Final RFQ-II .pdf

March 20, 2018 | Author: sgrbagdegmail | Category: Request For Proposal, Public–Private Partnership, Audit, Business, Business (General)



Request for Qualification (RFQ-II) for Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya through Public Private Partnership Dated: 08-08-2013Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl. No. Contents Page No. iii iv 1 1 2 4 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 Glossary Disclaimer 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process 1.3 Schedule of Bidding Process Instructions to Applicants A 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 B 2.7 2.8 2.9 C 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 D 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 E 2.20 General Scope of Application Eligibility of Applicants Number of Applications and costs thereof Site visit and verification of information Acknowledgement by Applicant Right to accept or reject any or all Applications/ Bids Documents Contents of the RFQ Clarifications Amendment of RFQ Preparation and Submission of Application Language Format and signing of Application Sealing and marking of Applications Application Due Date Late Applications Modifications/ substitution/withdrawal of Applications Evaluation Process Opening and Evaluation of Applications Confidentiality Tests of responsiveness Clarifications Qualification and Bidding Pre-qualification and notification 2 i MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 3 4 5 6 I 2.21 Submission of Bids 2.22 Proprietary data 2.23 Correspondence with the Applicant 2.24 Validity of Application Criteria for Evaluation 3.1 Evaluation of Applications 3.2 Evaluation of Bidders Fraud and Corrupt Practices Pre-Application Conference Miscellaneous Appendices Format for Letter Comprising the Application for PreQualification Annex – I Details of Applicant Annex – II Experience of the Applicant Annex – III Financial Capacity of the Applicant Annex – IV Details of Existing Schools Annex – V Details of Educational Institutions Annex – VI Preference for location of Schools Annex – VII Statement of Legal Capacity 19 19 19 20 21 21 22 24 26 27 28 31 33 34 36 39 41 42 43 45 47-58 59188 II III IV V Power of Attorney for signing of Application Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment Information Memorandum for 500 model schools through PPP List of 3162 Blocks identified for Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalayas MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 ii 1 As defined in Clause As defined in Clause 1.5 As defined in Clause As defined in Clause As defined in Clause 1.2.1 The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this document shall. have the meaning ascribed thereto herein.1(c) As defined in Clause 1.2.1. unless repugnant to the context. or Rs.1.2.8 As defined in Clause 1.5 As defined in Clause 2.2(c) Government of India As defined in Clause 1.1.1 Indian Rupee As defined in Clause 1.1.1 As defined in Clause 1.3 As defined in Clause Letter of Award As defined in Clause 2.1 As defined in Clause 1.1.1 As defined in Clause As defined in Clause 1.2013 .2.3 As defined in Clause 1.2.2 As defined in Clause 1.1 As defined in the Disclaimer As defined in Clause 1.2. or INR RFP or Request for Proposals RFQ School As defined in Clause 1.3 As defined in Clause 2. iii iv MHRD Education_rfq/08.2.1 As defined in Clause 1.2.4 As defined in Clause 1.08.2 As defined in the Disclaimer As defined in Clause 1.2.GLOSSARY Applicant Application Application Due Date Associate Authority Bids Bid Due Date Bid Security Bidders Bidding Documents Bidding Process Bid Stage Blocks Concessionaire Concession Agreement Conflict of Interest DBFO Educational Institution Government Highest Bidder Information Memorandum LOA Net Worth PPP Project Qualification Qualification Stage Re.2.3 (iii) Public Private Partnership As defined in Clause 1. its employees or advisors to consider the educational or investment objectives.2013 iv . principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss. including the accuracy.DISCLAIMER The information contained in this Request for Qualification document (the “RFQ”) or subsequently provided to Applicant(s). reliability and completeness of the assumptions. its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person. assessments. conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy. some of which may depend upon interpretation of law. iv MHRD Education_rfq/08. correctness. This RFQ includes statements. adequacy. The Authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein. adequacy. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. statements and information contained in this RFQ may not be complete. including any Applicant or Bidder. statements and information contained in this RFQ and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. assumption. cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFQ or otherwise. damages. rules or regulations or tort. Such assumptions. adequate or correct. Each Applicant should therefore. accurate. financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFQ. This RFQ is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the Authority to the prospective Applicants or any other person.08. Information provided in this RFQ to the Applicant(s) is on a wide range of matters. The purpose of this RFQ is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their application for qualification pursuant to this RFQ (the “Application”). under any law. by or on behalf of the Authority or any of its employees or advisors. and it is not possible for the Authority. completeness or reliability of the RFQ and any assessment. correctness. whether verbally or in documentary or any other form. assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Applicant may require. The assumptions. The Authority. is provided to Applicant(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFQ and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. assessments. which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the Authority in relation to the Project. statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFQ or arising in any way with pre-qualification of Applicants for participation in the Bidding Process. This RFQ may not be appropriate for all persons. statute. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Applicant and the Authority shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by an Applicant in preparation or submission of the Application. The issue of this RFQ does not imply that the Authority is bound to select and short-list pre-qualified Applications for Bid Stage or to appoint the selected Bidder or Concessionaire. delivery fees. update.08. amend or supplement the information. for the Project and the Authority reserves the right to reject all or any of the Applications or Bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever. copying. assessment or assumptions contained in this RFQ. The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Application including but not limited to preparation. postage.2013 v . The Authority may. iv MHRD Education_rfq/08. expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the Authority or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Application. regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process. in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to do so. as the case may be.The Authority also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements contained in this RFQ. Build.3 The selected Bidder. 1860 (or other applicable laws) or (iii) a notfor. 1.2 In the first stage.500 Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya through Public-Private Partnership (the “PPP”) on Design. As a part of this Project. (the “Concessionaire”) shall be responsible for designing. who would be an entity t h a t i s e i t h e r ( i ) a trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act. and as part of this endeavour. The information memorandum for 500 model Schools through PPP may be seen at Appendix. The School shall be located in villages/towns (preferably Block headquarters) which are situated in any of the 3. 1882 or the Bombay Public Trusts Act.profit company incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act. or ( i v ) an Associate t h a t i s .203 non.1 The Department of School Education & Literacy.1.2013 . especially for the under privileged population. operation and management of the respective 1 MHRD Education_rfq/08. In the pilot stage of this first phase. In the first phase of this scheme. operation and management of 2. and Operate (the "DBFO") basis. the Authority intends to award concessions for 41 Schools to be located in the Blocks already identified by it. The locations for these 459 Schools shall be chosen from the list of 3162 locations in Appendix-V.educationally backward blocks listed in Appendix-V (the “Blocks”). The Applicants are required to indicate their preferred locations to enable the Authority to identify 459 locations based on Applicants‟ responses. construction.08. the Authority proposes to undertake development. it is proposed to award concessions for 500 (five hundred) higher secondary Schools.1. a n e n t i t y s p e c i f i e d h e r e i n a b o v e . for award of Schools through a fair and transparent selection process in accordance with the procedure set out herein. who will be eligible for participation in the Bid Stage (the “Bidders”). but not more than one School shall be allocated for any Block. 1956.1 Background INTRODUCTION 1. {The list of non-EBBs will be subject to amendment/change based on the Census 2011 in the second phase (when made available)}. the Authority intends to pre-qualify suitable Applicants. Government of India (the “Authority”) is engaged in the provision of education. Ministry of Human Resource Development. 1950 (or other applicable laws) or (ii) a society registered under the Societies Registration Act. Finance.1.Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India 1. it is proposed to shortlist the private entities for the balance 459 (Four hundred and fifty nine) Schools in a phased manner (the “Project”). 1. 1. financing. it has been decided to carry out the process for selection of private entities to whom concessions for a School in each of the selected Blocks (the “School”) may be awarded.IV (the “Information Memorandum”). In this stage. Department of Secondary Education & Literacy. MHRD Education_rfq/08. altered. Only those Applicants that are pre-qualified by the Authority shall be invited to submit their Bids for the Project. establishment. At the end of this stage. The Authority shall receive Applications pursuant to this RFQ in accordance with the terms set forth herein as modified.2 1.4 The scope of work will broadly include procurement of land. 1.000 (Rupees ten thousand) as the cost of the RFQ process.2.5 1.2. 1.2.3 for submission of Applications (the “Application Due Date”). and all Applications shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with such terms on or before the date specified in Clause 1. amended and clarified from time to time by the Authority. 10. construction. The Concessionaire hereunder shall also include a trust.1. Applicants would be required to furnish all the information specified in this RFQ.1. the Bidders will be called upon to submit their offers (the "Bids") in accordance with the RFP and other documents to be provided by the Authority (collectively the "Bidding Documents").1.08. the Applicant shall pay to the Authority a sum of Rs.3. society or company referred to hereinabove which has been incorporated as such by a corporate entity that has been selected on the basis of its Net Worth. operation and management of a Higher Secondary School affiliated to the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) in accordance with the provisions of the Concession Agreement. 1. 10. The Bidding Documents for the Project will be provided to every Bidder on payment of 1. Brief description of Bidding Process The Authority has adopted a two-stage process (collectively referred to as the "Bidding Process") for selection of the bidder for award of the Schools. In exceptional circumstances.Schools under and in accordance with the provisions of a long term concession agreement (the “Concession Agreement”) to be entered into between the Concessionaire and the Authority in the form provided by the Authority as part of the Bidding Documents pursuant hereto.2013 2 . In the Bid Stage.2. The first stage (the "Qualification Stage") of the process involves qualification (the “Qualification”) of interested parties who make an Application in accordance with the provisions of this RFQ (the "Applicant"). the Authority expects to announce a list of suitable pre-qualified Applicants who shall be eligible for participation in the second stage of the Bidding Process to be conducted separately for each School (the "Bid Stage") comprising Request for Proposals (the “Request for Proposals” or “RFP”). New Delhi payable at New Delhi. Prior to/along with making an Application. the Authority may allow affiliation with other National Boards.000 may be paid by the applicant through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer. The sum of Rs. In the Qualification Stage. 4. Applicants must satisfy themselves that they are qualified to bid. and may be extended as may be mutually agreed between the Authority and the Bidder from time to time. the Highest Bidder shall be the selected Bidder. in such an event the Authority may. 1. 1. a bid security of Rs. and to carry out. along with its Bid. a Bidder will be required to deposit.7. Government of India has issued guidelines (see Appendix-III) for qualification of bidders seeking to acquire stakes in any public sector enterprise through the process of disinvestment. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. inclusive of a claim period of 60 (sixty) days. These guidelines shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Bidding Process.2.3 for submission of bids (the “Bid Due Date”). the validity period of the demand draft or bank guarantee. except in the case of the selected Bidder whose Bid Security shall be retained till it has provided a Performance Security under the Concession Agreement.2. Bidders are invited to examine the Project in greater detail.2013 3 . $ The format for the bank guarantee will be provided as part of the RFP document. In terms of the RFP. In this RFQ. 1. During the Bid Stage. Generally. As part of the Bidding Documents.2.6. as the case may be. and should give an undertaking to this effect in the form at Appendix-I.5. in accordance with the process specified in the RFP. The Authority shall be entitled to disqualify an Applicant in accordance with the aforesaid guidelines at any stage of the Bidding Process. 1. The Bid shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the Bid Security. such studies as may be required for submitting their respective Bids for award of the concession. in its discretion. 1. annul the Bidding Process for the School. at their cost. refundable no later than 60 (sixty) days from the Bid Due Date. The Bidders will have an option to provide Bid Security in the form of a demand draft or a bank guarantee acceptable to the Authority$ and in such event.000 (Rs. the term “Highest Bidder” shall mean the Bidder who secures the highest technical score for a School in the Bid Stage.Rs. However. 5 lakh (Rupees five lakh) (the "Bid Security"). including construction and operation of the School. 5. five thousand only) per School applied for.2. shall not be less than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the Bid Due Date.8.2. The Bid shall bevalid for a period of not less than 120 days from the date specified in Clause 1. the Authority will provide a draft of the Concession Agreement prepared by the Authority and other information pertaining/ relevant to the Project available with it. be awarded the concession in case the Highest Bidder for such School withdraws or is not selected for any reason. The remaining Bidders for the School shall be kept in reserve and may. 2013 January 07. 2013 Estimated Date December 05. 2013 November 20. 3. Any queries or request for additional information concerning this RFQ shall be submitted in writing or by fax and e-mail to the officer designated in Clause 2. Bids will be invited for each School and the Bidder with the highest technical score for the respective location will be the selected Bidder.3 Schedule of Bidding Process The Authority shall endeavour to adhere to the following schedule: Event Description Qualification Stage 1. 3.2. 8.12.08. 4.2. 2. 2013 September 12. and will be indicated in the draft Concession Agreement forming part of the Bidding Documents. 2013 October 15.2. 2013 December 30. 1. 2014 January 16. 1. 2014 February 11. 7.1. 4.10.2013 4 . The envelopes/ communications shall clearly bear the following identification/ title: "Queries/ Request f o r Additional Information: Adarsh Vidyalayas”. 2. Last date for receiving queries Pre-Application Conference Authority response to queries by Application Due Date Announcement of pre-qualified bidders Bid Stage 1. Sale of Bid Documents Last date for receiving queries Pre-Bid meeting – 1 Authority response to queries by Bid Due Date Opening of Bids Letter of Award (LOA) Validity of Bids Signing of Concession Agreement September 05. 9. 6. 2014 On Bid Due Date Within 45days of Bid Due Date 120 days of Bid Due Date Within 30 days o f a w a r d of LOA RFQ-II for Rashtriya Date MHRD Education_rfq/08. 5. The concession period shall be pre-determined.11. 2013 September 19. 1.9. The details of the process to be followed at the Bid Stage and the terms thereof will be spelt out in the Bidding Documents.3 below. 5. or any Associate thereof or has provided any such subsidy. An Applicant shall be deemed to have a Conflict of Interest affecting the Bidding Process. An Applicant shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects the Bidding Process.2 Eligibility of Applicants 2. concessional loan or subordinated debt from any other Applicant. 2.1 For determining the eligibility of Applicants for their pre-qualification hereunder.2013 5 .08.2 (d) hereof. each of the following shall apply: (a) (b) The Applicant for pre-qualification shall be a single entity. incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act. 1882 or the Bombay Public Trusts Act. 2.1 GENERAL Scope of Application INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS 2. such Applicant.2.2 Pre-qualified Applicants may be subsequently invited to submit the Bids for setting up the Schools forming part of the Project. provided they undertake to set up the School through an eligible trust. or any Associate thereof has participated as a consultant to the Authority in the preparation of any documents. design or technical specifications of the Project.2. concessional loan or subordinated debt to any other Applicant. or such Applicant has the same legal representative for purposes of this Application as any other Applicant. MHRD Education_rfq/08. or (ii) a society registered under the Societies Registration Act.2.1 The Authority wishes to receive Applications for Qualification in order to pre-qualify eligible Applicants for the Bid Stage. 2.1. 1950 (or other applicable laws). The Applicant should either be a (i) trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act. Any Applicant found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. or (c) (iii) (iv) such Applicant. if: (i) (ii) Any applicant is an Associate of any other Applicant. Applicants are also eligible to apply on the basis of their Net Worth under Clause 2. or any Associate thereof.1. 1956. 1860 (or other applicable laws) or (iii) a not-forprofit company. grant. A. society or not-for-profit company which shall be an Associate of such Applicant. or any Associate thereof receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy. grant. (e) 2. Boards of Secondary Education. The Applicant shall furnish the details of eligibility for the last 2 (two) financial years immediately preceding the Application Due Date. affiliated with any Board of Secondary Education or Intermediate Education. (ii) Provided that a selected Bidder who is eligible for award of Schools pursuant to this sub-clause (c) shall undertake to make an interest-bearing MHRD Education_rfq/08. State Government. or other duly empowered authorities. this disqualification shall not apply where such adviser was engaged by the Applicant or it‟s Associate in the past but its assignment expired or was terminated 6 (six) months prior to the date of issue of this RFQ.2013 6 . ICAR.(d) An Applicant shall be liable for disqualification if any legal. shall be eligible for award of one School against each such existing school. financial or technical adviser of the Authority in relation to the Project is engaged by the Applicant. (c) An Applicant would qualify for award of 3 (three) Schools as against each such existing educational institution provided it has: (i) experience of at least 5 (five) years in running a secondary school. or any Associate thereof.2. or experience of at least 5 (five) years in running a post secondary educational institution (for imparting education in academic. MCI. in any manner for matters related to or incidental to the Project. as the case may be. For the avoidance of doubt. Nor will this disqualification apply where such adviser is engaged after a period of 3 (three) years from the date of award of the School. UGC. the Central Government.2 An Applicant shall be eligible for pre-qualification in the following categories: (a) An Applicant having experience of running a CBSE-affiliated school(s) where at least 2 (two) batches have passed out from Class X would be eligible for award of 3 (three) Schools against each such existing school. AICTE.08. (b) an Applicant who is running a CBSE-affiliated school(s) from where 2 (two) batches of Class X have not yet passed out. technical or vocational courses) recognized/approved by a competent authority such as. Total Corpus. as applicable. complete with its Annexes.2. Capital Grant. it shall make an interest-bearing deposit of Rs.2. and also specifying that the methodology adopted for calculating such Net Worth conforms to the provisions of this Clause 2. miscellaneous expenditure not written off and reserves not available for distribution to equity share holders and in the case of Trusts/Societies shall mean the sum of total contribution held by Trust/Society.3 (iii) in respect of the eligibility specified in paragraph 2. 1860 (or other applicable laws). Reserves & Surplus from which shall be deducted the sum of revaluation reserves. Trust Deed. which would be released in three equal annual instalments after the School is commissioned. 1882 or the Bombay Public Trusts Act.2 above. (ii) (iii) Certificate(s) from its auditors specifying the Net Worth of the Applicant.1956) .1(b) above would be eligible for allocation of one School for every Rs. For the purposes of this RFQ. 25 lakh for each School awarded. Indian Trusts Act. MHRD Education_rfq/08. 25 lakh for each additional School awarded to it. trust or society having a Net-Worth of Rs. to be submitted in the format at Appendix-I. along with copies of the documents of incorporation. 50 lakh for each School awarded to it. provided it shall undertake to make an interest-bearing deposit of Rs. 2. Share Capital. 1950 (or other applicable laws).2(d). 1956. Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association. including the following: (i) Copy of the certificate of registration and other requisite documents under the Indian Companies Act.2. indicating the validity of the affiliation specified in paragraph 2.2013 7 . Certificate(s) from the affiliating educational board. 25 crore or more during each of the preceding 2 (two) financial years and intending to set up a PPP School(s) through a not-for-profit entity specified in Clause 2. (d) any company (including a company incorporated under section 25 of the Companies Act . as applicable.2. the Societies Registration Act. In case more than 3 (three)Schools are allocated to a single entity under this Clause 2.2. miscellaneous expenditure not written off and accumulated losses.deposit of Rs.2.08.3 The Applicant shall enclose with its Application. Net Worth (the “Net Worth”) in the case of Companies shall mean the sum of subscribed and paid up equity and/or reserves from which shall be deducted the sum of revaluation reserves. which would be released in three equal annual instalments after the School is commissioned in accordance with the Concession Agreement.2 (d) above. 25 crore of its Net-Worth during the year immediately preceding the Application Due Date. as at the close of 2 (two) preceding financial years. 2.2. 2. as the case may be. its auditors shall certify the same and the Applicant shall provide the audited annual reports for 2 (two) years preceding the year for which the audited annual report is not being provided.2. 2.7 An Applicant including its Associate should. of the Blocks where it is willing to set up the School(s) if it is selected in the Bidding Process. MHRD Education_rfq/08. provide details of Net worth in the Annex-III of Appendix-I. which is running a school that has been disaffiliated by the Board of Education to which it was affiliated. would not be eligible to submit an Application.08.2 of this RFQ. format at 2. would not be eligible to submit an Application. authorising the signatory of the Application to commit the Applicant.6 Any entity which has been barred by the Central/ State Government.4 The Applicant should submit a Power of Attorney as per the format at Appendix-II.2013 8 . nor has been expelled from any project or contract by any public entity nor have had any contract terminated by any public entity for breach by such Applicant or Associate. as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against the Applicant or Associate. its preference. have neither failed to perform on any contract. and in case the annual accounts for the latest financial year are not audited. An Applicant may apply for up to 20 (twenty) Schools for every 1 (one) School that it is eligible to set up under Clause 2. statements in respect of the experience of the Applicant as per formats at Annex-II.2. in the format at Annex-VI of Appendix-I. and the disaffiliation subsists as on the date of Application. including its Associate. and the bar subsists as on the date of Application.2.5 An Applicant.2.2. Annex-IV and Annex-V of Appendix I.2 (c) (ii). 2. The Applicant shall specify the Blocks in the order of their preference. certificate(s) from the relevant District Education Officer or equivalent officer of the Education Department or certificate by an auditor and relevant evidence from the affiliating Board or other relevant entity. (v) (vi) (vii) audited annual reports of the Applicant for the last 2 (two) financial years preceding the year in which the Application is made. or any entity controlled by it.2 (c) (i) or 2. in the last 3 (three) years.(iv) in case of an Applicant eligible under the provisions of Clause 2. from participating in any project (BOT or otherwise). and (viii) where applicable. a person who controls. the ownership. mean the accounting year followed by the Applicant in the course of its normal business or activity.2013 9 . for the purposes of an Application hereunder. As used in this definition. is controlled by.2. Alternatively. Associate means. it shall ignore such financial year for the purposes of its Application and furnish all its information and certification with reference to 2 (two) years preceding its latest financial year. (b) (c) 2. financial year shall. unless specifically requested.2. Invitation to submit Bids will be issued only to Applicants whose identity and/ or constitution is identical to that at pre-qualification. the power to direct the management and policies of such person by its constituent documents or by operation of law or the power to nominate a majority of the trustees and/or members of the governing council or has contributed more than 50% (fifty per cent) of the total resources of the trust or society during the past 3 (three) years. Applicants may format the prescribed forms making due provision for incorporation of the requested information. MHRD Education_rfq/08. or is under the common control with such Applicant (the “Associate”). directly or indirectly.2.08. of more than 50% (fifty per cent) of the voting shares of such company and (ii) with respect to a person which is not a company.2.8 In computing the eligibility of the Applicant under Clause 2.2. Applicants should demonstrate their capabilities in accordance with Clause 2. in relation to the Applicant. with respect to a person (i) which is a company. For purposes of this RFQ.2. For the avoidance of doubt.2. eligibility of their respective Associates would also be reckoned hereunder. information supplied by an Applicant must apply to the Applicant or Associate named in the Application and not.9 The following conditions shall be adhered to while submitting an Application: (a) Applicants should attach clearly marked and referenced continuation sheets in the event that the space provided in the prescribed forms in the Annexes is insufficient.2. and in responding to the pre-qualification submissions.10 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein. in the event that the Application Due Date falls within 3 (three) months of the closing of the latest financial year of an Applicant. to other associated companies or firms or persons. the expression “control” means. 2. received all relevant information requested from the Authority. accepted the risk of inadequacy. Upon Qualification of the Applicant.4 above. applicable laws and regulations. location.5. water and other utilities for construction. mistake or error in respect of any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to the RFQ or the Bidding Process. 2.3 Number of Applications and costs thereof 2.2013 10 .3. availability of power. weather data. surroundings. availability of students.2 No entity would be awarded more than 20 Schools in a State and 50 Schools in the country under the Scheme of Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya.3 The Applicants shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation of their Applications and their participation in the Bid Process. 2. 2.2 and apply hereunder for upto 20 (twenty) times such maximum number. including any error or mistake therein or in any information or data given by the Authority. means of transport for children and any other matter considered relevant by them.08. and agreed to be bound by the undertakings provided by it under and in terms hereof.3.4 Site visit and verification of information Applicants are encouraged to submit their respective Applications after ascertaining for themselves the site conditions. MHRD Education_rfq/08. climate. handling and storage of materials.2.1 The Applicant may make a single Application for the Qualification Stage in response to this RFQ. (d) 2. The Authority will not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs.1 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Application.2 The Authority shall not be liable for any omission. it may be asked to submit its Bid in response to the RFP issued by the Authority for the respective Schools for which it has indicated its preference in its Application. other schools in adjacent areas. regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process. the Applicant has: (a) (b) (c) made a complete and careful examination of the RFQ. educational levels. error or mistake in the information provided in the RFQ or furnished by or on behalf of the Authority relating to any of the matters referred to in Clause 2.3.5 Acknowledgement by Applicant 2. It may determine its eligibility for award of the maximum number of Schools in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2. access to site.2. 2.5. In the event that the Authority rejects or annuls all the Bids.08. as the case may be. including annulment of the Bidding Process. MHRD Education_rfq/08.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the Concession Agreement. the same shall. the Applicant shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the Concessionaire either by issuance of the LOA or entering into of the Concession Agreement. or take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the Authority.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Application and/ or Bid if: (a) (b) at any time. the Bidding Documents. without the Authority being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant and without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Authority may have under this RFQ. 2. and if the Applicant has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the Concession Agreement. by a communication in writing by the Authority to the Applicant. rejection or annulment. be liable to be terminated.2. or after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof. then the Authority reserves the right to: (i) (ii) invite the Bidder with the next highest score.2013 11 . the Concession Agreement or under applicable law.6. notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or in this RFQ. If such disqualification/ rejection occurs after the Bids have been opened and the Highest Bidder gets disqualified/ rejected.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFQ. a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered.6. at any time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance. within the time specified by the Authority. in its discretion. or the Applicant does not provide. the supplemental information sought by the Authority for evaluation of the Application or Bid. that one or more of the pre-qualification conditions contained in this RFQ have not been met by the Applicant. the Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Application or Bid and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Applications or Bids. or the Applicant has made material misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or false information. 2.6.6 Right to accept or reject any or all Applications/ Bids 2. invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids hereunder. and without assigning any reasons therefor. it may. Section 4.9.2. and will additionally include any Addenda issued in accordance with Clause Section 5. List of Vidyalayas 2. The responses will be sent MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2. The Authority shall endeavour to respond to the queries within the period specified therein. Section 6. They should send in their queries before the date specified in the schedule of Bidding Process contained in Clause 1. Letter comprising the Application Power of Attorney for signing of Application Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment Information Memorandum for 500 model schools through PPP 3162 Blocks identified for Rashtriya Adarsh Introduction Instructions to Applicants Criteria for Evaluation Fraud & Corrupt Practices Pre Application Conference Miscellaneous V. B.2013 12 . IV.1 Applicants requiring any clarification on the RFQ may notify the Authority in writing or by fax and e-mail in accordance with Clause 1. Invitation for Qualification Section 1.8 Clarifications 2. II. Section 3.3. Appendices I.2.7 DOCUMENTS Contents of the RFQ This RFQ comprises the disclaimer set forth hereinabove.4 The Authority reserves the right to verify all statements. III. but no later than 10 (ten) days prior to the Application Due Date. the contents as listed below. information and documents submitted by the Applicant in response to the RFQ. Any such verification or lack of such verification by the Authority shall not relieve the Applicant of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Authority thereunder.11. Section 2. whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an Applicant. 2.10 Language The Application and all related correspondence and documents in relation to the Bidding Process shall be in English language.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Application.9. duly authenticated and certified by the Applicant.2 Any Addendum thus issued will be sent in writing to all those who have purchased the RFQ.9. the Authority may.8. 2. extend the Application Due Date. and nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring the Authority to respond to any question or to provide any clarification. issue interpretations and clarifications to all Applicants. 2. if deemed necessary.9 Amendment of RFQ fax and/or e-mail.9. However. MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2. to all purchasers of the RFQ without identifying the source of queries.3 In order to afford the Applicants a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into account. Verbal clarifications and information given by Authority or its employees or representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on the Authority. All clarifications and interpretations issued by the Authority shall be deemed to be part of the RFQ. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Application.3 The Authority may also on its own motion. which are not translated into English. or for any other reason. in its sole discretion.2 The Authority shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought by the Applicants. C. modify the RFQ by the issuance of Addenda. in its sole discretion. The Authority will forward all the queries and its responses thereto. may not be considered. the Authority reserves the right not to respond to any question or provide any clarification. the Authority may. PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION 2.8.08. the English language translation shall prevail.2013 13 . Supporting materials. 2. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Applicant with the Application may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by translations of all the pertinent passages in the English language. for any reason. Incomplete and /or conditional Applications shall be liable to rejection.3 The Application and its copy shall be typed or written in indelible ink and signed by the authorised signatory of the Applicant who shall also initial each page in blue ink. 1956.2. the original shall prevail. omissions.12 Sealing and Marking of Applications 2. Power of Attorney for signing the Application as per the format at Appendix-II.08.12. All the alterations. in separate envelopes duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY”.2. The Applicant shall also provide 2 (two) soft copies on Compact Disc (CD). marked “COPY”.12.11. In addition. The Application shall contain page numbers and shall be bound together in hard cover. 2.11.2 The Applicant shall prepare 1 (one) original set of the Application (together with originals/ copies of documents required to be submitted along therewith pursuant to this RFQ) and clearly marked “ORIGINAL”.1 The Applicant shall provide all the information sought under this RFQ. along with documents required to be submitted along therewith pursuant to this RFQ. The Applicant shall seal the original and the copy of the Application.2. copy of the certificate of registration and other requisite documents under the Companies Act. together with their respective enclosures.1 The Applicant shall submit the Application in the format specified at Appendix-I. the Societies Registration Act.12.2 Each envelope shall contain: (i) (ii) (iii) Application in the prescribed format (Appendix-I) along with Annexes and supporting documents.11 Format and signing of Application 2. In case of printed and published documents. additions or any other amendments made to the Application shall be initialled by the person(s) signing the Application. only the cover shall be initialled. and seal it in an envelope and mark the envelope as “APPLICATION”. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copy. 2. the Applicant shall submit 1 (one) copy of the Application. together with the documents specified in Clause 2. 2.2013 14 . The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope which shall also be marked in accordance with Clauses 2. 2. MHRD Education_rfq/08.12. The Authority will evaluate only those Applications that are received in the required formats and complete in all respects.11. 1860, Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 (or other applicable laws), as applicable; along with copies of the documents of incorporation, Trust Deed, Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association, as applicable; and (iv) copies of Applicant‟s duly audited balance sheet and profit and loss account for the preceding 2 (two) years and in case the annual accounts for the latest financial year are not audited, its auditors shall certify the same and the Applicant shall provide the audited annual reports for 2 (two) years preceding the year for which the audited annual report is not being provided. Each of the envelopes shall clearly bear the following identification: “Application for Selection: Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalayas” and shall clearly indicate the name and address of the Applicant. In addition, the Application Due Date should be indicated on the right hand corner of each of the envelopes. 2.12.3 Each of the envelopes shall be addressed to: Smt. Nita Gupta, Deputy Secretary (MS), Department of School Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Room No.524 C, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Tel: 011 - 23073780 Fax: 011- 23073780 Email:[email protected] 2.12.4 If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, the Authority assumes no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the contents of the Application and consequent losses, if any, suffered by the Applicant. 2.12.5 Applications submitted by fax, telex, telegram or e-mail shall not be entertained and shall be rejected. 2.13 Application Due Date 2.13.1 Applications should be submitted before 1100 hours IST on the Application Due Date, at the address provided in Clause 2.12.3 in the manner and form as detailed in this RFQ. A receipt thereof should be obtained from the person specified in Clause 2.12.3 or his authorized nominee. 2.13.2 The Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend the Application Due Date by issuing an Addendum in accordance with Clause 2.9 uniformly for all Applicants. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 15 2.14 Late Applications Applications received by the Authority after the specified time on the Application Due Date shall not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected. 2.15 Modifications/ substitution/ withdrawal of Applications 2.15.1 The Applicant may modify, substitute or withdraw its Application after submission, provided that written notice of the modification, substitution or withdrawal is received by the Authority prior to the Application Due Date. No Application shall be modified, substituted or withdrawn by the Applicant on or after the Application Due Date. 2.15.2 The modification, substitution or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered in accordance with Clause 2.12, with the envelopes being additionally marked “MODIFICATION”, “SUBSTITUTION” or “WITHDRAWAL”, as appropriate. 2.15.3 Any alteration/ modification in the Application or additional information supplied subsequent to the Application Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought for by the Authority, shall be disregarded. D. EVALUATION PROCESS 2.16 Opening and Evaluation of Applications 2.16.1 The Authority shall open the Applications at 1130 hours IST on the Application Due Date, at the place specified in Clause 2.12.3 and in the presence of the Applicants who choose to attend. 2.16.2 Applications for which a notice of withdrawal has been submitted in accordance with Clause 2.15 shall not be opened. 2.16.3 The Authority will subsequently examine and evaluate Applications in accordance with the provisions set out in this Section 2 and in Section 3. 2.16.4 Applicants are advised that pre-qualification of Applicants will be entirely at the discretion of the Authority. Applicants will be deemed to have understood and agreed that no explanation or justification on any aspect of the Bidding Process or selection will be given. 2.16.5 Any information contained in the Application shall not in any way be construed as binding on the Authority, its agents, successors or assigns, but shall be binding against the Applicant if the Project is subsequently awarded to it on the basis of such information. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 16 2.16.6 The Authority reserves the right not to proceed with the Bidding Process at any time without notice or liability and to reject any or all Application(s) without assigning any reasons. 2.16.7 If any information furnished by the Applicant is found to be incomplete, or contained in formats other than those specified herein, the Authority may, in its sole discretion, exclude the relevant information of the Applicant from consideration. 2.16.8 In the event that an Applicant‟s claim is determined by the Authority as incorrect or erroneous, the Authority shall reject such claim and exclude the same from consideration. Where any information is found to be patently false or amounting to a material misrepresentation, the Authority reserves the right to reject the Application and/ or Bid in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 2.6.2 and 2.6.3. 2.17 Confidentiality Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the pre-qualified Applicants shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the process or is not a retained professional advisor advising the Authority in relation to, or matters arising out of, or concerning the Bidding Process. The Authority will treat all information, submitted as part of Application, in confidence and will require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. The Authority may not divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the statutory entity and/ or the Authority or as may be required by law or in connection with any legal process. 2.18 Tests of responsiveness 2.18.1 Prior to evaluation of Applications, the Authority shall determine whether each Application is responsive to the requirements of the RFQ. An Application shall be considered responsive only if: (a) (b) (c) (d) it is received as per format at Appendix-I. it is received by the Application Due Date including any extension thereof pursuant to Clause 2.13.2; it is signed, sealed, bound together and marked as stipulated in Clauses 2.11 and 2.12; it is accompanied by the Power of Attorney as specified in Clause 2.2.4; MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 17 (h) (i) (j) 2.1 above within the prescribed time.2 If an Applicant does not provide clarifications sought under Clause 2.19. at its sole discretion. it contains an attested copy of the receipt for payment of Rs. affiliating bodies.(e) (f) (g) it contains all the information and documents (complete in all respects) as requested in this RFQ. 2. but not below the rank of a District Education Officer in the case of aided schools or certificate by an auditor and relevant evidence from the affiliating Board in case of a non -aided school. modification. its Application shall be liable to be rejected.18. In case the Application is not rejected.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Application which is nonresponsive and no request for alteration.1 (g).08.2013 18 . Any request for clarification(s) and all clarification(s) in response thereto shall be in writing.19 Clarifications 2.19.18. and the Applicant shall be barred from subsequently questioning such interpretation of the Authority. MHRD Education_rfq/08.000 (Rupees ten thousand only) to Authority towards the cost of the RFQ document. the Authority may. 10. substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by the Authority in respect of such Application. it contains certificates from the Auditors¥. it does not contain any condition or qualification. ¥ In case duly certified audited annual financial statements containing the requisite details are provided.1 To facilitate evaluation of Applications. and it is not non-responsive in terms hereof. 2. seek clarifications from any Applicant regarding its Application. a separate certification by auditors would not be necessary in respect of Clause 2. it contains information in formats same as those specified in this RFQ. the Authority may proceed to evaluate the Application by construing the particulars requiring clarification to the best of its understanding. $ This certificate may be given by any officer of the Education Department of the Central Government or the relevant State Government. Such clarification(s) shall be provided within the time specified by the Authority for this purpose.19. and District Education Officer$ as specified in the formats at Appendix-I of the RFQ. 1 After the evaluation of Applications. 2.E.2013 19 . At the same time. The Authority will not return any Application or any information provided along therewith.23 Correspondence with the Applicant Save and except as provided in this RFQ. No extension of time is likely to be considered for submission of Bids pursuant to invitation that may be issued by the Authority.20.20 Pre-qualification and notification 2. 41 Schools are being awarded in the Pilot stage and the balance 459 Schools will be awarded under this stage in a phased manner and the initial round of bidding will comprise the Bidding Process for award of 150 (One hundred and fifty) Schools. 2.22 Proprietary data All documents and other information supplied by the Authority or submitted by an Applicant to the Authority shall remain or become the property of the Authority. the Authority shall not entertain any correspondence with any Applicant in relation to the acceptance or rejection of any Application.2 In Phase-I of this Scheme for award of 500 (five hundred) Schools. QUALIFICATION AND BIDDING 2. Only pre-qualified Applicants shall be invited by the Authority to submit their Bids for the Project. The Authority is likely to provide a comparatively short time span for submission of the Bids for the Project. 2.The Authority will not entertain any query or clarification from Applicants who fail to qualify. The Bidders who have applied for any of the 150 (One hundred and fifty) Schools selected by the Authority shall be invited to submit their Bids in the Bid Stage only for the Schools in the Blocks for which they have indicated their preference in their Application. The Applicants are therefore advised to familiarise themselves with the Project by the time of submission of the Application. the Authority would announce a list of pre-qualified Applicants (Bidders) who will be eligible for participation in the Bid Stage.08. Applicants are to treat all information as strictly confidential and shall not use it for any purpose other than for preparation and submission of their Application.20. MHRD Education_rfq/08.21 Submission of Bids The Bidders will be requested to submit a Bid in the form and manner to be set out in the Bidding Documents. 2. the Authority would notify the other Applicants that they have not been short-listed by email and by speed post. MHRD Education_rfq/08. update their Applications or provide additional information as necessary. it will be awarded those 10 (Ten) Schools where the gap between its own technical score and the score of the next Highest Bidder is higher. The remaining Schools shall be awarded to the Bidder having the next highest technical score. As provided in Clause 2.2013 20 .2.08. Applicants may. 2.24 of the RFQ for the said 41(Forty one) Schools. In case an Applicant is the Highest Bidder for more than 10 (Ten) Schools.24 Validity of Application The Applications shall remain valid for the bid process in respect of 500 (five hundred) Schools to be awarded in Phase I of the Scheme. however. the Applications submitted by shortlisted applicants for such Schools shall be valid for the present Bid Process of the Project comprising 459 Schools. The pilot stage comprised the Bidding Process for award of 41(Forty one) Schools for which certain Applicants were pre-qualified.25 Ceiling on award of Schools No Applicant shall be eligible for award of more than 05 schools in a State and 10 schools in the country out of 150 schools to be awarded in this round of Bidding subject to an overall ceiling for award of not more than 08 schools in a State and 20 schools in the country out of 459 schools to be awarded in this stage. An Illustration for Selection of Blocks: Say there are three blocks – A. In case the number of pre-qualified Bidders is the same for certain Blocks.. For example. regardless of their actual preference order. the most preferred block will be the one for which the maximum number of these Applicants indicate their preference.3.1 3.1 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION Evaluation of Applications The Applicant‟s eligibility for participation in the Bid Stage shall be evaluated and established by the eligibility conditions laid down in Clause 2. 3.2 and in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 above. II andIII who have been pre-qualified and each of whom have given a Block preference order in Annex VI (Preference for location of Schools) of Appendix I of the RFQ.3 Selection of 459 (four hundred and fifty nine) Blocks shall be undertaken on the basis of preferences indicated by the pre-qualified Bidders.1. Of these three Blocks. If there is a tie between two or more Blocks. the one with the next highest number will the second most preferred block and so on. the selection will be undertaken by a draw of lots. B. Blocks Applicants Total Block A Applicant I Applicant II 2 Block B Applicant III 1 Block C Applicant II Applicant I Applicant III 3 MHRD Education_rfq/08. and C and three Applicants I. To determine the most preferred Block. 3. if Applicant I has mentioned Block A in its preference order then its name will be written under Block A in the table. Applicants meeting the eligibility conditions shall be prequalified and invited to Bid for 150 Blocks out of such of the 459 (four hundred and fifty nine) Blocks for which they have indicated their preferences. 3. The remaining Blocks may be taken up for bidding in a subsequent round.2 The list of Blocks provided by the Applicants in the format at Annex-VI of Appendix-I shall be used for selecting the 459 (four hundred and fifty nine) Blocks.2013 21 . those Blocks where such pre-qualifed Bidders have indicated a higher level of preference shall be selected. the number of Applicants will be summed for each Block and the Block with the highest number of Applicants will be the most preferred block.1.1. The following table liststhe Applicants under the Blocks for which they have indicated their preference. Blocks for which the maximum number of pre-qualified Bidders have indicated their preference shall be selected in order of priority for invitation of Bids.08. For example. Only MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. followed by Block A and Block C. Block C is the most preferred Block. pre-qualification should only be regarded as a necessary condition for entry into the Bid Stage. The evaluation of Bidders in the Bid Stage will involve an objective assessment of their credentials and track record to determine their suitability and/ or financial capacity for setting up and running the School(s) as centres of excellence.2 Evaluation of Bidders 3. The following table gives the preference ranking of each of the Blocks by each of the Applicants. Block B is the most preferred Block with a total of 4. then the cell intercepting Applicant 1 and Block B will have the number „1‟.2. Tie Suppose each Applicant in the above illustration indicates preference for each of these three Blocks resulting in a three-way tie. Block A 2 1 3 6 Block B 1 2 1 4 Block C 3 3 2 8 Applicant I Applicant II Applicant III Total Here. Such numbers will be summed for each block and the block with the lowest number will be the most preferred block and the one with the next highest number will the second most preferred block and so on. However.1 The eligible Applicants will be entitled to submit their Bids in response to the RFP for the respective Schools. Draw of Lots In the above case of a three-way tie. then a draw of lots will conducted to choose the preferred blocks. The Block that receives the lowest total as measured by the sum total of each Applicant‟s preference ranking for each of the Blocks will be selected as the most preferred Block because the lowest total indicates relatively higher preference ranks. The evaluation will be undertaken through a transparent and objective scoring methodology that would be indicated in the RFP.Here. 3. followed by Block A and Block B.2013 22 . if the totalfor any two Blocks is the same resulting in another tie. if Applicant I ranks Block B as his most preferred block. then the selection of the Block will be based on the level of preference for each block estimated by preference order mentioned by the Applicantsin Annex VI (Preference for location of Schools) of Appendix I of the RFQ. The Bidder with the highest technical score shall be awarded the School. There shall be no financial bids. and Net Worth of the Applicant where applicable. the award of a School will depend on the comparative scores of the respective Bidders who submit Bids for and in respect of the School for which an RFP is issued. the length of experience in operation of the aforesaid schools and Educational Institutions. schools affiliated with other Boards. Among those eligible Applicants who achieve the minimum score specified in RFP.3 Applicants are advised to assess their own track record with reference to the aforesaid parameters before making an Application. and other Educational Institutions. inter alia. qualitative outcomes of the aforesaid schools and Educational Institutions measured in terms of the pass percentage. on the following parameters: (a) Nature and extent of experience in running schools affiliated with CBSE. For the purposes of ranking among competing Bidders applying for the same Block.2.08. MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 23 . (b) (c) (d) 3. 3. scores will be assigned.. the Bidder who achieves the highest technical score shall be the selected Bidder.those Bidders who achieve the minimum technical score specified in the RFP will be considered for award of Schools.2 For purposes of evaluation and ranking among Bidders at the RFP stage.2. number of students securing distinction etc. coercive practice. undesirable practice or restrictive practice. giving. engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice.4. offering of employment to. the Authority may reject an Application without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant if it determines that the Applicant has. whether during the Bidding Process or after the issue of the LOA or after the execution of the Concession Agreement. engaged in corrupt practice. or employing. of anything of value to influence the actions of any person connected with the Bidding Process (for avoidance of doubt. who at any time has been or is a legal. directly or indirectly. with the Bidding Process or the LOA or has dealt with matters concerning the Concession Agreement or arising therefrom.2 4. or soliciting. fraudulent practice. Fraud and corrupt practices 4. or (ii) save and except as permitted under sub clause (c) of Clause 2. directly or indirectly or through an agent.1 hereinabove. at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Authority. any person in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the LOA or the Concession Agreement.1 The Applicants and their respective officers. receiving. coercive practice. undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Bidding Process. fraudulent practice. directly or indirectly. financial or technical adviser of the Authority in relation to any matter concerning the Project. or engaging in any manner whatsoever.3 MHRD Education_rfq/08. as the case may be. shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the Bidding Process). if an Applicant is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent. fraudulent practice. such Applicant shall not be eligible to participate in any tender or RFQ issued by the Authority during a period of 2 (two) years from the date such Applicant is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent. agents and advisers shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the Bidding Process. engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice.08. engaging in any manner whatsoever.2. directly or indirectly. employees. before or after the execution thereof.2013 24 . as the case may be. coercive practice. any official of the Authority who is or has been associated in any manner. undesirable practice or restrictive practice in the Bidding Process. the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them: (a) “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein.1. Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under Clause 4. 4. For the purposes of this Clause 4. lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the Bidding Process. or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest. (c) (d) (e) MHRD Education_rfq/08. directly or indirectly. and “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or arrangement among Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the Bidding Process. “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person connected with or employed or engaged by the Authority with the objective of canvassing.08. in order to influence the Bidding Process.2013 25 . “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm.(b) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts. any person or property to influence any person‟s participation or action in the Bidding Process. mhrd.08.2 MHRD Education_rfq/08. The Authority shall endeavour to provide clarifications and such further information as it may. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE 5.2013 26 . Only those persons w ho have purchased the RFQ document shall be allowed to participate in the PreApplication conference. the Applicants will be free to seek clarifications and make suggestions for consideration of the Authority. During the course of Pre-Application conference.1 A Pre-Application conference of the interested parties shall be convened at the designated date. in its sole discretion. through their representative attending the conference. 5. time and place.5. Applicants who have downloaded the RFQ document from the Authority‟s website ( should submit a demand draft of Rs. consider appropriate for facilitating a fair. transparent and competitive Bidding Process. 10.000 (Rupees ten thousand only) towards the cost of A maximum of three representatives of each Applicant shall be allowed to participate on production of authority letter from the Applicant. its employees. and construed in accordance with. The Authority. damages. reserves the right. at any time. and/ or independently verify. to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.1 The Bidding Process shall be governed by. and/ or in connection with the Bidding Process. to. agents and advisers. losses. unconditionally. and waives any and all rights and/ or claims it may have in this respect. pursuant hereto. pre-qualify or not to pre-qualify any Applicant and/ or to consult with any Applicant in order to receive clarification or further information. fully and finally from any and all liability for claims. the laws of India and the Courts at New Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under. (a) suspend and/ or cancel the Bidding Process and/ or amend and/ or supplement the Bidding Process or modify the dates or other terms and conditions relating thereto. costs. pursuant to and/ or in connection with the Bidding Process. expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising from the exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any obligations hereunder and the Bidding Documents.08.2 (b) (c) (d) (e) 6. disqualify. on behalf of. MHRD Education_rfq/08. MISCELLANEOUS 6. and/ or in relation to any Applicant. whether present or in future. retain any information and/ or evidence submitted to the Authority by. the Applicant agrees and releases the Authority. 6. whether actual or contingent.3 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Application. reject and/ or accept any and all submissions or other information and/ or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any Applicant. in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or liability. consult with any Applicant in order to receive clarification or further information. irrevocably.2013 27 .6. 2013 28 . 524 C. as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award. Dear Madam. 5. Smt. 3. I shall make available to the Authority any additional information it may find necessary or require to supplement or authenticate the Qualification statement. including any Addendum issued by the Authority. and all documents accompanying such Application are true copies of their respective originals. operation and management of the aforesaid Schools. 7. I acknowledge the right of the Authority to reject our Application without assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive. 6.1) Dated: To. Ministry of Human Resource Development.12. Shastri Bhawan. This statement is made for the express purpose of qualifying as an Applicant for the development. I/ We acknowledge that the Authority will be relying on the information provided in the Application and the documents accompanying such Application for pre-qualification of the Applicants for the aforesaid project. 4. to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. I certify that in the last three years. hereby submit my/our Application for Pre-Qualification for the aforesaid project. Government of India. Deputy Secretary (MS). nothing has been omitted which renders such information misleading.APPENDIX I Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-Qualification (Refer Clause 2. our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever. 2. I/we. and we certify that all information provided in the Application and in Annexes I to VII is true and correct. New Delhi-110001 Sub: Application for pre-qualification for 459 Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalayas. MHRD Education_rfq/08. The Application is unconditional and unqualified.08. With reference to your RFQ document dated ………. I/ We declare that: (a) I have examined and have no reservations to the RFQ document. having examined the RFQ document and understood its contents... we or our Associates have neither failed to perform on any contract. Department of School Education. Nita Gupta. Room No. nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public authority nor have had any contract terminated by any public authority for breach on our part. undesirable practice or restrictive practice. I believe that we satisfy the eligibility criteria and meet all the requirements as specified in the RFQ document and are qualified to submit a Bid. Central or State. I understand that you may cancel the Bidding Process at any time and that you are neither bound to accept any Application that you may receive nor to invite the Applicants to Bid for the School.Appendix I Page 2 (b) (c) I do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with Clauses 2. in accordance with Clause 2. and I hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity with the provisions of Section 4 of the RFQ document. fraudulent practice.16.6 of the RFQ document. (d) (e) 8. we or any of our Associates have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a Court of Law. I certify that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the country.3 of the RFQ document. we or any of our Associates have not been convicted by a Court of Law or indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which could cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the School or which relates to a grave offence that outrages the moral sense of the community. and the disaffiliation subsists as on the date of Application. I hereby certify that neither me nor any of my Associates are running a school that has been disaffiliated by the Board of Education to which it was affiliated. in respect of any tender or request for proposal issued by or any agreement entered into with the Authority or any other public sector enterprise or any government. coercive practice. I further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either against us or against our Associates or against our CEO or any of our directors/ trustees/managers/members/employees. as defined in Clause 4.2. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 9. no person acting for us or on our behalf has engaged or will engage in any corrupt practice. without incurring any liability to the Applicants.1(c) and 2. 11.2013 29 . 12. undesirable practice or restrictive practice. I further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country. I have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice.1(d) of the RFQ document. 10. fraudulent practice. coercive practice.2. I submit this Application under and in accordance with the terms of the RFQ document. 14. In witness thereof. 1956. Yours faithfully. my Net Worth is Rs. selection of the Bidder. we are attracted by the provisions of disqualification in terms of the provisions of this RFQ. 1950. save and except to the extent of enclosures provided herewith.} 18.24 of the RFQ. 1860 (or other applicable laws) or a not-for-profit company incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act. I undertake that in case due to any change in facts or circumstances during the Bidding Process. or in connection with the selection/ Bidding Process itself. I hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any stage at law or howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the Authority in connection with the selection of Applicants. Date: Place: £ (Signature.} {In terms of Clause 2.2013 30 . in words …………………………………………………). applicable and binding for this Bid process and shall be deemed to be part of this Application. ………………. 1882 or the Bombay Public Trusts Act.Appendix I Page 3 13. 15. I agree and undertake to abide by and fulfill all the terms and conditions of the RFQ document. MHRD Education_rfq/08. we shall intimate the Authority of the same immediately. The power of attorney for signing of Application as per format provided at Appendix II of the RFQ. name and designation of the Authorised Signatory) Name and seal of the Applicant May be deleted in respect of new Applicants. 17. 25 lakh/ Rs. or a society registered under the Societies Registration Act. I understand that the selected Bidder shall set up a School(s) either as a trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act. 50 lakh per school in terms of Clause 2. 16. Annex-VI and Annex-VII of Appendix-I and the following other enclosues by way of additional information: (provide list here)}£. which enclosures shall include Annex-I..2. The Statement of Legal Capacity as per format provided at Annex-VII in Appendix-I of the RFQ document.2 of the RFQ. {In particular. Annex-III. {I certify that in terms of the RFQ. and duly signed.08. in respect of the above mentioned Schools and the terms and implementation thereof. I/ we undertake to make a deposit of Rs. is also enclosed. (Rs. I hereby declare that our Application for PreQualification which was made in response to the pilot project of Phase-I for award of 41schools shall be valid. is enclosed. if any: (d) Date of incorporation or registration and commencement of its activities: 2. (a) (b) (c) Name: Place of incorporation/registration: Address of the headquarters and its branch office(s).08. Brief description of the Trust/ Society/ Company including details of its main lines of activities and proposed role and responsibilities in this Project: Details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/ communication for the Authority: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 4. The following information shall be provided for the Applicant: MHRD Education_rfq/08.Appendix I Annex-I ANNEX-I Details of Applicant 1. Particulars of the Authorised Signatory of the Applicant: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Name: Designation: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: 5.2013 31 . Name: Designation: Company/Trust/Society: Address: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address: Fax Number: 3. 2013 32 . from participating in any project (BOT or otherwise)? If the answer to 1 is yes.Appendix I Annex-I Name of Applicant: No. 6. does the bar subsist as on the date of Application? Has the Applicant paid liquidated damages of more than 5% of the contract value in a contract due to delay or has been penalised due to any other reason in relation to execution of a contract. A statement by the Applicant or any of its Associates disclosing material non-performance or contractual non-compliance in past projects. 3.08. contractual disputes and litigation/ arbitration in the recent past is given below (Attach extra sheets. Criteria Has the Applicant been barred by the Central/ State Government. 1. in the last three years? Yes No 2. or any entity controlled by it. if necessary): MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2. MHRD Education_rfq/08.(2).2 of RFQ (5) (8) Total No.2 (a). 2.08. and specify the number of Schools that can be awarded against each school/Educational Institution for which information has been provided in Col. of Schools that can be awarded @ Provide details of only those schools that are being run by the Applicant under its own name and/ or by an Associate specified in Clause 2. (b).2.Appendix I Annex-II ANNEX-II Experience of the Applicant@ (Refer Clause 2.2013 33 .8. (c) & (d).2.2. $ The Applicant shall determine its eligibility for award of Schools in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.2) Name of Name of Board of the school/ affiliation/ Applicant/ Educational accreditation Associate Institution Experience Number of maximum Schools that can be awarded against each school/ Educational Institution in Col (2)$ Number of years in operation (1) a b c d a b c d a b c d (2) (3) (4) No. of batches which passed qualifying exam as specified in Cl. Appendix I Annex-III ANNEX-III Financial Capacity of the Applicant (Refer to Clauses 2.2.2 and, 2.2.3 of the RFQ) (In Rs. crore) Name of the Applicant/ Associate$ Net Worth (-2011-12) (1) (2) Net Worth (- 2012-13) (3) Name & address of Applicant’s Bankers: $ The Applicant should provide details of its own financial capacity or of an Associate specified in Clause 2.2.8. Instructions: 1. The Applicant shall attach copies of the balance sheets, financial statements and Annual Reports for 2 (two) years preceding the Application Due Date. The financial statements shall: (a) reflect the financial situation of the Applicant or their Associates where the Applicant is relying on its Associate‟s financials; MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 34 (b) (c) (d) 2. be audited by an auditor; be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted). Net Worth shall, in the case of companies incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, mean (Subscribed and Paid-up Equity + Reserves) less (Revaluation reserves + miscellaneous expenditure not written off + reserves not available for distribution to equity shareholders) and in the case of Trusts/Societies shall mean the sum of total contribution held by Trust/Society, Share Capital, Capital Grant, Total Corpus, Reserves & Surplus from which shall be deducted the sum of revaluation reserves, miscellaneous expenditure not written off and accumulated losses. Information will be provided for the latest completed financial year, preceding the bidding. In case the Application Due Date falls within 3 (three) months of the close of the latest financial year, refer to Clause 2.2.9. The Applicant shall also provide the name and address of the bankers to the Applicant. The Applicant shall provide an Auditor‟s certificate specifying the Net Worth of the Applicant and also specifying the methodology adopted for calculating such Net Worth in accordance with Clause 2.2.3 (iii), of the RFQ document. 3. 4. 5. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 35 Appendix I Annex-IV ANNEX-IV Details of Existing School (Refer to Clauses 2.2.2 of the RFQ) Item (1) Name of the school and address Date of establishment Name of the affiliating Board CBSE/ICSE/Other Board‟s registration no. with date Location Details of batches that has passed out Whether credit is being taken for the experience of an Associate (Yes/ No) Number of Schools that can be awarded against the existing school/s Instructions: 1. Particulars (2) Applicants are expected to provide information in respect of each school mentioned in Annex II. The schools cited must comply with the relevant eligibility criteria specified in Clause 2.2.2 of the RFQ. Applicable certificates for each existing school must be furnished as per formats below. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 36 2013 37 . in addition to a certificate in the above format.. (title of the school) from ………….8.(year) as indicated below: Year No. ……… (number) of batches comprising students of Class X have passed out from the school since ---------. In the event that credit is being taken for experience of an Associate. I further certify that .. name and designation of the authorized signatory) Date: @ This certificate may be given by any officer of the Education Department of the Central Government or the relevant State Government. but not below the rank of a District Education Officer in case of aided schools or by an auditor with relevant evidence from the affiliating Board in case of a non-aided school. MHRD Education_rfq/08. also provide a certificate in the format below: 2. (date). the Applicant should.Certificate from the Competent Authority Based on published information authenticated by it... (name of the Applicant) is operating and managing ………………. this is to certify that …………………….08.2. as defined in Clause 2. of batches of Class X that passed out 1 2 3 Name and Designation of the Competent Authority @: Seal of the officer: (Signature. this Certificate must be obtained from the Auditor based on the authenticated record of the relevant Board of Trust or Registrar of Societies.Certificate from Auditor/Company Secretary regarding Associate$ Based on the authenticated record of the Company. the latter exercises control over the former. A brief description of the said equity held. name and designation of the authorised signatory).08.2. by ………………. who is an Associate in terms of Clause 2. the information would be considered inadequate and could lead to exclusion of the relevant school or Educational Institution in computation of experience of the Applicant 3. directly or indirectly. (name of Associate/ Applicant).. In the event the Associate is under common control with the Applicant. $ In the event that the Applicant exercises control over an Associate by virtue of its constituent documents or by operation of law. By virtue of the aforesaid share-holding.2. this is to certify that more than 50% (fifty per cent) of the subscribed and paid up voting equity of ……………… (name of the Applicant/ Associate) is held. directly or indirectly. In case of a Trust or Society.8 of the RFQ.8 of the RFQ. the relationship may be suitably described and similarly certified herein} Name of the audit firm: Seal of the audit firm: Date: (Signature. this certificate may be suitably modified and copies of the constituent documents and/or relevant law may be enclosed and referred to. MHRD Education_rfq/08. It may be noted that in the absence of any detail in the above certificates.2013 38 . is given below: {Describe the share-holding of the Applicant and the Associate. or in any other manner specified in Clause 2. as the case may be. MHRD Education_rfq/08. with date Details of classes being run (degree/diploma) Location No.08.2013 39 . Particulars (2) Applicants are expected to provide information in respect of each Educational Institution mentioned in Annex II.2. of batches of degree/diploma holders passed out Whether credit is being taken for the experience of an Associate (Yes/ No) Number of Schools that can be awarded against the Educational Institution Instructions: 1.2(c)(ii) and 2.3 of the RFQ) Item (1) Name of the Educational Institution and address Date of establishment Name of the affiliating/accrediting organisation Affiliating/accrediting organisation‟s registration no.2.2. Applicable certificates for each Educational Institution must be furnished as per formats below.2 of the RFQ. The institutions cited must comply with the relevant eligibility criteria specified in Clause 2.Appendix I Annex-V ANNEX-V Details of Educational Institution (Refer to Clauses 2. Certificate from the Affiliating/accrediting organisation Based on published information authenticated by it.2.(number) batches of students have passed out ………examination.2013 40 ... (name of the Applicant) is operating and managing ………………. in addition to a certificate in the above format. also provide a certificate in the format specified in Paragraph 2 of the Instructions in Annex IV of this Appendix-I. the Applicant should. MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2. this is to certify that ……………………. In the event that credit is being taken for experience of an Associate. (title of the institution) from …………... Name and Designation of the certifying authority@: Seal of the officer: (Signature. name and designation of the authorized signatory) Date: @ This certificate may be given by the authorised signatory of the affiliating/accrediting organisation. (date) and ……. as defined in Clause 2.08.8. 7 . if pre-qualified in the Qualification Process.1. £ Block No. $ Refer to Clauses 2. 9 .2.2 (a)/(b)/(c)/(d) of the RFQ. Signature. I/we are eligible for pre-qualification in respect of Schools upto 20 (twenty) times the aforesaid number. No. 2 .3. 8 . I/we are eligible for award of a total Number of …… Schools under this Project. 6 .1. In accordance with Clause 2. MHRD Education_rfq/08. The location of Schools may be selected from the list of 3.162 Blocks at Appendix-V and the serial number specified in this column should be the same as specified at Appendix-V.3.2 of RFQ.3. I/we have specified the aforesaid Schools for which we intend to submit Bids for setting up School(s).1 and 3. In terms of Clause 2. 4 .1 of the RFQ.1 & 3. 5 .$ Name of Block Name of District Name of State 1 . 10.2 of the RFQ) Sl.2013 41 . Accordingly.08. Name and Designation of the Authorised Signatory £ The serial numbers indicated in column 1 shall be treated as the order of preference for the respective Schools. 3 .Appendix I Annex-VI ANNEX-VI Preference for location of Schools (Refer to Clauses 2. 2013 42 ..Appendix I Annex-VII ANNEX-VII Statement of Legal Capacity (To be forwarded on the letterhead of the Applicant) Ref. Shastri Bhawan. the authorised signatory is vested with requisite powers to furnish such letter and authenticate the same. (Signature. Further. Ministry of Human Resource Development.08. Nita Gupta. Department of School Education. Date: To. Government of India. name and designation of the authorised signatory) For and on behalf of…………………………….. We have agreed that …………………. Room No. We hereby confirm that we satisfy the terms and conditions laid out in the RFQ document. Smt. Thanking you. Yours faithfully. Deputy Secretary (MS). (insert individual‟s name) will act as our representative on our behalf and has been duly authorized to submit the RFQ. 524 C. MHRD Education_rfq/08. New Delhi-110001 Dear Madam. appoint and authorise Mr/ Ms (name). bids and other documents and writings. deeds and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts.. Ministry of Human Resource Development. THE ABOVE NAMED PRINCIPAL HAVE EXECUTED THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS ……… DAY OF …………. nominate. participate in Pre-Applications and other conferences and providing information/ responses to the Authority. …………………… son/daughter/wife of ……………………………… and presently residing at …………………. all such acts.. as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on our behalf.4) Know all men by these presents.2013 43 . representing us in all matters before the Authority. Government of India (the “Authority”) including but not limited to signing and submission of all Applications.APPENDIX II Power of Attorney for signing of Application (Refer Clause 2. (Signature. who is presently employed with us and holding the position of ……………………………. AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts.. and generally dealing with the Authority in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for the said Project and/ or upon award thereof to us and/or till the entering into of the Concession Agreement with the Authority. signing and execution of all contracts including the Concession Agreement and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our bid. (Notarised) MHRD Education_rfq/08.. deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission of our Application for pre-qualification and submission of our bid for the Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalayas Project proposed or being developed by the Department of School Education & Literacy.08.. …………………………. (name of the trust/society/company incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act/ corporate and address of the registered office) do hereby irrevocably constitute. . deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us. For …………………………. designation and address) Witnesses: 1. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE.2. 2…. We……………………………………………. name. the Power of Attorney provided by Applicants from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate. However. if any.  Wherever required. laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required. Accepted …………………………… (Signature) (Name.Appendix II Page 2 2.08. MHRD Education_rfq/08. the document will also have to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued. the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant.  For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas. Title and Address of the Attorney) Notes:  The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure.2013 44 . the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. any charge-sheet by an agency of the Government/ conviction by a Court of Law for an offence committed by the bidding party or by any sister concern of the bidding party would result in disqualification.3) No. In regard to matters relating to the security and integrity of the country. (b) MHRD Education_rfq/08. Earlier. CGO Complex New Delhi.08. Government has decided to prescribe the following additional criteria for the qualification/ disqualification of the parties seeking to acquire stakes in public sector enterprises through disinvestment: (a) In regard to matters other than the security and integrity of the country. used to be prescribed. criteria like Net Worth.APPENDIX III Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment (Refer Clause 1. Grave offence is defined to be of such a nature that it outrages the moral sense of the community. The decision in regard to the nature of the offence would be taken on case to case basis after considering the facts of the case and relevant legal principles. or which relates to a grave offence would constitute disqualification. th Dated 13 July. based on the relevant facts and after examining whether the two concerns are substantially controlled by the same person/ persons. 6/4/2001-DD-II Government of India Department of Disinvestment Block 14.2. 2001.2013 45 . Based on experience and in consultation with concerned departments. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Guidelines for qualification of Bidders seeking to acquire stakes in Public Sector Enterprises through the process of disinvestment Government has examined the issue of framing comprehensive and transparent guidelines defining the criteria for bidders interested in PSE-disinvestment so that the parties selected through competitive bidding could inspire public confidence. any conviction by a Court of Law or indictment/ adverse order by a regulatory authority that casts a doubt on the ability of the bidder to manage the public sector unit when it is disinvested. The decision in regard to the relationship between the sister concerns would be taken. by the Government of India. experience etc. The interested parties would be required to provide the information on the above criteria. Before disqualifying a concern.08. full details of such investigation including the name of the investigating agency. name and designation of persons against whom the investigation has been launched and other relevant information should be disclosed. along with their Expressions of Interest (EOI).2013 46 . which have not been completed as yet. The bidders shall be required to provide with their EOI an undertaking to the effect that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending against them. to the satisfaction of the Government. a Show Cause Notice why it should not be disqualified would be issued to it and it would be given an opportunity to explain its position. For other criteria also. disqualification shall continue for a period that Government deems appropriate. Any entity. The disqualification criteria would come into effect immediately and would apply to all bidders for various disinvestment transactions. (e) (f) (g) sd/(A. In case any investigation is pending against the concern or its sister concern or against its CEO or any of its Directors/ Managers/ employees. these criteria will be prescribed in the advertisements seeking Expression of Interest (EOI) from the interested parties. the charge/ offence for which the investigation has been launched. Tewari) Under Secretary to the Government of India MHRD Education_rfq/08. The mere pendency of appeal will have no effect on the disqualification.K. Henceforth.Appendix III Page-2 (c) (d) In both (a) and (b). a similar undertaking shall be obtained along with EOI. would not be allowed to remain associated with it or get associated merely because it has preferred an appeal against the order based on which it has been disqualified. which is disqualified from participating in the disinvestment process. 500 schools out of 6. education.500 model schools through PPP in blocks to be selected out of 3.08. the expenditure on education in India is about 3. for providing access to quality education to the rural children. 1. At present.3 1. especially school education.1 This scheme for setting up of model school through Public Private Partnership (PPP) has been formulated in pursuance of the Government decision to set up 2. including those in the PPP mode. is regarded as the responsibility of the Government and the recent enactment of the Right to Education Act is a step in that direction. 1. especially for addressing unequal access to education in rural areas and among the urban poor. would be to enhance access to quality education for all. It is well recognized that education is a pre-requisite for the growth and development of a modern and equitable socio-economic order. The provision of universal school education is a complex task of gigantic proportions in a country like India.000 new schools as model pace-setting institutions to set benchmarks across the country is an important initiative of the present Government and the decision to provide 2. For these reasons.4 MHRD Education_rfq/08. Over the last 60 years. Preamble 1. The scheme for setting up 6. The principal objective of this scheme is to set up senior secondary schools.2013 47 .2 1. It is. It is essential for empowering and enabling the economically weaker sections of the society to participate more fully in a democratic polity that identifies equality of opportunity as one of its cherished goals.7% of the GDP and this needs to be increased to at least 6% of the GDP. The precise terms of the scheme will be spelt out in the Concession Agreement which will form part of the bid documents at the RFP stage.203 blocks which have been identified as Non-Educationally Backward Blocks.000 through Public Private Partnership (PPP) constitutes recognition of the need for plurality in the system of providing education services. successive Governments have been committed to achieving the national goal of universal education and have steadily increased the budgetary allocation for education. especially those who live in rural areas or under-served urban areas and belong to low-income families.APPENDIX. essential to explore diverse options for providing school education and financing the same in pursuance of the education goals set by the Government. The objective of all model schools. therefore.IV Information Memorandum for 500 Model Schools through Public Private Partnership The information contained herein is tentative and indicative. In particular. The need for PPP in school education primarily arises out of the Government‟s commitment to provide quality education to under-privileged children who cannot afford the tuition fee that a private school would normally charge. with the latter undertaking to deliver an agreed service on the payment of a unitary charge by the Government.2 Centers of Excellence The objective of this scheme is to create centers of excellence in school education by combining the respective strengths of the public and private sectors in a manner that would create models in the respective Blocks and set benchmarks for others to emulate. of which 25 lakh would be from socially and economically disadvantaged categories (the “Select Students”).500 schools through Public Private Partnership (PPP) for providing quality education to about 40 lakh children. secular and merit-based environment that would promote inclusive growth and train future leaders.These schools will reach out to the underprivileged children and educate them with a view to enabling them to avail of the opportunities offered by growth and development. affirmative action is necessary to accelerate the provision of quality education to those who have hitherto lacked access.1 PPP-the concept PPP in school education is essentially an arrangement where the private sector partner participates in the provision of services traditionally provided by the Government. these schools will help build a cohesive.500 model schools under PPP mode should be viewed as an opportunity to evolve innovative ways to empower and enable nongovernment players to engage in providing quality education to children especially from low-income rural families. adoption of the PPP mode would lead to rapid expansion of access to quality education by low-income families. 2 Objective of the Scheme 2. The justification for PPP schools arises primarily from the need to accelerate the expansion of education. By focusing on low income families. 2. 3 3.1. It is usually characterized by an agreement between the government and the private sector. MHRD Education_rfq/08.1 Creating access to quality education Children from low-income families in rural as well as urban areas are unable to access high quality school education as they cannot afford to pay the fees normally charged by good private schools while good schools that can provide such access in the public sector are limited. The objective should be to combine the respective strengths of the public and private sectors to complement each other in pursuit of the shared goal of good education for all.2013 48 . The objective of this scheme is to set up 2.08.5 The scheme for 2. To ensure inclusive growth and an equitable socio-economic order. supplement investment and enable different models for improving the quality of education. 3. These schools will essentially be public schools run by non-profit private entities which are to be guided by the public objectives set by the Government and enshrined in an enforceable contract. the government hopes to achieve a comparatively better outcome by combining the respective strengths of the public and the private sector in the form of a true partnership that would ensure a better outcome as compared to public or private schools. functional efficiency of private entities would enable early delivery of quality education. Through this mode of procurement. ports. railways.2 PPPs are sometimes mistaken for privatization which normally involves withdrawal of the Government in favour of market based operations. including the school infrastructure. enable an accelerated roll out of schools. Benefits of the PPP Approach Some good reasons for adopting the PPP approach for scaling up capacity in school education are as follows: (i) The investments required may be too large compared to available budgetary resources.3. The success of PPPs as an efficient mode of implementation of public projects has already been demonstrated in several sectors such as highways. power. airports. risk of project completion and delivery of agreed outputs would be transferred to the private entity. etc. and private sector efficiency in the context of a long-term agreement is expected to optimise on life-cycle costs and improve on quality of education.3 4 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 5 Proposed framework for PPP schools The proposed framework for setting up and managing 2. Nor will their management have the freedom that a private school normally enjoys in matters such as admissions and fees. PPP schools will not be private enterprises acting in pursuit of profits.08. In fact. and private capital could. therefore. public funds would be expended only upon delivery of agreed outcomes. a sound PPP contract enables the Government to retain oversight and control over all critical elements of performance and outcomes while payments are typically made against services delivered.2013 49 .500 schools under this scheme would be as follows: MHRD Education_rfq/08. examination. no model school shall be set up. equipment.2013 50 . This would not only include employing of school teachers and other staff but also provision of teaching aids. 5. accounting and audit.5 Land to be arranged by the private entity The land required for establishing a school has to be procured by the private entities from the respective State Governments or local authorities at applicable rates.2 Location of PPP schools The location of the 2. library. library.500 students. 5 to 7 crore. extracurricular activities. Irrespective of whatever Board the school is affiliated to. affiliation with National Boards other than CBSE may also be considered. In Blocks where a model school has already been set up or is being planned under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). etc. 5.3 Infrastructure.5. Alternatively. teacher qualifications. It is envisaged that the entire capital expenditure for setting up schools under this scheme would be borne by private entities.08. playgrounds. character of management. 5. infrastructure. syllabus. Since these schools are expected to be Model Schools.This would imply sharing of the financial risk by the private entity which would receive payments from the Government only upon successful delivery of well-defined outcomes in the form of education services. The maximum capacity of a school would not exceed 2. will be responsible for providing infrastructure such as land. In exceptional circumstances. land. labs. quality of education. laboratories. service conditions. teacher/student ratio. standards and guidelines relating to affiliation. they may procure land and/or buildings from any other source either through purchase or by way of a long-term lease of at MHRD Education_rfq/08. pedagogy etc. school buildings. playgrounds and other extra-curricular facilities. reserve fund.500 model schools under PPP mode would be headquarters of the blocks which are not educationally backward. societies and not-for-profit companies. the Concession Agreement would provide for additional norms which would be in accordance with Good Education Practice. They will also be responsible for management of the schools including provision of teaching. 5.4 Capital costs to be borne by private entity The estimated capital cost of setting up a senior secondary school would vary between Rs. teaching and management by private entities Selected private entities. teaching resources and pedagogy. class rooms. teachers‟ salary. the Schools would have to adhere to all norms of CBSE or as provided in the concession agreement with reference to infrastructure.1 Schools to adhere to CBSE guidelines All schools under this scheme would have to adhere to CBSE norms. such as trusts. the ceiling per class may be relaxed within the overall limit of 980 Select Students. Within the Select Students. In the event that the reservation for girls is increased in the 3. The Central Government will advise the respective State Governments from time to time to facilitate private entities in procuring land. the difference shall be adjusted in the forthcoming payments due to the school.6 Recurring/ academic support for 980 Government sponsored Students In each school. From the third year onwards.500 in any case.500 Government model schools. For the year 2013-14. the private entity is unable to get adequate number of sponsored students in a particular class. for Select Students shall be equal to the average expenditure per student incurred in the Kendriya Vidyalayas. Before the close of 2014-15. MHRD Education_rfq/08. Further. In the first year. In addition. The total number of students in the school shall not exceed 2. The recurring support in respect of the tuition fees etc. the school management may enroll students on payment of fee as appropriate.08. reservation for SC/ ST/ OBC students shall be as per reservations applicable in the respective States. There will also be reservation as per the respective State Government norms for the disabled children.least 30 years. There will be no reservation for any category under the management quota. Government support shall be provided to 140 Select Students in each class totaling up to a maximum of 980 Select Students for the School. there will be reservation of 33 per cent for girls amongst the Select Students.2013 51 . Government support would be provided in the first year for 420 students and this would increase every year by 140 till year 5th when it would reach 980 A school may be run in a temporary or partial accommodation for the first two years. In case. the school should have the entire infrastructure specified in this Scheme. the same shall apply to the PPP Schools. This process will apply mutatis mutandis to all subsequent years. classes 6 to 8 will be started together and thereafter one higher class would be added in each year till the school reaches class 12. the amount of recurring support would be fixed provisionally on the basis of the actual expenditure per student incurred in KendriyaVidyalayas during 2011-12 plus 10% thereof calculated at the rate of a provisional increase of 5% per annum. the actual expenditure per student incurred in 2013-14 in the KendriyaVidyalayas shall be computed and if such expenditure is higher/lower than the amount paid on a provisional basis for the year 2013-14. This support shall be made available to each School on a halfyearly basis in advance against bank guarantee of equivalent amount valid for two years. 5. 5.9 Medium of Instruction The medium of instruction shall be as per the norms of the affiliating National Board.08.10 Disbursements linked to output parameters The disbursements under this scheme shall be linked to the provision of specified infrastructure and delivery of agreed output parameters A pre-determined system of incentives and penalties will be specified based on the CBSE results and other key performance indicators such as provision of qualified teachers.000 115% in a town/village with a population of less than 20. J&K & tribal areas 5. a sum equal to 25% of the monthly recurring support for each Select Student shall be disbursed by way of infrastructure grant which may be used for defraying rentals. recurring academic support shall be provided only in respect of the Select Students who were enrolled during or prior to the tenth year and shall 52 MHRD Education_rfq/08. debt repayment. 5.000 125% in NE. as certified by an approved valuer.2013 . student attendance and dropout rate. 5.5. 5.8 Commencement of government support Government support under this scheme shall commence only after CBSE affiliation is granted. The annual infrastructure grant shall not exceed an amount equal to 10% of the capital investment in the school. The output parameters would be developed in accordance with the best practices and specified clearly in the Concession Agreement.7 Support for infrastructure In addition to the aforesaid recurring support. The following graduated support would be provided for different locations: 75% in cities with population exceeding 30 lakh 90% in cities with population exceeding 10 lakh 100% in towns with population exceeding 1 lakh 105% in towns exceeding a population of 20. From the eleventh year onwards.12 Duration of support Government support would be provided to each school for a period of 10 years in accordance with the above scheme. etc. interest.11 Graduated support based on location The support to be provided by the government will vary between locations having regard to the differential costs and the likely availability of students. This will enable the private entity to raise funds from the financial institutions for meeting its capital expenditure. The concession agreements will specify the over-arching principles while sufficient flexibility would be provided to private entities to manage their respective schools in conformity with the socio-economic requirements of different regions.continue until completion of their school education. ST. However.14 Tuition fee The Select Students of Class IX to XII would be required to pay a tuition fee to inculcate a sense of participation. 25 per month would be paid by Select Students belonging to the SC.15 Market-based fee for other students Apart from the 980 Select Students. A discounted fee of Rs.2013 53 . the additional revenue generated by the private entity will have to be ploughed back into the school and utilised towards improving the quality of the school.The concession can be extended by mutual consent. The key features of the concession agreement would be:        Application of CBSE guidelines Scheme of financial support Key Performance Indicators Incentives and penalties Monitoring & inspection mechanism. use of UID Use of premises for other educational purposes Suspension/ Termination for breach of Agreement 5. 50 per month. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. This will help cross-subsidise the education for Select Students and also raise the level of other facilities. Girls and BPL categories while other Select Students would be required to pay Rs.16 Use of school premises by the private entity The private entity would be permitted to use the school premises for vocational education or any approved educational activity (excluding coaching) so as to enhance its revenue streams. 5. 5. Regular monitoring would be undertaken by the Government for enforcing the provisions of the concession agreement.470 additional students. the private entity may enrol up to1.13 Concession agreement between Government and private entity A concession agreement specifying the rights and obligations of both parties shall be signed between the Government and the selected private entity. 5. who will be charged fees as determined by the private entity. This is to ensure that the quality of education is not compromised by awarding schools to the lowest financial bidder.1956) . ICAR. (b) An Applicant who is running a CBSE-affiliated school(s) from where 2 (two) batches of Class X have not yet passed out. or experience of at least 5 (five) years in running a post secondary educational institution (for imparting education in academic. which in turn could result in lower salaries for teachers besides cost-cutting on other essential ingredients of good education. 25 lakh for each School awarded. therefore. Private sponsors for these schools would.5.17 Selection criteria for applicants Success of this scheme would depend on the private entities selected for this purpose. motivated and not-for-profit entities that are willing to invest their time and resources in creating centers of excellence in school education. the Central Government. be selected on the basis of a transparent and fair selection process that would ensure selection of experienced. affiliated with any Board of Secondary Education or Intermediate Education. (c) An Applicant would qualify for award of 3 (three) Schools as against each such existing educational institution provided it has: (i) experience of at least 5 (five) years in running a secondary school. (ii) Provided that a selected Bidder who is eligible for award of Schools pursuant to this sub-clause (c) shall undertake to make an interest-bearing deposit of Rs. The selection would be based on proven track record or capacity to establish and manage the schools rather than on financial bids based on the lowest offer. UGC. trust or society having a Net-Worth of Rs. 25 crore or more during each of the preceding 2 (two) financial years MHRD Education_rfq/08. (d) any company (including a company incorporated under section 25 of the Companies Act . Boards of Secondary Education. which would be released in three equal annual instalments after the School is commissioned. or other duly empowered authorities. MCI. State Government. technical or vocational courses) recognized/approved by a competent authority such as. An Applicant shall be eligible for pre-qualification in the following categories (a) An Applicant having experience of running a CBSE-affiliated school(s) where at least 2 (two) batches have passed out from Class X would be eligible for award of 3 (three) Schools against each such existing school. shall be eligible for award of one School against each such existing school. AICTE.2013 54 .08. provided it shall undertake to make an interest-bearing deposit of Rs. The selection criteria applicable to the 3. 5. it shall make an interest-bearing deposit of Rs.20 Roll-out of the Scheme The award of concessions would be spread over 3 years based on the following indicative roll-out plan: Academic Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 No. of schools 500 1.and intending to set up a PPP School(s) through a not-for-profit entity specified in Clause 2. shall broadly apply to the PPP Schools. the selection process also enhances the confidence of the civil society in this initiative. In case more than 3 (three)Schools are allocated to a single entity under this Clause 2. A fair and transparent system of evaluation and scoring would be evolved and announced before inviting applications under this scheme.18 Ceiling on number of schools Not more than 50 schools may be awarded to a single entity. No single entity would be permitted to establish more than 20 schools in a single State or Union Territory.1(b) above would be eligible for allocation of one School for every Rs.2. For each location. The selection criteria and its application would be fair and transparent so that in addition to ensuring that the best available applicants are selected. which would be released in three equal annual instalments after the School is commissioned in accordance with the Concession Agreement. 25 crore of its Net-Worth during the year immediately preceding the Application Due Date.2013 55 .000 1.2(d). 25 lakh for each additional School awarded to it. to the extent applicable to this scheme. 50 lakh for each School awarded to it.000 MHRD Education_rfq/08.19 Selection criteria for students Students will be selected by the management of the school on the basis of a transparent criteria and process which is consistent with the objectives of this Scheme. 5.08. The above ceiling may be suitably relaxed if there are no eligible applicants for any particular location.500 State sector Model Schools. An applicant under this scheme may either set up a new school or upgrade an existing institution to meet the requirements of this scheme. 5.2. the applicant who gets the highest score shall be the preferred applicant for award of the concession under this scheme. This would enhance the spirit of community participation and accountability that would help the schools to benefit from local support. displayed and advertised by the name of Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya. it should be possible for private entities to employ wellqualified teachers. However. local bodies.500 Blocks.21 Bidding Process Bidding would take place for each of the 2. 5. 5.25 Networking responsibility These schools are expected to serve as models for all schools in their neighbourhood.5. 5. organise bi-annual conferences for experience sharing and generally disseminate best practices. once the Government stops sponsoring the Select Students. Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya will be prominently displayed in the main line. State Government and educational experts.e. Each bidder would have to provide details about its financial and technical eligibility and capability. The said two words will be placed in the upper line and the name of the school i.2013 56 . However. It is expected that this arrangement would help create quality teachers who would set benchmarks in their respective spheres of influence. Their training would be mandatory and shall conform to the standards recommended by CBSE for this purpose.23 Teachers’ Salaries and Training The quality of education is directly dependent on the quality of teachers and the level of their knowledge and skills. be required to commit that it shall pay to its teaching staff salary and allowances no lower than the scales applicable for the KV schools. promoted. the respective private entities would be permitted to add two words of their choice (not being a name associated with any religion. Their networking with other schools is expected to have a snowballing effect in improving school education in their respective Blocks.08. 5. as a condition of this Scheme.22 Managing Committee/ Governing Board The Managing Committee/ Governing Board will have adequate representation from the parents. MHRD Education_rfq/08. caste or surname) before the words „Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya‟.24 Name of Model Schools All schools under this scheme shall be known. Since the selected private entity would. the words “Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya” will no longer be used by the private entity. They will be expected to act as mentors for other schools in the Block. The criteria for evaluation and scoring of bids would be provided in the bidding documents (RFP). There would be stiff penalties for violation of the agreement or for shortfalls in key performance indicators coupled with incentives for better performance. It would also be requested to provide uniforms and mid-day meals as applicable in Government schools. audit and monitoring for quality assurance. Since payment to the private entity will be based on output parameters.08. 6 Concession structure A Design. intensive supportive teaching at the beginning of Class VI will be arranged so as to enable smooth transition of students to Class VI. but with special emphasis on creating inter-disciplinary 7.2013 57 . a close monitoring thereof would be ensured. Since many of the Select Students may have studied in the regional medium up to Class V. It may also consider providing financial support beyond the initial 10 year period of support from the Central Government.26 Special teaching for weaker students In order to ensure the optimal level of learning achievement. 5. Build. constructing and maintaining the physical infrastructure of the school campus and for managing the school in accordance with laid down parameters and key performance indicators.1 Enforcement and Inspections The concession agreement would be enforced by regular inspections. Nodal Agency For initiating and implementing this scheme for 2.500 PPP schools. Detailed arrangements for regular monitoring would be spelt out and enforced as part of the concession framework. the Government will set up a nodal agency broadly on the lines of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan. whereas the medium of instruction in the model school could be English. At the end of the concession period.2 8 MHRD Education_rfq/08. the school would remain with the private entity. Finance and Operate (DBFO) model would be followed for this scheme. The State Government may also consider providing transport subsidy or free transport for students to come from different parts of the Blocks to the school and back.5. inspections and surveys. The concessionaire would be responsible for financing. intensive coaching in English language will be made available by the school for students in classes VI and VII. 7 7. Detailed arrangements would be spelt out in the concession agreement for regular reporting of outcomes which will be closely monitored by the Government through extensive use of IT and UID systems besides appropriate tests.27 Role of the State Government The State Government may facilitate availability of land for the school. capacity to roll-out and monitor this scheme. The Nodal Agency called “Model School Organisatiion” or “Adarsh Vidyalaya Sangathan” may have regional offices, as necessary. Expert staff would be hired on contract basis, as necessary. The institutional approach and mindset required for rolling out and managing PPPs in school education is significantly different as compared to the direct control and administration of schools. Hence, a separate agency would be essential for ensuring the expected outcomes of this scheme. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 58 APPENDIX- V List of 3162 Blocks identified for Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalayas Sl. No. Block No. District Block A & N ISLANDS 1 2 3 AN/1 AN/2 AN/3 Andamans Andamans Andamans Middle and North Andamans Middle and North Andamans Middle and North Andamans Nicobars Nicobars Nicobars Brc- Hutbay Brc- South Andaman Brc- Wimberlygunj 4 AN/4 Brc- Diglipur 5 AN/5 Brc- Mayabunder 6 7 8 9 AN/6 AN/7 AN/8 AN/9 Brc- Rangat Campbell Bay Car Nicobar Nancowry ANDHRA PRADESH 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AP/1 AP/2 AP/3 AP/4 AP/5 AP/6 AP/7 AP/8 AP/9 AP/10 Anantapur Anantapur Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Kothacheruvu Penukonda B.N.Kandriga Bangarupalem Chandragiri Chinnagottigallu Chittoor Chowdepalle Gangadharanellore Gudipala MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 59 Sl. No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Block No. AP/11 AP/12 AP/13 AP/14 AP/15 AP/16 AP/17 AP/18 AP/19 AP/20 AP/21 AP/22 AP/23 AP/24 AP/25 AP/26 AP/27 AP/28 AP/29 AP/30 AP/31 AP/32 AP/33 AP/34 AP/35 District Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Block Gurramkonda Irala Kalikiri Karvetinagar Madanapalle Nagalapuram Nagari Narayanavaram Nindra Pakala Palamaner Palasamudram Peddapanjani Penumur Piler Pitchatur Pulicherla Puthalapattu Puttur R.C.Puram Renigunta S.R.Puram Sathyavedu Sodam Somala MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 60 K.08. No.Kota Vadamalapet Varadaiahpalem Vayalpad Vedurukuppam Vijayapuram Yadamari Yerpedu Badvel C. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Block No. AP/36 AP/37 AP/38 AP/39 AP/40 AP/41 AP/42 AP/43 AP/44 AP/45 AP/46 AP/47 AP/48 AP/49 AP/50 AP/51 AP/52 AP/53 AP/54 AP/55 AP/56 AP/57 AP/58 AP/59 AP/60 District Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Chittoor Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Block Srikalahasti Thavanampalle Thottambedu Tirupathi(R) Tirupathi(U) V.Sl.2013 61 .Dinne Chennur Cuddapah Gopavaram Kamalapuram Kodur Kondapuram Lingala Muddanur Mylavaram Nandalur MHRD Education_rfq/08. 08. AP/61 AP/62 AP/63 AP/64 AP/65 AP/66 AP/67 AP/68 AP/69 AP/70 AP/71 AP/72 AP/73 AP/74 AP/75 AP/76 AP/77 AP/78 AP/79 AP/80 AP/81 AP/82 AP/83 AP/84 AP/85 District Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah Cuddapah East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari Block Proddutur Pulivendla Rajampet Rajupalem Simadhipuram Sidhout Thondur V.2013 62 . 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Block No.N.Polavaram Jaggampeta MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Palle Vontimitta Yerraguntla Addateegala Ainavilli Alamuru Allavaram Amalapuram Ambajipeta Anaparthi Atreyapuram Biccavolu Devipatnam Gandepalli Gokavaram Gollaprolu I.Sl. Sl.08. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Block No.2013 63 . No.Gangavaram Kadiam Kajuluru Kakinda(Rural) Kakinda(Urban) Kapileswarapuram Karapa Katrenikona Kirlampudi Korukonda Kothapeta Malikipuram Mamidikuduru Mandapeta Mummidivaram P.Gannavaram Pedapudi Peddapuram Pithapuram Pratipadu Rajahmundry(Rural) Rajahmundry(Urban) Rajanagaram Rajavommangi Ramachandrapuram MHRD Education_rfq/08. AP/86 AP/87 AP/88 AP/89 AP/90 AP/91 AP/92 AP/93 AP/94 AP/95 AP/96 AP/97 AP/98 AP/99 AP/100 AP/101 AP/102 AP/103 AP/104 AP/105 AP/106 AP/107 AP/108 AP/109 AP/110 District East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari Block K. Kothapalli Uppalaguptam Yeleswaram Amaravathi Amruthaluru Bapatla Battiprolu Chebrolu Cherukupalle Chilakaluripeta Duggirala Edlapadu Guntur Kakumanu Karlapalem Kollipara MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 64 . AP/111 AP/112 AP/113 AP/114 AP/115 AP/116 AP/117 AP/118 AP/119 AP/120 AP/121 AP/122 AP/123 AP/124 AP/125 AP/126 AP/127 AP/128 AP/129 AP/130 AP/131 AP/132 AP/133 AP/134 AP/135 District East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari East Godavari Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Block Rangampeta Ravulapalem Rayavarm Razole Rowtulapudi Sakhinetipalli Samalkota Seethanagaram Thallarevu U.Sl. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Block No. No.08. AP/136 AP/137 AP/138 AP/139 AP/140 AP/141 AP/142 AP/143 AP/144 AP/145 AP/146 AP/147 AP/148 AP/149 AP/150 AP/151 AP/152 AP/153 AP/154 AP/155 AP/156 AP/157 AP/158 AP/159 AP/160 District Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Guntur Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Block Kolluru Mangalagiri Medikonduru Nagaram Nizampatnam Pedakakani Pedakurapadu Pedanandipadu Phirangipuram Pittalavanipalem Ponnuru Prathipadu Repalle Savalyapuram Tadikonda Tenali Thadepalle Thullur Tsundur Vatticherukuru Vemuru Amberpet Ameerpet Asifnagar Bahadurpura MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Block No.2013 65 .Sl. No. AP/161 AP/162 AP/163 AP/164 AP/165 AP/166 AP/167 AP/168 AP/169 AP/171 AP/172 AP/173 AP/174 AP/175 AP/176 AP/177 AP/178 AP/179 AP/180 AP/181 AP/182 AP/183 AP/184 AP/185 AP/186 District Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Karimnagar Karimnagar Karimnagar Karimnagar Karimnagar Karimnagar Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Block Bandlaguda Charminar Golconda Himayatnagar Khairatabad Maredpally Musheerabad Nampally Saidabad Shaikpet Tirumalagiri Elgaid Huzurabad Kamanpoor Manthani Metpalli Peddapalli Aswapuram Aswaraopeta Dammapeta Kallur Kothagudem Madhira Manuguru Nelakondapally MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.Sl. 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Block No.2013 66 . No. 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Block No. AP/187 AP/188 AP/189 AP/190 AP/191 AP/192 AP/193 AP/194 AP/195 AP/196 AP/197 AP/198 AP/199 AP/200 AP/201 AP/202 AP/203 AP/204 AP/205 AP/206 AP/207 AP/208 AP/209 AP/210 AP/211 District Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Block Sathupally Thallada Vemsoor Wyra Yellandu Agiripalli Avanigadda Bantumilli Bapulapadu Challapalli Chandarlapadu Chatrai G.08. No.2013 67 .Sl.Konduru Gannavaram Ghantasala Gudivada Gudlavalleru Guduru Ibrahimpatnam Jaggayyapet Kaikaluru Kalidindi Kanchikacherla Kankipadu Koduru MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl. AP/212 AP/213 AP/214 AP/215 AP/216 AP/217 AP/218 AP/219 AP/220 AP/221 AP/222 AP/223 AP/224 AP/225 AP/226 AP/227 AP/228 AP/229 AP/230 AP/231 AP/232 AP/233 AP/234 AP/235 AP/236 District Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Block Kruthivennu Machilipatnam Mandavalli Mopidevi Movva Mudienepalli Musunuru Mylavaram Nagayalanka Nandigama Nandivada Nuzvid Pamarru Pamidimukkala Pedana Pedaparapudi Penamaluru Penuganchiprolu Thotlavalluru Tiruvuru Unguturu Vatsavai Verullapadu Vijayawada Rural Vijayawada Urban MHRD Education_rfq/08. 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Block No.08.2013 68 . 08. No.2013 69 . 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 Block No.Sl. AP/237 AP/238 AP/239 AP/240 AP/241 AP/242 AP/243 AP/244 AP/245 AP/246 AP/247 AP/248 AP/249 AP/250 AP/251 AP/252 AP/253 AP/254 AP/255 AP/256 AP/257 AP/258 AP/259 AP/260 AP/261 District Krishna Krishna Kurnool Kurnool Kurnool Medak Medak Medak Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nalgonda Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Block Vissannapet Vuyyuru Atmakur Nandikotkur Srisailam Koheer Patancheru Thoguta Alair Bibinagar Chilukur Chityala Huzur Nagar Kodad Nakrekal Nalgonda Narkatpalle Nereducherla Rajapet Ramannapet Yadagirigutta Allur Ananthasagaram Athmakur Balayapalli MHRD Education_rfq/08. No. 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 Block No.08.Sl. AP/262 AP/263 AP/264 AP/265 AP/266 AP/267 AP/268 AP/269 AP/270 AP/271 AP/272 AP/273 AP/274 AP/275 AP/276 AP/277 AP/278 AP/279 AP/280 AP/281 AP/282 AP/283 AP/284 AP/285 AP/286 District Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Block Bogole Buchireddipalem Chejerla Chillakur Chittamur Dagadarthi Dakkili Gudur Indukurpet Jaladanki Kaluvoya Kodavalur Kota Kovur Manubolu Muthukur Naidupet Nellore Ozili Pellakur Podalakur Rapur Saidapuram Sangam Sullurpet MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 70 . Panguluru Karamchedu Kondapi Korisapadu Maddipadu Marturu Naguluppalapadu Ongole Parchuru Santhanuthalapadu Singarayakonda Tangutur Vetapalem MHRD Education_rfq/08. 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 Block No.Sl.08.2013 71 . AP/287 AP/288 AP/289 AP/290 AP/291 AP/292 AP/293 AP/294 AP/295 AP/296 AP/297 AP/298 AP/299 AP/300 AP/301 AP/302 AP/303 AP/304 AP/305 AP/306 AP/307 AP/308 AP/309 AP/310 AP/311 District Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Nellore Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Prakasam Block Thotapalligudur Udayagiri Vakadu Varikuntapadu Venkatachalam Vidavalur Vinjamur Addanki Chimakurthi Cumbum Giddaluru Inkollu J. No. 08. No.Sl. AP/312 AP/313 AP/314 AP/315 AP/316 AP/317 AP/318 AP/319 AP/320 AP/321 AP/322 AP/323 AP/324 AP/325 AP/326 AP/327 AP/328 AP/329 AP/330 AP/331 AP/332 AP/333 AP/334 AP/335 AP/336 District Prakasam Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Srikakulam Srikakulam Srikakulam Srikakulam Srikakulam Srikakulam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Block Yeddanapudi Balanagar Bolaram Ghatkesar Hayathnagar Keesara Medchal Quthbullapur Rajendranagar Saroornagar Shamirpet Shrelingampalli Uppal Narasannapeta Palakonda Palasa Sarubujjili Tekkali Vajrapukotturu Anakapalli Chinagadila Gajuwaka Parawada Payakaraopeta Pedagantayada MHRD Education_rfq/08. 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 Block No.2013 72 . AP/337 AP/338 AP/339 AP/340 AP/341 AP/342 AP/343 AP/344 AP/345 AP/346 AP/347 AP/348 AP/349 AP/350 AP/351 AP/352 AP/353 AP/354 AP/355 AP/356 AP/357 AP/358 AP/359 AP/360 AP/361 District Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Vizianagaram Warangal Warangal Warangal Warangal Warangal West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari Block Pendurthy Visakhapatnam Urban Yellamanchili Srungavarapukota Hanamkonda Mangapet Narsampet Parkal Warangal Achanta Akiveedu Attili Bhimadole Bhimavaram Buttaigudem Chagallu Chintalapudi Denduluru Devarapalli Dwarakatirumala Elamanchili Eluru Ganapavaram Gopalapuram Iragavaram MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 73 .08.Sl. No. 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 Block No. Sl.08. 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 Block No.2013 74 . AP/362 AP/363 AP/364 AP/365 AP/366 AP/367 AP/368 AP/369 AP/370 AP/371 AP/372 AP/373 AP/374 AP/375 AP/376 AP/377 AP/378 AP/379 AP/380 AP/381 AP/382 AP/383 AP/384 AP/385 AP/386 District West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari Block Jangareddygudem Jeelugumilli Kalla Kamavarapukota Kovvur Koyyalagudem Lingapalem Mogaltur Nallajerla Narsapuram Nidadavole Nidamarru Palacole Palakoderu Pedapadu Pedavegi Pentapadu Penugonda Penumantra Peravali Poduru Polavaram T. No.Narsapuram Tadepalli Gudem Tallapudi MHRD Education_rfq/08. Sl. Block Balijan MHRD Education_rfq/08.D.08. No. AP/387 AP/388 AP/389 AP/390 AP/391 District West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari West Godavari Block Tanuku Undi Undrajavaram Unguturu Veeravasaram ARUNACHAL PRADESH 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 AR/1 AR/2 AR/3 AR/4 AR/5 AR/6 AR/7 AR/8 AR/9 AR/10 AR/11 AR/12 AR/13 AR/14 AR/15 AR/16 AR/17 AR/18 AR/19 Anjaw Changlang Dibang Valley Dibang Valley Dibang Valley East Kameng East Kameng East Kameng East Kameng East Siang East Siang East Siang Kurung Kumey Kurung Kumey Lohit Lohit Lower Subansiri Lower Subansiri Papum Pare Chaglagam Nampong-Manmao Anelih-Arzu Anini-Mipi Italin-Maliney Bameng Ii Bana Pipu Seijosa Pangin-Boleng Pasighat Ruksin Sangram Sarli Lekang Tezu-Sunpura Ziro .I C.2013 75 . 395 396 397 398 399 Block No.Ii C. Block Ziro .D. Sl. No. 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 ASSAM 439 440 441 442 Block No. AR/20 AR/21 AR/22 AR/23 AR/24 AR/25 AR/26 AR/27 AR/28 AR/29 AR/30 AR/31 AR/32 AR/33 AR/34 AR/35 AR/36 AR/37 AR/38 AR/39 District Papum Pare Papum Pare Tirap Tirap Tirap Upper Siang Upper Siang Upper Siang Upper Subansiri Upper Subansiri West Kameng West Kameng West Kameng West Siang West Siang West Siang West Siang West Siang West Siang West Siang Block Doimukh-Kimin Mengio Kanubari Khonsa Lazu Geku Jengging Yingkiong Baririjo Puchigeko Kalaktang Nafra Thrizino-Buragaon Along East Along West Basar Kaying-Payum Likabali-Gensi Liromoba Rumgong AS/1 AS/2 AS/3 AS/4 Barpeta Barpeta Barpeta Bongaigaon Bajali Bhawanipur Jalah Boitamari MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 76 Sl. No. 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 Block No. AS/5 AS/6 AS/7 AS/8 AS/9 AS/10 AS/11 AS/12 AS/13 AS/14 AS/15 AS/16 AS/17 AS/18 AS/19 AS/20 AS/21 AS/22 AS/23 AS/24 AS/25 AS/26 AS/27 AS/28 AS/29 District Bongaigaon Bongaigaon Bongaigaon Cachar Cachar Cachar Cachar Cachar Cachar Cachar Cachar Darrang Darrang Darrang Darrang Darrang Dhemaji Dhemaji Dhubri Dibrugarh Dibrugarh Dibrugarh Dibrugarh Goalpara Goalpara Block Bongaigaon Manikpur Srijangram Katigorah Lakhipur Narsinghpur Raja Bazar Salchapra Silchar Urban Sonai Udharbond Dalgaon Kalaigaon Khoirabari Sipajhar Udalguri Bordoloni Dhemaji Agomoni Barbaruah Joypur Khowang Tengakhat Balijana Dudhnoi MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 77 Sl. No. 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 Block No. AS/30 AS/31 AS/32 AS/33 AS/34 AS/35 AS/36 AS/37 AS/38 AS/39 AS/40 AS/41 AS/42 AS/43 AS/44 AS/45 AS/46 AS/47 AS/48 AS/49 AS/50 AS/51 AS/52 AS/53 AS/54 District Golaghat Golaghat Golaghat Golaghat Golaghat Hailakandi Hailakandi Jorhat Jorhat Jorhat Jorhat Jorhat Jorhat Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Kamrup Karbi Anglong Karbi Anglong Block Central Block East Block North Block South Block West Block Katlicherra Lala Central Jorhat East Jorhat Jorhat Majuli North West Jorhat Titabor Boko Chhaygaon Dimoria Guwahati Hajo Kamalpur Karara Rampur Rangia Rani Bokajan Howraghat MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 78 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 Block No. AS/55 AS/56 AS/57 AS/58 AS/59 AS/60 AS/61 AS/62 AS/63 AS/64 AS/65 AS/66 AS/67 AS/68 AS/69 AS/70 AS/71 AS/72 AS/73 AS/74 AS/75 AS/76 AS/77 AS/78 AS/79 District Karimganj Karimganj Karimganj Karimganj Karimganj Kokrajhar Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Lakhimpur Marigaon Marigaon Marigaon Nagaon Nagaon Nagaon Nagaon Nagaon Nagaon Nalbari Nalbari Nalbari Nalbari Block Badarpur North Karimganj Pather Kandi R.Sl. No.08.2013 79 .K Nagar South Karimganj Dotma Bihpuria Bordoloni Dhakuakhana Lakhimpur Narayanpur Nowboicha Bhurbandha Kapili Mayong Jugijan Kapili Kathiatoli Khagarijan Lanka Rupahi Baska Borigog Banbhag Pachim Nalbari Pub Nalbari MHRD Education_rfq/08. 08. No. 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 BIHAR 536 537 538 539 Block No. AS/80 AS/81 AS/82 AS/83 AS/84 AS/85 AS/86 AS/87 AS/88 AS/89 AS/90 AS/91 AS/92 AS/93 AS/94 AS/95 AS/96 AS/97 District Nalbari North Cachar Hills North Cachar Hills North Cachar Hills Sibsagar Sibsagar Sibsagar Sibsagar Sibsagar Sibsagar Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur Tinsukia Tinsukia Tinsukia Block Tihu Barama Harangajao Mahur Maibang Amguri Demow Khelua Nazira Sapekhati Sonari Balipara Biswanath Chaiduar Gabharu Naduar Kakapathar Margherita Sadiya BH/1 BH/2 BH/3 BH/4 Lakhisarai Munger Patna Rohtas Chanan Jamalpur Phulwarisharif Sanjhauli CHANDIGARH 540 CH/1 Chandigarh Ggmsss-8 MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 80 .Sl. 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 Block No.2013 81 . CH/2 CH/3 CH/4 CH/5 CH/6 CH/7 CH/8 CH/9 CH/10 CH/11 CH/12 CH/13 CH/14 CH/15 CH/16 CH/17 CH/18 CH/19 CH/20 District Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Block Ggsss-20/B Gmsss10 Gmsss-16 Gmsss-18 Gmsss-20 Gmsss-22/A Gmsss-23 Gmsss-33 Gmsss-35 Gmsss-37/B Gmsss-40 Gmsss-44 Gmsss-46 Gmsss-Karsan Gmsss-Mcm Gsss-27 Gsss-38(W) Gsss-45 Gsss-Mmt CHHATISGARH 560 561 562 563 564 CG/1 CG/2 CG/3 CG/4 CG/5 Dhamtari Dhamtari Dhamtari Dhamtari Durg Dhamtari Kurud Magarlod Nagri Balod MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl.08. 2013 82 .Sl.08. CG/6 CG/7 CG/8 CG/9 CG/10 CG/11 CG/12 CG/13 CG/14 CG/15 CG/16 CG/17 CG/18 CG/19 CG/20 CG/21 CG/22 CG/23 CG/24 CG/25 CG/26 CG/27 CG/28 CG/29 CG/30 District Durg Durg Durg Durg Durg Durg Durg Durg Durg Durg Janjgir .Champa Janjgir .Champa Janjgir .Champa Janjgir .Champa Janjgir .Champa Jashpur Jashpur Jashpur Jashpur Jashpur Kanker Kanker Block Berla Daundi Daundi Lohara Dhamdha Durg Gunderdehi Gurur Nawagarh Patan Saja Akaltara Baloda Bamhani Dih Dabhara Jaijaipur Malkharoda Nawagarh Sakti Duldula Farsabahar Jashpur Kunkuri Manora Antagarh Bhanupratappur MHRD Education_rfq/08.Champa Janjgir . 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 Block No. No.Champa Janjgir .Champa Janjgir . 08. No. CG/31 CG/32 CG/33 CG/34 CG/35 CG/36 CG/37 CG/38 CG/39 CG/40 CG/41 CG/42 CG/43 CG/44 CG/45 CG/46 CG/47 CG/48 CG/49 CG/50 CG/51 CG/52 CG/53 CG/54 CG/55 District Kanker Kanker Kanker Kanker Kanker Kawardha Koriya Koriya Mahasamund Mahasamund Mahasamund Mahasamund Mahasamund Raigarh Raigarh Raigarh Raigarh Raigarh Raigarh Raigarh Raipur Raipur Raipur Raipur Raipur Block Charama Durgukondal Kanker Koyalibeda Narharpur Sahaspur Lohara Baikunthpur Sonhat Bagbahra Basna Mhasmund Pithora Sriyapalli Baramkela Gharghoda Kharsia Pussore Raigarh Sarangarh Tamnar Abhanpur Arang Chhura Dharshiwa Fingeswar MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 83 . 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 Block No.Sl. 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 Block No.2013 84 . No.08.Sl. CG/56 CG/57 CG/58 CG/59 CG/60 CG/61 CG/62 CG/63 CG/64 CG/65 CG/66 CG/67 CG/68 CG/69 CG/70 CG/71 CG/72 District Raipur Raipur Raipur Raipur Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Rajnandgaon Surguja Surguja Surguja Surguja Block Griyaband Plari Simga Tilda Chowki Chuikhadan Churia Dongargaon Dongargarh Khairagarh Manpur Mohla Rajnandgaon Balrampur Premnagar Ramanujnagar Shankargarh DAMAN & DIU 632 633 DELHI 634 635 636 637 DL/1 DL/2 DL/3 DL/4 Central Delhi Central Delhi East Delhi East Delhi Dariya Ganj Rani Jhansi Road Anand Vihar Chandra Nagar DD/1 DD/2 Daman Diu Daman Ut Diu MHRD Education_rfq/08. DL/5 DL/6 DL/7 DL/8 DL/9 DL/10 DL/11 DL/12 DL/13 DL/14 DL/15 DL/16 DL/17 DL/18 DL/19 DL/20 DL/21 DL/22 DL/23 DL/24 DL/25 DL/26 DL/27 District East Delhi New Delhi North Delhi North Delhi North East Delhi North East Delhi North East Delhi North West Delhi North West Delhi North West Delhi North West Delhi North West Delhi North West Delhi South Delhi South Delhi South Delhi South West Delhi South West Delhi South West Delhi South West Delhi West Delhi West Delhi West Delhi West Delhi Block Preet Vihar Malcha Marg Keshav Puram Shyam Nath Marg Dilshad Garden Shahdra Yamuna Vihar Badli Mangolpuri (Kamdhenu) Pitam Pura Rohini Shalimar Bagh Tilak Nagar Begam Piur Defence Colony Shahpur Jat Moti Bagh Najafgarh Shahbad Mohammad Pur Vasant Vihar Old Rajendra Nagar Peera Garhi Punjabi Bagh Vikas Puri 661 DL/28 MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.08.Sl.2013 85 . 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 Block No. GOA 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 GUJARAT 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 Block No. District Block G/1 G/2 G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G/8 G/9 G/10 G/11 North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa North Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa South Goa Bardez Bicholim Pernem Ponda Sattari Tiswadi Canacona Marmugoa Quepem Salcete Sanguem GJ/1 GJ/2 GJ/3 GJ/4 GJ/5 GJ/6 GJ/7 GJ/8 GJ/9 GJ/10 GJ/11 GJ/12 Ahmadabad Ahmadabad Ahmadabad Ahmadabad Ahmadabad Ahmadabad Amreli Amreli Amreli Amreli Amreli Amreli Barvala Dascroi Detroj-Rampura Dhandhuka Dholka Mandal Amreli Babara Bagasara Dhari Khambha Kukavav MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 86 .Sl. No.08. 2013 87 .08.Sl. 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 Block No. No. GJ/13 GJ/14 GJ/15 GJ/16 GJ/17 GJ/18 GJ/19 GJ/20 GJ/21 GJ/22 GJ/23 GJ/24 GJ/25 GJ/26 GJ/27 GJ/28 GJ/29 GJ/30 GJ/31 GJ/32 GJ/33 GJ/34 GJ/35 GJ/36 GJ/37 District Amreli Amreli Amreli Anand Anand Anand Anand Anand Anand Anand Anand Banas Kantha Banas Kantha Bharuch Bharuch Bharuch Bharuch Bharuch Bharuch Bharuch Bharuch Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Block Lathi Liliya Savarkundla Anand Anklav Borsad Khambhat Petlad Sojitra Tarapur Umreth Palanpur Vadgam Amod Ankleshwar Bharuch Hansot Jambusar Vagra Valia Zaghadia Gadhada Gariyadhar Shihor Umrala MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2013 88 .Sl. 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 Block No. No.08. GJ/38 GJ/39 GJ/41 GJ/42 GJ/43 GJ/44 GJ/45 GJ/46 GJ/47 GJ/48 GJ/49 GJ/50 GJ/51 GJ/52 GJ/53 GJ/54 GJ/55 GJ/56 GJ/57 GJ/58 GJ/59 GJ/60 GJ/61 GJ/62 GJ/63 District Bhavnagar Gandhinagar Gandhinagar Gandhinagar Jamnagar Jamnagar Jamnagar Jamnagar Jamnagar Jamnagar Jamnagar Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Junagadh Kachchh Kachchh Kachchh Block Vallbhipur Dehgam Kalol Mansa Bhanvad Dhrol Jamjodhpur Jamnagar Jodiya Kalavad Lalpur Bhesan Junagadh Keshod Kodinar Malia Hatina Manavadar Mangrol Mendarda Talala Vanthali Visavadar Mandvi Mundra Nakhatrana MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.08.2013 89 . GJ/64 GJ/65 GJ/66 GJ/67 GJ/68 GJ/69 GJ/70 GJ/71 GJ/72 GJ/73 GJ/74 GJ/75 GJ/76 GJ/77 GJ/78 GJ/79 GJ/80 GJ/81 GJ/82 GJ/83 GJ/84 GJ/85 GJ/86 GJ/87 GJ/88 District Kheda Kheda Kheda Kheda Kheda Kheda Kheda Kheda Kheda Mahesana Mahesana Mahesana Mahesana Mahesana Mahesana Mahesana Mahesana Narmada Narmada Navsari Navsari Navsari Navsari Navsari Panch Mahals Block Kapadvanj Kathlal Kheda Mahemdavad Mahudha Matar Nadiad Thasara Virpur Becharaji Kadi Kheralu Mehsana Unjha Vadnagar Vijapur Visnagar Nandod Tilakvada Chikhli Gandevi Jalalpor Navsari Vansda Kalol MHRD Education_rfq/08. 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 Block No.Sl. 08. 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 Block No.2013 90 . GJ/89 GJ/90 GJ/91 GJ/92 GJ93 GJ/94 GJ/95 GJ/96 GJ/97 GJ/98 GJ/99 GJ/100 GJ/101 GJ/102 GJ/103 GJ/104 GJ/105 GJ/106 GJ/107 GJ/108 GJ/109 GJ/110 GJ/111 GJ/112 GJ/113 District Panch Mahals Patan Patan Patan Porbandar Porbandar Porbandar Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Rajkot Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Block Lunawada Chansma Siddhpur Urban-Patan Kutiyana Porbandar Ranavav Dhoraji Gondal Jamkandorna Jetpur Kotda Sangani Lodhika Morbi Paddhari Rajkot Tankara Upleta Bayad Bhiloda Dhansura Himmatnagar Idar Modasa Prantij MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. No. No. GJ/114 GJ/115 GJ/116 GJ/117 GJ/118 GJ/119 GJ/120 GJ/121 GJ/122 GJ/123 GJ/124 GJ/125 GJ/126 GJ/127 GJ/128 GJ/129 GJ/130 GJ/131 GJ/132 GJ/133 GJ/134 GJ/135 GJ/136 GJ/137 GJ/138 District Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Sabar Kantha Surat Surat Surat Surat Surat Surat Surat Surat Surat Surat Surendranagar The Dangs Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Valsad Valsad Block Talod Vadali Vijaynagar Bardoli Choryasi Kamrej Mahuva Mandavi Mangrol Olpad Palasana Valod Vyara Wadhvan Ahwa Dabhoi Karjan Padra Sankheda Savli Shinor Vadodara Vaghodiya Pardi Umbergaon MHRD Education_rfq/08. 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 Block No.2013 91 .08.Sl. Sl. 810 HARYANA 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 Block No. GJ/139 District Valsad Block Valsad HR/3 HR/4 HR/5 HR/6 HR/7 HR/8 HR/9 HR10 HR/12 HR/13 HR/14 HR/15 HR/17 HR/18 HR/21 HR/22 HR/23 HR/24 HR/26 HR/27 HR/28 HR/29 HR/30 Ambala Ambala Ambala Ambala Bhiwani Bhiwani Bhiwani Bhiwani Bhiwani Bhiwani Bhiwani Faridabad Fatehabad Gurgaon Gurgaon Hisar Hisar Hisar Jhajjar Jhajjar Jhajjar Jhajjar Jind Barara Naraingarh Saha Shahzadpur Badhra Baund Kalan Bawani Khera Behal Dadri Kairu Loharu Ballabgarh Jakhal F.08.2013 92 . No.Nagar Sohna Adampur Hansi-Ii Hisar-I Beri Jhajjar Matanhail Salhawas Jind MHRD Education_rfq/08. 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 Block No. HR/31 HR/32 HR/33 HR/34 HR/35 HR/36 HR/37 HR/38 HR/39 HR/41 HR/42 HR/43 HR/44 HR/45 HR/46 HR/48 HR/49 HR/50 HR/51 HR/52 HR/53 HR/55 HR/56 HR/57 HR/59 District Jind Jind Jind Kaithal Kaithal Kaithal Karnal Karnal Karnal Karnal Karnal Kurukshetra Kurukshetra Kurukshetra Kurukshetra Mahendragarh Mahendragarh Mahendragarh Mahendragarh Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Panipat Panipat Panipat Block Julana Pillukhera Safidon Guhla Pundri Siwan Assandh Gharaunda Indri Nilokheri Nissing Babain Ladwa Pehowa Shahbad Ateli Kanina Mohindergarh Narnaul Barwala Morni Raipur Rani Israna Madlauda Samalkha MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl.08.2013 93 . No. ) Ghumarwin-I Ghumarwin-Ii MHRD Education_rfq/08. 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 Block No.08.2013 94 .Sl.P. HR/60 HR/61 HR/62 HR/63 HR/64 HR/65 HR/66 HR/67 HR/69 HR/70 HR/71 HR/72 HR/73 HR/74 HR/75 HR/76 HR/78 HR/79 HR/80 HR/81 HR/82 HR/83 District Rewari Rewari Rewari Rewari Rewari Rohtak Rohtak Rohtak Rohtak Sirsa Sonipat Sonipat Sonipat Sonipat Sonipat Sonipat Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Block Bawal Jatusana Khol Nahar Rewari Kalanaur Lakhan Majra Meham Sampla Sirsa Ganaur Gohana Kathura Kharkhoda Mundlana Rai Bilaspur Chhachhrauli Jagadhri Mustafabad Radaur Sadhaura HIMACHAL PRADESH 881 882 HP/1 HP/2 Bilaspur Bilaspur (H. No. ) Hamirpur (H.) Bilaspur (H.P.P.) Hamirpur (H.P. No.Sl.P.08.) Hamirpur (H.P.P.) Hamirpur (H.P.) Bilaspur (H. HP/3 HP/4 HP/5 HP/6 HP/7 HP/8 HP/9 HP/10 HP/11 HP/12 HP/13 HP/14 HP/15 HP/16 HP/17 HP/18 HP/19 HP/20 HP/21 HP/22 HP/23 HP/24 HP/25 HP/26 HP/27 District Bilaspur (H.2013 95 .) Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Block Jhandutta Sadar Swarghat Banikhet Bharmour Chamba Chowari Garola Hardaspura Kiani Sihunta Sundla Bhoranj Bijhari Hamirpur Nadaun Sujanpur Baijnath Bhawarna Chadhiar Dadasiba Dehra Dharamsala Fatehpur Indora MHRD Education_rfq/08. 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 Block No.P.) Chamba Chamba Chamba Chamba Chamba Chamba Chamba Chamba Chamba Hamirpur (H. 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 Block No. No.Sl.2013 96 .08. HP/28 HP/29 HP/30 HP/31 HP/32 HP/33 HP/34 HP/35 HP/36 HP/37 HP/38 HP/39 HP/40 HP/41 HP/42 HP/43 HP/44 HP/45 HP/46 HP/47 HP/48 HP/49 HP/50 HP/51 HP/52 District Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kangra Kinnaur Kinnaur Kinnaur Kullu Kullu Kullu Kullu Kullu Kullu Lahul & Spiti Lahul & Spiti Lahul & Spiti Lahul & Spiti Mandi Block Jawali Kangra Lambagaon Nagrota Bagwan Nagrota Surian Nurpur Palampur Panchrukhi Rait Raja Ka Talab Rakkar Kalpa Nichar Pooh Anni Banjar Kullu-1 Kullu-2 Naggar Nirmand Kaza Keylong-I Keylong-Ii Udaipur Balh MHRD Education_rfq/08. Sl. No. HP/53 HP/54 HP/55 HP/56 HP/57 HP/58 HP/59 HP/60 HP/61 HP/62 HP/63 HP/64 HP/65 HP/66 HP/67 HP/68 HP/69 HP/70 HP/71 HP/72 HP/73 HP/74 HP/75 HP/76 HP/77 District Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Block Chachiot-1 Chachiot-2 Chauntra-1 Chauntra-2 Dharampur-1 Dharampur-2 Drang-1 Drang-2 Gopalpur-1 Gopalpur-2 Karsog-1 Karsog-2 Sadar-1 Sadar-2 Saigaloo Seraj-1 Seraj-2 Sunder Nagar-1 Sunder Nagar-2 Chauhara Chopal Deha Dodrakawar Jubbal Kasumpati MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 97 . 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 Block No.08. 08. No. HP/78 HP/79 HP/80 HP/81 HP/82 HP/83 HP/84 HP/85 HP/86 HP/87 HP/88 HP/89 HP/90 HP/91 HP/92 HP/93 HP/94 HP/95 HP/96 HP/97 HP/98 HP/99 HP/100 HP/101 HP/102 District Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Shimla Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Sirmaur Solan Solan Block Kotkhai Kumarsain Kupvi Mashobra Matiana Nankhari Nerwa Rampur Rampur-Ii At Sarahan Rohru Shimla-4 Suni Theog Tikkar Bakras Dadahu Nahan Nohradhar Paonta Sahib Rajgarh Sarahan Sataun Surla Arki Dhrampur MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 Block No.2013 98 . 2 Una -1 JAMMU & KASHMIR 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 JK/1 JK/2 JK/3 JK/4 JK/5 JK/6 JK/7 JK/8 JK/9 JK/10 JK/11 JK/12 JK/13 Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Anantnag Badgam Aishmuqam Anantnag Bidder Bijbehara Devsar Doru H C Gam Mattan Srigufwara Vailoo Verinag Yaripora Chari-Sharief MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 99 . No. 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 Block No. HP/103 HP/104 HP/105 HP/106 HP/107 HP/108 HP/109 HP/110 HP/111 HP/112 HP/113 District Solan Solan Solan Solan Solan Una Una Una Una Una Una Block Dhudan Kandaghat Kuthar Nalagarh Ram Shahar Amb Bangana Gagret .08.2 Gagret -1 Una .Sl. No.Sl.2013 100 . JK/14 JK/15 JK/16 JK/17 JK/18 JK/19 JK/20 JK/21 JK/22 JK/23 JK/24 JK/25 JK/26 JK/27 JK/28 JK/29 JK/30 JK/31 JK/32 JK/33 JK/34 JK/35 JK/36 JK/37 JK/38 District Badgam Badgam Badgam Badgam Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Baramula Doda Doda Doda Doda Doda Doda Doda Doda Doda Doda Block Dreygam Hardu-Punzoo Magam Soibugh Chandanwari Chandoosa Dangerpora Dangiwacha Fatehgarh Jullah Kunzar Nehalpora Quilmuqam Singhpora (Kalan) Singhpora (Pattan) Batote Bhaderwah Bhala Bhatyas Drabshala Ghat Gundna Khari Nagseni Ukhral MHRD Education_rfq/08. 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 Block No.08. Pura Ramgarh Samba Satwari Vijaypur Shargole Barnoti Bhaddu Billawar Ghagwal Hiranagar Kathua MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 101 . No.Sl.S. JK/39 JK/40 JK/41 JK/42 JK/43 JK/44 JK/45 JK/46 JK/47 JK/48 JK/49 JK/50 JK/51 JK/52 JK/53 JK/54 JK/55 JK/56 JK/57 JK/58 JK/59 JK/60 JK/61 JK/62 JK/63 District Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Kargil Kathua Kathua Kathua Kathua Kathua Kathua Block Akhnoor Arnia Bhalwal Bishnah Chowki Choura Dansal Gandhi Nagar Jammu Jourian Khour Marh Miran Sahib Purmandal R.08. 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 Block No. JK/64 JK/65 JK/66 JK/67 JK/68 JK/69 JK/70 JK/71 JK/72 JK/73 JK/74 JK/75 JK/76 JK/77 JK/78 JK/79 JK/80 JK/81 JK/82 JK/83 JK/84 JK/85 JK/86 JK/87 JK/88 District Kathua Kathua Kathua Kathua Kupwara Kupwara Kupwara Kupwara Kupwara Kupwara Leh (Ladakh) Leh (Ladakh) Pulwama Pulwama Pulwama Pulwama Pulwama Pulwama Pulwama Punch Punch Punch Punch Punch Punch Block Lakhanpur Mahanpur Marheen Sallan Chamkoot Drugmula Handwara Khumriyal Mawer Vilgam Khaltse Leh Awantipora Imamsahaib Keegam Loorgam Shadimerg Tahab Vehil Bafliaz Harni Kuniyian Mankote Nangali Sathra MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 Block No. No.Sl.2013 102 . 2013 103 . 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 Block No.08. No. JK/89 JK/90 JK/91 JK/92 JK/93 JK/94 JK/95 JK/96 JK/97 JK/98 JK/99 JK/100 JK/101 JK/102 JK/103 JK/104 JK/105 JK/106 JK/107 JK/108 JK/109 JK/110 JK/111 JK/112 JK/113 District Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Rajauri Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Srinagar Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur Block Baljarallan Dandasar Doongi Brahmana Khawas Kotranka Lower Hathal Mogla Nowshera Peeri Sunderbani Thanamandi Batmaloo Gulab Bagh Hariganwan Hawal Iddgah Nishat Rainawari Tulmulla Zaldagar Babey Chassana Chinkah Jib Kulwanta MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. 2013 104 .Sl.08. JK/114 JK/115 JK/116 JK/117 JK/118 District Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur Udhampur Block Majalta Pouni Reasi Tikri Udhampur JHARKHAND 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 KARNATAKA 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 KA/2 KA/3 KA/4 KA/5 KA/6 KA/7 KA/8 Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Rural Bangalore Rural Bangalore Rural Bangalore Rural East North South Devanahalli Doddaballapura Hosakote Magadi JH/1 JH/2 JH/3 JH/4 JH/5 JH/6 JH/7 JH/8 JH/9 JH/10 JH/11 Dhanbad Dhanbad Gumla Hazaribag Kodarma Latehar Palamu Ranchi Ranchi Saraikela-Kharsawan Saraikela-Kharsawan Baghmara Dhanbad Chainpur Hazaribagh Chandwara Mahuadar Chhatarpur West Ratu Torpa Gamharia Rajnagar MHRD Education_rfq/08. No. 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 Block No. Sl. 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 Block No. Chikodi Hukkeri Khanapur Nippani Hadagali Bhalki Chikmagalur Kadur Koppa Moodigere Narasimharajapura Sringeri Tarikere Chitradurga Hiriyur Holalkere Hosadurga Bantwal Belthangady Mangalore MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.2013 105 . KA/9 KA/11 KA/12 KA/13 KA/14 KA/15 KA/16 KA/17 KA/18 KA/19 KA/20 KA/21 KA/22 KA/23 KA/24 KA/25 KA/26 KA/27 KA/28 KA/29 KA/30 KA/31 KA/32 KA/33 KA/34 District Bangalore Rural Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Bellary Bidar Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Chitradurga Chitradurga Chitradurga Chitradurga Dakshina Kannada Dakshina Kannada Dakshina Kannada Block Nelamangala Athani Bailhongal Belgaum City Belgaum Rural.08. 08. No.Sl. KA/35 KA/36 KA/37 KA/38 KA/39 KA/40 KA/41 KA/42 KA/43 KA/44 KA/45 KA/46 KA/47 KA/48 KA/49 KA/50 KA/51 KA/52 KA/53 KA/54 KA/55 KA/56 KA/57 KA/58 KA/59 District Dakshina Kannada Dakshina Kannada Davangere Davangere Davangere Davangere Davangere Davangere Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad Gadag Gadag Gadag Hassan Hassan Hassan Hassan Hassan Hassan Hassan Haveri Haveri Haveri Haveri Block Puttur Sullia Channagiri Davanagere(N) Davanagere(S) Harihara Honnali Jagaloor Hubli Kundagol Navalgund Gadag Naragund Shirhatti Alur Arakalagudu Arasikere Belur Channarayapatna Hassan Sakaleshapura Byadagi Hanagal Haveri Hirekerur MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 106 . 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 Block No. 2013 107 . No. 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 Block No.Sl.08. KA/60 KA/61 KA/62 KA/63 KA/64 KA/65 KA/66 KA/67 KA/68 KA/69 KA/70 KA/71 KA/72 KA/73 KA/74 KA/75 KA/76 KA/77 KA/78 KA/79 KA/80 KA/81 KA/82 KA/83 KA/84 District Haveri Haveri Haveri Kodagu Kodagu Kodagu Kolar Kolar Kolar Kolar Mandya Mandya Mandya Mandya Mandya Mysore Mysore Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga Shimoga Tumkur Block Rannebennur Savanur Shiggoan Madikeri Somavarpet Virajpet Chikkaballapur Kolar Malur Sidlaghatta Krishnaraja Pet Maddur Mandya Nagamangala Sriranga Patna Mysore Rural Periya Patna Bhadravati Hosanagar Sagar Shikaripur Shimoga Sorab Thirthahalli Chiknayakanhalli MHRD Education_rfq/08. Sl.08. No. KA/85 KA/86 KA/87 KA/88 KA/89 KA/90 KA/91 KA/92 KA/93 KA/94 KA/95 KA/96 KA/97 KA/98 KA/99 KA/100 KA/101 KA/102 KA/103 KA/104 KA/105 KA/106 District Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Tumkur Udupi Udupi Udupi Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Uttara Kannada Block Gubbi Koratagere Kunigal Madhugiri Sira Tiptur Tumkur Turuvekere Karkala Kundapur Udupi Ankola Bhatkal Haliyal Honnavar Joida Karwar Kumta Mundagod Siddapur Sirsi Yellapur KR/1 KR/2 Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Ambalappuzha MHRD Education_rfq/08. 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 KERALA 1227 1228 Block No.2013 108 . 08. No.2013 109 .Parur Perumbavoor Piravom Trippunithura Vypeen Adimaly MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. KR/3 KR/4 KR/5 KR/6 KR/7 KR/8 KR/9 KR/10 KR/11 KR/12 KR/13 KR/14 KR/15 KR/16 KR/17 KR/18 KR/19 KR/20 KR/21 KR/22 KR/23 KR/24 KR/25 KR/26 KR/27 District Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Alappuzha Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Idukki Block Chengannur Cherthala Harippad Kayamkulam Mavelikkara Moncompu Thalavady Thuravur Veliyanadu Aluva Angamaly Ernakulam Kalloorkkad Kolenchery Koothattukulam Koovappady Kothamangalam Mattanchery Muvattupuzha N. 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 Block No. Sl.08. KR/28 KR/29 KR/30 KR/31 KR/32 KR/33 KR/34 KR/35 KR/36 KR/37 KR/38 KR/39 KR/40 KR/41 KR/42 KR/43 KR/44 KR/45 KR/46 KR/47 KR/48 KR/49 KR/50 KR/51 KR/52 District Idukki Idukki Idukki Idukki Idukki Idukki Idukki Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kannur Kasaragod Kasaragod Kasaragod Block Arakkulam Karimannoor Kattappana Munnar Nedumkandam Peermadu Thodupuzha Chockli Irikkur Iritty Kannur North Kannur South Koothuparamba Madai Mattannur Panoor Pappinisseri Payyannur Taliparamba North Taliparamba South Thalassery North Thalessery South Bekal Cheruvathur Chittarikkal MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 110 . 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 Block No. No. 08.Sl. 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 Block No. KR/53 KR/54 KR/55 KR/56 KR/57 KR/58 KR/59 KR/60 KR/61 KR/62 KR/63 KR/64 KR/65 KR/66 KR/67 KR/68 KR/69 KR/70 KR/71 KR/72 KR/73 KR/74 KR/75 KR/76 KR/77 District Kasaragod Kasaragod Kasaragod Kasaragod Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Block Hosdurg Kasaragod Kumbala Manjeshwar Anchel Chadayamangalam Chathannoor Chavara Karunagappally Kollam Kottarakara Kulakkada Kundara Punalur Sasthamcotta Veliyam Changanassery Erattupetta Ettumanoor Kanjirappally Karukachal Kottayam(East) Kottayam(West) Kozhuvanal Kuravilangadu MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 111 . No. 08. KR/78 KR/79 KR/80 KR/81 KR/82 KR/83 KR/84 KR/85 KR/86 KR/87 KR/88 KR/89 KR/90 KR/91 KR/92 KR/93 KR/94 KR/95 KR/96 KR/97 KR/98 KR/99 KR/100 KR/101 KR/102 District Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kottayam Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Kozhikode Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Block Pala Pampady Ramapuram Vaikom Balusseri Chevayoor Chombala Feroke Koyilandy Kozhikode Rural Kunnamangalam Kunnummal Melady Nadapuram Perambra Thamarassery Thodannur Vatakara Areacode Edappal Kondotty Kuttipuram Malappuram Manjeri Mankada MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 112 . No. 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 Block No.Sl. KR/103 KR/104 KR/105 KR/106 KR/107 KR/108 KR/109 KR/110 KR/111 KR/112 KR/113 KR/114 KR/115 KR/116 KR/117 KR/118 KR/119 KR/120 KR/121 KR/122 KR/123 KR/124 KR/125 KR/126 KR/127 District Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Malappuram Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Palakkad Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Block Nilambur Parappanangadi Perinthalmanna Ponnani Tanur Tirur Vengara Wandoor Agali Alathur Cherpulassery Chittur Kollengode Kuzhalmannam Mannnarkkad Ottapalam Palakkad Parli Pattambi Shoranur Thrithala Adoor Aranmula Konni Kozhencherry MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.2013 113 .Sl. 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 Block No.08. 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 Block No.2013 114 .08. KR/128 KR/129 KR/130 KR/131 KR/132 KR/133 KR/134 KR/135 KR/136 KR/137 KR/138 KR/139 KR/140 KR/141 KR/142 KR/143 KR/144 KR/145 KR/146 KR/147 KR/148 KR/149 KR/150 KR/151 KR/152 District Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Block Mallapally Pandalam Pullad Ranni Thiruvalla Attingal Balaramapuram Kaniyapuram Kattakkada Kilimanoor Nedumangadu Neyyattinkara Palode Parassala Trivandrum North Trivandrum South Varkala Anthikkad Chavakkad Cherpu Chowannur Eriyad (Kodungallur) Irinjalakuda Kodakara Mala MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl. 2013 115 . No. KR/153 KR/154 KR/155 KR/156 KR/157 KR/158 KR/159 KR/160 KR/161 KR/162 KR/163 District Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Thrissur Wayanad Wayanad Wayanad Block Mathilakam Mullassery Ollukkara Pazhayannur Puzhakkal Thalikulam Vellangallur Wadakkanchery Manathavady Sulthan Battery Vythiri LAKSHADWEEP 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 LK/1 LK/2 LK/3 LK/4 LK/5 LK/6 LK/7 LK/8 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Lakshadweep Agati Amini Andrott Chetlath Kadmat Kalpeni Kavaratti Kiltan MADHYA PRADESH 1398 1399 1400 1401 MP/1 MP/2 MP/3 MP/4 Balaghat Balaghat Balaghat Balaghat Balaghat Katangi Khairlanji Kirnapur MHRD Education_rfq/08. 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 Block No.Sl.08. Sl. 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 Block No. No.2013 116 . MP/5 MP/6 MP/7 MP/8 MP/9 MP/10 MP/11 MP/12 MP/13 MP/14 MP/15 MP/16 MP/17 MP/18 MP/19 MP/20 MP/21 MP/22 MP/24 MP/25 MP/26 MP/27 MP/28 MP/29 MP/30 District Balaghat Balaghat Balaghat Balaghat Barwani Betul Betul Betul Betul Betul Betul Betul Bhind Bhind Bhind Bhind Bhind Chhindwara Chhindwara Chhindwara Chhindwara Chhindwara Datia Datia Datia Block Lal Burra Lanji Paraswada Wara Seoni Thikiri Amla Athner Betul Bhainsdehi Chicholi Multai Prabhat Pattan Ater Bhind Lahar Mehgaon Roun Bichhua Chourai Mohkhed Pandhurna Sausar Bhander Datia Seondha MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 Block No.2013 117 . MP/31 MP/32 MP/34 MP/35 MP/36 MP/38 MP/39 MP/40 MP/41 MP/42 MP/43 MP/44 MP/45 MP/46 MP/47 MP/48 MP/49 MP/50 MP/51 MP/52 MP/53 MP/54 MP/56 MP/57 MP/58 District Harda Harda Hoshangabad Hoshangabad Hoshangabad Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Jabalpur Khandwa Khandwa Khandwa Khargone Khargone Khargone Khargone Khargone Khargone Khargone Mandla Mandla Mandsaur Mandsaur Morena Morena Block Harda Timarni Kesla Piperiya Sivni Maalva Majholi Panagar Patan Sihora Chhaigaonmakhan Khandwa Punasa Badwaha Bhikan Goan Gogawan Kasravad Khargone Maheshwar Segaon Mandla Nainpur Malhargarh Sitamau Ambah Porsa MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.Sl. No. 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 Block No.08. No.Sl. MP/59 MP/60 MP/61 MP/62 MP/63 MP/64 MP/65 MP/66 MP/67 MP/68 MP/69 MP/70 MP/71 MP/72 MP/73 MP/74 MP/75 MP/76 MP/78 MP/80 MP/81 MP/82 MP/83 MP/84 MP/85 District Narsimhapur Narsimhapur Narsimhapur Narsimhapur Narsimhapur Narsimhapur Panna Panna Raisen Raisen Raisen Raisen Raisen Raisen Raisen Ratlam Ratlam Ratlam Rewa Rewa Sagar Sagar Sagar Sagar Sagar Block Chawarpatha Chichli Goategaon {Sridham} Kareli Narsinghpur Saikheda Gunour Shahnagar Badi Begamganj Gairatganj Obedullaganj Sanchi Silwani Udaipura Alot Jaora Piploda Raipur(K) Sirmour Deori Jaisinagar Kesli Rahatgarh Rehli MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 118 . No. MP/86 MP/87 MP/88 MP/89 MP/90 MP/91 MP/92 MP/93 MP/94 MP/95 MP/96 MP/97 MP/98 MP/99 MP/100 MP/101 MP/102 MP/103 MP/104 MP/105 MP/106 MP/107 MP/108 MP/109 MP/110 District Sagar Satna Satna Satna Satna Sehore Sehore Seoni Seoni Seoni Seoni Seoni Seoni Seoni Shajapur Shajapur Shajapur Shajapur Shajapur Shajapur Shivpuri Ujjain Ujjain Umaria Vidisha Block Sagar Amarpatan Nagod Rampur Baghelan Sohawal Budhani Nasrullaganj Barghat Chhapara Dhanora Ghansore Keolari Kurai Seoni Kalapipal M.2013 119 .Sl. 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 Block No.08. Barodiya Nalkheda Shajapur Shujalpur Susner Narvar Barnagar Tarana Manpur Gyaraspur MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2013 120 . No. 1502 1503 Block No.Sl. MP/111 MP/112 District Vidisha Vidisha Block Kurwai Vidisha MAHARASHTRA 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 MH/1 MH/2 MH/3 MH/4 MH/5 MH/6 MH/7 MH8 MH/9 MH/10 MH/11 MH/12 MH/13 MH/14 MH/15 MH/16 MH/17 MH/18 MH/19 MH/20 MH/21 MH/22 Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Akola Amravati Akole Jamkhed Karjat Kopargaon Nagar Newasa Parner Pathardi Rahata Rahuri Sangamner Shevgaon Shrigonda Shrirampoor Akola Ps Akot Balapur Barshitakali Murtizapur Patur Telhara Achalpur MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. MH/23 MH/24 MH/25 MH/26 MH/27 MH/28 MH/29 MH/30 MH/31 MH/32 District Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Block Amravati Anjangaon Surji Bhatkuli Chandur Bazar Chandur Railway Chikhaldara Daryapur Dhamangaon Rly Dharni Morshi Municapal Corp.2013 121 . Amravati Nandgaon Kh.08. 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 Block No. Tiosa Warud 1536 1537 1538 1539 MH/33 MH/34 MH/35 MH/36 Amravati Amravati Amravati Amravati Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Aurangabad 1540 MH/38 Gangapur 1541 MH/39 Kannad 1542 MH/40 Khultabad 1543 MH/41 Paithan 1544 MH/42 Phulambri 1545 1546 MH/43 MH/44 Sillod Soegaon MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl. No.2013 122 . Block No.Sl.08. District (Maharashtra) Aurangabad (Maharashtra) Bhandara Bhandara Bhandara Bhandara Bhandara Bhandara Bhandara Bid Bid Bid Bid Bid Bid Bid Bid Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Block 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 MH/45 MH/46 MH/47 MH/48 MH/49 MH/50 MH/51 MH/52 MH/53 MH/54 MH/55 MH/56 MH/57 MH/58 MH/59 MH/60 MH/61 MH/62 MH/63 MH/64 MH/65 MH66 MH/67 MH/68 Vaijapur Bhandara Lakhandur Lakhani Mohadi Pauni Sakoli Tumsar Ambajogai Ashti Beed Kaij Majalgaon Parli Patoda Sirur Buldana Chikhali Deulgaon Raja Jalgaon Jamod Khamgaon Lonar Malakapur Mehakar MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2013 123 . No. 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 Block No. MH/69 MH/70 MH/71 MH/72 MH/73 MH/74 MH/75 MH/76 MH/77 MH/78 MH/79 MH/80 MH/81 MH/82 MH/83 MH/84 MH/85 MH/86 MH/87 MH/88 MH/89 MH/90 MH/91 MH/92 MH/93 District Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Buldana Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Chandrapur Dhule Dhule Dhule Dhule Gadchiroli Block Motala Nandura Sangrampur Shegaon Sindkhed Raja Ballarpur Bhadrawati Bramhapuri Chandrapur Chimur Gondpipari Jiwati Korpana Mul Nagbhid Pombhurna Rajura Saoli Sindewahi Warora Dhule Sakri Shindkheda Shirpur Armori MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl.08. Sl. 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 Block No.08. No. MH/94 MH/95 MH/96 MH/97 MH/98 MH/99 MH/100 MH/101 MH/102 MH/103 MH/104 MH/105 MH/106 MH/107 MH/108 MH/109 MH/110 MH/111 MH/112 MH/113 MH/114 MH/115 MH/116 MH/117 MH/118 District Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Gondiya Gondiya Gondiya Gondiya Gondiya Gondiya Gondiya Gondiya Hingoli Hingoli Hingoli Hingoli Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Block Chamorshi Desaiganj Gadchiroli Korchi Kurkheda Mulchera Amgaon Arjuni Mor Deori Gondia Goregaon Sadak Arjuni Salekasa Tiroda Aundha Basmath Kalamnuri Sengaon Amalner Bhadgaon Bhusawal Bodwad Chalisgaon Chopada Dharangaon MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 124 . 2013 125 . MH/119 MH/120 MH/121 MH/122 MH/123 MH/124 MH/125 MH/126 MH/127 MH/128 MH/129 MH/130 MH/131 MH/132 MH/133 MH/134 MH/135 MH/136 MH/137 MH/138 MH/139 MH/140 MH/141 MH/142 MH/143 District Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalgaon Jalna Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Kolhapur Latur Latur Latur Latur Block Erandol Jalgaon Jamner Muktainagar Pachora Parola Rawer Yawal Jafrabad Aajara Bhudargad Chandgad Gadhinglaj Hatkalangle Kagal Karveer Kolhapur Panhala Radhanagari Shahuwadi Shirol Ahamadpur Ausa Chakur Devani MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. No. 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 Block No.08. 08. MH/144 MH/145 MH/146 MH/147 MH/148 MH/149 MH/150 MH/151 MH/152 MH/153 MH/154 MH/155 MH/156 MH/157 MH/158 MH/159 MH/160 MH/161 MH/162 MH/163 MH/164 MH/165 MH/166 MH/167 MH/168 District Latur Latur Latur Latur Latur Latur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nanded Nanded Nanded Nanded Nanded Nanded Block Jalkot Latur Nilanga Renapur Shirur Anantpal Udgir Bhiwapur Hingana Kalmeshwar Kamptee Katol Kuhi Mouda Nagpur (Gramin) Narkhed Parshiwani Ramtek Saoner Umred Ardhapur Bhokar Degloor Hadgaon Himayat Nagar Kandhar MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl. 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 Block No.2013 126 . Sl.08.2013 127 . 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 Block No. MH/169 MH/170 MH/171 MH/172 MH/173 MH/174 MH175 MH/176 MH/177 MH/178 MH/179 MH/180 MH/181 MH/182 MH/183 MH/184 MH/185 MH/186 MH/187 MH/188 MH/189 MH/190 MH/191 MH/192 MH/193 District Nanded Nanded Nanded Nanded Nanded Nanded Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Block Kinwat Loha Mahoor Mukhed Naigaon Nanded Baglan Chandwad Devla Dindori Kalwan Malegaon Nandgaon Nashik Niphad Sinner Yeola Bhoom Kallamb Lohara Omerga Osmanabad Paranda Tuljapur Washi MHRD Education_rfq/08. No. MH/194 MH/195 MH/196 MH/197 MH/198 MH/199 MH200 MH/201 MH/202 MH/203 MH/204 MH/205 MH206 MH/207 MH/208 MH/209 MH/210 MH/211 MH/212 MH/213 MH/214 MH/215 MH/216 MH/217 MH/218 District Parbhani Parbhani Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Block Palam Sonpeth Ambegaon Baramati Bhor Daund Haveli Indapur Junnar Khed Maval Mulshi Purandar Shirur Velhe Alibag Karjat Khalapur Mahad Mahasala Mangaon Murud Panvel Pen Poladpur MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 Block No.08.2013 128 . No. 2013 129 .08. No. 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 Block No. MH/219 MH/220 MH/221 MH/222 MH/223 MH/224 MH/225 MH/226 MH/227 MH/228 MH/229 MH/230 MH/231 MH/232 MH/233 MH/234 MH/235 MH/236 MH/237 MH/238 MH/239 MH/240 MH/241 MH/242 MH/243 District Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Raigarh (Maharashtra) Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Sangli Satara Block Roha Shrivardhan Sudhagad Tala Uran Chiplun Dapoli Guhagar Khed Lanja Mandangad Rajapur Ratnagiri Sangameshwar Atapadi Jath Kadegaon Kavathe Mahankal Khanapur Miraj Palus Shirala Tasgaon Walwa Jaoli MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 Block No.2013 130 . No.Sl. MH/244 MH/245 MH/246 MH/247 MH/248 MH/249 MH/250 MH/251 MH/252 MH/253 MH/254 MH/255 MH/256 MH/257 MH/258 MH/259 MH/260 MH/261 MH/262 MH/263 MH/264 MH/265 MH/266 MH/267 MH/268 District Satara Satara Satara Satara Satara Satara Satara Satara Satara Satara Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Block Karad Khandala Khatav Koregaon Mahabaleshwar Man Patan Phaltan Satara Wai Deogad Dodamarg Kankavli Kudal Malvan Sawantwadi Vaibhavwadi Vengurle Akkalkot Barshi Karmala Madha Malshirus Mangalwedha Mohol MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 2013 131 . No. MH/269 MH/270 MH/271 MH/272 MH/273 MH/274 MH/275 MH/276 MH/277 MH/278 MH/279 MH/280 MH/281 MH/282 MH/283 MH/284 MH/285 MH/286 MH/287 MH/288 MH/289 MH/290 MH/291 MH/292 MH/293 District Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Thane Thane Thane Thane Thane Thane Thane Thane Thane Thane Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Washim Washim Washim Block Pandharpur Sangola Solapur North Solapur South Ambernath Bhivandi Kalyan Murbad Navi Mumbai Palghar Shahapur Thane Vasai Wada Arvi Ashti Deoli Hinganghat Karanja Samudrapur Seloo Wardha Karanja Lad Malegaon Mangarulpir MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.Sl. 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 Block No. MH/294 MH/295 MH/296 MH/297 MH/298 MH/299 MH/300 MH/301 MH/302 MH/303 MH/304 MH/305 MH/306 MH/307 MH/308 MH/309 MH/310 MH/311 MH/312 District Washim Washim Washim Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Yavatmal Block Manora Risod Washim Arni Babhulgaon Darwha Digras Ghatanji Kalamb Mahagaon Maregaon Ner Pandharkawada Pusad Ralegaon Umarkhed Wani Yavatmal Zari MN/1 MN/2 MN/3 MN/4 MN/5 Bishnupur Bishnupur Chandel Churachandpur Churachandpur Bishnupur Moirang Chandel Churachandpur Samulamlan MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 132 . 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 MANIPUR 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 Block No.08.Sl. No. Sl. No.08.2013 133 . 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 Block No. MN/6 MN/7 MN/8 MN/9 MN/10 MN/11 MN/12 MN/13 MN/14 MN/15 MN/16 MN/17 MN/18 MN/19 MN/20 MN/21 MN/22 MN/23 MN/24 MN/25 MN/26 MN/27 MN/28 MN/29 MN/30 District Churachandpur Churachandpur Churachandpur Imphal East Imphal East Imphal East Imphal West Imphal West Imphal West Senapati Senapati Senapati Senapati Senapati Senapati Tamenglong Tamenglong Tamenglong Thoubal Thoubal Ukhrul Ukhrul Ukhrul Ukhrul Ukhrul Block Singngat Thanlon Tipaimukh Irilbung Jiribam Sawombung Haorang Imc Wangoi Kangpokpi Paomata Purul Saikul Saitu Tadubi Nungba Tamei Tamenglong Kakching Thoubal Chingai Kamjong Kasom Phungyar Ukhrul MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl. Block No.08. District Block MEGHALAYA 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1867 1868 1869 1870 MG/1 MG/2 MG/3 MG/4 MG/5 MG/6 MG/7 MG/8 MG/9 MG/10 MG/11 MG/12 MG/13 MG/14 MG/15 MG/16 MG/17 MG/18 MG/19 MG/20 MG/21 MG/22 MG/23 MG/24 East Garo Hills East Garo Hills East Garo Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills East Khasi Hills Jaintia Hills Jaintia Hills Jaintia Hills Jaintia Hills Jaintia Hills Ri Bhoi Ri Bhoi Ri Bhoi South Garo Hills South Garo Hills South Garo Hills West Garo Hills West Garo Hills Kharkutta Resubelpara Rongjeng Khadarshnong .Laitkroh Mawkynrew Mawphlang Mawryngkneng Mawsynram Mylliem Pynursla Shella Bholaganj Amlarem Khliehriat Laskein Saipung Thadlaskein Jirang Umling Umsning Chokpot Gasuapara Rongara Gambegre Rongram MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 134 . 2013 135 . No.08.Sl. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 Block No. MG/25 MG/26 MG/27 MG/28 MG/29 District West Khasi Hills West Khasi Hills West Khasi Hills West Khasi Hills West Khasi Hills Block Mairang Mawkyrwat Mawshynrut Mawthadraishan Nongstoin Ranikor 1876 MIZORAM 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 MG/30 West Khasi Hills MZ/1 MZ/2 MZ/3 MZ/4 MZ/5 MZ/6 MZ/7 MZ/8 MZ/9 MZ/10 MZ/11 MZ/12 MZ/13 MZ/14 MZ/15 MZ/16 MZ/17 Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Aizawl Champhai Champhai Champhai Champhai Kolasib Kolasib Aibawk Bawngkawn Bungkawn Chanmari Darlawn Electric Khawruhlian Saitual Thingsulthliah Venghlui Zemabawk Champhai Khawzawl Ngopa Vanzau Bilkhawthlir Kawnpui MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.08.2013 136 .Sl.Khel Kohima Nerhema (Chiephobozou) MHRD Education_rfq/08.Vanlaiphai Serchhip NG/1 NG/2 NG/3 NG/4 NG/5 NG/6 Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Kohima Kohima Dhansiripar Kushiabill Medziphema Nuiland L . MZ/18 MZ/19 MZ/20 MZ/21 MZ/22 MZ/23 MZ/24 MZ/25 MZ/26 MZ/27 MZ/28 MZ/29 MZ/30 MZ/31 MZ/32 MZ/33 MZ/34 MZ/35 District Kolasib Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Lawngtlai Lunglei Lunglei Lunglei Mamit Mamit Mamit Mamit Saiha Saiha Serchhip Serchhip Serchhip Block Kolasib Barapansury Bungtlang Kamalanagar Lawngtlai Sangau Bunghmun Eastern Station Mamit Rawpuichhip Reiek West Phaileng Saiha Tuipang Lungpho N. 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 NAGALAND 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 Block No. NG/7 NG/8 NG/9 NG/10 NG/11 NG/12 NG/13 NG/14 NG/15 NG/16 NG/17 NG/18 NG/19 NG/20 NG/21 NG/22 NG/23 NG/24 NG/25 NG/26 NG/27 NG/28 NG/29 NG/30 NG/31 District Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mon Mon Mon Phek Phek Phek Phek Tuensang Tuensang Tuensang Tuensang Tuensang Wokha Wokha Wokha Zunheboto Block Peren Tening Tseminyu Viswema Changtongya-B Khensa Kobulong Mangkolemba-Ii Mokokchung Village Aboi Mon Tizit Chozuba Meluri Pfutsero Phek Kiphere Longkhim Noksen Seyonchung Tuensang Bhandari Sanis Wokha Aghunato MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. No.2013 137 .08. 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 Block No. Sl.08. 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 ODISHA 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 Block No.2013 138 . No. NG/32 NG/33 NG/34 NG/35 NG/36 District Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Block Akuluto Pughoboto Satakha Suruhuto Zunheboto OR/1 OR/2 OR/3 OR/4 OR/5 OR/6 OR/7 OR/8 OR/9 OR/10 OR/11 OR/12 OR/13 OR/14 OR/15 OR/16 OR/17 OR/18 OR/19 Angul Angul Angul Angul Angul Angul Angul Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Balasore Bargarh Bargarh Angul Athamallik Banarpal Chhendipada Kaniha Kishorenagar Talcher Bahanaga Baliapal Basta Bhograi Jaleswar Khaira Remuna Sadar Simulia Soro Ambabhona Attabira MHRD Education_rfq/08. OR/20 OR/21 OR/22 OR/23 OR/24 OR/25 OR/26 OR/27 OR/28 OR/29 OR/30 OR/31 OR/32 OR/33 OR/34 OR/35 OR/36 OR/37 OR/38 OR/39 OR/40 OR/41 OR/42 OR/43 OR/44 District Bargarh Bargarh Bargarh Bargarh Bargarh Bargarh Bargarh Bhadrak Bhadrak Bhadrak Bhadrak Bhadrak Bhadrak Bhadrak Bolangir Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Block Bargarh Barpali Bhatali Bheden Bijepur Padampur Nac Sohella Basudevpur Bhadrak Bhandaripokhari Bonth Chandabali Dhamnagar Tihidi Agalpur Athgarh Banki Baramba Baranga Cuttack Sadar Dompara Kantapara Mahanga Narsinghpur Niali MHRD Education_rfq/08. 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Block No.Sl.2013 139 .08. No. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Block No.2013 140 .08. OR/45 OR/46 OR/47 OR/48 OR/49 OR/50 OR/51 OR/52 OR/53 OR/54 OR/55 OR/56 OR/57 OR/58 OR/59 OR/60 OR/61 OR/62 OR/63 OR/64 OR/65 OR/66 OR/67 OR/68 OR/69 District Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Ganjam Ganjam Ganjam Ganjam Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur Block Nischintakoili Salipur Tangi Tigiria Barkote Bhuban Dhenkanal Sadar Gondia Hindol Kamakhyanagar Odapada Parjang Aska Bellaguntha Bhanjanagar Buguda Jaganathprasad Balikuda Biridi Erasama Jagatsinghpur Kujang Naugaon Raghunathpur Tirtol MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. No. Sl. No. OR/70 OR/71 OR/72 OR/73 OR/74 OR/75 OR/76 OR/77 OR/78 OR/79 OR/80 OR/81 OR/82 OR/83 OR/84 OR/85 OR/86 OR/87 OR/88 OR/89 OR/90 OR/91 OR/92 OR/93 OR/94 District Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Jharsuguda Jharsuguda Jharsuguda Jharsuguda Kandhamal Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Kendrapara Keonjhar Block Barchana Bari Binjharpur Danagadi Dasarathpur Dharmasala Jajpur Korai Rasulpur Jharsuguda Kirmira Kolabira Laikera Lakhanpur G. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 Block No.08.2013 141 .Udayagiri Aul Derabish Garadapur Kendrapara Mahakalpara Marshaghai Pattamundai Rajkanika Rajnagar Ghasipura MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.2013 142 .Sl.08. 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 Block No. OR/95 OR/96 OR/97 OR/98 OR/99 OR/100 OR/102 OR/103 OR/104 OR/105 OR/106 OR/107 OR/108 OR/109 OR/110 OR/111 OR/112 OR/113 OR/114 OR/115 OR/116 OR/117 OR/118 OR/119 OR/120 District Keonjhar Keonjhar Khordha Khordha Khordha Khordha Khordha Khordha Khordha Khordha Khordha Nayagarh Nayagarh Nayagarh Nayagarh Nayagarh Nayagarh Nayagarh Nayagarh Puri Puri Puri Puri Puri Puri Block Hatadihi Patna Balianta Balipatna Banapur Begunia Bolgarh Chilika Jatni Khordha Tangi Bhapur Daspalla Gania Khandapada Nayagarh Nuagaon Odagaon Ranpur Astarang Brahmagiri Delang Gop Kakatpur Kanas MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2013 143 . OR/121 OR/122 OR/123 OR/124 OR/125 OR/126 OR/127 OR/128 OR/129 OR/130 OR/131 OR/132 OR/133 OR/134 OR/135 OR/136 OR/137 OR/138 OR/139 OR/140 OR/141 OR/142 District Puri Puri Puri Puri Puri Sambalpur Sambalpur Sambalpur Sambalpur Sambalpur Sambalpur Sambalpur Sambalpur Sonepur Sundergarh Sundergarh Sundergarh Sundergarh Sundergarh Sundergarh Sundergarh Sundergarh Block Krushnaprasad Nimapara Pipli Puri Sadar Satyabadi Dhankauda Jamankira Jujumura Kuchinda Maneswar Naktideul Rairakhol Rengali Dunguripali Balisankara Bargaon Bonai Hemgiri Kutra Lephripara Sundargarh Tangarpali PUDUCHERRY 2089 2090 PD/1 PD/2 Karaikal Mahe Karaikal Mahe MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 Block No. No.Sl.08. PD/3 District Yanam Block Yanam PU/1 PU/2 PU/3 PU/5 PU/6 PU/7 PU/8 PU/9 PU/10 PU/11 PU/12 PU/13 PU/14 PU/15 PU/16 PU/17 PU/18 PU/19 PU/21 PU/22 PU/23 PU/24 PU/25 Amritsar Amritsar Amritsar Amritsar Amritsar Amritsar Amritsar Bathinda Bathinda Bathinda Bathinda Bathinda Faridkot Faridkot Fatehgarh Sahib Fatehgarh Sahib Fatehgarh Sahib Fatehgarh Sahib Firozpur Firozpur Firozpur Firozpur Gurdaspur Ajnala Chogawan Harshan Chinna Majitha Rayya Tarsikka Verka Bathinda Bhagta Bhai Ka Nathana Phul Rampura Faridkot Kotkapura Amloh Bassi Pathanan Khamano Khera Ghall Khurd Guruharshai Makhu Zira Bamial MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.Sl.2013 144 . 2091 PUNJAB 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Block No. No. J. 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 Block No. No. PU/26 PU/27 PU/28 PU/29 PU/30 PU/31 PU/32 PU/33 PU/34 PU/35 PU/36 PU/37 PU/38 PU/39 PU/40 PU/41 PU/42 PU/43 PU/44 PU/45 PU/46 PU/47 PU/48 PU/49 PU/50 District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Block Batala Dera Baba Nanak Dhar Kalan Dhariwal Dinanagar Dorangla Fatehgarh Churian Gurdaspur Kahnuwan Kalanaur N.Singh Pathankot Qadian Shri Hargobindpur Sujanpur Bhunga Dasuya Garshankar Hajipur Hoshiarpur 1 Hoshiarpur 2 Mahilpur Mukerian Talwara Tanda MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.Sl.2013 145 . 2013 146 . PU/51 PU/52 PU/53 PU/55 PU/56 PU/57 PU/58 PU/59 PU/60 PU/61 PU/62 PU/63 PU/64 PU/65 PU/66 PU/67 PU/68 PU/69 PU/70 PU/71 PU/72 PU/73 PU/74 PU/75 PU/76 District Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Kapurthala Kapurthala Kapurthala Kapurthala Kapurthala Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Ludhiana Block Adampur Bhogpur Jalandhar East Lohian Khass Nakodar Noormahal Phillour Rurka Kalan Shahkot Dhilwan Kapurthala Nadala Phagwara Sultanpur Dehlon Doraha Jagraon Khanna Ludhiana-1 Ludhiana-2 Macchiwara Pakhowal Raikot Samrala Sidhwan Bet MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 Block No. No.Sl. 2013 147 . PU/77 PU/78 PU/79 PU/80 PU/81 PU/82 PU/83 PU/84 PU/85 PU/86 PU/87 PU/88 PU/89 PU/90 PU/91 PU/92 PU/93 PU/94 PU/95 PU/96 PU/97 PU/98 PU/99 PU/100 PU/101 District Ludhiana Moga Moga Moga Moga Moga Mohali Mohali Mohali Mohali Muktsar Muktsar Nawanshahr Nawanshahr Nawanshahr Nawanshahr Nawanshahr Patiala Patiala Patiala Patiala Patiala Patiala Patiala Ropar Block Sudhar Bagha Purana Dharamkot Moga 2 Moga 1 Nihal Singh Wala Derabassi Kharar Majri Morinda Gidderbaha Malout Aur Balachaur Banga Nawan Shahr Saroya Bhunerheri Ghanaur Nabha Patiala Rajpura Samana Sanaur Anandpur Sahib MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 Block No.08. No. 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 Block No.08. PU/102 PU/103 PU/104 PU/105 PU/106 PU/107 PU/108 PU/109 PU/110 PU/111 PU/112 PU/113 PU/114 PU/115 PU/116 PU/117 PU/118 PU/119 PU/120 PU/121 District Ropar Ropar Ropar Ropar Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Taran Block Chamkaur Sahib Morinda Nurpur Bedi Ropar Ahmedgarh Barnala Bhawanigarh Dhuri Malerkotla Mehalkalan Sangrur Sehna Sherpur Bhikhiwind Chohla Sahib Gandiwind Khadoor Sahib Naushehra Pannuan Patti Taran Taran RAJASTHAN 2211 2212 2213 2214 RJ/1 RJ/4 RJ/5 RJ/6 Ajmer Alwar Alwar Alwar Jawaja Kotkasim Mundawar Neemrana MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl.2013 148 . 2013 149 . 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 Block No.08. RJ/7 RJ/8 RJ/9 RJ/10 RJ/12 RJ/13 RJ/14 RJ/15 RJ/16 RJ/17 RJ/18 RJ/19 RJ/20 RJ/21 RJ/22 RJ/23 RJ/24 RJ/25 RJ/26 RJ/27 RJ/28 RJ/29 RJ/33 RJ/36 RJ/37 District Banswara Barmer Barmer Bharatpur Churu Churu Churu Churu Dausa Ganganagar Ganganagar Ganganagar Ganganagar Ganganagar Ganganagar Ganganagar Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Hanumangarh Jaipur Jhalawar Jhalawar Block Talwara Dhorimana Sindhari Roopwas Rajgarh Ratangarh Sujangarh Taranagar Bandikui Gharsana Karanpur Padampur Raisinghnagar Sadulshahar Sri Ganganagar Vijaynagar Bhadra Nohar Pilibangan Rawatsar Sangria Tibbi Sanmbher Lake Aklera Bhawanimandi MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl. No.Sl.08.2013 150 . RJ/38 RJ/39 RJ/40 RJ/41 RJ/42 RJ/43 RJ/44 RJ/45 RJ/46 RJ/48 RJ/49 RJ/50 RJ/51 RJ/52 RJ/53 RJ/55 RJ/56 RJ/57 RJ/58 RJ/59 RJ/60 RJ/62 RJ/63 RJ/64 RJ/65 District Jhalawar Jhalawar Jhalawar Jhalawar Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Jhunjhunun Karauli Kota Kota Kota Kota Nagaur Sikar Sikar Sikar Sikar Sikar Sikar Block Jhalawar Khanpur Pirawa Sunel Alsisar Bagar Bisau Buhana Chirawa Khetri Nawalgarh Surajgarh Udaipurwati Hindaun Kherabad Ladpura Sangod Sultanpur Kuchaman Dantaramgarh Dhod Khandela Laxmangarh Neem Ka Thana Piprali MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 Block No. No. RJ/66 RJ/67 RJ68 District Sikar Sikar Udaipur Block Shri Madhopur Sikar Shahae Badgaon SK/1 SK/2 SK/3 SK/4 SK/5 SK/6 SK/7 SK/8 SK/9 East Sikkim East Sikkim East Sikkim North Sikkim North Sikkim South Sikkim South Sikkim West Sikkim West Sikkim Gangtok-A Pakyong Rongli Chungthang Mangan Namchi Ravangla Gyalshing Soreng TAMILNADU 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 TN/1 TN/2 TN/3 TN/4 TN/5 TN/6 TN/7 TN/8 TN/9 TN/10 TN/11 Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Coimbatore Coimbatore Adyar Egmore Mylapore Perambur Periamedu Purasaiwalkkam Royapuram T. 2265 2266 2267 SIKKIM 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 Block No.Sl.Nagar Triplicane Anaimalai Annur MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 151 .08. Kulam Sultanpet Sulur Thondamuthur Tiruppur Udumalpet Valparai Annagramam Bhuvanagiri Cuddalore Kammapuram Kattumannarkoil Keerapalayam MHRD Education_rfq/08.Palayam Palladam Perur Pollachi North Pollachi South Pongalur S.S. TN/12 TN/13 TN/14 TN/15 TN/16 TN/17 TN/18 TN/19 TN/20 TN/21 TN/22 TN/23 TN/24 TN/25 TN/26 TN/27 TN/28 TN/29 TN/30 TN/31 TN/32 TN/33 TN/34 TN/35 TN/36 District Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Block Avinashi Gudimangalam Karamadai Kinathukkadavu Madathukkulam Madukkarai P. No.N. 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 Block No.2013 152 .08.Sl. 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 Block No.Sl. No.08.2013 153 . TN/37 TN/38 TN/39 TN/40 TN/41 TN/42 TN/43 TN/44 TN/45 TN/46 TN/47 TN/48 TN/49 TN/50 TN/51 TN/52 TN/53 TN/54 TN/55 TN/56 TN/57 TN/58 TN/59 TN/60 TN/61 District Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Cuddalore Dharmapuri Dharmapuri Dharmapuri Dharmapuri Dharmapuri Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Erode Block Kumaratchi Kurinjipadi Neyveli Parangipettai Virddhachalam Dharmapuri Harur Morappur Nallampalli Pappireddipatty Athoor Batlagundu Dindigul Gujiliamparai Kodikanal Natham Nilakkottai Oddanchatram Palani Reddiarchatram Sanarpatty Thoppampatty Vadamadurai Vedasandur Bhavani MHRD Education_rfq/08. Thomas Mount Thirukallukundram Thiruporur Uthiramerur Walajabad MHRD Education_rfq/08. TN/62 TN/63 TN/64 TN/65 TN/66 TN/67 TN/68 TN/69 TN/70 TN/71 TN/72 TN/73 TN/74 TN/75 TN/76 TN/77 TN/78 TN/79 TN/80 TN/81 TN/82 TN/83 TN/84 TN/85 TN/86 District Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Erode Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Kancheepuram Block Bhavani Sagar Chennimalai Dharapuram Erode Gobi Kangeyam Kodumudi Modakurichi Perundurai T.Sl.08. Palayam Uthukuli Vellokoil Acharapakkam Chithamur Kanchipuram Kattankolathur Kundrathur Lathur Maduranthagam Sriperumpudur St. No. 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 Block No.2013 154 .N. TN/87 TN/88 TN/89 TN/90 TN/91 TN/92 TN/93 TN/94 TN/95 TN/96 TN/97 TN/98 TN/99 TN/100 TN/101 TN/102 TN/103 TN/104 TN/105 TN/106 TN/107 TN/108 TN/109 TN/110 TN/111 District Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Kanniyakumari Karur Karur Karur Karur Karur Karur Karur Krishanagiri Krishanagiri Krishanagiri Krishanagiri Krishanagiri Krishanagiri Madurai Madurai Madurai Block Agastheeswaram Killiyoor Kurunthancode Melpuram Munchirai Rajakkamangalam Thiruvattar Thovalai Thuckalay Aravakurichi K.Sl.Paramathi Karur Krishnarayapuram Kulithalai Thanthoni Thogaimalai Bargur Hosur Kaveripatinam Krishnagiri Mathur Uthangarai Alanganallur Chellampatti Kallikudi MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 Block No. No.08.2013 155 . 2013 156 . TN/112 TN/113 TN/114 TN/115 TN/116 TN/117 TN/118 TN/119 TN/120 TN/121 TN/122 TN/123 TN/124 TN/125 TN/126 TN/127 TN/128 TN/129 TN/130 TN/131 TN/132 TN/133 TN/134 TN/135 TN/136 District Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Madurai Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Nagapattinam Namakkal Namakkal Block Kottampatti Madurai East Madurai North Madurai South Madurai West Melur Sedapatti T. 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 Block No. No.08. Vadipatti T.Sl.Kallupatti Thirumangalam Thiruparamkundram Usilampatti Keezhaiyur Kelvelur Kollidam Kuthalam Mayiladudurai Nagapattinam Sembanarkoil Sirkali Thalainayar Thirumarugal Vedaranyam Elachipalayam Erumapatti MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.08.Palur Thirumanur Veppanthattai Annavasal Aranthangi Arimalam Avudaiyarkoil Gandarvakkottai Karambakudi MHRD Education_rfq/08. TN/137 TN/138 TN/139 TN/140 TN/141 TN/142 TN/143 TN/144 TN/145 TN/146 TN/147 TN/148 TN/149 TN/150 TN/151 TN/152 TN/153 TN/154 TN/155 TN/156 TN/157 TN/158 TN/159 TN/160 TN/161 District Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Namakkal Perambalur Perambalur Perambalur Perambalur Perambalur Perambalur Perambalur Perambalur Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Block Kabilarmalai Mohanur Namagiripettai Namakkal Pallipalayam Paramathy Puduchadram Rasipuram Sendamangalam Triuchengodu Vennandur Alathur Andimadam Jayankondam Perambalur Sendurai T.Sl. 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 Block No.2013 157 . 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 Block No.Sl.2013 158 . TN/162 TN/163 TN/164 TN//165 TN166 TN/167 TN/168 TN/169 TN/170 TN/171 TN/172 TN/173 TN/174 TN/175 TN/176 TN/177 TN/178 TN/179 TN/180 TN/181 TN/182 TN/183 TN/184 TN/185 TN/186 District Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Pudukkottai Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Block Kunnandarkoil Manamelkudi Ponnamaravathy Pudukkottai Thirumayam Thiruvarankulam Viralimalai Bogalur Kadaladi Kamuthi Mandapam Mudukulathur Nainarkoil Paramakudi Rajasingamangalam Ramanathapuram Thiruppullani Thiruvadanai Attur Ayothiyapattinam Gangavalli Mecheri Omalur Salemrural Thalaivasal MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. No. Sl. TN/187 TN/188 TN/189 TN/190 TN/191 TN/192 TN/193 TN/194 TN/195 TN/196 TN/197 TN/198 TN/199 TN/200 TN/201 TN/202 TN/203 TN/204 TN/205 TN/206 TN/207 TN/208 TN/209 TN/210 TN/211 District Salem Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Sivaganga Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Thanjavur Block Valappadi Devakottai Iiayankudi Kalayarkoil Kallal Kannangudi Manamadurai Sakkottai Singampunari Sivagangai Thiruppatur Thiruppuvanam Ammapettai Budalur Kumbakonam Madukkur Orathandu Papanasam Pattukkottai Peravurani Sethubavachatram Thanjavur (Rural) Thiruvaiyaru Thiruvidaimarudhur Thiruvonam MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.2013 159 . No. 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 Block No. Pet Sholavaram Thiruvalangadu Thiruvallur MHRD Education_rfq/08.K. TN/212 TN/213 TN/214 TN/215 TN/216 TN/217 TN/218 TN/219 TN/220 TN/221 TN/222 TN/223 TN/224 TN/225 TN/226 TN/227 TN/228 TN/229 TN/230 TN/231 TN/232 TN/233 TN/234 TN/235 TN/236 District Thanjavur The Nilgiris The Nilgiris The Nilgiris The Nilgiris Theni Theni Theni Theni Theni Theni Theni Theni Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Block Tirupanadal Coonoor Gudalur Kotagiri Udhagamandalam Aundipatty Bodinayakanur Chinnamanur Cumbum Myladumparai Periyakulam Theni Uthamapalayam Ellapuram Gummidipoondi Kadambathur Minjur Pallipat Poonamallee Poondi Puzhal R.08. 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 Block No.2013 160 . No.Sl. Urban Ottapidaram Rural Pudur Sattankulam Srivaikuntam Thoothukudi Rural Tiruchendur Tuticorin Udangudy Vilathikulam MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 161 . TN/237 TN/238 TN/239 TN/240 TN/241 TN/242 TN/243 TN/244 TN/245 TN/246 TN/247 TN/248 TN/249 TN/250 TN/251 TN/252 TN/253 TN/254 TN/255 TN/256 TN/257 TN/258 TN/259 TN/260 TN/261 District Thiruvallur Thiruvallur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thiruvarur Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Thoothukkudi Block Tiruttani Villivakkam Kodavasal Koradachery Kottur Mannargudi Muthupettai Nannilam Needamangalam Thiruthuraipoondi Tiruvarur Valangaiman Alwarthirunagari Karungulam Kayathar Kovilpatti Rural.08.Sl. No. 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 Block No. 2013 162 . 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 Block No.08.Sl. TN/262 TN/263 TN/264 TN/265 TN/266 TN/267 TN/268 TN/269 TN/270 TN/271 TN/272 TN/273 TN/274 TN/275 TN/276 TN/277 TN/278 TN/279 TN/280 TN/281 TN/282 TN/283 TN/284 TN/285 TN/286 District Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Block Andhanallur Lalgudi Manapparai Manikandam Mannachannallur Marungapuri Musiri Pullambadi Thathiengarpet Thiruverumbur Thottiam Thuraiyur Trichy-West Uppiliapuram Vaiyampatty Alangulam Ambasamudram Cheranmahadevi Kadayam Kadayanallur Kalakad Keelapavoor Kuruvikulam Manur Melaneelithanallur MHRD Education_rfq/08. No. 2013 163 . No. 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 Block No. TN/287 TN/288 TN/289 TN/290 TN/291 TN/292 TN/293 TN/294 TN/295 TN/296 TN/297 TN/298 TN/299 TN/300 TN/301 TN/302 TN/303 TN/304 TN/305 TN/306 TN/307 TN/308 TN/309 TN/310 TN/311 District Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Block Nanguneri Palayamkottai Rural Pappakudi Radhapuram Sankarankovil Shengottai Tenkasi Valliyoor Vasudevanallur Anakkavur Arni Chengam Chetpet Cheyyar Kalasapakkam Kilpennathur Pernamallur Polur Pudupalayam Thandrampet Thellar Thurinjapuram Tiruvannamalai Vandavasi Vembakkam MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl.08. 08.Sl. No.2013 164 . TN/312 TN/313 TN/314 TN/315 TN/316 TN/317 TN/318 TN/319 TN/320 TN/321 TN/322 TN/323 TN/324 TN/325 TN/326 TN/327 TN/328 TN/329 TN/330 TN/331 TN/332 TN/333 TN/334 TN/335 TN/336 District Tiruvannamalai Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Vellore Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Block West Arni Alangayam Anaicut Arakkonam Arcot Gudiyattam Jolarpet K V Kuppam Kandhili Kaniyambadi Katpadi Kaveripakkam Madhanur Natrampalli Nemili Pernambut Sholingur Thimiri Thirupattur Vellore Rural Walajah East Walajah West Chinnasalem Gingee Kanai MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 Block No. No.Sl. TN/337 TN/338 TN/339 TN/340 TN/341 TN/342 TN/343 TN/344 TN/345 TN/346 TN/347 TN/348 TN/349 TN/350 TN/351 TN/352 TN/353 TN/354 TN/355 TN/356 TN/357 TN/358 District Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Viluppuram Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Block Kandamangalam Koliyanur Mailam Marakkanam Melmalayanur Mugaiyur Olakkur Vallam Vanur Vikaravandi Viluppuram Aruppukottai Kariyapatti Narikudi Rajapalayam Sattur Sivakasi Srivilliputhur Thiruchuli Vembakottai Virudhunagar Watrap TR/1 TR/2 Dhalai Dhalai Manu Salema MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 TRIPURA 2633 2634 Block No.08.2013 165 . TR/3 TR/4 TR/5 TR/6 TR/7 TR/8 TR/9 TR/10 TR/11 TR/12 TR/13 TR/14 TR/15 TR/16 TR/17 TR/18 TR/19 TR/20 TR/21 TR/22 TR/23 TR/24 TR/25 TR/26 TR/27 District North Tripura North Tripura North Tripura North Tripura North Tripura North Tripura South Tripura South Tripura South Tripura South Tripura South Tripura South Tripura South Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura Block Gournagar Jampui Kadamtala Kumarghat Panisagar Pecharthal Ampinagar Bagafa Hrishyamukh Kakraban Matabari Rajnagar Satchand Bishalgarh Boxanagar Dukli Hezamara Jampoijala Jirania Kalyanpur Kathalia Khowai Mandai Melaghar Mohanpur MHRD Education_rfq/08. No. 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 Block No.08.2013 166 .Sl. 2013 167 .08. 2660 2661 2662 2663 Block No. No. TR/28 TR/29 TR/30 TR/31 District West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura West Tripura Block Mungiakami Padmabil Teliamura Tulashikhar UTTAR PRADESH 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 UP/1 UP/2 UP/3 UP/4 UP/5 UP/6 UP/7 UP/8 UP/9 UP/10 UP/11 UP/12 UP/13 UP/14 UP/15 UP/16 UP/17 UP/18 UP/19 UP/20 Agra Agra Allahabad Ambedkar Nagar Auraiya Auraiya Auraiya Auraiya Auraiya Auraiya Auraiya Azamgarh Azamgarh Baghpat Baghpat Baghpat Baghpat Baghpat Ballia Basti Etmadpur Jaitpur Kalan Soram Baskhari Achhalda Ajitmal Auraiya Bhagyanagar Bidhuna Erva Katra Sahar Azamgrah Mirzapur Bagpat Barout Binoly Khekra Pilana Hanumanganj Dubaulia MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. Nagar Chahaniya Chitrakoot Ramnagar Bhagalpur Salimpur Tarakulawa Barhpura Basrehar Bharthana Chakarnagar Jaswant Nagar Mahewa Saifaie Takha Masaudha Barh Pur Mohamdabad Amauli Deomai Khajuha MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. No.2013 168 . UP/21 UP/22 UP/23 UP/24 UP/25 UP/26 UP/27 UP/28 UP/29 UP/30 UP/31 UP/32 UP/33 UP/34 UP/35 UP/36 UP/37 UP/38 UP/39 UP/40 UP/41 UP/42 UP/43 UP/44 UP/45 District Bijnor Bijnor Bijnor Bulandshahr Bulandshahr Chandauli Chitrakoot Chitrakoot Deoria Deoria Deoria Etawah Etawah Etawah Etawah Etawah Etawah Etawah Etawah Faizabad Farrukhabad Farrukhabad Fatehpur Fatehpur Fatehpur Block Aaku(Nehtor) Afzalgrah Allhepur(Dhampur) Agauta B.Sl.B. 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 Block No. Sl. No.08.2013 169 . 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 Block No. UP/46 UP/47 UP/48 UP/49 UP/50 UP/51 UP/52 UP/53 UP/54 UP/55 UP/56 UP/58 UP/60 UP/61 UP/62 UP/63 UP/64 UP/65 UP/66 UP/67 UP/68 UP/69 UP/70 UP/71 UP/72 District Firozabad Firozabad Firozabad Firozabad Firozabad Firozabad Firozabad Firozabad Gautam Buddha Nagar Gautam Buddha Nagar Ghaziabad Ghaziabad Ghaziabad Ghazipur Ghazipur Hathras Hathras Jalaun Jalaun Jalaun Jalaun Jaunpur Jaunpur Kannauj Kannauj Block Aaranw Firozabad Jasrana Khairgarh Madanpur Narkhi Shikohabad Tundla Dadri Visrakh Bhojpur Loni Simbhawali Bhadaura Karanda Hathras Sasni Jalaun Konch Kuthaund Madhaugadh Sikrara Sirkoni Chibramau Haseran MHRD Education_rfq/08. Sl. UP/73 UP/74 UP/75 UP/76 UP/77 UP/78 UP/79 UP/80 UP/81 UP/82 UP/83 UP/84 UP/85 UP/86 UP/87 UP/88 UP/89 UP/90 UP/91 UP/92 UP/93 UP/94 UP/95 UP/96 UP/97 District Kannauj Kannauj Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kheri Kheri Block Saurikha Umarda Akbarpur Amaraudha Derapur Jhijhak Kakwan Maitha Malasa Rajpur Rasulabad Sandalpur Sarvankhera Bhitergaon Bidhnu Bilhaur Chaubepur Ghatampur Kakwan Kalyanpur Patara Sarsaul Shivrajpur Gola Lakhimpur MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. No. 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 Block No.2013 170 . 08. UP/98 UP/99 UP/100 UP/101 UP/102 UP/103 UP/104 UP/105 UP/106 UP/107 UP/108 UP/109 UP/110 UP/111 UP/112 UP/113 UP/114 UP/115 UP/116 UP/117 UP/118 UP/119 UP/120 UP/121 UP/122 District Kheri Kheri Lalitpur Maharajganj Mainpuri Mainpuri Mainpuri Mainpuri Mainpuri Mainpuri Mainpuri Mau Mau Mau Mau Meerut Meerut Meerut Meerut Meerut Meerut Meerut Meerut Meerut Mirzapur Block Mom Pal Lalitpur Anand Nagar Barnahal Bewar Jagir Kishani Kurawali Mainpuri Sultanganj Dohrighat Fathepur Mandaon Ghosi Pardaha Daurala Hastinapur Jani Machra Mawana Meerut Rajpura Rohta Sardhana Nerayen Pur MHRD Education_rfq/08.2013 171 .Sl. No. 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 Block No. 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 Block No. No.08.2013 172 .Sl. UP/123 UP/124 UP/125 UP/126 UP/127 UP/128 UP/129 UP/130 UP/131 UP/132 UP/133 UP/134 UP/135 UP/136 UP/137 UP/138 UP/139 UP/140 UP/141 UP/142 UP/143 UP/144 UP/145 UP/146 UP/147 District Mirzapur Moradabad Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar Pratapgarh Pratapgarh Rae Bareli Rae Bareli Saharanpur Saharanpur Saharanpur Saharanpur Saharanpur Saharanpur Sant Kabir Nagar Sant Kabir Nagar Shahjahanpur Siddharthnagar Sultanpur Unnao Unnao Unnao Block Seekhar Kunderki Baghra Khatauli Sadar Shamli Thanabhawan Baba Bhelkharnath Sadar Lalganj Sareni Balia Khedi Deoband Nagal Nakur Nanauta Rampur Maniharan Belhar Kala Pauli Madnapur Satha Motigarpur Bighapur Sikanderpur Karn Sumerpur MHRD Education_rfq/08. 2809 2810 2811 Block No.Sl.2013 173 .08. No. UP/148 UP/149 UP/150 District Varanasi Varanasi Varanasi Block Baragaon Harhua Kashividyapeeth UTTRAKHAND 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 UK/1 UK/2 UK/3 UK/4 UK/5 UK/6 UK/7 UK/8 UK/9 UK/10 UK/11 UK/12 UK/13 UK/14 UK/15 UK/16 UK/17 UK/18 UK/19 UK/20 UK/21 Almora Almora Almora Almora Almora Almora Almora Almora Almora Almora Bageshwar Bageshwar Bageshwar Chamoli Chamoli Chamoli Chamoli Chamoli Chamoli Chamoli Chamoli Bhaisiyachhana Bhikiyasain Chaukhutiya Dwarahat Hawalbag Lamgarah Sult Syaldey Takula Tarikhet Bageshwar Garur Kapkote Dasholi Dewal Gairsain Ghat Joshimath Karanprayag Narayanbagar Pokhari MHRD Education_rfq/08. 08. UK/22 UK/23 UK/24 UK/25 UK/26 UK/27 UK/28 UK/29 UK/30 UK/31 UK/32 UK/33 UK/34 UK/35 UK/36 UK/37 UK/38 UK/39 UK/40 UK/41 UK/42 UK/43 UK/44 UK/45 UK/46 District Chamoli Champawat Champawat Champawat Champawat Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Nainital Nainital Nainital Nainital Nainital Nainital Nainital Nainital Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Block Tharali Barakot Champawat Lohaghat Pati Doiwala Doiwala Rishikesh Raipur Sahaspur Vikasnagar Betaalghat Bheemtal Dhari Haldwani Kotabagh Okhalkanda Ramgarh Ramnagar Bironkhal Dugadda Dwarikahl Ekeshwar Jayharikhal Kaljikhal Khirsu MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl. 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 Block No. No.2013 174 . 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 Block No. UK/47 UK/48 UK/49 UK/50 UK/51 UK/52 UK/53 UK/54 UK/55 UK/56 UK/57 UK/58 UK/59 UK/60 UK/61 UK/62 UK/63 UK/64 UK/65 UK/66 UK/67 UK/68 UK/69 UK/70 UK/71 District Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pauri Garhwal Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Pithoragarh Rudraprayag Rudraprayag Rudraprayag Tehri Garhwal Tehri Garhwal Tehri Garhwal Tehri Garhwal Udham Singh Nagar Udham Singh Nagar Block Kot Nainidanda Pabau Pauri Pokhra Rikhanikhal Thalisain Yamkeshwar Berinag Bin Dharchula Didihat Gangolihat Kanalichheena Moonakot Munsyari Augustyamuni Jakholi Ukhimath Chamba Devprayag Jakhnidhar Keertinagar Gadarpur Jaspur MHRD Education_rfq/08. No.Sl.08.2013 175 . 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 Block No.Sl.08. No.2013 176 . UK/72 UK/73 UK/74 UK/75 UK/76 UK/77 District Udham Singh Nagar Udham Singh Nagar Udham Singh Nagar Udham Singh Nagar Uttarkashi Uttarkashi Block Kashipur Khatima Rudrapur Sitarganj Bhatwari Dunda WEST BENGAL 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 WB/1 WB/2 WB/3 WB/4 WB/5 WB/6 WB/7 WB/8 WB/9 WB/10 WB/11 WB/12 WB/13 WB/14 WB/15 WB/16 WB/17 WB/18 Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Bankura Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Bankura-I Bankura-Ii Barjora Indas Joypur Khatra-I Kotulpur Raipur-I Sarenga [Raipur-Ii] Simlapal Taldangra Andal Ausgram-I Ausgram-Ii Barabani Bhatar Burdwan-I Burdwan-Ii MHRD Education_rfq/08. 08. WB/19 WB/20 WB/21 WB/22 WB/23 WB/24 WB/25 WB/26 WB/27 WB/28 WB/29 WB/30 WB/31 WB/32 WB/33 WB/34 WB/35 WB/36 WB/37 WB/38 WB/39 WB/40 WB/41 WB/42 WB/43 District Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Barddhaman Birbhum Block Durgapur-Faridpur Galsi-I Galsi-Ii Jamalpur Jamuria Kalna-I Kalna-Ii Kanksa Katwa-I Katwa-Ii Ketugram-I Ketugram-Ii Khandoghosh Memari-I Memari-Ii Mongalkote Monteswar Pandabeswar Purbasthali-I Purbasthali-Ii Raina-I Raina-Ii Raniganj Salanpur Bolpur Sriniketan MHRD Education_rfq/08. No. 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 Block No.2013 177 .Sl. No.Rishihat Ghoom .08.2013 178 .Sl. WB/44 WB/45 WB/46 WB/47 WB/48 WB/49 WB/50 WB/51 WB/52 WB/53 WB/54 WB/55 WB/56 WB/57 WB/58 WB/59 WB/60 WB/61 WB/62 WB/63 WB/64 WB/65 WB/66 WB/67 WB/68 District Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Birbhum Dakshin Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Dakshin Dinajpur Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Block Illambazar Khoyrasole Labpur Mayureswar-I Mayureswar-Ii Nalhati-I Nalhati-Ii Nanoor Rampurhat-I Rampurhat-Ii Sainthia Suri-I Suri-Ii Balurghat Banshihari Gangarampur Hili Kumarganj Tapan Algarah .Munsong Bong .Dungra Chongtong .Sinji MHRD Education_rfq/08.Jorebunglow Giddaypahar .Pankhabari Gitdabling . 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 Block No. Pedong Lebong Valley Lopchu .Tangta .Lodhoma Rungbull . No.Latpanchar Pokhriabong .Jaldhaka Amta-I Amta-Ii 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 WB/71 WB/72 WB/73 WB/74 WB/75 WB/76 WB/77 WB/78 WB/79 WB/80 WB/81 WB/82 WB/83 WB/84 WB/85 WB/86 Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 WB/87 WB/88 WB/89 WB/90 WB/91 WB/92 Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Darjiling Haora Haora MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sukna Todey .08.Tukvar Sonada .2013 179 .Tung Soureni . WB/69 WB/70 District Darjiling Darjiling Block Gorubathan Kalimpong Khas Kalimpong Town .Teesta Valley Tindharia .Sl.Dr Graham's Homes Kurseong Town Lava .Nagri Pulbazar .Peshok Mirik Mungpoo .Bijanbari Rimbik . 2957 2958 Block No.Dooteria Sadar I Sadar Ii Singamari .Panighatta Sukhiapokhri Maneybhanjang Takdah . 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 Block No.2013 180 .Sl. No.Jagacha Domjur Jagatballavpur Panchla Sankrail Shyampur-I Shyampur-Ii Udaynarayanpur Uluberia-I Uluberia-Ii Arambagh Balagarh Chanditala-I Chanditala-Ii Chinsurah-Mogra Dhaniakhali Goghat-I Goghat-Ii Haripal Jangipara Khanakul-I Khanakul-Ii Pandua MHRD Education_rfq/08. WB/93 WB/94 WB/95 WB/96 WB/97 WB/98 WB/99 WB/100 WB/101 WB/102 WB/103 WB/104 WB/105 WB/106 WB/107 WB/108 WB/109 WB/110 WB/111 WB/112 WB/113 WB/114 WB/115 WB/116 WB/117 District Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Haora Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Block Bagnan-I Bagnan-Ii Bally.08. Sl. WB/118 WB/119 WB/120 WB/121 WB/122 WB/123 WB/124 WB/125 WB/126 WB/127 WB/128 WB/129 WB/130 WB/131 WB/132 WB/133 WB/134 WB/135 WB/136 WB/137 WB/138 WB/139 WB/140 WB/141 WB/142 District Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Hugli Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Koch Bihar Maldah Maldah Block Polba-Dadpur Pursurah Serampur-Uttarpara Singur Tarakashwar Uttarpara Kotrang Alipurduar-I Alipurduar-Ii Falakata Jalpaiguri Sadar Kumargramduar Maynaguri Rajganj Cooch Behar-I Cooch Behar-Ii Dinhata-I Dinhata-Ii Haldibari Mathabhanga-I Mathabhanga-Ii Mekhliganj Tufanganj-I Tufanganj-Ii Chanchal-1 Kaliachak-1 MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. No.2013 181 . 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 Block No. I Krishnagar .08.Sl.Ii 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 WB/152 WB/153 WB/154 WB/155 WB/156 WB/157 WB/158 WB/159 WB/160 WB/161 WB/162 WB/163 WB/164 WB/165 WB/166 WB/167 Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia MHRD Education_rfq/08. 3031 3032 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 Block No. WB/143 WB/144 WB/145 WB/146 WB/147 WB/148 WB/149 WB/150 WB/151 District Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Block Barwan Beldanga-I Beldanga-Ii Berhampore Bhagawangola-I Domkal Hariharpara Jalangi Lalgola Murshidabad-Jiaganj (M.Ii Krishnaganj Krishnagar .I Karimpur .2013 182 . No.J) Nabagram Nowda Raninagar-I Raninagar-Ii Sagardighi Chakdah Chapra Hanskhali Haringhata Kaliganj Karimpur . Ii 3070 WB/183 Bongaon 3071 WB/184 Deganga 3072 WB/185 Gaighata MHRD Education_rfq/08.I Ranaghat .08.I Tehatta .Sl.Ii 3066 WB/179 Barrackpore .Ii 3061 WB/174 Amdanga 3062 WB/175 Baduria 3063 WB/176 Bagdah 3064 WB/177 Barasat .I 3067 WB/180 Barrackpore .Ii Santipur Tehatta . WB/168 WB/169 WB/170 WB/171 WB/172 WB/173 District Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia Nadia North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana Block Nabadwip Ranaghat . No.Ii 3068 WB/181 Basirhat . 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 Block No.2013 183 .I 3069 WB/182 Basirhat .I 3065 WB/178 Barasat . Ii 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 WB/195 WB/196 WB/197 WB/198 WB/199 WB/200 WB/201 WB/202 WB/203 WB/204 Swarupnagar Binpur-1 Binpur-2 Chandrakona-1 Chandrakona-2 Dantan-1 Dantan-2 Daspur-1 Daspur-2 Debra MHRD Education_rfq/08.Sl.08. District North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana North Twenty Four Pargana Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Block 3073 WB/186 Habra . Block No.2013 184 . No.I 3081 WB/194 Sandeshkhali .Ii 3075 WB/188 Haroa 3076 WB/189 Hasnabad 3077 WB/190 Hingalgunj 3078 WB/191 Minakhan 3079 WB/192 Rajarhat 3080 WB/193 Sandeshkhali .I 3074 WB/187 Habra . WB/205 WB/206 WB/207 WB/208 WB/209 WB/210 WB/211 WB/212 WB/213 WB/214 WB/215 WB/216 WB/217 WB/218 WB/219 WB/220 WB/221 WB/222 WB/223 WB/224 WB/225 WB/226 WB/227 WB/228 WB/229 District Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Paschim Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Block Garbeta-1 Garbeta-2 Garbeta-3 Ghatal Gopiballavpur-2 Jamboni Jhargram Keshiary Keshpur Kgp-1 Kgp-2 Midnapore Sadar Mohanpur Narayangarh Pingla Sabong Salboni Sankrail Bhagwanpur -I Bhagwanpur -Ii Contai -I Contai -Ii Contai -Iii Egra -I Egra -Ii MHRD Education_rfq/08. 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 Block No.Sl.2013 185 .08. No. 2 MHRD Education_rfq/08.08. 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 Block No.1 3139 WB/252 Bhangore . No.Sl.2013 186 . WB/230 WB/231 WB/232 WB/233 WB/234 WB/235 WB/236 WB/237 WB/238 WB/239 WB/240 WB/241 WB/242 WB/243 WB/244 WB/245 WB/246 WB/247 WB/248 WB/249 District Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Purba Medinipur Siliguri Siliguri South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan Block Haldia Khejuri -I Khejuri -Ii Mahisadal Moyna Nandakumar Nandigram -I Nandigram -Ii Nandigram -Iii Panskura -I Panskura -Ii Patashpur -I Patashpur -Ii Ramnagar -I Ramnagar -Ii Sahid Matangani Sutahata Tamluk Matigara Naxalbari 3137 WB/250 Baruipur 3138 WB/251 Bhangore . 08.1 3150 WB/263 Kakdwip 3151 WB/264 Kulpi 3152 WB/265 Magrahat .1 MHRD Education_rfq/08. Block No.2 3154 WB/267 Mandirbazar 3155 WB/268 Mathurapur .2 3144 WB/257 Canning . District South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan Block 3140 WB/253 Bishnupur . No.1 3141 WB/254 Bishnupur .1 3146 WB/259 Diamond Harbour .2 3147 WB/260 Falta 3148 WB/261 Gosaba 3149 WB/262 Joynagar .Sl.2013 187 .2 3142 WB/255 Budge Budge .1 3153 WB/266 Magrahat .1 3145 WB/258 Diamond Harbour .1 3143 WB/256 Budge Budge . Sl. No.08.2 3157 WB/270 Namkhana 3158 WB/271 Patharpratima 3159 WB/272 Sagar 3160 WB/273 Sonarpur 3161 3162 WB/274 WB/275 Thakurpukur Maheshtala Hemtabad MHRD Education_rfq/08. District South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan South Twenty Four Pargan Uttar Dinajpur Block 3156 WB/269 Mathurapur .2013 188 . Block No. as applicable 5. Clause 2. no statements for partial periods shall be accepted. Clause 2.2013 189 .08.3 (i) Enclosed copies of the following documents.11. N O .000 to Authority towards the cost of the RFQ document? (in case already paid) 3. Annex III to Enclosed Annex III .designation. Clause 2.24 of the RFQ shall refer to Paragraph 18 of Appendix I .Financial Capacity of the MHRD Education_rfq/08.Checklist for Submission of RFQ Application CLAUSE REFERENCE DETAILS OF DOCUMENTS TO BE ENCLOSED PROVIDED? (YES/NO) SL . The Applications in these envelopes respectively should also be marked "ORIGINAL" and "COPY".2.3 Is the application bound in hard cover? 1.Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-Qualification? The date and place of signing the letter and name.10. must be complete with notes and must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited. Clause 2.2.11. Clause 2. Clause 2. Note: Applicants who wish to apply on the basis of their Application for Pre-Qualification which was made in response to the pilot project of Phase-I for award of 50 schools as per Clause 2. seal and signature of the Authorized Signatory must be clearly legible Annex I to Appendix Enclosed Annex I . as applicable? 4.18 (c) Is the application marked? Main envelope should be marked as "APPLICATION" and it must contain two envelopes marked "ORIGINAL" and "COPY". as applicable?  Documents of Incorporation  Trust Deed  Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association. Clause 2. Appendix I Enclosed Appendix I .12.Details of Applicant ? I Annex II to Enclosed Annex II . if Appendix I applicable? 6. The Applicant must also provide 2 soft copies on Compact Discs (CDs).3 (i) Enclosed copy of the Certificate of Registration for Society or Trust.18 (h) Enclosed an attested copy of the receipt for payment of Rs.3 Has each page of the Application been initialed by the Authorized Signatory (Person holding the Power of Attorney for signing the documents) in Blue ink? 2.Experience of the Applicant.Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-Qualificationfor the relevant parts of this Checklist and the Checklist shall stand modified for such Applicants.2 (iv) Enclosed copies of Applicant’s duly audited balance sheet and profit and loss account for the preceding 2 financial years? The statements must reflect the financial capacity of the Applicant itself. Also must carry the name and seal of the audit firm. name. name. designation and seal of the Auditor/Company Secretary. designation and seal of the Auditor/Company Secretary. if applicable? Enclosed certificates from the Affiliating Educational Board. designation and seal of the Competent Authority. In case experience of an Associate is being claimed. financial statements and Annual Reports for 2 years preceding the Application Due Date? Are the financial statements complete. In case experience of an Associate is being claimed. date of signing. if applicable? The Certificate must carry legible signature.2013 190 . Enclosed Certificate from the Affiliating/Accrediting organisation? The Certificate must carry legible signature.SL . including all notes to the financial statements? Incase the annual accounts for the latest financial year are not audited. date of signing. name. name.08. enclosed Certificate from Auditor/Company Secretary regarding Associate. enclosed the statutory auditor certifying the same? Enclosed Auditor's Certificate specifying the Net Worth and the Methodology for calculating such Net Worth? Enclosed Annex IV . Enclosed Certificate from the Competent Authority? The Certificate must carry legible signature. indicating the validity of the affiliation? Certificates must be provided for every year of experience of each educational institution whose experience is being claimed.Details of Existing Schools. Also must carry the name and seal of the audit firm. date of signing. N O . Enclosed Annex V . enclosed Certificate from Auditor/Company Secretary regarding Associate. designation and seal of the Competent Authority. Enclosed Annex VI .Preference for Location of Schools? PROVIDED? (YES/NO) Annex IV to Appendix I Annex V to Appendix I Annex VI to Appendix I MHRD Education_rfq/08. CLAUSE REFERENCE Appendix I DETAILS OF DOCUMENTS TO BE ENCLOSED Applicant. if applicable? Enclosed copies of the audited balance sheets. if applicable? The Certificate must carry legible signature. indicating the validity of the affiliation? Certificates must be provided for every year of experience of each school whose experience is being claimed. date of signing.Details of Educational Institutions? Enclosed certificates from the Affiliating or Accrediting board. Is the Power of Attorney notarised? Enclosed extract of the charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders resolution/ Power of Attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power on behalf of the Applicant? In case any document has been provided in a language other than English. giver of POA or any person generally authorized by the Applicant to undertake communication with others) The reference date and the signature. Enclosed Appendix II . DISCLAIMER: This Checklist is for guidance purpose only and is only meant to aid the Applicant in self-verifying that the Application contains important enclosures. name and designation of the Authorised Signatory must be clearly legible. MHRD Education_rfq/08.08.10 The applicant may refer to those parts of the checklist which are relevant with respect to the nature of the experience claimed.SL . It is to be noted that the checklist is not to be considered as exhaustive and use of this checklist shall not absolve the Applicant from any other discrepancies / issues in the Application. Enclosed Annex VII . N O .Power of Attorney for signing of Application? Has been created on valid stamp paper of appropriate value? The date of purchase of the stamp paper must be legible.Statement of Legal Capacity? Has been created on the Letterhead of the Applicant? Has been signed by the Authorised Signatory? (person holding the POA. Clause 2. the RFQ shall prevail. The Checklist is not a part of the RFQ. CLAUSE REFERENCE DETAILS OF DOCUMENTS TO BE ENCLOSED The Serial Number and the spelling of the District and Block namemust match that in Appendix V of the RFQ. In case of any difference in interpretation between the RFQ and this Checklist. enclosed English translations of the documents? PROVIDED? (YES/NO) Annex VII to Appendix I Appendix II 7.2013 191 .
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