Final Tdfs Dimts Rites+Study

March 31, 2018 | Author: Nidhi Malhotra | Category: Delhi, Public Transport, Transportation Engineering, Public Services, Transport



GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI TRANSPORT DEPARTMENTTRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED ROAD CUM MULTIMULTI-MODAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK FOR NCT OF DELHI METRO LIGHT METRO BRT NARELA BAKHTAWARPUR PUTHKHURD BAWANA ROHINI SEC-21 KANJHAWALA DELHI BORDER (BAHADURGARH) MUNDKA TILAK NAGAR IBRAHIMPUR MUKUNDPURKARAWAL NAGAR GOKALPURI GULABIBAGH ISBT DILSHAD GARDEN NAJAFGARH GOPALNAGAR DABRI MOD DWARKA ANAND VIHAR RAJEEV IG ISBT (TO CHOWK STADIUM VAISHALI) KIRBI CENTRAL PLACE KONDALI DHAULAKUANSECTT CHILLA AIRPORT KHAIRA TO NOIDA KALINDI KUNJ VASANT TO GURGAON CHHAWLA KAPASHERA KUNJ MEHRAULI JASOLA RAJOKARI AMBEDKAR NAGAR ARJANGARH BADARPUR (TO GURGAON) TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST AND DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK APRIL 2010 In association with MVA ASIA Ltd. and TERI Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ANNEXURES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND STUDY AREA TRAFFIC AND TRAVEL SURVEYS AND REPORTS ALREADY SUBMITTED REPORTS SUBMITTED COMPOSITION OF THIS REPORT Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 EXISTING AND FUTURE LANDUSE PARAMETERS DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC ZONE SYSTEM POPULATION ESTIMATION FOR DELHI 2007 FUTURE GROWTH SCENARIO AS ENVISAGED BY MPD-2021 ESTIMATION OF POPULATION 2011 & 2021 ESTIMATION OF EMPLOYMENT 2007, 2011 AND 2021 STUDENT ENROLLMENT 2007, 2011 and 2021 GROWTH OF POPULATION FOR OTHER TOWNS IN NCR Chapter 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 TRAFFIC MODEL CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION INTRODUCTION MODEL STRUCTURE BASE YEAR HIGHWAY MATRICES DEVELOPMENT VEHICLE AVAILABILITY, GENERATION, AND ATTRACTION MODELS DISTRIBUTION MODELS MODAL SPLIT MODELS DAILY MODEL VALIDATION AM PEAK MODEL CONCLUSION Chapter 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST AND BUSINESS AS USUAL SCENARIO -2021 BUSINESS AS USUAL SCENARIO PUBLI C TRANSPORT NETWORK ASSUMPTIONS FOR TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECASTING PROJECTIONS OF SPECIAL GENERATOR PASSENGER TRAFFIC TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST FOR BAU SCENARIO - 2021 Chapter 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 DEVELOPMENT OF NETWORK FOR 2021 INTEGRATED PUBLIC TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE MASS TRANSPORT NETWORKS SYSTEM SELECTION RECOMMENDED PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK AND SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OF MASS TRANSPORT CORRIDORS AND AREAS SERVED SUMMARY OF TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST FOR THE RECOMMENDED MASS TRANSPORT NETWORK SCENARIOS WITH HIGH PARKING CHARGES AND DENSIFICATION ALONG METRO CORRIODRS PHASING FOR IMPLEMENTATION Page 1 of 6 RITES LTD. MVA Asia LTD., and TERI Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Table of Contents Chapter 6 6.2 6.1 7.2 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS RITES LTD.. and TERI Page 2 of 6 .3 6.4 TRANSPORT INTEGRATION NEED FEEDER SERVICES INTER-CHANGE FACILITIES OPERATIONAL INTEGRATION Chapter 7 7.1 6. MVA Asia LTD. 12 Table 3.13 Table 3.3 Table 3. And Vehicle Occupancy Rates Distribution Models Calibration Results Calibrated Modal Choice Models Parameters Modal Split Models Calibration Results Modal Split Models Calibration Results . and TERI . and Household Size and Vehicle Availability HIS Database All Purposes Daily Person Trip Rates by Household Size and Vehicle Availability HIS database Daily Person Trips By Purpose And Vehicle Availability Group Attraction Model Calibration Results Base Year Values Of Time.1 Table 2.1 Table 5.2 Table 3..Overall Validation Results Average Hour PT Assignment . 2011 and 2021 Estimated Enrollment 2007.3 RITES LTD.Validation Results (GEH Statistic) Average Hour PT Assignment .17 Table 3.20 Table 3.Validation Results (Screenlines) Average Hour Highway Assignment (PCU Unit) .18 Table 3.5 Table 2.4 Table 4.14 Table 3.Validation Results (Screenlines) AM Peak PT Assignment .4 Table 3.9 Table 3.1 Table 4.6 Table 2.3 Table 2.3 Table 4.2 Table 4.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES Table 2.5 Table 3.Overall Bus Speed Adjustment Average Hour Highway Assignment (PCU Unit) .8 Population Growth of NCT of Delhi Population Estimates of Base Year 2007 Comparative Table of All Scenarios Estimated Population 2011 and 2021 Estimated Employment 2007.2 Table 2.16 Table 3.5 Table 5.19 Table 3.4 Table 2.11 Table 3.Overall Validation Results Delhi Metro and BRT Corridors in Phase I and II Projected Daily Passenger Trips at Delhi Airport Projected Daily Passenger Trips at Railway Stations in NCT of Delhi Daily Trips by Various Modes in BAU Scenario Maximum Section Loads in Various Sections of Metro Corridors for ‘BAU’ Scenario Proposed Capacity of Various Modes for Delhi Recommended Integrated Public Transport Network and System Existing and Proposed Metro Corridors in Delhi and Areas Served Page 3 of 6 Table 3. 2011 and 2021 Growth of Population for Delhi and Other Towns in NCR Directional Distribution of Growth of NCR Population and Annual Growth Rates Vehicle Availability Model Calibration Results Generation Model Calibration Results (Household’s Size Distribution) HIS Database Daily Person Trip Rates By Purpose. MVA Asia LTD.7 Table 2.21 Table 4.2 Table 5.8 Table 3.6 Table 3. Vehicle Operating Costs.15 Table 3.Metro Daily Boardings Validation Results AM Peak Highway Assignment (PCU Unit) .10 Table 3.Overall Distribution Models Validation Results Modal Split Models Validation Results Modal Split Models Validation Results .7 Table 3.1 Table 3. and TERI Page 4 of 6 .12 Table 5. MVA Asia LTD.11 Table 5.6 Table 5.4 Table 5. 2021 Distribution of Intra and Intercity Trips Passenger Kilometers Served by Various Modes in 2021 Modal Split for All Trips for Scenarios on Higher Parking Charges and Densification along Metro Corridors 2021 Phasing of Metro/Light Metro Corridors in Delhi Phasing of BRT Corridors in Delhi RITES LTD.9 Table 5.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Table of Contents Table 5..7 Table 5.8 Table 5.10 Table 5.5 Table 5.13 Proposed Light Metro Corridor in Delhi and Areas Served Existing and Proposed BRT Corridors in Delhi and Areas Served Linewise Daily Boarding and Total Person Trips on Metro/Light Metro System 2021 Daily Trips With Recommended Public Transport Network in 2021 Modal Split for Intracity Trips for Delhi. 7 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.1 (d) Figure 5.4 Figure 3.9 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 5.1 Figure 2.6 Figure 5.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 21 M (ROW) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 35 M (ROW) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 45 M (ROW) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 60 M (ROW) Typical Cross Sections of Light Metro (LRT/Monorail) System Recommended Integrated Public Transport Network and System Peak Hour Section Loads on Metro/Light Metro Corridors Expected Traffic Volumes (in PCU’s) on Road Network in 2021 on Recommended Scenario Phasing of Implementation of Metro and Light Metro Corridors Phasing of Implementation of BRT Corridors Major Transfer Interchange Points RITES LTD.1 Figure 2.1 (b) Figure 5. MVA Asia LTD.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 5.8 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.10 Figure 4.1 Figure 3.2 Study Area Traffic Zone Map DDA Planning Divisions of NCT of Delhi Four-Stage Model Structure Distribution of Households by Income and Vehicle Availability Group Distribution of Households by Household Size Attraction Model (HBW-NV Linear Regression) Gravity Model Formulation Modal Split Models Structure Multi-Logit Formulas (Combined Split) Logit Model Sensitivity Screenlines Definition Average Hour Highway Assignment .1 (a) Figure 5.5 Figure 3..7 Figure 6.1 (c) Figure 5.Validation Results (Linear Regression) Delhi Metro and BRT Corridors in Phase I and II Expected Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (in PCU’s) on Road Network in 2021 in BAU Scenario Figure 5.5 Figure 5.4 Figure 5. and TERI Page 5 of 6 . 1 Population 2007. MVA Asia LTD. 2011 and 2021 Enrollment 2007.2 Annexure 2. 2011 and 2021 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation Section Loads on Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 RITES LTD.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Table of Contents LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure 2.1 Annexure 3.1 Annexure 2. and TERI Page 6 of 6 ..3 Annexure 3.2 Annexure 5. 2011 and 2021 Employment 2007. . The adjoining areas of DMA towns and rest of NCR are treated as external zones.of-the-art travel demand model for culling out the exact requirement of the proposed city wide integrated road cum multi–modal transport network.2 0. Considering that ground conditions have changed significantly.4 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. There has been a tremendous upsurge in number and usage of personalized motor vehicles in Delhi. This has resulted in congestion on the city roads. database on which this network was prepared was quite old and traffic and travel characteristics have also undergone a significant change.1. The following traffic and travel surveys have been conducted as part of the study in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) had prepared an Integrated Multi-modal Public Transport Network comprising 43 corridors to cater to the public transport demand up to 2021. later it was decided that the required multi-modal public transport network should come out from this study instead of considering the given network of 43 corridors. The collected data was analysed and given in the reports submitted.1.1.3 0. The Transport Department. GNCTD has commissioned the group composed by RITES Ltd. Only public transport systems are more efficient users of space.1. The area under the jurisdiction of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) has been taken as the study area for this study. therefore decided to undertake a detailed study for developing a state.1 BACKGROUND The National Capital Territory of Delhi is an exploding megapolitan city with a population of about 17 million at present and expected to be 24 million by 2021.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0. MVA Asia Ltd and TERI. 1 2 3 4 Classified traffic volume count survey at screen lines and mid blocks (89 screen lines locations & 61 mid blocks location) Road side origin-destination survey at outer cordons location including classified traffic volume counts (20 locations) Metro passenger opinion survey (5000 samples) Work center surveys (10000 samples) 0.1 0. it is very important that users of personalized modes are weaned away to public transport system. and TERI Page 1 of 13 . GNCTD. Therefore. However. to carry out the study “Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road Cum Multi-Modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi”. 3 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. TRAFFIC MODEL CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION The transportation planning process consists of development of formulae (or models). but a series of inter-linked and inter-related models of varying levels of complexity. population has been frozen as per population estimated from voters list 2007. where limited scope of increase in population due to redensification exists. In planning divisions N.2. Through these models. It has also considered the norms and standards of employment mentioned in MPD-2021.2. The population has then been distributed in 360 traffic zones for 2011 and 2021. the transportation study process as a whole is checked and calibrated before 0. In planning divisions A.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0. population of about 37 lakh by 2021 has been envisaged. For planning divisions G-M. E & F. and TERI Page 2 of 13 . In planning divisions D. and development of alternative strategies for handling this demand. enabling forecast of travel demand. population is assumed to be grown in these planning division as per the Delhi Master Plan 2021 for the estimation of future population of year 2021. Similarly student distribution for 2011 and 2021 has also been worked out for traffic zones. B. Employment has been distributed to traffic zones based on the information generated.2 0.1 Willingness to pay survey (15000 samples) Rail terminal survey (20 terminals) Bus terminal survey (10 terminals) Bus route network inventory (2500 km) Parking survey (100 locations) Road network inventory (2500 km) Household interview survey (45458 samples) EXISTING AND FUTURE LANDUSE PARAMETERS Based on the voter list and other demographic features the population for NCTD for the base year 2007 has been estimated as 167. P-I and P-II. which are fully developed and have no further scope of addition. the .2 Total employment has been estimated on the basis of total population and work force participation rate. a growth of 1% per annum has been assumed and the base year population has accordingly been projected. 0. C. where new urban areas/townships have been proposed in MPD 2021. DDA has divided the NCT of Delhi into 17 planning divisions from A to H and J to P. The expected population for entire Delhi has been estimated 182 lakh in 2011 and 243 lakh in 2021. dealing with different facets of travel demand. It is not just one model.15 Lakh. available road rightof-way (ROW) and the capacity of the mode. This scenario indicates that high capacity public transport system will need to be added on several other corridors even after Metro Phase I+II corridors. forecasting of transport demand has been carried out for ‘Business as usual’ (BAU) scenario. Daily metro ridership in this scenario is expected to increase to 33.2 Choice of mode will depend mainly on demand level on a corridor. The model developed is a traditional four-stage transportation model.2%.6% which will be less than even 2007 level of 52. Even some sections of the metro will be heavily loaded. This process included the extension of metro corridors and provision of additional high capacity mass transport system on several heavily loaded corridors being added to the BAU scenario. high capacity mass transport already available nearby. land-use along the corridor. a number of alternative mass transport networks were attempted to meet the future transport demand requirement.4 TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST AND BUSINESS AS USUAL SCENARIO 2021 173 Km of Delhi Metro (Phase I and II) and 39 km of BRT system in Delhi will be available by 2011. This assumes that any additional public transport corridors will not be taken up to 2021.8 lakh by 2021. The model has been built using CUBE software. the location of building lines and the potential for increasing the ROW.5 DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK FOR 2021 0. 0.5. Considering the above assumptions and calibrated / validated traffic demand model. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. This network has been taken as Business As Usual scenario. employment and student enrolment have been made use of in transport demand analysis. The normal and easily available planning variables at zonal levels such as population. Several road corridors will be overloaded by 2021 in this scenario. Other considerations are likelihood of increase in traffic in next 20-25 years.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary it is used for future travel predictions. This analysis indicates that the many of the above mass transport corridors will have section loads of ranging from 5000 to 30000 phpdt by 2021. and TERI Page 3 of 13 . The model has been calibrated and validated for using it for transport demand forecasting. 0. 0. The model uses the analysed data from household interview and other traffic surveys conducted as a part of this study and secondary data.5. Thus modal split (% of trips by public transport to total motorised trips) in favour of public transport in 2021 is expected to be 49.1 Considering the expected traffic to be generated in 2021. Light Metro 40.7 106.1 Recommended Integrated Public Transport Network and System S. Mukundpur to Gokalpuri (via Ring Road.No System Type Corridor Max PHPDT (2021) Length (Km) 1 Metro a Extension of Metro Corridors I. NH24 byepass.1 16984 8211 50.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary 0. Jaffrabad Road) II. Overall public transport system length will be 742 km by 2021.3 km and BRT 380 km. Table 0. Rithala to Barwala II. Jhangirpuri to Narela III.5 km. Mathura Road) III. Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (to be extended to Noida) 23868 53.3 km and BRT 365.8 7.5.2 148. there will be need to connect these corridors by ring corridors.4 km.0 b New Metro Corridors I. Central Secretariat to ISBT Kashmere Gate VI.3 Considering the evaluation of public transport networks. Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi Border (to be extended to Gurgaon) V. The recommended network and recommended system for various corridors are given in Table 0. Light Metro and BRT systems have been recommended for various corridors. Dwarka Mor to Najafgarh IV.2 km.4 15.3 2.1. Light Metro 40.5 6.3 42.1. The recommended public transport network and system on various corridors are also shown in Figure 0. Mundka to Delhi Border (to be extended to Bahadurgarh) 5765 28384 5853 8066 12914 12663 Total (a) 6.4 2. Swami Dayanand Marg. and TERI Page 4 of 13 . Metro. Ashram to Mukundpur (along Outer Ring Road. Total additional proposed Metro length in Delhi is 148.7 3. With several radial metro corridors in phase I and II. the public transport network and system has been selected on the basis of above criteria to meet future transport demand.2 Total (b) Total Metro Length (a+b) RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Thus total metro length within Delhi by 2021 will be 321. 4 18. Karawal Nagar to Chilla II.3 15 23.8 26.3 40.2 34. Khaira to Nazafgarh to Ibrahimpur XIII.8 25.5 553. Central Secretariat to Vasant Kunj VI. Badarpur to IGI Airport VII.6 18.9 365. to be taken as metro corridor by 2021) XVII.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary S. Uttam Nagar to Mukandpur (along outer ring road. Gulabi Bagh to Bakhtawarpur IV. Mundka to Putkhurd XII.9 20. Khanjawala to Bawana XIV.3 359. Rajokri to Bijwasan to Chawala to Gopal Nagar X. Dhaula Kuan to Dabri More to Chawala VIII. I.4 4. Tilak Nagar to Kirbi Place 4823 Total (a) 9121 11166 8635 9515 9409 12167 9797 7540 9283 12053 3721 9819 5332 6926 5501 - 5.9 Total (b) Total BRT Length (a+b) Total Length (Km) (Metro + Light Metro + BRT) RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. ISBT Kashmere Gate to Kapeshera Border V.7 18.1 26. Delhi Gate to ISBT Kashmere Gate b New BRT Corridors I.G Stadium to Mehrauli IX.3 3 BRT a Extension of BRT Corridor I.5 7 19.9 42. Rohini Sector 21 to Khanjawala XVI. Najafgarh to Narela XI.3 21. Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini Sector 21 Total 40. and TERI Page 5 of 13 . Kondli to Gokalpuri to Mukandpur III.No System Type Corridor Max PHPDT (2021) 27004 Length (Km) 2 Light Metro I.6 5. Rajokri to Badarpur XV.5 24.8 12. and TERI Page 6 of 13 .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Multi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary Figure 0.1 Recommended Integrated Public Transport Network and System RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 4 Daily ridership on the entire metro/Light Metro system upto 2021 is expected to be 50.2.47. Rohtak.25. Hapur.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary 0.3 gives the total daily person trips in 2021 by various modes.018 7703578 5043492 0. Ghaziabad (2 Lines).7% in 2021. Faridabad & Bhadurgarh and commuter rail system upto NCR towns such as Panipat.5.853 17.11. However. Table indicates that while modal split in favour of public transport is expected to increase for intracity trips in Delhi with the proposed system. Thus there will be 1.76. Noida (2 Lines).804 14.4 lakh passengers with 77 lakh boardings.191 69. Line wise boardings for 2021 are shown in Table 0.44. Additional road link will also need to be provided to Gurgaon.73. Thus the desirable modal split of 70% in favour of public transport system is not likely to be achieved just by providing the proposed mass transport system.No 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 Name Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala Narela to Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector 21/Najafgarh ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Delhi Border Mukundpur to Gokalpuri Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi (Gurgaon) Border Ashram to Mukundpur Jasola to Kalindi Kunj New Delhi RS to IGI Airport .5 interchange transfers per passenger trip on metro/Light Metro system. Palwal.13. and TERI Page 7 of 13 .996 41. the figures for modal share for public transport will increase from 54% in 2007 to 59. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Thus additional measures will need to be taken to increase the ridership on the proposed system.599 6.4 which shows modal split for intracity trips only.331 11. This indicates that mass transport system to NCR towns from Delhi will need to be improved significantly by extending metro lines to Gurgaon (2 lines). It can be seen that the modal split by public transport system will increase to just 54% from 53% in 2007. Meerut.5.Dwarka Sector 21 Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini Sector 21 Grand Total MRT Boardings Total Daily Metro Trips Daily Boardings(2021) 7.238 5. Table 0. if we look at Table 0.334 3.111 1. Table 0. it would decrease for the inter-city traffic.63. Rewari.103 8.2 Linewise Daily Boarding and Total Person Trips on Metro/Light Metro System 2021 S.37. Alwar.5 shows the distributuion of intra and inter-city trips in 2007 and 2021. Many of the road links will continue to be overloaded.5 A total of 291 Lakh person trips are expected to be made in Delhi in 2021 including by non-motorised modes of cycle and cycle rickshaw. Daily motorised trips are expected to be 253 Lakh person trips including inter-city trips. Table 0. Bulandshar etc. 7 0.0 SN 1 2 3 4 Mode Car 2w Auto PT Total Daily Trips .2 59.3 4753417 1186202 8457999 5043492 131317 25527088 18.5 25.5.3 Daily Trips With Recommended Public Transport Network in 2021 2021 (With NMT Trips) Modal Daily Trips Share (%) 5954661 20.8 48.1 20.0 Modal Share (%) 15.6 - S No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mode Car Two Wheeler Auto Bus Metro Train (Intra Delhi) Cycle Cycle Rickshaw Total Table 0.1 19.6 33.5 6. the share of PKM by public transport modes will 65% of total PKM by all modes. Thus. 2021 Modal Share (%) 17.0 21.6 However.0 17.7 100.5 Distribution of Intra and Intercity Trips Type of Traffic (Motorised) Intra City Inter City Total Daily Trips – 2021 (in Lakh) 174 (60% by PT) 81 (40% by PT) 255 Daily Trips – 2007-08 (in Lakh) 117 (53% by PT) 34 (45% by PT) 151 SN 1 2 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.6.0 2007 (Without NMT Trips) Modal Daily Trips Share (%) 2902120 19.2 3.5 5.4 4753417 1186202 8457999 5043492 131317 1461690 2146785 29135564 16.4 100. we compare the passenger kilometers served by each mode as shown in Table 0.0 3.4 54. there will be substantial increase in PKM with the proposed mass transport system.1 29.8 0.6 100. and TERI Page 8 of 13 .0 2021 (Without NMT Trips) Modal Daily Trips Share (%) 5954661 23.2 3250755 1028622 7276892 552745 89623 15100757 100.2021 2983299 3491576 549913 10408048 17432839 Daily Trips . Table 0.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary 0.3 0. For intra city trips.5 100. it can be seen that the modal split for public transport in terms of PKM increases to 59% as compared to modal split of 53% with person trips only.6 4.3 4.5 4.4 Modal Split for Intracity Trips for Delhi.2007 1806380 2976832 518329 6369088 11670629 Table 0.0 7. In order to increase the modal split in favour of public transport further.5.4 9. and TERI Page 9 of 13 . some additional measures such as restriction on car ownership.1 19.5. phasing of implementation of the mass transport corridors have been suggested. Densification of metro corridor is expected to increase daily metro ridership further by 6 lakh person trips.2 7. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.4 27.5 100.0 31.8 - SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mode Car Two Wheeler Auto Bus Metro Train (intra city) Total PKM (2021) 66454017 35175284 11280781 89485631 78678482 3651912 284726107 PKM Share (%) 23.7% for parking scenario I and 71% for scenario II.0 Avg.7 Transport demand forecasting process has been carried out for the scenarios of higher parking charges. 2016 and 2021.3 100. Phasing of additional recommended corridors has been given in two phases – phase III (2011-15) and phase IV (2016-21).3 12. modal split in favour of public transport will increase to 67. Trip Length (in Km) 11.5.9 Considering the transport demand forecast on various mass transport corridors in 2011.6 Passenger Kilometers Served by Various Modes in 2021 Daily Trips2021 5954661 4753417 1186202 8457999 5043492 131317 25527088 Modal Share by Trips (%) 23.6 15.6 33.5 10. Metro Phase I and II and two BRT corridors will be available by 2011.5% in scenario II (with very high parking charges). 0. increase in fuel cost.6 1. 0.7 and 0.0 0. Higher parking charges are expected to increase modal split in favour of public transport for all trips to 60% for parking scenario I (with high parking charges in major office and commercial areas) and to 62.8 Above analysis indicates that higher car parking charges will result in higher use of public transport system. congestion pricing etc may need to be thought at a time when all the areas in Delhi are provided with an adequate and convenient integrated public transport and thus alternative to car use is available.6 4. Recommended phasing of metro/Light Metro and BRT corridors is given in Table 0.8 respectively.8 0.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary Table 0.6 27. However for intracity trips.4 4.3 18. 4 2.4 40.7 22.7 321.5 Km (ISBT to Cent.7 22. and TERI Page 10 of 13 .6 Mukundpur to Gokalpuri Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi 7 (Gurgaon) Border (To be extended upto Gurgaon) 8 Ashram to Mukundpur Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (To be 9 extended upto NOIDA) New Delhi RS to IGI Airport 10 Dwarka Sector 21 Total Light Metro Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini 1 Sector 21 Grand Total 6 53.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary Table 0.3 173.3 (Mundaka to Delhi Border NH 10) 53.4 Km (Jhangirpuri to Badli) 52.5 40.7 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Sectt to Badarpur) 18.8 91.7 173.1 Km (Dilshad Garden to Rithala) 37.6 Km (New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector 21) 20 Km (Cent.4 2.3 361.7 Phasing of Metro/Light Metro Corridors in Delhi Length In Km PH III PH IV 6.1 3.8 50.5 5 25.1 3.5 4 27.8 50.7 Km (Dwarka Mor to Najafgarh) 7.2 56.4 Km (Rithala to Barwala) 11.5 2 3. Sectt) 6.No Metro 1 Name of Corridor Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala (To be extended upto Ghaziabad) Narela to Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector -21/Najafgarh (To be extended upto Ghaziabad/Noida) ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur (To be Extended Upto Faridabad) Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Delhi Border (To be extended upto Bahadurgarh) Ph I + II 25.5 Km (Kirti Nagar to Mundaka) + 0.6 3 51.7 S.3 Km (Jhangirpuri to Arjangarh) 6.9 Km (Badli to Narela) 2.7 91.8 Km (Inderlok to Ashok Park Main) Total (Km) 31.2 96.2 Km (Anand Vihar ISBT to Yamuna Bank) + 42. 2 34.3 15 23.7 18.4 PH III PH IV Total (Km) 1 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar 20.3 15 23.4 4.5 7 194.8 25.9 42.Peeragarhi Uttam nagar (Along outer Ring Road) Tilak Nagar to Kirbi Place Gulabi Bagh to Bakhtawarpur ISBT Kashmere Gate to Kapashera Border Central Secretariat to Vasant Kunj Badarpur to IGI Airport Dhaula Kuan .4 4.3 18.8 12.5 24.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary Table 0.8 12.Najafgarh Ibrahimpur Khanjawala to Bawana Rajokri to Badarpur Rohini Sector 21 to Kanjhawala Total 19.9 20.8 26.Chhawla I.0 38.3 21.3 18.2 34.8 26.9 20.1 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.1 Km (Ambedkar Nagar to Delhi Gate already existing (14.6 Km) to be constructed ) 18.3 21.5 24.G Stadium to Mehrauli Rajokri to Bijwasan to Chhawla to Gopal Nagar Najafgarh to Narela Mundka to Putkhurd Khaira .8 25.7 18. and TERI Page 11 of 13 .1 26.Dabri More .5 7 380.Gokal Puri Mukandpur Mukandpur .1 18.9 147.Chilla Kondli .9 42.No Name of Corridor PH II 20.5 Km) and Delhi to Gate ISBT (5.1 26.0 19.8 Phasing of BRT Corridors in Delhi S.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Karawal Nagar . Additional 149 Km of metro and 40 Km of Light Metro on the suggested corridors should be implemented in Delhi by 2021.6.3 Integration at operational level will be required to synchronize the timings of mass transit and feeder services. It is not possible to provide direct origin to destination service and vice a versa for all commuters. 3. BRT-Light Metro/BRT and with other feeder services. The main issue is to make these interchanges convenient with minimum time penalty.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary 0. Additional BRT network of 365. and TERI . time-table and information boards at terminals for providing up-to-date information for the system users is also important. proper planning for feeder services will be necessary to ensure the forecast passenger demand on the system. 0. Page 12 of 13 2. Introduction of common ticketing and their availability at convenient places will be necessary later. comfort level of buses should be enhanced by providing low floor buses with a mix of airconditioned buses.7 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The planning objective is to minimize the need to change and when change is essential to make it as convenient as possible and with minimum time loss.6. 0. The need to interchange modes and or corridors is an essential feature of any public transport system. There will be about 85 locations of major and minor interchange points. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.6 TRANSPORT INTEGRATION 0. Metro-Metro/Light Metro/BRT.6.5 Km should be taken up for implementation by 2021 in Delhi. 0.1 A multi-modal public transport network for the NCTD has been proposed to be developed to meet expected commuter’s travel needs.2 As all commuters will not be living within walking distance of the proposed network. Side by side or vertical interchange that involves minimum walking is the best and hence has to be the norm in planning. Different variants of BRT system design in terms of its crosssectional elements and elevated sections should be adopted in order to meet the varying levels of demand. Required inter-changes will be between these pairs of systems viz. An integrated passenger information system covering all modes through publication of common route guides. One of the most important elements of transport integration is the provision of inter-change facilities. In order to ensure higher patronage of public transport system. Eastern and western expressways in NCR outside Gurgaon. As a decent metro network will be available in Delhi by 2011. A city-wide parking plan should also be prepared indicating where parking will be permitted and where not. Noida/Greater Noida (2 Corridors). At a later date even measures such as congestion pricing. Quality and enhanced capacity of footpaths need to be provided throughout the city. Existing road connectivity between Delhi and CNCR towns should be improved by increasing road capacity. Faridabad and Bahadurgarh. Faridabad. Sonepat. Traffic interaction between Delhi and other NCR towns is going to be bigger issue in future. Therefore metro extension should be provided to Gurgaon (2 Corridors). Kundli. increase in fuel price etc also may have to be taken up. Noida and Ghaziabad should not pass through Delhi. To serve increasing traffic demand between Delhi and other NCR towns such as Panipat. Palwal should be provided at the earliest in order to take away through traffic to Delhi. higher parking charges in central areas and other commercial/office area should be considered to discourage use of personalized modes. Bulandshar. Meerut. Ghaziabad (2 Corridors). Rewari. 8. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 5. Ghaziabad. 7. Additional road links should be provided between Delhi and Gurgaon. and TERI Page 13 of 13 . Hapur. Palwal etc. dedicated commuter rail service should be provided in order to reduce traffic loads on Delhi roads.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Executive Summary 4. 9. FNG expressway should also be provided so that traffic between the towns of Faridabad. restriction on car ownerships. Alwar. Carriageway of major roads should be kept free of encroachments. Noida. 6. . database on which this network was prepared was quite old and traffic and travel characteristics have also undergone a significant change in the last 8-9 years. There has been a tremendous upsurge in number and usage of personalized motor vehicles in Delhi. Considering that ground conditions have changed significantly.1. later it was decided that the required multi-modal public transport network should come out from this study instead of considering the given network of 43 corridors Page 1 of 3 1. However. Delhi. Only public transport systems are more efficient users of space.3 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. The main mode of public transport is bus system although a new mode – metro has been introduced on a few corridors. The. and TERI . However this will require not only augmentation of public transport network covering all areas of Delhi but will also need good quality system. The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) had prepared an Integrated Multi-modal Public Transport Network comprising 43 corridors to cater to the public transport demand up to 2021. it is difficult to depend only on road based transport solutions. being the seat of Central Government has grown very fast over the last two and half decades. This has resulted in congestion on the city roads. MVA Asia Ltd and TERI.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-1 Introduction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. This has resulted in high growth in mobility of people.1 BACKGROUND The National Capital Territory of Delhi is an exploding megapolitan city with a population of about 17 million at present and expected to be 24 million by 2021.1. This network will also need to be highly integrated public transport network so that people can interchange conveniently. to carry out the study “Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road Cum Multi-Modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi”.of-the-art travel demand model for culling out the exact requirement of the proposed city wide integrated road cum multi–modal transport network. GNCTD has commissioned the group composed by RITES Ltd. It has become a big commercial centre as well as centre for higher education.2 1.1 1. GNCTD. However increase in capacity of the transport system has not been compatible with transport demand. therefore decided to undertake a detailed study for developing a state. Therefore. it is very important that users of personalized modes are weaned away to public transport system.1. Transport Department. including planning for a system of efficient interchange points to provide for most convenient transfers. With ever increasing demand for road space – both for vehicular movement and parking. 4 REPORTS SUBMITTED The following reports have been submitted so far as a part of this study.1. 1. Inception Report Traffic Model Development Approach Report Interim Report Traffic Survey Data Analysis Report Household Interview Survey Report Existing and Future Landuse Distribution Report Traffic Model Calibration & Validation Report Page 2 of 3 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. The collected data was analysed and given in the reports submitted.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-1 Introduction 1. 4. and TERI .3 TRAFFIC AND TRAVEL SURVEYS The following traffic and travel surveys have been conducted as part of the study in the National Capital Territory of Delhi.2 1. 6. 2.4 This report on ‘Development of Integrated Multi-modal Public Transport Network’ contains the suggested integrated multi-modal public transport network to cater to traffic demand up to 2021 in Delhi as evolved from the calibrated and validated travel demand model. 1 Classified traffic volume count survey at screen lines and mid blocks (89 screen lines locations & 61 mid blocks location) 2 Road side origin-destination survey at outer cordons location including classified traffic volume counts (20 locations) 3 Metro passenger opinion survey (5000 samples) 4 Work center surveys (10000 samples) 5 Willingness to pay survey (15000 samples) 6 Rail terminal survey (20 terminals) 7 Bus terminal survey (10 terminals) 8 Bus route network inventory (2500 km) 9 Parking survey (100 locations) 10 Road network inventory (2500 km) 11 Household interview survey (45458 samples) 1. 7. 3. The adjoining areas of DMA towns and rest of NCR are treated as external zones. 5. 1. STUDY AREA The area under the jurisdiction of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) has been taken as the study area. The study area is shown in Figure 1.1. Development of alternative public transport networks and recommended network and system along with its phasing of implementation are given in Chapter 5.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-1 Introduction 1. employment and student enrolment. Chapter 4 contains transport demand forecast up to 2021 and scenario of business as usual (with Phase I and II of Delhi Metro). Conclusion and recommendations are enumerated in Chapter 7 of this report. The chapter 2 contains existing and future landuse parameters such as distribution of population. The details of traffic model development. calibration and validation are given in chapter 3. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 COMPOSITION OF THIS REPORT This report contains seven chapters. Chapter 6 covers the transport integration issues. The chapter 1 gives introduction to the study and work completed so far. and TERI Page 3 of 3 . . . The available MCD and NDMC wards have further been modified by way of sub-dividing some of the larger wards on the basis of area. Ballabhgarh.1 DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC ZONE SYSTEM The traffic zone system for the study has been developed with the help of MCD.21 138. For the last four decades (1951-1991) Delhi’s population has been increasing at a constant decadal growth rate of approximately 52%. a total of 360 internal traffic zones have been delineated within the study area.00 Decadal Growth Rate 52.2 POPULATION ESTIMATION FOR DELHI 2007 2. Table 2. 2001. being the seat of Central Government has grown very fast over the decades. There are total of 272 MCD wards. and Sonepat (Kundli). Thus.65 62.1 Delhi. The External traffic zones comprise the major entry/exit locations from NCR towns of Ghaziabad.93 53.46 46. The 381 traffic zones are shown in Figure 2.48 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters CHAPTER -2 EXISTING AND FUTURE LANDUSE PARAMETERS 2.1 below. NDMC and Delhi Cantonment area have 12 wards and 7 wards respectively. Noida. A total number of 21 external traffic zones have also been included in the zoning system.01 51. Bahadurgarh. The growth in population in various decades is shown in Table 2. Faridabad.41 52.48% as per Census of India. Gurgaon.58 40. These external traffic zones have been delineated for DMA towns of National Capital Region and are in close proximity of the study area.44 26.2.1 2. Thus. the decadal growth rate is 46.1 Population Growth of NCT of Delhi Year 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Source: Census of India Total Population (in Lakh) 17. In the last decade 1991-2001. NDMC and Delhi Cantonment Board ward boundaries. and TERI Page 1 of 10 . the study area has a total of 291 wards. population and type of development and by creating additional zones within NCT of Delhi by further adding 69 smaller zones to the traffic zone system. having direct influence on the transportation scenario of Delhi.20 94. Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters Figure 2.1 Traffic Zone Map 376 2 1 292 377 295 294 293 296 297 28 3 298 5 300 27 309 26 306 19 310 29 303 311 304 33 30 34 35 36 31 313 312 314 25 305 50 23 24 45 60 316 317 59 58 41 57 44 121 315 116 139 122 318 123 125 319 138 137 135 148 136 147 130 320 140 134 323 322 357 326 325 144 133 141 143 328 327 336 324 321 145 280 142 290 165 126 119 127 128 120 104 4 299 7 18 6 350 375 308 307 21 49 17 20 301 15 16 8 272 13 270 271 265 22 52 51 55 54 56 53 63 64 67 68 14 302 12 71 72 66 70 65 69 73 9 75 76 88 85 87 266 261 11 269 268 267 262 374 263 246 243 245 242 264 244 378 37 38 47 46 39 48 40 42 43 10 253 256 258 360 78 77 62 103 99 101 97 105 98 61 100 94 93 255 252 260 254 250 249 251 248 349 233 257 235 236 234 229 230 241 240 348 238 239 373 372 371 247 32 74 237 358 231 232 345 226 80 86 82 79 83 84 344 343 108 102 115 107 106 356 352 153 92 96 150 95 91 90 89 275 273 370 347 225 346 124 113 109 117 114 112 111 149 379 81 274 222 221 228 218 329 152151 285 287 354 353 223 118 110 129 132 131 146 286 277 355 280 278 279 351 154 359 224 227 217 342 216 219 213 220 211 209 215 214 210 288 291 276 281 168 282 283 167 166 334 212 157 156 330 158 155 284 193 332 159 160 192 191 189 184 180 183 182 205 206 369 368 367 366 381 365 163 164 194 196 200 171 333 331 161 162 169 341 208 190 195 337 339 199 172 170 335 181 173 185 197 340 207 201 380 361 362 174 338 203 188 198 204 202 179 187 186 178 177 363 364 175 176 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. and TERI Page 2 of 10 . 3. It calls for a comprehensive redevelopment strategy for Page 3 of 10 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 2.3 2. MPD 2021 proposals and detailed census data 2001.1 FUTURE GROWTH SCENARIO AS ENVISAGED BY MPD-2021 The Vision of MPD-2021 is to make Delhi a global metropolis and a world class city.15 Lakh.2 Base year (2007) population estimation for the study area has been worked out on the basis of state electoral list. The MPD-2021 has given main thrust on redevelopment and redensification of existing urban area and city improvement. Based on the voter list and other demographic features the population for the base year 2007 has been estimated as 167.15 Lakh. the population at traffic zone level has been estimated. and TERI .2 Table 2. divisional growth trends.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters 2. The population estimates of base year 2007 at planning zones level are shown in Table 2. is also same as estimated by the Census of India for the year 2007.15 Lakh for planning divisions.2. Having obtained the base year population of 167. where all the people are engaged in productive work with a decent standard of living and quality of life in a sustainable environment.2 Population Estimates of Base Year 2007 Planning Divisions A B C D E F G H J K-I K-II L M N O P-I P-II Total Population 2001 Census 635501 627920 794879 577677 3235668 1753212 1510261 1477380 632890 404977 780245 296942 416169 205660 27762 149696 340621 13867460 Estimated Population 2007 740125 774765 949591 631545 3743961 2156354 1828944 1752905 716897 567089 1009138 369813 516528 272319 29470 205906 450612 16715962 It may be pointed out that the above estimated total population of 167. 2 DDA Planning Divisions of NCT of Delhi RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. The area within the existing urbanised limits of Delhi Urban Area consists of planning zones A to H and Dwarka.e. The future population will be accommodated in urban extensions i. DDA has divided the NCT of Delhi into 17 planning divisions from A to H and J to P as shown in the Figure 2. The planning zones A to H are saturated to such an extent that little growth may be expected in the future only through the redensification as envisaged in MPD-2021. Figure 2. Rohini and Narela Subcity projects. planning zones J to P. and TERI Page 4 of 10 . strengthening of infrastructure facilities.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters accommodating a large population.2. PI and PII. PI and PII .Population frozen to same as that of year 2007 as estimated from voters list 2007 Planning Divisions J to N. Thus we have to reconcile the landuse and population distribution for the year 2021. 2021 has also estimated population of various planning divisions in 2021.population to grow @ 1% per pa upto 2021 Planning Divisions J to N. we have worked out four scenarios of population growth in various planning divisions as given below in Table 2. Scenario I Planning Divisions A to H.population to grow as given by DDA Master Plan 2021 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. On the other hand. it has been observed that the projected population of some of the planning divisions (particularly A and E) in 2021 is even lower than the 2001 census. large residential areas with huge projected population in the outer areas in Planning Divisions J-N.population to grow as given by DDA Master Plan 2021 Scenario II Planning Divisions A to H – population to grow @ 1% per pa upto 2021 Planning Divisions J to N.4 ESTIMATION OF POPULATION 2011 & 2021 Population of Delhi is expected to be around 240 Lakh in 2021 as per DDA’s Delhi Master Plan 2021. Considering above. PI and PII have been proposed in the Master Plan. Even the NCR Regional Plan limits the population of Delhi to about 240 Lakh by year 2021. While undertaking detailed examination of various zonal plans prepared by DDA.3. and TERI Page 5 of 10 . the population estimated by consultant on the basis of 2007 voters list indicates that the population in Planning Divisions A to H is higher even now in 2007 than the projected population in 2021.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters 2. PI and PII – population as envisaged by us considering that the expected population for entire Delhi in 2021 will be around 240 lakh Scenario III Planning Divisions A to H. However. Master Plan. a growth of 1% per annum has been assumed and the base year population has accordingly been projected. where limited scope of increase in population due to redensification exists. which are fully occupied and have no further scope of addition. C. the . B. In planning divisions N.3 Comparative Table of All Scenarios Estimated Population 2021 in Various scenarios Planning Divisions A B C D E F G H J K-I K-II L M N O P-I P-II Total Estimated Population 2007 740125 774765 949591 631545 3743961 2156354 1828944 1752905 716897 567089 1009138 369813 516528 272319 29470 205906 450612 16715962 Scenario I 850754 890572 1091529 725944 4303195 2500514 2102326 2026230 2066115 1200607 1372475 2007921 980307 2409367 33875 1619786 1908143 28089660 Scenario II 850754 890572 1091529 725944 4303195 2500514 2102326 2026230 1566922 974528 1221366 1240378 798235 1574410 33875 1055486 1063267 24019531 Scenario III 740125 774765 949590 631545 3743961 2156356 1828945 1752904 2066115 1200607 1372475 2007921 980307 2409367 29470 1619786 1908143 26172382 Scenario IV 740125 774765 949590 725944 3743961 2156356 2006215 1866456 2066115 1200607 1372475 2007921 980307 1574410 33875 1055486 1063267 24317875 Proposed Pop. The expected population for entire Delhi has been estimated 182 Lakh in 2011 and 243 Lakh in 2021. population is assumed to be grown in these planning division as per the Delhi Master Plan 2021 for the estimation of future population of year 2021. RITES has envisaged a population of about 37 Lakh by 2021. By DDA 2021 MPD 570000 630000 788000 813000 2800000 1975000 1955000 1865000 2067000 1200000 1300000 2000000 980000 2417500 1620000 1900000 24880500 Scenario IV In planning divisions A. P-I and P-II. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters Table 2. The Population of 2011 and 2021 is given in Table 2.e. Among all the four scenarios the scenario four has been considered best for the traffic demand forecasting. population has been frozen as per population estimated from voters list 2007 – i.4. where new urban areas / townships have been proposed in MPD 2021. In planning divisions D. and TERI Page 6 of 10 . E & F. The expected population for entire Delhi in 2021 has been estimated 243 Lakh. For planning divisions G-M. 84 Lakh. construction. It has also considered the norms and standards of employment mentioned in MPD2021.5 and traffic zone wise employment.5 ESTIMATION OF EMPLOYMENT 2007. household industry. and TERI Page 7 of 10 . 2011 and 2021 is distributed among the 360 traffic zones and shown in Annexure-2. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 2.2. The various employment sectors are agriculture (livestock).1. 2007. 2011 AND 2021 Total employment has been estimated on the basis of total population and work force participation rate. transport & communication and other services. trade & commerce.4 Estimated Population 2011 and 2021 Planning Divisions A B C D E F G H J K-I K-II L M N O P-I P-II Total Estimated Population 2007 740125 774765 949591 631545 3743961 2156354 1828944 1752905 716897 567089 1009138 369813 516528 272319 29470 205906 450612 16715962 Estimated Population 2011 740124 774766 949591 657032 3743962 2156355 1903206 1788227 951336 723717 1113992 569148 620529 568000 30667 336053 579045 18205751 Estimated Population 2021 740125 774765 949590 725944 3743961 2156356 2006215 1866456 2066115 1200607 1372475 2007921 980307 1574410 33875 1055486 1063267 24317875 Accordingly the traffic zone wise population 2007. Accordingly the Planning Division wise Employment is given in Table 2. Employment has been distributed to traffic zones based on the information generated.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters Table 2. manufacturing other than household Industry. Distribution of total employment to different employment sectors is based on Census of India (2001) and Master Plan for Delhi 2021 (MPD-2021) estimates. 2011 and 2021 is distributed among the 360 traffic zones in Annexure-2. colleges and other education institutions in various traffic zones and number of students in each type of institutes. 2011 and 2021 is indicated at Annexure-2. The estimated distribution of enrollment by traffic zones for the year 2007. The student enrollment for the year 2011 and 2021 has been estimated on the basis of population 2011 and 2021.32 Lakh for NCT Delhi has been done on the basis of reconnaissance survey of users of different categories of primary. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.3. 2011 and 2021 Planning Divisions A B C D E F G H J K-I K-II L M N O P-I P-II Total Estimated Employment 2007 375467 379247 417121 605103 826566 713278 711659 478130 170116 175360 238696 125974 122497 72799 6032 72430 104902 5595376 Estimated Employment 2011 386963 391236 429511 622351 850777 731230 732460 494396 276954 234949 314986 218313 242398 188882 6160 179342 160671 6461578 Estimated Employment 2021 406907 411235 453417 663002 915081 777089 782923 534867 528635 309945 435029 1077535 441304 614714 6492 678483 348440 9385099 2. and TERI Page 8 of 10 .5 Estimated Employment 2007. Existing student enrollment 2007 has been projected with the same growth rate of population in the year 2021.6 STUDENT ENROLLMENT 2007.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters Table 2. secondary and senior secondary schools. 2011 and 2021 The base year (2007) enrollment of 43. 4 4. and TERI 2007 167.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters Table 2.61 3.28 12.2 22 2 4 3.7 2.5 1 3 1 3 16 25 1.23 .2 10.1 243.8 Table 2. Combined projected population of various NCR towns in different directions from Delhi has been worked out and given in Table 2.27 0.99 1.7 3 Page 9 of 10 Name of Town NCT – Delhi Gurgaon Rewari-Dharuhera-Bawal Alwar Greater Bhiwadi Behror-Shahjahanpur Neemrana Complex Faridabad Palwal RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 2011 and 2021 Planning Divisions A B C D E F G H J K-I K-II L M N O P-I P-II Total Estimated Enrollment 2007 144838 194874 344404 229191 849388 599800 531507 476132 163843 136062 214685 86462 130550 56545 881 59659 113178 4332000 Estimated enrollment 2011 144838 194874 344404 238440 849388 599800 553088 485726 213117 185238 240063 127121 165375 117954 917 100471 149431 4710244 Estimated Enrollment 2021 144838 194874 344403 263448 849388 599800 583594 506961 433774 324730 306257 451732 299145 326715 1013 305703 293035 6229412 2.5 1.42 0.7 Growth of Population for Delhi and Other Towns in NCR Population (in Lakh) 2011 2021 Estimated Enrollment 2007.1 GROWTH OF POPULATION FOR OTHER TOWNS IN NCR The population in NCR towns other than Delhi has also grown fast due to close proximity to Delhi.2 7. Population projections of various town centres in NCR as per NCR Plan are given in Table 2. 0 42.30 7.80 S.2 1.2 36.62 14.93 4.19 0.2 It can be seen that the population of many other towns in NCR is expected to grow much faster than Delhi. Loni Meerut Hapur Baghpat-Baraut Bulandshahr -Khurja Noida Surajput-Kasna (Greater Noida) Rest of NCR 2007 2.22 7.57 4.99 14.98 3.N.8 7.0 64.80 7.5 3.7 13.6 1.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-2 Existing & Future Landuse Parameters Name of Town Sonepat-Kundli Panipat Bahadurgarh Rohtak Ghaziabad incl.6 3 3.3 179.45 36.0 Table 2.8 Directional Distribution of Growth of NCR Population and Annual Growth Rates Projected Combined Population (in Lakh) 2007 2011 2021 13.7 4.37 4.5 1.36 14. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 6.01 5.94 3.18 3.08 14.34 2.60 17.5 10 5 7 2 3 4.2 6 19 30.69 6.46 17.3 8.93 3.62 3.81 4.0 9.77 6 12 7 12 105. and TERI Page 10 of 10 .24 17.0 Expected Annual Growth Rate (in percentage) 2007-2011 2011-2021 9.9 Population (in Lakh) 2011 2021 3.5 28. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Gurgaon/ Rewari/ Alwar/ Bhiwadi/ Behror Faridabad/ Palwal Noida/ Greater Noida Ghaziabad/ Hapur/ Meerut/ Baraut/ Bagpat/ Bulandshahar Sonipat/Kundli/ Panipat Bahadurgarh/ Rohtak 2.7.19 15 22 3 4.0 24. This will also result with higher traffic interaction between Delhi and these towns. Therefore adequate mass transport system and more road links between Delhi and these towns will need to be provided in next 10-12 years.32 4.37 80. . 2 3. and the chosen mode and destination. and TERI Page 1 of 20 . Through these models. enabling forecast of travel demand. as illustrated in Figure 3. bus and metro) comprise some 11. These modes of travel (ie. Vehicle availability. MODEL STRUCTURE The model developed is a traditional four-stage transportation model. Car+Taxi. dealing with different facets of travel demand. distribution. The model uses the analysed data from household interview and other traffic surveys conducted as a part of this study and secondary data. by purpose and vehicle availability group. cycle and cycle rickshaw) as well as external trips and those on the national rail network.2 • • • • RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. two wheelers.7 millions daily trips.1 INTRODUCTION The transportation planning process consists of development of formulae (or models).Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation CHAPTER -3 TRAFFIC MODEL CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION 3.1 3. 3. It is not just one model.4 millions daily trips are those relating to non-mechanised trips (walk. The model has been built using CUBE software developed by Citilabs and Urban Analysis Group.1. which has an impact on the number of trips. The normal and easily available planning variables at zonal levels such as population. attraction. the transportation study process as a whole is checked and calibrated before it is used for future travel predictions. autorickshaw.1. and development of alternative strategies for handling this demand. but a series of inter-linked and interrelated models of varying levels of complexity. modal choice and assignment models: Vehicle availability model estimates the distribution of households by vehicle availability group. base year 2007. The remaining 11.1. generation. employment and student enrolment have been made use of in transport demand analysis. Distribution models distribute trips generated into the possible destinations and provide all modes matrices. with the following characteristics: • Motorised daily model based on Productions / Attractions and internal trips of Delhi residents. Generation and attraction models calculate trips generated and attracted by each zone. and TERI Page 2 of 20 . 3 vehicle availability groups: No Vehicle available (NV).Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation • • Modal choice models split total travel demand matrices by mode.1: Four-Stage Model Structure ZONING SYS M TE LANDUSE AND SOCIOECONOMIC DATA ROAD AND PUBLIC TRANS PORT NETWORKS • • • TRIP GENERATION HOW MANY TRIPS? BY TYPE TRIP DISTRIBUTION WHAT IS THE PATTERN OF TRIP MAKING? M ODAL SPLIT WHICH MODE OF TRANSPORT IS USED? ASSIGNMENTS WHICH ROUTE IS TAKE N? • The model area covers the National Capital Territory of Delhi. in terms of households and population • RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. assign Origin / Destination (OD) matrices. Home Based Education (HBE). car available (Car) and 2W available (2W). Figure 3. the adjoining areas of DMA towns and rest of NCR being treated as external zones. build paths. 360 internal zones (NCT of Delhi) and 21 external zones as described in Chapter 2. This is calculated at a zonal level. Home Based Business (HBB) and Home Based Other (HBO). The sample data were successfully expanded. Assignment models represent the last stage of the model. and finally provide loaded networks (Average Hour and AM Peak). auto-rickshaw (Auto) and Public Transport (PT). Car+Taxi mode is mainly car as taxi only represents 8% of Car+Taxi trips (1% of total trips). 4 purposes: Home Base Work (HBW). The model zoning system contains 381 zones. 4 modes: Car+Taxi. as HIS expanded figures are indeed close to the corroborative data. two wheelers (2W). The model development is largely based on the Households Interview and other Traffic Surveys after expansion from sample to total population. the ME process results (factors based on the comparison of the matrices before / after ME process) form part of the adjustment applied to the final PCU highway matrices (car. Home Based Education. AND ATTRACTION MODELS The development and calibration of vehicle availability. and attraction models.2 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 2W) produced by the model. car available. The trends match expectations: the proportion of households with no vehicle logically decreases with income increase. GENERATION. or PT modal share decline seem consistent and sensible. Finally.4. and added to external and special generators matrices to get total traffic. Then the observed changes like household size decrease. and households group (segmentation by size and vehicle availability). Generation model calculates daily person trips generated by purpose (Home Base Work.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation characteristics.3 • BASE YEAR HIGHWAY MATRICES DEVELOPMENT The next step was to build the base year highway matrices necessary to obtain costs for the model development (distribution and modal choice): Prior matrices come from the HIS person matrices. and conversely the part of • • • 3 . Auto.2 shows the estimated distribution of households by income and vehicle availability group. then converted to vehicles using occupancy factors. Home Based Business. household income. Vehicle Availability Model Figure 3. Then a Matrix Estimation (ME) process. estimated based on 2007 Households Interview Survey database are as follows: Vehicle availability model estimates the distribution of households by vehicle availability group (No Vehicle. and TERI Page 3 of 20 . Attraction model produces daily person trip attracted by purpose and vehicle availability group.4.4 3. generation. first compressed to 9 districts and re-expanded to 360 zones using population and employment data (population + employment factors are used) because HIS matrices are lumpy at an Origin / Destination level. vehicle availability evolution. 3. and also travel patterns. and two wheelers available) based on the households monthly average income by zone produced from the HIS database. was used to adjust the prior matrices to the counts and so get assignment results close to the observed traffic counts.1 • • • 3. VEHICLE AVAILABILITY. and Home Based Other). it should be noted that the households distributions are applied to the monthly average income.4.132 0% 21% 21% 2W 1. defined for each zone (total 360) from the HIS database.500 per month. Table 3. if the average monthly income is Rs.1 presents the vehicle availability model calibration.782. car available 21%.297 0% 100% 100% Figure 3.767.042 1. In terms of the model application.3 Generation model 3.1 Vehicle availability model results are an input to the generation model.4.3.288 3.237. the households distribution in the no vehicle category is 20%. households have more opportunity to buy a car. car available and two wheelers available are both 40%. and two wheelers available 33%. indicating that from this income point.21.752. Table 3.938 776. For instance. then decreases.25. The percentage of households with two wheelers available increases up to an income of Rs.2: Distribution of Households by Income and Vehicle Availability Group Distribution of households by income and vehicle availability group 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 No Vehicle Car Two Wheelers % Households Average income / month 3.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation households with car available increases when income rises. which also RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.500. the model household’s distribution by vehicle availability is identical to the HIS data: no vehicle 46%.769 1% 33% 33% Total 3.1: Vehicle Availability Model Calibration Results VA HIS Model Difference HIS Model NV 1.782.253.397 -1% 47% 46% Car 777.307 1. and TERI Page 4 of 20 . as shown in Figure 3. Therefore.2 Lines trends look sensible: the proportion of households with one.888 101.00 5.288 3.782. 3 persons 3%. 4 members 30%.2: Generation Model Calibration Results (Household’s Size Distribution) HH size HIS Model Difference HIS Model HH1 100. 5 persons 29%. 3% 18% 19% HH4 1. 3 members 19%. and TERI 6.788 -2% 8% 8% HH3 693. 2 members 8%. Table 3. 4 persons 15%. and 6+ members) was also developed. and on the opposite side.3 As illustrated in Table 3.493 301. model distribution is very close to the HIS one: household proportion with only 1 member 3%.3. the distribution is 1 person 0%. 3. 2.642 795. 5 members 20%.747 717.4.00 4.50 3. the percentage of households with 5 or 6+ members increase. and 6+ persons 51%.129 741. 5.125. the distribution is calculated for each individual zone based on each zone average households size.3. and 6+ members 21%.00 3. 3.3: Distribution of Households by Household Size Distribution of households by household size 60% 50% HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 HH6+ 40% % Households 30% 20% 10% 0% 2. a model estimating the distribution of households (HH) by household’s size (1.782.50 5.135 -1% 21% 21% Total 3.00 Page 5 of 20 . For instance. 2 persons 2%. if we consider a household average size of 6+ persons.3. two.279 0% 3% 3% HH2 307. In the model application.389 1. this explains why for instance a percentage of households with 6+ persons (average) have some households with only two members (2% in that case).Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation requires household size distribution.412 3% 29% 30% HH5 784.095. or three persons decrease when the average household size increases.50 4. 4.297 0% 100% 100% Figure 3.140 -5% 21% 20% HH6+ 800.50 Average household size RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 28 1.17 0.683 3.64 1.3: HIS Database Daily Person Trip Rates By Purpose. and TERI Page 6 of 20 .75 0.75 0.09 0.27 1.89 3.18 1.3.29 0.05 0.14 0.10 1.89 1.42 2 0.34 4 1. At the end of the generation models application. HBB NV 0.27 1.67 0. not Origins / Destinations.62 1.56 4.4.74 1.01 3.37 4.27 0.27 0.03 1.77 1.56 for 2W.68 3.99 4.80 2W 0.50 0.25 Car 0.82 1.043.14 6. Based on this segmentation (6 sizes x 3 VA = 18 groups).3.27 0.34 0.15 1 0.06 person trips for NV.64 2.75 2.287.68 0.49 0.04 1.34 0.02 0.21 0. and 3. Table 3.542 Car 1.68 2W 1.06 Car 1.030.3 (18 groups x 4 purposes = 72 trip rates).39 0.59 1.49 3. and train trips not included.64 0.814.56 Overall 1.32 0.23 1. and Household Size and Vehicle Availability Purpose HBW HBE HBO HH size / VA NV Car 2W NV Car 2W NV Car 2W 0. by household size and vehicle availability.21 0.4 Vehicle availability and households size models predict the number of households per size and vehicle availability. walk.42 5 1.69 0.69 0.60 0.3.57 4.09 3.06 0.33 3 0. showing the HIS database of all purposes daily person trip rates. Table 3.22 0.15 0.06 0.85 0.5 shows the numbers of daily person trips by purpose and vehicle availability group in the HIS database.63 5.68 for Car.4. Figures show a trip rate increase with household size increase.25 1.29 0.855 2W 1.09 0.69 0.99 1.21 0.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation 3.42 3.76 3.68 1.65 2.10 2.27 2.24 2. cycle rickshaw. cycle.09 for the global).27 0.16 3.4: HIS Database All Purposes Daily Person Trip Rates by Household Size and Vehicle Availability HH size / VA 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Overall NV 0. the segmentation by household size disappears since trips are aggregated by purpose and VA (4 x 3 = 12 groups).52 1.334 1.059.97 0.43 6+ Note: external.08 0.84 1.63 3.99 1. The generation is home based and therefore based on Productions / Attractions (PA).08 0.5: HIS database Daily Person Trips By Purpose And Vehicle Availability Group Purpose / VA HBW HBE NV 1. together with the overall trip rates by household category (for instance 2.50 0.58 0.84 2.71 0.4 below provides a summary of the previous one.625.767.5 Table 3.26 0. and the clear impact of the motorisation: people make more trips if they are motorised (even more if they have a car rather than a two wheelers) and also make longer trips.54 2.84 2. 3.725 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.4.14 1. Table 3.6 Table 3.982 1.197.367 1.03 0.329 Total 4. 4. daily person trip rates were extracted by purpose from the HIS database and are presented in Table 3. 000 100.353 Total 1.91 HIS data 0 50.000 50. HBB.2 The Attraction model calibration is summarised in Table 3. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. and HBO.690 3. To be consistent with the generation model.Linear regression 100.572 11.91.4 presents for instance the linear regression of HBW .4.000 90.000 Model 40.4: Attraction Model (HBW-NV Linear Regression) HBW .000 HBW-NV Daily Trips y = 0.719 Car 593.950 939. Figure 3. showing a very close correspondence between modelled and observed. it shows a good match between the data from HIS and the estimated values from the linear regression (more R2 is near to 1. a linear regression was estimated. more the linear regression is reliable). and school places for HBE.382 3.524.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Purpose / VA HBO HBB Total 3.000 30.000 20.4.4059x vehicle available group: with a R-square value equal to 0. and TERI Page 7 of 20 .000 150.4.710 2.331 927.000 250.4 Attraction Model NV 465.1 The Generation model produces daily person trips generated by zone.637.404. For each of the 12 groups (4 purposes x 3 VA).000 Total employment Figure 3.000 0 Linear (Model) R2 = 0. the attraction model is based on PA. total jobs for HBW.619 2W 465.000 70.No Vehicle available .000 80. by purpose and vehicle availability: HIS and model figures are very similar.4.632. explaining the number of trips attracted by the socio-economic data.000 10.358 4.428 369.000 200.831 3. whilst the attraction model estimates daily person trips attracted by zone (by purpose and vehicle availability). Page 8 of 20 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.937 1.674.428 593.329 369.456 919.043.331 1.800 939.064. Home Based Education. car available.800.125 463.690 Model 1.267 467.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Table 3. Model formulation: gravity model.542 1. and two wheelers available).831 927.982 1.5 3.197.944 11.196 1.358 465.552 1.563 368.767.5: Gravity Model Formulation • • • • • The composite GC is the average of the GC for individual modes weighted by modal split proportions (produced by modal split models) by Origin / Destination movements.059.5 Figure 3.382 939.855 1.030. The main features of the models are as follows: 12 segments: 4 purposes (Home Base Work.950 465.334 1.1 HIS 1.948 1.195.6: Attraction Model Calibration Results Group HBW NV HBW Car HBW 2W HBE NV HBE Car HBE 2W HBB NV HBB Car HBB 2W HBO NV HBO Car HBO 2W Total 3 .814. Home Based Business.043. and Home Based Other) x 3 vehicle availability groups (No Vehicle.384 594.664. based on composite GC presents in Figure 3. Unit: person (Productions / Attractions – PA). and TERI . Period: daily.771.367 1.617 Difference 0% 0% -1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% -1% 0% 0% 1% 0% DISTRIBUTION MODELS The models were developed based on the HIS database and the Generalised Costs (GC) produced from the highway and Public Transport cost models implemented in Cube Voyager. As illustrated by Table 3. 2007 prices. where the unit is minute equivalent. o o o Car+Taxi GC = Time + [((VOC + Toll) / OCC) / VOT] x 60. the overall models results are very similar to the HIS database.5’).Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation • For individual modes. 2W. IVT means In Vehicle Time. implying the use of Values of Time (VOT.2 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.2 1.5 x Wait Time (4’) + [(Fare / OCC) / VOT] x 60.8 and figures in Annexures 3.VOC. VOC. average GC (in minutes). Rupees / hour) by mode to convert monetary costs (fare. intrazonal trips. and trip GC distribution. 3.7: Base Year Values Of Time.5 x Walk Time + 2 x Wait Time + (Fare / VOT) x 60 + Transfer Time (Penalty of 5’.07 2.1 - • • Parking costs are not used for the distribution model (Car+Taxi and 2W GC) in order to avoid counter-intuitive model behaviour in the future model application if the parking costs increase considerably (actually this increase would have more impact on the modal choice than on the distribution and therefore is considered in the modal choice module. the GC represents perceived costs. apart for transfer from / to metro: 0. • PT GC = IVT + 1. and OCC for use in the base year model calibration.2 2. and toll) into minutes. Calibration results This section provides the distribution models calibration results by market segment: X1 and X2 parameters.7 summarises the model values of VOT. Vehicle Operating Costs.76 OCC 2. Vehicle Operating Cost . Auto GC = Time + 1. Table 3. Occupancy factors (OCC) are also used for Car+Taxi. And Vehicle Occupancy Rates Mode Car+Taxi 2W Auto PT VOT (Rs/hour) 105 54 39 30 VOC (Rs/km) 7. and Auto to obtain person based GC.1. and TERI Page 9 of 20 . 2W GC = Time + [((VOC + Toll) / OCC) / VOT] x 60. Hereafter are described the GC by mode.5. Table 3. 331 78.6508 -0. PT trips being separated between bus and metro services during the assignment stage. Auto.855 161. the other two groups (school and chartered buses) not using the public network.614 927.9 49.831 144.343 164.658 75.2816 -0.030.0040 -0.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Table 3.439 177.0011 -0.367 1. and NV).849 465.814.6 3.8: Distribution Models Calibration Results Segments HBW-NV HBW-Car HBW-2W HBE-NV HBE-Car HBE-2W HBB-NV HBB-Car HBB-2W HBO-NV HBO-Car HBO-2W Trips 1. and PT) by vehicle availability group (Car.972 1.825 87.9 31. It should be noted that the PT matrix produced by the modal split models contains trips using school.6 53.720 GC 67. but only the last two categories are retained for the PT assignment.5778 -0. Figure 3.6249 -0. 2W.6 53.0060 - X1 -0.855 1.331 HIS Intrazonals 101. and public buses.382 939.5 53.3 DIFFERENCES Trips Intrazonals 0% 2% 0% -6% 0% -8% 0% -1% 0% 7% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -12% 0% -7% 0% -1% 0% 3% 0% -3% GC 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3 .714 465.428 66.8 31.6. these are taken into account in the highway assignment.5128 -0.5185 -0.377 1. then added by mode.0064 -0.059.6572 -0.542 1.7 30.197.5 53.334 1.527 939.0 50.2345 -0. chartered.0020 -0.0038 0.0 50.6 30.9 46.0081 -0.213 369.428 593.767.603 1. plus metro.0025 MODEL Trips Intrazonals 1.9 46. and TERI Page 10 of 20 .358 219.5 45.435 GC 67.0 43.059. Figure 3.102 38.814.949 66.043.6 57.164 593. 2W.950 465.030.767.367 103.312 1.6 57.5 45.6: Modal Split Models Structure 3.358 465.1 MODAL SPLIT MODELS The models were developed based on the HIS database and the Generalised Costs (GC) produced from the highway and Public Transport cost models implemented in Cube Voyager.0021 -0.334 163.0 43.5442 X2 -0.2 Tripends Car Available 2W Available No Vehicle Available Car+ Taxi 2W Auto PT Car+ Taxi 2W Auto PT Car+ Taxi 2W Auto PT Car+ Taxi 2W Auto PT Bus Metro RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.382 38.745 151.068 207.3 33.329 206.2135 -0.329 369.950 77.0670 -0.831 927.542 168.6 illustrates the modal split models structure: trips are split into the four modes (Car+Taxi.982 1.0080 0.0037 -0. However.3 33.7399 -1.717 170.9 49.337 1.449 236.0058 0.982 82.412 81. and Home Based Other) x 3 vehicle availability groups (No Vehicle. Home Based Business. two wheelers. Unit: person (Productions / Attractions – PA). car and PT). As shown by Figure 3. which also provided some initial estimates on the mode biases. Model formulation: combined split. and TERI Page 11 of 20 . Period: daily.3 • The main features of the modal split models are as follows: 12 segments: 4 purposes (Home Base Work. This model parameter was developed based on statistical regression analysis. auto-rickshaw. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 4 modes: Car+Taxi. where P means Probability and C is the Generalised Cost).7. the model becomes more responsive to the difference in cost.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation 3. when λ increases. multi-logit formulas (equations provided in Figure 3. Home Based Education. and PT.8 for illustrative purpose only (example with two modes. Figure 3. car available. and two wheelers available).6.7: Multi-Logit Formulas (Combined Split) • • • • PCar +taxi = e e ( − λCCar +taxi ) ( − λCCar +taxi ) ( − λC2W ) ( − λC Auto ) ( − λC PT ) +e +e +e P2W = e e ( − λCCar +taxi ) ( − λC2W ) ( − λC2W ) ( − λC Auto ) ( − λC PT ) +e +e +e PAuto = e e ( − λCCar + taxi ) ( − λC Auto ) ( − λC2W ) ( − λC Auto ) ( − λC PT ) +e +e +e PPT • = e e ( − λCCar + taxi ) ( − λC PT ) ( − λC2W ) ( − λC Auto ) ( − λC PT ) +e +e +e Logit parameters estimation: the mode choice sensitivity revealed by the model is mainly determined by the parameter λ. The Lambda parameters trends are sensible. 2W GC = Time + [((VOC + Toll + Parking Cost) / OCC) / VOT] x 60.PT. Auto GC = Time + 1. Calibration Results Tables 3.5 x Walk Time + 2 x Wait Time + (Fare / VOT) x 60 + Transfer Time (Penalty of 5. implying the use of Values of Time (VOT.9. meaning • RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. lower for car and higher for NV.5). PT GC = IVT + 1. Below are described the GC by mode. IVT means In Vehicle Time: o o o • Car+Taxi GC = Time + [((VOC + Toll + Parking Cost) / OCC) / VOT] x 60.10 and 3. and Auto to obtain person based GC. Occupancy factors (OCC) are also used for Car+Taxi. min) • The GC represents perceived costs.VOC. Some specific comments can be made: 3.5 x Wait Time (4) + [(Fare / OCC) / VOT] x 60. Vehicle Operating Cost . for any multi-logit model with four possible choices. 2007 prices. and TERI Page 12 of 20 . there are a maximum of three bias factors available. parking cost at destination.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Figure 3. and toll) into minutes. where the unit is minute equivalent.4 • In theory. apart for transfer from / to metro: 0. 3.04 40% Lambda 0. 2W.8: Logit Model Sensitivity Logit model sensitivity 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% % PT 50% Lambda 0.01 30% 20% 10% 0% -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Generalized Cost Difference (Car .6.11 demonstrate that there is close correspondence between the synthesised and observed values from the HIS.02 Lambda 0. Rupees / hour) by mode to convert monetary costs (fare. 7179 -1.3227 Table 3.7.0388 Bias mode 3 0.4% 54.1104 0.1779 0.1234 -0.0446 -0.7.3244 0.5092 0.5092 0.6% 25.1352 -0.6202 0.6711 0.0220 -0.4217 -0.3412 0.3227 0. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.11: Modal Split Models Calibration Results .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation less sensitivity to cost for car.4114 0. Table 3.1021 -0.1 DAILY MODEL VALIDATION Introduction HIS 15.1150 Bias mode 2 -0. and TERI Page 13 of 20 . all produced by the model itself.4% 4.1021 -1. which is the last step in the daily model development.Overall Modes Car+Taxi 2W Auto PT 3 .5% 4.1967 -1.9238 -0.8437 0.9: Calibrated Modal Choice Models Parameters Segments HBW-NV HBW-Car HBW-2W HBE-NV HBE-Car HBE-2W HBB-NV HBB-Car HBB-2W HBO-NV HBO-Car HBO-2W Lambda -0.0384 Bias mode 1 0.9238 -0.1 This section describes the model validation results.2682 0.8437 0.5% 54.0297 -0.6202 0.7437 0.7179 -1.1150 0.6% Model 15.2471 0.0266 -0.7 3.0126 -0.0423 -0. All the models built are linked together through the output files and therefore the model validation only uses synthetic data.5% 25.0427 -0.0411 -0.3894 0.0102 -0.0388 0.0084 -0.5% 3.4979 -1.3858 0.0343 -0.1.0084 -0.0153 -0.10: Modal Split Models Calibration Results HIS VA Purpose / Mode HBW HBE HBB HBO VA Purpose / Mode HBW HBE HBB HBO Car+ taxi 1% 2% 3% 2% NV 2W 3% 1% 6% 3% NV 2W 3% 1% 6% 2% Auto 4% 6% 11% 17% PT Car+ taxi 91% 51% 91% 13% 80% 66% 78% 61% MODEL PT Car+ taxi 91% 51% 90% 14% 79% 66% 79% 60% Car 2W Auto 24% 1% 10% 3% 26% 0% 8% 14% Car 2W Auto 25% 1% 10% 3% 26% 1% 8% 14% PT Car+ taxi 24% 1% 74% 4% 8% 1% 18% 2% 2W 2W Auto 64% 1% 12% 3% 82% 2% 32% 14% 2W 2W Auto 64% 1% 12% 3% 82% 2% 32% 14% PT 34% 81% 15% 51% Car+ taxi 2% 2% 3% 2% Auto 4% 6% 12% 17% PT Car+ taxi 24% 1% 74% 4% 8% 1% 18% 3% PT 33% 81% 15% 51% Table 3. 394 462.771 81.6 53.1.5442 X2 -0.7.110 221.835.0064 -0.658 75.334 1.2 illustrate the distribution models validation results by segment: X1 and X2 parameters.0021 -0.3 54. based on a slight update of the costs compared to the model calibration.201.1 This section provides the modal split models validation results.5 45.3 The model validation actually consists of a slight adjustment of the model calibration data to match the observed figures (HIS database and counts): • • For distribution and modal choice. intrazonals.132 1. in order to replicate observed metro trips and boardings.2 Trips -1% -1% 1% -1% -1% 0% 0% -1% 1% -1% 0% 1% DIFFERENCES Intrazonals 0% 0% 0% 5% 11% 7% -2% 4% -3% -1% -5% 0% GC 0% 0% 1% 1% 5% -3% 3% -5% -4% 2% 3% 0% 3.449 236.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation 3.14 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 minutes (apart for transfer from / to metro.0081 -0.382 939.717 170.758.082 1.2 48.& Table 3.326 66.5 minutes).6572 -0.264 1.0670 -0.037.5128 -0.733 167.7.248 71.6 164.944 367.831 927. specifically to the Ring Road.047.2 30.428 593.358 465.4 These calibration adjustments will remain as part of the model for future years and scenario application.435 GC 67.067 1.2 59.9 46.0 50.767.825 87.0 43.409 177.329 369.102 38. 3.949 66. transfer time was adjusted to 7. Auto and 2W) used for assignment. factors derived from the ME process were applied.12: Distribution Models Validation Results Segments HBW-NV HBW-Car HBW-2W HBE-NV HBE-Car HBE-2W HBB-NV HBB-Car HBB-2W HBO-NV HBO-Car HBO-2W Trips 1.855 1.0025 MODEL Trips Intrazonals 1.9 49.3 MODAL SPLIT MODELS 3. 1. • 3.7399 -1.0037 -0.350 87.0060 -0. and TERI Page 14 of 20 .7 30.0 50.950 465.0080 -0. Similar to the distribution models.7.533 1.695 229.508 939.2 Distribution models Table 3.599 180.2 33.9 43.2135 -0.806 470.6249 -0. For the PT assignment.2 The model validation has no impact on the vehicle availability.0020 -0. and attraction models results. It should also be noted that the model validation results come from an iterative run of the model in order to ensure the convergence of the results and the consistency with the model runs for future years.367 and the figures in Annexure 3.3 29. some biases were added to the costs.814.9 54.6508 -0.1 48.331 HIS Intrazonals 101. modal split percentages from the models are very close to the HIS database as shown in Table 3.0058 -0.412 81.068 207.5778 -0. and trip GC distribution. average GC (in minutes).091 593. Models results are generally very close to the HIS database. therefore they are the same as the ones presented earlier.4 X1 - 170.982 1.5 53.0011 -0.023.439 177. Table 3. 3.745 151.3 33. generation.840 37.2345 -0.5185 -0.0040 -0.9 46.642 933. Yamuna river.2816 - -0.542 1.8 31.047 GC 67. For the final highway PCU matrices (car. and some specific screenlines .063 102.7.13. 4 Assignment Models HIS 15. a process which produces a loaded road network representing congested travel times on the road network (metro links are simply added to the network with the inclusion of operational run speed). the person trips unit is retained.4.Overall Modes Car+Taxi 2W Auto PT 3.4% 54. and network speeds.6% Model 15.7.3 The public transport assignment considers multiple routes at an Origin / Destination RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.15.4.2 For the public transport assignment.4% 54. For the bus speed. achieved by factoring the road speed using an estimated relationship and reflecting different road types and differences in stop spacing. 3.7.6% 3.5% 25.13: Modal Split Models Validation Results HIS VA Purpose / Mode HBW HBE HBB HBO VA Purpose / Mode HBW HBE HBB HBO NV Car+Taxi 2W 1% 3% 2% 1% 3% 6% 2% 3% Car PT Car+Taxi 2W 91% 51% 24% 91% 13% 10% 80% 66% 26% 78% 61% 8% MODEL NV Car Car+Taxi 2W Auto PT Car+Taxi 2W 1% 3% 4% 91% 50% 25% 2% 1% 6% 90% 12% 9% 3% 6% 12% 79% 66% 26% 2% 2% 17% 78% 61% 8% Auto 4% 6% 11% 17% 2W Auto PT Car+Taxi 2W Auto PT 1% 24% 1% 64% 1% 34% 3% 74% 4% 12% 3% 81% 0% 8% 1% 82% 2% 15% 14% 18% 2% 32% 14% 51% 2W Auto PT Car+Taxi 2W Auto PT 1% 23% 1% 65% 1% 34% 2% 75% 4% 12% 3% 81% 1% 7% 1% 82% 2% 16% 14% 17% 3% 33% 14% 52% Table 3. The output of the assignment is a loaded highway network with volumes (PCU unit) by link and vehicle type. there is an adjustment to represent stopping along the routes to pick up and drop off passengers.5% 4.7.1 The highway assignment is a multiple user classes assignment using equilibrium algorithm and capacity constraint. The public transport network is developed from the highway network following the highway assignment.14: Modal Split Models Validation Results . Table 3.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Table 3.4.5% 4.7.5% 25. and TERI Page 15 of 20 . as presents in Table 3.15: Bus Speed Adjustment Road speed < 10 kph 10-15 kph 15-25 kph > 25 kph Bus speed (% of road speed) 85% 80% 75% 65% 3. and TERI Page 16 of 20 .4.10 relate to the average hour highway assignment validation results (screenlines and linear regression) and indicate for each mode a good match between the counts and the model.7. Generally the higher variations relate to smaller traffic volumes. Each line is defined by the following characteristics: name. Figure 3.7. which means a 22. the differences in percentage terms are globally within 10% of observed. including walk access time to bus or metro stops. The screenlines definition (8 + 1 for the outer cordon) is illustrated below. headway.4.828 kilometers. a standard average hour factor of 7% is applied to the matrices for both assignments.4 The PT assignment is based on the PT lines file built in Cube Voyager.16 and Figure 3. time. and the time to reach the final destination. transfer or interchange walk times and subsequent wait times.5 The 4-stage model produces daily matrices. which contains a total of 551 “real” lines (1. in vehicle time and fare. The linear regression shows a R2 close to 1 illustrating the quality of the correlation counts / model (all modes included apart from the bus preload). distance.6 Table 3. In the table of screenlines (total traffic 2 ways). wait time. speed.7 kilometers average distance per line per direction. and fare. and includes the modeling of fares for different modes. The selection of public transport route choice is based on the travel costs. 3. route (network nodes).Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation level.9: Screenlines Definition RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. though there is a higher variation for the individual vehicle classes (for instance HGV traffic on screenlines 6 and 7). The output of the assignment is a loaded public transport network with patronage by service. mode. 3. The coded bus network represents a total of 24. comprising 548 bus lines and 3 metro lines. highway and public transport.9 & Figure 3.4.102 lines considering the directionality. therefore. 3.7. 879 2.306 23.979 9.696 10.352 3.440 44.270 3.720 3.261 10.935 67.000 30.415 15.983 2.750 11.448 106.Validation Results (Screenlines) Screenlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COUNTS Screenlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MODEL Screenlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DIFF Description (2 ways) Rohtak-olddelhi-gaziabad rly line Ring Road Rewari Line Delhi Karnal rly line Yamuna river Newdelhi-gaziabad rly line Shahdara loni rly line Okhla faridabad rly line Outer cordon Total PCU Description (2 ways) Rohtak-olddelhi-gaziabad rly line Ring Road Rewari Line Delhi Karnal rly line Yamuna river Newdelhi-gaziabad rly line Shahdara loni rly line Okhla faridabad rly line Outer cordon Total PCU Description (2 ways) Rohtak-olddelhi-gaziabad rly line Ring Road Rewari Line Delhi Karnal rly line Yamuna river Newdelhi-gaziabad rly line Shahdara loni rly line Okhla faridabad rly line Outer cordon Total PCU Bus 5.111 2.284 8.286 9.432 25.136 619 738 1.944 33.372 46.581 43.689 10.175 2.471 20.969 91.670 4.388 4.702 10.930 2.779 5.362 8.750 2.227 2.645 21.000 R2 = 0.000 10.010 1.234 49.359 52.678 35.507 26.602 1.843 Auto 8.294 1.617 1.391 34.131 5.478 5.864 5.918 1.501 49.818 2.863 319 326 910 11.615 6.232 3.371 Bus 5.923 3.418 3.289 2W 1% -5% 4% 0% 5% 0% -1% 5% 0% 0% Auto 8.979 5.038 Bus -2% 4% 25% 3% -6% -20% -24% 30% 5% Car+ Taxi 20.509 1.755 2.309 1.963 660 705 1.000 Counts 40.Validation 60.771 46.065 2.464 1.908 22.339 4.379 LCV 5.862 10.554 HGV 5% 0% 1% 18% 7% 24% 26% -4% -4% 0% Total PCU 56.000 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.547 396.820 35.16: Average Hour Highway Assignment (PCU Unit) .720 67.544 14.216 2.891 1.728 2.009 95.891 8.295 9.119 26.870 23.908 2W 15.000 0 0 10.285 36. and TERI Page 17 of 20 .020 6.208 769 1.372 49.028 1.562 1.601 1.775 2.515 19.412 7.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Table 3.627 Total PCU -1% -10% -6% -7% 7% -3% -8% 0% 0% -3% Figure 3.000 50.105 13.006 22.Validation Results (Linear Regression) Average Hour Highway Assignment .155 770 1.675 410.147 2.427 35.000 Model 30.000 20.176 21.664 10.000 20.740 177.839 8.140 8.885 2.728 2.323 Car+ Taxi 20.445 15.742 189.000 60.746 257 259 943 12.313 LCV -5% -1% 4% 2% -6% 7% -4% -5% 8% 0% HGV 1.971 90.10: Average Hour Highway Assignment .958 20.216 11.939 6.056 Auto -4% -13% 2% -12% 7% -24% -12% -11% 0% -8% LCV 5.378 Car+ Taxi 0% -16% -17% -18% 13% 5% -9% -5% 0% -6% 2W 14.496 HGV 1.9861 40.559 1.861 3.024 18.321 Total PCU 56.331 15.000 50. 643 1.615 trips for an average hour.674 547.Validation Results (GEH Statistic) GEH statistic formula: GEH statistic analysis results: Total screenlines data: 45 GEH < 5: 69% GEH < 10: 84% 3.4.000 (nearly 7. less than 10 an acceptable match. with 38. Since only limited data was available from the operators.7.643 daily trips. and TERI Page 18 of 20 .205 7. Average hour bus boardings are around 548.438. The GEH statistic analysis shows that the model is close to the observed data with 84% of the GEH less than 10.631 Model 196.843 38.7.345 8.4. corresponds to a 551.165 612. Table 3. The Table 3.004 590.568 647. Table 3.000 174.040 551.19 are related to the PT assignment validation results.18 & 3.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation 3.45 Table 3.834 612. which compares modelled and observed flows (a GEH less than 5 means a good match count / model.45 Daily 5.615 1.814. The metro figure. and more than 10 a high probability of problem with either the model or the observed data).832 42.18: Average Hour PT Assignment .501 261. implying an average of 1.206 241.6 Another way to illustrate the highway assignment validation results is to use the GEH statistic.17: Average Hour Highway Assignment (PCU Unit) .45 boardings per trip (including metro boardings of around 43.000 for an average hour) which is reasonable based on comparisons with other cities in India and elsewhere. the model validation only focuses on the overall results and metro daily boardings by line.7 Tables 3.Overall Validation Results Data Total assigned trips Total boardings Total bus boardings Total metro boardings Total metro trips Interchange factor Average Hour 407.19: Average Hour PT Assignment .562 184.Metro Daily Boardings Validation Results Metro Lines Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Total Observed 201.826.8 millions per day).17 below provides the GEH statistic formula and the results (all modes included apart from the bus preload) based on the screenlines figures (total traffic 2 ways) presented in the previous table.040 Difference -3% -6% -8% -5% RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Concerning the PT assignment. Including bus boardings. from which AM Peak matrices are produced at the end of the process. In order to get assignments results close to the observed counts. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.1 • • AM PEAK MODEL The 4-stage model finally provides daily person matrices by mode. Model highway figures by screenline and mode are generally close to the observed count data. which is accurately replicated by the model compared to the observed data (61. which corresponds to a 1.8 3.8. For the AM Peak PT assignment.8. as described below: AM Peak model period is 9:00 to 10:00.500 boardings vs.2 3. AM Peak Assignments Results • • • 3. it should be noted that transfer time from / to metro was adjusted to 3 minutes. mode and sector. and TERI Page 19 of 20 . and particularly the total metro boardings.000 trips. since only limited data was available from the operators. AM Peak person matrices are then produced using the daily matrices by mode and purpose previously calculated and proportions AM Peak / Daily also obtained from the HIS database by purpose.600). for 731.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation 3 . At the end. the AM Peak model validation only focuses on the overall results. AM Peak internal person matrices are added to external and special generators matrices to get total traffic. 61. total AM Peak boardings is around one million.2.8.20 and 3. Proportions by purpose and sector extracted from the HIS database are first applied to the daily person matrices by mode in order to split them by purpose. as mentioned earlier.42 interchange factor. HIS proportions AM Peak / Daily were adjusted with the Matrix Estimation process factors by mode. Highway matrices are also converted to PCU using occupancy and PCU factors.21 provide the AM Peak assignments (highway and public transport) validation results.1 Tables 3. 271 Bus 2% -2% 10% -2% -10% -4% -10% 22% 2% Car+ Taxi 20.744 5.426 12.231 Auto 6.21 AM Peak PT Assignment .444 56.566 7.677 42.687 24.597 4.024 1.674 61.862 4.484 2.532 12.Overall Validation Results Data Total assigned trips Total boardings Total bus boardings Total metro boardings Total metro trips Interchange factor AM Peak 730.085 29.593 20.401 6.077 2. The forecast year assignment model will produce traffic and passenger flows on the future network.942 188.366 Car+ Taxi 22. and TERI .642 2W 16. show that the model accurately replicates the existing travel situation in the study area (base year 2007) since the model figures are close to the observed data.177 1.466 55.431 9.911 2.9.938 174.646 1.688 11.879 13.895 374.446 6.661 4.1 CONCLUSION The model validation results presented. the step following the model development. HIS database and traffic counts.356 23.9.620 Total PCU 52.860 35.010 8.327 2W -7% -4% 1% 12% -13% 2% 19% 18% 0% 0% Auto 6.121 7.879 10.276 104.929 1.535 97.677 31.801 1.2 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.708 24.527 3.640 46.286 21.835 4.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter-3 Traffic Model Calibration and Validation Table 3.892 350.140 973.319 6.743 2.035.181 11.481 2.513 9.126 3.378 7.522 78.809 14.439 7.594 15.191 7.714 40.738 3.396 Car+ Taxi 11% -27% -28% 24% -13% 23% 4% 6% 0% -7% 2W 17.20: AM Peak Highway Assignment (PCU Unit) .573 4.301 19.473 39.389 40.836 14.030 4.446 23.637 2.42 3 . Therefore.652 47. calibration.776 11.422 2.299 39.113 8.476 2.928 1.319 1. Page 20 of 20 3.919 44.426 20. and validation.643 14.808 4.341 9.997 Auto -1% -40% 3% 3% -17% -25% -22% -50% 0% -24% LCV LCV LCV HGV HGV HGV Total PCU 51.Validation Results (Screenlines) Screenlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COUNTS Screenlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MODEL Screenlines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DIFF Description (2 ways) Rohtak-olddelhi-gaziabad rly line Ring Road Rewari Line Delhi Karnal rly line Yamuna river Newdelhi-gaziabad rly line Shahdara loni rly line Okhla faridabad rly line Outer cordon Total PCU Description (2 ways) Rohtak-olddelhi-gaziabad rly line Ring Road Rewari Line Delhi Karnal rly line Yamuna river Newdelhi-gaziabad rly line Shahdara loni rly line Okhla faridabad rly line Outer cordon Total PCU Description (2 ways) Rohtak-olddelhi-gaziabad rly line Ring Road Rewari Line Delhi Karnal rly line Yamuna river Newdelhi-gaziabad rly line Shahdara loni rly line Okhla faridabad rly line Outer cordon Total PCU Bus 6.057 39.320 34.381 Bus 6. modal share and growth across strategic points compared to the existing situation will be closely monitored to ensure consistency and reliability.948 18.856 1.772 2.178 991 876 3.021 13.277 104.990 Total PCU 2% -20% -13% 14% -13% 8% 3% 2% 0% -6% Table 3.9 3.620 43. is to provide multimodal travel demand forecasts for the future years.673 56.665 12. Key outputs such as changing in overall trip making. . Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.3 22.Dwarka Sector 21 Total 25.1) are committed and will be available by 2011.9 212.1 BUSINESS AS USUAL SCENARIO PUBLI C TRANSPORT NETWORK Phase I network of Delhi Metro has already been completed and is in operation.8 38. Table 4. one BRT corridor from Ambedkar Nagar to Delhi Gate has already been completed. Karawal Nagar. and TERI Page 1 of 7 . This assumes that any additional public transport corridors will not be taken up to 2021. Phase II partly has been completed and partly is under construction and will fully completed by September 2010.2 Corridor Length in Phase I and II (km) RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.8 20.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario CHAPTER 4 TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST AND BUSINESS AS USUAL SCENARIO -2021 4.1 18.1 37.1 Dilshad Garden to Rithala Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh (to Gurgaon) Anand Vihar ISBT(to Vaishali)/New Ashok Nagar (to NOIDA) to Dwarka Sector -21 Central Sectt to Badarpur Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Mundka New Delhi RS to IGI Airport .1 Delhi Metro and BRT Corridors in Phase I and II S.No Metro 1 2 3 4 5 6 BRT 1 2 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar Karawal Nagar .1 (also shown in Figure 4. Thus 173 Km of Delhi Metro and 39 km of BRT system in Delhi as given in Table 4.3 48.7 173. In addition. This network has been taken as Business As Usual scenario.Chilla Total Grand Total 20.Chilla Village BRT corridor will be completed by 2011.0 19. Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. and TERI Page 2 of 7 .1 Delhi Metro and BRT Corridors in Phase I and II RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario Figure 4. a. Table 4.1 PROJECTIONS OF SPECIAL GENERATOR PASSENGER TRAFFIC Airport Traffic Air passenger traffic in Delhi is expected to grow from 228 lakh passengers in 2007 to 664 lakh passengers in 2021. (i) Calibrated and validated travel demand model as explained in Chapter 3 has been used. Table 4. (v) Fare levels of various public transport systems such as metro and buses and vehicle operating costs of different vehicles have been taken as same as now.2 Projected Daily Passenger Trips at Delhi Airport Year 2007 2011 2021 Employee 64000 64000 76800 Daily Trips Passenger/Visitor 90000 123035 261472 Total 154000 187035 338272 4. (vi) Vehicle occupancies will reduce to some extent by 2021. net household income growth rate of 2% per annum has been assumed. (viii) Inter-city goods traffic will grow at 6% per annum up to 2021.2 Railway Passenger Traffic There are 20 major railway stations in Delhi.2 ASSUMPTIONS FOR TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECASTING The following assumptions for 2021 have been made for forecasting transport demand. Table 4.a. (iii) Considering the trends in per capita income growth rate and inflation rate. (ii) Land use distribution (population.7 in Chapter 2.3. (vii) Inter-city passenger to/from Delhi will grow same as population growth in various NCR towns as given in Table 2.3 4.3 shows the projected rail passenger traffic at various stations in Delhi up to 2021. at 3. employment and student enrolment) in 2021 in various traffic zones as detailed in Chapter 2. (ix) Intra-city goods traffic will grow at 3% per annum up to 2021.3. There will be associated increase in visitor and work force traffic at the airport. Traffic coming from NH24 from Ghaziabad /NOIDA will also grow same as traffic from NOIDA. It is assumed that rail passenger traffic will grow same as population growth in Delhi up to 2021 i.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.e. for period 2007-2011 and 2.2 gives the projected daily passenger trips at Delhi Airport by 2021.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario 4. for period 2011-2021.4% p. (iv) Additional roads as planned or under construction in Delhi are taken as available by 2011 and additional road network will not be available.2% p. 4. and TERI Page 3 of 7 . Daily metro ridership in this scenario is expected to increase to 33. forecasting of transport demand has been carried out for ‘Business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.7 1028622 6.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.3 3250755 21.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name of Railway Station Old Delhi New Delhi Nizamuddin Sadar Bazar Shakur Basti Mangolpuri Nangloi Delhi Cantt Palam Naya Azad Pur Narela Okhla Tughlakabad Vivek Vihar Shahdara Shivaji Bridge Tilak Bridge Kishan Ganj Sarai Rohilla Daya Basti Total 4. and TERI .4 5601484 21.2%. Thus modal split (% of trips by public transport to total motorised trips) in favour of public transport in 2021 is expected to be 49. Overall modal split for various modes in this scenario is given in Table 4.9 2021 Trips Modal Share 5974706 23.3 Projected Daily Passenger Trips at Railway Stations in NCT of Delhi Daily Passenger Trips 2007 2011 2021 185584 211812 263305 335328 382719 475761 97044 110759 137685 80463 91835 114160 47420 54122 67279 14519 16571 20599 23066 26326 32726 17973 20513 25500 26020 29697 36917 37044 42279 52558 39722 45336 56357 43994 50212 62418 33303 38010 47250 15887 18132 22540 58785 67093 83404 89385 102017 126819 62297 71101 88387 18043 20593 25599 69001 78753 97898 27585 31483 39137 1322463 1509362 1876301 S. It indicates that high capacity public transport system will need to be added even after Metro Phase I+II corridors.1 Page 4 of 7 SN 1 2 3 Mode Car Two Wheeler Auto RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.8 Lakh by 2021. Table 4.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario Table 4.1 Considering the above assumptions and calibrated / validated traffic demand model.6% which will be less than even 2007 level of 52.4 Daily Trips by Various Modes in BAU Scenario 2007 Trips Modal Share 2902120 19.9 1295978 5.4. 2021 4.4 TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST FOR BAU SCENARIO.4. Section loads on Yamuna.5.2 Maximum peak hour peak direction traffic (PHPDT) on various sections of metro corridors for this scenario is given in Table 4.5 552745 3.Bank – Kirti Nagar metro corridor is also expected to be high. Table 4.2 shows the expected peak hour traffic volumes on the road network in 2021 for this scenario which indicate that many roads will be overloaded. and TERI Page 5 of 7 .4 3380769 13.Chilla RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.7 15011134 100. the maximum phpdt is expected to be of the order of 54000 which indicate the need of another parallel line in this section.5 Maximum Section Loads in Various Sections of Metro Corridors for ‘BAU’ Scenario SN Corridor METRO Dilshad Garden to Rithala 1 Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh (to 2 Gurgaon) 3 Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar (extended up to Vaishali) to Dwarka Sector -21 From Dilshad Garden Jehagirpuri Kashmere Gate Central Secretariat Anand Vihar ISBT New Ashok Nagar Yamuna Bank Kirti Nagar Dwarka Central Secretariat New Delhi RS Kirti Nagar/Inderlok Ashok Park Main ISBT Kashmere Gate Karawal Nagar To Rithala Kashmere Gate Central Secretariat Arjangrah Yamuna Bank Yamuna Bank Kirti Nagar Dwarka Dwarka Sec 21 Badarpur Dwarka Sector 21 Ashok Park Main Mundka Ambedkar Nagar Chilla 6731 7684 PHPDT 38062 31936 53803 35027 18247 34442 48468 29703 5584 24390 4840 8971 18980 4 5 6 BRT 1 2 Central Sectt to Badarpur New Delhi RS to IGI Airport Dwarka Sector 21 Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Mundka ISBT Kashmere Gate to Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar Karawal Nagar . Figure 4.4.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.0 2021 Trips Modal Share 9289047 36. This table shows that on some corridors such as Central Secretariat – Kashmere Gate section.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario SN Mode 4 Bus 5 Metro Total 2007 Trips Modal Share 7276892 48.0 4.2 25541984 100. 2 Expected Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (in PCU’s) on Road Network in 2021 in BAU Scenario RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. and TERI Page 6 of 7 .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario Figure 4. Vivekanand Marg 11. Swami Dayanand Marg 6. Najafgarh – Barwala.4 Transport Demand Forecast and Business As Usual Scenario 4. Dhaulakuan – Dabri Mod – Chhawla Road 19. NH 24 bypass 4. Ring Road 2. Noida Link Road 9. 56 5. August Kranti Marg 14.3 The above analysis shows that there will be need to extend the mass transport system on various other corridors in Delhi. Vasant Kunj . Najafgarh Ibrahimpur Road RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Patparganj Road 7. Bhai Parmanand Marg 10.4.Narela 17.Badarpur Road 12. Road no. The overloaded corridors where there will be need to provide high capacity mass transport system are as follows: 1. Major Radial roads radiating out of Delhi 16.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.Mehrauli. Desh Bandhu Gupta Road 8. Rajokri – Najafgarh 18. and TERI Page 7 of 7 . Nelson Mandela Road 13. Jaffrabad Main Road 20. Outer Ring Road 3. Bawana Auchandi Road 15. . Bhai Parmanand Marg 10. Extension of Kirti Nagar/Inderlok – Mundka Line to Bhadurgarh Border which may be extended to Bahadurgarh) Providing high capacity mass transport system on the following corridors 1.1. Desh Bandhu Gupta Road 8. Dwarka – Noida/Anand Vihar Line to Gurgaon Border by providing Dwarka – Gurgaon Border Link (which will be extended to Gurgaon as second line to Gurgaon) 4. Bawana Auchandi Road 15. Patparganj Road 7. Major Radial roads radiating out of Delhi RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 CHAPTER -5 DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK FOR 2021 5. Nelson Mandela Road 13. Extension of Arjangarh – Central Secretariat – Jahangirpuri line to Narela 3. Road no. Extension of a. Badarpur .Badarpur Road 12. Extension of Metro Lines 1.Mehrauli. Ring Road 2. Vivekanand Marg 11.1 DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE MASS TRANSPORT NETWORKS Considering the expected traffic to be generated in 2021. This process included the following sections of mass transport system being added to the BAU scenario as explained in Chapter 4 of this report.1 5.Central Secretariat Line to ISBT Kashmere Gate via ITO. Swami Dayanand Marg 6. Darya Ganj. Outer Ring Road 3. August Kranti Marg 14. Noida Link Road 9. Vasant Kunj . 5. and TERI Page 1 of 32 . 56 5. Dwarka – Noida/Anand Vihar Line to Najafgarh by providing Dwarka – Najafgarh Link b. NH 24 bypass 4. Extension of Dilshad Garden – Rithala Line to Barwala 2. a number of alternative mass transport networks were attempted to meet the future transport demand requirement.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. and the potential for increasing the ROW. 5.3 5. first priority should be given to at-grade services. It offers the best financial sustainability. Some sections such as part of Ring Road between Sarai Kale Khan to Wazirabad Road are expected to have loads less than 5000 phpdt by mass transport system in 2021. It offers convenience to commuters particularly the short distance users. 17. It is therefore important that the final choice of mode is based on techno-economic considerations. land-use along the corridor. In choosing a mode for a corridor. 18.1. and/or the route is congested.Narela Rajokri – Najafgarh Dhaulakuan – Dabri Mod – Chhawla Jaffrabad Main Road Najafgarh Ibrahimpur As the number of alternative mass transport network were attempted with the above corridors. SYSTEM SELECTION Criteria for Choice of Mode Choice of mode will depend mainly on demand level on a corridor.2 Najafgarh – Barwala. 5. 19. alternative paths were available.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. The section between Central Secretariat and Kashmere Gate is expected to be heavily loaded indicating the need of additional parallel line by 2021.1 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. The section with better loading has been taken for further analysis. Cost of the same mode of transport can vary at different locations depending on engineering constraints. Some alternative sections/corridors were found to be reducing loads on the existing metro lines. If road ROW is inadequate and it cannot be widened. The construction cost is low.2 5. This analysis indicates that the many of the above mass transport corridors will have section loads of ranging from 5000 to 30000 phpdt by 2021.1. Commuters do not have to walk up and down to use the services. and TERI Page 2 of 32 . For some sections of corridors. 20.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 16. the location of building lines. Section loads in phpdt were worked out for these alternative sections.2. available road right-of-way (ROW) and the capacity of the mode. Other considerations are likelihood of increase in traffic in next 20-25 years. an elevated mode needs to be proposed. 5.1 Proposed Capacity of Various Modes for Delhi Modes Metro rail Elevated Light Metro (LRT. Monorail etc can be regarded as a light metro system and can be provided where ROW of road is limited and turning radius is also not adequate for heavy metro.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 5. Thus.2.) BRT (for one lane each side with grade separation at junctions) BRT (for two lane each side with grade separation at junctions 5. the following capacity norms for various modes are proposed to be adopted for Delhi. it appears that the capacity of various modes may be taken as follows. Medium capacity rail based system such as LRT. and TERI Page 3 of 32 Capacity (phpdt) > 30000 upto 30000 upto 12000 upto 20000 . At-grade modes however require more space than elevated modes. Table 5. Beyond the demand level of about 20000/30000 phpdt. it appears that the mode has been used up to a demand level of 10000 phpdt and designed and used in one case up to 20000 phpdt. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System Light Rail Transit (LRT) System Metro/ Suburban Rail 10000 to 20000 phpdt (with overtaking/2 lanes each side) 2000 to 20000 phpdt 30000 to 80000 phpdt There is no mention of the Monorail in this study. but based on information available. Monorail etc.2.3 Proposed Capacity of Various Modes Based on studies by World Bank and others. As per these studies.4 Right of Way Requirement All medium capacity modes normally lie within the road right of way and hence require a share in the road space. the desirable right of RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. However capacity of LRT and monorail can be stretched up to 30.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. a metro appears to be the only choice.2 Capacity of Various Modes The comparative capacity of the main transport modes used in developing cities is reported in a TRRL-UK study (1995) and World Bank study (2000). For at-grade BRT (with one lane each side). Monorail and LRT.2.000 phpdt. can be used when the demand on a corridor is not expected to exceed 20000 phpdt. it appears that BRT. It is highly unlikely that the desired ROW will be available for full length of the corridor. 5. Overall public transport system length will be 742 km by 2021. Typical cross-sections for roads with different ROW with BRT and Light Metro (LRT/Monorail) are shown in Figure 5.3 km and BRT 365. The recommended public transport network and system on various corridors are also shown in Figure 5.3. Light Metro 40.1 (a to d) and 5.3 km and BRT 380 km.2.3 42.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 way requirement is 35-45 m to meet the requirements of the IRC code.2 km.2 Recommended Integrated Public Transport Network and System S. Dwarka Mor to Najafgarh IV.7 3. Elevating the corridor at tight locations could be one option.lane sub-standard carriageways each way. Total additional proposed Metro length in Delhi is 148.3 2.000 phpdt.3 RECOMMENDED PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK AND SYSTEM Considering the evaluation of public transport networks. but with an absolute minimum of 28 m. Light Metro 40. Table 5. Jhangirpuri to Narela III. Thus total metro length within Delhi by 2021 will be 321. The latter allows for two.0 Page 4 of 32 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 6. Monorail or any other medium capacity rail based system) and BRT systems have been recommended for various corridors. Elevated BRT system may be provided on roads where road ROW is about 20-21 meter and traffic demand expected is upto 10. Light Metro (which can be LRT.4 km.1. Section loads in phpdt for various corridors are given in Annexure 5. For elevated Monorail or LRT.No System Type Corridor Max PHPDT (2021) Length (Km) 1 Metro a Extension of Metro Corridors I. Metro.5 km. If minimum ROW is not available.8 7. Rithala to Barwala II. elevated modes become necessary.2 respectively. the public transport network and system has been selected on the basis of above criteria to meet future transport demand. Mundka to Delhi Border (to be extended to Bahadurgarh) 5765 28384 5853 8066 12914 12663 Total (a) 6.4 15. Central Secretariat to ISBT Kashmere Gate VI. minimum of 20 m road is required because at ground level space is required only for a column and its protective measures.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. The recommended network and recommended system for various corridors are given in Table 5. and TERI . Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi Border (to be extended to Gurgaon) V. Jaffrabad Road) II.5 7 19.1 16984 50.No System Type Corridor Max PHPDT (2021) Length (Km) b New Metro Corridors I.5 24. Central Secretariat to Vasant Kunj VI. Uttam Nagar to Mukandpur (along outer ring road. Swami Dayanand Marg.5 553.2 40. ISBT Kashmere Gate to Kapeshera Border V. Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (to be extended to Noida) 23868 53.8 26. Rajokri to Badarpur XV.G Stadium to Mehrauli IX. Mukundpur to Gokalpuri (via Ring Road. Karawal Nagar to Chilla II.8 25. and TERI Page 5 of 32 .2 148. Delhi Gate to ISBT Kashmere Gate b New BRT Corridors I.9 Total (b) Total BRT Length (a+b) Total Length (Km) (Metro + Light Metro + BRT) RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Khanjawala to Bawana XIV. Najafgarh to Narela XI.7 18.9 365.6 5.4 18. NH24 byepass.7 106. Gulabi Bagh to Bakhtawarpur IV. Tilak Nagar to Kirbi Place 4823 Total (a) 9121 11166 8635 9515 9409 12167 9797 7540 9283 12053 3721 9819 5332 6926 5501 - 5.4 2. Mundka to Putkhurd XII. Rohini Sector 21 to Khanjawala XVI.4 4. Ashram to Mukundpur (along Outer Ring Road.3 21.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 S.3 15 23. Kondli to Gokalpuri to Mukandpur III.1 26.8 12.9 42.3 40.3 359.6 18.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Mathura Road) III. Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini Sector 21 3 BRT a Extension of BRT Corridor I. I.2 34. Rajokri to Bijwasan to Chawala to Gopal Nagar X. Badarpur to IGI Airport VII. to be taken as metro corridor by 2021) XVII. Khaira to Nazafgarh to Ibrahimpur XIII.3 8211 Total (b) Total Metro Length (a+b) 27004 Total 2 Light Metro I. Dhaula Kuan to Dabri More to Chawala VIII.9 20. 5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Figure 5.1 (b) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 35 M (ROW) RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.1 (a) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 21 M (ROW) Figure 5.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. and TERI Page 6 of 32 . 5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Figure 5.1 (d) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 60 M (ROW) RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. and TERI Page 7 of 32 .1 (c) Typical Cross-Section of BRT with 45 M (ROW) Figure 5.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. 5 5500 1.0 3.0 NOTE:.2 Typical Cross Sections of Light Metro (LRT/Monorail) System RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.7 5.5 FOOTPATH CLEAR CARRIAGE WAY NOTE:.5 0.0 BUILDING LINE BUILDING LINE 4.0 450 1000 7.5 5.0 10.0 9.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.5 1.9 BUILDING LINE BUILDING LINE 1.0 ELEVATED LRT 20.0 450 1000 7.5 FOOTPATH 7.5 CLEAR CARRIAGE WAY 3.0 7.5 FOOTPATH 7.ADDITIONAL 8m WIDTH AT STATION ELEVATED MONORAIL Figure 5.0 CLEAR CARRIAGE WAY 1.ADDITIONAL 8m WIDTH AT STATION 3. and TERI Page 8 of 32 .5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 20.0 CLEAR CARRIAGE WAY FOOTPATH 1.5 12. and TERI Page 9 of 32 .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Figure 5.3 Recommended Integrated Public Transport Network and System RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Green Park along Aurbindo Marg. Rohini Sector 24 . Chawri Bazar then moves to New Delhi. GTB Nagar. The corridor then moves on Nityanand Marg at Tis Hazari takes left turn to Pul Bangash then take right on Kalidas Marg and Road no. Welcome. AIIMS. Netaji Subhash Place then goes to Kohat Enclave.1 Corridor 1 Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala (to be extended upto Ghaziabad from Dilshad Garden) The corridor runs straight through the area of Dilshad Garden. Cvil Lines. then it follows GT road passing the area of Jhangirpuri. Samaipur. Kashmere Gate. Alipur. Jhilmil. Light Metro and BRT corridors is given below. Patel Chowk.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 5. Rajiv Chowk. The corridor from Dilshad Garden to Rithala is already in operation with a length of 25. Table 5.4 and Table 5. Vidhan Sabha. Azadpur Mandi.e Barwala along Bhagwan Mahavir Marg. INA. Shastri Nagar. 5.3. Badli Industrial area.5 Km. Sultanpur. Chattarpur. and then follows Vir Banda Bairagi Marg then takes right to Inder Lok along Maharaja Nahar Singh Marg passing from Kanhaya Nagar. Khera Khurd. Hauz Khas. Saket and follows Mehrauli Gurgaon road from Qutab Minar. Model Town. The corridor then enters in to walled city area touching Delhi Main. Rithala. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.4 DESCRIPTION OF MASS TRANSPORT CORRIDORS AND AREAS SERVED Metro Corridors The description of the entire existing proposed metro. and ends at Arjangarh. Light Metro and BRT respectively. then takes Lala Hardev Sahai road at ISBT Kashmere Gate. Shahdara. Pitampura along Sheed Jagat Narayan Marg then goes straight to Rohini. Keshav Puram. Prahalad Vihar upto end of corridor i. The areas served by each corridor are also given in Tables 5. Vishwavidayalaya. Corridor 2 Narela to Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh( to Gurgaon) The corridor runs through area of Narela. Adarsh Nagar. 40 to Pratap Nagar. Shastri Park along NH 24 (GT Road). Chandni Chowk. Jor Bagh.4. Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar along northern railway line and Bawana road. Race Course. Therefore total length of the corridor with extension will be about 31. Mansarover Park.25. Khera Kalan. Udyog Bhawan. The corridor from Rithala to Barwala is proposed for extension with a length of about 6. Seelampur.1 Km.5 for Metro. Malviya Nagar. and TERI Page 10 of 32 . Ghitorni. Central Secretariat.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.4 Km. Rajiv Chowk. New Delhi.Bhisham Pitamah Marg . Rajendra Place. Arjangarh Corridors runs through area of Anand Vihar. Karol Bagh. Ramesh Nagar.Noida Link Road .Jangpura Lajpat Nagar . Lal Quila. Pitampura. Subhash Nagar.Delhi MAin . Jhangirpuri. Kashmere Gate.NH 24 (GT Road) . / New Ashok Nagar. Badli Industrial area.Road No. Badarpur Page 11 of 32 Total (Km) 1 31. Nawada.Sikandra Road .Central Secretariat Race Course . KhanMarket. and TERI . Mandi House. Laxmi Nagar.Shamnath Marg .Alipur Road .Vikas Marg/ New Ashok Nagar Dadri Road . Netaji Subhash Place.Vir Banda Bairagi Marg .Dariya Ganj . Delhi Main. Pul Bangash. Qutab Minar.Lala Lajpat Rai Marg . Hauz Khas. Central Secretariat. Rajiv Chowk. Rohini Sector 24 .Kali Das Marg . Dwarka Sector 21/ Najafgarh Corridors runs through area of walled city via ISBT Kashmere Gate. Rohini.Mathura Road . Azadpur Mandi.Mandi House . Pratap Nagar.Shaheed Jagat Narayan Marg . Kalkaji Mandir. Udyog Bhawan.Patel Road Shivaji Marg .Pusa Road . Dariya Ganj. Mayur Vihar Ph I. Shadipur. Yamuna Depot. Race Course.Delhi Gate . Sultanpur.Qutab Minar Mehrauli Gurgaon Road to Arjangarh Anand Vihar ISBT .Outer Ring Road (Nehru Place) . Shahdara. Keshav Puram. 8 to Sector 21 / Najafgarh Area Covered Corridors runs through area of Dilshad Garden.Along Northern Railway Line . Green Park. Dwarka Sector 11.Saket .5 2 Narela to Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh 52. Mohan Estate. Seelampur.Yamuna Depot -Crossing Yamuna River Indraprastha . Kohat Enclave. Patel Chowk. Shakarpur.5 4 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur (To be Extended Upto Faridabad) ISBT Kashmere Gate . Inder Lok.Bhartendu Harish Chandra Marg .Nawada . Games Village (Akshardham Temple).5 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. 12. 10. Jr Bagh. Jhandewalan.Badarpur 27. Preet Vihar.6 3 Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector -21/Najafgarh (To be extended upto Ghaziabad/Noida) 51. Dwarka Mor. Nehru Place. Moolchand.Badli Bawana Road .ISBT Kashmere Gate . Dwarka Sector 14.JLN Stadium . Indraprastha. 13.3 Existing and Proposed Metro Corridors in Delhi and Areas Served S. Malviya Nagar. Yamuna Depot.Okhla Induatrial Area Phase II .5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Table 5. East of Kailash.MAlviya Nagar . Ashram Marg. Lajpat Nagar.Dwaraka Dwaraka Mor. Saket. Barakhamba Road. GTB Nagar. Chattarpur.GT Road.Central Secretariat . Mandi House.Patel Chowk .Lala Hardev Sahai Marg . AIIMS. Dwarka Sector 12. 9. Dwarka Sector 9. Welcome. Tuglakabad. Jhilmil. Khera Kalan. Tagore Garden.No Name of Corridor Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala (To be extended upto Ghaziabad) Corridor Description Dilshad Garden .Chawri Bazaar. Rithala. Alipur.Lal Quila . Kanhaya Nagar. Dwarka Sector 13. Tilak Nagar. Janakpuri. 40 . JLN Stadium.Maa AnandMayee Marg .Mall Road ExtensionKarnal Road . Pragati Maidan.Karkarduma . Shastri Nagar. Central Secretariat. Vidhan Sabha.KhanMarket . Rajouri Garden. Karkarduma. Okhala. Cvil Lines. Jasola.Nityanand Marg . Kirti Nagar.New Delhi Rajeev Chowk . Dwarka Sector 10.INA .Chandni Chowk . Jangpura. Govindpuri. Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar. Prahalad Vihar. Khera Khurd. Dwarka. Ghitorni.ferozshah Road . Barwala Corridors runs through area of Narela. Uttam Nagar.AIIMS .Aurbindo Marg .25. Kashmere Gate. Vishwavidayalaya. Tis Hazari.Dwaraka Sector 14.Akshardham Temple . ITO. Mayur Vihar Ph I Ext. INA. Adarsh Nagar.Bhagwan Mahavir Marg Barwala (upto T point of Begampur Barwala Road) Narela . Ferozshah Road.Najafgarh Road . 11.Panchkunia Road . Shastri Park. R.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Dwarka Sector 8. Nirman Vihar (Laxmi Nagar District Center). Samaipur.ITO .Link Road Sadhu Vasvani Marg .K. Model Town.Jor Bagh . Moti Nagar.Maharaja Nahar Singh Marg . Sarita Vihar. Mansarover Park. Delhi Gate. Patel Nagar.Mahatma Gandhi Road .Barakhamba Road Rajeev Chowk . Chawri Bazar. Udyog Nagar. Punjabi Bagh.Gamal Abdel Nasser Marg .Bharthal Bijwasan . Airport Total Metro Length 2.Main Road Jafarabad . Munirka.Palam Dabri Marg .Ullarbaatar Marg .NH 8 .4 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.7 10 22. Shivaji Park. Maujpur.Palam Colony Main Road .Gurgaon Road Airport .5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 S. RAdhey Puri. Ashram.Dwarka Sector 21 Corridors runs through Jasola .k Puram. Kalindi Kunj Corridors runs through New Delhi Station. Nehru Place. Ashok Park main. Wazirpur.Bisham Pitahma Marg .No Name of Corridor Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Delhi Border (To be extended upto Bahadurgarh) Corridor Description Kirti Nagar/Inderlok .Mahatma Gandhi Marg . Nizzamuddin Bridge.Babakhark Singh Marg Vandematram Marg . Naraina.1 7 Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi (Gurgaon) Border (To be extended upto Gurgaon) Dwarka Sector 21 . and TERI Page 12 of 32 . Chanakya Puri. Karkarduma. Mukundpur 50.Delhi Gurgaon Border (Along Northern Railway Line) Ashram . Azadpur. Krishna Nagar. Uttam Nagar.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Jasola Vihar.Gokulpuri 53. Madipur. Kalkaji Mandir. South Extension.Madhuban Chowk . Dabri Mor.Uttam Nagar . Greater Kailash. Rajdhani Park. Connaught Place. Andrews Ganj. Pandav NAgar.Dhaula Kuan . Peera Gari. Jafrabad. Maduban Chowk. Lajpat Nagar.Shaeed Balwan Singh Solanki Marg . IIT Delhi.Karkari Mor Road .Mukundpur Jasola . Palam. Vikas Puri. Surajmal Stadium.Najafgarh Road/Vir Banda Bairagi Marg. Inderlok. Mundaka Corridors runs through Mukundpur.NH2 (Mathura Road) . ISBT Srai Kale Khan. New Friends Colony. Bijwasan.Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar . Sarojini Nagar.4 9 Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (To be extended upto NOIDA) New Delhi RS to IGI Airport . Raja Garden.Ring Road Ashram .7 321.Mahatma Gandhi Marg .NH-10 (Rohtak Road) to Delhi Border (Bhadurgarh) Area Covered Corridors runs through Kirti Nagar. Paschim Vihar. Moolchand. Mahavir Enclave. I. Okhla. Mayur Vihar. Nangloi. Seelampur. Sector 26.Swami Dayanand Marg .Meera Bagh -Dr K. Safdarjung. Bikaji Kama Palace. Mangolpuri.Swarn Jayanti Marg .IP Extension . Gokul Puri Corridors runs through Dwarka Sector 21.6 6 Mukundpur to Gokalpuri MukundPur .P Extension. Keshav Puram.Upper Ridge Road . Jagat Puri.Outer Ring Road . Delhi Gurgaon Border Total (Km) 5 25.Ho Chi Minh Marg Outer Ring Road .Rao Tula Ram Marg .Nh24 (Hapur Bypass .Nizzamuddin Bridge . R. Paschim Vihar.Pankha Road . Sarvpriya Vihar. Yamuna Vihar.B Hedegewar Marg . Chirag Delhi.Dwarka Sector 26 . Bharthal. Moti Bagh. Rohini.Olof Palme Marg .8 8 Ashram to Mukundpur Corridors runs through Ashram. Vasant Vihar. Pitampura Jahangirpuri. JNU Campus. Dhaula Kuan. 13A .Swarn Jayanti Marg . Distric Center Jasola.Azadpur Road .Kalindi Kunj New Delhi RS . Lotus Temple. Welcome.Dwarka Road . Punjabi Bagh.Sector 21 3. Dhaula Kuan. Peeragari.Ring Road Dhaulakuan.Road no.Along Najafgarh Drain . Yamuna Vihar. Sunder Nagar.Geeta Colony Rd .Mathura Rd . Dilshad Garden. Khajuri Khas. Mayur Vihar.Seema Puri Rd .Lala Lajpat Rai Marg . Chirag Delhi.Bhadurshah Jafar Marg .R Ambedkar Marg Ambedkar Nagar Karawal Nagar . Budh Vihar. New Usman pur.Patparganj Road . Karol Bagh. Mukundpur Total (Km) 1 20.Lala Bhadur Shastri Marg .Mangal Pandey Marg . Gokulpuri.1 2 Karawal Nagar . Darya Ganj.Uttari Pitam Pura Prashant Vihar . Gazipur.Sh Udham Singh Marg .Maharaja Agarasen MArg .Netaji Subash Marg .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Laxmi Nagar District Center.5 Existing and Proposed BRT Corridors in Delhi and Areas Served S.3 Table 5.Dr K. Pahar Ganj. Patparganj Industrial Area.Pushta Rd . 56 .Swami Narayan Marg . Mayur Vihar.Aradhak Marg . Pitampura. Push Vihar. Laxmi Nagar. ITO. Ambedkar Nagar Corridor passes through Karawal Nagar. New Delhi Station.Ashok Vihar Police Station Road Bhagwan Mahavir Marg . Pragati Maidan.Avantika Road Deen Bandhu Chotu Ram Marg . Ashok Vihar. Nand Nagri.10 .Jhulelal Mandir Marg Gyan Shakti MAndir Marg .HL Parwana Road .Netaji Subash Marg .Chilla 18. Sunder Nagari.4 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.Noida Link Rd . Anand Parbat.Qutabgarh Road .No Name of Corridor Corridor Description Kondli -Road along Sanjay Lake Park .Waziarabad Barrage . CGO Complex. Kaushambi.Delhi Gate .Chilla Kondli . Shastri Park. Lal Quila.Rd no.8 3 Kondli . Wazirabad.1 Bypass (Outer Ring Rd) . Ramlila ground.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Table 5. Gulabi Bagh.Delhi Gate . Lajpat Nagar Moolchand. Gandhi Nagar. New Seemapuri. Taj Enclave. Darya Ganj.Rd no.Josip Broz Tito Marg . Savita Vihar. Bhajanpura.Gazipur Rd along Gazipur Drain . Delhi Gate).Laxmi Nagar District Center . Panchsheel Enclave. chilla Corridor passes through kondli. Patparganj Road. Delhi Gate. Rohini Total Length Total (Km) 1 Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini Sector 21 40. vivek Vihar.Yamuna Marginal Bund .K C Goyal Marg . Pandav Nagar. Jama Masjid. 69 . 59 Wazirabad Rd .B Hedegwar Marg .Raja Ram Marg . GTB Enclave. Zero Pushta. Shalimar Bagh.Sector 21 Rohini Area Covered Corridors runs through Kondli -Kalyanpuri.Shaheed Lalit Narayan Mishra Marg . 68 Rd no. Gandhi Nagar. Anand Vihar ISBT.4 Proposed Light Metro Corridors in Delhi and Areas Served S. Siri fort.Rd no. Sadiq Nagar.Jawaharlal Nehru Marg Desh Bandhu Gupta Road . Ganesh Nagar.Shanti Van Marg . Shreshtra Vihar. Laxmi Nagar.Dr B.3 40. Bhajanpura.Gokal Puri Mukandpur 25.Mukundpur Area Covered Corridor passes through Walled city (Kashmere Gate.No Name of Corridor ISBT Kashmere Gate to Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar Corridor Description ISBT Kashmere Gate . and TERI Page 13 of 32 .Rohini Sector .NH . Preet Vihar.Yamuna Marginal Band Marg . Park Street Talkatora Stadium along Willingdon Crecent Sardar Patel Marg . Tuglakabad.3 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.8 Corridor passes through ISBT Kashmere Gate. Khanpur. Jawaharlal Nehru University.Stayawati Marg . Burari. Pachim Vihar. RML Hospital. Bamnoli. Vasant Kunj. and TERI Page 14 of 32 .8 upto Shiv Murti . Mehrauli. Peeragari.Guru Teg Bahadur Rd Vijay Nagar Rd . Vikas Puri.K Puram. Ambedkar Nagar. Sainik Farms.5 9 Badarpur to IGI Airport 24.Uttam nagar (Along outer Ring Rd) Tilak Nagar to Kirbi Place Corridor Description Mukundpur . Dwarka.Dhaula Kuan -NH .Pancheel Marg . Vasant Kunj Corridor passes through Badarpur. Mangolpuri. Delhi University. R.4 5 4.Uppal Orchid . Mori Gate. Motia Khan. 11 Murti. Taj Palace Hotel. Sangam vihar.Mehrauli Badarpur Rd .Madhuban Chowk .Nelson Mandela Marg . North-South block. Bkahtawarpur Total (Km) 19. Uppal Orchid. Badli.Peeragarhi . Delhi Cantt.Africa Avenue . Chawala 7 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Kapeshera Border 8 Central Secretariat to Vasant Kunj 12. Samalkha. Munirka.Mahipalpur Mehrauli Rd .9 10 Dhaula Kuan .along Nazafgarh Drain . Delhi Gymkhan Club.Road no.Sant Nagar Marg . Sraswati Vihar. Sant Nagar. Dabri Mor Corridor passes through Tilak Nagar along Jail Road via Hari Nagar – Tihar Jail – Lajwanti Garden – Nagal Raya – Nangal – Kirbi Place Corridor passes through Gulabi Bagh.Peeragari . Rohini. Fimistan.Kamraj Marg . Airport Corridor passes through Dhaula Kuan.Lok Marg Bhai Parmanad Marg . Uttam Nagar.Rajaji Marg . Safdarjung Enclave. Rajiv Nagar. GTB Nagar.Vasant Kunj Marg Abdul Gafar Khan Marg .8 Corridor passes through Central Sectt.Crossing NH . Janak Puri District Center.G Rd . Bapu Dham. President Estate. NH 8.Samalkha Rd Kapeshera Border Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg . Pitampura.Kingsway Camp Rd . Nirankari Colony. Kamla Nagar. Mahavir Enclave.Vasant Kunj Badarpur .Uttam Nagar Tilak Nagar along Jail Road via Hari Nagar – Tihar Jail – Lajwanti Garden – Nagal Raya – Nangal – Kirbi Place Gulabi Bagh .Shanti Swaroop Tyagi Marg .IGI Airport Dhaula Kuan .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.No 4 Name of Corridor Mukandpur .Chawala 20.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 S. Sagarpur. Netaji Nagar.Duplex Rd . Dhaula Kuan.Bakhtawarpur ISBT Kashmere Gate to Pulbangash along Lala Hardev Sahai Rd . Nehru Park.Fimistan along Rani Jhansi Rd Panchkunia Rd . Sarojini Nagar.Along Palam Drain . Chankaya Puri. Kapeshera 26.8 . Nangal Dairy. Mahipalpur. Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar. Nangal Rai.Race Course Rd .Meharuli Anuvarat Marg . Gole Mkt. Malcha Marg. Jhandewalan.Pankha Rd Bhagwan Mahavir Marg -Dabri More .Nagia Park -Inderchandra Shastri Marg .Uttam Nagar Terminal .Cariappa Marg . Dabri Ext. Pulpheladpur. Talkatora Stadium. Kirbi Palace. Maduban Chowk.Dabri More . Mahipalpur. Pul Bangash.Ring Rd Vivekanand Marg .M.Mandir Marg . Pushp Vihar.3 6 Gulabi Bagh to Bakhtawarpur 18.Vinay Marg . 224 . Saket.Chawala Area Covered Corridor passes through Mukundpur. Punjab Khor. Ranahol.Mangal Bazar Rd .3 16 Khanjawala to Bawana 21. Mungesh Pur Village. Qutab Garh. Adhicini.Tilak Marg . Anand Lok. crossing Main Chattarpur Road.MDR 138 . Meera Vihar. crossing Gadaipur Mandi Road.Kant Enclave Badarpur Rohini Sector 21 -Khanjawala Road . Bawana Corridor Passes Through the Rajokri.Madanpur Dabas Karala Marg . DCE.Aurbindo Marg . Badli.Subramaniam Bharti Marg Maharishi Raman Marg .Bhisham Pitahma Marg Khel Gaon Marg .Outab Garh Road .Rani Khera Kalan Marg . Madanpur Dabas. Golf links. New Master Plan Road.India Gate . Karaila.Kanjhawala MDR 138 . Tilangpur Kotla.G Stadium to Mehrauli Corridor Description I.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Begampur Rajiv Nagar. Nangloi. Lado Sarai.August Kranti Marg . Pragati Vihar.2 12 Rajokri to Bijwasan to Chawala to Gopal Nagar Najafgarh to Narela 13 14 Mundaka to Putkhurd Khaira .Narela Mundaka . Daryapur. Kapeshera. Jonti. Rohini. Lodhi Estate.9 23.7 Corridor passes through Mundaka. Prem Nagar.Nazafgarh Ibrahimpur 15 42.Auchandi .Indraprastha Marg . Defence Colony.Daryapur Bawana Rajokri . Dhaka Colony. Sher Singh Enclave Rama Vihar to Khanjawala Total BRT Length (Km) 18. Smaipur. PuthKhurd. ITO.Dr Zakhir Husain Marg .New Master Road .Bawana Auchindi Rd Railway Rd . Bawana. Khanjawala Bwana.Jonti . Corridor passes through Khaira.2021 . 4 .Gali no. Narela 34. Rani Enclave. Bijwasan Chawala Corridor passes through Najafgarh.G Stadium.Mehrauli Along Mehrauli Nazafgarh Rd Najafgarh . Begam pur. Auchandi. Swarup Nagar to Ibrahimpur Corridor passes through areas of Kanjhawala.Bawana Road . Master Plan Rd.1 17 18 Rajokri to Badarpur Rohini Sector 21 to Khanjawala 26.Putkhurd Nazafgarh Rd .Proposed Master Plan Rd 2021 to NH 10 (Gherva Village) .Bhadurshah Zafar Marg . HUDCO Palace. India Gate.No Name of Corridor 11 I. Essex Farm.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 S. Sirifort. Kant Enclave to Badarpur Corridor Passes Through Rohini Sector 21.Begampur Main Rd Begampur Barwala Rd .Punjab Khor . SujanSingh Park.Sukh Bazar Rd .Qutab Garh Mungesh Pur Village .G Stadium . Mehrauli Total (Km) 15 Corridor passes through Rajokri. Rajiv Nagar.Ch Dilip Singh Marg .Khanjawala Area Covered Corridor passes through I. and TERI Page 15 of 32 .Ibrahimpur Kanjhawala . Supreme Court.5 7 380 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Samalkha.Kirari Rd . Pratap Vihar. Subhash Nagar. Pragati Maidan. Dwarka Sector 8. From Dwaraka mor it takes left to Dwarka.K. Govindpuri. Tagore Garden. Tilak Nagar. Preet Vihar. Lal Quila. along Pusa road to Karol Bagh. Mayur Vihar Ph I Ext. Okhla then follows NH 2 from Jasola. Shakarpur. Uttam Nagar then follows Najafgarh road for Nawada. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Mandi House. Kirti Nagar. Dwarka Mor.5 Km. Central Secretariat. The total length of corridor after extension will be about 51. Dwarka Sector 12. Games Village (Akshardham Temple) upto Yamuna Depot along Noida Link road. Dwarka Sector 21. Laxmi Nagar uptoYamuna Depot along Bharatendu Harish Chandra Marg and Vikas Marg. Barakhamba Road. Corridor 3 Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector -21/Najafgarh (to be extended upto Noida/Ghaziabad) On this corridor two line are meeting at Yamuna Deport at East Delhi. The corridor with a length of about 15. One Line runs through area of Anand Vihar. From Yamuna Deport the corriodor passes river Yamuna goes to Indraprastha.8 Km.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Dariya Ganj. Rajouri Garden. Lajpat Nagar. ITO. takes Sikandra Road at Mandi House. The other line coming from through area of New Ashok Nagar.6 Km. along Panchkunia road to R. Mayur Vihar Ph I. Khan Market. Another extension from Dwaraka mor goes straight to Najafgarh along Najafgarh road. then Along Patel road to Patel Nagar. Ramesh Nagar. Sarita Vihar. JLN Stadium. Ferozshah Road. Jhandewalan. Ashram Marg. Dwarka Sector 14. Kalkaji Mandir. Dwarka Sector 11. and TERI Page 16 of 32 . The presently operation corridor from ISBT Anand Vihar and New Ashok Nagar meets at Yamuna Bank and then goes upto Dwarka having a total length of 48. Rajendra Place.3 Km from Jhangirpuri to Arjangarh is in operation. Jangpura. Rajiv Chowk. Janakpuri. the corridor proposed for extension from Dwraka Mor to Najafgarh of length of about 2. Dwarka Sector 9. Tuglakabad and ends at Badarpur. then takes left to Shivaji Marg for Moti Nagar. Shadipur. Dwarka Sector 10.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 The corridor of length 37. Moolchand. The total length of the corridor will then be about 52. Mohan Estate. Delhi Gate. East of Kailash then moves on outer ring road to Nehru Place. Corridor 4 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur (to be Extended upto Faridabad) Corridor runs through area of walled city via ISBT Kashmere Gate. Karkarduma.3 Km form Jahangirpuri to Narela is proposed for extension. Dwarka Sector 13.7 Km. Nirman Vihar (Laxmi Nagar District Center). Paschim Vihar. ISBT Srai Kale Khan then will cross river Yamuna along Nizzamuddin Bridge. Naraina. Nangloi.Bisham Pitahma Marg touching the area of Karkarduma.Mahatma Gandhi Marg serving the area of Mukundpur. and TERI Page 17 of 32 .Ring Road .3 Km from Mundka to Bahadurgarh Border is proposed for extension. Krishna Nagar.8 Km. Shivaji Park. Welcome and then follows Main Road Jaffrabad to the end of corridor i. Andrews Ganj. The length of the extension will be about 7. The length of about 6. Daryaganj. The total length of corridor including extension will then be about 25. Keshav Puram. Bikaji Kama Palace. Udyog Nagar. It will cover many major areas of Delhi as mentioned as mentioned in above para. R. Corridor 7 Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi (Gurgaon) Border (to be extended upto Gurgaon) The corridor runs through Dwarka Sector 21.Swami Dayanand Marg . Surajmal Stadium.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Moolchand. Mayur Vihar. Madipur.5 Km and total length of the corridor from ISBT Kashmere Gate to Badarpur will then be about 27. Corriodor 6 Mukundpur to Gokalpuri The corridors moves along Azadpur Road . South Extension. Bharthal. Wazirpur. Peera Gari. The form Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Mundka is in operation having a length of 19. Lajpat Nagar. takes left to I. Red Fort. This proposed corridor will be having a length of about 53 Km. Sarojini Nagar.5 Km. Rajdhani Park and ends at Mundka. Raja Garden.Ring Road -DhaulakuanMahatma Gandhi Marg .5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 The corridor of length 20 km from Central Secretariat to Badarpur is under construction and will be in operation by September 2010. Chanakya Puri. Dhaula Kuan. then it moves along Nh24 (Hapur Bypass) covering the area of Pandav Nagar. It is proposed for extension upto ISBT Kashmere Gate from Central Secretariat via ITO. Sector 26.3 Km.k Puram. Moti Bagh. Bijwasan. Azadpur. Safdarjung. RAdhey Puri. Punjabi Bagh. Corridor 5 Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Delhi Border (to be extended upto Bahadurgarh) The corridor runs form Kirti Nagar and Inderlok to Ashok Park main then it follows NH10 (Rohtak Road) passes from Punjabi Bagh. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Jagat Puri.Ashram .6 Km.e Gokulpuri. to Gurgaon Border along along master plan road having a length of about 3.Karkari Mor Road . Ashram.P Extension . Pitampura Jahangirpuri upto the end i. JNU Campus.Uttari Pitam Pura . Munirka.Sh Udham Singh Marg .Dwarka Sector 21 The corridor runs through New Delhi RS . Greater Kailash.e Mukundpur. Dhaula Kuan. and TERI Page 18 of 32 .2 Light Metro Corridor Kondli to Delhi Gate to Sector 21 Rohini The corridor starts from Kondli and moves along Road along Sanjay Lake Park takes right to Patparganj Road . Maduban Chowk. Vasant Vihar.7 Km.NH 8 .Jhulelal Mandir Marg . 13A. The corridor runs through Jasola. This corridor may have BRT in Phase III and later may be implemented as metro by 2021. Paschim Vihar. Lotus Temple.Rohini Sector Corridor 1 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.K C Goyal Marg .Netaji Subash Marg Delhi Gate then runs along Jawaharlal Nehru Marg . Airport and Dwarka Sub City. This corridor is named as Airport Express Link mainly aimed at serving the airport users by providing express connectivity form New Delhi Railway Station to the Delhi Airport with limited stoppage in between. Dabri Mor.Laxmi Nagar District Center then takes left on Raja Ram Marg then moves right to Yamuna Marginal Band Marg crossing river Yamuna touching Shanti Van Marg . Mahavir Enclave.Airport – Dwarka Sector 21 feeding the area around New Delhi Station. IIT Delhi.Bhagwan Mahavir Marg .Babakhark Singh Marg Vandematram Marg .Gurgaon Road . Kalindi Kunj along Road no. Jasola Vihar.Swami Narayan Marg . Sarvpriya Vihar. Mangolpuri. Vikas Puri.Swarn Jayanti Marg . Corridor 10 New Delhi RS to IGI Airport .7 Km. Peeragari.Ashok Vihar Police Station Road . and move along Outer Ring Road from Okhla. Palam. Rohini. Connaught Place.Prashant Vihar . 5. Nehru Place. Kalkaji Mandir.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.Upper Ridge Road . Corridor 9 Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (to be extended upto NOIDA) The proposed corridor will be having a length of about 2. District Center Jasola.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Corridor 8 Ashram to Mukundpur The proposed corridor will be having a length of about 50 Km.Desh Bandhu Gupta Road . The length of corridor is 22. Chirag Delhi.Gyan Shakti Mandir Marg Maharaja Agarasen MArg .Shaheed Lalit Narayan Mishra Marg .Dhaula Kuan .4. Uttam Nagar. The corridor starts from Ashram takes NH 2 passes from New Friends Colony. Corridor 2 Karawal Nagar – Chilla The corridor starts from Karawal Nagar moves along Pushta Road . Darya Ganj. Ashok Vihar. New Delhi Station. Khajuri Khas. and TERI Page 19 of 32 Corridor 1 .10 . Laxmi Nagar.6 Km and total length of the corridor including extension will be about 20 Km. The RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Bhajanpura.HL Parwana Road .Noida Link Road and ends at Chilla passing through the area of Karawal Nagar. Pitampura. Lal Quila.5 Km. Gandhi Nagar. Sadiq Nagar. Siri fort. New Usman pur.3 BRT Corridors ISBT Kashmere Gate to Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar The corridor starts from ISBT Kashmere Gate moves along Netaji Subash Marg . Sunder Nagar. 5. Lajpat Nagar Moolchand. Gulabi Bagh.Mathura Road . CGO Complex. Delhi Gate). Preet Vihar.Josip Broz Tito Marg . ITO. Budh Vihar and Rohini.Dr B. The proposed corridor will be running parallel to river Yamuna and having a length of about 18. The corridor is proposed for extension upto ISBT Kashmere Gate from Delhi Gate. Zero Pushta. Pragati Maidan. Darya Ganj. Mayur Vihar. Laxmi Nagar.Lala Bhadur Shastri Marg . Anand Parbat.8 Km Corridor 3 Kondli . Laxmi Nagar District Center. Pandav Nagar. Pahar Ganj.4 Km. Chirag Delhi. The areas served by this corridor are Kondli -Kalyanpuri. The length of extension is about 5.Delhi Gate . Karol Bagh. Jama Masjid. Panchsheel Enclave.Lala Lajpat Rai Marg .Geeta Colony Road . Mayur Vihar and Chilla.R Ambedkar Marg . Shastri Park. Taj Enclave.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Delhi Gate Ramlila ground.Yamuna Marginal Bund . Shalimar Bagh. This is the only Light Metro corridor proposed for NCT Delhi having a length of about 40 Km connecting directly East Delhi from West Delhi passing through the walled city.4. Patparganj Road. Gandhi Nagar.Ambedkar Nagar feeding the areas of Walled city (Kashmere Gate.Gokal Puri – Mukandpur This proposed corridor will be having a total length of about 25.Avantika Road .Bhadurshah Jafar Marg . Push Vihar and Ambedkar Nagar This first BRT corridor in the study area is presently operational from Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar and having a length of 14.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 .Deen Bandhu Chotu Ram Marg Qutabgarh Road and ends at Sector 21 Rohini. Ganesh Nagar. Lok Marg .Talkatora Stadium along Willingdon Crecent . Kamla Nagar. 56 . Rajiv Nagar.Wazirabad Road . Sunder Nagari. Pitampura. Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar. The corridor will feed the area around Mori Gate. Vikas Puri. Corridor 5 Tilak Nagar to Kirbi Place The corridor starts from Tilak Nagar having a length of about 4.Guru Teg Bahadur Road .8 upto Shiv Murti . This corridor will be used as BRT corridor upto 2021 and then converted into metro corridor from 2021 onwards. GTB Nagar. 69 Mangal Pandey Marg . Patparganj Industrial Area.8 Km moves along Nagia Park -Inderchandra Shastri Marg .Vijay Nagar Road .Samalkha Road and ends at Kapeshera Border.Sardar Patel Marg . Badli.NH .Road no. Delhi University. Peeragari.8 Km moves along Lala Hardev Sahai Rd . Burari.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 corridor starts from Kondli moves along Gazipur Road along Gazipur Drain Road no.Uppal Orchid . Pachim Vihar.4 Km moves along outer ring road covering the areas of Mukundpur. Shreshtra Vihar.Aradhak Marg . Nirankari Colony. Maduban Chowk.B Hedegwar Marg ends at Mukundpur serving the area of Kondli.Sant Nagar Marg ends at Bakhtawarpur serving the area of Gulabi Bagh. 68 .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Wazirabad and Mukundpur Corridor 4 Mukandpur . Fimistan.Park Street .Peeragarhi .1 Bypass (Outer Ring Rd) .Seema Puri Road . Nand Nagri. Sant Nagar and Bakhtawarpur Corridor 7 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Kapashera Border The corridor starts from ISBT Kashmere Gate having a length of about 26. Sraswati Vihar.Road no.Dr K.Uttam Nagar (Along Outer Ring Road) The corridor starts from Mukundpur having a length of about 19. Rohini.Bhai Parmanad Marg . Kaushambi. Savita Vihar. Corridor 6 Gulabi Bagh to Bakhtawarpur The corridor starts from Gulabi Bagh having a total length of 18. Pul Bangash. Janak Puri District Center.Road no. 59 . and TERI Page 20 of 32 . Gazipur.3 Km and moves along Jail Road via Hari Nagar – Tihar Jail – Lajwanti Garden – Nagal Raya – Nangal and ends at Kirbi Place.Waziarabad Barrage NH . Bhajanpura. New Seemapuri. Dilshad Garden. Anand Vihar ISBT. Mangolpuri. GTB Enclave. vivek Vihar.Dhaula Kuan . Uttam Nagar and ends at Dabri Mor.Fimistan along Rani Jhansi Rd Panchkunia Rd .Shanti Swaroop Tyagi Marg . Motia RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Yamuna Vihar.Stayawati Marg . Gokulpuri.Mandir Marg .Kingsway Camp Road . Chankaya Puri.Along Palam Drain .Nelson Mandela Marg and will end upto Vasant Kunj.Pankha Road . Supreme Court. Taj Palace Hotel. The catchment of the corridor includes area in and around I. Corridor 11 I. Sangam vihar.Vivekanand Marg . Kirbi Palace. Nangal Rai.Kamraj Marg . ITO. R. Dwarka.M. Pragati Vihar. Netaji Nagar. Nangal Dairy and IGI Airport.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Khan. Ambedkar Nagar. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. Corridor 10 Dhaula Kuan .Road no. NH 8. Chawala.Mehrauli Badarpur Rd . Sarojini Nagar. Sujan Singh Park. Bamnoli.August Kranti Marg . Lodhi Estate. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Vasant Kunj. North-South block. Corridor 9 Badarpur to IGI Airport The corridor starts at Badarpur (Near Delhi Faridabad Border) with a total length of about 25 Km then moves along . Bapu Dham. RML Hospital. Safdarjung Enclave.G Stadium. Sagarpur. and TERI Page 21 of 32 .Bhisham Pitahma Marg .G Stadium with a total length of about 15 Km moves along Indraprastha Marg . Khanpur.Ring Rd . Talkatora Stadium. The area served by this corridor will be Dhaula Kuan. Samalkha.G Rd . Pushp Vihar. Mahipalpur.Subramaniam Bharti Marg Maharishi Raman Marg . Dabri Ext. Defence Colony. Mehrauli. Mahipalpur.Pancheel Marg .G Stadium to Mehrauli The corridor starts from I. The corridor will be serving the area of Badarpur. Gole Mkt.8 – and ends at IGI Airport. 224 goes upto Chawala.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.Meharuli Anuvarat Marg . Sainik Farms.Abdul Gafar Khan Marg Mahipalpur Mehrauli Rd . Jhandewalan.Dabri More – Chawala The corridor starts from Dhaula Kuan having a total length of about 20 Km follows Cariappa Marg .India Gate .Dr Zakhir Husain Marg . India Gate. HUDCO Palace. Munirka. President Estate. Golf Links. Anand Lok.Bhagwan Mahavir Marg -Dabri More . Tuglakabad. Saket.Race Course Rd . Vasant Kunj. Malcha Marg. Pulpheladpur. Dhaula Kuan. Delhi Cantt.Aurbindo Marg and terminates at Mehrauli.Vasant Kunj Marg .Africa Avenue . Mahavir Enclave. Nehru Park.Vinay Marg . 11 Murti.K Puram.Bhadurshah Zafar Marg takes right to Tilak Marg .Crossing NH . The corridor will cover the area of Central Sectt.Khel Gaon Marg .Duplex Rd Rajaji Marg .5 Km and will move along Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg . Kapeshera Corridor 8 Central Secretariat to Vasant Kunj The corridor starts from Central Secretariat with a length of about 12.Ch Dilip Singh Marg . Uppal Orchid. Delhi Gymkhan Club. Bawana Auchindi Road .Sukh Bazar Road .Kanjhawala . Ranahol.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Bawana. Najafgarh. Delhi College of Engineering (Bawana). Kapeshera.Begampur Main Road Begampur Barwala Road . The proposed length of the corridor will be about 21 Km. Swarup Nagar and end at Ibrahimpur. The corridor will cross the areas of Khaira.Mangal Bazar Road .Auchandi . Rohini. Adhicini. Rani Enclave. It passes from Mundaka. Corridor 15 Khaira .Qutab Garh -Mungesh Pur Village . Corridor 14 Mundaka to Putkhurd The corridor will start from Mundka will move along Rani Khera Kalan Marg .MDR 138 Bawana Road and will end at Narela.Railway Road and will end at Ibrahimpur. Dhaka Colony. Meera Vihar.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Sirifort. Kanjhawala. The proposed length of the corridor is about 19 Km. Lado Sarai and Mehrauli. Corridor 12 Rajokri to Bijwasan to Chawala to Gopal Nagar The corridor moves along Mehrauli Nazafgarh Road passing through the areas of Rajokri. Pratap Vihar. The length of the corridor will be about 42. and Narela. Badli.MDR 138 .3 Km. Corridor 16 Kanjhawala to Bawana The corridor will start from Kanjhawala will pass through the areas of Jonti Punjab Khor . Smaipur. and TERI Page 22 of 32 .Najafgarh – Ibrahimpur The corridor will start from Nazafgarh Road and will move along Kirari Road . Bijwasan and Chawala.Gali no. The areas covered by these corridors are Dwarka. 4 . Essex Farm. Prem Nagar.7 Km. Corridor 13 Najafgarh to Narela The corridor starts from Najafgarh moves along Proposed Master Plan Road 2021 to NH 10 (Gherva Village) . Rajiv Nagar.Daryapur and will end at Bawana. Master Plan Road. The corridor will be having a length of about 23 Km. Samalkha. Tilangpur Kotla. Bawana. Corridor 17 Rajokri to Badarpur The corridor starts from Rajokri and moves along New Master Road 2021 Kant Enclave and ends at Badarpur.Madanpur Dabas Karala Marg and will end at Putkhurd. The area served by this corridor are RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. The length of proposed corridor will be about 34. Nangloi. Begam pur. Karaila and PuthKhurd. Madanpur Dabas. 1 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.11. The area served will be Rohini Sector 21.4 Lakh passengers with 77 lakh boardings.334 3.37.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Rajokri. Peak hour section loads on various metro/Light Metro corridors are given in Figure 5.103 8.6 Linewise Daily Boarding and Total Person Trips on Metro/Light Metro System 2021 S. Table 5.Dwarka Sector 21 Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini Sector 21 Grand Total MRT Boardings Total Daily Metro Trips Daily Boardings(2021) 7.Outab Garh Road and will end at Khanjawala. Thus there will be 1.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.5 Km. Satbari.25.599 6. Gadaipur Mandi. Line wise boardings for 2021 are shown in Table 5.996 41.804 14. and TERI Page 23 of 32 .5 interchange transfers per passenger trip on metro/Light Metro system.191 69. Corridor 18 Rohini Sector 21 to Khanjawala The corridor starts from Rohini Sector 21 covering a length of about 7 Km moves on Khanjawala Road .238 5. 2021 Daily ridership on the entire metro/Light Metro system upto 2021 is expected to be 50.6.No 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 Name Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala Narela to Jhangirpuri to Arjangarh Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector -21/Najafgarh ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Delhi Border Mukundpur to Gokalpuri Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi (Gurgaon) Border Ashram to Mukundpur Jasola to Kalindi Kunj New Delhi RS to IGI Airport . Kant Enclave and Badarpur.4. new developments along New Master Plan Road 2021. Sher Singh Enclave Rama Vihar and Khanjawala.5 SUMMARY OF TRANSPORT DEMAND FORECAST RECOMMENDED MASS TRANSPORT NETWORK Ridership on Metro/Light Metro System.111 1. Begampur Rajiv Nagar.44.73.331 11.018 7703578 5043492 FOR THE 5.853 17. The total length of the proposed corridor is about 26. 4 Peak Hour Section Loads on Metro/Light Metro Corridors RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Figure 5. and TERI Page 24 of 32 . Rohtak. the shares of PKM by public transport modes will 65% of total PKM by all modes. Ghaziabad (2 Lines).6 1186202 4. Some sections of the road network will continue to be overloaded with traffic (Figure 5. Hapur.7 Daily Trips with Recommended Public Transport Network in 2021 2021 (With NMT Trips) Modal Daily Trips Share (%) 5954661 20. However.0 Page 25 of 32 S No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mode Car Two Wheeler Auto Bus Metro Train (Intra Delhi) Cycle Cycle Rickshaw Total 0. and TERI . Daily motorised trips are expected to be 253 Lakh person trips including inter-city trips.7 89623 15100757 100.0 2021 (Without NMT Trips) Modal Daily Trips Share (%) 5954661 23.4 4753417 16.0 7.3 4753417 18. the figures for modal share for public transport will increase from 54% in 2007 to 59. However.6 - RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 1028622 6. there will be substantial increase in PKM with the proposed mass transport system.1 8457999 29. Thus.7 gives the total daily person trips in 2021 by various modes.2 Total Transport Demand and Modal Split A total of 291 Lakh person trips are expected to be made in Delhi in 2021 including by Non-motorised modes of cycle and cycle rickshaw.3 131317 1461690 2146785 29135564 0.9 shows the distributuion of intra and inter-city trips in 2007 and 2021. It can be seen that the modal split by public transport system will increase to just 54% from 53% in 2007. For intra city trips. Palwal.8 131317 25527088 0. Bulandshar etc.5 5.4 100. Faridabad & Bhadurgarh and commuter rail system upto NCR towns such as Panipat.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 5.0 5043492 17. Additional road link will also need to be provided to Gurgaon. This indicates that mass transport system to NCR towns from Delhi will also need to be improved significantly by extending metro lines to Gurgaon (2 lines).7% in 2021. it would decrease for the intercity traffic.8 which shows modal split for intracity trips only.10.5. Noida (2 Lines).2 552745 3. if we look at Table 5.5). Thus the desirable modal split of 70% in favour of public transport system is not likely to be achieved just by providing the proposed mass transport system within Delhi.2 3250755 21.5 100.3 1186202 4. we compare the passenger kilometers served by each mode as shown in Table 5.6 8457999 33. Thus additional measures will need to be taken to increase the ridership on the proposed system. Rewari.8 7276892 48.1 5043492 19.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Alwar. Table 5. Many of the road links will continue to be overloaded.0 2007 (Without NMT Trips) Modal Daily Trips Share (%) 2902120 19. Table indicates that while modal split in favour of public transport is expected to increase for intracity trips in Delhi with the proposed system. Table 5. Meerut. it can be seen that the modal split for public transport in terms of PKM increases to 59% as compared to modal split of 53% with person trips only. Table 5. Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.5 Expected Traffic Volumes (in PCU’s) on Road Network in 2021 on Recommended Scenario RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 NARELA BAKHTAWARPUR BARWALA BADLI GOKALPURI MUNDKA INDERLOK KASHMERE GATE ISBT DILSHAD GARDEN ANAND VIHAR ISBT RAJEEV CHOWK NAJAFGARH INDIA GATE DHAULAKUAN ASHRAM MAHIPALPUR MEHARAULI NEW ASHOK NAGAR BADARPUR Figure 5. and TERI Page 26 of 32 . 3 18.10 Passenger Kilometers Served by Various Modes in 2021 Daily Trips2021 5954661 4753417 1186202 8457999 5043492 131317 25527088 Modal Share by Trips (%) 23. Trip Length (in Km) 11. Rs 60/.6.5 25. Two scenario of parking charges have been considered.0 SN 1 2 3 4 Mode Car 2w Auto PT Total Daily Trips . Page 27 of 32 5.9 Distribution of Intra and Intercity Trips Type of Traffic (Motorised) Intra City Inter City Total Daily Trips – 2021 (in Lakh) 174 (60% by PT) 81 (40% by PT) 255 Daily Trips – 2007-08 (in Lakh) 117 (53% by PT) 34 (45% by PT) 151 SN 1 2 Table 5. 2021 Modal Share (%) 17.8 Modal Split for Intracity Trips for Delhi.6 SCENARIOS WITH HIGH PARKING CHARGES AND DENSIFICATION ALONG METRO CORRIODRS With rise in Household income.6 27.4 54.5 10. and TERI .6 4.8 - SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mode Car Two Wheeler Auto Bus Metro Train (intra city) Total PKM (2021) 66454017 35175284 11280781 89485631 78678482 3651912 284726107 PKM Share (%) 23.2 Rs 250/.6 100.0 Modal Share (%) Rs.1 20.4 these area respectively.3 100.6 1.0 Avg.1 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. the vehicle ownership is expected to go up significantly. Therfore it will be necessary to increase the cost of car use in order to make the car users to shift to public transport system.1 19. Scenario I is with parking charges of Rs 300/in Connaught Place area. This will induce car owners to use their cars more often.4 27.5 100.8 0. Scenario II is with increased parking charges of Rs 500/-.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Many roads would still be overloaded.6 15.2021 2983299 3491576 549913 10408048 17432839 Daily Trips . The result of this is already reflected in earlier analysis.5 4.7 100. Increasing the parking charges in work centers can be one way to encourage this shift to public transport.2007 1806380 2976832 518329 6369088 11670629 Table other work/commercial centers with in Delhi.0 5.4 4.6 33.2 59. 200/.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Table 5. and Rs 100/.3 12.0 31.0 3. 2016 and 2021.0 1318366 5.6. In order to increase the modal split in favour of public transport further. some additional measures such as restriuction on car ownership.5 9704953 37.0 Densification with Parking Scenario 1I Daily Modal Share Trips (%) 6169320 23.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 5.13 respectively and also shown in Figures 5.1 2717130 10. indicate higher car parking charges will result in higher use of public transport system.0 S.12 and 5.2 Another scenario of densification along metro corridors has also been considered along with higher parking charges.0 Parking Scenario 1I Daily Modal Trips Share (%) 5554373 22.9 25155376 100.7 5.5 5173546 20.1 PHASING FOR IMPLEMENTATION Considering the transport demand forecast on various mass transport corridors in 2011.6 5864936 22. Page 28 of 32 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. increase in fuel cost.11 Modal Split for All Trips for Scenarios on Higher Parking Charges and Densification along Metro Corridors 2021 Parking Scenario I Daily Modal Trips Share (%) 5735182 22.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.5% in scenario II.7% for parking scenario I and 71% for scenario II.11 shows the result of these scenarios. Phasing of additional recommended corridors has been given in two phases – phase III (2011-15) and phase IV (2016-21).6. Transport demand forecasting process has been carried out for the above scenarios.9 2679664 10.5 25221268 100.8 1386782 5. 5. Densification of metro corridor is expected to increase daily metro ridership further by 6 lakh person trips.7 3289618 13. Higher parking charges are expected to increase modal split in favour of public transport for all trips to 60% for parking scenario I and to 62. phasing of implementation of the mass transport corridors have been suggested. and TERI .2 9704556 38.4 1422980 5.3 Table 5.7.7 25841852 100. Table 5. no 1 2 3 4 5 Mode Car Two Wheeler Auto Bus Metro Total Above analysis.7. modal split in favour of public transport will increase to 67.7 5250569 20. Metro Phase I and II and two BRT corridors will be available by 2011.5 10246522 40. 5. However for intracity trips. Recommended phasing of metro/Light Metro and BRT corridors is given in Table 5. congestion pricing etc may need to be thought at a time when all the areas in Delhi are provided with an adequate and convenient intergrated public transport and thus alternative to car use is available.6 and Figure 5. 7 Km (Dwarka Mor to Najafgarh) 7.1 Km (Dilshad Garden to Rithala) 37. and TERI Page 29 of 32 .9 Km (Badli to Narela) 2.7 22.8 50.4 Km (Jhangirpuri to Badli) 52.2 Km (Anand Vihar ISBT to Yamuna Bank) + 42.6 3 51.3 173.5 4 27.12 Phasing of Metro/Light Metro Corridors in Delhi Length In Km PH III PH IV 6.5 5 25. Sectt to Badarpur) 18.5 2 3.2 56.4 40.4 Km (Rithala to Barwala) 11.4 2.7 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.4 2.3 (Mundaka to Delhi Border NH 10) 53.7 173.5 40.No Metro 1 Name of Corridor Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala (To be extended upto Ghaziabad) Narela to Jehangirpuri to Arjangarh Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector -21/Najafgarh (To be extended upto Ghaziabad/Noida) ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur (To be Extended Upto Faridabad) Kirti Nagar/Inderlok to Delhi Border (To be extended upto Bahadurgarh) Ph I + II 25.8 50.7 91.7 321.3 361.5 Km (Kirti Nagar to Mundaka) + 0.7 22.3 Km (Jhangirpuri to Arjangarh) 6.6 Mukundpur to Gokalpuri Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi 7 (Gurgaon) Border (To be extended upto Gurgaon) 8 Ashram to Mukundpur Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (To be 9 extended upto NOIDA) New Delhi RS to IGI Airport 10 Dwarka Sector 21 Total Light Metro Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini 1 Sector 21 Grand Total 6 53.7 S.6 Km (New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector 21) 20 Km (Cent.8 91.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.8 Km (Inderlok to Ashok Park Main) Total (Km) 31.5 Km (ISBT to Cent.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Table 5.2 96. Sectt) 6.1 3.1 3. 1 26.8 12.Najafgarh Ibrahimpur Khanjawala to Bawana Rajokri to Badarpur Rohini Sector 21 to Kanjhawala Total 19.3 18.8 25.No Name of Corridor PH II 20.1 26.5 24.9 147.1 Km (Ambedkar Nagar to Delhi Gate already existing (14.8 25.9 42.3 15 23.3 18.0 38.8 26.5 Km) and Delhi to Gate ISBT (5.13 Phasing of BRT Corridors in Delhi S.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Karawal Nagar .9 20.0 19.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Table 5. and TERI Page 30 of 32 .4 4.9 42.2 34.6 Km) to be constructed ) 18.7 18.9 20.Peeragarhi Uttam nagar (Along outer Ring Road) Tilak Nagar to Kirbi Place Gulabi Bagh to Bakhtawarpur ISBT Kashmere Gate to Kapashera Border Central Secretariat to Vasant Kunj Badarpur to IGI Airport Dhaula Kuan .Dabri More .5 7 380.G Stadium to Mehrauli Rajokri to Bijwasan to Chhawla to Gopal Nagar Najafgarh to Narela Mundka to Putkhurd Khaira .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.4 PH III PH IV Total (Km) 1 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Delhi Gate to Ambedkar Nagar 20.Gokal Puri Mukandpur Mukandpur .5 24.2 34.8 12.4 4.3 21.3 15 23.1 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.8 26.Chhawla I.3 21.Chilla Kondli .7 18.5 7 194.1 18. 6 Phasing of Implementation of Metro and Light Metro Corridors RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. and TERI Page 31 of 32 .5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 Figure 5.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.7 Phasing of Implementation of BRT Corridors RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.5 Development of Integrated Public Transport Network for 2021 NARELA BAKHTAWARPUR PHASE-I&II PHASE-III PUTHKHURD BAWANA IBRAHIMPUR PHASE-IV KARAWAL NAGAR MUKUNDPUR KANJHAWALA MUNDKA GULABIBAGH ISBT KASHMERE GATE TILAK NAGAR IG STADIUM NAJAFGARH GOPALNAGAR UTTAM NAGAR CENTRAL SECTT DELHI GATE DABRI MOD KIRBI PLACE DWARKA DHAULAKUAN KONDLI ASHRAM AIRPORT KHAIRA CHHAWLA KAPASHERA RAJOKARI AMBEDKAR NAGAR VASANT KUNJ MEHRAULI CHILLA BADARPUR Figure 5. and TERI Page 32 of 32 . . Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. It is not possible to provide direct origin to destination service and vice a versa for all commuters. Areas outside the 2-km catchment area will require regular feeder bus services to important terminals/stations. As all commuters will not be living within walking distance of the proposed network.5-1 km from the proposed network. BRT-Light Metro/BRT and with other feeder services. auto-rickshaws and mini-buses. For catchment area of about 0.3. implemented and operated under common policies. For effective integration. 6.1. Metro-Metro/Light Metro/BRT.2 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. traffic and planning considerations. However.1 NEED A multi-modal public transport network for the NCTD has been proposed to be developed to meet expected commuter’s travel needs.3 6. commuter can easily access it by walk. total transport system has to be planned. road cross-section. 6. The need to interchange modes and or corridors is an essential feature of any public transport system. Required inter-changes will be between these pairs of systems viz.1 INTER-CHANGE FACILITIES One of the most important elements of transport integration is the provision of interchange facilities. Feeder services can also be provided by para-transit modes.1 6. Objective of an integrated transport system is to offer maximum advantage from economic. etc. People residing in next 1-km can reach station by cycles. an appropriate transport system giving least-cost option has been proposed. The planning objective as stated earlier is to minimize the need to change and when change is essential to make it as convenient as possible and with minimum time loss. Depending upon the forecast transport demand and other parameters along various corridors. Integration of various modes of transport is vital to evolution of a least-cost and viable transport system.2 6. FEEDER SERVICES Feeder services to the proposed network will also be important in order to provide convenient and quick transfer of passengers from one mode of transport to other. Various transport modes are to be integrated in such a way that each mode supplements the other. and TERI Page 1 of 3 .6 Transport Integration CHAPTER 6 TRANSPORT INTEGRATION 6. choice of a particular mode will depend upon passenger demand.1. scooters. proper planning for feeder services will be necessary to ensure the forecast passenger demand on the system. circulation facilities. At either stations. The main issue is to make these interchanges convenient with minimum time penalty.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. time-table and information boards at terminals for providing up-to-date information for the system users is also important. Introduction of common ticketing and their availability at convenient places will be necessary later. It is proposed that planning and design of convenient interchanges and safe access from the area up to stations and stops forms the subject of a special study devoted to achieve the objective. 6. For efficient inter-change. OPERATIONAL INTEGRATION Integration at operational level will be required to synchronize the timings of mass transit and feeder services. 6. This will also include approach roads to stations. walking/waiting time at these stations will need to be minimized. There are about 85 locations of major and minor interchange points.3. proper road based integration is to be ensured.2 Figure 6. bus/mini-bus routes. The provision will have to be made for peak demand at each station.3 6. An integrated passenger information system covering all modes through publication of common route guides.6 Transport Integration Integration facilities at stations would depend upon expected station load to ensure proper system utilization.1 shows the interchange points in the network. pedestrian ways and adequate parking areas for various modes that are likely to come to important stations including feeder. and TERI Page 2 of 3 . Side by side or vertical interchange that involves minimum walking is the best and hence has to be the norm in planning.4 RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd.3. 1 Major Transfer Interchange Points RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. and TERI Page 3 of 3 .Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter.6 Transport Integration Figure 6. . Meerut etc is expected to grow even faster. Phase I and II of Delhi Metro (173 Km in Delhi) and 39 Km of BRT will not be adequate to cater to the growing transport demand. Additional 189 Km of Metro/Light Metro network and 365.7 Conclusions and Recommendations CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter. 2. Intercity trips will increase from 33. Additional BRT network of 365.5 Km of BRT within Delhi will need to be provided by 2021 to cater to the growing transport demand. Additional 149 Km of metro and 40 Km of Light Metro on the suggested corridors should be implemented in Delhi by 2021. This will result in sharp increase in road traffic in Delhi.4 Lakh per day in 2007 to 79.6 Lakh per day in 2021. 4.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 1.5 Km should be taken up for implementation by 2021 in Delhi. Sonepat. congestion pricing will need to be undertaken at a later date when alternative of city-wide public transport network is available. densification along metro corridors. However. Greater Noida. Panipat. 2. 6. Different variants of BRT system design in terms of its cross-sectional elements and elevated sections should be adopted in order to meet the varying levels of demand. Faridabad. 7. transport demand is expected to increase significantly for intra Delhi movement. additional measures such as higher parking charges. In order to push up the modal split in favour of public transport to desirable levels. 5. and TERI Page 1 of 2 . Daily intra-city motorized person trips are expected to increase from 117 lakh in 2007 to 174 lakh in 2021. Population of NCR towns such as Gurgaon. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd. traffic interaction between Delhi and NCR towns is going to increase at a faster rate. The mass transport system will need to be extended in Delhi on the overloaded corridors and also to nearby NCR towns. With increasing household incomes and population growth. Population of Delhi is expected to increase to 240 Lakh by 2021. Ghaziabad. Noida.1 CONCLUSIONS 1. 3. Transport Demand Forecast Study and Development of an Integrated Road cum Multi-modal Public Transport Network for NCT of Delhi Transport Demand Forecast and Development of Public Transport Network Chapter- 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 3. In order to ensure higher patronage of public transport system, comfort level of buses should be enhanced by providing low floor buses with a mix of air-conditioned buses. 4. Traffic interaction between Delhi and other NCR towns is going to be bigger issue in future. Therefore metro extension should be provided to Gurgaon (2 Corridors), Ghaziabad (2 Corridors), Noida/Greater Noida (2 Corridors), Faridabad and Bahadurgarh. 5. To serve increasing traffic demand between Delhi and other NCR towns such as Panipat, Sonepat, Rewari, Alwar, Meerut, Hapur, Bulandshar, Palwal etc, dedicated commuter rail service should be provided in order to reduce traffic loads on Delhi roads. 6. Additional road links should be provided between Delhi and Gurgaon. Existing road connectivity between Delhi and CNCR towns should be improved by increasing road capacity. 7. Eastern and western expressways in NCR outside Gurgaon, Kundli, Ghaziabad, Noida, Faridabad, Palwal should be provided at the earliest in order to take away through traffic to Delhi. FNG expressway should also be provided so that traffic between the towns of Faridabad, Noida and Ghaziabad should not pass through Delhi. 8. As a decent metro network will be available in Delhi by 2011, higher parking charges in central areas and other commercial/office area should be considered to discourage use of personalized modes. At a later date even measures such as congestion pricing, restriction on car ownerships, increase in fuel price etc also may have to be taken up. 9. Carriageway of major roads should be kept free of encroachments. A city-wide parking plan should also be prepared indicating where parking will be permitted and where not. Quality and enhanced capacity of footpaths need to be provided throughout the city. RITES Ltd MVA Asia Ltd, and TERI Page 2 of 2 Annexure 2.1 Population 2007, 2001 and 2021 Traffic Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Name of Traffic Zones Narela Bankner Alipur Bakhtawar Pur Bhalswa Jahangir Pur Mukund Pur Burari Jharoda Malka Ganj Timar Pur Mukaherjee Nagar G.T.B. Nagar Dhir Pur Adarsh Nagar Sarai Pipal Thala Jahangir Puri-1 Samaypur Badli Libas Pur Bhalswa Jahangir Puri-II Rohini Sec 16, 17 Rithala Budh Vihar Vijay Vihar Puth kalan Sahibabad Dault pur Begumpur Bawana Karala Mundaka Nangloi Jat West Nilothi Pratap Vihar Nithari Kirari Suleman Nagar Prem Nagar Sultanpuri East Mangol Puri North Sultanpur Majra Sultanpuri South Guru Harkishan Nagar Peeragarhi Nangloi East Qummruddin Nagar Rohini South Mangolpuri East Mangolpuri Mangolpuri West Rohini North Rohini Central Rohini East Naharpur Pitampura South Pitampura North Shalimar Bagh North Shalimar Bagh South Paschim Vihar South Paschim Vihar North Rani Bagh Saraswati Vihar Tri Nagar Rampura Kohat Enclave Population 2007 Population 2011 Population 2021 21552 27148 18422 56848 42799 76168 60849 73233 74583 66949 60832 54219 15151 64635 54478 54478 54517 58056 64316 63284 61867 58567 68943 62125 43475 8907 21439 88013 32243 28501 59867 32907 61187 49171 69271 69876 58852 54387 50230 43245 54971 49105 63363 15860 75294 67689 59016 53514 61746 62227 55760 57097 61165 62521 60019 60286 113559 51797 50384 23208 65433 62513 56870 41912 43928 29634 89451 58228 92583 77533 82019 74583 66949 60832 54219 15151 64635 54478 54478 54517 76100 78176 63284 63114 59747 73589 63377 65000 12362 50000 175000 65000 70000 63541 38030 64942 70000 74981 72713 60038 55483 51242 44116 57203 51099 68586 27000 76811 69053 60205 54592 62990 63481 56884 58248 62398 63781 61228 61501 118170 53900 51399 23676 66752 65051 58016 98731 147794 98240 249693 120041 145679 142823 109137 74583 66949 60832 54219 15151 64635 54478 54478 54517 141089 103358 63284 65881 62366 86741 66156 147536 28251 127908 468758 162664 203656 70250 54769 70333 140173 83498 77046 62670 57915 53489 46051 60191 53767 79803 57131 80178 72080 62845 56986 65784 66264 59378 60801 65133 66577 63913 64197 124341 56715 53653 24713 69678 68448 60559 2001 and 2021 Traffic Zones 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Name of Traffic Zones Shakur Pur Nimri Colony Sawan Park Wazirpur Ashok Vihar Kamla Nagar Rana Pratap Bagh Sangam Park Model Town Shastri Nagar Inder Lok Colony Kishan Ganj Deputy Ganj Kashmere Gate Majnu ka Tila Jama Masjid Chandani Chowk Minto Road Kuncha Pandit Bazar Sita Ram Turkman Gate Idgah Road Ballimaran Ram Nagar Qasabpura Paharganj Model Basti Karol Bagh Dev Nagar Baljit Nagar West Patel Nagar East Patel Nagar New Ranjit Nagar Kirti Nagar Man Sarover Garden Moti Nagar Karampura Raja Garden Raghubir Nagar Punjabi Bagh Madipur Rajouri Garden Tagore Garden Vishnu Garden Khyala Janakpuri North Nangal Raya Hari Nagar Subhash Nagar Mahavir Nagar Tilak Nagar Major Bhaupinder Singh Nagar Vikaspuri East Janak Puri West Janak Puri South Milap Nagar Sitapuri Kunwar Singh Nagar Hastsal Vikas Puri Vikas Nagar Mohan Garden Nawada Population 2007 Population 2011 Population 2021 52075 60913 65121 68905 69049 64514 58438 53687 51920 69089 60405 71983 68098 55415 57142 56086 53701 49239 59922 47202 48370 52179 55584 69462 68349 66179 60648 72524 65394 59479 66184 65751 64648 62743 59795 62108 56678 64414 60454 53929 51633 58584 54234 59379 69006 62795 56386 59052 53071 44950 54438 51178 50033 60759 49492 64492 59453 42684 100140 59800 74178 75748 45368 53124 62140 66433 70293 70440 64514 58438 53687 51920 70481 60405 71983 68098 55415 57142 56086 53701 51226 59922 47202 48370 52179 55584 69462 68349 66179 60648 72524 65394 59479 66184 65751 64648 65291 62223 64630 58979 67029 62909 56119 53730 60963 56436 61790 71808 65345 58675 61450 55226 46775 56648 53256 52065 63226 51502 67111 64354 61528 137010 66008 77190 95000 48152 55453 64865 69345 73375 73529 64514 58438 53687 51920 73571 60405 71983 68098 55415 57142 56086 53701 56599 59922 47202 48370 52179 55584 69462 68349 66179 60648 72524 65394 59479 66184 65751 64648 68700 65473 68005 62059 70530 66193 59049 56536 64146 59383 65017 75558 68757 61739 64659 58110 49218 59607 56037 54784 66528 54191 71722 70319 101097 301988 77539 81221 129806 52150 .Annexure 2.1 Population 2007. 2001 and 2021 Traffic Zones 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Name of Traffic Zones Uttam Nagar Bindapur Dabri Manglapuri Sagarpur Sagarpur West Chhawla Nangli Sakravati (Qutab Vihar) Kakraula Matiala Roshanpura Najafgarh Dichaon Kalan Khera Bijwasan Raj Nagar Kapashera Mahipalpur Palam Sadh Nagar Mahavir Enclave Madhu Vihar Rajinder Nagar Pusa Inderpuri Naraina Daryaganj Nizamuddin Lajpat Nagar Bhogal Kasturba Nagar Kotla Mubarak Pur Adnrewsganj Amar Colony Malviya Nagar Village Hauz Rani Safdarjang Enclave Hauz Khas Vasant Vihar Munirka R.1 Population 2007. Puram Nanak Pura Lado Sarai Mehrauli Vasant Kunj Kishangarh Sai-ul-Ajaib Chhatarpur Aya Nagar Bhati Sangam Vihar Deoli Tigri Dakshin Puri Ext.Annexure 2. Khanpur Ambedkar Nagar Madangir Pushp Vihar Tughlakabad Extn.K. Sangam Vihar West Sangam Vihar Central Sangam Vihar East Chirag Delhi Population 2007 Population 2011 Population 2021 50051 77583 60395 46346 61490 56419 52357 36920 49772 28681 60471 63624 58875 60646 14327 65194 22893 47168 55178 59060 76105 53843 74646 26731 55025 65265 28377 28362 50459 33194 51335 55562 59878 50554 24836 44076 57817 26695 52257 54256 54683 59737 32632 28011 34331 47485 44283 53584 43079 44524 67651 67524 62172 63818 63851 51800 54483 46652 50911 41851 43162 42771 50500 53122 83158 62847 54083 65263 59176 106670 62424 59947 35128 78089 66641 85379 107521 14909 68380 23823 72776 62052 60011 80775 56698 74646 26731 55025 65265 29522 29506 52495 34534 53407 57804 59878 50554 24836 44076 57817 26695 52257 54256 54683 59737 32632 28011 34331 81833 65774 80000 82000 85172 72370 73668 69366 63818 76517 51800 54483 46652 50911 46346 45811 48978 50500 57589 91427 68205 79819 70682 64852 641556 234635 95816 58234 148780 74898 217930 455487 15688 74938 25066 152113 83427 61669 89125 61335 74646 26731 55025 65265 32618 32601 58001 38156 59008 63867 59878 50554 24837 44076 57817 26695 52257 54256 54683 59737 32632 28011 34331 322746 178336 194741 202423 437031 80796 77617 91419 63818 104892 51800 54483 46652 50911 59938 49614 59513 50500 . Annexure 2.P.1 Population 2007. Extention Preet Vihar Krishna Nagar Geeta Colony Ghondli Anarkali Dharam Pura Gandhi Nagar Azad Nagar Raghubar Pura Shahdara Jhilmil Vivek Vihar Dilshad Colony Dilshad Garden New Seema Puri Nand Nagri Sunder Nagari Durga Puri Ashok Nagar Ram Nagar Welcome Colony Chauhan Bangar Zaffrabad New Usmanpur Mauj Pur Population 2007 Population 2011 Population 2021 63595 66565 52498 57154 45941 57441 60119 19229 47792 47535 52773 86765 67294 57479 64789 63006 35129 36953 35508 51898 57327 61681 58810 49027 14925 45494 56706 61249 66351 63132 56422 60616 50135 62562 65906 13654 35372 32696 30841 59921 65356 64275 33778 52024 52664 63973 58973 65351 56570 54605 54049 28790 56770 58091 58072 60211 58384 63444 58604 52328 55833 29330 64370 63595 66565 52498 57154 45941 57441 60119 19229 50725 47535 52773 86765 67294 57479 64789 63006 35129 36953 35508 51898 57327 61681 58810 49027 14925 45494 56706 61249 66351 63132 56422 60616 50135 62562 65906 13654 35372 32696 30841 59921 65356 64275 33778 52024 52664 63973 58973 65351 56570 54605 54049 28790 56770 58091 58072 60211 58384 63444 58604 52328 55833 29330 64370 63595 66565 52498 57154 45941 57441 60119 19229 54936 47535 52773 86765 67294 57479 64789 63006 35129 36953 35508 51898 57327 61681 58810 49027 14925 45494 56706 61249 66351 63132 56422 60616 50135 62562 65906 13654 35372 32696 30841 59921 65356 64275 33778 52024 52664 63973 58973 65351 56570 54605 54049 28790 56770 58091 58072 60211 58384 63444 58604 52328 55833 29330 64370 . 2001 and 2021 Traffic Zones 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 Name of Traffic Zones Chitranjan Park Shahpur jat Greater Kailash I Sri Niwaspuri East of Kailash Govind Puri Kalkaji Tughlakabad Pul Pehlad Tehkhand Harkesh Nagar Jaitpur Meetheypur Badarpur Molarband Zakir Nagar Okhla Madanpur Khadar Sarita Vihar Mayur Vihar Phase-I Dallopura Trilok Puri New Ashok Nagar Kalyan Puri Khichripur Kondli Gharoli Vinod Nagar Mandaoli Mayur Vihar Phase-II Patparganj Kishan Kunj Laxmi Nagar Shakarpur Pandav Nagar Anand Vihar Vilshwash Nagar I. 1 Population 2007. 24.P Barakamba Modern School Birla Mandir Chanakya Puri Rashtrapati Bawan Supreme Court India Gate Prithiviraj Road Jor Bagh Netaji Nagar Sarojini Nagar Kidwai Nagar East/AIIMS Kirbi Place Sadar Bazar Dhaula Kuan Enclave Baird Place. Domestic Airport DU South Campus Narela (Mamoor Pur) Narela (Hamidpur) Bankner (Sanoth) Alipur (Iradat Nagar) Alipur (Holambi Kalan) Alipur (Bankoli) Alipur (Khera Khurd) Alipur (Bijapur) Alipur (Khera Kalan) Bhalswa Jahangir Pur (Nangli Poona) Dhir Pur ( Azad Pur) Rohini Sec 11 Puth kalan (Rohini Sec21.Dhruv Enclave) Puth kalan (Rohini Sec23. Nangloi Ext.25) Sahibabad Daulat pur (Badli) Sahibabad Daulat pur ( Prashant Vihar) Sahibabad Daulat pur (Budh Vihar) Begumpur (Barwala) Begumpur (Sultanpuri) Karala (Mohammad Pur Majri) Mundaka (Madan Pur Dabas) Mundaka (Tikri Kalan) Nilothi (Arvind Enclave.Annexure 2.) Qummruddin Nagar (Chandan Vihar) Population 2007 Population 2011 Population 2021 51479 61186 52367 67694 59937 55848 55516 56332 58637 59311 51163 56830 63752 50503 56968 59949 50291 53843 71846 34641 9628 9628 38515 5349 6419 16048 11555 8024 32096 32096 70611 35305 20629 15322 10315 15472 15472 20072 10315 21552 21552 27148 7422 30813 6422 8453 5969 9453 18343 45349 20835 3793 15317 18907 32907 14907 21439 21439 32243 8501 18501 32907 47579 51479 61186 52367 67694 59937 55848 55516 56332 58637 59311 51163 56830 63752 50503 56968 59949 50291 53843 71846 34641 10017 10017 40069 5565 6678 16696 12021 8348 33391 33391 73461 35305 21467 15944 10734 16100 16100 20887 10734 33205 33205 43928 11939 49566 10331 13598 9602 15206 24955 45349 21255 5366 21671 30000 45673 20690 40000 38000 65000 20000 45000 39242 76660 51479 61186 52367 67694 59937 55848 55516 56332 58637 59311 51163 56830 63752 50503 56968 59949 50291 53843 71846 34641 11067 11067 44272 6149 7378 18447 13282 9223 36894 36894 81166 35305 22588 17612 11294 17785 17785 23072 11294 98731 98731 147794 39580 164318 34247 45078 31831 50411 51447 45349 21985 12872 51980 59970 104375 47282 127908 127908 162664 60744 132200 54769 171393 . 2001 and 2021 Traffic Zones 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Name of Traffic Zones Bhajanpura Brahampuri Ghonda Yamuna Vihar Subhash Mohalla Kardam Puri Janta Colony Babar pur Jiwanpur Gokalpur Saboli Harsh Vihar Shiv Vihar Karawal Nagar East Nehru Vihar Mustafabad Khajoori Khas Tukhmir Pur Karawal Nagar West Sonia Vihar C. Khyber lines APS Colony Nangal Dairy. 1 Population 2007. 23.5. Freedom Fighter Vihar) Vasant Kunj (Sec. South Ex. Maharani Encl. New Friends Colony) Malviya Nagar (IIT) Hauz Khas (Gulmohur Park. Amberhai) Bijwasan (Mohammad Pur) Bijwasan (Bharthal) Bijwasan (Dhul Siras) Kapashera (Nangal Dewat) Kapashera (Kapas Hera) Pusa (South Patel Nagar) Bhogal (Maharani Bagh.19.P.Annexure 2.C) Tughlakabad (Tughlakabad Extn.) Nizamuddin (ISBT Sarai Kale Khan) Mehrauli (Ladha Sarai.) Nangli Sakravati (Tazpur Khurd) Kakraula (Dwaraka ) Matiala (Dwarka Sec. 2001 and 2021 Traffic Zones 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Name of Traffic Zones Saraswati Vihar (Deepali) Saraswati Vihar (Mangolpuri Industrial Area P-II) Kunwar Singh Nagar (Shiv Vihar. Pochanpur) Matiala (Dwarka Sec. Suraj Mal Vihar) Anand Vihar (Yojna Vihar.) I. Manak Vihar) Vilshwash Nagar (Vilshwash Nagar Ext. Extention (Gazi Pur) Preet Vihar (Madhu Vihar. PII) Lado Sarai (Press Encl.) Tughlakabad(Lal Kuan) Okhla(Okhla Industrial Estate) Madanpur Khadar (Ali Vihar) Sarita Vihar (Kalidi Kunj) Khichripur (Kondli) Anand Vihar (Kanjhawai. 20. 10. 11) Matiala (Dwarka Sec. Gagan Vihar) Dilshad Garden (J & K Block) New Usmanpur (New Silampur) Sonia Vihar (Shubhpur) India Gate (CGO Complex) Daryaganj (Rajghat) Chanakya Puri (Diplomatic Enclave) Chanakya Puri (Malcha Mahal) Prithiviraj Road (11 Murti) Chandi Chowk (Red Fort) Kapashera (Dwarka Sector21) Anarkali (Krishna Nagar) Akshar Dham IT Park Shastri Park Population 2007 Population 2011 Population 2021 23908 1508 50733 36920 14179 33472 19132 14340 14327 14327 4775 7632 15261 26731 26352 19428 26695 20291 28362 28011 21082 21706 28838 35129 36953 15216 34818 21846 19115 29444 32696 30841 28790 29330 34641 26959 28377 4282 1070 8024 5967 30524 33778 10615 18855 16715964 24390 1538 66501 62424 25742 44930 23395 20535 15087 15027 5028 7942 15881 26731 27415 19428 26695 20291 29506 28011 21082 21706 28838 35129 36953 15216 34818 21846 19115 29444 32696 30841 28790 29330 34641 28047 28377 4455 1113 8348 5967 32142 33778 11046 19621 18205751 25459 1606 120161 234635 63876 67963 38846 29116 16469 16469 5488 8357 16710 26731 30291 19428 26695 20291 32601 28011 21082 21706 28838 35129 36953 15216 34818 21846 19115 29444 32696 30841 28790 29330 34641 30989 28377 4922 1230 9223 5967 35087 33778 12202 21673 24317874 Total . Annexure 2.T. Nagar Dhir Pur Adarsh Sarai Pipal Thala Jahangir Puri-1 Samaypur Badli Libas Pur Bhalswa Jahangir Puri-II Rohini Sec 16. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Name of Traffic Zones Narela Bankner Alipur Bakhtawar Pur Bhalswa Jahangir Pur Mukund Pur Burari Jharoda Malka Ganj Timar Pur Mukaherjee Nagar G.B.2 Employment 2007. 17 Rithala Budh vihar Vijay Vihar Puth kalan Sahibabad Dault pur Begumpur Bawana karala Mundaka Nangloi Jat West Nilothi Pratap Vihar Nithari Kirari Suleman Nagar Prem Nagar Sultanpuri East Mangol Puri North Sultanpur Majra Sultanpuri South Guru Harkishan Nagar Peragharhi Nangloi East Qummruddin Nagar Rohini south Mangolpuri East Mangolpuri Mangolpuri West Rohini North Rohini Central Rohini East Naharpur Pitampura South Pitampura North Shalimar Bagh North Shalimar Bagh South Paschim Vihar South Paschim Vihar North Rani Bagh Saraswati Vihar Tri Nagar Rampura Kohat Enclave Employment 2007 25846 5003 8072 19279 10101 18023 14968 12494 23565 27707 12292 10335 5418 82957 20212 10987 24184 20208 9829 9625 11254 24900 18186 6348 13407 3590 6179 46393 5531 8208 10884 8503 13081 9069 12727 10119 16558 6115 13756 10854 11509 50947 52473 3551 19115 8350 9644 32697 13478 16160 14384 15924 15469 15183 9059 13637 31136 10760 17398 4285 24359 15747 7969 Employment 2011 Employment 2021 38000 6293 25000 40500 20500 25064 16927 14996 24177 28379 12661 10652 5461 87000 20762 11317 24903 32000 10684 9949 11706 25627 18497 6637 25000 15000 16882 90000 40000 30000 15000 18000 13326 45000 17000 40000 17025 6373 14130 11376 11881 53500 53596 4331 19733 8666 9975 34500 13935 16619 14833 16421 15955 15647 9414 13933 31893 11201 17681 4655 24970 16259 8266 55500 11171 115332 149146 50880 49572 23021 23664 25777 30132 13633 11488 5569 89063 22204 12186 26795 38994 13163 10808 12916 27537 19299 7420 30003 23413 208314 188105 153379 43558 25980 25978 13958 92623 20528 62115 18251 7065 15110 12795 12865 56383 56509 7119 21368 9508 10855 35677 15147 17825 16018 17733 17238 16868 10363 14702 33865 12382 18410 5724 26565 17615 9058 . 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Name of Traffic Zones Shakur Pur Nimri Colony Sawan Park Wazirpur Ashok Vihar Kamla Nagar Rana Pratap Bagh Sangam Park Model Town Shastri Nagar Inder Lok Colony Kishan Ganj Deputy Ganj Kashmere Gate Majnu ka Tilla Jama Massjid Chandi Chowk Minto Road Kuncha Pandit Bazar Sita Ram Turkman Gate Idgah Road Ballimaran Ram Nagar Qasabpura Paharganj Model Basti Karol Bagh Dev Nagar Baljit Nagar West Patel Nagar East Patel Nagar New Ranjit Nagar Kirti Nagar Man Sarover Garden Moti Nagar Karampur Raja Garden Raghubir Nagar Punjabi Bagh Madipur Rajouri Garden Tagor Garden Vishnu Garden Khyala Janakpuri North Nangal Raya Hari Nagar Subhash Nagar Mahavir Nagar Tilak Nagar Major Bhaupinder Singh Nagar Vikaspuri East Janak Puri West Janak Puri South Milap Nagar Sitapuri Kunwar Singh Nagar Hastsal Vikas Puri Vikas Nagar Mohan Garden Nawada Employment 2007 20504 6953 9295 17045 53887 33687 9785 8741 39105 28587 37422 9075 16069 76469 13201 23760 52557 34178 11854 16577 10053 7738 55850 8524 60288 39218 37129 136477 11696 8936 16096 35441 23642 40407 9056 39341 24780 26357 15048 48759 6406 18523 9808 10558 16040 12508 10783 70965 15546 10053 35044 11257 14686 43429 9736 38823 11182 7633 22476 17882 23357 14624 8630 Employment 2011 Employment 2021 21099 7291 9530 17578 55110 34466 10101 9026 39906 29183 38261 9408 16526 77998 13578 24333 55000 34896 12212 16995 10352 8001 58000 8840 62000 40104 38000 142000 12064 9239 16549 36255 24232 41365 9444 40262 25486 27051 15501 50000 6740 19048 10207 11014 16543 12922 11194 72464 15975 10450 35871 11638 15130 44388 10225 39549 11391 30000 40000 18284 23877 15098 8791 22662 8209 10145 18984 58293 36492 10937 9782 41981 30730 40442 10294 17724 81955 14570 25828 56534 36757 13157 18088 11137 8699 60064 9685 64908 42408 40132 146235 13035 10040 17737 38373 25775 43861 10486 42662 27340 28869 16697 52673 7653 20427 11277 12241 17873 14019 12291 76353 17099 11512 38025 12648 16298 46881 11560 41424 11931 45196 53374 19331 25227 16350 9208 .2 Employment 2007.Annexure 2. Khanpur Ambedkar Nagar Madngir Pushp Vihar Tughlakabad Extn. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Name of Traffic Zones Uttam Nagar Bindapur Dabri Manglapuri Sagarpur Sagarpur West Chhawla Nangli Sakravati (Qutab Vihar) Kakraula Matiala Roshanpura Najafgarh Dichaon Kalan Khera Bijwasan Raj Nagar Kapashera Mahipalpur Palam Sadh Nagar Mahavir Enclave Madhu Vihar Rajinder Nagar Pusa Inderpuri Naraina Daryaganj Nizamuddin Lajpat Nagar Bhogal Kasturba Nagar Kotla Mubarak Pur Adnreqsganj Amar Colony Malviya Nagar Village Hauz Rani safdarjang Enclave Hauz Khas Vasant Vihar Munirika R.2 Employment 2007. Sangam Vihar West Sangam Vihar Central Sangam Vihar East Chiragh Delhi Employment 2007 9038 14364 12547 7797 9549 12150 19778 6363 11141 7350 11762 48848 11276 13005 3978 9962 9542 21829 19101 9230 15671 8186 20135 7848 6764 58194 65258 9723 43958 7299 8855 39960 5946 7235 10253 7746 23143 16416 20352 19702 29434 20003 16747 24929 7865 9541 10971 13432 10082 8991 15208 12681 13111 7392 22165 5846 7405 7678 8135 8613 7083 7053 16766 Employment 2011 Employment 2021 9208 14632 12782 8067 9728 12377 40000 14836 28000 17000 20000 56000 21896 32244 4102 10149 9741 30000 19531 9402 15964 8340 21000 8056 7016 59432 68000 10197 45462 8111 9463 41123 6144 7391 10602 8063 23601 16919 20863 20198 30137 20109 17059 25451 8242 25000 15000 35000 40000 35000 15792 12823 13115 7591 22647 6087 7627 7949 8400 8719 7173 7155 17264 9644 15326 13387 8786 10189 12963 154480 123121 36588 22555 34029 63605 115051 312104 4427 10630 10254 33528 20646 9848 16721 8735 22118 8601 7685 62646 70068 11488 49449 10560 11174 44179 6670 7798 11529 8910 24783 18245 22198 21492 31969 20374 17866 26806 9264 33624 18343 56926 97218 187647 17352 13184 13126 8113 23899 6731 8210 8672 9104 8988 7402 7416 18576 . Puram Nanak Pura Lado Sarai Mehrauli Vasant Kunj Kishangarh Sai-ul-Ajaib Chhatarpur Aya Nagar Bhati Sangam Vihar Deoli Tigri Dakshin Puri Ext.Annexure 2.K. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 Name of Traffic Zones Chitranjan Park Shahpur jat Greater Kailash I Sri Niwaspuri East Kailash Govind Puri Kalkaji Tughlakabad Pul Pehalad Tekahand Harkesh Nagar Jaitpur Meetheypur Badarpur Molarband Zakir Nagar Okhla Madanpur Khadar Sarita Vihar Mayur Vihar Phase-I Dallopura Trilok Puri New Ashok Nagar Kalyan Puri Khichripur Kondli Gharoli Vinod Nagar Mandawali Mayur Vihar Phase-II Patparganj Kishan Kunj Laxmi Nagar Shakarpur Pandav Nagar Anand Vihar Vilshwash Nagar I.P.2 Employment 2007.Annexure 2. Extention Preet Vihar Krishna Nagar Geeta Colony Ghondli Anarkali Dharam Pura Gandhi Nagar Azad Nagar Raghubar Pura Shahdara Jhilmil Vivek Vihar Dilshad Colony Dilshad Garden New Seema Puri Nand Nagri Sunder Nagari Durga Puri Ashok Nagar Ram Nagar Welcome Colony Chauhan Bangar Zaffrabad New Usmanpur Mauj Pur Employment 2007 10026 9764 13895 6777 71522 13124 12493 7946 9356 30314 5559 12074 9538 40406 7615 14127 8117 6201 13251 7998 5517 9479 8168 6201 1714 8777 5801 7637 19002 8556 24018 6187 42482 9183 8750 6750 11101 4472 15427 15387 16329 7712 6976 8901 76674 8953 13147 73491 10674 16348 5223 6697 9384 9545 5923 7919 7326 8209 9838 10462 10776 5102 10095 Employment 2011 Employment 2021 10374 10024 14299 6975 73027 13515 12752 8286 9531 31018 5949 12296 9801 41333 7895 14388 8324 6375 13546 8294 5772 9782 8404 6338 1921 9103 6060 7945 19492 8824 24619 6386 43459 9514 8847 7587 11375 4620 15939 15739 16737 7883 7278 9148 78290 9240 13561 75148 10993 16776 5402 7031 9597 9856 6176 8194 7633 8481 10123 10795 11001 5439 10363 11296 10707 15363 7496 76929 14544 13423 9199 9982 32851 7048 12869 10490 43745 8641 15064 8868 6830 14310 9082 6460 10582 9023 6693 2557 9972 6761 8769 20775 9533 26189 6911 45999 10396 9096 10165 12092 5013 17295 16655 17802 8328 8090 9797 82480 9998 14654 79456 11831 17896 5877 7940 10152 10678 6856 8925 8457 9203 10872 11676 11584 6383 11065 . ) Qummruddin Nagar (Chandan Vihar) Employment 2007 20718 9006 7072 11522 7894 6924 7269 7267 9078 7715 4964 5923 5719 22144 9056 6842 10711 5919 7909 4818 199059 19985 8597 11801 30520 16078 29570 3548 5957 4479 14591 15360 3279 14927 8218 2705 3190 16170 2675 4199 3327 4878 1263 5610 1401 1710 958 1862 4009 4843 4637 1876 5064 8300 11983 3871 6488 4056 4581 12068 8031 6998 9184 Employment 2011 Employment 2021 21275 9268 7401 11851 8157 7178 7535 7543 9384 7952 5201 6197 5901 22709 9371 7055 11045 6242 8087 4858 202999 20399 8816 12051 31177 16419 30150 3786 6200 4903 14970 15662 3386 15237 8442 2819 3341 16361 2746 5049 10000 15000 4000 25000 3000 5000 8000 15000 4082 5092 4803 6000 5476 20000 13098 7000 12000 12000 10000 17043 25000 7587 10262 22734 9956 8293 12717 8852 7856 8244 8278 10197 8576 5843 6938 6383 24184 10206 7619 11926 7127 8550 4959 213195 21473 9388 12699 32882 17302 31650 4454 6852 6147 15963 16443 3667 16040 9030 3125 3747 16848 2930 8002 34261 41750 7329 101686 10377 68444 63267 106458 4271 5774 5246 10197 6659 54905 16362 58339 21357 46053 15777 40402 261821 9284 13545 . Domestic Airport DU South Campus Narela(Mamoor Pur) Narela(Hamidpur) Bankner(Sanoth) Alipur(Iradat Nagar) Alipur(Holambi Kalan) Alipur(Bankoli ) Alipur(Khera Khurd ) Alipur(Bijapur ) Alipur(Khera Kalan ) Bhalswa Jahangir Pur(Nangli Poona ) Dhir Pur( Azad Pur ) Rohini Sec 11 Puth kalan (Rohini Sec21. Nangloi Ext.P Barakamba Modern School Birla Mandir Chanakya Puri Rashtrapati Bawan Supreme Court India Gate Prithiviraj Road Jor Bagh Netaji Nagar Sarojini Nagar Kidwai Nagar East/AIIMS Kirbi Place Sadar Bazar Dhaula Kuan Enclave Baird Place. 24.Annexure 2.Dhruv Enclave) Puth kalan (Rohini Sec23. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Name of Traffic Zones Bhajanpura Brahampuri Ghonda Yamuna Vihar Subhash Mohalla Kardam Puri Janta Colony Babar pur Jiwanpur Gokalpur Saboli Harsh Vihar Shiv Vihar Karawal Nagar East Nehru Vihar Mustafabad khajoori Khas Tukhmir Pur Karawal Nagar West Sonia Vihar C.2 Employment 2007. Khyber lines APS Colony Nangal Dairy.25) Sahibabad Dault pur(Badli ) Sahibabad Dault pur( Prashant Vihar ) Sahibabad Dault pur(Budha Vihar ) Begumpur(Barwala ) Begumpur(Sultanpuri ) karala(Mohammad Pur Majri ) Mundaka(Madan Pur Dabas ) Mundaka( Tikri Kalan ) Nilothi (Arvind Enclave. Extention(Gazi Pur ) Preet Vihar (Madhu Vihar.P. Amberhai) Bijwasan(Mohammad Pur ) Bijwasan(Bharthal) Bijwasan(Dhul Siras) Kapashera(Nangal Dewat(CT) ) Kapashera(Kapas Hera(CT) ) Pusa(South Patel Nagar ) Bhogal (Maharani Bagh. 11) Matiala (Dwarka Sec.) I. 20.19.Annexure 2. 10. Maharani Encl. Suraj Mal Vihar) Anand Vihar(Yojna Vihar. 23.5. New Friends Colony) Malviya Nagar (IIT) Hauz Khas (Gulmohur Park. Manak Vihar) Vilshwash Nagar (Vilshwash Nagar Ext.) Nangli Sakravati (Tazpur Khurd) Kakraula(Dwaraka ) Matiala (Dwarka Sec. PII) Lado Sarai (Press Encl. South Ex. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Name of Traffic Zones Saraswati Vihar (Dipali) Saraswati Vihar (Mangolpuri Industrial Area P-II) Kunwar Singh Nagar (Shiv Vihar.C) Tughlakabad( Tughlakabad Extn ) Tughlakabad(Lal Kuan ) Okhla(Okhla Industrial Estate ) Madanpur Khadar( ) Sarita Vihar( Kalidi Kunj ) Khichripur(Kondli ) Anand Vihar(Kanjhawai. Gagan Vihar) Dilshad Garden (J & K Block) New Usmanpur (New Silampur) Sonia Vihar(Shubhpur ) India Gate (CGO Complex) Daryaganj_Rajghat Chanakya Puri (Diplomatic Enclave) Chanakya Puri (Malcha Mahal) Prithiviraj Road (11 Murti) Chandi Chowk (Red Fort) Kapashera(Dwarka Sector21) Anarkali (Krishna Nagar) Akshar Dham IT Park Shastri Park Total Employment 2007 3595 6735 11339 6911 2600 15486 5462 2180 3918 3268 1101 1970 2458 7523 7835 4407 9023 3681 8669 4059 6195 6268 4997 92840 7636 3071 11552 8710 8756 2791 4878 5320 7957 3816 4232 27045 28887 434 1207 6498 6964 8587 11772 2700 3332 5595376 Employment 2011 Employment 2021 3683 8043 11956 8337 4428 18545 5656 5000 15000 12000 16000 1975 2781 7725 8103 4572 9219 3836 8940 4123 6362 6473 5189 95000 7794 3127 11742 8908 9018 2926 4904 5479 8175 3857 4307 27592 29492 449 1275 6870 7108 12238 12083 2747 3414 6423578 3914 12531 13650 13323 16753 29103 6169 8212 33840 24989 36918 1986 3787 8254 8813 5010 9728 4252 9657 4288 6801 7013 5701 99394 8205 3271 12232 9425 9708 3292 4971 5898 8746 3961 4500 29007 31063 487 1462 7896 7481 29671 12897 2866 3627 9329599 .) Nizamuddin (ISBT Sarai Kale Khan) Mehrauli (Ladha Sarai.2 Employment 2007. Freedom Fighter Vihar) Vasant Kunj (Sec. Pochanpur) Matiala (Dwarka Sec. Nagar Dhir Pur Adarsh Nagar Sarai Pipal Thala Jahangir Puri-1 Samaypur Badli Libas Pur Bhalswa Jahangir Puri-II Rohini Sec 16.3 Enrollment 2007.Annexure 2. 17 Rithala Budh Vihar Vijay Vihar Puth kalan Sahibabad Dault pur Begumpur Bawana Karala Mundaka Nangloi Jat West Nilothi Pratap Vihar Nithari Kirari Suleman Nagar Prem Nagar Sultanpuri East Mangol Puri North Sultanpur Majra Sultanpuri South Guru Harkishan Nagar Peeragarhi Nangloi East Qummruddin Nagar Rohini South Mangolpuri East Mangolpuri Mangolpuri West Rohini North Rohini Central Rohini East Naharpur Pitampura South Pitampura North Shalimar Bagh North Shalimar Bagh South Paschim Vihar South Paschim Vihar North Rani Bagh Saraswati Vihar Tri Nagar Rampura Kohat Enclave Enrollment 2007 Enrollment 2011 Enrollment 2021 13945 5412 10451 23900 12180 12478 18520 12491 6831 10003 105620 14122 12153 4133 34430 2030 15931 9437 19024 6093 16851 9052 21962 12158 5500 8466 641 7233 18164 7653 5091 12384 9530 18871 12572 8590 13660 15827 7202 12294 12744 22369 9795 34074 4852 38325 12465 11601 16347 18861 13168 14308 58030 4170 19895 22903 31997 8349 8807 7094 10357 11070 3201 27118 8757 16812 37608 16571 15167 23598 13989 6831 10003 105619 14122 12153 4133 34429 2030 15931 12369 23124 6093 17190 9234 23442 12403 8224 11751 1496 14381 36618 18795 5403 14312 10115 26865 13608 8939 13936 16146 7348 12541 13262 23277 10603 58008 4950 39097 12716 11834 16676 19241 13433 14596 59199 4254 20296 23365 33296 8688 8985 7237 10566 11519 3266 63881 29463 55733 104977 34162 23866 43470 18614 6831 10003 105619 14122 12153 4133 34429 2030 15931 22933 30572 6093 17944 9639 27632 12947 18666 26854 3826 38521 91638 54681 5974 20612 10955 53795 15154 9471 14547 16854 7670 13091 13954 24493 12337 122743 5167 40811 13274 12353 17416 20085 14022 15236 61794 4441 21186 24389 35035 9142 9378 7554 11029 12121 3409 .T.B. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Name of Traffic Zones Narela Bankner Alipur Bakhtawar Pur Bhalswa Jahangir Pur Mukund Pur Burari Jharoda Malka Ganj Timar Pur Mukaherjee Nagar G. 3 Enrollment 2007. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Name of Traffic Zones Shakur Pur Nimri Colony Sawan Park Wazirpur Ashok Vihar Kamla Nagar Rana Pratap Bagh Sangam Park Model Town Shastri Nagar Inder Lok Colony Kishan Ganj Deputy Ganj Kashmere Gate Majnu ka Tila Jama Masjid Chandani Chowk Minto Road Kuncha Pandit Bazar Sita Ram Turkman Gate Idgah Road Ballimaran Ram Nagar Qasabpura Paharganj Model Basti Karol Bagh Dev Nagar Baljit Nagar West Patel Nagar East Patel Nagar New Ranjit Nagar Kirti Nagar Man Sarover Garden Moti Nagar Karampura Raja Garden Raghubir Nagar Punjabi Bagh Madipur Rajouri Garden Tagore Garden Vishnu Garden Khyala Janakpuri North Nangal Raya Hari Nagar Subhash Nagar Mahavir Nagar Tilak Nagar Major Bhaupinder Singh Nagar Vikaspuri East Janak Puri West Janak Puri South Milap Nagar Sitapuri Kunwar Singh Nagar Hastsal Vikas Puri Vikas Nagar Mohan Garden Nawada Enrollment 2007 Enrollment 2011 Enrollment 2021 13858 12822 19348 28261 26365 25830 22348 5006 37753 10467 15507 8953 7737 29058 9809 9578 21106 4473 7192 2212 3747 6561 11663 6278 18344 14180 9114 28469 8856 4079 12380 28567 17534 16677 5489 18758 11495 14327 12008 39713 1544 35352 3922 7576 7764 9278 5887 18266 9887 7045 26828 7331 5597 59717 8780 30529 3678 7277 12295 14989 45419 13466 5557 14137 13080 19738 28831 26897 25830 22348 5006 37753 10677 15507 8953 7737 29057 9809 9578 21106 4653 7192 2212 3747 6561 11663 6278 18344 14180 9114 28469 8856 4079 12380 28567 17534 17354 5711 19519 11962 14908 12496 41326 1607 36788 4081 7884 8079 9655 6126 19008 10289 7331 27918 7628 5824 62142 9137 31769 3982 10489 16822 16545 47263 16888 5898 14757 13654 20603 30094 28076 25830 22348 5006 37753 11146 15507 8953 7737 29057 9809 9578 21106 5141 7192 2212 3747 6561 11663 6278 18344 14180 9114 28469 8856 4079 12380 28567 17534 18260 6010 20539 12587 15687 13148 43483 1691 38709 4295 8295 8501 10159 6445 20001 10826 7713 29376 8027 6128 65387 9614 33951 4351 17235 37079 19435 49731 23076 6388 .Annexure 2. K. Sangam Vihar West Sangam Vihar Central Sangam Vihar East Chirag Delhi Enrollment 2007 Enrollment 2011 Enrollment 2021 3797 7721 5607 3686 5239 11388 20766 2204 15289 15458 12909 31703 5761 8214 2229 10250 4385 10011 26550 5967 20276 12211 17433 16600 12246 23052 19249 5848 29509 3293 8336 21962 12491 3812 9943 4018 17129 12298 18163 12323 28836 19087 30676 13538 4927 6420 10725 15803 8289 8132 23824 12220 9460 14509 17510 11249 18430 11895 14923 10652 11691 10879 15511 4030 8275 5834 4302 5561 11944 42308 3727 18414 18933 16670 33206 8355 14563 2319 10751 4563 15446 29858 6063 21521 12858 17433 16600 12246 23052 20025 6084 30700 3426 8672 22848 12491 3812 9943 4018 17129 12299 18163 12323 28836 19087 30676 13538 4927 11065 15929 23593 15777 15556 25485 13332 10554 14509 20983 11249 18430 11895 14923 11796 12408 12458 15511 4369 9098 6332 6349 6022 13090 254457 14009 29432 31386 31760 37321 21325 61692 2440 11782 4801 32284 40143 6230 23745 13909 17433 16600 12246 23052 22126 6722 33920 3785 9581 25245 12491 3812 9943 4018 17130 12299 18163 12323 28835 19087 30676 13538 4927 43638 43190 57432 38947 79819 28453 14046 13910 14509 28764 11249 18430 11896 14923 15255 13439 15138 15510 . Puram Nanak Pura Lado Sarai Mehrauli Vasant Kunj Kishangarh Sai-ul-Ajaib Chhatarpur Aya Nagar Bhati Sangam Vihar Deoli Tigri Dakshin Puri Ext.Annexure 2. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Name of Traffic Zones Uttam Nagar Bindapur Dabri Manglapuri Sagarpur Sagarpur West Chhawla Nangli Sakravati (Qutab Vihar) Kakraula Matiala Roshanpura Najafgarh Dichaon Kalan Khera Bijwasan Raj Nagar Kapashera Mahipalpur Palam Sadh Nagar Mahavir Enclave Madhu Vihar Rajinder Nagar Pusa Inderpuri Naraina Daryaganj Nizamuddin Lajpat Nagar Bhogal Kasturba Nagar Kotla Mubarak Pur Adnrewsganj Amar Colony Malviya Nagar Village Hauz Rani Safdarjang Enclave Hauz Khas Vasant Vihar Munirka R.3 Enrollment 2007. Khanpur Ambedkar Nagar Madangir Pushp Vihar Tughlakabad Extn. Annexure 2.P. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 Name of Traffic Zones Chitranjan Park Shahpur jat Greater Kailash I Sri Niwaspuri East of Kailash Govind Puri Kalkaji Tughlakabad Pul Pehlad Tehkhand Harkesh Nagar Jaitpur Meetheypur Badarpur Molarband Zakir Nagar Okhla Madanpur Khadar Sarita Vihar Mayur Vihar Phase-I Dallopura Trilok Puri New Ashok Nagar Kalyan Puri Khichripur Kondli Gharoli Vinod Nagar Mandaoli Mayur Vihar Phase-II Patparganj Kishan Kunj Laxmi Nagar Shakarpur Pandav Nagar Anand Vihar Vilshwash Nagar I. Extention Preet Vihar Krishna Nagar Geeta Colony Ghondli Anarkali Dharam Pura Gandhi Nagar Azad Nagar Raghubar Pura Shahdara Jhilmil Vivek Vihar Dilshad Colony Dilshad Garden New Seema Puri Nand Nagri Sunder Nagari Durga Puri Ashok Nagar Ram Nagar Welcome Colony Chauhan Bangar Zaffrabad New Usmanpur Mauj Pur Enrollment 2007 Enrollment 2011 Enrollment 2021 10302 12591 12670 14710 19174 9518 24698 14375 8230 11622 11479 14695 18113 25619 14138 17885 13251 5605 4962 9752 13715 10545 4459 10166 2646 21061 9296 7832 26285 11088 15488 4313 15100 7171 12471 5908 6358 4278 20423 7792 8255 8123 10510 7956 22275 13714 11664 41655 7292 18833 2017 6161 15398 20838 11637 14801 10846 13798 12853 7965 11970 6177 16025 10302 12591 12670 14710 19174 9518 24698 14375 8735 11622 11479 14695 18113 25619 14138 17885 13251 5605 4962 9752 13715 10545 4459 10166 2646 21061 9296 7832 26285 11088 15488 4313 15100 7171 12471 5908 6358 4278 20423 7792 8255 8123 10510 7956 22275 13714 11664 41655 7292 18833 2017 6161 15398 20838 11637 14801 10846 13798 12853 7965 11970 6177 16025 10302 12591 12670 14710 19174 9518 24698 14375 9460 11622 11479 14695 18113 25619 14138 17885 13251 5605 4962 9752 13715 10545 4459 10167 2646 21061 9296 7832 26285 11088 15488 4313 15100 7171 12471 5909 6358 4278 20423 7792 8255 8123 10510 7956 22275 13714 11664 41655 7292 18833 2017 6161 15398 20837 11637 14801 10846 13798 12853 7965 11970 6177 16025 .3 Enrollment 2007. 3 Enrollment 2007.Dhruv Enclave) Puth kalan (Rohini Sec23.P Barakamba Modern School Birla Mandir Chanakya Puri Rashtrapati Bawan Supreme Court India Gate Prithiviraj Road Jor Bagh Netaji Nagar Sarojini Nagar Kidwai Nagar East/AIIMS Kirbi Place Sadar Bazar Dhaula Kuan Enclave Baird Place.Annexure 2. 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 Name of Traffic Zones Bhajanpura Brahampuri Ghonda Yamuna Vihar Subhash Mohalla Kardam Puri Janta Colony Babar pur Jiwanpur Gokalpur Saboli Harsh Vihar Shiv Vihar Karawal Nagar East Nehru Vihar Mustafabad Khajoori Khas Tukhmir Pur Karawal Nagar West Sonia Vihar C. Khyber lines APS Colony Nangal Dairy. Domestic Airport DU South Campus Narela (Mamoor Pur) Narela (Hamidpur) Bankner (Sanoth) Alipur (Iradat Nagar) Alipur (Holambi Kalan) Alipur (Bankoli) Alipur (Khera Khurd) Alipur (Bijapur) Alipur (Khera Kalan) Bhalswa Jahangir Pur (Nangli Poona) Dhir Pur ( Azad Pur) Rohini Sec 11 Puth kalan (Rohini Sec21.25) Sahibabad Daulat pur (Badli) Sahibabad Daulat pur ( Prashant Vihar) Sahibabad Daulat pur (Budh Vihar) Begumpur (Barwala) Begumpur (Sultanpuri) Karala (Mohammad Pur Majri) Mundaka (Madan Pur Dabas) Mundaka (Tikri Kalan) Nilothi (Arvind Enclave.) Qummruddin Nagar (Chandan Vihar) Enrollment 2007 Enrollment 2011 Enrollment 2021 16840 12930 9866 35025 10093 8670 10261 11485 10054 11874 11030 7100 9507 11011 9704 13993 9004 11711 15449 8336 22588 3288 16952 6160 3692 3280 9846 2740 7860 9060 13312 8756 617 16858 15209 2363 9963 600 8509 1445 2945 6612 1722 9722 592 4053 579 2183 5149 3256 7123 2413 15058 5466 13184 3846 5541 4541 6364 1754 4653 7384 7223 16840 12930 9866 35025 10093 8670 10261 11485 10054 11874 11030 7100 9507 11011 9704 13993 9004 11711 15449 8336 23500 3421 17636 6409 3841 3412 10243 2851 8177 9426 13849 8756 642 17543 15826 2459 10367 625 8854 2226 4537 10699 2770 15638 952 6519 931 3511 7005 3256 7267 3415 21305 8672 18299 5338 10339 8049 12830 4127 11318 8806 11638 16840 12930 9866 35025 10093 8670 10261 11485 10054 11874 11030 7100 9507 11011 9704 13993 9004 11710 15449 8336 25964 3779 19486 7081 4244 3770 11317 3150 9035 10414 15302 8756 676 19378 16652 2716 11452 690 9316 6618 13490 35996 9183 51843 3157 21613 3085 11640 14441 3256 7516 8190 51101 17336 41818 12198 33060 27094 32108 12535 33251 12290 26020 . 24. Nangloi Ext. Annexure 2.3 Enrollment 2007, 2011 and 2021 Traffic Zones 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Name of Traffic Zones Saraswati Vihar (Deepali) Saraswati Vihar (Mangolpuri Industrial Area P-II) Kunwar Singh Nagar (Shiv Vihar, Maharani Encl.) Nangli Sakravati (Tazpur Khurd) Kakraula (Dwaraka ) Matiala (Dwarka Sec.5, 10, 11) Matiala (Dwarka Sec. 20, 23, Pochanpur) Matiala (Dwarka Sec.19, Amberhai) Bijwasan (Mohammad Pur) Bijwasan (Bharthal) Bijwasan (Dhul Siras) Kapashera (Nangal Dewat) Kapashera (Kapas Hera) Pusa (South Patel Nagar) Bhogal (Maharani Bagh, New Friends Colony) Malviya Nagar (IIT) Hauz Khas (Gulmohur Park, South Ex. PII) Lado Sarai (Press Encl.) Nizamuddin (ISBT Sarai Kale Khan) Mehrauli (Ladha Sarai, Freedom Fighter Vihar) Vasant Kunj (Sec.C) Tughlakabad (Tughlakabad Extn.) Tughlakabad(Lal Kuan) Okhla(Okhla Industrial Estate) Madanpur Khadar (Ali Vihar) Sarita Vihar (Kalidi Kunj) Khichripur (Kondli) Anand Vihar (Kanjhawai, Suraj Mal Vihar) Anand Vihar (Yojna Vihar, Manak Vihar) Vilshwash Nagar (Vilshwash Nagar Ext.) I.P. Extention (Gazi Pur) Preet Vihar (Madhu Vihar, Gagan Vihar) Dilshad Garden (J & K Block) New Usmanpur (New Silampur) Sonia Vihar (Shubhpur) India Gate (CGO Complex) Daryaganj (Rajghat) Chanakya Puri (Diplomatic Enclave) Chanakya Puri (Malcha Mahal) Prithiviraj Road (11 Murti) Chandi Chowk (Red Fort) Kapashera (Dwarka Sector21) Anarkali (Krishna Nagar) Akshar Dham IT Park Shastri Park Enrollment 2007 Enrollment 2011 Enrollment 2021 6015 445 11618 4904 1224 16001 4072 1929 2329 4629 543 928 4656 1200 6988 3481 5398 2507 6848 1638 6631 14049 8763 7351 9405 2655 10941 7553 7472 881 2878 4323 21061 1577 7436 20506 23449 828 432 2140 3678 6313 14410 318 564 4318055 6136 454 15228 8292 2222 21479 4980 2762 2452 4855 572 966 4846 1200 7270 3481 5399 2507 7125 1638 6631 14049 8763 7351 9405 2655 10941 7553 7472 881 2878 4323 21061 1577 7436 21334 23449 862 450 2226 3678 6648 14410 330 587 4683126 6405 474 27516 31168 5515 32490 8268 3917 2677 5321 624 1016 5099 1200 8033 3481 5399 2507 7872 1638 6631 14049 8763 7351 9405 2655 10941 7554 7472 881 2878 4323 21062 1577 7436 23572 23448 952 497 2460 3679 7257 14410 365 648 6165530 Total Annexure 3.1 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration 1. HBW-NV Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration - HBW-NV (Daily Person trips) 140,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 67.9 min Model: 67.9 min (0%) 120,000 100,000 Trips (Person) 80,000 HIS HBW-NV Model HBW-NV 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 2. HBW-Car Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration - HBW-CAR (Daily Person trips) 100,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 46.0 min Model: 46.0 min (0%) 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 Trips (Person) HIS HBW-CAR Model HBW-CAR 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 200+ 200+ Generalised Cost (min) Annexure 3.1 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration 3. HBW-2W Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration - HBW-2W (Daily Person trips) 160,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 50.6 min Model: 50.6 min (0%) 140,000 120,000 100,000 Trips (Person) 80,000 HIS HBW-2W Model HBW-2W 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 4. HBE-NV Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration - HBE-NV (Daily Person trips) 90,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 53.5 min Model: 53.5 min (0%) 80,000 70,000 60,000 Trips (Person) 50,000 HIS HBE-NV Model HBE-NV 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 200+ 200+ Generalised Cost (min) 000 Trips (Person) 60.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 49.Annexure 3.1 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration 5.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 45.9 min Model: 45.000 Trips (Person) 80.000 100. HBE-Car Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ 200+ .000 HIS HBE-2W Model HBE-2W 60.000 80.9 min (0%) 100.HBE-2W (Daily Person trips) 140.000 20.000 40.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 6.6 min Model: 49.6 min (0%) 120. HBE-2W Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .000 20.000 HIS HBE-CAR Model HBE-CAR 40.HBE-CAR (Daily Person trips) 120. 000 Trips (Person) 20.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ .000 HIS HBB-NV Model HBB-NV 15.000 80.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 30.Annexure 3. HBB-NV Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .1 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration 7. HBB-Car Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .HBB-NV (Daily Person trips) 35.7 min Model: 57.000 10.000 5.000 25.6 min (0%) 30.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 57.000 20.8 min Model: 30.9 min (0%) 100.000 HIS HBB-CAR Model HBB-CAR 40.HBB-CAR (Daily Person trips) 120.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 8.000 Trips (Person) 200+ 60. 000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 53.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 31.000 100. HBB-2W Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .HBB-2W (Daily Person trips) 160.000 25.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 10.3 min Model: 53.000 Trips (Person) 200+ 20.5 min (0%) 140.1 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration 9.000 120.000 20.000 30.000 Trips (Person) 80.5 min Model: 31. HBO-NV Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .000 HIS HBO-NV Model HBO-NV 15.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ .000 HIS HBB-2W Model HBB-2W 60.000 5.Annexure 3.3 min (0%) 35.000 40.HBO-NV (Daily Person trips) 40.000 10. 000 20.0 min (0%) 90.000 20.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 43.1 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Calibration 11.000 10. HBO-2W Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .000 Trips (Person) HIS HBO-2W Model HBO-2W 25.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 33.000 40.0 min Model: 33.000 30.000 5.000 30.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ 200+ .000 80.HBO-2W (Daily Person trips) 50.000 60.HBO-CAR (Daily Person trips) 100.000 70.000 40. HBO-Car Distribution Model Calibration Distribution model calibration .000 10.000 Trips (Person) HIS HBO-CAR Model HBO-CAR 50.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 12.4 min Model: 43.3 min (0%) 45.000 35.Annexure 3.000 15. 000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ 200+ .000 80.2 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation 1.000 20.000 30. HBW-NV Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation .000 60.000 40.000 70.0 min (0%) 90.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 2.9 min (0%) 120.000 20.Annexure 3.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 67.0 min Model: 46.000 10.000 100.000 40.000 HIS HBW-NV Model HBW-NV 60.000 Trips (Person) HIS HBW-CAR Model HBW-CAR 50. HBW-Car Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation .HBW-CAR (Daily Person trips) 100.HBW-NV (Daily Person trips) 140.000 Trips (Person) 80.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 46.9 min Model: 67. Annexure 3.6 min Model: 50.000 120.1 min (1%) 80.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 53.000 60.000 Trips (Person) 80.000 10.HBW-2W (Daily Person trips) 160.9 min (1%) 140. HBW-2W Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation .000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 50.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 200+ 200+ Generalised Cost (min) .000 Trips (Person) 50.2 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation 3.000 20. HBE-NV Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation .000 70.000 HIS HBW-2W Model HBW-2W 60.000 100.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 4.000 40.000 HIS HBE-NV Model HBE-NV 40.000 30.HBE-NV (Daily Person trips) 90.000 20.5 min Model: 54. Annexure 3.2 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation 5. HBE-Car Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation - HBE-CAR (Daily Person trips) 120,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 45.9 min Model: 48.2 min (5%) 100,000 80,000 Trips (Person) 60,000 HIS HBE-CAR Model HBE-CAR 40,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 6. HBE-2W Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation - HBE-2W (Daily Person trips) 140,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 49.6 min Model: 48.2 min (-3%) 120,000 100,000 Trips (Person) 80,000 HIS HBE-2W Model HBE-2W 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ 200+ Annexure 3.2 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation 7. HBB-NV Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation - HBB-NV (Daily Person trips) 35,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 57.7 min Model: 59.3 min (3%) 30,000 25,000 Trips (Person) 20,000 HIS HBB-NV Model HBB-NV 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 8. HBB-Car Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation - HBB-CAR (Daily Person trips) 120,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 30.8 min Model: 29.2 min (-5%) 100,000 80,000 Trips (Person) 200+ 60,000 HIS HBB-CAR Model HBB-CAR 40,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ Annexure 3.2 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation 9. HBB-2W Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation - HBB-2W (Daily Person trips) 160,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 31.5 min Model: 30.3 min (-4%) 140,000 120,000 100,000 Trips (Person) 80,000 HIS HBB-2W Model HBB-2W 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 10. HBO-NV Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation - HBO-NV (Daily Person trips) 40,000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 53.3 min Model: 54.2 min (2%) 35,000 30,000 25,000 Trips (Person) 200+ 20,000 HIS HBO-NV Model HBO-NV 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ HBO-CAR (Daily Person trips) 100.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 200+ 200+ .000 40.000 30.000 60.000 35.000 Trips (Person) HIS HBO-CAR Model HBO-CAR 50.2 Mode and Purpose wise Distribution Model Validation 11.Annexure 3.2 min (0%) 45.9 min (3%) 90. HBO-2W Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation .000 Trips (Person) HIS HBO-2W Model HBO-2W 25.4 min Model: 43. HBO-Car Distribution Model Validation Distribution model validation .000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 43.0 min Model: 33.000 80.000 10.000 40.000 10.000 20.000 5.000 30.000 70.000 Average Generalised Cost: HIS: 33.HBO-2W (Daily Person trips) 50.000 20.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Generalised Cost (min) 12.000 15. 1 Section Loads on Metro/ Light Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 AM PEAK Corridor From Dilshad Garden Jhilmil Mansarovar park Shahdara Welcome Seelampur Shastri Park Kashmiri Gate Metro Tis Hazari Pul Bangash Pratap Nagar Shashtri Nagar Inderlok Kanhaiya Nagar Keshav Puram Netaji Shabash Palace Kohat Enclave Pitampura Rohini East Rohini West Rithala Rohini Sec11 Rohini Sec24 Rohini Sec25 Prahlad Vihar Rajiv Nagar Narela Bhorgarh Alipur Kherakhurd Kherakalan Samaipur Badli Sanjay Gandhi Tpt Nagar Jahagirpuri Adarsh Nagar Azadpur Model Town GTB Nagar Vishva Vidyalaya Vidhan Sabha Civil Lines Kashmiri Gate Chandni Chowk Chawri Bazar New Delhi Rajiv Chowk Patel Chowk Central Secretariat To Jhilmil Mansarovar park Shahdara Welcome Seelampur Shastri Park Kashmiri Gate Metro Tis Hazari Pul Bangash Pratap Nagar Shashtri Nagar Inderlok Kanhaiya Nagar Keshav Puram Netaji Shabash Palace Kohat Enclave Pitampura Rohini East Rohini West Rithala Rohini Sec11 Rohini Sec24 Rohini Sec25 Prahlad Vihar Rajiv Nagar Barwala Bhorgarh Alipur Kherakhurd Kherakalan Samaipur Badli Sanjay Gandhi Tpt Nagar Jahagirpuri Adarsh Nagar Azadpur Model Town GTB Nagar Vishva Vidyalaya Vidhan Sabha Civil Lines Kashmiri Gate Chandni Chowk Chawri Bazar New Delhi Rajiv Chowk Patel Chowk Central Secretariat Udyog Bhawan Dir 1 9155 12200 14568 16458 18507 34580 38334 26749 25255 21254 19292 14224 11316 10568 10528 9624 8771 8057 7147 5217 4335 4309 4277 2873 859 69 18784 21356 21545 23314 24244 26171 28384 25745 25987 27768 27087 27258 27840 27832 28456 32505 36900 37387 36957 38515 34289 34139 30479 Dir 2 6547 8199 9817 10651 11710 17311 18782 18147 17812 17815 18015 16875 11676 12116 12202 11965 10524 10120 8742 7057 5765 5738 5701 3814 986 66 17195 18577 18600 19607 20059 21235 22222 20040 19907 20726 20147 20925 21656 23268 24265 31034 26486 29404 31605 32960 30272 30928 29372 Both Dir 15702 20399 24385 27109 30217 51891 57116 44895 43066 39069 37307 31099 22992 22684 22730 21590 19295 18177 15890 12274 10099 10047 9978 6688 1845 136 35979 39933 40144 42922 44303 47406 50607 45784 45894 48494 47234 48183 49496 51100 52721 63539 63386 66791 68562 71475 64561 65068 59851 PHPDT 38334 Dilshad Garden to Rithala to Barwala (To be extended upto Ghaziabad) 38515 Narela to Jhangirpuri to Arjangarh .Annexure 5. 1 Section Loads on Metro/ Light Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 AM PEAK Corridor From Udyog Bhawan Race Course Jor Bagh INA AIIMS Green Park Hauz Khas Malviya Nagar Saket Qutab Minar Chhatarpur Sultanpur Ghitorni New Ashok Nagar Mayur Vihar Ph-1 Ext Mayur Vihar Ph-1 Games Village Yamuna Bank Indraprastha Pragati Maidan Mandi House Barahkhamba Rajiv Chowk R K Ashram Jhandewalan Karol Bagh Rajendra Place Patel Nagar (East) Shadipur Kirti Nagar Moti Nagar Ramesh Nagar Rajouri Garden Tagore Garden Subhash Nagar Tilak Nagar Janak puri East Janak puri West Uttam Nagar East Uttam Nagar West Nawada Dwarka Mor Dwarka Dwarka Sec-14 Dwarka Sec-13 Dwarka Sec-12 Dwarka Sec-11 Dwarka Sec-10 Dwarka Sec 9 To Race Course Jor Bagh INA AIIMS Green Park Hauz Khas Malviya Nagar Saket Qutab Minar Chhatarpur Sultanpur Ghitorni Arjangrah Mayur Vihar Ph-1 Ext Mayur Vihar Ph-1 Games Village Yamuna Bank Indraprastha Pragati Maidan Mandi House Barahkhamba Rajiv Chowk R K Ashram Jhandewalan Karol Bagh Rajendra Place Patel Nagar (East) Shadipur Kirti Nagar Moti Nagar Ramesh Nagar Rajouri Garden Tagore Garden Subhash Nagar Tilak Nagar Janak puri East Janak puri West Uttam Nagar East Uttam Nagar West Nawada Dwarka Mor Dwarka Dwarka Sec-14 Dwarka Sec-13 Dwarka Sec-12 Dwarka Sec-11 Dwarka Sec-10 Dwarka Sec 9 Dwarka Sec 8 Dir 1 30411 29823 29013 28458 32620 32440 35096 33518 33022 31508 29001 25670 25670 18235 19413 23088 24859 40752 40497 38328 38358 29195 17374 16130 11336 11051 10560 10885 11370 11389 9975 9979 12559 13072 12272 11576 11160 10763 11279 11297 10198 8638 5045 5483 5438 4056 4056 3041 3041 Dir 2 29464 29744 30832 30110 32211 32170 34449 32715 31740 30735 28749 25240 25240 20935 21966 23986 23346 34149 33966 34629 35446 30258 25880 25226 23576 23869 25213 25256 24913 24912 20599 20621 22450 22484 21026 19594 18688 17878 15536 15358 14006 11904 6562 7055 7028 4692 4692 3259 3258 Both Dir 59875 59567 59845 58568 64831 64610 69545 66233 64762 62242 57751 50910 50910 39170 41378 47074 48205 74901 74463 72958 73804 59453 43254 41355 34912 34920 35772 36141 36284 36302 30574 30600 35010 35556 33299 31170 29848 28641 26815 26655 24204 20542 11607 12539 12466 8747 8747 6300 6299 PHPDT 40752 Anand Vihar ISBT/New Ashok Nagar to Dwarka Sector 21/Najafgarh (To be extended upto Ghaziabad / Noida) .Annexure 5. 1 Section Loads on Metro/ Light Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 AM PEAK Corridor From Dwarka Sec 8 Anand Vihar ISBT Karkarduma Preet Vihar Nirman Vihar Laxmi Nagar Dwarka Najafgarh Depot Vijay Park ISBT K Gate Red Fort Jama Masjid Daryaganj Delhi Gate ITO Mandi House Firoz Shah Crossing Centt Sectt Khan Mkt JLN Stadium Jangpura Lajpat Nagar Moolchand East of Kailash Nehru Place Kalkaji Mandir Govindpuri Okhala Jasola Sarita Vihar Mohan Estate Tuglakabad Kirti Nagar Sat Gururam Singh Marg Ashok Park Main Punjabi Bagh Shivaji Park Madipur Paschim Vihar (East) Paschim Vihar (West) Piragarhi Udyog Nagar Surajmal Stadium Nangloi Nangloi Railway Station Rajdhani Park Mundka Mundka Indl Area To Anand Vihar ISBT Karkarduma Preet Vihar Nirman Vihar Laxmi Nagar Dwarka Najafgarh Depot Vijay Park Najafgarh Red Fort Jama Masjid Daryaganj Delhi Gate ITO Mandi House Firoz Shah Crossing Centt Sectt Khan Mkt JLN Stadium Jangpura Lajpat Nagar Moolchand East of Kailash Nehru Place Kalkaji Mandir Govindpuri Okhala Jasola Sarita Vihar Mohan Estate Tuglakabad Badarpur Sat Gururam Singh Marg Ashok Park Main Punjabi Bagh Shivaji Park Madipur Paschim Vihar (East) Paschim Vihar (West) Piragarhi Udyog Nagar Surajmal Stadium Nangloi Nangloi Railway Station Rajdhani Park Mundaka Mundka Indl Area Jafarpur Dir 1 2827 9349 9840 12616 14529 17020 3652 4181 1819 7102 7982 8403 8804 9040 11991 12759 12914 17399 16686 15864 15870 21267 21298 20780 25293 25264 25273 23143 14849 14585 12197 8647 2360 2588 6167 6535 9536 9686 9744 9753 9877 14643 13403 13293 10220 8313 7655 6373 Dir 2 2993 7837 8265 9726 10813 12287 5378 5853 2778 5189 6376 6744 6776 7201 10585 11734 11917 17046 17861 18680 18503 22403 22074 21487 25002 24942 24969 22974 14339 14133 11927 8507 4603 4688 11157 11576 16486 16960 17376 17475 17804 22216 21237 20878 15748 13213 12663 10960 Both Dir 5821 17186 18105 22343 25342 29307 9030 10034 4597 12291 14358 15146 15580 16242 22576 24493 24831 34445 34547 34544 34373 43670 43373 42267 50295 50206 50242 46117 29188 28718 24124 17154 6963 7276 17324 18111 26022 26646 27120 27229 27681 36859 34640 34171 25967 21526 20318 17333 PHPDT 25293 ISBT Kashmere Gate to Central Sectt to Badarpur (To be Extended Upto Faridabad) 22216 Kirti Nagar/ Inderlok to Delhi Border (To be extended upto Bahadurgarh) .Annexure 5. Govind Singh College Netaji Subhash Place Shakurpur Colony Shakurpur Shivaji Park Punjabi Bagh West Rajouri Garden Sharda Puri Press Colony Mayapuri Indl.1 Section Loads on Metro/ Light Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 AM PEAK Corridor From Jafarpur Ghevra Village Tikri Kalan Inderlok Mukandpur Nirankari Marg Gopal Nagar Azadpur Azadpur R. Area Naraina Indl.S. Area Shankaracharya Chowk Dhaulakuan Enclave II Dhaulakuan Chankya Puri Moti Bagh R K Puram Nauroji Nagar AIIMS South Extension Andrewsganj Moolchand Amar Colony Lajpat Nagar Ashram Sarai Kale Khan Nizamuddin Noida Mod Mayur Vihar Ph II Vinod Nagar Gazipur Dairy Madhu Vihar Karkarduma Visvash Nagar Ex Azad Nagar East Seelampur Subhash Park Mauj Pur To Ghevra Village Tikri Kalan Delhi Bdr to Bahadurgrh Ashok Park Main Nirankari Marg Gopal Nagar Azadpur Azadpur R.Govind Singh College Netaji Subhash Place Shakurpur Colony Shakurpur Shivaji Park Punjabi Bagh West Rajouri Garden Sharda Puri Press Colony Mayapuri Indl. Wazirpur Indl.Annexure 5. Area Naraina Indl. Area G.S. Area Shankaracharya Chowk Dhaulakuan Enclave II Dhaulakuan Chankya Puri Moti Bagh R K Puram Nauroji Nagar AIIMS South Extension Andrewsganj Moolchand Amar Colony Lajpat Nagar Ashram Sarai Kale Khan Nizamuddin Noida Mod Mayur Vihar Ph II Vinod Nagar Gazipur Dairy Madhu Vihar Karkarduma Visvash Nagar Ex Azad Nagar East Seelampur Subhash Park Mauj Pur Gokalpuri Dir 1 6373 5465 4854 3465 2937 3947 4935 6354 6391 7032 7119 9430 9657 10181 12595 13330 10793 10222 10226 10298 10956 10918 10988 10904 10721 10885 11745 13187 14587 15181 14971 13848 13497 13734 16804 11975 11488 10539 9339 8362 8068 7842 8169 8307 8174 5425 4633 3033 Dir 2 10960 8990 7723 6273 3518 4354 4647 6908 7105 8406 8425 9674 9905 9962 11159 11445 9581 8934 8054 8003 7990 8005 7986 8075 8403 9172 10111 11247 14929 16206 16517 17545 17472 17797 23868 16830 18466 18628 15836 13567 12735 12585 13397 13441 12759 15401 12164 6889 Both Dir 17333 14455 12577 9738 6455 8301 9582 13262 13497 15438 15544 19105 19562 20143 23754 24775 20374 19156 18280 18301 18946 18923 18974 18980 19124 20056 21855 24434 29516 31387 31487 31393 30969 31531 40672 28805 29954 29166 25175 21928 20803 20427 21566 21749 20934 20825 16797 9922 PHPDT 23868 Mukundpur to Gokalpuri . Wazirpur Indl. Area G. S. Palam Manglapuri Mahavir Enclave I Dabri Mor Jeevan Park Uttam Nagar East Hastsal Nilothi Chandan Garden Nangloi Syed Meera bagh Paschim Vihar Piragarhi Udyog Vihar Jaipur Golden Deepali Madhuban Chowk Rohini Sec 14 Ext Rohini Sec 14 Prashant Vihar Badli Sanjay Gandhi Tpt Nagar Bhalsawa Mukandpur Dir 1 5517 5846 5846 5230 5391 7684 7720 6782 9794 9708 9818 9565 9544 6847 6624 6577 6851 6900 7113 6849 7044 6917 7483 7875 8477 9674 10900 11123 11862 13543 13998 12927 13018 12434 12621 12741 9587 9656 9276 9332 7835 7811 7738 7827 7786 4295 3574 Dir 2 7652 8066 8066 7267 3950 7010 7187 6791 10655 10658 11574 11498 11798 9930 9286 9368 9354 9187 9124 8689 8809 8318 9215 9361 9074 9618 10104 10149 10920 14748 15523 15190 15890 15389 15912 16984 15511 13021 11598 11269 8766 8497 8369 8192 8063 3522 1683 Both Dir 13169 13912 13912 12497 9341 14694 14907 13574 20449 20367 21392 21063 21342 16777 15910 15944 16205 16088 16238 15538 15853 15235 16697 17236 17552 19292 21004 21271 22782 28290 29521 28117 28908 27823 28534 29725 25098 22677 20874 20600 16601 16308 16107 16018 15849 7817 5256 16984 PHPDT 8066 Ashram to Mukundpur . Palam Manglapuri Mahavir Enclave I Dabri Mor Jeevan Park Uttam Nagar East Hastsal Nilothi Chandan Garden Nangloi Syed Meera bagh Paschim Vihar Piragarhi Udyog Vihar Jaipur Golden Deepali Madhuban Chowk Rohini Sec 14 Ext Rohini Sec 14 Prashant Vihar Badli Sanjay Gandhi Tpt Nagar Bhalsawa To Dwarka Sec26 Bharthal Bijwasan Delhi Gurgaon Border New Friends Colony Modimill Flyover Kalka Ji Mandir Nehru Place Greater Kailash Enclave Chiragh Delhi Soami Nagar Panchsheel Park IIT Flyover IIT Gate Jia Sarai Munirka Vasant Vihar Vasant Enclave Rao Tula Ram Chowk Mehram Nagar Domestic Airport Shekhawati Lines Palam R.S.1 Section Loads on Metro/ Light Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 AM PEAK Corridor Dwarka Sector 21 to Delhi Border (To be extended upto Gurgaon) From Dwarka Sec21 Dwarka Sec26 Bharthal Bijwasan Ashram New Friends Colony Modimill Flyover Kalka Ji Mandir Nehru Place Greater Kailash Enclave Chiragh Delhi Soami Nagar Panchsheel Park IIT Flyover IIT Gate Jia Sarai Munirka Vasant Vihar Vasant Enclave Rao Tula Ram Chowk Mehram Nagar Domestic Airport Shekhawati Lines Palam R.Annexure 5. Annexure 5. Baba Kharak Singh Marg Dhaulakuan Mahipalpur IGI Airport Kondli Kotla Patparganj Mother Dairy Ganesh Nagar Scope Tower Guru Angad Nagar Geeta Colony Taj Enclave Gandhi Nagar Shanti Vana West Red Fort Delhi Gate Pant Hospital New Delhi Rly Station Paharganj Jhandewalan Karol Bagh Anand Parbhat Shastri Nagar Gulabi Bagh Satyawati nagar Ashok Vihar Wazirpur Industrial Area Shalimar Bagh Reserve Bank Colony Haiderpur Prashant Vihar Rohini Sector 10 Rohini West Rohini Sector 6 Avantika Krishna Vihar Budh Vihar To Jasola Vihar Kalindi Kunj Baba Kharak Singh Marg Dhaulakuan Mahipalpur IGI Airport Dwarka Sec 21 Kotla Patparganj Mother Dairy Ganesh Nagar Scope Tower Guru Angad Nagar Geeta Colony Taj Enclave Gandhi Nagar Shanti Vana West Red Fort Delhi Gate Pant Hospital New Delhi Rly Station Paharganj Jhandewalan Karol Bagh Anand Parbhat Shastri Nagar Gulabi Bagh Satyawati nagar Ashok Vihar Wazirpur Industrial Area Shalimar Bagh Reserve Bank Colony Haiderpur Prashant Vihar Rohini Sector 10 Rohini West Rohini Sector 6 Avantika Krishna Vihar Budh Vihar Rohini Sector 21 Dir 1 7844 7335 1173 1312 1385 915 910 5368 7843 9271 10493 11469 18899 19887 21431 23659 27004 23312 21470 20587 20700 18676 15628 12794 9132 9240 8533 8412 7344 7099 6216 5847 5405 4920 3998 3710 4899 4701 4350 3985 3212 Dir 2 8211 7802 2133 2654 2690 1332 1253 4159 6389 8125 8979 9359 14840 15148 15537 15944 15640 14369 14090 14358 16744 17190 16703 17000 17787 17463 13608 13607 13177 13151 12899 12351 11207 10327 8304 7459 7527 7033 6507 5862 4408 Both Dir 16055 15137 3306 3966 4075 2247 2163 9527 14232 17396 19472 20828 33740 35036 36968 39603 42644 37681 35560 34945 37445 35866 32330 29794 26919 26703 22141 22019 20521 20250 19116 18198 16612 15247 12302 11169 12426 11733 10857 9847 7620 2690 PHPDT 8211 New Delhi RS to IGI Airport Dwarka Sector 21 27004 Kondli to Delhi Gate to Rohini Sector 21 .Stn.1 Section Loads on Metro/ Light Metro Corridors on Recommended Scenario 2021 AM PEAK Corridor Jasola to Kalindi Kunj (To be extended upto Noida) From Jasola Jasola Vihar New Delhi Rly.
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