Fendona SC MSDS & Brochure (1)

April 2, 2018 | Author: Zaim Zharfan Ahmad Zapri | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Water, Fires, Toxicity, Sewage Treatment



-." TffiltS lS A PESIICIDE S lfffimBEildlHf,qlf sft* sf; GOGS PIKFORMANCE RHSIilUAL IIi{$EfrT$CIME KVHICH p0[s NsT sTArf{ S€l{DS}lR I{ is a good performanse, residts*l inrsecticide provide* extended *pnitrol of a wide ranga oi public rwhinl"r S€f*ts*f,tR $( prouides prolonged ac$ivity again$l a wide hygiene a,nd food storage pssts range of lrygiane pesls; iocluding: f(f{P0ilff l(is suitable for use in dornestie and institutisnal premise*- public huildinEs and in industry. ilt h a Class lV Srnts Fleas p,ssticide and oan he us,ed in pubtic health. Eed Be.rgs Fiies " ftt{S0Hf, $( has th* folhrxinE *eatures; Cackr*a*he$ il{esqui.toss r.jFtri& * lil]f, *r"r,tillJ irll " Conirois all major hygi*ne pests and is acti\ne aEainst nrany straiN')s r*sistanl 1o non-pyrellrroid insscticides. f€f*D6FI& S( in a eff,eativc insect$#de v/hisir a,ctt quiakly by contaot,action 0r imgestisn. " fi,fi i-ii"l ; f:!\TFiL:i, S€frlSOHft $( sons[sts o$ sffixaill particies of arystalllne Provldes good nontrol at lmu dosage rates. active ingredient sil.i$pend*d ifi waiq.r" The $S trherefore * l3';:)d):i id#f i"l{i:i?ftfii( *ii iil',*iii,; cornbines tlae good performanee of a $G furryutration with Can bp used ln dornestic and publia areas" the handling advailtagss of a tiquid. ,,s" '#.1.'L"x-+dBn!" ! f '. f i.d* 'e+.!: \:o" I t ?5c+.v{ :$ F- :1E l j".*,- :i ..- .]":d Hneskelsurn P{if*##g{rn 5*. p.r-r:vid*s SOCd kroc{dawn perfcrry:anie whlch co,nirnues inr a co;rsiderairie pe{'icd af{ef appircation &*p*wa I G& fl#ffi#*#f,, '\ ii{. f luptting 64till{.3-}}jli $'{ alsa has a use{li llilshrnc aciicn. 1n .cmrneriial use lrie;s involv-ing n'rodera'ie ic lieavy cockroacii Jtlestalrons, a ilusiing eif.sci Has observes ,,vithrn 5 mtilite$ ;:i applrcalron .S- lr#ffi# ffiffiffi 6q.s- sa*. s* $ #ffi##ftff s{ {tesidw&}N dQctivjlrp EpplueEen In nurnercus lal-:oratory st'u,{1ies and field irreis F{r.4*:i#f*# {: 5$rullqlF*ft :f ,n ,,-lir;* ltrr fi:.e c,:iiiici .l! ,:;awr*r; ar* l1ying iras shown or;lstandlng r"esi*ual actlvily. an* Jndilsttlei pre'.niSes. \!'he'r ,;sed xs !;rSec!s ir: fioir.resiiC. puh,lic direclecl. ri ntay 3e $ai*ly arlp:}tC il'{11,:fi*11$, tgslAijian.S end io*0 storage en{] i}r"*c€ssire aree. li can aiso bs;j$Bi:.as a tesi..clual ,''s- i r#ffi##fr* $urface lreeirneL.i to t;.ail$. ti':srs ar:C sioraae salis rn r:iajrr $tcrage wsrenei.lsas. \str il{t4i}{:f'*+ 5{. is si::rtabl* icr r,rs* :ivi?h mcsi i}-pes *l knapsack sprayefs and ,:the:' resrdrta' sllre)' equr.li-nFr.i C.]mfil.n*lr used 10 ffiseormmsnaled conlroi p,Jbl;c healJh pesls. Aopiicalicns sj.l{,-Lrtd b6 fiade at low pressurs. rot absvE 3.0 p=s.1. i? Ea.j, elcl us;ng n:t*zzle whrch Pqq{*gq {$qttqry proriuces even sized cropiet;. For lhs c*;:lroi sl fJyrng and crawirn6l ifiseet!. lhe !"*{:cmrn*n *d $€#**i\*# Si sh,:ud be ihor+tghly rT"rix*c !",,tih waier ts g]rre dose raies lor S{S#*ft& 54 are l5 cr 30 ftg a ,. p*. sci'rare the reqllred conceotraiiol. Tr"ea:ieC suri*ces shouici .bo ihoic$ghly meke, dependlng cn lhe level oi rri*s1*licr. tir* residuaj efiecr sprayed to Ine poinl r'i minrrnaj run sij, en$r-:nng unriors: coreia!,* requ;red a.nd the nature and csnrjiiron o, the lr*ated suriace. F*r and paying parliaular alte.ntiile 1,3 ih+s* areas r,ri:ere lnseris aie surface ireatfllfnts for lh.* conlroi oi slcred p.cducl ir"rsscls, lhe mosl l1kely ta rome inio c*niaci vyrll the utseciicicie. Aiw.a.vs icll*w recomrnended cjcse reles are 2?-5 or 45 r*g a. r- per square rnetfe . ltre i*structicns as rjescribed o|r th.* pr+d;:c{ lai,..el. l I h,4o,squjt0es - h*rjll l.Aloplqes 5!,:1: 200 rnir 1tl lilr*s ci yieler 6&, i \\fl#*}tr#ffiffi Mosquiloes - Lana l,4edes sp., frler sp. l. riilC r..lii l li'lres Gf wal.Gr ${ &la,rsi:nm sp,t Hmxnrel Cockr*aclcs. ants. .t*O rT:l.i-l0lllres {}i *,ili*r f**.if}*rufq 5t is rcxic I0 !is!r. en{ care sh lri{l {}* taken l"iedbugs, iieas jinBI ireeiies t{] 1' ansrre iha{ the Brod'uci or s{rra}j- aice$ *c{ c*111a.fi:ri,.]a.t* t;:sh lanks. Fi** pofids or \i,ater-way$. , HEADTTIE PHCIDi"'C? LABHT EITCIfrH U$E BASF {Mafaysia) $dn, tshd. i'i826?1"MJ 2, Jalan U8;S7- Seksven U8. Eukil Je[riong. 40706 Shah A]arn. S*,lang.,:r Darui Ehsan, Maiaysie Tel:03-5$28 3888 Faks: c3-5628 3777 .;lfiPP:CISb+15 SA,SF -^. Safety data sheet Paee: l/7 BASF Safety data sheet according to 9U155/EEC Date / Revisedr 25.03.2015 Version: 1.3 Product: FgndOna SC (307327 82 / SDS_CPA_EU/E N ) Date of print 27.03.2015 1. Substance/preparation and company identification Fendona SC Companv: BASF Aktiengesellschaft Unternehmensbereich Pflanzenschulz6TA56 Ludwigshafen, Deutschland Ielephone: +49- 62L-60-7 932L / 7 9746 Telef ax n u m ber: +49-62 1-60-79519 E-mail address: [email protected] Emergencv information: Fire brigade BASF Ludwigshafen Telephone: 062 1-60-43333 Telef ax n u m ber: 0627-60-92664 2. Composition/information on ingredients Chemical nature crop protection agents, insecticide, suspension concentrate (SC) Hazardous ingredients alpha-Cypermethrin Content (WW): 5,9 % CAS Number: 67375-30-8 The wording of the hazard symbols and R-phrases is specified in chapter 15 if dangerous ingredients are mentioned. 3. Hazard identification Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. 4. First-aid measures General advice: Avoid contact with the skin, eyes and clothing. Remove contaminated clothing. lf difficulties occur: Obtain medical attention. Show container, label and,/or safety data sheet to physician. -r_ Page:217 BASF Safety data sheet accordi ng lo 91,1155/EEC Date / Revised: 26.03.2015 Version: 1.3 Product: Fendona SC {307327 82 / SDS-C PA_ E U/E N ) Date of print 27.03.2015 lf inhaled: Keep patient calm, remove to fresh air, seek medical attention. On skin contact: After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. lf irritation develops, seek medical attention. On contact with eyes: lmmediately wash affected eyes for at least 15 minutes under running water with eyelids held open, consu[t an eye specialist. On ingestion: Rinse mouth immediately and then drink plenty of water, seek medical attention. Note to physician: Symptoms: numbness and tingling of hands and feet, lung oedema, convulsions Treatment: Treat according to symptoms (decontamination, vital functions), no known specific antidote. 5. Fire-fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media: water spray, foam, water fog, dry extinguishing nredia Specific hazards: carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides, organochloric compounds The substanceslgroups of substances mentioned can be released in case of fire. Special protective equipment: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and chemical-protective clothing. Further information: ln case of fire andlor explosion do not breathe fumes. Keep containers cool by spraying with water if exposed to fire. Collect contaminated extinguishing water separately, do not allow to reach sewage or effluent systems. Dispose of fire debris and contarninated extinguishing water in accordance with official regulations. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions: Use personal protective clothing. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes and clothing. Remove contaminated clothes, undergarments and shoes i mmediately. Environmental precautions: Do not discharge into the subsoil/soil. Do not discharge into drains/surface watersfgroundwater. -.. Page:3/7 BASF Safety data sheet according to 9L/155/EEC Date / Revised: 26.03.2015 Version: 1.3 Product: Fendona SC (30132782/SDS_CPA_EU/E N) Date of print 27.03.2015 Methods for cleaning up or taking up: For small amounts: Pick up with suitable absorbent material (e.g. sand, sawdust, general-purpose binder, kieselguhr). For large amounts: Dike spillage. Pump off product. Dispose of absorbed material in accordance with regulations. Collect waste in suitable containers, which can be labeled and sealed. Clean contaminated floors and objects thoroughly with water and detergents, observing environmental regulations. 7. Handling and storage Handline No special measures necessary if stored and handled correctly. Protection against fire and explosion: No special precautions necessary. The substance/product is non-combustible. Product is not explosive. Storage Segregate from foods and animal feeds. Segregate from strong bases. Further information on storage conditions: Keep away from heat. Protect against moisture. Protect from direct sunlight. Storage stability: Storage duration: 24 Months Protect from temperatures below: -1"0 "C Protect from temperatures above: 40 "C 8. Exposure controls and personal protection Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection : Respiratory protection in case of vapour/aerosol release. Particle filter EN 143 Type P2, medium efficiency, (solid and liquid particles of harmful substances). Hand protection: Suitable chemical resistant safety gloves (EN 374) also with prolonged, direct contact (Recommended: Protective index 6, corresponding > 480 minutes of permeation time according to EN 374ll: E.g. nitrile rubber i0.4 rnm), chloroprene rubber (0.5 mm), polyvinylchloride (0.7 mm) and other Eye frrotection: Tightly fitting safety goggles (splash goggles) (EN 166) Page:4/7 BASF Safet! data sheet according to 91/155lEEC Date / Revised: 26.03.2015 Version: 1".3 Product: Fendona SC (30132782/SDS_CPA_EU/E N ) Date of print 27.03.20L5 Body protection: Body protection must be chosen depending on activity and possible exposure, e.g. apron, protecting boots, chemical-protection suit (according to DiN-EN 465). General safety and hygiene measures: Avoid contact with the skin, eyes and clothing. Wearing of closed work clothing is recommended. Take off immediately all contaminated clothes. Store work clothing separately. Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. No eating, drinking, smoking or snuff-taking at the place of work. Hands and/or face should be washed before breaks and at the end ofthe shift. 9. Physical and chemical properties Form: liquid, suspension Colour: white pHvalue: 7-8 (measured with the undiluted substance) Density: approx. \A2 g/cm3 (20'c) Solubility in water: dispersible 10. Stability and reactivity Thermal decomposition: No decomposition if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated, Substances to avoid: stromg bases Hazardous reactions: No hazardous reactions known. Hazardous decomposition products:No hazardous decomposition products known. 11. Toxicological information LD50/oral/rat: > 5.000 mg/kg LD50/dermaUrat: > 2.000 mg/kg Primary skin irritationlra.bbit: non-irritant Primary irritations of the mucous membrane/rabbit: non-irritant Sensitization : Non-sensitizing. Page:5/7 BASF Safety data'sheet according to 91/155/EEC Date /Revised: 25.03.2015 Version: 1.3 Product: Fendona SC (30132782/SDS CPA EU/EN) Date of print 27.03.2015 Additional information: The statement was derived from products of similar composition. Misuse can be harmful to health. 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity lnformation on: alpha-Cypermethrin Taxicity to fish: Ancorhynchus mykiss/1C!? (96 h): 0,0028 mgl lnfarmotion on: alpha-Cypermethrin Aquatic invertebrotes: Dophnia magna/1C5? HB h):0,0Ail - 0,A0A3 mgfl lnformation on: olpha-Cypermethrin Aquotic plants: Pseudokirchneriello subcapitatq/Ecsl (96 h): > 0,1 mgl 13. Disposal considerations Must be dumped or incinerated in accordance with local regulations. Contaminated packaging: Contaminated packaging should be emptied as far as possible and disposed of in the same manner as the substance/product. 14. Transport information Land transport _ ADR : Class 9 Packaging group lll UN-number 3082 Designation of goods ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (Contains: ALPHA-CYPERM ETHRIN E) Page:6/7 BASF Safety data sheet according to 9L[55/EEC Date / Revised: 26,03.2015 Version: 1.3 Product: Fendona SC (30L3278215DS CPA EU/EN) Date of print 27.03.2015 RID : Class 9 Packaging group ill UN-number 3082 Designation of goods ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (Contains: ALPHA-CYPERMETHRI NE) I nla nd waterwav transport ADNR : Class 9 ItemlLetter 11c) Packaging group ilt UN-number 3082 Designation of goods ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (Contains: ALPHA-CYPERMEfHRINE) Sea transport IMDG/GGVSee : Class I Packaging group ilt UN-number 3082 Marine pollutant YES Exact technical name ENVIRONM E NTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LlQUlD, N.O.S. (contains ALPHA-CYPERM ETH RINE) Air transport ICAO/IATA :Class 9 Packaging group ilt UN-number 3082 ' Exact technical name ENVI RONM E NTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S. (contains ALPHA-CYPERMETHRINE) 15. Regulatory information Reeulations of the European union (Labelling) / National legislation/Regulations Self classification: -,o- S-phrase(s) s2 Keep out of reach of children. s13 Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs^ s20/27 When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. s36137 Page:7 /7 BASF Safety data sheet accordingto 9LlL55lEEC Date / Revised: 25.03.2015 Version: 1.3 Product: Fendona SC 30132782/SDS_CPA Date of print 27.03.2015 not subject to labelling Other regulations 16. Other inforrnation Full text of hazard symbols and R-phrases if mentioned as hazardous components in chapter 2: Vertical lines in the left hand margin indicate an amendment from the previous version' The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge and does not therefore guarantee certain properties. Recipients of our product must take responsibility for observing existing laws and regulations. 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