FESS Instrument Set Brochure W7053245

March 29, 2018 | Author: Selvi Yap | Category: Human Head And Neck



Sinus SurgeryFESS Instrument Set A Unique Selection easily cutting cartilage and bony structure • Make procedures more safe and easy. • Preserve surrounding mucosa.THE ORIGINAL ONES Intelligent Design for Challenging Anatomic Areas moriyama FESS Instruments Wigand Endoscopic Sinus Instruments Yoon through-Cutting Sinus Punches This selection of instruments is especially useful for endonasal microsurgical operations. The models with the left and right curved shafts are designed for effectively removing the suprainfundibular plate. frontal recess and the ostium of the frontal sinus. these instruments can be used for the opening and enlargement of the right sided and left sided maxillary ostia. • Precise and defined cutting edges • Postoperative stenosis can be prevented. The backbiters are available in large. • Cutting edge can be visualised easily due to the window shape of the upper cutting jaw. Through the downward curve shape of its tip. . others suit well for surgery of the agger-nasi. Tobey micro backbiter • Assortment of different designs and sizes for all anatomical situations • Easy adaptation to the desired position by finger post facilities • 360° rotation granting ideal access to the ostia. the Tobey backbiter allows unobstructed vision and optimal access to the ostium. rotating Backbiting Antrum Punches • Delicate jaws for narrow lumina and structures • Specially curved shafts allow efficient manipulation of structures. It includes 15 forceps in different shapes and sizes facilitating access to various difficult areas within the Sinus Cavities. like removal of polypoid diseased mucous membrane. Sharp and strong through-cutting forceps serve to remove and fenestrate bone partitions or to excise cysts and polyps. Defined manipulation at anatomically critical places can be precisely performed. Due to the rotating feature. • Strong cutting and through-cutting jaws. lamellae of bone/septa and nasal polyps. whereas the upcurved versions serve for the resection of the posterior fontanelle when performing a middle meatal antrostomy. Some of the patterns are ideal for the opening of the maxillary sinus ostium and manipulation within. membrane rests. small and micro sizes. “You see what you cut” forceps • Rigid lower jaw serves as a perforator while the mobile upper jaw represents the cutting part. angular. oval.5 mm. double-ended. 2. 19 cm. 13 cm working length. extra delicate. 14 cm working length. 45° upcurved. eicken antrum cannula.5 cm working length 336601 336602 518725 v. 11 cm working length. oval. down right 335170 335171 Biopsy forceps. 23 cm. 3 mm outer diameter v. finger post facilitates rotation.5 mm Struycken nasal cutting forceps. 11 cm working length. forward cutting.5 mm outer diameter 3 mm outer diameter v.5 mm. pediatric size: 1. shaft 70° upcurved. oval. forward cutting 40° up.5 mm diameter 4. oblique Antrum Curettes 334801 334802 “rotating backbiter” antrum punch. 15 cm. 55° upturned. 18 cm working length. small size (2 x 6 mm). long curved. delicate. curved 329001 Hartmann nasal cutting forceps. through-cutting.5 mm 330201 Freer Elevator 315000 405800 Rotating Backbiters Freer elevator. 3 mm. 13 cm working length. 55° curved 90° curved 335800 Blakesley through-cutting forceps. 2 mm cutting width. size 1. oval cutting width 2. cutting in a full circle of 360°. 3 mm outer diameter 4 mm outer diameter Frontal sinus ostium seeker. size 0 = 3 mm wide. straight. through-cutting. left curved right curved Struycken Conchotome Wigand forceps.5 mm 330100 330101 Blakesley nasal forceps. 16 cm. oval cups. through-cutting. Luer-lock.5 mm 335050 211008 211010 518104 518105 Frontal sinus curette.7 mm cutting width. cutting width 2. double-action jaws. cupped.2 mm and 2 mm diameter Frontal Sinus Punch 512603 Yoon Forceps Frontal sinus punch forceps. for adults. 3 mm cutting width. 10 cm working length. double-action jaws. large size = 7. 11 cm working length. shaft upcurved. 15 cm. 3.FUNCTIONAL ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY A High Quality Instrument Set Hartmann Nasal Speculum Nasal Scissors Sinus Ostium Seekers 143001 326200 518619 Hartmann nasal speculum. heavy pattern.5 mm cutting width yoon fontanelle forceps. 1.5 cm working length. 70° upcurved. eicken antrum cannula. Eicken Antrum Irrigation Cannulas 149702 149703 149603 149613 149614 439100 Cottle dorsal scissors. short curved. size 1 = 7 mm Antrum curette.5 mm blade length nasal scissors. 10 cm working length. ball sizes: 1. malleable. through-cutting. 19 cm. with stylet.5 x 3 mm 335015 335025 334200 334245 Antrum Grasping Forceps 327500 515510 Wigand universal forceps.5 cm. 19 cm Blakesley nasal forceps. 5 mm 330000 330001 Blakesley nasal forceps. straight Blakesley Nasal Forceps Moriyama Forceps Maxillary sinus ostium seeker. 18 cm. Luer-lock. size 0 = 3 mm size 1 = 3.5 x 5 mm. cutting width 2 mm 335900 Blakesley through-cutting forceps. 10 cm working length Converse Osteotome 407802 Converse osteotome. shaft upcurved. size 3 = 5 x 1. small size = 6. 45° upcurved. graduated at 5–9 cm. 15 cm. through-cutting. through-cutting. 13. small size = 3 mm. size 0 = 3 mm wide. 90° upcurved. oval cupped. straight tip. 11 cm working length. double-ended. straight. eicken antrum cannula. 2 mm 55° Giraffe Forceps 335401 Trocar and Cannula 518400 giraffe forceps. 19 cm. 8 Fr. 10 cm working length Bipolar Forceps 861019 Antrum curette. 17. size 0 = 3 mm size 1 = 3. 20 cm Gorney Suction Elevator gorney suction elevator. 20 cm. horizontal opening. serrated blades.5 mm jaws diameter. oval. 14 cm working length. 45° upcurved. 360° rotatable. 2. pointed Bipolar coagulation forceps. size 7 = 2.6 mm diameter.5 cm. 2. working length. cutting width 2 x 6 mm. 13. straight shaft. size 11. 10 Fr. 19 cm. 1. 11 cm working length. 326803 yoon punch. 30° upcurved Wigand Through-Cutting Forceps Biopsy and grasping forceps.5 mm cutting width adult size: 2. 14 cm working length 515000 326811 Moriyama through-cutting forceps. jaws opening sidewards to left jaws opening sidewards to right Wigand “You see what you cut” Forceps Sidebiting antrum punch. straight 45° upcurved Moriyama through-cutting forceps.5 cm working length. finger post facilitates 360° rotation. 2. 13 cm working length.5 mm . down left forward cutting. finger post facilitates 360° rotation. oval cupped. 5 m. double-action jaws.5 mm 518001 518102 518103 518203 Circular Cutting Punches 334935 334945 Circular cutting punch. 5 mm outer diameter. shaft curved down Frazier Suction Tubes Frazier suction tube.5 cm. 10 cm working length. upwards. forward cutting Antrum Sickle Knife 518301 Struempel-Voss Nasal Forceps Sickle knife. 11 cm working length. 11.2 mm cutting width Antrum grasping forceps. size 3 x 4 mm.5 mm diameter Antrum curette. through-cutting forceps. Luer-lock. generator side plug diameter 12. large size = 9 x 4 mm 330300 Struempel-Voss nasal forceps. cutting width 2 mm 326807 Moriyama backbiter. bayonet. retrograde opening jaws 120°.5 mm shaft diameter. size 13. 15 cm working length 336611 336612 326813 334445 Biopsy and Grasping Forceps Sidebiting Antrum Punches Blakesley Through-Cutting Forceps Antrum Curettes Moriyama through-cutting forceps. 19 cm. 11. long curved. smooth blades Hartmann Nasal Forceps v. 3 mm tip. double-ended. 1 mm HF-Cable 826418 Cable for bipolar forceps. straight. shaft 70° upturned. 33. 14 cm working length Tobey micro backbiter. 13 cm working length. opening vertically Trocar and cannula for sinuscopy.8 mm. 11 cm working length. medium size = 6 x 2. size 1. small size = 6 x 3 mm oval. size 1 = 3. straight. 19 cm. 19. opening horizontally opening vertically Super Punch Through-Cutting Forceps 336401 Super punch. serrated upper jaw. cutting width 3 mm. 2 mm. 55° Super punch. upcurved size 7 Converse osteotome. down right 149703 v. 19 cm. 120° retrograde opening 335401 335050 Tobey micro backbiter.olympus. size 1 Sickle knife. extra delicate.5 mm Ø 334802 Sidebiting antrum punch. serrated blades. 70° upcurved. 18 cm. 70° upcurved. malleable. Eicken antrum cannula malleable. 13 cm 336611 Yoon fontanelle forceps. 3 mm 149603 v. 13. 55° upturned. short curved. size 11 Struempel-Voss nasal forceps. 4. 3. through-cutting. 3 mm. 70°. bayonet. 90° Hartmann nasal cutting forceps. oval. 18 cm.8 mm. 45°. 30° upcurved jaw 518001 405800 Gorney suction elevator. large size 518203 330001 Blakesley nasal forceps. oval. 2 mm 330300 326811 Moriyama through-cutting forceps. 45°. 3. pointed 327500 330201 Blakesley nasal forceps. 16 cm 334935 Circular cutting punch.5 cm 334801 Sidebiting antrum punch. 2. left curved 336612 Yoon fontanelle forceps. 45°. curved Wigand universal forceps. 1. double-ended. size 1 Struycken nasal cutting forceps. through-cutting. Ø 336601 Yoon punch. oval. 5 mm 334200 518619 Maxillary sinus ostium seeker. straight.2 mm 518400 326803 Moriyama through-cutting forceps. size 1 Antrum curette. 19 cm.com W7053245_1-9 Printed in germany . 19 cm. long curved.5 mm.5 mm Bipolar coagulation forceps. 1 mm 826418 335025 “Rotating backbiter” antrum punch. 4. 5 mm Ø. size 1. straight. 1.0 mm Ø 335170 Biopsy forceps. 7 mm 518102 330000 Blakesley nasal forceps. straight. Kuehnstraße 61.5 mm Ø Blakesley through-cutting.0 mm Ø 512603 Frontal sinus punch forceps. long curved. through-cutting. 90°. 2. 45° 515510 326813 Moriyama through-cutting forceps. 70°. through-cutting forceps.0 mm Ø 515000 Biopsy and grasping forceps. 22045 Hamburg. opening horizontally 149613 v. small size 518103 330100 Blakesley nasal forceps. straight. size 0 Antrum curette. long curved. through-cutting. Eicken antrum cannula. 19 cm. opening vertically 861019 335015 “Rotating backbiter” antrum punch. 3. sidewards right opening 326200 Nasal scissors. straight 211008 Frazier suction tube. 3.5 mm 329001 518105 Frontal sinus curette. Ø 336602 Yoon punch. 8 Fr. 2. oblique 407802 326807 Moriyama backbiter. 360° rotatable. right curved 335800 Blakesley through-cutting forceps. size 13 Antrum grasping forceps. Wigand universal forceps. 2. 5 m. Eicken antrum cannula. 70°. small size. 20 cm Wigand forceps. forward cutting 518301 330101 Blakesley nasal forceps.5 mm Cable for bipolar forceps. 6. through-cutting.Model Description Model Description 143001 Hartmann nasal speculum. 10 Fr. 19 cm. short curved. angular. 19 cm. size 3 Trocar and cannula for sinuscopy. size 0 Antrum curette. straight. 3 mm. through-cutting. sidewards left opening 211010 Frazier suction tube. Eicken antrum cannula. 19 cm.5 mm Published by Olympus Winter & ibe gmbH. 360° rotation Giraffe forceps. 45° upcurved jaw 334445 315000 Freer elevator. germany For a complete listing of sales and distribution locations visit: www. down left 149702 v. Eicken antrum cannula. 18 cm. double-ended. 19 cm. straight.0 mm Ø 335171 Biopsy forceps. 3 mm. 19 cm Antrum curette. generator side plug diameter 12. straight 334245 518725 Frontal sinus ostium seeker.5 mm Ø 335900 334945 Circular cutting punch. size 0 336401 518104 Frontal sinus curette. size 0 439100 Cottle dorsal scissors. opening vertically 149614 v.
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