Ficha Tecnica Valvula Bola Acero Modelo 76 Apollo

March 26, 2018 | Author: georgeth21 | Category: Bearing (Mechanical), Pressure, Mechanical Engineering, Machines, Building Engineering



76-100 SERIESStainless Steel Ball Valve with Mounting Pad 1/4” - 1” Female NPT Thread, 2000 CWP (psig). Cold Non-Shock. (See referenced P/T chart) 150 psig Saturated Steam. Vacuum Service to 29 inches Hg. MSS SP-110 compliant. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Investment cast components Reinforced seats Mounting pad for easy actuator mounting Blow-out-proof stem design Adjustable packing gland Stainless Steel lever and nut Fire tested API 607, 6th edition (Requires “24” suffix) Meets NACE MR0175 (2000) & MR0103 (2012) CSA/CAN 3.16-M88 (2009) (Requires “01” suffix) NSF/ANSI 61 (2010) Section 8, Annex F & G NSF-372, Drinking Water System Components - Lead Content OPTIONS AVAILABLE: (More information in Section J) (SUFFIX) -01 -P -01-T -01-02-04-07-08-14-15-16-19-21-24-27-30-32-35-39-40-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-57-58-60-64- STANDARD MATERIAL LIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART Lever and grip Stem packing Stem bearing Ball Seat (2) Retainer Gland nut Stem Lever nut Body seal Body PRODUCT NUMBER 76-101-01A 76-102-01A 76-103-01A 76-104-01A 76-105-01A SIZE 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” MATERIAL 304 SS w/vinyl MPTFE RPTFE A276-316 Stainless Steel RPTFE A351-CF8M Stainless Steel A276-316 Stainless Steel A276-316 Stainless Steel 18-8 Stainless Steel PTFE A351-CF8M Stainless Steel OPTION Standard Configuration BSPP (Parallel) Thread Connection BSPT (Tapered) Thread Connection Stem Grounded 2.25” CS Stem Extension Steel Tee Handle 90º Reversed Stem Side Vented Ball (Uni-Directional) Wheel Handle, Steel Chain Lever - Vertical Lock Plate UHMWPE Trim (Non-PTFE) Graphite Packing SS Latch-Lock Lever & Nut Cam-Lock and Grounded SS Tee Handle & Nut PTFE Trim SS Hi-Rise Locking Wheel Handle, SS Nut Cyl-Loc and Grounded Seal Welded Less Lever & Nut Latch Lock Lever - Lock in Closed Position Only SS Latch Lock Oval Handle SS Oval Handle (No Latch) & Nut No Lubrication. Assembled Dry. 2.25” CS Locking Stem Extension Oxygen Cleaned Chain Lever - Horizontal Static Grounded Ball & Stem 250# Steam Trim A B C D E F G H J K 0.37 0.37 0.50 0.68 0.87 1.02 1.02 1.12 1.47 1.67 2.05 2.05 2.23 2.96 3.34 1.71 1.71 1.79 2.03 2.16 3.85 3.85 3.85 4.75 4.75 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.87 0.87 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.37 1.37 0.88 0.88 0.90 1.02 1.02 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.42 0.42 0.53 0.53 0.59 0.78 0.91 L M 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.437 0.437 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.256 0.256 N WT. 1.16 1.16 1.38 1.75 1.94 0.58 0.55 0.63 1.30 1.60 SIZES All 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 3/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 3/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” FOR PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE RATINGS, REFER TO PAGE M-14, GRAPH NO. 14 A-14 REV. 11-18-13 Customer Service (704) 841-6000 50 1. REFER TO PAGE M-13.25” .60 0.94 0.625 0.69 4.5” 2” MATERIAL 304 SS w/vinyl MPTFE RPTFE A276-316 Stainless Steel RPTFE A351-CF8M Stainless Steel A276-316 Stainless Steel A276-316 Stainless Steel 18-8 Stainless Steel PTFE A351-CF8M Stainless Steel OPTION Standard Configuration BSPP (Parallel) Thread Connection BSPT (Tapered) Thread Connection Stem Grounded 2.10 FOR PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE RATINGS. Vacuum Service to 29 inches Hg.12 1. 6th edition (Requires “24” suffix) Meets NACE MR0175 (2000) & MR0103 (2012) CSA/CAN 3. Cold Non-Shock.94 1. Drinking Water System Components .20 6. 1500 CWP (psig).17 2.377 SIZES All 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 3/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 3/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” WT.Lock in Closed Position Only SS Latch Lock Oval Handle SS Oval Handle (No Latch) & Nut No Lubrication.75 7.50 2.50 L M 0. MSS SP-110 compliant.25” 1.25” CS Stem Extension Steel Tee Handle 90º Reversed Stem Side Vented Ball (Uni-Directional) Wheel Handle. Steel Chain Lever .377 0.28 1.Lead Content OPTIONS AVAILABLE: (More information in Section J) (SUFFIX) -01 -P -01-T -01-02-04-07-08-14-15-16-19-21-24-27-30-32-35-39-40-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-57-58-60-64- STANDARD MATERIAL LIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART Lever and grip Stem packing Stem bearing Ball Seat (2) Retainer Gland nut Stem Lever nut Body seal Body PRODUCT NUMBER 76-106-01 76-107-01 76-108-01 SIZE 1.40 7.00 2.Printed in the USA REV. 2.68 3.25 1.625 0.60 1. Manufactured by Conbraco Industries . GRAPH NO.625 0. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Investment cast components Reinforced seats Mounting pad for easy actuator mounting Blow-out-proof stem design Adjustable packing gland Stainless Steel lever and nut Fire tested API 607.50 1.25” CS Locking Stem Extension Oxygen Cleaned Chain Lever .Horizontal Static Grounded Ball & Stem 250# Steam Trim A B C D E F G H J K 1.50 1. SS Nut Cyl-Loc and Grounded Seal Welded Less Lever & Nut Latch Lock Lever .10 4.50 1. Annex F & G NSF-372.377 0. (See referenced P/T chart) 150 psig Saturated Steam.2” Female NPT Thread.25 3.34 5.00 1.24 5.60 0.46 0.94 0.50 1. 12 Copyright ©2013 Apollo Valves.16-M88 (2009) (Requires “01” suffix) NSF/ANSI 61 (2010) Section 8. 11-18-13 A-15 .Vertical Lock Plate UHMWPE Trim (Non-PTFE) Graphite Packing SS Latch-Lock Lever & Nut Cam-Lock and Grounded SS Tee Handle & Nut PTFE Trim SS Hi-Rise Locking Wheel Handle.00 4. 3.43 2.76-100 SERIES Stainless Steel Ball Valve with Mounting Pad 1. Assembled Dry.75 0. Vertical Lock Plate UHMWPE Trim (Non-PTFE) Graphite Packing SS Latch-Lock Lever & Nut Cam-Lock and Grounded SS Tee Handle & Nut PTFE Trim SS Hi-Rise Locking Wheel Handle.75 7.38 1. FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • Investment cast components Reinforced seats Mounting pad for easy actuator mounting Blow-out-proof stem design Adjustable packing gland Stainless Steel lever and nut Fire tested API 607.377 15.37 3.25” CS Locking Stem Extension Oxygen Cleaned Chain Lever .37 1.60 0.76-100 SERIES Stainless Steel Ball Valve 2. Assembled Dry.60 16. 0.75 6.71 0.00 2. (See referenced P/T chart) 150 psig Saturated Steam. 1000 CWP (psig). MSS SP-110 compliant.50 2. Drinking Water System Components . SS Nut Cyl-Loc and Grounded Seal Welded Less Lever & Nut Latch Lock Lever .03 7.38 3.5” .38 3.71 1.5” 3” REV.16-M88 (2009) (Requires “01” suffix) NSF/ANSI 61 (2010) Section 8. Cold Non-Shock.03 4. 6th edition (Requires “24” suffix) Meets NACE MR0175 (2000) & MR0103 (2012) CSA/CAN 3. Vacuum Service to 29 inches Hg. 11-18-13 MATERIAL 304 SS w/vinyl MPTFE RPTFE A276-316 Stainless Steel RPTFE A351-CF8M Stainless Steel A276-316 Stainless Steel A276-316 Stainless Steel 18-8 Stainless Steel PTFE A351-CF8M Stainless Steel OPTION Standard Configuration Stem Grounded 2.60 2.625 0.Lock in Closed Position Only SS Latch Lock Oval Handle SS Oval Handle (No Latch) & Nut No Lubrication.00 www.Lead Content OPTIONS AVAILABLE: (More information in Section J) (SUFFIX) -01 -02-04-07-08-14-15-16-19-21-24-27-30-32-35-39-40-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-57-58-60-64- STANDARD MATERIAL LIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART Lever and grip Stem packing Stem bearing Ball Seat (2) Retainer Gland nut Stem Lever nut Body seal Body PRODUCT NUMBER 76-109-01 76-100-01 A-16 SIZE 2.75 4. REFER TO PAGE M-12.3” Female NPT L M WT. GRAPH NO.377 0.75 1.50 Customer Service (704) 841-6000 .625 0.Horizontal Static Grounded Ball & Stem 250# Steam Trim SIZES All 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 3/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” 3/4” to 2” 1/4” to 3” 1/4” to 3” FOR PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE RATINGS. 2. Steel Chain Lever . Annex F & G NSF-372.25” CS Stem Extension Steel Tee Handle 90º Reversed Stem Side Vented Ball (Uni-Directional) Wheel Handle.apollovalves.50 3. 8 A B C D E F G H J K 2.38 6. .2 -7.1 8. f l ow of l iquid Q = CV √ f l ow of gas ∆P SpGr √ Q = 1360 CV 2 or ∆P = (Q) (SpGr) (Cv)2 (∆P) (P2) (SpGr) (T) -7 (T) (Q)2 or ∆P = 5.2 7.2 ---7.4 -2.4 8.8 3/4 24 34 -30 30 30 12 30 30 30 48 30 48 30 30 30 51 30 48 12 51 51 36 36 11 36 36 36 51 32 1 30 50 -43 43 43 14 43 43 43 65 43 65 43 43 43 68 43 65 14 68 68 68 68 24 68 68 68 68 44 1.2 7.0) outlet pressure–psia (psig + 14. in the Apollo®Ball Valve Division. South Carolina.2 -4.5 1/2 8 19 -15 15 15 5. the formula can be used to estimate ow of most media for valve sizing.4 -8.5 -4.) Val Ve 32-100/200Series 64-100/200Series 64WSeries 70B-140Series 70-100/200Series 70-300/400Series 70-600Series 70-800Series 71ARSeries 71-100/200Series 72-100/900Series 73A-100Series 73-300/400Series 74-100Series 75-100Series 76ARSeries 76F-100Series 76-100Series 76-300/400Series 76-600Series 7K-100Series 77ARSeries 77C-100/200Series 77D-140Series 77D-640Series 77G-ULSeries 77WSeries 77XSeries 77-100/200Series 79Series 1/4 5.2 15 7.6 7 -7.2 --15 8.25 1.4 15 --26 15 26 15 15 15 15 15 26 5.1 8. These tests were completed using standard “o the shelf” valves with no special preparation and utilizing standard schedule 40 pipe.1 6 -8.5 -15 7.4 8. Inc.4 8. The ow testing is done utilizing water as a uid media and is a direct statement of the gallons of water owed per minute with a 1 psig pressure di erential across the valve/ connection unit.4 8.Printed in the USA M3 . Because the Cv is a factor.5 2 2.3 -8. It should be understood that these factors are for the valve only and also include the connection con guration.4 -2.5 4.4 15 15 16 16 -16 16 16 15 9.4 x 10 (SpGr) (Cv)2 (P2) Where: Q= ow in US gpm ∆P = pressure drop (psig) SpGr = speci c gravity at owing temperature Cv = valve constant Where: Q= ∆P = SpGr = P2 = T= Cv = ow in SCFH pressure drop (psig) speci c gravity (based on air = 1. °F + 460) valve constant Cv FACTORS FOR APOLLO VALVES size(in.5 3 4 45 104 -48 48 48 21 48 48 48 125 48 125 48 48 48 125 48 125 21 125 125 125 125 35 125 125 -125 66 55 268 -84 84 84 34 84 84 84 170 84 170 84 84 84 177 84 170 34 177 177 177 177 -177 177 -177 148 95 309 -108 108 108 47 -108 108 216 108 216 108 108 108 389 108 216 47 389 389 389 389 -389 389 -389 218 -629 629 190 190 ---190 190 ---190 190 190 -190 --503 -503 --503 --503 440 -1018 1018 370 370 ---370 370 ---370 370 370 -370 -----------390 -1622 1622 670 670 --------670 670 670 --------------- 6 ------------------------------- 8 10 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------continued on next page Copyright ©2013 Apollo Valves.2 -4. Line pressure is not a factor.1 4.2 7.5 --8.3 8.4 ---8. Manufactured by Conbraco Industries .5 7. Pageland.5 3/8 6.7) (temp.2 7.f l ow dat a For Apollo®Ball Valves The listed Cv “factors” are derived from actual ow testing. Conbraco Industries.2 -7. 1 -8.7 5.2 1/2 15 26 26 -26 --15 -15 --15 -15 -15 5.apollovalves.7 19 15 19 5.4 8.5 3 4 6 8 10 12 48 120 120 -120 -----------48 25 25 25 25 104 --25 48 48 84 170 170 170 170 170 86 195 86 195 -86 195 86 195 -84 40 40 40 40 268 --40 84 84 108 376 376 376 376 376 104 410 104 410 -104 410 104 410 -108 62 62 62 62 309 --62 108 108 190 510 ----234 545 234 545 -234 545 234 545 -190 ----629 ---190 190 370 996 -996 -996 375 1021 375 1021 375 375 1021 375 1021 375 370 ----1018 ---370 370 -1893 -1893 -1893 673 2016 673 2016 673 673 2016 673 2016 673 -----1622 ------ ------1099 4837 1099 4837 1099 1099 4837 1099 4837 1099 ------------ ------1902 9250 1902 9250 1902 1902 9250 1902 9250 1902 ------------ ------3890 15170 3890 15170 3890 3890 15170 3890 15170 3890 ------------ -------22390 -22390 --22390 -22390 ------------- www.f l ow dat a For Apollo®Ball Valves Cv FACTORS FOR APOLLO VALVES (continued from page M-3) size(in.3 8.7 7.4 8.3 8.2 Customer Service (704) 841-6000 .7 5.7 6.3 8.7 5.7 7 --6.1 -----------8.4 8.25 1.7 6.5 2 2.) Val Ve 80/81Series 82-100/200Series 83A/83BSeries 83R-100/200Series 86A/86BSeries 86R-100/200Series 87A-100Series 87A-200Series 87A-700Series 87A-900Series 87B-100Series 88A-100Series 88A-200Series 88A-700Series 88A-900Series 88B-100Series 89-100Series 9A-100Series 91-100Series 92-100Series 93-100Series 94A-100/200Series 95-100/200Series 95A-300/400Series 96-100Series 399-100Series 489-100Series M4 1/4 8.2 14 14 -14 -----------7.2 6.3 8.1 8.4 3/8 7.7 15 15 3/4 30 51 51 -51 --19 -19 --19 -19 -30 10 10 10 10 34 51 34 10 30 30 1 43 68 68 -68 --75 -75 --75 -75 -43 16 16 16 16 50 68 50 16 43 43 1.7 6.3 6 --8. 11-18-13 essur et eMper at ur er at ings 2000# CS (GRAPH 13) 2000# SS (GRAPH 14) M-14 Customer Service (704) 841-6000 . Printed in the USA M13 .pr essur et eMper at ur er at ings 1500# CS GRAPH 11 1500# SS GRAPH 12 Copyright ©2013 Apollo Valves. Manufactured by Conbraco Industries . com Customer Service (704) 841-6000 essur et eMper at ur er at ings 1000# CS GRAPH 7 1000# SS GRAPH 8 M12 www.
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