FMC Manual

March 24, 2018 | Author: spbird1 | Category: Computer Keyboard, Command Line Interface, Aeronautics, Aerospace Engineering, Aviation



737 Flight Management Computer Ops Manual• SECTION 1 - General Information o o o Page Header Descriptions Scratchpad Specific Operations FMC Button Overview FMC Program Settings o • SECTION 2 - Preflight Page Displays o o o o o o o Initialization Reference Index Identification Position Initialization Position Reference Performance Initialization Performance Limits Takeoff Reference Approach Reference o • SECTION 3 - Lateral Navigation Pages o o o o o o o o o o Route Flight plan Import/Export Route Legs Route Data Select Waypoint Route Hold Departure/Arrival Index Departures Arrivals Progress Fix Information o • SECTION 4 - Vertical Navigation Pages o o o Climb Cruise Descent N1 Limits o • SECTION 5 - Tutorial Flight o Amsterdam, Schipol to London, Heathrow (Section written by Elmar Calbo) Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 737 Flight Management Computer General Information This section provides general information about the FMC/CDU. The section also introduces the format for this manual, and further this section describes specific Scratchpad operations for the FMC. Lastly, this section provides detailed descriptions for FMC program settings available from the right-click menu in the FMC. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 1-1 737 Flight Management Computer General Information The following boxes are examples of what will be seen throughout the rest of the manual. The boxes describe the information that will be provided in the actual title boxes in the manual. PAGE TITLE Title of Page This box provides information on how a page can be accessed in the FMC PURPOSE AND USE • This box provides general descriptions on the purpose and or use of the FMC page PAGE ACCESS GENERAL FMC INFORMATION • Slash RULE o When entering data on a line that has more than one value (wind direction/wind speed) the slash is used to seperate entries. It must be used. o Example: To enter both wind speed and direction one would enter" 215/35" for a 35 knot wind and 215 degrees. o Example: To enter the wind speed only, one would enter "/35" o When entering the first item only the slash is not required. The FMC allows a few "hidden" scratchpad operations to add to your convenience. These functions are changing FMC lighting, changing the power state, and viewing the TUTORIALS menu. Changing FMC Lighting o To change the FMC lighting type the following into the scratchpad... DAY NIGHT NIGHT OFF NIGHT LIGHT Press EXECute when ready to set lighting • Changing the Power State o The FMC relies on aircraft power. If you want to change the FMC power setting, type one of the following into the scratchpad... POWER ON POWER OFF o Press the EXECute button • • Viewing the TUTORIALS Menu o If you quickly want to view the TUTORIALS menu, type the following into the scratchpad... TUTORIAL o Press the EXECute button • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 1-2 • 737 Flight Management Computer General Information • ScratchPad o Last (Bottom) Line in the CDU Page Display. o Used for entering data into the FMC or transfering data from one location to another. o Selection of a different "page" will not affect Scratchpad data. Function and Mode Keys o Large Keys below the CDU Page Display. o Used for selecting "pages" of FMC Data or EXECuting a page Line Select Keys o Small keys on either side of the CDU Page Display. Six on each side. o Keys are numbered from top to bottom (1 - 6) and listed as left or right (1L - 6L AND 1R - 6R). o Key associated with corresponding line of data. o Used to select item or enter data into CDU Page Display. Brightness Control o Rotate to brighten/darken the CDU Page Display intensity. Keyboard o Used to enter Alpha/Numeric characters into the Scratchpad. Delete Key o Press to set word "DELETE" into the Scratchpad. o Subsequent line selection with DELETE in scratchpad will delete line entry. Will only work if line is available for deletion. Clear Key o Used to clear Scratchpad entries or FMC Messages. o Click once to clear one character at a time. o Press and Hold to remove entire line. • USE KEYBOARD LIGHT o To use the keyboard to type in the FMC press the SCROLL LOCK Key. Green light will display when the FMC controls keyboard input. CDU Page Display ("page" or "display") o Displays a single page of FMC data as selected by a Mode Key or Line Key • • • • • • • Plus/Minus ( + / - ) Key o Adds a "-" character to the Scratchpad. o Press a second time to change character to a "+" Slash ( / ) Key o Adds a "/" key to the Scratchpad. o Used for data seperation • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 1-3 PAGE TITLE 737 Flight Management Computer General Information FMC Settings Right Click anywhere on the FMC and select SETTINGS PURPOSE AND USE • Allows crew entry, modification, and review of default 737-400 Flight Management Computer settings PAGE ACCESS • • • • STARTUP LIGHTING MODE o Displays Lighting Mode the FMC will use at startup. The default DAY can be changed by line selecting to toggle through each option o DAY FMC fully lighted. o NIGHT FMC Background dark with buttons backlit o NIGHT LIGHT FMC background lit with a spot light, buttons are backlit o NIGHT OFF FMC fully dark. No lighting applied STARTUP IN FLIGHT SIMULATOR o If Flight Simulator is running and the FMC is started externally to Flight Simulator, setting this value to YES causes the FMC to automatically dock to Flight Simulator. o Option can be set to YES or NO PAUSE AT TOP OF DESCENT o The FMC can be set to pause Flight Simulator when reaching the Top of Descent warning point. This point is 5 miles prior to the Top of Descent. This option is perfect for long flights when the crew wants the computer to control the flight through cruise, but want to handle the descent and landing themselves. o Option can be set to YES or NO PROMPT ON EXIT o If set to YES a exit prompt will appear when exiting the FMC o Option can be set to YES or NO Options must be EXECuted to be saved • CURRENT LIGHTING MODE o The current lighting mode can be selected at any time via the SETTINGS page. o Lighting is automatic for Day and Night time transitions. This option provides override capability LIGHTING OVERRIDE o Line select CLEAR to resync the FMC to the normal lighting operations. LOCK CURRENT FMC POSITION o Allows the FMC position to be LOCKED in place preventing movement of the FMC during mouse operation. o Option can be set to YES or NO o -Option is not saved to configuration file. Default is NO. • • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays This section provides detailed descriptions and examples of general and typical preflight FMC/CDU Page Displays. This section does not describe “how to” preflight the FMC, rather describes all information available on the preflight pages. For information on “how to” preflight the FMC, refer to SECTION 5 – Tutorial Flight Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-1 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Initialization Reference Index Line select 6L from any INIT/REF Page PURPOSE AND USE Allows access to the preflight initialization pages for FMC and IRSs PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • IDENTIFICATION PROMPT o Allows line selection of the IDENT page. • POSITION INITIALIZATION PROMPT o Allows line selection of POS INIT page • PERFORMANCE INITIALIZATION PROMPT o Allows line selection of the PERF INIT page • TAKEOFF REFERENCE PROMPT o Allows line selection of the TAKEOFF REF page • APPROACH REFERENCE PROMPT o Allows line selection of the APPROACH REF page Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-2 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Identification Automatically displays on powerup if self-test is satisfactory PURPOSE AND USE • Verifies the FMC data bases, active navigation data, and program number during preflight PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS Line select 1L from INIT/REF INDEX Page • PERFORMANCE DATA BASE LINE o Identify the model of the airplane and the engine thrust found in the performance data base NAVIGATION DATA BASE LINE o Identifies the permanent navigation data base currently in use. Changes as database updates are downloaded. • PERFORMANCE DATABASE LINE o Identify the model of the airplane and the engine thrust found in the performance data base ACTIVE NAV DATA LINE o Displays the inclusive effective dates of the active navigation data (based on GMT) • • • OPERATION PROGRAM LINE o Identifies FMC Operational Program Number INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the INIT-REF INDEX page • • ALTERNATE NAV DATA LINE o Displays the inclusive effective dates of the alternate navigation data (based on GMT) POSITION INITIALIZATION PROMPT o Allows line selection of POS INIT page • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-3 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Position Initialization IDENT page (line select 6R). TAKEOFF REF page if POS INIT incomplete. POS REF (NEXT PAGE-PREV PAGE). INIT REF INDEX page (line select 2L) PURPOSE AND USE • • • Enter current position for FMC initialization during the preflight. Verify the FMC time reference. Access the POS REF page. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • REFERENCE AIRPORT LINE o Used for entering and displaying the origin airport. o Automatically displays the airport reference point latitude and longitude on line 2R when the identifier (4 character ICAO code) is entered on line 2L. o The lines clear at liftoff GATE LINE o Used for selecting origin airport gate position, if a SnapIT file exist for the airport. Otherwise this will display ANY GATE. o The entry will be backlit when selecting a SnapIT position. Click 3L and the aircraft will jump to the Gate Position. o Automatically displays the gate latitude and longitude when the identifier (5 characters max) is entered on line 3L. o The lines clear at liftoff GREENWICH MEAN TIME LINE o Displays the time and date (day and month) from the Captains Clock if valid. INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the INIT REF INDEX page LAST POSITION LINE o Displays the FMC startup position. ROUTE PROMPT o Allows line selection of RTE page 1 • • • • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-4 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Position Reference POS INIT (NEXT PAGE) PURPOSE AND USE • • Reference page. Displays the current position and ground speed as calculated by FMC and IRSs. Entries are not possible PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • PRESENT POSITION LINE o Display current latitude and longitude as computed by the FMC. o Blank if the 737-400 Panel is not selected in Flight Simulator. GROUND SPEED LINE o Display current ground speed (in knots) as calculated by the FMS o Zero if the 737-400 Panel is not selected in Flight Simulator. The 737-400 Panel must be selected in Flight SImulator for this page to display valid data. • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-5 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Performance Initialization -INIT REF on the ground -ACT or MOD RTE page when on the ground if PERF INIT is incomplete (line 6R). -TAKEOFF REF page when on the ground if PERF INIT is incomplete (line 5L).INIT REF INDEX page (line 3L). -PERF LIMITS page (PREV or NEXT page) PURPOSE AND USE • • • Initialize the FMC using data for performance computations.The data must be EXECuted when all entries are complete. All crew-entered data clears at flight completions. Allows access to page 2/2 PERF limits (PREV - NEXT) PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • • • GROSS WEIGHT / CRUISE CG LINE o Enter the dispatch gross weight if the box prompts are displayed. Also causes ZFW to be calculated and displayed. o If ZFW entry already exists, the Gross Weight will be computed and displayed automatically. o The displayed value is FUEL line + ZFW line. o Cruise CG not currently supported o Line Selecting with Scratchpad blank will automatically read zfw/gw from aircraft configuration file in FS. FUEL LINE o Displays the total fuel that it receives from the airplane fuel summation unit. o If the FMC is not receiving the fuel data, the FMC will not provide performance predictions of V NAV guidance o Accurate value only when the 737-400 panel is selected in Flight Simulator. ZERO FUEL WEIGHT LINE o Enter the dispatch zero fuel weight if box prompts are displayed. Also causes GROSS WT to be calculated and displayed. o If a GROSS WT entry already exists, the ZFW will be computed and displayed automatically. o Line Selecting with Scratchpad blank will automatically read zfw/gw from aircraft configuration file in FS. • • • RESERVES LINE o Enter the fuel reserves, including alternate fuel + required reserves COST INDEX LINE o Enter or display the Cost Index as specified by the operator. The value indicates the impacts on the overall cost as compared to other operating costs. The correct value will optimize the FMC economy profile calculations. o Range for this value is 1-200 where 0 makes the ECON speed be MAX RANGE and 200 makes for a the minimum flight time. o The default value is 80 o A manual entry has priority INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the INIT REF INDEX page Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-6 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays • TRIP AND CRUISE ALTITUDES LINE o If entries have been made for the ORIGIN and DEST airports, GROSS WT and COST INDEX, the trip altitude is automatically calculated and displayed. Otherwise, TRIP ALT is left blank. o Trip altitude is the predicted minimumcost altitude, within the constraints outlined by the operator's minimum cruise time criteria. It provides a reference for selecting the planned cruise altitude, and is advisory only. o The planned cruise altitude is entered by the crew (XXX = a FL or feet X 100, XXXXX = feet), and the value automatically transfers to other pages when applicable CRUISE WIND LINE o Entering to forecast wind at top-of-climb helps to optimize the FMC and it's calculations. o If no entry is made, the FMC assumes 000/000 TOP-OF-CLIMB OAT LINE o Entering the forecast OAT (+/-XX in degrees C or +/-XXX in degrees F) as top-of-climb helps to optimize the FMC and its calculations. o The FMC assumes the ISA value when no entry is made. TRANSITION ALTITUDE LINE o Assumes 18000 feet as the climb transition alt when the FMC is powered up. o Any manual entry takes priority TAKEOFF PROMPT o Allows line selection of the TAKEOFF REF page • • • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-7 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Performance Limits PERF INIT page (NEXT or PREV PAGE) PURPOSE AND USE • • • Entry of performance limits affecting the ECON calculations. The data must be EXECuted when all entries have been made. Upon flight completion, all crew-entered data is cleared PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • MINIMUM SPEED LINE – CLIMB o Establishes lower speed limit for the climb phase of the flight. o Defaults to 210/.40. o Either IAS or Mach No. can be entered. MINIMUM SPEED LINE - CRUISE o Establishes lower speed limit for the cruise phase of the flight. o Defaults to 220/.65. o Either IAS or Mach No. can be entered. MINIMUM SPEED LINE - DESCENT o Establishes lower speed limit for the descent phase of the flight. o Defaults to 210/.40. o Either IAS or Mach No. can be entered. • MAXIMUM SPEED LINE – CLIMB o Establishes upper speed limit for the climb phase of the flight. o Defaults to 340/.820. o Either IAS or Mach No. can be entered. MAXIMUM SPEED LINE - CRUISE o Establishes upper speed limit for the cruise phase of the flight. o Defaults to 340/.820. o Either IAS or Mach No. can be entered. MAXIMUM SPEED LINE – DESCENT o Establishes upper speed limit for the descent phase of the flight. o Defaults to 320/.780. o Either IAS or Mach No. can be entered. • • • • • INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the INIT REF INDEX page Default values will be automatically displayed when manual entries are deleted Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-8 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Takeoff Reference PERF INIT page (6R). PURPOSE AND USE • Used during preflight to initialize the FMC with temperature data for takeoff N1 calculations for normal or reduced thrust takeoff. Allows display of takeoff V speed. Advises the crew of FMC preflight items that are still incomplete. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS ACT or MOD RTE page, on the ground and PERF INIT complete (6R). INIT REF INDEX page (4L) • • • OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE LINE o Enter the actual takeoff OAT (+/-XX degrees C or +/-XXX degrees F). o Entering the temperature in degrees F will cause the degrees C to be displayed as well SELECTED TEMPERATURE LINE o When making a reduced thrust takeoff, an assumed temperature may be entered here. o Entry may be in degrees C (+/-XX) or in degrees F (+/-XXX). o If degrees F are used, the degrees C will be displayed as well. TAKEOFF N1 LINE o Displays the FMC-calculated N1 for takeoff (used by autothrottle). o If a SEL TEMP entry results in a reduced N1 value, the data line changes to REDTO-N1. INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the INIT REF INDEX page. • • • • PREFLIGHT STATUS PROMPT o Allows line selection of preflight pages when the required CDU entries on those pages are incomplete. o If the Position Initialization Page is incomplete, the POS INIT is displayed. Otherwise this line is blank. o If any PERF INIT entries have been omitted, PERF INIT is displayed. Otherwise this line is blank. o If a route is not ACTive, ROUTE is displayed. Otherwise this line is blank. o If RTE page 1 displays prompts for RUNWAY and VIA, DEPARTURE is displayed. Otherwise this line is blank. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-9 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays • V1 LINE o Displays FMC calculated V1 Speed Reverse Highlighted o Crew calculated V speeds may be entered and displayed for reference. o Selection of this line cause V1 to be automatically displayed on the EADI Speed Tapes. • VR LINE o Displays the FMC calculated VR Speed Reverse Highlighted o Crew calculated V speeds may be entered and displayed for reference. o Selection of this line cause VR to be automatically displayed on the EADI Speed Tapes. When all required entries are completed on the POS INIT, RTE and PERF INIT pages, the status prompts blank and PRE-FLT STATUS is replaced with PRE-FLT COMPLETE • V2 LINE o Displays the FMC calculated V2 Speed Reverse Highlighted o Crew calculated V speeds may be entered and displayed for reference Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 2-10 737 Flight Management Computer Preflight Page Displays Approach Reference INIT REF INDEX page (5L) INIT REF when in-flight PURPOSE AND USE • • • Displays data for approach and landing The data being displayed is for the DEST airport and arrival runway and/or approach entered into the FMC flight plan. No entries are required. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • GROSS WEIGHT LINE o Displays present gross weight (lbs) as calculated by the FMC • • VREF LINES - Flaps 15, 30, 40 o Displays the landing Vref for flap setting, as calculated by the FMC. Speeds are based on the displayed GROSS WT. o Vref will be displayed on the EADI speed tapes when there is a manual entry or a double line selection. GO-AROUND N1 LINE o Displays the calculated go-around N1 limit, based on present pressure altitude, temperature, and bleed configuration. • RUNWAY LENGTH LINE o For the runway in the active flight plan, displays the runway length. o If no runway has been entered and EXECuted, this line is blank. • • ILS APPROACH LINE o Displays the runway number and ILS frequency and/or identifier for the ILS, LOC or BCS approach in the active flight plan. o If no approach has been EXECuted, this line is blank. INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the INIT REF INDEX page. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages This section provides detailed descriptions and examples of typical Lateral FMC/CDU Page Displays. This section does not describe “how to” fly with Lateral Navigation with the FMC, rather describes all information available on the Lateral Navigation pages. For information on “how to” fly with Lateral Navigation with the FMC, refer to SECTION 5 – Tutorial Flight Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-1 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages Route RTE Mode Key POS INIT page (6R) POS REF page (6R) TAKEOFF REF page (4R) DEPARTURES/ARRIVALS pages (6R) SELECT DESIRED WPT page PURPOSE AND USE • • • • Entering the desired flight plan route into the FMC during preflight. Route modifications that involve entire segments or procedures. A minimum of ORIGIN, DEST, and on TO entry is required for FMC performance computations. An active route is cleared whenever a flight completes or whenever the ORIGIN on this page is changed. DESTINATION LINE o Enter/display the Destination airport identifier (4 characters max). o May be entered by keyboard, or by being passed from the Flight Plan. o Any runway and/or runway dependent approach procedure of any previous destination will be clears upon entry of a new DEST. o Selections can be made on the ARRIVALS page for the DEST airport upon entry. FLIGHT NUMBER LINE o Entry is passed to the PROGRESS pages. FLTPLANS PROMPT o Provides access to Flight Plans Page PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • ORIGIN LINE o Enter/display the origin airport identifier (4 character ICAO code). o May be entered by keyboard, or by being passed from FLTPLANS. o Entering data clears any existing route. o Selections can be made on the DEPARTURES and ARRIVALS pages for the ORIGIN airport after entry. COMPANY ROUTE LINE o Displays title of FS2000 Flight Plan if file is imported RUNWAY LINE o Enter/display an ORIGIN airport runway number (5 characters max) o May be entered by keyboard, or be passed from the DEPARTURES page. • • • • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-2 • 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages VIA LINE o Defines the lateral path between TO entries. o Enter/display the identifier of an airway, o May be entered using the keyboard or passed from Flight Plan o DIRECT appears when no VIA entry is made and a valid TO entry exists on the same line and the line above. TO LINE o Defines the exit point from the VIA path on the same line. o Enter/display any valid waypoint or navaids identifier (5 characters max). o Intermediate points along a VIA path do not require separate TO entries. However, those waypoints are compiled and passed to the RTE LEGS pages and are automatically displayed. o May be entered by keyboard of passed from the Flight Plan or the RTE LEGS pages. o The last waypoint/navaids in a SID appears on TO when a SID with a specified transition route as been entered. • • PERFORMANCE INITIALIZATION PROMPT/ACTIVATION PROMPT o When Flight Plan is MOD or inactive, ACTIVATE Prompt is displayed o Provides method for initial route activation. o Line selection "arms" the execution function and the EXEC key illuminates after the entry of all the desired route data. o The performance initialization prompt is shown when on ACT or MOD RTE pages and required entries on the PERF INIT page are incomplete. o Allows selection of the PERF INIT page. • ROUTE TERMINATION o Dash prompts are displayed following the end of the entered routing. o Additional routing may be entered. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-3 PAGE TITLE 737 Flight Management Computer Ops Manual Flight Plan Import/Export Line Select 3R on RTE Page PURPOSE AND USE • • Allows crew access to saved flight plans Allows crew entry of flight plan name to be saved, and actual save of the flight plan PAGE ACCESS RTE Mode Key when Route Page is visible • IMPORT FLT PLAN o Line select to display list of available Flight Simulator flight plans IMPORT FMC DATA o Line select to display a list of FMC full flight plans o FMC Flight plans include the full state the FMC was in when the flight was saved. This includes all PREFLIGHT and crew data entry RESUME FULL FLIGHT o Line select to display a list of FMC full flight plans with associated Flight Simulator Flight Files o FMC Flight plans include the full state the FMC was in when the flight was saved. This includes all PREFLIGHT and crew data entry o FMC will load situation file in Flight Simulator and the crew may pick up their flight from the point they saved it. o Available only when the 737-400 panel is selected in Flight Simulator ROUTE PROMPT o Line select to jump to ROUTE page CLEAR ROUTE o Line select to clear currently loaded FLIGHT PLAN. PREFLIGHT remains intact. • • EXPORT FMC DATA o Line select to save the current state including the current FLIGHT PLAN of the FMC o File Name MUST be entered into the Scratchpad before saving. o FMC will prompt if filename is incorrect or blank. • • • • SAVE FULL FLIGHT o Line select to save the current state including the current FLIGHT PLAN of the FMC, and a Flight Simulator Flight File o File Name MUST be entered into the Scratchpad before saving. o FMC will prompt if filename is incorrect or blank. o Available only when the 737-400 panel is selected in Flight Simulator Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-4 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages Route Legs LEGS Mode Key PURPOSE AND USE • • • Will automatically display lateral and vertical flight plan details based on RTE page entries for each waypoint in the route. Used to modify single leg changes and any other route segment or procedure. No required entries. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS Corresponding RTE DATA page (6R) SELECT DESIRED WPT page. • WAYPOINT IDENTIFIER LINE o Enter and display any valid waypoint identifier. o May be entered using the keyboard or passed from entries on the RTE page. o Entries are passed to the RTE pages when appropriate. Manual entries go into the flight plan as direct routing between waypoints. To enter any VIA path other than DIRECT, the RTE or DEP/ARR pages must be used. o The active waypoint cannot be deleted, but may be overwritten. o A holding pattern is automatically entered as a separate waypoints identifier. o Latitude/Longitude Coordinates can be entered in a specific format. • SPEED AND ALTITUDE LINE o Enter and/or display the speed and altitude at the waypoint identified on the same line using either the mandatory or predicted values. o May be entered using the keyboard, passed from entries on the RTE page (mandatory value), or calculated by the FMC (predicted value). o Keyboard entries are accepted only for climb or descent legs. Cruise leg keyboard entries are not allowed. o 'A' signifies that the altitude is a required AT or ABOVE altitude o 'B' signifies that the altitude is a required AT or BELOW altitude o Two Altitudes signify a block of altitudes as top and bottom restrictions o Altitudes may be entered via the keyboard (XXXXX in feet) adding an 'A' signifies at or above entered altitude, 'B', at or below, and no character signifies a restrictive AT altitude EXTENDED DATA PROMPT o This prompt is displayed on ACTive or MOD pages when the MAP CTR STEP prompt is not displayed. o Allows line selection of the RTE DATA page which corresponds to this RTE LEGS page. It is similar for all RTE LEGS page. • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-5 • 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages MAP CENETER LABEL o Identifies the waypoint around which the EHSI Plan Mode map display is centered. o The label is automatically displayed for the first geographically-fixed waypoint whenever the EHSI Mode Selector is positioned to PLAN. ROUTE DISCONTINUITY o The entered route must always form a continuous path of linked legs. o When a discontinuity occurs, box prompts will be displayed between the discontinuous waypoints. Route discontinuity MUST be clear before EXECution can occur. o To Clear a discontinuity, select the waypoint below the discontinuity by pressing the appropriate Left Line Select. Then press the line select of the discontinuity. The disco is now closed. • • MAP CENTER STEP PROMPT o Only displayed when PLAN is selected on the associated EHSI Mode Selector. Replaces the Extended Data Prompt. o Selection moves the Map Center to the next waypoint in the route (geographically-fixed waypoints only). Causes the next page to be displayed when the Map Center Label is already on line 5. o Pressing the PREV PAGE or NEXT PAGE function key steps the Map Center Label to the first geographicallyfixed waypoint on the new page. HOLD AT Prompts o When the HOLD Mode Key is pressed to accept a new HOLD, the HOLD prompts are displayed. o Enter the hold wpt into the prompts. • • ALTITUDE RESTRICTIONSo Altitude-crossing restrictions are identified with large characters in one of the following ways o "at" the displayed value is shown with a plain value. o "at or above" displayed with the suffix A. o "at or below" displayed with the suffix B. o Altitude "window" 2 values with A and B. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-6 • 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages • LEG DIRECTION o Displays the direction to the leg going to the waypoint identified on the line below. o For the active waypoint, the course that is displayed is the course to be flown (the course will change during a long leg of a flight due to the airplane following the Great Circle arc). The displayed course is the initial course for all downpath waypoints. LEG LENGTH o Applies to the leg going to the waypoint identified on the line below. o Displays the calculated distance-to-go from the present position to the waypoint on the active leg. o Displays the flight-plan leg length for the next leg and all subsequent legs with a determinate length. o If the distance-to-go/leg length is greater than 9999nm, this line is blank. o Displays values in tenths of miles if the leg is less than 10nm. ROUTE TERMINATION o Dash prompts follow the end of the route. o Additional routing may be entered. o Normally, only lateral guidance is provided for any waypoint beyond the destination runway. Only when the downpath waypoint has an altitude restriction at or below the precious restriction in the route will vertical descent guidance be provided. RUNWAY POINTS o Runway extension point, used for aligning approach to runway defined with the prefix RX o Runway touchdown point is defined with the prefix RW o Runway missed approach point, defined with the prefix MA • • Latitude Longitude Waypoint Entry o MUST be in the specified format Nddmm.mWdddmm.m or Sddmm.mEdddmm.m o No other formats allowed. Always include two places for Latitude degrees, and 3 places for Longitude degrees. o Must carry format to the decimal place. Example entering an intersection at North 35 West 86 MUST be entered as N3500.0W08600.0 o Point will display a LTLNx - with x as an incrementing number • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-7 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages Route Data Corresponding RTE LEGS page (6R) PURPOSE AND USE • • • Applies only to an ACT or MOD route. Provides the ETA for each waypoint of the corresponding RTE LEGS page. Allows the entry of forecast cruise winds to help optimize FMC performance calculations. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • WAYPOINT IDENTIFIER LINE o Displays the same identifiers as those found on the corresponding RTE LEGS page. o Reverse video characters are used to highlight the active waypoint on page 1/xx. • WIND LINE o Enter and/or display the true winds at the cruise waypoint identified on the same line. May be entered used the keyboard, or passed from the CRZ WIND entry on the PERF INIT page. o The CRZ WIND value is passed to all cruise waypoints. o The FMC assumes 000/000 if no CRZ WIND entry was made. o Priority is given to keyboard entries and passes these entries to all downpath cruise waypoints. • ETA o Displays the ETA at the waypoint identified on the same line. o Subsequent ETAs are based on an assumed great circle course whenever a ROUTE DISCONTINUITY exists. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-8 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages Select Desired Waypoint Automatic access whenever a non-unique identifier entry is attempted on another page PURPOSE AND USE • Allows selection of the desired waypoint from a list of up to six identical stored identifiers. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • WAYPOINT DESCRIPTION LINES o Displays all unique frequencies and/or locations that are associated with the common identifier. o Automatically returns to the original page form which this page was accessed whenever a line selection is made. The selected waypoint will then be displayed on the line where entry was previously attempted. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-9 737 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages Route Hold HOLD Mode Key when an EXECuted holding fix already exists in the route. Whenever a proposed holding fix has been entered on the (RTE LEGS) HOLD AT page, this page is automatically accessed PURPOSE AND USE • • • • Review and/or revise the details of either an existing or proposed holding pattern. The proposed holding pattern is entered into the route upon EXECution. Performance predictions assume that the hold will be in level flight. Exit from a hold must be manually initiated PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • FIX LINE o Displays the waypoint identifier of the holding FIX. o The entry is passed either from a manual entry on the HOLD AT page, or automatically from the data base. o The FMC assigns PPOS as the FIX identifier if PPOS was selected on the HOLD AT page. TURN DIRECTION LINE o Enter and/or display the holding pattern turn direction. o May be entered using the keyboard, or passed from the data base. o The FMC assumes right turns if no entry is made. o Entry may be 'R' or 'L' o A manual entry takes priority. INBOUND COURSE LINE o Enter and/or display the holding pattern inbound course. o May be entered using the keyboard, or passed from the data base. o The FMC assumes the course to be the same as the preceding leg to the FIX if no entry is made. o A manual entry takes priority. • LEG TIME LINE o Enter and/or display the holding pattern leg time. o The FMC assumes the standard times of 1.0 minute at or below 14,000 feet and 1.5 minutes above 14,000 feet if no entry is made. o A manual entry takes priority. o Dash prompts will be displayed (blank time) if a LEG DIST entry already exists. LEG DISTANCE LINE o Dash prompts are normally displayed. o Enter and/or display the holding pattern leg distance. o May be entered using the keyboard or passed from the data base. o A manual entry takes priority. o Any entry causes LEG TIME to display dash prompts. • • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-10 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages • HOLD AVAILABLE LINE o Displays the available holding time when the page is ACTive, if destination is to be reached with fuel RESERVES (entered on the PERF INIT page) remaining. BEST SPEED LINE o Based on present altitude and conditions, displays the computed best holding speed.o Note: May exceed maximum speed permitted by regulatory agency. 737 • • TARGET SPEED LINE o Enter and/or display the holding pattern target airspeed. o The BEST SPEED value is displayed if no entry is made. o A manual entry takes priority. o Passed to CLB/CRZ/DES pages as TGT SPD three minutes before first reaching the FIX. o When RTE HOLD is ACTive, this line is highlighted by reverse video characters. NEXT HOLD PROMPT o Displayed when the route contains less than five holding patterns. o If there is no other holding pattern in the route, the (RTE LEGS) HOLD AT page is displayed. If there is another holding pattern already entered in the route, the RTE HOLD page is displayed. • • MODIFIED ROUTE HOLD STATUS• MOD indicates that the holding fix has not been EXECuted. • The page title is changed to RTE HOLD upon EXECution. If holding at PPOS, the page title changes to ACT RTE HOLD upon EXECution. ACTIVE ROUTE HOLD STATUS • ACT indicates that the airplane has entered the EXECuted holding pattern. EXIT HOLD PROMPT/EXIT ARMED o Displayed only on the ACT RTE HOLD page when in the holding pattern. o Select when preparing to depart the holding pattern. Will cause EXIT ARMED to appear. o Displayed after selection of EXIT HOLD, only on the ACT RTE HOLD page when in the holding pattern. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-11 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages PAGE TITLE Departure/Arrival Index DEP ARR Mode Key PAGE ACCESS INDEX on the DEPARTURES and ARRIVALS pages (6L) PURPOSE AND USE • Access to the listings of all departure procedures, arrival procedures and runways stored in the FMC database.. 737 • ORIGIN DEPARTURES PROMPT o Allow selection of the DEPARTURES pages for the ORIGIN airport that had been entered on the RTE page 1 previously. • DESTINATION ARRIVALS PROMPT o Allows line selection of the ARRIVALS page for the DEST airport preciously entered on the RTE page 1. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-12 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages PAGE TITLE Departures TAKEOFF REF page when there are no entries on RTE page 1 line 3L and 4L (5R) DEP/ARR INDEX page 1L. PURPOSE AND USE • • • . • SID LINES INITIAL DISPLAY o Displays an alphabetical listing of all SIDs for the airport on initial page display. o Line selection of a runway deletes all SIDs not associated with that runway. o All other SIDs and non-applicable runways are deleted upon line selection of the desired SID. Line selection of the desired SID also displays a listing of any departure transitions applicable to that SID. DISPLAY AFTER SID SELECTED o -Displays the SELected SID. • SID LINE/ARRIVAL TRANSITION LINE INITIAL DISPLAY o An alphabetical list of all SIDs for the airport is displayed upon initial page display. o All SIDs not associated with a selected runway following line selection of that runway will be deleted. o All other SIDs and non applicable runways will be deleted following line selection of the desired STAR. Will also display a list of any arrival transitions applicable to the selected STAR. DISPLAY AFTER SID SELECTEDo Display all departure transitions associated with the SELected SID. DISPLAY AFTER SID TRANS AND RWY SELECTED o Display the SELected departure transition and runway. Lists all departure procedures and runways for the selected airport. Used to select the desired SID, SID transition, runway. Only procedures for the Origin airport can be selected for entry into the flight plan. 737 PAGE ACCESS • ROUTE PROMPT o Allows line selection of the appropriate RTE page. This is the same for all DEPARTURES pages. • INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the DEP/ARR INDEX page. This is the same for all DEPARTURES pages. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-13 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages • • AIRPORT IDENTIFIER o All page data applies only to the identified airport. ACTIVE / SELECTED STATUS LABELS o Identify the active or selected departure procedure or runway. DISPLAY AFTER EXECUTING ACTIVE STATUS LABELS o The departure procedures and runway are identified as ACTive following EXECution of the SELected entries. 737 • • PAGE NUMBER/TOTAL PAGES o The total number of DEPARTURES pages varies with the amount of data to be displayed. • RUNWAY LINE INITIAL DISPLAY o An alphabetical list of all runways, is displayed upon initial page display. o All other runways are deleted upon line selection of the desired runway. DISPLAY AFTER SID SELECTED o Display all associated runways, unless the desired runway was SELected on the initial display. DISPLAY AFTER SID TRANS AND RWY SELECTED o Display the SELected arrival transition and runway. • NOTE o All <SEL> entries are passed to the inactive or MOD RTE and RTE LEGS pages for EXECution. o For an existing active route: Following a SID or runway selection, the EXEC key will be illuminated. The ERASE prompt will be available following SELections. After linking any route discontinuities SELections should be EXECuted on the RTE pages. . Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-14 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages PAGE TITLE Arrivals DEP/ARR INDEX page 2R PAGE ACCESS PURPOSE AND USE • • • . • STAR LINES INITIAL DISPLAY o An alphabetical list of all STARs for the airport is displayed upon initial page display. o All STARs not associated with a selected runway following line selection of that runway will be deleted. o All other STARs and non applicable runways will deleted following line selected of the desired STAR. Will also display a list of any arrival transitions applicable to the selected STAR. DISPLAY AFTER STAR SELECTED o -Displays the SELected STAR. • STAR LINE/ARRIVAL TRANSITION LINE INITIAL DISPLAY o An alphabetical list of all STARs for the airport is displayed upon initial page display. o All STARs not associated with a selected runway following line selection of that runway will be deleted. o All other STARs and non applicable runways will be deleted following line selection of the desired STAR. Will also display a list of any arrival transitions applicable to the selected STAR. DISPLAY AFTER STAR SELECTEDo Display all arrival transitions associated with the SELected STAR. DISPLAY AFTER STAR TRANS AND RWY SELECTED o Display the SELected arrival transition and runway. Lists all arrival procedures and runways for the selected airport. Used to select the desired STAR, STAR transition, runway. Only procedures for the DEST airport can be selected for entry into the flight plan. 737 • ROUTE PROMPT o Allows line selection of the appropriate RTE page. This is the same for all ARRIVALS pages. • INDEX PROMPT o Allows line selection of the DEP/ARR INDEX page. This is the same for all ARRIVALS pages. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-15 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages • ACTIVE / SELECTED STATUS LABELS o Identify the active or selected arrival procedure or runway. DISPLAY AFTER EXECUTING ACTIVE STATUS LABELS o The arrival procedures and runway are identified as ACTive following EXECution of the SELected entries. 737 • • APPROACH AND RUNWAY LINE INITIAL DISPLAY o An alphabetical list of all runways, is displayed upon initial page display. o All other runways are deleted upon line selection of the desired runway. DISPLAY AFTER STAR SELECTED o Display all associated runways, unless the desired runway was SELected on the initial display. DISPLAY AFTER STAR TRANS AND RWY SELECTED o Display the SELected arrival transition and runway. • • RUNWAY EXTENSION LINE o o Distance in nautical miles from the runway end to a runway approach waypoint Default value of 12 miles is entered automatically upon runway selection. NOTE o All <SEL> entries are passed to the inactive or MOD RTE and RTE LEGS pages for EXECution. o For an existing active route: Following a STAR or runway selection, the EXEC key will be illuminated. The ERASE prompt will be available following SELections. After linking any route discontinuities SELections should be EXECuted on the RTE pages. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-16 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages PAGE TITLE Progress PROG Mode Key PAGE ACCESS PURPOSE AND USE • Displays current dynamic data concerning progress along the active route. 737 • FROM LINE o Displays the identifier of the last waypoint, the fuel at that waypoint, actual time of arrival (ATA), and the ALTitude. ACTIVE WAYPOINT LINE o Displays the identifier of the active waypoint. Also displays the flight plan course and distant-to-go (DTG) from the present position to the active waypoint. o Also displays estimated time of arrival (ETA) and predicted FUEL remaining at the active waypoint (lbs X 1000). o The identifier is highlighted by reverse video characters. • • NEXT WAYPOINT LINE o Displays the identifier of the waypoint that follows the active waypoint. Also displays the flight plan course for that leg, as well as the flight plan distance-togo (DTG) from the present position to the next waypoint. o Also displays the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and predicted FUEL remaining at the next waypoint (lbs X 1000). • DESTINATION LINE o Displays the identifier of the DEST airport and flight plan distance-to-go (DTG) from the present position to DEST. o Also displays the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and predicted FUEL remaining at DEST (lbs X 1000). • • WINDS o Actual current wind the FMC is receiving FUEL QUANTITY LINE o Displays the present total FUEL QTY remaining as obtained from the airplane fuel summation unit (lbs X 1000). Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 3-17 Flight Management Computer Lateral Navigation Pages PAGE TITLE Fix Information FIX Mode Key PAGE ACCESS PURPOSE AND USE • Provides a way of establishing your position relative to any stored FIX. Also provides a way of creating a new waypoint at the intersection of the active route and a radial (bearing) or distance from a known FIX. 737 • FIX LINE o Used to enter a FIX identifier (up to 5 characters maximum). o May be entered using the keyboard, or by passing from another page. o The present radial/distance from the FIX is displayed following entry. o The FIX is displayed inside a green circle on the EHSI map. o If the distance is more than 9999NM, this line is blank. o All entries and displays on the page are cleared following DELetion. • • RADIAL/DISTANCE LINE o Defines up to three downtrack fixes that are based on distance from the FIX or manually-entered radial. o It is only necessary to enter one value into the scratch pad, with a maximum of 3 characters (XXX/ or /XXX). The fix is defined as the nearest intersection for a distance entry. o Both radial and distance for the intersection is displayed upon line selection. o Also displayed is the ETA, distance-togo (DTG) and the predicted ALTitude for the intersection. If the DTG is more than 999 NM it is left blank. ABEAM LINE o Defines the nearest downtrack fix that is abeam to FIX. o An <ABM prompt is displayed initially. o ABEAM appears and the data line displays radial/distance, ETA, distanceto-go (DTG) and predicted ALTitude for the abeam intersection after line selecting <ABM. Line selection of any intersection into the scratch pad is displayed as a new created waypoint in the format place bearing/distance. The created waypoint may be entered into the route. If the RAD/DIS or ABEAM fix does not intersect the route, or is behind the airplane scratchpad will display "INTERCEPT NOT AVAILABLE" or for a previously valid RAD/DIS or ABEAM the entry will be removed and lower entries moved up in the list. • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 737 Flight Management Computer Vertical Navigation Pages This section provides detailed descriptions and examples of typical Vertical FMC/CDU Page Displays. This section does not describe “how to” fly with Vertical Navigation with the FMC, rather describes all information available on the Vertical Navigation pages. For information on “how to” fly with Vertical Navigation with the FMC, refer to SECTION 5 – Tutorial Flight Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-1 737 Flight Management Computer Vertical Navigation Pages Various Climb Pages CLB Mode Key PURPOSE AND USE • Can evaluate or EXECute one of the standard climb modes (ECON, MAX RATE, MAX ANGLE or Manual) during preflight or climb. Otherwise, ECON is automatically specified and does not require initial EXECution. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • • CRUISE ALTITUDE LINE o o o Enter and/or display the planned cruising altitude (XXX = a FL or feet X 100). May be entered using the keyboard, or passed from the CRZ ALT entry on the PERF INIT or CRZ pages. Any new value that is entered is passed to all other pages that display CRZ ALT. ALTITUDE RESTRICTION AT LINE/MAXIMUM ALTITUDE LINE o Displays the next waypoint that has an altitude restriction. The entry is passed from the RTE LEGS pages. o If there is no downpath altitude restriction, this line is blank. TARGET SPEED LINE o Displays the computed values for target airspeed and mach for any CLB mode except for Manual. Computer speed is limited to a maximum of 335 knots or M.809. Airspeed and/or Mach, including an airspeed/mach schedule, may be entered using the keyboard if desired. That CLB page for that value will appear upon entry. • TO LINE/N1 LINE/TIMER ERROR LINE o Displays ETA at, and distance to, a waypoint if it is displayed on line 1R. The active controlling speed is highlighted by reverse video characters (2L). Any EXECuted climb mode is ACTive only between lift-off and top-of-climb. o CLIMB PAGE PROMPT o Allows line selection of the various CLB pages. The prompt for a page blanks following line selection. Similar for all CLB pages. • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-2 737 Flight Management Computer Vertical Navigation Pages Various Climb Pages CRZ Mode Key PURPOSE AND USE • May be used to evaluate or EXECute one of the standard cruise modes during preflight, climb, or cruise. Standard cruise modes include ECON, LRC, or manual. Otherwise, ECON is automatically specified and does not require initial EXECution. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • CRUISE ALTITUDE LINE o Enter and/or display the planned cruising altitude (XXX = a FL or feet X 100). o May be entered using the keyboard or passed from either the PERF INIT, CLB, CRZ CLB or CRZ DES pages. o Entry of a new value during active cruise passes the new value to all other pages that display CRZ ALT and causes the MOD CRZ CLB or MOD CRZ DES page to appear. TARGET SPEED LINE o Displays the computer value for target airspeed or mach for any CRZ mode except manual. Computed speed is limited to a maximum of 335 knots or M.809. o Airspeed or mach may be entered using the keyboard, if desired. The manual CRZ page for the entered value will appear upon entry of the new value. o The value is highlighted by reverse video characters if the page is ACTive TURBULENCE N1 LINE o A reference display of the N1% for turbulence penetration. o Cannot be commanded to the autothrottle. CRUISE PAGE PROMPT o Allows line selection of the various CRZ pages. The prompt for the page blanks following line selection. • OPTIMUM/MAXIMUM ALTITUDE o Displays the computer optimum altitude for the displayed cruise mode. Minimum cruise time criteria does not constrain the value. o Also displays the maximum possible altitude based on the selected target speed and airline-selected maneuver margin. o The value is used for crew reference and as a guide for evaluating STEP TO entries. It is considered advisory only. • • • • STANDARD CRUISE PAGES WITH STEP DATA (DURING CRUISE) ACTIVE CRUISE MODE o Any EXECuted cruise mode is ACTive only between top-of-climb and the beginning of descent. o The STEP TO altitude may be transferred to the CRZ ALT line following evaluation of step data. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-3 737 Flight Management Computer Vertical Navigation Pages • STEP TO ALTITUDE LINE/MAXIMUM ALTITUDE LINE o Normally displays dash prompts. o Can be used to enter a possible step climb or descent altitude for crew evaluation, if desired. STEP POINT LINE o Displays the computed ETA at, and distance to, the first possible step climb point based on gross weight if a STEP TO climb or descent altitude is entered on line 1R. Otherwise this line is blank. o If there is not STEP TO entry, this line displays top-of-descent information. WIND LINE o Normally displays the FMC computed ACTUAL true WIND for present altitude. SAVINGS/PENALTY (WIND-ALTITUDE TRADE) LINE o Displays the predicted % cost SAVINGS or PENALTY associated with flying the displayed speed/altitude profile as compared with flying the ACTive cruse speed schedule and maintaining present altitude until top-of-descent if a STEP TO altitude is entered on 1R for the ACT or MOD CRUISE mode. Otherwise, this line is left blank. • • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-4 737 Flight Management Computer Vertical Navigation Pages Various Descent Pages DES Mode Key PURPOSE AND USE • May be used to evaluate or EXECute one of the standard descent modes (ECON PATH or SPD, or manual PATH or SPD) during preflight. Otherwise, ECON PATH is automatically specified. Provides data on progress of descent phase of flight. ALTITUDE RESTRICTION LINE/TIME ERROR LINE o Displays the next waypoint that has an altitude restriction along with the associated restriction. The entry is passed from the RTE LEGS pages. o If there is no downpath altitude restriction, or if a path descent is not available for any PATH DES page, this line is blank. PAGE TITLE PAGE ACCESS • • • END-OF-DESCENT ALTITUDE LINE/CRUISE ALTITUDE LINE o Displays the altitude restriction for the end-of-descent (E/D) waypoint when on a PATH DES page. If a path descent is not available, this line is blank. o Displays the lower of 1000 feet above DEST airport field elevation of the lowest "at" altitude constraint when on a SPD DES page. TARGET SPEED LINE o Displays the computed values for target Mach and airspeed for the ECON PATH DES or ECON SPD DES modes. The computed speed is limited to a maximum of 330 knots or M.798.*Mach and/or airspeed may be entered using the keyboard if desired (including a Mach/airspeed schedule). Either the manual PATH DES or manual SPD DES page for that value appears following entry. o If a path descent is not available, this line is blank for any PATH DES page. ECONOMY PROMPT o Displayed on the manual DES pages. o Allows line selection of the corresponding SPD or PATH ECON DES page. • • TO LINE/TIME ERROR LINE o Displays ETA at, and distance to, the restriction on 1R WAYPOINT/ALTITUDE LINE o The displayed waypoint and altitude define a three-dimensional position. o Normally displays the same waypoint and altitude restriction that is displayed on line 1R. • • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-5 • 737 Flight Management Computer Vertical Navigation Pages • These pages selectively display data using a common format for each of the four standard descent modes: Path descent-Best ECONomy or any manually selected descent speed, and Speed descent-Best ECONomy or any manually selected descent speed. Speed descents are altitude and airspeed constrained but require vertical path control using thrust levers and speedbrakes. If the MCP has already been set to a lower altitude, the V NAV speed descents are automatically initiated at the computed topof-descent. FMC predictions assume a computed profile to 1000 feet above the destination field elevations at a position which will vary according to selection of arrival procedures. A slowdown profile for approach will be provided by the FMC. L NAV does not need to be engaged to fly a VNAV SPEED DESCENT. The active controlling speed is highlighted by reverse video characters (on lines 2L or 3L). Path descents are altitude constrained and require manual speed control. If a lower MCP altitude has been selected, then V NAV descent is automatically initiated at T/D. The computed profile terminates at the end-ofdescent (E/D) altitude/waypoint. Only if a mandatory "at" altitude restriction is specified at E/D can a path be computed. VERTICAL PATH PARAMETERS LINE Displays the following parameters related to the present vertical path. o FPA - actual flight path angle based on present ground speed and vertical speed (the present vertical bearing being flown). V/B - Vertical Bearing direct from the present position to the WPT/ALT displayed on line 3R (the flight path angle required if flying direct to the waypoint and altitude on line 3R). V/S - The current Vertical Speed, in fpm, based on present ground speed, to fly the displayed V/B. • o o • • • PATH PROMPT/SPEED PROMPT o If a path descent is available, the path prompt is displayed on the SPD DES pages. o Allows line selection of the corresponding PATH DES page. o Displayed on PATH DES pages. Allows line selection of the corresponding SPD DES page. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-6 PAGE TITLE 737 Flight Management Computer Ops Manual Engine N1 Limits N1 LIMIT Mode Key PURPOSE AND USE • • • Provides a display of inflight thrust (N1) limits (reference). N1 limits are automatically specified. The active thrust limit may be displayed on the N1 indicators and is used by the autothrottle. PAGE ACCESS • • REDUCED CLIMB LINES o Allows line selection of either of two reduced climb thrust modes. o A climb limit reduced by 3% N1 is provided upon line selection of CLB-1 (6L). Approximately 10% thrust. o A climb limit reduced by 6% N1 is provided upon line selection of CLB-2 (6R). Approximately 20% thrust. o DELetion allows a return to full-rated climb thrust if either mode is <SEL>. o Any reduced climb selection is automatically deleted above 15,000 feet. TRANSITION ALTITUDE o Allows entry of altitude when FMC will switch power from Takeoff Thrust to Climb Thrust. SEL/OAT TEMPERATURE LINE o Allows entry of a sel temp for takeoff. Entry is in Fahrenheit degrees DERATED TAKEOFF LINES o Allows line selection of either of two reduced takeoff thrust modes. o Takeoff thrust is calculated based on 23,500 lbs of thrust per engine in TO mode. o Takeoff thrust is calculated based on 22,000 lbs of thrust per engine when in TO – 1 mode. o Takeoff thrust is calculated based on 20,000 lbs of thrust per engine when in TO – 2 mode. PERF INIT PROMPT o Prompt to access the PERFORMANCE INITIALIZATION Page • • • • TAKEOFF PROMPT o Prompt to access the TAKEOFF Page Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 4-7 • 737 Flight Management Computer Ops Manual • N1% LINES o Display the N1% for the individual thrust limits. GO-AROUND LINE o Allows display of go-around N1 limits. • CONTINUOUS LINE o Allows display of maximum continuous N1 limits. • CLIMB LINE o Allows display of full-rated climb N1 limits (CLB). • CRUISE LINE o Allows display of cruise N1 limits (CRZ). • REDUCED CLIMB LINES o Allows line selection of either of two reduced climb thrust modes. o A climb limit reduced by 3% N1 is provided upon line selection of CLB-1 (6L). Approximately 10% thrust. o A climb limit reduced by 6% N1 is provided upon line selection of CLB-2 (6R). Approximately 20% thrust. o DELetion allows a return to full-rated climb thrust if either mode is <SEL>. Any reduced climb selection is automatically deleted above 15,000 feet • Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial This section provides detailed descriptions and examples of pre-flighting and flying with the FMC. This tutorial flight was written by Elmar Calbo to help users understand the FMC and its use within the product. The Flight One Software and Dreamfleet 2000 development team with like to thank Elmar for the great job he has done on this section and all the help it has provided to the users. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-1 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial Amsterdam, Schiphol to London Heathrow in the Greatest Airliners: The 737-400 A short introduction to flying with the FMC by Elmar Calbo, August 11 2001, The Netherlands (For use the FMC version 1.2.0 or above) INTRODUCTION The purpose of this introductory flight is to show you one way of flying the DF737. With the complexity of this airplane, there are many ways to accomplish the same goal, which in our case is performing a take-off from runway 19L at Amsterdam Schiphol and a landing at runway 27L at London Heathrow. We will use a standard departure and arrival and follow a direct route between them. We will not look at standard checklists, which are compulsory for a good reason for real pilots, but just do some quick checks prior to take-off to ensure we have an aircraft that can fly us safely to our destination, nor will we do a taxi. By using the PMCG, we can be ready to fly very fast, as you will see. I am by no means a pilot in real life nor a flightsim expert, I just enjoy flying the DF737 from Schiphol to London safely, having a great flight and experience too thanks to the good folks of both DreamFleet2000 and Flight1, who brought us the Greatest Airliners: The 737-400 package. Let’s move on to getting this flight to depart on time! SETUP With FS2000 running, jump to the 19L runway at Schiphol. If you want you can set the time, date and some clouds, but do not add any winds. We want to make sure that Mother Nature does not interfere with our flying skills until we have fully mastered the flight. Once you are happy with the environment and aligned on the runway select your favourite DF737 from the Aircraft menu. For this introductory flight we need an aircraft with all systems and engines running. Get rid off the yoke, open the overhead panel and confirm that the green Taxi light is illuminated on the PMCG (top left) panel. If it is not, that means you are running the DF737 in another mode, which we do not want at this time, so if the green Taxi light is off, select it first, then select another aircraft (not another DF737, but a LearJet45 for example) and then switch back to the DF737. At the moment of writing this, there is a small bug around which can cause both the EHSI and EADI to be blank at times. If that is the case, the most likely reason is a problem with the electrics. If the EHSI/EADI are blank, open the overhead panel and check the electrical panel on the lower left side. If all the bus lights are illuminated (4 lights will have yellow characters, and you will notice Low Pressure lights illuminated all over the other panels as well) we have found the problem and can fix it by re-connecting the busses by clicking the switches for Gen1, ApuGen and Gen2. This will most likely fix the EHSI/EADI. The 4 lights that were illuminated should be off. Now we will load up our fuel for the flight, from the FS2000 Aircraft menu, select Fuel and use 50% for the center tank, and 30% in each wing tank, we do not need full tanks for this flight, and keeping them on 100% will have us arriving a very heavy bird. Please note that loading the fuel as described above will not cause any problems in this simulator, but in real life we would fill our wing tanks to full and add the additional amount of fuel needed for the flight to the center tank. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-2 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial The FMC starts on the IDENT page, which holds nothing we want to change. Okay, now we are sure our aircraft was started in Taxi mode, the fuel was set and we are on Runway 19L at Schiphol, let’s close the overhead panel and move on to the next bit. SETTING UP THE FMC The Flight Management Computer included in the DF737 is a lot of help while flying. Not only is it able to steer the aircraft along a preset route, using a VNAV and LNAV mode, it will help us setting V1/VR speeds and determine the correct landing speed as well. There is actually a lot more about it, but you will find out quick enough when using it. On this flight, I could say we will be using the FMC to it’s fullest, but once you understand what it is capable off you will call me crazy for saying that and have it make coffee for you. We will not utilize the FIX or HOLD functions for example. Start the FMC by pressing the hotspot on the lower right of the main panel. If you don’t know where that hotspot is, it looks just like a FMC. Once the FMC is started we can take it in and out off view by either pressing the hotspot again or using the Tab key. Do not close the FMC through it’s own right click menu as that will not bring it out of view but terminate it completely! A LSK is a Line Select Key, and the FMC has a row of 6 LSK’s on the left and the same on the right. Input to the FMC can be done through the FMC’s keypad or by pressing the Scroll Lock key, which will map your own keyboard to the FMC. If you choose for the Scroll Lock method, remember to disengage it after you are done! When your keyboard is mapped to the FMC, the green light in the top left corner will illuminate. Whatever input method you use, your input will be taken to the scratchpad first, and can than be entered into the FMC by using the LSK’s as we will see later on. Click the right LSK6 to take us to the POS INIT page. We will need to let the FMC know where we are, so enter EHAM (which is the ICAO code for Schiphol) into the scratchpad and select it into the FMC by pressing left LSK2 (Ref Airport). As you will see, the FMC will pick up the position. Click the right LSK6 to go to the ROUTE page. This is where we will start setting our entire route, from the departing to the arrival runway. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-3 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial Click the right LSK6 to go to the Route page. We have set our departing runway, and will now have to do the same for our arrival. Click on DepArr for the Dep/Arr Index page. Enter EHAM into the scratchpad and select into left LSK1 to set our origin. Enter EGLL (the ICAO code for London Heathrow) into the scratchpad and select into right LSK1 for our destination. Click the left LSK3 to take us to the EHAM Departures page. On this page we will see all the available runways, so we need to find our runway, which is 19L. This can be found on the second page, so click the Next Page button to display that page. You will see 19L listed here in the first position. Click on the right LSK2 to go to the EGLL Arrivals. As you will see, the navigational database supplied with the DF737 holds both runways and standard arrivals for London Heathrow. We will use a standard arrival, and later on we will manually program a standard departure route as well. Click on left LSK5 to select the BIG3C arrival. Click on the right LSK5 to select runway 27L. Click on left LSK2 to select DVR for our Click the right LSK1 to select runway 19L. Once done, it will show <SEL> in front of 19L. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-4 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial On the legs page you will see that the first waypoint currently in our route is DVR. We will add a few here We will use a standard Valko departure, and have to set the waypoints for it on the Legs page manually, so press the Legs button first. On the legs page you will see that the first waypoint currently in our route is DVR. We will add a few here. Enter EH029 into the scratchpad and click left LSK1. This will add the waypoint EH029 to our route, above the waypoint previously at LSK1. Enter EH009 into the scratchpad and click left LSK2. Enter VALKO into the scratchpad and click left LSK3. Transition. This is not shown in the picture above (this is where we will have our route pick up the standard arrival) The FMC will create a Runway Extension point at the distance set in right LSK3, which is set at 12 nautical miles and is fine for us. You can shorten this distance a bit or if you would like a little more time to stabilize for the approach, lengthen it. The default 12nm is good though, so we will not change it. Click on right LSK6 to go back to the Route page. As you can see, the Route now uses 2 pages. It is now set to fly direct to waypoint DVR (which is Dover) and then use the BIG3C route to BIG. Press the Next Page button to go to page 2. Here we see the next hop, which is again the BIG3C route, this time to RX-27 (our fix for the runway) and then direct to Runway 27L. The waypoint MA-27 below the RW27L is one we hopefully will not be flying to, as that is our missed approach point. Okay, we are going to use a standard departure (SID) as well, and even though the navigational database for the DF737 does have them for EHAM, we will do those manually to familiarize ourselves with the procedure of adding waypoints. If all went well, our route is now EH029 – EH009 – VALKO – DVR – LYD – TIGER – BIG12 – BIG – RX-27L – RW27L – MA27 (Again, use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to walk through the pages) Go to the PERF INIT page by clicking right LSK6 Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-5 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial FMC cannot and operates in lbs mode only. Dreamfleet has stated this will be updated. Now, our cruising altitude. For a flight as short as this one, we will use a cruise altitude of 15000ft. Enter 15000 into the scratchpad and select into right LSK1. In Europe, which is where our flight will be taking place, the transition altitude is 6000ft instead of the 18000ft used in the United States. We will now finalize pre-flighting the FMC. The FMC will use the data we now enter to calculate the altitudes and speeds at our waypoints. You might have noticed that some were already filled in on the legs page and others were not. Let the FMC take care of those. On the PERF INIT page click left LSK1, this will automatically check the Zero Fuel Weight of our aircraft, add the fuel and calculate our Gross Weight. This feature is not found on real aircrafts, but put in the DF737 FMC for our convenience, and actually, it is a feature I much appreciate. Enter 6000 into the scratchpad and select into right LSK5. If the FMC requires information not yet inputted to perform, it will show boxes, if the information is optional, it displays ---. As you can see, the other items on the Perf Init page are optional, they all show ---‘s and we will not input anything there on this flight. The Exec button has illuminated indicating we need to push that to activate our input, so click the Exec button. Click right LSK6 to go to the Takeoff page On the TAKEOFF PAGE will have to input the current temperature of our departure airport in Celsius. Enter 5 into the scratchpad and click left LSK4 This sets our reserve fuel at 5000lbs. Although on our panel we can switch from lbs to kgs, the Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-6 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial prompt at right LSK6. Click right LSK6 and click the Exec button to activate our changes. You can check the route we will follow by going to the Legs page by clicking the Legs button. Notice that the FMC has calculated speeds and altitudes for our waypoints. Enter 20 into the scratchpad and select into left LSK1. As you can see, the FMC has now calculated the V1, VR and V2 speed. We have to transfer those to our EADI and clicking the corresponding LSK’s does this. Click right LSK1, 2 and 3 and notice the EADI displays V1 137. Almost done with the FMC now. As you can see our Pre-Flt Status still displays something to do at the Route page. Click right LSK4 to go to the route page If you want to save the flight plan we just created, click right LSK3 on the ROUTE pages to go to the Flt Plan Import/Export page, enter a filename in the scratchpad and select into right LSK3. Our FMC pre-flight is now complete, so we can close the FMC by pressing the tab key or hotspot. If you used the Scroll Lock method to map your keyboard to the FMC, make sure you turn this off now and confirm the green light in the upper left corner of the FMC goes out! Here is some info about our route before we go to the next bit. We will use the MCP altitude to hold the climb at 6000ft until we pass waypoint VALKO and then allow a climb to 15000ft, which will be our cruising altitude. Around waypoint LYD we will set the MCP altitude to 3400ft which will allow the FMC to start descending somewhere between waypoint LYD and TIGER as per it’s scheduled descend as seen on the Notice that the page now holds an ACTIVATE Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-7 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial Turn on the landing lights, close the overhead and open the gear panel. On the gearpanel we will set the autobrakes to RTO (Rejected Take Off). Notice the Autobrk Disarm light go on and off. If we decide to abandon the takeoff on the runway, closing the throttles to idle will trigger the autobrakes. On the MCP select the F/D to on and the A/T to arm. An FD notice will show on the FMA (Flight Mode Annunciator) on the EADI and a green light will illuminate next to the A/T switch. Set the IAS/MACH to 250kts. Set the heading to 186. This is the heading for the runway. It is good practice to set the MCP heading to follow the FMC route. This is not necessary for correct operation of the FMC, but just good practice in case the FMC goes AWOL and we want to use Hdg Sel mode. Set the altitude to 6000ft. This is the restricted altitude until we reach waypoint Valko. By setting this altitude, it will prevent the FMC from climbing any higher until we dial in a higher altitude, which will then allow it to climb again. Select Autopilot A. Our MCP is now correctly set up. Please note that we have not bothered with the course button. Select flaps 5 and confirm this on the gear panel, there will be a co-pilot callout as well. TAKEOFF Well, it looks like we are ready to go flying. o Smoothly push the throttles forward and allow the engines to stabilize at 40% N1. o Release the parking brakes. o Hit the TOGA switch and notice that the EADI displays TOGA and the F/D crosshair comes on. legs page. If we would not reset our altitude, the MCP would restrict the FMC from descending. It is very important that you change altitudes on the MCP but do not activate them by using Lvl Chg or V/S modes! Let the FMC do the work on this flight. As you will see, even though the FMC has set much higher altitudes at waypoint along our route, we can and will use the MCP to limit it on this flight. Somewhere around waypoint BIG12 we will take over the vertical path from the FMC and at waypoint BIG we will thank it for it’s services and take care off the horizontal profile as well. SETTING UP THE AIRCRAFT We are now ready to set-up the aircraft and the first thing we do is open up the center radio console. First change both nav radios to Auto by clicking their illuminated buttons (which now show Man). Notice that the caption changes to Auto and the displayed manual frequencies are crossed out. We will be arriving at London Heathrow runway27L and use an ILS approach, which will guide our aircraft to the runway both vertically and horizontally. We will need at least one of our navradio’s tuned to the ILS27L frequency, and if you would go and try an autoland, we will need to tune both of them to that frequency. It doesn’t hurt to tune both (even though we will not autoland in this flight), so change both manual frequencies to 109.50. Leave the radios in Auto mode though. While we are at the center console, we will change the display mode on the EHSI to Map and the range to 20nm. Notice that the EHSI will now display our route. Close the center console and open the overhead. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-8 o o o 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial The aircraft will continue to climb and level off at 15000ft, change to CRZ mode, and our speed should be around 311kts with FMC SPD and VNAV PTH showing on the FMA. You will notice an Altitude Alert shortly before reaching our set cruise level, and the FMA displaying it’s new modes in boxes indicating it’s changing to that mode. It will take us a little while to get to waypoint DVR, which is where our actions are required again, so if you want to enjoy the view, now is the time! If your outside views still show the default aircraft, remember that DreamFleet has lots of free liveries available at their website, so you could fly for almost any carrier you so desire. At any time during our flight we can open up the FMC and use the Legs and Prog pages to see our progress, calculated speeds and altitudes. At waypoint DVR, set the EHSI range to 40nm. At our current speed it will take approx. 3 minutes to reach waypoint LYD, which is where we will allow the FMC to descend along it’s calculated path. At waypoint LYD we reset the altitude on the MCP to 3400ft and you will notice that the FMC commands a descent shortly after that. Follow the FMC commanded turns on your MCP heading. During our descent, the speed will start to drop as well. The FMC has calculated a speed of 220kts at RX-27L. We will however take over well before that and turn to the runway at a much lower speed, in our case around 160kts. At waypoint BIG12 we will select V/S mode on the MCP and set the vertical speed so the green arc on the EHSI will be just short of the RX-27L waypoint and set a speed of 220kts on the MCP. Set the EHSI range to 20nm. Notice that changing the V/S mode has also made the o o o o At VR smoothly pull back on the yoke to start rotation and once clear from the runway increase your attitude to around 15 degrees. Confirm positive rate, i.e. the altimeter running up, and select Gear Up. At or above 400ft radio altitude (as displayed on the EADI) select LNAV and VNAV, they will both illuminate. The FMC will now take over flying the airplane and you will see the mode changes on the FMA (check the EADI display) and notice the FMC following the planned course. Select Autobrakes to off and close the gear panel. Select Flaps 2 at 160kts Select Flaps 1 at 200kts Select Flaps up at 220kts Notice that our climb will stop at 6000ft and CRZ mode will be active instead of TO or CLB and we will cruise at 250kts which is set in the FMC as a restriction below 10000ft. This is default and can be changed, but we did not do that. If you did not set the heading on the MCP to our current one, do so now. Try to make a habit out of setting the heading on the MCP to the current one every time the FMC makes a turn. Change the range setting for the EHSI to 40nm. Once we pass Valko, we will set the altitude on the FMC to 15000ft. As soon as you do that, you will notice that the FMC commands a climb, CLB mode will show and we will start climbing to 15000ft with N1 and VNAV SPEED showing on the FMA. Past Valko, the FMC will again command a turn, so we will set the MCP heading to our current one shortly after the turn. Change the range setting for the EHSI to 80nm. Passing 10000ft we turn off the landing lights on the overhead. It is collision avoidance practice to have the landing lights on below 10000ft and off above that level. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000 5-9 737 Flight Management Computer Tutorial our final speed and flaps. Normally it will be stable well before we reach 2000ft. Set speed on the MCP to be 150kts and select flaps 25 once the aircraft is stable on the ILS approach. We will allow the A/P to follow the glideslope to the runway, but conduct a manual landing, so we need to turn off both the A/T and A/P at a certain point. o o o o o -At 400ft radio altitude (check the EHSI) turn off the A/T and A/P. Keep the vertical speed at around 700fpm. At 50ft radio altitude, close the throttles to idle and flare. On touchdown, engage reverse thrust, deploy speed brakes and brake. At around 60kts groundspeed, turn off the reverse thrust, continue to brake and slow down the aircraft to below 30kts, turn off the autobrakes and leave the runway at the earliest possible exit, taxiing at maximum 25kts. IAS/MACH active. Remember to follow the heading on the MCP! During this part of the flight, you will be setting the flaps accordingly to speed, to arrive at Flaps 15/160kts at waypoint RX-27L. Make sure the predicated point where we will be at 3400ft stays just short of waypoint RX-27L (indicated by the green arc on the EHSI), so adjust the vertical speed if necessary during this entire part of the flight. Just before waypoint BIG, we set a speed of 180kts. We will then set our heading on the MCP so it will take us to RX-27L (check the magenta dashed line on the EHSI) and click HDG SEL. At this point, we are not using the FMC anymore, as both VNAV and LNAV mode are inactive. Go to the center radio panel and select Nav1 to manual, at frequency 109.50. That is the frequency for the ILS system on Runway 27L at London Heathrow. We have already set the frequency prior to our take-off, so if all is well, you will just have to set the nav1 radio to manual. When we are 5 miles out of waypoint RX-27L we will set the speed to 160kts on the MCP, and select flaps 15 when reaching that speed. When the ILS comes active, it will show the horizontal and vertical indicators in magenta on the EADI. When the horizontal and vertical ILS indicators are active, hit the APP button on the MCP. Notice the EADI showing G/S and VOR/LOC in white. Lower the gear, select autobrakes 2 and arm the speed brakes. When they are both captured (G/S and VOR/LOC modes active and green), the aircraft will need a little time to fully stabilize. Once it is stable, both magenta indicators on the EHSI should be around dead center and we can set Welcome to London Heathrow, I hope you enjoyed this short flight from Schiphol to London Heathrow and learned some more about preflighting and using the FMC. If you would like to have the maps for both Amsterdam Schiphol and London Heathrow, you will be glad to know that both are available for free on the Internet, and very extensive, covering everything from the airport layout to SIDs and STARs. Amsterdam Schiphol: London Heathrow: I would like to thank the team that built the DF737 for an outstanding product. Flight One Software / DreamFleet 2000
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