FIS-2003-033 Annual Report 1ST Oct 07

March 24, 2018 | Author: Justin Freeman | Category: Natural Resource Management, Water Quality, Natural Environment, Conservation, Ecosystem



Project annual reportproject Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) FIS/2003/033 1 June 2006 − 31 May 2007 31 May 2007 17 October 2007 Dr Philip Gibbs Principal Fisheries Scientist NSW Department of Primary Industries, Australia project no. period of report date due date submitted prepared by collaborators Dr Adelaida Palma Chief National Inland Fisheries Technology Centre Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Philippines Dr Maria Lourdes Cuvin-Aralar Head Binangonan Freshwater Station of SEAFDEC/AQD Philippines Mr Jim Tait Senior Environmental Scientist Econcern Pty Ltd, Australia Mr Ren Waterfall and Mr Robert Green Directors, Earthmakers Pty Ltd, Australia Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) Contents 1 Progress summary......................................................................................3 2 Achievement against activities and outputs/milestones........................4 3 Impacts.........................................................................................................9 3.1 Scientific impacts...............................................................................................................9 3.2 Capacity impacts...............................................................................................................9 3.3 Community impacts.........................................................................................................10 3.4 Communication and dissemination activities...................................................................10 4 Training activities......................................................................................11 5 Intellectual property..................................................................................11 6 Variations to future activities...................................................................11 7 Variations to personnel.............................................................................11 8 Problems and opportunities.....................................................................11 9 Budget........................................................................................................12 2 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) 1 Progress summary The project Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in the Philippines was signed in September 2006. Initial planning and preparation for the official project launch was scheduled for November 2006 to coincide with the commencement of the first phase of the project participatory consultative meetings and the commencement of the fish cage aquaculture experiments. The study area is in the Camarines Sur and Albay provinces (Bicol region) of the Philippines. The three Rinconada Lakes (Buhi, Bato and Baao – Bula) are located within the five local government Municipalities of Buhi, Bato, Baao, Bula and Libon and involvement of municipal staff in the project has been negotiated. Unfortunately the Bicol region was impacted by a sequence of five typhoons from late September 2006 to mid December 2006. Three of the typhoons were of a significant nature reaching category 4 status (this is the most destructive category used in the Philippines rating system of 1 to 4). Mount Mayon is one of the three active volcanos in the Bicol region and in November/ December 2006 the 4 day duration typhoon Durian (locally known as Reming) activated a major mud flow of volcanic tuff and ash left on the slopes of Mount Mayon from the February 2006 eruption. The combination of destructive winds to 195 kph, torrential rain and mud flows in the Bicol floodplain caused considerable loss of infrastructure and many human deaths. As a consequence of these natural disasters the project objectives and scheduling of work tasks had to be reassessed and modified to accommodate the changes in the study area associated with the disruption to peoples livelihoods, damage and loss of fish cages and the flushing of the water hyacinth from the Lake system. After the redrafting of the project methodology and work tasks, official briefings of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources regional staff and the local government officials of the four Municipalities (Buhi, Bato, Baao and Bula) including the incumbent Mayors were undertaken in January 2007. All Municipalities were very supportative of the project and committed to active involvement. The project was officially launched on 1 February 2007 in the Municipality of Buhi. The launch involved officials from all municipalities and was combined with the release into Lake Buhi by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of 100,000 common and bighead carp fingerlings. This was part of the rehabilitation and enhancement of the wild capture fishery in Lake Buhi following the typhoon disaster. After the launch capacity building seminars for stakeholders were held. Further targeted consultative and training workshops were held in early March in Bula, mainly for members of the FARMC’s (Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Councils) of the different municipalities. The involvement of STREAM (Support to Regional Aquatic Resources Management) in conducting the livelihoods analysis for the project and the coordination with the capacity building activities for the local fisherfolk organisations to be done by regional staff was finalised. Philippine project scientists Dr. Adelaida Palma and Dr. Maria Lourdes Aralar travelled to Australia in March 2007 to meet with Australian project staff and project collaborators working on the water hyacinth composting technology. Visits to a number of NSW Department of Primary Industries aquaculture facilities were arranged and detailed 3 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) planning of the fish cage experiments in the Philippines on stocking density, feeding rates and cage spacing was undertaken. In late April 2007, the stocking density trials in Lake Bato with four fish farmer cooperators were started. This involved transporting and stocking 45,000 size 17 Tilapia fingerlings into 36 fish cages (3 stocking densities x 3 replicates x 4 locations).The same experimental trials were started in Lake Buhi in late May. Agreements on the establishment of the water quality laboratories and the water quality sampling program were reached with the Local Government Units via the Mayor in both Buhi and Bato. Training of the water quality technicians from the four Local Government Units was done during the April field work in Lake Bato, and monthly water quality monitoring commenced. The water quality in Lakes Buhi and Bato during the early summer months April / May deteriorated significantly, with dissolved oxygen levels falling below 5 mg/l in surface waters and below 1 mg/l in bottom waters. Water depth in Lake Bato was also less than 2.5 m in some sites due to lack of water inflow and water drawdown. This has a significant effect on the effective stocking densities estimated for the experiments as the fish cages in Bato are 2.5m deep. Water hyacinth presence in the Lakes has been significantly reduced by the flushing effect of the typhoons. Consequently a rescheduling of the water hyacinth composting trials to 2008 has occurred. The specifications and design of the locally manufactured rice threshers was investigated in relation to possible modification for use in preparing the water hyacinth for the composting trials. A discussion was held with Mr Glen Calleja of Eco Fish Park, re the use of probiotics (microbial accelerants) for treatment of compost and the possible trialling of the product he has developed in the composting activities. 2 Achievement against activities and outputs/milestones NOTE:- The effective project commencement date is January 2007 Objective 1: To facilitate adoption by key stakeholders of management actions to improve management of the Rinconada Lakes in the Philippines and of selected fisheries resources in NSW, Australia no. 1.1 activity Documenting the current impact of aquaculture production and aquatic weed infestation on the aquatic ecosystems in the Rinconada Lakes by adapting ecosystem assessment methodologies outputs/ milestones Relevant components applied Risk matrix available and published completion date On going comments A series of devastating typhoons which hit the project area in the last quarter of 2006 resulted in severe damage to aquaculture as well as flushing water hyacinth from the lakes. A reappraisal of this activity is in progress. Assessments by BFAR of typhoon damage to aquaculture and wild fisheries are complete. 4 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) 1.2 Developing and implementing stakeholder consultative processes to ensure ownership of information about the current status of the ecosystem and understanding of required management actions at the community user level Meetings facilitated to ensure active stakeholder participation and ownership. Meetings held on schedule January/ February 2007 March 8-11, 2007 On going During the project launching in January /February 2007 a comprehensive briefing of municipal officials on the project aims and activities was completed to initiate full involvement of the municipalities in the implementation of the project and eventual adoption of the management recommendations; The four Municipal mayors were very receptive to the project and promised complete cooperation. An initial capacity building and training workshop was conducted. Participants were the planning and development officer, municipal agriculturist and fisheries officer of the municipalities of Buhi, Bato, Baao and Bula. Fisherfolk and FARMC members and fish farmer cooperators for the experimental trials Each municipality identified the problems in their area and suggested interventions/solutions to these problems. In May 2007, local elections were held and there was a change in the administration of each of the four municipalities. Local project scientists will meet with the new mayors to reintroduce the ACIAR project to them and to encourage their support. 1.3 Improving scientist/manager, manager/stakehol der and scientist/stakehold er interactions to increase the effective adoption of management plans for fisheries resources in NSW, Australia Questionnaire available Interviews complete Outcome published Not yet due No activity PC = Partner Country, A = Australia Objective 2: To facilitate improved fish cage management to increase economic return and reduce impacts on water quality in Lakes Buhi and Bato, Philippines. no. activity outputs/ milestones completion date comments 5 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) 2.1 To establish onfarm trials with selected fish cage cooperators (through FARMC groups) including the establishment of demonstration cages to trial cage spacing, cage design, modified stocking and feeding rates to obtain maximum fish growth and minimize environmental pollution Experimental design workshop held in Australia. All fish farmer cooperator training completed. Sites established Stocking experiments Feeding Experiments Cage spacing experiments March 2007 Training visit to Australia by Dr Palma and Dr Cuvin Aralar March and April 2007 Stocking density trials with four fish farmer cooperators was started in late April in Lake Bato; similar trials with another set of four fish farmer cooperators was started in Lake Buhi in late May; On going April, 2007 and on-going (Lake Bato); May 2007 and on-going (Lake Buhi) 2.2 To instigate stakeholder participatory monitoring of critical water quality parameters at different depths over temporal and spatial scales within each lake and disseminate information to fish farmers Training complete. Stakeholders understand how to measure water quality variables and how to interpret basic data. Laboratory functioning. Samples collected. Events sampled. Sampling complete. Reporting on schedule. February March 2007 Water quality training was provided for both the field and laboratory components. There are delays in the establishment of the water quality laboratories. Water quality monitoring in fish cage cooperator sites started with the stocking density trials in Lakes Bato and Buhi; An additional 10 stations for Lakes Buhi and Bato and a total of 10 stations for Lake Baao-Bula are being sampled commencing in May 2007. April, 2007 and on-going (Lake Bato); May 2007 and on-going (Lake Buhi) The Municipal agriculturist and the cooperators in each Lake are provided with the water quality data for the lakes ongoing Initial contact with NIA and NAPOCOR made. Water hyacinth in both lakes has been dramatically reduced because of the heavy rains and strong winds due to typhoon activity in late 2006. 2.3 To assess impacts of irrigation and hydroelectric drawdown of lake water level and water hyacinth infestation on fish cage production Review complete. Analysis complete. Drawdown schedule documented. Sampling complete. 6 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) 2.4 To collect socio economic data based on interview surveys of fish cage coperators to quantify the economic gain and livelihood component of the implemented activities Data collected. Form designed. Survey complete. Report complete. Report complete. Report complete. Not yet due PC = Partner Country, A = Australia Objective 3: To effectively manage water hyacinth infestations in Lakes Buhi, Bato and Baao, Philippines, by physical removal. no. 3.1 activity Work with the municipal governments of Buhi, Bato and Baao and FARMCs who are currently physically removing water hyacinth from the lakes to establish a pilot program using successful Australian water hyacinth composting technology, to assess the economic incentive for water hyacinth management provided by compost production. Examine the management opportunities provided by natural events such as typhoonassociated floods as part of an integrated approach to the control of water hyacinth. Survey the available biological control agents for water hyacinth in the Philippines. outputs/ milestones Technology transferred Compost in use and compost plants operating completion date ongoing comments Initial development of the composting technology has commenced with Earthmakers Pty Ltd. However the 2006 typhoon activity has delayed this work activity. 3.2 Hyacinth cover documented Calculations complete Recommendation s published Not yet due Typhoons and associated floods in late 2006 occurred before appropriate pre impact base line data were collected. 3.3 Review complete Survey complete Not yet implemented 7 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) 3.4 Document the financial feasibility of the composting technology including the capital costs of the equipment and infrastructure. Costs documented Costs documented Economic analysis complete Not yet due PC = Partner Country, A = Australia Objective 4: To document and package the ecosystem based management findings and outcomes of this project for adoption. no. 4.1 activity To recommend best management practice for fish cage aquaculture in the Rinconada Lake System and eventual implementation across the Philippines. To hold a workshop on consultation frameworks, ecosystem based management and capacity building of fish cage aquaculture and aquatic weed management for ACIAR-funded projects in Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Australia. To document the commonalities in expectations between stakeholders, managers and scientists across cultural contexts of the Philippines and NSW Australia. outputs/ milestones Report complete completion date Not yet due comments 4.2 Workshop organised Workshop held Publication available Not yet due 4.3 Report published Not yet due PC = Partner Country, A = Australia 8 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) 3 Impacts No scientific impacts to date. Scientific impacts Capacity impacts 1) When Dr Palma and Dr Cuvin Aralar visited Australia in March 2007 knowledge and skills transfer were a key aspect of the workshop at Port Stephens to finalise the experimental design for the project. This was complemented by the inspection and discussions with Earthmakers at the Southern Cross University business park Lismore, on compost technology. In addition a number of NSW aquaculture stations were visited during the trip and a data and information exchange on culture of NSW aquaculture species especially silver perch occurred. This has a wider application within BFAR Philippines outside of this ACIAR project. 2) The capacity building workshop held on 8-11 March 2007 in the Philippines for fisherfolk and officials of the four municipalities covered the following topics: • Understanding the Lake Ecosystem • Nature and Origin of Lakes • Focus on Rinconada Lakes • Physical and Biological Components of the Lake Ecosystem • Water Quality Analysis and Instrumentation • Problems and Constraints of the Multiple Uses of an Open Access Resources • Impacts of Aquaculture on the Lakes Ecosystem • Fishery Enhancement Methodologies • Basin Approach and other Concepts of Inland Resource Management • Institutional Framework of Resource Conservation and Management • Legal Aspects of Lake Conservation and Management • Community Mobilization • Social Aspects of Resource Rehabilitation (Social Mobilization, Value Orientation, and Community Mobilization) The workshop included lectures, group discussions and activities. The workshop was important in providing the stakeholders with a holistic view of the lake ecosystem, including parameters and issues outside their normal focus, interest or involvement. Towards the end of the workshop, the participants were able to demonstrate their ability to integrate the concepts learned through identification of the problems in each of their respective lakes and what can be done to address or reduce such problems. They were also able to identify the different groups/agencies/institutions that have the capability to do something about the specific problem areas. 3) The fish farmer cooperators have been fully briefed and trained on the conduct of the experimental fish cage stocking trials in their respective lakes and how important their roles are in the project. 4) Water quality instruments purchased by the project are available to increase the capacity of BFAR Philippines staff to monitor water quality in Lakes not studied as part of this project. 9 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) Community impacts The official launching of the project was attended by the mayors or their representatives of the target municipalities of Buhi, Bato, Baao and Bula, other municipal officials, the Director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources for Region V and his staff as well as local fisherfolk and interested residents of the barangays around the Lakes. The project collaborators presented the objectives of the project as well as a summary of the projected activities over the life of the project. Economic impacts No impact at this early stage in the project Social impacts No impact at this early stage in the project Environmental impacts The involvement in the official launch of fisherfolk and Lake barangay residents with a concern for the environmental and social conditions in the Lakes represents a community impact due to the uptake of information from the project. This is complemented by the training of barangay and FARMC representatives at the March 2007 capacity building workshop which focused on the ecology and environmental importance of the Lakes to the community. Communication and dissemination activities Coordination meetings January / February 2007 (in Philippines) Official Launch and public forum BFAR central office staff BFAR region 5 staff Municipal Officials from Bato, Buhi, Bula and Baao Asian Development Bank re livelihood projects March 2007 (in Australia) DPI project staff at Cronulla Jim Tait Econcern re water hyacinth at Huonbrook Earthmakers re compost objective at Southern Cross University, Lismore April / May 2007 (in Philippines) BFAR region 5 staff BFAR central office STREAM Municipal Officials from Bato and Buhi Glen Calleja Eco Fish Park Pili ACIAR Fisheries Program Manager (at BFAR Quezon City) Workshops / Training January / February 2007 (in Philippines) Stakeholders of Buhi, Bato, Bula and Baao on the objectives and anticipated outcomes of the project. March 2007 (in Philippines) Stakeholders of Buhi, Bato, Bula and Baao on the capacity building and knowledge of Lake Ecosystems. 10 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) Fish cage cooperators in both Buhi and Bato Lakes on the specific requirements for their involvement in the fish, stocking density experiments. March 2007 (in Australia) Project experimental design at Port Stephens. April / May 2007 (in Philippines) LGU technicians from Buhi, Bato, Bula and Baao on use of the water quality instruments and nutrient analysis kits. 4 5 6 Training activities No training activities leading to a formal educational qualification were undertaken Intellectual property No abnormal issues to report Variations to future activities The typhoon damage in the region and the resultant reduction in water hyacinth presence in the Lakes have delayed implementation of Objective 3. A reassessment of the water hyacinth activities have been made and complete eradication of water hyacinth from the Lake systems is no longer the prime objective of the stakeholders. Rather the stakeholders want to manage and utilise the excessive growth of water hyacinth when the floating mats impact fish cage culture and boat navigation. As a consequence the allocated ratio of resources to be spent by Econcern Pty Ltd and Earthmakers Pty Ltd in the project will change. However, this will be within the existing budget. 7 Variations to personnel Due to the Philippines election ban on the hiring of personnel during March and April 2007, there was a delay in the hiring of the full time research assistant to work for the project in the Bicol region. 8 Problems and opportunities The logistic problems caused by volcanic and typhoon activities in the study region are detailed elsewhere in this report. This has been addressed by rescheduling of activities especially for objective 3 on water hyacinth. Minor administrative / operational challenges associated with communication issues between the regional and central office staff of BFAR are apparent. A plan of providing both verbal and written updates has been established. In addition Dr M Cuvin Aralar is visiting the study sites on a monthly basis. Government elections in the Philippines occurred in May 2007. As a result the Mayor in each of the four municipalities collaborating in the project changed. In addition a new Director of Region 5 BFAR was appointed. This represents both a problem in the need to rebrief the officials and gain active commitment and an opportunity to progress forward 11 of 12 Annual Progress Report: Integrated fisheries resource management (Rinconada Lakes, Philippines and NSW Australia) with the revised project activities, which were necessitated by the typhoon destruction in the Bicol region. 9 Budget To be provided by the External Funding Unit Department of Primary Industries head office Orange. No significant variations to the approved budget have occurred during the reporting period. 12 of 12
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