Final Autonomous Syllabus 5th & 6th Sem-Mar

March 18, 2018 | Author: Ashwini Dhananjeyan | Category: Relational Database, Decision Support System, Databases, Probability Distribution, Instruction Set



RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,BANGALORE-59(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum) Semester – V Department – Information Science and Engineering SCHEME OF TEACHING & EXAMINATION Teaching Scheme Hours/week Sub. Code 07HSS51 Title Management and Entrepreneurship Database Management Systems Computer Networks – I Microprocessors Computer Organization Elective-A TOTAL BOS Theory 4 Tutorial Practical Sl No Examination Credits 4 1 HSS 2 3 4 5 6 07IS52 07IS53 07IS54 07IS55 07IS56X ISE ISE ISE ISE ISE 3 4 3 4 4 22 1 3 5 4 1 3 5 4 4 2 6 26 Elective-A Sub Code 07IS561 07IS562 07IS563 07IS564 Title Probability Statistics and Queuing Soft Computing Operational Research Decision Support Systems 1 RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum) Semester – VI Department – Information Science and Engineering SCHEME OF TEACHING & EXAMINATION Teaching Scheme Hours/week Sl No Sub Code Title BOS Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6 07IS61 07IS62 07IS63 07IS64 07IS65X 07IS66X Computer Networks-II Software Engineering File Structures Systems software Elective-B Elective-C TOTAL ISE ISE ISE ISE ISE ISE 3 4 3 3 4 4 21 2 6 1 3 Tutorial 1 Practical 3 Examination no of credits 5 4 5 3 4 4 25 Elective-B Sub Code Title Sub Code Elective-C Title 07IS651 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks 07IS661 Digital Image Processing 07IS652 Distributed Computing 07IS653 Advanced DBMS 07IS654 Java and J2EE 07IS662 Service Oriented Architecture 07IS663 Mobile Handset Software Design 07IS664 Data Warehousing and Data mining 2 RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BANGALORE-59 AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION UNDER VTU V – SEMESTER INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SCHEME OF TEACHING & EXAMINATION 3 RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum) Management & Entrepreneurship Subject Code : 07HSS51 Hrs/Week Credits Objective: • • 1. To provide the students with an overview of several influential approaches and concepts of management those have shaped managerial thinking during the past century. 2. To trigger the entrepreneurial thinking amongst the student community and provide necessary inputs for setting up of an enterprise. PART – A Principles of Management :4+0+0 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 1 Management: Introduction – Meaning – nature and characteristics of Management, scope and functional areas of management – Management as a science, art or profession – Management and administration – Roles of management, Levels of management, Development of Management Thought – Early management approaches – Modern management approaches. 4 Hrs 2 3 4 Planning and Forecasting: Nature of Planning, Types of planning, Forecasting, Strategies for managing technology. Organizing: Nature of Organizing, Technology and Modern Organization Structures, Authority and Power, Delegation, Committees and Meetings. 2 Hrs 3 Hrs Motivating and Leading Technical People: Motivation, Leadership, Motivating and Leading 3 Hrs Technical Professionals (Excludes detailed coverage of Leadership and motivation theories) Controlling: the Process of Control, Financial Controls, Non-Financial Controls. 4 PART – B Engineering Management 5 Managing Engineering Design and Development: Product and Technology Life Cycles, Nature of 7 Hrs Research and development, Research Strategy and organization, selecting R & D Projects, Protection of Ideas, Creativity, Nature of Engineering Design, Systems Engineering / New Product Development, Control System in Design Product Liability and Safety, Designing for Reliability, other “abilities” in Design. 6 Managing Production Operations: Assuring product quality, Productivity, Work measurement, 6 Hrs Maintenance and Facilities (Plant) engineering, other manufacturing functions. 7 8 9 Engineers in Marketing and service activities: Marketing and the Engineer, Engineers in Service 3 Hrs organizations. Project Planning and Acquisition: Characteristics of a project, the project proposal process, project planning tools, Types of contracts. Financial Management for Engineers: Overview of tools for financial performance measurement of 3 Hrs organizations. PART – C Entrepreneurship 5 Hrs 10 Entrepreneur: Meaning of an Entrepreneur, Evolution of the Concept, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneur - an Emerging Class. Concept of Entrepreneurship – steps in entrepreneurial process, Role of entrepreneurs in Economic Development: Entrepreneurship in India; Entrepreneurship –Barriers. 3 Hrs 11 Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME): Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale; 3 Hrs Objectives; Scope; role of MSME in Economic Development. Advantages of MSME, Steps to start an MSME – Government policy towards MSME; Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization on MSME, Effect of WTO / GATT. 12 13 Institutional Support: Different Schemes; TECSOK, KIADB, KSSIDC, KSIMC, DIC single 2 Hrs Window Agency; MSME, NSIC; SIDBI; KSFC. Preparation of Project: Meaning of Project, Project Identification, Project Selection, Project Report - Contents; Formulation; Project Appraisal. Identification of Business Opportunities: Market Feasibility studies; Technical Feasibility Studies; Financial Feasibility Studies and Social Feasibility studies. 5 4 Hrs S Chand & Co. Daniel L Babcock and Lucy C Morse – Managing Engineering and Technology. The course is meant to equip engineering students on the managerial aspects of an enterprise and motivate the students to consider entrepreneurship as a career option. Four questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. James Arthur Finch Stoner.Reference Books: 1. Belgaum) Database Management Systems (Theory and Practice) Subject Code : 07IS52 Hrs/Week Credits :3+1+3 : 05 6 CIE Marks : 150 Exam Hrs : 3+3 SEE Marks : 150 . Jr. R. TMH. Pearson Education – 2006 . 5.6 Sub edition (January 1995) ISBN-13: 978-0131087477 .Entrepreneurship Development. RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Pearson Education. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation : Two questions from Part – A.. three from Part – B and one from Part C. Daniel R. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Poornima M Charantimath – Entrepreneurship Development . 2.Essentials of Management. Note: The subject treatment should be introductory in nature. 4. 3rd Edition.Management. Gilbert. Students will be asked to answer at least one question from Part – A. Prentice Hall. 7th Edition. 3. Edward Freeman.Small Business Enterprises. SS Khanka . 6. David Holt – Entrepreneurship. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich . Refining the ER Design. 5. Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas. Database languages and interfaces. Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form. Characteristics of Database approach. Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory. 3. Update Operations. General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms. Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship Model: 6 Hrs Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design. Workers behind the scene. Attributes and Keys. Data models. SQL: 7 12 Hrs SQL Data Definition and Data Types. Databases and Database Users 6 Hrs Introduction. Relationship Mapping. PART – B 4. Concurrency control and an exposure to basic normal forms enable the student to learn creating databases and applications to produce an effective and efficient system.Queries. Schema change statements in . Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT. 2. Normal. Transactions. Forms Based on Primary Keys. The database system environment. Naming Conventions and Design Issues. Centralized and client-server architectures. Classification of Database Management systems. Properties of Relational Decompositions. Weak Entity Types. Specifying basic constraints in SQL. SQL. Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design. Entity Types. Part – A 1. Relational Model: 8 Hrs Relational Model Concepts. Inclusion Dependencies. schemas and instances. Relationship types of degree higher than two. This course provides the student with an overview of creating. Relationship Sets. The laboratory work helps to better rationalization of lecture material and contribute to formation of practical skills. The topic on ER-model exposes the students to the concepts of modeling ER-diagram. Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION. modifying & managing data-base for single user & multi-user environment. Roles and Structural Constraints. Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra. Relational Database Design. Entity Sets. Relational Database Design Using ER. Three-schema architecture and data Independence. Functional Dependencies. ER Diagrams. Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form.Objective: The history of database research over the past years is one of the exceptional productivity that has led to the Database System. Database Design: 8 Hrs Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas. Boyce-Codd Normal Form. Advantages of using DBMS approach. and Dealing with constraint Violations. Other Dependencies and Normal Forms. Additional Relational Operations. Actors on the Scene. 8. Additional features of SQL. 3 except 3. 3rd Edition. McGrawHill . Kannan. Embedded SQL. 10. More complex SQL Queries. Database stored procedures and SQL / PSM. (Chapters 1. Lock Conversions. 5th Edition. Pearson Education. ElmaSri and Navathe . Delete and Update statements in SQL. 6. Transactions and Schedules. 4.J.1. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. The Mini project shall be carried out individually. Media Recovery. 18) 3. Insert.5.1. S.(Chapters 16.2003. 17. Specifying general constraints as Assertion and Trigger. 17. Transaction support in SQL. Dynamic SQL. 2.8.Wesley. Korth and Sudharshan .2. Silberschatz. Swamynatham .A Introduction to Database Systems. The log. MySQL. Concurrent Execution of Transactions. PART – C 6. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. PART – D DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LABORATORY • • • A Mini Project to be implemented in RDBMS environment like ORACLE. Performance of locking. Basic queries in SQL. Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL.Fundamentals of Database Systems.Database Management Systems.Data base System Concepts.Serializability and Recoverability.SQL. Mc-GrawHill 2006. Introduction to ARIES. Checkpointing. SQL Server. Introduction to Lock Management. Lock. 5. The students will pick a topic in consultation with faculty. 2006. A. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke .1. C. The mini project must be carried out in the college only.4. 5th Edition. Addison. Database programming issues and techniques. Recovering from a System Crash. 9. 9. Date. 11) 2. Other recovery-related structures. Introduction to crash recovery. Reference Books: 1.2 except SQLJ. A Project should involve:   The mini world description and the application specification The conceptual design (Entity relationship representation) 8 . two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 8th Edition.Based Concurrency Control. 2PL. The write-ahead log protocol.1 to 6. 2007. Other approaches and interaction with concurrency control. 9. Transaction Management: 12 Hrs The ACID Properties. 7.    Converting the conceptual design to the Relational design. Week 6: Creating all the forms using front end Week 7: Creating all the reports using front-end. Sales management of consumer products company Library management Lab Schedule: Week 1: Requirements collection and analysis (Data requirements & Functional requirements) Week 2: Conceptual Design (Designing ER diagram) Week 3: Converting ER diagram to relational design Week 4: Normalization of the Relational design up to 3NF (Desirable 5NF) Week 5: Creating tables of the relational design and populating the database. Railway reservation for Indian Railways. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Description Demonstration of the project Implementation of the specified modification Subject Viva Marks 50 30 20 RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.I Subject Code : 07IS53 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: This subject covers the data link layer issues and the ways of transmitting data (Analog to 9 . Airline Reservation for Indian Airlines. Normalization of the Relational design up to 3NF (Desirable 5NF). Belgaum) Computer Networks . Typical Mini Projects: • • • • • Room reservation and front office needs of a luxury hotel. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Week 8: Implementation Week 9: Implementation Week 10: Project Demo. Documentation and Report. Bandwidth-Delay Product. and Digital Transmission 8 Hrs Analog and digital signals: Analog and Digital Data. Bandwidth. Throughput.Modular arithmetic. Latency. Error Detection and Correction waves. Performance: Bandwidth.Reciever and Carrier. Linear block codes: Minimum Distance For Linear Block Codes. Digital Signal as a Composite Analog Signal.Forward Error Versus Retransmission. Data. Analog .bothlimits. Network Models. Statistical Time Division Multiplexing. 10 . Transmission impairment: Attenuation. Block coding: Error Detection. The Internet Today.Using.Analog conversion: Aspects of Digital-to-Analog Conversion.Detection Versus Correction . Network Criteria. Line Coding Schemes. Noise. Physical Structures. Error Correction. Analog And Digital -Digital conversion: Line Coding. Serial Transmission.Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. Signals. Protocols and Standards: Protocols. Block Coding. Analog – to – Digital conversion: Pulse Code Modulation. Digital . Frequency . Bit Length. Data rate limits: Noiseless channel:NyquistBitRate. Internet Standards.Digital. Introduction to error detection / correction: Correction 6 Hrs Types of Guided Media: Twisted pair cable. Transmission Media. Provides student an introduction to fundamental network architecture concepts and their application in existing and emerging networks. Minimum Hamming distance. Unguided media: wireless: Radio errors. Distortion. Hierarchy. Also emphasizes the pivotal role of Internet protocols in future network architecture at the same time provides a broad coverage of fundamental network concepts. Analog Transmission and Multiplexing 6 Hrs Digital . Delta Modulation. Networks: Distributed Processing. Composite Signals. The Internet: The Brief History.Redundancy. Wavelength-Division Multiplexing. Multiplexing: Frequency Division Multiplexing. Standards Organizations. Fiber-Optic cable. Microwaves.Coding. Block Coding Schemes. TCP / IP Protocol Suite. Interconnection of Networks. Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing. This subject also deals with different modulation techniques and its application. Coaxial cable.A 1. PART – B 4. Categories Of Networks.Analog conversion: Amplitude Modulation. Digital Signals: Bit rate. Wavelength. Periodic And Non periodic Signals. Periodic Analog Signals: Sine Wave.NoisyCahannel:ShannonCapacitty. 2. Frequency Shift Keying. Amplitude Shift Keying. Phase. Hamming Distance. Layered tasks: Sender. Data Flow. Data Representation. Spread spectrum: Frequency Hopping Spread Specttrum. Digital to Analog). The OSI Model and the layers in the OSI model. Infrared. Jitter. PART . 3. Transmission of Digital Signals. Transmission modes: Parallel Transmission. Standards. Scrambling. Time and Frequency Domains. Phase Shift Keying.Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. Introduction 6 Hrs Data Communications: Components. Phase . Bluetooth: Architecture. Stop-and-Wait Protocol. Carrier Sense Multiple Access.L2CAP Connecting devices: Passive Hubs. Physical Layer. Section Layer. Physical Layer. Switched Ethernet. Error control. Standard Ethernet: MAC Sub layer.Byte. HDLC:Configuration and Transfer Modes. Photonic Layer. Concatenated Signal. IEEE Standard. STS multiplexing: Byte Interleaving. Radio Layer. Flow and Error control: Flow Control.11:Architecture. Wireless LANs and Connection of LANs 6 Hrs IEE 802. and layers. 4th Edition. transition phases. Device-Layer Relationship.Division Multiple Access.Cyclic Code Analysis.and Bit transmission.STS-1 Frame Format. Data Link Control 7 Hrs Framing: Fixed-Size Framing. Advantages. Selective Repeat Automatic repeat Request.polling. Configuration. Frames-Frame. Reference Books: 1. Other Technologies 6 Hrs Cellular telephony: Frequency. Connecting Remote LANs. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 7 Hrs . Go-back-N Automatic Repeat Request. switching.Routers. Backbone Networks: Bus Backbone. Forouzan . Checksum:Idea. Variable Size Framing. Multiple Access.Token passing.Ones’s Complement. Fast Ethernet: MAC Sub layer. Full-Duplex Ethernet. Receiving.Repeaters. Communication Between Switches.Three-Layer Switches. Third Generation.reuse Principle. Virtual LANs: Membership. ATM: Design goals. Line Layer. Channelization: Frequency Division Multiple Access. Internet Checksum 5. 11 . Protocols. architecture. Add/Drop Multiplexer. SONET / SDH: Architecture:Signals. Ten-Gigabit Ethernet. Piggybacking. Point-topoint Protocol . physical Layer. Second Generation. Noisy channels: Stopand-Wait Automatic Repeat Request.MAC Sub layer. Controlled Access: Random Access: ALOHA. Cyclic codes: Cyclic Redundancy Check. Behrouz A. Hardware Implementaion. First Generation. Physical Layer and changes in the standard: Bridged Ethernet. 6.Two-Layers Switches. Star Backbone. Layers.Some Linear block codes. Path Layer. Addressing Mechanism. Tata McGraw-Hill.Data Communications and Networking.Bridges.Control Field.Active Hubs. Transmitting.Polynomials. Time Division Multiple Access. Ethernet: IEEE standards: Data Link Layer. 8. Physical Layer. Noiseless channels: Simplest Protocol. Bluetooth Layers.Frames.SONET Devices. problems. Code. Ethernet Detection.framing. Other cyclic codes. Baseband Layer. Connections. Roaming. PART – C 7. Advantages of Cyclic Codes. Gigabit Ethernet: MAC Sub layer. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Reservation. 2007. David .Computer Networks – A Systems Approach.Hill 2004. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Tata McGraw. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. Larry L. 2007. 3. Elsevier . Peterson and Bruce S. Key architectures. 8th Edition.Communication Networks -Fundamental Concepts and William Stallings . 3rd Edition . RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.2006 2. two from Part – B and one from Part – C.Data and Computer Communication. 4 th Edition. Belgaum) Microprocessors (Theory and Practice) Subject Code : 07IS54 Hrs/Week :3+1+3 12 CIE Marks : 150 Exam Hrs : 3+3 . Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja . BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. 4. Pearson Education. The PC and its DEBUG program using Code view/ DEBUG. PART . Key switch. The software section includes many practical concepts and practical software applications. 2. 8086/8088 Microcomputer system memory circuitry. Input/output Interface Circuits 8086/8088 microprocessors PART C 7. Segment registers and memory segmentation. Intelligent Programming Algorithm flow chart. Instruction set 8086/8088. Register organization of 8086 and 8088 Architecture. Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices and their Interfacing 13 4 Hrs LED. DMA Interface signals. Programming with an assembler. the stack. Static and Dynamic RAMs. Data bus. Random Access Read/Write Memories. Assembler directives and operators. The use of a practical 80x86 assembler program.Quick-pulse programming Algorithm flowchart.Credits : 05 SEE Marks : 150 Objective: To learn Architecture of Microprocessors and to review number system and data types. . Circuits and Subsystem design 8 Hrs Program and Data Storage Memory. PART B 4. Bus cycle and time status. Analog to Digital Converter and Digital to Analog devices interface directly to 10 Hrs . The course also covers Microcontrollers. Address bus. Art of assembly language programming with 8086/8088 7 Hrs A few machine level programs. Interrupt signals. addressing modes of 8086. 3. Assembly level example programs. Introduction to Microprocessors 6 Hrs General Architecture of Microcomputer system.A 1. 6. Evolution of the Microprocessors Microcomputer architecture. the Microsoft MASM Assembler is also covered. Wait-state circuitry. Status signals. Block diagram of a flash memory. Memory address space and data organization. The 8086 and 8088 Pin configuration and their Memory and Input/Out Interfaces 8 Hrs 8086. Control signals. Converting assembly language instructions to machine code. LCD. 8086/8088 Instruction Set & Assembler Directives 7 Hrs Machine language instruction format. Memory Devices. Generating Memory address. and 8088 Microprocessors. Minimum mode and Maximum mode systems. Assembly Language Program development using MASM. The course covers input/output interface circuits and LSI peripheral devices.Read and write bus cycle. Flash Memory. 5. Standard EPROM ICs. Input/ Output address space. Ring Counter. a) Search a key element in a list of ‘n’ 16-bit numbers using the Binary search algorithm. 7.11. Ajoy Kumar Ray & Kishor M Bhurchandi .11. All the programs to be executed using an assembler like MASM. Interfacing. 1. Reference Books: 1.2. 10. 14 2 Hrs Intel’s Family of 8-bit Microcontrollers. Triebel and Avtar Singh . BCD up-down Counter ii.7.4. 10. b) Read the status of eight input bits from the Logic Controller Interface and display ‘FF” if it is even parity bits otherwise displays 00. 9. Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Chap 10 .7.12. 2. 2. Umashankar . To read a character from the keyboard in the module (1) (in a different file) ii. 2.5. 7. 3. Chap 2 . TMH 2003.13. 2. TASM etc.5.6. 3.9. 9. a) Write ALP Procedure: i.13. 4. Programmable Communication Interface USART 8251. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Programmable Keyboard /Display Interface 8279.3.2.5. Difference between Microprocessor and . 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors .S. Chap 9 . Programmable Interval Timer 8253.3. Also display number of 1’s in the input data.Advanced Microprocessors & IBM-PC assembly Language Programming. To display a character in module (2) (from different file) iii.5.1. 2. Software. Programs should have suitable comments. 8.3. A K Ray & K M Bhurchandi . 9. a) Sort a given set of ‘n’ numbers in ascending and descending orders using the Bubble Sort algorithm. 9. Walter A.3.6.Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals.1. 8.Programming.7. b) Perform the following functions using the Logic Controller Interface.2. 10.3.1. 8. 7.2. 2. PART D MICROPROCESSOR LABORATORY Note: Develop and execute the following programs using an 8086 Assembly Language.2. 8. 1. Architecture of 8051.1. 16. Chap 7 . Use the above two modules to read a string of characters from the keyboard terminated by the carriage return and print the string on the display in the next line. K. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A.Programmable Peripheral Input-Output Port 8255. 7. 10.8. Udaya Kumar & B. Hardware and Applications: Chapter 1 . 2. 7.12.11. 2. Chap 8 . i.Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals Chapter 16 – 16. Micro Controller Introduction (8051) Microcontroller. Chap 4 . Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. 9. Architecture Programming and Interfacing. Ensure a flashing rate that makes it student to compute these values). Also display the length of the stored strings. 7. a) Reverse a given string and check whether it is a palindrome or not. 10. a) Write a C program to call an assembly language program to compute the factorial of a positive integer ‘n’ using recursive procedure. Read Binary data from logic controller and Convert it BCD and Display it on Seven Segment Display.b) Read the status from the Logic Controller Interface and Implement the following. 9. 6. (Examiner does not specify the delay values nor it is necessary for the student to compute these values). Assume that ‘n’ and ‘r’ are non-negative integers. b) Interface Logic Controller with Seven Segment Display. b) Convert a 16-bit binary value (assumed to be an unsigned integer) to and display it from left to right and right to left for specified number of times on a 7-segment display interface. a) Compute nCr using recursive procedure. a) Find out whether a given sub-string is present or not in a main string of characters. store them in locations STR1 and STR2. a) Write a program for matrix multiplication. b) Display messages FIRE and HELP alternately with flickering effects on a 7-segment display interface for a suitable period of time. Accept the string from the keyboard and Display suitable message on the monitor. Read data from keyboard and display input and output in matrix form. (Any arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps. screen. a) Read two strings. 8. b) Write a program for Decimal Up-Counter from 0000-9999 and display it on Seven Segment Display Interface. Read the data from keyboard and Display it on Seven Segment Display. b) Scan a 8 x 3 keypad for key closure and to store the code of the key pressed in a memory 15 PB0 0 1 0 1 Operation Half Adder Half Subtracter 4:1 MUX 3:8 Decoder a) Read an alphanumeric character and displays its equivalent ASCII code at the center of the easy to read both the messages (Examiner does not specify these delay values nor it is necessary for the . b) Drive a stepper motor interface to rotate the motor by N steps Clockwise direction and N steps anticlockwise direction (N is specified by the examiner). b) Interface Keyboard with Seven Segment Display. PB1 0 0 1 1 4. Check whether they are equal or not and display appropriated messages. 5. a) Program a C program to call an assembly function to create a file (input file) and to delete an existing file. initially the elevator should be in the ground floor. Marks break up: Particulars Correct Program Execution Output Format Viva Marks 10 70 10 10 16 . and then come down to ground floor and stop. b) Drive an elevator interface in the following way: i). a) Write a C program to call an assembly language to generate the first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers. (The output of the DAC is to be displayed on the CRO). ii). Student need to pick the questions from the choices given. b) Write a program to generate any character (A-Z) using the DAC interface. 15. 2. The output of the DAC is to be displayed on the CRO.location or display on screen. When a request is made from a floor. 14. a) Read the current time from the system and display it in the standard format on the screen. b) Generate a Stair Case (Step Size is given by examiner) waveform using the DAC interface. wait there for a couple of seconds. the elevator should move to that floor. b) Generate the Sine Wave using DAC interface (The output of the DAC is to be displayed on the CRO). 11. a) Read a pair of input co-ordinates in BCD and moves the cursor to the specified location on the screen. Also display row and column numbers of the key pressed. a) Write a C programs to call an assembly language function to simulate a Decimal Up-counter to display 0000-9999. b) Scan an 8 x 3 keypad for key closure and simulate ADD and SUBTRACT operations as in a calculator. No change in question permitted. 13. 12. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: In the examination questions must be given on lots. 1. Each student must execute 1 out of 15 selected questions. 3. with all requests in OFF state. 10% modification on each question should be given by the examiner. If some requests occur during going up or coming down they should be ignored. 17 . Arithmetic unit of a computer are presented in this course. Byte addressability. Addressing Modes. Basic Instruction Types. Belgaum) Computer Organization Subject Code : 07IS55 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: The course covers the basic principles of computer organization. control hazards. structural hazards. Bus Structures. Condition Codes. 18 6 Hrs Introduction. implementation of Variables & Constants. Machine Instructions and Programs 10 Hrs Numbers. Memory Locations and Address. Assembly Language: Assembler Directives. Assembly Language Notation. Measuring performance. operation & performance. CPU Performance and its factors. Memory system. Arithmetic operations and characters. Generating Memory Addresses. Basic performance equation. Defining performance. Indexing & Arrays. pipeline hazards. Clock rate. data hazards. Subroutines. Instruction sequencing. I/O organization. Performance.RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Performance measurement. Memory unit. . Machine instructions. memory Operation. Stacks & Queues. 3. Output unit. Accessing Numbers. Basic Input/output Operations. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Instruction and Instruction Sequencing. Subroutine Nesting & Processor Stack. Register Transfer Notation. Branching. PART – A 1. Performance of INTEL processors. Basic Operational Concepts. Additional Modes. This course provides an overview of computer hardware and software and the basic functional units and the way they are interconnected to form a complete computer system. An overview of embedded systems is also presented in this course. Instruction Execution & Straight-line sequencing. Big-endian and Little-endian assignments. 2. Word Alignment. Parameter Passing. Assessing and Enhancing Performance with Pipelining Evaluating performance. Processor clock. Relative Addressing. Number Notation. Pipelining and Superscalar operation. Addressing techniques. Basic Structure of Computers 4 Hrs Computer types. Indirection & pointers. Characters and Character strings. Basic processing unit. The Stack Frame. Control unit. Functional units: Input unit. An Overview of Pipelining: Designing Instruction set for pipelining. Arithmetic and logic unit. Fetching a Word from Memory. Branch instruction. Arithmetic 9 Hrs Addition & Subtraction of Signed Numbers: Addition /Subtraction Logic Unit. 3 rd Edition. 5th edition. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: 19 3 Hrs Example of Embedded Systems : Microwave Oven. 2002. Handling Cache Misses. Morris Mano . Standard I/O Interfaces.PART – B 5. Integer division. Carl Hamacher. 2003. A Complete Processor. William Stallings . Storing a Word in Memory. PHI. Design of fast adder: Carry-Look-ahead Addition. Parallel Port. Patterson and John L. Memory System Considerations: Rambus memory. 2. 6. Implementing Floating-point Operations. USB. PCI bus. Hennessy . 2005. SCSI bus. Structure of Larger Memories. Designing the Memory System to support Caches.Computer System Architecture. Serial Port. 7. Arithmetic Operations on Floatingpoint Numbers. 7. Buses : Synchronous Bus. Synchronous DRAMs. Asynchronous Bus. Accessing a cache. Speed. David A. 1986. Home Telemetry. Fast Multiplication: Bit-pair Recording of Multipliers. Enabling & Disabling Interrupt. Execution of a Complete Instruction.Computer Architecture and Organization. Handling Writes. Booth Algorithm. Embedded Systems for Embedded Applications : A Simple Microcontroller. Elsevier . Z Vranesic & S Zaky . Reference Books: 1. Mc Graw Hill. Basic Processing Unit 4 Hrs Some Fundamental Concepts : Register Transfers. 6th Edition. Handling Multiple Devices. Bus Arbitration.Computer Organization and Design. Interrupts : Interrupt Hardware. Asynchronous DRAMs. IEEE Standard for Floating-point Numbers. Digital Camera. Processor chips . An example cache: The Intrinsity FastMATH processor. Exceptions. Interface Circuits. Size & cost. Large and Fast Exploding Memory Hierarchy Introduction. Read-only memory. Micro programmed Control. Direct Memory Access. Multiple Bus Organization. Controlling Device Requests.Computer Organization. Performing an Arithmetic or Logic operation. PART – C 8. The basics of Caches. 3. The Memory System 8 Hrs Some Basic Concepts: Static Memories. Multiplication of Positive numbers: Signed-Operand Multiplication. PHI. Hardwired Control. 2nd Edition. Input/output Organization 8 Hrs Accessing I/O devices. 4. Floating-point Numbers & Operations. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 20 .Three questions from Part – A. Discrete probability distributions. Covariance. the axioms of probability . Functions of random variables. Sampling distribution of differences and Sampling distribution of sums. Distribution functions for continuous random variables. independent Events. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. some theorems on expectations. Uniform distribution. 2. Sampling Theory 7 Hrs Population and sample. Belgaum) Probability Statistics and Queuing Subject Code : 07IS561 Hrs/Week :4 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 Credits : 04 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: It gives overview of probability & statistics to computer students. Joint distributions. PART B 4. Bayes theorem. some important theorems on probability. queue system in processing in computer. the sample variance. Sampling with replacement. Sampling distribution of means. If storage is dynamically allocated a probabilistic analysis of the storage requirement is more appropriate than a worst-case analysis. The Poisson Distribution. Computer scientists need powerful tools to analyze algorithms and computer systems. the sample mean. Relations between different distributions. Assignment of probabilities. Sampling distribution of proportions. Random variables. The sample distribution of variances. Hence probability distributions of input data become more important. PART A 1. Correlation Coefficient. Student’s t Distribution. Sampling without replacement. Distributions functions for discrete random variables. Special Probability Distributions 6 Hrs The Binomial Distributions. This subject is used in most of the algorithms in data mining. Moment Generating Functions. Exponential distribution. Chi-square Distribution. Random Variables and Probability Distributions 11 Hrs The concept of probability . Moments.Elective-A RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. theorems on conditional probability. Tests of Hypotheses and Significance 21 7 Hrs . 5. Conditional probability . Mathematical Expectation 3 Hrs Definition. Independent random variables. Continuous probability distributions. The performance of an algorithm depends upon the distributions of input data items. The Normal Distributions. Introduction. Many of the tools necessary for these analyses have their foundations in probability theory. Central limit distribution. The variance and standard Deviation. 3. Skewness and Kurtosis. 4. Tests and hypotheses and significance. Test involving the Normal distribution. Belgaum) Soft Computing 22 . W.7. multiple regression. Null hypotheses. Discrete – Parameter Birth-death processes. Schaum’s Outline Zseries Kishore S Trivedi . two from Part – B and one from Part – C. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. the Chi-square test for goodness of fit. The least squares line. rank correlation. type I and type II errors. sons. Pearson Education / Prentice Hall. level of significance . Reference Books: 6 Hrs Curve Fitting. the M/G/I queuing system. John Wiley & (chapters 1. computation of n-step Transition probabilities . the linear 1. McGraw Hill .Probability and Statistics for Engineers.3. one-Tailed and Twotailed tests. 4. Special tests of significance for large and small samples.An introduction to probability theory & its applications. probability interpretation of regression and correlation. 2. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 3. Murray R Spiegel -“ Probability and statistics”. Curve Fitting. 2000 (Chapter 7) India. Finite Markov chains with absorbing states. 6. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. 2 volumes.1968. Distribution of times between state changes. State classifications and limiting Distributions.Statistical Decisions. Newyork. RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Prentice hall of India.“ Probability and Statistics with Reliability.8) Applications”. The method of least squares.5. PART C 7. Queuing and computer Science Richard A Johnson . Discrete-Parameter Markov Chains 12 Hrs Introduction. Statistical hypothesis. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A.2. Regression and Correlation correlation coefficient. irreducible finite chains with periodic states.Feller . 2002. R. Fuzzy Equations.Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation. Non specificity of Fuzzy & Crisp Sets. Multivalued Logics. Implementation of Genetic Algorithms Reference Books: 1. Fuzzy Propositions. Addison-Wesley. G. Associative Memories. Aggregation Operations. Multilayer Perceptron Model. PART C 5. Combinations of Operations.J. 1995. Unsupervised and reinforcement Learning. Fuzzy Logic.Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic. Arithmetic Operations on Intervals & Numbers. Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Overview of Classical Sets. 2. Linguistic Hedges. Learning Paradigms-Supervised. Linguistic Variables. Information & Uncertainty. fundamentals of non-traditional technologies and approaches to solving hard real-world problems. PART A 1.G. ANN architecture Learning rules. Applications of Fuzzy Logic: Medicine. Klir & B. 3. Unions. Back Propagation Algorithm. Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers. 4. PHI. fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms. Fuzzy Numbers. PART B 3. Fuzzy Qualifiers. overview of biological Neuro-system. Mathematical Models of Neurons. Neural Networks 2. Intersections. Applications of Artificial Neural Networks. Yuan . 1999. Operations on Fuzzy Sets. Anderson J. Uncertainty based Information 12 Hrs Complement. 1991. Hopfield Networks. Delta. Fuzzy Arithmetic.An Introduction to Neural Networks. PHI.A . Introduction of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Architecture of Neuro Fuzzy Networks. Training rules. fundamentals of artificial neural networks. Genetic Algorithms: An Overview. Membership 6 Hrs 6 Hrs . Fuzzy rule generation. Fuzziness of Fuzzy Sets. 23 8 Hrs Introduction to Fuzzy Logic. Krogh. Learning Processes 12 Hrs 8 Hrs History. Classical Logic. Palmer .Subject Code : 07IS562 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: The course aims at giving students the knowledge of soft computing theories. Fuzzy Logic Function. Hertz J. 6. ANN training Algorithms-perceptions. Genetic Algorithms in problem solving. Economics etc. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Melanie Mitchell .4. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 1998.An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm. PHI. RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Belgaum) Operational Research Subject Code : 07IS563 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 24 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 . Addition of new variables. nature & impact of OR. Standard form of LPP. Comparison of solutions to the primal and its dual. Fundamental duality theorem. The essence of sensitivity analysis. Transportation and Assignment Problems 25 6 Hrs . degeneracy. Other Algorithms For LP 7 Hrs 6 Hrs Artificial variable techniques: Big-M method. PART – A 1. Algebra of the simplex method. The essence of the duality theory. 5. Introduction to linear programming: Example. Setting up the simplex method. Defining the problem. Implementation. and Deletion of existing constraint. Addition of new constrain. The essence of the simplex method. 6. Simplex Method – 2. Application of Linear Programming. Graphical Solution of LP problem. Testing the model. economic interpretation of duality. Duality Theory 7 Hrs The revised simplex method. Assumption of LP. Additional examples. of the objective function. Preparing to apply the model. Advantage of dual simplex method over simplex method. Linear Programming – 1 6 Hrs Introduction: The origin. Primal dual relationship. The dual simplex method. 3. It discusses transportation assignment of resources. a fundamental insight. Introduction. LP – 2 Simplex Method – 1 8 Hrs Simplex method. Difference between simplex and dual simplex methods. Foundation of the simplex method. Limitation of OR. Rules for obtaining dual optimal solution from that of primal and conversely. Change in Component ‘bj’ of Vector b. It gives in insight for optimization. Duality and simplex method. Two phase method.Objective: This subject provides the basic knowledge of mathematical formation for the linear programming model. PART . The project evaluation and estimation of time is a topic that helps the students in their software development. The upper bound technique. Post The simplex method in tabular form. Adapting to other model forms. unbounded solutions The role of duality in sensitivity analysis: Changes in the Coefficients ‘cj’. and non-existing feasible solutions. 2.B 4. Slack variable. Matrix form of LPP. It also provides the sensitive analysis. Deletion of existing variable. It is fundamental subject for management studies. surplus variables. Applying sensitivity analysis. special cases such as Alternate optima. General formulation of LPP. Duality Theory And Sensitivity Analysis. The linear programming (LP) model. Simplex Method – 2 optimality analysis. Formulating a mathematical model. parametric linear programming. Deriving solution from the model. RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Fundamental Theorems. Time estimates and critical path in network analysis. Thomson Course Technology.Introduction Operation Research – 8th Edition. Matrix form of transportation problem. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. 3. Project Evaluation and Review Technique: Updating. Rules for drawing network diagram. Kedarnath Ramnath & Co. 2003. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Saddle Point. Solution of (mxn) games by linear programming. S D Sharma – Operation Research. Lieberman . tabular representation. 8th Edition. characteristics of Games Theory. 2005.Assignment Models: Introduction. Minmax (maximin) criterion and Optimal Strategy. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. Reference Books: 1. 2007. Mathematical formulation of assignment problem. 4. PERT and CPM 6 Hrs Introduction. Basic steps in PER/CPM. The transportation problem. Wayne L. Applications of PERT/CPM. Game Theory 6 Hrs Introduction. Tata McGraw Hill. Hillier and Gerald J. Hamdy A Taha . Optimal strategies and value of Game. Frederick S. Travelling salesman problem. Hungarian Method for assignment Problem. Minimax – Maxmin Principle for Mixed strategy games. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. PART –C 7. Resource allocation.Operation Research an Introduction. Graphical method. Principle of dominance to reduce the size of game. Winston . Prentice Hall India. 2. Labeling (Fulkerson’s rule). sensitivity in assignment problem. Unbalanced assignment problem. 8. two from Part – B and one from Part – C.Operation Research Application and Algorithms –4th Edition. special structure of transportation problem. A streamlined simplex method for transportation problem. Optimal duration and minimum duration cost (Crashing). Solution of Games with Saddle Point(s). loops in transportation table and their problem. Network Diagram representation. Transportation Algorithm for minimization problem. 13th edition. Belgaum) Decision Support Systems Subject Code : 07IS563 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 26 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information system . The course will be self-contained and as part of it students study some of the AI techniques that are used to build IDSSs including several application areas like Help-desk systems. Prototyping: The DSS Development Methodology. The Evolution of Executive and Enterprise Information Systems. Decision Making: The Intelligent Phase. What is DSS? Characteristics. The Knowledge Based Management Subsystem. The User Interface subsystem. Team-Developed DSS. how decisions are supported? 3. e-commerce and Knowledge Management. DSS Hardware. Decision Making: The Choice Phase. Distance Learning. Creativity and Idea Generation. Change Management. 2. Group Decision Support Systems. Communication and Collaboration. Collaborative Computing Technologies: Group Support Systems: 4 Hrs Group Decision Making. Hybrid Support Systems. Decision Support Systems Development: 8 Hrs Introduction to DSS development. Enterprise Decision Support Systems: 8 Hrs Enterprise Information Systems: Concepts and Definitions. 5. Models. The Traditional System Development Life cycle. Managerial Decision Making and Information Systems. Executives Roles and their Information Needs. DSS Technology Levels and Tools. The Model Management Subsystem. Advanced Intelligent Decision Support System. Decision Making: The Design Phase. documents. Artificial Neural Networks. Modeling. DSS Development Platforms. Computerized Decision Support and the Supporting Technologies. and Support: 4 Hrs Introduction and Definitions. The Data Management Sub System. DSS Classification. 6. Decision Support Systems: An Overview: 8 Hrs DSS Configuration. Alternate Development Methodologies. End User-Developed DSS. Capabilities. A frame work for decision support. Group Support Systems Technologies. Putting the DSS Together. Expert Systems. Group Systems Meeting room and online. Decision Making: Implementation Phase. Collaboration Support: Computer. The concept of Decision Support systems. Knowledge management systems. Group Support Systems. and/or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.that supports business and organizational decision-making activities. Communication Support.Supported Cooperative work. PART-B 4. The User. Systems. Enterprise Information Systems. Characteristics and capabilities of 27 . personal knowledge. Managers and Computerized Support. PART-A 1. DSS Development Tool Selection. A properly-designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data. Phases of Decision Making Process. Decision Making and Computerized Support: 8 Hrs Managers and Decision Making. Components of DSS. Decision Making Systems. Emerging Enterprise Information Systems: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Chapter 2 : 2. EIS. Scope and types of knowledge. OLAP. Enterprise systems. Impacts. The impact of MSS: An Overview. Issues of legality. and the Future of Management-Support Systems: 5 Hrs System Integration: An Overview.2 . Knowledge acquisition and . Thomson Brooks / Cole. Riley -“Expert Systems: Principles and Programming”. Integration with the Web. How expert systems work? Problem areas suitable for expert systems. Knowledge-Based Decision Support: A I and Expert Systems: 7Hrs Concepts and Definitions of Artificial Intelligence. Automated Knowledge Acquisition From Data and Documents.215. Models of MSS integration. Enterprise Resource Enterprise Systems. Chapter 7 : 7. Giarratano & Gary D. Integration. 8.8.2 – 11. Comparing and Warehousing. Applications of Expert Systems.14. and the Web.2 – 10.15 ] 2. Concepts of Knowledge Engineering. Explanation and Metaknowledge. Planning/Enterprise Resource Management (ERP/ERM). Intelligent modeling and model management.14. [Chapter 1: 1. Aronson . Impact on individuals. PART-C 7.2 – 3. Reference Books: 1. Types of Expert Systems.2 – 6. Expert Systems Development.13. Pearson Education. Methods of Knowledge Acquisition from experts. MSS impacts on organizations. The future of Management.2 – 1. and ethics. Chapter 6 : 6. 2005. Inferencing with Uncertainty. Chapter 11 : 11. Knowledge Acquisition from multiple experts.2 – 7. Intelligent Systems and employment levels. Supply Chain Solutions. Chapter 8 : 8.13. Data Multidimensional Analysis.2 – 2. The Artificial Intelligence field. Chapter 10 : 10. Organizational DSS. Problems and Limitations of Expert Systems. Supply and Value Chains and Decision Support. Evolution of Artificial Intelligence.10 . and Knowledge Management.14. 4th Edition. Efraim Turban & Jay E. the internet. privacy. 2006. Chapter 15 : 15. Structure of Expert Systems. Chapter 3 : 3. 28 Representation of knowledge. Expert system success factors.“Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems”. Soft Information in Materials Requirement Planning (MRP). Decision-Making and the Manager’s job. Problems and Integrating EIS and DSS. Data Access. 7th Edition.10.12. and Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems. Joseph C. Internet communities. Business-Process Management (BPM) and Business Activity Monitoring (BAM).Executive Support Systems. Reasoning in Rule-Based systems. Basic concepts of Expert Systems. Other societal impacts and the Digital Divide. Knowledge based verification and validation. Customer Relationship (Resource) Management (CRM) Systems.Support System. Presentation. Intelligent DSS. Expert Systems on Web. Benefits and capabilities of Expert Systems. Sprague R. PHI. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.J.“Decision Support Systems”. Jr and H. 2000.3. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 1996. Mallach -“Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems”. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Effrem G. 4. 4th Edition. BANGALORE-59 AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION UNDER VTU VI – SEMESTER INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SCHEME OF TEACHING & EXAMINATION 29 . RV COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.H. Watson . Belgaum) Computer Networks – II (Theory and Practice) Subject Code : 07IS61 Hrs/Week :3+1+3 CIE Marks : 150 Exam Hrs : 3+3 Credits : 05 SEE Marks : 150 Objective: The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the advanced concepts. ATM adaptation layer: AAL1. The Internet protocol:IP packet. Integrated services QoS. Virtual 5. The laboratory work helps to better rationalization of lecture material and contribute to formation of practical skills. 7 Hrs Overview of QOS.AAL5. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. and Mobile IP. ATM signaling: ATM Addressing. Internet routing protocols. Resource Allocation. Connection Admission Control. standards and tendencies of development in the field of computer networks. 4.ARP. User datagram protocol. DHCP. PART – A 1. Overlay networks. Classical IP over ATM: a case study. multimedia networking etc. QoS. The course covers Network.AAL3/4.R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Traffic management at the flow-aggregate level.Signaling AAL. PART – B 3. ATM Networks-2 9 Hrs What is ATM? Why ATM? BISDN reference mode ATM layer. IPv6. PNNI routing.Fragmetation & reassembly. Datagrams and virtual circuits. Packet-Switching Networks 10 Hrs Network services and internal network operations. and Traffic Management. Shortest-path routing. Traffic contracts. Differentiated services QoS. Transport and Application layers. CIDR. NAT. Routing in packet networks. network security.AAL2. Overlay Networks Private Networks. Multiprotocol Label switching. Multicast routing.RARP. IP routing. Course also enables the student to understand the advanced topics in computer networks like administration of computer networks. Packet network topology. 2. VPNs. PNNI signaling. IP Addressing. Traffic management at the flow level. Compression of Digital Voice and Video 30 4 Hrs . Resource allocation. Tunneling. TCP / IP 10 Hrs The TCP / IP architecture. Traffic management at the packet level. UNI signaling. Transmission control protocol. Students can also simulate using any other simulators like NS/OPNET. William Stallings . VoIP signaling protocols. CYCLE . Case Study: FAX compression for transmission. 6 Hrs Network management overview. 2nd Edition. Security and cryptographic algorithms. How it is important in Computer Networks. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. SNMP. Multimedia Networking : RTSP. 2006. 20) 3. Network Management. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Pearson Education. 2007. Security: monitoring. 2. 2007.Overview of data compression. 4th Edition. Simulate Ethernet LAN using N nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and plot congestion window For different source / destination. SCTP. Cryptographic algorithms. Distributed multimedia networking. Pearson Education. 2004. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 3. Structure of Management information.Data and Computer Communication. 7. 16. (Chapters 12. VoIP. RTCP. change error rate and data rate and compare throughput. 31 6 Hrs Overview of IP telephony. 5. Real-Time media transport protocols: RTP. Nader F. Reference Books: 1. Simulate the transmission of PING messages over a network topology consisting of 6 nodes and Find the number of packets dropped due to congestion. 17. 18. Behrouz A. PART – C 6. Forouzan . PART – D Simulation Exercises Note: The following experiments shall be conducted using NETSIM simulator. 4. Remote network .Communication Networks –Fundamental Concepts and Key architectures.Data Communications and Networking. Appendix B) 2.I 1. MIB. 8. Simulate 3 nodes P-to-P network with duplex links between them. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. 9. Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja . 19. Tata McGraw-Hill. 8th Edition. (Chapters 7. 11. Security protocols. Simulate the different types of Internet Traffic such as FTP and TELNET over a network and Analyze the throughput.Computer and Communication Networks. Set the queue size and vary Bandwidth and find number of packets dropped. 4. Mir . Tata McGraw-Hill. Simulate Ethernet LAN using N nodes (5-10). n3-n5. Marks break up: 32 . Write a program for distance vector algorithm to find shortest path for transmission 4. Student need to pick a question from the choices given in each part.6. 5. Write a program for error detecting code using CRC-CCITT (16 bits) 2. 10% modification on each question should be given by the examiner 3. Simulate simple ESS and with transmitting nodes in Wire – Less LAN by simulation and Determine the performance with respect to transmission of packets. Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the data.II Implement the following in C/C++: 1. Write a program hamming code generation for error detection and correction Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: 1. No change in question is permitted Particulars Correct program Execution Output format Viva Marks 10 70 10 10 2. Using TCP/IP sockets write a client server program to make the client send the file name and to make the server sent back the contents of the requested file if present.n4-n5 apply TCP agent between n0-n2 and UDP agent between n2-n5 . 6. Implement above program using as message queues or FIFO as IPC channels 8. n2-n3. Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm. 7. Apply relevant application over TCP and UDP agents changing parameter and determine the number of packet sent by TCP / UDP.n1-n2. Simulate 6 node P-to-P networks with links connected as follows: N0-n2 . CYCLE . 7. Write a program for frame sorting technique used in buffers 3. R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. The Process. The People. System dependability. Finally the course also throws a light on the management study for project development. User requirements. 2. PART – A 1. New methods and techniques are needed to control the complexity inherent in large software systems and also focus on management related issues and topics. Incremental Process Models. Organizations. The Product. Professional and ethical responsibility. The Project. Systems engineering. Requirements elicitation and analysis. Process models. Belgaum) Software Engineering Subject Code : 07IS62 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: Software Engineering is an engineering discipline whose focus is the cost-effective development of high quality software systems. Requirements management. Requirements validation. The Rational Unified Process. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. to check the software quality and quantity. 33 . Project Management: The Management Spectrum. Process activities. Overview 6 Hrs Introduction: FAQ's about software engineering. Process iteration. The W5HH Principle. people and computer systems. 3. Computer-Aided Software Engineering. Project Management 7 Hrs Process Models: Prescriptive Models. verification and validation. Software is abstract and intangible. Software Processes 7 Hrs Critical Systems: A simple safety-critical system. Socio-Technical systems: Emergent system properties. a thorough study of all the phases of software development is presented along with the case studies and examples to know very well the reality of the software development. Evolutionary Process Models. Requirements Engineering Processes: Feasibility studies.B 4. Interface specification. The Unified Process. The software requirements document. Availability and reliability. The Waterfall Model. System requirements. Software Processes: Models. Requirements 7 Hrs Software Requirements: Functional and Non-functional requirements. Critical Systems. Legacy systems. Specialized Process Models. PART . Managing people. Modular decomposition styles. (Chapters-: 3.Critical Practices. 23.Pressman . 4.Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach. 14.Software Engineering Principles & Practice. Test case design. 22. Evolution processes. 2. 8. Estimation techniques. Development 6 Hrs Rapid Software Development: Agile methods. Reference Books: 1. Ian Sommerville . Management 6 Hrs Project Management: The Management activities. Automated static analysis. Project scheduling. Software testing: System testing. Control styles. 3. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A.Software Engineering. Project duration and staffing. Legacy system evolution. Motivating people. Verification and Validation 6 Hrs Verification and Validation: Planning. Risk management. 7. The Mc-Graw Hill Companies. Project planning. The People Capability Maturity Model. Managing People: Selecting staff. 6. Waman S Jawadelias . System organization. Test automation. 2005. 6th edition. 5. An Object-Oriented design process. Verification and formal methods. Witold Pedryz. 21. Algorithmic cost modeling. John Wiley. Design evolution. Component testing. BANGALORE – 560059 34 . 26) 2. 21) 3. Software Evolution: Program evolution dynamics. 8th edition. 5. 2007. Roger. James F Peters -Software Engineering-An Engineering Approach. 17. Rapid application development. 8. R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Software Cost Estimation: Productivity. Software inspections. Person Education Ltd. Software maintenance. Software Design 7 Hrs Architectural Design: Architectural design decisions. 25. Extreme programming. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Object-Oriented design: Objects and Object Classes. 6. McGraw-Hill.S. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. PART – C 7. 11. 4. (Chapters-: 1. and gives an extensive discussion of object-oriented approach to represent information and algorithms and features of C++. Closing Files. Managing Files of Records 6 Hrs Field and Record Organization. Secondary Storage and System Software: Disks. CDROM: Introduction.(Autonomous Institution under VTU. Storage as Hierarchy. dealing with the concept of design and efficient file structures that are easy for application programmers to use. An Object-Oriented Class for Record Files. Object-Oriented support for Indexed. 2. Entry-Sequenced Files of Data Objects. 3. Fixed Field Buffers. Strengths and Weaknesses. PART – A 1. Review of Unix Directory Structure: Physical devices and Logical Files. Key sorting. Managing Fixed Length. This course also demonstrates how the object oriented approach can be successfully applied to complex implementation problem. Indexing to provide access by multiple keys. Internal Sorting and Binary Searching. More about Record Structures. File Access and File Organization. Fundamental File Operations: Physical Files and Logical Files. Reading and Writing. Fundamental File Structure Concepts. Indexes that are too large to hold in Memory. File-related Header Files. This subject provides the conceptual tools that enables to think through alternative file structure designs that apply the task at hand. Organization of Files and Indexing 8 Hrs Over view of Data Compression. Introduction 6 Hrs File Structures: Definition of file structures. Record Access. Seeking. Using Classes to Manipulate Buffers. Special Characters. Using Template Classes in C++ for Object I/O. Overview of file structure design. Reclaiming Space in files. Encapsulating Record Operations in a Single Class. Improving the Secondary Index structure: Inverted Lists. Indexing: What is an Index? A Simple Index for Entry-Sequenced File. Buffer Management. Selective indexes. Disk versus Tape. PART – B 35 . A journey of a Byte. Magnetic Tape. Retrieval Using Combinations of Secondary Keys. Using Inheritance for Record Buffer Classes. Opening Files. Belgaum) File Structures (Theory and Practice) Subject Code : 07IS63 Hrs/Week : 3+1+3 CIE Marks : 150 Exam Hrs : 3+3 Credits : 05 SEE Marks : 150 Objective: This subject covers fundamental file handling concepts and the fundamental file structuring concepts. binding. Physical Organization. Extendible Hashing Performance. 8 Hrs An Object-Oriented Representation of Introduction: The invention of B-Tree.8) 2. 3rd Edition. Krishnaraj -File Structures Using C++.7. The Simple Prefix B+ Tree and its maintenance. B-Tree Methods.5. B-Trees. Implementation. Variable-length Records and keys. Co sequential Processing and Sorting of Large files 5 Hrs Co sequential Processing: A Model for Implementing Co sequential Processes. The Content of the Index: Separators Instead of key. Alternative 36 . B+ Trees and Simple Prefix B+ Trees in Perspective.C++ Components and Algorithms.Tree.Database Management Systems. Nomenclature.G. B* Trees. 1. Extendible Hashing Approaches.5. Scot Robert Ladd . Other collision resolution techniques. Buckets. 3. Merging as a Way of Sorting Large Files on Disk. Loading a Simple Prefix B+ Trees. How much Extra Memory should be used?. Adding a Simple Index to the Sequence Set. Merging and Redistribution. 8.R. Internal Structure of Index Set Blocks: A Variable-order B. Venugopal. Worst-case Search Depth. B-Trees. Folk.6.6. Example of Creating a B-Tree. Patterns of record access. K.M. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 5. 1998. (Chapters 1 to 12 excluding 1. Application of the Model to a General Ledger Program. 8. 2003. 8. Virtual B-Trees. Making deletions.4. 5 Hrs How Extendible Hashing Works. 5. Indexed Sequential File Access and Prefix B + Trees 7 Hrs Indexed Sequential Access. Redistribution during insertion. 8. Multi-Level Indexing and B-Trees Multi-Level Indexing. Bill Zoellick.File Structures-An Object Oriented Approach with C++. PART – C 7. McGraw Hill. B-Trees. 3rd Edition . Deletion. Deletion. Index Set Block Size. Raghu Ramakrishan and Johannes Gehrke . Tata McGraw-Hill. 1993. Collision resolution by progressive overflow. Sorting Of Large Files: A Second Look at Sorting in Memory. Hashing 7 Hrs Introduction. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Formal Definition of B-Tree Properties. Extension of the Model to include Multiway Merging. Indexing with Binary Search Trees. BPB Publications. 6. K.4. P. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. 5. Statement of the problem. A Simple Hashing Algorithm. Michael J. Maintaining a Sequence Set. 2008. 4. Hashing Functions and Record Distribution. Srinivas. Greg Riccardi . Reference Books: 1.Addison-Wesley. Buffering of pages. CYCLE . CYCLE . Add methods to store objects as records in files and load objects from the file using buffering. Members should be included for depositor name. Create a class called DEPOSITOR. 2. Each object of this class represents information about a single student. assume variable– size fields with delimiters. Design a suitable IO BUFFER class hierarchy. delete and update needs to be implemented and demonstrated in all the projects. Provide methods to write the member values to the output stream suitably formatted. read. assignment and modifying values. Semester. Publisher_id. 2. Title. All possible operations relating to files like open. in affixed length record structure for the data file. Acc number. Each object of this class represents information about a single depositor. close. Name. Add methods to store objects as records in files and load objects from the file using buffering. Design a class called STUDENT. Each object of this class represents information about a single student. Branch etc. assignment and modifying values. Add pack and unpack methods to the class. The department must ensure that all the projects are implemented. Branch etc. 1. Design a class called STUDENT. Consider a book dealership enterprise. The mini project must be carried out in the college only. Members should be included for student USN (University Seat Number). 3. Branch name etc. Add pack and unpack methods to class STUDENT. Members should be included for student USN (University Seat Number).I Note: Methods should be included for initialization. 2. The Mini project shall be carried out individually. The following specification is common to all projects. etc. Address. For all the programs assume variable–size fields with delimiters. Design a suitable IO BUFFER class hierarchy. 3. in affixed length record structure for the data file. Name. Member should be included for Book_id. Address. Provide methods to write the member values to the output stream suitably formatted. Methods should be included for initialization. The students will pick a topic in consultation with faculty. Semester. retrieve.PART – D General Guidelines: 1. Each object in this class represents information about a single Book. Address. Create a class called CATALOG. One of the following mini projects is to be completed by each student. For all the mini projects. Author_id. 37 . Consider a Banking system.II Note: 1. 2. 2. Prompt for USN and display of the record. 1. 1. Use inverted list structure to rearrange the secondary key index file when new insertion is to be done. Invoke a method to indicate the level of collapse. 3. Calculate and display the average space utilization. use file of STUDENT records sorted by USN. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: 38 . Consider the following suggestions: 1. Use Class BTREE to create B-tree index of the student record file with USN as key. For each student record (Master) print the student information and list of all subjects (transactions) taken by the student. B-Tree characteristics should be maintained in the index set as before. Display the space utilization for buckets and directory size. PROJECT – 4: Design and implement class B+ Tree. Demonstrate doubling of the directory size. Demonstrate 4-way merge. which puts together the classes sequence set and B-tree. 2. 2. the sequence set should be maintained so that blocks are always at least half full. PROJECT – 5: Develop a hashed index of the student record file with the USN as the key. Write a driver program to create a B-tree file from an existing student record file. Modify the program so that if a secondary key value is entered by the user and if there are multiple matching records. Invoke a method to indicate the level splitting. Sort the data file using heap-sort and demonstrate the 4 phases of merging using heap-sort. Use Cosequential processes and Master Transaction Process to develop this. Demonstrate the retrieval information based on USN and print all objects that match it. Write a driver program to create an index file from the student record file created in PART – 1. Demonstrate the recursive collapse of directory over more than one level. Select any other secondary key of your choice and demonstrate the retrieval using combinations of secondary keys. then all the records are displayed. 1. Do not compress the keys as you form the separators for the index set. PROJECT – 3: Add B – tree indexes to the data files created in PART – 1. Keep B-tree nodes in the same file as the sequence set blocks. Write a driver program to create a hashed file from an existing student record file. 2. The header block should contain a reference to the root of the B-tree as well as a reference to the beginning of the sequence set. PROJECT – 2: Develop an application that produces student’s transcripts. As input. 1.PROJECT – 1: Develop an indexed file for the student record file with the USN as the key and name as the secondary key. Particulars Demonstration of the project Implementation of the specified modification Subject Viva Marks 50 30 20 R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Belgaum) System Software Subject Code : 07IS64 39 CIE Marks : 100 . loaders.Linkage Editor.Overview of Editing Process. Keyword Macro Parameters. PART .Automatic Library Search. Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC) . Macro Processor Algorithm and Data Structures. Assembler Algorithm and Data Structures. Conditional Macro Expansion. General-Purpose Macro Processors.Macro Definitions and Expansion. 40 . User Interface Criteria 5. Assemblers 10 Hrs Basic Assembler Function . Program Relocation. This subject gives the knowledge of system software design. linkers and macro processors are designed for a fictitious system SIC and SIC/XE machine. Assembler Design Operations . Interactive Debugging Systems .One-Pass Assembler. Machine Independent Assembler Features – Literals.RISC 2. SIC Programming Examples. Generation of Unique Labels. Program Blocks.Hrs/Week Credits :3 : 03 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: System software is the interface between hardware and software.Design of an Absolute Loader. Relationship With Other Parts Of The System.Instruction Formats & Addressing Modes. Loader Options. compilers. Expression.A 1. Case study of the existing software design is also provided. Machine-Dependent Loader Features – Relocation. Algorithm and Data Structures for a Linking Loader. Editor Structure. Editors and Debugging Systems 3 Hrs Text Editors . Assemblers. Macro Processor Design Options .Concatenation of Macro Parameters. Machine-Independent Macro Processor Features . Machine-Independent Loader Features . Macro Processor 5 Hrs Basic Macro Processor Functions . MultiPass Assembler 3. User Interface.A Simple SIC Assembler. System Software and Machine Architecture. Loaders and Linkers 6 Hrs Basic Loader Functions . Control Sections and Programming Linking. Loader Design Options . Editor design is provided as basic design system software.Debugging Functions and Capabilities. SIC/XE Machine Architecture. Program Linking. A Simple Bootstrap Loader. Dynamic Linkage PART – B 4.SIC Machine Architecture. Machine Architecture 4 Hrs Introduction. Symbol-Definition Statements. Machine Dependent Assembler Features . Traditional (CISC) Machines . Macro Processing Within Language Translators.Recursive Macro Expansion. TMH. Compilers: 12 Hrs Basic Compiler Function – Grammars. Lexical Analysis. 3rd Edition. Syntactic Analysis. Machine-Dependent Code Optimization. Block Structured Languages.L.Structured Variables.6. Code Generation. Compiler Design Options Division Into Passes.System Programming and Operating Systems. 2nd Edition. Machine Independent Compiler Features .System Software.Beck . Interpreters Reference Books: 1. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Four questions from Part – A.M. 41 . Students will be asked to answer five questions choosing at least two questions from each part. 1997. Machine Independent Code Optimization. 2.Dhamdhere . 1999. Addison-Wesley. Machine Dependent Compiler Features . Leland. D.Intermediate Form Of The Program. Storage Allocation. Four questions from Part – B are to be set. Memory-based learning. PART-A 1.Problem Solving .Good behavior – The nature of environments – structure of agents . 4. Hebbian learning. Boltzmann learning.Elective-B R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. lot of applications is also discussed in the subject. Learning with a Teacher. Error-correction learning. Competitive learning. Adaptation. Investigate the principal neural network models and applications. Artificial Intelligence provides a strong foundation of fundamental concepts. Introduction to Neural Network 7 Hrs What is a Neural Network. Searching techniques 10 Hrs Informed search and exploration – Informed search strategies – heuristic function – local search algorithms and optimistic problems – local search in continuous spaces – online search agents and unknown environments . BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU.Adversarial Search – Games – Optimal decisions in games – Alpha – Beta Pruning – imperfect real-time decision – games that include an element of chance.avoiding repeated states – searching. Learning tasks. Introduction 10 Hrs Intelligent Agents – Agents and environments . approximately correct model of 42 . partial information. Knowledge representation. 2.Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) – Backtracking search and Local search for CSP – Structure of problems . PART-B 3. 5. Credit Assignment problem. Neural Networks viewed as directed graphs. Introduce the main fundamental principles and techniques of neural network systems. learning without a Teacher.problem solving agents – searching for solutions – uniformed search strategies . Feedback. Human Brain. Learning Processes 6 Hrs Introduction. Memory. Learning Processes – 2. Network Architectures. Single Layer Perceptrons 7 Hrs Statistical nature of the learning process. Statistical learning theory. Belgaum) Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Subject Code : 07IS651 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: The course provides a thorough introduction to the backed methods of this new field. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. Models of Neuron. B. Network pruning techniques.10. 7. Prentice Hall 1991. Relation between the Perceptron and Bayes classifier for a Gaussian environment. Convolution networks. 2. Perceptron. Some preliminaries. Output representation and decision rule. 2003.learning. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Pearson Education.1-2.Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach. Learning rate annealing techniques. Simon Haykin: Neural Networks. Linear least-squares filters. 3. Back-propagation Algorithm.1-5.A Dynamical System Approach. 1999. B Kosko. Peter Norvig . (Chapters 1. Perceptron convergence theorem. Reference Books: 1. Multilayer Perceptrons – 1 6 Hrs Introduction. 4. Stuart Russell. 2nd Edition. Unconstrained optimization techniques. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. 2.Artificial Neural Networks. PHI. Summary of back propagation algorithm. virtues and limitations of back. Neural Networks and Fuzzy systems . Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. Single Layer Perceptrons: Introduction. 2 nd Edition.19. supervised learning viewed as an optimization problem. Generalization.15.A Comprehensive Foundation. XOR problem. 2001. Adaptive filtering problem. Back-propagation and differentiation.8. 5. Belgaum) 43 . Computer experiment. approximation of functions.1-1. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Heuristics for making the back-propagation algorithm perform better. Pearson Education. Feature detection. Accelerated convergence of back propagation learning.propagation learning. Least-mean square algorithm.Yegnanarayana . Cross validation. R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.1-4. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Multilayer Perceptrons – 2 6 Hrs Hessian matrix. Learning curves. PART-C 6. 4.14) 3.1-3. Call semantics. design goal and design issues involved in the distributed systems and describe the models of distributed system structure. Message Passing 7 Hrs Desirable Features of a good message passing system. Process Addressing. Transparency of RPC. Mutual Exclusion. Issues in IPC by Message Passing. Marshaling Arguments and Results.Passing Semantics. Heterogeneous DSM. The course helps in understanding the design of many different types of distributed computing systems challenges to overcome in successfully designing one. Why are Distributed Computing Systems gaining popularity?.Distributed Computing Subject Code : 07IS652 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: The main goal of a distributed computing system is to connect users and resources in a transparent. Dead Lock. Structure of Shared Memory Space. Evolution of Distributed Computing System. Issues in Designing a Distributed Operating System. Design and Implementation Issues of DSM. Synchronization Clock Synchronization. Client-Server Binding. Parameter . open. Remote Procedure Calls 8 Hrs The RPC Model. Other approaches to DSM. 5. Communication Protocols for RPCs. Case Studies: Sun RPC. Consistency Models. PART-A 1. Failure Handling. Complicated RPCs. Stub Generation. Case Study: 4. Replacement Strategy. 3. Event Ordering. Exception Handling. Introduction 5 Hrs What is Distributed Computing Systems?. Distributed Computing System Models. PART-B 4. key features. and scalable way. What is Distributed Operating System?. Distributed Shared Memory 7 Hrs General Architecture of DSM Systems. 2. Implementing RPC Mechanism.3 BSD UNIX IPC Mechanism. Introduction to Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). In this course students will learn about distributed systems. Security. Thrashing. Buffering. Advantages of DSM. Multidatagram Messages. Granularity. Server Management. Election Algorithms. Ideally this arrangement is drastically more fault tolerant and more powerful than many combinations of stand-alone computer systems. Group Communication. RPC Messages. Synchronization. Encoding and Decoding of Message Data. 44 7 Hrs . 20. Cambridge.2-6. Process Management 6 Hrs Desirable Features of a Good Global Scheduling Algorithm. 4.2. Case Study: DCE Distributed File Service.2. PART-C 7. File Replication. 2nd Edition. Mukesh Singhal . 2007. Resource Management Load – Balancing Approach. scheduling.7. [Chapter 1: 1. Task Assignment Approach. Ajay D Kshemakalyani. Desirable features of a good process migration mechanism. Tanenbaum . 8. 3.“Distributed Operating System”. Threads. Algorithms and Systems”.11. freezing and restarting a process. 4 Hrs Process Migration. Design Principles.2-4. File–Accessing Models.“Distributed Operating System: Concepts and Design”. Chapter 5: 5. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Andrew S. Load – Sharing Approach. File – Sharing Semantics. Sinha . issues. process migration mechanisms. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. Chapter 3: 3. Andrew S. Chapter 6: 6.3. Distributed File Systems 8Hrs Desirable Features of a Good Distributed File System. PHI. 45 . Chapter 7: 7.6.9. Pearson Education.11.“Distributed Computing – Principles.2-5. PHI. models for organizing threads. 2008 Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Chapter 8: 8. Chapter 9: 9.6. Tanenbaum and Maarten VanSteen .5. minimal interference. K. 4.“Distributed Systems – Principles and Paradigms”.11.15. File models. File – Caching Schemes. Chapter 4: 4. Address space transfer mechanism.7. Pradeep.2-8. Reference Books: 1. Fault Tolerance. Atomic Transactions. 2007. 2008. Process migration in heterogeneous systems. 2.11].2-3. Querying Data. SQL3. Collection Types. Accessing an Object. Alternative Strategies for Developing an OODBMS. Row Types. User-Defined Types. Persistence. Persistent Stored Modules. Polymorphism. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Complex Objects. PART-A 1. Architecture. Postgres-An early ORDBMSs. Object-Relational DBMS 10 Hrs Introduction to Object-Relational Database Systems. Schema Evolution. Transactions. Overriding & Overloading. Methods & Messages. Belgaum) Advanced DBMS Subject Code : 07IS653 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: The database is now the underlying framework of the Information System. Subclasses. Next Generation Database Systems. Accessing Objects in the Relational Database. Object-Oriented Extension in Oracle. OODBMS Perspectives. 2. User-Defined Routines. Large Objects. & Information Hiding. Issues in OODBMSs. Orthogonal Persistence. Versions. Views. Benchmarking.R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Objects & attributes. The OODBMS Manifesto. Recursion. Introduction to Object DBMS 8 Hrs Advanced Database Applications. Advantages. Query Processing & Optimization. Superclasses & Inheritance. The course also exposes the student to the architecture of advanced DBMS by using a realistic worked example based on integrated case studies. Abstract Data Types. object-relational database with an emphasis on the Web as a Database Application Platform with other emerging technologies. Creating Types. Objectives of Postgres. Relations & Inheritance. Subtypes & Super types. Triggers. Storing Objects in Relational Database. Advantages & Disadvantages of OODBMSs.Object-Oriented Database 12 Hrs Introduction to Object-Oriented Data Models and DBMS’s. OODBMS Design. Concepts And Design-. Pointer Swizzling Techniques. Privileges Comparison of ORDBMS and OODBMS 46 Object . User-Defined Data Types. Sql3 & OQL. Abstraction. PART-B 3. Object-Oriented Concepts. and has fundamentally changed the way many organizations operate. Manipulating Object Tables. This course aims at providing the students with an overview of object oriented database. Encapsulation. Reference Types & Object Identity. Persistence Schemas. Weaknesses of RDBMS. Classes. Object identity. Mapping classes to Relations. Third generation Database Manifestos. Polymorphism & Dynamic binding. Disadvantages. Object Identity. Persistent Programming Languages. ‘Database systems’. Comparison of ASP & JSP. . 2002. Thomas Connolly And Carolyn Begg . Pearson Education. 3rd Edition. Mandatory Access Control and Role Access Control for Multilevel Security Introduction to Statistical Database Security and Flow Control. 27. Comparison CGI & API. 3rd Edition. 24. HTTP Cookies. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A.‘Database Systems Concepts’. Java. 47 . Advantages & Disadvantages of CGI. Approaches to Integrating the web & ADBSs. 4th Edition. An Overview of 3 – Tier Client Server Architecture. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. ‘Database Management Systems’. Passing Information to the CGI Script. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Remote Data Services. 30) 3. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Advantages & Disadvantages of the Web-DBMS Approach. JavaScript & Jscript. Extending the Web Server. PART-C 5. Security. 23. Perl & PHP. SQLJ. Web-DBMS Architecture. VBScript. Types of Distributed Database Systems. (Chapters 21. JDBC. 2005. 2003. McGraw Hill. Static and Dynamic Web Pages. Netscape API. Java Servlets. Java Server Pages. (Chapters 24. 30) 2. Encryption and Public Key Infrastructures. 2003. Microsoft’s Web Solution Platform. Overview of Concurrency Control and recovery in Databases. Active Server Pages & ActiveX Data Objects. 6. Advanced Modeling and Distribution 6 Hrs Introduction to Data Security Issues. Oracle Internet Platform. Replication and Allocation Techniques for Distributed Database Design. Silberchatz. Introduction to the Internet & web. 4. Uniform Resource Locators. HTTP.4. The Web as a Database Application Platform. e-Commerce & eBusiness. ElmaSri and Navathe . Data Fragmentation. The Web. Universal Data Access. Comparison of JDBC & SQLJ. Requirements of Web-DBMS Integration. Distributed Databases and Client Server Architecture 6 Hrs Distributed Database Concepts. RaghuRamakrishnan and Johannes Gerhke. The Future of ASP & ADO. Pearson Education. Query Processing in Distributed Databases. Emerging Trends 10 Hrs Web Technology & DBMS. Distributed Databases in ORACLE. Privacy Issues and Preservation. Common Gateway Interface. Internets & Extranets. Korth and Sudarshan . Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting and revoking Privileges. Scripting Languages. 28. 4th Edition.‘Fundamentals of Database Systems’. Challenges of Database Security Reference Books: 1. 25. HTML. McGraw Hill. Microsoft Access & Web Page Generation. Inheritance. Threads and Synchronization. PART-A 1. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU.Single Threaded Event Loop. Inter-Thread Communication.Simple Types. Method Calling. Java class Libraries. The course also focus on writing code that is legible. learn its syntax. Data Types. Type conversion. and efficient for developing stand alone and web applications. Method Overloading. Classes-Object References. String syntax. Method Overriding. role of J2EE in development of enterprise software in Java language. Character Extraction. File Streams. Java Classes 12 Hrs String handling. String Copy Modifications. Flow Control-Branching. 48 . Runnable Interface. Introduction to Java 8 Hrs Java Language introduction. and to understand how J2EE facilitates integration of java components with non-Java systems including databases and World Wide Web using servlets and JSP. Operators. The Java Thread Model. Simple type Wrappers. reusable.Packages. Exception sub Classes. Lexical Issues. Variables. Synchronization. Method Declaration.R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Abstract. Thread API Summary. Looping. 2. why Java is important to internet. Comparison. styles and become comfortable with object oriented programming and Learn to think in objects. Packages and Interfaces. The syllabus also introduces the essentials of the Java class library.Enumerations. Multiple catch Clauses. Thread class. Input Stream. Thread Priorities.Constructors. Uncaught Exceptions. Try and catch. Java features. Java Language IntroductionHello World.File. runtime. Instance Variables. Event driven Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming. Arrays. Output Stream. Exception Handling-Exception Types. The new operator.) Operator. Nested try Statements. fast. threads and exceptions. maintainable. Input/ Output. Interfaces. Dynamic Method Dispatch. Constructors. Belgaum) Java and J2EE Subject Code : 07IS654 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: This course introduces the students to basic features of Java language. Utilities. patterns. idioms. The Dot(. 5 th Edition.7. PART – C 5. Architecture.5. Introduction to Java GUI 8 Hrs Applets: Applet Basics.6) 2. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. User Sessions. Metadata. E.6.8. Session Objects. 15.Balagurusamy. 23. EJB Tier. Java Server Pages (JSP) installation. 13. Enterprise Application. working with Cookies – Cookie class and its methods. Reference Books: 1. Servlets and JSP 12 Hrs Background. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. (Chapters 1. 4.12. 16. Bruce Eckel: Thinking in Java. Tomcat-starting and stopping server. Tata McGraw Hill.1. Reading/Sending data. Associating the JDBC/ODBC Bridge with the Database. Swings: Introduction to Swings.5.5. The Life Cycle of a Servlet. Data types. 3rd Edition.3. J2EE and JDBC Concepts 12 Hrs Overview of J2EE and J2SE.1-13. Pearson Education.1. JApplet.11. 2007. Handling Threading issues. 2007. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Jim Keogh: J2EE . 3. Request String. Enterprise Application strategy.4.The Complete Reference. 8. (Chapters 1. session Management.PART – B 3. Result Set.4. clients. Programming with Java. Herbert Schildt . 21. Window fundamentals.1-7. Session Tracking. JSP Tags. AWT: AWT classes. 4.12. 23. Statement Objects.6.1 to 29. Exceptions.methods used in session tracking. 6. J2EE best Practices.2.Java The Complete Reference J2SE. .16. Icons & labels. HTML APPLET Tags. repaint().2. JDBC Driver Types. The Concept of JDBC. Cookies. Web Tier & JSP. 29. Applet Lifecycle.6. JFrame and JComponent.1 – 3.1. 3rd Edition. Database Connection.1-21. update. Tata McGraw Hill. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. McGraw Hill. Text Fields.2. Buttons. A Brief Overview of the JDBC process.16. servelet configuration. passing parameters to Applets. Transaction Processing.9. JDBC Packages. 11) 3.10.4. 10. Interactive restoration -Geometric transformations.Diagonalization of circulant and Block circulant matrices . Generation of spatial masks from frequency domain specifications.redundancy 10 Hrs Coding. high pass filtering. 2D- PART .variable length.C . CMY. 4. Lossy compression. Fundamentals of color image processing: color models .lossy predictive. Image enhancement 10 Hrs Spatial domain methods: point processing . fidelity criteria. homomorphic filtering.elements of visual perception .RGB. Digital image fundamentals 10 Hrs Representation .A 1.intensity slicing. Hadamard. Review of Image transforms: DFT. Walsh. Spatial filtering.Image sampling and quantization .ELECTIVE-C R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Image restoration 10 Hrs Degradation model . image subtraction.Pseudo color image processing . YIQ. Least squares restoration . DCT and Wavelet transforms.simple image formation model . Image compression: Fundamentals.Algebraic approachesInverse filtering .Toeplitz. lossless predictive.basic relationships between pixels . Fractals. image averaging.smoothing filters. Frequency domain methods: low pass filtering. psycho visual.Wiener filter – Constrained. inter pixel. Review of matrix theory results: Row and column ordering . 2. Fundamentals of JPEG. MPEG.imaging geometry. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. transform coding. FFT. Students Understands the fundamental algorithms and how to implement them. PART . Belgaum) Digital Image Processing Subject Code : 07IS661 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: Introduce the student to analytical tools and methods which are currently used in digital image processing as applied to image information for human viewing. bit plane. HIS . Haar. histogram processing. PART – B 3. Error free compression. Circulant and Block matrices. Models. sharpening filters. Elements of information theory. gray level to color transformation.intensity transformations. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A.local and global processing using Hough transform 12 Hrs Thresholding . Fundamentals of Representation and Description. PHI."Digital Image Processing and Analysis". line and edge and combined detection . Anil K. 5. R.Sonka.5. Boyle . 2."Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing". BPB Publications. Jain .basic formulation. John Wiley & sons. Image segmentation description .Use of motion in segmentation. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Analysis and Machine Vision". Pratt William K -"Digital Image Processing"."The Data compression Book". Edge linking and boundary segmentation . 4.Region oriented Detection of discontinuities . 2nd Edition. . region splitting and merging . 3.Digital Image Processing."Image Processing. 2 nd Edition. Reference Books: 1. 6.Loup Gailly . Pearson Education. Rafel C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods . 2003. M. Jean. 2003.point. Chanda & Majumdar . Hlavac. Mark Nelson. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Vikas Publishing House. Pearson Education. region growing by pixel aggregation. V. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Organizational agility. Logical components of automation logic. stateless. 2. It covers the design of SOA systems of a distributed Web Service based system. How services relate. The roots of SOA(comparing SOA to Past architectures). testing and rolling-out a SOA system are explored. discoverable. The continuing evolution of SOA (Standards organizations and Contributing vendors). Service statelessness. Inherent reuse. performance and flexibility. web services: a brief history. efficiency. How service orientation principles interrelate: Service reusability. “Best-of-breed" alternatives. This course includes the latest heterogeneous models for carrying out large scale distributed computing using Web services.R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. How SOA is re-shaping XML and Web services. modeling and simulation of SOA software systems PART – A 1. How services encapsulate logic. An SOA timeline (from XML to Web services to SOA): XML :A brief history. building. Common Characteristics of contemporary SOA. engineering and business aspects. Primitive SOA. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Introduction to SOA. Design. compasable. Components of an SOA. autonomous. Common Principles of Service-orientation: Services are reusable. security. Common tangible benefits of SOA: Improved integration. Service composability. Service loose coupling. Principles of Service – Orientation 7 Hrs Services-orientation and the enterprise. Service autonomy. SOA :A brief history. Service contract. Also. Anatomy of a service-oriented architecture: Logical components of the Web services framework. Service abstraction. share a formal contract. . Belgaum) Service Oriented Architecture Subject Code : 07IS662 Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: This course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to "Service Oriented Architecture" (SOA). How components in an SOA inter-relate. The fundamentals of defining. Focused investment on communications infrastructure. abstract underlying logic. Leveraging the legacy investment. The syllabus covers the Fundamental concepts of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). How services are built. which refers to a design pattern made up of components and interconnections that stress interoperability and location transparency. designing. Streamlined architectures and solutions. looks at the impact of SOA on software quality. How services communicate. including related computer science. Evolution of SOA 7 Hrs Fundamental of SOA: A service-oriented analogy. loosely coupled. Establishing standardized XML data representation. correlation in addressing. Sequences. The atomic transaction coordinator. Coordination and SOA Atomic Transactions. Concrete Description. Business service layer. correlation in reliable messaging. Native Web service support for service-orientation principles. messaging (with SOAP): Messages. Relationships and channels. Orchestration. Service descriptions (with WSDL): Service End Points and service descriptions. Orchestration and activities. Reliable Messaging and Addressing. Service activities and SOA. Orchestration service layer. Orchestration and coordination. Composability and Modularity. Reliable Messaging band SOACorrelation. Service layer configuration scenarios. Application Source and application destination. Coordinator composition. coordination contexts and coordination participants. Semantic Descriptions. Policy subjects 6 Hrs Message exchange patterns. Business activities and SOA. Acknowledgements. Application service layer. The WS-Policy framework. Nodes. Addressing and SOA Reliable messaging. Servide Description advertisement and discovery. Atomic Transaction Protocols. Web Services and Primitive SOA 6 Hrs The Web services framework. MEPs and SOA. Basic activities and structured activities. Coordination. The completion Process. Metadata and Service Contracts. RM Destination. ACID Transactions. Correlation in archestration. Policy assertion types and policy vocabularies. Abstract Description. The atomic transaction process. Business Protocols and process definition. correlation in SOA Polices. Primitive MEPs. Correlation in coordination. Service Layers 6 Hrs Service-orientation and contemporary SOA: Mapping the origins and supporting sources of concrete SOA characteristics. The activation and registration Process. PART – B 4. End point references. Policy assertions and policy alternatives. 3. Interaction and work units. Message Information Headers. Delivery assurances. Sequences. Message paths. Services (as Web services): Service Roles. Process services and partner services. Collaboration. Business activity protocols. Atomic transaction and SOA Business activities. choreography and SOA 6. orchestration and SOA Choreography. Service Models. Roles and Participants. Agnostic services.Service discoverability. Correlation in MEPs and activities. Service-orientation and object-orientation. Web Services and Contemporary SOA – 1 Service activity. Addressing and Transport protocol independence. Unsupported SOA characteristics. Business activity states. Flows and Links. Service layer abstraction: Problems solved by layering services. Orchestrations and choreography. Business activity coordinator. 5. Business activities and atomic transactions. Correlation in abstract. Reusability. Coordination types and coordination protocols. Primitive and complex service activities. MEPs and WSDL. MEPs and SOAP. RM Source. Web Services and Contemporary SOA – 2 8 Hrs Addressing. . Support for service-orientation principles. security and SOA. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. Thomas Erl . Encryption and digital signatures. SOA support in . 2005. The WS-metadata exchange specification. WS-addresing language basics. Michael Bell . Greg Lomow . Security. 9780131428980.Policies in orchestration and choreography.A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology. Primitive SOA support. and Design. 6 Hrs WS-BPEL language basics. Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Eric Newcomer. WS-Coordination overview. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. SOA Platforms 6 Hrs SOA platform basics: Basic platform building blocks. Get metadata request and response messages. Integration considerations. 4. Eric A. confidentiality and integrity. Contemporary SOA support. Marks. Get request and response messages. Policies in reliable messaging. PART – C 7. Support for service-orientation principles. Pearson Education.Understanding SOA with Web Services. Vendor platforms. Business Process Design by-step process). WS-ReliableMessaging language basics. SOA support in J2EE: Platform overview. Fundamental service technology architecture. Reference Books: 1. Identification. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. Transport level security and message level security. Single sign-on. Policies in SOA. Prentice Hall PTR. Common SOA platform layers. Notification and eventing. Pearson education. What you really need to know?. Contemporary SOA support. Thomas Erl: Service-Oriented Architecture – Concepts.A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services. 8. Service-oriented business process design(A step- . Primitive SOA support. 2005. metadata exchange and SOA. 9780471768944. 3. 5th Edition. Technology.and policy scopes. 2. Policies in coordination. 2004 ISBN 0131428985. Metadata exchange and version control. authentication and authorization. Metadata exchange. Selective retrieval of metadata.NET: Platform overview. Relationship between SOA layers and technologies. Policy expressions and policy attachments. 2006 ISBN 0471768944. Wiley. metadata exchange and service description discovery. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Application Platform SW Architecture. 24 Hrs 6 Hrs . Messaging-framework 9. Modem/Radio Layer – What is it and functionality. PART – A 1 Introduction to Mobile SW Platforms Introduction to Mobile networks and Current state of art Mobile SW Platform . Feature Phone. Introduction to Open Source Licenses ARCHITECTURE Intro to Handset Hardware. baseband. Telephony-framework 5. Network -framework 8. Connectivity-framework Security-framework .R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. It will help students to prepare themselves to get into booming mobile telecommunication industry. Storage-framework 6. Architecture of Middleware components 1. open source. 3rd Party Applications Introduction to Key terms and definitions . Application Processor (OMAP 3430). System-framework 3. UI-framework 4. single chip HW. Middleware components Responsibilities and Architecture.Smart Phone. 2 Application processor. Proprietary vs. Multimedia -framework 7. Belgaum) Mobile Handset Software Design Subject Code : 07IS663 Hrs/Week Credits Objective: :4 :4 CIE Marks : 100 Exam Hrs : 03 SEE Marks : 100 This course is intended to develop the skill to develop mobile handset software application development using Samsung’s LiMo Platform SDK. dual chip HW. Introduction to Handset SW architecture. Application framework 2. Chip capability (single vs. Debugging 12 Hrs List of programme 1. Screen. 2. Samsung Platform SDK – tools and programming guides for each SLP Middleware Components 2. Usage 1: A programming problem using IPC and Memory management 3. Cross compilation & Tools . Threading Model.Eclipse. Memory management. 1 Write “Hello world” of each programming model and test in on SLP SDK simulator. Application Usability & User Experience Platform Concepts -Eventing Mechanism and its difference from Linux. List of System Events Available and List of System Events unavailable for applications. Single Threaded and Multi-threaded Platform Concepts -What are elementary components of windowing systems. Make a mini-project proposal for a mobile application and implement it using SDK simulator. Usage 1: Write applications addressing various considerations learnt architecture part using atleast 2 different type of middleware components. Debugging and Troubleshooting – How to get infer information from application call stack and generating logs. DBUS Vs Socket. Multiprocessor or Multicore chipset Case-study – Study popular mobile applications Security Issues. Adding Drivers to Linux Platform. 6. How to write complex applications? Introduction to SDK. IDE. 5. Requirements (esp. CPU. multiple processors). Usage 2: Write applications addressing various considerations learnt architecture part using atleast 2 different type of middleware components. GDB. Radio technology (and it’s limitation).Basic framework to build an app. Test and Deploy the application made previously on target REFERENCES 1. Memory leak.PART – B 3 DESIGN CONCEPTS & ADVANCE TOPICS Application Design Concepts. Usage 2: Write applications addressing various considerations learnt architecture part for a specific middleware component. Presentation of Mini Project working on simulator. Phone form factor. Rich graphics Interfaces. Samsung Supplied Study materials .. 7. 4. Model View Controller – Doc-View Framework. Memory. Impact of various factors on Platform. on platform capabilities). Valgrind. 3. BANGALORE – 560059 (Autonomous Institution under VTU. Wolfgang Ante (Author). Lionel M. Hacking BlackBerry: ExtremeTech (Paperback) by Glenn Bachmann 5. Foster 6. 2009) 7. Mike Ash (Author). Benjamin Jackson (Author). iPhone Advanced Projects (Paperback) by Dave Mark 13. Glenn Bachmann 4. Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK (Paperback) by Dave Mark 11. Inc. (August 14. Matthew "Canis" Rosenfeld (Author) 12. Steven Peterson (Author). Foster. iPhone Cool Projects (Paperback) by Gary Bennett (Author). Neil Mix (Author). Second Edition (Paperback) by Lonnon R. Palm Pre: The Missing Manual (Paperback) by Ed Baig 9. Publisher: O'Reilly Media. 4th Edition (Perfect Paperback) by Douglas Boling (Author) 15. R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Palm OS Programming Bible. Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming (Paperback) by Baijian Yang (Author). Programming Windows Embedded CE 6. Professional Android Application Development (Paperback) by Reto Meier 10. Practical Palm Pre WebOS Projects (Paperback) by Frank Zammetti 8. Belgaum) Data Warehousing and Data Mining Subject Code : 07IS664 CIE Marks : 100 . iPhone SDK Programming: Developing Mobile Applications for Apple iPhone and iPod touch (Paperback) by Maher Ali 14. Pei Zheng (Author).0 Developer Reference. Ni (Author) Scheme of Evaluation: Theory: THREE out of FIVE from PART A and TWO out of THREE from PART B . Professional Palm OS Programming (Paperback) by Lonnon R. Palm WebOS (Paperback) by Mitch Allen. star 4 Hrs Inherent risks. 6 Hrs 8 Hrs 6 Hrs Apriori. classification of data mining systems PART – B 5. Data Cleaning. a gap between quantitative data analysis techniques and qualitative data analysis techniques. This course will involve an in-depth study of various concepts needed to design and develop a data warehouse and data mining. Bayesian Classification. from association mining to correlation 6 Hrs Why Preprocess the data. sources of metadata. other classification methods. Scoping. Data mining functionalities. Evaluation of association patterns. Overview of Cluster Evaluation. a gap between academic ivory tower and the real world. data base design. Cluster Analysis Overview. FP-Growth algorithm.Hrs/Week Credits :4 : 04 Exam Hrs :3 SEE Marks : 100 Objective: Corporate decision makers require access to all the organization’s data. essential components. PART – A 1. and finally. Meta Data Management 4. its requirements and any trends. To provide comprehensive analysis of the organization. users and frame work 2. require access to not only the current data in the database but also to historical data. The Data warehouse architecture schema 3. Data preprocessing discretization and Concept hierarchy generation 6. Association Analysis analysis. Hierarchical clustering. secondly. converting data into information. DBSCAN. K-means. 6 Hrs 6 Hrs Internal and external metadata. . challenge of Meta data. constraint based association mining 7. definition of a data What is classification? Prediction. prediction PART – C 8. types of metadata users 4 Hrs Architectural challenge. Many current data analysis techniques are beyond the reach of most managers and practitioners. Classification by Decision tree Induction. wherever it is located. Data Reduction. Introduction to Data Mining What is data mining. its business. Data Integration and Transformation. This course bridges three gaps: first. The fundamentals of Data Warehousing warehouse. Classification and Prediction – I classification by back propagation. a gap between a specific technique and an overall strategy. the data warehouse phenomenon. assessing architectural risk. 9. 5. Mining Stream. Students will be asked to answer two questions from Part – A. 7. Wiley India. Three questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to be set. and Sequence Data Mining Sequence Patterns in Biological Data Reference Books: 1. and Wiley edition. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber . Mining Sequence Patterns in Transactional Databases. 2. Morgan Kaufmann.Data Mining. 2nd Edition.Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques. Sean Kelly . 2 nd Edition.The Data warehouse Tool Kit. 2007. 6. (Chapters 1. (Chapter 1. Time-Series. Ralph Kimball . 4. Pieter Adriaans and Dolt Zantinge . Scheme of Semester End Evaluation: Three questions from Part – A. Mining Time-Series Data.Data Warehousing in Action. 4 and 6) 6 Hrs Mining Data Streams. two from Part – B and one from Part – C. 8) 3. 2006. . Addison Wesley. 1996. 2.
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