FHPP Positioning Library TIA

May 26, 2018 | Author: Martin Guzman | Category: Input/Output, Subroutine, Parameter (Computer Programming), Data Type, Documentation



The FHPP Positioning Library TIATable of Contents 1 The FHPP Positioning Library TIA .................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Designated use ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Target group ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Service 1 1.4 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.5 Important user information ........................................................................................................... 2 1.5.2 Danger categories .......................................................................................................... 2 1.6 Marking special information ......................................................................................................... 2 1.6.2 Pictograms ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.6.3 Text markings ................................................................................................................. 2 1.6.4 Further conventions ....................................................................................................... 2 1.7 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.7.2 Architecture .................................................................................................................... 3 1.8 General information on Festo motor controllers ........................................................................... 5 1.8.2 Documentation on Festo motor controllers .................................................................... 5 1.9 Festo Handling and Positioning Profile (FHPP) ........................................................................... 6 1.10 Function blocks for Festo motor controllers ................................................................................. 7 1.11 Configuration................................................................................................................................ 8 1.11.2 Installing the GSD/GSDML files in the TIA portal ........................................................... 8 1.11.3 Adding a PROFIBUS drive under Devices & networks .................................................. 8 1.11.4 Adding a PROFINET drive under Devices & networks................................................. 10 1.12 Control function blocks ............................................................................................................... 11 1.12.2 Copy FHPP Positioning Library TIA blocks from library ............................................... 11 1.12.3 Inputs and outputs........................................................................................................ 12 1.12.4 Linking the function blocks ........................................................................................... 19 1.13 Organisation function blocks ...................................................................................................... 20 1.13.2 Inputs and outputs........................................................................................................ 20 1.14 Parameterisation function blocks ............................................................................................... 21 1.14.2 xxx_PRM_SINGLE ...................................................................................................... 21 1.14.3 xxx_PRM_MULTI / xxx_PRM_MULTI_300_400........................................................... 23 1.14.4 xxx_PRM_DIAG ........................................................................................................... 25 1.14.5 xxx_PRM_DIRMP ........................................................................................................ 27 1.14.6 xxx_PRM_KO .............................................................................................................. 29 1.14.7 xxx_CAM_PRM_CAMNUMBER .................................................................................. 30 1.14.8 xxx_FHPP_PLUS ......................................................................................................... 31 1.15 Examples ................................................................................................................................... 34 1.15.2 Actuating a Festo motor controller ............................................................................... 34 1.15.3 Parameterising a Festo motor controller ...................................................................... 37 2 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................ 39 3 Index .................................................................................................................................................. 41 ii 1 The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.1 Designated use The function blocks (FB) described are designed for controlling and parameterising the associated device. You can use them to conveniently integrate the many functions of the relevant device into your program. The function blocks are called cyclically using a separate instance for each motor unit or motor controller (each axis) integrated into the user program. Simultaneous use of other function blocks for controlling the same device is not permitted. Read the "Safety instructions" and instructions on the designated use of the relevant devices, components and modules. If additional commercially available components such as sensors and actuators are connected, the specified limits for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques, etc. must not be exceeded. 1.2 Target group This manual is intended exclusively for technicians trained in control and automation technology, who have experience in installing, commissioning, programming and diagnosing positioning systems and the relevant fieldbuses. 1.3 Service Please contact your local Festo service centre or write to the following e-mail address if you have any technical problems: – [email protected] 1.4 Safety instructions When commissioning and programming positioning systems, you must observe the safety regulations in the manuals and operating instructions for the components used. The user must make sure that there is nobody within the positioning range of the connected actuators or axis systems. Access to the possible danger area must be prevented by suitable measures such as barriers and warning signs. Warning Electrical axes can move with high force and at high speed. Collisions can lead to serious injury to people and damage to components.  Make sure that nobody can place their hand in the positioning range of the axes or other connected actuators and that there are no objects in the positioning path while the system is still connected to a power supply. Warning Parameterisation errors can cause injury to people and damage to property.  Only enable the controller if the axis system has been installed and parameterised by technically qualified staff. 1 The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.5 Important user information 1.5.2 Danger categories This document contains information on possible dangers that can occur if the product is not used as designated. These danger warnings are marked with a signal word (warning, caution, etc.), placed on a grey background and additionally marked with a pictogram. A distinction is made between the following danger warnings: Warning ... means that serious injury to people and damage to property can occur if this warning is not heeded. Caution ... means that injury to people and damage to property can occur if this warning is not heeded. Note ... means that damage to property can occur if this warning is not heeded. 1.6 Marking special information You can find information on how danger warnings are represented under "Important user information". 1.6.2 Pictograms The following pictograms mark passages in the text that contain special information. Information: Recommendations, tips and references to other sources of information. Accessory: Information on necessary or useful accessories for the Festo product. Environment: Information on the environmentally friendly use of Festo products. 1.6.3 Text markings 1. Figures denote activities that must be carried out in the order specified.  Bullets denote activities that may be carried out in any desired order. – White dots denote general listings. 1.6.4 Further conventions [Project] [New] Menu items are framed in square brackets, for example the [New …] command in the [Project] menu opens a new project. OK The names of windows, dialogues and buttons, for example "Message window", "Extract project", "OK" as well as designations are displayed in inverted commas. CTRL Names of keys on the PC keyboard are shown in upper case letters in the text (e.g. ENTER, CTRL, C, F1, etc.). CTRL+C For some functions you need to press two keys simultaneously. For example, press and hold down the CTRL key and also press the C key. This is represented in the text as CTRL+C. If "click" or "double-click" is mentioned, this always applies to the left-hand mouse button. If the right-hand mouse button is to be used, this will be explicitly mentioned. 2 .7 Overview The FHPP Positioning Library TIA is a library for Siemens STEP 7 TIA portal... – CMMP-AS-.. – CMMS-ST-. This library can be used to actuate the following Festo motor controllers (drive controllers): – CMMD-AS-.. CMMS_AS_CTRL (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_INIT (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_SINGLE (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_MULTI (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_DIRMP (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_DIAG (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_KO (FB) CMMP-AS-.. – All function blocks that access I/O data directly to control a motor controller require the first address of the output data and the first address of the input data as an input/output variable... – SFC-DC-.2 Architecture Each motor controller is integrated into the STEP 7 project using a controller-specific hardware configuration. A function block used for control purposes cannot be used for two motor controllers. – SFC-LAC-. – CMMS-AS-. CMMP_AS_(CAM_)CTRL (FB) CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_INIT (FB) (CAM_) with cam CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_SINGLE (FB) license CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_MULTI (FB) CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_DIRMP (FB) CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_DIAG (FB) CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_KO (FB) CMMP_AS_(CAM_)PRM_PLUS (FB) CMMP_AS_CAM_PRM_CAMNUMBER (FB) 3 .. – All function blocks that access I/O data directly to parameterise a motor controller require the first address of the Festo Parameter Channel (FPC) output data and the first FPC address of the input data as an input/output variable. – SFC-LACI-. The library contains function blocks for controlling and parameterising the individual drives. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.. 1. Refer to the relevant motor controller documentation for information on operating and setting up the motor controller types in question. A separate instance of the function block must be generated for each motor controller.. Motor units/motor Control function block Parameterisation function block controllers CMMD-AS-. – MTR-DCI-...7....... Communication is established via a fieldbus and one of the following communication protocols: – PROFIBUS – ProfiNet The Festo motor controllers are actuated using the Festo Handling and Positioning Profile (FHPP).. . CMMS_ST_CTRL (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_INIT (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_SINGLE (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_MULTI (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_DIRMP (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_DIAG (FB) CMMS_ST_PRM_KO (FB) MTR-DCI-. SFC_LAC_CTRL (FB) SFC_LAC_PRM_INIT (FB) SFC_LAC_PRM_SINGLE (FB) SFC_LAC_PRM_MULTI (FB) SFC_LAC_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) SFC_LAC_PRM_DIAG (FB) SFC_LAC_PRM_DIRMP (FB) SFC-LACI-. CMMS_AS_CTRL (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_INIT (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_SINGLE (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_MULTI (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_DIRMP (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_DIAG (FB) CMMS_AS_PRM_KO (FB) CMMS-ST-. SFC_LACI_CTRL (FB) SFC_LACI_PRM_INIT (FB) SFC_LACI_PRM_SINGLE (FB) SFC_LACI_PRM_MULTI (FB) SFC_LACI_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) SFC_LACI_PRM_DIAG (FB) SFC_LACI_PRM_DIRMP (FB) 4 . MTR_DCI_CTRL (FB) MTR_DCI_PRM_INIT (FB) MTR_DCI_PRM_SINGLE (FB) MTR_DCI_PRM_MULTI (FB) MTR_DCI_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) MTR_DCI_PRM_DIAG (FB) SFC-DC-....... SFC_DC_CTRL (FB) SFC_DC_PRM_INIT (FB) SFC_DC_PRM_SINGLE (FB) SFC_DC_PRM_MULTI (FB) SFC_DC_PRM_MULTI_300_400 (FB) SFC_DC_PRM_DIAG (FB) SFC-LAC-.....The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Motor units/motor Control function block Parameterisation function block controllers CMMS-AS-.. Help system for the Festo Configuration Functional descriptions for the Festo Configuration Tool Tool (contained in FCT software) configuration software.8 General information on Festo motor controllers The following sections contain information on the function blocks for Festo motor controllers.2 Documentation on Festo motor controllers Documentation Contents Brief description and manuals on CD. Note  Always read the information and safety instructions contained in this documentation. Manuals Installation. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.8. Operating instructions for accessories Assembly and commissioning of the electric mini slide SLTE as an actuator. 5 . Brief description: Important instructions on commissioning ROM (see catalogue) and preliminary information. The following additional manuals are required for a complete understanding: 1. Manuals: Contents as described below. commissioning and diagnosis of electric axes with the relevant Festo motor controller. 6 .9 Festo Handling and Positioning Profile (FHPP) Festo has developed an optimised data profile especially tailored to the target applications for handling and positioning tasks. – I/O data structure. Figure: The FHPP principle Control and status data (FHPP Standard) Communication via the field bus takes place via 8 bytes of control and status data. further PNUs that can be configured by the user via the cyclic telegram can be transmitted via the configurable I/O extension FHPP+. Parameter channel The controller can access all parameter values of the controller via the field bus by means of the parameter channel. A further 8 bytes of I/O data are used for this purpose. – sequence control. Functions and status messages required during operation can be written to and read directly. the "Festo Handling and Positioning Profile (FHPP)". – parameter objects. The FHPP enables uniform control and programming for the various fieldbus systems and controllers from Festo. Parameterisation (FHPP+) In addition to the control and status bytes and the optional parameter channel (FPC). It does this by making the following largely uniform definitions for the user: – Operating modes.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. followed by the function of the relevant block. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. – The blocks belonging to the CMMS-AS can be used for the motor controller CMMD-AS.g. 7 . e.g. e. CTRL for control function block. The library FHPP Positioning Library TIA provides the following function blocks (FB): – Control FBs for controlling the relevant Festo motor controller – Organisation FBs for parameterising the relevant Festo motor controllers – Parameter FBs for transferring defined parameters to the relevant Festo motor controller Function block Explanation xxx_CTRL Function block for controlling the motor controller xxx_PRM_INIT Organisation function block for parameterising the motor controller xxx_ PRM_SINGLE Transfers individual parameters xxx_ PRM_MULTI_300_400 Transfers a parameter list (parameter array) for use in S7-300/400 controllers xxx_ PRM_MULTI Transfers a parameter list (parameter array) for use in S7-1200 controllers xxx_ PRM_DIAG Reads out the diagnostic memory xxx_ PRM_DIRMP Transfers the parameters for direct mode position control xxx_ PRM_KO Transfers communication objects Notes – The function blocks can vary depending on the drive. CMMP-AS.10 Function blocks for Festo motor controllers The names of function blocks for Festo motor controllers start with the designation of the motor controller. 11. 5. 4. 1. The list of possible protocols is opened by opening the device view. To install GSD / GSDML files go to the TIA Portal project view. The installation process is the same for the GSD and the GSDML file.3 Adding a PROFIBUS drive under Devices & networks 1. Select "Options" > "Install device description files (GSD)". The drive you want can be dragged and dropped into the Network view window. but can also be changed manually. You will find all installed drives in the hardware catalogue under "Other field devices"> "PROFIBUS DP"> "Drives"> "Festo AG & Co. Select the Profibus interface of the CPU and drag the connection to the port of the Festo drive. It will be shown. 6. Click the "Browse" button right of the source path and select the folder in which the GSD / GSDML files were stored. Drag the protocol you want into the list. Select the desired GSD / GSDML file(s).11 Configuration 1. where a placement is possible.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. 1.11. Open the view Devices & networks in the project view under project navigation. 2.2 Installing the GSD/GSDML files in the TIA portal Before the library can be used. Next you need to select the protocol you want. the GSD/GSDML files for the respective drive must be installed. 4. The network connection is made by dragging with the mouse. KG". 2. Click "Install" to start the installation process for the selected files. 3. 8 . Addressing takes place automatically. 3. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 9 . 3. KG".4 Adding a PROFINET drive under Devices & networks 1. The drive you want can be dragged and dropped into the Network view window. Addressing takes place automatically. 4. Open the view Devices & networks in the project view under project navigation. You will find all installed drives in the hardware catalogue under "Other field devices"> "PROFINET IO"> "Drives"> "Festo AG & Co. where a placement is possible. Select the Profinet interface of the CPU and drag the connection to the port of the Festo drive. The list of possible protocols is opened by opening the device view. The network connection is made by dragging with the mouse. 5.11. 10 . It will be shown. 6. Drag the protocol you want into the list. 2. Next you need to select the protocol you want.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. but can also be changed manually. 4. Use the Open global libraries button for file selection. drag & drop the blocks you need for your project in the project window to the folder program blocks 11 . 2. Open the task card Libraries in the project view. 3.12 Control function blocks 1.12. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.2 Copy FHPP Positioning Library TIA blocks from library 1. In the window Open global library select your location for the FHPP Positioning Library TIA. From the open library FHPP Positioning Library TIA. – Type: Data type expected by the relevant input or issued at an output. 1 = TRUE). – With S7-1200 the hardware ID (HW ID) as I/O addresses has to be transferred to the FHPP function block. The drive stops with maximum braking ramp. = 0: Stop active (discard emergency ramp + positioning task). starting address of the input and the output addresses assigned in the device view has to be transferred to the FHPP function block. – With S7-300/400. Refer to the relevant motor controller documentation ( section "Limited selection") for information on which motor controller supports which control modes. ResetFault BOOL Reset fault A fault is acknowledged with a rising edge and the fault value is deleted.12. – Description: Name and brief description of the STEP 7 function block (0 = FALSE. The following table contains all the inputs and outputs that a FHPP function block can potentially provide for controlling a motor controller. the positioning task is reset. it has control of the brake control system. The actual number depends on which control modes are supported by the motor controller. Brake BOOL Release brake = 1: Release brake = 0: Engage brake Note: Releasing the brake is only possible if the controller is blocked. it cannot assume control of the device (HMI control). As soon as the controller is enabled. Key: – Input/output: Designation of an input or output from the STEP 7 function block . = 1: The FCT software can only monitor the controller. OPM INT FHPP operating mode + control mode = 0: Record selection = 1: Direct mode position control = 5: Direct mode force control = 9: CMMx: Direct mode velocity control = 13: Reserved = 17: SFC-LAXx: Track mode 12 . HMIAccessLocked BOOL Software access blocked Controls access to the local (integrated) diagnostic interface of the controller. The HW-ID is assigned automatically when inserting components in the device or network view and entered into the constant table of the PLC variables.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1...3 Inputs and outputs Note – With the controllers S7-300/400 and S7-1200 the hardware addressing of the motor controllers is done differently._CTRL. Input Type Description PosFactorNum DINT Numerator value for converting from position to increments PosFactorDenum DINT Denominator value for converting from position to increments AxisType INT Connected axis type EnableDrive BOOL Enable drive = 1: Enable drive = 0: Drive blocked Stop BOOL Stop = 1: Enable operation. = 0: The FCT software can assume control of the device (to change parameters or control inputs). position. StartHoming BOOL Start homing A rising edge starts homing with the preset parameters.e. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input Type Description Halt BOOL Halt = 1: Halt is not active = 0: Halt activated (do not discard braking ramp + positioning task). see JoggingPos. slave with physical master) = 3: Synchronisation to virtual master with cam disc function FuncGroup INT Cam disc group = 0: Synchronisation with/without cam disc = 1: Reserved = 2: Reserved = 3: Reserved SetValuePosition DINT Position Position in the position unit 13 . Actual values can be e. The axis stops with a defined braking ramp.g. ClearRemPos BOOL Delete remaining distance In the "Halt" state. JogNeg BOOL Jog negative The drive moves at the specified speed or rotational speed in the direction of smaller actual values. FuncNumber INT Cam disc function = 0: Reserved = 1: Synchronisation to external input = 2: Synchronisation to external input with cam disc function (i. pressure or torque. AbsRel BOOL Absolute/relative = 0: Setpoint value is absolute = 1: Setpoint value is relative to last setpoint value FuncSet BOOL Cam disc = 0: Cam disc not active = 1: Cam disc active DeactivateStrokeLimit BOOL Force limit value not active (with force control only) = 0: Force monitoring active = 1: Force monitoring not active RecordNo INT Record number Preselection of record number for record selection. TeachActValue BOOL Teach value With a falling edge. providing the bit is set.g. StartTask BOOL Start positioning job A rising edge transfers the current nominal data and starts a positioning process (also e. JogPos BOOL Jog positive The drive moves at the specified speed or rotational speed in the direction of larger actual values. The movement begins with the rising edge and ends with the falling edge. a rising edge causes the positioning task to be deleted and a transition to the "Ready" state. the current actual value is transferred to the setpoint value register of the currently addressed positioning record. record 0 = homing). the positioning task remains active (the remaining distance can be deleted with ClearRemainingPosition). SupplyVoltPresent BOOL Load voltage present = 0: No load voltage = 1: Load voltage present ControlFCT_HMI BOOL Device control software = 0: Device control free (e. PLC/fieldbus) = 1: Device controlled by software (PLC control is locked) 14 . Fault code in the diagnostic memory.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input Type Description SetValueForceRamp INT Force ramp Value of the force ramp in % of the nominal value or maximum value SetValueVelocity INT Speed Speed in % of the maximum speed SetValueForce DINT Force Force in % of the maximum force SetValueRotRamp INT Speed ramp Speed ramp in % of the maximum ramp SetValueRotSpeed DINT Speed Speed in speed unit S7-300/400 Input/output Type Description I_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP input data First address of the input data (output data of the motor controller) O_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP output data First address of the output data (input data of the motor controller) S7-1200 Input/output Type Description I_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP input data Hardware ID (HW-ID) from the constant table of the PLC variables (output data of the motor controller) O_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP output data Hardware ID (HW-ID) from the constant table of the PLC variables (input data of the motor controller) Output Type Description DriveEnabled BOOL Controller enabled = 0: Drive blocked.g. controller not active = 1: Drive (controller) enabled Ready BOOL Operation enabled = 0: Stop active = 1: Operation enabled. positioning possible Warning BOOL Warning = 0: Warning not present = 1: Warning present Fault BOOL Fault = 0: No fault = 1: Fault present or fault reaction active. valid as soon as MC is available = 0: Record linking terminated. AckTeach BOOL Acknowledge teach = 0: Ready for teaching = 1: Teaching carried out. jogging) = 1: Start executed (homing. homing must not be carried out RC1 BOOL 1st record continuation carried out = 0: A continuation condition has not been configured or not achieved = 1: The first continuation condition has been achieved RCC BOOL Record continuation complete . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Output Type Description StateOPM INT Acknowledge FHPP operating mode + control mode = 0: Record selection = 1: Direct mode position control = 5: Direct mode force control = 9: CMMx: Direct mode velocity control = 13: Reserved = 17: SFC-LACx: Track mode HaltNotActive BOOL Halt = 0: Halt is active = 1: Halt is not active. axis can be moved AckStart BOOL Acknowledge start = 0: Ready for start (homing. actual value has been adopted DriveMoving BOOL Axis is moving = 0: Axis speed < limit value = 1: Axis speed >= limit value DragError BOOL Drag error = 0: No following error = 1: Following error active StandStillControl BOOL Standstill monitoring = 0: Axis remains in tolerance window after MC = 1: Axis left tolerance window after MC DriveReferenced BOOL Drive homed = 0: Homing must be carried out = 1: Homing information exists. At least one continuation condition has not been achieved = 1: Record sequence has been processed to the end. if applicable with fault Note: MC is set after device is switched on (state "Drive blocked"). jogging) MC BOOL Motion Complete = 0: Positioning task active = 1: Positioning task completed. FuncActive BOOL Cam disc active = 0: Cam disc not active = 1: Cam disc active VelocityLimitReached BOOL Speed limit value reached (with force control only) = 1: Speed limit value reached = 0: Speed limit value not reached StrokeLimitReached BOOL Force limit value reached (with force control only) = 0: Force monitoring achieved = 1: Force monitoring not achieved ActualRecordNo INT Record number Acknowledgement of record number for record selection 15 . slave with physical master) = 3: Synchronisation to virtual master with cam disc function ActualFuncGroup INT Acknowledgement of cam disc group = 0: Synchronisation with/without cam disc = 1: Reserved = 2: Reserved = 3: Reserved ActualPosition DINT Position Feedback on the position in position unit ActualVelocity INT Speed Acknowledgement of speed in % of the maximum speed ActualForce INT Force Acknowledgement of force in % of the maximum force ActualRotRamp INT Speed ramp Acknowledgement of speed ramp in % of the maximum ramp ActualRotSpeed DINT Speed Acknowledgement of speed in speed unit Limited selection The following table contains a list of the inputs and outputs that are only supported by certain Festo motor controllers and if applicable only for specific operating modes. Input/output Type Motor controller Operating mode OPM INT CMMD_AS Record selection StateOPM CMMP_AS Direct mode position control CMMS_AS Direct mode force control CMMS_ST Direct mode velocity control SFC-LACx: Record selection Direct mode position control Direct mode force control Track mode PosFactorNum DINT MTR_DCI All operating modes SFC_DC PosFactorDenum DINT MTR_DCI All operating modes SFC_DC AxisType INT SFC_LACI All operating modes Brake BOOL CMMD_AS All operating modes CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST SFC_LACI StartHoming BOOL All Set selection Direct mode position control 16 .The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Output Type Description ActualFuncNumber INT Acknowledgement of cam disc function = 0: Reserved = 1: Synchronisation to external input = 2: Synchronisation to external input with cam disc function (i.e. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input/output Type Motor controller Operating mode TeachActValue BOOL All Set selection AbsRel BOOL All Direct mode position control FuncSet BOOL CMMP_AS_CAM Direct mode position control DeactivateStrokeLimit BOOL MTR_DCI Direct mode force control SFC_DC SFC_LAC SFC_LACI RecordNo SINT All Set selection FuncNumber INT CMMP_AS_CAM Direct mode position control FuncGroup INT CMMP_AS_CAM Direct mode position control SetValuePosition DINT All Direct mode position control SetValueForceRamp INT CMMP_AS Direct mode force control SetValueVelocity INT All Direct mode position control SetValueForce DINT All Direct mode force control SetValueRotRamp INT CMMD_AS Direct mode velocity control CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST SetValueRotSpeed DINT CMMD_AS Direct mode velocity control CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST AckTeach BOOL All Set selection DriveReferenced BOOL All Set selection Direct mode position control RC1 BOOL CMMD_AS Set selection CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST SFC_LAC SFC_LACI RCC BOOL CMMD_AS Set selection CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST SFC_LAC SFC_LACI FuncActive BOOL CMMP_AS_CAM Direct mode position control VelocityLimitReached BOOL MTR_DCI Direct mode force control SFC_DC SFC_LAC SFC_LACI StrokeLimitReached BOOL MTR_DCI Direct mode force control SFC_DC SFC_LAC SFC_LACI ActualRecordNo INT All Set selection 17 . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input/output Type Motor controller Operating mode ActualFuncNumber INT CMMP_AS_CAM Direct mode position control ActualFuncGroup INT CMMP_AS_CAM Direct mode position control ActualPosition DINT All Direct mode position control ActualVelocity INT All Direct mode position control ActualForce INT All Direct mode force control ActualRotRamp INT CMMD_AS Direct mode velocity control CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST ActualRotSpeed DINT CMMD_AS Direct mode velocity control CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST 18 . This "transfer" function block supplies all parameterisation function blocks needed in the project with data. the respective fieldbus data must be transferred to the function block. To parameterise a motor controller. FPC_Out) is offset by 8 bytes behind the FHPP Standard data. S7-300/400 S7-1200 The Festo Parameter Channel input and output data (FPC_In.12.4 Linking the function blocks To actuate a Festo motor controller. 19 . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. a further eight bytes (the Festo Parameter Channel data (FPC data)) are transferred to a special function block. The following screenshots show an example of a device configuration with a CMMP-AS. . Key: – Input/output: Designation of an input or output from the STEP 7 function block ..._PRM_.13 Organisation function blocks 1..The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.13. Data is exchanged via the Festo Parameter Channel (FPC).. – Type: Data type expected by the relevant input or issued at an output._PRM_INIT. – Description: Name and brief description of the STEP 7 function block (0 = FALSE. S7-300/400 Input/output Type Description I_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP FPC input data First address of the CAN input data of the FPC (output data of the motor controller) O_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP FPC output data First address of the CAN output data of the FPC (input data of the motor controller) S7-1200 Input/output Type Description I_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP input data Hardware ID (HW-ID) from the constant table of the PLC variables (output data of the motor controller) O_ADDRESS VAR_IN_OUT FHPP output data Hardware ID (HW-ID) from the constant table of the PLC variables (input data of the motor controller) Input/output Type Description DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure of data type FHPP_PRM_REF Contents of the data structure are identical to the I/O data of the FPC 20 . 1 = TRUE)._PRM_INIT organisation function block.2 Inputs and outputs When parameterisation function blocks are used.. type …_PRM_INIT function blocks control access to the I/O data... The following table contains a list of the outputs and inputs of an organisation function block. parameterisation function blocks always require an instance of the .. 14 Parameterisation function blocks 1. Input/output Type Description Execute BOOL Start transfer 0->1: A rising edge starts transfer of a parameter Write BOOL Read/write = 0: Read parameters = 1: Write parameters Prerequisite: UpperLimit = 0. LowerLimit = 0 UpperLimit BOOL Read upper limit value = 1: Read upper limit value Prerequisite: Write = 0. UpperLimit = 0._PRM_INIT 21 .2 xxx_PRM_SINGLE The xxx_PRM_SINGLE function block transfers an individual parameter to the relevant drive controller. PNU WORD Number of the corresponding parameter Subindex BYTE Subindex of the corresponding parameter DatatypeWR INT Data type of the parameter to be written = 1: Byte = 2: Word = 4: Double word ParamValueWR DINT Parameter value when writing a parameter DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure Data structure provided by FB . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. LowerLimit = 0 LowerLimit BOOL Read lower limit value = 1: Read lower limit value Prerequisite: Write = 0. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_SINGLE Inputs and outputs The following table contains a list of inputs and outputs that the function block xxx_PRM_SINGLE has to parameterise a motor controller.14... _PRM_SINGLE depending on the type of the motor controller. Limited selection of inputs and outputs The following inputs and outputs are only supported by certain Festo motor controllers.. Input/output Type Motor controller UpperLimit BOOL CMMD_AS LowerLimit BOOL CMMP_AS CMMS_AS CMMS_ST DatatypeWR INT MTR_DCI SFC_DC DatatypeRD INT SFC_LAC SFC_LACI The position factor must be taken into consideration when using the following inputs and outputs with the specified motor controllers. Input/output Type Motor controller ParamValueWR DINT MTR_DCI SFC_DC ParamValueRD DINT SFC_LAC SFC_LACI 22 . – Description: Name and brief description of the STEP 7 function block (0 = FALSE.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input/output Type Description Done BOOL Transfer status = 0: Transfer has not been initiated = 1: Transfer has been initiated Err BOOL Error = 0: No error during parameter transfer = 1: Error during parameter transfer ErrID DWORD Error number ActPNU WORD Current number of the corresponding parameter ActSubindex BYTE Current subindex of the corresponding parameter DatatypeRD INT Data type of the read parameter = 1: Byte = 2: Word = 4: Double word ParamValueRD DINT Parameter value when reading a parameter RETVAL INT Current status of the FB instance When using several instances of the FB. All other inputs and outputs are present in all STEP 7 function blocks . the current internal status of the respective FB is output. – Type: Data type expected by the relevant input or issued at an output. inputs and outputs Key: – Input/output: Designation of an input or output from the STEP 7 function block. 1 = TRUE). Table: xxx_PRM_SINGLE.. . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. Input/output Type Description Execute BOOL Start transfer 0->1: A rising edge starts transfer of a parameter DB_NO (S7.14. INT Number of the data block containing the multi parameters 1200) DB_NO (S7. ParamNr INT Number of the parameter currently being transferred Err BOOL Error = 0: No error during parameter transfer = 1: Error during parameter transfer 23 . BLOCK_DB Data block (DBx) containing the multi parameters 300/400) DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure Data structure provided by FB ._PRM_INIT Done BOOL Transfer status = 0: Transfer has not been initiated = 1: Transfer has been initiated The result of the read operation is available in the parameter field array in Value.3 xxx_PRM_MULTI / xxx_PRM_MULTI_300_400 The xxx_PRM_MULTI function block transfers a list of parameters to the relevant motor controller.. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_MULTI for S7-1200 Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_MULTI for S7-300/400 Inputs and outputs The following table contains a list of inputs and outputs that the function block xxx_PRM_MULTI has to parameterise a motor controller. Composition of the structure (PLC data types) DT_FHPP_PRM_DESCRIPTION 24 . Figure: Sample data block for multi parameter containing five parameters.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input/output Type Description ErrID DWORD Error number RETVAL INT Current status of the FB instance When using several instances of the FB. This DB must be transferred to the function block (top as example DB102). the current internal status of the respective FB is output. .14.4 xxx_PRM_DIAG The xxx_PRM_DIAG function block reads the error memory or if applicable the warning memory of the relevant motor controller.. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_DIAG Inputs and outputs The following table contains a list of inputs and outputs that the function block xxx_PRM_DIAG has to parameterise a motor controller.. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1._PRM_INIT Done BOOL Transfer status = 0: Transfer has not been initiated = 1: Transfer has been initiated ParamNr INT Parameter number of the error memory Number of the parameter currently being transferred ReadLatest: ParamNr = 1 ReadAll: ParamNr of the error memory currently being processed Err BOOL Error = 0: No error during parameter transfer = 1: Error during parameter transfer ErrID DWORD Error number DiagBuff ARRAY [1. Input/output Type Description ReadLatest BOOL Read the most recent entry 0->1: A rising edge reads out the most recent message ReadAll BOOL Read all entries 0->1: A rising edge reads out all messages Warning BOOL Switch between warnings = 0: Read errors = 1: Read warnings DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure Data structure provided by FB . 25 . The completeness of the entries and number of parameters depend on the relevant device.n] OF Diagnostic buffer FHPP_PRM_DIAGMESSAGE The read messages are stored in the diagnostic buffer (array). 26 . The size of the diagnostic buffer is also dependent on the relevant motor controller. All other inputs and outputs are present in all STEP 7 function blocks . the current internal status of the respective FB is output.. Input/output Type Motor controller Warning BOOL CMMP_AS CMMP_AS_CAM Composition of the structure (PLC data types) DT_FHPP_PRM_DIAGMESSAGE Since the structure FHPP_PRM_DIAGMESSAGE is universally valid. entries such as DiagEvent and DiagTimeStamp are not supported by all drives. Limited selection of inputs and outputs The following inputs and outputs are only supported by certain Festo motor controllers..The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input/output Type Description RETVAL UINT Current status of the FB instance When using several instances of the FB._PRM_DIAG depending on the type of the motor controller. 5 xxx_PRM_DIRMP The xxx_PRM_DIRMP function block writes or reads the dynamic values for direct mode (position control). The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.14. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_DIRMP Inputs and outputs The following table contains a list of inputs and outputs that the function block xxx_PRM_DIRMP has to parameterise a motor controller. Input/output Type Description AxisType INT Connected axis type Execute BOOL Start transfer 0->1: A rising edge starts transfer of a parameter Write BOOL Read/write = 0: Read parameters = 1: Write parameters Velocity DINT Basic speed: PNU 540 Acceleration DINT Acceleration: PNU 541 Deceleration DINT Deceleration: PNU 542 JerkLimit DINT SFC_LACx: Jerk limit: PNU 543 CMMx_xxx: Jerk limit: PNU 546 DampingTime DINT SFC_LACx: Filter time: PNU 1023 Load DINT SFC_LACx: Additional weight: PNU 544 DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure Data structure provided by FB ..._PRM_INIT Done BOOL Transfer status = 0: Transfer has not been initiated = 1: Transfer has been initiated Err BOOL Error = 0: No error during parameter transfer = 1: Error during parameter transfer ErrID DWORD Error number 27 . Limited selection of inputs and outputs The following inputs and outputs are only supported by certain Festo motor controllers.. All other inputs and outputs are present in all STEP 7 function blocks .. the current internal status of the respective FB is output. Input/output Type Motor controller DampingTime DINT SFC_LAC ActDampingTime DINT SFC_LACI Load DINT SFC_LAC SFC_LACI ActLoad DINT 28 .The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Input/output Type Description ActVelocity DINT Current basic speed: PNU 540 ActAcceleration DINT Current acceleration: PNU 541 ActDeceleration DINT Current deceleration: PNU 542 ActJerkLimit DINT SFC_LACx: Current jerk limit: PNU 543 (Pos/Neg) CMMx_xxx: Current jerk limit: PNU 546 ActDampingTime DINT Current filter time: PNU 1023 ActLoad DINT Current additional load: PNU 544 RETVAL INT Current status of the FB instance When using several instances of the FB._PRM_DIRMP depending on the type of the motor controller. LowerLimit = 0 Further information on communication objects can be obtained from your local Festo service centre. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1... Input/output Type Description Execute BOOL Start transfer 0->1: A rising edge starts transfer of a parameter Write BOOL Read/write = 0: Read communication object = 1: Write communication object Prerequisite: UpperLimit = 0. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_KO Note Communication with the Festo Configuration Tool (FCT) is not possible when using the function block xxx_PRM_KO. 29 . the current internal status of the respective FB is output._PRM_INIT Done BOOL Transfer status = 0: Transfer has not been initiated = 1: Transfer has been initiated Err BOOL Error = 0: No error during parameter transfer = 1: Error during parameter transfer ErrID DWORD Error number ParamValueRD DINT Parameter value when reading a communication object RETVAL INT Current status of the FB instance When using several instances of the FB. Inputs and outputs The following table contains a list of inputs and outputs that the function block xxx_PRM_KO has to parameterise a motor controller. KO DINT Communication object Further information on communication objects can be obtained from your local Festo service centre. ParamValueWR DINT Parameter value when writing a communication object DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure Data structure provided by FB .14.6 xxx_PRM_KO The xxx_PRM_KO function block transfers a list of communication objects (KO) to the relevant motor controller. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_CAM_PRM_CAMNUMBER Note Repeat the function after resetting the controller. Input/output Type Description Execute BOOL Start transfer 0->1: A rising edge starts transfer of a parameter Write BOOL Read/write = 0: Read PNU 700 Subindex 1 = 1: Write PNU 700 Subindex 1 CamNumber DINT Preselection of the cam disc number DATA_REF VAR_IN_OUT FPC data structure Data structure provided by FB . Inputs and outputs The following table contains a list of inputs and outputs that the function block xxx_CAM_PRM_CAMNUMBER has to parameterise a motor controller._PRM_INIT Done BOOL Transfer status = 0: Transfer has not been initiated = 1: Transfer has been initiated Err BOOL Error = 0: No error during parameter transfer = 1: Error during parameter transfer ErrID DWORD Error number ActCamNumber DINT Number of the currently selected cam disc RETVAL UINT Current status of the FB instance When using several instances of the FB.7 xxx_CAM_PRM_CAMNUMBER With the xxx_CAM_PRM_CAMNUMBER function block you can: – select a cam disc by specifying the cam disc number in the drive – have the current cam disc read out with the help of the read command. 30 ..14. the current internal status of the respective FB is output. The function for using cam discs is optional. Please contact your local Festo service centre. Note The values are not checked. Enable the controller only if the axis system has been correctly installed and parametrised. For operation to function without errors. only the relevant bytes are transferred.. The composition of the FHPP+ data configured in the FCT is parametrised via the inputs “cfgFHPPplusToDrive” and “cfgFHPPplusFromDrive”. gaps are filled with position holders. for byte and word parameters.. Block xxx_FHPP_PLUS Block “xxx_FHPP_PLUS” helps the user to map the FHPP+ data in the controller. all the FHPP+ parameters are trans-ferred as double words. Note – Maximum 10 FHPP elements are possible – 1st element is always FHPP standard (8-byte control) – 2nd element optional FPC (8-byte parametrising) – 2nd . nth (n <= 10) element FHPP+ data (max.14. there is a restricted check of the value limits. 31 . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. only the relevant bytes are transferred. Errors in the parametrisation can cause injuries and damage to property. Warning When parameters are transferred from the PLC. 24 byte) Note Configured parameters always start on an even address. The FHPP+ data is configured via a configurator in FCT. for byte and word variables. the FHPP+ data must be parametrised correctly in the Hardware Manager. The configuration in the Step7 Hardware Manager must match the configuration in FCT.8 xxx_FHPP_PLUS Other cyclical user-specific data can be configured in the FHPP+ data package. To ensure that the block remains simple and clear. To keep the block in the PLC as simple as possible. nth/ 3rd . Select an arrangement that makes full use of the available data width. all the FHPP+ parameters are output as double words. / Output Type Description I_ADDRESS WORD Address of the logical inputs for the slave's FHPP+ data. O_ADDRESS WORD Address of the logical outputs for the slave's FHPP+ data.9 from the drive..9 to the drive... RET_VALUE INT Reply value of the function block.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Fig: Block xxx_FHPP_PLUS Inputs and Outputs In. Err BOOL FALSE: No error TRUE: Error ErrID DWORD Description of the error that occurred.9 DWORD FHPP+ data elements 1. FHPPplusToDrive1. cfgFHPPplusFromDrive DINT Configuration of the FHPP+ data from the drive.. cfgFHPPplusToDrive DINT Configuration of the FHPP+ data to the drive. FHPPplusFromDrive1.9 DWORD FHPP+ data elements 1. 32 . Configuration is via the inputs “cfgFHPPplusToDrive” and “cfgFHPPplusFromDrive”. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Block configuration For the FHPP+ block to prepare the transferred data correctly. it is necessary to communicate the configuration from FCT to the block. Each position in the configuration variable matches the data size of the relevant FHPP+ element. Note Position holders have to be taken into consideration. 33 . 2 Actuating a Festo motor controller Festo motor controller CMMP-AS with associated function block CMMP_AS_CTRL Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_CTRL 34 .The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1.15.15 Examples 1. – Motor controller is switched on – Load voltage is present – PLC has control priority Achieving ready status Action by the user Feedback -. can be actuated in the following four combinations of operating and control mode using this function block: – Set selection – Direct mode position control – Direct mode force control – Direct mode velocity control The preset operating and control mode is only adopted and displayed when a movement is initiated. The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Motor controllers of the type CMMP-AS-. Prerequisites for operational readiness Additional input signals may be required depending on the motor controller. e. a rising edge at the "StartTask" input. DriveReferenced = 1. SupplyVoltPresent = 1 EnableDrive = 1 DriveEnabled = 1 MC = 1 Stop = 1 Ready = 1 Halt = 1 HaltNotActive = 0 Homing Action by the user Feedback StartHoming = 0->1 AckStart = 1 MC = 0 DriveMoving = 1 HaltNotActive = 1 -.. DIN_5. (homing complete) MC = 1. DriveMoving = 0. i. -. Refer to the manual for the motor controller being used for more detailed information.g.. DriveMoving = 0 (positioning complete) MC = 1 35 . at DIN_4. DIN_13... etc.e. HaltNotActive = 1 Setting and "Set selection" mode Action by the user Feedback OPM = 0 StateOPM = 0 RecordNo = 1 -- StartTask 0->1 StateOPM = 0 AckStart = 1 MC = 0 DriveMoving = 1 ActualRecordNo = 1 ActualPosition = . . DriveMoving = 0 (force specification reached) MC = 1 Setting and "Direct mode velocity control" mode Action by the user Feedback OPM = 9 StateOPM = previous operating and control mode as an INT SetValueRotRamp = . -- StartTask = 1 StateOPM = 1 AckStart = 1 MC = 0 DriveMoving = 1 ActualVelocity = ... -.. -- StartTask = 1 StateOPM = 9 AckStart = 1 MC = 0 DriveMoving = 1 ActualRotRamp = . DriveMoving = 0 (positioning complete) MC = 1 Setting and "Direct mode force control" mode Action by the user Feedback OPM = 5 StateOPM = previous operating and control mode as an INT SetValueForce = .. ActualRotSpeed = ... DriveMoving = 0 (velocity specification reached) MC = 1 36 . -- SetValueRotSpeed = ...The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Setting and "Direct mode position control" mode Action by the user Feedback OPM = 1 StateOPM = 1 SetValueVelocity = ... -- SetValuePosition = .. ActualPosition = ...... -. ActualPosition = ... -.... -- StartTask = 1 StateOPM = 5 AckStart = 1 MC = 0 DriveMoving = 1 ActualForce = . The FHPP Positioning Library TIA 1. Refer to the manual for the motor controller being used for more detailed information.15. Prerequisites for operational readiness Additional input signals may be required depending on the motor controller. DIN_13.g. e. etc.. Figure: Example of function block CMMP_AS_PRM_SINGLE Motor controllers of the type CMMP-AS-. SupplyVoltagePresent = 1 EnableDrive = 1 DriveEnabled = 1 MC = 1 Stop = 1 Ready = 1 Halt = 1 HaltNotActive = 0 37 .3 Parameterising a Festo motor controller Festo motor controller CMMP-AS with associated function block CMMP_AS_PRM_SINGLE. DIN_5.. – Motor controller is switched on – Load voltage is present – PLC has control priority Achieving ready status Action by the user Feedback -. can be parameterised in all four combinations of operating and control mode using this function block: – Set selection – Direct mode position control – Direct mode force control – Direct mode velocity control Note A description of the parameters according to FHPP supported by the different motor controllers can be found in the relevant product documentation. at DIN_4. g.g. The values can be permanently transferred to a non-volatile memory by writing the value 1 to the PNU 127 subindex 2.... homing method acceleration) Action by the user Feedback Write = 1 No feedback PNU = 1013 No feedback Subindex = 1 No feedback ParamValueWR = .. No feedback Execute = 0->1 Done = TRUE Err = FALSE ErrID = 0 ActPNU = 1013 ActSubindex = 1 ParamValueRD = .. RETVAL = 0 Write parameters (e._PRM_SINGLE function block are stored in a volatile memory and only remain valid until the control voltage of 24 V at the motor controller is interrupted. The following steps must be taken to permanently adopt written parameters: Action by the user Feedback Write = 1 No feedback PNU = 127 No feedback Subindex = 2 No feedback ParamValueWR = 1 No feedback Execute = 0->1 Done = TRUE Err = FALSE ErrID = 0 ActPNU = 127 ActSubindex = 2 ParamValueRD = 0 RETVAL = 0 38 ..The FHPP Positioning Library TIA Read parameters (e. RETVAL = 0 The values written to the motor controller using the type . homing method) Action by the user Feedback Write = 0 No feedback UpperLimit Read upper limit value PNU = 1011 No feedback Subindex = 1 No feedback Execute = 0->1 Done = TRUE Err = FALSE ErrID = 0 ActPNU = 1011 ActSubindex = 1 ParamValueRD = ... Project zero point (PZ): Measuring reference point for all positions in positioning jobs. positioning mode.e. H Homing: Homing defines the reference position and thereby the origin of the measuring reference system of an axis. Festo Handling and Positioning Profile (FHPP): Uniform fieldbus data profile for positioning controllers from Festo.). The project zero point forms the basis for all absolute position specifications (e. PKW refers to a parameter identification value (see also "Festo Parameter Channel (FPC)"). in one bus cycle. consisting of target position. i. number of diagnostic bytes.g. With the MTR-DCI. FPC: FHPP-specific parameter channel version (Festo Parameter Channel).g. PNU: Parameters which can be transmitted via the parameter channel are addressed with the parameter number (PNU). etc. Profile position mode: Operating mode for executing a position set or a direct positioning job. PKE: Integral part of the parameter channel (PKW) which contains the task and reply identifiers (AK) and the parameter number (PNU). The basis point for the project zero point is the axis zero point. 39 . number of I/Os. Position set: Positioning command defined in the position set table. J Jog mode: Manual movement in positive or negative direction. F Festo Configuration Tool (FCT): Commissioning software with uniform project and data management for all supported device types. etc.g. The special requirements of a device type are supported with the necessary descriptions and dialogs by means of plug-ins. GSDML file: Device master file in which all features of the PROFINET slave are saved (e. Festo Parameter Channel (FPC): FHPP-specific parameter channel version. Homing mode: Operating mode in which homing is carried out.). positioning speed and accelerations. The parameter number is an integral part of the parameter identifier (PKE) and serves for identifying or addressing the individual parameter. PKW: Telegram part used for transmitting parameters. the project zero point PZ and the axis zero point AZ are identical. Controller: Control electronics which evaluate the control signals and provide the voltage supply for the motor via the power electronics (power electronics + controller + positioning controller). number of diagnostic bytes. P PDO: Process data object. G GSD file: Device master data file in which all specific features of the PROFIBUS slave are saved (e. in the position set table or with direct control via the control interface or diagnostic interface). number of I/Os. FHPP: Uniform fieldbus data profile for positioning controllers from Festo (Festo Handling and Positioning Profile). Homing method: Method for defining the reference position: against a fixed stop (overcurrent/speed evaluation) or with reference switch.2 Glossary C Consistency: A data range which is defined as consistent is transmitted complete. T Teach mode: Operating mode for setting positions by moving to the target position.g. when creating position sets. The reference point defines a known orientation or position within the positioning path of the drive.The FHPP Positioning Library TIA R Reference point (REF): Basis point for the incremental measuring system. S Subindex (IND): Integral part of the parameter channel (PKW) which addresses an element of an array parameter (subparameter number). e. 40 . ..................................... 2 Set selection ..................................................................... 9 Safety instructions ............................................. 9 Parameter channel .................. 9 F S FHPP ............................................................. 9 41 .......3 Index D P Direct mode.
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