Final of Ombudsman

March 29, 2018 | Author: Aayush Toshniwal | Category: Mediation, Banks, Arbitral Tribunal, Complaint, Reserve Bank Of India



What is an Ombudsman? Structure and will consider all sides of an issue in an impartial and objective manner.The ombudsman cannot impose solutions, but will identify options and strategies for resolution. The ombudsman can advise you of your rights and responsibilities within the university, but cannot provide legal advice. The ombudsman does not advocate for any side in a conflict and may not participate in any formal investigation, hearing, or process. Definitions of ombudsman 1. An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints, generally on behalf of individuals such as consumers or taxpayers, against institutions such as companies and government departments. 2. A designated internal mediator in an organization whose duty is to assist members with conflict resolution and other problems and to serve as independent consultant to recommend changes to policies or procedures to improve organization effectiveness and efficiency. 1 What Ombudsman can do The ombudsman provides an opportunity for informal discussion of problems outside formal channels. The ombudsman listens, discusses, answers questions, provides information, and helps develop options for resolving a situation. The office provides a means of conflict resolution that is non-confrontational, impartial, informal, and confidential. The ombudsman cannot impose solutions, but identifies options and strategies for resolution. Contacting the ombudsman does not constitute official notice to the university. The Ombudsman will... • • • • • • • • • • • Listen to you Answer your questions Analyze your situation Explain university policies and procedures Provide information and advice Develop options Help untangle bureaucratic red tape Suggest appropriate referrals Assist you in pursuing a resolution Apprise administration of significant trends Recommend changes in policies and procedures 2 The Ombudsman... • • • • • Does not conduct formal investigations Does not change rules, policies, or procedures Does not participate in any formal hearing or grievance process Does not supersede the authority of other university officials Does not disclose and may not be required to disclose information provided in confidence, except to address an imminent risk of serious harm where there is no other responsible option Does not engage in any activity that might be perceived by others as advocacy for any individual • Typical Kinds of Concerns You may discuss any concern or conflict confidentially with the ombudsman. Issues brought to the ombudsman include: • • • • • • • • • • Academic issues Incivility Disciplinary matters Discrimination Harassment Cultural conflicts Instructor/Student misunderstanding Grade appeal procedures Financial concerns Housing issues 3 • • • • • • • • Supervisor/employee relations Privacy issues Roommate concerns Parking problems Workplace issues Unethical behavior Interpersonal communications ..............And many others 4 Ombudsman in banking Appointment The reserve bank may appoint one or more persons to be known as banking ombudsman to carry out the functions entrusted to him by or under the scheme. The banking ombudsman shall hold office during the pleasure of the governor, reserve bank. Territorial jurisdiction The reserve bank shall specify the territorial limits, to which the authority of each of the banking ombudsman appointed pursuant to clause 4 shall extend. Location of office The office of the banking ombudsman will be located at such places as may be specified by the reserve bank. Facility for having temporary headquarters In order to expedite disposal of complaints, the banking ombudsman may hold sittings at other places within his area of jurisdiction. Qualification The banking ombudsman will be a person of high standing in the legal, banking, financial services, public administration or management sectors. 5 Provided that the reserve bank may. (2) The cost of the secretariat will be shared by banks in such proportion as may be determined by the reserve bank. 6 . Consequent on appointment. who will be placed on duty with the office of the banking ombudsman. Staffing of the office of the banking ombudsman (1) The banking ombudsman shall be provided with a secretariat drawn from banks. if in its opinion it is necessary so to do. permit the banking ombudsman to undertake such part time honorary work as is not likely to interfere with his duties as banking ombudsman. reserve bank.Tenure The banking ombudsman will be appointed for a period not exceeding three years and be eligible for extension for a further period not exceeding two years subject to an overall age limit of 65years. the banking ombudsman shall devote his whole time to the affairs of his office. Remuneration The remuneration and other perquisites payable/extended to the banking ombudsman will be determined by the reserve bank from time to time and borne by the banks in such proportion and in such manner as may be determined by the reserve bank. etc. The objective of the banking ombudsman scheme is to be a visible and reliable system of dispute resolution mechanism for bank customers. The banking ombudsman scheme was revised in 2002 to cover regional rural banks and to permit a review of the banking ombudsman’s awards against the banks by the reserve bank. The banking ombudsman currently have their offices in 15 centers spread across the country and are fully funded by the reserve bank.ESTABLISHMENT OF BANKING OMBUDSMAN In the area of treating customers fairly. 7 . The banking ombudsmen are serving officers of reserve bank in the rank of chief general managers and general managers. confidentiality. The broad approach of RBI has been to empower the common person while strengthening the customer-service delivery systems in banks by engaging in a consultative process with them. The reserve bank as the banking regulator has been actively engaged in the review. examination and evaluation of customer service rendered by banks.and effective grievance redressal machinery. The scheme was further revised in 2006 giving it a much wider scope by including several new areas of customer complaints. customer appropriateness. The reserve bank introduced the banking ombudsman scheme in 1995 to provide an expeditious and inexpensive forum to bank customers for resolution of their complaints relating to banking services. The ombudsman generally resort to conciliation or mediation for settlement of complaints. the cherished principles are transparency and reasonableness in pricing. The scheme covered banking services rendered by scheduled commercial banks and scheduled primary co-operative banks. It has been continually nudging the indian banking industry to become more customer-friendly and customer-centric in its conduct and business practices. Reasonableness in pricing of products by banks and their dealing with default situations are other areas which require added focus. Banking ombudsmen have been touring across the country to popularize the scheme. One of the challenges that bank customers continue to face is ensuring fair treatment from banks. particularly in making them aware of the terms and conditions of sanction and the specific connotation associated with them right at the beginning. The office would continue to play lead role in customer empowerment and in creating a customer-centric environment in banks.Two major challenges in effective implementation of banking ombudsman scheme are creating widespread awareness about the scheme and providing easy access to grievance redressal under the scheme. as complaints on these fronts continue to come to the banking ombudsman. It is observed that more and more complaints are being received reflecting the increased awareness and empowerment of customers. The use of internet by complainants is steadily picking up with the banking ombudsman receiving as much as 30% of all complaints in electronic mode (e-mail/online). The office of the banking ombudsman has evolved over the years in ensuring better customer service in the banking industry. The cases handled by the banking ombudsmen reveal that bankers need to deal with customers in a more transparent manner. There is a steady increase in the number of complaints under the scheme indicating the growing awareness among the people. Why ombudsman necessary for banks. 8 . Ombudsmen have since been appointed for all states of india. This scheme was further extended to 134 scheduled primary co-operative banks on 17th june. 1995. delay in sanction or delayed disposal of loan applications in particular and other directives in general. in exercise of powers conferred under banking regulation act. 1949. The banking ombudsman will look into complaints regarding deficiency in services such as: 9 . Regional rural banks have been kept out of the purview of the scheme for the time being. Customer complaints falling under the purview of OMBUDSMAN may be broadly classified in to two categories. These ombudsman attend to customers complaints related to certain key areas which remain unresolved at the bank level and facilitate satisfaction of such complaints . Indian banks association has favoured ombudsman for banks for redressal of bank customer grievances so that customer complaints are heard and speedily dispensed by ombudsman who should be a retired high court judge. The appointment of ombudsman is expected to result in improved customer service and provides quality and speedy redressal of grievances. on 14th june 1995 covering all the scheduled commercial banks in india. It is a mechanism for redressal of customer grievances in a quick and less expensive manner. This saves the customer the delay involved in going for long drawn litigation. a) Complaints concerning the deficiency in service and b) Complaints concerning non-observance of the RBI derectives on interest rates.Introduction of ombudsman scheme is another step in this direction. the reserve bank of india announced the OMBUDSMAN scheme. deposits. 10 .  Non-issue of drafts.  Delays in receipt of export proceeds. drafts/bills. such as delays.  NRI complaints in relation to their remittances from abroad.  Non-adherence to prescribed working hours by branches. etc. noncredits of proceeds to parties accounts. and other bank related matters. etc. applicable to rate of interest on deposits.  Non-acceptance of small denomination notes and for charging of commission. collection of bills. Non-payment/inordinate delay in the payment or collection of cheques.  Failure to honour guarantee/letter of credit commitments by banks.  Claims in respect of unauthorised or fraudulent withdrawals from deposit accounts. Complaints concerning loans and advances relate to: Non-observance of RBI directives on interest rates.  Complaints pertaining to operations in any account.  Delays in sanciton/non-observance of prescribed time schedule for disposal of loan applications. non-payment of deposit of nonobservance of RBI directives. provided the said complaints pertain to the bank’s operations in india. handling of export bills. 11 . there is no loss or damage or inconveniences suffered by the complainant. as may be specified for this purpose. Non observance of any other directions or instructions of RBI . prima facie. The banking ombudsman may reject the compliant at any stage if appears to him that the compliant is made without any sufficient cause or that it is not pursued by the complainant what reasonable diligence or that. (v) The awards of the ombudsman are binding on the banks. but the complainant. (ii)Ombudsman is a independent authority from banks themselves. retains the right to proceed through the court in the usual way. It does not rely upon the cases put up to it by the relevant parties. i. The changed banking scenario calls for fair and effective redressal of complaints when things go wrong or some dissatisfaction arises. Therefore. The customer satisfaction has become the first and foremost aspect wighing heavily on banker’s success.e. if he does not accept the ombudsman’s decision. (iv) Ombudsman functions informally. (iii) Ombudsman is only a one man team because in most of the disputes neither the complainant nor the banks are represented. and his decisions are binding on banks. The main advantages of the ombudsman scheme are: (i) It is inexpensive. In fact. the service is available absolutely free to the customer.Benefits of ombudsman: The setting up of the banking ombudsman is a landmark event in the indian banking industry. it goes deep into the issue and conducts independent investigations before deciding the case. 12 . though they can be represented. fairness and natural justice constitute the essence of the scheme. Vision and goals of the banking ombudsman Vision statement:  To be a visible and credible system of dispute resolution mechanism for common persons utilizing the banking services. expeditious.  To enhance the awareness of the banking ombudsman scheme.  To facilitate quick and fair (non-discriminatory) redressal of grievances through use of IT systems. Goals  To ensure redressal of grievances of users of banking services in an inexpensive. 13 . comprehensive and easily accessible database and enhanced capabilities of staff through training.The existence of the ombudsman scheme it self prevents some dispute between customers and banks from arising in the first instance. fair and reasonable manner that will provide impetus to improved customer services in the banking sector on a continuous basis.  To provide valuable feedback/suggestions to reserve bank of india towards framing appropriate and timely guidelines to banks to improve the level of customer service and to strengthen their internal grievance redressal systems. 14 . The scheme has been in iperation since 1995 and revised during the years 2002 and 2006. Since may 2007. the 15 banking ombudsman offices are fully funded by the reserve bank with serving officers of reserve bank in the rank of chief general managers and general managers posted as banking ombudsman. the scheme allows appeals from complinants and banks in respect of decisions given by the banking ombudsman in matters falling within the grounds of complaint specified under the scheme. since january 2006. 1995 was notified by RBI on june 14. 1995 in terms of the powers conferred on the reserve bank by section 35 A of the banking regulation act. scheduled primary co-operative banks and the regional rural banks. the banking ombudsman scheme.2006 covers a wide range of complaints concerning deficiency in banking services. As enumerated in clause 8. The scheme sought to establish a system of expeditious and inexpensive resolution of customer complaints. 1949 (10 of 1949) to provide for a system of redressal of grievances against banks. In order to make the scheme independent and effective. Reserve bank frames the guidelines for operationalizing the scheme and administers the running of the scheme.Introduction The banking ombudsman scheme. The scheme covers all commercial banks. participation in exhibitions and kisan melas. a number of focused initiatives were taken during the year to reach out. These initiatives were in the shape of organizing awareness camps. A small message indicating “if you have any complaint against your bank. please contact secretary. One banking ombudsman office adopted and innovative approach by utilizing the services of the postal department network on payment basis for the purpose of spreading awareness regarding the scheme. etc. office of the banking ombudsman. news paper advertisements.” was embossed on a metallic stamp and was affixed by the postal department employees in all incoming and outgoing letters from certain 15 .Initiatives taken by banking ombudsman As awareness regarding the banking ombudsman scheme and ease of access to its grievance resolution mechanism are major planks for the empowerment of the bank customers and the success of the scheme. passing on information to students visiting reserve bank’s premises. facilitate and spread the message of the scheme across the length and breadth of the country. “frequently asked question” and ‘Dos and Don’ts’ were brought out by the banking ombudsman offices and distributed through lead distric officers and government officials to generate awareness amongst people in rural and semi urban areas. one banking ombudsman office had set a target of taking the awareness campaign about the banking ombudsman scheme 2006 in regional languages. 16 . Broadcast of advertisements on all-india radio was another means of awareness campaign. Sensitization of banks to customer rights. the imperatives of dealing with customers in a fair and transparent manner and the adoption of best practice in customer relationship management comprised the parallel prong of the awareness strategy of banking ombudsmen.major post offices of the city for a particular period of time. taking classes to bankers in in-house bankers training institutions were also means of reaching the bankers. Participation in seminars organized by banks. Periodic meetings with nodal officers led to such dessemination of this important message of being customer centric banks. One banking ombudsman office’s public outreach initiative was aperodical feature published in a vernacular daily newspaper with substantial circulation in the state where the banking ombudsman responds to public queries on banking services relate issues. (b) To consider such complaints and facilitate their satisfaction. or settlement by ageement. the banking ombudsman will drawup an annual budget for his office in consultation with reserve bank.JURISDICTION POWERS AND DUTIES OF BANKING OMBUDSMAN General The banking ombudsman’s powers and duties will be:(a) To receive complaints relating o the provision of banking services. (2) Power to incur expenditure The banking ombudsman shall have power to incur expenditure on behalf of the office. Other powers and duties (1) General superintendence and control The banking ombudsman shall exercise general superintendence and control over his office and shall be responsible for the conduct of business thereat. In order to exercise the aforesaid power. or award in accordance with this scheme. The reserve bank will indicate the shares to be borne by the concerned 17 . by making a recommendation. publish in such consolidated form or otherwise as it dems fit.banks. 18 . in may every year. the report and the information received from the banking ombudsman. and shall furnish such other information as the reserve bank may direct. (2) The reserve bank may. a report containing a general review of the activities of the office of the ombudsman during the preceding financial year. The banking ombudsman shall exercise the powers of expenditure within the approved budget. ANNUAL REPORT ON FUNCTIONING AND WORKING OF THE BANKING OMBUDSMAN’S OFFICE (1) The banking ombudsman shall send to the governor. reserve bank. if it considers necessary in the public interest so to do. the name and address of the branch or office of the bank against-which the complaint is made. relied on by the complainant.PROCEDURE FOR REDRESSAL OF GRIEVANCE COMPLAINT (1) Any person who has a grievance against a bank. (2) The complaint shall be in writing duly signed by the complainant or his authorised representative and shall state clearly the name and address of he complainant. if any. the facts giving rise to the complaint supported by documents. may himself or through an authorised representative make a complaint in writing to the banking ombudsman within whose jurisdiction the branch or office of the bank complained against is located. the nature and extent of the loss caused to the complainant and the relief sought from the 19 . (e) The complaint is not frivolous or vexatious in nature. (b) The complaints made not later than one year after the bank had rejected the representation or sent its final reply on the representation of the complainant. a banking ombudsman may require the bank named in the complaint to provide any 20 . (c) The complaint is not in respect of the some subject matter. (d) The complaint is not the same subject matter. tribunal. POWER TO CALL FOR INFORMATION (1) For the purpose of carrying out his duties under this scheme. tribunal or arbitrator or any other forum is pending or a decree or Award or order of dismissal has already been passed by any such court.banking ombudsman and a statement about the compliance of the conditions referred of in sub-clause (3) of this clause. arbitrator or forum. which was settled through the office of the banking ombudsman in any previous proceedings whether received from the same complainant or any one or more of the parties concerned with the subject matter. (3) No complaint to the banking ombudsman shall lie unless (a) the complainant had before making a complaint to the banking ombudsman made a written representation to the bank named in the complaint and either the bank had rejected the complaint or the complainant had not received any reply within a period of two months after the bank concerned received his representation or the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him by the bank. for which any proceedings before any court. (2) For the purpose of promoting a settlement of the complaint. the banking ombudsman may make a recommendation by reference to what is. Copies of the recommendations shall be sent to the complainant and the bank concerned. 21 . RECOMMENDATION FOR SETTLEMENT (1) If a complaint is not settled by agreement within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the complaint or such further period as he may consider necessary. the banking ombudsman may follow such procedure as he may consider appropriate and he shall not be bound by any legal rule of evidence. (2) The banking ombudsman shall maintain confidentiality of any information or document coming into his knowledge or possession in the course of discharging his duties and shall not disclose such information or document to any person except with the consent of the person furnishing such information or document. SETTLEMENT OF COMPLAINT BY AGREEMENT (1) As soon as it may be practicable so to do the banking ombudsman shall cause a notice of the receipt of any complaint along with a copy of the complaint to the branch or office of the bank named in the complaint and endeavour to promote a settlement of the complaint by agreement between the complainant and the named in the complaint through conciliation or mediation.information or furnish certified copies of any document relating to the subject matter of the complaint which is or is alleged to be in its possession. in his opinion. fair in all the circumstances. within two weeks from the date of receipt of the recommendation send his acceptance in writing stating clearly that he is prepared to accept a settlement in terms of the recommendation is full and final settlement of his complaint. within a period of two months from the date of receipt of the complaint or such extended date as may be considered necessary by him.(2) The recommendation by the banking ombudsman shall be open to acceptance by the complainant only if he accepts all terms of the recommendations in full and final settlement of his claim against the bank and he shall . (3) The banking ombudsman shall cause a copy of the letter of acceptance. if he accepts the recommendations. comply with the terms of the recommendation immediately on receipt of acceptance of the terms by the complainant and inform the banking ombudsman of the settlement in terms of his recommendation. The bank shall. AWARD BY THE BANKING OMBUDSMAN (1) Where the compaint is not settled by agreement or recommendation as provided in clause 18 or 19 as the case may be. the banking ombudsman shall inform the parties of his intention to pass and Award. (2) It shall be open to the parties to submit any further representations or evidence in support of their case within a period of 15 days from the date of notice referred to in sub-clause(1) 22 . if the recommendations is acceptable to it. It shall inform the banking ombudsman within a period of two weeks. received from the complainant to be forwarded to the bank. If the recommendation is not acceptable to the bank. printing 23 .up to december 2005. The costs of the scheme include the revenue expenditure and capital expenditure incurred in running the banking ombudsman offices. in the proportion of their working funds. if any. REJECTION OF THE COMPLAINT The banking ombudsman may reject the complaint at any stage if it appears to him that the complaint is made without any sufficient cause or that it is not pursued by the complainant with reasonable diligence or that prima facie. to the bank for specific performance of its obligations and the amount awarded to the complainant by way of compensation for the loss suffered by him belong with a summary of the reasons for making the award. the principles of banking law and practice. postage and telegram charges. COST OF RUNNING THE SCHEME The total expenditure in operationalizing the banking ombudsman scheme was shared by the banks.2006. The revenue expenditure includes the establishment items like salary and allowances of the staff attached to banking ombudsman offices and non – establishment items such as law charges. there is no loss or damage or inconvenience suffered by the complainant.(3) The banking ombudsman shall pass and Award after affording the parties reasonable opportunity to present their case.2006. instructions and guidelines issued by the reserve bank from time to time and such other factors which in his opinion are necessary in the interest of justice. (4) An Award shall be in writing and shall state the direction/s. From january 1. the expenditure is fully borne by reserve bank in terms of the banking ombudsman scheme. directions. He shall be guided by the evidence placed before him by the parties. ) 7.and stationery expenses.413 6.16 9.887 No. electrical installations.034 33.81 12.045 2.60 10.315 3. The number of appeals preferred by banks and complainants during the year 2007-08 . Cost of handling complaints received at banking ombudsman offices.483 12. publicity expenses.50 9. of complaints dealt Cost complaint(Rs. The capital expenditure items include the furniture.363 38. The appellate authority is the deputy governor in charge of the banking ombudsman scheme.) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Total cost 7. Complainants can appeal against the decision of the banking ombudsman in respect of complaints falling on such grounds specified in the scheme. computer/related equipments .638 47.03 7. While the aggregate cost of running the fifteen banking ombudsman offices has increased with the increase in the number of complaints dealt with. telecommunication equipments and motor vehicle.611 per APPEAL AGAINST THE DECISIONS OF THE BANKING OMBUDSMAN The banking ombudsman scheme 2006 permits banks and complinants to appeal against the decisions of the banking ombudsman. Period (Rs. The appeal option is exercised by banks on grounds that the Award appears to be patently in conflict with the reserve bank’s instructions and/or the law and practice relating to banking. the cost per complaint dealt has been steadily decreasing. depreciation and other miscellaneous items. The details are given in table. Number of appeals received during 2007-08 24 .538 2.Cr. whose grievance against a bank is not resolved to his/her satisfaction by that bank within a period of one month. Is it a first resort complaint? If yes. For the purpose of such resolution of the compliant. Generally on receipt of any complaint. of Appeals 17 169 186 154 32 17 10 3 2 Introduction Any person. can approach the banking ombudsman if his complaint pertains to any of the matters specified in the scheme.Particulars Appeals against awards Appeals against decisions TOTAL Appeals disposed of during the year Appeals pending at the close of the year Less than one month One to two months Two to three months More than 3 months No. If covered under the no advise the complainant to Scheme? approach the appropriate authority. the complainant is advised to approach the bank’s redressal mechanism. The banking ombudsman on receipt of complaint considers the following issues: I Is the complaint against a bank/entity If yes handle the complaint. 25 ii . the banking ombudsman follows such procedures as he may consider appropriate and he is not bound by any legal rule of evidence. the banking ombudsman endeavors to resolve the complaint by agreement between the complainant and the bank named in the complaint through a process of conciliation or mediation. which in his opinion are necessary in the interest of justice. the principles of banking law and practice. If no. handle the complaint. Therefore the steps involved in complaint hadling are: • Receipt of complaints • Decision to handle or not • Acknowledgement of those covered under the scheme • Return of those that cannot be handled under the scheme. advise the complainant of other alternatives. Is the complaint before any court or tribunal If yes. • Call for comments from banks. directions. handle the complaint. If no.iii Has the complainant approached the banking ombudsman within a year of receipt of reply from the bank? Has the complaint been made before the expiry of the indian limitation act. If yes. instructions and guidelines issued by the reserve bank from time to time and such other factors. advise the complainant of other alternatives. He shall be guided by the evidence placed before him by the parties. 1963? iv Has the complaint been handled earlier? v If yes . 26 . advise the complainant or arbitrator or any other forum or has the the rules of jurisdiction of decision been give by these fora? banking ombudsman. • Promote a settlement through conciliation or pass an award. The number of complaints received has increased phenomenally since the revised banking ombudsman scheme 2006 came into force(chart 1) The number of complaints increased as new grounds of complaints such as credit card issues. Chart 1.number of complaints received during the years 2003-04 to 2007-08 27 . Increased awareness and accessibility also contributed to the increase in receipt of complaints. non-adherence to fair practices code and levying of excessive charges without prior notice were included.(Table 1).Receipt of complaints The banking ombudsman offices receive complaints pertaining to deficiency in service provided by banks. failure in providing the promised facilities. 550 704 2115 2576 3192 200304 200405 200506 200607 200708 28 . Of complaints per office.of Offices of banking Ombudsman 15 15 15 15 15 No.Table 1-Number of complaints received during the years 2003-04 to 2007-08 Period No.of Complaints received During the year 8246 10560 31732 38638 47887 Rate of increase (% over previous year) 28 200 22 24 Average no. During the year 2007-08. Mode –wise receipt Complainants can log on to the reserve bank website at www. For those who have no access to internet. Complaints received are acknowledged and tracked till they are closed in the book of the office of the banking ombudsman .rbi. complaints can be sent by post and in any language. The email ids of the banking ombudsmen are also available in the public domain and complainants can send emails to them. the complaints received by these different modes are as under (table 2) Table 2-mode wise receipt of complaints as a percentage to total Email Online Others TOTAL Number of complaints 7183 7662 33042 47887 Mode wise receipt of complaints (% to total) 29 and complain about deficiency in bank’s services by using the online complaint form. The region wise position of complaints is given in table 3 chart 3 Table 3 population-segment –wise receipt of complaint at the offices of banking ombudsman during 2007-08 Sr.Though 69% of complaints received are in hard copy. The complaint tracking software in place in the banking ombudsman office gives acknowledgement automatically and complaint number is given as soon as it is taken into the book of the banking ombudsman. the receipt in the electronic mode has been slowly picking up. of received 8418 6641 30 complaints . It is learnt that those who require quick response use this mode.  Population –segment wise receipt The offices of the banking ombudsman received complaints from almost all the regions of the country.No Region 1 2 Rural Semi urban No. media coverage and advertisements. as the banking ombudsman have created more awareness in such areas through personal visits.3 4 Urban Metropolitan TOTAL 10978 21850 47887 Chart 3 Population-segment wise receipt of complaints (% to total) The reasons for larger number of complaints from the urban and metropolitan regions are increased penetration of banking. increased awareness and increased expectations of customers in such areas. Complainant group-wise receipt The majority of complaints are from individuals as seen from the break up given in table 4: Table 4: complainant group-wise classification of complaints received at the offices of banking ombudsman during 2007-08 31 . There is however evidence that there is increase in the receipt of complaints from rural and sem-urban areas. banking ombudsman wise complaint receipt during 2006-07 and 2007-08 Banking ombudsman office Ahmedabad Bangalore Bhopal Bhubaneswar Chandigarh Chennai Guwahati Hyderabad 2006-07 2107 2406 2731 689 2006 2387 170 2767 32 2007-08 2855 2975 3402 998 2331 4545 282 2843 . It is observed that in 2007-08 . kanpur and chennai followed by bhopal and jaipur (table 5 ) Table 5. mumbai. the largest number of complaints was received by the BO offices in new delhi.Sr . Complainants no received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 category No of % of complaints complaints 42294 1602 336 743 102 267 318 114 2111 47887 88 3 1 2 0 1 1 0 4 100 Individual Individual business Proprietorship Limited company Trust Association Government department Public sector undertaking Others TOTAL Banking ombudsman-wise receipt The 15 offices of the banking ombudsman receive and consider complaints from customers relating to the deficiencies in banking services in repect to their territorial jurisdiction. Bank group wise receipt of complaints at banking ombudsman group wise-complaints received by banks Name of the bank group State bank group Nationalised banks Old private sector banks New private sector banks Foreign banks in india TOTAL Received Recived during the during the 200-07 2007-08 21909 21736 45794 59708 1100 1770 828903 738942 342599 357516 1240305 1179672 The above data does not include complaints redressed within a day. The data on complaints received by banks is given in table 6: Table 6. 33 . It may be seen that in the year 2007-08. However. there has been a fall in the number of complaints received by banks in 2002-08 compared to 2006-07 mainly due to reduction in complaints against new private sector banks. bulk of the complaints at 92.95% has been received by the new private sector banks and foreign banks.Jaipur Kanpur Kolkata Mumbai New delhi Patna Thrivananthapuram 2976 4321 2011 5525 5481 1481 1580 3369 5340 2815 6070 6742 1480 1840 Bank group –wise receipt at banks All complaints received by the banks are not expected to reach the banking ombudsman offices. The complaints receive by banking ombudsman against different bank groups are indicated in table 7. The table 9 gives the category wise complaints received durint the year under review.Table 7 bank-group –wise complaints received by banking ombudsman during 2003-04 to 3007-08 Bank group Nationalized banks SBI group 2003-04 4049 (46) 2779 (31) sector 1325 406 166 232 8957 526 9483 2004-05 2005-06 5124 (45) 3359 (29) 1863 577 256 359 11538 796 12034 10137 (33) 9892 (34) 6754 2997 198 794 30772 2591 33363 2006-07 10543 (30) 11117 (33) 9036 3803 313 536 35348 3290 38938 2007-08 Total 12033 (26) 13532 (29) 14077 6126 295 826 46889 998 47887 41886 (32) 40679 (31) 33055 13909 1228 2747 13350 4 7901 14140 5 Private banks Foreign banks Scheduled primary co-op banks RRB s Subtotal Others TOTAL Nature of complaints handled The grounds of complaint have been enumerated in clause 8 of the banking ombudsman scheme 2006. Table 9 – category-wise receipt of complaints received in 2006-07 & 2007-08 Sr no 1 . Nature of complaint Deposit accounts 34 Received during 2006-07 5803 Received during 2007-08 5612 . The type of complaints pertain to issuance of unsolicited credit cards and unsolicited insurance policy and recovery of premium charges. abusive calls etc. disputes over wrong billing. Mis representation and misleading information provided by direct selling agents (DSAs)/ direct marketing agents (DMAs) as also non-fulfillment of such oral promises made by these agents or bank officials at the time of marketing of products leads to a number of complaints. a general featue of these complaints across the board is the problem in acessing the credit card issuers and the poor response from the call centers.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Remittances Credit cards Loans and advances – general Loans and advances-housing Charges without notice Pension Failure to meet commitments DSAs and recovery agents Notes and coins Others TOTAL 4058 7688 4442 709 2594 1070 1469 1039 130 9636 38638 5213 10129 5297 757 3740 1582 9388 3128 141 5900 47887 Complaints relating to credit cards form and important part of the complaints. non-settlement of insurance claims after the demise of the card holder. Other areas of complaint in this regard relate to the time taken to solve these problems and lack of sensitivity in rectification of errors inbilling attributed to technical snags. settlement offers conveyed telephonically. The ATM – related complaints primarily involved disputes in respect of alleged short payment or nonreceipt of cash by customers though their saving accounts were debited. Complaints relating to failure on 35 . charging of annual fee in spite of being offered as ‘free’ cards and issuance of loans over phone. Complaints relating to alleged inclusionof name in defaulters list and delay/timelag in removal of their names from the list even after settling the accounts with banks are being received in large numbers. the details are sent to the concerned branch/department under advice to the nodal officers. to the ultimate satisfaction of the complainant on all the points/issues referred to the office. The issue of harassment by bank’s recovery agents had assumed such serious regulatory dimensions. These mediation efforts include interaction with both parties over phone. A number of complaints are received from customers regarding floating rates of interest on loans and they relate to lack of comprehension regarding the implication of bench marks and margin. Endeavors are made to resolve the complaints through conciliation or mediation efforts. DISPOSAL OF COMPLAINTS On receipt of a complaint. in person or in writing. if necessary. Complaints are received regarding nonsanction of education loans by banks and insistence on collateral security.commitments made ranked second among the complaints received at the offices of the banking ombudsman. Complaints on this front continue to reach the offices of the banking ombudsman. that the reserve bank issued regulatory instrucitons to all scheduled commercial banks as it felt that the adverse publicity suffered by banks on account of disputes and litigations involving recovery agents would cause serious reputaitonal risk for the banking sector as a whole. If this does not 36 . The conciliation meetings are held for arriving at amicable settlement. Customer complaints are part of the business life of any corporate entity. 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 9483 No. (table 10) Disposal of complaints by banking ombudsman offices Particulars Complaints received Complaints disposed by rejection Complaints disposed by mutual settlement/award Total number of complaints disposed of Complaints that are carried forward to the next year. 3998 % 42 No. The 37 . customer service and customer satisfaction should be the prime concern of any bank. which becomes binding on the bank once the complainant agrees to it. 4011 % 42 No. This is more so for the Bank because Banks are service organizations. % 8009 84 1474 16 12034 4963 41 5440 45 10403 86 1631 14 33363 12304 37 14889 45 27193 82 6170 18 44766 15511 35 22150 49 37661 84 7105 16 200708 54992 19735 36 29365 53 49100 89 5892 11 Grievance Redressal Mechanism Introduction In the present scenario of competitive banking.yield results then the banking ombudsman passes an Award. excellence in customer service is the most important tool for sustained business growth. As a service organization. % No. • The bank employees must work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the customer. The policy document would be made available at all branches. The review mechanism should help in identifying shortcomings in product features and service delivery. • Bank will treat all complaints efficiently and fairly as they can damage the bank's reputation and business if handled otherwise. The concerned employees should be made aware about the Complaint handling process. if they are not fully satisfied with the response of the bank to their complaints. The bank's policy on grievance redressal contains the under noted principles. but also to retain existing ones. This policy document aims at minimizing instances of customer complaints and grievances through proper service delivery and review mechanism and to ensure prompt redressal of customer complaints and believes that providing prompt and efficient service is essential not only to attract new customers. Customer dissatisfaction would spoil bank's name and image. • Customers be treated fairly at all times • Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and on time • Customers are fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organization and their rights to alternative remedy. In order to make bank's redressal mechanism more meaningful and effective. Internal Machinery to handle Customer complaints/ grievances  Standing Committee on Customer Service 38 . Such system would ensure that the redressal sought is just and fair and within the given frame-work of rules and regulation. a structured system needs to be built up towards such end. The committee would have the following functions. the committee would also have two to three eminent non-executives drawn from the public as members. • The committee would submit report on its performance to the customer service committee of the board at quarterly intervals. Towards this.  Mandatory display requirements It is mandatory for the bank to provide. 39 .  Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle complaints and grievances. Bank would appoint a Nodal Officer of the rank of General Manager (or its equivalent) who will be responsible for the implementation of customer service and complaint handling for the entire bank. regarding non-compliance with the code of Banking Codes and Standards Board of India. at Regional offices. Besides two to three senior executives of the bank. • The committee would consider unresolved complaints/grievances referred to it by functional heads responsible for redressal and offer their advice.The Standing Committee on Customer Service will be chaired by the Managing Director/ Executive Director of the bank. • The Committee would be responsible to ensure that the bank follows all regulatory instructions regarding customer service. • The Committee will look into the complaints received. to handle complaint grievances in respect of branches falling under their control. the committee would obtain necessary feedback from regional managers/ functional heads. The bank would also appoint Customer Relation Officer. Similarly. The Regional Office should endeavor to resolve the complaint received at their end within 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.• Appropriate arrangement for receiving complaints and suggestions. If the branch manager feels that it is not possible at his level to solve the problem he can refer the case to Regional Office for guidance. address and contact number of Nodal Officer(s) • Contact details of Banking Ombudsman of the area • Code of bank's commitments to customers/Fair Practice code  Resolution of Grievances Branch Manager is responsible for the resolution of complaints/grievances in respect of customer's service by the branch. • The name. then he should be provided with alternate avenues to escalate the issue.  Time frame Complaint has to be seen in the right perspective because they indirectly reveal a weak spot in the working of the bank. Head Office shall dispose off the complaint received at their end within 21 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. if Regional office finds that they are not able to solve the problem such cases may be referred to the Nodal Officer at Head Office. In case the complaint is not resolved at the Bank level even after the lapse of a month. He would be responsible for ensuring closure of all complaints received at the branches. Complaint received should be analyzed from all possible angles. It is his foremost duty to see that the complaint should be resolved completely to the customer's satisfaction and if the customer is not satisfied. Branch level functionaries should endeavor to resolve the issue within 7 days from the date of receipt of any complaint. aggrieved customers may approach the Banking Ombudsman within whose 40 . say once in a month will give a message to the customers that the bank cares for them and values their feed back/suggestions for improvement in customer service. should invariably be acknowledged promptly. Unresolved complaints are to be referred from branch to Regional Office/ Regional Office to Head Office immediately. Communication of bank's stand on any issue to the customer is a vital requirement. It would be the responsibility of the Nodal Officer to ensure that internal machinery for handling complaints/grievances operates smoothly and efficiently at all levels.jurisdiction the branch or office of the bank complained against is located. Structured customer meets. Branch and Regional office must send action taken report on complaints received to the head office at the end of every month.  Interaction with customers The bank recognizes that customer's expectation/requirement/grievances can be better appreciated through personal interaction with customers by bank's staff. We are dealing with people and hence difference of opinion and areas of friction can arise. so that all complaints are resolved within 21 days from the date of their receipt. which would require some time for examination of issues involved. Complaints received. Many of the complaints arise on account of lack of awareness among customers about bank services and such interactions will help the customers appreciate banking services better. 41 . With an open mind and a smile on the face we should be able to win the customer's confidence. As for the bank the feed back from customers would be valuable input for revising its product and services to meet customer requirements.  Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints Staff should be properly trained for handling complaints.  Meetings with the banks The banking ombudsman scheme mandates that every bank nominate a nodal officer in every region/zone for facilitating the functioning of the banking ombudsman offices. response to banking 42 . Besides taking up individual complaints. Issues relating to grievance redressal. The customer service department also holds half yearly meetings with the incharges of customer service departments (grievance redressal officers) of commercial banks for an interaction and for briefing them about the expectations of reserve bank. This mechanism has yielded good results in resolving the complaints expeditiously. the banking ombudsman offices also periodically review the outstanding complaints with the nodal officers. ombudsmen. keeping in view the need to ensure that essential information was provided to customers. Banks are also liable to pay a penalty up to Rs 1 lakh in case of customer harassment. The meeting focuses on resolving systemic issues raised by any participant and other customer service related issues. during the course of inspection/ visits to bank branches by reserve bank it was observed that many banks were not dispalying the required information due to space constraints. A quarterly meeting is conducted by the customer service department in which senior level representatives of regulatory departments of reserve bank. interest rates. lack of standardization of the instructions etc. various instructions were given to banks with regard to display of various key aspects such as service charges. time norms for various banking transactions and grievance redressal mechanism etc. banking code and standards board of india (BCSBI). product information. indian bank association (IBA) and a few banking ombudsman are invited.  Customer service meeting The reserve bank institutionalized the process of examining important feedback emanating out of the complaints received at the banking ombudsman offices. however . while avoiding overcrowding of the items requiring display. services offered. an internal working group 43 .  Studies / working group In order to promote transparency in the operations of banks. adherence to bank’s circulars were discussed in the meetings. Advisories are issued to banks on customer service issues on matters where it is felt that it is necessary to sensitise. After introduction of the banking ombudsman scheme 2006 in january 2006. the customer service department undertook a study on credit card operations of banks.  A study on credit card operations of banks Reserve bank issued comprehensive guidelines on november21.complaints against credit card operations reaching the offices of the reserve bank.  Complaint tacking software To monitor the performance of the banking ombudsman offices as well as to facilitate their functioning. The standing committee on finance advised reserve bank to undertake a detailed study on the credit card operations of banks in india. banking ombudsman and the ministry of finance steadily increased. the complaint tracking software was introduced in september 2005. the existing package was revamped to incorporate the required changes including online complaint submission facility.2005 for the credit card operations by banks in india. to revisit all the existing instructions relating to display boards by commercial banks so as to rationalize them. The software facilitates viewing of the data by the reserve bank as well as ministry of finance. However. Accordingly.was constituted by reserve bank. 44 . where customers were right. Since the party had applied for the loan from the bank on a fixed rate basis. he took up the matter with the bank. The complainant who represented his son alleged that his son had applied for a housing loan at fixed rate of 7.5% but the bank sanctioned the loan at of 8%p. The bank was not responsive and did not furnish the required clarification to 45 .a. Housing loan – interest rate. subsequently the bank without any intimation to the party increased the rate of interest from 8% to 11% at various stages. 1.Important cases dealt with by the banking ombudsman. This was complied with by the bank refunding RS. Misrepresentation by the bank officials for opening an FDR A complainant approached the bank with an amount of Rs. the party approached the banking ombudsman for redressal.000/. 55.000/. Not satisfied by the bank’s attitude.him..886/-. He deposited the money and received the receipt of Rs. 5.60.for issue of fixed deposit of 46 days.000/.and Rs. the bank had charged the interest at floating rate varying from 8% to 11.5%. He was told by the bank official that the amount was invested in an investment fund which would earn higher rate of return than that on the FDR but it could only be withdrawn only after six months. the complainant visited the bank branch for withdrawal of the maturity amount of the FDR. 2. Contrary to the terms of the agreement. The banking ombudsman observed from the copy of the housing loan agreement that the loan was sanctioned at a fixed rate of interest of 8% which would continue for minimum period of 5 years. The bank was directed to refund the excess interest collected and charge interest only as per the agreed terms. The complainant lodged a complaint with the bank but 46 . He was advised by the bank official to open a savings fund account in the bank. 54. after 46 days. this action of the bank violated the terms of the agreement and had led to collection of excess interest from the complainant. The complainant also forwarded his satisfaction letter to the banking ombudsman Important cases dealt with by the banking ombudsman.failed to receive any response. The complainant lodged a complaint with the banking ombudsman because the bank was not responding to his complaint. The complainant was in urgent need of money for school fees. where bank were right 1. Interest on matured fixed deposit 47 . However. It was confirmed that the money has been deposited in some insurance scheme. the bank approached the complainant and resolved his grievance by refunding the amount to him. The bank was advised to submit its comments in the mater. 1993 and it was presented with a request for renewal in the month of December 2002-2003 approximately after 14 years. the banking ombudsman accepted the submission of the bank and rejected the complaint under clause 13(d) . However. requesting dismissal of the case. As per guidelines in force.The complainant alleged that his fixed deposit (FD) with the mbank has been renewed at a lower rate of interest for the overdue period. The bank. the bank had paid interest to the complainant at the prevailing rate. 10. Dishonor of cheque 48 . also submitted copy of the FDR (both side). regarding the claim of the complainant for compensation. The complainant demanded for automatic renewal of the FDR and requested that interest should be calculated and paid accordingly.000/was also claimed by the complainant for mental agony suffered in the matter. After the perusal of the comments of the bank and the documentary evidence submitted. A compensation for Rs. the bank denied any such harassment on the part of the officials and there was only a minor delay in renewing the deposit and interest was paid for the above period also. The bank submitted that the FD matured on February 19. 2. the deposit ceases to earn interest from the due date of the deposit and there was no system of automatic renewal of term deposits at the time when the deposit was made.’ Accordingly. in good gesture. it was observed that it has been clearly mentioned on the top of the deposit receipt that ‘interest will no accrue on the deposit amount from the due date. interest calculation sheet and copy of bank’s guidelines in support of their submissions. 1.Complainant stated that he had issued a cheque of RS. The complainant alleged that the bank dishonored the above mentioned cheque for the reason that the balance in his overdraft account was short by rs 719. The bank explained that the cheque was dishonored because the amount of cheque was exceeding the overdraft limit (OD) granted to the complainant. It is the bank’s discretion to honor or dishonor a cheque of an amount exceeding the OD limit sanctioned.310/. He wanted the reimbursement of penalty of rs.imposed by the bank.charged by the electricity company and refund of cheque bouncing charges of rs.67 only.for payment of his electricity charges. 100/.094/. Therefore the complaint was treated as having made without sufficient cause and rejected under clause 13(d) of the banking ombudsman scheme 49 . Pin Code ……………………. …………………………. (a) Date of representation already made by the complainant to the bank (Please enclose a copy of the representation) ……………………….. Phone No. (b) Whether any reminder was sent by the complainant? YES/NO ( Please enclose a copy of the reminder ) 50 . ……………………. 4. Complaint against (Name and full address of the branch/bank) …………………………. 2.FORM OF COMPLAINT (TO BE LODGED) WITH THE BANKING OMBUDSMAN (TO BE FILLED UP BY THE COMPLAINANT) To: The Banking Ombudsman Place of BO’s office…………………………. Phone No/ Fax No. Full Address of the Complainant …………………… …………………… …………………… Pin Code ……………….(Name of the bank’s branch) of …………………………………………………………………………………(Name of the Bank) Details of the complaint are as under: 1.. Name of the Complainant …………………. / Fax No.…………………… Email ……………………. Particulars of Bank or Credit card Account (If any) ………………………………………………………………………… 5. . 3.. Sub: Complaint against ……………………. Dear Sir. please enclose separate sheet) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… 8. Details of the complaint: (If space is not sufficient. Nature and extent of monetary loss. 11.………………. if any. Subject matter of the complaint (Please refer to Clause 8 of the Scheme) ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 7. in support of your claim ) 10. (iii) The subject matter of the present complaint has never been brought before the Office of the Banking Ombudsman by me/ us or by any of 51 . Nature of Relief sought from the Banking Ombudsman ……………………………………………………………………………… ( Please enclose a copy of documentary proof. the complainant/s herein declare that: a) the information furnished herein above is true and correct. List of documents enclosed: (Please enclose a copy of all the documents ) 12. Whether any reply (Within a period of one month after the bank concerned received the representation) has been received from the bank? Yes/ No ( if yes. please enclose a copy of the reply ) 9.………………………. (ii) The complaint is filed before expiry of period of one year reckoned in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9(3)(a) and (b) of the Scheme. Declaration: (i) I/ We. claimed by the complainant by way of compensation (please refer to clauses 12 (5) & 12 (6) of the Scheme) Rs. 6. if any. and b) I/We have not concealed or misrepresented any fact stated in the above columns and in the documents submitted herewith. the following declaration should be submitted.the parties concerned with the subject matter to the best of my/ our knowledge.. acceptance or rejection made by him/her shall be binding on me/us. He/She has signed below in my presence.) I/We the above named complainant/s hereby nominate Shri/Smt…………………………………………. (Signature of Complainant) NOMINATION – (If the complainant wants to nominate his representative to appear and make submissions on his behalf before the Banking Ombudsman or to the Office of the Banking Ombudsman. (v) I/We authorise the bank to disclose any such information/ documents furnished by us to the Banking Ombudsman and disclosure whereof in the opinion of the Banking Ombudsman is necessary and is required for redressal of our complaint. ACCEPTED (Signature of Representative) (Signature of Complainant) 52 . who is not an Advocate and whose address is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… as my/our REPRESENTATIVE in all proceedings of this complaint and confirm that any statement. (vi) I/We have noted the contents of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme. 2006. Yours faithfully. (iv) The subject matter of the present complaint has not been decided by/pending with any forum/court/arbitrator. the complaint need not be signed. chennai – 600 001. sector – 17. jawaharlal nehru marg. union territories of pondicherry and andaman and nicobar Chennai .: 2573772/2573776 faxno: 07552573779. Tel no: 25399170 / 25395963 / 25399159. central vista. Address and area of operation of banking ombudsman Centre Ahmedabad Address of the office of banking Area of operation ombudsman c/o. reserve bank of india Karnataka 10/3/8.ahmedabad-380 009. punjab and union territory of chandigarh Tamil nadu. ashram territories of dadra road.. Tel. reserve bank of india Gujarat. 53 Bangalore Bhopal Bhubaneshwar Chandigarh Himachal pradesh. chandigarh – 160 017. bangalore – 560 001. reserve bank of india Madhya pradesh and hoshangadad road. reserve bank of india new office building. post box no. reserve bank of india Orissa pt. fax : and nagar haveli. chattisgarh bhopal-462 011.Note: If submitted online. no: 2418007 / 2418008 fax no : 0674418006 c/o . nrupathunga road. Tel. reserve bank of india fort glacis. no :2721109 / 2721011 fax no: 0172-2721880 c/o. c/o. 32. union la gajjar chambers.751 001. 08022244047 c/o. Tel. 22210771/22275629 fax no. bhubaneswar. 079-26583325 c/o . 26582357/26586718 daman and diu. Tel no. Fax no : 044-25395488. Tel no. pan bazar. Delhi. secretariat road. post box no. reserve bank of india. West bengal 15. guwahati – 781 001. dr. saifabad. 12. post box no. jaipur. mizoram. reserve bank of india station road. arunachal pradesh.and ghaziabad 54 New delhi . reserve bank of india Andhra pradesh 6-1-56.g. Tel. annie besant road. haryana. Hyderabad c/o.302 004. Rajasthan ram bagh circle. reserve bank of india Uttar pradesh m. kolkata – sikkim 700 001. kanpur – (excluding district of 208 001. Assam. Tel no : 2542556 / 2540445. reserve bank of india. Maharashtra and goa Garment house. Tel no:2361191/2310593 ghaziabad) and fax no: 0512-23625533. reserve bank of india. tonk road. 6 sansad marg. Fax no : 0361-2540445.islands. Tel no : 23210013 / 23243970. worli. nagaland and tripura. hyderanad – 500 004.82. no : 22206222 / 22205580. Fax no : 033-22205899 and Jaipur Kanpur Kolkata Mumbai c/o. : 2570357 / 2570392. nethaji subhas road. road. new delhi – 110 001 jammu and kashmir tel no:-23725445/23710882 fax no:. meghalaya. Fax no : 0402321c/o. Fax no : 01412562220 c/o. Guwahati c/o. Tel no : 24924607 / 24960893 fax no: 022-24960912 c/o reserve bank of india. manipur. Tel no. ground floor. mumbai – 400 018. uttaranchal c/o. Bihar and jharkhand Patna – 800 001. union of Thiruvananthapuram c/o. Kerala and Bakery junction.2332723 / 2329676.0471 – 2321625. Tel no:. reserve bank of india. territory thiruvananthapuram – 695 033.011-23725218 Patna district pradesh. of uttar c/o. 55 . lakshadweep. fax no :. Fax no:.2201734 / 2206308 . reserve bank of india. Tel no:.0612-2320407. 56 . has taken wide-ranging pro-active measures aimed at securing better customer service for the bank customers. It my hope that the banking community in india would rise to the occasion and measure equal to the challenging task of delivery banking services efficiently at a reasonable cost. as the banking regulator. We can understand that the RBI.Conclusion From the above study of banking ombudsman. 57 .in With following bibliography it wouldn’t have been easy to present this project By renu Books referred are:Banking and financial services in www.rbi.
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