
March 19, 2018 | Author: Lado Kiladze | Category: Inductor, Magnetic Field, Inductance, Electromagnetic Induction, Power Inverter



Key words: Busbar Design, CIVAnde, Ecodesign, InCa, Induction Heating, FLUX, Mechatronics, Portunus, PSCAD,...>> Software: Editorial Best Wishes for 2007... The whole team of CEDRAT is happy to wish you a Very Happy New Year 2007. May it bring you joy and prosperity in your individual and professional life. 2006 was the year of the twentieth anniversary of Magsoft. It ended with a joint agreement between CEDRAT and Adapted Solutions, company specialised in software solutions for mechatronics and electrical systems. This strategic partnership allows CEDRAT to further its presence in the market of simulation software and ADAPTED SOLUTIONS strengthen its international activities. More information are given in this issue. Besides Portunus, that completes brilliantly our software solutions catalogue, other new products or versions will highlight the coming year. Motor overlays (now for Brushless PM and Induction machines, and soon for DC machines) are among the key simulation solutions for motor design and analysis. InCa also is a promising new package for electrical connection simulation: the application for busbars design for power electronics is very significant. All this opens widely new doors for our close and long term future and strengthen our position as a leading provider of a complete range of software solutions for electrical and mechatronic engineering. Magnetic actuators. Bus transfer with PSCAD. The magnetic circuit of magnetic or linear actuators... (pages 14-16) Performing a fast bus transfer study... (pages 2-3). Induction heating. Busbar design. State of the art of numerical simulation with Inova (pages 6-7). How to spare Nanohenries with InCa (pages 8-9). Systems simulation. CEDRAT and Ecodesign. Newest solution for simulation of power electronics and mechatronic systems (pages 4-5). Partnership with CODDE for electric and electronic equipments ecodesign (page 12). Contents  Portunus for simulation of power electronics and mechatronic systems. Commercial Team - Cedrat.  Busbar design: how to spare Nanohenries  2006 Flux Users Conference Padova, Italy.  New version of CIVAnde.  Ecodesign: CEDRAT and CODDE partners. >> Industrial applications:  Induction heating: state of the art of numerical simulation with Inova.  Using PSCAD for studying bus transfer transients in a nuclear power plant.  Soft Magnetic Composite (SMC) and design of magnetic actuators >> Corporate:  CEDRAT and ADAPTED SOLUTIONS agreement. >> Agenda:  Having troubles with electrical motor heating ? Get trained !  IEMDC 2007  Training courses.  Dates to remember. CEDRAT 15, Ch. de Malacher - Inovallée 38246 MEYLAN Cedex FRANCE Tel. : +33 (0) - Fax : +33 (0) Email: [email protected] - Web: www.cedrat.com Editing manager : B. Ribard, Managing Director of CEDRAT and CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES N° 53 - January 2007 - CEDRAT - CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES - MAGSOFT Corp - Adapted Solutions. nine (9) transformers. (continued on page 3) N° 53 . A Safety Injection (SI) is the process that provides borated water to cool the reactor core in the event of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA). The case was set up to study 12 cases (scenarios) with 8 parameters important to organize the case in a systematic way to minimize the potential for error in data entry and version control. PSCAD was verified and validated according to Software Quality Assurance (SQA) regulatory guides Figure 1: Indian Point 2 Nuclear Power Plant PSCAD Circuit. Thus.January 2007 .’s IPEC Energy Center Indian Point 2 (IP2). any case could be simulated by simply changing the case selector switch. including the motor starting transients. and 480 Volts. initial tap positions and fault conditions. The study also addressed the impact of voltage variation at the 138kV Buchanan substation that feeds the SAT. a bus transfer scheme. The case parameters were passed to other modules through import/export connections. load sequencing. P SCAD/EMTDC was used by Washington Group International for performing a fast bus transfer study on Entergy Corp. See PSCAD programming blocks below in Figures 2 and 3. bus faults. The objective of this analysis was to determine the terminal voltage profiles of all the safety related motors for a given sequence of motor starting and operation during the first 58 seconds after the SI event to make sure that the motors can operate within their specified range. The top level diagram of the PSCAD case constructed from connected page components is shown below in Figure 1. cables.CEDRAT . tap changers. . and transmission lines. The case was arranged in three hierarchical levels: top level. Figure 3: Case Settings Definition. and fast bus transfer of the Unit Auxiliary Transformer (UAT) loads to the Station Auxiliary Transformer (SAT) with a 6 cycle dead-bus time. Om NAYAK (Nayak Corporation) and Ravi YEDITHI (Washington Group International). only nuclear certified software can be used. All the case parameters were set in one location using table components which are selected by a selector switch input.SOFTWARE>> -2- Using PSCAD for Studying Bus Transfer Transients in a Nuclear Power Plant. The simulation model consisted of about 50 induction motors both at the 6.9 kV and up. Since this was a nuclear safety related study.MAGSOFT Corp .CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . This study analyzed the IP2 electrical distribution system for a Safety Injection (SI) load sequencing event. more than 70 breakers.9kV and 480V voltage levels with dynamic load torques. Figure 2: Case Setting Control Interface.Adapted Solutions. 6. such as power flow and other transient analysis programs.CEDRAT . . CIVAnde 8. • Other transportation industry: Caterpillar. Cedrat.MAGSOFT Corp . GE Inspection Technologies.9 kV Bus Voltage During SI and Fast Bus Transfer. Alstom Power Services. Figure 4: 6. Figure 4: 6.SOFTWARE>> -3- Using PSCAD for Studying Bus Transfer Transients in a Nuclear Power Plant. • New and fast algorithm to compute delay laws for phased array.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES .1 is the newest version and features various improvements. As a result of the successful conclusion of this study.1 is already available and will be sent to all customers in the coming weeks.01). such as: • Possibility to import DXF files from Autocad version 14 and following. Bechtel Bettis. ISPESL.January 2007 . Samples of output are shown in Figure 4 for the 6. For various applications. CIVAnde 8. PSCAD/EMTDC is now in use by Washington Group for other nuclear safety related studies. Figure 5: 480 V Bus Voltage During SI and Fast Bus Transfer. • Import of measurements files from M2M Multi2000 sensors (up to v 5. CIVA’s successes and new patch.9kV bus. • Nuclear: EPRI. N° 53 . • Aeronautics and space: Loockheed Martin. DCN. Many references adopted CIVAnde in 2006 among them: • Inspection services and products: Veritec Sonomatic. and Washington Group International SQA procedures prior to the study.9 kV Bus Voltage During SI and Fast Bus Transfer.Adapted Solutions. BWXT Technologies. Where appropriate. CIVAnde shows it ability to model NDE systems and its dedication to this application that makes it the most advanced solution for NDE simulation. (continued) Om NAYAK (Nayak Corporation) and Ravi YEDITHI (Washington Group International). PSCAD results matched within 0. and Figure 5 for the 480 volt bus. Fabrice FOUCHER . The results of PSCAD were verified and validated against other nuclear certified analysis tools. 2007 starts will a new release of CIVAnde. 2 006 ended with great worldwide successes for CIVAnde . The study determined successful bus transfer capability of IP2 in all cases. CETIM. verification was performed using hand calculations and proofs.5% taking into consideration differences in the methods of analysis and modeling details. This strategic partnership allows CEDRAT to further its presence in the market of simulation software and ADAPTED SOLUTIONS strengthen its international activities. the innovative software solution in the field of system design and analysis. . thereby completing the range of simulation products for electrical engineering tasks offered by Grenoble based CEDRAT.January 2007 . RIBARD’s delight: “To us the most important issue is the opportunity to develop our software within the frame of a comprehensive software family and with competent international partners.” About Portunus Portunus offers a combination of different modelling approaches using networks.” Marko SCHMIDT and Thomas BARUCKI. Possible applications range from power supplies. Adapted Solutions develops solutions dedicated to their applications. In addition to the analysis of electrical behaviour. Under the terms of the agreement C E D R AT b e c o m e s t h e e x c l u s i v e distributor of Portunus. N° 53 . Chief Executive Officer of CEDRAT describes his delight at the move: “I’m very happy about the agreement between ADAPTED SOLUTIONS and CEDRAT. founders and directors of ADAPTED SOLUTIONS. Adapted Solutions supplies innovative software solutions for simulating electrical and mechatronic systems that allow both development costs and time to market to be reduced. share Mr.Adapted Solutions.CEDRAT .CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Working in close collaboration with its customers and partners.MAGSOFT Corp . About ADAPTED SOLUTIONS Specialised in systems simulation. block diagrams and state machines to facilitate the investigation of systems behaviour. This agreement provides ADAPTED SOLUTIONS with the resources to consolidate the company and expand our product range. CEDRAT SA and ADAPTED SOLUTIONS announce a joint agreement. block diagram. Portunus allows the evaluation of mechanical and thermal properties. This will allow us to strengthen the leading position of our group in the field of the modelling of electrical systems. Now we are able to offer a complete solution for companies developing mechatronic systems – from the function design up to the system integration. Bruno RIBARD. Cedrat.SOFTWARE>> -4- CEDRAT and ADAPTED SOLUTIONS agreement. Portunus features interactive GUI. Marc VILCOT . power electronic circuits and drive systems up to controls and automotive components. network) to model mechatronic systems. various descriptions approaches (state machines. MAGSOFT Corp .SOFTWARE>> -5- Portunus. to provide the possibility of the validation of micro controller source code. convergence is reached faster than with other solvers. The effect of parameter variations may be calculated and displayed automatically. An ergonomic graphical user interface allows the comfortable description of the system to be modelled. Portunus is not only the ideal tool for the development of new products.cedrat.January 2007 . P ortunus is a system simulator that has been developed especially for the calculation of mechatronic systems. Cedrat. mechanical and thermal systems.CEDRAT . block diagram.g. e. it provides brilliant opportunities for educational and training purposes as well. with a focus on power electronics and drive. N° 53 . Several description approaches (network. Figure 2: Portunus features various libraries of components.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES .com and benefit from advantageous introduction offer! Figure 1: Blocks diagram. electrical circuit and state machines can be combined in the same model in Portunus. the newest solution for simulation of power electronics and mechatronic systems. . it can be visualized using the interactive capabilities of the software. The available interfaces expand the functionality of Portunus. Bertrand du PELOUX. Alternatively. state machine) are available for the simulation of electrical. The implemented sub-sheet technology makes it possible to separate subsystems and therefore improve the clarity of the system representation. Sébastien CADEAU-BELLIARD. Portunus comes with a comprehensive model library which already includes simulation models of common electrical machines and power electronic topologies. Download your free demo at: www. Both network and block diagrams being solved with the same continuous solver. calculation of steady-state and operating point). Possible applications range from the simulation of drive systems and switched mode power supplies to investigation of the heating of electronic components.Adapted Solutions. With Portunus you may run different analysis types (simulations in the time and frequency domain. (continued on page 7) N° 53 . a workpiece is located between 3 coils with different current and frequencies.avi. D uring latest FLUX Users Conference in Padova. Force along Y axis as function of current and position. Several computation will be made to study it completely.January 2007 . Figure 1: The device: the workpiece is located between 3 coils. Figure 3: Configuration B.cedrat. to determine the equilibrium position. FORZAN. Two applications are presented below: Levitation melting As shown in figure 1. Force along Y axis as function of current and position. The upper one (3-3’) is supplied with high frequency while the two other ones are supplies with low frequency. Figure 2: Configuration A.Adapted Solutions. Figure 6: Configuration B: power delivered to the workpiece. Inspired by Prof. a multiparametric computation as been made as function of the position of the workpiece. Depending on the configuration. . and Padova University. the power delivered to the workpiece can be computed as in figures 4 to 7.MAGSOFT Corp . Inova Srl.SOFTWARE>> -6- Induction heating: State of the art of numerical simulation with INOVA. DUGHIERO and Dr M. The aim of this device will be to heat the workpiece up. Figure 4: Configuration C. The animation linked below shows the practical experience: www. For a value of the high frequency current set to 1000 Amp and the high frequency set to 450 kHz. Figure 5: Configuration A: power delivered to the workpiece.CEDRAT . The horizontal stability of the workpiece can be then studied as function of the equilibrium position: see figure 8. Prof Dughiero from INOVA presented some of the most advanced simulations done for induction heating with FLUX. F.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Force along Y axis as function of current and position.com/applications/ software/doc/MVI_0108. the value of the low frequency current and the coil configuration. . 3D simulations allow to vary frequency. (continued) Inspired by Prof. DUGHIERO and Dr M. Transverse flux heating may be used for hardening.Adapted Solutions. Coupled to optimisation procedure. F. October 23-27.MAGSOFT Corp .. Sendai (Japan). and Padova University. annealing. Dughiero F.: “ Double Frequency Longitudinal Levitator Laboratory Prototype”.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . It features many advantages compared to longitudinal flux heating: • • • • Energy saving due to high electrical efficiency Minimum floor space requirements High process flexibility High induced power densities Many parameters influence widely the design: • • • • • Gap between both parts of inductor Pole pitch Distance between strip edge and inductor coils edges Magnetic core geometry End connections of inductors in case of multiple sections Figure 8: Horizontal stability Considering this number of parameters. Transverse flux heating Figure 7: Configuration C: power delivered to the workpiece. Reference Bullo M. N° 53 ...January 2007 . Figure 10: Power in the strip. 2006...CEDRAT . 220-225. 2006 – The 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials. hot forming and rolling. FORZAN.SOFTWARE>> -7- Induction heating: State of the art of numerical simulation. EPM Figure 9: One pole of the inductor. Figure 11: Comparison between measurements and several simulation methods (with or without motion). Simulations with FLUX (see figures 9 to 11) allowed to reach 3 to 5 % homogeneity in the strip cross section. 3D simulations are needed to optimise this type of inductors. Lupi S. number of coils and coil geometry to reach one of the technological requirement: homogeneity of the temperature distribution in the strip cross section. coating and drying thin metal plates. ISBN 4-930980 C3057. Forzan M. Inova Srl. Some measurements are also provided. The very basic concept is to use a simple copper sheet. the differential voltage between the two sheets is nearly zero.CEDRAT .1 LEG. the stray inductance is still too high regarding the large current variations of power electronics. semiconductors.January 2007 . Indeed. Additionally.g. 3. C. will be illustrated in section IV. However. the aperture results in an increase of partial inductance. Optimized aperture to better balance the currents in Branch 1 and Branch 2. 3 MGE UPS SYSTEM. Without Aperture Current (% I) Branch 1 84% Inductance 73nH Branch 2 16% 144nH Without Aperture Current (% I) Inductance Branch 1 50. Fig. JM. especially in the medium-high power range. The resistance but also the inductance decrease.MAGSOFT Corp . on both current repartition in the plate. a drawback may be a large unbalance between the different access points.Roudet (1). 4. the external magnetic field is greatly modified. using industrial examples.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . compared to more conventional Finite Elements Methods. the equivalent inductance of a set of two sheets is equal to Ls1+Ls22. decided by non specialist engineers. E.Le Floch ntroduction Power Electronics often requires very low inductive interconnections. a simple sheet. Fig. in this latter case. some interesting design rules are given. on the example of an industrial busbar. Then. To compensate this unbalance. 3. Influence of the shape of the cross section of the sheet on its partial inductance. This «simple» assembly of copper sheets is intended to link several points of the structure. The example of Fig. it can be shown that a flat conductor exhibits a smaller inductance than a massive one (Fig.Guichon (1). PEEC method uses integral formulations. This part of a power electronics converter seems obvious to design. This property. Example of two single sheets to achieve a parallel association of two IGBTs (Branch1 – B1. Indeed. and the Ms12 value may be very large. in the case of two paralleled IGBT modules. especially the one of Branch1. multilayer busbars will be investigated. Two Layers Busbar Even if a copper sheet is less inductive than conventional wires. Some small changes during the mechanical design. … and often to achieve series or parallel association of these devices.Ms12. taking advantage of the large coupling between the sheets. in order to confirm the conclusions of the simulations.Pasterczyk (3) . However. This study will be achieved using simulations. The effect of the number of layers. An interesting property of holes and various apertures in conductors is as follows: the effect of a hole on the inductance value can be very different if it is located in the middle of the sheet. Another interesting point of this strong coupling is that it provides an important immunity related to external magnetic interferences. of the position and shape of all necessary holes and apertures will be studied. and impedance of the interconnection.Adapted Solutions. the stray inductance). or near the edges. When using a simple copper sheets. it may be seen in Table 1 that if the current is well balanced. may lead to dramatic increase of the stray inductance. Comparison without and with the aperture. economical constraints can lead to modify the first geometry proposed by electrical engineers. linked to the modification of the external field. JL. and to show the various impacts of a change in the geometry.Aimé (1).Clavel I (1) . Indeed. Another well known property is that the copper (4) . what is not desired. for the same copper volume. R. and to stay as equipotential as possible. as shown in Fig. . Therefore. two sheets are associated to insure the link between a source and two paralleled capacitors. (continued on page 9) N° 53 . price and weight increase in the same time. Some «refilled» holes. Numerical simulations have been Fig. 2 Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe (STIE). Inductance values of Branch1 and Branch 2 path. when going outside the electrical engineering to enter into the mechanical design… The Most Basic Busbar The role of a busbar is to link several points of a power electronics converter: capacitors. which avoid the meshing of the air. Thus.SOFTWARE>> -8- Busbar Design: How to Spare Nanohenries ? Simulations with InCa. 2. The aim of this paper is to start from the most basic busbar. however. As a conclusion. with the increase of the amount of copper. volume also brings an impedance reduction. Indeed. The most common solution to reach stray inductance values around some tens of nanohenries and even below is to use a busbar structure. 1.67% 155nH Branch 2 49. the two plates «see» nearly the same magnetic field. apertures in the sheet can be machined. M. the next step is to use two close sheets: it allows to reduce the inductance. which induces more or less the same voltage: therefore.Martin (1). In this example.Schanen (1). which may be useful to avoid the degradation of the electrical properties of a busbar (e. as illustrated in the example of Fig. using InCa and PEEC method (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit). 4 CEDRAT. It is clear that the overlap between the two conductors is a key point to reach low inductance. 1). and Branch2 – B2).Arpillière (2) . this is not so simple: mechanical considerations. for larger sheet thickness. which has shown a great ability to handle all complex structures of power electronics. 2 illustrates this effects. J. it can be shown that inserting a hole in the middle of a copper plane has less repercussion on its impedance than machining apertures on the edges. thermal and mechanical behaviour are improved.Y. J. Indeed.33% 157nH Table 1. in this case. Simulations have been carried out at 1 MHz. since there is a need of three different potentials in this application (DC Bus and output phase). 6.MAGSOFT Corp .1 LEG. To investigate this possibility. 3 MGE UPS SYSTEM. and implies many mutual couplings. Fig. one with the complete geometry. for braking purpose. If the use of two layers busbars reduces drastically the inductance. from electrical engineers. Unfortunately. The signification of this matrix can be explained as follows: the inductance L11 is obtained when feeding loop V1 with a current.9 estimated) is correct.024 if the two sheets are replaced by two busbars. using two paralleled IGBTs.6 nH vs 19. using a three phases rectifier. 6 contains all the interconnects for this application. In the same idea. is described in Fig. V2 and V3). what is high compared to the result of the ideal case of Fig. some «small» modifications can be noticed: additional holes have been added by mechanical engineers. Due to the dissymmetry of the power bus location (on the bottom of the busbar in the figure). This is due to the current path. the problem of current repartition between all components connected to the busbar may still be present.CEDRAT . which is very different in this geometry. but takes no advantages from the overlap between arrival and return path . Even if these additional conductors do not participate to the switching cell. or 2 and 4) is in the range of 80 nH. 4 (more or less the same dimensions). the capacitors (connected between the black plates and the grey and cyan ones) have been short circuited.January 2007 .CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES .Arpillière (2). The current source is a rising current. JL. Current repartition between the four IGBTs.05% 53.25% 50. . The rest of the paper will thus focus only on the three «actives» sheets of copper: the DC Bus (cyan and grey) and the capacitor interconnection (black).01% 49. and the best geometry would be a three layer busbar. 2 Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe (STIE). 8.Pasterczyk (3). For instance. which links a rectifier to the inverter (feeding the DC bus). 5: Two layers IGBT busbar for inverter leg. Two layers busbar with identical external dimensions – Top: Perfect overlap results in a low inductance – Bottom: A not complete overlap implies a reduced mutual coupling and a higher loop inductance.1nH 81nH 88nH Table 3. carried out in a specific case: starting from a coupling coefficient of 0. Multilayer Busbar and Industrial Example Let us now consider an industrial example using a more complex multilayer busbar. It is the classical variable speed application. which implies a higher cost. 7). The first design of this busbar. This is illustrated in Fig. since the circuits have many common parts. and the other keeping the «active» plates only. However. a set of two conductors (yellow) forms an independent busbar.96 between two sheets. Another geometry would greatly reduce the inductance: in fact this busbar is a two layer technology. The results show the very little influence of the additional plates on the stray inductance of the busbar: the differences are less than 1%.Adapted Solutions. 4.95% 48.Clavel (1). (continued on page 10) N° 53 . and the additional module for braking circuit is connected to Vac. using another IGBT. like in Fig. This is in good coherence with the remark of section III: the influence of external conductors on the loop inductance of a busbar is weak. The order of magnitude of the measurements results (16. Table 4 shows the impedance matrix of the electrical engineers busbar. including an additional chopper. three sheets of copper are needed. it has no impact on the current repartition. This example shows how intuition is tricky in electromagnetism… Table 3 shows that the loop inductance of each path of the busbar (either through IGBTs 1 and 3.Guichon (1).99% with slits 49. This busbar will be referred as EEBB in the following.Le Floch (4) .Schanen (1). and measuring voltage across loop V1. At the very bottom a dedicated conductor (dark blue) connects the DC bus to a braking circuit. Fig. 4top. Compared to the version of Fig.01% 46. and thus the stray inductance. To be noticed that all terms of this impedance matrix exhibit a real and an imaginary part. this coefficient falls to 0. taking Fig. two simulations have been carried out. Comparison between 2 loop inductances. The busbar of Fig.Y.Martin (1). and measuring across V2. 4 CEDRAT. At the very top. M. and voltage drop measurement allows the determination of the element of the impedance matrix. Three IGBT modules are connected to V1. To close the loops. I1 I2 I3 I4 Initial 51. referred as MEBB. This is due to the fact that the «plus» and «minus» sheets are not stacked together: therefore. E. The four switching cells are used for comparison purpose.Aimé (1). V2.Roudet (1).75% 50. C. The first remark before analysing this busbar is that all conductive sheets do not participate directly to the switching cell. 7. J. The aim of these simulations was to compute 4 impedance: the braking circuit switching cell inductance (Vac) and the three inductances «seen» from the IGBT modules of the inverter (V1. J. EEBB (Fig.99% Table 2. the designers may try to insert some slits as in the case of the sheet of section II. 5 depicts the realization of an inverter leg. as illustrated in Table 2. Simulation with slits Simulation without slits L1-3 L2-4 95. feeding a three phases voltage inverter. R. they may modify a little the magnetic field. V3.SOFTWARE>> -9- Busbar Design: How to Spare Nanohenries ? (continued) JM. which corresponds to the equivalent frequency of the IGBTs transitions.6nH 87. the mutual coefficient is low. L32 is obtained when feeding loop V3. Martin (1). In this case. 7. Table 5 shows the impedance matrix of MEBB busbar. 6).45 167.48 33.29 -93. non perfect short circuits to replace capacitors…).62 19. Multilayer busbar for a complete inverter. with an highlight on the modifications proposed by the mechanical staff (Fig. JL. imaginary part in nH (computed at 1MHz).48 26. M. The initial geometry proposed by electrical engineers. J.20 27.15 Real [µΩ] Vac V3 V2 V1 Vac 308.27 88.91 -101.96 -135.35 Imag.71 153. E. 8.71 -105. General and practical knowledge of InCa will be provided to attendees.95 V3 -135. 4 CEDRAT.97 Imag. C. Real part in µΩ. 6.71 99.66 -27.44 18.53 74. Compared to the results of the EEBB busbar.81 V3 -105.CEDRAT . the modifications brought by mechanical engineers have depredated the busbar quality: a degradation between 16% and 40% in all switching loop inductances has been found. .45 -75.17 19.93 168.86 26.45 -26. Fig.Adapted Solutions.74 114.78 27.45 88. Fig.SOFTWARE>> .31 V2 -93. such as the influence of holes and apertures. Fig.com.81 74.86 18.91 19.45 27.75 19.Schanen (1). Experimental setup to test the busbar: L32 Measurement.95 99. multilayer if possible.January 2007 .27 -18.10 34.23 26.05 114.14 35.10 - Busbar Design: How to Spare Nanohenries ? (continued) JM.MAGSOFT Corp . and overlapping as much as possible the return path with the rest of the structure.10 -26.74 V2 -122.44 V3 -19. R. Get trained to InCa in March ! A complete 2 day seminar will be attended March 7-8 2007 in Grenoble.29 134.Aimé (1).20 V2 -26.14 V1 -26. imaginary part in nH (computed at 1MHz) Table 5: Values of impedance matrix from mechanical engineers busbar. Real [µΩ] Vac V3 V2 V1 Vac 264. Complete paper with references can be asked at [email protected] (3).03 V3 -27.59 V1 -18.91 116.Roudet (1).03 87.27 -19.45 -122.Clavel (1).62 V2 -18.1 LEG.[nH] Vac V3 V2 V1 Vac 39.86 27.Guichon (1). 3 MGE UPS SYSTEM.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Some others are not obvious.00 Table 4: Values of impedance matrix from electrical engineers busbar. Some of them are well known: using large sheets.09 V1 -75.75 -18. intuition becomes often useless. 2 Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe (STIE). 3 months free evaluation of InCa will also be provided.[nH] Vac V3 V2 V1 Vac 46.27 26.Le Floch (4) . Conclusion The aim of this paper was to give design rules for the electrical engineer faced to a busbar.93 V1 -101.Arpillière (2). Real part in µΩ. into account the difficulty of measurement (parasitic coupling between the feeding circuit and the busbar.59 27.09 134. N° 53 .48 116.53 122. On the top of the figure: Electrical scheme with the same colours of the busbar copper sheets. and simulation useful… (*) extracts from the paper “busbar design: how to spare nanohenries” published at IAS 2006.Y.31 87. J. operations. and analysts of electric machines and drives.tr Prof. and the development and harmonizing international standards related to electric machines and drives are also included. IEMDC 2007 is intended top be a gathering for users.CEDRAT .Adapted Solutions. It offers an excellent opportunity for the presentation of technical papers to an international forum for sharing new ideas. and optimization techniques for electrical machine drive systems. and drive components including all varieties and sizes of electric machinery. VENUE HOTEL Other Accommodation About Antalya . Moscow hhess@ieee. Istanbul okyay. new materials utilization. and optimization techniques for electrical machine drive systems. Hess University of Idaho. Plenary Speakers Final Paper Submission Important Dates Registration IEMDC 2007 Special Sessions Travel & Accom.11 - A message from the General Chair ! Site Contents Home The review process of about 30 submissions is still in progress. IEMDC 2007 is intended top be a gathering for users.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Okyay Kaynak Bogazici University.MAGSOFT Corp . control and analysis of electrical machines.kaynak@boun. The Industry Application Society and the Power Electronics Society decided in 1998 to be co-sponsors and since then the conference is jointly sponsored by the named four societies of IEEE. N° 53 . . and advances in design. about 40 special session papers and 3 plenaries. and drive systems. analysis. control and analysis of electrical machines.org “ The first International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) was held in 1997. Practical applications. and the development and harmonizing international standards related to electric machines and drives are also included” The final program of IEMDC 2007 is expected to compromise of 370 regular session papers. experience.tr Prof. and drive components including all varieties and sizes of electric machinery.January 2007 . maintenance.SOFTWARE>> . It offers an excellent opportunity for the presentation of technical papers to an international forum for sharing new ideas. and related power electronics and controls. experience.kaynak@boun. jointly sponsored by the IEEE Power Engineering Society and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society in response to the need for an international conference on electric machines and drives. e-mail: okyay. The Industry Application Society and the Power Electronics Society decided in 1998 to be co-sponsors and since then the conference is jointly sponsored by the named four societies of IEEE. and drive systems. and advances in design. Call For Papers Click here for a partial list of accepted papers Chairs & Committee The oral and poster classification will be announced after all reviews have been completed. Welcome! Exhibition Booths The first International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) was held in 1997. new materials utilization. and analysts of electric machines and drives. and related power electronics and controls.edu.edu. designers. operations. designers. analysis. Herbert L. jointly sponsored by the IEEE Power Engineering Society and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society in response to the need for an international conference on electric machines and drives. maintenance. Practical applications. .int/meetings/cop_12/items/3754. Kenya (November 6-17 2006) • About 7. Respond to climate changes.org/2007/html/soc_priv_sec_schneider.php • Nairobi.html Schneider Electric. Research Director at Schneider Electric. UNICEF. N° 53 .000 people including: Governments Intergovernmental organisations (AIEA. International Chamber of Commerce.ca/climate/cop12/enbots/9nov. Magsoft and CEDRAT invited to the 12th United Nations Climate Change Conference. Through the impetus given by Schneider Electric when contracting CEDRAT..12 - CEDRAT and CODDE. EIME methodology stands on two key features: a method to compute environmental impact of products and systems as well as material and electronic components databases. but also to market pressure linked to the increasing costs of energy and raw materials.iisd.fr Schneider Electric. Sébastien CADEAU-BELLIARD.January 2007 . "Beyond a simple marketing approach. C EDRAT and CODDE (COnception Développement Durable Environnement) announced today their partnership to couple EIME. FLUX (for electromagnetic and thermal simulation of devices. World Bank…) Official observatories (European Space Agency.MAGSOFT Corp . at early stages of design". design and optimise electric and electronic devices. Widely used in industry to analyse. that allows to compute environmental contribution of electric and electronic devices. Magsoft and CEDRAT invited to the 12th United Nations Climate Change Conference The conference http://unfccc. including polluting emissions and resources or power consumption when manufacturing. sustainable development is a strategic process for companies allowing them to respond to regulations requirements. "For Schneider Electric.codde. Schneider Electric. power electronics or electrical distribution) now communicate with EIME.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Building this strategy requires to know products and systems impacts. (USA) Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble Ecole des Mines de Paris • Accreditation by the UN Observatory "respond to climate changes": Online proceedings at: http://www. systems and processes) and InCa (to model electrical connections in micro-electronics. the environmental contribution of electrical devices all along their life cycle. Environmental parameters will then be accounted for from design and optimisation of systems. It is also an issue to promote a consistent offer with energy efficiency policies and long-term planning scenarios" states Claude Grelier. CODDE’s software package. More information at www. electronic and mechanical ecodesign. notes that "environmental considerations are accounted for earlier and earlier when designing products. Vincent Mazauric. More than a software package. Cedrat.) giving accreditation to industrial contributors Accredited NGO (Greenpeace…) • Next conference will be in Asia Schneider participation • A communication gathering: Schneider Electric CEDRAT (Meylan) et Magsoft Corp.fr or codde@codde. governmental agencies. Marc Vilcot. to CEDRAT’s FLUX and InCa.. Our goal is to help in getting this piece of information and facilitate the spreading of electric and electronic equipment ecodesign" concludes Linda LESCUYER. CODDE is already worldwide recognized for its expertise in electrical.SOFTWARE>> . Partners for Electric and Electronic Equipments Ecodesign. it is the result of a methodological process aiming to quantify the environmental value to products and solutions we develop.CEDRAT . Director of CODDE. distributing or using these devices. we can now propose to all our customers the possibility to study the environmental impact of simulated devices. About CODDE Initiated by the French electric and electronic industries federation in 2003.Adapted Solutions.rtcc. sales director of CEDRAT.html • Invited communication by the session of the International Chamber of Commerce: "Technology as a Solution to Climate Change" Online report at: http://www. This software link will allow users to evaluate in early stages of design. congratulates Schneider Electric. users and CEDRAT staff to discuss about their applications and needs about software solutions for electrical and mechatronic engineering in Padova.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES .SOFTWARE>> . Pre-conference trainings CEDRAT provided various trainings. The strategy shown in our presentations and demonstration of future product seems to have been clearly understood and largely approved. induction heating and CAD import and electric field computation. The presentations as well as social events (visit of Scrovegni Chapel) made this Conference an informative and enjoyable moment. ith years of fruitful collaboration. either technical or related to software. Half a day dedicated to Theory of induction heating or magnetic materials was followed by 1. Informative & enjoyable conference The international attendance (17 different countries represented) made this event meet worldwide experts in electrical and mechatronic fields. all our competencies to help you developing new products and gaining new markets.13 - 2006 FLUX Users Conference Padova.5 day dedicated to the use of FLUX for various applications: electrical motors.Adapted Solutions. sales director of CEDRAT.MAGSOFT Corp . N° 53 .CEDRAT . This shows also the significant importance of the partnership for CEDRAT and our policy to develop collaboration with our customers: training. 2 006 FLUX Users Conference brought together customers. Italy. represented by Vincent Leconte. Cedrat. Schneider Electric 2006 Industrial Partner. new development or on-the-self product. The support provided during this users conference was a great plus to this event. Their questionnaire returns show their large interest in our software solutions. Italy. linear actuators.January 2007 . Schneider Electric was awarded during this year Users Conference in Padova with the ‘2006 Industrial Partner award’. It rewards the long history of our relations (started with Télémécanique) that saw number of innovations such as the worldwide licence for the whole Schneider Electric group. for the 2006 Industrial Partner Award. . Sébastien CADEAU-BELLIARD. W Marc Vilcot. In our case. Figure 4: Linear actuator axisymetric type Magnetic induction level. This device is made up with a field coil to inject Amp-turns in the magnetic circuit and then to create magnetic field H. To illustrate the behaviour of SMC materials. The best results are obtained with laminations. T he magnetic circuit of the most magnetic actuators like rotating actuators (induction motors. Thanks to that it will be possible to reduce the cost of material (in particular copper.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Generally. On magnetic macroscopic level. For the last two materials .ELEKTRA>> . we find two Soft Magnetic Composite (SMC): Somaloy 500 (0. Fabrice MARION. the magnetic characterization is achieved with the torus method. Cedrat Technologies S.3 % Lube). Carbon Steel and a SMC (X Somaloy 3P). the interest in the SMC material is not linked with the magnetic properties but with the possibility to realize specific shapes for the magnetic circuit. Between these two parts there is the air-gap (Figure 1) Taking into consideration the difference between the relative permeability of the air and the ferromagnetic one . (according to the number of pieces to produce).CEDRAT . we can say that magnetic energy in material can be neglected. magnetic induction). it means that we have to know the relation between the current we put into the coil wounded on the magnetic circuit and the corresponding surface density inside it. . It is necessary to well know the behaviour of ferromagnetic materials which constitute “Iron” part of the circuit. (continued on page 15) N° 53 . In a second step.…) are realized with “copper” and “iron”. We use a ring which is equipped with two windings (field winding to magnetize the circuit and a measurement coil to read the corresponding flux density). Figure 3: Linear actuator axisymetric type. At a magnetic point of view. Moreover. (axisymetric shape is authorised by the SMC technology).A. Magnetic energy is at the origin of the magnetic force which will stand between static and moving part of the actuator. Among them. our results of characterization are in accordance with those indicated on the supplier data sheet (HOGANAS). Numerical computations were realized in 3D environment of FLUX to evaluate the magnetic force and the flux through the coil. Note that for more complex geometric shape. Energy is concentrated in air-gaps of the related magnetic circuit. that at magnetostatic condition. Three materials were considered: laminated FeSi. the data base of CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES is roughly composed of 20 materials. Amp-turns are injected thanks to copper and “iron” leads magnetic field and make energy conversion more efficient. synchronous generators. the expression of the global magnetic force is described by the following equation (1) where B is the magnetic induction in the air-gap. This time. the aim of these two parts is to drive the flux and to increase its surface density.14 - Soft Magnetic Composite (SMC) and design of magnetic actuators. Important differences are noticed (fig. we analyzed the functioning of an axisymetric actuator (fig. Grégory MAGNAC. was not sufficient to compensate the degradation of the magnetic characteristic of the material. Currently. The magnetic circuit has two parts: the static and the moving parts which are realized with ferromagnetic materials.January 2007 . 3 & 4) when physical parameters are not constant Vs time (in particular. Figure 2: Resulting magnetic force considering different kinds of materials. These results were obtained with torus specimen whose geometric shape is simple.MAGSOFT Corp . The characterizations are realised for our customers or for our own applications. This means. computations were realized in 2D environment of FLUX with transient and magneto-harmonic solver. 2) between results we get with laminated FeSi and those we get with SMC. the homogeneity of the magnetic characteristics will be a criterion to take into consideration especially within the manufacturing process of FEDERAL MOGUL. we showed that changing the “E” shape of the structure into an axisymetric shape.Adapted Solutions. magnetostatic computations were realized for different values of field currents. S is the area of the air-gap and µ0 is magnetic permeability of vacuum. Figure 1: Linear actuator « E shape ». we considered a linear magnetic actuator like a contactor. Figure 5: Current induced in field coil.…) or linear actuators (motors for electro-valve or circuit breaker.5% Kenolube) and Somaloy 3P (0.…) or the manufacturing cost. In a first step. Patrick MENEROUD. January 2007 . at an electromagnetic level. To illustrate our study. From there. a stainless steel and two SMC (Somaloy 500 and X Somaloy 3P). we considered an AC current source with a frequency varying from 0 to 400 Hz. regulation. it is necessary to reconsider the design of active parts of associated magnetic circuits in order to cumulate the potential profits on both technical and economical point of view. However. N° 53 .A. Thus. Cedrat Technologies S. To reach the best results. will enable us to take into consideration electrical and magnetic properties of materials and the shape of the 3D geometry. a great advantage is obtained from SMC. Figure 10: Performances of the MICA 40. we get a more efficient use of the matter. The high value of the resistivity limits eddy currents. Patrick MENEROUD.…) We can note that. Indeed. Thanks to that. correct criteria (with their weighting) have to be chosen. Figure 6: Resulting magnetic force. magnetic induction is established faster in the air gap. That can be more efficient to improve the behaviour of magnetic circuit. the great advantage of the SMC is linked with the variable modes (transient or AC steady states). You can see the performances we are used to get on the following figures (8 to 10). .CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Figure 8: CAD assembly of the MICA-40. four materials were considered: A carbon Steel. relative permeability of SMC (like X-Somaloy 3P) reaches a reasonable value. One more time. Acknowledgements: As a conclusion.CEDRAT . the response time for the magnetic induction diffusion in matter is decreasing too. (matter profit for example. Today. This time. Figure 9: MICA 40 (40 N – 3 mm)Force independent of frequency (thanks to SMC).15 - Soft Magnetic Composite (SMC) and design of magnetic actuators. we computed the evolution of the magnetic force versus the frequency of the current source (figure 7). For the design of magnetic actuators. The parametrical study realized in 3D FLUX environment.Adapted Solutions. For continuous mode (magnetostatic mode). powered by a voltage source. is subjected to a voltage step. This will be true if the air-gaps of actuators we have to consider are sizeable. Finally. to introduce isotropic ferromagnetic materials such as the SMC inside magnetic actuators (linear or rotating). The electrical circuit linked to the control of the actuator (electrical source. We analysed the evolution of the field current (figure 5) and the magnetic force applied on the moving part (figure 6) versus time when the device. Grégory MAGNAC. To make this. the interest for the SMC is linked to the fact that they offer the possibility to realize complex geometrical shape.ELEKTRA>> . and the mechanical dynamic of the device will have to be modelled. for Somaloy 500 and X-Somaloy 3P. the results we get show a great advantage for the SMC materials. decreasing and skin depth is increasing. the high value of their resistivity makes the eddy current decreasing. (continued) Fabrice MARION.MAGSOFT Corp . The response time of magnetic induction diffusion in matter is CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES thanks OSEO-ANVAR to have supported the development of the first Moving Iron Controllable Actuator developed in Cedrat Technologies. Figure 7: Magnetic force applied on the moving part versus frequency of AC source.…). we evaluated the impact of the AC steady state. it is possible and necessary to use tools and methods of analysis to consider the whole active parameters linked to the physical phenomena. The same for the corresponding magnetic force. Indeed. it is necessary to take into account all the previous aspects in order to get an optimized design at economic and technologic level. This is what Cedrat Technologies has done to develop its new Moving Iron Controllable Actuator (MICA) with SMC materials (MICA 40 and MICA 200). Then. we get a quasi constant magnetic force versus frequency (from 0 to 400 Hz). ELEKTRA>> SMC (1) . Inc. and high magnetic fields.co. Lisa SCHAERTL & Fred HAAS .16 - seminar met a great success ! Fabrice MARION . They are used in nanotechnology research. fluid control. today announced that C E D R AT Te c h n o l o g i e s w i l l d i s t r i b u t e N e w S c a l e ’s p a t e n t e d piezoelectric SQUIGGLE ® motors in Europe. “CEDRAT has extensive experience with piezoelectric actuators and motors. microelectronics. “Adding to CEDRAT’s extensive line of piezoelectric actuators. the SQUIGGLE motor opens new possibilities for our customers to create smaller instruments and electronic devices.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES .CEDRAT .u w Feb 07. Inc. Inc. showed a great interest in SMC’s technology. Piezoelectric SQUIGGLE® motors for ibutors r t s i d gies New echnolo T T A R ! CED Europe APA in are n L td n d O r li zo n L td a rs fo r C T p ie Pa r a g o e r fo tn r ly a e p v w specti tw o ne UK. newscaletech. was jointly organized by HÖGANÄS (world leader in the production of SMC materials) . From optimized design of magnetic devices (linear and rotating actuators) to the realization of active parts in magnetic circuit. Thomas MAILLARD .com) makes miniature ceramic motors that enable our customers to create smaller products and research tools. New Scale Technologies. the paper showed different aspects relative to the implementation and the use of this kind of materials. Nearly 60 industrial people in the audience.Cedrat Technologies.NewScale Technologies .” said Fred Haas. ranging from the development of software tools to the study. “We are pleased to extend our distribution network in Europe to support the growing demand for our patented ceramic motors. V ictor. a 2-day seminar on SMC’s topic. design and manufacture of systems. (1) SMC (Soft Magnetic Composite) is the recognized name for compacted and heat-treated metal powder components with three-dimensional (3D) magnetic properties. The industrial people from the electrical engineering community.” About New Scale Technologies. (www. and office/consumer products including mobile phone cameras. We will be able to help you in making your applications evolve to this technology. sales & marketing engineer at CEDRAT. Our piezoelectric SQUIGGLE ® motors are smaller. N° 53 . CEDRAT Technologies distributor of patented piezoelectric SQUIGGLE® motors in Europe. aerospace and defense. optics. Prototypes in illustration. medical devices. biotechnology. If you need further information.January 2007 . SQUIGGLE is a registered trademark of NewScale Technologies. with very impressive push force and resolution. Inc. more efficient and more precise than conventional motors.Cedrat Technologies. feel free to contact us. T k the IPO ww. and is well-regarded throughout Europe for its expertise in engineering and technical support.” “The SQUIGGLE ® motor from New Scale is the world’s smallest linear motor. very low (sub-Kelvin) temperatures.ipot. sales manager at New Scale Technologies. With very few parts and no gears. New Scale’s miniature motors are compatible with extreme environments including vacuum. SMC materials are composed of surface-insulated metal powder particles that are compacted to form complex shaped components with isotropic properties.MAGSOFT Corp . ducts re d ro n p a rs s ie to actua countr Balkan d ORLIN Greece. A t the end of 2006. .Adapted Solutions. come in large numbers to this seminar (see photo hereafter). A visit of FEDERAL MOGUL manufacturing plant in OLORON SAINTE-MARIE ended this event. lasers. SQUIGGLE motors are tiny ultrasonic linear motors that enable customers to create smaller products. this patented piezoelectric motor design uses ultrasonic vibrations to create precise linear motion. FEDERAL MOGUL TRANSMISSION EUROPE (leading company in producing net-shape components by Powder Metallurgy). echnologies an iting at T ib T h A x R e CED will be s ie ham in g g lo in Techno in Birm w o h s . NY – New Scale Technologies. and CEDRAT group whose aim is to propose innovative solutions in the electrical and mechatronic fields. The previous article is illustrating CEDRAT’s paper during this event.” said Thomas Maillard. Anaheim.Adapted Solutions. The dates are already fixed up until the end of year 2007. The 6th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industrial Applications. CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES. July 01-05 2007 (Cedrat) POWER TECH. Dortmund. March 27-30 2007 (Keystone) Applied Physics Exhibition. September 13-15 2007 (Cedrat) ISEF.Unifying Europe.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . Japan. Dusserldorf. Limited number of seats. Virginia (VA). Canada. Switzerland. Canada. (International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields). June 3-7 2007 (Delta Photonics) Photonics North. Rytro k. Vienna. Germany. USA. USA. June 20-22 2007 (Cedrat) COMPUMAG 2007. Poland. Cardiff. or from our web site http://www.CEDRAT . Email: [email protected]. June 17-20 2007 (Delta Photonics) Canadian Association of Physicists conference. Electrotechnique du Futur. Magsoft Corp. September 06-07 2007 (Cedrat) EF 2007. Wales. Japan. France. and partners will take part in the above exibitions. International conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields. get trained to “Thermal Analysis of Electrical Machines”. Cardiff University.17 Having troubles with electrical motor heating ? Need to optimise your machines including the critical thermal considerations ? Discover how much a simple thermal analysis can improve your designs of electrical machines! For applications where thermal analysis is critical such as servos.cedrat. Czech republik. March 19-21 2007 (SI Scintific Instruments) Physics Conference. Complete knowledge (theoretical. Speed Lab) CWIEME 2007. Germany. NEC Birmingham. Lille. Glasgow. September 16-19 2007 (Cedrat) LDIA. May 22-24 2007 (Maccon.January 2007 . China.com. May 3-5 2007 (Cedrat) IEMDC. Nürnberg. Antalya. September 18-20 2007 (Cedrat) BINDT. March 26-30 2007 (SI Scintific Instruments) Physics Conference. UK. Material Testing 2007. April 25-27 2007 (Keystone) Laser Expo'07. March 28-30 2007 (Indielec) ICREPQ. Berlin. May 21-24 2007 (Applied Magnetics. A full list of training programs can be obtained from our training department at CEDRAT.MAGSOFT Corp . Ottawa. Spain. Germany. Spain. Cedrat) CIRED (19TH international conference & exhibition on electricity distribution). Germany. Cedrat. Lausanne. Austria. United Kingdom. United Kingdom. June 20-22 2007 (Cedrat) HES. May 23-25 2007 (Termagsoft) XVI Seminarium Techniczne BOBRME KOMEL. Germany. June 26-28 2007 (Indielec) Power Grid 2007. Sessions will be attended 25-27 April 2007 at CEDRAT's headquarters in Grenoble. rules of thumbs) will be provided by the internationally renowned expert Dr Staton from Motor Design Ltd. Aalborg.com. June 19-21 2007 (Cedrat) 12th Inter Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation. Nowego Sacza. Aachen. Training courses May 20-23 2007 (Magsoft) IEEE/ESTS. Scientific Instruments) Laser Show. aerospace. . February 25. Easy Fairs Drive Technology.AGENDA AGENDA . Apply now at training@cedrat. Aoyama Gakuin Uni Sagamihara Campus. Scientific Instruments) Laser Show. 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. Shangai. February 14-16 2007 Active materials and actuators June 13-15 2007 December 5-7 2007 PSCAD Introductory course March 7-8 2007 InCa introductory course June 19-21 2007 Magnetic linear actuators March 14-16 2007 November 20-22 2007 FLUX (2D) introductory course September 19-20 2007 FLUX and the command language PyFlux March 14-16 2007 November 20-22 2007 FLUX (3D) introductory course October 23-25 2007 FLUX (2D) & rotating machines March 28-30 2007 CIVAnde introductory course October 29-31 2007 FLUX (3D) and NDT April 25-27 2007 Thermal analysis of motors and generators November 13-15 2007 Study of induction machines May 3-4 2007 FLUX (2D) advanced course November 21-23 2007 Rotating electric machines June 5-7 2007 Magnetism for electrical engineering December 6-7 2007 FLUX (3D) advanced course June 12-15 2007 FLUX (3D) & rotating machines December 17-19 2007 Technologies of linear actuators May 22-24 2007 (Maccon) PCIM Europe 2007. CA. allowing you to prepare your training course calendar. practical. CEDRAT. Prague. June 18-21 2007 (S. Germany. Toulouse. September 02-05 2007 (Cedrat) EPE 2007. Germany. Denmark. Machine Vision and Displays Technology. 7th edition of the European anchor conference of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. Arlington. France. Padova. Munich. March 1st 2007 (Magsoft) APEC 2007. Germany. Dates to remember February 14-15 2007 (Cedrat Technologies) IPOT 2007. T&D. Turkey. June 18-21 2007 (S. March 20-22 2007 (A&P Instruments) Laser China. Sevilla. United Kingdom.com. February 14-15 2007 (Maccon) ANTRIEBSTECHNIK. Italy. Madrid. Pacifico Yokohama. Saskatchewan. Munich. N° 53 . Motor Design Ltd. Two months loan of Motor-CAD software package (dedicated to thermal study of electrical machines) will be offered to all attendees at the end of the seminar. automotive applications and many others. Regensburg.I. Heating by Electromagnetic Sources. cegely.co.lut.ekc.fi France: CEA (CIVAnde Software).gla. Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais.deltaphotonics.. CAE Sweden: R.Geumcheon-Gu Seoul Korea 153-789 Switzerland: Applied Magnetics.de Phone: +55 11 4341-7644 [email protected] http://www. 20A.January 2007 . yves. 28027 Madrid SPAIN Phone: +34 91 377 5006 [email protected] Fax: +385 51 675818 Germany . Distribution of Piezo Products Rua Martin Luther King Jr. Pianello (PC).maccon. Belgium. 84.jp Fax: +81 47 175 5669 http://www. Italy.com Grande Rue. CAE http://www. Kam Hon Industrial Building 8 Wang Kwun Road. N° 53 .BRAZIL S/C Ltda.35. klesen@mecatronix. Fax: +39 0 523 73 33 64 http://www. CAE Canada: Delta Photonics Inc. secretary@supertech. CAE Fax: +49 89 65 52 17 http://www. 313 Splaiul Independentei .speedlab. Bldg B. 4031 Angleur. of Electrical Engineering. Ho Ping East Road.it.co.e. Japan: Small Motors Laboratory. (Software). World-wide representation: Benelux: Micromega Dynamics SA.ensieg.fr France: ENSIEG .es Fax: +34 961 309 167 http://www. Taiwan ROC. Slovenia Phone: +386 4 2356710 info@boberinzeniring-bb. . Biztech Centre.it Poland: Project Uslugi Informatyczne. Gasan-Dong [email protected]. 2F-5.com USA . (Mechatronix Systems). Piezo Italy: Spin Applicazioni Magnetiche S.jp 1 Eaton Court.de Fax: +49 8105 5577 http://www. Phone: +1 (949) 770-9911 [email protected]: China: A&P Instrument Co. Ltd.boberinzeniring-bb.co.K. CAE Taiwan: Superex Technology Corp.com Fax: +82-2-2264-0469 http://www. Piezo Headquarter: Unit 1.2. Korea: Jaewoo Technology Co. Switzerland. Our shared values: “We hereby undertake to Respect others: our Customers.termagsoft. creativity and responsibility Base our activities on trust.nl/epe/ (Motors). Phone: +82 2 6670 4100 cae@jaewoo. http://www. Our vision: “Our group will be an international leader and a technological reference”.inpg.net Phone: +1 518 884 05 05 info@magsoft-flux. Phone: +82-2-2276-1013 Email: [email protected]. Japan. 64. http://www.uk Software).anpico. Shropshire. 1/F.2845. CH .com.de Annaberger Straße 240.anpico. 100-849.edu http://www.CEDRAT .pl Phone: +886 2 2505 05 25 info@sciformosa.fi http://www.maxsoft-india. 92630 LAKE FOREST. Fax: +886 2 2503 16 80 http://www.com Germany: Mecatronix GmbH (Mechatronic systems). 517.com Phone : +65 747 4460 CAE Fax : +65 747 6460 Kurosawa Building.E.Suite 311. Piezo 22 Bramblegrove Cres.Sec. Ltd.com Fax: +34 91 407 3624 http://www.motor-design.it Heiwa Plaza # 305 8-12 Toyooka . Phone: +385 51 651435 livio. Germany. Ottawa.ro Phone/Fax: +40 21 319 79 69 http://amotion. München.1110 Morges. FL-9492.clark@sheffield.com.com http://www.indielec.it http://www. D-82205 Gilching. Monza (MI). Ellesmere.hinet.ele. 230. Lahore-Pakistan Phone: +92 42 583 2403 Fax: +92 42 583 2467 [email protected] Grande Rue.com Fax: +1 613 321 7210 http://www.Ballston Spa.fr France: Imagine (Fluid Power).uk http://www.com Germany: Maccon GmbH. 29010.com Indonesia & Singapore: Peacock Technology Pte Ltd. Italy.edu USA: The Mathworks Inc.cn Hong-Kong: A&P Instrument Co. 1-go Maja 19. Phone: +81 45 586 0800 e.com. CAE Taiwan: Scientific Formosa Inc. delegation and training Meet our commercial. 277-0042 Japan.softwave.tw Partners: Fax: +1 (949) 770-2492 448. Grossfeld 39. http://www. Kowloon Bay.com Phone: +86 21 5080 7400 Mobile: +86 13801856618 Email: info@softwave. #04-01.ch Phone: +91-80-25430676 info@maxsoft-india. Ltd.. Phone: +49 8105 77940 info@SI-GmbH. CAE Via Rota 37. Phone: +34 961 303 462 [email protected] Phone: +65 6565 1221 Fax: +65 6563 1221 sales@laser-21. CAE USA: US EUROTEK Inc. prismeca@prismeca. CAE Phone: +49 89 65 12 20 0 anders@maccon. Fax: +1 419 831 92 55 http://www.com Pakistan: Technotrade. Joong-Gu.560043 INDIA.net/ Piezo: Phone: +41 21 803 58 68 [email protected]@riteh. Poland: TermagSoft. alain.maglink.rpi. CAE .com.Austria: SI Scientific Instruments.se http://www. 2nd Floor.Bangalore . Piezo Parc Scientifique du Sart Tilman.tue.pl Beijing branch Shanghai branch Tel: +86 21 33013686 Fax: +86 21 5393 6972 anpsh@anpico. Piezo al. Politehnica of Bucarest.Canada: Magsoft Corp. nº180 .ca info@inovarsl. Piezo 7-A Bank Square Market. Phone: +39 0 523 99 74 90 info@spinmag. Distribution of CAE software for Electrical Engineering . 67. “To propose innovative solutions in the electrical and mechatronic fields. Colleagues and Partners Communicate with transparency Promote competence. 84.hvdc. 354 Fu-Hsing North Rd . CAE UK: Motor Design Ltd.fr http://www. Phone: +81 47 175 8810 key@keystone-intl. Taiwan ROC.977 Fax: +39.ensieg.com 2F.com Ace TechnoTower 10th Bldg #1205.nl http://laboratorio.tw Canada: Manitoba HVDC Research Centre (Power System Simulator)[email protected][email protected] UK: Speed Laboratory (Speed t. D-81543.hu Italy: Laboratorio Elettrofisico (Magnetizing Technics).sciformosa. Tetchill.laser-21. CAE Fax: +386 4 2356710 http://www.com http://www.fr http://www.com Piezo Romania: Univ. CAE Via Leonardo da Vinci 17.com.com [email protected]. Phone: +423 232 8555 [email protected]@elec.pub.L.kth. Piezo Fax: +41 21 803 58 78 http://www.elektro. NY 12020 Tel: +86 10 6207 4835 Fax: +86 10 6207 7434 anpbj@anpico. http://www.elettrofisico.jaewoo. Phone: +852 2755 6578 Fax: +852 2755 4549 [email protected]. Phone: +48 42 658 14 00 [email protected]. [email protected] India: Maxsoft.Our reason for existence: ABOUT CEDRAT ABOUT CEDRAT Corporate charter.nicolas@eea. Korea.com Croatia-Bosnia: Faculty of Engineering.bme.Dept. Spain.de http://www.lasing. Piezo Romerstr.SP 09890-060 .spinmag1.com (Induction Heating).060042 Bucarest.com Fax: +48 22 826 98 15 [email protected] Spain: Lasing SA. Piezo Fax: +1 518 884 86 88 http://www. Liechtenstein. Phone: +32 4 365 23 63 Fax: +32 4 365 23 46 Nloix@micromega-dynamics. Piezo ul.imphyalloys.com 627A Alljunied Road. Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology (Motors). HBR Layout.AMERIca: Brazil: Electromagnetics Tecnologia e Informática CAE: .com France: ISEN (ATILA Software).com http://www. Fax: +48 42 658 14 00 http://www. Germany. USA Germany: Adapted Solutions. 4000 Kranj. Phone: +48 22 619 42 21 Fax: +48 22 619 98 15 biuro-project@pcproject. .T.ee.prismeca. 20052.elettrofisico.51000 Rijeka . 489 Songtao Road Pudong Shanghai 201203 China Phone: +39.magsoft-flux. [email protected] http://www.pub.br/ 22061 Newbridge Dr.hu http://supertech.maglink.com China: SoftWave Ltd.co.com (Software). CA. Seoul. civa@cea. Yokohama-shi.arcelor. http://www. 10 Bukit Batok Crescent #13-05 The Spire Singapore 658079 20 Prospect St. Sam-Poong B/D.si Pont Sec 5.com Italy: Inova Srl. Service Road (Ring Road) IV Block.adapted-solutions.br Singapore: Laser 21 Pte Ltd. 03-455 W-Warszana. ranging from the development of software tools to the study. 106 Taipei. technological and financial commitments Guarantee the quality of our products and methods Accumulate know-how Share the fruit of our work equitably With an objective of controlled growth guaranteeing the sustainability of the Group”[email protected] Spain: Indielec.com Kuehbachstrasse 9. Poland.leg. Ltd.039.fr France: CEGELY (PHI3D Software).kth.CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES . SY129DA. design and manufacture of systems”.uk/eee/ USA: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [email protected]/~epm/ Zasavska c.vgt.lomonova@tue. CH .innotics. TechnologieCentrumChemnitz (TCC).keystone-intl.uk http://www. Switzerland. Poligono Industrial Moncada II 46116 MONCADA (Valencia).MAGSOFT Corp . Model Town.com Phone: +886-2-2701-6281 Fax: +886-2-2705-6411 Email : [email protected]. Haus A. jean-claude.net/ Switzerland: Diwag AG.it Head Office: #1016.com http://www.com www.Croatia.cea.html UK: Elektro Magnetix Ltd. Vukovarska 58 .de Italy: Optoprim Srl. Phone: +40 21 402 92 93 firetean@amotion. Namyslowska 19 m.sala 16 Jardim Gagliardi São Bernardo do Campo . Piezo Marques Pico Velasco.fr http://www-civa.pl 11th Fl.Adapted Solutions. CAE Faculty of Engineering Rijeka .mathworks.fr France: Magnetic Alloys (Magnetic materials).inpg. Piezo info. CAE Fax: +41 21 803 58 78 http://www. r.amesim.fr http://www.tekno-trade. EPM_NM Laboratory.I.269 [email protected]. CAE Phone: +41 21 803 58 68 magnetics@bluewin. ON K1T 3G3 Phone: +1 613 321 7211 dwhite@deltaphotonics. Piezo Phone: +44-(0)1691-623305 info@motor-design. Romania. CAE Korea: Innotics Inc.europa: Austria: Applied Magnetics.ec-lyon.com Japan: Keystone International Co. CAE Electrical Engineering Department.ec-lyon. 09125 Chemnitz Phone: + 49 371 / 53 47 670 Fax: +49 371 / 53 47 672 [email protected] Fax: +91-80-25430686 http://www.1110 Morges. ( FLUX Software). 90-739 Lodz.039.co. Poland.com http://micromega-dynamics. 3F 13-27 Sakasai Kashiwa Chiba.Singapore 389842. 310-68 Eul-Gi-4Ga.se/eme/eme_eng. ESCHEN. (KTH) Fax: +81 45 586 0792 Fax: +82 2 6670 4103 http://www.electromagnetics.inovasrl. info@laboratorio. U. Fax: +55 11 4390-0232 http://www.Hong Kong.. Piezo Slovenia: Bober Inzeniring.G.de Hungary: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Superconductivity).ca Finland: LUT (Motors).uk UK: University of Sheffield (Linear Actuators).cn Fax: +86 21 5080 2326 http://www.com France: Prismeca (Induction Heating).optoprim.ac.lut.
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