File 6_research_progms

March 20, 2018 | Author: MalikSadaketAli | Category: Doctor Of Philosophy, Academic Degree, University And College Admission, Doctorate, Thesis



5.11 SCHOOL OF JOURANLISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION (SOJNMS) Journalism and Mass Communication (Ph.D Not on Offer) (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii) Eligibility Criteria For Category ‘A’ Master’s Degree in Journalism & Mass Communication with good academic record and M.Phil from any recognized University or Higher Learning Institution (candidates who have cleared the UGC NET or JRF shall be given preference) Or Master’s Degree with good academic record in any subject with 5 years experience in Media Industry/Teaching/Research in Mass Communication. Provided further that candidates who are employees of the University shall have completed at least two years of service in the University on the date they submit the application for admission. For Category ‘B’* Master’s degree in Journalism & Mass Communication with a good academic record from a university or a recognized institution of higher learning. They will have to successfully complete a prescribed course work worth 32-36 credits. (iii) Mode of Selection For Category ‘A’: There will be an interview where aspirants will discuss their research area. They will have to present their Proposals before the Doctoral Committee. Every candidate needs to prepare a Research Proposal in prescribed proforma (see Application in the Prospectus for details) should clearly state the problem, objectives, hypothesis (if any), methodology, which may include sampling design, sources of data, data analysis, etc. and expected outcome of the study. Each candidate is expected to identify a qualified supervisor from the discipline of Journalism & Mass Communication and having a Ph.D. in related area and a minimum of five years of teaching / professional experience. All such teachers/ professionals can guide research candidates subject to approval of the School Board for guiding research candidates. (iv) The School may follow one of the following procedures for deciding the cases for For Category ‘A’: a) Recommend the candidate for direct registration on the basis of her/his research proposal as well as the Doctoral Committee recommendations subject to approval of the School Board and admission: : Ph. D. : Journalism and Mass Communication : Not On Offer : Integrated mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ 71 Research Council. b) Suggest to the candidate necessary modifications/changes in her/his proposal and, on carrying out the same to the satisfaction of the Doctoral Committee and recommend her/his candidature for registration subject to approval of the School Board and Research Council. Candidates need to appear for an Entrance Test to be conducted by the School. Similarly, every candidate needs to present his/her Ph.D. proposal before the Doctoral Committee. Selection of candidates will be based on the performance in the Entrance Test and Interview. For Category ‘B’: a) (v) Course Work for Category ‘B’ Candidates The discipline willing to admit candidates for Ph.D with Integrated Mode. Students will have to do course work as part of pre-research preparation in the first year and after that the Doctoral Committee will evaluate the Candidate’s progress before allowing for further stage of writing the dissertation. (vi) Research Supervisors (Internal): All faculty in the Grade of Reader & above from the School are eligible. Faculty member with core subject area specialization is eligible to guide a Ph D student. The internal faculty may do so singly. The internal research supervisors names will be made available as soon as the School Board approves their names. Name / Designation and Address Telephone No. / E-mail Area of Specialization Prof. Shabhunala 011-29534392 / 29571105; Singh, SOJNMS [email protected] Prof. Subhash Dhulia 011-29534450; 2957-3362; [email protected] Dr. Kiran Bansal 011-29532655; 29573272; Associate Professor [email protected] Dr.O.P. Dewal, Reader 011-2953-6133; 29573220; [email protected] Dr.K.S. Arul Selvan, 011-29572103 Reader [email protected] Research Supervisors (External) Whenever the need for a specialization or expertise in an area not available within the eligible School Faculty arises, an external expert for the same shall be identified. (vii) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Prof. Shambhu Nath Singh (SOJNMS), 011-295734392; 29571105; [email protected] Note : Details given above on Ph.D in Journalism is only for information. Please do not submit any filled-in application till University advertises for this Programme. 72 _________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 5.12 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (SOET) Engineering and Technology (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii) Eligibility Criteria For Category ‘A’ : Candidate with Master of Engineering or Technology and having teaching/industry /professional experience. (iii) (iv) Mode of Selection : Presentation and Interview Research Supervisors (Internal) Proposed field of specialization/area Civil Engineering E-mail/Telephone No Address : Ph. D. : Engineering and Technology :July every year : Independent mode : Category ‘A’ S.N. Name of Faculty 1 Prof. Ajit Kumar SOET, IGNOU Prof. Subhasis Maji [email protected] 011-29572916 New Delhi 2 Mechanical Engineering [email protected] 011-29572926 [email protected] 01129572927 [email protected] 011-29572928 [email protected] 01129572930 SOET IGNOU New Delhi SOET IGNOU New Delhi SOET IGNOU New Delhi SOET IGNOU New Delhi SOET IGNOU New Delhi 3 Dr. Manoj Kulshrestha Civil Engineering 4 Dr. S.K.Vyas Civil Engineering 5 Dr. Munish Kumar Bharadwaj Dr.Ashish Agarwal Civil Engineering 6 Mechanical Engineering [email protected] 01129572922 73 7. Dr. K.T.Mannan Mechanical Engineering [email protected] SOET IGNOU New Delhi (v) Research Supervisors (External) S.N. Name of External Supervisor 1 Prof. Sagar Maji Proposed field of specialization/area Mechanical Engineering Electronics and Communication Mechanical Engineering E-mail/Telephone No Address [email protected] DTU New Delhi MNNIT, Allahabad DTU New Delhi 2 Prof. H.Kar, MNNIT, Allahabad Prof. B.B.Arora 3 [email protected] (vi) Ph.D Programme Coordinators 1) Prof. Ajit Kumar (SOET) Tel: 011-29572916 E-mail: [email protected] 2) Dr. Ashish Agarwal (SOET) Tel: 011-29572922 E-mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.13 SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES (SOHS) Nursing (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom offered (ii) : Ph. D. : Nursing : January cycle only : Independent mode : ‘Category A’ Eligibility Criteria for Category A: Nursing professionals who have completed their M.Phil degree with 55% of marks from recognized University or an equivalent grade (50% for SC and ST) and / OR Nursing professionals who have completed M.Sc. Nursing with 55% of marks or an equivalent 74 Grade (50% for SC and ST) and having 5 years of teaching/industry/administration /professional /clinical experience. (iii) No. of Seats: 50 Initially for a period of 5 years (up to July 2014) i.e.,10 seats per admission cycle (iii) Selection Procedures a) Screening of Applications : The initial screening of the applications including the synopsis duly approved by the research supervisors will be done by the Ph.D. Programme Coordinators of the Nursing Discipline and eligible candidates under category A will be short listed. The Doctoral Committee of the nursing discipline will scrutinize each research synopsis and evaluate the same against the criteria developed by Programme Coordinators of the Nursing Discipline and will shortlist the candidates for presentation. b) Selection of Candidates: The short listed candidates under category ‘A’ after initial scrutiniziation will make presentation to the Doctoral Committee which will be evaluated as per the set criteria. The Doctoral Committee shall recommend the names of qualified candidates based on their performance during presentation to the school board for approval which in turn will recommend the names of the candidates, their topics and research supervisors for consideration of research council for registration of the candidates. (iv) Course Work The scholars will do the course work in the form of assignments and presentation recommended by Doctoral Committee as per schedule which will be evaluated internally by the Ph.D. Coordinators of Nursing Discipline. Areas for Course Work Depth study of research methodology * Term Paper* Clinical depth study related to clinical specialization including pathophysiology/ Psychodynamics/ Epidemiology Research Methodology (Workshop / teleconferencing) * Credits 8 8 Marks 100 100 8 100 Nursing Education*(Curriculum Development) Theories of Nursing Theoretical Frame Work Instructional objectives/ Selection and Organization of Teaching learning experiences Teaching learning methods 75 Implementation and Evaluation Course Development Unit Development Lesson Plan Development Test Construction Educational programme evaluation Total 24 300 (V) Research supervisors (Internal) Dr. (Mrs.) Bimla Kapoor Professor In Nursing Director School of Health Sciences Psychiatric Nursing SOHS, IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi 110068 O) 011-29533078 29532965 Mb. 9910058606 [email protected] O) 29533078 29532231 Mb.9871812473 [email protected] 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Pity Koul Professor In Nursing Pediatric Nursing SOHS, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi New Delhi 110068 (Vi) Research Supervisors (External) A re a o f s p e c ia liza tio n in M .S c . A d d re s s H o m e /O ffic eP h o n e /M o b ile S l.N o . N a m e & D e s ig n a tio n 1. D r. K o ch u th re sia m m a T h oM eadsica l S u rg ica l e s) T .C . 1 1 /8 0 1 m (R (R e s) – 0 4 7 1 -2 5 5 9 9 8 8 O ) R e g istra r N u rsin g C o u n cil N u rsin g B 5 , K rish n a n a g a r P a tto m . P .O .0 4 7 1 -2 5 5 1 1 4 7 M b ) K e ra la T riva n d ru m -4 K e ra la . 9447159988 D r. S u rya P ra b h a P a ra sh eN u rsin g r (O u t o f co u n try) E d u ca tio n D r. K a n w a l Jit K a u r G ill P rin cip a l & P ro fe sso r P sych ia tric N u rsin g (R e s) C -2 2 , F irst F lo o r, H a u z K (R e s) 0 1 1 -2 6 8 5 5 0 1 8 h a s, N e w D e lh i – 1 1 0 0 1 6 M b. 9810542406 (O u t o f co u n try) (O u t o f co u n try ) S h a h e e d K a rta r S in g h S a ra b h a , C o lle g e O f N u rsin g L u d h ia n a 2. 3. 76 4. D r. S u n ita L a w re n ce P rin cip a l O B G N u rsin g (R e s) 4 , S h re e H o m e s B e h in d C he s) r0 7 5 5 -3 2 9 1 6 5 9 (R in a W o o d la n d C h u n a b h a tti, K o la r R o)a2 4 2 4 8 4 5 O d, B h o p a l (M .P ) In d ia M b) 09425004934 O )P ra g ya n C o lle g e o f N u rsin g F a x) 0 7 5 5 - 2 7 3 5 9 3 3 P .O . N o . 5 7 5 , P o st O ffice R a vish a n ka r N a g a r, B h o p a l – 4 6 2 0 1 6 M .P . M e d ica l S u rg ica l E S ) M a d h a p e r N a va va s, N a ra ya2 6 8 1 4 0 6 (R O )2 n N u rsin g N a g a r K o ta k N a g a r R o a d , B h u j 2 2 6 8 5,0 9 5 K u tch 3 7 0 0 2 0 G u ja ra tO ) E x-P rin cip a l/(R e s) 0 2 8 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 , P ro fe sso r M b- 9998863508 C o lle g e o f N u rsin g A h m e d a b a d 380016 5. D r. V iru b e n H B h u d ia P ro fe sso r p 6. 7. D r. S r. M a ry L u cita R e g io n a l m u n ity C om O ) In stitu tio n o f N u rsin g E d u ca tio n D ire cto r & P rin cip a l H e a lth N u rsin g G a n d h i N a g a r K o tta ya m D r. A n u ra d h a N . M h a ske C o m m u n ity (R E S ) B 2 /4 0 6 , V rin d a va n d h a m (R e s). 0 2 2 -2 5 6 8 8 8 3 3 , V .B P rin cip a l H e a lth N u rsin g P h a d ke , ro a d , M u lu n d (E a st) M u m b a i4 0 0 0 8 1 O ) In stitu te o f n u rsin g M b ) 9 8 1 9 5 0 6 0 4 2 E d u ca tio n M u m b a i D r. A p a rn a B h a d u ri P ro fe sso r M e d ica l S u rg ica l e s) P 8 3 0 L a ke T o w n , B lo ck (R e s) 0 3 3 -2 5 3 4 3 4 0 2 (R A N u rsin g K o lka ta , - 7 0 0 0 8 9 M b 9830962328 8. 9. 10. D r. S u m a th i K u m a ra sw a mO B G N u rsin g (R e s) N o . 3 1 , R a ja m b a l N a g a r,(R e s) 0 4 1 4 2 -2 2 0 2 4 5 i Dean IIn d C ro ss S tre e t, M a n ja ku p p a m ,b 9 3 6 2 1 0 3 3 9 8 M C u d d a lo re - 6 0 7 0 0 1 O ) V in a ya ka M issio n s C o lle g e O f N u rsin g P a ra m e d ica l S cie n ce s K iru m a m p a kka m P o n d ich e rry – 6 0 7 4 0 2 D r. M rid u la S a ikia K h a n iko r sych ia tric P R e g io n a l C o lle g e o f N u rsin g In(Rra p u r 4 0 9 1 3 d e s) 3 P rin cip a l N u rsin g G u w a h a ti – 7 8 1 0 3 2 A ssa m O ) 268552 P ro f. M rs. MCH S . K a m a la m P rin cip a l C u m u rsin g N N u rsin g S u p e rin te n d e n t D r. Jyo ti S a rin P rin cip a l K a stu rb a G a n d h i N u rsin g C o lleO e 0 4 1 3 -2 6 1 5 4 4 9 -5 9 g) P o n d y-C u d d a lo re M a in R o a d , 2 6 1 5 8 0 9 P illa iya rku p p a m , P o n d ich e rry 6M7 4 0 2 4 4 3 7 3 0 0 4 1 0 b. 09 11. 12. P a e d ia tric N u rsin g s) 3 1 /1 9 5 , G ro u n d F lo o r, (R e s) 2 6 4 1 2 2 2 4 (R e V ikra m V ih a r, L a jp a t N a g a r – IV b ) 0 9 8 6 8 0 5 8 0 0 9 M N e w D e lh i – 1 1 0 0 2 4 O ) M .M C o lle g e o f N u rsin g A m b a la 13. th D r. S m t. B h a rti. M P ro fe ssoe d ica l S u rg ica l e s) N o . 1 2 5 8 ,C ro ss, th4S ta g e (R e s) 0 8 2 1 -2 5 4 2 8 9 3 Mr (R 4 C u m P rin cip a l N u rsin g P a d u va n a R a sth e , T .K . L a yo u t 0 8 0 -2 6 5 6 7 2 5 8 K u ve m p u n a g a r O ) 0 8 2 1 -2 5 4 2 8 9 3 M yso re O ) JS S C O L L E G E O F M b ) 9 8 8 9 6 2 0 8 7 2 1 N U R S IN G S a ra sw a h ip u ra m , M yso re -0 9 14. D r. M u n in a ra ya n a p p a N .VP sych ia tric . th (R e s) N o . 1 2 5 8 ,C ro ss, th4S ta g e (R e s) 0 8 2 1 -2 5 4 2 8 9 3 4 77 P ro fe sso r C u m V ice P rin cip u rsin g N al P a d u va n a R a sth e , T .K . L a yo u t 0 8 0 -2 6 5 6 7 2 5 8 K u ve m p u n a g a r O ) 0 8 2 1 -2 3 4 0 0 8 7 M yso re O ) JS S C O L L E G E O F M b ) 9 8 8 9 6 0 6 3 5 1 0 N U R S IN G S a ra sw a h ip u ra m , M yso re -0 9 15. D r. R a tn a P ra ka sh Dean M e d ica l S u rg ica lim a la ya n C o lle g e o f N u rsin g , (RIHs) 0 8 2 0 -2 9 2 2 5 0 2 H HeT N u rsin g U n ive rsity S w a m i R a m N a g a r, Job ) 9 4 5 8 3 8 1 6 6 2 m lly G ra n t P .O . D o iw a la D e h ra d u n – 2 4 8 1 4 0 U tta ra kh a n d MCH N u rsin g C h o ith ra m C O L L E G E O F N U R (RIN s) 2 7 6 4 0 0 9 S eG P .O . B o x n o . 1 3 1 , M a n ik B a g h R o a d , In d o re – 4 5 2 0 1 4 B h o p a l (R e s) V isita tio n C o n ve n t H o ste l(R e s) 0 4 9 5 -2 3 5 7 0 6 6 D e va g iri, C a licu t, K e ra la - 6 7 3 0 0 8b ) 0 9 4 4 7 0 1 8 6 9 0 M O )G o vt. C o lle g e o f N u rsin g C a licu t K e ra la 16. D r. U sh a U ka n d e P rin cip a l & D e a n 17. D r. S r. A n n e Jo se P ro fe sso r P sych ia tric N u rsin g 18. P ro f. D r.K .R a ja la ka sh m i P e d ia tric N u rsin g e s) N e w N o . 1 8 , (O ld n o . 2 1 )(R e s) 2 4 7 2 9 6 0 0 (R P rin cip a l S e co n d M a in R o a d , V e n g e e sw Ora2 2 4 8 2 2 8 8 a) r N a g a r, V a d a p a la n i, C h e n n a i 6 0M b 2 6 8 4 0 1 9 2 5 8 1 0 0 )-9 O )M IO T C o lle g e o f N u rsin g , M a n a p a kka m , C h e n n a i 6 0 0 0 6 9 D r. (M rs.) Ja sb ir K a u r P rinP sych ia tric cip a l N u rsin g (R e s) H o u se n o . 6 6 7 ,S e cto r-2 0O )0 1 6 1 4 6 8 6 6 0 4 A C h a n d ig a rh (U T ) O ) D a ya n a n d 4 6 8 6 6 0 4 M e d ica l C o lle g e & H o sp ita l, L u d hb . n a 8 1 5 5 4 5 3 1 7 M ia 0 9 -1 4 1 0 0 1 19. 20. D r. K ira n B a tra P rin cip a l M e d ica l S u rg ica l e s) H o u se n o -3 2 1 /1 , S e cto r M b ) (R N u rsin g 4 4 – D , C h a n d ig a rh R a tta n 9872986372 P ro fe ssio n a l E d u ca tio n C o lle g e , S o h a ra , P u n ja b C h ild h e a lth N u rsin g N a n d a C o lle g e o f N u rsin g O ) 0 4 2 9 4 -2 2 4 6 1 1 ko o ra p a la ya m “p irivu ”p itch a n d a m ) a la2 8 8 -2 2 1 4 0 5 O p04 y a m E ro d e – 6 3 8 0 5 2 , T a m iln a d u O ) N o . 2 3 G a n d h i N a g a r C h e n n im a la i R a o d P e ru n d u ra i -6 3 8 0 5 2 E ro d e d ist TN 21. D r. K . A kch a ya P ro f. a n d P rin cip a l 22. D r. K U th ra m a n i P ro f. a n d P rin cip a l M e n ta l H e a lth (R e s) W /O K .K . B a la ji V a se n th (R e s) 2 2 7 5 2 1 N u rsin g 3 -4 4 /1 S a p th a g iri B h a va n O ) 227552 D h a n a la ksh m i N a ta ra ja m N a g aM b - 9 4 4 2 1 5 5 3 9 9 r V a la ya kka ra n u r P o st B .K o m a ra p a la ya m 6 3 8 1 8 3 N a m a kka l d ist. T a m iln a d u O ) R a b in d h a ra n a th T a g o o re C o lle g e o f N u rsin g F o r W o m e n , V e e ra ch ip a la ya m , S a n ka ri w e st p o st, sa n ka ri ta lu k sa le m d istrict 78 – 6 3 8 0 5 2 T a m il N a d u 23. D r. M rs. A la m e lu V e n ke ta rab stre trics O m an (D e a n ) N u rsin g o ) O m a ya l A ch i C o lle g e o f N u rsinbg. 9 7 9 0 8 5 0 2 6 5 M S a tya m o o rth y N a g a r A va d i, C h e n n a i – 6 0 0 0 6 2 R ) Isw a rya 5 3 , S a ro jin i S tre e t M a je stic C o lo n y, V a la sa ra va kka m Chennai - 600087 24. D r. M rs. M .E . P a tlia Dean M e d ica l su rg icaP .G . C o lle g e o f N u rsin g B h ila i M b . 9 4 0 7 6 7 0 0 5 0 l N u rsin g R ) Q r. N o . 1 /A , S tre e t N o . 5 H o sp ita l S e cto r, B h ila i (C .G .) – 4 9 0 0 0 9 M e d ica l S u rg ica l o lle g e o f N u rsin g C .M .C . & H9 8 1 5 6 1 2 6 4 8 C o sp ita l, L u d h ia n a N u rsin g M a te rn ity a n d A P -8 7 8 , 1 0 th S e cto r, 6 1 stre e t,0 4 4 -2 5 9 6 3 5 9 4 N e o n a ta l N u rsin g e st K .K . N a g a r, C h e n n a i – 6 0 0 0 9 52 4 1 7 0 9 0 W 4 4 -3 M b. 9884402024, 9791042242 25. D r. R a jin d e r M a h a l P ro fe sso r, D r. C . S u sila P ro fe sso r a n d P rin cip a l 26. 27. D r. P ra ka sh a m a , D ire cto r C o m m u n ity H e a lth d e m y fo r n u rsin g stu d ie s A ca 8 3 -8 9 8 /2 2 N a g a rju n a , N a g a r A m e rp e t H yd e ra b a d – 5 0 0 0 7 3 M rs. S w a ti V irse sh w a r K a ma e d ia tric N u rsinh a ra d a In stitu te o f N u rsin g R ) 3 7 1 0 6 8 9 P b li Sg A d d itio n a l P ro fe sso r E d u ca tio n sta ff q trs, 6 th F lo o r, fla)t 3 7 4 4 6 5 5 O 6 0 1 . J.J. G ro u p o f H o sp ita ls ca m p u s,3 3 2 7 9 0 4 4 M ) 98 M u m b a i- 8 D r. A d e lin e M . N a ya m a th i A d u lt N u rse P ro fe sso r P ra ctitio n e r O ) S ch o o l o f N u rsin g U n ive rsity o f C a lifo rn ia , L o sA n g e le s 7 0 0 T ive rto n A ve n u e , B o x 9 5 1 7 0 2 L o s A n g e le s C A 9 0 0 0 9 5 -1 7 0 2 H) 8101 K e n tla n d A ve W e st H ills, C A 9 1 3 0 4 (8 1 8 ) 7 2 0 -9 6 0 2 1 2 /2 4 1 M a lviya N a g a r Ja ip u r R a ja sth a n Mb – D) 9312095356 Ja i) 0 9 3 5 2 0 2 8 7 6 5 28. 29. 30. D r. S u b h a sh C h a n d ra S h a P a a d ia tric rm e D ire cto r S K IM H S & R N u rsin g 31. D r. K a n ch a n K u m a ri S h a rm a m m u n ity 1 2 /2 4 1 M a lviya N a g a r Ja ip u r M b – D ) Co H e a lth N u rsin gR a ja sth a n 9312095356 M b) 09352028765 D r. (M rs.) Jo g in d ra V a ti G uM tad ica l S u rg ica)l N a tio n a l In stitu te o f N u rsin g M ) 0 9 8 7 2 2 0 4 4 5 3 pe o L e ctu re r N u rsin g E d u ca tio n P .G .I.M .E .R . C h a n d ig a rh U .T . 1 6 0 0 1 2 h ) # 4 5 3 /1 4 4 C h a n d ig a rh (1 6 0 0 4 7 ) 32. 79 vi) Programme Coordinators Dr. Bimla Kapoor, (SOHS), Tel: 011-29533078 Email: [email protected] Dr. Pity Koul, (SOHS), Tel: 011-29532231 Email: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.14 SCHOOL OF INTER-DISCIPLINARY AND TRANSDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (SOITS) 5.14.1 Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii). Eligibility Criteria for Category ‘A’ Candidates with Post graduate degree and or M.Phil with 5 years of teaching/professional experience. Eligibility Criteria for Category ‘B’ Masters Degree with minimum 55% in any discipline with Ph. D proposal on any aspect of interdisciplinary research based preferably on Social Sciences and humanities background. (iii). Mode of Selection for Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ The research proposals from candidates forwarded by Research Unit will be studied by the Doctoral Committee. The candidates recommended by the Doctoral Committee will be asked for presentation and interview, for their selection in the Ph.D programme. (iv). Course work for category ‘A’ : Depending on the merit of candidate Doctoral Committee would decide on exemption (partially or fully) from stipulated course work or as the case may be. Course Work for Category B: Every candidate needs to undergo course work for one year duration. : Ph. D. : Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary : January and July every year : Independent mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ (v). Research Supervisors (Internal) A d d re s s H o m e /O ffico n e /M o b ile Ph e S l.N o . N a m e & D e s ig n a tio n A re a o f s p e c ia liza tio n 80 1. Dr. Nandini Sinha Kapur History/ Archaeology Room No. 15, Block.1, [email protected] / Socio- Cultural SOITS, IGNOU,Maidan Telephone: 011Anthropology and Garhi, New Delhi- 110068 2957115 Museology. Economics Developmental/ Labour History Geography/ Environmental Studies (Climate Change and Population Studies) Room No. 14, Block 1, [email protected]: SOITS, IGNOU, Maidan 011 29571114 Garhi. New Delhi- 110068 Room No 2 Block F, [email protected] Tagore Bhawan, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi110068 2. Dr. Babu P. Remesh 3. Dr. Subhakanta Mohaptra 4. Prof. D. Gopal Population Science/ Faculty of Political [email protected] Gandhian Thought Science, Tagore Bhawan, 0112953515, and Peace Studies IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, 29572704 New Delhi-110068 Physics/Astrophysics Faculty of Student Service [email protected] /Astronomy centre, IGNOU, Maidan 011-29535714, Garhi, New Delhi-110068 29578513, 29533869, 29533870 5. Dr. C.K. Ghosh 6. Dr. Nandini Sahu English Literature/ Folk Lore and Cultural Studies Faculty of School of nandinisahu@ignou. Humanities, Tagore Bhawan, IGNOU, Maidan 011-29536441, Garhi, New Delhi-110068 29572780 (vi) Research Supervisors ( External) 1) Prof. Vijay Kapur, Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University and currently advisor to Vice Chancellor IGNOU. [email protected], 29572110. 2) Dr. Samir Kr Das, Lecturer in Kolkata University 09830210265 3) Dr.Sandipan Chakraborty, Deptt of Geography, Presidency College, Kolkata University, 09830356405. [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 5.14.2 Astrophysics (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle : Ph. D in Astrophysics : Astrophysics : January and July every year 81 (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom : Integrated mode (M.Sc.-Ph.D) : Category ‘B’ Ph.D programme in Astrophysics is offered under IGNOU- Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) collaboration under M.Sc. Ph.D (Integrated mode). Candidates who successfully complete M.Sc with 60% marks under the above scheme shall be eligible for this programme. (ii). Eligibility Criteria for Ph.D admission: 60% marks in M.Sc under the IGNOU-IIA collaborative Integrated M.Sc-Ph.D Programme (iii). Programme offered for Category ‘B’ with 12 Credits of Course Work during the Ph.D stage as 20 Credits of Course Work are being undertaken during the M.Sc stage. Since it is an Integrated M.ScPh.D Programme, the discipline may offer 20 credits during M.Sc and the 12 Credits during Ph.D. The Ph.D work will be creditised and conducted at the IIA. Note: Entry to this programme is through M.Sc of an Integrated M.Sc-Ph.D programme (faceto-face on-campus and residential) offered by IIA, Bangalore. (iv) Selection Criteria: The selection is made on the basis of written test followed by an interview. Generally the advertisement gets released through the website of Indian Institute of Astrophysics ( in September, written test is held in December and interview in May-June. Session begins in July. (The schedule given here is subject to change depending on various factors) Applications are accepted on-line only. In general, the syllabus for the Entrance Test will comprise of Physics & Mathematics at the B.Sc. level. There are only six seats. The programme is conducted in residential and face to-face mode. Hostel facility is provided by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics at a very nominal cost. Stipend (Rs.10,000/-p.m.) and fellowship (as per DST norms – apx. Rs. 25,000/- p.m.) are provided respectively at the stages of M.Sc., and Ph.D. Every student receives a book grant of RS.5,000/- p.a. A mentor, who is a senior scientist, is attached to every student. There will be provision for lateral exit after M.Sc. Those who secure at least 60% marks at M.Sc., would be eligible for pursuing Ph.D. The M.Sc. comprises of 17 compulsory and 2 optional courses (to be selected out of 9). These courses are distributed over four semesters. Mobility from M.Sc to Ph.D • A student who secures 60% or above in M.Sc., becomes eligible to do Ph.D • M.Sc. comprises of 9 credits that is ’22’ more than ‘68’, which is the prescribed upper limit of a Master Degree Programme in IGNOU. • Such a workload has been envisaged by way of taking advantage of the residential and face-to-face mode of instructions. The facility of interaction with the scientists at IIA is always available for the students. • 20 out of 22 credits are comprised of the courses which are fitted at an advanced level in comparison to a general M.Sc. • By way of doing these 20 credits during M.Sc. the requirement of pre-Ph.D course work gets reduced to 32-20=12. These 12 credits are to be earned through a Three82 month Course Work (Lab) on Observational Astrophysics. A student will be evaluated on the course work through a seminar followed by a viva-voce. Depending on the nature of work to be pursued during Ph.D, a student may be asked to take up a 12-credit course work on theoretical astrophysics and related areas. (v) (vi) (vii) Name of Research Supervisor (Internal): Dr. C K Ghosh, Director, NCIDE, IGNOU, Delhi – 110 068 [email protected] / 011-29536413 and 29572965 New Names of Research Supervisor(s) (External): Prof. Arun Mangalam, Indian Institute of Astro Physics, Bangalore and other faculty members of IIA as per nomination of Director, IIA. Ph.D Programme Coordinator: Dr. C K Ghosh, Director, NCIDE, IGNOU, New Delhi – 110 068 [email protected] / 01129536413 and 29572965 5.14.3 Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies : (1) M.Phil and (2) Ph. D. : Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies : July every year : Integrated mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii) Eligibility criteria: Master’s Degrees in any Discipline. Programme will be offered only for Category B candidates. (iii) Selection Criteria : Entrance Test followed by an Interview. : 10 candidates for July 2011 and 5 candidates for Jan 2012. (iv) Number of candidates to be taken (iv) Mode of Delivery* : Full-time on campus at SOSS,IGNOU,New Delhi ( *The programme will be offered face-to-face (taught programme) jointly with GS&DS at the International Centre for Gandhiain Studies and Research at Rajghat, New Delhi). (v). Course Work : Two Compulsory courses and four Optional courses of six credits each(24 credits) . Compulsory Courses RGP-001 Research Methodology: 6 Credits RGP-002 Gandhian Thought: Texts and Contexts : 6 Credits *Optional Courses REPE-003 Peace and Conflict Studies RGPE-004 Gandhian Political Economy RGPE-005 Rural Development 6 Credits 6 Credits 6 Credits 83 RGPE-006 Environment and Development Dissertation Work (vi) Evaluation Methodology Maximum Marks for each Paper One Term Paper for each Course One Book Review for each Course : 100 Marks : 10 Marks : 10 Marks 6 Credits 12 Credits The Book-review will be assessed by the concerned Course Coordinator One Seminar paper and presentation : 10 Marks by Discussion The seminar papers will be assessed by the concerned Course Coordinator Term-end Examination Dissertation (12 Credits) Viva- Voce : : 70 Marks : 200 Marks Subject to satisfactory completion of Viva-Voce Students are required to complete the study of 48 credits with 50% of marks each course for the award of M.Phil in Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies Programme. (vii) Research Supervisor: Prof. D. Gopal, Faculty of Political Science, SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi, Tel: 011-29535515 // 011-29572702: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Prof D Gopal, Faculty of Political Science, SOSS,IGNOU, New Delhi, Tel: 011-29535515 // 01129572702: [email protected] (viii) __________________________________________________________________________________ 84 5.15 SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (SOFL) (1) French (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii) Eligibility Criteria For Category ‘A’ – M.Phil / Relevant Publication or 5 years of Teaching/Industry /Research Experience for For category B: Candidate with a post graduate degree from a recognized (iii) Mode of Selection i) ii) (iv) For Category ‘A’ – Presentation of Synopsis and Interview For Category ‘B’ - Entrance Test & Interview - Candidates will be asked to come with a research proposal : Ph. D. : French : July and Jan. every year : Integrated mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ Research Supervisor ( Internal ) Dr. Sushant Kumar Mishra, SOFL, Room No. 19, F-Block, Academic Complex, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-68 Proposed field of specialization /area : Literary criticism, comparative Literature , Linguistics & Applied Linguistics E-mail/ Telphone No. : [email protected], 9310071949 (V) Research Supervisors ( External) i) Dr. Gulab Jha ( Guwahati) ( to be approved by the School Board) E-mail/Telephone No. 9435144881 Address: Department of Foreign Languages, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam Proposed field of specialization/area : Comparative Literature. Dr. Abhay K. lal ( to be approved by the School Board) E-mail/Telephone No. (0522) 2741290 Address : Department of English & MEL, Lucknow University, Lucknow, U.P Proposed field of specialization / area - Literary criticism & Comparative Literature. ii) (vi) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Dr. Sushant Kumar Mishra, (SOFL), Tel: 9310071949; E-Mail : [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 85 (2) Arabic (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom : Ph. D. : Arabic : July and Jan. every year : Integrated mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ The students to be registered for the Ph.D programme shall be categorised into two categories: a) Categories ‘A’ Candidates having M.Phil or 5 years teaching/research experience who can directly undertake dissertation work for Ph.D. b) Categories ‘B’ Candidates holding only a Master’s degree in Arabic have to undergo course work before undertaking dissertation work. (ii) Eligibility Criteria : A candidate under category ‘B’ will be eligible for admission and registration for the Ph.D programme in Arabic provided he/she: a) Holds a Master’s Degree in Arabic with at least 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST candidates ) from any recognized University/ Higher learning Institution or any other qualification recognized or equivalent thereto in such fields. b) Qualified in an entrance examination to be conducted by the University at the national level. c) Candidates belonging to both the categories (A and B) will have to appear in an Entrance Examination. Candidates from Category A shall make a presentation of their research proposal before a Doctoral Committee. Candidates from Category B above will undergo Course Work. The Doctoral Committee may also prescribe the Course Work partly or fully to the candidates (if necessary ) under Category ‘A’ . The Arabic faculty with the help of the Doctoral Committee shall decide the Course work to be assigned to students. (iii) Mode of selection of Category ‘A’ and Category ‘B’ A Through an Entrance Test followed by an interview to be conducted by the University at the national level. Students will be admitted on the basis of their performance in the entrance test and the interview. B Proposed dates for Ph.D. Proposal presentation for Category ‘A’ : 15 July C Proposed dates for Entrance Test & Interview for Category ‘B’ : 15 July (iv) Course Work: The course work for M.Phil/Ph.D is common. The faculty is preparing the following course: 86 Sl.No. Course Code Title of the Course Type of Course (Compulsory/Optional number of credits) Compulsory (Theory 8 Credits) 1. To be allotted, PNDD being approached Course I : Arabic studies in India 2. 3. 4. Course II : Research Methodology Course III : Arabic Language & Linguistics Course IV : Arabic Literary Criticism Compulsory (Theory 8 Credits) Compulsory (Theory 8 Credits) Compulsory (Theory 8 Credits) (iv) Names of Research Supervisors S.No 1. Name of the Research Supervisor Prof. M.Aslam Islahi Area of Specialization Arabic Literature Address Former Chairperson,Centre of Arabic&African Studies,JNU,New Delhi Faculty of Arabic, SOFL E.Mail & Phone [email protected] 011-26704666 9818297167 [email protected] 011- 29572765, Supervisors External 2. Dr.Mohammad Saleem Teaching and Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language Internal (v) Ph.D. Programme Coordinator Dr. Mohammad Saleem (Faculty of Arabic, SOFL) E.mail: [email protected] ; Tel: 011- 29572765, 87 5.16 SCHOOL OF EXTENSION AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (SOEDS) Extension and Development Studies (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii) Eligibility Criteria a) For Category ‘A’ – M. Phil. (Economic, Sociology, Political Science, Rural Development, Extension Education, Psychology, Agricultural Economics, Community Development, Animal Husbandry, Anthropology, Geography and Management Studies). For Category ‘B’ – M.A. (Economic, Sociology, Political Science, Rural Development, Extension Education, Psychology, Agricultural Economics, Community Development, Animal Husbandry, Anthropology, Geography and Management Studies). : Ph. D. : Extension and Development Studies : July every year : Independent mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ b) (iii) Mode of Selection a) b) For Category ‘A’ – Screening of application on the basis of synopsis. Presentation of synopsis before the Doctoral Committee of the discipline For Category ‘B’ – Entrance test and interview (iv) (v) Prposed dates for Ph.D Proposal presentation & Interview for Category A & B: 15th May,2011 (Afternoon) Course Work: No. of Courses: 4 Courses of 8 credits each plus one bridge course for students without Extension and Development Studies background. S.No Course Title Nature of Course ( Theory / Practical Project / Elective) Proposed Course Code REDS 001 REDS 002 REDS 003 REDS 004 MEDS 001 Credits / Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Systems and Methods in Extension and Development Research Methodology Themes in Development Studies Indicators and Techniques of Measurement of Human Development. Introduction to Extension Theory Theory Theory Theory Bridge Course 88 8 8 8 8 Non-credit 6. and Development* Dissertation Theory REDSP 005 64 * For students without Extension and Development Studies background. * MEDS 001 is an approved course under MAEDS/ PGDEDS / PGCEDS programmes of SOEDS (vi) Name Prof. B.K. Pattanaik SOEDS (IGNOU) Dr. N.A. Farooquee SOEDS (IGNOU) Dr. P.V.K. Sasidhar SOEDS (IGNOU) Research Supervisors (Internal) Specialization/area E-mail/Telephone Development Studies;[email protected] Extension Education 29571983 Development Studies;[email protected] Environmental Studies 29571988 Extension Education;[email protected] Evaluation & Impact29571984 Assessment Studies (vii) Ph.D Programme Coordinators: i) ii) iii) Dr P.V.K Sasidhar(SOEDS) Tel:011-29571984 E-mail: [email protected] Prof. B.K. Pattanaik, (SOEDS), Tel: 011-29571983 E-mail: [email protected] Dr. N.A. Farooquee, (SOEDS), Tel: 011-29571988 E-mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.17 CENTRE FOR EXTENSION EDUCATION (CEE) 5.17.1 Extension Education 5.17.2 Community Outreach i) Programme Details (a) Level of the Programme (b) Research Disciplines : Ph. D. : i) Extension Education ii) Community Outreach 89 (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of admission (e) Programme for whom (ii). Eligibility Criteria a) b) (iii). : January every year : Integrated mode : Category ‘A’ & ‘B’ Category A : Candidates having M.Phil or 5 years’ relevant teaching / practical/ industry/ professional experience, who can directly undertake dissertation work for Ph.D Category B: Candidates who have to undergo basic Course Work before or alongside undertaking dissertation work. Mode of Selection a) b) For category A: Based on the recommendation of the Doctoral Committee of the centre it will be decided whether the candidate should undertake suitable course work or not. For category B: An entrance examination of 3 hours duration with 150 marks will be conducted by the Centre for the selection of candidates for M.Phil / Integrated Ph.D. As per the recommendation of the Doctoral Committee of the Centre it will be decided what kind of course work the candidate should undertake. (iv). Course Work: The candidate who has been recommended for course work can choose course work worth credit 32 from the MA in Participatory Development (MAPD) available in CEE as per the recommendation of the faculty concerned. Research Supervisors (Internal) : Supervisor and Contact Details Area of Specialization / Interest (v). Sl. No. 1. Dr. M. Chandrasekharan Nair 011-29534104 [email protected] Dr. Babu P. Ramesh 9811389095 [email protected] Dr. Jayashree Kurup 011-29534104 [email protected] Systemic Research, Extension Education, Community Outreach Development Studies 2. 3. Community Outreach (vi). Sl. No. 1. Research Supervisors (External): Supervisor and Contact Details Area of Specialization / Interest Dr. Basheerhamad Sadrach Community Outreach ICT Senior Programme Officer International Development Research Centre, (IDRC), 90 Jorbagh, New Delhi 2. Dr. V. Reghu Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur, Chennai- 602105 Dr. T. Sundaresan Nair Director, State Resource Centre Nandavanam, Vikas Bhavan P.O Trivendrum-695033 Dr. G. Suresh Kumar Registrar, Child Development Centre Medical College P.O. TVM, Kerala Dr. S. N. Tripathi 259/12, Shastri Nagar, Kanpur Adult and Non Formal Education 3. Extension Education 4. Extension Education 5. 6. Extension Education Dr. A. Radhakrishanan Nair Life Skills Education Youth Faculty Head, Department of Life Skills Education Development Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, (RGNIYD) Bheemanthangal, Sriperumbudur-602 105. (TN) Dr. Rathna. H Head, Extension Education and Communication Department,Smt. VHD Central Institutue of Home Science, Sheshadri Road, Bangalore - 560001 Community Outreach, Extension Education 7. (vii). Ph.D Programme Coordinator Dr. M. Chandrasekharan Nair (CEE), Tel : 011-29534104; E-Mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.18 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (SOE) Education (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the programme (b) Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of Admission (e) Programme for whom : Ph.D in Education : Education : July every year : Independent : Category A 91 (ii) Eligibility Criteria Category ‘A’ : Candidates possessing M.Phil (in Education) only Or Masters degree in School subject with 5 years of teaching experience (iii) Mode of Selection Research Proposal and Presentation before the Doctoral Committee of the School of Education Proposed dates for Ph.D Proposal presentation for Category ‘A’ :As and when the Proposal is approved by the Experts and the Doctoral Committees Research Supervisors (Internal) Designation/ Address Prof. M.L. Koul Professor, SOE, IGNOU Prof. M.C. Sharma Professor, SOE, IGNOU Prof. S.V. S. Chaudhary Professor, SOE, IGNOU Prof. C.B. Sharma Professor, SOE, IGNOU Prof. Nirod Kumar Dash Professor, SOE, IGNOU Prof. Vibha Joshi Professor, SOE, IGNOU Dr. M.V. Lakshmi Reddy Reader, SOE, IGNOU Dr. Sutapa Bose Sr. Lecturer, SOE, IGNOU Telephone No./ E Mail 29535519 [email protected] 29572962 [email protected] n Area of Specialization/Interest Teacher Education, Curriculum Development, Educational Technology, Distance Education, General Education Research Teacher Education, Educational Evaluation, Educational Technology and Educational Psychology, Science Education. Educational Technology and Teacher Education ICT in Education & Education & Training, Language Education and Educational Research Instructional Technology, Educational Technology, Educational Evaluation, Teacher Education and Educational Psychology Teacher Education, Primary Education and Guidance and Counseling Adult Education Teacher Education and ICT in Education (iv) (v) Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 29572936 Sharmacb2000@yaho 29572940 Nkdash123@rediffma 29572932 [email protected] om 29572935 lakshmireddy_m_v@ 29572942 [email protected] 6. 7. 8. (vi) Research Supervisors (External) : Not fixed 92 (i) (ii) (vii) External Supervisors are identified on the basis on research proposals of the candidates and approval of the Doctoral Committee External supervisors are permitted to supervise only one candidate at a time Ph.D Programme Coordinator Prof. C.B. Sharma (SOE), Tel : 011- 29572936 E-Mail : [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.19 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR DISABILITY STUDIES (NCDS) Disability Studies (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the programme (b) Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of Admission (e) Programme for whom : Ph.D in Disability Studies : Disability Studies : Jan & July every year : Independent : Category A & B (ii) Eligibility: A candidate will be eligible for admission and registration for the M.Phil./Ph.D. programme provided he/she qualified: (a) Master's Degree of any University or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in such fields of study as notified for the purpose from time to time by the University securing at least 55% marks (50% in the case of SC/St candidates); and Qualified in an entrance examination conducted by the University at the national level on the pattern of UGC/CSIR. An M.Phil. Degree in a relevant discipline with 55% marks (50% marks for SC/ST and PWD candidates) or an equivalent grade from a University or a recognized institution of higher learning. Admission process : Admission for Ph.D will be done under two categories: namely Category A and Category B Category A: Candidates having post graduation degree in the relevant field with M.Phil from any recognized higher learning institution. OR 93 (b) (c ) (iii) (a) Candidates having post graduation degree in the relevant field from any recognized higher learning institution with 5 years teaching/industry/professional experience are eligible for Ph.D registration (b) Category B: Candidates having a post graduate degree in the relevant discipline from any recognized higher learning institution, is eligible to write Entrance Examination being conducted by the University. Selection Criteria: The initial screening of the applications will be done by the Faculty of NCDS. Eligible candidates shall be invited for Ph.D proposal presentations (Category ‘A’) and Entrance Test and Personal Interview (Category ‘B’) respectively. However, candidates qualified UGC/CSIR shall be exempted from writing Entrance Test. (iv) Category A - Candidates having M.Phil. or 5 years teaching/professional experience, who can directly undertake dissertation work for Ph.D. The candidates of `Category A' will present their proposals before the Doctoral Committee. The Doctoral Committee may also prescribe ( if necessary) course work, 'particularly Research Methodology, to the selected candidates. Category B – Selected candidates will undergo course work of (32-36 credits out of 96 credits) before or alongside undertaking dissertation work. (v) Research supervisors: S.No Name of Designation Addresses Internal Supervisors 1 Dr. Hemlata Dy. Director, NCDS Kant Dy. Director, NCDS Research Officer, NCDS IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068 IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068 IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068 Tel No. And E.Mail 011-29535125 011-29573080 [email protected] 011-29531574 011-29573078 [email protected] 011-29573082 [email protected] Area of Speacilisation 2 3 Dr. Sanjay Prasad Dr. Ratra Amiteshwar (VI) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Dr. Sanjay Kant Prasad, (NCDS), Tel : 011-29531574, 29573078. [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 94 5.20 STAFF TRAINING AND INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION (STRIDE) Distance Education (i) Program Details (a) Level of the programme (b) (c) (d) (e) (iii) Discipline Admission Cycle Mode of Admission Programme for whom Eligibility Criteria : M. Phil in Distance Education Ph.D in Distance Education : Distance Education : Jan & July every year : Independent : Category A & B For Category ‘A’: Post Graduate Degree in any discipline with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) or any equivalent grade from any recognized university/ recognized institution of higher learning with M.Phil or five years of teaching/professional/administrative experience in Open and Distance Learning (ODL). For Category ‘B’: Post Graduate Degree in Distance Education with specialization in Educational Technology/Instructional Design/Education with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) or any equivalent grade from any recognized university/institution of higher learning. Such candidates shall have to do Course Work for 32 credits in a minimum of one year duration. (iii) Mode of Selection (a) For Category ‘A’: Interview (b) For Category ‘B’: Entrance Examination + Interview Proposed dates for category A & B : Last week of June 2011. (iv) (v) Number of candidates to be taken : (a) For M. Phil : Maximum 10 per cycle (b) For Ph. D : Maximum 10 per cycle subject to quality Entrance Test/ recommendations of the Doctoral Committees. (vi) (a) Course Work Course Work for both categories of students (if prescribed for Category ‘A’) will be delivered in face-to-face mode. (b) Programme Structure :In accordance with the University policy, the M. Phil. and Ph.D programmes will have workload equivalent to 48 credits and 96 Credits respectively. The detailed structure is as follows: 95 M.Phil in Distance Education (i) Course Work (ii) Dissertation Ph.D. in Distance Education (i) Course Work 48 Credits 32 Credits 16 Credits 32 Credits (Exempted for candidates with M.Phil Degree or 5 year experience subject to recommendation of the Doctoral Committee) 64 Credits (ii) Dissertation As such, both the programmes are modular in nature with exit option for M.Phil or Ph.D as the case may be. The course work shall be common for both M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes, and would be in line with the suggested guidelines of the university. (vii) The course work will comprise of the following courses: (a) Research Methodology (b) Information & Communication Technology (c ) Web-based Education (d) Contexts and Concerns of Distance Education (e) Term Paper and Seminar(viii) Research Supervisors Name of the Supervisor Prof.Santosh Panda [email protected] Areas of specialization with Distance Education Discipline Staff/professional development/online/distance teacher education: distance, online and blended : educational technology: curriculum development & instructional design :learners and learning: students attrition and persistence: virtual research: economics of distance and online learning : policy and management of open and distance learning: open schooling and open and basic education. Prof.P.R.Ramanujam Open and distance education; theory and practice: curriculum and [email protected] course design and development: editing DE materials: staff development: research methods: English literature: online education: disability studies: quality assurance in ODL. Prof.C.R.K.Murthy Planning and management in ODL: curriculum design and [email protected] development of multiple media materials: learners support services, programme evaluation, impact studies , training methods. Prof.Madhu Parhar Educational media and technology: Open and distance education [email protected] RDE-001 RDE-002 RDE-003 RDE-004 RDE-005 96 Prof.Basanti Pradhan [email protected] Prof.Prabir K.Biswas pkbiswas [email protected] Dr.Rampelli.Satyanarayana. Reader in Distance Education [email protected] Dr.Sanjay Mishra Reader in Distance Education [email protected] Dr.Ashok K.Gaba, Deputy Director (Research) [email protected] (ix) Distance education theory and practice: learning theories: open and distance learners and their learning: evaluation in open and distance learning: formative and summative evaluation in distance education: course dev elopement and instructional design. Distance education and psychology: learner support: staff development: learners needs and characteristics: attrition /dropouts. Philosophy of ODL: Learner support services, computer mediated learner support: quality and management of DE:. Policy issues and net working Philosophical and theoretical foundations: use and impact of communication technologies. E-learning, educational multimedia: learner support: instructional design use of SLN: student learning: library and information services for distance learners. Economics of open, distance and e-learning: ICT applications in ODL systems: policy, planning and management: attrition and dropout studies: learner workload: programme evaluation inODL. Ph.D candidates registered /to be taken for registration for January, 2011 (Discipline-wise) Ph.D. candidates to be taken till Jan/July 2011 Cycle Proposed 3 Ph.D. candidates so far taken till Jan/July 2010 Cycle 4 (X) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Dr. R. Satyanarayana (STRIDE), Tel : 011-29572601. e-mail : [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________________ 5.21 CENTRE FOR CORPORATE EDUCATION, TRAINING AND CONSULTANCY (CCETC) Corporate Management and Allied Areas (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the programme (b) Research Discipline (c) Admission Cycle (d) Mode of Admission (e) Programme for whom : Ph.D. : Corporate Management & Allied Areas : Jan every year : Independent : Category A 97 (ii) Eligibility Criteria: Category A: Candidates having M.Phil or five years of relevant industry/ professional/teaching experience who can directly undertake thesis work for Ph.D. The candidate must have relevant Masters Degree from any recognized University. However, applicants from professional/industrial background with relevant experience shall be considered if they possess PG Degree from other disciplines. Category B: Talented post-graduates in the relevant discipline shall be eligible for admission to Ph.D (Masters Degree from any recognized University). The candidates have to appear for an Entrance Test conducted by the University. However, candidates holding an M.Phil Degree or who have cleared JEST of BAE or UGC –NET or GATE- IIT will be exempted from appearing for the entrance examination. Initially, CCETC will offer Ph.D programme for Category A applicants only. (iii) Selection Procedure for category ‘A’ candidates: Category A: Initial screening of applications shall be done by the discipline/ faculty followed by a Ph.D proposal presentation and interview before the Doctoral Committee. Category B: Based on the Entrance Test performance and personal interview in the Doctoral Committee. Note: Ph.D. Programme for Category B students is not on offer for Jan. 2011 as the Course Work is under prepartion. (iv) (a) S. No. 1. List of Research Supervisors Internal Name and Address Telephone/Email 9910609528 (M) [email protected] 011-29571525 [email protected] 011-29572108 [email protected] 9868116210 [email protected] 9818392939 [email protected] Specialization /Area Statistics, Planning and Management, Assessment and Certification of Skills Evaluation Studies Commerce/ Marketing/Retail/Banking Finance/Banking Biotech/Corporate Education Prof. C.G.Naidu Director, SOVET IGNOU, New Delhi – 110 068 Dr.V.Venugopal Reddy Director, Research Unit IGNOU, New Delhi – 110 068 Prof. P.R.R.Nair OSD & Coordinator, CCETC, IGNOU New Delhi Dr. B.P.R.Narasimharao Dy. Director, CCETC, IGNOU, New Delhi Dr. Nayantara Padhi Asst. Professor, CCETC, IGNOU New Delhi 2. 3. 4. 5. HRM/OB/IR 98 (b) Research Supervisors (External) S. No. 1. 2. Name and Address Dr. Asit Mohapatra Director, HR, Textiles Raymond Ltd., Mumbai Dr. O.P.Goel 428, Mahaveer Marvel Apartments Kodichikkanhalli, IIMB Post, Bangalore- 560 076 (BOSCH Ltd, Adugodi, Bangalore , Sr. Manager, Marketing) Dr. Naveen Gupta Prof. and DG Advent Institute of Management Knowledge Park, Fernio-ka-guda, Off Badi Road, Thoor, Udaipur- 313 001 Prof. S.R.Bharamanaikar KLES College of Engineering and Technology Belgaum Prof. Rajeev Jain Director & Dean FMS, JRNR Vidyapeth University, Pratap Nagar, Udaipur – 313 001 Dr. Bikramjit Rishi Asst. Professor IMT, Raj Nagar, Hapur Road, Ghaziabad, U.P. – 201 001 Dr. K P Gopalkrishnan Associate Professor Pillai’s Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai Dr. Rama Gautam Adjunct Professor & Head I2IT, Pune Prof. K. Rama Mohana Rao Dept. of Commerce & Management Studies Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P. Dr.P.V.Chitrao Associate Professor Symbios Institute of Management Studies, Pune Dr.B.Krishna Reddy Professor Deptt. of Business Studies Osmania University Hyderabad Dr. Savitri Kulkarni Telephone/Email 9867611982 9663105013 [email protected] Specialization /Area HRM Marketing / Training and Development in Sales & Marketing 3. 094141586056, 02942414327 HRM/OB 4. 5. 6. 0831-2472777/2493779 [email protected] 9740339920 9414163049 0294-3296232 [email protected] 9717701132 [email protected] 9820600219 [email protected] [email protected] 09881038998 0891-2567265 9949669929 [email protected] 9822011837 [email protected] 9490423634 [email protected]. in 9820214631 99 Human Resource Management / Organizational Behaviour Marketing Retail Marketing 7. HRM 8. 9. HR/Organisational Behaviour Marketing, HRM, Retail 10. 11. 12. Communication/ Behavioural Retail, HR, Marketing, Supply Chain Management HR 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Head HR Academics Associate Dean Management Devlop. Center Mumbai (2nd Floor, Venkatesh Niwas, Sion (E) Mumbai – 400 022 Prof. S.P.Narang Prof. Emeritus SOMS, IGNOU Dr. V.K.Bhalla FMS, Delhi University Dr. S.K. Tuteja FMS, Delhi University Dr. Ajay Pandit Associate Professor, FMS, Delhi University Prof. S.K.Singh FMS, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005 (UP), INDIA Dr. Ashish Bajpai Reader FMS, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi – 221005 [email protected] [email protected] 9810413450 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9811006789 [email protected] Ph./ Fax: 91 0542 2369332 Email: [email protected] 9889006722 [email protected], [email protected] om Corporate Governance Finance Finance Marketing Finance Marketing (v) Research Programme Coordinators 1.Prof. P.R.R.Nair, OSD & Coordinator, CCETC, IGNOU, New Delhi-110068, 29572108 e. mail [email protected] 1. Dr. Nayantara Padhi, Asst. Professor, CCETC, IGNOU, New Delhi-110068. 29572104 Mb:9818392939, e.mail [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 5.22SCHOOL OF TRANSLATION STUDIES AND TRAINING (SOTST) Translation Studies (i) Programme Details (a) Level of the programme (b) (c) (d) (e) Discipline Admission Cycle Mode of Admission Programme for whom : M.Phil in Translation Studies Ph.D. in Translation Studies : Translation Studies : Jan & July every year : Independent : Category A & B 100 (ii) (a) For M. Phil in Translation Studies Eligibility : M.A. in Translation Studies (or in a relevant subject) with 55% marks. In the case of SC/ST candidates a relaxation of 5% will be admissible. Duration of Programme: One year of compulsory course work with a subsequent period of six months to submit their dissertation that may be extendable by a period not exceeding one year. The length of M.Phil dissertation will be approximately 40 thousand words. Admission/Selection Process: An entrance examination will be conducted for selection of the candidates for admission to M. Phil. in Translation Studies Programme. Candidates having qualified JRF of UGC will be exempted from taking the Entrance Examination. However if the number of applications received is less, the eligible candidates may be offered the admission depending on the availability of Seats. Intake: As on date the School will offer a total of 15 M.Phil seats, which may be further increased. (b) (c) (d) For Ph.D in Translation Studies (a) Eligibility: Category-A M.A in Translation Studies (or in a relevant subject) with 55% marks (5% relaxation in the case of SC/ST ) and Having M.Phil degree with 55% marks OR Five years teaching/research experience in higher education. The teachers who have not undertaken the course work will be required to complete the course work as per university norms. Category-B M.A in Translation Studies (or in a relevant subject) with 55% marks (5% relaxation in the case of SC/ST). A course work of 32 Credits will have to be undertaken before pursuing the writing of Ph.D. Thesis. (iii) Duration of Programme: Category-A Category-B 2-5 years. The length of Ph.D. Thesis will be approximately 80 thousand words. 3-5 years, in which one year Course Work will be mandatory. The length of Ph.D. Thesis will be approximately 80 thousand words. (iv) Admission/Selection Process 101 Category-A The eligible candidates will be directly admitted to the Ph.D. Programme on the basis of their presentation of the Research Proposal before the Doctoral Committee. Under this category the teachers admitted to the Ph.D. Programme who have not undertaken the course work will be required to complete the course work, pertaining to Research Methodology. An entrance examination will be conducted for selection of the candidates for admission to Ph.D. in Translation Studies Programme. Candidates having qualified JRF of UGC will be exempted from taking the Entrance Examination. However if the number of applications received is less, the eligible candidates may be offered the admission depending on the availability of seats. Category-B (v) (v) Intake: A total of 24 seats as on date under Category-A & B, which may be increased on the basis of the number of internal supervisors. Name and Designation of Supervisors (Internal). Area of Specialization Translation, Comparative Literature, Publishing, Mass Communication, Intercultural Communication Translation Theories, Translation and Literature, Intercultural Communication Western Literary Theories Translation, Distance Education, Mass Communication, Classical Literature Name and Designation of Addresses, Contacts and Mail ID Dr. Deoshankar Navin SOTST, IGNOU,29573076 Reader [email protected] Dr. Rajendra Prasad Pandey Associate Professor Dr. Jagdish Sharma Reader SOTST, IGNOU,29573075 [email protected] SOTST, IGNOU,29573072 [email protected] (vi) M.Phil and Ph.D Programme Coordinators Dr. Deo Shankar Navin SOTST Tel : 011-29573076 E-Mail: [email protected] Dr. Jagdish Sharma SOTST, Tel : 011-29573075 E-Mail: [email protected] Dr. Rajendra Prasad Pandey SOTST, Tel:011-29573072, E-mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 102 5.23 SCHOOL OF Humanities (SOH) (1) English (i) Programme Details (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Level of the programme Research Discipline Admission Cycle Mode of Admission Programme for whom : Ph.D : English : Jan & July every year : Independent : Category A (ii) Eligibility Criteria a) At least 55% of marks (50% for reserved category) in Masters in English from a recognized university. b) M.Phil from a recognized university or five years of teaching/research experience in a lecture’s grade (UGC). Such candidates can be exempted from course work (32 credits and a minimum of six month duration). However, they cannot claim this exemption on the basis of having M.Phil degree. (iii) (iv) (v) Mode of Selection (i) For Category ‘A’ : Interview + Presentation + Viva Voce Proposed dates for Ph.D Proposal presentation and Viva Voce for Category ‘A’ : May 2011 Course Work Status for Category A (i) Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Course work ready and the discipline willing to admit candidates for Ph.D. Course Title Research Methodology Resistance Literature Gender Literature and Migration Translation: Theory and Practice The Nature and Structure of Language Folk Narratives Text and Performance Nature of Course Theory Theory Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Course Codes REG-001 REG-002 REGE-001 REGE-002 REGE-003 REGE-004 REGE-005 103 The course work of 32 credits is ready and has been duly approved by the Academic Council. The minimum duration of the course work is six months. (vi) (vii) No. of candidates: The exact number of the candidates will be decided by the Doctoral Committee after the presentation and viva voce. Name of Research Supervisors (Internal) List of Internal supervisor: Sr. No. 1. Name of the Supervisor Prof. Renu Bhardwaj Contact Details 011-29536441,29572751, [email protected] Area 19th Century British Fiction, British Drama, Indian English Literature/ Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation, ELT through Experiential Learning, Accelerated individualized styles and women friendly pedagogy through ODL systems, 2. Prof Sunaina Kumar 011-29533657,29572785, [email protected] Gender and Minority Studies Indian Fiction in English, Diaspora Literatures, Systemic Research into Distance 3. 011-29535160,2952776, [email protected] 011- 29536441, 29572766, [email protected] 011-29536441, 29572790; [email protected] 011-29536441, 2572780; [email protected] Studies. Applied Education, Publishing ELT, Prof Anju Sahgal Gupta Dr AB Sharma Dr Neera Singh Dr Nandini Sahu Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Teacher Training British Poetry, 18th Century Studies, (British), Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature New Literatures, Canadian Literature, Diasporic Literature. Folklore Children’s Writing in and Culture Literature, English, Studies, Indian American 4. 5. 6. Literature, Diaspora Literatures and 7. 011- 29536441, 29572770; 104 ELT Australian Literature, Indian Dr Malati 8. Mathur Dr Pramod Kumar [email protected] 011- 29536441, [email protected] Writing in English and Translation Literary Theory, Indian English Literature, New Literatures Linguistics, Socio Linguistics and ELT American Literature, British Drama, Indian Folk Literature, 9. 10. Dr. Asha Khare (EDNERU) Dr. Silima Nanda (International Division) 011-29534034; [email protected] 011- 29533987, 29572615; [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Hindi (i) Programme Details (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Level of the programme Research Discipline Admission Cycle Mode of Admission Programme for whom : Ph.D : Hindi : Jan & July every year : Independent : Category A (ii) Eligibility Criteria a) At least 55% of marks (50% for reserved category) in Masters in Hindi from a recognized university. b) M.Phil from a recognized University or five years of teaching/research experience in a lecture’s grade (UGC). Such candidates can be exempted from course work (32 credits and a minimum of six month duration). However, they cannot claim this exemption on the basis of having M.Phil degree. (iii) Mode of Selection (i) For Category ‘A’ (iv) : Interview + Presentation + Viva Voce Proposed dates for Ph.D Proposal presentation and Viva Voce for Category ‘A’ : May 2011 Course Work Status for Category A 105 (v) (i) Course work ready and the discipline willing to admit candidates for Ph.D. S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Course Title Nature of Course Aur Theory Theory Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Course Codes RHD-001 RHD-002 RHDE-001 RHDE-0012 RHDE-003 RHDE-004 RHDE-005 RHDE-006 RHDE-007 Anusandhan Ka Swaroop Pravidhi Sahitya Ke Naye Vimarsh Aadhunic Sahitya Aur Chintan Madhyakalin Sahitya Aur Chintan Jansanchar Madhyam Anuvad, Sanskrit Aur Bhasha-Asmita Hindi Bhasha Aur Bhasha Vigyan Tulnatmak Sahitya Sanskrit, Pali-Prakrit-Apbrhansh Aur Adhunik Bharitya Bhashaon Ke Sahitya Ka Itihas The course work of 32 credits is ready and has been duly approved by the Academic Council. The minimum duration of the course work is six months. (vi) (vii) No. of candidates : The exact number of the candidates will be decided by the Doctoral Committee after the presentation and viva voce. Name of Research Supervisors (Internal) S.No. 1. Name of the Contact Details Supervisor Prof. Jawarimal 011-29575748, 29572778; Parakh [email protected] Prof. Rita Paliwal Prof. Satyakam Prof. Kumar Rani 011-29533657, 29572784; Area Adhunik Sahitya, Cinema Aur Jansanchar List of Internal supervisor: 2. 3. 4. Natak Avm Rangmanch, Hindi Kavya, Anuvad, Vyavaharmulak Hindi, Tulanatmak Sahitya, Katha Sahitya, Media Studies 011-29532054, 29572786; Hindi Bhasha Evam Sahitya, [email protected] Anuvad, Jansanchar Tulnatmak Bhartiya Sahitya. Dalit Sahitya, Anuvad, Lalitkala, Boudh Darshan, Bhartiya Sanskriti, Bhojpuri Language & Literature Tulnatmak Sahitya (Mukhayata Marathi Evam Hindi Mai Dalit Sahitya), Mahila Lekhan, Madhyakaalin Hindi Marathi Sahitya Katha Sahitya, Madhyayugin Kavita, Lok Sahitya Shatrughan 011-29535160, 29572764 5. Prof. Vimal Thorat 011-29534289 , 29572762 6. Dr. Smita Chaturvedi 011-29536441, 29572788 106 7 Dr. Jitendra Kumar 011-29536441, 29572792 Srivastava Katha Sahitya, Kathetar Gadya Sahitya, Adhunik aur Samkalin Kavita _________________________________________________ 5.24School Of Performing Arts & Visual Arts (SOPVA) (1) Fine Arts (i) Programme Details (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Level of the programme Research Discipline Admission Cycle Mode of Admission Programme for whom : Ph.D : Fine Arts : July every year : Independent : Category A & B (ii) Eligibility Criteria The students for Ph. D in Fine Arts shall be registered having any of the following qualification: (i) Candidates having M. Phil in the relevant field with 55% marks (50% in for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning University/institution. OR (ii) Candidates having MFA/MVA Degree with NET/SLET securing 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning university/institution including two years of teaching/professional experience. OR (iii) Candidates having MFA/MVA Degree with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning university/institution including two years of teaching/professional experience. OR (iv) Candidates having post graduation degree in the relevant field with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning University/institution with 5 years of teaching/professional experience. (iii) Admission: An entrance examination will be conducted at National level by the University. Qualified candidates will be required to appear for an interview/presentation. 107 (iv) Course work: The Course Work of one year duration of 32 credits will be common to all. The Course work will be prepared by the School. Candidates at (i) will make a presentation of Research proposal before the Doctoral Committee. Based on the experience/performance the Doctoral Committee may exempt or suggest the course work fully or partially. Doctoral Committee may suggest for partial course work to the candidates having teaching or research experience. All selected candidate undergo course work before or alongside undertaking dissertation work as suggested by Doctoral Committee. (v) Name of the Research Supervisors (Internal) Sl. No. 01. Name of Internal Supervisors Dr. Sunil Kumar Designation Professor of Visual Arts & Director Addresses IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068 Tel. No. and E-Mail 011-29571991 011-29534840 [email protected] Area of Specialization Fine Arts (vi) Ph. D candidates registered/to be taken for future cycles Sl. No. 01. Name of Internal Supervisors Prof. Sunil Kumar Designation Director Ph. D scholars so far taken None Ph. D scholars to be taken Four Total Ph D vacancies in the discipline Six (vii) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Prof. Sunil Kumar, (SOPVA – Fine Arts) Tel: 011-29534840; E-mail: [email protected] (2) Music (i) Programme Details (a) (b) Level of the programme Research Discipline : Ph.D : Music 108 (c) (d) Admission Cycle : July every year Mode of Admission : Independent (e) Programme for whom : Category A & B (ii) Eligibility Criteria : The students for Ph. D in Hindustani Music shall be registered having any of the following qualification: (i) Candidates having M. Phil in the relevant field with 55% marks (50% in for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning University/institution. OR (ii) Candidates having M. Mus Degree with NET/SLET securing 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning university/institution including two years of teaching/professional experience. OR (iii) Candidates having M. Mus Degree with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning university/institution including two years of teaching/professional experience. OR (iv) Candidates having post graduation degree in the relevant field with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning University/institution with 5 years of teaching/professional experience. (iii) Admission: An entrance examination will be conducted at National level by the University. Qualified candidates will be required to appear for an interview/presentation. (iv) Course work: The Course Work of one year duration of 32 credits will be common to all. The Course work will be prepared by the School. Candidates at (i) will make a presentation of Research proposal before the Doctoral Committee. Based on the experience/performance the Doctoral Committee may exempt or suggest the course work fully or partially. Doctoral Committee may suggest for partial course work to the candidates having teaching or research experience. All selected candidate undergo course work before or alongside undertaking dissertation work as suggested by Doctoral Committee. (v) Name of the Research Supervisors (Internal) Sl. No. 01. Name of Internal Supervisors Dr. Seema Johari Designation Reader Addresses IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068 Tel. No. and E-Mail 011-29571992 [email protected] Area of Specialization Hindustani Music (vi) Ph. D candidates registered/to be taken for future cycles 109 Sl. No. 01. Name of Internal Supervisors Dr. Seema Johari Designation Reader Ph. D scholars so far taken None Ph. D scholars to be taken Two Total Ph D vacancies in the discipline Four (vii) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Prof. Sunil Kumar, (SOPVA – Fine Arts) Tel: 011-29534840; E-mail: [email protected] (3) Theatre Arts (i) Programme Details (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Level of the programme : Ph.D Research Discipline : Music Admission Cycle : July every year Mode of Admission : Independent Programme for whom : Category A & B (ii) Eligibility Criteria : The students for Ph. D in Theatre Arts shall be registered having any of the following qualification: (i) (ii) Candidates having M. Phil in the relevant field with 55% marks (50% in for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning University/institution. OR Candidates having M. P. A. in Theatre Arts with NET/SLET securing 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning university/institution including two years of teaching/professional experience. OR (iii) Candidates having M. P. A. in Theatre Arts with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning university/institution including two years of teaching/professional experience. OR (iv) Candidates having post graduation degree in the relevant field with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates) from any recognized higher learning University/institution with 5 years of teaching/professional experience. (iii) Admission: An entrance examination will be conducted at National level by the University. Qualified candidates will be required to appear for an interview/presentation. 110 (iv) Course work: The Course Work of one year duration of 32 credits will be common to all. The Course work will be prepared by the School. Candidates at (i) will make a presentation of Research proposal before the Doctoral Committee. Based on the experience/performance the Doctoral Committee may exempt or suggest the course work fully or partially. Doctoral Committee may suggest for partial course work to the candidates having teaching or research experience. All selected candidate undergo course work before or alongside undertaking dissertation work as suggested by Doctoral Committee. (v) Name of the Research Supervisors (Internal) Sl. No. 01. Name of Internal Supervisors Dr. G. Bharadwaza Designation Reader Addresses IGNOU Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068 Tel. No. and E-Mail 011-29571992 [email protected] Area of Specialization Theatre Arts (vi) Ph. D candidates registered/to be taken for future cycles Sl. No. 01. Name of Internal Supervisors Dr. G. Bharadwaza Designation Reader Ph. D scholars so far taken None Ph. D scholars to be taken Two Total Ph D vacancies in the discipline Four (vii) Ph.D Programme Coordinator Prof. Sunil Kumar, (SOPVA – Fine Arts) Tel: 011-29534840; E-mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________ 111
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