fifo code

March 27, 2018 | Author: Imran Hayder | Category: Subroutine, Electronic Design, Office Equipment, Electronic Engineering, Central Processing Unit



Adv Digital DesignBy Dr. Shoab Ahmed Khan [email protected] Design Example: 4 Entry FIFO 4-entry FIFO queue Create a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue that consists of four registers. The operations on the queue are INSERT and DELETE INSERT moves data from the INBUS to the tail of the queue. DELETE deletes the head of the queue. The head of the queue is always available on the OUTBUS Insertion into a full queue or deletion from an empty queue causes an ERROR condition. Assertion of INSERT and DELETE at the same time causes an ERROR condition Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan Fall 2002 Sequencing and Control Engineering Education Trust Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering 5-A Constitution Avenue, Software Technology Park. Islamabad, Pakistan. The art of algorithm to architecture mapping Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan Example: FIFO FIFO Data Path inbus Ld0 R0 Ld1 R1 Ld2 R2 Ld3 R3 Sel 2 outbus Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan 1 //. else current_state <= #1 next_sate. Digital Design By Dr.lnk Adv. sel = 0. push_fifo=1'b0.State Diagram. Shoab A.Sample Verilog Code //Combinational part always @(current_state or delete_from_q or insert_in_q ) begin next_state=0. Digital Design By Dr. error_flag=1'b0. //. error_flag=1'b0 . case(current_state) //===============================// `STATE0: begin if(!delete_from_q && insert_in_q) begin next_state=`STATE1. Khan Adv. end endcase end Sample Verilog Code //sequential part always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if(!rst_n) current_sate <= #1 ‘STATE0. sel =0. Shoab A. default: begin next_state=`STATE0. ASM Representation sφ 00 φ out = 0 in 0 Two general implementation methods: Hardwired Microprogrammed 0/0 1/1 s3 0/0 s0 out = 1 1/0 s1 0/0 out = 0 0 out = φ Two representation of Hardwired State Diagram Algorithmic State Machine 1/0 s2 1/0 s1 s3 out = 0 01 0/0 out = 0 0 Two Types of State Machines out = 0 Shortcut to VERIWELL. Digital Design By Dr. Khan Adv. error_flag=1'b1. end end //===============================// //. Khan ASM Implementation Example: Mealy Machine. push_fifo=1'b0. Khan 0 Mealy State Machine Moor State Machine out = 0 s2 2 . error_flag=1'b0. push_fifo=1'b1. push_fifo=1'b0. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Shoab A. Adv. sel=0. end else if(delete_from_q) begin next_state=`STATE0. sel=0. end else begin next_state=`STATE0. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Adv. Digital Design By Dr. time-consuming and expensive to design difficult to modify … but fast 0 i n s1 1 out = φ φ s2 i n 1 out = φ φ s3 i n 1 out =φ φ s4 Shortcut to VERIWELL. Khan Adv.) sφ out = φ Hardwired vs. Shoab A. Microprogrammed Control Hardwired: composed of combinatorial and sequential circuits that generate complete timing that corresponds with execution of each instruction.Example: Moore Machine ASM Representation (Cont. Khan Adv. Khan Microprogrammed Control Unit Substitution of combinational networks of FSM with Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) The values of all control signals are read from an appropriate address location in PROM. Shoab A. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr. During each clock period.lnk i n 1 out = 1 Adv. Khan 3 . the appropriate level control signals are read from ROM instead of being generated by logic circuitry. Khan Adv. EPROM or EEPROM) CONTROL BITS (DATA Out) Dm-0 To Architecture 4 . Khan out = 0 Adv. Khan Micro-programmed Sate Machine Implementation current_state input next_state out Counter-based State Machine Implementation rst_n Q0 Q1 A0 A1 00 00 01 01 10 10 11 11 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 clk COUNTER CLR Qk Ak Machine useful only in generating sequence of control Signals without any input out current_state Shortcut to VERIWELL. Khan 0 Address Lines out = 0 s2 MICROPROGRAM MEMORY (ROM. Shoab A. Shoab A. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A.lnk Adv. PROM.PROM-based State Machine Implementation INPUTS X1 X2 Example: Counting Four ONEs sφ out = 1 in A0 A1 Q A2 A3 A4 A5 OUTPUTS D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 0 00 φ out = 0 0 D S0 D State variable S1 Q Q S2 register D D S3 clk Q D5 D6 D7 D8 NEXT STATE VALUE out = 0 out = φ s1 s3 out = 0 01 out = 0 0 Mealy machine: ROM address bits A0-A5 are function of Input x1 and x2 and current states S0-S3 Adv. Digital Design By Dr. PROM. EPROM or EEPROM) Dm-0 LOAD OTHER als gn l si th tro pa on data C r fo LOAD To Architecture A new branch address is loaded in the counter if load is asserted Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Khan 5 . Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Shoab A. Khan Adv. Shoab A. Khan Adv.Example: Time shared FIR filter Complete Datapath Design Design h0 h1 h2 h3 MUX xn (shift register) Load (Shift x) h MUX xn sel load_x X clk Data path rst_n sel + clk rst_n Counter based microProgram Controller yn clk Adv. BRANCH VECTOR COUNTER Mechanism for changing count sequence begin another sequence under control of microprogram memory Pk-0 ing eed r res tor nte c Cou put v e in RST_N CLK CLR Q0 Q1 Qk A0 A1 Ak MICROPROGRAM MEMORY (ROM. Shoab A. Khan Modifications to Counter-based Microcontrollers 1 Counter-based State Machine Implementation cont. Digital Design By Dr. Khan Adv. CLR Q0 Q1 Qk A0 A1 M MICROPROGRAM MEMORY 2 K+1 Ak Words of m+1 bits LOAD Dm-0 BRANCH ADDRESS LOAD SEL OTHER COND 0 1 COND1 2 3 Pk-0 BRANCH VECTOR TRUE SEL To Architecture Adv. Khan Blocking Condition Testing Counter-based ASM with Conditional Branching cont. Digital Design By Dr.Modifications to Control-based Microcontrollers 2 Counter-based ASM with Conditional Branching RESET CLR Q0 Q1 Qk A0 A1 Introduction of decision-making capabilities to microcontroller implementation Incorporating the branch address in the instruction The counter loads the branch address if the signal load is asserted SYSCLK COUNTER M MICROPROGRAM MEMORY 2 K+1 Ak Words of m+1 bits CONDITION BRANCH VECTOR LOAD Dm-0 BRANCH ADDRESS OTHER Pk-0 To Architecture When CONDITION =1 counter is reset with branch address value Adv. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Khan 6 . Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. RESET SYSCLK CONDITION FALSE 0 Y COUNTER Mux select line controlled by microprogram memory Example: 2-bit control allowing on selection of two conditional inputs and two signals true and false. Khan Adv. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Shoab A.Conditional load Pipelined Register sel 00 01 10 11 load FALSE (never load branch address) COND0 (load branch address if COND0 is TRUE) COND1 (load branch address if COND1 is TRUE) Often counters are replaced with an ALU based program counter register The critical path of the design is long as it goes from the counter to ROM to architecture to functional units generating COND0 and COND1 to conditional MUX. Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr. The critical path can be broken by inserting a pipeline register in the design TRUE (unconditional jump: always load branch address) Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Khan Counter-based ASM with Pipeline Register RESET SYSCLK CONDITION FALSE 0 Counter-based System . Khan Adv. Digital Design By Dr.Summary CLR COUNTER Q0 Q1 Qk A0 A1 M MICROPROGRAM MEMORY 2 K+1 Ak Words of m+1 bits LOAD Dm-0 BRANCH ADDRESS LOAD SEL OTHER COND 0 1 M Y U COND1 TRUE 2 X 3 SEL Pk-0 BRANCH VECTOR PIPELINE SYSCLK REGISTERED COUNTER Qk 0 REGISTER r t e nt u n me Co ace pl re To Architecture CLR Q0 Q1 1 MUX sel LOAD Y D0 D1 Dk Q0 Q1 Qk Faster as long propagation delay loop through counter and architecture is broken by registers Drawback: conditional branches require elaborated control logic to get right timing LOAD P k-0 CLR FULL ADDER k+1 bits SYSCLK Adv. Shoab A. Shoab A. Shoab A. Khan Adv. Khan 7 . Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. A 1 0 0 2 n words ADDRESS µPC register “replaces” state variables used to determine the next state (next address to read from microprogram memory condition 1 condition 1 3 2 0 DATA Out COND SEL BRANCH ADDRESS 1MUX COND OTHER Selector Between µPC and branchaddress Adv. Shoab A. Khan To Architecture Register-based Advanced Mictroprogrammed Controller 2 Register-based AdvancedMictroprogrammed Controller 3 MUX added on path between next microprogram addresses coming form µPC register and Branch Elimination of problems with clocking scheme of branching Path between output of µPC register and it input (coming from incrementer) similar to parallel counter structure in counter-based Value applied address lines microprogram memory always incremented and placed in µPC register at the end of each clock cycle of Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A.Register-based Advanced Mictroprogrammed Controller 1 Register-based Register-based Controller uPC REGISTER Troubleshot counter divided into individual components: incrementer and register Controllers named after register referred to as microprogram counter register. Digital Design By Dr. µPC Replacement for counter FULL ADDER Incrementer n bits MICROPROGRAM MEMORY 0 N. Shoab A. Khan Adv. Khan CCMUX controlled by COND SEL field of microinstruction determines which address source to use for the next address of microprogram memory (similarly to Load input to counter in counter-based controllers) Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Khan 8 . Khan Modifications to Register-basedState Machine Table for Next Address Table for Next Address Logic Next Address Select field added to microprogram instruction field Determination of the next microprogram address among mPC register. Shoab A. Khan Register loaded Either from external source 1 condition 1 condition COND 1MUX To Architecture Or pipelined register Adv.) MUX SYSCLK FULL ADDER Incrementer n bits MICROPROGRAM MEMORY 0 N. Digital Design By Dr. second address register and next address select Selection performed by modified NA and COND MUXEs Next address logic – combinational circuit transforming codes from Next Address Select field of microinstruction and data from COND MUX into NA MUX select line Adv. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr.Modifications to Branch Modifications to Branch Address Register-based SM with Virtual Address Multiplexer uPC REGISTER Branch address generated in Second Address Register Output enable of this register coming trough tri stated buffers from dedicated field of address selection in pipelined register If address select High. Shoab A. then Second Address Register selected by Next Address (N.) MUX If address select Low.A. Shoab A. Khan Adv. then branch address field of pipelined register selected by Next Address (N. Digital Design By Dr. branch address.A. Digital Design By Dr. Khan 9 . A 1 0 0 2 n words Second Address Register 3 2 0 ADDRESS DATA Out COND SEL BRANCH ADDRESS ADDR OTHER SEL Benefits: possibility of inputting beginning branching address from external source as well as from the internal instructions in microprogram memory Adv. Khan Adv. Shoab A. Khan 10 . Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Shoab A. Khan Adv. Digital Design By Dr.Register-based ASM withCondition Code Multiplexer uPC REGISTER SYSCLK Subroutine Subroutine Execution FULL ADDER Incrementer n bits MICROPROGRAM MEMORY 0 N. Shoab A. Khan Register-based Controller with Subroutine Capability Nested Subroutine Nested Subroutine Execution Subroutine Return Address Register replaced by Subroutine Return Address Memory of stack structure Possibility to store more than one return address – necessity in implementing nested subroutine calls Up/down counter (TOP OF STACK) added for stack pointer manipulations Adv. 1 A 2 Temporary storage location added for the copy of contents of µPC register 2 n Second Address Register words Register referred to as Subroutine Return Address Register ADDRESS 0 0 1 cond 1 cond 3 2 0 DATA Out NEXT ADDRESS LOGIC NEXT ADDRESS SELECT BRANCH BRANCH COND OTHER ADDRESS SELECT Address kept in register allows on returning to next address of microprogram execution after complete subroutine call COND 1MUX To Architecture Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr. Khan Adv. Shoab A. Khan 11 . Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Digital Design By Dr. Khan Conclusions Conclusions Various ways of implementing controllers Memory introduced to allow for microcode base controllers Counter-based microprogrammed controllers simplest but least versatile Register-based microprogrammed controllers allow on branching and subroutines implementations Solutions to some problems introduced by counterbased controllers Adv. Shoab A. Khan Adv.Register-based Controller with Nested Subroutine Capability Complete Microprogrammed Controller Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Digital Design By Dr.
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