Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Thieves Guild

March 25, 2018 | Author: Dustin Gonzalez | Category: Leisure



================================================================== ===== Thieves' Guild Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance ===== ================================================================== ===== By: jmirk (jmkuehn _at_ cs _d_ adelaide _d_ edu_d_ au ===== ================================================================== ********************* * Table of Contents * ********************* Section 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Section 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Introduction This Guide Notes about Monsters Notes about Characters Notes about Missions (and Ablities) Missions Alerts! Items of Extreme Rarity Comments That Don't Fit Anywhere Else (FAQ) Notes about Treasure Hunts Mission Lists Location Index Spontaneous Clans & Territory Missions The Quests Of Ivalice 2.3.0 My Early Game Strategy 2.3.1 What Happened To My White Christmas? 2.3.2 The Clan Wars 2.3.3 Friend Or Foe? 2.3.4 A Clue? 2.3.5 Famfreet Of The Moogles (2 Laws) 2.3.6 Just A Guy Trying To Earn A Living 2.3.7 The Clues Begin To Add Up 2.3.8 Ultima Of The Nu Mou 2.3.9 Just Be Glad Treebeard Didn't Catch You 2.3.10 You Didn't Think You'd Get Away With It Did You? 2.3.11 Adrammelech Of The Bangaa 2.3.12 Didn't You Parents Teach You Not To Play In The Jagds? 2.3.13 You're Not The Only Clan Interested In Money You Know 2.3.14 A Brief Reunion 2.3.15 Exodus Of The Viera (3 Laws) 2.3.16 Ask Him If His Name Is "Fett" 2.3.17 You're Going To End Up In Carbonite You Know 2.3.18 Mateus Of The Humans 2.3.19 Isn't This Taking Sibling Rivalry Just A Little Too Far? 2.3.20 Doesn't This Guy Ever Get Tired Of Wearing That Hat? 2.3.21 Just Hit Each Other Then Go Get A Beer 2.3.22 I Could Really Use Some Gopher Repellant Here Guybrush 2.3.23 Now You Know What It's Like To Be Married 2.3.24 How Many Times Do I Have To Kill These People? 2.3.25 The Corrupt Judge Missions The Recurring Combat Missions The Recurring Dispatch Missions The Reserved Missions Reference Lists Classification Scheme Equipment List Thievery Ability List Non-Thievery Ability List Version History & Copyright 2.4 2.5 2.6 Section 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Section 4. *************************** * Section 1. Introduction * *************************** * Section 1.1 This Guide This is not a strategy guide, this is a guide for helping you collect absolutely everything that isn't nailed down as you progress through the game! You should decide for yourself what level of "role-playing" vs "power-playing" you want to take as you play this game, but this guide is here to help you make an _informed _ decision about that choice (in other words what you will miss out on ;). I do ma ke comments about gameplay below, but more from a quick'n'dirty perspective. If you want to learn more about the other races (Viera, Bangaa and Nu Mou) or the heavy comb at classes (like Paladin or Illusionist), you should look elsewhere. I am also assuming you have read at least one other stealing guide, and know tha t after finishing the Thesis Hunt mission to ditch the other Human and Bangaa from your tribe then just scam your way up to 30 Negotiation by doing all the "X Want ed" mission, so that you can get the Cinquedea right away (took my ~2.5 hrs). Then y ou should repeat the first "Wanted!" mission several times so that lots of your cha racters have the Steal:Weapon ability. Lastly, any ability or item marked with a single hash '#' is something that is a ctually quite hard to acquire. Generally this is caused by the fact that a Beastmaster c annot order a Bomb or Grenade to Blowup (and no, not even if the bomb is critical), an d you cannot use Steal:Ability on a Blue Mage. Also, don't forget that Alchemist may h ave hidden items even if the Item group is not specifically set on them (since they get it for free). * Section 1.2 Notes about Monsters Monsters are not a big deal - except they tend to have very good (and very balan ced) leveling stats on the whole (apart from speed), not to mention no equipment you can steal to weaken them significantly! ;) If all you want to do is kill monsters, t he Human Hunter class is unmatched in its monster-killing potential. However, chanc es are you are reading this because you also want to get a full set of high-level monsters in your Monster Bank, and a class "gold star" for all your Blue Mages. If you are even slightly as anal about me as "completing" games like this, you shou ld also make sure you read Section 1.5, so that you don't miss out on the Goblin an d Thundrake monsters and abilities. Most abilities are pretty easy to get once your Nu Mou has picked up a few of th e Beastmaster abilities, although the more 'magical' a creature becomes, the harde r it is to control. A Beastmaster makes a control attempt as their normal action in t heir turn. You cannot control a monster which is asleep or stopped. If they succeed i n their 'attack', you gain control of that monster until the Beastmaster's next tu rn (which could be several or none of the monster turns). Generally, you cannot ord er a monster to commit suicide, although you can order it (the monster) to take an action which which cause a Yellow or Red Card. Note that while your Nu Mou is currently in control of a monster, their reaction ability is deactivated. One suggestion is to take two Beastmasters with you, and a Time Mage. The idea is to Haste the *monster*, because that way you should get about two sh ots at using it per Control, as there is nothing more annoying then controlling a monster when the Nu Mou gets its next turn first! Don't be too over-zealous, it is better to get one character a Blue Magic ability per encounter, then have everyo ne KO'd because you are trying to do too much in a single mission (especially since all but two monsters are infinitely recurring). The Juggler's Smile ability is also useful for these kinds of situations. The next question is usually building your monster bank. At first you will want to capture monsters mostly to build up your Soul collection either for profit or to get your Morpher star. The first two creatures you will need to focus on will be the Goblin and the Thundrake. A good way to do that is to take one of your high level characters, turn them a Paladin (with low evasion) and switch of their reaction ability. Now you can Frog the monster in question and just let it hit the target over and over again, building up EXP. Eventually, when it hits level 50 you can capture it at leisure. Now, you don't need to have high-level monsters in the bank, as you can just keep feeding them anyway, I just think it looks cooler to have a monster bank of level 50 monsters at your beck and call. ;) This trick also works well with learning Lvl? S-Flare, by using Nurse (or Esuna) to return the Vampire to form when it reaches the right level. Lastly, Hunting is *hard*, no doubt about it. With a maximum success rate of 24% , it takes a lot of patience to get a full larder of monsters. The good news is, that unlike Control, you can safely hunt monsters whiched are either suffering from S leep or Stop (but this does *not* increase your success rating). Basically there are no magic bullets for hunting, remembering that many monsters types simply cannot be captured, 'boss' monsters cannot be captured and you can't capture the last mons ter alive. You can use this guide to find out where to get certain monsters (and the ir make most other values not really that big a deal. it really does happen that your Illusionist with a billion MP gets KO'd (or Frogged) before it even gets a single turn. Abilities like Demi and Matra Magic. . and should be treated as such. You may think saying *NEVER* is a little harsh.) * Section 1. I try to have my main characters with as close to 200 SPD and 150 MP as possible. no more (not to mention you will lose some of those before you even get the char acter in the first place)! So level through them wisely. The later roaming clans obviously have better weapons so will provide better return on investment. then the best way to raise cash is to surround an opponent with the Item secondary abilit y and just keep stealing their Weapon (and Smile them when they are unarmed). By the time your clan average hits the 40 mark you will learn to *FEAR* the Viera Assassin knocking out units before anyone else gets a turn. Especially when you take into account a pair of Moogle kille rs using the most broken ability in the game (Smile) to wipe out two or three characters before you can effectively h. Remember. but to find the best way to make them buff for your Morphe r see 'TFergusson's "Mechanics Guide": http://db. If you are planning on taking the smart option of rampan t thievery.txt If you are desperate for money to level your Malboro's up to 999 each. so you need to keep an eye on your levelling more than your learning. you only get 50 LEVELS. instead you want speed and flexability so that you can respond *DURING* a battle to changes that occur (like an unexpected status ailment or KO).Blue Mage abilities). . This means you should make a decision early about what balance of stats you want your character s to have and *NEVER* let them level in a mission unless they have the right class! T he recurring missions are your best friend here. as they are what will give you the flexibility to do this. speed is the hardest one to acquire.3 Notes about Characters First thing's first: if you want to be a power gamer you *MUST* learn the differ ence between your character's abilities and your character's level! While your character's level will effect how well your abilities work. but gets *TWO* turns for every one of yours! I'm not making this up. I would rather have a character which is only 80% as strong as yours.) In general. you will find there is plenty of time to gain all the abilities availa ble. but you're wrong for one simple reason: you will *NEVER* get your speed back! Of all the stats a character has.gamefaqs. not to mention the boolean TRUE/FALSE abilities based purely on direction. apart from that they are completely seperate game features. You can . so you should take that into account when y ou are planning a levelling strategy (and never level as anything with a speed grow th of 0). you should accept *ALL* requests from the public to join your clan.Always equip Concentrate or Turbo MP. Obviously this means you should avoid gratuitiously levelling up your characters as much as possible also. . use the Moogles if the main abilities are forbidden. the range or area of a spell. Because of these reasons..49) = 10 + 2 x 0 = 10 EXP Lastly. end as Sage w/Morph or Black Ma gic 1 x Bangaa: Lvl as Gladiator. end as Hunter w/Blue Magic 3/4 x Moogles: Lvl as Thief (+Animist). then HP+MP.Level for speed h. then speed.10) = 10 + 2 x 15 = 40 EXP 2. The best I've seen so far is 90 EXP from a lev el 10 White Mage casting Cure on a level 50 character! Some examples: 1. I never use the Bangaa (Pallanza) except on dispatches. I strongly recommend the use of 'Marche-mellows'. they just make it easier to hit a high-level charac ter successfully.Counter (or Reflex) is usually the best Reaction.find the stats gained by each class in 'TFergusson's "Mechanics Guide": http://db. after you've scammed the Cinquedea.In the mid-game I like my characters to be arranged as Ninjas or Blue Mages. then for HP+MP. but the AI is so stupid that I actually prefer Strikeback on my human characters. you should also decide which secret characters you want to get as soon as possible. end as almost anything w/Call 4 x Viera: Lvl as Assassin. and bring a Nu Mou when I go into the Jagds or do the Magic Tourney. so having a few more MP is usually more important than a few more points in Magic Attack. . and your lower-level characters get more EXP by casting positive spe lls on your highest level characters.I use the Humans & Viera almost exclusively. . My level 49 Blue Mage casts Angel Whisper on himself: EXP = 10 + 2 x (49 .txt My final clan will look like (not counting Ezel. In particular I find that the Sage. Babus and Cid): 3/4 x Humans: Lvl as Ninja (+Blue Mage).I prefer White Mage over Time Mage for Nu Mou as I always use Turbo MP to improve their accuracy anyway. your highest level characters get the most EXP by healing themselves. My level 40 Animist casts Frogsong on a level 30 Red Panther: EXP = 10 + 2 x (30 . so that you can level them up with the stats you want. 10 + 2 x delta) where delta = difference between level of caster and highest level target hit. Fencer and Red Mage character classes are bad for levelling. Accuracy makes the game much quicker. Mog Knight. Note that cost of the spell.gamefaqs. and White Mage (with Control or Black Magic). What I mean by that is right near the beginning of the game. . or using doublecast does *NOT* provide more EXP.40) = 10 + 2 x -10 = -10 -> 1 EXP 4.. . My level 32 White Mage casts Esuna on my level 28 Juggler: EXP = 10 + 2 x (28 .32) = 10 + 2 x -4 = 2 EXP 3. This means you will want to try and get those characters as early as possible (not always easy). etc. Trust me. My level 10 Time Mage casts Haste on my level 25 Fighter: EXP = 10 + 2 x (25 . end as Templar w/ Monk Tech Some other notes: . So. end as Assasin w/Aim or w/Summon 2 x Nu Mou: Lvl as White/Time Mage (+Morpher). as you .) Here is the equation for calculating the amount of EXP earned by an action: EXP = max(1. Thieves or Animists. . That way. there is plenty of time to get things done in this 200hr+ undertaking we sometimes call a 'game'. especially when trying to teach your Blue Mage characters harmful spells. Then. Once you pass the halfway mark the deadliest characters are easily the Assasin (w/Aim) and Hunter (w/Blue Magic ) for their prowess in tearing through a group of enemies with 'Night'. i t isn't the solution to *every* problem. Support. you can ditch the 'Marche-mellows' to rapidly increase your clan average. right near the end of the game when you star t to recruit the unique characters (particularly the ones which have fixed jobs). Time Magic and Sagacity . like in the later missions with Llednar. it is *AWESOME*! Most missi ons are a snap when you put every character to sleep. Of course. and are generally the mo st versatile ability sets to have (so that you don't have to change everybody aroun d every single flippin time you go on another mission).level up your main core group of characters. Call. I do *STRONGLY* recommend that you Flee certain missions so that you can do them over and over again to pick up multiple copies of rare items. The Juggler ability Smile is also extremely useful. Steal. so while Smile is the Bee's Knees. One good example of when it should be use d is in missions during which you have a limited time to steal from.5 Mission Alerts! . . 'Matra Magic' and 'Faster'. I still only have the 3 Angel Rings I stole by repeating the "Lutia Mop-Up" mission twice.) Remember. Blue Magic. your clan average will stay low and hence the level of enemies you will encounter on the world map will be low enoug h that you can farm AP quickly. If it wasn't supposed to be based on rampant thievery. your Humans and Moogles need only worry about learning Combo. but this is a looonnnnggg game. Hunt. then take your time ransacking their bodies (just make sure all of your characters are wearing a Fortune Ring). by that point in the game most of your main characters should be level 50 anyway! * Section 1.) And don't forget to bring a White Mage or a Sage with you when you enter the Jag ds! * Section 1.) As for general advice. or when one of your 'allies' keeps killing everyone . then why is there a guy in the 4th mission waiting to give you Steal:Weapon? . In particular . These are all relatively easy to acquire throughout the game. I would suggest the most useful abilities to have are: Fighter Tech. Notice that in many situations though you would be better off using Haste. Everything else you can steal! People might think that takes 'the fun' out of the game. Ultima damage. after over 200 hrs+ of playing time. Aim. So be warned! . Stunt. Reaction and Blue Mage abilities. If a battle takes more than one and a half turns I get annoyed at myself.4 Notes about Missions (and Abilities) The Blue Mage ability "Night" should be learnt ASAP. 3. they *will* lose all the abilities they learned whil (THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE ONLY . If you make the 'semi-secret' characters Lini. Eldena (Elda's Cup) The mission "Hungry Ghost" (#123 in Section 2.20) may randomly al low you to recruit the secret character Quinn (Sage). DO NOT COMPLETE MISSION #168 "Caravan Gua rd". Quinn (Missing Professor) The mission "Missing Professor" (#063 in Section 2. YOU SHOULD SAVE YOUR G AME When you make a secret or semi-secret character leave your clan and atte to re-recruit them. don't forget it can take many attempts to actually get them to come forward though! NOTE: mpt e with your clan (excluding the ones they automatically knew).The following missions are important. Cheney or LittleVilli lea ve your clan you can still recruit them again. Similarly. unrelated missions. their secondary (recurring) recruitme . by using the item on other. Obviously. and should *NOT* be attempted until you understand *WHY* they are important and when you are ready to complete them: Dispatch: Caravan Guard (#168) Fixed (Tubola Caves): Missing Professor (#063) Fixed (Delia Dunes): A Dragon's Aid (#066) Fixed (Koringwood): Reconciliation (#---) Fixed (Lutia Pass): Mortal Snow (#---) Dispatch: Left Behind (#---) Fixed (Ambervale): With Babus (#---) Dispatch: A Maiden's Cry (#---) Fixed (Cadoan): Cleanup Time (#J01) Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed (Lutia Pass): Snow In Lutia (#044) (Giza Plains): White Flowers (#055) (Eluut Sands): Village Hunt (#037) (Koringwood): Tower Ruins (#032) Fixed (Nargai Cave): Pale Company (#011) Roaming (Roda Volcano): Wyrm's Awaken (#102) Fixed (Delia Dunes): A Dragon's Aid (#066) Fixed (Baguba Port): Ruby Red (#031) Fixed (Deti Plains): To Ambervale (#022) Fixed (Cadoan): Free Bervenia! (#087) NOTE: nt mission should still show up at the pub after a while.3. Eldena has already mastered "Barrier" and "Doublecast".ALWAYS SAVE BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT MISSIONS) If you don't have room for the 'secret' NPC characters when you complete their primary recruitment mission.6) will provide you with the mission item "Elda's Cup". Quinn cannot be re-recruited if you make him leave your clan. Of course. until you have successfully recruited the secret character "Eldena" (Red Mage). if Eldena or Pallanza leave the clan *before* you use up their mission item you will be able to re-recruit them. 3.3. Doned Here) Shortly after the final story-line mission a mission called "Left Behind " . "Block Arrows" and "Weapon A tk+".15) will provide you with the mission item "Snake Shield". so you don't need to waste too much time levelling him up. Quinn has already mastered "Giga Flare" and "Ultima Blow". Pallanza has already mastered "Blitz" and "Ultima Sword". by using the item on other.17) will provide you with th e mission item "Wyrmstone". it is up to you whether or not you wish to save & reload when you first attempt this mission. "Astra". Since Ezel cannot learn any new abilities or change job. Since this mission is infinitely recurring. Bored) At the end of the mission "Reconciliation" (in Section 2. Cheney has already mastered "Capture" and "Ultima Shot". You can then use this item on other. Lini has already mastered "Mog Guard" and "Ultima Charge".22) may randomly allow you to recruit the secret character Littlevilli (Sniper). You can then use this item on other. unrela ted missions to attempt to recruit the secret character "Cheney" (Hunter).5) will provide you with the mission item "The Hero Gaol". Pallanza (Wyrmstone) The mission "Ruby Red" (#031 in Section 2. unrelated missions to attempt to recruit the secret character "Lini" (Mog Knight). You should also hit [Select] on this mission item to read its descriptio n (in your Clan section). Ezel (Hermetic) will offer to join your party. Babus (Left Behind.3. Ezel is already equipped with Druid Mace. Gaia Gear.23) near the end of the storyline. If you do get him too early. Ezel (Reconciliation. you need not bo ther with this mission until your clan's average level is relatively high. DO NOT COMPLETE MISSION #066 "A Dragon's Aid".BEFORE ATTEMPTING THIS MISSION. and reset if they do not offer to join y our clan. until you have successfully recruited the secret character "Pallanza" (Gladiator). A short time later a mis sion will be available at the pub called "Bored". Littlevilli has already mastered "Doubleshot" and "Doom Archer". Ezel has already mastered "Azoth". unrelated missions. With Babus. Cheney (Snake Shield) The mission "Hundred-Eye" (#165 in Section 2. which will recruit Ezel jus t above your current clan average level (and a new copy of his stuff!). Black Hat. as this will then allow you to access some more missions concerning the story of the Hero Gaol.3. Littlevilli (Clan League) The mission "Clan League" (#043E in Section 2. you c an take off all of his gear and tell him to leave.3. Lini (The Hero Gaol) The mission "Oasis Frogs" (#062 in Section 2. will become available at the pub. Once you have finished that mission Babus (Runeseeker) will offer to join your clan. which is also about the storyline in a way. "Aim: Armour" and "Aim: Weapon". WARNING: Apparently some people have found that if you complete both "A Maiden's Cry" and "Left Behind" at the same time you will also lose the ability to access the "With Babus" mission. If you do get him too early. but again include it here for you to consider. Galmia Set. Ritz (Mortal Snow. Shara (A Maiden's Cry. Since Babus cannot learn any new abilities or change job. but again include it here for you to consider. which will recruit Bab us just above your current clan average level (and a new copy of his stuff! ). A short time later a mis sion will be available at the pub called "Doned Here". "Featherblow". WARNING: Apparently some people have found that if you complete both "A Maiden's Cry" and "Left Behind" at the same time you will also lose the ability to access the "With Babus" mission. Mirage Vest. Once you have completed this mission h ead to the nearest town and Shara (Sniper) will offer to join your clan. If you wish you may tell Shara to leave and a short time later a mission will be available at the pub called "A Maiden's Cry" (but not the same as the original). "Demi" and "Counter". Ribbon. Aegis Shield. "Quarter". so you don't need to waste too much time levelling him up. you need not b other with this mission until your clan's average level is relatively high. Shara has already mastered "Death Sickle". You can then attempt a mission called "With Babus". Ritz has already mastered "Swarmstrike". Shara is already equipped with Seventh Heaven. If you wish you may tell Ritz to leave and a short time later a mission will be available at the pub called "Ritz's Offer". I can neither confirm nor deny this rumour. Babus has already mastered "Explode". "Shadowstick". "Doom Archer". which will recruit R itz just above your current clan average level (and a new copy of her stuff! ). Ritz's Offer) Shortly after the final story-line mission a mission called "Mortal Snow " will become available at the pub. "Stillness". you c an take off all of his gear and tell him to leave. WARNING: Apparently some people have found that if you move around on th e world map before signing up for "With Babus" the mission will disappear and never come back. Once you have completed this mission (containing the bullies from the school yard!) Ritz (Fencer) will offer to join your clan. I can neither confirm nor deny this rumour. A Maiden's Cry [take two]) Shortly after the final story-line mission a mission called "A Maiden's Cry" will become available at the pub. . but I pass this warning on so that you can be ready for it. which will recruit Shara just above your current clan average level (and a new copy of her stuff!). This *DOES NOT* happen on my version. Babus is already equipped with Lotus Mace. The first of these missions is called "Cleanup Time". A Lost Ring (#049). Diamond Helm. and when you finis h that mission Cid (Judgemaster) will offer to join your clan. you need not bot her with this mission until your clan's average level is relatively high. which will recruit Cid just above your current clan average level (and a new copy of his stuff! ). Goblin Goblins are one of the only two monsters in the game that go extinct! Th is means that in order to achieve a complete monster collection. You *SHOULD* be pr epared to Flee the mission once you have captured this monster (and learned its Blue Mage ability) so that you can leave the final completion of it until you have the time to control it and level it up (so you get a high-level mon ster in the monster bank). Since Cid cannot learn any new abilities or change job. not to men You will also find there are some enemy Blue Mages who know Gobl ."Manastrike". "Judge Sword". Tower Ruins (#032) This is especially important if you want Cheney to get the Blue Mage sta r. Snow In Lutia (#044). you c an take off all of his gear and tell him to leave. "Bind". Opal Shield. Village Hunt (#037). a Hunter and all of your Blue Mages with Learning eq uiped on these missions until you have everything you want. Ribbon. Ritz is already equipped with Femme Fatale. The Goblin (not to be confused with the proliferen t Red Cap monster) is found only in: Herb Picking (#001). "JP Gift" and "Yellow Clip". White Flowers (#055). If you do get him too early. Cleanup Time. Thundrake Thundrakes are one of the only two monsters in the game that go extinct! This means that in order to achieve a complete monster collection. not to men tion getting the 'class complete' gold star for your Blue Mages you really wa nt to have a Beastmaster. Cid's Mission) Once you have cleared ALL 300 numbered missions in FFTA. but it is usually difficult to get them to cast it on you . so you don't need to waste too much time levelling him up. Diamond Armour. "Piercethrough" and "Block Arrows". A short time later a mis sion will be available at the pub called "Cid's Mission". NOTE: in Punch. Cid has already mastered "Abate". Bracers. Cid (All Missions. you will then b egin a new story-line of missions generally known as the "Corrupt Judge Missi ons". Brint Set. Cid is already equipped with Lohengrin. Bervenia Palace (Free Bervenia!) WARNING: Apparently some people have found that if you fail the mission "Free Bervenia!" (#087) you will *never* be allowed to attempt it again. terms. You will also find there are some enemy Blue Mages who know Drag Force. There is nothing particularly useful or hard in that mission so there should be no reason why you don't finish it first time anyway. but I pass this warning on so that you can be ready for it. but they have a class ribbon on them which prevents them from being captured.6 Items of Extreme Rarity See Section 3.+DDD) .Mindu Gem (SR.+SSCC) . "Magewyrm" (#034) and "The Worldwyrm" (#088) also contain a Thundrake from which you can learn Dragon Force.+TTFF) .+PPMM) It is mildly possible to miss the following by the end of the game: .J44.+TTPP) .+DDDD. You *SHOULD* be pr epared to Flee the mission once you have captured this monster (and learned its Blue Mage ability) so that you can leave the final completion of it until you have the time to control it and level it up (so you get a high-level mon ster in the monster bank).J44. Ruby Red (#031). but if you slot free) you can always clone an i on It is very possible to completely miss the following by the end of the game: .+FFFF) .Silver Coat (SR.1 for an explination of these t down the bottom is that it is important for possible so that you automatically look for lists in the Section 2. Obviously. To Ambervale (#022) This is especially important if you want Cheney to get the Blue Mage sta r. but it is usually difficult to get them to cast it on you .tion getting the 'class complete' gold star for your Blue Mages you really wa nt to have a Beastmaster. The Thundrake (not to be confused with the prolife rent Icedrake or Firewyrm monsters) is found only in: Pale Company (#011). NOTE: The missions "Wind Sigil" (#079).Genji Helm (SR. The reason this section is no you to know these names as early as them when you go through the mission multiples of some items. This *DOES NOT* happen on my version. a Hunter and all of your Blue Mages with Learning eq uiped on these missions until you have everything you want.Galmia Shoes (N/A.Zeus Mace (SR.Tulwar (SR. Wyrm's Awaken (#102).Materia Blade (SR. * Section 1. A Dragon's Aid (#066) . you want have at least one item (and the second save game tem lots of times by linking.+PPCC) . M6.M7) .M3) .Snake Staff (SR.J50.J39.Silver Rapier (R.M3) .J34.J44.J39.M6) .Madu (R.Godhand (SR.Fairy Shoes (N/A.J19.M7) .+TT.J34.J29. * Section 1.M2) .Negotiation/40) .M7) .Diamond Sword (R.M5) .Thor Rod (R.+CCJJ.+DDJJ.Vitanova (SR.M5) .M7) .J39.M6) .Carabini Mail (R.Light Robe (R.J14.Longbarrel (SR.M5) .Germinas (N/A.Joyeuse (SR.+FFDD.Sacri Shield (SR.Scorpion Tail (R.Nirvana Staff (SR.M1) .M6) .J29.Harpe (R. plus some quick Questions & Answers to commo n problems in the game. ** = If you fail to collect this as a treasure hunt you can still get it from the highest level Ninjas and Jugglers (45-50).M3.7 Comments That Don't Fit Anywhere Else (FAQ) Here is some Random Advice of mine.J39.Negotiation/30) .+TTCC) Goblin (R) Goblin Punch (R) Rubber Suit (R.M7) .J39.M4) .M7) .Feather Boots (N/A.Red Boots (N/A.M6) .+PPP) Genji Armour (R.J44.M5) .Epiprism (N/A.M7) .J39.M3) .+MMSS.J44.Angel Ring (SR.Play the game straight out of the box for about 5-10 hours first to .Death Claws (N/A.J19.J24.Cinquedea (SR. The comments preceeded by a double-star "**" are important .Craft/20) .M5.M4) .M6) .Appraise/25) .+SSDD.Aona Flute (SR.Lordly Robe (SR.Pearl Blade (R.J39. .M5) The following rare things are nice to have more of during the game: .Thief Armlets (R.Sword Breaker (SR.- Dragon Force (R) Gastra Bow** (N/A.M3) .Cat Claws (SR.+TTT) Thundrake (R) You should make sure to collect the following from missions as soon as you can: .Morning Star (SR.M6) .+FFCC) Genji Shield (R.J39.J39.^^Target Bow (N/A.+FFSS.Perseus Bow (N/A.Chill Rod (R.M6) .Magic/25) ^^ = The Target Bow teaches your Viera and Humans the Concentrate ability.Lvl3 Def-Less (C) .Appraise/12) . After that don't bother buying anything from the shop because most items can be stolen for free throughout the game. then take out your enemies one at a time. Speed.Never accept a Status Down penalty. Sheep Count. Always reset the game and try again. At the start of the game you should steal *EVERYTHING* in every mission and encounter to sell off so you can afford to go on lots of missions. . Hit White Mages first. Speed and Speed. There is no "wound factor" on damage you inflict. .Don't worry about money.3. Speed. It's no good being able to do 999 points of damage if you have to wait five minutes for your turn (and get KOed anyway). . Don't forget that characters armed with a bow (or gun) can even Counter after a ranged attack like Black Magic. ** In particular. Night. . For some reason you can still steal things from people even when they are a frog! . while keeping your White Mage (or Sage) well protected. Consult the reference lists at the end of this Guide for a list of which abilities can't be stolen easily. Also. make sure Marche and Mont Blanc learn all the Steal abilities. ** Steal: Ability. . you only have 50 levels and no more.Remember the oldest rule of combat: Divide and Conquer. Spend your time learning the Support. as they are often forced to be in missions (and Marche may be trapped in a mission alone with good stuff to steal).You can capture early to get souls. Always try and seperate your opponents as much as possible so you can annihilate them individually until you learn the more powerful spells like KO and Frog. ** Speaking of levels: Speed. as all it takes is one moment of less than 100% attention to break a law and lose equipment.Always carefully double-check what mission item you are throwing away so you don't acidentilly ditch the wrong thing and destroy your game. saving regularly helps alleviate this. monsters or status points you don't want to. .Don't bother learning Human or Moogle A-Abilities that are easy to steal. so a single kill is worth more than two half-wounded characters. . then release them and wait till later . Speed. . Learn them ASAP and then abuse them. so you can buy those items if you want. Then restart and power-game. Most people have at least 3-5 million Gil by the end of the game without actually trying. Speed.Frogsong and Bad Breath are also pretty damn cool. Reaction and Combo abilities.Always have some Thieves ready to steal stuff.Always concentrate your fire.Doublecast and Reaction abilities are the two easiest ways to avoid most harsh Laws (This doesn't work against anti-status laws though). There are so many awesome Yes/No spells the rest of your stats are pretty irrelevant. .Save often. . Flee missions that are rife with loot or abilities so that you can get multiple copies or have each of your different characters get a full set of abilities. Counter and Concentrate are the *BEST* abilities in the game. see Section 1.try and get a basic idea how things work. For more information about how to level your characters. Under no circumstances should you: .5). .Don't *EVER* bother negotiating on a mission. so an Angel Ring or Angel Whisper is usually needed to learn Roulette.Dismiss all the other members of your clan. then train the secret and semi-secret characters to finish off your team. or loot corpses? A: No idea. just to have "Learning" equiped when a Monster hits you. . but don't waste time training them.Don't waste too much time trading Anti-Laws. You do not need to currently be a Blue Mage . . Life is too short to have wimpy monsters in your bank. The only useful one is near the end of the game you can trade a blue rose for an Allmight anti-law card. although there are reports that Ezel will do the mission briefings then. After that point it is so much easier not to have to worry about breaking the the game when it is easier to power the monsters up to level 50 before capturing them. Why waste time knocking off measly hit points when you can Frog someone and kill them in one hit? Just make .Don't bother training random strangers. . Some Saving and Re-Loading can help on this too. you can still win if you have some healing and lots of Counter equipped because: __REACTION ABILITIES ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THE LAW__. 1 extra Moogle and 1 exta Nu Mou. several. ** You can *NOT* Flee from fixed or roaming missions in a Jagd.Phoenix is a great way to KO a Vampire. Learn to get a feel for the order of the laws and try to time it on the days when you have a clan encounter or attempt a mission. Take 1 or 2 extra Humans. . putting them to sleep will give you a 100% hit with Burial. It's really irritating you can steal a full suit of plate mail from someone. . Q: Are there any ways to completely stuff up my game without knowing it? A: Yes.Allow Montblanc to be killed in an encounter in a Jagd territory. You should accept strangers to keep your average clan level low. You also need to survive. It's mostly a waste of time and you miss out on the AP as well as any stuff in the mission. Blue Magic. Otherwise. ** If you end up in a battle where a certain Law robs you of too many abilities (like "Damage > Monsters"). The exception is Goblins and Thundrakes. Q: Why can't I steal ability X? A: You can't steal abilities from monsters. T o learn monster abilities you have to have the Blue Mage support ability "Learn ing" equipped as your support ability. which go extinct. who cares? There are a handful of abilities I use that are so cool I never bother using any other abilities.Discard a mission item that does not re-appear (see Section 2. or through Maintaince. . Q: Why can't I steal shoes. but not untie their laces and slip off their loafers when they die. but save before you go in so you never lose a character. Q: I don't know what ability X does? A: Frankly.Avoid the Jagds until you know what the heck you are doing. Support. I too wished they had let you learn the other classes as well so that they had better Secondary.. Babus and Cid suck so much? A: No idea. Q: Why do Ezel. blade-biters. So by Fleeing a mission you can get multiple copies of that item or ability easily. Q: Why can't I hurt X? A: You can't ever kill a Flan with a physical weapon. through walls or through bushes and pillars.? A: Many items provide resistance to certain afflictions (eg. monsters with ribbons. Once you know that it is much easier to work out who they can hit. Q: I don't understand XXX about monsters? A: Read the Mechanics FAQ *properly*. Resist the urge to kill off Mont Bl anc in the Jagds or you may miss a mission or two later in the game. and don't bother with the weird little abilities like "Parley ". so use Black Magic. Q: How come that enemy dude never goes to prison? A: To stop you abusing the law system to make certain missions too easy. tonberries. Also see the following question about missile attacks. Also. or pound them with the heaviest weapons you have. fairies. as the algorithm doesn't show you this ahead of time by making your attack have a 0% success rate like it alegedly does in the Playstation version. or a monster which you already have captured in the bank. so again use a different character or a different spell. the last monster in the field. some of the 'boss' enemies have a little ribbon on their name-plate that allows them to break the law indefinately. don't you have to start again? A: Yes. If an enemy has a hit rate of 0% it means they have a Reaction equipped which neutralises that attack. so hit them with a different character or a different spell.. but you *KEEP* what you stole (both items and abilities). Q: Why are Marche/Mont Blanc/Ritz/Doned/Mewt so annoying? A: Apparently the English translation sucks. Also. Reaction and Combo abilities. The different colours of the 'same' monster are treated completely seperately for every game purpose except that they have the same Soul item and the same Morph command. Q: What the?!? I just shot my own dude in the head when I attacked an enemy? A: Ordinary (and some A-Ability) missile attacks (arrow & gun) are actually treated like they would in the real world of kinetics. Q: How do those Super-Fairies keep zapping me? A: The target-all fairy attack is based on the current *day* of the month. the Wygar prevents instant KO).sure to have enough variety of secondary abilities so that no two laws can ru in you completely. If an enemy makes your attack inflict "0" points. So they can't shoot through your own guys. . Q: How come this guy wont go to Sleep/Doom/Poison/KO/. when hunting a monster the *ONLY* thing that affects the result is that monster's HP. Q: Why bother with Flee. Unfortunately you will have to discover this by yourself. You can't capture undead. or actually *heals* from your attack it means they have an "Elemental" immunity. Just use Ultima attacks instead. most 'boss' monsters have bonus immunities so that you actually have to kill them instead of getting a one-turn win. You also have hardly any chance of shooting up-hill. 2 about Monsters. so my spelling is just fine thank you. leave the missi on for now. It will take longer harder to get all the cool stuff in the game without being able to abuse Nono's shop. eventually another mission will pop up that you can complete. hit them with Magic Hammer. turning them into a frog means you can ignore them. If you think you really should be able to attempt a dispatch mission but it still wo nt let you check to see if it requires a specific character class. and battles take longer. make sure the little dude is jumping up and down (this indicates they have a high chance of success). whe n choosing a character to attempt a dispatch mission. The mission "My Mission" is *unnumbered*. Q: Why do you spell like a convict? A: In point of fact South Australia is the only state that wasn't settled by convicts. If you find any other mis-spellings of items. Read Section 1. Q: What does Cid's "Yellow Clip" do? A: It removes a Yellow Card from another character's record. I know this because I myself do not have a trading partner . but ONLY if they earned that card in the current battle. they are *NOT* wast ed. If you fail a mission the mission items are returned. Matra Magic them and they will immediately KO if they have no MP left. The best way to kill characters with Damage > MP is to put them to Sleep.Q: A friend told me you can't complete all 300 missions without linking? A: FALSE. Q: I failed mission X. Q: Surely Damage > MP is the coolest Reaction. Q: How do the Beastmaster abilities work? A: See the Section 1.5 for a few warnings about other people's experiences with the missions near the end of the game though. Q: Why can't I do this dispatch mission? Why do I keep failing dispatch missions ? A: First. but I found that unless you fail a story-line mission you can repeat them ad-infinim. The only caveat to this is that you must actually have a terrain in the centre spot in . abilities or places specific to the game let me know. so you end up making your character less effective. Most of the cool abilities also require MP (especially Ultima). so you can finish all 300 and get all the secret and super-secret characters solo. make sure you have the Mission Items required.8 Notes About Treasure Hunts The "Treasure Hunt" system is based on how your choose to place your locations on the world map. Otherwise they have to do time in prison to remove it. but my experience teaches me that the best players of any game are those with strategies to win. Also. The prizes are determined by the terrain *AROUND* a square. do I have to start again? A: No. since I should really use the exact title from the game as a proper noun. * Section 1. not "lose slowly". and have nothing to do with the type of terrain in the centre spot. Technically. 'cause it sure annoys me! A: It's okay. If not. and let them kill themselves on your Counter-attck. I apologise for mis-spelling "Armour" so much. Secondly. You tend to pick up chea p junk mostly. in addition to two of the three conflicting weapons. that's when you start to pi ck up good items. There are even some items that are practically impossible to get without specially designing your map to harvest them.if you place another location before you collect on a Treasure Hunt you *DO NOT LOSE* the previous item. only the layout at the present point in time. Tulwar and Gastra Bow that are the problem. Section 1. Note that the "Free X" missions work along a different mis sion base.1 Location Index I have numbered the missions based on when you can access them compared to the m ain story-line ion. abilities and monsters you have access to based on where you a re up to in the main story. as you can use it straight away to make the following missions easier.8 has a list of the kind of items you should be thinking about when you design your world map layout. once you start to get combinations of three or four terrains.order to collect on a prize. In other words you will have to choose which two you would rather get from thr Treasure Hunts. This way you can rapidly tell what additional items. You should of course try to pick up the items before you move any further in the story-line. and there are many other items which are very hard to get if you don't pick them up from a Treasure Hunt. after completing Mission #005 you will have access to a ll roaming clans from territories numbered 5 or less. So. particularly when there are multiple locations to be placed (like Jagds) or an automatic mission which you might accidentily trip. Treasure Hunts are pretty worthless. so you should always be able to pick them up from your Treasure Hunts. Tulwar. -2 Giza Plains -1 Cyril 00 Sprohm 12 Kudik Peaks 13 Jeraw Sands 14 Muscadet . but it doesn't matter if you add it earlier or later. Galmia Shoes and Mindu Gem. and too late in the game to be of any use either. Materia Blade. For the most part. Galmia Shoes and Mindu Gem do not conflict with anything else. Fortunately the Materia One important note . because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get all three from the same map. but the six main items of interest are the Zeus Mace. What will happen is that when you go treasure hunting on that square you will pick up the first item. I recommend checking out AstroBlue's "Region Creation Setups" from: http://db. and then be extremely careful in making sure you steal the third one during the story-lin e missions of the game. Of these it is the Zeus Mace. However. and then Marche will say "There's something else here!" before finding the second item. as marked below in parenthesis. **************************** * Section 2. Mission Lists * **************************** * Section 2. The Gastra Bow is a good example of an item you should pick up immediately. Gastra Bow.gamefaqs. while the **B missions all take 4 characters and provide 80 AP each. In the case of the last thre e in particular. Bronze Armour x2. [ITEM: Fairy Harp+. Mug Items: Longbow. * Section 2. Demon Bell] Monsters: Antlion x2. Soldier. Warrior -2B (02) Giza Plains . Aim:Legs. and without trading this will be the *ONLY* way you can acquire these weapons (which teach you the combo moves). compared to 300 AP for a clan skirmish However.they don't tend to take as long (once you have a system) . and occassionaly you can get a card or some items from a roaming clan skirmish. Every so often you will receive a Mythril weapon as a reward from a roaming clan encounter. Stinger. it may mean that you place them in a slightly different ord er.01 Lutia Pass 02 Nubswood 03 Eluut Sands 04 Ulei River 05 Cadoan 06 Aisenfield 07 Roda Volcano 08 Koringwood 09 Salikawood 10 Nargai Cave 11 Baguba Port can easily choose the laws that will be in effect . The **A missions all take 6 characters. you know that these abilities and items will always be available to your characters . -2A Giza Plains . Silver Sword.2 Spontaneous Clans & Territory Missions These missions are your main "bread & butter". 2x Antlion. Fencer.Help Giza! Skills: Lv3 Def-Less. Chain Plate >: get at least 320 AP points. Glass Bell.5 Jagd Ahli 17 Delia Dunes 17. Survival Vest. Jagd Ahli. First Aid x2. Take Aim. and provide 50 AP each. Leather Garb x2.5 Jagd Helje 21 Deti Plains 22 Siena Gorge 23 Ambervale Note: Jagd Dorsa. Jawbreaker . you should instead concentrate *HEAVILY* on as many roaming clan missions as you can as early as possible. 100% Wool. In particular.Clan Marble Skills: Sheep Count.5 Jagd Dorsa 15 Uladon Bog 16 Gotor Sands 16. There is also some irrelevant cash rewards. This also means you will never need to "Flee" from these missions (unless you are in real trouble . Archer. Jawbreaker >: Animist. if you don't have a trading partner for this game. The important thing is that since these missions occur repeatedly over the course of the game. I find that the territory re-claimation missions are better for training your characters for several reasons: . Sheep Count.5 Ozmonfield 18 Materiwood 19 Bervenia Palace 20 Tubola Cave 20. Chocobo Rush Items: Fairy Harp.).which means that you can focus on acquiring those goodies which are only coming to you from the storyline missions. Ozmonfield and Jagd Helje are not placed immediatel y after their corresponding story-line mission. Samsonsword. Chain Plate.-1A Cyril . Sheep Count. Shell. Cure. Rush. Bronze Armour x2.Help Cyril! N/A 00A Sprohm . White Wind Monsters: Antlion. Matra Magic Items: Conch Shell. Stop. Drop Weapon. Hempen Robe. Magus Robe >: Animist. Fencer. Jack Knife. White Mage 02B (06 & 070) Nubswood . PowerBK. White Mage. Demon Bell. Hempen Ro be >: Animist. Thief. Bomb >: 2x Antlion.Help Lutia! Skills: First Aid. Steal:JP. Steal:EXP. Bronze Armour. Mug. Archer. Jack Knife. MagicBK. Soldier. Esuna . Cuirass. Feather Cap >: 2x Archer. Esuna Items: Shortsword. MindBK. Longbow. White Mage. Air Render. Chain Plate. Soldier. Shortsword. Leather Garb x2. Life. Chain Plate x2. Aim:Legs.Rangers Skills: Aim:Legs. Jawbreaker. Char Bow. Blackout.Antlions Skills: Lvl3 Def-Less. MindBK. Mug. Cuisine. Aim:Legs. Longbow. Catnip Items: Hard Knuckles.Sprohm Knights Skills: First Aid. Air Render. Steal:EXP. Matra Magic Monsters: Antlion x2. Warrior. Drop Weapon. Leather Garb. Shell. Cure. Demon Bell. Life. Shortsword. Chain Plate. White Mage 01B (04) Lutia Pass . Esuna Items: Shortsword. Guard Staff. Sprite 04A Ulei River . Malboro. Shortsword. Mug. White Mage 02A Nubswood . Cure. Slow. Steal:JP. 2x Toughskin 03A Eluut Sands . Leather Garb x3. Shadowblade. Bomb. White Staff. Warrior. Big Malboro. Aim:Arm. Steal:Shield. Defender. Quarter. Samsonsword. Cure. Cure. White Staff. Take Aim x2. Take Aim x2. Esuna. Big Malboro >: Antlion. Beatdown. White Monk -1B (02) Cyril . Soldier. 100% Wool. Hempen Robe >: Fighter. Rising Sun. Soldier.Clan Dip Skills: Aim:Arm. Survival Vest. Leather Garb. Jawbreaker. White Staff. Toughskin 03B (07) Eluut Sands . Shell.Help Nubs! Skills: Haste. Feather Cap >: 2x Archer. Longbow. Bronze Armour x2. Fleuret.Help Eluut! Skills: Bad Breath. Esuna Items: Char Bow. White Staff. MindBK. First Aid. Defender. Blade Biter.Cyril Band Skills: Steal:Gil x2.Help Sprohm! N/A 01A Lutia Pass . 2x Thief. White Monk 04B (08) Ulei River . PowerBK. Blackout. Survival Vest >: Archer.Clan Shalo Skills: First Aid. Blowup#. Adaman Vest. MindBK. Shell. Cuirass. Boost. Steal:Gil. Elementalist. Malboro. Survival Vest >: Beastmaster. Estoc. Blackout. Leather Garb x2. Cure. Hempen Robe. Shell. 100% Wool Items: Char Bow. Cupid. Take Aim Items: Kris Knife.Help Ulei! Skills: First Aid. Aim:Legs. PowerBK. Rising Sun. White Monk 00B (02) Sprohm . Charmshot Items: Scramasax. [ITEM: Dream Claws+. Rush. War Trumpet. War Trumpet. Cure. Items: Dream Claws. Magus Robe >: Defender. Chain Plate x2. Wild Swing.Items: Shortsword. Angel Whisper Monsters: Red Cap >: Red Cap. Take Aim Items: Char Bow. Tail Wag. Adaman Vest. Blowup#. Firewyrm x2 >: Bomb. Esuna. Angel Whisper. Archer. Jawbreaker. Survival Vest x2. Cuisine. 2x Firewyrm. Sheep Count. Power Sash. White Monk 05A Cadoan . Sun Blade. Survivor] >: Animist. Guard-Off Monsters: Jelly. Aiot Gun] >: Animist. Adaman Vest. Survival Vest. Sheep Count. Chaos Rifle. Steal:Gil. Blood Strings] >: Animist. Tail Wag. Rising Sun. Archer.Roda Dragons Skills: Acid. Lvl3 Def-Less. Round Shield. Protect Items: Guard Staff. Bronze Armour x2. Survival Vest. Thief 07A Roda Volcano .Tribites . Aim:Arm. Red Cap >: Cream. Aim:Legs. [ITEM: Glass Bell+. White Wind.Help Salika! Skills: Magic Hammer. [ITEM: Chaos Rifle+. Blood Strings] >: Animist. White Monk 05B (06) Cadoan . Red Cap.Help Roda! Skills: Blowup# Monsters: Bomb x2. Hard Knuckles. Glass Bell. Boltshot. Warrior. Gladiator. 100% Wool. Cure Staff. White Monk 08B (11) Koringwood . Iceshot. Aim:Legs. Defender. Air Render Sheep Count.Help Aisen! Skills: Steal:Armour. Magic Hammer Monsters: Cream. Far Fist. Chain Plate x2. Bishop. Steal:Shield. Gunner. 2x Sprite. Bishop. Titania 09B (12) Salikawood . White Mage. Tonberry. Adaman Vest x2. Jelly.Help Cadoan! N/A 06A Aisenfield . Predator. Chocobo Rush. Confushot. Cupid. Take Aim. Jawbreaker >: Floateye. Cupid. Cure. Orichalcum. 2x Sprite. Guard Staff. Shell. 100% Wool. Toughskin 07B (10) Roda Volcano . Glass Bell. 100% Wool. White Mage 09A Salikawood . Shell. Wizard Hat. Atmos Blade. Grenade 08A Koringwood . Cure Staff. Tail Wag.Tricky Spirits Skills: White Wind. Warrior. Adaman Vest x2. Fighter. Grenade. 2x Zombie 06B (09) Aisenfield . Firewyrm >: 2x Bomb. White Mage. Guard Staff. Char Bow.Help Koring! Skills: Sheep Count.Koring Band Skills: Air Render. Chain Plate.Aisen Ghosts Skills: Stare. Power Sash. Silken Robe. Protect. Titania 10A Nargai Cave . Matra Magic. Firewyrm.Clan Bansia Skills: Far Fist. Bomb. Silken Robe. Drain Touch Monsters: Floateye. Esuna. [ITEM: Glass Bell+. Juggler. Aim:Arm. 5B (24) Jagd Dorsa . Aim:Vitals.Clan Hounds Skills: Hastebreak. Charmshot. Gunner. Red Panther x2 >: Ice Flan. Coeurl >: Blade Biter. Quarter.Clan Catz Skills: Red Spring. Lost Gun. Toughskin 10B (13) Nargai Cave . Dagger Items: Dream Claws. Power Sa sh. Blue Screw. Gold Battery. Gadgeteer. Juggler. Twister#. Toughskin 12B (15) Kudik Peaks . Stopshot. Terre Rod. Juggler.5A Jagd Dorsa . Gunner. Survival Vest x2. Gold Battery. Hastebreak Monsters: Red Panther x2. Green Gear. Lamia 12A Kudik Peaks .Help Jeraw! Skills: Red Spring. Slow. Silver Disc. Slow. Thief.Kudik Beasts Skills: White Wind. Coeurl. Brigandine. Blue Screw. Aqua Saber. Ninja Gear. Red Cap 11. Advice. White Wind Monsters: Ice Flan. Silence. Ninja. [CATCH/**] >: Gadgeteer. Red Mage 11B (12) Baguba Port . Lamia. Magus Robe. Cranequin. Elementalist. Hurl. Metal Veil. Silence. Time Mage 13B (15) Jeraw Sands . Silenshot. Coeurl. Red Panther x2 >: Antlion. Poison Claw Monsters: Antlion. Fireshot. Mighty Guard#. Ball. Petalchaser. Blindshot.Help Baguba! N/A 11. Survival Vest x2. Firebomb. Thief. Brigandine . Silver Disc. Colichemarde.Help Dorsa! [NO FLEE] Skills: Fireshot. Red Panther. Confushot. Silenshot Items: Aqua Saber. Throw. Gaia Gear.Help Nargai! Skills: Hastebreak Monsters: Red Panther. [ITEM: Aqua Saber+. Firebomb. Elementalist. Ring.Help Kudik! Skills: Acid. Lamia. 2x Red Panther. Brigandine. 2x Red Panther. Khukuri. White Wind# Items: Colichemarde.Gaja Band Skills: Boltshot. Hurl. Riot Gun. Gunner. Confushot. Mighty Guard#. Coeurl. [ITEM: Terre Rod+. Iceshot. Sonic Boom. Sprite 13A Jeraw Sands . Power Sa sh. Green Gear. Lost Gun. Khukuri. Gaia Gear. Circlet.Skills: Poison Claw. Magus Robe. Fire Veil. [CATCH/**] >: Dragoon. Sprite. Force Rod]. Iceshot. Survival Vest x2 . Platemail. White Wind#. Stop. [ITEM: Aqua Saber+. Ring. Stop. Cure Items: Gae Bolg. Time Mage . Red Cap >: Blue Mage. Hunter. Ball. Coeurl >: Blade Biter. Charmshot. Silenshot. Blindshot. Magic Hammer. Osafune. Toughskin 11A Baguba Port . Manganese] Monsters: Coeurl. Twister#. Dagger Items: Dream Claws. Manganese] Monsters: Lamia >: Blue Mage. Poison Claw. Quarter. 2x Red Panther. [CATCH/**] >: Animist. Fleuret. Terre Rod. 14A Muscadet - Clan Belmia Skills: Wood Veil, Earth Veil, Fire Veil, Fireshot, Iceshot, Charmshot Items: Ashura, Twin Bow, Chaos Rifle, Zanmato, Petalchaser, Ninja Gear, Gaia Gear, Brigandine, Judo Uniform, [ITEM: Twin Bow+, Master Bow] >: Assassin, Gunner, Ninja, Sniper, Thief 14B (15) Muscadet - Help Muscadet! N/A 15A Uladon Bog - ^^Roaming Naiads Skills: ^^Night, Acid, White Wind Monsters: Ice Flan, Lamia, Lilith, Icedrake >: Icedrake, Ice Flan, Lamia, Lilith, Sprite 15B Uladon Bog - Help Uladon! Skills: Acid, Twister Monsters: Lamia, Lilith, Ice Flan, Icedrake >: Icedrake, Ice Flan, Lamia, Lilith 16A Gotor Sands - Wild Monsters Skills: Blowup#, Mighty Guard, Bad Breath Monsters: Grenade, Icedrake, Malboro, Coeurl, Jelly >: Coeurl, Grenade, Icedrake, Jelly, Malboro 16B Gotor Sands - Help Gotor! Skills: Rush, Far Fist, Sheep Count, 100% Wool, Cuisine Items: Predator, Atmos Blade, Dream Claws, War Trumpet, Adaman Vest x2, Power Sash, Survival Vest, Round Shield, [ITEM: Dream Claws+, Survivor] >: Animist, Gladiator, Warrior, White Monk 16.5A Jagd Ahli - Bloodthirsters Skills: Lvl? S-Flare, Roulette, Oblivion, Hurl, Ring, Firebomb, Ball, Dagger, Smile Items: Heaven's Cloud, Rondell Dagger, Dark Gear, Wygar, [ITEM: Rondell Dagger+, Tonberrian], [CATCH/**] Monsters: Ahriman >: Ahriman, Assassin, Juggler, Masterberry, 2x Vampire 16.5B (24 & 065) Jagd Ahli - Help Ahli! [NO FLEE] Skills: Drain Touch >: Vampire, 3x Zombie 17A Delia Dunes - Brass Dragoons Skills: Haste, Silence, Nurse, Defense, Drop Weapon, Saint Cross, Holy B lade Items: Vajra, Ice Lance, Lionheart, Partisan, Lohengrin, Maximillian, Gold Armour, Dragon Mail, Platemail x2, Cross Helm >: Defender, 2x Dragoon, Paladin, Templar 17B Delia Dunes - Help Delia! Skills: Sheep Count, 100% Wool, Cuisine, Rush, Wild Swing, Air Render Items: War Trumpet, Predator, Atmos Blade, Sun Blade, Adaman Vest x2, Survival Vest, Power Sash, Round Shield >: Animist, Fighter, Gladiator, Warrior 17.5A Ozmonfield - Gertai Band Skills: Magic Hammer#, Mighty Guard#, Twister#, Matra Magic#, Roulette#, White Wind#, Hurl, Ring, Firebomb, Ball, Dagger, Gil Toss, Oblivion x2, Earth Veil, Metal Veil, Water Veil Items: Manganese, Jambiya, Hades Bow, Hunt Bow, Kotetsu, Heaven's Cloud, Brigandine, Power Sash, Dark Gear, Survival Vest, Ninja Gear, [ITEM: Kotetsu+, Nosada], [CATCH/**] >: Assassin, Blue Mage, Juggler, Ninja, Sniper 17.5B (24 & 066) Ozmonfield - Help Ozmon! Skills: Oblivion x2, Earth Veil, Metal Veil, Water Veil, Magic Hammer#, Mighty Guard#, Twister#, Matra Magic#, Roulette#, White Wind# Items: Hades Bow, Hunt Bow, Kotetsu, Heaven's Cloud, Manganese, Dark Gear, Ninja Gear, Survival Vest, Brigandine, [ITEM: Kotetsu+, Nosada] >: Assassin, Blue Mage, Ninja, Sniper 18A Materiwood - Lost Monsters Skills: White Wind, Bad Breath, Stare, Blowup# Monsters: Malboro, Big Malboro, Grenade, Floateye >: Big Malboro, Floateye, Grenade, Malboro, Sprite 18B Materiwood - Help M'wood! Skills: Cure, Shell, Sheep Count, 100% Wool Items: Estoc, White Staff, Demon Bell, Fleuret, Chain Plate, Hempen Robe, Survival Vest, Adaman Vest >: Animist, Elementalist, Fencer, White Mage 19A Bervenia Palace - Guard Patrol Skills: Mog Attack, Mog guard, Mog Lance, Mog Rush, Defense, Drop Weapon x2, Silence, Nurse, Saint Cross, Cura Items: Flametounge, Lionheart, Gae Bolg, Vigilante, Judge Staff, Druid Mace, Blaze Robe, Platemail x2, Gold Armour, Iron Armour, Survival Vest, Round Shield, Cross Helm, Bracers, [ITEM: Gae Bolg+, Beastspear] >: Bishop, Defender, Mog Knight, Paladin, Sage, Templar 19B (Free all other turf) Bervenia Palace - Help Bervenia! N/A 20A Tubola Cave - Tubola Bandits Skills: Freezeblink, Star Cross, Stardust, Wild Tornado, Advice, Aim:Vitals, Sonic Boom, Steal:Gil, Steal:EXP, Steal:Armour, Steal:Weapon, Steal:Ability, Cure, Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Magic Hammer#, Twister#, Matra Magic#, Drain Touch#, White Wind# Items: Force Rod, Shamshir, Master Bow, Scramasax, Gupti Aga, Mistle Robe, Adaman Vest, Survival Vest x2, Mirage Vest, Circlet >: Blue Mage, Hunter, Illusionist, Red Mage, Thief 20B Tubola Cave - Help Tubola! Skills: Steal:Armour, Steal:Gil, Steal:Ability, Steal:Weapon, Steal:EXP, Sonic Boom, Advice, Aim:Vitals, Freezeblink, Star Cross, Stardust, Wild Tornado, Magic Hammer#, Twister#, Matra Magic#, Drain Touch#, White Wind# Items: Scramasax, Master Bow, Shamshir, Force Rod, Survival Vest x2, Adaman Vest, Mistle Robe >: Blue Mage, Hunter, Illusionist, Thief 20.5A Jagd Helje - Jagd Emissaries Skills: Roulette, Night, Throw, Fire Veil, Earth Veil Items: Pure Staff, Master Bow, Flame Tounge, Kotetsu, Kikuichimonji, Black Robe, Survival Vest, Brigandine, Ninja Gear, [CATCH/**] Monsters: Ahriman, Lamia >: Ahriman, Gladiator, Lamia, Ninja, Sniper, Summoner 20.5B (24 & 064) Jagd Helje - Help Helje! [NO FLEE] Skills: Magic Hammer, Hastebreak, White Wind Monsters: Lamia, Red Cap, Coeurl >: Coeurl, Lamia, Red Cap, Sprite 21A Deti Plains - Ramble Band Skills: Throw, Wood Veil, Fire Veil, Water Veil, Oblivion, Rush, Wild Swing, Far Fist, Backdraft, Steal:Armour, Steal:Acc, Steal:Weapon, Steal:Ability Items: Mandragora, Hades Bow, Heaven's Cloud, Petalchaser, Zorlin Shape, Sun Blade, Gaia Gear, Dark Gear, Ninja Gear, Power Sash, Brigandine, [ITEM: Mandragora+, N/A], [CATCH/**] >: Alchemist, Fighter, Ninja, Sniper, Thief 21B (22) Deti Plains - Help Deti! Skills: Steal:Arm, Steal:ACC, Steal:Weapon, Steal:Ability, Throw, Wood Veil, Fire Veil, Water Veil, Oblivion, Rush, Backdraft, Wild Swing, Far Fist Items: Zorlin Shape, Mandragora, Heaven's Cloud, Petalchaser, Sun Blade, Power Sash, Gaia Gear, Ninja Gear, Brigandine, [ITEM: Mandragora+, N/A], [CATCH/**] >: Alchemist, Fighter, Ninja, Thief 22A Siena Gorge - Zoara Sect Skills: Slow, Stop, Quarter, Demi, Haste, Silence, Prominence, Tempest, Freezeblink, Wild Tornado Items: Lotus Mace, Force Rod, Flame Rod, Arch Sword, Atmos Blade, Gaia Gear, Flurry Robe, Blaze Robe, Diamond Armour, Wygar, Cross Helm >: Gladiator, Illusionist, Sage, Templar, Time Mage 22B Siena Gorge - Help Siena! Skills: Silence, Haste, Wild Swing, Slow, Stop, Quarter, Demi Items: Lotus Mace, Arch Sword, Atmos Blade, Flame Rod, Gaia Gear, Diamond Armour, Wygar, Blaze Robe, Cross Helm >: Gladiator, Sage, Templar, Time Mage 23A Ambervale - Doned Faction Skills: Haste, Slow, Stop, Silence, Quarter, Demi, Wild Swing, Beatdown, Backdraft, Far Fist, Air Blast Items: Sleet Rod, Venus Blade, Dragon Whisker, Nike Bow, Lotus Mace, White Robe, Wygar, Gold Armour, Dark Gear, Gaia Gear >: Dragoon, Fighter, Sage, Sniper, Time Mage 23B (24 & 063) Ambervale - Help Ambervale! N/A * Section 2.3 The Quests Of Ivalice These missions are ordered based on the story-line missions that have to be finished in order to access them. Note that in many cases, you will also need to have completed other side-missions from the earlier sections to gain access to a later mission even if you have completed the 'chapter' in the story it follows (these have been listed in parenthesis to the left of the mission). A "+ ROAMING" in the location indicates that although this mission starts off located as specified, it is represented by one of those soldier sprites that may By the way. Missions prefixed with ^'s (hats) indicate that a particular mission has something I consider highly worthy of acquiring from that mission. complete the Snowball fight. I have also marked the item or ability of interest with a ^ (hat). These are abbreviated as: KM = Kingmoon MM = Madmoon SM = Sagemoon HM = Huntmoon BM = Bardmoon CY = Cyril SP = Sprohm CA = Cadoan BP = Baguba Port MU = Muscadet The only other two that are hard to find are "Fre Cyril!" (#194) and "Ship Needed" (#195). Stinger and some Phoenix Downs. In many cases I would recommend you actually FLEE the mission.0 My Early Game Strategy 1. Montblanc an Animist. Then let Giza Plains be recaptured. there will still be other items you may want to acquire so that you can have them as early as possib le. 3. 7. At the start of each month visit the pub and repeatedly complete the dispatch missions: . (Optional) Complete the "Free Giza" dispatch mission by having a random encounter. both of which are found in Cyril.3. Human 03. This ma y be because the item or ability is very rare. I have provided details of some of the missions that only appear in certain months or in certain towns. Bangaa 03. 5. Mont Blanc 04. Now "Help Giza" a few times to get some extra cash. You should have a clan that looks something like: Marche 03. Dismiss the Human and the Bangaa. Start a new game. the Viera a Fencer. "Important" (^^) or "CRITICAL" (^^^).then move around the world map over time. leave the Bangaa as a Monk and make the other Human and Nu Mou both Black Mages. Obviously. Now wander around the world map carefully avoiding clan encounters as they waste too much time and too many levels. * Section 2. These mission s are graded as either "Useful" (^). Complete Mission #001 and Mission #002. Glass Bell. and the Bangaa encounter. Viera 02 2. 6. Jack Knife. making sure to use the other four characters so that you don't waste too many levels on Marche and Montblanc (having a Fight ban will also make these easier). Buy an extra Rod. Nu Mou 02. but it may also be because the item or ability is not going to be found generally available until much later in the gam e. The easiest way to do this is to walk around the world map and time it so that your encounter occurs on a day when the "Fight" action is banned (since the early enemies do not know many alternatives abilities at that point). so that you can obtain multiple copies of the desired item or ability. 4. Make Marche a Thief. Montblanc (Animist). 8. Human (Thief). If you haven't recruited the characters in Step 9 yet. It is important to note that the success or failure of the mission is in fact determined when you sign up. and ditch one of the other characters from your clan.5 hours from the start of the game to the Cinquedea. You *SHOULD NOT* complete the "Wanted (Draghilev Godeye)" mission under *ANY* circumstances. 15. you should switch them over to Thief with Call as their secondary ability class. having roaming encounters. and then only ditch characters when you are ready to recruit one of the secret characters. 9. as this is the only class they have that doesn't have really bad speed growth. worry first about getting the Ninja and Morpher recruits first.2x A Human Ninja with 125+ Speed. Human (Thief) You should also accept *EVERYONE* who offers to join your clan from this point on until you have a full clan. . Don't be afraid to ditch the Viera. Now. Once Montblanc and the other Moogle have learnt Sheep Count.A Nu Mou Morpher (or White Mage) with 120+ Speed. 12. . 14. but the character who offers to join is not. as a Moogle Thief will be much easier to pick up later. Moogle (Animist). 13. Nu Mou (White Mage w/Black Magic). and have Steal as their secondary ability.A Moogle Thief with 120+ Speed. Steal:Helm and Counter you should switch them over to Ninjas. Once your Humans have learnt Steal:Ability. give each character time to learn from the Cinquedea by re-liberating Giza Plains. 11. You should now arrange your team as such: Marche (Thief). A couple of your other skills will also go up slowly. Eventually you will receive the Cinquedea as a reward. dont worry about those. If one of those offer to join your clan you should accept them. You can switch them over to Animist every now and then to beef up their . save the game. and completing those missions which having nothing rare in them (see list below). starting with Marche. as you will want to repeat this mission at least five times so that you characters *ALL* get the Steal:Weapon skill before you move on the the higher missions. The best way to do this is to start the mission. walk around for four days. Over time throw in a few levels as a Blue Mage also to learn the "Learning" support ability and beef up their HP and MP a bit more. 10. My best time is 3. As you are refusing offers to join your clan be on the lookout for the following promising recruits: . Level the Moogles heavily as a Thief.Viera/Human/Nu Mou/Bangaa/Moogle Wanted Chocobo Help! Swords In Cyril (flee a roaming encounter to get it finished) As you complete these missions your Negotiation skill will go up by one point every 2-3 successful attempts. then keep reloading it and take one more day until you get the right offer to join. occassionaly switching back to Steal only when a rare ability shows up in a mission. Eventually you will want to switch their secondary ability over to Blue Magic. because after you complete Swords In Cyril a few times you should have plenty of cash to complete the "X Wanted" missions. keep doing the "X Wanted" missions until you have. as it can have both a Human and Moogle recruit. If you run low on cash sell the rubbish you received as a reward from Chocobo Help and Swords In Cyril. As advanced jobs. Kingmoon is a good month. Archer 03. Sprite 02 *** 6 x 40AP: ^^^Wanted (Draghilev Godeye) #027 (Giza Plains/MM) [STEAL: WEAPON] *** Skills: ^^Steal:Weapon.3. Aim:Arm. can't Steal. Once you pick-up the four secret Viera. Steal:Armour. Flurry Robe [ITEM: Sleet Rod+. Level the Nu Mou as a White Mage from now on. Energy Mace. Redcap 02. except when Marche has to go solo. Bronze Shield. level them as Assassins (the equal best class in FFTA with Blue Mage).other stats. Gladiator 04. throwing in a few levels as a Morpher if you want. Rush. I never bother with Bangaa as they are too slow. You want to teach one of them a couple of skills to satisfy the dispatch missions that are class-specific. Thorn Bow. Dragoon 04.3. ^Chill Rod] Monsters: Red Panther x2. Leather Garb x2. Red Panther 03+03 (044) 6 x 40AP: ^Frosty Mage #045 (Lutia Pass) Skills: Blizzard. Poison Claw Items: Sleet Rod. GOBLIN] Location: Lutia Pass >: Goblin 01+01+01. Red Panther x2 >: Goblin 04. Cuirass#. Forget about their physical stats. Wild Swin g Items: Jack Knife. [ITEM: Energy Mace+. Blizzara. Chain Plate#. Feather Cap. Floateye 04. and have no Concentrate or Turbo MP. ^^Morning Star] >: Alchemist 04R. but as a race even if they they are really tough. Vary their secondary abilities as you want. Chain Plate.1 What Happened To My White Christmas? 6 x 40AP: Herb Picking #001 (Giza Plains) [NO FLEE. these people are spell-casters. Sweep Blade. Headband# Location: Nubswood >: Archer 02. Thief 03 6 x 40AP: Fire! Fire! #038 (Cyril/CY) Skills: Blowup# Monsters: Bomb x4 >: Bomb 03+03+04+04 6 x 40AP: ^^Snow in Lutia #044 (Lutia Pass) [GOBLIN] Skills: ^^Goblin Punch Monsters: ^^Goblin. Sphere 01+01 5+1 x 40AP: Prof in Trouble #046 (Lutia Pass) [BULLIES] Skills: Drain Touch Monsters: Ice Flan x2 >: Ice Flan 04+05. but all their best spells are status effects. You will be using them for the most part to pick up rare items that occur in missions. so don't spend more than a few levels out of the Thief class.2 The Clan Wars 6 x 40AP M3: Thesis Hunt #002 (Lutia Pass) [NO FLEE] Items: Leather Garb# x2. Red Panther 03+03. White Mage 03 . Aim:Legs. Soldier 02+03. Floateye >: Black Mage 06R. if they can never score a hit who cares? * Section 2. Lost One 04+04+04 <: Sage 04 (044) * Section 2. Stare. Cuirass. Javelin. Silken Robe#. Thief 03+04. Goblin 06 6 x 40AP: ^^White Flowers #055 (Giza Plains) [GOBLIN] Skills: Magic Hammer Monsters: ^^Goblin. Protect Items: Hard Knuckles. Aim:Arm. Cuirass. Drop Weapon. ^Steal:Helm. White Monk 05 3 x 40AP: Fowl Thief #068 (Cyril) Skills: Steal:Gil. Sick Knuckles. Shortsword. Fighter 04. Thief 03. Blizzard Items: Sun Blade. Green Beret. Bronze Armour.3 Friend Or Foe? 4+2 x 40AP: Cheetahs #003 (Nubswood) [NO FLEE] Skills: Blitz. Cream. MindBK. Antlion x3 >: Antlion 05+06+06. Hastebreak. Shell. Goblin 06. Survival Vest. White Staff. White Mage 08 4 x 40AP: ^Ravens's Oath #070 (Giza Plains) Skills: Nurse. Hastebreak Monsters: ^^Goblin. Leather Garb. Antlion Location: Ulei River >: Antlion 05. Magus Robe. Fencer 07 6 x 40AP: ^^Village Hunt #037 (Eluut Sands) [GOBLIN] Skills: ^^Goblin Punch.3. Warrior 06. Cure. Steal:EXP. Silken Robe. Gauntlets >: Thief 07R (068) (194) 6 x 50AP: ^^Free Sphorm #069 (Sprohm/CY) Skills: ^SpeedBK. Opal Shield. Char Bow. Magic Ring. Rod. Steal:JP. Survival Vest. Wizard Hat >: Black Mage 08R. Hempen Robe.3. Silken Robe. Thunder Robe. Coeurl 07. Thunder Rod. White Monk 04 <: Archer 06. MagicBK. White Staff. Adaman Vest x2. Thunder.4 A Clue? 6 x 40AP: Desert Peril #004 (Eluut Sands) [NO FLEE] Skills: Poison Claw. Coeurl >: Antlion 06+07+07. Cream 05. Khukuri. Paladin 11R (069) * Section 2. Saint Cross. Red Cap. First Aid. Rod. Esuna. Protect Items: Falchion. Steal:JP Items: Khukuri. Antlion x3. Coeurl. Bronze Helm >: Thief 09R. Opal Armour. Red Panther 05+05 6 x 40AP: ^^A Lost Ring #049 (Ulei River) [GOBLIN] Skills: ^^Goblin Punch. Coeurl 06. PowerBK. Fire. Take Aim. Air Render. Soldier 06. Shell. Steal:Gil. Gauntlets Location: Eluut Sands >: Archer 05. Holy Blade. Fire. Red Cap 07 * Section 2. Thunder Items: ^Diamond Sword.6 x 40AP: Wanted (Black Mage Dolce) #025 (Nubswood/KM) Skills: Air Render. Steal:EXP. White Mage 05. Black Mage 05. White Wind . Bronze Shield x2 >: Black Mage 07R. Survival Vest. Lvl3 Def-Less Monsters: Red Panther x2. Cure. Silken Robe. Gauntlets. Sheep Count. Soldier 09R. Rod. Thief 07. Thunder Rod. Firewheel Rod. Floateye 05+06 6 x 30AP: Clan Roundup (Clan Crow) #101 (Lutia Pass + ROAMING) Skills: Cure. Backdraft. Cuisine Fire. PowerBK. Rod. Blizzard. Fortune Ring >: Animist 07. Judo Uniform. Time Mage 07 5 x 40AP: Oasis Frogs #062 (Cadoan/CA) [NO FLEE] Monsters: Lamia x3 >: Lamia 08+10+10 * Section 2. Slow. Atmos Blade. Air Blast. Confushot.Monsters: ^^Goblin. Totema 09R (037) (062) . Blizzard. Steal:Gil. Rod. MagicBK. Blizzard. Tail Wag. Thunder. ^Mog Aid.6 Just A Guy Trying To Earn A Living 5+1 x 40AP: ^Antilaws #006 (Cadoan) [AUTOMATIC. Feather Cap Monsters: Floateye x2. Thunder. Atmos Blade. Platemail. PowerBK. 100% Wool. Esuna. Sprite 08 (113) 6 x 40AP: Staring Eyes #050 (Cyril) Skills: Stare. Chain Plate. Protect Items: Black Quena. Protect. Barong. Lamia x2. Mog Lance Items: Earth Bell. Power Sash. Aim:Arm. Charmshot. Mog Guard. Prominence. Cupid Items: Guard Staff. Aim:Vitals. White Mage 06 6 x 40AP: ^A Challenge (Clan Baham) #112 (Ulei River + ROAMING) Skills: ^SpeedBK.3. NO FLEE] SKills: Drop Weapon. Aim:Arm. Black Mage 07. Steal:JP. Survival Vest. Magus Robe. Tempest. Mog Attack. Aim:Legs. Green Beret. Shadow Blade. Floateye 05+06. Iceshot. Chain Plate. Scramasax. Scarab >: Archer 07. Quarter. Thief 07R. Steal:Gil. Ahriman x2 Location: Cadoan >: Ahriman 06+06.3. Fireshot. Lilith 08. 6 x 40AP: ^Twin Swords #036 (Eluut Sands) [READ "HERO GAOL" DESCRIPTION] Skills: ^Mog Shield. Hempen Robe. Chain Plate. Striborg. Lost Gun. NO FLEE] Skills: Stare. Leather Garb. Mog Knight 07+09R. Iron Helm. Round Shield x2. Demi. Aim:Legs Items: ^Thief Armlets. Yoichi Bow. Black Mage 07. Green Beret. Silenshot. Silence. Ahriman >: Ahirim 07. Fire. Artemis Bow. Warrior 08. Beastmaster 06R. Predator. MindBK. Thunder. Blindshot. Boltshot. Silken Robe x2. Lilith >: Goblin 07. Rush. White Mage 08 * Section 2. Shell. Kris Knife. Cure. Steal:EXP. Freezeblink Items: ^Wygar. MindBK. Boost. (112) . Bronze Shield. Leather Garb. Fire. Air Blade. Adaman Vest. Guard Staff. Gunner 07. Silken Robe. Magic Ring. Iron Armour. Black Mage 07. Headband. Lamia 07+07. Slow Monsters: Floateye x2. Sonic Boom. Wild Swing.5 Famfreet Of The Moogles (2 Laws) 6 x 80AP: Twisted Flow #005 (Ulei River) [TOTEMA. Fortune Ring >: Archer 08. Arch Sword]. Thief 09R. Ball. Kris Knife. Ninja Gear. Ice Flan. Thunder. Cupid Items: ^^Angel Ring. Magic Ring. Ninja 07 <: Ezel 10 (242) 4 x 40AP: ^^Nubswood Base #071 (Nubswood/SP) Skills: ^Fira. Beatdown. Fire. Silence. Green Beret. White Mage 10 *** 4 x 40AP: ^^^Lutia Mop-Up #072 (Lutia Pass/SP) [ANGEL RING] *** Skills: ^Haste. Cura. Sniper 13. Aim:Legs. Murasame. Sleet Rod. Gladiator 07. Blitz x2. ^Fortune Ring x2. ^Blizzara. Pure Staff. Dagger. White Monk 11 6 x 40AP: Cadoan Watch #074 (Cadoan/CA) Skills: Blowup# Monsters: Bomb x5 >: Bomb 09+10+10+11+14 4 x 50AP: ^Free Cadoan #075 (Cadoan/CA) Skills: ^Mog Aid x2. Kaiser Knuckles. Red Mage 12R. Chain Plate x3. Esuna. Cure. Silence. Circlet >: Black Mage 11. Round Shield. Far Fist x2. Magus Robe. Hunt Bow. [ITEM: Predator+. Esuna. ^Minerva Plate. Gauntlets >: Mog Knight 12+13 6 x 40AP: Resistance #106 (Eluut Sands + ROAMING/CA) Skills: Steal:EXP. ^Fira. White Mage 13. Firewheel Rod. Mistle Robe. Cura. Shell. Flametounge. Kwigon Blade. ^Thundara. Terre Rod. Backdraft. Ring. Iron Helm x2. Brigandine. Lamia (071) (072) (195) (074) . Chain Plate x2. Magic Ring. Shadow Blade. Blizzard Items: ^Madu. Sniper 15R. Slow. Platemail.7 The Clues Begin To Add Up 6 x 40AP: Diamond Rain #007 (Aisenfield) [NO FLEE] Skills: Mighty Guard. Bomb. Adaman Vest. Hunter 08.Ninja Knife. Silenshot Items: Icebrand. Protect Items: Cranequin. Cure Staff. Slow. Bracers. Steal:JP. Illusionist 06. Brigandine x2. Acid Monsters: Icedrake x2. Adaman Vest. Hades Bow. Rush x2. Bronze Shield. Feather Cap. Blindshot. [CATCH/07] Location: Aisenfield >: Defender 08. Demi. Magus Robe. [CATCH/09] >: Fighter 10. Silken Robe. ^Thundara. Fighter 08. Iron Armour. Cure x2. Atmos Blade.3. Shell. Protect. Firebomb. ^Blizzara. Time Mage 12 6 x 40AP: Borzoi Falling #073 (Cyril/CY) Skills: Air Render x2. Haste. Cura. Silken Robe. Wizard Hat. Wild Swing x2. Circlet. Warrior 09 * Section 2. Confushot. Mog Attack x2. Time Mage 08. Rush. Chain Plate. Bracers >: Black Mage 12. Throw. Charmshot. Green Beret. ^White Robe. Quarter Items: Shortsword. Terre Rod. Magic Ring. Gauntlets >: Fighter 15R. Gauntlets x2. Opal Shield. Mog Lance. Steal:JP. Slow. Thunder Rod. Scramasax. Scarab. Summoner 10. Magic Hammer. Thief 09+11. Firewyrm 11. Icedrake 10. Malboro. Round Shield. Sprite 10+11. Steal:Armour. Goblin 12. Fey Bow. Firewyrm x2 >: Bomb 09+10+10. Gauntlets >: Archer 10+10. Haste. Thief Hat. Mog Attack.3. ^^Cinquedea] Location: Salikawood >: Archer 10. Time Mage 09 6 x 40AP: Fiend Run #100 (Cyril + ROAMING/CY) [CAPTURE 5 MONSTERS] Skills: Hastebreak. Rush.3. Faster Items: Zorlin Shape. Power Sash. Take Aim. Steal:Shield. Far Fist Items: Partisan. Fencer 13 * Section 2. Thorn Bow. Bronze Helm. Dagger Items: Jack Knife. Malboro 11 6 x 40AP: Battle In Aisen #033 (Aisenfield) Skills: Boost. Adaman Vest. White Wind. Lamia 09 6 x 40AP: Hot Recipe #047 (Roda Volcano) Skills: Blowup# Monsters: Bomb x3. Steal:EXP x2. Mog Rush. Atmos Blade. Minerva Plate. Icedrake 08+09. Fira. Bad Breath (032) . Steal:Gil. Icedrake.S. Take Aim. Bronze Armour. Chain Plate x2. Ball. Guard-Off Monsters: ^^^Goblin. Firewyrm >: Bomb 11.Location: Roda Volcano >: Bomb 08. Long Bow. Steal:Weapon. NO FLEE] Location: Koringwood >: Ultima Crystal 09+09+10+10+11+11+11+11 (062) 6 x 30AP: ^^^Tower Ruins #032 (Koringwood) [LAST GOBLIN] Skills: ^^^Goblin Punch. Gauntlets >: Mog Knight 10+11+12. Steal:Acc. Blackout. Bomb. Blizzara. Feather Cap >: Juggler 11. Quarter.8 Ultima Of The Nu Mou 4 x 80AP: Hot Awakening #008 (Roda Volcano) [TOTEMA. ^Mog Aid x3. 100% Wool. Fighter 11 3+2 x 40AP: S. Ring. Black Mage 11. Blowup#. Chocobo Rush. Fira. Bronze Armour. Ice Flan 08. Atmos Blade. Steal:EXP. Bronze Helm. Blizzara Items: Icebrand. Shadow Blade. Dragoon 11. Force Rod. Firewyrm 09+10 6 x 40AP: ^^Fire Sigil #076 (Roda Volcano) Skills: ^^Night.9 Just Be Glad Treebeard Didn't Catch You 5 x 40AP: ^^Magic Wood #009 (Koringwood) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^Steal:Helm. #048 (Koringwood) Skills: Drain Touch. Stinger. Firebomb. Headband. Blackout. Bad Breath. Judge Staff. Thundara. Chain Plate. Cupid. Gaia Gear. Power Sash. Sheep Count. [ITEM: Zorlin Shape+. Judo Uniform. Sniper 11. Fencer 10. Flurry Robe. Zombie 11+12 <: Archer 12. Steal:Gil. Blaze Robe. Flame Shield. Lamia 13R * Section 2.O. Survival Gear. Adaman Vest. Aegis Shield. Totema 15R 6 x 40AP: ^Retrieve Mail #111 (Cyril + ROAMING) Skills: ^SpeedBK. Red Cap. Silver Sword. Ninja 14. Night#. Kikuichimonji. Partisan. Throw. White Wind#. Adaman Vest x2. Chain Plate. Mirage Vest. Statue 01+01. White Robe. THUNDRAKE. Titania 11. Gunner 13. Blackout. Predator. Lohengrin. Dark Gear. Bishop 09.3. Lilith 14. Green Beret >: Animist 14. [CATCH/14] Monsters: Antlion Location: Kudik Peak >: Antlion 12. Chaos Rifle. Catnip. Power Sash. Boltshot. Opal Helm. Water Veil. Lilith >: Lamia 13.3. Cure Staff. Thief Hat. Gold Armour. Hastebreak#. [ITEM: Mandagora+. NO FLEE] Sills: Lvl3 Def-Less. Cupid. Big Malboro. Soldier 14. Tail Wag. Thundrake 13. Blindshot. Oblivion Items: ^Harpe. Icedrake Location: Baguba Port. Diamond Helm. Chain Plate.3. ^^Cactus Stick] Location: Nargai Cave >: Alchemist 10.10 You Didn't Think You'd Get Away With It Did You? 6 x 40AP: ^^Emerald Keep #010 (Salikawood) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^Stopshot. Red Cap 11 * Section 2. Matra Magic Monsters: Lamia. Coeurl 11. Cuisine. Charmshot. Metal Veil. Firewyrm 13. Aim:Arm. Char Bow. Survival Vest. [ITEM: ^Harpe+. Diamond Armour. Firewyrm. Mandragora. Iron Armour. First Aid x2. Wygar. Matra Magic. Sonic Boom. Blue Mage 13. Aim:Legs. Cura Items: ^Mirage Vest. Templar 10+11 (114) 6 x 40AP: ^^Royal Ruins #058 (Nargai Cave) Skills: ^^Night. Assassin 14. Jagd Dorsa [go to Baguba Port] >: Icedrake 13. Petalchaser x2. Archer 13.Monsters: Coeurl. ^^^Tulwar]. Gunner 10. Frogsong. ^Provoke. Headband.11 Adrammelech Of The Bangaa 6 x 80AP: ^^Pale Company #011 (Nargai Cave) [TOTEMA. Fortune Ring. Ahriman >: Ahriman 11. Mighty Guard#. Chaos Rifle. Green Beret. Wizard Hat. Judo Uniform. Toughskin 13 4 x 40AP: Cursed Bride #092 (Eluut Sands) Skills: Twister >: Lilith 26R (124) * Section 2.12 Didn't You Parents Teach You Not To Play In The Jagds? 6 x 40AP: ^^^Jagd Hunt #012 (Jagd Dorsa) [TULWAR. MagicBK. Advice. Genji Armlet. Lotus Mace. Big Malboro 11. Confushot. Babus 12R. Toughskin 12 . Warrior 15R * Section 2. NO FLEE] Skills: Mighty Guard Monsters: ^^Thundrake. Round Shield. Hunter 13. Silenshot Items: War Trumpet. Fey Bow. Mog Lance x2. Aim:Legs Items: ^Diamond Sword. El Cid Sword. Blindshot x2. Mog Lance x2. Gunner 13+15. Survival Vest x2. Aim:Arm x2. Air Blade. Iceshot. Holy Blade. Atmos Blade. Advice x2. Iron Helm. Cupid x2. Poison Claw. Mog Rush. Atmos Blade. Drain Touch. Round Shield x3. Silver Cannon. Ring. Charmshot. Mog Attack x3. Cream 14. Boltshot. Stopshot. Ring. Platemail. Iron Armour. Headband. Dagger. Round Shield. Sun Blade. Feather Cap. Silenshot. Mog Lance x3. Firebomb. CATCH/17. Red Panther 13+15+16 6 x 50AP: Free Baguba! #077 (Baguba Port/BP) Skills: Twister Monsters: Lilith x3 >: Lilith 18+19+20 6 x 40AP: ^Water Sigil #078 (Nargai Cave) Skills: ^Mog Aid x3. Smile. Adaman Vest x3. Aim:Legs x2. Boltshot. Gold Armour. Flametounge. Platemail x2. Boltshot. Saint Cross. (Tiger Hide+) >: Archer 15+16. Charmshot. Opal Helm x3. Arch Sword. Fireshot. Confushot. Cranequin. Silenshot x2 Items: Twin Bow. Circlet. Coeurl. Shadow Blade. Acid.6 x 40AP: Friend Trouble #052 (Kudik Peaks) Skills: Acid. [CATCH/17. ^Mog Aid x3. Ball. Nail Bow. Opal Shield x2. Iceshot. Iron Helm x3 >: Mog Knight 14+14+15. Mog Knight 14+17. Confushot. Paladin 19R 6 x 40AP: Poachers #108 (Kudik Peaks) Skills: Sonic Boom x2. Aim:Arm. Gil Toss Items: Atmos Blade.13 You're Not The Only Clan Interested In Money You Know 6 x 40AP: ^^The Bounty #013 (Kudik Peaks + ROAMING) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^Quicken. Thorn Bow. Iron Helm x2. Charmshot x2. Bronze Helm x2. Cross Helm. Nurse. Bronze Shield. Platemail x2. Saint Cross. Iron Armour x2. Cure. Hurl x3. Mog Attack x3. Ball. Fireshot. Fireshot. ^Reflect. Chain Plate. Blindshot. Cross Helm. . Icebrand. Bracers x2. Mog Attack x3. Firebomb. Confushot x2. Gauntlets >: Defender 15+16. Ice Shield. Mog Attack x2.3. Mog Lance x3. Mog Knight 14+17+18 6 x 40AP: ^^Wind Sigil #079 (Koringwood) Sills: ^^Dragon Force. Platemail x4. Kwigon Blade. Iron Armour. Blindshot x2. Bronze Helm. Fortune Ring. Round Shield x3. Hunter 14+17R (052) * Section 2. Dagger. Iceshot Items: Air Blade. Bracers >: Ice Flan 20R. Hastebreak Monsters: Red Panther x3. Thundrake 16R 6 x 40AP: ^Earth Sigil #080 (Aisenfield) Skills: ^Mog Aid x3. Lost Gun. Drop Weapon. Silenshot Items: Air Blade. Stopshot. Bracers. Zombie 19R (076) (078) (079) (080) 6 x 40AP: ^The Redwings #081 (Salikawood) Skills: ^Mog Aid x2. Cream >: Coeurl 16. CATCH/18] >: Mog Knight 17+17+18. Drop Weapon. [ITEM: Air Blade+. Sick Knuckles. Life. Air Blade. Steal:EXP. [ITEM: Djinn Flyssa+. Holy Blade. Blue Mage 17. Mog Attack. Djinn Flyssa. Juggler 14. Quarter Items: ^^Sword Breaker. Silenshot. First Aid. Stop. Mistle Robe. Sprite 16R * Section 2. Adaman Vest. . Fireshot. Fortune Ring. Thunder. Cuisine. Flamberge. Wizard Hat. Ninja 16R. ^Gupti Aga] Location: Jeraw Sands >: Black Mage 14. ^Vigilante. Acid Monsters: Grenade. Blizzara. Thunder. Brigandine. Gaunlets. NO FLEE] Skills: Demi. Time Mage 16 <: Elementalist 19. Green Beret. Steal:Gil. Gunner 17. ^^^Zeus Mace]. Blizzaga. Thief 14. Throw. Red Spring. Time Mage 14 6 x 40AP: ^^Wanted (Gabama Bros) #026 (Jeraw Sands/BM) Skills: ^SpeedBK. Blindshot. Gaia Gear. Iron Helm. Iron Armour. ^Thief Armlets. Charmshot.15 Exodus Of The Viera (3 Laws) 5 x 0AP: ^^Scouring Time #015A (Muscadet) [AUTOMATIC. Fire. Fire. Atmos Blade. [CATCH/16] >: Black Mage 16. Thief 15 6 x 40AP: Snow Fairy #109 (Giza Plains + ROAMING) Skills: White Wind. Steal:JP.3. Hurl. Sage 11. Sniper 18 * Section 2. Chain Plate. Leather Garb. Mog Knight 16R. Flurry Robe. Confushot. Survival Vest. Steal:Ability. Wild Swing. Bracers. Mog Guard. Flame Shield. ^Thor Rod. Mog Rush.3. Red Mage 13. Petalchaser. Scarab x2. Minerva Plate. Angel Whisper. Druid Mace. Kard. Ball Items: ^^Morning Star. Cure.14 A Brief Reunion 4+2 x 40AP: ^^^Golden Clock #014 (Jeraw Sands) [ZEUS MACE. Chain Plate. Survival Vest. Chain Plate. Ninja Knife. Mog Lance. NO FLEE] Skills: ^Mog Shield. Steal:Armour. ^Quicken. Power Sash. Chocobo Rush Items: ^^Longbarrel. Force Rod x2. Round Shield. Mistle Robe. Striborg. Mog Rush. Air Render. Jambiya. Terre Rod. Red Mage 16. Gold Armour.Cura. Mog Attack. Bracers. Mog Lance. ^Harpe. [CATCH/14] Location: Muscadet >: Alchemist 16. Gadgeteer 15. Adaman Vest. Survival Vest x2. Blowup#. Ice Shield x2. Bilzzara. ^Mog Aid. [ITEM: ^^Morning Star+. Haste. Fighter 14. Mog Guard. Firebomb. Blizzaga. Power Sash. Khukuri. White Monk 14 6 x 40AP: ^^Hit Again #061 (Jagd Dorsa) [NO FLEE] Skills: Blizzard x2. Ogun Blade] >: Juggler 14. Saint Cross. Fira. Scarab. Ice Flan >: Grenade 13. Paladin 15R. Blizzard. Cuisine. Time Mage 15. Blue Screw. Warrior 15. Dagger. Air Blast Items: ^^Rubber Suit. ^Chill Rod. Kaiser Knuckles. ^Smile. Ice Flan 13. Air Render. Thunder Robe. Mog Knight 15+16. Masterberry 20R 6 x 50AP: ^^Free Muscadet! #082 (Muscadet/MU) Skills: Oblivion. Rondell Dagger. Summoner 18. Atmos Blade. Dragoon 18. Big Malboro >: Big Malboro 42. Riot Gun. Silence. Babus 21 6 x 40AP: Wanted (Swampking Kanan) #028 (Uladon Bog/SM) Skills: Take Aim Items: Burglar Sword. Iron Helm. Steal:Shield. Opal Helm. Templar 16+17 Solo x 80AP: ^^Scouring Time (Exodus) #015B (Muscadet) [TOTEMA. Haste Items: ^^Genji Shield.3. Cream >: Cream 24. Shadow Blade. Genji Armlets. Chain Plate. Judge Staff. Bracers. Sage 15. Platemail. Round Shield. Jelly 24+26 * Section 2. ^Trident. Blitz. Paladin 17. Masamune. Templar 19R 6 x 40AP: The Wanderer #039 (Muscadet/MU) >: Tonberry 18+19. Opal Armour. Gae Bolg. Dark Gear. Backdraft. Artemis Bow. Steal:Acc. Adaman Vest. Circlet. Cure Staff. Ogun Blade. Platemail. Templar 21R (082) 4 x 50AP: Foreign Fiend #083 (Ulei River) Skills: Night >: Lamia 38 4 x 60AP: Foreign fiend #084 (Baguba Port) >: Blade Biter 28 4 x 70AP: Foreign Fiend #085 (Uladon Bog) Skills: Bad Breath Monsters: Malboro. AUTOMATI C. Dragon Mail. Opal Helm. Malboro 36 4 x 80AP: Last Stand #086 (Nubswood) Skills: Lvl? S-Flare >: Vampire 46 6 x 40AP: Flan Breakout #093 (Salikawood) Skills: Acid Monsters: Jelly x2. Beatdown. Steal:Weapon Item: Kwigon Blade. ^Carabini Mail x2. Steal:Armour. ^Cachusha. Air Render. Cura. Blindshot Items: ^^Genji Armour. Cure Staff. Green Beret >: Archr 18. Lotus Mace Location: Uladon Bog >: 8x Exodus Fruit 18. Cross Helm. Garnet Staff. Magic Ring. Master Bow. Ice Flan 21+25. Far Fist. Energy Mace. Ice Flan x2. Judo Uniform. Chain Plate. NO FLEE] Items: ^^Lordly Robe. (083) (084) (085) . Cross Helm. Bishop 18. Iron Armour. Bracers >: Assassin 22+23.16 Ask Him If His Name Is "Fett" 6 x 40AP: ^^The Big Find #016 (Uladon Bog) [NO FLEE] Skills: Rush. Wild Swing. Leather Garb. Kain's Lance. Dragon Whisker.Iceshot. Ragnarok. Gauntlets x2 >: Gunner 16. Opal Shield. Survival Vest. Survival Vest. Aegis Shield. N/A] >: Fencer 19. Jack Knife. ^Cachusha.Wygar. Steal:EXP. Wild Swing. Air Blast. Thief 17+21 6 x 40AP: Desert Rose #051 (Gotor Sands/HM) Skills: Lvl3 Def-Less. Red Panther 19+21. Steal:Shield. Antlion x2. Rondell Dagger. Jawbreaker 19. Gauntlets x2. Zorlin Shape. Steal:Acc Items: ^^White Fangs. Survival Vest. ^Steal:Helm. Aim:Vitals. Oblivion Items: ^Outsider. Tempest. ^^Calling Gun] >: Archer 20. Bracers. Gauntlets. Nail Bow. Leather Garb. Brigandine. Thundaga. Beatdown x2. N/A]. Mug. Steal:Gil x2. Aim:Arm. Cranequin. Power Sash. Judo Uniform. Jack Knife. ^SpeedBK. Grenade 20. Beatdown. Steal:Gil x2. Scarab. Chain Plate x2. Fighter 18+19. Dragon Mail. Acid Monsters: Coeurl. Iron Armour. Thief 20+20R. Poison Claw Monsters: Red Panther x2. Green Beret. Black Robe. Dagger. Firaga. Partisan. Steal:Acc. Fighter 15. Genji Armlets. Aim:Arm. Gaia Gear. Brigandine. Master Bow. (Chocobo Skin+) Monsters: Malboro x2 >: Beastmaster 21R. Steal:Armour. MindBK. Sonic Boom. Blackout. Magic Ring >: Archer 15. Gladiator 16. Malboro 17+18 6 x 40AP: ^^Flesh & Bones #053 (Baguba Port) Skills: ^Addle. Hunter 19. Jambiya. Lvl3 Def-Less. Ninja Gear. [ITEM: Jack Knife+. White Monk 19 (108) 6 x 40AP: ^^Smuggle Bust #105 (Baguba Port + ROAMING) Sills: ^Addle. PowerBK. Thunder Robe. Aim:Legs. Thief 19+20 (105) . Ice Flan 21. Blitz. Bad Breath Items: ^^Aona Flute. Blowup#. Box 01+01. Judo Uniform. Magic Ring. Wizard Hat. Dragoon 16. Wizard Hat. Oblivion. Prominence. [ITEM: Outsider+. Silenshot. Blitz x2. Aim:Legs. Smile. Freezeblink Items: ^Thor Rod. Jawbreaker 18 (025) (065) 6 x 40AP: ^Wanted (Dark Duke Londion) #030 (Jagd Ahli/KM) [NO FLEE] Skills: Rush. Cross Helm. Restorer. Fortune Ring x2. Aim:Vitals. Headband. Bracers. Power Sash. Jawbreaker >: Antlion 19+19. Flamberge. ^Steal:Helm. Blizzara. Blizzaga. Fortune Ring. Thundara. Rush. Gunner 20. Shadow Blade. Fira. Sprite 18 6 x 40AP: Exploration #065 (Gotor Sands) Skills: Hastebreak. [ITEM: Zorlin Shape+. Steal:Shield. ^Cachusha. Confushot. Survival Vest x2. [ITEM: Ogun Blade+. Hunter 20+21R. Cupid. First Aid. Illusionist 16R 6 x 40AP: ^^Stolen Scoop #104 (Baguba Port + ROAMING) Skills: ^Provoke. MagicBK. Marasame. Survival Vest. Headband. Steal:JP. Grenade. Assassin 14. Fey Bow. Green Beret. Chain Plate. Soldier 21. Boost. Nail Bow. ^^Adaman Blade] Location: Gotor Sands >: Bishop 17+18. Charmshot. Bracers. Jawbreaker. Blindshot. Sonic Boom. Sun Blade. Ice Flan Location: Jagd Ahli >: Coeurl 18. PowerBK x2. White Monk 17 (033) 6 x 50AP: ^^Magewyrm #034 (Delia Dunes) Skills: ^^Dragon Force. Restorer. Thundrake 20R 6 x 60AP: ^Salika Keep #035 (Salikawood) Skills: ^Quicken. Icedrake 21. Red Panther 20. Guard-Off. Brigandine. Falchion. Bracers. Aim:Legs. Headband. Blowup#. Hunter 20. Brigandine. Soldier 18+19. ^^Dragon Force#. Terre Rod. Feather Cap.* Section 2. Faster. ^Carabini Mail. Vampire 23R. Time Mage 21. War Trumpet. Thundrake 21 (152) 4 x 40AP: ^"Challengers?" #091 (Delia Dunes) Skills: Air Blast. Haste Items: Cure Staff. ^Trident. Drop Weapon. Wygar. Round Shield. Iron Helm. Bomb. White Mage 21 6 x 40AP: ^^A Dragon's Aid #066 (Delia Dunes) [WYRMSTONE USED. Dragoon 19. Mighty Guard Items: ^^Genji Armour. Diamond Helm. Firewyrm 19. [ITEM: Ragnarok+. Ninja Gear. Mug. Icedrake. Cross Helm. Icedrake >: Firewyrm 19+22. Icedrake. Bracers >: Fighter 32R 6 x 40AP: ^^Wyrms Awaken #102 (Roda Volcano + ROAMING) [THUNDRAKE] Skills: ^^Dragon Force. Icedrake 20. Protect. Firewyrm Location: Ozmonfield >: Dragoon 21R+22. Faster Items: ^Bone Plate. Cura.17 You're Going To End Up In Carbonite You Know 5 x 40AP: ^^Desert Patrol #017 (Gotor Sands) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^Provoke. Angel Whisper# Items: Artemis Bow. Poison Claw. ^Mirror Ma il. Gladiator 20. Thundrake 20+21 (102) 6 x 40AP: ^^Ruby Red #031 (Baguba Port) [THUNDRAKE] Skills: ^Addle. ^SpeedBK. Cura. Gauntlets. (034) (102) ] . Bracers. Venus Bla de. Aqua Saber. Lohengrin. Far Fist. Paraiba Blade. ^Cheer Staff]. [ITEM: ^Spring Staff+. Wizard Hat. Shell. Power Sash. THUNDRAKE Skills: ^^Dragon Force. MagicBK Items: ^^Hardedge. Flame Sh ield. Magus Robe x2. Fortune Ring. Mighty Guard Monsters: ^^Thundrake x2. Judo Uniform. Firewyrm 22.3. Bronze Armour. Mighty Guard#. Dragon Mail. Icedrake >: Archer 20. Aim:Arm. ^^Genji Shield. Gauntlets. Guard-Off#. Magic Ring Monsters: ^^Thundrake. Defender 20. Bronze Helm. Flurry Robe. Beastmaster 21R. Cross Helm Monsters: ^^Thundrake. Icedrake 20. Lvl? S-Flare. Antlion >: Antlion 20. Ragnarok. ^^Godhand. ^Diamond Sword. Lvl3 Def-Less Monsters: Firewyrm. Bomb 21. Platemail. Red Panther. Thunder Robe. Protect. Arch Sword] Location: Delia Dunes >: Bishop 18. Firewyrm x2. Guard-Off. Twin Bow. Backdraft. Take Aim. Mighty Guard. Aim:Vitals. Icedrake 21. Advice. Blackout. Blue Mage 21. Dragon Whisker. MindBK x2. Air Render. Dragon Mail. Shell. ^Spring Staff. Magic Ring >: Defender 21+21. Summoner 16. Sage Crosier. SavetheQueen] >: Alchemist 23. Opal Armour. Titania 25 <: Summoner 15 (066) 6 x 40AP: ^^Showdown! #060 (Ozmonfield) Skills: ^Mog Aid. Red Panther. Ninja Gear. Silence. Lohengrin. ^^Joyeuse. Opal Armour. White Wind. ^Ribbon. Nike Bow. Dragon Mail. Thunder. Mistle Robe. Vigilante. Mirage Vest. Titania 19+20 6 x 80AP: Quiet Sands (Mateus) #018B (Delia Dunes) [TOTEMA. Malboro >: Firewyrm 23. Scarab. Esuna. Templar 20+21. Aegis Shield. Fire.) . Angel Whisper Monsters: Firewyrm. Shell Items: ^^Rubber Suit. Angel Whisper Items: ^Bangaa Helm. Blade Biter 27. Kwigon Blade. Pure Staff. Oblivion. Summoner 21. Fireshot. NO FLEE] Skills: Lvl? S-Flare. Poison Claw. Sniper 21. Malboro 23. Brint Set. Magic Ring. Genji Armlets. Iceshot Items: ^^Genji Shield. Maximillian . Drop Weapon. ^Curaga. Savethequeen. Bomb >: Antlion 21. Holy Blade. Nurse. Cross Helm x2.3. Oblivion. Cross Helm Location: Materiwood >: Llednar 23R. Paladin 24. Boltshot. Platemail. Pure Staff. Ninja Gear. Cheer Staff. Mog Lance. Sprite 23. Vampire 21+22+22+22 5+1 x 40AP: For A Song #054 (Materiwood/MU) Skills: Guard-Off. Thunder Robe.3. Opal Helm. [ITEM: Vigilante+. Gaia Gear. ^Madu. Summoner 23 2+4 x 80AP: Old Friends #107 (Materiwood + ROAMING) Skills: Lvl3 Def-Less Items: (Allmighty) Monsters: Antlion. Battle Mace]. Gauntlets.19 Isn't This Taking Sibling Rivalry Just A Little Too Far? 6 x 40AP: ^^Materite Now! #019 (Materiwood) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^^Full-Life. Elementalist 23. Red Panther 24. Mog Knight 23R. LIMITED TIME. Kain's Lance. Magic Ring Location: Bervenia Palace >: Asassin 23. Masamune. Sleep. Dragoon 23.Thundrake 21 * Section 2. [ITEM: Sage Crosier+.18 Mateus Of The Humans 6 x 0AP: ^Quiet Sands #018A (Delia Dunes) [BANGAA HELM. Assassin 24. Opal Shield. Gold Hairpin. White Mage 15 * Section 2. Bomb 20 <: Elementalist 17. NO FLEE] Skills: Haste x2. Thundaga >: Totema 24R. Kain's Lance. Red Mage 22. Bone Plate. Diamond Helm. White Mage 20 6 x 20AP: Prison Break #057 (Sprohm) (See Section 2. Saint Cross. ^Carabini Mail. Bad Breath.4 "The Recurring Mission". Sniper 17. Star Cross. Titania 28 6 x 40AP: ^^Den of Evil #064 (Tubola Cave) Skills: Cura x2. Time Mage 25.4 "The Recurring Mission". Life Crosier. Cross Helm. Mog Rush Items: ^Pearl Blade. Peacemaker.) 6 x 40AP: Revenge #110 (Nargai Cave + ROAMING) Skills: Rush. Black Mage 26R. ^^^Materia Blade] >: Alchemist 21. Hades Bow. Stop. Flame Rod. Icedrake 26. Scarab. Blitz. Thief Hat. Gauntlets. Esuna. Night#. Ogun Blade.4 "The Recurring Mission". Fira. Stardust Rod. [ITEM: Life Crosier+. Power Sash. Demi.4 "The Recurring Mission". [ITEM: Hades Bow+. Oblivion. ^^Bindsnipe] >: Assassin 26R. Icedrake. Magic Ring. SavetheQueen. Magic Ring x2 Location: Jagd Helje >: Bishop 25. Hard Knuckles. Mighty Guard. Platemail x2. Magus Robe. Mog Attack. [ITEM: Peace Maker+. Wild Swing. Silver Disc. Templar 24 Solo x 80AP: ^Present Day (Llednar) #020B (Bervenia Palace) [BANGAA HELM . Mog Knight 22. Round Shield. Brigandine. [ITEM: ^Pearl Blade+. Angel Whisper Monsters: Bomb.3. Venus Blade.20 Doesn't This Guy Ever Get Tired Of Wearing That Hat? 5 x 0AP: ^^^Present Day #020A (Bervenia Palace) [MATERIA BLADE. Black Hat. Wild Swing. Gadgeteer 26. N/A]. Cure Staff. Feather Cap. Minerva Plate. Fortune Ring. White Mage 28 6 x 40AP: ^^Wanted (Killer Rayne) #029 (Jagd Helje/HM) [NO FLEE] Skills: Confushot. ^Mog Aid. Mistle Robe. Black Robe. Statue 01+01. Judo Uniform. Gunner 25. ^^Scorpion Tail]. Charmshot. Blindshot. Gaia Gear. Opal Helm. Red Mage 24. AUTOMATI C. Beatdown. Blaze Robe. Ninja Gear.) 4 x 40AP: Swimming Meet #042 (Bervenia Palace/HM) ["Acacia Hat" booster] (See Section 2. Silenshot.* Section 2. AUTOMATIC. Gauntlets. Brigandine x2.) (046) 6 x 40AP: Missing Professor #063 (Tubola Cave) [QUINN] Skills: Blowup#. Elementalist 28. Roulette. Maximillian Location: Tubola Cave >: Llednar 26 (Invulnerable) 5 x 40AP: Battle Tourney #040 (Bervenia Palace/KM) ["Sequence" booster] (See Section 2. NO FLEE] Items: ^Bangaa Helm. (057) (064) (063) (287) . Colichemarde. Slow. Rush. Sniper 24 6 x 40AP: Mythril Rush #103 (Tubola Cave + ROAMING) (See Section 2. Gaia Gear. NO FLEE] Skills: ^Mog Shield. ^^Snake Staff. Bracers. Gauntlets. Gladiator 22+23. Mog Lance. Ahrimin >: Ahrimin 24. Silence. Firaga. Far Fist. Bomb 25. Cure Items: Petalchaser. Blitz. Air Render. Beatdown. Bracers. Haste.) 4 x 40AP: Mage Tourney #041 (Bervenia Palace/SM) ["Sapere Aude" booster] (See Section 2. Lvl? S-Flare# Items: ^^Silver Rapier. Lionheart.4 "The Recurring Mission". Star#. Fire. LIMITED TIME. 22 I Could Really Use Some Gopher Repellant Here Guybrush 6 x 40AP: ^^To Ambervale #022 (Deti Plains) [LAST THUNDRAKE. Blizzaga. Fira.21 Just Hit Each Other Then Go Get A Beer 6 x 40AP: ^^Hidden Vein #021 (Tubola Cave) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^Friend. Shadow Blade. NO FLEE] Skills: Lvl3 Def-Less. Scramasax. Flametounge.23 Now You Know What It's Like To Be Married 6 x 80AP: ^^^Over The Hill #023 (Siena Gorge) [SILVER COAT. Blindshot. Fortune Ring. Magic Ring >: Archer 13. Power Sash. Judo Uniform. AUTOMATIC. Stopshot. Hurl. Firebomb. Orichalcum. [CATCH/24] Location: Deti Plains >: Animist 26. Survival Vest x2. Steal:Weapon. Frogsong. Coeurl. Cuisine. Thunder. Feather Cap. Bracers x2. Dark Gear. Take Aim. Survival Vest x2. Judo Uniform. Black Quena. Iron Helm. Twister#. Jawbreaker. Steal:Gil. Khukuri. Brigandine. Roulette#. Coeurl 26. Mirage Vest. Steal:JP. Wizard Hat. Round Shield. Black Quena. Headband. Fire. Jelly 29. Survival Vest. Far Fist. Adaman Vest x2. AUTOMATIC. ^Mog Aid. ^Harpe. Firebomb. Friend #094 (Deti Plains) Skills: Lvl3 Def-Less >: Jawbreaker 34 * Section 2.3. Aim:Arm. Lilith. Blizzard. Terre Rod. Thorn Bow. Bad Breath Monsters: ^^Thundrake. ^^Heal Chime]. Aim:Legs. Gladiator 14. Twister.) 6 x 40AP: ^Sketchy Thief #059 (Deti Plains) Skills: ^Provoke.3. Juggler 24. Mog Knight 25. ^Mog Shield. Mug. White Monk 26 * Section 2. Acid. Ball. Thundara. Jawbreaker 25.4 "The Recurring Mission". Items: ^Thief Armlets x2. Blue Mage 25. Smile. Sage 26. Boost. Mog Guard. Fortune Ring Monsters: Jelly >: Animist 28. Big Malboro Location: Siena Gorge >: Big Malboro 26. Paraiba Blade. Lilith 26. Yoichi Bow. Bad Breath#. N O FLEE] x x x x x 20AP: 20AP: 20AP: 20AP: 80AP: Yellow Powerz #043A (Sprohm + ROAMING/KM) Blue Geniuses #043B (Cadoan + ROAMING) Brown Rabbits #043C (Muscadet + ROAMING) White Kupos #043D (Baguba Port + ROAMING) Clan League #043E (Bervenia Palace) ["Peytral" Booster.3. Fighter 14+17R * Section 2. Tail Wag. LITTLE . [ITEM: Black Quena+. Thief 28R+30 4 x 40AP: Sorry. Mog Rush. Archer 30. Sheep Count. Steal:Armour. Aim:Arm. Dagger. Black Mage 15. White Wind# Items: ^^Scorpion Tail. Aim:Legs. Thief Hat. Bone Plate. Blizzara. Blizzara Items: Ogun Blade.Backdraft. Survivor. Chocobo Rush. Thundrake 27 6 6 6 6 4 VILLI] (See Section 2. Mistle Robe. Colichema rde. Survival Vest. Garnet Staff. ^^Nirvana Staff. Gunner 27. Soldier 15. Gaia Gear. Brigandine. Haste. Murasame. Stardust Rod. Fighter 15R. Bracers x2 Location: Ambervale >: Defender 25. First Aid. ^Brint Set. Earth Veil. Fire. Lvl? S-Flare Monsters: Icedrake x2. Green Beret. Elementalist 28. Metal Veil. Lost Gun. ^Seventh Heaven. Time Mage 28 (056) . Water Veil. Remedi 32R 6 x 0AP: Li-grim #024C (Ambervale) [AUTOMATIC. Roulette.(Koringwood) [EZEL] Skills: ^^Auto-Life. Fencer 28. ^Ribbon x2. ^Max's Oathbow. Headband. Blindshot. NO FLEE.3. Mog Attack. Blaze Robe.24 How Many Times Do I Have To Kill These People? (056) 4 x 0AP: Royal Valley #024A (Ambervale) [NO FLEE] The effects of this battle will not be saved. ^Cover. Fire Veil. Headband. Far Fist. Star Armlet. Blitz. >: Mateus 28+28. ^Provoke. Opal Shield. Wood Veil. Opal Armour. Ahrimin x2 >: Ahrimin 32+36. Vampire 39R 5+1 x 40AP: ^^Reconciliation #--. Minerva Plate. CUT-SC ENE] The effects of this battle will not be saved. Holy Blade. Brigandine. Venus Blade. Steal:Weapon. Famfrit 28. Ninja 27R. >: Adrammelech 28. NO FLEE] The effects of this battle will not be saved. Remedi 36R (191) 4 x 40AP: Missing Meow #067 (Deti Plains) Skills: Hastebreak >: Coeurl 35R 6 x 50AP: Free Bervenia! #087 (Cyril/CY) [FREE ALL OTHER AREAS] Skills: Mighty Guard. Gale Sword. ^Galmia Set. Drop Weapon. ^Femme Fatale. White Mage 14. Gold Hairpin x2 >: Assassin 28. Cross Helm. Silence. Blizzard Items: ^^^Silver Coat. Beatdown. Curaga. Esuna Items: ^Light Robe. Dark Gear. Sniper 28. Ninja 29 6 x 0AP: Queen Remedi #024B (Ambervale) [AUTOMATIC. >: Alchemist 28. Sniper 29. Gaia Gear. Assassin 29. Cura . ^Steal:Helm. Ashura. ^^Rubber Suit. Ninja Gear. Mog Rush. Slow. Judo Uniform. Gauntlets. LAWSHIFT.Skills: Oblivion. Illusionist 28. Icedrake 34+35. Fortune Ring x2. Thunder. Demi Items: ^Carabini Mail. Kaiser Knuckles. Wizard Hat x2. ^Madu x2. Summoner 28 6 x 40AP: ^New Antilaw #056 (Siena Gorge/CA) Skills: Air Render. Lohengrin. Steal:JP. Llednar 30R. Flame Shield. Gold Hairpin. Hunt Bow. Red Mage 30R. Magic Ring >: Elementalist 16. Cross Helm. Red Mage 27. White Monk 1 4 <: Ezel 15 * Section 2. Estoc. Gunner 26. Bracers. Haste (064) (193) (065) (067) (284) (064) (095) (192) . Genji Armlets >: Gladiator 49R 3+1 x 40AP: Mortal Snow #--. Ashura. Nosada. Opal Shield. Ring. Frogsong. Black Hat x2. Night#. Kikuichimonji. Mog Knight 34R. Blizzaga x2. Sage 35. Terre Rod. ^Friend x2. Scarab x2.4 x 40AP: ^^The Worldwyrm #088 (Roda Volcano) Skills: ^^Dragon Force >: Thundrake 46R (088) . Protect Items: ^^Cat Claws. Tempest. Opal Armour. Throw x2. Blindshot. Jambiya. Shell. Orichalcum. Minerva Plate. Far Fist. Mistle Robe. Magic Ring x2. Firaga x2. Prominence. Fortune Ring x2. Confushot. Ninja Gear x2. Scarab. Silenshot. Drain Touch# Items: Vigilante. Charmshot. Summoner 38. Dragon Mail. CATCH/43] >: Assassin 39+41. Ball. Guard-Off#. Genji Armlets >: Templar 48R 4 x 40AP: ^The Fey Blade #099 (Siena Gorge) Items: ^Pearl Blade. Mog Rush. Stare#. Bone Plate. Holy Blade. White Robe. Ninja 38+41+43R 4 x 40AP: ^^The Dark Blade #097 (Jagd Dorsa) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^^Goblin Punch#. Bracers >: Paladin 48R 4 x 40AP: ^^^The Hero Blade #098 (Baguba Port) [GENJI HELM] Skills: Haste Items: ^^^Genji Helm. [CATCH/41. Chocobo Rush. Juggler 32. Survival Vest. Poison Claw#. Mirage Vest. Nike Bow. Wild Tornado. Mog Attack. Smile Items: Flame Rod. Ninja Gear. Cheer Staff. Wygar. ^^Genji Armour. BULLIES] Skills: Lvl? S-Flare >: Vampire 16+17+18R <: Fencer 16 6 x 40AP: ^Moogle Bride #089 (Materiwood) Skills: ^Mog Aid. Opal Armour. [CATCH/32] >: Black Mage 31. Green Beret. White Monk 36 4 x 40AP: Carrot! #095 (Jagd Helje) [NO FLEE] Skills: Bad Breath >: Malboro 48R 6 x 40AP: ^^Shadow Clan #096 (Jagd Ahli) [NO FLEE] Skills: ^Unspell. Time Mage 30 (089) 6 x 40AP: ^^Clan Law #090 (Ozmonfield) Skills: Drop Weapon. Demi. Slow. Ninja Knife x2. Black Hat. Poison Claw# Items: ^^Genji Shield. Thief 32. Genji Armlets x3. Hurl. ^Soil Evidence. Dragon Whisker. ^Deluge. Acid#. Blowup#. Thundaga x2. Lohengrin. Hastebreak#. Aegis Shield x2. Saint Cross. Silence. 100% Wool x2. Twister#. Curaga. Oblivion x2. Esuna. Lotus Mace. ^Light Robe. Kotetsu. Dark Gear x2. Venus Blade. Air Render. Tail Wag x2. Blaze Robe. Steal:ACC. Magic Ring >: Paladin 39R. Steal:Ability.(Lutia Pass) [RITZ. Gold Hairpin. Steal:Gil. Freezeblink. Fortune Ring. ^Spring Staff. White Mage 37. Ice Shield. * Section 2. Venus Blade. Gaia Gear. Sonic Boom. Feather Cap.(Ambervale) [NO FLEE] This mission repeats mission #024. Cura. Time Mage. Haste. Wizard Hat x2. Silence. Sage. Ice Shield. ^Light Robe. ^Deluge. PowerBK. Gold Hairpin. MagicBK Items: ^^Rubber Suit. Sniper. Cura. blocking you from doing any more of the later game missions. Green Beret. Apocalypse.25 The Corrupt Judge Missions NOTE: These missions contains TONS of rare stuff to steal! In fact. Headband. and the credits. Mirage Vest.3. Esuna Items: ^Thor Rod. Bracers x2. Defense Items: ^^Blood Sword. I *STRONGLY* recommend you take a couple of Thief characters and some Time Magic with you to get as much as you can from these missions (this is your last chance)! NOTE: Interestingly enough. Time Mage 6 x 50AP: ^^Kissing Rule #J03 (Nubswood) [BLANK CARD] Skills: ^Ultima Shot. Hades Bow. Wygar. Once you accept the mission. Ahrimin >: Ahrimin 15. Remedi 15R <: Babus 15 (Bear) 4/6 x 0AP: Memories #--. Feather Cap. Wild Tornado. Life. 5+1 x 40AP: ^^^Cleanup Time #J01 (Cadoan) [CID] Skills: Air Render. Lohengrin. Fortune Ring x2. El Cid Sword. Bracers. Diamond Helm. Magic Ring. Thief Hat. ^Soil Evidence. Princess Rod] >: Bishop. Black Mage. Life Crosier. Scarab. Blizzara. Floateye 15. Thunder Robe. Garnet Staff. Shell . Cupid. Opal Armour. White Monk 6 x 50AP: ^^Immunity Pass #J04 (Cyril) [NO FLEE. Genji Armlets. Holy Blade. Blitz. ^Carabini Mail x2. Gladiator. ^SpeedBK. Warrior <: Cid ** 6 x 50AP: ^No Arms Rule #J02 (Giza Plains) [BLANK CARD] Skills: ^Cover. and has no effect. Aim:Vitals. Aim:Legs. Magus Robe. Fira. Aegis Shield. Roulette Monsters: Floateye. [ITEM: Life Crosier+. Stardust Rod. the difficulty of these missions is based on your average clan level. Cross Helm x3.3+1 x 40AP: With Babus #--. You must not have any of the main characters from the storyline currently in your clan. YELLOW CARD] Skills: ^Reflect. it's almost as if these missions were added as a chance to pick up a copy of any ultra-rare items you missed along the way. Templar **R. Thundara. the status flag for mission #024 will come OFF. Slow. Sleet Rod. Air Render. ^Light Robe. Slow. but you can still do the mission by kicking them out later on. Paladin. Hunter **R. Silver Bow. Survivor. Beatdown. Gold Armour. Rush. Magic Ring x4.(Ambervale) [BABUS] Skills: Stare. Black Hat. You can only get this mission once you have the 'Bear' you get from Babus after the end of the game. Dark Gear. Illusionist **R. Nike Bow. Wild Swing. [ITEM: ^Thor Rod+. Gauntlets >: Archer. Bone Plate. ^^^Zeus Mace] >: Defender. ^Excalibur. Templar. Fire Veil. Lilith 6 x 50AP: ^^^No Literacy #J06 (Uladon Bog) [BLANK CARD] Skills: Poison Claw. Faster. Mirage Vest. Black Mage **R. Soldier . Prominence. Genji Armlets. Throw. Gauntlets. Cross Helm. ^Provoke. Green Beret. Gauntlets. Kain's Lan ce. Lotus Mace. ^Bindsnipe . Warrior. Bad Breath# Items: ^Harpe. Bracers. Backdraft. ^Sacri Shield. Firaga. Dark Gear. Mighty Guard#. First Aid. Opal Helm. Templar. Max's Oathbow. Blackout. White Robe >: Dragoon. Stardust Rod. [CATCH/**] Monsters: Red Panther >: Beastmaster. Items: ^^Sage Robe. Cupid. ^Crescent Bow. Ruby Earing. Pure Staff. Silenshot. Lilith >: Animist. Red Panther. Time Mage 6 x 50AP: ^^No Jumping #J09 (Roda Volcano) [BLANK CARD] Skills: ^SpeedBK. War Trumpet. Protect Items: ^^^Genji Helm. Earth Veil. Gaia Gear. Black Hat. Matra Magic#. Heaven's Cloud. Oblivion. Power Sash. Thief Ha t.Items: ^^Angel Ring. Take Aim. Mag icBK. ^^Vitanova. War Trumpet. Fire Veil. ^White Hat. Magic Ring. SaveTheQueen. Scarab. ^Parade Helm. Magic Ring >: Judge **R. Diamond Helm. ^Thor Rod. Thief Hat x2. Star Armlet. Blizzaga. Dragon Mail. Dagger. ^Mirror Mail. Aim:Arm. Gunner. ^^Fire Mitts. Fighter. ^^Onlyone. ^^Lordly Robe. Thief Hat x2 Monsters: Lamia. Magic Hammer#. Zanmato. Ninja. Sniper. Gold Hairpin. Air Blast. Wild Swing. Rush. Metal Veil. Diamond Helm. Wygar. Tempest Items: ^^Bone Armlets. Dragon Mail. Confushot. ^Beastsword. ^Heretic Rod. ^Light Robe x2. Throw. Ring. ^^Genji Shield. Water Veil. ^Bangaa Helm. Tempest. Minerva Plate. Judge **R. Illusionist. Dragon Mail. ^^Judge Coat. Thundaga. Chocobo Rush. Magic Ring >: Archer. Venus B lade. Oblivion Items: ^^^Mindu Gem. ^Shijin Shield. Osafune. Bracers x2. Twister. Wizard Hat. [CATCH/**] >: Assassin. Aegis Shield. Cura. Seventh Heaven. ^Trident. Temple Cloth. ^White H at. Lamia. Beatdown . ^^Genji Armour. YELLOW CARD] Skills: Drop Weapon. ^Cachusha. Druid Mace. ^Choco Shield. Shell. Bracers. Masamune. Ice Shield. Ninja **R. Ribbon. Catnip. ^Carabini Mail. Haste x2. Freezeblink. 2x Sage 6 x 50AP: ^No Full HP #J05 (Aisenfield) [BLANK CARD] Skills: Night. Black Hat. Lohengrin. Flame Shield. Bracers x2. Thief **R 6 x 50AP: ^^^Favourtism #J07 (Baguba Port) [NO FLEE. ^Light Robe. Catch. Blue Mage **R. Aim:Legs x 2. Bone Plate. Silence x2. Green Beret. White Mage 6 x 50AP: ^^^No Answers #J08 (Muscadet) [BLANK CARD] Skills: ^Reflect. Blizzard#. Fortune Ring. Opal Shield. Iron Helm. Round Shield. White Mage 26 4 x 40AP: Swimming Meet #042 (Bervenia Palace/HM) ["Acacia Hat" booster] Skills: Wild Swing. [ITEM: Druid Mace+. Magic Ring x2. Curaga. Illusionist 24. Thunder Robe#. Judge Staff#. Black Robe. Bracers. Esuna. Claymore. Sage 26 4 x 40AP: Mage Tourney #041 (Bervenia Palace/SM) ["Sapere Aude" booster] Skills: Magic Hammer#. Minerva Plate. Mistle Robe#. Gaia Gear. Esuna Items: Icebrand. Aim:Arm. Faster. Force Rod. Rush. Gladiator 27. Wizard Hat. Fortune Ring#. Gladiator 28R. Protect. Drain Touch#. Ogun Blade. Nagrarok. Platemail x2. Take Aim. Air Render. Silence. Dragon Mail. Green Beret. Esuna. Lohengrin. Iron Armour. Mistle Robe. Scarab#. Bracers. MagicBK. This means that any skills and equipment found in these missions can be picke d up any time after they become available without fear of missing it completely (similar to the world map 'territory' and 'roaming clan ' missions). Wild Swing.4 The Recurring Combat Missions NOTE: This missions will re-appear at the pub indefinately. Flurry Robe#. Slow. Scarab >: 2x Judge. Gale Sword. Opal Helm. N/A] >: Defender 25. Cupid. Sleet Rod#. Ragnarok. Thundara. Blitz. Scarab >: Archer 26. Mandragora. Ninja Gear. Blizzara#. Yoichi Bow. Beatdown. Platemail. ^Carabini Mail. Gauntlets. Minerva Plate. White Robe. Druid Mace. Flame Shield. Thundaga. Firaga. Defense. Ice Shield. Thunder#. Dragoon 26. Opal Shield. Wygar. Diamond Helm. (020) 5 x 40AP: Battle Tourney #040 (Bervenia Palace/KM) ["Sequence" booster] Skills: Star Cross. Magic Hammer#. Aim:Legs. Wygar. Ninja Gear. Artemis Bow. Fira. Fencer 27. Haste. Blizzaga Items: Cheerstaff. Defender. Flame Shield. Judge **R * Section 2. Genji Armlets. White Robe. YELLOW CARD] ?Items: ^Excalibur. (020) (020) (022) . Gold Hairpin#. Protect. Magus Robe. Aim:Legs. Feather Cap. Paladin 26. Stardust Rod. Bracers. Twister#. Blue Mage 26. Round Shield. Round Shield. Cura. Aqua Saber#. Blaze Robe#. Thundara#. Cura#. Stop. Fortune Ring. Blowup#.6 x ??AP: ^Decision Time #J10 (Sprohm) [NO FLEE. Stardust. Fira#. Blackout Items: Djinn Flyssa. Demi. Circlet# x2. Life#. Mighty Guard# Items: Terre Rod. Iron Helm. Warrior 27 6 x 20AP: Blue Geniuses #043B (Cadoan + ROAMING) Skills: Cura. Protect# Items: Scarlette#. Curaga. Scarab >: Archer 27. Cross Helm x2. Judge Staff. Opal Armour. Shell. White Mage 27 6 x 20AP: Yellow Powerz #043A (Sprohm + ROAMING/KM) Skills: First Aid. ^Mirror Mail. Partisan. Take Aim. Blizzara. Dragoon 26. Red Mage 26. Magic Ring# x2 >: Black Mage 25. Acid#. Mirage Vest. Tail Wag. Steal:EXP. Fortune Ring. Star Cross. Bracers. [ITEM: Mandragora+. Smile. Green Beret. Bracers. Mirage Vest x2. Wizard Hat. Aegis Shield. if you are truely desperate for space in your mission items section. Ninja Gear. LITTLE VILLI] Items: White Staff. You can also throw away the mission items exactly called: "Badge" (reward from #043D). Gold Hairpin. Firebomb. [CATCH/22] >: Fencer 23. Magic Ring x2. Survival Vest. Black Hat. Magic Ring. Minerva Plate x2. Dark Gear. Twin Bow. Magic Ring >: Fencer 31. Ball. Peacemaker. Sniper 30R. Thief Hat. Stardust. Wild Tornado Items: Zorlin Shape. Thief 31 4 x 80AP: Clan League #043E (Bervenia Palace) ["Peytral" Booster. Juggler 22. Ruby Earing >: Assassin 28. Fey Bow. Summoner 29. Ring. N/A] >: Animist 31. Illusionist 24. Iceshot. you can use one on a 50AP+ mission to master a combo in one hit! . Cure Staff. Ninja Gear. Gauntlets x2 >: Defender 24+25. Thunder Robe. The mission items "Feather Badge" and "Insingia" are important because they increase the amount of AP received from a mission. Shell. Flamberge.5 The Recurring Dispatch Missions Since these missions reappear indefinately. Opal Shield. Elementalist 28. Sniper 32R. Stopshot. Diamond Armour x4. Templar 23R+24 6 x 40AP: Mythril Rush #103 (Tubola Cave + ROAMING) Skills: Hurl. Catnip. you can throw away something from this list (just make sure you don't throw away anything else!). Dagger. Fireshot. N/A] >: Alchemist 27. White Mage 30 6 x 20AP: White Kupos #043D (Baguba Port + ROAMING) Skills: Steal:Gil. Star Armlet. Colichemarde. Gaia Gear. Cheer Staff. White Mage 25 6 x 20AP: Brown Rabbits #043C (Muscadet + ROAMING) Skills: Cura. SavetheQueen. Gunner 29+33R. Esuna. Black Mage 27. Frogsong. In the best case.Black Hat. Blindshot. Wygar. [ITEM: Kard+. Cura Items: Defender. Chocobo Rush. Flame Shield. Aegis Shield. Confushot. Time Mage 28R. Silenshot. Sage 25R (020) (063) * Section 2. Flurry Robe. Life Crosier. and the "Helje Key" (reward from #057). Circlet. Charmshot. Haste. Gupti Aga. El Cid Sword. Bone Plate. Outsider. Genji Armlets. Bracers. Diamond Helm x4. Satyr Flute. Gaia Gear. Cuisine Items: Kard. Magic Ring. Boltshot. Far Fist. Summoner 28 (019) 6 x 20AP: Prison Break #057 (Sprohm/KM/SP) Skills: Air Render. Steal:JP. (Silvril+). Protect Items: Max's Oathbow. Green Beret. Gold Hairpin. Kain's Lance. Opal Shield. Wygar. Terre Rod. Bracers x2. Montblanc dead. Mog Knight Only. M3. M1. Water Sigil . Nu Mou (5 days. HM) 20AP. make Cid leave clan. HM) 50AP. Magic Cotton (1 battle. 5 days. M2 (3 enemies) . Chocobo Egg (5 days. BM) 20AP. M3 (3 enemies) Here are the territory allow the territory to #240 Giza Plains #241 Lutia Pass #242 The Nubswood #243 Eluut Sands #244 Ulei River . SM) 40AP. < 6 in clan.50AP.20AP + Cid (5 days. SM) M4. Dig. KM) 30AP.20AP + Babus (5 days. Fencer Only. HM) though they seem to come back regularly. Earth Sigil. Earth Sigil (2 battles. SM) 50AP. SM) 20AP. Gysahl Greens (10 days. 5 days.50AP.20AP + Ezel (5 days. . SM) Doned Here . Magic Cotton. Montblanc dead. make Babus leave clan. Chocobo Egg. 5 days. SM) 20AP. Spiritstone (4 battles. SM) 50AP. M2 (3 enemies) . < 6 in clan. 80AP. Body Ceffyl 20AP-30AP. 5 days. M2. Magic Cloth (10 days. make Ezel leave clan. MM) 20AP. < 6 in clan. Encyclopedia (10 days. Choco Bread (10 days. Moogle (5 days. Leestone (10 days. M1 (3 enemies) . Nu Mou (300 Gil.20AP + Ritz (5 days. MM) 30AP. 50AP. M2. Jerky (5 days. Rabbit's Tail (10 days. HM) 20AP. < 6 in clan. Dig Seeking Silver Materite The Wormhole Metal Hunt Skinning Time Magic Cloth Cotton Guard Into The Wood Jerky Days New Fields Malboro Hunt Chocobo Work Magic Vellum Book Mess One More Tail Relax Time Foma Jungle For A Flower Swords In Cyril Bangaa Wanted Human Wanted Moogle Wanted Nu Mou Wanted Viera Wanted Bangaa Help? Human Help? Moogle Help? Nu Mou Help? Viera Help? - 50AP. 50AP. Magic Trophy (1 battle. Montblanc dead. Bangaa (300 Gil. Cyril Ice (15 days. Sivlril (15 days. Viera (300 Gil. Fire Sigil (2 battles. KM) 40AP. < 6 in clan. MM) 20AP. BM) 50AP. MM) 20AP. 40AP. Water Sigil (2 battles. BM) 30AP. M1 (3 enemies) . M4. M5. Zodiac Ore (1 battle. SM) M3.20AP + Shara (10 days. Materite (10 days. so save your game *BEFORE* you boot the former NPC. BM) 30AP. M1. Adamantite (15 days) 30AP. Bangaa (5 days. M5.50AP. Moogle (300 Gil.50AP. HM) 30AP. < 6 in clan. Montblanc dead. Human (5 days. Magic Vellum (1 battle. < 6 in clan. M3. Panther Hide (5 days. M7. < 6 in clan. Chocobo Skin (10 days. make Ritz leave clan. make Shara leave clan.50AP. MM) 40AP. Mind Ceffyl. Danbukwood (15 days. Bored . Magic Cotton. Moonwood (15 days. < 6 in clan. SM) 40AP. 80AP. M4. M3. HM) 20AP. KM) 30AP. MM) M7. MM) 40AP. MM) 50AP. M6. BM) Ritz's Offer . Victor Sword (1 battle. BM) 20AP. Ancient Medal (10 days.90AP. BM) M6. Montblanc dead. Fighter Only. MM) dispatch missions which you can repeat if you be captured. Fight Trophy (1 battle. 40AP. Wind Sigil) Body Ceffyl (3 battles. M4. I don't know for sure these *ALWAYS* come back. 5 days. M2. HM) Cid's Mission . Fire Sigil. Black Mage Only. Human (300 Gil.#116 #117 #118 #119 #120 #121 #196 #197 ) #198 ) #200 #202 #203 #204 #205 #206 #207 #214 #216 #217 #220 #221 #222 #225 #226 #231 #235 #236 #237 #238 #239 #264 #--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--Even will #--#--#--#--#--- Gulug Ghost Water City Mirage Tower A Barren Land Cadoan Meet Sprohm Meet Mind Ceffyl Body Ceffyl The Spiritstone Chocobo Help! Ruins Survey Dig. HM) 70AP. KM) 20AP. MM) Mind Ceffyl (3 battles. Telaq Flower (2 battles) 50AP. HM) M6. KM) A Maiden's Cry . KM) 20AP. Wind Sigil (2 battles. < 6 in clan. M1. 50AP. Viera (5 days. if you get all three of the mission items Vermillion. 50AP. Gold Vessel.#245 #246 #247 #248 #249 #250 #251 #252 #253 #254 #255 #256 #257 #258 #259 #260 #261 #263 Aisenfield Roda Volcano Travel Aid The Salikawood Nargai Cave Kudik Peaks Jeraw Sands Uladon Bog Gotor Sands Delia Dunes Bugbusters Tubola Cave Deti Planes Siena Gorge Jagd Ahli Jagd Helje Jagd Dorsa Ozmonfield - 50AP. so don't miss them the first time through! Rare items are marked with the number of times they appear in missions prior to the Corrupt Judge missions with a number followed by an 'N' for all being . Firstly. 50AP. Otherwise. ***) . and will then have to trade for the other two items which will become the mission requirements for "My Mission". Reference Lists * ****************************** * Section 3. you may not be able to get one for the remainder of the game.My Mission #--. If you miss a Rare item though.40AP. you will gain a bonus 20AP for each mission as 'compensation'). 50AP. Eldagusto and Gold Vessel you will *not* be able to access the final reserve missions "My Mission" or "Jade Dream" (however. first couple of shop upgrades Uncommon = remaining territories.Jade Dreams .6 The Reserved Missions #--. 50AP. 50AP. recurring mission s Rare = Appears in non-recurring missions only. or as a mission reward Super-Rare = Almost never appears in the game (or in a NO FLEE mission) N/A = Never appears to be stolen (ie.1 Classification Scheme The following lists are classified as either "Common". The se basically equate to the following catagories: Common = first half of territories. 50AP.Hero Of Yore #--. "Uncommon" or "Rare". 50AP. 50AP. if you forget to steal as you first play the game you will *ALWAYS* be able to go back and get more common and uncommon items with just a bit of effort. M4 (5 enemies. Eldagusto.Sauce Recipe #--. 50AP. M4 (7 days) . 50AP. M4.Shining Lake #--. 50AP. ****************************** * Section 3.70AP (2 battles) One of two things can happen in a game.40AP.50AP. 50AP.40AP. you will only get one of the early reserve missions. 50AP. 50AP. 50AP. final shop upgrades. 50AP. mission/layout reward only) In other words. Vermillion. M3 (7 days) . M5 (7 days) . 50AP. M3 M3 M4 M4 M5 M5 M5 M5 M4 M6 M6 M7 M7 M7 M6 M5 M7 M7 (3 enemies) (3 enemies) (5 enemies) [Koringwood] (5 enemies) (5 enemies) (5 enemies) (5 enemies) (7 enemies) (7 enemies) (7 enemies) (7 enemies) [Materiawood] (7 enemies) (10 enemies) (10 enemies) (15 enemies) (15 enemies) (15 enemies) (7 enemies) * Section 2. M4). Acacia Hat SR: White Hat(#J. Adaman Vest. Power Sash. Dragon Mail R: Carabini Mail(4R. Finally. White Monk. * Section 3. Diamond Helm SR: Genji Helm(1R. Ninja Gear .#094). rare items which occur as specific mission rewards are marked with a # (hash) followe d by the specific mission number that item is a reward for. Gold Armour U: Diamond Armour. Platemail. Black Hat. Templar.M5.+PPCC). Plain. Rare items that can be found in the Corrupt Judge missions are marked with a "#J" symbol. All of the Mythril weapons can only be received as a random reward from beating each of the roaming clans that are continuously spawned on the world map (not th e ones spawned by a pub mission). Bronze Armour. 2R appears twice but can be harvested. Defender): C: Leather Garb.2 Equipment Lists Helmet (Soldier. Paladin.#J.#J. Warrior. Brigandine.Craft/30) [V] N/A: Barette(+FFF. Dragoon. Bangaa Helm(2N. Paladin. Defender): C: Feather Cap.#J. Thief Hat. Mog Knight): C: Cuirass. Additionally. Warrior. Dragoon. 3N appears three times but cannot be repeated). Peytral. Mog Knight): C: Bronze Helm.#02 81) N/A: Hanya Helm(#082) Ribbon (All Viera Classes): U: Ribbon(+TTTT) [V] R: Cachusha(3R.lots/7). Opal Helm U: Cross Helm. Defender. Genji Armour(3 R. Cave or Jagd). your last option is to simply spend hours restocking Nono's shop via linking. Chain Plate. once your clan average passes too far past that level you will not be able to get it thrown again). as Nono has a small chance of stocking even ultra-rare items.#J. Rare items that can be caught off a juggler or Ninja are also marked with a "J" along with the highest level Juggler/Ninja that will throw it (ie. Swamp.#296) N/A: Tiara(+MMM.+FFCC) N/A: Adaman Armour(#297). Rare items that can be found as a random mission reward are marke d with an "M" and the difficulty level the mission needs to be. Materia Armour(#298) Clothing (All except Paladin.Craft/35) [V] Hat (All except Paladin. Iron Armour. Mirror Mail(1N. Maximillian. If all of these fail you. Rare items that can be found via a Treasue Hunt are marked with a + (plus) and the layout required to generate th e item (the territory markers being Town. Templar. Dragoon.#J. Mountain. Iron Helm. Circlet. Forest.#J. Wizard Hat U: Gold Hairpin.non-repeatable missions and an 'R' for at least one repeatable missions (eg.Track/45) [V] Armour (Soldier. Headband. Desert. Judo Uniform. Defender. Opal Armour. Survival Vest. Dragoon. Parade Helm(#J. a rare item w hich occurs as a reward for reaching a certain clan skill level is marked with the sk ill and level at which you receive it seperated with a / (forward slash). Green Beret. Bone Plate. Icebrand. Reaper Cloak(#081) Shield (Soldier. Air Blade. Flametounge. Nagrarok(J50.#030). Templar. Dragoon): C: Shortsword.J29. Opal Shield U: Ice Shield. Star Armlet SR: Angel Ring(1R.#073) N/A: La Seraphica(Appraise/40). Shadow Blade.J19. Sequence SR: Excalibur(#J. Sacri Shield(#J. Ayvuir Red(#035).+TTT) [V] SR: Onlyone(#J. Defender. Buster Sword. Excalibur2(J44. White Robe. Bone Armlets(#J. Minerva Plate [V]. Vitanova(#J.#286) . Reverie Shield(#280) Armlets (All Classes): C: Gauntlets U: Bracers. Wygar. Shijin Shield(#J. Atmos Blade.#J.M6) SR: Tulwar(1N. Paladin. Dark Gear. Paraiba Blade U: Venus Blade R: Pearl Blade(2R.+TTFF). Magus Robe. Genji Armlets R: Thief Armlets(3R.J44.+FFFF). Judge Coat(#J. Silk Robe. Kwigon Blade. Flame Shield. Bishop.#265).#285) N/A: Mythril Blade. Magic Ring. Temple Cloth.#086) Robe (Paladin. Burglar Sword U: Gale Sword.+SSCC) Sword (Soldier. Morpher.Combat/5).#098). Ogun Blade. Shamshir.#283). Ayvuir Blue(#036 ) Saber (Blue Mage): C: Blue Saber. Sage Robe(#J. Mog Knight): C: Sweep Blade. Arch Sword. Sage.M7.Craft/20).M7). Sage. Scarab U: Ruby Earring. Lionheart.J39.#194). Brint Set. Thunder Robe.J39. Mindu Gem(#J.#J. Chirijiraden(#091).#J. Galmia Set R: Rubber Suit(3N. Round Shield.+TTPP) N/A: Mythril Saber. Defender. Aqua Saber U: Manganese R: Harpe(3N.+DDDD. Onion Sword(J44.M7).Mag ic/45) N/A: Red Robe(#075).M5) N/A: Mythril Sword. Magic Robe(#282). White/Black/Blue/Red/Time Mage.Appraise/30) Accessory (All Classes): C: Fortune Ring. Summoner): C: Hempen Robe.M3. Silver Sword.+MMDD.#J. Mistle Robe U: Blaze Robe.M6) SR: Lordly Robe(1N. Aegis Shield R: Genji Shield(4R. Victor Sword(#264).Combat&Magic/20) N/A: Mythril Brand. Warrior. Laglace Sword(J50.Appraise/12) SR: Fire Mitts(#J. Sun Blade. Elementalist. Gladiator.#045) Blade (Fighter. Fencer. Black Robe R: Light Robe(2R.+FFMM.#J. Adaman Blade(1N.#J.J50. Mog Knight): C: Bronze Shield.J39. Apocalypse.J44. Ebon Blade(#097). Soulsaber(#266) Knightsword (Paladin. Restorer SR: Blood Sword(#J. Templar): C: Defender. Ragnarok.M3. Lohengrin U: SaveTheQueen. Warrior. Mirage Vest.+TTCC) SR: Choco Shield(#J. Illusionist. Silver Coat(1N. Flurry Robe.M6) SR: Materia Blade(1N.U: Gaia Gear. Negotiation/40) SR: Joyeuse(1N.M5.M5. Summoner): C: White Staff.M3) SR: Hardedge(1N. Claymore. Cure Staff. Thunder Rod. Guard Staff. Time Mage): C: Rod. Judge Staff.M3) N/A: Epiprism(J44. Kikuichimonji. Madu(3R. Alchemist): C: Battle Mace.#272).+FFPP.+FFSS.M7). Flamberge.J29.J34. Rhomphaia(#268).+PPMM).J34.M7) N/A: Mythril Staff.M7) SR: Morning Star(2R. Princess Rod. Assassin): C: Ninja Knife.M3).M4.#093) N/A: Mythril Rod Mace (Sage. Falchion.J44. Defender): C: Samson Sword. Gupti Aga. Estoc.J24. Terre Rod.M1). Stardust Rod.Magic/50) Rod (Black Mage. Predator. Kard.J14.J44. Sleet Rod.+CCJJ.+FFDD. Tiptaptwo SR: Sword Breaker(1R. Paladin): C: Barong. Nirvana Staff(1N. Juggler): C: Jack Knife. Masamune. Heaven's Cloud U: Nosada. Zanmato N/A: Mythril Epee. Cinquedea(1N. Druid Mace. Firewheel Rod.J19. Cactus Stick(1N. Femme Fatale R: Silver Rapier(1R.#269) N/A: Tabarise(#290). Lurebreak er(#289) Broadsword (Warrior. Lotus Mace R: Scorpion Tail(2N.Magic/40) N/A: Mythril Mace. Bless Staff. Osafune. Power Staff(#273).M3).Magic/10) SR: Snake Staff(1R. Elementalist.Greatsword (Soldier.#J. Red Mage): C: Stinger. Murasame.Smithing/40) Knife (Thief.Negotiation/30) N/A: Mythril Knife Rapier (Fencer. Kotetsu. Chill Rod(2R. Estreledge SR: Beastsword(#J.+SSDD.J39.M6). Silkmoon(#291 ) Staff (White Mage.Smithing/5) N/A: Zankplus(J50. Rondell Dagger. Illusionist. Garnet Staff U: Cheer Staff R: Spring Staff(2R.#092). Pure Staff. Zeus Mace(1N. Force Rod U: Flame Rod. Charfire(J50. Ashura. Sage Crosier U: Mandragora. Mage Masher U: Djinn Flyssa. Bishop. Ancient Sword U: Vigilante R: Diamond Sword(3R. Scarlette. Dream Watcher(J50. Striborg U: El Cid Sword.J39.#287). Scramasax. Sapere Aude R: Thor Rod(2N. Life Crosier.J19. Oblige(#267).J39. Khukuri. Last Letter(J50. Jambiya. Orichalcum U: Zorlin Shape.J50. Tonberrian. Energy Mace. Aerial Hole(#271) Katana (Ninja. Colichemarde.J39.#288). Eclipse(J50. Kris Knife. Mythril Rapier.#J. Petalchaser. Vajra.J50 . Masamune 100(#099).M6) SR: Heretic Rod(#J. Vesper(#050) . Fleuret.Magic/25). Master Sword(J44. Glass Bell. Gae Bolg. Bug Soul.Combat/25) N/A: Odin Lance(J44. Gadgeteer): C: Hard Knuckles. Ninja Tabi(#096) .Appraise/15). Rising Sun. Jelly.+PPDD. Death Claws(+MMSS.M5. Germinas(M6).#284) N/A: Giot Gun(J34. Malboro Soul.#278) Knuckles (White Monk. Magic Hands(#279). Dash Boots N/A: Red Boots(+TT.#086).Bow (Archer): C: Longbow.Collection/20). Arbalest( #276) Spear (Dragoon. Thundrake (5R) Shoes (All Classes): C: Battle Boots. Earth Bell. Galmia Shoes(+DDD). Lost Gun U: Peacemaker. Big Malboro. Jawbreaker.J50.J39.M6. White Fangs(1R. Ahriman R: Goblin (5R). Silver Cannon.#292). Outsider SR: Longbarrel(1N. Perseus Bow(J44. Nail Bow. Dragon Whisker U: Kain's Lance R: Trident(2R. Eye Soul U: Lamia Soul. Max's Oathbow. Spiked Boots. Silver Bow U: Artemis Bow. Bomb.J34. Gastra Bow(J50. Bindsnipe(1N. Fairy Shoes(M7) . Sniper.M6). Malboro.M7.#107). Beastspear(J50. Lava Spear. Floateye. Rukavi Soul(#087) Gun (Gunner): C: Aiot Gun. Assassin): C: Windslash Bow. Feather Boots(M5).Craft/15) N/A: Mythril Bell. Fairy Harp. Fey Bow. Dark Fiddle(#293).+DDJJ. Dragon Soul.M6. Satyr Flute. War Trumpet. Sick Knuckles.M2).M7).#J. Partisan. Grenade.J39.J34. Seventh Heaven N/A: Mythril Shot. Godhand( 1N.Collection/25). Ice Lance. Bomb Soul. Heal Chime(1N. Fell Castanets(J50. Firewyrm. Yoichi Bow SR: Crescent Bow(#J. Mythril Claws Soul (Morpher): C: Goblin Soul. Chaos Rifle. Master Bow.M6.Appraise/25). Survivor SR: Cat Claws(1R. Conch Shell. Cranequin. Nike Bow.Craft/45). Antlion. Dread Soul(J50.#J.#275). Lamia. Dream Claws.J29. Callin g Gun(1R. Twin Bow U: Hunt Bow. Mythril Gun Monsters (why not): C: Red Cap. Blood Strings SR: Aona Flute(1R. Coeurl U: Ice Flan.Collection/40). Char Bow. Caligula(+MMMM. Icedrake. Thorn Bow. Lilith. Black Quena.M4.M5) N/A: Tiger Fangs(J44.J39. Cream. Templar): C: Javelin.M5). Bangaa Spike(#277 ). Kaiser Knuckles. Animist): C: Demon Bell.M5). Mythril Bow. Marduk Bow(J44. Malbow( #095) Greatbow (Hunter. Panther Soul N/A: Mythril Soul.M4). Ranger Bow. Greaseburst(J50.#294). Hades Bow. Mythril Spear Instrument (Beastmaster.+PPP). Riot Gun.J50. Red Panther. Flan Soul.#274) N/A: Target Bow(J39. Round Shield Additional Shop Items After 20 Battles (Common): Opal Helm. Fleuret. Hard Knuckles. Estreledge (22/Cyril). Echo Screen. Aqua Saber. Power Sash. Platemail. Force Rod. Khukuri. Flametongue. Iron Armor. Ranger Bow. Atmos Blade. this indicates that the equipment needed to learn a rarely occuring ability is not itself rare (ie. Survival Vest. Phoenix Down Additional Shop Items After 10 Battles (Common): Iron Helm. Apocalypse. Battle Ma ce. if you decide to accept . Striborg. Pure Staff. Cuirass. Thorn Bow. Ribbon Shara: Seventh Heaven. Glass Bell. Char Bow. Gold Armor. Ribbon Babus: Lotus Mace. Osafune. Elixir(U). Terre Rod. Princess Rod (25/Baguba). Sleet Rod. Green Beret. Seventh Heaven (28/Baguba). Earth Bell.+??. Guard Staff.Potions all common except: Ether(N/A. Cranequin.Collection/15). Silver Cannon. Kwigon Blade. Star Armlet (15/Cadoan). Burglar Sword. Antidote. Chaos Rifle. Bronze Shield. Ragnarok. Nail Bow. Conch Shell. Sweep Blade. Gaia Gear. Blue Saber. Partisan. Obviously. This way. Dragon Whisker. Bandage. Black Hat Ritz: Femme Fatale. Ninja Knife. Rondell Dagger. Samson Sword. Sick Knuckles. Ogun Blad e. Firewheel Rod. Chain Plate. Mistle Robe. Bronze Armor. Dream Claws. Diamond Helm. Energy Mace. Shamshir . Hempen Robe. War Trumpet. Magus Robe. Brint Set. Headband. Diamond Armour. Scramasax. Black Quena. Opal Shield. Fortune Ring. Dash Boots. Judge Staff. Mirage Vest Cid: Lohengrin. Lionheart. Holy Water. Stinger. Barong. Riot Gun. Battle Boots. Scarab Additional Shop Items While You Control X Turfs (Uncommon): Cureall (10/Baguba). Defender. Temple Cloth (23/Cyril). White Staff. Buster Sword. Rod. Bless Staff. Potion. Murasame. Rising Sun. Gae Bolg. Jambiya. Paraiba Blade. Thunder Rod. Shortsword. Spiked Boots. Judo Uniform. Air Blade. Lava Spear. Brigandine. it might be easier to just learn that one the traditional way). Heaven's Cloud. Sun Blade. Aiot Gun. Kotetsu. Adaman Vest. Tiptaptwo (26/Cadoan). Silver Bow. Eye Drops. Bracers (20/Sprohm). this list is *ONLY* applicable to Human and Moogles. Soft. Galmia Set. Ashura. Mage Masher. Estoc. Silver Sword. Silken Robe. Druid Mace. Aegis Shield. Hunt Bow (21/Muscadet). Longbow. Twin Bow. Opal Shield. Windslash Bow. Satyr Flute. Leather Garb. Bracers * Section 3. Jack Knife. Gauntlets. Kard. Flamberge. Circlet. Scarlette. Icebrand. Ancient Sword. Where a rarity appears in parenthesis. Falchion. Masamune (24/Muscadet). Elixir (30/Cyril) The Secret Characters Always Bring The Following Items (Uncommon): Ezel: Druid Mace. Feather Cap. Lohengrin. Predator. Demon Bell. Hi-Potion. Ice Lance. Javelin. Garnet Staff. Kikuichimonji. Kaiser Knuckles.3 Thievery Ability List This list shows how easily available abilities are once you have aquired Steal:Ability. Sage Crosier. Cure Staff. Kris Knife. Maiden Kiss. Cureall(U) Initial Shop Items (Common): Bronze Helm. Shadow Blade. X-Potion. Silver Disc. Dragon Force N/A: {Blue Combo} Fighter (Fighter Tech) [8/8] . {Hunt Combo} Illusionist (Phantasm Skill) [8/8] . Bad Breath. White Wind. Red Spring. Hunting(U). {Bonecrusher} U: Backdraft. Stardust. Thundaga. Hastebreak . Lvl? S-Flare. Blackout. {Bow Combo} Black Mage (Black Magic) [9/9] U: Fire. Night. you will know which weapons are a better use of their time while they learn the support abilities (apart from the mythril weapons obviously). Angel Whisper.2 Aim C: Advice. Tempest. {Strikeback}. Boost. Stare. Thunder. Fira. Firaga. Drain Touc h. Star Cross. Gold Battery. Aim:Legs. Matra Magic. Yellow Spring(C). {Block Arrows} U: Frogsong R: Friend(C) N/A: {Animal Combo} Archer (Aim) [7/8] C: Aim:Arm. Blizzard. {Concentrate}. Magic Hammer. Chroma Gem(C). Prominence . Aim:Vitals. Twister. Blitz.a new character later in the game (like Cheney or Lini). Far Fist. Thundara. Blizzara. Charmshot. Green Gear. Cuisine. Sonic Boom U: {Auto-Regen}. Cupid.3 White Magic + 5 Black Magic U: Freezeblink.2 Battle Tech C: Air Render. Silenshot U: Blindshot. Wild Tornado. {Doublehand} N/A: {Fight Combo} Gadgeteer (Pandora) [5/8] . Catnip. {Learning} U: Blowup. Air Blast. Rush. {Weapon Atk+} R: Addle(U) SR: Ultima Shot(U) N/A: Capture(C). Chocobo Rush. Wild Swing. Roulette R: Goblin Punch. Confushot. Beatdown. Acid.1 Black Magic + 1 White Magic C: Lvl3 Def-Less. The non-stealable abilities are included in curly braces for reference purposes. Take Aim U: Faster N/A: Burial(C). Mighty Guard. {Immunity}. {Return Magic} SR: {Geomancy} N/A: {Black Combo} Blue Magic (Blue Mage) [20/20] . Iceshot.2 Steal C: Blue Screw. Animist (Call) [8/8] C: 100% Wool. {Gadget Combo} Gunner (Gunmanship) [8/8] . {Damage > MP}. Tail Wag. Blizzaga. {Damage > MP} U: {Auto-Regen} N/A: Black Ingot(N/A). Fireshot. Sheep Count. Posion Claw. Stopshot SR: {Concentrate} N/A: {Gun Combo} Hunter (Hunt) [5/9] . Sidewinder(U). Guard-Off.1 Call C: Boltshot. Oust(C). Curaga. Mog Shield(R) N/A: Mog Peek(C). Steal:Weapon^. Parley(C). Silence. MindBK. {Combat Combo} Thief (Steal) [9/9] C: Steal:Armour. Saint Cross U: {Weapon Def+} R: Cover(U). Firebomb. SpeedBK(C) N/A: Sensor(C).2 Steal C: Earth Veil. Protect. Steal:Gil. Ultima Charge(SR).5 Black Magic C: Quarter. Steal:JP. Smile N/A: {Juggle Combo} Mog Knight (Charge) [6/8] . Auto-Life(U) N/A: {White Combo} ^ = Obviously a catch-22. {Turbo MP} SR: Full-Life (SR). {Shieldbearer} U: Mog Attack.2 Battle Tech C: Defense. Mug. Steal:Shield. . Hurl. {Maintenance} U: Steal:ACC. Mog Guard.R: {Half MP} SR: Deluge(SR). {Knight Combo} Soldier (Battle Tech) [7/8] C: First Aid. {Absorb MP} N/A: {Spell Combo} Juggler (Stunt) [7/7] . {Reflex} N/A: Subdue(C). Slow. Wood Veil. MagicBK.2 Steal C: Ball. Stop U: Demi. Ring. but these can be stolen quickly without needing to wait the time it takes to actually *master* the ability. Dagger. Mog Rush R: Mog Aid(C). {Shieldbearer} U: {Monkey Grip} R: Provoke(SR). {Catch}. Esuna. {Charge Combo} Ninja (Ninja Skill) [8/8] . {Counter}. Shell U: Cura. Throw. Soil Evidence(C). Life. Drop Weapon. Fire Veil. Reflect(C) SR: {Last Quicken} N/A: {Time Combo} White Mage (White Magic) [9/9] C: Cure. {Last Haste} U: Water Veil. {Return Fire} U: Gil Toss. Haste R: Quicken(R). Steal:EXP. {Double Sword} SR: Unspell(C) N/A: {Ninja Combo} Paladin (Chivalry) [6/8] . Nurse.1 Call C: {Laste Haste}. Steal:Ability^ R: Steal:Helm(C) N/A: {Thief Combo} Time Mage (Time Magic) [8/8] . Oblivion. Holy Blade. Metal Veil. PowerBK. Mog Lance. If this list indicates a skill is "N/A". Blackout (Char Bow). If this list indicates a skill is Rare. Aphonia (Murasame). Block Arrows (Green Beret) SR: Cuisine (Heal Chime). Tail Wag (Fairy Harp).* Section 3. Bomb (Demon Bell/Aona Flute). If this list indicates that a skill is Uncommon.4 Non-Thievery Ability List This list just copies the rarities of the Equipment list to highlight which abilities are easier to get than others. Posion (Druid Mace). Half MP (Light Robe) SR: Holy (Nirvana Staff). Catnip (War Trumpet). Rockseal (Kotetsu). Fairy (Fairy Harp). Barrier (Garnett Staff). Return Magic (Black Robe) R: Water (Spring Staff). Toad (Mandragora) (Morning Star) Animist (Call) C: Sheep Count (Glass Bell). Bow Combo (Mythril Bow) Assassin (Corner) . Undead (Black Quena). Alchemist (Alchemy Skill) . Take Aim (Yoichi Bow) N/A: Faster (Perseus Bow). Oblivion (Masamune).2 Monk Tech C: Cura (Cure Staff). Friend (Blood Strings). Aim:Arm (Nail Bow). you will probably not get that skill until at least halfway in the game. Magic Pow+ N/A: Gold Combo (Mythril Mace) Black Magic Mace). Rasp (Energy Maintenance (Adaman Vest) U: Death (Life Crosier). N/A: Pray Combo (Mythril Staff) .2 Spirit Magic + 1 Sharpshoot [+ 1 White Magic + 1 Lunge Tec h + 2 Aim] C: Last Breath (Petalchaser). Flare (Lotus R: Meteor (Scorpion Tail). it means you will need to be on the lookout for a fixed mission or mission reward of that matching item. Ague (Ranger Bow). Nightmare (Kikuichimon ji). Dispel (Bless Staff). Burial (Silver Bow). Panther (War Trumpet). Floateye (Black Quena). Frogsong (Aona Flute) N/A: Animal Combo (Mythril Bell) Archer (Aim) C: Boost (Longbow). Bug (Fairy Harp). Aim:Legs (Thorn Bow). Rockbeast (Conch Shell). Chocobo Rush (Satyr Flute).2 White Magic + 5 C: Astra (Sage Crosier). Mace). Return Fire (Power Sash) U: Shadowbind (Fey bow). Immunity (Survival Vest) R: Malboro (Aona Flute) N/A: Beast Combo (Mythril Bell) Bishop (Prayer) . Flan (Demon Bell/Glass Bell). Last Haste (Ninja Gear). Dragon (Earth Bell). Concentrate (Target Bow). Lamia (Glass Bell) . Block Arrows (Green Beret) U: Cupid (Artemis Bow). Aero (Judge staff) U: Judge (Cheer Staff). 100% Wool (Earth Bell). Ultima Masher (Zanmato) N/A: Killer Combo (Mythril Epee) Beastmaster (Control) C: Goblin (Demon Bell/War Trumpet). you will *have* to wait for a mission to come up with a reward of the matching item. Tonberry (Blood Strings). Fira (Firewheel Rod). Thunder (Rod). Backdraft (Flametounge). Wyrmtamer (Buster Sword). Air Blast (Air Blade). White Flame (Flamberge).2 Battle Tech C: Defense (Lionheart). Expert Guard (SaveTheQueen).Black Mage (Black Magic) C: Fire (Rod). Spirit Combo (Mythril Rapier) Fencer (Lunge Tech) C: Swarmstrike (Stinger). Hastebreak (Coeurl ). Drop Weapon (Ragnarok). Magic Hammer (Red Cap). Damage > MP (Judo Uniform). Aura (Lohengrin). Guard-Off (Firewyrm). Earth Heal (Fleuret).1 Black Magic + 1 White Magic C: Lvl3 Def-Less (Antlion). Blizzard (Rod). Twister (Lilith). Meltdown (Vajra). Night (Lami a). Mighty Guard (Icedrake). Weapon Def+ (Diamond Armour) N/A: Defend Combo (Mythril Brand) Dragoon (Dragon Tech) . Shieldbearer (Bronze Shield) U: Checkmate (Gupti Aga).2 Battle Tech C: Jump (Javelin).2 Battle Tech C: Rush (Sweep Blade). Swallowtail (Djinn Flyssa). Heavy Dust (Estoc) U: Shining Air (Djinn Flyssa) R: Evil Gaze (Joyeuse). Bangaa Cry (Dragon Whisker) U: Lancet (Restorer) R: Dragonheart (Vitanova) SR: Wyrmkiller (Blood Sword) N/A: Dragon Combo (Mythril Spear) Elementalist (Spirit Magic) . Dragon Force (Thundrake) N/A: Blue Combo (Mythril Saber) Defender (Defend) . Blitz (Sun Blade). Drain Touch (Zombie). Roulette (Ahriman) R: Goblin Punch (Goblin). Return Magic (Black Robe) R: Thundaga (Thor Rod) SR: Blizzaga (Chill Rod). Air Render (Atmos Blade). Ice Breath (Ice Lance). . Far Fist (Kwigon Blade). Featherblow (Estoc). Reflex (Mirage Ves t) R: Shadowstick (Silver Rapier). Stare (Floateye). Blizzara (Sleet Rod) U: Firaga (Flame Rod).1 White Magic + 1 Lunge Tech C: Fire Whip (Scarlette). Sliprain (Silver Rapier) SR: Absorb MP (Lordly Robe) N/A: Elementalshift (Epeprism). Lvl? S-Flare (Vampire). Manastrike (Mage Masher). Acid (Flan). Posion Claw (Red Panther). Last Berserk (Predator) U: Tremor (El Cid Sword). Nighthawk (Joyeuse) N/A: Lunge Combo (Mythril Rapier) Fighter (Fighter Tech) . Geomancy (Sage Robe) N/A: Black Combo (Mythril Rod) Blue Mage (Blue Magic) . Beatdown (Shadow Blade). Thundara (Thunder Ro d). Hibernate (Defender). Learning (Blue Saber) U: Blowup (Bomb). Angel Whisper (Titania). Matra Magic (Blade Biter). Mow Down (Striborg). Bad Breath (Malbo ro). Piercethrough (Flamberge). Wild Swing (Ogun Blade). White Wind (Sprite). Bolt Breath (Gae Bolg). Fire Breath (Lava Spear). Immunity (Survival Vest). Soil Evidence (Terre Rod) U: Star Cross (Princess Rod). Green Gear (Sick Knuckles). Capture (Ranger Bow) U: Aim:Vitals (Fey Bow). Mog Guard (Kwigon Blade). Fire Sword (Flametounge). Firebomb (Khukuri). Ball (Scramasax). Mog Aid (Icebrand). Oust (Windslash Bow). Boltshot (Riot Gun). Auto-Regen (Gaia Gear). Return Fire (Power Sash) N/A: Juggle Combo (Mythril Knife) Mog Knight (Charge) . Black Ingot (Death Claws) Gladiator (Spellblade Tech) . Silenshot (Lost Gun) U: Charmshot (Peacemaker). Freezeblink (Sleet Rod).3 White Magic + 5 Black Magic C: Prominence (Firewheel Rod). Chroma Gem (Dream Claws). Advice (Twin Bow). Absorb MP (Lordly Robe) N/A: Spell Combo (Mythril Rod) Juggler (Stunt) . Half MP (Light Robe) SR: Deluge (Chill Rod). Catch (Chain Plate). Shieldbearer (Round Shield) R: Mog Shield (Pearl Blade) SR: Ultima Charge (Materia Blade) N/A: Charge Combo (Mythril Blade) Morpher (Morph) . Silver Disc (Hard Knuckles).5 Control . Mog Lance (Atmos Blade). Confushot (Chaos Rifle). Blindshot (Silver Cannon). Smile (Orichalcum). Gil Toss (Jack Knife). Mog Peek (Paraiba Blade). Beatdown (Shadow Blade). Tempest (Thunder Rod). Stardust (Stardust Rod) R: Wild Tornado (Thor Rod). Ultima Shot (Seventh Heaven). Sidewinder (Hades Bow).1 Call C: Mog Attack (Flametongue). Wild Swing (Ogun Blade).1 Call C: Fireshot (Aiot Gun). Hunting (Hunt Bow).Bonecrusher (Ninja Gear) U: Strikeback (Wygar). Gold Battery (Cat Claws) N/A: Gadget Combo (Mythril Claws). Doublehand (Venus Blade) N/A: Fight Combo (Mythril Blade) Gadgeteer (Pandora) . Last Haste (Gold Armor) . Iceshot (Giot Gun) Hunter (Hunt) . Damage > MP (Judo Uniform) U: Auto-Regen (Gaia Gear) SR: Blue Screw (White Fangs). Doublehand (Venus Blade) SR: Ultima Sword (Materia Blade) N/A: Sword Combo (Mythril Blade) Gunner (Gunmanship) . Bolt Sword (Air Blade). Addle (Master Bow).2 Battle Tech C: Rush (Sweep Blade).2 Steal C: Red Spring (Rising Sun).2 Aim C: Sonic Boom (Cranequin). Yellow Spring (Survivor). Weapon Atk+ (Nike Bow) N/A: Hunt Combo (Mythril Shot) Illusionist (Phantasm Skill) . Stopshot (Outsider) SR: Concentrate (Longbarrel) N/A: Gun Combo (Mythril Gun). Dagger (Jambiya). Blitz (Sun Blade). Ice Sword (Icebrand) U: Strikeback (Wygar). Mog Rush (Shadow Blade).2 Steal C: Hurl (Kris Knife). Ring (Rondell Dagger). Kirin (Cure Staff). Dragon (Dragon Soul). Cure (Fleuret). Aero (Battle Mace). Thunder (Stinger). Subdue (Ancient Sword). Flan (Flan Soul). Ramuh (Judge Staff). Catch (Chain Pla te) U: Magic Pow+ (Colichemarde) R: Poison (Silver Rapier). Aim:Armour (Fey Bow). Last Haste (Ninja Ge ar) U: Oblivion (Masamune).2 Battle Tech C: Nurse (Defender). PowerBK (Barong). Fire Veil (Ashura). Auto-Regen (Gaia Gear) N/A: Sniper Combo (Mythril Shot) Soldier (Battle Tech) C: First Aid (Shortsword). Weapon Def+ (Dark Gear) SR: Ultima Blow (Zeus Mace) N/A: Wise Combo (Mythril Mace) Sniper (Sharpshoot) .1 Lunge Tech C: Barrier (Mage Masher). Reflex (Mirage Vest). Water Veil (Murasame). Metal Veil (Kikuichimonji).3 White Magic + 2 Control C: Drain (Energy Mace). SpeedBK (Silver Sword). Doom Archer (Max's Oathbow). Double Sword (Nosada) N/A: Ninja Combo (Mythril Epee) Paladin (Chivalry) . Sensor (Burglar Sword). Aim:Weapon (Master Bow). Bio (Mandragora). Carbuncle (Garnet Staff) U: Madeen (Cheer Staff) .2 Aim C: Doubleshot (Twin Bow). Earth Veil (Osafune). Floateye (Eye Soul). Bug (Bug Soul). Conceal (Windslash Bo w) U: Death Sickle (Hades Bow). Weapon Def+ (Diamond Armor) R: Reflex (Genji Armor) SR: Holy Blade (Excalibur) N/A: Knight Combo (Mythril Brand) Red Mage (Red Magic) . Ifrit (Guard Staff). Shieldbearer (Bronze Shield/Opal Shield) U: Monkey Grip (Vigilante) R: Mug (Diamond Sword). Blizzard (Flamberge). Sleep (Estoc). Bomb (Bomb Soul). Parley (Barong) U: Cover (SaveTheQueen). Wood Veil (Kotetsu). Shieldbearer (Round Shield) U: Raise (Life Crosier). Water (Battle Mace). Aim:Wallet (Hunt Bow). SR: Provoke (Blood Sword) N/A: Combat Combo (Mythril Sword). Giga Flare (Lotus Mace). Saint Cross (Arch Sword). Defense (Lionheart).2 White Magic + 2 Spirit Magic [+ 1 Lunge Tech] C: Unicorn (Pure Staff).C: Goblin (Goblin Soul). Beso Toxico (Cranequin). Malboro (Malboro Soul). Blind (Druid Mace). MagicBK (Ancient Sword). Damage > MP (Judo Uniform) U: Lamia (Lamia Soul). MindBK (Buster Sword). Drop Weapon (Ragnarok). Doublecast (Madu) N/A: Red Combo (Mythril Rapier) Sage (Sagacity Skill) .2 Steal C: Throw (Ninja Knife). Unspell (Heaven's Cloud). Fire (Scarlette). Summoner (Summon Magic) . Panther (Panther Soul) N/A: Morph Combo (Mythril Soul) Ninja (Ninja Skill) . Steal:EXP (Khukuri).21st March 2004 . Lifebreak (Kain's Lan ce) R: Bonecrusher (Carabini Mail). Steal:Helm (Kard). Silence (Ragnarok). Weapon Atk+ (Trident) N/A: Sacred Combo (Mythril Brand) Thief (Steal) C: Steal:Armor (Rondell Dagger). Cheer (Partisan). PowerBK (Samson Sword). Air Render (Kaiser Knuckles). Cura (Cure Staff). Chakra (Cat Claws). Soul Sphere (Arch Sword). Protect (Guard Staff) U: Auto-Life (Cheer Staff). Monkey Grip (Claymore ) N/A: Combat Combo (Mythril Sword) White Mage (White Magic) C: Cure (White Staff). MindBK (Buster Sword) . Slow (Terre Rod).R: Half MP (Light Robe) SR: Shiva (Snake Staff). Steal:Shield (Scramasax). Holy Sign (White Fangs) N/A: Earth Render (Tiger Fangs). Revive (Survivor). Shell (Judge Staff).2 Monk Tech C: Warcry (Javelin). Steal:Gil (Jack Knife). Phoenix (Nirvana Staff) N/A: Summon Combo (Mythril Staff) Templar (Sacred Tech) . Silence (Sleet Rod). Esuna (Pure Staff).Marked which missions trigger an increase in the number of Laws. Steal:JP (Orichalcum). SpeekBK (Silver Sword). Counter (Brigandine) U: Reflex (Mirage Vest) SR: Far Fist (Godhand). Version History & Copyrights * ******************************************* 2. Haste (Lohengrin) U: Astra (SaveTheQueen). Life (Bless Staff). Counter (Brigandine). Monk Combo (Mythril Claws) ******************************************* * Section 4. Last Quicken (Lordly Robe) N/A: Time Combo (Mythril Rod) Warrior (Battle Tech) C: First Aid (Shortsword). Steal:Access (Jambiya). Steal:Ability (Cinquedea) N/A: Thief Combo (Mythril Knife) Time Mage (Time Magic) . Body Slam (Striborg). Reflect (Thunder Rod). Rasp (Apocalypse). Exorcise (Rising Sun).2 . . MagicBK (Falchion).5 Black Magic C: Haste (Firewheel Rod). Turbo MP (White Robe) R: Curaga (Spring Staff) SR: Full-Life (Nirvana Staff) N/A: White Combo (Mythril Staff) White Monk (Monk Tech) C: Whirlwind (Hard Knuckles). Quarter (Force Rod) U: Demi (Stardust Rod) R: Quicken (Thor Rod) SR: Stop (Chill Rod). Maintenance (Adaman Vest) SR: Steal:Weapon (Sword Breaker). Shieldbearer (Bronze Shield/Opal Shield) U: Greased Bolt (Gale Sword). Downsize (Restorer). Added Section 1. Began adding the ">:" field to show what enemies there are.Moved a couple of missions to the right section.Added the few final numbered (and non-numbered) missions. March 2004 Added a couple of "No Flee"s that I missed. Began added the 'Catch' ratings to the item lists. Added the "Free X" missions to the recurring dispatches. . Special thanks to Terence Fergusson.Added the job requirements for the advanced jobs. who's guide made me want to write a complete list. .1 . Added locations and months for hard-to-find missions. Began adding the "<:" field to show what allies there are. Added items for the first missions which you might be able to steal. Ambervale is never attacked in the Clan Wars.Added Section 1. who is more awake then I am. Added the rank of the random items received from recurring missions.- Discovered I was completely wrong about stacking Treasure Hunts.Re-organised all the sections.Still have gaps .Added the item rarity list. Kudos to Nyst.13th February 2004 . . 1. Filled in a few more of those gaps from the mission lists. for being an absolute legend. .Finished the details for the recurring missions. 40 missions left to finish detailing (~5 Catches). Added the Item->Ability rarities for Human/Moogle-only classes. 2. Resorted the Class abilities section into alphabetical order. for tips on training monsters. Still don't know if #J10 can be saved.Added the Corrupt Judge missions.0 . .Added the number of times a rare item shows up in missions. . . . can #J10 be saved? 2. .8 with some notes about Treasure Hunts. . Added the list of shop items and when they become available.0 .Added some Totema abilities that could be stolen. abilities or locations unconfirme d.Added the NPC missions.16th March 2004 . :( Some minor typos from Andy Nguyen.Added the ability rarity lists.7 to hold all the little Q&A things I think are helpfu l. Finished all the enemy and ally listings. .Added a bunch of enemies and allies.1 . . . . . Moved the Beastmaster FAQ item to the Monsters section. Added the Reserve Missions section just for fun. and their recurring missions.Fiddled a little with the decision of how many hats to assign things. . . .Rearranged the mission lists so that the 'desirable' entries go first.Added the rarity summary list in Section 1.Still about 10 gaps where AP. I'm just busy.Discovered there is a small chance of Steal:Armour by #002.3rd il.6.20th Jan 2004 .Tagged all the missions with stuff to acquire based on importance. Moogle Bride (AP). .thanks for the email people.Correctly switched the AP for the Scouring Time A/B missions. Moved the early Cinquedea notes into their own section with extra deta Moved the Levelling FAQ item to the Characters section. items. Special thanks to Jeanleah Mohrherr.Approx.) 1. . .Will also fix: New Antilaw (AP). Added the list of items the Secret characters bring with them. . ide. Any comments regarding the fact I speak Australian English will promptly be ignored. No material may be copied from this document without prior permission from me and complete reproduction of this version history and copyright notice explicitly attached (except where otherwise explicitly allowed by law). abilities. unless I actually made a typo in the name of a piece of equipment from the game. Most of the secret characters stuff done. if you are intending to *really* disagree with me.) Please send any feedback to the email address listed previously. .remember. All trademarks of Square Enix remain so . 0. Updated Section 1. Changed all the "Helj"s to "Helje"s.5. Still missing details on a few of the missions from the start. and are hence *NOT* made up by me and probably should be best left alone except in the context of FFTA. EXP & basic strategy stuff done.5th Jan 2004 Most of the map missions done. All material in this FAQ is copyright by me from 2004. equipment and race names are taken from the Engligh release. Changed all the location numbers to refer to the story-line missions.1 .Special thanks to AstroBlue. Still need to sit down and fill in the blanks on the dispatches. Changed Magic Hammer to Goblin Punch in Section 1. Moved Bervenia Palace *before* Tubola Cave in the location index. Special thanks to gamefags. for letting me use his FAQ to re-organise the missions by story-line. The GBA and GBASP are products of Nintendo. Changed all the "Amberville"s to "Ambervale"s. the best way to encourage the kind of games you want is to be the kind of players they to tone down the warnings I didn't encounter. you should send me a photo. screenshot or core dump of your game showing what I have missed. In particular. Changed all the "Bavernia"s to "Bervenia"s. Changed references from the Stats & Monster guides to the Mechanics gu . without whom I would have never have known how dissapointing the end of a game could be. All the class types. .
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