

A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED(A.O.D), DIGBOI REFINERY A SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT SUBMIITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR AWARDING THE DEGREE IN MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, NERIST SESSION: 2012-2014 UNDER THE ESTEEM GUIDANCE: ORGANIZATIONAL GUIDANCE Mrs. Sanjana Saikia Senior Employee Relation officer (SERO) SUBMITTED BY: NAME: Junmoyee Gogoi ROLL NO: MBA/12/18 Centre for Management Studies NERIS 1 Dated: 18th July,2013 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project entitled, “PERFORAMNCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” at I.O.C.L (AOD)” Submitted by Junmoyee Gogoi, have been prepared under my supervision and guidance during the period from 4th June- 18th July, as SUMMER TRAINING for partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) under North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology. It is further certified that the said project report has not been submitted anywhere for any other purpose previously. I wish her a successful career and a prosperous life ahead. A.K TAMULI Chief Human Resource Manager INDIAN OIL CORPORATION Ltd. (Assam Oil Division), Digboi. 2 DECLARATION I, Junmoyee Gogoi, bearing roll no: MBA/12/18 of Centre of Management Studies, NERIST, hereby declare that the project titled “ PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM at DIGBOI Refinery” has been prepared by me and has been submitted in partial fulfillment for awarding the degree in MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, NERIST. Place: DIGBOI Date: 19th july, 2013 NAME: Junmoyee Gogoi ROLL NO: MBA/12/18 Centre of Management Studies NERIST, NIRJULI 3 VI CHAPTER I II III IV V VI TITLE INTRODUCTION COMPANY PROFILE OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT DIGBOI RESEARCH STUDY DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION  Tables and charts PAGE NO 9-11 12-19 20 21-32 33-35 36-57 VIII IX X XI XII FINDINGS OF THE STUDY SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSION LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY SCOPE FOR FURTHER STUDY 58-59 60 61 62 63 4 ..iii ANNEXURES………………..i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……….TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE…………………………….. which we are studying. They help us to have a practical exposure as well as a better outlook of the subject. the students are assigned certain projects in various organizations to get an idea of the practical working styles. In a practical course like MBA. Wherever possible tables and figures have been incorporated. I was assigned to work in Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL). 2013 to 18th July. It will be satisfied if the organizations get benefited from the study and its findings. To make this theoretical knowledge stronger. The topic of study was “Performance Management System at Digboi Refinery (DR)”. Suggestions and recommendations have been made on the basis of findings herein. Digboi. lucid and organized manner. It gives me immense practical exposure to the practical working patterns and the environment.PREFACE Projects are an indispensable part of any kind of formal education. 5 . In order to make the data and findings easily understandable. the students are equipped with strong theoretical knowledge about the business operations and time tested methods of running a successful business. 2013. efforts have been made to present the information in simplified.The projects commenced from 4th June. Chief Human Resource Manager (CHRM). my organizational guide Mrs. Digboi for giving me the opportunity to carry out the project assignment in their esteemed organization. Digboi Refinery” would not be possible without the support. Also. M(IS) for encouraging and supporting me with extra information about my topic and the organization. Digboi refinery Junmoyee Gogoi 6 . Senior Employee Relation Officer who has helped a lot to show the way to the successful completion of the project.K Tamuli. Sanjana Saikia. Mr. Akash Bora. help. I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project entitled “Performance Appraisal Management System at IOCL. guidance. who has appointed us our guide and for giving his time and concern for the completion of the project. Date: 18th July. I express my thanks to the management of IOCL. At the outset. A. cooperation and encouragement of a number of people to whom words are not adequate to express my gratitude. 2013 Place: IOCl. I express my sincere gratitude to. Digboi Refinery” MAIN OBJECTIVES     Creation of high performance orientation at Indian Oil.D). uniformity and process efficiency.  The secondary data has been obtained from the organizations literatures. Performance ownership at the employee level. Stronger alignment of individual performance with organizational goals. Thus a detailed study of the performance appraisal of the employees at IOCL and its impact is very important to get the proper insights. Further suitable rating scales have been developed to measure the view as well as outlook of employees towards the Performance management system at Digboi refinery. The ratings are later analyzed to get a clear picture of the views of the employees of IOCL.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Title: “Performance Appraisal Management System at IOCL (A. and suggest ways and means towards the given to them for their greater participation and involvement towards the organizations goals and objectives. The sampling plan would include gathering of information from at least fifty (50) employees of Digboi Refinery.O. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research plan: The research plan is done with the primary objective of finding out the management of Performance appraisal at IOCL. which is vital for the development of the research instrument which is to be undertaken during the study. out of two hundred seventy one officers (271). Sources of Data:  The primary data has been collected from the respondents through questionnaire personally. Higher degree of transparency. All the relevant information has been collected through questionnaire and observation. comprising of around 994 employees comprising of both officers and non-officers. Sample size: IOCL has in total twenty-one departments. 7 .Digboi Refinery. Digboi towards the performance evaluating system and their satisfaction level. online search and journals. so the employees get very less time to express their views.  As the organization is always in operational state as per its busy schedule. RECOMMENDATION: Indian Oil is an organization which believes in team work.  There was a dearth of free time in the hand of employees. From the study it is also suggested that the present E-PMS system should not be person specific and should be above individual influences. 8 . However the E-PMS appraisal is an individualistic appraisal which does not cater too much about team work. Limitations:  The study suffers from time constrain as it is completed within the short time span of forty-five days.  The feedback given by the various employees is based on their experiences and perceptions and may suffer from some biasness. MAJOR FINDINGS:  From the survey on the topic “Performance Management System at IOCL”. The sampling technique to be used in the survey will be simple random sampling.  The performance of employees in IOCL is evaluated perfectly with a valid and effective performance appraisal system and this increase the work efficiency of the employees leading to accomplishment of organizational goal.  Most of the respondents refused to divulge details regarding their designation and this created a problem as the data could not be analyzed with respect to this particular variable. As such carrying out a survey and getting the questionnaires filled correctly on time was a real hard desk. i have found that the overall performance system of IOCL is beneficial for its officers.needs to be incorporated. Also it gives the total rating by supervisor after completion of E-PMS by CSA.  From the study. it is found that E-PMS is the annual performance plan to be prepared by employee before start of the year and rating will be done at the end of the year based on performance. because the population is homogeneous and a particular sampling frame is available for the research process. This area where the team work is concerned.Sampling procedure: The sampling Unit would include the employees of Digboi Refinery.  It is the systematic examination of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of the job.3 Advantages of Performance Appraisal: 9 .2 Characteristics of Performance Appraisal: The main characteristics of performance appraisal are as follows:  Performance appraisal is a process consisting of a series of steps.  It is an ongoing or continuous process wherein the evaluations are arranged periodically according to a definite plan. Performance appraisal is the systematic method through which the job performance of the employee is evaluated. periodic and an impartial rating of an employee’s excellence in the matters pertaining to his /her present job and his/her potential for a better job. planning job rotation and assistance promotions.  Performance appraisal is a scientific or objective study. the development and training of individuals. 1.” 1. Such appraisals achieve four objectives including the salary reviews. 1.  The main purpose of performance appraisal is to secure information necessary for making objective and decisions on employees.Chapter I Introduction Performance appraisal is the vital role played by HR department. "Performance appraisal is the systematic.1 Definition of Performance appraisal system: According to Flippo." Performance appraisal is a systematic way of reviewing and assessing the performance of an employee during a given period of time and planning for his future. It is the integral part of management in an organization. Performance Appraisal is a part of career development & consist regular reviews of employee performance within organization. According to Cummings “The overall objective of performance appraisal is to improve the efficiency of an enterprise by attempting to mobilize the best possible efforts from individuals employed in it.  It serves to guide employee development.4 Steps of Performance Appraisal: Establishing standards of performance Communicating performance appraisal Measuring actual performance Comparing actual performance with standard laid Discussion of appraisal with employees Corrective actions 10 .  It makes executives more observant of their subordinates.  Deficiencies and shortcoming may be removed. 1.  Employee may also introspect himself in the light of performance.  It serves to maintain fair relationships in groups. pay increases. It provides information for making and enforcing decisions about promotions.  It serves as a means for evaluating the effectiveness of devices used for the selection and classification of workers. lay off transfers.  Wage increase may be justified.  It puts a psychological pressure on people to improve performance on the job. are not effective performance appraisal systems. If line people think it is too theoretical. The forms. 11 .It is essential that every employee enjoy the benefit of looking at his performance appraisal at least once in a year.  The appraisal system should be valid and reliable.  The appraisal programs must have support of all line people who administer it.  It should be easily understandable.6 Conclusion: Performance appraisal system is a critical part of strategic HRM. 1. The latest mantra being followed by organizations across the world being – "get paid according to what you contribute" – the focus of the organizations is turning to performance management and specifically to individual performance. competencies and relative merit and worth for the organization. which are more difficult to read and understand. A manager should analyze the performance of the employees objectively against the set standards. Performance appraisals of Employees are necessary to understand each employee’s abilities. It is desirable for the manager to meet and discuss with the employees about the appraisal process before writing as it fosters mutual understanding of the process and to that extent it enhances the employees’ acceptance of the outcome. and too unrealistic or that it has been foisted on them by ivory – tower staff consultants who have no comprehension of the demands on the time of the line operator.  The appraisal system should fit the organizational operations and structure the form constructed and the factors framed should be suitable for the organizational culture and structure. 1. Therefore for implementing good appraisal systems the following are necessary. too ambitious.5 Factors Affecting Performance Appraisal Systems: Performance appraisal programs are affected by some factors. The Indian Oil Group of companies owns and operates 10 of India's 20 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 60. it was renamed as Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.i. meets the vital energy needs of the consumers in an efficient. The Corporation's cross-country network of crude oil and product pipelines.Chapter II COMPANY PROFILE: INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED (IOCL) Incorporated as Indian Oil Company Ltd. on 30th June 1959. These include two refineries of subsidiary Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.e. (established 1958) with it. 12 . playing a national role in oil security and public distribution. IndianOil and its subsidiaries account for approximately 48% petroleum products market share. at 125th position.2 million barrels per day). VISION OF IOCL: A major diversified transnational integrated energy company. on 1st September 1964 following the merger of Indian Refineries Ltd. IndianOil is currently investing Rs. spanning over 10. IndianOil is also the highest ranked Indian company in the Fortune ‘Global 500’ listing.652 km and the largest in the country. . economical and environment-friendly manner.2 million metric tones per annum (MMTPA. 34% national refining capacity and 71% downstream sector pipelines capacity in India. with national leadership and strong environment conscience. 1. It is also the 21st largest petroleum company in the world and the # 1 petroleum trading company among the national oil companies in the Asia-Pacific region. expansion of marketing infrastructure and product quality upgradation. 47000 crore in augmentation of refining and pipeline capacities. adopting and assimilating state-of the –art technology for competitive advantage.  To attain leadership in developing.  To provide technology and services through sustained Research and Development. 13 .MISSION OF IOCL:  To achieve international standards of excellence in all aspects of energy and diversified business with focus on customer delight through value of products and services and cost reduction. value and satisfaction for the stakeholders.  To foster a culture of participation and innovation for employee growth and contribution.  To cultivate high standards of business ethics and Total Quality Management for a strong corporate identity and brand equity.  To maximize creation of wealth.  To help enrich the quality of life of the community and preserve ecological balance and heritage through a strong environment conscience. both national and global. Zeal and Zest.  To further enhance marketing infrastructure and reseller network for providing assured service to customers throughout the country. Pride. Integrity.  To maximize utilization of existing facilities for improving efficiency and increasing productivity. 14 . Dependability.  To avail of all viable opportunities. Empathy. pipeline transportation and alternative fuels with a view to minimizing/eliminating imports and to have next generation products. Ability to learn/ absorb. transportation and marketing activities and to provide appropriate to consumers to conserve and use petroleum products efficiently. Flexibility and Change  PASSION stands for Commitment.  INNONATION stand for Creativity. Inspiration. Reliability. natural gas and downstream opportunities overseas. petrochemicals. Ownership.  To earn a reasonable rate of return on environment. Understanding Cooperation and Empowerment.VALUES OF IOCL: Indian Oil nurtures a set of CORE values which are CARE stands for Concern. arising out of the government of India’s policy of liberalization and reforms. Dedication.  To enhance the country’s self sufficiency in oil refining and build expertise in laying of crude oil and petroleum products pipelines. acquisitions.  To ensure maintenance of continuous and smooth supplies of petroleum products by way of crude oil refining. integration and diversification by harnessing new business in oil exploration and production.  To optimize utilization of refining capacity and maximize distillate yield and gross refining margin. Truthfulness and Transparency.  To create a strong research and development base in refinery processes.  TRUST stands for Delivered promise.  To achieve higher growth through mergers.  To minimize fuel consumption and hydrocarbons loss in refineries and stock loss in marketing operations to effect in energy consumption. product formulations. OBJECTIVES OF IOCL: The main objectives of IOCL are:  To serve the national interest in oil and related sectors in accordance and in consistent with Government policies. Areas of strength:         Extensive access to rural market. To inculcate strong “core values” among the employees and continuously update skill sets for full exploitation of new business opportunities. High cost of raw materials. Largest pipeline network. Simultaneously. Government intervention. Extensive marketing channels. A SWOT analysis in IOCL: A swot analysis is a tool to provide a general or detailed snapshot of a company’s health. A SWOT analysis force s and objective of a Company’s position vis-à-vis its competitors and the market place. Its growing market share. it has entered into a new business arena where It can thrive to be the market leader as it has already established as one in the refining sector. Dependence on exploration companies for crude oil. In any business it is imperative that the business be its own worst critic.implementation of quality concepts like Six Sigma. allowing it to allocate resources in such a way as to maintain any dominant positions it may have. World class Research and Development centre.  To develop operational synergies with subsidiaries and joint ventures and continuously engage across the hydrocarbon value chain for benefit of society at large. 15 . Nearness to the market.etc. an effective swot analysis will help in determine in which areas a company is succeeding.  Since IOCL is venturing into business avenues like petrochemicals and power generation. Areas of weakness:      Social obligation. No control over the fluctuation in the international market Areas of opportunities:  As IOCL has entered into new markets like Sri Lanka and Mauritius. Proper quality. Large variance of products & services. it can continue to spread its offshore marketing ventures to tap new markets and explore business opportunities. Production Department 8. Instrumentation Department 13. it became part of Indian Oil in 1981. is India’s oldest refinery and was commissioned in 1901. Hindi Department 18.04 $/bbl. Research and Development. Digboi refinery is the oldest of all refineries in India. Internal Audit Department 17. Finance Department 5. Digboi refinery has been awarded with second Prize in All India PR Awards-2012. Propel. Materials Department 4. Training Department 16. in Upper Assam.65 MMTPA. Fire and Safety Department 7. THE DEPARTMENTS OF THE DIGBOI REFINERY 1. LAB. Digboi refinery was constructed with a capacity of 5oo barrels per day. LSHS. Indian oil auto gas.Areas of threats:  Competition from domestic players as well as established MNC’s. Project Department 9. The products of the refinery are Xtra mile super diesel.  Private companies provide stiff competition. Originally a part of Assam Oil Company. LDO. Medical Department 12. Technical Services Department 10. Xtra premium. MTO. Engineering Services Department 19. Contract Cell Department 16 . Maintenance Department 14. Bitumen. Vigilance Department 11. Power and Utility Department 6. Digboi refinery has the highest GRM of: 15. AN OVERVIEW OF DIGBOI IOCL: Digboi Refinery. Management Services Department 15. Pipeline transportation.  Stiff competition from national and international players and volatility of oil prices continues to put pressure on the refining and marketing margins. In 1901. The services of Digboi refinery are Refinery and petrochemical. Modernization project of this refinery has been completed and the refinery now has a capacity of 0. Sulphur. Fuel marketing. Information System Department 3. Human Resource Department 2. Indane. HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: This department looks after the goal setting of the officers. It records the data of labor. POWER AND UTILITY DEPARTMENT: The refinery is dependent upon captive power plant. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: Its functions are to allocate funds and provide necessary information regarding financial matter of the various units in the corporation. 17 . Therefore they may set to fire due to some reasons. PROJECTS DEPARTMENT: This department helps in the preparation of projects of various activities of the refinery. proceedings in various units. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: This department takes care of the total operation of the refinery. spare parts and consumables items in various operations and activities of the refinery. pattern and spot requirement of the different consumers. salary generation data. material purchasing. It is the process starting from the receipt of crude oil. FIRE AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT: The main functions of a refinery are to store and purify and distil the inflammable liquids from crude. This department also finalizes individual goal and review of goal for each year. It analyses the problems of the organization and specifies which projects would be implemented in suitable order. MATERIALS DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible for purchase and supply of various raw materials. The department also takes care of the necessary fire and safety requirements. and finally dispatching the final products in various modes. It maintains and controls inventories of various items and takes procurement action based on consumption. etc. So this department ensures that all the departments’ of the refinery are free from fire. INFORMATION SYSTEM DEPARTMENT: This department serves the information regarding any king of services. their rotation and career path. chemicals. This department not only ensures uninterrupted supply of power and steam but also carry out necessary maintenance of electrical equipment and accessories. Moreover. tanks. plan and forecast of the manpower requirements. This department also looks after the minor modification with respect to electrical items. expenditure of the departmental instruments buying or selling. etc. it facilitates community development works. etc. conduct test. i. TRAINING DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible for the training of the employees. It provides and evaluates the skill or efficiency of the employees.e. This group takes scare of maintenance not only to attain failure but also to carry out the preventive maintenance so that failure does not occur again. like free medical service to general people. INSTRUMENTATION DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible any kind of utilization of instruments. the employee wages. etc. employee working efficiency. VIGILANCE DEPARTMENT: This department provides the necessary supports to inspect all the dealing of the transactions. HDU. etc. MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: The main function of the department includes review. moreover it handles the electrical components.TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT: This provides the necessary support to the operating groups. MAINTAINANCE DEPARTMENT: All the equipments. 18 . It studies for the improvements of quality of work life of the employees within the refinery. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible in case of welfare of the refinery employees. run carry out troubleshooting and keep track of overall performance of the refinery. technical parts the DCU. They monitor the various parameters of the plant operation. vessels. INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible for the record keeping of the purchasing. pumps and compressors require periodical maintenance. HINDI DEPARTMENT: This department is responsible for the use and implementation of Hindi in refinery. road construction. TPM is practiced at Digboi refinery. This department also keeps eye at the civil section of the refinery. They are responsible in maintenance of the refinery with the society as a whole. preparation of the drainage system. This department is spokesman of the refinery to outsides agencies such as press and other mass media. mechanical contracts. TPM helps in the followings:  Reducing all loses  Achieving Zero failure  Consistency in quality  Making job easier to operate  Bringing about a cultural change  Improving morale of employees  Increasing knowledge & skill  Creating ownership attitude  Reducing operating cost  Reducing equipment failure  Achieving Zero accidents 19 .TPM means Total Productivity Maintenance. CORPORATE COMMUNICATION: This department helps to provide information to different departments. handling and maintaining al the contracts of the refinery like the civil contracts. CONTRACT CELL: This department is responsible for lining up. environment and activities within the refinery. etc. These civil services are like building construction. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT: It helps the Digboi refinery in construction and electrical purposes. etc. 20 .  To know the factors necessary for appraising the employees.1 PRIMARY OBJECTIVE:  To understand the Performance Appraisal System practiced at Indian Oil Corporate Limited (IOCL).  To provide suggestions to the management in improving Performance Appraisal System. 1. Digboi refinery.  To identify the factors inducing to increase the performance of an employee.Chapter III: Objectives of the study 1.2 SECONDARY OBJECTIVE:  To know the employee’s awareness & level of satisfaction about the Performance Appraisal practiced in the organization. O. uniformity and process efficiency.D). Digboi Refinery: 1. and individuals. 21 .Chapter IV: Performance Appraisal Management System at IOCL(A. units. Appraiser Cascade Every officer who assesses the performance of one or more appraises that report to him/her. functions. 1. The individual KRAs would also include KRAs over & above these cascaded ones such as applicable to divisions. Higher degree of transparency. Performance ownership at the employee level 1.3 Some terms used at IOCL regarding Performance appraisal management system: Alignment (of objectives & results) Exists when individual and group objectives & results contribute directly to achievement of the organization results. areas.1 Objectives of Performance Appraisal Management System: The performance appraisal management system aims to encourage the following:     Creation of high performance orientation at Indian Oil.2 Coverage: All Officers working in Grades A-I. Appraise Every officer whose performance is assessed under PMS. Stronger alignment of individual performance with organizational goals. The process of sequentially breaking down organizational objectives & targets into those of various levels of the organization. selected.enabled Final performance rating Delivered through software The rating given to an appraise after counter signature. A descriptive of KRAs and KPIs and their targets expected to accomplish during the performance period. rating scales. measurable & critical to individual performance. Critical achievement required to deliver Indian Oil desire business results. she/he is the first point of contract for any queries on PMS process at his/her location. observable. The level at which set of behaviors is required to demonstrate in a particular role. The unique system of managing performance at Indian Oil Responsible for centrally administrating the eenabled PMS software Tools developed within PMS to facilitate effective usage: roles stretch. E. Usually measurable or verifiable. Pre. Typically are outcomes that directly contribute to Indian oil’s MOU.Competency Skills and abilities described in terms of behaviors that are coachable. Internal change agent Key Result Area Performance diary Performance plan Proficiency level PMS PMS facilitator and administrator PMS tools Reviewer 22 . Typically the appraiser’s appraiser. strategic objection and/or operational goals. A tool of the appraise to record significant events or aspects of performance which may be used for performance discussions. who is responsible for reviewing the entire performance. 1.5 Features of Performance appraisal management system: The following are system features of Performance appraisal management system. which have been detailed in subsequent sections of this document:     Performance Period Performance Planning Mid-year Review Final Appraisal. Review & Feedback 23 .4 Key roles in Performance appraisal management at IOCL: 1. The cycle Consists of three phases. and Final Performance Review. namely.Performance period: PMS follows an April-March annual cycle aligned to the financial year.Year Review: The objective of a mid-year review is to ensure that performance management is not limited to “once a year report card” but has a mid. Mid-Year Review. The critical calendar months and the sequence of events for these phases are represented in the following figure: Mid.year appraisal completed 24 . Appraise will complete selfappraisal on KPIs against targets set for first 6 months Appraise will submit self appraisal to appraiser Appraiser will discuss the review with appraise Mid.year process for reviewing and tracking achievements. It also reduces the scope for surprises at the end of the year and ensures that the appraise is always aware of expectations. Performance Planning. This is initiated as a self-appraisal by the Appraise and a review by the Appraiser. The Mid-Year Review does not result in a performance score. The Reviewer then reviews the ratings on KRAs. Feedback and guidance to the Appraise should be provided on a continuous basis throughout the year. Final Appraisal. review and feedback phase. targets and routine responsibilities and demonstration of competencies for each Appraise. Ratings and feedback will be given based on what the employee has delivered vis-à-vis the set and agreed performance plan. and Value & Potential. PMS provides the Appraise and the Appraiser opportunity to input the key achievements as and when they happen through an on-line personal diary. The Appraiser then does the assessment & rating on KRAs.Mid-Year Review of performance for each individual is conducted during the month of October. first the Appraise undertakes a self-appraisal and gives a rating on all the performance parameters i. During the final appraisal.e. Competencies. Review & Feedback Objectives: Final Appraisal. Review & Feedback is an assessment phase when Appraisers assess level of achievement of KRAs. This will also help capture all performance-related information and keep continuous focus on performance. At any stage the Appraiser and/or Reviewer can call for a discussion with the Appraise. He/ she also review the actions taken towards achievement of the Appraises’s development plan. but is a half-yearly opportunity to record comments on performance issues. KRAs.6 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS: The graphical representation of the Performance appraisal management system at IOCL. and Value & Potential. 1. The Mid-year review is also an opportunity where under extraneous circumstances changes in performance plans may be incorporated. The final performance review and feedback is undertaken in the month of April-May. Competencies. Digboi refinery is as follows: 25 . The E-PMS help to manage performance in the organization. 360 degree feedback appraisal I. E-PMS: E-PMS is enabled Online Performance Management System.7 Methods used at IOCL to accomplished Performance appraisal management system: 1.1. All unique roles are fed into the system and all officers are mapped to corresponding roles. E-PMS 2. The E-PMS system is used for:  Planning performance  Monitoring and Appraising Performance  Differential Reward linked to Performance 26 . measurable.  The selection of KPIs. KEY ROLE AREA: Performance in E-PMS is based upon Key role area (KRAs) Competencies. 27 . new responsibilities etc. The achievement against each of these will together constitute the Appraises performance.) with the approval of Appraiser and reviewer. Competencies are knowledge. weightages. market forces and management practices.  They will then assign weightages and set targets for each KPI based on the Unit’s/Department’s targets. KRAs are identified areas of performance that support the organization's goals that are to be accomplished during the year. Potential includes the critical attributes which do not get covered in competencies and reflect an individual’s capacity to shoulder higher responsibility. Values are statements that express Indian Oil’s ethical commitments and guiding principles which are timeless and will stand the test of time. Provision exists to define up to 6 special KRAs with KPIs to accommodate specific situations. observable. skills and abilities described in behavioral terms that are coachable. targets and their stretch will be reviewed and approved by the Reviewer to complete Planning Phase  Provision exists to edit the performance plan in case of significant changes in business plans or roles (transfers. and critical to successful performance. Maximum 12 KRAs are allowed.Performance Planning in E-PMS :  Every employee has a set of Mandatory KRAs depending upon his Role profile. Some of the KRAs from each unique role are marked mandatory based on organizational alignment to ensure consistency in assessment of Appraisee’s performance.  Every employee and his Appraiser will select KRAs and KPIs for the performance year based on the role profile.  Appraiser will assign Stretch to Targets depending on their degree of difficulty. an on upholding of which individual’s are assessed. Values and Potential. Each KRA is accompanied by one or more KPIs. central). (e) Boundary Management/ Coordination and Liaison: KRAs pertaining to liaising/ coordinating with Governmental (local. state. training. Regulatory. Values and Potential. Administrative. selling & marketing.The relative weightings of these 4 sections-KRAs. 28 . Grade A/B/C D/E F/G H/I KRA : C : V : P 60 : 15 : 10 : 15 55 : 20 : 10 : 15 50 : 20 : 15 : 15 45 : 20 : 15 : 20 Key Result Areas (KRAs) are “Critical outcomes towards which effort is directed to support achievement of desired business results” . product & process development and delivery. Each KRA in a role profile would fall in one of the following: (a) Operational/ Direct or Critical Outputs: KRAs pertaining to functional / operational activities (in terms of efficiency) as performed in the organization. (c) Strategy and Growth/ Forward Planning: KRAs pertaining to strategic direction setting or establishing differentiation with respect to manufacturing. (d) People/Team Management: KRAs pertaining to people development. (b) Financial: KRAs pertaining to direct impact on top line (revenue) or bottom line (cost) at a decision making level. Competencies. performance management and employee satisfaction activities for all Appraisers with direct reports. Statutory bodies and vendors / customers (external & internal). have been pre-decided. The appraiser tries and resolves all issues at his/her level towards a win-win solution. Therefore the appraiser ensure that adequate time is spent in the performance planning phase and provide prompt and timely feedback on performance. The role of a reviewer assumes greater significance.Three dimensions of KRA: Conclusion: E-PMS is a vast and old method that is used to evaluate the performance appraisal of officers.planning phase. 29 . In E-PMS reviewer is the final authority in the most crucial phase of performance appraisal management. In E-PMS the appraiser is in direct contact with the appraise. however he/she may encourage appraise and appraiser to resolve these among themselves. Reviewer is required to resolve disputes that may be escalated to employees. These parties are in the best position to evaluate the employee or manager because they are continuously interacting and working with him. the divisions may implement the mechanisms for officers from their respective divisions in grade D to H. The questionnaire has been developed keeping in view the ‘Leadership competency framework’ developed for the corporation by M/S KPMG. is feedback that comes from members of an employee's immediate work circle. the questionnaire is to be circulated to 8 officers (ideal respondent no.ii. This method is mostly used to evaluate the performance of the employees However. multi source feedback. however owing to paper format questionnaire & paucity of time. behavior. self and customers is called 360 Degree Appraisal. Here. the performance of the employee or manager is evaluated by six parties. immediate superior. due to limited time available to design & implement on-line system. etc. HR Heads & other senior officials of the corporation. tempers. the feedback will be used for promotion related. in the year 2012. including himself/herself. of respondent is set as 8. This method is very reliable because evaluation is done by many different parties. Corporate HR implement & monitor the process for corporate office based officers with help from divisional HR. the limited no. the questionnaire will comprise of 9 individual formats. also known as multi-rater feedback. is 10 to 12). These have been coded as ‘SELF’ & R1 to R8. he/she gets a feedback of his /her performance from everyone around him/her. The process took place through printed questionnaire that are to the respondent. The model was developed & validated in consultation with divisional Directors. it is also used to evaluate other qualities such as talents. loyalty. The process is implemented offline. values. Definition of 360 degree feedback appraisal: An appraisal made by top management. It is a well known practice that completes the evaluation of performance with effective results. So. ethical standards. peers. or multi source assessment. For each appraise. 2012 at corporate office. 360 degree feedback is presently introduced at IOCL and the organization is receiving effective results out of it. Implementation of 360 degree feedback appraisal at IOCL. Digboi refinery: 360 degree feedback appraisal was introduced at IOCL on 25th October. For an individual officer (appraise). 30 . 360 degree feedback appraisal: 360 degree feedback appraisal. subordinates. with which the officer has been/is working for not less than 3 years in the immediate recent period. One subordinate with whom the officer has been/is working for not less than three years in the immediate recent period. One peer or maximum one grade above/below. One grade above/below. R3 R4 d) The officer (appraise) will select the four (4) respondents in the following manner: Respondent code R5 Respondent One senior with whom the officer has been/is working for not less than 3 years in the immediate recent years. with whom the officer has been/is working for not less than three years in three immediate recent period. One sub-ordinate with whom the officer has been/is working for not less than immediate 3 years in the immediate recent period. four (4) respondents will be selected by Divisional HR & the appraise will select the remaining four (4) respondents. The appraise is to be advised to retain a copy of ‘SELF appraisal’ before submitting to divisional HR.  Out of rest eight (8).The mechanism will work as follows: The questionnaire coded as ‘SELF’ will be used by the apprais e for self appraisal. 1 colleague(in the same grade) with whom the officer has been/is working for not less than 3 years in the immediate recent period. or maximum. One peer in the same grade.  Divisional HR will select four (4) respondents applying the following criteria:Respondent code SELF R1 R2 Respondent For the officer (appraise) Controlling senior One senor with whom the officer has been/ is working for not less than 3 years in the immediate recent years. 31 R6 R7 R8 . f) The officer (appraise) will nominate four(4) other respondents i. self and customers too. Digboi refinery in order to ensure confidentiality and authenticity of the questionnaire a hologrammed sticker has been affixed on the entire questionnaires.e R1 to R4 in the sealed cover.e) HR will send questionnaire to the selected respondent i. Confidentiality is the key to success of 360 degree feedback appraisal. peers. immediate superior. 32 . sub-ordinates. g) HR will co-ordinate with all the other respondents. At IOCL.e R5 to R8. and informed the same to Divisional HR. R5 to R8 will essentially be different from R1 to R4. HR will send the questionnaire to the respondents in sealed cover. it may not be possible to maintain the confidentiality. But owing to the pen and paper format. Conclusion: The 360 degree feedback appraisal is implemented with great support at IOCL. Hence the Divisional HR ensure maximum confidentiality till it become electronic. HR will inform the names of the respondents R1 to R4 to the officer (appraiser). Digboi refinery as the evaluation is done by six parties such as: Top management. communicate a time line for response and collect the filled-in questionnaire back from the respondents after the time-line. keeping in view the above mentioned criteria. 4 NATURE OF STUDY: The study is exploratory in nature because the research largely stresses on the exploration of ideas and insights.Chapter v: Research methodology Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. All the relevant information has been collected through questionnaire. The advanced learner’s dictionaries of current English lay are down the meaning of research as. Thus a detailed study of the performance appraisal system at IOCL and its impact is very important to get the proper insights. Further suitable rating scales have been developed to measure the view as well as outlook of employees towards the performance system at Digboi refinery... “a careful investigation (or) inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. and suggest ways and means towards the performance rating system for their greater participation and involvement towards the organizations goals and objectives as well as individual goals. and enough flexibility to embrace different aspects of human behavior. The ratings are later analyzed to get a clear picture of the views of the employees of IOCL. 1. 1. 1. 33 . which is vital for the development of the research instrument which is to be undertaken during the study. Redme n and Mary define research as a “systematic effort to gain knowledge”. Digboi towards the performance appraisal system and their satisfaction level. 1.3 AREA DEFINED FOR THE STUDY: The area for the study was the different departments of the Digboi refinery. Digboi Refinery.2 RESEARCH PLAN: The research plan is done with the primary objective of finding out the performance appraisal management at IOCL.1 RESEARCH – MEANING AND DEFINITION: Research is an art of scientific investigation. 6 SAMPLING DESIGN: Population Sampling Unit Sample Size : 271 Members : Employees (Officers) : 50 nos. Sampling Procedure : Simple Random sampling (probability sampling) 1.  Dichotomous question: Here the respondents are under the obligation to answer between two clear cut alternatives like ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.  The primary data has been collected from the respondents through questionnaire personally. 1.  The secondary data has been obtained from the organizations literatures.5 SOURCES OF DATA: Both primary and secondary data has been in the research process.1. Closed ended question:  Likert scale: A scale by the likert method in which subjects are given a number of statements and asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement with those statements.7 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: Questionnaire was used to conduct the survey among 150 employees which includes open-ended and closed ended questions. Open – ended questions: A question which requires the respondent to answer it in his own words. online search and journals. 34 . Of Respondents X 100 35 . percentage method tool of research was used. Of Respondents Total No. Percentage = No.8 ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE For the analysis of data and its interpretations. It is used to making comparisons between two or more series of data. Percentages are used to describe relationships. Percentage Method: It refers to special kind of ratio.1. CHAPTER VI DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION TABLE 6.0 12.0 100.0 16.0 58.1 Age of the Respondents Opinion 25-35 35-45 45-55 Greater than 55 Total No of respondents 7 6 29 8 50 Percentage (%) 14.1 Age of the Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 25-35 35-45 45-55 >55 Age of the Respondents 36 .0 Interpretation: 58% of the respondents belong to the age of 45-55 years 16% of the respondents belong to the age of greater than 55 years CHART 6. 0 Interpretation: From the above table it is interpret that 74% of the respondents are male and 26% of the respondents are female.TABLE 6.2 Gender of the respondent Opinion MALE FEMALE Total No of respondents 37 13 50 Percentage (%) 74.2 Gender 40 30 20 10 0 MALE Gender FEMALE 37 .0 26.0 100. CHART 6. Table 6.0 42. 18% of the respondents belong to the experience of greater than 30 years.0 18.0 100.3 Experience 25 20 15 10 5 0 < 10 10-20 20-30 >30 Experience 38 . CHART 6.3 Experience of the respondents Opinion LESS THAN 10 10-20 20-30 GREATER THAN 30 Total No of respondents 5 15 21 9 50 Percentage (%) 10.0 30.0 Interpretation: 42% of the respondents belong to the experience of 20-30 years. 30% of the respondents belong to the experience of 10-20 years. 39 .0 100.0 Interpretation: From the above table shows that 18% of the respondents have said that their present job is challenging and 74% of the respondents have said that their present job is interesting and 8% of the respondents have said that their present job is normal.0 74.Questions: 1. How do you describe your job? a) Challenging [ ] b) Interesting [ ] TABLE 6.4 c) Normal [ ] Respondent describing their Present Job Opinion Challenging Interesting Normal Total No of respondents 9 37 4 50 Percentage (%) 18.0 8. CHART 6.5 Aware of Performance Appraisal Opinion No of respondents Percentage (%) Yes 50 100.0 Interpretation: From the above table it is found that 100%of the employees are having awareness about the performance appraisal system at IOCL.4 40 30 20 10 0 Challenging Interesting Describe Present Job Normal 2. Are you aware of the performance appraisal system practiced in your organization? a) Yes [ ] b) No[ ] Table: 6. Digboi refinery 40 . 5 Aware of Performance appraisal 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes Aware of Performanceappraisal 3.CHART 6.0 96.0 41 .0 100.6 Type of Performance Appraisal Opinion Open System confidential system Total No of respondents 1 48 50 Percentage (%) 2. What type of performance appraisal system is followed in your organization? a) Open-system [ ] b) Confidential system [ ] Table: 6. Interpretation: From the table it is found that 2% of officers are followed with open-system and for 96% of officers confidential system is followed. CHART 6.6 Type of Performance Apprasial 50 40 30 20 10 0 Open System confidential system Type of Performance Apprasial 42 . 100% of officers agree to it.7 Opinion Quarterly Half-yearly Annually More than one year Total No of respondents 0 0 50 0 50 Percentage (%) 0. Frequency of Performance Apprasial 50 40 30 20 10 0 Quarterly Half-yearly Annually Frequency of Performance Apprasial >1 year 43 .0 100.0 0.0 100.4. it has interpreted that the performance appraisal system is carried out annually.0 Interpretation: From the above table.0 0. How frequently the performance appraisal is carried out in your organization? a) Quarterly [ ] b) Half-yearly [ ] c) Annually [ ] d) More than a year [ ] Table: 6. 5.0 4.0 Interpretation: From the above it can be interpreted that 80% of the officers are satisfied with the performance appraisal system. How do you rate the performance appraisal system existing in your organization? a)satisfied [ ] e) Poor [ ] b) highly satisfied [ ] c) dissatisfied[ ] d) highly dissatisfied [ ] Table: 6.0 10. 44 .0 2.0 4.0 100.8 Opinion Satisfied Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Poor Total No of respondents 40 2 5 2 1 50 Percentage (%) 80. c. b. g. Partially agreed [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Dis-agreed [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Commitment of work Discipline Attendance Job Knowledge [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Relation with superior and subordinates Plan of Work Decision Making Leadership qualities Communication skills 45 . h. f. i. Do you think the following factors are necessary for appraising the employees? Agreed a.Chart 6. e. d.8 50 40 30 20 10 0 Satisfied Highly dissatisfied Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Rating of Performance Apprasial Poor 6. mainly to the factors of Discipline 96%. majority of the officers are agreed to the factors of inducing to increase their performance.COMPARASION OF FACTORS APPRAISING THE EMPLOYEES TABLE 6.9 Relation with Superior and Subordina tes Opinion Commit ment of Work Discipline Job Knowle dge Attendan ce Plan of Work Decision Making Leadershi p Qualities Commu nication Skills X 43 Y 86 X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X 2 6 2 4 0 Y 48 96 48 96 44 88 42 84 43 86 48 96 42 84 52 Agreed Partially agreed Disagreed 6 1 12 2 2 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 12 0 8 0 16 0 7 0 14 0 2 0 4 0 8 0 16 0 48 0 X = No of respondents Y = Percentage (%) Interpretation: From the above table it is found that. and Decision Making 96%. Job Knowledge 96%. 46 . 0 47 .00 30. Which method of rating performance appraisal is better? a) E.PMS [ ] b) 360 degree feedback appraisal [ ] Table 6.10 Opinion E-PMS 360 degree feedback appraisal Total No of respondents 42 8 50 Percentage (%) 84.0 100.00 40.CHART 6.00 20.00 Values 7.0 16.9 Communication Skills Count Leadership Qualities Count Decision Making Count Factors Rows Agreed Partially agreed Disagreed Plan of W ork Count Relation with Superior and Subordinates Count Attendance Count Job Knowledge Count Discipline Count Commitment of W ork Count 10. at what level the performance system is helpful your self development? a) Very high [ ] b) High [ ] c) Moderate [ ] 48 .10: 50 40 30 20 10 0 E-PMS 360 degree 8. a) Does the performance appraisal system facilitate to increase your selfdevelopment? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] b) If yes.Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 84% of officers are satisfied with E-PMS system. Chart 6. and 16% of them are satisfied with the 360 degree appraisal system. Self Development Opinion No of respondents 50 Percentage (%) 100.TABLE 6.11 Performance Appraisal . TABLE 6.0 86.0 100.0 12.11 Level of Self Development Opinion Very High High Moderate Total No of respondents 1 43 6 50 Percentage (%) 2.0 49 .0 Yes Interpretation: From the above table shows that 100% of the respondents have facilitated to increase selfdevelopment. 50 .12 Opinion Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly dissagree Total No of respondents 1 43 3 3 50 Percentage (%) 2.0 6. 6% of the respondents disagree and 6% of the respondents strongly disagree.0 86. Are the process of Performance Appraisal is free from bias and Prejudices? a) Strongly Agree [ ] b) Agree [ ] Table 6.11 Level of Self Development 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very High High Level of Self Development Moderate 9.0 c) Disagree [ ] d) Strongly Disagree [ ] Interpretation: From the above table it is found that 86% of the respondents agree.0 100.0 6.Chart 6. 0 10.0 4.0 51 .12 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 10.0 6.13 Opinion agree Strongly Agree neutral disagree Total No of respondents 40 5 2 3 50 Percentage (%) 80.0 100. Does your immediate supervisor give you feed back that helps you to improve performance? a) Agree [ ] b) Strongly Agree [ ] c) Neutral [ ] d) Disagree [ ] Table: 6.CHART 6. undertake any programmer to improve their performance? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] b) If yes.Interpretation: From the above table it has been interpreted that 80% of the officers get their performance feedback from their immediate supervisor and 10% of the officers strongly agree to it. a) Are the employees.14 (a) Programmer to improve the performance Opinion Yes No of respondents 50 Percentage (%) 100.0 52 . Chart 6.13 Feedback from immediate supervisor 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Strongly agree Level of Self Development Neutral Disagree 11. what kind of programmer to improve the performance have undertaken by the employees themselves? a) Quality circle [ ] b) Group discussion [ ] c) Course undertaken [ ] d) Seminar Conference [ ] TABLE 6. 0 50.14(a): Programmer to improve performance 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes Programmer to improve performance Table 6.14(b) Opinion Quality circle Group discussion Course undertaken Seminar conference Total No of respondents 0 25 25 0 50 Percentage (%) 00.Interpretation: From the above table shows that 100% of the respondents have facilitated to know the employee performance programme.0 0.0 100. Chart 6.0 50.0 53 . Interpretation: From the above table shows that 50% of the respondents are undertaking group discussion, 50%of the respondents are undertaking course undertaken . CHART 6.14 (b): Kind of Programme 25 20 15 10 5 0 Group Discussion Course Undertaken Kind of Programme 12. Are you given feedback, once the appraisal is completed? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] Table 6.15: Opinion Yes No Total No of respondents 46 4 50 Percentage (%) 92.0 8.0 100.0 54 Interpretation: From the above table it has been interpreted that 92% of the respondents agree that once appraisal is completed, they are given feedback. Chart 6.15 Feedback once the appraisal is completed 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Feedback once the appraisal is completed 13. In what way this feedback helps you to perform effectively? a) Helps in knowing one’s own potential [ ] b) Helps to get proper guidance from superior [ ] c) Increases productivity d) Sense of recognition [ ] [ ] e) Others ----------------------------------------------------- 55 Table 6.16: Opinion Helps in knowing one’s own potential Helps to get proper guidance from superior Increases productivity Sense of recognition Total No of respondents 41 Percentage (%) 82.0 0 00.0 0 9 50 00.0 18.0 100.0 Interpretation: From the above table, it has been interpreted that 82% of the officer agree that the feedback helps them in knowing their owns potential and 18% agree to sense of recognition. Chart 6.16: Feedback Effectiveness 50 40 30 20 10 0 Helps in Knowing One's Own Potential Sense of Recognition Feedback Effectiveness 56 Chart 6.0 00.0 100.0 00. At low performance level.0 Interpretation: From the above table it has been interpreted that 100% of the officers agree that at low level of performance the respondents are given proper training.17: Improve performance 50 40 30 20 10 0 By training Improve performance 57 .14.0 100. how does your organization improve the performance level of the employee? a) By advice [ ] b) By training [ ] c) By punishment [ ] d) By rules & regulation [ ] Table 6.17 Opinion By advice By training By punishment By rules & regulation Total No of respondents 0 50 0 0 50 Percentage (%) 00. Majority of the respondents have said their present job is interesting. It is found from the study that 360 degree feedback appraisal has the aspect of uniformity and as confidentiality is maintained. It is also found from the study that 58 . Majority of the respondents are having additional job satisfaction towards performance appraisal. This is more aligned towards an organizational core values. it is found that E-PMS is more transparent and it is the method by which the appraise can set his/her goals and rate his/her performance in achieving them. there is increase in self-development. The respondents gave different opinion regarding the two methods i. It is found that E-PMS is more towards officer’s job skills along with the competencies. and 80% of the respondents are satisfied towards performance appraisal system.CHAPTER VII FINDINGS OF THE STUDY Most of the respondents belong to the age of 45-55 years. as it is the better way to judge the performance of an appraise. The other opinion of officers for 360 degree feedback appraisal is vary. The performance appraisal period is 90% towards the opinion of the respondents. Most of the employees induce the factors of decision-making. and most of the respondents are having experience of 15-20 years. the method is free from any personnel aspect. 100% of employees aware about the performance appraisal system carried out in the organization. 96% of employees follow confidential system. The opinion of the respondents regarding level of additional job satisfaction and satisfaction of performance appraisal system are positively correlated. majority of the respondents are male. All the employees are accepting that. Throughout the study. All the employees are given feedback and training. Most of the respondent’s opinion was fair.e E-PMS and 360 degree feedback appraisal. Self – assessment can be done at E-PMS. Some respondents except E-PMS as the best method. The opinion of the respondents regarding the factors for appraising the employees they rank Discipline. 59 . Job Knowledge. Decision Making as first rank followed with Attendance and last as Communication Skills.360 degree feedback appraisal give an overview of an employee with unbiased opinions of the people involved. needs to be incorporated. which shall be seen as positive support to the system by the appraiser as well as appraises. Open system of performance appraisal can also be followed. Only two type of training programme like group discussion and training related to their specific job is given. However the E-PMS appraisal is an individualistic appraisal which does not cater too much about team work. This area where the team work is concerned. Indian Oil is an organization which believes in team work. Senior management should continually review the appraisal conducted. 60 . This will show his/her nature in totality. Knowledge about ethics and interpersonal relationship should be introduced. so the organization can give special training on soft skills to the employees. Findings show that only confidential type of performance appraisal system is followed widely. From the study it is also suggested that the present E-PMS system should not be person specific and should be above individual influences. and their interest will be maintained. Some officers suggested 36o degree appraisal as the best appraisal as a person should be appraised both as a team worker by his/her senior and as a leader by his/her junior’ s.CHAPTER VIII SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: From the study it was found that the employees lacked in communication skills. sense of recognition in the organization etc.CHAPTER IX CONCLUSIONS This study helps to understand the performance appraisal system practiced in Indian Oil Corporation Limited. Digboi refinery (A. Performance Appraisal System helps is employees career growth. 61 . it support them to take their consideration to the management and to get more benefits and also for their more effective performance.D). Majority of the officers are benefited by this system and the procedure followed and they are enjoying the various benefits from this system such as knowing ones own potential. Digboi refinery performance appraisal is used for multiple uses like yearly increment. salary review. potential assessment and promotion or demotion options etc. which helps them to achieve their own goals as well as organizational goals. In IOCL.O. receiving mental encouragement regarding their job portfolio. As the organization is always in operational state as per its busy schedule. 3. 62 . 5. Due to shortage of time the sample size is limited to only 50. 8. The information provided by the respondents is spontaneous and they may not be consistent. There was a dearth of free time in the hand of employees. The study faced heavy strike from employees as it was in news that Government ordered IOCL. 4. The feedback given by the various employees is based on their experiences and perceptions and may suffer from some biasness. 7. Most of the respondents refused to divulge details regarding their designation and this created a problem as the data could not be analyzed with respect to this particular variable.CHAPTER X LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1. As such carrying out a survey and getting the questionnaires filled correctly on time was a real hard desk. so the employees get very less time to express their views. 6. 2. The employees were a bit hesitant to reveal the negative aspects in spite of the confidence given to them that study is meant for academic purpose and the personal details will maintained in total confidence. Digboi refinery to close down the refinery due to lack of productivity. The study is conducted to know the expectation of performance appraisal system among the officers.CHAPTER XI SCOPE FOR FURTHER STUDIES The scope of the study encompasses all the members in all the departments existing in the Organization. as at present the organization practiced performance appraisal system only with the officers of grade A-I. The study may further conducted to non-officers too. 63 . How do you describe your job? a) Challenging [ ] b) Interesting [ ] c) Normal [ ] (please tick) 2. Commitment of work [ ] Dis-agreed [ ] 64 . How frequently the performance appraisal is carried out in your organization? a) Quarterly [ ] b) Half-yearly [ ] c) Annually [ ] d) More than a year [ ] 5. Are you aware of the performance appraisal system practiced in your organization? a) Yes [ ] b) No[ ] 3. How do you rate the performance appraisal system existing in your organization? a)satisfied [ ] e) Poor [ ] 6. Do you think the following factors are necessary for appraising the employees? Partially agreed [ ] b) highly satisfied [ ] c) dissatisfied[ ] d) highly dissatisfied [ ] Agreed j. What type of performance appraisal system is followed in your organization? a) Open-system [ ] b) Confidential system [ ] 4.ANNEXURE I Questionnaire: Particulars of respondent Age: Gender: Years of experience in the organization: Questions 1. Are the process of Performance Appraisal is free from bias and Prejudices? a) Strongly Agree [ ] b) Agree [ ] c) Disagree [ ] d) Strongly Disagree [ ] 10. then why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. at what level the performance system is helpful your self development? a) Very high [ ] b) High [ ] c) Moderate [ ] d) Poor [ ] 9. Does your immediate supervisor give you feed back that helps you to improve performance? a) Agree [ ] b) Strongly Agree [ ] c) Neutral [ ] d) Disagree [ ] 65 . a) Does the performance appraisal system facilitate to increase your selfa) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] development? b) If yes. r. p. m. 8. Discipline Attendance Job Knowledge Relation with superior and subordinates Plan of Work Decision Making Leadership qualities Communication skills [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 7.. l. Which method of rating performance appraisal is better? a) E.k. then why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (iii)If 360 degree feedback appraisal. o.PMS. n. q.PMS [ ] b) 360 degree feedback appraisal [ ] (i) If E. undertake any programmer to improve their performance? a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] b)If yes. a) Are the employees. At low performance level. how does your organization improve the performance level of the employee? a) By advice [ ] b) By training [ ] c) By punishment [ ] d) By rules & regulation [ ] 15.11. once the appraisal is completed? a) Yes [ ] b) No[ ] 13. In what way this feedback helps you to perform effectively? a) Helps in knowing one’s own potential [ ] b) Helps to get proper guidance from superior [ ] c) Increases productivity d) Sense of recognition [ ] [ ] e) Others ---------------------------------------------------------14. Any suggestions: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 66 . what kind of programmer to improve the performance have undertaken by the employees themselves? a) Quality circle [ ] c) Course undertaken [ ] b) Group discussion [ ] d) Seminar Conference [ ] 12. Are you given feedback. 2.performance appraisal . 67 . V.answers.iocl. Aswathapa Performance Management. IOCL HR manual E-PMS manual 360 degree feedback appraisal mannual Human Resource 3. L. Prasad IOCL journal Website: 1.ANNEXURE II Bibliography: Books: 1. www.M. www. 2.S. 7. 4. Prasad Human Resource Management. 5.P Rao Human Resource Management. 6. 3. L. 68 .
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