Fibeair Ip-20 Series Alarms t7.9 Rev c



FibeAir® IP-20 SeriesAlarms September 2014 Release: 7.9 Document Revision C Copyright © 2014 by Ceragon Networks Ltd. All rights reserved. FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Notice This document contains information that is proprietary to Ceragon Networks Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, or distributed without prior written authorization of Ceragon Networks Ltd. This document is provided as is, without warranty of any kind. Trademarks Ceragon Networks®, FibeAir® and CeraView® are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd., registered in the United States and other countries. Ceragon® is a trademark of Ceragon Networks Ltd., registered in various countries. CeraMap™, PolyView™, EncryptAir™, ConfigAir™, CeraMon™, EtherAir™, CeraBuild™, CeraWeb™, and QuickAir™, are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd. Other names mentioned in this publication are owned by their respective holders. Statement of Conditions The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Ceragon Networks Ltd. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document or equipment supplied with it. Open Source Statement The Product may use open source software, among them O/S software released under the GPL or GPL alike license ("GPL License"). Inasmuch that such software is being used, it is released under the GPL License, accordingly. Some software might have changed. The complete list of the software being used in this product including their respective license and the aforementioned public available changes is accessible on Information to User Any changes or modifications of equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment and the warranty for such equipment. Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms About This Guide This document lists the alarms supported in the IP-20 series IDU products for software release 7.9. This document applies to the following products:  FibeAir IP-20G  FibeAir IP-20N  FibeAir IP-20A  FibeAir IP-20LH  FibeAir IP-20C  FibeAir IP-20S  FibeAir IP-20E Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Check existence of mate unit. All 1. Major All 101 Alarm LAG operational state is down Critical All 150 Alarm Interface is down due to automatic state propagation. 3.LAG Degraded. and IP-20LH. Corrective Action Supported Products Check adjacent radio interface for failure conditions that caused automatic state propagation. All IDU Page 4 of 30 . IP-20S 100 Alarm LAG is not fully functional . Indeterminate Outdoor 29 Event Unit reset. Reset mate unit. IP-20S. Mate unit is absent/failure. 200 307 Alarm Event Protection communication is down TDM interface is up Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Warning 2. and IP-20E. 3.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarms The following table lists all alarms used in FibeAir IP-20 products.   Outdoor – Alarm is supported by IP-20C. Protection cable is disconnected. Major Failure of the radio interface which is monitored for automatic state propagation causes automatic shutdown of the controlled interface. 1. The Supported Products column indicates which products use the alarm. Check protection cable connection between units. IP-20S 32 Event Protection switchover due to remote request Major IP-20C. Replace mate unit. IDU – Alarm is supported by IP-20G. Options are:  All – Alarm is supported by all FibeAir Products. IP-20A. 4. Warning Outdoor 31 Event Change Remote request was sent Major IP-20C. Unit failure. Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause 28 Event Unit warm reset. 2. IP-20N. 2. 603 Alarm Radio loss of frame Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Critical Supported Products IDU 1. Fade in the link. Different radio scripts at both ends of the link. Fade in the link. 1. Configure same Link ID for both sides of link All 1. Check link performance. All Page 5 of 30 . 4. 2. 3. Defective IF cable. Fault in RMC (Radio Modem Card). Fault in RFU. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card).FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause 308 Event TDM interface is down Warning 401 Alarm Ethernet Loss of Carrier Major 407 Event Ethernet interface is up Warning All 408 Event Ethernet interface is down Warning All 602 Alarm Alarm Radio excessive BER Link ID mismatch Major Major 1. 601 Corrective Action 2. Cable disconnected. Replace RFU. Check link performance. 4. 2. 3. Make sure same script is loaded at both ends of the link. 5. All Replace cable. 1. All 3. Defective cable. Check connection of cable 2. 5. 4. Defective IF cable. Fault in RFU. Check IF cable and replace if required. 3. Replace RFU. Check IF cable and replace if required. 2. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). 4. Link ID is not the same at both sides of link 1. Fault in RMC (Radio Modem Card). 4. Fault in RMC (Radio Modem Card). Reinstall the software. 2. Corrective Action Supported Products 1. Disable the demo license All All All Page 6 of 30 .FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause 1. Fault in RFU. Replace RFU. Fade in the link. All 3. 3. Reset the system. 605 Event Radio interface is up Warning All 606 Event Radio interface is down Warning All 801 Alarm Corrupted inventory file Warning The inventory file is corrupted 802 Alarm Inventory file not found Warning The inventory file is missing 901 Alarm Demo license is active Warning Demo license has been activated by the user 902 Event Demo license is expired Warning All 903 Event Demo license is started Warning All 904 Event Demo license is stopped Warning All 905 Event License key loading failure Major All 906 Event License key loaded successfully Warning All Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential 1. Reset the system. 604 Alarm Radio signal degrade Minor 2. 2. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). 1. 2. Check IF cable and replace if required. 4. Defective IF cable. Check link performance. Reinstall the software. reason Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Warning Radio protection function is missing radio module.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause The current configuration does not match the licensed feature set. All 2. 907 Alarm License violation Critical 48 hours after a "license violation" alarm is raised. module defected or disabled 2. IDU Make sure all radio interfaces are enabled. Get the list of features' configurations that are violated via the "license information report". 908 Alarm Demo license is about to expire Major Demo license allowed period is about to end within 10 days Disable the demo license and install a new valid one All 910 Alarm License signature failure Major License key validation has failed due to invalid product serial number Replace the IDU All 911 Event License violation sanction is enforced Major 913 Alarm License components are missing or corrupted Major Essential internal license components are missing or corrupted. 3. Add radio module. 1007 1008 Alarm Event Radio protection no mate Remote switchover request was sent . IDU Page 7 of 30 . sanction mode is activated in which all alarms except the license violation alarm are cleared and no new alarms are raised. Corrective Action Supported Products 1. Reinstall software All 1002 Alarm Radio protection configuration mismatch Major The configuration between the radio protection members is not aligned Apply a copy-to-mate command to copy the configuration from the required radio to the other one IDU 1006 Event Radio protection switchover .reason Warning Protection decision machine initiated switchover due to local failure or user command Check the system for local failures IDU All 1. Replace a defective existing radio module. Install a new license that allows the use of all required features. Configuration file system type mismatch 2. 1150 Event Configuration file backup generation started Warning User command All 1151 Event Configuration file backup created Warning Backup file creation finished successfully All 1152 Event Failure in configuration file backup generation Warning System failed in attempt to create backup configuration file All 1153 Event Configuration successfully restored from file backup Warning Configuration restore finished successfully All Warning System failed in attempt to restore configuration from backup file 1154 1155 Event Event Failure in configuration restoring from backup file Configuration restore operation cancelled Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Warning All A software version has been installed but system has not been reset. All Invalid or corrupted configuration file Try again All Page 8 of 30 .FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1009 Alarm Radio protection lockout command is on Major The user has issued a lockout command Clear the lockout command IDU 1102 Event Software installation status: Warning 1105 Event New version installed Warning 1111 Event User approved download of software version file Warning All 1112 Event Software download status: Warning All 1113 Event Missing components: Warning All 1114 Event Incomplete file set. missing components Warning Software bundle is missing components. Restore operation cancelled because of user command or execution of another configuration management operation All Get a complete software bundle All 1. 1165 Event CLI Configuration script failed Warning 1166 Event Unit info file transfer status: Warning All 1167 Event Unit info file creation status: Warning All 1169 Event Configuration restore operation started Warning Restore operation started because of user command 1201 Alarm Modem firmware file not found Critical Modem file is missing 1202 Alarm Modem firmware was not loaded successfully Critical 1203 Event Modem watch-dog reset event Warning Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential 2. and run again.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause 1156 Event User issued command for transfer of configuration Warning file User command All 1157 Event Configuration file transfer successful Warning Configuration file transfer successful All 1158 Event Configuration file transfer failure Warning 1. Error returned by system during runtime Note that script may assume pre-existing configuration. Verify script in the relevant line. 1. Download software package. 1. 2. File not found in server Corrective Action Supported Products 1. Reset the system. All 1. Download software package. 2. Communications failure. 1159 Event Configuration file transfer in progress Warning File transfer started All 1163 Event CLI configuration script activation started Warning User command All 1164 Event CLI Configuration script executed successfully Warning All 1. All Make sure file exists. 2. All All All Page 9 of 30 . 2. Modem firmware file is corrupted. Syntax Error. 2. Mark sure protocol details are properly configured. All Reset the system. System failure. 3.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1301 Alarm Radio MRMC script LUT file is corrupted Critical Damaged radio MRMC script LUT file Download the specific radio MRMC script IDU LUT file 1302 Alarm Radio MRMC script LUT file is not found Critical Missing radio MRMC script LUT file Download the specific radio MRMC script IDU LUT file 1304 Alarm Radio MRMC script modem file is corrupted Critical Damaged radio MRMC script modem file Download the specific radio MRMC script IDU modem file 1305 Alarm Radio MRMC script modem file is not found Critical Missing radio MRMC script modem file Download the specific radio MRMC script IDU modem file 1308 Alarm Radio MRMC RFU file is corrupted Critical Damaged Radio MRMC script LUT file Download the specific radio MRMC RFU file IDU 1309 Alarm Radio MRMC RFU file is not found Major Missing radio MRMC RFU file Download the specific radio MRMC RFU file IDU 1312 Alarm Radio MRMC script loading failed Major Damaged hardware module Replace the radio hardware module All 1401 Alarm Incompatible RFU TX calibration Major RFU calibration tables require SW upgrade Upgrade IDU SW All 1501 Alarm Remote communication failure Critical Fade in the link Check the link performance All 1601 Alarm IF loopback Warning User enabled IF loopback Disable IF loopback All 1. 4. Replace RFU. Verify that the N-Type connector inner pin is not spliced. Check IF cable and connectors. 1701 Alarm Cable open Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Cable is not connected to RMC (Radio Modem Card) or RFU 2. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). All Page 10 of 30 . Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). 3. Check IF cable and connectors. All 1. 1702 Alarm Cable short Major Physical short at the IF cable Verify that the N-Type connector inner pin is not spliced. 4. Replace RFU. 1706 Alarm RFU extreme temperature Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Warning 1. All Page 11 of 30 . 5. 3. Check installation conditions. 1. Verify that N-Type connector inner pin is not spliced. Defective IF cable. RFU software download in progress. Replace RFU. Check IF cable and connectors. All 1. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). Defective RFU 2. Enter delay calibration value manually. IF cable not connected properly. Defective RFU. 2. Installation conditions. Verify operation as per product's specs.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1. 2. 4. 2. Defective RFU. 3. 2. 3. Check BMA connector on OCB 2. 4. Defective RMC (Radio Modem Card). 1703 1704 Alarm Alarm RFU communication failure RFU delay calibration failure 1 Warning Warning 2. 1. For a high power RF Unit: 1. Reset the RMC (Radio Modem Card) / RFU. Replace RFU. Check BMA connector on RFU. 1705 Alarm RFU delay calibration failure 2 Warning Calibration cannot be completed due to notch detection All All Replace RFU. Disable RFU loopback. Verify that N-Type connector inner pin is not spliced. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). Check installation conditions. Replace RFU. 4. Replace RMC (Radio Modem Card). 1712 Alarm Low IF signal from RFU Warning 2. All All User has activated RFU loopback. All 1. All Page 12 of 30 . 3. 1. Low RX IF signal (140 MHz) from RFU. Replace RFU. All 1710 Alarm RFU hardware failure 2 Critical Defective RFU. IF cable connection. 3. Replace RFU. Check IF cable and connectors. Defective RMC (Radio Modem Card). All 1. Check IF cable connectors. 2. 1. All 1713 Alarm RFU PA extreme temperature Warning 1721 Event RFU reset Major 1722 Alarm RFU loopback is active Major 1723 Event RFU mode changed to Combined Indeterminate All 1724 Event RFU mode changed to Diversity Indeterminate All 1725 Event RFU mode changed to Main Indeterminate All Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Defective RFU. Check if problem repeats and if errors/alarms reported. 2. Verify that N-Type connector inner pin is not spliced. 2. Defective RFU. 3. 1709 Alarm RFU hardware failure 1 Critical Defective RFU. All Event 2. Replace RFU. Replace RFU. 4. 1711 Alarm Low IF signal to RFU Major 2.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1708 RFU frequency was set automatically Warning Defective RFU 1. Installation conditions. Replace RFU. 1. Fading event. Replace local/remote RFU. 4. Check that the fault is not due to rain/multi-path fading or lack of LOS. 1. TX frequency). Check antenna alignment. 1729 Alarm RFU RX level path2 out of range Warning 2. Replace local/remote RFU. 5. Replace local/remote RFU. All Page 13 of 30 . Check antenna alignment & link planning. Check antenna connections. Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential 2.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1726 RFU power supply failure Major At least one of the RFU's power supply voltages is too low. All 1. 2. 3. Defective RFU. link is down. TX frequency). All Alarm 1. 2. 1. 3. Check link settings (TX power. TX frequency). Check link settings (TX power. Improper installation. Check antenna alignment. Improper installation. 4. Check link settings (TX power. Check antenna connections. Fading event. 5. 3. Check that the fault is not due to rain/multi-path fading or lack of LOS. All 1. 4. Check antenna connections. 3. 1728 Alarm RFU RX level path1 out of range Warning 2. 1727 Alarm RFU RX level out of range Warning RSL is very low. Defective RFU. 3. Replace RFU. Expected Card Type configured on empty slot. Card is missing. Replace RFU. In XPIC mode. 1741 Event Card was inserted to slot Warning Card was inserted to slot NA 1742 Alarm Card is in interconnection failure state Major Card is down as a result of card interconnection failure 1. At least one of the RFU synthesizers is unlocked 2. Intermediate solution . 1743 Alarm Expected Card is missing in slot Major 1. Replace RFU. Try to insert another Card. Insert Expected Card. 2. 2. 3. Reset Card. 2. 1740 Alarm Download card firmware has failed Major Firmware download was unsuccessful. replace mate RFU as All well. Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential 2. 1734 Alarm RFU TX level out of range Minor Defective RFU (the RFU cannot transmit the requested TX power) 1735 Alarm RFU TX Mute Warning RFU Transmitter muted by user Unmute the RFU transmitter All 1736 Alarm IDU SW does not support this type of RFU Major IDC SW does not support the RFU Upgrade IDC SW All 1737 Event Card was extracted from slot Warning Card was extracted from slot NA IDU 1738 Alarm Card is in Failure state Major Card is down as a result of card failure 1739 Alarm FPGA Firmware file not found Critical There is no FPGA file found on the Main Board for the card on the slot 1. 1. Reset Card. IDU Check if the slot was disabled. IDU IDU Page 14 of 30 . Check if slot was disabled. 2. 1. IDU Clear Expected Card Type. Reset Card. Download software package. NA All IDU IDU 1.reduce TX power.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1733 Alarm RFU synthesizer unlocked Major 1. 2. 1. Insert FAN Card. 2. Slot enabled when empty. IDU Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Corrective Action Supported Products 1. 2. 2.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause 1744 Alarm This Card type is not supported in this slot Major The card is not on the Allowed Card Types list for this slot. IDU Page 15 of 30 . 1745 Event Card operational state is Down Indeterminate Card state was change to Down state NA IDU 1746 Event Card operational state is Up Indeterminate Card state was change to Up state NA IDU 1747 Event Card operational state is Up with Alarms Indeterminate Card state was change to Up state but with Alarms indication NA IDU 1748 Alarm Unexpected Card Type in slot Minor Expected card type is different than the actual card type 1. FAN Card is missing. Reset. Disable slot. NA IDU 1757 Alarm FAN Card is in Failure state Major FAN Card is in Failure state Change FAN Card IDU 1758 Event Power Supply was extracted from slot Warning Power Supply was extracted from slot IDU 1759 Event Power Supply was inserted to slot Warning Power Supply was inserted to slot. IDU IDU IDU FAN Card was inserted to slot IDU 1. Insert Expected Card. 2. 1749 Event Slot was Disabled Indeterminate The user Disabled slot NA IDU 1750 Event Slot was Enabled Indeterminate The user Enabled slot NA IDU 1751 Event Card on slot was Reset Indeterminate The user Reset slot NA IDU 1752 Event FAN Card was extracted from slot Warning FAN Card was extracted from slot 1753 Event FAN failure Major 1754 Event FAN Card was inserted to slot Warning 1755 Alarm FAN Card is missing in slot Critical 1756 Alarm Extreme Temperature Major System Temperature not in allowed range. Change Expected Card Type. Insert Card belongs to Allowed Card IDU Types list. Download and install the correct software package. All the running MRMC radio script 2. Page 16 of 30 . Power Supply is missing. Warning 2. Make sure the required software package include the running MRMC New installed software package does not include radio script. Reset board. 3. Make sure RFU is supported by SW version. NA IDU 1763 Alarm The Main board firmware is not found Warning Slot enabled when empty. IDU Warning IDU 1. IDU-RFU communications problem. Check IDU-RFU cable. RFU failure. 3. 1766 2. Insert Power Supply. Major 1780 Event MRMC running script is deleted Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Warning Outdoor 1. 1761 Alarm Over voltage Major System Power Voltage higher than allowed. Event RFU installation failure Download software package. 1. 2. Unsupported RFU type.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action 1. NA IDU 1762 Alarm Under voltage Major System Power Voltage Lower than allowed. 1. IDU 1. 3. IDU 1767 Event RFU installation in progress Warning User command IDU 1768 Event RFU installation successfully completed Warning User command IDU 1770 Event Unit performing power-up. Supported Products IDU Disable slot. 1764 1765 Alarm Event Download Main Board firmware has failed Main Board was reset Major Firmware download was unsuccessful. 1760 Alarm Power Supply is missing in slot Major 2. 2. Try to insert another board. Replace RFU. IDU 2005 Alarm TDM-LIC hardware failure Major System malfunction Reset the TDM-LIC. 2. 2. Recent warm reset of TDM-LIC. Check external equipment. 1. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. Line is not properly connected. Check line cables. 2. 2. Replace the cable. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 1.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1781 Event MRMC running script is updated Warning New installed software package does has an updated version of the running MRMC radio script Reset the radio carrier to reacquire the new updated MRMC radio script All 1790 Alarm Hardware failure Critical An internal hardware failure has been detected by the system. IDU 2006 Alarm No communication with TDM-LIC Major System malfunction Reset the TDM-LIC. 2. Recent TDM-LIC card reset. 2001 Alarm TDM-LIC has rebooted and is not in service now Major 2002 Alarm TDM-LIC configuration mismatch Major Defective cable. 2003 Alarm Loss of Signal (LOS) on TDM-LIC's front panel clock port Major 1. 4. Check connection of the cable. External equipment is faulty. 1. Reconnect line. IDU 2004 Alarm Communication with TDM-LIC is disrupted in Host-Card direction Minor System malfunction Reset the TDM-LIC. All 1800 Alarm T3 sync interface Loss of Carrier Major 1. 1. System malfunction. Wait for card to reboot. 2. 2. IDU IDU IDU 1. Cable disconnected. Reset the TDM-LIC card. Replace the card or unit reporting the hardware failure. 3. IDU 2007 Alarm Jitter-buffer-overrun alarm on TDM service Major Something wrong on TDM service synchronization Check TDM service configuration IDU 2008 Alarm Late-frame alarm on TDM service Warning Something wrong on TDM service Check TDM service configuration IDU Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Page 17 of 30 . System malfunction. IDU 2. IDU External equipment is faulty. 1. Check line cables. Line is not properly connected. Reconnect line. 1. Check external equipment. Check external equipment. Reconnect line. 3. Check line cables. 2. Supported Products Check TDM service configuration IDU Stray packets with wrong RTP configurations are Check TDM service configuration received and dropped. Line is not properly connected.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action 2009 Loss-of-frames alarm on TDM service Major Failure along the network path of TDM service Check network or configuration for errors in the network transport side of the IDU service Alarm 2010 Alarm Malformed-frames alarm on TDM service Major 2011 Alarm Misconnection alarm on TDM service Major Alarm Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) on TDM-LIC TDM port Major Alarm Loss Of Frame (LOF) on TDM-LIC TDM port Major Alarm Loss Of Multi-Frame (LOMF) on TDM-LIC TDM port 2012 2013 2014 2015 Alarm Loopback on TDM-LIC TDM port Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Warning 1. External equipment is faulty. 2. IDU 1. External equipment is faulty. Check external equipment. 2. 2. Check line cables. 3. IDU 1. 2. Payload size does not correspond to the defined value. External equipment is faulty. Line is not properly connected. IDU Page 18 of 30 . Mismatch in PT value in RTP header (if used) 1. 2. Reconnect line. 2. 1. Line is not properly connected. 1. 3. Supported Products IDU Disconnect cable from relevant port. 2016 2017 Alarm Alarm Loss Of Signal (LOS) on TDM-LIC TDM port Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) on TDM-LIC TDM port Major Minor 2018 Alarm E1/DS1 Unexpected signal on TDM-LIC TDM port Warning 2021 Event SSM received pattern change was discovered 2. 2. Line is not properly connected. 2023 Alarm Loss Of Frame (LOF) on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Major 1. 2. 2. 3.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause 1. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. Cable is faulty. Port is disabled. Check line cables. External equipment is faulty. 2. External equipment is faulty. 3. 2. Check line cables. IDU 1. 4. Reconnect line. Line is connected to a disabled port. Line is not properly connected. No action is required. External equipment is faulty. External equipment is faulty. Warning IDU 1. 1. Reconnect line. 3. 4. Check external equipment. 2024 Alarm Loopback on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Warning 1. 3. Check line cables. IDU 1. Corrective Action 1. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 2. 3. Reconnect line. Line is not properly connected. Check line cables. Line is not properly connected. Check external equipment. 1. Enable relevant port. Check external equipment. Check external equipment. 2022 Alarm Excessive BER on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Major 1. 4. 1. 2. 4. Check external equipment. Line is not properly connected. IDU IDU 1. 2. 2. 3. Check line cables. 2. External equipment is faulty. Defective TDM-LIC. Reconnect line. 2. Reconnect line. IDU Page 19 of 30 . Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 2. 1. 6. 3. 4. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 2. IDU 1. Reconnect line. External equipment is faulty. IDU Page 20 of 30 . Line is not properly connected. 2. Check external equipment. SFP is not properly installed. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 4. 2. External equipment is faulty. SFP is not properly installed. Install SFP properly. Reconnect line. 1. 5. 1. 2. Reconnect line. SFP is faulty. Check line cables. SFP is faulty.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1. Check line cables. Check external equipment. Check external equipment. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 2. SFP is not properly installed. 4. IDU 1. SFP is faulty. 2. 4. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 1. External equipment is faulty 1. 2025 Alarm Loss Of Signal (LOS) on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Critical 2026 Alarm SFP is muted on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Warning 2027 Alarm SFP absent on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Critical 2028 Alarm SFP failure on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Critical 2029 Alarm SFP transmit failure on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Critical 1. Alarm Signal Degrade on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Minor 2. 2030 IDU IDU Replace the card. 5. SFP is faulty. Install SFP properly. Line is not properly connected. 1. J0 misconfiguration. 1. Make sure expected and received J0 match. SFP is not properly installed. IDU Replace the card. Install SFP properly. 1. 3. Install SFP properly. 2031 Alarm J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Minor 2. Check line cables. Install SFP properly. SFP is not properly installed. Line is not properly connected. 4. IDU Replace the card. Check external equipment. 2.5 Minor 1. 2036 Alarm Payload Mismatch Path (PLM) received on TDMLIC VC12/VT1. Check line cables.5 Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential 1. 4. 2. IDU 1. Reconnect line. Check external equipment. Reconnect line. 2. Line is not properly connected. 2. IDU 1. Line is not properly connected. 4.5 Warning 1. 2. Line is not properly connected. Reconnect line. 3. 3. 4. Line is not properly connected. 4. 2034 Alarm Excessive BER on TDM-LIC VC12/VT1. External equipment is faulty. IDU Page 21 of 30 . 3. 2035 Alarm Loopback on TDM-LIC VC12/VT1. Line is not properly connected. 2033 Alarm Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) on TDM-LIC VC12/VT1. 2037 Alarm Remote Defect Indication (RDI) received on TDMMinor LIC VC12/VT1. External equipment is faulty. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. Check line cables. External equipment is faulty. 2. 3. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 3. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. Check external equipment. 4.5 Minor 1. External equipment is faulty.5 Minor 1. External equipment is faulty. 2. Check external equipment. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. Check external equipment. Check line cables. IDU 1. Reconnect line. 2. Reconnect line. Check line cables. 2.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity 2032 SSM pattern received on TDM-LIC STM1/OC3 port changed Warning Event Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products IDU 1. Check line cables. 2. IDU 1. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 4. Reconnect line. Check line cables. Line is not properly connected. Check external equipment. Line is not properly connected. 3.5 Minor 1. Reconnect line. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. External equipment is faulty. IDU The configuration between the TDM-LIC card protection members is not aligned Apply a copy-to-mate command to copy the configuration from the required TDM. 3. J2 misconfiguration. 5. External equipment is faulty.5 Alarms Severity Probable Cause 1. Check line cables. Check external equipment. Check line cables.IDU LIC to the other one TDM-LIC card protection group lockout command Minor is on The user has issued a lockout command Clear the lockout command IDU A member of TDM-LIC card protection group is missing TDM-LIC card is not installed in the shelf Install the missing TDM-LIC card IDU 2041 Alarm TDM-LIC card protection configuration mismatch 2042 Alarm 2043 Alarm Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Minor Page 22 of 30 . 2. 2039 Alarm Signal Degrade on TDM-LIC VC12/VT1. Corrective Action Supported Products 1. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 4. 2. 3. Check external equipment. Line is not properly connected. 2. 4. 3. 2.5 Minor 1. Minor 2. Make sure expected and receive J2 match. External equipment is faulty. IDU 1. Reconnect line.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type 2038 Alarm Description Signal Label Mismatch (SLM) received on TDMLIC VC12/VT1. IDU 1. 2. 2040 Alarm Unequipped on TDM-LIC VC12/VT1. A TDM-LIC card protection group member was disabled or pulled out of the shelf Supported Products IDU Check external equipment. Minor Remote Defect Indication on Line Interface (MSRDI/RDI-L) received.5 Minor 2046 Event Path protection switch on TDM service Minor 2047 Event Path protection revertive switch on TDM service Minor Alarm Loss of Signal on Line Interface (LOS) on STM1/OC-3 port. 3. IDU 1. 2. Check line cables. 3. Reconnect line. Check line cables. 2. Line is not properly connected. 2100 2101 2102 2103 Alarm Alarm Alarm Loss of Frame on Line Interface (LOF) on STM1/OC-3 port. priority Alarms Severity Warning Probable Cause Corrective Action 1. 2. 1. Line is not properly connected. External equipment is faulty. 1. 2. Check errors along primary path 2. Power cycle the TDM-LIC. 1. Reconnect line. External equipment is faulty. 2. - IDU IDU 1.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type 2044 Event Description TDM-LIC card protection switch over. 1. Failure along service primary path. Reconnect line. 3. LOS alarm on a STM1 interface of the TDM-LIC card protection group member. 2. Primary path has been operational for the duration of the defined WTR time 1. 2045 Alarm Loss Of Pointer (LOP) received on TDM-LIC VC12/VT1. Check line cables. Line is not properly connected. Check local service configuration. Critical Major Alarm Indication Signal on Line Interface (MSAIS/AIS-L) received. IDU 1. Line is not properly connected. Check external equipment. 2. 2. Check external equipment. Check line cables. User command. IDU 1. 4. 3. External equipment is faulty. Check external equipment. 2. Check line cables. Minor Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential 1. IDU IDU Page 23 of 30 . External equipment is faulty. 2. Check external equipment. 2. 1. Check external equipment. Reconnect line. External equipment is faulty. 2. 2. 1. IDU 2. Remove muting. SFP is faulty. Check link performance. 2113 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). Replace SFP or insert SFP if it is not inserted correctly. IDU 2108 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). 2111 Alarm SFP Transmit Failure on STM-1/OC-3 port. Check link performance. Check radio alarms for channel. PRBS insertion on STM-1/OC-3 card. Remote STM-1/OC-3 signal is missing (LOS/LOF/MS-AIS/AIS-L on remote STM1/OC-3 interface). Warning 1. Check configuration. Install SFP properly. Supported Products IDU Check remote equipment. SFP is faulty. Major 1. Alarms Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action 1. 2. Minor External equipment is faulty. All channels in Multi Carrier ABC group are down. 2. Replace the card. Critical 1. Minor Incorrect configuration on remote side. Reduced capacity. SFP is not properly installed. 2. IDU 2107 Alarm Loopback Warning Looping. Warning 2110 Alarm SFP absent on STM-1/OC-3 port. 3. MS-AIS/AIS-L on Radio Interface detected. Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential IDU Fading. Check radio alarms for channel. 2. 1. 1.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type 2104 2105 Alarm Alarm Description Loss of STM-1/OC-3 Frame on Radio Interface. Remove looping. 2. Warning SFP is muted by configuration. 2. 1. Critical Fading Check radio alarms for channel. 2. 2106 Alarm MS-RDI/RDI-L on Radio Interface detected. 1. Check remote equipment. Warning 1. Remove PRBS insertion. 2112 Alarm SFP is muted on STM-1/OC-3 port. Check link performance. IDU IDU IDU IDU Page 24 of 30 . IDU STM-1/OC-3 Channel removed due to reduced radio capacity on remote side. Replace the card. 2109 Alarm PBRS insertion. 1. Reduced capacity. Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. 1. Fading. Warning 2117 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). 2. IDU Page 25 of 30 . Reduced capacity. Reduced capacity. 1. 2. 2. 1. Warning Probable Cause Corrective Action 1. 2. 1.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity 2114 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). Replace RMC. Fading. 1. IDU Check radio alarms for channel. 3. 1. Reduced capacity. 2. Fading. 2. 2203 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. Check link performance on all radio channels in Multi Carrier ABC group. Warning 2115 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). 1. IDU Check radio alarms for channel. Fading. 2. 3. Warning 2116 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). Check configuration of Multi Carrier ABC group. Fading. 2. Check link performance. Check link performance. Supported Products IDU Check radio alarms for channel. Check link performance. 2. Replace chassis. Check link performance. IDU Check radio alarms for channel. IDU Check radio alarms for channel. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2200 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC LOF. Check radio alarms for channels in Multi Carrier ABC group. Reduced capacity. Warning 2119 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). Reduced capacity. Warning 2118 Alarm STM-1/OC-3 Channel Removed alarm (due to reduced radio capacity). Check link performance. Critical All channels in Multi Carrier ABC group are down. 1. IDU 1. IDU Check radio alarms for channel. Reduced capacity. Fading. Check link performance. Replace TCC. 1. 2208 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 7. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. 2. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. IDU 1. Replace TCC. 3. Replace TCC. Replace TCC. IDU 1. Replace RMC. 2205 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 4. 2. 2. 2210 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 9. Replace chassis. IDU Page 26 of 30 . 3. 2. IDU 1.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1. 2209 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 8. 2. Replace RMC. IDU 1. Replace chassis. Replace RMC. 3. Replace RMC. Replace chassis. 3. Replace TCC. Replace RMC. 3. Replace TCC. Replace chassis. Replace chassis. 3. 3. Replace RMC. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. 2206 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 5. 2. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. 2204 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 3. IDU 1. 2. IDU 1. Replace RMC. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. Replace TCC. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. Replace chassis. 2207 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 6. Replace TCC. Replace chassis. Warning Configuration failure. Warning Configuration failure. Replace RMC. Replace chassis. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. 2211 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 10. IDU 2221 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch3.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1. Replace RMC. Warning Configuration failure. IDU 2224 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch6. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. IDU 2226 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch8. IDU 2219 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch1. 3. IDU 2220 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch2. IDU 2223 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch5. Replace TCC. Warning Configuration failure. 2212 Alarm LVDS RX Error Slot 12. IDU 2225 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch7. Warning Configuration failure. Warning Configuration failure. IDU 2222 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Mismatch Ch4. 2. Replace chassis. IDU Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Page 27 of 30 . Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. 3. IDU 1. Warning Configuration failure. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. Replace TCC. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. Warning Configuration failure. 2. Compare Channel ID configuration with remote side. Major Hardware failure between RMC and TCC cards. IDU 2238 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch4. Enable admin state for channel. IDU Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch5. Enable admin state for channel. Enable admin state for channel. Wait until the reset cycle is ended and the system is up and running. IDU 3000 Event Chassis was reset Warning User issued a command to reset the chassis. Enable admin state for channel. IDU Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch7. Warning Admin state for channel is down. Warning Admin state for channel is down. IDU 5000 Event User blocked due to consecutive failure login Indeterminate User blocked due to consecutive failure login The user should wait few minutes until it account will be unblock All 5001 Alarm ERPI is either in protection state or forced protection state Minor Either user "force switch" command or one of the Either clear force command or recover ring links has failed the link All 5002 Alarm More than a single RPL is configured in a ring Warning User configuration All 2239 2240 2241 2242 Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Reconfigure the RPL Page 28 of 30 . Enable admin state for channel. Warning Admin state for channel is down. IDU 2237 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch3. Warning Admin state for channel is down. Enable admin state for channel. Warning Admin state for channel is down. IDU Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch8. IDU Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch6. Enable admin state for channel. Warning Admin state for channel is down. Warning Admin state for channel is down. Warning Admin state for channel is down. IDU 2236 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch2.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 2235 Alarm Multi Carrier ABC Channel Id Manual Disabled Ch1. Enable admin state for channel. Page 29 of 30 . 2. 2. Make sure all cables between master and slave are connected (MIMO 4x4 only). Insufficient conditions for MIMO.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarms Alarm ID Type Description Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 5003 Event LLDP topology change Warning New neighbor None All 5004 Event Security log upload started Indeterminate Security log upload started All 5005 Event Security log upload failed Indeterminate Security log upload failed All 5006 Event Security log upload succeeded Indeterminate Security log upload succeeded All 5010 Alarm System is in sync force mode state Warning All 5011 Event The sync-source quality level was changed Major All 5012 Alarm System Synchronization Reference in Holdover Mode Critical All 5013 Event The system's reference-quality changed Major All 5014 Alarm The pipe interface clock-source in signal-interface Major table is not system-clock All 5015 Alarm The pipe is missing an edge interface Major All 5016 Alarm Pipe interface operational state is down Major All 5017 Alarm Pipe is invalid Major All 5020 Alarm T3 interface at loopback mode Warning IDU 5021 Alarm T4 interface at loopback mode Warning IDU 31000 Alarm Insufficient conditions for MIMO Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Critical 1. Hardware failure. IP-20C Replace faulty units and check that cables are plugged. 1. script to all MIMO carriers. Not all MIMO carriers are set to same radio 1. MIMO operation. IP-20C Page 30 of 30 . 2. Radio TX and RX frequency is not identical on all MIMO carriers. 3. 3. Make sure both RFUs are compatible for IP-20C RFUs with MIMO bus interface (MIMO 4x4). 4. Multi radio and ATPC on all MIMO carriers. Unsuitable hardware for MIMO operation requirements. XPIC or Multi radio or ATPC features are enabled.FibeAir® IP-20 Series Alarm ID Type Description Alarms Severity Probable Cause Corrective Action Supported Products 1. 1. Set same TX and RX frequency on all MIMO carriers. 31003 Alarm Unsuitable hardware for MIMO Critical 2. Dual carrier RFUs (MIMO 2x2 and 4x4). Load same MIMO compatible radio script or script is not compatible for MIMO. 3. Disable XPIC. Clock source sharing capability (MIMO 4x4). 31004 Alarm Unsuitable software configuration for MIMO Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential Critical 2.
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