Final CWC Price List Booklet

March 17, 2018 | Author: Vijay Kumar | Category: Intel, Air Conditioning, Usb Flash Drive, Printer (Computing), Dvd



Chairman Central Water Commision & Ex - Officio Secretary to the Government of India FOREWORD Hydrological observations, Flood forecasting on important rivers in the country, Surveys and investigation of Water Resources Projects, etc, are the important field activities being carried out by the Central Water Commission since long. CWC is also engaged in construction of buildings for office and operations, etc. Apart from these, CWC is also organizing Exhibitions at different places for information, education and communication activities of the Union Ministry of Water Resources. Since the field offices of CWC are functioning on the pattern of Central Public Works Department, they have been using CPWD or local PWD schedule of rates for their work. However, many activities of CWC are entirely different from those of CPWD. Hence, there was need for CWC to have its own Schedule of Rates for items not covered in PWD schedule. Accordingly, a Committee headed by Chief Engineer (YBO) was constituted for preparation of CWC’s Schedule of Rates in September, 2011 and the Committee has finally prepared the SOR in January, 2012. I place on record the admiring leadership and farsighted vision of Shri S.P. Kakran, Member (River Management), Central Water Commission for providing guidance to the Committee in bringing out CWC’s Schedule of Rates for items not included in PWD schedules, for the first time in history of CWC. I am sure the present document will be found very useful by the field offices of Central Water Commission. New Delhi March, 2012 (R. C. Jha) . For preparation of technical estimates. local Schedule of Rates of CPWD and State PWD or other agencies are adopted by the field offices of CWC. difficulties are faced by the field offices as many items do not feature in PWD Schedule of Rates. In this publication. Yamuna Basin Organization.Member (RM) Central Water Commision & Ex. I am sure that the present document will be quite helpful in preparation of realistic estimates by the field offices of CWC. the field offices hitherto refer to CPWD Works Manual for their activities. Kakran) . 2012 (S. New Delhi March. However. I place on record the outstanding efforts made by the Committee headed by the Chief Engineer.Officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India PREFACE Since the field offices of Central Water Commission are functioning on the pattern of Central Public Works Department (CPWD). P. I hope. an attempt has been made to prepare Schedule of Rates for many such items. the regional organizations of CWC would find CWC’s Schedule of Rates-2012 very handy to streamline the field activities in a very systematic manner. This requires Analysis of Rates for such items as are used by CWC offices but are not a part of Schedule of Rates of CPWD / State PWDs. New Delhi. in bringing out CWC’s Schedule of Rates in the shortest possible time. Central Water Commission. . Central Water Commission has been using Schedule of Rates of CPWD and the State Governments for preparation of its estimates.). 2012 (M. Shri N. CWC’s work involves procurement of goods or services which are not included in the Schedules of Rates by Central or State PWDs. The present document is the outcome of valuable guidance of Shri S. Lal. Shri Amit Kumar Jha. Director (FMP). Noida. Shri Aditya Sharma. Kharya.S. The Committee held four meetings and finalized this Schedule of Rates of CWC. Member(RM). I acknowledge with thanks the significant contributions of Shri C. Director (Climate Change). SE ( P. Kakran. Shri Bhupesh Kumar. New Delhi March. SE (C). CWC. Accordingly. Shri Virendra Shrama. CWC to prepare a Schedule of Rates for items pertaining to CWC. SE (I. K. and worked for analysis of rates for such items. CWC constituted a Committee headed by Chief Engineer (YBO). Shri A.Chief Engineer Yamuna Basin Organization Central Water Commision New Delhi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Schedule of Rates plays a very important role in preparation of estimates and ascertaining reasonability of quoted rates for works to be undertaken by any Department / Agency. Accounts Officer.K. Executive Engineer (P&I Division) and Shri I. Gangtok. Sinha) . However. YBO. Therefore. there has been a continued need for having CWC’s own Schedule of Rates. SE (HOC).). Member (RM). Shri D.K. Director (RMCD). Manglik.C. Yadav.CWC in preparation of this document in such a short time. C. P. Mathuria.P. The Committee identified various items of works often required by the field offices of CWC but not included in PWD Schedules. . 2 4.4.7 5.2 3.0 5.0 2.3 Survey and Investigation 2.3 4.1 4.1 5.4 3.3.2 2.0 3.3 GENERAL BASIC RATES Labour Materials PARTICULARS PAGE 1-2 3 4-5 6 7-8 9-10 11-14 15-16 17 18 Equipment and Instruments 2.6 3.2 Water Quality 2.6 Computers’ consumables Unit rates for consultancy services for specialized studies SCHEDULE OF RATES Hydrological Observation Topographic Survey Geotechnical Investigations Specialized studies 3.4 19-22 23-24 25-27 28-33 34-35 36-41 42 43-44 3.1 Hydrological Observations 2.3.4 Office Furnishing 2.4 4.1 2.7 4.5 4.3 3.1 3.3.2 DPR Studies Detailed design and drawing for construction/ implementa tion of water resources development 2.1 3.INDEX SECTION 2.3.0 4.6 4.5 3.2 Mass Awareness Activities Miscellaneous Works Transport tariff of ITDC SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Tests Soil Dynamics Tests Rockfill Material Tests Tests for Geosynthetics Material Test for Concrete Rock Mechanics Tests Tests for Concrete Chemistry MODEL LIST OF T&P For Gauge site For Gauge and Discharge site 45-46 47 47 47 47-48 49 50-51 52 53 .3.5 Computers’ hardware and Software 2. 0 6.3 5. Discharge and Water Quality site For Gauge.4 6.SECTION 5.1 6.2 Appendix-I Appendix-II Appendix-III PARTICULARS For Gauge. Discharge. Silt and Water Quality site TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF HIGH VALUE EQUIPMENT Hydro-meteorological Sensors High Value Survey Instruments Delegation of Work Powers to CWC Officers Financial Powers delegated to CWC Officers Additional Information & Subsequent Changes PAGE 54-55 56-57 58-61 62-67 68-69 70-82 83 . GENERAL . . The Regional Chief Engineer. For this purpose. CWC Schedule of Rates . (iv) estimates containing the detailed specifications and quantities of various items have been prepared on the basis of the Schedule of Rates (maintained by CPWD or other Public Works Organizations) and sanctioned by the appropriate authority. CWC officers have been delegated financial powers equivalent to their counterparts in Central Public Works Department (CPWD) as given in Appendix-II. Thereafter. investigation. has developed considerable technological know-how in planning. Delhi. According to CPWD Works Manual. As a national apex engineering organization in the field of water resources development. except repairs and maintenance activities. and (vii) a Work Order issued. Nagpur. management and design of water resources development schemes and made valuable contribution in the country’s remarkable progress in the field. conservation and utilization of water resources throughout the country in the areas of beneficial uses. each headed by a Chief Engineer. Director (River Data Compilation) under Chief Engineer (Planning and Development) and Director (Software Management) under Chief Engineer (Dam Safety) are assigned with procurement of specialized equipment. The CWC has formally adopted CPWD Works Manual vide CWC Office Order No. irrigation and hydro-power generation. (iii) a properly detailed design has been sanctioned. Bhopal. In addition. Gandhinagar.0 GENERAL The Central Water Commission (CWC) has come a long way since its creation in 1945 in its march towards achievement of the goal of furthering and promoting measures for control. besides sharing the expertise with the developing nations of the world. Shillong and Silliguri. Hyderabad. 4/2/2009-O&M/390-396 dated 3rd August. Chandigarh. there are thirteen regional organizations of CWC working at Bangalore. investigation and preparation of Detailed Feasibility Reports of complex river valley projects in the country. Director (Procurement and Construction Planning) under Chief Engineer (CMO). these officers were hitherto referring to CPWD Works Manual for their day to day activities. Bhubaneswar.2012 Page 1 . flood management and river conservation. Lucknow. assisted by Directors/Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers are entrusted with hydrological data collection and flood forecasting besides surveys. Patna. The CWC being associated with every phase of water resources development has to carry out challenging activities of considerable magnitude and density both in the technical and organizational fields. (vi) tenders invited and processed in accordance with rules. computers and other office furnishing items. Coimbatore. (v) funds (budget) to cover the cost during the year have been provided by the competent authority. As the officers of CWC are functioning on the pattern of Central Public Works Department. 2010 (Appendix-I). no new (original) works shall be commenced until (i) administrative approval has been obtained from the appropriate authority. (ii) sanction to incur the expenditure has been obtained from the competent authority. the CWC with its vast experience gained in its strides toward progress in more than six decades.1. many works in CWC are of a different nature from those of CPWD. 6. 7. New Delhi Director (RDC). New Delhi was set up with approval of Member (River Management) to compile/prepare the CWC’s Schedule of Rates with the following composition. Yamuna Basin Organization. however. Faridabad Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary The Committee held four meetings and deliberated upon the scope of work under various Terms of Reference and after detailed discussions on various issues/ items involved. 2014. Planning Circle. arrived at the decisions which are concluded in the form of this document. New Delhi Director (Climate Change). CWC. This SOR may. Central Water Commission. Bihar Accounts Officer. 9. New Delhi Superintending Engineer. 4. New Delhi Director (RMCD). 5. CWC. CWC. Maithon. This Schedule of Rates-2012 of Central Water Commission has been prepared taking into account the price index as on 1 January’ 2012. for which plan proposals are appraised by Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC). New Delhi Superintending Engineer. To work out the schedule of rates. 3. need a comprehensive review at the end of XII Plan period. to match with the new innovations and state of art technology in the water sector.2012 Page 2 . a Schedule of Rates for each kind of work should be maintained up to date in the Department. 2015 and so on. the Committee examined many estimates prepared in the recent past in the field offices of CWC and utilized the rates analyzed by them in this document. CWC. preparation of detailed estimates in Central water Commission remains a grey area as most of the work items required in the field offices of CWC do not feature in the Schedule of Rates being followed by CPWD. HOC. a Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Engineer. CWC. The powers for preparation of detailed estimates and their technical sanction have been delegated to the above field officers of Central Water Commission. In absence of approved Schedule of Rates by Central Water Commission. 1. CWC. and it will be used from the next financial year (2012-13) for the works likely to be undertaken in XII Plan period with due adjustment with respect to inflation rate in the subsequent years. New Delhi Director (PCP). CWC. 8. the detailed estimates are generally not found technically sound and lead to ambiguity while preparing comparative statements and reasonability statements for award of works through competitive bidding. As such. Chief Engineer (YBO). 2. New Delhi Director (FMP). In order to overcome this problem.0 GENERAL In case of new works entrusted with Central Water Commission. Since the Schedule of Rates serve as a guide in settling rates in connection with contract agreements.1. CWC Schedule of Rates . based on the price indices as on 1 January of 2013. Though CWC has adopted CPWD Works Manual for carrying out field works and financial powers delegated to CPWD officers are being used in CWC to award the works. administrative approval and expenditure sanction are issued by the Ministry of Water Resources in consultation with Ministry of Finance. BASIC RATES . . 00 These rates are as per minimum wages issued by Govt.00 Day Day Day 287.2011.00 273. Day Day Day Day Day 260. f.00 Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day 327.1 BASIC RATES Labour Description (2) Unskilled Worker : Beldar Bar bender Coolie Helper Multi Tasking Unskilled Worker Watch & Ward Personnel Waterman Semi-Skilled Worker: Mate Multi Tasking Worker Carpenter (2nd class) Painter Work Assistant Skilled Worker: Mason Motor Vehicle Driver O. e.00 327. 1.00 273.00 327.2.4.00 247.00 247.2012 Page 3 . of Delhi w. Engine Driver Highly Skilled Worker: Compressor Operator Data Entry Operator Electrician Foreman Jackhammer Operator/Blaster Mechanic Work Supervisor/Surveyor Store Keeper Unit (3) Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Daily Rate (Rs.00 327. the worker is entitled for one day paid rest.00 273.00 247.00 327.00 301.00 260.00 327.00 247. (1) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 8 9 10 11 12 III 13 14 15 IV 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Notes: 1.00 Code No.) (4) 247.00 247.0 2.B.00 327.00 327. 2.00 301. After six days. CWC Schedule of Rates .00 247. 00 30.00 640.2.00 25.76 69.82* 250.00 200.00 53.00 45. (1) 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Sq m Kg Kg Quintal Kg Litre Kg Kg m Kg m Each Litre Kg Sq m 50 kg bag Litre Kg Kg Kg Litre Cum Cum 390.2012 .00 45.00 68.00 Code No.00 290.43 250.50 38.00 110.00 85.00 Page 4 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 CWC Schedule of Rates .00 150.00 45.50 18.00 56.00 300.00 110.00 52.2 BASIC RATES Material Description (2) Aluminium T or L sections Aluminium T channel 1 mm thick (heavy duty) with rollers and stop end Anticorrosive Bitumastic Paint Binding Wire Black Japan Paint Chromo Paper Cloth for Banner : Latha Cloth Cloth for Banner : Polyester Cloth Dao with handle Diesel Adhesive Flat pressed 3 layer and graded particle board (medium density) Grade 1 conforming to IS : 3087 . (4) 220.00 40.00 280.00 5900.18 mm thick Gelatin Grease ISMB 200/100 ISMC 100x40.00 10. 6 mm thick & 2 m long Kerosene Oil Kraft Paper Maplitho Paper Mild Steel pipe 40 mm diameter Nails Nylon Rope.08* 4.00 1120.00 42.00 180.00 15.0 2.00 755.20 mm diameter Ordinary Detonator Petrol Plaster of Paris Poly Carbonate Sheet Portland Cement Primer (for Wood) Resin Bonded Fibre Glass Wool Putty for Steel Work Putty for Wood Work Red oxide Primer Sand: Fine sand (zone IV) Sand : Coarse sand (zone III) Unit (3) Kg m Litre Kg Litre Kg Sq m m Each Litre Kg Rate in Rs. 00 Code No.50 50. 3.00 1050.00 4250.00 1.00 6000.00 950.00 240.00 25000.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Seasoned Sal Wood Stainless Steel Screws of different sizes-100 no.S.00 200.00 5000.1.2012 Page 5 .00 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Notes: 1. (1) 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Litre Quintal Cm Kg Quintal m Cum Sq m 180. These rates are based on the prevailing market rates of materials in Delhi as on 1. These rates do not include over heads and carriage but include octroi.00 4500. royalty. Channels and R.I.00 570. The rates of POL are subject to change as per Government approval. Angles. Pipe 2nd Class Kali Wood in Plank 3 mm Thick Translucent White Acrylic Plastic Sheet Unit (3) Cum Packet Quintal Each Cum Cum Cum Quintal Rate in Rs. having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 150 gm/ ltr. Joists Synthetic Enamel Paint. CWC Schedule of Rates .00 134. 2. sales tax. Steel Sheet Steel Tape 30m long Stone Aggregate (single size) : 10 mm nominal size Stone Aggregate (single size) : 20 mm nominal size Stone Aggregate (single size) : 40 mm nominal size Structural Steel: Tees. (4) 39172.00 1050. Twisted Steel/Deformed Bars Welding by Gas/Electric Plant Wire Nails/Screws 20 mm diameter Tie Rod 25mm diameter G.2.2012. 000 25.000 2. (4) 20.000 Code No.000 1.000 500 90.5 meter long Steel Boat Unit (3) Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Rate in Rs.00. Charge Regulator and Battery Solar Radiation Sensor Ultra Sonic Wind Speed Sensor Water Level Sensor.2012 Page 6 .000 15. CWC Schedule of Rates .000 2.000 3.000 60.1 BASIC RATES Equipment and Instruments Hydrological observation Description (2) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Air Temperature/Relative Humidity Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor Electromagnetic Current Meter with 10 kg Fish Weight and Digital Counter Evaporation Gauge Sensor Leveling Staff Max – Min Thermometer Nema 4 Enclosure with MS connectors & cables OB Engine (50HP) Portable Echo Sounder Propeller Type Current Meter Rainfall Sensor (Tipping Bucket) Ranging Rod (4m Long) Satellite Transmitter & Data Logger including Antenna Cable Solar Power System including Solar Panel. (1) 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Notes: 1.3 2.000 20.000 25.0 2.000 60. Specifications of high value items are provided in Section 6.000 25.0.000 26.Radar Level Sensor 5.000 2.000 25.000 30. 2.0 2.3 2.3.2 BASIC RATES Equipment and Instruments Water quality Description (2) BOD Incubator Centrifuge (100 mL Tube, 250 mL Bottles, 2400 RPM and above with adjustable RPM) COD Digester Colony Counter Colour Comparator and Comparator Test Set for residual Chlorine or Chloroscopes Conductivity Meter Demineralizer Digital Balance (Monopan) Digital Burrette Digital Counter Double Distilled Water apparatus (Quartz) Flame Photometer Fume Cupboard Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) Hot Plates Ice Box Incubators 370C and 440C Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) Ion Meter Kjeldahl Plus Nitrogen Analyzer Laminar Air Flow Magnetic Stirrer Membrane Filter Assembly Microwave Oven Muffle Furnace Nephelometer Oven pH meter Pipette Controller Rotary Shaker Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Unit (3) Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Rate in Rs. (4) 75,000 40,000 1,50,000 20,000 10,000 30,000 20,000 80,000 60,000 15,000 1,20,000 60,000 25,000 45,00,000 2,000 2,000 45,000 40,00,000 1,50,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 1,50,000 15,000 20,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,00,000 Page 7 Code No. (1) 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 CWC Schedule of Rates - 2012 2.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Turbidity Meter UV Visible Spectrophotometer Vacuum Pump Visible Spectrophotometer Water Bath with 12 Concentric Holes and Discs Unit (3) Each Each Each Each Each Rate in Rs. (4) 50,000 5,00,000 25,000 1,00,000 25,000 Code No. (1) 251 252 253 254 255 CWC Schedule of Rates - 2012 Page 8 2.0 2.3 2.3.3 BASIC RATES Equipment and Instruments Survey and investigation Description (2) BX Casing Shoe Bit 14 cts. 30/60 spc BX Core Bit 15 cts. 40/60 spc BX Core Bit 20 cts. 25/40 spc BX Diamond Casing Shoe Bit Surface Set 4W/W 26 cts 25/40 SPC BX Diamond Casing Shoe Bit Surface Set 4W/W13 cts 30/70 SPC BX Diamond Casing Shoe Bit Surface Set 4W/W18 cts 40/50 SPC BX Double Tube Core Barrel 5’long Centre Prism and Ordinary Prism Dao with Handle Differential Geo-positioning System (DGPS) operating within1 km of the reference unit with horizontal accuracy ± 1 m and vertical accuracy ± 2 cm Drilling Machine, Water Pump along with accessories Geo-positioning System (GPS) HX Casing Shoe Bit 25 cts. 30/60 spc HX Casing Shoe Bit 30 cts. 25/40 spc HX Diamond Casing Shoe Bit (6 Water Ways) 25/40 SPC 28 Cts. Jack Hammer (100 Cfm) Metallic Tape (30m) Motor Vehicle : Mahindra Bolero SLE BS 4 Motor Vehicle : Mahindra Bolero SLX BS 4 Motor Vehicle : Mahindra Bolero ZLX BS 4 Pick up Van : Mahindra Maximo Pick up van : Mahindra Genio Pick up Van : Tata 207 DI Ex model (Single Cabine) Pick up Van : Tata 207 DI Ex model (Double Cabine) Motor Vehicle: Ambassador Classic 1800 Isz BU Mpfi (BS-III) Motor Vehicle: Ambassador Grand 2.0 Dsz BU Mpfi (BS-III) Unit (3) Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Rate in Rs. (4) 4,900 4,200 4,900 4,700 4,200 3,800 10,900 20,000 200 Code No. (1) 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 20,00,000 40,00,000 25,000 8,900 9,600 6,000 38,000 450 6,38,000 6,85,000 7,01,000 3,50,000 6,90,000 5,55,000 5,70,000 4,50,000 4,70,000 Page 9 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 CWC Schedule of Rates - 2012 00.000 5.000 2.50.900 5.000 Code No.000 20.000 284 Each 7.70 m long) with NW/N rod connection NXM Triple Tube Core Barrel ( 5.600 39.500 13.2012 Page 10 .400 10. 30/60 spc NX Diamond Core Bit Surface 25 cts. NXM T/T Diamond Core Bit bottom discharge 24 cts.600 6.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Motor Vehicle : Maruti Gypsy king MPI BS 4 (Hard Top) Tata SFC 407 Ex turbo /31 Semi forward control cab and load body with 497 engine turbo charged Tata SFC 709 Ex/ 38 semi forward control high deck load body with 497 engine turbo charged Tata SA 1212 TC/42 (4x4) truck four wheel drive cab and load body with TATA cummins engine (BS III) NX Casing Shoe Bit (surface set) 4 Water ways) 25/40 SPC 16 Cts. 25/40 spc NX Diamond Core Bit (surface set) (4 Water Ways) 25/40 SPC 18 Cts.000 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 Each Each Each 1 no.000 200 2. 30/60 spc.000 4.000 285 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1 Set 1 Set 19. 25/40 spc NX Double Tube Core Barrel 5’long NX ‘V’ Profile Bit Impregnated (4 Water ways) 100/200 SPC 38 Cts. (4) 5. NXM Triple Tube Core Case NXM Triple Tube Core lifter spring type NXM Triple Tube Reaming Shells (surface set) 8 Cts. NX Diamond Core Bit Surface 18 cts.600 35. 15/25 SPC) Plane Table Prismatic Compass Reaming Shell Steel Tape 30m long Theodolite Total Station Unit (3) Each Rate in Rs.00. NXM Triple Tube Core Barrel (1. for each set Each Each Each Each Each Each 5.000 CWC Schedule of Rates .300 3. (1) 282 283 Each 6. NX Casing Shoe Bit 18 cts.800 1.00 m.900 6.2.long) with NW/N rod connection NXM Triple Tube Core Bits (surface set) water bottom discharge & 6 water ways 30/70 SPC 14 Cts.00.400 3.200 500 3. upholstered with high density rubberized foam in seat & back with good quality of fabric mounted on five twin wheels casters fixed in nylon base with manual shock absorber for cushioning effect with height adjustment facility Unit (3) Rate in Rs.63 mm thick. tilting facility 12 mm thick hot pressed moulded ply.500 307 Each 6.3 2.700 3.2. laminated top 18 mm Steel Table of size 60”X33”X30” with 3 drawer and cupboard with locking arrangement panel 20 gauge drawer 22 gauge CRCA sheet back covered.25 mm with18 mm nova pan top fitted with lock Computer Table of size 48”X30”X30” made of steel frame with 3 side drawer and single self for UPS and trolley for CPU with laminated top 18 mm Low back revolving push back tilting chair PU foam seat & back having PU arms Steel executive low back revolving chair with PU arms rest. Box & panel 22 gauge.8 mm thick.000 309 Each 31. drawer 24 gauge sectional pipe 2”X1-1/8X1. drawer 0.900 308 Each 21.2012 .500 312 Each Each 5. tubular frame of 1.500 311 Each 15.25mm thick.000 310 Each 35.5” in all sides with melamine polish Office automation steel table size 72”X36”X30” with side unit of size 36”X18”X28”. locker shelves. prelaminated particle board single sides with 18 mm PVC beading Wooden Table made of teak of size 60”X36”X30” with side unit of 36”X18”X26” with 3 drawers on one side and teak wood laminated on 18 mm commercial board having moulding of 1.700 Page 11 CWC Schedule of Rates . (1) 306 Each 5.5” in all sides with melamine polish Wooden Table made of teak of size 72”X48”X30” with side unit of 36”X18”X28” with 3 drawers on one side and teak wood laminated on 18 mm commercial board having moulding of 1.3.5”in all sides with melamine polish Wooden Table made of teak of size 84”X48”X30” with side unit of 36”X15”X28” with 3 drawers on one side and teak wood laminated on 18 mm commercial board having moulding of 1. 18mm thick nova pan top.4 BASIC RATES Equipment and Instruments Office furnishing Description (2) Steel Table. (4) Code No.900 313 314 Each 4.drawer box 0. 1mm foot rest of sheet. of size 48”X30”X30”. locker body of 22 gauge thick.0 2. 000 321 Each 14. Size-970mm(H) X660mm(W) X480mm(D).900 318 Each Each 6. central tilt mechanism. (4) 4. Make : Godrej or equivalent Steel high back Executive revolving chair with PU arms. cushion of approved shade. adjustable lumber support. 12 mm CRCA round pipe upholstered with high density rubberized foam in seat & back with good quality of fabric with the help of cotton nivaar mounted on five twin wheels castors fixed in nylon base with manual shock absorber for extra cushioning with height adjustment facility (Leatherette Chair) High back chairs with head rest with Leathrite seat & Mesh back. nylon base tilting 7 hydraulic mechanism upholstery in good quality of fabric High back revolving executive chair biosynchromotion facility High Back Revolving Chair with P.500 8. tilting and back upholstery in good quality of fabric Medium back executive revolving chair with tilting mechanism Medium back executive chair with Leathrite seat & Mesh back.500 8.000 3. Steel Almirah of size 78”X36”X19” of 20 gauge door. height & depth adjustable ratchet arms with knee tilt synchro mechanism.U.22 gauge body and shelf without locker with 4 shelves making 5 compartments Storewell Minor ( Godrej Slimline) with 2 shelf of size 50”X30”X17” Storewell plain with 4 shelf size 78”X36”X19”.800 6.000 Page 12 CWC Schedule of Rates . adjustable lumber support.700 14. cushion of approved shade.200 327 Each Each 2.000 Code No.600 322 Each Each Each 6.500 319 320 Each 11.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Steel Medium back Executive chair nylon base PU arms. arms rest tilting facility steel frame in 16 gauge.22 gauge body and shelf without locker with 4 shelves making 5 compartment with locking arrangement Visitor Chair made of cushion seat back 16 gauge pipe in base and good quality tapestry with foam of approved quality Visitor Chair with PU moulded foam model Unit (3) Each Each Rate in Rs. Size-920mm(H) X 660mm(W) X 480mm (D).2. height & depth adjustable ratchet arms with knee tilt synchro mechanism. Make: Godrej or equivalent Steel Almirah of size 50”X30”X17” of 20 gauge door. central tilt mechanism. (1) 315 316 317 Each 12.000 323 324 325 Each 326 9.2012 . 70-2.000 330 Each Each Each Each Each 17.89.2012 Page 13 . (4) Code No. EER (W/W) : 2.2mm thick CRCA under structure.polished in lacquer finish seat &back upholsted in ISI prima foam of 40 density and good quality of fabric of approved design.800 334 Each 21. Make: Godrej or equivalent a) One Seat Sofa-SIZE-820 mm(L) X 760(D) X 715mm(H). Sofa with Wooden frame over stainless steel legs fully Upholstered cushioned with polyurethene leatherette using 100mm X 40mm density foam for seat & 50mm X 32 mm density back foam for back complete.500 9.100 331 332 333 Each 91.000 24.Star Rating:3 including installation charges Unit (3) Rate in Rs.2.500 23. b) Two Seat Sofa-SIZE-1450 mm(L) X 760(D) X 715mm(H). Wooden Sofa set (3+1+1) with wooden arms ‘frame made in solid teakwood . Cable Trays & Power Dock provided for wire management facilities Size-4200 x 1500 x 727mm(H) Make : Godrej or equivalent Room Air Conditioner (1. c) Three Seat Sofa-SIZE-1700 mm(L) X 760(D) X 715mm(H).600 6.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Wooden Centre Table with glass top frame made of teakwood duly polished made of 6 mm thick glass brown/clear with one shelf beneath of size 48”X24”.5 ton) unitary Type fitted with Rotary Compressor.000 329 Each 25. Supply of Side Table made of mild steel frame(CP) with tampered Glass Top of size 550x550x510 mm Supply of Side Table made of mild steel frame(CP) with tampered Glass Top of size 1100x600x430 mm Conference/Meeting Tables with Top made of 25mm thick pre-laminated particle board of interior grade.000 CWC Schedule of Rates . The Top supported on 0. The working and non–working edges shall be provided with hot pressed 2mm thick PVC edging using special hot melt glue at high temperature. Cooling Capacity Nominal : 4500 kcal/hr Min guaranteed: 4275 kcal/hr.8mm-1. laminate on both sides of approved make and shade. (1) 328 Each 5. Room Discharge Air Flow:700 cum/h. Air cooler & humidifier with humidity control Room Heater single rod.000 CWC Schedule of Rates . ISI mark. Star Rating: 5 Desert Cooler 4000 Cum / hr of size 20” steel body with fan motor .W.000 4.0 K. ISI mark & accessories complete Room Cooler made of Plastic body. sleek with roller built stand of size 20”. air refreshner. min guaranteed : 4275 kcal / hr. 1. (4) Code No.. (1) 335 Each Each 32.W (branded) Unit (3) Rate in Rs. Room Discharge Air Flow:700 cum / h EER (W / W) : 3.000 500 3.0 K.5 ton) fitted with Rotary Compressor Cooling Capacity Nominal : 4500 kcal / hr.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Split Air Conditioner (1. 2.2012 Page 14 . Room evaporative. ISI mark.800 336 337 338 339 Each Each Each 9. Heat Convector / blower.10Min.2. print speed 14 ppm Network card 10/100. print speed 40 ppm Network card 10/100. Desktop Computer: Intel Core i3 Processor 2. complete Desktop Computer: Intel Core i5 Processor 3. Intel 5 series board.000 42. (4) Code No. DVD ROM Drive. 10/100/1000 on board integrated network port with preloaded Windows 7 Professional. 47cm TFT digital color monitor.2012 . 320 GB 72k rpm HDD. optical mouse. Integrated Graphics. Duplexing Laser Mono printer 600x600 dpi.000 344 345 346 347 Each Each 35. Integrated Graphics. DVD ROM drive. print speed 32 ppm Network card 10/100. optical mouse. No duplexing Laser Mono printer 600x600 dpi. Integrated Graphics. 320 GB 72k rpm HDD. with 104 keys key board. 10/100/1000 on board integrated network port with preloaded Windows 7 Professional. complete. 1GB 667 MHz DDR III RAM. print speed 30 ppm.800 341 Each 33. Desktop Computer: Intel 2Duo 3. paper size :A4.400 11.600 342 Each 35. complete.000 Page 15 348 CWC Schedule of Rates . paper size :A4. Intel Q57 mother board.000 343 Each Each Each Each 39. Duplexing Unit (3) Rate in Rs. 10/100/1000 on board integrated network port with preloaded Windows 7 Professional. Intel 4 series board.93 GHz with 4MB L3 cache. 47cm TFT digital color monitor.000 5.3. 2GB 1066 MHz DDR III RAM. Network card 10/100.7 GHz with 1MB L2 cache. Duplexing Laser Mono printer 600x600 dpi. optical mouse. 320 GB 72k rpm HDD. with 104 keys key board. paper size : A4.800 25.2. (1) 340 Each 26. 47cm TFT digital color monitor. paper size :A4. 10/100/1000 on board integrated network port with preloaded Windows 7 Professional. with 104 keys key board.06 GHz with 3MB L3 cache. Intel 4 series board. print speed 25 ppm Network card 10/100.5 BASIC RATES Equipment And Instruments Computers’ Hardware and Software Description (2) Desktop Computer: AMD septron 2. with 104 keys key board.0 2. complete Laser Mono printer 600x600 dpi. Integrated Graphics. Duplexing Laser Mono printer 600x600 dpi. 2GB 800 MHz DDR III RAM. Memory 16 MB. 2GB 1066 MHz DDR III RAM. DVD ROM drive.3 2. optical mouse. 320 GB 72k rpm HDD.2 GHz with 4MB L3 cache. DVD ROM Drive. 47cm TFT digital color monitor. paper size :A4. 000 12. print speed 40 ppm Network card 10/100. print speed 30 ppm. Memory. print speed 8 ppm. 1 USB.000 4.400 11. paper size : A4.800 15.500 7.2012 Page 16 . No Duplexing Inkjet colour printer 4800x1200 dpi.0 KVA Line interactive UPS (CE or UL certified) for single phase AC. paper size : A4. Duplexing Inkjet colour printer 4800x1200 dpi.300 3. 400 VAH Windows 7 operating system (32 bit) Windows 7 operating system (64 bit) MS office 2010 Standard INDIC MOLP with media MS office 2010 Standard MOLP without media MS office 2010 Professional MOLP without media MS office 2010 Standard INDIC MOLP without media MS office 2010 Professional MOLP with media Symantac Norton Anti-virus for one year. 96 MB. 160V to 280V output. Duplexing Laser colour printer 600x600 dpi.800 8. 16MB. print speed 20 ppm. (1) 349 350 351 Each Each Each 6.0 BASIC RATES Description (2) Laser Mono printer 600x600 dpi. (4) 1. Duplexing 0.900 14. paper size : A4.800 7. 160V to 280V output.500 352 353 354 Each 21. print speed 15ppm. No Duplexing. paper size : A4. 1 USB. 10/100 Network card. print speed 24ppm. 5 user pack with media Unit (3) Each Each Rate in Rs. print speed 15ppm. Duplexing Inkjet colour printer 1200x600 dpi.000 5. No Duplexing Laser colour printer 600x600 dpi.68.000 Code No. Memory.900 9.8 KVA Line interactive UPS (CE or UL certified) for single phase AC. 1 USB. 10/100 Network card. paper size : A3. paper size :A3. 1 USB. 1 USB. 160V to 280V output.500 14.700 6.0 KVA Line interactive UPS (CE or UL certified) for single phase AC. 216 VAH 1. 1 USB.000 356 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1. print speed 12ppm. 1 USB. paper size : A3.64.000 355 Each 56.800 2. Networking Inkjet colour printer 4800x1200 dpi. paper size : A4.400 4.600 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 CWC Schedule of Rates . 10/100 Network card. No duplexing Laser colour printer 600x600 dpi. 216 VAH 1.2. 1 user license CA AV e-trust Client Security suite 1 year license. 2. 17AH (Reputed firm) Battery 12V.100 Code No.100 800 900 1.210 320 810 400 380 45 45 45 45 5. 7AH (Reputed firm) Battery 12V.0 HDD 250GB USB 2. (1) 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 CWC Schedule of Rates . 26AH (Reputed firm) Battery 12V.400 4.2012 Page 17 .000 3.3 2.740 800 1.050 730 2.6 BASIC RATES Equipment and Instruments Computers’ Consumables Description (2) CD (R )Pkt of 100 CD (RW ) Pkt of 10 DVD (R) Pkt of 10 DVD (RW) Pkt of 10 DVD Writer Pen Drive (4 GB) Pen Drive (8 GB) Mouse Opticle PS2 Key Board Mouse Pad USB Printer cable USB Pen Drive cable Power Cord 500GB USB 2.3. 42AH (Reputed firm) CD: Compact Disk GB : Giga byte R: Read DVD : Digital Versatile Disk MB : Mega byte RW : Read Write Unit (3) Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Rate in Rs.000 2.000 3.0 HDD 160GB Sata HDD 512 MB SD RAM 512 MB DDR-1 RAM 1 GB DDR-1 RAM 512 MB DDR-2 RAM 2 GB DDR-2 RAM Battery 12V.0 2. (4) 950 500 210 480 1. 2.0 2.4 BASIC RATES Unit Rates for Consultancy Services for Specialized Studies Average monthly emolument including 40% overhead charge (in Rs.) (4) 2,14,000 1,23,000 1,19,000 94,000 70,000 39,000 10% of total emoluments Code No. Description Unit (1) 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 (2) Director Deputy Director Assistant Director Draftsman Design/Technical Assistant Supporting Staff TA/DA of Designers Visits (3) Month Month Month Month Month Month CWC Schedule of Rates - 2012 Page 18 SCHEDULE OF RATES 1.1.1 Each 3.2 3. pre-fabricated pole size 2. foundation bolts with nut and washers. 2. reinforcement over the 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) cement concrete base of size 80 cm x 80 cm x 15 cm with 12 mm thick plastering complete and marking the gauge with synthetic enamel with standard metric gradation of 5 mm thickness in black & white alternately & red synthetic enamel of 5 mm of width at every 100 mm etc complete Reinforced Cement Concrete gauge post of size 15 cm x 10 cm (one side tapered in 5 cm length) made with 1:2:4 concrete mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) -1.2 Each Each Each 3.1.3 CWC Schedule of Rates . centering. instruments carriage.2 3. Code No.40 m long MS Gauge Post made of ISMC 100 x 40 with 6mm thickness and 2 m long Providing.1 3. Seasoned Sal Wood Gauge Post of size 15 cm x 10 cm (one side tapered in 5 cm length) a) 1. towing cable.1.2.300 3.1.0 3.1. D shackles.1 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule of Rates for Hydrological Observations Description Fabrication and installation of gauge posts at river banks including cost of civil works in foundation embedded in 1:2:4 reinforced cement concrete pedestal block of size 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm including the cost of steel reinforcement.3 3.2.3. conduction cable (co-axial) with snap hooks thimble etc complete as per direction of engineerin-charge up to 100 m span from 101 to 150 m span from 151 to 200 m span Each Each Each 11.80 m long.80 m long b) 2.25m long for machine side fitted with triple pulley block.000 Unit Rate Rs. shuttering. master plate and other fixing bolts. and on the other side fitted with single pulley block.2012 Page 19 . fixing and installation of bank operated cableways with instrument carriage for discharge observations for following river spans : Providing.2. track cable. nuts.400 3. U-clamps etc. fixing and installation of bank operated cableway system for discharge observation with current meter with sinker weight max up to 125 kg including double drum hydro-metric winch machine with manual operation suitable for horizontal and vertical movements of current meter and with the arrangement to operate silt sampler complete with automatic load break system and slip ring system including the cost of civil works. 18. anchor bolt. finishing.500 4. 3.000 15. and on the other side fitted with single pulley block. foundation bolts with nut and washers.80 m long. anchor bolt.1.1. towing cable.50.3. nuts.3 3.1.000 Unit Rate Rs.1 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule of Rates for Hydrological Observations Description Fabrication and installation of gauge posts at river banks including cost of civil works in foundation embedded in 1:2:4 reinforced cement concrete pedestal block of size 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm including the cost of steel reinforcement. fixing and installation of bank operated cableways with instrument carriage for discharge observations for following river spans : Providing. pre-fabricated pole size 2.40 m long MS Gauge Post made of ISMC 100 x 40 with 6mm thickness and 2 m long Providing.1 3.000 2. U-clamps etc. fixing and installation of bank operated cableway system for discharge observation with current meter with sinker weight max up to 125 kg including double drum hydro-metric winch machine with manual operation suitable for horizontal and vertical movements of current meter and with the arrangement to operate silt sampler complete with automatic load break system and slip ring system including the cost of civil works.1. D shackles. finishing. conduction cable (co-axial) with snap hooks thimble etc complete as per direction of engineerin-charge up to 100 m span from 101 to 150 m span from 151 to 200 m span Each Each Each 11.2 Each Each Each 3.3 CWC Schedule of Rates .1.2 3.1.2. track cable.500 4. centering. Code No. reinforcement over the 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) cement concrete base of size 80 cm x 80 cm x 15 cm with 12 mm thick plastering complete and marking the gauge with synthetic enamel with standard metric gradation of 5 mm thickness in black & white alternately & red synthetic enamel of 5 mm of width at every 100 mm etc complete Reinforced Cement Concrete gauge post of size 15 cm x 10 cm (one side tapered in 5 cm length) made with 1:2:4 concrete mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) -1.300 3. 3.1 Each 3.400 3.25m long for machine side fitted with triple pulley block.1.1.0 3.1 3. Seasoned Sal Wood Gauge Post of size 15 cm x 10 cm (one side tapered in 5 cm length) a) 1. master plate and other fixing bolts. shuttering. instruments carriage.2012 Page 19 .000 15.2 3.1.80 m long b) 2.1.000 18. 1.3.000 5.000 slip ring system including all civil works. 3. fixing and installation of bank operated cableways with cradle for discharge observations for following river spans : Providing.000 Page 20 CWC Schedule of Rates .000 1. master plate and other fixing bolts nuts.6 3. anchor bolt.5 Each Each Each m 17. 3.500 10.6. D shackles. U clamps etc.000 7.3. conduction cable (co-axial) with snap hooks thimble etc complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge up to 100 m span from 101 to 150 m span from 151 to 200 m span Providing and fixing of 25 mm diameter steel guide ropes across the river for discharge observation Annual maintenance of steel boat. pre fabricated pole size 2. fixing and installation of bank operated cable way system with cradle of capacity 1000 kg weight to take the discharge observation by using current meter sensor with sinker weight max upto 125 kg including double drum hydro-metric winch machine with manual operation suitable for horizontal and vertical movements of current meter and with the arrangement to operate silt sampler complete with automatic load break system. towing cable.000 23.50 m long Annual Maintenance including painting of Steel boat 3.5 m long both sides (Inner and Outer surface) with synthetic enamel of approved brand including application of one or more coat(s) before applying the layer of putty of approved brand and water contact surface painted with black anti-corrosive bitumastic paint of approved brand with one or more coat(s) after removing of old layer of paint etc complete.25.1 Each 750 3.200 Each 5. Painting and marking on gauge post Painting of gauge post 1.1.3. pre fabricated pole size 2.3 3. instruments carriage. track cable.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Providing.6.1. Black and White with standard metric gradation marking of 5 mm thickness in black & white alternately & red synthetic enamel of width 5 mm at every 50 mm etc complete Painting/Marking of gauge (Water Level) on bridge piers and abutments with synthetic enamel of approved brand & manufacture to give an even shade by two or more coats and marking the gauge with Japan paint Red.25 m long on the other side fitted with single pulley block.3 3.25 m long for machine side fitted with triple pulley block. Code No.25.1.4 3.2 3. Black and White with standard metric gradation marking of 5 mm thickness in black & white alternately & Red synthetic enamel of width 5 mm at every 50 mm etc complete a) up to 5 m depth b) up to 10 m depth c) up to 15 m depth d) up to 30 m depth Unit Rate Rs.8 m long with synthetic enamel of approved brand & manufacture to give an even shade by two or more coats and marking the gauge with Japan paint Red.2012 .2 3. foundation bolts with nut and washers. 1.1 Each 2.3 CWC Schedule of Rates . Supply. testing and commissioning of real time (satellite based) data communication system and data logger with display unit with all equipment and accessories such as satellite transmitter.8. lightening arrestor and earth system in NEMA4 enclosure with all connectors and cables including integration of the system with earth receiving stations. installation.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Supply. batteries. Civil works for fixing of DCP on mast/wall. testing and commissioning of automatic snow gauge sensors for measurement of snow depth. installation.7.1. testing and commissioning of automatic water lavel measurement station with satellite communication system : Supply.000 3.70.1. complete as per direction of engineer-in charge. installation. etc.2 Each 90.1 Each 3. installation. charge regulator.7. conduit pipe including construction of mast. lightening arrestor and earth system in NEMA4 enclosure with all connectors and cables including integration of the system with earth receiving stations. Code No.9 3.2 Each Each 5. testing and commissioning of automatic rainfall sensors (tipping bucket type) complete with accessories.000 3. installation. snow density and snow water equivalent. Civil works for fixing of DCP on mast/wall.2012 . charge regulator. 3.00. complete. conduit pipe including construction of mast.1.9.8. complete as per direction of engineer-in charge. charge regulator.7.000 3. Civil works for fixing of DCP on mast/wall.9.000 Page 21 3. etc.1. installation.1.000 3. Supply. power supply unit including solar panel.3 Each 60.00. testing and commissioning of real time (satellite based) data communication system and data logger with display unit with all equipment and accessories such as satellite transmitter.1. installation.1.000 Each 5. testing and commissioning of automatic rain fall station with satellite communication system : Supply. testing and commissioning of automatic snow measurement station with satellite communication system : Supply. testing and commissioning of radar level sensors with a measuring range up to 35 m with an accuracy of ± 5 mm complete with accessories. etc.7 3. complete with accessories.1. power supply unit including solar panel. batteries.3. installation. conduit pipe including construction of triangular tower/mast/concrete tower in river bed.9. Unit Rate Rs.1. lightening arrestor and earth system in NEMA4 enclosure with all connectors and cables including integration of the system with earth receiving stations.1 3. testing and commissioning of real time (satellite based) data communication system and data logger with display unit with all equipment and accessories such as satellite transmitter. batteries.000 3.8. installation.1. Supply.1.00.8 3.00.2 Each 5. Supply.000 10. Supply. power supply unit including solar panel.3 Each 10.000 3. installation.1. evaporation pan with automatic gauge sensor Supply.0 m X 1. installation. Extra for triangular structural steel tower 3. power supply unit including solar panel.000 25. testing and commissioning of automatic weather station with satellite communication system consisting of rain fall sensor.12.2 3.5% of the cost price Unit Rate Rs.2 Each 90. conduit pipe etc. testing and commissioning of evaporation pan with automatic gauge sensor complete with accessories. testing and commissioning of wind speed and wind direction sensor complete with accessories.10. complete.10.10. Supply.000 25.12.000 3.000 3. testing and commissioning of air temperature and relative humidity sensor. Supply. installation.000 3. Supply. installation.1. lightening arrestor and earth system in NEMA4 enclosure with all connectors and cables including integration of the system with earth receiving stations.12.12. testing and commissioning of real time (satellite based) data communication system and data logger with display unit with all equipment and accessories such as satellite transmitter.9 3. relative humidity sensor. Supply.1 3.8 Each Each 5.000 25.0 m X 1. installation.2012 Page 22 .10 3.11 Each 30.5 3. testing and commissioning of barometric pressure sensor complete with accessories. installation.3 3. 3.1.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Supply.12 3.0 m of M-20 grade concrete AMC Charges for aforesaid specialized equipment after commissioning at site For first two years (Under Warranty) From 3rd to 5th year From 6th to 10th year After 10 years onwards Per annum -do-do-doNIL 3% of the cost price 5% of the cost price 7. testing and commissioning of automatic rainfall sensors (tipping bucket type) complete with accessories.10.000 Each Each Each Each Each Each 2. complete with accessories. installation.000 3.1.10. water level sensor.0 m high made up of 40 mm diameter pipe interconnected with 12 mm diameter MS bar with base plate.7 3. painting etc complete and fixed in concrete block of size 1. barometric pressure sensor. Supply. Supply.1. installation.1 3. solar radiation sensor.10.10. testing and commissioning of solar radiation sensor complete with accessories.3.1.6 3.4 CWC Schedule of Rates .1. Code No.1.000 25.10. charge regulator. air temperature. testing and commissioning of radar level sensors with a measuring range up to 35 m with an accuracy of ± 5 mm complete with accessories. Civil works for fixing of DCP and sensors on mast/wall. wind speed and wind direction sensor. installation. batteries. Supply.000 60.10.3 3. 0 m contour interval Establishment of different types of Bench Mark of standard specifications including its painting.4 3.000 with 1m contour intervals: In semi barren/barren land in flat terrain In moderate to thick forest cover in flat terrain In semi barren/barren land in hilly/mountainous terrain In moderate to thick forest cover in flat hilly/mountainous terrain Cadastral Survey (Boundary Survey) complete including cost of manpower.2.1 3.2.0 3. labour.2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule of Rates for Topographic Survey Description Geodetic Survey of an area on different scales and preparation of topographical maps in requisite scales to supply them in both soft and hard formats with four copies complete.2. labour.1.5. etc.1 3.1 3.4 3.500 570 4.000 24.4. as per directions of engineer-in-charge.3 Sq km 17.200 31.1. as per directions of engineer-in-charge Musto type Bench Mark Temporary Bench Mark Double Levelling Survey for control points In Plain Terrain In Semi hilly Terrain Each Each Km Km camp equipage.2 3. engraving etc complete including cost of manpower.2.000 52.500 91. etc. etc.2 3. camp equipage.4 3.1. surveying instruments.2.200 Sq km Sq km Sq km Sq km Sq km Sq km Sq km 19.2.2 3.1.500 On scale of 1:1.2.3 3.2. as per directions of engineer-in-charge Aerial survey by Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) for large areas and preparation of topographic maps in 1: Code No. material.2.3. On scale of 1:5.2.1. transportation.3 3.2.2 CWC Schedule of Rates . surveying instruments.1 3. including cost of manpower.2 3.2.000 with 2–3 m contour intervals: In semi barren/barren land in flat terrain In moderate to thick forest cover in flat terrain In semi barren/barren land in hilly/mountainous terrain In moderate to thick forest cover in flat hilly/mountainous terrain Sq km 41. 31.500 42.600 Unit Rate Rs.1.200 3.4.100 8. labour. 3.1.2 Sq km 14.2012 Page 23 .000 scale with 1. transportation.1 3. 6 3.2. labour.7.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description River cross section survey and preparation of maps in requisite scales to supply them in both soft and hard formats with four copies complete.1.2.2. surveying instruments.1. Code No.6.6. as per directions of engineer-in-charge. transportation.8 -Km -Km -Km transportation.8.2 3.2.2012 .3 3.1 3. etc. labour.2 3.2. etc.2.000 Sq km Sq km Sq km 20.7.1 3. surveying instruments.1 3.000 80.7. By wading in very shallow reaches Up to 10 km Beyond 10 km By boat in moderate depth Up to 10 km Beyond 10 km By motor launch in deep reaches Up to 10 km Beyond 10 km Hydrographic survey to depict river/reservoir bed profile and preparation of maps in requisite scales to supply them in both soft and hard formats with four copies complete.000 1.2.7. as per directions of engineer-in-charge.2. surveying instruments.3.3.000 3.3 3.000 -do-do-do- 12.1.7 Each cross section -do-do-do-do-do- 6.000 3. labour.2 3.000 10.2. including cost of manpower.1 8.1 as per directions of engineer-in-charge.6. camp equipage.6.3 3.000 16.2.2 3.6. camp equipage.2.6.2. transportation.2.000 10. At 20 m grid interval At 10 m grid interval At 5 m grid interval Inspection of hydraulic structures under water by remotely operated camera excluding traveling allowance for technical officers Unit Rate Rs. 3.000 Page 24 CWC Schedule of Rates . camp equipage.3 3.2.3 3. etc. 3.1 12. including cost of manpower.2 3.2 600 20.6. By wading in very shallow reaches River span up to 100 m River span from 101 to 1000 m River span beyond 1000 m By boat in moderate depths River span up to 100 m River span from 101 to 1000 m River span beyond 1000 m By motor launch in deep reaches River span up to 100 m River span from 101 to 1000 m River span beyond 1000 m Longitudinal river survey and preparation of maps in requisite scales to supply them in both soft and hard formats with four copies complete.3.1 3.000 Per Visit 2.2. including cost of manpower.1 600 40. 3.2 3.2. 0 m up to 4.5 3.1. etc.4 Back filling of Exploratory Pits/Trenches of size 3m x 3m with excavated material with varying depth: Cum up to 1. Code No.0 m up to 4.000 CWC Schedule of Rates .3.1.0 m Cum up to m up to 5. transportation and assembling of Drilling Machines of different capacity complete by head load including cost of labour.2 3.5 m Cum up to 3.2.1 3. T&P.2.1.5 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule of Rates for Geotechnical Investigations Description Excavation of Exploratory Pits/Trenches of size 3m x 3m in different strata with varying depths and vertical lifts as per site conditions including labour.2.3.0 m up to 7.1. T&P.0 m up to 3.3.0 m Cum up to 7.4 3.6 3.1 3.0 m up to m In soft rock formations with depth: up to 3.0 m up to 6.3.0 m Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum 190 220 260 290 340 390 430 370 420 480 530 600 680 750 Unit Rate Rs.5 m up to 3.0 m up to complete as per directions of engineer-in-charge In mixed soil conditions with varying depth: up to 1.0 3.1.1 3.2 3.2012 Page 25 .1.3.2 3. etc as per directions of engineer-in-charge. Each (a) up to 100 m lead machine (b) up to 500 m lead -do- 120 130 150 170 200 230 260 21.3.0 m Dismantling.3 3.0 m up to 6.0 m Cum up to 3.6 3.1.5 m up to m up to 7.6 3.7 3.000 30.1.3 3.2 m Cum up to 4.1.0 m Cum up to 8.1 3.1. 3.7 3.2.1. 350 3.3.300 26.6.4 3.000 4.62.600 3.6.000 6. In overburden soil and sandy strata up to 100 m depth In overburden soil and sandy strata mixed with boulders up to 100 m depth In soft rock formation up to 100 m depth beyond 100 m and up to 300 m depth beyond 300 m depth m m m m m T&P and POL as per directions of engineer-in-charge. SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Unit Rate Rs.5 m complete with cost of all labour.6. Code No.1.1 3.3 3.3.2 3. their marking and taking colour photographs of the preserved cores etc complete with cost of all labour.6.100 11.3.900 Page 26 CWC Schedule of Rates . material.400 8.6. Each Laying of Temporary Water Supply Pipelines (25 mm diameter and above) of varying lengths from the nearest water source and construction of Temporary Water Retaining Pit of size 2 m x 1 m x 0.6.7 - 3.3.5 3.3 11.1 51.3 3.2 3.3.000 3.1.000 82.3.100 7.300 3.3.6 3.3.7. unloading and security complete (a) up to 100 km Each trip (b) add extra for every 50 km -doConstruction of Platform with locally available material of size 6 m x 6 m x 1 m for housing the Drilling Machine complete with cost of labour.7.200 14.700 3. Including the cost of GI pipes and fittings: up to 200 m up to 500 m up to 750 m up to 1 km up to 2 km up to 4 km Excluding the cost of GI pipes and fittings: up to 200 m up to 500 m up to 750 m up to 1 km up to 2 km up to 4 km Carrying out of Diamond Core Drilling in NX size in different formations and at locations other than under water not involving construction of floating platform including preservation of cores in core boxes of standard dimensions made of seasoned local wood as per BIS standards.1. material.22.000 1. Machines.3.3. T&P and transport as per directions of engineer-in-charge.1 3.3.1 3.6. Pumps and accessories by 10 T capacity motor vehicles including loading.2012 .3.5 3.2 3.5 Transportation cost of Drilling equipment like.000 3.7.6 3.1. 3. T&P and transport as per directions of engineer-in-charge.6.3.1 3.2. 800 5.100 T&P length of and transport as per directions of engineer-in-charge.11.200 15 % on rates Code No.1 m in all respect as per direction of engineer-in-charge Fabrication and supply of seasoned wooden Core Box of size 1. per meter fitting and fixing in position complete with cost of all labour.3.7. 3.1.10 11.1 3.13.100 12.12 No.11.000 10.8.2 3.3 m x 0.8.2 3. wooden/steel supports (to be supplied by the department) complete and as per directions of engineer-in-charge.0 m x 3. Unit m m m m Rate Rs.3.1 3.000 2.3. handles etc complete in all respect as per direction of engineer-in-charge.1 m with wooden separators.3.8. hinges.8.2012 .4 20.500 7.1.1 3. T&P complete as per direction of engineer-incharge.4 3.13.300 6. T&P and POL. 8.3.14 Each 1.000 m x drift Erection of Steel Supports in drift including cost of materials.1 3.000 3.500 3.5 3.3.500 3.9 In soft rock formation/overburden: up to 30 m long Cum from 30 m to 100 m long Cum from 100 m to 500 m long Cum beyond 500 m long Cum In Hard Rock formation: Cum up to 30 m length Cum from 30 m to 100 m long Cum from 100 m to 500 m long Cum beyond 500 m long Erection of Wooden Supports in drift including cost of materials.000 3.3.2 3.0 m using heavy duty steel drums of industrial use including cost of allied materials. drift Making approach path and cutting of steps in hilly terrain Per 100 m including cost of labour and T&P complete length for 1.8 3.3.000 3.13 3. Water Permeability Tests at different depths: up to 100 m from 100 m to 300 m more than 300 m Fabrication and supply of Steel Core Box made of 20 gauge MS Sheet of size 1.400 3.2 3.3 m x 0.2.5 m x 0.3.400 11. per meter fitting and fixing in position complete with cost of all labour.500 5.0 m wide path -doConstruction of Floating Platform of size 9.3.15 Each 2. T&P length of and transport as per directions of engineer-in-charge.3.3.4 3.11 3.40.000 4.7.3 3.8. excluding cost of explosive materials. 3.1 3.5 m wide path for 3.1 3.800 3.8.000 Page 27 CWC Schedule of Rates . Each Each Each 4.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description In hard rock formation upto 100 m depth beyond 100 m and up to 300 m depth beyond 300 m depth Extra for angular drilling in different strata Excavation of drift in different formation with cost of all labour. labour. 0 3.0 3.0 12.5 2.0 4.0 2.0 6.0 DPR Studies Code Director Description Average Man Months Required for Studies Supporting Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Draftsman Staff Director Director Assistants 3.0 2.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES 3.4.5 3. preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD including design memorandum and writing of Design chapters for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW CWC Schedule of Rates .4.2 3.0 4.3.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 2.5 1.3 3.4.3 1.0 3.0 8.0 1.4.0 2.2 3.5 5.0 2.2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 6.1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2012 Page 28 .0 1.0 1.0 5.0 4.0 6.4 Schedule of Rates for Specialized Studies 3.5 3.1.0 2.4.5 1.1 3.0 0.4 Project Hydrology Studies : Detailed studies for estimation of water availability.0 3.2.5 1.0 0.5 0.1 1.0 1.0 1. design flood & sedimentation studies including writing of the report for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW Designs of Dam/Barrages/Head Works and Other Appurtenant Structures : Civil Design of structures. 0 2.4.0 2.5 3.4.5 0.4.0 4.0 3.0 2.3 3.2 3.5 1.0 10.2012 .4 3.3.0 5.1 Hydel Civil Designs : Civil Design of structures and preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD.0 1.0 4.0 10.0 0.0 8.0 4.Mechanical Designs : Hydro Mechanical Design of structures and preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD.3.0 1.0 2.4.1 1.0 Page 29 CWC Schedule of Rates .2 3.1 1.4.0 5.0 1.0 11.0 5.0 1. design memorandum and writing of Design chapters for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW Hydro.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 1.3.0 2.0 4.0 2.5 2.3.0 2.0 - 3.0 3.5 1.0 0.4.4 3.0 1.0 4.5 2.3 3.4.0 2.4.0 1.0 4. design memorandum and writing of Design chapters for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW EIA Studies for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity Scoping and preparation of ToR Base line survey for Collection of data EIA & Socio Economic Studies including compilation of data & preparation of Report 11.4.0 5.0 1.5 3.3.0 3.0 8.0 1.5 2.0 10.0 5.0 3.4.5 5.0 8.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Code Director Description Average Man Months Required for Studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants Staff 3.0 1.0 3.0 10.0 10.4.0 1.5 2. 0 10.0 10.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Code Director Description Average Man Months Required for Studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants Staff 3.6.0 0.0 10.0 22.0 0.0 4.0 2.75 1.0 3.0 5.0 5.5 1.4.5 0.6.0 2.0 - 2.5.5 2.75 1.0 4.4 for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW Scoping and preparation of ToR Base line survey for Collection of data EIA & Socio Economic Studies including compilation of data & preparation of Report for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW Scoping and preparation of ToR Base line survey for Collection of data EIA & Socio Economic Studies including compilation of data & preparation of Report for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW Scoping and preparation of ToR Base line survey for Collection of data EIA & Socio Economic Studies including compilation of data & preparation of Report Power Potential Studies : Power optimization studies and preparation of Detailed Report for Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW CWC Schedule of Rates .4.0 2.0 8.6.0 24.4.0 6.0 - 5.0 3.0 - 0.0 3.1 0.5.0 3.0 1.6 0.5 8.0 2.6.5 2.4.0 16.0 1.0 4.3 3.5 3.0 22.0 1.4.2012 Page 30 .0 1.0 8.0 6.4.0 1.4.0 5.0 2.3.5 0.2 3.4 44.5 1.0 1.0 4.0 44.0 10.25 0.0 9.0 12.4.0 12.5.3 5.0 - 5.2 16.0 3.0 8.0 3. 0 4.0 2.4 Electro Mechanical Studies : Electro Mechanical Studies.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.8.0 0.4.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 2.2 3.0 1.8.5 1.8.0 3.5 0.3 3.0 - - 0.75 1.5 3.0 5.2012 Page 31 .75 1.0 10.5 0.0 4.2 3.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Code Director Description Average Man Months Required for Studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants Staff 3.0 preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD and preparation of Detailed Report for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW Construction/Equipment Planning & Schedule: Construction/Equipment Planning & Schedule Studies including preparation of Scheduling charting CPM/PERT and preparation of Detailed Report for minor irrigation projects/ Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW CWC Schedule of Rates .0 2.4 3.4.3 3.4.0 10.0 3.5 5.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 1.0 4.5 2.4.0 0.7 3.1 1.8 3. 4.8 1.9 0. aggregate) 3. making trial pits.1 0.1 0.2 Rockfill Dam Field work for identification Demarcation Collection of samples (Clay.1 0.4.5 0.5 9.4 2.0 2.4 1.0 5.8 2.9.6 3.4.4 for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW 3.0 1.1 Earthen Dam of quarries and Coarse and Fine 0.10.0 Cost estimation : Estimation of quantities.9.1 for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity 3.0 - 1.10.5 11.75 1. demarcation on map and collection of samples (excluding the cost for blasting.4.4.10 Construction Material Survey including Reconnaissance Survey for identification of Quarries.4.9.0 - 12. aggregate) CWC Schedule of Rates . Lab testing) and preparation of report 3.3.3 for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW 3.0 1.5 0.1 - 0.2012 Page 32 .0 - 8.4. transportation.4.0 3.5 0.2 1.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Code Director Description Average Man Months Required for Studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants Staff 3.2 for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW 3.0 of quarries and Coarse and Fine 0.3 0.5 3.0 1.5 6.0 0.5 1. analysis of rates and prepration of cost estimates for Detailed Project Report as per CWC Guide Lines 3.5 4.0 6.9.3 0.0 Field work for identification Demarcation Collection of samples (Clay. 0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Code Director 0.10.5 2.1 1.4.1 Identification of sites for SMA & MEQ 3.0 1.0 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.0 6.5 1. Coarse and Fine aggregate) 3.4 for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW CWC Schedule of Rates .4.6 5.13.3 1.4 for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW 3.5 5.13.0 1.12 Seismic Studies : Collection of data.0 2.11.0 0.0 8.0 2.2 Collection and Interpretation of data 3.4.2 for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW 3.5 3. Data and Preparation of Detailed Project Report as per CWC Guide Lines 3.0 4.0 1.2 for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW 3.13 Compilation of Studies. 2.0 1.3 3.6 2.11 Irrigation Planning Studies : Collection of data. Carrying out detailed studies including writing of the Report 3.0 10.4.1 0.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 2.4.0 4.0 0.0 1.4.0 2.0 0.3 for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW 3.0 3.5 2.0 1.0 4.0 3.1 Concrete Dam Field work for identification of quarries and Demarcation Collection of samples (Clay.0 0.4.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 4.4.13. Carrying out detailed studies including writing of the report 3.1 for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity 3.0 8.0 4.0 1.4.3 for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW 3.5 1.4.0 1.0 0.6 0.0 1.5 - - 36.0 1.0 2.5 - Description Average Man Months Required for Studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants Staff 7.2012 Page 33 .0 5.0 2.1 for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity 3.5 2. 4.2012 Page 34 .2 Director level officer Detailed design and drawing for construction/implementation of water resources development projects Average Man Months required for studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants staff Code Description for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW 3. Head Works and Other Appurtenant Structures : Civil Design of structures.4.15.3 for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW 3.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES 3.2 for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW 3.4 Schedule of Rates for Specialized Studies 3. Head Works and Other Appurtenant Structures : Civil Design of structures. preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD including design memorandum and writing of Design chapters 30 40 50 60 60 80 100 120 120 160 200 240 40 50 60 80 120 160 200 240 150 200 250 300 3.2 for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW 3.15 Designs of Barrages.4 for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW CWC Schedule of Rates .15.14.14 Designs of Dam. preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD including design memorandum and writing of Design chapters 40 50 60 70 140 280 120 240 100 200 80 150 40 50 60 80 150 200 240 280 150 200 250 300 for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity 3. 16.17.4 3.1 150 200 250 300 3.16 50 60 72 80 200 300 80 144 288 60 120 240 50 100 200 40 200 240 288 350 3.17 70 100 120 150 220 180 160 140 140 160 180 250 3.4.0 Director level officer Average Man Months required for studies Deputy Assistant Technical/Design Supporting Draftsman Director Director Assistants staff SCHEDULE OF RATES Code Description 3.2 .1 160 200 216 250 160 200 216 250 50 60 72 100 150 200 288 300 150 200 288 300 Page 35 3. design memorandum and writing of Design chapters for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW Electro Mechanical Studies : Electro Mechanical Studies.17.17.4 Hydel Civil Designs : Civil Design of structures and preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD.3.4.4.Mechanical Designs : Hydro Mechanical Design of structures and preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD.4.4 3.2 3.1 40 50 60 80 160 180 240 280 160 180 240 280 3. design memorandum and writing of Design chapters for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW Hydro. 3.18. preparation of drawings in AUTOCAD and preparation of Detailed Report for minor irrigation projects/Hydropower projects up to 25 MW installed capacity for medium irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity from 25 MW to 100 MW for major irrigation projects/Hydropower projects of installed capacity 100MW to 1000MW for mega hydropower projects of installed capacity more than 1000 MW CWC Schedule of Rates . 3.3 3.18.18 100 120 144 160 3.16. 5.2 Sqm 270 3.5. Sqm 180 3.4 Sqm 350 3.1.600 CWC Schedule of Rates . 3.2 Sqm 390 3.2. Unit Rate Rs.1.5.3 Sqm 300 3.1 Sqm 230 3.2.5. Flex with one side black and white printing with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer in Charge Design & Supply of Banners on good quality front lit 12 Oz. Star/LG Flex with one side Multi color solvent based printing [minimum 6 pass] with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer in Charge.1 3.3 Sqm 1.2 3.5 Code No.5.0 3.5. Design & Supply of banners on good quality front lit 12 Oz. Star/LG Flex with one side black and white printing with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer in Charge Design & Supply of Banners on good quality front lit 12 Oz.1.5.4 Sqm 1.1 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule of Rates for Mass Awareness Activities Description Cloth Banner Design and Supply of Banner on good quality Cotton Cloth with one side black and white printing with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge Design and Supply of Banner on good quality Cotton Cloth with one side colored printing with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge Design and Supply of Banner on good quality polyester Cloth with one side black and white printing with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge Design and Supply of Banner on good quality polyester Cloth with one side colored printing with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge Flex Banner Design & Supply of Banners on good quality front lit 12 Oz. Flex with one side Multi color solvent based printing [minimum 6 pass] with suitable hanging arrangement at four ends as per the direction of Engineer in Charge.3.300 Page 36 . 3.4.0 Code No. 100 nos 10 nos Each Each Each 15 20 35 3.3.4 3.400 100 CWC Schedule of Rates . 100 nos 10 nos 600 15 3.5.3 3.1 100 nos 10 nos Page 37 .5.1 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Posters Design and Supply of Poster on good quality Chromo Paper (Minimum 170 GSM) of different sizes with one side black and white printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge (On Order of Minimum 100 Posters) A2 size A1 size A0 size Design and Supply of Poster on good quality Chromo Paper (Minimum 170 GSM) of different sizes with one side color printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge (On Order of Minimum 100 Posters) A2 size A1 size A0 size Pamphlets/Leaflets (On Order of Minimum 100 pamphlets) Design and Supply of Pamphlets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with both side black and white printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 10 Nos each Design and Supply of Pamphlets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with both side colored printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 10 Nos each Design and Supply of Leaflets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with one side black and white printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 10 Nos each Design and Supply of Leaflets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with one side colored printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 10 Nos each Unit Rate Rs.1.1 3. 100 nos 10 nos 930 20 3. 3.1 3.5.2 3.500 200 3.1 Each Each Each 40 90 160 3.2 3.4.2. 5.2012 Page 38 .5.3 1000 nos 100 nos 18.5.900 1.1 Code No.800 800 3.6 3.1 3.6.000 360 5 1000 booklets Each Each 3.800 100 3.5.1 1000 nos 100 nos 3.2.500 3.1 3.1. 3.5. 3.2.1 320 15 3.1 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Pamphlets/Leaflets (On Order of Minimum 1000 pamphlets) Design and Supply of Pamphlets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with both side black and white printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 100 Nos each Design and Supply of Pamphlets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with both side colored printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 100 Nos each Design and Supply of Leaflets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with one side black and white printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 100 Nos each Design and Supply of Leaflets of A4 size on good quality Chromo/Fluorescent/Maplitho Paper (Minimum 90 GSM) with one side colored printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge For additional pamphlets – 100 Nos each Booklets On Order of Minimum 100 Booklets Design and Supply of Booklets of size 7”x10” sizes with maximum 50 pages on good quality Chromo Paper (Minimum 70 GSM) with both side printing with central stitch and copper pin as per the direction of Engineer in Charge Additional booklets Additional pages per booklet On Order of Minimum 1000 Booklets Design and Supply of Booklets of different sizes with maximum 50 pages on good quality Chromo Paper (Minimum 70 GSM) with both side printing with central stitch and copper pin as per the direction of Engineer in Charge Additional booklet Additional pages per booklet Unit Rate Rs. CWC Schedule of Rates .2 1000 nos 100 nos 3.2 100 booklets Each Each 44.5.000 180 3.5.4 1000 nos 100 nos 1.5 5.5.000 200 3.5 Sqm size Unit Rate Rs.5.2 3.8.54 Sqm - 8.6 m x 0.1 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Certificates On Order of Minimum 10 Certificates Design and Supply of Certificates of A4 size on good quality Glossy Paper (Minimum 250 GSM) with one side printing as per the direction of Engineer in Charge Additional Certificates Diary On Order of Minimum 500 Diaries Design and Supply of Diaries of size 18 cm x 25 cm on 70 GSM maplitho paper having dates and days indicated on different pages with outside hard out cover in suitable colour and design as decided by Engineer in Charge with page marker and silk ribbon properly stitched and complete Additional numbers Translites Fabrication and supply of display Translites of maximum 0.7.2012 Page 39 .9.7.0 Code No. 50 Hz cycles AC along with 2 m supply lead wire are fitted inside the box with hanging arrangement at the back complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge.000 CWC Schedule of Rates . The front face of the box made out of special heavy duty sleek anodized aluminium section with groove to frame polycarbonate sheet.1 500 nos Each 1.5.7 3.5. 3.1 10 nos Each 120 10 Illumination tubes with fittings and accessories to operate at 230 V.8. 3.3. Additional 0.700 6.2 3.5.9 3.9.9 m size of the colour maps/charts/graphs/ photographs etc (to be supplied by the office) to be made with computerized photo realistic digital printing system on imported vinyl film mounted on 2.5.5 mm thick unbreakable imported poly carbonate sheets covered by cold lamination process in mat finish along with translite box of suitable size.8 3.2 0. 2 3. rock. suitable dust proof transparent covers of 5 to 6mm thick acrylic and standard BIS mark switches and wires of popular brand. penstock. depicting movement of water by LED lights having wooden frame and sunmica top.6 m x 0. Illumination tubes with fittings and accessories to operate at 230 V 50 Hz cycles AC along with 2 m supply lead wire are fitted inside the box with hanging arrangement at the back.12.11. roads along with project features such as intake.5.500 6.000 Page 40 CWC Schedule of Rates . different textures of field such as sand.5.3.54 Sqm - 11.12 3 Sqm - 1. river. Additional 0. reservoir etc having wooden frame and sunmica top. structures.1 3.2012 .18. different textures of field such as sand. suitable dust proof transparent covers of 5 to 6mm thick acrylic and standard BIS mark switches and wires of popular brand.11. forest.5.11 0. valleys.1 3. power house. boulder. Code No. rock. structures.5.5 Sqm size Fabrication and Installation of Table Mounted Model of Water Resources Projects of different sizes made of fibre glass and acrylic sheets depicting the actual topography in suitable scale.5 mm thick unbreakable imported poly carbonate sheets covered by cold lamination process in mat finish along with movement facility of the slides at suitable speed mounted on steel stand with anti corrosive coating.9 m size of maximum eight number colour maps/charts/graphs/photographs etc (to be supplied by the office) to be made with computerized photo realistic digital printing system on imported vinyl film mounted on 2.000 3.80.500 3. 3.5. Up to 3m x 1m Additional 1Sq m Fabrication and Installation of Table Mounted Working Model of Water Resources Projects of different sizes made of fibre glass and acrylic sheets depicting the actual topography in suitable scale. penstock.5. river. power house. boulder. forest.2 3 Sqm - 1.5.10 3.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Scrolling Translites Fabrication and supply of revolving display Translites of maximum 0. Up to 3m x 1m Additional 1 Sqm Unit Rate Rs. reservoir etc.1 3. The front face of the box made out of special heavy duty sleek anodized aluminium section with groove to frame polycarbonate sheet.5.000 36.2 3. valleys.10. roads along with project features such as intake.10.000 44.5.12. 000 47. 3. boulder. structures.5.0 Code No.5. reservoir etc. roads along with project features such as intake. forest.3.13. having actual movement of water over structure and depicting water movements in the penstocks.13. rock. suitable dust proof transparent covers of 5 to 6mm thick acrylic and standard BIS mark switches and wires of popular brand. 3. river. Up to 3 m x 1m Additional 1 Sqm Unit Rate Rs.2012 Page 41 . valleys. different textures of field such as sand.5.1 3. penstock.96. tunnels etc by LED light having wooden frame and sunmica top. power house.2 3 Sqm - 1.13 SCHEDULE OF RATES Description Fabrication and Installation of Table Mounted Working Model of Water Resources Projects of different sizes made of fibre glass and acrylic sheets depicting the actual topography in suitable scale.400 CWC Schedule of Rates . 0 3.500 2.1 1.6.000 10.1.3 3.6.6. torch.6 Code 3.2 3.5 3.000 15.000 32.6.1 3.2 3.8 3.6.7 3.4 17.2 3.1 3.000 15.000 3.000 3% of cost price CWC Schedule of Rates .6.1 3. Month Month 11.11 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule Of Rates For Miscellaneous Works Description Outsourcing of Watch and Ward services including the cost of uniform.000 Month Month 3. whistle etc Monthly charges for providing one Security Guard without fire arms (8 hours daily service) Monthly charges for providing one Security Guard with fire arms (8 hours daily service) Monthly Hire Charges of Motor Car with Driver in uniform including maintenance and repairing of vehicle but without POL Non-AC Motor Car AC Motor Car Monthly Hire Charges of Motor Car including maintenance and repairing of vehicle but without Driver and POL Non-AC Motor Car AC Motor Car Monthly charges for hiring of Data Entry Operator with weekly rest Deployment of Multi Tasking Worker for different office and site works with weekly rest Deployment of Part Time Worker (Safaiwala/Mali/Waterman) for 4 hrs daily with weekly rest Hiring of Generator 250 KVA including maintenance without POL Hire Charges of Diesel Truck (9 Tonne) Hire Charges of differential Geo-positioning System Hire Charges of computer and accessories including Auto Plotter and Design Software such as ANSYS.2012 Page 42 . weakly off.6 34.3. STAAD etc AMC Charges of Computes and accessories ( Cost of spare parts to be paid separately) Unit Rate Rs.2 3.000 Month Month Month Month Month Day Day Month Month Per annum 10.9 3. Extended time : Automatically change to next Package Detention changes are applicable beyond 12 hrs.7 India Tourism Development Corporation Limited (Ashok Travels & Tours -Delhi Unit) Transport Terrif of ITDC Transport Tariff Effective from 1st May. Outstations Packages inclusive or Interstate Taxes Permit fee (Toll Tax extra) CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 43 . Honda City Corella/ Seieno Camery Mercedes Mercedes Coach Coach (AC) Tempo Temo Volvo AC Senz Benz 27/35 27/35 Traveller Traveller 40/45 /H Accord E.Class Seater Seater 45 Non-AC AC Seater CIVIC Non-AC STR. packages.NAC Non-AC Local Packages Hrs. Km Amb/ Esteem/ Inova/ Indica/ Indigo/ SX4 Ford Wagon R FordIkon Fiesta Travel/ Dizel/ Accent Half Day 1105 1419 1751 13 30 61 61 121 423 17 21 31 46 99 725 2554 3033 5697 7547 16470 2166 2543 4812 6340 12919 1757 2049 3272 4330 9759 15094 20053 24923 153 1037 4 45 646 966 1148 1962 2717 6036 8815 1771 3558 4908 5743 35 139 2252 4934 5933 6876 39 139 1392 2763 3340 4335 25 139 1531 3200 4175 5148 28 138 6900 16575 19143 22425 83 775 Full Day 8 80 Full Day 10 100 Full Day 12 120 Extra per Km. Extra per Hr.0 SCHEDULE OF RATES 3.2010 Lancer.3.Class S. Sikri/Delhi Delhi/Haridwar/ 16 500 7245 11176 12020 17316 25211 55032 Rishikesh Delhi/Haridwar/ 36 500 7607 11538 12553 19320 27773 57447 Rishikesh Delhi/Jaipur/ 16 600 8211 10953 12377 25056 29372 61209 Delhi Delhi/Jaipur/ 36 600 8573 11315 13958 28679 30158 53524 Delhi D e l h i / A g r a / 60 600 11755 15963 18949 34335 40563 91673 Jaipur/Delhi Extra per Km. 15 21 25 38 55 121 (Hill) Night Half 180 240 240 505 785 2415 charges 4. 13 17 21 31 45 99 (Plain) Extra per Km.3. Honda City Corella/ Seieno Camery /H Accord CIVIC Mercedes Senz E. Cancellation for local/Outstation bookings minimum 4 Hrs. CWC Schedule of Rates .0 Lancer.12% service tax would be charged as per Government order.NNon-AC SCHEDULE OF RATES Outstation Packages Hrs. Km Amb/ Esteem/ Inova/ Indica/ Indigo/ SX4 Ford Wagon R FordIkon Fiesta Travel/ Dizel/ Accent 68852 71267 85500 90122 86427 90050 93811 97434 136351 153 162 3625 33219 40746 35275 40563 56355 35 40 635 34946 30904 36179 40088 36304 44560 41315 48551 69976 39 51 695 31916 37355 25477 23595 27881 26325 32612 21606 24490 38405 25 32 560 27463 32903 21638 26597 31240 30335 34016 32005 38051 28816 31448 45363 28 38 550 46000 51750 50800 59800 50500 57500 59600 52100 92000 63 94 880 D e l h i / A g r a / 16 450 6448 9369 10379 15692 22279 44698 Delhi D e l h i / A g r a / 36 450 6810 9884 10813 18107 23069 47117 Delhi D e l h i / A g r a / 16 550 7782 11061 12155 19455 25384 55099 F. 45 km Packages shall be charged Coach transfer shall be applicable to further onwards duty.Sikri/Delhi D e l h i / A g r a / 36 550 6144 11423 12675 21880 28900 57514 F.Class Mercedes Benz S.2012 Page 44 .Class Coach Coach (AC) Tempo Temo Volvo AC 27/35 27/35 Traveller Traveller 40/45 Seater Seater Non-AC AC Seater Non-AC 45 AC STR. . SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS . . 4 Specimen/ sample 4.500 16.4” dia (100 mm) Impervious sample 4.15 Consolidation Undrained Triaxial test 1.5 mm) .800 9.1 Unconfined Compression Test (37.800 6.16 Drained Triaxial test . Disturbed samples .1.4 specimen/sample 4.1.5 Direct shear Test 10 cm x 10 cm.800 22.200 29.10 Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test without pore pressure measurements for 4” dia.5” dia with pore pressure (3 specimen/sample) 4.9 Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test with pore pressure measurements for 4” dia.5” dia (37. (37.000 70.1.5 mm dia) – 2 Specimens per sample 4.5” dia.800 11.200 Specimen/sample 4. (37.0 Code SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Unit Rate Rs.1.5 mm) .3 Direct shear Test 6 cm X 6 cm.1.1.5 mm) Impervious sample 2.1.700 68.5 mm) Pervious sample 4.11 Consolidation Undrained Triaxial test 1.700 15.5 mm) without pore pressure measurement Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test with pore pressure measurements for 1.4 specimen/sample 4.5” dia.2012 Page 45 .1.1.-3 Specimen/ sample 4.1.900 32.1.12 Drained Triaxial test .6 Direct shear Test 10 cm x 10 cm.1.8 Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial test without pore pressure measurements for 1.4 Specimen/sample 4. Undisturbed samples 4 specimen/sample 4.1. .5” dia (37. Mould) Samples in duplicate 4.900 CWC Schedule of Rates . 4.1.1 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING TESTS 4.5” dia (37. Disturbed samples . Disturbed samples .13 Drained Triaxial test .4 specimen/sample 4.4 Direct shear Test 6 cm X 6 cm.1.600 11.100 8.14 Consolidated Undrained Triaxial test with pore pressure measurements for 10 cm dia 4.2 Relative Density Test (3000 cu.1.800 7.700 8. 000 2.26 4.600 2.100 3.1.31 4.000 micron to 1200 microns Multi stage direct shear test on coarse grained soils (Sample size 30cm x 30cm) Unit Rate Rs.2012 .5 mm x 75 mm) .43 4.500 14.600 3.46 CWC Schedule of Rates .5 mm x 75 mm) .36 4.5” dia (37.1.300 1.35 4.1.4 Specimen Unconfined Compression test (Sample size 37. 23.1.2 Specimen Consolidation test using Automated Consolidometer (Sample size 63.45 4.500 Page 46 4.41 4.18 4.1.700 4.24 4.1.400 5.400 10.22 4.29 4.000 3.21 4. Permeability test on Canal lining material Sand Equivalent Test Modified Proctor Compaction Test Consolidated Undrained Triaxial shear test with pore pressure measurement (Sample size 37.0 Code 4.25 4.34 4.900 9.200 1.5 mm) 4 specimens/sample Torvane Shear Test Pocket Penetrometer test Lab.1.5 mm x 25.4mm) Particle size analysis of soil samples using Laser particle size analyzer Range 0.40 SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Consolidation Undrained Triaxial test 4” dia (100 mm) without pore pressure measurement Drained Triaxial test .600 2.32 4.28 4.000 4.200 2.38 4.1.400 3.5 mm x 75 mm) .100 17.33 4.1.000 4.27 4.30 4.400 10.20 4.44 4.4 Specimen Consolidated drained Triaxial shear test (Sample size 37.400 4.200 4.5 mm x 75 mm) .200 7.23 10.39 4.1.17 2.4” dia( 100 mm) Pervious sample Mechanical Analysis Standard Proctor Compaction Consolidation Test (with rebound) Atterberg Limits Shrinkage Limit Laboratory Permeability Test Specific Gravity In-situ Density and Moisture Content Laboratory vane shear test(undisturbed/remoulded samples) Double Hydrometer analysis Pin Hole Test Crumb Test CBR Test Swelling Pressure Test Free Swell Index Hydraulic fracturing test 1.600 12.4 Specimen Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial shear test with pore pressure measurement(Sample size 37.1.100 14. 000 3.7 Thickness Measurement of Geofabric 4.000 1.5 Large Size Direct Shear Test (Rockfill Material)(sample size 100cm length X 100cm width x 60 cm ht) 4.600 2.800 4.2.600 56.2 Setting time (Initial and Final) 4.4.5 Cone Drop test 4.9 Rod Puncture Strength Test Interface Friction Measurement of Geofabric 4.1 Normal Consistency 4.4 Mass per unit area of Geotextiles 4.12.5 TESTS FOR CONCRETE 4.5.000 20.600 92.6 Relative Density Test (Rockfill Material) 4.4 TESTS FOR GEOSYNTHETICS MATERIALS 4.4 Large Size Triaxial Shear Test under Cyclic Condition (Rockfill Material) (50cm dia x 100 cm height) 4.300 CWC Schedule of Rates .700 1.300 Specific Gravity Test (Rockfill Material) SOIL DYNAMICS TESTS 4.1 Strength test on one sample(set of 4 specimen at different stress rations) of cohesionless soil using Cyclic Triaxial test equipment 4.8 CBR Puncture Strength Test 4.800 1.100 48.2 Strength test on one sample (set of 4 specimen at different stress ratios) of cohesionless soil using Cyclic simple shear test equipment 4.4.2 One Dimensional Compression/Permeability Test (Rockfill Material) (Sample size 100 cm diameter X 60 cm height) Large Size Triaxial Shear Test under Cyclic Condition (Rockfill Material )( 50cm dia X 60 cm height ) 4.3 Apparent Opening Size of Geotextiles 4.100 2.500 4.700 6.000 2.2.4 Fineness (Sieving) 94.000 3.5.1 Ultimate Tensile Strength Testing charges for different materials on Electronic Tensile Testing machine (10 T) 4.400 5.2 Permeability test on Geotextile Code SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Unit Rate Rs.200 800 2.2012 Page 47 .3 ROCKFILL MATERIAL TESTS Fineness (Blaine’s) 4.3.100 1. 4.1 Large Size Triaxial Shear Test (Rockfill Material ) (38cm Dia X 81 cm Height) 4.3 Evaluation of Dynamic properties of one sample comprising of 3 specimen at different confining pressures using Resonant Column Device: I) Clayey Sample II) Sandy sample 4.600 7.000 1.94.4. 500 2.28 4.800 5.000 4.39 4.100 14.17 4.2012 .300 2.26 4.29 4.000 21.16 4.400 6.33 4.300 4.700 15.21 4.400 20.000 9.30 4.900 4.22 4.200 2.5.8 4.36 4.5. 7 & 28 days) Heat of Hydration Impact Test Abrasion Test (CA) Specific gravity (Coarse Aggregate) Percent Water Absorption(Coarse Aggregate) Soundness 5 cycles (Coarse Aggregate) Alternate wetting and drying (10 cycles) Unit weight (fine aggregate) Unit weight (coarse aggregate) Aggregate crushing value Alkali aggregate reactivity (Mortar bar test) Grading and fineness modulus Specific gravity (fine aggregate) Silt and clay content Organic impurities Mica content Soundness test (fine aggregate) Compressive strength of sand mortar Workability of concrete (slump cone) Testing of 1 set of 3 concrete cubes Unit weight of concrete Flexural strength of concrete Entrained air content of concrete Design of concrete mixes Permeability of concrete Pneumatic sand blast on Concrete Crushing strength 2” rock cubes Pneumatic sand blast in surface Tensile strength of M.900 5.20 4. 10.600 2.5.9 4.13 4.000 5.000 5.900 2.500 7.5.31 4.300 9.42 4.5.900 2.12 4.5.41 4.5.10 4.5.25 4.300 9.5.000 Page 48 CWC Schedule of Rates .6 4.S Bar Compressive strength of bricks (solid brick/5 nos) Compressive strength of bricks Perforated 5 nos Water absorption (cold water) Water absorption Arizona slant shear test Unit Rate Rs.5.5 4.200 2.5.43 SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Soundness test (Autoclave) Soundness (Lechatlier) Specific Gravity of cement Tensile Strength of cement Compressive Strength of Cement mortar (3.11 4.37 4.100 3.5.600 1.600 3.4.800 5.5.000 8.800 6.100 10.5.27 4.600 29.5.18 4.5.0 Code 4.40 4.5.23 4.5.000 3.35 4.600 4.600 12.15 4.200 3.5.7 4.24 4. 6.300 6.500 Drying shrinkage test for epoxy mortar Specific heat of concrete Thermal conductivity Compressive strength of epoxy mortar Efflorescence Warpage (for solid and perforated bricks) Lime reactivity test Water absorption of masonry rock/stone Porosity of masonry stone/rock Durability test of masonry rock Transverse strength of building stone Bond test for M.6.60 Accelerated Alkali Aggregate test (Mortar Bar test) 4.grinding & polishing – 1 core 4.500 44.5.56 SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Unit Rate Rs.900 8.200 1.58 Water Retention by concrete curing materials 4.4.63 Underwater Abrasion test as per ASTM for a set of 3 concrete cylindrical samples 4. 4.000 13.5.300 30.2 Cutiing of rock cores.100 13.64 Bond strength of epoxy –resin system Used with concrete by slant shear (Set 3 cylinders for bond strength and one Cylinder for compression 4.5.400 29.900 2.5.400 CWC Schedule of Rates .62 Accelerated Pozzalonic Activity Index test on Micro Silica 4.6.500 8.8 Laboratory testing of heat capacity of soil (3 specimens per sample) Specific heat test (3 specimens per sample) 4.6.000 Percent water absorption of fine aggregate (Natural/ crushed/Blended) 4.Ax.400 3. 4.900 11.48 4.6 ROCK MECHANICS TESTS 4.700 25.600 11.61 Elastic Parameters of Concrete cylinder (15 x 30 cm) set of 3 cylinders 4.53 4.6.44 Electrical resistively test for core (upto 3 parameters) 4.5.600 Code 4.51 4.3 Cutting of rock cubes (5cm size) – 1 no.5.4 Cutting of rock cubes (10 cm size) – 1 no. 5.1 core 16.Bx.47 4.52 4.400 5.5.100 8. 3.Nx).500 11.2012 Page 49 .5.5.45 4.000 3.57 Testing of one set of 3 concrete cylinders (50 x 100 cm) 4. 4.6.5 Cutting of rock cubes (15 cm size) – 1 no.50 4.400 37. grinding and Polishing (Ex.9 Compression and shear wave velocity – 1 sample 27.000 4.200 8.800 5.46 4.1 Drilling & Cutting of rock cores.55 4.49 4.S bars (medium tensile steel bars) Testing of concrete and Rock cubes (30 cm) on Bi-axial test equipment 4.5.800 11.54 4.6.200 35. .000 2.13 Water Soluble Chlorides in materials of construction 4.100 61.500 400 17.15 Active Alkalis of the aggregate (French Method) 4.000 7. 4.16 Chemical Analysis of Admixtures 4.18 Schmidt Rebound Hardness – 1 core 4.10 4.600 7.800 7.5 Sulphide Sulphur in cement 4.7.11 4.6.18 Durability of resin capsule for rock bolting 12.800 17.7.8 Alkali Aggregate Reactivity Test (24 hrs.6.100 CWC Schedule of Rates .6.100 2.12 Acid Soluble Chlorides in materials of construction 4.15 Tri-axial shear test 4.7.14 Flexural strength – 5 cores 4.7 Cement Content in set Cement Mortar/Concrete 4.6.500 11.100 22.7.600 28.12 SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Unit Rate Rs.500 1.7.3 Complete Chemical Analysis of Water (upto 20 inorganic Parameters) 4.7.400 2.10 Acid Soluble Sulphate in Materials of Construction 4.19 Dorry’s Abrasion test (1 samples=2 specimens) 4.500 1.17 Mohr’s hardness test – 1 core 4.17 Carbonation Depth in reinforced concrete 4.20 Slake durability test (1 sample = 2 specimens) 4.6 Free Lime Content 4. 14.6.300 2.400 32.2 Chemical Analysis of Seepage Water (Durability Studies) 4.400 7.Test) 4.14 Available Alkali in Flyash/Silica Fume 4.200 33.19 Total soluble salts in materials for construction 6.400 Point load index test – 10 samples 4.9 Alkali Aggregate Reactivity (72 hrs) 4.1 Chemical Analysis of Water for Construction (Upto 8 parameters) 4.11 Water Soluble Sulphate in materials of construction 3.900 9.7 TESTS FOR CONCRETE CHEMISTRY 4.700 8.16 Static Elastic parameters (Tangent modulus and Poisson’s ratio) 4.900 11.23 Joint Roughness coefficient – 1 sample 4.21 Direct shear test on discontinuities – 5 cores Page 50 .000 3.4 Chemical Analysis of Cement Pozzalona/Lime/Rock etc.7.100 Tensile strength (Brazilian) – 5 cores Direct Tensile strength – 5 cores Physical properties of rock samples(1 sample = 2 specimens) 4.200 Code 4.900 17.13 Uni-axial compression test – 5 cores 1.7.7. 31 4.7.000 7.7.26 4.7.200 4.300 5.25 4.7.35 Note: SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Determination of Organic matter Loss on Ignition Specific element determination using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer pH Value Determination of Calcium carbonate content Alkali Content in Materials of construction Determination of Organic Carbon Determination of Cat ion Exchange capacity Dispersive Characteristics of Soils (Chemical method) Chemical composition of soil Total soluble salts in materials of construction Soluble sulphate in materials of construction Soluble chlorides in materials of construction Zinc coating test on GI wires for a set of 3 samples Uniformity of zinc coating test on GI wires (3 samples) Mass of zinc coating test on GI wires for 3 samples Unit Rate Rs.7.7.000 1.800 1.300 1.100 3.7.32 4.7.22 4.200 900 1. CWC Schedule of Rates .7.7.20 4.23 4.34 4.7.28 4.27 4.100 28.21 4.2012 Page 51 .7.7.800 1.33 4.7.2011. 3.30 4.000 1.4.600 3.29 4.0 Code 4.7.500 900 700 The above rates are effective from 1. 7.7.000 1.7.20 4.2011.29 4.7.34 4.000 1.31 4. CWC Schedule of Rates .23 4.200 1.33 4.300 5.300 900 1.28 4.26 4.35 Note: SCHEDULE OF CSMRS FOR LABORATORY TESTS Description Determination of Organic matter Loss on Ignition Specific element determination using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer pH Value Determination of Calcium carbonate content Alkali Content in Materials of construction Determination of Organic Carbon Determination of Cat ion Exchange capacity Dispersive Characteristics of Soils (Chemical method) Chemical composition of soil Total soluble salts in materials of construction Soluble sulphate in materials of construction Soluble chlorides in materials of construction Zinc coating test on GI wires for a set of 3 samples Uniformity of zinc coating test on GI wires (3 samples) Mass of zinc coating test on GI wires for 3 samples Unit Rate Rs.7.4.2012 Page 51 .7. 3.7.25 4.32 4.800 900 700 The above rates are effective from 1.7.100 28.7.000 7.100 3.800 1.7.27 4.600 3.21 4.0 Code 4.22 4.24 4. MODEL LIST OF T&P . . 0 5. Painting Brushes. CWC Schedule of Rates . MODEL LIST OF T&P Gauge Site Particulars Quantity 01 01 10 04 01 01 05 05 03 02 02 03 02 01 01 01 01 02 05 01 02 01 1 Metallic Tape 30 m 2 Auto Level with accessories & staff 3 Gauge Post 4 Target Poles 5 Maximum Minimum Thermometer (Digital) 6 Dry Wet Thermometer 7 Life Buoy 8 Life Jackets 9 Raincoat 10 Umbrella 11 Torch 12 Gum Boot 13 Bucket 14 Carpentry Tool set 15 Candle Water Filter 16 Calculator 17 Stevenson’s Screen 18 Table 19 Chair 20 Wireless with accessories 21 Maintenance free battery 22 Petromax Consumables 1 Paints.1 Sl. Data forms and stationary etc.5.2012 Page 52 . No. MODEL LIST OF T&P Gauge and Discharge site Particulars Quantity 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 10 04 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 05 05 01 05 03 03 05 03 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 03 05 01 01 02 1 Current Meter with accessories 2 Pigmy Current meter with accessories 3 Digital Counter 4 Fish Weight – 10 kg 5 Fish Weight – 25 kg 6 Sounding Weight.50 m each 19 Life Buoy 20 Life Jacket 21 Ranging Rods 22 Raincoat 23 Umbrella 24 Torch 25 Gum Boot pairs 26 Bucket 27 Carpentry Tool set 28 Candle Water Filter 29 Scientific Calculator 30 Stop Watch 31 Eco-Sounder 32 Boat Outfit 33 Bridge Outfit 34 Stevenson’s Screen 35 Table 36 Chair 37 Petromax 38 Wireless with accessories 39 Maintenance free battery Consumables 1 Paints.25 kg 8 Metallic Tape 30 m long 9 Auto Level with accessories & staff 10 Gauge Post 11 Target Poles 12 Ordinary Rain Gauge with measuring cylinder 13 Maximum Minimum Thermometer (Digital) 14 Dry Wet Thermometer 15 River Temperature Thermometer 16 Boat with accessories 17 O B Engine with accessories 18 Sisal/Nylon/Jute Rope. No. CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 53 .10 kg 7 Sounding Weight.5.2 Sl. Painting Brushes.0 5. Data forms and stationary etc. 2012 . Discharge and Water Quality site Particulars Current Meter with accessories Pigmy Current Meter with accessories Digital Counter Fish Weight – 10 kg Fish Weight – 25 kg Sounding Weight.10 kg Sounding Weight.50 m each Life Buoy Life Jacket Ranging Rods Raincoat Umbrella Torch Gum Boot pairs Bucket Carpentry Tool set Candle Water Filter Scientific Calculator Stop Watch Eco-Sounder Boat Outfit Bridge Outfit Stevenson’s Screen Table Chair Petromax Wireless with accessories Quantity 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 10 01 04 01 02 01 01 01 02 05 05 01 05 03 03 05 04 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 04 05 01 01 Page 54 CWC Schedule of Rates .5.3 Sl.25 kg Metallic Tape 30 m long Auto Level with accessories & staff Gauge post Dry Wet Thermometer Target Poles Ordinary Rain Gauge with measuring cylinder Maximum Minimum Thermometer (Digital) River Temperature Thermometer Boat with accessories O B Engine with accessories Sisal/Nylon/Jute Rope. No.0 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 MODEL LIST OF T&P Gauge. No. 2 Filter Paper. Glass Wares etc. Chemicals.0 MODEL LIST OF T&P Quantity 02 01 01 01 01 01 Sl.2012 Page 55 .5. Painting Brushes. Data forms and stationary etc. Particulars 39 Maintenance free battery 40 Conductivity Meter 41 DO meter 42 pH meter 43 Wireless with accessories 44 DO Sampler Consumables 1 Paints. CWC Schedule of Rates . 2012 .25 kg Metallic Tape 30 m long Auto Level with accessories & staff Gauge post Dry Wet Thermometer Target Poles Ordinary Rain Gauge with measuring cylinder Maximum Minimum Thermometer (Digital) River Temperature Thermometer Boat with accessories O B Engine with accessories Sisal/Nylon/Jute Rope.5.10 kg Sounding Weight. No. Silt and Water Quality site Particulars Current Meter with accessories Pigmy Current Meter with accessories Digital Counter Fish Weight – 10 kg Fish Weight – 25 kg Sounding Weight.3 Sl.0 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 MODEL LIST OF T&P Gauge.50 m each Life Buoy Life Jacket Ranging Rods Raincoat Umbrella Torch Gum Boot pairs Bucket Carpentry Tool set Candle Water Filter Scientific Calculator Stop Watch Eco-Sounder Boat Outfit Bridge Outfit Stevenson’s Screen Table Chair Petromax Wireless with accessories Quantity 02 01 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 10 01 04 01 02 01 01 01 02 05 05 01 05 03 03 05 03 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 04 05 01 01 Page 56 CWC Schedule of Rates . Discharge. 2 Filter Paper. Painting Brushes.0 Sl.2012 Page 57 .5. Data forms and stationary etc. MODEL LIST OF T&P Particulars Quantity 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 39 Maintenance free battery 40 Conductivity Meter 41 DO meter 42 pH meter 43 Wireless with accessories 44 DO Sampler 45 Silt Sampler 46 Sieves set 47 Oven 48 Physical Balance with Weight 49 Enamel Bucket & Mug 50 Desiccators 51 Gas Stove Consumables 1 Paints. Glass Wares etc. CWC Schedule of Rates . No. Chemicals. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF HIGH VALUE EQUIPMENT . 6.0 6.1 Sl. No. 6.1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical Specification of Hydro-meteorological Sensors Salient Features Tipping Bucket Rain gauge Sensor type Base material Collector material Rim material Collecting funnel Bucket size Range Resolution Accuracy Rainfall intensity Tip detector Output Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Water Level Sensor Sensor type Measuring Range Accuracy Beam angle of antenna Operating temperature Operating Relative Humidity Rotation range of mounting a) Lateral axis b) Longitudinal axis Type of protection with horizontal mounting Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Specification Tipping bucket cast metal - thermoplastic, FRP or Equivalent thick metal, FRP or Equivalent gun metal/brass or equivalent 200 mm internal diameter 0.5 mm equivalent rainfall 0 – 100 mm 0.5 mm 2% of reading or better up to 750 mm/hr reed switch pulsed output to Data Collection Unit Mounting shall be done on ground or on a raised platform or on a roof top along with DCU and all the accessories. 2 years after commissioning at site 6.1.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Radar Level up to 30 m ± 3 mm 10 to 15 º -40 to +55 º C 0 to 100% ±90 º ±15 º IP 67 Mounting shall above HFL below a bridge girder wherever available otherwise on a cantilever projection from a mast or pedestal made of structural steel or RCC with sufficient structural strength. 2 years after commissioning at site 8 9 10 6.1.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Air Temperature Sensor Sensor type Operational Range Accuracy Resolution Response time Self aspirated Platinum resistance or equivalent -5 to + 60 º C Within ± 0.1o C 0.1 º C 10 Secs or lesser To ensure continuous supply of air. Free from turbulence, water droplets and Radiation CWC Schedule of Rates - 2012 Page 58 6.0 Sl. No. 7 8 6.1.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Relative Humidity Sensor Sensor type Range Accuracy Resolution Response time Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Specification Mounting shall be done on a mast or tripod made of structural steel with sufficient foundation and structural strength. 2 years after commissioning at site Capacitive/solid state 0 – 100% RH 3% or better 1% 10 Secs or lesser Mounting shall be done on a mast or tripod made of structural steel with sufficient foundation and structural strength. 2 years after commissioning at site 6.1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sensor Type Range Accuracy Resolution Response time Threshold Averaging Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Wind Speed And Direction Sensor Ultrasonic (no moving part) 0-60 m/s for speed , 0-360º for direction Better than 1% full scale 0.1 m/s for speed, +5º for direction Less than 1 second lag Less than 1 m/sec To be introduced in DCU customizable by user Mounting shall be done on a mast or tripod made of structural steel with sufficient foundation and structural strength. 2 years after commissioning at site 6.1.6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Solar Radiation Sensor Sensor Type Threshold Methodology Resolution Spectrum range Response time Stability Temperature dependence Error due to changing declination Output Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Photo sensor/pyroelectric sensor 120 W/m2 of direct solar irradiance Alternate shading of sensor to account for sky radiation 1s of an hour 400nm to 1100 nm 100s Better than 2% over a year period Better than ±2% in the ambient range Less than ±3% High for Sunshine (5 V) Low for No Sunshine (0 V) Mounting shall be done on a mast or tripod made of structural steel with sufficient foundation and structural strength. 2 years after commissioning at site CWC Schedule of Rates - 2012 Page 59 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Evaporation Sensor Operating temperature Diameter of the pan Accuracy Measuring Cylinder Material Platform Graduation Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period Data Logger Slots/Ports Data Memory Operating Temperature Power Consumption Analog inputs Analog to digital converter a) Resolution b) Conversion Accuracy System clock a) Stability Long-term b) Stability (Temp) Battery Backup (internal) Real-Time Clock Watchdog Timer Sample Intervals Keypad Visual display Power consumption Power Supply a) Battery b) Charge controller Mounting/Installation arrangements PCMCIA and USB 4 MB minimum -100 C to +600 C < 2 mA quiescent 4 to 20 mA . 2 years after commissioning at site Specification -5 to 60º C 1. No.1.0 Sl. Single 12V chargeable maintenance-free battery 65 AH capacity Internal or External Shall be housed in a weather proof and temper proof housing of NEMA 4 type enclosure of steel or fibre glass and mounted on wall enclosures wherever possible otherwise shall mounted on a mast or tripod made of structural steel with sufficient foundation and structural strength.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Warranty Period CWC Schedule of Rates .1. range -10°C to +55°C Average over an hour shall be less than 0.5 A at 12V D. 2 years after commissioning at site 6. to 24 hr. alphanumeric LED/LCD to operate in temp.2 m or more ± 1% Clean cast seamless acrylic plastic tubing or brass sheet Rot resistant timber treated with creosote or effective Wood preservative in millimeter Mounting shall be done on ground or on a raised platform or on a roof top along with DCU and all the accessories.2012 Page 60 .C. GPS and transmitter. 100% over-range withstand 16 bit or better ± 1 LSB 1 ppm/year or better 3 ppm or better from -40°C to 55°C Lithium Battery storage: 2 years GPS synchronized System Reset upon microprocessor failure 1 sec.6. in 1 second increments (user selectable) 1 no. 6. 16 Character X 2 lines or more. including that of sensors. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Warranty Period Antenna Polarization Gain Center frequency 3dB Beam width VSWR Impedance Operating wind speed Wind Survival Operating rain rate Material Connector type Mounting Operating temperature Operating Relative Humidity Weight Size Mounting/Installation arrangements Warranty Period LHCP and RHCP (Switchable in field) Minimum 11 dBi or better 402.658 MHz In steps of 100 Hz from 402.0 MHz . 2 years after commissioning at site 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 b) for temperature Signal Bandwidth Output Power Power Stability Spurious Harmonics Operating Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Operating power Mounting/Installation arrangements 16 6.0 MHz Carrier frequency 402. portable Mounting shall be done on a mast with sufficient foundation and structural strength. Shall be housed in a weather proof and temper proof housing of NEMA 4 type enclosure of steel or fibre glass and mounted on wall enclosures wherever possible otherwise shall be mounted on a mast or tripod made of structural steel with sufficient foundation and structural strength.0 KHz maximum or better 3-10 W (settable) 1 dB -60 dB or better -40 dB or better -40°C to +55°C 0 to 100% RH for outdoor equipments Switched 12V D. No.8 KBPS (User selectable) NRZ(L) Transmit frequency inaccuracy including aging of oscillator should not exceed ±400 Hz per year.2 : 1 50 ohms 250 kmph 300 kmph 100 mm/hr and water proof Rust-proof and oxidation-proof for use in coastal and saline areas Compatible Should have engraved elevation angle marking -40°C to +55°C 0 to 100% RH Light weight Small.1. Oscillator/synthesizer should have provision to adjust for the long term drift 1 ppm or better (-40 to +55oC) 6. 6. 2 years after commissioning at site CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 61 .C controlled by data logger.403.50 MHz 40o 1.1.0 MHz PCM/BPSK 4.0 Sl.6.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Transmitter Carrier Frequency Band Carrier Stability Modulator Data bit rate Data coding Frequency stability: a) Long term Specification 402.0 MHz to 403. 2. No.5 to 2 m or better A small Bull’s eye Bubble on alidade.0 6. One Circular Bubble on Tribrach.2012 Page 62 . Power focus mode and Manual Focus mode 4 5 key board and display 6 Pressure & Temperature sensors Data storage (with pc-software for data retrieval. Capacity ≥10000 points on board memory or more SD Card/CF card slot with 256 MB or more RS232/USB Interface. Alpha Numeric keyboard on both sides ( identical) 1/4 VGA (320*240 pixels) graphic LCD Facility to display graph of entire survey on screen with Zoom & Pan facility In built Temperature & pressure Sensors for measurement and display of instant atmospheric temperature and pressure in SI system of unit.2 Sl.6. Two Electronic bubbles 30’ sensitivity at right angles to each other on display panel. 6.5” dual axis ≥3” ≤2” horizontal and vertical ≤1” 2 3 ≥1500 m with 1 prism ≥3000 m with assembly of 3 prisms 5 mm + 3 ppm of distance or better ≤1 mm ≤5 s Retro reflective type ≥2.0X 0. presentation and archiving) Focusing Mode: 7 8 CWC Schedule of Rates .0 m ≤2. Three Focusing Mode: Auto Focus mode.1 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical Specification of High Value Survey Instruments Salient Features Total Station Telescope Image Magnification Field of view Minimum focus distance Resolving power Angle measurement Tilt compensation method Tilt compensation range Angle accuracy Displayed resolution (Least count) Distance measurement Range (20 km visibility) Accuracy (in static mode) Resolution (Least count) Measurement time Prism Optical Plummet Magnification Focussing range Additional features Specification Erect 30X or better ≥22 m @ 1000 m 2. SBAS. capacity ≥4 hours of continuous measuring Strong carrying case with Data Transfer Cable Data Transfer Software Two rechargeable Batteries One Charger One CD containing Instruction Manual Two Single prism with Target Plate one wooden stand Range Two Pole Two Detachable Tribrach Lens cover set 10 11 Accessories 6.2. Bluetooth Manager.6.2012 .) Battery life: 20 hours or greater Waterproof High-sensitivity receiver Interface high-speed USB and NMEA 0183 compatible Page 63 4 5 6 7 Field Software Physical and Performance CWC Schedule of Rates . Operating system (Data backup. 9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Physical Weight Operating temperature range Operating Relative Humidity Power Specification ≤10 kg 0 to 55º 0 to 90% Batteries Li-ion rechargeable No effect on memory during changing of batteries. No. Restore etc.2 1 2 3 Differential Global positioning system Accuracy Operating range within 1 km of the reference unit Horizontal accuracy of rover unit location ±1 m Vertical accuracy of rover unit location ±2 cm GPS Reference Unit Data logging 1 – 30 seconds Positioning mode RTK.0 Sl. DGPS Update rate 10 Hz – 20Hz Internal Memory At least 256 MB memory Removable 1 GB data storage card 72 hours of 10 satellites at 1 second intervals Technology Display/Interface PRISM or NMEA 0183 Full Colour TFT liquid Crystal display with backlight Keyboard with backlight USB host and slave Point-to-point and point-to-multi point Serial port OBEX dial up modem GPS utilities. 2. 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Maps and Memory Specification Basemap display Ability to add maps Built-in memory: 500 MB or greater Capable to accept data cards in widely available format Waypoints/favorites/locations: 2000 or greater Routes: 200 or greater Track log: 10.6.3 1 2 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Sensor Mode of operation Real time from a sailing boat Measuring range ±10 m/s (velocity relative to instrument) Stream velocity range -5 to 5 m/s Stream velocity accuracy 0.25 to 2 m Bottom tracking (or GPS) Accuracy 1 cm/s @ 5 m/s Stream velocity range 0 to 5 m/s Depth range 3. sediment laden waters Number of depth cells programmable.1 s Configuration 3 or 4 beams Beam angle 20º to 30° Acoustic frequency highest possible frequency for adequate bottom tracking at depths of 30 m in fast flowing. 47 to 53 Hz 10 to 15 VDC or 20 to 30 VDC corrosion proof waterproof. 3-axis Barometric altimeter Unit-to-unit transfer (shares data wirelessly with similar units) Comprehensive user manuals 9 Additional Features 6.000 points. 1 to 128 Depth cell (bin) size programmable. 0.2012 Page 64 .0 Sl.0 m or more Tilt sensor Range Accuracy Power supply Housing Ingress protection Operating temperature Operating Humidity -15° to +15°.01 m/s Ping interval ≤0. 200 saved tracks or greater Automatic routing (turn by turn routing on roads Electronic compass: tilt-compensated.005 m/s or better Resolution ≤0.25% ±0. compliant with IP68 5 to 60°C (equipments except ADCP) 5 to 45°C (for ADCP) up to 100 % 3 4 5 6 7 8 CWC Schedule of Rates . both X and Y axis 2° 220 VAC ±25%. No. Set-up of bottom tracking and/ or on line DGPS 2 years 10 Accessories 11 Installation 12 6. a waterproof electronics compartments and stainless steel fasteners and safety lines.6. a proven stable design.5 m 1. DGPS and other devices for running the associated ADCP software in the field. The instrument shall be set up for data collection. No. and for communicating with office based PCs for subsequent data transfer.2012 . number of depth cells and ping rate.3 second ± 0. setting of depth-cell size. In case the instrument features an in-built compass then software assisted compass calibration shall be supported.5 mm @ 60 m 100 0 20 sec/2 mm run 8 min/2 mm run 12 to 16 seconds 0.2.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Warranty Auto Level Image Magnification Aperture of objective Field of view Shortest focusing distance Resolving power Stadia multiplying constant Stadia additive constant Sensitivity of level plate Tribrach circular bubble Compensation range compensation accuracy Accuracy for levelling the line of sight Levelling accuracy Centering provision Instrument life time Operating temperature range Housing erect ≥ 25 x ≥ 30 mm 1°20’ to 1°30’ 1. averaging. The trimaran should have unbreakable polyethylene hulls with a minimum 3 years warranty. storage interval. Tools Spare parts Mounting brackets Shipping case Deployed on its own bespoke trimaran.8 second ± 2 mm in 1 km of double levelling 30 – 50 mm >5 years of continuous operation 0 to 50 °C splash waterproof Page 65 CWC Schedule of Rates .0 Sl. 9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Hardware and software Specification Laptop PC suitable for communicating with the ADCP. handle. etc. Tommy pins. 19 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Accessories Centering plumb bob with adopter Tripod with clamping Screw Specification Carrying case Cleaning brush Tool-set Lens cover set Telescopic levelling staffs and accessories Measuring tape 30 m (fibre glass) 6.8 second ± 2 mm in 1 km of double levelling 30 – 50 mm ≥ 2. screw driver.2012 Page 66 .0 sec 100 0 20 sec/2 mm run 8 min/2 mm run 1 sec per 2 mm run 12 to 16 seconds 0.2. No.0 m ±2.5 m 1 sec (least count of micrometer) 1 sec (least count of micrometer) 18 CWC Schedule of Rates .0 Sl. one unit spanner.3 second ± 0. carrying shoulder strap etc.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Theodolite Image Magnification Aperture of objective Field of view Shortest focusing distance Resolving power Stadia multiplying constant Stadia additive constant Sensitivity of level plate Tribrach circular bubble Vertical circle level Compensation range Compensation accuracy Accuracy for levelling the line of sight Levelling accuracy Centering provision Optical plummet magnification focussing range Graduation error horizontal circle vertical circle one one unit made of well seasoned wood or light and strong alloy telescopic with mounting for battery.5 to 3. illumination unit and clamping arrangement for the instrument one unit made of light metallic or plastic (unbreakable type) or well seasoned wood with padded inserts and receptacles for holding accessories with lock. – one set one set 2 no 2 no erect ≥ 30 x ≥ 40 mm 1°30’ to 1°40’ 2.3 x ≤ 0.6. etc.6. handle. No. illumination unit and clamping arrangement for the instrument one unit made of light metallic or plastic (unbreakable type) or well seasoned wood with padded inserts and receptacles for holding accessories with lock.2012 Page 67 . Tommy pins. one unit spanner. carrying shoulder strap etc. one for micrometer) two one unit made of well seasoned wood or light and strong alloy telescopic with mounting for battery. screw driver. – one set one set 2 no 2 no CWC Schedule of Rates . 19 20 21 22 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Salient Features Instrument life time Operating temperature range Housing Accessories Centering plumb bob with adopter Diagonal eye-piece Electrical illuminating units Tripod with clamping Screw Specification >5 years of continuous operation 0 to 60 °C splash waterproof Carrying case Cleaning brush Tool-set Lens cover set Telescopic levelling staffs and accessories Measuring tape 30 m (fibre glass) one two (one for telescope.0 Sl. 2009. New Delhi-66 Dated the 03rd August 2010 OFFICE ORDER Subject : Delegation of Work Powers to CWC Officers. many changes have taken place and cost of execution of works have gone up. No.05. Ministry of WMP UO No.05. Since the year 1999.08. 4/2/98O&M dated 18th February 2000. clarified that the CWC Officers are authorized to exercise only such powers as are extended to them by formal departmental orders in this regard.2012 Page 68 . Puram.1946 and Ministry of I&P letter No.09. CPWD has also revised its works manual several times vide which financial powers are delegated to its subordinate formations/levels. In view of the increased requirements in this regard keeping in view the increased cost of works.08. 4/2/98-O&M dated 3rd December 1999 and OM No. Commission has been reviewing the work power needed by the CWC Officers and notifying the extent of works power available to CWC officers in line with powers available to CPWD Officers from time to time.1949. 4/2/98-O&M dated 18th February 2000. DW-11-27(18) dated 06. 4/3/87-O&M&WS dated 26. DGW/MAN/186A dated 24.1983 and 23. It has also been decided that CWC officers will exercise the same financial powers for works as available to their counterparts in CPWD last notified vide CPWD Works Manual 2007 and modifications/enhancement/revisions made there in from time to time as the same is originally available to them. The latest revision in Works Manual was done in the year 2007 and last modified delegation of power in CPWD was issued vide Office Memorandum No. Nomenclature of equivalent posts in CWC shall be as under: CWC Schedule of Rates . DW. CWC vide OM No.09.01.1984. the competent authority has decided to rescind the above mentioned CWC OM No. revision by CPWD as mentioned above and availability of powers to CWC officers equivalent to CPWD Officers. 4/2/2009-O&M/390-396 Government of India Central Water Commission Room No.08. In view of that. CPWA Codes and Public Works Rules as their counterparts in the CPWD. 4/2/98-O&M dated 3rd December 1999 and OM No.53 decided that CWC Officers are to discharge the same functions and exercise the same financial and works powers for the purposes of CPWD. Ministry of WMP letter No.K.APPENDIX-I F. DW-121(3) dated 30. 80/33/49 dated 14. 4/3/87-O&M&WS dated 26.08. Sewa Bhawan R.1983 and 23. The Government in its various communications [Ministry of WMP letter No. Last such delegation of power was made vide CWC Office Order No.1984. CWC Office Order No. Further.80/33/49 dated 30.49. 326(S). CWC Chairman.)/Director (Estt. restrictions and provisions of orders issued by the Ministry of Finance from time to time and also subject to the provisions/procedures contained in the CPWD. CWC Exercise of these powers will be subject to the rules. Ministry of Water Resources. Shram Shakti Bhawan. CWC Schedule of Rates . Director SE/Director CE Member. All Chief Engineers All Directors/Superintending Engineers Director (Adm.APPENDIX-I Designation of CPWD AE/AEE EE SE CE ADG DG (W) Equivalent CWC Officers SDE/AEE/AD-II/AD EE/Dy. Sd/(Poornima Malik) Under Secretary (O & M) Copy to : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PPS to Chairman PPS to Member (WP&P/RM/D&R) JS & FA.)/Director (TC) All USs/AO All Section Officers. New Delhi. CPWA and other related codes and general and special orders issued by Government and CWC from time to time.I)/Director (Estt. Rafi Marg.2012 Page 69 .II)/Director (Trg. 500 40.000 25. as surplus or unserviceable. repairs.000 CWC Schedule of Rates .000 15. No 1 Nature of Power To accord Administrative Approval and expenditure sanction to minor works for residential and nonresidential buildings. addition & alteration to hired and requisitioned buildings Designation of Officer EE/DD SE/Director SE promoted on in situ basis CE Member Chairman CE Extent of Power (in Rupees) 5 lac 25 lac 12.000 CE Member (2) On stores not due to theft or negligence of individuals SE/Director SE promoted on in situ basis CE Member 4. SE promoted on in situ basis 2.000 20.000 7. 2 Petty works.00.a.000 p.000 50.a. for nonrecurring expenditure 1.000 50.000 2. other than those not involving losses.500 40.000 Full powers Remarks/ Reference 3 To issue orders declaring stores including spare parts of vehicles. the original purchase value of articles being estimated if not known. Losses due to depreciation of stock 4 EE/DD SE/Director SE promoted on in situ basis CE Member SE/Director SE promoted on in situ basis CE Member 5 Write-off losses: (1) On stores due to theft and/or SE/Director 4.000 25.00.2012 Page 70 .000 negligence of individuals.000 5.000 2. for recurring expenditure 7.5 lac 150 lac 250 lac 500 lac 5.APPENDIX-II Financial Powers Delegated to CWC Officers Sl.000 p. 4 above may be broadly attributed to : (i) Normal fluctuation of market prices (ii) Fair wear and tear (iii) Lack of foresight in regulating purchases (iv) Neglect after purchase 3.500 Accordof sanction to expenditure on ceremonies CE connected with laying of foundation stone and 10. SE Promoted on 20. after disposal of stores.Losses mentioned against S. Nature of Power Page 71 CWC Schedule of Rates . (ii) Advance payments made on the basis of a valid expenditure sanction of the competent authority. 5 (1) & (2) will be exercised in respect of actual losses of stores as opposed to losses of stock due to depreciation. No.000 by competent authority to be unserviceable (subject to any orders. (v) The amount of advance shall be drawn on a simple receipt and accounted for under the final head to which the expenditure on service in question would be debited. damages. of which value accounts are kept. No.000* * Notes: In each case out of project contingencies subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: (i) Advance payments are made only in cases where it is considered absolutely necessary.000 in situ basis Full Powers CE Full Powers Sale of stores to private parties on full CE value plus 10% unless waived off by competent authority Notes: 1.2012 .000 Write off from returns of unserviceable EE/DD T&P of which part value is recovered. enemy action. the SE may have passed) where the stores were so declared by himself or by Government. No. Against item No.000 SE/Director SE Promoted on 10. The authority issuing orders against S. 4. 6 should. 8. determine and intimate to the audit officer concerned. (iv) The officer drawing the money for making advance payment shall be responsible for its adjustment for which purpose he will send the detailed bills to the Accounts Officer within a period of one month from the date of drawl of the advance. (iii) The firm should be well established and has reputation for fair dealings.000 in situ basis Full Powers SE/Director 10. see also paragraph 120 of CPWA Code. Losses against 5(2) may be due to natural disasters and other calamities such as fire. 2. Powers mentioned against S.000 Member opening of public buildings To make advance payment to private firms/autonomous bodies for chemical analysis and testing of materials CE 65. the net amount to be written off to the final head (to be specified) as loss on stocks. obsolescence etc. If an advance cannot be adjusted within one month of the drawl. 5. a detailed report should be sent to the component authority concerned. 20. No 6 7 8 9 10 Designation of Extent of Power Remarks/ Officer (in Rupees) Reference Issue of order of disposal of stores declared EE/DD 10. 2.APPENDIX-II Sl.Recovery in all cases should be made in cash in advance. where no departmental Chairman/ Member Full powers charges are to be levied. CWC Schedule of Rates . and (b) Deposit work will be accepted to utilize spare capacity of the CWC at the Regional level and should not in any way affect departmental working. works and works of autonomous bodies fully funded by the CE 1350 lac Central Govt. No 11 12 13 Extent of Power (in Rupees) 1% of contract value subject to ceiling of Rs.2012 Page 72 . (b) At rates lower than full rates of Member 900 lac departmental charges Chairman Full powers Note: Delegation of full powers will be subject to the condition that the departmental charges to be charged shall not vary by more than 20% of the standard departmental charges and subject to the following conditions: (a) Such departmental charges will be reviewed at every upward revision of normal departmental charges. 7.3.500 SE promoted on 0. 30.000 (a) Grant of extension of time and SDE/AEE/AD-II/ Full powers in rescheduling of mile stones AD respect of contracts amounting up to his power to accord TS EE/DD -doSE/Director Full Powers SE promoted on Full powers in in situ basis respect of contracts amounting up to his power to accord TS (b) Levy of compensation SE/Director Full Powers Augmentation of electrical power supply to the residences of VIPs up to maximum electrical load sanctioned (a) Ministers (b) Judges of Supreme Court/High court (c) Members of Parliament (d) Secretaries/Additional Secretaries & equivalent officers.APPENDIX-II Sl.750 CE 1% of contract value subject to ceiling of Rs. Chairman Full powers Nature of Power Designation of Officer To write off infructuous expenditure on SE/Director construction Remarks/ Reference 14 To undertake deposit works (a) At full rates of departmental charges or all Central Govt.5% of contract in situ basis value subject to ceiling of Rs. No 15 Designation of Officer Acceptance of lowest tender with or SDE/AEE/AD-II/ without negotiations AD Where SDE (Head Quarter) is not provided EE/DD Nature of Power Where SDE (Head Quarter) is provided Under his own power EE/DD SE/Director Extent of Power (in Rupees) 3 lac 30 lac 45 lac 250 lac Remarks/ Reference SE promoted on in situ basis 125 lac CE With prior approval of Member With prior approval of Chairman With prior approval of MoWR 16 CE CE CE 1000 lac 1300 lac 1600 lac Full powers Acceptance of single tender with or SDE/AEE/ AD-II/ 75.000 without negotiations AD EE/DD (i) Under his own authority (ii) With prior approval of next higher authority (para 95 of CPWD code) SE/Director (i) Under his own authority (ii) With prior approval of next higher authority 4.5 lac 30 lac 125 lac 250 lac SE promoted on in situ basis (i) Under his own authority 62.APPENDIX-II Sl.5 lac (ii) With prior approval of Chief Engineer 125 lac CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 73 . 5 lac Notes: (a) Award of minor works upto Rs. (b) Award of works at current market rates provided the same are certified as reasonable by the officers of CWC.2012 Page 74 . Award of work without call of tenders SDE/AEE/AD-II/ 60.000 AD EE/DD 4 lac SE/Director 12 lac SE promoted on 6 lac in situ basis CE (i) Under his own authority 25 lac (ii) With prior approval of Member 100 lac (iii) With prior approval of Chairman 180 lac (iv) With prior approval of MoWR Full Powers Award of work to labour co-operative EE/DD 3 lac societies without call of tenders SE/Director 6 Lac SE promoted on in situ basis 4.000 firm which has not quoted for execution 5 lac of the remaining work after rescission of EE/DD SE/Director 12 lac the contract Nature of Power 17 18 19 CWC Schedule of Rates . No Designation of Extent of Power Remarks/ Officer (in Rupees) Reference CE (i) Under his own authority 500 lac (ii) With prior approval of Member 800 lac (iii) With prior approval of 1000 lac Chairman (iv) With prior approval of MoWR Full Powers Note : Full reasons should be recorded by the approving authority who should also guard against contractor holding out unjustifiably higher rates. Award of work by negotiations ab-initio SDE/AEE/AD-II/ after infructuous call of tender or with a AD 60.APPENDIX-II Sl.00 lakh. 6. APPENDIX-II Sl. No Nature of Power Designation of Extent of Power Officer (in Rupees) SE promoted on in situ basis 6 lac CE (i) Under his own authority (ii) With prior approval of Member (iii) With prior approval of Chairman (iv) With prior approval of MoWR 20 (i) Splitting up projects/works/subheads EE/DD Remarks/ Reference 30 lac 150 lac 300 lac Full powers Where sanctioned cost of Work/ Distinct Sub Head to be split up is up to 30 lac Where sanctioned cost of Work/ Distinct Sub Head to be split up is above 30 lac and up to 250 lac SE/Director SE promoted on Where sanctioned in situ basis cost of Work/ Distinct Sub Head to be split up is above 30 lac and up to 125 lac CE (ii) Acceptance of tenders for the split up EE/DD components Full powers Where sanctioned cost of Work/total cost of all split up component against each distinct sub head is up to 30 lac CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 75 . No Nature of Power Designation of Officer SE/Director Extent of Power (in Rupees) Where sanctioned cost of Work/total cost of all split up component against each distinct sub head is above 30 lac and up to 250 lac SE promoted on Where sanctioned in situ basis cost of Work/total cost of all split up component against each distinct sub head is above 30 lac and up to 125 lac CE Where sanctioned cost of Work/total cost of all split up component against each distinct sub head is above 250 lac and up to 1000 lac Member Where sanctioned cost of Work/total cost of all split up component against each distinct sub head is above 1000 lac and up to 1300 lac Chairman Where sanctioned cost of Work/total cost of all split up component against each distinct sub head is above 1300 lac and up to 1600 lac MoWR Full powers Remarks/ Reference CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 76 .APPENDIX-II Sl. if the amount of such component parts appears as distinct sub-head will be dealt with by the authorities concerned according to their powers of acceptance of the tenders and sanction of estimates and not referred to the higher authorities even though they may form part of the project beyond their acceptance as a whole. The fact that the project has been split up for the purpose of inviting the tenders should be clearly brought to the notice of Member/ Chairman/ MoWR explaining the reasons while forwarding the tenders for their consideration/ approval. The tenders for such works need not to be submitted to the higher authorities if the amount is within the competency of the authority concerned and the provision exists in the estimates under distinct sub-heads even if the total cost of work may be more. No Designation of Extent of Power Remarks/ Officer (in Rupees) Reference (i)The tenders for the split up portion shall be accepted by the same competent authority who permitted such splitting for projects/works costing up to Rs. be clearly brought to the notice of the authority competent for split up. Nature of Power Acceptance of tenders for smaller works CE likely to crop up during the execution of work /project and for which no provision exists in the sanctioned project estimates Full powers to accept tenders for such works subject to availability of funds under sub head “contingencies” in the sanctioned project estimate. (ii) The tenders for the split up portions of projects/works costing more than Rs. (iv) The procedure mentioned in note (iii) above will also apply in respect of tenders for sanitary and water supply and electrical and furniture work for which provision is made under the distinct subheads.5 lac 9 lac 75 lac 37.5 lac Full Powers 21 22 Award of work order (Annual limit) In addition to sub-division powers SDE/AEE/AD-II/ AD EE/DD 23 In addition to Sub-Division and Division SE/Director powers SE promoted on in situ basis (a) To accept highest tender bid for EE/DD disposal of govt. buildings without land SE/Director at/and above the reserve price fixed by SE promoted on CE / Chairman in situ basis CE/ Member/ Chairman (b) Below reserve price EE/DD/SE/ Director/CE Decision to be taken by next higher authority SE promoted on Decision to be in situ basis taken by next higher authority CWC Schedule of Rates .2012 Page 77 . (iii) Tenders relating to component parts of the project. 1000 lakh. shall be accepted by the Member/ Chairman/ MoWR as the case may be. however.APPENDIX-II Sl. explaining the reasons while forwarding the tenders for such works. 1000 lacs. The fact that the project/ work has been split up for the purpose of inviting tenders should. 6 lac 45 lac 125 lac (Per Division) 62. (ii) Authority competent to fix reserve price will be competent to fix salvage value of dismantled materials also.5 lac 135 lac 150 lac 200 lac Full Powers 15 lac Full Powers Full powers subject to the conditions mentioned in Para 127 of CPWD code Full powers if the structure is to be sold at lower than reserve price Remarks/ Reference SE/ Director 24 25 Note : (i) Reserve price shall be fixed on assessed salvage value of dismantled materials only. No Designation of Officer Member/ Chairman (c) Acceptance of single tender/ bid at/ EE/DD and above the reserve price SE/Director SE promoted on in situ basis Under his own power CE With prior approval of Member CE With prior approval of Chairman CE With prior approval of MoWR CE (d) CE (i) Sale/dismantlement of public building Member/ other than purely temporary structure Chairman (ii) Purely temporary structure EE/DD Nature of Power Extent of Power (in Rupees) Full Powers 45.000 45 lac 22.APPENDIX-II Sl.2012 Page 78 . Purchase of inspection vehicles Chairman Only for replacement of vehicles survey reported in accordance with government instructions on the subject from time to time Accord of technical sanction to detailed SDE/AEE/ AD-II/ estimates (Civil and Electrical Works) AD 3 lac EE/DD (i) where SDE(HQ) 30 lac is not provided EE/DD 45 lac (ii) where SDE(HQ) is provided CWC Schedule of Rates . ** Where financial implication is up to 25% of the contract amount. Acceptance of tender conditions not in line with the standard conditions Chairman Full powers Purchase of Tools and Plants CE Full powers SE/Director Up to 10 lac SE promoted on in situ basis Up to 7.M. *In case of project costing more than Rs. Budget Section.2012 Page 79 . 20. F-10(28)/EE Coord. (i) Accord of Administrative Approval & Member *60 lac Expenditure sanction for construction Chairman *150 lac of houses for CWC maintenance staff.1978 should be kept in view.1.APPENDIX-II Sl.5 lac EE/DD Up to 5 lac To allow State PWD contractors to tender for the works of CWC outside the State in which enlisted Member Full powers CWC Schedule of Rates .e. No Nature of Power Designation of Officer SE/Director SE promoted on in situ basis CE/Member/ Chairman Extent of Power (in Rupees) 250 lac 125 lac Full powers Remarks/ Reference 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Note: This delegation of power is subject to restriction and provision of orders issued by the Ministry of Finance from time to time and as also the provision contained in various codes. (ii) Power should be exercised by CE/Member/Chairman consultation with Financial Advisor. Note: (i) Due care should be taken to ensure that powers are not used to create separate pool of accommodation and to ensure that Member/Chairman would draw up a list of maintenance staff for whom the quarters near the inquiry office are essential. In this context./77 dt. instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance O. 15 lakh. Powers to modify contract conditions Member *15% Chairman **25% * Where financial implication is up to 15% of the contract amount. pre budget financial scrutiny should have been done by the competent authority i. MoWR. Acceptance/challenge of arbitration CE 15 lac award Member 45 lac Chairman Full powers Accord of A/A & E/S for construction of Member 225 lacs houses for CWC project staff for major Chairman Full powers projects Note: This will be subject to the condition that the cost of construction will be met out of the contingencies of the project where there is no separate provision for the same. MoWR. whichever is lower EE/DD 15% of contract amount or 50% of power to accord TS. Deviations upto + 10% of agreement quantity will not require any sanction. Items deviating beyond + 10% of agreement quantity needs sanction for total deviation (including initial + 10%) 4. whichever is lower SE/Director 30% of contract value or equal to the power to accord technical sanction. whichever is lower.APPENDIX-II Sl. CWC Schedule of Rates . The amount of a deviation statement shall be the sum of absolute value of deviated amounts of all individual items. SE promoted on 30% of contract in situ basis value or equal to the power to accord technical sanction. whichever is lower SE/Director 30% of contract amount SE promoted on 15% of contract in situ basis amount CE Full power Note: 1. whichever is lower EE/DD 30% of contract amount or 30% of power to accord TS. Deviation means increase or decrease in quantities of agreement items.2012 Page 80 . No 33 Designation of Extent of Power Officer (in Rupees) Accord of sanction to extra /substituted SDE/AEE/ AD-II/ 30% of contract items AD amount or 30% of power to accord TS. 3. Nature of Power Remarks/ Reference 34 CE Full power Accord of sanction to deviation in SDE/AEE/ AD-II/ 10% of contract quantities of agreement items AD amount or 50% of power to accord TS. whichever is lower. 2. 5 lac PA 1.5 lac PA 30.1.000 PA 35.4 under section 37 of CPWD Works Manual 2007 may be referred.3 & 37.000 PA 70.2 lac PA 1. No 35 Extent of Power (in Rupees) Purchase of Materials from open market Individual through quotations or tenders or through supply order DGS & D rate contracts SDE/AEE/ AD-II/ 10% of powers to AD accord TS EE/DD -doSE/Director -doSE promoted on -doin situ basis CE 10% of power to accept the tender under his own authority Member (i) Under his own 20% of power to accept the tender Authority (ii) With prior Approval of Full Power Chairman Nature of Power Designation of Officer Remarks/ Reference Annual ceiling Powers to accord TS -do-do-doPower to accept the tender under his own authority No Limit No limit Explanation: Para 37.2012 Page 81 .5 lac PA 1. Materials can also be purchased by placing supply order through DGS&D contract.000 PA 1. But financial powers are same in all situations as mentioned above irrespective of method of procurement.5 lac PA CWC Schedule of Rates .000 PA 1. To bring more clarity financial powers under para 35 to approve supply order has now been replaced with Purchase of Materials from open market through quotations or tenders or through DGS&D rate contracts 36 (a) Local purchase of petty stationery SDE / AEE / AD-II stores / AD EE / DD SE / Director SE promoted on in situ basis CE Member Chairman (b) Local purchase of Drawing SE/Director Stationery SE promoted on in situ basis CE Member Chairman Nil 15. Purchase of the materials from open market may be either by issuing supply order after call of quotations or by call of tenders.2 lac PA 1. Manual Provisions are very clear in this regard that financial powers to purchase materials through DGS&D or through open market shall be as laid down in Appendix .APPENDIX-II Sl.000 PA 15. Balance advance with the prior approval of the SE Note : The mobilization Advance can be sanctioned to the contractors as per term of the contract on their specific request. Contingencies and its utilization When sanctioned other Works cost of the work is within his power to accord TS EE / DD Full powers to 5 lac utilize available contingencies SE / Director Full powers to 15 lac utilize available contingencies SE Promoted on Full powers to 7. 30 lac. To sanction Mobilization Advance EE / DD Upto 50% of the advance or Rs.for petty permanent imprest payments Engagement of private Architects/ Member Full power Consultants Chairman Full power Note : The power is subject to fulfillment of conditions laid down in Section 6 of the CPWD Manual.APPENDIX-II Sl. whichever is lower. Declaration of specialized items Member For works in their respective wings. No 37 Nature of Power Designation of Officer Extent of Power (in Rupees) Remarks/ Reference 38 39 40 41 (i) Permanent imprest to AE provided imprests are not allowed to JEs at the same time 9000 (ii) Local Purchase powers of AE out of 1500/.2012 Page 82 .5 lac in situ basis utilize available contingencies CE Full powers to utilize available contingencies Authority under which the competency of the work falls should be kept informed about utilization of contingencies for every utilization indicating utilized and available amount Invitation of tender for components/parts EE / DD Upto 10 % of TS Power SE / Director Upto 10 % of TS Power SE promoted on Upto 10 % of TS in situ basis Power CE Full Powers 42 CWC Schedule of Rates . APPENDIX-III Additional Information and Subsequent Changes .
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