Flexim Ultrasonic

June 10, 2018 | Author: Do Phan | Category: Flow Measurement, Oil Refinery, Ultrasound, Measuring Instrument, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance)



The superior metering solution at extreme pipe temperaturesNon-intrusive ultrasonic flow measurement FLEXIM Refinery Solutions with the WaveInjector® Reliable - Safe - Efficient In partnership Non-Invasive Flow - Spent Acid Strength - Quality Control Unrivalled advantages of the non-intrusive flow Unique features of the The WaveInjector® has been specifically engineered for high-temperature applications. Using patented technology, the WaveInjector® thermally separates the ultrasonic transducers from the hot pipe, allowing operation at process measurement with FLUXUS® in Refineries: FLUXUS® flow meters: temperatures up to 400 °C and beyond. The operational conditions in refineries are very demanding: extreme temperatures, highly viscose and abrasive media in ppNo process shut-downs for in- ppNo leaks ppEngineered for the measurement of combination with very diversified application areas. stallation - virtually maintenance ______ liquid and gas flow rates as well as Conventional orifice / differential pressure, coriolis and vortex meters, which are used to measure refinery flows, face well- free (no need for frequent work in ppNo pressure losses thermal energy quantities known shortcomings - often being maintenance intensive, requiring process stops for installation and causing pressure losses hazardous areas) ______ ______ ______ within the pipe reducing the plant‘s availability and profitability. ppIndependent of pipe material, ppHighest accuracy and reliability FLEXIM is an active leader in many areas of process instrumentation. As a world wide FLEXIM GmbH Atmospheric and Vacuum ppTrouble-free and highly reliable diameter, wall thickness and even at highly viscose, particle pioneer in the non-intrusive flow measurement of liquids and gases, FLEXIM has been Berlin, Germany Distillation Columns operation at extreme tempera- internal pressure loaded liquids or wet gas leading the way in ultrasonic clamp-on flow metering for more than 20 years. In ad- Phone: +49 30 93 66 76 60 ____ Unique measuring technology tures up to +400 °C and beyond - ______ ______ ______ dition to non-intrusive flow measurement, FLEXIM specializes in innovative online Fax: +49 30 93 66 76 80 no line clogging, no wear and tear Coker and Visbreaker ______ ppAccurate and repeatable ppFree of wear and tear with no main- process analytics using ultrasonic technology and refractometry. Year after year, the [email protected] With the WaveInjector® FLEXIM provides a metrological alternative, which offers fundamental advantages and has proven it- measurement readings - www.flexim.com ____ tenance required due to measure- Berlin-based company continues its substantial investment in research and develop- self in numerous refinery applications worldwide. Without the need for pipe work or process shut-downs, the WaveInjector® ppCertified for operation within even at the lowest flow rates hazardous areas ment outside the pipe wall ment in order to maintain and further improve its position as an industry leader. In FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd. Cracker is mounted to the outer surface of the pipe. Rugged mounting fixtures provide long-term stable measurement even on pipes (high turndown ratio) ______ Northwich, UK ____ with extreme vibration. (ATEX, IECEx, FM) keeping with its core principles, FLEXIM takes customer feedback very seriously. ______ Phone: +44 1606 781 420 ppEvery measurement system Every generation of FLEXIM products is directly driven by customer and industry needs. Heat Transfer Lines A wide range of ultrasonic transducers and transmitters guarantee the ideal adaptation to the individual measurement task, Fax: +44 1606 784 544 is pre-calibrated in house (traceable ____ independent of pipe material, wall thickness and measurement range - even within hazardous areas (ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and [email protected] Technical facts to national standards) and delivered www.flexim.co.uk Gas Separation and Processing 2, FM Class I, Div. 1 and 2). with a calibration certificate The FLEXIM Commitment to Customer Service FLEXIM France SARL ____ Temperature ranges: ______ ______ Strasbourg, France with WaveInjector®: -190 °C to +400 °C (up to +600 °C are applicable) ppIntegrated temperature compensa- Phone: +33 388 27 78 02 Alkylation FLEXIM considers itself not only a manufacturer of measuring instruments, but also ____ without WaveInjector®: -40 °C to +200 °C (for gases up to +100°C) tion according to ANSI/ASME MFC- a provider of technical and consulting services. These services include on-site [email protected] 5.1-2011 regulations and digital www.flexim.fr Tank Storage Flow rates: measurements, laboratory analysis, project handling, training, commissioning, signal processing guarantee a high FLEXIM Instruments ____ Liquids: 0.01 to 25 m/s instrument rentals and consulting services. The company’s focus and dedication is zero point and flow measurement directed towards providing the highest quality equipment with the best support and Benelux B.V. Mobile Flow and Energy Surveys Gases: 0.01 to 35 m/s stability service possible. Berkel en Rodenrijs, Netherlands ___ Phone: +31 10 24 92 333 Repeatability: 0.15% of reading ± 0.01 m/s Fax: +31 10 24 92 339 Subject to change without notification! 2014/03 Accuracy: [email protected] Liquids: ± 1.2% of reading ± 0.01 m/s www.flexim.com Gases: ± 1% ... 3% of reading ± 0.01 m/s FLEXIM Instruments (if field calibrated): ± 0.5% of reading ± 0.01 m/s (liquids and gases) Asia Pte Ltd. Singapore Pipe sizes (outer diameter): Phone: +65 67 94 53 25 Transducer directly at pipe: 6 ... 6500 mm (liquids), 10 ... 1100 mm (gases) Fax: +65 68 62 28 36 with WaveInjector®: 40 to 1000 mm [email protected] www.flexim.com Protection degree: up to IP68 Ex approvals: ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and 2, FM Class I, Div. 1/2 FLEXIM Instruments China Shanghai, China no limitations for liquids BUREFENERYV2-1EN Phone: +86 21 64 95 75 20 Pressurisation: > 5 bar for gases in steel pipes [email protected] www.flexim.com 3 2 often being maintenance intensive.01 m/s Fax: +31 10 24 92 339 Subject to change without notification! 2014/03 Accuracy: benelux@flexim. with a calibration certificate The FLEXIM Commitment to Customer Service FLEXIM France SARL ____ Temperature ranges: ______ ______ Strasbourg.com Liquids: ± 1. which are used to measure refinery flows. signal processing guarantee a high FLEXIM Instruments ____ Liquids: 0. which offers fundamental advantages and has proven it- measurement readings .com With the WaveInjector® FLEXIM provides a metrological alternative. ______ ______ ______ dition to non-intrusive flow measurement.com www. Berlin-based company continues its substantial investment in research and develop. Div.1-2011 regulations and digital www. wall thickness and measurement range . the WaveInjector® thermally separates the ultrasonic transducers from the hot pipe.flexim..flexim. highly viscose and abrasive media in ppNo process shut-downs for in. 6500 mm (liquids). FLEXIM specializes in innovative online Fax: +49 30 93 66 76 80 no line clogging. Berkel en Rodenrijs.Safe . training. In FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd. (ATEX. laboratory analysis. In ad. Germany Distillation Columns operation at extreme tempera. 1 and 2).V.2% of reading ± 0.co. commissioning.5% of reading ± 0. 1/2 FLEXIM Instruments China Shanghai.Efficient In partnership Non-Invasive Flow . Phone: +33 388 27 78 02 Alkylation FLEXIM considers itself not only a manufacturer of measuring instruments.01 m/s www. Year after year. The superior metering solution at extreme pipe temperatures Non-intrusive ultrasonic flow measurement FLEXIM Refinery Solutions with the WaveInjector® Reliable . wall thickness and even at highly viscose.com Gases: ± 1% . Netherlands ___ Phone: +31 10 24 92 333 Repeatability: 0. ppHighest accuracy and reliability FLEXIM is an active leader in many areas of process instrumentation.01 m/s FLEXIM Instruments (if field calibrated): ± 0. FM Class I. process analytics using ultrasonic technology and refractometry. Without the need for pipe work or process shut-downs.com Protection degree: up to IP68 Ex approvals: ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and 2.even within hazardous areas (ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and sales@flexim. IECEx.uk Technical facts to national standards) and delivered www.fr 5. allowing operation at process measurement with FLUXUS® in Refineries: FLUXUS® flow meters: temperatures up to 400 °C and beyond. Phone: +49 30 93 66 76 60 ____ Unique measuring technology tures up to +400 °C and beyond . no wear and tear Coker and Visbreaker ______ ppAccurate and repeatable ppFree of wear and tear with no main. ppNo leaks ppEngineered for the measurement of combination with very diversified application areas. 1100 mm (gases) Fax: +65 68 62 28 36 with WaveInjector®: 40 to 1000 mm [email protected] Control Unrivalled advantages of the non-intrusive flow Unique features of the The WaveInjector® has been specifically engineered for high-temperature applications.flexim. requiring process stops for installation and causing pressure losses hazardous areas) ______ ______ ______ within the pipe reducing the plant‘s availability and profitability. France with WaveInjector®: -190 °C to +400 °C (up to +600 °C are applicable) ppIntegrated temperature compensa. ______ Phone: +44 1606 781 420 ppEvery measurement system Every generation of FLEXIM products is directly driven by customer and industry needs.flexim. As a world wide FLEXIM GmbH Atmospheric and Vacuum ppTrouble-free and highly reliable diameter. FM) keeping with its core principles. Using patented technology.co.com 3 2 .uk Gas Separation and Processing 2. the info@flexim. FLEXIM has been Berlin. stallation .. internal pressure loaded liquids or wet gas leading the way in ultrasonic clamp-on flow metering for more than 20 years. Div. These services include on-site info@flexim. the WaveInjector® ppCertified for operation within even at the lowest flow rates hazardous areas ment outside the pipe wall ment in order to maintain and further improve its position as an industry leader. Singapore Pipe sizes (outer diameter): Phone: +65 67 94 53 25 Transducer directly at pipe: 6 . coriolis and vortex meters. particle pioneer in the non-intrusive flow measurement of liquids and gases. face well- free (no need for frequent work in ppNo pressure losses thermal energy quantities known shortcomings . www. 3% of reading ± 0. a provider of technical and consulting services.. but also ____ without WaveInjector®: -40 °C to +200 °C (for gases up to +100°C) tion according to ANSI/ASME MFC.flexim.Spent Acid Strength .01 to 35 m/s stability service possible. ppIndependent of pipe material.. 10 .virtually maintenance ______ liquid and gas flow rates as well as Conventional orifice / differential pressure.01 to 25 m/s instrument rentals and consulting services.fr Tank Storage Flow rates: measurements. China no limitations for liquids BUREFENERYV2-1EN Phone: +86 21 64 95 75 20 Pressurisation: > 5 bar for gases in steel pipes shanghai@flexim. Fax: +44 1606 784 544 is pre-calibrated in house (traceable ____ independent of pipe material. FM Class I. Cracker is mounted to the outer surface of the pipe.com ____ tenance required due to measure. Mobile Flow and Energy Surveys Gases: 0. Rugged mounting fixtures provide long-term stable measurement even on pipes (high turndown ratio) ______ Northwich. UK ____ with extreme vibration... Heat Transfer Lines A wide range of ultrasonic transducers and transmitters guarantee the ideal adaptation to the individual measurement task.flexim. The company’s focus and dedication is zero point and flow measurement directed towards providing the highest quality equipment with the best support and Benelux B. self in numerous refinery applications worldwide.15% of reading ± 0.com www. project handling.01 m/s (liquids and gases) Asia Pte Ltd. FLEXIM takes customer feedback very seriously. The operational conditions in refineries are very demanding: extreme temperatures. requiring process stops for installation and causing pressure losses hazardous areas) ______ ______ ______ within the pipe reducing the plant‘s availability and profitability. FLEXIM takes customer feedback very seriously. FLEXIM specializes in innovative online Fax: +49 30 93 66 76 80 no line clogging.fr Tank Storage Flow rates: measurements. particle pioneer in the non-intrusive flow measurement of liquids and gases. wall thickness and measurement range . ppHighest accuracy and reliability FLEXIM is an active leader in many areas of process instrumentation.uk Technical facts to national standards) and delivered www. 3% of reading ± 0.15% of reading ± 0. Div. internal pressure loaded liquids or wet gas leading the way in ultrasonic clamp-on flow metering for more than 20 years. the WaveInjector® thermally separates the ultrasonic transducers from the hot pipe. 1100 mm (gases) Fax: +65 68 62 28 36 with WaveInjector®: 40 to 1000 mm salessg@flexim. The operational conditions in refineries are very demanding: extreme temperatures. Rugged mounting fixtures provide long-term stable measurement even on pipes (high turndown ratio) ______ Northwich. IECEx. face well- free (no need for frequent work in ppNo pressure losses thermal energy quantities known shortcomings .flexim.Safe . Year after year.com ____ tenance required due to measure. Singapore Pipe sizes (outer diameter): Phone: +65 67 94 53 25 Transducer directly at pipe: 6 . a provider of technical and consulting services.01 to 25 m/s instrument rentals and consulting services. FM) keeping with its core principles. France with WaveInjector®: -190 °C to +400 °C (up to +600 °C are applicable) ppIntegrated temperature compensa. signal processing guarantee a high FLEXIM Instruments ____ Liquids: 0. wall thickness and even at highly viscose. but also ____ without WaveInjector®: -40 °C to +200 °C (for gases up to +100°C) tion according to ANSI/ASME MFC. ppIndependent of pipe material.com Gases: ± 1% . In ad. Cracker is mounted to the outer surface of the pipe. coriolis and vortex meters. 1/2 FLEXIM Instruments China Shanghai. Using patented technology.01 m/s (liquids and gases) Asia Pte Ltd. As a world wide FLEXIM GmbH Atmospheric and Vacuum ppTrouble-free and highly reliable diameter.2% of reading ± 0.5% of reading ± 0. Phone: +49 30 93 66 76 60 ____ Unique measuring technology tures up to +400 °C and beyond . FM Class I.even within hazardous areas (ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and sales@flexim. which offers fundamental advantages and has proven it- measurement readings .. www. Fax: +44 1606 784 544 is pre-calibrated in house (traceable ____ independent of pipe material.Efficient In partnership Non-Invasive Flow . the WaveInjector® ppCertified for operation within even at the lowest flow rates hazardous areas ment outside the pipe wall ment in order to maintain and further improve its position as an industry leader.com With the WaveInjector® FLEXIM provides a metrological alternative.01 to 35 m/s stability service possible. Berlin-based company continues its substantial investment in research and develop.Spent Acid Strength . (ATEX. process analytics using ultrasonic technology and refractometry. laboratory analysis.1-2011 regulations and digital www. Heat Transfer Lines A wide range of ultrasonic transducers and transmitters guarantee the ideal adaptation to the individual measurement task. allowing operation at process measurement with FLUXUS® in Refineries: FLUXUS® flow meters: temperatures up to 400 °C and beyond. which are used to measure refinery flows.Quality Control Unrivalled advantages of the non-intrusive flow Unique features of the The WaveInjector® has been specifically engineered for high-temperature applications. Mobile Flow and Energy Surveys Gases: 0.flexim. 10 . FM Class I..01 m/s Fax: +31 10 24 92 339 Subject to change without notification! 2014/03 Accuracy: [email protected]. 6500 mm (liquids). Netherlands ___ Phone: +31 10 24 92 333 Repeatability: 0.com Protection degree: up to IP68 Ex approvals: ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and 2. 1 and 2).co. stallation .virtually maintenance ______ liquid and gas flow rates as well as Conventional orifice / differential pressure. project handling.flexim.often being maintenance intensive.. ______ Phone: +44 1606 781 420 ppEvery measurement system Every generation of FLEXIM products is directly driven by customer and industry needs.. ppNo leaks ppEngineered for the measurement of combination with very diversified application areas. Div. ______ ______ ______ dition to non-intrusive flow measurement. no wear and tear Coker and Visbreaker ______ ppAccurate and repeatable ppFree of wear and tear with no main.01 m/s www.flexim. In FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd. The superior metering solution at extreme pipe temperatures Non-intrusive ultrasonic flow measurement FLEXIM Refinery Solutions with the WaveInjector® Reliable .com 3 2 . Berkel en Rodenrijs. Without the need for pipe work or process shut-downs.uk Gas Separation and Processing 2.flexim. highly viscose and abrasive media in ppNo process shut-downs for in. These services include on-site [email protected] www. China no limitations for liquids BUREFENERYV2-1EN Phone: +86 21 64 95 75 20 Pressurisation: > 5 bar for gases in steel pipes shanghai@flexim. UK ____ with extreme vibration. Phone: +33 388 27 78 02 Alkylation FLEXIM considers itself not only a manufacturer of measuring instruments. The company’s focus and dedication is zero point and flow measurement directed towards providing the highest quality equipment with the best support and Benelux B. Germany Distillation Columns operation at extreme tempera.com www.fr 5. self in numerous refinery applications worldwide.. commissioning. with a calibration certificate The FLEXIM Commitment to Customer Service FLEXIM France SARL ____ Temperature ranges: ______ ______ Strasbourg.01 m/s FLEXIM Instruments (if field calibrated): ± 0. the info@flexim. FLEXIM has been Berlin. training..co.V.com Liquids: ± 1. natural gas and many other media. Butane.C20 175 °C . from incoming crude to outgoing dia. 275 °C .400 °C Diesel.275 °C ppSlop Oil abrasion.275 °C the outside of the pipe wall. Kerosene & Jet Fuel and temperature.400 °C Moreover. Distillation Columns (ADU / VDU) Flow Measurement of Gases ______ Treating & ______ ______ Heavy Naphtha. 5 bar Fuel Gas Separation Sweetening. Other Refinery Applications Spent Acid Strength Measurement C40 . 200 °C . up to 280 °C C9 . it is helpful ppHighly pressurised and strongly vibrating Delayed Coker Hydro Cracking (HCU) Petroleum Coke ______ to employ FLEXIM‘s range of hazardous area portable liquid and quench water lines (coker cutting water) Hydrocarbon Quality Assurance gas flow meters for regular surveys and check metering / veri. It is of crucial importance to continuously monitor the concentra- 350 °C . Previously proven flow applications include the tion level of the process fed and spent acid for acid recovery processes and Numerous times. Distillate Oil Fuels 30 °C . such as 300 °C . C40 . FLEXIM also ® Gas Naphtha ______ The FLUXUS® gas flow meters are independent provides solutions for the temporary measurement of liquids. with the WaveInjector® there is no need for process Another significant advantage of the non-intru- Gas shut-downs during installation and preventive maintenance is Tank Storage . meters .150 °C Catalytic Reformate. 90 °C . 150 °C . fractions. especially within challenging applications. 30 °C . that the system can never be a risk for leaks by Identification and Tank Dewatering Butane. FLEXIM‘s process analysers PIOX® measure ity at such extreme conditions without showing any measure- Heavy cracked Distillate ment drift. 5 °C . Being mounted outside the pipe wall.450 °C.350 °C measurements for efficiency monitoring of heat exchangers or ppSmall diameter lines with very low flow ve. locities (e.325 °C system has already been put in place at many HCU loop control points with pipe temperatures up to 400°C and pressure rates 4 Lubricants of around 200 bar. As hydrocar- (app. app. By the use of non-intrusive temperature probes. ppCooling and circulation water lines Coker Naphtha. and aren‘t limited by any maximum process that need to be measured accurately and reliably. nor can it be a leakage risk. 2 > 300 °C Fluid Catalytic Treating & Blending Diesel Fuel Oils ppLVGO outlets high degree of wear and tear on any inline measurement systems. oil distil- ranges with highly dynamic flow rates.60 °C Distillates Flow meters in FCC reflux lines or fractionator bottoms face the of the pipe material. and often require NACE compliant material Light cracked Distillate plant wide energy audits.500 °C coke before reaching the drum. Light Crude Distillate Treating & Gasplant: 5 °C .275 °C Coking (DCU) and Visbreaking process shut-downs. besides the safety aspect. down to 5 bar can be precisely monitored.150 °C Blending The multitude of processes in a refinery form a complex In comparison to conventional measurement technologies the C6 . ______ Hydro Cracking operates at high temperature and pressure ment plants fication tasks. FLEXIM also provides non.anti-foam agents and chemical tion for such real time analysis and can either determine the content of satu- 215 °C . such as aromates.300 °C Hydrocracked ppADU outlets with various distillates Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Cracker or other refinery processes. viscosity range. as another example. Heavy Fuel Oils formation and avoid operational safety risks. Cracker (Desulfurisation) Light cracked ppHVGO outlets FLEXIM’s clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are neither affected by pressures. Even low pressurised gas lines Distillate. Being maintenance free and not requiring process shuts-downs FLEXIM also offers the accurate and reliable (Desulfurisation) system of material and energy flows. Div. independent of the internal pressure intrusive ultrasonic gas flow meter solutions eliminating the risk tional) volume or mass flow rates over a huge of such processes these flows need to be monitored. the WaveInjector® has proven its high reliabil- clamp-on measurement of: further process improvements. also a very cost clamp-on flow measurement of gases such as the superior solution for virtually any liquid and gaseous me. Atmospheric Residue 215 °C .C40 the FLUXUS® HPI meter is the meter of choice in tank storage ______ ______ 400 °C . 5 °C . Such conditions place Visbreaker Thermally cracked Residue FLEXIM‘s portable flow meters also allow thermal energy ppTechnical gases and compressed air lines lates or raffinates is of utmost importance to guarantee agreed quality levels. or inline by refractometry. The online analysis of hydrocarbon products. Moreover.even within haz. 7 . This can be the case when measuring (bidirec- hydrocarbon products. 210 °C .300 °C ppCrude oil heating prior to ADU Harsh process conditions can place heavy demands on flow C10 .200 °C Reforming Automotive Gasoline Especially at the heavier hydrocarbons and residue lines.C70 HVGO.250 °C ______ With the FLUXUS® HPI meter. ppADU and VDU Residues challenge of the abrasive catalyst particles in the slurry causing a eter. FLUXUS® ultrasonic clamp-on liquid and gas flow meters offer conventional inline flow measurement technologies.90 °C C5 .30 °C Light Naphtha. but also gases and thermal energy quantities ardous areas (ATEX / IECEx Zone 2 and FM Class I. often struggle with impulse line clogging causing opera. 165 °C . wall thickness and diam- gases and thermal energy / BTU quantities . 0 bar) Heavy Vacuum Distillate Heavy cracked Distillate Light Fuel Oils the highly viscose and particle loaded medium tending to already bon products can be distinguished through the ultrasonic signal. Crude Oil Everything is flowing.375 °C 275 °C . do not cause internal pressure losses Furthermore. Asphalt Asphalt / Bitumen Blowing 200 °C . the Wave- mixing / dosing) rated aromatic and olefin compounds or. hydrogen.350 °C Residues C20 . such as DP for installation. Alkylation.90 °C Gasoline State-of-the-Art Ultrasonic Technology for Flow Measurement in Refineries Atmospheric Distillation 30 °C . 200 °C . it is. it is possible to combine flow me- Hydrocracker Distillation (Desulfurisation) Delayed Coking works under extreme process conditions with tering with hydrocarbon product identification.150 °C ppOverflash circulation ficantly more than 400°C. which stands in distinct relation to its virtually maintenance-free solution. a very reliable but also accurate flow rate monitoring at Blending passing through the lines.C70 clearly be detected. the quality of Injector® can never be a safety risk for the process by itself. Recognizing this advantage. Thus. With the FLUXUS F/G60X portable flow meters. 30 °C .C6 Hydrogen Light cracked Naphtha Aviation Gasoline 30 °C . Sweetening. it is also the ideal tool for the ideal choice for a wide spectrum of flow ap. applications when different hydrocarbons are successively FLUXUS clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are ® Within alkylation plants highly concentrated sulfuric or hydrofluoric acid is Treating & Thus.350 °C ______ determining the liquids sonic velocity. meters. efficient metering solution. ppPipes within a refinery‘s wastewater treat. Vacuum 360 °C . FLEXIM‘s inline Process Refractometer PIOX® R is the ideal measuring solu- Vortex meters.C12 90 °C . Iso-Naphtha LPG Isomerisation 5 °C . used to form high molecular weight olefins from lower molecular weight the coker feed lines is essential to prevent such premature coke Vacuum Residue tank dewatering applications as water / hydrocarbon cuts can plications within a refinery. not required.30 °C Blending Polymerisation.30 °C LPG & Gas LPG.Hydrocarbon Product sive measurement solution lies within the fact. the ultrasonic measurement ppand many other support processes oil distillates and waxes making cost intensive laboratory testing obsolete. high demands on the employed inline flow meters. 30 °C . FLEXIM‘s WaveInjector® measures from For measuring hydrogen streams.275 °C tional and safety issues. 350 °C .Field-Proven Clamp-On Flow Measurement Refinery Flows Methan / Ethan Gas.30 °C. For the safe and efficient operation 150 °C .C40 LVGO.60 °C Sweetening. constantly monitored by a permanent meter.275 °C certificates.g.60 °C Light Vacuum Distillate ______ itself and the installation does not require any C20 .especially at temperatures between 200 °C to signi.C16 Kerosene. turndown ratio during gas separation and sub- Also for portable measurements sequent processing or at fuel gas lines feeding ______ Middle Distillate. approved). 90 °C . solving flow applications such as: for potential leaks.250 °C Not every measurement point within a refinery needs to be temperature compensated concentration. not causing internal pressure drops and offering a Portable Flow and Energy Surveys ppHeat transfer oil lines the acid‘s concentration either non-intrusively from the pipe wall outside by 275 °C . it‘s not only liquid hydrocarbons over a broad > C20 Sweetening. 400 °C Diesel.C20 175 °C . such as aromates.C40 the FLUXUS® HPI meter is the meter of choice in tank storage ______ ______ 400 °C . FLEXIM‘s process analysers PIOX® measure ity at such extreme conditions without showing any measure- Heavy cracked Distillate ment drift.500 °C coke before reaching the drum. ______ Hydro Cracking operates at high temperature and pressure ment plants fication tasks. 2 > 300 °C Fluid Catalytic Treating & Blending Diesel Fuel Oils ppLVGO outlets high degree of wear and tear on any inline measurement systems. a very reliable but also accurate flow rate monitoring at Blending passing through the lines. This can be the case when measuring (bidirec- hydrocarbon products. 200 °C . ppADU and VDU Residues challenge of the abrasive catalyst particles in the slurry causing a eter. The online analysis of hydrocarbon products. FLEXIM‘s inline Process Refractometer PIOX® R is the ideal measuring solu- Vortex meters. it is possible to combine flow me- Hydrocracker Distillation (Desulfurisation) Delayed Coking works under extreme process conditions with tering with hydrocarbon product identification. Div. as another example.400 °C Moreover.275 °C the outside of the pipe wall. and aren‘t limited by any maximum process that need to be measured accurately and reliably. With the FLUXUS F/G60X portable flow meters.30 °C LPG & Gas LPG. C40 . 30 °C . besides the safety aspect. the ultrasonic measurement ppand many other support processes oil distillates and waxes making cost intensive laboratory testing obsolete. efficient metering solution.Field-Proven Clamp-On Flow Measurement Refinery Flows Methan / Ethan Gas. applications when different hydrocarbons are successively FLUXUS clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are ® Within alkylation plants highly concentrated sulfuric or hydrofluoric acid is Treating & Thus. which stands in distinct relation to its virtually maintenance-free solution. 90 °C .350 °C ______ determining the liquids sonic velocity. it‘s not only liquid hydrocarbons over a broad > C20 Sweetening. but also gases and thermal energy quantities ardous areas (ATEX / IECEx Zone 2 and FM Class I. 30 °C .60 °C Light Vacuum Distillate ______ itself and the installation does not require any C20 . it is also the ideal tool for the ideal choice for a wide spectrum of flow ap.150 °C Catalytic Reformate. 0 bar) Heavy Vacuum Distillate Heavy cracked Distillate Light Fuel Oils the highly viscose and particle loaded medium tending to already bon products can be distinguished through the ultrasonic signal. the WaveInjector® has proven its high reliabil- clamp-on measurement of: further process improvements. FLEXIM‘s WaveInjector® measures from For measuring hydrogen streams.C70 HVGO. meters. hydrogen. Atmospheric Residue 215 °C .450 °C. Vacuum 360 °C . ppCooling and circulation water lines Coker Naphtha. approved).especially at temperatures between 200 °C to signi. Moreover. that the system can never be a risk for leaks by Identification and Tank Dewatering Butane. not required. It is of crucial importance to continuously monitor the concentra- 350 °C .Hydrocarbon Product sive measurement solution lies within the fact. also a very cost clamp-on flow measurement of gases such as the superior solution for virtually any liquid and gaseous me. meters . For the safe and efficient operation 150 °C . As hydrocar- (app. 7 .C16 Kerosene. Distillation Columns (ADU / VDU) Flow Measurement of Gases ______ Treating & ______ ______ Heavy Naphtha. with the WaveInjector® there is no need for process Another significant advantage of the non-intru- Gas shut-downs during installation and preventive maintenance is Tank Storage . locities (e. it is. app. Thus. often struggle with impulse line clogging causing opera.30 °C. such as DP for installation. FLEXIM also provides non.275 °C ppSlop Oil abrasion.anti-foam agents and chemical tion for such real time analysis and can either determine the content of satu- 215 °C .even within haz. 275 °C . Being maintenance free and not requiring process shuts-downs FLEXIM also offers the accurate and reliable (Desulfurisation) system of material and energy flows. used to form high molecular weight olefins from lower molecular weight the coker feed lines is essential to prevent such premature coke Vacuum Residue tank dewatering applications as water / hydrocarbon cuts can plications within a refinery.275 °C certificates.90 °C Gasoline State-of-the-Art Ultrasonic Technology for Flow Measurement in Refineries Atmospheric Distillation 30 °C .250 °C ______ With the FLUXUS® HPI meter.325 °C system has already been put in place at many HCU loop control points with pipe temperatures up to 400°C and pressure rates 4 Lubricants of around 200 bar.150 °C ppOverflash circulation ficantly more than 400°C. Light Crude Distillate Treating & Gasplant: 5 °C . the quality of Injector® can never be a safety risk for the process by itself. fractions. 210 °C . ppPipes within a refinery‘s wastewater treat. Cracker (Desulfurisation) Light cracked ppHVGO outlets FLEXIM’s clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are neither affected by pressures. By the use of non-intrusive temperature probes. 350 °C .g. 165 °C .200 °C Reforming Automotive Gasoline Especially at the heavier hydrocarbons and residue lines. 150 °C . Even low pressurised gas lines Distillate. FLEXIM also ® Gas Naphtha ______ The FLUXUS® gas flow meters are independent provides solutions for the temporary measurement of liquids.60 °C Sweetening. such as 300 °C . nor can it be a leakage risk. Alkylation.30 °C Blending Polymerisation. it is helpful ppHighly pressurised and strongly vibrating Delayed Coker Hydro Cracking (HCU) Petroleum Coke ______ to employ FLEXIM‘s range of hazardous area portable liquid and quench water lines (coker cutting water) Hydrocarbon Quality Assurance gas flow meters for regular surveys and check metering / veri.300 °C ppCrude oil heating prior to ADU Harsh process conditions can place heavy demands on flow C10 . Kerosene & Jet Fuel and temperature.C6 Hydrogen Light cracked Naphtha Aviation Gasoline 30 °C . independent of the internal pressure intrusive ultrasonic gas flow meter solutions eliminating the risk tional) volume or mass flow rates over a huge of such processes these flows need to be monitored.90 °C C5 .275 °C Coking (DCU) and Visbreaking process shut-downs. solving flow applications such as: for potential leaks. Sweetening. Other Refinery Applications Spent Acid Strength Measurement C40 .275 °C tional and safety issues.150 °C Blending The multitude of processes in a refinery form a complex In comparison to conventional measurement technologies the C6 .350 °C Residues C20 . from incoming crude to outgoing dia. wall thickness and diam- gases and thermal energy / BTU quantities . Such conditions place Visbreaker Thermally cracked Residue FLEXIM‘s portable flow meters also allow thermal energy ppTechnical gases and compressed air lines lates or raffinates is of utmost importance to guarantee agreed quality levels.C40 LVGO. 90 °C . not causing internal pressure drops and offering a Portable Flow and Energy Surveys ppHeat transfer oil lines the acid‘s concentration either non-intrusively from the pipe wall outside by 275 °C . oil distil- ranges with highly dynamic flow rates. Butane.60 °C Distillates Flow meters in FCC reflux lines or fractionator bottoms face the of the pipe material. 200 °C . high demands on the employed inline flow meters. Crude Oil Everything is flowing.300 °C Hydrocracked ppADU outlets with various distillates Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Cracker or other refinery processes. Iso-Naphtha LPG Isomerisation 5 °C . Distillate Oil Fuels 30 °C . up to 280 °C C9 .375 °C 275 °C .30 °C Light Naphtha. down to 5 bar can be precisely monitored. 5 °C . especially within challenging applications. viscosity range. turndown ratio during gas separation and sub- Also for portable measurements sequent processing or at fuel gas lines feeding ______ Middle Distillate. 5 bar Fuel Gas Separation Sweetening.250 °C Not every measurement point within a refinery needs to be temperature compensated concentration. Asphalt Asphalt / Bitumen Blowing 200 °C .C12 90 °C .C70 clearly be detected. or inline by refractometry. do not cause internal pressure losses Furthermore. Heavy Fuel Oils formation and avoid operational safety risks. natural gas and many other media. 5 °C . Previously proven flow applications include the tion level of the process fed and spent acid for acid recovery processes and Numerous times. and often require NACE compliant material Light cracked Distillate plant wide energy audits. the Wave- mixing / dosing) rated aromatic and olefin compounds or. 30 °C . FLUXUS® ultrasonic clamp-on liquid and gas flow meters offer conventional inline flow measurement technologies. Being mounted outside the pipe wall.350 °C measurements for efficiency monitoring of heat exchangers or ppSmall diameter lines with very low flow ve. constantly monitored by a permanent meter. Recognizing this advantage. Alkylation.200 °C Reforming Automotive Gasoline Especially at the heavier hydrocarbons and residue lines.30 °C. meters . from incoming crude to outgoing dia. Heavy Fuel Oils formation and avoid operational safety risks.even within haz.325 °C system has already been put in place at many HCU loop control points with pipe temperatures up to 400°C and pressure rates 4 Lubricants of around 200 bar. Thus.350 °C Residues C20 .500 °C coke before reaching the drum. a very reliable but also accurate flow rate monitoring at Blending passing through the lines.375 °C 275 °C . up to 280 °C C9 . Butane.90 °C C5 . It is of crucial importance to continuously monitor the concentra- 350 °C .250 °C Not every measurement point within a refinery needs to be temperature compensated concentration. 30 °C .C40 LVGO. constantly monitored by a permanent meter. but also gases and thermal energy quantities ardous areas (ATEX / IECEx Zone 2 and FM Class I. fractions.150 °C Catalytic Reformate.275 °C ppSlop Oil abrasion.60 °C Distillates Flow meters in FCC reflux lines or fractionator bottoms face the of the pipe material. oil distil- ranges with highly dynamic flow rates.150 °C ppOverflash circulation ficantly more than 400°C.400 °C Diesel. FLEXIM‘s process analysers PIOX® measure ity at such extreme conditions without showing any measure- Heavy cracked Distillate ment drift. also a very cost clamp-on flow measurement of gases such as the superior solution for virtually any liquid and gaseous me.C70 HVGO.400 °C Moreover.150 °C Blending The multitude of processes in a refinery form a complex In comparison to conventional measurement technologies the C6 . C40 . as another example.g. besides the safety aspect. 200 °C . 90 °C . not required. the ultrasonic measurement ppand many other support processes oil distillates and waxes making cost intensive laboratory testing obsolete.350 °C measurements for efficiency monitoring of heat exchangers or ppSmall diameter lines with very low flow ve. 200 °C . meters. Light Crude Distillate Treating & Gasplant: 5 °C .275 °C tional and safety issues. Even low pressurised gas lines Distillate. Atmospheric Residue 215 °C . such as aromates. Iso-Naphtha LPG Isomerisation 5 °C . 90 °C .C6 Hydrogen Light cracked Naphtha Aviation Gasoline 30 °C . 2 > 300 °C Fluid Catalytic Treating & Blending Diesel Fuel Oils ppLVGO outlets high degree of wear and tear on any inline measurement systems. especially within challenging applications. which stands in distinct relation to its virtually maintenance-free solution. Asphalt Asphalt / Bitumen Blowing 200 °C .especially at temperatures between 200 °C to signi. used to form high molecular weight olefins from lower molecular weight the coker feed lines is essential to prevent such premature coke Vacuum Residue tank dewatering applications as water / hydrocarbon cuts can plications within a refinery. FLEXIM‘s WaveInjector® measures from For measuring hydrogen streams. FLEXIM‘s inline Process Refractometer PIOX® R is the ideal measuring solu- Vortex meters.275 °C the outside of the pipe wall. 30 °C . solving flow applications such as: for potential leaks. viscosity range.30 °C Blending Polymerisation. high demands on the employed inline flow meters.30 °C LPG & Gas LPG. 30 °C .Field-Proven Clamp-On Flow Measurement Refinery Flows Methan / Ethan Gas. turndown ratio during gas separation and sub- Also for portable measurements sequent processing or at fuel gas lines feeding ______ Middle Distillate. app. Cracker (Desulfurisation) Light cracked ppHVGO outlets FLEXIM’s clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are neither affected by pressures. it is helpful ppHighly pressurised and strongly vibrating Delayed Coker Hydro Cracking (HCU) Petroleum Coke ______ to employ FLEXIM‘s range of hazardous area portable liquid and quench water lines (coker cutting water) Hydrocarbon Quality Assurance gas flow meters for regular surveys and check metering / veri.300 °C Hydrocracked ppADU outlets with various distillates Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Cracker or other refinery processes. Previously proven flow applications include the tion level of the process fed and spent acid for acid recovery processes and Numerous times. Vacuum 360 °C . approved). Crude Oil Everything is flowing. With the FLUXUS F/G60X portable flow meters. efficient metering solution.250 °C ______ With the FLUXUS® HPI meter. Moreover. ppADU and VDU Residues challenge of the abrasive catalyst particles in the slurry causing a eter. applications when different hydrocarbons are successively FLUXUS clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are ® Within alkylation plants highly concentrated sulfuric or hydrofluoric acid is Treating & Thus. Such conditions place Visbreaker Thermally cracked Residue FLEXIM‘s portable flow meters also allow thermal energy ppTechnical gases and compressed air lines lates or raffinates is of utmost importance to guarantee agreed quality levels. Recognizing this advantage. ______ Hydro Cracking operates at high temperature and pressure ment plants fication tasks. 7 . Being maintenance free and not requiring process shuts-downs FLEXIM also offers the accurate and reliable (Desulfurisation) system of material and energy flows. Sweetening. hydrogen. Being mounted outside the pipe wall.C20 175 °C . 210 °C . the WaveInjector® has proven its high reliabil- clamp-on measurement of: further process improvements. By the use of non-intrusive temperature probes. wall thickness and diam- gases and thermal energy / BTU quantities . 0 bar) Heavy Vacuum Distillate Heavy cracked Distillate Light Fuel Oils the highly viscose and particle loaded medium tending to already bon products can be distinguished through the ultrasonic signal. 165 °C . or inline by refractometry. FLEXIM also provides non. and aren‘t limited by any maximum process that need to be measured accurately and reliably.30 °C Light Naphtha. 5 °C . Other Refinery Applications Spent Acid Strength Measurement C40 . Div. it is.450 °C.C70 clearly be detected. For the safe and efficient operation 150 °C . FLEXIM also ® Gas Naphtha ______ The FLUXUS® gas flow meters are independent provides solutions for the temporary measurement of liquids. FLUXUS® ultrasonic clamp-on liquid and gas flow meters offer conventional inline flow measurement technologies. it‘s not only liquid hydrocarbons over a broad > C20 Sweetening.C40 the FLUXUS® HPI meter is the meter of choice in tank storage ______ ______ 400 °C .anti-foam agents and chemical tion for such real time analysis and can either determine the content of satu- 215 °C . not causing internal pressure drops and offering a Portable Flow and Energy Surveys ppHeat transfer oil lines the acid‘s concentration either non-intrusively from the pipe wall outside by 275 °C .275 °C Coking (DCU) and Visbreaking process shut-downs. such as 300 °C . 150 °C . 275 °C . nor can it be a leakage risk. natural gas and many other media.C12 90 °C . Distillation Columns (ADU / VDU) Flow Measurement of Gases ______ Treating & ______ ______ Heavy Naphtha. Distillate Oil Fuels 30 °C . ppPipes within a refinery‘s wastewater treat.90 °C Gasoline State-of-the-Art Ultrasonic Technology for Flow Measurement in Refineries Atmospheric Distillation 30 °C . As hydrocar- (app. the quality of Injector® can never be a safety risk for the process by itself.Hydrocarbon Product sive measurement solution lies within the fact.275 °C certificates.C16 Kerosene.300 °C ppCrude oil heating prior to ADU Harsh process conditions can place heavy demands on flow C10 . The online analysis of hydrocarbon products.60 °C Sweetening. the Wave- mixing / dosing) rated aromatic and olefin compounds or. with the WaveInjector® there is no need for process Another significant advantage of the non-intru- Gas shut-downs during installation and preventive maintenance is Tank Storage . often struggle with impulse line clogging causing opera. do not cause internal pressure losses Furthermore. it is also the ideal tool for the ideal choice for a wide spectrum of flow ap. This can be the case when measuring (bidirec- hydrocarbon products.60 °C Light Vacuum Distillate ______ itself and the installation does not require any C20 . locities (e. down to 5 bar can be precisely monitored. such as DP for installation. and often require NACE compliant material Light cracked Distillate plant wide energy audits.350 °C ______ determining the liquids sonic velocity. 350 °C . it is possible to combine flow me- Hydrocracker Distillation (Desulfurisation) Delayed Coking works under extreme process conditions with tering with hydrocarbon product identification. that the system can never be a risk for leaks by Identification and Tank Dewatering Butane. independent of the internal pressure intrusive ultrasonic gas flow meter solutions eliminating the risk tional) volume or mass flow rates over a huge of such processes these flows need to be monitored. ppCooling and circulation water lines Coker Naphtha. Kerosene & Jet Fuel and temperature. 5 °C . 5 bar Fuel Gas Separation Sweetening. solving flow applications such as: for potential leaks.350 °C ______ determining the liquids sonic velocity. Cracker (Desulfurisation) Light cracked ppHVGO outlets FLEXIM’s clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are neither affected by pressures. FLEXIM‘s inline Process Refractometer PIOX® R is the ideal measuring solu- Vortex meters. FLEXIM also ® Gas Naphtha ______ The FLUXUS® gas flow meters are independent provides solutions for the temporary measurement of liquids. 30 °C . natural gas and many other media. app. or inline by refractometry. it is. 150 °C . efficient metering solution.C70 clearly be detected. ______ Hydro Cracking operates at high temperature and pressure ment plants fication tasks. 5 °C . nor can it be a leakage risk. not required. Heavy Fuel Oils formation and avoid operational safety risks. ppADU and VDU Residues challenge of the abrasive catalyst particles in the slurry causing a eter. Alkylation. it is also the ideal tool for the ideal choice for a wide spectrum of flow ap. It is of crucial importance to continuously monitor the concentra- 350 °C . besides the safety aspect. high demands on the employed inline flow meters. viscosity range.even within haz. For the safe and efficient operation 150 °C . Previously proven flow applications include the tion level of the process fed and spent acid for acid recovery processes and Numerous times.450 °C.275 °C certificates.275 °C tional and safety issues. FLEXIM‘s process analysers PIOX® measure ity at such extreme conditions without showing any measure- Heavy cracked Distillate ment drift. Recognizing this advantage. The online analysis of hydrocarbon products. the Wave- mixing / dosing) rated aromatic and olefin compounds or.325 °C system has already been put in place at many HCU loop control points with pipe temperatures up to 400°C and pressure rates 4 Lubricants of around 200 bar. do not cause internal pressure losses Furthermore. wall thickness and diam- gases and thermal energy / BTU quantities . Even low pressurised gas lines Distillate. often struggle with impulse line clogging causing opera.Hydrocarbon Product sive measurement solution lies within the fact.500 °C coke before reaching the drum.anti-foam agents and chemical tion for such real time analysis and can either determine the content of satu- 215 °C .250 °C Not every measurement point within a refinery needs to be temperature compensated concentration. turndown ratio during gas separation and sub- Also for portable measurements sequent processing or at fuel gas lines feeding ______ Middle Distillate. Sweetening.200 °C Reforming Automotive Gasoline Especially at the heavier hydrocarbons and residue lines.C16 Kerosene.30 °C LPG & Gas LPG. Atmospheric Residue 215 °C . as another example. Asphalt Asphalt / Bitumen Blowing 200 °C . constantly monitored by a permanent meter.350 °C measurements for efficiency monitoring of heat exchangers or ppSmall diameter lines with very low flow ve. the quality of Injector® can never be a safety risk for the process by itself. As hydrocar- (app. locities (e. 2 > 300 °C Fluid Catalytic Treating & Blending Diesel Fuel Oils ppLVGO outlets high degree of wear and tear on any inline measurement systems. C40 . Moreover. fractions. Div. Other Refinery Applications Spent Acid Strength Measurement C40 .400 °C Moreover. FLEXIM also provides non. especially within challenging applications. 200 °C .375 °C 275 °C . 210 °C . and often require NACE compliant material Light cracked Distillate plant wide energy audits. such as aromates. Distillation Columns (ADU / VDU) Flow Measurement of Gases ______ Treating & ______ ______ Heavy Naphtha. 165 °C . This can be the case when measuring (bidirec- hydrocarbon products. applications when different hydrocarbons are successively FLUXUS clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are ® Within alkylation plants highly concentrated sulfuric or hydrofluoric acid is Treating & Thus.300 °C Hydrocracked ppADU outlets with various distillates Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Cracker or other refinery processes. FLEXIM‘s WaveInjector® measures from For measuring hydrogen streams. By the use of non-intrusive temperature probes. Being mounted outside the pipe wall.275 °C Coking (DCU) and Visbreaking process shut-downs. that the system can never be a risk for leaks by Identification and Tank Dewatering Butane. and aren‘t limited by any maximum process that need to be measured accurately and reliably. the ultrasonic measurement ppand many other support processes oil distillates and waxes making cost intensive laboratory testing obsolete. meters.275 °C ppSlop Oil abrasion. 200 °C . independent of the internal pressure intrusive ultrasonic gas flow meter solutions eliminating the risk tional) volume or mass flow rates over a huge of such processes these flows need to be monitored.C12 90 °C . it‘s not only liquid hydrocarbons over a broad > C20 Sweetening. meters . ppPipes within a refinery‘s wastewater treat.60 °C Light Vacuum Distillate ______ itself and the installation does not require any C20 . a very reliable but also accurate flow rate monitoring at Blending passing through the lines.30 °C. from incoming crude to outgoing dia.250 °C ______ With the FLUXUS® HPI meter. such as 300 °C . Kerosene & Jet Fuel and temperature.350 °C Residues C20 . the WaveInjector® has proven its high reliabil- clamp-on measurement of: further process improvements. such as DP for installation. also a very cost clamp-on flow measurement of gases such as the superior solution for virtually any liquid and gaseous me. not causing internal pressure drops and offering a Portable Flow and Energy Surveys ppHeat transfer oil lines the acid‘s concentration either non-intrusively from the pipe wall outside by 275 °C .C6 Hydrogen Light cracked Naphtha Aviation Gasoline 30 °C . with the WaveInjector® there is no need for process Another significant advantage of the non-intru- Gas shut-downs during installation and preventive maintenance is Tank Storage . up to 280 °C C9 .Field-Proven Clamp-On Flow Measurement Refinery Flows Methan / Ethan Gas. it is possible to combine flow me- Hydrocracker Distillation (Desulfurisation) Delayed Coking works under extreme process conditions with tering with hydrocarbon product identification. Crude Oil Everything is flowing. 7 . but also gases and thermal energy quantities ardous areas (ATEX / IECEx Zone 2 and FM Class I. 350 °C .150 °C Blending The multitude of processes in a refinery form a complex In comparison to conventional measurement technologies the C6 .C40 LVGO.60 °C Sweetening.275 °C the outside of the pipe wall.400 °C Diesel.g.30 °C Light Naphtha.300 °C ppCrude oil heating prior to ADU Harsh process conditions can place heavy demands on flow C10 . hydrogen. 5 °C . it is helpful ppHighly pressurised and strongly vibrating Delayed Coker Hydro Cracking (HCU) Petroleum Coke ______ to employ FLEXIM‘s range of hazardous area portable liquid and quench water lines (coker cutting water) Hydrocarbon Quality Assurance gas flow meters for regular surveys and check metering / veri.90 °C C5 . oil distil- ranges with highly dynamic flow rates.60 °C Distillates Flow meters in FCC reflux lines or fractionator bottoms face the of the pipe material. approved). Thus. Iso-Naphtha LPG Isomerisation 5 °C . 275 °C .150 °C ppOverflash circulation ficantly more than 400°C.C20 175 °C . 30 °C . Such conditions place Visbreaker Thermally cracked Residue FLEXIM‘s portable flow meters also allow thermal energy ppTechnical gases and compressed air lines lates or raffinates is of utmost importance to guarantee agreed quality levels. Distillate Oil Fuels 30 °C . used to form high molecular weight olefins from lower molecular weight the coker feed lines is essential to prevent such premature coke Vacuum Residue tank dewatering applications as water / hydrocarbon cuts can plications within a refinery. With the FLUXUS F/G60X portable flow meters. FLUXUS® ultrasonic clamp-on liquid and gas flow meters offer conventional inline flow measurement technologies. ppCooling and circulation water lines Coker Naphtha. 90 °C . which stands in distinct relation to its virtually maintenance-free solution. Being maintenance free and not requiring process shuts-downs FLEXIM also offers the accurate and reliable (Desulfurisation) system of material and energy flows.C40 the FLUXUS® HPI meter is the meter of choice in tank storage ______ ______ 400 °C . down to 5 bar can be precisely monitored. Butane.150 °C Catalytic Reformate.90 °C Gasoline State-of-the-Art Ultrasonic Technology for Flow Measurement in Refineries Atmospheric Distillation 30 °C . Light Crude Distillate Treating & Gasplant: 5 °C .especially at temperatures between 200 °C to signi. 90 °C . 30 °C . 5 bar Fuel Gas Separation Sweetening.30 °C Blending Polymerisation.C70 HVGO. 0 bar) Heavy Vacuum Distillate Heavy cracked Distillate Light Fuel Oils the highly viscose and particle loaded medium tending to already bon products can be distinguished through the ultrasonic signal. Vacuum 360 °C . Phone: +49 30 93 66 76 60 ____ Unique measuring technology tures up to +400 °C and beyond .com www.fr 5. Phone: +33 388 27 78 02 Alkylation FLEXIM considers itself not only a manufacturer of measuring instruments.Safe .. China no limitations for liquids BUREFENERYV2-1EN Phone: +86 21 64 95 75 20 Pressurisation: > 5 bar for gases in steel pipes [email protected] Liquids: ± 1. the WaveInjector® thermally separates the ultrasonic transducers from the hot pipe.virtually maintenance ______ liquid and gas flow rates as well as Conventional orifice / differential pressure. Year after year.01 m/s (liquids and gases) Asia Pte Ltd. These services include on-site [email protected] Technical facts to national standards) and delivered www. the WaveInjector® ppCertified for operation within even at the lowest flow rates hazardous areas ment outside the pipe wall ment in order to maintain and further improve its position as an industry leader. coriolis and vortex meters.01 m/s Fax: +31 10 24 92 339 Subject to change without notification! 2014/03 Accuracy: benelux@flexim. Netherlands ___ Phone: +31 10 24 92 333 Repeatability: 0.. Rugged mounting fixtures provide long-term stable measurement even on pipes (high turndown ratio) ______ Northwich. commissioning. particle pioneer in the non-intrusive flow measurement of liquids and gases.com www..flexim. no wear and tear Coker and Visbreaker ______ ppAccurate and repeatable ppFree of wear and tear with no main.co. www.uk Gas Separation and Processing 2.fr Tank Storage Flow rates: measurements. Div.flexim.often being maintenance intensive. Berlin-based company continues its substantial investment in research and develop. stallation . FM) keeping with its core principles. face well- free (no need for frequent work in ppNo pressure losses thermal energy quantities known shortcomings .flexim.5% of reading ± 0. training. but also ____ without WaveInjector®: -40 °C to +200 °C (for gases up to +100°C) tion according to ANSI/ASME MFC. allowing operation at process measurement with FLUXUS® in Refineries: FLUXUS® flow meters: temperatures up to 400 °C and beyond. ppIndependent of pipe material. FM Class I. 3% of reading ± 0.V. In FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd. The superior metering solution at extreme pipe temperatures Non-intrusive ultrasonic flow measurement FLEXIM Refinery Solutions with the WaveInjector® Reliable . The company’s focus and dedication is zero point and flow measurement directed towards providing the highest quality equipment with the best support and Benelux B.flexim.Spent Acid Strength .com ____ tenance required due to measure. Without the need for pipe work or process shut-downs.Quality Control Unrivalled advantages of the non-intrusive flow Unique features of the The WaveInjector® has been specifically engineered for high-temperature applications. ______ Phone: +44 1606 781 420 ppEvery measurement system Every generation of FLEXIM products is directly driven by customer and industry needs. Berkel en Rodenrijs. (ATEX. Mobile Flow and Energy Surveys Gases: 0. process analytics using ultrasonic technology and refractometry. 1 and 2). self in numerous refinery applications worldwide. As a world wide FLEXIM GmbH Atmospheric and Vacuum ppTrouble-free and highly reliable diameter. project handling.co.com With the WaveInjector® FLEXIM provides a metrological alternative. with a calibration certificate The FLEXIM Commitment to Customer Service FLEXIM France SARL ____ Temperature ranges: ______ ______ Strasbourg. the [email protected]. 10 . 1100 mm (gases) Fax: +65 68 62 28 36 with WaveInjector®: 40 to 1000 mm salessg@flexim. ppHighest accuracy and reliability FLEXIM is an active leader in many areas of process instrumentation. requiring process stops for installation and causing pressure losses hazardous areas) ______ ______ ______ within the pipe reducing the plant‘s availability and profitability. Singapore Pipe sizes (outer diameter): Phone: +65 67 94 53 25 Transducer directly at pipe: 6 .2% of reading ± 0.01 m/s www. FM Class I. Using patented technology. Div.1-2011 regulations and digital www. ppNo leaks ppEngineered for the measurement of combination with very diversified application areas. Germany Distillation Columns operation at extreme tempera.even within hazardous areas (ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and [email protected] to 25 m/s instrument rentals and consulting services. The operational conditions in refineries are very demanding: extreme temperatures.Efficient In partnership Non-Invasive Flow . FLEXIM has been Berlin.01 m/s FLEXIM Instruments (if field calibrated): ± 0. UK ____ with extreme vibration. signal processing guarantee a high FLEXIM Instruments ____ Liquids: 0. In ad. which offers fundamental advantages and has proven it- measurement readings ... France with WaveInjector®: -190 °C to +400 °C (up to +600 °C are applicable) ppIntegrated temperature compensa. IECEx.com Gases: ± 1% . Heat Transfer Lines A wide range of ultrasonic transducers and transmitters guarantee the ideal adaptation to the individual measurement task. Fax: +44 1606 784 544 is pre-calibrated in house (traceable ____ independent of pipe material.com 3 2 .com Protection degree: up to IP68 Ex approvals: ATEX (IECEx) Zone 1 and 2. 6500 mm (liquids). FLEXIM takes customer feedback very seriously. FLEXIM specializes in innovative online Fax: +49 30 93 66 76 80 no line clogging. which are used to measure refinery flows.. internal pressure loaded liquids or wet gas leading the way in ultrasonic clamp-on flow metering for more than 20 years. laboratory analysis. 1/2 FLEXIM Instruments China Shanghai. highly viscose and abrasive media in ppNo process shut-downs for in. wall thickness and even at highly viscose. a provider of technical and consulting services.flexim. wall thickness and measurement range . ______ ______ ______ dition to non-intrusive flow measurement.01 to 35 m/s stability service possible. Cracker is mounted to the outer surface of the pipe.15% of reading ± 0.
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