Food and Beverage Services NC II

March 19, 2018 | Author: Mariposa Tralala | Category: Menu, Educational Assessment, Competence (Human Resources), Facilitator, Waiting Staff



COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNINGMATERIAL Sector: Tourism (Hotel and Restaurant) Qualification Title: Food and Beverage Services (FBS) NC II Unit of Competency: Provide Room Services Module Title: Providing Room Services Developed by: DEO M. BELMONTE August 26, 2014 HOW TO USE THIS COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MATERIALS Welcome to the module in Providing Room Service. This module contains training materials and activities for you to perform and complete. The unit of competency “Provide Room Service” contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required for FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES (FBS) NC II. You are required to go through a series of activities in order to complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome are Information Sheets, Self-Checks, Task Sheets and Job Sheets. Follow these activities on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask your facilitator for assistance. The goal of this course is the development of practical skills. To gain these, you must learn basic concepts and technologies. For the most part, you will get this information from the Information Sheets. This module was prepared to help you achieve the required competency in “Providing Room Services”. This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular competency independently and at your own pace, with minimum supervision or help from your instructor. Remember to:  Work through all information and complete the activities in each section.  Read Information Sheets and complete the Self-Checks. Suggested references are included to supplement the materials provided in this module.  Perform the Task Sheets and Job Sheets until you are confident that your outputs conform to the Performance Criteria Checklist that follows the sheets. FBS NC II - Providing Room Services Page 2 ask your Trainer to evaluate you. FBS NC II . The results of your assessment will be recorded in your Progress Chart and/or Accomplishment Chart. You must pass the Institutional Competency Evaluation for this competency before moving to next competency. When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice. Outputs shall serve as your portfolio during the Institutional Competency Evaluation. Submit outputs of the Task Sheets and Job Sheets to your facilitator for evaluation and recording in the Accomplishment Chart. A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to you after passing the evaluation. You need to complete this module before you can perform the module on Developing and Updating Food and Beverage Knowledge.Providing Room Services Page 3 . Providing Room Services Page 4 . Provide a Link Between Kitchen and Service Areas Providing a Link Between Kitchen and Service Areas TRS512316 2. Provide Room Services Providing Room Services TRS51231 8 4. Unit of Competency Module Title Code 1. Provide Food and Beverage Services Providing Food and Beverage Services TRS512317 3.FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES (FBS) NC II COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MATERIALS List of Competencies No. Develop and Update Food and Beverage Knowledge Developing and Updating Food and Beverage Knowledge TRS512321 FBS NC II . 3. This role is generally undertaken by food and beverage attendants in large establishments but may also involve front office personnel and kitchen staff. FBS NC II . Learning stations are prepared and set-up according to learning activities. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module. Present room service meals and beverages to guest 4. Tools and equipments are prepared and set-up according to learning activities.MODULE CONTENT Qualification Title Unit of Competency Module Title : Food and Beverage Services (FBS) NC II : Provide Room Services : Providing Room Services Introduction: This module deals with the skills and knowledge required to provide room service in commercial accommodation establishments. the trainee/ student must be able to: 1. Pre-assessment instruments are prepared in accordance with the number of learners. Set-up trays and trolleys 3. 4. Take and process room service orders 2.Providing Room Services Page 5 . Present room service accounts 5. Clear room service area Assessment Criteria: 1. 2. Appropriate training facilities/resources are prepared based on the session requirement. Taking Room Service Orders ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. LEARNING OUTCOME #1 TAKE AND PROCESS ROOM SERVICE ORDERS CONTENT: 1. Contents and procedures of pre-training assessment are explained according to guidance. 6. Evidences are evaluated and feedbacks are discussed based on the results of the pre-training assessment. 3. Answer telephone with proper telephone etiquettes Check name of customer during interaction Clarifies. Promptly transfer orders in appropriate location for preparation CONDITIONS: Student/ trainee must be provided with the following: 1.5. 2. 5. TRAINING RESOURCES Competency-Based Learning Materials Audio/Video Materials FBS NC II . 7.Providing Room Services Page 6 . Evidence is gathered using the assessment tools specified in the evidence plan. 4. 6. repeat and checks details accurately Uses selling techniques when appropriate Advise clients of approximate time of delivery Records service orders according to establishment’s standards 7. WORKPLACE LOCATION 2. ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES Door Knob Menu Telephone Pen and Paper 3. TOOLS. ASSESSMENT METHOD:   Written Test Performance Test FBS NC II .Providing Room Services Page 7 . evaluate your own performance using the Performance Criteria Checklist. Answer Self Check 3.1-1 on Room Service Orders View film on “How to Take Room Service Orders” Observe the telephone courtesies and other necessary information presented in the film. After performing the Job sheet. Make the necessary corrections or improvements. Do not hesitate to ask your trainer about the use of this module. 1 TAKE AND PROCESS ROOM SERVICE ORDERS Learning Activities Read Information Sheet 3. You may browse the internet for additional information on different room service standards per institution. You must answer all questions correctly before proceeding to the next activity.1-1 on Room Service Orders Special Instructions Read and understand the Information Sheet and check yourself by answering the Self-Check 3. Page 8 . telephone courtesy/manners. Perform Job Sheet 3.1-1 on Taking Room Service Orders. verifying procedures.LEARNING EXPERIENCES Learning Outcome No.Providing Room Services Present your work to your trainer for final evaluation and recording. Upon completion of these activities. selling techniques. procedures in taking orders.1-1 on Take Room Service Orders FBS NC II . etc. Define room service 2. headed by a room service supervisor assisted by a captain waiter. In small hotels. serve and clear food and may proceed to the next LO on Set-up Trays and Trolleys. you must be able to: 1. and close down restaurant/dining area. Room Service Menus FBS NC II . In big hotels. ROOM SERVICE The room service unit is tasked to attend to the delivery of food and beverage orders to guest rooms. Differentiate room service menu from door knob menu 3. room service operates as a separate unit. INFORMATION SHEET 3. take and process orders. you learned how to set-up tables and prepare dining/restaurant area for service. Interpret door knob menu In Provide Food and Beverage Services. You also learned how to welcome customers. Enumerate and explain the steps in taking room service orders through telephone 4. The coffee shop personnel are also authorized to perform room services. the usual practice is to incorporate room service as part of the coffee shop operations.1-1 Room Service Orders Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET. In this module. you will learn the skills and knowledge required to provide room service in commercial accommodation establishments.Providing Room Services Page 9 . Take the order and write it down in an order slip (triplicate copies. Thus. Steps in Taking Room Service Orders Made through Telephone Steps Procedures Rationale/Other Information 1. complaints can be avoided. This is _________ speaking. good ______. salad dressing.Providing Room Services Page 10 This is important to ensure that the guest’s preferences and requirements are followed in the preparation. Check the name of the guest and the room number during the interaction. Lift the receiver of the telephone on the first ring if possible or within the first three (3) rings. The mouthpiece should be at least ½ inch from the mouth. FBS NC II . etc. Identify room service and greet the caller as you say: “Room Service. poached. Ask the number of orders and the guest’s preferences regarding the manner of preparation. etc. scrambled. whether boiled. plates. . one for the cashier and the last one is for the waiter) Write down and clarify orders as you hear them. one copy of the order slip goes to the kitchen. May I know your name and your room number sir/madam?” 2. Get other serving instructions like additional butter.Room service menus. Orders are usually made through the telephone and received by designated order taker. For eggs. Courteous greetings said with a smiling voice will certainly make a good impression. consisting of a la carte items are posted right in each guestroom as reference for guests in making a selection. drinks or wine that best complement the meal. Mention the order quantity and manner of preparation. inform the guest immediately and suggest an appropriate substitute.Whether breads should be served toasted or plain. Repeat the order. If the guest is undecided. Be a good salesman. “May I repeat your order sir/madam? You’ll have: 2 orders of cornflakes cereals with cold milk 2 scrambled egg with bacon 2 pancakes with buttermilk 2 freshly squeezed orange juice 2 orders of brewed coffee Did I get your order right sir/madam? Your order will be delivered in 15 minutes. say “Will that be all sir/madam?” If the items or one of the items is out of stock. etc. suggest menu specialties Offer the appropriate or chef’s daily specials. . Make appropriate suggestions. 3. Before closing. Clarify the order as you hear them. Advise the guest of approximate time of delivery. Thank you!” FBS NC II .Providing Room Services Page 11 Repeating the orders helps to prevent errors that can be sources of complaints. of Persons: _____ Guest’s Name: place preparation. Thus the guests are spared from waiting for their orders especially when they are scheduled to leave early in the morning.00 _____ Pancake --------------------------------------------------------P150. Captain waiter must counter check the room number with that indicated in the door knob menus to prevent mistakes in the delivery of orders.00 _____ Omelet _____ Boiled _____ Poached _____Beverages ------------------------------------------------------P100. Place the order to the kitchen. _____ Continental Breakfast ---------------------------------. Then they hang it on the door knob to be picked up by room service waiters in the evening or at about 3:00 AM.P200. guests will hang it in his door knob to be picked up by the room service waiter. 3. Room No.P150. Door knob menus are placed 2. ___________________________________________________________ Captain waiters should closely monitor the service time and see to Time of Delivery: _________________ it that the delivery of orders is done on the time requested. Mayumi Inn. Said menu is also provided in each room and the guests fill it out with their order. Give the copy of the order slip to the food checker and another one for billing purposes. 4.00 _____Buttermilk ______ Blueberry _____ Eggs --------------------------------------------------------------P100.00 _____ Filipino Breakfast ---------------------------------------. especially for the doorBREAKFAST knob menu ORDER orders. attendants.<<<<<<<< .P170.00 _____ Brewed Coffee _____ Decaffeinated _____ Iced Tea _____ Fresh Milk _____ Soda Room Services Page 12 Sample Door Knob Menu FBS NC II .00 _____ American Breakfast -----------------------------------. It is delivered on the exact time indicated in the order form. indicating the exact time they want their order to be delivered. 6. The order is then endorsed to the kitchen and prepared in advance. After filing out the door knob menu. 5. _____orders are endorsed to the waiters for the mis-enDoor knob menu No. Bar and Restaurant DOOR KNOBinside MENUthe guestrooms by room 1.Providing >>>>>>>>>>>>>PLEASE HANG THIS CARD ON YOUR DOORKNOB TO BE COLLECTED AT 3:00 AM. Collected door knob menus are to be endorsed to captain waiters or order takers for the recording and preparation of receipts. Door Knob Menus Many hotels make use of door knob menus for breakfast orders.4. Mayumi Inn. service time and dishes ordered together with the quantity and Order Slip No. 005 themes of desired preparations. guest’s name.Interpreting Door Knob Menu After collecting the door knob menu by the room service waiters. room number and number ORDER SLIP FORM of persons. Date : August 25. Sample Order Slip Service Time : 6:30 AM Quantity 2 FBS NC II . Bar and Restaurant Do not forget to write the date. review and write all order in an order slip in triplicate copies. 2014 Room No. : 308 Guest’s Name : Loreto Chavez Jr.Providing Room Services 2 2 Form Items Pancakes with Page 13 Blueberry Egg Omelet Brewed Coffee . FBS NC II .Providing Room Services Page 14 . taking the order. B. 4. Front Desk C. Answering the telephone. 1. Taking the order. If room service menus consist of a la carte items are posted right in each guestroom and orders are made through telephone. taking the order. It is the unit of a commercial accommodation establishment that is tasked to attend to the delivery of food and beverage orders to guest rooms. checking the answers of the guest and the room number. where should the door knob menus be placed after filling it out by the guest? A. C. checking the name of the guest and the room number. A. To make a good impression FBS NC II . checking the name of the guest and the room number. repeating the order and answering the telephone on the first ring if possible. Placing the order to the kitchen. What is the reason behind repeating the orders to the guests? A. Trolley B. Door Knob D. checking the name of the guest and the room number. Answering the questions. repeating the order and placing the order to the kitchen. Window C.SELF CHECK 3. taking the order. Room Service Unit D. repeating the order and placing the order to the kitchen. Write the letter of your choice in your answer sheet.1-1 Directions: Select the correct answers from the choices listed below each item. What are the correct steps involved in taking room service orders through telephone? A. Coffee Table 3. Answering the telephone. repeating the order and placing the order to the information desk. To be a good salesman B. D.Providing Room Services Page 15 . Kitchen B. Housekeeping Unit 2. Quantity and themes of desired preparations C. To clarify the guests’ order and prevent errors that can be sources of complaints 5. All of the above FBS NC II . number of persons and room number B. the cashier and the waiter their own copy D. Date.Providing Room Services Page 16 . What are the important details that should be indicated in the order slip when interpreting door knob menu? A. To provide the kitchen.C. guest’s name. Service time and dishes ordered D. ANSWER KEY 3. 5. 4. 3. 2. C C A D D FBS NC II .Providing Room Services Page 17 .1-1 1. Time Allotment: 2 hours Supplies/Materials: CBLM Telephone Room Service Menu Pen and paper Steps: 1. Work on a script following the steps in taking room service orders.1-1 Title: Take Room Service Orders Performance Objective: Given the needed materials and a partner. 2. If you feel that you are confident enough.Providing Room Services Page 18 . you should be able to take room service orders according to establishment’s standards. Switch your roles after and demonstrate again. 3. call the attention of your trainer for your demonstration. Assessment Method: Demonstration using Performance Criteria Checklist FBS NC II . Rehearse the script that you created. 4.JOB SHEET 3. FBS NC II .Providing Room Services Page 19 . . . Answer the telephone with proper telephone etiquettes? Check the name of the customer during interaction? Clarify.1-1 Criteria Did you . repeat and check the details accurately? Use selling techniques when appropriate? Advise the clients of approximate time of delivery? Record the service orders according to establishment’s standards? Promptly transfer the orders in appropriate location for preparation? FBS NC II .Performance Criteria Checklist 3.Providing Room Services Page 20 Yes No .
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