FLO 2D Model Revisions v2009



1Revisions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes to the FLO-2D Model and Processor Programs Since October 1, 2009 Updated 9/27/13 (Most recent revisions are displayed in blue below.) Model revisions starting in J une 2011 are tagged with a build number in the format: VV-YR.MM.BB where: -VV is a two digit number indicating the version number (e.g. 09 for 2009) -YR is a two digit number of the year that major revisions were implemented (e.g. 12 for 2012); -MM is a two digit number of the month that major revisions were implemented (e.g. 06 for June); -BB is a two digit number that identifies the executable build. A change in the build number represents a significant bug fix or model revision. Build numbers are not changed for typos, minor revisions or enhancements. For example, 09-11.07.05 indicates that the 5 th build or compiled revised executable of Version 2009 in J uly, 2011 FLO-2D Model Version 2009.06 Revisions and bug fixes in the FLO.EXE program include (most recent at the bottom): 1. Revised the license code for the registry file (10/9/09). 2. Edited dam and levee breach routine for the pipe breach roof collapse, channel slump collapse and the sediment transport equation (10/9/09). 3. Edited a metric format statement to include more digits for levee overtopping discharge (10/25/09). 4. Revised the levee overtopping discharge broad crested weir coefficient to 1.44 for the metric option (10/25/09). 5. Fixed the format for a plot variable format (11/5/09). 6. Fixed the graphical display of the interior channel elements at runtime for channels with more than one segment (11/14/09). 7. Edited two format statements for larger integer grid numbers (11/14/09). 8. The initialization of some sediment transport metric parameters for MPM-Smart was not complete (11/14/09). 9. Revised the reservoir water surface elevation assignment for values less than sea level (11/15/09). 10. Fixed the index for the interior channel element arrays for the animation output file (11/15/09). 11. RAIN.EXE may be missing from the C:\Program Files\FLO-2D folder. If it is download the RAIN.EXE from the update page and replace it (11/18/09). 12. The reformatting of the channel data for writing to the HYCHAN.DAT in metric did not have sufficient digits for the bed shear stress (12/1/09). 13. A variable initialization error was identified and fixed for the channel when bank elevations are assigned in CHAN.DAT but are not necessary (12/5/09). 2 14. More variable initialization errors. These errors are the result of switching from Lahey to Intel Fortran for Version 2009 to support multiple processor programming. Intel does not automatically assign a zero to non-initialized variables like LaheyFortran. These errors were encountered when writing the output files. One error was related to channel and mudflow. The other error was writing the DEPTHDUR variable to the output file (12/13/09). 15. Fixed volume conservation errors for rain on channel outflow nodes and rain on streets in metric. Improved plot of channel flow depth at runtime. Fixed the check box for the volume conservation reporting in the summary dialog box at the end of the simulation. More variable initialization errors were fixed in the output data reporting (12/22/09). 16. A variable DSECINCREASE was not set to zero (1/13/10). 17. For flow upstream in a channel an adjustment to the routing scheme was implemented to increase the velocity. The coefficient for diffusive wave velocity was revised when the momentum term shifted direction. (2/2/10). 18. The graphics display at runtime was fixed so that the interior channel elements display the channel flow depth (2/2/10). 19. For channel routing, edited the channel read subroutine to stop when the end of the channel is reach for displaying the interior channel elements (2/15/10). 20. Corrected the RGRIDTOT =0 variable initialization for metric. This was already done for English units (5/8/10). 21. Fixed a bug for metric mudflow with a channel. The stability criteria was being by- passed for low flows based on 1.0 m instead of 1.0 ft in metric (6/5/10). This fix was released in BUILD No. 09-10.06.01. The build number is listed at the end of the SUMMARY.OUT file and is being for the first time with this bug fix. 22. The numerical solution of the momentum equation was expanded for the sign convention of convective acceleration term for upstream channel flow in the case of tidal conditions (7/14/10). BUILD No. 09-10.07.01. 23. The Courant number stability criteria which was previously hardwired and set to 1.0 was redesigned to be an optional user variable as line 2 in TOLER.DAT. The default value is now 0.6 and the user can assign a value in the suggested range of 0.3 to 1.0 (7/14/10). BUILD No. 09-10.07.01 24. Binary files of the output data are now generated for the last completed output interval (multiple of TOUT in CONT.DAT). This means that the model can be restarted with the last completed output interval for every simulation regardless of what cause the model to stop (i.e. successful completion of the model, inadvertent computer termination, or user interrupted event) (7/14/10). BUILD No. 25. The HYCROSS.OUT had incorrect times listed when streets were included in the some but not all of the prescribed floodplain cross sections (7/14/10). BUILD No. 26. The infiltration porosity parameter POROS has been adjusted to accommodate the Flood Control District of Maricopa County drainage manuals that specifies that the soil moisture deficiency parameter DTHETA represent the volumetric soil moisture deficit which includes the porosity. If POROS is assigned 0.0, then DTHETA includes the porosity and the DTHETA ranges from 0.0 to 0.5. If DTHETA represents only the soil 3 moisture deficit, set a reasonable soil porosity in the range from 0.35 to 0.45 (11/15/10). BUILD No. 09-10.11.02. 27. The floodplain limiting Froude number is now spatially variable and is assigned in an optional data file FPFROUDE.DAT. The values in this file will supersede the global assignment of the limiting Froude number FROUDL in CONT.DAT. The format of the file is simply: F(line character) Grid element number limiting Froude number. These values can be graphically assigned in the GDS (11/15/10). BUILD No. 09- 10.11.02 28. Fixed the binary file status (open) for the hydraulic structure data when continuing a previous simulation (11/20/10). BUILD No.09-10.11.02. 29. Expanded the hydraulic structure routine to allow multiple culverts to discharge to one culvert (11/20/10). BUILD No.09-10.11.02. 30. Corrected code for channel mudflow with hydraulic structures. This coded error was due to an improper placement of an ENDIF statement that resulted in a fatal Fortran error that would not allow the model to run (12/21/10). BUILD No.09-10.12.02. 31. There was a metric conversion error for a Breach output parameter that would cause a fatal error (1/24/11). BUILD No.09-11.01.03. 32. Improved the depression storage initial routing for rainfall by decrementing the timestep for negative flow depths instead of redistributing the flow. This was important for ARF reduced grid elements (1/28/11). BUILD No.09-11.01.03. 33. Fixed an array index for reading multiple inflow sediment supply size fraction groups (1/28/11). BUILD No. 09-11.01.03. 34. Added code to identify and eliminate negative grid element storage when very small rainfall begins to accumulate and runoff. This may occur when the flow depth first starts to exceed the TOL value using large timesteps on grid elements with ARF reduced area. The volume conservation error was minor (almost negligible), but the error was eliminated with this revision (1/30/11). BUILD No.09-11.01.03. 35. There was a bug that was introduced for writing channel hydraulic structure discharge to the temporary file in the latest build. This did not affect any of the model computations, only the writing of the structure discharge to the HYDROSTRUCT.OUT file. The discharge was reset to zero before the final results were written to file (2/3/11). Build No.09-11.02.03. 36. Writing the channel Froude number to the HYCHAN.OUT file was corrupted by failure to initialize the variable prior to writing to file (2/7/11). Build No.09-11.02.03. 37. In the channel variable regression relationships for computing the channel top width above the assigned exceedance value, two errors were corrected. These errors were essentially reporting errors that did not affect the actual flood routing because the top width is only used to assign the right bank element (2/15/11). Build No.09-11.02.03. 38. The run time of the model in SUMMARY.OUT was not being reported correctly. The runtime was computed based on the CPU runtime. This was appropriate before parallel processors were introduced. The runtime computation was revised to be based on the 4 actual start and end of the computation sequence in the model (2/21/11). Build No.09- 11.02.03 . 39. The floodway routine was improved for flow exchange between the floodway and floodway fringe modifying the assignment for the floodway element as they filled with water (2/26/11). Build No.09-11.02.03. 40. The Karim Kennedy equation had a metric conversion error for the sediment D50 size (3/9/11). Build No.09-11.03.03. 41. The RAINCELL spatially variable rainfall assignment was re-initialized to enable the grid element data to appear in random order in the RAINCELL.DAT file (4/6/11). Build No. 09-11.04.04. 42. The TIMETOPEAK output file was triggered by the BREACH time and if there was no dam or levee breach simulation, the time was reported incorrectly (5/3/11). Build No. 09-11.05.04. 43. Expanded the cross section write format in the BASE.OUT file for larger discharges (5/4/11). Build No. 09-11.05.04. 44. Levee overtopping submergence criteria (tailwater =0.85 headwater) was changed from floodplain flow depths above the grid element elevations to flow depths above a reference elevation that is equal to highest grid element elevation on each side of the levee (5/20/11). Build No. 09-11.05.04. 45. Two sediment transport equations were revised: 1) For Toffaleti, a check was installed for coefficient nonzero condition; 2) A Karim-Kennedy parameter for metric conversion was corrected (5/20/11). Build No. 09-11.05.04. 46. The error message criteria for the minimum ARF value of 5% was revised to correctly check the channel bank elements (6/23/11). Build No. 09-11.07.04. 47. A change was made to the infiltration volume computation for impervious areas. For a specific grid element when the RTIMP impervious percentage is greater than 0. and a ARF value representing building loss of storage is also nonzero, the building ARF is not included in the surface area computation for the infiltration loss. This assumes that the RTIMP impervious percentage of surface area on the grid element includes the building surface area. This is the interpretation used by the Flood Control District of Maricopa County. Previously it was assumed that RTIMP represented only the impervious surface area not covered by the building which is a conservative assumption (7/7/11). Build No. 09-11.07.05. 48. The Build No. is now written to the CONT.DAT file, SUMMARY.OUT file and BASE.OUT file. It is also displayed on the screen graphics in the copyright dialog box at runtime. The Version 2009.06 was added prior to the build number (7/22/11). Build No. 09-11.07.05 49. A warning message was created to identify channel right bank elements that may have been extended to far from the left bank (7/22/11). Build No. 09-11.07.05. 50. Spatially variable rainfall on the channel was initiated using the depth-area reduction values in RAIN.DAT (RAINARF parameters) or NEXRAD data using the 5 RAINCELL.DAT file. Previous to this build, only uniform rainfall on the channel was available (7/23/11). Build No. 09-11.07.06. 51. The sediment transport was being double reported with each output interval with one line all zeros in SEDTRAN.OUT when both channel and floodplainsediment transport was being computed (8/10/11). Build No. 09-11.08.06. 52. For spatially variable rainfall using the RAINCELL.DAT file, writing the total uniform rainfall depth to the SUMMARY.OUT file has no meaning and was taken out of the file (8/19/11). Build No. 09-11.08.06. 53. For impervious grid elements or grid elements without surface area storage, the reported infiltration depth in FPINFILTRATION.OUT was turned off. See revision 47 above (8/19/11). Build No. 09-11.08.06. 54. For levee or embankment overtopping using the levee component, a bug fix and enhancements were made to the submergence criteria for flow when the water surfaces on each side of the levee are higher than the levee or embankment crest. Specifically, the water surface slope was based on a variable that was not initialized and that sometimes assumed an incorrect path length making the slope too flat. In addition, the submergence criteria was further revised to make sure that a correct reference elevation was used to compare the tailwater depth to the headwater depth. Submergence is assumed to occur when the ratio of tailwater to headwater depth is 0.85 when one water surface is higher than the levee crest (8/31/11). Build No. 09-11.08.07. 55. For flow overtopping the levee or embankment when the water surface on both sides of the levee exceeds the levee crest was not reported as levee overtopping flow in the LEVOVERTOP.OUT file. This flow is computed as floodplain flow and was purposely not reported in this file. The model was revised to include this discharge in this file (9/19/11). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 56. Hydraulic structures arrays were reinitialized in the culvert routine to eliminate the potential of zero array assignment (9/20/11). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 57. A modification was required for changes in RTIMP and ARF values associated with revision #47 to address when no ARF values were assigned. Array initialization in this case caused the model to terminate with a fatal Fortran error on some computers (9/28/11). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 58. A error reading the hydraulic structure replacement rating curve was fixed. The line 'R' was not read at all when following a 'C' line. This was because the 'R' was not counted as a separate character line (9/30/11). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 59. SCS curve number method was inadvertently by-passed in the revision #47 and this resulted in the no infiltration being computed at all for the CN method (10/8/11). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 60. Enhancement to the levee breach routine was coded. For prescribed breaches using assigned rates of vertical and horizontal failure, it is now possible to globally locate failure breach as a function of water surface elevations by assigning the levee breach element LFAILGRID in Line 'F' of LEVEE.DAT as a negative number (e.g. -9999). The breach failure would then initiate wherever the water surface exceeds the prescribed levee breach level FAILEVEL in line 'W' of LEVEE.DAT. If FAILEVEL is a negative value 6 (e.g. -2.1 ft or m), then the breach failure would initiate when the water surface exceeds the levee crest elevation plus the FAILEVEL (given that FAILEVEL is negative). If the levee crest elevation is 5554.1 and FAILEVEL is -1.1, then the levee breach would initiate when the water surface exceeds 5553.0 (10/24/11). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 61. Sorting and listing the maximum n-values in ROUGH.OUT file was edited to include only the n-values that were modified during the simulation. Previously the sorted maximum n-values in the right hand columns included all the original n-values that were not modified (10/24/31). Build No. 09-11.09.07. 62. The stage discharge relationship for a channel outflow node created a volume conservation accounting error when the a backwater condition prevail forcing flow upstream (12/10/11). Build No. 09-11-09.07. 63. The floodplain cross section discharge when the channel flow upstream of an outflow node was included in the cross section was not being reported to the cross section correctly. This was a reporting error not a computational error (1/3/12). Build No. 09- 11-09.07. 64. Implemented submergence criteria for a channel weir. Set INOUTCONT =2 in HYSTRUC.DAT for line S. At a ratio of tailwater depth to headwater depth =0.85, the weir is assumed to be submerged and the discharge will be computed using the channel routing algorithm instead of the rating curve or table (2/29/12). Build No. 09-12-02.08. 65. An adjustment was made to the previous modification for the channel weir submergence criteria. Removed the comparison of the weir discharge and channel discharge when the submergence criteria was exceeded, leaving only the channel discharge (3/15/12). Build No. 09-12-02.08. 66. A further modification was made for impervious areas RTIMP for the Green Ampt infiltration calculation when the area reduction factor was also assigned to a grid element. See also revision 56 above (4/4/12). Build No. 09-12-02.08. 67. Format changes were made to a number of output files to enable large dam breach discharges (>10,000,000 cfs) to be reported (4/5/12). Build No. 09-12-02.08. 68. Format changes to real time rainfall to report total rainfall greater than 100 mm in SUMMARY.OUT (6/14/12). Build No. 09-12-06-09. 69. Revised Time-Stage algorithm for the channel outflow node assignments to improve volume conservation. Implemented automatic assignment of both channel bank elements as outflow nodes (6/14/12). Build No. 09-12-06-09. 70. Implemented an expansion algorithm to distribute the levee breach flow uniformly to grid elements that would encompass the expanded breach for a prescribed breach failure. This is similar to the breach erosion routine only for the specified vertical and horizontal breach expansion (6/14/12). Build No. 09-12-06-09. 71. The prescribed dam and levee breach failure assignment of the initial breach FAILWIDTH is now hardwired to 1 ft (0.3 m) and the original variable FAILWIDTH in line W of the LEVEE.DAT file now represents a maximum breach failure (FWIDTHMAX). If the user assigns 1,200 ft for the maximum levee breach for FAILWIDTH in Line W, the horizontal breach rate of expansion (e.g. 50 ft/hr) will not 7 result in breach width greater than 1,200 ft. All the grid element flow directions that would be encompassed by a 1,200 ft failure would have a uniform discharge based on the breach discharge/number of grid element sides that are included in the 1,200 ft failure as noted in revision 70 above (6/14/12). Build No. 09-12.06.09. 72. Fixed an error in the metric computation of the sediment fall velocity for channel scour (6/14/12). Build No. 09-12.06.09. 73. Removed a channel extension warning message that was inappropriate (6/22/12). Build No. 09-12.06.09. 74. Added new license file. Build No. 09-12.08.10. 75. The channel cross section flow depth computation for bankfull discharge was edited from a "less than" to a "less than or equal to" to avoid a potential error when the flow depth exactly matched the bankfull condition (10/26/12). Build No. 09-12.10.11. 76. Corrected a breach geometry parameter metric conversion. This was a fatal error that would stop the breach erosion from occurring (10/26/12). Build No. 09-12.10.11. 77. Eliminated extra variable in the Call to the SHIELD subroutine in three locations. Several other minor code changes were made to clean up unused variables (10/29/12). Build No. 09-12.10.11. 78. The outflow node array allocations code was relocated to accommodate multiple outflow hydrograph conversion to inflow hydrographs. A deallocation statement was mislocated as a result. This is a fatal error that would terminate the model if no outflow nodes were assigned (10/29/12). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 79. The levee overtopping component was expanded to included DOT submergence criteria that eliminate numerical surging as the headwater to tailwater equilibrium was approached (1/21/13). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 80. The hydraulic structure component was expanded to include a better transition from downstream to upstream flow for rating tables that was based on the headwater to tailwater difference (1/21/13). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 81. The volume of the discharge hydrograph in HYCROSS.OUT was not being reported for metric units (1/30/13). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 82. For the case where the channel can fit inside one grid element, a revision was made to allow floodplain flow exchange across the diagonal when a levee is assigned to the channel element in the center of three channel elements forming a 'L' (3/16/13). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 83. For a project with hydraulic structures with tailwater control and multiple channels (rill and gully flow), a typo was corrected to recognize the structure inlet flow depth (3/16/13). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 84. A reporting error in HYCHAN.OUT of the channel discharge and velocity was corrected (3/20/13). Build No. 09-13.01.12. 85. Revisions were made to the hydraulic structure routine to further eliminate potential surging when the structure rating curve or table does not match the upstream discharge. Numerical surging can occur when the rating table discharge exceeds the upstream discharge. In the physical system this is possible for a concrete box culvert or bridge 8 with an apron if the flow accelerates through the structure, but numerically it occurs when the rating curve or table is based on underestimated structure roughness or entrance conditions. The model will now automatically revise the rating table discharge as the headwater and tailwater surfaces equilibrate if the INOUTCONT parameter is set to 1. This is a revision as to how this parameter is used. Previously it was used for rating tables that were based on the difference between the headwater and tailwater (5/2/13). Build No. 09-13.05.02. 86. Modification to the hydraulic structure headwater flow depth computation were made for adverse bed slope, for velocity head to the structure, and for floodplain structure headwater to tailwater relationships. These revisions were made to reduce or eliminate the potential for numerical surging through the model when the discharge through the structure based on the rating table exceeds the upstream inflow to the structure. These revisions may result in a difference in the maximum flow depths, velocities and discharges when compared to previous models when numerical surging may have occurred (5/2/13). Build No. 09-13.05.02. 87. The HYDROSTUCT.OUT file was revised to report the average discharge over the output interval instead of the instantaneous discharge at the output interval. This was done to be consistent with the rest of the model reporting (5/2/13). Build No. 09- 13.05.02. 88. A hydraulic structure variable was assigned the incorrect array size (9/27/13). Build No. 09-13.05.02. Revisions and bug fixes in the Processor Programs include (most recent at the bottom): 1. MAXPLOT – The Version 2007 executable should be replaced with the 2009 in the FLO-2D folder. The Version 2007 executable was accidentally installed in the model subdirectory. (10/25/2009). 2. GDS – Removed the C:\TEMP\FLO-2D folder address. This is no longer needed (11/6/09). 3. MAPPER – Rename the Mapper_2009.CHM to Manual_Mapper_2009.CHM so the Mapper program can read the help files (11\6\09). 4. FLOENVIR – Fixed the graphical display of the interior channel elements for more than one channel segment (11/14/09). 5. MAXPLOT – Fixed the graphical display of the interior channel elements for more than one channel segment (11/14/09). 6. GDS – Added warning messages for possible missing outflow nodes and for the channel interpolation cross sections (11/18/09). 7. GDS – Fixed the Breach Switch in the Levee Editor dialog box. The switch was required to be turned ‘on’ to save the levee data files even though a breach was not being simulated (12/02/09). 8. To import AutoCAD DXF files into the GDS, the MO24rt.exe file may need to be reinstalled with new control parameters: (/CFGHIJ KM). This can be accomplished manually by performing the following: In Windows Explorer, locate the file C:\Program Files\FLO-2D\Mo24rt.exe. In the DOS command window or from the Run command, execute the Mo24rt.exe file as follows: 9 C:\Program Files\FLO-2D\Mo24rt.exe/CFGHIJ KM This will create all the files in the C:\Program Files\Common\ESRI folder (12/2/09). 9. MAXPLOT – Fixed the channel flow depth display of non-bank interior elements (12/22/09). 10. FLO2DINTER.DLL – Update for the GDS DLL library. Replace this file in the Windows\System32 folder (1/7/10). 11. FLOENVIR – The display of the channel interior elements was fixed for channels with more than one segment (2/2/10). 12. Mapper – Some minor display changes and typos were fixed (2/2/10). 13. GDS –A number of bug fixes and enhancements were made including (2/2/10):  New warning message for channel cross section interpolation.  Eliminated the GDS writing zeros in the INFLOW.DAT file when no hydrographs are entered.  New warning message if RAIN.DAT is missing for RAIN.EXE and updates rainfall data when all the *.DAT files are saved.  Deleted NOFLOCS outside the channel after channel reliagnment.  Levee duplicate assignments to the same boundary warning message.  Fixed the channel cross section plots to join the station lines.  Spelling errors were corrected. 14. GDS – Setting the Total Rainfall in the RAIN dialog box was fixed so that the enter value was save when assigning the rainfall distribution (5/8/10). 15. GDS – Saving the global infiltration was corrected. The infiltration file INFIL.DAT was being created without user initiation. Now INFILT.DAT is only generated when the user assigns either global or individual parameters. The default global parameters are automatically assigned when the user double clicks on an individual grid element to assign infiltration (5/8/10). 16. PROFILES – The interpolation routine was adjusted for metric cross sections (6/15/10). 17. GDS – A number of enhancements were incorporated for mega DTM data files including (7/14/10):  Reading very large mega DTM data files exceeding 15 million points.  Reading new ASCII format DTM data files.  Reading multiple DTM data elevations files.  Null assignment of grid elements without DTM data.  Options for interpolation grid elements with null elevation assignment. 18. GDS – Levee crest elevation can now be assigned from 3-D polylines data (7/14/10). 19. GDS – Revised to read, assign and write optional Courant number in the TOLER.DAT (7/14/10). 20. GDS – Expanded the HEC-RAS channel data interface extensively to enable geo- reference HEC-RAS channels to be automatically aligned an assigned cross sections. 21. rb_exe.exe – channel right bank element assignment – increased channel element numbers to 8 places, download and put this file in the FLO-2D folder (8/2/10). 22. rbcheck.exe – channel right bank element check – write to file, increased channel element numbers to 8 places, download and put this file in the FLO-2D folder (8/2/10). 10 23. GDS – Floodplain limiting Froude numbers are now spatially variable and can be assigned in the GDS. The GDS was also modified to enable user defined Courant numbers (8/8/10). 24. PROFILES and HYDROG have been updated to handle grid systems greater than one million grid elements (8/8/10). 25. GDS – right bank element assignment rb_exe.exe program. The number of right bank extension was improved for rectangular and trapezoidal channels. Download and put this file in the FLO-2D folder (2/7/11). 26. HYDROG – Expanded the cross section column width to handle grid element numbers greater than 1,000,000 (2/14/11). 27. MAXPLOT – Improved the file compare routine for plotting the differences between two output files. Both graphical and computation improvements were made (2/15/11). 28. HYDROG – Fixed a read format error introduced by a line change in the SUMMARY.OUT file (3/2/11). 29. GDS – Fixed an error in the levee profile tool (4/20/11). 30. FLOENVIR and MAXPLOT – Fixed the levee plot graphics for flow directions for the case where there was more than 200 consecutive grid elements in the first row or column that all had the same coordinate value of either x or y (4/25/11). 31. GDS -- Fixed an error in the street realign tool. Default spatial street width was assigned a 1 instead of a 0. (5/2/11) 32. HYDROG - When both channels and floodplain elements are included in the cross section, there are some extra lines of text noting this in the HYCROSS.OUT file that distorts the reading the output file data for the HYDROG program. This was fixed to more generically read the formatted output (10/24/11). 33. MAXPLOT - There was a compilation error that made the levees plot in the wrong direction. It was only necessary to recompile the program (2/9/12). 34. PROFILES - Expanded the cross section flow area data entry field to allow for larger cross sections for dam breach analyses (5/14/12) 35. GDS -- Changes were introduced to the texts used in GDS in order to eliminate any symbol (%, &, #, etc) and solve the issue observed on non-Englishoperating systems(error 2403081020) . (4/22/13) Revisions and bug fixes in the GUI program include (most recent at the bottom): 1. The version number was correct to match the FLO-2D model version number 2009.06 (5/8/10).
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