Felda Iffco Sdn Bhd

May 9, 2018 | Author: fatien zakaria | Category: Chocolate, Butter, Palm Oil, Foods, Food & Wine



FELDA IFFCOSDN. BHD Prepared by : 1.NUR AFIFAH BINTI ABDUL RAO 2.NABILAH HUDA BINTI ALIAS 3.NUR FATIEN ATIQAH BINTI ZAK 4.NABILA AISYAH BINTI AZMAN 31671980 Website: www. Malaysia Tel: +607 251 2811 Fax: +607 251 4650 / 251 3090 Lot 596.OMPANY BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Contact Us FELDA IFFCO OIL PRODUCTS SDN BHD. JOHOR MALAYSIA Lot 82.  Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Tel: + 603 .com Associated Sites  FELDA IFFCO LLC IFFCO . Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang Jalan Besi Dua. 81700 Pasir Gudang.feldaiffco.  Pandamaran Industrial Estate. Johor.  42009 Port Klang.31687601  Fax: + 603 . Lebuh Raja Lumu. 000 quality and in doing and in doing process employees 19.000 -.000 conditions conditions hectares hectares of of it. process Pakistan.HACCP. it. with process is is closely closely with a a paid paid up up monitored Malaysia. manufacturing manufacturing Pakistan.agro-based reputation for for HACCP enterprise enterprise with with RM12.UAE.Middle Middle East East and and Africa Africa Ltd. from from consumer Holdings Holdings Sdn. December 2006. own mills own mills has has its its operations operations and manufacturing and manufacturing Every Every step step of of the the facilities Incorporated Incorporated onon 13 13 facilities -. billion. Turkey. . Turkey. Using Using the the most most FELDA modern equipment modern equipment FELDA Global Global Group Group is is Has Has built built a a solid solid and Malaysia's . Tunisia.Bhd Sdn.agro-based reputation and under under strict strict Malaysia's .000 850. HACCP. Tunisia.000 managing 530. palm kernel oils into into a a complete complete range range largest largest plantation plantation These These oils oils and and fats fats owner owner supporting –– supporting are are produced in produced in over over 850.4 quality HACCP conditions -- conditions billion. Kosher.4 RM12. process. UAE. standards. Halal Halal and and process palm palm and and employees andand 88 88 palm kernel oils active subsidiaries active subsidiaries Kosher. December 2006. Malaysia. oil products. UAE's UAE's leading leading A A joint joint venture venture Quality Quality remains remains the the manufacturer manufacturer and company marketer and company -.000 Operates Operates refineries refineries dedicated lines dedicated lines hectares hectares of of and and markets markets palm palm under under hygienic hygienic and and plantation plantation land land oil products.Bhd harvesting of the harvesting of the consumer goods goods and and industrial food products industrial food products and and IFFCO Holdings IFFCO Holdings palm palm nuts nuts to to their their -. capital monitored for for Egypt. 19. capital of RM 35 of RM 35 quality and food Egypt. million quality and food million safety Indonesia Indonesia andand safety standards. food safe food safe banks banks and and processing processing managing 530. China. Ltd. China.FELDA FELDA corner stone of our corner stone of our marketer ofof a a wide wide Global range range of of fast fast moving moving Global Ventures Ventures entire entire process. IV. III. shall deliver superior products and service through innovation and best practices. shall promote knowledge acquisitions. II. high performance and an ethical work culture. shall develop a successful. VISION AND MISSION  Vision: To become the choiced solution provider of food ingredients on a sustainable basis. . shall care for our planet and all stakeholders in everything their do.  Mission: I. sustainable business that delivers increasing returns to our shareholders. .bulk oils and also non-food applications. 64. spray drying . baking fats. 15.  In FELDA IFFCO Oil Products SDN.  They mainly involved in refining and fractionating of palm oil leading to the production of its core product such as refined.  For example chocolate & confectionary. palm mid fractions. soft stearin and palm fatty acid distillate. hard stocks. RBD palm stearin IV 11. 33. KOSHER and also Halal certifications. ISO 141001:2004 EMS. HACCP. OSHAS 18001.  This highly-equipped facility has received numerous accreditations such as ISO 0 9001:2000.BHD. food service. frying fats. bleached. This is located in Johor Bharu at Pasir Gudang area. deodorized (RBD) palm oil.  For security Purposes. FELDA IFFCO had to limit the information of their general processes. RAW MATERIALS AND PROCESS  FELDA IFFCO has produced a lot of products. snacks. 62. 60. RBD palm Olein IV 56. Rbd Palm Oil .Brine + EDTA . PROCESS FLOW Soap Bar and Soap Noodle  Raw Material: -DFA -C12 & C18 (PKO) .Rbd PST .Caustic + Water  Addictive : .Glycerin + HEDP . . . PRODUCTS Filling & Chocolate & Non-food Applications Bulk Oils Spreading Fats Confectionery Dairy Snacks Food Service Spray Drying Baking Fats & Margarine Hard Stocks Frying Fats .  Their Cocoa Butter alternatives come in three ranges : . EXAMPLE 1. chocolate and confectionery  The supplier of specialty fats to the chocolate and confectionery industry with highly specialized cocoa butter alternatives of premium functionality. Enrobing Fat Imparts glossiness   Lauric based Biscuit / Wafer coating fat. They provide  good elasticity. Cocoa Butter Substitutes (CBS)  These are lauric based. Heat CBS in Moulded resistance. Lauric based . These fats are not compatible with cocoa butter and may only be used in formulations with very low content of cocoa butter. gloss retention and fat  crystallization at lower viscosities. Sub Applications Products Characteristics Pack Size IFFCO Our products in this PRO CBS NH category areZero : trans CBS. Steep Coating Fat melting profile imparts excellent IFFCO PRO SCO 35 20 kg carton mouth feel. hardened. Bloom IFFCO PRO PSCO 32 20 kg carton Chocolate free superior Compound shrinkage for good mould release. Does not flake off when bitten. Quick forming.5% trans fat. non tempered fats with not more than 0. 20 kg carton 100 Lauric based premium quality CBS. non tempered.  This line of products includes a low trans content and zero trans replacers which are non-lauric. Products Characteristics Pack Size   Applications Our products in this category are: Enrobing&Solid Filled IFFCO RCO FL Confectionery. Compounds made with CBR do not need tempering. non Compound tempered.of cocoa butter. Cocoa Butter Replacer (CBR)  Mainly used in compound coatings. . IFFCO RCO FL Chocolate. due to certain compatibility with cocoa butter. Zero trans CBR. fractionated & 20 kg carton 15 LT Chocolate Paste hardened CBR.  These fats are all of non-lauric origin and therefore there is no risk of soapy taste in the finished product. 20 kg carton ZT Chocolate Filling Non lauric. hardened and fractionated specialty fats inheriting similar sensory and heat stability as that Sub. these fats can be used in combination with cocoa butter to give compounds suitable for both coatings and moulding .   Our products Sub-Applications in this categoryCharacteristics Products are: Pack Size 100% compatability with cocoa butter. Superior bloom retardation. 100% compatability with Solid Filled IFFCO PRO CBE cocoa butter.  The fat is non-lauric and completely trans free. 20 kg carton Confectionery 100 Excellent flavour .  The fat provides excellent melting properties for pure chocolates with cost effective features as well as bloom retardation properties.  Steep melting IFFCO PRO CBE Pure Chocolate profile imparts 20 kg carton 200 excellent mouthfeel.  Cocoa Butter Equivalent (CBE)  Added another feather to its cap by developing a new premium cocoa butter equivalent (CBE) without using any exotic fat. .IN THE END OF PRODUCTS……….
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