Final Research Output

March 18, 2018 | Author: girliebalabat | Category: Concrete, Tire, Strength Of Materials, Construction Aggregate, Waste



RUBBER TIRE CHIPS AS ADDITIVES OF CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKSA Research In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research 2: Research Methods for Engineers Submitted by: Opog, Roy Jhon A. Ancheta, Ronald P. Caballero, Bryan A. Seranilla, Ofelia E. ADVISER: Engr. Felrose P. Maravillas, MSCE Submitted to: DR. FRANCO C. FLORES June ___, 2013 ADVISER: Engr.096 psi. The experiment was conducted with the following cement to aggregates ratio (cement: sand: rubber tire chips). set 2 samples 130. Maravillas.0618 psi. Ofelia E. Bryan A. set 1 (1:4:1). lessened the worst problems in solid waste management and insurmountable quarrying dilemma of most river banks.016 psi. Ancheta. Seranilla. Further. Keywords: rubber tire chips. Results showed also that the commercial CHB which are locally used by Capitol University building constructions has an average compressive strength of 30. set 3 samples 98. set 1 prototypes has an average compressive strength of 200. MSCE ABSTRACT This study was conducted to ascertain the possibility of using the rubber tire chips as alternative construction material. compressive strength .RUBBER TIRE CHIPS AS ADDITIVES OF CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS Opog. Roy Jhon A. Caballero.872 psi. set 2 (1:3:2). These findings entail a positive utilization of waste and hence. This means that even the samples which has the largest volume of rubber tire chips is 3 times stronger than the commercial one. Ronald P. CHB. Felrose P. the study explored the compressive strength of Concrete Hollow Block (CHB) with rubber tire chips and was compared to commercial one.658 psi and for the control samples 202. and set 3 (1:2:3) and the control CHB is having the cement to sand ratio of 1:5. Findings revealed the following average compressive strength of the samples. thermal incineration of waste tires for the production of electricity or as fuel for cement kilns. since tires have a virtually unlimited life span. Even worse. 2001). It is a building module resembling large bricks that are molded from sand and cement. land filling. tires do not stay buried. where landfilling is still a common waste disposal strategy. generation of waste tires far exceeds these uses (Nehdi and Khan. Other studies made an effort to reduce this compounding problem such as alternatives in waste reduction. is a very common building material for the load bearing walls of building. In other words when reinforced with concrete columns and tie beams. several studies have been conducted to examine various applications of recycled tire rubber (fine crumb rubber and coarse tire chips). this is what we called “concrete block structure” (CBS) construction (Wikipedia). They are also bulky and when disposed. (Ahmed.Introduction CHB CHB is also known as “Concrete Hollow Block”. but float to the top of a landfill. which may make landfills unstable. and recycling is currently being . To address this global problem. These waste tires are source of environmental concern in developed countries. resource recovering. Piled tires trap water. they trap air. Tires decompose very slowly. and use of recycled rubber chips in asphalt concrete. It is the most widely used in masonry material for all types of construction such as walls. Rubber Tire Chips Used tires are a challenging problem. and thus can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other water-incubating insects and bacteria. et. fences etc. This could be one of the major environmental challenges facing municipalities around the world. Unfortunately. 1996). dividers. Examples include the reused of ground tire rubber in a variety of rubber and plastic products. at taking over a century to disintegrate at ambient temperatures. as additives in overlaying fatigued/ cracked pavements. (Bandini.reviewed to reduce the continued accumulation of scrap tires (Spagnoli et al. These results are significant also to the following: The Building Designers: . 2011). this study attempted to answer the following questions: 1. What is the difference of the average compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks (CHB) with tire chips compared to concrete hollow blocks without tire chips? 3. What is the difference of the average compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks (CHB) with tire chips compared to commercial concrete hollow blocks? Significance of the study This could help our mother nature to minimize the rubber tire solid wastes and lessened the over quarrying problems of most river banks in the locality. and was used also as a durable crack-resistant asphalt surface in new construction..Hence. discarded tire or chipped tires are also used as concrete aggregate. 2006). this particular study innovates of recycling the waste rubber tire chips as aggregate for Concrete Hollow Blocks. Statement of the Problem This study explored the compressive strength of the CHB mixed with discarded rubber tire chips. For the most usual method of recycling these waste tire chips. this research entails another technically attractive option of recycling waste materials. is used in asphalt mixture. Specifically. However. What is the average compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks (CHB) with tire chips in each set of samples? 2. The proponents envisioned that this would lead to another important contribution in the field of civil engineering and to our environment. Nevertheless. Due to time constraint. There were 5 samples cast in each set.64 cm) wide. To attain the 31 MPa compressive strength of the concrete mix. samples were taken from the warehouse of Capitol University. The concrete mixture used in CHB casting of the control specimen is 1:5 (cement:sand).7 cm) high by 4 inches (10. 1:4:1. . 0. for them to develop new ideas on how other materials could be used by mixing with discarded rubber tire chips. Other samples has the following ratio (cement:sand:rubber tire chips) for set 1. For the commercial CHB.45 water cement ratio was used. Also. And the measurements of cell blocks are 4”x2” inches with nominal measurements of 4 inches (10. Further. The Future Researchers: It gives them additional information about the factors and effect of using concrete hollow blocks (CHB) mix with discarded rubber tire chips.16 cm) deep by 16 inches (40.16 cm) wide by 2 inches (5. the curing period was 16 days for all samples and the method used is sprinkling.08 cm) deep. the innovation of an alternative method in casting Concrete Hollow Blocks utilizing the rubber tire wastes. Scope and Limitations of the Study The sizes of the moldings of blocks used are 5”x4”x16” with the nominal measurements of 5 inches (12. Conceptual Frame Work The study focuses on the utilization of rubber tire wastes and lessened the quarrying problem of our natural resources specifically sand and gravel deposits. Figure 1. 1:3:2 and 1:2:3. set 2 and set 3 respectively. Cagayan de Oro City. Discarded rubber tires were taken from the vulcanizing shops along Osme ṅa Street. shows the conceptual flow of the study. The Community: This would not only augment the meager income of the least fortunate families of the locality but also promote business to entrepreneurs who have capitals.This will help them to provide new information on how the concrete hollow (CHB) mix with discarded rubber tire chips is useful in building constructions. Gathering of tires Cutting of tires into chips mixing of tire chips with aggregates & cement Casting of concrete hollow block(CHB) samples (CHB) mix with tire chips Testing of samples Figure1. Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Frameworks The Methods The researchers gathered the waste rubber tires as shown in Figure 2 and cut into chips until the specified size is attained. all the tire chips passing the no. Through sieving. The rest of the chips were cut until it passes the identified sieve number. 1/2” sieves as shown in Figure 3 were utilized. . 1. 2.Figure 2. All the materials such as cement. Discarded Rubber Tires Figure 3. and the designed water cement ratio of 0. The aggregates such as sand and rubber tire chips were mixed as shown Figure 4. water and sieved rubber tire chips were weighed and measured according to its specified ratio in each set. Followed by the cement. Cutting and Sieving of Tire Chips The following are the procedures in the preparation of samples. .45. sand. Mixed Sand and Rubber Tire Chips 3. Figure 5. 5. All samples were air-dried and taken from the mold and were placed in the curing area as shown in Figure 5. The mixed materials in Procedure 1 were cast in 5”x4”x16” concrete hollow block mold by tamping until the concrete was evenly spread in the mold. A load is applied continuously until the sample breaks as shown in Figures 6 and 7. the samples were tested using the UTM (universal testing machine). After curing for 16 days. 4. Samples in Curing Process .Figure 4. Cagayan de Oro City. Table1 depicts the average compressive strength of the samples. The Results The findings of the study addressed the problems cited. Problem 1: To determine the average compressive strength of the Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) with discarded tire chips in every set of the samples.Figure 6. Testing of Sample Figure 7. The preparation of materials and testing was done in the Materials and Testing Laboratory situated at the ground floor of Engineering Building. Testing of Sample at Failure Research Locale This study was conducted in Capitol University located at Corrales extension. . due to weak bonding between the rubber particles and the cement paste. First. soft rubber particles may be viewed as voids in the concrete mix.016 This shows that the more rubber tire chips. upon loading. Average Compressive Strength of the Samples Mixture Ratio Sample Length Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Control Commercial CHB (in) 16 16 16 16 16 Dimension Width (in) 4 4 4 4 4 Height (in) 8 8 8 8 8 1:4:1 1:3:2 1:2:3 1:5 (cement:sand:rubbe r tire chips) Average Compressive Strength psi 200. cracks are initiated quickly around the rubber particles due to this elastic mismatch.658 202. Second. the lower strength it has. a reduction in strength is anticipated.872 30.0618 98. Because aggregates are partially replaced with relatively weaker rubber. size. It was also found (Khatib and Bayomy 1999) that the flexural strength of rubcrete mixtures decreased with an increase in the rubber content in a fashion similar . because rubber is much softer than the surrounding cement paste. He also cited some studies like Khatib and Bayomy (1999) found that the 28-day compressive strength of rubcrete mixtures was reduced by about 93% when 100% of the coarse aggregate volume was replaced by rubber and by 90% when 100% of the fine aggregate volume was replaced by rubber. which propagate to bring about failure of the rubber-cement matrix. This is probably due to the bonding property of the tire chips to adhere with other materials. and hardness of the coarse aggregate (Mehta and Monteiro 1993). Some of the factors that affect the compressive strength of concrete mixed with rubber tire chips are studied by Nehdi and Khan (2001). They hypothesized that there are three major causes for this strength reduction. The assumed increase in the void content would certainly cause a reduction in strength.096 130.Table 1. The third possible reason for the reduction in strength is that the strength of concrete depends greatly on the density. perhaps due to similar mechanisms. Table 2.776 72. These similar observations were also made by Topcu and this could be caused by weak interfacial bonds between the cement paste and Tire rubber.36 35. (2013). Problem 3: To determine the difference of average compressive strength of CHB w/ rubber tire chips to commercial CHB. the better and improved bonding may develop with the surrounding matrix. their studies support the result of this study. Tarun have reported that the compressive strength of rubberized concrete can be improved when fine aggregate was fully replaced by fine crumb rubber.214 Percentage Difference from Control % 0 1. mentioned in his report that the concrete made with low grade rubber concrete had lower compressive strength compared with high grade rubber and that may result in higher compressive strength. Problem 2: To determine the difference of their compressive strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) w/ tire chips to CHB w/out tire chips (Control sample).89 51. According to Daxini.37 Table 2 shows that if 60 % of the sand is replaced by equivalent volume of rubber tire chips. et. Table 3. Fatuhi et al. a review of the literature revealed that several investigations into rubber concrete have been previously performed.872 200. Difference of Average Compressive Strength from Control Mixture Ratio Sample (cement:sand:rubbe r tire chips) Control Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 1:5 1:4:1 1:3:2 1:2:3 Average Compressive Strength Psi that observed for compressive strength. Average Compressive Strength Difference from Commercial CHB .658 Difference from Control Psi 0 2. He also indicated that if the rubber particles have rougher surface or given a pretreatment.37 % from the CHB without rubber tire chips.0618 98.8102 104. Hence. the resulting percentage difference of its compressive strength is about 51.096 130. for better exploration of this study here are some recommendations. still exceeds at about 3 times stronger than the commercial CHB.658 psi. 1. these CHB samples were used in many campus building constructions of Capitol University. Casting of CHB with cement and rubber tire chips as the only aggregates.08 -100.642 Commercial CHB Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 1:4:1 1:3:2 1:2:3 30. Even if the volume of sand was replaced at about 60% of rubber tire chips. Further research of related studies using the rubber tires. . This means that the CHB with rubber tire chips is stronger than the local commercial CHB. Submerged curing method of samples.658 Table 3 indicates a negative value of the average compressive strength difference.016 200.0618 98.045 -68. Conclusions and Recommendations Below are the enumerated findings of the study. The average compressive strength of the set 3 samples is 3 times stronger than the local commercial CHB. Per inspection of the proponents. The least average compressive strength of the samples is 98. 2. Hence.Mixture Ratio Sample (cement:sand:rubbe r tire chips) Average Compressive Strength Psi Difference from Commercial CHB Psi 0 -170. 2. Further. 1.096 130. 3. This set of samples makes use of the greatest volume of rubber tire chips as replacement of the sand aggregates. this study could be utilized for better or stronger Concrete Hollow Blocks. We recommend also expanding this study about CHB mixed with rubber tires when it is exposed to fire.4. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Books . EVALUATE THE USES FOR SCRAP TIRES IN TRANPORTATION FACILITIES. 1. 1999. No. and Khan. M. Experimental Investigation of Some Fresh and Hardened Properties of Rubberized Self-Compacting Concrete. Nash and Douglas D. 2009.B. Jayawickrama.P. & Bilir. İ. I. 1995. . 11 (3): 206-213. Tarun R. Topçu. Jr Simplified Methods on Building construction B. . National Book store. J. Second Edition. Nehdi. Gransberg. Vol. Khatib Z. pp. Phillip T. 23. Rubberized Portland cement concrete.Fajardo. Max B..B. T. Jr Simplified Construction Estimate. & Bayomy F. Civ. A Cement.3–10. June 2001. Glenn Engstrom and Rich Lamb. CCAGDP. 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Vol.pdf /Documents/www. ture_to_make_concrete_hollow_blocks http://www.php? option=com_easytablepro&view=easytablerecord&id=3%3Atda-researchpapers&rid=69&Itemid=85 Concrete_Aggregate_for_Engineering_Applications http://www.pdf APPENDIX nNM_Final.aspx?paperID=25236 http://www. 31)² A = 8.CHB Molding: Length Width Height Required: Find the compressive strength of CHB Solution: Cross Sectional Area Diameter of Hydraulic Piston = 3.F/contact Area of the specimen (in²) .605 in² = = = 16 inches 4 inches 8 inches Compressive Force (lb) = (P.31 inch A = (π/4) d² A = (π/4) (3.R) x (Area of piston H.J) Compressive Strength of CHB (Psi) = C.
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