Final Announcement ISNO 2015

March 26, 2018 | Author: Indra Yoga Pratama | Category: Brain Tumor, Cancer, Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Medical Specialties


Description The 1st Indonesian Society of Neuro-Oncology Meeting October 22nd - 25th, 2015 Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta - Indonesia Registration Form PLEASE FILL IN THIS FORM WITH CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS [ ] Prof. [ ] Dr. [ ] Mr. [ ] Ms. The 1 FAMILY NAME st GIVEN NAME INSTITUTION ADDRESS CITY ZIP COUNTRY PHONE FAX EMAIL REGISTRATION FEE Up to July 1st, 2015 After July 1st, 2015 & Onsite SPECIALIST Rp. 2.000.000 Rp. 2.500.000 GP / RESIDENT Rp. 1.500.000 Rp. 2.000.000 SYMPOSIUM, Oct 24th & 25th, 2015 IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Workshop participant will have to pay the Package Registration Fee 2. Package registration fee includes: 2 DAYS WORKSHOPS + 2 DAYS SYMPOSIUM PACKAGE REGISTRATON FEE : 2 DAYS WORKSHOPS + 2 DAYS SYMPOSIUM Oct 22nd - 23rd and Oct 24th - 25th, 2015 Up to July 1st, 2015 After July 1st, 2015 & Onsite SPECIALIST Rp. 4.500.000 Rp. 5.000.000 GP / RESIDENT Rp. 4.000.000 Rp. 4.500.000 3. Please choose (X) one preferred fullday workshop on Thursday, Oct 22nd, 2015 WORKSHOPS, Thursday, Oct 22nd, 2015 - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital FULL DAY (08.00 - 17.00) WS 1: INTRA - OPERATIVE MONITORING IN NEURO - ONCOLOGY CASES Indonesian Society of Neuro-Oncology Meeting October 22nd - 25th, 2015 Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta - Indonesia WS 2: ORAL CHEMOTHERAPY & PAIN MANAGEMENT IN NEURO - ONCOLOGY 4. And please choose (X) one preferred fullday workshop OR 2 (two) halfday workshops on Friday, Oct 23rd, 2015 WORKSHOPS, Friday, Oct 23rd, 2015 - Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta FULLDAY WS (08.00 - 17.00) WS 3: ANALYSIS OF SEIZURE, EEG, AND NEUROIMAGING IN BRAIN TUMOR HALFDAY MORNING WS (08.00 - 11.30) WS 4: WHY SHOULD WE RECOGNIZE THE NEUROPSYCHIATRIC SYMPTOMS IN BRAIN TUMOR? Hand in Hand Bridging The Basic Neuro-Oncology HALFDAY MORNING WS (08.00 - 11.30) VENUE: RSCM WS 5: STEREOTACTIC WITH IMAGE GUIDED TECHNIQUE IN NEURO-ONCOLOGY HALFDAY AFTERNOON WS (13.30 - 17.00) WS 6: BREAKING THE BAD NEWS EASY TO SAY BUT HARD TO BE DONE WS 7: CEREBRAL BLEEDING COMPLICATION OF ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY All WS Venue is at Borobudur Hotel except WS 1, WS 2 & WS 5 will be located in RSCM Please download the registration and accommodation form in congress website / Fax this form to secretariat Web : Fax : +62-21 6386 9503, +62-21 6386 9505 / +62-21 319 03219 ACCREDITED Final Announcement Vice Chairperson ■ Feranindhya Agiananda Radiology. Fadhly ■ Mirna Iskandar ■ Andriani Putri Bestari ■ Eny Nurhayati ■ Reza Aditya Arpandy ■ Gogor Meisadona Fund Raising ■ Nadya Ayu Mulansari ■ Joice Rosewitasari ■ Affan Priyambodo ■ Findy Prastyawati ■ Meidianie Camelia ■ Andriani Putri Bestari ■ Muhammad Yusron Workshop Committee ■ Luh Ari Indrawati ■ Ni Nengah Rida Ariarini ■ Winnugroho Wiratman ■ Angela Giselvania ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Eny Nurhayati ■ Reza Aditya Arpandy ■ Gogor Meisadona Poster and Oral Presentation ■ Fitri Octaviana ■ Angela Giselvania ■ Dyah Tunjungsari ■ Reza Aditya Arpandy General Affair ■ Andre ■ Gogor Meisadona Pathology.Organizing Committee Welcome Message Neurooncology cases are one of the most complicated and challenging health issues. which will be held on October 22nd . Clinical Nutrition. Radiotherapy. Neurosurgery. including. ■ Masbimoro ■ Kevin Gunawan ■ Agung Wiretno Putro Registration ■ Luh Ari Indrawati ■ Zulfa Indah K. Integration is very fundamental and an organization that could gather this diversity is urgently needed. Please join and share your experience with us! Teguh AS. 2015. We are looking forward for your participation. Nursing. Ranakusuma Neurooncology Study Group . Fadhly Mirna Iskandar Andriani Putri Bestari ■ Umie Faizah Transportation and Accommodation ■ Fika Tiara Wahyu ■ Reza Aditya Arpandy Final Announcement 01 . the organization of Indonesia Society of Neurooncology is planned to be settled along with the 1st Indonesia Society of Neurooncology Meeting symposium. For that reason. Fadhly ■ Eny Nurhayati ■ Fika Tiara Wahyu W.25th. and Hospital Management. Anesthesiology. Hematology Oncology. but not limited to. Anatomical General Secretary ■ Reyhan Eddy ■ Anyeliria Sutanto Treasurer ■ Meidianie Camelia ■ Dyani Pitra Velyani Scientific Committee ■ David Tandian ■ Rini Andriani ■ Nadya Ayu Mulansari ■ Arie Munandar ■ Laila Rose Foresta ■ Eka Susanto ■ Ni Nengah Rida Ariarini ■ Mirna Iskandar Promotion and Public Relation ■ Andre ■ Zulfa Indah K. Neurology. which involving multidisciplinary medical Steering Committee ■ Dean Of Fakulty Of Medicine University Of Indonesia ■ Director OF Cipto Mangunkusumo National Referral Hospital ■ The President Of Indonesian Neurological Association Chairperson ■ Tiara Aninditha specialties. Medical Rehabilitation.PERDOSSI Dyani Pitra Velyani Zulfa Indah K. 00 WORKSHOP 1: WORKSHOP 2: WORKSHOP 3: WORKSHOP 6: WORKSHOP 7: INTRA-OPERATIVE ORAL ANALYSIS OF BREAKING THE BAD CEREBRAL BLEEDING MONITORING IN CHEMOTHERAPY & SEIZURE.00 .10 .30 .00 .08.30 SYMPOSIUM 3: MENINGIOMA SYMPOSIUM 4: PRINCIPLES OF BRAIN METASTASIS MANAGEMENT 2 .00 13.10 .10 NEURO-RADIOLOGY QUIZ 11.30 .08.13.30 COFFEE BREAK 02 10.12.40 .12.10 .11.16.00 RE-REGISTRATION 07.50 PLENARY LECTURE 3: STUDIUM GENERALE: PAIN S E S S I O N 12.14.08. October 22rd.00 .40 .40 PLENARY LECTURE 1 08.30 LUNCH 13.45 COFFEE BREAK 09.30 13.08.15 OPENING & DECLARATION: INDONESIAN SOCIETY OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY & LAUNCHING NEURO-ONCOLOGY BOOK 08.14.10 .13.50 SYMPOSIUM 8: SPINAL TUMOR 2 16.50 . 2015 Friday October 23rd.10 .EEG AND RECOGNIZE THE IMAGE GUIDED IN BRAIN TUMOR NEUROONCOLOGY SYMPTOMS IN TECHNIQUE IN NEURO-ONCOLOGY BRAIN TUMOR? Venue: Venue: Venue: RSCM RSCM Borobudur Hotel Borobudur Hotel RSCM 11.00 RE-REGISTRATION CIPTO MANGUNKUSUMO HOSPITAL 07.45 .50 .30 .11.10-17.12. DOOR PRIZE.50 13.00 .17.13.40 .10 CLOSING CEREMONY.16.15 .Program at a Glance Program at a Glance Saturday October 24th.30 . .30-14. POSTER AND ORAL PRESENTATION WINNERS AND NEURO-RADIOLOGY QUIZ .00 WORKSHOP 1: WORKSHOP 2: WORKSHOP 3: WORKSHOP 4: WORKSHOP 5: INTRA-OPERATIVE ORAL ANALYSIS OF WHY SHOULD WE STEREOTACTIC WITH MONITORING IN CHEMOTHERAPY & SEIZURE.10 09.40 MEET THE EXPERT 09.10 .11.50 SYMPOSIUM 7: GLIOMA 2 15.00 . 2015 07.30 SYMPOSIUM 10: NEURO-ONCOLOGY IN SPECIAL CONDITION I Final Announcement 14.00 .09.10.50 .50 .30 .30 08. 2015 07.40 PLENARY LECTURE 2 08.10 .17.10 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 1: UPDATE OF NEUROSURGICAL APPROACH IN BRAIN TUMOR COFFEE BREAK Thursday.00 .11.50 . 2015 Sunday October 25th.13.00 . EEG AND NEWS “EASY TO SAY COMPLICATION OF NEUROIMAGING IN BUT HARD TO ANTICOAGULANT BRAIN TUMOR BE DONE” THERAPY NEURO-ONCOLOGY PAIN MANAGEMENT CASES IN NEUROONCOLOGY Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: Venue: RSCM RSCM Borobudur Hotel Borobudur Hotel Borobudur Hotel 13.50 SYMPOSIUM 6 : SPINAL TUMOR I 15.50 SYMPOSIUM 5: GLIOMA I 14.00 RE-REGISTRATION BOROBUDUR HOTEL 08.50 .30 COFFEE BREAK 03 E X H I B I T I O N Venue: E X H I B I T I O N Venue: 09.10 NEURO-RADIOLOGY QUIZ 16.00 RE-REGISTRATION 08.50 SYMPOSIUM 11: SYMPOSIUM 12 : NEURO-ONCOLOGY IN NEURO-ONCOLOGY IN SPECIAL CONDITION 2 SPECIAL CONDITION 3 17.08.00 .30-14.00 LUNCH S E S S I O N 12.30 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 2: PAIN 12.15.10 SYMPOSIUM 2: PRINCIPLES SYMPOSIUM 1: OF BRAIN METASTASIS PRINCIPLES OF BRAIN MANAGEMENT 1 TUMOR P O S T E R CASES NEUROIMAGING IN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC P O S T E R NEURO-ONCOLOGY PAIN MANAGEMENT .30 LUNCH 13.30 SYMPOSIUM 9: CNS LYMPHOMA 15.10 LUNCH 10. LAUNCHING OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY GUIDELINE. 17.10 .20 Neuro-oncology. brain tumor: from basic to advanced the controversy still exist? technique .10.09.Patrick Y. 2015 TIME 07. Gondhowiardjo Novel treatment in Meningioma Psychological well-being in end of life care Patrick Y.00 RE.Benny Zulkarnaien Ninik Sukartini Update in neuro-pathology diagnosis of Special consideration of nutritional meningoma.10 .40 .15 .30 .00 WORKSHOP 1: WORKSHOP 2: 09.13.00 RE-REGISTRATION 08.Djumhana Atmakusuma Soehartati A.00 .13.08.30 . Wen (USA) neuro-oncology cases in neurooncology 08.10 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 1: UPDATE OF NEUROSURGICAL APPROACH IN BRAIN TUMOR 12.00 .00 .Renindra Ananda Aman metastasis: WBRT vs stereotactic technique .Arie Munandar 13. October 22nd.00 RE-REGISTRATION 08.00 .05 Rini Andriani Differentiating extra-axial and intra-axial Tumor marker in brain metastasis. Siregar Fiastuti Witjaksono LUNCH LUNCH 09.40 How to become a great neuro-oncologist .10 .Tiara Aninditha management of brain metastasis LAUNCHING OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY BOOK 09.40 PLENARY LECTURE 1: 07.08.10 SYMPOSIUM 1: PRINCIPLES OF SYMPOSIUM 2: PRINCIPLES OF BRAIN Intra-operative monitoring in Oral chemotherapy & pain management BRAIN TUMOR METASTASIS MANAGEMENT 1 neuro-oncology cases in neurooncology Moderator: Tiara Aninditha Moderator: Rini Andriani Venue: RSCM Venue: RSCM Clinical diagnosis in brain tumor: from Clinical syndrome and medical headache to seizure .25 .S.17.11.25 Discussion Discussion 14.45 . eeg and Breaking the bad news Cerebral bleeding neuroimaging in brain easy to say but hard to be complication of tumor done anticoagulant therapy Venue: Borobudur Hotel Venue: Borobudur Hotel Venue: Borobudur Hotel 13.14. 2015 Saturday.00 .10 .30 . 2015 .00 WORKSHOP 3: WORKSHOP 6: Workshop 7: Analysis of seizure.00 .08.10 Oral Presentation Oral Presentation 10.45 .Scientific Schedule Scientific Schedule Thursday.20 .14.REGISTRATION 08.15 OPENING & DECLARATION: INDONESIAN SOCIETY OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY / Venue: RSCM Venue: RSCM 12.10 .13. why does it matter? .45 .00 Discussion Discussion 11. eeg and Why should we recognize Stereotactic with image neuroimaging in brain the neuropsychiatric guided technique in tumor symptoms in brain tumor? neuro-oncology Venue: Borobudur Hotel Venue: Borobudur Hotel (Venue: RSCM) 10.50 The role of stereotactic radiosurgery/ Principles of systemic therapy for brain radiotherapy in meningioma metastasis . October 23rd.25 Friday.30 SYMPOSIUM 3: MENINGIOMA Moderator: Renindra Ananda Aman SYMPOSIUM 4: PRINCIPLES OF BRAIN METASTASIS MANAGEMENT 2 Moderator: Arie Munandar 13.08.10 LUNCH/PRAYER TIME 11.11. Wen (USA) Feranindhya Agiananda .25 .45 11.30 WORKSHOP 3: WORKSHOP 4: WORKSHOP 5: Analysis of seizure. from basic into molecular aspect in brain tumor Nurjati C.00 .Teguh A.08. Ranakusuma Intra-operative monitoring in Oral chemotherapy & pain management 08.30 Update in surgical approach of Radiotherapy perspective in brain meningioma .30 Lunch 13.50 . October 24th.12.00 .30 Oral Presentation Oral Presentation 13.00 WORKSHOP 1: WORKSHOP 2: 08.00 .45 COFFEE BREAK 04 Final Announcement 05 . Soehartati Gondhowiardjo . 2015 Paliative care in brain tumor The role of anticoagulant in Siti Annisa Nuhonni hypercoagulable state th Lugyanti Sukrisman 14.14.30 .50 Oral Presentation Oral Presentation Rini Andriani neuro-oncology 16.00 .11.30 .Gregorius Ben Prajogi tumor surgery .30 LUNCH Samsul Ashari curative to palliative .14.30 07.10.45 .Scientific Schedule Scientific Program Saturday.50 Diagnostic and theraupetic approach of How to manage decreased of primary and secondary CNS lymphoma conciousness in brain tumor cases Abdul Muthalib Fitri Octaviana How to differentiate primary and secondary Role of electrodiagnostic in grade glioma based on imaging and metastatic spinal tumor radiology .14.Hartono 09.Edi S.50 .11.30 .10 .10 .50 Oral Presentation Oral Presentation 11.50 SYMPOSIUM 11: NEURO-ONCOLOGY IN Radiotherapy in glioma: state of the art Indication and techniques in spinal SPECIAL CONDITION 2 SPECIAL CONDITION 3 technique .10 15.David Tandian .16.50 .Rahmad Mulyadi Freddy Sitorus 10.10 COFFEE BREAK SYMPOSIUM 12: NEURO-ONCOLOGY IN 14.30 .10. Wen (USA) .10 16.10 .17.10 .13.Angela Giselvania 13. Saekhu 11.30 .08.45 Discussion Discussion 15.20 .Patrick Y.10 PLENARY LECTURE 3: STUDIUM GENERALE: PAIN . October 25 .30 17. Saekhu Moderator: Rini Andriani Moderator: Setyo Widi Nugrohoo 16.30 .Asrul Harsal 15.10 CLOSING CEREMONY.16.50 SYMPOSIUM 5: GLIOMA 1 14.08.Nurmiati Amir 15.30 .45 Discussion Discussion Intrathecal chemotherapy Update of seizure management in 16.30 .50 .30 Oral Presentation Oral Presentation Moderator: Samsul Ashari Moderator: M.16.50 .50 . Tehuteru (awake surgery & stereotactic) Setyo Widi Nugroho 14.40 .15.50 .REGISTRATION 08.12.10 NEURO-RADIOLOGY QUIZ NEURO-RADIOLOGY QUIZ 15.M. POSTER AND ORAL PRESENTATION WINNERS AND NEURO-RADIOLOGY QUIZ 16.10.00 .08.17. October 25th.50 Astri Budikayanti 13.30 .30 .17. 2015 14.20 Genetic and epigenetic in neuro-oncology .30 How to differentiate low grade and high Update in neuro-imaging of primary 10.Pryambodho 15. Siregar Winnugroho Wiratman 10.15.40 MEET THE EXPERT Panelist: 06 Special consideration in paediatric Special technique in brain tumor surgery brain tumor .15.30 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 2: PAIN Glioma in neuro-surgery perspective Radiotherapy in spinal tumor: from 12.45 Discussion Discussion 14.13.11.Teguh AS Ranakusuma .10 .Jacub Pandelaki Reyhan Eddy CNS lymphoma.10 15.14.50 .40 .Ryo Nishikawa (Japan) 08.Nurjati C.50 14.30 SYMPOSIUM 6: SPINAL TUMOR 1 Moderator: Andhika Rahman Moderator: Winnugroho Wiratman The new classification of glioma Intradural or extradural Tumor? understanding the importance of The role of clinical neurologist biomolecular markers .50 .40 Multidisciplinary approach in neuro-oncology .15.25 Discussion Discussion SYMPOSIUM 8: SPINAL TUMOR 2 11.16.50 Interventional approach in cancer pain .50 Oral Presentation Oral Presentation 14.15.09.Lenny Sari Andhika Rahman for the treatment of neurological deficit What is the best option of neuro-Imaging Simple neuro-ophthalmology in spinal tumor . October 24th.Santoso Cornain 08.Manfaluthy Hakim Update of chemotheraphy for glioma The benefit of rehabilitative medicine Technique” .16.08.45 . DOOR PRIZE.45 .40 PLENARY LECTURE 2 08.30 COFFEE BREAK Final Announcement 07 .10 .00 RE.16.14.10 .Ira Mistivani in lymphoma and leptomeningeal examination in brain tumor metastasis? .Abdul Muthalib .30 .50 .Benny Zulkarnaien .30 COFFEE BREAK 13. LAUNCHING OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY GUIDELINE.16.10 Sunday.30 Psychiatric intervention in cancer pain .Moderator : Teguh AS Ranakusuma Moderator: Rini Andriani .15.10 . 2015 Sunday.15.30 .10 .10 Upate in opioid management in cancer pain .25 .14.30 SYMPOSIUM 9: CNS LYMPHOMA Moderator: Abdul Muthalib SYMPOSIUM 10: NEURO-ONCOLOGY IN SPECIAL CONDITION I Moderator: Freddy Sitorus 10.15.11. “Update in Neuro-Pathology neuro-oncology .30 SYMPOSIUM 7: GLIOMA 2 15.Ryo Nishikawa (Japan) . 2. and Conclusion. hematology. Indonesia Phone: +62 21 6386 9502 . 2015 ■ Closing Ceremony : October 25th. The abstracts will not be processed until the committee has accepted the registration fee. The full name of the authors must be written and the name of the main author must is written at the front and underlined. Results. 2015 ■ Exhibition : October 24th . anatomical pathology. 4. radiotherapy. SECRETARIAT Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine Cipto Mangunkusumo National Referral Hospital Jl.25th .Fax: +62 21 6386 9505/6386 9503 Email: info@pharma-pro. The headers for case report or series are Introduction. • All participants will receive a confirmation email from the committee regarding the abstract submission by the 21st of September 2015. palliative care. Pharma. 71. 2015 ■ Opening Ceremony : October 24th.5 Jakarta 10130. Case. using A4 page setting. The content of the study is written in one paragraph with the font style Times New Roman.25th . The abstract must be typed in English and Bahasa Indonesia with a maximal of 250 words. Refund of registration fees will be processed after the congress and following is the schedule is as follows: 1. The city and country of the institution are typed using font size 10. • All poster participants must be registered as symposium participants and have completed their registration and payment processes. Mobile: +62 816 995 230 Phone: +62 21319 03219 . 2015: 1 (one) night deposit can be refunded 3. Notification received before July 1st. 2 cm from the right and left sides of the page. 2015: No refund will be allowed thereafter 4.Abstract Poster Guideline Registration and Accommodation TERMS AND CONDITIONS Cancellation Policy of Registration 1. Sari.Fax: +62 21319 03219 Email: neuroonkologiindonesia@pharma-pro. bold. 2015 ■ Deadline for Hotel Reservation : September 30th. Web: www. • It has to be sent online via email in the form of Word document file to [email protected]. Written cancellation notification for hotel reservation is required BEFORE September 1st. 3. Mobile: +62 812 8846 5911 . The line spacing used is single spacing with justified alignment. No refund for cancellation received from July 1st. The font size of the title is 12. psychiatry. Cancellation AFTER September 1st. radiology. • All abstracts will be included in the proceeding book and the committee has the right to alter the format of the abstract to suit the format of the proceeding book. The font size of the name of the author(s) is 11 and bold. 2015 onward Cancellation Policy of Hotel Reservation 1. Jakarta Pusat Contact Person: Ms. The headers of the paragraph for research paper are Introduction. The abstract must be typed using the font Times New Roman. Silvia. 2015: 50% refund 2. 2015 ■ Business Meeting : October 24th. with centered alignment. 2015 with the written notice beforehand. • Abstracts submitted after the 1st of September 2015 will not be accepted. Methods.Ms. GENERAL RULES • The topic of the abstract is related to Neurooncology in all its aspects: neurology. Jl. Gajah Mada 3 .PT. RSCM Credit Card Please fill out required information on the registration form Important Dates ■ Deadline for Early Bird Registration : July 1st . 2015 ■ Congress : October 24th .org 08 Written notification of Registration must be received to the 1st ISNO 2015 secretariat. 2015 ■ Deadline for Abstract Submission : September 1st . etc. 2015 Final Announcement 09 . The organizing committee has the full authority to CANCEL one or more rooms of one night deposit has not been received at the latest September 1st. size 10. Diponegoro No. 2015 2.Pro International Komplek Perkantoran Duta Merlin Blok C/35-37. Cancellation BEFORE September Medical Conference Organizer (MCO®) . 2015 ■ Pre Congres Workshops : October 22nd .23rd . 2 cm from the bottom of the page. 6. The content of the abstract is written two lines below the address of the affiliations. All payment for Registration and Accommodation can be transfer to the following Bank Account: Bank Account (Rupiah) Account Name Account Number Name & Address : Tiara Aninditha / Feranindhya Agiananda : 122-00-0691027-0 : Bank Mandiri Cab. and single-spaced. in one column with side margin of 3 cm from the top of the page. neurosurgery. and
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