Fd Report Sasmple



Report Functional DesignAP353 For O-I SAP Implementation Project September 1, 2010 Version 1.1 CONFIDENTIAL. This document contains trade secret information. Disclosure, use or reproduction outside O-I and inside O-I, to or by those employees who do not have a need to know is prohibited except as authorized by O-I In writing. (Copyright O-I, Incorporated 2010. All rights reserved.) 40178890.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Table of Contents 1 Document Information..................................................................................................................................................4 2 RASCI Information.......................................................................................................................................................4 3 Document History.........................................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Change History ................................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Review Detail....................................................................................................................................................5 3.3 Approval Detail..................................................................................................................................................5 4 Overview and Scope....................................................................................................................................................6 4.1 Functional Description / Overview ....................................................................................................................6 4.1.1 Detailed Requirements.........................................................................................................................6 4.1.2 Gap in Standard SAP Filled by This Item.............................................................................................6 4.1.3 Solution Alternatives.............................................................................................................................7 4.1.4 Proposed Solution................................................................................................................................7 4.1.5 Initiating Process/Transaction/Program...............................................................................................7 4.1.6 If ECC, the data is primarily in what table(s)........................................................................................7 4.1.7 Transaction Volume.............................................................................................................................7 4.1.8 Frequency and Timing..........................................................................................................................7 4.1.9 Processing Type...................................................................................................................................8 4.1.10 Performance.......................................................................................................................................8 4.1.11 Output Type (Online/Print/Spreadsheet)............................................................................................8 4.1.12 Retention Requirements.....................................................................................................................8 4.1.13 Audience and Distribution..................................................................................................................8 4.2 Business Benefit...............................................................................................................................................9 4.3 Score Card........................................................................................................................................................9 9 4.4 Scope................................................................................................................................................................9 4.4.1 Functionality ........................................................................................................................................9 4.4.2 Region or Localization Considerations ..............................................................................................10 4.5 Dependencies/Constraints..............................................................................................................................10 4.6 Assumptions....................................................................................................................................................10 5 ECC Detailed Functional Requirements.....................................................................................................................11 5.1 Functional Specification..................................................................................................................................11 5.2 Process Flow Diagram....................................................................................................................................11 5.3 Initiating Process/Transaction/Program..........................................................................................................12 5.4 Report Layout..................................................................................................................................................13 5.5 Report Fields...................................................................................................................................................13 5.5.1 For ECC:............................................................................................................................................13 5.5.2 Other..................................................................................................................................................16 5.6 Selection Criteria ............................................................................................................................................16 5.7 Main Heading..................................................................................................................................................16 5.8 Sub Heading...................................................................................................................................................16 5.9 Totalling...........................................................................................................................................................17 5.10 Sorting...........................................................................................................................................................17 5.11 Page Breaks..................................................................................................................................................17 5.12 Interactive Capabilities..................................................................................................................................17 Retention Requirements......................................................................................................................................17 5.13 Language Considerations.............................................................................................................................17 5.14 Custom Tables/Fields Specifications............................................................................................................17 5.14.1 Table 1: <TABLE NAME>................................................................................................................18 5.15 Initial Data Set-Up, Conversion Requirements.............................................................................................18 5.16 Configuration Requirements.........................................................................................................................18 5.17 Error Handling...............................................................................................................................................18 5.18 Security and Authorization............................................................................................................................18 5.19 Existing Sample Reports...............................................................................................................................19 5.20 Reconciliation Procedures and Audit Requirements.....................................................................................19 5.20.1 Approach..........................................................................................................................................19 5.20.2 Metrics..............................................................................................................................................19 Page 2 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 40178890.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5.21 Processing and Operational Considerations.................................................................................................19 5.21.1 Processing Type...............................................................................................................................19 5.21.2 Transaction Volume.........................................................................................................................20 5.21.3 Frequency and Timing......................................................................................................................20 5.21.4 Performance.....................................................................................................................................20 5.21.5 Batch Requirements.........................................................................................................................20 5.21.6 Data Maintenance Requirements.....................................................................................................20 5.21.7 Re-use Details..................................................................................................................................21 5.21.8 Multi-company, Multi-jurisdiction Considerations.............................................................................22 6 BW Detailed Functional Requirements......................................................................................................................22 6.1 Functional Specification.................................................................................................................................22 6.1.1 Summary Report..............................................................................................................................22 6.2 Process Flow Diagram....................................................................................................................................22 6.3 Report Layout.................................................................................................................................................22 6.4 Report Fields..................................................................................................................................................23 6.4.1 Rows.................................................................................................................................................23 6.4.2 Columns............................................................................................................................................23 6.5 Filters ............................................................................................................................................................23 6.6 Selection Criteria (Prompts) ..........................................................................................................................24 6.7 Calculations/Algorithms/Derivations .............................................................................................................24 6.8 Global Calculated/Restricted Key Figures.....................................................................................................24 6.9 Report-to-Report Interface Requirements (Jump Query) ..............................................................................24 6.10 Exceptions ...................................................................................................................................................24 6.11 Conditions ...................................................................................................................................................24 6.12 Existing Sample Reports...............................................................................................................................25 6.13 Reporting Variant Requirements (pre-populated prompts) ..........................................................................25 6.14 Query Properties and Formatting Requirements.........................................................................................25 4.14.1 Query Properties.............................................................................................................................25 4.14.2 Formatting Requirements ...............................................................................................................25 6.15 Main Heading................................................................................................................................................25 6.16 Sub Heading.................................................................................................................................................25 6.17 Hierarchies....................................................................................................................................................25 6.18 Error Handling...............................................................................................................................................25 6.19 Security and Authorization............................................................................................................................26 6.20 Currencies and Exchange Rate Requirement Matrix ...................................................................................26 6.21 Processing and Operational Considerations.................................................................................................26 6.21.1 Performance.....................................................................................................................................26 6.21.2 Batch Requirements........................................................................................................................26 6.21.3 Data Maintenance Requirements....................................................................................................26 6.21.4 Re-use Details.................................................................................................................................27 6.21.5 Multi-company, Multi-jurisdiction Considerations............................................................................27 6.21.6 Other...............................................................................................................................................27 7 Change Management Requirements.........................................................................................................................27 8 Testing Requirements................................................................................................................................................27 8.1 Key Business Test Conditions........................................................................................................................27 8.2 Technical Test Conditions...............................................................................................................................28 8.3 Risk and Controls Test Conditions..................................................................................................................28 8.4 Testing Considerations/Dependencies ..........................................................................................................29 8.5 Test Data Requirements.................................................................................................................................29 9 Outstanding Issues.....................................................................................................................................................29 10 Appendix..................................................................................................................................................................30 10.1 Glossary of Terms.........................................................................................................................................30 10.2 Additional Supporting/Reference Documentation.........................................................................................30 Page 3 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 FD Document Name Source Application Business Unit / Area Team Business Process Owner Report Name Sub-Process / BP315 Complexity Target Environment R1_PTP_AP353_RXXXXX_ Storage Bin Search Report ECC PTP Storage Bin Search Report Medium 2 RASCI Information Following is the typical list of roles involved in the creation of this document. This section to be completed by the BI/ECC Team RASCI R S S C C I A Role Name Phone / Email / Group Mail ID (if applicable) Functional Designer Integration Representative Technical architect Development Representative Application Architect Technical Designer Sub-Process Team Lead Page 4 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . The list may vary depending on the complexity of the design. The BI/ECC team will complete items with ‘black’ text.40178890.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 1 Document Information The process team should complete any item with ‘blue’ text. Change History Date Author Summary of Changes 1 3.2 Review Detail Following is a typical list of roles involved in the review of this document.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 3 Document History 3.3 Approval Detail This document requires approval from the following Role Name Sub-Process Team Lead Page 5 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Role Name Signature Date Signature Date Peer Reviewer Application Architect Integration Representative Technical Architect Development Representative Technical Designer FD Coordinator 3.40178890. The list may vary depending on the complexity and/or scope of the design.1 Ver. 2 Gap in Standard SAP Filled by This Item Describe why standard SAP and/or configuration do not meet the requirements.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 4 Overview and Scope 4. Page 6 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . The key fields being: • Plant – to be nominated • Storage location – to be nominated • Storage Bin range (from / to) to be nominated (if left blank all to be Storage Bin’s for that Storage Location to be nominated. there is no effective method to find most materials when the ERP system is unavailable. The Storage Bin Search Report is used to find physical items within Storage Locations in the event that SAP is unavailable due to planned or unplanned outages. The report will be down loaded into a spreadsheet and stored either in as an electronic file or as a hard copy and accessed as required.1. • Material Master • Material Description • Storage Bin Balance (Unrestricted Quantity) 4. It is envisaged that this report will only be run and stored no more than 4 times per annum.1.1 Detailed Requirements Briefly describe the business requirements The Storage Bin Search Report will return a list of materials against the specified storage bin with the bin balance.1 Functional Description / Overview Provide a high-level description of the report and the business requirement(s) that will be addressed. Due to the random binning approach used at many sites. Report based on standard SAP transaction code MB52 – Display Warehouse Stocks of Material with the additional Storage Bin data to be displayed against the plant. 4. material and storage location which do not exist in MB52 transaction. There will be a Bin Location range selection so as to exclude areas not required as the physical material locations are obvious.40178890. If the object is no longer required.8 Frequency and Timing Provide the run frequency (i.1. including any cross-team impact..5 Initiating Process/Transaction/Program Describe the process that triggers this report including the specific selection criteria. met by standard SAP.6 If ECC. 4. combined with another object.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 4.3 Solution Alternatives Briefly describe alternative solutions to meet the requirements.1.) and any timing considerations that should be applied (e. This report is initiated manually by the users on as need basis (Daily). Briefly describe why it is preferred.4 Proposed Solution Identify the proposed solution.1. run before 7am Monday morning).g.e.1. explain the reason why (e. where data on the report is maintained Tables used in this program are as mentioned below: MARA – General Material Data MARC – Plant Data for Material MARD – Storage Location Data for Material MAKT – Material Descriptions MCHB – Batch Stocks 4.40178890. When applicable.7 Transaction Volume Provide the number of records processed that will be read and output using this report. the data is primarily in what table(s) Indicate the primary data table(s).g. if applicable. etc). It is envisaged that the maximum for a single report and considering future expansion would be 20. Z Transaction Code (Z_xxxx) needs to be developed to execute this report. Monthly. This could be a fixed time schedule or a specific event/action.1. Page 7 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . 4. describe the initiating SAP transaction and program.000. 4. Daily. The custom report will be developed ALV format which is similar to MB52 output with additional required fields. 4. Quarterly.1. The number of records that will be read will vary according to the size of the Storage Locations. The custom report will be developed for the specified requirements for Storage bin backup report. Ad Hoc. etc. Weekly. 1. Output Method: Online .9 Processing Type Indicate the type of processing used by the report as determined by the required response (i.ALV Static / Dynamic: Static The report will be downloaded to excel and saved to file and/or sent to print.e. for what period of time. Other sample Below : Page 8 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . and in what format.1.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Should be run no more than 4 times and can be less at more stable Storage Locations. 4. Report should be executed with the return of the results in a reasonable time depending on the volume.12 Retention Requirements Identify any requirement to retain the report. Also include any security/access restrictions The report will be run and stored by Warehouse Supervisors and Warehouse Officers. and if known.1. There are requirement to retain the information in SAP and only the most up to date report will kept externally 4. 4. the expected number of users and distribution methods employed. The Storage Bin Search Report will run in real time on an ad-hoc basis. such as restrictions to expected execution time.1.13 Audience and Distribution Indicate who the intended audience is for the reports.11 Output Type (Online/Print/Spreadsheet) Indicate the expected output method(s) for the report and whether the report is static or dynamic.10 Performance Highlight any performance considerations that should be considered during the design. 4.40178890. Also indicate any archiving requirements.1. 4. Batch (asynchronous response) or Real Time (synchronous response)). material type).e. i.2 Business Benefit Provide an outline of the incremental benefit that this development brings to the business (e.4. Page 9 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .4 Scope 4.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Audience Group FSC Managers Accounts Payable Supervisors (FSC or BU) Use/Distribution Review Report Review Report Estimated # of Users TBD TBD BU Controllers BU Accounting Managers Review Report Review Report TBD TBD 4. shortening of average response time to customer. Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Worksheet 4. single type of process. It is envisaged that the maximum for a single report and considering future expansion would be 20. cost savings due to automation of high volume processes. Describe items that are outside the scope of this design The number of records that will be read will vary according to the size of the Storage Locations. limited to a single SAP.000. etc.40178890.. This will be used to help understand the priority of the report. only a certain type of payment. increased reliability.3 Score Card Please complete the score card to assist in quantifying the criticality of the report.g. 4.g. reduction of liability. material and storage location which are not available in MB52.). Report based on standard SAP transaction code MB52 – Display Warehouse Stocks of Material with the additional Storage Bin data to be displayed against the plant..1 Functionality Provide a brief description of the scope of this report (e. Stock Material Masters will have the ‘Plant data /stor.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 4.01. Include any timedependent hierarchies or Master Data objects (e. limited access to legacy systems. data restrictions. Identify applications and/or processes that that must be run prior to the execution of this report.06 document for the key values) Materials flagged for deletion are excluded from this report Page 10 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Re-use possibilities? i. • • • There will be multiple materials in a Storage Bin but a material will never be linked to multiple bins Reporting results will exclude materials with a Plant-sp. other activities.5 Dependencies/Constraints Indicate any dependencies and/or constraints that may impact development (e. system configuration. etc.6 Assumptions Describe any assumptions that have been made in the process of completing this design.e.g. include data source – ECC (with module. For BI reports.4.matl status for non-stock (please refer to the DD_CFG_PTP_04.e. e 4. Special currency or conversion requirements.2 Region or Localization Considerations Provide an explanation of any country/region specific localizations and configurations that may need to be considered during the current or future phases of the project. display the sales org based on the date of sale). MARD-LGPBE will never be blank) 4. including designs).g.40178890. 1’ view with the Material Master Data conversion carried out correctly with materials belonging to the correct storage bins (i. if known). legacy system. translations? This report will be utilised in a standard format across all sites. time constraints. GO TO SECTION 6 FOR BW REPORTS ECC REPORTS (section 5 is only applicable for ECC reports) 5 ECC Detailed Functional Requirements 5. screen flows) where appropriate. For custom tables/custom fields. provide the detailed specification in Section 5. transactions required. 5.40178890. Check if materials returned have been flagged deleted (MARD-LVORM). • Material Master • Material Description • Storage Bin Balance (Unrestricted Quantity) The following logic will be used to determine the materials to return the report results. Return materials against the selected plant and storage location and the correct storage bin from the material master (MARD-LGPBE). The key fields being: • Plant – to be nominated • Storage location – to be nominated • Storage Bin range (from / to) to be nominated (if left blank all to be Storage Bin’s for that Storage Location to be nominated.MMSTA).17 below The Storage Bin Search Report will return a list of materials against the specified storage bin with the bin balance.g. For materials returned check if items have been flagged as non-stock in the Plant-sp. Provide additional details for custom development requirements (e.matl status field (MARC. detailed description of data manipulations. 3. If item has been flagged deleted exclude from report.1 Functional Specification Provide a detailed description of the report. If item has been flagged non-stock exclude from report.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project COMPLETE SECTION 5 FOR ECC REPORTS. process flow diagram. any drill down options and navigation through the report screens Page 11 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .2 Process Flow Diagram Insert a flow diagram describing the report procedure including screen sequences. 2. 1. 3 Storage Bin Backup Report Initiating Process/Transaction/Program Describe the process that triggers this interface.MMSTA).matl status field (MARC. Page 12 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .40178890. This report is initiated manually by the users on as need basis (Daily). If item has been flagged deleted exclude from report Z . This could be a fixed time schedule or a specific event/action.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Custom Report for Storage Bin Search Report Modified Transaction: Z-Txn Get all materials in the MARD table where MARD-LABST >= 0 For materials returned check if items have been flagged as non-stock in the Plant-sp. Z Transaction Code (Z_xxxx) needs to be developed to execute this report.Report Table 5. including the specific selection criteria. If item has been flagged non-stock exclude from report Check if materials returned have been flagged deleted (MARD-LVORM). describe the initiating SAP transaction and program. When applicable. ALV suite of buttons will be available.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5. details. Include any charts required. and drill-down information. 5. Reports will be in ALV style.5. Storage Bin Search Report Date: Storage Location: Plant: User: Storage Bin from: To: Storage Bin Material Description Material Master Bin Balance Number of records: 5. provide a summary.5 Report Fields Provide the fields and their descriptions in the report layout.1 For ECC: Report/Form Field ID Source System `Storage Bin Search Report ECC Date ECC SAP Table SYST SAP Field Name DATUM Page 13 of 30 SAP Technical Field Name Current Date of Application Rules/Notes Report Name – defaults on the header Reports system date Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .4 Report Layout Provide a sample layout for each reporting level. For each reporting level.40178890. If item has been flagged non-stock exclude from report.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Server Plant Plant ECC MARD WERKS Storage Location ECC MARD LGORT Storage Location User ECC SYST UNAME Username Storage Bin ECC MARD LGPBE Storage Bin Material Master ECC MARD MATNR Material To be nominated in Selection Criteria To be nominated in Selection Criteria Defaults from User ID Additional field. For materials returned check if items have been flagged as nonstock in the Plantsp. Assumption is that the material will never belong to multiple bins.40178890. get Page 14 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Material Description ECC MAKT MAKTX Material Description Bin Balance ECC MARD LABST Valuated UnrestrictedUse Stock Look up the Material Description using the MARDMATNR key field. Check if materials returned have been flagged deleted (MARD-LVORM).matl status field (MARCMMSTA). Get and display the unrestricted quantity by storage bin / batch To get the item quantity by storage bin. If item has been flagged deleted exclude from report. doc O-I SAP Implementation Project the storage bin of the item in the material master (MARD-LGPBE) for the specified plant and storage location. then add MARD-LABST and MARD-KLABS as the input to the bin balance.40178890. ALV format should have the ability to ECC Page 15 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Batch Quantity ECC MCHB CLABS Unrestricted BUoM ECC MARA MEINS Base UoM Material Description ECC MARA MARA ZZLTEXT Number of Records Get the item and unrestricted quantity for the specified plant and storage location in MCHB-CLABS by the batch entered in the selection parameter (MCHB-CHARG) Get the base unit of measure using the MARDMATNR as key field Optional ALV column view. Assumption is that the material will never belong to multiple bins Consignment stock quantities considerations: If MARD-KLABS <> 0. Please refer to Functional Design: DD_E_PTP_05 – ‘Z’ field for long material description text & custom search for confirmed field name. 40178890.. Indicate if the criteria are optional or mandatory and if any data restrictions apply. Top 10 Customers. highlight revenue under $1MM. Name Material Plant Storage Location Storage Bin Batch 5.) N/A N/A N/A Select-Option(S) Parameter(P) Select-Option(S) N Y Y MARD-LGPBE Select-Option(S) N N/A MCHB-CHARG Select-Option(S) N N/A Main Heading Provide the main heading field for the report.5. Page 16 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .2 Other Report/Form Field ID 5.g. Please include any Exceptions or Conditional filters that should be applied to the report – e.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project calculate the total and sub-totals for the number of records or the quantity. Column headings should repeat.8 Sub Heading Provide any required sub-headings and breaks required in the report. 5.7 Table field / Check Box / Radio Button MARA-MATNR MARC-WERKS MARD-LGORT Select-Option(S) or Parameter(P) Mandatory ( Y/N ) Default Value Comments (Restriction / Except.6 Source Table Source Field Name Source Technical Field Name Rules/Notes Selection Criteria Enter the selection criteria available to users before running the report. Storage Bin Search Report 5. / Cond. etc. A sub section under the repeated main heading in case of page breaks will detail the date and time the report was executed and the user’s username. g. Page 17 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Standard ALV functionality for sorting by columns shall apply. for what period of time. contract type.10 Sorting List any sorting requirements for the report (e.11 Page Breaks Provide details of any page breaking requirements that should be used in addition to field breaks. and in what format.12 Interactive Capabilities Specify all required drill-down/interactive functionality None Retention Requirements Identify any requirement to retain the report. Standard ALV functionality for sorting by columns shall apply. N/A 5. List all language requirements / issues.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5.). There is no requirement to retain the information in SAP and only the most up to date report will kept externally 5..14 Custom Tables/Fields Specifications Provide the specifications for the custom tables and/or custom fields required for this object. etc.13 Language Considerations. Also indicate any archiving requirements. Number of records and item quantity by total and sub totals 5.40178890. 5.9 Totalling List any totalling or other calculation requirements for the report. 5. vendor. (Required.14. Conversion Requirements Describe the conditions that need to be met for roll-out so they may be conveyed to the data conversion team. and contingency procedures Time-out message should appear in the event that the report is taking too long to execute. Provide the field-level detail for the custom table as shown below (with examples). etc.Refer to the Data Standards Considerations for more information on custom tables N/A Field (TD) Description (FD) Primary Field Selection Field Type Field Key (FD. Suppress) (FD) (FD) Check Table (if existing table available to support values (FD) Notes (FD. TD) 5.17 Error Handling Include potential errors. Roles  Stocktake Planner  Stocktake Processor  Stocktake Approver Page 18 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Note the team expected to update each field: (FD = Functional Designer. company code.40178890. None 5.1 Table 1: <TABLE NAME> Describe the custom table/field and the reason why this object requires it.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5.15 Initial Data Set-Up. (TD) Length TD) Display. sales area.18 Security and Authorization List all security/authorization checks to include for the report.16 Configuration Requirements Provide a detailed list of the configuration requirements for this design Transaction Code to be created 5. Specify whether the custom tables and/or custom fields will be system or user-maintained in the Notes column. Optional. TD = Tech Dev team). Include requirements for initial data set-up. notification procedures. 5. Specific authorization objects such as plant. 20..doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Positions  Warehouse Officers  Warehouse Supervisor  Stores Technician  Senior Stores Technician This Report is to be available for end-user granted the above roles for plant or site-specific data.1 Processing Type Indicate the type of processing used by the report as determined by the required response (i.) None 5. Batch (asynchronous response) or Real Time (synchronous response)).40178890. Need number of loaded records.e.21 Processing and Operational Considerations 5.g. provide details in this section • • • • • • Program Name : RM07MLBS Menu/Transaction : MB52 Legacy Report Name Legacy Program Title Legacy Report Number Related Transactions 5. The Storage Bin Search Report will run in real time on an ad-hoc basis. etc. Page 19 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .21.g.. record count). N/A 5.20 Reconciliation Procedures and Audit Requirements What are the procedures to reconcile the output? Are there any audit requirements? (e.1 Approach Detail the method of data reconciliation (e.g. reports produced in SAP). number of failures.20.19 Existing Sample Reports If an existing program is available to be enhanced. 5. N/A 5.2 Metrics Provide details on the metrics used to facilitate reconciliation (e. Weekly. such as restrictions to expected execution time. reconciliation requirements.) N/A • • • • • • • • • • Submission Scheduling Considerations Run Frequency Start Date Start Time Estimated Volume Per Run Parameters / File Dependencies Job Dependencies Constraints Variant Required o Field Text o Suggested Value o Description 5. None Page 20 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .) and any timing considerations that should be applied (e. Quarterly.21. scheduling. etc. The number of records that will be read will vary according to the size of the Storage Locations. etc.21. run before 7am Monday morning).. It is envisaged that the maximum for a single report and considering future expansion would be 20. including restart-recovery.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5.).6 Data Maintenance Requirements List any requirements for the maintenance of data..2 Transaction Volume Provide the number of records processed that will be read and output using this report.e.g. 5. 5.4 Performance Highlight any performance considerations that should be considered during the design. variant set-up. timing. 5.40178890. Daily. Monthly. (Need to list all batch requirements. if required. etc.g. Ad Hoc. Should be run no more than 4 times and can be less at more stable Storage Locations. Report should be executed with the return of the results in a reasonable time depending on the volume.5 Batch Requirements Include details required for batch processing (e.3 Frequency and Timing Provide the run frequency (i. Standard SAP MB52 – Display Warehouse Stocks of Material Report List results Page 21 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . The additional data required are the Storage Bin data against the plant-storage location and material.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5.21. Please re-use and base the custom report development on the SAP standard report MB52 – Display Warehouse Stocks of Material reusing the table and fields and logic identified in sections 3. the running storage bin balance and the material long text stored in the ‘z’ field (refer to Functional Design: DD_E_PTP_05 – ‘Z’ field for long material description text & custom search for confirmed field name).6.40178890.7 Re-use Details Include any information regarding the re-use of code and/or relevant documents/references from other projects.4 and 3. The custom report should be in the ALV reporting format. 3 Report Layout Provide a sample layout for each reporting level. transactions required.1. Provide additional details for custom development requirements (e. legal entities.– Mandatory > Page 22 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . detailed description of data manipulations. screen flows) where appropriate.1 Functional Specification 6. Multi-jurisdiction Considerations Provide any variations to be considered for different companies. <Insert text here – Mandatory> 6.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 5. <Insert process flow here – Mandatory > 6. and drill-down information.40178890.2 6.21. For each reporting level. provide the detailed specification in Section 5.2 Summary Report Detail Report Process Flow Diagram Insert a flow diagram describing the report procedure including screen sequences. provide a summary. details.17 below.g.1. Include any charts required. <Insert report layout here . For custom tables/custom fields.8 Multi-company. GO TO SECTION 5 FOR ECC REPORTS BW REPORTS (section 6 is only applicable for BW reports) 6 BW Detailed Functional Requirements Provide a detailed description of the report. businesses. any drill down options and navigation through the report screens. None GO TO SECTION 7 TO COMPLETE THE FUNCTIONAL DESIGN DOCUMENTATION COMPLETE SECTION 6 FOR BW REPORTS. and/or jurisdictions.1 6. process flow diagram. 7 for complex formulas) Calculation / Business Rules (see section 4.3 Free Characteristics / Navigation Block Field Name Data Element Restrictions Restrictions Display Properties (values. suppress results etc. key/text. suppress results) Filters Data Element Restrictions Page 23 of 30 Comments Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .doc O-I SAP Implementation Project R e p o r t U s e r : T i t l e D I D x x x x 6. decimals. variables.) (hidden. hierarchies. hierarchies.) (values. variables. hierarchies.) (hidden.2 Columns Field Name Data Element (Characteristic / Key Figure) Calculation / Business Rules (see section 4. scaling.4 a t e : x x x x x x x x 3 x x x x x x x x V a lu e x x x x 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x D x x x x e s c r ip t i o n x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 5x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Report Fields 6.7 for complex formulas) 6. etc. decimals. key/text. etc. etc. variables. suppress results etc.4. scaling.4.4.) Restrictions Display Properties (values.) 6.40178890.1 Rows Field Name Data Element (Characteristic / Key Figure) 6.5 x1 x x x x x2 x x x x Display Properties (key/text. 40178890. etc.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project (values. Select by Hier.6 Selection Criteria (Prompts) Data Element 6. hierarchies. Multiple Single values.) 6.10 Exceptions Description Definition Operator Value From Value To Alert Level Displa y Activ e? Othe r Activ e? 6.8 Variable Name Restricte d/ Calculate d Restriction / Calculation Details Report-to-Report Interface Requirements (Jump Query) Target Type Description of Jump To Query Name Link Description 6. variables. Interval (range). Selection Option.7 Prompt Type (Single value.11 Conditions Description Key Figure Operat or Values Charact er Page 24 of 30 Characterist ic Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . by Hier Node) Default Value Formula 1 = Formula 2 = Global Calculated/Restricted Key Figures Key Figure Name 6.9 Mandator y or Optional Calculations/Algorithms/Derivations • • 6. 12 Existing Sample Reports Insert sample report here .13 Reporting Variant Requirements (pre-populated prompts) Functional Name Prompt 6. Page 25 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .14. what hierarchy will be used.– Mandatory 6.14.2 Formatting Requirements • 6.18 Error Handling Include potential errors. <Insert text here – Mandatory> 6. and contingency procedures. <Insert text here – Mandatory> 6. notification procedures. <Insert text here – Mandatory> 6.15 Main Heading Provide the main heading field for the report.14 Query Properties and Formatting Requirements 4.40178890.16 Sub Heading Provide any required sub-headings and breaks required in the report.17 Hierarchies Do you need to apply an ECC hierarchy to the data? Is so.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project Assignment 6.1 Query Properties • 4. 21 Processing and Operational Considerations 6.19 Security and Authorization List all security/authorization checks to include for the report.g.1 Performance Highlight any performance considerations that should be considered during the design.). <Insert text here> 6. including restart-recovery.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 6.. timing.21. scheduling. variant set-up. Specific authorization objects such as plant.21. etc. company code. etc. sales area.3 Data Maintenance Requirements List any requirements for the maintenance of data.21.) • • • • • • • • • • Submission Scheduling Considerations Run Frequency Start Date Start Time Estimated Volume Per Run Parameters / File Dependencies Job Dependencies Constraints Variant Required o Field Text o Suggested Value o Description 6. <Insert text here – Mandatory> 6. <Insert text here> Page 26 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . if required. reconciliation requirements. such as restrictions to expected execution time. etc.20 Currencies and Exchange Rate Requirement Matrix Value Document Currency Type Local Group Actual Plan 6.40178890.2 Batch Requirements Include details required for batch processing (e. (Need to list all batch requirements. Multi-jurisdiction Considerations Provide any variations to be considered for different companies. <Insert text here> 6.5 Multi-company. and/or jurisdictions.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 6. Storage location. 8 Testing Requirements Identify business. Material gets created in legacy system with new SAP number) 8.21.4 Re-use Details Include any information regarding the re-use of code and/or relevant documents/references from other projects.1 Key Business Test Conditions Indicate the business level test conditions that should be used to verify successful operations of the report.40178890.. <Insert text here> 6. describe any special training requirements needed by this development Training of warehouse personnel when and how to execute the reporting transaction using the selection criteria.g. Storage Bin and bin quantity Page 27 of 30 Cycle Ref Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .6 Other <Insert text here> GO TO SECTION 7 TO COMPLETE THE FUNCTIONAL DESIGN DOCUMENTATION 7 Change Management Requirements List any additional training or change management and communication requirements (e. ID 1 Condition Execute the report for specific plant and storage location Expected results Report displays the materials against the Plant. legal entities. technical and controls test conditions that need to confirm that the report performs as designed (ex.21. businesses.21. Storage location.doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 2 Execute the report for specific plant. Storage location. Storage Bin and quantity Report displays all the materials selected against the Plant. Storage location. Storage Bin and quantity Cycle Ref Risk and Controls Test Conditions Document all control scenarios associated with this development. storage location and materials 3 Execute the report for specific storage bins and materials 4 Execute the report for specific plant. Examples would include testing an error-free run. Examples would include rounding of dollars and cents. storage location and materials 3 Execute the report for specific storage bins and materials 4 Execute the report for specific plant. ID 1 2 3 Condition Expected results Page 28 of 30 Cycle Ref Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 . Storage location. and reconciliation reporting.40178890. Storage Bin and quantity Report displays all the materials selected against the Plant. Storage location. Storage location. Storage location. Storage Bin and bin quantity Report displays the materials selected against the Plant. testing the exception processes. Storage Bin and quantity Technical Test Conditions Document all technical scenarios associated with this development. ID 1 Condition Execute the report for specific plant and storage location 2 Execute the report for specific plant. and testing the error handling.2 Report displays the materials selected against the Plant. and the Storage Bins in the specified range with the quantity Report displays the consignment materials against the Plant. storage location and consignment materials 8. and the Storage Bins in the specified range with the quantity Report displays the consignment materials against the Plant. storage location and consignment materials 8. audit trail processing.3 Expected results Report displays the materials against the Plant. doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 8.matl status in order for the report to identify which to include or exclude in the report output 8. storage location and batch details. If the development encompasses a user interface.g. • Material Master records need to be set-up against the correct plant (site) and storage locations (warehouse) • Material Master records need to be set-up against the correct storage bin locations • Material Master records for either catalogued stock/non-stock need to have the correct Plantsp. Missing values for material groups). explain how it should be tested. If not available..4 Testing Considerations/Dependencies List any considerations that are essential for application test planning (e.5 Test Data Requirements Provide test data for component and assembly testing. Execute report with converted live-data from legacy systems across all sites. 9 Outstanding Issues List any open issues that impact the completion of the design (e.40178890. provide detailed guidelines on test data requirements. test this before ABC along with DEF separate from GHI). Material data need to be set up along with plant. N/A Issue # Description Assigned To Page 29 of 30 Status Impact Resolution Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .g. and list any insights as to how this component could be tested the most efficiently. doc O-I SAP Implementation Project 10 Appendix 10.2 Additional Supporting/Reference Documentation Name Location / Link / Attachment Some important references. https://ts2amr.ppt <Release>_<Process Team>_AP353_<RICEFW type><RICEFW ID>_Description Sample R1_OTC_AP353_R00240_Payment Terms and Remit To Address Changes Page 30 of 30 Printed: 16-Sep-10 16:13 a9/p9 .40178890. Build.com/sites/O-I_SAP_Project/Design%20Build%20Test/99.accenture. Acronym / Term Definition 10. Test > 99.%20Deliverable %20Templates/O-I%20SAP%20Implementation%20Document%20Naming%20Convension. Design. Deliverable Templates > Functional Design Templates Funcional design naming convension.1 Glossary of Terms Provide further definition of any acronyms or terms used in the document. Templates at sharepoint. O-I_SAP_Project > 4.
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