
March 22, 2018 | Author: AbilashPattali | Category: Casing (Borehole), Subsea (Technology), Drilling Rig, Energy And Resource, Nature



2209-inner cover 23/9/04 5:45 PM Page 1 FMC SURFACE WELLHEAD T About his Catalog This catalog is both a brochure about tions. There are a number of key and services, global reach and a our company and a catalog of our drivers that factor into those deci- robust HSE-driven commitment to fine products, systems and services. sions, not the least of which is the safety with a safety record that no reputation of the company whose competitor can match. Along with the knowledgeable We ask you to take a moment brand is on the product. advice of your FMC Surface to learn more about our company, What FMC Surface Wellhead Wellhead representative, this publication is designed to help you make brings to the decision-making its unique strengths and capabilities informed decisions in specifying the process is a unique combination of and why we should be your surface best, most cost-effective solutions experience, performance, techno- wellhead vendor of choice. for your surface wellhead applica- logical leadership, quality products TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead at a Glance 1 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead: an Overview 2 The FMC Energy Systems Story. Technology. Products & Systems. Wellhead Economics. Our People & Our Commitment to Safety ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Drilling Solutions 12 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Drilling Products 20 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Completion Solutions 34 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Completion Products 42 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Systems Solutions 54 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Actuators, Valves, Seals 62 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Technology Capabilities 86 ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead Aftermarket Service,Tools 92 26FMC1(pg1-11)_4.6.04 23/9/04 7:22 PM Page 1 OVERVIEW Who We A re F r o m D a y O n e : L i s t e n i n g t o t h e C u s t o m e r. In August 1927, brothers Arthur and Kirby Pennick of Houston founded Oil Center Tool (O-C-T) to produce pump liners and rods for the oilfields of East Texas. In 1930, O-C-T introduced a new type of casing head and tubing head that was an immediate success. ➤ O-C-T soon followed these innovations with another first. At the time, completion wellheads (Christmas trees) were assembled and tested on-site – an expensive, time-consuming and dangerous practice. O-C-T had a better idea, along with better completion wellhead components. The company introduced the first factory-assembled and tested Christmas tree, an innovation hailed as a landmark in efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness. ➤ After only a few years of operation, O-C-T was on its way to setting the standard for the design, manufacture and service of the surface wellhead. The Our Company at a Glance company that would become part of FMC Energy Systems – a quarter of a century later – introduced one innovation after another as it committed its resources to designing and manufacturing superior wellhead systems for a growing roster of customers. It’s been that way ever since. TECHNOLOGY LEADER FMC Energy Systems and its predecessor, O-C-T, have a long history of technological innovations – from the 5K wellhead in the 1930s to the first multiple-completion systems of the 1940s to the first Unihead™ thru-bore system – and in subsequent decades, the introduction of multiple-completion systems, automatic casing hangers, Unitree™, industrystandard C22/29 casing heads, Speed Loc™ clamps, subsea technology and the first [ S A F E T Y F I R S T. When we partner with you to work out the specifics of your wellhead requirements, the first topic on the agenda is always “Safety.” Safe products and practices impact every aspect of the successful drilling and completion of a well. With this in mind, FMC Surface Wellhead is consistently the industry leader in safety. ] TLP/SPAR systems. 2 O-C-T had a better idea. O-C-T introduced a new type of casing head and tubing head that was an immediate success. ➤ After only a few years of operation. an innovation hailed as a landmark in efficiency. the first topic on the agenda is always “Safety. ➤ O-C-T soon followed these innovations with another first.6. Speed Loc™ clamps. When we partner with you to work out the specifics of your wellhead requirements.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. automatic casing hangers. The Our Company at a Glance company that would become part of FMC Energy Systems – a quarter of a century later – introduced one innovation after another as it committed its resources to designing and manufacturing superior wellhead systems for a growing roster of customers. have a long history of technological innovations – from the 5K wellhead in the 1930s to the first multiple-completion systems of the 1940s to the first Unihead™ thru-bore system – and in subsequent decades.” Safe products and practices impact every aspect of the successful drilling and completion of a well. along with better completion wellhead components. 2 . manufacture and service of the surface wellhead. At the time. the introduction of multiple-completion systems. The company introduced the first factory-assembled and tested Christmas tree. O-C-T was on its way to setting the standard for the design. ] TLP/SPAR systems. time-consuming and dangerous practice. FMC Surface Wellhead is consistently the industry leader in safety. In 1930. safety and cost-effectiveness. industrystandard C22/29 casing heads. TECHNOLOGY LEADER FMC Energy Systems and its predecessor. In August 1927. With this in mind. Unitree™. O-C-T.04 23/9/04 7:22 PM Page 1 OVERVIEW Who We A re F r o m D a y O n e : L i s t e n i n g t o t h e C u s t o m e r. subsea technology and the first [ S A F E T Y F I R S T. completion wellheads (Christmas trees) were assembled and tested on-site – an expensive. It’s been that way ever since. brothers Arthur and Kirby Pennick of Houston founded Oil Center Tool (O-C-T) to produce pump liners and rods for the oilfields of East Texas. full-scale testing laboratories – assures continual innovation as well as continual improvements and enhancements in our products and services across the board. the more you’ll specify FMC Surface Wellhead products. bottom-up com- testing. but what a vital investment! Choosing precisely the right solution for your well can reduce both drilling and completion costs. From engineering to sales to service. this business is about one-to-one relationships: the knowledgeable. FMC Surface Wellhead offers a broad spectrum of products and systems to fit your budget and performance parameters. service and ongo- mitment to safety in products and ing support: where there’s oil and practices results in the industry’s gas exploration and production.6. For more TECHNOLOGY. wellheads to custom-engineered criticalservice systems. You ask. . dedicated individuals of FMC Surface Wellhead sitting down with you to listen and to work out solutions for your needs.04 23/9/04 7:22 PM Page 3 The more You know about us. FMC Surface Wellhead can help you to optimize your bottom line. whatever the application. From standard flanged than 75 years. SAFETY GL O B A L R E A C H FIRST Manufacturing. we listen. FMC Surface Wellhead’s PRODUCTS. wherever the well. at the end of the day. engineering and Our top-down. Safety is FMC Surface Wellhead is there. OUR PEOPLE. substantial investment in R &D and Applied Engineering – which includes advanced. we’ve supported your industry’s quest for improved wellhead performance and safety. sales.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. Covering the worldwide oil patch with over 100 locations around the world O V E R 75 Y E A R S PIONEER AND INNOVATOR. experienced. THE BOTTOM LINE. Today FMC Surface Wellhead is one in a family of technologically related businesses providing innovative solutions for producing and processing oil and gas. lowest incident rate. fundamental to the FMC Energy Systems culture. A wellhead represents only 3-5% of the cost of a well. highly automated manufacturing and technicians that include art materials-analysis laboratories facilities feature robotics technology FMC Kongsberg Subsea FMC Energy Systems accounts for more than specialists in valve design.0 billion in sales.and API-certified. FMC Technologies has over $2. control and FMC Measurement Solutions transportation technologies. FMC Blending & Transfer 3 4 . our company’s history of service to your industry is a record of listening to the needs of our customers and developing and upgrading the technology to fulfill those needs – on the fastest possible track. finite element analysis mental and operating conditions.6. itself an innovator in agribusiness and food processing technologies. sealing technology. production.04 23/9/04 7:22 PM Page 5 OVERVIEW T Top echnology FMC Energy Systems. CDS Engineering Consisting of nine distinct but integrated and Energy Processing Systems synergistic operations. Your money. From our roots in 1927. FMC Corporation acquired O-C-T in 1957 and FMC committed the assets to enhance manufacturing and Surface in Wellhead Innovations Te c h n o l o g y service capabilities. and our parent company. We support them with state-of-the- Our ISO-9000. the former O-C-T was renamed FMC’s Wellhead Equipment Division. and engineering / testing facilities. In 2002. more than 8. We understand budget and risk parameters.500 employees worldwide and 32 manu- Energy Production Systems facturing plants in 15 countries. In 1973. The company consists FMC Surface Wellhead’s resources of FMC Energy Systems. FMC became two separate and now unrelated companies: FMC Corporation (agricultural products and chemicals and industrial chemicals). manufacture and supply of oil and FMC Loading System gas exploration. wellhead equipped to provide full-scale product and world-linked CAD technology FMC Surface Wellhead $1. FMC Airport Systems and consist of diverse teams of engineers FMC Food Tech. grow the business into the offshore sector and expand internationally. FMC Technologies (NYSE: M E E T T H E F A M I LY FTI). FMC.3 billion of our parent company’s annual revenues. equipment design. testing that replicates actual environ- as well as the environmental test labs with FMC Surface Wellhead being a significant metallurgy. traces its history back more than 100 years. measurement. And we know time is money. FMC Energy Systems is a leader FMC Fluid Control in the design. We understand performance requirements.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. FMC SOFEC Floating Systems MODEC International LLC contributor to this amount. and fire-resistant applications. finite element analysis mental and operating conditions. We support them with state-of-the- Our ISO-9000. FMC Technologies has over $2. itself an innovator in agribusiness and food processing technologies. testing that replicates actual environ- as well as the environmental test labs with FMC Surface Wellhead being a significant metallurgy. our company’s history of service to your industry is a record of listening to the needs of our customers and developing and upgrading the technology to fulfill those needs – on the fastest possible track. FMC Corporation acquired O-C-T in 1957 and FMC committed the assets to enhance manufacturing and Surface in Wellhead Innovations Te c h n o l o g y service capabilities. FMC Blending & Transfer 3 4 .and API-certified. FMC became two separate and now unrelated companies: FMC Corporation (agricultural products and chemicals and industrial chemicals). Your money. wellhead equipped to provide full-scale product and world-linked CAD technology FMC Surface Wellhead $1. highly automated manufacturing and technicians that include art materials-analysis laboratories facilities feature robotics technology FMC Kongsberg Subsea FMC Energy Systems accounts for more than specialists in valve design.04 23/9/04 7:22 PM Page 5 OVERVIEW T Top echnology FMC Energy Systems. more than 8. and fire-resistant applications.3 billion of our parent company’s annual revenues.6.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. We understand performance requirements. production. measurement. grow the business into the offshore sector and expand internationally. And we know time is money. FMC Energy Systems is a leader FMC Fluid Control in the design. FMC SOFEC Floating Systems MODEC International LLC contributor to this amount. and engineering / testing facilities. traces its history back more than 100 years. We understand budget and risk parameters. FMC Technologies (NYSE: M E E T T H E F A M I LY FTI).500 employees worldwide and 32 manu- Energy Production Systems facturing plants in 15 countries. The company consists FMC Surface Wellhead’s resources of FMC Energy Systems. FMC.0 billion in sales. CDS Engineering Consisting of nine distinct but integrated and Energy Processing Systems synergistic operations. equipment design. the former O-C-T was renamed FMC’s Wellhead Equipment Division. sealing technology. In 2002. From our roots in 1927. control and FMC Measurement Solutions transportation technologies. manufacture and supply of oil and FMC Loading System gas exploration. FMC Airport Systems and consist of diverse teams of engineers FMC Food Tech. In 1973. and our parent company. our businesses constitute a global leader in the design. offshore and the ocean floor. at sea. Together. measurement and transportation technologies. production.6.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. .04 23/9/04 7:22 PM Page 7 Overview O ff s h o re a n d S u r f a c e C o m p l e t i o n Standard API flanged wellheads Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) vessels Offshore loading systems Large-bore Unihead® wellhead systems Tension-leg platforms External turret mooring systems SOFEC marine import/ export terminals Floating Production. service and supply of oil exploration. This illustration portrays FMC Surface Wellhead and the other FMC Energy Systems businesses in their elements on land. Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels Smith metering and control systems ® ® Chiksan and Weco flowline equipment Coiled-tubing completion equipment Turnkey blending facilities Smith metering equipment AccuLoad® load controllers Injection and production manifolds Piston and plunger pumps Platform wellhead and tree systems Kongsberg metering and control systems SOFEC service buoys Production manifolds Light well subsea interventions Smith metering and control systems Internal turret mooring systems Chiksan® marine loading arms Access gangways Fire suppression towers Smith metering and control systems Truck loading arms Smith metering equipment AccuLoad® load controllers Rail car loading arms Smith metering equipment AccuLoad® load controllers UWD-15 subsea drilling systems Horizontal subsea trees Light well subsea interventions UWD-15 subsea drilling systems Subsea processing Subsea manifolds Smartwell control systems Host ® guidelineless systems Standard subsea manifolds Standard subsea trees FMC Surface Wellhead ROVCON tie-in systems Guidelineless subsea trees one of nine operating units of FMC Energy Systems. manufacture. 6.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. including: Extreme Sour Service Extreme Corrosive Service o ➤ (-75 F) Arctic Service ➤ Fire-Resistant Technology ➤ High Flow-Erosive Service ➤ ➤ 5 . long experience in engineering and servicing wellheads for Arctic service and other extreme environments. Innovations in valve design and in elastomer and metal-tometal seals technology.04 6/28/04 9:06 AM Page 9 CRITICAL-SERVICE A P P L I C AT I O N S Wellhead performance is about the performance of your valves and seals. and state-of-the-art expertise in materials have made FMC Surface Wellhead a leader in criticalservice applications. 04 6/28/04 9:06 AM Page 10 ➤ Elastomer SEAL TECHNOLOGY Higher pressures. . in applications ranging from mature low-pressure oilfields of West Texas to critical-service environments from the North Slope to the China Sea. tree and manifold applications. metal seals last longer and provide more reliable service. FMC Surface Wellhead is the first name in gate valve technology.6. V A LV E T E C H N O L O G Y S E T S I N D U S T R Y S TA N D A R D S Anywhere in the world. And if one seal in a wellhead fails. providing the best combination of mechanical properties and chemical resistance. Model 100 series valves can also be supplied in composite block configurations for tree and boarding valve applications to suit customer’s special applications and requirements. We manufacture both self-energized. FMC Surface Wellhead’s patented “bump” metal seal is regarded as the technological breakthrough in metal seals for wellheads. well-treatment chemicals. 6 ➤ Metal-to-Metal Seals Our oilfield customers look to metal seals as cost-effective technology for extending service life and improving production efficiency. we’ve developed proprietary new elastomers suited to the design parameters of the new FMC Surface Wellhead seals. In general. metal seals and externally energized seals. We design and manufacture our elastomer seals. FMC Surface Wellhead has developed seals that compensate for thermal expansion and contraction. especially in critical applications. FMC Surface Wellhead offers all Model 100 Series Valves in independent loosevalve configurations for wellhead.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. straight-bore. reducing useful life. it can blow the budget with lost production and workover time. and the larger API casing and tubing tolerances that create increasingly difficult sealing conditions. At the same time. We are continually adding value to our superb family of gate valves by listening to your needs. applying engineering improvements to our proven products and making them more cost-effective. hotter production and longer frac times accelerate the wear and tear on seals. Seals Conventional O-ring elastomer seals no longer meet the industry’s stringent design and safety criteria. ➤ Fire test facilities ➤ Optical microscopy and metallography ➤ TEST CAPABILITIES Autoclave corrosion testing ➤ Mechanical load testing ➤ Pressure and thermal cycle testing ➤ Fire-resistance testing ➤ Arctic service testing ➤ Hot oil testing ➤ Fatigue testing ➤ NDE-submersion UT. FMC Kongsberg Subsea. hydraulic ram ➤ Bending load fixture: 8 million ft.6. PT and mag particle testing ➤ Hardness testing ➤ Strain gauge testing ➤ Tensile testing ➤ Rheometric testing ➤ C22-EG Casing Spool FMC KONGSBERG SUBSEA: SHARED TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES FMC Surface Wellhead was born on land and migrated to the sea. FMC Surface Wellhead and other FMC Energy Systems operations and their customers benefit from the technology advances developed by FMC’s Energy Systems subsea unit. including FMC Surface Wellhead.-lbs. the most hostile of environments for oil and gas production. which is number one in its global market. developing drilling and completion systems for seabed wells. Its bowl protector retaining subsea technology doesn’t need costly lockdown screws. grew partly out of the original FMC/OCT wellhead technological group. A notable example. increasing safety by eliminating the need to work under BOP and potential leak path. 7 . our C22-EG Casing Spool.04 TEST 6/28/04 9:06 AM Page 11 LABORATORIES Temperature chamber: -75oF to 500oF ➤ Pressure testing: 30ksi gas ➤ Computer-automated testing ➤ 2 million lbs. Our sister enterprise. Today. As FMC Energy Systems grew and expanded.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. the organization was restructured to concentrate like technologies and services into nine highly specialized operating units. 000 psi 2/3 5.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4.000 psi 1 10.650 psi 2 10.6.000 psi 2 6. how routine or how challenging. number of completions per well and other factors complicate the scope. for example. FMC Surface Wellhead is there with a solution that optimizes performance and minimizes your total well cost.000 psi 2/3 5. Range of Wellhead Systems Location Wellhead System Operator Application Operator Benefit Oklahoma Basic Flanged Low-pressure gas Economical Barinas Conventional Flanged High-pressure oil Standardization and Reliability Ohanet Unihead ® Drill-thru Intermediate-pressure oil Rig Savings/Intermediate pressure rate Gulf of Mexico TLP/SPAR High-pressure. where it is. no matter what it is. quickly became the industry standard for this class of product and remain in high regard among company men. systems and services. even as we continue to improve and enhance this outstanding line.000 psi is the best choice for the budget and risk parameters. Our C-22 casing head components. As location.000 psi 3 . But that’s only a narrow slice of what FMC Surface Wellhead offers: In 75 years of listening to your industry. a standard flanged API wellhead rated at 2. For many wells. depth. For deep critical-service wells. pressures. For our customers.04 6/28/04 9:06 AM Page 12 OVERVIEW T Standard o Custom The FMC Surface Wellhead Product Line: Standard Flanged Wellheads to Custom-Engineered Systems Our company is proud to be recognized for its history of technological innovation and its reputation for custom-engineered drilling and completion wellhead systems. reliability is the driver: a customengineered project approach may be the best solution. hazards and degree of difficulty of a project. drilling engineers and crews. this broad range of solutions translates into the convenience of relying on a single source – FMC Surface Wellhead – to supply you with exactly what you need for your application. introduced in 1962. our company has developed a broad spectrum of wellhead drilling and completion components. high-fatigue loading High reliability in demanding environment Java Sea SXS Conductor sharing Increase production on existing platform Additional wells per slot North Sea Fully Featured Critical Service Safety (HSE) and flexibility 8 Working Pressure PSL Level 3. 26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. TLP/SPAR Wellhead System Page 13 Barinas. U. Norway Fully Featured Critical-Application Wellhead System . Indonesia SxS (Side-by-Side) Wellhead System 9 Ohanet. U.S.S.04 6/28/04 9:08 AM Oklahoma. Algeria Unihead® Drillthru Wellhead System North Sea. Venezuela Conventional Flanged Wellhead System Java Sea. Basic Flanged Wellhead System Gulf of Mexico.6. FMC Surface Wellhead conducts ongoing safety training programs with daily. The only thing more expensive than a feature you don’t need is a system that does not meet your requirements. We know about wellhead equipment. our company has demonstrated the ability to supply worldwide to the oil industry with wellhead systems that have matched the applications requirements. neighbors and or contact your FMC Surface Wellhead representative (back cover).26FMC1(pg1-11)_4.fmcwellhead. bottom-up responsibility – and with results tied to management and employee performance appraisals – our formal HSE safety program identifies and rewards behaviors that improve safety practices.04 6/28/04 9:08 AM Page 14 Safety First L o w e s t I n c i d e n t R a t e : S a f e t y I s F u n d a m e n t a l t o F M C ’s E n e r g y S y s t e m s C u l t u re Nothing wastes your investment more than rig downtime from failures in equipment and safety practices. for example. We are proud that our safety record outperforms the industry. safety and environment (HSE) performance is a core value and will be managed as an integral part of our business to benefit employees. go to www. their families and the public. We also require formal job-safety analyses (JSAs) for all service jobs.4 million man-hours without a lost-time incident. The JSA gives our service technicians a convenient procedure for reviewing the job with the rig crew. For additional information. FMC Technologies accepts the responsibility to protect the environment and the health and safety of our employees.6. weekly and monthly service safety meetings. The stats back this statement: FMC Energy Systems’ Houston facility. Health. Those make us feel comfortable offering you to reduce your cost by working together in the specification of your requirements. and focuses on using the right tools for the job. 10 . All FMC Energy Systems employees are responsible for assuring that we achieve continuous and measurable improvement. We also understand that the best way to reduce your cost is to use the right equipment for your application. logged 7. Thank you for taking time to learn more about our company. With safety as a top-down. and we know about delivering it around the world. For more than seven decades. Bottom L ine Equipment Costs Do Matter FMC Surface Wellhead understands that the cost of your wellhead system is part of your purchasing criteria. heightens the awareness of safety risks. our customer. face-to-face. our relationship with you. customer care. dynamic and global operation.04 6/28/04 9:08 AM Page 15 Our People The FMC Surface Wellhead culture is built upon performance. Norwegian. Arabic.6. and productive. long-term relationships. While we’re a large. 11 . All of them speak the language of oil and gas exploration. Chinese. is always local.26FMC1(pg1-11)_4. Spanish.500 worldwide. Portuguese. The FMC Energy Systems people you know and work with are part of a larger business entity which employs more than 8. development and production – and they speak it in English. safety. French and several other languages. one-to-one. That’s what you do. are quite the same. logisti- 12 more reasons to trust in ] . All the technology developed to As we help you specify support you in whatever your wellhead equipment. a surface wellhead vendor budget. exploring and producing oil and gas in a huge variety of locations. that no two budgets. We realize out the globe. weather and well conditions on land and offshore. experience in a wide variety encounter on your next performance demands and of drilling situations through- project. or a deep well in Venezuela the next. From to standard advanced flanged wellheads for onshore offshore wellheads applications This section of our catalog lights the breadth of tech- cal challenges.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 1 DRILLING SOLUTIONS T Basic o Advanced [ The nature of your business has you planning an exploratory well in the Ukraine on one assignment. technical and logis- we’ll be striving for a who has decades of tic challenges you may balance of well economics. around the globe.26FMC2(pg12-19)_9. This section high- associated risks. a batch drilling program in Canada the next. and so on.6. well condi- presents examples of FMC nology available from FMC tions and set of risk factors Surface Wellhead’s systems Surface Wellhead. and offer us the best solution for the project. When they recommend wellhead technology.6.26FMC2(pg12-19)_9. onshore and } offshore.” MAJOR INDEPENDENT OIL COMPANY 13 .04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 2 Drilling Solutions { “FMC Energy Systems serves operators worldwide. we know they’re looking at experience in environments similar to what we operate in and applications similar to ours. 26FMC2(pg12-19)_9.000 psi wp Uses standard running and installation tools Benefits ◆ Low CAPEX ◆ Familiarity with standard equipment ◆ Simplicity of installation Considerations ◆ Rig Time ◆ Working under Suspended BOPs 14 .6. The right solution is determined by a balance of rig economics Rig Savings and performance/risk factors.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 3 The examples below illustrate a progression of surface wellhead solutions from basic to advanced. Split Unihead® with Internal Latch UH-WB Split Unihead® Single Unihead® with Speedloc® Standard Flanged Equipment Cost R a n g e o f We l l h e a d S y s t e m s S t a n d a rd F l a n g e d ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Standard API flanged connections Separate stage for each drilling phase L-packing retention of bowl protectors Automatic slip hangers (depending on application) Elastomer seals Designed to operate up to 20. J-slot packoffs are held in place with standard lockdown screws. special tooling. increasing safety. Split Unihead® with Speedloc® Connections ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Split system made up as a single unit permits drilling two or more phases without removing BOPs. lowers costs overall. Benefits ◆ Offers reduced installation time. special tooling. Utilizes lockdown screws for retention and energizing of seals. ◆ Minimum through-wall penetrations and fire-resistant connections reduce safety risks. Benefits ◆ Offers reduced installation time. lowers costs overall. increasing safety.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 4 UH-WB Split Unihead® ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Has basic. Has Speedloc® I clamps for drilling risers and fire-resistant connections. Provides option to split drill-thru head to run emergency casing hanger. ◆ Requires contingency equipment. Considerations ◆ Support service is recommended.26FMC2(pg12-19)_9. ◆ Eliminates working under BOP stack. Has FMC Speedloc ® II clamps for drilling risers and connections. ◆ Support service is recommended. Considerations ◆ Has higher initial CAPEX. Single-Piece Unihead® with Internal Latch ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Single-piece Unihead ® permits drilling 18 3/4˝ or 13 5/8˝ two or more phases up to 15K without removing BOPs. Provides option to split drill-thru head to run emergency casing hanger. ◆ Has through-wall penetrations. Offers elastomer and metal-to-metal seal options.000 psi wp. lowers costs overall. ◆ Eliminates working under BOP stack. Considerations ◆ Has higher initial CAPEX vs. Separate spools made up as a single unit permit drilling two or more phases without removing BOPs. Offers high reliability for critical services. ◆ Requires contingency equipment. ◆ Eliminates working under BOP stack. ◆ Minimization of through-wall penetrations reduces operating risk. Utilizes internal latches or lockdown screws for retention of seals. Has fluted mandrel casing hangers with ACME running threads. special tooling. cost-efficient and time-saving drill-thru design. Benefits ◆ Offers reduced installation time. Has fluted mandrel casing hangers with ACME running threads. Has elastomer seals. Has fluted mandrel casing hangers with ACME running threads. UWD 15 packoffs in metal or elastomer are locked with single-trip hydraulic tool. ◆ Contingency equipment. Simple packoffs with metal or elastomer seals are held in place with internal latch. conventional.6. 15 . increasing safety. Is designed to operate up to 10. The standard system is rated to 10. [ Exploring the Metal-to-metal seal S TA C K . temporary abandonment and production tie-back operations from a jack-up or other bottom-supported rig. Drilling Drilling P ro d u c t i o n Landing subs SD-1 Mudline Suspension System Tie-back subs Casing hangers Butt-weld sub Expanding spring hanger 16 Production . with each successive landing sub/casing hanger connection located below the previous one.1 M u d l i n e S u s p e n s i o n S y s t e m i s a n i n n o v a t i v e s o l u t i o n f o r c o n d u c t i n g d r i l l i n g .000 psi and is H2S compatible. two metal-to-metal seals are simultaneously energized. eliminating trash traps and enhancing the reliability of production tie-back operations.26FMC2(pg12-19)_9.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 5 DRILLING SOLUTIONS [ World F M C S u r f a c e W e l l h e a d ’s S D .T O . Higher-strength versions using alternate materials are available. During drilling.6.D O W N C O N F I G U R AT I O N M E TA L . The SD-1 uses a stackdown configuration. For completion tie-backs. one at the top of the hanger and another at the nose of the tie-back sub. all landing sub and casing hanger connections are secured by metal-tometal seals.M E TA L S E A L I N G Provides wide-open access to the tie-back profile in each hanger. 17 hangers and multifunction packoff/support bushings can be installed without nippling down the BOP stack or inserting additional casing spools. ➤ Allows fast-track completions resulting in early production.26FMC2(pg12-19)_9. all of the wellhead spools can be installed as a single unit with the BOP stack on top after installation of the casing head and lowermost packoff/ support bushing. cost effective solution for shallowwater marginal field development. The major time savings occur when the well is being abandoned. requires only one major Nipple-Up of the BOP The OBS surface equipment used with SD-1 mudline system has been designed to save time in assembly and disassembly of this unique drilling tool. additional time savings are achieved through the use of Speedloc II connections on the spools. These connections allow easy and quick access to install hangers and packoff/ support bushings. 13 5/8˝ 5K and 13 5/8˝ 10K. ➤ Proven. ➤ Allows to tie back to most mudline suspension designs. Access to the hanger and packoff/support bushing can be achieved by nippling down the connection at the casing head and lifting the OBS system as a single unit.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 6 O ff s h o re Designed to Save Time. . Op e r a t i o n s The OBS surface wellhead has three functions: ➤ To suspend casing risers at the rig ➤ To provide for annulus packoff seals between casing risers ➤ To support the BOP stack When the OBS system is being installed. In the system shown. All subsequent casing CM-1 The CM-1 is a subsea tree utilized to complete subsea wells on mudline suspension systems for shallow waters to 400 feet. OBS surface equipment is furnished with clamp connections for 21 1/4˝ 2K.6. 26FMC2(pg12-19)_9. Both those aspects were taken into account when we developed our Diverter Attachment wellhead product offering. 18 . F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ The wellhead bottom is equipped with a Slip Loc connection and the top with a Speedloc® connection. ◆ If used in conjunction with a mechanical casing cutter. Depending on which design is selected. ◆ The diverter riser assembly is removed and subsequent wellheads installed with the use of the Speedloc® connection. we have incorporated such features as no requirement to wait on cement to set. 26˝ & 24˝ drive pipe.” ability to land multiple casing strings without nippling down and the speed associated with the installation and removal of the Slip Loc and Speedloc ® quick connections. The wellhead is provided with two load shoulders that allow the operator to land and pack off both conductor and surface casing without ever needing to nipple down. thus there are no longer the dangers associated with “hot work. ◆ Seals the well bore while drilling out for conductor and surface casing. Both these connections save considerable rig time during installation. adjacent wells do not have to be shut in during installation. Once cementing operations are complete. ◆ The surface casing is landed on the upper load shoulder with a fluted hanger for flow by. a flow loop can be installed during the cementing operation. One of the inherent dangers of the industry is working under the Diverter/BOP stack when it is being installed or removed.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 7 DRILLING SOLUTIONS Time Time-Saving S avings Solutions Since our days as O-C-T. we’ve led the industry in solutions that save rig time and enhance the safety of your operation. The features we have incorporated in our Diverter Attachment Assemblies greatly minimize the amount of time one is required to spend on the wellhead deck during these operations. elimination of “hot work.” Further. ◆ The conductor casing string is landed.6. ◆ Available in Slip Loc or butt-weld prep for 30˝. S l i p L o c B o t t o m w i t h 2 .S t e p We l l h e a d f o r A t t a c h i n g t o t h e D i v e r t e r A s s e m b l y : Description The diverter wellhead assembly attaches to the conductor pipe by the use of the time-saving Slip Loc connection. Time savings were also a strong consideration taken into account during the development of our Diverter Attachment assemblies. the pack off is run. the operator could achieve between 6 and 36 hours of rig time-savings. If it is desired that returns be taken across the shale shaker. packed off and tested prior to cementing. which is designed to save valuable rig time. this design eliminates the need for welding. Depending on which design best fits your application. locked in place and tested prior to nippling down. ◆ Available in 30˝. The adapter can remain attached to the drilling riser system for subsequent wells. ◆ Surface hanger can be provided with or without annulus seals. ◆ Slip Loc diverter adapter can easily and quickly be removed after landing surface casing. F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ Seals the well bore while drilling out for surface casing. there is no need to wait further for cement to set up.26FMC2(pg12-19)_9. 18-5/8˝ & 16˝. ◆ Available in 26˝. 19 . ◆ The attachment can remain on the drilling riser system for subsequent wells. Other sizes can be manufactured on request. 24˝.04 6/26/04 9:51 AM Page 8 Slip Loc Bottom with contained landing ring with Flanged Top Diverter Adapter Head: Description The Slip Loc diverter adapter/attachment contains a profile for an independent and inexpensive load shoulder to be contained between the casing and the adapter.We l d L a n d i n g R i n g w i t h D i v e r t e r Q u i c k C o n n e c t : Description A diverter landing ring is welded to the drive or conductor pipe. 20˝. 24˝ & 20˝. ◆ The diverter attachment can be easily and quickly removed by simply backing out the bolts around the circumference of the attachment. ◆ Saves rig time associated with welding on a flange to attach the diverter and with removal of the flange once the surface casing has been landed. the connector can be removed for installation of the surface wellhead. The diverter attachment with the diverter is lowered over the neck of the adapter and locked into place. Other sizes can be manufactured on request. ◆ Saves rig time associated with welding on a flange to attach the diverter and with removal of the flange once the surface casing has been landed. The adapter can remain attached to the drilling riser system for subsequent wells.6. Slip Loc Bottom x Diverter Adapter Head: Description The diverter adapter connector is attached to the drive or conductor pipe. ◆ Available in 20˝ & 13-3/8˝. Once surface casing is cemented. S o c k e t . 26˝. thus saving valuable rig time. ◆ Slip Loc diverter adapter can easily and quickly be removed after landing and cementing surface casing. Other sizes can be manufactured on request. ◆ The surface hanger is landed on load shoulder. the Slip Loc diverter adapter can be removed and the subsequent casing head attached to the mandrel hanger. Since the casing is landed. F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ Seals the well bore while drilling out for surface casing. After drilling out and landing the surface casing. F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ Seals the well bore while drilling out for surface casing. This section of our catalog is an introduction to our drilling product families across the board from standard API flanged casing heads to advanced wellheads for critical service.6. reliable wellhead systems designed to deliver maximum productivity while controlling costs. our company has concentrated on one mission: engineering. we developed a line of drilling products that have become the industry's standards for safety. and platform. you can identify precisely what you’ ll need for your unique application wherever in the world you’ re working. manufacturing and supporting the finest-quality surface wellhead products and systems.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. TLP/SPAR applications. whatever your drilling environment. performance and cost-effectiveness. Throughout the growth and expansion of global oil and gas exploration and production and the increasing sophistication and difficulty of drilling projects. Providing products for optimal your 20 drilling application . FMC Energy Systems has been there responding to your requirements for safe. With the help of this catalog and your FMC Energy Systems representative. In the process of listening to your needs and fulfilling them with appropriate technology. your well characteristics and your performance and budget parameters.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 1 DRILLING PRODUCTS Drilling Pr o d u c t s Since 1927. C-29 Bowl Features ◆ C-29 offers same features as industry standard C-22 with the exception of the EG option. C-22 & C-122 automatic sealing casing hanger. slip-on weld or Slip Loc. lowers cost and increases safety as there is no need to work beneath the BOPs. Benefits ◆ Straight bowl prevents wedge-locking of bowl protectors. ◆ Bottom preparation can be either male-threaded. ◆ Seal bore less likely to be damaged during drilling. ◆ Provides for testing BOPs while drilling.6. It supports subsequent drilling wellhead and completion equipment. C-22-EG C-29 C-22 Bowl Features ◆ C-22 accepts C-21 non-automatic sealing casing hanger w/ type H seal ring. ◆ C-29-ET has multiple lockdown screws in top-flange which retain the hanger and can be used to energize the hanger packoff seal. ◆ C-22-EG eliminates the need for lockdown screws to retain bowl protectors. ◆ Provides outlets for annular access. ◆ Supports blowout preventers while hole is drilled for next casing string. casing hangers and test plugs.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. Benefits ◆ Deeper bowl accepts C-29/C-129/C-229/C121-S extreme-load casing hangers in addition to other FMC Surface Wellhead casing hangers. ◆ C-22-EG reduces number of leak paths. Functions ◆ Provides for attachment to surface casing string. 21 22 .04 6/26/04 10:08 AM Page 2 DRILLING PRODUCTS Casing Heads Description: The casing head is the lowest part of the wellhead assembly and is almost always connected to the surface casing string. female-threaded. ◆ The lockdown screws of the C-29-ET can also be used as bowl-protector hold-down screws. ◆ Provides for suspending and packing off the next casing string. ◆ Detachable base plate available for C-22-EG heads provides time savings and adds value due to better utilization of customer-owned property. ◆ C-22-BP-ET has bowl-protector lockdown screws in the top flange. ◆ The lockdown screws of the C-29-ET can also be used as bowl-protector hold-down screws. ◆ Supports blowout preventers while hole is drilled for next casing string. C-22-EG C-29 C-22 Bowl Features ◆ C-22 accepts C-21 non-automatic sealing casing hanger w/ type H seal ring. Functions ◆ Provides for attachment to surface casing string. ◆ C-22-EG reduces number of leak paths. lowers cost and increases safety as there is no need to work beneath the BOPs. slip-on weld or Slip Loc. Benefits ◆ Deeper bowl accepts C-29/C-129/C-229/C121-S extreme-load casing hangers in addition to other FMC Surface Wellhead casing hangers. It supports subsequent drilling wellhead and completion equipment. ◆ C-29-ET has multiple lockdown screws in top-flange which retain the hanger and can be used to energize the hanger packoff seal. ◆ Detachable base plate available for C-22-EG heads provides time savings and adds value due to better utilization of customer-owned property. C-22 & C-122 automatic sealing casing hanger. casing hangers and test plugs. ◆ Bottom preparation can be either male-threaded. ◆ Seal bore less likely to be damaged during drilling. C-29 Bowl Features ◆ C-29 offers same features as industry standard C-22 with the exception of the EG option. female-threaded. ◆ C-22-BP-ET has bowl-protector lockdown screws in the top flange.6. ◆ C-22-EG eliminates the need for lockdown screws to retain bowl protectors. ◆ Provides for testing BOPs while drilling.04 6/26/04 10:08 AM Page 2 DRILLING PRODUCTS Casing Heads Description: The casing head is the lowest part of the wellhead assembly and is almost always connected to the surface casing string. ◆ Provides for suspending and packing off the next casing string.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. ◆ Provides outlets for annular access. 21 22 . Benefits ◆ Straight bowl prevents wedge-locking of bowl protectors. 26FMC3(pg20-33)_4.04 6/26/04 10:09 AM Page 4 Drilling P ro d u c t s FMC SURFACE WELLHEAD BASIC FLANGED DRILLING PRODUCTS TUBING HEAD TCM-ET TC-ET TC-60-ET TC-WD-ET C-22-EG C-29 C-22-BP C-29-ET SLICK OD/FS ID 4 FS/S PI Seal C-21 C-22 C-29 C-121-S C-122 C-22-EG C-22 C-22-BP C-29 C-29-ET CASING SPOOL REDUCER BUSHING CASING HANGER CASING HEAD BASE PLATE C-129 C-229 .6. in. With or without base plate (specify conductor) F.000 5.2 2 . Male thread. in.000 2.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4.000 3.000 3. Temperature Class 3. Bottom Connection 1.000 16 17 17 15 16 18 18 18 18 29 21 WHEN ORDERING 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 15/16 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/8 3/8 1/16 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/2 3/4 B Weight C D Lb. female thread.000 2.000 2.6.000 3.000 2.000 15 15 13 15 15 15 16 18 16 16 15 16 5. studded or flanged 2. 23 Casing Heads Bottom Casing Thread Size. Material Class 4. FMC Energy Systems Model B. slip-on weld with internal seal or Slip Loc 2. psi A 2.000 3. Threaded.000 3. With or without monogram NOTES: ◆ Type H seal rings cannot be installed in C-22-BP-ET or C-29 ET heads. Size. PSL 2. slip-on weld.000 5. With or without lockdown screws 2. API 6A Requirements 1.000 5.000 2.000 5. specify the following: A.B P C A S I N G H E A D S Top Flange Work. In. Side Outlets 1.000 3. Pressure. Approximate . Flange/clamp hub size 3. Options 1. Flange/clamp hub working pressure D. Top Connection 1.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 6 D C B A C . Casing size C. Flange or clamp hub 2.2 2 A N D C . Size 3.000 3.000 3.000 2. ◆ The C-121-S nonautomatic-sealing casing hanger cannot be used in a C-22 bowl. Working pressure E.000 5. 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 13 13 13 16 16 16 20 20 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 11 13 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 21 20 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 Dimensions.000 3. Kg 8 9 8 8 9 9 9 11 9 9 9 9 11/16 5/16 9/16 9/16 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/4 3/16 3/16 1/4 13/16 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 210 240 180 240 250 340 460 530 430 680 300 410 95 109 62 109 113 154 209 240 195 308 136 186 9 9 9 9 9 12 10 10 10 13 13 13/16 3/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/8 5/16 10 11 11 12 12 12 15 15 15 19 19 10 13 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 20 20 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 1/8 1/8 560 460 700 380 500 750 980 995 1100 1250 1400 254 209 318 172 227 340 445 451 499 567 635 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/16 3/16 Casing Heads.000 2. ◆ Hangers can be lowered through blowout preventers and landed before or after cement has set. Benefits ◆ Industry-standard hanger maximizes use of customer property. ◆ Incorporates spring-loaded latch and heavy-duty hinge. allowing for ease of installation. ◆ Provides automatic packoff sealing.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 7 DRILLING PRODUCTS S l i p . ◆ Only 50. ◆ Is designed to suspend typically encountered casing loads.000 pounds of casing load is normally needed to energize the annulus seal. ◆ Provides for suspension of the casing load from a casing head or spool. C-22 C-29 C-22 and C-29 Features ◆ Fits all FMC Surface Wellhead C-22/C-29 casing heads and spools. ◆ Provides an annular seal. Slip-type hangers are available in automatic-sealing and nonautomatic-sealing varieties. ◆ Slips engage casing evenly. ◆ Off-the-shelf availability suits typical applications. ◆ Is suitable for short casing or lightly loaded applications. Functions ◆ Provides for easy wraparound or split installation at any location on the casing string.000 to 60. extensively tested.Ty p e C a s i n g H a n g e r s Description: Slip-type casing hangers provide a method to transfer the weight or tension load of a casing string to a casing head or spool. ◆ Provides flexibility and safety of installation. ◆ Provides a means to center the casing string in the head or spool. ◆ No separate screws or latches are needed.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4.6. 24 . ◆ Has interlocking slip segments. has rugged. distributing casing load to the bowl. field-proven design. Automatic hangers have seals which are energized by casing weight. while nonautomatic hangers have seals which require means other than casing weight to be energized. ◆ Saves installation time and eliminates working in hazardous cellar conditions. Nonautomatic hangers are typically used when insufficient casing load is available or when cementing back to the surface. ◆ Has a broader range of application. ◆ Provides flexibility and safety of installation. ◆ Hangers can be lowered through blowout preventers and landed before or after cement has set.000 pounds of casing load is normally needed to energize the annulus seal. distributing casing load to the bowl. suitable for short casing or lightly loaded applications. ◆ Has interlocking slip segments. ◆ Incorporates split-bowl design with tangential bolting. ◆ Slip and bowl assembly can be lowered through blowout preventers and landed before or after cement has set. ◆ Slips engage casing evenly. ◆ Offers easy installation. ◆ Slips engage casing evenly. ◆ Provides flexibility and safety of installation.6. ◆ Offers easy installation. ◆ Has independently installed. ◆ Off-the-shelf availability suits typical applications. distributing casing load to the bowl. ◆ Is designed to handle harsher environments and difficult applications. ◆ Saves installation time and eliminates working in hazardous cellar conditions. Benefits ◆ Is interchangeable with C-22 and C-29 hanger profiles. ◆ Is capable of long-term sealing in harsher environments. . ◆ Has automatic packoff sealing.04 6/26/04 C-21 10:22 AM Page 8 C-122 C-129 C-21 Hanger with Type H Seal Ring Benefits ◆ Industry-standard hanger maximizes use of customer property. ◆ Incorporates patented nonextrusion plate design. ◆ Incorporates split design with easily engaged latching cap screws. ◆ Only 50. ◆ Provides interlocking slip segments.000 to 60. C-122 and C-129 Advanced-Design Hangers Features ◆ Fits all FMC Surface Wellhead C-22/C-29 casing heads and spools.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. ◆ Is designed to suspend typically encountered casing loads. interference-energized packoff sealing ring. 25 S l i p Ty p e Casing Hangers Features ◆ Fits all FMC Surface Wellhead C-22/C-29 casing heads and spools. ◆ Isolates test pressure from hanging load. ◆ Is designed to handle extreme load. ◆ Offers choice of two methods to energize packoff. C-229 Extreme-Load Hangers Features ◆ Fits FMC Surface Wellhead C-29-ET casing heads and spools. ◆ Offers easy installation. ◆ Slips engage casing evenly. Benefits ◆ Is interchangeable with FMC Surface Wellhead C-29-ET hanger profiles.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. which allows for higher casing load/ pressure combinations. ◆ Is capable of long-term sealing in harsher environments. ◆ Saves installation time and eliminates working in hazardous cellar conditions. ◆ Offers easy installation. ◆ Provides interlocking slip segments.6. ◆ Has packoff above the slips. ◆ Provides flexibility and safety of installation. harsher environments and difficult applications. ◆ Hangers can be lowered through blowout preventers and landed before or after cement has set. ◆ Is capable of long-term sealing in harsher environments. ◆ Provides interlocking slip segments. distributing casing load to the bowl. ◆ Has a compression packoff above the slips. ◆ Isolates test pressure from hanging load. ◆ Is designed to handle harsher environments and difficult applications. ◆ Isolates test pressure from hanging load. 26 . Benefits ◆ Is interchangeable with FMC Surface Wellhead C-29 hanger profiles. ◆ Incorporates patented nonextrusion plate design. ◆ Has a broader range of application. ◆ Incorporates split-bowl design with tangential bolting. ◆ Provides automatic packoff sealing. ◆ Provides flexibility and safety of installation. distributing casing load to the bowl. ◆ Hangers can be lowered through blowout preventers. ◆ Has a versatile packoff energization. which allows for higher casing load/ pressure combinations. ◆ Incorporates split-bowl design with tangential bolting. ◆ Incorporates patented nonextrusion plate design. ◆ Slips engage casing evenly. ◆ Has a broader range of application.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 9 C-121S C-229 C-121S Advanced-Design Hangers Features ◆ Fits FMC Surface Wellhead C-29 casing heads and spools. Material Class 4.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 10 C A S I N G Flange X Casing (Inches) H A N G E R C-21 C-22 9 x 4 1/2 9x5 9 x 5 1/2 11 x 4 1/2 11 x 5 11 x 5 1/2 11 x 6 5/8 11 x 7 11 x 7 5/8 13 5/8 x 5 1/2 13 5/8 x 7 13 5/8 x 7 5/8 13 5/8 x 8 5/8 13 5/8 x 9 5/8 13 5/8 x 10 3/4 16 3/4 x 9 5/8 16 3/4 x 10 3/4 16 3/4 x 11 3/4 16 3/4 x 13 3/8 18 3/4 x 9 5/8 18 3/4 x 13 3/8 20 3/4 x 9 5/8 20 3/4 x 10 3/4 20 3/4 x 11 3/4 20 3/4 x 13 3/8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 20 3/4 x 16 X X X 21 21 21 21 21 26 X X X X X X X X 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 x x x x x x 9 5/8 10 3/4 11 3/4 13 3/8 16 18 5/8 X X X X WHEN ORDERING A. With or without monogram NOTE: ◆ Standard C-21 cannot be used in casing heads or spools that have lockdown screws. specify the following: G.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. Top Flange or Clamp-Hub Size D. Casing Weight F.6. FMC Energy Systems Model B. 27 C-229 X . Temperature Class 3. PSL 2. FMC Casing Head/Spool Type C. Casing Grade X X X X X X X S E R I E S C-29 C-121-S C-122 C-129 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Casing Hangers. API 6A Requirements 1. Casing Size E. ◆ Accepts FMC Surface Wellhead C-22 BOP test plugs. 28 . ◆ Provides retention for bowl protector while drilling. The spool also has a bottom bowl with a packoff seal and a flange or clamp hub for mounting it on top of a casing head or previous spool. lowers cost and increases safety.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 11 DRILLING PRODUCTS Casing Spools Description: The casing spool has a top bowl to accommodate the casing hanger. studded or flanged outlets. ◆ C-22-BP-ET has bowl-protector lockdown screws in the top flange. C-22/C-122 automaticsealing casing hanger. Multiple casing spools may be stacked to hang intermediate and production casing strings. ◆ Provides for supporting and testing BOPs while drilling. ◆ Provides side outlets for annular access. ◆ Bottom bowl preparations available are: -PI pressure-intensified seal -S/FS-BG Seal Bushing -SBMS II metal-to-metal seal -Integral FS seal -RCMS (Rough Casing Metal Seal) -FS-BG bushing ◆ Is available with threaded. C-22-EG C-29 C-22 Features ◆ Has a straight bowl. ◆ Provides a seal in the bottom bowl to pack off the previous casing string and isolate flange or clamp hub seals and casing hanger seals from internal casing pressure. casing hangers and test plugs. Outlets are provided for annular access. Functions ◆ Provides a load shoulder in the top bowl to support a casing hanger. ◆ Provides a controlled bore in the top bowl for the casing hanger seal. Benefits ◆ Straight bowl prevents wedge-locking of bowl protectors. ◆ C-22-EG eliminates the need for lockdown screws to retain bowl protectors. ◆ Accepts C-21 nonautomatic-sealing casing hanger w/type H seal ring.6. ◆ C-22-EG reduces number of leak paths. ◆ Provides a port for pressure-testing casing seals and flange connections.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. 5 2.520 13.880 9. ◆ The lockdown screws of the C-29-ET can also be used as bowl-protector hold-down screws.88 12. 13-5/8-5K x 11-5K SSO 8-5/8" FS.375 7.52 6.25 12. 13-5/8-3K x 11-5K SSO 9-5/8" FS.00 B C D Top Btm Bowl Restricted Bowl Dia.38/12.41/7.91/27.88/12.25 7.52 6.5 2. Size 3.41 29.505 12.25 10.780 10. ◆ The C-121-S nonautomatic-sealing casing hanger cannot be used in a C-22 bowl.13/27.69 15.880 8.82 6.005 9.62 26.00/14. Bottom Flange x Top Flange 7" FS.005 9. 13-5/8-3K x 11-5K SSO 8-5/8" FS. ◆ Bottom bowl preparations available are: -PI pressure-intensified seal -S/FS-BG Seal Bushing -SBMS II metal-to-metal seal -Integral Single or Double FS seal -RCMS (Rough Casing Metal Seal) -FS-BG bushing Benefits ◆ Deeper bowl accepts C-29/C-129/C-229/C121-S extreme-load casing hangers in addition to other FMC Surface Wellhead casing hangers.50/24.880 9.00 10. 21-1/4-2K x 13-5/8-5K SSO 9-5/8" FS.88/27.88/29.38/12.25/21.52 6.505 12.64 10.25 7. Threaded.52 6. 20-3/4-3K x 13-5/8-5K SSO 13-3/8" FS. with the exception of the EG option.52 6.020 8.5 2.880 8.38 29. specify the following: D.12 6.25/7. With or without monogram NOTES: ◆ Type H Standard seal rings cannot be installed in C-22-BP-ET or C-29 ET heads.880 9.52 6.52 6.00/14.61 NA 10.71 15. Top Connection 1.5 2.005 9.12/12. 16-3/4-3K x 11-5K SSO 13-3/8" FS.52 6.25 9.38 12.770 10.917 13. 10.34 12.13 6.94/13.25/7.880 8.25 10. Studded or Flanged 2.88 6.520 13.32/14.52 6.020 8.25 7.25 26.77 10. Flange or Clamp Hub 2.568 13. 13-5/8-5K x 11-10K SSO 9-5/8" FS.880 6.130 10. 13-5/8-5K x 11-5K SSO 9-5/8" FS.61 2.06 6.005 8.44/10.020 8.48/7.16 12.88 6.13/27.6 2.568 WHEN ORDERING A. Side Outlets 1. Working Pressure E.75 20.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 12 C-29 Features ◆ Offers same features as industry-standard C-22.38 27.25 7.568 13.00 24.22/10. With or Without Lockdown Screws 2.10/10.770 10.25 Casing Spools.25/10.02 6.38 6.50 13. Working Pressure D I M E N S I O N S E F G H J Top Top Btm Depth CL Head to CL Bowl Bowl to to Face Outs Depth Depth Groove of Out 13. Bottom Seal Size and Configuration F. Options 1.505 12.25/26.880 10.62/12.880 8.52 6.38/12.52 6.63/10. Bottom Connection 1. Size 3.41 26. 29 Casing Spools Size S P O O L .020 9. API 6A Requirements 1.41 26.25 7.75 20. 13-5/8-5K x 13-5/8-5K Overall Length 26.5 NA 10.00/27.00/25.5 2. 13-5/8-5K x 11-10K SSO 10-3/4" FS.00 26.5 2. 13-5/8-3K x 11-3K SSO 8-5/8" FS.780 10. Size 3.61 NA 10.55/10.13 6.880 9.25/26. Working Pressure C.5 2.63/8. Temperature Class 3.69 13.55/10.770 10.12 6.50 13.6. B F H E J A C G D C A S I N G A Seal.11-5Kx11-5K SSO 8-5/8" FS. 13-5/8-3K x 11-3K SSO 9-5/8" FS.5/13.25 7. FMC Energy Systems Model B.50/21.52 6.780 10. Flange or Clamp Hub 2.5 2. Material Class 4.48/7.25 25.41/7.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. ◆ C-29-ET has multiple lockdown screws in top-flange which retain the hanger and can be used to energize the hanger packoff seal.020 10.520 13.25 7. ID Dia. PSL 2.88 6.71 13.780 10.75/24.64 13. Therefore. RX or BX) found in other wellhead connectors. In contrast. Under well pressure conditions. The Speedloc ® Clamp consists of a series of segments which are mechanically isolated from one another. if one stud fails on a two-piece clamp.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. permitting each segment to act as an independent clamp. therefore maintaining 91. FMC Surface Wellhead’s integral Speedloc Clamps can be pre-installed on wellheads. BOPs and other drill-thru components with no rig assembly time required.6. FMC Surface Wellhead currently offers two versions of the Speedloc design: Speedloc I: Proven worldwide. far exceeding conventional two-piece clamps in strength. The increased strength and reliability of Speedloc Segmented Clamps over two-piece clamps help ensure safety in the field by greatly reducing the risk of a failure. and are ideal for high-temperature applications. Speedloc® Clamps are available in nominal sizes from 7 1/16 to 21 1/4 inches for standard and sour-gas services to 20. FMC Surface Wellhead uses clamp devices in place of flange connections for wellheads. Fluctuations in vertical end loads and externally applied bending moments do not affect the function of the seal. with only moderate torque required for full stud preload.7% of the installed connector’s preload. the total load is distributed equally between the Speedloc-I Clamp’s studs. The contact surface between the segments and the hubs acts as a ramp to maximize vertical clamping force. Speedloc-I Clamps provide high bending moment and shear-resistance capacities. Sealing integrity is maintained by radial compression of the seal against the machine surfaces of the seal pocket. One person can make up all sizes of Speedloc Clamps in less than 10 minutes. handling devices and loose parts. Straight-bore metal seal Speedloc-I Segmented Clamps use FMC Surface Wellhead’s patented straight-bore metal seal (SBMS) rather than the standard API seal (R. minimizing time and exposure of service personnel in the area of the wellhead. Other factors inherent in the design of the Speedloc Clamp that help maximize personnel and rig safety include the elimination of special tools. failure of the entire clamp could occur. These clamp segments pull the integral mating hubs together as the nuts are tightened. They provide distinct mechanical and operational advantages over alternative connectors. the Speedloc Clamp does not require further vertical preload to generate a seal.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 13 DRILLING PRODUCTS Clamps Description: To reduce installation time and wellhead equipment size. The loss of a single Speedloc-I Clamp stud results in only 8.000 psi. 30 .3% drop in clamp preload. The SBMS seal is preloaded radially during assembly as the clamp segments pull the mating hubs together. 0oF to 250oF. When the travel nuts are being loosened. Superior “clamping” by design The Speedloc-II Clamp consists of a series of segments which are mechanically isolated from one another.000 psi.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4.04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 14 Speedloc II: Proven worldwide. The Speedloc-II nut threads are coated to provide a lower coefficient of friction. Mates with conventional clamp hubs 31 Clamps FMC Surface Wellhead’s Speedloc-II Clamps mate to conventional clamp hubs using API RX or BX ring gaskets. reducing make-up torque and dramatically increasing thread life. preassembled design with significant safety advantages.6. Speedloc-II Clamps maximize strength by distributing total load equally between the clamp’s studs. the Speedloc II’s studs are smaller in diameter for the same load-bearing capacity. As a result. causing the nuts to positively retract the segments. depending on the size. . the retainer bolts keep the nuts and segments together. The Speedloc II uses a travel nut with a retainer bolt to secure the segments onto the hub. with only moderate torque required for full preload. and require significantly less torque for installation. permitting each segment to act as an independent clamp. The Speedloc II can also be provided with FMC Surface Wellhead’s straight-bore metal seal (SBMS) for special applications. Speedloc-II Clamps are available in sizes from 7 1/16 to 21 1/4 inches for standard or sour-gas services to 20. Speedloc-II Clamps typically have 12 or 16 studs. The design allows for interface between FMC Surface Wellhead and existing conventional clamp hub equipment. versus two or four studs in conventional clamps. providing mechanical and operational advantages over other connectors. The result: you get enhanced clamping and higher end load capacities in a compact. 000 psi working pressure) has nonextrusion backup rings and is secured in the bottom bowl by an acme-threaded lock ring.6. Utilizes two FS seals on the ID and two S seals on the OD. PI Annulus Seals Features and Benefits ◆ ◆ ◆ Offers optional annulus seal. where it is held in place by a snap ring.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. 32 . High-pressure seal (15. Is installed in the bottom bowl. High-pressure seal (15. Is available in various ID and OD combinations to adapt casing spools and tubing heads to different casing sizes. Is available in various ID and OD combinations to adapt casing spools and tubing heads to different casing sizes.000 psi working pressure).04 6/26/04 10:22 AM Page 15 DRILLING PRODUCTS Reducer Bushings Description: FMC Energy Systems provide a wide variety of seals to install in bottom of Casing Spools and TC Tubing Heads to adapt them to different casing sizes. SLICK OD/FS ID 4 FS/S PI Seal 4 FS/S Features and Benefits ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Is standard secondary seal for all FMC Energy Systems casing spools and tubing heads. Interference-type seals with nonextrusion backup rings provide secondary seal. ” A WORLDWIDE LEADER OIL COMPANY 33 .04 6/26/04 10:23 AM Page 16 Reducer Bushings “FMC Energy Systems service technicians have been the safety top performers since we track the ratio in our Gulf of Mexico operations.6.26FMC3(pg20-33)_4. fire-resistant and low-temperature service are included. we consider the economics of your well. 34 . ◆ Material options for H2S/CO2. are included. To introduce our catalog of completion solutions components and systems. in general. straight-bore tubing head design for maximum utilization of components.26FMC4(pg34-41)_4. reservoir characteristics and well fluid analyses drive the design of a surface control system — whether a basic system or the most challenging completions for critical service. In this process. FMC ◆ Energy Systems completion system features Streamlined. ◆ Simple completion procedures keep well pressure under control at all times. All hangers can be run through BOPs. Your FMC Surface Wellhead sales/technical representative adds value by recommending the right completion equipment for your unique situation. versatile system is based on a single. including single and multiple strings and completions with submersible pumps or surface-controlled subsurface safety valves.000 to 20.04 6/26/04 11:00 AM Page 1 COMPLETION SOLUTIONS T Simple o Critical While no two completion situations and conditions are quite the same. ◆ Standard components for conventional tubing completions. the following examples illustrate a progression of completion models from basic to critical service. ◆ Working pressure ratings are from 2.6. the performance/risk factors of your application and the support services available for your well locations. ◆ System includes the easiest-to-run dual split hanger in the industry. allowing well to be secured before BOPs are removed.000 psi. 6.04 6/26/04 11:00 AM Page 2 Completion Solutions “FMC Energy System’s engineers are our reference to know the most reliable and advanced technology in dry trees.26FMC4(pg34-41)_4.” A NATIONAL OIL COMPANY 35 . This concept includes FMC Energy Systems’ proprietary elastomer seals designs and our “state of the art” Model 120/130 gate valves. This is achieved without compromising quality or safety.000 psi wells and completion sizes up to and including 3 1/8".000 psi wells and completion sizes up to 4 1/16". gas. ◆ Available with or without control-line porting. ◆ Suitable for sour. corrosive environments and when producing in environmentally sensitive areas or in close proximity to the densely inhabited areas (AA to FF). Reliable and simple TC-1A tubing Hanger Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 15.6. Multiple ports are available if required. Continuous Control Line for subsurface safety valve Model 101 Gate Valve Externally re-energizeable Tubing Hanger Seal ADVANCED SINGLE COMPLETION Developed for applications where production conditions are known or predictable. PR-2 plus additional cycle testing as required by FMC Energy Systems. gas lift and all flooding and injection operations when corrosion may be an issue. ◆ Suitable for slightly sour and corrosive environments.04 6/26/04 11:00 AM Page 3 COMPLETION SOLUTIONS BASIC SINGLE COMPLETION Model 100 Series Gate Valve Developed for applications where economics are the major driver. Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 5. Appendix F. ◆ Production environments include oil. ◆ Certified to API 6A.26FMC4(pg34-41)_4. Elastomeric FS seal FMC Energy Systems proprietary design 36 . ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy Systems’ proprietary interference elastomer seals and elastomer seal compound. and swab valve Developed for the most severe production requirements. or flanged connection.000 psi wells and completions sizes up to and including 7 1/16". The composite block can be configured where it is best suited for the Operator’s well site.26FMC4(pg34-41)_4. ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy Systems’ proprietary interference and elastomer seals and elastomer seal compound. Is available with metal-to-metal sealing if required. ◆ Depending on the component. gas lift and all flooding and injection operations. corrosive environments and when producing in environmentally sensitive areas or in close proximity to the densely inhabited areas (AA to HH). ◆ Available with or without continuous control-line porting. Includes FMC Energy Systems’ patented metal-to-metal seal technology and the totally non elastomeric Model 120/130 gate valve. ◆ Suitable for sour. This translates into costs savings and safer operating conditions for the production operators. corrosive environments. gas. PR-2 plus additional cycle testing as required by FMC Energy Systems. ◆ Production environments include primarily highpressure and high-temperature gas production. Valves can be all front facing or alternate where the long string faces one direction and the short string 180° offset. surface temperature rating can be as high as 450°F. Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 10. Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 20. ◆ Certified to API 6A. PR-2 plus additional 300 cycles as required by FMC Energy Systems. ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy Systems’ patented metal-to-metal sealing technology. ◆ Available with or without control-line porting.6.04 6/26/04 11:01 AM Page 4 Composite Block to reduce number of leak paths CRITICAL SERVICE SINGLE COMPLETION Block equipped with double master valve. Straight-bore metal-to-metal tubing hanger seal Pressureintensified seal 37 . ◆ Production environments include oil. Multiple ports are available if required. Multiple ports are available if required.000 psi wells and completions sizes up to and including 4 1/16". ◆ FMC Energy Systems designs for minimal overall height and maximum access. Speedloc® connection for a faster make up and to increase safety Model 130 Actuated Gate Valve DUAL COMPLETION Developed for all multiple tubing string completions. ◆ Suitable for sweet or sour. ◆ Certified to API 6A. tee. studded. Appendix F. ◆ Available in either a Speedloc®. Appendix F. 26FMC4(pg34-41)_4.6.04 6/26/04 11:01 AM Page 5 ELECTRIC SUBMERSIBLE PUMP COMPLETIONS Integral system designed to exactly match customer needs Developed for ESP or ESPCP applications. FMC Energy Systems has standardized on penetrator options to fulfill all the Operator’s requirements without losing sight of the need to maintain a cost-effective system. Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 5,000 psi wells and completion sizes up to and including 4 1/16". ◆ Designed for Class 1 Division 1, non-Class 1 Division 1, or simple cable packoff penetrator options. ◆ Penetrator options have been rationalized to offer flexibility and ease of installation. ◆ Suitable for sweet or sour and corrosion environments. ◆ Production environments include oil and are compatible with injection operations when corrosion may be an issue. ◆ Available with or without control-line porting. Multiple ports are available if required. ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy Systems’ proprietary interference and elastomer seals and elastomer seal compound. ◆ Certified to API 6A, Appendix F, PR-2 plus additional cycle testing as required by FMC. Available for multiple sizes INTEGRAL PRODUCTION BOP FOR ROD AND PROGRESSING CAVITY PUMPS Developed for artificial lift applications for Rod Pumps and Progressing Cavity Pumps (PCP). To better serve the artificial-lift market, FMC Energy Systems has added Integral Production BOPs (IPBOP) to our product portfolio. The IPBOP allows the Operator to safely re-enter the well bore by sealing off against the rods or, if the rods are parted, allows one to blind off the well bore. Model 100 series gate valve Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 2,000 psi wells and completion sizes up and including 4 1/16". ◆ Suitable for sour, corrosive environments and when producing in environmentally sensitive areas or in close proximity to the densely inhabited areas (AA to FF). ◆ Production environment is oil but can be adapted to be suitable if adjacent injection operations create a more corrosive environment. ◆ Although independent components can be provided, the Integral Production BOP (IPBOP) can integrate the tubing head bonnet, production BOP and flow tee, or any combinations of these, in one unit. ◆ The Integrated BOP offers cost savings when compared to purchasing the individual items. In addition, potential leak paths are greatly reduced, and the overall height, which can be 50% less, is safer for Production Operators. ◆ The BOP rams have the capability to seal off from 0 to 11/2" rods. Available with multiple penetrator options Cost-effective alignment method 38 26FMC4(pg34-41)_4.6.04 6/26/04 COILED 11:01 AM TUBING Page 6 COMPLETION Developed to allow operators to continue production from natural-lift oil and gas wells without major workovers. FMC Energy Systems has experienced various applications of coiled tubing, including uses as initial production tubing to replace the jointed pipe, and use as a velocity string in existing completions, being snubbed into an existing well, artificial lift, gas lift, ESP completions and dual concentric strings. Model 100 Series Gate Valve Features and Benefits ◆ Increases savings by reducing the time the drilling rig stays on location. ◆ Minimizes the tubular cost by reducing the hole and casing sizes. ◆ Faster completion than conventional rig and jointed tubing. ◆ Prevent formation damage associated with kill fluids. ◆ Available in all popular API thread and flange connections or combinations of both. ◆ Pressure ratings are comparable to rated pressure of coiled tubing. Bowl profile allows to land tubing string once well begins to deplete Well is produced through suspended casing TUBING-LESS COMPLETION / FRAC FLOW SYSTEM Model 100 Series Gate Valve Developed to support well fracturing operations in today’s natural gas completion processes. In addition, the system works well for applications where high production rates deplete rapidly and a siphon string is to be added at a later date to further enhance production. The smaller tubing head flange allows for economical temporary tubingless completions and for traditional tubing completions. This type of completion eliminates the need for wellhead isolation tools and tree savers during the well fracturing job, saving time and money. The system supports standard jointed tubing or coiled tubing completions. Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 15,000 psi wells. ◆ Suitable for sour, corrosive environments and when producing in environmentally sensitive areas or in close proximity to the populous (AA to HH). ◆ Eliminates the need for Wellhead Isolation tools and Tree Savers reducing rental tool cost. ◆ Reduces fracturing stack rental costs because of the smaller size. ◆ Allows a siphon string to be run through the XT, landed, and packed off. The bigger-bore XT can then be removed and replaced with a more economical tree compatible with tubing size and production pressures of the flowing well. ◆ Also available for use with the DTO Wellhead System providing additional drilling time and completion savings. Siphon String head for temporary or permanent coiled tubing installation Retractable load shoulder to allow Head full opening 39 26FMC4(pg34-41)_4.6.04 6/26/04 H O R I Z O N TA L 11:01 AM Page 7 Angled flow to reduce erosion COMPLETION Developed to allow well intervention to occur without removing the XT and flowline. This allows the Operator to maintain flowline connections, thus, reducing cost associated with reconnecting the well and enabling the well to be brought back onstream quicker. Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 10,000 psi wells and completion sizes up to and including 9". ◆ Suitable for sour, corrosive environments and when producing in environmentally sensitive areas or in close proximity to the densely inhabited areas (AA to HH). ◆ Production environments include oil, gas and gas lift. ◆ Greatly simplifies access to the tubing string for workovers. ◆ Provides easier access for the Production Operator to the gate valves. ◆ On bigger-bore completions, can greatly reduce height required for the wellhead deck. ◆ Available with or without control-line porting. Multiple ports are available if required. ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy systems’ proprietary interference elastomer seals and elastomer seal compound and our patented metal-to-metal seal technology. ◆ Certified to API 6A, Appendix F, PR-2 plus additional cycle testing as required by FMC Energy Systems. Fire-resistant block with eutectic device allows metal-to-metal backseat in fire situation Speedloc® connection for a faster make up and to increase safety Allows tubing vertical access LARGE-BORE COMPLETION Developed for higher-volume flow rates and applications where erosion due to those flow rates might be an issue. This concept employs FMC Energy Systems’ latest technology in metal and elastomer seals and the Model 120/130 gate valve. Allows to land casing and tubing without nippling down the tree Features and Benefits ◆ Available up to 15,000 psi wells and completions sizes up to and including 7 1/16". ◆ Suitable for sour, corrosive environments and when producing in environmentally sensitive areas or in close proximity to the densely inhabited areas (AA to HH). ◆ Production environments include primarily highpressure and high-temperature gas production. ◆ Depending on the component, surface temperature rating can be as high as 450oF. ◆ Available with or without continuous control-line porting. Multiple ports are available if required. ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy Systems’ patented metal-tometal sealing technology. ◆ Certified to API 6A, Appendix F, PR-2 plus additional 300 cycles as required by FMC Energy Systems. Production bore 40 ◆ High bending moment capacity Speedloc® clamp connections that can handle the rigors of deepwater dry completion units. ◆ Complete well serviceability under “live well” conditions. ◆ Quick workover and recompletion connections. The well is produced out of the annulus. Metal-to-metal tubing hanger seal Integral bottom master and tubing head adapter Adjustable mandrel hanger Class 1 Division 1 Penetrator TLP/SPAR COMPLETION Developed to provide a dry tree access to a subsea wellbore from a tension leg platform (TLP) and SPAR.650 psi) for weight savings. Allows pump retrieving with a coiled tubing unit Features and Benefits ◆ Single and dual casing riser design standards for all top tension riser applications. ◆ Integral design of access platforms allow for safe personnel access in tight space conditions. ◆ Riser load measurement capability that allows simple installation and maintenance. ◆ Multiple ports and continuous control lines. thus. Features and Benefits ◆ Ability to retrofit existing wells and new well drills. ◆ Fatigue-resistant length adjustment hangers and riser joints for accurate and fast riser hang off.26FMC4(pg34-41)_4. ◆ Compact designs that minimize weight and height for the tight well spacing and riser weight restrictions of deepwater dry completion units.6. This design concept allows the maintenance to occur in a fraction of the time with conventional ESP completion methods. ◆ Use of intermediate pressure rated valves (6.000 psi wellhead and completion sizes up to 7 1/16". ◆ Utilizes FMC Energy Systems’ patented metal-tometal seal technology. ◆ Isolation of electrical cable and cable splice. the flowline stays intact during any well intervention. Model 100 Series Gate Valve 41 . ◆ Continuous flowline connection with BOP intervention. ◆ Available up to 15.04 6/26/04 TUBING 11:01 AM Page 8 CONVEYED ESP Developed to allow the submersible pump to be retrieved with minimal well intervention and with a coiled tubing unit. A recognized disadvantage of ESPs is inherent maintenance that is required on any downhole pump. we developed a line of completion products that have become the industry's standards for safety. TLP and SPAR applications. reliable completion systems designed to deliver maximum productivity while controlling costs.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 1 COMPLETION PRODUCTS P Completion roducts For over 75 years. from basic to critical service and platform. you can identify precisely what you'll need for your unique application wherever in the world you're working. In the process of listening to your needs and fulfilling them with appropriate technology. This section of our catalog is an introduction to our surface wellhead completion product family. whatever the environment. manufacturing and supporting wellhead completion systems of the highest quality. our company has concentrated on one vital mission: designing. With the help of this catalog and your FMC Energy Systems representative. FMC Energy Systems has been there.6. Providing products optimal for your 42 completion application . responding to your requirements for safe. well characteristics and fluid analyses.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. performance and cost-effectiveness. and your performance and budget parameters. from the early days of oil and gas production. Throughout the growth and expansion of the global oil and gas industry and the increasing sophistication and difficulty of production programs. BOP test plugs and tubing hangers is eliminated. When the well is completed.6. The TCM can be upgraded to a TC-60-ET or TC-ET head by adding the necessary aligning pins at an FMC Energy Systems facility. which are used to align multiple-string or specialty tubing hangers. TC-Series Tubing Heads FMC TC-Series tubing heads have a straight-bore profile which is compatible with all FMC singleand multiple-string tubing hangers and packoffs. ◆ Provide a controlled bore against which the hanger or packoff can seal. the tree is installed on top of the tubing head with a tubing head adapter. Features ◆ Has a straight-bore design compatible with all TC-Series tubing hangers. ◆ Seal bore is less likely to be damaged during drilling. It is compatible only with single-string TC-Series tubing hangers and packoffs. ◆ Provide a means to support and test BOPs while completing the well.) ◆ Provide access to the annulus between the tubing string and the production casing. ◆ Straight bore is more economical to recondition after abandonment. It is installed after the last casing string to provide a load shoulder to support the tubing string and a seal bore for the tubing hanger or production casing/tubing annulus seal. ◆ Provide for a secondary annulus seal around the top of the previous casing string. Benefits ◆ “Wedge locking” of bowl protector.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. (See Bottom-Bowl Packoffs in this section. ◆ All TC-Series tubing heads with a 9-inch or larger top flange also accept the FMC C-29 casing hanger for casing completions. Functions ◆ Provide a load shoulder inside the head to support tubing hangers and packoffs. These heads are available in four basic styles. 43 44 .04 6/26/04 11:10 AM Page 2 COMPLETION PRODUCTS Tu b i n g H e a d s Description: The tubing head is the top spool on a surface wellhead assembly. the only functional difference between the styles is the number and type of aligning pins. TCM-ET TCM-ET The TCM-ET tubing head has no aligning pins. ◆ Valve removal (VR) threads are standard on all flanged or studded outlets. (See Bottom-Bowl Packoffs in this section. These heads are available in four basic styles. 43 44 . Benefits ◆ “Wedge locking” of bowl protector.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. TC-Series Tubing Heads FMC TC-Series tubing heads have a straight-bore profile which is compatible with all FMC singleand multiple-string tubing hangers and packoffs. the only functional difference between the styles is the number and type of aligning pins. ◆ Provide for a secondary annulus seal around the top of the previous casing string. the tree is installed on top of the tubing head with a tubing head adapter. It is compatible only with single-string TC-Series tubing hangers and packoffs. BOP test plugs and tubing hangers is eliminated. When the well is completed. Functions ◆ Provide a load shoulder inside the head to support tubing hangers and packoffs. ◆ Seal bore is less likely to be damaged during drilling. TCM-ET TCM-ET The TCM-ET tubing head has no aligning pins.04 6/26/04 11:10 AM Page 2 COMPLETION PRODUCTS Tu b i n g H e a d s Description: The tubing head is the top spool on a surface wellhead assembly.) ◆ Provide access to the annulus between the tubing string and the production casing. ◆ Provide a controlled bore against which the hanger or packoff can seal. It is installed after the last casing string to provide a load shoulder to support the tubing string and a seal bore for the tubing hanger or production casing/tubing annulus seal. The TCM can be upgraded to a TC-60-ET or TC-ET head by adding the necessary aligning pins at an FMC Energy Systems facility.6. ◆ Provide a means to support and test BOPs while completing the well. ◆ Straight bore is more economical to recondition after abandonment. ◆ All TC-Series tubing heads with a 9-inch or larger top flange also accept the FMC C-29 casing hanger for casing completions. Features ◆ Has a straight-bore design compatible with all TC-Series tubing hangers. which are used to align multiple-string or specialty tubing hangers. ◆ Valve removal (VR) threads are standard on all flanged or studded outlets. 6.AO MODEL 101 MODEL 120/125 B .1 1 .04 6/26/04 11:11 AM Page 4 Completion P ro d u c t s FMC SURFACE WELLHEAD BASIC FLANGED COMPLETION PRODUCTS TREE CAP B-15-A B .AO W / OT I S U N I O N VALVES M O D E L 1 3 0 / 1 3 5 / 1 5 0 M O D E L 1 3 0 / 1 5 0 V LT MODEL 160 TUBING HEAD ADAPTER Basic Adapter A-4 A-4-D A-3-EC/QCI A-4-M B-2-S BO-2 TUBING HANGER TC-1A TC-1W TC-1A-EN TC-1A-ENS TC-1A-EMS BO-2 BO-10 TC-B-EC TC-2C W/DHCV TC-60 TCM-ET TC-ET TC-60-ET TC-WD-ET TUBING HEAD TC-1A-EMS W/XEMS BO-10 .26FMC5(pg42-53)_26.1 1 . including the TC-60 dual-split hanger. Top Connections FMC Surface Wellhead tubing heads have either bolt-through flange or clamp-hub top connections. This particular design allows for alignment of multiple-string tubing hangers without external manipulation methods. Bolt-through flange connections are the most popular and economical type of connection in certain parts of the world. See section on Completion Solutions. 45 Tu b i n g H e a d s TC-60-ET . When last-minute completion changes are possible. which are compatible with all FMC tubing head adapters.6. The TC-60-ET is the most versatile tubing head in the oilfield. because they are much faster to make up and because they reduce the diameter and weight of the assembly when space limitations are present. A l t e r n a t i ve Tu b i n g H e a d C o n f i g u r a t i o n s Bottom Connections Bolt-through flange. TC-WD-ET The TC-WD-ET tubing head has an internal wedge that is used for alignment on specific TC-Series tubing hangers. It has three aligning pins and is compatible with all TC-Series tubing hangers and packoffs. studded flange and clamp-hub connections are available. Lockdown Screws Most FMC Surface Wellhead Series tubing heads have a series of lockdown screws in the top flange (unless customer or application requires otherwise). These lockdown screws have three functions: ◆ to actuate compression-type hanger or packoff seals ◆ to lock down the hanger or packoff to prevent movement caused by thermal expansion of the tubing string during production ◆ to lock down the hanger in the event of annulus pressure NOTES: ◆ Where customer preferences or applications do not allow the use of lockdown screws. internally locking mechanisms are utilized.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM TC-ET Page 6 TC-60-ET TC-WD-ET TC-ET The TC-ET tubing head has one aligning pin and accepts all TC-Series tubing hangers and packoffs except the TC-60 dual-split hanger. The producing pressure of the well normally determines the pressure rating of the top connection. It can be upgraded to a TC-60-ET by adding two aligning pins at an FMC Energy Systems facility. TC-WD-ET tubing hangers are generally considered specific to particular customers’ requirements and can be run only in the TC-WD-ET tubing head. Clamp-hub connections are sometimes specified. The type and pressure rating used must match the top flange of the previous casing spool or crossover flange. FMC hangers that normally are aligned with pins (TC or TC-60 type) will not function in the TC-WD-ET head. the T-60-ET is a good investment because no shop modification is needed to adapt it to any type of tubing completion.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. Type of secondary seal 2. Working pressure 4. Threaded or studded 2. Top connection 1. Flanged. Regular or H2S F.” When installed. The design effectively intensifies the annulus pressure and thus the internal stress in the elastomer to minimize the effects of explosive decompression. the entry ramp compresses the legs of the “U” inward and creates contact stress in each “bump” that provides the seal. Speedloc® clamp. depending on the elastomer selected. RCMS Seals The Rough Casing Metal Seal (RCMS) is designed to use up to 20. These components will fit the HPE bottom prep configuration. Speedloc® clamp. Size 3. Service 1.000 psi. FMC Energy Systems Model B. Side Outlets 1. nonextrusion rings and a receiver ring.” The various packoff types are described below: Double FS Seals This design consists of two elastomeric-shaped seals located in grooves in the bottom of the tubing head. Flanged. Working pressure D. s p e c i f y t h e f o l l o w i n g : A. clamp hub 2. SBMS-II Seals This metal-to-metal seal consists of a “U”-shaped ring with a “bump” sealing surface at the outside and inside legs of the “U.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 7 A l t e r n a t i ve Tu b i n g H e a d C o n f i g u r a t i o n s Bottom-Bowl Packoffs (secondary seals) Tubing head bottom-bowl packoffs are used to seal around the production casing stub in the bottom bowl of the tubing head. WHEN ORDERING Tu b i n g H e a d s . Options 1. 46 . A spring molded in each inside corner of the seal provides an anti-extrusion mechanism when sealing against pressure by bridging the gap between the tubing outside diameter and casing head seal bore. It is good for temperatures ranging from -75 o F to 1200 o F. FMC tubing heads are also available with threaded bottom preparations in some sizes and pressure ratings. is NACE compatible. studded. does not require special installation tools and is simple to install. This seal does not require special machining of the casing stub. The shape of the seal allows it flexibility to maintain sealing interference with the large variations in tubing outside diameter. is compatible with casing string strength properties. This is accomplished with a portable pneumatic-driven tool. The PI seal is designed for use up to 15. is compatible with casing spool and tubing spool strength. They are often referred to as “secondary seals. It provides the proper compression and squeeze even with the larger API casing tolerances.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. Size 3. is compatible with temperatures from -20 o F to 350 o F in corrosive environments.6. Working pressure C. Number of aligning pins E. PI Seals These seals consist of a T-cap seal element. Size 3. studded. NOTES: ◆ TC-Series packoffs are usually installed in the tubing head prior to shipment. Bottom Connection 1.000 psi working pressure and temperatures up to 75 o F or as low as -50 o F. A seal is achieved by interference of the seal with the outside diameter of the casing and the bottom or OD of its retaining groove. This seal requires the casing stub OD to be field machined after the casing is hung to provide the proper sealing tolerances and surface finish. Casing sizes Available to meet all appropriate API-6A requirements. clamp hub 2. LPO 7 BL 21-1/4 10-1/4 6-3/8 7 500 227 9 3.000 2 1/16-in. WP./5000 FLG 13-5/8 2. LPO 10-3/4 BL 20 9-1/2 8-1/4 8-3/4 650 295 13-5/8 2.000 11 10.000 2 1/16-in.000 9 10./5000 FLG 7 BL 20-1/4 9-3/8 6-3/8 7 405 184 9 3.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26.000 FLG 9 BL 24-1/4 13-3/8 8-1/4 8-3/4 1249 567 11 10.000 2-in.000 7-1/16 3.000 7-1/16 10.000 1 13/16-in.000 2-in.000 7-1/16 3. Prep./2000 FLG 9 BL 20-3/4 10 6-13/16 7 495 225 13-5/8 2./5000 FLG 10-3/4 BL 23-5/8 11-5/8 13-5/8 3.000 7-1/16 3.000 1 13/16-in. LPO 9 BL 24-3/8 9-1/2 9-1/2 11-1/2 6-3/8 7 625 284 6-13/16 7 675 306 13-5/8 3.000 1 13/16-in.000 FLG 9-5/8 OO 28-15/16 47 8-3/4 715 324 10 8-1/4 10-7/8 1239 562 14-11/16 9 10-7/8 1754 796 14-11/16 9 10-7/8 1754 796 . In.000 7-1/16 3.000 7-1/16 3./5000 FLG 10-3/4 BL 22 12-1/2 13-5/8 5.000 1 13/16-in.000 2-in.000 2-in. psi Top Flange Size.6.000 FLG 9 HPE 26-1/2 12-13/16 6-3/8 7 1384 628 11 3.000 2 1/16-in.000 7-1/16 3.000 7-1/16 3.000 1 13/16-in.000 7-1/16 5.000 9 2. LPO 10-3/4 BL 22-3/4 10-9/16 8-1/4 8-3/4 700 318 13-5/8 3.000 9 3./5000 FLG 9 BL 24-1/8 11-1/2 6-13/16 7 670 304 13-5/8 3.000 7-1/16 3.000 2 1/16-in. LPO 9 BL 24-1/4 11-3/4 6-13/16 7 800 363 13-5/8 3. LPO 10-3/4 BL 23-5/8 11-5/8 8-1/4 8-3/4 710 322 13-5/8 3.000 11 5.000 7-1/16 3./10./5000 FLG 9 BL 20-3/4 10 6-3/8 7 555 252 11 3.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 8 D C B A T C .000 9 3. psi T U B I N G H E A D S Bottom Outlets Dimensions./10.000 9 3./10.000 9 5./5000 FLG 9 BL 20 13-5/8 3. LPO 9 BL 20 6-3/8 7 620 281 13-5/8 2.000 9 3. WP. LPO 9 BL 20-3/4 10 6-3/8 7 550 249 11 2.000 2-in.000 2 1/16-in.000 2-in. LPO 9 BL 18-7/8 10-9/16 6-13/16 7 440 200 11 2.000 7-1/16 5./5000 FLG 10-3/4 BL 20 9-1/2 8-1/4 8-3/4 655 297 13-5/8 3./5000 FLG 9 BL 22-3/8 11-3/4 6-13/16 8-1/4 755 342 11 3./10./5000 FLG 9 BL 20-7/8 10-1/16 6-13/16 7 600 272 11 3.000 7-1/16 3.000 FLG 9 BL 28 14 7 8-3/4 1700 771 13-5/8 2.000 2 1/16-in./2000 FLG 10-3/4 BL 22 10-3/8 8-1/4 8-3/4 505 229 13-5/8 2.S E R I E S Bottom Flange Size.000 7-1/16 3. LPO 7 BL 20-1/4 9-3/8 6 7/8 7 400 181 9 2.000 FLG 9 BL 26-1/2 14-5/8 6-13/16 7 856 388 11 10./5000 FLG 9 BL 23-1/4 11-5/8 8-1/4 8-3/4 805 365 11 5./10.000 7-1/16 2.000 2 1/16-in.000 9 3./5000 FLG 9 BL 24-4/9 11-1/16 6-13/16 7 880 399 11 5.000 2-in.000 9 2./2000 FLG 9 BL 18-7/8 10-9/16 6-13/16 7 440 200 11 2.000 1 13/16-in.000 2 1/16-in.000 2-in.000 7-1/16 10./5000 FLG 10-3/4 BL 22-3/4 10-9/16 8-1/4 8-3/4 705 320 13-5/8 3.000 7-1/16 2./5000 FLG 9 BL 22-3/8 11-3/4 6-13/16 7 670 304 11 5./10.000 9 5.000 2 1/16-in./2000 FLG 7 BL 18-7/8 10-9/16 7-13/16 7 355 161 9 2.000 7-1/16 3. LPO 9 BL 20-7/8 15-1/16 6-13/16 7 600 272 11 3. Kg 159 9 2.000 7-1/16 5.000 2-in.000 9 5.000 2-in.000 7-1/16 2.000 7-1/16 15.000 2 1/16-in.000 2-in./5000 FLG 7 BL 22-3/8 11-3/4 6-3/8 7 665 302 11 2. In.000 2 1/16-in.000 7-1/16 5.000 FLG 9-5/8 BL 28-15/16 13-5/8 5.000 2 1/16-in.000 2 1/16-in.000 FLG 9 BL 26-4/9 12-3/4 6-3/4 7 1318 598 11 10.000 7-1/16 2.000 2 1/16-in.000 2-in./10.000 2 1/16-in. In.000 7-1/16 3. Weight C D Lb.000 2 1/16-in.000 2 1/16-in. LPO 9 BL 10-3/4 BL 24-1/4 11-3/4 6-13/16 7 805 365 22 10-3/8 8-1/4 8-3/4 500 227 13-5/8 2. A B Approx.000 1 13/16-in.000 2-in.000 2-in.000 2 1/16-in.000 2 1/16-in.000 2 1/16-in. LPO 7 BL 18-7/8 10-9/16 6-13/16 7 350 9 2./5000 FLG 7 BL 21-1/4 10-1/4 6-3/8 7 505 229 9 3. LPO 9 BL 20-3/4 10 6-13/16 7 490 222 13-5/8 2.000 7-1/16 2.000 9 10.000 11 10.000 7-1/16 2. Basic tubing head adapters have a smooth seal bore and are used when tubing is suspended from the tubing hanger.000 and 5.6. 48 . flanged or studded top connection Seal Bore Adapters Seal bore adapters have the inside diameter machined to provide a controlled seal bore for an extended-neck tubing hanger or a seal nipple. Features and Benefits ◆ Provides a seal bore for the TC-1A-ENS extended neck (Single-Seal Bore) ◆ Provides seal bores for the seal nipples on dual-completion tubing hangers (Dual-Seal Bore) ◆ Available with SCSSV control line inlets ◆ Studded top connection only ESP Adapters ESP adapters have seal bores to accommodate both a tubing hanger neck seal and an electrical power feed-thru device.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 9 COMPLETION PRODUCTS Tu b i n g H e a d A d a p t e r s Description: The tubing head adapter provides a transition between the Christmas tree and the tubing head. Like basic adapters. including those using electric submersible pumps. downhole control valves and gas lift valves. FMC Surface Wellhead also supplies various types of adapters that will accommodate continuous control-line capabilities. Tubing head adapters are available for all types of single. These adapters do not hang the tubing or provide a controlled seal bore. If the customer requires. and the top adapter connection matches the tree. minimizing concerns over alignment issues. Standard ESP adapters are equipped with rotating flanges to mate to the tubing head. ESP adapters can be supplied to match standard tubing heads rated to 3. Features and Benefits ◆ Simple transition piece between the tubing head and the tree ◆ Used with a TC-1A tubing hanger ◆ Available with threaded. packers. Following you will find the most generally used. They are available with a test port and/or a hydraulic supply inlet for downhole control lines.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. they are normally installed with the tree. These adapters come with threaded. The bottom adapter connection matches the tubing head. Basic Adapters A4 Dual-Seal Bore Adapters A-4-D Single-Seal Bore Adapter A4 ESP Adapter Basic Adapters They provide only a transition between the tubing head and the tree. The basic adapter is normally installed with the tree after tubing is run. They are designed for low-pressure completions where downhole line or tubing strings manipulation are not required. Positive alignment can be obtained through the use of optional features in the mating ESP hanger.and multiple-string completions. Most tubing head adapters are available with hydraulic supply inlets for downhole control lines. flanged or studded-flanged top connections.000 psi working pressure. including penetrators. specify the following: C. ◆ Entire assembly is installed by rotating it onto the coupling. Flanged. The tubing threads can be used to suspend tubing when an operator wants to reciprocate tubing.6. Then it can be screwed onto the coupling.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. studded or clamp hub 2. Tubing Suspension Adapter B-2-S Tubing Coupling Adapter BO-2 Tubing Coupling Adapter BO-10 Tubing Suspension Adapters These adapters provide a means to hang the tubing via tubing threads machined in the lower-connection inside diameter. Size 3. An ACME thread is machined into the adapter’s bottom inside diameter to be utilized in conjunction with the coupling to hang the tubing. FMC Energy Systems Model B. Coupling Adapters Coupling adapters provide a means to suspend the tubing in conjunction with a special coupling. these adapters have tubing threads to suspend the tubing string ◆ Available top connections are male thread. Bottom Connection 1. It is used for high-pressure completions where the operator wants to manipulate tubing through a wraparound packoff or stripper and needs a back-pressure valve and/or a hydraulic supply inlet for downhole control lines. Service: Regular or H2S I. .04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 10 Features and Benefits ◆ Provides sealing bore for a variety of electrical feed-thru configurations. They are normally used on low-pressure completions with a wraparound packoff or stripper. Tu b i n g H e a d Adapters Features and Benefits ◆ For use with the TC-1W. a coupling adapter with a coupling nut is available to prevent possible galling of threads between the adapter and coupling on makeup. Material Class Available to meet all appropriate API-6A requirements. female thread or studded. which suspends the tubing and accepts a back-pressure valve. male thread or female thread D. Working pressure tubing head adapters. Tubing Size(s) F. ◆ Studded top connection only Features and Benefits ◆ Used in conjunction with the BO-10 coupling ◆ Installs without rotation of the tree ◆ Studded top connection only WHEN ORDERING A. With/Without SCSSV Control Line Port(s) H. Flanged. studded. cable packoffs and continuous feed-thru penetrator mandrels. When a tree is trimmed for critical service. ◆ Provides rotating attachment flange for ease of alignment to ESP hanger and tubing head flange. BO-2 Coupling BO-10 Coupling Features and Benefits ◆ Used with the BO-2 tubing coupling ◆ Adapter makes up to the tree. Single or Dual Completion E. They provide a lower connection for the tubing head and an upper connection for the tree and are used with a tubing coupling. ◆ Provides reliable seal bores for tubing hanger neck or seal sleeves. Tubing Thread(s) 49 G. These adapters do not provide a seal. Top Connection 1. but does not require a back-pressure valve in the tubing hanger. Tubing hangers also act as a means to access and manipulate additional smaller tubing lines that are utilized downhole and extended to the surface on the outside of the tubing string or strings. allowing the well to be secured before the preventers are removed. An example of this might be when an additional line is being run with the tubing string and needs to be ported through a particular position in the tubing spool. tubing string weight must be suspended from a tubing suspension adapter or coupling adapter. Generally speaking. All FMC Surface Wellhead hangers can be run through the blowout preventers. Tubing hangers are available for any type of tubing completion. FMC Surface Wellhead TC-Series tubing hangers are available for any type of single.S t r i n g Tu b i n g H a n g e r s Most TC-Series single-string hangers do not require aligning pins and are compatible with any TCSeries tubing head. including those requiring packers. which seals the tubing bore.or multiplestring tubing completion. Like all TC-Series packoffs. wraparound packoff that allows tubing-string manipulation to displace fluid while maintaining complete control of annular pressure. This hanger is also known as a threaded mandrel-type hanger and is considered one of the most basic and least expensive hangers in FMC Surface Wellhead’s TC product line. gas-lift valves and electric submersible pumps. Some hangers are ported for hydraulic control lines.6. subsurface safety valves. downhole safety valves or other equipment as required by the customer. Packoffs allow tubing string manipulation for setting packers or displacing fluid while sealing the annulus between the tubing and the production casing. TC-1A TC-1W TC-1A The TC-1A is a threaded tubing hanger with an integral compression-type annulus seal that is actuated by string weight and or by lockdown screws. These BPV profiles may be of FMC Surface Wellhead design or they may be of another manufacturer’s design.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 11 COMPLETION PRODUCTS Tu b i n g H a n g e r s Description: Tubing hangers are installed in the top bowl of a tubing head. TC-1W The TC-1W is a split. depending upon the customer’s requirements. 50 . Hangers are run through the blowout preventers and are landed in the top bowl of the tubing head. Tubing hangers both suspend tubing and provide a primary annulus seal between the tubing and production casing. S i n g l e .26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. alignment pins will not be required unless there is a need to orient a hanger a particular way. The TC-1W has a compression-type seal which is actuated by lockdown screws. Most TC-Series tubing hangers accept a back-pressure valve. ◆ Continuous SCSSV control and/or inhibitor line. TC-1A-ENS Features and Benefits ◆ Extended-seal neck with interference-type seals isolates the tubing head/adapter connection from well pressure and provides for control-line porting if required. Lockdown screws are used. ◆ Accepts FMC back-pressure valve and tree test plug.000 psi working pressure or below. ◆ Interference-type annulus seals instead of compression-type seals for 5. Additionally. etc.6. this hanger is provided with compression-type seals on the body that generally incorporate wire mesh-type non-extrusion devices above and below the seal.000 psi working pressures or below. ◆ Has porting for SCSSV control lines. ◆ Interference-type annulus seals instead of compression-type for 5.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. eliminates interruptions in the line and requires neither elastomer seals nor hanger orientation. ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead “ISA” back-pressure valve preparation is standard. ◆ Either interference-type seal rings or compression-type packoff (actuated by lockdown screws). ◆ Back-pressure-valve preparation for “ISA” (unless otherwise specified). . The extended neck of the tubing hanger assembly is sealed at the top by the FMC Straight-Bore Metal Seal (SBMS).04 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 12 Features and Benefits ◆ Used where downhole control lines or tubing manipulation are not required. This hanger utilizes “S”-type seals on its neck that are used to seal inside the tubing head adapter that will be installed directly above the hanger upon completion of the well. 51 Tu b i n g H a n g e r s The TC-1A-ENS is a threaded mandrel-type tubing hanger with an extended neck.” ◆ Has elastomer annular seal. Features and Benefits ◆ Available with external Acme landing thread or internal landing thread. ◆ Accepts control lines and injection tubing. completing the full metal seal capability. TC-1A-EMS W/XEMS The TC-1A-EMS is a threaded mandrel-type tubing hanger with an Externally Energized Metal (XEMS) annular seal energized with lockdown screws. TC-1A-EN TC-1A-ENS TC-1A-EMS W/XEMS TC-1A-EN Threaded hanger with an extended neck with interference-type seals that provide a secondary annulus seal to isolate flange and ring gasket from well pressure and fluids. ◆ Fits all TC-Series tubing heads. ◆ Provides back-pressure valve preparation for FMC “ISA. chemical injection. This hanger is available with an external ACME landing thread or with internal landing thread. Features and Benefits ◆ Has redundant “B” Type “S” seals on the body of the hanger. making it the choice for heavy trees or where dissimilar metals could cause galling problems. While configurations and designs may differ with customer requirements. ACME-threaded locking nut. Can utilize a TCM-type tubing head. The BO-2 coupling is attached to the last tubing joint and is run in conjunction with a TC-1W wraparound-type packoff. The TC ESP hanger is designed for 7 1/16". ◆ No alignment groove.000 flange sizes. Features and Benefits ◆ Threaded coupling is used in conjunction with the BO-2 tubing head adapter for high-pressure completions requiring both string manipulation with BOP protection and SCSSV control lines.000/5. Nevertheless. Ultimately. ◆ Requires a TC-1W wraparound annulus seal. Internally the coupling will provide tubing threads in the top and bottom along with a back-pressure valve groove. Features and Benefits ◆ Coupling nut allows the BO-10 coupling to be installed without rotation of the tree. ◆ No threads for penetrator makeup. It has an attachable alignment plate on the bottom of the hanger when alignment is required. This hanger is a coupling by design but also incorporates a separate rotating.3. The second port is designed to accommodate the electrical conductors that pass the current between the surface cable and the subsurface cable that goes to the pump.6. Benefits ◆ Can easily convert an existing flowing well to an ESP without the need to change out the tubing head. Ultimately. We standardized on EUE thread configurations. Penetrator will be equipped with a “jam” nut on the bottom of the penetrator to hold in the hanger body. ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead “ISA” back-pressure valve preparation is standard. This design is also attached to the last tubing joint. 52 . additional thread profiles and different configurations can be supplied.000/5. TC ESP The TC ESP hanger is dual-ported.000 and 11". the basic design concepts stay the same.3. the BO-10 coupling is made up into a BO-10 adapter that is assembled on the bottom of the Christmas tree. and is run in conjunction with a TC-1W wraparound-type packoff. ◆ Can convert a finished hanger with a QCI penetrator profile to accept a BIW penetrator. BO-10 Coupling The BO-10 coupling-type tubing hanger is generally utilized on completions demanding higher completion shut-in pressures.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. the BO-2 coupling is made up into a BO-2 adapter that is assembled on the bottom of the Christmas tree.04 6/26/04 11:17 AM BO-2 Coupling Page 13 BO-10 Coupling TC-B-EC BO-2 Coupling A BO-2 coupling-type tubing hanger uses a one-piece coupling that is externally threaded with a coarse heavy-duty ACME thread. ◆ Requires a TC-1W for annulus seal. with one port designed to accept a single production tubing string. Allows tubing strings to be run separately or simultaneously. Each segment accepts a back-pressure valve and is available with control-line preparations for surface-controlled subsurface safety valves. Size 3.6. TC-60 Dual-Split Hanger TC-2C TC-60 Dual-Split Hanger The TC dual-split hanger is an easy-to-run split hanger with an integral compression-type packoff.Control-line ports may be either threaded with seal sleeves or continuous. male thread or female thread 2. studded or clamp hub 2. s p e c i f y t h e f o l l o w i n g : C. Working pressure D. No plastic injection is required. ◆ Tubing head must have the single aligning pin. studded. Single or Dual Completion E. With the TC-60 dual-split hanger. ◆ FMC Surface Wellhead “ISA” back-pressure-valve preparation in each hanger half is standard. Flanged. Material Class Available to meet all appropriate API-6A requirements. ◆ Hydraulic Control-Line Preparation The TC-1A-EN tubing hanger and the TC-60 dual-split-type tubing hangers are available with hydraulic control line ports for surface-controlled subsurface safety valves or injection tubing. tubing can be rotated to manipulate packers.04 ◆ 6/26/04 11:17 AM Page 14 Penetrator does not require rotation for makeup. They require one or two aligning pins in the tubing head bowl and are compatible with either TC or TC-60 tubing heads.26FMC5(pg42-53)_26. tubing strings can be run and pulled independently. Top Connection 1. With/Without SCSSV Control Line Port(s) H. ◆ Each accepts a back-pressure valve. ◆ Tubing head must have the dual TC-60 aligning pins. Flanged. FMC Energy Systems Model B. Bottom Connection 1. TC-2C Dual Completion ◆ Has threaded. Service: Regular or H2S I. The TC-1W packoff and the BO2 adapter/coupling with concentric tubing joint can also accommodate a subsurface safety valve. Working pressure Tu b i n g H a n g e r s . Tubing Thread(s) G. Tubing Size(s) 53 F. ◆ Provides for maximum clearance for gas-lift valves. allowing simultaneous production or injection to or from separate zones. WHEN ORDERING A. ◆ Annulus and sleeve seals are interference-type. The packoff seal is actuated by lockdown screws before the blowout preventers are removed. . depending upon customer requirements. Eliminates the potential of seal or thread damage when rotation of penetrator is necessary. SCSSV and packers. Features ◆ Allows tubing string to be run and pulled independently. Size 3. The TC-60 split-type hanger may be run only in the TC-60 tubing head. allowing maximum clearance for gas-lift or subsurface safety valves. Multiple-String Tubing Hangers and Packoffs TC-Series multiple-string hangers and packoffs permit the independent suspension and sealing of multiple-tubing strings. coupling-type multi string hanger. and years of worldwide field experience executing infield drilling programs under time and budget constraints. Our multinational engineering teams and service technicians are deployed and supported globally.04 6/26/04 11:20 AM Page 1 SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS We [ L isten A broad range of technology. and most of them have built their experience locally before they came to our engineering hubs. FMC Surface technology meet and Wellhead experience your needs has to ] the confidently worldwide.6. more than 75 years of experience designing and delivering wellhead systems. W e a r e c o n f i d e n t that we can understand your challenge worldwide. In this section. understanding their needs and responding with custom-engineered systems resulted in solutions to some of the industry’s challenges.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. 54 . Probably your FMC Surface Wellhead engineers will speak your language and be graduates of engineering schools in your region. At FMC Surface Wellhead you can find the balance between the most advanced technology for offshore projects. a worldwide presence and the ability to listen. we present a variety of actual solutions in which listening to our customers. That makes us feel confident that we can work with our customers and together find the most appropriate specification for their needs. offshore and inland. committed to performance and safety in helping us bring our North Sea field onsteam – on time and under budget.” MAJOR OIL COMPANY 55 .04 6/26/04 11:20 AM Page 2 Systems Solutions { } “We are thoroughly satisfied with the reliable solutions and support provided by FMC Energy Systems. They’ve proven themselves a proac- tive wellhead supplier.6.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. suspension and retrieval using standard BOPs. and FMC C22 casing head. marginal low-pressure well production dictates a very tight budget. Our company has years of experience throughout Africa and knew the most reliable choice of technology the customer would require in Chad. PR-2 plus additional cycle testing FH System Alberta (Canada) There are moments when the challenge is not the environment.” Features and Benefits ◆ Tapered configuration matching the market needs ◆ Elastomeric seal ◆ Low pressure ◆ Material Trim AA ◆ Pressures up to 2. Shallow. The oil company then needs to maximize its use of customer property and to utilize the adequate technology to match its application.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. At FMC Surface Wellhead we listened to market situations and decided to develop our FH line with tapered bowl and exclusive elastomer seal design to stay “on budget. This operator wanted the most reliable enhancedrecovery surface wellhead technology on the market for the venture and looked to FMC Energy Systems to provide it.04 6/26/04 11:21 AM Page 3 SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS ESP System Kome (Chad) A major oil company faced a substantial logistical challenge when it developed an oilfield in a region of Africa with no established oilfield infrastructure and remote from existing shipping channels. completion procedures and hoisting equipment ◆ Meet all international electric codes and certifications required ◆ Certified to API6A. We recommended a field-proven ESP system.000 psi. the pressure or the reliability. Trim AA (20 years’ field experience) ◆ FMC S and FS HNBR interference elastomer seals (15 years’ field experience) ◆ FMC spool tubing type electro-sub and FMC ESP hanger and adapter solutions (30+ years’ field experience) ◆ Allow rapid deployment. including our industry-standard Model 120 gate valves.6.000/3. Each of these components has delivered at least 15 years’ outstanding field performance. There is not extra cash for any luxury beyond the basic requirements. 5. another industry standard. HNBR FMC-molded S & FS elastomer seals.000 psi o o ◆ Temperature –50 F to 250 F 56 . Appendix F. Features and Benefits ◆ Vertical producer well ◆ Industry-standard FMC C-22 casing head (40 years of field experience) ◆ FMC Model 120 gate valves. For more than 10 years. The assembly stays with the rig for the drilling project. The ideal situation for using the DTO would be a single rig that’s drilling multiple consecutive wells by using a common casing program. and it is used on each well. which delivers significant time savings by eliminating a number of steps in the traditional drilling process and reducing time required for other steps.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4.650 psi 57 .000 psi applications ◆ Available in intermediate pressure rating 6. simplicity of wellhead installation and contingency procedures in place. Each rig is outfitted with a DTO diverter connector fabricated into a diverter riser.04 6/26/04 Drilling 11:21 AM Page 4 Time Optimization (DTO) System Rocky Mountains (United States) Our customer’s infield drilling program needed to minimize his rig time for multiple shallow wells (with surface casing pressures less than 5. ◆ Load capacity of surface casing hanger exceeds joint strength. easy to lock in place using FMC ET lockdown screws ® ◆ Variety of 13 3/8˝ casing solutions from a thru conductor to FMC Sliploc ◆ Standard FMC TC-1A-EN tubing hangers for interchangeability – available in both 13˝ and 11˝” configurations for up to 10. The system is so simple that. a feature that eliminates the need for complex casing cutters. in the event of logistics problems. ◆ Tests production casing seals prior to removal of BOP.000 psi) and to improve safety. we’ve supplied this customer with our proprietary simple but rugged Unihead ® thru-bore solution. A DTO drilling spool connector is assembled into the rig BOP and is moved with the rig from well to well. FMC Surface Wellhead’s solution was the DTO ® wellhead. Features and Benefits ◆ 45º landing shoulders for all mandrel and tubing hangers ◆ Weight set J slot packoffs incorporating FMC S and FS elastomer seals. ◆ Locking ring design on drilling spool provides 360 degrees engagement to increase load capacity and reduce fatigue. ◆ Contingency systems for stuck pipe retains system benefits and time savings. it can easily be installed by a competent drilling crew. which results in significant time savings during drilling by eliminating the need to nipple down and up BOP stacks. This system is designed to be installed as a single piece. Fast Drilling System Ohanet (Algeria) The customer’s priorities were: reducing rig downtime. Features and Benefits ◆ Eliminates steps in the drilling process. ◆ Increases safety by eliminating the need for cutting torches and hammer wrenches. landing casing hanger and installing the tubing head. These parameters and more were met by FMC Energy Systems. The casing is easy to access in the event pipe is stuck downhole.6. ◆ Offers time savings during nipple up/down of the BOP’s stack. ◆ By having the 18 3/4˝ casing landed in the starting head. corrosive field in Borneo. ◆ Switch from production to injection without changing out trees. and known for the high reliability of our wellhead systems. short lead time and ready access to engineers and technicians experienced in North Sea operations. cost-effective drilling and production solutions. including proven UWD 15 subsea technology. Energy Systems sales engineers recommended technology appropriate to the highest standard required. FMC Energy Systems’ Norway operations allow the customer to carry smaller inventories of equipment and parts. it estimated a 30year minimum lifetime for the field and projected future production with water cuts and gas penetration. Not only does this company uphold the highest standards for safety of crew and environment. the field is regulated by strict API6A and NORSOK standards. gas-injection and water-injection wells. Installation time reduced by implementing field-proven subsea UWD 15 casing hangers and packoffs.6. 9˝ and 7˝ tubing and Unihead® when the well needs slot recovery. ◆ Has metal-to-metal seals.04 6/26/04 11:21 AM Page 5 SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS Fully Featured System Sarawak (Malaysia) This major European-based oil company planned to develop a high-flow-rate. the operator can easily change out the 13˝. this company came to FMC Energy Systems as we are the most experienced wellhead supplier in the North Sea for both surface and subsea applications. etc. They also felt such a system would be easier and safer to install and safer over the life of the wells. The company came to FMC Energy Systems for its reputation as a worldwide supplier familiar with the Far East and the challenges of working here. ◆ Wireshear actuator on master valve can shear 7/16th braided wire on the tree to save time and money rigging wireline equipment. workover. but it would be operating in a part of the globe that it had not previously explored. and that it would save them rig time during installation. ◆ Top-of-the-line materials and cladding assure equipment will last through the life of the well with minimum maintenance and lost production. UWD 15 technology. who would not have to be concerned about the equipment performance over the life of the field. Moreover. 58 . We knew this would be the best cost-to-risk choice for the customer. a fully featured system with metal-to-metal seals and Speedloc® connections. with the flexibility of switching from production to injection without changing trees. flexible. Features and Benefits ◆ Thru-bore system with minimal installation time for risers and BOP. The field would have 12 tie-back wells (predrilled wells from a semi prior to installing the platform) and was planned for production. Features and Benefits Field-proven advanced technology ◆ Metal-to-metal seals ◆ Internal latches ◆ Minimum leak paths to the environment ◆ Fully Featured System North Sea (Norway) When a major oil company planned to develop a North Sea field. Our engineers proposed a fully featured surface system using thru-bore technology.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. Needing reliable. ◆ Offers field-proven advanced technology.6. and provided support during execution. ◆ Has major connections with Speedloc ®. presented the challenges of critical conditions: high corrosive. FMC Surface Wellhead elastomeric seal achieved exactly the customer’s requirement. Features and Benefits ◆ Has single Unihead system with two-step bowls.000 psi wellhead that combines advanced technology for high-pressure and hazardous-service environments. with the UWD-15 packoff providing the basis for annular sealing. Features and Benefits ◆ The 15. H igh-Pressure Gas System Oman Desert (Oman) In the desert of Oman.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. It utilizes an SBMS seal at the tubing hanger neck as standard. ◆ Major connections are comprised of FMC Speedloc-II segmented clamps. the UWD-15. ◆ Packoff and tubing hanger assembly utilizes elastomeric sealing technology and internal latch mechanism. This packoff does not rely on the tubing hanger weight to energize and can be removed separately from the tubing hanger. high temperature. Developed out of our subsea wellhead technology. Our state-ofthe-art “dry tree” system.000 psi pressure. and he was looking for a local manufacturer. which supplies gas energy to Hong Kong. conditions to produce gas are severe to critical. The operator has one of the highest safety standards in the industry. ◆ Includes internal latch.000 psi wp UWD-15 Wellhead System minimizes leak path to the environment.04 6/26/04 Fully 11:21 AM Page 6 Featured System China Sea (China) This project in the China Sea’s Ya Cheng field. The seat is recessed to help ensure that the seal contact surface is not damaged when the packoff is installed. large-bore production. ◆ Standard subsea tooling facilitates availability and learning processes. Our multicultural team successfully implemented our equipment while managing the project. The equipment needs to have temperature class X and to resist high-corrosive fluids up to 13. SBMS technology. is an excellent example of our quest to design highly reliable wellheads for difficult environments and conditions and still contain costs. high reliability and a long life cycle to reduce the need for workovers. fire resistant. ◆ Has a metal-to-metal seal. 59 . severe weather. All seals are metal-tometal. the UWD-15 is a 15. The design includes a fire-safe envelope for the upper master valve to the annulus A. ◆ Allows the use of standard drill-bit sizes. The wellheads are installed with full BOP protection. The SXS also accommodates configurations involving a combination of single and dual completions inside a single conductor. ◆ It has hydraulic or pneumatic valves. The limited available height and weight on the platform plus the handling of a 9˝ Christmas tree during installation and workover ruled out a conventional production wellhead solution. and proposed the first horizontal wellhead tree system of its size in the Gulf of Mexico. Our engineers who have platform working experience understood better than other suppliers the operational challenge. ◆ Wire Mesh FMC Surface Wellhead seal technology. ◆ Eliminates the need for additional conductor pipe.6. This creates up-front savings and reduces abandonment costs. ◆ Independent Tubing Heads (Unihead ®) allow greatest flexibility in choosing wells to complete or abandon and to perform independent intervention. ◆ Allows workover without removing Christmas tree. 60 . FMC Surface Wellhead has developed a Side-By-Side (SXS) Wellhead System for optimization of space on new platforms or workovers on existing platforms. For such challenges. Features and Benefits ◆ Allows installing either a 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 well configuration inside a single conductor.04 6/26/04 11:21 AM Page 7 SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS Ho r i z o n t a l System Gulf of Campeche (Mexico) Injecting 1. For existing wells. you need to complete (or abandon) wells and perform interventions without disturbing adjacent wells.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. Side-By-Side (SXS)® System Java Sea (Indonesia) Fragmented reservoirs requiring multiple interventions are a major challenge due to the reduced space on platforms. as in this example. entry and re-entry without disturbing adjacent wells or flow lines. ◆ Maximize platform size and the use of well slots on the platform. sized from 26˝ OD onwards to suit requirements.2 million cubic feet of nitrogen per day into a formation through a 9˝ bore is a major challenge to face with traditional solutions. especially when. This system promotes time saving through batch drilling and drilling with reduced rig move time. the SXS wellhead maximizes the use of existing spare well slots. ◆ Allows drilling through the tubing hanger. ◆ Maximizes platform’s available surface. Features and Benefits ◆ Full 9˝ bore system. The versatility of the system allows the operator to tie back to most mudline systems and casing programs. we can help you decide to go with a “wet” or a “dry” tree. ◆ Has direct hydraulic control system. ◆ SCSSV and inhibitor lines exit through the upper wellhead connection. ◆ Taps small reservoir and ties back to existing platform.000 psi swivel-flange flowline connection. ◆ Special plug and lubricator adapter provides easy vertical access to the gas-lift string. ◆ Eccentric mandrel-type monobore tubing hanger has four downhole penetrations (configured to operator specifications). Features and Benefits ◆ Adapts to any major wellhead manufacturer mudline equipment. every element connected to the sea floor becomes an integral part of a dynamic system and requires specialized wellhead solutions like our TLP/SPAR systems.6.04 6/26/04 11:21 AM T L P / S PA R Page 8 System Gulf of Mexico (USA) By far the most experienced suppliers of TLP/SPAR systems in the Gulf of Mexico.26FMC6(pg54-61)_4. installing more systems worldwide than our competitors combined. Features and Benefits Special slip-lock assembly securely attaches wellhead to riser. 10. ◆ Has 4-inch. ◆ CM-1 Shallow-Water System Black Sea (Ukraine) The CM-1 is a subsea tree utilized to complete subsea wells on mudline suspension systems. The CM-1 Tree’s modular design integrates the latest field-proven technology into a simple design that minimizes installation time and reduces total installation costs. ◆ Offers optional pressure and temperature transducers. FMC Surface Wellhead first introduced the CM-1 Tree in 1975. 61 . ◆ More compact profile reduces vertical space requirement. As certain platforms are designed to move with water action. modular 3-inch. 10. ◆ Offers optional downhole or tree chemical-injection methods. we also installed the deepest and most fire-resistant SPAR in the Gulf. ◆ Straight-bore metal seal (SBMS) provides a more secure seal against heavy sideloads that can be generated by wave activity. economics indicate a surface tree. ◆ New tubing head design provides full metal-to-metal seal. ◆ Diver-installed. ◆ Has 2-inch side annulus access. FMC Surface Wellhead installed the first TLP/SPAR system in the Gulf of Mexico during the 1980s and has been the leader in this technology since. It is expressly designed for marginal field completions with small and fragmented reservoirs in jack-up depths. ◆ Is API Material class FF. From the initial stages of your project.000 psi working pressure production tree minimizes dives and running trips. Example: If you’re facing a fragmented reservoir offshore and must execute multiple interventions. configurations and materials are available for virtually any application.000 to 20. Teflon V-ring Teflon U-seal Double bump 62 FMC Surface Wellhead’s patented UV stem packing is unaffected by H2S. [ [ A wellhead is as good as its valves. Sizes. arctic. eliminating explosive decompression. A Belleville spring behind each seat keeps the seat in contact with the gate to ensure effective sealing at very low pressures. these metal-seal gate valves provide bubble-tight operation throughout their rated pressure and temperature ranges. It seals bubble-tight at pressures exeeding 20. Model 160 and Model VLT have been qualified in excess of Appendix F for material class AA to HH and temperature rating –75 to 400oF. Belleville spring Metal-to-Metal seal design FMC Surface Wellhead’s Series 100 gate valves use a precision-machined floating slab gate and seat design that provides a fully energized metal-to-metal seal between the gate and seat surfaces at all times. metal-to-metal seal. subsea. oil and gas services – including corrosive. As the valve closes. Model 120. and FMC Surface Wellhead’s valves are as good as it gets. line pressure forces the gate against the downstream seat. where the double bumps form a gas-tight. endurance and ease of maintenance since their introduction in 1984. amines and chlorides. Series 100 gate valves come in trims for a complete range of water. high-temperature.000 psi at –75oF to 400oF temperature range. Model 130.6. Even though the seats “float” in their respective pockets. which in turn is driven against the back of the pocket. Model 135. reliability and durability. sand and steam. The back face of each seat has FMC Surface Wellhead’s exclusive double-bump profile (right figure).000 psi. These fully symmetrical valves effectively seal against flow in either direction. . S e r i e s 1 0 0 G a t e Va l v e s FMC Surface Wellhead’s Series 100 Gate Valves have successfully met customer demands for performance. Available in working pressures from 2. CO2.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 1 Valves V Series 100 alves FMC Surface Wellhead’s gate valves are the industry’s standards for strength. Model 100 Series Valves by far exceed the requirements of API 6A.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. Model 125. An additional 300 endurance cycles are applied to simulate 20 years of life expectancy. the downstream seat still creates a metal-to-metal seal against the body when the valve is closed. Our valves are designed and tested for a minimum 20-year life – everything you need in a valve. H2S.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 2 Va l v e s Actuators Seals Model 100 Series valves offer the following features: API 6A PR AppF Qualified Fully Field Serviceable ◆ Floating Slab Gate ◆ Selective Stem Back Seating ◆ Bi-directional Operation ◆ Full Metal Sealing ◆ ◆ Patented nonelastomeric UV stem packing Nonrising stem Replaceable lift nut Belleville springs Close-fitting gate guide Forged body and bonnet Model 100 Series Valve Easy Maintenance and Repair All components of FMC Surface Wellhead’s Series 100 valves are designed to last the life of the valve with a minimum of maintenance. FMC Surface Wellhead-approved greases have low torque and excellent washout resistance. and are hydrocarbon. we only use approved greases. and CO2 resistant. Reference grease guideline G70310.6. Lubrication of the stem bearings and occasional greasing of the valve are the only routine maintenance required. Our R&D group developed a grease study with worldwide scope to improve gate valve performance in Surface and Subsea business applications. As a result of the study.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. 63 Series 100 Packing nut seal Stem bearing . 000 psi working pressures.DD 64 .BB.62 12.) (Lbs.44 7.84 6.44 7. Combined with the industry-proven Model 120 and Model 130 premium gate valves.68 4.98 16.00 216 N/A 35 3/5 Sizes End Connections Wo r k i n g P r e s s u r e s Tr i m 2 1/6˝ 2 9/16˝ 3 1/8˝ FE.98 16.84 6. Reliability of seats reduces leaks.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. The Model 101 is available in 2.) Open/Close B C Number of 2000 9.62 10. 3. Nonelastomer stem packing is unaffected by most oilfield chemicals.44 7.12 12. Floating seats allow quick and easy field repair.00 188 145 23 4/5 3000 N/A 17.00 95 59 22 1/2 5000 9.62 12.00 N/A 10. LP.61 14.00 14. Has low torque requirements for easier opening and closing.000 psi 5.53 7.84 6.84 6. FMC Surface Wellhead can support your every gate valve requirement. EUE FE 2.000 and 5.68 4.53 7.DD AA.000 psi 3.84 6. The Model 101 utilizes innovative design and advance material technology to deliver a highly reliable valve to match your low-pressure/low-demanding applications.000.00 N/A 145 23 4/5 3000 10.53 7.000 psi 2.000 psi 5.62 16.00 188 N/A 35 3/5 5000 N/A 18. Has tested beyond API 6A PR1 requirements.000 psi 3.BB.98 16.000 psi 3.000 psi AA. Casting and bolting technology reduces weight and maintains pressure capacity of two times working pressure.DD AA.53 7.53 7.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 3 Valves Model 101 FMC Surface Wellhead’s Model 101 gate valve exceeds API 6A PR1 and PR2 modified performance test.62 12.000 psi 5.62 N/A 12.00 188 145 23 4/5 5000 10. Has a nonrising stem.00 14.98 16. Stem packing seals without periodic energizing. EUE FE. F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Has bi-directional flow.61 14. Has a quick-disconnect hand wheel.61 14.000 psi 2. It is the newest offering in our Series 100 Gate Valve. Nitrited and lapped gate and seat provide extended life expectancy. Sizes and end connections meet a complete range of general and sour service oilfield applications.6.00 95 59 22 1/2 2000 10.BB. Soft seat provides extremely low-pressure seal ability (20 psi).98 16.68 4. D B C A M O D E L Nominal Size Working A A (Inches) Pressure (THD) (FLG) 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 A 1 0 1 Dimensions Flanged Threaded (Inches) End Weight End Weight Turns to D (Lbs. safer-to-handle and rugged valve is ideal for a wide range of lower-pressure applications.00 N/A 59 22 1/2 3000 9. This compact.62 16.62 10. lbs. 15 ft. Running Torque 8 ft.. Backed by a long history of performance.lbs. the newest version of the Model 101 offers greater economy and value for the budgets of mature fields. our Model 101 Gate Valve is the newest solution for low-pressure applications. surpassing the competition in our Nonelastomeric stem packing See the results below... The Model 101 joins our premium gate valve line. valve failed PR1 Test 5 @ 150oF 5 @ 150oF 5 @ 150oF API 6A PR2 Test Modified Cycles Completed o o 5 @ 180 F 5 @ 180 F o o 5 @ 180oF 20 @ 250 F 20 @ 250 F 20 @ 250oF Passed Passed Failed. qualifying it as the best in its class. 10 ft.. no extrusion observed Explosive decompression in seat seals PTFE inserts extruded and metal face scored Metal face of seat scored Stem Good Minimal thread wear Minimal thread wear Minimal thread wear Packing Still Intact Still Intact Severely damaged Some extrusion 65 Model 101 tests. stem packing leak 1 Hr Seat Test @ -20oF Passed Failed Test not done 1 Hr Shell Test @ 250oF o 1 Hr Seat Test @ 0oF Passed Failed Test not done Results of the modified PR2 Test Passed Failed Failed. seat leak on last test Torque to Open 18 ft. Metal-to-metal and soft-seat sealing (20 psi low-pressure sealability) Best-in-Class Results P E R F O R M A N C E C O M PA R I S O N T E S T I N G FMC Energy Systems Competitor Competitor Competitor Gate Valve Model 101 Slab Gate Valve Wedge Gate Valve #1 Wedge Gate Valve #2 API 6A PR1 Test Passed Passed Passed Failed..lbs. ..lbs.. 50 ft.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.lbs.lbs.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 4 M ODEL 1 0 1 G a t e Va l v e The improved version of an FMC industry Low torque standard. 10 ft. 35 ft. 160 @ ambient temperature 160 @ ambient temperature 160 @ ambient temperature Test not done.lbs.lbs. stem packing leak 1 Hr Seat Test @ 250 F Passed Passed Failed. stem packing leak Condition of Critical Components after Testing Gate Discoloration from gate movement across the seats Slighty scored in gate faces Slightly scored in gate faces Deep scores in gate face Seats PTFE standoff good..6. 5 ft. Model 120 D F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Heavy-duty.430 14.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 5 Valves Model 120 FMC Surface Wellhead’s Model 120 gate valve exceeds API 6A PR2 Appendix F performance test and FMC 300 endurance test.457 22.120 24.620 22.120 17.000 18.000 13.000 13.010 14.010 10.457 25.953 8. tapered roller thrust bearings Four redundancy seals on seat Metal-to-metal seals o Seat-to-gate o Stem backseat o Antiblowout packing nut o Seat-to-body o Bonnet gasket Reduced leak paths Quick-disconnect hand wheel Nonrising one-piece stem Nonelastomeric patented UV stem packing.000 15.6.000 15.000 – – 27.000 10.067 34.120 21. It is designed for medium-pressure oil and gas applications.000 psi working pressure.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.620 17.140 6. The Model 120’s features have provided customers with many years of reliable services and the best sealing performance in the industry.140 6.953 8.067 45.) Open/Close 165 165 165 275 275 275 330 330 330 590 590 590 880 880 880 1335 1335 1335 150 150 150 260 260 260 315 315 315 – – – – – – – – – 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 18 18 23 23 23 28 28 28 38 38 38 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 .000 20.430 10.350 45.157 5.234 7.620 14.010 14.640 20.000 26.120 16.591 28.234 8.851 34.120 20.000 10.620 14.140 7. and 5.953 10.157 6.640 20.620 22.350 5.) (Lbs.000 13.000.000 15.591 25.851 28.067 34. It is a forged valve designed for 2. bubble tight at –75 oF to 650oF Stem safety shear pin Stem featuring weak point above stem packing to allow contingency break off (pressure isolated) Advance hard-facing and coating technology on gates and seats to ensure reliability and wear resistance over 20 years of life Replaceable gate-lifting nut Stainless-steel gate guides Floating gate M O D E L Nominal Size (Inches) 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 4 1/16 5 1/8 6 3/8 Working C A 1 2 0 Dimensions (Inches) Pressure A B C D 2000 3000 5000 2000 3000 5000 2000 3000 5000 2000 3000 5000 2000 3000 5000 2000 3000 5000 11. 3.591 25.000 20.000 20.120 29.120 28.000 18.120 18.000 66 B Flanged End Weight Threaded End Weight Number of Turns to (Lbs.157 5.430 10.620 16.120 24.234 7.000.620 13.640 22.000 13.457 22.350 45.620 14.851 28. The Model 125 has the same features and benefits as the Model 120 plus the following upgrades on: 1) seat and gate hard facing. and qualified by for API 6A PR2 App F plus 300 endurance cycles.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.6.650 psi working pressure. The Model 125 is available in sizes from 2 1/6˝ to 6 5/8˝.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 6 Patented UV stem packing Model 120 Replaceable lift nut (Improves torque and galling resistance) Dual seal to body metal seal M O D E L 1 2 0 Material Class Designation Body & Bonnet AA Forged Alloy Steel BB Forged Alloy Steel CC Forged Stainless Steel DD Forged Alloy Steel EE Forged Alloy Steel FF Forged Stainless Steel HH Forged Alloy Steel w/CRA Gates & Seats Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CRA Stem Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CRA Stem Packing Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Bonnet Gasket Seal Stainless Steel or CRA M O D E L 1 2 5 The FMC Surface Wellhead Model 125 is an extension of the FMC Surface Wellhead Model 120 Series gate valves that offers a lower-cost option for working pressures in the 4. in a temperature range from –75oF to +250oF. 2) lift nut material and 3) stem material.500 psi working pressure. The result is an API monogrammed 5K service valve with FMC certification for use up to 6. 67 .500 psi to 6. 273 10.000 33.169 5.977 16.000 175 11 3/8 24.665 15.06 34.000 340 26.000 450 12 3/8 23. F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ D Heavy-duty.075 16.06 28.000 700 16 34.177 12. bubble tight at –75oF to 650oF Stem safety shear pin Stem featuring weak point above stem packing to allow contingency break off (pressure isolated) Hard-facing technology on gates and seats to ensure reliability and wear resistance over 20 years of life Replaceable gate-lifting nut Stainless-steel gate guides Floating gate B C A M O D E L Nominal Model Size (Inches) 1 13/16 Working Pressure 130 10000 150 15000 130 10000 150 15000 130 10000 150 15000 130 10000 150 15000 4 1/16 130 10000 5 1/8 130 10000 6 3/8 130 10000 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 A 18. The Model 130/150’s features have provided customers with many years of reliable services and the best sealing performance in the industry.155 22.44 26.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 7 Valves Model 130/150 FMC Surface Wellhead’s Model 130/150 gate valve exceeds API 6A PR2 Appendix F performance test and FMC Surface Wellhead 300 endurance test.425 9. It is a forged valve designed for 10.439 16.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.56 20.32 29.941 8.000 110 18 49. tapered roller thrust bearings Four redundancy seals on seat Metal-to-metal seals o Seat-to-gate o Stem backseat o Antiblowout packing nut o Seat-to-body o Bonnet gasket Reduced leak paths Quick-disconnect hand wheel Nonrising one-piece stem Nonelastomeric patented UV stem packing.19 21.06 18.255 6.000 and 15.015 17.643 7.574 5.000 psi working pressure. It is designed for high-pressure oil and gas applications.633 6.000 300 15 1/2 29.580 27.31 18.000 600 13 5/8 28.94 35.44 24.94 22.687 17.31 22.364 6.06 20.06 17.32 23.44 19.6.901 19.94 1 3 0 / 1 5 0 Dimensions (Inches) B C D Flanged End Weight (Lbs) # Turns to Open/Close 22.94 24.113 24.50 26.62 23.000 205 12 3/4 26.000 420 18 3/8 33.000 960 19 1/8 42.000 2099 68 1 22 1/8 .19 18.94 20.950 16. 000 psi working pressure range.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 8 Patented UV stem packing Replaceable lift nut (Improves torque and galling resistance) Proprietary low-friction high-temperature facing M O D E L 1 3 0 / 1 5 0 FMC Surface Wellhead Material Class Designation AA BB CC DD EE FF HH Body & Bonnet Forged Alloy Steel Forged Alloy Steel Forged Stainless Steel Forged Alloy Steel Forged Alloy Steel Forged Stainless Steel Forged Alloy Steel w/CRA Gates & Seats Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CRA CRA Stem Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stem Packing Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design UV Design Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Bonnet Gasket Seal Stainless Steel or CRA M O D E L 1 3 5 The FMC Model 135 is an extension of the FMC Model 130 Series gate valves that offers a lowercost option for working pressures in the 9. The Model 135 has the same features and benefits as the Model 130 plus the following upgrades on: 1) seat and gate hard facing. in a temperature range from –75oF to +350oF. and qualifies by API 6A PR2 App F plus 300 endurance cycles. 69 Model 130/150 Dual seal to body metal seal . The Model 135 is available in sizes from 2 1/6˝ to 4 1/6˝. The result is an API monogrammed 10K service valve with FMC Surface Wellhead certification for use up to 12.500 psi working pressure.000 psi to 12. 2) lift nut material.6.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. 3) stem material and 4) bolting. 20 19. 4 1/16˝ to 7 1/16˝ for 10.90 130 10000 35.560 973 20.000 70 37.439 27.30 130 10000 29.775 27.000 3125 31. FMC Surface Wellhead’s technology has reduced the operating torque more than 95% for the designed applications.280 27.20 .000 75.000 69.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 9 Valves M odel 130/150 VLT FMC Surface Wellhead’s Model 130/150 VLT gate valve exceeds API 6A PR2 Appendix F performance test and FMC Surface Wellhead 300 endurance test.000 52.) # Turns to Open/Close 17.500 130 10000 26.000 to 5. and 3 1/16˝ to 7 1/16˝ for 15. The VLT is selectively offered in the following sizes: 9˝ for 2.200 150 15000 29. Temperature range is from –75oF to 400oF.000 psi. The “VLT” family was designed as an option to gear reducers to achieve low torque and ease operation.550 24.000 1723 30. bubble tight @ –75 F to 650 F (bonnet and balanced stem housing) ◆ Metal-to-metal seals o Seat-to-gate o Bonnet gasket o Seat-to-body o Balance stem backseat ◆ Stem backseat ◆ Bi-directional sealing ◆ Replaceable gate-lifting nut ◆ Stem safety shear pin Quick-disconnect hand wheel Balanced stem with back seat Rising stem Sealed integral roller screw assembly threaded to bonnet Integral FMC patented roller screw mechanism and a balancing stem Manually operated with no gear reducers One-to-one ratio ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ D B C A M O D E L Nominal Size (Inches) Model 3 1/16 4 1/16 5 1/8 6 3/8 1 3 0 / 1 5 0 Working Pressure A Dimensions (Inches) B C 150 15000 22.20 20.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. Features and Benefits ◆ 95% reduction in operating torque o o ◆ Nonelastomeric patented UV stem packing.700 23.6.900 25.000 psi.790 23. with many of the same features plus reduced-torque technology.000 1730 25.700 27.000 psi.380 56.800 V L T D Flanged End Weight (Lbs.000 955 24.025 27.000 62.000 79. It is an extension of the FMC Surface Wellhead’s M120 and M130.20 150 15000 35. These low-friction. sand and mud from entering the valve body as the gate opens and closes. stem bearings. High-strength stem threads: Standard ACME threads offer high shear strength and high contact area for maximum endurance. Close-fitting gate guides: Stainless-steel gate guides stay within a few thousands of an inch of the gate. A separate gate-lift nut contains the mating threads instead of the gate itself. In the unlikely event of thread damage.6.tight shutoff. over-torque prevention and a replaceable lift nut. The Model VLT features include: multiple seat barriers.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 10 M ODEL V LT The FMC Model VLT is an extension of the Model 100 Series gate valves that offers 95% torque reduction. Heavy-duty stem bearings: Dual stem bearings support all axial loading on the stem.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. The VLT family was designed for manual operation Extremely low torque with no gear reducers. This flexible design permits optimum stem/lift nut material combinations and allows the gate to float independently from the stem. Stem shear pin: The stem is protected against accidental twist-off by the stem shear-pin. only the nut or stem needs to be replaced. packing nut and other internal components from external environment. Integral sealed FMC Energy Systems patented roller screw 1-to-1 ratio turn (No gear reducers) Rising stem M o d e l 1 3 0 / 1 5 0 V LT Balanced stem with metal back seat and patented UV stem packing L O N G L I F E E X P E C TA N C Y A N D R E L I A B L E O P E R AT I O N Key features to ensure reliability for the life of the valve are: Metal-to-metal sealed bonnet assembly: Separate weather seals on the Series 100 valve bonnet assemblies isolate the stem. It features an integral FMC Energy Systems patented roller screw mechanism and a balancing stem. achieving a "one-to- (95% torque reduction) one" ratio. The pin can be quickly replaced without disassembling the valve bonnet. tapered roller bearings also help reduce operating torque. 71 . acting as mud skirts to minimize well fluids. bubble . (3) This valve will have Rotork Gear Operator with twin input shaft.70 30.12 20. Seat to body – 3 redundant seals 3. Nonrising stem 2. Body-to-bonnet gasket 2. Metal seal backseat ◆ Floating slab gate design with hard facing ◆ Heavy-duty.000 psi full differential M O D E L 1 6 0 Nominal Working Size Pressure A B C D E F (inches) (psi) ( +/.50 34.00 8. 72 (3) Weight (lbs. Hard-faced seal area to ensure bubble-tight seal @ HPHT condition and reusability 3.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.50 16.70 817 14 2 9/16 20.000 26. (2) Min @ ambient temperature w/20K full differentia.70 34. tapered roller-thrust bearing ◆ Robust bonnet-to-body gasket seal ◆ Selective backseating ◆ Metal-to-metal seal features: 1. Stem backseat ◆ Stem safety shear pin ◆ Nongalling lift nut but replaceable if required ◆ Hard-facing technology on gates and seats to ensure reliability and wear resistance ◆ Easy to assemble – no special tooling required D B C A The Model 160 was qualified to API 6A PR2 Appendix F at the following levels: 0oF to +350oF @ 20.000 31.6.) (1) Number of Turns to Open/Close .00 9.000 23.94 22.40 15.06) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) 2 1/16 20. Seat to gate 4. Designed for high-pressure oil and gas applications.40 1204 17 20.000 psi working pressure. Features and Benefits ◆ Well balance designed and extremely low input torque ◆ Very reliable drive train components ◆ Seat Assembly designed with 5 redundancy seals ◆ UV stem packing reinforced with dual-spring and very rugged nonelastomeric designed for extreme conditions (HPHT) –50oF to +400oF @ 20.40 19. It is a forged valve designed for 20.000 psi working pressure ◆ Stem features: 1.000 30. Efficiently designed thread to yield low-input torque at extreme conditions 4. Max @ 400oF w/20K full differential.56 40.000 psi full differential -50oF to +350oF @ 20.50 30.70 12.63 Notes: (1) These weights are based on a body machined from block (nondie forge).10 19..94 38.41 2180 21 3 1/16 4 1/16 (3) (3) 11.00 26.50 1646 16 20.00 6.000 psi full differential -20oF to +400oF @ 20.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 11 Valves M odel 160 FMC Surface Wellhead’s Model 160 gate valve exceeds API 6A PR2 Appendix F performance test plus FMC Surface Wellhead 300-cycle endurance test. 6.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 12 Enhanced patented UV stem packing Replaceable lift nut (Improves torque and galling resistance) Enhanced wearresistent stem Proprietary hardfacing to reduce wear and increase valve life Triple-metal seat and body Model 160 M O D E L 1 6 0 FMC Surface Wellhead Material Class Designation EE FF HH Body & Bonnet Forged Alloy Steel Forged Stainless Steel Forged Alloy Steel w/CRA Gates & Seats Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CRA Stem Stainless Steel Stainless Steel CRA Stem Packing Patented UV Design Patented UV Design Patented UV Design Bonnet Gasket Seal Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel or CRA 73 . with or without pressure in the valve body. stem protectors. etc. The HP-PN Pneumatic Actuator is designed to be failsafe and fail-close. it will automatically close with the loss of control pressure and will open automatically when the control pressure is restored.. HP– PN Pneumatic Piston Actuator mounted on a reverse-acting gate valve. D e s i g n F e a t u re s o f t h e F M C S u r f a c e We l l h e a d P n e u m a t i c a n d Hydraulic Actuators: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ The actuator is fail-safe/fail-close because it will close with the loss of control pressure. This design has been proven worldwide in the field for more than 35 years.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. 74 [ [ Description: The Type HP-PN Pneumatic Piston Actuator is a ratio-piston-type actuator . i.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 13 A C T U AT O R P R O D U C T S A ctuators FMC Surface Wellhead offers its own actuator product line that includes the HP–PN Pneumatic Piston. fusible lockout caps. Actuators are designed with back-seat capability. When installed as part of a safety system.e. Heavy-duty coated spring package is designed to provide closing force at zero or low pressure.6. Quick-disconnect design and spring box design reduces time required during maintenance operations. the HP–HYW Hydraulic Wire Shear Actuator and the HP–HY Hydraulic Piston Actuator. Designed to accept our full range of accessories. This can potentially damage the actuator.12 / 79.1 HP-PN 38 250 / 17. o Use of a hydraulic actuator is considered the best option.24 3 1/8 5.000 / 344.06 / 103.1 HP-PN 52 200 / 13.79 5 1/8 6.000 / 344. Has a rising stem for visual indication.11 FMC 5. gathering lines and pipelines.1 HP-PN 52 200 / 13.7 FMC 6.7 FMC 2. reducing repair cost.7 FMC 4. header valves.24 2 9/16 10. The HP-PN actuator will be sized to open the valve against full differential with the available control pressure.000 / 344.79 7 1/16 3.000 / 344. the valve will instantaneously go from closed to full open. Upper stem packing is easily removed.79 Identification The HP-PN Pneumatic Piston Actuator assembly includes the bonnet and the actuator assembly. The HP is the product identifier.24 4 1/16 5.24 10. Large piston area permits use of low-pressure air or gas control systems. Benefits ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Loss of control pressure above the piston will cause the actuator to close the valve.06 /52.99 HP PN 46 250 / 17.32 HP-PN 24 2 1/16 10.6.000 / 689.1 HP-PN 38 250 / 17. A given piston size can be used on a number of valve sizes.06 / 103.25 HP-PN 29 250 / 17. As part of a surface safety system. the actuator will shut off flow from the well in the event of a catastrophic event.02 HP-PN 33 250 / 17.24 Type (psi / Bar) 250 / 17.000 / 344. Pneumatic pressure acting on the piston holds the valve open. This causes a slam-open effect that can cause damage to gates and seats.500 / 448.24 2 9/16 5.000 / 689.06 / 103.79 7 1/16 5.000 / 344. The HP-PN surface safety valve is a pneumatic-controlled actuator that is operated by an air or gas source. Loss of pneumatic pressure in the actuator’s cylinder allows the well or flowline pressure acting on the area of the lower stem to force the stem and gate closed. the designator for a pneumatic piston actuator is HP-PN38. A relief valve on the cylinder prevents overpressurization.12 / 130.1 HP-PN 52 200 / 13.1 HP-PN 52 200 / 13. The following are some methods to reduce this potential problem: o Reduce the differential pressure across the valve. the PN references pneumatic piston.02 HP-PN 24 250 / 17. P N E U M A T I C A C T U A T O R S Size Working Pressure (inches) (psi / Bar) Valve (inches / mm) Valve Bore Max Cylinder Pressure 2 1/16 5.5 FMC 2. In the event of a fire. Pneumatic actuators can be used in both gas and oil wells. For example.79 5 1/8 5.7 FMC 5.5 FMC 3.11 FMC 4. One of the opening characteristics of a pneumatic actuator is that once sufficient force is generated to break the differential.56 / 65.7 FMC 6.32 HP-PN 29 250 / 17.000 / 344. the metal-to-metal seal between bonnet and lower stem acts as a secondary seal if the stem packing is damaged.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 14 Functions ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Actuators are used on secondary master valve and/or wing valve of a Christmas tree. and the 38 refers to the piston size.79 6 3/8 5.000 / 689.7 FMC 3.06 /52. The designation for the FMC Surface Wellhead pneumatic piston actuator is four alpha characters followed by two numeric characters.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. o Dampener mechanism. Pneumatic cylinder and piston are electrolysis nickel plated for corrosion resistance.5 FMC 4.62 / 168.500 / 448.000 / 206.24 3 1/16 10.06 / 79. 75 A c t u a t o r P ro d u c t s 4 1/16 .38 / 162.24 4 1/16 6. flow lines. Has a back-seat test port and packing leak detection port.7 FMC 2.56 / 65.00 HP-PN 54 200 / 13.5 FMC 2.62 / 168.82 FMC 6. o Reduce the volume of air in the cylinder.00 HP-PN 48 200 / 13. Care should be taken when using pneumatic actuators on high-pressure and/or large-bore applications.12 / 130.000 / 689. gathering lines and pipelines. Loss of hydraulic pressure in the actuator cylinder allows the well or flowline pressure acting on the area of the lower stems to force the stem and gate closed. As part of a surface safety system. Functions ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ The actuators are used on secondary master valve and/or wing valve of Christmas tree. 76 [ [ Description: The Type HP-HY Hydraulic Actuator is a ratio-piston-type actuator mounted on a . When installed as part of a safety system. header valves.6. the actuator will shut off flow from the well in the event of a catastrophic event. Hydraulic pressure acting on the piston holds the valve open. it will automatically close with the loss of control pressure and will open automatically when the control pressure is restored. The HP-HY surface safety valve is a hydraulically controlled actuator that is operated by a closed hydraulic system completely independent of well fluids and pressure.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 15 HP– HY Hydraulic Piston Actuator reverse-acting gate valve. The HP-HY Hydraulic Actuator is designed to be fail-safe and failclose.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. Recommended for use in high-pressure and/or large-bore applications. flow lines. 38 / 162. Has a lifting eye to facilitate removing the actuator when mounted horizontally.000 / 344.000 / 206.000 / 344.8 4. The HP is the product identifier.02 HP-HY 90 3.000 / 206.000 / 206.7 FMC 3.8 5.8 5.4 3 1/8 Max Cylinder Pressure Pressure Type HP-HY (psi / Bar) (psi / Bar) 2.000 / 689. The Type A bonnet is the extended version.000 / 344. 77 .06 / 103. the metal-to-metal seal between bonnet and lower stem acts as a secondary seal if the stem packing is damaged.12 / 130. Hydraulic piston is hard chromed for corrosion resistance.45 FMC 4.8 4.06 / 79.7 FMC 2.000 / 206.500 / 310.000 / 206.500 / 310.000 / 206. and the Type B bonnet is the flush-mounted version. and the 90 refers to the piston size.1 HP-HY110 3.4 FMC 3.32 HP-HY 80 3.7 5.000 / 206. Oil port can be rotated 360 degrees for easy alignment of power-source control line.8 5.3 4 1/16 10.4 FMC 2 9/16 5.99 HP-HY 95 3.3 5 1/8 10.000 / 689.06 / 103. The designation for the FMC Surface Wellhead Hydraulic Actuator is four alpha characters followed by two numeric characters.7 FMC 4.12 / 79.4 FMC 6.12 / 130.06 / 103.000 / 344.000 / 344.8 5.4 FMC 4. The HP-HY actuator will be sized to open the valve against full differential with the available control pressure.000 / 344.000 / 689.000 / 206.7 Identification The HP-HY Hydraulic Piston Actuator assembly includes the bonnet and the actuator assembly.8 5.00 HP-HY 120 3. Hydraulic section is resistant to corrosion.06 / 52.000 / 344. For example.56 / 65.8 4. Has a quick-disconnect clamp.3 6 3/8 10.00 HP-HY 155 3.7 FMC 6.7 3 1/16 10.7 5 1/8 5.06 / 52.4 FMC 5.1 HP-HY120 3.6.7 4 1/16 5.650 / 458.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.500 / 310.000 / 344.000 / 689.38 / 162. Benefits ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ In the event of a fire.7 2.000 / 344.02 HP-HY 70 3. the designator for a Hydraulic Actuator is HP-HY90.8 5.000 / 344.000 / 344.7 FMC 2 1/16 10.000 / 344. H Y D R A U L I C A C T U A T O R S Working Cylinder Operating Size Pressure Gate Valve Bore (inches) (psi / Bar) Valve (inches / mm) 2 1/16 5. Two bonnet types are available to cover a wide range of applications.1 HP-HY 90 3.000 / 344.000 / 206.8 5.56 / 65.000 / 344.000 / 206.8 5.3 6 3/8 5.7 FMC 2.1 HY 175 3.000 / 344. Nipoloy process (electrolysis nickel) is used on hydraulic cylinder for corrosion resistance.000 / 206.7 2 9/16 10.1 HP-HY 155 3.8 4.25 HP-HY 75 3.000 / 206.7 4 1/16 6. A given piston size can be used on a number of valve sizes.8 5.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 16 F e a t u re s ◆ ◆ ◆ Control line port can be rotated 360°. the HY references hydraulic piston.7 FMC 5.000 / 689.000 / 206.500 / 310.000 / 689.32 HP-HY 60 3. Has a back-seat test port and packing leak detection port. As part of a surface safety system. They are the primary surface safety device during a wireline operation. The coiled multi-spring assembly provides the added shear force. Should an emergency take place while the wireline tool string is in the well.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. . the wire shear actuator is designed to shear the wire and seal off the flow of the well. the actuator will shear the wireline and seal off the flow from the well in the event of a catastrophic event. The HP-HYW Hydraulic Wire Shear Actuator is designed to be failsafe and fail-close. Hydraulic pressure acting on the piston holds the valve open. The HP-HYW surface safety valve is a hydraulically controlled actuator that is operated by a closed hydraulic system completely independent of well fluids and pressure.6. 78 [ [ Description: The Type HP-HYW Hydraulic Actuator is a ratio-piston-type actuator mounted on a reverse-acting gate valve. Loss of hydraulic pressure in the actuators cylinder allows the well or flowline pressure acting on the area of the lower stems to force the stem and gate closed. Has a quick-disconnect clamp. The wire shear actuator becomes the primary surface safety device during wireline operations. F e a t u re s ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Coiled spring design provides cutting force. it will automatically close with the loss of control pressure and will open automatically when the control pressure is restored. The spring package is sized to cut a specific size of wireline. When installed as part of a safety system. Hydraulic section is resistant to corrosion. Control line port can be rotated 360°.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 17 HP– HYW Hydraulic Wire Shear Actuator Functions ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ The actuators are used on the secondary master valve. The HP is the product identifier.1 140 W 3.000 / 206.500 / 310. and the 90 refers to the piston size.500 / 241.7 FMC 4.000 / 689.06 / 103. For example.82 4. the metal-to-metal seal between bonnet and lower stem acts as a secondary seal if the stem packing is damaged.000 / 206. please state alternate.000 / 206.000 / 689.7 5 1/8 10.82 4.23 10.06 / 79. S p e c i f y t h e CUSTOMER DATA GATE VALVE SPECIFICATIONS ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN F o l l o w i n g : Bonnet Type: A (extended) or B (flush mount) 12) Special Material and/or Processing Requirements 2) Actuator Type: Pneumatic/Hydraulic 13) System Requirements (If yes.5 FMC 3.500 / 310.7 3 1/16 10.7 FMC 3.000 / 344.000 / 206.12 / 79.1 110 W 3. add brief description. H Y D R A U L I C W I R E Working S H E A R A C T U A T O R S Type Cylinder Operating Size. Has a lifting eye to facilitate removing the actuator when mounted horizontally.000 / 344. Nipoloy process (electrolysis nickel) is used on hydraulic cylinder for corrosion resistance. The designation for the FMC Surface Wellhead Hydraulic Actuator is four alpha characters followed by two numeric characters.000 / 206.32 90 W 3.000 / 344. W H E N O R D E R I N G A C T U A T O R S . Pressure Gate Valve Bore OFS/HY- Pressure Pressure inches (psi / Bar) Valve (inches / mm) XX W (psi / Bar) (psi / Bar) 2 1/16 10.500 / 310.23 4 1/16 5.5 FMC 5. and the Type B bonnet is the flush-mounted version.99 100 W 3.12 / 130.23 4 1/16 Max Cylinder Identification The HP-HYW Hydraulic Wire Shear Actuator assembly includes the bonnet and the actuator assembly.82 5. A given piston size can be used on a number of valve sizes. W is for wire shear.000 / 344.1 160 W 3.000 / 344.64 100 W 3.12 / 104.23 3 1/8 5.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 18 Benefits ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ In the event of a fire.000 / 206.400 lbs.82 4.17 5 1/8 5. Transparent 20) Repair Kit (consists of elastomers for bonnet and power section): FMC Special Requirement/Certification/Witnessing Required 21) Special Accessories Needed and/or additional comments related to inquiry 1) 10) 11) ACTUATOR ACCESSORIES/REQUIREMENTS 79 .6.7 FMC 6. The HP-HYW actuator will be sized to open the valve against full differential with the available control pressure.06 / 103.5 FMC 4.000 / 206.000 / 206.000 / 344. Two bonnet types are available to cover a wide range of applications. Oil port can be rotated 360 degrees for easy alignment of power-source control line.000 / 689. Hydraulic piston is hard chromed for corrosion resistance.38 / 162.82 5.) 3) Available Pneumatic/Hydraulic Pressure 4) Maximum Shut-In Well Pressure 5) Wire or Cable Size to Cut 14) Solid Lockout Cap 6) Closing Time for Actuator 15) Fusible Lockout Cap Rated 95oC 7) Regulatory Requirements 16) Hydraulic or Manual Override 8) Special API 6A Requirement 17) Limit Switch: Go Type Intrinsically Safe 9) Slam Test Required during SIT/FAT 18) Limit Switch Housing: Stainless Steel or Aluminum As in accordance with customer tender specification attached (If no.12 / 130. FMC Surface Wellhead has provided spring packages to cut various-sized wires.11 FMC 4.7 6 3/8 5.82 4.82 5. We provide a North Sea operator a wire shear spring package to cut 7/16˝ braided line (shear force required was 22. Has a back-seat test port and packing leak detection port.06 / 52.000 / 689.25 90 W 3.500 / 310. The Type A bonnet is the extended version.00 140 W 3.) 19) Stem Protector: Slotted Metal.7 FMC 5.00 160 W 3.).5 FMC 2.7 4 1/16 6.82 5.500 / 379.000 / 344. Spring packages are designed to fit customer application.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4.500 / 448.29 5.000 / 344. the designator for a Hydraulic Wire Shear Actuator is HP-HYW90. the HY references hydraulic piston. and we would like to share our seal technology with you so you can take it into account next time you specify your equipment. 6A. Performance Requirement Level Two (PR-2) pressure and temperature cycle testing. normal-service oil and gas wells.e. FMC Energy Systems has the expertise to help you decide the best fit (elastomer or metal) for your application. all elastomer compounds lose some of their sealing effectiveness over time. FMC Energy Systems is proud of our sealing designs. FMC Energy Systems’ response to these new API requirements addresses the limitations found in traditional interference and slab-packing applications with the following key design features: ◆ Seals meet API Spec. ◆ Antiextrusion devices are integrally molded into the seal element.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. and are also amine resistant. including class HH (H2S/CO2 service).. ◆ All seal elements and antiextrusion components are continuous.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 19 SEALS T Seal echnology Seals are critical for achieving reliable pressure integrity in wellhead equipment. However. i. Elastomer E lastomer and Metal Seals Seals A number of the more conventional wellhead seals can no longer meet the new stringent design-acceptance criteria. and special elastomer compounds and designs are available for critical-service wells. with the rate of degradation dependent on environment. In addition. Common oilfield elastomers are sufficiently reliable for low-pressure. 80 . Sometimes a metal seal option can be a cost-effective way to increase service life and improve production efficiencies. ◆ Antiextrusion devices are incorporated into each type of seal design to compensate for thermal expansion/contraction of the seal element and for installation clearances. such as the larger API casing and tubing OD tolerances now allowed by API Spec-5CT. ◆ All seal designs utilize one of the FMC proprietary elastomeric compounds. For example. some seal designs cannot keep a bubble-tight seal over the wide temperature ranges and large pressure variations encountered. These seal compounds are rated for all API material classes. ◆ All seals are designed to provide proper squeeze. Appendix F. volume fill and stretch under all API/FMC tolerance conditions. making them easier to install and more durable. the conventional O-ring seal is very limited in its ability to bridge large extrusion gaps and remain intact without some kind of antiextrusion device.6. the largest diametric gap possible and the worst-case misalignment of sealing surfaces. have simple installation procedures. for use in extreme corrosive services. minimizing workover costs.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. either on the seal or on the mating surfaces. ◆ Are easy to install and test and can withstand standard oilfield handling. In most applications FMC Energy Systems metal seals are “self energizing” and do not rely on a wedging action. including class HH (H2S/CO2 service) and are also amine resistant. ◆ Can be made from almost any high-strength steel or corrosion-resistant alloy. The seal is “pressure assisted” and can work in any pressure. are easily tested after installation and are reusable in most applications.6. . from -75°F arctic service to 1200°F for fire-resistant applications. Appendix F. so both are normally reusable. ◆ Work in all temperature ranges.04 M etal 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 20 Seals 81 Seals FMC Energy Systems’ patented “bump” seal design has addressed many issues traditionally associated with metal seals to become a technological breakthrough for wellhead equipment. ◆ Meet API Spec. ◆ Do not deform (crush) metal. Performance Requirement Level Two (PR-2) pressure and temperature cycle testing. ◆ Are rated for all API material classes. suspended weight or flange make-up force to affect a seal. 6A. FMC Energy Systems’ metal seals are rugged enough for the oilfield operation. 04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 21 SEALS E lastomer Seals S-Seal The S-Seal is designed to provide reliable sealing between machined components. The FS-Seal is rated to 10. a mandrel hanger neck and tubing head adapter bore. Another important feature of the FMC design is the use of a “continuous” coil spring. while the larger sizes are rated to 5. Special designs allow qualification to 15. It is a versatile and reliable seal in cyclic high-pressure and -temperature applications. which eliminates weak points around the seal’s circumference.000 psi working pressure and a 0° to 250°F temperature range for all sizes. S-Seal FS-Seal The FS-Seal has been designed to seal against rough casing where wide tolerances and varying surface finishes create difficult sealing conditions. The S-Seal is an interference-type seal utilizing metal coil springs molded integrally into the exposed seal corners as antiextrusion devices. etc. which incorporates a secondary S-Seal on the bushing OD and a secondary FS-Seal on the ID. belt packing.000 psi working pressure and a 0° to 250°F temperature range for sizes up to 16˝.000 psi working pressure and 300°F. for example.D.) are typically inadequate. There are both O. The S-Seal design can be rated up to 10.D. where conventional interference-type seals (O-rings. with sizes available in nominal diameters up to 20˝.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. The S-Seal can be used in many applications where there is a controlled/machined gap between the sealing bore and shaft. The FS-Seal is available for 4 1/2˝ to 30˝ pipe sizes. It can also be supplied as a separate 4-S packoff bushing. applications of the S-Seal. and I.6. It is utilized as a large cross-section interference seal to bridge large extrusion gaps associated with sealing on rough mill casing. The FS-Seal can be supplied integral to a casing-head bottom preparation as a 1-FS (one seal with no secondary) or 2-FS (two seals with one secondary) packoff. while the curved recess on the back of the seal controls the amount of compression (squeeze) on the seal element by allowing it to deflect outward when sealing against a larger-than-normal outer-casing diameter or an out-of-round section of casing. dovetail. FS-Seal Upper Junk Ring Nonextrusion RG OD Upper Nonextrusion RG ID Upper Nonextrusion RG ID Lower Lower Thread ACME Ring Elastomeric Sealing Elements PI Seal Assembly 82 . The bump provides higher sealing contact stresses.000 psi working pressure. extrusion at high pressures/temperatures. The wire mesh is annealed 316 stainless-steel material for corrosion resistance. Wire Mesh Elastomeric Sealing Element PI Seal The FMC PI Seal design is an extremely reliable high-pressure sealing mechanism. and seal shrinkage/poor response at low temperatures. the pressure-intensified (PI) seal assembly. The PI seal uses the casing annulus pressure to generate a higher pressure in the elastomer seal. which eliminates the diffusion of gas into the elastomer. and lower ACME threaded lock ring to hold the packoff in the bottom of the tubing head.6. This pressure intensification is generated by a movable “T” ring which creates an unbalanced pressure area across the elastomer seal. The T-ring design also allows the elastomer to self-compensate for seal stress fluctuations caused by thermal cycling. The movement of the T-ring automatically controls excessive seal stresses caused by elastomer expansion. Its design and elastomer compound enable excellent temperature and environmental resistance.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. This design is coupled with FMC’s proprietary seal formulation. The PI seal is rated to 15. including explosive decompression.000 psi working pressure and was developed for use as a lower casing or tubing spool packoff where long-term reliable sealing in hostile environments is required. The PI design addresses some rather complex problems associated with oilfield elastomer seal designs. At very low temperatures. Seal failure due to extrusion is addressed by the use of automatic “ramping” antiextrusion rings made from thermoplastic material.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 22 Tubing Head Adapter S Seal Compression Ring Wire Mesh Compression Packing Lockdown Screw Tubing Hanger Tubing Head Tubing Elastomer Seal Diagram Compression Packing with Wire Mesh This design is mechanically energized by lockdown screws after assembly and utilizes integrally molded wire mesh rings on top and bottom of the elastomeric element to increase extrusion resistance. 83 . which also has improved gas permeation as well as excellent oilfield fluid resistance. These rings compensate for the extrusion gaps caused by API casing tolerances and manufacturing head tolerances.000 psi working pressure and a -50° to 250°F temperature range. It can be used up to 15. The PI assembly is comprised of an upper junk ring guide. The antiextrusion rings are located at all four corners of the seal. the phenomenon of seal stress relaxation caused by elastomer shrinkage is again automatically compensated for by annulus pressure applied to the unbalanced area T-ring. 000°F flame temperatures and 1. SBMS-II Seals The SBMS-II has “bumps” on the inside diameter and the outside diameter. The XEMS seal can be run through the BOP stack and is energized by lockdown screws or by an internal lockdown ring and running tool. XEMS Seals FMC Energy Systems’ externally energized metal seal (XEMS) is used in Unihead ® wellhead systems for special mandrel casing hanger and tubing hanger applications. The SBMS maintains sufficient contact-sealing stress even at very low pressure. FMC Energy Systems provides an ACME threaded casing holddown nut to minimize upward thermal expansion of the casing and act as a bit guide to protect the SBMS-II seal when running tubing or conditioning the hole. Various applications of the SBMS-II design include valve stem back-seat seals. Each seal lip engages its entry ramp. The seal design is based on an interference fit with pressure-intensified sealing. This seal design does not require special complex field machining of the casing stub. is NACE compatible.6.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 23 M etal Seals SBMS Seals FMC Energy Systems’ straight-bore metal seal (SBMS) is energized by interference between the designated primary sealing surface and the metal seal’s contact area with that sealing surface. The operation can be executed with a portable pneumatic tool. is compatible with casing spool and tubing spool strength. RCMS Seals The most recent addition to the family of metal seals is the rough-casing metal seal (RCMS).26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. When used against slip-suspended casing. it is required to machine the casing stub after the casing is hung off. When employed to seal against a casing stub. The SBMS-II is normally used on production casing where extreme temperature fluctuations are anticipated or in critical-service applications. The SBMS-II seal has been used in sizes up to 20˝. SBMS Seal SBMS-II Seal RCMS Seal XEMS Seal Tubing Head Tubing Head Adapter Casing Stub hold-down nut Casing Stub Hold-Down Nut Casing Stub SBMS Casing Spool Lockdown Screw Energizing Ring RCMS SBMS-II Adjustment Nut Hanger Neck Casing Spool XEMS Seal Ring S-Seals FS Seals Retainer Nut S Seals 84 Mandrel Hanger . The SBMS qualification tests were conducted with low pressure and high pressure. it requires only approximately 1 1/4˝ of the casing stub. As working pressure increases. does not require special installation tools and is simple to install. the fire test pass (API RP-6F “Improved”) of 2.200°F internal seal temperature with zero leakage. and is compatible with casing string strength properties. As the tubing head bonnet is nippled up. creating the sealing contact stress with the sealing diameter. is compatible with a wide range of temperatures and corrosive environments. the seal lip (“bump”) engages an entry ramp in the seal bore. the seal lips engage a straight bore above the entry ramp (see illustration). The externally energized seal requires mechanical force to effect a seal. In the fully installed position. creating the contact stress required to effect a seal. low-alloy steel or corrosion-resistant alloy. However. The SBMS is a nonintegral double-ended seal sleeve manufactured from high-strength. The SBMS-II is used mainly as a production casing metal seal on either extended-neck mandrel-casing hangers or directly against the casing stub when slip hangers are used. making it seal even tighter. contact-sealing stresses increase. radially deflecting the seal lip inward. valve seat body seals and tubing hanger annular packoffs. The seal can be installed separately and can be easily replaced. A square shoulder in the bore of the locking mandrel sits on top of the casing hanger. The seal bumps plastically deform during installation. locking segments engage with a groove on the ID of the Unihead. It is rated for 15. All mating equipment is overlaid with a corrosion-resistant alloy.000 psi. The OD also protects the two seal bumps on the seal assembly OD from damage during installation.6. Two seal bumps on the OD of the M2M HP seal assembly seal against a recessed groove in the ID of the Unihead. filling scratches that may be present on the sealing surfaces. A lock ring in the ID of the M2M seal assembly engages with a groove on the OD of the UW-D15 Casing Hangers. This retainer strip is held captive and provides uniform support during seal retrieval. Three radiused seal bumps on the tapered ID of the M2M HP seal assembly seal against the mating tapered surface on the OD of the casing Hhanger. Running 85 Landed . When the energizing mandrel is operated. The seal element material is a corrosion-resistant alloy. rendering the seal assembly fit for use in carbon dioxide environments. They were successfully tested to 350oF. The M2M HP Annulus Seal Assembly is designed to prevent premature energization as the assembly is run downhole.04 6/26/04 6:02 PM Page 24 18 3/4" metal-to-metal annulus seal assembly Casing Hanger Lock Ring Locking Mandrel Seal Bumps Retainer Pins Outer Body Unihead Lock Ring M2M Seal Element Shear Pins Seal Bumps Retainer Pins Metal-to-Metal High-Performance Seals The metal-to-metal high-performance (M2M HP) Annulus Seal Assembly seals the annular space between the Unihead and the UWD-15 Casing Hangers. The M2M HP seal element is retained on the seal assembly with a retainer strip. The M2M HP seal assembly is positioned in the Unihead so that the seal elements align with an undercut in the Unihead bore. The M2M HP seal assembly bottom surface protects the seal by having a larger diameter that shields the retracted sealing elements during running. This undercut area minimizes scratching or scuffing of the seal surfaces which can occur during drilling operations. The M2M HP seal assembly OD locates and aligns within the bore of the Unihead during installation and centralizes the M2M HP seal assembly. The seal is preloaded at installation.26FMC7(pg62-85)_4. H2S service and 250oF service. giving outstanding sealing performance even at low pressures. Our quality processes are industry-leading. . operational excellence and superior customer service and ultimately add value. quality matrix data. Ultimately. quality manuals and service alerts accessible via our intranet. guided by the strictest standards of the safety of employees and customers and the integrity of the environment. We are quite literally on the same page with a single quality manual and uniform operating procedures and work instructions.26FMC8(pg86-91)_4. We treat quality and safety as processes that can be identified. products or services that conform to API specifications. analyzed and continually improved. 86 Qualifying Suppliers Our suppliers must provide materials. customer requirements and FMC quality and safety requirements. Our worldwide quality processes assure product uniformity. When you specify an FMC Surface Wellhead system. Our PDM (Product Data Manager) is an interactive database of engineering specs. We define quality performance as attitudes and behaviors that drive technology. Q U A L I T Y M A N A G E M E N T S T R AT E G I E S FMC Energy Systems designs and manufactures products of the highest quality. Testing and manufacturing facilities are ISO 9000 and API certified. Uniform Global Standards Everywhere in the world. parts. you can systematically eliminate them and get as close to zero defects as possible. FMC Energy Systems’ commitment to technological excellence optimizes your performance and minimizes your system life-cycle costs. project data. reliability. developed and executed in accordance with international quality standards and practices and major classification societies. FMC Energy Systems’ reliability group focuses on performance measurement and failure prevention.04 6/26/04 12:27 PM Page 1 T E C H N O L O G Y C A PA B I L I T I E S A Quality Product High on the list of factors influencing your choice of a wellhead vendor should be the vendor’s investment in research and development. diagrammed. safety and accountability: Continuous Improvement If you measure all the defects in a process. manufacturing data. you can be assured that every nut and bolt means a pedigree of quality. Some 20% of our quality management resources and processes are dedicated to defining supplier capabilities and services. We’re proud of our products and have implemented processes that assure continual improvement of our technology and services and the processes themselves. Encyclopedic Documentation The foundation of a quality system is the ability to maintain standards.6. archive documentation and provide global access to it. monitoring and measuring performance and developing quality systems with our suppliers worldwide. including its testing and analysis programs and its strategies for achieving and maintaining quality – from R&D to manufacturing to aftermarket services. FMC Energy Systems follows identical quality objectives. product standards. drawings. formats and processes. performance. 26FMC8(pg86-91)_4. 87 . Global Work Instructions. training Global Quality Assurance and recognition FMC Energy Systems’ regional locations follow the Plan for Zero Defects same worldwide quality system process and format Safety (Quality Manual.6. All quality- Execution assurance and engineering documentation is electronically revised and controlled in a centralized product data management system. Operating Customer satisfaction Procedures and Local Work Instructions). and provides worldwide visibility and access to information.04 6/26/04 12:27 PM Page 2 Te c h n o l o g y Capabilities OUR QUALITY VALUES Management commitment Continuous improvement processes Quality-improvement teams Employee education. Local access through intranet ensures worldwide product standards and process control. 26FMC8(pg86-91)_4.6.04 6/26/04 12:27 PM Page 3 T E C H N O L O G Y C A PA B I L I T I E S Engineering Capabilities: Design & Analysis FMC Energy Systems’ long history of designing and manufacturing the finest surface wellhead products and providing cost-effective systems solutions speaks to our company’s commitment to developing the industry’s most advanced engineering resources and capabilities, including materials selection and finite-element analysis, supported with the appropriate R&D facilities and processes, including materials and design testing labs. The first step in the engineering process is materials selection, with the main lines of emphasis on metals, elastomers and lubricants. Metallic Material Selection Elastomer Selection Grease Selection Key drivers in selecting metallic materials for Elastomers are FMC Energy System’s A variety of specially selected greases are our wellheads are strength, environmental proprietary formulations designed to used in FMC Energy Systems’ wellhead factors and manufacturability. Precise perform in standard oilfield production equipment. These greases are formulated to assessment of production fluid chemistry environments. Each compound is provide excellent lubrication characteristics is vital to the selection process. These developed to function in a specific range over a wide range of temperatures while pro- analyses include breakdowns in the amounts of temperature, pressure and aggressive viding resistance to petroleum hydro- of dissolved chlorides, carbon dioxide and chemicals environment. Elastomer com- carbons, H2S, CO2, chlorides, water, frac hydrogen sulfide. All selections are based pounds are qualified through rigorous test- fluid, acids and common oilfield chemicals. on API and NACE guidelines and field ing on actual seal configurations. Seals are Greases are evaluated using a variety of test experience. tested to anticipated worst-case conditions. instrumentation, including autoclave expo- They are manufactured from compounds sure and dynamic mechanical analysis. Full- with long life expectancy in oil production scale field testing of products is also used to environments. Elastomers are molded into provide service reliability data on selected seals that are qualified for up to 250 greases. degrees and 15,000 psi. 88 26FMC8(pg86-91)_4.6.04 6/26/04 12:27 PM Page 4 Our engineers employ sophisticated linear analyses in conjunction with rigorous, full-scale product testing to verify the accuracy of design methods. Capabilities include structural analysis, thermal analysis and computational flow dynamics. ➤ FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) help to analyze the stress condition the equipment will be exposed to. 89 26FMC8(pg86-91)_4.6.04 6/26/04 12:27 PM Page 5 T Lab esting Capabilities E n v i ro n m e n t a l / F l u i d L a b Te s t i n g FMC constantly monitors the compatibility of the materials used for wellhead components by experimentally exposing them to a wide range of hostile environments encountered by equipment used in oil and gas service. A variety of test instrumentation is used to simulate the effects of phenomena such as corrosion and wear, explosive decompression, chemical attack, heat aging and fluid compatibility. Metallic and nonmetallic components, materials and processes are qualified in dedicated laboratory facilities. L i f e P re d i c a t i o n Te s t i n g H i g h / L o w Te m p e r a t u re Cycling FMC Energy Systems conducts life predication testing on seals and sealing materials by exposing components to elevated temperature environments containing fluid chemistry consistent with intended service conditions. Statistical data is gathered from multiple test runs and correlated to predict component life at actual service temperatures. Full-scale product testing is conducted in dedicated cold-box test facilities in accordance with API 6A, Appendix F. Products are functionally tested to maximum operating pressure and subjected to cycles in a temperature range consistent with the application environments to which they are exposed. ENGINEERING LAB Environmental Chambers – Temperature range –75o to + 600oF. Pressure to 22,500 psi using nitrogen gas or CO2. Test Cell/Ram Cell – Testing of products with either nitrogen gas or water. Machine Shop – Lathes, mills, drill press for fabrication and modification of test fixtures. Hydraulic Rams – Capacity of 2-million-pound pull for simulation of casing string weight, destruction pull testing. 200-Ton Press – Used to simulate installation force of elastomer and metal seals. Immersion Gas Test Tank – For submerging products for manual gas testing, verification of bubble-tight product. Bending FMC Energy Systems has several bending and torsion test fixtures which are used to simulate the actual service loads on connectors, such as the Speedloc. The largest fixture has the capacity to apply up to 8 million ft.-lbs. bending with 1 million lbs. tension. A smaller fixture is used to apply bending, tension and torsion simultaneously, up to 1 million ft.-lbs. bending with 500 kips tension and 500 ft.-kips torsion. R & D L A B FA C I L I T I E S Test Annex – Ovens for ambient to +600oF for seal testing. Automated rotating stem-packing system for tests to 20,000 psi, and stem and lift nut system simulation gate drag on lifting threads. Endurance Test Cells – Automated life-cycle testing of gate valves. Temperature range of ambient to +600oF and pressure to 22,500 psi nitrogen gas. R & D Lab – Fabrication of pump systems and test stands and installation of strain gages. Control room for fire test and endurance test cells. Fire Test Facility – Fire-test qualification of products using up to six open-flame atmospheric burners (1.8 million BTUs each). Temperature range from ambient to +2400oF and pressure to 10,000 psi. Pumps – Prototype and life-cycle testing of pumps using fresh water, saltwater or bentonite. Erosion Flow Loop – Closed-loop sand slurry used to test wear of flow line products. O U R R & D C A PA B I L I T I E S I N C L U D E : Custom product development Exhaustive laboratory and field testing ➤ Advanced materials technology, including proprietary elastomer lab ➤ Fire-test facilities with sophisticated data output ➤ Destructive and nondestructive testing ➤ Engineering design and finite-element analysis ➤ Environment, corrosion and safety engineering ➤ Three-dimensional modeling and simulation ➤ ➤ 90 Molding of FMC Energy Systems’ seal designs using these proprietary compounds is performed at our Nonmetallic Production Facility. New seal designs demanding new. This is in contrast to much of the oilfield industry which outsources seal manufacturing. S-Seals. If a seal failed.26FMC8(pg86-91)_4. Our experience has demonstrated that in-house elastomer seal manufacture and optimized compounds provide the most reliable combination of mechanical and chemical properties in a premium elastomer seal. FMC Energy Systems has made a substantial investment in an Elastomer Laboratory dedicated to the development of new and improved elastomer seal materials and designs. Higher pressures. the budget can be severely impacted. and our industry has set new standards for seal performance. longer frac times and other critical-service conditions place emphasis on seal integrity.04 6/26/04 12:28 PM Page 6 Elastomer A Ca p a b i l i t y wellhead is as good as its valves and seals. Texas. improved compounds. well-treatment chemicals.6. This assures that FMC Energy Systems brand elastomer seals are not only state-of-the-art design and materials. Our customers demand the most reliable seals technology can deliver. 91 . new molding techniques and testing processes are developed in our Elastomer manufacturing and testing facilities. and performance is about seal performance. At the heart of these premium seal designs are proprietary elastomer compounds formulated to provide the best combination of mechanical properties and chemical resistance to oilfield environments. Field-proven designs developed by FMC Energy Systems include FS-Seals. and Compression Packings with Wire Mesh. In order to maintain complete control over the quality and performance of our elastomer seals. Conventional O-ring seals no longer meet application demands and industry standards. located in Houston. but rigorously tested for the complete range of customer applications and environmental operating conditions. They perform in compliance with local regulations and FMC Surface Wellhead’s safety practices. While most of the industry tends to recruit service technicians from experienced rig crews. Our specialists are also skilled at resolving issues on location. Before joining our service team as a fullfledged FMC wellhead technician. our service technicians are deployed where you need them. hands-on lab and field instruction. ➤ Driven by your objectives of (1) operating safely. our service trainees have the FMC Surface Wellhead safety culture ingrained into every aspect of their thinking. each apprentice must pass a written competency examination. . planning and job performance. equipment schematics and maintenance schedules.6. their skills and their commitment to safety and enjoy helping customers by providing superior service. which can translate into major cost savings. Realizing the maximum return on your investment is a function of up-front costs. reliability. as well as a rotation through many functional areas of the business. every recruit must complete a comprehensive 26-week training program. Given the methodical care with which FMC Surface Wellhead recruits. OUR RIGOROUS TRAINING PROGRAM. At the conclusion of the job. The remarkable FMC Surface Wellhead safety record (as measured one of the lowest incident rates in the industry) and retention rate supports our conviction. Before graduating. ➤ Support for a single well or a full-field service demands performance on a par with the performance of FMC Surface Wellhead’s products and systems. in maintenance centers strategically located throughout the globe. R E L I A B I L I T Y. Moreover. including on-time performance. When you call for an FMC Surface Wellhead technician. (2) maximizing well profits. and performance. have a disciplined approach to following procedures and have great attitudes: they are proud of their company.04 6/26/04 12:30 PM Page 1 AFTERMARKET SERVICES The S uppor t Factor F M C S u r f a c e We l l h e a d ’s w o r l d w i d e . we have followed a different path by recruiting directly from vocational schools and the military services. trained and schooled in safety and reliability. the technician generates a status report that also includes Internet links to digital photos. The curriculum includes classroom study in drilling technology and FMC Surface Wellhead products.26FMC9(pg92-98)_4. you know you’re getting someone technically competent and thoroughly experienced. We are confident that our global service resource is simply tops in the industry.c l a s s s e r v i c e re s o u rc e m a x i m i z e s safety. F M C S u r f a c e We l l h e a d S e r v i c e Te c h n i c i a n s . performance and retur n on investment. system performance and system cycle costs – all of which are linked to the quality of both the equipment and the service provided by your wellhead equipment vendor. 92 3 S A F E T Y F I R S T. Technician candidates recruited from these two major sources of talent are already comfortable with formal training courses. Above all. trains and supports our service resources. 1 2 OUR UNIQUE RECRUITING PROCESS. (3) extending wellhead equipment life and (4) tracking and utilizing wellhead assets. w o r l d . it’s no accident that our technicians are the best in the business. FMC Surface Wellhead has developed a service resource second to none in HSE-driven safety practices. lubricate bearings and fill the valve body with grease for a single well (for instance. 93 .26FMC9(pg92-98)_4. They are also guided by detailed reports (including photographs and schematics) that document the size. after the equipment has been exposed to corrosive chemicals) or on a routine basis as part of a total field lubrication program.6. serial numbers and manufacture of each piece of equipment on each wellhead. as it can reduce the frequency and cost of repairs and well shutdowns. our highly trained and experienced technicians follow a strict schedule of procedures step-by-step to assure thoroughness and uniform service throughout the life cycle of the equipment. working pressure. Our technicians flush treating fluids. On your valve lubrication maintenance calls. An ongoing program of valve lubrication is simply good business.04 6/26/04 12:30 PM Page 2 Aftermarket Service FMC Surface Wellhead Services a Gate Valve Lubrication Ser vices Regular lubrication and maintenance of gate valves can substantially prolong the life of your wellhead system. prepping the bolts for fast and easy removal and any necessary repairs. Your FMC Surface Wellhead technicians can help prevent costly workover rig and crew downtime by identifying and documenting the installed equipment and verifying the proper functioning of all wellhead components before the rig arrives.04 6/26/04 12:31 PM Page 3 FMC Surface Wellhead Services b Pre-Workover Inspection S e r v i c e A well workover is no time to discover problems with the wellhead. returning them to peak condition. With our asset-tracking ways: (1) by a regular schedule of maintenance and system. you can track every wellhead yield significant savings by reducing or eliminating asset from invoice to repair history to the asset’s life the need to purchase new equipment. c Repair and Asset Management you in the active management of the life cycles of The useful life of your surface wellhead components your wellhead equipment inventories. This inspection includes tests for pressure leaks. you can track and manage every component prompt repairs for all the components of your of every installed wellhead system or CP inventory on wellhead and keeping them in top working order.6.26FMC9(pg92-98)_4. and whereabouts after it is removed from the wellsite FMC Surface Wellhead technicians help you and placed in customer property (CP) or on to a new extend the life of your wellhead equipment in two wellsite to sell or scrap. valve inspection to assure proper functioning. Managing and Surface Wellhead’s “cradle to grave” information utilizing these assets throughout their life cycle can management system. Our technicians also provide test results and documentation for each wellhead as the units are scheduled for workover or moving. With FMC often exceeds the life of your wells. and (2) supporting 94 . or your laptop from anywhere in the world. installs and retrieves FMC Energy Systems bore protectors (10. FMC Energy Systems' service tools ensure the industry's safest and most efficient wellhead installation and maintenance. specify the following: A. Type of FMC Energy System Casing Head. Nominal Bowl Size of Head or Spool B. Casing Spool or Tubing Head C. Drill Bit Size C o m b i n a t i o n B o r e P r o t e c t o r R u n n i n g To o l a n d B O P Te s t P l u g F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ Versatile tool that runs on drill pipe with pin either up or down. Nominal Bowl Size of Head or Spool B. WHEN ORDERING. For 10.26FMC9(pg92-98)_4. Service tools and designed for safety functionality Bore Protectors F e a t u re s a n d B e n e f i t s ◆ Straight-bore bore protectors are compatible with all C-22 and C-29 casing heads and spools and with all straight-bore FMC Energy Systems tubing heads and Uniheads®. Type of FMC Energy System Casing Head. Tool Joint Thread Required 95 ] .6. specify the following: A. ◆ Bore protector can be secured in a bowl by EG grooves or by lockdown screws to protect against wear and tear during drilling. With pin down.through 20-inch sizes only). performance and reliability of our service tools. the FMC Energy Systems combination test plug/running tool can be used. Designed with the safety of our service engineers in mind as well as the functionality of the equipment. ◆ Bushings are used to adapt the basic tool to different sizes. WHEN ORDERING. Inside Diameter of Bore Protector D.through 20-inch nominal protectors. Casing Spool or Tubing Head C. ◆ Drill pipe can be suspended below the test plug. ◆ Protectors are installed and retrieved with J-type running tools. eliminating the need to trip all pipe out of the hole. With pin up.04 6/26/04 12:31 PM Page 4 I N S TA L L AT I O N A N D S E R V I C E T O O L S Installation and [ S ervice Tools A major contributor to FMC Energy Systems' unsurpassed record of safety is the quality. it lands and seals in the head or spool seal bore for the pressure testing BOP stack or manifold connections. For lower working pressures. VR adapters are available for threaded outlets. WHEN ORDERING.04 6/26/04 12:31 PM Page 5 B o r e P r o t e c t o r R u n n i n g / R e t r i e v i n g To o l ◆ ◆ A basic J-type tool that runs on drill pipe. Note: For ordering details. Tool Joint Thread Required B a s i c B O P Te s t P l u g ◆ ◆ A simple test plug that runs on drill pipe. Available to fit all FMC Energy Systems casing heads.000 psi. Casing Spool or Tubing Head C. t a p e re d . For outlet working pressures of 15. tapered-thread VR plugs are standard. specify the following: A. Available for all sizes of bore protectors. All studded and flanged outlets on FMC Energy Systems casing heads.6.26FMC9(pg92-98)_4. With the lubricator holding the pressure. Lubricator mounts on the gate valve outlet flange. Nominal Size of Bore Protector to Be Run B. Nominal Bowl Size of Head or Spool B. casing spools and tubing heads are threaded to accept VR plugs. WHEN ORDERING. Type of FMC Energy System Casing Head.t h re a d VR plug S t r a i g h t . releases with a quarter-turn left. metal-tometal seal VR plugs are standard. specify the following: A. h i g h . allowing the VR plug to pass through the valve and be threaded into the head or spool outlet. casing spool or tubing head side outlets so gate valves can be isolated from pressure for removal or repair. the gate valve can be opened. Tool Joint Thread Required Va l v e R e m o v a l P l u g s a n d L u b r i c a t o r s ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Lubricator installs VR plugs in casing head. 96 S t a n d a rd .p re s s u re VR Plug .t h re a d . straight-thread. casing spools and tubing heads. Locks into bore protectors with a quarter-turn right. consult your nearest FMC Energy Systems representative. Each lubricator has accessory parts that adapt it for most tubing sizes and Christmas tree working pressures. Seals in hanger or coupling where strength is maximum and dimensional tolerances are controlled. Note: For ordering details. hydraulically. ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Latches into mating groove in TCSeries tubing hangers or couplings to seal the well bore while the blowout preventers are removed and the tree is installed. B a c k .P r e s s u r e V a l v e / Tr e e Te s t P l u g L u b r i c a t o r s ◆ ◆ ◆ With the FMC Energy Systems lubricator. 97 . Since the plug will not hold pressure from below. Valve cannot accidentally pass into tubing. not in tubing.26FMC9(pg92-98)_4.P r e s s u r e Va l v e Similar to the back-pressure valve. well pressure must be isolated from the tree using a downhole plug or SCSSV. but with the seat and stinger arranged to hold pressure from above. Shear pin release provides positive setting indication. consult your nearest FMC Energy Systems representative.04 6/26/04 12:31 PM Page 6 I S . Internal stinger makes it easy to check well bore for pressure. Installed by hand or by hydraulic lubricator. or to equalize pressure across the valve.A B a c k . through a Christmas tree under well pressure. Also used to temporarily isolate the tree from well pressure for repairs without killing the well. the IS-A back-pressure valve or tree test plug can be installed and retrieved. sealing the tubing bore against tree test pressure. Hydraulic remote operated to enhance safety conditions.6.A Tr e e Te s t P l u g ◆ ◆ I S . Test plug installs exactly the same way as the back-pressure valve. behaviors) and pollution prevention are the focus. ◆ Risk management (hazard controls. ◆ Working safely and with regards for the environment are conditions of employment. ◆ Employees are involved in HSE programs and activities at all levels of the organization.04 6/26/04 12:31 PM Page 7 V Our Core alues FMC Energy Systems ◆ Our goal is continuous improvement. ◆ HSE management and efficient production are equal.6.26FMC9(pg92-98)_4. ◆ All occupational injuries/illness and environmental incidents can be prevented. ◆ Line management is responsible and accountable for HSE. 98 .
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