Feb 15 Shabbat Announcements



Parshat Ki SisaTORAH Artscroll, 484 Hertz, 352 Moshe Does Not Let Betrayal Infringe on His Love For The People February 15 2014 15 Adar I, 5774 Rabbi Frand on Parshas Ki Tisa the week which contains Moshe Rabbeinu's Yahrtzeit, Adar 7 and is the only Parsha after Vayechi in which Moshe's name is not mentioned. of Moshe's devotion to his people. Moshe's "delay" in returning to HAFTORAH the camp from the 40 Artscroll, 1160 day period he spent on The Baal HaTurim Hertz, 369 Mt. Sinai receiving the points outs in last Torah caused a panic week's Parsha However, as we have said among the people and (Titzaveh) that Moshe in the past, the fact that led to them building a Times Rabbeinu's name is Moshe's name is left out of Golden Calf to replace not mentioned there Moshe. Hashem Titzaveh is not a Candle Lighting 5:11 pm by virtue of the fact indicated to Moshe that punishment -- it is a Friday Mincha 5:10 pm that in this week's He wanted to destroy "price". If anything, this Parsha Moshe prays the people. Moshe fact is a "zechus" -- a Hashkama 8:00 am "Please blot me out bonus due to his merit. It pleaded on behalf of from the Book you Klal Yisrael and again is a testimony to his Parsha Shiur 8:30 am have they were forgiven. leadership and selfYouth Minyan 8:30 am written." [Shmos sacrifice in behalf of the 32:32] This is a Let us pose the Main Minyan 9:00 am fulfillment of the rule nation. It calls our following question: attention to the fact that he was willing to have his What if we were in Beit Midrash 9:15 am that the "curse of a wise man comes true name blotted out from the Moshe Rabbeinu's Gemorah Shiur 4:05 pm even if made Torah in order to save the shoes? Say we had conditionally." Thus, Jewish people, presenting been on Mt. Sinai for 40 Mincha 5:05 pm Parshas Titzaveh days and 40 nights an ultimatum, as it were, without a drink of water to the Almighty that He Shabbat Ends 6:20 pm became the only parsha in the final must forgive them! Rather or a morsel of bread to four books of the than being a punishment, eat. This was total selfSunday Feb 16 7:30/8:30 am Torah in which the fact that Moshe is not sacrifice. We come Moshe's name is not down to the nation and mentioned in Titzaveh is Mon., Thur. 6:35/7:45 am mentioned--It is the highest form of praise we see them joyously Tues., Wed. Fri 6:45/7:45 am "blotted out" so to dancing around a of Moshe Rabbeinu. speak. There is irony Golden Calf -- spiritual Mincha 5:20 pm in the fact that destruction! This week's parsha Parshas Titzaveh contains another example Latest Times for always comes out on Shema/Shmoneh Esrei Feb 15 Feb 22 9:34/10:23 am 9:25/10:19 am Next Shabbat Va-Yakhel Candle Lighting Mincha 5:19 pm 5:20 pm Kiddush is sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shaabbat Announcements Parshat Ki Sisa 5774 The people thought Moshe was dead. However, if Moshe was "dead" in their minds -- how long ago could it have been that they came to this conclusion? It had to be a matter of hours at most! How could they be dancing around at this juncture? Where is the period of mourning for the loss of their faithful leader who led them out of Egypt? There is an English expression -- "The body isn't cold yet!" -- and already they dance? What kind of business is this? The ingratitude demonstrated here is unbelievable! This is almost more shocking than the fact that they are worshipping an idol in the first place! Keeping this in mind, we can picture how Moshe Rabbeinu must have felt. So when the Almighty comes to Moshe and tells him, "Moshe, I am going to destroy the people and I will make you into a great nation," Moshe's response should have been "You're right! These are a bunch of ingrates! They don't even have the decency for a minimal period of mourning. They should be wiped out!" However, that is not Moshe's reaction. Moshe begs for forgiveness on their behalf and issues a bold ultimatum to the Almighty. "And if not, blot me out from the Book you have written." This is an unbelievably great Jewish leader. There is only one type of relationship in which a person can act that way and get away with it. That is the relationship between a parent and a child. Even with a husband and wife -- when one is disloyal the relationship is destroyed. However, a parent can take almost anything from a child. They may get upset for a while, but then they come right back. This in fact is spelled out in Chumash: "Like the nursemaid carries the suckling child" [Bamidbar 11:12] -- such is the relationship between a Jewish leader and Klal Yisrael. Rav Simcha Wasserman zt"l once made an Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck , NY 11023 Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Zehava & Dr. Michael Atlas, Youth Directors Mark Twersky, Executive Director Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director Dr. Scott Danoff, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board Dena Block, Yoetzet Halacha 516-320-9818 interesting comment. In many places, the Talmud uses the expression "the spirit of the Rabbis are not pleased with him" (Ayn ruach Chachomim noche heimenu). In these places, the Talmud is not talking about real aveyros [sins], but rather things which "do not give "nachas" [pleasure of spirit] to the Rabbis, so to speak." Normally, when we speak of "nachas," we are speaking of something that our children give us when we are proud of them. Why is this term used in conjunction with the Rabbis reaction to the actions of the people? The answer, said Rav Simcha Wasserman, is that the relationship between parents and children is the same relationship as the relationship between the Sages of Israel and the nation. The Rabbis say "these are our children!" "I have nachas from them (when they act appropriately)". However, when the people do certain other things, "Ayn ruach CHachomim noche heimunu" – the Rabbis do not get nachas from their "children". GNS February Chesed We will be collecting NEW and "GENTLY" used BLANKETS, SHEETS, AND BATH TOWELS TO BE GIVEN TO ONEG SHABBOS OF BROOKLYN. Please drop off your donations: Judy Lillien’s home, 35 Margaret Court, Great Neck . If you need assistance and cannot bring it to us, please call Judy at 516 487 6845 (9am until 9pm) and we will pick it up from you. Thank you for your help in this Chesed Collection! Hindi Lunzer and Judy Lillien *Please do not drop off any clothing or any other items* ANNOUNCEMENTS SISTERHOOD Sisterhood dance class is cancelled. WITHIN THE FAMILY Mazal Tov to Aksana & Rabbi Sholom Jensen on the birth of a daughter. Mazal Tov to Cheryl Sneag on the engagement of her son Anthony to Ilisa Wirgin, daughter of Miriam & Ike Wirgin from New Rochelle. Mazal Tov to Tzipora & Steven Arnon Shalit on the birth of a daughter. Mazal Tov also to grandparents Ruth Shalit Apelbaum & Moshe Apelbaum and siblings Jordana and Meyer. CLASS FOR RABBI POLAKOFF Please join us for an inspiring class in the merit of a refuah shleimah for HaRav Dovid Eliyahu Ben Avrina (Rabbi Dale Polakoff) Tuesday evening, February 11, 2014 8:00 pm led by Rabbi Barak Levy, 50 Dickenson Place, Saddle Rock. Ladies of all ages are welcome! Please contact Debbie Chadow if you need a ride. [email protected] (516) 660-9303. ONGOING CLASSES Rabbi Polakoff’s Thursday morning Ladies Shiur and the Power Chumash Shiur will both continue to take place. Rabbi Lichter will be giving both classes. YOETZET HALACHA Tuesday, February 25th, 8 p.m., Dena Block will continue her “Conversations”. The topic will be: “Hormones and Halacha-A Jewish Woman's Guide to Contraception”. The talk will take place at the home of Kimmy Soleimani, 6 Road on the Hill in Great Neck. FROM THE EIRUV ASSOCIATION The yearly fundraising for the Great Neck Eiruv will be in January. They depend on your generosity to maintain our Eiruv. The minimum suggested donation will remain at $180.00, though, if you are able, a larger donation would be GREATLY appreciated. If you would like to make your fully tax deductible charitable donation, you may do so by either: Mailing a check to the GN Eiruv Association, 15 Cuttermill Road, Box 182, Great Neck, NY 11021, or donating on line at:http://greatneckeiruv.org/donate. Amy Reiss and family wishes to thank Rabbi Polakoff, Rabbi Lichter, Cantor Kron and the entire community for their outpouring of support and sympathy following the loss of her father Marvin Goldberg z”l. The Gartenhaus Family wishes to thank Rabbi Polakoff, Rabbi Lichter, Cantor Kron and the entire community for their outpouring of support and sympathy following the loss of her husband and their father Stanley Gartenhaus z”l. MEN'S CLUB SUN., March 2. 3:00pm: Come and join the Men's Club at an Ice Hockey game at the Nassau Coliseum, to view the NY Islanders playing the Florida Panthers. Tickets $30.00 each. Please call Steven Blumner 639-8941. SUN., March 30, 10:00 am: After many years, we are pleased to have Rabbi Marvin Tokayer return to GNS. He is an interesting and dynamic speaker and he will be speaking on his favorite topic, "Jewish Heroes of Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia". All welcome. THANK YOU MASTER CHEFS Thank you to all four teams, captains, audience members and judges who participated in our first Master Chef Competition. It was a fun night for everyone. Congratulations to TEAM FRESS – Cindy Hodkin, Jill Swartz, Sari Braunstein, Nadine Shatzkes, Joseph Aryeh and Jacob Aryeh for taking home the Frying Pans (trophies). JERUSALEM MARATHON Maxine Wiesenfeld, Daniel Rabizadeh, Amalia Kaufman and Alex Hollander will be running with TEAM SHALVA in the Jerusalem Marathon. Alex is undertaking this project in memory of his aunt, Sharon Sokol Heisler and grandmother, Judith Sokol who both faced tremendous challenges in their last years of life. He is also participating in this mitzvah in honor of his father Robert Hollander. No amount is too small! All donations are tax deductable. You can sponsor any of these runners by going to the following link:http://www.run4shalva.org/sponsor.php. Y A H R Z E I T Saturday, 15 Adar I Ronald Braun for Muriel Braun Alan Prawer for Pinchas Prawer Israel Slochowsky for Morris Slochowsky Sunday, 16 Adar I Ivan Kaufman for Morris Enoch Kaufman Ellen Polakoff for Helene Pinsker Phyllis L. Ringel for Minnie Gitter Hadassah Wachstock for Frieda Kessler Monday, 17 Adar I Stanley Dacher for Lena Dacher Myra Sutin for Abraham Mathews Louise Kahn for Sarah Tuch Tuesday, 18 Adar I Sari Braunstein for Ben Dweck Murray Frank for Yetta Frank Edwin Frederick for Bertha Frederick Jamie Katz for Ben Dweck Thursday, 20 Adar I Carol Adamsky for Anna Adamsky H. Friedman for Sol Friedman Meryl Friedman for Hyman Karten Mali Meisel for Samuel Maultasch David Wagner for Rose Wagner Friday, 21 Adar I Gilbert Aronowitz for Isidore Luchansky Tricia Moslin for Estelle Solomon Judy Weinstein for Edward Eichenhon
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