems. but are confined in a portable pen that is moved to give birds access to fresh pasture. • Mortality from feather pecking and cannibalism is less in conventional cages. they are kept inside at night for protection from the elements and predators. fungicides. and egg consumption is only occasionally the cause of campylobacteriosis. Free-range hens are exposed to the most disease vectors and parasites. these blue eggs are nutritionally identical to white eggs and subject to the same risk of Salmonella. such as Rhode “The new FDA Egg Safety Rule. lay white eggs.” “use of perches” and “dustbathing behavior. requires producers to be more fastidious about cleaning and disinfecting henhouses and getting eggs into refrigerators within 36 hours after laying. are produced by AVOID HEALTH CODE VIOLATIONS! • Keep customers safe • Protect your brand • Insure compliance Food Safety Code requires frequent testing of sanitizer concentration. Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks. specifically aimed at reducing human Salmonella infections caused by eggs. for example. Cage-free and free-range eggs cost more because these husbandry systems are labor intensive. such as the White Leghorn. Hens with white feathers and white earlobes. For consumers concerned about laying hens closely confined in pens. The more exotic blue Araucana eggs are produced by the Araucana breed. Like brown eggs. ” a safety factor in egg consumption.Category: EGGS • On other hen welfare measures.1/8” Bleed safer. simple and reliable way to meet mandatory testing requirements www. of course. which comes from Chile. and the chickens preferred by commercial growers just happen to be white. • Air quality—the presence of dust and ammonia—is best with conventional cages and free-range systems. While this is not Other Specialty Eggs There are numerous other kinds of eggs that fall under the category of “specialty eggs. but the not necessarily 1/2 page Horizonal 7eggs x 4 are 7/8 . Hydrion test kits provide a quick. Vegetarian eggs.” but the same safety considerations apply to these eggs as to any other eggs. and feed intake is usually greater—especially in cold wintry months—because the environment is less controlled. are not really specialty eggs—the only difference between brown eggs and white eggs is that brown eggs are produced by hens that have red feathers and red (718) 338-3618 Made in USA since 1934. Contact your chemical distributor for more information August n September 2012 67 .MicroEssentialLab. the ratings are opposite. paying more may be an acceptable trade-off. Brown eggs. it is a safety factor for those who work on egg farms.” Dust bathing involves tossing and rubbing dust between the feathers to maintain feather and skin condition. Several kinds of specialty eggs are differentiated by the diets the hens eat. Conventional cages rate as “poor” on “use of nest boxes. a number they say will be cut in half by the new rules. marine algae or fish oils rich in this desirable fatty acid.7 Pasteurized shell eggs are considered specialty eggs. in this case. there were just 581 cases.8 The future of hen vaccination in the U. there were 14. Traditionally. Last year. or about $31 million to cover hens at all large farms in the country. The eggs in the middle of the pallet can take up to 142 hours—nearly 6 days—to cool to 45 °F. vaccination is not mandated. figure. The rapid-cooling technology takes liquid carbon dioxide and turns it into a “snow” to rapidly lower the eggs’ temperature. the only way so far to affect an egg’s cholesterol content. already in use in Europe. the ice layer melts and quickly lowers an egg’s internal temperature to below 45 °F. Salmonella Enteritidis PT4. the leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Food Safety Magazine The Future of Egg Safety Eggs are still relatively safe and getting safer. developed by poultry scientists at North Carolina State University. has established there is no difference between the cholesterol in conventional eggs and free-range eggs. Pasteurized shell eggs have only been on the market since the 1990s. consisting of operations with 50.771 reported cases of the most common type of the bacteria. It is interesting to note that Ken Anderson. represent about 80 percent of the producers in the country.8 Another promising method of controlling Salmonella is a patented process that involves rapidly cooling eggs so the Salmonella bacteria do not multiply to dangerous levels. Thirty dozen eggs are then packed in a case.000 laying hens) were expected to comply by July 2012.” State University. but the country’s major supermarkets buy only eggs carrying an industry-sponsored red lion stamp that assures the public they have met basic safety standards. according to data from the Health Protection Agency of England and Wales. requires producers to be more fastidious about cleaning and disinfecting henhouses and getting eggs into refrigerators within 36 hours after laying. a diet including marigold extract. already in use in Europe. The new FDA Egg Safety Rule. Egg producers must buy chicks and young hens only from suppliers who routinely test for Salmonella. because these eggs have been heat-treated to kill potential Salmonella. Starting in July 2010— in the middle of the massive egg recall—large producers were required to implement the rule.9 Eggs cooled under current methods lose the AA grade in about 6 weeks. while omega-3 eggs are produced by hens fed a diet containing ingredients such as ground flaxseed. Eggs labeled as having lower fat and lower cholesterol also are produced by hens fed an altered diet. When the vaccine was introduced in England and Wales in 1997. specifically aimed at reducing human Salmonella infections caused by eggs. Smaller producers (those with at least 3.000 illnesses in the United States annually. Some 90 percent of egg producers meet the standards to utilize the stamp. according to The New York Times. The rapid cooling also maintains the membranes surrounding the yolks for 12 weeks. saying the cost can be just a few cents a bird. FDA officials estimate that contaminated eggs cause an estimated 142. the temperature of eggs when they are placed into the carton tops 100 °F. lutein eggs are laid by hens fed a specially formulated diet. The rapid-cooling process. a poultry scientist at North Carolina began vaccinating in large numbers. The cold gas circulates around the eggs and forms a thin layer of ice inside the eggshell.S. which is significant because the membrane keeps harmful bacteria from reaching the nutrient-rich yolk. Lutein has been shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration. There. and egg producers also must have a written Salmonella prevention plan and maintain records documenting their compliance. Vaccine trials began that year. Like omega-3 eggs. Vaccine company executives dispute that “Scientists are also working on new techniques to promote egg safety. After treatment. and 30 cases are stacked onto pallets and placed in refrigerated coolers. such as a Salmonella vaccine for chickens. Scientists are also working on new techniques to promote egg safety.Category: EGGS hens whose feed is free of animal by-products. and the next year egg producers 68 . but FDA declined to mandate vaccinations in its new Egg Safety Rule.000 or more laying hens. according to industry estimates. A single bird can lay about 270 eggs in its lifetime. uses liquid carbon dioxide to stabilize the proteins in egg whites so much that they could be rated AA—the highest grade for eggs—for 12 weeks. A 2005 FDA/USDA Shell Risk Assessment report showed that if eggs were cooled and stored at 45 °F within 12 hours of laying. This is the only category of eggs with a different food safety profile. might take the same course as vaccination efforts in the United Kingdom.8 One-half to two-thirds of American producers already inoculate their flocks. Eggs are placed in a cooling chamber and carbon dioxide gas at about minus 110 °F is generated. and are a good choice for recipes such as Caesar salad or homemade ice cream requiring raw eggs. Pasteurized eggs are coated with food-grade wax to prevent recontamination and stamped with a red P in a circle to distinguish them from other eggs. Earlier research showed the same cooling technology could significantly reduce occurrences of Salmonella illnesses. despite news reports to the contrary. saying there was not enough evidence to conclude that vaccinating hens against Salmonella would prevent human illness. when the patented method was developed. including vaccination. such as a Salmonella vaccine for chickens. These large producers. FDA has estimated the cost to farmers at about 14 cents a bird to vaccinate. the temperature at which Salmonella can no longer grow. a drop of 96 percent from 1997. 10 Conclusions Eggs in general have an excellent shelf life. Boulianne. 2012.aeb. cholesterol. rejected hen vaccine despite British success. and specialty eggs are usually kept on the shelf about 5 days longer—so if an egg is infected. 1995. M. E. USDA research has shown there are no substantial quality differences among traditional.T999aGBgMZ0. Anderson and brown or organic. The important thing to remember is that despite occasional claims to the contrary.usda.pdf. New York Times. 4. G. Newman. The effects of alternative egg production systems on food safety are not completely understood. Comparison of fatty acid. Guard.fsis. Assanta. www.go. 2011. S. 2. E. August n September 2012 69 References . J Food Prot 58(4):389–394. Efficacy of egg cleaning compounds on eggshells contaminated with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis.NJ_CC Ad_3x4_2012. clean eggs free of cracks will keep for months. 10.D. Salmonella. K. pasteurized and nutritionally enhanced eggs. a poultry scientist.S. www. Jones. Anderson and J. 9. D. Cryogenic gas for rapid cooling of commercially processed shell eggs prior to packaging. outreach and academic efforts to enhance the safety of the nation’s food supply from producer to consumer. Poult Sci 90(7):1600–1608. abcnews. One of AUFSI’s activities is preparing food safety training for FDA inspectors at all levels. whether they are white. specialty eggs are no safer than conventional eggs.. 5. and Campylobacter associated with eggs and the environment of conventional cage and free-range egg production. 7.. n Patricia Curtis. Conventional eggs are on the store shelf for about 12 days from the date they are packed at the producer’s farm. 1-800-826-8302 Fax 1-800-472-0840 www. with no difference in quality. Poult Sci 91(5):1195–1202. A.incredibleegg.000 fewer Salmonella illnesses from eggs in the nation each year. is director of the Auburn University Food Systems Initiative (AUFSI). Aug. there is a little more time for Salmonella to multiply if not refrigerated correctly.. www.QXD_NJ_CC Ad_3x4_2012 5/1/12 7:06 AM Category: EGGS there would be about 100. T. Only pasteurized eggs are safer than traditional eggs. Reduce the risk of contamination to protect your food product Bringing you the largest selection of color-coded products from … Now w an expanith ded PURPLE prod selectio uct n! and more! Contact us today for your FREE 36-page color-coded catalog. A.avma. P. 24. Listeria. Soliour. Anderson. U. Prevalence of coliforms. Messier and M. Ph. but research is being conducted. 8. E. But when kept in the egg carton. W. J Food Prot 67(4):706–712. K. 3. cage-free. 6.nelsonjameson. an interdisciplinary multi-institutional program integrating research. and all eggs are relatively safe. Y. 2004. 2010.. Call toll-free 1. Jacqueline Kochak is communications director for the AUFSI.asp. free-roaming. and vitamin A and E composition in eggs from hens housed in conventional cage and range production facilities. texture. for example. and remaining price competitive. then growth may be totally inhibited and the food becomes shelf stable. availability of usual supplies or. functionality. the combination of these hurdles to growth can lead to additive or synergistic effects with lower levels of each agent. Shaking Up the Sugars and Salts Although admirable in intention. by low pH or inhibitory agents such as nitrite and polyphosphates.. more recently. for example.D. appearance. so growth rate is slowed or inhibited. organisms become dehydrated and their metabolic processes struggle to work efficiently. Ph. and Paul A. examples include changes in the levels or types of sugars or salt used in food . As the aw is lowered with salt or sugars. salt or fat.REFORMULATION By Evangelia Komitopoulou. any changes in those factors that contribute to food safety. M 70 The Pitfalls of Product Reformulation and How to Avoid Them Highlighting major product reformulation challenges preservation. While the levels of inhibitory agents individually may be high to achieve shelf stability and safety. products promoting health and well-being with low sugar. aw). and can still cause. can be a major task. If growth rate is further stressed. highlights the major product reformulation challenges most companies face. However. Reformulating with entirely natural ingredients while maintaining product taste. government or consumer demands for reduced sugar.D. Even small changes in formulations can lead to unexpected problems in safety and stability. Organisms may synthesize compatible solutes that enable them to balance the difference in aw inside and outside the cell. or the omission of “chemical preservatives”—a perceived “healthier” alternative. Gibbs. as well as to taste perceptions in many foods. Low pH combined with low aw and hot filling in jams and preserves prevent the growth of bacteria and even many yeasts and Food Safety Magazine Manufacturers often reformulate their products in response to changes in the price of ingredients. Both sugar (generally sucrose but also glucose-fructose syrups) and salt (sodium chloride) contribute to food preservation by reducing the water available to microorganisms for their growth (reduced water activity. such synthesis requires the cell to use energy it would otherwise use for growth. safety and shelf life. Ph. problems in some food industry sectors. stability and quality have in the past. The way that all these trends overlap. fat and salt levels. packexpo. • See breakthrough technologies in cleaning. showcasing more innovations and solutions than any other show: • Learn the latest about the FSMA at the Food Safety Summit Resource Center. Produced by: Register today! October 28-31.October 28-31. Advance compliance. 2012 McCormick Place Chicago. Illinois USA Advance cleanliness. sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company. • Discover solutions for preserving taste and protecting products. 2012 | McCormick Place | Chicago. tagging and tracking. PACK EXPO International 2012 is the world’s largest packaging and processing event. Advance operations. • Hear packaging and processing experts at the Innovation Stage. Illinois USA . • Check out award-winning package designs at The Showcase of Packaging Innovations®. have an intrinsically high pH value (~6. recipes for mayonnaises promoting the use of lemon juice (citric acid) instead of vinegar (acetic acid) led to many cases of salmonellosis from mayonnaise-type products. Exchanging citric or lactic acids for acetic for reasons of taste in such products can lead to unstable and unsafe products.8). nitrite and polyphosphates plus moderately low pH act together to prevent the growth of Clostridium botulinum. low aw (with sugars) and pasteurization to eliminate yeasts and molds. However. 4 In cured meats. pickles and sauces: Low pH (by acetic acid). Reformulating this type of product. salt.REFORMULATION molds. Wild strains of Zygosaccharomyces bailii cannot ferment sucrose. it was only much later that research work conducted at Leatherhead Food Research showed the metabolic mechanisms of inhibition of botulinum growth and toxin production.5. from yogurt flavored with hazelnut purée. Lowering of the DE of a marshmallow mix has permitted the growth of osmophilic yeasts. pH and quantity of acetic acid. As there was some concern in the 1960s about the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines by cooking bacon at high temperatures. The presence of salt required the generation of extra energy to synthesize compatible solutes and expel excess sodium ions. A combination of hurdles contributing to both stability and safety is exemplified in the preservation of mayonnaises. clearly demonstrated that there were minimum levels of and interactions between these ingredients necessary to minimize the likelihood of growth and toxin production by C. Mathematical models of botulism risk assessment. and can even grow at higher temperatures. If the aw is lowered by a certain concentration of glucose. even returning to the original high DE value syrup did not entirely cure the problem—the yeasts had become even more tolerant of low aw. as there is often some additive or synergistic 72 . especially if the product is stored in chilled conditions. 6 However.3. Pasteurization of the product does not destroy bacterial spores. releasing pyruvate in the process. salt and sugars in a formulation2. This also occurs if the dextrose equivalent (DE) value of sugar syrup is lowered—there are fewer molecules of small-molecularweight sugars per weight of syrup. so replacing sucrose with sugar syrup allowed these yeasts to grow and ferment.1 The high pH and high aw product would require a full “botulinum cook” for safety (121 °C for 3 minutes). if the sugar level is below approximately 65 percent (w/w) after opening the container. In combination. several preservative agents may be individually reduced. but these cannot grow at low pH and aw.” Grains and cereals are normally dried to below approximately 16 percent (w/w) moisture. however. moisture migration can occur between warm and cool areas in large silos. were developed from the very large databases of the research programs. There is an equation that describes the safety and stability of these types of products in terms of the oil-water ratio. and this was denied by the presence of nitrite. pH and heat process for canned hams. Clostridium needs to accumulate ferrous ions for inclusion in the electron transport proteins. A similar problem arose when sucrose was replaced with sugar syrups containing glucose and fructose. affecting levels of acetic acid. nitrite. However. so another method of preservation was needed. Nuts. These yeasts then became established in the factory. as “Even small changes in formulations can lead to unexpected problems in safety and stability…” weight is greater and there will be fewer molecules in solution. there is an additive or synergistic Food Safety Magazine Preservative Balance Is Key Fruit flavorings have three preservation characteristics—low pH. Only full cleaning and a further lowering of the aw of the marshmallows permitted the production of a stable product. which minimizes mold growth. Replacement of sugar with an intense sweetener in a nut purée (for a low-calorie flavoring for yogurt) raises the aw considerably. needs to also involve a proportionate increase in other preservatives to ensure the same degree of product safety and stability. so cells died. sorbates and/or benzoates were effective. a large multicenter research project in the 1970s–1980s in the UK. Factory strains of this yeast then became capable of fermenting sucrose. it was proposed to reduce the levels of nitrite to only that needed to develop the typical color of cured meats. Salmonella can survive well.5–6. for a while. salt and sugar are combined in appropriate concentrations to result in a safe and stable product. the product should be chilled to slow the growth of osmophilic yeasts and molds that may contact the product—a look at product labels shows this is quite common now. However. based on the levels of these components. but many strains of yeasts are now resistant to these preservatives. Thus. around 10–20 ppm. and the presence of polyphosphates make this much more difficult. during the crisis of Salmonella in eggs. The lowering of aw by either the addition of solutes (salt or sugars) or drying is affected by the number of molecules in solution—a “colligative property. resulting in exploding marshmallows. investigating the levels of salt. Loss of the protective effect of both low pH and aw led to cases of botulism in the UK. causing bottles of soft drinks and squashes to explode. botulinum. these alternative acids do not provide the same levels of antimicrobial activity. polyphosphate. At equivalent levels of citric acid to acetic acid. permitting mold growth in the areas of raised aw. with which to generate energy. In Spain. as the molecular effect. ferredoxins. manufacturers of these types of products should be well aware of its use in reformulation. sugars or salt. nitrite inhibits the phosphoroclastic generation of large amounts of energy from the metabolism of sugars. the same weight of sucrose will not achieve the same lowering of aw. involving on-farm or artisanal cured meats in which salt and/or nitrite levels are inadequate. Addition of protective microflora producing antilisterial bacteriocins and previously isolated from cold-smoked salmon have been shown to minimize growth or eliminate this pathogen. smoked salmon) and cheeses (mainly soft cheeses) and raw (unpasteurized) hams.REFORMULATION effect of all these ingredients of cured meats. Proper pasteurization of raw milk and good hygiene during cheese manufacture and ripening can control this organism. or there may be an increased risk of food poisoning and/or a reduction in shelf life (i. it may be necessary to challenge-test with relevant organisms to August n September 2012 73 . thereby posing a risk for these industry sectors. 8 Risks of Reformulation Product reformulation needs to start with thorough risk analysis. attained by adding salt and drying/smoking as well as chilled storage. spoilage). Again.g. as evidenced by cases in Eastern Europe and some Mediterranean countries. preservatives) actively contribute to safety and shelf life. risk assessment and effective risk management. This pathogen can grow at high salt concentrations [up to ~10 percent (w/v) salt-on-water] and at low temperatures. However.7. Listeria monocytogenes is another pathogen associated with cold-smoked fish (e. It is important that we get to know our product well and understand what each ingredient does and contributes in the formulation. monocytogenes. reductions in the levels of one or more items can result in unstable cured meats. There is a similar but simpler effect in salted and smoked fish. such as in ComBase.5 percent salt-on-water phase. combinations of the intrinsic factors (pH. Changing.9 can be a valuable tool to avoid major pitfalls in reformulation. reducing or eliminating any of these factors must never be undertaken lightly. if these conditions are not satisfied. but as the database and equations are still limited in their scope of organisms and preservative systems.. The major antibotulinum preservation is by salt levels above 3. Changing the drying-smoking regimen can encourage the development of lactic acid bacterial flora that can inhibit L. sugar. slow salt penetration combined with inadequate chill temperature control is often the fault recognized. but in most European countries. but this is rather more difficult in coldsmoked fish processing due to the absence of a Critical Control Point that can be used to eliminate the organism.. there is a risk of botulism for consumers. The use of mathematical predictive models. Only then can we really know what the safety limits are and make sure that any proposed reformulation can deliver a safe and stable product. nitrite is not permitted. there are still several cases of botulism in Europe each year. resulting in improved protection from botulinum growth. In many different foods.e. salt. Belgium. Ph. salt. the product is stored under normal conditions and analyzed over time to ensure that it is safe and stable. Epidemiol Infect 104(3): 389–395. in shelf-life trials. is a principal consultant in food safety with over 40 years of experience in food microbiology. sample inoculation and result interpretation. Jarvis. Evangelia is a member of British Standards Institution AW9 Food Microbiology Committee. 1982.g. 5.. Xie and A. from production to consumption. D.. bottled water and bacteriophage applications. other than the product’s normal background flora (not pathogens). challenge testing is designed to answer the question of whether the product could be safe and stable if accidentally contaminated with pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms—that is. distribution or subsequent handling by consumers following inoculation with relevant microorganism(s) and storage under the representative conditions.D. She is recognized for her involvement in the development and validation of microbial detection and antimicrobial assay methodologies as well as the identifi- 74 . Tamplin. In Food and beverage shelf-life and stability. E. ComBase: A common database on microbial responses to food environments. Mitchell. Morris. Could modifications of processing parameters enhance the growth and selection of lactic acid bacteria in cold-smoked salmon to improve preservation by natural means? J Food Prot 70(7):1607–1614. Gibbs. 7. Microbiological challenge testing requires specific skills. Factors controlling the growth of Clostridium botulinum types A and B in pasteurized.. Leatherhead Food Research Association Research Report 414:1–28. E. Komitopoulou. A. P. The fate of Salmonella Enteritidis PT4 in homemade mayonnaise prepared with citric acid. N. The aim of challenge testing is to simulate what could happen to a product during production. A. 2. Baranyi. Xiong. including preadaptation of the challenge microorganisms to the conditions applicable to the challenge matrix (e. Lett Appl Microbiol 10:19–22. J Food Prot 67:1967–1971.. R. Int J Food Microbiol 24:33–39. I. Subramaniam. 4. An outbreak of foodborne botulism associated with contaminated hazelnut yoghurt. J. inoculum level and preparation. 9. J. Robinson. Food Microbiol 23(4):399–405. O’Mahony. UK: Woodhead Publishing. CIMSCEE code for the production of microbiologically safe and stable emulsified and nonemulsified sauces containing acetic acid.REFORMULATION demonstrate due diligence in safe food manufacture and marketing. method of product inoculation and its effect on the intrinsic properties of the food matrix to be challenged. 1990. Notermans. Therefore. processing. I. Evangelia has been actively involved in reviewing microbial recovery conditions following different stress applications with particular emphasis on dry environments and has managed a number of projects on microbial attachment on food contact surfaces and the role of quorum sensing on the initial steps of biofilm formation. T. which would limit the chances of microorganisms.. Kilcast and P.11 cation and evaluation of novel and natural antimicrobial systems in food preservation. Paul Gibbs. S. 10. Edmondson. N. Microbiological challenge testing for ensuring safety of food products. and M. foodborne infections and intoxications including Clostridium botulinum. It is therefore recommended that the challenge trials be designed by expert microbiologists with years of experience and a solid record studying microbial physiology and behavior in foods.10 In shelf-life analysis. V. fish. E. L. and M. contaminating the product. Predictive modelling of Clostridium botulinum toxin production in model cured meat systems. one assumes that analysis will target the naturally present spoilage microflora growing during storage under stipulated conditions. When these trials are designed to confirm the safety of new product formulations. 8. is the head of food safety at Leatherhead Food Research. adaptation to acetic acid conditions in a mayonnaise-type product). G. References 1. 1994. Gilbert. effects of recipe/ingredient and formulation changes on microbiological stability of foods. In’t Veld. Lett Appl Microbiol 28:36–40. Guidelines for microbiological challenge trials in new product development currently available in the public domain involve a set of generic steps to follow in the preparation of challenge microorganisms. 2007. n Evangelia Komitopoulou. Food Safety Magazine Design Matters The trial design must consider such important parameters as the choice of challenge microorganisms. D. Gibbs and P. 1983. Cambridge. microbial recovery conditions employed during storage and controls set alongside the inoculated samples. Garcia. J Food Technol 17:727–744. C. J. M. CIMSCEE. Perales. Tomé. A. “sous vide” foods. 1999. eds. Rodhouse and J. S. Prediction of toxin production: Non-linear effects of storage temperature and salt concentration. cured meats. Microbial challenge testing. M. 2005. On the other hand. There is often confusion around the applicability of microbiological challenge testing versus shelf-life trials. A. Paul is a recognized expert in food spoilage/microbial taint problems. R. E. storage conditions of the challenged products and trial duration.D. whether a specific product formulation would favor or inhibit their growth. Anti-listerial inhibitory lactic acid bacteria isolated from commercial cold smoked salmon. when especially parameters such as levels of sugar.. The influence of pH and temperature on the behaviour of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 4 in homemade mayonnaise. Tomé. Comité des Industries des Mayonnaises et Sauces Condimentaires de la Communauté Économique Européenne. B. which produces and reviews standard microbiological methods in the UK and other European countries. This approach assumes good manufacturing conditions under a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points plan. Ph. Teixeira and P. Roberts. and A. 1992. E. Brussels. 6. and P. Gibson and T. C. A.. Paul has been the coordinator on several EU-funded projects on meat. P. Robinson. 11. Teixeira. acids and preservatives are affected. 1990. 3. 2010.. Hutchinson. 2004. false results due to inappropriate trial design can significantly impact the reformulation process and safety of the final product. knowledge and expertise to ensure that all those factors able to affect microbial growth. Begg. survival and recovery in the product samples are taken into account and appropriately addressed. . C.N..SPOTLIGHT: MEAT AND POULTRY By Anne Rogan. food supply is safe by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it.000 people die because of this illness. If the food is not safe to consume.. organic.1 To emphasize the importance of food safety.3 International efforts to set standards for food safety are ongoing. and Eric Shelley T 76 Building a Solid Foundation in Meat Processing and Preparation Development of training curricula for meat safety aging used for the processed meat. Food Safety Magazine The State University College of Agriculture and Technology in Cobleskill. lower standards of quality and less monitoring. Often. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety Inspection Service at the slaughterhouses and the mandatory inspection of meat by USDA. Food safety overshadows all other quality factors..S. outbreaks of foodborne illness are tracked back to ingredients grown in countries where there are fewer controls. Principle 1: Providing meat to the consumer is no longer the responsibility of one individual or farm.D.D. From the grasses and forages animals are fed. Ph.S.” The most important part of the SUNY Cobleskill student’s education is related to the safe processing and handling of food. dry aged.S. four basic food safety principles are incorporated into the SUNY Cobleskill curriculum. fresh. NY (SUNY Cobleskill) offers curricula in every facet of food production. consumers become sick each year from foodborne illness. giving students the opportunity to not only see but also experience the full cycle of food production from “farm to table. physical or chemical hazard. R. it does not matter if the meat is tender. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) signed into law in 2011 “aims to ensure the U. to the pack- . New monitoring and tracking systems for animals through computer chip identification and purchasing seeds and feeds from USDA-approved sources provide additional protections for the farmer and consumer. Today’s food production is a complex and interrelated system.”2 Food safety concerns have increased with the globalization of the food supply. Some of the built-in safeguards in the meat industry include random testing for antibiotics by the U.D. Over 300. each part of the system must be held to high standards to avoid the contamination of meat with any biological. frozen or packed in gold foil! Over 76 million U.000 of these individuals are hospitalized and 5. 96 wells are great . 800/234-5333 or 517/372-9200 [email protected] . if you’re an oil • www.. Run samples and release finished product based on YOUR production schedule — not the capacity of the instrument! Call us or scan the code below to learn more about what we can do to help protect your products and brand. The ANSR ™ pathogen detection system features 16 wells. Simply the fastest rapid pathogen detection system Many labs have adapted their workflows around the 96-well format found in various instruments.neogen.. making it easier and more economical to fit into your workflow. The curriculum for this course covers the basic concepts of food microbiology and the safe way to prepare food and clean and sanitize facilities used in food preparation. R. carcass breakdown and processing. Ground beef needs to be heat-treated to 160 °F to be sure that it’s safe to eat. Food safety: Overview. food processing area or home or commercial kitchen. the conditions are perfect for bacteria to reproduce in the meat.D. Routine cleaning around all farm and food production areas should be planned. F. Food Technology 62:41–47. Food production and preparation courses focus on these four food safety principles. a hands-on approach is taken in the instruction of food handling. Some microorganisms are not pathogenic but cause food spoilage. www. The campus meat processing laboratory operates under USDA inspection. Food Safety Magazine . In the beef industry. This intensive 1-month training is designed to give participants a solid foundation in meat animal harvesting. special attention must be paid to Escherichia coli O157:H7 cooked and prepared before this time frame. this means bringing the roast or steak to 145 °F and measuring the final internal temperature with a thermometer. USDA. scheduled and checked. If meat is not to be 78 References 1. 2011. For most beef. consumers need to know that the beef they purchase should be cooked properly before it is served. n Anne Rogan. Sanitizing is the reduction of microorganisms to very low levels..htm. Food Technology 65:40–46. They also learn the required record keeping that documents that critical limits are not exceeded. Ground beef can be left at refrigerated temperatures for 1–2 days. These spoilage organisms cause economic losses throughout the food chain.. opening their own small plants and working in the culinary industry. Economic Research Service. USDA recommends the use of freezer paper or aluminum foil or freezer-grade plastic. Washington. Global opportunities in Agri-food science and technology. The organism produces a toxin that causes bloody diarrhea. Cleaning is defined as the removal of soil or dirt from an area or surface. sanitizing food contact surfaces and equipment is essential. There is interest in finding new sanitizers and methods for keeping the work surfaces impermeable so that they are easier to keep both clean and sanitized. In addition to cleaning.” and its relatives. Principle 3: There is no substitute for cleaning. providing consumers with safe thawing methods for frozen meats is important. In all parts of the student’s education. Flora and W. J. which allows the ice in the meat to melt but prevents the meat from exceeding 41 °F and entering the danger zone for bacterial growth. “Food safety concerns have increased with the globalization of the food supply. Onwulata. Eating undercooked beef is dangerous. barn.4 Principle 4: Consumers need to be educated regarding their responsibility for safe food. Researchers are concerned with the potential residue that builds up in the crevices on the surfaces where the meat and food are prepared. Many bacteria are destroyed by heating. so labeling the temperature for the final internal cooking temperature of all meat is important. this means that as soon as an animal is harvested.D. Kutchler. is professor of culinary arts. For this reason. 2. food safety and customer relations. Fresh meat can be held in the refrigerator for 3–5 days at 41 °F or below. small processing plants. F. L.fda. Kramer. 3. SUNY Cobleskill has also started a Meat Processing and Food Safety certificate program. consumers must be given directions regarding the shelf life of fresh meat. promoting meat safety from farm to table. In the culinary arts program. Improving the sanitation of food processing surfaces. Lastly. For this reason. Goddard. Although it is safe to freeze meat in the containers in which it was purchased.N. Ph. 2008.. Moreover. Research efforts using nanotechnology to find solutions for cleaning and sanitizing problems on meat processing lines are ongoing. hospitality and tourism at SUNY Cobleskill. for long-term freezing. For the meat industry.. Many bacteria require conditions around the body temperature of mammals to reproduce.SPOTLIGHT: MEAT AND POULTRY Principle 2: Microorganisms are ubiquitous and compete with us for their survival. whether we are talking about a pasture. Graduates of this certificate program find employment in groceries. students are required to pass the National Restaurant Association’s food safety course and exam. Students witness a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points approach to meat processing and learn the importance of following Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures and Good Manufacturing Practices.D. Beef should be refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase. The best way to thaw meat is in the refrigerator. Eric Shelley is the meat processing laboratory manager at SUNY Cobleskill. and in young children and the elderly. preparation and safety. 2007. these infections can result in multiple organ failure. food processors begin reducing the temperature of the carcass to below 41 °F or colder as fast as possible. consumers must know to freeze the meat. keeping product safe for commerce. 4. C. farmers markets. These organisms can infect the intestines of humans if contaminated meat is consumed. it is suitable for a variety of printing and converting processes.4975 • www. Higher-volume operations generally mean higher savings. Linde North America. temperature sensing and control.Product Showcase Freeze/Chill Meat Solutions Linde North America has showcased a range of patented cryogenic freezing/chilling solutions that can shift processing lines into a higher gear with greater throughput and yields. Cryogenic technology uses high-efficiency liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide that makes it easier to shift lines to the latest solutions. a new portable tester designed for easy and safe flashpoint testing of flavors and fragrances. The company’s lean manufacturing processes and automation allow their cartridge heaters to provide state-of-the-art equipment for industrial electrical heating. 918. 847. AMETEK Petrolab Company. The analyzer incorporates the August n September 2012 79 . 800. Durex Industries.petrolab.755. +43 (0)1 79013. intuitive menu Flexible Food Packaging Flavoring Testing AMETEK Petrolab Company has introduced the MINIFLASH Touch.7170 • www.mondigroup. As a multifunctional Heating and Temperature Control System Durex Industries recently introduced its new advanced Magnum™ family of cartridge heaters. Further highlights of the flash-point tester are USB printer support. Cote Print was developed to meet the most demanding flexible packaging requirements.S. Mondi Kraft Paper.lindeus. Department of Transportation-approved flash-point method in a new convenient touch-screen design that runs on Microsoft Windows.5600 • www. The company’s proprietary.459. Advantage MG White Cote Print. user access control and full remote operation of the analyzer.durexindustries. which are manufactured using proprietary swage and compaction processes that processenable the design of high-watt-density heaters.9277 • www.639. high-efficiency hygienic equipment designs can maximize yields by locking in moisture and reducing fines Mondi Kraft Paper has added a new paper grade. to its flexible packaging portfolio. it’s really cool! www. 866. a completely sealed NitroSeal™ gearbox with food-grade oil and food-duty Our new Autoplate® Spiral Plating System: the hot new lab accessory.clearlam. has announced the launch of the AirFlow Mesh Insect Barrier Door. AirFlow helps meet U. This product line is ideal for those who want to indulge in a sweet treat without the guilt of purchasing a whole cake. Features include a stainless steel wash-down motor built to withstand frequent intense cleaning. Its design prevents the collection of food particles and the pooling of liquids for daily sanitation. Now you can spiral plate bacteria with blazing speed and performance that other platers can’t Single-Serve Packaging Clear Lam Packaging Inc. This “gift box”-style packaging features two-dimensional merchandising. Food and Drug Administration Nonslip Chef Shoes MOZO has introduced Chef Shoes.bigassfans. they provide cushioning.3267 • www.3120 • www. which allows air ventilation and keeps insects and debris out of the food work area while providing additional security. Get automated plating productivity from Spiral Biotech that’s so hot. The door also provides a 65-percent shade factor that helps keep the facility cooler longer by significantly reducing solar heating while allowing in light. nonabsorbent and corrosion resistant. 877. Big Ass Fans. Its innovative auto-clean capability avoids cross-contamination. protection and the ultimate in slip resistance. Spider Traction™ outsoles and gel insoles. a division of ES Robbins Corporation.aicompanies. Our new Autoplate delivers 35-second cycle times with three new spiral plating modes.1832 www.0 fan. Its stainless steel extension tube.8570 www.S. And it offers a quick learning curve plus state-of-the-art ease of use via an intuitive Windows® CE touchscreen.244. improves building appearance and is available in seven Big Ass Fans has launched the Powerfoil X2. Ergonomically shaped with an injection-molded toecap.439.320. 800. has unveiled new packaging for the single-serve market. including the new Indulgence product line for the single-serve premium cupcake and muffin market.Insect Barrier Door Food Facility Fan Aleco®.9000 1018002 Autoplate Food Safety.aleco. ES Robbins Corporation. mount and hardware are nonporous. with the contents inside easily viewed from the top or front.indd 1 80 F o o d S af e 1/15/10 t y M a5:28:55 g a z i PM ne .684.mozoshoes. created in direct response to requests from food facilities for a comfort solution that would also meet high facility standards. 847. MOZO. Clear Lam Packaging. which are engineered with premium components for safety and +1 781. The Bottom Line While there is no guarantee against future outbreaks and product is director of technical services for the National Pest Management Association. the foundation. Keep pallets away from the walls and paint the aisle white so that pests and their droppings are easily visible.foodsafetymagazine. • Perform regular inspections of storage areas. Any service provided must comply with government regulations or statutes governing pest management.PestWorld. with a new edition expected in October 2012. locker rooms.. • Seal all pest entry points around pipes.asp. Pest Management: An Absolute Necessity In food manufacturing and storage facilities. with pest management a very important link. • Maintain an 18-inch inspection aisle inside the facility. nor can it fall through the cracks of misunderstood standards.(continued from page 29) SANITATION The presence of pests—dead or alive— poses significant health risks. Consider the use of sodium vapor lights to discourage pests that are attracted to light. • Eliminate clutter that pests could hide and nest in. Missy Henriksen is vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association. processing areas. n Jim Fredericks. they can then achieve the benefits of operating at their safest and ultimately most efficient production levels. The critical importance of pest management can sometimes be minimized and even rationalized away when there are budgetary decisions to be made regarding day-today operations. Corporate executives and food facility managers must ensure that all links within the food safety chain are properly maintained. food plants may have requirements more stringent than these standards alone. • Assess the type of outdoor lighting used. When food facilities understand the threats posed by pests. in practice. No matter the size or severity of an infestation. acknowledge the significant contamination risks and fully recognize the value of being proactive in pest management. Strong pest management practices can often lay the foundation for overall best signature. Yet a consistent focus upon developing a strong pest management program—one that includes regular inspections and audits. In addition. state. pest management must be an important factor in the safety of both. but instead offer a road map for those pest professionals who service food processing and storage facilities. drop ceilings. please visit www. As food processing facilities reevaluate what safety means for their consumers and their business. loading docks and others.000 members. a pest problem is not a situation to be taken lightly. Ensure there are no leaks in the facility roof. Pest Management Standards For Food Plants. and they cost more to treat than the prevention program that may have staved off such pest problems. • Install a gravel or rock perimeter around the facility to discourage vegetation growth that could invite and harbor pests. the necessary financial and time commitment given to proper pest management tends to fluctuate. please visit www. safety and food protection. • Institute a “no-prop” door policy for employees. pest management is accepted as a necessity. putting the lives and health of consumers at risk. the Salmonella outbreak of 2009 offers a serious lesson for food manufacturers and for consumers. No longer can pest management be relegated to a secondary priority. The standards do not preempt local. The NPMA. equipment. Focusing on proper pest management programs will go a long way in keeping the company’s reputation intact and its products safe for consumers. The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is currently revising its manual. food and property. NPMA offers the following advice: • Ensure the facility has adequate waste management systems inside and outside. was established in 1933 to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health. a nonprofit organization with more than 7. “Strong pest management practices can often lay the foundation for overall best practices. windows and ventilation and laboratories for signs of insect or rodent infestations. For more information about pests and prevention tips. Install air curtains and/or screens to keep flying insects out. Improper garbage disposal and overflowing and dirty dumpsters are sure ways to attract and breed pests. Ph. when every penny and every moment must be spent strategically. However. Pest infestations that arise after companies forgo proactive prevention measures tend to wreak far more havoc. proactive pestproofing measures and an immediate action plan to put in place when faced with a potential infestation—is essential for providing consumers with safe and healthy food products. provincial and/or federal regulations.” Pest Management: Best Practices Pest prevention works best when facility management and a pest manageAugust n September 2012 ment company form a partnership with one goal—keep the facility pest-free and ensure that the food produced or stored there is safe. 81 . Since facility managers are the first line of defense as they monitor potential entry points and signs of infestation. For more information on pest control in food facilities. her doctor provided a dose of epinephrine to have on hand. a manager should be available to answer any questions without guessing. but once staff understood how important food allergies are. they were really positive about the training.nsba.” The report can be downloaded in PDF format at www.” n Betsy Craig is the chief executive officer and founder of Kitchens with Confidence LLC and brings more than 25 years of foodservice industry experience to her company MenuTrinfo LLC. 82 Food Safety Magazine . Students with severe food allergies have been covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act since 1973.Focus on ALLERGENS (continued from page 14) custard. The most critical part of the equation is for the server to communicate the need for a special meal to the kitchen. Her goal is to ensure her clients meet or exceed new labeling regulations. Once the uncontaminated plate leaves the foodallergyguide. For example. As more schools look to outsource foodservice in the face of severe budget cuts. “Mostly we’ve been concerned about keeping things at the right temperature. and that oversight sent a 5-year-old to the hospital in anaphylactic shock. which means they are entitled to appropriate substitutions in school lunches.” Herman says. “We were just trusting that people were listening to customers when they took the order. Everybody on the Same Page Once all the kitchen protocols are in place and all the staff has been trained. That—the awareness and ability to identify and accommodate students with dietary sensitivities—is exactly what I hope the FSMA food safety guidelines on food allergy management will provide. “[The 1946 National School Lunch Act. If a server is unsure. but when she forgot her lunch at home.” Herman says. a cafeteria worker gave her a peanut butter sandwich—and insisted she eat it. The girl knew she couldn’t eat peanuts. “We do some deliveries to high schools for resale in their snack bars. It’s not clear how the federal food allergy rules will apply to them. operations like Dion’s may have the opportunity to provide lunches to students. But even these good intentions can go awry. right? Not necessarily. which requires schools to provide nutritious lunches to children in need] does not impose a statutory duty on the state to identify students with special dietary needs.” wrote the appeals court judge in a ruling that let school officials off the hook for the incident. but when it comes to food allergies. Some have created nut-free zones in their cafeterias from which the humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich and PayDay® bars are banished. The server should confirm that it meets the patron’s specifications and check back often to be sure. Turns out the nurse never communicated the girl’s allergy to the cafeteria. it should be uncovered only in front of the diner.pdf. we make sure we have our proper ingredients list available. even if they are voluntary. develop a flagging regimen or otherwise guard against individual exposure to food allergens. “Safe at School and Ready to Learn: A Comprehensive Policy Guide for Protecting Students with Life-threatening Food Allergies. the parents of a kindergartner followed the American Dietetics Association rules and told the school nurse about their daughter’s peanut allergy. Constant follow-up is vital. authorizing the federal departments of education and health and human services to develop voluntary food allergy management guidelines for schools. many schools now allow allergic students to carry their EpiPens rather than lock them up in the nurse’s office. The Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) of 2011 took the requirements further. A good resource on the subject is available from the National School Boards Association. that should be enough. Because peanut allergies can be life threatening. ...........................ROKABIO • www.... ...foodpt...333........alliedblending.......... 73 800......9933 • www....biadiagnostics.....MicroEssentialLab............. 69 Neogen Corp.... • 855...758. Roka Bioscience............. • 513.4080 • 63 Marel • www.... Inc..... 29 Mettler-Toledo.................aicompanies... 781...2624 • www.....221............368.....................21 Michelson Laboratories......microbiologics..5050 • www........packexpo............ Coli Conference Nelson-Jameson.......neogen.......... LLC • Pickering_AminoAcid_FoodSafety. 84 Weber Scientific • 800..........13 Strategic Consulting Inc...35-50 Thermo Fischer Scientific/Remel • 27 Microbiology International 800.......... 2 Hygiena...........8302 • www..............romerlabs........ • • • • 800........... 23 Bia Diagnostics...agilent................... ..... • www...... • Retsch • • www..9000 • www. • 800...11 August n September 2012 83 .................. Inc............71 Pickering • 800..4476 • • www....... Inc. 83 Food Safety Connect • www.......... 5 FoodHACCP.... 65 Romer Labs Inc....... Inc................ 888.... 77 Pack Expo • www... 67 Micro Essentials 75 NAMA E........ LLC • 215.......3618 • www...........826....RETSCH • Inc......0113 • www............ 25 CEM Corporation • www....4362 ext 300 • www.0148 • 79 718..245......4...... 1..thermoscientific................. 83 Q Laboratories....... 3 EtQ Management Consultants 800...........covance.51 Thermo Fisher Scientific .. 61 Allied Blending and Ingredients 800.......p1 1 1 5/19/10 2:00:32 PM 5/18/10 5:43:25 PM Microbiologics LLC • Index Abraxis....r-biopharm......1380 • www... • 800......weberscientific............. 9 EMD Millipore • www. Pickering_AminoAcid_FoodSafety.1300 • www........3033 • www.....83MICRO • www........ • 800................. 55 Covance BioControl Systems... 79 Advanced Instruments. 80 Agilent Technologies • www.....357...qlaboratories....hygiena..3911 • www... 82 R-Biopharm • 877...........MICRO • www......328....... 69 American Proficiency Institute • 800....3043 • www...... • • www...... 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