Final Information Broucher 2009-10
Final Information Broucher 2009-10
March 19, 2018 | Author: Sai V Atpadakar | Category:
Academic Degree
Mechanical Engineering
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INFORMATION BROCHUREMAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI AUTONOMOUS (ISO-9001: 2000) 2009-2010 VISION To ensure that the Diploma level Technical Education constantly matches the latest requirements of Technology of industry and includes the all-round personal development of students including social concerns and to become globally competitive, technology led organization. MISSION To provide high quality technical and managerial manpower, information and consultancy services to the industry and community to enable the industry and community to face the changing technological & environmental challenges. CORE VALUES MSBTE believes in the followings: • • • • • • • • Education industry produces live products. Market requirements do not wait for curriculum changes. Question paper is the reflector of academic standards of educational organization. Well designed curriculum needs effective implementation too. Competency based curriculum is the backbone of need based programme. Technical skills do need support of life skills. Best teachers are the national assets. Effective teaching learning process is impossible without learning resources. QUALITY POLICY We, at MSBTE are committed to offer the best in class academic services to the students and institutes to enhance the delight of industry and society. This will be achieved through continual improvement in management practices adopted in the process of curriculum design, development, implementation, evaluation and monitoring system along with adequate faculty development programmes. Index Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 Title Organization Structure Governing Council & Governing Board We the MSBTE List of AICTE approved Diploma Courses List of Maharashtra State Government approved Short Term Diploma Courses Region wise List of Institutes 1. Mumbai Region 16 2. Pune Region 23 3. Nagpur Region 32 4. Aurangabad Region 47 Statistical Data 1.Region wise Statistical Information 57 2.District wise Intake & Enrollment for Year 2009-2010 AICTE approved Courses & 59 State Govt. approved Courses 3.Coursewise Intake & Enrollment for Year 2009-2010. AICTE approved Courses & 62 State Govt. approved Courses 4. District wise Result Statistics (FINAL YEAR/ SEMESTER) - AICTE approved 68 Courses & State Govt. approved Courses 5. Coursewise Result Statistics (FINAL YEAR/ SEMESTER) . AICTE approved Courses & 72 State Govt. approved Courses MSBTE Activities – • Curriculum Revision • Academic Monitoring • Lab Manuals • Language Laboratories • Question Banks • Faculty Development • Industrial Training for Teachers • E-Learning • Paperless Office 74 • MS-CIT Online Examination • State Level Students Technical Quiz Competitions • State Level Students Technical Paper presentation Competitions • Career Fairs (Reach to the unreached) • Career Fair On wheels In Remote & Tribal Areas • Scholarships • Other Project • Our Expertise • Our Clients We are associated with… 77 List of Lab Manual (Engineering & Pharmacy) 78 Page No. 3 4 5 6 8 6 7 8 9 10 2 •Curriculum Revision •Development of New Curriculae •Academic Monitoring •Learning Resources Development •Equivalence •E-learning •Technical Competitions •Career Fairs •Eligibility etc.Organisational Structure Governing Council Statutory Committees Board • Special Committee • Equivalence Committee • Academic Committee • Finance Committee • Courses Committee MSBTE ROBTE Aurangabad Sub Region Mumbai ROBTE Nagpur ROBTE Pune Organizational Structure Director Secretary Examination Cell Resource Co-ordination HRD Accounts CDC Section •Exam management •Question papers Section •Result Section •Record section •Legal Matters •Question Banks •On Line Exam •Scholarships etc. 3 .1. Noor Ali.N. T. Khodke. M. Maharashtra State. Mumbai The Secretary. S. Chairman.S. Polytechnic. President. NAG Vidarbha Chamber of Commerce. 4 . B. Mumbai Shri. M. Ministry of Human Resources Development. Maharashtra State. Govt. Technical Education.2.. Aurangabad • Shri. M. Gavhale. The Joint Secretary. Corporate Affairs.The Minister of Higher and Technical Education. Mumbai. Mumbai. Ahmednagar Shri. • • • • • • • • • • • Shri.M.S. New Delhi.The Director. Vandrevala. MET Institute of Medical Sciences. (Ex-officio) Member Secretary: The Director. P. The Regional Officer (Western Region).. Mumbai Shri. Laxmi Nirmal Industries. Mumbai. Director. Vasai.GOVERNING COUNCIL • • President . Lecturer.S. Ravi Pichaya. Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce. Mumbai • • • • Nodal Officer.D.The Director. Engineering College. Higher & Technical Education. Director.K. Pune • The Director of Industries. M. Katol. Director. Sanjay L. Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education. Former President. Board of Technical Education. Avinash Patil. Ltd. Shashidhara.S. Nominated Members: • Shri. Government of India. A. A. Board of Technical Education. Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd.S. Board of Technical Education. Reliance Industries Ltd. Aurangabad Shri.M. (Ex-officio) GOVERNING BOARD • • Chairman . National Technical Manpower Information System. President.. Mumbai. Shedge. Deepak Shikarpur. Mumbai.S. M. (Ex-officio) Shri. Sakal Papers Pvt. Bombay Ampuls Pvt. Suresh Deora. Members: • The Secretary. Prataprao Govindrao Pawar. A. Ex-officio Members: • The Chairman. Constructions.V. Ltd. Maharashtra State.P. Higher & Technical Education Department.The Minister of State for Higher & Technical Education. Pune Shri. Mumbai Member-Secretary .S. Pune & Managing Director & Managing Editor. Managing Director. Nashik Shri. M. Vivek Sawant. Ltd. Lancers Club. Computer Society of India. Maharashtra State.S. Builders & Developers. Hextech Engineers (India) Pvt. M.. Vice-President . Khanna. Pune Shri. Pune Shri.. M. (Ex-officio) • • • • • • The Director of Technical Education.O. Dr. Polytechnic. Principal Govt. HERCO. Nagpur Shri.D. Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.M. New Delhi The Director. Firdose A.. M.. Amravati Dr. Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region). Mumbai Shri. Arun Mugadia. Pradeep Deshmukh. Member. AICTE. Chaini. Design and develop curriculae of need based Diploma programmes. Undertake external projects. Grant equivalence to the programmes offered by autonomous polytechnics & other organization Conduct examinations. Technical Quiz etc. infrastructure and other resources Generate question papers through Question Banks. Undertake controlled academic autonomy projects of the Polytechnics outside Maharashtra State. Conducts Online MSCIT Examinations.WE THE MSBTE • • • • Design and develop the curriculae of Diploma. Conduct academic monitoring of the affiliated institutions.3. industrial trainings and management trainings. CAI Packages. Post Diploma and Advanced Diploma programmes. Organize MSBTE State level technical competitions e. soft skills trainings. consultancy and other assignments related to examination system and technical education. latest market requirements. declare results and award certificates. Felicitate the State level rank holders and award certificates of Merit. Revise the curriculae of the existing programmes periodically on scientific basis by conducting search conferences. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 . Issue Scholarships to the needy and meritorious students. Prescribe standards for curriculum. studying technological advancements. Grant affiliation to the institutions running MSBTE’s programmes. content updating trainings. hands on skills trainings for polytechnic teachers. Students Paper Presentation. Recommend opening of Diploma level technical Institutions. variation in intake capacity and closure of the institutions. Text books and other Learning resource packages for effective teaching learning process.g.g. Organize Career Fairs to promote technical education especially in remote places. Develop Lab Manuals. Organise Faculty Development Training Programs e. job analysis etc. through Curriculum Implementation and Assessment Norms (CIAAN). Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S F F C P F F F F F P F F F F F F F P F F F F F F F F P F F F C P F F F F F F C P DURATION IN YEARS PATTERN OF THE COURSE * 3 6 . Fabrication Technology Erection Engg./ Int.C. LIST OF AICTE APPROVED COURSES POST S.(Industry Integrated) Electronics Engg. Architecture Assistantship Civil Engineering Group Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Civil & Rural Engineering Construction Technology Civil Engg. (Ind. Electronics & Communication Engg. Electronics & Video Engineering Electronics Engineering Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics ( Sand-witch Pattern) Medical Electronics Electrical Engineering Group Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Power System Instrumentation Engineering Group Instrumentation Instrumentation & Control Mechanical Engineering Group Automobile Engineering. DIPLOMA COURSES SR. ) Computer Technology Computer Engineering Information Technology Electronics Engineering Group Digital Electronics Electronics & Communication Engg. NO.4. ( Sand-witch Pattern) Civil & Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Group Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Technology Plastic Engineering Computer Engineering Group Computer Engineering.( Industry Integrated) Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering Electronics. Electronics & Communication Engg. 1 AA 2 CE CC CI CR CS CV -CH CG CT PS 4 CD CM CO IF 5 DE EL ED EI EJ EN ET EV EX IE IL IU MU 6 EE EC EG EP 7 IS IC 8 AE FE ME MC MG COURSE CODE COURSE NAME Architecture Group.S. S S S S S S S Y Y S Y S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S F F F F F F F F F F F F P F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Y Y S Y Y F F F F F * .S. Total No. ( Sand-witch Pattern) 4 Packaging Technology 3 Metallurgy Engineering Group Metallurgy 3 Mining Engineering Group Mine Engineering 3 Mining & Mine Surveying 3 Printing Engineering Group Printing Technology 3 Printing Technology 4 Textile Engineering Group Fashion & Clothing Technology 3 Dress Designing & Garment Manufacturing 3 Garment Technology 3 Knitting Technology 3 Man-made Fiber Manufacture 3 Man-made Textile Technology 3 Man-made Textile Chemistry 3 Textile Manufactures 4 Textile Technology 3 Special Engineering Group Food Technology 3 Leather Goods & Footwear Tech. of Post S. ( Industry Integrated) 4 Machine Tools & Maintenance Engineering 4 Plant Engineering 3 Production Engineering 3 Production Technology 3 Production Tech. DIPLOMA COURSES Hotel Management & Catering Technology Group Hotel Management & Catering 3 Technology Surface Coating Tech.S. Mumbai.C. ( Sand-witch Pattern) 4 Mechanical Engg.S. of Post H.C.For detailed eligibility criteria of all AICTE Approved Diploma programs. They are running in Autonomous Institutes Note :. M. Diploma Course = 69 No. pls refer to the Information Broucher of the Directorate of Technical Education. 3 Rubber Technology 2.C.* * 9 * 10 MH MI MM PE PG PT PY PK MT MN MS 11 PN PC 12 DC DD GT KT MF MO MX TM TC FC LG LO MA ML TR --- * * * * 13 * * * * 14 HM * 15 16 AH SC RT PH Mechanical Engg. S – Semester Pattern C – Co rrespo ndence (Distance Lea rning) P – Part Time F – Full Time Y – Yearly Pa ttern 7 . Diploma Course = 05 No.S.These courses are not presently being offered in MSBTE affiliated Institutes. 3 Leather Technology 3 Marine Engineering 4 Medical Laboratory Technology 3 Travel and Tourism 3 Plastic Polymer Engineering 3 Sugar Manufacturing 3 POST H.5 Pharmacy Group Pharmacy 2 Architecture Group Architecture 5 Total No. Examination of M. Board of Secondary & higher Secondary Education. Licentiate in Electronics & Radio Engineering (LERS). / Diploma in Architecture from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration of MSBTE OR Equivalent 1 S P 4 LA 2 S P 5 PR Advance Diploma in Project Management in Building Construction Post Diploma in Interior Designing & Decoration 1 S P 6 IR 1 S P GROUP 2 :. 12th MCVC Examination of M. ITI (Electronics. S.S.S.S. Board of Secondary & higher Secondary Education.S. S. CONSTRUCTION.LIST OF MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED SHORT TERM DIPLOMA COURSES GROUP 1 :. 1 Course Code IO Duratio n in Year 1 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Certificate Course in Information Technology Diploma in 3D Animation & Graphics Entry Qualification Passed S. Streams ) from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent 2 DA 2 S F 3 HN Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking 1 S P 4 CB Advance Diploma in Cyber Security Management 1 S P Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 8 . Examination of M. Board of Secondary & higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent 1 ID Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration 2 IN 3 S P 3 EA Bachelor of Architecture / Civil Engg. No. OR its Equivalent Passed S. OR Advance Diploma in Environmental its Equivalent from any recognised Architecture University / Institute/ Board Advance Diploma in Landscape Architecture Bachelor of Architecture from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Bachelor of Architecture / Civil/ Construction Engg. Board of Secondary & higher Secondary Education. Board of Secondary & higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Passed S.C. Sc.COMPUTER AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sr.C. awarded by MSBTE or B.Sc.5. Course Code Durati on in Year 2 Pattern of the Course S F Name of Courses Entry Qualification Passed S. Licentiate in Advanced Electronics & Video Engineering (LAEVS) OR Equivalant Passed Diploma ( Electronics / Computer / Mechanical / Electrical Streams ). INTERIOR DESIGN Sr. BLDG. S.C. No.S.C. OR its Equivalent Passed 12th Science/Commerce/Arts. Examination of M.S. ( Physics / IT/ Comp.ARCHITECTURE. Examination of M. No.Sc. / Machine Tools & Maintenance and any other Mechanical Oriented Diploma Courses awarded by MSBTE OR its Equivalent.(Physics/ IT / Computer Sc. awarded by MSBTE / Degree in Engg.INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND FIRE SAFETY Sr. 40% marks 1 FR Diploma in Fire Service Engineering 2 FA Advance Diploma in Fire Safety and Industrial Environmental Engineering 1 Y F 3 FF Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety and Security Management 1 Y F Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 9 . 1 S P 6 CQ Advance Diploma in Computer Techniques.C. Course Code Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Entry Qualification Passed H. OR Technology awarded by MSBTE Passed Diploma in Engg. OR its Equivalent Passed Any Degree from any recognised University / Institute/ Board. / Mechanical Engg.Streams) from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma in any Engineering or Technology awarded by MSBTE / Degree from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma in any Engineering or Technology awarded by MSBTE or Degree in Engineering or Technology from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma Course in Production Engg. 1 S F 7 IA Advance Diploma in Information Technology 1 S F 8 ES Advance Diploma in Embeded Systems 1 S P 9 CX Post Diploma in Computer Maintenance Engineering 1 S P 10 CA Post Diploma in Computer Application 1.5 CP Advance Diploma in Computer Software System Analysis & Application Passed Any Diploma in Engineering or Technology awarded by MSBTE / Any Degree from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Any Diploma in Engineering or Technology awarded by MSBTE / Any Degree from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Any Diploma in Engineering or Technology awarded by MSBTE/ Any Degree from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma ( Electronics/ Computer/ Mechanical/ Electrical Streams) awarded by MSBTE OR B. Board of Secondary & higher Secondary Education.5 S F 11 CJ Post Diploma in CAD/CAM 1 S F GROUP 3 :. in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent / Any Diploma in Engg. / Any Graduate from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent with min.S. Examination of M. S. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent 1 ST Diploma in Stenography Secretarial Practice & 2 AM Advance Diploma in Apparel and Merchandizing 1 S F 3 BA Advance Diploma in Administration System Business 2 S F 4 BS Advance Diploma in Management Sciences Business 2 S F Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 10 .MANAGEMENT Sr. Technology with 2 Years experience in Manufacturing maintenance or safety department of a factory OR Two Years Experience in Research. In Physics/ Chemistry/ Agriculture / Horticulture / B. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent / Diploma in Engg. Or Technology awarded by MSBTE OR its Equivalent Passed B. No. Degree from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Any Diploma in Engg. Consultancy in Safety OR Two Years experience in enforcement of Legislation pertaining to safety.C.S. Course Code Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Entry Qualification Passed S. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Diploma in Engg. Passed Diploma in Engineering & Technology awarded by MSBTE/ Degree in Engineering from any recognised University / Institute/ Board in Maharashtra or its Equivalent & 2 Years of Experience in the field of fire Engineering 1 Y F 5 FU Advance Diploma in Fire and Security Management 1 U F 6 IT Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety 1 Y F 7 FI Post Diploma in Fire Engineering 1 Y F GROUP 4 :.4 FS Advance Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering Passed the Diploma in Engineering / Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent with at least 40% marks in aggregate OR Degree in Engineering OR Technology OR Science from any recognised University / Institute in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent with at least 40% marks and minimum two years of experience in the field of Fire Engineering. Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Examination Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Diploma in Engg.Sc. In Life Sciences OR its Equivalent from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent or Degree / Diploma in Engineering. Training Education.Sc. Passed B.Sc. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Diploma in Engg. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent / Diploma in Engg.BEAUTY CULTURE Sr. No. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Board 1 S F 6 EB Advance Diploma in Executive Business Studies 1 S F 7 EM Advance Diploma Import Management in Export 1.PARA .C. Course Code Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Entry Qualification Pass H.5 S P 8 FB Advance Diploma Business Managed in Family 1 S F 9 NR Advance Diploma in Natural Resources. Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalaent Examination Any Graduatefrom a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent 1 BC Diploma in Beauty Culture And Hair Dressing 2 BH Advance Diploma in Beauty Culture And Hair Dressing 1 S F GROUP 6 :.MEDICAL Sr. Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalaent Examination 1 DT Diploma in Dental Technology Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 11 . No.5 CZ Advance Diploma in Call Center Management Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Diploma in Engg. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent 1 Y P 11 BP Post Graduate Diploma in Business Processing and Outsourcing Operations 1 S F 12 BQ Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management Science 1 S F GROUP 5 :.S. Course Code Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Entry Qualification Passed S.S. & Technology of MSBTE OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Diploma in Engg.C. Management Restoration & Sustainable Development Advance Diploma Management in Retail 1 S P 10 RM Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent/ Diploma in Engg. S. Zoology. M.Sc. BSc Physiotheraphy /Occupational Theraphy BVSC. BHMS.2 OT Diploma in Operation Theatre Technician Pass H.C. Level for open category & minimum 45% marks of aggregate marks at H.M. / B. BUMS.E (Chemical) OR its Equivalent from a recognized statutory University in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent B.M.5 S F 3 HD Diploma in Hemodialysis Technician 1. or equivalent examination from any other recognised Board. BHMS.S. BAMS. Microbiology.S. BAMS. B. BUMS. Pharmacy / M. Examination with Vocational subject of Pathology Lab With minimum 50% aggregate marks at H. DHMS OR its Equivalent from recognized statutoryry University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any B.U.Pharm / PG DMLT from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent B.M.D. With Physics.C. Biology.Pharm.B.S.S.Sc. B.Sc.S.SC. Passed with minimum 45% aggergate Marks.M.S. Chemistry. B. B./ B. Chemistry from Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education.Sc.Sc. B. B.C. with minimum 50% aggergate Marks. / B.S. Bio-Chemistry as a major subject/ Principal subject at final Year or B.M.Pharm. Bio-Technology. Passed with minimum 45% aggergate Marks.C. LCEH. Board of Secondary Higher Secondary Education with Science subject namely Physics.S. MBBS.For Reserved Category.C.5 S F 4 BB Advance Diploma in Blood Bank Technology & Management Advance Diploma in Blood Bank Technology & Management 1 S F 5 BT 1.Pharm / PG DMLT from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any B.For Open Category.A.. with Science subjects namely Physics.5 S F 8 PB Advance Diploma in Pharmaceutical Business Management 1 S F 9 RS Advance Diploma in X-ray.A. Pharmacy. with minimum 50% aggergate Marks./ MBBS / B.. B. / B.S. Examination of M.5 S F Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 12 .For Reserved Category.B. / B./ B.B.S. Examination with Vocational Subject of Pathology Lab.Sc except Physics and Mathematics of BSc Physiotheraphy /Occupational Theraphy BVSC.S.D. OR Passed H. DHMS from recognized statury University/ Board in Maharashtra or its equivalent Any B.C.H.Sc.Sc except Physics and Mathematics. Radiography and Ultra – Sonography Techniques 1. from a recognized statutory University / Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent 1.H. 1.S.. Tech./ MBBS / B. from Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education.U.S. Life Science. Chemistry.5 S P 6 DI Advance Diploma in Dietetics 1 S F 7 LT Advance Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology.B.S. B.S. MBBS. LCEH.For Open Category. Level Reserve Category Passed H. Biology OR H. B. Nursing. Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent 1 DM Diploma in Dress Designing & Manufacturing 2 FN Diploma in Fashion and Textile Designing 3 Y P Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 13 . Board of Secondary Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any Graduate from a recognized statutory University/ Board OR Diploma / Degree in H.C.C. Examination of M.B. Examination of M.M.5 Y F 3 FM 1 S F 4 HK 1 S F 5 HP Advance Diploma in Hospitality Management 1.Sc Chemistry / Biochemistry/ Microbiology from a recognized statutory University/ Board OR Diploma in Chemical Engg. 50% mks. Aggre. No. Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Passed S. ( Min. 40% marks.C. Examination of M.S.S./ B.FASHION TECHNOLOGY Sr.M.TRAVEL & TOURISM. with min. Any Graduate rom a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Any Graduate rom a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent 2 HO 1.T. HOTEL OPERATION Sr.C.Sc. Sc.S.S. B.H.10 RT Advance Diploma in Radiotherapy Tech.S./ B.C.S. Board of Secondary Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Pass H.S.Sc.5 S F 12 CN Advance Diploma in Clinical Research 1 S F GROUP 7 :.A. Examination of M.S./ B.Pharmcy/ M.(OT)/ B. 1 Course Code HC Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course S F Name of Courses Diploma in Maritime Catering & Hotel Management Diploma in Hotel Operation Advance Diploma in Front Office Management & Tourism Advance Diploma in House Keeping Entry Qualification Pass H.M. Any B./ B.S.) with Physics (Min.Sc. 55% Marks) from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent B.B. No.(PT) OR its Equivalent from a recognized statutory university in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent with minimum 50% for open category & 45% marks for reserved category 2 Y F 11 TA Advance Diploma in Technical & Analytical Chemistry 1.S. Course Code Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Entry Qualification Passed S. Or Environmental Engg.S.5 S F 6 SU Advance Diploma in Social Communication Advance Diploma in Travel & Tourism 1 Y F 7 TU 1 S F GROUP 8 :. /B. Advance Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics Entry Qualification Passed H. of MSBTE OR Equivalent 2 AG 1 S F 3 ER Advance Diploma in Energy Management & Audit.5 S F Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 14 .S. Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma/Degree (Mechanical. Energy 1 S F 5 GI Advance Diploma Information in Geo- 1 S F 6 RA Advance Diploma in Robotics And Automation 1 S F 7 SO Advance Diploma Chemical Control in Sugar 1 Y F 8 AB Post Diploma in Automobile Engineering Post Dip.S. 1 Course Code DV Duratio n in Year 2 Pattern of the Course Y F Name of Courses Diploma in Digital Photography & Digital Graphics.Sc. in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 1. of MSBTE OR Equivalent Passed Diploma in Mechanical Engg. No.C. / Production Engg. Examination of M. in Engineering/Diploma in Civil / Electrical / Information Technology / Electronic /Instrumentation/ Mechanical/ B. 1. with Mathematics from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma / Degree in Mechanical from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent B./ Automobile Engg.5 S P 4 EW Advance Diploma in Management & Audit.5 S F 9 AC 2 S P 10 AR 1.5 S F 11 FD Post Diploma Technology in Foundry 1.Tech.GROUP 9 :. Engg. of MSBTE OR Equivalent Passed Diploma in Mechanical. Fabrication Tech.A. of MSBTE OR Equivalent Passed Diploma / Degree in Engineering in Mechanical OR Production OR Automobile Metallurgy Machine Tools & Maintenance.SPECIALIZED ENGINEERING COURSES Sr. With Geography/ Geology/ Agriculture/ B. from a recognized statutory University / Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Diploma in Mechanical. Electronics) of MSBTE OR from a recognized statutory University / Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent Passed Any Diploma/ Degree in Engineering/ Technology from a recognized statutory Board/ University in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent OR Science Graduate from recognised University with 1 year relevant experience Passed Any Diploma/ Degree in Engineering/ Technology from a recognized statutory Board/ University or its Equivalent OR Science Graduate from recognized University in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent with 1 year relevant experience B..Sc.E. BE Chemical. in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Post Dip. WINE & WINE TECHNOLOGY Sr. Course Code Duratio n in Year Pattern of the Course Name of Courses Entry Qualification SCVT / NCVT Pass or Passed skill Test at Fourth level (Master Craftsman) in respective field Equivalent to SCVT / NCVT UNDER THE ARTISAN TO Technocrat scheme of Govt. of Maharashtra.S.I Graduate / Diploma in Fruit processing & Wine Tech. Examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education OR its Equivalent Examination (Science/ Art / Commerce).C. No.) OR I. 10+2 (course in Agriculture. Course Code Duratio n in Year Pattern of the Course Name of Courses Entry Qualification Passed H.T. from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent 1.12 PP Post Diploma in Paper Technology Diploma / Degree Course in Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical/ Production/ Meteorological / Textile Manufacture / Printing Mining & Mine Surveying OR Packaging Technology OR other Engg.5 Y F GROUP 10 :.VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA COURSES ( ARTISAN TO TECHNOCRAT SCHEME) Sr. No. Distillery and Wine Technology 2 S F Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 15 . -----------Do----------------------Do----------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do---------------------Do------------ 1 VA Vocational Diploma in Automobile 2 S P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 VB VC VD VE VF VH VM VN VP VR VT VW Vocational Diploma in Building Construction Vocational Diploma in Carpentry & Interior Decoration Vocational Diploma in Fashion Technology Vocational Diploma in Electrician Vocational Diploma in Fitting Vocational Diploma in Hotel & Catering Vocational Diploma in Machinist Vocational Diploma in Painting Vocational Diploma in Plumbing Vocational Diploma in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Vocational Diploma in Turning Vocational Diploma in Welding 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 S S S S S S S S S S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P GROUP 11 :. OR Equivalent Course/ Diploma Holder from a recognized statutory University/ Board in Maharashtra OR its Equivalent with two years experience in Agriculture 1 WT Diploma in Fruit Processing & Wine Technology 2 S F 2 FW Advance Diploma in Fermentation. MUMBAI REGION Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 16 . REGIONWISE LIST OF INSTITUTES 1.6. Thane.400709 Vidyavardhini's B V Polytechnic. Box No. D. Dist. Khoni Village. Kopar Khairane.S. C. Sector-9 A. Vashi. D. Patil Marg. Dist. TU-60 CE-60. Mumbai . IF-40. ME-90 CO-60. MA-45.S. 8975. Vasai. Rasoolabad. ME-60 CE-45. Mumbai . Trust Chowk. 400612 Government Polytechnic. CO-60. Navre Nagar. EP-60. Chendani Bunder Road. EJ-60. P. 3rd Floor. CBD Belapur.421003 Shreeram Polytechnic. ET-60. EJ-60. Navi Mumbai . CM-60. CL-30 Sr. No. IF-60. HM-60 CM-60. IF-60.400601 Shivajirao . Y. Navi Mumbai. Engineering Diploma courses Sr. Mumabi . ED-40. Thane . Saki Vihar Road. Ganesh Nagar. IF-30. Dist.A. Thane. IF-30 CM-120. Mumbai Manohar Phalke Memorial Foundation's Polytechnic. Shepherd Road. DE-40. IF60.400005 M. CO-60. CO-30. EJ60. CO-60. Khopoli. Mumbai Agnel Polytechnic. EE-45.400614 Shad Adam Shaikh Polytechnic. CO-45. Code 2 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) M. Vasai Road. No. Near Khopoli Police station. ME-60 CM-120. IE-60. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic. MH-60. Sion Chunabhatti Road.H. CS-60 CO-60. ME60 CM-45. Byculla. CM-60. IS-40 CD-40. Opp Bharat Bijali. Pen. EJ-60. 1 2 DTE Code D3032 D3025 Instt. Code 116 129 GOVT. IF-30. MM-60 CO-60. Western Railway. IE-60. Dr.400708 Navjeevan Education Societys Polytechnic. CH-40. EV-60. Code 3 4 7 27 1079 28 36 1078 44 55 93 112 124 144 146 147 150 156 357 421 423 505 513 522 529 548 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Polytechnic. Thane -400601 Dnyanadeep College Campus. EX-60. At Pen.E APPROVED DIPLOMA ENGINEERING/TECH.400008 Zagdusing Charitable Trust's Thakur Polytechnic. Dist Raigad.I. EX-45. Mumbai . Ulhasnagar.400008 Course/s Offered CE-45. IE-60. Opp Bharat Gears Co Ltd.. Y. EE-60. Nair Road. Babasaheb Gawde Institute of Technology. O. ME-60 AE-60. ME-60. Mumbai -400022 L & T Institute of Technology. EJ-45. EJ-60. EJ-60. M. EJ-60. IE-60. Mumbra (E). FT-30 CM-60. Mumbai . Patil Polytechnic. No. Saboo Siddik. CO-90. Shastri Nagar Kopar Road. Mahavir Edun. Near Ptrol Pump (HP). Ambernath (E). EJ-60. Railway Station. EJ-120. MU-60 CH-30. Belapur Rd. Jondhale Polytechnic.C. Opp. EJ-120 CM-60. CO-40. Dombivali (w). Railway Station. IE60. CH-30. IF-60. 1 2 3 DTE Code D3017 D3022 D3037 D3035 Instt. CT60. Chembur. Kandivli (E). IS-30.421202 Terana Polytechnic.400078 Muchhala Polytechnic. CO-45. Eastern Express Highway. Sion. Khadipar. Mumbai . MI-40 CV-60. Navi Mumbai . Thane. EX-60. T. Sindhi Society. Near Eward Nagar. CH-60. Ulhasnagar. CM-60.. FE-60. Maratha Mandir Annex. IS-60. Navi Mumbai . EJ-60. EJ-60 CO-60.400101 Thakur Complex. EJ-40. CH-30. Anandnagar. 1 DTE Code D3005 Instt. EG-30. EX-60. ME60. Thane . EJ-60. EX-60. DE-60. Bhelpad. Sector-7. Mumbai . Shivaji Nagar. ME-45 EV-60 CO-60. IU-60. Mumbai -400071 Vidya Prasarak Mandals Polytechnic. ME60 CE-60. Cidco Sector-3. College Campus. Borivali (W). Raigad 410203 S. Thane . Chembur. Navi Mumbai . Colaba.H. Patil Vidyanagar. IF-60. ME-60 CE-60. Pin-400703 Naval Institute of Technology.of Technology. IL-30. H. Bhiwandi. Thane . Opp. EJ-60. IF-60. A. CG-30. Dr.400088 V. Dist. A. Dist. ME-45 CO-60. CO-60. CM-60. 8. EX-60. B. ME-60. I. 402107 Course/s Offered CE-60. Airoli. Course/s Offered CM-60. Sector-1. CO-60. EP45. Road. ME60 Sr. IE-60.T. Radio Electric institute. Jondhale Polytechnic. EE-60. Pawai. W. EJ-40.400706 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 17 . PT-60 CM-60. Kasar-Vadavali Ghodbunder 6 Parshvanath Charitable Trust's Polytechnic. IF60. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Polytechnic. Polytechnic. Bhandup. IC-40. ME-90 CM-60. CH-60. IF-60 4 D3035 5 D3033 D3027 D3027 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 D3034 D3038 D3040 D3039 D3036 D3014 D3042 D3041 D3043 D3078 D3046 D3018 D3024 D3016 D3015 D3013 D3023 D3048 Bharati Vidyapeeth Inst. Phadke Pada.421302 Khopoli Polytechnic.401202 Institute Of Technology. Colony Link Road . IF-60 CE-60. Ghodbunder Road.E.400601 Multipurpuse Educayion Socity. IS-60 CH-30. ME-60 CM-60. EI-40. Sai Baba Vihar Complex. Thane . EJ-60. COURSES 1. 4th Pasta Lane. ME60. IF60.421501 'B' Cabin Road. Thane . Nerul. MG-60. C. Ganesh Path.M.400 103 Dr. IE30. Ramwadi Near Bus Stand. DE-60. Next to Dukes Co. Mumbai . Polytechnic. IF-60. IF-40. Saraswati Education Society. EJ-45. Garden Hotel. CO-60. Code 189 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) K. J. Asangaon (E). At. Mahim. Near Naka. CE- 26 27 D3044 D3050 28 29 30 31 D3045 D3047 D3189 D3194 570 571 935 960 AE-60 .400 019 St.Raigad Mahatma Education Society's. Pillai's Polytechnic. 49 Kherwadi. EJ-60. EJ-60. IF-60. EE40. IF60. EV-60 PG-60 Instt.421601 Opp. EJ-60. Matunga. Sector-16. EE-60. 46/46 A.401105 Vidyalankar Polytechnic.S. EJ-60. TM-60 ER-60.421003 Course/s Offered PH-60 Sr. ME-45. EX-45. Code 165 166 182 225 260 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Nagrik Shikshan Sanstha's College Of Pharmacy. Mumbai . ME60.Narsapur. Mumbai . Ulhasnagar . CI-30. CO-60. IE-30.B. Mahad. Bandra (W ). Opp. No.400 037 Abdul Razzaq Kalsekar Polytechnic. ME-60 CO-60. Plot No. Dist. New Panvel Pillai's Institute of Technical Studies Buldg. MG-60 CE-30. IF-60 CO-60.. Educational Plot No. 016 Mahim Causeway. Karjat. CO-60. Tardeo Road.400 051 Equivalance CE-60. College Complex. EX-60. Malad (w). IS-60. 94. EX-60 Kala Vidya Mandir Instt. B. 1 2 3 4 5 DTE Code D3051 D3052 D3165 D3054 D3072 Instt. Kharghar. G. Khoni Village.M.S. Dist:Raigad Dnyan Prasarak Shikshan Sanstha's. M-3. CO-60. Dr. IF-60. Dist. Polytechnic. IF-60 CO-60.445001 Sector-08. Jondhale Polytechnic. Irla Juhu Road. Bhavan. EJ-60. TD15. Navi Mumbai. 1 2 3 4 5 Government Institute of Printing Technology. Mumbai . Tal. AIDED INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) K.421302 Khadipar. Sector 16.410206. Wadala. Mumbai . Code 5 174 VJTI 175 172 GOVT. CM-60. Sector. C.CO-60. Rasoolabad. MG-60 CE-60. Mhada World Bank Project. M. of Technology.Raigad Society. Thane .5. No. Taluka. Bhiwandi. Pharmacy Diploma courses Sr. EJ-60. No. Raigad . 410 210. IL-30.400095 Shivajirao . IE-20.M. Ulhasnagar Railway Station. Mumbai. EG-40. Sub Station. Band Stand Bandra (W). Bhivpuri Rly. IF-60. Stn. V. Mumbai-400 077 S. Khalapur 36 37 38 D3109 D3110 D3112 1146 1147 1148 Sr.400 050 2. IF-60. ME60 CE-60. Post. Dist. New Panvel . Ambarnath Prabhakar Patil Education Society's. CP-60. Nandkumar Y.. Thane . CH-30.25 D3066 D3044 563 568 1090 569 Pravin Patil College of Diploma Engg. P. Acharya Polytechnic. Raigad Bhartiya Education/Social Charitable Trust. IF-60. Shahapur. Behind M. At & Post Ladavli. CE-60. CO-60.karjat.Raigad.400 Father Agnel Institute of Technology. EJ-60. IF-60. Gen Arumkumar Vaidhay Chowk. Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Polytechnic.EJ-60. EJ-60. INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Government Polytechnic.ME60. ME-60 CM-60. EG-40. Mumbai DTE Code D3011 D3007 D3010 D3009 D3002 PN Equivalance CE-60. C. CJ-30. Pillais Hoc Polytechnic.B. Ghatkopar.Chandai. Mumbai . Tardeo Mumbai . Station. LG-15. 1 DTE Code D3001 Instt. Opp Kokan Course/s Offered PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 18 Navyug Vidyapeeth Trust's Pharmacy College. IF-60 CM-60. Dist.EE-60. Tal:Roha. Bandra (E).E. EE-60. Ali Yawar Jung Marg. Opp. Of Pharmacy. Dist. EX-60.400034 Mumbai Education Trust's Instt.Chota Khandgaon. Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic. LO-15. No. ME-60. ME60 CE-60. Mill Compound. Velshet-Nagothane. Code 1 GOVT. Saraswati Education Polytechnic.D. CO-60. Malvani. & Technology. Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . TA-30. Near Leelawati Hospital. EE-60. EJ-60. Sr. Antop Hill. Xeviars Technical Institute. CO-60. ET-120. Vidyavihar. Rly. ME-60. ME-120 2.s Saraswati Institute of Technology. ME60 CE-60.H. Navghar Village Bhayander (E).402301 Shad Adam Shaikh Polytechnic (Pharmacy). DE-30. Tasgaonkar 32 D3193 964 33 34 35 D3105 D3106 D3107 1143 1144 1145 Leela Education Society. 1 DTE Code D3075 Instt. 410 201. CO-60.. Sheth Shri Otarmal Sheshmal Parmar College of Diploma Engineering Land 349/350. College Campus. Balasaheb Mhatre Polytechnic. ME-60 CE-60. M. Thane .400 056 Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute.400050 Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Pharmacy. ME60 CO-60. EJ-60. IF-60 CO-60. Vile parle. Somaiya Polytechnic. Mumbai . EJ-60. ME60 CE-60. Navi Mumbai . Mahavidyalaya Marg. Kamla Sports Academy. D. Balbharati Marg. Mahavir Nagar. Rizvi Educational Complex. D. 8. N.400 001 Equivalance PC-50.Y. PN-75 Sr.T.Thane. Thane -400601 Course/s Offered CP-60.410 201 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 3. V. Sherly Rajan Road.402 106. Mumbai . AIDED INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Sasmira's institute of Man-made Textile. D. No. Khanda Colony. N.M.C. S. Mumbai . N. Ghodbunder Road. Kalyan.T. New Panvel (w) . Bandra (West).C. Mumbai . Sasmira marg. ID-40 SU-40. Badruddin Tuabji Marg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DTE Code D3056 D3058 D3062 D3060 D3071 D3057 D3098 Instt. Near Bhivpuri Road Station. Nagothane. Saibaba Vihar Complex Anandnagar. Code 414 GOVT.. Code 164 GOVT. M. Mumbai 400050 Sophia Shree B. Code 403 GOVT. Mumbai . Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Institute of Pharmacy.400025 TT-60 Equivalance B.Annie Besant Road. 1 DTE Code D3026 Instt. RA-40 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 19 . Village Bandra (W). Dadar. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Central Labour Institute. IT-60. Road. 43.400 067. No.Raheja School Of Architecture. . CN-30. No. Other Diploma courses Sr. Village Chandhai.Raigad. Sr.Martin Rd.400 056 Ideal College of Pharmacy. Code 7 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Vidya Prasarak Mandals Polytechnic. CBD Belapur Kokan Course/s Offered HM-60 HM-60 HM-120 HM-60 HM-60 HM-60 HM-40 S. Dnyanadeep College Campus. Dr. S. Bhavan Navi Mumbai . Mumbai. Plot No. Bandra (W). Plot No.C. Dr. Bhulabhai Desai Road. Nerul.H.Roha. off carter Rd. Worli. 1 2 3 DTE Code D3005 D3074 D3008 Instt. 17851. Dist. 1 DTE Code D3074 Instt. Code 186 467 494 504 520 562 602 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Rizvi College of H. Vidyanagar. No.s Institute of Pharmacy.K. Mumbai - Course/s Offered AH-90 Sr.400028 Kapol Vidyanidhi Instt. Borsapada Rd. Dr. N. Nerul. Taluka. Code 420 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) L.400601t Kohinoor Institute of HMCT. Mumbai Dr. M. Patil. Shepherd Road. Taluka. Dr. Education Trust's Arun Muchhala Institute.M.. St . Sector 19.. Bandra (West).Raheja School Of Architecture. Sector-7. Vile-Parle West. No. Mankikar Marg. Road. Chendani Bunder Road. Mumabi-400008 L.6 7 8 9 10 D3097 D3165 D3166 D3164 D3194 595 723 725 726 727 N. Navi Mumbai . D. Sane Guruji Vidyalaya Building Bhikoba Waman Pathare Marg. Breachcandy Mumbai 400026 Course/s Offered ID-30 IN-90.S. 11. Inlane of Kamla Vihar Sports Club. Dist. 1 DTE Code Instt.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED SHORT TERM DIPLOMA COURSES Sr.Karjat.Patil Institute of H. The synthatic & art silk mills reas. 92.ass. Maharashtra Mudran Parishad. Dist. Kandivali (w). INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Government Institute of Printing Technology. Rizvi Edu. Mumbai . Sion. 3. No. 101 B. Sector No. Saboo Siddik. Plot No. 1 DTE Code D3037 Instt. 400022 Course/s Offered IT-60 Sr. Thane . P. Sherly Rajan.Road. Navi Mumbai 400706 Bharatiya Education Society.400714 Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute.s Institute of Printing Technology.RD'S Institute of Pharmacy. No. DD--40 Sr. Byculla.Somani Polytechnic.O.Martin Rd. D. Mumbai .. Kavesar.. Code 2 420 407 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) M.S. 1 DTE Code D3004 Instt.Raigad ..400614 B V HMCT Sector-8. Shri Vile-parle Kelvani Mandal's College of Diploma in Pharmacy. 400050 St . Y.C. Mumbai Anjuman-I-Islam Institute Of H..410206 Rizvi Collage of Fashion Design & Creative Arts. Complex.400051 8 D3157 685 PN-45 9 644 DD-60.T. Opp. Mumbai. Sion (w).1. Mumbai . C.402309 Emergency Response Center. Bandra (E). Road.S. Mumbai Smt.. IR-40 IT-50 IN-30 CP-60 AB-60. Studies TVM School & Jr. RSIT-60 PB-60.400 025 Institute of Industrial Safety. Mumbai 400 025 Academy Of Applied Art. Dilip S. 177 K. Dist-Raigad Training Ship Rehaman. Parel Mumbai .B.D. Mulund College Of Commerce Campus. Opp Rly Station Ulhasnagar. Mumbai . C/o. Shankar Ghanekar Marg. Prabhadevi. Tarapur.400 050 Tarapur Mngt. Girgaon.400071 Navyug Vidyapeeth Trust's Pharmacy College At & Post Ladavli. Mumbai . Churchgate.'s Institute Of Medical Science.400068.E. Lal Bahaddur Shastri Marg. Dr.402301. Science & Commerce. FN-60. Ghodbundar Road. Dr. Mumbai . Vashi Juhinagar.Arun Kumar Vaidya Chowk. Panvel. PB-60 20 Thane Belapur I. Chembur. Dist Thane. Mumbai .C. R. Maharashtra Institute Of Medical Science & Technology.M. Dineshaw Wacha Road.400 077 Maharashtra College of Arts. No. Dist. Garodia Nagar. Neral-410 101 Tal-Karjat. Ghatkopar (E). HT-30. 3. Sthanikraj Bhavan. Marathi Muncipal School Tank Rd. Parel. Dist Raigad . Raigad .410206 M. Cottage G.. TA-40 LT-30 DI-30. E.C Nanavati Institute of Polytechnic. 15-3 Bhimabai Rane Muncipal School. M. Opp. Plot No. Mumbai -. Raigad .S. PR-30 IN-60 IN-60. Sector/15-A. Sector-11. Gen. Kurla ( West ). DT60 LT-30 IN-60 IT-15 IT-60. Dist. RE-30. Opp. 206 Sai Complex. Prakash. Mumbai . 338.I. Thane . Jahaj Mahal.400 020 124.N. 278.421003. Mumbai . Raigad V. LT-30. Khanda Colony. Navi Mumbai Birla College of Arts.T. Mumbai 400 019. Mumbai . Behind Bazar Junction. Bhoiwada. Chembur Naka. Bedekar Institute of Management. Area.400101 Thakur Complex.400 004 Bombay Institute of Technology. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road. Boisar.400080 Zagdusing Charitable Trust's Thakur Polytechnic.Thane Garodia School Of Professional Studies. 17. 32 Kala Nagar. IInd Floor. Insitute of Management & Professional Studies.P. A.400 012 Butic Institute of Beauty Therp and Hair Dressing. Rajdeep. P14 MIDC Rabale Village. Kokan Bhavan. Shankar Ghanekar Marg. 202. Ernest Borges Marg. Wadia Road.400051 School Of Interior Design. P.Sanstha's ChanguKana Thakur Arts. New Panvel. Thane400 601 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Village Damat.S. Mumbai-400008 J. Dist. Mulund.400 070. M. Dahisar (W). M. TA-30 IN-60 LT-30 LT-30 BA-60 HC-30 BQ-60. Dist. (E). Samandar Point Estate. Post.S.B. PB-30. M. P. Mrs Vaishali V. of Industrial Safety. Association.E.TA-30 IT-60 EA-30.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 D3133 D3159 D3003 D3021 D3063 D3158 D3059 D3151 D3172 D3013 D3006 D3169 D3197 D3178 D3141 D3054 D3180 D3139 D3101 181 225 356 358 359 372 405 406 408 409 410 413 416 493 514 522 528 536 543 564 D3156 565 566 593 594 597 598 600 645 655 656 658 681 682 721 M. Mumbai .Commerce & Sci. Of Mngt. Marg. Inst. Thane Belapur Road. Plot NO 1. All India Instt. Mumbai-400016 1. Prabhadevi. 246-A. LT-60 RT-15 BH-20 LT-40 LT-30 LT-30 DI-30.P.D (Belapur). Mumbai . MIDC Office. of Adavanced Computer Science & Management. Gupte Marg. R. Jerbai. V. CP-60 LT-60 LT-40. Sarojini Naidu Rd. IT-30 IN-60 LT-30. Sion Trombat Road. Khanda Colony. Rupdarshani Lt.D. Bhandup(W). JBSPS Instt. Technical Institute. New Panvel (W) Asian Institute of Communication Research’s AICAR Business School. Mumbai . Sector 8. Mahim.S.400012 Bharti Vidhayapeeth's College of Architecture. Smt. Assoc. Road. Navi Mumbai M. 278. R. S. Shri Mohmad yusuf Seaman Foundation. Science &Commerce. Matunga.D. Navi Mumbai .I. College. Mumbai . of Local Self Government. Ghansoli.400701 Academy of Architecture .400078 Tata Memorial Hospital. C. TA-30. Barfiwala Marg. Mahatma Phule Tech High School. Jahangir Boman Behram Road. Vaghdhare. Mahad. Andheri (W). Mahad. R. Birla College Road. V. Sheetal Cinema. Kalyan (W). LT-30. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College of Post Graduate Studies. Science & Commerce. Plot No. Instt. Kandivli Mahatma Phule Education Society.421304 Netaji Subhash Institute.E.N.B. College of Arts.College.400 022 Modern College. Koor House. Devi Mahalaxmi College. Mumbai . Sector-11. Bandra Reclamation Bandra (W).153. Ulhasnagar . Kala Vidya Sankul.. Dadar.Annie Besant Road. C/o G. Mumbai. 338. VP-25 VR-30 VE-25. VC.R. Everest Shopping Centre. BA-60. J. Ambernath. Mulund. Dist. Mumbar.60 . RS-60 BA-30 PR-60. Ghatkopar. Dr. Bandra. Of Technology & Management. G.20.EB-60 Chetana's Academy of Art & Culture. AM.421 301 Multipurpose Education Society. VM-25.Roha. No.. Ambekar Marg. 90 Feet Road. Of Medical Science & Research. Kamal Tower.20 . Mumbai .s Institute of Technical Education.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA COURSES 1 2 3 4 5 701 832 833 834 1230 Industrial Training Institute. Dombivali Rly.400 012 Dr. 400 017. Opp. 601. Patil Technical Institute. VP-20 VA-30. MiDC Central Road. Thane Belapur Road. Near HDFC Bank. Mumbai – 400 028 Konkan Muslim Education Society's Rais Institute for Advance Studies.20 VB. Thane. IA-40 PR-40 DT-60. A. R. 2nd Floor.D. Taluka. Sector-18. TU-30 AM-50 C.. Dist. VT-25 ID-30.402 106.400 051 Dixit Education Society. 341.Raigad. Shailesh Instt. 1 2 D3175 722 729 792 Bharatiya Education Society.R.400 023 Industrial Training Institute. Mumbai-400 017 10.s Institute of Medical & Paramedical Sciences. Dombivali (West). IT-30. Paradise Tower.s Radio Electric Institute. Kamraj st D3176 D3181 811 831 835 837 D3184 D3186 843 846 937 St.. Matunga... Mumbai. CN-40. Sasmira marg.s G. Sane Guruji Marg Mumbai.D. Kamothe. Industrial Training Institute. Society. CZ-0. John's Instt. Andheri (East). 421 202.s College of Engineering Technology. Somaiya Polytechnic. Parel.s Institute of Science & Technology. Kalyan (W). Mumbai . Vidyavihar.Airoli. Bhanuben Mahendra Nanavati College of Home Science. Aakruti Centre Point.400602. Santoshi Mata Road. 1 Floor. Thane. G. VW. Patil College Complex. Navi Mumbai-410209 Nagothane. Mumbra Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. Raigad Industrial Training Institute. IN-30.mumbai New Horizon Inst of MGNT Studies.VE. Thane. Panvel. Station.20. Govt. Gokhale Road.102. Servey No. Mumbai – 81 Instituti Callegari Mumbai VA. Mumbai-400 077 Sasmira's institute of Man-made Textile. Dist. Colony.20 . Mahatma Gandhi Mission. Dist. Worli. Aakruti Citygold Institute. Pin . Bhiwandi. Mumbai . The synthatic & art silk mills reas. IT-30 DT-40 IN-60 LT-60 HO-60 BC-30 VF-25. VH-25 LT-40 RS-25 IT -40 HN-40 CP-40.36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Sr. Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 21 . Code 5 164 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) K. Dharavi.navi Mumbai D3192 D3199 D3200 D3201 984 1077 1089 1109 1231 D3204 1420 DTE Code D3011 Instt. Ambekar Pratisthan's College Manangement & Technology.400025 Equivalance Course/s Offered BC-30. Kidwai Road. navi Mumbai The mumbai institute of management & physical education . – Thane Industrial Training Institute. Near Mumbra Police Station. 400 093 Govind Mahila Mandal.ass. PUNE REGION A. EJ-60.TX-40 CE-60. Post Kumbharmath. 412 405. Tasgaon. Course/s Offered CE-60.T. No. CO-60. Shivajinagar. Pune. IS-40. CM-90. Taluka.Pune. IF-60 . ME-60.Ambegaon.2. ME120. FC-20. EE-60. Avasari (Khurd).416410 Government Polytechnic for Distance Learning. ME120 CE-60. Ratnagiri . IF-60 22 Government Polytechnic. EJ-60. Sangli Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . 412 D. Government Residence Women Polytechnic. CO-60.I. Miraj . CO-60.413006 Government Polytechnic.ME60. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic.A.C. Post-Karad. Code 10 13 15 117 131 234 1051 1228 GOVT. Karad. COURSES 1. MU-60. Dist. IF-60. EJ-60.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DTE Code D6027 D3028 D6031 D3031 D025 D6011 D6070 D6233 Instt. Malvan . PH30 CE-60. Bahirat Patil Chowk.CE-60. At. Vidyanagar. Akkalkot Road. Dist. CO-60.416606 Government Polytechnic. PS-40 CC-100. Solapur . EJ-60. ME-120.EE-60 DC-60. ME60 CE-120. EJ-60. Engineering Diploma courses Sr. Satara . Near Thiba Palace. CO-60. EJ-60. EC-150.415124 Government Polytechnic.E APPROVED DIPLOMA ENGINEERING/TECH.411016. EE-60. EE-60. CO-60. Near Mazi Sainik Vasahat. EE-60.415612 Government Polytechnic. MC-150 AE-60.. ME90. Patil Pratishthan's Y. IE-60.416 005 M. IF-60.RA-40 CE-60. EJ-60. EJ-90. Budhawar Peth.Kolhapur 416101 Sahyadri Polytechnic. Malegaon (Bk). CO-60. CM-60. IE-60. Vadgaon. EE-60. 271. P-41 Kupwad. ME-60. ME-60 CM-60. IF-60. CE-60.E. Kolhapur . CH-60.CO-60 CE-60. Budhgaon .EJ-60.-Ratnagiri . Bk. Dist.E. 1786. 1 2 3 DTE Code D6024 D6007 D6113 Instt. Railway Station.C. 1 2 DTE Code D6036 D6028 Instt.Prince Shivaji Maratha's New Polytechnic.Society's Sou. D.EE-60 D6009 3 4 D6009 D6040 D6041 5 6 7 8 D6041 D6039 D6022 D6006 40 1082 41 42 1111 43 45 47 S. EJ-120. CO-60. Satara . 264.P. CE-60. EJ-60.EJ-60 AE-60. Nigdi Pradhikarn. At Post Sawarde Wahal -Phata. Sangli-Tasgaon Road. IE-60. ME-60 CE-60. IF-60.413 002 Dr.T. IE-60.AE-60 12 13 14 15 D6055 D3029 D3079 D6032 D6096 16 D6096 D6019 Bharati Vidyapeeth's Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Tech.V.CE-30. IS-30. Sangli .411018 All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's Polytechnic. ME-120.-Ratnagiri .ME-60. M. ME-60 .CO(*)-40 EJ-60. IC-30. PT-30 CO-60. CH-30. Shanti Nagar. CO-60. CO-60. ME120 Sector No. of Technology. CO-60. Technology. ME-120. Dist. Pimpri.415606 S. Solapur . IF-60.J.EJ-60 AE-60. Dist.P. IE-60. EE-60. IF-60. Poona . 411001 Kenadi Road. Manjari Road. EJ-60.S. ME-60.M. Pune .26.B. IE-60. PT-30 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 23 . ME-90. EJ-60. Pimpri. Karad . Pune. At Post Gargoti.415110 Course/s Offered AE-60.411043 Dr. D.415 002 Latthe Education Societys Polytechnic. 68/1. Kothrud. B. CE-60. ME120. Y. CE-60. ME-120. No. 9 D3029 50 CE-30. Rajaram Shinde Institute of Engg. Sant Tukaram Nagar. EE-60. IE-30. IF-60. PC-50. CO-60. ME-60 CE-60.411029 Solapur Education Society's Polytechnic. Code 38 39 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) S.P. ME-90 AE-60.. ME60 CE-60.Premalatai Chavan Polytechnic.413411 725/I. ME90 AA-60. EJ-60.EJ-60 CO-60.Venutai Chavan Polytechnic .Sr.29.411018 Padmashree Dr. CP-60. & Polytechnic.Sanstha's K. CE-60. ME90 CM-60. CO-60.. IF60. Karmveer Nagar. CM-60. ID-40.416436 Pad. ME-60 CE-60. Mahadeongar. CH-40. IF-60. IF-60. Near Circuit House. CO-60. CO-60. CM-60. ME-90. CO-60. Budhgaon. Behind Kothrud PMT Bus Depot. ME-120. ME-60 CE-60.S. IF-60. EJ-60. CM-90.Post: Jaisingpur. Solapur . Tal : Baramati. S. Nigdi Pradhikaran. IE-60.. Survey No.411030 Course/s Offered CE-40. Pune .EJ60 CE-60. Pratishan's Instt. Women's Polytechnic.O. CE-60.S. Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology. Sadar Bazar. Pune . IF-60. 413 112 Smt.EJ-60. A/P. EJ-60.'s Institute of Tech. College of Engg. EJ-60. CS-60. Education Association Instt. Sinhgad Road. Sadashiv Peth. Taluka-Chiplun. Sector. EE-60. Satara Satara Education Society's Satara Polytechnic. 44/1 Off. IF-60. IF-60 AE-60. EJ-40.415603 Pimpri-Chinchwad Education Trust's Polytechnic. No. of Polytechnic. Pune R. Of Tech.411 044 Pedhambe. R. EJ-60.S.T. CM-120. EJ-60. No. PN-50 Sr. Office. Y. FD-20.IF-60 CE-60. IF-60.IE-40 CO-40. P. ME120 AE-120. ME120.. Barshi. EE-60. ME60.416209 Maharashtra Institute of Printing Technology. IF-60. IF-60. CR-60. IS-30. Mangalwar Peth. Sangli Institute Of Civil & Rural Engg. Dist. Mangalwar Peth. Pune . CO-60.416304 Shri.CO60 AB-60. CO-60.- CE-60. Paud Road.Magdum Polytechnic. EE-60. Code 9 12 426 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Walchand College Of Engineering. J. Post:-Alore. Patil Polytechnic. At. ME60. CO-60. CM-60. EX-60.Mandal's Instt. EJ-60. R. D. Samrat Chowk. Near 17 D6019 18 19 D6019 D6016 D6016 137 141 1085 20 D6037 145 P. Kolhapur .I. Pune. ME-60 AE-60. & Engg. Uchagaon. Annasaheb Magar College Campus. Near Akurdi 10 D6017 56 11 D3029 D6055 83 95 1075 105 108 122 125 1083 134 1084 Ekalavya Shikshan Sanstha's Polytechnic.No. Dist. Katraj-Dhankawadi. EJ-60. Dist: Pune. EE-30. PT-60 CM-60.D. Pune . D. 58. IF-60. Post.North Solapur. TalukaGadhinglaj. Sangli . Mane Institute of Technology.. Handewadi Road. Thergaon.CM-60 24 Shriram Institute of Engineering & Technology.Dongaon Road.Chinchwad. CO-90. EJ-60. ME-90 26 D6022 D6035 524 539 1070 540 1076 710 1087 711 1088 848 1112 AE-60. ME-60 CO-60. ME-60 34 35 36 37 38 D6204 D6180 D6183 D6187 D6040 957 961 965 968 983 CO-60. IF-60. S. Lim. Taluka-Khandala. At .Kolhapur.ME-60.Shirol.CE60 CO-60. Soregaon. 120 / 1 & 2. IF-60.Y. ME-120 AE-60.. S. IF-60. Balewadi. Solapur . 989/ A-1. ME-120 CO-60. 4117. ME-60 29 D6136 D6137 30 D6137 D6172 31 D6172 D6167 32 D6167 849 1113 Gourishankar Polytechnic.Pune. IF-60.Bhadgaon. ME-60.415004 D6060 33 D6060 854 1072 Vidyavikas Pratishsthan's Polytechnic. Taluka. IF-60... Savitribai Phule Womens Polytechnic. Gat No. Dist. ME-120 CO-60. EJ-60. EJ-60.411 028. Hotgi Road. CO-60. Narhe.s Jaywantrao Sawant Polytechnic.410511 Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Polytechnic. EJ-60.Solapur.CE60 CO-60. EJ-60. Rajwada. CO-60. S. 411 041. S. ME-90. ME-60.EJ-60 CO-60. EJ-60. EJ-60 CO-120. Near Reliance Petrol Pump. 426/5. Sharad Institute of Technology. Dist. IF-60. Vishnupuri. Pune. ME-90. Samarth Polytechnic.No.. EJ-60. Dist. IF-60.ME-120. CO-120.Kagal. TC-30 CE-60.. CO-60. ME-90 CE-60. IF-60. 290 & 291.Sangli. ME-60 CM-60.Pune 411 033 Dattajirao Kadam Tech.s College of Engg. EJ-60. CE-60.CE60 CE-60.Kuran. EJ-60. Dist. At. EJ-60. Pune. Abhinav Education society. IF-60.416 115.EE-60 CE-60. Dist.Society's TextilE. Sangam Road.Mahagaon. 415 311. P. 289.25/1/3. Kothrud.- CE-40. Dist. No.Edu. ME-120 CO-60.410507 Dy. Kumathe. ME-60 CM-60..Bangarwadi. Kolhapur.411308 Shri Jain Vidya Prasarak Mandal. IF-120.. Survey No.s Dnyanganga Polytechnic. (Pratapnagar). S.EE-60 DC-30. IF-60. Loknete Hanamantrao Patil Charitable Trust. Abhaysinhraje Bhosale Institute of Technology. EX-60. Wagholi. Gat No. Shendre. IF-60.D. EJ-60. Dist. EJ-60. 282. Taluka. Shinde Institute of Technology. TalukaHatkangale. CO-60. 124.Kolhapur.solapur. Dist. EJ-60. Junnar . Instt of Technology. EJ-60. A. EJ-60. CO-60.Belhe.Kolhapur. Pune-Nagar Road. & Technology. 411 033. ME-60 CM-60. Dist.Satara. EJ-60. EJ-60. IF-60. Satara CO-60. Wadwadi. CO-60. B. IF-120. No. Dist.412 207 J. TalukaJunner. Paniv. 411045 Dr. S. Paud Road. IF-60.D. Khambale (Bha). Balati. Bramhadevdada Mane Polytechnic.CE-60 AE-60. IF-60.s Polytechnic.. CO-90. Vidyalaya. At & Post Sangli Naka. ME-120 39 40 41 42 D6201 D6182 D6072 D6192 987 988 989 990 CO-60. IF-60 27 D6035 D6095 28 D6095 D9176 Bharati vidyapeeth Institute of Technology. Nutan Samarth Vidhyalaya. Kasaba-Bavada. Marathwada Mitra Mandal.-Pune . 413 002. IF-60.s Polytechnic.EE-60 CO-60. Dist. Dist. EJ-60. Pune. Near Alka Sheti Farm. IF-60.Patil Polytechnic. Plot No.. Vita.s Adarsh Institute of Technology. At & Post. EJ-60. Taluka. 413 113. EJ-60.CE60. IF-60 ME-60. A/p-Palus. P. ME-60 CO-120. Zeal education Society. Kolhapur 416006 Dist. ME-120 CM-60. CO-60. Vadgaon.416310 Bhivrabai Sawant Polytechnic. S.Kolhapur. Dist. Patil Pratishthan's Dr.413004 Ganba Sopanrao Moze Trust's Ganba Sopanrao Moze Institute of Technology. EX-Service Colony. Pune . 209.)./2 B. Taluka. Satara .. EJ-60. EJ-120. Mandal. Sant Gajanan Maharaj Rural Polytechnic. ME-60 CO-120.Khanapur. Solapur . CO-120. EJ-60. CO-60. Satara Pune Highway. IF-60. ME-60 AE-60.. Talegaon Dabhade (St. ME-60 AE-60. Ichalkaranji. IF-60. Dist. Belhe ( Bangarwadi). ME-60 CE-40. Taluka. Pune. Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic.No. 412 410. At & Post.Malshiras. 416 121. IF-60. EE-60. Hadapsar.. 416 503.Kolhapur. EJ-60. ME-120. At. 46 D6193 994 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . At & Post Vathar Taraf. 39. EJ-120. C/o. ME-120 CO-60. Dist.b. ME-60 . TX-60. ME-120 CO-60.D6021 21 22 23 24 25 D6021 D6048 D6003 D6015 D6030 148 1086 363 441 508 523 Sri. Pune.413224 Nutan Maharashtra Vidya Polytechnic.AE-60 43 44 45 D6191 D6185 D6195 991 992 993 CM-60. 72. Soregaon . EJ-60.CO-60. EJ-120. CO-60. No. EJ-60. EJ-60. ME-60 . IF-60. Kagal. EJ-60. 415 001 Y. IF-60. TalukaGadhinglaj. s Polytechnic. KOLHAPUR SANDIPANI CHARITABLE TRUST.CO-60.EX-60 CE-60. Pune. Gopalpur. SHIVAJI POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE.EJ-60. Sharadchandra Pawar Institute Of Engineerinrg & Technology. 413 106. EJ-60. ME-60 CO-60.ME-60 CE-60.EE-60.CO-60. SANGOLA SHRIRAM EDUCATION SOCEITY'S SHIVAJI POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. ME-120 CO-60. Dist. SHIVAJIRAO DESAI COLLEGE OF POLYTECHNIC.. Off.CO-60. Khanapur.CE-60 CE-60. Karmayogi Polytechnic College. Chhabada Institute Of Engg & Tech.EX-60.EJ-60. ME-90 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 D6060 D6198 D6210 D6211 D6212 D6213 D6214 D6215 D6216 1074 1110 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 CO-60.EJ-60.CO-60.EJ-60. EJ-60.IF-60.EE-60.Pune.. Junner. 411 042. ME-60. TalukaMaval.ME-60 CE-60. Pimpalwadi. VENKATESHWARA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA'S NANASAHEB MAHADIK POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE.ME-60 CE-60. ME-60 AE-60. EJ-60. IF-60. EJ-60.s College of Engineering.Y.EJ-60.CO-60.s A. IF-60. 413 304. Taluka. ME-60.ME-60.Late N.ME-60 CO-60.ME-60.ME-60 CE-60.47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 D6196 D6199 D6202 D6203 D6189 D6200 D6194 D6207 995 996 1052 1053 1054 1055 1071 1073 Shanti Education Society. Satara Shri.EJ-60.CO-60. INDAPUR Sau.AE-60.CO-60. Dist. ATPADI. .IF-60. 410 502.CO-60. GopalpurRanjani Road. Shri Sai Charitable Trust. PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & POLYTECHNIC. Taluka. EJ-60.ME-60 75 76 77 78 D6228 D6229 D6230 D6231 1223 1224 1225 1226 CE-60.EJ-60. WALWA Vidyavardhini Educational Academy's Vidyavardhini Institute of Technology. Swami Vivekananda Institute Of Technology.EE-60.EJ-60.CO-60 CE-60. Junner Palvi Shaikshanik Samajik Krida Va Sheti Vikas Sanstha. Satara Swami Vivekananda Shikshan Sanstha. GAURIHAR POLYTECHNIC. At. Shri Vithal Education & Research Institute. SVSMD'S POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. Dist. Dashrath Raoji Kakade Rural Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic).s Indira Institute of Engineering. EX-60. CM-60. B. VITTHAL PATIL PAOLYTECHNIC. PATIL POLYTECHNIC. Dist.Rui. Dist. SEGAON DATTAKALA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA'S DATTAKALA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Satara Panchkroshi Shikshan Mandal's Suryadaya Institute Of Engineering & Polytechnic. Shivneri Polytechnic.EJ-60. AE-60 CO-60. ME-60.EE-60.EX-60. IF-60.D.IF-60. Indapur. SHRI VATAVRUKSHA SWAMI MAHARAJ DEVASTHAN'S. Devibai Narayandas Chhabada Rural Education Soceity.North Solapur.Solapur.Pune.ME-60 CE-60.EJ-60.CO-60.Tal. 413 304.ME-60 64 65 66 D6217 D6218 D6219 1212 1213 1214 EJ-60. Sr.EE-60. Sadashivgad.EE-60.CO-60.ME-60 CO-60.Pune. Shantiniketan Polytechnic College.ME-60 CE-60.Bhudargad RAMKRISHNA TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCEITY.Solapur. Sinhgad Panshet Road.CO-60.S. IF-60.ME-60 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 D6220 D6221 D6222 D6223 D6224 D6225 D6226 D6227 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 CE-60. 412 412. Pratapnagar.Junner. Patil Polytechnic Institute. Solapur SHREE SANTKRUPA SHIKSHAN SANSTHA.EX-60. SHREE SANTKRUPA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. Vidyanagari.CO-60. Bapuji Salunkhe Institute Of Engineering & Technology Swami Vivekananda Pratisthan. S. CM-60.IF-60. SANGLI BALASAHEB DESAI FOUNDATION.EJ-60. Solapur CO-60.EE-60. Bhalchandra Polytechnic.GAT NO. Pandharpur. EJ-60.Khed. IF-60. Pal..IF-60. ME-60 CO-60.AE-60 CE-60. KARAD GAURISHANKAR EDUCATION & CHARITABLE TRUST.EJ-60.CM-60. Sasure (Vairag).. D. Vidya Pratishsthan. Pandharpur. Dist. Sikhago Hills.IF-60. 413 003. Shri Pandurang Pratishsthan Pandharpur.ME-60 CE-60. IF-30. Dist. P.EJ-60. Mahagaon.EJ-60.EJ-60. 124 & 126.Solapur.Solapur.ME-60 IF-60..CO-60.EX-60 CE-60. Pune. Survey No. EJ-60. EJ-60.CE-60 CO-60. Sugar Factory. No. Shantiniketan. Sangli. Dr. 416 416.IF-60.EJ-60. M.437/1. No.EJ-60. MIRAJ Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal.Ambi. Soregaon.CE60.EJ-60.DAUND Mokashi Krishi Vikas Prasisthan's Dadasaheb Mokashi Polytechnic. TalukaBarshi.IF-60. ME-60. AE-60. IF-60. JADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SHRI UMAJIRAO SANAMADIKAR MEDICAL FOUNDATION'S SIDDHARATH POLYTECHNIC. 410 506 Late Hon.EJ-60. Talegaon Dabhade.B.1911. 413 402. Siddheshwar Women Polytechnic. Solapur D. SATARA RAJARSHI SHAHU SHIKSHAN SANSTHA. 54.CE-60 CE-60. B.CO-60. ME-120 CO-60. AKKALKOT SHRI..DD-60 CE-60.AE-60. DOULATNAGAR SHAHAJIRAO PATIL VIKAS PRATISHTHAN. EJ-60.CO-60. IF-60.(Poly). Gorhe (Kd). Shivajiraje Disle Polytechnic Institute.Y.ME-60.EE-60 25 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses .CO-60 CE-60.ME-60 CM-60.ME-60 CE-60. Siddheshwar Deosthan. EJ-60.Shri. Patil Polytechnic. Pune . S.415603 Shivnagar Vidya Prasarak Mandal's Instt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DTE Code D3055 D3099 D6078 D6097 D6088 D6071 D6084 D6086 D6085 D6080 D6099 D6079 Instt. IE-60. No.S.412210 13 D6081 303 PH-60 26 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . SO10 1 2 D6011 D6002 6 11 Govt. Sitabai Thite College of Pharmacy.of Pharmacy.416002 Shri. Pedhambe. EJ-60. IF-60. Solapur .413004 Course/s Offered PH-120 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 Sr. Supriyatai Sule Polytechnic. Shirol-Wadi Road. No.TA-60 PH-60 PH-60 Mandar Education Society's College of Pharmacy.Chiplun. Wanless Hospital. Kolhapur . IF-60. Erandawane. . Dist. Tal Bhor.Pune . Dist.415124 Course/s Offered PH-30 PH-60 Sr. MT-40.CO-60. Taluka Baratimati. Code 217 240 242 247 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Pharmacy. Pune . Pune nagar. 415002 Mangalwar Peth. Dist. Satara - Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy . DTE Code Instt. No. Ratnagiri .79 80 D6232 D6234 1227 1425 KASEGAON EDUCATION SOCEITY'S POLYTECHNIC. A/p-Bhor. Taluka . College. Solapur . Pune Course/s Offered CE-60. Of Technology. South Shivaji Nagar. Code 226 227 230 231 235 239 243 244 246 249 252 300 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Sahyadri Shikshan Sanstha's College Of Pharmacy. ME-60 2. Kikvi (Morwadi). 1 DTE Code D6010 Instt.EN-60. Dist. Code GOVT. Sangli-Miraj Road. Kolhapur 416101 Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's College Of Pharmacy. LOHAGAON Sou. Pune ..413115 Poona District Education Ass. ME-60. J. Bypas Shirur (Ghodnadi). University Road. Malegaon. MT-60. No. Dist.Kolhapur - DR. Sangli 416416 Rajarshi Shahu Chhatrapati Institute Of Pharmacy. Ratnagiri .Balasaheb Mane Shikshan Prasarak Mandal . INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Course/s Offered CE-60. Course/s Offered PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60. Vidyanagar. Vidhyanagar. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic. EE-60. Dist. Dasara Chowk. Taluka Junner. Dist. Ratnagiri . Chiplun. Satara . CO-120.411038 Institute of Pharmacy Miraj Medical Center. 416112 Pethadgaon. Behind Hudco Colony.. Akluj. Dist.'S Satara Polytechnic Department Of Pharmacy. DD-30. MG-50 CE-60. Jaysingpur. Taluka. Pharmacy Diploma courses Sr. Pune Government Polytechnic. EE-60.412206 Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's College Of Pharmacy.ME-60 CO-60.R.415606 Sawarde. Karad.416004 College of Pharmacy. Saswad. EJ-60. Kolhapur . Nasrapur.IF-60. Dist.412411 Shri. Vijapur Road. 'C' Ward. EG30.415612 Government College Of Pharmacy. Pune CE-60.S.412301 S. Near Thiba Palace. J. No.EJ-60.Pune . Code 8 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Cusrow Wadia Instt. Air Port Rd. Kolhapur Sr. Code 13 151 GOVT. 2968.413101 Vishal Junnar Seva Mandal's Institute Of Pharmacy . CI-25. 1 2 DTE Code D3028 D6047 Instt. Jule Solapur-1. Dist. Ujalaiwadi.E. Dist. Magdum Pharmacy College. A/p-Ale.G. Miraj 416410 Kolhapur District Chemists Association's. 1 2 3 4 DTE Code D6075 D6082 D6083 D6073 Instt. Polytechnic.ME-60 Sr. Pune . ME-120. 80. A/P.. Dist. No.C.P.412411 Shri J.Khandvi. Dist Satara Anil Alias Pintu Magdum Memorial Pharmacy College.s Alard College of Pharmacy.D..14 15 16 17 D6110 D6107 D6046 D6009 603 606 607 608 M. 795. Late Dadasaheb Chavan Memorial Institute of Pharmacy. New Additional MIDC. At. of Pharmacy. No.. Kodoli Taluka-Panhala. 1539.I.G.Pune . Landewadi.411419. Taluka. Opp.416 414.Solapur- 22 D6048 613 PH-60 23 24 25 26 27 D6034 D6108 D6098 D6044 D6111 632 634 635 636 638 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 28 D6033 639 PH-60 29 D6103 646 PH-60 30 31 32 D6094 647 661 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 D6141 737 33 34 35 D6140 D6148 D6133 745 746 747 PH-60 PH-60 PH-30 36 D6134 748 Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Mandal. Patil Nagar. Educ.P.P. At. P...411033 S. No.411028.Malshiras.Satara . Solapur S. Kusgaon (BK). Pune . Sikhago Hills. S. Ltd. of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Pune .415 110. College of Pharmacy. Taluka Junner. Uran-Islampur.M's. No. G.410401 Sinhgad Tedh. 44/1. H. 413411. Phatkhal Matha. Pune . T. Pune .. D-11. P. Near Govt. Tathawade Pune Mumbai By Pass Highway.V.411001 Dr. Milk Scheme Miraj 416410.S. 60-61.Jawalwadi. Opp. Dist. 103.Pune . 438. Dist.410504 Dumbarwadi.415004 Gouri \shankar Education Society's College of Pharmacy. of Pharmacy. At & Post . Alard Charitable Trust. M. Wanless Wadi. Taluka & Dist..Solapur .B. At. Satara .s Institute of Pharmacy. Hadapsar.Satara. Dharangutti. College of Pharmacy. Near Datta Mandir. Karad. Miraj. D. Medha. Chinchwad. Soci. 50. Sojar College of Pharmacy. D. Dist.411 014. TalukaKhanapur. Telco Road..Sangli.P. Tower.Kolhapur 416114 Samarth Education Trust's Sawarkar Pharmacy College. Dist. Behind Spicer India Ltd. Y .411027. S. Sinhgad Instt.Sangli. Satara . Pune . Dist. Taluka. 58.S. At/Post. Instt. Marunje.Walva.S. B. S.. Lonavala. 106/B. A.T. Taluka. Panshet Rd. A/P.. Karnik Nagar.s Institute of Pharmacy. O. 309 & 310. No.Mandal's Shri Fatechand Jain College of Pharmacy. Post: Ale.Barshi.E. Kharadi.S.413 113. PH-60 37 38 39 40 41 D6131 D6135 D6073 749 750 751 752 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 27 D6129 753 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Patil Institute of Pharmacy. Y. Post-Medha. of Pharmacy (Dip. Loknete Hanmantrao Patil College of Pharmacy. Taluka.P.411042 MCE Society's Instt. PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 18 19 20 21 D6043 D6109 D6042 D6079 609 610 611 612 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 Shri Y. S. Phase ii. Pune . Vita. Sinhgad College of Pharmacy.. 15/2 A /I /1.415004 V. D. P. Patil Instt. Amphenol Co. Vadgaon (BK). Dist Sangli College of Pharmacy. Dist. Pune411039.s Diploma in Pharmacy. Azam Campus. A/180. Pune . Mayani. Sant Tukaramnagar. Bhavani Nagar. Tal: Khatav.M Mumbai's Instt. Behind Zensar I. M. S.Junner. Satara 415102 J. Pimpri.Paniv. Sr. Shri Ambabai Talim Sanstha.415 311.M's Jayawant Instt. Budhgaonkar Malam. Kolhapur RMP's Bhalchandra Instt. Pune . At & Post. Jaitapur. Post-Khamundi. Jaywantrao Sawant Institute of Pharmacy.411018 Gourishankar Education Society's College of Pharmacy. Degaon. Dist. Of Pharmacy. S. At.of Pharmacy. No. V. Dist. Bhosari.J. P. S.). Dist. M. Pune .Sangli. Poona District Education Ass. Dist.415004 Onkar Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha's Sanchalit PGDMLT College. Sangli-Miraj Road. Handewadi Road. Gorhe (Khurd). D. P. Otur. Pune 411041 Shri Sharachandra Pawar Instt of Pharmacy. Dr. P.. Of Pharmacy for Women.. Shaniwar Peth. Gulabrao Patil College of Pharmacy. Vasole Phata. Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park. NIGDI. Kolhapur . B. Lokseva College of Pharmacy.411 041. Pethvadgaon. 816. Bahirat Patil Chowk. Phulgaon. Taluka. Satara .. Banzer Road. Taluka. Haveli.416 503. College of Pharmacy. At & Post. Late Narayandas Bhawandas Chhabada Institute of Diploma Pharmacy. Dist. At & Post. Dist. Kolhapur. Near S. Hanuman Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Pharmacy College. No. At & Post. . Taluka. Dist.Satara .. Walva. Stand.412 109. Pune .Satara Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy. Taluka.s College of Pharmacy.Karad.411 016 Course/s Offered 1 D6023 437 HM-60 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 28 . Code GOVT. Deccan Gymkhana..415 111. Dist. Code 436 GOVT.410 502 Abhinav Education society.Junner. Pune .Haveli.Kolhapur Krishna College of Pharmacy.S DIPLOMA IN PHARMACY INSTITUTE. P.Pune . Tal. Warnanagar.Narhe. INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Maharashtra State Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology. DTE Code Instt. Shree Santkrupa Shikshan Sanstha's College of Pharmacy. At & Post. 1 DTE Code D6049 Instt. Gopalpur.. At.. Road.s Technical Institute. 54.E.412 216.. Paltan.Khanapur. PH-60 PH-60 45 D6126 757 PH-60 46 47 D6128 D6116 758 759 PH-60 PH-60 48 49 50 D6138 D6139 D6143 760 761 762 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 51 52 53 54 D6057 D3170 D6058 D6144 763 764 766 847 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 55 56 D6169 850 852 Sou. Dist. Society. Dist. Course/s Offered SC-40. Dist. Site Chinchwadi. Pimpri. Venutai Chavan Pharmacy College.s College of Pharmacy.Karad.415 110.Sudumbare. Pin.IT-60 Sr.Jaoli. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) D.413 304. Krishna Hospital Campus. Dist.Satara . Post Box No. At & Post. No. Pune. At & Post-Ghogaon ( Shivaji Nagar). Sr. Pride Plaza. Shivneri Institute of Pharmacy. Dist. Pune. No. Raigaon. Shivaji Nagar. Taluka.Satara.Mahagaon. Survey No. Other Diploma courses Sr.Gadhinglaj. Dist.42 D6132 754 Shri Vithal Education & Research Institute.Pune .Karad. No.. Taluka. No. Shri Pushpasen Sawant College of Diploma in Pharmacy. Gopalpur-Ranjani PH-60 43 44 D6124 D6142 755 756 Sant Gajanan Maharaj Rural Pharmacy College. Dist. 23/2/3. Taluka.200/1B.415 110. Pandharpur.Digas. At.Malkapur. PH-60 PH-60 3. BMC Road. 259..Sindhudurg-416 521.. Siddhant College of Pharmacy..F.. Sr.415523 SHRI ANGARSIDDHA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL. Dist.Kudal. 1st Floor. Off Pune Nagar Road. Gat No. Taluka.Wathar. 6. P. 536.411038 ATS's Instt.411 052 Sinhgad Institute of Interior Design & Decoration. Chinchwad.411030 OMKAR COMPUTER INSTITUTE SATARA K. Of Tech. Opp. N. LT-60 CP-60 LT-30 ID-120. 111. Pune . 219. 11. Pune . Ratnagiri. Dist Pune . Pune .'s Institute of Rural. Sant Tukaram Nagar. Course/s Offered ID-40 CY-60. Budhgaon. IO-30 DD-40.411041 Karvenagar. 302/ A.. Pune . Kothrud.Office. DI-20.Naralkar Instt. Of Electronic & Computer Engg. Dietetics. Erandwane. Opp. TA-30 DM-40. Near R..& Res. M.S. Mahadeo Ananda Patil PGDMLT College. & Management. Beauty College of Beauty. Pune Nashik Road. Vocational Training Instt. Shivaji Nagar. Satara .B.S.411027 M. Pune . for Women.411002 Bharat Ratna Tech. T. Pune . IR-30. DI-30 PB-30. S. 124. Dist. Computer Academy. 760. College Compus. Deemed University Poona College Of Pharmacy. (Khed). Pune . Kolhapur . Near kanya shala.411030 SES Singhagad College of Pharmacy. MIDC Pimpri Industrial Area.Of Career Devp. Dist. Sinhgad Raod. Kolhapur Everest Instt.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED SHORT TERM DIPLOMA COURSES Sr.P. Pune . Eashkrupa. Bagirao Rd.R.O.S. Pune-411030 Shri Vitthalrao Joshi Chairtable Trust's BKL Walawalkar Hospital & Research Centre. P. Mandal's Institute of Management & Commerce. CP-60 CP-60 CP-60 CP-60 CP-60 CP-60 CP-60 IT-60 ID-80. Satara . Kolhapur Bhavana Educ.G. Safety & Security Management.RS-20 LT-40 LT-30 P. Mitra Mandal's School of Interior Design & Decoration. 255/2. A/180. Professkional instt of Tech. Pratishan's Instt. Nagar. 44/1. Bund Garden Road. Tata Johnson Contols Ltd.T & LT-30. Shaniwar peth. Pune Deendayal Instt of Design & Applied Arts.N.HD-20.D. Pune KASEGAON EDUCATION SOCEITY KUSUMTAI RAJARAMBAPU PATIL KANYA MAHAVIDYALAYA ISLAMPUR J. Phaltan. High School. Kenedy Road.E. 7/16. Shukrawar Peth. TU-40. N. 1359. Hinjawadi Village.411030 Saijyot Computer Acadamy.411018 Sri. Anjuman-I-Islam's Girls Polytechnic. Vadgaon Budruk. Opp.IT-60 BH-20 LT-30. Rajni class.Bhavana School of Interior Design & Decoration.415002 705. Vijaynagar Colony. No. ID-60. 2074. Paud Road. Dervan. P. Datta. R. Centre.Kolhapur. C-Block. 25. Opp. Pune .Miraj. Rajgurunagar.T. Pune .. Savitribai Phule Womens Polytechnic.415002 D.411001 Audyogik Shikshan Institute of Business Managment.411308 All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's . Dist. Beautic Educational Trust. Taluka. Deccan Gymkhana.& Research. HC-60. IO-40 DM-40. Sadashiv Peth. Off Deccan Technology Training Institute. TU-30 ID-30 LT-30 ID-30 SEF'S Pune Instiute of Applied Technology.G.C. Shanwar Peth. Pune . Pimpri. Somwarpeth. Pune . D. Pushpa Apt.411004 B. H.410505 Internation Institute Of Fire Engg.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 D6117 D3171 D6177 D6156 D6160 D6161 D6004 D6029 D6112 D6150 D6157 D6159 DTE Code D6019 D6021 Instt.Sangli . Society's Mudhoji College. EX-Service Colony. At. Sadashiv Peth. Mulshi. Vadgaon. Code 137 148 221 229 232 236 251 317 319 362 427 434 435 503 532 534 573 574 580 589 590 591 604 614 615 616 617 661 662 665 666 667 668 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Padmashree Dr. Devi Chowk.416003 Phaltan Educ. Shanivar Peth. Pune. M. Opp Prabhat Talkies.L. Anil Park. Behind Urban Bank. 349..415002 M. Tarabai Park. Of Tech.Kashi Hospital.OT-20.411019 S. S.G. Women's Polytechnic. Pune . Dist.M. Gadhinglaj. No. V. FN-40 IT-50 TA-50 CP-60. C/o..K. R.Prin. Shri. Solapur Sant Gajanan Maharaj Rural Hospital & Research Center.Satara. V.Paramedical Edu.M.T. Y.IR-60 ID-40 LT-30. Karnik Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 29 . Pune . A/P. Bakul Soc. Mahagaon.411004 National Safety Organisation. No. Poud Rd. Soci.411001 M. Satara . 1st Floor. Dake Classes. Pune . & College of Engineering. Saidham.M. Society's Huzurpaga Technical Institute.416307 Onkar Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha's Sanchalit PGDMLT College. Near Wakad Police Chowki.s Arihant College of Hospitiality & Tourisum Management. E-7. Pune.Pune International Institute Of Management Training.Pune Sun Hitech And Management Development And Research Institute.AUNDH. Bibewadi. Crispins South Shivajinagar. 259.-Kolhapur-416502 Late Narayandas Bhawandas Chhabada Institute of Technology. At & Post. Appasaheb Birnale College of Architecture.VM-25. Dist. Dist. Opp. Kolhapur.( GIRLS ) INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE.Masur. KOLHAPUR VA-25.HN-60 DT-40. 111.IA-40 EB-60.VB-25. New Pune Mumbai Highway. Sou Sushila Danchand Ghodawat Udgaon Jaisingpur Mahavir Inst Of Computer Management. Rankala Chaupati.Sindhudurg.Jaoli. Dist. 3. LT-40 HO-30 LT-40 LT-40 FR-40. St. At & Post . Erandvane. 413 102. 416 520. Pune. Home.VE25.. Distictive Education Society. Shivaji Nagar. Narsing Gurunath Patil Public Trust. New Kalbhairavi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's S. Halkarni.411004 10/12. Palkar Complex. GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE. 416 212. TU-40. Timanna Niwas. EB-60 D6149 829 38 D6171 830 Arihant Education Foundation. College of Diploma Courses. Shastra Kala Vardhini Trust's Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Above Hotel Nandini. 1st Floor. ID 60 BA 60.Pune Shashwat Institute Of Business Leadership.. Br.Pune DI-60. Gadhinglaj. Pune . BC-60 BA-60. HP-40. Baramati. Plot No. Off NIBM. BS-60.411037.RaigaonTaluka. DA 60. 1353.VF-30 VH-25 VE-25.Kolhapur. Govt. BS 60 BA 60. Ed. Sangli Miraj Road. Palace Orchard. Dist. College Campus. Raigaon.VF-25. Survey No.. Trust. HN-40 IO-40. Wakad.. Meltron Building.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA COURSES 1 2 3 4 702 855 856 857 INDUSTRIAL TRAIINING INSTITUTE.s Matrix Business School. Dist. Near Hero Honda Showroom.Karad..Ratgnagiri. Pune.PUNE7 GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE. Pune. Someshwarnagar. Model Colony. Above Sahyadri Automative. of Technology.411 016. Yashwant Vidyapeeth.s Indira Diploma Technical Institute.Dapoli. Khadgaon Road.N. PDCC Band lane. Pune 411 037. Taluka. Nath Pai Institute of Computer & Technical Education. 411 033. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 D6174 D6170 851 853 938 939 985 986 997 1000 1001 ID-40 HC-60. Karve Road. 4..Chandgad. Todkar Complex. Of Hotel & Business Management.VC-25. Dist. Undri. BA-60 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 1080 1081 1229 1408 1412 1413 1424 IA-40. Rest House. V. Kharade B.VP-25 VW-30.VT-25 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 30 . Pinguli.Satara Dina Instt. Shrish Academy for Knowledge of Health Investigation. 940/2. ST-40 LT 30 CA 60. B. Gultekadi Market Yard. Indira Institute of Career Studies.IT-60 IO-40. Survey No. BS 60 BA 60. 3rd Floor.411 028. Pune .satara. At & Post. College of Fire Engineering and Safety Management. Kudal. BS-60 ID-40 ID-60. Pune Matrix Educational Foundation. A Ward.34 35 36 37 D6059 669 687 765 Apex Institute of Management. BS 60 C. Sangli Anantrao Pawar Instt. Taluka. 3. NAGPUR REGION Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 31 . Arvi. Sakoli . CH-60.444004 Janata Shikshan P. EE-60. Yavatmal . CR-60. Code 26 GOVT. CO-60. Dhamangaon Road. EJ-60. No. PP-20.N. College Road.A. Code 24 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Dr. VMV raod. CM-60. Sadar. ME60. DI40. FR-60. CM-120. Dist. No.S's Civil & Rural Engg. IE-60. IF-40. Polytechnic. INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Government Polytechnic. IF-40 (PVT). EE-30. ME-60 CM-60. Yavatmal .444603 Nagpur Polytechnic. Digdoh Hills. 1 2 3 DTE Code D1004 D1039 D4017 Instt. District. ME-60 Sr. IF-60.IF-60. EJ-60.E APPROVED DIPLOMA ENGINEERING/TECH. EX30 (PVT). Arvi Road. ME-60 4 5 D4016 D1005 76 84 6 7 D1006 D4008 D4015 90 92 107 1118 8 G.EX-60. Wardha . IF-60.T. Nagbhid Road. EE-60.EJ-60. PH-60. Punjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic. CO-60. ME60 CE-60. Gadchiroli 442605 Government Polytechnic. At Post-Indana MIDC Road. EJ-60.445001 Government Polytechnic. CE-90. Amravati. Nagpur Government Polytechnic. ET-60.442001 CO-60. Amravati . Karla Road.EE-60. Pipri. . CR-60.T. IF-60. Great Nag Road. Dhamangaon.H. EJ-60. jalamb Road. CE-60.Yavatmal 445215 Vivekanand Polytechnic. EE-60. EJ-60. IR-60. CM-60.Wardha. A.445001 Government Polytechnic. MT-30. ME-60. CO-60. CP-40. Panjabrao Deshmukh Girls Polytechnic.EJ-60. Pusad. EX90.444603 Course/s Offered AE-60. EE-60. Shivajinagar. Amravati. Shrimannarayan TantraSanthan.ME-60 CO-60. Amravati . Washim. Code 71 72 75 1115 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) LaxmiNarayan Agrawal Memo. AE-60.. EE-60.EE-60. EJ-60.EE-60. ME-60 CE-60. Deoorwada Road. CM-60. MS-30 AB-30. 1 DTE Code D4004 Instt. Polytechnic. Women's Residential Polytechnic. Hingana Road. Gondia Course/s Offered CE-60. COURSES 1. EJ-120. ME-60..ME-60 r. PT-30 EJ-60 CE-60. Engineering Diploma courses Sr. ME-120 CE-60. Sandurwafa. Of Tech. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic. CE-60. ME-120. CO60 CO-60. Jaganade chowk. IF-30. IS-60. Nagpur .. Keshav Nagar. ML-60 2 D4006 25 A. MH-40 EX-60.441929 Course/s Offered CM-60. 1 DTE Code D1007 Instt. TM20 CE-90. CO-40. Dhamgaon Rd. Nagpur . IF-60.Washim .440016 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 32 .(Paradi). EE-60. ID-60. EE-60. IF-60. CO-60. Akola . Bramhapuri . Dist. EX-30. Shivaji Post Office.440009 Anjuman Polytechnic. Nagpur . Nagpur Government Polytechnic. ME-60 CE-60. EJ-60. Khamgaon 444303 Govt. ME60 CE-60. ME-60 MS-40. Gadge Nagar. Sadar Bazar. Govt. Mandal's Polytechnic. Shivaji Nagar. CH-40. EJ-120. Akola Government Polytechnic. ET-60.441802 Government Polytechnic. Dhamangaon Rly. IF-60. EJ-60. EJ-60.C. Sadar Bazar. CO-60. No. Sita Saongi. Nagpur . IF-40. St. Raisoni Polytechnic. EJ-60.444603 Course/s Offered CO-30. EE-60. (Khed). CO-30 (PVT). IF-60. No. AE-60. IF-30. Murtizapur.IF-60. PK-30. Inst. S. EJ-60 CO-60. DV-60 AE-60. G.444505 Government Polytechnic.444709 Dr. MS-40. ME60. ME-60. New Nandanvan. EJ-60.I.440001 Shri Tirupati Tantra Niketan.IF-60. CM-60. EE-60. PP-30 2 D1003 23 Sr.441206 Government Polytechnic. DD-60. CE-30. CH-60. .S. ME-60 CE-60. ME-60. Risod Road. EJ-60. ME-120 CM-60. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DTE Code D1001 D1002 D4004 D1009 D4005 D4003 D4002 D4001 D1012 D1098 D4248 Instt. Code 21 22 26 31 91 119 121 132 135 1241 1242 GOVT. Mouda.CO-60. IT-60 CM-30. ME60. Central India Institute of Polytechnic. EJ-45. IF-60. Near Porwal College. ME60 CE-60. 13 D4007 127 14 D4013 133 15 16 17 18 19 20 D4076 138 1116 Shri Sai Polytechnic. CM-60.EJ-60. Kamptee Shri.Amravati. Nagpur . . Mouze Koli. EJ-60. Chandrapur Shankarrao Dhawad Polytechnic.EE-60. EE-60. New Kamptee. CO-60. EJ-60.Bhandara. EX-60.CM-60. ME-60.Hingna. Nagpur. Khasara No. EE-60. IF-60. IF-45.444701 Nagar Parishad Polytechnic. CM-60.Bhillewada. Wardha. R.9 D4011 109 Chandrapur Polytechic. Dist.441 203 Shri Krushnarao Pandav Polytechnic. No. ME-60.ME-60 CE-60. 5. ME60 CO-60.IF-60. Pote (Patil) Education & Welfare Trust.Bahadgaon. PR-60. Chandrapur .ET-60 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 33 . Taluka & Dist. IF-60. EX45.EJ-60. Anjangaon Bari Road.EJ-60. Nagpur . Sultanpur. EJ-60. EX-60. EX-60.440009 AE-40. EE-60. At & Post. Maa Vaishnavi Polytechnic. IF-60. Rajiv Nagar. Shri Datta Meghe Polytechnic. ME-60 CM-120.IF-60.Amravati D4009 D4012 D4072 D4025 D4151 139 143 695 700 924 CM-30.440025 Priyadarshani Polytechnic.CO-60. EJ-60. DD-60.EX-60. Umrer. Buldhana P. Paratwadam. CE-30. Pote Institute Of Polytechnic & Technology.EJ-60. Raisoni Polytechnic. At. N. Distt.Nagpur.CO-60. EX-60. IF-60. EE-60 CE-30. Distt. Dr. Godhani Rly. Balaji Polytechnic. IF-60 22 D4234 1027 CM-60. Badnera .Bhankhed (Bu). CO-60 CO-45. ME-120. EE-60. Datta Meghe Polytechnic.IF-40. Wanadongri Taluka.CO-60. E2-F3. IF-40.442402 Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society's Polytechnic. CO-60. CO-60. Hotel Kundan Plaza. ME-60.CM-60.ME-60 32 D1013 1183 CM-60. ME60. Nagpur-440009 Agnihori School of Technology. Balaji Ward. Survey No. IF-30. Post Ghoturli. Shri Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic.EJ-60. CH-60. ET-120. Dist. MS-30 CM-60. Lahoti Polytechnic. 846.. Amravati – 444805 Kamptee Polytechnic. Wardha Road. 442001 Om Polytechnic. ME-60 EX-60. Near Umred Road.Buldhana Shri. CM-120. EJ-60. IF-60. Atrey Layout. EJ-60.CO-60. CO-60. 444 904. H. Karanja. CM-60. 440 011. Backward Class Youth Relief Committee's Umrer Polytechnic. CE-30. . IF-60. IF-60. EX-60. EX-60. Wardha. 21. Amravati Polytechnic College. CO-60. Mauda The Shriram Gramvikas Shikshan Sanstha. CM-60. 12 D4014 126 1117 CE-30. Sai Polytechnic.ME-60 30 D1099 1181 CE-60. CE-60. EX-60.. Near Porwal College.Nagpur Baburaoji Tidke Polytechnic. Opp. EX-60. EJ-60. New Nandanwan. Sawangi Meghe. R . EE-30. Trimurti Chowk. Nehru Gruond Achalpur Campus.Yavatmal Chaitanya Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha's. Nagpur Late Ahilyabai Kakade Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. CM-60.EE-60. EJ-60. EJ-60.IF-60. IF-60 26 27 28 D4247 D4247 1114 1129 1129 CE-60. Nagpur .EJ-60. ML-60 ME-60 EX-60. Amravati Adarsha Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. IF-60. Anjangaon. EJ-60. Taluka & Dist.EJ-40. 248/3.EJ-60. ME-60 10 D1010 114 11 D1011 115 AE-30. Dist. Near Water Tank.Yavatmal Rambhauji Lingade Polytechnic College. EE-60. IF-60. ME120 CO-60. EJ-60. ME-60. IE-60.R. MS-30. 78 PH No. 73. IF-60 23 24 D1052 D4255 1034 1058 CO-60. EJ-60. EE-60. Nagpur Late Vasantdada Polytechnic. EE-60. EJ-60. Nagpur Road. EJ-60. G. P. 72. 444 105. At. Near Fish Market. ME-60 25 1068 CO-60. Bapuji Wadi Ramnagar. ME-60 IF-60. Wani.EX-60 34 D1015 1185 CE-60. ME-45 29 D1118 1180 CE-60.EX-60 31 D1112 1182 CE-60. New Nandanwan. Baburaoji Tidake Polytechnic. ME-60 21 D4235 1026 CM-60. Balaji Patil Chopane Samajik & Shaikshanik Sanstha.ME-60 33 D1114 1184 CE-60. Washim. Pharmacy Diploma courses Sr. Asthi. Shushganga Polytechnic. Nagpur Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's Agnihotri Polytechnic.CM-60.CM-60. Drugdhamna.ME-60 CE-60.ME-60 39 D4282 1190 CM-60. Talegaon.Patil Instittute Of Polytechnic.EN-60. Course/s Offered Sr. DD-60 53 D4296 1204 Late Madhukarrao Deshmukh Education Soceity's Avdhoot Diploma College Of Engineering. Nagpur SHRI NIRMALADEVI EDUCATION SOCEITY'S SONATAI PANDAV POLYTEHNIC.ME-60 40 D4283 1191 CE-60.EX-60.EE-60. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic.EX-60. C.EJ-60.ME-60 42 D4285 1193 CM-60.444002 PH-60 Course/s Offered Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 34 . Yeotmal Swavalambi Shikshan Sanstha. Butibori. No.444603 PH-60.EX-60 CE-60.S.ME-60 38 D4281 1189 CE-60. Rajshree Mulak Polytechnic For Women.ME-60 CM-60.EE-60. Gadge Nagar. Akola . NAGPUR Shri Sachhidananda Shikshan Sanstha's Bhauraoji Taywade Polytechnic.CM-60. Nagpur Gopal Education Soceity's Mukundrao Pannase Polytechnic. Bhandara Jaideo Education Society.ME-60 47 48 49 50 51 D4290 D4291 D4292 D4293 D4294 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 CE-60.EJ-60.EE-60 2. ME-60 CO-60. Nagpur Maratha Shikshan Sanstha's P.35 36 D1016 D1117 1186 1187 Vidarbha Rural Reconstruction Foundation.EJ-60. Wardha Krushna Sahayogi Tantra Shikshan Sanstha. Nagpur CE-60. WARORA Sant Tukdoji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Sai Taj Polytechnic.IF-60. PARADSINGA Bhausaheb Mulak Charitable Trust's Bhausaheb Mulak Polytechnic. Polytechnic. ME-60 52 D4295 1203 CM-60. Bhandara MATA MAHAKALI BAHUUDDESHIYA SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL'S MATA MAHAKALI POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. Bhandara Late Shri Laxmaji Motghare Chritable Trust's Dr. Besa. Arun Motghare Polytechnic.EE-60.R.EJ-60.EJ-60. Shivaji Post Office. Deori.EE-60.ET-60.EJ-60.EJ-60.CM-60.CO-60.CO-60.CO-60.EE-60.EJ-60. Rajesh Kumar Wadhwani Polytechnic Institute Konghara. Khandala.IF-60. Risama. Code 23 GOVT.EJ-60.CO-60.EX-60. Nagpur Laxmanrao Mankar College Of Polytechnic.CO-60. Amravati .EE-60 43 D4286 1194 CE-60. Institute Of Technology. Code 255 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Geetadevi Khandelwal Polytechnic Institute of Pharmacy. Wardha Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha'sm Smt.EX-60 41 D4284 1192 CE-60. Bhojapur CO-60.CO-60. ET-60. Ej-60.CM-60. Nagpur NIT Polytechnic. 2 DTE Code D1003 Instt.EJ-60.ME-60 44 D4289 1194 CM-60. Dabki Road.ME-60 CM-60.CO-60.EE-60. VMV raod.IF-60. Godbole Plots. No. EX-60. Mauza Mondha Backward Class Comittee's Smt.EJ-60. Mouza.EJ-60. J. IF-60.EE-60 46 D4288 1196 CE-60. Sindhi (Meghe).EX-60.EJ-60.ME-60 45 D4287 1195 CE-60. Kosara-Konda.ME-60 37 D4280 1188 CS-60.EJ-60. Radhikatai Pandav Polytechnic.D.EX-60.CO-60.EJ-60. Wani DHARAMPETH EDUCATION SOCEITY'S DHARAMPETH POLYTECHNIC.EX-60. 1 DTE Code D1014 Instt. EX-60.IF-60. s. Bhoyar Institute of Pharmacy. Nagpur V. K. Laxmanrao Mankar Institute of Pharmacy.. Dist. Shri Babasaheb Gharfalkar College of Pharmacy. Nagpur 440026 Shri.S. Behind New Arts College. Maregaon . Lokmanya Tilak College Camous. Anuradha Nagar.445204 Institute Of Pharmacy Lokmanya Tilak.Nagpur-Koradi-Nagpur PH-60 11 499 Pharmacy College. Wardha Mouja -Zingabai Takli . PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 16 D4060 648 Anurag College of Pharmacy. Chouganphata. Wani. Central India Instt.. Chandrapur . Gondia.& G. Nagpur .V.ChandrapurDwarka Institute of Pharmacy.Gondia Sudhakarrao Naik Institute of Pharmacy.2 3 4 D4034 D4048 D4035 262 265 268 Institute of Diploma In Pharmacy.S. Pulgaon.Yavatmal-Wardha-Yawatmal PH-60 12 13 14 15 D4040 D4041 D1036 D4051 517 518 640 641 Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Pharmacy. Mouza Nalwadi. Amravati PH-60 Course/s Offered 2 D4038 264 Gurunanak Technical Institute Diploma In Pharmacy.443201 Navsanjivan Shikshan Mandals College Pharmacy. A/p. Dist. S. Code 258 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Vidyabharti College Of Pharmacy.445304 Anuradha College Of Pharmacy. Gandhani Rd. Wanadogri Hingna Road. Tumsar Rd.K. A/p-Amgaon.442001 Institute Of Diploma In Pharmacy. College. M. PH-60 17 D4059 649 PH-60 18 19 20 D4058 D4056 D4121 650 652 653 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 M. G. B. Dist. NARI. Yavatmal .442401 Shastri Nagar. Gadge Nagar. C.B. Near Kamgar Nagar. Buldhana . .442 302. Dist.441110 Smt.441302 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 Sr. Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy. 1 DTE Code D1031 Instt. PH-60 3 4 D4258 D1017 267 285 PH-60 PH-60 5 D1018 286 PH-60 6 D1019 287 PH-60 7 D1032 299 PH-60 8 D1021 301 PH-60 9 D4039 312 S. Malvihir. Buldhana.445304 Shri. Naidu Marg 444602 Camp.P.441002 PH-60 10 496 Ravi Institute OF Diploma In Pharmacy. Mul Road. Armori Road.441905 BCYRC'S Instt of Diploma In Pharmacy. Nagpur Agnihotri Institute of Pharmacy. R. Institute of Diploma In Pharmacy. Station New kamptee. 846. Digras. Batchelor Road.440009 Ishwar Deshmukh Institute of Pharmacy. Sakoli.. Great Nag Rd. No. Post-Katol. Dist.. Nagpur .Dist.Wardha.. Sindhi (Meghe ). Dist Bhandara . Wardha . Bramhapuri. New Nandanvan.442 001.D. Sakegaon Road. Borgaon (Meghe). Nagzira Rd. K. Mardi Road. Warthi. Yavatmal . Engg.443 001. Chhikhali. Bajirao Karanjekar College of Pharmacy. 21 D4068 740 PH-60 22 23 24 D1041 D1043 D1040 741 743 744 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 35 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Back Of Rly. ( Betada ).445202 Ambikanagar.Pusad . Yavatmal .Yevatmal Priyadarshani Yashodhara College ofPharmacy. Wardha. 442001 Bapuji Wadi. Kusumtai Wankhede Institute of pharmacy. of Pharmacy. Dist. Station Road. S. Nagpur . Botha Road. Darwaha. Nagpur .Bhandara Dr. Maharashtra Institute of Pharmacy. Near Railway Station. Bhandara J. Institute of Pharmacy. Near Nandanvan Telephone Exchange. C. Nachangaon Road. Dist. L. 442001 Mouje Nalvndi .Nagpur . Snehal Nagar Ward No. 440010 Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology. Nagpur Wanadongri Hingna ML-60 Course/s Offered W..Koradi. Umrer. No.washim .440 024 Bhausaheb Mulak College of Diploma in Pharmacy. ED. of Hotel Management & Catering Technology.. TU-20. 272.. Dist. Hingana Road. Dist. Dist. Nagpur -. Sitabuldi Nagpur. ID-60. Gate No.Prohit Instt. Dist. 1 2 DTE Code D4092 D4028 Instt.444 506. Dist.. Muraka Course/s Offered DD-60. BC-20.DT-60 ML-30.. Akola . Code 443 447 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Institute of Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology. Chindhgad Road. ML-50 ML-40 ML-120. Dist.s Satyajeet College of Pharmacy. Umrer. Digdoh Hills.Pandav Intitute of pharmacy. Manohar Naik Instt..7. HO-60 7 674 GT-30 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 36 .H. Dist. Devri.441 901 Shri Sadgurudatta Institute of Pharmacy. 137/ 1 / 2 . H. 20. Shivshakti Pratishsthan.440016. Shri Laxmanrao Mankar College of Pharmacy. Of Pharmacy.442 907. Polytechnic Campus. GT-20 ST- Sr. Dist. Nagpur . Other Diploma courses Sr. Nagpur Government Course/s Offered HM-60 r. Sneha Mahila Vikas Sanstha. & Research Smt. FR-120. Instt of DMLT.s Institute of Pharmacy. Saoner. Abhyankar Ward.25 26 D4066 D1044 767 768 Sachhidanand Institute of Diploma in Pharmacy. Hingna Road. Amaravati Late Shri. Nagpur. ID-30. A/p. At. Mangalwari Bajar Sadar.Nagpur. Code 370 371 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Sanjiv Smruti D. Pundliknagar.Nagpur. Central Bazar Rd.443 301.Wardha . BC-60. Kuhi. Akola. No. Nagpur. DI-20. 1 2 DTE Code D4027 D4018 Instt. Near Krushi Utpanna Bazar Sangh. Wardha 442001 Shri Sai Paramedical Institute. Shri Sadhgurudeo Datta Instt of Technical Educ.. Nagpur Rd. Dist. Angewada. Amgaon. Umarkhed. Code 500 GOVT. FL-60. Gondia . CRPF PH-60 PH-60 27 D4070 769 PH-60 28 D4067 770 PH-60 29 D4077 772 PH-60 30 D4071 773 PH-60 31 D1042 774 Mahila Utkarsha Pratishsthan. (Degaon ).. Mouza Bhojapur. Chhatrapati Shivaji College of Pharmacy. layout. Kaulkhed. Dist. Taluka. Raisoni Institute of Life Science.Gondia PH-60 32 33 34 D1045 D4069 D1047 810 821 823 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 35 D1048 900 PH-60 36 37 38 D4073 D4196 D4258 901 1031 1125 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 3. Bhivpur Road. Shri Siddhivinayak College of Pharmacy..Nagpur. New Ramdas Peth.Nagpur 5 D4019 442 PN-60 6 D4043 492 HM-60. D. R.Buldhana . TECH.. Road. K. Matoshri Education Society. Mehakar.Risod.L.. Hingana Road. K. PH-60 3 D4021 576 4 D4036 496 Ravi Institute Of Diploma In Pharmacy. Opp. Dhamangaon Rly. North Ambazari Road. Pawar College of Pharmacy. Hotel Kundan Plaza.M. No.Kamptee. Warora.Chandrapur .444004.T. Of Pharmacy. G. Parsodi. Ramraoji Gawande Instt. Rizma. Ingole Institute of Printing Technology. Nagpur Shri Swami Samarth Institute Of Pharmacy. Yeotmal Shri. Dist. Great Nag Road Siraspeth. Near Dighori Naka. 1 DTE Code D4042 Instt. Chandrapur Mahila Vikas Sanstha's Orbit Technical Institute. Opp Office Police Station Kuhi.R. Koradi. 3. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Govt Ins. Taluka. K. DM-120. No. FS-30. FU-30. FR-60 DM-60. Nagpur . National Institute of Fire Engineering. Ganesh Nagar .440009 DM-30 444 Jumale Institute of Garment Technology. Nanad Traders. Nagpur Makadhokada. BC-60. Agnihotri Hub of Technical Education.S'S Shree Sainath Instt.V. Code 353 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Indian Institute of Fire Engineering. Balaji Prabhu Chowk. FS-40. LT-20. Jail Rd. Stn. Chaitanya Vidyapeeth Trust Devi Mahalxmi Paramedical college.R. Nagpur Indutai Deshmukh Instt of PGDMLT. Indira Instt of Advance Technology.'s Rashtra Sant Tukdoji regional Cancer Hosp. Nagpur Mahila Vikas Sanstha's Instt. Nagpur FR-40. 75. Old Nandanwan Layout. ID-60. A/p Selu.E.. Shankarayya Deshmukh College of Technology. Katol Road. Nagpur. IT-60. DM-60. Wardha BC-60. FR-60. Malviya Ward. Gokulpeth. C/o Arts & Science College Nachangaon Rd. IT-30. DM-120. Girnar Chowk. Wardha Near Rly . 577 S. Pune Santha’s Khamla Road Devnagar . FI-40. DTE Code D4010 1 D4023 2 D4186 3 D4115 4 D1025 5 D4061 6 576 7 D4081 8 578 9 579 10 11 D4170 592 Cancer Relif Soc. FS-40. Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha. Bhandarkar Layout.S.. Wardha Opp Arts Commerce & Science College. LT-30 499 Pataldhamal Wadhwani Pharmacy College. Thakre Bhuvan. Ramdas Peth. ID-60.S'S.. Dhamangaon Road. Chandrapur Instt of Garment Technology.B. DT-60. of Nagpur Laboratory Medicine. Talegaon Rd.T. Yavatmal. & E.440009 DM-40 Instt. FI-30. 297. Wardha. Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 37 . LT-40. Wanjari Nagar. Mahila Vikas Sanstha's Orbit Technical Institute. Balagi Sabhagruha. Hinganghat. of Advance Studies. North Bazar. Nishchaya bahuuddeshiya Gramin Vikas Sanstha. DM-120. FR-60.S'S National Instt. 8. Course/s Offered FR-30. Chandrapur Agnihotri Institute of Technology. Bypass Chowk Girad Rd. Pulgaon Maharashree Karve Ladies Education. Wardha . Near Friend's Colony. Nagpur LT-30 F. Umrer. RT-20.. Nagpur . National Highway No. Aptech Computer Educ. PH-60 446 Thakre Institute Of Fashion Technology. Karve Nagar . Girjanagar. Manewada Road. Ajani. FR-60. Shanta Kothi. 651 13 670 14 15 671 ID-30 LT-30 IA-60. Near Government Poly. of Fire Dist & Envr Mngt. Great nag Road.7. BNheind DM-30 Tukaramji Talmale College of Technology..I. ID-60. FF-30. Arvi. Gollecha Complex. Wardha D4022 12 643 DM-120.S. Arvi Instt of Advance Technology. No. Girl's School. DM-120. M 5 Vasant Nagar Nagpur .MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED SHORT TERM DIPLOMA COURSES Sr. HO-40.G.440022 DM-40 411 Mahila Institute Of Garment Technology. 575 S.442001 FL-30. 672 16 673 17 D4057 18 D4024 19 20 21 D4052 689 690 676 675 DM-120. Dist. IA-40. Devali. Mahalaxmi ID-60. Chandrapur. FR-60. Tukumb Chowk. Dist. Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . DistWardha Rajiv Gandhi Technology Institute.Chandrapur.. Wardha..Bhandara Basweshwar college of Technology.Wardha At & Post. Dist. DM-100. BC-60. BH-40. Bhadravati. Bhagini Mandal.D4084 22 691 Swa. Tadoba Road. IO-40 FR-40 DM-60 FR-60 DM-40 FR-90 DT-60 D4109 40 41 42 43 44 45 D4089 46 D4095 47 D4079 D4078 D4118 D4094 D4091 808 DM-60 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 DM-90 IA-60.of Technology. -Chandrapur Sharwani College of Fire Engg..-Wardha Ma Sherawali Mangal Karyalaya. Shankarrao Patil. Jogni Plots No. DM-60. 440024 Rajiv College of Technology. IA-60. IA-60 DM-60. 442001. Sitabuldi. DM-60. Nagpur.Buldhana Yashwant Shikshan & Bahuuddeshiya Instt.Bhidi. Wardha. Pulgaon Dist. Main Road... Wardha. Talamale Institute of advance technology. Dist. 181. C/O Shankar Agrawal.Kalmeshwar. Selu. Saraswati Institute of Advance Technology.. 60 DM-120 739 D4083 31 D4074 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 D4080 D1046 D4087 D4088 D4110 742 771 DA-60. Mul. Chikhali. Dist. Devali. Dist. Sahakari Sanstha Maryadit. Sherwane Complex. 2nd Floor.Wardha GramPanchyat Bhavan.Bhandara.Laxmidevi Goyal College of Tech. DM-120. Wardha Vidarbha Instt. Disaster & Envhyament Management. Wardha National Instt. Thenge Plot. !st Floor. 24 Old Subhedar Layout. Dist Nagpur Anuradha Dental Technology Instt. FU60. Godhani. 442 104. BC-60. 40. DM-60 FR-60.442001. Shri Sadguru Sai Institute of Technical Education. . Taluka- D4062 26 D4108 27 D3100 28 D4085 29 30 D4105 697 Naarendra Berojgar Bahuuddeshiya Seva. DV-60 775 802 803 804 805 806 807 DM-60. Vainganga Technical Instt. DT. Gurunagar. Tumsar. Old Subhedar Layout.-Nagpur Sai Intitute of Career Studies.Nagpur. BC-60.. Ground. ID-60. Behind Police DM-60. Kirantai Meghe College of Technology. Chimur. 706 Mahalakshmi Jagdamba Mahavidyalaya. Dist.Chandrapur. c/o Shri Sanjay Borikar. BC-40. Saraf Line.Bhagwan Nagar. Thakare Market. Shivnagar. Agnihotri College Campus. Of Fire. Bapuji Wadi. Nagpur. C/o Logic Computer Education. Institute of Technical Education..Chandrapur Sagar Shilp Society Rode Polytechnic. Rathi Layout.- DM-60. Zasi Rani Chowk..Bhoyar College of Technology. Ballarpur.. Dist. Nagpur. Hinganghat. IO-40 DM-60. CQ-60. Dist. Chandrapur Wadala. Wardha . Dist. Samudrapur. DA-40 699 Virbhadra Institute of advance technology. ID-60. Katol. Rode Complex. DA-60. . FR-30. Near Deofare Saw Mill. Jagadamba College. Post. Warora Dist. 692 23 D4096 24 25 696 694 Babasaheb dadange college of technology. DM-60 DM-60 38 Shri Bhimrao Bhoyar College of Technology. Dist. 738 Shri Gopichand Borikar Technical Institute. Shri Devidas Bhosar College of Technology. Wardha Shivaji Intitute of Technology.440 027 Agnihotri academy of technocat. Behind Kumbhare Sabhagruha. At. DA-40 DM-90 IA- College of Dress Designing and Manufacturing. Dist. 4 Nachagoan. Kakde Layout. Sakoli. DM-120. Bade Chowk.. L. Education. Santoshimata Colony.Washim . Dist. College of Technical Education. Prabhakar Nagar. Yavatmal Shri. Waghodhara. Of Advance Technology. Swaraj.. Rajura. DM-40 D4137 60 D4139 61 D4134 62 63 64 D4132 D1056 865 DM-60. 2. A/P. DA-60. 7. Near Grain Market..442 902 Rajiv Gandhi Technical Instt. Priyanka College of Technology. Vidarbha Instt. Bapat Hospital. S. Tal. Vijaya 60.Ralegaon. Of Technology. & Taluka. Taluka. Dist-Wardha. Dist. Wani. Jalaram Ward No. Aatharva Mahalle Instt. Of Tech. Nehru nagar. 1st Floor. Wardha Om Institute of Technology. Nagpur. Umangs Instt. Dist. DM-40 ID-60. Sindi (Rly. Wardha. ST-120 IA-40. Nagpur-440016 DM-40 863 864 DM-60... Sehe Road.M. Of Tech. Nagpur . Dr.440009 Sai Instt. 52. Wardha BC-60 877 878 879 880 DM-60 DM-60 BC-40 DM-40 39 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . G. DV-40. Of Technology. DM-60. Nagzira Road. Near Athavadi Bazar. 2nd floor.-Korpana. Bhadravati. Of Tech. Wardha-442001. Shrawane Complex.. post. Yavatmal.D. Yavatmal .-Chandrapur Wasus Instt. ID-40. Wardha. Ward No. Shivaji nagar.442 105. Dist. ID-40. Doptala . Sairam Instt. Kalamb.Chandrapur. Education.. A/P. 2. Atharva Mahalle Instt. 10. Chourasia Layout. Wrdh . Yavatmal. Amravati Swami Samarth Instt. Educatin.48 49 50 51 52 D4090 D4187 D4101 820 824 825 826 828 Swami Vivekanand Intitute of Technical Education.-Benzobagh. Washim 444505 Scholars Search Polytechnic. Near Nagar Parishad. Of Techjnology.). Dist.Seloo.. Sakoli. 2nd Floor. College. Of Engg.-Seloo. Chandrapur.. Jiavikas Instt. Sun Complex. Bihind Bus Stand Ghatanji.Korpana. Wardha . Digdoh. Vishwa Shanti Shaikshanik Sanstha's Orange City Instt. Education. Dist. BC-60. Nagpur 440004. Of Advance Technology. Of Technology. 873 68 D4158 69 874 DM-40. Dist. Durga Apartment. 213. Shirpur. Deoli. FR-60. Behind Bole Petrol Pump. Tal. Yavatmal.444105.-Chandrapur . Of Advance Technology. Ward No.G. Rajkala talkies Road. Dharampeth.442 001. Narsala. Nazil Layour. Snehal Nagar. Technology. main Road. Bade Chowk. Karanja (Lad). DM-40 D4144 67 872 DM-40. 866 DM-40 867 868 869 BC-60 DM-40 DM-40 870 65 66 D4145 871 DM-40 Nirmala Vidya Instt. Dist. And Fashion Designing. Wardha 442101 Jijau Instt. Durganagar. Near Dr. Belora. DT-60 D1055 53 54 55 D1051 D4133 858 DM-40 859 860 LT-60 DM-60 D4140 56 D1054 57 58 59 D4148 D4129 861 DI-40 862 Jagruti Instt. Hingna Road. BC-60. Wani Road.445 001 Mohanlalji Walchale P. BC-60. Main Road. Near MSEB City Office. Salod(H). Tal. Prerna Instt. College of Technical Education. FR-40 DM-40 D4128 70 71 72 73 74 D4160 D4130 D1059 875 Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Tech. Chandur Rly. Dist. Sanjiv Smruti Technical Institute. Tal.-Deoli. B6/7. A/p. Of Tech. Mahatma Gandhi College of Technical Education.442001 Matoshri Vijayatai belorkar Instt of Dress Designing & Manufacturing. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Technocraft. Palika School. Of Professional Education & Information Technology. Sindi (Railway). Main Road.T. Near Deoli Police Station. Nagpur 440010 ID-60. Education. Dist. Dighori. DA-40 BC-60 DM-40 DM-60 DM-40 DM-40 DM-60 DM-60 FR-40. DM-60 DM-60 ID-40. Chandrapur. IO-60. Chimur. Dr. PimpriMeghe. Nagpur . Dist. Mul Road. Wardha. Wardha. DM-60 DM-60 DM-40.440 022 Shri.442 902 Gangadharao Lohare Patil Instt. Educatin. Instt. Swami Vivekanand Intitute of Technology.Bhandara. Main Road. 2nd Floor. Jaiswal Layout. Dist. karanja Road. Smt. FR-60. Education. Tanaji Nagar. Bhosal School of Modern Technology. Chandrapur.-Deoli. L. IA-60. Of Innovative Design & Technology. Stn Wardha. Near Rly.442 001. indira College of Technology. Station Road.Chandrapur. Above Nagbhid Central Sahakari Bank. Adyalkar Building. Bhojapur. B. Abhudaya Vidya Prasarak Mandal's College of Dress Designing & Manufacturing. Vadner. Tukum. Karyalaya. ST-40 DM-40 DT-60 DM-60 FR-40. C/o. Pimpalgaon Road. Pin . St. Of Technology. Of Technology. Wardha. Aainchwar Building. Jawahar Nagar. Shrawane Complex. Chandrapur Sharada Shikshan & Bahuuddeshiya Sanshtha's Instt. 54. Near Gajanan Maharaj Mandir. Dist. Tal. Surendra Bajaj.). Opp. Sai Mandir. Ashti. Search College of Tech.441 906. Dist. Dist. Dist. Of Technology. NMC Complex (J. Buldhana . Pulgaon. HO-30 AM-60 DM-40. Jagannathbaba Mangal Furunagar.442001 Sindhu Instt. Tal.S. IA-40 DM-40 DM-60 DA-40 DM-60 DM-40 D4053 109 926 DM-60. Dist. Hydrabad Road. Chandrapur. Shirshi (Laveshwar). Wani. Ramabai Ambedkar Instt. Brahmapuri. Amravati. Chandrapur Anmay Tantra Shikshan Instt. Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 40 . Dist. Sindevahi. Murtijapur. Chandrapur 441 224 Ma Tuljabhavani Instt. M. Chandrapur Sureshrao Deshmukh Instt of Tech.445 001 Bodhisatva College of Technology. Dasara Chowk.442 301 Savitribai Phule College of Technology. Yavatmal. Amravati. Saraswati Shikshn Sanstha's Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology. Sevagram. College. Kosara Kodha.440 014. Balaji College of Technology. Nagpur Road. . Premashish. BC-40 DM-40 DM-60 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 D4153 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 D4177 D4164 D4169 D4183 D4166 D4165 D4162 D4179 D4141 D4168 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 919 920 921 922 923 925 906 D4123 D1060 D4167 D4159 899 903 904 905 D4142 D4154 897 898 D4152 D4138 D1049 D1057 D4136 892 893 894 895 896 Indutai Memorial Diploma in Fire Service Engg. Bhosal School of Modern Technology. Wardha . Ashiad Colony. Dist. DM-60 DM-60 DM-60. Swagat Colony. talodhi Balapur. Bhandara .. Nagpur-440027. Vidarbha Instt. Of Modern Technology. Karla Road. Sevagram Road. Dist. Nagbid..441904 Fairyland Polytechnic College. Thakare College of Beauty Culture & Fashion Designing for Womens. A/p. 203. Near Buldhana Urban Ware House. A/p. John Building.443001. Station Bhadravati. Pavner. Shubhangi Instt.Pawani. Opp.442 001. Tadoba Road. Rly. Dnyanprobodhini College of Technology. Yavatmal Mahatma Jotiba Phule College of Technology. Chalisgaonkar. Wardha 442 102 Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Tech. Sambhaji Nagar. Plot No. ID-60.442 001. Nagbhid. & Dist.Wardha Jai Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's Savitribai Phule College of Technical Education. Of Dental Technology. Dist. .75 76 77 78 79 80 D1050 D1061 D4155 D4147 D4143 D4149 D4127 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 890 891 Indrayani College of Tech. Main Road.R. Chandrapur. Opp. Yashwant College. Shivaji Chowk. Mahikali Mandir Road. Wardha . Education. DA-40. Dist. Dist. Vadner. Infront of Railway Station Lonwahi. Of Fashion Technology. Wardha . Bhandara . Hiratai Shinde Instt of Computer Technology. Bade Chowk. Bhdravati. Chandrapur. Wardha . Pin . Plot No. Of Dress Designing.T. Dhada Petrol Pump. Near Kamgar Colony. Arvi Road. Pradeep College of Advance Technology. Convent Road. Sindewahi. Education. Anandwar Chowk. Bhagwan Nagar. Chandrapur Road.R. Wardha . Plot No. Dist. Tal. . Tal.442 001 Sadguru Swami Samarth Instt. Near Mahatma Phule Primary School. Post Tal. At. 6. Mahilashram. Mangalwari Bazar.442 302. Indira Gandhi College of Advance Technology. LT-40 DM-60. Tal. Prabhadive Somnathe College of Technology. Balaji Park. Post. Chandrapur. L.T. Hinganghat.441 912 Yash Shikshan & Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha's Instt. Taluka-Arvi. C/o. Patel Nagar. & Dist. IO-40. Yavatmal . Gajanan Maharaj Bhavan. Selu. Dist. Wardha . BC-40. Eklavya College of Technology. DM-60 DM-60 DM-60. Nagapur .440 001. Dist. Jawahar Colony. Bhandara . 9. Of Dress Designing.Bhandara . Opp. 21. Tumsar. Infront of Gurdwara. Of Advance Technology. Indira Ward. T. Nagpur. College. Indutai Deshmukh Memorial Diploma in Fire Service Engg. Chintamani College of Technology. Civil Line. Dist. Dist. Jaju Hospital. Main Road. Late Maniramji Chavan Institute of Technical Education. Hari Om Plaza. 442 001. Shriramsagar Apartment. Chandrapur. Ward No. Malatitai Umathe Technical Institute. of Technical Education. IO-40 ID-40.G. Pavnoor. Nagpur Yavatmal Road. Perfact Housing Society. Hanuman ward. BC-60 DM-60. Ballarshah.. DT-40 ST-40 DM-40 IO-40 DM-40 IO-40 4262 D4217 D4215 D4197 967 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 41 . Prabhatai Deshmukh Tech. Dist.B. 930 931 933 934 936 940 941 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 956 962 963 FR-25 ID-40. Saoner.D4178 110 111 112 113 114 115 D4171 D4112 D4257 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 D1069 D4216 D4195 D4204 D1080 D4236 D4208 D4176 D4190 D4191 D4184 D4099 D4189 D4219] D4150 D4172 927 Nav Durga Shikshan Sanstha's Rajashree Shahu Maharaj College of Technocraft. Sai Darshan College of Technology. Hinganghat Road. Pusad. Samudrapur. Bhalerao.Bhandara. Wardha. Nagpur. Opp. Near Kale Petrol Pump. Vinayak Institute of Technology. Gurudeo Shankar Bhavan.. TalukaMorshi. Amravati. 442 301 Meghe Instt. 1. 442 001. Dr. C/o Nilawar Building.Chandrapur. Mahatma JYotiba Phule Technical Institute.. 442 402. Ganesh Nagar. IO-40 FR-60 FR-40 BC-60. Kharbi Road. Chandrapur Polytechnic. Yavatmal. Institute. Dist. Rajiv Gandhi Instt. Dr. 442 001. Sankalp Nagar.Amravati.V. BC-40 DM-40 IA-40 BC-40 BC-40 FR-40. Chahul Apartment. 6. Hinganghat. 442 001.wardha. Dagwar Complex. Of Fire Service Engg. BC-60 LT-40 ST-40 ID-40 DM-40. Dist. Wardha. Civil Line.Yavatmal. Beauty Plot.Kalamb. BC-40 BC-60. Kelkar wadi. Dist. R. BC-60 DM-60 DM-40. Umarsara... Mardi Road. Adarshnagar. 440 022. Amravati. At & Post. Shree Sati Anusaya Institute of Technology. Dist Nagpur. Near Amravati Vidyapeeth. Sr. Khalcha Mala. Ramala Garden Road. Instt. Taluka & Dist. C/o V. Chandrapur Dr.Wardha. Gadgebaba. DM-30. FR-40. Sahyadri Institute of Technology.Edun. BC-60. Nagpur. Acharaya Vinoba Bhave College of Technical Education. Opp. Sant Dnyaneshwar Ward. Sant Gadge Maharaj Institute of Technology. Nandanvan. Warora. Near New English High School. T. Sevagram Road. Nagpur. Dist. & Dist.Wardha-442 302. Ambadasji Lohave Patil College of Technology. Dr. Late Shri Rameshrao Bhonge College of Technical Education. C/o A. Varud. Dr. Near Bus Stand Nerpinglai. Bapat Chawl. Guruvarya College of Technical Education. Bhoyar College. TU-30 DA-60 DM-60 IO-60 DM-60. . Kushal Institute. Asha Institute of Technology. Bhojapur. Dist. Wardha. 441 107.. 442 001. 441 912. Sai Colony.s Rashtra Sant Tukadoji Maharaj instt. Pimpala-Hudeshwar. of Technology.Wardha. Nagpur. 445 001. Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology. Dist. Gadchiroli Road. Taluka. Dist.R. Anchleshwar Ward No. Centre. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Panjabrao Deshmukh Instt. Tal. Taluka. Thana(Petrol Pump)Tal. DM-60. Bhandara. Datta Road. Swaraj Institute of Technology and Management Science. Manisuman. Dist.Yavatmal. Rajapath. ID-40. C/o Haridal Hore. Dist. Sai krupa Vyavasaik Complex. of Tech. Bazar Chowk.Arvi...444 906 Revnath Chaure College. Balaji Ward. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical Academy. Wardha.Wardha. Arvi Naka. Gondia 441 614. Sevagram. IA-60 DM-60 DM-60 DM-60 DM-60. C/o.. 444 601. Balaghat Road. 442 001. I. Instt. Taluka. Kumbhare Nagar. Kuhi Police Stn. Borgaon-Meghe. National Association Physical Handicapped Tech. Nagar Bhavan. Raje Sambhaji College of Technology.E.Kuhi. Bhandara.M. F-3. Amravati. Army Road. of Diploma in 3D Animation and Graphics. 444 707. Wardha. Dist. DM-40.. Gramin Vikas Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha. Gandhinagar. Karanja Chowk. Dist. DA-40 DM-60 DM-60.Nagpur. Chandrapur. Opp. Shinde. 440 034 Balaji Institute of Technology. ID-30. IA-40 DM-60. Nagpur Road. Arvi Road. 442 401. Nagpur Rd. Chandrapur.. Rashtra Sant Tukadoji Maharaj Institute of Technology. Indutai Memorial Diploma in Fire Service Engineering and Diploma in Dental Technology. Balaji Society. Panvase Layout. Bajaj Technical Institute. At & Post. Rajendraprasad Instt. National Instt. Babasaheb Ambedkar Gramin Rugnalaya.Saoner. Siddhant Institute of Technical Education. Near Arvi Naka. . Wardha. Dubewar Layout. Tumsar.. 442 001. Hinganghat. Shree Layout. Taluka.Yavatmal. Chandrapur. Mul. Gandhinagar. of Fashion Designing & Garment Manufacturing.Ballarshah. Chandrapur. Dist. Pitesur. 442 104. Satao Institute of Technical Education. Bhosale College of Management. BC-40 DM-40. Dist.D. Poonam Institute of Technical Education. Wardha. Wardha. Taluka. 441 912.Arvi. Dist.Chandrapur.Gadchandur. Bachelor Road.Bhandara. Taluka.Devali.V. Education. 444 803. Shri Sant Gamaji Maharaj Institute of Advance Technology.Amravati. 72. Siddhant Institute of Technical Education..Chandrapur. Institute of Fire Engineering. Lokmanya Chowk. Dist. Opp. Bhanegaon.de.. Bajarang Park. 415 001. Tumsar. 444 904. Sant Gadgebaba College of Technology.. Satpuda Audhyogik Vyavasaya Sanstha. Taluka. Gurudatta College of Technology. Amravati. Selu. Walgaon.Nagpur. Nagpur Road. Near Siddharth Gautam Institute.Bhandara.. Taluka. 10. Dist. Sanjay Tompe and Kai. Kamptee. Aychwar Building. 442 402. Gram Morgaon Khorgaon.Korpana. 442 401. DA-40 DM-60 DM-40 ID-40. Katol. Ribeka Institute of Beauty Culture Technology. Wardha. Mouda.Amravati. 441 601. Gram Panchyat Campus.Tumsar. Dist. Amravati. DT-40. IO-40 BC-40. Yavatmal. Station Road.. DM-60 DM-40 DA-40 DM-40. Near Digambar Jain Mandir. Nagpur Road. Nagpur Highway Road. 444 704. Ramola Talao Road. Sameer Deshmukh College of Technology & Education.DM-40 Narmada Institute of Technology.. Wardha. Yavatmal. Sai Institute of Career Studies.S. Umarsara. Vinoba Nagar.Nagpur. Post.Nagpur. Patel Building.Wardha.Nagpur. Sagar Institute of Technical Education. Indrayani College of Tech. Murtijapur Road. Devali. Boke Mangal Karyalaya.I. Dist. Shri Suresh Deshmukh Institute of Technical Education.. IO-40 DM-40. L. HP-40 BC-40 DM-40 DA-60. ID-40 BC-40 CQ-40. Ugale. Pipri-Meghe. Naalwadi.. Umang College of Interior and Fashion. 441 302. Near I.T. 441 912. Devali Road. 442 001. ID-40. Sevagram Road. Dist. 444 709. 1. Bhim Chowk. New Nandanwan Colony. Tirupati Balaji Institute of Technology. Behind Police Station. Tumsar. Salve Colony. Dande Hospital.Kalmeshwar. Tukum. D. Navathe Nagar. At Post. Hingna.Wardha. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Institute of Advance Technology. Babhulgaon.Nagpur. Ward No.Mouda. Satao Complex. Taluka. 441 111. Dist. Sai College of Technology.. Dist. Taluka. Dist.. 442 001.Amravati. Amravati. KhaparKheda.Road. 445 001. Ward No. Dist. Yashwant Mahavidyalaya. Wirul Road. Chandur Rly. 10.Nagpur. Karla Road. Dhamangaon Rly. Gondia. IO-40 BC-40. 2. 302. C/o Gopal Mangal Karayalaya. R. TaleComplex. IO-40 IO-40 42 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses D4230 D4227 1040 1041 D4256 D4213 D4229 D4221 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 D4238 D4223 D4224 D4222 D4220 D4228 D4218 1028 1029 1030 1032 1033 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 . Bhagat College of Technical Education. Nagsen Nagar. Neha Women. 442 001. Behind T. Ward No. 442 001. Nagpur. Wardha. MIDC. Spark College of Advance Technology. Daryapur. Dist. Nagpur 440 004. Main Road.. Wardha. BC-40 HO-40. DA-40 DM-40. 442 001. BC-40 BC-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-40 FS-40.D. Shri Suresh Deshmukh Institute of Technical Education. Tukum. Mohini Nagar. Shri Ambadasji Pophali College of Technical Education. C/o Gopal Krishna Mangal Karyalaya. Shri Yashwant College of Technolopgy. Koradi. TalukaHingna. Nagpur. Dist. 1st Floor. Near Weekly Market. Shri Gajanan College of Technology. Dnyansagar Technical and Fashion Designing Institute. Bhiwapur. 441 501.s Technical Institute. Tiwasa. C/o Madhav N. Kai. 444 904. Tirupati Balaji Institute of Technology. Chandrapur.Tamaswadi. Chandur Rly. Ashirwad Institute of Advance Technology. FU-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-40 BC-40 DM-40 IO-40 BC-40 FR-40. Nara Road. Bhoyar Technical Institute. Vasupura Ward No. Taluka. IO-40 DM-40.T. Dist.Wardha. Dist. Shobha Technical Institute. Showroom. Chandrapur. Chandur Bazar. Gadchandur. Amravati. Shivaji Mahavidyalaya. Dist. Shri Rajendra Balvantrao Bhure Institute of Advance Technical Education.Saoner. PostGodhani.. Tadoba Road.147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 D4194 D4200 D4198 D4202 D4209 D4210 D4251 D4203 D4212 D4207 982 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 Mahatma Phule Technical Institute..Amravati. Near Aarati Talkies. Chandrapur. Gadchandur. Dist... Near Petrol Pump. 442 001. Ekvira College of Technology. Datta College Road. C/o Mirza Clinic. DM-40 DM-40 DM-60 DM-40.R. Orange Plaza Complex. Bharatwada Road.. 442 001. LT-30. Arvi. Chandrapur Avanti College Of Manegment.M. Nagpur. Devali Road. Buldhana Shri Niketan College of Technology. Wardha. Wardha. Chandrapur Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Maharaj Institute of Technology. Post & Taluka. Nidhi college of Fashion Technology Ramtek Late Janabai Bhutange Institute Bhandara Academy for Ethical Clinical Research Dhantoli Masne Patil Inst of Tech Amravati Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Institute Of Technology. BC-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-60.Wani.. DM-60 DM-60 DA-40 DA-40. HP-30 DA-60.Buldhana. Taluka .Wardha. Ward No. Vadsa. Taluka. Koradi Mahalaxmi Jagdamba Mahavidyalaya. Shri Gurudev College of Technocraft.Amravati Kirti College of Technology. BC-60 DM-60 IO-40 CN-40 ID-40. Rajiv Ghandi Professional Technical College. Dhapewada. DA-40 IO-100. Waranand. Dist. Jumale Institute of Fashion Technology. Nagpur.Nagpur Mahatma Phule Institute of Technology.Nagpur Babasaheb Triple College of Hotel Management & catering Technology Perfect Institute of Fashion Technology. BQ-60 43 D4243 D4244 1062 1063 1064 D4214 D4241 D4206 D4240 1065 1066 1067 1069 1091 1121 1122 1123 1124 Sukhkarta College of Technology.. 442 304. Shri Sai Polytechnic. Taluka- ID-40. Anmay Tantra Shikshan Instt. Mohtala Distt.Nagpur Bramhaputra Institute of Technology. IA-40 IO-40 HO-40 DM-60 DM-40 BC-40. Ward No.Gadchiroli.Ashti.Nagpur. 440 015.Umred. Kolba Swami College of Technical Kalmeshwar. DA-40. Ralegaon Shivraya Academic Of Technology Nandura Matoshree Instt. BC-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-40. Namdar Dr. Dist. Loktantra Institute of Technical Education. A/p.Mukutban. loktantra Institute of Technical Education.Arvi..Chandrapur D4376 1126 1127 1128 1130 D4261 D4370 D4246 D4245 1131 1132 1134 1135 1136 1137 D4254 D4242 D4233 1138 1139 1140 1141 1141 D4267 D4225 D4265 1232 1233 1234 1235 D4270 D4266 D4299 D4298 D4264 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1243 D4297 1244 1245 D4269 D4300 D4378 D4380 1246 1247 1248 1249 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses .Nagpur Ribeka Institute. Alipur. Rajendraji Shingne Technology Education Sanstha. 441 115 Modern Institute of Technical Education and Management.Nagpur. Sahakar Nagar. Viraj College Of Technology.Chandrapur Yuva Institute of Technology. BC-40 HO-30.Bela. Gurukul Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha.Wardha Smt. Dist. Post. Panchwali Park.Chandrapur Scholar Search College Of Management. Mahatma Phule Colony. 441 101. Shankarpur. Buldhana Shivani College Of Technology. DM-60 BA-60.Wardha. IA-60. CQ-40 DM-40 DM-40 GC-40. Near A. Madh. 12.. Sakoli Vashnavi Sai Shri Mahakaxmi Jagdamba Shikshan Sanstha. IO-60 DM-40. DM-40 BC-60. Distt. Buldhana Sau. Nagbhid Distt. Mahadeopura. Amravati Shri Sudhakarrao Patil College of Technology.Wardha. Arpitatai Shinde College of Technology. Dist. Dist.. 442 201. Nagpur.183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 D4232 D4260 D4231 1056 1057 1060 1061 Hutatma Rashtriya Institute of Technology. IO-60 IO-60 DM-60. Gajanan Dham. Chetna College of Technology. At & Post. Of Technical Education. IO-60 DM-60. Desaiganj.P. DA-40 ID-60.Hinganghat.Wardha Yaps College of Technology. FR-60. DA-40 DM-40.Nagpur Surtek Education Academy. Taluka. TalukaChikhali.Yavatmal. Isrul. Dist. Taluka. BA-40 ID-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-40 IO-40. Dist. DM-60. Sawngi Anuradha College Of Technology. Distt.Durgapur. Hingna. Sindhi RLY Kamal College of Technology Bhivapur.-HINGANGHAT-Wardha Mauly Prasad Institute of Technical Education. ORTUS Institute of Technical & Management Studies. IO-40 FR-40 DM-40 DM-40 DM-40.Nagpur. BS-40 DM-60 DM-60. 442 001. Education. Late Shantabai College of Technology. Dist. Buldhana Sawraj College of Technology. 16. IA-40 HP-40.C.Radhabai Pawar Institute Of Technology. 442 202. Sai Polytechnic. FB-60 DM-60 DA-60. DM-60 DM-60 ST-60.Daryapur.AmrawatiAMRAVATI-Amravati Sidhnath college of tech Edu.Vardha Diamond Technical Institute.Vardha Acharya Vinobha Bhave College of Technology.Chandrapur DA-60.Buldhana Gurukul college of technology Buldhana Dyanganga College of Tech Education .230 231 232 1250 1251 1252 1255 Shri. CZ-60 ST-40 DM-60.Bhandara Shri Samarth Balaji College of Technical Education.Gadchiroli Niranjan College Of Management. FB-60. HO-60. ST-60.Jail Road. DA-60.Vardha Maharudra College Of Technical Education Vardha Sant Kabir Inst Of Technology Vardha Mai School Of Technology. BC-60.Vardha-WardhaWardha Vardha Inst Of Technical Education.AmravatiDaryapur-Amravati Maid Space college of Animation and Designing. DM-60 BC-60.N Sarode college of Tech Hinganghat Wardha Narendra Rao Ashtankar College Wardha Narendra Rao Ashtankar . ST-40 DM-60 DM-60. DA-60 DA-60 DM-60. DM-60 DM-60. DM-60 DM-60 IO-60.Ramnagar. BH-60. BC-60 DA-60. BC-60 BC-60 DA-60. ST-60 ID-60 DM-60 DM-60 ST-60.Vardha Adarch School Of Technology. DA-60 BC-60.Talegaon Road Amrawati Jijaoo college of Comp Edu .Yelakeli. IO-60 DA-60 233 1257 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 D4320 D4348 D4306 D4367 D4301 D4373 D4325 D4326 D4336 D4340 D4331 D4363 D4347 D4343 D4334 D4346 D4345 D4395 D4358 D4369 D4358 D4339 D4327 D4337 D4268 1258 1259 1260 1263 1264 1265 1273 1274 1275 1276 1280 1281 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1294 1296 1297 1298 1299 1302 1304 1305 1306 1307 1309 1310 1314 1316 1317 1318 1320 1321 1323 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1335 1339 1340 DM-60 DA-60. DM-60 DM-40 IO-60 ID-60. HN-60 BC-60 BC-60. CZ-60 CZ-60.old Medical college Bldg.Vardha Chaganrao Bhujabal Institute Of TEchnical Education.Amrawati Amba Devi College of Technology Murtizapur Road .Vardha Yashoda College Of Technology.Vardha Acharya Vinobha Bhave Inst of Tech Education . ST-60 CZ-60.Selu..Grampanchayat Kora. ST-60 DA-60. DA-60 ST-60 DA-60.Bhandara Swa Prakash Bhau Umate Tech Institute. SU-60 DM-60 BA-60 DA-60. Swandeep Polytechnic Yavatmal Sidhivinayak Womens College Yavatmal Atharva Mahalle Inst of Tech Edu Yavatmal Late Maniramji Chavan Inst of Tech Edu Yavatmal Ruchika College of Tech Yavatmal Painganga College of Advanced Tech Bhuldhana Suvarna Institute . IO-60 ST-60.Samudrapur. BC-60 BC-60.Vardha Loktantra Inst Of Technical Education Sindi Railway Vardha Loktantra Inst Of Tech Education.Vardha Lohve Patil College Of Technology Vardha Neha Woman Technical Vardha Ketaki Institute Of Technical Education. HO-60. DM-60.Girad. DM-60.Yavaymal.Gajanan Maharaj Inst.Vardha Swa Sou Premlata Tiwari College Of Technology.Vardha Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Advance Technology. . DA-60.Vardha-Wardha-Wardha Dhanjay Technology.Pulgaon Mahatma Gandhi College Of Technical Education khargana. FR-60 HO-60. DM-60 DA-60 DA-60.Vardha Sevarth Technical Inst Vardha Sparsh College Of Technology.Buldhana P.Devli. CZ-60.D Thakre Inst of tech Wardha Sara College of Technology MenRoad Hinganghat.Chandrapur Institute of Technical Edu Lotwada. TU-60 44 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses .Bade Chauk Wardha Gandhi City Tech Edu Arvi Road Wardha-Wardha-Wardha Cellu Inst of Tech Education Wardha-Wardha-Wardha Pulgaon Inst of tech Institute Tiwari layout Wardha-Wardha-Wardha Pavnoor Inst of Technical Education Wardha-Wardha-Wardha Shree Ganesh College of Advanced Tech Wardha Kalpanatai Jachak Inst of tech Arvi Road Wardha Santh Bhojaji Maharaj College of Tech Wadner tah Wardha Lohve Patil college of Edu Sawangi Road Wardha Santh B-Hanpure Maharaj college of Tech Wardha Govindrao Bakane college of Tech Education Kangaon Wardha R. DA-60 DA-60. Daryapur. Nagpur Atalanta Inst of Technical Education. VH-25 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 45 . BC-60 CN-60 HO-60.Nagpur Narayani Technical Institute.Nagpur Dev Institute Of Technology.Chandrapur Vivekananad Institute Of Technology.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA COURSES 1 2 3 4 707 708 888 928 ITI Amravati ITI Nagpur ITI Chandrapur ITI Girls Amravati VE-30. VB-30. VF-30 VD-25. VA-30. IO-60 IO-60 DM-60 DA-60 FF-60 D4361 D4305 D4335 D4384 D4304 D4303 D4357 1352 1353 1354 1355 1358 1359 1360 1362 1364 1365 DA-60. CZ-60. DM-60 D4362 1367 1377 1380 D4317 1426 1429 C.Vardha Ekvira College of Technology Yugandhar Institute Of Technology. BC-60. ST-60 DM-60. IO-60 IA-60. HN-60.Nagpur Suman Institute of Technology. BC-60 DA-60.Chandrapur Sant Gajanan Maharaj College Of Technology.Nagpur Gurukul College Of Technology.Nagpur-NAGPUR-Nagpur Chandrakanta College Of Technology.Nagpur Shaniniketan College of Fire And Safety Engineering. VA-30. Sai College Of Information Technology. IO-40 IO-60. DA-60. IO-60 DM-60 DA-60 BC-60.Chandrapur Ad.Chandrapur Shri Samarth Balaji College of Technical Education. FN-60.Nagpur Renaisence Institute Of Technical Education.Chandrapur Shri. IA-60 DA-60.Nagpur Adarsh Technical College. CZ-60 IA-40.Vardha Priyanka College Of Technology.Chandrapur Gurukul College Of Technology. VC-30 VE-30.Yavatmal DM-60 DM-60 DM-60.Umred.Nagpur Inst Of Pharmacitical Education And Research.284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 D4375 D4374 D4319 D4382 D4385 D4383 D4329 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1348 1349 1350 Vidya Institute Of Technology. VP-30 VE-30. DM-60.Nagpur Pragati Institute Of Technical Education.Nagpur Asha Kiran Technical Institute.Dhanorkar College And Information Technology.Chandrapur Fireland College of Info Technology And Management.Nagpur-Nagpur-Nagpur Shri Ganesh College Of Advance Technology. TU-60. DA-60 DM-40 DA-60. ST-60. VB-30. AURANGABAD REGION Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 46 .4. 424005 S. Faizpur . 327. EE-60. IF60 . ME-60 CE-60. COURSES 1. P. EJ-60.413512 Government Polytechnic. K. Patil Institute of Technology (polytechnic). Post Box No. M.413531 Govt Polytechnic Hingoli-Hingoli Govt Polytechnic Hingoli-Ambad Government Polytechnic Nandurbar-Nandurbar UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) P Dr. S. T's K. IF-60. Jintur. ME-60 AE-60.425107 9 10 11 D5013 D5015 D2070 D2009 T. ET-60. Latur . Residential Womens Polytechnic.IF-60.CO-60. EJ-60. Near Nandi Stop.I. Nathapur Road. IE-30. Nhavi CE-60. IE-60. S.T. IF-60. ME-60. Baba Nagar. Shahada 425409 Sanjay Education Society's Polytechnic.IF[-60.Belwandi (Sugar). IE-40. Ahmednagar . ME-60 47 13 D5022 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) P.C.O. Veer Sawarkar Marg. EJ-60. EE-60. ME-60 AE-60. Aurangabad . Vdiyanagari Deopur. IF-60. Jalgaon . IF-60. Vishnupuri. IF-60 AE-40. Nasik -422003 Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari.EE-60ME-60 Course/s Offered CE-60. EJ-60. CM-60. CO-30. 1 2 DTE Code D2007 D5008 D5011 D2008 D2003 D2013 D2011 D2005 D5001 D2006 D2084 D2085 D2085 DTE Code D5005 D5004 Instt.ME-60 CO-60. EJ-30. No. Dist. ME-60 CE-30. ME-90.ME-60 CO-60. CO-60. CM-60. Government polytechnic. ME-60 CE-60.T. CO-60.431509 Government Polytechnic. CO-60 3 4 5 D5003 D5018 D5025 D5009 34 57 58 59 1100 60 61 1101 62 1102 63 66 69 1107 78 1103 6 7 D5009 D5010 D5012 Nagaon Education Society's Gangamai Polytechnic. IF-40. CM-120. ME-60 . PT-40 AE-60.Kopargaon. Jillha Peth Nh6. Code 16 17 18 20 32 94 118 120 130 136 1163 1162 1432 Instt. Jalgaon . Nagewadi Aurangabad Road.S.19. EE-60. PH-60 CE-60.63.ME-60. EJ-60. CM-60. 12 D2009 D5022 Gramin Polytechnic Vishnupuri. EE-60 . CE-60. ME-60. CO-60. Taluka . CO-90.423603 PSGVP Mandal's G. 6. Bhikamchand Jain Nagar Pimprala Road. S.P V V Patil Inst of Technology & Engineering Pravaranager Ahmednager Indira Gandhi Polytechnic. Dhule . CH-40. Ausa Road. EJ-60.Nanded . EJ60. CO-60. CE-60. P. EE-60. Jalgaon . Near National Highway No. EE-30.431203 Government Polytechnic. O. Dhule . Latur . EJ-60. CM-120. Box . Mahajan Polytechnic. Wagh Polytechnic. Yeldari Road. Post-Shinganapur.EJ-60. EE-60. EE-60. MT-40. Jalna . AE-60. IS-30. AE-60. At-Sahajanandnagar. ME-60 CM-60. Chaudhari Polytechnic. Satara village Road. CO-60. VIP Rd. ME-60.431606 K.414001 Govt. Jivaramnagar. P. ME-60. EE-60. EJ-60. Near KhandeshwariTemple. MU-40. CE-60. At Chopda. EJ-40. EE-60. ME-60 CE-60. EJ-60. Post Box No. EE-60. ML-30 S. 424005 8 D5012 D5013 Smt. Burudgaon Road. Engineering Diploma courses Sr. MU-40 CO-60.E APPROVED DIPLOMA ENGINEERING/TECH. IF-60.413702 S. L. CO-60. ET-60 . EJ-30. CO-60.425524 J.424005 Government Polytechnic. PG-60 CE-60. Beed 431122 Government Polytechnic. IS-60.431005. CO-60. CO-60. ME-120.413501 Government Polytechnic. Ahmednagar . E.A. DD-40. Box No. IF-60. EJ-60. CO-60. CO-60. Panchawati. ME-90.425001 Marathwada Institute Of Technology.ME-120 CO-60. EJ-60. CH-60. IF-60. Dist. CO-60. Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's Polytechnic. IF-40. Amrutdham. EE-60 CE-60. 424005 Deopur Vidyanagari. ME-60 CO-60. CE-60.Muktabai Institute Of Technology. CH-30 . EJ-60. Osmanabad . Shrigonda . ME120. Barshi Road. IS-40. PH-60 ME-40 CM-60. EJ-60. ME-60 CE-30. Panchawati.EJ-60. IE-30.Education Society's Marg. CE-60. CO-40. Wadibhokar.ID-30 CE-30. 132. Dist. Government Polytechnic. MU-30 . Tuljapur Road. Parabhani . Nagaon Dist Course/s Offered CE-60.A. ME-60. IF-60. CH-30. IE-60. ME-60 AE-90. EJ-60. CE-60. PN-40 CE-60. Nagaon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sr. EE-60 CE-30. IF-60. At Post. No. ME-60 CO-60.425002 . B. Polytechnic. CM-60. ME-60 CE-60. EX-60. ME-60. Code 30 33 GOVT. IE-60. Nanded 431602 Government Polytechnic.EX-60.M. Dhule A/p. CM-60. Taluka. ME-60 CO-60. ME-60 CE-15. ME-60 CO-60. Polytechnic.431133 CE-60. Sangamner Medical Foundation & Research Instt. Dist. EJ-60. IE-30. CO-60. CO-90. Latur Dist Shree H. Dist. EJ-60.423101 Amrutvahini Polytechnic. ME-120 CM-60. ME-60 CM-60. CM-60. ME-60 ID-30 CM-60.. Taluka. ME-60 CO-60. DE-60 . ME-120 CO-60. Post. CE-60. 336 & 334/3. Almala.No.H. EE-60. IF-60. CE-60 CM-60. Sou. ME-60.H. Nashik Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. Sitaram Mundada Polytechnic.B.Aurangabad. Taluka & Dist. Jalgaon . 13 M. Diploma in Engineering & Technology.D5020 14 D5020 D5006 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 D5006 D2030 D5021 D5029 D5028 D5023 D5016 D5024 D5027 D2060 D5086 25 26 D5024 D2047 79 1104 80 1105 88 99 366 369 502 509 530 583 627 776 1106 777 Mumbai Education Trust. EJ-60. Bhaygaon Road. 1071. Dist. ME-60. IF-60. ME-60. ME-60 AE-60.Hingoli. EJ-60. IF-60.Ausa.Vasmat.Rohanwadi. CO-60. Amrut Dham. Shrisoli Road. Dist.Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic. Diploma in Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic) Institute. EJ-60 40 41 42 43 D2079 D2083 1098 1119 1142 CO-60.Box 113. Nasik . Dist.425002 Shri. Dist. EJ-60. Panchawati.Nasik.422007 S. IF-60 CM-60.Latur.'s Vamanraon Ithape Engg. CO-60. Kinwat.V. Malegaon 423105 Jamia Polytechnic.422608 T . Gat No. At Ambejogai. Kothari (Chi).S. Shantidevi Chavan Institute of Engineering & Technology Polytechnic Survey No.CO-60. CO-60.S.s Institute of Technology. EJ-60. 431 005 Dharati Janaseva Pratishsthan.s Diploma in Engineering Technology Institute. Get No 56.S.EJ-60. ME-90. EE-60. Gevrai Tanda.B. EE-40. K. EJ-60 28 29 30 31 32 33 D5098 D2066 D2081 D2065 D5045 D2069 917 942 958 959 1002 1003 CM-60. D-24. Semeins Colony.Adgaon. IF-60. Bhujbal Knowledge City. ME-60.Beed M. IF-40. M. IF-60. IF-60. ET-30. P. ME-60 CM-60 . EE-60. Bajajnagar. S. CE-60. Polytechnic. Walunj. IF-60 . EJ-60 CE-60.S. ID-60. Nanded. EJ-60. IF-60. CM-30.ME-60 48 D2086 1149 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Satpur. Bhoras. Sangamner. EJ-60. M.Patherdi Road.O.425415 Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic. DD-60. Paithan Aurangabad. Gat No.s Shreeyash Polytechnic.431517 B. EJ-60. Near Videocon Company Ltd.Ahmednagar . Nashik. IF-60. At.Chikalthana. Aurangabad. CE-60.. FC-40. CO60 CE-60. EJ-60. ME-60 ID-30 CO-90.P. New Nagar Road. EJ-60. At. ET-60. CO-60. Aurangabad . IF-60. Sangamner. IF-60 CM-60. IF-60. EE-60.Khandoba bazaar. Dist. ME-60 CO-60.B. IF-60. Aditya Polytechnic Talegaon Road. Bhalgaon. Gat No. ET-60. EE-60.D.D. Trimbakeshwar . Beed Bypass Highway. EJ-60. Chandwad . Amrutnagar P. IF-60. CO-120. Nandurbar .D. ME-60. EJ-60.M. MU60 CE-60. B. & Tech. P 119..S.CO-60.s Brmha Valley College of Technical Education. ME-60 AE-60.Parbhani-431401 P Dr. AE-40. ME-60 CO-60. Khalsa Complex Wadala. Shreeyash Pratishsthan. IF-60. Sangamner. CE-60. IF-60 AE-60. CM-90. Marathwada Institute Of Technology. Neminagar. IF-60. ME-60 AE-60.S. CO-60. ME-60 AE-60. EE-60. Nasik . EJ-60.N. Taluka. Hi-Tech Instt. EJ-60. IF-60. ME-60 27 D5084 778 ME-90.422003 Sureshdada Jain Polytechnic.V.. At.College of Polytechnic. Dist. Yeola.Nasik.EE-60. IF-60.. IF-60. Satara Tanda.Vaijapur. Trust's Polytechnic. CM-60.S. Dist. Ausa. EJ-60. Institute Of Polytechnic.. EJ-60. O . LT-30.T.422 213. EE-60. IF-60.Jalna. EJ-60. Education Society Institute of Tech. Girwalkar Polytechnic. IF-90.P V V Patil Inst of Technology & Engineering Pravaranager Ahmednager Hindustani Education Society.K. DM-40.94/3/1& 2. Hatta. A/P. Beed . Dist.N. S. Malegaon Camp. Opp.I. EJ-60 .. G. Nasik.B..M.Rotegaon. Wagh Women's Polytechnic. ME-90 CE-60. ME-60 CO-60. IF-60. Jalgaon. Dist. CM-90. Vishveshwaryya Polytechnic. Gangapur Road. IF-15. ET-60.. Ahmednagar Gramin Polytechnic Nandkheda Dist Parbhni Nath Polytechnic.Aurangabad.Aurangabad. Village Anjaneri.CE-40 EJ-60. EE-60. Akkalkuwa. Velhale.J. N.V. Chalisgaon. of Technology. College. CE-60. 258 (P). 592 B. ME-45 AE-60. Nasik 422009 K . Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic.K. EE-60 34 35 36 37 38 39 D5100 D2071 D1073 D2070 D2076 D2072 1004 1005 1006 1092 1093 1095 CO-60. EJ-90. EE-40. Sharadchandra Pawar Polytechnic.C. Shri.CM-60.NASHIK MAP EKLAHARE-Yeola-Nashik SOCEITY.EJ-60. Course/s Offered PH-60 49 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Vasant Polytechnic College. Shri Siddhivinayak Polytechnic.IF-60.O. IF-60.EJ-60. Uttamrao Mahajan Institute Of Engineering & Technology(Diploma). Beed Matarthwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. Osmanpura. Nanded MATOSHRI PRATISHTHAN.ME-60 CO-60.CO-60. P.EJ-60. Kanchanwadi. Adarsh Polytechnic. Jalgaon 69 70 D5117 D5118 1178 1179 CE-60. 3 DTE Code D5011 Instt. Nashik K.EE-60.EJ-60.IF-60.ME-60 CO-60. Yeshwantrao Chavan Institute Of Polytechnic.EJ-60. Jalgaon Sulochana Behelekar Samajik & Bahu Uddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha.ME-60 Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha. ME-60.IF-60.CO-60. Course/s Offered CE-60. C. Beed Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Shikshan Sanstha.EJ-60.ME-60 CE-60.EJ-60. Nirmalatai P. Rudha.IF-60. DM60. Code 19 GOVT. Raisoni Polytechnic. MATOSHRI CE-60.Kurund Trimurti Shikshan Prasarak Mandal.ME-60 CE-60.IF-60. Ambarwadikars Institute Of Technology.CO-60. Nasik – 442001 2. DD-60. Gangapur. Karjat.Kashti Pachpute Vichardhara Trust's Parikrama ASARABAI MATOSHRI EDUCATION POLYTECHNIC.CO-60. Tal: Niphad Hon.IF-60. G. Rawalgaon. Ahmednagar Om Sai Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Aamdar Kashinathji Mengal Polytechnic.ME-60 CE-60.EJ-60 Sr. No. EJ-60.CO-60. Aurangabad Shri Ganesh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. Saokhede Bk. Rajiv Gandhi Polytechnic.Patil Women's Polytechnic College.CO-60. CM-60. Institute of Technology.CO-60.ME-60 CE-60. Ahmednagar Sandip Foundation's Sandip Polytechnic. Pharmacy Diploma courses Sr.ME-60 CE-60. INSTITUTE. Sau.ME-60 CE-60.ME-60 CE-60.EJ-60.AE-60.(Polytechnic).IF-60.Chalisgaon.425002 . Nashik SHri Dattakrupa Shaikshanik & Krishi Gram Vikas Pratisthan. 1 DTE Code D2001 Instt.19.Wagh Education Soceity's.EJ-60 CE-60. Sansthas College Of Polytechnic.IF-60 CE-60.EJ-60. IF-60.EE-60.EE-60.EE-60.H. Balghat Polytechnic College. INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Government Polytechnic.CO-60.EJ-60. Box No.ME-60 CE-60. Tal. Babanrao Polytechnic.EJ-60. Latur Sai Shikshan Sanstha.ME-60 CE-60. 6. Samangaon Road.EE-60.44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 D2087 D2088 D2089 D2090 D2091 D2092 D2093 D2095 D2096 D2097 D2098 D5103 D5104 D5105 D5106 D5107 D5108 D5109 D5110 D5111 D5112 D5113 D5114 D5115 D5116 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1158 1159 1160 1161 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 Sahayog Sevabhai Sanstha.H.IF-60.60. No.CO-60. Naigaon.CO-60.EJ-60.MU-60. Asthi.Wagh Polytechnic. Aurangabad Education Society. Udgir.CO-60.CO-60.EJ-60. Jalgaon . Near National Highway No.K.CO-60.EJ-60. Nanded Gangai Charitable Trust.EJ-60.EJ-60.EJ-60.IF-60. Apurva Polytechnic.IF-60.ME-60 CE-60. Diploma College Of Enggineering & Technology.EJ-60. Asthi. ME60. K. Soniya Gandhi Polytechnic. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic. Kalawatibai College Of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic). Nashik G.CO-60.EJ-60.ME-60 CE-60.M.CO.CO-60.EJ-60.ME-60 CE-60.CO-60. Wadala.EE-60.EE-60 CE-60. ME-90 AE-60. Trimurti Institute Of Technology.ME-60 CO-60. Beed Gunai Shikshan Prasarak Mandal.EJ-60.ME-60 CE-60. DD-30. Education Foundation. Code 18 GOVT. Aurangabad – 431005. EE-60.ME-60 CO-60.Wadala Road. Sheri (BK). Indira Institute Of Technology(Polytechnic). EE-60.R. EJ-60 CE-60. EJ-120.ME-60 CE-60.ME-60 CE-60. CE-60.ME-60 CE-60.K.IF-60.IF-60. Jalgaon Jijamata Foundation. Shrigonda Jumma Masjid Charitable Trust's Polytechnic. PS-60 2 D5019 29 Government Polytechnic. Paladhi Bk.CM-60.S.S.Jamkhed Kisan Dnyanoday Mandal Gudhe's Dr. Jalgaon The People Education Society's.IF-60.Chandori. Jillha Peth Nh6. Dist Latur Shriram Pratishthan. VISHNUPURI VISHWABHARATI POLYTECHNIC CE-60. Parbhani Tulajabhavani Seva Pratisthan.CO-60.CO-60. Igatpuri.EE-60 Sanjivani Pratishthan's Institute Of Technology. Dist. C. Near Sindhi Colony. Parbhani Nanded Pharmacy College. Beed – 431122 N.Institute Of Pharmacy. Gat No. 09 . Dist.No. Near Physical Education College. Of Pharmacy. Nandurbar – 425412 N. Of Pharmacy. Of Pharmacy & Research.Boradi.H. Jalgaon Jamia College of Pharmacy. Of Pharmacy. Nevinagar. Jalgaon Sangamner Medical Foundation & Research Institute.S. 38.Basweshwar Chowk. No.. Medical College Campus.E. Nilanga. Dist. Dist. Faizpur. 1 2 3 4 DTE Code D2058 D2018 D5032 D2032 D5039 Instt.S. Plot No.P.of Pharmacy. Nandurbar – 425415 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 50 Gangamai Instt. Dhule – 424002 Jijamata Education Society College of Pharmacy. Sangamner.D. Dist.B. 5/6. Tal. Dr.T. Navin Nagar. Chalisgaon.(D. Wagoda Road.I.V. Beed Shivaji Institute Of Pharmacy. Of Pharmacy.p.M. Gayatrinagar. Nagar Road. Dist.No. Jalgaon KES’s College of Pharmacy. Ahmednagar – 414003 Neminath Jain Institute of Pharmacy. Jalgaon SKE & CM Shri Gulabrao Devkar Instt.B. Dayasagar Education Campus.Ahmednagar. Institute of Industrial & Pharmaceutical Technology. Zillapeth. Nandurbar. Dist. Post Box No. Ahmednagar – 423603 MES Shri Mahaveer Instt. A/P.S’s Sanjivani Instt. Mhashrul Varvandi Road. 1 2 3 4 D2014 D5012 D2031 D2017 D2016 D2012 DTE Code D5040 D5050 D5036 D5033 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 D5038 D2021 D5034 D5031 D5020 D2019 D5042 D5065 D5002 D5060 D5089 D5057 D5058 D5066 D5078 202 210 212 291 305 310 511 601 618 619 620 621 622 624 625 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 Jalana Education Society Institute of Pharmacy. Code 195 198 199 200 AIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College. Dist. Taluka. P. A/p. & Dist. 471.Jalgaon Tapivali Education Society Institute of Pharmacy. Dist. Latur A.Yawal. Taluka. Ithape Hospital. At Kopargaon. College Of Pharmacy. Akkalkuwa. Patel Instt.Pharm) Institute.Latur Maharahstra Poly.S.P. Instt. 02. Nandurbar – 425412 Khodai Mata Road. Of Pharmacy. Dist. No. Dhule – 425405 KDMGS Instt. Nasik – 422003 Mula Rural Instt. Nasik – 423101 Adarsh S. Dist Dhule – 445428 Dhuliya Charitable Socitie’s Institute of Pharmacy Nagaon. Varvandi. Patil Institute of Pharmacy.R.S. Dist. Karvand Naka. Yeola. 20 21 22 23 24 D5061 D5068 D5062 D5072 D5076 637 642 683 712 715 SND College of Polytechnic.Nasik Shri P. Ahamadnagar Adarsh S. S. Shripur. Amalner.Institute Of Pharmacy Malegaon (Nasik) Smt. AT Pathardi. Vasantdada Nagar. Jalna – 431203. Ahmednagar Yashwantrao Chavan College Of Pharmacy.Jalgaon – 425503 Kamala Nehru Polytechnic (Pharmacy). Ahmednagar – 414105 Sonai.E. 166. Nehru VidyaNagar. Savedi Road . P.T.. College Of Pharmacy. College Campus.V. Aurangabad Pravara Rural College Of Pharmacy. Nasik – 422003 K. Of Pharma.(Tatya) Patil Instt.o. Code 52 53 194 203 204 207 211 278 280 281 283 Instt.. G. Nanded UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) M. Nashik SES R. – Nandurbar Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Dist.04. S.D. Zilla Peth. Anand College Of Pharmacy. Dhule – 424005. Chopada.V. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences.Dindori. V. Dist. Molgi Road. Loni. Course/s Offered PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 + PH-60 Unaided PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 Course/s Offered PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sr. Samiti’s Institute of Pharmacy. S. Of Pharmacy. Adgaon.Sr. Panchavati. Shahada..Kava Road. No. Taluka Shirpur. Dist. GadiGeorai. Dist: S. & Research Centre.A.S.’s M. Tal: Newasa. Dist. Chandwad. Osmanabad Institute Of Pharmacy. Osmanabad. Survey No.s P.S. Taluka. College of Pharmacy.Ashti. Latur – 413512. 431001 Shiva Trust’s Raje Sambhaji College of Pharmacy. MIDC. AtMamurabad.Beed. CIDCO. Anand Gram Krushi Vikas Mandal.s Late Maharudra Bappa Mote College of Pharmacy.Nanded. Georai Tanda.. Pharmacy College. Dist. Abasaheb Kakde College of Pharmacy.Foundation.P. Taluka. Matoshri Asarabai Bhikaji Darde Diploma College of Pharmacy.M.M. Shirpur.. 326/2.B. Nashik 422009. Babhulgaon.Beed Ramchandra Sanskrutik Krida Mandal. At. Paithan Road. Dr.’s D. Parthardi Road. – Osmanabad 55 56 D2063 D2061 915 916 PH-60 PH-60 51 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses .W.Kannad.Ahmednagar. PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 31 32 33 34 35 D5073 D2042 D2041 D2044 D5083 735 779 780 781 782 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 36 37 38 39 40 41 D5081 D5082 D2038 D5079 D2046 D2039 783 784 785 786 787 788 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 42 43 44 45 D5080 D2037 D2043 D5075 789 790 793 794 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 46 47 48 49 50 D2045 D5087 D2048 D2040 D5089 795 796 797 798 799 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 51 D5090 800 PH-60 52 53 54 D5085 D2052 D2053 812 841 842 PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 Shri Dhaneshwari Manav Vikas Mandal. Bhairavnath Nisarg Mandal’s Instt.K). Kunjkheda. Beed Bypass Road.. Balapur ( Fagane ). At & Post.V. Dist. Manur. Dist.s Society. Darga Road. Swami Vivekanand Institute of Pharmacy.Ahmednagar.Yeola. PostSangamner (S. Manegement Studies & Research. Institute of Diploma in Pharmacy.s College of Pharmacy. R.S.. Nagapur. Dist. In front of MIT High School. Ltd. Y. Gut No. Nandi Hills..Pharmacy College. Kada. Sanjay Educaton Society. TalukaShegaon. Jalna – 431203 Anand Charitable Sanstha Ashti. Shree Diploma in Pharmacy College. Malegaon.. Patoda. Dist. CIDCO N-6. Sau. Shri Balaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. Sane Guruji Hospital. Vikas Sanstha. Malegaon Camp. Dist. R. Dist. Shri. Patel Education Trust. Mastgad. Taluka. Patel Institute of Pharmacy.Jalgaon.P. At &PostDhamangaon. Vidya Vikas Mandal. Samat Bhavan. Dist. Dist. College of Pharmacy. Naigaon.Dhule – 424001 Jalgaon Zilla Medicine Dealer. Mukhed. Aurangabad K. Aurangabad -431003 Diploma in Pharmacy College.M Dagadojirao Deshmukh D.Latur.s Diploma College of Pharmacy.S. Near Videocon Comm. Dhamangaon Road. Ta. – Nasik Shri V.M. Karvand Naka. Jalna – 431203.S. Women. Gangai Nagar.. Tal... Taluka. Dist. Nanded College of Pharmacy. & Dist. Dist.Naigaon.Nasik – 423105 K. Dist. Amolak jain Vidya Prarsarak Mandal’s Pharmacy College.Bhoom. Taluka & Dist.Hatta. Bhairavnath Nisarg Mandal.M. Ring Road.Dhule.K. – Beed. Bodhegaon.Ausa. Taluka. Tal. Phathri. & S.s Amrutvahin Institute of Pharmacy.Hingoli At. Dist. Ashti.. Alani. Nanded – 431 606 A. Dattatray valsepatil Vidyanagari.. S. Ambejogai. Mahatma Basaweshwar Education Society.Igatpuri. Of Pharmacy.C.Ahmednagar.s Institute of Pharmacy.s Kakasaheb Mhaske College of Pharmacy.s Institute of Pharmacy. Bhalgaon. Kamgar Hospital.s Institute of Pharmacy. Aurangabad.T. D. & Dist. Mahatma Gandhi Road.. Vishnupuri. 336. Dist.s H. Gavit Diploma Pharmacy College. Dist.s S.S. U. Akshay N-4.. Khedekar Marg.Basmat. Bolhegaon Phata. Taluka.T. Amit Nagar.Nasik.s Institute of Pharmacy.s Institute of Pharmacy. Dist.s College of Pharmacy. Dist. Aurangabad – 431003 Navgaon Shikshan Sanstha. Beed Godavari Shikshan Mandal’s Asian Istt.Nasik. S.. 425405. Taluka.Sakri.Girwali.. Bhagwan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal.. Nandurbar Shri. Sakri. Near Ravalgaon Naka. Dist.s Polytechnic.25 26 27 28 29 30 D2036 D5077 D2034 D2033 D5074 D2035 716 717 730 731 732 734 Swargiya Lilavati Satish Avhad Diploma Pharmacy College. Dist.-Dhule – 424304 Sayali Charitable Trust. Barshi Road.431513.B.of Science. Shepwadi. – Aurangabad – 431 001. Taluka. Mathurabai Bhayasaheb Thorat Sevabhavi Trust. A-68. .K. Dist. Barshi Road.s Sant Gajanan College of Pharmacy. 1 2 Sr. Sahakar Mahrashi Kisanrao Varal Patil College of Pharmacy At Nighoj. Panchawati.s Uttamrao Deshmukh Institute of Pharmacy. No.431606 K .E.57 58 59 60 D2064 D2055 D2059 D5046 955 1094 1096 1436 Vivekvardhini Sevabhavi Sanstha. 1 2 DTE Code D2011 D2006 DTE Code D2009 D5023 Instt. Residential Womens Polytechnic.60 3. Pingli.S.Nanded . No. Dist. Other Diploma courses Sr.422003 Amrut Dham. Shri Durgamata B. Code 118 136 Instt.. Society.Beed. Course/s Offered DD 40 DD-40..B.Ahemednagar PH-60 PH-60 PH-60 PH . 431 517. Ambejogai. 431 401. Tuljapur Road. Gat No. 375.S. Taluka Parner.K. Code 69 502 GOVT.. Wagh Women's Polytechnic. Dist. Vishnupuri. D.s Diploma in Pharmacy Institute. Latur 413531 UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Gramin Polytechnic Vishnupuri.Parabhani. Osmanabad . Nasik .S. Course/s Offered ML-30 DD-60 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 52 .413501 Govt. INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Government Polytechnic. Parabhani. P. D. Nandurbar – 425415 Adarsh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal . Near Shiv-Shakti Building.T. CQ-60. Nandurbar Adarsh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal . TDT Complex.B. Kai. 1 Floor. Dist.25. Rachit Institute of Technology. DTE Code Instt. Ashti.. Diploma in Interior Design & Decoration College. CIDCO.. Pravaranagar – 413736 Channabeshwar Polytechnic Kava Road Latur Gramin Polytechnic Vishnupuri. ( Kawad).G. Mumbai Agra Road. Ahmednagar (M.kada. Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Technical Education. FW-50 DM-40. Tal. 297. – Latur Potdar College. 1. Chaitanyanagar Road. Dhule – 424052 J. Jyotinagar. At.Kopargaon. D.425301 Shri Rajshri Shahu Institute of Management. Nanded -431602. Deopur. Sahar Building. DV-30. BC-30 D5029 366 587 D2050 599 677 9 678 LT-30 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 D2056 704 705 713 FR-60. 74. Post Box No. Indra Prastha. Plot-01.S. Dongargaon.Beed Dhanwantari Engineering College. CIDCO.V. LT-40 CP-60 LT-30 ID-40 LT-20. 74. Soniya Chamber Seven Hill. Sector-17. ID-60. IO-60 53 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses . Aurangabad.S. DT-20 ID-30. DT-40 IT-60 21 22 23 1008 1009 1011 AM-40 DT-30 DM-40 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1097 1099 1108 1397 1401 1430 1431 FR-60 FU-40. PGDMLT College.P. Nashik Jamia Polytechnic. Latur. FR-60. Opp. Aurangabad. Taluka. IT-40 FR-60 st rd SHORT Course/s Offered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D5005 D2009 30 52 69 196 ID-30 LT-40 ST-40. Bunglow No. Institute of Paramedical Science.S.Satod.S. Tal. Opp. Dist. Vishwa Bahuudeshiay Sevabhavi Santha Aurangabad BA-60. Dist. Gargi Agriculture Research & Training Institute.V. Shivaji Nagar. Sakala Road. Dist.Ahmednagar.S). “ Swagat “ Vasantnagar. Gangapur Road. Aurangabad.H.R. DM-30 ID-60 FR-100 DM-40 Bharatiya Gramn D5071 714 733 736 791 801 18 19 20 D2066 918 942 1007 WT-50. CIDCO. Nashik – 422 010. BP-60. Aurangabad.. Kai Laxmibai Mahila Vikas Mandal.R.P. Punarrachana Sanstha.Loni. Nanded.A.T. Dist. 5 National Fire safety Management College. Idea Tower Building. Manik Nagar.. 121. Nakane Rd. Parabhani. M. At & Post. IA-60.Rahata. Gramin Polytechnic. Vasanti 25. Shahnoor Wadi. Instt. Parabhani. Akkalkuwa. Dnyanganga Institute of Technology. Gangadharrao Pathrikar Tech. Phulambri.Jalgaon. Dharmaji Chavan Institute of Technical Education. Taluka – Yawal. No. Deopur. Chikalthana. Dist. Ta.E.. At-Post. Dhanwantari Campus. Dhule. Nanded – 431606 Institute of Management & Research Tech. Aurangabad Vidyasagar Foundation & Research Centre. V.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED TERM DIPLOMA COURSES Sr. Swami Narayan Marg. Aurangabad – 431 311. Sahyadri College of Fire Engineering and Safety Management.S. HN-60 FR-40. Institute Of Paramedical Shahada.s Dhule Institute of Technology. PB-40. Gat No. Nasik Gajanan Technical Instt. Code UNAIDED INSTITUTES ( AFFILIATED ) Dr. Eclve.. Deopur. Adarsh Colony.Nandurbar College of Fire Engg.. 3 Floor.. Nashik. Near Market Yard. Darga Road. SBUJM’S Sakri Institute of Technology Pimpalner Road Sakri Dist Dhule 424306 Mitra Sadhana Shikshan Prasarak Manda’s Dr. Near Overbridge Jalna Road.S Swami Vivekanand of Paramedical Science.Kai. Chandralop Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s College of Fire Engg. & Safety Management. Sant Gadgebaba Colony. Parabhani. IT-60 IT-30 LT-30 FW-50. IT-40. Nakane Rd. Garware Ltd. Plot No.. Dhule – 424052 And Technical Education LT-60. Adarsh Colony.C. Balaji High School. Dhule Gargi Education Institute. PostPathri. WT-50 LT-60 ID-30. Kamatwade. Subhdra Nagar. Vikhe Patil Institute of Technology. 11.. Nanded ITI Girls. No.MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA COURSES 1 2 3 4 5 6 703 709 838 839 840 889 ITI. VE-25. Aurangabad ITI Girls. VH-25 VD-25 Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 54 . Code 29 GOVT. VA-30. Samangaon Road.31 1434 Allana mohd.taher edu &career foundn Inst of Paramedical Sciences & Tech. INSTITUTES ( AUTONOMOUS ) Government Polytechnic. VE-30.442001 Course/s Offered DM-60. Ahmadnagar ITI.Nasik . 1 DTE Code D5019 Instt. ID-60 C. Nasik ITI. Aurangabad ITI.VM-30 VA.Nashik VB-30.30 VA-25. VF-25 VE-25 VD-25. Beed LT-30 Sr. Satpur. Stn road. 7.STATISTICAL DATA Nagpur Region – AICTE Curses 55 . TOTAL NO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60 1 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 60 1 60 2 120 GOVT. TOTAL NO. TOTAL INTAK E AURANGABAD Affiliated NO. GOVT. INS TT.I. TOTAL INTAK E AUTONOMUS NO. TOTAL INTAK E AUTONOMUS NO.M.T. Govt. INS TT.I. INTAKE INSTT.C. TOTAL INTAK E TOTAL Affiliated NO. TOTAL INTAK E PUNE Affiliated NO. GOVT. AUTONOMUS NAGPUR Affiliated AUTONOMUS AURANGABAD Affiliated AUTONOMUS GRAND TOTAL Affiliated AUTONOMUS TOTAL INTAKE NO. INTAKE INSTT. TOTAL NO. INTAKE INSTT. INTAKE INSTT. AIDED NON AIDED TOTA L INST T.E. INS TT. INTAKE INSTT. Approved Short Term Courses 56 . AIDED NON AIDED TOTA L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 520 0 0 4 220 0 0 1 60 0 0 1 60 0 0 14 860 0 0 14 860 8 520 0 0 4 220 1 60 2 120 0 0 1 60 0 0 15 920 1 60 16 980 * No institute has enrolled any student in the academic year 2009-10 Pune Region – M.C.T. TOTAL INTAK E INS TT. TOTAL NO. INTAKE INSTT. TOTAL INTAK E NO. INS TT. INTAKE INSTT. TOTA L INTA KE TYPE GOVT. TOTA L INTAK E AUTONOMUS NAGPUR Affiliated NO. INS TT. TOTAL INSTT. TOTAL INTAK E AUTONOMUS NO. DIPLOMA COURSES ( Engineering Group ) REGION MUMBAI Affiliated NO. 2 2 41 45 676 535 11032 12243 2 6 0 8 635 1410 0 2045 7 3 95 105 2791 814 29140 32745 2 2 0 3 1005 300 0 1245 11 3 56 70 3359 576 17360 21295 2 0 0 2 1040 0 0 1040 12 0 79 91 4140 0 23030 27170 2 0 0 2 1020 0 0 1020 32 8 271 311 10966 1925 80562 93453 7 7 0 14 3240 1650 0 4890 39 15 271 325 14206 3575 80833 98343 REGIONWISE STATISTICAL INFORMATION A.C. DIPLOMA COURSES (H.REGIONWISE STATISTICAL INFORMATION A. TOTAL NO. TOTAL INTAK E AUTONOMUS GRAND TOTAL NO. TOTAL NO. INS TT. INTAKE INSTT. INS TT.E. INSTT.T. INS TT. S. INTAKE TOTAL NO. INS TT. INTAKE INSTT. TOTAL NO. GROUP)* REGION TOTAL MUMBAI TYPE Affiliated AUTONOMUS PUNE Affiliated NO. TOTAL NO. NO. 2 13 435 450 TOTAL INTAKE 70 620 37765 38455 REGIONWISE STATISTICAL INFORMATION VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA COURSES (AFFILIATED) REGION TYPE MUMBAI NO. INSTT. INSTT. GOVT. 4 19 160 183 TOTAL INTAKE 210 1260 9642 11112 REGIONWISE STATISTICAL INFORMATION MAHARASHTRA STATE GOVERNMENT APPROVED DIPLOMA COURSES REGION TYPE MUMBAI NO. INSTT. INSTT. GOVT. Govt. 0 1 40 41 TOTAL INTAKE 0 40 2845 2885 TOTAL NO. GOVT. AIDED NON AIDED TOTAL 1 5 49 55 TOTAL INTAKE 60 390 3110 3560 NO. 4 0 0 4 PUNE TOTAL INTAKE 430 0 0 430 NAGPUR NO. 0 5 305 310 TOTAL INTAKE 0 110 28650 28760 AURANGABAD NO. 5 0 0 5 TOTAL INTAKE 325 0 0 325 AURANGABAD NO. Approved Short Term Courses 57 . INSTT.REGIONWISE STATISTICAL INFORMATION AICTE DIPLOMA COURES (PHARMACY GROUP) AFFILIATED TYPE MUMBAI NO. INSTT. AIDED NON AIDED TOTAL 5 0 0 5 TOTAL INTAKE 440 0 0 440 NO. INSTT. INSTT. 20 0 0 20 TOTAL INTAKE 1420 0 0 1420 Pune Region – M. 1 4 38 43 TOTAL INTAKE 60 240 2268 2568 AURANGABAD NO. INSTT. 1 2 41 44 PUNE TOTAL INTAKE 10 80 3160 3250 NAGPUR NO. 2 3 54 59 PUNE TOTAL INTAKE 90 240 3270 3600 REGION NAGPUR NO. INSTT. GOVT. S. INSTT. GOVT. INSTT. INSTT. 1 11 59 71 TOTAL INTAKE 60 720 3528 4308 TOTAL NO. INSTT. INSTT. GOVT. AIDED NON AIDED TOTAL 0 1 9 10 TOTAL INTAKE 0 60 576 636 NO. 6 0 0 6 TOTAL INTAKE 325 0 0 325 TOTAL NO. Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.N DISTRICT Nagpur Region enrolled 3834 9705 975 3254 3920 372 4483 26543 S.49.Bandra (E). AICTE approved Courses Mumbai Region S. Govt. S. Mumbai. Aliyawar Jung Marg.N DISTRICT Aurangabad region S. Government Polytechnic Building. Kherwadi.N DISTRICT Pune Region enrolled 3995 2705 3940 10640 S. Approved Short Term Courses 58 . District wise Intake & Enrollment for Year 2009-2010.Mumbai 400 051.N DISTRICT intake 4400 3436 4407 12243 intake 4304 12702 1240 4020 4760 350 5369 32745 intake 424 2026 1350 996 1666 330 840 8930 2008 696 2029 21295 enrolled 398 1415 999 735 1496 296 519 6162 1542 456 1238 15256 intake 4094 2635 1674 1520 414 3420 687 1816 2154 996 6109 436 1215 27170 enrolled 3797 2221 1327 1326 376 2786 682 1317 1569 970 5501 430 644 22946 1 2 3 Mumbai Raigad Thane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kolhapur Pune Ratnagiri Sangli Satara Sindhudurg Solapur 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Akola Amravati Bhandara Buldhana chandrapur Gadchiroli Gondia Nagpur Wardha Washim Yavatmal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ahmednagar Aurangabad Beed Dhule Hingoli Jalgaon Jalna Latur Nanded Nandurbar Nashik Osmanabad Parbhani Regional Statistics REGION MUMBAI PUNE NAGPUR AURANGABAD TOTAL intake 12243 32745 21295 27170 93453 enrolled 10640 26543 15256 22946 75385 Pune Region – M. State Govt. District wise Intake & Enrollment for Year 2009-2010.N DISTRICT Pune Region S.Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.Mumbai 400 051. Govt. Approved Short Term Courses 59 . Government Polytechnic Building. Mumbai. Kherwadi.N DISTRICT Nagpur Region enrolled 178 739 14 44 58 0 0 1033 S.N DISTRICT Aurangabad region S.Bandra (E).49.N DISTRICT intake 2680 490 1430 4600 enrolled 1187 246 416 1849 intake 550 2160 110 100 230 80 60 3290 intake 0 1920 1025 900 4860 120 80 7135 10730 100 1960 28830 enrolled 0 1435 582 697 4109 116 80 4354 7438 44 1444 20299 intake 165 790 130 690 0 0 0 80 175 300 645 0 110 3085 enrolled 59 210 112 299 0 0 0 13 82 88 267 0 18 1148 1 2 3 Mumbai Raigad Thane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kolhapur Pune Ratnagiri Sangli Satara Sindhudurg Solapur 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Akola Amravati Bhandara Buldhana chandrapur Gadchiroli Gondia Nagpur Wardha Washim Yavatmal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ahmednagar Aurangabad Beed Dhule Hingoli Jalgaon Jalna Latur Nanded Nandurbar Nashik Osmanabad Parbhani Regional Statistics REGION MUMBAI PUNE NAGPUR AURANGABAD intake 4650 3290 28790 3085 39815 enrolled 1849 1033 20240 1116 24238 TOTAL Pune Region – M. Aliyawar Jung Marg. approved Courses Mumbai Region S. S. Mumbai. S. Aliyawar Jung Marg.49. Govt. Kherwadi.(Industry Integrated) (4Years) Electronics (3Years) Civil Engineering (4Years) 17802 14972 13050 11292 10624 9862 6223 6112 2640 2465 1338 1316 975 770 625 540 480 460 350 240 230 210 200 180 180 160 160 150 150 130 120 120 120 100 17123 13480 10560 9366 6815 8941 4833 5939 1726 2459 1404 1403 136 773 462 285 505 455 303 183 170 205 89 236 155 161 111 167 158 127 140 60 25 119 60 Pune Region – M. Course Code Course Name Course Intake Enrolled Candidates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ME EJ CO PH IF CE CM EE EX AE ET IE HM CH CO DD ML IS MU EP PN PT DV CR CS MH DE MC EC MS EV EI EN CC Mechanical Enginnering (3Years) Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering (3Years) Computer Engineering (3Years) Pharamacy (2Years) Information Technology (3Years) Civil Engineering (3Years) Computer Technology (3Years) Electrical Engineering (3Years) Electronics Engineering (3Years) Automobile Enginnering (3Years) Electronics & Communication Engg (3Years) Industrial Electronics (3Years) Hotel Management & Catering Technology (3Years) Chemical Engineering (3Years) Computer Engineering (*) (3Years) Dress Designing & Garment Manufacturing (3Years) Medical Laboratory Technology (3Years) Instrumentation (3Years) Medical Electronics (3Years) Electrical Power System (3Years) Printing Technology (3Years) Production Technology (3Years) Diploma in Digital Photography & Digital graphics. Approved Short Term Courses .Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education. Government Polytechnic Building. Coursewise Intake & Enrollment for Year 2009-2010.Mumbai 400 051. (2Years) Civil & Rural Engineering (3Years) Construction Technology (3Years) Mechanical Engg(Sandwitch Pattern) (4Years) Didital Electronics (3Years) Mechanical Enginnering (4Years) Electrical Engineering (4Years) Mining & mine Suveying (3Years) Electronics & Video Engineering (3Years) Electronics Engg. No. AICTE approved Courses Sr.Bandra (E). Approved Short Term Courses .(Ind.) (4Years) Food Technology (3Years) Printing Technology (4Years) Plastic engineering (3Years) Surface Coating Technology (3Years) Textile Manufactures (3Years) Electrical Engineering (4Years) Civil Engineering (4Years) Industrial Electronics (4Years) Electronics Engineering(*) (3Years) Textile Technology (3Years) Fashion & clothing Technology (3Years) Machine Tools & Maintenance Engineering (4Years) Garment Technology (3Years) Marine Enginnering (4Years) Civil & Environmental Engineering (4Years) Chemical Engineering (4Years) Chemical Technology (3Years) Electronics & Communication Engg (4Years) Fabrication Technology (3Years) Plant Engineering (3Years) Production Tech(Sandwitch Pattern) (4Years) Packaging Technology (3Years) Matallurgy (3Years) Mine Engineering (3Years) Knitting Technology (3Years) Man-made Fibre Manufacturing (3Years) Man-made Textile Technology (3Years) Man-made Textile Chemistry (3Years) 90 70 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 50 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 59 68 67 66 65 64 59 49 43 38 35 20 33 51 39 25 47 43 30 30 29 26 *0 *0 *0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 61 Pune Region – M.(Sandwitch Pattern) (4Years) Textile Manufatures (4Years) Mechanical Engg(Industry Intrgrated) (4Years) Electronics & Communication Engg(Industry Integarted) (4Years) Travel And Tourism (3Years) Computer Engineering. S.35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 MG IC PG AA FE IU CV TM MI ED TR CD FC PC PS SC TX EG CI IL EX TC DC MM GT MA -CG CT EL FT PE PY PK MT MN KT MF MO MX Mechanical Enginnering (4Years) Instrumentation & control (3Years) Production Engineering (3Years) Architecture Assistantship (3Years) Fabrication Technology & Erection Engg (Sandwitch Pattern) (4Years) Industrial Electrinics(Sandwitch Pattern) (4Years) Civil Engg./Int. Govt. Approved Short Term Courses 62 . S. Courses with ZERO Intake capacity and ZERO Enrolment are marked with “**” Pune Region – M.75 76 77 78 79 80 LG LO --RT AH Leather Goods & Footwear tech (3Years) Leather Technology (3Years) Plastic Plymer Enginnering (3Years) Sugar Manufaturing (3Years) Rubber Technology (2.1.Corses with ZERO enrolment for the Academic Year 2009-10 are marked with “*” 2.. Govt.5Years) Architecture (5Years) 0 0 0 0 0 0 105671 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 **0 90157 Note :. Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education. Course No. S.5Years) Advance Diploma in Business Administration System (2Years) Diploma in Dental Technology (2Years) Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration (3Years) Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking (1Years) Advance Diploma in Call Center Management (1Years) Advance Diploma in Travel & Tourism (1Years) Advance Diploma in Business Management Sciences. (1.49.Mumbai 400 051.5Years) Advance Diploma in Information Technology (1Years) Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety (1Years) Advance Diploma in Computer Software System Analysis & Application (1Years) Diploma in Stenography & Secretarial Practice (2Years) Diploma in Hotel Operation (1.5Years) Vocational Diploma in Automobile (2Years) Advance Diploma in Pharmaceutical Business Management (1Years) Course Intake 11220 3290 3230 3120 2416 2125 1770 1464 1320 1270 1080 750 710 710 600 560 540 450 440 360 320 300 275 270 270 260 255 250 Enrolled Candidates 9024 2373 2458 1599 1698 1524 448 437 864 76 717 318 161 316 312 236 59 32 94 102 109 38 243 43 84 21 206 75 63 Pune Region – M. Govt.Bandra (E). (1Years) Advance Diploma in Executive Business Studies (1Years) Vocational Diploma in Electrician (2Years) Advance Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering (1Years) Advance Diploma in Dietetics (1Years) Advance Diploma in Hospitality Management (1. Mumbai. Kherwadi. (2Years) Advance Diploma in Beauty Culture And Hair Dressing (1Years) Advance Diploma in Computer Techniques. State Govt approved Courses Sr. Approved Short Term Courses . Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DM BC DA ID IO FR LT IA IT CP ST HO BA DT IN HN CZ TU BS BH CQ EB VE FS DI HP VA PB Course Name Diploma in Dress Designing & Manufacturing (2Years) Diploma in Beauty Culture And Hair Dressing (2Years) Diploma in 3D Animation & Graphics (2Years) Diploma in Interior Designing and Decoration (2Years) Certificate Course in Information Technology (1Years) Diploma in Fire Service Engineering (2Years) Advance Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology. Aliyawar Jung Marg. Government Polytechnic Building. Coursewise Intake & Enrollment for Year 2009-2010. 5Years) Advance Diploma in Apparel and Merchandizing (1Years) Post Diploma in Interior Designing & Decoration (1Years) Advance Diploma in Project Management in Building Construction (1Years) Post Diploma in Automobile Engineering (1. Govt.29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 FA TA AM IR PR AB FU RS FM VB VF FN VD WT CN VH FW SU HC FF VM VC VP VW VT RT VN VR OT HD SO Advance Diploma in Fire Safety and Industrial Environmental Engineering (1Years) Advance Diploma in Technical & Analytical Chemistry (1. S.5Years) Advance Diploma in Sugar Chemical Control (1Years) 240 240 210 190 190 180 170 165 160 150 140 130 125 100 100 100 100 100 90 90 85 80 80 60 55 35 30 30 20 20 10 96 98 43 5 28 4 24 6 34 98 77 3 48 10 21 25 30 42 39 45 21 8 44 47 10 5 17 29 2 3 8 64 Pune Region – M. Approved Short Term Courses .5Years) Advance Diploma in Front Office Management & Tourism (1Years) Vocational Diploma in Building Construction (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Fitting (2Years) Diploma in Fashion and Textile Designing (3Years) Vocational Diploma in Fashion Technology (2Years) Diploma in Fruit Process-ing & Wine Technology (2Years) Advance Diploma in Clinical Research (1Years) Vocational Diploma in Hotel & Catering (2Years) Post Graduate Diploma in Fermentation and Distillery and Wine Technology (2Years) Advance Diploma in Social Communication (1Years) Diploma in Maritime Catering & Hotel Management (2Years) Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety and Security Management (1Years) Vocational Diploma in Machinist (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Carpentry & Interior Decoration (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Plumbing (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Welding (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Turning (2Years) Advance Diploma in radiotherapy Tech.5Years) Advance Diploma in Fire and Security Management (1Years) Advance Diploma in X-ray and Radiography and Ultra?Sonography Techniques (1. (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Painting (2Years) Vocational Diploma in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (2Years) Diploma in Operation Theatre Technician (2Years) Diploma in Hemodialysis Technician (1. Courses with ZERO Intake capacity and ZERO Enrolment are marked with “**” Pune Region – M. S.1.60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 CA EM ES CJ FB RA CX BP FI AR BQ ER BB EA FD LA CB NR RM BT HK AC AG EW GI PP Post Diploma in Computer Application (1.5Years) Advanced Diploma in Business Management Science (2Years) Advance Diploma in Energy Management & Audit. in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (1. in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (2Years) Advance Diploma in Automotive Mechatronics (1Years) Advance Diploma in Energy Management & Audit.5Years) Total: 160 220 130 120 120 120 110 100 90 70 60 60 40 30 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24637 Note :. (1.5Years) Advance Diploma in Embeded Systems (1Years) Post Diploma in CAD/CAM (1Years) Advance Diploma in Family Managed Business (1Years) Advance Diploma in Robotics And Automation (1. Govt. Approved Short Term Courses 65 .5Years) Advance Diploma in House Keeping (1Years) Post Dip..Corses with ZERO enrolment for the Academic Year 2009-10 are marked with “*” 2.5Years) Advance Diploma in Export Import Management (1.5Years) Advance Diploma in Blood Bank Technology & Management (1Years) Advance Diploma in Environmental Architecture (1Years) Post Diploma in Foundry Technology (1.5Years) Post Diploma in Computer Maintenance Engineering (1Years) Advanced Diploma in Business Processing Outsourcing Operations (1Years) Post Diploma in Fire Engineering (1Years) Post Dip.5Years) Advance Diploma in Landscape Architecture (2Years) Advance Diploma in Cyber Security Management (1Years) Advance Diploma in Natural Resources & Management Restoration & Sustainable Development (1Years) Advance Diploma in Retail Management (1Years) Advance Diploma in Blood Bank Technology & Management (1. (1Years) Advance Diploma in Geo-Information (1Years) Post Diploma in Paper Technology (1. PASS S. 9057 12146 9703 12876 43782 PASS 7577 10400 6557 8837 33371 TOTAL Pune Region – M. PASS S.Mumbai 400 051.N Aurangabad region DISTRICT APP. Mumbai. District wise Result Statistics (FINAL YEAR/ SEMESTER) for Summer 2009 Examination AICTE approved Courses Mumbai Region S. PASS S. PASS 1 2 3 Mumbai Raigad Thane 4353 978 3726 9057 3845 735 2997 7577 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kolhapur Pune Ratnagiri Sangli Satara Sindhudurg Solapur 1895 5835 925 1452 1771 268 1463 12146 1396 4565 696 1047 1341 201 1154 10400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Akola Amravati Bhandara Buldhana chandrapur Gadchiroli Gondia Nagpur Wardha Washim Yavatmal 163 1059 477 485 1048 215 162 3712 1072 373 937 9703 122 703 274 341 716 121 118 2595 683 264 620 6557 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ahmednagar Aurangabad Beed Dhule Hingoli Jalgaon jalna Latur Nanded Nandurbar Nashik Osmanabad Parbhani 2256 657 685 1167 12 1650 406 862 822 714 3047 374 224 12876 1581 531 514 675 7 1012 281 587 557 315 2378 256 143 8837 Regional Statistics REGION MUMBAI PUNE NAGPUR AURANGABAD APP.49.N Pune Region DISTRICT APP. S. Govt. Government Polytechnic Building.Bandra (E).N Nagpur Region DISTRICT APP. Aliyawar Jung Marg.N DISTRICT APP. Approved Short Term Courses 66 .Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education. Kherwadi. Govt. approved Courses Mumbai Region S. PASS S. Kherwadi.N Pune Region DISTRICT APP. Mumbai.Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.Bandra (E).N Aurangabad region DISTRICT APP. District wise Result Statistics (FINAL YEAR/ SEMESTER) for Summer 2009 ExaminatiomState Govt. PASS S. PASS 1 2 3 Mumbai Raigad Thane 568 169 217 954 462 146 182 790 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kolhapur Pune Ratnagiri Sangli Satara Sindhudurg Solapur 61 395 1 17 39 7 0 520 44 285 1 9 24 2 0 365 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Akola Amravati Bhandara Buldhana chandrapur Gadchiroli Gondia Nagpur Wardha Washim Yavatmal 0 386 175 310 944 0 0 867 1073 23 106 3884 0 156 47 12 427 0 0 515 349 20 59 1526 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ahmednagar Aurangabad Beed Dhule Hingoli Jalgaon jalna Latur Nanded Nandurbar Nashik Osmanabad Parbhani 45 76 3 2 0 0 0 22 9 0 53 0 0 210 36 59 1 2 0 0 0 13 8 0 43 0 0 162 Regional Statistics REGION MUMBAI PUNE NAGPUR AURANGABAD APP. PASS S. Government Polytechnic Building.49. S.Mumbai 400 051. Aliyawar Jung Marg. PASS 954 520 3884 210 5568 790 365 1526 162 2843 TOTAL Pune Region – M.N DISTRICT APP.N Nagpur Region DISTRICT APP. Approved Short Term Courses 67 . ) ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING(IND. IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (P. Coursewise Result Statistics (FINAL YEAR/ SEMESTER) for Summer 2009 Examinatiom. Aliyawar Jung Marg.) COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER ENGINEERING CIVIL AND RURAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CIVIL ENGINEERING (SANDWICH PAT) DRESS DESIGNING & GARMENT MANUFACTURING DIGITAL ELECTRONICS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (CORRESPONDENCE) ELECTRONICS & TELECOMM.INT) ELECTRONICS & TELE COMMUNICATION ENGG ELECTRONICS ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & VIDEO ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING FOOD TECHNOLOGY FABRICATION TECH & ERECTION ENGG Appeared 99 1013 35 39 25 3398 656 3 4 2619 3713 293 172 1 31 178 163 52 35 2031 6 22 3579 2 135 1938 103 827 31 41 Passed 42 677 17 11 25 1972 464 3 3 2139 3099 147 85 0 30 92 125 33 35 1351 6 22 3201 0 91 1362 81 706 30 40 68 Pune Region – M.Bandra (E).T. Government Polytechnic Building. AICTE approved Courses Sr.) DIPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DIP. Approved Short Term Courses . INT. Mumbai. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Course Code AA AE AH CC CD CE CH CI CL CM CO CR CS CT CV DD DE EC ED EE EG EI EJ EN EP ET EV EX FC FE Course Name ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANTSHIP AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING (CORRESPONDENCE) COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IND. Mumbai 400 051. ) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (P. INT. S.Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.T. ( IND. Govt.) DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING (P. Kherwadi.T.49. Govt.T) PRODUCTION ENGINEERING PHARMACY PRINTING TECHNOLOGY PLASTIC ENGINEERING PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY SURFACE COATING TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA IN TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY TEXTILE MANUFACTURES Total: 30 386 46 1166 3172 369 55 79 7 53 8007 6 108 2 266 10 71 187 47 39 8547 146 43 213 53 6 49 44407 30 197 41 865 2680 296 53 61 7 34 5569 6 108 0 88 9 49 165 43 33 5948 104 39 163 53 6 38 32574 Pune Region – M. Approved Short Term Courses 69 .PAT) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ( IND. S.T.31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 FN HM IC IE IF IS IU LT MA MC ME MG MH MI ML MM MS MU PC PG PH PN PS PT SC TC TM FASHION AND TEXTILE DESIGN HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND CATERING TECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTATION INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS PGD IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA IN MARINE ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (CORRESPONDENCE) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (P.) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING(SAND.INT) MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY MACHINE TOOLS & MAINTENANCE ENGG MINING & MINE SURVEYING MEDICAL ELECTRONICS PRINTING TECHNOLOGY (P. S.G.IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY & SECURITY MNGT POST DIPLOMA IN FIRE ENGINEERING P.D.IN SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA Appeared 55 83 24 11 9 85 27 64 67 1987 70 21 37 18 2 1 470 31 8 23 44 16 13 230 424 157 920 51 773 56 32 11 11 28 44 Passed 39 65 21 10 0 42 0 34 54 1212 48 2 16 13 0 0 184 16 8 20 36 15 7 14 258 122 24 37 595 45 19 11 9 25 40 70 Pune Region – M.DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT POST DIPLOMA IN CAD/CAM A.G. Kherwadi. ENGG.D. HARDWARE & NETWORKING(P.G.SYS.IN PHARMACEUTICAL BUSINESS MGT P. ADV.Mumbai 400 051. DIP. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Course Code BA BC BH BQ CJ CP CQ DA DI DM DT EB FA FF FI FL FR FS FU FW HC HN HO IA ID IN IO IR IT PB PR RT SO ST SU Course Name AD DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BEAUTY CULTURE & HAIR DRESSING P.T. Aliyawar Jung Marg. IN PROJECT MGT.G. DIPLOMA IN FIRE SAFETY ENGINEERING AD IN FIRE AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT P.) DIPOLMA IN HOTEL OPERATION ADV.49. IN INTERIOR DESIGN & DECORATION ADVANCE DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY P. & APPL..IN EXECUTIVE BUSINESS STUDIES A.DIP IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERIOR DESIGN AND DECORATION INTERIOR DESIGNING & DECORATION CERTIFICATE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY P.G. approved Courses Sr.Bandra (E). & WINE TEC.D.DISTI.D. IN FIRE SAFETY & IND. ANA. MARITIME CATERING TECH.G.Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.IN FERMENTATION.D. Coursewise Result Statistics (FINAL YEAR/ SEMESTER) for Summer 2009 Examinatiom. IN RADIOTHERAPY TECHNOLOGY P.D.D.DIP. Maharashtra State Govt.D. Mumbai. IN COMPUTER TECHNIQUES DIPLOMA IN 3D ANIMATION & GRAPHICS P.IN COMPUTER SOFT. ENV.D. Govt.G. POST HSC DIPLOMA IN FIRE SERVICE ENGG.G. No. D. Approved Short Term Courses .D.D. IN BEAUTY CULTURE & HAIR DRESSING P.IN FIRE SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL TECH.IN SUGAR CHEMICAL CONTROL DIP IN STENO & PVT SECRETARIAL PRCT (MOP P.D. & HOTEL MGT. A. IN BUILDING CONST P.G.IN COMP. Government Polytechnic Building. A.DIPLOMA IN DIETETICS & NUTRITION DRESS DESIGNING & MANUFACTURING DIPLOMA IN DENTAL TECHNOLOGY A. T.T.T. & AIR CONDITIONING (P.) VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA IN TURNING (P. S.T.) VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICIAN (P.) V.T.) FRUIT PROCESSING & WINE TECHNOLY 6 15 95 45 11 44 106 24 15 16 25 29 13 16 15 6378 1 7 66 41 10 41 86 21 14 15 14 24 13 13 11 3418 Pune Region – M.) V. IN PLUMBING V.) VOCATIONAL DIP. IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION VOC.36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TA TU VA VB VC VD VE VF VH VM VP VR VT VW WT ADV. Approved Short Term Courses 71 . Govt.IN FASHION TECH.IN REF.T.DIP.T. D.IN CARPENTRY & INTERIOR DECO(P.T VOCATIONAL DIP. D. DIP.D.T) VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA IN MACHINING (P. IN TECH & ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY PGD IN TRAVEL AND TOURISM VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA IN AUTOMOBILE (P.HOTEL & CATERING (P.) VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA IN FITTING (P.T.) VOCATIONAL DIPLOMA IN WELDING (P. (P. MSBTE Activities Curriculum Revision Special features • • • • • • • • • Life Skills Professional Skills Flexibility through elective subjects Participation of Industry Professionals Practical based, Job oriented Search Conferences Job Analysis, Market Survey Orientation programs for Teachers Practical in Communication Skills • • • • Standardize Laboratory Practices in the institutes. Transparent document between the teachers and students. Focus on development of skills and competencies. Compulsory industrial visits and use of softwares & mini projects integrating skills. Language Laboratories • Develop Communication skills, Technical Writing skills & Language skills in students. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Established at remote Government Polytechnics on priority basis. Orientation Training for Teachers Question Banks developed for important subjects Balanced, errorless Question Paper. Take care for out of syllabus questions. Provide Numerical solutions. Question Paper profile. Very useful for diversified programs. Content updating training Industrial Training Management Training Hands on skills trainings. Orientation trainings. Industry Education Partnership Cell Collaboration with Maharashtra Economic Development Concil 2000 teachers deputed for industrial training Benefits to teachers Industrial exposure Watch latest shop floor practices 72 Academic Monitoring Focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to: • • • • • • • • • Faculty development Curriculum Implementation Continuous assessment Result Analysis Use of learning resources Students attendance Library facilities Participation in Technical Competitions Laboratory standards Question Banks Faculty Development Appreciated by National bodies like NBA, AICTE. Closed Loop system i.e. corrective measures through feedback mechanism. Concept of MSBTE Approved Teachers to be introduces NBA accreditation to be made mandatory for Institute after five years of establishment of courses. Curriculum Implementation and Assessment Norms (CIAAN). Lab Manuals • Scientificaly Resource, Pune Region – M. S. Govt. Approved Short Term Courses Industrial Training for Teachers. Customized Learning • • • • • Exposed to industry culture Gain confidence. Established Virtual learning centres at 10 Government Academic Year. Polytechnics. 20 more expected to be operational in current State • • • • • • Level Student Technical Quiz Competitions Students gain related peripheral knowledge Students develop broad vision Knowledge sharing Develop confidence in students Students expectations Certification and Cash prizes for winning teams State Level Student Technical Paper Presentation Competitions Inculcate in students • • • • No hardcopy • • Self study skills Presentation skills Information search skills Research abilities Knowledge sharing skills Defense skills groomed to Industries E-Learning • • • • • • • • • • Audio Video two way interactive expert lectures - relay from studio. Students and teachers of the remote polytechnics are beneficiaries. Involvement of private polytechnics in the network. 100 Virtual learning centres projected. Online diploma program. Career counseling. Career counseling. Paperless Office correspondence with Institutes. Institute developed habit to visit the web everyday. Saving in postage. Quick and confirmed communication. Circulars, Academic Calendar, Curriculae, Exam TimeTable, Exam Results, Office Orders, Hall tickets, etc. available on web site. MS-CIT online examination. • • • • • • • • A computer literacy drive of Government of Maharashtra More than 1000 examination centers 50 lakhs candidates examined Instant result declaration. Examination challenged. Language choice for examination available. Open office choice available. Practical questions. centers for physically Career Fair (Reach to the unreached) & Career Fair On Wheels in Romote & Tribal Areas. • • • • • • Technical & Vocational education reaching to the rural masses. Dissemination students Aptitude Testing Student Counseling Motivating Lectures Theme talks : • Career for all Future Technical Education Scenario Career Planning Education Loans Scope of Information Technology of information to the Scholarships Scholarships to needy and meritorious students of all Diploma programs 73 Pune Region – M. S. Govt. Approved Short Term Courses • • • • • • 900 Scholarships Scholarships recommended by state level committee Annual Budget Rs. 75 lakh Rs. 7000/- to each student per year Income limit Rs. 1 Lakh Scholarship continuation if First class maintained. Our Clients • Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd. (MKCL)-Online Course) • • Maharashtra State Board of Vocational Examination Result Processing. Government of Maharashtra - Higher & Technical Education online Application form (CET) Examination (MS-CIT Other Projects • • • • • • • • • • • • • Conduct of Online Examination Controlled Autonomy for Polytechnics of Andaman & Nicobar Result Processing of M. S. Board of Vocational Examinations. Common Entrance Tests Design and Development of Need based Curriculae. Design and Development of Lab Manuals. Conduct Academic Monitoring of Technical Institutions. Organise Faculty & Student development program. Conduct Examinations. Result Processing. Award of Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma. Joint Certification Programs. Consultancy Services for the Establishment of Technical Board. Examinations-Online Our Expertise Pune Region – M. S. Govt. Approved Short Term Courses 74 We are associated with … MHRD AICTE ISTE MEDC BOAT PCI CII NITTTR MKCL CIIILP DGM&MS VIA MIA TBIA ACI MCC NMA IMC Minstry of Human Resurce Development All India Council for Technical Education ndian Society for Technical Education Maharashtra Economic Development Council Board of Apprenticeship Training Pharmacy Council of India Confederation of Indian Industry National Institute of Technical Teacher’s Training & Teachers Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited Canada India Industry Institute Linkage Project Director General of Mines and Mine Safety (Dhanbad) Vidarbha Industries Association Marathwada Industries Association Thane Belapir Industries Association Architecture Council of India Maharashra Chamber of Commerce Nashik Industrial & Manufacturing Association Indian Merchants’s Chamber 75 . Concrete Technology 3. Applied Science (Applied Chemistry) 8. Microcontroller 5. Electronics Components & Application 7. Building Construction 2. Pharmaceutics-II 2. Network Management and Administration Sixth Semester: 1. Maintenance of Electronic Equipments 16. Electrical Engineering 5. Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology 5. Automobile Engines 8. Telematics 21. Hospital and Clincal Pharmacy (9113) (9115) (9116) (9121) (9122) (9123) (9125) (9081) (9084) (9085) (9086) (9095) (9096) (9097) ( -.) (9046) (9047) (9049) (9050) (9051) (9053) (9054) (9056) (9061) (9062) (9064) (9065) (9066) (9067) (9069) (9070) (9071) (9072) (9074) Fifth Semester: 1. Applied Science (Applied Chemistry) 4. Pharmacology & Toxicology 4. Principles of Communication System 8. Applied Science (Applied Physics ) 6. Thermal Engineering 7. AC Machines 12. Power Electronics (10001) (10002) (10004) (12012) (12014. Environmental Engineering 2. Advanced Web Technology 15. Digital Techniques & Microprocessor 17. 12075) (12020) (12020) (12021) (12031) (12014) 12015) (12022) (12025) (12026) (12027) (12018) (9019) (9021) (9024) (9026) (9031) (9032) (9034) (9036) (9037) (9038) (9039) (9040) (9041) ( -. Design of Steel Structures 10.Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education. DC Machines & Transformers 9.A (Text Book in English and Grammar) Second Semester: 1. Data Structure 14. Operating System 3. Digital Techniques 10 Relational Data Base Mngt.) ( -. Communication Skill 2. Fundamental of Electrical Engg. Power Engineering 13. Electronics Instruments & Measurement 18. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning( 11. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 8. Testing & Maintenance of Electrical Machines 5. Industrial Measurements 13. Communication Technique 4. Electronics 11. Computer Networks 13. Fundamental of Electronics 6. Ventilation and Air conditioning 7. Basic Electronics 8. Electrical Measurements 7. Microprocessor and Microcontroller 8. Heating. Measurement and Control 14. Human Anatomy and Physiology Second Year: 1. Advanced Construction Techniques and Equipments 4. Embedded System 16. Advance Communication Systems 19. Programming in “C” 13. Hydraulics 4. Object Oriented Programming 9 . Pharmaceutical Chemistry –I 3. Basic Physics 2. Instrumentation 10. Estimating and Costing 9. Design of Structures 3. Alternate Energy Sources and Management 10. Electrical Technology 12. Development of Life Skills Third Semester: 1. Principles of Digital techniques 12. 10. Industrial Fluid Power 9. Pharmaceutics-I 2. Digital Communication 6. Computer Architecture & Maintenance 15. Software Testing 12. Power Electronics and Drives 6. Mobile Communication 20. Java Programming 2. Pharmacognosy 4. Mechanics of Structures 2. Linear Integrated Circuits 16. Systems Programming 17.12765) (12020. Metrology & Quality Control 15. Theory of M/C and Mechanism 5. Basic Chemistry 3. Industrial Automation Pharmacy Lab Manuals First Year: 1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry –II 3. Switchgear and Protection 11. System 11. Object Oriented Modelling and Design 14. Control Systems 18. Industrial Electronics 7. Electrical Engineering 11. Applied Science (Applied Chemistry) 5. Strength of Materials 4. Microprocessor and Programming 12. Spectrum . Applied Electronics 11. Visual Basic Fourth Semester: 1. Electrical Circuits and Network 6.) (9135) (9136) (9137) (9142) (9143) (9146) (9147) (9151) (9153) (9155) (9164) (9165) (9166) (9167) (9168) (9169) (9171) (9172) (9173) (9175) (9178) (0805) (0806) (0807) (0808) (0809) (0811) (0812) (0813) (0816) 76 . Applied Science (Applied Physics) 3. Advanced Java Programming 13. Engineering Mechanics 9. Mumbai List of Laboratory Manuals developed by MSBTE First Semester: 1. Geotechnical Engineering 3. com Regional Offices Mumbai Sub-Region Officer Incharge. 49. Kherwadi.com Aurangabad Region Deputy Secretary.S.For more academic information please contact: HEAD OFFICE Secretary. Board of Technical Education.com Pune Region Deputy Secretary. 412-E.in Website :. Kherwadi. M. 2264 1151.org. Post Box No.dte. Mumbai . Fax: 91-022-2269 2102 e-mail : system@dte. Polytechnic Building. 2269 0602. Phone: (+91) 022-2647 1255 (5 – lines) Fax: (+91) 022-2647 3980 E-mail: secretary@msbte. Aurangabad – 431 005 Phone: 95240-233 1273 / 233 4025 Fax: 95240-234 9669 E-mail: rbteau@msbte. Bandra (East). Pune – 411 016 Phone: 9520-2565 6994 / 2566 0319 Fax: 9520-2565 2308 E-mail: rbtepn@msbte. Regional Office.com Nagpur Region Deputy Secretary. India. Board of Technical Education. Regional Office. Maharashtra State 3. M. 49. Bahirat PatilChowk.S. Sadar. Regional Office.in .msbte. Board of Technical Education. Govt. Mumbai – 400 051 Phone: 022-2647 3253 / 2647 3254 Fax: 022-2647 3254 E-mail: rbtemumbai@msbte. Mumbai . 2262 0601. Shivaji Nagar.400 051. Osmanpura.400 001 Phone:91-022-2264 1150. M. Mumbai Sub-Region 2nd Floor.com Website: www. Nagpur – 440 001 Phone: 95712-256 0350 / 2564836 Fax: 95712-256 0350 E-mail:
[email protected]
For Admission related information please contact: Directorate of Technical Education. Bandra (East). Maharashtra. Mahapalika Marg.www. Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.S. 1967.org.
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