FC Derm(SA) Part I Past Papers - 2011 Mar 25-3-2014

March 24, 2018 | Author: matenten | Category: Medical Specialties, Clinical Medicine, Anatomy, Medicine, Wellness



FC Derm(SA) Part ITHE COLLEGES OF MEDICINE OF SOUTH AFRICA Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08 Part I Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa 29 March 2011 Paper 1 (3 hours) All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer) Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word 1 Write short notes on a) Apocrine sweat glands. b) Paccinian corpuscles. c) Langerhans cells. d) Fillagrin. e) Embryology of subcutaneous fat. Skryf kort aantekeninge oor a) Apokriene sweetkliere. b) Pacini liggaampies. c) Langerhans selle. d) Filaggrien. e) Embriologie van die subkutane vet. Discuss shock in detail. Bespreek skok breedvoerig. a) Discuss the role(s) that the skin plays as i) A physical and chemical barrier. ii) An excretory organ. Write short notes on the lymphatic system. Bespreek die rol/rolle wat die vel speel as i) ’n Fisiese en chemiese sperder. ii) ’n Uitskeidingsorgaan. Skryf kort aantekeninge oor die limfatiese sisteem. (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) [25] (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) [25] [25] [25] (10) (7) (8) [25] (10) (7) (8) [25] (8) (9) (8) [25] 1 2 2 3 b) 3 a) b) 4 Describe a) Processes that lead to blistering in human skin. b) The functions of the glomus body in human skin. c) The functions of the mast cell in relation to its structure. Beskryf 4 a) b) c) Prosesse wat aanleiding gee tot blaasvorming in menslike vel. Die struktuur funksie verwantskap van die massel. (8) (9) (8) [25] . Die funksies van die glomusliggaam in menslike vel. c) KOH (potassium hydroxide) test. (10) b) Tzanck smeer toets. their (7) (8) (10) [25] (7) (8) (10) [25] 1 2 (10) (5) (5) (5) [25] 2 Beskryf die tegniek van die volgende ondersoeke en beskryf kortliks die toepassing daarvan in kliniese dermatologie a) Direkte en indirekte immunofluoressensie toetsing. b) Teratome. b) Tzanck smear test. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer) Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. b) Synaptic transmission. b) Teratomas. (5) c) KOH (kaliumhidroksied) toets. (5) d) PKR (polimerase kettinreaksie). Beskryf a) Beweging van substanse oor membrane. d) PCR (polymerase chain reaction). c) Hamartomas. b) Sinaptiese oordrag.FC Derm(SA) Part I THE COLLEGES OF MEDICINE OF SOUTH AFRICA Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08 Part I Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa 30 March 2011 Paper 2 (3 hours) All questions are to be answered. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word 1 Write short notes on the following a) Choristomas. (5) (5) (15) [25] (5) (5) 3 3 . c) Hamartome. c) Regulation of vitamin D formation and the physiological actions of Vitamin D. Describe the techniques behind the following investigations and briefly outline relevance to clinical dermatology a) Direct and indirect immunofluorescence testing. (5) [25] Describe a) Movement of substances across membranes. Skryf kort aantekeninge oor die volgende a) Koristome (“Choristomas’). Bespreek die rol van viruses in menslike onkogenese. (15) [25] [25] [25] 4 4 Discuss the role of viruses in human oncogenesis. .c) Regulasie van vitamien D sintese en die fisiologiese aksies (“actions”) van vitamien D. a) b) c) a) b) c) Draw and label a longitudinal section through a hair follicle. ’n lentigo. (5) b) Die verskille tussen ʼn efelis. (8) c) Die basiese beginsels van immunohistochemie. b) TNF is the most important mediator of skin disease. c) Atopiese ekseem is die gevolg van barriêr disfunksie. soos roetienweg toegepas in die histopatologie laboratorium. a melenocytic naevus and a melanoma. b) TNF is die belangrikste mediator van velsiekte. Discuss the difference between soft and hard keratin. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is required for the one answer) Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. (12) [25] Skryf kort aantekeninge oor die volgende a) Die verskille tussen ʼn karsinoon en ʼn sarkoom. c) Atopic eczema is a disorder of barrier function. Bespreek die funksie van hare.FC Derm(SA) Part I THE COLLEGES OF MEDICINE OF SOUTH AFRICA Incorporated Association not for gain Reg No 1955/000003/08 Part I Examination for the Fellowship of the College of Dermatologists of South Africa 31 March 2011 Paper 3 (3 hours) All questions are to be answered. Bespreek die volgende stellings a) Epidermale selle kommunikeer met mekaar. (8) (7) (10) [25] (8) (7) (10) [25] (10) (10) (5) [25] (10) (10) (5) [25] 1 2 2 3 3 . Discuss the function of hair Maak ’n geannoteerde diagram van ’n vertikale snit deur ’n haarfollikel. (8) c) The basic principles of immunohistochemistry as applied routinely in the histopathology laboratory. (5) b) The differences between an ephelis. ’n melanositiese nevus en ʼn melanoom. a lentigo. (12) [25] Discuss the following statements a) Epidermal cells communicate with each other. Elke vraag moet in ’n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir ’n vraag) geskryf word 1 Write short notes on the following a) The differences between a carcinoma and a sarcoma. Bespreek die verskille tussen harde en sagte keratien. (15) Tabulate the common autoantibodies that may be found in various autoimmune diseases.4 a) b) Give a detailed diagrammatic representation of the dermoepidermal junction. (10) [25] Maak ’n gedetaileerde diagram van die dermoepidermale aansluiting. (10) [25] 4 a) b) . (15) Tabuleer die algemene outoantiliggame wat gevind word in verskeie (“various”) outoimmuunsiektes.
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