Final Project Report

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ana Novi | Category: Tsunami, Earthquakes, Geographic Information System, Emergency Management, Plate Tectonics



FINAL PROJECT ASSIGNMENT POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMATitle “EVALUATION OF THE GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE” (CASE STUDY CHILI EARTHQUAKE, 27 FEB 2010) Novita Hendrastuti ([email protected]) International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation 12, June 2010 INTRODUCTION Chile earthquake 2010 was occurred on the February 27, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC), with Mw= 8.8 and 35 km depth. The earthquake triggered a tsunami which is shocked several coastal towns in south-central Chile and tsunami warnings were issued. As soon as the catastrophe declared by the government, scientific community and mapping surveys agency responses by providing information about the parameter and level of the damage for the end user for instance government officials, international and national organizations in charge of damage assessment and relief operations which is expected to be direct and critical information to reduce consequences of a disaster and to monitor the extend of the damage. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the response of national and international organizations on the Chili earthquake 2010, was it adequate or not? The assessment focuses on an evaluation of the geospatial data available for damage assessment and how the international society responded. Also change detection analysis was carried out to show some examples of the damage in the rural and urban area causes by the earthquake and tsunami. The objective of this project are : 1. Collect data from the mapping survey organizations to assess the information related emergency response. - How did international organizations carry out damage assessment, was it adequate? which data was readily available? 2. Discus the response of international organizations after the earthquake and tsunami warning based on the internet sources, was the response adequate? And did international organization learn from Indian Tsunami Ocean? 3. Analyze change detection using a multi-temporal and multispectral dataset by image processing and visual interpretation method to carry out type of the changes and compare the two methods focusing on urban and rural areas which were affected by the earthquake and the tsunami. 4. Compare the overall damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami based on literature and based on own work in some sample areas. And 1 STUDY AREA Chile areas extend 4,270 kilometers and 177 kilometers east to west. The northern part of Chile lie on top of telluric Nazca plate, which moving eastward about ten centimeters a year and forcing its way under the continental plate of South America. This movement has resulted in the formation of the Peru-Chile trench. The telluric displacements that created the Peru-Chile trench make Chile prone to earthquake. Since 1570 Chile had been hit by major earthquake with Magnitude Mw>=8.0, which was followed by destructive tsunami. NO Date Time Latitude Longitude Magnitude (Ms) 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.7 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Depth (km) 30 30 Moment Magnitude (Mw) 9.5 8.8 Effect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 08-02-1570 16-12-1575 24-11-1604 15-03-1657 08-07-1730 11-04-1819 20-02-1835 13-08-1868 09-05-1877 22-05-1960 27-02-2010 9:00 14:30 12:30 19:30 4:45 10:00 11:30 16:45 21:16 15:11 03:34 -36.800 -39.800 -18.500 -36.830 -33.050 -27.350 -36.830 -18.500 -19.600 -39.500 -36.290 -73.000 -73.200 -70.400 -73.030 -71.630 -70.350 -73.030 -70.350 -70.230 -74.500 -73.239 TD TD TD TD TD TD TD TD TD TD TD Table 1. Major earthquake and destructive tsunami (1570-may 2010) with Magnitude >= 8.0 TD = Destructive tsunami Source : National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC,USGS) Figure 1. The Nazca plate and South America plate 2 The rupture began deep beneath the coast and spread westward. The epicenter of 27 February Chile Earthquake The Epicenter of 27 February earthquake was in the offshore Bio-Bio Chile. and southward.909 S and 72. the fault slip generated earthquake shaking.The February 27 earthquake occurred at the boundary between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates. with the Nazca plate moving down and landward below the South American plate. The earthquake occurred as thrust-faulting on the interface between the two plates. There were 485 aftershocks with the magnitude 5. As it spread. in 35. setting off tsunami along the fault-rupture area. The earthquake was felt XI MMI at Concepcion and felt as far as Buenos Aries III MMI and Argentina II MMI.733 W. northward. (Source : USGS) Figure 2. and the nearest city is Chilan 95 km and Concepcion 105 km whereas the Capital city Santiago locate at 335 km from the epicenter. 3 .0 or greater followed after the main earthquake. The fault also warped the ocean floor. bridges and highways were topple. In Santiago. In Valparaiso tsunami wave damaged the port and several buildings in the district Plan de Vina.Figure 3. In 1960. Chile had experienced earthquake with magnitude Mw 9. one of the biggest Earthquake which was taken 1600 victims and the tsunami reached Hawaii. and lost electricity and basic service. The 27 February earthquake and tsunami causes a lot damages and buildings collapsed. Philippine and Japan and killed dozen’s in Hawaii and took another 200 in Japan and due to that event Pacific tsunami Warning System (PTWC) was established. Aftershocks map (Source : USGS) The earthquake was triggered tsunami which is reach height 261 cm in Valparaiso and 181 cm in Talcahuano and destroyed many buildings and roads. 4 .5. N. with 79 others reported missing issued by the government of Chile. Figure 4. the 27 February earthquake and tsunami destroyed more than 81.000 houses and severely damaged and additional 109. And most area in the coastal near the epicenter have intensity VI-VIII. tsunami destroys the port facilities and lifted boat out of the water. In Conception. According to U. felt strong until 5 . rescue team had difficulties to enter the city because of damage infrastructures. Shakemap From the USGS Shake map. Show the area which have potential damage based on the intensity. As of 7 April 2010 the earthquake and tsunami caused death of 468 peoples.000 houses and caused $30 billion and damage and economic loss to the Chilean economic. In Talcahuano.Many cities in Maule region which is the closest city with the epicenter reported seriously damaged and it was isolated from outside for a day. office for coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). (Source : La Tercera) Location Death Location Death Constitucion 87 Canete 5 Talcahuano 33 Chanco 5 Concepcion 32 Maule 5 Pelluhue 32 Linares 4 Talca 29 Nancagua 4 Santiago 22 Temuco 4 Parral 17 Angol 3 Cauquenes 15 Arauco 3 Valparaiso 15 Coronel 3 Tome 14 Curepto 3 Curico 12 Lebu 3 Los Angeles 12 Licanten 3 Santa Cruz 12 Lolol 3 Molina 10 Pichidegua 3 Sagrada Familia 10 San Vicente 3 San Antonio 10 Teno 3 San Javier 10 Villarrica 3 Lota 7 Pencahue 6 Peralillo 7 Table 2.severe damage which explain the total death of earthquake and tsunami by location which is show in table 2. Death cause by the earthquake and tsunami ( Source : Wikipedia&La Tercera ) 6 . European Commission-Joint Research Center (JRC) published Tsunami magnitude 8. 06:34:14 UTC.8 near offshore Maule map 1.8 SR. Earthquake with Mw 8. UN and international organizations. International Steering committee for Global mapping (ISCGM) published Global Map of Central Chile-Land use 6. The government declared the catastrophes and reported potential affected area.909 S and 72. Emergency Response Time line Immediately after the earthquake. 28 February 2010 Monday. 4. location 35. news and media. Government of Chile deployed National defense in the disaster area. Cancellation of tsunami warning by PTWC 5. United State Geological Survey (USGS) published aftershocks map 1. 2. depth 35 km occur in the offshore Bio-Bio Chile. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued tsunami warning to Pacific region. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) published Chile Earthquake Damage-Reference map 7. International community (government of the foreign country) gave their response by convey their condolence and offered their assistance. EU commission taken decision to financing primary emergency humanitarian action.733 W. 3. 6.3 show the emergency response time line from the first day until three days after the earthquake Time Saturday. Government of Chile updated official report about the situation a day after the earthquake. rapid emergency response was given by government. In the Table. The Earthquake was generated tsunami. 3.RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Damage assessment maps were published and updated situation on the damage area for the humanitarian help. Non-governmental Organizations. 1 march 2010 . (USGS) 2. 7 Sunday. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published tsunami modeling map and run up 4. 27 February 2010 Response 1. 5. published damage assessments map to support Chile government to deal with disaster. Emergency response time line Source : Reliefweb. show some of rapid response from the International organizations. published UNCT Situation report #1 8. They published report on situation update. 2 March 2010 4. Chile formally requests international aid for earthquake relief efforts. Government of Canada announces assistance to Chile 3.2. 8 . 3. offering assistance and humanitarian aids. and media. Government of China provide 1 million US dollars aid for Chile 5. World Vision begins relief efforts 7. 4. initially declining offers for international aids. But rescue efforts in the first few days were slow. Non-government organizations. Wikipedia In Table 3. UN Country team in Chile. government. partly because of damage infrastructure. Government of Switzerland. United Kingdom donates £250. Government of Japan has decided to extend its emergency assistance to the Republic of Chile in response to the request of the Government of Chile. Government of Australia (AusAID). UN. World Bank provides Technical Expertise to support Chile earthquake response. UN Secretary-General closely monitoring Developments in Chile and Standby to offer rapid assistance Tuesday. Swiss Humanitarian aid allocated CHF 300.000 to the Chilean Red cross 6. Assistance to Chile Table 3.000 for emergency relief measures 2. and also officials misjudged the extent of the damage. Response of the international organizations related to carry out damage assessment A crisis response requires a large involvement of end users in charge of damage assessment and relief operations.7) which contains information on when tsunami will reach to other 9 . In this sense. JRC (Joint Research Center-European Commission) published map of estimation tsunami impact. And one of their member countries. The map shows the areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami with modeling height of tsunami wave in the Chile coastal areas (Figure. (Bitelly. In the case of a strong earthquake such as the one that happened 27 February 2010. USGS published map which contain the information of the damage distribution based on the intensity and also estimation of the population exposed immediately after the event(Figure. remote sensing plays a significant role to rapidly detect damage distribution over a large area and supplying a view of earthquake and tsunami effects. This summary is to show how the international organizations and satellite data providers gave responses in providing space data for support relief activities in Chile. also expressed their interest in being informed about any possible evaluation in the ground damage assessment. extensive and immediate investigation is required to record damage patterns.6). 2001). Italy.5). shortly after determination of earthquake location and magnitude. The map useful to estimate how much victims for the first rescue planning to focus on the most devastated area. PAGER results are generally available within 30 minutes. Three hours after the earthquake occurred USGS published products Shakemap and PAGER(Prompt Assessment of global Earthquake response). the Chile earthquake with magnitude 8. The map gave information to government and relief organizations to know which region potentially damage by the tsunami.8 which was followed by a tsunami. Shakemap is automatically intensity maps generated based on real time ground motion and shaking intensity and PAGER can provides estimation of the number of peoples and the names of cities exposed to severe shaking. Rapid Geospatial Reporting service (RGR) was activated by the UN department for field support soon after the earthquake.1. The observations of damage level and distribution after a destructive earthquake are most important for rapid decision making and planning for the first rescue activities after the occurrence of a disaster. In the Regional scope. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration) published tsunami travel time map ( Figure. humanitarian organizations to focus on the area that are really need it and also for the evacuations and shelters. This Information was very useful to prevent the effect of tsunami in another place. show examples of the international organizations reacted and gave information based on the spatial data to the end users.countries so that the local government of the possible affected by the tsunami can make prevention or evacuation. and for the purpose of giving response and aids to the victims it was more useful if the maps were published sooner after the earthquake. These are some examples of the map that was published by international organizations and satellite data providers as a response of the Chile earthquake. Figure 5-7 are examples of the adequate rapid response map. Figure 8-9 are the examples of the damage assessment map. 10 . based on the IGOS Geo-hazards Theme Report 2007 which is fulfill critical needs of end users during crisis response. governments. The map on the figures 4 – 8. nsf/luFullMap/0EA57513C9A12011C12576DC003231 34/$File/map. The Estimation height of tsunami wave can be use for tsunami modeling to predict the spread of the tsunami wave The map published : 27/02/2010 Source:http://www. The map also showing the extent of damage by the earthquake and for tsunami damage of tsunami impact map The map was created by CRITECH team-GlobeSec-IPSC-JRC.reliefweb. 10 hours after the earthquake.pdf?OpenElement 11 . The map contains information earthquake parameter and estimation height of tsunami wave reached in the local coastal areas.Figure 5. The estimated population exposed was based on PAGER (Prompt Assessment of global Earthquake response) and Shakemap (information of the damage distribution based on the ground shaking). three hours after the earthquake occurred. epicenter. depth. The map was created by United States Geological Survey (USGS). magnitude.Figure 6.pdf?OpenElement 12 . The map contains information of the earthquake Estimated population exposed to earthquake shaking.reliefweb. and the extent of damage by the earthquake.nsf/luFullMap/AC9D6C59BCDB7062C12576D7004E A412/$File/map. Created by United States Geological Survey (USGS) ( published :27/02/2010) Source:http://www. Even though the information in rough estimation but the map has complete rapid emergency response requirement to make first rescue planning and on which areas an aid have to be focus on. Papua Nugini and Indonesia. The information of this map was useful as a warning for countries which are more than 17 hours away from the epicenter. 17 hours after the earthquake occurred. Tsunami Travel Times map The map was created by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). From the date it was created on 27 February 2010. It contains information on how long the tsunami wave will reach to another country. 23:56:55 UTC. Source:http://www.nsf/db900sid/AHAA8342UZ?OpenDocument&rc=2&e mid=EQ-2010-000034-CHL 13 . like Japan. 7. Figure 8.telespazio. The map contains important information on potential gathering areas and potential helicopter landing areas. Source : http://spatial. It was published at 06/03/2010. Pre-event reference information Talcahuano map The map used as first pre-damage assessment analysis. It was useful for rapid emergency response. It was created based on the image which was taken on 27 February 14 . 6 days after the earthquake. It is also contains information on infrastructures and urban land use. This organization are consist of numbers of space agency. Also shows a damage level. main road and residential. 11 days after the earthquake.telespazio. Source : http://spatial. It contains information on highways. In Table 4 is the list of organizations which is normally involve on providing data for rapid damage assessment. 15 . and tsunami flooded areas. The map useful for relief development The existence of maps cannot be separate from the function of the International mapping survey organizations and satellite data providers.Figure 9. national or international space system operators which are committed to support and provide data for rapid damage assessment. The map illustrated an overview of damage in the area of Talcahuano. Infrastructures damage assessment analysis map of Talcahuano (publish 11/03/2010) The map was created on 6 March 2010 and published on 11 March 2010. com Wiki-openstreetmap http://wiki. UN-SPIDER http://www. 10. UNOSAT is the UN institute for training and Research Operational Satellite applications Information SERTIT Rapid mapping service is a regional service for image processing and remote sensing.web.zki.gmesgmosaic. List of the Rapid response organizations which provide geospatial data For the 27 February Chile ch/unosat/ ZKI http://www. The International Charter http://www. shortly before the 27 February Chili earthquake. 4. SERVIR is a regional visualization and monitoring system that integrates together earth observations and forecast models together with in situ data and knowledge for timely decision-making benefit society. Wiki-openstreetmap is mapping organizations which provides free GIS data 5.No 1. The products are elaborated for international Charter “Space and Major Disasters. Google Crisis response will collect fresh high resolution-data imagery plus other event-specific data then publishes this information on dedicated landing page. 2. Google Crisis Response http://www. ZKI is a service of DLR’s German Remote Sensing Data Center for rapid acquisition. processing and analysis of satellite data for humanitarian relief The internationals charter aims at providing a unified system of space data acquisition and delivery to those affected by natural or man-made disasters trough Authorized users. Name Organization SERTIT UNOSAT http://unosat.u-strasbg. International charter was activated on behalf UNOSAT but their product is not available yet. Geo-community is Geographic Information System community which is provide free GIS data. Geo-Community http://data. G_MOSAIC is collaboration project which provide the European Union with intelligence data that can be applied to early warning and crisis prevention as well as to crisis management around the world.disasterschar G-MOSAIC http://www.un-spider. org Table 4. and those organizations were all busy 16 . UN-SPIDER has aims at providing universal access to all types of space-based information and service relevant to disaster management support.openstreetmap.caf. UNOSAT.dlr. 6. One of the reason for this probably because earthquake in Haiti which was happen in 12 January 2010.geocomm. 9. They deliver satellite solutions and geographic and International Charter didn’t provide report for damage assessment. SERVIR http://www. it was quite surprising that the organizations like SERTIT. The Data provided by those organizations. it can be satellite image data or maps as well. Google crisis response. so any end users organization can use and collect it. UN-SPIDER. Their data are available free in their website. SERVIR. UN-SPIDER also ensured all acquired satellite imagery to be accessible to the Chilean institutions. within hours after the earthquake occur started contributing to coordination with local partners and providers of space-based information in order to support to the response efforts. 17 .with the work of Haiti earthquake. UN-SPIDER also carries out field mission to verify recovery activities in the city of Talca and Constitucion. G-MOSAIC. The organizations which provide data for 27 February Chile earthquake are UN-SPIDER. Geo-community and Wiki-openstreetmap. the highest tsunami wave was measured 1. Twelve minutes after the earthquake occurred. Response of the International organizations after the earthquake and tsunami warning The response of the International organizations related to the earthquake and tsunami in Chile were started immediately by leaders of many countries and intergovernmental organizations. The coordination effort was centered at UNESCO Santiago. The European commission expressed its solidarity to the earthquake victims and announced that humanitarian aid prepares initial 3 million Euros (U. PTWC Bulletin was applied to areas within and bordering Pacific Ocean and adjacent sea.2 million) to address the emergency.C-based response management team to coordinate the United State Government (USG) response. United State for International Development (USAID) activated Washington D. All the response of the Organizations and government show how they are learn from the Indian tsunami Ocean which was killed thousands of peoples. responded to the earthquake and sent messages of condolence to the government and people of Chile over the loss of lives and property. Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) was expected big tsunami will hit their coastal areas and they were issued warning and evacuation for the peoples in coastal area. The umbrella for this effort is being called the ICT. On 27 February. UNESCO is coordinating post-tsunami field surveys of the tsunami and its effects. $4. The regular and detailed alert from PTWC was successfully reduced victims cause by tsunami. including the United Nations and European Union.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) sent first tsunami warning bulletins to the areas which was potentially affected. allowing national authorities to implement emergency planning procedures and evacuate coastal population. It is doing so at the request of the Government of Chile. for International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) . support USAID disaster expert in Chile and facilitate information sharing and provision of assistance to the earthquake-affected individuals.2 meters in the port of Kuji in Northeast Japan. it was informed national authorities and media height of tsunami wave and expected time arrival. OCHA jointly with UNEP gave report Hazard Identification tool (HIT) to alert the United Nation Disaster Assessment (UNDAC) and other emergency responders as well as the UN country team to potential secondary risk after a natural disaster. 18 .2. but it was over estimate.Chile Coordination Team. Critical lifeline structures.8 earthquake to improve understanding of the earthquake related to the building structures and facilities. railroad and road embankments were damaged by ground shaking and ground failure. and in detail trough coordinated ground based reconnaissance studies. Others organizations like EERI (Earthquake Engineering Reconnaissance Institution) and GEER (Geo-engineering Extreme Event Reconnaissance) sent survey teams to documented the geotechnical effects of the Mw 8. 19 . will expand the nation’s tsunami detection and warning capabilities so the nation and the world are better prepared for the next tsunami. This designation comes in the wake due tsunami in Chile and less than six months after a tsunami hit American Samoa. they mention soil liquefaction occurred at many sites and often led to ground failure and lateral spreading. Reconnaissance was performed remotely using satellite imagery. In the result report.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program have designated March 21-27 as Tsunami Awareness Week. The documented impacts of the earthquake and tsunami will confront Chile as it rebuilds and address these hazards in the future. efficiently through aerial reconnaissance. NOAA also reported following the deadly 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. such as bridges. 5 / 55.6 m 4m 1m Sun elevation/ azimuth 51.9951 Spatial Reference UTM. Data 1. Ikonos image as post disaster image which was taken after the earthquake on the 7 March 2010.4 51.4 m 0. List of the available satellite image data 2.2006). Satellite image data 20 . of bands 4 ms 1 pan 4 ms 1 pan Resolution 2. Change detection analysis Earthquake and tsunami are unexpected natural hazards that cause a lot of damage and changes in the environment. We select Talcahuano city as area of interest because based on the report and also from the image.36716/ 41. We are focus on Quickbird and Ikonos images. and Ikonos for Talcahuano city.3. Here we focused on the affected damage in the urban and rural area. The time interval between pre and post are 14 days. We used satellite imagery from Quickbird. Talcahuano obtain a lot of damage. Quickbird  Data that we use No. Based on the literature high resolution images can give more information on texture features (Samadzadegan. because we want to see changes so we need 2 kind of image which taken before the earthquake and after the earthquake. WGS 84 zone 18 S Satellite Quickbird (21-02-2010) Ikonos (07-03-2010) Table 6. Ikonos Date Information 28/02/2010 01/03/2010 03/03/2010 07/03/2010 Talcahuano & Concepcion (1 data sets) 09/03/2010 Jan-Dec 2009 16/02/2010 21/02/2010 Talcahuano & Concepcion (1 data sets) 01/03/2010 Table 5. The first step are selecting the data. 18 S UTM. Quickbird image is a pre disaster image which was taken before the earthquake on 21 February 2010. with 160 gcp and the result of RMS = 0. Moreover. with the model polynomial order 1 and resample using nearest neighbor. We only did change detection using visual interpretation based on the changes in the shape 21 .3 tools. because of relief displacement ( Bitelli. if ground objects like streets are well registered. Flowchart Although we found images for pre and post but doing analysis with those data is not simple because they have differences in the spatial resolution and also for the type of Very High Resolution (VHR) image such as Quickbird and Ikonos. causing problems in automatic registration. the same doesn’t happen to buildings. Due to all the limitation of the skills.004.Flowchart Quickbird ( Pre ) 21-02-2010 Ikonos (Post) 01-03-2010 Pansharpened Geometric correction Using polinomial model Visual Image Interpretation Figure 10. having differences in the view angles.2001). but when we overlay the 2 images. data and also the time of doing this project so change detection based on the image processing was not done. it has shift around 9 meters. Ikonos and Quickbird. geometric correction and different illumination. For the analysis we are using Image geometric correction from Erdas Imagine 9. We use Quickbird as reference. Figures 13 . but it’s difficult only by just looking from the image because the post image was 30 % covered by clouds and again different view angles make a bit of confusion about the shadow also because the image have different resolution. Speroid: WGS84. Figure 11. Zone: 18 S. in the pre image the buildings were clear while in the post image. the resolution was lower than the pre image.and texture between pre and post. Building damage suppose as indicator of presents of earthquake. make it really difficult to carry out. it makes pixel stretch so its look like the buildings collapse. Using VHR imagery can give benefit to comparing objects and surroundings as seen in the image. but the effects of shadows. Quickbird image of Talcahuano City Quickbird image with the resolution of 0. Datum: WGS 84 22 .18 are examples of damage because earthquake and tsunami which causes changes in environment.6 m. taken before the earthquake on 21 February 2010 Projection: UTM . Zone: 18 S. Projection: UTM . taken after the earthquake.Figure 12. Datum: WGS 84 23 . 30% is covered by clouds Ikonos image with 1 m resolution. 30 % area was covered by clouds it make difficult to do interpretation. Speroid: WGS84. Ikonos image of Talcahuano city. Pre disaster image Post disaster image Figure 13. In the red box show a damage road barier because of tsunami and the arrow show soil was eroded by the tsunami. 24 . In pre image the road was visible and the texture was smooth while in the post image the road is not clear and the surface is rough we are assume that the road was damage because of the earthquake and tsunami. 25 .Pre disaster image Post disaster image Figure 14. 26 .Pre disaster image Post disaster image Figure. In the post image the shape of the houses was not clear because of the collapsed houses. 15 In pre image the shape of the houses in the red box was clear with square shape and the surface was smooth. Pre disaster image Post disaster image Figure 16. In the red box show a levee breach and a damage roof of a building 27 . In the pre image the levee was closed while in post image show a levee breach and damage bridge 28 .Pre disaster image Post disaster image Figure 17. Pre disaster image Post disaster image Figure 18. In the red box show a collapse Highways 29 . Figure 19 21 are show the damage in Talcahuano. Figure 19. severe damage in the military base.4. which in the city not so much damage can be identified it is also because the quality of the post image. In the figure 9. The overall damage in the Study area From the visual image interpretation it is shows that the damage are mostly caused by the tsunami. That is why ground data is needed for 30 . Boats next to building in Talcahuano on Monday after they were taken ashore by a tsunami caused by earthquake (source:edition. and also a completely destroyed harbor and the completely disappear building due of tsunami. this is because the damage are mostly in the coastal area.cnn. which is 30% of the area in the image cover by the cloud so it is difficult to see the damage caused by the earthquake. For this we should include also other sources like reports from mapping survey organizations which have more data to make conclusion about the damage in the Talcahuano city. Figure Sunday. February 28 2010 following a devastating earthquake that struck Chile Source: 31 .com) Figure 21. A local resident walk past debris from the earthquake on Talcahuano on Monday (source:edition. People walk aside a destroyed road in Talcahuano Chile. government. ZKI on providing data for the 27 Chile earthquake. Change detection analysis using very high satellite imagery suppose to give a good result. A damage assessment can be carry out adequately with cooperation between organizations and mapping survey on sharing geo-spatial data and make it available for the end users. After the earthquake and tsunami issued. It is show by the absence of the organization like SERTIT. 4. published damage assessments map. 5. In Talcahuano city. but in this project because we are using different image for pre disaster and post disaster. since damage mostly found in the coastal area and also support by the information from literature. To conclude the overall damage it’s requires also ground field data. The immediately response by issued tsunami warning 12 minutes after the earthquake and the preparedness of the PTWC to keep updating tsunami information for the Pacific region show how they have learned from Indian Tsunami Ocean. But rescue efforts in the first few days were slow. we can say that overall damage is caused by the tsunami. International organizations. offering assistance and humanitarian aids. 3. it is make change detection analysis difficult to carry out. cannot be done only by using image interpretation. partly because of damage infrastructure. initially declining offers for international aids. and also officials misjudged the extent of the damage. International Charter. 2. In the case of Chile earthquake. and media gave response by published report on situation update. 32 .CONCLUSIONS 1. UN. Non- government organizations. UNOSAT. the organization wasn’t able to give full support on the rapid emergency response due to the Haiti earthquake which was happen early before Chile earthquake. ISPRS Journal Of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. Vol.reliefweb. Ribtyb.html>[10 June 2010] Chile: Prepared for the quake but not the tsunami: <http://www.nsf/doc108?OpenForm&rc=2&emid=EQ-2010-000034CHL>[10 June 2010] Chile earthquake 2010: <http://www. UK Oo K. Italy Doescher. J. 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