Final Pgdfsqm(Pg) Page 1-56

April 2, 2018 | Author: shafreejhidayath | Category: Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points, Food Safety, Foods, Business, Wellness



PROGRAMME GUIDEPOST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT (PGDFSQM) School of Agriculture Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi - 110068 YOU ARE GOING TO BE A DISTANCE LEARNER. TRY TO DEVELOP THE HABIT OF LEARNING THINGS BY WAY OF READING RELEVANT DOCUMENTS. LET THIS PROGRAMME GUIDE MAKE THE BEGINNING OF YOUR JOURNEY OF DISTANCE LEARNING. This booklet contains relevant information in brief about the Programme on “Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management’’ and the entire admission and examination procedures. RECOGNITION IGNOU is a CENTRAL UNIVERSITY established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 (Act No. 50 of 1985) IGNOU Degree/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all the members of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities / Deemed Universities / Institutions vide UGC Circular No. F1-52/2000 (CPP-II) dated 5 May, 2004 & AIU Circular No. EV/B(449)/ 94/176915-177115 dated January 14, 1994. The “Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management” has been developed by the School of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi in collaboration with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority ( APEDA), Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India. January, 2011 © Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the Copyright holder. Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the University’s office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 or the official website of IGNOU at Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, by Director, School of Agriculture. Print Production : Ms. Pushpa Gupta, DR(P), SOA and Rajshree Saini, Proof Reader, SOA, New Delhi-110 068. Laser typeset by : Rajshree Computers, V-166A, Bhagwati Vihar, Uttam Nagar, (Near Sector-2, Dwarka), N.D-59 Printed at: CONTENTS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Title Page No. About the University ........................................................................................................................ 5 University Rules ............................................................................................................................... 10 School of Agriculture ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Programmes on Offer ............................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Programmes under Development .............................................................................................. 14 4. Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management ........................................... 15 4.1 Programme Objectives ............................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Programme Structure ............................................................................................................... 15 4.3 Syllabus of the Programme ...................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Eligibility for Admission ............................................................................................................ 24 4.5 Medium of Instruction .............................................................................................................. 25 4.6 Target Group ............................................................................................................................ 25 4.7 Duration .................................................................................................................................... 25 4.8 Programme Fee ........................................................................................................................ 25 4.9 Programme Study Centre ......................................................................................................... 25 4.10 Online Platform ........................................................................................................................ 26 4.11 Other Useful Information ......................................................................................................... 26 5. Study Material .................................................................................................................................. 26 5.1 How to Study Self-Instructional Material? ............................................................................... 27 5.2 Audio-Video Material ............................................................................................................... 27 5.3 Counselling ............................................................................................................................... 27 5.4 Teleconferencing ...................................................................................................................... 27 5.5 Practical Sessions ..................................................................................................................... 28 5.6 Gyan Vani ................................................................................................................................. 28 5.7 Interactive Radio-Counselling .................................................................................................. 28 5.8 Study Centres ........................................................................................................................... 28 6. Evaluation ......................................................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Weightage to Continuous Evaluation and Term-End Evaluation .............................................. 29 6.2 Pass Percentage for Theory and Practical Examination ......................................................... 29 6.3 Modalities for Theory and Practical Examination Criteria ....................................................... 29 6.4 Preparation of Consolidated Mark List .................................................................................... 30 6.5 Participation and Attendance for Practical .............................................................................. 30 6.6 Distribution of Marks ............................................................................................................... 31 6.7 Pass Percentage for the Programme ....................................................................................... 31 6.8 Result and Certification ............................................................................................................ 31 6.9 Term-End Examination (TEE).................................................................................................. 32 6.10 Re-evaluation of Answer Script(s) ........................................................................................... 33 6.11 Early Declaration of Results .................................................................................................... 33 7. OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 34 7.1 Some Useful Addresses ........................................................................................................... 34 7.2 Online Facilities ........................................................................................................................ 35 7.3 Some Forms for Your Use........................................................................................................ 35 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................... 36 I. List of Programme Study Centres Activated/Being Activated ................................................ 36 II. Form for Change/Correction of Address ................................................................................. 39 III. Form for Non-receipt of Materials ........................................................................................... 40 IV. Form for Re-evaluation of Result of Answer Script ................................................................ 41 V. Form for Obtaining Duplicate Grade Card/Marksheet ............................................................ 43 VI. Form for Issue of Migration Certificate .................................................................................... 45 VII. Re-admission Form .................................................................................................................. 47 VIII. Form for Term-end Theory Examination ................................................................................. 49 IX. Evaluation Sheet for Guided Experiments for MVPI-1 to 3(b) ................................................ 51 X. Guidelines for Project Preparation report under MVPP .......................................................... 57 XI. Student Satisfactory Survey ..................................................................................................... 68 PROGRAMME GUIDE POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT (PGDFSQM) School of Agriculture Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi - 110068 4 1 . ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY 1.1 Introduction The Indira Gandhi National Open University has been established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 to achieve the following objectives: • • • • • Democratising higher education by taking it to the doorsteps of the learners; Providing access to high quality education to all those who seek it irrespective of age, region, religion and gender; Offering need-based academic programmes by giving professional and vocational orientation to the courses; Promoting and developing distance education in India; Setting and maintaining standards in distance education in the country as an apex body; and In a span of twenty five years, IGNOU has evolved into the world’s, most diverse and inclusive institution with three million students. 1.2 • • • • • • • • • • Prominent Features International jurisdiction, Flexible admission rules, Individualised study: flexibility in terms of place, pace and duration of study, Use of latest information and communication technologies, Nationwide student support services network, Cost-effective programmes, Modular approach to programmes, Resource sharing, collaboration and networking with conventional Universities, Open Universities and other Institutions/Organisations, Socially and academically relevant programmes based on students’ needs analysis, and Convergence of open and conventional educational systems. IGNOU has certain unique features such as: 1.3 • • • • • • • Important Achievements Emergence of IGNOU as the largest Open University in the World. Recognition as Centre of Excellence in Distance Education by the Commonwealth of Learning (1993). Award of 100 Fellowships by COL as Rajiv Gandhi Fellowships to enable candidates from 19 countries in the Commonwealth to pursue IGNOU Programmes. Taking IGNOU programmes to African and West Asian countries, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Seychelles in all to 35 countries. Award of Excellence for Distance Education Materials by Commonwealth of Learning (1999). Launch of a series of 24-hour Educational Channels ‘Gyan Darshan I, II, III’. IGNOU is the nodal agency for these channels and regular transmissions are done from the studio at EMPC, IGNOU. Launch of ‘Edusat’ videoconferencing channel (2 way video, 2 way audio). 5 School of Humanities (SOH) School of Social Sciences (SOSS) School of Sciences (SOS) School of Education (SOE) School of Continuing Education (SOCE) School of Engineering and Technology (SOET) School of Management Studies (SOMS) School of Health Sciences (SOHS) School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) School of Agriculture (SOA) School of Law (SOL) School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS) School of Gender and Development Studies (SGDS) School of Tourism Hospitality Service Sectoral Management (SOTHSSM) School of Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS) School of Social Work (SOSW) School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET) School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS) School of Foreign Languages (SOFL) School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST) School of Performing and Visual Arts (SOPVS) 6 . 21. 10. 3. 4. 9. 14. The Schools of Studies currently in operation are: 1. develop and organise its academic programmes and courses in coordination with the School staff and the different academic.4 The Schools of Studies With a view to developing interdisciplinary studies. administrative and service wings of the University. 7. 1. 5.• • • • • Launch of Gyan Vani and other dedicated educational FM channels. 2. 13. 12. 17. supervise. Gyan Deep: An IGNOU-Indian Army collaboration to ensure second employment of the army personnel after their superannuation. 8. Convergence Scheme: Dual Mode of Education through Convergence of Conventional Collegiate education and Open and Distance Learning (ODL). 15. 20. Flexi Learning Portal: A free and open learning space to access educational courses of the university Community College Scheme: To facilitate Skill Development Initiative (SDI) of the country. 19. The emphasis is on providing a wide choice of courses at different levels. 18. the University operates through Schools of Studies. 16. Each School is headed by a Director who arranges to plan. 11. 6. Postgraduate Degrees and Doctoral Degrees which are conventional as well as innovative. in-house faculty and producers. refer to books in the Library.5 Academic Programmes The University offers a wide range of programmes both short-term and long-term leading to Certificates. each study center can handle only a limited number of students. wherever necessary. term-end examination. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such programmes. 7 . The successfully completion of PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management shall require completion of assignments. Thus. Each credit amounts to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities. acquisition of professional qualifications. This helps the student to understand the academic effort one has to put in order to successfully complete a course. audio and video cassettes are produced in consultation with the course writers. Diploma or Certificate) requires successful clearing prescribed course. 1. practical exercises and project work structured in it. teleconference and writing assignment report. watch/listen to video/audio cassettes and interact with the Coordinator on administrative and academic matters. Every student will select one of the Study Centers( SCs)/Programme Study Centres ( PSCs) taking into consideration his place of work or residence. attending counselling sessions. They are launched with a view to fulfill the learner’s needs for: • • • • • • • certification. improvement of skills. The list of Programme Study Centres (PSCs) activated/being activated at different Regional Centres is given in the Appendix-I. watching of video. a fourcredit course involves 120 hours of study. before they are finally dispatched to the Study Centres and telecasted on Gyan-darshan. Diplomas. 1. Undergraduate Degrees. Similarly. and empowerment. At the Study Centres/Programme Study Centres (Programme specific study centers are known as Programme Study Centre). it may not always be possible to allot the study center of her/his choice. This material is scrutinised by the content experts. These are coordinated by 62 Regional Centres as on date. Reading and comprehending the print material. the students interact with Academic Counsellors and other students. listening to audio.6 Course Preparation Self-instructional Learning Material (SLM) as we call in distance mode of education is prepared by a team of experts selected from different Universities/Institutions all over the country as well as in-house faculty.8 Study Centers (SCs)/Programme Study Centres (PSCs) In order to provide individual support to its learners. Completion of an academic programme (Degree. diversification and updation of knowledge. 1.1. However.7 Credit System The University follows the ‘Credit System’ for most of its programmes. self-enrichment. continuing education and professional development at work place. This material is previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well as outside media experts and edited or modified. and despite our best efforts. the University has a large number of Study Centres (SCs)/Programme Study Centres (PSCs) throughout the country. supervised by the instructors/unit designers and edited by the language experts at IGNOU before they are finally sent for printing. and the student is an active participant in the teaching and learning process. there will be theory and practical counselling sessions for the entire programme at the selected Programme Study Centre. Every Study Centre has a Coordinator to coordinate different activities at the center. Practical exercises at designated institutions. The on-line counselling shall be through e-learning platform: SAFE. Work-related field project/functional assignments as per programme requirements. Counselling: Face-to-face counselling for the courses will be provided at the Study Centres /Programme Study Centres. The Open University system is more learner-oriented. You can participate in telecounselling session at your study centre.The particulars regarding the Study Centre/Programme Study Centre to which she/he is assigned will be communicated to her/him. 4. examination schedule.8. 1. Interaction with Fellow-Students: The student gets an opportunity to interact with fellow students at SCs/PSCs. (www. etc. 5.9 Instructional System The University follows multimedia approach in imparting instruction to its Programme Study Centre Performs the following Major Functions: 1. Generally. It comprises: 8 . 1. Face-to-face interaction with academic counsellors at Programme Study Centres and depending on programme requirement at work centres. the students will get relevant information regarding the courses offered by the university. The detailed programme of the counselling sessions will be prepared by the coordinator of the Study Centre. an Assistant Coordinator and other supporting staff appointed on a part-time basis. Most of the instruction is imparted through distance rather than face-to-face communication. Supporting audio-video programmes.ignouonline. counselling schedule. Project Work in some programmes. The students can refer these books during the working hours of the Study Centre. Telecounselling Facility: Some of the Programme study centers are equipped with the teleconference reception facilities. Library: For each course a set of suggested books will be available in the Study Centre library. Information and Advice: At the Programme Study Centre (PSCs).in/safe)(Safe and Assured Foods E-learning). You will also get guidance in submitting various forms from time to time. It comprises: • • • • • • • • Self-instructional Learning (printed course material/on-line study material) packages. Telecast of video programmes on the National Network of Doordarshan. The University follows a multimedia approach for instruction. 2. The list of programme study centers (Appendix-I) is provided separately. 3. There are several Academic Counsellors in different subjects to provide counselling and guidance to the students in the subjects. Broadcast of audio programmes by All India Radio (selected stations).10 Programme Delivery The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the conventional Universities. 1. Directorate of Adult Education. The learner will have to go to the nearest center at the scheduled time for taking benefit of this facility. Audio-Visual Material Aids: The learning package contains audio and video cassettes which have been produced by the University for better clarification and enhancement of understanding of the course material given to the student. A block which comes in the form of a booklet comprises 3 to 5 units. Kolkata. NCERT/CIET. The information is also provided through the National Newspapers and IGNOU Newsletters sent to the students regularly.html. A toll free telephone number 1800 112345 has been provided for this purpose from selected cities. Students can ask questions right from their homes on telephone. Gyan Darshan Educational Channel: A collaboration between MHRD. EMPC is the nodal agency for implementing the project. The video programmes are telecast on National Network and Enrichment Channel of Doordarshan. A toll free number telephone number 1800112345/011-29532844/011-29532845 has been provided to make sessions interactive. d) e) f) g) h) The certificate. Interactive Radio-Counselling: Interactive Radio-Counselling is a recent concept in distance learning in India. degrees and diplomas of this University are recognised and have the same status as those of any other Central and State University in the country. As many as 10 FM Radio Stations at Allahabad. Students can confirm the dates for the programmes from their study centres. Prasar Bharti. Mumbai. EMPC is also studying an experimental proposal for global Gyan Vani. IGNOU and other organizations has resulted in launching DD Gyan also. Attendance in practical sessions is compulsory. GD signals can be conveniently received without any special equipment anywhere. Some of the selected stations of All India Radio are also broadcasting the audio Chennai and Delhi are already on air. The practical counselling sessions will cover the practical exercises under the programme. Teleconferences: Live Sessions are conducted via satellite through interactive Gyan Darshan Channel from the University studios at EMPC. These sessions are conducted for an hour on Sundays from 189 radio stations in the country. Saturday and Sunday of the week. IITs and other educational/development organizations in the country. The participation in practical counselling is compulsory as the experiments are graded. There will be 20 theory and 60 practical counselling sessions for the entire programme at the selected Programme Study Centre. the Educational Channel of India. The study material is available in print form and on e-learning platform (online at www. The audio tapes are run and video cassettes are screened at the study centres during the hours of the counselling sessions. Lucknow. the schedule of which is made available at the study centres. Practical Exercises: Practical exercises are held at designated institutions for which schedule is provided by the Programme Centre Incharge. Gyan Darshan has now gone completely digital and expanded into a bouquet of channels namely GD-1. that is to say. Gyan Darshan transmissions uplinked from the earth station of EMPC-IGNOU. The detailed schedule can be accessed at IGNOU EMPC-Gyan DarshanWebsite http:// www. 9 . Live counselling is provided on radio by invited experts. They are held on weekends.ignouonline. Bhopal.ignou. UGC/CEC. GD-2 and GD-3 ‘Eklavya’. Vishakhapatnam. New Delhi can be accessed all over the country throughout the year and round the clock without any break. A video programme is normally of 25-30 minutes duration. b) c) Counselling Sessions: Normally counselling sessions are held as per the schedule drawn before hand by the Programme In-charge. Educational programmes are contributed by major educational institutions such as IGNOU.a) Self-instructional learning material: The written material for both theory and practical components of the programme is supplied to the students in a group of blocks for every course (on an average of 4 blocks per course). Gyan Vani: IGNOU has been offered FM Channel Radios in 40 cities and towns for education and development. However. The admission for these programmes will remain open round the year. the submission of Examination Form.3 Validity of Admission Learners offered admission have to join on or before the due dates specified by the University. University will not be in a position to make adjustment. In case they want to seek admission for the next session. The form is to be submitted to the Regional Director concerned ONLY on or before the due date.2 . Adhiniyam. the candidates may get/submit the application forms as per the following schedule: For January Session: 1st June to 31st October (without late fee) 1st November to 30th November (with late fee of Rs.4 ‘Walk in Admission’ for Programmes The candidates who are desirous of taking admission to any of the Programmes are required to approach the concerned Regional Director at any time during office hours. will be summarily rejected without any intimation to the learners. 2002” cannot be made the basis of admission to higher studies with IGNOU. 2. they have to apply afresh and go through the admission process again. UNIVERSITY RULES The University reserves the right to change the rules from time to time. The application form sent to other offices of the University will not be considered and the applicant will have no claim whatsoever on account of this. 2. if there is any clash of dates of counselling or examination schedule of the two programmes taken. The admission to programmes offered by the SOA is made for January Session only.5 Simultaneous Registration Students who are already enrolled in a programme of one year or longer duration can also simultaneously register themselves for any certificate programme of 6 months duration. 200/-) For July Session: 1st December to 30th April (without late fee) 1st May to 31st May (with late fee of or The students are requested to visit our website : www. latest rules will be applicable to all the students irrespective of year of registration. received after due date or having wrong options of courses or electives or false information. viz. therefore.1 Educational Qualifications Awarded By Private Institutions Any educational qualification awarded by the Private Universities established under the provisions of the “Chhattisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishwavidylaya (Sathapana Aur Viniyaman). 2. 2.. advised to fill the relevant columns carefully and enclose the copies of all the required certificates duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.2 Incomplete and Late Applications Incomplete application forms/Re-registration forms. 200/-) All other schedules. therefore. or please go to the or www. The learners are. assignments and dates for examinations will remain as notified by the University for all other programmes.ignouonline. 10 . 6 Re-admission The students who are not able to clear their programme within the maximum duration allowed can take readmission for additional time of 6 months duration. 2. If the number is less than 10. the students are advised to make their own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period. intensive counselling sessions will be held which essentially means that 40% of the numbers of prescribed counselling sessions are to be conducted within a week’s time. Programmes with limited number of seats are not offered for foreign students. in cases where University denies admission. at the new centre opted for. It is also not adjustable against any other programme of this University. Therefore. the learners are advised to make use of the format available in the Programme Guide and send it to the Regional Director concerned who will forward the request after verifying the student’s signature to Student Registration Division (SRD) and Student Evaluation Division (SED). In case there is any correction/change of address. New Delhi – 110068. 2.7 Foreign Students Foreign students residing in India are eligible to seek admission in IGNOU programmes who have valid student visa for the minimum duration of the programme. However. They are advised not to write letters to any other officer in the University in this regard. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Scheduled special study centres are not Examination centres. Wards of Defence personnel and Physically Handicapped students as per the Government of India rules. which will be dispatched along with the study material.8 Reservation The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes. students are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available. Maidan Garhi. Programme study centres. 2. in place of regular counselling . The students who fail to pay the prescribed full programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme will have to pay full fee for the missed years in addition to pro-rata course fee for re-admission.11 Change/Correction of Address and Study Centres There is a printed card for change/correction of address and change of Study Counselling facilities are not available for all Programmes at all the Centres. Request received direct will not be entertained.10 Counselling and Examination Centre All study centres. The details of pro-rata fee and the Readmission Form is available at the Regional Centres for the courses which they have not been able to complete. then. please see the website. Change of Address and Study Centre is not permitted until admissions are finalised.2. 11 . The student has to make payment per course on pro-rata basis. Normally. 2. As such.9 Refund of Fee Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Such students are required to remit the fee at par with foreign students (fee structure of foreign students could be downloaded from the website www. Admission of foreign students residing in India will be processed by the International Division of the University after ensuring their antecedents from the Ministry of External Affairs/Ministry of Human Resource Development. 2. the programme fee will be refunded after deduction of registration fee through A/c Payee Cheque Only. Request for change of Study Centre is normally granted subject to availability of seats for the programme at the new centre asked for. it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. Practical Examination need not necessarily be held at the centre where the learner has undergone counselling or practicals.ignou. For further details. Regular counselling sessions will be conducted at the learner support centres provided the number of learners for a particular course is equal to or more than 10. for the subject he/she has chosen. They are advised to collect scholarship forms from the respective State Government’s Directorate of Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer and submit the filled-in forms to them through the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU.18 Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee Reserved case of request for sending transcript outside India. IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all member Universities of Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities/Institutions. 100/. Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped candidates have to pay the fee at the time of admission to the University along with other general category candidates.300/. on payment of Registrar. under intimation to the Registrar.per 6/8 credit course for undergraduate courses and Rs. New Delhi – Maidan Garhi. he/she has to write to that effect to the Regional Centre from where he/she is seeking a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre where he/she would like to be transferred to and also to Registrar.per transcript payable through DD in favour of IGNOU is charged for this purpose. Student Registration Division (SRD) and Student Evaluation Division (SED) and the student.16 2. 100/. IGNOU. 2. Maidan Garhi. Maidan Garhi. Complain can be registered through e-mail at mpdd@ignou. In case. Student Registration Division (SRD) and Student Evaluation Division (SED). 2.2.600/.per 2/4 credit course and Study Material and Assignments The University sends study material and assignments wherever prescribed to the students by registered post and if a student does not receive the same for any reason whatsoever. 300/. MPDD. A fee of Rs. F. The request for change of medium should be addressed to Registrar. 2004 and AIU Circular No.15 Official Transcripts The University provides the facility of official transcripts on request made by the learners on plain paper addressed to the Registrar. he can obtain a copy of the same from the Study Centre or Regional Centre or may download it from the IGNOU website: www. Physically Handicapped candidates admitted to IGNOU are eligible for Government of India Scholarship.ignou. the University shall not be held responsible for that. 2. Student Evaluation Division (SED). 1994.17 Disputes on Admission and other University Matters Recognition The place of jurisdiction for filing of a Suit if necessary will be only at New Delhi/Delhi.1-52/2000 (CPP-II) dated May 5. a student wants to have assignments. The student is required to return the study material already received from The Registrar. New Delhi-110068. 2.per 2/4 credit courses and Rs. In case of non-receipt of study material. IGNOU. The Regional Director from where the student is seeking the transfer will transfer all records including details of fee payment to the Regional Centre where the student is going. Student Registration Division (SRD) and Student Evaluation Division (SED). IGNOU. New Delhi – 110068. as per UGC Circular letter No.150/. IGNOU. EV/11 (449/ 94/176915-177155 dated January 14.12 Change of Region When a student wants transfer from one region to another. students are required to write to the Registrar. 12 . Material Production and Distribution Division ( MPDD) by registered post or in person.per 6/8 credit course for Master degree programme by a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi.13 Change of Medium Change of Medium is permitted within 30 days from the receipt of first set of course material in the first year viz. MPDD. Maidan Garhi. 300/. New Delhi-110068. The students are required to pay Rs. 2. The School is developing programmes in collaboration with various national and international organisations like Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperation. Programme Study Centres and SED (IGNOU Hqrs. skills and entrepreneurial capabilities for livelihood security.) The students are specifically instructed to send Examination Forms to Registrar (SED) within the stipulated dates. To enhance knowledge. 29572513 Fax: 29533129). Scholarship scheme of National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People ( NCPEDP) for Post Graduate level programmes is applicable to the students of this University also. Ministry of Food Processing Industries. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). Objectives • • • • • • • • To strengthen the human resource in agriculture and allied sectors through It also aims to produce entrepreneurial skills and opportunities for life-long learning. the learners are required to fill in the Term-end Examination form available in the Programme Guide and at the Regional Centres. To conduct research in agriculture and emerging areas for effective technological transfer and adoption. and To develop and maintain an open repository of agricultural educational resources. 29533869. 13 . It aims to improve out-reach of agriculture education for rural masses particularly in The Examination form can also be submitted on-line through IGNOU web-site www. Such students are advised to apply to awarding authority. The objective is to strengthen human resource base through quality education and generate an army of trained manpower in agriculture through ODL in consonance with the national policies and market environment. Central Silk Board (CSB). To use ICT for improving outreach and effectiveness of distance education in agriculture. To plan and conduct research and training through ODL in agriculture production and managment systems under different locations including NE region. To establish National and International linkages in agriculture education and knowledge managment for sustainable development. Ministry of Rural Development. 91-29535714. ecologically and socioeconomically marginalized areas through vision of the school is to extend outreach of agriculture education by harnessing convergence between ODL and conventional system through national and international linkages.. The Student Service Centre at the IGNOU Headquarters. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR). Maidan Garhi. 2. SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE The School of Agriculture (SoA) was established in 2005 with a mission to improve and sustain the quality of human life and productivity of Agriculture and Allied Sectors through Open and Distance Learning. candidates belonging to SC/ST have to submit their scholarship forms to the respective Directorate of Social Welfare of their State or the Office of the Social Welfare Officer through the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU for reimbursement of programme Term-end Examination In order to appear in the Term-end Examinations.20 Student Support Services The students are advised to go to the “Student Zone” at the home page of the IGNOU ( Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). To provide equitable qualtity education in agriculture to marginalized and disadvantaged groups. provides support to the students in person as well as through correspondence and e-mail (ssc@ignou. continuing and extension programmes.Similarly. 3. Short Term Training Programme for Farmers of Betel-vine 3. 2. 3. 5. 3.D. Technologies & Enterprise Development 14 (b) Vocational and Entrepreneurial Programmes . Awareness Programme on Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables 19.D. 4. Certificate Programme on Integrated Pest Managment Technology on Potato Cultivation (CIPMTNon Credit) 20. Pulses and Oilseeds (DPVCPO) 10. 7. Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF) 16. 4.3. Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT) Diploma in Production of Value Added Products from Cereals. Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT) 11. in Agriculture Extension (Ph. in Dairy Science and Technology (PHDDR) PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM) PG Diploma in Plantation Management (PGDPM) PG Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP) (a) PG Programmes (b) Diploma Programmes 6. Certificate in Sericulture (CIS) 14. 5. Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM) 15. 8. Certificate in Organic Farming (COF) 13. 6.2 Programmes under Development (a) PG Programmes 1. 2. 9.D AgE) Ph. Technologies & Enterprise Development Certificate in Rattan Use. Masters in Agri-Business Management PG Diploma in Agriculture Policy (PGDAP) PG Diploma in Food Technology (PGDFT) Diploma in Animal Husbandry Certificate in Bamboo Use. Awareness Programme on Dairy Farming for Rural Farmers 18. Diploma in Watershed Management (DWM) (c) Certificate Programmes 12. Programmes on Offer Ph.1 1. Certificate in Beekeeping (CIB) (d) Awareness Programmes 17. Design and implement − − − − − − − • • • Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ( HACCP) Quality Management Systems (QMS):ISO 9001 Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS): ISO 22000 Laboratory Management System :ISO 17025 Retail Standards Be able to effectively plan. Government of India.. Changing global patterns of food production. Apply Good Hygienic. Laboratory. public expectations for health protection and many other factors have created a huge demand for food safety and quality auditing professionals. It seeks to develop India’s capability to meet the global food safety and quality requirements and enhance the competitiveness of food products.4. POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT Food Safety is a fundamental public health concern.2 Programme Structure The PG diploma consists of eight courses as outlined in the following table. manufacturers and regulators.1 Programme Objectives The core objective of the PG diploma programme is to prepare professionals for development. it would contribute to ensure consumer safety within and outside the country. technology. The PG programme shall enable the students to: • • • • Comprehend the issues of safety and quality in food production. Manufacturing . The Food Safety and Quality has become an area of priority and necessity for consumers. Build technical proficiency in undertaking in food safety and quality assurance in food processing chain i. conduct. Ministry of Commerce.e. handling. report and audit as per the guidelines of the ISO 19011:2002 Undertake Standard Microbiological and Chemical analysis of Food Products. Transportation and Retail Practices in Food Processing/Hospitality industry and Retail outlets 4. 4. implementation and auditing of Food Safety and Quality Management Systems in the country. processing and trade. retailers. In long term perspective. from farm to fork. 15 . Ensure the safety and quality of food products as per mandatory legal requirements and voluntary standards including export regulations if required. The PG Diploma has been developed in collaboration with the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). international trade. This programme is expected to meet the increasing human resource requirements for food safety and quality management professionals in the agriculture and food sectors. No. 4. 2. 1. 7.FOOD FUNDAMENTALS AND CHEMISTRY (4+0: Theory Course) S. 3. Block 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Block 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Block 3 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Block & Unit Introduction to Food Science Food Basics Food from Plant Sources Food from Animal Sources Other Foods Food Chemistry Water Carbohydrates Proteins and Enzymes Lipids Vitamins and Minerals Food Additives Food Analysis Sampling Techniques of Food Products Physical and Chemical Analysis of Foods Instrumentation in Food Analysis Sensory Evaluation of Food Products 16 . 8.3 Syllabus of the Programme Code : MVP. Course Code MVP-001 MVPI-001 MVP-002 MVP-003 MVP-004 MVPL-001 MVPL-002 MVPP-001 Title of the Course Food Fundamentals and Chemistry Food Microbiology Food Laws and Standards Principles of Food Safety and Quality Management Food Safety and Quality Management Systems Food Safety and Quality Auditing ( Practical ) Chemical Analysis and Quality Assurance Project Work Nature of the Course Theory Integrated (T +Prac.Programme Structure of Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management Sl.001 COURSE 1 .) Theory Theory Theory Practical Practical Credits T+P = 4 +0=4 2+2=4 4+0=4 4+0=4 4+0=4 0+4=4 0+4=4 Project Work 0+4=4 4. 5 6.No. No.Block 4 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Food Processing and Preservation Introduction to Food Preservation and Processing Food Packaging Waste Management in Food Processing Industry Code : MVPI.001 COURSE 2 . Membrane Filter Techniques Interpretation of Microbiological Data and its Inferences Staining Reagents Microbiological Media 17 .FOOD MICROBIOLOGY (2+2: Integrated Course ) S. Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 Experiment 7 Experiment 8 Experiment 9 Experiment 10 Experiment 11 Experiment 12 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Name of Experiment Introduction to the Basic Microbiology Laboratory Practices Cleaning and Methods of Sterilization Cultivation and Sub-culturing of Microbes Staining Techniques Standards Plate Count Method Direct Microscopic Examination of Foods Enumeration of Fungi (Yeasts and Molds) Assessment of Air using Surface Impingement Method Assessment of Surface Sterilization using Swab and Rinse Method Detection of Coliforms and Indicator Organisms (1) Most Probable Number Detection of Coliforms and Indicator Organisms (2) Confirmed and Completed Tests. Block 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Block 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Block & Unit Fundamentals of Food Microbiology Introduction to Food Microbiology Food Contamination and Spoilage Food Borne Diseases Beneficial Roles of Micro-Organisms Analytical Techniques in Microbiology General Techniques of Detection and Enumeration of Micro-organisms in Food Screening and Enumeration of Spoilage Micro-organisms in Food Detection of Pathogens in Food Rapid Detection Technique for Food Micro-organisms PRACTICAL EXERCISES Experiment No. 1955 Global Scenario Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) WTO Implications Other International Standard Setting Bodies Export and Import Laws and Regulations FTDR Act.No.FOOD LAWS AND STANDARDS (4+0 : Theory Course) S. Block 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Block 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Block 3 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Block 4 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Code : MVP.003 S.PRINCIPLES OF FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT (4+0: Theory Course) Block & Unit Food Safety and Quality Management Systems Introduction to Food Safety Food Safety System Total Quality Management Project Management Risk Analysis An Introduction to Risk Analysis Risk Management Risk Assessment Risk Communication 18 .Code : MVP. Block 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Block 2 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Block & Unit Indian Food Regulatory Regime Prevention of Food Adulteration Act and Rules Food Safety and Quality Requirements Food Safety and Standard Act. 1963 Export Regulations and Promotion Bodies Plant and Animal Quarantine Customs Act and Import Control Regulations Other Laws and Standards Related to Foods Other Laws Related to Food Products Voluntary National Standards: BIS and AGMARK National Agencies for Implementation of International Food Laws and Standards Food Labelling COURSE 4 . 2006 Essential Commodities Act. 1992 and Foreign Trade Policy Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act.002 COURSE 3 .No. An Overview ISO 9001:2000/2008 .No.Case Studies Laboratory Quality Management System An Overview and Requirements of ISO 17025 Requirements Specific to Food Testing Laboratories .FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (4+0 :Theory Course) S. Good Animal Husbandry Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices Good Retail Practices.Block 3 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Block 4 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 HACCP History. Background and Structure of HACCP HACCP Prerequisites and Good Hygienic Practices Principles and Implementation of HACCP Case Studies on HACCP Other Food Safety Practices Good Agriculture Practices. Good Transport Practices and Nutrition Labelling Traceability Studies Code : MVP.Structure Clause wise Interpretation of ISO 22000:2005 ISO 22000:2005 . Block 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Block 2 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Block 3 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Block 4 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Block & Unit Management Systems.Structure Clause wise Interpretation of ISO 9001:2000 ISO 9001:2000/2008 .An overview ISO 22000:2005 .004 COURSE 5 .Physical and Chemical Parameters Requirements Specific to Food Testing Laboratories . Auditing and Accreditation Introduction to Management Systems Auditing Standardization and Accreditation ISO 9001:2000/2008 ISO 9001:2000/2008 .Case Studies ISO 22000:2005 ISO 22000:2005 .Biological Parameters General Topics: Related to Food Testing Laboratories 19 . FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY AUDITING (0+4: Practical Course) Experiment No. Correction and Corrective Measures b) Managing Unsafe Product Developing FSMS (Module 3) a) Verification and Validation of Control Measures (OPRP and HACCP Plan) as per Codex Guidelines on Validation b) Emergency Situation. Monitoring Procedure.Block 5 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Retailer Standards BRC Food and BRC/IoP Standards . Outputs and Interim Loops Development of Methodology (Decisions Trees) as per Clause 7.4 of ISO 22000 for a Food Establishment Developing FSMS (Module 1) a) Data Collection and Hazard Identification (Physical. Preparedness and Response Plan c) Communication (External and Internal) Developing FSMS (Module 4) Traceability System as a Tool for. Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Name of Experiment Visit to a nearby Food Establishment GHP and GMP in a Food Factory a) Identifying the Key Focus Areas for GHP & GMP b) Identifying Gaps in its Implementation c) Closure Plans for Identified Gaps in a Food Factory/ Food Outlet Developing the Process Flow for the Food Establishment Including all the Inputs. Corrective Action and Preventive Action Continual Improvement Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 Experiment 7 Experiment 8 20 .An Overview International Food Standard (IFS) SQF 1000 and SQF 2000 Global GAP and India GAP Code : MVPL -001 COURSE 6 . Chemical and Biological) b) Hazard Analysis (Using FMEA Technique for Risk Assessment) Developing FSMS (Module 2) a) Development of OPRP (Operational Pre-requisite Programme) and Development of HACCP Plan (Critical Limits including Rationale for Limits). Recall/ Withdrawal (ISO 22005:2007) Experiment 9 Application of ISO 9001 Model a) b) c) d) Understanding Process Approach Defining Quality Policy and Objectives Correction.4. 3 in ISO 22000:2005 Audit Planning a) b) Role and Responsibilities of Auditors and Lead Auditors and Pre-audit Information Required to Plan the Audit (Module 1) Preparation of an On-site Audit Plan that is Appropriate to the Audit Scope (Stage 1 and Stage 2) (ISO:22003 and 17021) (Module 2) Experiment 14 Experiment 15 Experiment 16 Experiment 17 Experiment 18 Produce and Audit Checklist Including Salient Features of ISO 9001 and FSMS 22000 (Module 3) Document Review as per the Case Study (Module 4) Auditing (Module 5) a) b) Conducting the Opening Meeting and Closing Meeting (as per ISO:19011) Establishing Qualification Criteria for Auditors and Lead Auditors (ISO 17021 and ISO 22003 for a Food Industry) Experiment 19 Mock Audit Exercise to Develop Interpersonal Skills Information Gathering Techniques and Exercising Objectivity in the Review of Evidences Collected (Module 6) Post Audit Activities (Module 7) a) b) Report Writing. including Writing Valid. HACCP Series and BRC and any other Related Standard (Food Retail Management – Basic Requirements) Understanding ISO 17025 Requirements for 9001 and Clause 8.Experiment 10 Food Laws (Module 1) Identification of Legal Requirements for following Food Groups/Products/ Standards: a) Fruits and Vegetable Products b) Dairy Products c) Meat and Meat Products d) Cereal/Pulses/Oil Seeds Products e) Fish and Sea Foods f) Ready to Eat Foods Experiment 11 Experiment 12 Experiment 13 Food Laws (Module 2) Hygienic Requirements for Manufacturing Premises as Prescribed by Law Food Laws (Module 3) Design a Label for any Food Product Matrix Preparation to Find Correspondence between ISO 22000. Factual and Value adding Nonconformity Report Proposals for Corrective Action and Follow Up Experiment 20 21 . CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND QUALITY ASSURANCE (0+4: Practical Course) Experiment No. Zinc.Code : MVPL-002 COURSE 7 . Lead and Cadmium in Food Products by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Determination of Cholesterol Content in Ghee by GC 22 . Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 Experiment 7 Experiment 8 Experiment 9 Experiment 10 Experiment 11 Experiment 12 Experiment 13 Experiment 14 Experiment 15 Experiment 16 Experiment 17 Experiment 18 Experiment 19 Experiment 20 Experiment 21 Experiment 22 Experiment 23 Experiment 24 Experiment 25 Experiment 26 Experiment 27 Experiment 28 Experiment 29 Experiment 30 Experiment 31 Experiment 32 Experiment 33 NAME OF EXPERIMENT Calibration of Glassware Preparation of Standard Volumetric Solutions Determination of Moisture in Food Products by Hot Air Oven-Drying Method Determination of Moisture in Food Products Using Karl Fischer Titration Method Determination of Moisture in Food Products by Dean and Stark Method Determination of Protein Content in Food Products By Kjeldahl Method Determination of Crude Fat in Foods by Soxhlet Extraction Method Determination of Total Fat in Foods by Rose Gottleib Method Determination of Volatile Oil in Spices Determination of Starch in Cereal Grains by Acid Hydrolysis Method Determination of Starch in Cereal Grains by Glucoamylase Method Determination of Crude Fibre in Food Sample Determination of Total Ash Content in Food Products Determination of Acid Insoluble Ash in Food Products Determination of pH of Food Products by Using pH Meter Determination of Free Fatty Acids and Acid Value in Oils and Fats Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats Determination of Melting Point or Solidification Point of Oils and Fats Determination of Refractive Index of Oils and Fats Determination of Specific Gravity of Oils and Fats Determination of Titre Value of Oils and Fats Determination of Colour of Oils and Fats by Lovibond Tintometer Determination of Iodine Value in Oils and Fats Determination of Saponification Value in Oils and Fats Determination of Acetyl Value and Hydroxyl Value in Oils and Fats Determination of Allyl Isothiocyanate in Mustard Oil Determination of Reichert Meissl (RM) Value and Polenske Value (PV) in Oils and Fats Determination of Peroxide Value of Oils and Fats Determination of Sodium Chloride Content in Butter Determination of Gluten Content in Wheat Flour Determination of Sorbic Acid in Food Products Determination of Copper. 4. 16. Study on Internal communication in an organization for ensuring compliance to 22000 clause 5. 6.Experiment 34 Experiment 35 Experiment 36 Experiment 37 Experiment 38 Determination of Vitamin A Content in Ghee by HPLC Sensory Evaluation Laboratory Selection of Sensory Panelists Sensory Evaluation of Food Products–Hedonic Rating Test Judging of Milk Code : MVPP-001 COURSE 8 ( 0+4: Project Work) a) Objective: Study implementation of QMS/FSMS in Food Establishments. 8. Study on effective implementation of correction.6. corrective action and preventive actions as per QMS in an organization. corrective actions and verifications in a food organization and propose improvement. This could be undertaken in establishments like: Manufacturing. Study on suitability of packaging material at various stages of processing (raw. 23 .4. Study on effective cleaning of equipment/machinery (food contact surfaces including food gloves) in a food establishment. Study of GMP in different food industries (organized and unorganized) in different food groups. Study on External communication in an organization for ensuring compliance to 22000 clause 5. 7. Study on appropriate CCP identification for a food establishment as required by ISO 22000 clause 7. Food Safety and Standards Act: Study of existing food laws versus Food Safety and Standards Act 2006. Study of GHP of street food hawkers (Minimum 4 hawkers in one location) and report the recommendations for implementation. 13. 10. 3. Retail and Street food hawkers. 11.6. Hospitality. 5. 14. Study on hygienic practices at raw material suppliers’ premises and recommendations for improvement. Study on implementation of process approach as required by QMS in a organization. Development of Training Modules for middle management : Internal Audit and concept and Implementation of HACCP. 9. Development of Training Modules for workers on GMP & GHP. 15. 12. Study on compliance to legal and customer requirements related to food safety and hygiene in a Food establishment. intermediate and finished product) as per prescribed standards. Study on CCP Monitoring. Study on different emergency situations affecting food safety in a food establishment and propose mitigation plan. 2. The suggestive list of topics are as follows: List of Suggestive Topics: 1.4. Study on method adopted for finalizing /establishing shelf life of a product (against declared /claim). pulses and oilseeds etc. Statistics with Physics & Math. 23. cereal. Study on repeatability and reproducibility of testing methods and results in an organization. 20.. b) Guidelines: The guidelines for synopsis and project preparation are given at Appendix X please. Name of the Programme: Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management Programme Code: PGDFSQM Eligibility: a) Science Graduates with Chemistry/Bio-chemistry or Microbiology as one of the subjects. 3. Minimum age as on 1st Jan. of the Academic Year: No Bar Duration in years: a) Minimum: 1 year b) Maximum: 4 year 6. Study on Waste (liquid and solid) Management in a food establishment./ Semi Govt.. Study on Pest Management in a food establishment. 4. Programme Fee: Rs. 22. 10.800/. Study on allergens. Traceability and withdrawal (recall) as per ISO 22000 and ISO 22005.. Study on compliance to labeling requirements for domestic and imported food items (minimum four different category of products). b) Degree in allied sciences like Agriculture/Food Science and Technology/Post Harvest Technology/ Home Science/Life Science/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Horticulture/Dairy Technology/Veterinary/Fisheries/Hotel Management and Catering/Hospitality Management etc. or equivalent.(For January. c) Science graduates in disciplines like Geography. d) Art Graduates with diploma in Food Science disciplines viz. with minimum 5 years experience in food processing/Food Quality Control (2 years experience in quality control). 18. Consolidated Information about PGDFSQM 1.Com. Units involved in Food Quality Control. Study on calibration techniques of instruments in food industry. 7. Study on existing versus idealistic process for identification./B. 24. (minimum 1 year experience). e) B. intolerants (e. 25. 21.A. Graduates with minimum 7 years experience or holding senior position in Govt.g Lactose) and their control in a food products.17. 2011 Session) Medium of Instruction: English 24 . food laboratories and CCP monitoring. Art Subjects and Medical Lab technology and with minimum three years experience in food processing and /or quality control. 19. dairy technology. 2. Fruits and vegetables. Designing an ideal plant layout for a food establishment related to food safety. meat technology. 5. 4 Eligibility for Admission − − Graduation in Science with Chemistry/Bio-chemistry or Microbiology as one of the subjects. These students should have minimum one year experience in quality control activities. Please write your name (in capitals)./B. Art Subjects and Medical Lab technology and with minimum three years experience in food processing and/or quality control./ Semi Govt.. 2011 Session). A consolidated information is given in the above box. dairy technology. B.7 Duration The minimum duration of the programme is 12 months (one year).Com. Degree in allied sciences like Agriculture/Food Science and Technology/Post Harvest Technology/Home Science/Life Science/Microbiology/Bio-chemistry/Biotechnology/Horticulture/Dairy Technology/ Veterinary/Fisheries/Hotel Management and Catering/Hospitality Management etc. the students are given a maximum period of the four years to complete the programme from the date of registration. The process of fee submission may please be filled as given in Common Prospectus of the University. After which the student have to apply for readmission paying the pro rata fee for each incomplete course for further period of one year only. Science graduates in disciplines like Geography. 10.(For January. cereal.8 Programme Fee The programme fee for the PG Diploma is Rs.800/. 4. It is also intended for professionals in food processing and quality control for strengthening their proficiency in design and implement new food Act – Food Safety and Standards Act 2006. meat technology.4. to the students near to their workplace or residence. Art graduates with diploma in food science disciplines viz. The programme shall also open new vista for entrepreneurs who intent to diversify in food safety and quality aspects. fruits and vegetables. 4. 100/only. pulses and oilseeds etc. Units involved in Food Quality Control.6 Target Group The PG diploma is intended for graduates in Sciences/Agriculture /Food Science or allied disciplines contemplating a career in Food Safety and Quality Management.9 Programme Study Centre The theory and practical counselling are arranged at the Programme Study Centres (PSCs). and Programme Code on the back of Demand Draft to ensure proper credit to your account. However.5 Medium of Instruction The PG Diploma in FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT will be offered by the University in English language only. The PSCs are housed in the institutions having required facilities and faculty members to undertake the counselling for these programmes. 25 . application No. The programme study center will be allocated by the concerned Regional Director. Graduates with minimum of 7 years experience or holding the senior position in Govt. 4. with minimum five years experience in Food Processing/ Food Quality Control and out of which two years experience should be in quality control activities. 4. This shall provide vertical mobility to diploma holders. − − − 4. A tentative list of accepted institutes for the Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Managements given at Appendix-I of this Programme Guide. Statistics with Physics & Math. or equivalent. The programme fee should be paid only by way of Demand Draft drawn in the name of IGNOU and payable at the city where your Regional Centre is situated. The University is in process of finalizing Programme Study Centers (PSCs) for the PG Diploma Programme in Food Safety and Quality Management.A. The registration fee is Rs. 5. vi) Access to Online SAFE Platform for the Students Registered through Regional Centre: Please login to SAFE Platform ( covers the following: a) Information about the university like.ignouonline. No.. evaluation. the schools of studies. Registration form shall be specially devised with the facility of uploading scanned certificates. recognition. programme d) Other useful forms. weaved in one platform. STUDY MATERIAL Properly planned self-instructional learning material (print/online) is the main part of the “PG Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Management”. prominent features.10 Online Platform The PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management shall be available online on the SAFE (Safe and Assured Foods E-learning) Platform. 011-29572976. Viva voce will be conducted through web based video conferencing tool. slides.ignou. change of region. academic programmes. iv) Learner support: Asynchronous and synchronous modes of interaction will be used to provide just in time support to learners. Please regularly check SAFE Platform for any latest updation regarding PGDFSQM programme. It is a complete virtual learning environment suite covering all the activities from registration to certification. Facility for online payment shall be available through the Demand Draft and Credit Card. Please fill the form and submit it. b) Information regarding the rules of the university like reservation. The following features shall be available to the registered students. related audio/video. instructional system. i) and Ph. disputes on admission and other university admission: The Programme shall be offered in January cycle in the beginning. v) Online Project platform: Templates shall be made available for synopsis submission. simultaneous registration. Time and Link through email to you and details given in the Announcement section of the SAFE Platform ( course preparation. The applications received through by post at the concerned Regional Centres and through online by the date announced by the University shall be considered for Admission to January cycle. project uploading and evaluation. Please note down/remember your ID and Password created by you as it will be required for accessing the study material and other features. Walk . incomplete and late applications. Please call us/ send email for any doubt at pgdfsqm@ignou. iii) Online counselling and mentoring: Web cast based counselling integrated with text based chatting facility shall be used for counselling purposes. credit system. learners will have access to personalized learning space (My Page). refund of fee. The above information are not covered in this programme guide and the students are requested to refer to the Common Prospectus for detailed information. etc. The study material prepared by the University is self-instructional in nature whereas the lessons which are called units in the theory component are structured to facilitate self-study. other required documents and photograph. ii) Integrated multimedia courseware: Once registered. Registration will be confirmed only after verification of the certificates and payment of the required admission fee. change/correction of address and study centres. student support services. After this select the user type ‘Student Enrolled with RCs’ for Students in the drop down list and submit the scholarships and reimbursement of fee. self check exercises.11 Other Useful Information The Common Prospectus available on the IGNOU Website www. We shall inform the Date. c) List of Regional Centers. This includes self instructional and click on “How to Register” then select PGDFSQM and press ‘click here’. 26 . We advise you to attend these sessions regularly at your Regional Centre. The audiovideo material is supplementary to the print material. you must consult your counsellor for clarifications and help. The course material will be provided for you in the form of well designed printed booklets/online access.25 to 6.m. Students desirous of buying the audio-video tapes can procure them from Marketing Unit. as students. You must study the material and try to assimilate it prior to coming for counselling. The schedule can be obtained from your Regional Centre and Programme Study Centres. New Delhi110 068.4 Teleconferencing Teleconferencing is held once in a month. Each unit has an introduction in which we tell you about the contents of the units. We outline a list of objectives which we expect you to achieve working through this unit. Whatever problems. audio and video programmes are being prepared for each course. as that will help you to understand the subject better. we advise you to make use of it. Hence. The audio tapes and video cassettes will be available at your programme study center. These programmes often supplement your course material. This would give you opportunity to interact with students all over the country. In the first block of each course.5. The counsellor will also organise sessions where you can listen to/view audio-video programmes.1 How to Study Self-Instructional Material? While going through the syllabi of courses.2 Audio-Video Material In addition to the print material. The first page of each block indicates the numbers and titles of the units comprising the block. Timings are subjected to change. there are ‘‘Check Your Progress’’ which are meant to help you to assess your understanding of the subject. The detailed programme of the counselling sessions will be prepared by the coordinator of the Programme Study Centre. Maidan Garhi.00-8. Each booklet is a block containing units.55 a. This is followed by the main body of the unit. you can take help from the counsellors in the study. Audio-video material will not be supplied individually to you but will be made available at the Programme Study Centres. In each unit. in the morning and evening 8. EMPC.m. 5. Here. you must have noted that each course has been divided into 2-5 blocks for a 4 credit course. These units of each block have a certain thematic unity and arranged in a related logical sequence to maintain the continuity of learning of the particular subject. Each block has 2-5 units.55 p. IGNOU. You can watch these programmes during counselling sessions. Exact dates of counselling sessions will be announced by the Study Centres concerned. which is divided into various sections and sub-sections. 5. Please check it with your Programme Study Centre. You can watch the teleconferencing sessions in following ways: 27 . 5.3 Counselling The Programme Study Centre will organise counselling sessions for all courses of study. You must try attempting Check Your Progress. you have. This is followed by a brief introduction to the block. The counselling sessions are not meant to be classroom lectures. During the counselling session you will have the opportunity to interact with your fellow students which will help you to formulate self-help groups. we start with the course introduction. We end up each unit by summarizing its content to enable you to recall the main points. There will be 20 theory and 60 practical counselling sessions for the entire programme at the selected Programme Study Centre. Video programmes are transmitted by Doordarshan on National Network and Gyan Darshan from 6. 6 Gyan Vani IGNOU has been offered FM Channel Radios in 40 cities and towns for education and development.ignouonline. will be communicated to you.8 Study Centres To provide effective support. how well you do it and consider the ways you might do it better. Big TV. Sun TV. These centres will be managed by the Programme Incharge. 5. A toll free telephone number 1800 112345 has been provided for this purpose from selected cities. Mumbai. IGNOU has set up a number of Study Centers all over the country. Bhopal. 75% attendance for practical work is compulsory for becoming eligible to appear in the Term-End Examinations. to which you are assigned.1) The programme can be seen at TV having the DTH facilities: Gyan Darshan-2/ Teleconferencing channel are available all DTH platforms – DD Direct Plus. We hope that in addition to developing new skills and competencies. You can also watch the programme on computer by logging at www.. Coimbatore. These sessions are conducted for an hour on Sundays from 189 radio stations in the country. Dish TV.ignou. Airtel The practical exercises are an integral and compulsory part of the PG Diploma programme. The detailed particulars regarding the Programme Study Centers. Lucknow. The detailed schedule can be accessed at IGNOU EMPC-Gyandarshan Website http://www. Chennai and Delhi are already on air. You may please go to nearby Regional Centre or the Study centre having teleconferencing facilities.5 Practical Sessions The practical component of this programme has been designed and build on the theory text giving you an exposure of practical experiences and opportunity to apply the knowledge in the areas of food safety and quality management.7 Interactive Radio-Counselling Interactive Radio-Counselling is a recent concept in distance learning in Please follow the following procedure: a) b) c) d) Open www. The list of Programme Study Centers activated/being activated for the programme is listed at Appendix I. You will be getting the complete coverage and can ask the question/interact through toll free number 1800112345 and 011-29532844. EMPC is the nodal agency for implementing the project. Kolkata. Programme Study Centers (PSCs) are being set up in selected Institutes for this PG Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Management Programme. The teleconferencing sessions on GD-2 are simulcasted on the EDUSAT Tata Click Educational Broadcast Open Broadcast Channel Click to Gyan Darshan 2/Edusat 2) 3) 4) You can also send your queries and questions to the counselor at the following email address pgdfsqm@ignou. Live counselling is provided on radio by invited experts in Sericulture.html. EMPC is also studying an experimental proposal for global Gyan Vani. As many as 10 FM Radio Stations at Allahabad. Each PSC will be handling about 25-30 students. you will be able to reflect on what you do. 5. Please bring all your units as per the schedule during the counselling sessions. Students can ask questions right from their homes on telephone. 5. 5. 28 . The term-end examination for the Course MVPI-001(Integrated course of 4 credit) shall be of 50 marks. The minimum pass marks in term end examination will be 50. The minimum pass marks for this term end examination shall be 25.e. student shall not be provided any guidance while performing the experiment(s). the month of the June and December. The guided experiments shall be performed during the counselling sessions under the guidance of the counsellors. There shall be only one assignment for MVPI-001. (ii) practical (guided and unguided experiments. EVALUATION 6. practical and as well as on aggregate basis for the course i. Weightage: Practical Component Guided Experiments Un-guided Experiments Total Weightage 70% 30% 100 % 6. ii) Practical The practical evaluation is divided under two components: (i) guided experiments and (ii) unguided experiments.1 Weightage to Continuous Evaluation and Term-End Evaluation i) Theory For theory. The student performance would be assessed by the counsellors covering various aspects like manipulative skills. The theory term end examination for the course number MVP-001 to MVP-004 ( four credits theory courses) will be of 100 marks. 6. The weightage of 70% will be assigned to guided experiments and 30% weightage is for unguided experiments. Each experiment performed by the student would be evaluated. separately) and (iii) on aggregate basis. There shall be two assignments for the course number MVP-001 to MVP-004.theory.2 Pass Percentage for Theory and Practical Examination The students will have to secure minimum 50% marks in all the components of the course.3 Modalities for Theory and Practical Examination Criteria Theory: Term-End Examination 70% and continuous assessment : 30% The examination shall be held twice in a year i. The unguided experiment shall be undertaken by the students in the last session. Total there will be nine assignments.e. There shall be only one assignment for MVPI-001.6. 29 . Total there will be nine assignments. Assignments have to be submitted to the coordinator of programme study centre and instruction for formatting the assignment and date of submission of the same are given in the assignment booklet. (i) theory (term end assignment). Both the components will be evaluated. Each assignment shall be of 15 marks. the weightage to the term-end examination will be 70% and the weightage to the continuous assessment will be 30%. For unguided experiment. continuous assessment (assignment). The ultimate weightage shall be 30% of the theory paper. There shall be two assignments for the course number MVP-001 to MVP-004. Each assignment shall be of 15 marks. The ultimate weightage shall be 30% of the theory paper. The marks obtained by the students will be converted to have weightage of 70 per cent (on theory basis). observation and their understanding of the basic concepts related to the experiment. Form 3(b) is applicable for MVPL-001 & MVPL-002). No. No. The course-writer/faculty members/counselors of SOA/editors could also be act as external examiners.Guided Experiments The students will be evaluated by the counsellor for performing the experiments. Consolidation of Practical Marks: Proforma 3 gives the consolidation of marks. For successful completion of the Programme. This mark list shall be directly sent to the Director. split up of marks may be broadly on the following lines: S. For this experiment 30% marks are allotted. Component a) b) c) d) Actual performance of experiment and observation (psychomotor and manipulative skills) Reporting (Problem solving skills) Viva-voce Record Weightage 40% 20% 20% 20% (Please see Form 1(a) & 1 (b): Form 1(a) is applicable for MVPI-001. Form 2(b) is applicable for MVPL-001 & MVPL-002) There shall be one internal and one external examiner. A copy of the consolidated marks forwarded to the SED shall also be forwarded to the Regional Director and Director.5 Participation and Attendance for Practical Practical are essential components of the programme. School of Agriculture. Form 1(b) is applicable for MVPL-001 & MVPL-002) (ii) Evaluation.Assigned Unguided Experiments It will be conducted in the last session of the laboratory work. 6. Component a) b) c) Actual performance of experiment and observation (psychomotor and manipulative skills) Reporting (Problem solving skills) Viva-voce Weightage 50% 25% 25% (Please see Form 2(a) & 2(b): Form 2(a) is applicable for MVPI-001. The weightage for unguided experiments is 70%. Student Evaluation Division (SED) within a week of conducting the lab courses.4 Preparation of Consolidated Mark List The consolidated mark list of all students shall be prepared using the proforma given in Form 3 (Please see Form 3(a) & 3(b): Form 3(a) is applicable for MVPI-001. a participant is required to have a minimum of 75% attendance in the practical sessions at Programme Study Centre. 6. The student should not be provided any guidance while performing this experiment. The internal examiner will be from the same study centre. split up of marks may be broadly on the following lines: S. For a particular experiment. The School Board shall approve the names of the external examiners. The proformas are given in Appendix IX. A 30 .Practical : Guided Experiments: 70% and Unguided Experiments: 30% (i) Evaluation. The proposal shall be made by the PSC. The external examiner for the unguided experiments could be from the same PSC but not the counsellor. 50 and above 3.49 1.5) 00 (00) 35 (17.9% 50% to 59. ** Viva voce of Project Report The marks in bracket indicate minimum pass marks.5) 00 (00) 00 (00) 00 (00) 30 (15) 30 (15) 25 (12.5)* 250(125) 00 (00) 15 (7.6 of the Academic Councils Standing Committee is as follows: Letter Grade Point Grade A B C D E 5 4 3 2 1 Range 4.7 Pass Percentage for the Programme The students will have to secure 50% marks in all the courses on individual basis and on aggregate basis in all the eight courses for award of the programme degree.5) 30 (15) 15 (7. The maximum marks for each course (theory/practical/ integrated) shall be 100.49 2.9% 40% to 49.50 to 4.50 to 2. Total and Course-wise Distribution of Marks Course Code Theory Term-end Continuous Assessment Guided Practical Unguided Experiment Total Total Marks Obtained out of 100 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 800 (400) MVP-001 MVPI-001 MVP-002 MVP-003 MVP-004 MVPL-001 MVPL-002 MVPP-001 Total 70 (35) 35 (17. 6.5)** 100 (50) 00 (00) 50 (25) 00 (00) 00 (00) 00 (00) 100 (50) 100 (50) 100 (50) 350 (175) * Project Report.6 Distribution of Marks Every course is considered as an independent unit. 6.8 Result and Certification The final certification of the Diploma shall be made on a five point scale and Grade point average as approved by the University vide Item No.9% Below 40% Division 1st Division with Dist.5) 70 (35) 70 (35) 70 (35) 00 (00) 00 (00) 00 (00) 315(157. The integrated course MVPI-001 shall have 50 marks for theory and 50 marks for practical.49 % of Marks 80% and above 60% to 79.student will not be eligible to appear in Term End examination if the percentage of attendance in practical session (Programme Study Centre) falls below 75%. The course wise distribution of marks is given below in the table. 6.49 0 to 1.5) 00 (00) 00 (00) 00 (00) 70 (35) 70 (35) 75 (37.50 to 3. 19. 1st Division 2nd Division Failed Failed 31 .5) 30 (15) 30 (15) 30 (15) 00 (00) 00 (00) 00 (00) 135 (67. New Delhi-110068 WHERE TO SUBMIT THE FORM IGNOU. TEE 1st Sept to 30th Sept 1st Oct to 20th Oct 21st Oct to 15th Nov 16th Nov to 26th Nov LATE FEE NIL Rs. In the first year they can take the examinations in December. Maidan Garhi. TEE 1st March to 31st March 1st April to 20th April 21st April to 15th May 16th May to 28th May DECEMBER. the study centre is the examination centre. Maidan Garhi. Students will be permitted to appear in Term-end Examination subject to the condition that registration for the courses in which they wish to appear is valid. 400/ as the examination fee for eight courses. failing which they can take the same in June or December.per course is required to be paid through Bank Draft in favour of IGNOU payable at Delhi. the code of the chosen centre be filled up as examination centre code. examination centre chosen by a student if is not activated. of subsequent three years within the total span of the programme. New Delhi-110068 To avoid discrepancies in filling up examination form/hardship in appearing in the term-end examination students are advised to : 32 .ignou. You should submit the examination form before stipulated date (which is explained later). Maximum time to pursue the programme is not elapsed and they have also submitted the required number of assignment(s) by the due date. the university will allot another examination centre under the same Region. In case any student wish to take examination at a particular centre. The examination forms are available at all the Study Centres and Regional Centres. However. 1000/For outside Delhi students (Concerned Regional Centre) For Delhi students (IGNOU. you are required to fulfill the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) You should pursue the prescribed course. There is no separate/additional examination fee for the practical component of the course offered under the integrated course. The students are advised to pay a fee of Rs. To be eligible to appear at the term-end examination in any • Examination Centre Normally. 50/. For the purpose you are advised to go through the list of study centres available in the Student Handbook and prospectus/Programme Guide. • Date of Submission of Examination Forms JUNE.9 Term-End Examination (TEE) The University conducts Term-end Examination twice a year in the month of June and December every year. Students can also submit on-line examination form as per guidelines through IGNOU website at www. You should complete 75% of attendance is practical contact hours. 100/Rs. Thus the students can take the examinations after the completion of the course. a student is required to fill the exam centre code in the examination form. You should submit the assignments to the Programme Coordinator at PSC before stipulated dates. 500/Rs. • Examination Fee Examination fee of Rs. in In case any student fails to receive the Examination Hall Ticket within one week before the commencement of the examination the students can download the hall ticket from the website and approach the exam centre for appearing in the exam. before 1st June and 1st December respectively.11 Early Declaration of Results In order to facilitate the students who have got offer of admission and or selected for employment etc. 6.e. fill up the examination form for next term-end examination without waiting for the result of the previous term-end examination and also filling up the courses. The students can submit their requests for early declaration before the commencement of the Term-end Examination i. 33 .per course in the prescribed application form available on the University website. 6. The students are required to apply in the specified format available on the University website with a fee of Rs.1) 2) 3) 4) • remain in touch with your Study Centre/Regional Centre/SRE Division for change in schedule of submission of examination form fee if any. Assignments and Seminars etc.10 Re-evaluation of Answer Script(s) The students who are not satisfied with the marks/grade secured by them in Term-end Examination can apply for re-evaluation within one month from the date of declaration course through Bank Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU alongwith the attested photocopy of the offer of admission/employment offer. Practical.e. Issue of Examination Hall Ticket University issues Examination Hall Ticket to the student’s atleast two weeks before the commencement of Term-end Examination the same could also be downloaded from the University’s website www.300/. Re-evaluation is not permissible for Projects. The better of the two courses or original marks/grades and re-evaluated marks/grades will be considered and the revised marks/grades shall be incorporated in the student’s records as applicable and the revised grade card/marksheet will be sent to the students within one month form the receipt of application. and retain proof of mailing/submission of examination form till you receive examination hall ticket.. The University in such cases will make arrangements for processing the answer scripts and declare the results as a special case possibly in a month time from date of examination. for which result is awaited. and are required to produce mark-sheet/grade card by a specified given date may apply for early process of their answer scripts and declaration of the results for this purpose. 500/. the date on which the results are made available on the University website on payment of Rs. fill up all the particulars carefully and properly in the examination form to avoid rejection/delay in processing of the form.ignou. SED. 8. Fax: 29535083. he/she has to obtain a certificate from the Coordinator of the Study Centre from where he/she is seeking transfer from regarding the number of assignments submitted. Maidan Garhi. 10. Date-sheet Room No. Zakir Hussain Block. Ph. 4. IGNOU. Maidan Garhi.1 Provisional Certificate. New Delhi . New Delhi . Block-3. 2213 Marketing Unit. Some Useful Addresses WHOM TO CONTACT FOR WHAT Identity Card. New Delhi-110068 Tel: 29533858. OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION 7. New Delhi – 110068. Block-12 Tel: 29535828/2482 EPABX: 29535924-32/2218. School of Agriculture. Block-9. Change of elective/medium/opting of left over electives/deletion of excess credits. 1319. EMPC.110068 Tel: 29534299 Fax: 29533079 Ext: 358/360/328 Email: marketingempc@ignou. New Delhi – 68 assignments@ignou. Concerned Regional Centre Bonafide Certificate. Block – G. Submission of Project Reports . IGNOU. IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi . Fax: 29534429. Email: [email protected] Examination.110068 Tel: 29535828/2482/29572218 Fax: 29534429 Email: [email protected] A learner wants transfer from one region to another he/she has to write to that effect to the Regional Centre from where he/she is seeking a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre where he/she would like to transferred to. Registrar.7. 1325 Assistant Registrar (Exam III) SED. New Academic Deputy Registrar (Exam-I).12. Approval of Project Synopsis 12. Maidan Garhi. Email: sre@ignou. Original Degree/Diploma/verfication of degree/diploma Purchase of Audio/Video Tapes 7. 29535924-32/ IGNOU. (Assignment) SE Division. 5. 3. 29535438. Transcripts Non-reflection of Assignment Marks Deputy Registrar (Exam II) SE Division. 6. SED. IGNOU. 2953592432/EPABX: 29535924-32/2224. Maidan Garhi New Delhi . IGNOU. Migration Certificate Non-receipt of study material Registrar Material Production & Distribution Division IGNOU. Maidan Garhi. Fee Receipt. Grade Card. Concerned Study Centres and Programme Study Centre Project Co-ordinator in the Concerned School Despatch EPABX: 29535924/Extn. 2216 34 2. Information Regarding Counselling Sessions & Assignment Submission Asstt. Maidan Director. Academic Information about Programme Change of Regional Centre 9. EPABX: 29535924-32/ 2001/2008/2013. date of submission of assignment and issue of study materials etc. common prospectus and application form..: 29533869. Grievance Cell 14. results. Therefore. queries about admission. programmes being offered in agriculture sector are available. Student Registration and Evaluation Division. MVPL-001 & 002 [1 to 3 (a. Student Support Services and Student Grievances.13. In the school of agriculture. A few important links under the site are enlisted Ph. download facilities for assignment. re-evaluation of answers script Regional Director. term-end campus placement. teleconferencing schedule and feedback form. 29532294 E-mail: sregrievance@ignou. Student Registration Division and Student Evaluation Division : This link will give you information about admission. convocation. Regional Service Division. material despatch Some Forms for Your Use Form for Change/Correction of Address Form for Non-receipt of Materials Form for Obtaining Duplicate Grade Card/Marksheet Appendix II Appendix III Appendix V Appendix IV Form for Re-evaluation of Result of Answer Script Appendix VI Form for Issue of Migration Certificate Appendix VII Re-admission Form Appendix VIII Form for Term-end Theory Examination Appendix IX Evaluation Sheet for Guided Experiments for MVPI-001. Wikipedia: It is link to IGNOU Wikipedia. 7. Learners will not be admitted if they are not eligible as per the eligibility criteria. re-admission. c) d) e) f) Electronic Media: You will get the information about the Gyan Darshan Schedule. Online platform (Virtual Class): www. pre-admission Inquiry of various courses in IGNOU is a platform for online programmes.b)] Appendix X Guidelines for Project Preparation report under MVPP-001 Appendix XI Student Satisfactory Survey 35 . Division: Under this section. Student Service Centre. term-end date sheet. Registrar (Grievance) Tele No. New Delhi-110068 E-mail: ssc@ignou. You are also advised to get in touch with the Programme Incharge of your Programme Study Centre. there are links of Material Production and Distribution Division. forms for admission.ignouonline. Student Registration Division and Student Evaluation Division. Maidan Garhi. IGNOU. question papers. assignments. catalogue for print media and audio video.ignou. examination. registration. Interactive Radio Counselling. Nos. library. address checking. Only those learners who satisfy the eligibility criteria fixed by the University will be admitted. eGyankosh. the candidates should not be misled by the false promises of admission made by any private individual or IGNOU website is www.2 a) b) Online Facilities Schools: Where you will get the information about the programmes offered by different schools. 29532950 Fax: 29535714 Caution to Students IGNOU admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit. Gyan Vani schedule. Students Zone: Results. org .vcnl. SC/PSC Code 27168 P Name and Address of the SC/PSC Incharge Programme Incharge Regional Food Research & Analysis Centre (R-FRAC) Udyan Bhawan Campus. 2873 P .com Phone: 27257267 Dr. Asha Gupta: ignou@shriraminstitute. Sunit Mukherjee Programme Incharge Dr. Kolkata – 700 034 (Near Behala Chowrasta) E-mail : [email protected]. 4/ Ph 45854585 (Ext. E-mail: manjeet@shriraminstitute.. University .M. (Andhra Pradesh) E-mail: ajyothi_avvari@yahoo. Shriram Institute for Industrial Research 19. 1. Bangalore-560048 Email: ignou@shriraminstitute-bangalore. . 28410172. Kirti Nagar Industrial [email protected] I List of Programme Study Centres Activated/Being Activated S. Deepak Bhanot Vice President Training & Development. Building Marg. Manjeet Aggarwal and Dr. Phone No. 033-2468-2683. Food & Nutrition Division. New Delhi – 110015 E-mail: Ph:28410165-7. Diamond Harbour Road. Asha Gupta (M: 9811239472) (M: 9968235292) Programme Incharge. sribglr@bgl. Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.( 0522) 4008358 Veena. 033-2478-8791. Tirupati – 517502. S. Whitefield Programme Incharge. Mobile: 09441495938 Dr. Ph.: 0877-2245525 (R) Fax: 0877-2284568 0877-2248481 – Ext. Ph. 29005 P 5. WBSIDC Industrial Estate. IGNOU Programme Study Centre.Sadarmangala Industrial Area. Subhas Mukherjee Memorial Reproductive Biology Research Centre. Chittoor. Plot No 14 &15. 2. Programme Incharge Shriram Institute For Industrial drug@shriraminstitute-bangalore. sridlhi@vsnl. Lucknow:226 001 E-mail: rfrac_lko@yahoo. Mobile: 9958398884 Prof. Coordinator. 620. 24663024 (M) 9231695471 36 2. 38001 P 6. Mobile: 09886548248 Dr.2nd floor. Jyothi. 1217.540). 1396 P 3. Dist. A. 01107 P 4. Sri Padmavati Mahila Vishvavidyalayam (SPMV). Phone: 02522-398100 (65 linese) Mobile: 09372176570 Meenal Satghare (Lab Incharge): meenal@reliablelabs. K. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 9892667889 Prof.221005 (U. Interfield . Email: [email protected] . Pune – 411005.Singh Banaras Hindu University.R. Technical Director. Mobile: 09404963551 37 8. Govt. Tehsil:Nalagar . 1699 P . of Maharashtra.P O:Mannpura.7. Chennai. XIII/1208 . Solan ( H. 14114 P Ms.600089. enquiry@sargamlabs. Fax: 0542-2368993 Dr. [email protected] Phone (O): 0542-2307100. Ltd. 48003 P 12. Annaporani. 49001 P . Maharashtra Email: training@reliablelabs. Bina Tilak Programme Incharge Lab Mobile: 09318011146 Mr. Mobile: +91 9895132741 Dr. 25186 P 9. Interprint House Karuvelipady.tilak@iflab. Ramavaram Office(Ph. Chetan Sonker Programme Incharge. [email protected]. Krishibhavan Shivajinagar. 2368993 Mobile: 09415812143. Mankoli Tel: 044-22491117 Mobile: 09962000890 Programme Incharge PGDFSQM Programme M/S Auriga Research Limited. Varanasi . Kerala Email: beena.): +91 0484 2210915 / 2225665 / 2224708 / 2211838 Fax:+91 0484 2212465. 1159 P 10.) Email: [email protected]@aurigaresearch.682 005.Distt.P.P) INDIA E-mail: p. Kochi . 2. Reliable Analytical Laboratories. Manapakkam. Insecticide Residue Testing Tele Fax: 020-25510300. Director Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Baddi D C Complex. Patil Chemist & Incharge. mail@interfieldlaboratories. Gundawali. Department of Agriculture. Sargam Laboratory Pvt. College of Technology Osmania University. 6/3.gaurav@gmail. 2549084 Food Testing Laboratories at Baroda/Rajkot Under Foods & Drug Control Administration Govt. Programme Incharge. Durgapura. Shweta Bharti Programme Ph. 9813041980) Mr. rkm_micro@rediffmail. Hyderabad-500 007 E-mail: [email protected] Phone No. Manorama Ganj. Microbiology Division. Choksi Laboratories Ltd. R. Praka Chandra Bunkar Programme I/ Ph. 3047920 Mobile: +91-9811638021 Sh. Gaurav Shrivastava Programme Incharge. Srinivas Maloo Programme Incharge & Head. of Gujarat 14.(Res.micro@gmail. Under Process 38 .com .: 0141-2550346. (Haryana) E-mail Ph: 0731-4243888 Fax: 0731-2490593 Mobile: +91-9713010433 Ms. Indore.13. Study Centre AES Laboratories (P) Ltd. Malik. National Dairy Research Institute Deemed University Indian Council of Agricultural Research Karnal –132001.nic.) 040-24605547 Mobile: 98482 69957 Mr. B-118. Head. 01108 P 15. 15201 P 16. 39004 P 17. . State Institute of Agriculture and Management (SIAM).shrivastava@choksilab. Dept of Food Technology University. IGNOU Prog. 2359 P 18. hr. No. Jaipur-302018. 1047 P Dr. Phase II Noida – 201304 (Uttar Pradesh) Ph: 0120-2562645.452001 Email: gaurav. 0184-2259169 (M. E-mail: agri_siam@raj. ................................................Pin..... City ........................................... City ......... ... State ........... State ........ .................................................................................................Appendix II Form for Change/Correction of Address Application for Change of Address Date: __________ To Registrar.......................... ................................................................Pin................... SR&ED IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110 068 THROUGH CONCERNED REGIONAL DIRECTOR Enrolment No..................................................... .................... ________________ Signature of Student (You are advised to use the photocopy of this proforma) 39 ......... ............................... DETAILS FOR CHANGE/CORRECTION OF MAILING ADDRESS New Address . 1................................................................................................. ......................................................................... Name (in caps)......................................................................................................................... Old Address ........................................ Programme.................... ......Appendix III Form for Non-receipt of Materials The Registrar Material Production and Distribution Division Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi-110 068 Subject: Non-receipt of Study Material & Assignments Enrolment No....... ................................................................................................................. Signature...........................................…………………………… (You are advised to use the photocopy of this proforma) 40 ....... Medium of Study.......................................................................... Course Code Blocks Assignments I have remitted all the dues towards the course fee and there is no change in my address given as follows: Name and Address .....................................................................................................No.............................. ... Date ....... Programme.......... .. For Official Use Date of dispatch of study material/assignments to students ………....................................................... .......................................... I have not received the Study Materials/Assignments in respect of the following: Sl............................... ................................ Courses...............................Appendix IV Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi............ Marks/Grade Obtained ........................... ..... Programme:……………………………………………………….....................................................………… …....…………… 8...................... ....................... Fee Details: (The fee for this purpose is to be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable........................................ 6.. at ‘New Delhi’) No...………... 300/............................ X Rs............................ New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR RE-EVALUATION OF RESULT OF ANSWER SCRIPTS 1.......................…. Demand Draft No... 9. of Course(s) ............ Month and Year of the Exam: …………………….............................................. Address of the Examination Centre ................... Date................. in which Re-evaluation is sought Course Code ............ Address …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… PIN: 5....... ...... Signature of the student Date: ………………………….................................. (Rules and Regulations are mentioned in the next/reverse side of this form) (You are advised to use the photocopy of this proforma) 41 ........ 7..............................…….................………………………….................................……………............. Name: …………………………………………………………............. ...................…………................ Enrolment No................... 2.......... Issuing Bank ............................ 4.................................................……………………………… Examination Centre Code : …………… …………...............Total Amount ......................................... ......................... 3................................................................................................................... 2.RULES & REGULATION FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPTS 1. Assignments & Seminars etc. The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: 5. The revised marks/grade after re-evaluation shall be communicated to the student on receipt of re-evaluation result and result will also made available on the IGNOU website at www. 3. After re-evaluation. whichever is later. The date of declaration of result will be calculated from the fate on which the results are placed on the IGNOU website. 6. Deputy Registrar (Exam-III) SE Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi. New Delhi-11006 42 . Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE only and not in the Project/Dissertation/Practical / Lab the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after reevaluation will be considered. The minimum time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the date of receipt of application. The request for re-evaluation by the student must be made before 31st March for December TEE and 30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of Workshops.ignou. 4. ... Programme :: ………………………………………………………………............ Note: Fee for duplicate grade card is Rs................... The duplicate grade card will be sent by Registered post.............. Bank Draft/IPO should be drawn in favour of IGNOU & payable at New Delhi..............……Issuing Bank/post office .. dated …………………………....................... Enrolment No......................................…. Address (where grade card is to be sent) …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… PIN: Bank Draft/IPO No..... Indira Gandhi National Open University....... New Delhi-110 068 (You are advised to use the photocopy of this proforma) 43 ....... Maidan Garhi.............. The filled-in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: Registrar (SE Division)......100/-.. New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR OBTAINING DUPLICATE GRADE CARD/MARKSHEET Name of the Student: ………………………………………………………………............. ……………………….. Date: ………………………… Signature of the Student .Appendix V Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi................... 44 . .......................................................... 3... I have not taken any migration certificate from the University before this. He/She may be issued the Migration Certificate applied for ...... 2................................................... Particulars of last examination .................................................... Place of Issue ................. Examination Passed (Programme) Year of Passing Enrolment No...............................Appendix VI INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY ( To be submitted to the concerned Regional Director) APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF MIGRATION CERTIFICATE (To be filled in by the Applicant ....................................... 6............................................................................................................................... Bank Name & ................Before filling in the form.................................................. Father’s Name ...... Name .. PIN .......................................................................... ..............................Km...... ..................... Dated ...................D.. see instructions on reverse) 1........................ 2......... I further certify that I he not enrolled with any other University/Institution after passing out from IGNOU up to this date.. 45 ........................................................................................................................................... Marks Obtained Grades Obtained 5........................ In the event of any of the above information being found incorrect the Certificate shall be liable to cancellation by the University.................................. Dealing Assistant ................... is correct as per Grade Card.............................................. .................... ............................ No................................ Draft Details Amount Rs.. a) b) c) d) I hereby declare that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have paid all the fee due to the University.... Name of the University to which the candidate wants to migrate ................................................... Name of the Regional Centre and Study Centre to which the Candidate attached .............................. Section Officer .................... 4........................ Address ...................... Date .............................................................. Signature of the Applicant (To be filled in by the Regional Centre/SE Division) 1.................................... The information furnished by Shri/Smt............................................................ D................................. ................... resident of ......................issued to me by the .............................should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at the city of the Regional Centre or New Delhi as the case may be................................................ Duplicate Migration Certificate can be issue on payment of Rs.......... son/daughter of...................................hereby solemnly declare that the Migration Certificate be sworn before a Magistrate on the following format... 46 ........... ........... ‘‘I..................only in case the same has been enable me to join...... 300/............. A fee of Rs.... destroyed or mutilated on submission of an Affidavit drawn up on a non-judicial stamp paper of the value of Rs........... 300/...INSTRUCTIONS 1......................... 3................................................. University has been lost and I did not join any other University on the basis of the same nor have I submitted the Migration Certificate for joining any other University’’..................... At the time of submission of the application for issue of Migration Certificate the applicant should attach Xerox copy of consolidated Statement of Marks of Provisional Certificate issued by this University (duly attested) for verification................. 2.............dated............ 10/................. . ... Signature of the Student Note: Please retain a copy of this form for any future reference.......... 4................................... Course Code Title of the Course Credits Course Fee (Rs.............. Dates for submissions: 1st Aug to 31st Oct.................................................. enclosed vide Demand Draft No.......... 6.................................................... Regional Centre Code Study Centre Code : : : : Details of course(s) not completed for which re-admission is sought.......................... ................................. to 20th April Name & Address of the student .......... 8....................................... if any: Year(s)/ semester(s) Course Code(s) of the missed year(s)/semester(s) Re-registration fee Rs................ or 1st Feb. of . 2........................... Details of re-registration for the missed year(s)/semester(s) New Delhi-110 068 on or before the last date mentioned above.......) Total Rs...Appendix VII Student Registration and Evaluation Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi.................................... Maidan Garhi......... Total Fee (col............................ ... New Delhi-110 068 Re-admission form for all programmes (other than MP & MPB – Details as shown in Table-A) 1............... No...................................................... 3........ 47 ........ IGNOU...............Date ..... 7............................6+7) Rs.... No.....(Name of Bank) (DD should be drawn in favour of “IGNOU” payable at New Delhi Dated : ______________ Mail this Re-admission Form along with DD to Registrar.......... Programme Code Enrol... Sl........ 5.. SE Division..... for all the courses they failed to successfully complete earlier. 9. Students are required to pay the pro-rata Re-admission fee as per details given in Table-A. The additional period indicated at point no. 12. For the Programmes containing practical component. Re-admission is permissible in the following cases : a) b) 2. for all those courses of BCA as well as MCA that have not been successfully completed during the maximum duration of 8 years. 8. the student will be required to buy changed course material. provided they pay full fee for the missed year(s)/ semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which they seek re-admission. if any. 7. MADE. 11. Other conditions as prescribed by the University relating to the admission and re-admission shall remain the same. in lump sum. 3. Students who failed to complete the requirement of attendance in practicals as prescribed in Programme Curriculum within the maximum span period prescribed.RULES & GUIDELINES FOR RE-ADMISSION 1. in addition to the pro-rata course fee for re-admission as per rate given in Table-A for each of the course(s) they failed to successfully complete within the maximum period prescribed.) for all undergraduate and post-graduate programmes whose minimum duration is of 2 years and above. If the earlier study material is replaced. The credit earned by the student towards his/her courses and assignments successfully completed shall be retained for the revalidated period. in lump sum. 4. Course fee paid for re-admission would be valid for a period of six months/one year/two consecutive academic years or four consecutive semesters only. Students shall not be on rolls of the university beyond the additional period indicated at point no. the norms of fee payable will be as decided by the respective Schools. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. 3 above will commence from the date of completion of the maximum duration of the Programme for which the registration was done initially.. ADIT etc. Please write your Enrol. Pro-rata fee for Re-admission would be changed as and when the University revises the Programme fee for various Programmes. Name and Programme code and also the words ‘Re-admission’ on the reverse of the DD. Students who failed to complete the requirements in full or in part within the maximum span period prescribed. Students of BCA-MCA Integrated Programme should pay the pro-rata readmission fee. No. No study material will be supplied on re-admission. should be drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi. Students who do not registrar for all years/semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the prescribed full Programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Re-admission. as given below: a) Six months b) One year c) Two Years for all Certificate Programmes of six months duration for all Diploma/PG Dip. provided the syllabus and methodology now in vogue are similar to the course(s) successfully completed earlier. 48 . MLIS. The students will be allowed to take re-admission in the old course(s) as long as the examination in the old course(s) is conducted by the University. 6. 13. Programmes of one year duration (including BLIS. 10. The Demand Draft for Re-admission fee together with the re-registration fee of the missed year(s)/ semester(s). 5.3 above. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Appendix VIII EXAM FORM Form Number Programme Code Enrolment No. of Courses Practical Courses Late Fee Issuing Branch TOTAL ISSUING BANK Total Amt. 8. 1. Course Code Name of the Candidate (Leave one box empty between First Name.No. FEE DETAILS (Please write your Name & Enrolment No.) City State COURSE OPTION: S. 3.PER COURSE S. Course Code address. Use BLACK BALL POINT PEN in boxes using English capital letters or English numerals. 7.No. 8. NEW DELHI-110 068 TERM-END EXAM JUNE / DECEMBER . 4. 4.ignou. 15. Do not staple. Sp e c (no im t to en c be opy use d) District Course codes for which appearing for the First time OR failed in the earlier TEEs Fee @ Rs. etc. 14. Only Clip the documents along with it. Amount Date X 50 X 50 Payable at N E W D E L H I SIGNATURE OF THE STUDENT (within the Box only) 49 Control No. 6.No. Study Centre Code Exam Centre Code (Where you wish to appear in Exam) Address for Correspondence (Do not give Post Box No. Street Name. Leave a blank box between each unit of address like House No. Draft No. 3.20_____ INSTRUCTIONS 1. 7. 13. 3. at the back of the Draft) Total No. 10. 2. 5.. 11. 50/. Middle Name and Surname) Pin Code Course Code (Exam already taken in last TEE but result awaited on the date of submission of the exam form) (For result please visit IGNOU site www. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only within the box without touching the lines as shown in the Sample below. P. 6.. (For Official use Only) . NO EXAM FEE TO BE PAID S.O. 2. 2.INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT REGISTRATION & EVALUATION DIVISION MAIDAN GARHI. 16. Course Code 1. 5. Date:___________ (Signature of the Student) Dates for Submission of Exam Forms FOR JUNE TEE LATE FEE FOR DECEMBER TEE 1 March to 31 March NIL 1 Sept to 30 (For example ECO-01/MS-02. Normally the Study Centre is the Examination Centre. If any of my above statements are found to be untrue. 21 April to 15 May* Rs. 100/1 Oct to 20 Oct. I will have no claim for taking examination.DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have submitted/will submit all the required number of assignments as applicable for the above course(s) within the deadlines prescribed by the University to the appropriate authority for evaluation.per course in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi is required to be sent along with the Examination Form. 1000/Delhi). the course will not be included in the Hall Ticket and the examination fee paid will not be refunded. the code of your chosen centre be filled up as Examination Centre Code.. I also affirm that my registration for the above course(s) is valid and not time barred. www. 50 . 6. In case you wish to take examination at a particular centre. 7. once allotted. 9. Please write correct course code(s) as indicated in your Programme Guide. LATE FEE NIL Rs. Term-end Examination result is also available on the university website i. If you fail to receive Examination Intimation Slip one week before commencement of and download Hall Ticket and report to Examination Centre with your Identity Card. 50/. failing which the course(s) will not be included in Hall Ticket for taking examination. 1 April to 20 April Rs.e. Examination fee @ Rs. you will be allotted another Examination Centre under the same Region. 100/Rs. 1000/16 Nov to 28 Nov* * During these dates submit the examination form with late concerned Regional Centre (For outside submit to the Registrar (SRE). 4. Change of Examination Centre. if Examination Centre chosen by you is not activated. In case wrong/invalid course code is mentioned in examination form. 3. Post/Speed Post THE REGISTRAR (SRE) INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY.) 5. 10. BLOCK-12.ignou. is not permissible under any circumstances. Exam for these students will be conducted at Regional Centre city only. 2. NEW DELHI-110068 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE EXAM FORM 1. MAIDAN GARHI. I undertake that I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the University. For Delhi. Please see the result status before filling examination form. Please send the examination form by Registered Post/Speed post and retain the proof of its mailing till you receive the Hall Ticket. Please submit the examination form up to 20th April/20th Oct at the address mentioned below and no where else by No Examination fee is required to be paid for the courses for which the student appeared in the preceding TEE and the result has not been declared on the date of submission of the Examination form. However. Students should submit the examination form only once for each Term-end Examination. It is advisable that students fill-up the examination form without waiting for the result of the previous examination. 8. 500/Rs. you may visit our website 500/21 Oct to 15 Nov* 16 May to 28 May* Rs. 6. 9. 10. No. Signature of Counsellor 51 . 3. Total Marks in Experiments Total (out of 35) Date : Place : Note: Kindly use this proforma for each student individually. 7. 4. Residential Address : : : Evaluation of Guided Experiment _________________________________________ Performance & Observations (4) Reporting (2) Record (2 ) VivaVoce (2) Sl. 8.Appendix IX Form 1(a) Evaluation Sheet for Guided Experiments for MVPI-001 (for 35 Marks) Name of the Student Enrolment No. 11. 5. Date Title of the Experiment Total Remarks Marks (10) 1. 2. 12. 2. 6. Residential Address : : : Evaluation of Guided Experiment _________________________________________ Performance & Observations (8) Reporting (4) Record (4) VivaVoce (4) Sl. 52 . 3. 7. 9.Form 1(b) Evaluation Sheet for Guided Experiments for MVPL-001 and MVPL-002 (for 70 Marks) Name of the Student Enrolment No. 11. No. 5. Date Title of the Experiment Total Remarks Marks (20) 1. Total Marks in experiments Total (out of 70) Date : Place : Signature of Counsellor Note: Kindly use this proforma for each student individually. 12. 10. 8. 4. Residential Address : : : Evaluation of Guided Experiment _________________________________________ Performance & Observations (8) Reporting (2) VivaVoce (5 ) Sl. No.Form 2(a) Evaluation Sheet for Unguided Experiments for MVPI-001 (for 15 Marks) Name of the Student Enrolment No. Date Title of the Experiment Total Remarks Marks (15) Total Marks (out of 15) Date : Place : Signature of Counsellor Note: Kindly use this proforma for each student individually. 53 . Date Title of the Experiment Total Remarks Marks (30) Total Marks (out of 30) Date : Place : Signature of Counsellor Note: Kindly use this proforma for each student individually. Residential Address : : : Evaluation of Guided Experiment _________________________________________ Performance & Observations (16) Reporting (4) VivaVoce (10) Sl.Form 2(b) Evaluation Sheet for Unguided Experiments MVPL-001 and MVPL-002 (for 30 Marks) Name of the Student Enrolment No. 54 . No. Block 12. A copy of the forwarding letter be sent to the concerned Regional Director and Director. New Delhi – 110 068. School of Agriculture. iii) The evaluation sheets for guided experiments and for assigned unguided experiment must be handed over to the Coordinator of the study centre. Maidan Garhi. No. ii) Only the consolidated mark-list must be forwarded to the Registrar.Form 3 (a) Proforma for Consolidated Mark List for MVPI-001 Centre Code Name of the Centre : Residential Address Sl. 55 . IGNOU. : Marks obtained in guided experiments (Out of 35) Marks obtained in assigned unguided experiment (out of 15) Total (out of 50) : Enrolment No. SE Division. of the students Date : Signature of the Counsellor Signature of the Coordinator Place : Note: i) This is a collective statement for all the students. Form 3 (b) Proforma for Consolidated mark list for MVPL-001 and MVPL-002 Centre Code Name of the Centre : Residential Address Sl. A copy of the forwarding letter be sent to the concerned Regional Director and Director. ii) Only the consolidated mark-list must be forwarded to the Registrar. : Marks obtained in guided experiments (Out of 70) Marks obtained in assigned unguided experiment (out of 30) Total (out of 100) : Enrolment No. 56 . New Delhi – 110 068. of the students Date : Signature of the Counsellor Signature of the Coordinator Place : Note: i) This is a collective statement for all the students. iii) The evaluation sheets for guided experiments and for assigned unguided experiment must be handed over to the Coordinator of the study centre. No. SE Division. Block 12. IGNOU. School of Agriculture. Maidan Garhi.
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