Final Irsip Form Hnf Docx

March 23, 2018 | Author: Waseem Khan | Category: Doctor Of Philosophy, Stress (Biology), Self-Improvement, Cereals, Thesis



Proposal Identification NumberHIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION H-9, Islamabad (Pakistan) INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SUPPORT INITIATIVE PROGRAMME (IRSIP) Please read the following statements carefully and answer inYes or No only.It is mandatory to answer all the questions otherwise application will not be entertained. 1. Are you enrolled in a public sector or private sector Pakistani university for PhD? Yes 2. Are you a full time AJK/Pakistani national PhD student? Yes 3. Are you exempted from PhD course work? No (Scholars who had enrolled for PhD before July 2005 are exempted) 4. If “No”, have you completed the course work? Yes 5. Have you passed the subject test required for admission/ conversion to PhD (see note below for details)? Yes 6. Is your topic of PhD research approved by BASR/DASR or university equivalent body? Yes 7. Are you actively engaged in PhD thesis related research work? Yes 8. Have you been invited/ accepted by a research group or foreign university to conduct your PhD thesis related research? Yes Note I: a) International GRE subject test offered by ETS or Local GRE subject test offered by NTS. b) HEC approved departmental test for subjects for which ETS/NTS subject test is not available. Note II: If your answer to all the above questions is yes except question no 3, then please proceed to the next page and fill up the application as per instructions given at the end of the application form. In case your answer to any of the above questions is No (except for question no 3), we regret that you are not eligible for this research fellowship. Name: -Hafiz Nazar Faried Signature: -____________________________ CNIC Number: -35301-3655497-7 Date: -07-01-2014 Page 1 of 13 Copies of academic documents including PhD coursework transcript showing credit hours and grades obtained in each course. X. in order of preference Annexure-2 III. Annexure12 XIII. Note: Bothsets are to be properly bound (ring/spiral/other). CV of local PhD supervisor Annexure-7 VIII. Copy of GRE result certificate/card from ETS / NTS Annexure13 IX. CV(s) of proposed foreign supervisor(s) Annexure-3 IV. Page 2 of 13 . CV(s) of proposed foreign supervisor(s) Annexure-3 IV. BASR/DASR approval showing approved PhD research topic& synopsis Annexure-4 V. Local PhD supervisor recommendation letter Annexure-6 VII. NOC from concerned HEC officer (if already availing any other HEC scholarship) Annexure-8 NOC from department/organisation (if employed/ on study leave) Annexure-9 CV of applicant Annexure10 XI. Foreign university acceptance letter(s). in order of preference Annexure-2 III. Application form Annexure-1 II. PhD thesis synopsis (complete) Annexure-5 VI. APPLICATION SET 2: I.All annexures to the application sets are to be properly labelled (tagged). Application form Annexure-1 II. PhD thesis synopsis (complete) Annexure-4 V. Copy of passport Annexure11 XII. BASR/DASR approval showing approved PhD research topic& synopsis Annexure-5 Copy of GRE result certificate/card from ETS / NTS Annexure-6 VI.DOCUMENT CHECKLIST: (PLEASE ATTACH THE DOCUMENTS IN THE ORDER MENTIONED BELOW) APPLICATION SET 1: I. Foreign university acceptance letter(s). Name Hafiz Nazar Faried 2. Lahore Intermediat e F. DETAIL OF COURSES TAKEN AT M. Tariq Hall. CNIC No 35301-3655497-7 4. 2003 B Pre-medical B. Contact Nos: Mobile:0333-4882877 Home:0300-7954789 Fax No:041-9201281 Office:041-9201281 10. District Okara. University of Agriculture.PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. FahadJaan -d0- A Bacterial and Viral Diseases of Plants -do- Minor Dr Muhammad Aslam Khan -do- A Spring Major Dr M. (Hons) 2010 A Horticulture University of Agriculture.S. Faisalabad PhD 12. Faisalabad Contin ue… - Horticulture University of Agriculture. Faisalabad (to be used for correspondence) 8. Permanent Address ChakFaridKot. Father Name Noor Samand 3.Sc.I. Gender (M/F) Male Current Address 7. Aslam 3(3-0) A Course name Potato Culture Plant Core/ Elective Instructor name Page 3 of 13 Total credits of course GPA . Date of birth 17-02-1987 5.S.S.Sc.E.Sc. P/O & Tehsil Depalpur.C.) 2008 A Agriculture University of Agriculture.I.Phil LEVEL Date/Semeste r Course Type Winter Major Dr Muhammad Sadiq 3(2-1) A Vegetable Seed Production and Marketing -do- -do- -d0- -do- B Mushroom biology and Technology -do- -do- Dr. 9. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Degree Grade/ Division Year Field/ Subject Board/ University Matric S. Lahore Bachelor B. (Hons.E. Faisalabad Masters M. Domicile (Dist& Province) Okara-Punjab 6. E-mail (s) Hnfw1118@gmail. Room # 20-C. Muhammad Asif -do- A Software ApplicationI -do- Minor Mr. 2001 A Science B. ZafarIqbal -do- Pass General Crop Physiology Winter Miner Dr. Ayyub 3(2-1) A Landscape Design -do- -do- Dr. M. M. Ayyub 3(3-1) B Seminar-I -do- -do- Dr Adnan Younis 1(1-0) A Seminar-II -do- -do- -do- 1(1-0) A Physiology of Drought -do- Minor Dr. Adnan Younis -do- A Green House Vegetable Production -do- -do- Dr. Basra 3(3-0) B Environmen tal Biochemistr y -do- Deficiency Dr. C.M.M.RanaAslam Khan 3(2-1) B Stress Physiology -do- Minor Dr. M. DETAIL OF COURSES TAKEN AT PhD LEVEL(also attach transcript) Course name Date/Semeste r Course Type Solanaceous fruits Winter Major Dr.Growth Regulators Pervez Micropropagation -do- -do- Dr M. S.M. jafferJaskani 3(1-2) B Special Problem -do- -do- Dr. Aslam Pervez 1(1-0) B Special Problem 14. Muhammad Asif 3(2-1) A Introduction to Biochemistr y Summer Session Deficiency Dr BalquesFatima 3(3-0) Pass Experiment al Statistics -do- -do- Mr. Aslam Pervez 6 A 13.IjazWaraich 4(3-1) B Research Spring Major Dr. M. C. Aslam Pervez 1(1-0) A Seminar -do- -do- Dr. Rashid Ahmid 3(3-0) B Experiment al design-II -do- Deficiency Dr Islam-udDin Shahzad 3(3-0) Pass Winter Major Dr. Core/ Elective Instructor name Provide international/Local GRE score: Page 4 of 13 Total credits of course GPA . Anjum Zia 3(3-0) Pass Onion and relatives Spring Major Dr. PhD Registration No 2004-ag-1118 24. place and date of publication). 18.) in 2008. amount. Pakistan Society of Horticultural Sciences (Finance secretary. University of Agriculture Faisalabad 23.) research work published as book titled: Effect of Humic Acid and Hydrogel on growth and development of Potato. List any books. Solan.ETS GRE subject i- Subject  Test Date  Score 16-092010 ii- UAF GRE subject 15. title. if any) Name and address of employer Title/ Type of work Nil Duration From To Nil DOCTORAL PROGRAM INFORMATION 21.Sc.  India (Horticulture and Forestary University. List scholarships or fellowships held at present or in the past (Give source or sponsor. Faisalabad 16. (LAMBERT Academic Publishing Company. M. fraternities or other organizations in which you now hold membership or in which you have been active in the past (indicate if you have held an elective office). Page 5 of 13 . with titles and dates. Indicate any academic honours or prizes which you have received. where held and duration). HamachalPardesh and Punjab Agriculture University. University Dept/institute Address  Institute of Horticultural Sciences. Research topic & Synopsis approval date (by BASR/ DASR/ 21-12-2013 25. Teaching experience: (include any teaching positions you have held or currently hold) Nil 20. University where enrolled for PhD  University of Agriculture Faisalabad 22. PhD Starting Date 15-09-2010 Expected PhD Completion date 31-07-2014 26. Occupational experience: (list positions held. especially in your area of study (Give 17. India.   List professional societies. Postgraduate Councillor). articles or theses published by you. Germany) Salt stress and its alleviation (Extension Brochure). Ludhiana. Subject  Horticulture Score 64/100 Test Date  Indigenous 5000 fellowship programme for PhD (2011-2014) Amount: PKR13000/month Source: HEC University Merit Scholarship for 10 % topper students (2007-2009) Amount: PKR9000/semester Source: University of Agriculture. Punjab. beginning with the most recent employment. (Hons.  19. ) under different saline regimes.Muhammad Asif Khan(Rtd. Faisalabad-Pakistan 37. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Address Institute of Horticultural Sciences. Dr. Dr. LIST OF PHD FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT/INSTITUTE WHERE ENROLLED FOR PHD +92-041-9201281 33.Muhammad Saeed Ahmad Associate Professor XI.M.Muhammad Aslam Pervez Professor III. University University of Agriculture. Supervisor’s Phone No 34.Ahmad Sattar Khan Associate Professor XIV. C.Adnan Younis Assistant Professor XVI. Institute/Dept Institute of Horticultural Sciences 35.Iftikhar Ahmad Assistant Professor XVIII.) Professor V. If “Yes” provide following: Indigenous PhD fellowship for 5000 scholars by HEC ii- Batch. PIN Batch – VII PIN: 1177583-AV7-098 LOCAL PHD SUPERVISOR’S DETAILS Prof. Supervisor’s name 32. Major (e.Iqrar Ahmad Khan Professor II.equivalent body) 27. chemistry) Horticulture 28. Dr. Ayub Associate Professor XII. Dr.AtifRiaz Associate Professor XV. Dr.g. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Pervez 31.Mazhar Abbas Assistant Professor Page 6 of 13 pervez62@hotmail .Balques Fatima Associate Professor XIII.) Professor VIII. Field of study Agriculture ( . Dr.Muhammad JaffarJaskani Professor X.Muhammad Amjad Professor IV. Dr. Supervisor’s email No Name Designation I. Dr. Title of PhD research 30.g physical sciences) Performance of salicylic acid in modulating morpho-physiological. Dr. biochemical and ionic attributes of potato (Solanumtuberosum L.Muhammad Qasim Professor IX. Are you already availing any HEC scholarship? i- Scholarship Name Ye s Yes. University of Agriculture. 29.AmanUllah Malik Professor VI.Muhammad Mumtaz Khan Professor VII. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.Muhammad Aslam Khan(Rtd. Faisalabad-Pakistan 36.Muhammad Usman Assistant Professor XVII. For this purpose there is immense need for manpower to be trained in world renowned and skillful universities.KhurramZiaf Assistant Professor XX. Dr. biochemical and molecular level to make use of salt affected soils for potato production. ionic imbalance.Changing climatic patterns particularly in arid and semiarid regions of the world. To control one needs to understand the actual mechanism by which plant respond to abiotic stresses at morpho-physiological. It ideally suited to different agro-climatic conditions where land is limited and labour is abundant like in Pakistan due to short growing cycle. Forth experiment comprises evaluation of optimized salicylic acid dose in alleviating salt stress under salinity on the basis of physiological.XIX. Also. to understand functions (RNAs/ proteins) and pathways to address different stresses (like abiotic). So far. Overall parameters of my research are includes in synopsis that is attached herewith. Saline areas have been increasing due to higher evapotranspiration than precipitation. So. Dr Rashid Waseem Khan Qadri Assistant Professor XXIII. K and Na/K). FAO declares it a future food and buried treasure. alleviating the salt stress will also be evaluated. is an essential part of diet. The host university is an ideal place for me to learn something that is essentially required by the nation right now. Dr. Mr. biochemical and ionic studies. 39. role of salicylic acid in salt tolerance by suppressing Reactive Oxygen Species and subsequently. I have completed all my research except biochemical attributes that will be completed in January. heavy fertigation and salty underground water along with other reasons that leads to accumulation of salts in root zones. It consists of four experiments comprising screening of 13 potato genotypes and selection of 1 salinity level at which 50 % growth reduction is observed and 2 genotypes (most sensitive and most tolerant) on the basis of morphological and ionic parameters (Na. Along-with. Provide details on research conducted in Pakistan so far (minimum 200 words) I am studying the salt tolerance of different potato genotypes. Mr. specific ion toxicity. Mr. emphases would also be made on evaluation of RNAs/ proteins involve in the whole process. Being developing nation we are lacking advance techniques and well equipped labs. Rural people especially women are also engaged with this enterprise. oxidative stress. Salt stress leads to lethal impacts on crop morpho-physiological and biochemical attributes through osmotic stress. Mohsin Bashir Lecturer XXIV.NazeelaAzhar Assistant Professor XXI. Dr. including Pakistan (> 90% of total land) result in various abiotic stresses like salinity. KarimYarAbbasi Lecturer XXVII. In second experiment includes detailed physiological.Irfan Ashraf Lecturer RESEARCH DETAILS 38. enhanced understanding of the mechanisms that regulate long-distance signalling in potato by exploiting StBEL5/KNOX complex. Brief justification and plan of study (minimum 200 words) Potato. Muhammad Asif Lecturer XXV. In 3rd experiment includes optimization of salicylic acid dose that can alleviate the salt stress effectively on the basis of morphological attributes. Furthermore. 40. Dr. biochemical and ionic attributes. The king of vegetables. Goals of proposed visit to foreign university/ institute (minimum 200 words) In the foreign tour the main goal is to study mechanism involve in the abiotic stress at molecular level. In addition to it. The host university lab is well Page 7 of 13 . 2014 .Muzammil Jahangir Assistant Professor XXII. there is dire need to control it. Samar Abbas Naqwi Lecturer XXVI. Mr. but with conventional and old analytical techniques. 44. herbaceous crops like potato are under stress due to salt deposition in root zone. Research facilities availability in Pakistan for scholar’s research topic. it would pave the way for increasing Pakistan’s economy. Hence the training will play an influential role in the progress of his research work and subject knowledge as well. In addition to it I will work in already going on project regarding abiotic stress mechanisms. Recommendation by local PhD supervisor justifying the foreign visit of scholar.  For poverty alleviation in rural areas. Pakistan that is a hub of potato production. Protein oxidation as a way to monitor oxidative stress in plant cells. 41. Faisalabad. Research facilities are available regarding morphological. Which experiment or specific work you want to carry out abroad?     To study mechanisms involve in salt stress alleviation by using salicylic acid at molecular level (gene expression and regulation.  In short.  Farmer community by increasing yield due to the availability of more efficient potato cultivars that can be grown under abiotic stresses. optimized protocols. Furthermore. Plant phospholipid signaling during plant development and in response to various bioticand abiotic stresses Long-distance RNA signaling by exploiting StBEL5/KNOX protein complex and its role in increasing yield in potato. During six months training available potato genotypes will be planted and after salt stress different physio-biochemical and molecular studies will be carried out by using the high-tech. How would the scholar conduct his PhD thesis related research if he doesn’t get selected for 6 months research abroad? The proposed study could be accomplished here at University of Agriculture. 43. purchasing power and thereby economic wellbeing of the people. few physiological. It will expose the new horizons of knowledge for me as I belong to a farmer family and lives in an area in Punjab. Some of the senior students already have visited these labs and reported that it is very conducive towards learning over there. What is the time span by which country will start benefitting of this research? Within Two to three years 46. lab facilities.  Additionally. latest and efficient equipments. More than 90% of Pakistan area comes under arid and semiarid condition where there is more evapotranspiration than precipitation. So This training would definitely help  Scientists in developing protocols at molecular levels in order to reduce salt stress. It is not only fulfilling local consumption whole the year but also supporting processing industry and also being export. this research would also be utilized for other crops.  Increasing yield. Thereby. (To be filled in by Local Supervisor) 42. biochemical and ionic but none for molecular study. Subsequently role of salicylic acid will also be evaluated in alleviating salt stress at molecular level by studying mechanisms involves in salt tolerance.established and equipped with latest techniques. Still there is need of his training in advanced biochemical and molecular techniques. Page 8 of 13 . 45. What are the socio-economic benefits of this research? Potato production is an emerging sector in Pakistan. signal transduction during salt stress and on salicylic acid application) in potato. Recommendation letter is attached here-with.  Encouraging women in this enterprise. Bent J. Biol. Methods Mol. 4-. Munnik T. 1009: 253-260. Methods Mol. Hannapel Publication list 1. 1009. Agroecolog y Agroecolog y Supervisor name Count ry Universi ty Ranking (Over all world ranking ) as per Times ranking Prof. Biol. 3.Supervisor Name:. Munnik T. 2. Munnik T. (2013) Analyzing plant signaling Page 9 of 13 . dr. Is your Foreign Supervisor an ex-supervisor of your Local Supervisor? No FOREIGN VISIT INFORMATION 48. 5phosphorylated phosphoinositides using HPLC. Nielsen DR.Prof. Biol. David J. TeunMunnik Nethe rland s 58 - € 2550 Denm ark 91 51100 € 2550 USA 321 10 $3500 Unive rsity Ranki ng 9 subje ct wise) Bench Fee Amount (As per offer letter) Dr. &LaxaltAM. (2013) Measuring PLD activity in vivo. Ian Max Møller Dr. Muhammad Aslam Pervez Signature & stamp: 47. RECENT 10 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS BY PROPOSED FOREIGN SUPERVISOR (provide CV also) Horticultur e Supervisor name 1 Dr. Dr. 1009: 17-24. (2013) Analysis of D3-. LIST OF FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES THAT OFFERED YOU PLACEMENT (In order of priority) N o University Department 1 University of Amsterda m Plant Physiology 2 Aarhus Universit y Molecular Biology and Genetics. Bernd Wollenweber 3 Iowa State Universit y 49. 4. &Zarza X. Munnik T.Methods Mol. &Wierzchowiecka M. 219-232. (2013) Lipid-binding analysis using a fat blot assay. van Wijk R. Testerink C.12358. KramerGJ. Bent J. Genetic analysis of Phytophthorainfestanspopulations in the Nordic European countrie. Julkowska MM. Bain R A. ‘Aggressiveness of Phytophthorainfestans on detached potato leaflets in four Nordic countries’.Hannukkala A. Hansen. Galvan-Ampudia CS. Brurberg MB.PLD and DGK. Andersson. TeunMunnik 2 Dr. Vermeer JEM. Biol. Platre MP. Ritchie F.doi: 10. 1009: 63-68. Lehtinen.Evenhuis A Kessel G J T Wander J G N. Assil S. Schepers H T A M. DekkerHL. Bernd Wollenweber Dr. de KosterCG. Ketoja. Current Biol. Plant J. Munnik T. JG & Yuen. 23. (2013) A multi-colour/multi-affinity marker set to visualize phosphoinositide dynamics in Arabidopsis. Yuen J. Nielsen Dr. Methods Mol. 450: 573-58 6. (2013) Distinguishing phosphatidic acid pools from de novosynthesis. Hannukkala. Nærstad R & Nielsen B J (2011). 335-342. B.1111/tpj. 1009: 55-62. Anderson B. 2011. &Munnik T. Arisz SA &Munnik T. Haring MA. McLoughlinF. Lehtinen A. (2013) Use of Phospholipase A2 for the production of lysophospholipids. Biochem. Nielsen. Biol. Le VH. Korver A. Nielsen BJ. Hermansen A. Jaillais Y. MunnikT&Testerink C (2013) Identification of novel candidate phosphatidic acid binding proteins involved in the salt stress response of Arabidopsis thalianaroots.vol. AriszSA. M. Plant Pathology. Methods Mol. Methods Mol. Hermansen. J. Cooke L R. R. BJ. 5. Shaw D S. Munnik T. dr. Le. 1009: 283-290.2044-2050. Hansen JG. Chory J. Andersson B. A. J 2009.Fungal Biology. 1. Methods Mol. Simon ML. 7. AO. 4. Hermansen A. Nærstad. 1009: 3-16. VH. nr.Prof. Chen WY. Epidemiology andintegrated control of potato late blight in Europe. Page 10 of 13 . 8. HaringMA. Ian Max Møller phospholipids through 32Pi-labeling and TLC. Bradshaw N J. vol 115 (45). 3. Dreux M. Vernoux T. Nærstad R. 10. GandulloJ. AriszSA &Munnik T. Biol. Darwish E. 9. Hannukkala A. Biol. 58. Brunoud G. Hansen J G. Rastas. s. 690-702. Potato Research 54:183-222 2. (2013) Using genetically encoded fluorescent reporters to image lipid signaling in living plants. PMID: 24147788. E. Abdelhameed E. (2013) Halotropism is a response of plant roots to avoid a saline environment. A. Jiang. 7..s. Vinjett. Rao AG (2013) Mapping and characterization of the interaction Page 11 of 13 . F. HeinsvigKjaer. S. T.ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum 34:191-202. Hannapel DJ (2013) A perspective on photoperiodic phloem-mobile signals that control development. doi: 10. 6.Soil & Plant Science 62:410-419. Butler NM. Wollenweber. X. nitrogen useefficiency and photosynthesis in malting barley.00257. Hannapel 1.3389/fpls. Cai. Association of Applied Biologists. 3. D. D. Dai.2013. E. Cao.... B.. W. Cao. T.00295. (2012) The effect of heat stress and alleviating effect of elevated CO2 on two wheat cultivars. T.. 3 Dr. Wollenweber.. Peter Kryger .3389/fpls. I: Effects of Climate Change on Plants : Implications for Agriculture... Vignjevic. Dai. Jiang. Wollenweber. Liu. Hannapel DJ.. D. (2013) Improved tolerance to droughtstress after anthesis due to priming before anthesis in wheat (Triticumaestivum L. B. Jiang. Wollenweber. D.. Sharma P. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 199(5): 340-350.. D. B... J. Jacobsen. doi: 10. Cai. Li.O. ActaAgriculturae Scandinavia. Wang. submitted. W.. Rosenqvist. Cao.. (2014) Multiple heat priming enhances thermo-tolerance to a later high temperature stress via improving subcellular antioxidant activities in wheat seedlings. 8. Zhang. Kumari Sharma. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 74:185-192. Jensen. S. X. B. Jiang.. Dai. 88).. J.2013. D.. T. 447-452 (Aspects of Applied Biology. 2008. Cai. grain yield. preorifice and air-induction nozzles. Bent J 2008 Influence of volume rate and nozzle angling on control of potato late blight with flat fan. Ci. (2012) Identification of quantitative trait loci for cadmium tolerance and accumulation in wheat.. (2012) Effects of nitrogen application rate on dry matter redistribution. 5. Frontiers in Plant Science 4: 257. Liu. Wollenweber... Shanmugam. Cao. David J.) var. Wollenweber.. M. Hannapel DJ.. S. Frontiers in Plant Science 4: 295. Lin. 10. W. F. Shah S.4. T.. K.. Ottosen. B. C.. Journal of Experimental Botany. (2013) Multiple heat and drought events affect grain yield and accumulations of high molecular weight glutenin subunits and gluteninmacropolymer in wheat. Nielsen.. B. 2. 9. Wang. J. Dai. X. Section B . D. Journal of Cereal Science 57(1): 134-140.. (2013) Phloem-mobile messenger RNAs and root development. Jiang. W. 8. Lin T. Plant MolBiol 79: 595-608. Date: _____________ Signature: _________________________ Name & Designation: _________________________ (Head of Department/Institution) Full Address: _________________________ Office Stamp: Signature _________________________ _________________________ (Please Tick One) Advance copy Forwarded Copy Page 12 of 13 . 5. Cho SK.interface between two polypyrimidine-tract binding proteins and a Nova-type protein of Solanumtuberosum. ShahS. Hannapel DJ (2013) The impact of the long-distance transport of a BEL1-like mRNA on development. J Integ Plant Biol 52: 40-52. Mahajan A.00189. FOR EMPLOYED APPLICANTS ONLY ATTESTATION BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT This is to Certify that Mr.1371/journal./Ms. Hannapel DJ (2012) Promoter activity of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein genes of potato responds to environmental cues. PLos One May 24. Journal of Proteomics 74: 212-230. Bhogale S. Planta 236: 17471755. Rao AG (2011) Protein profiling of the potato petiole under short day and long day photoperiods. 0064783. Carr T. Frontiers in Plant Physiology 3:189. Kang IH. 7. employment particulars and other statements as stated in the foregoing columns have been checked and verified with the original documents.3389/fpls. J Integ Plant Biol 52: 40-52. ______________________ Son/Daughter of Mr. Banerjee AK(2012) The mRNA of a Knotted1-like transcription factor of potato is phloem mobile. Hannapel DJ. It is hereby affirmed that in the event of his/her selection for the award of 'International Research Support Initiative Program'. Hannapel DJ (2012) Using the yeast three-hybrid system to identify proteins that interact with a phloem-mobile mRNA. Viola I. 4. 10. he/she will be released on study leave for the total duration of the research program which on average is 6 months. Lee YJ. Epub 2012 Aug 27 6. Hannapel DJ.pone. Sharma P. Hannapel DJ (2010) A model system of development regulated by the long-distance transport of mRNA. doi:10. Hannapel DJ (2010) A model system of development regulated by the long-distance transport of mRNA.___________________is regular employee of this Organization as _____________________________Since __________. Gonzalez D. 9. His/Her educational. doi: 10.2012. Butler NM. Plant Physiol 161: 760-772.8(5):e64783. Kang IH. Date: 08-01-14 Applicant’s Signature___________________________ Page 13 of 13 . It is solemnly affirmed that I have read and understood the conditions of the award of this program advertised in the press and from the web page of HEC and that the decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding. Hafiz Nazar Faried. I understand that the award will be withdrawn as well as recovery of full amount spent on me along with any penalty in connection with the award if any misrepresentation or omission is discovered even after completionof fellowship award under the 'International Research Support Initiative Program'. Son of Mr. complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.UNDERTAKING BY THE APPLICANT (compulsory for all candidates) I Mr. Noor Samandcertify that the statements made by me in this form are true.
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