Final IInd Year syllabus of BAMS.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: DrMohamed Rifas | Category: Topical Medication, Ayurveda, Physician, Medicine, Chemicals



CENTRAL COUNCIL OF INDIAN MEDICINENEW DELHI SYLLABUS OF AYURVEDACHARYA (BAMS) COURSE INDEX 2ND PROFESSIONAL 1.1 DRAVYAGUNA VIGHYAN 2-9 1.2 AGADTANTRA 10-12 1.3 RASASHATRA 13-21 1.4 CHARAK SAMHITA 22 1|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 2.1 DRAVYAGUNA VIJNAN (PHARMACOLOGY & MATERIA MEDICA) Lectures: 200 Hrs. Practicals: 200 Hrs. Total Marks -400 Theory Two Papers– 100 Marks Each Practical/Viva voce – 200 Marks Paper I 100 Marks Part A 50 Marks 1- Dravyaguna Shastra Paribhasa- Lakshana of Sapta Padartha of Dravyaguna Vijnana viz Dravya- Rasa-Guna- Virya- Vipaka- Prabhava and Karma. 2- Dravya: Etymological derivation, definition, panchbhoutikatwa. Classification of Dravya according to Samhitas and Nighantus Taxonomical classification. 3- Guna: Etymological derivation, definition and Classification of Guna. Detailed knowledge of Gurvadi Guna & Paradi gunas. 4- Rasa: Etymological derivation, definition, Meaning of “Rasa” in various contexts. Shad Rasas (Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, and Kashaya), Panchabhautik constitution of Rasas, Nirvrittiviseshakrama (manifestation in general and particular), Ritu and shad rasa Rasanurasayoh bheda (Difference between rasa and anurasa), Lakshana (characteristics),Guna and Karma of shad Rasas, Kopana and Shamana of Dosha and dushya by Shad rasas. Effects of excess usage of Rasa. Rasopalabdhi, Rasaskandha. 5- Vipaka: Etymological derivation and definition, difference between Avasthapaka and Vipaka, Types of Vipaka, (Dvividha-Trividha,Panchavidha) Guna and karma of Vipaka. Grades of Vipaka (taratamya), Vipakopalabdhi hetu (Factors to determineVipaka). 6- Veerya: Etymological derivation, definition and Swarupa of Virya, Number of Virya. (Dwividha & Ashtavidha), Panchabhauthikatva Virya karmani (Effects of Virya), General principles in determination of virya along with exceptions. 2|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 Explanation of the following Karmas with examples: 1. Pramathi 15.Knowledge of Agrayaaushadha Varga with example. 11 b). Chaturusana. Kantakapanchamoola. Vikashi 18. study on different prayojyanga (useful plant parts). Madakari 14. Mutrashtaka. Jeevaneeya panchamoola. 12. Basis and Derivation of synonyms. Dravya Sangrahana (collection of dravya). Madhuratriphala. Trinapanchamoola. Amlapanchaka.Mishraka Gana: 11a). Jeevaneeya 21.Madhyamapanchamoola. Brief information on Karmas of dashemani gana of Charak Samhita. Kshara dvaya. Rechana 9.7. Ashtavarga. Panchakola. Grahi 12. Kshara Ashtaka. Sthambhana 13. Panchavalakala. samrakshana vidhi (preservation of collected dravyas). Mahavisha. Deepana 2. Audbhida Gana (Vegetable origin) Brihatpanchamoola. Samshamana 5. Brimhana 23. Shadusana.Trikarshika.Trimada.Karma: Lakshana.Jangama Gana (Animal origin). Chaturbeeja. Chaturbhadra. 3|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . 8. Pitta panchaka. swaroopa and bheda of karma (Definition. Sangrahana vidhi (Method of collection) -Vegetable and Animal origin drugs according to part used. Trikatu. 13. Interrelation of Rasa-Guna-Virya-Vipaka-Prabhava with respect to their strength (balabal nirupana).Basis of nomenclature: Basis of nomenclature of dravya. Sransana 7. Panchapallava. Bheashaja Pariksha vidhi (as described in Charaka samhita vimana sthana 8). swarupa of sangrahaniya dravya of (Nature and quality of drug to be collected). Effects of Prabhava. Trijataka. Medhya 10.Ksheerashtaka.Prabhava: Definition. Anulomana 6. Bhedana 8. Laghupanchamoola. Samshodhana 4. Lekhana 11. Triphala.Parthiva Gana (Mineral origin) . Samanapratyayarabdha and Vichitrapratyayarabdha dravyas. Vallipanchamoola. Agrya aushadh varga. Jeevaniya gana. Swalpatriphala. 11 c). 11. Balya 22. bheshajagara (Storehouse). Abhishyandi 16. Rasayana 19. Pachana 3.Lavana Panchaka. Period of collection according to virya.Ecology. nature and types of action). Langhana 24. Chaturajataka. Vyavayi 17. Vajeekarana 20. Upavisha. Katuchaturjataka Panchatikta. Chhedana 10.Classification of desha (geographical area) and bhumi (soil). 9. Antidiuretic. Diuretic.Brief knowledge of cultivation. Vishakta Lakshan (adverse effects). Botanical Name. Antihypertensive. Antiemetic.Prashasta bheshaja (ideal drug). Amoebicidal. Vishishta yoga (names of important formulations). Antifilarial. Chikitsopachara (remedial measures) and Shodhana (as required) 4|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . conservation of medicinal plants and information about endangered species. Rajanighantu. Family. Vaccines. Antiobesity. Paper II 100 Marks Part A 70 marks 1-Detailed Knowledge of Following Dravya – 1. Definition & scope of Pharmacology and Principles of general Pharmacology. Hepatoprotective. plant extracts. Hormonal therapy. Brief Knowledge about pharmacology of the following . Hypolipidaemic. Carminatives.Introduction. Important phytoconstituents. 16. CNS depressants. Contraceptives. Tranquilisers. Antidiarrhoeals. Antianginal. Hypnotics. Antidiabetic. Part B 50 Marks (I) 20 Marks 14 a) Concept of dravya shodhan (purification of dravya). Haemopoetic. (II) 30 Marks 18. Oxytocic. Antiplatelet. Aerosols/ Inhalants. Antiinflammatory. antivenom. Local anti septics. Anthelmentic. . Concept of viruddha Dravya (incompatibility of the dravya).Water imbalance and IV fluids. Expectorants. Sedatives. Anti cancer drugs and immunomodulators. Antihistamines.Vitamins. Minerals. Antimicrobial. Bhavaprakashanighantu. Rasa panchaka. Antimalarial.Dhanwantari Nighantu. antirabbies serum. Antacids. Regional Name. Galactagogues. Digestants. 17. Coagulants. Main Synonyms. 14 b) Brief knowledge of Apamishran (adulterants) 14 c) Concept of Abhava pratinidhi dravya (substitutes) 15. Action on Dosha. Lithotriptic. Antiepileptics. Mala. Antifungal. drugs in ophthalmic practice. Bronchodialators. Amayikaprayoga and Matra (Therapeutic administration and Dose). Antipyretics. Useful parts. External morphology.Introduction to Nighantu Vigyan . Styptics. Prayogarha vyadhi (therapeutic indications).Detailed knowledge of following drugs with respect to Basonym of drug. Antithyroid. Laxatives. Dhatu. Antibiotics. Analgesics. Antiulcer. Classification of Dravya (Gana) as described in Charak and Sushrut.Anaesthetics. Parisha Amra Kadamba Parnabija 5|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . [Alphabetical order and Botanical names to all the drugs are to be added] Agaru Guggulu Pashanabheda Agnimantha Haridradvaya Patala Agnimantha Haritaki Pippali-Pippalimula Ahiphena Hingu Prishniparni Amalaki Jambu Punarnava Apamarga Jatamansi Pushkarmoola Aragvadha Jatiphal Rasna Aragvadha Jeerakadvaya Rasona Ardraka-Sunti Jyotishmati Rohitaka Arjuna Kalamegha Saireyaka Arjuna Kampillaka Sarivadvaya Arkadvaya Kanchanara Sarpagandha Ashvagandha Kantakari Shalaparni Asoka Kapikacchu Shallaki Ativisha Karkatakshringi Shalmali Bakuchi Karpura Shankhapushpi Baladvayam.Brief Knowledge of following dravyas with Respect to Sanskrit Name. Lodhra Ushira Chitraka Madanaphala Vacha Dadima Mandukaparni. Botanical Name. Agastya Jati Palandu Ajamoda Jayapala Parasika Yavani Akarkarabh Jeevanti Parijata Amlavetasa Kadali. Family. Varahi Devadaru Manjishtha Varahi Dhataki Maricha Varuna Durva Musta Vasa Eladvayam Nagakeshara Vatsanabha Eranda Nimba Vidanga Gambhari Nirgundi Vidari Gokshura Palasha Yastimadhu Guduchi Parpata Yavani Part B- II. Habit (Samanya Swarupa). Parts Used and Indications. Katuki Shatavari Bhallataka Khadira Shigru Bharangi Kiratatikta Shirisha Bhrungaraj Kumari Shyonaka Bibhitaka Kumkum Kesara Talisa Patra Bijak/ Vijaysar Kupilu Tila Bilva Kushta Trivrut Brahmi Kutaja Tulasi Bruhati Lavanga Tvak Chandanadvaya. -Introduction. Amragandhiharidra Kaidarya Parnayavani Ankola Kakamachi Parpataka Aparajita Kamala Parushaka Ashvagol Kankola Patalagarudi Ashvattha Karanja Patha Asthishrunkhala Karavellaka Patola Atasi Karavira Patranga Avartaki Karira Pilu Avartani Karpasa Plaksha Babbula Kasamarda Prasarani Badara Kasha Priyala Bakula Kasni Priyangu Bhumyamalki Kataka Puga Bijapoora Katphala Putiha Bola Kebuka Putranjivaka Chakramarda Kharjura Rajika/Sarshapa Champaka Kitmari Rohitaka Chandrashura Kokilaksha Saptachakra Changeri Koshataki Saptaparna Chavya Kulatha Saral Chirbilva Kumuda Sarja Chopachini Kusha Shala Danti Kusmanda Shara Darbha Lajjalu Sharapunkha Dattura Langali Shatahwa Dhanvayasa Latakaranja Shati Dhanyaka Latakasturi Snuhi Draksha Madayantika Sringataka Dronapushpi Mahanimba Svarnakshiri Gandhaprasarini Mandukaparni Tagara . 1. Gorochana 3. Masha Talmuli Gorakshaganja Mashaparni Taruni Gunja Matulunga Tavakshira hinsapa Mayaphala Teja Patra Hinstra Meshashrungi Tuvaraka Hribera Methika Udumbara Hrutpatri Mudgaparni urana Ikshu Mulaka Vamsha Indravaruni Murva Vata Ingudi Nagabala Vatada Irimeda Nala Vrudhadaru Ishvaku Narikela Vrukshamla Isvari Nili Japa Padmaka III . Mrigasringa 6|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Kasturi 2. Garjara Markandika Tailaparni Gojihva. Guna. Karma and Uses of following Jantava Dravya (Drugs of Animal Origin). 2. Patra (leaves) . Records of Herbarium sheets of 50 medicinal plants Compulsory study tour other state/s for field knowledge and procurement of plant species. Study of Macroscopic. i. Jala Varga 2. Kanda (stem) . Shaka Varga 9. Phala (fruit) – Maricha or Madanaphala or Vidanga v. Mamsa Varga 10.Madhu or Ghrita. Dugdha Varga 3. Aharayogi PRACTICALS 1.Dhataki or Japa iv. A. Moola(Root). Twak (bark) – Kutaja or Arjuna or Ashwattha vii.spotting –Raw/crude drugs 30 marks 4 Plant identification spotting –fresh 30 marks 5 Practical 40 marks 6. Sukadhanya Varga 6. Madhu Varga 4. Phala Varga 8. PRACTICAL MARKS DIVISION 1 Herbarium 20 Marks 2 Practical record 20 Marks 3 Drug identification.Shamidhanya Varga 7. Viva-Voce 60 Marks Total 200 marks Reference Books 7|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 .Introductory Knowledge of Following Annapana Varga: 1. IV. Beeja (seeds) – Eranda or Kapikacchhu vi. Jangama dravya .Vasa or Kumari iii.Guduchi or Ashtishrinkhala ii. Niryasa (exudate) – Guggulu or Mocharasa ix. Microscopic characters and Demonstration of organoleptic charcteristics and grahya-agrahyatva of following plants and their useful parts. Taila Varga 5.Punarnava or Chitraka viii. Pushpa (flower and Parts of flower). Dravyaguna Vigyana (Vol. Dr. 1-5) . Pharmacology and .K. Controversial Medicinal Plants . System of Plant Nomenclature in . G. Bhrinad dravyagunadarsha . Gogate 17. Bedi Vanaspati Kosha . Text Book of Pharmacognosy . Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 31. Prof. Ramesh Bedi 5. Maya Ram Uniyal 30. Phadake 19. Aushadna Vigyna Shastra . Vd. Dravyaguna Vijyana . Dravyaguna Vigyana . Kriyatamka Aushadi Parichaya . Dravyagunavijnana basic Principles . Shivcharan Dhyani 32. Acharya Pt. Dr. 1-2) . Vaidya G. Textbook of Dravyaguna . Dr. Thakur Balwant Singh & Vd. Priya nighantu . Materia Medica . Prayogatamaka Dravyaguna Vigyana . Dravyaguna Kosha . Acharya Ghosh 26. Shiv Kumar Vyas Kshetra Me Yogadana 12. With Vd. Prof. Dravyaguna Shastrum . Ayurvediya Aushadnkarma vigyana .Nishteswar 35. Gyanendra Panday Ayurveda 33. Vd. Unani Dravyaguna Vigyana . Classical Uses of Medicinal Plants . Vd. Bhaishajyaguna Vigyana . Bhrittrayis Krishna Chandra Chunekar 23. Deshpande 20. Dr. Pharmacological basis of Medical . Introduction to Dravyaguna . Goodman & Gillman Practice 28. Mahendra Kumar Shastri 9. Gyanendra Pandey 15. A.A. Vishvanatha Dwidevi 3. Dravyaguna Sutram . Abhinav Buti Darpan (Vol. Thakur 4. Dravyaguna Vigyana(Vol. Glossry of Vegetable Drugs in . Trees & Valis 34. Bapa Lal 27. Shreekanthamurti 7. Acharya Pt. Krishna Chandra Chunekar commentary 8.1. Satoskar Bhandarkar & Ainapure Pharmacotherapeutics 29. Prof. Prakash Pranjape Plants) 22. Dr. Dalhana Ka Dravyaguna Shastra Ke . Raspanchaka/Dravyaguna Siddhanta . Dravyaguna Vijyana .D.P. Dr. Bhav Prakash Nigantu (English) . Bapa Lal 11. Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 13. Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 10. Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 18. Dr.J.1-2) . Alakhnarayan Singh 6. Nighantu Adarsh (Vol. Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 24. Acharya Yadavji Tikram Ji 16.M. Bhav Prakash Nighantu . 1-2) . Vd. V. Vishvanath Dwidevi 25.Lucas 21. Forgotten Healers (Indian Medicinal .S. Dr. Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 14. Acharya V. Roop Lal Vaishya 2. Hakim Daljeet Singh 8|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Sushurut.36. Uttarakand Ki Vanaspatiya . Dr. 37. Dr. Ram Sushil Singh 40. Thakur Balwant Singh 39. Gyanendra Pandey 38. - and Vagbhata. Vanoaushadi Darshika . Dr. Useful parts of Charaka. Dinesh Chandra Sharma ***** *** * 9|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Vanoaushadi Nidarshika . Vedic Vanaspatiyan . Madya and Oja guna. alkalis in general. Gunja. Snuhi. 9 Jangama Visha – Detailed study of Sarpa.A 50 Marks 1 Derivation. (Poisoning with Anjana. Definition of poison. Visha Upadrava and Visha Mukta Lakshana. Carbolic acid. Abharana etc. General principles of Management of poisoning. diagnosis. Eranda. suicidal and homicidal poisons.2. Dooshivisha. metals. their Fatal Dose. Tin. management of poisoning. Visha Prabhava. Alkalis. Chikitsa and their Sadhyasadhyata (contemporary and classical views). duties of a medical practitioner in case of suspected poisoning. Nitric acid. excretion. Bhallataka. Iodine Metallic poisoning – Arsenic. Digitalis and Cerebra Odallam. post mortem appearance and its medico legal importance. metabolism. Visha Peeta Lakshana. 3 Origin and Classification of Visha:-Its sources. Bhanga & Tobacco.100 hrs Part. absorption. 2.Arka. diagnosis and general principles of treatment. Vatsanabha. Hydrocyanic acid. Karaveera. Viruddhahara. fatal period. Manifestation. Zinc. Copper.Samuhika Vishaprayoga. Shanka Visha. AGADTANTRA. Loota. 8 Garavisha. Bheda. 2 Definition of toxicology. Lepa paduka. 4 Tests for detection of Visha. Visha and Upavisha. Dhattura. 6 Vishopakrama described by Charak. Alarka – Visha. Visha Gati. Non-metals. Scope of Agadatantra. 10 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Visha Vega Visha Sankata. Difference between Visha. Hydrochloric acid. Parthenium hysteriphorus. Visha Utpatti. Visha Pranaharana Kriya. Mercury. Vrischika. Food adulteration and poisoning–classification. Ahiphena. Signs and symptoms of Visha afflicted organs and personal effects. 10 Introduction to poisoning due to Acids. Langali. Fatal period. definition of Visha and Agadatantra. Hydrogen sulphide c) Nonmetallic poisons – Phosphorous. Formic acid. medico legal importance and postmortem appearance of poisoning due to: a) Acid and Alkalis– Sulphuric acid. Visha Guna. Lead. and Modern Toxicological Techniques of detection of poisons Visha Data Lakshana. Asphyxiants and others. Jayapala. Chitraka. Mooshika. 7 Manifestation of poisoning due to poisons of plant origin their fatal Dose. 5 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology.effect of chemical and nuclear warfare. b) Asphyxiants – Carbon monoxide. Lakshana. classification of poisons. Oxalic acid. their action and route of administration. Carbon dioxide. management and contemporary significance. management. VYAVAHAR-AYURVED EVUM VIDHIVAIDYAK (TOXICOLOGY. FORENSIC MEDICINE AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE) Theory One Paper – 100 Marks Practical/Viva voce -50 Marks Theory -200 hrs Practical . Kupeelu. Keeta. Criminal negligence. Physician’s responsibility in criminal matters. Code of conduct. Introduction to Forensic psychiatry. Laws in relation to Medical practitioners: Indian Medicine Central Council Act. Infanticide. Ethics as in classical Texts. 13. Personal identity and its Medico legal aspects. Sexual offences. Civil negligence. Apujya Vaidya. Introduction to forensic laboratory. 2. 11 Madya and Madatyaya. 4. 11. 12 Introduction to Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances Act 1985. Sexual perversions. 12. Introduction to Indian Penal Code. Part –B 50 Marks 1. Legitimacy. Medico Legal autopsy and exhumation. Courts and their powers. Vaidya Sadvrittam. 15. 10. and their Medico Legal aspects. Qualities of Vaidya. 5. Asphyxial deaths and its Medico Legal importance. 3.Petroleum – Kerosene Organo phosphorus compounds -Aluminum phosphate. Professional negligence. Medico Legal importance of Pregnancy. Virginity. forensic odontology. Evidence. Medico Legal aspects of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.Inquest. 7. battered baby. general introduction of weapons. Delivery. Introduction to Forensic Serology and DNA profiling. Rights of an unborn child. Dowry deaths (Domestic Violence). Death and its Medico Legal Aspects. their Medico Legal importance and laws in relation to it. Duties of Vaidya to his patient. d) Others . 14. 9. Definition of Vyavahara Ayurveda (Forensic medicine) and Vidhivaidyaka (Medical jurisprudence). their medico Legal aspects. 8. Maintenance of medical record. 6. Indian Evidence Act and Criminal Procedure Code. concise history of Vyavahara Ayurveda (Forensic medicine) and Vidhivaidyaka (Medical jurisprudence). Types of Vaidya. Legal Procedures:. Witness. Household poisons. Organo Chlorinated Compounds. Pranabhisara and Rogabhisara Vaidya. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act Transplantation of 11 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Alcohol poisoning (Ethanol and Methanol). Responsibilities of Vaidya. Chaturvidha Vaidyavrutti. Artificial Insemination. Abortion. Injuries and thermal injuries. Impotence & Sterility. Ashtanga Samgraha. Agadatantra ki Pathyapustaka Edited By Dr Huparikar. Practical/Clinical Record Book 10 Marks 3. H. Identification (spotting) 10 Marks 4. Post Mortem examination and Court posting – Case Record 10 Marks 2. Kangle 13. Relevant topics from Manu Smriti ***** *** * 12 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Umadathan 18. Sushrut Samhita. International Code of Medical Ethics for Doctors. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology Modi 4.Joglekar 8. human organs Bill 1994. of India 19. Text book of Agada Tantra Edited by Dr Huparikar. 2. medico legal specimens & Charts) 4. Dr. Vidhivaidyaka (Vyavahar Ayurveda Vijnan) Dr. Kautilya Arthashastra (Hindi) Dr. V. Mehta 11. Clinical establishment Act. Demonstrations in the Forensic & Toxicology museum (Toxic & Anti toxic substances. Agad Tantra Dr. B. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. Ashtanga Hridaya. Topics related to Agada Tantra from Charak Samhita.Charuchandra Pathak 3. Library Hours for compilation Distribution of Practical Marks 1. PRACTICAL Practical Training 1. Vyavahar Ayurveda Dr. Bhavaprakasha and Madhava Nidana. Basavarajeeyam Edited by Vd.Indramohan Jha (Sachchan) 16.Pillay 17. Evidence in the court 3. Consumer Protection Act 1986. Medical Ethics and Medical Laws in India Dr. Post Mortem examination 2. Ramanath Dwivedi 6. Malingering of feigned diseases. Kasyapa Samhitha. Raghunath Singh 14. Agada Tantra Sh. Forensic Medicine Dr. Kautilya Arthashastra (English) Prof.Govardhan 5. Dr. Vishachikitsa Vaidya Balakrishnan Nair. Viva – voce 20 Marks Total 50 Marks Reference Books 1.V.Ayodhya Prasad Achal 15. Shekher Namboodri 9. Relevant Acts Govt. Toxicology Ayurvedic Perspective VPSV Ayurveda college Kottakkal 12. Clinical postings 5.Joglekar 7. Vyavahar Ayurveda Vigyanam Dr. Pre Natal Diagnostic Testing Act. Yogaratnakara.S. Kerala (Ayurveda Toxicology English Translation) 10. Mahaputa.200 Teaching hours-200 Practical :- Total Marks-200 Teaching hours-200 RASASHASTRA Paper 1 100 Marks Part A 50 Marks 1.3. Panchagavya. Varitara. Yoga musha. Hot plate. Swedana Yantra. Nirvapa. Gara Koshthi. Heating mantle. Palika Yantra. Hot Air Oven. Shodhana. Gajaputa. Murchana. Rakta varga. 5. Importance of Rasaushadhi. Brief Description and Application of Technical terminologies (Paribhasha): Avapa. Gostani musha. Concept of Rasa-Rasayana. Jarana. Different types of crucibles e. Angarakoshthi and knowledge of various heating appliances viz. Satwapatana Koshthi. Maha musha. Vrintaka Musha. Satwa Patana. Lawakaputa. Bhavana. Panchamrittika. Dhalana. Gomayaputa. Dolayantra. Vajra Musha. History of Rasashastra. Sthali Yantra. Brief description & application of Musha (Crucible): Samanya Musha. Druti. Brief description & applications of Chullika. Mitra panchaka. Apunarbhava. Patalayantra. 2. Lohitikarana. Varahaputa. Kukkutaputa. Bhudharaputa. Patala Kosthi.g. Baluka Yantra. 7. Valukaputa. Kumbhaputa. Marana. Panchamrita. Definition and etymology of Rasa. Concept. Malla / Pakwa musha. Dravakagana. Silica crucible. Applications of Electric muffle furnace and fuel (diesel) dependent furnace. Gas stove. Bhudhara Yantra. Damaru Yantra . Niruttha. Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajyakalpana (IATROCHEMISTRY AND AYURVEDIC PHARMACEUTICS) Theory -Two Papers Total Marks. Kapotaputa. 3. 6. definition and types of Puta: Suryaputa. Ksharashtaka. Amrutikarana. Brief description of Yantras and their application Ulukhala Yantra. Mruta Loha. Mudra and Sandhi Bandhana. Jaranartha Tulayantra.Urdhwapatan. 13 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Concept of Raseshwar Darshana. Brief introduction to thermocouple and pyrometer. Khalwa Yantra.Vidhyadhara Yantra. 4. Lavanapanchaka. Dravya Varga: Amlavarga. Concept of Rasashala and Rasamandap. Kachhapa Yantra. 2. platinum crucible. Chandraputa. Induction Stove. Addhapatan & Tiryakpatana Yantra. Rekhapurna. 3. 8. Vaidurya (Cats eye). Mriga shringa (Stag horn). Synonyms. Manahshila (Realgar). Gomeda (Zircon or Cinnamone stone). Haratala (Orpiment). Concept of Murchhana and Jarana of Parada. Palanka. Ratnapariksha. Pravala (Coral). Pushparaga (Topaz). Ratna . pathya – apathya and ashuddha. Yashada (Zinc). Vimala (Iron Pyrite). Rajavarta (Lapis lazuli). Preparation of Kajjali. dose. Kankshi (Alum). Perojaka (Turquise). anupan and therapeutic uses. Gairika (Red Ochre). Types. Kasisa (Green Vitriol). Loha (Iron). Vaikrantha.Vaikranta (Tourmaline). Yougika. Vanga (Tin). Shodhana of Parada. Parada Dosha: Naisargika. 7. Chapala and Rasaka (Sphalerite). Agnijara. Maharasa –Abhraka (Biotite Mica). Kukkutanda twak (Hen’s Egg Shell). Kaparda (Cowry). Khatika. Marana and other processing techniques. Sudha varga – Sudha (Lime stone ). Suryakanta (Sun stone). Parada sanskara and brief description of Ashtasamskara. Nilam (Sapphire). Parpati Rasa. Gauri pashana (Arsenic oxide). Grahya and Agrahyata.Rasa sindur. Mukta (Pearl). Aupadhika (Kanchuka). Kamsya (Bronze). Uparatna. Pottali rasa . Putika. Tarkshya (Emerald). Sources. Types of Parada. natural and artificial sources of Parada. 14 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . 9. Shankh (Conch Shell). Occurrence. Parada gati. 6. Rudhir. Kaparda (Cowries). Shodhana. Chandrakanta (Moon stone). Trinakanta. Grahya-Agrahya Parada.Manikya (Ruby).Rasa Parpati. Parada bandha. Part B 50 Marks Occurrence. Uparasa – Gandhaka (Sulfur). Pittala (Brass). Hingula (Red Cinnabar) and Mriddara shringa (Litharge). Sasyaka (Peacock ore). Sadharana Rasa – Kampillaka. Godanti (Gypsum) and Samudraphena (Cattle Fish bone). Giri Sindura (Red oxide of Hg). Ratnadosha. 2. Ratna-graha sambandha. Naga (Lead). Rajata (Silver). Tribhuvana Keerti Rasa. Minerological identification. Sphatikamani (Quartz). Dhatu -Swarna (Gold). Navasadara (Ammonium chloride).g. Classification of Rasaushadhi: Khalvi rasa e. standardization and GMP of Rasaoushadhies. 4. Properties. Rasa sevana vidhi and pathya and apathya. 5. Makshika (Chalco-pyrite). Vajra (Diamond). Brief introduction of quality control . 10. Shukti (Oyster Shell) . Kupipakva Rasa. Tamra (Copper).Hemagarbha pottali. apakwa and avidhee sevanjanya dosha and its management. Shilajatu. Anjana and Kankustha. important formulations of the following: 1. Vartaloha. Hingulottha parada. Knowledge of Parada: Synonyms. Dhatu -graha sambandha. Swarnavanga. Aushadhi Yoga Gyanam. Vatvidhvamsan Rasa. Pravalapanchamrita Rasa. Dhattura.8. Yava kshara. Arka. therapeutic and toxic doses. No. Sveta Parpati. and bheshajprayogvidhi. classification. A) Necessary to know – From part A and B : S. Arogya Vardhini Gutika. Kshara varga . manufacturing process. anupan. 11. Kasturibhairava Rasa. Kumara Kalyana Rasa. Shwaskuthara Rasa. Bhanga. Chandraprabha Vati. Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa. 10 Practical 100 Marks Minimum Twenty five practicals to be performed 1. Kuchala.Mandura. Bola. 1 to 9 B) Desired to know – From part B : S. collection and storage. Rasa [Parada] Samanya Shodhana of Parada Kajjali Mugdha rasa 2 Maharasa varga Shodhana of Abhraka Dhanyabhraka nirmana Shodhana of Makshika Shodhana of Shilajatu Shodhana of Sasyaka. 12. Dam-ul Akhawayan (Raktabandhini). with reference to Ayurvedic drugs. Jayapala. Chandramrita Rasa.Jade).Sikata (Silica). 13. Kousheyashma (Asbestos) and Akika (Agate). Introduction to pharamcovigilance and its status in India. Visha and Upavisha-Introduction. Yogendra Rasa. No. 10. Kasturi. Sarjarasa. therapeutic uses. and formulations of following Visha and Upavisha-Vatsanabha. Dugdhapashana (Talc). Gunja. Bhoonag. Nagapashana / Jaharmohara (Serpentine). Tamra Parpati. Navayasa Loha. Laghusutshekhar Rasa. Shankha vati. Surya Kshara (Potassium Nitrate). Saptamrita Loha. Karaveera. Hinguleswara Rasa. shodhana. Uparasa varga Shodhana of Gandhaka Shodhana of Gairika 15 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . 9. Laxmivilas Rasa. Langali.Sarja kshara (Sodium bicarbonate). antidote. Sikata varga . Kamadugha Rasa. 3. Hemagarbhapottali. Vasantakusumakara. Makaradhwaja. Pratapalankeshwara Rasa. Anandbhairava Rasa. Vasantamalati Rasa. Mayurpiccha. Miscellaneous . Panchamrita Parpati. Snuhi. Putapakwavaisham Jwarantaka Loha. Madhoocchishta. Badarshama (silicate of lime ). Garbhapala Rasa. Hridyarnava Rasa. synonyms. Bhallataka.ingredients. Tankana kshara (Borax). Ahiphena and Chitrakmool. Vyomashma (Sangeyashab . Druti : 1 Gandhaka druti. Hinguleshwar rasa. Bola Parpati and Swetaparpati 9. Visha varga Shodhana of Vatsanabha. Dhattura beeja. Swarna vanga. 4. Godanti bhasma. 2. Bhallataka. Mukta pishti. Kapardika bhasma. Shodhana of Kasisa Shodhana of Kankshi Shodhana of Haratala Rasa manikya nirman Shodana of Manashila 4. Sootshekhara rasa. Gunja. Rajapravartini vati 16 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Tamra bhasma ii. Tribhuvana kirti rasa. Vanga bhasma. Yashada bhasma iii. Naga bhasma. Trina kantha mani pishti. Chitrakamoola. 3. Agnitundi vati. Kupilu. Parpati Preparation of Rasaparpati. Sameer pannaga rasa ii. Jaharmohara / Akika pishti. 5. Kshara Varga Shodhana of Tankana 8. Kasisa bhasma iv. Navayasa lauha iii. Dhatu varga Samanya Shodhana of Lauha Shodhana of Mandura Samanya Shodhana of Tamra Shodhana of Naga Shodhana of Vanga Shodhana of Yashada 7. Mandura bhasma. Pishti : 1 Pravala pishti. Sadharana rasa varga Shodhana of Hingula Sodhana of Navasadar Shodhana of Kapardika 5. Hingulad rasakrishti (Hingulottha Parada). Shankha bhasma. Formulations 4 (one from each group) i. Swarna Makshika bhasma. Laghusutashekhara Rasa iv. Punarnava mandura. Bhasma: 4 (One from each group) i. Abhraka bhasma. Anandbhairav rasa. PRACTICAL FOR DEMONSTRATION / GROUP PRACTICALS 1. Rasasindura. Sudha Varga Shodhana of Shankha Shodhana of Shukti Shodhana of Pravala mula Shodhana of Godanti 6. Jayapala. Laghumalinivasanta rasa. Saptamruta lauha. Arogyavardhini vati. Kshara kalpana and Kshara sutra. Kalka. Hima and Phanta. Kanjika. Maireya. sieves and mesh. Sidhu kalpana their methods of preparation. Anupana and sahapan and Aushadh sevan kaala. dose. Shushka -ardra –drava. Sneha kalpana : Sneha yoni. Introduction and general knowledge of useful instruments/ Equipments - Disintegrator. Narayana taila. capsule filling machine. Sharkara. 6. End Runner. Panchavidha kashaya kalpana and Other kalpana : Kashaya Yoni. Sauviraka. Tushodaka. Shukta. preservation of Aushadhi dravya. Grahyagrahyatva. Phanita. Pill making machines. Mixer. Ashokarishta. Modaka. Guggulu kalpana.Medaka . Sneha siddhi lakshana.dravya grahan niyam (Rules of measures of dry. 9. Guti. Nava Puran dravya grahan niyam. (Posology). Varti Preparation of Tablets. Avaleha. Kwatha. doses. Bheshajprayogavidhi : Aushadha Matra. pills. Kumaryasava. Draksharishta.Bakkasa). 3. 17 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Ghana. Aushadha siddha paniya. Sura (Prasanna - Kadambari . types and their use. Syrups. Fundamental principles of Bhaishajya Kalpana. Sandhana Kalpana and its types: Madya Kalpana. storage. Edge Runner. Satva. coating and polishing pan.Jagala . uses. History and Chronological (kramika vikasa) development of Bhaishajyakalpana. Tandulodaka. Churna. Granulator. Lavana kalpana. patra paka. Laksha rasa. Vati. siddhi lakshana. Study of Ancient and Contemporary systems of ‘Maana’ (Units of measurement). Sieve-Shaker. Concept of Saviryatavadhi (shelf life) and stability in ancient and contemporary science. Rasakriya. Prasha. 2. Bramhighrita. liquid drugs). Takrarishta. Dashamoolarishta. Anutaila. Arka. Masi kalpana. 8. Mantha. Pinda. Arishta. Surasava. BHAISHAJYAKALPANA Paper II 100 Marks Part A 50 Marks 1. Gudapaka. Ksheerapaka. Tableting machine. Swarasa. Types of Sneha. Preparation and uses of Triphala Ghrita. Grinder. 4. capsule and Suppositories. Guidelines and Methods of collection. Asava. Sneha paka vidhi. Sneha murchana vidhi. Pramathya. 7. Panaka. Concept of Aushadha and Bheshaja. Chandanasava. 5. properties. fresh. Swarasa. Udvartan and Avachurnan. Atasi upanaha. Lotions. Malahara – Sarjarasa Malahara. 2. Kumari Swarasa. methods of preparation and mode of application. Concept of Pathya and Apathya.Pratisaran. Chhachika. Krishara. Tulasi swarasa.Punarnavasthaka kwatha. 3 Brief knowledge of Standardization of Ayurvedic formulations. 2. Khad Kamblika. Gandhak Malahara. Pradhaman. Tooth paste. Rasna Sapthaka kwatha. Yavagu –types of yavagu. therapeutic uses. Method of preparation of dhumvarti and it’s therapeutic uses.Classification of dhumpaan.Ointments. dose and anupana of the following 1. Phanta. Methods of preparation of eye drops. 18 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 .Panchakola phanta. Mathita. Bahyopacharartha kalpana (External Applications)-Lepa -Types of Lepa. 4 Brief introduction of Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945. Method of preparation of Siktha Taila. Brief introduction of semi solid dosage forms. Aushadhi Nirmanshala. Upanaha. Navana. Kritanna and Aushadhisiddha anna Kalpana: Definition of Kritanna. 2. arshodhupan. Vasa putapaka swarasa 2. 5. 3. Mansa rasa.10. PART B 1. Raga. eye ointments. Pindi. Drava. Sarivadi hima . Basti Therapeutic properties and uses of Basti. Rasona kalka.Putapaka and Vidalaka.3 Dhumapanarth kalpana . Anjana .1 Netraupacharartha kalpana (Opthalmic preparations) – Seka. 2. Emulsions. Peya. Shadava. Kwatha. 4. Kalka. 2.2 Nasyopachararth Kalpana . Katvar. Dadhi and Takra Varga – Takra. Dhupan: Vranadhupan.Tarpana . Tooth powders and Mouth wash.Gandoosha .Kavala . Kulattha kwath. Classification of Nasya. Anna. 5 Concept of. Gels. Creams. Shatadhouta and Sahastradhouta Ghrita. Vesavara.Nimba kalka. Bhakta. Marsha and Pratimarsha nasya. Vilepi.(Minimum one from each category) Method of preparation. Yush -types. Hima.Kasthaushadhi.Ardraka swarasa.4 Mukhaprayogarth kalpana .Classification.Dhanyaka hima. Odan.Yastimadhu Phanta. Practical Bhaishajya Kalpana 50 Marks Following practicals to be performed. Manda. Principles and precautions for preparation of formulations for following: 2.Ashchyotana . Method of preparation of Niruha and Anuvasana. Udasvita.5 Basti kalpana. Avapidana. with respect to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in accordance to Schedule T. Ghrita kalpana: Jatyadi ghrita. Khanda.Shadanga paniya 9. Ksharasutra.Jatyadi taila 35. Narikela lavana 22.Haridra khanda. Yavagu. Peya. Malahara.Bhallataka taila patana.6. Takrarishta . Udaka. Hinguwashtaka Churna. Emulsion. Sharkara. Gandaka malahara. Saptamushtika yusha. Manibadra avaleha. Guduchi Ghana.Sarjarasa malahara. Churna.Atasi Upanaha 32. 14. Vesavara 26. 12.Arjuna ksheerapaka. Kanakasava 29. ksheerashatphala ghrita. Gulab arka. . 17.Mustadi pramathya 7.Kumaryasava.Arka taila. Laksha Rasa. Vyaghri Haritaki avaleha. 25.Arka lavana.Kharjuradi mantha 8.Kutajarishta. Chandrodaya varthi 21. 28. Vilepi. Asava . Panaka. Chandan panaka. Krishra. Bala taila. Aushadh siddha paniya. Satva.Banapsha sharkara. 13. Varti. Ksheerapaka. 19 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 .Guggulu.Amruta satva. Sowbhagya shunti paka 19. Guggulu-Triphala Guggulu.Yavani arka. Lavana. Gutika. Rasa kriya . Avaleha. 20.Chincha panaka.Chyavanaprashavaleha.Darvi Rasakriya.Chitrakadi Gutika. Shunthi Ksheerpaka 24. Triphala ghrita. 16.Tandulodaka 31. Sneha Kalpana Sneha Murchhana . Snuhi kshara. Mantha.Sitopaladi Churna. Upanaha.Mudga yusha. 15. Taila Moorchhana. Sukta kalpana. Vasavaleha. II. Jayapala taila patana 36. Siktha Taila Nirmaan 33. Shodhana. Yusha . Narikela khanda. Nimbu sarkara. 10. Kaishora Guggulu. Visit of minimum three GMP approved Ayurvedic manufacturing units. Cream. Kshara. Kutaja Ghana. Manda. Rasona ksheerapaka. Taila patana. Kulattha yusha 27. Pramathya.Triphala masi.Kanji 30. Mayurpiccha Masi 23. Misreya arka 11. Arka .Ghrita Murchana. 18. Masi.Phala varti. Aristha.Apamarga kshara. Sanjivani Vati. Hingu.Taila kalpana-Panchaguna taila. K. Indradev Tripathi 11. 20 Marks 4. Abhinav Rasa Shastra Vaidya Somadev Sharma 3. 10 Marks 2. Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra (Sachitra) Chandrabhusan Jha 5. Parada Vigyaniyam Vasudev M. Viva-voce . Rasaratna samuchchaya. Madhulika critical study 12. Tryambak Nath Sharma 22. Damodar Joshi 20 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Rasa Darpan Prof. 40 Marks Reference Books 1. Rasa Mitra Dr. Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra Prof. Record Book . Rasa Bhaishajya Paribhasa Sureshananda Thapaliyal 7. Pratyaksha Aushadh Nirmanam Acharya VishwanathDwivdei 14.Rasaratna samuchchaya . Ayurved Prakash Vaidya Gujrat Mishra 9. Spotting . Dwivedi 13. 100 1. Rasa Bhaishajya Kalpana Vigyan Vaidya Santosh Kumar Khandal 21. The Paka-darpana of King Nala Dr. 30 Marks 3. 40 Marks Bhaishajyakalpana . Rasa Bindu Dr.1940 10. Paka Darpana Dr. Experiment . 20 Marks 4. Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya (Hindi) Dattattreya Ananta Kulkarni. Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra Badrinarayan Pandey 6. Agnihotri 15. Bhajan Das Swami 17. 23. Goyal 2.Distribution of Practical Marks: Total 200 Marks Rasashastra . 10 Marks 2. Pakshdhar Jha 4. Spotting . Siddhi Nandan Mishra 8. Rasa Tarangini Sadanand Sharma 16. Experiment . Record Book . Adyatan Rasa Shastra R. 100 1. Viva-voce . 30 Marks 3. Sanjay Sharma 20. Drugs and Cosmetic Act . Asava Arishta Vigyanam Dr. Bhaishjyakalpana Vigyanam Dr. Ambikadatta shastri 24. Rasa Shastra (English) Prof. Relevant parts of Brihatrayee 44. Ashadhayoga Vigyanam Dr. Damodar Joshi 35. Indradev Tripathi 30.25. Textbook of Rasashasra Dr. Bhaishajya Kalpana Vijnanam Dr. Dr Shobha G Hiremath 45. Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa (Enlgish Translation) Dr. Ramachndra Reddy & Dr. Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya (English) Prof.Ayurvedic Pharmacopiea of India . Suresh 43. Rasendra Sara Sangraha Vaidya Gopal Krishna 29. 41. Ayurvedic formulary of India 38. CCRAS 39. P. Rasendra Sampradaya Vaidya Hajari Lal Sukul 27. Radhakrishna Parashar 31. K. Rasamritam Vaidya Yadavji Tirkramji Acharya 25. K Ramachandra Reddy. Bharatiya Bhaishajya Kalpana Vigyana Gananath Vishwanath Dwivedi 32. Damodar Joshi 34. Ramesh Saxena 26. K Ramachandra Reddy 33. Rasayan Sara Vaidya Shyam Sunderacharya Vaishya 26.Bhaishjya Ratnawali Prof S N Mishra 48 Yoga Ratnakar ***** *** * 21 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Rasa Shastra Prayogiki Srivastava. Text Book of Rasa Shastra Dr P H C Murthy 46.Text book of Bhaishjya Kalpana . K. Siddhinandan Mishra 36. Ramachandra reddy 42.Rasa Chandashu Prof S S Savirkar (CCRAS Publication) 47 . Sharangadhara Samhita Dr. Yadav and Prof. Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep (Hindi Translation) Dr. Rasendra Chintamani (Hindi) Prof. Bhaishjya Kalpana Vigyan Siddhi Nandan Mishra 40. Charakasamhita-Ayurveda Dipika Commentary-Hindi Translation by Dr. 15 Marks 2. 2. Sutrasthana . 20 Marks 3. Indriyasthana . 15 Marks Reference Books 1. Atridev Vidyalankar or Prof. Nidanasthana . Charakasamhita –Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Chakrapani. Charakasamhita (Hindi Commentary): Vaidya Jayadev Vidyalankar or Vd. Nidanasthana. Sharirasthana . Bhagwan Dash or Acharya Priyavrata Sharma.One Paper– 100 Marks Lectures – 200 Hours Part A 1. published by Rashtriya Ayurved Vidyapeeth. Gorakha Nath Chaturvedi & Kashinath Shastri or Dr. Ravi Dutta Tripathy 3. 4.4 CHARAKASAMHITA -PURVARDHA (Sutrasthana. 10 Marks Part B 1. B L Gaur. Vimanasthana . 40 Marks 2. 2. ***** *** * 22 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3 . Ram Karan Sharma & Vd. Sharirasthana and Indriyasthana) Theory. Brahmanand Tripathy or Dr. Charakasamhita (English Commentary): Dr. Vimanasthana.
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