Fm8700 Sme A

March 27, 2018 | Author: ngoctrimec8 | Category: Amplifier, Frequency Modulation, Microphone, Transmitter, Electronic Oscillator



BackMARINE VHF RADIOTELEPHONE MODEL FM-8700 c FURUNO E L E C T R I C C O., LT D. 9-52, Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, Japan 662 Te l e p h o n e : Te l e f a x : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-4200 Yo u r L o c a l A g e n t / D e a l e r FIRST EDITION : AUG 1998 All rights reserved. Printed in Japan PUB. No. SME-56170-A (KAOK) FM-8700 CONTENTS Chapter 1 BLOCK DESCRIPTION 1.1 General 1.2 Input/output data format of FM-8700 1.3 DX-8700 input/output signals 1.4 Main function of PC boards 1.5 Block description 1. DX-8700 antenna system 2. DSC Receiver section 3. Transmitter section 4. Receiver section 5. Controller section 6. Power supply section 7. IF-8500 (Printer interface) Chapter 2 Location of Parts 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-9 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-13 1-15 1-19 1-20 1. Control Panel 2. Rear Panel 3. Bottom View, Cover removed 4. CONTROL Board 5. Bottom View (CONTROL Board and the removed) 6. Panel 7. Duplexer (DX-8700) Chapter 3 Change of System Setting 3.1 Outline of system setting 3.2 Change operation to normal mode or test mode 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3.3 Change of system setting 1. Setting DSC (Selection of receiver) 2. Setting RT (Function of VHF section) 3. Setting CH (Channel presetting) 4. Setting PO (Setting transmitting power) 5. Setting L (Selection LCD display, Japanese and English) 3.4 Change of jumper setting 3.5 Confirmation of ID number 3.6 Changing ID number and ON/OFF of Private mode Chapter 4 Adjustment and Measurement 4.1 Transmitting frequency and power 4.2 Measurements on CH70 1. Mode change 4.3 Other measurements 1. Confirmation of receiver sensitivity 2. Confirmation of transmitting modulation degree 3. Confirmation of receiving sensitivity of CH70 RX board Chapter 5 Maintenance check 5.1 Periodical check 1. Cleaning of display portion 2. Check of loose connectors 3. Antenna 5.2 Everyday oprational test (Self-test) 5.3 Exchanging the nickel-cadmium battery 5.4 Exchanging ROM 5.5 About NMI switch 3-4 3-4 3-6 3-8 3-10 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-8 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-5 5-6 5-8 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 6.1 Functional tests 1. RAM/ROM test 2. Remote line test 3. Keyboard test 4. Display (LCD) test 5. Printer test 6.2 Error messages 1. CPU communication errors 6.3 Confirmation by line monitor 6.4 Guidelines for troubleshooting 6.5 Board compatibility Specifications Private Channel List Mechanical Parts List Schematic Diagrams 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-11 AP1-1 AP2-1 M-1 S-1 Chapter 1 1.1 General BLOCK DESCRIPTION FM-8700 is a full-duplex international VHF radio-telephone which includes a VHF DSC function and a VHF watch receiver. The system consists of a transmitter- receiver unit and a duplexer unit, operating from DC 24 V (+30%, -10%) power supply. External devices such as remote station (RB-700), distress message controller (DMC-5), printer, navigation device (outputs location and time data in NMEA format), wing handset, and external speaker can be connected to this system. If a printer is used, a printer interface unit (IF-8500) is required. The system connection diagram is shown below. Operational Priority 1. DMC-5 2. FM-8700 3. RB-700 * ANT * CH70RX NMEA * Navigation Device Wing Handset (port) Wing Handset (Starboard) DX-8700 * W-HANDSET * TX ANT RX ANT W-HANDSET NMEA Handset Hanger (HSC701K-BX21) HANDSET DMC * Distress Message Controller (DMC-5) FM-8700 EXT Speaker * EXT SPKR PRINTER * Printer Interface (IF-8500) * Remote Station * (RB-'700) NOTE) DB-500 is required when additional RB-700(s) is connected. REMOTE POWER Printer * AC100/220VAC AC/DC Power supply unit (PR-300/240) DC24V + 30 , -10% (7A MAX) DC24V + 30 , -10% (7A MAX) Note) *:operational Fig. 1-1 System Configuration 1-1 HOOK SW 1. W-PTT SW GND RS-410N Open collector Part and starboard microphones are connected in parallel. PTT SW 3. W-SP 5. DUP/SIMP 8.-10% 3. +15V 7.W-MIC Wing Handset FM214-7SM 4. 0V 2. –24V 1.2 Input/output data format of FM-8700 The designation of connectors for the input-output signals and their electrical specifications are shown below. -46dBm (600 Ω) 0dBm (200 Ω) 24V+30. carbon or dynamic must be selected on FM-8700. MIC (H) Main Handset FM-10RS-6H 4. T15V (TX) 6. CH70 RX ANT (RX ANT) BREAKER REMOTE EXT SP ANT (TX ANT) 16P ð 24V DC 1 2 ð 7P 6P ð 4P ð 8P HANDSET GND NMEA DMC PRINTER WING HANDSET Fig. 0V -46dBm (600 Ω) or 0dBm (40 Ω) 1mW (200 Ω) RS-410N Open collector 1-2 . 0V 2.1. Microphone type. MIC (C) 5. +24V HS16R-2 2. HS SP (H) 6.1-2 Layout of the connectors on the rear panel of FM-8700 Table 1-1/2 Connector Name TX ANT RX ANT 24V DC Connector type M-R type M-R type Pins Signal 50 Ω 50 Ω Remarks 1. NC 16. TXD (H) 2. TXD (H) 2. POW 1. LINE OUT (C) 12. TXD (H) 2. GLL. RMC) Signal Remarks 1-3 . RXD (H) DMC FM214-6SM 4. LINE OUT (H) 11. TXD (H) NMEA 2. 15V 7. TXD (C) MIF 3. CH70RX (C) 7. RXD (C) 5. CH70RX (H) 6. TXD (C) MIF 3. TX KEY 15.Table 1-2/2 Terminal Connector Pin Description 1. ALM 1. NC REMOTE SRCN-16P 8. RXD (C) 1. RXD (H) 4. RXD (H) NMEA NMEA FM214-7SM 4. LINE IN (H) 13. RXD (C) 5. LINE IN (C) 14. 0V 10. RXD (C) 5. NC 0dBm (600 Ω) 0dBm (600 Ω) RS-410N Open collector 1A MAX MIF 0dBm (600 Ω) IEC1162-1 (ZDA. RXD (H) 4. TXD (C) 3. F-GND 6. F-GND 6. TXD (C) PRINTER FM214-4SM 3. NC 9. 1. Pins Signal 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω Signal GND Remarks 3. DUP/SIMP 8. +15V 7. 0V 9. F-GND 0dBm (200 Ω) RS-410N Signal GND Open collector 1-4 . W-MIC -46dBm (600 Ω) or 0dBm (40 Ω) Wing Handset FM14-7P 4.1-3 Connectors on DX-8700 Table 2-1/2 Connector Name ANT CH70 RX ANT TX IN RX OUT Connector type M-R type M-R type M-P type M-P type 1.3 DX-8700 input/output signals The logout of the connectors on the DX-8700 and its specifications are shown below. Microphone type. W-PTTSW Part and starboard microphones are connected in parallel. carbon or dynamic must be selected on FM-8700. 0V 2. WING HANDSET ANT CH70 RX ANT NMEA TX IN WING HANDSET ~ FM-8700 Connectors ~ NMEA RX OUT Fig. T15V (TX) 6. W-SP 5. RXD (H) NMEA FM14-8P 4. W-MIC -46dBm (600 Ω) or 0dBm (40 Ω) Wing Handset Terminal Board 4. GLL. TXD (C) 1mW (200 Ω) NMEA 8.Table 2-2/2 Connector Name Connector type 1. TXD (C) NMEA 3. TXD (H) 2. RMC) IEC1162-1 (ZDA. RXD (H) 9. TXD (H) 7. W-PTT SW Pins Signal GND RS-410N Open collector Part and starboard microphones are connected in parallel. Remarks 3. RXD (C) 10. 0V 2. W-SP 5. F-GND 0dBm (600 Ω) IEC1162-1 (ZDA. F-GND 6. RMC) 1-5 . RXD (C) 5. Microphone type. GLL. CH70 RX (C) 7. CH70 RX (H) 6. carbon or dynamic must be selected on FM-8700. POW 8. F-GND 1. 1-4 BLOCK DIAGRAM 1-6 . +15V. PTT SW.4 Main functions of PC-boards The system block diagram of FM-8700 and DX-8700 is shown in Fig. Parallel Connection) DC24V NBDP MF/HF DSC VHF DSC PRINT DATA Fig. POW T/RD. +15V.TX FILTER PCB (05P0673) T/RD. SP. DUP/SIMP . HOOK SW T/RD. W-PTT. CONT DATA DUP/SIMP INT SP RX OUT RX PCB (05P0672) SQ DET/SIG LINE MON LINE OUT HS SP TX CONTROL PCB (05P0616A) PANEL PCB (05P615) * LCD/LED/KEY TX9V 9V VHF CPU : V25 +15V TX Freq DATA DSC CPU : H8 MODEM TX OUT TX PCB (05P0618A) POWER CONT POWER DET MOD FM-8700 SW +15V +15V (RX PCB) +15V Braker : 10A POWER PCB (05P0617) +15V W-MIC. ALARM T/RD CH70RX ANT ANT NMEA WING HANDSET W-HANDSET PRINTER DMC REMOTE HANDSET 24V DC RX OUT NMEA TX IN HANDSET RB-700 +24V (DC24V) ANT CH70 RX PCB (05P0675) D-RX D-ANT D-TX DMC-5 TB-1 CH70 RX ANT PRINTER I/F (IF-8500) PRINTER (PP-510) DUPLEXER DX-8700 NMEA WING HANDSET (Both wings. The main functions of each PC-board are shown in Table 3 on the following pages. SP. TX KYE MIC.1-4. EXT SP AF VR AUTO/ SCAN /DW/OFF MODE/CH SW SQ VR SP SW RX Freq. CH70RX.1. LINE IN/ OUT. 475 MHz. second IF.166. G2B) and its amplifier 3 A transmission power amplifier and a transmission power controller Consists of a double-super heterodyne receiver circuit at 155.455 kHz). 21. EEROM and I/O. ROM. 3W output with 10% distortion) Includes CPU for VHF. 1-7 . 1 Over voltage protection: +32 V and low voltage detection: +20 V 2 Temperature detection sensor mounted on U2 * gradually decreases the transmitting power by detecting a temperature from 70 to 80 °C. Table 3-1/2 PC-boards Main functions and Circuits Contains circuits for transmitting modulator. and delivers 25/1W outputs every 25 kHz step at 155. SINAD.4 MHz.0 . 20 dB.945 MHz) 3 Squelch circuit (controlled by carrier detection and sound detection) 4 AF power amplifier circuit (8 Ω. (receiving sensitivity.156. CPU for DSC. 1 2 3 LCD drive circuit (for DSC) LED drive circuit (for VHF) Keyboard circuit POWER (05P0617) Generates 15V output by series power supply circuit from DC 24V input. VHF and remote control with VHF CPU (µPD70320GJ : V25) DSC function with DSC CPU (HD6475328CP : H8) and MODEM TX AF monitor control circuit and TX AF LINE input signal selection circuit TX (05P0618 A) RX (05P0672) FM8700 CONTROL (05P0616 A) FILTER (05P0673) PANEL (05P0615) Consists of filter circuits for connected signal lines. 1 A local oscillator circuit for transmission (synthesizer PLL) 2 A reactance modulator (G3E. less than 0 dB. local oscillator.075 MHz.4 MHz) 2 Second local oscillator circuit (crystal-control. 20.0 .FM-8700 Main PC-boards of FM-8700 and their functions are shown in the table below. first IF. MODEM. power amplifier. 1 First local oscillator circuit (synthesizer PLL: 21. 139. 20 dB. less than 1. (160. less than 0 dB. 1 Transmitting filter: BEF characteristics with three stagger cavities.9 MHz.DX-8700 Main PC-boards of DX-8700 and their functions are shown in the table below.0 . (156. less than 1.455 MHz) 3 DUP/SIMP switching circuit (relay control) 4 Connecting terminals for WING HANDSET and NMEA 5 Selection of receiving antenna for CH70 (by changing antenna wiring) Duplexer (05P0674) DX8700 CH70 RX (05P0675) 1-8 .157. 455 kHz 1 First local oscillator circuit (crystal-control. 16.4 dB) 2 Receiving filter: BEF characteristics by four stagger cavities.6 dB) Consists of a double-super heterodyne receiver circuit used exclusively for nonintermittent listening to DSC CH70 (156. the power loss.625 MHz) 2 Second local oscillator circuit (crystal-control. the first IF.525 MHz).Receiving sensitivity. the second IF.162.5 MHz.6 .1 MHz. the power loss. Table 3-2/2 PC-boards Main functions and Circuits Consists of filters for duplex operation. 16. SINAD. J6" with a coaxial cable. 4 Dup K3 +15V K4 K1 K2 K3 Dup RX RX OUT Duplexer TR ANT Dup TX Dup Dup K1 Simp DUP/SIP Dup ANT Simp Q5 K2 C35 DUP/SIP TX TR ANT CR4 DET U1 (2/2) Buff TX level monitor signal POW Fig. The TR ANT antenna can transmit/receive VHF signals and receive CH70 signal.1.5 Block description 1. 2 T1 Deviser J5 W5 J6 CH70 RX CH 70 RX AF (DSC RX Signal) Simp Q3. DX-8700 antenna system CH70 RX ANT CH 70 ANT TX IN K4 (CR1) Tx Rx Q1. 1-9 . <CH70 ANT> is internally connected to "CH70 RX circuit. K1 . When a CH70 receiving antenna is used. The antenna is selected by DUP/SIMP control signal from the main unit.K3 are relays. The CX70 RX circuit contains an antenna switching circuit and CH70 RX circuit.1-5 DX-8700 Antenna System DX-8700 consists of CH70 RX board (05P0675) and Duplexer (05P0674). The transmitting signal output from the main unit is input to <TX IN> and switched by K4. 525 MHz) is included in DX-8700. 2 to J5 is more than 0 dB. and converted to the first IF signal of 16. FL2. the signal is converted to the second IF signal of 455 kHz by mixing with the 16. The internal circuit connection must be changed in accordance with the equipped antenna.625MHz local oscillator output in U3. and Q3.9 MHz. This signal (VHF DSC signal) is decoded in the CONTROL board.525MHz (2SK937-Y5-AA) 16.1-6 CH-70 Receiving Signal Flow The receiver for CH70 (156. mixed with the 139. The input signal from TR ANT (SIMP RX) is amplified by Q1 and Q2 (preamplifiers) so as to adjust it to the same level as the input from CH70 RX ANT. 1-10 .2.9MHz second local oscillator output.525 MHz).90625MHz 16. 2 (2SK937-Y5-AA) T1 DEVISER J5 W5 J6 Q11 FL1 U3 (GN2011) Q12 FL2 Q13 FL3 DET U2 (1/2) (NJM2094M) (3SK302GR) 156.445MHz C73 CH70 RX (05P0675) RX OUT CH70 RX AF (0dBm 600 Ω) FM-8700 U31-2/4 U30-2/4 U29 U2 (VHF) MODEM CH70 1200 (NJM3403AV) (MSM6927GS-2K) CPU (H8 : HD6475328CP) U14 U3 (DSC) PIO (µPD71055GB) CPU (V25: µPD70320GJ) CONTROL (05P0616A) Fig. DSC Receiver section DX-8700 CH70 RX ANT CH70 RX SIMP RX Q1. The gain from Q1.625MHz OSC TP2 Y2 ×4 U4 (MC3361CD) Q15 (2SC3123) (2SK937-Y5-AA) OSC Q14 (2SC3123) Y1 34. The input signal to CH70 RX circuit is amplified by Q11. after passing through Q12. Then.9MHz(3SK302GR) 455kHz TR ANT Q3 . passed through FL1 (156. CH70 signal is received by either of a dedicated receiving antenna (CH70 RX ANT) or a transmitting-receiving antenna (TR ANT).4 DUP RX TP1 S D K3 139. and input to CONTROL board in the main unit as CH70 RX AF signal. Either carbon microphone or dynamic microphone can be used for the wing handset. Wing handset 3.3. DSC call 2. 1-11 .MIC R153 U30-3/4 LINE MON MOD IN J407-1/2 MOD (-26dBm 600 Ω ) JP2 D W HS U32-2/4 MIC R154 TX PCB (05P0618A) T1 U32-3/4 REMOTE R156 (DSC MSG) U 29 U30-1/4 MODEM R155 Operational Priority: 1. FM-8700 4.1-7 AF Signal in Transmitter Audio signals from the wing handset. The rated input level of the AF signal is -26 dBm (600 Ω). Transmitter section Transmitting AF circuit FILTER PCB (05P0637) MIC SELECT Wing . and U30. and handset of the main unit are input to CONTROL board through FILTER board. etc U3 DSC CPU CONTROL PCB (05P0616A) Note) • 0dBm: Carbon Microphone (40 Ω ) • -46dBm: Dynamic Microphone (600 Ω ) Fig. Transmitter VHF DSC messages are converted to AFSK (1700 ± 400 Hz) by U29 (MODEM). the jumper wire JP2 is set in accordance with the specification of the microphone. R132 – 135. remote station (RB-700). REMOTE (RB-700) MODEM U2 VHF CPU DSC CONTROL.MIC Note) 0dBm (-46dBm) MIC -46dBm (600 Ω ) REMOTE 0dBm (600 Ω ) J404-7/8 REMOTE J406-3/4 HS U32-4/4 J406-9/8 U31-4/4 LINE MON J408-5 RX PCB (05P0672) C U32-1/4 R127 Wing . The audio signals and the AFSK signal are sent to TX board as <MOD IN> signal through analog switches in U32. When a microphone is installed. LPF.475 MHz. R79 (MIC) adjusts the frequency deviation to ±3 kHz with a rated microphone input of 46 dBm. consisting of U5. To control the transmitting power. Q1. There. DATA LD CR11 PLL U5 (PLL2001S) FIN (To CONTROL PCB) J102-5 From CONTROL PCB J102-6/7/8 (SCK.) The AF signal is frequency-modulated (reactance modulation: G3E. 14.000MHz C76 PA MOD IN (-26dBm 600 Ω ) From CONTROL PCB J101-1/2 R79 Pre-Emphasis Limitter (LPF) VCO U6-2/4 U6-3. then inputs to VCO. C96 U6-1/4 R64 Q7 Power DET U2-1/2. the signal is processed by VHF CPU to <POW CONT> signal. illuminates when the circuit is operating normally. The PLL circuit.500 to 161. a <PWR DET> signal is generated by detecting the transmitting output and sent to CONTROL board. CR11. Q2. (The specification is ±10ppm. The transmitting output power is adjusted in power adjustment mode with six waves – CH60. preemphasis (R78. C76 adjusts the transmitting frequency deviation to ±300 Hz. 1-12 . DATA (SCK. G2B) by applying the signal to a variable capacitor diode in VCO. SDA. The output from the VCO is amplified by Q5. limiter. which controls the output of power module U1. PLL FIL. LE) Y1: 8. U2/7 TX PCB (05P0618A) J102-1/3 PWR CONT TX PLL Frq. <MOD IN> signal. Q6. SDA. and VCO (8 MHz reference oscillator) can deliver an output every 25 kHz step in a frequency range from 155.OFF) TX PLL LOCK DET TX PLL Frq. unlock detector of the PLL circuit. 88 of DUP and SIMP waves – and the respective power data is stored in the memory. 4/4 PLL FIL Drive Q1/2 M57710A LPF TX OUT Q5/6 U1 R78. passes through R79 (MIC).Transmitting circuit (UNLOCK -. and R64 (MOD). and a power module (M57710A) in U1 to approximately 25 W. LE) D/A A/D J102-1 PWR DET (To TX PCB) From CONTROL PCB TX PLL LOCK DET U2: CPU CONTROL PCB (05P0616A) Fig. The amplified signal then passes through LPF and comes out as the transmitting output from the main unit.1-8 Transmitter Circuit AF signal from CONTROL board. R64 (MOD) adjusts the maximum frequency deviation to ±5 kHz or less for an excessive microphone input of –26 dBm. CR6 (To DX-8700) MIC MOD PWR CONT Q3. C96). Receiver section Receiving circuit RX IN J9 (BPF) Q1 (3SK302GR) (BPF) U1 (GN2011) Q2 FL1 Q3 FL2 DET 455kHz LINE U4 TP3 A (2SK937-Y5-AA) 21. LE RXA SQ SIG LINE MON CONTROL (05P0616A) EXT SP A U8 U6 VOL OUT U6 U8 U9: AFP (TDA2003H) MUTE BEEP R48 U8 SP ON SP U8 BEEP MAX BEEP B U7 U7 Handset SP HS SP HS SP T2 LINE OUT LINE OUT REMOTE RX (05P0672) Fig. The first IF signal is passed through FL1 (21.4 MHz) and Q3.1-9 Reciver Circuit The receiver input signal from DX-8700 is input to J9 of RX board. R34 "LINE" adjusts the output from U2 so that the output level from U4 at TP3 becomes 0. SDA. and converted to the first IF signal of 21.OFF) CR2 RX PLL LOCK DET RX PLL Frq. CR2. unlock detecter of the PLL circuit. DATA LD U10 FIN Q6 (2SC3123) LOOP FIL Q4/5 VCO PLL (PLL2001S) (SCK. Both signals are input to CPU for VHF (U2) on CONTROL board.4MHz (3SK302GR) Noise AMP R34 (NJM4558M) Fr-21. illuminates when the PLL circuit is operating normally.4MHz OSC U2 (MC3361CD) TP2 DET U3/4 CR1 Y1 20. The SQ control is operated by controlling U8 with <MUTE> signal. SDA. and input to U2 (MC3361CD). amplified by Q1. LE) Y2 8. 8 Ω 2 mW (10% distortion). In U2 the signal is converted to the second IF signal and demodulated.945MHz SQ DET RX PLL LOCK DET (UNLOCK.4. <SQ DET> signal from U3 is used for detecting the carrier for SQ control and <SQ SIG> signal from U5 is for detecting the audio signal for SQ control.4 MHz in U1.000MHz C95 U11 Q1 SDA Q2 SCK Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 (M54972P) MUTE SP ON TX ON DUP/SIMP B U5 SQ SIG LINE MON AF VOL SCK. 200 Ω less than 0 dBµ (20 dB SINAD) less than -6 dBµ 1-13 . References) • Built-in speaker • Handset speaker • Sensitivity • Squelch tight level : : : : 3 W (10% distortion).2 Vrms when a receiving signal of 60 dBµ with 1 kHz modulation and ∆f of 3 kHz comes in. SDA. However.Receiving AF circuit SQ VOL U30 R1 SQ SET SQ DET SQ SIG BEEP MAX BEEP SCK. LE RX PLL LOCK DET RXA LINE MON U31-2/4 CH70 RX AF U2 U29 TX/RX CH70 1200 CH70 RX (05P0675) U30-2/4 U31-3/4 RXA MOD IN U31-1/4 RX (05P0672) TX (05P0618A) VHF CPU (T/RD 05) RT1200 LOOP W-MIC MIC MODEM U30-3/4 U31-4/4 LINE MON LINE MON U30-1/4 U32-3/4 MODEM REMOTE DSC U3 DSC CPU CONTROL (05P0616A) Fig.TX AF monitor" in "setting RT" on Page 3-6. Remarks) Receiving AF input signal for DSC is selected by "DSC setup". MIC. note that the "MIC" (HANDSET) input line from the main unit microphone cannot be monitored. are input to U31-4/4. The "LINE MON" signal that controls this switch is set by "RT4. When <Watch VHF CH70> appears on the DSC display. and REMOTE. When <Watch VHF > appears on the DSC display. "Loop" control signal is used for self-test. Turning on the switch can monitor each transmitting input signal line and check which signal is coming in. MODEM. the control signal "RT 1200" selects the DSC AF signal from RX board by switching the U31-3/4 on.1-10 AF Signal in Receiver AF signal "RXA" from RX board is input to an analog switch U31-2/4 and "CH70 RX AF" signal from CH70 RX board is input to another analog switch U31-3/4. Input signals for transmitting modulation. • CH70 selection → <Watch VHF CH70> display • VHF selection → <Watch VHF > display 1-14 . Loop test is practiced by detecting MODEM output directly. W-MIC. the control signal "CH70 1200" selects a DSC AF signal from CH70 RX board by switching the U31-2/4 on. 9744MHz C2 Fig. 6.9744 MHz) connected to U2 (VHF CPU) determines the communicating speed of DSC (1200BPS). then adjust C2 so that the frequency at TP1 becomes 7.1-11 Controllor Circuit To clear the contents of EEROM and S-RAM for DSC .5 for more details. turn the power off. 2 P4 P3 DMC T/R LED CH-Data Latch T/R Key In Modulation Line Select Modulation Line Moni TX PLL Data ON Hook PTT (HS.) The oscillator frequency of Y1 (15. To adjust the frequency.5. 7 74HC42AF : FU9 M27C40001 AT28C64A SIO SIO P0 P1 Control BUS Adress Decode U4 ROM U8 EEROM U5 S-RAM Backup Q18/19 Control (BT1) Adress BUS Data BUS Latch P2 IRQ0 µPD771055GB U11 74HC245AF U10 PT DSC Recive Data T/R LED Data LCD Data LCD Control T/R State Data (PIO) P2 P1 U14 MBM89371A U12 (SIO) SIO SIO CLK NOR 74HC4078AF 1/13 U13 74HC193AF P0 T/RD02 RESET 8MHz CLK T/R Control Data INTR1. press [S1 : NM1] while keeping power on.9872MHz P2 P5 (T/RD04) P1 P6 U2 HD6475328CP (H8) (VHF CPU) P9 MIF (RB-700) RX Control Data (PLL. and on again.9827 MHz ± 30ppm. TX Key) TEMP Power DET (TX) SQ DET SQ set POW (DX-8700) TP-1 7. Controller section 5V S1 NMI SW NMI CLK OUT 16MHz RESET 8MHz CLK 15V U20 AVR SI-8031L U19 Reset Control M51953L µPD43256BGU RESET U3 µPD70320GJ RESET (V25) (DSC CPU) NMEA MIF (Serial Printer) Dimmer Contrast Alarm LED Beep/Beep Control Key Scan Key In T/R 0 T/R 1 74HC02AF : FU15 74HC138AF : FU1. (Refer to section 5. turn on power while pressing [CH16] key. W-HS. etc) TX Power Control MSM6927GS U29 AIN SGI (T/RD05) P7 Beep Out SQ Sig Input MODEM P8 Y1 15. 1-15 . and select an object item and press [ENT] key. then <NO RAM EEROM ALL> will be displayed. 1-12 Panel Circuit 1-16 . RS. LED × 3) VHF LED × 7 Key In HI/LOW SP ON/OFF SQ AUTO SCAN/DW/OFF • REM • WX • TX • SP • USA • PRIV • LOW Latch (TC74HC573AF) × 4 LED ON DATA (8bit) (LED D0-7) LED LE 0 LED LE 1 LED LE 2 LED LE 3 Latch Fig. R/W) CONTRAST (Vo) < 0 > ENT (LCM-523-68HE-4) LCD 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 CAN -CEL DIM SELC ALM CALL DIST KS 0 KS 1 KS 2 KS 3 Key Scan KIN 0 KIN 1 KIN 2 DIMMER (DIM 5VB) DIMMER (DIM 5VA) DIMMER (DIM 5V) KIN 3 KIN 4 KEY IN (5bit) DSC ALM LED ALM 0 ALM 1 ALM 2 ALM LED CONT (3bit) 5V VHF KEY BOARD CH16 CH Indicator (7seg.Panel DSC KEY BOARD DATA (8bit) CONT (2bit) (DB1-8. 5. the PA output power is controlled until the programmed output power is obtained. The comparator output signal is applied to the PA as power control signal through the U/D counter and the D/A converter. U2 DET POW DET (0 . During selftest.0VDC) DX-8700 POW DET #3 15V U2.5dB) 0. TRANSMIT POWER: NG appears if TX output power is less than 15W. Using two data among those data. The comparator compares the output power of the PA with power data stored on the EEROM U8. CH60 and CH88 in both simplex and duplex modes. the power data for other channels is determined.1-13 Output power control 1-17 . CH14. Thus. Q3 POW CONT POW DET POW U2 10bit A/D Power Data Display (000~999) Power Data Write POWER PCB (05P0617) RX PCB (05P0672) CPU COMP TEMP Power Data Read t C° TSENCE RT1101 U3 U8 EEROM CH KNOB 8bit D/A U/D Counter Power ADJ CONTROL (05P0616) Fig. and applied to the comparator through the A/D converter. the power data from EEROM U8 is compensated by the TEMP signal and the output power is reduced to a minimum of 10 W depending on the temperature detected. Programming of the output power is carried out by rotating the CH knob in the power adjustment mode. The power signal "POW" from the DX-8700 monitors T/R antenna power. The power adjustment is made on six frequencies.2W #1 PA #2 #4 TX OUT (25W) CR6.Output power control The output power of PA (U1) is picked up by the power detector CR6 and U2. 7.1~0. The power is programmed when the PTT switch is released. When the temperature becomes 70 to 80 degrees. TEMP and POW signals Temperature signal "TEMP" is applied from POWER board to U2 on the CONTROL board through RX board. TX (05P0618) U1: M57710A (PG≥21. CH70 RX and RX boards receive leakage of TX PLL modulated DSC signal. The test includes receiver circuit test and AF loop back test.1-14 Self-test process 1-18 . In the receiver test. V25: DSC CPU Start 1 CH70 RX PCB TEST CH70 RX AF supplied to MODEM (CH70 1200) Preparation for receiving leakage of TX PLL RF signal by RX PCB H8: VHF CPU Loop back test (No TX during test) Start Start Command Transfer LOOP BACK TEST MODEM selected for TX (MOD IN) line 2 RX PCB TEST RX A supplied to MODEM (RT1200) Preparation for receiving leakage of TX PLL RF signal by RX PCB Receiving End command transfer TX/RX PLL set to CH70 (DSC modulation) PLL UN-LOCK? YES End command transfer End Reading and decoding status error information Status display NO (LOCK) Un-lock flag set PLL UN-LOCK? YES NO NO (LOCK) Flag set for loop back test result (See note. In the loop back test.) Result deta set CH70 RX AF supplied to MODEM? (CH70 1200) YES 3 AF LOOP BACK TEST MODEM output fed back to input (Loop) MODEM output connected to MODEM input Command transfer Start Note) RX PCB and CH70 RX receive leakage of PLL RF signal End LOOP BACK TEST Receiving End command transfer End command transfer End Reading and decoding status error information Status display Reset status Result display End Fig.Self-test Self-test is made in the following process. the MODEM output is fed back to the MODEM input on the CONTROL board. 3 . Power supply section Filter PCB (05P0673) Power PCB (05P0617) Filter PCB (05P0673) 24V Line Filter CB1: 10A J609-1/2 J301-1/2 J302-1 POWER SW K1 U2 REG 15V J304-3/4 J610-1/2 J603-3 Line Filter Q2.6. 4 TX J604-6 15V J602-6 15V J602-5 TX REMOTE: RB-700 Wing Handset: DX-8700 J302-2 RL CONT Q1 Over /Low Volt Protect J304-1 U1 MB3761PF J303-1/2 to A to B to C to D TX PCB J107-1/2 CONTROL PCB J411-2 RX PCB J206-1 RX PCB J208-1 See note. J304-7 J304-8 C D RX PCB (05P0672) A TX PCB (05P0618A) U9 AFP J208-1 J107-1/2 U4 REG 5V J206-1 AN7809F U12 µPC78L05T 15V (PA) J204-3 J103-3 J103-1 TX FIX 8V TX 8V J204-1 SW Q14 TX ON 5V J207-3 REG (To Wing Handset) REG U13 AN78L05M B CONTROL PCB (05P0616A) J411-2 U20 REG SI-8031L 5V U18 Note) (1) Overvoltage protector: activated by 32 VDC (2) Lowvoltage protector: activated by 20 VDC REG AN78L12M 12V Fig.1-15 Power Supply 1-19 . MF/HF terminal DSC-5/6.1 VHF DSC FM-8500/8700 RXD TXD BUFFER U8 Q1 Photo Coupler U1 (HD647180XOFS8L) U6 BUFFER U3 BUFFER U4 DATA DSC (DSC-5/6) NBDP (DP-5/6) PP-510 No.1-16 Connection of IF-8500 Photo Coupler No. No.2 MHz (CBM-1205SF) CR10 IF-8500 Fig. and No.1-17 Block Diagram of IF-8500 1-20 . NBDP terminal DP-5/6.2 VHF DSC FM-8500/8700 RXD TXD U9 Q2 (ROM/ RAM/ SIO) DATA DATA DC24V CB1 (1A) CR3 (V06C) U11 REG (TA78DL12) U10 12V SW REG 5V Y1 9. Further.1 FM-8500 /8700 (50 m MAX) Serial data Serial data Parallel data Parallel data Parallel data IF-8500 (Signal and Line conversion) PP-510 Adhering to Centronics (5 m MAX) (5 m MAX) (5 m MAX) DSC (DSC-5/6) NBDP (DP-5/6) power supply DC24 V Fig.2 FM-8500 /8700 (50 m MAX) No.7.2 VHF DSC (FM8500/8700) can be connected to the IF-8500 which outputs the data on a first-in first-out basis. The output of the interface is connected to the printer PP-510. IF-8500 (Printer interface) Serial printer data from the FM-8500/8700 is sent to the printer interface IF-8500 where MIF data or Furuno radio interface data is converted into parallel centronics data. and FM-7500. Serial port: TB-1 3-6 or Serial port: TB-1 7-10 No. is connected to the IF-8500 together with DSC-5/6 and/or NBDP.1/2 VHF) J3 (NBDP) Short J5 (MF/HF DSC) Parallel TB-1 (No. the two IF-8500 must be used as below. J1 JP1 JP2 JP3 Put jumper.1-18 Series Connection of IF-8500 Setting of JP3 in IF-8500 JP3 Port Open (default) J3 (NBDP) J5 (MF/HF DSC) TB-1 (No.Series connection of IF-8500 When DSC-8VP. which output printer data in parallel format. DSC-5V.2 VHF DSC (ex. The jumper setting must be changed.1/2 VHF) Serial Input Data Parallel Parallel Serial J4 (PRINTER) Parallel Port Output Data 1-21 .1 VHF DSC (ex. DSC-8VP) DSC port: J5 or NBDP port: J3 IF-8500 DSC-5/6 IF-8500 NBDP Serial data Parallel data (JP3:open) Serial port: TB-1 3-6 or Serial port: TB-1 7-10 PP-510 CB1 CPU Board (JP3: Short) not used Fig. DSC-8VP) Parallel data No. Chapter 2 1. Control Panel Location of Parts For DSC For VHF 2. Rear Panel PRINTER WING HANDSET DMC NMEA GND HANDSET POWER TX ANT RX ANT REMOTE EXT SP BREAKER 2-1 . 9872MHz±30PPM (C2 ADJ) S1 NMI SW CPU for VHF (U2 : HD6425238CP/H8) CPU for DSC (U3 : UPD70320/V25) JP-1 (BATT ON/OFF) ROM for DSC (U4 : M27C4001) EE-ROM (U8 : AT28C64) ROM BACK-UP (BT-1) C2 MODEM JP2 JP3/4 (U29 : MSM6927GS) MIC SELECT I/O (U12 : MBM89371A) 2-2 . CONTROL Board TP-1 CH16 + PWR ON : 7.3. Bottom View. Cover removed Loosen these screws to detach the panel TX/RX/POWER Boards under the cover CONTROL Board (05P0616A) 4. Panel PANEL Board (05P0615) 2-3 .5. Bottom View (CONTROL Board and the cover removed) PA FIL Board (05P0673) (U1 : M57710A) TX Board (05P0618A) POWER Board (05P0672) R79 MIC R64 MOD RX VCO RX Board (05P0672) CR11 (TX PLL UN-LOCK Detector) C76 TX Frq C95 RX Frq CR2 TX VCO (F-21.4MHz±10PPM) (RX PLL UN-LOCK Detector) 6. 7.9 MHz ±10PPM at TP1) TP2 (16.525 to 16. Duplexer (DX-8700) C73 (156.445 MHz CHK) J2: D ANT TP1 J11 J6: CH70 IN Duplexer J3: D TX CH70 RX Board J10 J1: D RX C23 TB-1 J5: CH70 OUT J4: ANT TX IN WING HANDSET ANT C14 NMEA RX OUT CH70 RX ANT 2-4 . Contents of system setting Confirmation of the ID number of the own ship (How to change the ID number is described on Page 3-15). The system setting will be executed when the machine is installed.1 Outline of system setting Precautions The following operations shall be executed only by the dealers and agents that FURUNO has approved. It is strictly prohibited to disclose this information to the operators and possessors of the machine. However. follow the procedures described on the following pages. Change of System Setting 3. Those dealers and agents shall conduct the following system setting under their responsibility. when the system setting change is required because of unit exchange or other reasons. (3) Auto-revert function (4) Automatic ON/OFF setting of internal speaker (5) Restriction on continuous transmission time (6) Monitoring of sending sound (7) Automatic 1W function (8) Dual watching (9) Scanning (10) Setting of audio squelch range 3 Channel pre-setting of each mode 4 Setting of transmitting power (Maximum power and reduced power) 5 LCD display selection between Japanese and English DSC section VHF section 3-1 . 1 Selection of receiver section (VHF receiver or CH70 receiver) and ON/OFF setting of DMC connection 2 Pre-settings in VHF section (1) Selection of USA/WX mode (2) Confirmation of Private mode (How to change the mode is described on Page 3-15).Chapter 3. because immoderate changes of the system setting will cause performance variation of the apparatus. 3. key and press ENT key. The normal mode means the state in which <Watch VHF> is displayed on the LCD screen of DSC and the test mode means the state where <TEST VHF> is displayed.3-6) 2 Selection of receiver (p.3. DSC. In the normal screen. Input password (secret code).3-10) 4 Channel preset (p. 6 5 2 1 1 1 Protection < ON OFF > 4. PO.3-14) 3-2 .3-12) 5 Power adjustment (p. Put the cursor on "P" by using * System protected * key and press ENT key. CH. except " Input of ID number of the own ship". V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Display 1 6 Display mode selection (p. press display will appear.2 Change operation to normal mode or test mode Change of the system setting.3-8) 3 Preset of VHF (p.3-4) 1 Confirmation of ship’s ID number (p. and L can be changed. Now. Put the cursor on "OFF" by using RT. SELECT key first and 9 key next. Then this V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Display 1 Blinking 2. is executed after changing from normal mode to test mode in the following procedures. Procedures Protection OFF 1. be sure to return from <TEST> mode to the normal mode of <Watch> display. After changing system setting. RT. Press CANCEL key twice to return to the watch display. press Test CANCEL key several times. How to return to the normal mode (Watch display) Test SELECT 9 V P ID ------- Select "P" by pressing key. Protection < ON OFF > Select "ON" by pressing key. return to the normal mode in the following procedures.Protection ON After changing the system setting of DSC. and PO. 3-3 . then press ENT key. then press ENT key. To close the display for setting. CH. If two FM-8500 are installed for duplication. Note : Normally select "CH70" for DSC continuous watch. 1. Main (No. 1 or 2. use No.1 FM-8500 fails. Setting DSC (Selection of receiver) Select "DSC" on the display 1. or by pressing the corresponding numeric key. select this setting as follows : When No. ENT key.3 Change of system setting [About the rules for key operation] In the selection menu as follows. One is to select an item by using the arrow key and press ENT key.2) FM-8500 "CH70" "VHF" (Continued on next page) 3-4 .2 FM-8500 after interchanging these settings.3. The other is simply to press the number key corresponding to the required item. DSC: Receiver CH70[1] VHF[2] CH70 VHF DSC CH70 receiver used VHF receiver used Select either one with the arrow keys followed by ENT key. (Example) DSC: Receiver CH70[1] VHF[2] Selection menu Selection method • Put the cursor on the required item with the arrow key and press • Or. press ENT key. Display 2 V P ID DSC --- At the display 2 (shown above). press the required number key. two methods are available to choose one item.1) FM-8500 Sub (No. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Display 3 3-5 . select "ON[1]". Or.(From previous page) DSC: remote DMC ON[1] OFF[2] Place the cursor on a desired item with arrow keys. key. press corresponding Note) When FM-8700 is connected to DSC. then press ENT numeric key (1 or 2). Hook work: CH16 < ON[1] OFF[2] > Auto revert function (Automatic setting of CH16 on ON HOOK status) ON: Enable OFF: Disable > Automatic internal speaker setting (on/off) according to handset status as below.Time out timer < OFF[1] ON[2] > After selection Continuous transmission time limit ON: 5 minutes OFF: no limitation RT4. After selection DSC Wing Mic Handset RB-700 Tx AF monitor ON/OFF command from CPU To Tx line To INT SP To RB-700 (line-out) (Continued on next page) 3-6 .2. Setting RT (Function of VHF section) Refer to the next page for the factory default value. Wing Mic or remote station.Hook work: SP < ON[1] OFF[2] After selection RT3.TX AF monitor < OFF[1] ON[2] > Tx AF monitor from DSC. Handset ON HOOK OFF HOOK ON: Enable OFF: Disable Speaker on off After selection RT2.Mode: USA/WX < OFF[1] ON[2] > Selection of USA/Weather modes ON: Enable OFF: Disable After selection RT1. Function RT1. Handset.Mode: private < protected <OFF> > After selection Selection of Private mode ON: Enable OFF: Disable "Protected" RT2. (From previous page) Function RT5.) ON: Enable OFF: Disable > Dual watch operation After selection RT6. Then enter "HIGH" and "HOLD" data in the same manner as "LOW". HOLD: SQ hold time (SQ open time after signal goes away. HIGH : Upper limit of voice freq.) (Setting value) x 50 = (Setting value) x 20 = Hz ms Enter 2-digit data for lower limit followed by ENT key.Auto SQ < LOW= HIGH HOLD > Audio squelch (voice detecting type SQ) range setting LOW : Lower limit of voice freq.Scanning < ON[1] OFF[2] > Scan operation After selection RT7.Dual Watch < ON[1] OFF[2] After selection RT6.Auto 1W < ON[1] OFF[2] > Auto 1W (Power is automatically reduced to 1W when the low output power channel is selected. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Display 4 Default settings RT1 RT1 RT2 RT2 RT3 Mode: Mode: Hook work: Hook work: USA/WX PRIV CH16 SP OFF OFF ON ON OFF Standard USA ON OFF ON ON ON * RT7) LOW=06 HIGH=16 HOLD=30 Delivery RT4 RT5 RT6 DW ON ON RT6 SCAN ON ON OFF OFF ON ON 3-7 . Setting CH (Channel presetting) Transmission/reception mode. press INTL CH: XX < ENABLE= TX[1] RX[2] UN[3] USA WX PRIV > LEDs ENT key.3. (Example) An example when CH20 of INTL (International channel) is selected. communication mode. (Refer to the next page when the private mode (PRIV) is selected. RX : Reception only available UN : Unable (Neither transimission nor reception available) > After selection INTL CH: 20 < TELECOM= SIMP[1] DUP[2] > Communication mode selection SIMP : Simplex DUP : Semi-duplex After selection (Continued on next page) 3-8 .) This shows the preset seting status on INTL CH20. (Refer to right figure) CHANNEL Knob Every one pressing the channel knob successively changes the channel mode as follows. set to the desired channel by turning the channel knob. INTL (No LED) USA WX PRIV Then. In the display 4 on the previous page. Select a desired channel mode and a channel with the channel knob. and output power can be selected as follows. INTL CH: 20 < ENABLE= TX[1] RX[2] UN[3] TX : Both transmission and reception available. (Refer to the appendix 2 for the channel list. After presetting all the channel mode. on the previous page. select a channel to preset by turning the channel knob. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Display 5 3-9 . INTL CH: 20 < > ENABLE= TX[1] RX[2] UN[3] INTL CH20 has been preset. SELECT: [<][>]key Select a desired memory number (maximum: 20) with the arrow key and press ENT key.(From previous page) INTL CH: 20 < TX POWER= HIGH[1] LOW[2] Output power selection HIGH : 25W LOW : 1W > After selection Setting on INTL CH20 can be checked. P01/CH : XXX < > PRIV No. Memory No. CH: 100 P02/CH : 100 < ENABLE= TX[1] RX[2] UN[3] > Set every item successively in the same manner as an example when CH20 of INTL (International channel) is selected. Then. exit from the channel preset menu by pressing CANCEL key.) (Example) Memory No: 02. An example when the private mode is selected. Refer to the next page for the power data. press HIGH/LOW key. DUP/SIMP mode. and the power setting value (power data) are displayed. SIMP Pow. press press ENT key. In the private mode powers can be set in every channel independently. set powers in the private mode. (Power data: 800 ± 100 → Transmitting power of approximately 25 W) -----. The channel to set power.CH14 <HI:XX> SELECT [MODE][CH][H/L]SW High power adjustment on INTL CH14 (or CH88) Set both the maximum and reduced power in the same way as the case of CH60. Releasing the PTT switch at the desired value fixes the value.CH60 <HI:XX> SELECT [MODE][CH][H/L]SW High power adjustment on INTL CH60 key (Selection of "PO"). then this display will appear. then Set on CH14. set the maximum power and reduced power in "DUP" and "SIMP" modes on these channels as follows. • The case of CH60 in DUP and SIMP modes Set the maximum transmitting power (power data) by turning the channel knob while pressing PTT switch. CH60. • The case of CH14/CH88 in DUP and SIMP modes Set the channel to CH14 (or CH88) in DUP or SIMP mode by turning the channel knob. Setting PO (Setting transmitting power) In the display 5 on the previous page. After setting the powers in DUP and SIMP modes. To compensate a power loss in the duplexer. and CH88. Next. 3-10 .4.CH60 <low:XX> SELECT [MODE][CH][H/L]SW Low power adjustment on INTL CH60 Set the reduced power (power data) in the same way as above. DUP Pow. DUP Pow. turn the channel knob. press CANCEL key. TX Power:Priv01< > PRIV mode SELECT:[MODE][CH][H/L]SW After the completion of power adjustment on all modes.PO L Display 6 (Continued on next page) 3-11 .To change to the private mode. V P --------------. To change the private channel. press [CH16] key while pressing and holding down the channel knob. then press ENT key. 3-12 . LCD language < E[1] J[2] > Language Selection E: English J: Japanese After selection V P --------------. Japanese or English) For the transmitting/receiving message display in DSC and menu display. Protection < ON OFF > Select "ON". then press ENT key.PO L Select "P". (From previous page) Press ENT key. To return to the normal display. press CANCEL key several times. Setting L (Selection of LCD display.5. Japanese (katakana) or English is select. wirings in DX-8700 must be changed. "D" or "C". Connect the coaxial cable with mini-pin from "CH70 RX ANT" connector to J6 CH70 IN .3. • Use of two antennas respectively for VHF and CH70. or if two individual antennas are used for VHF and CH70. R127 JP2 (Jumper Plug) D C D or D Ni-cd Battery C For Carbon MIC (Default) C For Dynamic MIC Top view of CONTROL Board Setting on common or respective use of antennas If an antenna is commonly used for both VHF and CH70. Connect J5 CH70 OUT and J6 CH70 IN with a coaxial cable with minipins. Whichever. • Use of one antenna commonly for VHF and CH70.4 Change of jumper setting Setting wing handset type Change the setting of a jumper plug JP2 on CONTROL board in accordance with the type of wing handset. is selected. adjusting R127 is not required. Duplexer CH70 RX Board D TX (CH70 IN) D RX J6 D ANT TB1 J1 J10 J3 J2 ANT J11 J5 (CH70 OUT) J4 TX IN ANT CH70 RX ANT RX OUT 3-13 . Confirm the ID number of the own ship. In the normal display. (MMSI : Maritime Mobile Ship Identity) * Own identification * Protected MMSI: X1~X9 Own ship ID 4. return to the normal display by pressing several times. Put the cursor on "ID" by pressing key and press ENT key.3. press display will appear.5 Confirmation of ID number SELECT Procedure 1. key first and 9 key next. CANCEL key 3-14 . Then this V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Blinking 2. After the confirmation. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L 3. Turn on power and press NMI switch.3. turn off the power. then this display will appear. TEST VHF ch70 Test mode manual 6. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Blinking 7. 5. 3.6 Changing ID number and ON/OFF of Private mode Procedures 1. Select EEROM with the arrow key and press ENT key. Enter own indentification [digits] MMSI= Entry of ID 3-15 . 4. Control Board (05P0616A) NMI Switch (S1) Ni-Cd Battery Bottom view of Main Unit. Turn on the power again. Press SELECT key first and 9 key next. then this display will appear. Put the cursor on "ID" by pressing key and press MMSI = Maritime Mobile Ship Identity ENT key. A display "Now WRITING EEROM" will appear. Clear < NO RAM EEROM > ALL Note that EEROM clear changes the RT : VHF presetting to the default. Turn on the power again. Then. Once turn off the power. and after about 15 seconds another display "Turn off the power" will appear. Cover removed 2. then this display will appear. Input the ID number of the own ship with nine digits. return to this display with CANCEL key. Put the cursor on "P". input the correct number from the first step. Watch VHF ch70 auto The ID number to input must be the MMSI number that is allocated to the ship.8. Put the cursor on "RT" and press RT1. press CANCEL key and re-input the correct number. and press ENT key. (Here. ) 13. (When a wrong number is input. 12. After the selection. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L 11. by pressing ENT key again. 3-16 .Mode: private < OFF[1] ON[2] > ENT key twice. check to be sure about the input number. and press Protection < ON OFF > ENT key. and press ENT key. Return to the normal display by pressing CANCEL key several times. the input ID number can be confirmed. check that the input number is correct. Again. Private mode ON/OFF selection Selection 10.) V P ID DSC --- 9. Select "ON". If the number is incorrect. and connect it to the frequencty countor.7-1W) 4-1 . By adjusting the frequency of only one channel. On CH16 156. and read the frequency on CH16 with PTT switch ON. 2 Put the pick-up coil close to the dummy resistor or ANT coaxial cable. refer to setting "PO" in Section 3 "System setting" on Page 3-10. TX Board Control Board Hole for C76 adjustment Bottom View Cover removed Transmitting power For adjusting transmitting power. Watt meter (50Ω) Dummy load (50Ω) DX-8700 ANT CH70 RX ANT 1 Make a pick-up coil by winding a wire by four Frequency Counter to six turns like a coil. the transmitting frequencies of all the other channels are adjusted at the same time.1 Transmitting frequency and power TX Frequency TX Freq. adjust C76 on TX board. Adjustment and Measurement 4.8MHz ± 300Hz Conditions PTT : ON Adjuster C76 (TX Board) Rated Value ±10PPM Connect a frequency counter as illustrated below.Chapter 4. • Default power (factory setting): 21-25W (Reduced power specification: 0. The C76 is a variable capacitor to adjust the reference frequency of the transmitting synthesizer PLL circuit. If the measured frequency is out of specification. and pick up the transmitting frequency. For adjusting power of CH70. Tone frequency (mark/space) is also measured in DSC operation.58 MHz) on CONTROL board is faulty. Transmission on this channel does not work by depressing the PTT switch on the handset. refer to "setting PO" in Section 3 "System setting" on Page 3-10. Y3 (3. be sure to return DSC operation to normal mode. Tone frequency (mark/space) cannot be adjusted. 4-2 . After the measurements. Measurement of power and frequency on CH70 are made in DSC operation. From "TEST" screen to "Watch" screen (protection:ON) Remarks) 1.525MHz±300Hz Change DSC mode from TEST to WATCH. For these measurements on CH70. Change DSC mode from WATCH to TEST From "Watch" screen to "TEST" screen (Protection : OFF) Key operations on DSC SELECT → Mark : 1300±10Hz Space : 2100±10Hz Tone Measurement CH70 Freq & Power Measurement CH70: 156. For adjusting frequency of CH70. 2. 3.2 Measurements on CH70 CH70 is a channel allocated for VHF DSC. refer to Page 4-1 in this section. DSC operation must be changed from its normal mode (watch display) to test mode (test display).4. If the frequency is out of ±10 Hz of the specification. * System protected * SELECT → 9 → → ENT - 2. Input a password (secret code) ----> Password: 652111 (These digits are not shown on the display. Change the display to test mode by pressing CANCEL key several times. Mode change Changing to test mode 1. Return to the normal display ("Watch" display) by pressing CANCEL key several times. Measure the tone (mark/space). 7. SELECT → → “TONE” selection (Refer to the next page for this measurements. 8. ("TEST" flashes. and press ENT key. --.) 5. 4-3 . Select "OFF". press the keys successively.This leads to the normal mode.----> This leads to test mode. In the normal mode. Successively press the keys Protection < ON OFF > SELECT → 9 → → ENT . and press ENT key.) Returning to the normal mode 6. 4.) Protection < ON OFF > 3.1. power. and frequency of CH70. Select "ON". Press ENT key to stop the mark signal output. Set the VHF channel to "CH70" (Turn the channel knob). then this display will appear. Press the PTT switch on the handset to output the space signal. CR MARK SPACE … 8. press HIGH/LOW key to make transmitting power LOW. 10. 1. depress the PTT switch on the handset. 9. Press ENT key. CR MARK SPACE … 4. 12. To output the mark signal. Press keys: SELECT → . Press ENT key to stop the mark signal output. 13. Now doing 5.) 6. ("LOW" illuminates. (If the speaker is on. then this display will appear. 2. 11.) ----->This prevents transmitting power from being induced to the counter. Next. connect a frequency counter to the external speaker terminal (EXT terminal) on the rear panel of FM-8700. Return from the test mode to the normal mode ("Watch" display). Change the display to test mode by pressing CANCEL key several times. Confirm that the mark signal frequency is within the specification (1300 ± 10 Hz). After confirming the cursor is on "SPACE". the mark tone can be heard. 7. Select "MARK" (mark) and press ENT key. Confirm that the space signal frequency is within the specification (2100 ± 10 Hz). press ENT key. Preparation) For measuring tone signal. (EXT speaker load: 4 Ω or 8 Ω) Set the audio volume at an appropriate level.Outputting mark/space signal. 4-4 . TONE DIST-CH 3. Return from the test mode to the normal mode ("Watch" display). Set the VHF channel to "CH70".525 MHz). 7. Press the keys: SELECT → TONE DIST-CH 3. CR MARK SPACE … 4. Measure the power (25 W) and frequency deviation (±300 Hz) of CH70 (156. connect the measuring instruments in the same manner as shown on Page 4-1. Press the PTT switch on the handset to output the carrier. Change the display to test mode by pressing CANCEL key several times. and press ENT key. Press ENT key. Press ENT key to stop carrier output.) When measuring "Reduced power". 8. set to "LOW" with HIGH/LOW key. 9. then this display will appear. 2. then this display will appear. 1.Outputting the transmitting carrier of CH70 (Measurement of the power and frequency) Preparation) For the measurement. 6. (Turn the channel knob. Now doing 5. Select "CR" (carrier). 4-5 . Input the unmodulated signal from SSG.8 MHz. 3. 3W.05 Vrms). SSG (FM) 50Ω RX ANT EXT SP 4Ω. frequency of 156. If the level is less than 0 dBuV.3 Other measurements 1. Adequate Volume 24V Low-frequency Watt meter Measurement 1. SP or. Output from SSG the signal of about 0 dBuV. Turn the SSG modulation off and switch the SSG output off.5 Vrms by turning the audio volume. modulating frequency of 1 kHz. Preparation Connect the measuring instruments as follows. Remark) No volumes or no other parts on the PC-boards are used for adjusting the sensitivity.0 kHz. (3W) Dummy Load FM-8700 FM-8700 Settings : CH16. 5. 4Ω. search for such an output level as the noise output level is decreased by 20 dB (0. and confirm that this signal can be received. Measure the noise level from the speaker with a low frequency voltmeter and adjust it to 0. and frequency deviation of 3. measure the 20dB NQL (Noise suppression limit sensitivity). 2. While varying the SSG output. Do not arbitrarily adjust any parts or transformers on the boards. SQ OFF.4. 4-6 . 4. Confirmation of receiver sensitivity For simplicity. the sensitivity is good. Confirmation of transmitting modulation degree Preparation Connect the measuring instruments as follows. Adjust the coupler and FM linear detector. and adjust the frequency deviation to 3 kHz with R79 (MIC). To check the maximum frequency deviation. The specification: 2.4 . Reference) These adjustments are made by the potentiometers. Do not adjust them arbitrarily. Measure the maximum frequency deviation by following step. Adjusting method 1.8 kHz 4. Turn R79 (MIC) fully CW (maximum). R79 (MIC) and R64 (MOD) on TX board.3. When the adjustments are required. and measure the frequency deviation. adjust the AF OSC output so that the frequency deviation becomes 3 kHz. 50Ω Coupler 50Ω Wattmeter Low-frequency 600Ω SG (AF OSC) 1kHz output PTT Switch 24V MIC FM-8700 Settings : CH16. 5. 4 of the above measuring procedure. Check to be sure that the maximum frequency deviation is less than 5 kHz when the AF OSC output level is increased by +20 dBm from the adjusted value above. TX ANT 50Ω ATT. 3.7 kHz. 2. 2. 3. MAX Power 50Ω FM Linear Detector Measurement 1.2. adjust the volume R64 (MOD). 4-7 . 1kHz. Transmit FM-8700 with PTT switch on. Set the AF OSC level to -46 dBm. and set the deviation to 4. be sure to use calibrated measuring instruments. Set the AF OSC output to -46 dBm. B. 5. If the level is less than 0dBuV. Input the unmodulated signal from SSG. Read the CH70 RX level (AF LINE) output on the low frequency voltmeter. 4-8 . Remark) No volumes or no other parts on the PC-boards are used for adjusting the sensitivity.525 MHz) from CH70 RX ANT of DX-8700. Measurement 1. and frequency deviation of 3.0 kHz.525 MHz. (The receiving sound can be heard by turning TX AF monitor on by the system setting. However. 156. See section 3.4 in chapter 3. Turn the SSG modulation off and switch the SSG output off. and confirm that this signal can be received. 4. ANT CH70 RX ANT SSG (FM) Jumper setting must be checked. the sensitivity is good.3. Confirmation of receiving sensitivity of CH70 RX board In the regular measurement. to derive an indication of the sensitivity. While varying the SSG output. Preparation J8-5 : CH70 RX-H 6 : CH70 RX-C DX-8700 Duplexer CH70 RX Board J8 T. Output the signal from SSG. Low-frequency voltmeter (Connected to J8 #5 and #6). search for such a SSG output level as the level read in step. Measuring method is same as that described in "1. 6) is measured by inputting a signal CH70 (156. modulating frequency of 1 kHz. Do not arbitrarily adjust any parts or transformers on the boards. the error rate in DSC should be measured by inputting DSC message signals on CH70. 3 is decreased by 20 dB (1/10).) 2. Confirmation of receiver sensitivity" on Page 4-6. 3. the NQL of the CH70 LINE output of CH70 RX board (J8-5. about 0 dBuV. Wipe dirt off with a soft dry cloth periodically.1 Periodical check To derive full performance of the apparatus. 1.Chapter 5. Wind a tape round the cut. Maintenance check Warning In this apparatus a high voltage that may cause shock. a periodical maintenance check is indispensable. Check of loose connectors Check to be sure that the connectors and earthing terminals of FM-8700 and DX-8700 are tightly fastened. 5-1 . Cleaning of display portion The display portion is made of an acrylic board. if any. or benzene for the cleaning. Antenna Items Whip antenna Coaxial cable Check points Is there any cut or water leak at the connector portion ? Is there any cut on the surface ? Remedies Exchange it if the cut is deep. 5. burn. paint thinner. At least once half a year check to be sure that those connectors are not loosened by ship vibrations. 3. Do all maintenance checks after turning power off. Never use gasoline. or even death is applied. There are many connectors inside the apparatus. 2. Do not touch inside in case a man has no knowledge of electrical circuits or exact safety measures are not taken. • If the PTT switch was not pressed once before the test. press ALARM STOP key. if any. 5-2 .2 Everyday operational test (Self-test) Be sure to do operational test everyday to find malfunctions in advance. CANCEL Returns to normal display. (Distress alarm check) To silence it.) * Completed * Daily test VHF DSC: GOOD NO TX CHECK Alarm sounds. (Normal display) Watch VHF CH70 3 (TEST) VHF DSC SELF-TEST * Test in progress * (Testing) Please wait ! Several seconds later • If the PTT switch was pressed once before this test.5. (Do the test everyday so that a distress message could be transmitted without fail in a distress. * Completed * Daily test VHF DSC: GOOD (Including TX check.) Press 3 key at the normal display. (Error messages) Pressing key scrolls ENT the error message displays.If "NG" appears * Completed * Daily test VHF DSC: NG To view reason for NG. Check end: [CANCEL] key CANCEL Returns to normal display. press ENT . 5-3 . "NG" error messages and their meanings and remedies are shown on the next page. If any error occurred in the test. CONTROL PCB: NG DSC CPU VHF CPU MODEM U30 U2 U29 Either appears. RX PCB: NG 5-4 . NG display TRANSMIT POWER: NG Meanings The transmitting power is less than about 15 W. whether the transmitted and received signals are the same in level and frequency. associated components on TX board.Check PLL (U5) and ing of the PLL on TX board. CPU for VHF (U2) sends mark/space signals to the transmitting circuit (excluding the power Picked amplifier)."NG display" Six "NG displays" are included in the test. or not. The transmitting power output from the duplexer is compared with the transmitting power output from the main unit was compared and a big power loss in the duplexer was detected. Replace TX board. CPU for VHF (U2) detected unlocking of the PLL on RX board. Check PLL (U10) and associated components on RX board. NG portions can be displayed by pressing ENT key successively as mentioned above. U2 compares the received signals with the transmitted signals in level and frequency. The receiving circuit of up CH70 picks up the signals and sends them back to U2. Then. Remedy Check TX board (Power Amp. Check MODEM (U29) on CONTROL board. is checked. Replace CONTROL board. (RF Loop back test) DX-8700: NG Replace duplexer. U3 (AF Loop back test) CH70RX PCB: NG Mark/ Space U2 Tx Circuit CH70 RX Check CH70 RX circuit. CPU for DSC (U3) commands CPU for VHF (U2) to send mark/space signals and the signals are received through the modem U31 (U29). U1). defective antenna or DX-8700. Replace VHF RX/CH70 RX board. TX PCB (PLL LOCK): NG CPU for VHF (U2) detected unlock. the battery will be flat and the RAM contents will be lost. Code no. unplug the jumper plug JP1 on CONTROL board with keeping power on. if it is desired not to erase RAM contents. 2.: 000-835-126) and plug in the JP1 again.3 Exchanging the nickel-cadmium battery The nickel-cadmium battery on CONTROL board backs up contents of RAM (all the transmitted/received messages). If the voltage is more than 3. Turn off power. Set a new battery (Type: N-50SB3. However. If the battery is left for about one month without power supply. Be careful enough! Procedure 1.5. View.6 V. the battery is normal. Remove the old battery. Ni-cd Battery Control Board JP1 Bottom.6 V with power supply off. 5-5 . When the voltage has dropped. (The nominal voltage of the battery is about 3. to cover removed Warning: RAM contents would be erased. if the jumper plug JP1 is unplugged while power supply is off. The life of the battery is approximately five years. 3.) Examine the battery voltage at regular intervals so as not to lose the important data backed-up. exchange the battery after printing out necessary transmitting/ receiving messages. DSC:1. then this display will appear.xx ENT key. V P ID DSC RT CH PO L Blinking 2. RT: VHF ROM version level DSC: DSC ROM version level Remark) The ROM for DSC is U4 on CONTROL board and the ROM for VHF is contained in the CPU (HD6475328CP (H8/532)) U2 on CONTROL board.5. In the normal display. press keys: → 9 . • DSC ROM version 05501-92-10X • VHF ROM version 05501-93-10X ROM location Remove the bottom cover by unscrewing four screws on the bottom of the main unit. ROM (U4) NMI Switch (S1) Control Board Bottom view.xx Press CANCEL three times to close the display. Select "V". cover removed 5-6 .4 Exchanging ROM SELECT Confirmation of ROM version 1. and press ROM version RT:1. Setting after exchanging ROM After exchanging ROM . turn off the power switch of the main unit. be sure to clear RAM as follows. Switch on the power switch again. Press ENT key. watch auto VHF ch70 Details about RAM. <CLEAR Display> Clear < RAM all area NO RAM EEROM ALL > Blinking 2. Then. EEROM and ALL are described on the following page. 1. this "Clear display" will appear and "RAM" flashes. Then. 5-7 . the RAM has been cleared. Turn on FM-8700. Turn off the power 3. After a while this message will be displayed on LCD. When this normal display appears. 5. "NOW WRITING EEROM" will be displayed. be sure to set "Protection menu" to ON and return to the normal mode. When ALL or EEROM is cleared: TEST VHF ch70 manual Test mode If required. When RAM is cleared: No system resetting required. Clear < NO RAM EEROM > ALL 4. Turn on the power again. 5. and press NMI switch. "Turn off the power" will be displayed. 2. Select a desired item by using the arrow key. If "EEROM" or "ALL" is selected. Turn on the power again. Once turn off the power. About 15 seconds later the display will change to "Turn the power off". 6. then this display will appear. If "RAM" is selected. turn off the power. 3. refer to Page 5-6. then turn off the power. 5-8 . press S1 (NMI switch) on CONTROL board with keeping power supply on. set the system referring to Chapter 3. Procedures 1. Then. For the location of S1. Turn on power.5 About NMI switch To clear contents of S-RAM and EEROM. and press ENT key. After setting the system. all the other set values are cleared -returned to the factory default values. (*1) Contents of S-RAM are: 1 2 All transmitted/received messages Contents set by pressing SELECT key → 1. "EEROM". (Messages in the file: Messages stored in the memory after they are made) Contents set by pressing SELECT key → ALM. (*2) Contents of EEROM are: 1 2 3 Remarks) The pre-set data of channel (CH) and transmitting power (PO) remain unchanged even after "EEROM" has been cleared.About "RAM". That is. Clears all contents of S-RAM and EEROM. and "ALL". Clears all contents of S-RAM and a part of EEROM (*2). Contents set by pressing SELECT key → 9. 6. Item RAM EEROM ALL Purpose Clears all contents of S-RAM (*1). (System setting data) Contents set by pressing SELECT key → 7. 4. 5-9 . 2. Watch SELECT 9 V P ID ENT Select "P". select a test item from the menu and execute the selected test. be sure to return the display to the normal mode (Watch display). ROM/RAM test 2. ROM test. then press ENT key. Remote line test 3.1 Functional tests For functional tests (practiced by technicians). Printer test 3 Test Menu Select test desired with the arrow keys. then press key. Select "OFF".g. After the test has been finished. * System protected * 6 5 2 > 1 1 1 Protection < ON OFF This is a password to display the "protection" menu. change the display to "Test" mode. e. Troubleshooting 6. (Now the test mode is selected. Display (LCD) test RMT KEY > DIS PRT 5.) CANCEL Diagnosis < ROM 1. Keyboard test 4. Then.Chapter 6.then press ENT key. 6-1 . NG appears. ROM/RAM test < ROM CHECK OK For error. 6-2 .1. > To quit. press ROM: U4 RAM: U5 EEROM: U8 CANCEL key. Parts number for RAM and ROMs are. press ENT key. RAM/ROM test ROM/RAM test < > test:[ENT] ROM RAM EEROM Select one. ROM test takes about 10 mimutes. then press ENT key. To return to Test menu. then press ENT key. DMC-5 or IF-8500 • Interconnection check (Add jumper wires as shown below. DMC-5 or IF-8500 (No modification is required.) FM-8700 MIF command MIF command TXD(H) TXD(C) RXD(H) RXD(C) RXD(H) RXD(C) TXD(H) TXD(C) RB-700. Remote test < > Nav. To return to Test Menu on page 6-1. Device 6-3 . • Remote line check inside of RB-700. DMC-5. IF-8500 or Nav. Remote test < > CONNECTION:CHECK OK IF-8500 (Printer I/F) RB-700 To quit. The following two types of test can be performed. press ENT key. press CANCEL key. Device (NMEA: Connection check only) DMC-5 test:[ENT] NMEA DMC RB P For factory use VHF CPU U2 (H8) PIO U14 DSC CPU U3 (V25) SIO U12 Select one. Remote line test This test checks the remote signal line (MIF data line) for proper operation.) FM-8700 TXD(H) MIF command MIF command TXD(C) RXD(H) RXD(C) RXD(H) RXD(C) TXD(H) TXD(C) Jumper wires added RB-700.2. 6-4 . (When pressing the DISTRESS or ALARM STOP key. the LEDs near the key light. The Test Menu on page 6-1 appears.) To quit. press CANCEL or ENT key. Display (LCD) test Display test < test:[ENT] ENT > LCD blinks if it functions correctly. The number (or character) corresponding the key and controls pressed appears if key is functioning correctly. Keyboard test Keyboard test < [ANY KEY] > Press keys and controls one by one. The Test Menu on page 6-1 appears.3. When pressing and holding down the CHANNEL control. press CANCEL or ENT key. three LEDs (USAA/WX/PRIV) blink in order. To quit. 4. then press ENT key. Printer test FM-8700 Print out test test:[ENT] ENT DSC CPU U3 (V25) Serial data (TXD/RXD) IF-8500 Parallel data PP-510 (SIO incorporated) Now doing The test data (numerals and characters) is printed out. press CANCEL key several times. To return to the normal display. Protection < ON OFF > Select "ON". Test How to return to the normal (watch) mode Test SELECT 9 V P ID ENT Select "P". then press key.5. To quit. press CANCEL key twice. 6-5 . U3: CPU for DSC) on CONTROL board. TYPE: 3 (no initialize) When power has been turned on. or a system setting has been changed. clear the contents of RAM or EEROM. Remedy After pressing CANCEL key.6.g. U2 does not send back any response to U3 within 5 seconds.2 Error messages 1. -----> Refer to Page 5-8. try again after resetting power once more. try the same operation again (e. if the error still continues. one of the following messages will appear. been pressed. press TEST key). *Error* CPU communication One of three messages in the table below appears. Then. Error TYPE: 1 (no change to in) Meanings The port in U2 does not change to an input port. CPU communication errors If a communication error occurs between the two CPUs (U2: CPU for VHF. After U2 has received a test request ( TEST key for DSC) from U3. 6-6 . U2 does not send the command of transmission end to U3 within 5 seconds. U2 cannot read correct data. If the symptom is TYPE: 2 (no ack/time out) After CALL key for DSC has still unchanged. Compose a message and call by assuming that the message is individual call. TX Board MOD RX Board W-MIC Wing Handset MIC SEC R153 MIC Handset R154 MODEM DSC R155 REMOTE Remote (RB-700) R156 REMOTE MODEM MIC W-MIC U30-3/4 LINE MON on/off selected on system setting RT-4. and the address is the ID number of the own ship. set "RT4-TX AF monitor " to "ON". Remarks) When confirming the AF line for DSC.Ω to TX ANT.3 for the procedure. return the setting to OFF. change VHF power to "reduced" and connect a dummy load of 50. the category is routine.) Refer to Section 3. The system diagram of the line monitor is shown below. Note that the handset of the main unit cannot be monitored even if the TX AF monitor is made ON.3 Confirmation by line monitor By using line monitor function.6. this test checks whether each AF line signal is coming in TX board. The rated level of MOD input to TX board is 35mVrms (600Ω). After all the AF LINE inputs have been confirmed. 6-7 . (Refer to "Setting RT" in Section 3 "System setting" on Page 3-6. U9 SP Volume Control Board To output the line monitor. The power breaker is off. Possible causes 1. 2. (+15V) 4. Confirmation) • Disconnect external devices. Exchange the ANT. The output lines from the power board (+15 V) is short-circuited. 3. 2. • Check the output voltage. Change the location of antenna. Practice self-test. Exchange the cable. 1 Symptoms Power is not turned on. No. if any. 4. Location of the transmitting ANT is bad.4 Guidelines for troubleshooting Remarks) Before starting inspection : 1. When checking inside. The coaxial cable of the transmitting ANT is defective. • Disconnect the power supply connectors in the main unit one by one.6 . The mark * indicates a NG or error message in self-test. Confirmation) • Replace it with the receiving ANT and compare.31. Warning A high voltage is applied in the apparatus. The power input voltage is too low (less than 18 V).2 V. Exchange the power board. Check bad contact of the coaxial cable connector and soldering. 6-8 . Check the breaker on the rear of the main unit. Confirmation) • Check the power switch. be sure to turn off the power supply. Repair the short-circuited portion. 1. The transmitting ANT is defective. 3. Check the cable connection with external devices and connectors in the main unit. Rectify them. The power circuit board is defective. Remedies Adjust it to the specified value. or too high (more than 32 V). Check any leak of water. 2. Confirm that the input voltage is DC 21. 3. or exchange the shortcircuited board.6. 2 Transmitting output is much reflected. Confirmation) • Check whether the location is close to other structural objects or not. The coaxial cable connector of the transmitting ANT is defective. Exchange the main unit handset. The transmitting range is short. whether the signal is coming in or not. whether the signal is coming in or not. The duplexer switching circuit is defective (bad Exchange the CH70 RX POWER : NG board. The wing handset is faulty. * TRANSMIT POWER : NG 6 Modulation does not work. 3. or the modulating circuit on TX board is defective. with line monitor function. 1. with line monitor function. DSC 1. 4. 6-9 . Exchange the TX board. (Refer to "Setting PO" in Chapter 3 "System setting". The transmitting synthesizer PLL circuit is defective. 1. * TRANSMIT POWER : NG 2. Confirmation) • Check that the CR11 on the TX board is off. or exchange the TX board if the monitoring is possible. The transmitting PA module IC (U1: M57710A) Exchange the PA module or the TX board. * TRANSMIT POWER : NG 4. 5 The transmitting power does not output. Exchange the wing handset. * DX-8700 : NG Adjust the power. with line monitor function. or exchange the TX board if the monitoring is possible. • Check the MIC SELECT circuit on CONTROL board with carbon and dynamic microphone. 1. The remote station RB-700 is faulty. The duplexer is defective. (TX PCB: PLL Lock) Check about no. or the modulating circuit on TX board is defective. 3 Symptoms Possible causes Remedies Exchange the duplex unit. Confirmation) power is big between • Check that the difference in power data DUP and SIMP between DUP and SIMP is less than 100. Confirmation) • Compare the transmitting output from the main unit and that from DX. 2. is defective. * DX-8700 : NG * TRANSMIT 2. The difference in output 1. Main unit handset 2. or the modulating circuit on TX board is defective. or exchange the TX board. Remote 4. with line monitor function. 3. The main unit handset is faulty. Confirmation) • Check that the power is the rated value of 25 W. 4 in Symptom 2.) 4 Check about Symptom 2. contact of K1 and K2 of CH70 RX board). The transmitting power is low. Exchange the RB-700. Confirmation) • Check. Exchange the CONTROL board. The power loss in DX-8700 is big. 2. Confirmation) • Check. The PA IC module or the transmitting amplifier Exchange the TX board. or the modulating circuit on TX board is defective. The CONTROL board is faulty. Wing handset 3. UN-LOCK.No. Confirmation) • Check. Confirmation) • Check. circuit is defective. or exchange the TX board if the monitoring is possible. whether the signal is coming in or not. The Location of the transmitting ANT is bad. whether the signal is coming in or not. MF/HF DSC. 1. Confirmation) EReplace the transmitting ANT with the receiving ANT and compare in the same manner as no. the printer. 10 Keyboard does not work. * DSC cannot be received. The panel board or CONTROL board is defective if all keys do not work. The receiving ANT system is faulty. 2. 3. The receiving ANT system is faulty. • Check it with EXT SP. Exchange the panel board or CONTROL board. 3. or IF-8500 is defective. Possible causes 1. Exchange the SQ volume. by way of NBDP. Exchange the CH70 RX board. 3. 4 in Symptom 2 . 2. SQ circuit is faulty. Remedies Remedy as Symptom 2. 2. AUTO. Remark) SQ is not • Check it with handset SP. Confirmation) come out if SQ is OFF. 2. 2 If installed. 8 Receiver noise does not 1. 11 Remote function does not work. Confirmation) • Practice self-test. Exchange the panel board. Refer to Section 5.5 "NMI switch" for clearing RAM and EEROM. Exchange the duplexer. Confirmation) • Check that the CR2 on the RX board is off and UN-LOCK. 2. 3. * VHF is controlled through DSC.No. The audio volume is defective. CH70 RX board is defective. and if the function does not recover. 1. The panel board is defective if specific keys do not work. Exchange the RX board if no noise comes out in all cases. Clear the RAM and EEROM. Confirmation) • Replace the transmitting ANT with the receiving ANT and compare in the same manner as no. Exchange the RX board. The receiving circuit is faulty. 1. Exchange the RX board. TYPE 1: No change to in * TYPE 2: No ack/time out TYPE 3: No initialization Refer to Section 6. 2.3 "Error messages" 12 Printer does not work. Exchange the RX board. * RX PCB: NG Exchange the audio volume. SQ volume is defective. • Check it with INT SP. 9 Receiving on CH70 is bad. The duplexer is defective if DUP and SIMP channel is different in receiving sensitivity. 6-10 . 4. Exchange the CONTROL board. 4 in Symptom 2 . * CH70 RX PCB: NG Remedy as Symptom 2. and IF-8500. 1. The receiving synthesizer PLL circuit is defective. exchange the CONTROL board. Main unit. 7 Symptoms Receiving sensitivity is bad. check whether the IF-8500 is normal or not. Confirmation) 1 Check the printer itself whether it is regular or not. The receiving AF amplifier circuit is defective. Communication between the CPU for VHF and the CPU for DSC is faulty. 6-11 . by putting jumpers on JP3 and JP4. and changing DSC ROM and VHF CPU. Type PC Board FM-8700 Power Board Panel Board 05P0617 05P0615 FM-8500 05P0617 05P0615 Yes Yes FM-8700→8500: Yes FM-8500→8700: No Yes JP-3. 4 (w/o jumper) U4: 05501-82-10X U2: 05501-83-10X No No Board level must be –33 and above.5 Board compatibility Board compatibility exists between FM-8500 and FM-8700 as below. M27C4001 HD642538CP/H8 Compatibility Remarks TX Board 05P0618A 05P0616A 05P0618 05P0616 CONTROL Board Location of parts on CONTROL board U2: VHF CPU U4: DSC ROM BATT U8: EEROM 05P0616A JP-3 FM-8500: No Jumper FM-8700: Jumper JP-4 No Jumper Jumper The CONTROL board 05P0616 can be changed to 05P0616A.6. 4 (w/jumper) DSC ROM VHF CPU U4: 05501-92-10X U2: 05501-93-10X JP-3. AP1-1 . AP1-2 . AP2-1 . AP2-2 . AP2-3 .
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