Flight International 20140603

March 19, 2018 | Author: diegoddcba | Category: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Aviation, Aircraft, Industries, Aeronautics



Official Media PartnerPRINTING PARTS WHAT’S THE FUSS ABOUT ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING? FEATURE P30 MH370 MYSTERY Malaysian authorities release raw Inmarsat data from missing flight, as seabed search halts 9 RIVETING DEBUT After a six-month wait, the Royal Air Force gets its RC-135W Rivet Joint airborne at last 17 FLIGHT flightglobal.com INTERNATIONAL 3-9 JUNE 2014 COUNTRY SPECIAL EAST TO WEST Czechs transform their industry by building on heritage and seeking new global partnerships £3.40 2 3 9 770015 371266 © AIRBUS, 2014. All rights reserved. Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks. You’d never accept this. @Airbus #AirbusComfort So why would you accept this? 2GTUQPCNURCEGKUPoVCP[NGUURGTUQPCNQPCVYGNXGJQWTNQPIJCWNƃKIJV;GVUQOGCKTETCHV OCPWHCEVWTGTUCTGFTGCOKPICDQWVOCVEJKPIQWTGEQPQOKEUD[TGFWEKPIVJGYKFVJQHVJGKT UVCPFCTFGEQPQO[ENCUUUGCVsKPOCP[ECUGUNGUUVJCPVJGUGCVYKFVJHQWPFQPOCP[EQOOWVGT CKTETCHV6JKUUJQWNFPoVDGVJGUVCPFCTFHQTRGTUQPCNURCEG6JCPMHWNN[VJGUGFC[U[QWJCXGC EJQKEG&GOCPFVJG#KTDWUUVCPFCTFHQTRGTUQPCNURCEG9KVJVJGKPEJUVCPFCTFGEQPQO[ ENCUUUGCVQPVJG#CPF#:9$CPFVJGKPEJGEQPQO[ENCUUUGCVQHHGTGF UVCPFCTFQPVJG#KVoNNOCMGCOCUUKXGFKHHGTGPEG 5QVJGPGZVVKOG[QWoTGHGGNKPIUSWGG\GFQPCRNCPG CVNGCUVPQY[QWoNNMPQYYJ[ It’s not you, it’s the seat. Lock in the best fuel efficiency There’s a lot of security in choosing LEAP. Not only does it yield the very best performance out of the box, but it will also pay long-term dividends in the form of best-in-class fuel burn retention. Add in CFM’s legendary reliability and you’ve made one savvy investment. Go to cfmaeroengines.com CFM International is a 50/50 joint company between Snecma (Safran) and GE. Superior performance | Lower cost of ownership | Greater reliability MORE TO BELIEVE IN com/imageoftheday NEWS THIS WEEK 8 Ninth Voyager fills up UK tanker fleet 9 MH370: information but no answers 10 Northrop Grumman takes a shine to Diamond Aircraft. as seabed search halts 9 Dan Thisdell/Flightglobal PRINTING PARTS WHAT’S THE FUSS ABOUT ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING? FEATURE P30 US Air Force Official Media Partner 3-9 JUNE 2014 . based at McConnell AFB. just. Kansas. Airbus strengthens VTOL Tanan for maritime surveillance operations. Air freight traffic highlights weak cargo growth Air Canada launches Dreamliner era. ‘Sustained reliability’ for United 787s.com YOUR PHOTOGRAPH HERE INTERNATIONAL US Air Force Capt Zach Anderson caught this B-52 from the 307th Bomb Wing of Barksdale AFB. Airbus takes its A350-900 test campaign to extremes in the climate lab at Eglin AFB P12 DEFENCE 16 Heron operators offered ‘transplant’. Budget grounds Israeli air force trainers.40 2 3 9 770015 371266 COVER IMAGE The Czech air force may be on its own flying Aero Vodochody L-159s but. Qantas floats life raft removal plan. during 12 May reserve air crew exercises over West Texas. Dash 8 airprox mystery deepens Jet order bubble just ‘idle chatter’.FLIGHT INTERNATIONAL VOLUME 185 NUMBER 5442 RIVETING DEBUT After a six-month wait. Airbus MH370 MYSTERY Malaysian authorities release raw Inmarsat data from missing flight. the Royal Air Force gets its RC-135W Rivet Joint airborne at last 17 PIC OF THE WEEK FLIGHT flightglobal.com Russia Q400 deal stalls over price rather than the political crisis in Ukraine P11. lead to Mars 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 5 Bombardier. BAE bags helicopter protection deal. Brazil tops-up tanker fleet BUSINESS AVIATION 19 Troubled Ex-Im Bank doubles support. 3-9 JUNE 2014 COUNTRY SPECIAL EAST TO WEST £3. Airbus ponders raising A320 production NTSB calls for re-evaluation of lithium-ion battery risks. the country’s aerospace industry is thoroughly integrated with its international peers P22 Aero Vodochody Czechs transform their industry by building on heritage and seeking new global partnerships flightglobal. as our special report highlights. Citation Latitude edges towards certification. host to GE and Aircraft Industries. Air New Zealand 787-9 flies 12 13 14 15 AIR TRANSPORT Sudden side-stick input led to flight attendant injury. Louisiana. approaching the refuelling boom of his KC-135 Stratotanker from the 931st Air Refueling Group. Manila invites bids for patrol aircraft requirement 17 RAF Rivet Joint makes training debut. P&W boosts PW1000 thrust for A321neo flightglobal. AirAsia X eagerly awaits Airbus A330neo decision. Asiana Airlines joins the A380 club. We examine the factors behind the resurgence of Czech aerospace FEATURES 30 3D PRINTING New dimension Additive manufacturing is already having an impact on the aerospace industry – so how much of an aircraft could be produced this way in the future? NEWS FOCUS 21 Change is in the air at NASA OBITUARY 32 Ed Swearingen REGULARS 7 33 36 39 43 Comment Letters Classified Jobs Working Week NEXT WEEK SPACEFLIGHT As the world’s spacefaring nations begin to look beyond the Space Station. we survey the technology development roadmap that may. and a centre for light sport aircraft. Belgium downsizes military transport with A321 18 India moves to recover AW101 funds. Date fixed for PC-24 roll-out COVER STORY 22 CZECH REPUBLIC SPECIAL REPORT Czech-made Aerospace is vital for the Czech Republic – home of Aero Vodochody. ‘Miracles’ needed for electric aircraft 11 Q400 deal delayed by price not politics. .11 Find all these items at flightglobal............... wonders The DEW Line........CONTENTS IN THIS ISSUE BEHIND THE HEADLINES Companies listed Editor Murdo Morrison (pictured outside Aero Vodochody) toured the Czech Republic’s leading aerospace companies for our special report (P22)...................................8....................... 13............... 15 GS Yuasa ........8....25 Westland ..16 EasyJet ..................... via Airbus Defence & Space................... now updated for 2014 with enhanced data and in-depth market analysis flightglobal..............................classified@flightglobal...............24 TAP Manutenção e Engenharia Brasil ...11................................ 11.............................. 16 Norwegian Air International ...........com ......................16.............................19 Pratt & Whitney ....uk FLIGHT DAILY NEWS +44 20 8652 3096 [email protected]... IAI will from 2015 provide German forces with a successor to its Heron 1. to bridge the gap to 2020 when a European-developed surveillance system may arrive..17 Ilyushin . our man in Tel Aviv: the French know wine............19 Bell ...........................................co.............................................................................................25 General Electric ....................... 18 Air Canada...........................................services@rbi..................................... pictured) and France’s Harfang (a collaboration between the then-EADS and Israel Aerospace Industries).8 All Nippon Airways ..............................................16 Ryanair ..................................634 This week................................................................19 Yakutia Airlines..............8 United Airlines ....com No – programme already appears to be behind % % Total votes: 1........8... 13...... 10...........com/poll HIGH FLIERS The top five stories for the week just gone: 1 Pictures: A350 subjected to extreme hot and cold 2 Three ‘miracles’ required for mainstream electric-powered aircraft 3 Analysis: Why small is beautiful in freighter conversions 4 Pictures: Asiana joins the A380 club 5 Airbus details weight variants for A320neo family Flightglobal reaches up to 1.................................... the Italians know pasta and the Israelis know unmanned air systems – like the British Watchkeeper (based on Elbit Systems’ Hermes 450........................... Is this just more talk................................. Alenia Aermacchi and Dassault Aviation are – again – pushing France.................................. 18 Korea Aerospace Industries.............................................19 HiFly .............cumming@rbi...............................................19 Dassault .............................................com/wotw QUESTION OF THE WEEK Last week....12 Rockwell Collins ............................................................ 18 Bombardier ..................... 12............17 Panavia....................................28 Export-Import Bank .8 Williams International ...................................................................................................................................... 16 de Havilland Canada............................................. THE WEEK ON THE WEB flightglobal.............................. 10...................................................................9.......................8 Onur Air .................... 14..............................1 Rotax ............................................................................... 12..26 Air New Zealand....subs@qss-uk.................. long-endurance UAS................12 Sonaca .... 9................................ 15..........................1 million pages each month Download the new Commercial Engines Report Download The Engine Directory. 16 Rostec ................. And Singapore ace Mavis Toh flew the Flight flag in Kuala Lumpur when interviewing Azran OsmanRani........26 Cessna . Germany and Italy to jointly deliver a medium-altitude.....................17 ILFC Ireland ....10 Beechcraft ....................15 Qatar Airways .........................18 Triumph Group ..........uk SUBSCRIPTIONS +44 1444 475 682 flightinternational....8 Garmin ......14 ATR ..................... 18 AirAsia .14 Antonov ......................................................................................12 Airbus ..........................................................com From Arie “Ariel View” Egozi..13 Embraer.................................................................................................................. 19 CAIGA ..12 Aeronautics Defense Systems .............................................................................................8 Evektor ............21 Northrop Grumman.................co..................... or will something actually come of it this time? Elbit Systems ABS Jets ............ 8.................10 Aviacapital Service ....9 NASA ....................19 GE BGA Turboprops ...................................................12 AirAsia X ......................8............................................................11 BAE Systems ..................................19 FLIR Systems ......10.................16... we asked: Will the KC-390 meet its 2014 first-flight target? You said: Yes – Embraer has the experience to deliver Possibly – although it will be close 14 28 58 % For a full list of reader services..........11 AirTanker ..............................9 Israel Aerospace Industries ....... And what will that European system be? Industrial partners Airbus...8 Pilatus Aircraft.......................com REPRINTS +44 20 8652 8612 reprints@rbi.......... 19 Eurofighter ................................................................................................................. 17 Airbus Defence & Space .........21 Boeing ................................................................................. 15..... editorial and advertising contacts see P34 EDITORIAL +44 20 8652 3842 flight..18 Schiebel [email protected] Skippers Aviation ............18 Sikorsky .. 13................................................................................................................. chief executive of long-haul low-cost carrier Air Asia X (P12)........................................15 Aircraft Industries..........................10...... Now......10 Verner Motor ........... 14........................................28 Aer Lingus..................13 UTC Aerospace Systems. 17.....3 million visitors from 220 countries viewing 7.com/ComEngDirectory ÀLJKWJOREDOFRPFRPPHQJLQHV 6 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 flightglobal.....11 Asiana Airlines ...............................com DISPLAY ADVERTISING +44 20 8652 3315 gillian..........10 Aerotechnik .............................. 15.................................11 Aurora Flight Sciences..........24 AgustaWestland .......................... we ask: MH370 satellite data release will… ❑ Help another agency locate the wreckage ❑ Focus the search effort ❑ Just add more confusion Vote at flightglobal...................................................... 15....... 19 Qantas Airways ..........co..11 Inmarsat ...................uk CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING +44 20 8652 4897 flight.28 Walter Aircraft Engines .com RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING +44 20 8652 4900 recruitment......12 DieselJet ..........13 Saab ................16 Malaysia Airlines ..............14 Gulfstream .................28 Aero Vodochody ........................................ Time will show whether the decision makers got it all right. While at some level it was true. ■ See Defence P17 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 7 . with a potential crew of 35 souls aboard? Either the MAA found no fault with the paperwork with which it was presented. a reliable system for universal flight tracking in non-primaryradar areas. but from some other source. it was released as proof of their commitment to information transparency. the choice of “RAF’s new surveillance aircraft takes to the skies” could be considered a bit misleading. or the RAF duty holders – who now “get” the new concept of operational risk – are happy for ZZ664 to operate within fixed safety constraints. Some believed that the UK contract to modify three 1964-vintage KC-135R tankers would be fatally at odds with the needs of the independent Military Aviation Authority – set up as a direct consequence of the loss of 14 lives when Nimrod XV230 exploded in 2006.com/comment flightglobal. so the only choice is to continue in the darkness The announcement by the Australian co-ordinators of the oceanic search that the wreckage of MH370 is definitely not in the sea area where acoustic signals were picked up is the latest blow. so the industry will have to adopt. the world will also be able to watch in horror as the data disappears from the screen. And thus it has been this time. but success will prove that the new safety culture can deliver – even with a refurbished platform. there has been silence so far. But they had more reliable data on where the aircraft went missing. There is still some slight comfort to be taken from the fact that the French-led team that searched for the Rex Features E Still looking for answers wreckage of Air France 447 in the deep south Atlantic found it after two years. and they also had the massive psychological advantage of having recovered floating wreckage from the surface. as the airframe in question is actually already 50 years old. A lack of documentation to satisfy modern certification processes had seemed a likely problem. Indeed. ■ See This Week P9 In with the old T Read our archive of Flight International comments on editor Murdo Morrison’s blog at flightglobal. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. However. rather than as anything actually new. So how is it that the now signals intelligence-roled aircraft has been able to commence training flights. While this allows independent communications experts to scan columns of figures for clues that Inmarsat might have missed. however. but rather than elevating hopes it has dashed them again. The belief that modern technology can enable society to regulate every aspect of daily life has been revealed as an illusion.COMMENT The MH370 mirage Yet more information has been released about the lost Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that the UK needs a big-jet SIGINT asset should have swayed thinking more than the project’s £650 million price tag for an eventual three aircraft. which means most of the world. but neither provide any cause for optimism. There is no doubt that the world will not tolerate this surreal absence of information again. Every time information is released about the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 they comb it for something – anything – to provide either hope or closure. That will not stop events like this happening. but it will mean the world can find the wreckage quickly if and when they do. but to carry out the extensive and lengthy trawl. What options are left? xistence for the relatives of passengers and crew lost with Flight MH370 continues to be a nightmare. Within a 48h period two pieces of information were released. That is what the multi-national search teams plan to do. The search team had no choice. The release by the Malaysian authorities of the raw satellite data from which calculations of the final oceanic search area were made is likely to add nothing to the sum total of knowledge about this awful event. as soon as possible. so the only choice available is to continue in the darkness.com here was something rather surreal about the UK Ministry of Defence’s press release heralding the first Royal Air Force flight of an RC-135W Rivet Joint on 23 May. but they receive neither. It is an admission of what was suspected at the time – that the pulses came not from MH370’s “black box” recorders. In addition to supporting quick reaction alert activities with Typhoons in the UK and the Falkland Islands. The business. All of the aircraft are configured with a 291-seat. and are capable of carrying a maximum fuel load of 111t.000 passengers. plus a centreline fuselage refuelling unit. the UK’s Voyagers have been flown for a combined 9. The ninth – currently unmodified – example is operated by AirTanker and retained on the UK civil aircraft register. SPACE STATION CREW RISES TO SIX SPACEFLIGHT The International Space Station is now hosting its full complement of six crew with the arrival of German astronaut Alexander Gerst. says the AirTanker consortium responsible for delivering the fleet. and have transported more than 172. The feature – which will give operators access to airports such as London City in the UK – is now available for use with EASA-configured examples of the light jet. England and the Isle of Man. The company will deliver its first equipment later this year. and will add $180 million to Triumph’s $3.com/WAF2014 BRIEFING GALILEO COMBINATION ‘IS SPOT-ON’ ALPA LINES UP LOBBY FIGHT AGAINST NORWEGIAN LABOUR The Air Line Pilots Association says it is “confident” of convincing the US Department of Transportation to deny a bid by Dublin-based Norwegian Air International. with the same modification also applicable to the Falcon 50EX. completing the service’s “core” fleet of the type. AirTanker says. employing 475 people. a subsidiary of Norwegian Air. Triumph says the GE business will “augment our existing hydraulic system capabilities”. supporting types including the RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoons and Panavia Tornado GR4s. with the rotorcraft to enter service from 2017. which will run until 2035. “ZZ334. a three-point tanker.” AirTanker says. Cheltenham. at a RUAG maintenance facility in Germany.7 billion revenue. FLIR SELECTED FOR NORWEGIAN SAR FLEET SENSORS FLIR Systems has been selected to equip the Royal Norwegian Air Force’s future fleet of 16 AgustaWestland AW101 search and rescue helicopters with its Star Safire 380-HDc electro-optical/infrared sensor. Since entering use.750h. While there are only four Galileo satellites in orbit so far.THIS WEEK For a snapshot of the global military fleet. The tanker/transport is configured with under-wing hoseand-drogue refuelling pods. download our World Air Forces directory: flightglobal. supplies Airbus. In the air-to-air refuelling role the fleet has completed over than 230 sorties and delivered in excess of 400t of fuel. 8 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 Crown Copyright NAVIGATION Further evidence of excellent performance from Europe’s nascent Galileo satellite navigation system comes from tests showing accuracy can be improved in challenging environments – including “urban canyons and indoors” – by combining GPS and US GPS or Russian GLONASS signals. These will be available to support “surge” operations for the UK. The first installation will be made during the third quarter. Voyager ZZ338 “will begin operations once transferred to the [UK] military aircraft register”.” says AirTanker chief executive Phill Blundell. single-class passenger cabin. ZZ338 has under-wing refuelling pods as well as a centreline unit DELIVERY CRAIG HOYLE LONDON Ninth Voyager fills up UK tanker fleet Modified Airbus A330 completes “core” requirement of RAF’s Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft recapitalisation T he ninth Airbus A330 Voyager from the UK’s Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) programme touched down at the Royal Air Force’s Brize Norton base in Oxfordshire on 29 May. Boeing and other airframers from facilities in Washington state. including five three-point tanker/transports and two equipped with under-wing pods only. Cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev and NASA astronaut Steven Swanson have been aboard since 27 March. The AW101 was ordered for the Westland Sea King replacement deal in December 2013. but also made available for third-party use under the terms of the FSTA deal. ■ flightglobal. to launch flights to the USA – but is also lobbying lawmakers in Washington to overrule it if necessary. the Voyager fleet is also currently supporting testing of the RAF’s future tactical transport. to an increased descent angle of up to 5. Eight converted Voyagers have now been delivered to Brize Norton for use by the service’s 10 and 101 squadrons. has completed the military conversion programme and is currently in Spain as part of the UK’s commitment to support the [Airbus] A400M flight test programme. A further five Voyagers will be delivered by the end of 2016. Flown to the RAF’s air transport hub from Airbus Defence & Space’s Getafe modification centre near Madrid. The union claims the carrier’s plan is an attempt to sidestep stricter labour laws in Norway. Russia’s Maxim Suraev and NASA’s Gregory Reid Wiseman following their 5h Soyuz flight from Baikonur. PHENOM CLEARED FOR STEEP APPROACH OPERATIONS Embraer’s Phenom 300 has clinched European Aviation Safety Agency approval for steep-approach operation. “We will continue to work in partnership with the RAF to refine this service. used to provide support to large “receiver” aircraft. TRIUMPH WINS IN DEAL FOR GE ACTUATION UNIT ACQUISITION Aerostructures and components maker Triumph Group is to acquire for $70 million the hydraulic actuation business of GE Aviation. Europe’s GSA navigation agency says “the combination of GPS and Galileo is expected to meet or exceed end-user expectations”. who describes the completion of core fleet deliveries as “a sizable achievement”. FALCON 2000 READY FOR PRO LINE UPGRADE AVIONICS Rockwell Collins has received European certification for its Pro Line 4 to Pro Line 21 avionics retrofit for the Dassault Falcon 2000 and 2000EX business jets.com . Gerst will supervise the 25 July docking of his European Space Agency’s fifth and final Automated Transfer Vehicle robotic supply ship.5˚. 000m”. Produced by the UK-based sat- Commonwealth of Australia here have been two new developments in the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. the navy’s deputy director of ocean engineering. indicating a much lower level of confidence. To begin in August and take 12 months to complete. Australian prime minister Tony Abbott expressed confidence that the acoustic signals detected indicated the search was close to locating the missing aircraft.THIS WEEK Northrop Grumman takes a shine to Diamond Aircraft THIS WEEK P10 INVESTIGATION GREG WALDRON SINGAPORE MH370: information but no answers Newly-released data fails to shed light on missing 777. Meanwhile. Eventually. Keeping up the pressure on behalf of relatives of the many Chinese passengers on MH370. raw communications data relating to satellite communication exchanges with the aircraft that enabled the search to be directed to the Indian Ocean west of Australia have now been released. charting the ocean floor”. Signals commenced at 16:00:13 GMT on 7 March with a “log-on/log-off acknowledge” event. Analysis of the data the device gathered shows no signs of wreckage from the Boeing 777-200ER. ■ Keep up with the latest news and analysis from the search: flightglobal. as Australian authorities cease efforts ahead of 12-month mission T ity of the acoustic detections can now be considered complete and. Chinese premier Li Keqiang has urged the Malaysian authorities to develop a new search plan. the final transmission was recorded at about 08:18 local time in the area the aircraft is believed to have reached when it would have been running out of fuel.com ellite communications company. The Australia-based Joint Agency Co-ordination Centre (JACC) says the Bluefin-21 autonomous underwater vehicle was pulled up on 28 May after searching over 850km2 of the ocean floor. in its professional judgement. an autonomous underwater vehicle and advanced optical imaging equipment. which will be conducted by private contractors.” it explains. to begin in August and take 12 months release. will use specialist equipment capable of operating at depths of “at least 6. The information is contained in a 47-page transcript of numbers that quantify satellite transmissions and “handshake” responses recorded by Inmarsat. “The ATSB will use data from a bathymetric survey of the search area to identify and prioritise the search zone. such as the aircraft’s last Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) transmission. this will cover an area of up to 60. the area can now be discounted as the final resting place of MH370. During a CNN interview. Michael Dean.” UNOFFICIAL COMMENTS The announcement followed media confusion stemming from unofficial comments by a US Navy official. Australian authorities announced they had stopped searching for crash debris in the area where the vessel ADV Ocean Shield detected underwater acoustic signals in early April. The USN was quick to issue a statement saying the official’s comments were “premature”. Li’s statement followed a meeting with Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak on 29 May. It will include a towed sonar. After some 30 pages of routine transmissions. but neither give cause for optimism to relatives of those lost with the aircraft. The extended search for the lost aircraft. In the interests of information transparency. The JACC says: “The Australian Transport Safety Bureau [ATSB] has advised that the search in the vicin- The Ocean Shield search activity did not yield answers flightglobal. which disappeared on 8 March with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. Currently under way.000km2. said acoustic signals detected in early April – on the basis of which the location of the Bluefin-21’s search pattern was determined – have subsequently been deemed by the USA and other nations to have been produced by a source other than MH370’s cockpit voice or flight data recorder. this “will provide a map of the search zone. a day after that development. A few days after this The ATSB is preparing for an underwater search for MH370.com/MH370 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 9 . Malaysia’s release of the raw satellite data detailing MH370’s electronic ‘handshakes’ with an Inmarsat satellite on 8 March during its ill-fated flight is part of an effort to bring greater transparency to information about the subsequent search. Also. The disclosure of the Inmarsat data will also give external consultants and experts an opportunity to examine what has so far provided the only clue to the possible final position of the lost aircraft. but he backed down significantly the following day. at 17:07 GMT (01:07 local time) the report notes the “last acknowledged Ground to Air DATA-2 ACARS” message. however. the ATSB is preparing for a larger underwater search for MH370. it contains brief explanatory notes at salient moments during the flight. no independent agency had come up with an interpretation that challenges the conclusions about the oceanic area in which the aircraft is believed to have come down. This would have been just after midnight local time over the Gulf of Thailand on 8 March. On 11 April. Such powerplants could be built. The Canadian government has been pursuing a long endurance. which has agreements for marketing and production with Aurora Flight Sciences and Boeing. the US com- 10 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 Diamond Aircraft ‘Miracle’ trio to unlock electric aircraft – P&W CONTRACT CRAIG HOYLE LONDON Crown Copyright TECHNOLOGY JON HEMMERDINGER CONNECTICUT Follow more defence topics and keep up with the latest news on The DEW Line: flightglobal. “This contract will ensure that our armed forces will have around 300 systems in total. Epstein says. First. P&W has looked into electric aircraft and determined that three technological “miracles” must occur before electric flight goes mainstream. twin-turboprop Firebird.THIS WEEK A though electric aircraft technology continues to improve. which in January 2014 placed a $39 million order for 300 systems. Northrop unveiled the optionally-piloted. an engineer at Pratt & Whitney says it must make further revolutionary leaps before being applicable to commercial or military aircraft.com . but would require new and complex superconductivity technology. the RAF Chinooks will benefit company’s director of threat management solutions. Canada. who notes that an aircraft like a Boeing 737 requires about 10MW of energy during cruise. P&W has also spoken with engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology about developing an electric engine capable of powering large aircraft. The agreement with Northrop comes at a critical time for Diamond. only “if you want to fly one-hundredth of the distance in the same size airplane”.com/dewline Manned and unmanned versions of the DA42 have been flown pany’s vice-president. says Epstein. P&W’s parent company United Technologies will be at the forefront of electric aircraft design when. Battery-powered aircraft could be viable with current technology. The deal also gives Northrop a new product to offer in the class of unmanned aircraft below its highaltitude. the technology becomes viable. says Alan Epstein. which was developed by its Scaled Composites rapid prototyping division. because without magnetic shielding the engine would “kill the people sitting next to the motors”.” says minister for defence equipment. and if.7 million ($27. That is a problem. London. he says. In 2010. missile warning and data recording capabilities into a single unit”. the company’s vice-president of technology and environment. is also marketed by Israel’s Aeronautics Defense Systems. plus AgustaWestland AW101s and AW159 Wildcats. in order to develop surveillance aircraft for both the Canadian and wider international markets. engineers would need to remove the engine’s magnetic shielding to reduce its weight. battery technology must improve by 50 to 100 times. The service plans to eventually acquire around 1. support and technology Philip Dunne. ■ flightglobal. He notes that UTC’s Aerospace Systems division makes the electrical equipment for Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner. Also. the system integrates “hostile fire indication. This will provide UK pilots with “enhanced detection [and evasion] of small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. The company has refo- cused its efforts on the government and defence market since 2008. the Dominator. The pact was announced on 28 May at the CANSEC defence and security show in Ottawa.” says Epstein.” says George Vardoulakis. says Bill Staib. Ontario-based Diamond has developed manned and unmanned surveillance versions of its DA42 twin-propeller light aircraft. However. BAE has already started delivering its new CMWS equipment to the US Army.300 aircraft sets to protect its personnel. “We’re very excited to move forward in this relationship. “Combined with Northrop Grumman’s leadership in manned and unmanned systems. they believe. improving their safety and mission effectiveness”. An unmanned version of the DA42. we can pool our expertise to explore new opportunities for our customers worldwide. Platforms protected by BAE’s existing second-generation CMWS and the new-standard system include the British Army’s Boeing/AgustaWestland Apache AH1 attack helicopter and Royal Air Force Boeing CH-47 Chinook transport. ■ BAE bags helicopter protection deal B AE Systems has been awarded a £16.9 million) contract to produce its thirdgeneration common missile warning system (CMWS) equipment for a range of UK military helicopters. speaking at the company’s Connecticut headquarters. ■ PARTNERSHIP STEPHEN TRIMBLE WASHINGTON DC Northrop Grumman takes a shine to Diamond Aircraft US defence giant joins forces with Canadian airframer to develop surveillance aircraft N orthrop Grumman has entered into a new partnership with Diamond Aircraft Industries and committed to a new presence in Ontario. BAE says. and closed the single-engined D-Jet development programme. Intended to replace current equipment and also to be installed on new-build helicopters. mediumrange tactical systems. Epstein predicts.” says Diamond Industries chief executive Peter Maurer. unmanned surveillance capability under the joint uninhabited surveillance and target acquisition system project. jet-driven RQ-4B Global Hawk and MQ-4C Triton. “Three miracles are about twoand-a-half too [many] for an industrial organisation – and oneand-a-half [too many] for most companies. and in 2013 took 89 orders to Bombardier’s 17. calls “the aircraft of choice” for operators looking for “market leading operating economics” on short-haul. Under a joint-venture agreement signed in 2013.000ft at speeds of up to 360kt 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 11 . Over the past 10 years ATR has commanded nearly three quarters of the turboprop market. ■ MILESTONE ELLIS TAYLOR SINGAPORE B oeing’s first 787-9 for the type’s launch customer Air New Zealand completed its debut flight from Paine Field. a cash injection is needed in order for it to continue basic functions for the remainder of this year. claiming money can be saved through a change in spending procedures. The decision means that training flights for reservist pilots – usually carried out once a week – will also be cancelled. The Q400 is seen as a strong rival to local aircraft such as the Antonov An-140 and Ilyushin Il-114. Speaking at the St Petersburg economic forum in late May. Budget battle grounds Israeli air force trainers T N Bombardier egotiations over a deal to produce Bombardier Q400 turboprops under license in Russia appear to have stalled. the head of Russian state corporation Rostec said the first Russian-built Q400 could be supplied this year.” says Sergei Chemezov. The stretched Dreamliner will enter revenue service in October on the Auckland-Perth route. while it is asking for increased funding in 2015. Israel's finance ministry is against any increase in the defence budget. some 486nm (900km) east of Moscow on the Volga river. Painted in a distinctive all black livery. low-yield routes: particularly in the fastgrowing Asia-Pacific and Latin American markets. the unprecedented decision marks a new peak in the heated debate between the nation's defence and finance ministries over a new defence budget. due to budget cuts. Announced on 28 May." it says. saying plans for a “permanent” licensing deal remain “intact”. Although slower than the Q400. However.” Chemezov’s remarks mirrored those made in March by Bombardier Commercial Aircraft president Mike Arcamone. ■ Israel’s finance ministry is against any increase in the defence budget "The IDF realised in May it will reach a point where tough decisions need to be made. Washington on 28 May. with the air force's flight academy the only unit not impacted by the decision. despite the political crisis sparked by Russia’s annexation of Crimea.THIS WEEK AirAsia X eagerly awaiting Airbus A330neo decision AIR TRANSPORT P12 JOINT VENTURE TOM ZAITSEV MOSCOW Price not politics to blame for Russian Q400 deal delay DISPUTE ARIE EGOZI TEL AVIV Stalled local production negotiations a result of cost wrangling – not Crimea annexation he high command of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has cancelled almost all air force training flights until further notice. “But our talks with Bombardier about product pricing are still under way. Those commitments – preliminary and firm orders from potential customers such as Aeroflot and Yakutia Airlines – exceed Bombardier’s current recorded Q400 order backlog. Air New Zealand has 10 787-9s on order. the ATR 72-600 is cheaper and has become what Chris Seymour.000ft and a speed of 360kt (667km/h) during the 3h 10m flight. with 18 lie-flat business class seats. the aircraft was taken to an altitude of 39. and will take flightglobal. ■ Boeing Air New Zealand 787-9 flies The aircraft was taken to 39. the latter of which might not even be available in the wake of the November 2013 bankruptcy of Uzbekistan’s Tashkent Aviation Production Organisation. 21 seats in premium economy and 263 seats in economy class. the two parties are looking to set up a facility at Ulyanovsk. who sought to dismiss rumours of a breakdown in the relationship. Bombardier’s rival ATR has dominated the 70-seat turboprop market in recent years. Holding company Rostec says it has secured around 50 purchase commitments for Q400s The type is seen as ideal to replace ageing domestic turboprops through its in-house leasing subsidiary Aviacapital Service. but the stumbling block looks to be price – rather than the political crisis over Ukraine. The carrier’s 787s are configured to carry up to 302 passengers. According to the defence ministry. “We’ve settled all issues on the technical side. including over quality control – a problem which is understood to have dissuaded ATR from taking up a similar offer from the Russians. head of market analysis with Flightglobal’s Ascend advisory service. Russian regional carriers have hundreds of ageing turboprops of Soviet vintage that are ripe for replacement.com delivery of its first aircraft – registered as KZ-NZE – in the coming weeks. to assemble up to 100 of the turboprops for local customers. establishing an assembly operation in a region with no particular aircraft industry history poses challenges. which makes it. which it hopes will deliver improved economics. The carrier will likely only return to the European market – and start US services – after the delivery of its A350s.com/safety INQUIRY DAVID KAMINSKI-MORROW LONDON The carrier could convert its baseline orders to the re-engined type DEVELOPMENT MAVIS TOH KUALA LUMPUR AirAsia X eagerly awaiting Airbus A330neo decision A irAsia X says it has given Airbus its input on improvements it wants to see to a re-engined A330.7g acceleration – particularly felt in the aft galley. particularly at high altitude where there is potential for aircraft upset. The inquiry into the 7 September 2012 incident cautions that sudden manual control inputs should be avoided. he held “misgivings” about the altitude selection during the descent.” chief executive Azran OsmanRani told Flight International. He adds that the low-cost carrier has the option to convert its firm orders for 37 A330s to the reengined version. The two-and-a-half week engine. flightglobal. There was no alert from the aircraft’s collisionavoidance system. Airbus says it will reach a decision this year on whether to develop a re-engined version of the A330.” he says. who was flying. led a flight attendant to fracture her ankle.7g acceleration M anual side-stick input from an Airbus A320 pilot. There is speculation that the airframer could announce the decision at July’s Farnborough air show. in response to uncertainty over an altitude clearance. in temperatures ranging from 45˚C (113˚F) to -40˚C. with group chief Tony Fernandes saying the A330neo and A350-900 will be the “perfect combination” for the airline.000ft. and instead disengaged the autopilot and sharply levelled the A320 by pulling the side-stick. ■ Airbus Airbus Sudden side-stick input led to flight attendant injury INVESTIGATION Dash 8 airprox mystery deepens I nvestigators in Australia have been unable to identify the object involved in an air proximity incident with a de Havilland Canada Dash 8-300 on approach to Perth in March. “With the current engine A330s we’re good to go with a solid 11h radius which covers all of Asia-Pacific.700ft within controlled airspace. However. He requested that the captain level the aircraft. None of the other 67 occupants of the A320 was injured. fuel efficiency and reduced maintenance – and all with the right price tag. None of the Dash 8’s occupants was injured. mistakenly interpreted the clearance and dialled 24. with the right engine thrust. It passed the Dash 8 with a separation of about 100ft vertically and 20m (65ft) horizontally. should Airbus decide to launch the product. and that it is “eagerly awaiting” the launch of the jet. “We want it at the right price. Although the error was not picked up by the first officer. without giving a reason. adding that it was flying at 3. to them. investigators have found. the ATSB says. AirAsia has long pushed for the A330neo. Operated by Skippers Aviation.com . “It is evident that the flightcrew did not appreciate the effect of what seemed. and felt a need to check with air traffic control. attempted to level by changing the altitude selector. can stay in Asia-Pacific for the next five years and [can] absorb all our planes on order. as the crew took evasive action. however. The captain. We don’t have to be in Europe and [the] USA. Ireland’s Air Accident Investigation Unit says the pitch change to arrest the descent generated a 1.” it adds. ahead of first delivery to Qatar Airways by year-end. The crew stated that the unknown airborne object was “cylindrical in shape and grey in colour”. Bound for Dublin. where the injured flight attendant had been working. He was not successful. Azran stresses that the airline’s strategy is not dependent on the re-engined aircraft.AIR TRANSPORT For more coverage about in-flight safety. to be a reasonable input. However. the Aer Lingus aircraft had been cleared to descend to 34. the turboprop had been flying at about 3. although no military UAV activity was taking place at the time. ■ 12 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 TRIALS A350 testing hots up (and cools off) Airbus has taken its A350-900 test campaign to Florida’s temperate climes – for extreme hot and cold trials in a hangar-sized climate lab at Eglin AFB. the Australian Transport Safety Bureau has not discounted the possibility that it was an unmanned air vehicle. ■ A320 pilot’s level-off after altitude confusion resulted in ankle fracture as pitch change generated 1.800ft when the crew saw a bright strobe light directly in front of them. in response. the captain. system and interior fittings trials saw aircraft MSN2 pushed beyond certification requirements. or the A330neo should the type come before. Airbus is aiming for certification in the third quarter of this year.000ft into the altitude selector. visit our dedicated landing page at flightglobal. ” says Rob Morris.AIR TRANSPORT Asiana Airlines joins the A380 club AIR TRANSPORT P14 OPERATIONS U nited Airlines cut long flight delays and cancellations with its Boeing 787-8s by half over the past year. The aircraft backlog in the AsiaPacific is equal to more than 50% of the installed fleet. “There’s some electromechanical systems that have to be replaced more often than we’d like. “Then there may be some capacity adjustments elsewhere in the cycle. Flightglobal’s Ascend Online database shows. Airbus states that the A320neo variants – designated 050 to 057 – will have a maximum takeoff weight of 70-79t. ■ OUTLOOK EDWARD RUSSELL WASHINGTON DC United Airlines United reports ‘sustained reliability’ for 787 fleet The Chicago-based airline currently has 10 -8s in service MANUFACTURING DAVID KAMINSKI-MORROW LONDON Long delivery horizon and high replacement demand will absorb record 11. It gives a preliminary maximumpayload range for the A320neo close to 2. “We can see why there is talk of this order bubble emerging. ■ irbus Group is continuing to study the possibility of higher rates of A320 production. many of these orders are from rapidly expanding low-cost carriers. we’re seeing predictable and sustained reliability. and for the A321neo to 240.240 single-aisle aircraft at the end of April. says Morris. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 13 . In the Asia-Pacific. respectively. the airline said in an employee newsletter on 19 May. The latter would need to grow at an average annual rate of about 25% in order to absorb its entire backlog. It is scheduled to take its first -9 in July. However. before raising production to 46 shortly afterwards. potentially. including AirAsia and Lion Air. Enders says the production rate Airbus Jet order bubble Airbus pondering higher production rates just ‘idle chatter’ A320 A Current output is 42 per month could be increased again once the critical A320neo transition period – 2016-2018 – has passed. “But with replacement demand strong and the current backlog being for a significantly longer delivery horizon than is historically the case. United has firm orders for nine 787-8s. The airframer had a backlog of 4. Airbus has not yet included any higher-capacity configuration options. 26 787-9s and 20 787-10s. according to Ascend. Airbus is already intending to shift from a rate of 42 per month to 44 in early 2016. Regional bubbles could exist. we think this is. says Morris. Boeing chief executive James McNerney said the dispatch reliability of the global 787 fleet was approximately 98%. “There is a chance that some regions may have over ordered.5t and 64-75. chief executive Tom Enders said the airframer was “studying higher production rates” which could be introduced after the transition to the re-engined A320neo. The airframer also lists four variants for the A321neo and six for the A319neo.” The order backlog represents about 55% of the in-service fleet.500-strong backlog. this was still one percentage point short of the airframer’s 99% objective.” Those adjustments may occur at mainline carriers in the AsiaPacific region – similar to the adjustments made by such carriers in Europe. misplaced idle chatter. with some as far out as 2027. However. head of consultancy at the Flightglobal-owned advisory firm. according to Ascend.” he says. citing the fact that there are a record 11. beyond the output of 46 aircraft per month to which it has already committed. following the growth of EasyJet and Ryanair. Morris says. says Morris.com during the past five years.” says project engineering managing director Mike Arata. advisory firm claims T alk of an airliner “order bubble” is just “idle chatter”. ■ DEVELOPMENT Toulouse details Neo weight variants Airbus has detailed eight weight variants for the A320neo in the first update to its airport planning documentation to feature the re-engined developmental type. “After more than 18 months in service. according to Ascend. Comparatively. and in the Middle East about 90% of the installed fleet. more than 90% of aircraft on order during previous bubbles were scheduled for delivery within five years. Ascend says. as well as working with both Boeing and engine supplier General Electric to make reliability modifications to the aircraft.” he said.500 aircraft on order today. About 40% of the current backlog will not be delivered until 2019 or beyond. The replacement rate has averaged about 48% of new deliveries flightglobal. Speaking during the company’s annual general meeting. In January.630km) – about 400nm more than the A320. EasyJet and Ryanair have successfully sustained similar growth rates in the past. The corresponding figures for the A321neo and A319neo are 8993. he adds. United operates 10 787-8s.5t. Only 60% of this backlog is scheduled for delivery within four years. The Chicago-based carrier accomplished this by implementing service bulletins from the airframer. compared with 66-78t for the baseline A320. although it has been working to raise the seating in the A320neo to 189.500nm (4. he adds. business activity and trade have shifted down a gear after a strong end to 2013. “Overall. Starting on 13 June. but demand remained at that level in the first three months of this year.] developed economies are still maintaining postrecession momentum and the expectation is for a stronger finish to the year. the airline body is optimistic that economic factors indicate the current sluggish demand drivers will be merely temporary.1in IFE screen and slimmer seats that allow up to 34in legroom. safety board says T he US Federal Aviation Administration should reevaluate the risk of internal short circuits within permanently installed lithium-ion batteries on commercial aircraft. and about 1% down on March. “Levels still point to growth. the NTSB adds. The FAA instead relied exclusively on Boeing’s expertise to approve the lithium-ion battery. fourmonth grounding of the Boeing 787 fleet – and an investigation that is still ongoing. plus 30 Airbus A350s. Economy class is divided between the Airbus I S The superjumbo is configured with 495 seats across three classes upper and lower decks. Although the investigations remain ongoing. Asiana’s A380s are configured with 495 seats across three classes on the upper and lower decks: 12 in first. which is located on the upper deck. the “Overall. network and fleet information sign up at: flightglobal. The FAA also should improve testing of lithium-ion batteries during the certification process. 66 in business and 417 economy class seats. The full-flat seats in business class are in a 1-2-1 staggered layout for easier aisle access. momentum in advanced economies remains intact. Rather than switch to a new battery design. with a vent to channel any escaping fumes directly out of the aircraft. ■ RECOMMENDATION STEPHEN TRIMBLE WASHINGTON DC NTSB calls for re-evaluation of lithium-ion battery risks FAA should re-examine potential for short circuits on commercial aircraft. However. the FAA lifted the 787 grounding order after Boeing installed a kit aimed at preventing a thermal runaway event from causing damage. The battery cells are spaced further apart and contained within a stainless steel box. with a personal seat pitch of 84in and a 32in personal in-flight entertainment screen. the NTSB says. and consult with outside experts on all new technologies installed on aircraft. but at the weakest pace for the past five months. and export orders still point to expansion. Japanese safety authorities are also probing why a similar lithium-ion battery overheated one week later on an All Nippon Airways 787 over Japan. As a result. year on year.” ■ outh Korean carrier Asiana Airlines has received its first Airbus A380 at a ceremony in Toulouse. The FAA also approved Boeing’s solution to the battery crisis in 2013. business activity and trade have shifted down a gear after a strong end to 2013” TONY TYLER IATA director general traffic levels were slightly down on January’s figures.” says IATA director general Tony Tyler. “However. the NTSB also urges the FAA to “re-evaluate internal short circuit risk for lithium-ion batteries now in service”.2% in April. “Trading conditions for air freight are difficult. before operating the daily Seoul Incheon-Los Angeles route from 15 August. Air freight levels began climbing in the last quarter of 2013. The NTSB is still to complete its final report on the investiga- 14 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 tion of the 7 January battery fire on a Japan Airlines 787 at Boston Logan International airport.AIR TRANSPORT For up-to-the-minute air transport news.” IATA notes that largely because of a further slowdown in emerging markets – mostly China – indicators of business confidence slipped further in April. A bar and lounge are available at the front section of business class. IATA figures show cargo demand – as measured by freight tonnekilometres – was up by 3. World trade growth has also slowed over recent months.com .com/learmount flightglobal. “[However. Asiana will deploy the aircraft to select regional destinations such as Tokyo and Osaka for several weeks. the country’s National Transportation Safety Board said in new recommendations released on 22 May.com/dashboard OUTLOOK GRAHAM DUNN LONDON DELIVERY FIRDAUS HASHIM SINGAPORE Air freight traffic highlights weak cargo growth Asiana Airlines joins the A380 club ATA data for April shows a slight weakening in the air cargo growth seen over recent months. Flightglobal’s Ascend Online database shows the carrier as having five additional A380s on order. the FAA should consult a panel of independent experts when considering how to determine the safety of new technologies. The NTSB also discovered that other federal agencies were aware a nail-penetration test would not conclusively ensure a failure in one of the battery’s cells would not cause a chain reaction in other cells – an event known as a thermal runaway.” IATA says. the NTSB has already concluded that the testing process used by the FAA to certificate the 787 lithium-ion batteries supplied by GS Yuasa were inadequate. The six recommendations are the first proposals for change resulting from two battery incidents in January 2013 that prompted a worldwide. However. This suggests that current sluggishness in the demand drivers is likely temporary. ■ David Learmount offers his views on aviation safety issues: flightglobal. However. The airline’s first class features suites on the lower deck. Asiana’s first A380 (MSN152) bears the registration number HL7625. Economy seats have an 11. a team from Boeing. for a total of 80 to 90 pilots initially. as it prepares to reinforce route network and expand operations he Dreamliner era has begun at Air Canada. However. working up to 180min thereafter. or those no further than 400nm (740km) from land.000lbthrust (155kN). such as trimming excess aircraft weight. “Our goal is to launch the airplane better than anybody else. despite objections being raised to the move. non-revenue training sorties are operating from Montreal-Mirabel International and Ottawa International airports. GE. Independent South Australian senator Nick Xenophon says Qantas should abandon the move. “Qantas [chief excecutive] Alan Joyce and his board still don’t get it – the reason Qantas is one of the world’s great airlines is that it goes above minimum requirements on safety. Meanwhile. The Montreal-based airline estimates fuel and maintenance costs will be approximately 20% lower than for the 767-300ERs the 787s will replace. Capt Murray Strom. the company says it has delivered to Airbus the first set of PW1100G powerplants for the A320neo. with potential for up to 35. ■ ratt & Whitney is to develop a more powerful version of its PW1000 geared turbofan engine. For the first 90 days or so. the plan is not without its critics. Qantas pilots and crew I have spoken to are aghast that Qantas is even considering this. P&W says it has completed more than 75% of expected certification testing for the engine. passenger comfort and service. with its next two: CGHPT and C-GHPU. Qantas says no decision has been made to remove the equipment.000lb-thrust.” In response. ■ SAFETY ELLIS TAYLOR SINGAPORE POWERPLANTS P&W to boost PW1000 thrust for A321neo Qantas floats life raft removal plan Q flightglobal. says: “Boeing will be supporting us all through launch. and is being pitched to customers that need increased performance at hot and high-altitude airports. allowing Air Canada to fly transpacific routes. with the arrival of its first Boeing 787-8 (C-GHPQ) at Toronto-Pearson International airport on 18 May. scheduled for delivery by the end of July.9 billion) cost-cutting drive. chief pilot of Air Canada’s 777 and 787 fleets. with the aircraft performing roughly 50nm (90km) segments and doing touch and goes before returning to Toronto. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 15 . Rockwell Collins and all the manufacturers will be monitoring the aircraft in real time from a room in the hangar in Toronto. It adds.” Initially the aircraft will have 120min ETOPS certification from Transport Canada for 40 days. Air Canada and Boeing are confident the Dreamliner’s troubles and reliability issues are a Air Canada T The airline believes fuel costs will be 20% lower than with the 767-300ERs the type will replace thing of the past. Colombia. “Brand Qantas has been all about doing more than the minimum required.” the airline adds. Australian regulator the Civil Aviation Safety Authority confirms that regulations do not require all commercial flights to carry life rafts.com P Rex Features antas Airways is still considering the removal of life rafts from some of its Boeing 737-800 fleet. “It is common practice for airlines in Australia and internationally to not carry life rafts on some aircraft. and make it so that Air Canada is the example everyone else will use to launch. The manufacturer says the PW1135G-JM powerplant will equip the Airbus A321neo. Prior to the first revenue flight.” says Xen- Savings on the 737-800 fleet could reach A$1 million per year ophon. The airline has 36 more 787s on order. the largest of the PW1000-family geared turbofans was capped at 33. as well as allowing the carrier to further expand and reinforce its route network – starting with its inaugural dedicated service to Tokyo Haneda on 15 July. in accordance with regulations.AIR TRANSPORT RAF Rivet Joint makes training debut DEFENCE P17 DELIVERY PATRICK CARDINAL MONTREAL Air Canada launches Dreamliner era Carrier confident first 787-8 will meet expectations. It adds that Qantas has so far not informed it that such a move is being planned. The loss-making carrier has embarked on an A$2 billion ($1. that historically it operated flights without life rafts where regulations permitted. however. but Joyce is whittling away that advantage. Previously.000h of trials. The carrier has high expectations for the General Electric GENx-1B-powered aircraft. which includes a number of initiatives to reduce the fuel use of its jets. It estimates it could save around A$1 million per year by removing life rafts from aircraft that fly only overland routes. It hopes the 787 will deliver on fuel savings. reliability. having conducted 9. Air Canada will staff around 10 crews per 787. The manufacturer cites locations like Mexico City and Bogota. according to a document released by the nation’s Department of National Defense. but an evaluation was frozen due to budgetary and political factors. and an increased speed of above 150kt (278km/h). ■ 16 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 Keep up to date with all the defence news from Israel at flightglobal. which it says offers a flight endurance of more than 20h. as well as support capabilities. Bleser says. plus sensors and systems integration.300lb). which are based on the Heron 1 airframe. The announcement follows recent requests for two other requirements: a Ps5 billion project to acquire six close support aircraft for the Philippine air force. including in support of operations in Afghanistan. which would also retain their existing ground systems for the type. which is currently undergoing aviation certification by the European Aviation Safety Agency.DEFENCE For more coverage about unmanned air system developments. Meanwhile. IAI is also adapting its “super endurance” mini UAS for service aboard navy ships. The man-portable system can be deployed in the field by two people. the nation’s focus was on counterinsurgency missions in the southern Philippines. including payloads totalling up to 450kg. The latter 200hp (147kW) engine is based on an automotive diesel engine made by Fiat. The enlarged engine bay was designed to accomodate either the Heron’s existing Rotax 914 powerplant. With a maximum take-off weight of 30kg (66lb). as recorded by Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database. ■ Israel Aerospace Industries xisting operators of Israel Aerospace Industries’ Heron unmanned air system are being offered a way of getting the advanced performance of the manufacturer’s heavy fuel enginepowered Super Heron HF by “transplanting” the avionics from their aircraft into the new model’s enlarged fuselage. Proposals are to include the cost of the aircraft. the French air force has upgraded some of the payloads carried by its six Airbus Defence & Space/IAI Harfang UAS. ■ UNMANNED SYSTEMS ARIE EGOZI TEL AVIV Heron operators offered ‘transplant’ IAI customers with baseline system can upgrade by installing existing avionics into larger airframe with heavy fuel engine The improved model has an increased speed of 150kt and a maximum payload of 450kg tomers the option to buy its new airframe and heavy fuel engine as part of an upgrade package. and a Ps5 billion contract for two anti-submarine helicopters for the navy. or a heavy fuel system from Italian company DieselJet SRL. The Philippine government’s push to obtain new equipment follows its March decision to order 12 Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50 fighters for $420 million. The service currently operates eight aged Rockwell OV-10 close air support aircraft. says Avi Bleser. the BirdEye 650D can carry a 5.500kg (3. The Super Heron has a maximum take-off weight of 1. director marketing and sales at IAI’s Malat Aviation division.5kg payload. a larger engine bay and a lengthened wing with winglets. but China’s increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea has led Manila to rethink its conventional capabilities.com . as its air force has had no operational fighters since it retired its Northrop F-5s in 2004. the design had also been trialed carrying fuel cells before its current performance was attained using a standard fuel engine. longendurance type since 2007. the Super Heron has a more efficient aerodynamic design with streamlining. Libya and Mali. including an electro-optical/infrared sensor.com/uav PROGRAMME GREG WALDRON SINGAPORE Manila invites bids for patrol aircraft requirement T he Philippines has invited bids in a Ps6 billion ($23 million) programme to acquire two long range patrol aircraft for its air force.com/arielview ENDURANCE IAI puts BirdEye in the sky for 20h Israel Aerospace Industries has unveiled its BirdEye 650D mini unmanned air system. First shown in 2010 with a battery-powered electric propulsion system enabling up to 2h of operation. As the avionics assembly of the new model is identical to that used by the previous baseline Heron. visit flightglobal. The service has flown the medium-altitude. Manila requires bids to be delivered on or before 13 June. IAI says the new engine’s increased weight over the Rotax system is compensated for by better fuel consumption. IAI has been offering its enhanced Heron TP to France in cooperation with Dassault. IAI is offering current cus- Israel Aerospace Industries E A standard fuel engine is used flightglobal. and uses a lightweight ground control system which allows for the automatic operation of the UAS and its payloads. This was an important step. Unveiled at the Singapore air show in February. with a number of take-off and landing systems being evaluated. and has an operating radius of over 27nm (50km). In the 2000s. after which it will implement a second bidding round with selected contenders. grey-liveried aircraft CS-TRJ will be used to transport troops and for emergency evacuation of people and equipment. “The exact number depends on the nature of the task.DEFENCE India moves to recover AW101 funds DEFENCE P18 OPERATIONS CRAIG HOYLE LONDON RAF Rivet Joint makes training debut Converted Boeing KC-135R gains initial release to service approval as UK moves towards re-establishing SIGINT capability ersonnel from the UK Royal Air Force’s 51 Sqn have begun performing training flights using the unit’s first RC-135W Rivet Joint signals intelligence aircraft. Configured to transport up to 152 passengers. “The RC-135W has been cleared by the RAF’s release to service authority. The nation will be a future operator of the Airbus Defence & Space A400M. The aircraft has been used to support activities including ground-based training since its arrival last November. navigators. which also had supplied the A330 flown from late 2009. following the receipt of initial release to service approval.” Full operational capability with the fleet should be declared later the same year. Belgium’s additional current airlift inventory comprises 11 Lockheed Martin C-130H tactical transports.300km). it is being leased from Portuguese company HiFly. with UK delivery targeted for June 2017. and delivered its recommendations to the RAF before the training milestone was achieved. responding to demand to support ongoing operations. which was officially presented on 20 May. which has replaced an A330-300 in providing air transport services from BrusselsMelsbroek air base. it adds. The MoD also has provided limited details of the crew level required to operate the type. which will include pilots. the second KC-135R tanker is just over half way through its conversion programme at L-3’s facility in Greenville. Most recently operated by Onur Air and owned by ILFC flightglobal. Powered by CFM International CFM56 engines. the director general of the UK Military Aviation Authority (MAA) suggested that alternative methods would be required to allow the Rivet Joint to enter RAF service. the MoD’s chief of materiel (air). due to its use of a 50 yearold airframe.9 million) annually by operating the smaller aircraft. The US Rivet Joint fleet is based at Offutt AFB in Nebraska. with approximately 35 for full training missions. “These highly specialised aircraft and their supporting ground stations provide Britain with a first-class intelligencegathering capability. and with a range of 2.3 million ($5. “As planned.” the MoD says. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 17 Crown Copyright P . ■ AIRLIFT BOB FISCHER BRUSSELS Belgium downsizes military transport with A321 he Belgian air force has begun operating a newly-leased Airbus A321. but a typical mission sortie would have around 25 crew members on board. Delivery to the UK is on track for August 2015.” says Air Marshal Simon Bollom.com AirTeamImages T CS-TRJ replaces an A330-300 and can transport up to 152 people Ireland.” Being supplied in a configuration common with the RC-135s operated by the US Air Force. the UK’s eventual three aircraft are being acquired via the Airseeker programme – worth around £650 million ($1. says Flightglobal’s Ascend Online database. the UK’s RC-135s will re-establish a largeplatform SIGINT capability lapsed since the retirement of 51 Sqn’s last British Aerospace Nimrod R1 in 2011. “Ongoing work will progressively refine this release as additional information becomes available and further analysis is conducted.” the MoD says.” the Ministry of Defence says. the MoD says that the RC-135 “is due to enter service with the RAF in late 2014. However. It has already conducted its first operational flight.” Speaking earlier this year. The Belgian defence ministry expects to save up to €4. Responding to questions from Flight International. according to Belgian newspaper De Standaard. following its modification from a Boeing KC-135R tanker at L-3 Communications’ Greenville site in Texas. intelligence operators and airborne maintenance technicians. to Bamako in Mali. The RC-135W is the first of three under contract for delivery by June 2017 The MAA launched an independent safety assessment of the converted RC-135 during April. electronic warfare officers. with seven of the type on order. both DE&S [the Defence Equipment & Support organisation] and the RAF are striving to make this capability available to Defence as soon as practicable.320nm (4. to fly to an initial release to service [and] to a flight envelope that meets the current operational requirement. Crews from 51 Sqn have been flying with the USAF since January 2011 under a co-manning agreement signed following the UK’s order for the RC-135. “The third and final aircraft is scheduled to commence its conversion programme in January 2015. A 23 May sortie flown from RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire represented the first time that the aircraft – ZZ664 – has been airborne since its delivery flight.09 billion). as a preventive measure. India terminated the €556 million AW101 contract with AWIL in January 2014. Royal Norwegian Air Force and Royal Saudi Air Force. ■ Airbus Defence & Space Brazil tops-up tanker fleet AgustaWestland ew Delhi will take steps to recover €278 million ($380 million) in bank guarantees and performance bonds related to its cancelled acquisition of 12 AW101 VVIP transport helicopters from AgustaWestland. AgustaWestland says it “will assert its rights to recover the aforesaid amounts in the arbitration process already initiated”. which amounted to around €30 million. charging that the pre-contract integrity pact and terms of the contract had been breached by the company. but Hapke says it is “in discussions” with navies “worldwide”. with the rest to be adapted in Brazil by TAP Manutenção e Engenharia Brasil.DEFENCE To get more defence sector coverage. as recorded by Flightglobal’s Ascend Online database. the 18 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 type’s original diesel engine and other systems are unchanged. destined for service with the Italian air force. New Delhi is now studying the ruling. subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter: flightglobal. he adds. To achieve the higher maximum take-off weight. the local conversion activity is part of an IAI effort to increase its co-operation with companies in the nation. The design was previously designated the Tanan 300. higher-weight variant of its Tanan vertical take-off and landing unmanned air vehicle. The cancellation means that AgustaWestland has a current order backlog for 37 AW101s.com . intelligence. REFUELLING ARIE EGOZI TEL AVIV UNMANNED SYSTEMS DOMINIC PERRY LONDON B razil is to sign a revised contract soon to add a third converted Boeing 767-300 tanker to its air force inventory. However. Japan Maritime SelfDefence Force. surveillance and reconnaissance platforms. after which it says it will take “immediate steps to recover the amounts fully”. Sascha Hapke. payment to India of collateral worth over €278 million already deposited in relation to the contract. the Brazilian air force command selected Israel Aerospace Industries to convert two commercial Boeing 767300ERs. In March 2013. allowing the rotary-wing UAV to carry a payload of up to 80kg. Flights will be conducted with an L-3 Wescam electro-optical/ infrared camera installed on the aircraft. At least one of the 767s included in the initial contract will be converted by IAI’s Bedek division. to reflect a maximum take-off weight of 300kg (660lb). However. India’s defence ministry says its claims have been “substantially upheld”. These are currently in storage. The announcement builds on India’s cashing of two bank guarantees in February. Nigerian government. he does single out the French navy as having shown in- terest. A contract for 12 VVIP-configured AW101s was signed between the parties in 2010. introduced from 1986. with a debut sortie “pretty imminent”. The modified 767s will be configured with under-wing hose-and-drogue refuelling pods to support its fighters. AgustaWestland International Ltd (AWIL) and AgustaWestland Spa have also been ordered to reimburse legal costs to the Indian government. Following a ruling by a Milan court on 23 May. Hapke believes the now-350kg Tanan sits in the “sweet spot” for ship-based tactical. Pitched against the lighter Saab Skeldar and the Schiebel Camcopter S-100. Three aircraft were delivered before the deal was terminated. To be conducted under Israeli supervision. ■ Airbus strengthens VTOL Tanan for maritime surveillance operations A irbus Defence & Space is gearing up for the first flight of a new. says that ground tests of the vehicle are under way. according to Israeli defence sources. These will replace the service’s four retired KC-137s (militarised Boeing 707s). Airbus has yet to secure an order for the Tanan. the manufacturer has redesigned the UAV’s airframe. That ruling had prohibited. senior manager air systems at Airbus Defence & Space. he cautions that there has been “no decision yet”. The 350kg development has an increased payload capacity flightglobal. Although declining to name potential clients. It refuses to comment on the current status of arbitration proceedings. but the manufacturer has now increased this figure by 50kg. with options for an additional two.com/defencenewsletter CANCELLATION ATUL CHANDRA BENGALURU India moves to recover AW101 funds Defence ministry says its claims that AgustaWestland breached terms of contract have been upheld by Milan court ruling N Responding to the court’s decision. ■ The Indian action has dented sales of the VVIP-roled rotorcraft The airframer had earlier confirmed that the court of Milan had revoked the emergency interim ruling it had obtained in March. All PC-24 slots planned between the start of deliveries in 2017 and the end of 2019 are now backed by binding contracts. when a majority in Congress voted to reauthorise the bank to finance US exports for three more years.000ft altitude – on its third flight.BUSINESS AVIATION Change is in the air at NASA NEWS FOCUS P21 Date fixed for PC-24 roll-out P ilatus Aircraft will wait before reopening its orderbook for 2020 delivery positions for the PC-24. with the US Federal Aviation Administration’s approval of type inspection authorisation (TIA) certification for the superlight business jet. As of December 2013. at the expense of the “Main Street economy”. not only by providing back-stop financing to secure the deal. Pilatus says. To date the company has recorded 130h over 60 flights on the Latitude test aircraft.500nm range for seven to nine passengers.100nm-range (3. US type certification is scheduled Cessna PROGRAMME The seven-seat type made its flight debut in February Garmin G5000 avionics with the 12-seat Sovereign+. but in helping local banks in Africa to understand the private aircraft financing market. Known in the aviation industry for financing billions of dollars worth of Boeing sales every year. The Ex-Im Bank’s broadening reach in the US aviation industry comes as a powerful faction in Congress works to strip the agenflightglobal. The Latitude was launched in 2011 to bridge a gap in Cessna’s product line between the 2. Representative Jeb Hensarling – a Texas Republican and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee – said the demise of the Ex-Im Bank this year is a “defining issue for our party and our movement”. and had received a total of 84 orders for the $9 million jet by the time the show closed on 22 May. Government intrusion. ■ for the first half of 2015. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 19 . The first Williams FJ44-4Apowered PC-24 will be rolled out at the company’s headquarters in Stans on 1 August. Gulfstream and Sikorsky. It has already authorised loans for another $740 million in sales so far this year.200nm-range midsize Sovereign. he argues. and a second is expected to join the trials in the third quarter. In late May. before the model makes its scheduled debut flight in early 2015. The Ex-Im Bank says it exists to provide financing for exports where there are gaps in the marketplace at no net cost to taxpayers. Pratt & Whitney Canada PW306D engines and FINANCE STEPHEN TRIMBLE WASHINGTON DC Troubled Ex-Im Bank doubles support Independent federal agency to boost financing for business aircraft and commercial helicopters. Once operational. despite threat of closure he US Export-Import Bank has announced a goal to double financing support for business aircraft and commercial helicopters this year – even as it faces the threat of being shut down after 30 September. the Latitude will compete in a market segment offering roughly 2. The type shares the wing design. The agency’s loans were pivotal in the recent sale of a jet to a customer in Africa.com Gulfstream T Backing has been given to US manufacturers like Gulfstream cy of its legal power to authorise such loans by the end of the current fiscal year. after having sold out the first three years of production in less three days. and now plans to reach $2 billion by the end of 2014. The Ex-Im Bank survived similar calls in 2012.300-2. The Swiss airframer opened the orderbook on the first day of the European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition in Geneva. the independent federal agency has recently been expanding into the additional sectors. allowing the bank’s opponents another opportunity to seek its closure. and Cessna says it achieved full envelope performance – 440kt (815km/h) maximum speed and 45. he says.890km) superlight XLS+ and the 3. aft section. ■ TESTING KATE SARSFIELD LONDON Latitude edges towards certification C essna has taken another step towards service entry for the Citation Latitude. which is also expected to enter service next year.” the US-based airframer says. as the agency returns a surplus to the US Treasury each year. Gulfstream chief executive Larry Flynn has expressed strong support for the Ex-Im Bank’s activities. “The TIA allows Cessna to begin accumulating flight hours that will apply toward official certification. That authorisation expires on 30 September. leads to “crony capitalism” benefiting corporations. The first production aircraft started its test programme in May. Hensarling criticises the government-run bank for meddling in a financing sector he believes should be reserved for the free market. which includes Bombardier’s Learjet 75 and the Embraer Legacy 450. The seven-seat type made its flight debut in February. the Ex-Im Bank had provided $1 billion to support exports for manufacturers such as Beechcraft. via your desktop or in print Subscribe to Tablet for all the great content you enjoy in print. Digital or Print today at www.There’s something NEW about Flight International You can now read Flight International wherever you are – on your tablet. and: Download your weekly copy on Saturday Enjoy In-app videos More photos Links to related content on flightglobal.com .fl[email protected] /1607 (Overseas) +44 1444 445454 (UK) 0845 077 7733 flightinternational.com Subscribe to Tablet. then you’re done.” NASA aeronautics has developed an ambitious vision that could resurrect the administration’s long-dormant flight test NASA N A business jet-sized X-Plane is needed for an acoustic study flightglobal. Instead.” ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 21 . NASA has proven the viability of technology that could be used to dramatically soften the boom of a supersonic aircraft. say. The House Appropriations Committee has passed a NASA budget bill for next year. and its share of overall NASA appropriation has declined from 7% to 3%. One idea involves creating a virtual model of the national airspace system. However. The theory involves manned X-Planes. but funding reductions and a risk-averse culture have led to a nearly three-decade dearth of such experiments.” Shin says. “I say it with upmost caution. of hypersonic flight with the Bell X-15 and of the forward swept wing with the Grumman X-29.NEWS FOCUS The factors behind the resurgence of Czech aerospace SPECIAL REPORT P22 DEVELOPMENT STEPHEN TRIMBLE WASHINGTON DC Change is in the air at NASA The administration’s aeronautics research arm has fallen on hard times since 2000 – but its fortunes could soon turn ASA’s aeronautics research programme has seen a long period of decline since its glory days. In the near-term. but found there was no practical way to simulate a lowboom configuration. advances in autonomous tools for piloting aircraft and managing airspace. there are signs that the fortunes of the aeronautics research division are changing. but NASA officials are buoyed by the show of support from the House. NASA is creating a full simulation of US air traffic – a “smart national airspace system” – which will allow the Federal Aviation Administration to test software changes before they become operational. and new authority to rapidly demonstrate concepts aimed at solving system-level problems. and $100 million more than enacted in fiscal year 2014. The acoustic data also would be accepted if gathered by a subscale aircraft.com BOOMING BUSINESS The aeronautics division considered modifying an existing NASA asset. but a business jet-sized X-Plane is needed to perform an acoustic survey that could force international regulators to lift a ban on overland supersonic flight. Included in the administration’s FY2015 budget request is funding to launch a new project called “convergent aeronautics solutions”.” Jaiwon Shin. A supersonic X-Plane was not included in NASA’s FY2015 request. Since 2000. This stagnation could end in the near future. after increasing outlay to the aeronautics division to $666 million – $115 million more than the Obama administration requested. then that merchandise sells by itself. however. “Our aeronautics content. Upgrading the current system is problematic because software cannot be tested under the pressure of a full-scale traffic management system. such as a Boeing F-15A. NASA’s more direct contribution to the aerospace industry will be in the area of autonomy. good merchandise. The organisation has proven the viability of technology that could soften the boom of a supersonic aircraft programme. NASA’s association administrator for aeronautics research. if we’re allowed”. a $1 billion annual budget for atmospheric flight research has been chopped roughly in half. The Senate has yet to move on the FY2015 budget. Shin says. “We’re trying to provide a home for the NASA workforce to do rapid demonstration of concept feasibility. “If you can’t demonstrate feasibility in two to three years. The goal is to challenge NASA’s workforce to demonstrate a solution to a systemic problem within 18-36 months. It’s not going to happen. the agency’s engineers and test pilots proved the viability of supersonic flight with the Bell X-1. a single pilot operation can be conceived. vision and strategy – and how we’ve been delivering these – have all been coming together.” Shin says.” he says. and Shin says the project could be launched in the “outyears. NASA AMBITIOUS VISION “If you show. tells Flight International. NASA is also working to address system-level problems. Another goal is to expand the use of autonomy on the flightdeck. “If we introduce a high level of autonomy. “This one really needs to be a real plane with a certain size. The US National Research Council is to issue a report within weeks on how NASA research could enable breakthroughs in autonomy for the aviation industry. In the heyday of NASA aeronautics research.” he adds. the country remains a powerhouse of light sport aircraft. light utility aircraft and turboprop engines its specialities. GE is also overhauling the former Walter Engines into a global centre of excellence for small-aircraft engines. Czechoslovakia was a workshop of the Eastern Bloc and aviation one of its key industries – with military trainers. with national champion Aero Vodochody surviving a bumpy decade-and-a-half to establish a reputation as a lean and profitable aerostructures supplier. In the following pages we look at the factors behind the resurgence of Czech aerospace 22 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 flightglobal. Meanwhile. with plans for a new version of the veteran transport.com . Aerospace remains vital for the Czech Republic 21 years after its split with Slovakia. and Russian-owned Aircraft Industries – maker of the Let L-410 – is expanding production.CZECH REPUBLIC SPECIAL REPORT CZECH-MADE In Communist times. com 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 23 . Evektor 24 Structural change Aero Vodochody 25 New thrust for Walter GE Aviation 26 Let the good times roll Aircraft Industries 28 The best of both worlds ABS Jets 29 Outback to the future Evektor The Aero Vodochody L-159 (top) may be about to secure new operators. GE is investing heavily in the former Walter engine business. Evektor is developing the EV-55 flightglobal.CZECH REPUBLIC Aero Vodochody SPECIAL REPORT CONTENTS GE Aviation. although its main programmes. They promised a new era for the then state-run company. including two risk-sharing packages where it has design-engineered fixed leading edges: for the CSeries. Aero Vodochody was still essentially a traditional airframer. a nadir for Aero Vodochody. The deals. And it is not just locals attracted by Aero Vodochody’s growing business. “People though this was. While that is still well short of 1980s levels.” he says. had ceased production. altogether more successful. EMPLOYMENT HOW TO HOLD ON TO YOUR BEST ASSETS SPEAK TO the boss of any aerospace company in a second-tier economy – from Jordan to Jamaica – and they will report that one of their biggest headaches is stopping staff – in whom they have invested money to train and develop – from leaving for higher-paid jobs abroad. Since its purchase by Penta. which built on an existing partnership with Sikorsky to produce the integrated airframes of the S-76 helicopter. the L-39/59 jet trainer and L-159. It is a long way from the mid-2000s. it is almost double the workforce of four years ago. among others. Embraer KC-390 and Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk.STRATEGY Structural change Aero Vodochody has recovered from a mid-2000s low point to become a significant supplier on big civil and defence programmes MURDO MORRISON PRAGUE A ero Vodochody Aerospace has been through two revolutions of its own since the political changes that swept Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. it has added one major aerostructures contract a year. in partnership with Belgium’s Sonaca. as it saw Aero Vodochody take on its first engineering programme since the development of the L-159 in the 1990s. But participating with the best companies in the world has kept us in the first league. Employment is growing too and will reach 2.” notes Simek. have seen the 95-year-old company push turnover to $270 million. and long heritage in aviation. the Airbus A320. “We now employ a lot of expats too.” Šimek describes the Sonaca deal as a “game-changer”. maybe less sexy. the Ae-270 turboprop. the trend could be reversing. was discontinued through lack of funds.900 workers are “constantly training” and the country’s well-regarded universities and schools. The second. and directly with Embraer for the KC-390.com Aero Vodochody The Czech Republic grounded most of its L-159s after taking delivery of 72 examples in the early 2000s . he says. Aero Vodochody looked like a business trading on past glories. we are one of their best options”. when 5. mean it does not struggle to find good recruits. ■ flightglobal. when Czech and Slovak investment house Penta Investments bought the business from the Czech government and began reinventing Aero Vodochody as an aerostructures specialist. Lower living costs in central Europe and improving career prospects mean many young Czechs are coming home. “and for a career in aerospace. Šimek says it is “a fact of life” that some of his employees will seek to further their careers in France. Alenia Aermacchi C-27J. revolution has been taking place since 2007. with commitments in the pipe24 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 line set to increase that by another 50% by 2018. Bombardier CSeries. though completed. Germany or the UK. winning major contracts for. The mid-1990s saw a Boeing strategic investment in the Czech aerospace champion – one of the first by a Western manufacturer in the former Communist bloc. Aero Vodochody’s president Ladislav Šimek says the company’s 1. At the time of re-privatisation in 2007. Yet. well. Boeing walked away from its 35% stake in 2004. and. However. “A lot of people took it as a matter of pride that we built planes. because Czechs are free to work anywhere in the EU. equally damagingly. CULTURAL SHOCK Company president Ladislav Šimek says the move from being a maker of original equipment to a business based on designing and building-to-print structures for other aircraft has been a “cultural shock” for many in the company. There was also a joint venture with Taiwan’s AIDC to develop a passenger turboprop.000 people clocked in each day.000 this year. most of a consignment of 72 L-159 advanced jet trainer/light combat aircraft delivered to the Czech air force was shelved after Prague opted for the Saab Gripen as its flagship fighter. but both were ill-fated. Around 700 examples of the Albatros are still in service. in a walk through the production halls in the company’s plant in the village of Vodochody outside Prague. mainly from existing customers. after several close runs. GE’s first move on taking over Walter was to begin development of a new family of 750shp (560kW) to 850shp engines. It will include a new cockpit and several airframe changes. a product line headed by the long-enduring M601 turboprop – which powered the Aircraft Industries L-410 among others – as well as a highlyskilled workforce and heritage as one of the country’s most notable aerospace brands. the company has set up a strategic sourcing department to develop its supply chain in the Czech Republic and in countries such as Romania. Like most manufacturers of its era. The company is planning to announce a new version of the single-engine jet at the Farnborough air show called the L-39NG. with room to grow as more are added. with gleaming machine tools and six sigma streamlined workflows.CZECH REPUBLIC SPECIAL REPORT MEETING COMMITMENTS Although Aero Vodochody is rapidly adding staff to meet its aerostructures commitments. the closest Aero Vodochody gets to building a complete aircraft. he maintains. taking place. the military side remains an important arm of its business. and with less risk than going further east. GE BGA Turboprops has all the markings of a 21st century manufacturing facility. is new and Western.” he says. “We know that without a very good management of the supply chain. Although the aircraft are not on its balance sheet. most equipment. completing the second revolution at Aero Vodochody from a legacy aircraft manufacturing business and entrenching its position in the global supply chain. Šimek and his colleagues are also aware of the need to streamline the business. ■ GE Aviation The company set up a separate engineering unit 18 months ago – alongside aerostructures and the legacy military maintenance. the biggest of which is the S-76. Now we always consider what we do and what we outsource. which has its own production line. which are owned by the country’s government. based mainly on support of the L-159 for the Czech air force and maintenance of and upgrades to the L-39 Albatros. including five-axis milling machines. As well as relocating sites. Šimek is wary about transforming too quickly. Aero Vodochody had been highly vertically integrated. repair and overhaul division – to handle in-house projects and compete for third-party work.” “Being able to manage a supply chain in central Europe is one of our capabilities” LADISLAV ŠIMEK President. outside Prague. a contract won in 2010. The Communist-era factory has been designed around zones for each programme. and workers are rewarded for ideas that make the company more efficient. Now in a refurbished building in Letnany. the second KC-390 rear fuselage – one of three buildto-print packages on the Brazilian military transport – is set to be shipped. a twin deal with US private operator Draken International and Iraq is close. he says. The company has invested heavily in streamlined production methods for its buildto-print contracts. where costs are lower. but “you will always need a second flightglobal. “There are many engineering companies in Europe. “The ability to manage a supply chain in central Europe is not easy. it inherited a pre-war factory ill-designed for modern manufacturing.” he says. but it is one of our capabilities. “It’s a balance. However. and Baghdad the remaining 12. Walter brought with it a strong heritage 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 25 . While design engineering can lead to higher and long-term returns. but not many in eastern Europe. Aero Vodochody Although the momentum for Aero Vodochody’s recent success has come from aerostructures.” Customers. many operated by the likes of the Breitling display team and other private users.com MANUFACTURING New thrust for Walter GE Aviation wants to turn the Czech general aviation engine maker into its global turboprop centre of excellence Aero Vodochody MURDO MORRISON PRAGUE G E Aviation’s Business and General Aviation Turboprops business in Prague – the former Walter Aircraft Engines – combines the Czech company’s decades-long expertise in small turboprop engines with the US giant’s vast experience in industrial production and new product development. although Aero Vodochody will not give further details. When GE took over Walter in 2008. A sign in the part of the plant responsible for Boeing F/A-18E/F gun doors celebrates the completion of the 500th example since 2001. together with the choice of a more powerful engine. You can see the investment. it means more investment and risk. a deal would be symbolically important. ❯❯ The C-27J is an important contract solution. where you get the same products and same solution [as the West] but with a lower cost. In another area. To this end. Japanese kaizen principles of continuous improvement are practised. The company has produced 380 airframes since 2000 and will hit the 400 milestone this year. A hall has been refurbished for production of A320 landing gear for Messier-Bugatti-Dowty. but on the plus side. can source from the Far East. Aero Vodochody has been looking for a buyer for several years for the surplus examples of the L-159s. Finally. with the former taking up to 28 aircraft. along with the cultural change. which was sold to 30 countries. Or you can go to the middle [central Europe]. First deliveries are expected in 2017.” he says. Although there are still some ancient Russian-built hydraulic presses. we cannot grow that fast. the L-410NG. Production of the metal. Russia remains the turboprop’s biggest market by far. Aircraft Industries – founded in 1936 and known until 2005 as Let Kunovice – is the Czech Republic’s only manufacturer of passenger aircraft. wing and cabin improvements – is in development and due to fly by the end of the year. most of its output was for maintenance.” says Milan Šlapák. a re-engined version of the King Air C90. high-wing commuter. 20% in Africa and 18% in Latin America – has started to grow again with the H80. which first flew the year man walked on the Moon. the H75 and H85 – are now certificated. Additional applications include the single-engined Primus 150 being developed by China’s CAIGA and the Rysachock utility twin produced by Russia’s Technoavia. Latin America and Africa. was notable because it was the first GE engine to be developed outside the USA. The global installed fleet of around 700 en- GE plans to develop further GA engines broadly based on the Walter M601 26 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 ircraft Industries’ L-410 is 45 years old.800-2. the company has produced more than 1. This year we will do 80 to 90. This could be sited just outside Greater Prague to benefit from better support for economically deprived regions from the Czech government and EU. GE is not putting any timescale on when any new products will be on the market. That version. at only 10 or 12 new engines a year.1001. which enters service later this year. A new version of the L-410. is increasing. The workforce now stands at around 400 and revenues have grown from around $38 million in 2012 to an estimated $78 million this year.“Last year we did around 65 new engines. where it serves many of the country’s dozens of remote airfields. flightglobal. Those engines – the H80 and its derivatives. GE Aviation Prague gines in service – 44% in the CIS. When GE bought Walter. thanks to a new GE engine which has given the rugged veteran fresh appeal.CZECH REPUBLIC SPECIAL REPORT ❯❯ based on the architecture of the M601. mostly in Russia and the CIS. with the H80 set to power the Nextant King Air G90XT.com . with plans to develop two further families of engines in the 1. Aircraft Industries produced 63 L-410s.” says Šlapák. broadly based on the architecture of the H80. cargo or utility twin-turboprop. Between 2005 and 2013. But this is likely to be eclipsed once GE starts establishing what it calls a “turboprop centre of excellence” with GE predicting a turnover of $300 million at its Prague operation by the end of the decade. “We got into this business to start competition with the [market-leading] PT6A” MILAN ŠLAPÁK Commercial director. the Czech Republic looks like it will have another aerospace powerhouse by the end of the decade. but with one of the world’s top three aero engine brands behind the business. ■ Production rates are increasing at Aircraft Industries’ factory AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING Let good times roll One of the Czech Republic’s best known aircraft types – the Let L-410 – is enjoying a new lease of life. is likely to extend the life of the programme well into its second half-century. Owned fully since 2013 by Russian group Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UGMK in the Russian abbreviation). and replacing bladed discs with blisks. While there is room to grow at its Letnany facility. repair and overhaul. “We got into this to start competition with the PT6A. the NG. The deal was one of the big stories of the National Business Aviation Association convention in October last year. The H80. The engine is installed in the Thrush 510G crop-spraying aircraft. and to be certificated first by EASA. including the use of a corrosion-resistant titanium alloy compressor. 38 of which went to Russia. but is showing no signs of having a midlife crisis. 45 years after its first flight MURDO MORRISON PRAGUE A GE Aviation BIG AMBITIONS However.000shp categories. A further iteration – with uprated powerplants and airframe. which received approval in 2011. This would take it directly into competition with the market-leading PT6A from Pratt & Whitney. commercial director of GE’s Czech business. while the slightly lower-thrust H75 derivative is available as a retrofit in and on new-build examples of the Aircraft Industries L-410 utility transport. due to fly for the first time later this year. but with improvements. GE has bigger ambitions for its Czech subsidiary. The success of the Thrush 510G in the growing agricultural sectors of South America and China and the L-410 has helped drive production up.200shp and 1. key to creating what it calls a “scalable” centre of excellence will be a new engineering department.100 of the various versions of the L-410 – which seats 19 in its passenger configuration – with around 350 still in service. will have the H85 variant. Employees numbers are also increasing and will pass 1. increasing capacity by about 70% to 2. The NG will also have a glass cockpit. Structural innovations include lighter nascelles. with 700 employees. Quittner & Schimek specialises in wire harnesses and electromechanical assemblies. Jihlavan makes hydraulic actuators for the Saab Gripen and Airbus Defence & Space A400M. says Alice Undusova. After privatisation. Aircraft Industries plans to increase output from a current 16 aircraft to between 24 and 30 a Aircraft Industries However. The appeal of the L-410 is its ability to go almost anywhere and take off from very short runways. Latécoère subsidiary Letov. and maximum range extends from 1. employment has been increasing.com steadily in recent years with the 21 manufacturer members of the Confederation of Czech Aviation Industry (SCLP). private funding and inward investment from the likes of General Electric. executive director of the SCLP. while Speel designs flight data cockpit recorders. stowage areas and crew rest compartments as part of cabin equipment manufacturer Zodiac Aerospace. Payload will be about 400kg higher. While the aircraft may be a rare sight at big airports.800 in 2010 to getting on for 4. turning around aerospace companies from a state-directed culture to one where they have to compete in a global market has been “a huge step”. UGMK bought 51% of the business in 2008 and the remaining stake last year. COMPOSITE CONTENT Most of the L-410NG airframe is now complete at the company’s Kunovice premises with the main focus now on introducing more composite content to the interior with a goal of shaving off more weight and improving production efficiency. Aircraft Industries has been through several owners and strategies since the end of Communism.500km. recording sales of almost $445 million in 2013. at 2. and Driessen produces galleys. Although the Czech and Slovak republics have had a strong industrial base going back to the Austrian-Hungarian empire. Aircraft Industries runs a vertically integrated organisation. after difficult times and thanks to a combination of entrepreneurial flair. produces doors and other subassemblies for Airbus and other airliners. maintenance. The L-410NG will use the newly certificated 850shp (634kW) H85 variant of the H80 engine. the pain of that transformation looks like having been worth it. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 27 . Aircraft Industries. The industry’s turnover has been growing flightglobal.900 in 2013. the Czech Republic (then Czechoslovakia) ventured into the free market with a lot of baggage. quality producer for the global supply chain. it was owned by Aero Vodochody until Ayres of the USA became main shareholder in the late 1990s.400lb). it is at home on everything from airstrips in the jungle to slush-covered runways in the north of Russia. GE and others are likely to keep that momentum going. from 3. However. Although reluctant to name a date for the start of production. Czech firm Moravan Aeroplanes then held the reins until Czech company Pamco purchased the company and renamed it Aircraft Industries in 2005. including an aerospace sector almost entirely controlled by the state and churning out equipment for customers in the Soviet Union and its allies. With a large installed fleet. its capacity using two assembly lines at its factory. Expansion plans by Aero Vodochody. which represents about two thirds of the country’s industry. Now. up from $311 million in 2010. says marketing manager Nora Strádalová. EMPLOYMENT INCREASING While the workforce might not be back to the tens of thousands who manned production lines in Communist times. with the association reporting healthy profitability and investment levels throughout the industry. The company continues to subcontract for a number of major suppliers. Many of the members of the SCLP are suppliers to Aero Vodochody and the country’s other original equipment manufacturer. repair and overhaul is also a substantial part of the business.Aircraft Industries has been through several owners and strategies since the end of Communism Aircraft Industries year by the end of the decade. with capabilities from machining to cabin outfitting.450kg (5. In common with most eastern European aircraft manufacturers.400km (756nm) to 2. ■ which had powered the L-410 since the 1970s. Other changes include a strengthened wing with integral fuel tank. itself a derivative of the Walter M601 The L-410 first flew in 1969 ASSOCIATION HOW CZECH INDUSTRY CONSOLIDATED ITSELF IN A GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN LIKE ALL the Communist countries of Eastern Europe. Like many Czech aerospace firms. the industry has reinvented itself as a low-cost. north Asia remains a target market with the current UVP-E20 version – powered by the General Electric H80 turboprop engine – able to access high-altitude Himalayan airports its predecessors could not. However.000 this year – almost double that of five years ago.200kg. Latécoère and Zodiac. The new owner is investing heavily. to regulate pilot training.” Králík says the company has been fortunate in that its fleet is mostly used by “owners. No fewer than 14 companies are responsible for those 580 or so Czech-built LSAs registered in the USA. The company is based at Prague’s international airport “We weren’t happy with what our clients were being offered. falling from 650 a year in 28 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 2008 to around 300 today.” says Jan Králík. the Czech Republic punches way above its weight in one of the lightest sectors of aviation – the design and manufacture of ultralight and light sport aircraft. according to the country’s Light Aircraft Association (LAA CR). ABS Jets BUSINESS AVIATION The best of both worlds ABS Jets manages private aircraft for Czech owners. serving 60% of the traffic at the airport. safety and airworthiness in the ultralight category. thanks to the popularity in North America and elsewhere of sports and recreational flying. That said. specialising in Embraer types. but also part of the West to provide a Western quality of work but for Eastern Its first hangar. is used mostly by the aircraft owners. ABS has developed a substantial third-party business around its maintenance and FBO activities.CZECH REPUBLIC SPECIAL REPORT salaries. “But we had so many external companies coming to us to ask if we would look after them that we are now number one in the market. ABS Jets – a Prague-based business aviation operator and services company – markets itself on the principle of “Western values/Eastern prices”. Its managed fleet. run under a Czech air operator’s certificate and comprising five Embraer Legacy 600s and two 650s. However. was a former Czech Airlines building dating from the 1930s. LAA CR vice president. although a handful are bigger. a Phenom 300 and a Bombardier Learjet 60XR. Jihlavan. director of ground operations. which was formed in 1990. but for less money.com .600 factory-built light sport aircraft registered in the USA. ■ LIGHT AIRCRAFT MURDO MORRISON PRAGUE WHAT IS BEHIND THE SOARING SUCCESS OF THE CZECH ULTRALIGHT INDUSTRY? FOR A country with a population of just over 10 million. Along with France. in addition. I look at the prices being offered sometimes [by other charter companies] and I ask if it covers the costs per hour. EvektorAerotechnik. It’s the same job. the Czech Republic retained an expertise in the area that it was able to exploit to commercial advantage post-Communism. No fewer than 14 firms are responsible for those 580 or so Czech-built LSAs registered in the USA The success of Czech industry in light aircraft is largely down to a decision during the Communist era to focus the country’s successful prewar aircraft industry on producing entry-level military trainers and light utility aircraft. ■ flightglobal. including names such as PBS and Verner Motor. Of some 2. as well as maintenance and ground handling from its fixedbase operation at Václav Havel airport. “Prague is a great base for us. worth some €36 million ($49 million). but in 2011 it opened a second maintenance base at the airport. Opportunities for citizens to fly recreationally pre-1990 were limited. With over 90% of its aircraft sold abroad. so we opened our own FBO” ABS Jets JAN KRÁLÍK Director of ground operations. The country also supports several independent engine manufacturers. Although its remit only stretches to the Czech Republic. with North America and Europe as the biggest markets. says Fridrich. even though there is lots of competition. It is a highly fragmented. We are lucky to be on this side of the market. “We are close enough to Russia to attract business from there. TL-Ultralight and Zlin Aviation. says Jan Fridrich. it is a major European exporter of these aircraft. family and friends”.500 employees in total. however. but the Prague firm is building a solid reputation for its MRO and FBO services MURDO MORRISON LONDON L  ike many aviation companies in the Czech Republic. and some 1. cottage industry. Czech light aircraft production dropped off after the LSA “bubble” burst. The company offers aircraft management and charters for mostly Czech and Slovak owners. employing up to 25 people. it has cut bureaucracy and costs for small companies trying to get their products onto the market and helped the sector to flourish. the sector is an important contributor to the Czech aerospace economy. “That market is still tough.” The company is celebrating its 10th anniversary – it was one of the country’s first business aviation operators – and has been expanding steadily since. Light aircraft manufacturers tend to be family businesses. It launched its FBO in 2008. “We weren’t happy with the other facilities on offer so we decided to open our own FBO for our clients.” he says. purchased in 2006. for instance. Another factor in the industry’s success has been the government’s agreement to allow the LAA CR. most companies are within the benchmark for a healthy company of one aircraft per employee per year. so avoiding the turbulence of the third-party charter market in recent years. Germany and Italy. The most prominent include Czech Sport Aircraft. around one-fifth have been made in the Czech Republic. However.” says Králík. Evektor has been working for the last decade on a utility. in 1996 it established a foothold in aircraft manufacturing through its acquisition of Aerotechnik. The first production prototype is being assembled at its Kunovice factory and is scheduled to begin flight testing at the end of the year. for which there Despite some market interest the biggest challenge for Evektor is going to be raising remaining funds for the EV-55 LAA CR Designing recreational aircraft has long been a key part of the Czech aviation industry flightglobal. Since the acquisition.1m (53ft) wingspan and length of 14. The programme has so far been funded by Evektor’s shareholders. One of its leading lights today is Evektor. the EV-55 Outback. Nonetheless. However. which had been producing aircraft since the 1970s. Evektor he region around Kunovice. and top speed of 220kt (407km/h). a private company with ambitions to step up from being one of Europe’s most successful light recreational aircraft manufacturers to breaking into the larger utility turboprop segment. Evektor is hopeful it can bring the EV-55 to market in 2016. or carries 1. training schools. delivering in excess of 1. with a grant provided by the Czech government.4m. Its in-production line-up includes six designs from the ultralight EuroStar SL to the four-seat VUT100 Cobra piston single. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 29 .8t of cargo.1 million aircraft seats nine. Now it wants to step up in size with the ambitious EV-55 programme KATE SARSFIELD LONDON T ESTABLISHED FOOTHOLD Evektor began in 1991 as a design and engineering consultancy for aviation and automotive. The prototype made its first flight in 2013 and has since clocked over 140h in flight testing. It worked with Aero Vodochody on the the L159 and collaborates with Czech car maker Škoda. Despite market interest – in 2012. and flying clubs worldwide. The $2. but it admits that the sluggish business and general aviation market has hampered its efforts. the EV-55 is promoted by Evektor as a versatile workhorse able to access remote airfields but comfortable and modern enough as a corporate aircraft. twin-engined turboprop. is the twin baggage compartments offering 0. The cockpit is fitted with CMC Electronics’ SmartDeck avionics suite. it is Evektor’s answer to the ageing piston-twin market.5m3 (17.com are few new-generation alternatives.CZECH REPUBLIC SPECIAL REPORT DEVELOPER Outback to the future The prototype twin-engined turboprop first flew in 2013 Evektor made its reputation as a manufacturer of ultralights. says Evektor. One of its biggest advantages. Powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-21. Russian company AeroGeo signed a memorandum of understanding for nine EV-55s with options for 20 – the biggest challenge is raising remaining funds to complete its development. With a 16. it has become a prolific manufacturer of light aircraft.7m3 of space. The company says it is now working hard to “secure sufficient funding from other sources”.7ft3) and 2. near the border with Slovakia – home to Aircraft Industries and Zlin Aircraft (the former Moravan) – has since before the war been a heartland of the Czech aviation industry.200 models to owner pilots. Pratt & Whitney vice-president of technology and environment Alan Epstein can explain the appeal – despite the cost.” Epstein said. The potential of 3D printing is especially embraced by Epstein’s competitors at General Electric. The powder used by the printer to build up the part – layer by microscopic layer – is expensive. One executive at GE/Snecma joint venture CFM International predicts that 3D printers will fabricate 25% of the parts in a jet engine within a “number of years”. However. luckily for additive people. like the Lockheed Martin F-35. including some load-bearing and hot section components. chief executive David Joyce says the intricate cores of the blades could be made using moulds fashioned by 3D printers. use 3D printing to manufacture components such as wing spars NEW DIMENSION Although additive manufacturing – the technology behind 3D printing – is in its early stages.com . GE has already committed to build the cobalt-chrome fuel nozzle of the Leap-1 engine family using 3D printers inherited from the acquisition of Cincinnati-based Morris Technologies – a pioneer in the field of additive manufacturing. Although P&W uses 3D printing in comflightglobal. Plus. the component still requires costly finishing work after it emerges from the additive manufacturing process. So how much of an aircraft could be made this way in the future? STEPHEN TRIMBLE WASHINGTON DC M   aking parts for a jet engine using a 3D printer is – despite what you may hear – not cheap. with some taking a long-term view of additive manufacturing’s potential and others seeking to push as many parts as possible into production now. PRINTING POTENTIAL If GE decides to use ceramic matrix composites for the turbine blades of the GE9X engine for the Boeing 777X. and the 3D printer itself has a seven-figure price tag. Entire panels at manufacturing conferences are invited to debate topics such as “Does 3D printing change everything?” The process has also created new wedges in industrial strategy between aerospace companies. addressing a mid-April meeting of the Washington DC chapter of the Royal Aeronautical Society. and so it can be attractive for the right part. everything in a [jet] engine is really expensive. 30 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 “Is [3D printing] a cost-effective process? Well.Lockheed Martin TECHNOLOGY Some of the industry’s most advanced programmes. Additive manufacturing – a process that forms a 3D part in tiny layers from a digital model – is a buzzword. that has not stopped aircraft and jet engine manufacturers switching from castings to 3D printing on a limited – but increasing – number of parts. it is already having an impact on the aerospace industry in areas where it can be made cost-effective. suggesting it is possible that GE is using the possibility of 3D printing to gain better leverage over its suppliers.” Saxena adds. ■ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 31 . brackets [and] nozzles. Several aerospace manufacturers – including RTI Directed Manufacturing – use 200W and 400W printers. Saxena says the value of 3D printed parts produced yearly by the aerospace industry over the next decade could double to $500 million.” GE believes it has found a cost-effective manufacturing process for the Leap-1 fuel nozzle. speaking at the same RAeS panel. but it is much harder for a small supplier to persuade the US FAA to approve the process.4 cm by 25. Saxena says. machining and inspecting.” Saxena says. Vivek Saxena. Pratt & Whitney mercial engine production. Fima says. Additive manufacturing accounts for 0. More applications could evolve as the capabilities of 3D printers improve.5 trillion produced in a year. and P&W agrees that nozzles fall within the handful of jet engine parts that can be produced affordably using a 3D printer. Such machines produce products with a quality slightly better than parts made by the casting process. rather than a casting or a forging process. the company takes a more sceptical view of the near-term potential of 3D printing. Pratt & Whitney With 3D printing.3D PRINTING Lockheed Martin Early adoption of the technology is more likely in applications with less regulatory scrutiny.4cm (10in) by 25. in some areas such as fuel nozzles. Saxena says. he adds. “Near-term parts going into production include pressure vanes. or leap by an order of magnitude to $2 billion.” Epstein says. Like welded parts.” Epstein compares the 3D printing process to “high tech welding”. “Castings make good candidates” for conversion to 3D printing. The process is slowly penetrating some of the industry’s most advanced programmes. says Alex Fima. “And that more than doubles the cost. out of a supply of $10.com new – a technique called stereolithography was used in the 1980s – but it is still decades from realising its full potential. Additive manufacturing is not necessarily EMBRYONIC STAGES How far 3D printing could spread in aerospace factories is still unclear. Usage of composites gradually evolved over 50 years from secondary. the quickest adoption of 3D printing will be in applications that face the least regulatory scrutiny. including a wing spar on the Lockheed Martin F-35 and the wing leading edge produced by GKN Aerospace for the Dassault Falcon 5X – a large-cabin business jet unveiled last October. A second market that could evolve quickly involves operational aircraft still in service long after production has stopped. the lack of an available machine is no longer an obstacle.0002% of the global manufacturing market – or $2 billion worth of parts. “In 20 years will it be in a lot of places? Absolutely. Saxena notes that manufacturing the intricate components is a sort of “black art” perfected by only a few suppliers. However. the cockpit of the Panavia Tornado is now equipped with protective covers on radio switches produced by 3D printers. ICF has analysed where additive manufacturing has already taken hold. employing a technique called selective laser sintering. “Regulatory approval is the biggest issue right now. Those numbers reveal the large proportion that aerospace components feature in a fledgling industry. vice-president of aerospace operations and supply chain at ICF. but still extremely low at 0. accounting for nearly 13% of all activity. However. Saxena says. “Will it be transformational? More for the one-off projects. the components that emerge from the additive manufacturing process still require significant finishing work – including annealing. non-load-bearing components to complete airframes – and the fuselage of the Boeing 787 today. “These are parts that for commercial engines are at the moment costeffective compared to other ways of doing it. Saxena says. he adds. ICF’s forecast illustrates the degree of this uncertainty. These so-called “sunset aircraft” are sometimes difficult to support. brackets [and] nozzles” ALAN EPSTEIN VP technology and environment. A similar device makes support structures for cabin crew seats on the Airbus A310. It is relatively easy for a large manufacturer with self-certification authority to decide to use 3D printing.” Epstein adds. but usage will certainly grow over the next decade as more powerful and reliable printing machines become available.” says Epstein. For example. However. answering his own question. provided perspective on how little 3D printing is actually used in the manufacturing industry. such as unmanned air vehicles P&W engines have some printed parts flightglobal. decades after the machines made to build their parts have been mothballed. “The uncertainties reflect the embryonic stage of additive manufacturing development. Regulatory barriers are another constraint for the supply chain. “Near-term parts going into production include pressure vanes.4cm – mean that the best candidates are parts designed to be produced using 3D printing from the beginning.002% of a $150 billion market. the limitations of existing 3D printers – such as a common printing tray volume measuring 25. A useful model for gauging the adoption of 3D printing could be the industry’s slow introduction of composite materials. value is number two and third is we’d like to make the parts for less than we sell them for. such as unmanned air vehicles and experimental aircraft. As a result. because we’re going to continue to say [that] safety is number one. ICF is not sure what is motivating engine manufacturers. he says. I think. general manager of the RTI division. Saxena says. The additive manufacturing presence in the aerospace industry is slightly better. however. he adds. ■ Edward “Ed” James Swearingen.com SyberJet f the fates had intervened only slightly differently. he had the audacity to look upon a successful aircraft design – such as the Beech Queen Air and the Bonanza – and see how it could be improved. He then moved on to building improved versions of the Twin Bonanza – called the Excalibur – and the Queen Air. Ed Swearingen. The legacy of Swearingen’s career. forcing him to turn first to Piper – which declined an acquisition – and then to Fairchild for cash. 12 September 1925 – 15 May 2014 flightglobal. His next move – the Metro commuter airliner – may have served as a springboard to even bigger projects. The US Army trained him as an aircraft mechanic during the Second World War. Swearingen set out in the 1950s to do more than repair or build aircraft. Cessna and Lear. The Merlin 2 – combining a bespoke fuselage. a design for a kit-built aircraft with speed and range performance that impressed even the tough crowds at the Oshkosh experimental aircraft fly-in in 1983. Even so. SyberJet continues to pursue the concept Ed Swearingen Stephen Trimble pays tribute to one of the greatest innovators and improvers of American aviation design. With those basic skills. Swearingen then unveiled the Merlin series. and frustratingly so. had not an ill-timed economic recession crippled his balance sheet. Many regarded Swearingen a wizard.SyberJet OBITUARY Three decades after Swearingen produced the original design for the SJ30. He started small – albeit skilfully – with the SX-300. This was the market that Swearingen targeted with the SJ30. as a self-described drop-out from grammar school. to have a hope of finding a market. the first generation of business jets that debuted in the 1960s already seemed obsolete. By the mid-1980s. stands apart from many of his more celebrated contemporaries. however. SyberJet. Swearingen’s next project would define the rest of his career. Instead. and he learned aircraft electronics in his first post-war job. the Queen Air’s wing and at first the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 and later the Honeywell TPE331 – is still the only aircraft design that gave the market for several years a true competitor to the Beech King Air. ranks with the masters of American general and business aviation. several ownership changes and a fatal crash in flight test – that Swearingen’s original concept is still relevant enough for the new owner. It says something – despite three decades of development. Swearingen tweaked an existing design to deliver more range and speed within the same package. He was certainly no traditional engineer. In every case. who died on 15 May of complications from surgery at the age of 88. In the early 1980s Swearingen broke away from Fairchild again to work on his own aircraft designs. who changed both the shape of the industry and the aircraft it manufactures I To see a cutaway poster of the Sino Swearingen SJ30-2 visit flightglobalimages. then among the first of a new class of turbofan-powered private jets.com . Swearingen had a genius for tweaking aircraft 32 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 He began by constructing a twin-engined version of the Piper Comanche as a prototype. the surname of “Swearingen” might have been as ubiquitous a brand as iconic standards of American aviation such as Beech. whereas Airbus will have two different engine manufacturers on the A350/A330neo. 20-26 May) comes as no surprise given the asset-stripping record of the owner. GE will clearly attempt to buy exclusivity with Airbus.com must be no longer than 250 words. Letters must plied may not be may be nobemore than 250 words in length. according to papers published by Dr Nangia (1996 RAeS) and others. Matt Wood Range-unlimited. the aircraft will arrive at Fairford from the USA on its first overseas flight. Will we see a repeat of history? When Boeing developed the 777-300ER family. Quadrant House. while the economic argument will wax and wane according to various factors. payload and operating airfield choices become almost unlimited. the environmental case for air-to-air refuelling is strong.. 777 and A330neo would also not bode well for the industry in general.LETTERS flight.and also published on flightglobal. UK Saving Manston Your letter describing as foolish in the current airport shortage the decision to close Manston airport (Flight International. we thought it was common knowledge – certainly in aerospace circles.international@ flightglobal. I am of course talking about commercial air-to-air refuelling. the choice of manufacturer could have severe consequences in the battle with Boeing.com Training courses to take you there ZZZÀLJKWJOREDOFRPWUDLQLQJ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 33 . address. Sandbach. Flight International cannot letters Letters without a full postalpublish address supwithout name andpublished. in that the airframer will be able to offer a combination of the 777X/787 to airlines and GE will be able to bundle the GEnX and GE9X together. Or email flight. Negligible sales on the A330neo would be of no concern to GE.. It is a great shame that neither Mr Hazy or Airbus are willing to consider a more obvious option which could. and currently both Cobham’s Flight Refuelling and Omega Air of the USA could in theory provide the necessary service. Manston is not only ideal for cargo operators. and recent work with unmanned air vehicles indicates that autonomous aerial refuelling is also possible as a means to avoid human error and reduce training costs. It has also been used continuously by Air Force One for decades. One can clearly see a major benefit for GE on winning the contract: an all-Boeing solution stops the Trent 1000 sales on the 787 and the Trent XWB on the A350. including fuel price and economic Cockpit security barriers to entry. the fast changing political climate – where rights to overfly can be withdrawn at short notice – may yet create a compelling case for civil aerial refuelling. RAF Fairford. it would be almost as quick as Boris Island. UK. How else could you have arrived at the fact that “The overseas debut of the F-35B at Farnborough will delight. The Trent 700 is the engine of choice on the A330 by a significant margin. Surrey SM2 5AS. Indeed. Flight International. RAF Charitable Trust Enterprises. UK Aero engines and exclusivity The safety argument is compelling.international@flightglobal. and there will be a number of significant aviation activities taking place at Fairford during its stay. aircraft training and large aircraft diversions – if a fast transit link was developed to London. UK F-35 debut ours It would appear from Flight International (20-26 May) that this year Farnborough precedes the Royal International Air Tattoo. and proud of the fact that the F-35 will be making its overseas debut first public appearance at RAF Fairford. Richard Arquati Head of press and public relations. we at the Air Tattoo are very excited Following certain events this year – certainly the Ethiopian Airlines hijacking of a plane by the co-pilot – would it not be sensible for all airlines to include in their standard operating procedures that the cockpit must always have two people in it? One could be a cabin crew member if a pilot needs to leave the cockpit? Prof Nick Collings. maintaining a healthy competitive market where exclusivity on airframes exist. If GE is selected Boeing could potentially have a significant advantage.com If – as it seems likely – Airbus launches the A330neo and decides to single source the engine supplier. but GE exclusivity on the 737. A direct A330 service from London to Sydney might be a good starting point for a niche premium route. Ron Reed Bournemouth. as air-to-air refuelling over 50 years has a far better record of success than airline pilots attempting to land commercial aircraft. and Mr [Steve] UdvarHazy hopes Airbus can achieve a double-digit increase in fuel efficiency – of perhaps 15% – using new engines. deliver a 35% improvement in fuel efficiency. Please write to: The Editor. Michael Walton By email INTERNATIONAL The opinions on this page do not necessarily represent those of the editor. and suddenly commercial range. If the theoretical papers are correct. To clarify.” Now. Sutton. It will be based at Fairford throughout the visit. FREng Department of engineering. If the company is successful this will not only be a major problem for RollsRoyce. 747. UK Build your career 7U\)OLJKWJOREDO7UDLQLQJ¶VQHZVLWHIRUWKHIDVWHVW URXWHWREXLOGLQJ\RXUDHURVSDFHDQGDYLDWLRQFDUHHU flightglobal. The Quadrant. Cambridge. Also. What Airbus needs to provide is an A330neo for the civil market with a receptor fitted above the flightdeck – as used by the MRTT – to accept a boom. GE argued that the market would not support two engine suppliers – and we know how that turned out in actual sales.com FLIGHT COMPETITION We welcome your letters on any aspect of the aerospace industry. GE bought exclusivity – even though the Rolls-Royce Trent 800 was the market leader on the classic versions of the 777. Boom could take A330 to Sydney Flight International continues to cover possible options for the A330neo. Boeing is sufficiently aligned with GE for Airbus to become aligned with Rolls-Royce. com 14-16 October Helitech International Amsterdam.hoyle@flightglobal. recording or otherwise.thisdell@flightglobal. PRODUCTION & READER CONTACTS EDITORIAL +44 20 8652 3842 Quadrant House. 20131 Milano.com Business & General Aviation Editor Kate Sarsfield +44 20 8652 3885 [email protected] Australia Correspondent Emma Kelly EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST Israel Correspondent Arie Egozi Russia Correspondent Vladimir Karnozov DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT SALES Quadrant House.com 9-11 October African Air Expo Accra. Alexandria. UK.uk Classified Sales Executive Daniel Brooker +44 20 8652 4897 Classified.co.cumming@rbi. any publication of [email protected]@flightglobal. Singapore 486025 RUSSIA & CIS Director Arkady Komarov komarov@worldbusinessmedia. Russia CLASSIFIED & RECRUITMENT Group Sales Manager Louise Rees +44 20 8652 8425 louise.ascendworldwide.okeeffe@flightglobal. photocopying. 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Leningradsky Prospekt. hosts and maintains a wide range of electronic timetable and route network mapping solutions.Innovata joins Flightglobal You may have read that Flightglobal has acquired the schedules data services company. To find out more visit www.com . from the global airline alliances through to airports and a host of online travel sites. Innovata powers timetable and mapping services for some of the best known names in air travel and transportation. Innovata. Innovata builds. As a leading source of airline schedules data covering more than 800 carriers worldwide.innovata-llc. uk Aircraft leasing Courses and tuition Multi Mission Aircraft (MMA) For Sale or Lease TECNAM 2006T fully equipped for Pipeline Surveillance.5 tonnes max payload CRJ 200 PF 6.com .CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED TEL +44 (0) 20 8652 4897 FAX +44 (0) 20 8652 3779 EMAIL classified. SAAB 2000.uk Freighter aircraft available ATR 72-202 (Class E) 8. 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Border Patrol.uk Calls may be monitored for training purposes New and used aircraft The Regional Aircraft Marketing Specialist TEL +44 (0) 20 8652 4897 FAX +44 (0) 20 8652 3779 EMAIL classified.2 tonnes max payload www.For more information contact us on [email protected] Tel.5 tonnes max payload Fokker 50 Freighter Contact Patrick Leopold patrick@skyworld. Search and Rescue operations. Sharjah Int’l Airport Free Zone Sharjah – United Arab Emirates Tel: +971529300700 Email: eaglefzc@yahoo. Radio Navaids Calibrations. Aircraft/Helicopters wanted A320 Season Dry Lease Requirement for Four Aircraft Aer Lingus has a requirement for the dry lease of up to four A320 aircraft IRUD¿YHPRQWKVSHULRG0D\WKURXJK6HSWHPEHUDQG CLASSIFIED Courses and tuition .QWHUHVWHGSDUWLHVVKRXOGVXEPLWSURSRVDOVFRYHULQJWKHIROORZLQJ  Lease Rate  7HFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWKH$DLUFUDIWEHLQJRIIHUHG LQFOXGLQJ 061/23$VSHFL¿FDWLRQHQJLQHGLVFVKHHWVFXUUHQW03'UHYLVLRQ. Wednesday 18th June 2014. Aer Lingus is seeking Sale and Lease Back proposalsIRUWZR$V 061DQG.  *HQHUDOWHUPVRQWKHGHOLYHU\DQGUHGHOLYHU\SURFHVVDQGFRQGLWLRQV Proposals to be forwarded to ÀHHW#DHUOLQJXVFRP by close of business. DQGRQH$ 061. uk Sale and Leaseback Opportunity: A330-200 (x2) and A330-300 (x1) . a l p i n e .$OODLUFUDIWDUH&) SRZHUHGDQGKDYHEHHQRSHUDWHGVROHO\E\$HU/LQJXVVLQFHGHOLYHUHGQHZ LQDQG$VVXPLQJDWUDQVDFWLRQOHDVHEDFNWHUPLV DSSUR[LPDWHO\IRXU\HDUV 3URSRVDOVVKRXOGLQFOXGH • 3XUFKDVH3ULFHDQGDOODVVXPSWLRQRQ$LUFUDIW6WDWXV • Lease Rate • 5HGHOLYHU\&RQGLWLRQVDQGUHODWHGHQGRIWHUPDGMXVWPHQWSURFHVV • %DFNJURXQGRQWKHHQWLW\VXEPLWWLQJWKH3URSRVDO Interested Parties should submit proposals no later than 18th June 2014.com Training courses to take you there ZZZÀLJKWJOREDOFRPWUDLQLQJ Aircraft spares Dauphin AS. a e r o Tel: +41 52 345 3605 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 37 TEL +44 (0) 20 8652 4897 FAX +44 (0) 20 8652 3779 EMAIL classified.co.services@rbi. )XOOVSHFL¿FDWLRQGHWDLOVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHIURPÀHHW#DHUOLQJXVFRP Build your career Try Flightglobal Training’s new site for the fastest route to building your aerospace and aviation career Scan with your smart phone to search the latest aerospace and aviation training flightglobal.365 Parts Specialists w w w. Balaka. 2. b. c. probably Birmingham.services@rbi. then they must clearly indicate the process and time for arranging maintenance and crew. In the process of deregistration/re-registration.com. f. Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposal(s)/Offer(s) partly or wholly at any time and/or stage without assigning any reason.com www. The Proposals/Offers may also be dropped in the Tender Box within the stipulated time and date. and no claim will be entertained in this regard. The CMI Partner must mention the rate per Block Hour for cost of Crew. to be placed in Planning Division. d. Must hold a Category-1 AOC for passenger transportation as determined by the US FAA and other US regulatory bodies. Belayet Hossain General Manager (Corporate Planning) Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd 38 | Flight International | 3-9 June 2014 flightglobal.co.com. CMI Partner must have experience in CMI/ACMI operation with any other airlines or operators OR must be an international passenger airliner operating with 777-200/300 variant.com . Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited. Biman will initially operate two weekly services to New York via an intermediate point. No Proposal/Offer will be accepted after the closing time. whatsoever. 4.uk The leading specialist in international transport finance DVB’s Aviation Asset Management offers for immediate sale 5 x A330-300 (2013/2014 build) For more information please send us an email aircraftsales@dvbbank. Bangladesh latest by 1000 hours BST (0400 hours UTC) on 15 June 2014 through Courier Service or e-mail to dacpm151@bdbiman. CMI Partner must clearly mention their experience in carrying out CMI/ACMI operation with any other Airlines or Operators. Md. g. RFP Notice and Schedule may be viewed at Biman’s website: www. Detail information are available in the RFP Schedule.dvbbank. Maintenance & Hull Insurance of Aircraft and also the full cost of CMI lease for one year and two years separately. Proposals/Offers are to be submitted to General Manager (Corporate Planning). ownership of aircraft including any insurance claim must remain with Biman.CLASSIFIED Business services Tenders TEL +44 (0) 20 8652 4897 FAX +44 (0) 20 8652 3779 EMAIL classified. The intended CMI Partner may submit their proposals/offers meeting the terms & conditions of the RFP Schedule including the following: a. U. Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited is looking for CMI (Crew.K. The period of CMI operation will be for one year or two years to be decided at the option of Biman. Kurmitola. 5. Insurance) Partner for operation of 02 (two) of its Boeing 777-300ER aircraft to USA. The aircraft deputed for New York operation. These aircraft have been purchased with loan under the Guarantee of US EXIM Bank and Sovereign Guarantee of the Government of Bangladesh. Dhaka-1229. e. Head Office.biman-airlines. Maintenance. will also be operated to European/Middle East points and other destinations of Biman for optimum utilization. If RFP respondent is not a current Boeing 777 operator. 3.com General Ref: DACPM/151/2014/1247 Date: 19 May 2014 Request for Proposal (RFP) 1. Must be able to meet the requirements of US FAA and other US and Bangladesh regulatory authorities. co.flightglobal.com/jobs EMAIL recruitment. explore new territory and discover new things about yourself.com/careers flightglobal.services@rbi. You want to go to new places.com www. ROCK STARS WANTED! We are looking for an experienced VIP/Executive Charter Broker to join our unique band of music and VIP charter specialists .based near London Gatwick. You have previous Airbus experience. You’re committed to doing whatever it takes to deliver an exceptional service. 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Q For more employee work experiences. receiving my Masters in Air Transport Management. pay a visit to flightglobal. it’s been an amazing journey from Airbus. or you know someone who does. Since then. top to bottom. I am very lucky to work with the most experienced team in the industry. undertaking an entrepreneurial role and revitalising the organisation Fazal-Karim: Attended the French National Civil Aviation School why we invested in our global structure. president Chad Anderson. newer long-range models have recovered faster than lighter and medium size jets. where customers see the value of a well-maintained pre-owned aircraft and are taking advantage of the large disparity in prices on these models versus a brand new or almost new type. COO Peter Antonenko and the rest of the executive team. Europe is a challenge as we look for positive signs there.WORKING WEEK WORK EXPERIENCE JAHID FAZAL-KARIM Developing a vision for the future Tell us about your career to date Business aviation has been my calling since I was a kid. with my main focus being leading the strategic direction of the company. this has also presented fabulous opportunities for buyers and clients that could acquire aircraft quickly without financing. As the saying goes. but one of my most important roles is personally ensuring that Jetcraft clients get the attention and world-class service they deserve. How has the pre-owned market fared since the 2008 downturn? The market since 2008 has been challenging. Listening to clients talk about their lives and how they got here inspires me to do more and think differently. What are the most enjoyable parts of your job? Two of my favourite things are airplanes and people. and now Jetcraft. earning my Aerospace Engineering degree.” With Jetcraft. To get to the point in your life where you are buying or selling a jet. I attended the French National Civil Aviation School in Toulouse. the true giants are founder Bucky Oliver. as they are popular in emerging markets like Southeast Asia.sarsfield@ flightglobal. it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. triggered by an economic turnaround in Europe while the USA continues towards recovery. I get to buy and sell amazing machines and meet people with fascinating life stories.com Build your career 7U\)OLJKWJOREDO7UDLQLQJ¶VQHZVLWHIRUWKHIDVWHVW URXWHWREXLOGLQJ\RXUDHURVSDFHDQGDYLDWLRQFDUHHU flightglobal. you have to have a pretty interesting story to tell. All model types took a 30% dip in value when the crisis hit. email your pitch to kate. There is a quote I’ve always liked about vision and looking ahead. China and Africa.com Training courses to take you there ZZZÀLJKWJOREDOFRPWUDLQLQJ 3-9 June 2014 | Flight International | 43 . He joined the company in 2008. 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